#adaptation ideas etc
mzminola · 4 months
If we find some other way for War Games to kick off (or just...not have that arc, idk), I think my ideal end for the Robin!Steph arc would be for her, not to fuck up and get fired, but decide, on her own, that she prefers being Spoiler.
What she wanted was training, respect, and (ugh, DC, why?) to get back at Tim for the misconception that he cheated on her. The first two don't require being Robin (Bruce gave her a smidge during the Brentwood arc) and the third can be resolved through communication, or if we really want some interesting character growth, Steph confronting her own vindictiveness, wrestling with whether she cares more about Getting Revenge or Helping People.
Actually, that could tie back into her intro and subsequent early appearances pretty well? She became Spoiler to get back at her dad, but later shows up solving crimes in the suburbs pointing out that the Bats tend to focus on the main island city. She also wants to impress her crush, but moves away from that impetus over time. So deciding, "I built Spoiler into something more than revenge, and I want to keep building Spoiler, not get mired back in revenge as Robin," would be some growth.
So yeah, wrap up with Robin!Steph arc by her showing up at the Batcave in her Spoiler suit, mirroring how she first showed up in her handmade Robin suit, and tell Bruce she wants to split time patrolling the suburbs like she used to, and patrolling the city with him for more training. That being Robin was an honor, but she's Spoiler, and she's proud to be Spoiler.
This could be a kick in the pants for Bruce; by reclaiming Spoiler and laying down new terms of partnership, letting go of her grudge against Tim, she's acting more mature than Bruce (who it's implied made her Robin in an attempt to lure Tim back). Maybe this sparks him to reassess how he's handling the Jack situation and Tim's absence, reaching out in their civilian lives or otherwise doing something direct to maintain that important relationship.
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sunshades · 6 months
random thought but i've seen lots of cathys and penelopes and some maries and even a dulcinea and now i'm thinking. has anyone drawn margarete or has any thoughts on how they might be adapted into faust's canto. that story is something for sure.
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mistninja · 1 month
While I'm on the topic, I need to share that last night I couldn't sleep because I was thinking of a rote adaptation and I even had an idea for the intro. I'm unwell
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knowlesian · 2 years
“for some of us, safe isn’t safe” is one of those lines that’s going to keep rattling around in my head for a good long while 
it’s such a perfect summation of what happens when you’re Doing Gender and/or Sexuality Wrong in whatever fashion and embracing authenticity and joy means incurring potential physical risk, because there are people and systems dedicated to stamping out that joy and ensuring anyone who steps out of line gets cut down to size 
but then what? you hide yourself and play the game and stay “safe”? how safe is that kind of safety, where’s the line between practicality and moments of protection and buying into our own oppression, is there a line at all, etc into forever 
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nyxi-pixie · 4 months
thinking about the death of originality in media in the west. thinking about this coiciding with anime becoming extremely popular. thinking about how hollywood and netflix and amazon are all convinced that people are mindless drones consuming the same boring shit endlessly but theyre Wrong because people are actively seeking out original ideas from half way across the world.
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the town florist (+his weird fucked up siblings god bless) (names left to right are anthony, oliver, and cameron)
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machtwehr · 6 months
By analyzing a large number of nuances, it is possible to diagnose Nigel and Alex and add one more for differential diagnosis. But it makes me laugh, I want to say that these two teenagers are just fucking sick.
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noxianwilled · 1 year
what if drann did leave the black rose. what if she, not unlike cassiopeia, was inducted by a mother or other family members that were hemomancers. what if something did happen to make her reconsider and she ran away (and the two of them, without anyone else who'dlook after them, banded together as a result? what if kat helped keep her safe only to later learn drann was plenty dangerous on her own too?).
what if she didn't, and was supposed to spy on kat, but ended up genuinely changing her mind. what if eventually she did betray the black rose and left the hemomancers. what if it was in no small part due to her bond with katsrina.
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istherewifiinhell · 1 year
427. Its my. Reading of a long awaited arc and i get to chose the. [End joke]
[We had quite a few people running around with wild imaginations in the past, hadn't we? Like, how we were portrayed as members of a battle-maniac species that grew stronger by overcoming deadly hurdles…]
[Hmm, yeah. That was really fun back in the day. But I didn't like the way they portrayed us as humans.]
Like so one. Yesss that netflix jttw that make swk a fucking hot dude. Whatever.
Two. Did you know the worst turtles movie [2014] was almost abt them being alien warriors [including cutting the teenage mutant part of the name] but this was scraped due to fan back lash.
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emcads · 2 years
this is a half baked thought but it compels me how the potc rpc (me included) latches onto port royal as a place for worldbuilding / domestic storytelling / etc because it exudes permanence and structure as opposed to places like tortuga and shipwreck cove which are transient by nature, and full of residents in transit, and ghosts, and stories.  ships, not homes.
#theres certainly an element of ''what does civilization / family / community look like in colonial society?'' that i am not immune to  but i#at least attempt to address in my writing#but i also think theres something interesting in writing in a place that's post earthquake - post an image of looking like tortuga#and is building an idea of what it sees itself as ( not unlike the later seasons of BS and the new nassau )#and casting off the idea of the old privateers and the old england that was more than happy to buddy up with the privateers#to ..  finding places in the New World Or Perish so to speak#✘; I HAVE SEVENTY TWO EXAMS AND I HAVE NOT STUDIED FOR ONE ( ooc )#what we dont really get a sense of in the movies (which for obv reasons cast PR as the naval & civilized foil to tortuga)#is that countless numbers of the other residents would have to adapt their ways of life as maritime communities once england decides piracy#is against her better interests#the merchants who counted on patrons with stolen spanish gold - the carpenters and suppliers who are now fitting naval ships instead of#pirate vessels.  the sex workers who – rather than depending on gold windfalls from pirates – are dependent on the unreliable pay given to#their naval clientele#there's a whole new crop of work that pops up post piracy act (namely the local justice system for hanging pirates) but it interests me to#think about how that sharpening divide between legal and illegal naval violence catches civilians in the crossfire#rather than ONLY the sailors / pirates / privateers / etc themselves
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rahbid · 1 year
i would like to sit down and make an official overwatch verse
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mistninja · 6 months
Sorry still thinking about this. Friends if you could choose 1 anime to get a (good!) Live action adaptation what would it be
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play-viola · 1 year
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gentlyouttatime · 2 years
really incredible to me how adaptations have so much power that sometimes a brand-new, completely invented-from-scratch character can be accepted and absorbed back into canon and subsequently iterated upon
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jacobglaser · 1 year
Oh god I think this is gonna be another book week isn't it?
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cuntstable · 2 years
what if i just ripped off a mucha painting for the background for that piece…. and called it a homage…
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