#advanced excel tricks
freeexceldownloads · 2 years
Moving Checklist Format
Download free excel template for moving or shifting activity. This template is useful for personal and professional use. Movers and Packers can use this free excel template for their business to facilitate clients and customers. Furthermore, this template is printable checklist for moving activities to be covered. About Movers and Packers Checklist Excel Format Once you download this checklist…
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fmskillsharing · 1 year
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pythonjobsupport · 1 day
Top 10 Advanced Excel Tips and Tricks
The Top 10 Excel tips and tricks with example and explanation.Use these magical tips to improve your efficiency at work.I am sure … source
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attitudetallyacademy · 2 months
Advanced Excel Tips and Tricks for Efficient Data Analysis
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In today's data-driven world, Excel remains a powerhouse tool for organizing and analyzing information. Whether you're a seasoned data analyst or just starting, mastering advanced Excel techniques can significantly boost your efficiency and effectiveness. In this blog post, we'll delve into some invaluable tips and tricks that will enhance your Efficient Excel data analysis skills and help you derive actionable insights from your data.
Utilize PivotTables for Dynamic Analysis PivotTables are a game-changer when it comes to summarizing and analyzing large data sets. They allow you to rearrange and summarize data quickly, making it easier to identify trends and patterns. To make the most of PivotTables, ensure your data is well-structured with clear headers and consistent formatting.
Master Advanced Functions Excel offers a plethora of powerful functions that can streamline your data analysis tasks. Functions like VLOOKUP, INDEX-MATCH, SUMIF(S), and IFERROR are invaluable for performing complex calculations and data manipulations. Familiarizing yourself with these functions can save you considerable time and effort.
Apply Conditional Formatting Conditional formatting is a handy feature that allows you to visually highlight important data points based on specific criteria. Whether you want to spot outliers, identify trends, or flag errors, conditional formatting can make your data analysis more intuitive and insightful.
Harness the Power of Macros Macros are automation tools that can record your actions in Excel and replay them with a single click. They are particularly useful for repetitive tasks, such as data cleaning, formatting, and report generation. By creating and using macros effectively, you can streamline your workflow and focus on the analysis itself.
Explore Data Validation Data validation ensures that your data is accurate and consistent by restricting input to predefined criteria. This feature is invaluable for maintaining data integrity and minimizing errors in your analysis. Take advantage of data validation rules to enforce data standards and improve the reliability of your findings.
Use Tables for Dynamic Data Management Excel Tables offer a dynamic way to manage and analyze data. They automatically expand and contract as you add or remove data, ensuring that your analysis remains up-to-date. Additionally, Tables come with built-in features like structured references and automatic formatting, making them a powerful tool for efficient data analysis.
Employ Power Query for Data Transformation Power Query is a robust data transformation tool that allows you to connect, combine, and clean data from various sources. Whether you're dealing with multiple data sets or complex transformations, Power Query can simplify the process and provide you with clean, structured data for analysis.
Optimize Workbook Performance Large Excel workbooks can sometimes slow down due to excessive calculations or data. To optimize performance, consider techniques such as disabling automatic calculations, minimizing volatile functions, and using efficient formulas. These optimizations can significantly improve the speed and responsiveness of your Excel workbooks.
By these advanced Excel tips and tricks into your data analysis workflow, you can unlock new levels of efficiency, accuracy, and insight generation. Excel data analysis tips like these are essential for anyone seeking to harness the full potential of this powerful tool in their professional endeavors.
Stay tuned for more insightful tips and tricks to optimize your Excel data analysis journey!
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healthylifewithus · 8 months
Complete Excel, AI and Data Science mega bundle.
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Turn Ideas into Apps Discover the potential of Amazon Honeycode to create custom apps tailored to your needs. Whether it’s for data management, content tracking, or inventory — transform your creative concepts into practical solutions.
Be Your Own Financial Analyst Unlock the financial functionalities of Excel to manage and analyze business data. Create Profit and Loss statements, balance sheets, and conduct forecasting with ease, equipping you to make data-driven decisions.
Embark on an AI Journey Step into the future with AI and machine learning. Learn to build advanced models, understand neural networks, and employ TensorFlow. Turn big data into actionable insights and predictive models.
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dgdacademy · 1 year
What is a Pivot Table and How Can It Help My Business?
Pivot tables are a powerful and versatile tool for data analysis. They allow you to quickly and easily summarize large amounts of data, identify trends and patterns, and make better informed decisions. This article explains what pivot tables are, how they work, and how they can benefit your business. What is a Pivot Table? Benefits of Using a Pivot Table Quickly summarize data from multiple…
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cacmsinsitute · 1 year
How to Create a Mail Merge in Microsoft Word: A Step-by-Step Guide
The mail merge feature in Microsoft Word is a powerful tool that allows users to automate the process of sending personalized emails, letters, or labels to a large number of recipients. The mail merge functionality can save you time and effort when organizing a mass mailing for a marketing campaign, sending personalized invitations, or generating custom reports. This article will walk you through the process of creating a mail merge in Microsoft Word.
