#again gotta wait to see it i guess but the dude is gonna try to fight back on the next nightshift
m0nsterjuice-art · 11 months
I followed you originally because I'm a Springtrap simp but now I'm becoming an Alex simp as well. HOW??? IM NOT EVEN INTO STONERS
I was trying to figure out what it is about him I find so attractive, besides the obvious stuff, and I think it's his confidence and general bravery/"don't give a fuck" attitude. both incarnations of him he's very confident and sure of himself, and... yeah.
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mxqdii · 4 months
pt 2 to note into you m.s. plsss
can't say im nott into you - m.s (part 2)
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pairings: mattheo riddle x nott reader
summary: read part 1 first! you can find that here
warning(s): make outs, mentions of blood and fighting
not proofread
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my hands tangled in his hair, the smell of his cologne and cigarettes filling my senses, everything just feels right.
an abrupt knock interrupts us, mattheos hand covering my mouth
"dude come on, snape is pissed you missed class and his lecture, we gotta go" a voice comes from the other side of the door.
fuck, it's my brother.
i pull away from mattheo, my panicked state clear to him
my eyes scream "what do we do" and he knows it
"mattheo?? come on we're gonna be late." theo yells again
i run towards his closet, trying to find a place to hide, accidentally tripping in the process
"fuck!" i yell, immediately using my hand to cover my mouth afterwards
"you got a girl in there, riddle?" theo says from the other side of the door
eventually theo breaks his way inside, letting out a scoff at the sight of mattheo's messy hair and unbuttoned shirt
"so.. where is she?" he says, scanning the room
"uhh she left" mattheo says, unconvincingly
"right, through where? the window??" he says sarcastically, looking out the window, showing nothing but lake far beneath them
"dude just let it go, lets go to class" mattheo says, grabbing theos arm
"no i wanna know who this girl is, you seem a little too secretive over her. what is it pansy or something?" he says laughing, looking under the bed and in the bathroom
"just drop it" mattheo says again, more agressive this time
i have my hand over my mouth, trying to be as quiet as i can.
theo looks around more, gaze shifting towards the floor, seeing my bookbag
he glances back up and mattheo, picking up the bag
"huh.. y'know whats funny is that my sister has this exact same bag... coincidence?" he says sternly
"uh- yeah, i mean its a pretty common bag-" mattheo starts, before the sound of stuff knocking over in the closet interrupts him
"fuck" i mumble, quiet enough for only myself to hear
theo looks at the closet, then mattheo, quickly walking towards it, opening it as fast as he can
his face drops at the sight of me with smudged lipstick and my tie taken off
"oh you're fucking dead" he turns around, punching mattheo
i bolt up, screaming
"theo stop!" i try to pull him away from mattheo, his elbow hitting my eye in the process
fall to the floor, clutching my eye "ow! fuck!" i yell
they both immediately stop, turning to me
"oh shit i'm so sorry" theo says, bending down to my level
"what the fuck did you do?!?" mattheo yells, gently taking my hand off my eye to examine it
theo watches intently, noticing the gentleness and how mattheos gaze instantly sofented
"does this hurt?" he says, pressing down lightly
i wince, not needing to say more
"i have stuff in my bathroom, ill get you cleaned up" he says, grabbing my arm helping me stand up
theo scoffs, walking out of mattheos dorm with his arms crossed
"thanks again mattheo, seriously." i say, walking down to the common room with him
"of course lo-" he stops at the sight of theo sitting on the couch staring at us
"sit." he says, causing us to look at eachother
we sit on the couch across from him, the silence filling the room for a few minutes
"listen, i dont care what you do, as long as you dont do that nasty shit around me, but riddle, if you hurt my sister ill actually fucking muder you, got it?" he says sternly and mattheo nods
theo then glances at me "hows the eye?" he asks
"bruised, thanks to your bulky elbows" i say sarcastically and he chuckles
"whatever, see you two later" he says, walking out of the common room
that leaves me and mattheo, alone, and sure we hooked up before getting rudely interrupted. but me and mattheo.. dating? i guess i just didnt think he'd see me that way.. theo sure thinks otherwise
i abruptly stand up, excusing myself and heading back to my dorm
"wait-" mattheo starts, but i rush off
we've been friends for so long, and yes, he's hot as shit.. but in hindsight i cant help but think
what are we?
@opheliaofficial07 @stargirlv0id @strniolo @annaisabookworm @theperson-nextdoor  @its-jennarose @thetriplets3 @llama-07 @wietske27 @ye0nvibezzn @sleepygirl45 @itsamusical4lifee @dianalovesm
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ruewrote · 6 months
𝑑𝑜 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑜𝑟 𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑡 𝑦𝑜𝑢.
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PAIRING: drunk!warrengraham x gn!reader WARNINGS: none GENRE: fluff SONG INSPIRATION: can we dance by the vamps WORD COUNT: 639
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you wish you didn't have such a big soft spot for him.
this is how warren had you sat in your car outside of nathan prescott's house party, as soon as you heard his slurred speech over the phone you straightened up in your bed, pausing the show you had previously been watching.
the call didn't last long after you heard his initial question, to come and pick him up. with that you were already slipping out of your bed into your slippers, grabbing your keys as you headed for your car.
your thumbs tapped against your steering wheel to the quiet music that filled the car. waiting for warren's dumbass to get in so you could finally leave.
the whole front garden was littered with abandoned red solo cups, rubbing your clammy hands against your silk pyjamas not bothering to change before you left, it wasn't like you were getting out anyways.
finally, seeing him drunkenly stumble out of the front door before greeting other people, them giving him a firm slap on the back making him stumble forward with a laugh.
sighing in relief just knowing that he was okay made you feel better. as soon as he opened the door you could smell the stench of vodka, it getting stronger as he slipped into your passenger seat.
"heeeyyyy," reaching over the console and pulling you into a hug, your face pressed into his neck. even with the overwhelming smell of alcohol with you this close you could smell him.
"okay, okay let's get you home, loser." you announced as you went to move away, but his arms just tightened 'round your waist bringing himself even closer to you.
"nooo i'm so comfy here!" the small action making your cheeks feel hot.
"hm well that's too bad, i was gonna promise cuddles at the dorm when we get back, but i guess you don't want that. no?" you sighed dramatically.
you didn't think that someone could move as fast as he did until he jumped away from you, him accidentally bumping his head into the window making him whine and rub where he was hit.
"oh my god, let's get you back before you decide to find another way to accidentally injure yourself."
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"one more step! yep. there you goo!" you whispered shout.
gently pushing warren onto his bed then going to grab him some water, "help i can't get my shoe off!" you hear him call from the other side of the room.
you rushed over to his side to help, not wanting to risk him waking up the remainder of people who were actually still in their dorms. placing the glass of water on his nightstand.
"you gotta be quiet, i'm not supposed to be in here remember dude!"
"don't call me dude," he pouted, as you finally got his shoe off his foot.
"sorry, bro." you laughed as he groaned.
his complaints soon quietened down once you crawled up his bed, sliding under the covers beside him.
"hi," you giggled at the look on his face, it being between looking tired and drunk.
"you're so pretty."
the three words replayed loudly in your mind, staying quiet trying to remind yourself that he's just under the influence. that he doesn't really mean it, but you couldn't quite believe that with the way he was looking at you right now.
hooded eyes, flushed cheeks, his tongue swiping over his bottom lip. a nervous habit you had picked up over the past couple of years.
when he received no response he looked down, but back up again when he felt you brush the hair that fell infront of his eyes out of the way.
"you're pretty too."
it didn't take the two of you long to fall asleep with you wrapped up in each others arms.
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short one but justice for warren fics!! more to come soon :)
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elsweetheart · 1 year
what kind of journal entries do you think ellie would write about reader?? like i just imagine her laying in bed with her legs in the air giggling😭🤭
God I’m so down bad.
I don’t know how long I can keep pretending that I just wanna be friends. It’s cruel right? To put myself through this? Sometimes I think I can handle it. To even be near her is a privilege, so I take what I can get. But then, she’ll be all like Elliee stoooppp with her cute little giggle and I’ll just fold. I could drop down on one knee right there. I could go into my savings and just put all the money into her account. Here, take my car keys! Take my phone too that’s fine! Take my life!
I don’t know what to do. I need her, dude.
Okay. I may be delloo delusional, but I’m not crazy. Today I asked her why she wouldn’t just put herself out there and date someone and she like … stared at me. And I shit you not, she was like Got my eye on someone. Like HELLO ? ME ? It’s me right? Or am I actually crazy. Wait. Is she seeing someone? I feel sick. Will follow up with an answer.
She said she’s not seeing anyone. I am so in.
Asking her out tomorrow, I don’t give a fuck what anyone says I’m doing it. I gotta make her mine man.
Okay so I didn’t do that. I pussied out. I was totally gonna do it, I swear. But she turned up at my place before I even got the chance to go out and buy her flowers, so really it’s her fault for fucking up my plan. And then I thought fuck the flowers I’ll just ask her, so I called her name and UGH. She just looked up at me with her big beautiful eyes and she was wearing that dress that makes her tits look good that compliments her skin tone and I just couldn’t do it. I know I’m a pussy. I’ll get there eventually. Will try again soon.
Guess who’s got a girlfriend? Me. I got a girlfriend. And it’s HER! Is it too early to say I love you? Okay Ellie. Chill.
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st4rb3rries · 11 months
summer activities with the main 4
pairings; stan, kyle, kenny, cartman x fem!reader (aged up 18+)
summary; going to the water park/gas station with them
warnings; cussing, mention of drugs
a/n; sorry for being inactive!! i love you guys hope you enjoy<3
key colors; blue= stan green= kyle orange= kenny red= cartman pink= reader
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so i feel like you guys would go to the water park because it's so hot. kyle is the one who suggested it because cartman can't stfu. "what the fuck it's so hot" "then how about we go to the water park tubby" "DON'T CALL ME TUBBY YOU STUPID J- that's actually not a bad idea" "shiii im down it's hot as fuck" "fr" "but not as hot as hot as me😘" "who said you were hot in the first place🤨" so all of you guys walked back to your houses and to go get ready. we all know kyle is the mom friend so he brings extra towels, sunscreen, and floaties and puts it in a suitcase. once you all meet up you guys just decided to walk there. "god kyle did you not get the memo were going to the waterpark not the airport🙄" "WELL CARTMAN I WAS JUST TRYING TO LOOK OUT FOR YOU GUYS LOOK AT YOURSELVES YOU GUYS DIDN'T EVEN BRING A SINGLE TOWEL" "thanks for bringing us stuff mom ilysm🥰" "yeah yeah whatever let's just start walking" when you guys get there for some reason kenny and cartman BROUGHT A WHOLE ASS SPEAKER??? *random song playing on speaker* "AW DUDE WTH YOUR EMBARRISING US" "BITCHHH TURN THAT SHIT DOWNN😭" *kyle grabs the speaker and throws it into an "empty" pool* (rip to the kid who was in the pool) "come on stan and y/n lets go swim, but first we gotta put on sunscreen" "bro think's he's the main character💀" "im gonna fucking kill him" "bro thinks he's the villain 💀" your guys favorite thing to do at the waterpark is the slides for sure. or should i say it's you and kenny's favorite thing to do. "WOOHOOO WATER SLIDES Y/N LET'S GO" "YYASSS" "god they're so childish, real men make kids fall of slides" "CARTMAN NO-" so after you and kenny were finished with all the slides. you decided to invite stan because he hasn't done anything being the emo bitch he is🙄. "come on stan lets go next" "no" "yes" "no" he's only saying no because he's afraid he's gonna barf on you since. you guys have to hold each other tight on the slide. (it's in the rules😉) bro is not tryna get caught lacking with having a crush on you. yeah you guessed he finally said yes to you. "ARE YOU READDY STAN HOLD ON TIGHT" "oh god" *not even 5 seconds later* "BLEGHHHHH-" "EW DUDE SICK WTF" bro doesn't even say sorry cause he's too embarrassed. good thing kyle only saw you guys. cartman and kenny would've been laughing their asses off💀. "looks like someone threw a love bomb on you guys *wink*" "shut it kyle" anyways good thing kyle had his big ass suitcase prepared with towels and extra bathing suits. at the end of the day kenny is flirting with the life guards and cartman is torturing kids. but you, stan, and kyle always look foreword to the sunset each day and luckily. the water park has a perfect view for that so you guys were excited. (you guys got kicked out before the sunset)
after getting escorted out the water park you decide to go your local gas station for slushies and snacks. "you guys you guys w-wait up" "come on cartman walk faster" "CAN'T YOU SEE IM TRYING STAN WE JUST CAME FROM THE WATER PARK" "yeah like 2 mintues ago" "LAST ONE WHO GETS THERE HAS TO PAY FOR ALL OUR STUFF" all of you guys start zooming just to piss off cartman. "GODAMMIT WAIT UP" when you guys finally arrive (yes you guys waited for cartman) the cashier always has a look of terror on his face because he knows that you guys. might end up buying the whole store, or accidently set it on fire. "LOOK Y/N SOUR CANDY OUR FAVORITE" "BY THE WHOLE ROW RN" "oh no no no you guys we aren't doing this again." he's only saying this because one time you and kyle ate so much sour candy that you guys passed out. when stan saw you guys he thought y'all did c0k3 because there was white powder everywhere. in reality it was sour dust💀. so he's still traumatized from sour candy because he thought his best bud and future gf died. "stan relax we won't even eat this much this time, right kyle?" "righttt" meanwhile kenny and cartman are fucking up the slushie machine. "kenny i'll give you $5 if you pour slushie into your shoes" "alr bet"*puts slushie in shoes* "BAHAHA KENNY YK I WOULDN'T GIVE YOU $5 FOR THAT" "ik that's why im gonna drink it nothing ain't going to waste😈" "look kenny real men drink out of the slushie machine not their shoes🤓" "you guys are you ready to go🙄" "nah hold up dude lemme get my razzberry slush real quick" as stan tries to get his slush the machine literally explodes everywhere😭. "AH SHIT" "HAHA STAN YOU DUMB BITCH" "ah hell nah smurf nut exploded everywhere" "HAHAH SMURF NUT" "fuck it i say we make a run for it and never come back we can't this shit in time" "at this point yeah😭" "and you guys know damn well none of us brought cash" "NO WAY KYLE BEING A MAN FOR ONCE AND TRYNA STEAL WOAHHH😮" "SHUT IT F@T@SS THEY'RE GONNA HEAR US" "LETS GO THE CASHIER IS SLEEPING" "HELL YEAH FREE STUFF" "PURR LET'S GO😜" you guys ran out with all your snacks and never came back😭. but we all know kyle is gonna come back and repay for the damages and stealing. until he see's photos of himself and you guys on the door saying your banned. "oh fuck"
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sp0o0kylights · 1 year
He can see it in Eddie’s face. 
Steve can't help it but laugh. "Are we gonna get through a date where you don't spend half of it trying to escape?"
Eddie looks startled, but gives a shaky laugh. "You can see that, huh?"
Steve reaches out, wraps a finger around a curl.
Let's it go slowly, gently.
Admires the neon shade of red Eddie's face has just gone. 
"You're pretty obvious about it, Eds."
Eddie laughs at that, but it's self depreciating. He keeps his eyes glued to the glovebox playing with his rings. 
"Look just--don't laugh, alright?" 
"I won't." Steve agrees and let's the playful tone drop from his voice.
Whatever this was, Eddie was serious--and that meant he deserves to be taken seriously. 
"Hey." He prods gently. "I mean it."
Eddie jerks his head in a quick nod, before giving another painful smile. "I uh, I didn't think I'd get this far. Never have, you know? Not with--"
He cuts a glance at Steve out of the corner of his eye, words faltering.
"A guy?" Steve guessed. 
Eddie snorts, an ugly sound. "Someone like you, Steve. Rich, darling of the town, world's best babysitter."
He shakes his head before quietly adding, "--and yeah. A guy." 
"You're my first, you know." Steve says conversationally and frowns when Eddie sucks on a breath.
Harsh and fast, like he's been punched.
'Don't--don't tell me that, man, fuck." Eddie scrubs a hand down his face.
Hides in it for a minute, before dropping his hand back to his lap.
"Sorry. I just. I Really, really don't want to be another persons experiment, or one night stand or fucking, passing ship in the night or whatever. I don't want to be a regret." He turns, looks at Steve.
Shows him the terror that lurks in his eyes. 
"Cards on the table? I like you a lot, Steve. Have for a while. Mooned over you in school just as bad as those chicks from Spanish class." 
Steve stays quiet. Somehow knows Eddie isn't done, that he needs to wait. 
Even if he smiles at the Spanish class comment. 
"You were the straightest dude I've ever met and now here you are, taking me out on dates?"
Eddie laughs harshly. Like he can't believe he's even daring to say it, let alone believe it's happening. 
"You gotta tell me if this is fake. Or--or some kind of lapse in sanity on your part. It's not--it's not fair, if this isn't serious." 
Steve slowly leans in, bumps his forehead against Eddie's. Draws a curl around his finger once again.
