#after being too dusty in my drafts lol
mabsolgirl · 1 year
Headphone warning
Transcript below! :3
I made this a while ago, around when I first started making art of the Supernova AU AU. There have been some slight changes since then but I wanted to post this anyway since its been just sitting in my drafts and starting to get dusty. The changes aren't enough to alter anything in the audio in a major way anyway so neeeeh.
It's been a while since I did voice stuff so hopefully I don't sound terrible lol
Obligatory @linxprime ping cause au of their au
Watch me pull world lore outta my ass cause I still don't know what im doing
In the ruins of a crashed and destroyed ship, you find a strange audio file labeled "Project Supernova". You made a copy of it and now you have the time to give it a listen...
Warning. The following video is the private property of [REDACTED]. Any outside or uncertified personnel caught viewing this video will be terminated by any means necessary. Viewer discretion is advised.
Log 1.
I am Dr. Jane Doe and I’ve recently been put in charge of “Project Supernova” after the old one quit. I decided to keep audio documentations of my findings and observations. I find it easier for me to document things by recording them by audio then writing it all out later.
Project Supernova is a study on the abilities of intelligent lifeforms, how they manifest, if different abilities can be manifested in specific situations, and researching the phenomena of Berserkers. Before I came in, an embryo was successfully fertilized and grown into a stable state. There were many failed attempts with this being the only one that has made it this far, living for roughly 12 years as of this recording. To be honest I question the decision to make a lifeform rather than study the cases of people who already have abilities, but the higher-ups wanted to do this rather than the simpler way.
Regardless it is planned to come out of the tube once it reaches 13 years, which is a couple months away. It should be stable enough by then. Until then we monitor it for any changes.
End log.
Log 2.
Right, so I forgot to mention info about the lifeform last log. My bad, heheh.
So, the lifeform is female and it was made with the DNA of multiple organisms with the two primary ones being Human Earthling and Cuixcus. I think I pronounced that right. Cuixcus was used for their adaptability and Human Earthlings to counteract the weaknesses of the former. It has bones, can withstand hotter temperatures, and while it doesn’t need to, it does breathe oxygen. The DNA from other organisms were used to help stabilize it so it doesn’t just die spontaneously. The genetics chosen specifically to see if heritage has an influence on what abilities would appear.
Now the real reason I am logging this. Earlier today it was monitored that specs of light were floating around the lifeform’s tube. They looked so… ethereal. It was like looking at a cluster of tiny stars. I should probably mention that the lifeform is in an unconscious state. It has been like this since its creation and this was the first time these lights were documented. They disappeared before we could study them. Maybe it dreamt them up? We’ll have to keep an eye on it.
End log.
Log 5.
Today it came out of the tube, emphasis on “it”. We weren't supposed to take it out for another week but I guess it had other plans. One second it was in the tube, the next the lights appeared again and it was out and fell face-first into the equipment. It teleported itself out.
Since it wasn’t connected to the machines anymore it woke up quickly after that. Of course we were all freaking out but it didn’t seem too bothered by us. We ran some tests and it was stable. It bruised its head but other than that it wasn’t significantly injured.
It’s a very curious one. It would grab and inspect what we had. We let it for the most part and it would hand us back what it had when it was done. Right now it’s in its own room that we had to quickly scramble to finish putting together. It’s a quiet little one. The team and I decided on the name “Nova” after the project. As per usual we’ll keep an eye on it.
End log.
Log 27.
A lot happened today. Today is the first day Nova went into her Berserker state. The first thing I noticed was that she was much calmer than I expected. I expected a rampaging beast like the other cases of Berzerkers but Nova would just… stare at us. We kept an eye on our monitors to watch to see what she does and then we watched her create light orbs; like the ones from one of my first logs but much bigger. This time we were able to scan them to see what exactly they were…
They’re stars. I am not joking, she was making literal stars, balls of collapsed burning gas, in her hands! From our observations they disappear when she loses focus but still incredible nonetheless! We later figured out the key piece to what her abilities are: a limited form of matter manipulation. She can teleport herself, and those she touches, by willing her own matter into another space and the stars are made by manipulating the matter of gas and dust to collapse in her hands. It is theorized she can manipulate any form of matter so long as physical contact is made.
After a while she went out of Berserker state and fell unconscious. We hooked her up to make sure she’s alright. Right now she’s comatose; we’re hoping she comes back alright.
End log.
Log 39.
Earlier today one of the higher-ups came in and told us that we were not needed on Project Supernova anymore and that in the coming days a new team would be coming in to take over the project. Of course we were outraged. We were consistently giving them good results! We did what we were told! We did nothing wrong, didn’t question a thing. Nothing we said could convince him otherwise. None of us wanted to leave the project. I’ll admit, Nova has grown on us. She’s like family and now for some reason she’s being taken from us. When he left we all decided to look into it ourselves.
The more we dug, the more things began to not add up. Then… we found something. We’re not here to do what we think we’re doing. We’re gonna get Nova out of here. This place is no longer safe. We’ll get her out and we’ll be the whistleblowers to this place.
End log.
Log 40
…I’m… I’m sorry…
Dr. Jane Doe, Dr. Bailey Shindo, Dr. Margoba Entano, Dr. Manbagea Nals, and Dr. Ripley Hedon have been terminated. Project Supernova assets will be transported to [REDACTED] for further completion by a new team effective immediately. End communication.
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iryomito · 2 years
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: 学園BASARA | Gakuen Basara | Gakuen Basara: Samurai High School (Anime) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Maeda Keiji/Saika Magoichi, Ishida Mitsunari/Tokugawa Ieyasu, Date Masamune/Sanada Yukimura, Chousokabe Motochika/Mouri Motonari Characters: Maeda Keiji, Saika Magoichi, Ishida Mitsunari, Tokugawa Ieyasu, Date Masamune, Sanada Yukimura, Chousokabe Motochika, Mouri Motonari Additional Tags: just Keiji being stupid, and desperately in love, Comedy, Rivalry, Crush, POV First Person, survey, Keiji is the narrator Summary:
How could you be this cruel to me Magoichi sensei...how could you possibly hurt this fragile heart that holds all the love of the world for you!! But I can’t give up on her…no not yet!! after all.....HATE MIGHT TURN INTO LOVE!!! All I need to do to confirm it is to ask the most famous rivals in the school!! Alright, Yumekichi, the first thing I need is a notebook and a pencil, let the journey of my research begin!
0 notes
desiredmalfoy · 3 years
Love Lost (D.M. x Reader)
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Reader
Universe: No Voldy but still pain in this story.
Genre: Angst! And more Angst!
Word Count: 1.3k
Summary: The reader feels like she’s losing Draco to Astoria. Does he still love her? Will he fix it?
Warning: Some bad words? Not too many.
{Draco Masterlist} { Main Masterlist }
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(Credit to the gif owner)
I was in a mood for angst today lol. After having writers block for so long I finally came up with this. Hopefully I can finish my wips, ships and requests soon! Let me know if you want a part 2
You usually didn’t have a problem with any of Draco’s friends. Sure, some of them could be real idiots but for the most part they were nice to you. But you had recently ran into a problem, and her name was Astoria Greengrass. She was Daphne’s little sister who painfully obviously had a crush on your boyfriend. You hated seeming like an over jealous girlfriend, so you didn’t know how to truly react to this.
He had begun to spend more time with her after she had practically begged him for help in potions. She had come up to him in the common room when you were studying and pleaded with him for help. Her eyes seemed to sparkle when he finally agreed.
He seemed reluctant at first but ultimately agreed. He had said to you, “I’m only helping her so that she doesn’t tell her parents I refused. Last thing I need is my parents' comments.”
It had started innocent, he would help her twice a week in the library. As the weeks progressed, they were hanging out more and more often. He would finish quidditch practice and then meet her in the common room. Telling you that he would see you later but later never came.
He had even forgotten one of your dates. He apologized profusely and promised to make it up to you. He didn’t, he forgot too.
One date became two and then you lost count. You were tired of being disappointed.
You had walked into the common room after spending the evening studying with Pansy. All your friends had gotten together to study for an upcoming potions exam. All except Draco who didn’t show up. After walking in, that’s when you saw the two of them sitting in a corner table of the common room. You felt your stomach drop. Your mouth began to dry up and it felt sticky. You didn’t know how to react.
“What an arse”, Pansy mumbled to you. She reached for your hand to give it as squeeze. Letting you know she’s there for you. She had heard you complain all the time, she knew the pain you felt. And she was over seeing you getting walked over.
“Oh looks who’s here (y/n)! We finally found him!” Pansy exclaimed dramatically. This caused the two of them to break from their world and turn to the two of you.
“What do you mean Parkinson?” Draco asked, breaking the silence in the room. The air felt stifling. Astoria only looked up at you and Pansy, not making a comment.
“We were all meant to study together.” Pansy answered bluntly. “Did you forget that too Malfoy?”
“What the bloody hell do you mean?”
“You seem to forget everything as of late” You got the courage to speak up suddenly, beating Pansy. You glanced over at her as she gave you an encouraging look.“ I mean you always seem to forget our dates.”
The lump in your throat grew more and more by the second.
