#adow ocs
adarafaelbarba · 1 year
What would happen if their mate died/was killed:
Not including Ysabeau, Miriam and Fernando as they’ve already lost their mate ❤️ but I’m including ocs for Baldwin, Gallowglass and Hancock 🥰
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Matthew: He would let the world burn to find whoever killed Diana. And he’d make it hurt, getting his revenge. There’s nowhere her killer can hide. Even if the death was accidental. Matthew wouldn’t care, all he’d care about would be to find and end the person, his blood rage taking over his entire mind, fogging any sort of consciousness or better judgement. And at the end he might want to join her.
Diana: If Matthew was killed, you’d better pray you can fight Diana. Seeing what she did to Benjamin, she wouldn’t spare you, whether or not she’ll make it hurt depends though. You might get lucky and she’ll just kill you, like with Benjamin—or she’ll drag it out.
Baldwin: There’s no place on heaven or earth in which you’ll be saved. This man is skilled in killing, and in strategizing said killing. He will kill first and grieve second. 
Nora (oc): If you wonder how Philippe suffered, you should stay away from Baldwin as long as Nora is in his life. Should he die, you’d wish your own end would come swiftly. She will make it hurt, but wouldn’t kill you, just break you, bit by bit, until there’s nothing left.
Delphie (oc): She will call on Zeus, Hades and any God or Goddess who would listen, begging for Baldwin to be returned. When that doesn’t work, she’ll want revenge. And it will be painful for the ones at fault. At the end they would want it to just be over with.
Minerva (oc): She’s lost a husband before. But loosing Baldwin might be what actually kills her. She wouldn’t be able to go through the loss again. Whether it was back in their own time, or during present times, she would follow him into death without a second thought.
Gallowglass: This man might be a big teddy bear, but should you cross him, you’d better be good at hiding. And if you kill his mate — Oh BOI! This man never really gets mad, but he will quickly let his anger take control, and kill you in an instant, no hesitation.
Lyra (Julie’s oc): She wouldn’t be able to process it, the grief hitting her harder than either of her parent’s death (might have to do with her parents death being self-inflicted, even if they were accidental). If Gallowglass gets killed, she would never recover, bringing the grief with her to the grave. No flowers will ever grow again from her magic, depending on her strength, she might even stop practicing magic all together.
Catriona (oc): She would be inconsolable, turning to her dad and Fernando for support and guidance, unsure what to do, wishing she could get him back. She’ll hit the depressed part of grief pretty fast, and has to get help doing the most basic things.
Marcus: Our token healer would switch to a cold blooded killer should his mate get killed. He definitely protects those he loves, to the very end. Don’t cross him. He knows ways to kill and make it look like an accident, a suicide or in some cases, the body will never be found, just a note stating said person had run away to be with someone. 
Phoebe: If it’s human!Phoebe, she’d bargain, trying to sacrifice herself so he could live. If it’s vampire!Phoebe, specifically newly turned Phoebe, you should be careful, she’ll drain you before you can stop to think. 
Hancock: Like Gallowglass, Davy is a gentle giant, but cross him and it would be the last thing you do. If you kill his mate he’ll let you bleed, feeding, stopping, feeding again, to drag it out until you die from blood loss.
Annie (kinda oc): She’ll go through all five stages of grief. Not sure what to do to change the outcome. She wants justice, sure, but doesn’t think it’s right to sink to the killer’s level by killing them. Someone else would probably do the killing in her honor.
Valeria (oc): She’s not nicknamed the Bloody Mary of Barbados for no reason. Wrong her and you’ll be dead within hours, and that’s a promise. You think her maker was bad, Val learnt from the worst, watching the ways Louisa made others suffer. She’ll make it painful, and dragged out.
Patience (kinda oc): Patience definitely does not live up to her name. If you cross her she will not be patience with you. She’ll have your head and/or blood before you have a second to think. She might not have blood rage, but she does have some underlying anger issues that would have come both from her father’s years of abuse while they was human, and from watching her family suffer after Matthew and Juliette killed most of her nieces and nephews. Kill her mate, and you’ll be 6ft below in no time.
