#after edmund
kirkklan2 · 7 months
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339 - "Space Cadet"
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tending-the-hearth · 4 months
the pevensie siblings find, when they return to england after being in narnia for so long, that it's not the fact that they're twenty years younger that is the most difficult to adjust to, but the clothes.
not in a "i wore expensive fabrics and jewels and silks and velvets for twenty years and now i have to go back to wearing inexpensive fabric?" way but in a "i spent twenty years wearing layers of comfortable heavy clothes and cloaks and soft fabric that didn't scratch and the feeling of loose clothing is a sensory nightmare" way.
edmund, who is perpetually cold, and always had at least three layers + a cloak on, and who the narnian tailors learned preferred inner linings of velvet because any other fabrics let too much of a chill in, and cloaks made of a study fabric meant strong protection against the elements
lucy, who can feel every little scratch and out of place tag in her clothes, always having narnian clothes fit her just right, made of soft fabric that never scratched her skin, and the narnian tailors knowing exactly what to use, and how to stitch the clothes so no loose threads ever bothered their beloved valiant queen
susan, who hates being restricted by her clothing, who loved the looser, softer-fitting arms of her gowns, because it meant that she could draw her bows faster, and tailors being able to pick which fabrics were the sturdiest and could withstand susan's draw, while still giving her the gentle appearance that perfectly hid her true abilities
peter, who can't stand anything tight around his neck, who only wore close-collar shirts when he had to, and who the narnian tailors knew to make the shirts a little looser around the neck, making sure that nothing closed too tightly, and making sure that his battle wear, though protective, never felt too constricting
and lucy and susan begin wearing headbands when they're back in england, every single day to mimic the comforting sensation of wearing their crowns that they're desperate to maintain
edmund and peter missing the weight of their shields on their backs, so they carry their school bags around as long as they can just to feel more balanced out as they walk alongside their sisters back home
just all four of them growing so accustomed to the weight of their narnian clothes and gifts and crowns, the lengths and layers of fabric, that when they are back in england, their old clothes are the biggest sensory nightmare to all of them, and they're just desperate to get their comfort back
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yoitsmano · 1 month
Life after Narnia
The Pevensies return from Narnia a bit discombobulated. They are adults in childish bodies. The war has ended, and they are to return home to their parents but they never forget Professor Kirke. Often visiting him during summers.
Their mother notices it first, how everyone seems to listen to Peter. Not because he is the eldest, but because they respect him. She hears them talking of 'Narnia' and deduces that something happened to them while they were away. But she can't put her finger on what. She has no idea what an 'Aslan' is, but she doesn't question them. She misses her children. They are there in their home, but they aren't. There's always a faraway look in their eye as if they are remembering.
When they eat, no one picks up a fork until Peter starts. It confuses their father. Leaving the table, Peter stands, then Ed. The boys take their sisters' hands and lead them from the table before coming to help with the cleaning. She notices the way they walk. Peter is always first, Susan next to him, then Edmund and Lucy. They walk with regality, Peter and Ed with straight backs as the girls take their arms.
They are out on the town, when their father notices it. The children stopped in front of a jewelry store; something had caught their eye. Without saying anything, Peter opens the door, and his siblings walk through before he does. It is a set of lapel pins they saw first. A Lion. He hears them all say "Aslan" before Peter pulls out his wallet. From that day on, he always notices a Lion somewhere on their person. Peter with a ring, Susan with a necklace, Ed with a pocket watch and Lucy with a bracelet. But all wear their pins when he sends them to school.
Peter often forgets that he is not to speak before his father, but one look from Lucy quells his anger. His father calls him "boy" and it takes everything in him not to correct him. He is High King.
He begins working when he turns fourteen. He tires of asking his father for things only to be dismissed of "silly childish things". All he asked for was a sword. When he saves enough money, he buys his sword, and Susan an archery set. Susan notices the tension between Peter and their father.
Edmund asked for a chess set and his mother obliged. He often plays with Lucy, resulting in a stalemate. The only person to ever have beaten him, was Susan.
Lucy is the one their parents notice the most change in. No longer is she a nine year old, but she talks as if she is older. Using words even they don't know the meaning of. She speaks of this Aslan the most. Their parents realize that "Aslan" is the name of the Lion they brandish when they hear various exclamations of "Aslan's Mane!" or "By the Lion!"
They return to their school, Whitmore Boarding School. Many people notice a change in them. Mostly their teachers. Peter commands respect, Susan is positively regal, Edmund has a silver tongue, and Lucy is more peculiar than strange.
On the first day of term, a professor addresses Peter as "Boy" amongst other professors and in front of his brother and sisters. Peter cannot help himself. He tells him to address him with respect; to call on him as "Sir", and he will receive the same respect in turn. He will never answer to "Boy" again. It takes all his restraint to not say "King".
The Professor never did ask him the question he had called on him for.
It almost infuriates their teachers, but they realize that they aren't arrogant, just way too mature for their ages.