“Babe I-”
“I’m getting quite tired. It’s been a long steady session. I’ll see you all tomorrow.” You interrupted him, stopping him before he spoke. You had enough of this and the last thing you needed was for them to see you cry.
You let go of Pansy's hand and adjusted the strap of your bag. You made your way towards your dorm, trying to get out of there as fast as possible.
You walked into your dorm, slamming it shut. You threw your book bag across the room. Letting out some of the anger you felt. You grabbed a pillow from your bed and threw it at the door. You threw yourself onto your bed, frustrated beyond belief. The door opened and revealed the last person you wanted to see.
“What are we exactly”, you asked bluntly as he walked into your dorm. Draco looked at you confused as he looked towards you.
“What do you even mean?”
“I mean I don’t feel like your girlfriend anymore.” You rolled your eyes at his lack of comprehension. “You barely want to be around me it seems. I haven’t seen you in days Draco but you know who has? Astoria.”
“Don’t be bloody ridiculous (y/n). She’s my friend and nothing more. You’re overreacting.” It was his turn to roll his eyes at you.
You stood up suddenly and went to stand face to face with you. “Really? A friend is someone who’s super touchy with you? Someone who openly flirts with you?”
“She’s my friend! You’re just jealous!” His face was becoming redder with anger.
“You’re so draft Draco!” You threw your hands up in anger. Your voice rising slightly in pitch as you kept on getting angrier. “Everyone can see it! Hell, even Crabbe asked me if I was even still your girlfriend. You know how bloody obvious it has to be for that git to see it?”
“You know you wouldn’t like it if it was another guy treating me the way Astoria is with you.”
“She doesn’t like me!” He yelled, frustrated at the situation and at himself. Because it was finally dawning on him what a horrible boyfriend he had been these past few weeks. “And it doesn’t matter if she did because I don’t like her! Please understand that (y/n)!”
“Yes it does! Because you don’t set any boundaries and let her do whatever. You let her think you’re interested. And not one time do you stop & think about me.”
“You have forgotten our dates! You literally left me all alone waiting for you in the astronomy tower because you never showed.” You continued your rant and Draco stayed silent at your outburst. He stared at you with wide eyes and shock. He had never seen you like this.
“Did you know I’m not doing the best on potions anymore? I’m struggling and you don’t seem to care Draco. But sure, as long as Astoria is passing it’s okay I guess.” You were crying at this point as you continued you’re rant. Tears freely flowing from your cheeks. You hated crying, you hated seeming weak.
Draco attempted to wipe the tears from your cheeks but you moved away. Not wanting him to touch you right now. You let out a deep breath, voice quivering. “I don’t know how much more I can handle. My heart can’t take much more.”
“What do you mean darling? I love you. Please (y/n), I love you so much. I never wanted to hurt you.”
“I think you’re a little too late for that.”
“Please. Please think about this. I’m so sorry.” He was now starting to cry himself, something that was rare for him. He didn’t just cry for anyone. But his tears didn’t take away the hurt he had caused.
“You’ve broken my trust. You’ve hurt me. It’s going to take more than saying I’m sorry to let this all go.”
“I’ll do anything love.”
“You have to see where your heart lies. If you do actually love me, you’ll have to gain my trust back Draco.”
“Babe…” he grabbed your cheeks titling your head to look at him in the eyes. Both your eyes shining from the tears. “I’ll do that and so much more.”
“For the sake of our relationship, I hope you mean it. But I think I need some time to myself tonight and maybe tomorrow too.” You grabbed his hands, taking them away from your face. You gave them a slight squeeze before letting them go. Hoping that this wouldn’t be the last time you held them.
He left without saying another word. As you watched him walk out of your dorm, you dropped to the floor. Letting all the emotions of the past weeks flowing out. All the hurt, all the sadness and all the angry flowing down your cheeks.
Thoughts? Part 2??
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Reminder: None of my work can be reposted anywhere. It doesn’t matter if you give credit, please do not repost!
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robotslenderman · 4 years
Eternal Hearts Liveblog: Part 4: Chapter 7-8
An actual thing I told a friend when I started this draft: “These chapters have been a real let down in comparison [to the face-sitting/dick-key-ring guy chapter]. Altho I’m on the necrophilia chapter now so things are looking up!”
And we start off with a body in the trunk.
RIP Charley.
Don’t worry, he’s not the body involved with the necrophilia, because it wouldn’t be problematic enough otherwise.
WARNING: DEAD DOVE, DO NOT EAT! This a liveblog of Eternal Hearts, which is a book that got de-canoned about a week after publication for good fucking reason!
Today’s warnings are: Necrophilia, necrophiliac rape (”but Dusty, isn’t necrophilia by definition rape?” buddy I didn’t say the corpse was the one not consenting. This is, like, rape squared), fridged WLWs (I wish that was the worst thing that happened to this particular WLW), me pretending Sascha Vykos has a period kink until Lucy refuses to let me lie to myself any longer (it makes sense in context. Unfortunately), corrective rape mention, and the current chew toy of the universe getting kidnapped after we know somebody’s been hinting about wanting to rape her (not Becca).
Yeah it’s rape all the way down.
This chapter is worse than usual. At least dick keyring guy was funny, this chapter’s just...
dear fucking god shoot me now. “The necrophilia chapter” does not prepare you for what is coming (it’s not me. I’m not coming. I’m as dry as the Sahara)
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Godspeed, you poor bastard. May god welcome you through the Pearly Gates, although I’m not sure Heaven exists in this shitty shitty universe.
Oh yeah and he wants to murder Becca, clearly.
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Trust me, Lucy. WE KNOW. Dude’s gotten laid twice and all he can think about is his sister and it’s the only way he can get off, ewwwww.
Like -- full disclosure? Brother/sister incest, when consensual, has never really fazed me at all. There’s way sicker shit out there (see: this entire fucking novel) than two adults consensually fucking and I really don’t care. “Ooooh, they’re ~*~SIBLINGS~*~, aren’t I an edgelord?” no man I honestly don’t give a shit.
But there’s that, and then there’s... this.
Touching David’s dick or being forced to touch his dick is gross no matter how distant you both are in the gene pool.
Poor Becca. Poor, poor Becca.
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Jesus fucking Christ. Do I really need to comment on this one?
David reminisces on his first rapes of Becca. He uses the word “nymphet” which, if you’re well read enough, you’ll recognise as the same word Humbert Humbert uses to describe Dolores in Lolita, specifically a word that he used to describe sexually attractive (to him, mind) ~13YOs.
So he raped her that night and ofc he thought she liked it (which is why he’s calling it “rape”, obviously). Loud sigh. And we get descriptions of the rapes -- Becca takes escalating precautions to protect herself up until she threatens him with a knife, at which point the rapes stop. Because nothing says “I wanna have sex with you” like locking your door and threatening your bro with a knife.
So he’s raped her three times.
Now he wants revenge for her telling Emmet to check him into rehab. Specifically, revenge with his dick.
So David goes to Becca’s house, presumably to rape her, because that’s all he can fucking think about. He is hyperfocused on this bullshit.
Luckily for both Becca, there’s nobody there. Except the girlfriend, who’s dead, because the poor fuck got stuck in a room with Sascha fucking Vykos. And a creepy AF vampire.
(David briefly fantasises about Emmet and Becca banging each other bc... Reasons I guess???)
Anyway, David breaks in and meets a creepy vampire.
Look, let me tell you upfront here, spoilers galore: the Eternal Hearts wiki page lied. This isn’t actually Isabel, it’s Sascha, even though “Isabel” hears a sound and calls out to “Sascha”, thinking it’s Sascha, because of... idk, Reasons???
Look, consistency isn’t this book’s strong point, okay?
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Anyway they’re Sascha Vykos, not Isabel, but we don’t actually find that out ‘til chapter nine. So Sascha’s hanging out there, pretending to be Isabel, and is like “ohh hey, I heard a noise, is it... ME???”
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Oh yeah, and “Isabel” has beheaded Becca’s girlfriend and is drinking the blood out of the severed head like an edgelord.
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I’m choosing to believe that Sascha Vykos brought a blood bag over to indulge a period kink and that the blood between their thighs has nothing to do with the severed head they were just sucking on.
(Blame the author, not me, I’m just the fucking messenger.)
Saschabel starts masturbating. With their fingers. I think it’s really important to stress that they’re using their fingers, given what’s coming up later.
They know David is watching, they’re taunting him. They also think the poor corpse is Becca and are like “hey why don’t you eat me out and taste your sister’s blood?” because Saschabel just HAPPENED TO HAVE A BLOOD BAG IN IT WITH BECCA’S BLOOD LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOU
Even David is like “yeah, no.” And also has a surprising amount of sense:
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And then:
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Aaaaand then Saschabel grabs the severed head and then starts --
There goes the blood bag/period kink idea. God fucking DAMN IT. You couldn’t let me just HAVE THIS for ONCE, could you, Eternal Hearts?!?!
David realises that the corpse isn’t Becca because its (her? fuck) tits aren’t big enough. Also he has a huge boner. Saschabel has noted this fact.
Saschabel also somehow knows that David wants to bone his sister, because...??? idk. Auspex or something.
and uh
then David starts making out with them.
because what Saschabel was just doing was... really hot? yeah nothing turns David on like corpsefucking I guess. And also lapping up the blood on Sascha’s stomach. dear god dude you’re not even a vampire what the fuck you’ve got NO EXCUSE.
