#adult supremacy
elhopper1sm · 3 months
Unpopular opinion but the reason being a teenager sucks is less to do with hormones and social cliques and more to do with the fact adults fucking hate teenagers. The fact that adults expect teenagers to be able to take on adult responsibilities yet don't deserve rights of an adult. They don't see teenagers as human beings and they aren't prepared to see kids with their own formed identities and humanity. Teenagers are so sexualized and seen as needing to take on more and more adult responsibilities. Yet when they want rights and humanity they are denied. The years your brain spends wanting nothing more than to form an identity are being taken away from you. Teenagers are essentially being kicked out of social spaces unless they have an extra 40 dollars lying around anytime they want to go out. Teenagers being kicked out of the mall just for existing or groomed into the school to prison pipeline. And now creating legislation to keep them off the Internet. Our society hates teenagers. And does everything we can to hurt them. The fact that anyone makes it out of their teenage years without trauma is a fucking miracle frankly.
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aronarchy · 4 months
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When I am treated “like a child” because of my disabilities the thing fucking isn’t that they “should treat me as adult” the thing is they shouldn’t fucking treat actual children and youth like that
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imnalien · 7 months
Been thinking quite a bit about child liberation and how it intersects with queer liberation and the dismantling of empire.
Civil rights, women's rights, and queer rights are all necessary prerequisites for child liberation as they should apply for children, too. In a way, it feels like all emancipation movements are building up to child liberation - children being the most oppressed demographic HANDS DOWN.
Children will never truly be free until we dismantle the complex web of systems that are (surprise, surprise) the SAME systems that oppress us all. Child liberation MUST come hand in hand with the building of a dual power structures.
The ENTIRE point of building communities removed from empire is to create an environment that allows for the flourishing and self-edification of our children. If we aren't centering child autonomy in building our new lives, we'll have failed them as their elders.
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My friend and I were playing around with the idea of developing some sort of Nietzschean analysis of adult supremacy. The basic idea being that adults (parents, teachers and so on) view themselves as being the "masters" of children, but in reality envy the master morality manifest in most children. Because where children assert their will to power wherever they walk, adults pride themselves in renouncing their own desires in service of higher powers, renouncing play in favor of work, renouncing imagination in favor of cold economic rationality. They resent the child for still being able to express everything that they can't, and they turn that resentment into a new slave morality where "childishness" signifies everything bad and anarchic about the world while "maturity" comes to mean subjecting yourself to an ascetic lifestyle where you have no saying, where "life isn't fair", where we have to be "sensible", where we have to shut down the big emotions so despised in the child. Most adults are happy to pass this trauma on to their children and see it as their highest duty as the children's masters to let them know how much they resent their free spirits and prepare them for this mythical "real world", even when it's still to some extent socially acceptable for them to be playful and chaotic. But underneath all that I think they envy them quite a lot.
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angel-hawthorne · 1 year
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"ThErE iS a GuLf A mILe wIdE bEtWeEn DiScIpLiNe AnD aBuSe."
If I had a dime for every time someone uses a version of that trite phrase to excuse abusive behavior, I'd be hella rich right now. From my understanding, any adult can get away with pulling all sorts of fuckshit stunts on children under the guise of "discipline". That alone is scary enough. Since I see no point in going back and forth, let alone being nice about this topic, this person won't be tagged.
What exactly do you mean by discipline? As in children unquestionably obeying commands? Silent, obedient children doesn't mean they're happy, socialized, let alone "good". Most people tend to conflate discipline with punishment. The latter party treads into abusive territory. Blind trust & obedience are what make them susceptible to predators unscrupulous characters. Those unscrupulous characters are people the victims know and trust. I personally think power plays a role in this. There's plenty of power-hungry adults who can't wait to go on a power trip.
Fun fact: public school CorPun is legal in 19 states, especially in the Bible Belt. For private schools, it's legal in ALL states except for New Jersey and Iowa.
Of course there's a difference between the two. However, discipline does NOT involve deliberately inflicting bodily harm & discomfort. As previously stated, one too many people conflate discipline with punishment. Interesting how it's only adults who seem to care about making categories, splitting hairs over differences. Whereas a child's brain doesn't know, nor does it give a shit about "differences". Their brains don't stop to think "it's only a spanking ‐ just halt your fight/flight/fawn response and shut down the cortisol production".
Do you stop to think about why children are "disrespectful"? That those particular students are the ones receiving less than stellar treatment at home? Let's be honest, a lot of you use the "disrespectful" label to describe students who are possibly disabled, neurodivergent and/or have other special needs. Black children are also more likely to be on the receiving end of maltreatment. Chronic exposure to high cortisol levels thanks to CorPun fucks up their brain development. How can you expect children to learn anything if you SOBs are constantly whacking the grey matter out of them? I'm gonna need people like pixelexplorer to sit down and STFFU spewing these beaten-down arguments. *no pun intended*
Since you think you're a disciplined person, don't get upset when people start knocking your lights out like a child when you fuck up. I mean it's only fair. Thanks for proving my point ya fucking numbskull.
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bloggedanon · 7 months
This verbalizes shit better than I am capable.of half the time. Read the whole thing if you're gonna read it, would ya?
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azaleasdaylight · 1 year
Suzanne collins is a certified GENIUS because by making most of the book about the PUBLICITY of the rebellion and not the fight itself, she was telling us that wars are won by who persuades more- who controls the narrative .
