#again i think i don't love the idea of making money off what is essentially someone else's design so i will be donating any sales
beesorcery · 2 months
i redesigned this shirt and now you can put it on your body
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here it is, the final culmination of my fun cool graphic design project where i replace cities with 8balls!! If you want to follow along the process you can check out these posts: one, two, and three :D
if you are interested in wearing this as a shirt i made a teepublic! you can also download the files from google drive if you would like to print the design yourself
thanks for following along!! i have really had a lot of fun doing this (and just following 2our in general, the vibes were sweet) and i'm glad other people enjoyed it too :)
(better quality images under the cut <3)
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weebsinstash · 4 months
I hate when I start having an idea for one character and it turns into having that idea for multiple characters, but, basically, i started thinking of Bruce Wayne and then Lex Luthor creeped into my mind
One of my favorite yandere tropes is "helping you for your own good, even if it's against your will and you hate me for it", and, I was actually thinking about the whole red strings of fate soulmate trope again, and I started thinking of Reader almost immediately rejecting Bruce or Lex for, multiple reasons, but they won't take no for an answer, and then I ALSO started thinking, what if I throw ABO into the mix?
You're an adult Unpresented and basically a second class citizen in society and you've gone your entire life not knowing who to love or trust, growing up in an unstable if not outright abusive home, poor, not being able to be close and affectionate with people the way everyone around you is with their scenting and purring, and you eventually grow resentful of everyone else. You're constantly mistreated and called slurs and working shitty jobs, doing a catering gig at a high class party when your red string of fate appears and you think, "oh great, it must be another member of the waitstaff, if I cause a scene I'll lose this job and be even more in debt, maybe i should sneak off"
Cue you turning around and your soulmate is one of the richest men in the entire world and he even has a supermodel on his arm. Like you're either turning around and seeing unfathomably rich infamous man whore, 'is kind of a brat in his public persona' Bruce Wayne OR the guy who is equally as rich and is constantly beefing with Superman and does things like secretly cures cancer but waters it down to make more money as a treatment rather than a one-time cure
You're just instantly expecting rejection, not wanting any sort of confrontation, and also feeling more than a little humiliated. You finally meet your fated mate and you're working a service gig holding a tray of finger sandwiches while he's a billionaire in black tie attire eating caviar and sipping champagne. Not only is there this ENORMOUS class divide between you, absolutely daunting differences in how you live your life and the expenditures of wealth and flagrant flaunting of it, but he's also an Alpha, and you're... nothing. And you're not sure if you even want a mate anyways. You don't really believe in it. You don't want to give someone that opportunity to hurt you
You're just instantly wanting to run away, meanwhile Lex/Bruce is peeling the model off their arm and bee-lining for you IMMEDIATELY to introduce himself, not giving you any opportunity to slip away. Bruce would take the tray out of your hands himself whereas Lex would snap his fingers and have someone else do it, both of them expecting you to, essentially, immediately drop everything you're doing to get to know them, talk to them--
and your voice cracks as you reject them. Sorry, this clearly isn't going to work out. You need to get back to work, and the differences between the two of you and the worlds you live in are far too different--
But he won't take no for an answer. The arrogant Alpha is vaguely dismissive as he laughs off your concerns. The two of you just need to get to know each other! You're soulmates, how could you two not be meant to be?