Another problem arises when Lucy refuses to wear the school appointed skirts. She prefers pants, or dresses. Never skirts. The headmaster nearly calls their parents when her siblings storm into his office. Peter demands to know why Lucy is being punished for wearing clothes, and why he did not send for him. The headmaster explains that he is not her father and Peter rebuffs him by explaining that his father has put him in charge of his siblings if any problems arose. He reminds him of the letter sent to him explaining such matters. Edmund pulls out the handbook and explains to the headmaster that the rules do not say that girls are not allowed to wear pants. The headmaster calmly explains that the list of supplies sent to them specified black, tan or grey skirts for girls, and black, tan or grey pants for boys. Edmund then points out that the rules do not forbid girls from wearing pants or boys from wearing skirts or dresses. He then calmly suggests that he drop the matter or Lucy will spend the term walking around school without bottoms, as the rules do not forbid that either. Citing that they were told they had to purchase the uniforms, but the rules do not explicitly say they had to wear them. The headmaster does not know if he is annoyed or impressed at the loopholes Edmund finds. He drops the matter, and it is never addressed again.
All the Pevensie’s take up a sport or two. All of them take up fencing, aside from Susan. She took up archery. Peter and Lucy take up swimming. Edmund joins the debate and chess teams. And Susan and Lucy both excel in ballroom dance. Susan doesn’t even try out for the archery team. She’s just in the courtyard watching the team practice with Ed and criticizes their technique. The captain of the team overhears her and challenges her to do better. She smiles at the boy, saying she does not want to embarrass them. They laugh and vaguely insult her intelligence and Susan just looks at her younger brother and he smirks. He stands and holds out his hand, addressing her as “my Lady”. The team laughs and Susan takes the captain’s bow, gets a feel for the weight, and then requests a full quiver. Ed stands to the side and comments, “You asked for it.” She hits the bullseye on every target. The captain has the audacity to say, “lucky shot” So Susan shrugs. There’s a target that’s moving and she nocks another bow and hits the bullseye without even looking. She then hands the captain back his bow and walks away with Ed. She finds the captain’s pin on her desk the next morning.
The rumor goes around that Peter prefers to be called “Sir”. While he’s sitting in the courtyard with his siblings, a group of older boys walk up to him, one calling him “Sir Peter” in a mocking voice. Peter puts down his book and calmly answers with “yes sir.” He stands to look the boy in the eye, and as the boys spout insults. Susan can see that Peter and Ed are getting angry, so she stands between Peter and the boys, placing her hand on his chest and tells him to walk away. It isn’t until one of the boys pushes Susan away that Peter loses his temper. Edmund catches her before she hits the ground. The biggest boy grabs Peter’s collar and immediately regrets it as his shoulder promptly leaves its socket. The other boys come at him, and he side steps. All four of them are on the ground with various injuries and Peter didn’t throw a single punch. He received detention and attended with pride. No one ever touched Susan again.
The professors are surprised when the Pevensies join the student council and the school seems to run better than it has in its history. Edmund works mostly behind the scenes, but people usually come to him or Susan with their problems. They think Peter is scary, but Ed reminds them that they voted him in as the head of the council. He tells them to actually talk to him, he’s not as stoic as he seems.
The adults notice that the Pevensies do not dress as children usually do during their off hours. Instead of t-shirts and shorts and hoodies, the boys are always in slacks and a pressed shirt, sometimes with a tie. Susan enjoys sun dresses and flowy skirts and blouses. Lucy is always wearing boots and pants with a loose shirt. She is not like any of the other girls they’ve taught.
They have all grown taller in the three years they’ve attended the school after the war. With Peter now seventeen, standing at six foot three. Susan is fifteen and almost as tall as Ed at five foot eight. Edmund has always been tall and skinny for his age, but now at fourteen, he stands at five foot ten. Lucy is the one who has grown most noticeably, at thirteen she stands at five foot six.
Peter writes to his father, asking for money for when they go to the shops on the weekends. He receives a reply, saying he ought not ask for silly things. He learns that he can open an account at the local bank. He never asks his father for anything ever again. Even after he left school, anything his siblings wanted, he provided for them.
Lucy asked Peter why he refuses to write to their father. Peter looks at her and, in all seriousness, he replies “he treats me like a boy”. She then goes to Susan, and she tells her that she suspects their father is jealous that someone taught Peter and Edmund to be better men before he could.
During a weekend outing, the school chaperones notice Edmund and Lucy sitting at a table playing chess. He watches as Susan and Peter are perusing the shops. But instead of buying games and toys and candies, they are in a bookstore. Peter comes out carrying Susan’s books and they join Ed and Lucy at the table. Susan cracks open a book and Peter lights his pipe. They don’t know where he got it, but no one dares take it from him. When Lucy and Ed came to yet another stalemate, Susan put her book away and took Lucy to a dress shop. Peter put away his pipe and followed. Ed just reset the chess board. They are indeed more grown up than they seem.