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girlfromomegle · 2 months
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elhopper1sm · 3 months
Even if Minimum wage jobs were just for teenagers that wouldn't justify such low wages. Call me crazy but if a child can work like an adult and puts in the amount of effort and responsibility of an adult and is expected to work as intensely as an adult would. They should get paid like an adult actually. It's so weird how in this country children are expected to face the burdens of adulthood and be ok with having none of the rights of adulthood.
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aronarchy · 9 months
Tbh you know the “your parents did their best” is an empty platitude because there’s no specificity to what goal they were “doing their best” to achieve. Just assumes that all parents are part of the same unique social group who have a set of shared and benevolent goals.
Yeah I could say my parent “tried their best” in that they poured a LOT of energy into their parenting goals. But their goals as a parent was to control me, shape me into an image that conformed to gender norms, and punish deviations from those goals.
I completely believe that if my parent’s goals had included treating me with compassion and respect they would have achieved that, even if they had fuck ups along the way. It didn’t happen because they didn’t see me, and children in general, as worthy of that compassion and respect.
There are poor and incredibly under-resourced parents who cannot, due to structural pressures, provide secure housing, food, and medical care, and still manage to not abuse and degrade the children in their care. There are wealthy parents who become vile child abusers.
Again and again people want to locate the origin of abuse in trauma and lack of resources and thus inherently position trauma survivors and poor people as the most dangerous/most likely to become abusive.
The actual origin of abuse is ideology. Children are not abused so frequently because their parents were abused but because children are an oppressed group in our society, almost entirely disempowered by our current systems, and therefore most vulnerable to abuse.
Parents who abuse the children in their care take the mainstream beliefs about children to the most extreme conclusions. They believe in the validity of their ultimate authority over children’s bodies, interests, activities, material resources, etc. and they act on that belief.
“They tried their best” is used to shut down very righteous and responsible anger from people whose parents took advantage of their extremely empowered position over them to abuse them. It’s another way to say “it could not have been otherwise.”
And it could have been otherwise. It is a choice to abuse a child. Fuck, even non-abusive but still shitty parenting decisions could have been otherwise and the person hurt or traumatized by that, the child, gets to demand accountability for that/set boundaries in response.
And if a parent is really committed to doing their best to treat their child with compassion and respect they’ll be able to acknowledge accountability for their own fuck ups and work to do differently rather than using determinism to shift the blame. 🤷
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Youth Liberation Theory Starter List
Repost, not gathered by me.
What I’d also add:
Original starter list link: https://cryptpad.fr/pad/#/2/pad/view/besAg6ftZLb59VyzAARKYPyFLdweM7aU1QSAREwHSBs/
The link’s content copied below the cut:
[This list is motivated to point towards introductory and in-depth texts concerning most topics revolving youth liberation.]
-------------------------------------------------------- What are youth rights?
-------------------------------------------------------- Why *all* brain development arguments used against youth autonomy are ageist (and also objectively incorrect):
-------------------------------------------------------- Why youth rights are necessary:
-------------------------------------------------------- What is unschooling?
-------------------------------------------------------- What is the Troubled Teens Industry (TTI)?
-------------------------------------------------------- Interview with John Holt and Richard Farson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i64OJ7w8B2c
-------------------------------------------------------- Books:
Escape From Childhood, by John Holt 
Teen 2.0, by Robert Epstein 
The Rights of Children, edited by Bob Franklin 1986 
Free To Learn, by Peter Gray
An Empirical Introduction to Youth, by Joseph Bronski
* This list is subjected to changes which would result in me deleting and re-uploading the entire post as newer data comes my way.* 
I apologise in advance that a lot of the books I passed are not exactly available digitally at the moment, and some of the books for sale are also quite pricey at this time. 
That said, I hope this serves well to everyone looking to get involved seriously in youth liberation as the very important cause that it is!
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kotelok16 · 5 months
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Hisoka with his parents👏
The contrast of his relationship with them is extremely comical (he really loves them both, but it's sacred to be sarcastic to his father).
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“WEBTOON authors try not to sexualize high schoolers challenge”
Challenge difficultly level: Impossible
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angel-hawthorne · 2 years
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I was reading a Harvard University article about the Effects of Spanking on the Brain. Unfortunately, but not surprisingly, I ran into some ignorant fuckshit like this. It's a good thing I don't have Facebook. This is one of the many examples of why physical chastisement really fucks up the human brain. Can someone find any evidence that supports this unfounded claim? People like this seriously think deliberately inflicting pain and suffering teaches respect. Like NO!!!
Children's minds are malleable, and are like sponges. They soak up anything & everything that's present in their environment. If they see/hear the adults around them (including parents) act disrespectful and entitled, then said children will think that shit is okay. Proponents like this think that the youths are supposed to sit there, and take disrespect without any consequence. And these are the same muhfuckers who'll cry foul when said kids throw it back at their faces. It's ironic and funny how fragile parents can't take what they dish out.
Again, where tf is the evidence if the "correlation" is as clear as day? On the other hand, these comments are expected from adult humans with arrested emotional development. Just because a rising number of caregivers chose not to use any form of physical abuse doesn't mean the young ones will come out terrible. If anything, the likes of young sir here are perpetuating the very thing they disdain and complain about. They're just too clouded by nostalgia, ignorance and denial to see it.
P.S. If anything I wrote sounds ableist, please don't hesitate to shout out.
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strangeasf · 21 days
I know we all talking about bi buck right now but can I just say that I hope we'll see ravi begins soon??
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