David is about to screw Saschabel senseless but Saschabel is like “lol, no, you’re gonna do the corpse first.”
David is like WHAT.
Saschabel is like “(:” and also makes a pun about heads.
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Honestly that terrible pun is the most tasteful part of this whole chapter.
(Actually no, scratch that, Saschabel compares David’s expression to an “untipped waiter” and that is genuinely funny. Dude’s about to be raped by proxy with a corpse and his reaction is compared to an untipped waiter.)
(Yeah that isn’t funny at all but look, if I don’t laugh I’ll cry so I’m choosing to laugh.)
David finally gives in to Saschabel’s threats and goes to town and we get to hear about it in sordid detail, which I will spare you. And thankfully, after an explicit couple of paragraphs, we cut to chapter fucking eight!
Thank. Fucking. CHRIST.
This chapter introduces us to Tony, who is a vampire hunter because he’s an adrenaline junky.
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Tony daydreams about his guns, then gets horny:
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Dude don’t fuck your prey, that’s just --
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I changed my mind, fuck your prey as much as you like, it’s gonna be less rapey than this insinuation because at least if you rape a vampire they’ll rape you right back so we won’t feel as gross.
We cut to Odette, the woman Tony is thinking rapey thoughts about, who’s tailing Lucita and thinking about how she could run like hell right now if she wanted.
And then she gets a flashback about being raped by a camp counselor, because... idk why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
This is actually really sad, because Odette is absolutely torn about running away from Victoria -- wanting to be free, but also too scared to leave, and too devoted to Victoria to leave. And also Victoria’s clearly been using Auspex on her, and Odette is scared of her mind reading powers.
Lucita seems to spot Odette, and turns around and heads towards her. But before she can reach Odette:
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I presume this is Tony, the guy who wants to rape her.
Poor fucking goddamn Odette.
End chapter eight!
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willowistic22 · 4 years
*claps* spromeo angst spromeo angst spromeo angst let specs comfort his boy romeo this is probably a weird ask but whatever you made a post about wanting prompts lol
I can assure you i have sent other ppl weirder prompts AGNXGAHSHAVS I’ve left this and other prompt requests in my drafts bcs school gets in the way from me finishing it so sorry yall. There was two other prompts before this one was sent in but i was only inspired to write this one first for the time being. Anyways I hope you enjoy! 
Despite my hectic schedule with school, yall can still send in some requests! and as an extra note I love angst :) (idk if I’m any good at it. I think i’m kinda good at it but idk abt your opinions hehe)
Romeo sits in the midst of the messy boxes stored in the attic, dusty and old. His first intentions was to look for answers on his own. It didn’t took long, but the truth really stabbed his heart out. 
His mind rewinds the events from yesterday. It was a normal day at the bakery after he finished his last class. His mother busy baking with the only other employee that came into work that day while Romeo was busy tending the customers. 
He got to the last customer in the line, a man with a hood over his head but looks harmless. There isn’t much he can identify but he still could see a little strain of black hair falling off his head. It didn’t bother his brown eyes from starring intensely back at Romeo. He’ll admit, it’s very unsettling. Still, he pushes away the thought with a bright smile on display. 
What the man said caught him off guard, “You don’t know me, but I’m your mother’s brother” 
The voice was stern, a little breathless. He noted the slight Asian accent, the same one his mother has when she feels a certain way.
Romeo wasn’t sure how to turn this man away. He should’ve done that sooner, but curiosity had clouded his mind and stayed quiet with a visibly intrigued expression drawing the lines of his face. 
The man took his silence as compliance and continues to explain. He only caught a few words before his hand got yanked away from the scene. Romeo’s mother stands in front of him to face the man. He can see the visible anger spewing in his mother, the only thing keeping the man alive was probably the cash register in between the two.
Romeo’s mother spoke in mandarin with the man. It didn’t matter if it was for the secrecy since Romeo also speaks mandarin.
“What are you doing here?!” The usual friendly accent his mother would use in this language has been replaced by a dangerous venom. It was the first time Romeo heard it and caused him to jump.
“I came here to see you!”
“That’s not what you said the last time!”
The other customers looked worried at the well being of the old lady who runs their beloved bakery, viciously arguing with a man in a language they don’t seem to understand. It causes a dilemma in them whether to break up the fight or let it be.
But Romeo understands. He stands still in the back, listening carefully to their argument and watch his mother’s back in case the man got out of line. His mother have always taught him to mind his own business, but Romeo can’t help eavesdrop the two. 
With the knowledge Romeo has, everything they’re saying doesn’t make any sense. Though at the same time, it simultaneously does. The mysteries he’s always wondered in the past finally getting answered, but it only leads to more. He darts his eyes to whichever of the two was talking, taking in every word they throw at each other. 
He was cut short by the other employee, asking Romeo for help to unload the huge oven full of freshly baked bread. He shakes out of his daze to get back to reality and walk in the kitchen, still keeping an ear open to keep listening to the argument. 
It didn’t last very long. Probably after a few seconds, the argument stopped. His mother returned to her work as if nothing had happened, but stayed eerily quiet. Romeo would’ve asked for an explanation but thought it was better if he didn’t. 
So now Romeo’s left to sit in the attic all alone. A single vintage paper loosely hanging in between his fingers with two lines caused by the neat folds. His sits on an old box, back hunched down to his knees. His loud breathing rings through his ears and fills the extra space of the attic. 
“Knock, knock” 
Romeo turns around towards the source of the semi-playful voice. Leaning on the door frame was a tall figure with the familiar comforting smile Romeo loves. 
“Specs!” Romeo exclaimed, standing up to get to him whilst still holding on the paper from previously.
He crashes into his chest and reaches up to wrap his arms around his neck. Specs rests his arms around whatever body part he could reach to pull him closer. After realizing they’ve been lingering in this hug a little too long, Specs threads through his black hair. Typical Specs, always able to read the room. 
“How’d you know I was here?” Romeo lifted his head. 
“The others says you went straight to the bakery after your last class” 
It was convenient his home is quite literally above his own workplace. So Specs figured it out quickly when he didn’t see Romeo behind the counter. Despite being a grown adult, Romeo chooses to stay in his childhood home only because he didn’t have the heart to leave his mother living alone. Plus, Romeo works at their bakery on the ground floor. 
“You disappeared on me” Specs lightly said, still stroking his hair. He was expecting to see Romeo at Jacobi’s with the others, like where their friends usually hang out after class. 
“Sorry, I meant to call. I just...” Romeo trailed off, pulling away from the hug. He gestures to the paper with minimal effort and a sorrowful face. 
Specs takes note of the paper’s presence with an inquisitive face then drags his eyes back to Romeo, “Are you gonna tell me what’s goin’ on?”
Romeo smacks the paper to his chest, catching him off guard for a second before grasping it properly. Specs adjusts the position so he can get a proper look at what’s causing his boyfriend to be this upset, though can’t understand the writing. 
Romeo wanders back further in the attic, dropping his head and sighs, “A guy came in yesterday, telling me that he was my uncle”
He turns around to face Specs again and sits in the same box as before he arrived, “Anyone could’ve done that but when ma started arguing with him... it just... sounds real”
The taller boy approaches him, sitting next to him on another box. Romeo instinctively rests his head on his shoulder. Specs wraps one arm around him, softly rubbing his shoulders as he waits for Romeo to find the words. 
“He was saying things about how they missed her and they want her to come home” Romeo explained, still not sounding sure with what he’s saying. 
“Her family” 
For as long as he knew Romeo, his only family is his mother and no one else. Specs stops his hand strokes, fully turning his head to face the shorter boy. 
“I didn’t ask her to explain and end up finding my own answers” Romeo turns to pick up the paper he gave Specs and holds it up for the both of them to view it. Specs props his glasses up to examine it as Romeo continues on, “This was a letter from her family, a reply from the previous letter she sent” 
“It’s basically saying something like.... ‘we don’t want to have anything to do with you anymore, you’re a disgrace to the family for having a baby outside of wedlock” 
They fell silent after that. Romeo drops the letter in his hand to the ground and burying his face into his palms. Specs pulls him closer to his chest and wraps both of his arms around him. They stay like that for a couple of minutes, the only sound filling the room is Romeo’s breathing.  
“Are you okay?” Specs looks down, keeping his grip firm around his torso
Romeo drops his hands down on his lap, revealing a little redness in the corner of his eyes. Specs can see the little droplets of water nearly watering the dark brown color in his eyes. He sighs out, “I don’t know...” 
He fully turns to face Specs and crashes back into his chest, gently wrapping his arms around his torso. Specs moves one hand up to thread through Romeo’s hair, while the other keep a tighter grip around him. He stayed quiet despite feeling trickling water staining his shirt. A few sniffles soon followed which he answers with a kiss to Romeo’s hair and resting his chin on his head. 
Romeo pulls his face away from Specs’ chest just by an inch. He tugs on his boyfriend’s shirt a little as he looks up to face him and sniffles, “I just... I can’t stop thinking of... the idea that...” 
