#adorable shinso
fallen-hero7 · 1 month
The MHA vestiges/OFA holders make me so terribly ill.
they make me so sad. They make me so sad and I love them so much. All of them. From the first to the seventh. (I dont count All Might as a vestige since he isn't dead) . All of them died horribly (maybe not for Hikage since he just died of old age lmao loser died at 40 💀💀)
btw I made an AU with @rockin-it-rusty so read more to know (be careful, spoilers for after the finale war!)
We made an AU where after the war & the defeat of AFO & Shigaraki, the holders come back to life (since they all died because of AFO/OFA, and since both of it finally came to an end, I think it would be fair for the holders to finally get a fucking change at LIVING.) and they now have to adapt to the post-final war world & their new quirks (since they keep their evolved quirks ^^) & evolutions of society :)
I think a few points I would love to explore in this AU is the shear amount of angst you can get out of Nana coming back, ≈40 years after her death, still looking like the day she died(in her 20's) and meeting a 50+ years old Toshinori (y'know, her protégé? Her sorta adoptive son?) and her friend Sorahiko Torino who used to be her crime fighting partner and is now a senil(not really) old man. Imagine how devastated she can be. She knows that the man who put her friend in the hospital is her grandson. She knows they had to fight someone who shared her blood. Nana coming back to life has such amazing angst potential it's sickening.
Another point I wanna explore is the first user, Yoichi, Yoichi SHIGARAKI. You know.. AFO's brother? His twin? His blood? Yeahh. Yoichi coming back to a world destroyed by his brother. Not only does he grieve his brother, but he feels responsible for everything that has happened. Why does he gets to be alive again? Therapy might be needed here. Everyone HATES AFO, so why would anyone welcome him?
Then, we ofc have the fact that most(if not all) of the vestiges are WAR veterans who died HORRIBLE deaths. That means : nightmares, flashbacks, PTDS, potentially derealisation from their time as vestiges, paranoia and other mental illnesses/health issues. We also have : phantom pains!!! Phantom pain is really important since : En got sliced in two. He died losing half of his body and his right hand. He HAS to feel some kind of phantom pain even if they're back once he get resurrected; and Bruce got stabbed, having a gaping hole in his torso.. he had to be feeling some phantom pain too! Then, obviously, with Kudo & Nana getting choked, I can imagine that it would feel a certain way (choking is very easy, and the feeling of hands squeezing the life out of you is something you don't ever forget)...
we also have a few other ideas and stuff, so stay tuned ^^
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snowdropluck204 · 1 year
How They Would React to an SO Taller/Shorter Than Them - BNHA
How They React to an SO Taller/Shorter Than Them
Katsuki Bakugo
Taller SO: I feel like Katsuki would definitely pout about you being taller than him at first and would continue to deep into your relationship... In public anyway. His pettiness was all about his need to beat everyone, including his partner! He did like that he could climb you like a tree though... I-It meant he could get further in his training! Nothing more!
Shorter SO: Katsuki would teasing the living hell out of you! He would probably tease you either way, but especially if you're shorter than him! He would call you nicknames, like 'mouse', 'tiny' and 'squirt'. He would keep you close to him whenever the two of you are in public though, he knows you can take care of yourself, why would he be with you otherwise, but your small stature made him compelled to protect you!
Izuku Midoriya
Taller SO: Izuku would adore you, no matter how tall you are! But I think he'd get a little flustered if you were taller. He was pretty short anyway, he was hoping to have a growth spurt soon but until then he was one of the shortest in class! The only other guys he was taller than were Tokoyami and Mineta! But he did like how safe you made him feel when you would get close and tower over him!
Shorter SO: Even if you were shorter than Izuku, he still is pretty short compared to other people and wouldn't freak out too much knowing that you're shorter than him, but he would still geek out about it sometimes. He loved the fact you would come too close and be forced to look up at him, even a little bit! He would ruffle your hair and smile down at you, his cheeks pink at how cute you were!
Shoto Todoroki
Taller SO: Shoto was one of the taller boys in Class 1-A and was a little surprised when he saw you were taller than himself, he didn't really have a feeling on the matter, he didn't particularly like or dislike that he was shorter. Honestly, when he felt upset or scared or even angry, he would go to you, you would surround him with your presence, he felt safe in your arms and would do anything to stay there.
Shorter SO: Once again, Shoto didn't really have any particular feeling towards your height, but he did like seeing you get all excited and looking up at him, or when you had to stand on your tiptoes just to kiss him, or even how you only came up to under his chin, everything about you was adorable! But pocket size!
Eijiro Kirishima
Taller SO: Super! Manly! Eijiro was pretty tall, kind of average height, but he thought it was so awesome that he was dating someone tall! You could reach things he couldn't, you'd lean your chin on his shoulder when you got bored in quirk training and he thought it was really sweet when you would kiss the tip of his nose!!!
Shorter SO: It's Eijiro, he'd still thing you're super manly, even if you aren't very tall! He liked how short you were compared to him, he liked that you relied on him for things, like reaching things that were high up! He especially liked holding things you wanted above his head, he tended to make you give him a kiss if you wanted what he had!
Denki Kaminari
Taller SO: I feel like Denki would be the only character to be a bit miffed that you're taller than him, not because of anything massive, just that he was envious of your height! It's not that he wants to be taller THAN you, he just wants to be taller in general!
Shorter SO: He LOVED that you're shorter than him! He probably believed it was your most attractive physical attribute. Don't get me wrong, he thinks you're absolutely gorgeous, but other than your personality, your humour, your intelligence, your patience, your kindness and love and- well you get the idea!
Hitoshi Shinso
Taller SO: Isn't massively happy that you're taller than him, he isn't upset or angry but he isn't totally happy with it... He would prefer you being the same height or if you were a little shorter, but he loves you for who you are! He isn't insecure being around you, even if you are taller than him, he just hopes he grows a bit!
Shorter SO: If you were shorter than Hitoshi, he would definitely think you're too pure and cute for this world, he would do everything in his power to protect you and snuggle and suffocate you! It's not his original intention, just what seems to happen when the two of you go out! I feel like he would coddle you to the point you get annoyed and angry with him, but he doesn't care! You looked so cute!
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theloveinc · 1 year
this is me reminding you bc is shinso also a pro BC IMAGINEEEEE
No because he's already spinning around in my microwave brain like a frozen lasagna and YES HE ABSOLUTELY IS A PRO!!! Showing up at your house all raggedly looking at 6am to get your daughter when he said he'd be able to pick her up before 5pm the damn night previous.
He knows you're not... seriously mad at him when you answer the door with a glare, but you're definitely peeved at his usual excuse of "something came up, the commission ended up needing me all night."
"Yeah, well," is what you want to say, "your daughter with insomnia needed you, too."