"I'm here." He whispers calmly. “And I'm very serious.”
“You promise?”
“On Dustin’s mother's life.” Steve agrees, just to hear Eddie huff a laugh.
Follows it with; On my own life too.” 
Then seals the deal, with a kiss.
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the-iceni-bitch · 1 year
Nobody Does It Like My Daddy
Relationship: Ari Levinson x Jake Jensen (bear and cubby) Ransom Drysdale x female!reader (ninja and puppy) implications of the quadrouple (NLLYL AU)
Words: ~1.5k
Summary: Father’s Day with the Jensen-Levinsons.
Warnings: explicit language, brief explicit sexual content (salad tossing, mention of blowjobs, m/m sex), a ridiculous amount of fluff, MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE QUADROUPLE!!! 18+ ONLY!!
A/N: Happiest of Father’s Day to you my lovely readers from perhaps my favorite DILFs.
I am no longer doing taglists so if you want to stay up to date on my fics, follow my sideblog @the-iceni-library and turn on notifications!
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Jake grumbled when he felt Ari kiss his neck, screwing his eyes closed against the morning sun that was filling their bedroom.
“Too early.” He huffed when his husband chuckled into his shoulder, rolling over and burying his face in the pillow to try to force himself back to sleep. “It’s Sunday, the triplets took forever to go down last night, let me sleep.”
“I just can’t, cub.” Ari purred and crawled so his body was stretched over Jake’s, kissing his shoulders and starting to move down his spine while he kept making pleasant noises. “Besides, it’s not just Sunday, it’s Father’s Day. And I’ve gotta show some appreciation for my favorite father.”
“Fine.” Jake let his eyes droop when Ari nuzzled into the small of his back, snorting when he kissed that damn tattoo like he always did before he nipped at his ass and slid under the covers. “But I’m gonna sleep while you eat me out.”
“Grumpy boy.” Ari started rubbing Jake’s ass cheeks before spreading them apart, kissing his little pink hole gently a few times until he heard Jake whine. “Just as long as Daddy gets a good blowjob from you once you’re awake. I’m sure we have plenty of time before the kids…”
“No!” As soon as Ari said something one of the babies stirred on the monitor and the sound of running feet filled the house, making Jake snarl at his husband even as he started licking his asshole. “You just had to say it.”
Ari didn’t have a chance to respond before their door was flung open by Isaac and Eli who were shouting “happy Father’s Day” at the top of their lungs. Jake tried to turn over but couldn’t with his bear holding down the lower half of his body, and said bear had to flatten himself out as much as possible so their children couldn’t see where he was and what he was doing.
“Where’s Pop?” Jake was bright red when Eli asked him that, fighting the urge to punch the lump in the sheets when he felt Ari chuckling against his hip. “We’re making you breakfast!”
Jake’s concern about his wild sons operating cooking appliances disappeared when Ransom walked into the room, though he did get even more red when the man smirked as he took in the extra lumpy blankets.
“You little dudes go wash your hands, c’mon. Give your dad a chance to wake up.” Ransom leaned against the door frame and grinned wickedly after the twins ran out of the room. “Morning Jake. Morning Ari.”
“Morning pretty boy.” Ari beamed at the man after flinging the blankets off his head, ignoring his husband’s scolding glare as he kept kissing his perky ass. “Where’s gorgeous?”
“Feeding the dumplings.” Ransom nodded to the monitor so they could see you sitting in the nursery and holding one of the babies close to your breast. “How long do you two need to finish up here?”
“Fifteen minutes?” Ari hushed Jake and smacked his ass when he tried to turn over again. “I guess I can wait to get my dick sucked until tonight.”
“Aww, the sacrifices you make for your kids.” Ransom sniffed the air and swore under his breath before turning and running down the hall. “Rach! That had better be toast I smell burning! I said no using the stove without me!”
“Oh god… Jesus!” Jake’s concern about what their children were getting up to disappeared when Ari buried his face between his cheeks again, arching his back and moaning while his tongue swirled around his tight pink hole. “Ugh, that feels so good.”
“I know, baby.” Ari purred as he gave one of Jake’s cheeks a gentle bite. “Now hush and let me enjoy my fifteen minute meal.”
Jake’s legs were a little wobbly by the time they made it downstairs twenty minutes later, a huge grin on his face when he saw the smorgasbord the kids had laid out for them.
“Wow, pancakes and waffles and French toast, you guys went all out.” Jake sighed when Ari kissed his temple when they walked into the dining room, his heart melting at the kids all covered in flour as they ran to hug their dads. “You guys are the best kids ever, I’ve gotta kiss all of you.”
“Oh no, dad!” The twins tried to wriggle away when Jake kissed the tops of their heads, escaping when he embraced Rachel only to be scooped up by Ari in a bear hug. “Pop!”
“It’s Father’s Day, you have to accept all of our affection, it’s the rule!” Ari laughed when they kept squirming until he let go of them, giving Rachel her own hug and smiling at Ransom when he came in holding Micah on his hip. “Hey bubba! Can you say ‘happy Father’s Day’?”
“Happy day!” Micah squealed when Ari scooped him out of Ransom’s arms and kissed his chubby cheeks, grabbing onto his beard and pulling playfully. “Happy day, papa!”
“Aw, what about me?” Jake beamed when Micah screamed for him to have a happy day as well, kissing his forehead while Ari strapped him into the high chair while he sat next to Rachel and helped her pile some pancakes onto her plate as Ransom tried to wrangle the twins. “Thank you for this, Ran. Did you guys thank your uncle?”
All of the kids said thank you as loud as they could before starting to stuff their faces, shouting again with their mouths full to say hello to you when you walked into the room somehow holding all three babies at once until Ari stood up to help you.
“Happy Father’s Day, boys!” You handed Caleb to Ari and Shiloh to Jake before sitting down with Naomi in your lap, shaking your head when your husband just let the twins climb all over him. “All three dumplings are fed and very happy. I think we have some presents for you to open.”
“Presents?” Jake laughed when the three older kids all ran to go get the gifts with a chorus of happy yells, the dogs running after them when they charged back into the room with their gifts. “Look at these, did you guys wrap them yourselves?”
Their affirmative answers were obvious from the haphazard folds in the wrapping paper and excessive tape, but they were the most beautiful presents either of them had ever seen. They got homemade cookies with paw prints in them from ‘the pets’ and gave exuberant thanks for them after you whispered that they were sanitary and safe for consumption in Ari’s ear. Ari cooed over the beard grooming kit and hiking guides, and Jake had to kiss the kids all over again when he got his book of dad jokes and a t-shirt that said ‘Dad Jokes, That’s How Eye-Roll’. And they both started crying when the giant photo board was revealed, much to the kids’ embarrassment.
“Okay, let’s all go clean up the dishes so we can go on a hike!” Ransom kissed the top of your head as he stood up, sighing when he got a look at the twins sprinting towards the kitchen with handfuls of silverware. “Little dudes, no running with the cutlery, c’mon!”
“Did you guys like your presents?” You bounced Naomi on your lap while she babbled happily, smiling at Jake and Ari when they nodded and reaching out to let Micah hold on to your finger when he pouted at you. “Well, you deserve them. You are the best dads.”
“We couldn’t do a lot of it without you and Ran, honey.” Ari cradled Caleb against his chest while he snored softly, leaning forward and kissing your cheek while watching Jake kiss Shiloh out of the corner of his eye. “Especially with these three. Do you need to pump at all?”
“No, I did last night and they emptied me out when I got here.” Naomi squealed and flailed her arms and you couldn’t help but smile. “Speaking of me and Ran, I have something to tell you that I need you to keep secret.”
“Oh yeah?” Jake grinned when Shiloh tried to snatch his glasses off before blowing a raspberry against her stomach while she kicked her chubby little legs. “Is this a good secret or a bad secret?”
“It’s a very good secret.” You lowered your voice when you heard Ransom bellow from the kitchen as one of the kids sprayed him with water. “We made the mutual decision that I wasn’t going to go back on my birth control but we didn’t really think about the fact that I’m not exclusively breastfeeding and well… I was late. And I took a test and…”
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mrwavellswaps · 1 year
More Than He Bargained For
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Fuck yeah! I can’t believe that stupid magic spell shit actually fucking worked! I’ve got my neighbours dick!
Earlier this week I’d seen my neighbour Ryan out in his back garden from my bedroom window. He walked out to get his clothes off the line but I guess he thought nobody could see him as he went out completely nude and his dick on display. After that I just couldn’t get it out of my head. His cock was massive even when soft. I could only imagine how huge it’d be when it was hard.
Truth he told I’d always had a bit of a crush on Ryan so seeing that he was thick and hung certainly elevated that crush. Only problem was, he’s straight. Despite that I just couldn’t get the idea of touching his dick out of my mind!
Long story short I ended up wandering into a magic shop where I found a spell that was capable of switching traits between two people. I bought it more for a laugh really as it was surprisingly cheap. I wasn’t expecting it to actually be real!
When I got home I thought I might as well mess around with it and maybe jerk off to the idea of it doing something. Only when I wished for it swap my dick with Ryan’s, I felt a strange tingling in my crotch. Next thing you know my cock is expanding before my eyes until I have beer can thick monster between my legs!
So here I am stood with my neighbour’s giant dick between my legs and hard as fuck. Oh god it feels so good to touch. I can only just barely fit my hand the whole way round. Damn the chicks are gonna go crazy for this thing!
Wait… what am I saying? Chicks? I’m gay! I like dudes and… oh fuck. Why is my dick going soft? But I love jock butts!? Fuck… do I? Come to think of it the idea of a woman’s beautiful heart shaped pillow of an ass sounds pretty damn good as well… annnnnd I’m hard again.
Oh god… I think I know what’s happening to me. My neighbour was straight and now I have his dick so that means I want whatever his dick wanted! And his dick wanted some sweet juicy pussy to slide into! Ooooh fuck yep! It bucked a little at that idea.
Maybe I should head down to club and try to pick up a hot babe to bring back and fuck heheheh. Hopefully one with huge tits I can squeeze and a nice wet pussy that can handle my fat fuckin monster dick!… fuck I can’t believe I just said that… but I don’t regret it. I think being a straight guy from now on might be fun. Sure it’ll weird having to find a way to explain to family and friends why I suddenly have a craving for tits and pussy when I came out as gay a couple years back but I’m gonna have to. After all I don’t think I could ever go back. Not when I’ve got a dick like this now!
Welp I better start getting ready. Gotta look my best for the ladies if want to have their pussies dripping for me. I hope Ryan enjoys having my old gay cock because he sure as hell ain’t having his straight pussy loving monster back!
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scuttling · 9 months
Devil You Know
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries Pairings: Damon Salvatore/female reader (future) Word Count: 2,107 Tags: Just canon typical violence/blood so far, Episode related 2x14 Crying Wolf Summary: Damon's in love with Elena, would do anything to keep her safe—including forming an alliance with a mysterious newcomer who just might change everything. A/N: I consider this a teaser I guess, as plan to write the rest of season 2's storyline! I hope you like it :)
Keep reading below!
Damon goes to the historical society tea party because he needs to confront Elijah. 
It’s absolutely the last thing he wants to do, after blowing off Jenna’s friend Andie, who will almost certainly be in attendance; the last thing he wants to do, knowing that Elena and Stefan are on some romantic getaway to her family’s cabin by the lake. But he needs to protect her, which means finding out more about Elijah and the deal he’s made with her, which means he gets dressed and goes to the party, puts on a smile, charms the pants off everyone like he always does.
It’s not easy, but someone’s gotta do it.
Damon is just walking away from Alaric, heading into the study on Elijah’s heels, when a pretty young woman grabs him by the elbow of his jacket. She fits in at the tea party, in a white sweater, long, tan skirt, and heels, but he can’t remember ever seeing her around town.
“Whatever you’re about to do, don’t,” she says in a low voice. A human wouldn’t have heard it, her lips barely move, but he can and she must know that. 
“And who are you?” he asks, cocking a brow. He doesn’t take advice from people he does know, and definitely not from people he doesn’t; all the same, something about her intrigues him, though he can’t quite put his finger on it.
“Someone who’s not about to let you make the biggest mistake of your life — or afterlife, whatever you call it.” She lets go of the fabric of his jacket, then smooths it out where she’s wrinkled it. “Trying to kill an Original is suicide, so don’t.” 
She says it with an air of finality, almost authoritative, then turns away from him like she’s going to leave. 
He can’t let this girl leave, but he can’t let Elijah go either. He’s torn, feels two warring senses of urgency, looks briefly toward the study and then back to her retreating frame.
“Wait—who are you? How do you know–what you know?” She turns back, hair falling over her shoulder, and shakes her head like she’s frustrated that he’s even bothering to ask.
“I know, and that’s all that matters right now. Look, I have to go; I shouldn't have come as it is.” 
Damon grabs her arm to stop her from turning again, to stop her from leaving, but she frees herself with one firm, no nonsense tug and walks out the door without ever looking back. 
A mystery for another time. Elijah’s in the study, and Damon’s going to do what he came for in the first place.
He gets stabbed in the neck by Elijah because of course he does; he never claimed to be rational or sensible, to think things through or weigh the consequences like his brother. He acts on instinct, with more emotion than most people probably imagine him capable of, and then deals with the aftermath as it comes. 
The aftermath of this situation is a very sore throat, and a growing headache, as he mulls over what little they know, over and over and over in his mind. 
“Today was a bust,” he punctuates with a sip of bourbon. He says it to himself, to the room at large, but Ric answers anyway.
“Yeah, that Elijah’s one scary dude. I’d think twice before I trust that dagger and some ashes to do the job. You’re gonna need more info.” Damon frowns.
“But I’m out of sources.” Ric stands to pour another drink, grabs Damon’s glass and does the same. When he hands it back, Damon has a flash of memory from earlier in the day—the tea party, the mystery girl who knew more than she should—and he smiles a little to himself, pleased. “Actually, you know what. There might be one person who can help us out.”
“I’ll take anything we can get,” Ric says, drinking down the remainder of his bourbon in one sip. Damon stands and does the same, grabs his jacket from the back of his chair. 
As they head for the front door he starts brainstorming, deciding where they are most likely to find her. Strangers always seem to gravitate toward the Grill, so they should probably start there, ask around, find out if anyone who’d been at the event remembered her.
Those plans are cut short by werewolves. Goddamn werewolves.
“You know what the great thing about buckshot is? It scatters through the body. Maximum damage,” the one he knows to be Jules says, the one he hates with every fiber of his being. 
They’ve got him chained to a chair—an antique that’s going to be a bitch to restore after this—with some kind of inverted spike collar on him, and he is leaking blood from a hole in his neck for the second time today. It’s a new method of torture for him, and he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t a little terrified of the potential outcome.
This is how he knows he loves Elena, really, truly loves her, he thinks. For anyone else, he’d have given up a long, long time ago, out of both boredom and self-preservation. Damon would kill for almost anyone—he kills mainly for himself, anyway—but she’s the only one he’d die for now that Katherine has fucked them all for the last time. 
“Where is the moonstone?” Jules yells, pulling him out of his thoughts with a cock of her gun. One of the wolves pulls on the collar, which hurts like hell, but Damon just shrugs, smarmy as shit. Jules rolls her eyes. “Vampires.”
“At least vampires have the decency not to enter someone’s home without permission,” someone calls from the foyer. Damon can see that it’s his mystery guest, still dressed for the party, as she strolls casually down the hallway and into the parlor, toward the werewolves. Jules takes a good look at the girl, brows tight, as if she’s trying to place her, but the other wolves growl—actually growl—at her, nostrils flaring. It’s clear they know who she is… and that they actually fear her. “If I were you, I’d go. Now. Before another one of you gets hurt.”
Whether she’s referring to Mason or someone else he doesn’t know about, it doesn’t make a difference; the male wolves run out of the house in a blur, and Jules must trust her pack enough to know to follow, because she speeds past the girl and out the front door with the rest of them. 
Damon is impressed. Very impressed.
A minute later, when the house is quiet and the girl seems satisfied the wolves are gone, she steps toward Damon; her heels click across the wood floor, and in that delicate skirt, that pristine white sweater, she yanks at the chains that have him bound to the wooden chair. They nearly crumble in her hands, breaking apart and freeing him from captivity.
Now he’s kind of terrified again. Terrified, and a little turned on, and really fucking confused. 
“Should have let them kill you,” she mutters as she unlocks the collar, her hands slick with his blood but no less precise. She pulls each wooden stake carefully away from his neck, and he sighs his relief when the device is completely off, discarded on the ground. “Do you always have such a knack for getting yourself into dangerous situations, or have I stumbled upon a no good, very bad day?” 
“Hey. They broke into my house,” he reminds her, standing, and what’s left of the chains join the collar in a heap on the floor. The girl lets out a long sigh and puts up her bloody hands in a gesture of irritation.
“Because you’re fucking with, quite literally, the most powerful, ancient beings, things you know next to nothing about, even though I told you not to.”
“No offense, but I have no idea who you are, what you are… Those guys obviously did, and I’m getting now that you’re kind of a big deal, but it takes a lot more than a mysterious girl leaving a cryptic message at a town event to get me to change my mind.”