But you refuse. You don't really want to talk to him at all. In fact, maybe you even dislike him. Bruce Wayne is publicly a playboy and Lex Luthor is infamously callous and outspoken about his hatred and distrust of Superman; you have genuine reasons to immediately dislike either man
But they know you're their mate now and you're in their sights. You could run away from the party and be back at your home, thinking you've bought yourself some time, and they're in their penthouse/basement respectively, using their supercomputers and superhuman knowledge to research every single scrap of information about you. No stone is left unturned. They'll hire a PI and private security to secretly follow you around while still researching the best way to approach you, concocting the perfect scheme to lure you in. All it takes is some hacking and some bribes and they'll know your rental history, your employment, your hospital records, old report cards from grade school, files from your last psychiatrist, EVERYTHING. They basically know your entire life story within 24 hours of meeting you, but they still want to speak to you, hear your own words, your own thoughts
Bruce is convening with the entire Batfamily, telling them about his new Unpresented mate, how you've had a harsh life and he wants them to have nothing but patience and love for you, with them fully intending to forcibly assimilate you into their pack while telling themselves you're just a little wild because you don't know your place in society, who you are as a person, and have never had your own proper pack to "socialize you", NOT that you're reasonably upset for being forced. Meanwhile Lex is over here making arrangements for a new luxury penthouse apartment in Metropolis for you to stay far away from the riffraff in the slums who harass you and threaten to burn your old beaten down house in the 'burbs down (and maybe even bribes someone to actually do it just to chase you into his arms), and begins legitimately actually genuinely researching how to "cure you"
and of course you guys know my cookies and creme is "whoops, now that you're obsessed with me and think I'm dumb and helpless and just a little uwu bean who needs to be rescued, turns out I'm an Omega! Sure hope you don't have any infantilizing if not outright misogynistic thoughts on how I need to be taken care of by other people and protected because I'm just SO delicate :)", so then you have Lex wanting to keep his oh so rare and elegant and pampered mate away from the rabble he thinks you're way too good for, and at the Wayne home you have like half the home thinking of you like their sibling if not ANOTHER PARENT and the other half convinced there's way too many psycho criminals out there for you to be allowed to be by yourself ever again
And I guess my final note is the juiciness of like, for Bruce specifically. Batman has to rescue you from being mugged or murdered or harmed in some way and you just start pouring all your stressed out feelings to him, about the mate you don't think you deserve, how scared you are, how you don't know how to love and he's so put together and successful, and suddenly here's the red string outting Batman as Bruce Wayne as you just sit there "Oh SHIT" realizing 1. You just told him like literally everything in your head including how you think he's an untrustworthy capitalist whore and 2. Oh God he's fucking Batman
Like... just imagine the excuse it gives him... criminals or let alone the Joker himself sees that red string between you and the Caped Crusader and soon every criminal in the city knows the face of Batman's mate and its never safe to show your face ever again. sure, he COULD potentially hide you away under a fake name on some island somewhere, but why do that when he can forcibly mark you and keep you as his house spouse? What, are you gonna break poor little Damian's heart that you AREN'T gonna be his new parent? But the pack is already so attached to you...
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celticcrossanon · 3 months
BRF Reading, 14th of March 2024
This is speculation only
Cards drawn on the 14th of March, 2024
Question: Is Harry blackmailing his father or holding something over his father?
Note: This came about as @ladykinrannoch and I were pulling cards on questions as we chatted to each other on DM, and something came up that suggested that Harry was holding something over his father, so we decided to investigate further.
Note Two: Lady Kinrannoch drew cards on this question at the same time that I did, but she asked from Camilla's perspective. You can find her reading and interpretation here: https://www.tumblr.com/ladykinrannoch/744857257180872704/reading-aging-camilla-what-is-the-cause-is?
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Interpretation: I think he might be, surprisingly (I thought the answer would be no).
Note: On reading this over, it seems to go off into conspiracy theory territory. I am sorry! I will return to my more 'normal' readings tomorrow.
Card One: The Empress
This is the card of the female ruler, i.e. Queen Camilla, the mother, the wife to the Emperor (again Queen Camilla), and generally a card of fertility, abundance, pregnancy, and so on. It represents the planet Venus, the planet of love, relationships, and money.
The energy from this card is mainly that of Queen Camilla, which tells me that whatever is happening here, it concerns the Queen. Harry may be blackmailing/holding something over her as well as his father, or instead of his father.
The mother/wife/pregnancy energy makes me suspect - and this is me, not the cards - that Harry is threatening to reveal the truth about his children and their conception (i.e. by surrogacy) in a way that will implicate King Charles, essentially saying that his father was complicit in the whole thing, it was his father's idea etc.
The other thing it could be is something about Queen Camilla as the wife of King Charles, so something about their marriage.
The clear energy is that of Queen Camilla, so she is definitely involved in this somehow.
Card Two: The King of Wands.
This card is a puzzler. It is usually my card for Meghan, as she is a Leo, but I am not getting her energy in any significant way here. It is present as a minor energy, but far stronger and dominating it is the energy of a man/a masculine energy, and that energy has an almost Machiavellian feel to it It feels like someone who has a very likeable and approachable public face, but underneath that face they are scheming like mad. The saying "Angel abroad, Devil at home" comes to mind. I know that Meghan fits the criteria but this honestly does not feel like her. This is someone who is clever enough to pull off their schemes without the public suspecting anything.
This card is a puzzler for me. I don't know what this energy s doing here next to Queen Camilla.