Except before you can scald him with the words, the little girl is waddling outside from behind you still in her nighty and straight into his arms, and it truly is hard to be mad at him when he scoops her right up into his arms (have they gotten beefier?) and apologizes to her with a kiss.
(And then you have to invite him in for breakfast because it was already on the stove, and then you have to wait with him because she needs to repack her bag, and then he's standing there awkwardly in your living room, his old place, like he's not currently staying in an almost-dumpster of an apartment, save for your daughter's little room, AND HE'S RUBBING THE BACK OF HIS NECK AND TRYING NOT TO LOOK YOU IN THE EYE because it's not only a reminder of what he lost but also you'll be able to tell, you can always tell, that he hasn't really been sleeping much because... he constantly feels like he needs to justify the fact that he chose work over you and his little girl and, and, and, and then she's finally appearing with her plastic backpack ready to go and he can't bring himself to properly say goodbye as he leaves as if to pretend he'll be back soon, good riddance!!!!!)
But that's how it always goes between you, and hurts even worse because neither of you are sure if your three year old actually knows (realizes?) that you aren't together anymore. I mean, his hours as a hero were weird even when she was first born and things were still good, so it's not like this is unusual to her.
(Shinso anticipates losing himself when she finally starts noticing that you only kiss her goodbye, when she starts registering who isn't home, when she starts asking questions about it, and when the answers finally start to make her cry.)
He relates to the notion. The thought of losing his family makes him want to cry, too... hence why he lets you make the majority of the decisions about her well-being and tries to stay out of your way (he figures you might need him again if she inherits his quirk)...
(You'd never know it, at least... he hopes, but he does appreciate his job for allowing him to take his frustrations out on the underground criminals he's tasked with catching, but. That's for another time).
...even if the whole thing hurts him more than he could ever begin to say.
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xkatsukizukux · 1 year
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🌸I like to think that Aizawa accidentally fell asleep on the dorm couch and other students found them like this so they all took pictures whisper yelling not to wake them up lol
🌸I couldn't choose so I did both!Generally I won't post my main art here so if you want more of my official pieces please follow my main account @maileysartistry
🌸Which do you like more 1 or 2?🌸
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aheckinmess · 3 months
Coffee Cures [Shinsou] (Fluff)
(One-Shot 14/? in a collection of My Hero Academia one-shots posted regularly on Saturdays - and sometimes Sundays.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Shinsou x OC, Hitoshi Shinsou, Shinso, Original Female Character(s), Ichijiku Aoki, Shinsou-centric, OC Runs Into Her Best Friend, OC Writes Stories, Coffee Date Because Shinsou is a Cutie, Shinsou is a Little Shit, He Likes to Tease OC, Honestly They Are Disgustingly Adorable, Aizawa is Mentioned, Obviously, Also There's a Cat, Overall Cuteness
Word Count: 1,542 words
Summary: After a long time writing, Shinsou invites Ichijiku with him to the coffee shop to rest and relax. On the way home, they meet an unexpected friend on the street!
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Ichijiku (Tigress)
“Hello? Earth to Ichijiku?” Shinsou tugs me out of my manic writing frenzy with his dulcet tones. 
I blink and he’s blurry. One more blink and he comes into focus. Damn. Was I really that out of touch with reality? I turn back to my computer where ten new pages of content look back at me from my word processor.
“How long have I been brain dead?” I grunt, stretching over my chair and popping my back.
“Almost two hours. How the hell did you manage ten pages?” He gapes, looking at the screen as I scroll.
“The characters wouldn’t stop yelling at me.” I whine.
I tilt my head back and he looks down at me with that sleepy smile. When he kisses me, all of the tension in my muscles melts away. Everything feels serene and pleasant.
“You look like you could use a break from all their rambling. Want to come to the coffee shop with me?” His fingers graze my cheek.
“As if that’s a question.”
. . . . .
Winds whistle through buildings and serenade my ears with another story. You’d think stories would stop floating around in my head after two hours of writing, but alas, no such luck.
Not that I mind.
“Do you think it’ll snow today?” Shinsou hums.
“I sure hope so.” I smile. “You know winter is my favorite season.” 
“It’s starting to become my favorite too.” 
“You just like seeing me in sweaters.”
“It’s not just that.” Shinsou huffs, hiding his smile in his scarf. “I also like that it’s cold enough that I can cuddle you everywhere I go.”
“If you’re trying to earn brownie points and make me buy your coffee…it’s working.” I laugh taking his hand and swinging it as a tinkling bell announces our presence in the shop.
“I’m trying to earn brownie points because you’re my girlfriend and I like seeing you smile.” He chuckles.
We step in and he kisses my cheek, making my eyes sparkle up at him. Coming from a family that neglected my need for physical touch makes these little micro-affections that much more meaningful.
“Hi, how can I help you?” A familiar voice asks as the barista turns around. Her eyes brighten. “Ichan!”
“Hana-chan! Hey!” I beam. “How have you been? I didn’t expect to see you here!”
“I’ve been great! I landed this job as a way to make a little extra cash. They pay my bills on the Support Team but you know I like to keep myself busy.” She laughs, making someone’s drink and then calling out the order. “How have you been, Shinsou?”
“Ichan still keeps me around, so life couldn’t be better.” He says casually, leaning his head on mine as he wraps an arm around my shoulders.
“You two are disgustingly adorable.” Hanayuki smiles, stepping behind the register. “What can I get you cuties?”
“A peppermint hot chocolate, please.” I say.
“And a hot coffee with cream and two sugars.”
Once our orders are put in and served, we thank her and head to a quiet space in the corner by the window. I take a sip of my hot chocolate and promptly singe the entire surface area of my tongue.
“A-Ah…” I splutter, swallowing and feeling every hot drop of liquid as it slides down my throat like scalding magma. “I have made a mistake!”
Shinsou’s lips twitch as he fights a smile, taking a sip of his hot coffee like it’s nothing and then setting it down as he raises a challenging eyebrow. Cheeky jerk.
“Don’t look at me in that tone of voice, Mister!” I squeak, swallowing a few times as the heat from my drink slowly dissipates. “Now I’m sad and demand cuddles!” I pout.
“It’s not my fault you can’t handle the heat.” He taunts.
“I mean, there’s a reason winter is my favorite season.” I crinkle my nose at him and stick out my tongue.
“Aw, want me to kiss it and make it better?” He puckers up.
“Gah!” I smack his arm playfully and then hide my face in my hands as I flush.
“Hey, don’t hide that cute blush from me.” Shinsou purrs, combing his fingers through the ends of my hair as he whispers in my ear. “If you hide, I’ll be forced to tickle you.” His hand skirts at my side.
“Don’t you dare!” I squirm, already feeling the tingling sensation even though he barely touches me. “You know how ticklish I…snow!”