With another sigh, she sticks out one of her hands, and after a pause he gets what she’s after, reaches out to complete the handshake. 
“Hi, I’m the new resident vampire slayer. Happy to make your acquaintance.” He tries not to show that his mind is a little blown at this, that the prim and proper, frankly beautiful girl in front of him is a killer of anything.
“Vampire slayer? Is ‘hunter’ not cool enough this year?” She drops his hand, then wipes the blood from hers against the fabric of his black henley; it’s not enough to clean them fully, but now they’re merely stained red and no longer dripping with the evidence of his prior torture. 
“Hunters are usually guys with personal vendettas, who spend too much time shopping at the army surplus store,” she says with a completely unsubtle look at Ric, who remains dead on the Persian rug. Either she doesn’t care, or she’s spotted the Gilbert ring, knows what it means. “Slayers are different; we’re born with innate power, similar to what you develop when you transition—though I guess it’s all the same when you’re on the wrong end of a wooden stake.”
She takes a step back as he takes a step toward her—toward Ric, really. She watches as Damon lifts him up and drops him onto the sofa, so he can wake up with a little more dignity, at least. “So, vampire slayer. Are you from around here?” he asks as he turns back. He grabs their glasses from earlier, and a third, and fills them all with bourbon. He offers her the drink, which she accepts, sips. 
“I get around,” she says lightly, carefully avoiding his question. She walks around the room, exploring, as he cleans up, rolls up the soiled rug so he can dump it later on. “This is my first time in Mystic Falls, though I know all about its… rich history.” She takes another drink, this one deeper, like she’s tired after such a long day. He knows he is, so he can understand the feeling. “I’m drawn to where I’m needed, and I wasn’t needed here until the moonstone came into play. Now you've got doppelgängers, werewolves… I’m just fortunate you dealt with the vampires in the tomb on your own, or we’d be in a hell of a lot more trouble.”
“Hey, I’ve changed since then; I was an idiot in love,” he explains, then he fully realizes that’s bullshit; he’s still an idiot, and still in love—or, more appropriately, in love again. 
He throws her a playful smirk, but she’s not laughing when she comes closer and locks eyes with him. It’s the first time he’s looked at her and seen what must be her darker, more dangerous side.
“Love is not an acceptable excuse for your actions, and if you ever give me reason to, I’ll put you down without hesitation. It’s important that you know that.” Her eyes flick over his, as if ensuring that he’s gotten the message, that he understands her loud and clear. “Even when I help you—if I help you—my loyalties are to the slayers who fought before me, who fight alongside me. No one else. If any of you harm an innocent person with intent, I will kill you.”
Damon contemplates that for a moment, he really does; there’s no shortage of people who want him dead, so adding one more to the list isn’t really as impactful as she may believe. He can’t help thinking, though, that if she’s on their side—if she’s willing to fight with them instead of against them—they might actually have a chance against the werewolves, the Originals. They might actually have a shot at eliminating the threat instead of outrunning it, at protecting Elena once and for all. 
It means giving up human blood, which isn’t his favorite thing to do, but he’s done it before, can do it again. Will do it for Elena, if that’s what it takes.
“You have my word, slayer,” he says, peering down seriously into her eyes. For once, he means it. “You help us keep Elena safe, and we’ll all be on our best behavior, or you get to wipe out every creature of the night that lives in Mystic Falls.”
She nods, after a moment, then drains her glass of bourbon with an exaggerated, satisfied smack of her lips. 
“Alright then. First things first: who’s Elena?”
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mulletmitsuya · 1 year
Toman groupchat
Warnings: offensive jokes (a joke about someone who is no longer alive), swearing, suggestive, milfs, (also this is shorter than the usual)
Desc: not really a description but i forgot that Chifuyu is like super rude sometimes so i'ma amp that up to 50 (this is completely irrelevant to the chapter, my bad)
Smiley: Chifuyu c'mon dude i didn't mean to
Chifuyu: literally never come to my house again
Smiley: but it was an accident😐
Chifuyu: you almost drowned Peke J in a washing machine Smiley! how is that a fucking accident
Draken: lmao
Draken: wait no is the cat okay?
Chifuyu: lmao????
Chifuyu: this is 'lmao' to you, Draken??
Draken: that's my bad dude
Mikey: LMAO
Mitsuya: has anyone heard of the term direct message
Chifuyu: Mitsuya-kun i'm not in the mood rn
Mitsuya: yeah neither am i, message each other privately jesus fucking christ
Smiley: nah y'all gotta listen to my side of the story
Smiley: ayt so i'm helping Matsuno-san out around the house right?
Smiley: and lemme tell you
Smiley: it's easy to get distracted around her yk
Takemitchy: yeah actually
Chifuyu: what does that mean?
Takemitchy: um
Takemitchy: nothing bro 😅
Chifuyu: Smiley
Smiley: she's a milf
Smiley: i'd be down to smash fr she's hot as hell
Angry: what's hot as hell is the seat reserved for you in hell😠
Angry: don't say that about our friends mom
Smiley: Baji's mom too but like i'm actually scared of her and she looks exactly like him so it'd be weird
Angry: you're not listening!
Draken: you don't have any shame at all?
Smiley: none whatsoever
Mikey: if someone called my mom a milf i'd kill myself
Chifuyu: isn't she dead
Chifuyu: guess she turned the tables
Chifuyu: cause she's the angel now
Chifuyu: not you
Chifuyu: do you get it 😐
Mikey: ...😧
Mikey: BRO??????
Mitsuya: uncalled for
Hakkai: he's giggling actually
Draken: why was that necessary 💀
Kazutora: i think it's about time Mikey gets rationed
Hakkai: *ratioed
Kazutora: yeah since this time he brought this up on himself, even i don't go up to Chifuyu when he's in a bad mood
Kazutora: he said i have pupils like goats
Kazutora: idek what that means
Kazutora: so essentially it's his fault
Kazutora: get it?
Kazutora: cause it's Mikey's fault 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Draken: ...
Mitsuya: ...
Hakkai: ....
Baji: ....
Kazutora: too soon?
Kazutora: ayt
Kazutora: my apologies 👉👈
Chifuyu: i'm sorry i'm a little agitated rn
Smiley: anyway 😁
Smiley: Peke J blends in with your mom's fake fur coat idk what else to tell you
Smiley: be careful what you call me son😋
Chifuyu: Smiley
Smiley: ig your fucking cat was sleeping cause i didn't see no live cat
Smiley: and chill out, your negatives vibes are ruining my sunny aura 😁
Baji: what's this about Peke J almost dying
Baji: i will not only kill the person responsible but also myself
Baji: don't fucking do this to me i am hanging on by a thread
Mikey: schools really kicking your ass huh
Mikey: get a tutor
Baji: they all leave
Smiley: that is so fucking funny, holy shit
Angry: SMILEY 😡
Hakkai: Angry do you genuinely think using a different 'angry' emoji colour is gonna have indifferent effect?
Hakkai: c'mon now 😕
Baji: i'ma beat the shit out of you
Baji: Chifuyu let's tag team him
Kazutora: he's crying
Baji: understandable
Smiley: y'all try and catch me fr😁👊
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Now about season 3 of Bridgerton....some thought from a Greys Anatomy fan of the first hour cause I need to get it off my chest :)
I was really excited to see Polins story unfold even though I didn't watch Bridgerton before or read the books but I was swept up by the excitement on tiktok and got invested in their story.
But as soon as I heard Shona was involved I was like okayyyyyy, I gotta keep my expectations in check cause the women is not one to write healthy and lasting relationships and reasonable men who communicate well😬
Looking at how the season played out, I completely understand why so many people are disappointed cause there was so much potential wasted, so many scenes that could have made clear to the viewer what was going on in Colins head. I think I filled in the gaps in my mind but there are still some moments, some things he said and did that were almost character destroying, specially the comment about the entrapment, cause dude, she didn't even know what sex was🙄 Also, not even trying to have a converation with her about why LW started and has such significance to her was not sth Colin would do.
And that's the crux of why I think for many die hard fans, the season was a let down. They didn't show any true discussions or enough moments of passion alongside the argument cause in truth, there was no time with all the unnecessary side plots and so few episodes. If you saw the season you know, I won't list them all but I will say they better put a proper Polin side story and spicy scene in Ben's season cause the amount of pointless threesomes I had to skip through is almost offensive, especially cause it should be clear people want intimate scenes of the main couple😮‍💨
But looking at all of it considering this show is part of Shondaland, I am not the least bit surprised. The number of downright character assasinations I watched on Grey's (and other shows of hers) after over a decade watching the development of some of them is kinda ridiculous. The number of ruined relationships and the horrible ways most of them were ruined (I almost cannot believe I'm saying this now but thank god they killed off Derek before completely undoing who he actually was and what Meredith meant to him😭).
Untimately, Shonda loves the drama and the angst and very clearly doesn't think there is much entertainment value in showing happy couples resolving their issues in a healthy way. If you watch a project she's involved in, you gotta be prepared for the couple to not make it and in that way, Bridgerton fans are rather lucky considering no matter how the seasons play out, it's gonna end with a happy couple that's not gonna split up again.
She also was never gonna just take books and keep to the narrative cause I don't believe that would be any fun to her. Especially this season, since she has said that Pen is her favorite character. I was immediately thinking Colin will be taking a back seat and have moments viewers will hate him for to have Pen in the forefront individually.
I guess I'm gonna take away and rewatch the beautiful moments, even some of the angsty ones and wait for what little side plots Polin will have in future seasons. I don't believe I will watch the entirety of future seasons cause I'm not interested to be disappointed by Shonda Rhimes' story telling anymore. Been there done that😂
But my little obsession with Polin was still worth it cause they're just an amazing fictional couple and I might just read their book now☺️
And I have definitely found a new actress to follow along for her future roles cause Nicola is just amazing as an actress and as a person🥰
(Also find it deeply offensive to make an audience wait for 2 years (!!!) for 8 episodes but that's for another day😅)
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gh0stsp1d3r · 14 days
Request for John b (obx): reader is John b's little sister and she decides to surf the surge when there is a storm without telling John b (like JB and pope did in the first episode except for this imagine pretend they didn't). Reader gets a little hurt and tries to hide her injury from JB but he finds out about the injury and gives reader a lecture about going surfing without letting JB know. (JB is readers legal guardian)
I love this!! Now i gotta make a John b masterlist
Warnings: mentions of cuts, almost drowning
Tumblr media
“Wait, y/n, where are you goin’?” He asked, stopping you before you even could go to the door. His friends turned their heads, making you swallow the forming lump in your throat.
“I’m gonna go hang out with f/n.” You told him, shrugging your shoulders.
“You gonna be alright?” He asked you, glancing outside at the rain.
“It’s just a little rain, dude. Can I go now?”
“Okay.” He held his hands up in defense. “Be careful, I guess.”
“Thank you. See you guys.” You waved to the pogues.
You quickly went over to the garage, grabbing your board with a smile.
As you walked over to the nearby beach, you noticed the rain got harder. It shouldn’t be that bad. Plenty of people surf when it rains, it’s better. Even your brother could’ve told you that.
When you got there, you did indeed see some people. You thought it was safe enough to put your board down on the water.
You tore off your clothes, a suit underneath it. You smile as you paddled out to the water, watching the waves closely.
You found one, looking around to make sure no one else was surfing it. They weren’t, so you turned around and began paddling, standing up.
You did this a few times, enjoying it. It wasn’t until it started to thunder where you stopped, just laying on your board again.
You glanced around, everyone else still on their boards or getting off the beach. You figured, since others are here you would be fine.
You went farther and deeper out into the water, glancing around, you saw a wave. It was a good one. You paddled it, standing up before a big crash of lightning fell behind you. It scared the shit out of you, making you lose your balance and fall off the board.
You were in the water, deep down. On the surface floor, there was a rock. Trying to go against the now crashing waves, you desperately tried to get out of the suddenly violent water.
Upon moving, you managed to cut your foot, bad. You finally got on your board, wincing at the pain the large rock had left.
“Fuck.” You mumbled.
“You alright?” Another surfer asked nearby, making you nod at them. “I’d get out. They said it’s gon’ get worse.” She told you, you nodded and slowly went on to the shore.
You groaned in pain as you hopped off your board, lifting your foot up and examining the cut. It was deep, and it was huge.
You grabbed your shoes, putting them on and putting your jacket and shorts over your suit.
You limped all the way back to the Chateau, making sure to not put pressure on your foot. You put your board up carefully, and slowly made your way into the chateau.
You had prayed that no one was there, but there they all were, still sitting on the couch and drinking beer just like when you left.
“Hey, y/n!” They cheered, you closing the door.
“Hey.” You spoke with a small smile, immediately trying to go to the bathroom.
“You look like a mess.” JJ retorted, looking your wet clothes up and down.
“Thanks.” You rolled your eyes, limping all the way to the bathroom, but before you could go in, John B stopped you.
“Woah, woah, woah, why are you limping?” He asked, eyebrows furrowed as he looked down at your leg.
“I just hurt my ankle walking back.” You shrugged.
“Are you okay?” He raised his eyebrows.
“I’m fine, JB. Now can I please, please, go take a piss?”
He held his hands up in defense, you shutting the door to the bathroom, but forgetting to lock it. That was your first mistake.
You took off your shoe, seeing blood now stained onto the bottom. You winced in pain when you went over to the medicine cabinet, rummaging through it. You grabbed a bandaid, and ran your foot under the faucet of the bathtub.
You grabbed some soap, running it around your wound. While you rubbed it in, some had gotten into your wound, causing a lot of pain. You bit your lip to stop yourself from crying out, but it was no use.
Apparently it was loud enough for them to hear. JB knocked on the door.
“You alright, dude?” He asked from outside.
“Mhm! Just fine!” You spoke through gritted teeth, continuing to rinse off the blood.
“Doesn’t sound like it.” He said, concerned.
“I’m fine!”
“I’m coming in, alright?” He said, opening the door and seeing you fumbled around, trying to hide something from him.
He furrowed his eyebrows, looking at your nervous state.
“What are you trying to do?”
“I’ve seen you smoke, drink, literally everything. Clearly, something’s wrong if you’re hiding something.”
“I’m not hiding anything.” You argued, rolling your eyes at your brother.
“Then why did you turn off the water and jump up?” His eyes went over to the counter, bandaids strewn across it. Then they went to your shoe, and the bathroom floor where blood was clearly visible.
“Let me see your foot.”
“Wh- what? There’s nothing wrong with my foot, you have a foot fetish or something?” You asked him nervously, laughing.
“You’re a terrible liar.” He mumbled, motioning for you to sit down on the closed toilet seat. You sighed in defeat, lifting your foot up.
He kneeled down, examining the wound.
“How did you do this?” He asked, glancing up at you.
“I- I just fell, I’m fine-“
“You’re still lying?”
“Fine!” You groaned. “I went out surfing, just like for a few minutes.”
“What? You went surfing in a thunderstorm? Alone?”
“It wasn’t a thunderstorm when I got there! I was fine for a while until lightning struck like… far behind me, and then I got scared off my board and fell. I got cut up by some stupid rock. It’s not that bad-“
“Not that bad? You’re bleeding all over the bathroom.” He pointed out, interrupting you.
You looked down into your lap, messing with the edge of your shirt.
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s- it’s fine. Let’s just get you cleaned up, yeah?” He looked up at you, grabbing a bandaid and some sterile wipes from underneath the sink.
Once the bandage was on, you thanked him quietly.
“Course. Now next time-“
“I’m not gonna do any dumbass shit. Got it, John B.” You stood up, rolling your eyes at him.
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dragonwritersblog · 2 months
She Was Like A Sunflower
Read on AO3
Read Part 1 Here
“Just your imagination!”
“Trust your imagination…”
Jax and Pomni remember who they used to be, the childhoods they grew up from, the lives they lived and the love they shared. But it doesn’t mean their journey is finished yet. They still need to find a way to escape and return home. Things become more complicated in the real world when Riley starts to investigate further into the disappearances with the help of Samual. The more everyone tries to piece together the puzzle, the more C&A keeps breathing down their neck. But one thing is for sure, time is becoming limited each day. Will Pomni, Jax and the rest of the circus be able to escape before it runs out? Or will they fade away into nothing but pixels?
Bet ya thought this was gonna be Royally Screwed chap 5? Well guess what, I LIED MWAHAHAHAHA. THIS WAS THE REAL APRILS FOOLS JOKE ALL ALONG!!!
So strap yourselves in, cause if you thought chapter 5 was bad then you are in no way prepared for what I have planned. Chapter 5 was child's play my dude, we going straight into the deep end hehehehe
Hope you're prepared 😈
Wait for the signal and I'll meet you after dark
Show me the places where the others gave you scars – Willow by Taylor Swift
Three Months Ago
“Penny?” Amber knocked on the door of her daughter’s apartment. “Penny, it’s mom!”