Ransome: This man might look calm, and scarily so. He’s already lost so much from his grandfather and Juliette paying New Orleans a visit. So should you take out his mate/life partner, you better write your will and get your affairs in order, because judgement day is close.
Jaqueline (kinda oc): She’s a kind, soft spirit. That being said, she’s got a unique gift only a limited amount of vampires have, that and a very close friendship to some of the strongest witches and vampires in New Orleans. Jackie might not be the one to kill the ones who killed her mate, but if you cross her, you’d wish she was the one delivering the blow.
Benoit (Julie’s oc): Ben is very much his father’s son. Born, raised and reborn a soldier, he’s a skilled fighter and killer. Should you have the misfortune of killing his mate, you might find yourself in an old, abandoned castle real fast, with some medieval torture methods waiting for you. Like Baldwin, Benoit will kill you first and then grieve second, heck, even join her in death if he can.
Amelia (Julie’s oc): Amelia has a heart of gold, she would never hurt anyone. She’d go through the five stages of grief, but instead of acceptance, she’d join her mate in the afterlife, knowing without him there’s no sense in going on with life. He’s her whole world, and as she can’t avenge his death, she’ll join him instead. That being said though, if she looses her mate you better run—Miyako is not as forgiving as her sister-in-law.
Verin: It’s inevitable that he will die. Ernst isn’t exactly getting younger. But should his death be unexpected, or rushed…if Ernst is robbed of his end, Verin will tear the person who did it into pieces. 
Ernst: He thinks the world of his never aging wife. Should she meet the end, especially in his old age, he wouldn’t be far behind in joining her. The grief would be too hard on his heart, after all he’s loved her for years. 
Pierre: His heart would simply break, shattering into a milion pieces. In simple terms, his life would be over, he’d leave Sept Tours, and the de Clermont family, unsure of what to do with himself. Pierre loves with his entire being. He thinks the world of his mate, and without her, to him life has no more meaning. He wouldn’t get revenge though, that would be all Gallowglass and Jack’s doing. His «sons» would do it for him knowing he wouldn’t hurt anyone (unless for feeding) because it’s not what his wife would’ve wanted.
Hyacinth (oc): Being a somewhat «public» figure, Hyacinth know’s she can’t kill his killer, not that she would’ve know how to. She would lock herself away, grieving until she had no more tears to spill, and then she would just lay there, wasting away until she can be with her love again. Like with Pierre, someone else would get revenge for her, but would make sure it wouldn’t come back to hurt her or her family’s reputation. It would either be Jack and Gallowglass or Matthew, heck even Francoise, the older woman adores Hyacinth.
@plaidbooks @xoxabs88xox @beatrice-san @adowbaldwin @butternuggets-blog @rozalynfrozen
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butternuggets-blog · 2 months
@baldwin-montclair @adowobsessed @sylverdeclermont @nicki-mac-me @thereadersmuse @kynthiamoon @wheresthesunshinesblog @adowbaldwin @beautifulsoulsublime @lady-lazarus-declermont @adarafaelbarba-blog @dogblessyoutascha
Part Fifty-Four
Summary:  Baldwin Montclair had a string of ex girlfriends, a single child, and a  lifetime longer than most people could dream of to make all kinds of  mistakes. His family knew one which kept coming out of the woodwork to  irritate him every other century
Also on AO3
When the call to arms finally came Yvette felt like she could breathe properly again. It was the anticipation of disaster that always hit her the hardest; she stood firmly in the eye of maelstroms.
England and France had been raiding each other's ships of supplies and mercantile goods for around two years now. Skirmishes between French galleys and English cogs up and down the coast, towns and villages raided; there had been civilian casualties in both countries but still it wasn't technically "war".
The match to the powder keg had been news that King Edward was planning to set sail from England but was suffering delays. King Philip, taking advantage of his opponents' momentary lapse of focus, sailed the Great Army of the Sea - 200 repossessed ships, mostly of Norman make - to Sluys on the Flanders coast and cut off the English-held port's communication lines to home.