All antics disappear as we gaze out the large window. Even though it’s outside, the falling flakes have a way of quieting the daily buzz of background noise. My shoulders slump and a smile settles on my face. Shinsou’s arm comes around my waist and pulls me close. For a while, we just watch and sip at our drinks - of course, I wait until mine will no longer scald my tongue. 
When we’re both finished with our drinks and a thin white blanket covers the street, Shinsou grunts and shuffles to the end of the table.
“Ready, Sunshine?”
We toss our trash and head out the door when I hear a faint cry. No, a sort of whine? At first, I ignore it, scanning the area as I thread my arm through Shinsou’s as we move along.
“Do you hear that?” I gasp, turning and looking around for a little bundle of fur.
“Hm? Hear what?” Shinsou asks, but his eyes light up when the sound gets louder. “A cat?”
“A kitten! We have to find it.”
I scour a set of nearby bushes, but there’s nothing of note. Shinsou looks around the dumpsters near the coffee shop.
“Psst, over here, Sunshine!” He calls out, crouching down near the dumpster. “Hey there, buddy. Come on out. We won’t hurt you.”
I’m slow and methodic in my movements as I end up crouched at the other side of the dumpster. A tuxedo kitten pinballs between Shinsou and I, peeking out at one before crawling to peek out at the other. 
Trying to coax the little kitten out, I imitate the sound of a chirping mom cat, extending my hand low to the ground. Shinsou continues using his soothing voice to our advantage as well.
I don’t know how long we both crouch out by the dumpster trying to coax the kitten over when a familiar, droning voice interrupts us.
“What are you two troublemakers up to?”
“Oh, hey, Mr. Aizawa. Didn’t expect to see you here.” Shinsou responds, his attention quickly distracted by the sight of his old mentor. “There’s a kitten behind the dumpster. We were just convincing it to come out.”
“Mm. You might do that easier with a little cat food.”
The sound of rustling grocery bags tickle my ears as I edge closer and closer towards the little tuxedo. Eventually, I plant my bottom in the freezing snow and patiently hold out my hand.
A moment later Shinsou hands me a tin of wet cat food. I sit the open can beside me, watching the tuxedo venture closer at the promise of food. All three of us barely move a muscle as he creeps over to us, eyes wide as he debates whether or not to trust us.
Finally, he’s there. The sound of moist munching breaks the quiet of the falling snow and I slowly reach out to pet him. He snaps his head to me and I pause, but he lets me touch him when he turns back to the food.
“There you go, cutie. You must be freezing cold. We’ll find you someplace warm to stay, lil buddy.” I coo, feeling warm as he starts relaxing around me with every stroke of his fur.
When he finishes off the can, I scoop him up into my arms before he can run away, and squirm until I get my feet under me to stand.
“Look at ‘im, Hitoshiii.” I step closer to him and let him get in a few head pats before turning to Aizawa. “Would you like to pet him, Mr. Aizawa?”
Our expressionless teacher seems less than thrilled with the little animal, but if we learned anything from our time at UA, we know he’s got a soft spot. For his students and cats alike. So I’m not surprised when he scratches the little guy behind his ear and he starts purring.
“Aww, he likes you.” I giggle.
“I’ve already got four, I don’t need another.” Aizawa drones.
My eyes immediately find Shinsou and I put on my biggest pair of kitten eyes, holding the little tuxedo beside my face to soften him even more.
“Pleeeasseee, Hitoshi-kun?” I plead. “At least let’s take him for now while it’s cold?”
“What will Fauna have to say on the matter?”
“You and I both know he’s small enough that she’ll treat him like her own.” 
I don’t miss Aizawa hiding a smirk in his scarf as Shinsou sighs, pretending like he doesn’t want the kitten just as much as I do.
In the following weeks when I’ve got a cold and a sinus infection, I still don’t regret it. Especially when I find the little tuxedo - Kakure - napping with Shinsou, cuddled up on his chest.
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Want More Shinsou? Try: Wash Away the Storm
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koshehehe · 2 years
Appreciating Hitoshi Shinsou is a lifetime job.
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charred-entiity · 2 years
"So... Izuku..." Shinsou shook his head, making eye contact with himself in the mirror, too serious... He'd think something was wrong. "Hey, um Izuku! I need to tell you something..." Shinsou took a deep breath before returning to where he was rehearsing. "You are one of my best friends, one of the few people to believe in me, and so much more. I love you." No! He can't just say that out of the blue! "Izuku, I would not be the person I am today without you. Ever since that day at the beach... Um... I can't stop getting flustered when I think about you. Izuku, I think I have a crush on you." Shinsou winced when he said the last sentence, already imagining the worst possible outcome of outing his feelings.
Izuku, the ever dutiful friend quickly walked across the hall to the bathrooms. He and Shinsou were due to go to the movies together to see some new horror flick they'd been interested in. Shinsou had gone into the bathrooms almost half an hour ago. Did he not like Izuku anymore? What if he'd been hurt? Or got sick? Or just wanted to bail without telling him. Izuku had fully planned on asking Shinsou out to dinner after the movie too... What if he finally thought Izuku was weird? As he approached the door, Shinsou's ever lovely voice could be heard.
"Izuku, I think I have a crush on you." Was the first and last thing he heard beyond brief cursing about the time, as the door opened to reveal his crush, who seemed to process the new situation much faster than he had.
"you too, Hitoshi." The ever awkward Izuku said, his arm still raised from where he was about to knock. Both of their faces matched a bright red.
"Oh My Fuck." Was all Hitoshi could mutter for a solid minute.
"I do... Um... Actually really like you, Hitoshi. I thought you were out of my league."
"Me?? Out of your league? Hello? You literally look like Adonis's child, and you have the kindest heart I've ever seen."
"Yeah, but you're so.... Handsome, kind, funny, smart, and jeez... You have real pretty eyes." Izuku mumbled the last part.
"Hey! Gay and gayer. Epskay bathroomskay! Some people have to piss. Go on your little date and be gay there, at least then it isn't my problem." Bakugou grumbled, pushing past the pair for the bathroom.
"Ah, yeah, sorry Kacchan!" Izuku mumbled, grabbing Shinsou by the arm. He walked them outside, where Izuku's motorbike was waiting.
"So... Is this an official date now?" Shinsou asked as they got on the bike.
"...can it be?" Izuku rev'd the engine, leaning forward a bit.
"Yeah, I'd like that." Shinsou smiled as they pulled off.
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minbells · 4 months
Men who are academically gifted, very smart and calculated, but somewhat clueless when it comes to love. He has a good reason for that though; nobody before you had caught his attention. Now that he’s found you, his heart is beating faster, cheeks heating up, fingers itching to reach out and hold you. His normally cool demeanour is crumbling. Did you cast a spell on him? He has a lot to learn about romance, and the good thing is that you basically have a completely blank canvas to paint on. He didn’t pick on any bad habits and he’s already a perfect gentleman.