Throughout the past week, Penny had been eerily silent. Normally she would let in her mother or sister, or occasionally answer the phone if they called. But every time Amber reached out, she never replied. She tried to cook it up to her daughter grieving, but she was a mother. Mothers worried.
So here she was, outside Penny’s home and trying to get her to answer the door.
“Look Penny, I know these past few months have been stressful,” Amber said, “But everyone is getting worried about you. I had to stop Riley from charging down here to get you out. We all just want to help you, please.”
Amber gave her a moment, to see if she would hear someone saying they were coming, or have the door unlocked and revealing a messy haired brunette. But nothing. Amber sighed, she didn’t want to do this, but she had to make sure Penny was okay. She reached into her purse and pulled out the spare key her daughter had given, opening the door slowly.
The apartment was in a state, dirty dishes and dust gathering on the countertops. It had been a while since the woman visited, who would usually help her daughter clean. Maybe she would do that today. “Penny!” Amber called out, still no answer. “Penny, we gotta try and get up today.” She walked to the bedroom, “Maybe we can get some coffee or go to the park or-”
Her stomach dropped. The moment she stepped into the bedroom, the bed was empty, without a body in sight. But what scared her more was the turned-on computer with nothing open and a damaged headset…just like Riley’s cases.
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no,” Amber chanted, running out of the room, scouring every inch of the place. “Penny?!” She reached the bathroom, no one. “Penny?!” she checked her sewing room, still nothing. “Penny!” the centre of the living room and kitchen. Again, void of anyone there.
She went back into the bedroom, pulling off the sheets, praying her eyes were playing tricks on her. But deep down she knew the truth. She covered her mouth, tears stinging in her eyes. She was gone. Her baby was gone.
She reached into her purse and grabbed her phone, hastily dialling until an operator picked up. “Yes hi! My name is Amber Reed!” she cried, “I went to visit my daughter Penny Reed but when I got there she was gone! All that was left was a broken headset and computer just like…just like.” Her voice broke off into a cry.
The operator understood immediately, asking for an address and told the woman that the police would arrive shortly. Amber thanked them and hung up, before dialling a new number.
Riley’s number.
“Hello?” Riley answered, “Mom, is everything okay?”
“Riley…Penny,” Amber sniffed, unable to say the words.
“What?” Riley asked, her voice starting to lace with concern. “Mom what happened?!”
Amber gulped, “It’s Penny…she’s gone.”
Jax stirred, now that it was confirmed that he could actually sleep here, it was certainly something to get used to again. He didn’t mind though, it was something that made him feel more alive, more sane, more human. Especially now that he remembered who he was. Jack Bloom, he missed hearing that name. But he missed another even more.
A warm body stirred next to him. Penny he lovingly threaded his fingers through Pomni’s short hair. He still couldn’t believe she was here! That she went all through that for him! He was going to get them out of here, no matter what.
Pomni hummed at the sensation of his fingers, mumbling and kneading her pillow beneath her hand like a cat. Jax chuckled, he missed watching her do that, every night she would do it. It was the cutest thing to him. Her eyes blinked open, taking in the purple rabbit before her and smiled sleepily.
“It wasn’t a dream,” she hummed, “It was real.”
“As real as it can get sweetheart,” Jax pressed a kiss to her forehead. “God you’re so beautiful.”
She giggled as his fur tickled her skin, wrapping her arms around his neck and bringing him in for another kiss, “Not so fast bunny boy.”
He chuckled against her lips, giving her bottom lip a small nip, “I’m definitely not complaining.” He pulled her closer to him, revelling in her warmth. Jax missed this, he missed this so much. He missed her so much. How could he ever imagine losing all of this? He literally had the world in his hands and the future ahead of his path was a bright one, and because of Luke, he was so quick to throw it away.
He pulled his lips away, he almost lost his person. He was such an idiot. Jax buried his face into Pomni’s neck, breathing in as much of her scent as he could and keeping her close. He never wanted to lose her again.
“Jack?” Pomni brought her hand up to stroke the back of his head, “Hey, talk to me. What’s going on?”
He shuddered, he feared what to say next, feared that the next wrong move would ruin something. But he shook that thought away, those were the same things in his head that drove him away from Penny in the first place. He wasn’t going to make that same mistake again. “I shouldn’t have made that deal with Jason,” he murmured into her shoulder, turning his face to look at her. “I’m the reason we’re in this mess. You deserve to be home, with your mother and sister, making your dreams come true. And I…I’m really sorry Pen.”
“Hey,” she cupped his cheeks in her hands. “You didn’t know any of this was going to happen. There was no way you could have known that you were gonna end up here after putting on that headset. We fought, yes. But I know that if this whole place didn’t exist, we would have figured out the situation we were in. I put on the headset too, you know. I don’t blame you for anything. I love you so much Jack.”
He sighed, how did the world give him the sweetest soul ever created? She was perfect. “I adore you,” he pushed himself up onto his forearms, leaning over her.
“You’re trying to out do me mister,” she pouted.
“Oh am I?” he smirked, “Can’t I not express how I have the most beautiful, perfect fiancé in the world?”
“I know you mister,” she stuck her tongue out at him, “I’ve known you long enough when you’re trying to be a show-off.”
“So you think I’m being a show-off when I’m doing this?” without warning, his lips were fluttering little kisses against her neck, reaching all the spots where he knew Pomni was most ticklish.
“Jack!” Pomni snorted, trying to shove him off her, “You asshole! Don’t make me bite you!”
“Oh no,” Jax drawled, he knew he was pushing her, “Whatever shall I do?” He didn’t stop his kiss attack.
Just as they both expected, Pomni launched up and bite him on the shoulder, making the rabbit laugh out loud. There was a bit of rough and tumble, with both the rabbit and the jester fighting for control, until Pomni eventually pinned his arms down while straddling his waist. “You can sweet talk me all you want,” she jeered, “But never think that I don’t get even.”
“I mean, I’m definitely not mad about these current circumstances sweetie,” Jax grinned, “As long as I get to look at your beautiful face.”
Pomni groaned, shaking her head, “What am I gonna do with you?”
“Hmm, how about marrying me the moment we get back home?” the rabbit suggested, wiggling his eyebrows.
The jester giggled, her annoyance vanishing, “Yeah, I guess that can be arranged.”
His hands were moving up to the back of her head, caressing the soft strands between his fingers. Her short locks were a contrast to her usually long hair that he loved to bury his hands in whenever they kissed, but she still looked beautiful, nonetheless. He lifted his upper body off the mattress, watching as her face softened with relaxation the more he massaged her scalp. His lips inched closer to hers, ready to press them together when-
“-Jax, are you in there?” Ragatha asked on the other side of Jax’s bedroom door, giving it three sharp knocks. “I need to talk to you.”
“Eep!” Pomni squeaked, rolling off her partner and buried herself under the covers. “She’s probably looking for me since I’m not in my room!”
“Shoot!” Jax cursed. Well, as best as he could without triggering Caine’s censorship feature. “This isn’t how I planned to tell everyone about us!”
“I didn’t intend on having a plan at all!” Pomni hissed, “Get in front of me! I’m short enough to hide behind you!”
She found herself regretting those words when she saw a smirk creep on Jax’s lips, “Oh so the little lady finally admits that she’s small.”
Pomni growled, “Keep talking like that and you’ll see how much damage a small person can do to your shins!”
“I’m coming in!” Ragatha called.
Jax immediately sobered up, using his height to cover Pomni behind him, he could hear the rustling of his sheets as she tried to cover herself up with them. He leaned his cheek on his palm, trying to appear as relaxed as possible as Ragatha cracked the door open. “Doll face,” he really hoped he sounded casual, “Don’t you know its rude to break into people’s rooms.”
“Look who’s talking,” she deadpanned, “Besides, you weren’t in your room when I went to check on you last night. I was gonna look for you but then Caine started pressuring us to get to bed at a ‘proper time’.”
Jax face faltered a bit, she cared enough to look for him? After he treated her like nothing but garbage? Little things like that made him all the more grateful that Pomni found her way back into his life. For those last few months and memories, she had managed to get him to open up in ways that no one else could. Maybe deep down it was him trying to get back out or her just being her most sweet and honest self that he couldn’t help but let his edges soften. But either way, it gave him so much more clarity with how he was with the others, and how ashamed that he was blind to the fact that they actually did want to help him. That it wasn’t a cruel trick that someone like Luke would pull. God he was an idiot.
“Guess I got tired of sleeping on a hard stage so I came back to bed,” he gulped down any nerves that were rushing up. “See, no big deal.”
“Well, I hope you’re feeling better,” Ragatha smiled softly. “Pomni was really worried about you when you didn’t come back.”
He felt the jester shuffle behind him when her name was spoken. He wanted nothing more than to smother her with affection right there and then, to show her how much he appreciated even the smallest pieces of kindness she had to offer. “Don’t worry, I’ll see her later and show her that I’m fine,” he told the ragdoll. “But…how was she? After the whole…”
He felt Pomni stiffen, Jax suddenly felt guilty about bringing it up. But seeing her scared little face, how she felt the sensation of dying…Even if she was alright now, it didn’t mean that the trauma of it all was erased. It was just another part of this hell that they were forced to be part of. A hell that Caine was either too naïve or stubborn to fix.
“I won’t lie, she was pretty shaken up. And that’s me giving the sugar-coated version of it,” Ragatha tod him, sighing. “You’d think that we’d be used to it all by now, or at least, we are. But Caine just has to one up himself every time. I know she didn’t – you know. But I was there once, I know how she felt and-” She stopped herself, her voice edging on sounding tearful. Jax watched as she danced the same routine that she always did when she felt as if she was about to cry.
Ragatha closed her eyes, breathed in forcefully and gripped her hands so tight that Jax swore that were almost about to rip. She beamed, as though she wasn’t even sad in the first place. But her smile was just too fake to be considered real, “Anyways, have you seen Pomni? I was going to fetch her for breakfast but she wasn’t in her room. Have you stumbled upon her while going back up to your room.”
Stumbled was definitely a loose term. I mean, if you believed tearful kisses, a long-awaited reunion, the bringing back of lost memories and the passionate promise to return to the real world was just a little stumble then yes, perhaps he did stumble into her. “Uh, nope,” Jax shook his head, “I haven’t seen her. But then again, she is pretty short. It would be hard for anyone not to see her.”
He bit his lip as Pomni kicked him in the leg. Despite her small and light structure, Riley had definitely taught her a thing or two about strength.
“Right,” Ragatha hung her head with worry. “I’m sure she’ll show up eventually. Oh and once you see her again, please be nice to her, for some reason she really likes you. If I didn’t know any better I’d think she has a crush on you.”
“Is that so?” Oh how Jax wished he could see how red Pomni’s face could be turning right now. “I did not know that at all.”
“Unsurprisingly, men are pretty dumb about that stuff,” she scoffed, turning before shutting the door behind her.
When he was sure the sounds of her steps were far away enough, he burst out laughing, echoing off the walls as he fell onto his back.
“Shut up!” Pomni’s was flustered head to toe, grabbing a pillow and smacking him. “So what if I was crushing on you before we got our memories back?! We’re already engaged!”
“It’s the principal little lady!” he snickered, grabbing the pillow and throwing it away. With nothing to hold onto, she fell forward onto his chest with a yelp while the rabbit encased her in his arms. “But I think it’s pretty cute that you were crushing on me even if you didn’t know me.”
Pomni whined, burying her face into Jax’s fluffy chest as she continued to mumble and groan with embarrassment. Jax patted her hair gently, deciding to take pity on her…for now. “There, there,” his fingers combed through her short locks, “I’m sorry for teasing you Penny.”
She went silent there, looking back up at him slowly, “Huh.”
Jax raised on eyebrow, slightly confused, “What? Did I say something weird?”
“You always say weird stuff,” she grinned, earning her a flick to the forehead. The couple giggled as Pomni snuggled up against him more, “It’s just…still getting used to hearing my name again. I feel like I’ve denied of myself for so long, it’s nice knowing that I am someone. And that I do have importance.”
Jax felt himself smile softly, looking at Pomni with all the love he could muster, “That’s my girl.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead, “And I’ll say it as many times as you want as long as it makes you happy. Penny-Penny-Penny-Penny-Penny-” He started smothering her with kisses again as his fiancé squealed.
“Jack!” she snorted, “You can’t say it all the time! The others don’t know yet!”
“I guess that means I get to keep you to myself a little longer,” he chortled.
“Ugh,” she grumbled, “Dumbass.”
“Shortie,” he retorted as she stuck her tongue out at him.
“Well, I think ‘keeping me a little longer’ is gonna have to wait,” Pomni told him, “I gotta head back to my room so no one else gets any more suspicious.”
“You sure I can’t keep you for five more seconds,” Jax pouted.
“Jack Bloom you will learn to be patient,” she poked him on the nose. “Once today is over I’ll be right back.” She cupped his face in her palms, “As long as we see each other throughout the day, then that’s enough for me.”
He took her hand, kissing the inside, “And it’s enough for me too.”
Pomni smiled, pressing one last kiss to his forehead and began to swing her legs off the bed until a long purple arm pulled her back. “Changed my mind! I want five more seconds!” his lips began to attack her neck as she screeched and squirmed.
“Jack!” Pomni cackled, “You asshole!” She couldn’t stop giggling, tackling the rabbit to the bed again as the two began to scuffle about, kisses and laughter filling the room.
Five seconds turned to five minutes…then ten minutes. They made it to breakfast eventually, with Jax having to wait a while after before joining the table in order to erase suspicion. Everyone raised a brow at him, usually the rabbit would be there before anyone, ready with a prank and make everyone else’s morning more miserable. Yet he was late, with a carefree smile and said nothing as he sat down (he was grateful that he as least still got to sit next to Pomni).
It still didn’t stop everyone from raising an eyebrow at this sudden new development, and even whispering about it while eating. “See,” he spoke in a hushed voice in Pomni’s direction, “I knew we’d be good at this whole secret thing.”
Pomni never wanted the ground to swallow her up whole as she did now.
The smell of warm coffee filled Riley’s nose as she filled two mugs. Winter was still at work and now she had this stranger in her house. She was still trying to wrap her head around things, the whiplash of finally being able to get her sister back had thrown her for a loop. Did she trust this Samual kid yet? Not really. But she would wait and see if he was bluffing or not. As long as there was a chance to find Penny, she didn’t want to waste it.
She carried the mugs back through to the living room, where Samual was waiting patiently on the sofa. His eyes scanned the room, widened with curiosity. His gaze landed on a small picture frame with three women, two with red hair and one with brown hair-
“-Take it,” Riley shoved the mug in his face, the boy nearly jumping of his skin.
“Ah, sorry, sorry,” he apologised, taking the coffee gratefully. “I usually get distracted. Um, that girl in the photo, is she-?”
“-Aren’t we here to talk about why you should help me?!” Riley snapped. She didn’t mean to sound so cruel, but right now they were here to discuss business. They weren’t friends, and she certainly didn’t want him to familiarise with Penny.
“Sorry, you’re right, I-I’m sorry,” he cleared his throat, gripping the warm mug as the heat washed through his hands before beginning his story. “I always had a funny feeling about Jason since my parents disappeared. At first I thought he was fine. Whenever my aunt and uncle were unsure with how to help me, Jason was always there to try and cheer me up. Before they went missing, he was close with me and my parents, even letting me see games that weren’t finished yet. But when I started getting older things got…different.”
He shifted in his seat in discomfort, his hands tightening around the cup, “He became more controlling, restrictive. He was very vocal about the stuff that I should be studying like coding and computer science, stuff that my dad used to do. He also kept breathing over my shoulder with where I would go and why I wouldn’t spend time with him. Like, he was angry that I wasn’t always in the building. I chalked it up to thinking that maybe he just wanted me to take over C&A, like my dad did, and maybe this was his own way of grieving his loss. But whenever I tried to talk to him about my parents, he always shut me down. I remember this one time where it was just us, I was begging him to tell me at least one thing about my parents. I…I never saw him so angry in my life. It was the last time I brought it up. Whenever I tried to talk about them to someone else at C&A, they’d either bring up a different conversation or not talk to me at all. If someone did talk to me Jason would either get super pissed, and sometimes even fire them.”
His knuckles started to turn white, “I tried to talk to my aunt and uncle about him, how I didn’t want him in my life anymore. But he was always really good to them and helped them out since I was a kid so they didn’t see anything wrong with him, even saying that I was being dramatic. They even supported him when he tried to pick out what college I should go to and what I should study there! As if it wasn’t my choice!” He cringed once he realised the volume of his voice, shrinking a bit in his seat. “Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to yell.”
“It’s fine,” Riley muttered, gathering more information in her head while listening to him.
“Um, well. Everything kinda changed a few months ago, after Jack went missing,” he continued, “Before…well…your sister went missing. I started getting these anonymous messages. There was never any email address attached, just words on a page. I asked them who they were but they never gave me a proper answer. The only thing they mentioned was that they were trapped and needed a way out. I tried to figure out what they meant, asked questions about how they could get out. Anything else they told me was about bugs, keys and trying to find an escape. I don’t think they meant to be confusing, their whole tone made them sound really scared. However one day…there were no more messages. I tried to email them back but they never responded.” He reached into his pocket, pulling out a piece of paper. “This was the last thing they sent me.”