Step 1: Get Your Data Source Ready
Before you begin the mail merge process, you must first have a data source with the information you want to merge into your document. An Excel spreadsheet, an Access database, or even a simple Word document with a table can be used. Make sure your data is well-organized and that each column represents a specific field, such as "Name," "Address," or "Email."
Step 2: Create a new document and begin the mail merge.
Open Microsoft Word and create a new document. Locate the "Start Mail Merge" group in the "Mailings" tab and click on the "Start Mail Merge" button. Choose the type of document you want to create from the dropdown menu, such as letters, emails, envelopes, or labels.
Step 3: Determine Recipients
In the same "Mailings" tab, click the "Select Recipients" button and select the appropriate option for your data source. If you have an Excel spreadsheet, choose "Use an Existing List" and navigate to it. You can also create a new list in Word or use an Outlook Contacts list.
Step 4: Add Merge Fields
It's now time to add the merge fields to your document. Place your cursor where you want the first field to appear (for example, the recipient's name) and click the "Insert Merge Field" button in the "Write & Insert Fields" group. Choose the desired field from the drop-down menu, such as "First Name" or "Email Address." Rep this step for each additional field you want to include.
Step 5: Preview and Customize
It is critical to preview the results to ensure that the mail merge works as intended. Click the "Preview Results" button in the "Mailings" tab. This will open a preview pane where you can navigate through each record and ensure that the merge fields are correctly filled out. Make any required changes to the document layout or field formatting.
Step 6: Finish the Merge
When you're happy with the preview, click the "Finish & Merge" button. Select the desired action from the dropdown menu, such as printing the documents, emailing them as individual attachments, or creating a new document. Follow the prompts to complete the merge process, making any necessary adjustments.
Conclusion: Using Microsoft Word's mail merge feature, it is simple to create personalized documents for a large recipient list. You can efficiently create professional and customized letters, emails, envelopes, or labels by following the step-by-step guide provided in this article. Utilize the power of mail merge in Microsoft Word to save time and improve your communication efforts.
Join CACMS today to improve your Microsoft Word abilities! With our detailed step-by-step instruction, you can learn how to establish a mail merge in Microsoft Word. Enroll now to become a mail merge pro and obtain professional knowledge. Don't pass up this chance to improve your document automation skills. Enrol now and begin mastering Microsoft Word: http://cacms.in/excel-and-advance-excel/
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How To Use Slicer In Excel Sheet For Data Filtering
Unlocking the Power of Excel Slicers: An Interactive Guide Hello there, Excel warriors! Are you ready to take your Excel skills to the next level? Today, we’ll explore the power of Excel Slicers and walk you through how to insert slicers in Excel, use PivotTable slicers, and more. How to use Excel Slicer 1. Excel Slicers – An Overview An Excel slicer is a tool that provides a simple, intuitive…
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exhaslo · 3 months
Can you do like a God Miguel and devil fem reader, this is my first request so please no hate 😭 Oh yeah AND SMUTTTTT
That man is basically a God, haha. Usually I see this request the opposite way, so this is going to be so much fun!
Warning: MINORS DNI, Smut, teasing, taunting, handsy, oral sex (m receiving), riding, rough sex, dirty talk, doggy style, creampie
"C'mon, Big Boy. Afraid to show a lil ol' devil like me what a taste of Heaven looks like?"
This was a sight to behold. No one had ever dared to question or even go against Miguel's ruling. There was a reason why the two dimensions were split between Heaven and Hell. There were a whole list of reasons.
One of them, being devils like you.
You gave a wicked smile towards Miguel, the God of Heaven himself, the ruler of all Angels. Hell, the very man whom separated the Angels and Devils. He was one who controlled all. One who could change the course of fate itself.
"What's a Sinner like me to do in order to enter your pearly white gates of Heaven?" You cooed, getting on your knees.
"You have already made your choices in life. You must live with the consequences of your actions." Miguel spoke.
You gave a pout, pressing your lower lip out while pressing your breasts together.
"But, it wasn't all my fault! I'm here to confess my sins and do right. Please, give me a chance? Isn't that what Angels do? Give second chances?" You begged.
Miguel grunted lowly as he shooed his Angels away. They had started to whisper amongst themselves because sadly, you were right. Miguel disliked it when a devil would sway the good hearted with cruel twists of truth.
"You wish to be redeemed? How do you plan on doing so?" Miguel asked. You bit your lower lip, finding his scowl hot,
"I'll do anything."