Energetically, this card is linked to the Two of Wands below, so whatever Harry is planning, I think that this man has a hand in it / is using Harry as a 'useful idot' or something like that.
Card Three: The Ten of Cups
This is a card of emotional satisfaction, living happily ever after. It is also my royal wedding card as it shows the wedding of Eros and Psyche on Mount Olympus.
The energy of this card in this reading is wedding energy - a wedding between two people who enjoy each other's company and who find emotional contentment in each other.
I think this is the wedding of King Charles and Queen Camilla, possibly the first one with the civil ceremony, but definitely the second one which was also the coronation and as close to a full royal wedding as they would get.
Whatever the secret is that the Empress card holds, it has something to do with the marriage of King Charles and Queen Camilla and their coronation (Charles as King, Camilla as Queen Consort). The coronation was also when King Charles was 'married' to Great Britain as its King.
That is all I am getting from this card - wedding energy, marriage energy.
Card Four: Death
This is the card for Scorpio, the sun sign of The King, and I am definitely getting his energy here.
It is also, in a general sense, a card of transitions, of changes that can't be undone, of moving from one state to another with no way of going back (e.g. once you have given birth you can't go back to never having given birth). I am getting that energy as well - of a change that is permanent, a move from one state to another state.
Death is also the card of death , literally.
This is about King Charles. Something is going to happen, or is planned to happen, or is being threatened, that involves The King changing his status somehow. On the card, my eye is drawn to the people supplicating the Death figure with gifts - the change may come about because of the people asking for it.
The change may also be literally the Death of the King, in the sense of abdication (one king stepping aside and another taking his place).
I'm not getting much else from this card - just King Charles and change.
Card Five: The Nine of Pentacles
This card is about wealth and status, having enough wealth to live comfortably and securely. It is giving me so much smug energy, Harry's energy, a very satisfied 'I got what I wanted energy". It is turning my stomach, to be honest. It reeks of smugness, a sense of superiority, and someone patting themselves on the back almost constantly.
If Harry is holding something over his father, then he has been well paid for doing so and he is very pleased with himself about it. he could also be using whatever it is he is holding over his father to stop his status from being diminished, i.e. to stop the removal of his titles.
I can't stand the energy of this card any longer so I am moving on.
Underlying Energy One: The Two of Wands
This is a card of planning, deciding what to do and when to do it (and if you want to do it). It can also be a card about stepping out of your safety zone into something new.
The card shows Jason standing in front of Charon's cave. Chiron is the centaur on the card for the Hierophant, so for me the cave here represents the BRF. Jason represents Harry, he is outside the cave, so not part of the BRF. The Wands Jason/Harry is carrying are his way of lighting a way back into the cave, or of forcing entry into the cave, or even of making his way in the outside world (for example, Harry's use of his connection to royalty over the past years).
The energy of the card is of someone making a forced entry back into the BRF/the cave. I feel as if Jason/Harry is threatening to use the Wands to burn/hurt/destroy anyone who stands in the way of his re-entry.
Wands can be PR, so this card is telling me that Harry is absolutely threatening to tell something and spread it far and wide via PR, something that he can twist to burn/destroy the BRF, and he is using that to try and force his way back into the BRF (if you take me back I won't tell).
This card is linked to the King of Wands above it. The King is the mastermind/instigator, and the Two of Wands (Harry) is the drudge/peasant that carries out the work/plan.
Underlying Energy Two: Eight of Cups
The Eight of Cups is a card about walking away from something. The card shows Psyche, stripped of all her earthly possessions (the eight cups), descending into the underworld.
The energy of this card, very strongly, is of someone walking away from something. I don't think Harry is the one walking away. It feels like what Harry is threatening to tell and distort will be blown into such a scandal that someone else will be forced to walk away from a position that they currently hold.
I drew a clarifier, asking 'who will be walking away', and the card was Judgement, which is the card of Pluto, the ruling planet of Scorpio, and so indicates the King, who is a sun sign Scorpio.
Judgement is a card of being judged by other people, so it looks like the King will be faced with cries for him to step down if this scandal breaks. It is also the card of second chances, so maybe the King will be given a second chance, or he might feel that he is forced to step down as monarch (which I really do not want to happen).