He handed it to Riley, taking it carefully while still feeling slightly suspicious. The whole thing so far had sounded extremely bizarre. She unfolded the paper, blinking in shock at what she saw.
It seemed to be written in a panic. Each sentence quick and at least trying to get to some sort of point. “You sure they didn’t at least have some sort of name?” Riley asked.
“Well, kinda,” Samual shrugged. “The only thing they referred to themselves as was Queenie. But that’s all I got from them.”
“Queenie?” Riley deadpanned. She sighed, running a hand over her face. As if it was realistic for a sane person to have that sort of name. “Look kid, I get your giving me what you know so far, but it’s not realistic for be to see if literally anyone has that name.”
“I know, I know,” Samual told her. “Believe me, I wish that there was more that I could tell you. But that fact that it stated that C&A did something raised so many red flags for me, and it would explain why Jason is so tight lipped about anything relating to my parents.”
“Do you even have proof that you didn’t just make these up?” Riley questioned, her tone harsher as she raised her brow at him.
“N-no,” Samual’s voice wavered slightly. “B-but! I can take you to C&A and show you that I’m telling the truth! I could say that you’re helping with the case and they’d let you in!”
Riley didn’t say a word, taking a long sip of her own coffee. She didn’t know what to believe, everything that this kid had mentioned just seemed off the walls insane! But he spoke to earnestly that a part of her almost felt inclined to believe him. “One chance,” she said, “Got it?”
He was practically radiating with joy the moment those words left her mouth, “Yes! Yes! Absolutely! I promise I won’t let you down!”
She nearly smiled at him, but she forced it away. She wasn’t going to celebrate anything yet until there was solid evidence that he was telling the truth. But she wasn’t going to lie, this was the first time that Riley felt a glimmer of hope with finding Penny.
After so many months of disappointment.
Three Months Ago
Riley was on a mission, her knuckles white as she gripped onto the steering wheel of her car. It was barely a day since Penny was announced missing, and she wanted to confirm that the worst-case scenarios didn’t happen before focusing on anything else. Did she like what she was planning to do? No fucking way. But if it meant getting rid at least part of her worries, then it was worth it.
The car pulled up on a shoddy looking house, the white paint on the bricks fading into grey with chips cracking along the surface. From the windows it didn’t even seem like the place had been cleaned, with grease marks all over the window and what seemed to be a pile of dirty clothes from the corner. She jumped out the car, slamming the door shut before going up to the front of the house.
Riley hammered on the door, not ceasing until she heard an angered, “Alright!” from a male voice.
After the sound of a lock turning, the door opened, revealing a haggard man in a tank top stained with sweat. He seemed like he’d seen better days. Riley cringed at the scent of cigarettes on his breath, “Is David here?”
“Yeah, so?” the man shrugged.
She shoved past him, ignoring his cursing at her. The stronger scent of whiskey and smoke hit her all at once, like a gentlemen’s club that served only the strongest of liquors and lacked any type of windows for air. If the house already seemed messy on the outside, it was so much worse on the inside.
On the floor was more dirty laundry scattered about, dust was collecting on the furniture and there was a build up of unclean dishes nearly covering the kitchen surfaces and sink. In what was supposed to be the dining area, a group of men were huddled round a table, with opened cans of beer, cigarettes and each one was holding a handful on playing cards.
She ignored them, there was only one person – hopefully two – that she was looking for. “David!” she yelled, venturing into the hallway.
“Woah, woah!” one of the men stood up, “Who’s this bitch?!”
“Dunno,” the man from the door scratched his stomach, “Just came in here liked she owned the place.”
The second man scoffed, “Listen lady, I don’t know who you are but you’re a real cunt for interrupting our-”
He tried to reach out and grab Riley’s shoulder, only for the woman to whip back round and grab his arm. She twisted it behind her arm, smirking at his yelp of pain, “Or what? What would you do to a member of the FBI?” That seemed to scare the others off, the men sinking into their seats with Riley’s silent threat. “That’s what I thought.”
She let the man go as he staggered back to his seat. “David!” she went back into the hallway again, stepping over the piles of fabric on the ground.
A body came hurling towards her, but Riley was quick to react as she pushed the body to the wall, the back of head hitting the hard surface. She sighed, she found the idiot she was looking for, “David.”
The man came to, a delirious grin spreading across his face the moment he recognised her. “Well, well,” he drawled, the stench of beer hanging of his breath, “Fellas! This is my oldest, Riley!” He was drunk, obviously. But it didn’t make it hurt for Riley any less, “Come here kiddo!”
He tried to reach in for a hug, but Riley was quick to push him back against the wall with a growl, “Where’s Penny?”
“The fuck are you talking about?” he slurred.
Riley rolled her eyes, if he was playing dumb then she wasn’t going to risk it, “Didn’t you even at least here from the news? She’s missing. I figured that could be the only way you would find out since you like to pretend she doesn’t even exist.”
“Yeah I did,” he scoffed. “She ain’t here. Why would I drag her sorry ass out here?”
That stung more than it should have. His daughter went missing yet he treated it as though as he had a speck of lint on his shoulder. “Dunno,” she scowled, “You always wanted to make sure she was miserable as possible. Wanted to make sure that she wasn’t here.”
“Riley you gotta stop being dramatic,” David said, “It’s a bad habit you got from your mom. You guys always freak out over Penny.”
“Right,” she balled her hands into fists, “Her daughter and my sister went missing and no one can find her but sure. We’re being ‘dramatic’.” She walked away from him, she couldn’t stop searching yet. “Penny!”
She searched through each room of the house, even checking in the wardrobes. Maybe it wasn’t plausible, but that fearful section of her mind wouldn’t let go of that fear until it was confirmed that her father wasn’t a complete monster to her baby sister. He still was, and Riley would never forget that. She could still hear him trying to get her attention, trying to give her some sort of ‘apology’ (which mostly resulted in him trying to avoid any type of blame whatsoever).
Once she made sure she didn’t miss anything from the inside, she ventured back out, gulping in as much fresh air as she could in order to erase the stink of cheap booze and smoke. There was only one more place she wanted to look. She went over to David’s car, unsurprised to find it unlocked, and opened the trunk. Was it a stretch? Honestly, she could never tell with him. The way he treated Penny was enough to make her this fearful. She could feel relief swarm her when there was no one in there. Penny wasn’t here, that’s good.
Worry was quick to fill Riley again, then where was she?
“You’re really being paranoid Riles,” David muttered, stepping outside.
“I’m doing my job,” she spat at him, slamming the trunk closed.
“Don’t use that tone on me young lady,” he scolded, “I’m just trying to help.”
“Seriously? You decide now that you want to attempt at being my dad?” she snarled, “Because that stopped happening the moment you wanted nothing to do with me and Penny after she was born! You held a grudge over a fucking baby! And if you really want to help, you can get off your lazy ass and help Mom with the search parties or even pitch in any ideas to help find your daughter!”
“Come on Riley,” he groaned, “You know your sister has had her freakouts before. She’s probably having one of those after her little boyfriend dumped her.”
Riley grit her teeth, no one spoke about her Winter’s brother like that, “Jack didn’t dump her, he’s missing too. And you’re seriously calling what Penny went through ‘freakouts’? Especially that you’re the reason behind most of them? How fucking dare you?!”
“Oh come on, the car accident was years ago, you should be over this by now,” David crossed his arms. “It’s not my fault your mother was too lazy to pick up that little brat. It was my day off but Amber just had to be a bitch about it anyway.” Riley felt her fist balling up again, her veins raising to her wrist at the intensity. “And if I’m being honest, it’s probably a good thing that she’s missing! It’ll finally teach her to stop being so fucking selfish-”
Riley’s fist collided with David’s nose, sending him to the ground. He screamed as he clutched the now bleeding appendage. Riley flexed her fingers, that felt good. “That’s all I needed,” she muttered, “See you around David.”
She ignored his cries, opting to go round the side of the house to reach her car. She sighed the moment she shut the door behind her and started the engine, not bothering to look back at the dingy old house.
Riley hated him, she hated him so much. She hated that she shared his blood. She hated that he threw away the chance to be her father because of his own entitlement. She hated that he made her baby sister so afraid of being touched despite him not laying a hand on her. She hated how he spoke about her kind, sweet mother in the vilest ways possible. And she hated for wishing for the potential of the relationship they could have had.
She hated him she hated him she hated him sha hated him she hated him-
The tires of her car screeched to a halt on the empty road. Riley let out a blood-curdling, painful scream, banging her hands on the steering wheel. This always happened whenever she saw David, all the anguish and hurt he fed to her over the years coming full front and forcing their way into her heart.
But this time it was worse. This time Penny was gone. Riley had spent the last few days burying down the panic, the fear, the intrusive thoughts that plagued her mind. Now it was rising like bile in her throat.
A tear ran down her cheek as she pressed her forehead to the wheel.
She just wanted her baby sister back.
“Uh, Miss Riley? Are you okay?”
Riley snapped out of her gaze. She turned to face Samual’s brown eyes. Huh, there the exact same shade as Penny’s- No! Enough! She wasn’t going to get soft on him. Where was she again? Oh, right. After the information that Samual gave her, they had driven up to C&A to carry out the kid’s plan. Right now they were parked outside, with Riley just snapping out of her daydream. “I’m fine,” she murmured.
“You sure?” Samual asked, “We can wait a few minutes in case you need a breather-”
“-I’m fine!” she snapped at him, his eyes widening with panic. Riley sighed, she didn’t mean to snap at him, but right now was more tense than she ever believed she could be capable of. “Just tell me what you want us to do.”
“R-right, okay,” he fidgeted with his hands for a moments. “Um, so I’m able to tell them that you’re still working on Jack’s missing case. You know since he used to work here and all. Then I can take you to where I found the emails, I still have them hidden.”
The plan seemed plausible enough, and Riley was still working on Jack’s case so her boss wouldn’t have any complaints with her being here. “Okay, let’s get started,” she stated.
Samual nodded eagerly, already jumping out the car. Riley sighed, this kid’s energy was too difficult for her to catch up to. She followed him into the building, taking in the familiar site when she first started working on the case. She didn’t think she would get used to the size yet, she knew this company was popular but it was definitely noticeable with the size of this place.
Samual walked up to the desk, Riley already reaching into her pocket for her badge. “Donna,” he greeted the receptionist, “I’m here with Agent Reed from the FBI.”
“Sorry to disturb ma’am,” Riley spoke, holding up her badge. “But I had to come back here to make sure there wasn’t anything I missed for the Jack Blossom case.”
“Oh, uh,” the woman seemed startled, her eyes almost panicked. It already raised a few red flags for Riley. Sure Jack’s case was still going but C&A seemed to have their hands clean so far. This didn’t seem like a reaction for concern, but rather like a child having their hand stuck in a cookie jar.
“Yes, yes of course,” the receptionist finally answered, running a hand through her hair anxiously. “Go right ahead agent, do what you need to do.”
Riley gave her a brisk nod, with Samual leading her further into the building. When they reached the elevator and the doors were shut did Samual begin to grin again, “Woah! That was amazing! Is this what it feels like when you’re undercover? You’re all mysterious and secretive, it feels like being in a play!”
“Easy kid,” she put a hand on his shoulder.
“Right, right, sorry,” he panted a little bit from the excitement. “I’ll be calm. It’s just – so freaking cool!”
Riley rolled her eyes. And if there was a smile slowly quirking at the corner of her lips then she was quick to get rid of it.
With a small ‘ding’ of the elevator, the duo found themselves on the floor they were looking for. Samual led her down a few hallways before stumbling into some sort of office. Samual looked back and forth in the hallway before shutting the door between them. “Okay, this is the place where I started getting the messages,” he informed her, “I kept them on this computer to make sure that it was safe.”
Samual logged onto the monitor, scanning through each folder until he finally found what he was looking for. He clicked on the first file, an email detailing the start of a conversation.
Is someone there?
You can see this
Can’t you?
My name is Queenie
I need your help
“You see!” Samual pointed to the screen, “I told you.”
Riley felt her heart flutter a bit, hoping filling it once again. Samual clicked on another email.
You’re back!
Something is happening with the insects here
They’re acting strange
What did you find?
Don’t worry it’s gonna be okay!
We’ll find something
He clicked on a few more pages, each one detailing something similar. Both Samual and this ‘Queenie’ person were trying to find something, something that could somehow set this mystery person free from whatever prison they were in. Samual finally clicked on one more.
It’s all a simulation
Like a game
I remember the headset
I know that I had a life
I know that I am trapped in the amazing digital circus
Riley raised a brow at that, it sounded familiar, “The amazing digital-”
“Samual! What do you think you’re doing?!” a male voice thundered.
Both Riley and Samual jumped, turning to the source of the voice.
Samual gulped, “J-Jason.”
Jason Wood stood at the door, his arms crossed and his face holding nothing but fury, “Donna told me that you were bring an agent here so I rushed out of my meeting to deal with this nonsense. You better explain the meaning of this.”
“I-I, y-you, um,” Samual stuttered, the words not being able to form.
“I can explain sir,” Riley walked over. “It’s for the Jack Blossom case, I got in contact with Sam to see if he could help me out since he knew Jack before he went missing.”
Jason’s eyes furrowed more, looking past Riley to deepen his frightful gaze onto Samual. The boy felt and looked smaller than he ever did, wanting nothing more than to disappear. Jason walked past Riley and over to the computer, “What is this?”
“I-it’s just something to help with the case!” Samual said, “I only wanted to help, I promise!”
“Oh, Samual, not this again,” Jason computer.
Riley looked to Samual, again?
Jason looked back to Riley, pity drawn all over his face, “He did this when his parents disappeared. He created an imaginary version of them to talk to out of grief, the poor kid.”
“Well, kids need to find their own way to grieve, right?” Riley pointed out, dreading that this conversation wasn’t going where she thought it was going.
“Sure for kids,” Jason nodded, “But not for teenagers.” He turned back to Samual, “This is probably another one of his episodes. Last time this happened we had to admit him to the psych ward. I really hope this isn’t another one of these situations, it nearly broke me, his aunt and his uncle seeing him like that.”
A pit formed in Riley’s stomach. Of course she was being naive! The recent cases must have been making this kid act up again, and she only made it worse by selfishly indulging in it.
“No, no!” Samual yelled out. “That’s not true! Riley this isn’t true!”
“So you weren’t admitted to the psych ward?” Riley demanded.
“Yes but not for the reasons you think?!” Samual sniffled. “It was him!” he pointed at Jason, “I stepped out of line and he punished me for it! That’s what he does!”
Riley pressed her fingers to her temples, massaging them. How could I be such a fool? “I’m sorry for wasting your time Mr Wood,” she sighed, “I should get going.”
“That’s quite alright dear,” he smiled warmly.
“No, no, wait!” Samual cried out, chasing after Riley as she went back into the hallway. “Riley please believe me! Those emails were real! I can help you!”
“STOP!” Riley screamed, “Just stop! I can’t believe I was so stupid enough to trust what random kid had to say in order to find my sister!”
“It wasn’t a mistake, please!” he begged, “Riley I can help you! We can find her! We can find Jack! We can find my parents!”
“Enough!” Riley growled, “Enough. You need help Samual, I’m sorry for what you went through but this isn’t going to bring your parents back.”
“You think I haven’t gotten help?!” his voice broke, “You think I didn’t want help?! I had to threaten to leave C&A in order for Jason to let me go to therapy before he weaponised the psych ward in order to get me out the way! This isn’t a deranged theory, this is me finally asking for help after months and months of denying it because I was scared people didn’t believe me! You were the only person I could trust who wouldn’t betray me! Please Riley! Please stay!”
Riley closed her eyes. She couldn’t make the same mistake, “Goodbye Samual, have a nice life.”
With that, she turned on her heel and walked back to the elevator.
“Riley please!” she heard Samual sob. “I don’t want to be alone again!”
She walked into the elevator.
“Please! I can’t!” Tears were streaming down the boy’s cheeks.
Riley tried to ignore how much it reminded her how Penny used to cry for her as the elevator doors shut.
Seven hours should never feel this long!
Jax wanted to sob as the adventure finished up for the day. It was some sort of fast-food type of adventure, where he had to take multiple orders at once, get yelled at by an NPC manager, and wasn’t allowed to take a single break. Worst of all? He hadn’t seen Pomni once. It felt like some sort of crime to deny him of his fiancé’s beautiful face.
He laughed to himself, he wondered what the others would think of cruel, sarcastic Jax having such sappy thoughts about the love of his life. A few days ago, he would ignore these thoughts in order to keep up his act of the heartless joker. But now? He couldn’t care less. He loved Pomni and he wasn’t going to change that one bit. Not when he had been refused of her for so long.
Speaking of Pomni, she was currently talking to Gangle. The body of ribbons was held back by Ragatha while the former tried to give Pomni a hug, still clearly concerned for her after the pool incident the other day. Pomni smiled, stating that she was perfectly fine and that the masked lady didn’t need to worry.