He would do anything for you, he might not know much about being in a relationship, but he adores you. He is eager to learn about affection, dating, kissing, establishing a routine with you, loving you. He’s an act of service kind of person, eager to please and care for you. He’s the one reminding you of your appointments, making sure you eat enough and stay hydrated, taking care of you when you’re sick, helping you study or work on whatever projects that you have. Whenever he comes over, he cleans your dishes without even a second thought, and you felt bad at first to subject him to your messes until you realized that he loves doing those things for you.
He quickly learns how and when to hold your hand, what kind of dates you like, the pet names that make your heart skips a beat, how to kiss you until you’re breathless and wanting more. He’s also a very good listener, which is actually impressive since he seemed mostly socially clueless when you first met him. He takes an interest in all the things you like. He does research on your favourite music groups, he catches up on TV shows you enjoy so he can understand what you’re talking about when you mention them, and he tries to learn the recipes of your favourite meals. He has a whole folder in his notes app dedicated to gift ideas and things he wants to remember about you — your drink order, favourite restaurant, the flowers you like, the brand of a bag you were eyeing last time he went to the mall with you. He doesn’t want to miss anything.
He’s become completely attached to you and he’s so touch starved that he takes each and every opportunity to be near you and hold you in some way, usually burying his nose in your neck. He takes note of your sweet perfume then, mentally adding it to the list of things he knows about you, right next to the flavour of chapstick he tasted on your lips the last time he kissed you.
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fushiguro megumi, todoroki shoto, shinso hitoshi, tsukishima kei, kozume kenma, armin arlert, tomioka giyuu, hayakawa aki, + all your favs.
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yanderenightmare · 8 months
TW: yandere, dubcon/noncon, size difference, captive reader
gn reader - fem clothing (doll costume: dress)
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Just thinking about the creep yandere captor who insists on taking pictures of you when you're all dolled up in his bed...
The contrast is nauseating. 
He’s too big. Too tall and too strong. Thick threatening muscles lined with scars like a tiger. A set of hefty shoulders on a torso so broad you find yourself shunning yourself each time the slightest silly thought of uproar surfaces. 
He’s too scary for you to ever dare anyway. His eyes alone have a darkness that makes you whimper every time he looks you up and down. 
It doesn’t help that he’s always dressed in only black. Black boxers and black sweats hung low around his waist, showing the fine-toned muscles of his pelvis and the manly happy trial of curls growing thickly from beneath the band to his briefs up to his belly button.
A black tank shows off his upper body strength where he takes heavy breaths like a beast, chest rising and falling along with a large black camera - like a heavy-duty weapon hanging around his neck, snapping pictures of you dolled up in all lovely intricacies. 
You can’t help but flinch each time the light flashes, the snap sounding like a gunshot. And he can't help but chuckle each time you do, loving how you jump and bounce a bit on his bed, your tiny fists balling up the plush layers of tulle and lace to your poofy skirt as you press your knees tighter together - shivering from head down to the tiny black shiny shoes adorning your feet clicking as they bob against each other where they dangle off the bed - feeling like a decorative doll sat on a mantle. 
The pink skirt to your overly extra dress lay perfectly spread like a blanket around you with a silly white apron tied tight around your midsection, fastened with a great large bow on your back. All in all, making you feel humiliatingly ridiculous. With no thanks to the equally silly white bonnet situated on your head with just as stupid enormous bows tied above each ear. Looking so adorably sheepish beneath its shadow, your pretty face sweetened with that lovely look of anxiety he loves so much.
So picture-perfect with those sparkly eyes welling with tears.
One or two of them splash down on the white of your apron as you sniffle at the harsh flash of another picture being taken.
Your captor growls while viewing the last set of images, or perhaps it was a groan.
You peek up from looking down at your gloved hands folded neatly upon your lap to find what you’d been dreading.
He gave the constrained area of his crotch a tug and hissed out another scary sound that had you whimper all the more.
Despite all the hefty sets of inane layers to your getup, he never ever bothers dressing you in the first. 
Underwear would just make it complicated.
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BNHA – Bakugou, Kirishima, Deku, Shoto, Shinso, Enji, Aizawa, Overhaul, Mirio, All Might
JJK – Geto, Gojo, Naoya, Megumi, Toji
HQ – Kageyama, Kuro, Sakusa, Miya twins, Suna, Tendou, Ukai
CSM – Aki, Yoshida
DS – Doma, Akaza, Tomioka, Sanemi
HxH – Chrollo, Illumi, Uvogin
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lunarfleur · 2 months
ur pinned post says ur requests r closed so ignore this if they are
but like something with shinsou being a super touchy bf and just physically clingy? i love me some touchy shinsou
Touchy Shinso Headcanons!
Warnings: None? Not proofread!!
A/N: For my pookie 😻 I’ve recently gotten back into mha now that it’s ending soon 😿 writing for underaged! Shinsou bc I’m a minor don’t be weird
Gender neutral reader :)
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Hitoshi is…nonchalant.
He’s just so cool, you know?
At first, it took him some time to adjust to PDA, considering he had never even thought about dating before you
It took people a while to even figure out you guys were dating
They thought he was just friendly to you or something
But he warmed up to it!
Simple things are allowed in public:
holding hands, small pecks, quick hugs…
Doing that cheesy thing where he wipes food off your face at lunch!
When you guys have free time together at school, he likes to hang all over you (i.e resting his chin on your head or shoulder)
But he’s not annoyingly clingy?
In public, that is.
In private it’s a different story, though.
Sooooooooooooo many kisses
Like so many
He kisses any patch of skin he has access to (hands, shoulders, shoulders blades, neck, cheeks, knees…you name it)
Giggly make out sessions too because he’s so adorable
Just the feeling of your bodies pressed against one another and hands wandering (not enough to start anything, but enough for it to be noticeable)
Nudging noses while you two catch your breath and you can’t help but laugh at how utterly infatuated the two of you are with one another
The feeling of having your body weight on top of him is very comforting for Shinso. He finds it grounding
So cuddling is basically one of you lying on top of the other
Fall asleep please. He won’t mind.
One of his hands will slip up your shirt to run his hand soothingly over your back
He’ll kiss your head and just lie there until he falls asleep
He’s such a sweetheart too :C
A lot of times, to other people, Shinso comes off as harsh and rough around the edges
But he’s honestly so gentle.