His voice got stuck in the tightness of his throat and continues to sob instead of continuing on what he was going to say. Specs gently wipes his tears down his cheeks and pulls him closer. Romeo’s head now resting on his chest again as Specs rocks them and thread through his hair again. 
“... I was the reason why my mother doesn’t have a family” Romeo whispers though his sniffles, “She wouldn’t have gotten outcasted if it weren’t for me” 
Specs brings a hand to cup his cheek, pulling his face up for him to view it clearly, “Is that how you see it?”
Romeo just sniffles while Specs wipes the rest of the tears away with his thumb. 
“It’s crazy how many possibilities we could think of if we skip a certain event from our past” Specs said, “Things definitely would’ve been different if you aren’t here” 
Romeo stays quiet, wiping another tear falling down his cheek. 
“Your mother would’ve stayed in Singapore and have never opened this bakery in the first place” Specs started, the gentle voice soothes Romeo’s ears, “She wouldn’t have met you... And neither would I” 
Specs smiles, warming Romeo’s heart instantly. Though, it isn’t enough to pull his smile back up yet. 
“Her reality is right here, right now. Making the choice to raise you while running her very own bakery” Specs continues on, “And I don’t believe she regrets it. You can’t exactly fake happiness” 
He pulls Romeo by the cheeks gently, placing a kiss on his forehead and parting his lips with a sweet noise at the end. He looks back down to the boy, “And I’m glad she gave me the opportunity to fall in love with her son” 
Romeo sniffles out a small smile, though the sadness hasn’t left his heart. He lets himself be envelop by Specs’ warmth once again. But now, his breathing is following the pace of Specs’ heartbeat and his eyes has ran out of water to leak out. 
Eventually, he’ll have to face his mother again. He hasn’t seen her since this morning, and he even purposely skipped breakfast to get away from the awkward tension on the dining table. He still has questions that needs to be answered from his mother. But that’s a problem he doesn’t have to deal with till later on. Right now, Romeo’s glad that Specs came here looking for him when he disappeared from their friends. 
Romeo’s glad he’s given the opportunity to fall in love with Specs. 
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alirhi · 3 years
working that muse to the bone while I've got her lol
Title: Winter's Frost Chapter: 16/? Fandom: MCU Rating: R to be on the safe side Pairing: Loki/Bucky Summary: Loki never told anyone the real reason he became so obsessed with Midgard. Much better to let them think he wanted to hurt his brother than draw their attention to the one thing in the universe that makes the God of Mischief truly vulnerable. WARNINGS: all of the emo! Reference to trauma Notes: I cried writing this. I hope that's an indication of quality and not just that I'm pathetic lmao
It had grown quite late. With Bucky sound asleep on the sofa, Eira still nestled safely in his arms and even Darcy retiring to bed some time ago, Loki was left alone with his brother. They'd moved to sit outside to avoid waking any of the house's slumbering occupants, both having changed into simple Midgardian-style clothing in the hopes of escaping any unwanted attention. Staring up at the clear black sky, they sat in almost companionable silence for a long moment; oddly, it was Loki who broke it first.
"Go on."
He rolled his eyes and waved one hand with a flourish. "You've been nearly silent all evening. It must be tearing you apart not to be the center of attention; not to even speak. Get it out. All the judgement, the mocking, the condescension. Let's have it."
"Quite a story you told today."
"I haven't lied nor embellished a thing."
Chuckling, Thor held up his hand to forestall any further defensive jabs from his weary, stressed brother. "No, I know. For all your tricks in this life, you've rarely outright lied." He glanced back at the house, and the most remarkable look transformed his face; if Loki didn't know him better, he'd swear the oaf looked almost... empathetic. "Seeing you together, and hearing what he's been through-"
"Tip of the ice berg. I've seen the memories he hasn't yet regained access too. They're barbarous."
"No, I'm sure..." Turning a level, surprisingly gentle gaze on Loki, he told him, "None of that story was for my benefit, I know that. And I don't think there's a force in the universe that could make you lie to him."
Unable to bear sympathy from any member of the house of Odin, Loki turned back to the sky, pretending to be transfixed by the stars. "No. Even before they raped his mind for decades and scrambled his sense of reality, I'd have died before ever lying to him."
"Remarkable." Thor nudged him, and Loki could hear the smile in his voice. "The God of Mischief, in love! I never thought I'd see the day."
"That's because you haven't been paying attention."
"So you keep telling me."
With an exasperated sigh, he forced himself to look at his adoptive brother again. "Not once in over a thousand years have you ever bothered truly getting to know me. Don't presume now to know what's in my nature. You've only ever been wrong."
"Then tell me," Thor shot back, voice still soft but now with an edge to it that the Trickster couldn't quite identify. "How does this love story end?"
When did this moron learn to cut so deeply without benefit of a blade? Tense all over again, Loki turned away and stared at the dusty ground. "I don't know."
"You must have some idea of-"
"I can't see the future, Thor," he snapped. "I'm not a witch."
With the lightest of touches to his hand, Thor finished, "Of how you want it to end. I may not know you as well as I'd thought, brother, but I know enough. I know there's no way you grieved this man alone for fifty years and spent twenty driving yourself mad trying to rescue him, without a single thought to what might come next."
"I'd thought to bring him home to Asgard," Loki admitted with a shrug. "When I thought Asgard was home. Now... Frankly, Thor, I have no idea. Eira's birth and then being held hostage by Thanos on his deranged venture... I'm not even Aesir. Everything I'd once thought... It's all changed. My world wasn't simply turned upside down, it was taken from me. I feel I'm still spinning in the abyss with no hope of landing anywhere."
"That's the most I've ever heard you speak at one time." Thor glanced at the house again and snorted. "To me, anyway."
"Don't read too much into it. I've had no one but a baby and my captors to speak to for several years." That wasn't the true reason for his candor and they both knew it, but Loki hoped his brother would be merciful and not point out that his life and everything he held dear all depended partially on convincing Thor not to drag him back to Asgard in chains, nor reveal his location to Odin.
The Avengers, he felt he could avoid easily enough, but Odin and Thanos... They were the real danger to his little family. He knew he couldn't hide from either of them for long, not with a traumatized, amnesiac lover and a helpless baby to look after. Both Bucky and Eira needed stillness; they needed a place to stop and to orient themselves. Eira simply couldn't grow up on the run, and Bucky had seen too much upheaval in his life already, since long before the war and the draft.
It hit him all at once, then, and suddenly Loki was a child idolizing his strong, perfect brother again. For all that Thor had hurt and humiliated him, the realization that he was all Loki had left to lean on was hitting home.
For the first time in longer than he cared to calculate, Thor perceived his distress without him having to say a word. In an instant, the already small gap between them was closed and Loki was enfolded in his brother's abnormally large arms. That broke open the flood gate and shattered all his hard-won and carefully maintained control. Shaking violently with the force of his sobs, Loki clung to Thor with all his might, and somewhere under all the pain and fear and hopelessness, he felt a small, warm glow of gratitude for this thoughtless, stubborn meathead.
"I'm sorry." He was a bit surprised to note that Thor sounded as though he was crying, as well. "You're right, I never once really tried to understand you, and I'm so sorry!"
"None of you ever have," Loki choked out, trying desperately to get his emotions back under control. He'd been too stressed for too long; now that he had his first moment in years to breathe, to feel, it was all coming down on him at once. With a pitiful exhalation that was supposed to be a derisive laugh, he muttered, "At least now I know why I'm so different. Dress me up however you like, but a Jotun will never fit into a house full of Aesir."
"Loki, I don't care that you're a Frost Giant – I don't even care that you're the world's smallest Frost Giant." That got a half-hearted laugh out of him, but at least this one sounded like a laugh. He righted himself just in time to see the last traces of Thor's weak attempt at a teasing smile. "No matter where you've come from or what's gone wrong between us, you're my brother and I love you."
As he swiped furiously at his tears, Loki grumbled under his breath, "It is utterly humiliating how nice that is to hear."
"Face it, you're stuck with this 'big, dumb puppy' forever."
With a startled but finally sincere laugh, Loki nodded. "It would appear so. You're even more stubborn than your father."
"Our father."
"Oh, no. We're not there yet."
Thor grinned, nudging him again. "Alright, fair enough. He'd only muck things up, anyway, and you might lose your daughter."
"I agree. So, we keep Father out of things until we can sort them out properly. That leaves only one other direction we can go in for help – and don't embrace the family stubbornness yourself, you know you need help."
"Don't say it." Loki cringed, covering his face with one hand. "Do not say The-"
"We need The Avengers."
"I should have just lit you on fire in Siberia!"
Next Masterlist
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orangejuice-y · 4 years
So I was digging through my notes to look for my chapter 3 draft and I found a very short snippet of a Halloween chapter I had planned. Obviously its not Halloween anymore, and re-reading it there is lots I want to change, so I figured I’d post what I had since it will no longer be part of the final draft of a Halloween chapter in its current state. Its still got its spelling errors and run on sentences, so you can see how I write a first draft, lol Enjoy! 
