#adrianna b
ggblasts · 2 days
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Spotted: Winnie and Adrianna Barnes, the two closest of the six Barnes siblings, catching up in SoHo—but could there be trouble in paradise? After Adrianna’s recent drama with bestie Abbey, it looks like she’s swapped one blonde bombshell for another. Is this a genuine sisterly bond, or is Adrianna looking to fill the void Abbey left behind?
Sources say Adrianna and Abbey’s fallout was messier than we realized, with whispers of betrayal and backstabbing in the air. Now, Adrianna’s been leaning heavily on Winnie, who has always been her ride-or-die. But here’s the real question: is Winnie just stepping in as the supportive sister, or is she getting dragged into the scandal too? They may be thick as thieves, but even the tightest siblings have their limits.
Winnie, once the rebellious rocker of the family, has been living a quieter life since becoming a mom. But lately, she’s been spending more time with Adrianna—perhaps too much. The two were spotted at Le Coucou last week, looking intense over cocktails. Could Winnie be helping Adrianna navigate her social meltdown, or is she getting wrapped up in her sister’s spiraling world?
As for Abbey, she’s been MIA ever since the drama exploded. With no sign of reconciliation in sight, Adrianna seems to be replacing her with Winnie, but is it sisterly love or just damage control? Insiders are hinting that Adrianna’s not done with Abbey just yet, and this sisterly bond may only be temporary until things blow over.
For now, Adrianna and Winnie are keeping up appearances, but how long can they keep the façade? If Abbey resurfaces, will Winnie be left in the dust, or is she about to become the new centerpiece of Adrianna’s inner circle? Either way, with these two, expect fireworks.
Stay tuned, Upper East Siders—because when it comes to the Barnes sisters, it’s always about more than just family.
XOXO, Gossip Girl
@winniebarnesxoxo @hiadriannabarnes
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havanasroses · 1 year
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"my favorite" 🫠 she didn't even hesitate 💀
📸: @bikinibottomdayz
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ms-taurusvenus · 2 years
Astro Notes
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The naives have a RBF and features of a Scorpio rising would by having Ascendent-Pluto aspects. 
9H placements frequently create and attempt to locate the deeper meaning of even the most basic things.
Scorpio placements and those with aspects to Pluto tend to be accused of envy.
7H Venuses typically wed in private and detest the thought of a lavish ceremony. Their weddings also tend to be more understated, with the bride and groom dressing in more casual or straightforward apparel as opposed to how many other couples make a big deal out of what they wear. Examples include: Cardi B, Adrianna Lima, Bruno Mars, Kurt Cobian, Ryan Golsing, etc. When you search for these celebrities' weddings, you frequently find that they either have few to no photos from their ceremony or that it was a modest affair.
Scorpio, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Gemini men look fantastic with dyed or bleached hair.
Cancer, Taurus, Libra, and Virgo placements typically hug the best.Cancer placements frequently hold on until you release them from the hug.
Tips for arguing with a Virgo Mars 101: Prove. Them. Wrong. Even if you're in the wrong, attempt to pull something out of your ass and hope it works if you still want to win the debate.
9H Chiron may have religious trauma.
Sun in Capricorn x Fire Moon motivates the naive to work tirelessly and ambitiously toward their goals.
Aquarius and Leo placements (particularly Moon & Ascendent) are always significant and important in some way, whether they're famous or not.
People with Taurus and Cancer placements frequently find it quite easy to fall asleep.
People who have placements in the 7H, 8H, and 12H frequently generate envy in others.
A lot of well-known, successful football players have a weak Mars; this only goes to show that just because someone has a weak Mars doesn't mean they aren't driven, determined, or as strong as someone with a strong Mars. Examples include Diego Maradona (Cancer Mars), Lionel Messi (Cancer Mars), Pele (Libra Mars), and Kylian Mbappe (Libra Mars).
Ask a Gemini or someone with perdominate Gemini placements if you want recommendations for fantastic movies or TV shows.
Until you meet a Virgo Lilith, you don't understand what a perfectionist is. They put a lot of effort into making sure everything is done carefully and to the best of their ability.
Pisces placements nails are frequently quite attractive, long, and strong.
People with the Libra and Leo placements are sweethearts and are frequently regarded as loving and kind by others.
Many Aries Venuses wait until later in life to get married. They also tend to not want to get married until later in life as well.
Despite having better options, a toxic or unsuitable spouse, or being dissatisfied in a relationship, Pisces placements tend to only date those with whom they feel comfortable.
Uranus-Jupiter transits may indicate pregnancy.
Taurus Venuses are incredibly devoted to their lovers, but that doesn't mean they can't let go of their ex-partners and move on. In fact, many Taurus Venuses are able to and do do.
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lambtotheslaughterr · 5 months
Rise : Chapter Seventeen
A Rafe Cameron Series
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WC: 3.5k
Dividers provided by @firefly-graphics
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Your back ached as you trudged behind everyone. Rafe walked alongside you, every step of the way. He wasn’t going to take it easy on you & you knew it.
There was debate about how to track down Bear. The others wanted to take Sayyed’s wrangler, making it easier to get from point A to point B, but Rafe didn’t allow it. He didn’t want Bear, or anyone for that matter, to destroy or steal the vehicle. So, the hunt for Bear would be done on foot. You thought that to be a good thing though, meant everyone would be slower.
You didn’t understand why Rafe felt it necessary to track down Bear. It had been days since he escaped & since you were leading them in the wrong direction, Bear would never be found. Rafe didn’t know you were lying, but he had to at least know that Bear was long gone. So, why? But you didn’t bother asking. After what he did to you, you would never give him your voice again.
���It’ll be half a days walk to get there.” Rafe said beside you, his voice low. “Where is he going exactly?”
You rolled your eyes, groveling internally. Even if Greensboro was the true destination, you wouldn’t have told him.
“_____.” Rafe said your name in warning, “If you don’t tell me…”
You stopped in your steps abruptly, turning to glare at him. Challenging him. What the fuck else are you going to do to me? You knew Rafe understood what you were asking by your glare. It was bad enough that he had Micah lash you like they did hundreds of years ago, made worse by Micah breaking your fingers, which were expertly cast but the pain was still there. But more so, he had raped you. Twice. Lied to you, took advantage of you, manipulated you. There was nothing more he could take from you.
A deep grumble produced from within his chest as he sneered down at you, but he ultimately snatched you by the upper arm & forced you to keep moving. You shook him off, glad to walk ahead of him with him out of your line of sight.
Maddie, Kai, & Barry stayed behind at the mill. The rest of you—Micah, Rafe, Adrianna, Victor, & Enzo. Micah led the pack, keeping an eye out for any sign of recent life. Adrianna was hot on his heels, her gun securely attached at her hip. Everyone carried, except for you. Of course, Rafe knew better than to give you any sort of weapon, or means of defense should any of you come across hostile forces.
