kindheartedgummybears · 9 months
Are the neurotypicals in the room with us?
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blue-jasmine2yas · 2 years
- knowing the source of the symptom.
- understanding how it works with in a greater pattern of a disorder. (with depression feelings disappear, ones of enjoyment, and feeling like you’re here).
- it’s going to happen anyway, so remember it’s not your fault. you’re brain is going to do this and there is nothing you can do about it. (just to clarify from last times post, I’m not telling you to tell yourself your day is going to go bad, I’m saying that accepting it my ease anxieties, instead of constantly being on the edge because something might go wrong). (this was meant to apease some anxieties about that).
- sensory issues. what ever is making you uncomfortable, take care of that.
- remember it’s not your fault. you could do nothing to stop it. sometimes things just really suck.
- distractions; immerse yourself in universes. (when/if you do your problem will seem (or might) small. 
- and of course there is your regular coping skills. the ones you might be skeptical about. (probably work in smaller situations of panic, but may not be largely effective when you are having a big panic and going into still mode).
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heylinfanclub · 2 years
ADHD coach says that if you can’t focus then take a break and then go back to it in a couple minutes.
When I wanna work on something my brain says YOU HAVE TO KEEP WORKING/FOCUSING THE WHOLE TIME THROUGH.
What I should do: Break down the things I want to do, create a list of ‘break activities’ so I don’t get super derailed during those activities (like picking up my phone or going outside and forgetting what I’m doing), SET A TIME RANGE (not just a start but a END) TO DO THE TASK. Hmmmmmm. Make sure I have everything I need close by during task (water, tools, comfy).
Hmmmm. 🤔
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fairymint · 2 years
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ADHD makes me an idiot though, makes Felix (and Volo) an idiot. (affectionate)
Can’t believe that my short term memory is so bad that I full ass watched Adaman and Melli fight over Felix’s ability to quell Electrode, twice in fact,  on top and at the bottom of the galaxy headquarters...I proceed to get distracted by expanding my bag...
and When I walk outside Adaman is blocking my way and i’m like ‘Do you have A Request?’ because i full ass Forgot we were going to fight. I read so fast it makes it seem like i might not have been paying attention, but no, my short term memory is just that bad sometimes, within seconds.  I am unmedicated for the time being unless you count coffee. Course, Felix proceeds to scour the town for requests before the guard has to stop him. To which he responds by eating and going to fucking bed before battling Adaman-
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scretladyspider · 3 months
“If you have time to watch Netflix you have time for a side hustle” my side hustle is relaxing so that my body and brain can heal from by this nose-to-the-grindstone bullshit. I refuse to feel guilty for being a human with the need to relax sometimes. my side hustle is no.
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bowlifecomics · 10 days
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It makes me happy when they listen
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sailing-ever-west · 4 months
graph of what being hungry is like with adhd
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peachdoxie · 1 month
There's a bunch of adhd advice out there that's like "people with adhd tend to work better under deadlines due to the anxiety so here are ways to artificially induce a stress response in order to get you to get work done" and it's like well what if I don't want to be stressed out all the time in order to function
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generaln0m · 5 months
ADHD pro tip: Use psychological warfare on yourself.
For example, in order to do long tasks, like folding laundry, I put on the Mario Hat:
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The main feature of the Mario hat is that my headset does not fit over it, so when The Bees™ try to put me back in front of the screen, the headset issue forces me to remember why I put the Mario hat on, and back to the task I go
As a bonus, the Mario hat is also a very clear indicator to my housemates that business is getting done, and they have learned not to distract me when I'm wearing the "goofy-ass cosplay hat"
It's not stupid if it works.
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bisexualseraphim · 6 months
ADHD at night: I could write a book. I could get my Master’s Degree. I could go to the club and come home with 12 new friends. I could get a job at that club and meet the mother of my children. I could cure every disease and use my wealth to bring world peace.
ADHD during the day: Fold laundry too hard :( Come back next week
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omegasmileyface · 3 months
realizing that sticking to the "do it bad" "do it scared" mentality implies theres also a "do it bored"
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 months
god I would be UNSTOPPABLE if I was capable of consistently initiating tasks. just you wait. you'll be waiting a while but just you wait
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brightlotusmoon · 7 months
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bumblebeebats · 3 months
Every time i purchase a moderately expensive item the Karl Marx on my shoulder is like "For shame... you purchase yet another pair of jeans when you have 5 already at home, you despicable commodity fetishist? In my time, a man with five outfits would consider himself blessed beyond measure, and yet you want for more, while there are children starving in the world??" to which the second Karl Marx on my other shoulder says "Objection! Those 5 pairs of jeans all wildly uncomfortable or have holes in the ass, due to the decline of clothing quality driven by the fast fashion industry, unfortunately making this purchase a necessity... Plus, by purchasing a slightly more expensive pair of jeans from an independent brand, seeking quality over 'brand recognition', they are deliberately trying to avoid engaging in conspicuous consumption!" to which the third Karl Marx clinging to my back like that beetle from Doctor Who says "Remember, my friend; the less you eat, drink, buy books, go to the theatre or to balls, or to the pub, and the less you think, love, theorize, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you will be able to save and the greater will become your treasure which neither moth nor rust will corrupt — your capital. Buy the jeans," to which I say "I don't know if any of you have actually read Karl Marx"
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The most terrifying part of having memory issues is when you can feel something from 5 seconds ago be thrown out the window and there's an empty hole where it once was. You remember that you forgot something.
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etherealspacejelly · 5 months
this is your gentle reminder to stop fighting against your adhd and instead structure your life around it
buy a pack of chapsticks and put one in the pocket of all of your coats and jackets because you always forget to bring one and chapped lips is sensory hell
leave important things where you can see them. if they go in a box or a drawer you will forget they exist
put any appointments or deadlines in your phone calendar As Soon As you get them. set a reminder for a week before, a day before, an hour before, as many as you need as often as you need them.
when that little voice in your head says "i dont need to write that down, ill remember it" that is the devil talking!!! write it down anyway!!
plan for down time. have a few hours at the end of every day to just do fun stuff like engage in your hyperfixations. even if you didnt get all of your work done that day, have the rest anyway. you probably spent the whole day beating yourself up for not doing what you Should be doing, so you still need the break.
if you never eat vegetables because its too much effort to chop and cook them, get the frozen or canned shit. it doesnt go off for ages and you just have to microwave it. theres no point buying fresh vegetables if they just keep going off and being left to rot in the bottom of your fridge
if you struggle to decide what to have for dinner every day, take the decision out of it. choose a set of meals and eat those on rotation until you get sick of them, then choose some new ones and do it again.
its not stupid if it works! our brains literally have a chemical deficiency. you are allowed to accommodate yourself. go forth and stop making your life more difficult than it has to be because "this shouldn't be this hard". it is hard, so make it easier.
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