He’ll run his fingers across your skin, but never enough to wake you
And he’s a bad sleeper so he’ll most likely wake up before you
He’ll kiss your neck and nuzzle in close until you’re awake
Even when he’s too tired for words he’s always telling you he loves you <:)
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hitoshi shinso x reader
some more boyfriend/relationship thoughts, for his birthday!
inspired by snooze
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hitoshi shinso, who knows how to repair bikes. if you have a young sibling who keeps getting into accidents, he’ll patch it all up for them- trying to win those boyfriend points to impress you. he secretly likes when you dote on him for not wearing a helmet, but it ruins the hair he knows you love.
hitoshi shinso, who will gladly stay up all night with you finishing that project you put off. he laughs when you realize why they gave you 3 weeks to complete it. he’ll sit on your bed, on his phone, showing you dumb tiktoks every now and then. when he senses your overworking yourself, he’ll lazily drag you to bed before giving you a kiss on the head. in the morning, you’re blessed to find out he’s finished it for you.
hitoshi shinso, who didn’t really care for books until you introduced him to some of your favourites. now, its his favourite activity to do in his rare downtime. he’ll snuggle up with you, probably his 4th cup of hot coffee on the table, and read through one of the books you’ve recommended. even into the wee hours on the night, hair disheveled and the bags under his eyes pronounced, he’ll stay up reading at least one more chapter. and he does it because he adores the way your eyes light up when you two have something fresh to talk about.
hitoshi shinso, who rarely ever sleeps, but knows you can’t without him. at the very least you need him over the phone. he’ll stay up, playing video games with kaminari, reading a good book or studying, while your presence is there next to him. little do you know, its as much of a need for him as it is for you- he’s gotten used to your soft snores and your warm presence on his bedsheets. he may never get a full 8 hours, but just being with you recharges him enough for the day.
hitoshi shinso, who is a gentleman at heart. zipping up your dresses, always practicing the sidewalk rule, has the deepest morning voice, always gives you his coat, sleeps on the edge of the bed, opens every door for you, spoils you rotten, back hugs you, the utmost respect to your parents, who stares up at you with lazy, tired eyes as you press the snooze button for him, granting the two of you just 5 more minutes of bliss. <3
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snowdropluck204 · 1 year
How Your Relationship Started - BNHA
How Your Relationship Started
Katsuki Bakugou:
I feel like Katsuki would be the one to WANT to confess to you first, because he likes being the first to do things and wants to show he's brave and tough and stuff... But I think he'd be too worried about doing it perfectly, that he would dance around the matter and never get to it.
~ "UGH!" Katsuki grunted as he hit his head against his desk. Why couldn't he get this right!? ~ He'd never really had a crush before, he'd had people like him, obviously, but none of them had ever made an impact like you had... ~ But he didn't know how to tell you. ~ He first noticed you in the Quirk Assessment Test, you had a powerful quirk but didn't rely on it like most of the other extras in the class did, you were smart and strong and it showed. ~ After that he just wanted to get to know you, granted he did it in a very Bakugou way... ~ He started out by just insulting you less than the other people he hung out with, moving towards joint study sessions and then sparring. ~ At first he was so confused as to what he was feeling, he tended to dislike everyone around him, but you were just so... likeable! ~ As he sat grumbling to himself about how he would never get around to asking you out, something slid under his door. ~ A piece of paper and a pen. ~ Opening the paper, it read:
Bakugou! You were taking WAY too long to ask, so I'm going to instead, Will you go out with me this weekend? Yes [ ] No [ ] (y/n)
~ Katsuki was shocked, but he naturally checked yes with a big smirk on his face, trust his (y/n) to be braver than him... ~ Sliding the paper back under the door, he chuckled as he heard a slight squeal from you and what he thinks was Raccoon Eyes and Dunce face. ~ This weekend was going to be fun.
Izuku Midoriya:
I feel like you and Midoriya would be besties before anything happened, like you'd know each other for YEARS and he'd liked you for the majority of it (I mean who wouldn't!) but he could never pluck up the courage to ask you out...
~ "Midoriya, are you quite alright?" Izuku looked up from his lunch to see Iida, looking at him in concern, as well as Ochako. ~ "I'm fine, why do you ask?" ~ "Because this is the seventh time you've sighed since lunch started, and you haven't touched your food..." Ochako told him, obviously the two were worried about him. ~ Todoroki was also sat there, staring at the broccoli boy. ~ "He's just upset because (y/n) is off sick today." The stoic boy told them, in his usual monotone. ~ At the sound of his crush's name, Izuku jolted, his face turned bright red and his head shot about, trying to make sure you hadn't heard what was said, even though he knew you were sick in bed. ~ "Not so loud!" He whisper-shouted. ~ Ochako and Iida both laughed at the boy's love-struck face, "You should just tell them Deku! You guys have known each other for forever! It's not like they'll get upset!" Ochako tried telling him. ~ But all he could think about was the idea of telling you and have you never talk to him again, or worse, laugh... ~ 'Realistically, I know they'd never do that, they're way too nice and they've never laughed at me about anything... But what if this is too ridiculous, what if they laugh me out the room, ugh, that would be so humiliating! Then they'll wind up marrying someone else and having kids and they'll hate me too and-' ~ "Midoriya." Todoroki said, breaking the rambling streak that Izuku was once again making. ~ "You were worried about nothing, I just text (y/n), they said that once they feel better they would love to go on a date with you." ~ It was silent for about two minutes, before Izuku broke it with a scream. ~ I mean, its not like he could have been too upset with Todoroki, he didn't know it was something that could have upset anyone and honestly, he was too thrilled at the idea of going on a date with you!
Shoto Todoroki:
I love the idea of Shoto just acting all couple-y with you and thinking that then, you guys are together. That's what happens right!? So when his friends ask what the deal is between you two, he responds in confusion that you're obviously a couple!
~ 1-A noticed something rather strange about one of their resident robots (can you guess who the other is?), he had been so close to you these last few weeks. ~ Strictly speaking, he'd always been close to you, you were the one other person he could stand from the beginning of the year, you two would sit quietly outside and eat your bentos, you even started bringing extra snacks for him, saying it was to make sure he had enough energy to make it through the afternoon. ~ You were just so sweet and considerate and he couldn't get enough of that feeling! So he started talking to you, just a simple 'Hi' in the mornings at first and a 'Goodbye', when you left for home. But soon you were having full conversations, about school, about your quirks, about family (guess who wasn't included in that conversation... screw you Endeavour.) ~ But eventually, the feeling of having you close didn't feel close enough for Todoroki, he was confused by his feelings, so naturally, he researched his affliction. ~ From what he read, he was experiencing 'a crush'... Now he didn't really know what to do about it, so again he researched. Apparently, crushes turned to relationships and that's where he found what he was wanting. ~ Holding hands, kissing, cuddling, those were all things he wanted to do with you. He hadn't really gotten to the part of the Wiki page where it said you have to ask in order to do this, so you were very shocked when he gently took your hand in his and entwined your fingers. ~ Not that you minded obviously, you just gave him a smile and gave his hand a squeeze before continuing your walk to class. ~ It had been a few weeks since then, and the two of you had graduated to cuddling, sitting on his lap while you read or studied or watched TV, going out on weekends. ~ His friends couldn't take it anymore! They had to know what was going on! So, they cornered the two of you, while you were sat eating lunch, your legs touching, as if neither of you could bear not having contact with the other. ~ "Are you two together!?" Ochako asked with a blush on her cheeks. ~ You looked at Shoto, amusement painted on your face as you gestured for him to answer. ~ "They are my significant other." He responded with a straight face, if not a hint of a smile. ~ You giggled, hoping to have heard that response but obviously amused by your now boyfriend's lack of knowledge on the subject. ~ A few days later you heard a knock on your dorm room door, revealing Shoto with a blush covering his face. ~ "I've been informed that I should have asked consent when I initiated a relationship with you, I'm sorry!" He almost shouted, bowing respectfully. ~ You merely laughed, planted a kiss on his cheek and pulled him inside your room for some comfort cuddles!