A few girls pluck up the courage to ask Peter to be their date to the ball, but he tells them that he is already spoken for. No one is surprised when it is Susan on his arm at the dance. Yet, no one expects it when Lucy and Edmund join the two on the dance floor and dance the waltz as if they’ve been doing it for far longer than they’ve been alive. They are surprised, however, when Peter and Edmund extend their hands to their teachers to dance the cotillion. They are accepted.
Many professors have gotten used to Peter watching the courtyard during class. But no one could have prepared themselves for Peter suddenly standing and letting out what sounded like a growl before speeding out of the classroom. Many people knew the look in his eye and followed him to the courtyard where Lucy was. There was a new student in Lucy’s year. He hadn’t learned the rules of the school, or proper etiquette for that matter. Lucy had started to be more like Susan. Gentler. Lucy opted not to fight when she could avoid it. Sometimes she couldn’t avoid it. This boy had tried to touch her inappropriately and got punched in the stomach. But he was bigger than Lucy and had backed her against a tree. He didn’t get much further as he was pulled off her and a fist met his face. But this one was bigger. Stronger. He was then pulled by his collar and lifted against the wall by the absolute beast of a man he had never seen before. No one had seen him before. All he heard was “Peter” before he was dropped. His knees gave out and he looked up from the ground to see Peter standing before him, chest heaving. “Apologize.” Came the low growl. There was a small, slender hand on his chest. He supposed that was all that was keeping him from probably dying. He thanked every god he could think of. He was then heaved from the ground by his blazer and made to look Lucy in the face. This hand was different, but the fury was the same. “I believe there is something you need to say.” Came Edmunds voice.
“I’m sorry.” He said, terrified. Lucy just looked back and said, “I supposed you will learn to keep your hands to yourself.” Before Edmund let him go. Peter was still growling. He got off too easy in his book. None of the teachers said anything, noticing how the one hand from Susan kept Peter at bay, they kept that information in their proverbial back pockets. That boy never touched anyone again.
For fear of the beast that was the Pevensie siblings.
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weepynymph · 2 years
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Something I only just noticed in Narnia TLWW was the symbols on the backs of each Pevensie’s throne, and how each throne has the gift they were given by Father Christmas on their journey to defeat the witch, carved into its back. 
Except, of course, Edmund’s. Because he wasn’t there.
So what did they choose for Edmund’s symbol? At first I couldn’t make out much beyond a vaguely similar sword to the one Peter’s throne has on it’s back, but when I looked closer it got far more interesting.
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At first I thought ‘why is Edmund’s symbol a sword breaking a stick? that’s so weird’ 😂 but after a bit of digging on the narnia wiki I found out it’s way cooler than that.
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Like??? That is so awesome??? His gift isn’t an object, it’s an action. 
The sword itself isn’t even significant in the way Peter’s is, it’s the act of turning against Jadis, of breaking her wand, her power, that is Edmund’s defining symbol.
But wait, it gets better.
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These absolute geniuses also designed Edmund’s symbol to look like a set of scales??? Are you kidding me??? And they totally succeeded as well because just looking at the deliberate shape of the broken staff with the sword running through the middle it lines up so beautifully.
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Anyway, all this to say I fricking love this series so, so much, the production design is 😍😍😍 and Edmund’s arc is so perfectly carried through all the films I would quite literally die for him.
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tenshichan1013 · 2 months
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rapunzel's tangled adventure (season 3) hugs and kisses part VIII
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sea-owl · 3 months
Wait I just thought of something funny.
So imagine Auggie, Oliver, Edmund, and Thomas being chaos cousins because that's what cousins close in age be, especially when they can just run across the square to each other's houses.
The older boys sometimes tease Thomas because cousins are gonna do cousin things, and then Thomas "pulls rank" because he's already a lord, and they're just heirs still! Though they all know that even if Thomas is legally the lord, and Colin is legally the acting lord until Thomas is of age, Penelope is the real lord of that estate. Colin just signs whatever she puts in front of him.
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nothinggold13 · 5 months
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"'Cause love's never lost when perspective is earned." Peter // Taylor Swift
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always-a-king-or-queen · 11 months
something I really love about the Narnia movies is that all of the posters and film covers portray the Pevensies as incredibly serious and moody
when in reality they're four sarcastic beans who most of the time are arguing about silly things and who probably relish pranking each other a little too much
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bridgerton-bard · 6 months
Bridgerton Audiobooks Included with Spotify Premium
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I just thought I would put out a note to let anyone who was unaware that all of the audiobooks in the Bridge-verse written by Julia Quinn are now free to download/stream for Spotify Premium subscribers.
Obviously this isn't paid promotion, but if you had wanted to pick them up, this is a great time if you're a spotify subscriber. I was surprised they were included due to the popularity of the show, but they're all there. I'm currently listening to To Sir Phillip, With Love.