Scrambling his resources in record time, Edward set sail, a two hundred and fifty ships to Philip's two hundred and thirteen.
It was breathtaking, watching the black dot grow on the horizon. By noon Yvette could actually see the cogs in full sail bearing down on them, and by mid-afternoon they attacked.
Yvette heard her uncle swear as the first volley of arrows rained down. She was crouched behind a couple of barrels, a tiny shield raised above her head; from her position she could look across the deck through the howling wind and torrential rain to see the archers at the starboard edge returning fire, peppering the English longbowmen with their crossbows.
A soldier hit the deck as she watched, the shaft of an arrow buried deep in the man's eye. Blood slicked the deck; someone was screaming.
Breathe. Move. Collect the arrows.
Yvette sprinted, fell, shield still raised and someone else's blood on her knees. The ship beneath her was lurching to the left, fighting against the rudder that was forcing it right.
'Here! Girl!'
The soldier looked stricken by his slip of the tongue.
'Apologies m'lady-'
Yvette ignored him. The fleet had been lashed together to create a barrier against the encroaching English but the current had carried them to the east and around each other, until everyone was hopelessly entangled. By the time the order came to cut loose the enemy was upon them.
Yvette looked up, spotting the problem. One of the bolts holding the chains in place had twisted, sticking into and pinning other chains and thick knots of rope. She worked her slim fingers between the mess, holding her breath as she slowly worked the bolt free.
The chains and rope jumped as the bolt slid loose but she got herself clear before they sliced through her fingers. Wiping grease and rainwater onto the rest of the bolts, she worked them out of their holes as the soldiers sawed through the ropes and someone yanked her clear as the ship detached from the rest of the fleet.
'Merci,' Yvette pat the soldier on the arm. 'Godspeed your good work!'
The men gave a hearty cheer as she ran on. Down into the hold, along midship to the store, then back up to the men clutching several sheaves of arrows.
They lost, in the end.
The Flemish had attacked the rear when the battle began to turn, so that between them and the English and the roaring sea the French fleet began to break down. Nicolas Béhuchet de Musy de La Loupe d'Escrignolles, one of the fleet's commanders, had been captured and hung from his own mast, while many men jumped in the water to avoid capture, only to drown as they were dragged beneath the waves.
Yvette shivered violently, but kept a firm grip on the burlap sack in her hand. She was drenched, soaked to the bone in rainwater, seawater and blood, but she had refused to stop doling out the ship-biscuit rations the men were owed.
Her uncle had sworn an oath to her father to get her home safe. She owed it to him to help his men get back safely as well.
'That is enough, now' Baldwin carefully pried the sack from Yvette's frigid hand as she passed by.
'But I have not finished-'
'Yes you have,' Baldwin knelt down, smiling proudly, and wrapped Yvette's hands in his. 'You have done very well, and I am so proud of you. Now rest. You need your strength.'
Yvette nodded reluctantly.
'Besides, we need to get you out of those clothes and into something dry!' Baldwin led her up the deck towards his sleeping quarters. 'Your father would kill me if I let you catch another cold.'
-Yvette stood firm on the bow. Our daughter has far better sea legs than you or I! She gets her strength from her father, never flinching in the face of the enemy. And nine years of age!
Your face has been ever-present in my mind since we last spoke. There is an ache for you that gnaws at me whenever I am abed. In the quiet I miss you. In the sunshine and the darkness you haunt me. I wish I could touch you.
Author's Notes
"The Battle of Sluys, also called the Battle of l'Écluse, was a naval battle fought on 24th June 1340 between England and France. It took place in the roadstead of the port of Sluys (French Écluse), on a since silted-up inlet between Zeeland and West Flanders. The English fleet of 120–150 ships was led by Edward III of England and the 230-strong French fleet by the Breton knight Hugues Quiéret, Admiral of France, and Nicolas Béhuchet, Constable of France. The battle was one of the opening engagements of the Hundred Years' War." Wikipedia
The French suffered losses of between 16,000 to 20,000 men; those who didn't drown upon flinging themselves into the water to escape capture (most soldiers couldn't swim) were viciously clubbed to death by the Flemish English-loyalists if they made it to the shore. 190 French ships were lost, with 166 captured.