Eijiro Kirishima:
Eijiro would go all out for the person he had a crush on! He would go out of his way to make the day as manly and memorable for you as possible, acting more like he was proposing marriage than asking you out on a date! I also feel like it would fail spectacularly!
~ Eijiro breathed in deeply, almost forgetting to breathe out. He wasn't sure why he was so nervous about this, he'd planned the day out perfectly. ~ Mina and Jirou would bring you out of the dorms where he would be stood there waiting with a bouquet of (favourite/flowers), a box of your favourite sweets and a giant stuffed shark. He did have some other presents off to the side in case you didn't want these, but he was pretty confident you would. ~ He also had Koda hiding behind a tree with a flock of doves and some butterflies, ready to let them off when you said yes. ~ Was he taking this too far? Yes. But it was you! Everything needed to be perfect! ~ So there he was, stood waiting for you at the steps of the dorms, nervously pulling at the tie around his neck. Now he was starting to panic, 'What if you didn't like it? What if you didn't like him? What if-' ~ There you were! No time to panic, he cleared his throat and took a quick peek at his notes, a dazzling smile on his lips. ~ You came out the doors, seeing Eijiro looking dapper in his suit and tie, but you giggled at the butterfly that had made itself at home in his hair. Eiji seemingly hadn't noticed... ~ Eijiro reached his hand out to you, guiding you down the steps as a second butterfly landed on his shoulder, you could see Koda desperately trying to call them back quietly. ~ "(y/n), I really like you, you're strong, smart, gorgeous, super manly! And I really want to take you out sometime, to dinner or a movie, or something else if you'd prefer! But- I'm just really hoping that you'll say yes..." ~ He hadn't noticed that he was now covered with a kaleidoscope of butterflies and that you were stood there, a hand covering your mouth trying not to either laugh or coo at the boy. ~ Before he got the wrong idea and lost his smile, you quickly explained. ~ "Eiji, I'd love to go out with you, I'm sorry for laughing, it's just, you're covered in butterflies!" You managed to get those words out, Kirishima's grin widening drastically, before you fell to the floor laughing. ~ Eijiro then looked around, noticed the butterflies and shook almost all of them off. ~ He turned angrily to his friend behind the tree. "Koda!" ~ This was not the memorable moment he had in mind!
Denki Kaminari:
I feel like Denki would definitely be the first to confess in a relationship, but I also think you would be very apprehensive about saying yes or even answering at all because of his flirty track record. But I also think Denki would have a complete personality switch when you do eventually answer him.
~ Denki had liked you since he saw you, but it was different from how he saw the other people he had already flirted with in class. ~ You were in the Support Course, you had no intention on being a hero, instead you wanted to be a healer and your quirk was perfect for that. That was actually how you two had met. ~ It was the day of the USJ attack, there were ambulances and people with healing quirks waiting outside to help the students and teachers who were involved, you were one of those people. ~ The next time he saw you was at the Sports Festival, you weren't partaking, once again, you preferred to make sure other people were okay. ~ Whilst he waited to go in to his first battle against Shiozaki, you came to check his health before hand, just to make sure he didn't maintain too much damage in the first two rounds. ~ After looking him over and checking him out with your quirk, you were ready to leave with a small smile when he stopped you. ~ He introduced himself, finding out your name and a bit about you, he managed to get a few pick up lines in there which had less than stellar reactions from you. ~ But honestly, he was kind of bummed by your lack of reaction. He was used to getting rejected and taking the loss, but he couldn't do that with you. ~ So every time he saw you from there on, he would flirt and compliment, all of them completely honest, but still, no dice. ~ He didn't want to harass you, so as much as he wanted to ask you out every single day, he didn't! But he had asked you out maybe a dozen times. ~ Originally you would answer with a sigh, leaving. More recently though, he noticed that you giggled and left, your face slightly red. ~ He was hoping he was getting closer to you maybe saying yes! ~ He was thinking of going to see you when he saw some of the other students from your class, they were talking about you and he may have happened to overhear. ~ "I hear that (y/n)'s caught the eye of someone from 1-A! How exciting is that!?" One of your friends said. ~ "Yeah but apparently this guy is a massive flirt, I doubt he's serious about them." Someone else responded. ~ When Denki heard that he was determined to prove to you and your friends that he cared about you and that he could be a great boyfriend! ~ So this led to him standing outside your dorm, he didn't want to go inside but he had your phone number, so he text you, asking you to come outside. ~ When you came out, he held out the flowers he'd bought you, asking you in all seriousness. ~ "I am completely serious about you, I would like nothing more than to prove that I can make you happy. Would you do me the honour of letting me take you out on a date?" He asked, not noticing your friends cooing in the background. ~ You smiled at him, your face red as you mumbled a yes. ~ Denki smiled a huge grin, handing you the flowers. He received a kiss on the cheek in response, causing him to promptly short-circuit.
Hitoshi Shinsou:
I think Hitoshi would be too nervous to ask you out in person, he'd probably send gifts and a letter or a text, but you weren't sure if he was being serious or not, so he would wind up having to ask you out up front and in person.