Happy listening! 😘
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silent-shanin · 1 year
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Making accessories even for your beast gf
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pokeberry5 · 10 months
Did Tim “kill” King Snake and does Bruce know?
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In Tim’s first solo min, he goes to Paris to learn martial arts and get that “edge” he thinks he needs to properly assume his role as Robin. He ends up on the tail of British Lord, Hong Kong-based heroine kingpin, leader of the Ghost Dragon gang, Sir Edmund Dorrance AKA King Snake (who is blind, which will be important later). Tim’s only companions on this world tour are Lady Shiva, who wants to defeat Dorrance to prove herself stronger, and ex-DEA agent Clyde Rawlins, who wants revenge against Dorrance for Dorrance’s reprisal killing of his family.
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Robin I #4 --  the dream team, I love them
The trio catch up to Dorrance in Hong Kong, where he’s waiting for them in what seems to be the top suite of his skyscraper, 50 stories up.
In this final confrontation with Dorrance, Tim takes full advantage of a crucial moment of distraction to kick Dorrance out of the window. Dorrance ends up clinging to a ledge, hanging on for dear life.
Shiva then appears to order Tim to kill Dorrance, presumably by kicking him off the ledge. (It becomes clear then that this is how Shiva intends to prove herself stronger than Dorrance: she trained Tim and therefore Tim is her weapon and an extension of herself. If Tim defeats Snake, she defeats him by proxy).
Tim refuses and walks away. All we see is him listen  as Dorrance falls to what Tim explicitly assumes is his death, 50 stories down.
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Robin I #5
So, while Tim isn't directly responsible for Dorrance's death, he was the one to put him in that position and then left him there to fall.
It’s unclear how Tim conceives of his actions here and how we are supposed to interpret them, especially in light of Tim’s refusal to kill in earlier chapters in this arc (and after).
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Robin I #2
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Robin I #4 -- I love Shiva
He stopped Rawlins from shooting and killing gang members, but then points to the danger Rawlins might have put them in by accidentally shooting crates containing plague (please read this arc it’s really fun despite suffering from uh. severe written in the 90s syndrome) and then explicitly restates his vow not to kill.
AND THEN, the plot thickens!!!
Dorrance did not actually fall to his death; he caught himself on a ledge below, where he believes Tim came down to taunt him. He came away from his fall with a fear of Tim and an obsession with killing him to purge himself of that fear. (anyway Sir Edmund Dorrance walked so Ra’s could run)
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Batman (1940) #468
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Batman (1940) #469
Dorrance moves to Gotham with the Ghost Dragons and takes over Chinatown (which. Who decided to put, a British lord, what boils down to an allegory of British colonialism in Hong Kong as the head of Chinatown? I have questions – anyway crimelord Lynx ftw)
In the course of his pursuit of Robin, it is revealed that Bruce believes “it was Lady Shiva that caused Dorrance to plunge to his death”—that Tim told him this.
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Batman (1940) #469
This is clarified a bit more later, when Bruce confronts Dorrance.
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Dorrance explicitly accuses Tim of murder. He outlines the incident leading up to his fall—that Tim tricked him and attacked him from behind (he did, we saw this), that Dorrance was left dangling, and that Tim then caused him to fall.
Bruce refutes this accusation by claiming that it “wasn’t Robin who left you for dead. … Robin spared you. It was Lady Shiva who threw you to your death.”
From this, we can assume that in the moments after Tim refused Shiva and walked away, Shiva threw Dorrance down, which he didn’t realize because, as Bruce claims, he is blind and was likely traumatized by the incident. We can’t know this for sure, however—that Shiva threw him down—for exactly those reasons. Bruce is working off what Tim apparently told him, but we—and Tim—did not see this happen.
Bruce’s explanation of what actually happened also calls into question what exactly Tim told him about what happened.
It’s unclear what exactly he is refuting by: “It wasn’t Robin who left you for dead.” Does he not count Tim leaving Dorrance hanging as “leaving him for dead” or is the implication that Bruce thinks Shiva was the one who both threw Dorrance out the window and off the ledge? We never actually see what Tim told Bruce.
This leaves us with some possibilities:
that what Tim did by leaving Dorrance to dangle, by leaving him to Shiva, does not count against Batman’s no-killing rule.
Perhaps that Bruce does not feel that he could have expected or wanted Tim to step between Shiva and her target, Dorrance
that Bruce does not actually know what really happened—that Tim kicked Dorrance out the window, which in turn implies that either Tim may have stretched the truth or Bruce misinterpreted (purposefully?) what Tim told him
These all seem inconsistent, however, with incidents further down the line, with Cluemaster for example, and then when Tim rebukes Azbats for leaving Abattoir to die. A core tenet of Tim’s characterization is his sometimes frustrated but dedicated adherence to the no-kill rule (im beating anyone who cites the league bases at me away with a stick). So I don’t know what to do with this. Maybe it’s just comic inconsistency. Chuck Dixon, what are you doing?