A galley was a type of oared ship with a long hull; similar pre-medieval examples include the Scandinavian longships that were used by Viking raiders. Many galleys had sails, but they were primarily driven along by teams of oarsmen.
A cog was a clinker-built ship, made of oak, and used for trade and travel during the Medieval period. Clinker-built means that the edges of the hull planks overlapped each other; cogs were also bigger than galleys, with a greater carrying capacity.
Hard tack, or ship's biscuits, were a staple of navies world-wide from the 17th to the early 20th century. The earliest version of a ship's biscuit could be found in Egypt (dhourra cake) or Rome (bucellatum); they were designed to last for months at a time, providing a necessary source of food on long voyages if nothing else could be provided, and to help ease the strain on supplies.
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plaidbooks · 10 months
I’m writing some fic that’s about two OCs, both set in the A Discovery of Witches universe! So, here’s their bios:
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Name: Benoit Montclair
Age: somewhere in his 400s
Race: Vampire
Family: Baldwin Montclair (father)
Miyako (sister)
Matthew Clairmont (uncle)
Diana Bishop-Clairmont (aunt)
Bio: Benoit was an English prince in the early 1600s. But when sickness threatened his life, his mother made a deal with a vampire so save Benoit—and thereby saving their throne. Baldwin turned Ben, but was told he’d not be allowed to interfere with human politics, including holding the crown.
Ben hated his new father for decades after that, especially as his (human) family was overthrown and executed.
They reconciled centuries later, but old wounds reopened when Baldwin had issues with his daughter during and after World War Two. They are only recently working through their anger issues towards each other, politely cordial.
Ben is in charge of one of Baldwin’s human businesses.
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Name: Amelia Dansworth (Lia for short)
Race: human
Age: 33
Family: Clayton Dansworth (father - deceased)
Kathy Dansworth (mother - deceased)
Anabell Dansworth (grandmother - deceased)
Bio: Amelia’s parents moved from London to New York for Clayton’s job. She was born there, and her parents decided to not file for dual citizenship, opting for Amelia to be American.
When she was 12, however, her parents were killed during a mass shooting incident. As her only living relative, Amelia moved back to London, living with her grandmother.
Amelia went to university, studying business. She was able to get a job directly after graduation, and she’s been with the same company since—working her way up the ranks until she got her own office.
Sadly, her grandmother passed when Amelia was 25. Since then, she has thrown herself fully into her work life, ignoring any kind of personal life. Though, she has met up with coworkers for a drink after work, she’s only close to the woman in the office next door: Emily.
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mrs-declermont · 4 months
Do you think if Baldwin is overworked and stressed, and Nora were to offer to build a lego set together or do some small, easy craft, that he'd calm down and do it or be grumpy?
I could see them doing painting maybe? or yeah, building legos. which I think would be quite the sight to see 😅
He'd never let anyone know, and tells Nora to never utter a word about any of it, which she promises.
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apinchofm · 2 years
Fic Rec Weekend List!
(was meant to post yesterday but Wash Day took long!) but without further ado, some fics I think you should very much read!
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The Right Bridgerton by stellata
Benophie is my life and love, but if you know me, you know I love a good crackship and Edwina/Benedict are one of my new faves. This is already a really fun fic, featuring Anthony and Benedict fighting over Edwina whilst Kate and Mary laugh in the background and Violet sighs.
Bridgerton and Sons by @newtonsheffield
Love this dearly, and everyone should read it! A brilliant modern Bridgerton AU.
This Town by @viscountessevie
You should read all of Sahara's fics anyway, but this is such a well-written exploration of John and Francesca and Frannie's grief. May have you sobbing.
Hope by TooYoungToFeelThisTired
Edwina's first ball after her scandalous first season doesn't go as planned. Panic attack but she luckily has a knight in shining armour!