Your role was the mule. You carried one of the heavier backpacks on your back which only added to the pain & discomfort of Micah’s punishment at Rafe’s command. The backpack carried most of what anyone would need to survive in the woods should any of you get held up for longer than imagined. You were surprised Rafe trusted you to carry it, knowing that if you had the opportunity to escape you would & then you’d have everything you needed to survive. And while you knew the chances to get just that opportunity were slim, you were fully prepared to take off.
What you wore wouldn’t get you much survival went. After all, the group would only be out of for a couple days, but in the off chance you did escape, you’d make it your second priority to find more clothes. Your first would be putting a great distance between you & the enemies you walked with.
About an hour into walking in the wrong direction, a whistle sounded from the front of the group, & you peered over the heads of the others as you saw Micah halt the others with his right fist raised.
“Rafe, think we got something.” Micah announced, his voice carrying to the two of you in the back.
Rafe tossed you a look before making you move forward with him. Once at the front, Rafe approached Micah who was bent at the knees inspecting the forest floor.
“Tracks. Recent. Maybe a day or two old.” You heard Micah tell him.
You weren’t sure when & where Micah learned how to track, but you didn’t care. They weren’t Bear’s. But you’d lead them to believe they were.
“Huh.” Rafe stared at the shoe prints in the dirt before following the direction they went in, “Hasn’t gotten very far.”
“If they’re even his…” Micah rose to his full height, giving Rafe a knowing look before throwing a spiteful glance your way.
You returned it ten-fold.
“They’re his.” Rafe told him firmly, “She has no reason to lie. Besides, look at her.”
Both of the boys glanced where you stood, “She’s shaking. She knows were getting closer & she knows she can do nothing about it.”
Pfft. But you played the role of scared & surprised thoroughly, widening your eyes in fear. Rafe clapped Micah on the shoulder, “Lead the way.”
Micah inhaled sharply, displeased, but nodded. The group continued & Rafe kept you close, almost as if there was an invisible leash tied securely around your neck. You dreamed about cutting the imagined tether, more so, cutting Rafe’s throat. But surrounded by his lackey’s, you knew the chance would never happen. Micah would put you down before you ever could.
The group walked for another 40 minutes or so, following the tracks closely unknowing of where they led. Since you knew them not to be Bear’s, you couldn’t imagine it would lead you all to anywhere good, but you wouldn’t warn them of such. If they got fucked, you hoped it was royally.
Your feet were beginning to ache though. Your hand, too. You took painkillers this morning to numb the discomfort but it appeared they were already wearing off. Grunting silently to yourself, you shifted the back uncomfortably. Rafe paused in his steps when he noticed you were slowing down.
“What is it?” He asked, staring at you in mild concern. Concern? Ha, yeah, right.
Ignoring him, you dropped yourself onto a nearby fallen trunk, swinging the backpack around to your front.
Rafe whistled at the others, “Wait. We’re taking ten!”
You heard half of them grumble, likely having noticed the reason for a break was because of you, but the other half sounded slightly relieved, more than happy to take a breather. Reaching into the backpack, you searched blindly for the painkillers Adrianna placed in there. But after a moment or of two of struggling to find them, the backpack was ripped away from you. Rafe kneeled on one knee before you, unzipping another compartment of the backpack. You heard the rattling sound of pills against plastic.
He produced the painkillers & you reached your hand out for them, but just as you did, Rafe pulled his hand away, a haughty smirk on his face, “Need these?”
You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Huh?” Rafe raised his brows, “Then ask nicely.”
He wanted you to talk, that much was obvious. But you wouldn’t give in. You attempted reaching for them again but Rafe was quick to use his other hand to block you from moving closer to the object of your desire.
“C’mon. Mind your p’s & q’s.”
Asshole. You pressed your lips together, glaring at him as he eyed you challengingly.
The pain would only get worse unless you got your hands on those painkillers. And you weren’t sure if going a full day without them, potentially more than that, was worth it just in an effort to remain silent.
But just as you parted your lips to snarkily ask for the medicine, shots rang out. Before you could register was exactly was happening, Rafe yanked you from the trunk you sat on & shielded you as he fell on top of you from the bullets whizzing through the air.
“Get down!” Rafe shouted as the others quickly fell to the forest floor & covered their heads.
Your back stung & burned as Rafe’s body weight crushed against you, pressing you into the ground. Hot tears escaped your eyes at the sudden onslaught of pain but you had bigger worries to concern yourself with. Like being shot at.
“There’s more than one!” Micah shouted amidst the chaos.
You felt as Rafe covered your head with his arms as he cocooned himself around you. You whimpered beneath him but not because you were scared. Your back & hand were fucking pulsing with ungodly pain.
Then just as quickly as the madhouse began, it ended. The forest was eerily quiet for about a second before Rafe shot to his feet.
“Adrianna, stay with _____. Rest of you with me, let’s go!” Rafe shouted as he & the rest of the boys took off after him through the trees, all their guns out & ready for war.
You stayed on the ground for a moment longer, watching as Adrianna set herself up behind a tree, hidden well enough from view but had her gun aimed & ready in the direction the others disappeared to. In the distance, you could hear shouting & more gunfire. But it sounded further & further away.
Your heart hammered in your chest. This was your chance. Likely your one & only chance. You had to take it. Now.
Looking around you, you spotted a rock half the size of your head. It was only partly buried by the earth. Quickly, & quietly, you crawled over to it, unearthing it from the forest floor. Then you peered at the back Adrianna’s head.
You may not remember anything from the last couple weeks, but you remembered her as someone you once called friend. How you, her, & Millie would have girls’ night at your apartment where the three of you would drink wine & beer & troll the university dating app, making fun of the pool of single fish in the area. You remembered how she would poke fun at you in the morning after when you were dealing with a wicked hangover but could make one hell of a hangover cocktail to help.
But that girl was gone. Dead & gone. The girl who had her back to you wasn’t a friend. She watched as Rafe & Micah abused you, showed no emotion or care during it. She allowed Rafe to lie & manipulate you, all to keep him happy. And you’d bet your life on it that she knew about him raping you. The girl before you wasn’t a friend, she was an extension of the enemy. And in this new world, you learned harshly that survival meant doing whatever it took to survive.
Adrianna was none the wiser as you walked up behind her, her focus entirely on the woods before her. After all, you were sure she didn’t expect you to grow a pair. Underestimating you would be her downfall.
With the rock gripped tightly in your hand, you raised it above your head, then brought it down on the back of Adrianna’s skull. Adrianna howled in pain, the gun dropping from her hands as she fell to her knees clutching her head. You quickly kicked the gun away into some foliage nearby. But as you did, Adrianna was quick too react & rebuttal.
She swung her leg out, knocking your feet out from under you, effectively making you drop the rock. A wheezed grunt escaped you as you fell to your back. Adrianna growled, glaring hotly at you.
“You fucking hit me?!” She yelled.
All you could do was smirk. You’d do it again.
“Fuck, Rafe.” She spit, reaching into a band around her thigh & removing the pocketknife there. Shit. You had forgotten about that. “You’re dead.”