If anyone has any thoughts about how to reconcile all this!! Please grant me peace
i.e. stuff that I can’t possibly expect to be addressed in comics, but that I think about anyway
Related to this arc—a point is made a few issues later that Tim at this time doesn’t really have anyone to confide in. He can't really talk to Batman, isn’t close to Dick at this point, and while he is willing to work with Alfred and ask for help with Bat-related things, they’re not yet emotionally close. This isolation is poignantly demonstrated by him confessing his troubles to his still-comatose father.
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Robin II #2
WHOM then would he have talked to about all that happened on his little “world tour”? No one? Besides whatever happened with Dorrance and brutal training and isolation, he also had to deal with the fact that Clyde Rawlins—whom he presumably developed some sort of camaraderie with (it’s tim ;-; he forms connections) was killed by Dorrance while working this mission with him.
We know that he had no one to talk to about all that. Did Tim linger on Rawlins????? On the fact that Shiva called him her weapon?? My boy is 13 ;-;
I also love that the whole buildup to Tim’s debut as Robin is Bruce agonizing about whether he should allow another boy to assume the position that cost him his son, and is then followed by plenty of moments after of Batman being overprotective.
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Batman (1940) #468
And yet, when Tim is like “I need an edge to be Robin” presumably Bruce?? although this is never explicit connects him with a martial artist in Paris and sends him off on his own. It’s also possible that Tim is the one who comes up with this given that he agonizes a bit over whether he’s doing right by choosing his own path
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Robin I #1
Either way, Tim goes to Paris Alone and essentially Unsupervised.
This lack of supervision is further emphasized by the fact that he goes to hunt down a king pin all the way to Hong Kong with Lady fucking Shiva and an ex DEA agent and no other back up. And Bruce presumably doesn’t find out until Tim runs into the hitman Henri Ducard in Hong Kong, who is apparently Batman’s acquaintance. (#5)
I have so many questions. I know that the actual reasoning is probably “oh we want to give this new character a little mini adventure arc on his own!!! To showcase how cool and independent the new robin is” but STILL
(also tim immediately getting himself a little team :’) I lub him)
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tending-the-hearth · 1 year
edmund absolutely adored snowy weather. waking up to snow on the ground was his dream come true, and he rarely waited long enough to be bundled up before rushing outside and leaping into the fluffy, cold snow. it was his favorite weather, and that was one trait about him that always made his mother and father laugh.
but upon the pevensie's return home, their mother notices the shift in edmund.
one evening, as it gets closer to christmas, she notices the snowfall outside, and smiles, calling to edmund, announcing the snow with the expectation that he'll rush to the glass, press his nose up against it, and ask delightedly if they can go sledding in the morning.
instead of the joyful shine in her youngest son's eyes, however, she sees nothing but horror as he abandons his chess game with susan in favor of scrambling backwards, getting as far away from the window as possible, curling up into the tiniest ball, his face pressed into his knees.
she's left at a loss for words, and reaches out for him, but she's too slow compared to his siblings. immediately, lucy's at her brother's side, crouching in front of him and holding his hands tightly as she whispers soft things in a nonsensical language. peter's grabbing the warmest blanket from the couch, and sitting beside edmund, wrapping it around his shoulders and tucking his brother against his side. susan's returning from the kitchen where she had rushed off to as soon as her mother announced the snow, a steaming mug of tea (not hot chocolate, never hot chocolate. the taste makes edmund want to vomit, memories of cold touches burning his skin, and tempting whispers of power in his ears) held tightly in her hands before it's passed off to edmund.
their mother can only watch as edmund shakes, eyes firmly fixed on lucy's face as she holds his hands with a smile, as peter begins speaking softly, a whispered story only for his siblings' ears, as susan gently runs her fingers (warm and firm, never cold and frail like the ones that haunt edmund's dreams) through his hair.
edmund doesn't love snow anymore.
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pevensiegiigi · 1 year
My problem with the Prince Caspian movie
The reason i love CN:Prince Caspian is because of how Andrew Adamson squeezed the emotions out of Peter. From the frustration of being an adult locked in the life of a child who wants to return to his land/country, the happiness of returning to that place he loves so much, the sadness of knowing that it was destroyed, the anger of knowing that a descendant of his destroyers would be the one who would ascend to king of his country and the guilt for being forced to leave Narnia again with no possibility of return.
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My post is not to talk about those emotions, but i wanted to mention them anyway.
My post is to talk about my dissatisfaction with how everyone in the movie mocks Peter's words and orders, ignoring the title of high king. Except Edmund and Reepicheep; the rest, from Lucy and Susan, who are his royal sisters, to Trumpkin, Caspian, and Glenstorm, who are his subjects, disrespect his title of high king.
First Trumpkin by not addressing him with respect throughout the film, mocking his nickname, berating him for "leaving Narnia" and then making a fool of himself in the Stone Mountains when they searched for Caspian.