Ragnall & Astraea, 1269-1270 C.E. by TheModernTypewriter
This series continues to have me in my feels and Addison is back and this time in Sept Tours. Can't wait to see the rest of her time.
A Touch of Homesickness and Dear Miss Marina Thompson by @isdathriantionnsgnadh
I love these fics! A Touch of Homesickness is a crossover of ADOW and Bridgerton in which the good Doctor Whitmore meets Miss Edwina when she's unwell and works to help her. Already so cute and so much fun.
Miss Marina Thompson is the story she deserves!! George and Marina fall in love and learn more about her family and her mother. Just in love with it!
Only You Always by @tiffanytlee  and The Embers of Our Love by cococris (@dreamofme9) are permanent fixtures lol.
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ofnocturncs · 2 years
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𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬 && 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬           ━━          𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭-𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐥 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ; 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠   independent. private. selective. all souls inspired oc. penned by sol
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0cs-r-us · 1 year
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Name: Valeria Bailey (born as Margaret)
Nickname: Val, Peggy, the Bloody Mary of Barbados.
Age: 19, almost 20 when turned. Turned in 1807.
Born: St. Louis, Barbados
Living: New Orleans, USA
Species: Vampire
Occupation: enslaved woman (previously), bartender.
Family: John (father, deceased)
Sally (mother, deceased)
Louisa de Clermont (maker)
Patience MacNeil
Ransome Fayrweather
Loyalty: Patience MacNeil, Ransome Fayrweather, Geraldine and their following.
One fact: Ransome calls her Margaret to make her listen, and she hates that.
History: Valeria Bailey was born into slavery in Barbados, named only Margaret by the plantation owner, Louisa de Clermont. Aged only 13, she was brought into the main house. She was soon after assaulted the first time by another plantation owner who was visiting. The assaults went on regularly, with the men paying Louisa for time with the young girl. Though it’s unsure if she had any living children from these assaults, she did suffer some miscarriages, brought on by herself and other women on the plantation to save the poor children from captivity, and the mother from an early death.
At almost 20, Valeria was turned into a vampire against her will after almost dying from an infection. It wasn’t that Louisa cared for the girl, but she got more money from keeping her alive and healthy, so she turned her. Valeria resented her for it, and vowed she would get back at the older vampire for it. After being turned, Val hunted down her abusers, the ones alive, and killed them slowly, one by one, but making sure the message was given to the other men, that their time was up. She did get her revenge on Louisa though, using her own good looks and charms to turn the other plantation owners against her maker. Once the killing was done, she went on, killing everyone who’d wronged her. Valeria spent a few years in Barbados after being turned, striking fear in the people there, being nicknamed «The Bloody Mary of Barbados».
After she was satisfied she travelled over to New Orleans to start a new chapter of her life. In New Orleans she meets Geraldine, a fellow vampire, and the two become fast friends, Geraldine bringing the newcomer to her brother and aunt in hopes of adding another member to the shrunken family. Her past isn’t immediately laid out there, but as she learns to trust the others she shows them the news paper clippings telling the tale of a mysterious female killer wreaking havoc on Barbados. They’re quite impressed and, and slightly worried.
She’s unsure, like Patience of believing Matthew when he comes knocking, but after some convincing she’s on board too, if only to get rid of Benjamin, who she’s had the misfortune of meeting in the past. She grows close to Ysabeau though, and decides to keep in touch after the fighting is over, when she goes back to New Orleans with her family.
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Gallowglass for zodiac and color?
And maybe Lyra, too? 👀🥰
Of course I'll do both of them! They're my loves! 🥰
So Gallowglass first -- I couldn't choose between two colors, so its a mix of both 😅❤️
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As for the zodiac signs I took the positives of Virgo and the negatives of Gemini 🥰
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Now onto Lyra 🥰
Here I also couldn't pick a color, so you get two 🥰
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and for her zodiac sign I feel she has the positives of Aquarius and the negatives of Pisces 😅❤️
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witchy-things-in-cali · 2 months
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kuroshiiiart · 2 years
For my filipino audience (WITH TL)
with @akari-dangos and her adowable cwabby oc 🦀💕
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adarafaelbarba · 1 year
What do you think Baldwin’s reaction would be to someone (Nora, maybe?) giving him flowers or a gift?