Adrianna screamed then, racing towards you with the knife, aiming it right at your chest. You forced yourself to roll to the side just as she fell where you once were, her knife dug into the earth. Much to your luck, you rolled right next to the rock you had used on her before. Quickly gripping it yet again, you swung your arm & bashed the rock into Adrianna’s face. Another yelp sounded from her. Her hand loosened around the knife.
Your survival instincts only burned brighter as you kicked her in the stomach, knocking her onto her back & away from her knife. You rolled after until you straddled her hips. She threw a punch into your side, making you wince in pain, but not enough to deter you. The rock fell from your hand for a second time. With both hands, you hurriedly snatched the back of her head & raised it before bringing your forehead down on her. The sound of bone crunching was practically music to your ears.
“You broke my fucking nose!” Adrianna cried out as she instinctively raised her hands to cover her face, blood seeping between her fingers.
I’ll break more than that, bitch.
Yanking one of her hands from her face, you gripped four of her fingers in your left hand, & with all the strength you could muster in your non-dominant hand, you bent the fingers back until you heard them snap all at the same time.
“Fuck! Get the fuck off me!” Adrianna screamed, thrashing under you but your rage kept you grounded atop her.
Eyeing her pocket knife a foot away, you quickly reached out & snatched it, before bringing the briny edge of the blade to her throat. Adrianna immediately stopped crying, though she was still breathing heavily, as she stared wide-eyed up at you.
You pressed the blade further into her skin, just enough that if she made any sudden movement, it would surely puncture her.
The two of you glared at one another. You shook your head, angry tears returning as you stared down at someone you once called friend.
“Why?” You questioned, your voice harsh & hoarse.
She sneered up at you, “Why, what?”
“Why did you let him do all that shit to me?”
Adrianna’s scowl softened, but only slightly. Then her eyes hardened.
“Why, Adrianna?!” You yelled, pressing the blade until you saw a droplet of blood appear.
“Because.” She started, her voice equally as harsh as your own, “He’s a survivor.”
A teardrop of yours landed on Adrianna’s cheek at her admittance. Your blood felt hot, your skin burned, your back stung, your hand throbbed, your mind darkened.
You leaned forward, looking her dead in the eyes as you gritted out the last words she’d hear, “So am I.”
Then you brought the knife down & plunged it into the center of her chest. Adrianna screamed then yelped as blood pooled around your hand & soaked her shirt. Then she coughed & red stained her lips as her lungs drowned in her own blood.
Tears continued to fall from your eyes as you watched Adrianna weakly reach for you. You shoved yourself off her, your heart racing as you paced around her.
“Rafe…will be…proud.” Adrianna choked out as her eyes began to glaze over.
You stood there silently as she struggled to breathe. And then a rattle sounded from her throat, & she stopped moving. Adrianna was dead. Her blood on your hands proved it.
But you didn’t have time to mourn your old friend. You needed to move.
The forest was silent. No gunfire. No shouting. Whoever Rafe & the others chased after wouldn’t survive long. You had to get as far away as possible before they returned.
Rushing back to the fallen trunk, you quickly found the bottle of painkillers Rafe had dropped & stuffed them back into the backpack. Once the backpack was secured, you glanced around once more. The knife. The gun.
Moving as fast as possible, you snatched the gun from the brush you kicked it into & stuck it into your waistband. Then, as coldly & emotionlessly as possible, you returned to Adrianna’s body. Kneeling down, you firmly gripped the knife buried into her chest & yanked it out. Blood sprayed across your shirt. You ignored the action of what you were doing & wiped the blade against your thigh before folding it back into its place.
Now, it was time to run.
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Rafe circled the clearing, glaring at the one man left alive as Micah held a gun under his chin.
“So, you haven’t seen a big guy come through here?” Rafe asked for the last time.
After the unknown shoots shot at him & his group, Rafe led the men into the woods, determined to track down & maim those who shot at them in the first place. He mildly hoped Bear would be among them, but much to his chagrin, Bear was nowhere to be found. Instead, after a lengthy gunfight & hand-to-hand brawl, Rafe finally gained the upper hand.
There was only three of them. Micah killed one. Victor the other. Now, there was just one alive. He was around Rafe’s age, give or take a few years. The other two had been older. Maybe his brothers. Rafe didn’t care though. He just wanted answers.
“Like I said,” The young man spit, “No one comes through these woods without us knowing about it. How do you think we found you all? We have a whole fifty acres rigged to alert us to any potential threats.”
Rafe smirked at that. He was indeed a threat. And they fucked up when they started shooting at him. It was too bad, honestly. Rafe would’ve liked to have had the extra manpower. But he wasn’t going to let them get away with it. Not one bit.
“Those tracks we found, whose were they then?” Micah asked next as he forced the muzzle of his deeper into the man’s chin.
“Ours.” The stranger responded. “Look, you won, alright?!”
He shuddered, his eyes peering around at the others with pitiful plea, “Just let me go. It won’t happen again.”
Rafe sighed, staring up at the tops of the trees. Then he glanced at the young man, “You’re right. It won’t.”
Then he nodded at Micah.
Micah’s grinned & pulled the trigger. The back of the man’s head exploded & chunks of blood, brain, & flesh painted the tree behind him.
“She lied.” Rafe thought out loud.
“I told you so.” Micah commented as he cleaned off the muzzle of his gun. “Still, you act so surprised that your precious slut would dare defy you.”
Rafe ignored the comment, shaking his head, “Well. She won’t lie again.”
“How’re you going to make sure of that?” Micah questioned.
“Because hurting her doesn’t get us the truth. But…hurting someone she cares about? That’ll be the winner.”
Micah guffawed at that, smirking knowingly, “There’s no one else she cares about. You made sure of that.”
“No, no.” Rafe disagreed, gesturing for the others to collect the guns & ammo off the dead men, “There’s still one person left.”
“Who?” Micah cocked his head, “You? C’mon, you’re crazy but you’re not delusional.”
“Nah, not me.” Rafe smiled, “Kai. That little pussy has nothing to offer us anyway. _____ knows he only follows me because he’s scared. We hurt him, we get answers. Real answers.”
Micah sighed but nodded, “Worth the try, I guess.”
“Alright, let’s head back. I’m sure the girls are just worried sick.” Rafe shared sarcastically. The others laughed as they trailed their way back to where they ran off from.
But what they returned to was a sight none of them ever expected to see.
“Holy shit, dude.” Victor breathed out as everyone circled around Anna’s body.
Rafe felt his heartbeat wildly within his chest. Micah kneeled down, his fingers against Anna’s neck as he felt for a pulse. But it was futile. She was clearly dead.
Micah looked up at Rafe, nodding in confirmation.
“Guess your girl has more fight in her.” Enzo commented playfully.