Miguel sure had you work your way into heaven. As God, he personally oversaw your progress. Every human you helped; everyone good deed you did; everything was in his sight.
Even your advances. You were sly as you did your job. Poking your ass out slightly; accidently having a tit pop out; hell even using the old lollipop trick. You were doing whatever it took to try and sway Miguel in your favor.
"Hm, excellent work. Perhaps I just might consider your arrival into heaven after a few thousand more good deeds." Miguel hummed. You felt your eye twitch,
"Thousand? Isn't there anything more..." You slid your hand down Miguel's chest, "Intense I could do?"
"Have you forgotten who I am?"
"I haven't," You whispered in his ear, slowly lowering your tank top, "I know that you rule over everything. You see everything while no one can see you. You poor stressed God."
"I'm not stressed." Miguel huffed as he glanced around the human world, "I know what you've really been after this whole time."
"Hm? You have?" You cooed, "Then why entertain me?"
"Because even a God gets bored."
In the next second, both you and Miguel were in what looked like a human hotel room. A smile curled upon your lips as you spread your legs on the bed, slowly removing your top. You gave Miguel a seductive look, motioning him over,
"So bored that you'll entertain a devil?" Miguel scoffed,
"So bored that one might say I am stressed." He tried to change the topic, but sighed, "Sometimes even I grow jealous of how easily humans find pleasure."
You raised a brow, your smile growing wider. You sat up, reaching for Miguel. Your hands stroking down his chest as you threw your top across the room.
"Allow me to give you a show then?" You whispered.
Swapping places with Miguel, you proceeded to give him a little lap dance. As you moved your ass against his crotch, you started to take your bra off. For a God like him to entertain a devil like you, oh this was going to be good.
You nibbled against his ear as you took off you pants, revealing no underwear. A chuckle escaped your lips as you glanced down towards Miguel's erection.
"Hm, does mini God wanna play?" You cooed.
"Perhaps I could show you what heaven tastes like after all." Miguel played along.
Oh, that made you wet. You hands were all over Miguel now. You just had to strip him, but slowly. You cute little devil tail twirled as you started to grind against Miguel's white robes. You stroked his face, watching his temptation grow,
"Shall I do all the work?" You whispered. Miguel just smirked,
"Weren't you the one who needed to get into heaven?"
You huffed as you removed his robes. Eyes widening at the sight of his dick. He wasn't a God for nothing. With a lick of your lips, you got on your knees and started to work your magic. You had good deeds to do after all.
"How many deeds if I make you cum?" You hummed with a lick of his tip.
"A hundred."
"Oh? Then I'll have my work cut out."
"It's a good thing stamina doesn't exist for me." Miguel said with a smirk, which made you quiver.
Ignoring that thought for now, you returned to stroking and sucking Miguel's dick. Of course God doesn't have stamina. Even devils and angels had it. Well, at least you were trying to earn his forgiveness and not the other way around.
You moaned lowly as you started to take Miguel deeper. His dick was thick and long. Just the thought of him ravishing you was making you horny. Not to mention the sounds of his grunts was delicious. If only you were a succubus, this would make a fine meal.
"Still waiting to be impressed." Miguel teased.
You felt your eye twitch as you kept sucking. What more did he want? Gasping, you felt his hands on your head as he started to thrust into your mouth. Tears started to form as you tried to breathe through you nose.
"Here's your first hundred." Miguel groaned.
You nearly gagged as Miguel cummed inside your mouth. Moving away, you swallowed what you could, but coughed up the rest. There was so much. Wiping your mouth, you glanced at his still harden erection and chuckled,
"If that's the case, then this will be easy."
"Are you giving up already? What a poor little slutty devil you are." Miguel mocked as you bounced on his cock.
You were drooling as you rode Miguel. His dick fit so nicely inside you, stretching all your walls as you fucked him. His tip hit the far back of your cervix, making you really see heaven in a different light. You had only fucked him for a few minutes and you felt like giving in.
"Is this all Hell has to offer?" Miguel asked. You flinched, feeling yourself about to cum again,
"N-No...J-Just....so...ah~" You whined, jumping down once more only to cum.
"This is why you need my help."
Miguel held your waist and started to thrust up inside you, causing you to moan and squirm. His dick was too much. He was hitting you in all the right places. Gripping your hips, Miguel watched your tits bounce as he fucked you from below.
"Tsk, tsk, this poor little devil wants forgiveness right?"
"I'll give it to you. One load at a time."
You shuddered towards his words as he released a heavy load inside you. Gasping, you felt Miguel press you against the bed, entering you from behind. His grip was still tight as he started to pound your pussy.
"Such lewd sounds you're making. Does my dick feel that good?"