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He’d be stunned at first. Not used to actually get anything.
But Nora is insistent, standing there with her arm stretched out with the gift or bouquet in hand.
«What’s this my love?» He’d ask, moving closer to her to look.
«A gift. Happy birthday love.» The smile on her lips so soft he couldn’t help but lean in for a small kiss.
«It’s not my birthday—»
«I know that—but no one knows when it is, so I’ve designated it for today.»
A laugh left him, more surprised than anything. «Nora—»
«Happy birthday Lucius.»
Baldwin wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her in for a hug, a soft «Thank you» leaving his lips.
The date became an annual day of celebration, the twins and Arielle especially loving that they had a day to celebrate him.
@plaidbooks @xoxabs88xox @beatrice-san @adowbaldwin @butternuggets-blog @rozalynfrozen 
Wanna be on the tag list? Fill out this form to be part of the team 🥰
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butternuggets-blog · 1 month
@baldwin-montclair @adowobsessed @sylverdeclermont @nicki-mac-me @thereadersmuse @kynthiamoon @wheresthesunshinesblog @adowbaldwin @beautifulsoulsublime @lady-lazarus-declermont @adarafaelbarba-blog @dogblessyoutascha
Part Fifty-Seven
Summary:  Baldwin Montclair had a string of ex girlfriends, a single child, and a  lifetime longer than most people could dream of to make all kinds of  mistakes. His family knew one which kept coming out of the woodwork to  irritate him every other century
Also on AO3
Five more minutes
Baldwin pressed his face into his pillow, willing time to reverse. He'd been dreading today for weeks, and even now he was still trying to dig down and bury himself in denial.
Please. Five more minutes.
Just a little more time before he got dressed and headed down for breakfast. Before the first messages of the day were conveyed, the travel documents signed and sealed.
Before he found himself standing outside in front of the baggage train, lined up with the rest of the family watching Yvette say her goodbyes.
The cook had burst into tears. Baldwin nearly did too. He wanted to bundle Yvette up tight in a hug and hold on - she is my daughter to, damn it! - hold on tight and never let her go.
She had grown up. Only thirteen and already up to his waist. Where had the time gone? He watched her hugging the servants, the maids and scullery boys and Marthe gathered around her, patting her back and squeezing her.
She does not have to return to Martin. I am sure he would not mind if I borrowed her for a little bit-
One of the horses snorted. Baldwin glared at it hatefully.
Yvette curtsied politely to Philippe and Ysabeau, then rushed in for a hug. Louise and Matthew were next; Louisa had ignored the summons home, feigning marital problems with her latest husband. Godfrey pressed a box of treats for the journey home into her hand when he let her go and then Yvette was wrapped around Baldwin's shoulders as he knelt down and squeezed her close.
'Sept Tours is going miss its little shadow'
Yvette smiled.
'I love you too, Uncle Baldwin'
Baldwin dried his eyes on her hair.
Arriving at Château de Beaune took longer than it should have because Yvette insisted on talking to everyone.
Tradition dictated that a messenger was sent ahead days before to ensure Martin knew exactly when his daughter would be returning home and could make preparations for a welcoming feast. The townspeople would be rallied to wave and cheer the carriage as it passed, and the city guards would be lined up along the route, keeping an eye out for trouble.
A messenger had been dispatched, but she had been under strict instructions by Yvette to not tell her father she was coming. The staff were told; the cook immediately starting work on a menu and other preparations for a feast, shouting at the kitchen boys and sending receipts for expenses upstairs to Estienne.
Joan had "fallen ill", rushing off as quickly as her feet would carry her. She had shared a tearful, laughing embrace with Yvette when she found her, and they stayed up all night catching up.
Josselin and Estienne had done a mostly-successful song and dance to keep Martin in the dark, and although he knew Yvette was close he wasn't sure how close. Word had also leaked into the town and people were on high alert, eager to welcome their lady home.
