#adam's sassy
the-music-maniac · 2 years
I think I'm gonna fuck around and draw Shiro x Adam x Matt fanart out of spite for voltron season 7 and 8
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luxthestrange · 9 months
RoR Incorrect quotes#160 BAGELS!!!
Imagen before the fight that was supposed to be Shiva bs Adam...turned into Zeus vs Adam...someone got to Zeus first and...killed him, So now Hera and the rest of the Greek pantheon along with Adam's family after being suspected of...murdering him are brought to tell the news
Hermes: Zeus is dead...
Adam: Say what now?...
Hera: Wait, my husband is dead?*Frowns and raises her brow*
Hermes: Yeah, Uncle Hades's office just notified us...
Y/n*Raises hand*...Um
The Gods look at the secret member...or rather recently integrated member of Adam's family, not sure what to expect from such a small frail-looking human...Hera allowing you to speak, wanting to hear your input curious about what you have in mind
Y/n: No way that's true, As Zeus says when he sees deodorant,
"I'm not buying it"
Hera*Letting out involuntary laugh*...HA-HA!-*Coughs seeing her son and others looking at her*
After Everyone saw the king of gods in his special tomb
Y/n*Parading through the halls with a bag of pastries and bagels* Ding, dong, the king of sexual assault is dead. Bagels for everyone!
Cain: So I guess you believe it now?
Y/n: Yep, Wanna see the selfies I took?
Cain: Actually, yes~
Y/n: I'll share the album with you!~
Heracles*Coming to you and your brother Cain, tearful* Oh, my God!, I just heard about Father! he was so young!
Y/n: For a redwood tree...Uh, I don't understand, what's going on, Why are you crying?
Heracles: Somebody is dead, I feel sad
Y/n: Well, I know just the thing to cheer you up! ZEUS is dead! Bagel!Bagel!Bagel!*Throwing bagels to every person, who happily catches them and eats it...hell some gods passed by you are also happy*
Turns out...You were selected instead of Hera or any of his children to give a speech to speak highly of him...You were of course brought by Heracles to the Greek pantheon room...
Heracles: All you have to do is say a few nice comments during the memorial!
Y/n: As a Celestial said when he tried to sneak past the gates into the afterlife:
"It ain't happening, honey."
Hera*Holding her sides letting out the biggest laugh in the room*HAHAHAHA!
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RIP captain dad holt/Andre Keith Braugher...you will be missed...
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So, here's the illustration for this one Frankenstein's scene, because I love it sm!!
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hanakihan · 9 months
I beg you all to read Records or Ragnarok because that’s best fucking concentrated tournament arc (tm) manga with surprisingly amazing character development and explanation on BOTH sides and it honestly feels like watching sports where you hardcore cheer but also your entire life depends on it. Also they’re all delightful psychopaths and what can be more delightful than watch them have chemistry in battle and also trying to murder each other.
also where the fuck else you can see Adam fighting Zeus or Jack the Ripper being an absolute MVP of humanity, being hated by humanity in canon but being beloved by fandom
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admsvids · 7 months
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coffee sipping sassy kings
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lilfriezatyrant · 7 months
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this-tastes-lemony · 3 months
Hope everyone has a sassy Stanheight Sunday
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dostarsfallatall · 5 months
Oh creature(Adam in the og) from the hit comic glass scientists whom shouldn’t be attractive but i find incredibly attractive anyway and have a concerning amount of pictures+album of save me
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-I wanna kiss him is that so wrong of me 😔
-This goes for almost all versions of him too btw just not the ones who get his character totally wrong in design and personality like making him a mindless fool
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chicletsbian · 5 months
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you are looking at tom wilson’s greatest fear
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savvylittlecoxswain · 4 months
Back at the dock awaited the press, officials, George Pocock, Al Ulbrickson, and the few Washington rowing supporters braving the transcontinental trip to support their crew. Henry Penn Burke, dressed in a handsome white double-breasted blazer fastened around his ample waist, with his cleanly pressed white trousers and perfectly shined black shoes, started the ceremonial program.