I could also read this as Harry trying to force his father to step down as King, but 1) I do not want to believe that and 2) I have sinking feeling in my stomach that it may come to that in the end. If so, it may be as a result of the health of the King, as the descent into the underworld shown on the card could be a decline in health. It could also be the King taking this secret with him to the grave, i.e. stopping it coming out at whatever cost.
This is the second time I have asked this question of the cards. The first time I got a definite yes, and I will post that reading after this one (it was a one card reading, so it will be short).
This time, instead of a yes/no answer, I received a story.
The energy behind the story is that Harry is trying to force his way back into the BRF, and his plans to do so either involve The King walking away from his position (abdicating), or will create such a scandal through PR (Wands) that the King will be forced to walk away from his position (he may just have to go into hiding until the scandal blows over, and if the scandal happens then I hope that is the outcome). There are indications energetically that Harry is being manipulated by a person who appears as the King of Wands in the spread (not Meghan, although the card also carries her energy).
Above these plans, we have two stories:
The first involves a wife/mother pregnancy energy, the king of wands as Meghan, a Leo, and her pregnancies/motherhood, a royal wedding, a change to another status, and being financially secure. I think that this is part of what Harry may be holding over his father - I'll tell everyone that you helped me hide the surrogacies because you were desperate for me to have an heir etc. It could also be hinting that the Harkle marriage, which led to Harry changing his status to a royal Duke and having a bigger house etc, was allowed because Meghan said she was pregnant (and she then had to make good on that statement), or something like that.
The second story, which is the dominant energy, involves the marriage and coronation of Camilla and Charles. There is a King of Wands involved in this, a man, and I have no idea who he is, but he is scheming against them. Something about the wedding or the coronation or the marriage is going to be used to try and force a change of some sort that leaves Harry in the possession of a lot of money and very smug about it.
Edit to add: So, I think that yes, Harry is blackmailing his father (or wants to blackmail his father), that another person is involved and is the 'mastermind' behind it all, and that the blackmail involves either or both of Meghan's 'pregnancies' and something to do with the marriage or coronation of King Charles and Queen Camilla. If the blackmail/plot/plan goes ahead and is successful the result will most likely be the abdication of King Charles and a lot of money for Harry (and possibly an increase in wealth).
Sorry if this reading is unclear, the energy is more like a set of current energies that may form a coherent story in the future rather than one that is happening now.
I am going to have to look into this further in the future as the energy is not the clearest. Hopefully, that means that everything I have seen here is still at the vague and fuzzy stage in terms of manifestation, and it won't come to pass.
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kookiecrumb · 2 years
jjk || Girls Need Love Too
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pairing: nerd!neighbor!jungkook x fem!reader
word count: 2.6K
summary: You throw out your shitty ex and Jungkook comes over to comfort you, in his own special way.
tags: smut (18+), angst, neighbors to lovers, non-idol au
warnings: oral (m&f), begging, penetrative sex, nicknames (goddess), praise kink, dirtytalking, creampie!!, unprotected sex*(don't do this), hypnotism maybe, a little rough.
Subconsciously inspired by this edit???
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This is the last time he disrespects you. 
Standing outside of your previously shared apartment with your ex-boyfriend on his knees in front of you, you toss out his suitcase with good riddance. 
"No no no, you don't have to do that, please, fuck, Y/N, listen to me!" He sobs, throwing himself on the ground like a child. 
"Why would I listen to you after what you've done to me, after you've never in your life listened to a word I've said?!" You scream at him. 
He sniffs with all his might, trying to gather himself for the last time to plead for your mercy. "It's a mistake! This is just a mistake, I'm so fucking sorry," he wails. 
And for a moment– 
For a second, you question your own judgement. 
This could be three years of a relationship down the drain. 
It doesn't matter. You need to respect yourself more than to let him in again.
"Fuck off." You slam the door in front of him and lean against it on the other side with your arms folded tight against your chest. 
That's when the tears start falling, like waterfalls. In that delicate moment, you realize what you've done to the young love that once existed between you. It is long gone, and so is your innocent youth. 
Little did you know that your next door neighbor, Jungkook, was just about to take out the trash when he witnessed the tragic end to your relationship. 
Admittedly, he's celebrating inside. 
He's always had a thing for you, from the moment you moved in next door to the time you ran into each other on the elevator to when he spotted you around the block, doing errands. 
This might be his chance to be a real provider to you. Immediately, he starts conjuring up ideas to ease your pain. 
After all, "a shoulder to cry on will turn into a cock to ride on." 