Yvette had dismissed the retinue from Sept Tours a mile from Beaune and made the rest of the way on foot. She and Joan, flanked by Vincent, walked with the throng of the crowd, hoods drawn despite the spring heat to try and preserve their anonymity for as long as possible while Yvette called on the various businesses along the high street.
Gaspard and his wife Susanna were herbalists and were expecting their first child. The carpenter Digory had complaints about shipping costs and praise about rent prices. Widower Ebrulf presented Yvette with a fresh bouquet of flowers; twins Ketill and Kenborough cobbled her a new pair of shoes.
By the time the castle came into view there was quite a crowd gathered around the front gate. Cheers raised the roof as they parted to let the trio through, Yvette nodding greetings to them all before she crossed over the threshold and flung her arms around her father's waist.
'Welcome home' Martin smiled, holding her tight.
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plaidbooks · 1 year
Bathing Suit Mishaps
A/N: This is just a short thing of Gallowglass x Lyra (OC) for @storiesofsvu2-0 bingo, covering the Free Space, as a swimsuit buying. Lol I’m writing this in my Grad class. (the “bathing suit” is at the end, under a readmore)
Tags: lil bit of dirty talk, allusions to smut
Words: idk, short
Taglist: @witches-unruly-heart @adowbaldwin
Diana and Matthew had invited Gallowglass and Lyra over to use their swimming pool in the heat of summer. The only downside is that Lyra had never been swimming; she didn’t have a swimsuit, let alone knew how to swim. Gallowglass had assured her that he wouldn’t leave her side for a second--even though the pool was shallow enough to stand in--but she was still nervous.
Diana was supposed to go with Lyra to the store to buy a swimsuit, but she got caught up with the twins. Instead, Gallowglass gave her his credit card, a kiss on the cheek, and told her to have fun.
It wasn’t the first time Lyra had been in town before, but it was her first time alone. All the store fronts caught her eyes, and she found herself staring in the windows for hours.
But one shop caught her eye the most. There were flowers all over the display, and mannequins with eye-catching, fancy swimsuits. Lyra’s eyes widened at the one in the main display; it was a minty green, with white flowers stitched into the material and delicate lacing in front.
“That one catch your eye, hun?” a woman in the doorway to the shop asked.
Lyra jumped slightly before smiling. “It’s beautiful,” she agreed.
The woman half pulled her in, her mouth already running. It was so many questions and information that Lyra’s head was spinning. She was dragged to the changing rooms, then the woman pulled out a tape measure and started giving Lyra instructions.
Swimsuit bought, Lyra made her way home, mind still whirling with the woman’s voice.
“Try it on, sweetheart--lemme see ya,” Gallowglass said, pushing Lyra into the bathroom, bag containing the swimsuit clutched in her hands.
She stripped quickly, then pulled the silky material over her skin. It felt amazing on her, and she smiled at herself in the mirror. She brushed her hair over her shoulders, took a breath, then stepped out into the room.
Gallowglass’s jaw dropped, his eyes wide. He scanned over her body slowly, taking in every detail and curve. He sniffed, trying to control himself, but still, he couldn’t keep the growl out of his voice.
“That’s not a swimsuit, darling. That’s lingerie.”
Confused, she looked down at herself. “What’s lingerie?”
“Something I’m about ta rip off ya,” he said darkly, rushing towards her.
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mrs-declermont · 11 months
What if Gallowglass grew out his hair again--but longer, down his back--and he teaches Lyra how to do warrior braids?
Ooooo I want him to grow it back out! 😍
I feel though that Lyra might want to surprise him by learning it herself. Doing some searching in books, online, or talking to Diana, Ysabeau, and Miriam for inspiration.
Once the women of the family all know what she's planning, Freyja jumps in and just "You should have come to me first Lyra, these women, love to bits, don't know how to do propper warrior braids, especially not the ones from Gallowglass' time. I'll teach you."
The two bond over many nights practicing, while Gallowglass is none the wiser about his mates intentions.