"Ah~ Ah~ Y-Yes!" You cried out, gripping the bedsheets. Miguel chuckled, listening to the sound of his dick slapping into you,
"Can you feel my holy presence inside you? Is this the taste of heaven you wanted so much?"
"Ah~ Mhm~"
You couldn't think. You felt your eyes roll back as you focused on Miguel pounding you. His hot cum just begging to spill before his next load. This was truly paradise.
"So cock drunk that you can't even think. What a slutty devil you are." Miguel hummed, feeling you cum around him, "But you are doing the best deed there is."
"Mhm!" You gasped as Miguel slapped into your gummy walls faster,
"Keep coming to me for your forgiveness and I'll happily give it to your horny pussy." He groaned, cumming once more, "How does that sound?"
"Ah~ Y-Yes~ Yes~" You moaned loudly.
Miguel just chuckled in response, turning you over. You were out of breathe and fucked out. Miguel glanced at your body, watching your devil wings disappear since you had no energy. Another chuckle escaped his lips as he watched his cum leak out of you,
"Don't suppose you want to start a new race? I have unless stamina after all."
You had a long road of forgiveness ahead of you, but you weren't complaining in the slightest.
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
Bruce broke his foot (again) and now someone needs to fill in as Batman. Who's donning the cowl and who's making calls to get off the planet so they don't have to do it?
Bruce: Casting calls are now live.
Duke, nervously getting onstage: Hi.
*microphone squeaks*
Duke: M-my name is Duke Thomas and I'm auditioning for the role of Batman.
Bruce: Show me what you got.
Duke: *clears his throat*
Duke, reading from a script: "Stop right there, Joker! Your days of evildoing have come to a—"
Duke: Actually, I have some notes. From a writer's standpoint, this reads less like the Dark Knight and more like a 60s sitcom.
Bruce: Next!
Selina: What better person to be Batman than the woman who has him wrapped around her finger?
Bruce: You know that's not how it works.
Selina: I've been practicing my quick change so I can be both of us in one fight. Come on, Bat. Can't bend the rules for the love of your life?
Bruce: I love you, but next!
Tim: I'm auditioning for the non-dictator Batman.
Bruce: Not taking any chances. Next!
Cassandra: *flips onstage in a series of elaborate acrobatics*
Cassandra: *beats the training dummy*
Bruce: Impressive. Now, I'll give you a scenario and you act it out as if you're Batman, okay?
Cassandra: *nods*
Bruce: A lost child walks up to you. What's the first thing you say?
Cassandra: You will make an excellent Robin.
Bruce: Yes—I mean, no. No. Next person, please.
Dick: I don't get why I have to audition. I mean, I was Batman.
Bruce: Hm, you're right. Let's give someone else a turn. Next!
Jason, in an improvised costume: I am the darkness. I am the night. I am...
Jason: *whips out guns*
Bruce: Next!
Stephanie: Can I try out?
Bruce: Sure, why not. Let's say you're negotiating a hostage situation. What do you say?
Stephanie: I'll give you Bruce Wayne's credit card if you let these people go.
Bruce: Next!
Barbara: I have programmed an advanced speaker system that will project your grunt from every gargoyle in the city.
Bruce: Grunting doesn't send people to Arkham. Next!
Damian: *walks in*
Bruce: No.
Bruce: Last one left is Kate.
Kate: Don't look at me, I'm just trying to find my keys.
Bruce, groaning: Patrol's in an hour. How am I gonna find a replacement?
Alfred: Master Bruce, perhaps I can substitute for you on the field.
Bruce: Thanks for offering, but I can't let you put yourself in danger like that.
Alfred: Then might I suggest, as Ms. Kyle said, bending one of your rules?
Bruce: Hm...
Joker: With a push of a button, I'm going to send this entire street sky high!
Clark dressed as Batman: Not if I can help it.
Joker: What is this, some sort of flying device?
Clark: Some changes were made.
Joker: Like what?
Diana, dressed as Batman: Like this.
Diana: *lassoes the Joker*
Joker: There's two of you?!?
Ollie, dressed as Batman, perched on a gargoyle: A little more than that.
Dinah, dressed as Batman: And we have some new tricks up our sleeve. Like this.
Dinah: *screams*
Arthur, dressed as Batman, bursting from the sewer: And this.
Arthur: *catches Joker in a whirlpool*
Hal, dressed as Batman, pointing his ring: And this.
Hal: *traps Joker in a ball*
J'onn, dressed as Batman: May I?
Zatanna, dressed as Batman: I want in too.
Hal: Okay, all of us on the count of three.
Everyone: *bounces Joker back to Arkham*
Barry, dressed as Batman: *runs in late*
Barry: Aw man, I missed it!