Jax felt himself smiling. She was here, as hellish as today was, Pomni was all that mattered to him. He didn’t want to interrupt her yet, besides, the scene was quite funny to watch. Although it seemed to be only them and himself in the ring, he wondered where Zooble and Kinger…oh, right.
“Stop speaking to me as if you know me! You’re nothing but an insect-obsessed, stupid piece of wood who can barely remember his name!
He still remembered the sting of saying that. He wished he could take it back. He wished he took take a lot of things back. Before everything he thought he was fine. He was a prankster, sure, but he never wanted to be cruel like the people who hurt him. But here, without the memories, without something to lean on, without all he built after years of therapy – of course it would cause his scars to bleed again. But he shouldn’t have scarred others along the way.
Jax gulped as his eyes finally caught the chess piece talking with Zooble. He wanted to try and make this right. He walked up to the duo, “Hey hoo-haa, Zoobs. What dumb thing are you talking about now?” Seriously! You try and makes things right and this is how you start the conversation?!
“What do you want now Jax?” Zooble crossed their arms, already annoyed.
“I just wanna talk to the old royal over here for a sec, okay,” Jax replied, trying to seem his usual, casual self.
“Why? So you can kick him down another hole again?” Zooble questioned bitterly. “Yeah, I don’t think so.”
Jax looked to Kinger, the chess piece was avoiding eye contact with him. “Kinger, I wanted to say-”
“You don’t get to say anything!” Zooble growled, “Not after how you talked to him! Yeah, I overheard your conversation while I was giving Caine an earful! The f&*k did Kinger even do for you to say that?! He was just trying to help!”
“I know, I know!” Jax ran a hand over his face. “I know that I shouldn’t have said that I was scared and I lashed out. I didn’t think-”
“You don’t think at all Jax,” Kinger spoke softly. Both him and Zooble turning to face the chess piece. “You believe everything that you do here is just mindless fun for you. But every time you push us down, every time you call us names, every time you grin cruelly at us, we all remember it. But sometimes there’s a glimmer of hope in you, I saw it when you talked to me about - you know. And every time I see it, you always try to squash it, as though you’re afraid. As though it makes you brave to deny yourself the slightest chance of goodness, but it doesn’t…you’re a coward Jax.”
It felt as if all the air had been knocked out of Jax, he nearly stumbled on the spot. To hear that from Kinger, the only person he felt close to other than Queenie, brought him a shame that he never knew existed. “I…I really am sorry Kinger,” he said with all the sincerity he could muster.
Kinger sighed, “I wish I could believe that.” He pulled out a paper butterfly, red like the old cloak that Queenie used to wear. His eyes smiled softly at the familiarity. “But Queenie always had an eyes for the diamond in the rough. And I trust her more than anyone. I might forgive you, but not today.”
The chess piece’s eyes held the same wisdom as they did back when he and the rabbit built the fort together. A pair of years with decades of knowledge. But as soon as he blinked, he was back to normal old Kinger, “Oh look, a butterfly! That will be perfect for my collection.” He looked back up to the rabbit, “Oh hi Jax…bye Jax.”
With that, he turned away, leaving Jax starstruck again. Zooble gave him a final glare before walking away too. Jax sighed, while that conversation didn’t go the way he wanted it to, he wouldn’t lie and say that it wasn’t unrealistic. Of course Kinger wouldn’t forgive him right away, not after Jax had mistreated him and the others for so long. He felt a hand curl into his, he tightened his hold onto it.
“You okay?” Pomni asked.
He lifted his head to the side to face her, those beautiful and unique eyes already bringing him peace, “I will be.” His eyes scanned the room, everyone was gone. “Remember my promise with getting us out of here?”
Pomni nodded.
“I need to show you something,” he told her, guiding her back to his room.
He made sure the door was locked behind him, erasing the risk of getting caught. “I don’t show these to anyone else,” he said, walking over to a chest and pulling another key out. “But I think this might help with our situation.”
The lock of the chest clicked open, the lid falling back as a hundred of different golden keys were revealed. “Woah,” Pomni’s red and blue eyes widened, “That’s…that’s definitely a lot.”
“Yup, I told you I got keys everywhere here,” he smirked.
She nudged him slightly, “Could come in handy for us sometime.”
“Watch it little lady,” he snickered, his face falling serious again. “I’ve used these keys on every single door I could find but I haven’t found an exit. But with you here, maybe there’s a better chance of finding one.”
Pomni was lost in thought, taking out a singular key and fiddling with it in her hands. “Yeah,” she replied absentmindedly. “I think it might be closer than you think.”
Jax whipped his head round to her, “Come again?”
“Uh…” Pomni trailed off, realising that she had been speaking out loud. “So, remember when I said to Caine a while back that I stopped seeing exits doors? Well…”
Jax raised a brow at her.
Soon enough they were in her room, the chest of keys laying by the wall while both the rabbit and jester were pushing her wardrobe away from the other wall. Jax’s jaw dropped at what he saw once the wardrobe was pushed away. Right behind the piece of furniture was a bright red exit door, the green sign glowing above it. “It appeared here after my first dinner here,” she explained, “I tried to see what was behind it but all it led me to was another maze of weird office hallways.”
“Another?” Jax asked. “Wait, you really did see other exit doors when you arrived here?”
“Yeah, three times actually,” Pomni said. “The only time I went through one it led me to the maze I was talking about.”
“That’s…I,” Jax, for the first time here, was rendered speechless. He thought Pomni had arrived at the void some other way. But she really had seen exits doors and no one believed her, not even him. “There has to be a reason why you’re targeted. If it didn’t do this to us, why you?”
“I wish I knew,” Pomni glanced down, shuffling her feet.
“Hey, hey,” he took her chin into his palm, lifting her head up to face him. “Don’t feel bad, okay? Sorry, I didn’t mean to come off as harsh.” He stroked her cheek gently, “We’re gonna figure this out together, okay? And with our memories back we now have an advantage.”
Pomni sighed, leaning into his touch. It had been too long since she last felt his gentle touch, “Yeah, we do. We’re gonna get out of here.”
He pressed his forehead to hers, giving her a wink, “That’s my girl.”
They settled there for a few moments before Pomni turned away again to look at the keys. Jax wanted to be greedy and pull her back, but right now there was business to attend to. “You said you tried every key with every door, right?” she asked.
“Yup,” the rabbit nodded, “Yet it always never worked. They would either be a room that was part of the circus or would never unlock.”
Pomni hummed in curiosity, picking up another one, “Maybe…” she peered to the bright red door on her wall.
Jax followed her gaze, a grin playing on her lips at what she was implying, “Maybe what?”
She rolled her eyes at him, “Maybe it could work on an exit door?”
“God I love your brain,” he exclaimed.
“Phhh, by making a suggestion?” Pomni snorted.
“By making a smart suggestion, like you always do,” he corrected leaning into her face and pressed a quick kiss to her cheek.
“Okay mister,” she retorted, pushing him away with her index finger as the rabbit chortled. She looked down to the key in her palms, it had a circular end with four holes in the middle. This no doubt had to be Ragatha’s key. She looked back to her fiancé, “May I have the honours?”
“It would be my pleasure little lady,” he bowed dramatically.
Pomni huffed, pretending to be annoyed but didn’t force away the smile that tugged at her lips. She breathed out slowly, her breath slightly shaking as she did so. She slid the golden key into the hole, turning it once as they door clicked open.
Jax’s tail twitched with anticipation, awaiting what could possibly be behind it. Pomni reached up to the handle, twisting it and pulling the door open slowly. Her heart plummeted when the familiar office structure appeared again. She shut the door, “I’m sorry I got your hopes up.”
“No, no,” Jax’s voice was gentle as he took her hand. “You didn’t do anything wrong, okay? Let’s try two more, how does that sound?”
The jester bit her lip, nodding quietly in agreement. Jax pulled out two more keys from the chest, the first had the shape of some sort of castle on its end while the second had a jester hat – Pomni’s key. “You’ll probably need this back once we’re done,” he told her, referring to the object. “In case you need your privacy, I know how Caine can be.”
“Aw, honey,” she cooed. “You’re playing favourites.”
He flicked her nose, the jester rubbing it while giggling, “Yeah, yeah. You get your wife privileges.”
“I’m not your wife yet,” she retorted.
Jax grinned, “But soon you will be.”
She shook her head, placing the next key into the lock. She felt a twinge of disappointment when it led to the same grey hallway again. Pomni closed the door again, taking her own key from Jax’s paw, “Maybe third time’s the charm?”
Jax gave her a gentle smile, wanting to keep her as hopeful as possible. But both of them felt the intensity of the situation, if this didn’t work then another dead end was hit, then neither of them would know what to do. Please, please work.
She slid it in, the lock clicked, the door creaked open.
Pomni shut her eyes slightly, she didn’t want to be disappointed again.
“Oh my god,” she heard Jax gasp.
She peeked one eye open, then the other as they widened at what she saw.
It was a hospital room, void of the cold grey scale of the office hallway. The walls were a warm light brown with a lamp switched on by a bed, contrasting with the midnight sky from the window. Pomni’s breath hitched when she saw who was laying on the bed.
“Mom,” she whispered.
A younger Amber was sat up in the hospital bed, her red hair was messy and bags were under her eyes. But she looked so incredibly happy. Next to her was a glass case with holes and inside a little baby with brown curls wrapped up in a pink blanket slept.
“Is that…” Jax trailed off.
“Yeah,” Pomni felt her spirits lift ever so slightly when she looked at the date on the small clock next to the lamp. “That’s me. This was the day when I was born.”
She watched as the woman’s fingers trailed across the glass, marvelling at the tiny human inside. “Hi Penny,” she exhaled happily. “Welcome to the world. I can’t wait for Riley to see you, she’s been so excited to have a little sister. I don’t know where your daddy went but I’m sure he’ll be back soon. When you get better, we’re gonna have so much fun together.” A tear of mirth ran down Amber’s cheek, “Look at you, you’re perfect.”
Pomni felt a tear of her own escape as she watched the scene in front of her. She had been told about how her mother was glued to her side as a baby, watching her every move when the doctors told her how sick and weak she was. Amber had spent every waking moment making sure her daughter was healing. It wasn’t easy with a sickly newborn, an absent husband and a rowdy four-year-old, but she did it anyway.
“I miss her so much,” Pomni sniffled.
“Oh, Pen,” Jax wrapped his arms around the smaller woman’s body, pressing a chaste kiss at the back of her neck. “You’re gonna see her again, I promise.”
She turned and pressed her lips to his cheek, agreeing silently.
Another door creaked open, drawing the duo’s attention. It was the door of the hospital room opening, but instead of leading to a hallway, it seemed to be leading outside instead. The rabbit and jester shared a look before moving ahead, for them it was the most plausible thing to do.
The moment they stepped out, they had to squint from a beam of sunlight shining in their eyes. It seemed like they were in some sort of back garden, with real soft grass beneath their feet and fresh air filling their lungs. It made them feel human.
Pomni let out a shocked yet excited laugh when she saw what was in front of her, this wasn’t any ordinary back garden. It was the one where she grew up in where she and Riley would play when the sun was shining and dried up the rain. The ground was scattered with toys, with a trampoline at the right-hand side and a swing on the left.
She gasped, for on the swing was a girl about ten-years-old, wearing a long-sleeved pink shirt and purple overalls with white butterflies on the pockets, her brunette hair was short and ended by hair jaw as she stared out into the garden with her chocolate brown eyes. “T-that’s me!” Pomni said, startled. “I remember this!”
Jax was going to say something, his smile widening seeing the jester so happy when another voice cut him off.
The little girl snickered at the new voice, jumping off the swing, “Polo!”
A girl around fourteen years of age, with red hair tied into a ponytail, ran into the garden, dropping a school bag in favour of chasing the younger of the two. Pomni pressed her hands to her mouth, “Riley.” 
The older girl snorted as the younger ran around the swing set, reaching out in order to grab her, “I’m gonna get you!”
“Nuh uh!” a younger Penny retorted, “You’re too slow Riles!”
“Oh, now you’re gonna get it!” Riley smirked, the two squealing as the chase continued.
Unfortunately it came to a halt when Penny tripped over a toy and landed on the concrete path leading to the house. Riley gasped, rushing over to her as the little girl picked herself up, her palms bloody and staining her skin. Fat tears ran down her cheeks as she began wailing, “Mommy!”
Riley wrapped her arms around her, rubbing her arm and rocking her slowly. Amber ran out of the door, kneeling down and gently taking her daughter’s hands, “Oh baby. Don’t worry, we’ll get these cleaned up.”
She scooped her youngest into her arms, walking back into the house.
“Mom I’m really sorry!” Riley panicked. “We were playing and she tripped, I should have kept a closer eye on her.”
“Riley, Riley, it’s okay,” Amber spoke calmly. “This was an accident, it’s not your fault, okay?” That didn’t seem to make the older girl feel any better. Amber hummed in thought, “How about you go get the bandages while I clean Penny’s hands, how does that sound?”
Riley nodded furiously, already running in and up the stairs. Pomni followed her mother and younger self into the kitchen, Jax tailing behind her. Amber sat Penny upon the countertop next to the kitchen sink, running the tap while Penny tried to gulp down her cries. “Oh Penny,” Amber ran her fingers under her daughter’s eyes, wiping away the tears. “We’ll get you fixed up, it’s alright baby.”
Penny shook her head, trying to quiet her crying as much as possible, “I-I’m being a b-baby! I n-need to be s-strong!”
“You’re not being a baby for getting hurt,” Amber’s brows furrowed, concern lacing her voice.
“B-but Daddy said t-that crying i-is w-weak,” Penny sniffled.
Amber inhaled sharply, her jaw tensing before slipping into her relaxed position again, “Your Daddy isn’t always right about a lot of things. This is one of them. Even the strongest people in the world need to cry Penny, never feel like you aren’t strong for doing so.”
Like a magnet, Penny clutched onto her mother, wrapping her arms round the tall women’s neck. Amber kissed the top of her child’s head, rubbing her hands up and down the little one’s back. There was probably blood on the back of her shirt, but she didn’t care, not when her child needed comfort. “How about we wash that blood off, okay?” Amber suggested.
Penny nodded against her shoulder, unwrapping her arms. Amber led her hands under the running water, Penny hissing at soon as the liquid touched her skin.
“I know baby, I know,” Amber ran her fingers through the child’s hair, “You’ll feel better soon, I promise.”
“I got the bandages!” Riley announced, running back into the kitchen.
“Perfect,” Amber switched off the tap once Penny’s hands were clean enough. She patted them dry with a towel and took the bandages from Riley. Slowly and carefully, she wrapped up each hand in the white gauze, finishing it off with a small bow on the top of each hand. “See, much better.”
Penny rubbed one last tear away, holding her hands out for her mother again, “Thank you Mommy.”
Amber cooed, picking her up and holding her close, “Always baby.” With a spare arm, Amber pulled Riley into the hug, rubbing the older girl’s shoulder, “Thank you for your help.”
Riley let out a trembling breath, burying her face into her mother’s shoulder, the woman holding her daughters in a vice grip as though they would disappear if she let go.
Pomni felt her stomach twist, Amber’s daughter did disappear. And her mother had no idea where she was.
Jax placed a hand on her shoulder, Pomni touched it as pressed her cheeks onto it, “It still hurts, knowing she doesn’t know where I am.”
“I know,” Jax agreed. “I know how much you mean to your mother. She’ll see you again, I know it.”
The back door creaked open like the hospital door did, this time is showed the inside of a living room.
Walking through, a wave of familiarity hit them both at once. It was their old apartment. Everything was the same, from the furniture to the wallpaper to even the starry mug that Penny loved to use all the time. Said mug was on the coffee table, steaming rising from the top.
Laughter broke the two out of their trance, for in the middle of the living room from was…them. Their human forms, engagement rings on their fingers as they danced while slow romantic music filled the room.
“Watch your speed!” Penny giggled, “I can barely keep up!”
Jack snickered, “Says you! You keep tripping over yourself!”
“It’s not my fault I have two left feet!” Penny retorted grinning.
Jack ran a hand over his face, another laugh escaping his mouth, “Imagine if we danced like this on our wedding day.”
“We’d certainly attract a crowd, that’s for sure,” Penny sighed wistfully, her arms curling round his neck, “How about we just settle for swaying?”
“Yeah, swaying sounds good,” Jack’s hands settled round her waist, the two moving from side to side. “I guess this isn’t so bad.”
Penny hummed in agreement, “Looks like our wedding dance won’t be a complete disaster after all.”
“It was never gonna be, I’ll make sure it will be the best day for you, promise,” Jack’s nose rubbed against hers, earning him another giggle.
Pomni looked up at Jax, the latter looking on longingly at their past selves. Life could have continued like this if he hadn’t been so selfish, so entitled, so cowardly…Kinger was right.
“Hey,” Pomni spoke up, it was his turn to listen to her. “It’s not your fault for what happened, okay? If you believe that we can get out of here, then so can I.”