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He is followed by Caspian, who equally disrespects Peter's position. Caspian is a prince from distant lands who intends to rule lands that he does not know, wanting to review the words dictated by the great king.
There's that scene where Peter suggests infiltrating the Telmarines' castle and Reepicheep asks, "What do you suggest, Your Majesty of him?" and both Peter and Caspian respond at the same time, a staring match ensues between the two which Peter obviously wins. The thing is, Caspian shouldn't have answered Reepicheep's question in the first place because the rightful King of Narnia was present let alone challenge him with his eyes because, I repeat, HE IS THE GREAT KING OF NARNIA and, not least, peter is Older than him. . . Maybe he didn't know it or maybe he did, but humanly Peter at that time was 31/32 years old although he would look like a child and as if that were not enough in the years of Narnia, Peter is 1300 years older than him, while Caspian was around 17 Just years, so...
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Peter's plan to infiltrate the castle would have worked if Caspian had followed Peter's orders and we all know that, but no. He completely ignored Peter's order to go to the door and Susan supported that disobedience, don't get me wrong, but i'll tell you how it is. It's not just Caspian's fault that the infiltration failed, if Susan had supported Peter instead of Caspian, everything would have worked out and Cornelius would have been released at the end of the infiltration.
Caspian's most obvious disrespect towards Peter was challenging him to a duel in front of his people when Peter called him a usurper and it's not entirely a lie, he really was a usurper. From the moment he thought he was the leader of the Narnian rebellion, even knowing that he had called the old monarchs, he became a usurper, or at least it was for me. I understand Caspian will get mad at being called a usurper, but he called Peter irresponsible as if Peter wanted to leave Narnia when he didn't and then dared to duel him on HIS EARTH!?!?!?! The least he deserved was execution.
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Third, Glenstorm. The mere fact that he was looking at Caspian as if he was waiting for his orders to follow the ones he received from Peter is disrespectful.
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Lucy when she pretended to embarrass him by reminding him that it was Aslan who defeated the white witch, not him. I UNDERSTAND that being her sister he has every right to reproach her if she disagrees with something because he is also Monarch of Narnia, but why didn't she do it in private? At that moment, she took away from Peter part of the authority over the others.
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I'm a little glad that at the end of the film in a scene they let us see how Peter showed that his title of Great King and his nickname of magnificent, he didn't have them just for decoration. However, it bothers me that throughout the movie they tried to make him look stubborn when he was just angry and outraged.
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Peter is the character in the entire saga that carried the most weight and yet he did not complain about what Aslan gave him, his greatest wish was to return to Narnia and stay there for the rest of eternity, which he achieved.
That's why i love the movie 50% and hate it 50%.
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rainintheevening · 3 months
five sentence fic asks: Narnia + broken
The silence was broken by Eustace's soft question. "But who exactly is Aslan? Do you know him?"
Edmund looked away over the mossy rocks, and the murmuring stream flashing white through the grey early light, looked out to the sea, to the west, back, back, looking back to the cliffs above the cove, and the shining towers that were no longer, and the great stone slab cracked in two, and he smiled softly to himself.
"Well, he knows me."
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tenshichan1013 · 2 months
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rapunzel's tangled adventure (season 3) hugs and kisses part II
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unfortunate-arrow · 2 months
𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐊𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐊𝐢𝐝𝐬 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
The Viscount and Viscountess Bridgerton had four children. It is a simple fact that everyone knows. Eldest son Edmund is the heir to the viscountcy, and a bit of a pompous bastard, although the heir’s birth was entirely legitimate. He married Miss Juliet Knight, the sister of the Baron Knight. Now there, reader, is a whiff of bastardy around the now Mrs. Bridgerton’s firstborn son, Mr. Edward Knight-Bridgerton. Meanwhile, second son Miles is a rake, for lack of a better term. Mr. M. Bridgerton is not known to be a reprobate, but he does break hearts and gets his own heart broken on multiple occasions. But like many a good rake, he eventually marries. This Bridgerton rake married, of all people, a baker named Grace Hill with no ties to the ton whatsoever. Eldest daughter and third child Charlotte is known for her friendly disposition and matchmaker tendencies. Although, Miss C. Bridgerton is not as adept a matchmaker as her cousin, Lady Caroline Findlay-Wyatt. Of course, reader, Miss C. Bridgerton has become Lady Crofton, with her marriage to Viscount Crofton, Rupert Townshend. Youngest daughter and child Mary is known for her contrary personality, although rumor has that the youngest of Viscount Bridgerton’s children is much less contrary in private. Miss M. Bridgerton made quite the scandalous match for marriage with private detective Mr. Arthur Townshend. Yes, Mr. Townshend is the cousin of Viscount Crofton, but Mr. Townshend is much more scandalous than Viscount Crofton has ever been. 