He doesn't remember where he got that quote from, but it suits the situation pretty well, he thinks. 
Jungkook is a bit of a nerd. He's never been a Casanova or anything, and he's a little shy with the ladies. 
He's a computer science major who has basically never felt the touch of a woman, and as embarrassing as that is to admit it also means that he needs an experienced person to show him the ropes. 
Your dominance intrigues him. 
He was always hesitant to approach women, but you made him feel welcome enough for him to approach you.
You're open and give off a confident energy that he really enjoys. In other words, you seem to know what you're doing. 
This is his chance. 
With money in his pocket, he grabs a jacket and throws it on to make his way to the grocery store. 
He needed to buy something subtle enough so that it doesn't look like he's desperately wanting to get in your pants as soon as your lover is out of the picture, but something straightforward enough so that you know he's willing to lend a hand in your healing process. 
You can't go wrong with the essentials, right? 
A crying woman needs something to hug, so he stops by the gift aisle and grabs the softest teddy bear. 
She needs something to wipe her tears with, so he tosses a box of tissues into his handheld basket. 
She needs something to keep her mouth from sobbing, so he buys you some teddy grahams, cheezits, and granola bars just so that you have a variety to choose from. 
He gets everything that you might need to heal. 
Jungkook pauses in front of the flower arrangements. 
There is a bucket full of single roses on display. It's romantic, sweet, and can be seen as a simple gesture of empathy. He decides on a blossoming one and heads to checkout. 
Meanwhile, you're wiping your tears with your sleeves, knocking your head against the door, softly. "Why," you mouth, barely any sound coming from your throat. "Why, why, why…" 
Your ex has already gone. He should be halfway across town by now. 
You dread going to a family gathering without him by your side. The fear of what others may think about your relationship and the blame they might put on you brings you deep shame.  
If you gain a reputation as someone with many failed relationships, you might as well be done for. 
That terrifies you. 
Despite your fears, you must carry on. This is the only way you'll survive to eventually be a part of a healthy and strong relationship. It's what you crave the most. 
It is knocking at your door. Literally. 
Jungkook knocks jubilantly at your door, with three bags of goodies held by either hand. 
You stand up and answer the door, surprised to see Jungkook on the other side. "Jungkook! What are you doing here, isn't it late?" 
"I've come to console you, y/n," he says, straightforwardly. "I don't want to see you upset and alone, so I've come with gifts so that you don't have to…do that." 
You glance over him. 
He's puffing his chest up, making himself look bigger than he is. 
His build is naturally a little muscular. You know that he works out a little bit for his own health, but he's pretty skinny, otherwise. 
"Yeah– Yeah, Jungkook. Uhm," you wipe your face one more time, with your sleeve. "Fine. That's fine," you sniff. 
"Good!" He cheers, placing his bags on your counter. "Can I come in?" 
"Sure,, sure. You can come in," you smile, letting him pass and locking the door behind him. 
Jungkook looks around the house with subtle curiosity. "This is your place, y/n? It's so much bigger than I thought…" 
"…It's a lot emptier than it was a few days ago," you laugh through tears. 
"Oh cause that guy moved out, huh?" He says, quietly, as he walks around. 
"Yeah, well, I never liked him. He was always trying to put you in a cage, huh? Always trying to pin you down and take control of you and you were never about that," he says, casually. 
"...Yeah, Jungkook." 
How the fuck did he know that?
"How do you…know all this?" You follow him into the living room, watching him inspect your personal items with admiration. 
"It's a vibe," he mutters. 
"Oh," you let out a sigh. 
Jungkook puts down a photograph of you on a shelf and meets your gaze. "Uhm…there's stuff in those bags for you. I thought you'd need someone to check up on you. I wanna be a shoulder to cry on." 
"You really don't need to do that. I don't plan on being reliant on anybody but myself right now, it just–" you shake your head. "It's something I need to do myself." 
"No, I think you need to listen…" Jungkook hums, smirking a bit as he comes forward. 
"After all…" He tilts his head down, inches from your face. "Girls need love too." 
"Self-love," you reply, hesitantly. 
Jungkook nods, softly. "What can that look like for you?" 
You blink slowly, feeding into his soothing tone and his hypnotizing body language. He leans over you in a protective yet delicate stance, open and inviting. "Many things, Jungkook…"
"What do you need right now? What is your body telling you?" He rasps, quietly. 
"That you want me," you reply, as if the words were coarsed out of you.