Jax felt warmth spread about himself, this was why he loved Pomni so much. Despite her own fears and anxieties, when her kindness shone then it shone brightly. Many actions that she had done spoke loudly than any word she spoke. And if she couldn’t see how amazing she is, then he could do it for her. “You’re incredible, you know that right?” he said.
Pomni blushed, trying to hide behind her short hair, “Maybe.”
Jax chuckled, he never wanted her to change. The sound of another door creaking made them turn. Just like they did many times before, they walked through.
They were back in Amber’s house, though this time it had aged, they were in the living room instead, although furniture seemed more recent in memory than Pomni expected. “Is this ringing any bells?” Jax asked.
“No, no this doesn’t seem that familiar, aside from the room,” Pomni replied.
Footsteps entered the room. It was Amber, now older and more tired. Pomni watched as her mother sat on the sofa, there were bags under her eyes and dried tear stains on her cheeks. In her hands was a small pile of papers, Penny’s face printed on the very top and well as the words ‘MISSING’ written in bold black letters.
“This isn’t a memory,” Pomni murmured. “This is now.”
Jax let out a tiny gasp of realisation, they had come so far they were teetering on the border of the outside world, something that no one could possibly imagining happening in the circus!
But the circumstances weren’t as bright. Right now they were watching Amber mourn over her lost daughter, the one thing she feared the most.
Amber gripped onto the papers tighter, her lips quivering as more tears hit the posters. She let them go, each one scattering across the floor as she brought her hands up to cover her face, muffling her sobs.
Pomni’s heart twisted, she wished for nothing more than to reach out to her mother and engulf her in the biggest hug she can manage. “Mom, I’m here,” she spoke, “I’m okay.”
But nothing, it could be as though the wind had spoken. It was silence.
Pomni wanted to cry, to yell, to scream IM HERE. But it was pointless, wasn’t it?
The jester lifted her hand to a switched off lamp next to the sofa. When she was young, Amber would always turn on her bedside lamp, telling her that she would feel safe as long as that was on. Pomni’s fingers grazed the handle of the lamp, that was what she wanted for Amber, for her to feel safe like she did for her.
Without even realising, her fingers lightly pushed against the button, the pressure making it flicker on. Pomni jumped back, did she do that?!
Amber turned to the sudden light, sighing, “Lights are acting up, great.”
Pomni looked down at her hands, Amber couldn’t see her still. But what if…
She looked to Jax, the rabbit looking just as surprised as she did. He turned to the light switch on the wall, quickly moving towards it and flicking it on. Just like with Pomni, it shone throughout the room. He let out a strangled laugh, he could do it too!
Amber’s brows furrowed in confusion, “What is happening?”
Pomni held onto the lamp again, determination on her mind. She wasn’t going to leave until her mother knew that she was here and she was alive. She flicked the lamp on and off again, feeling guilty when Amber jumped in surprise. She did the same with another lamp on the chest of drawers at the side of the room, flicking it on and off while Jax did the same with the room light.
Amber whipped round, watching in shock as this bizarre event unfolded before her. She knew that lights had a habit of acting out, but never to this extent. “What’s going on?!” she exclaimed, “Is someone doing this?!”
Pomni bit her lip, she had to let Amber know that she was here. She scanned the room, trying to see if there was something, anything that could help. Her traveling eyes came to a stop when she spotted Amber’s computer tucked away into the corner, a printer next to it with missing posters on top of it. She must have moved it down here when making them.
Pomni rushed towards it, pressing the ‘on’ button and praying that her plan would work.
Amber yelped as she heard the sound of her computer switch on, panic rising in her chest.
The jester pressed a few keys on the keyboard, searching until she landed on a blank document, here goes nothing. And so, she began to type.
It’s me
Amber took a few steps back as her missing daughter’s name appeared on her screen, it felt like a horror movie unravelling in front of her. She let out a broken laugh, “Okay you got me! Whoever’s here better piss off with their sick joke before I call the police!”
Pomni winced, she had to keep trying.
It’s okay!
It’s Penny Mom!
You don’t need to be scared!
Amber shook her head, this had to be some sick joke. “My daughter’s missing!” she felt insane for talking back to the computer. “How could she be able to do this?! Whoever you are, you better show yourself!”
Pomni wracked her brain, she had to think of something, anything. A lightbulb went off in her head, she began to type again.
I was born on August 13th, 1999, at 11:59 PM
I was born too early so I had to be incubated at the hospital
On my fifth birthday you gave me a purple teddy bear and I named her Candy
You always sang ‘Silent Night’ to me to help me fall asleep even when it wasn’t Christmas
You brought a giant sign at Riley’s graduation saying ‘YOU’RE AN AGENT NOW RILEY’ when she completed her FBI training
Riley hates carrot cake but she always brings some for Winter whenever they go on dates
You took time off work just so you could help homeschool me when I left high school and helped me when I struggled to eat
I’m terrified of bees but I love butterflies
I hate the water, I always have
I always wanted to go into costume designing
When I finally felt confident in myself you asked me to make you a promise
I promised you that no matter what I am Penny Reed
I have a role in this world
I am worthy of greatness
And I have always mattered
It’s me
Amber’s breath hitched, nearly stumbling back a bit. No one could know something so personal about one person. Could it really be… “Penny?”
Pomni felt her own tears escape.
Hi Mom
Amber’s knees dropped to the ground, tears of relief and joy escaping. “Oh my baby!” she sobbed, “You’re here! Are you…Are you alive?”
Pomni sniffed, letting out a small laugh.
Yes Mom
I’m alive
Another cry tore from Amber’s throat, her daughter was alive. And somehow, she was here. “Penny where are you?” she asked, wiping away her tears. “What’s going on?”
It’s hard to explain
And I don’t know how long I can stay
“No, baby don’t go yet,” Amber begged. “Just stay, at least until Riley gets here.”
Jax’s ears twitched, a soft voice calling from the distance.
He could recognise that voice from anywhere. Jax grasped Pomni’s shoulder, “Ragatha’s looking for us, we gotta go.”
Pomni was startled for a second, but she knew that he was serious. She turned back to her mother.
I’m sorry Mom
I have to go
“Penny please!” Amber panicked, “Don’t go!”
I’ll come back
I’m so sorry
But I’m okay
I promise
“Stay!” Amber cried, “Penny, stay!”
It felt as though Pomni’s heart was being ripped from her chest, but she couldn’t risk her or Jax’s safety. What if Caine was with Ragatha? Then they would really be in trouble.
She and Jax rushed to the door, the room outside of it reverting back to Jax’s bedroom. Pomni looked back to her sobbing mother, guilt stabbing at her. “I’ll be back soon,” she promised, even if Amber couldn’t hear her.
She forced herself to tear her eyes away and ran back into Jax’s bedroom, the rabbit closing the door behind her. “Hey,” he placed both of his hands on her shoulders, “I know that must have been really hard for you, but we can go back. We’re able to now, we finally have a chance to try and get out of here.”
“I just,” Pomni sniffled, “I just miss my Mom.”
Jax brought her into his arms, letting her cry out as much as she needed to. He wasn’t going to let go, never again. Both mother and daughter were terrified of this bizarre situation, the mother fearing that she would never see her child and the daughter wishing for her mother to hold her. Until they were back, Jax had to protect Pomni. It was serious now, bigger things were at play and everything was different. No matter what, her safety was his priority.
“Jax?” Ragatha knocked on the door. “Come on, open up please.”
Pomni let go, her eyes darting to the door with worry.
“It’s okay,” Jax reassured her, “Take the keys and hide behind the side of my bed, I’ll take care of doll face.”
Pomni looked to the keys and back at him, “O-okay.”
He kissed her forehead, stroking her cheek lightly before the two pulled away. Pomni picked up the chest, taking it and ducking behind the bedside while Jax pulled the wardrobe back over the exit door as silently as he could.
The door knocked again, he smoothed down the fur on his head I’m cool and collected, I’m cool and collected. Once he had slipped into his persona again, he opened the door. He gulped, apart from Caine and Bubble, everyone was there.
 “So, Rags,” he leaned against the side of the door. “How can I help you?”
“Pomni’s in there,” Ragatha crossed her arms over her chest. “Isn’t she?”
I’M COOL AND COLLECTED, I’M COOL AND COLLECTED! Jax’s tail twitched nervously as he let out a laugh that seemed fake even to him, “What? No, of course not!”
“I saw you go in her room a while ago,” Gangle mumbled. “I didn’t know if you were pulling a prank on her but I had to get the others just in case.”
“And imagine my panic when I found out the door was locked!” Ragatha growled. “You better explain yourself, Pomni better be okay!”
“Ragatha,” Pomni peered above the bed, jumping over it and made her way towards the door. “Don’t worry I’m fine-”
“Oh Pomni you’re okay!” Ragatha gasped, reaching out her hand to the jester. “Come here, what type of prank did he pull on you?”
Pomni surprised everyone when she jumped back, opting to stand beside Jax instead. “Ragatha,” she spoke softly, “You don’t have to worry, I’m completely fine. Jax didn’t do anything.”
“T-then why is he in your room?” the ragdoll asked. “You two have been acting strange for the past couple of days and we’re all getting worried, what’s going on?”
Pomni and Jax shared a look, a silent conversation between the two. Pomni, without breaking eyes contact, nudged her head towards the group. Sparing the others a glance, he looked back to Pomni with a nod.
“You guys come in,” Pomni said, opening the door wider. “There’s a lot you gotta know.”
This had to be the second time Riley was emotionally exhausted while driving back home, the first was when finding out Penny was missing. But her hopes had gone up too many times and had blind faith in someone who was hurting like she was, maybe even more. It was strange, everything Samual said felt true, but Jason Wood was a prominent figure who helped raise him after his parent’s disappearance, who was she to have a say in that situation?
Perhaps the wish to have her sister back was overtaking her logic. But now anymore, she was going to put her headfirst and figure this out the way she always did. Her phone began to ring in the cup holder next to her seat, it was Amber. She put the phone on speaker, keeping her eyes on the road, “Hey Mom, what’s up?”
“Riley!” Amber panted over the phone. “Riley you need to get here now!”
Riley practically kicked the break to stop the car, ignoring the other honking cars behind her as she pressed the phone to her ear, “Mom! Is everything ok?! What happened?!”
“It’s about your sister!” Amber blubbered. “You need to get here as soon as you can, please!”
Before Riley could say another word, the line was caught off. She pressed on the accelerator, her heart pounding. If her mother was speaking in that panicked and it involved her sister, she was going to drop everything and be there first thing.
The car skid to a stop when she arrived at her mother’s house, running to the door as fast as she could and slammed it open. “Mom!” Riley called out, “What happened?!”
Amber was collecting posters off the floor, dumping them down on the coffee table before pulling Riley inside. “Riley!” she gasped, “You won’t believe it! I know it sounds insane but I saw it happen in front of my eyes!”
“What? What did?!” Riley was starting to worry now. “Mom you’re scaring me, what does Penny have to do with this!”
“Everything!” Amber bellowed, a wide grin forming while more joyful tears leaked down her face. “Penny was here! She’s alive!”
The whole world went still for Riley, “Penny?! She’s alive?! Wait-wait, what do you mean ‘was here’?! Where is she?!”
“That’s the thing!” Amber pointed to the computer. “She wasn’t ‘here’ here, she was speaking to me through that!”
Riley’s palms began to sweat, this was beginning to sound familiar, “What do you mean by through the computer?”
“She wasn’t here in a physical sense, but she was messing with the lights, writing to me on that computer!” Amber exclaimed. “I don’t know how it’s possible and I know it sounds crazy, but your sister is alive! My daughter is alive! And she needs our help!”
Riley nearly staggered on the spot, Amber’s concerned calling for her name falling on deaf ears. Her mother wasn’t someone who spouted nonsense (that was more of David’s thing) and there was no way this type of situation could be a coincidence, it wasn’t something that anyone could make up on the spot.
She looked past Amber and to the screen behind her. Her breath hitched, on the screen was basically what Samual had showed her. Someone trying to communicate through anonymous messages with no email attached. Except this time it was different, this time it described parts of her life that no one else could know about, this time there was undeniable proof that someone was talking to her mother, this time there was a name.
Penny’s name.
Riley gasped.
Samual was telling the truth…and she pushed him away.
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rabesbabe · 2 months
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Gwen Stacy x Fem!Spiderman
Summary: being Spiderman isn’t easy when you have to hide your identity from everyone you love. Especially, your girlfriend Gwen who just wants to spend time with you. But you’re too preoccupied with being the city’s savior.
A/N: Hey guyss! This is my first marvel fic which is shocking lmao But I hope you guys enjoy. No warnings on this fic but it is a lottt of fluff! (Not proofread as usual lol)
You stand in front of your locker struggling to open the lock. Your hands were full of folders and your skateboard that you weren’t even supposed to have in the halls.
Just as your folder was about to fall from your arms someone swoops in and grabs it for you. You look up to see your girlfriends teasing eyes.
“Looks like you might want this?” She says pointing to the sticker on the folder that says Ap Bio knowing you have it with her next period.
You smile at her laughing. “Why thank you.” You say sarcastically. You put the rest of the stuff you had in your locker after opening it.
“Are we still on for tonight?” Gwen says. Looking doubtful that you’ll say yes.
“Of course we are.” You smile at her and give her a quick peck.
Gwen had planned for you both to go to her favorite record store and get some coffee to study for a test you both had.
You had missed so many of your dates due to your duties as New York City’s protecter. You were running out of excuses. You loved Gwen to death but how could you tell her who you really were?
You look down at your phone that reads “7:30” in big letters. “shit, shit, shit.” You were supposed to be at Gwen’s house by now to pick her up. There was no way you had missed another date.
You got so caught up with trying to track down this guys who’s stole some lady’s purse, that it hadn’t even occurred to you that your girlfriend was waiting for you. She had to have hated you by now.
You dial her number on your phone. “Gwen?” You say as the line clicks. You hear sniffles and you could tell she was crying. “Where the hell have you been y/n.”
“I know Gwen. I’m sorry.” You grab your face and sigh. “I’ll make it up to you I promise.”
You swing over to a corner store to get Gwen her favorite candy, flowers, and a card. Not exactly enough for the amount of times you had bailed on her but a girl could try.
You swing back home and sneak in through your window. You gently set the stuff you bought down on your bed and start taking off your suit.
“Oh my fucking god!”
Your eyes go wide. You spin around and see Gwen staring at you as if she had just seen a ghost. Out of reflex you shoot webs at her mouth thinking she was gonna scream.
“I know what this looks like but you gotta understand babe. It’s not what you think.”
She try’s to say something but her eyebrow quirks up at the fact she can’t even speak. “Oh! Sorry, Sorry.”
You take the web off her mouth. “Why are you in my house Gwen?”
She looks at you as if you just asked the dumbest question ever. “Why are you spiderman y/n?!”
She looks you up and down and you’re suddenly very aware of the fact that you’re half naked in a bra with your suit hanging at your waist.
“Wait, I can explain Gwen just let me change?” You sigh motioning to the fact you’re not dressed.
“Oh.” says Gwen, visibly blushing.
“And then I guess ever since then i’ve been spider-‘man’.” You say ending your explanation on how you became spiderman.
“Does Ms. May even know?” She asks. You giggle at her words. “She’s told you to stop calling her that a million times,” She rolls her eyes at you. “Come on she’s my girlfriend’s aunt i’m not gonna be disrespectful! Now answer my question.”
You laugh again. “No she doesn’t know. I wanna tell her but…it’s kinda of hard to tell your aunt her niece is the ‘dude’ in spandex fighting crime each day.” You say avoiding her eyes.
“But I’m sorry for everything. For all the missed dates.” You get up and grab the flowers and other gifts you got for her.
She smiles and grabs the gifts you got her. “Why thank you.” She says leaning her forehead against yours. She presses her lips against yours and you smile into the kiss.
You back away from her. “Wait Gwen,” “Hm?”
“How’d you get in my house anyway?” You look at her slightly confused.
“I’ll only tell you if you promise you’ll let me come with you one day when you swing around the city.” She says smirking.
“Deal.” You smile at her.
You get up and grab her hand. “Cmon let’s go see what Aunt Mays cooking for dinner.
“Whatever you say spider-girl.” She giggles.
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itsscromp · 10 months
Jaime Reyes/Blue Beetle X Reader platonic
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A/N: Hi again everyone, my blue beetle headcanon is a sleeper hit. With the movie edging closer and closer, I decided to make a full-fledged story of how the reader met Jaime and also discovering he is blue beetle. So let's start. Word count: 1.7K
You just moved to El Paso Texas after your parents divorced, opting to live with your dad, even though it means a new school, new people, new everything. The apartment your dad rented was small, it didn't leave room to decorate your room the way you wanted for how small it was, but it was home. School on the other hand was a nightmare. The new kid in town is a bully's dream target.
"Hey, new kid right" This bully greeted you at your locker.
"Yes ??" You had a feeling this wasn't going to go well
"Name's BLY/N, I'm sure you heard of me when you came through the doors"
"Look, dude, I know where this is gonna go and I'm not in the mood" You shut your locker and tried to move on, but this pissed off BLY/N to shove your face into the locker.