Rafe was stewing. _____ killed Anna? Had anyone said she would be capable of such a thing months ago he’d say bullshit, but now. Now, she had nothing left to lose. And it was all Rafe’s doing. He created her, molded her to be as cold-blooded of a killer as he was. Part of him was impressed, & regrettably horny about it, but most of him was angry. She just couldn’t stop turning his back on him. Even after he gave her everything, protected her, kept her the fuck alive. And this is how she repaid him?
“What do you wanna do?” Micah questioned, pulling his gun out yet again, “She couldn’t have gotten far. We can still catch up to her.”
But Rafe raised his hand, shaking his head, “Nah. Let her go. Let her think she’ll get away. It’ll just make it that much more satisfying when we catch her again.”
“She could be going anywhere, though.” Micah replied, clearly geared up & ready to track her down & hurt her beyond recognition, “The longer we let her go the harder it’ll be to find her.”
Rafe only smiled knowingly, looking at Anna’s corpse, “She won’t find Bear. Bear’s in the wind. So, she’ll go where she feels safest next.”
“And where’s that?”
Rafe grinned.
Adrianna Green
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i spy with my little eye a reader who will do anything to survive.
this was such a fun chapter for me two write & i am fucking stoked about where it is going. either 2 or 3 chapters left, ya'll, i still haven't decided. so, as always, please share your thoughts/feelings w me, i just know they're gonna be juicy.
drop a comment, reblog w reviews, talk to me in the ask box, just share your feelings.
thank you for reading!
(going by oona now as beau lost it's appeal & oona means 'lamb')
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sixcostumerefs · 1 year
Happy Hispanic Heritage Month to our Queens!
Hey y'all! Here in the US Sep 15th-Oct 15th is Hispanic Heritage Month! Today I'm taking a moment to spotlight all the Latino/a/e/x queens in global productions of Six. Quick note that Hispanic/Latino identities have quite a bit of complexity that I'm trying to factor in while making this post; for further explanation of which queens were/were not included, check the "read more."
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Aragon: Phoenix Jackson Mendoza (Brazilian, 21-23 Australian Tour), Gerianne Pérez (Puerto Rican, Boleyn Tour) Boleyn: Erin Ramirez (Peruana-American, alt B/H/P, Aragon Tour), Analise Rios (Puerto Rican, Breakaway 6.0)
Cleves: Janice Rijssel (Surinamer, Breakaway 4.0), Haley Izurieta (Ecuadorian, formerly rehearsal alt B/C, Bliss 5.0/6.0), Krystal Hernández (Puerto Rican, Canadian Tour)
Howard: Samantha Pauly (Puerto Rican, pre-Broadway tour/Bway), Brianna Mooney (Bliss 3.0), Cassie Silva (Mexican descent, alt A/B/C/H, Aragon Tour/US universal alternate), Didi Romero (Puerto Rican/Boricua, Aragon Tour), Aline Mayagoitia (Mexicana, Boleyn Tour)
Parr: Anna Uzele (Puerto Rican, pre-Broadway tour/Bway), Marilyn Caserta (Cuban, alt A/B/C/P, Bliss 3.0/US universal alternate/Broadway), Gabriela Francesca Carrillo (Mexican-American, Aragon Tour), Sydney Parra (Puerto Rican, Boleyn Tour)
Rehearsal alts: Adrianna Glover (alt A/C/P, Bliss 3.0), Alizé Ke'Aloha Cruz (Mexican, alt B/S/H, Bliss 3.0)
Some stats: - We still have not seen any Latina Seymours who actually got to debut (although Alizé Cruz did cover the role as rehearsal alt). - Howard has been played by the most Latino/a/e/x queens, with four principals as well as two alts and a rehearsal swing. - Meanwhile Cleves and Parr have had three principals as well as two alts and a rehearsal swing; Boleyn has had one principal as well as three alts and two rehearsal swings; and Aragon has had two principals as well as two alts and a rehearsal swing.
A couple notes and definitions: - All information is from this post. There may be additional info or queens missing, as it's only information I specifically have been able to verify. This list also doesn't encompass the full breadth of many queens' identities; many of them are of mixed race and ethnicity, or of several nationalities. For more info on any given queen, that post has everything I know. - The terms "Hispanic" and "Latino" are often conflated within the US, but have different meanings. "Hispanic" refers to someone with heritage from a Spanish-speaking country, such as Spain, Mexico, Chile, and Cuba. "Latino" (or Latina/Latine) refers to someone of Latin American heritage, which by broad definition includes South America, Central America, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and some of the Caribbean, including non-Spanish-speaking countries like Brazil. While the month is called Hispanic Heritage Month, it's typically defined as focusing on celebrating those of Latin American descent. As such, I'm not including queens of Hispanic but non-Latin American descent. - However, there is further debate and difference in identification even beyond that in terms of which countries/people identify as Latin American. For anyone from an area where Latin American identification may differ, such as most of the Caribbean, I generally acquiesced to what the queen themselves identify as. As such, there's very little inclusion of Caribbean queens on this list, because most of them identify themselves as purely Caribbean rather than Latin American. - This debate also comes up with the many Filipino/Pinoy queens. Many identify themselves as being of Hispanic AND Asian heritage due to Spanish colonization in the region, which would make them Hispanic rather than Latino. Of course, there is a possibility that some of the queens could be have mixed Filipina AND Latina background; however, I don't have anything where any of them identified themselves as such, and so in keeping with specifically Latin American queens I did not include them in this post. (You can find them in the Asian American and Pacific Islander post, however!) - Additionally, this post does not include Rhiannon Bacchus as she was part of the cancelled Breakaway 2.0 cast. She is Guyanese.
--------------------------- Photos of Gerianne Pérez, Erin Ramirez, Krystal Hernández, Samantha Pauly, Cassie Silva, Didi Romero, Aline Mayagoitia, Anna Uzele, Gabriela Francesca Carrillo, and Sydney Parra are by Joan Marcus. All other photos: sixthemusicalau, unsure of origin (Phoenix Jackson Mendoza), _animalise (Analise Rios), janice_rijssel (Janice Rijssel), 0haley0 (Haley Izurieta), briannabritomooney (Brianna Mooney), marilyncaserta (Marilyn Caserta), alize.kealoha (Adrianna Glover and Alizé Ke'Aloha Cruz)
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medium-observation · 1 year
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Beetlejuice - First US National Tour
February 19, 2023 - Medium Observation
Justin Collette (Beetlejuice), Isabella Esler (Lydia Deetz), Britney Coleman (Barbara Maitland), Will Burton (Adam Maitland), Jesse Sharp (Charles Deetz), Kate Marilley (Delia Deetz), Lexie Dorsett Sharp (u/s Miss Argentina), Abe Goldfarb (Otho), Brian Vaughn (Maxie Dean), Karmine Alers (Maxine Dean/Juno), Jackera Davis (Girl Scout), Ryan Breslin (s/w Ensemble), Morgan Harrison (s/w Ensemble)
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Excellent video of the tour, featuring Lexie's second show as Miss Argentina. There is a head on the left side that is always worked around and doesn't take away at all. some washout is seen in wideshots but it's minimal.