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𝐄𝐝𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐧𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐧𝐲 𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧
Born in 1815, Edmund is named after his late paternal grandfather. His middle names are after his father and one of Anthony’s favorite uncle, Uncle George Rokesby. He also goes by a variety of nicknames, ranging from Ed to Eddie to Ned to Neddy to Mund. He generally prefers to stick to Edmund, at least with those outside the family. 
Edmund has always been described as Anthony’s miniature, at least in terms of physical appearance. They look exactly alike, from the facial structure to the hair to the eyes to the build. Edmund and his father have always looked alike. There’s subtle bits of Kate in Edmund’s appearance, but he overwhelmingly looks like Anthony.
Edmund’s godparents are Benedict and Edwina. 
Edmund is, perhaps, the most sensible of all the Bridgerton grandchildren. It’s often said that Edmund has never made a rash decision in his life. It’s not exactly true, as Edmund does occasionally make rash decisions. However, Edmund predominantly thinks through problems before acting.
Most of Edmund’s reckless actions often occur when Oliver Crane is around. There’s something about the other boy that just makes Edmund act impulsively. As they grow older, this effect lessens and it really peaks in their teenage years when they’re at school together. 
In addition, Edmund is very protective of his siblings and cousins. It doesn’t matter that they can take care of themselves. They’re his family and he’s going to protect them. After all, Edmund is in line to be the next viscount and that’s a role that expects him to be able to take care of people and be relied on by them. 
In the spring of 1843, Edmund met the Honorable Miss Juliet Knight, a supposed widow with a young son. At first, everyone in the Bridgerton family believes that Juliet is exactly who she says she is. Everyone expected Edmund to pick a completely respectable lady. And on the surface, Juliet is that… but underneath, she’s actually a whole lot of unrespectable as an unwed mother. Her late father had put into motion the plot to cover up the boy’s bastardy, but there was only so long that secrets could be held. However, Edmund proposed to Juliet and they were married in the fall of 1843. He was twenty-eight, Juliet was twenty-six, and Juliet’s son was seven. 
Shortly after their marriage, Edmund adopted Juliet’s son, Teddy. He knows that the Bridgerton name will provide a boost in respectability and well, a bastard son has much higher prospects than a bastard daughter. 
Edmund and Juliet have two children together, a son and a daughter. Their daughter, Clara Katharine Anne Bridgerton, was born in 1845. Their son, Andrew Edmund Anthony Bridgerton, was born in 1848. Andrew becomes the heir presumptive to the Bridgerton viscountcy as the firstborn biological son born to Edmund, as the Bridgerton heir. Thus, the birth order is Teddy, Clara, and Andrew. 
Modern ‘verse!Edmund is an environmental lawyer, just like his mother. He also joins the family law firm, Bridgerton, Rokesby, & Co. 
In the modern ‘verse, Edmund meets primary school teacher Juliet Knight when he’s asked to drop off and pick up his little cousins, Ant, Ben, and Colin, from school.
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𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐭 𝐄𝐝𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧
Born in 1817, Miles’s middle names are after his paternal uncle, Benedict, and his maternal aunt, Edwina.
Like his brother, Miles’s appearance is predominantly Bridgerton. He has chestnut brown hair and his facial structure is pretty close to the Bridgertons too. The biggest difference is that Miles has his mother’s eyes. He’s also the exact same height as his brother, Edmund, and his father.
Miles’s godparents are Colin and Daphne. 
Miles is the most dramatic of the Kanthony kids and he has a reputation as a somewhat wild child. He’s known for falling “in love” with women at the drop of a hat. It’s not a rakish attitude, which it easily could have been, as Miles never attempts to ruin any of the young women he crushes on and he only engages in scandalous behavior with widows. 
Miles is extremely close with his cousin, David Basset. They’re the same age and really bonded while at school together. Once they reached the age to attend social events, it was rare to see just one of them. They even gained the nickname “Miles and David” or “David and Miles” from family members. 
Miles falls in love with and marries a baker named Grace Hill. And for someone known for falling into romances quickly, Miles takes a surprisingly long time to realize that he’s fallen in love with Grace. And despite the scandal that arises because of the difference in social classes, Miles and Grace married in September of 1844. He was twenty-seven and she was twenty-five. 
After his marriage to Grace, Miles takes advantage of his math skills and works on keeping track of Grace’s bakery’s books and growing a nest egg of investments for retirement and for increasing the bakery’s acclaim. 
Miles and Grace have four children together, two sons and two daughters. Their first child, a son named Alfred Noah “Alfie” Bridgerton, is born in 1846. Two years later in 1848, Felix Anthony Bridgerton was born. Two years after Felix, in 1850, Lily Katharine Bridgerton was born. Five years after Lily, in 1855, Elizabeth Grace “Eliza” Bridgerton was born.  
In the modern ‘verse, Miles works as a computer scientist and software developer, putting his math skills to use. Like his Uncle Gregory, math comes very easily to Miles. 
In the modern ‘verse, Miles meets baker Grace Hill when she’s hired by his mother to provide desserts for a gala that Kate’s hosting.