Oh and one of Beau’s two biggest fear is that Johnny Depp Charlie and The Chocolate Factory movie, for a bit of context, the other involving the Burners
Beau stumbled through the large steel doors, the weight of them casing them to slam shut behind her. She bent down, hands on her knees as she tried to catch her breath. Something wasn't right. She had go find Mike and the others. But as she straightens again she stiffened at what she saw. She was in that factory. She hadn't even realized she was running in its direction, but her heart skipped a beat as her eyes scanned the vaguely familiar room, though it was decrepit instead of being full of life like in the movies. Cobwebs swung from every dark corner. The only light in the building was the dim light shining from Motorcity through the factories windows, which were cracked and shattered. She took a small step forward, leaving footprints in the dust and grime that coated the floor. 
In no time Beau's eyes had adjusted to the darkness, quickly widening as she recognized the room. The stairs, blocked by a small faded blue gate, leading down to a pale, dusty blue and white swirled floor, twisting into a dark hole in the ground.
"This is...the one where that rich girl went down the garbage chute..." She had never liked the girl, she was a brat, but she was thrown into an incinerator for it. Beau had to admit that it scared the shit out of her as a kid. But looking around that room now, it was truly befitting for Halloween. 
She stood at the top of the stairs that lead down to the funnel-like chute, the ground slowly swirling into a deep dark hole. She didn't know or want to know where it lead or how deep it was. Her eyes wandered to the gate in front of her, separating her from the stairs. The fence connected to it was falling apart, many of its bars having fallen off lying scattered around the hole if the chute. The gate, however, was intact still, though the blue paint had chipped, revealing it to be severely rusted. 
Beau jumped at a sound coming from behind her. It was almost mechanical, like an old machine waking up after years of inactivity. She quickly turned on her heel in a defensive stance, however, when she saw the faces of Julie, Texas, Dutch and Chuck she quickly relaxed.
"Oh, it's you guys. How'd you get here?"
They remained silent.
Beau gave them a confused glance to their hostile gaze but continued. "...Something is wrong wit-"
"She's still talking?" Dutch said, sounding surprised.
"Shocking isn't it?" Julie continued.
"Texas figured she'd get we don't like her."
Beau's eyes widened, half in shock, half confusion. "W-what? What do you mean?"
Chuck shot her a condescending glance. "She's apparently too dull to get that
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gilgamemesh · 5 years
I saw this dream AGES ago it’s just been sitting in my drafts because I was in a hurry back then, but I’m too lazy to edit and fix it so you’ll get this messy version instead. In today’s episode we get picturesque 80s movie views and surprise trans rep 
The dream was almost like a movie? It was about this guy who looked a lot like my OC Leon and he lived in this kinda idyllic country town and at the beginning everything was normal like he was having a good time messing around with his friends by the lake on a warm summer day
They were then talking about the future or something and where they'd go after the summer and the mc was like idk and all the other guys were like "dude you're so good at everything you can just go and do anything and succeed in it" and even though they were clearly friends you could tell they were like, a little jealous and upset about the fact he was so clearly gifted at a lot of stuff and was pretty good looking too? It felt very realistic somehow
Then as they were swimming this middle aged woman approached the boys and she got really creepy about the mc and basically she was Into Young Men and everyone was like holy shit mc swim out of here and fast before she does something creepy!!!!!  
But then things happened and she had some sort of cramping while in the water and the mc had to saver her and when she was safely on the land again and ominously told mc to "beware" and then she passed out. They called the ambulance and mc left before the others because he was naturally very rattled and uncomfortable and the others promised to handle the situation while he went back home. 
Back at home, there were two important looking adults waiting for mc, and who instantly led him to the kitchen where his father was
And then they were like "hey we want to make you part of our TV show you can be our host" but the way his father was looking at mc seemed so scared and alarmed the mc was like hm no thanks! But they kept pressuring him and even lowkey threatening
And then they were like "just write your name here all we need your signature" and the mc was like “my dudes no that's not how it works if I give you my signature totally out of context you could use it for any kind of forgery and I'm not about that” and his father looked  so proud of him when he said that lol. But the people just got angry but before they did anything to him physically the mc walked casually to the window bc "it's so dark and dusty in here" but in reality he opened the window fully and then jumped out and started running
He then ran into this large house nearby where his two uncles lived and it was like. Very dirty and like a maze and he figured he could hide in there but the men found out he was in there and tried to surround the house
The next thing was a montage but apparently it took pretty long but they couldn't catch him bc he was really good at climbing and would, like, attach ropes around the sides of the building and use them to swing from one room to another. He could have died but yknow, dream movie logic.
During the early morning hours he was exhausted as hell but so were the others and he was like yeah this is my chance to escape and he got out of the place and started running on the forest road to the nearest bus stop but one of the goons spotted him and went after him
And like the goon could have caught him? But he saw how tired and desperate the mc was and he really didn't want to actually hurt him so when they were away from the proximity of the building the goon was like "go, I'm not gonna hurt you but you need to go!!!" and mc took his uncles moped and drove to the bus stop where a bunch of other people around his age were waiting for the bus too and that's also where the moped ran out of fuel? And he was about to pass out but some others came to him and decided to help him out bc he looked so exhausted
When he got in the bus there was a pov shift to the bad guys who were using an old computer and reading mc’s personal details? And the dream just decided to info drop me REALLY sneakily about the fact he was trans by showing the info on the computer screen very stealthily by like.... camera being pointed just enough to see his deadname. nobody used it or anything though and he was never misgendered, the info was just there? Dreams of this type aren't supposed to infodump me in a way it comes as a surprise at least to me? Like I usually instinctively know everything about the mc at least but this time I didn't and that's what got me so good about this
The rest is blurry but basically he was now on the run and other young people started joining him? Until he had a group of followers who would spray paint stuff? And like create disturbance to distract the people chasing mc?
The dream ended in this weird ceremony kind of thing where they were all outside at night as a huge crowd and he had to climb up this old water tower with some sort of nails sticking out of the ladder as a "keep out" type of way idk and when he made it up he had to spray something on the side of the water tower that was like?? Some phrase the huge crowd had started to use as their resistance campaign code and when he did that everyone was cheering and it was visually mesmerising bc the paint was glowing in the dark and everyone had lighters they held up and they were chanting mcs name I WISH I HAD KNOWN MORE ABOUT THE MORE HERE BC IT WAS LIKE WATCHING A MOVIE I got attached and now i can't even remember the mc guy's name :/
I'm like "his name was Jack" but it wasn't it was something similar but it wasn't that one. Now he's just Leon 2 to me
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rowe-v-theworld · 5 years
I had this saved to my drafts last night aND TUMBLR ATE IT so here I am, back at it again! Allow me to introduce y’all to Sutton Elijah Rowe -- Resident poet, artist, drug dealer, loving grandson.. you know, nothing out of the usual 👀Some of y’all might remember Sutton’s twin brother Sydney from the first iteration of veritas. Don’t worry, Sydney’s still around and more extra than ever, you can still see some of his stuff on Sutton’s blog. He has a tag! Now. Without further ado. Let’s get into this jawn.
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Sutton Elijah and his identical twin brother, Sydney Cliffton (ayyy), were born in Louisiana but were raised by their grandmother, “Ma”, in Texas.
lamao except not Houston they lived like 3 hours away under the poverty line.
For a period of time as children (when their mother was still alive, she has since passed to illness and let's not talk about their father, thnx) they were in and out of shelters. They were 7 when they moved to Center, Texas, spending the rest of their adolescence at Ma’s. 
Sutton has 5 younger (not including Sydney THOUGH SUTTON IS THE OLDEST JUST PUTTING THAT OUT THERE) “siblings” who he adores. So he came from a PACKED house. Sutton is fairly quiet despite the LOUD household he grew up in. He leaves most of the talking to Sydney but he’s charming in his own right. He’s the cool quiet kid naw’mean? 😎
As he and Syd were the “men” of the house they worked from the age of 16 while attempting to keep up with school. But customer service positions were never really....Sutton’s strong suit. Because fuck the man (like the saying but also Sutton and Sydney are the gayest so...)
Anyway, he hung around a lot of street corners and got into some trouble as a teen. This was his first introduction to drugs and dealing. 
Of course, Ma wasn’t going to have her 16-year-old on the fucking streets so she forced him to work at his great Uncle’s dusty bookstore called Shades of Afrika. L A M E
Sutton’s Uncle was a writer and eccentric, he couldn’t pay much, but needed the help and the arrangement was mainly so that he could keep an eye on Sutton. 
At first, Sutton hated working in the basement of the old building. It was basically helping the old man archive all of his crap — books, masks, boxes upon boxes of Africana, masks, speeches, records… But it quickly became the best form of punishment. His Uncle really encouraged him to get into poetry and eventually spoken word and to keep up with his artistic practice.
Sutton stayed off of the streets for a while, but times were rough and let’s just say dealing paid for their application fees for St. Etienne.
Sutton and Sydney are the first in their family to go to college, both receiving a full scholarship to St. Etienne — Sutton for English, Sydney for Dance. 
Ma is very supportive of her babies.... But like Sutton is on his way to receiving a degree in English and Fine Arts, and Sydney a degree in Dance and Women, Gender, and Sexuality studies so… She can’t help but pray they actually get jobs after graduation.
Sutton got into too many fights as a teen, where Sydney could talk himself out of most situations Sutton's two options were run or throw punches. If you want to tell the twins apart, look closely at their faces. Sutton, no matter how hard he tries, can’t get rid of the dark circles under his eyes.