NFT Date: February 6, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAsWs4
Video is $20
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Some Like it Hot (Shaiman and Wittman) - Broadway
April 26, 2023 - Medium Observation
Video | Matinée
Christian Borle (Joe/Josephine), J. Harrison Ghee (Jerry/Daphne), Adrianna Hicks (Sugar), Kevin Del Aguila (Osgood), NaTasha Yvette Williams (Sweet Sue), Adam Heller (Mulligan), Mark Lotito (Spats), Angie Schworer (Minnie), TyNina Rene Brandon (Ensemble), DeMarius R. Copes (Ensemble), Casey Garvin (Ensemble), Devon Hadsell (Ensemble), Jenny Hill (Ensemble), KJ Hippensteel (Ensemble), Jarvis B. Manning (Ensemble), Brian Martin (Ensemble), Abby Matsusaka (Ensemble), Amber Owens (Ensemble), Charles South (Ensemble), Brendon Stimson (Ensemble), Raena White (Ensemble), Richard Riaz Yoder (Ensemble)
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Absolutely Flawless video. There is a small head on the bottom left but it only obstructs the very front of the stage. The whole cast was really fantastic.
NFT Date: February 6, 2024
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Screenshots: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjABxXi
Video is $20
Videos can be purchased through me at [email protected]
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chucklenutss · 10 days
LIST OF BANDS/MUSIC ARTISTS THAT I LIKE IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER (because I have nothing else to do) (i probably missed some out)
- A Perfect Circle
- Adrianna Lenker
- Alex G/Alex G Offline
- Alice in Chains
- alt-J
- Amy Winehouse
- Aphex Twin
- Arctic Monkeys
- Avril Lavigne
- Babes in Toyland
- Basement
- bauhaus
- Beabadoobee
- Beach House
- Beastie Boys
- Beck
- Bedroom
- Bikini Kill
- Birth day
- Black country, New road
- Black Kids
- Black Lips
- Blur
- Blondie
- Blvck Hippie
- Butthole Surfers
- bôa
- Bratmobile
- Cage The Elephant
- Calpurina
- Car Seat Headrest
- Cardiacs
- Carson Clay
- Chapell Roan
- Charli xcx
- Cherry Glazerr
- Childish Gambino
- Chris Isaak
- Cigarettes after sex
- Clairo
- Cocteau Twins
- Current Joys
- Dandelion Hands
- Daniel Johnston
- Daron Malakian and Scars on Broadway
- Dayglow
- Dazey and the Scouts
- Dead Calm
- Deftones
- Destroy Boys
- Djo
- Dominic Fike
- Dream, Ivory
- Dreamer Isioma
- Duster
- Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros
- Elastica
- Elliot Fullam
- Elliot Smith
- Emezie
- Evanescence
- Everclear
- Eyedress
- Faye Webster
- Fiona Apple
- Flatsound
- Floor 14
- flyingfish
- Fontaines D.C.
- Foo Fighters
- Foster The People
- Frank Sinatra
- Franz Ferdinand
- Fugazi
- girl in red
- Girls Rituals
- Glass Animals
- Gorillaz
- Greenday
- Greta Van Fleet
- GRLwood
- Guided By Voices
- Hatsune Miku
- Have a Nice Life
- Heavenly
- Her’s
- Hole
- Hot Flash Heat Wave
- Hozier
- I am the Unicorn Head
- Ice Cube
- Insane Clown Posse
- Instupendo
- Isaacwhy
- Jack Stauber
- Jamiroquai
- Jeff Buckley
- Joan Jett & the Blackhearts
- Joey Valence & Brae
- Joji
- Joost
- Jordana
- Joy Division
- Kali Uchis
- Kasabian
- Kate Bush
- Kero Kero Bonito
- Kikuo
- Kimya Dawson
- King Krule
- Kittie
- Korn
- Lady Gaga
- Lamp
- Lash
- late night drive home
- Laufey
- LCD Soundsystem
- Le Tigre
- Limp Bizkit
- Linkin Park
- Lorde
- Mabel Ye
- Mac DeMarco
- Mac Miller
- Mafumafu
- Mag.Lo
- Make His Ribs Show
- Mars Argo
- Masayoshi
- Takanaka
- Matt Maltese
- McCafferty
- Memo Boy
- Men I Trust
- Metallica
- Michael Cera
- mid
- Mike Krol
- Mitski
- Modern Baseball
- Molchat Dolma
- Mommy Long Legs
- Mother Mother
- Muse
- my bloody valentine
- Neutral Milk Hotel
- NewJeans
- Niko B
- Nine Inch Nails
- Nirvana
- No Doubt
- Oasis
- of Montreal
- OK Go
- Orville Peck
- Outkast
- Panchiko
- Pantera
- Paramore
- Pavement
- Pearl Jam
- Penelope Scott
- Perfect Confusion
- Phoebe Bridgers
- Phosphenes
- Pinegrove
- Pink Floyd
- PinkPantheress
- Pity Party (Girls Club)
- Pixies
- pizzagirl
- Queens of the Stone Age
- R.I.P/Vewn
- Radiohead
- Rage Against the Machine
- Ramones
- Rare Americans
- Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Red Velvet
- Remi Wolf
- Rex Orange County
- Rio Romeo
- Roar
- salvia path
- Serj Tankian
- Sex Bob-Omb
- Sex Pistols
- Sign Crushes Motorist
- Siouxsie and the Banshees
- Sir Chloe
- Slayer
- Sleater-Kinney
- Slipknot
- Slowdive
- Slutever
- Smash Mouth
- Snot
- Sonic Youth
- Soundgarden
- SONDER (my band!!)
- sputn1k
- Stereophonics
- Steve Lacy
- Stevie Dinner
- Strawberry Guy
- Sublime
- Suki Waterhouse
- Syd Matters
- System of a Down
- Tacocat
- Take Care
- Tame Impala
- The Backseat Lovers
- The Big Moon
- The Black Keys
- The Breeders
- The Cardigans
- The Cranberries
- The Cure
- The Fratellis
- The Frights
- The Front Bottoms
- The Garden
- The Hives
- The Julie Ruin
- The La’s
- The Libertines
- The Moldy Peaches
- The Offspring
- The Oozes
- The Smashing Pumpkins
- The Smiths
- The Strokes
- The Velvet Underground
- The White Stripes
- The Rolling Stones
- Thundercat
- Title Fight
- Toby Fox
- Tom Cardy
- TV Girl
- Twin Peaks
- Two Door Cinema Club
- Tyler, The Creator
- Type O Negative
- Vacations
- Vampire Weekend
- Violent Femmes
- Vundabar
- Wallows
- Weezer
- Wolf Alice
- Worry Club
- Worthikids
- X-Ray Spex
- Yot Club
- Your Favourite Martian
not much down here…
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redladydeath · 1 year
*Jaelle was initially cast as A/C/P before it was decided that she would focus solely on Aragon. **Sadie was cast as the onboard A/B/C in the cancelled Breakaway 2.0 production; she was later cast as a rehearsal B/S/C before switching to B/S/H in the final Breakaway 2.0 production.