"Listen, new kid, I run this school and you do what I say when I say, and if you try to snitch on me to any teacher I'll make sure you go home with more than just a black eye." But then the force of BLY/N's hand was eased and you heard a thud on the ground. Someone punched them.
"Come on BLY/N leave them alone" a boy spoke up
"You'll pay for that later Reyes" they got up and walked off
"Thank you..." you spoke up
"People like him need to pick on someone their own size, are you ok ??" He immediately turned his attention to you looking for any injuries.
"I'm fine, thank you though"
"Your new here right ??"
"Yeah, well I mean you got your answer from them"
"Sadly, and I know he's gonna kick my culo later"
"Guess you gotta find another way home, I'm Y/n by the way"
"Jaime Reyes, and don't worry I know another way out I'll show you."
3PM arrived as everyone went back home, Y/n and and Jaime could see BLY/N waiting for the two.
"Alright time to kick it into motion."
"How ??"
"Follow me"
he then brought you to one of the empty classrooms with windows leading out to the outside, and out of sight. Climbing out the window you made it too the bus without being spotted.
"Dude that was genius !!" You smiled
"Always best to have a back up plan"
After that you and Jaime were inseparable, You always looked forward to meeting him at the front of the school every morning. sharing about how your progress in the latest video game you were playing. Even having him visit your apartment to play said game. Your dad was happy that you made a friend since the move. Then news emerged of a new metahuman as the media calls it spotted in El Paso, going by blue beetle.
But what y/n didn't know was that Jaime was the one donning the suit. About a week ago he came across an alien scarab artifact inside a burger box after the person that gave it to him told him not to open it. The scarab activated and attached itself to Jaime, Granting him the ancient abilities of the blue beetle. A whole armour, the ability to fly and a range of weapons on tap. He only just had to think of said weapon and Scarab creates it. But now being blue beetle comes with the risk of dangerous people going after people close to Jaime, including you.
The next week he came back to school, and you immediately rushed to him.
"Jaime where were you, I tried calling and texting you"
"Oh... my uh, the number changed. I got a new SIM card so I had to get a new number." thank god he actually did, after getting the new number the two carried on like normal. But with scarab being the host to Jaime, He could only hear scarab talking in his head. It took every bit of him not to say anything to scarab in front of y/n.
It was then on Friday evening that y/n was having a sleepover at the Reyes's residence. His family was warm and welcoming. Almost like a second family if you will. But as you were looking through your duffle bag you left your wallet back home.
"Ah shit I forgot my wallet at home I'll be back"
"OK but be back soon, Mom makes a killer enchilada."
After going back home and retrieving your wallet you were walking back to the house. the taste of an enchilada never sounded so good about now. But as you continued walking home. you felt a cloth cover your face with a funky sweet smell. Then total darkness hit you.
Jaime grew increasingly worried about why you haven't returned home yet. You were just getting your wallet.
"Mijo is y/n coming back ??" His mom called out, dinner just about ready.
"I don't know Mama, I tried calling them a couple of times but they didn't answer."
After a little while the home phone began to ring.
"Reyes residence" Jamie's dad answered
"Is y/n their ?? it's their father"
"Is everything ok ??"
"Y/n is missing, their not answering their calls and someone found their phone on the ground."
"Oh my god, we'll go out and look for them"
"Thank you"
After he hung up, the Reyes's then took to the streets, calling out your name trying to find you. Jaime in the heat of the moment activated the blue beetle armour and went to where you were last seen.
"Jaime this is very dangerous" scarab spoke up
"I know scarab but y/n is in danger, you heard what my dad said"
"But you need to practice caution, what if they find out your blue beetle."
Scarab always worried about the what if's but right now Jaime wasn't hearing it right now. His best friend was in danger and he needed to save you. Landing where you were last seen. Jamie looked at the ground.
"Scarab, can you be able to track y/n's footprints ??"
The eyes of his armour began to then decode all the foot prints on the ground that day into one, which then lead to a trail.
"These should be their exact footprints Jaime"
Following the footsteps, Jaime then stopped when the footprints seem to have been shuffled around.
"I also sense a hint of chloroform" Scarab scanned the area finding the scent.
"Y/n must've been drugged, can you trace the chloroform ??"
A new path was revealed through the eyes. the chloroform then ended up on the road as it seems that whoever drugged y/n took them away. Wasting no time the wings of the armour activated as Jaime followed the scent.
"Please be ok buddy..."
You woke up in a dingy warehouse, a bag over your head as you come out of your anesthetic, looking around your panic setting in
"HELP !!!!" you called out but no one heard you until a person took off the mask, only it wasn't a person it was a metahuman, It looked part human part.. coyote.
"Don't waste your breath, no one will hear you from here" This creature then gently dragged its long sharp nails along your skin.
"What... what do you want... ???"
"Well its simple, your dad F/n if I'm correct, turned me into this."
Revealing his form, my god was he terrifying.
"My dad did no such thing"
"Oh but you're wrong young one" He then flicked on a light to reveal newspaper articles and photographic evidence on the lab accident that caused the coyote's transformation.
"He was a part of the crew that turned me into this, none of the others have been so helpful. It was my lucky day when I learned you two have arrived in El Paso."
"Look it was an accident ok ?? my dad would have.."
He then tossed a huge chunk of debris, flying over your head, this villain had monstrous strength.
"He turned me into this !!!!" He yelled at you and stomped over to you
"And I will find that cure from him, one way or another" It was then he dragged his sharp nails along your face again, this time scratching deep and drawing blood.
The doors busted open revealing blue beetle as his had then turned into a cannon
"Let him go !!!"
"Aah blue beetle we finally meet, If you wanna get him your gonna have to go through me" He then howled and charged at him on all fours, and a massive fight ensued with Jaime almost losing the battle, but Scarab activated a super strength module in the armour and the tides were turned. The coyote taking punch after kick from Blue Beetle, ultimately getting knocked down, rushing over to you he freed you from the ropes that tied you.
"Are you ok ??' his voice was distorted from the mask so y/n couldn't tell if it was Jaime.
"I am... Thank you"
"Come on Y/N/N lets get you...."
He just spoke your nickname. Y/n looking up at him in disbelief.
"Jaime ??"
The mask on the armour disintegrated revealing indeed, Your best friend Jaime.
"I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but the short answer is I didn't want you getting hurt because you knew who I was. I couldn't risk that on you or on everyone."
You froze for a bit before hugging him tightly. Your best friend the blue beetle saved you. Your best friend Jaime saved you.
"Thank you Jaime"
He wrapped his arms around you as well, holding you just as tight, He was glad you were safe. Police sirens were heard in the distance as Jaime's mask came back.
"Guess I gotta go, Ring me when your home ok ??"
"Got it, and hey save some enchilada's for me ok buddy??"
Jaime smiled under his mask and flew off into the distance. Police showing up as they guided you to safety while they called in a different department to deal with the coyote.
Your dad showed up not long after the police called him telling him you were found and safe.
"Oh my god y/n" he rushed to you kissing your forehead gently as he embraced you. glad you were safe. "What happened are you hurt ??"
"I'm fine dad" You twitched a smile as you looked up in the sky seeing Jaime fly off
"Blue beetle saved me"
Your best friend was a superhero, He saved you and always will. No matter what.
taglist: @callofdudes
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wolfjessedragon · 1 year
Based on @liliacamethyst Webs of series
Webs of What if Part 2- Webs of Friendship
A few days later…
Sunny: So I took your advice.
Peter BP: And? How’d it go?
Sunny: He wants to be in the picture, even asked me to move in with him.
Peter BP: That’s great! So when am I gonna get to meet this baby daddy?
Sunny: *chuckles* Actually you know him already
Peter BP: Wait… is he another spider?
Sunny: Yes
Peter BP: Wow, oof that’s gonna be a toughie to explain to Miguel if he ever finds out.
Sunny: Well… about that..
Peter BP: No way!
Sunny: Yeah
Peter BP: You and Miguel?! Shut the front door!
Sunny: *chuckles*
Peter BP: Sunny! Girl! I want the deets, I mean how? You're like this embodiment of warmth and kindness and he’s… he’s…
Sunny: Finish your sentence
Peter BP: Kinda the complete opposite, so how?
Sunny: *sighs* Sure most of the time Miguel can be-
Peter BP: A serious stick in the mud and oftentimes downright terrifying.
Sunny: I was gonna say guarded, but I guess yours works okay. But during those times when it was just the two of us, he was sweet, gentle, vulnerable, like him being with me gave him that freedom to take his armor off and be him. That’s as best as I can describe it.
Peter BP: Wow just wow. How long has this been going on?
Sunny: Well at first he made it clear it was just a sex thing, hooking up for the sake of hooking up, stress relief he had called it.
Peter BP: *clenches his fist and teeth* What?
Sunny: Easy brother from another mother, it’s no longer like that now.
Peter BP: Phew thank goodness because if it still was I would have-
Sunny: Gotten annihilated
Peter BP: Hey!
Sunny: *chuckles then alarm goes off* Oh snap, sorry Peter I gotta bounce. *opens portal back to Earth 586*
Peter BP: We’re talking more about this!
Sunny: *leaves through portal*
Peter BP: Sunny and Miguel… I did not see that coming
Somewhere in Nea Yorkey…
Sunny: *sits in a cafe waiting* C'mon dude, where are you?
*A disheveled woman comes in and sits across from Sunny.*
Sunny: You’re late
???: Sorry Spider Sun
Sunny: You’re fine Veronica, is everything okay? Are you taking your medications?
Veronica: Yes ma’am, I’m being sure to stay on top of my medications. Still having trouble finding a place to live though.
Sunny: That’s actually what I’m hoping to talk to you about. *places a large envelope on the table*
Veronica: What is that?
Sunny: The keys to my apartment, some money, and some other documents. They're for you.
Veronica: What?
Sunny: They’re for you.
Veronica: W-W-Why?
Sunny: Let’s just say I’m moving away. I’m not gonna be in Nea Yorkey as often anymore because of personal stuff. The city is going to need a new protector.
Veronica: No it can’t be me, I nearly destroyed this city, everyone hates me.
Sunny: That was the old you, before you got help. Since then you’ve helped me save this city more times than I can count and more than redeemed yourself in the eyes of the citizens. You’re the best person to take the mantle. Besides, you'll have Venom and Eddie backing you up.
Veronica: I don’t know what to say.
Sunny: Say you’ll try.
Veronica: Okay, I’ll try.
Sunny: Thank you, Vulture.
A couple days later on top of Sunny’s apartment building….
Miguel: *exits the portal and is shocked to see Peter B. Parker and his daughter Mayday, he groans*
Peter BP: Well *groan* to you to
Miguel: What are you doing here?
Peter BP: Waiting with Mayday
Miguel: Is Spider Sun here?
Peter BP: If she was I wouldn’t be out here waiting with Mayday. Also no need for the formalities, I know you and Sunny are a thing and you’re her Baby Daddy.
Miguel: I’ll ask again, what are you doing here?
Peter BP: I’m waiting with Mayday for Sunny so I can help her move to your place.
Miguel: Well your assistance is no longer required so you can-
Peter BP: Yeah I ain’t going anywhere. *glares*
Miguel: *a little taken aback, glares back*
*A tense atmosphere surrounded the two men as they glared each other down like two gunslingers at high noon.*
Sunny: *swings in and sees them* Hey guys *dissipating the tension*
Peter BP: Sunny *high fives*
Sunny: Peter, Mayday *tickles making Mayday giggle then steps to Miguel*
Miguel: *smirks* Soleada *kisses Sunny’s lips softly*
Peter BP: *jokingly gags and covers Mayday’s eyes*
In Sunny’s apartment…
Sunny: *Keeps Mayday busy while Miguel and Peter move the few boxes Sunny has back and forth through the portal. There wasn’t much as Sunny was leaving most of the furniture to Veronica since they take up too much space in Miguel’s place. What was in those boxes were… irreplaceable.*
Miguel: *picks up one of the boxes when something falls out, he goes to put it back when he sees it’s a video and photo camera*
Peter BP: Oh no way *web grabs the camera and starts looking* Sunny look what Miguel found
Sunny: *looks at what Peter is holding and blushes beet red* You wouldn’t dare
Peter BP: *grins mischievously* Miguel check it *shows him a video, in which a much younger Sunny costume’s zipper breaks and she’s frantically trying to get out, then laughs his ass off* It’s like one of those dog paper bag vids *continues laughing*
Sunny: *glares at Peter BP* Oh like you haven’t had wardrobe malfunctions before
Miguel: *somewhat curious briefly scrolls through the other pictures and videos, getting an array of reactions from Sunny*
Sunny: That’s when I first met Venom and Eddie, that’s when Veronica got out of the institution, and- *stops as she sees the picture of a giant bridge*
Miguel: *notices* Estás bien amor?
Sunny: *on the verge of tears* Yeah I’m fine just memories and hormones
Miguel: *just hugs Sunny*
Peter BP: *Pats her back* Tell ya what Sunny, how about one last hurrah?
Sunny: Pardon?
Peter BP: How about the four- I mean five of us go down for dinner to that shindig down the street. Ugh I always forget the name.
Sunny: The Milano?
Peter BP: Yeah that’s it!
Sunny: *looks up at Miguel who just nods* Okay..
A while later at The Milano…
*After a very pleasant meal they’re about to pick up the check when “The Dog Days are Over” by Florence + the Machine comes on the radio.*
Sunny: *pauses and grins*
Peter BP: Uh oh
Miguel: What?
Sunny: *gets up from table and holds out hands* Peter, my tiny partner.
Peter BP: Alright *Hands Mayday to Sunny* Don’t go nuts
Sunny: No promises! *chuckles and starts dancing with Mayday in arms*
Miguel: *just watches her wide eyed, seeing her like this is… woah*
Peter BP: *watches* I might be biased because she’s my best friend but that kid the two of you are having is gonna have an awesome pair of parents.
Miguel: …… thank you and thank you.
Peter BP: Miguel, we may never be buddies but we have got to change our attitudes about each other. Because like it or not we’re gonna be more involved in one another’s lives. If not for each others sakes then for the sake of our families. Can we agree on that? *goes for a handshake*
Miguel: *sighs and shakes Peter’s hand*
Peter BP: Oh and uh one more thing
Miguel: Wha- ow!
Peter BP: *squeezes Miguel’s hand hard* Break Sunny’s heart and I will break every bone in your body.
Miguel: *pulls his hand away* Anotado. Maldito sea, que apretón vicioso tienes.
Peter BP: *chuckles*
Miguel: *watches Sunny dancing with Mayday, finishes his drink, gets up, and walks towards them*
Sunny: *notices Miguel approaching*
Miguel: *bends down to Mayday’s level* Disculpe, señorita Mayday, mind if I steal your dance partner?
Mayday: *squeals excitedly and starts waddling back to her daddy*
Miguel: Now fair warning I got two left feet
Sunny: *giggles and takes Miguel’s hands as they “dance” to the second chorus while Peter BP watches with Mayday in the background.*
Later in Miguel’s apartment…
Sunny: *waves bye at Mayday as Peter holds her while going through the portal*
Miguel: *walks up to her and puts a hand along her waist* Had fun?
Sunny: Yeah, thank you by the way.
Miguel: For what?
Sunny: For a lot of things but to keep it simple just… thank you. *her head leans on his shoulder*
Miguel: Well I have to admit I had fun too. *Looks and grins a little flirtatiously*
Sunny: *bites her lip and blushes*
Miguel: *gives her a peck on the lips then crouches down and kisses her abdomen as he wraps his arms around her* Hey baby, fair warning, your mom is salvaje.
Sunny: *scoffs and playfully hits him*
Miguel: *chuckles* But to be fair, so is your dad.
Sunny: *smirks*
Miguel: One more thing baby, cover your ears. *Suddenly picks her up.*
Sunny: *Yelps then giggles as Miguel carries her to the bedroom.*
{Authors Note: Taking a bit of a creative liberty, I decided to make Earth 586’s Vulture a villain turned hero. (In Veronica’s case here’s the summary she was a homeless girl with serious mental issues taken advantage of by 586’s Doc Oc. Doc Oc performed inhumane experiments on Veronica turning her into a harpy like beast that would be known as Vulture. Fast forward a bit and after a particularly fight where Sunny had found out Vulture’s history as Veronica. How like the vultures, everyone had treated her like pest, Sunny chooses to do what few have done for Veronica. Treat her like a person in need of help. In the aftermath of the fight Sunny got most of the charges on Veronica waved and instead of jail got her put in a good rehabilitation center where she also learned how shift between human and harpy forms. Time passes and there were several times when Sunny was in a bind only for Veronica to come bail her out. And when Sunny started working for the Spider Society, Veronica had occasionally taken her place. (Cause TBH one of the things that kinda bugged me about the Spider Society is that the Spiders would leave their native realities for noticeable amounts of time.) Sunny, now moving in with Miguel, is giving the resources she’ll need to be the full time protector.) Taking further liberties I decided to make some other changes that I will happily answer in the comments and in future posts.}
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