Sutton was the deciding force in choosing St. Etienne. He wanted to be as far away from Texas as possible.
The plan had always been to stop dealing when they got to college. Sutton had promised his grandmother he’d stay away from it. But it continued (at first) because of financial stress at home. 
Sutton feels a twinge of guilt about breaking his promise, but he justifies it by saying he’s doing something for his grandmother for once.
As far as Daisey is concerned Sutton is was (yikes) her supplier. It didn’t take long for him to be the guy on campus. Sutton can hook you up with whatever you need -- Pills to help you study, pills to help you sleep, hallucinogenics, grass, pretty white powder. Whatever. Whenever. And for a good price.
St. Etienne is so far from what Sutton is used to. The feeling of being out of place has never gone away, though he’s not shy. Sydney is the more approachable -- more talkative and warm -- Sutton gives off a cool, laid-back demeanor that seems to do well for him.
That said lol guess who has an anxiety issue?? This kid. Sutton will have a panic attack then throw on some shades and skateboard away from his problems. It’s fine.
Drug du jour: Sutton is the drug dealer on campus so there’s a lot there to play with. Maybe your character has brought from him before. Or is a regular. Maybe your character disapproves? Lot’s of options here!
Reading Rainbow: Sutton is in the book club and is also a TA most likely for an English course/Intro painting course SO if you need a tutor, are also in the book club, or are an artist Sutton could be of assistance.
I won’t hesitate bitch: Give me drama or give me death
I hope he likes boys: Crushes! Flirtationships! Wingmen/women! Exes!
A mess ✨: Sutton really only show’s his more anxious side to Sydney but if you get to know him close enough he’d be more willing to let you in and even ask for help. He’s been struggling the past year especially.
Paint me like one of your french girls: Sutton is that kind of artist that will like, stop everything to take a picture of a leaf or tell you to STAY RIGHT THERE because you have now become his muse and must sit for 3 hours while he paints you. This is your life now.
//Phew, ok. That’s all for now folks. I’ll post on discord and you can hit me up there or here if you’d like to plot! :*
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feartheophanim · 7 years
Oberon and Michael
 I wrote this based on... fuck... where’s the screen captures of the fucked up imbd page???  UGH.  Anyway, some one fucked up the imbd page for season 13.  It said Jensen Ackles was playing ‘Michael’ and Jared Padalecki was playing ‘Oberon’.  So, yeah, this happened. Expect: ~2k, destiel, twink!dean, possession/consent discussion, profound bond, alternate canon universe
@aromantic-dad @ambersagen @winjennster @mittensmorgul @castielnovak @dragonpressgraphics @hangsabove @deanandhiscas Lol.  Hi friends, long time no see. :D
“Alternate reality, my ass.  There’s alternate Cas, so we should be able to find alternate me.”  Dean trudged on through the dusty wasteland world.  He wiped his sleeve over his brow.
Sam shuffled to his side, using a hand to shield his eyes from the sun and sand.  “Alternate Bobby didn’t know us, Dean.  What makes you think that alternate Cas does?” 
Stopping short, Dean narrowed his eyes at Sam.  Because it’s Cas.  “It’s our best lead.”  He took back up walking with more fervor.  “If you have a better idea, get to sharing.”
Rounding a rocky protrusion of earth, they almost ran into a bunker door, no unlike their bunker, the MOL bunker.  Dean shoved a hand into his pocket for his keys.
“Do you think we’re actually going to be that lucky?”  Sam raised an eyebrow at his brother, before turning around and keeping watch.
Dean jammed the key into the lock.  “Well, I think that the universe owes us a win.”
“This is a different universe.”
“Yeah, well, take a look around.  The universe owes us too.”  
The key turned and the lock clicked open.  
Taking a sweeping look around, Dean pushed Sam into the bunker before closing the door immediately behind them.
“Sam?”  It was a Dean-voice, but it didn’t sound like Dean.  It sounded like Dean 10 years ago.  It sounded like when Sam was young.  “Sam, what are you doing here?  You shouldn’t be here; we need to stay on opposite sides of the world.”
In a rush and a tell-tale flutter of wings, Castiel was at Sam’s neck with an angel blade.
Immediately, Sam lifted his hands in a surrender.  “I’m not your Sam.”
“I know.”  Gravel.  Oh, sweet gravel.
“Cas?”  Dean rounded his brother to see alternate Cas.  He wore his usual trenchcoat, but, instead of Jimmy’s suit, he had a pressed military uniform.  Because everyone had been drafted.
“What is this?”  Alternate Cas looked back and forth between Dean and Dean.
Now that he could see himself, Dean could see why he sounded younger.  He was younger.  Alternate him stared up at him from a 20-year-old face.  It was like he was looking into an old photograph.  Alternate Dean’s eyes grew wide.  “Cas?  Cas what’s going on?  Are they shape-shifters?”
“No.”  Sam cleared his throat before continuing.  “We’re from another dimension.”
“Like we haven’t heard that before.”  Alternate Dean narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.  
He was a twink.  Great, just great.  “How old are you?”  Dean couldn’t help it; they should’ve been born at the same time.  It shouldn’t be that different.  Bobby was Bobby-aged.  Cas’ vessel still looked the same age.
“38.”  Alternate Dean pursed his lips.  It was obscene.  He needed to not.  “Got hit by an age spell from one of Michael’s troops.  It’s a lot harder to die from old age if you don’t age in the first place.”
Dean chuckled.  “So, you’re going to look like that forever?”
Alternate Dean rolled his eyes and grabbed a beer off the table, taking a swig.  “Yeah, it’s a tragedy.”  He turned around, looking up at Dean through his lashes.  “Doesn’t get me any attention.”  He brought his beer to his lips, pursing them prettily.  
Yeah, to say Dean wasn’t turned on would be a lie, but he’d always been a fan of masturbation, so who could blame him?
Alternate Castiel let his weapon drop.  He still looked wary, but he gave them the benefit of the doubt, turning around to glare at alternate Dean.  “Stop that Dean.”
“What?”  Alternate Dean flopped down in the chair and stacked his feet on the edge of the table.  “It’s nice knowing I can defile Michael’s vessel so perfectly.”
Sam looked very uncomfortable in the my-brother-is-being-overtly-sexual sort of way.  Castiel looked to be uncomfortable too, but Dean was happy to realize it was more of a you-little-shit-stop-making-my-job-hard, and by ‘job’ he meant-
“But that doesn’t explain who you are or what you’re doing in my bunker.”  Alternate Dean placed the beer bottle on the table heavily, punctuating his sentence.
Dean swept a hand out.  “Just figured you could use some company.  It’s a hard knock life and all that.”  
This bunker was very similar to their bunker.  It looked to be a mirror image of theirs, but that probably more from the fact that it was a different MOL location to begin with.  The major difference was the amount of angel warding painted blatantly over the walls.  They overlapped.  There were old crackling ones; new still-wet ones.
“I like your art project.”  Waving a lazy finger around, Dean careful paced along the wall, looking at the sigils.  His lazy finger found it’s way to his alternate.  “So, Rapunzel looking for her night in shining armor?”  Dean raised an eyebrow.
Alternate Dean licked his lips and turned to alternate Cas.  “I already have one.”
Rolling his eyes, alternate Cas huffed before striding away toward the hallway.  He must’ve decided to trust them.  Awesome.
With alternate Cas gone, alternate Dean deflated and gazed after him for a long moment before letting out a long breath.
Sam moved from where he’d been pinned by the angel blade and slid into a chair across from alternate Dean.  He looked weirded out by this Dean’s age.  “So, you’re stuck in here?”
Shrugging, alt Dean pulled his feet from the table and shifted up to the open books and typewriter on the table.  “Yep.  I’m an angel vessel.  People want to kill me.  Angels want to enslave me.”
“You’ve held out for a long time, though.”  Sam leaned forward; he was very interested in the details he might glean from this conversation.  Leave it to Sam to make dimension-hopping into a learning experience.  “In not the best conditions, I might add.”
Alt Dean pulled a book toward him on the table.  It was like the fun had left the room with alt Cas.
Dean meandered around.  He looked more intently at some of the sigils he didn’t recognize.  God, was he making this into a learning experience?  
“I’ve just been in here, acting like a coward.”
“In here? For how long?”  
There was a pause then a deep breath.  “I don’t know.”  Alt Dean shook his head.  “I just don’t know anymore.  I try not to think about it.”  He took another long swig from his beer bottle.
“Well, what do you do in here?”  Sam leaned away and flickered his gaze around the room.
Alt Dean waved a hand at a pile of papers with typewriter script.  “A year or two ago, Cas dared me to make a record of current events, the newest gospel.”  He grabbed a corner of the stack and let them flip back down, the sound filling the silent space.  He slapped Sam’s hand when he reached for it.  “You don’t want to read it.”
Interesting, Dean went over to see it, taking a seat at the table too.
“There might be something to learn from it.”  Same tried again only to meet the same response.
“Half of it is porn.”  Alt Dean said with an bored expression.
Dean barked out a laugh.  “Nice!”  That time, he reached for it.  He wasn’t slapped.
Noticing, Sam made an indignant whining sound.  “What so he can read it?”