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miracleweaponhunt · 2 months
Miracle Weapon Hunt Chapter 54: Plan B
The high ranking Legion members stood stunned as Cheng struggled to get up. Zawadi swapped him with a random legion member behind him, who took a metallic punch from Zach straight into the face.
"Ignore him, he's not important!" Cheng yelled, trying to cover up his bloody nose. "Kill the others!"
As soon as he gave the order, the fifty or so Legion members and their five top ranked commanders rushed out to attack everyone left in the arena. They passed Zach, who knocked three out as they tried to pass him.
Cassandra put her fists up as soon as five people rushed to attack her, alongside Serafina.
"She can heal herself! So remember to go crazy!"
The five people all began brandishing weapons. Two wielding daggers, one with an axe, one with a sword, and one sticking with their fists. Besides the axe, none of the weapons were in good condition. All rusted, with the axe looking especially bad. She quickly landed a punch towards the fist fighter, grabbing them and using them as a human shield towards one of the dagger user. The screams rang out as the pugilist got a knife in their midsection, only stopping when Cassandra kicked them in the back and left them to bleed on their stomach above the first dagger user. She ducked down below the swing of the second dagger, kicking it out of the users hands. The axe user unleashed a clumsy swing, which any decent axe user could see past. She got behind them and issued an elbow strike to their back, causing them to drop the axe. She picked the axe up, slicing the rusty sword in half with a single mediocre cleave. As more surrounded her, Luca and Willow both got behind her.
"Okay, you got this?"
Luca didn't respond, merely leaping forward in an upwards arc with one sword, effortlessly cutting through Serafina, who jumped over the shoulders of two Legion members to get to them. She turned to dust, only for six more clones to attack. Two each, but Jade's clones all dove in and tackled the real one to the ground, dissolving the rest of them into a trail of dust that led to her. Two Jade clones hoisted her into the air, while two more hoisted the real Jade upwards to land an airborne uppercut directly into Serafina's stomach. But she was quickly swapped with a random Legion member before she could hit the ground. Einer quickly dove in and froze them to the wall, effortlessly dodging the spear being thrusted behind him, hoisting the now terrified holder to match eyes, and quickly adding them to the wall. He and Hikaru then faced Zawadi, who clapped his hands together in excitement. Hikaru drew a ring in the air, which quickly surged into a ring of electricity in front of them, they pushed it towards Zawadi with one mighty push, and he quickly clapped his hands to swap with Einer. Einer already ducked, touching the ground to create a trail of ice for Ziwadi, who barely managed to escape it. He looked at Einer. He looked more aggressive then he did a moment ago, diving towards Einer and throwing a punch. Einer coated his left arm in ice and blocked the attack, giving Hikaru the time to draw another above him and shove it downwards, causing Ziwadi to seize up, letting Einer trap him in a wave of ice.
The new girl, Daciana, was effortlessly facing off against Fiorella, Adrianna, and Capri. She summoned a two handed double sided blade, similar to the ceremonial blades used in ShiShi performances, only she was using it to it's full potential. She weaved through the two of them with ease, dancing with her blade through the crowds as they all got more and more frustrated. Adrianna tried her best to weave her own path to her face, but she'd quickly throw her off balance and throw them to the hungry yet scared Legion members. They'd try to fight her, but she'd viscously leave them with broken noses.
"Girls, step down." Fiorella requested. "Make sure I'm not hit."
The girls did as asked, with Fiorella swinging her axe in a circle around her until it clashed against Daciana's sword. The two of them exchanged blows without any side managing to land a solid hit. But Fiorella de-summoned her weapon, getting into a handstand and barely managing to scrape past a swipe from Daciana's weapon. She leapt up off her hands, narrowly avoiding a panicked swipe from the blade that only managed to graze her leg. She stomped her head, quickly snapping her finger towards the others. Adrianna came in with her arms already covered, throwing a series of punches to a disoriented Daciana, which she was forced to block with a succession of rapid strikes. So by the time she saw her Legion soldiers running away, all she could do was look on in horror as the shadow on Capri's mallet slowly got smaller. She was quickly crushed underneath it, and her weapon was de-summoned. She stood up with desperate fists raised, and Adrianna landed a fully crystalized punch to her face. When the mallet was shrunk down to it's original size and Capri was ready to go back on the offensive, she quickly commanded the ten or so men surrounding her to attack them as she scrambled back on her feet to get back to Cheng.
"Adya!" Cheng yelled. "How are you doing?"
Adya was trying her best to dodge everything Ryland was throwing at her. She was quickly avoiding all manner of punches, each one getting more ferocious and erratic. Her only option was to unfreeze Rodrick and Siena, but neither of them sounded like good options. Rodrick would pull out something extremely useful, and Siena would boost Ryland and make the situation even worse. As Ryland grabbed the head of a random Legion soldier and threw them full force at her head, she came to the conclusion to clench her left fist, unfreezing Siena and setting a vortex just in front of her face. Ryland's fist got caught in it and stuck him in place, with three Legion soldiers getting behind him and kicking for good measure.
Cheng looked around at everything that was happening. No! The surprise attack was supposed to work better! We had a fifth of the Legion's forces working on it! He looked at Daciana, trying to keep the blood in her nose and quickly losing energy, Adya desperately trying to fight off her opponents, Ziwadi having to keep swapping out Legion members to save himself from the weapons attacks, and Serafina was doing the same with her clones, only she was looking much worse for wear.
"Okay, plan B!" He screamed.
Instantly, the vibe around the arena changed. Hordes of Legion members started scrambling towards the remaining ships, which Zach immediately jumped on and began tearing apart. Several of them started running towards the ships furthest away. The heroes all gave chase, tackling and taking down several remaining Legion members. But all the top fighters in the Legion managed to get onto one ship, which was quickly trying to take off. The three girls got into the living areas while the men watched outside. And just as nobody could reach them, a Legion grunt was swapped out with Cassandra.
"Wait, where am I-"
Cassandra could barely let out a confused sentence before four Legion members tackled her to the ground. Cheng smirked above her as he held out a pair of handcuffs and carefully applied them.
"Careful now." He said calmly, observing the other airships getting airborne around him. "As long as she's in one piece, we'll face no penalties for our mistakes."
Cassandra forced herself on her feet, headbutting the soldier who was trying to hold her down, running to the edge as the ship left the arena, and she stood before crowds of horrified onlookers. And the most horrified looking was Julian, who locked eyes with her as she was carried off.
"Cassandra!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, running underneath the airship, hoping a sudden surge of genius would explode into his mind. But the airship left his view before he could do anything.
He fell to his knees, the world beginning to spin as he lost the sensation from his legs and he hit the ground, defeated. The only thing his body still knew how to do was scream.