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1lastdate · 2 years
INDIRECT Function in Excel
INDIRECT Function in Excel
INDIRECT function in Excel द्वारा provide किये गए Important Lookup Functions में से एक है। Excel में INDIRECT Function किसी Text को एक Valid Cell reference में Change कर देता है और उस reference से Value हमे return करता है। यह Function Excel के अन्य Functions से बहुत ही अलग है। यह Function indirectly किसी reference से Value को access करने का काम करता है। इस Post में हम INDIRECT function को और उसके…
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freeexceldownloads · 2 years
Promotion Letter Generator
Download free excel template for generating promotion letters for employees and workers. This template is useful for generating a vertical, horizontal and dry promotion letter in just a few minutes for n number of employees and workers. Fun fact : You will not be required to type all the letter again and again. All supporting text is ready to use. Just enter the key information that is variable…
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mightyflamethrower · 5 months
15 Facts About E. Jean Carroll’s Allegations Against Trump the Media Don’t Want You to Know
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1.  Bergdorf Goodman has no surveillance video of the alleged incident.
2.  There are zero witnesses to the alleged sexual attack.
3.  Carroll first came forward — conveniently — with the allegations while promoting her book What Do We Need Men For? in 2019, which featured a list of “The Most Hideous Men of My Life.”
4.  Carroll was unable to remember when this alleged attack even occurred. She told her lawyer in 2023, “This question, the when, the when, the date, has been something I’ve [been] constantly trying to pin down.” She has jumped years — originally beginning with 1994, then moving to 1995, and even floating to 1996. She cannot remember the season in which the alleged attack occurred either.
5.  The Donna Karan blazer dress she claims to have worn during the alleged incident was not even available at the time of her claims. Trump Attorney Boris Epshteyn told reporters, “She said, ‘This is the dress I wore in 1994.’ They went back, they checked. The dress wasn’t even made in 1994.”
“And that’s why the date’s moved around. This is the 80s. Is it the 90s? Is it the 2000s? President Trump has consistently stated that he was falsely accused, and he has the right to defend himself,” he added.
6.  She never came forward with these allegations over the years despite constantly being open about sexuality, posting things that were very sexual in nature on social media — many of which Trump has shared. They include remarks such as “How do you know your ‘unwanted sexual advance’ is unwanted, until you advance it?” and “Sex Tip I Learned From My Dog: When in heat, chase the male until he collapses with exhaustion … then jump him!”
7.  She said she was never raped, telling the New York Times’ podcast, The Daily,“Every woman gets to choose her word. Every woman gets to choose how she describes it. This is my way of saying it. This is my word. My word is ‘fight.’ My word is not the ‘victim’ word. I have not — I have not been raped,” she continued. “I have — something has not been done to me. I fought. That’s the thing.”
8.  She named her cat “Vagina.” “Her dog, or her cat, was named ‘Vagina.’ The judge wouldn’t allow us to put that in — all of these things — but with her, they could put in anything: Access Hollywood,” Trump told CNN.
9.  Joe Tacopina, an attorney for Trump, pointed out in May 2023 that Carroll’s entire story has incredible similarities to a 2012 episode of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit. In that episode, titled “Theatre and Tricks,” an individual talks about a rape fantasy in Bergdorf Goodman — the same department store where Carroll claims the incident took place.
10.  Speaking of shows, Carroll loved Trump’s show The Apprentice.
“I was a big fan of the show. Very impressed by it,” Carroll said on the witness stand, adding that she “had never seen such a witty competition on TV, and it was about something worthwhile, competing.”
11.  Carroll made a joke associating sex with Bergdorf Goodman in a November 1993 edition of Elle, which was before the alleged Trump attack took place. As Breitbart News detailed:
Carroll was responding to a letter from a female reader concerned that she was having trouble achieving orgasm through sexual intercourse alone while the reader said that she could climax through foreplay. “Is there any way I could learn to reach orgasm through sex?” asked the reader in the November 1993 edition. “Maybe books I could read?” Carroll replied with the following advice (emphasis added): Dear Snowed Under: Stop flagellating yourself. Gadzooks! At least you have orgasms. And if that isn’t spontaneous sex I don’t know what is. Most women (about 70 percent) experience difficulties climaxing through intercourse alone. So you’re perfectly normal. Begin by reading For Yourself by Dr. Lonnie Barbach. She’ll give you excellent instructions on how to have an orgasm during intercourse. Then after 313 queenhell love-wiggles, move on to Gretta Garbo’s favorite love position – the top. (In erotic scenes, Garbo is always above the man. So are Sharon Stone, Bette Midler and Katherine Hepburn). Indeed, this location works better for women than the fourth floor of Bergdorf’s.
12.  Carroll is financially backed by anti-Trump Democrat megadonor Reid Hoffman, who has openly admitted to visiting convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s private island.