Standing with Roger Morris, Charles Day, Gordon Adam, and John White on his right, Robert Moch next to him, and Jim McMillin, Shorty Hunt, Joe Rantz, and Don Hume on his left, Burke started talking about the glory that is crew racing, the fantastic event everyone had just witnessed, and the victory he expected in Berlin. He talked. And talked. And talked. And gestured, smiled, and kept talking. The sun broiled the dock as he held up the ceremonial cup awarded to the nation's top crew. The Husky oarsmen, completely exhausted, started to sway; they had raced without their shirts and now stood bare-chested facing the press and photographers. Burke kept rambling on, praising the Huskies, the Bears, but most especially, his beloved Pennsylvania Quakers. Bob Moch had enough. He reached over and grabbed the handle on the cup opposite the one Burke held. "I gave a little tug on it, on the cup. And it came off— he let go of it," Moch remembered. "He still continued to talk. So we just walked away from it. That's the kind of a guy he was: a blowhard." The oarsmen, then the crowd, and finally the press drifted away as Burke eventually stopped talking and called the ceremony to a close.
— an excerpt from Six Minutes in Berlin: Broadcast Spectacle and Rowing Gold at the Nazi Olympics by Michael J. Socolow
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hawkmoon269 · 14 days
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U2, Tokyo on Nov. 22, 1989.
📷 Sadaiuki Mikami
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sassycordy · 1 year
the sgu science trio aka the best trio in the franchise!
audio credits: reveuraudios
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Oscar Delancey: Goddamnit! How many of you freaks do I have to fight?
Davey: Oh, I’m the only one that matters. See, you messed with my partner. And now? I am going to FUCK you.
Oscar: 😟
Everyone: …
Race: 😏
Spot: Well this just got interesting…
Jack: *whispering urgently* It’s fuck you up, Dave.
Davey: Wait- what did I say?
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hawkaye · 2 years
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nohogeorge · 10 months
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my brain is noise and the noise is the sound of tiny voices and the voices are chanting, they are saying, "adam kenyon, adam kenyon, adam kenyon,"
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theoniprince · 1 year
"Ach, wollte er?"
Erlaubt mir, dass ich euch meine Lieblingsstelle in KdE präsentiere und kurz erläutere wieso.
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(Abgesehen davon...das ich Daniel hier mal wieder absolut großartig finde. Die Mimik und alles. Liebs sehr. <3)
kauender Adam - this way ->
Leo überfährt Adam komplett in diesem Moment. In KdE erleben wir Leo sehr viel konfrontativer. Immer wieder überschreitet er Grenzen und versucht Adam so zum Reden zu bringen. Vielleicht mit den besten Absichten ( und ich will es ihm nicht verdenken. Denn am Ende macht er sich noch immer große Sorgen um Adam). Es zeigt aber auch, dass Leo keine Geduld mehr hat und alle anderen Wege/Versuche wohl gescheitert sind. Rückblickend war es nicht die beste Entscheidung. Hier bringt er Adam einfach wissentlich in Erklärungsnot. Schon ein bissel fies, mein lieber Herr Hölzer. Es spiegelt aber perfekt die unzähligen Baustellen zwischen den beiden wieder. An dieser Stelle war ich erstaunt, wie ruhig Adam die ganze Zeit über blieb. Vielleicht war er auch erleichtert. Er hätte sich auch verweigern können, entschied sich aber fürs Reden. Ein Schweigen hätte die Fronten nur weiter verhärtet. Jedenfalls finde ich diesen Moment sehr stark und der Grund liegt vor allem zwischen den Zeilen, in Mimik und Gestik.
So, vielen Dank für die Aufmerksamkeit! (auch wenn ich ewig über diese Szene sprechen könnte)
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