Shrugging, alt Dean tucked his hands behind his head and leaned back.  “If you’re anything like this universe’s Sam, then you don’t want to read it.”  He suddenly jolted forward to tap the edge of the papers Dean was holding, grabbing his attention.  “5 entire chapters in the Book of the Angel Michael are girl on girl, angelic-kinky sex.”
“Awesome.”  Dean flipped through the pages a little, trying to find that.
Sam shook his head.  “Anyway.”  He shook his head some more, like he was trying to dislodge water from his ear.  “Yeah, anyway, speaking of your universe’s Sam, where is he?”
“I don’t know.”  Alt Dean pressed his lips together before continuing.  “He’s out there somewhere.  Sometimes I hear the angels talk about him, well they talk about ‘the younger Winchester vessel’, but that’s all I get.”
“You hear the angels?”  Sam leaned in again.  
Alt Dean nodded.  “This,” he made a sweeping gesture to his body, “is Enochian magic.  I got upgraded.”  He played with the pages of the book closest to him on the table.  With his other hand, he tapped a finger to his temple.  “Got angel radio.  That’s how I keep a record of events.”
“Ah.”  Sam nodded along.  He opened his mouth to say something else, but then closed it.  He did it twice before alt Dean stepped in.
“You’re safe, safer than me.  What kind of brother would I be if I didn’t ensure that?”  He twiddled his fingers like he was lying.
At that, Dean let his hands go lack onto the table with the papers in them.  “So, where is he?”
“Well, a while back we had this great idea of being possessed by something else.  You know?  It would be a lot harder for Michael or Lucifer to possess us if we were already possessed.”  Alt Dean slid his eyes away.
Dean’s voice was harsher this time.  “So, where is he?”
Alt Dean remained silent, not looking at them.
“Lemme rephrase this for you,” Dean hummed, more for dramatic affect than anything else, “who’s parading around in my little brother?”
Alt Dean’s face looked even more pitiful because it was so young.  He looked like a kicked puppy when he finally squared his jaw and stared Dean back in the eyes.  “It was his idea.  Admittedly, he had planned on it being me, but... anyway... he’s possessed by Oberon.”
Silence passed between them.
Dean blinked a few times.  “Like, ‘King of the Fairies’ Oberon?”
Alt Dean nodded.
“Damn it, Sam!  I told you not to mess with the fairies.”  Dean glared at his brother.  Worse than anything else, Sam looked like he had been expecting that answer.  “Wait,” Dean held up a hand to Sam, “did you think that up too?  Some plan, Sam.”
“Well, obviously, I didn’t actually go through with it!”  Sam protested.  With that, the floodgate for Sam’s questions was opened.  “How did it work?  When did you do this?  How long has he been possessed?  Did he get tricked?  What was-”
“Woah, woah.”  Dean clapped a hand onto Sam’s shoulder.
Alt Dean looked relieved.  It must’ve been a long time since he’d dealt with his own Sam.  This must be like torture for him; it would be to Dean.
“Fine.”  Sam ran a hand through his hair, collecting his thoughts and composure.  “One question then.”
“Shoot,” both Deans said at once.
Sam nodded, like he was encouraging himself to ask his question.  “I know that my Dean,” he gestured like they weren’t all entirely sure which Dean he was talking about, “wouldn’t just hand me over to be possessed.  He’d be the one possessed; that’s just how he thinks.”  He paused.  “So, how is it that you’re not the possessed one?”
Taking a steadying breath, alt Dean stared at the table.  “He tried.  Oberon tried to possess me.  Let’s just...” He looked back up, clenching his jaw for a second.  “Let’s just say that I have consent issues.”
At that second, alt Cas returned.  He looked cleaner, but Dean was pretty sure that he hadn’t been washing up.  Here, Castiel was still powered up by angel juice and could just poof away grime.
Dean turned back to alt Dean.  He wanted to see if he could pull anything more from him about this Oberon thing; it might be important to them some day.  He wasn’t sure what all he was supposed to be doing in this universe, but maybe he’d have to meet Oberon-Sam at some point.  He’d really like to be prepared for that.
But, it wasn’t going to happen.  Alt Dean’s attention was completely stolen by alt Cas’ return.  Almost under his breath, he mumbled, “... and something else is in my head.”
Hoping that Sam hadn’t heard that, Dean flicked his gaze toward his brother by the corner of his eye.  Unfortunately, Sam had caught the last bit; he was sitting their with his mouth moving over the words silently, his brain busy trying to give them meaning.
Dean knew what his alternate self meant immediately though.  He probably wouldn’t have if he’d met him 4 days ago, if he’d met him before Castiel - his Castiel, not his-universe’s Castiel, HIS Castiel - had... had bit it.  
He was painfully aware of the emptiness in his head.  He’d never given the profound-bond-thing much credit, but he was left so alone.  He always felt like he’d forgotten something, like he’d left something at home but couldn’t quite determine what it was.  It was Cas, his Cas.
That was how he knew that alternate Cas would lead them to the alternate Dean, because Dean couldn’t imagine a universe where they didn’t go together.
Dean was lost in his head when the bunker’s sigils began to glow.  He was lost in that ever-present loneliness.
There were muffled yells; they sounded like they were far away or screaming through pillows.
“Dean Winchester, do you want that loneliness to go away?  You don’t have to be lonely anymore.”
A tear leaked from the corner of his eye.  The muffled yells were drowned out by a ringing in his ears.  He couldn’t take it anymore.  Dean whispered, “Yes.”
{I’m gonna post this on ao3 too, so you can find it here.}
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ruination-fangs · 7 years
5 things tag
tagged by @sorenite thank u my blog has been all tales art all the time lately i gotta Spice It Up
5 things you’ll find in my bag: 1. really depends on where i’m going?? but i like to keep pencils and some kind of paper close by 2. fruity candy (starbursts or jolly ranchers) 3. earbuds, even if i don’t actually intend to use them i need them 4. a water bottle/some kind of drink 5. probably my 3DS
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom: 1. way too many pillows 2. a shelf of dusty old zoids models and high school pottery projects 3. four karate belts tied off because i finished those ranks (black not included unfortunately) 4. no less than five (5) xillia posters 5. bookshelves of books, and boxes of books, and drawers of books, and a desk covered in books, and
5 things that make me happy: 1. just... people being nice and considerate and caring about each other. yeah 2. people starting conversations with me about common interests bc i like sharing fandom stuff but i’m afraid of bugging everyone/being Weird 3. starting new projects and looking forward to getting to work on them more (finishing them is another story......) 4. petting cats. also just seeing cats 5. exercising?? not like really Hardcore but short easy workouts make me feel good and productive
5 things on my to-do list: 1. get a job,,, 2. learn 2 draw gud 3. i really should take the JLPT. i say that every year but i still haven’t even figured out which level i’m on 4. i’d like to learn more coding someday, beyond the little java/html/css i can do now. specifically how to get the silly things i code on eclipse onto the internet/somewhere other people could interact with them too 5. clean my room, and everything else too tbh, i don’t like clutter but i’m so bad at getting rid of things i don’t need
5 things i’m currently into: 1. tales of berseria 2. dark-sounding music that could fit werewolf/monster stories?? i’m not sure why i just suddenly have a playlist of it (i blame berseria) 3. pokemon go 4. staring out the window considering taking a walk and then not doing it 5. personality typing (mbti and stuff like that). i’m always currently into typing
5 things you might not know about me: 1. i really like driving. i wouldn’t mind driving for a living if not for the fact that most driving jobs have other specifications i can’t do :/// 2. i don’t like coffee OR tea. in fact i’ve recently realized that hot chocolate is the only hot drink i like 3.  i used to think i’d be happy staying in school forever bc i like learning but higher education totally killed my desire to continue school lol (it turns out anyway that i’m good at learning basics and not so good at mastering anything so a higher degree would be difficult for me...) 4. i guess music is/was a big enough part of my life that even now, after years of not performing anything at all, a weirdly high percentage of my dreams are still related to orchestra things (specifically my high school orchestra/classmates) 5. i almost never reblog things as soon as i see them, i put them in my drafts and then pick and choose what to reblog in an order that makes sense only to me probably. i want to stop but i can’t. i am a slave to it. Free Me
Tagging:  ??¿???¿¿?? @bladeglory @lightrises @lordofspiritsandbazongas hey guys wanna buy a meme
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immabewriting · 8 years
Five Teachers Walk Into A Bar... -Chapter 8
A/N: Holy crap on a catapult!!! I updated again!!! Ah!!!! LOL anyway heres another update, as always read and review and let me know what you think! And for those of you wondering when we’ll see Henry and Penelope again don’t worry, they’ll come next chapter! ;) Anyway heres the next chap!!
Mahira sighed as she cataloged the findings into the computer. It was a slow day, she had finished her analysis of the findings, ate lunch, cleaned a storage closet that was slightly dusty, and now she was cataloging everything. And it was only 1:30! She groaned and slumped in her chair. What else was she going to do? She was here till 4 and there was nothing left to do!
“Bored?” a voice asked her. She turned to see Dr. Cho standing behind her smiling.
“A little sorry,” she apologizes. He laughs and shakes his head, “Don’t worry I like my job and I still get bored sometimes.” He pulls out a chair and sits next to her, “I actually wanted to talk to you about something.”