~ Hitoshi had known you since middle school, you were the one person who wasn't afraid to talk to him thanks to his quirk. ~ So it wasn't uncommon for the two of you to spend hours into the night texting each other. ~ Originally when he would work up the courage to mention he liked you, he would follow it up with a 'lol', or a 'jk'. Leaving you to feel disappointed, but not give up hope. ~ He would send cute animal gifs covered in hearts, or funny cat videos, but he couldn't steel his nerve again to try and confess. ~ So he was sat studying with Midoriya in the library, secretly texting you, smiling at the picture you sent, you were in one of the hoodies you'd stolen from him, you had sweater paws and were all sleepy looking! ~ "You talking to (y/n)?" Midoriya asked, a sly smile on his face. ~ "What?" He asked startled, covering his phone. ~ "You like them, just tell them, I'm sure everything will turn out great!" Ah Midoriya, ever the optimist. ~ After trying and retrying and retrying again to ask you out over the phone, he realised that he would have to do it properly to avoid backing out. ~ For maybe the sixth time this week, he steeled his nerve, knocking on your dorm door, waiting for you to answer. ~ You did answer, still wearing one of his hoodies, you seemed so happy to see him, he couldn't help the flush that filled his cheeks. ~ "Uh, (n/n)... I was wondering... If maybe..." ~ Dammit, just rip off the band aid! ~ "Wouldyoumaybewanttogooutwithme?" ~ You looked at him confused, obviously not hearing, considering he barely understood what he'd said. ~ "Sorry Toshi, I didn't quite catch that." You told him, the nickname was one he'd heard a million times but this time it was different! ~ Taking another deep breath, he looked into your eyes, very, very nervous. ~ "Would you maybe want to hang out this weekend?" He asked. ~ You had started to agree wholeheartedly, talking about a movie you wanted to see but Hitoshi could see that you took it the wrong way. ~ "No, (n/n), not like that, like a date?" He confirmed, not looking at you. ~ You looked shocked but smiled hugely, "Really?" You asked, happily. ~ He nodded, scratching the back of his head as his cheeks got redder. ~ You nodded, wrapping your arms around him, trying to make him calm down but it was only making his heart beat faster. ~ He couldn't wait for this weekend!
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t3ag3rs · 5 months
i loved your bakugo headcanons omg, the joy i feel when someone writes for characters and actually includes their canonical personalities lol idk if you write for any other characters, if you don't then you can just ignore this, but if you do then could you write similar relationship headcanons for Kirishima or Shinso? :3
hi! im so glad you enjoyed my Bakugou headcannons! I hope this kirishima one fits to your liking! sending lots of love <33
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i definitely think kirishima first ends up seeing you talking to mina on a random day. you and her are just talking about dance when you two are suddenly interrupted by the outgoing redhead inquiring about who you are.
he suddenly realizes that you had went to junior high with them but had never really hung out with the popular group due to having a close circle of friends- one of whom is mina.
"actually? I never saw you..!" he chuckled rubbing his neck with a slight blush, you just wave it off with a quick smile, "nah dont worry bout it.."
well fuck... now at least kirishima knows what exactly he likes the most about you. your gut wrenching, heart pumping, adorable ass smile.
would immediately try and get mina to help him out with you in every. single. way.
"mina, whats her favorite color? And chocolate? To add to that thought- flowers as well. god mina I sound desperate!"
poor baby is so whipped for you he actually cant even manage to hide it in front of you.
kirishimas the type of person to rant to his friends about you with absolutely no knowledge about his surroundings. so much so that he doesnt realize you can hear him occasionally..
do you mind? of course not! its not like you dont have a small- okay fine. major thing for the red head as well...
"kiriiiii..!" groans mina, "stop obsessing over her and just confess goddamnt!" she exclaims frustrated while throwing her hands in the air.
"tell who what?" you grin overhearing their conversation.
you look at the two confused before mina starts, "you see y/n, kirishima here has a-" until you see a hand slapped over her mouth.
"nothing!" grins kirishima quickly. you nod slowly before you see mina side eyeing him with a knowing glance. "fine.." sighs kirishima dropping his hands.
"as i was saying.. our little man over here has a fat crush on you" she says nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders. you immediately break out a shit eating grin, "oh- yeah i kinda know.. he isnt very good at hiding things..." you chuckle.
"why didnt you say anything!" whines kirishima, "you couldve saved me so much time and effort!" completely forgetting that you hadnt given an answer to his confession.
"because i thought it was cute.." you admit with slightly flushed cheeks. you look away to avoid making eye contact before you feel kirishimas hands wrapping around your torso.
"so you like me back then right? please say that means you like me back.." he exclaims happily into your neck.
you just smile and wrap your arms back around him to give him his answer.
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heartofjasmina · 3 months
You’re recent hybrid post was *chefs kiss*😭🫶
It has led me to wonder what type of hybrid(s) do you think mha characters would pair best with and why?🤔
Thanks nonnie!
I have thoughts about this, so buckle up:
Bunny hybrid reader would be timid and needy and adoring of their human, and to me that makes me think of mha characters who need to be needed. So I'd say Deku, Shigaraki, and Tokoyami would be the ones to love having a bunny hybrid.
Cat hybrid reader would be bratty and teasing, but ultimately loving towards their human, and this appeals to characters who like a bit of fight to keep them on their toes, which makes me think of Bakugou, Sero, and Shinso
Bear hybrid reader would be adorably playful at certain times and sleepy at others, growling when there's anything keeping them from their human. This makes me think of Shouji, Denki, and Ojiro who would appreciate them and their innocent playfulness.
Pup hybrid reader is playful but more messily and eagerly than near hybrids. They think their human is better than air and adore them completely, always drooling on their owners fingers and begging to be mounted regularly. This makes me think of Kirishima and Shoto who just crave that unconditional love and excitement.
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shigarakisbabyy · 2 years
The MHA Boys x A Constantly Cold Reader
I’m always cold, so this is a bit self indulgent lol. Gender neutral reader!!
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Izuku Midoriya
If his hand ever brushes up against yours and it’s freezing, he’ll grab your hands to heat them up and will hold you close
Does a bunch of research on why you might always be cold and ways to help keep you warm
Loves to walk into your room and see you laying under 15 blankets, he thinks it’s so cute and you look so cuddly
Will gladly hug you or cuddle you to help warm you up
Always remembers to make sure you take a jacket whenever you guys go anywhere, even if it is the middle of summer. He’s always prepared
If you’re also in the hero course, he’ll come up with ways to incorporate a heating device into your hero costume so you don’t freeze while on the job
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Eijiro Kirishima
Bear hugs ALL THE TIME
You cannot get this man off of you
“It wouldn’t be manly for me to leave you to suffer and be cold!! Baby lemme warm you up!!”
You’ll cuddle him by shoving yourself inside his hoodie and laying on top of him
Always has an arm around you in public 
Buys you a bunch of hoodies that are oversized and super cuddly to help keep you warm (and he thinks that it’s adorable)
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Katsuki Bakugo
Acts like you being cold is an inconvenience but really it gives him an excuse to cuddle you and hold you without admitting he actually wants to hold you
Always keeps a jacket for you on him at all times
Whenever you shiver he’ll set little explosions off on you to help warm you up
Whenever your hands are cold he’ll grab em and warm em up for you
He’s probably always very hot, so you both even each other out to create a nice neutral temp when you cuddle
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Shoto Todoroki
Always keeps you on his left side. If you try and move over to his right he will simply not let you
You’ll cuddle up to his left side and feel so toasty and warm, it helps him start to appreciate his fire quirk too :)
Will gladly give you his jacket if it means you won’t be cold
Offers to buy you the best insulated jackets and heaters and anything to help keep you warm
He sometimes uses you to cool off
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Denki Kaminari
He buys you an electric blanket that generates heat and powers it up himself
He’s already a pretty touchy guy, but whenever he finds out how could you always are he has an excuse to be hanging off you way more often.