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apinchofm · 2 years
Hiiiiiiio, hope you're doing great! I just finished sunshine and iT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD, ANF I LOVED IT SO MUCH. anyway, if you're feeling like it! Could you write something for them with one (or all, i won't complain 🤧) for them?
grumpy one just does everything the sunshine one says. like they cannot for the life of them say no
what it looks like once they start rubbing off on each other
“i love it.” “i think i just puked.”
Thank you so much lovely! So glad people enjoyed Sunshine! These prompts are definitely a lot of fun!
grumpy one just does everything the sunshine one says. like they cannot for the life of them say no.
This sums up Baldwin and Alyssa's relationship
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Alyssa was typing up some notes, sitting in the living room of Sept Tours, Diana marking papers and Marcus doing research.
"Babe, can you get me a bottle of orange juice?" Alyssa yelled, still typing.
Within a second, Baldwin was back from the kitchen and back with a bottle of orange juice and her water bottle, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
"Thank you!" Alyssa chirped, returning to her work, unaware of the confused looks she was getting.
"Baldwin can you-" He left the room before Marcus could even say anything.
"How did you do that?" Diana asked. She merely shrugged.
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finalgrrrls · 2 years
get to know the author!
name: dani
pronouns: she/her
preference of communication: i use both tumblr ims and discord. i prefer discord for plotting and ooc chat because tumblr im delays in loading messages, but i’m fine with either.
most active muse: varies depending on whatever i’m hyperfixating on. at the moment, it’s definitely cameron, although maggie has been active on and off since 2018 despite me not watching d/ark sh/adows for years.
experience / how many years: i’ve been on this hell site since 2012 more or less consistently, with occasional breaks of a few months to a few years. before tumblr, i wrote mostly on youtube of all places, and in my friends’ chatzy rooms.
platforms you use: for rp, just tumblr. i’ve written on discord a few times in the past, but i prefer to use it for ooc communication.
best experience: it’s really hard to say! i suppose overall i’ve had the best experience writing in the star wars fandom a few years back. i had an oc in 2016 and a canon muse in 2019, and everyone was really friendly and welcoming to them both <3 i also had a great clique of friends when i wrote carrie white 10 years ago (that being a full decade ago kills me lmao). more recently, with maggie i’ve gotten to write with so many interesting muses and fantastic writers over the past couple years! many of whom i still write with today <3
rp pet peeves: people who constantly post their drama on the dash. i really don’t care what it is, unless it’s a call out of a legitimately dangerous person (not just someone you personally dislike or disagree with) i don’t want to see it.
fluff, angst, or smut: angst all the way, although i’m not opposed to writing fluff! as for smut, i’m not very experienced with writing it. i feel awkward writing the extra explicit stuff, so you’re probably not gonna see much of that on this blog.
plots or memes: it depends on my mood and our muses tbh. sometimes plotting is necessary for crossovers, but i like that memes allow for muse dynamics to grow organically. there are benefits to both!
long or short replies: i tend toward 2-4 paragraphs for most replies, but i can do longer, it’ll just take me longer to write. i don’t have as many short threads (and they tend to eventually become long lol) but i do like having a few going at any given time. sometimes i get overwhelmed by the longer drafts, and short replies are just what i need to kick a muse into gear.
best time to write: whenever i’m putting off something important that i need to do, or when i’m bored at work, or when i need to sleep 😅 my executive functioning is trash and if i sit down to write in my free time, i can’t always focus how i’d like to. i end up writing most replies in bits and pieces over the course of a few weeks in 5 minute increments.
are you like your muse(s): i don’t think so? not really for my canon muses. i tend to pick muses with interesting lives and backstories and powers….all stuff that i don’t have 🥲 my ocs have a lot more pieces of myself in them, but i haven’t written most of them here.
tagged by: @girlseventeen (thank you! <3)
tagging: @gas-stxtion, @cometsdiner, @lettherebemonsters, @alphateamsfinest, @wynterlanding, @nabaidhean-neonach, @vihilum, and you!
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