13.  Democrat party activists back her as well, as Breitbart News detailed:
Indeed, one of Carroll’s attorneys is Roberta Kaplan — a Democrat Party activist who led the group Time’s Up. She left the activist group after it was revealed she was aiding former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo in attempting to discredit the Democrat’s accusers. It served as a great irony as Time’s Up seeks to defend women from what it claims is discrimination and harassment. This fact has led to mounting speculation that Kaplan only gets involved in cases that she views as politically expedient. Further, Federal District Judge Lewis Kaplan is overseeing the process and has connections to Carroll’s other attorney, Shawn Crowley. She was actually a law clerk for Judge Kaplan, and he officiated her wedding. That aside, Trump has denied knowing the left-wing activist as the only evidence of any contact is a single picture with Carroll greeting Trump and his ex-wife Ivana at an event greeting line over 35 years ago. Carroll has yet to provide solid evidence of this alleged encounter and will not use the dress that she claims had DNA on it from this alleged incident. Even Trump publicly said the dress should be part of the case. Further, there are no eyewitnesses of this alleged incident, which supposedly occurred at the popular New York City department store.
14.  The lawsuit was only able to proceed after Democrats created the Adult Survivors Act in 2022. She conveniently pursued this suit in November following the law going into effect, which allowed her to avoid the statute of limitations for this case.
15.  Carroll once said, “Most people think of rape as sexy.”
Donald Trump Jr. also retweeted a list of facts about Carroll, urging others to take a look:
- She couldn't recall the date, month, season, or year the incident happened -
She never told anyone about it, despite being publicly obsessed with her own sexuality -
The dress she claims to have been wearing didn't exist at the time -
Her description of the dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman was inaccurate, making her sequence of events impossible -
Her lawsuit was bankrolled by Jeffrey Epstein pal and Democrat (and Nikki Haley) mega-donor Reid Hoffman -
Democrats created a law (The Adult Survivors Act in 2022) to enable her lawsuit to proceed - Her accusation is the exact plotline of an episode of Law & Order (one of her "favorite shows") -
Trump's Apprentice was also one of her favorite shows -
She has a history of falsely accusing men of r*pe, including Les Moonves - She told Anderson Cooper, "most people think of r*pe as being sexy. Think of the fantasies." -
She made a career promoting promiscuity, even writing glowingly of sexual assault and naming her cat Vagina
We owe Stalin and Hitler a huge apology. We are ever so bad as they ever were. This isn't Justice. Its punishment for for disobeying the deep state elites.
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hadesoftheladies · 11 months
friendly reminder that men together perfectly fit the definition of a terrorist group
"Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is the use of intentional violence and fear to achieve political or ideological aims. The term is used in this regard primarily to refer to intentional violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-combatants (mostly civilians and neutral military personnel)." 
men are not a neutral group, not politically, not positionally or economically--they actively participate in violence as intimidation against innocent women and children (and even other men) to advance and maintain patriarchy. misogyny is an ideology and a practice. it is a belief system with a long, old history of books, sermons, articles, and propaganda art pieces. it has its philosophers, its academics, and its politicians. you do not have to look far to be buried alive by examples.
men torture women for being women. men create stereotypes and archetypes in books and movies to convince men and children of their otherness. their inhumaness. "see?" the male politician say, behind a pulpit, at a conference, in the boardrooms, "she doesn't feel pain. she is made to be penetrated. she exists to supply offspring. she is made to be owned. it is an economic necessity that women and girls are made available to the man for sex. it is a human right."
"see?" the male artist/propagandist says. "the woman is hysterical, emotional, crazy, romantic. a woman is soft and must be soft. a woman is fuckable and must be fuckable. a woman is sex and must be used for it. her beauty is our intellectual property. as men we must claim it, display it, define it--and we can. we have."
"see?" the religious man says from his pedestal. "the woman is a whore. easily tricked and deceived. untrustworthy. she cannot be an authority. only a mother. only a servant. a woman who denies her meekness is diseased and to be burned. it is not wrong to own slaves. it is not wrong to own wives. god is in our image."
"see?" the academic man says during his lecture. "history is man's invention. the suffering of women is an evolutionary fact, and is not truly suffering, for it is natural. it is her destiny. the male body is excellence. the male body is default humanity. what is his body, what he needs, is what she needs, for she is a weaker version of him."
and our brothers listen, and our fathers learned. and it showed up in our homes. the propaganda showed up on our dinner tables, in car drives. each new century, each new generation of men, pick up the movement and carry on the march. it was burning women at the stake, now it is using their faces to torture them with deepfake porn. it evolves, but not on its own. not mysteriously or "naturally" but because people, men, keep fighting to maintain the status quo.