Likes to hold ur cold hands when his brain is fried cause it helps him ground himself
he calls u his il’ icebox
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Hanta Sero
This man loves it so much cause it gives him an excuse to constantly be cuddling you
“My love…. Ur so cold… let me warm you up please?”
Only lightly teases you
He will scream if you touch him with ur cold feet in bed
He loves cuddle dates with you <3
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Fumikage Tokoyami
Dark shadow always cuddles up to you to try and keep you warm, even when Tokoyami tells them otherwise
He will give you his hoodies allllll the time
Writes poetry abt it probably
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Hitoshi Shinso
“Dang, you’re so cold. Mind if I warm you up?”
Always holding your hand
He hates when you touch him with cold feet or hands but he never tells you to stop cause you think it’s hilarious
blanket fort for sleeping. He will cuddle you and not let you go even when ur not tired.
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Tenya Iida
Tries to lecture you on ways to stay warm
Probably tries to get you tested for anemia or take iron supplements
He never lets you leave the house without a jacket, even in the summer time
Just in case
He has space heaters all over the house or dorm in case you need them
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thehusbandoden · 1 year
You Flinch During an Argument -Dabi
I like- sped through writing this, sorry if it sucks <33
Oh and the drabble kinda went outta line with the headcannons, but just a bit 😅
Edit: I'mma count this series as my 100 followers event cause why not?
Angst to fluff/ Comfort | Headcannons + a drabble | 963 words
Dabi | Hawks | Todoroki Shoto | Bakugo Katsuki | Midoriya Izuku | Shigaraki Tomura | Aizawa Shota | Amajiki Tamaki | Kirishima Eijiro | Shinso Hitoshi
Warnings!: Mentions of Dabi's backstory, mention of abuse (not in detail), mention of yelling, crying, thoughts of abandonment, flinching, self doubt. Let me know if I miss any!
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Gif credit: @kilruas
Dabi would truly be broken.
As soon as you flinched he was send him back to his childhood, Endeavor screaming at his mother and siblings, the fear in their eyes as he did so.
The similarity left him stumbling backwards, making his way towards the front door.
You would quickly snap out of it, truly not knowing why you flinched. You knew Dabi would never hurt you, you knew that you were safe.
You would quickly realize that Dabi was leaving, and rush after him, panicking as you asked him where he was going, what he was doing, and why was he ignoring you.
Part of Dabi wanted to fall into your arms and be comforted, but he knew that that was wrong. He didn't deserve that. Or you, for a matter of fact.
And so with you crying and begging him not to go, he walked out the front door.
And he stayed away.. for a few months.
It was the second week of the fourth month when he came back, eye bags dark and turquoise eyes hesitant, scared, and lonely.
You would immediately jump on him, crying as you asked him why he left.
But, he still doubted himself and merily patted your back awkwardly.
And that was when you realized how terrified he was.
As soon as you were back on the ground you grabbed Dabi's shirt and pulled his face to yours, kissing him roughly.
As you pulled back to breathe you glared up at Dabi and his wide eyes.
"Dabi. I trust you. I don't know why I flinched that day, but I knew for a fact that you would xneverx hurt me. Phsycially at least. You broke my heart leaving like that."
At that moment Dabi realized what he really needed to focus on and lifted you back up, having you straddle his waist as he wrapped his arms around your smaller form, kissing your lips as a silent apology.
"D-Dabi?" You ask, voice hesitant as he grabs his work phone and jacket before sliding on his platform boots.
"Dabi, where are you going?" You ask, moving towards the man you've grown to adore.
"Dabi, answer me." You whisper, putting your hand on his arm.
Jerking his arm away, Dabi made his way towards your bedroom, confusing you further.
"Dabi! What are you doing?" You ask again, moving to keep up with the villain.
Dabi said nothing as he made his way towards the window, unlatching the glass before preparing to jump out.
"Dabi- don't go! Wait- lets talk about this, I know that it seems a lot worse than it actually is in your head!" You exclaim, voice wobbly as Dabi starts climbing.
"Dabi don't leave me!" You cry, grabbing onto his arm in a desperate hope to keep him here.
Dabi simply shook off your arm before taking off, causing you to mentally breakdown.
In your head you somehow did something wrong and now he was leaving you, going off to find someone better.
Breaking down in sobs, you desperately tried to hold yourself in some sort of comfort, silently begging for your Dabi to come back to you, knowing if you went out looking it would cause a scene.
~About four and a half months later~
You awoke to the soft knock on your window. Slowly blinking your eyes open, you sat up and yawned, wondering what woke you.
You stopped as another knock sounded from your window. You knew that knock. That knock belonged to your beloved Dabi, your one and only.
Rushing towards the window, you quickly unlocked and opened it, reveling in the site of Dabi, who looked quite uncomfortable.
"Dabi!" You exclaim, dragging him into your shared bedroom, careful not to hit his head on the window.
As soon as he was safely inside you jumped on top of him, wrapping your legs around his waist and arms around his neck. Out of instinct Dabi quickly wrapped his arms around you, making sure you wouldn't fall.
"W-why did you leave me?" You whisper, eyes moist as you bury your face in Dabi's neck, inhaling his comforting scent of campfire smoke and sandalwood.
"I- I was scared."
"Of what?"
"Hurting you, scaring you, loosing you." Dabi muttered, burying his nose in your hair hesitantly.
At that your sobs started, you clung onto Dabi as you cried, staining Dabi's dirty jacket with your tears.
Usually Dabi would bring you to bed, holding you against his chest while whispering comforting words to you. Or maybe even chuckling and sitting you on his lap, kissing you until you were too engrossed in him to think about what was making you upset.
But instead he awkwardly patted your back, his hold becoming a whole lot less certain.
It was at that moment that you realized that he was still terrified of what happened.
Slipping out of his hold, you faced Dabi, tears still falling down your face as you pulled Dabi's shirt, bringing Dabi's lips to yours you clashed them together, kissing Dabi roughly as you clung to his shirt, demanding his attention and trust.
Once your lungs demanded air you pulled away, glaring up at Dabi, whose cheeks were red and eyes wide.
"I trust you, fully." You mutter, pulling Dabi down so your noses touch, "I know you weren't going to hurt me and I know you never will. So please, stop doubting yourself. And make up for the lost time and kiss me."
At your words Dabi hesitated for a few seconds before smashing his lips against yours, pulling you against him as he greedily sought your touch, wanting to make up for the time he spent away from you.
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way, minus reblogging.
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