“What is it Dr. Cho?” she asks sitting up.
“I told you, call me John. Dr. Cho is what my students call me.”
“Right sorry! What was it you wanted to talk about?”
“Well, I wanted to know if you were interested in a project I’ve been working on.” He tells her.
“What is it about?”
“Well, the department wants to do a sort of cultural exchange thing especially considering what’s going on in the world today. And I thought well we already have a cultural festival every year so why not do something different right? And I thought maybe if we all brought a stranger or someone we didn’t know as well into our lives and showed them our cultures and kind of broadened their horizons it would be a cool, academic way of getting to know one another.” He explains.
“That sounds really cool! It would be interesting not only for white people but people of other ethnicities to experience other cultures. I sort of feel we all are in our separate bubbles and need to sometimes expand our reach and our view.” She tells him.
“So, would you want to do help me with it?” he asks.
“Yea I’d love to! But um, what exactly do I have to do?” She questions.
“Oh right! Well first, you need to find a subject or someone to share this experience with. Next, I wanted to debut this whole project in September, when we usually hold our historic seminars with the museums and important people so this project will span a couple of months. But I think six months is a good enough time for immersive experience. What do you think?” he says.
“Six months sounds good, It’s kind of perfect because my sister is getting married and Ramadan is happening soon too.
“Perfect! Now all you need is someone to take to these things.” He says. “And I don’t count.” He adds.
Her smile fell. Crap, how was she supposed find someone so quickly? Sana couldn’t help because she was Indian and while they had different religions, they had been friends for years. She knew everything about Mahira’s life. She couldn’t ask anyone at work because she hated everyone at work and she was going to quit. Wait! The guy who always came to the bar! What was his name? Tom!
“Mahira? Did you hear what I said?” John asks snapping her back to reality.
“I said I just want weekly reports/interviews about what you guys do. You can’t be just taking them to these things and not write anything down got it?”
“Oh! Yea of course! Um, would other teachers count?” she asks.
“I don’t see why not, you’re not a student.”
“Great! I think this project will be fun!” she gushes. They chatted about a few quick things like deadlines and reports before she headed over to the English department to find Mr. Hiddleston.
“Alright Andy take care, and don’t forget to indent your paragraphs please!” Tom called as the student rushed out of his office. He sighed and went back in to grade papers. It seemed all he did was grade papers and they weren’t even the good ones by his Classics students no he was grading the English 100 papers. The terribly written English 100 papers. Why were they so bad? Why didn’t these kids know how to spell? And why did Bridget feel the need to turn in everything a day late with the excuse of getting sick? He was a college student once, getting sick meant being drunk or hung over! And he still turned in his essays on time! There was a knock on his door interrupting him from his thoughts.
“Come in,” he murmurs. The door opens and—oh my god. It was her. Mahira was here. In his office! Was this a mistake? No, it couldn’t have been! Right? “Mahira?” he says befuddled.
“Hi, um is this a bad time?” she asks.
“No no! What is it?” he asks. She closes the door behind her and takes a seat. Taking the extra few seconds to figure out what to say to him.
“Um, so uh,” she stutters out. “So, Dr. Cho is doing this project and I wanted to know if you’d like to help?” she explains.
“What is it about?” he inquires. She explained the project in full detail as Dr. Cho—John—had told her. At the end of her spiel she looked at him and asked, “Would you be interested in being my partner for this?”
“It sounds amazing, I would love to be your partner. But, I thought you hated me.” He says.
“I don’t hate you! I just… I think you have some interesting qualities.” She said. That was a stretch.
“Interesting qualities?”
“You’re a serial womanizer who hits on women half your age and doesn’t stop talking.” She confesses.
“Serial womanizer?!” he exclaims.
“You hit on a different girl every week with the same ‘Ooh look at me I’m a suave British man! I’m so interesting!’ when really all you do is talk with your hands to make it seem like you’re interesting.” She retorts.
“Do you have something against British men?” he asked confused.
“Your people took over half the world and then left it in shambles when we rebelled against you, I have a bit of resentment.” She quips.
“Okay so you do hate me.” He states.
“No no! I—“ she sighs. “I don’t hate you, I just haven’t gotten to know you that well. And that’s what this project is about isn’t it?” she responds.  
“Yea, I guess you’re right.” He replies. He smiles at her, “Okay, I’ll do the project with you.”
“Really?” she says amazed that even after that attack on his character he’d still want to work with her for six months.
“Yea, it sounds really cool and I’d love to learn how to belly dance.” He adds jokingly. Oh god, he was doing so well up until now.
“We don’t belly dance. That’s Morocco.” She says.
“Oh right sorry.” Goddammit Tom.
“Um, its fine I’ll come back tomorrow for our first interview and then we can talk after that. Sound good?” she asks. He nods and she stands up. “Well see you tomorrow Tom.”
“See you tomorrow Mahira.” He says. “Oh and Mahira?”  
She turns around and looks at him, “Yes?”
“Don’t fall in love with me.” He replies cheekily with a grin. She rolls her eyes and mutters, “Bewakoof.” Under her breath and leaves. Tom sits back in his chair and sighs. He was going to be spending six months with her. God, it was going to be a trip.
Nancy looked at Chris from her spot across the table where he was reading book reports at her home. She was editing a draft or trying to when he asked her, “So, what is this?”
“What’s what?” she asked back.
“You know this,” he says gesturing to them both. “What are we?”
“Well I’m pretty sure we’re human unless you have something you want to tell me.” She jokes. He laughs, “No no I mean our relationship.”
She paused and looked at him, “Oh that.”
“Yea,” she agreed. She closed her laptop, editing would have to wait. “Well um, we’ve been going out a lot these past few weeks.” She replies. 10 dates to be exact according to her calendar, every free lunch, every free after school afternoon, they spent together it was kind of insane how in such little time they had been together for ten dates. 10 dates! In 10 dates she learned about his family—two sisters and a brother—he learned about hers—no siblings, just her mom, Kaylee who they kind of adopted after she came out as bisexual and little May—she found out they both liked Disney movies, he found out she liked to plan out everything and making lists, planning out her weekly schedule, she even taught him to meal prep and he was forever thankful for that. She also found out he was a great kisser.
She had kissed men before mind you and they were all great. But either it had been a long time or Chris was some kind of god of kissing in another life because holy crap he was a good kisser. The way he leaned in and paused just before kissing her, as if he was planning out how he was going tease and torment her with the way he’d kiss her. And it wasn’t just his lips that tormented; oh no no it was the way his hands travelled her body, exploring every inch of her skin. His beard rough against her neck but it was rough and wonderful and she wondered what his beard would feel like against more sensitive parts of her body and then she had to bring her thoughts back because oh god she was thinking about him doing very dirty things to her and he was staring at her wondering what this relationship meant to them both and great she was probably drooling. Dammit.
“I’m sorry you were saying something?” she says coming back to reality.
“Um, well I was just saying that I really like you.” He answers.
“I really like you too.” She responds.
“I was um thinking that maybe I could um call you my—“
“Wait!” she interrupts. He looks at her, dammit Chris moving too fast.
“S-Sorry sorry I just, I thought this was going somewhere and I wanted to be sure.” He apologizes.
“What? No Chris I…” she sighs and gets up and walks over closer to him, sits in his lap. “I really like you too.”
“Then what is it? What’s stopping you?”
“…You’re May’s teacher.” She whispers.
“You’re May’s teacher! I mean some of the moms know and they haven’t been mean but I’m scared if more of them know and they find out and they might make May’s life miserable and I just don’t want that for her.” She confesses. He looks at her for a moment and then bursts out laughing. “What’s so funny?!” she asks confused and slightly frustrated.
“The moms are stopping you? Nancy this is kindergarten.” He says.
“It’s more political than you think! PTA moms are scary.” She retorts.
“If the school doesn’t have a problem with it, the moms shouldn’t. Nance I really like you. I like your lists, and your meal preps and how you talk about books and movies.” He says. She smiles a little and he continues, “I like how wonderful of a mother you are to May. I like your laugh; I like the way you gasp when I kiss that spot on your neck.” She blushes and scrunches her nose. He laughs, “I like how you scrunch your nose when you’re nervous or embarrassed. I like you a lot. And I really can’t wait to see where this goes.” He finishes. She smiles and kisses his cheek. “I can’t wait to see either… Boyfriend.” She replies. He grins, “Oh so I’m your boyfriend?”
“Yes. And I guess I’m your girlfriend.”
“Mmm, maybe.” He says. She makes a face and he laughs, “Of course you’re my girlfriend! I’m the one who brought up the conversation didn’t I?”
She giggles and kisses him. And they kissed again, and again, and again…
A/N: What did you think??? Let me know!!
Tag List: @notsomolly, @linzinator, @boxfullofcats, @blown-transistor, @seattlite09, @shhiminmybluecastle, @emarich7, @othersideofforty, @laughing-baubo, @nerdmom42, @lilydale-chicken, @theshortbuthappyone, @survivingstudentlife, @pretty-sexy-silly-mismash, @toc1985, @lokilockedcougar,  @reblogiwill, @msblofled, @ladyvic3, @barnes21cz, @big-bad-wolf
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