it is active. it is a deliberate and strategic movement. it is violent. it is hatred. it is PURPOSEFUL. it is there to convince any man of conscience that what patriarchy does, what it stands for, is not morally wrong. it needs to be done. it's the natural order of things. women are half-way people, and so they deserve half-way rights. women are chattel, and so they should be well kept. they are not being unreasonable. it is the world. it is the truth. it's not politics, it's common sense.
don't fall for propaganda. take their hate seriously. because they mean to ensure the subjugation of women. they believe in it and will do the worst things possible to maintain the regime. it IS a regime. it IS REAL. do not gaslight yourselves or let others gaslight you. this is not politically neutral, it is not culturally benign, it is not destiny, it is not "healthy/normal" human behavior. it is a regime that has to repurpose itself and its propaganda to stay afloat. it must keep recruiting.
please don't fall for the "women can be just as bad/not all men" propaganda. men as a group are not a neutral political party. RESIST.
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attitudetallyacademy · 6 months
Excel Mastery Unleashed: Unlocking the Power of Data with Tips and Tricks
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In today's dynamic landscape of data-driven decision-making, Microsoft Excel reigns supreme as the indispensable tool for professionals across diverse industries. Whether you're a financial analyst, project manager, or business strategist, mastering Excel is a transformative skill that can significantly amplify your efficiency and effectiveness. This blog is your guide to unraveling the power of Excel, focusing on the intricate world of Excel formulas, data manipulation, and essential tips and tricks.
Excel Formulas: The Alchemy of Data Transformation
At the core of Excel's prowess lies a rich array of formulas, providing users with the ability to perform calculations ranging from the fundamental to the highly sophisticated. These formulas serve as the building blocks for manipulating and interpreting data.
1. Mastering the Basics: SUM, AVERAGE, and COUNT
Embark on your Excel journey by honing the fundamentals. The SUM formula effortlessly adds up numerical ranges, AVERAGE calculates the mean, and COUNT tallies the number of cells with numerical data. These foundational formulas pave the way for more intricate data manipulations.
2. IF Statements: Elevating Decision-Making
Empower your spreadsheets with IF statements, unlocking the potential for dynamic workflows based on specified criteria. Whether it's sorting data, generating reports, or crafting interactive dashboards, IF statements provide the flexibility to tailor your analyses to unique requirements.
3. VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP: Navigating Data Seas
Seamlessly navigate vast datasets with VLOOKUP (vertical lookup) and HLOOKUP (horizontal lookup). These functions are invaluable for extracting information from tables, eliminating the need for manual searches. Mastery of these formulas enhances your capacity to handle extensive datasets efficiently.
Data Manipulation: Crafting Efficiency with Excel's Toolkit
Beyond formulas, Excel offers an arsenal of features for manipulating data effectively. Let's explore some indispensable tips and tricks to streamline your workflow.
1. Data Validation: Guardians of Accuracy and Consistency
Uphold data integrity by implementing data validation rules. This feature enables you to set specific criteria for cell entries, reducing errors and ensuring consistency. From dropdown lists to date restrictions, data validation emerges as a powerful tool for maintaining data quality.
2. PivotTables: Crafting Insights from Raw Data
Transform raw data into meaningful insights with the magic of PivotTables. This feature facilitates the effortless summarization, analysis, and visualization of data. With just a few clicks, you can pivot your data to gain valuable perspectives, making it an indispensable tool for data exploration and reporting.
3. Power Query: Streamlining Data Journey
Excel's Power Query feature revolutionizes the import, transformation, and combination of data from various sources. Whether dealing with large datasets or multiple data sets, Power Query simplifies the process, saving time and reducing the risk of errors in data manipulation.
Conclusion: Excel Mastery Unleashed
In conclusion, mastering Excel transcends the surface; it involves unlocking the full potential of its formulas and features for data manipulation. Whether you're a novice or an experienced user, integrating these tips and tricks into your workflow will undoubtedly elevate your Excel mastery. Dive into the expansive world of Excel, unleash the power of data, and propel your productivity to new heights. Excel mastery is not just a skill; it's a strategic advantage in today's data-driven landscape.
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writerblue275 · 4 months
Brief Valentine’s Day Plans with Heartsteel
Inspiration: Hahahaha I’m so very single (I’m really fine with that. I gotta focus on myself at the moment) but I love LOVE so you all get this. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Champions: Heartsteel
Genre: Headcanon
Type: Fluff. *small sigh* I restrained myself.
Gender: Gender Neutral Reader!
TW: Swearing because I swear. Otherwise it’s fluffy time! ☺️
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I can’t see Phel doing anything super out there or dramatic. That just doesn’t seem like him. But you know what I can see him doing?
Getting your fav takeout and throwing a cute little couples game night for the two of you. Cards, board games, video games, etc. Music he made in the background to set the fun vibe.