Cheng looked over the deck of the ship, seeing a sole ship approaching Fightston. It looked important. A lone woman stood at the front of the ship, unsheathing a sword.
Mia Burri. Her gaze was coming into view, cutting through him. And he didn't feel like seeing what other cutting she was capable of. Cheng got everyone into the living area except Cassandra, who he pushed over in plain view of Mia.
"Everyone, get this going as fast as possible!"
Mia locked eyes with a desperate Cassandra, tearfully shouting something she couldn't hear over the wind. The ship was off limits. But she slowly pressed a hand on her sword, and with one hand wave, she had five astral copies of the swords ready to go. She sent the swords forwards with pinpoint precision, with each one hitting the engine of the ships it was aiming at, and each one fell below the clouds to the world below. The other ships all sped up at this sight, all blitzing past and attempting to ram her ship. She had to hold onto the railings for dear life, but she did make it out alive.
In the arena, everyone was checking up on each other. The gatekeepers were convening with their groups, and the Maximos were also seeing what was up. Arden and Roxanne exited the hotel to see for themselves what had happened.
"Hey, is everyone okay?" Samuel asked.
"They got Cassandra." Willow whispered, trying to suppress the maelstrom of emotion building up inside her.
"Wait, what?!" Roxanne asked, taking a panicked look around the arena. "Where's Julian?"
"He tried running after them." Willow said. "I don't know where he went."
Roxanne tried calling Julian. He answered, struggling to say anything through a haze of raspy noises. She eventually got his rough location, and Fiorella ran out of the arena to get him.
"So is everyone gone?" Adebayo asked.
"Think so." Caoimhe nodded.
"Anyone check the halls to the hotel?"
"For what, some straggler to get info from?"
Adebayo nodded calmly, going to the hallway he walked to get from the arena to the hotel. There was a figure approaching him. He couldn't make the figure out as they sauntered towards him. Adebayo casually rubbed his hands together, just in case. The figure raised their hand, emitting a blinding light. Adebayo put his hands to his chest to guard the attack, calling out for help. He forced himself to face the light, with one getting brighter in the middle for a brief second, before a beam of light shot straight through his heart. He let out one last scream for help as his consciousness faded.
Caoimhe and Capri ran into the room, seeing Adebayo's dead body.
And when they looked ahead, it was nothing but an empty hallway.
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six-costume-refs · 2 years
do you remember why nicole went on for parr during 2020 previews instead of mallory? i remember hearing it was a costume reason but i cannot find the source or any information on it
If memory serves it was because Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert’s alt costume was closer to the principal Parr costume. The “no alt costumes” rule still applied back then, but the alt’s principal costumes weren’t finished in time for previews and they had a couple significant injuries and illnesses that required cover. That meant that they had to put alts on in whatever costumes were closest to the Broadway principal costumes:
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- Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert in Adrianna Hicks’ Chicago Aragon
- Courtney Mack in Andrea Macasaet’s Chicago Boleyn top (which she’d worn previously when she debuted as B) and Broadway skirt
- Mallory Maedke in Abby Mueller’s Chicago Seymour
- Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert in Brittney Mack’s Chicago Cleves
- Courtney Mack in her own top from Chicago and Samantha Pauly’s Broadway skirt (Courtney and Samantha had previously shared a skirt during the Chicago/regional tour run)
- Nicole Kyoung-Mi Lambert in her teal Parr variation from the Chicago/regional tour, plus a few changes to make it closer to principal Parr
Anna Uzele’s costume was damaged and unable to be used. The wigs, crowns, and jewelry were generally the Broadway designs. Courtney and Mallory’s boots were Bway but Nicole was still in her tour boots.
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rosanna-writer · 10 months
6, 10, 20
6. Favorite romance novel(s).
Ok I'm going to use this as an opportunity to GUSH
Weather Girl by Rachel Lynn Solomon - This book is EVERYTHING a good contemporary romance should be. It's funny but none of the conflict feels goofy or contrived. Even through all the humor, the characters feel like people and the choices they make are all organic. There is nothing at all that feels blatantly manufactured for tension. It's wonderful.
Whiteout by Adrianna Anders - Tropey romantic suspense at its best. Heart-pounding the way that a good action movie should be but also there is SO MUCH PINING. The characters are falling in love in the middle of a race against time across Antarctica, so they literally spend half the book unable to expose any skin without risking frostbite and the tension of them wanting to bang just builds and builds and it's a fun, wild ride.
The Heart Principle by Helen Hoang - Genuinely one of the most heartbreaking books you'll ever read; it's one of those books that breaks you down and builds you back up and does end on a positive note. I admire Helen Hoang so much for not pulling a single punch with this book. I think it's gutsy as hell, especially as the follow up to two rom-coms.
The Obsession by Nora Roberts - This one is definitely dated and I probably wouldn't actually, like, recommend it. BUT I have a total soft spot for it because it's such a "Nora Roberts being Nora Roberts" book. Yes, the serial killer plot is goofy and predictable and everything about the main character renovating an old house is a really hamfisted metaphor for her finally Putting Down Roots instead of Running From the Demons of Her Past but it's La Nora, the prose is just so damn readable that I found myself immersed anyway.
10. Favorite classical literature.
Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux you will always be famous
20. Where and how do you find new books to read?
There are only two ways I ever find a new book: either a. I scroll the Libby app until something makes me go "eh why not?" or b. enough of my friends with good taste say positive things about a book that I decide to read it.
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ggblasts · 4 days
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Spotted: The first round of arrivals for my movie night! Sarah dressed as if she's still in the Outer Banks and about to hit a beach rather than enjoy a movie or two in chilly Central Park. Meanwhile gal pal, Kiara looks like she's about to go on a roamntic date with JJ instead, and she is also dressed in an outfit more fit for the beach than Central Park. Winter is coming girls, better get some warmer clothes! Adrianna looking like she's too cool to care with her brown leather jacket and basic outfit. Sweetie, you're a Barnes, put some effort into your look! Topper showing us a new side of him by showing up in jeans and a hoodie. Could he be hiding a flask in that pocket or is he just prepared for the cold weather? Then there's Dean Walker, looking like he's about to drop a 70's inspired album. Annabelle, another southern belle, also looking like she should be at the beach rather than for a movie night in Central Park. Hope Jasper brought an extra blanket for you Annabelle, it's going to get cold. Brandon looking like he's about to go on a date, though with his recent luck of bad date, is he on a date or is he flying solo? Reid looking dapper in his all black ensamble. Glad to see that our favorite medic knows how to change things up every once and a while. Frankie looking like she's about to hit a club or several up, after this event. Really tyring to deny those rumors flying around, aren't you Frankie? Last, but not least (at least for now) is Mary Bowder. Trading in her acadmeic clothes for something we haven't seen her in yet, a simple outfit with a cute black leather jacket.