"That I want you?" He prompts 
"That I want you," you correct. 
He smiles and weaves his arms around your careful waist. "You do," he confirms. "Don't you want to fuck me?" He speaks seductively into your ear, catching your body in his arms as his hands massage your scalp hypnotically. 
His touch bleeds seduction, soaked up by your skin as a need grows deep inside of you to take him in ways you don't dare speak. 
"He doesn't know how to please you...he never did...you need someone to rely on...and I'll be that for you, goddess…"
You melt into his touch, a medley of sweet lust tainting your perception like a love drug. "Ohhh Kookie~" you sigh, biting your lip. "How long have you seen me this way…" 
Jungkook kisses your cheek softly, in a tender act of kindness. 
"For a while. I don't remember when I caught feelings, but seeing him treat you like that made my blood boil…" he says, rigidly. 
"Treat me better," you ask, taken by his delicate touch. 
As if it was his plan all along, he strokes your sides with his wide hands, riding your shirt up gradually. 
"I plan to," he hums. "I want you to show me the ropes. How can I best pleasure you, goddess?" 
Your eyes flash with lust. "Let me show you." 
While sitting on the couch, you dip your hands into his pants and stroke his thighs beneath the cloth, then bring them back up to stroke his torso while maintaining heated eye-contact. 
Jungkook hisses softly, smirking as he leans forward for you to touch all of him. "...love the way you touch me…" he slurs, furrowing his eyebrows very slightly. 
He kneels below you, his big eyes awaiting your guidance. 
You run your fingers through his hair, thoroughly petting and caressing him in a controlled way. 
He dips his head between your thighs and squeezes his eyes shut. His wide palms grip them open, his lips resting above your clothed cunt. "Do you need me here?" His voice vibrates against your skin in the most delicious way. 
You bite your lip, the blood rushing to your cheeks. Fuck. "Yeah, Kookie~" you sigh.
He smiles and sharpens his tongue before running it from the bottom of your slit to the very tip, pulling your panties to the side so that he can sloppily eat your sweet pussy. 
His eyebrows knit together innocently looking up at you, a deliberate devilish smirk hiding behind those eyes. You tighten your thighs around his jaw and he relaxes his tongue, slipping it inside you and pressing up against your g-spot. 
His grip on you intensifies, his tattooed fingers tensing as he manipulates your hips into his skilled mouth. "Ohhh fuck, Kookie, so good~" you coo. 
Suddenly, he thrusts in, determined. 
You gasp, melting beneath him, but he maintains a strong control of you and he won't let you go. You're under his spell. 
"Fuck!! Fuck,," you whine. 
Jungkook's eyes narrow as he's determined to make you cream around his tongue. He's so fucking hard in his pants but he knows that the reward of having you nice and wet for him is far sweeter than any sort of childish impatience. His focus is set. 
He latches his lips around your clit and spits it back out before taking it back in, sucking it hard and letting his tongue roll over it lewdly. You grab a handful of his hair and angle your hips upward, your moans intensifying with every stroke of his hot tongue. 
He smirks and spreads it on you, digging his nails into your skin possessively before sinking his tongue back inside your cunt, flailing it, determined to make you cum exactly how he wants. 
"I'd do this forever. Your cunt is so sweet. I'll drink it like water," he rasps between passionate kisses against your skin. 
You sputter out a whine, desperate to get something back inside of your hungry cunt. "Please~ please– ohh, fuck, please fuck me~" you cry, unprompted. 
He's painfully hard against his jeans, and by the looks of it he's the perfect size for you.
He catches you staring, amused. He draws himself away from your legs and works on releasing his cock for you. 
"Can I suck your dick?" You pout. 
Jungkook raises his eyebrows, pleasantly surprised. "You wanna?" 
"Ohhh yeah~" you moan, your eyes softening as you stare at his fingers pulling his pants down to his thighs. "Mmmm~" 
With care, he pulls out his cock in his hand, displaying it to you casually. A surge of pleasure overcomes you. 
"You're so pretty, Jungkook," you breathe, closing your legs together and rubbing them with need. 
Jungkook places one hand on his torso and spreads his thighs apart to better show himself off. "Why don't you come down here and put your pretty lips around my cock, then?" 
Soon, your body is laid across your super soft velvet rug with your legs kicked up as your hands grip your neighbor's dick, smiling happily as you take his sticky tip between your lips. He leans backwards on his hands, his head slightly leaned back. 