I have to think Aphelios is a gamer. Like I’d be so shocked if he wasn’t. Besides card and board games I’m thinking he’s both a pc and console gamer and he’s a big Nintendo guy.
He loves Smash Bros, Mario Kart, or Splatoon, and you two are working through Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom together. And while Phel’s super competitive in multiplayer games, he’s been teaching you tricks! (You’re the only one he’ll teach. Everyone else can just deal.)
It’d just be a lovely night. Hanging with your favorite person and having a great time doing something you enjoy together. Frankly those are some of my very favorite types of dates.
Very fun and very sweet. Heart fluttering. That’s what Valentine’s Day with Heartsteel Ezreal would be like.
I’m imagining a mix of like classic romantic gestures with some fun “young love” type vibes. Like he’s getting you flowers and taking you out to a nice dinner….
And then afterwards both of you go to an arcade/arcade bar and just have a fucking blast together. God help you when you try and take Ez on in air hockey or ski ball though. His AIM. Or in DDR? He’ll absolutely distract you so you don’t beat his score. (Distract him back!!)
But it’s fine because all those tickets he’s winning, he’s spending on you. Or on stuff that both of you can use. Like matching plushies or fidget toys. (So cute oml.)
Just an day/evening of fun moments, sweet kisses, and that feeling of young love, even if you’ve been with Ezreal for years.
You might think Heartsteel’s resident bad boy is not very romantic. But, I truly believe Kayn can be, just in his own way of course! I don’t think super sappy romantic gestures are his thing. But having experiences with you is something he treasures.
I can imagine him picking you up and taking you somewhere far outside the city at night. A surprise location in the country. Somewhere quiet and peaceful.
And what does Kayn have planned? Well he packed pillows, blankets, your favorite drinks, and…a picnic basket! He’s planned a surprise picnic under the stars!
I feel like Kayn is really great to have deep conversations with, but you have to be someone special to have such talks with him. Him being so vulnerable indicates the extremely deep level of trust he has with and love he has for you.
Enjoy star gazing, cuddling, and chatting the night away with your person. What a super sweet way to get even closer to each other, no matter how long you’ve been with him.
Oh this would be an excellent Valentine’s Day with those classical romance vibes. K’Sante is fully about to wine and dine you, baby. Enjoy that shit. You’re getting spoiled like you absolutely deserve.
Buys/makes you a whole new outfit because you deserve it. If he doesn’t make you a full outfit he at least helps make part of it. Like accessories or something.
Reservation at one of the nicest restaurants in the city. K’Sante always thinks ahead and made it months in advance. (See why he’s one of the leaders of HS?)
Afterwards driving to an overlook and just watching the lights and talking about anything and everything. Moments filled with soft words and even softer kisses.
Just the classic movie-esque romantic night and I’m all for it (lmao I’m such a romantic). K’Sante definitely knows how to make your heart beat faster.
(Lord help me I gotta stop myself from going off the rails but he’d be so damn good at this.)
You want romance? By fucking god Sett’s going to give you ROMANCE, darling. He’s a gentleman.
He’s making a full meal from scratch (it’s your favorite meal of his that he makes), and also setting the ambiance. Table set, candles, lights low, flowers/other presents he knows you’ll like. The whole nine yards.
Sett’s not letting you lift a finger either. The most he’ll let you do is help pre-rinse some of the dishes after dinner. He’s in full Prince Charming mode and it’s excellent.
You thought the night ended at dinner? Wrong. Bubble bath with champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. Fluffy bath robes. Doing each others skin care. All the sweet shit.
And afterwards? Well just be patient and see where the night takes you. 😉 But overall what a lovely and romantic night with Sett, your gentleman of a partner. (I’m swooning just thinking about it.)
Your love/relationship with Yone isn’t loud or bombastic. It’s steady and unwavering. And that vibe is how Valentine’s Day is for the two of you.
He picks you up and brings you to his studio where he’s spiffed it up! Your favorite flowers in a vase. Both of your favorite take out (the place he took you on your first date) on a table w/ candles.
Yone’s got music playing softly in the background (a playlist he made just for you for Valentine’s Day of course). It’s every single song that makes him think of you. (When you ask him out of curiosity how long the playlist is, your ever-stoic partner turns a little pink as he mumbles, “o-over 4 hours….”)
During the slow songs Yone will even dance with you a little because he loves how it makes you smile. While dancing, he’ll rest his chin on your head if you’re short enough. And once you’re done dancing, you two can cuddle on the couch in his studio and do/talk about whatever.
It’s not over the top. It’s not grand. But it’s an intimate and personal night with the love of your life and truly nothing can be better than that.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Whether you’re a single pringle like myself or you are celebrating Valentine’s Day with someone, I hope your day is filled with love! 💙🥰
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