Keep the looks and the drama coming,
XOXO, Gossip Girl
@hisarahcameron @thekiaracarrera @hiadriannabarnes @nottopperthornton @hideanwalker @notannabelleharper @brandonadamsx @reidthorton @frankiebarnes @marryy-bowderxoxo
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havanasroses · 1 year
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daphne knows what's up
📸: @bikinibottomdayz
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ms-taurusvenus · 2 years
Astro Notes
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The naives have a RBF and features of a Scorpio rising would by having Ascendent-Pluto aspects. 
9H placements frequently create and attempt to locate the deeper meaning of even the most basic things.
Scorpio placements and those with aspects to Pluto tend to be accused of envy.
7H Venuses typically wed in private and detest the thought of a lavish ceremony. Their weddings also tend to be more understated, with the bride and groom dressing in more casual or straightforward apparel as opposed to how many other couples make a big deal out of what they wear. Examples include: Ariana Grande, Cardi B, Adrianna Lima, Bruno Mars, Kurt Cobian, Ryan Golsing, etc. When you search for these celebrities' weddings, you frequently find that they either have few to no photos from their ceremony or that it was a modest affair.
Scorpio, Virgo, and Gemini men look fantastic with dyed or bleached hair.
Cancer, Taurus, Libra, and Virgo placements typically hug the best.Cancer placements frequently hold on until you release them from the hug.
Tips for arguing with a Virgo Mars 101: Prove. Them. Wrong. Even if you're in the wrong, attempt to pull something out of your ass and hope it works if you still want to win the debate.
9H Chiron is may have religious trauma.
Sun in Capricorn x Fire Moon motivates the naive to work tirelessly and ambitiously toward their goals.
Aquarius and Leo placements (particularly Moon & Ascendent) are always significant and important in some way, whether they're famous or not.
People with Taurus and Cancer placements frequently find it quite easy to fall asleep.
People who have placements in the 7H, 8H, and 12H frequently generate envy in others.
A lot of well-known, successful football players have a weak Mars; this only goes to show that just because someone has a weak Mars doesn't mean they aren't driven, determined, or as strong as someone with a strong Mars. Examples include Diego Maradona (Cancer Mars), Lionel Messi (Cancer Mars), Pele (Libra Mars), and Kylian Mbappe (Libra Mars).
Ask a Gemini or someone with a predominately Gemini placement if you want recommendations for fantastic movies or TV shows.
Until you meet a Virgo Lilith, you don't understand what a perfectionist is. They put a lot of effort into making sure everything is done carefully and to the best of their ability.
Pisces placements nails are frequently quite attractive, long, and strong.
People with the Libra and Leo placements are sweethearts and are frequently regarded as loving and kind by others.
Many Aries Venuses wait until later in life to get married. They also tend to not want to get married until later in life as well.
Despite having better options, a toxic or unsuitable spouse, or being dissatisfied in a relationship, Pisces (& Pisces placements) tend to only date those with whom they feel comfortable.
Uranus-Jupiter transits may indicate pregnancy.
Taurus Venuses are incredibly devoted to their lovers, but that doesn't mean they can't let go of their ex-partners and move on. In fact, many Taurus Venuses are able to and do do.
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bitchinbarzal · 2 years
hi! can you please do ‘Character A's ex will be at the Christmas Party A is attending. Character B poses as A's fiance.’ with mikey mcleod!
Adriana was a friend of Nico’s girlfriend, Taylor and that’s why she would be at the Hischier house for Christmas.
Mikey didn’t really want to show up looking like the singleton he was, thinking he had no choice but to look like a looser infront of his ex until Christmas Eve the boys had one final practice before the holiday.
“hey y/n you not home for the holidays?” Nico asked, passing your open office door.
You looked up from your computer “aha, no I am not I’m staying in Jersey this year”
Mikey stayed back, waltzing into your office “Yes, McLeod?”
“How did you even know it was me?” He asked, your head was down as you wrote something.
“You’re the only person who doesn’t know how to knock”
He chuckled “I gotta ask a really big favour”
“The answer is no” “you don’t know what I’m going to ask”
You sighed “Okay, what is it?”
“Will you pretend to be my partner for Hischier’s party?”
You blinked, slowly “No”
“but, please!”
and that’s how you ended up here, at Nico’s house on Mikey’s arm with a fake smile and a diamond ring on your left hand.
“So… you got engaged?” Nate is the first to comment on it.
Michael licks his lips “Um yeah, man did I not tell you? God you never listen”
You try not to laugh
“y/n if he’s holding you against your will blink twice and I’ll save you”
You smile, head dropping onto Mikey’s shoulder “I’m good, thanks Bas. Me and My fiancé are quite fine”
Nate narrows his eyes “I don’t know what’s going on here but I don’t like it” he says, walking off and you call out “You’ll get an invite to the wedding!”
The night was a breeze, Mikey was actually good company. He spent the time talking about his little brother, Ryan whom you’d grown close with when you worked for the Oilers prior to Jersey. He asked about your life, gaining more perspective on you and your family, your job even and realising he didn’t really know much about you.
Adrianna had approached Michael when he was in the kitchen getting you a drink having left you alone with Miles and Jonas for the few moments he was gone.
You watched from the living room as she rubbed up and down on his arm, they laughed. You felt green with jealousy for no real reason. This was all fake, right?
Miles watched it from behind you, eventually asking you to dance with him as a way to distract you. Your head rested on his shoulder while the song played in the back.
Halfway through someone cleared their throat and you heard Mikey said “Hey Woody can I steal my girl for a sec?”
You moved on to dance with him, he noticed your expression and knew what was going on.
“She was asking who you were” you just nodded.
“She told me she misses me” again you nodded
“Asked me to get back with her”
“Michael if there is a point here could we get to it quickly?”
He laughed “I said no” “what? Why would you do that?”
“Because my fiancé was in the other room?” You rolled your eyes.
“Michael don’t be stupid-“ you were cut off with his lips on yours
“I like you, and I know we have only been engaged for a day but I feel like I could really love you”
You didn’t have much to add just looking over at him in shock and saying “okay, yeah”
This was definitely going to be Nate’s best man speech at your wedding.
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sixcostumerefs · 5 months
Dreamcast: US Rehearsal Alts Edition
Hey y'all! A while back someone had asked me to make a dreamcast of rehearsal alts who hadn't yet debuted. I really enjoyed working on that, and now with Alizé Cruz joining the Boleyn Tour I thought it would be fun to do another in that vein. I realized exactly ten US-based rehearsal alts hadn't ever done an on-board contract, so for simplicity's sake I just did a US-style cast with those 10. I also generally factored in the covers that each rehearsal alt prioritized during their time with NCL.
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Aragon: Jaelle Laguerre Boleyn: Chelsea Lorraine Wargo Seymour: Alyssa Gianetti Cleves: Adrianna Glover Howard: Kate Zulauf Parr: Jasmine M. Smith Alt A/B/S, DC: Kristina Walz Alt A/C/H: Emily Rose Lyons Alt B/S/P: Lois Ellise Alt C/H/P: Brooke Aneece
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