His adam's apple bobs as he swallows in anticipation. He lets out an ungodly moan as you fill your throat with his cock, your tongue spreading against his underside as you hollow your cheeks and thrust him in shallowly, making sure to breathe deeply through your nose. 
Jungkook winces, letting a flow of sung moans flow from his throat as you suck the life out of him. A big, relaxed smile spreads on his lips as if he were in a state of pure bliss. "Ah~ ahh- ahhh…ah," he swallows hard. "Mmngh– mmmghhh~" 
You use your hands to optimize his pleasure, watching his face contort as you take more of him in your mouth. His breath stutters suddenly, causing his hips to jolt upwards. "Fuck– fuck, I'm going to cum so hard if you don't st– stop," he warns in a panic. 
He looks like a Greek God from this angle, his body a work of pure art. You knew Jungkook worked out, but you didn't know he was built like this. 
You relent, only so you can scoot up on his thighs and grind your swollen cunt against his shaft. 
His eyes widen in surprise, and his reaction is visceral. Jungkook pulls you on to him and catches your lips in a passionate embrace, speaking moans into your mouth as he brings your hips up so he can spear you with his perfect cock. 
He penetrates you, tensing his thighs beneath you as he stretches you out so satisfyingly. You let out the most drawn out whimper, your fingers weaving through his black strands. 
He pants hard, swirling himself inside of you and adjusting to your shared comfort. 
You roll your eyes back, bouncing on him a little in anticipation. "Jungkook please, fuck me…rough, hard…make me cum hard…" you request. 
"What my princess asks for, she gets," he replies, positioning you so that he can get the most out of every long, hard thrust. "I can barely stand to be inside you," he whimpers. 
Jungkook's body shakes at the feeling of your tight cunt. You clench around him and he sees stars. There's no way he could possibly last fucking your cunt for too long, so he starts thrusting sloppily, resting his thumbs above your ass. 
In a quick desperation, he reangles himself and pounds into you, pressing deeply into your cervix as his fingers tease and play with your fat clit. 
A dumbified smile spreads on your face as you lower your hips onto him, clenching around his cock with each pound. You feel your body melt around him, squeezing your eyes shut as you feel your orgasm snap. 
You spasm as you take every drop of his cum, feeling him grip your ass with conviction, holding you still so that he can properly fill you. "That's so good, so fucking good, take it all, baby…" he groans under his breath, huffing. 
He puts his arms around your torso and pulls you upwards so that your back is against his chest and kisses you sweetly. You lean your forehead against his and ask: "are you an angel or the devil?" 
"...I can be both." 
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a/n: here you go!!
permatag gang gang: @btsarmyakasammy, @kooliv , @koobsessed , @angelwonie , @carolynanderson , @hoseokgrecns , @bangsterz , @swyseren, @sxtaep , @koostarcandy , @hgema , @jjkeverlast , @armys-dna , @nglmrk , @devilsbooksworld , @saweetspoiled , @exactlyfuriouscoffee and @unicornbabylover
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satancopilotsmytardis · 2 months
*crossing my fingers and muttering. Please don't already be asked, please don't already be asked*
I'm gonna be honest, I don't know much about steampunk as a genre, I just know it as an aesthetic with a lot of gears and a vaguely Victorian vibe, so I'm doing what I can. Who wants a sort of clockwork Frankenstein story? No one? Too bad, you're getting one anyway.
So Shigaraki was adopted by a man who was particularly skilled at making very life-like clockwork creatures and people, ones that could do nearly any task needed. They may be made out of dead people but shhh, no one has to know about that, it's fine, I promise.
He's started making a name for himself as well, trying to make these creations, but when he gets the latest corpse in to do his work, he cuts a couple of corners. I mean, the body was so badly damaged from the fire that killed it that he assumed he wouldn't need to take out the entire throat to get started. But when the clockwork doll asks him what happened, he knows he fucked up because his father taught him to never let them talk. Take out their voices, get their bodies working, and then when they are all functional, they turn on the last clockwork cog in their mind and it would essentially lobotomize them, making them perfect. But talking to the creatures is a bad idea. They could convince him they're still human.