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧
Born in 1822, Charlotte’s middle name is in honor of her mother. In the modern ‘verse, her full name is Charlotte Kathani Bridgerton. She occasionally goes by Lottie, but never Charlie as that’s her cousin. 
Charlotte looks more like Kate than Anthony, but she also has the Bridgerton chestnut hair. Like her mother, Charlotte is on the taller side of average, standing at 5’7”. 
Charlotte’s godparents are Simon and Francesca.
Charlotte adores Anthony. As a toddler, she thought he hung the moon and stars. As she grows older, he becomes a blueprint for how men should treat her. In some ways, their relationship mirrors Anthony’s relationship with his own father. 
Charlotte is known for being incredibly stubborn. She rarely does anything that she doesn’t want to. She just managed to inherit both Kate’s and Anthony’s stubborn nature. Her stubbornness also led to the reputation of being a bit of a terror. She holds people outside the family to high standards, which has led to a lot of scrapes and trouble. 
Charlotte is very friendly and loves to make friends. In her debutante year, she managed to befriend almost all of her fellow debutantes. This continues throughout her years on the marriage mart and even, to a lesser extent, after. She also becomes a bit of a matchmaker thanks to this. She’s not as successful as her cousin, Caroline, but Charlotte can take credit for introducing her sister to her husband and for introducing her cousin, Thomas, to his wife. 
Charlotte spends six seasons on the marriage mart before she meets and marries her husband. Similarly to her Aunt Daphne, many of the eligible men of the ton consider Charlotte to be more of a friend than anything else. There were only three somewhat serious suitors, but she wasn’t interested in marrying any of them. One was a pompous ass and the other two, despite being good kissers, didn’t inspire Charlotte to marriage.
During the 1846 social season, Charlotte meets Rupert Townshend, the Viscount Crofton. The new Viscount Crofton, who is in his first season since discovering that he was the heir to a viscountcy. Charlotte was immediately fascinated by Rupert, the son of a schoolteacher and a seamstress. Despite Rupert’s scandalous origins and some other issues, he and Charlotte fell in love. They married in October of 1846, at the church near Aubrey Hall. She was twenty-four and he was twenty-seven. 
Charlotte and Rupert had two sons together. Their elder son, Lewis Anthony Rupert Townshend, was born in 1848. Their younger son, Albert Elias Joshua Townshend was born six years later, in 1854.
In the modern ‘verse, Charlotte works as an audiologist. She meets environmental engineer Rupert Townshend at a pub.
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𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐕𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐁𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐨𝐧 
Born in 1830, Mary is named after both of her grandmothers. Her first name is after Grandmother Mary, while her middle name is after Grandmama Violet.
Mary is often described as her mother’s miniature. While all three of siblings lean a tad more towards the Bridgerton looks, Mary’s appearance is all Sheffield-Sharma. At 5’7½”, Mary is slightly taller than her big sister, Charlotte. 
Mary’s godparents are Gregory and Eloise, much to Hyacinth’s displeasure. 
Mary was very much an unexpected, and welcome, surprise. Due to the age gap between her and her three siblings, Mary isn’t very close to them until they’re older. She’s also a little spoiled by her older siblings too.
At the age of six, Mary spends three months begging Kate and Anthony for a puppy. She’d seen the miniatures of and heard the stories about Newton that she fell in love with the idea of a dog. So, for Mary’s seventh birthday, Kate and Anthony gave in. They got a corgi puppy, which Mary named Rosie. Mary adored that dog. 
Out of all her cousins, Mary is closest to Janet Stirling. They’re the same age and they’ve always gotten along. Mary and Janet are best friends. Mary’s other best friend is Lady Lilliana Steele. Lady Lilliana ends up in a relationship with Mary’s cousin, George St. Clair. Mary is not impressed and threatens George with bodily harm if he ever hurts Lilliana. 
Unlike her big sister, Mary struggles to make friends amongst the debutantes. She’s the introvert amongst the Kanthony kids, preferring to spend time with a small group of friends that she actually likes and finds their opinions interesting.
In 1851, Mary finds herself falling for her brother-in-law’s cousin, Arthur Townshend. He’s a private detective and Mary finds her getting involved in his investigation as it involves gaining information from members of the ton. She married Arthur in December 1851. She was twenty-one and he was twenty-five.  
Mary and Arthur had two daughters together. Their eldest daughter, Rose Katharine Townshend, was born in 1855. Eighteen months later in 1856, their daughter, Diana Marie Townshend, was born. 
In the modern ‘verse, Mary works as a lawyer, just like her parents and oldest brother. That’s how she gets to know private detective Arthur Townshend better. After all, Arthur is still her brother-in-law, Rupert’s cousin. 
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Benedict & Sophie’s children | Colin & Penelope’s children | Daphne & Simon’s children | Eloise & Phillip’s children | Francesca & Michael’s children | Gregory & Lucy’s children | Hyacinth & Gareth’s children
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