He tells the clockwork that he died and that he won't remember that, won't remember anything as soon as his work is finished, and being pretty sharp, Dabi connects the dots about the other clockworks. But he... doesn't rage or try to fight back. He just asks if he'll actually make sure that he's useful this time around, make sure that he's worth something since he wasn't while he was alive. Tomura is kind of taken aback at that request but promises him that he will make him perfect, and Dabi sighs and waits to be switched off. Shigaraki does power him down for the night, but he doesn't take out his voice box. He has weeks left of work to do and he... is curious what could make a person think that this is their salvation.
Tomura continues to work on Dabi, given that name because he was burned badly and that's what Tomura had been calling this clockwork before he woke. Dabi thinks that name is just fine and does ask for little things as he's made, not concessions, not a reprieve, he just asks if the porcelain that will be used for his face can be half metal because he saw a clockwork like that once and thought it was pretty. He asks if the wig he eventually gets can be black, if the lights in his eyes, when they are replaced with the final ones, can be blue like they used to be. He understands that when he's finished, he won't really know why he wanted to look like this, he won't want anything but orders ever again. But he's never had much in his life, and if he's marching towards death for a second time, maybe the gentle hands easing his way there will give him these small gifts.
Shigaraki knows he never should have left him able to speak because he finds himself making Dabi's body more and more complicated, more intricate. More panels, finer gears, more, and more, and more life-like, and the process goes from something he can complete in a two-three months, to a project he works on nearly constantly in his free time for over a year. He adores Dabi, he loves him. And the day that he finishes him, he's perfect, the greatest creation he's ever made, and he tells Dabi he's finished. Dabi's confused because he's still present, his mind is intact. Shigaraki tells him he knows, he removed the gears that would have destroyed his mind. He will be able to function for, well at least two centuries before his parts start to wear out. He gives him a small case with some clothes and some money so that he can leave and he goes to ready himself for bed. He fully expects Dabi to have been playing a long con with him and that he will wake to the clockwork's hands around his neck, or to an empty workshop. Instead, he wakes to Dabi climbing into his bed with him asking to see just how life-like all of the parts he made really are.
(bonus) they may spend another year or two developing some additional silicone parts that can be swapped in and out of Dabi's body when he's in the mood for other things
(bonus bonus) Shigaraki teaches Dabi everything he knows about the clockwork necromancy and Dabi practices for nine years before Shigaraki poisons himself and Dabi puts him back together so that they can live together forever.
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kissingelvis · 2 years
(Elvis x Reader)
summary: After a heated argument with Elvis you hand his engagement ring back and head to Vegas where he finds you once again though this time it's followed by an overwhelming rollercoaster of events as you live on to tell your story with the king
A/N: Hii This is my first fic and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing this first part. I have ideas flowing through my head DAILY so I was like why not get into writing yk? I wanna be able to write more of this story because I just have so much to think about it. This part is a bit boring but plz bare with me because the next chapter will be so much better I swear! I plan to have smut in this story so look out for that?!? but yeah enjoy!!!
Fandom/character - ELVIS
TW: Cursing, Brief Mentions of alcohol/Drinking, Brief mention of death (kinda?), typical Elvis things ofc , LET ME KNOW IF MORE
If you want a better view of how the reader is I recommand listening !!!
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Vegas, 1969
Click, and The flash goes off on the camera that's shooting you getting every angle Click and again. You like to make sure the photographer gets every piece of you to show off the gorgeous curves you have been saving.
After handing back an engagement ring from Elvis Presley you left and became a serious actress in Las Vegas you have made it your Home. You made yourself a home in the biggest suite at the only international hotel. You were quite a big deal here. You decided it was time to make a name for yourself instead of just being Elvis’ girl and being no one. You thought acting would do you well for now since you were only starting. It's been only a year since you started but you already have your face plastered on magazines and movie posters. It would be overwhelming at times but you learned to enjoy it quickly with all the gifts and treatment you would give yourself.
The fame has indeed made you happy until the storm of loneliness hits you like a truck. Money can buy you happiness but only temporarily, you’ve been missing the touch and feel of a man since your last love. You’re starved for affection really, as dumb as it sounds all you craved was the potential marriage you had left behind.
Your thoughts cave into you at once hitting you fast. The bright studio lights feel as if they are 10x brighter than before hitting you in all directions. You then hear your photographer shout and your photoshoot is all wrapped up in seconds “Alright we’re all set for today Ms. Y/L/N” your photographer says while putting his camera to the side. “Thank you” You flash him a quick smile not being a big talker even though you're an actress. You wrap yourself up with the robe left for you and walk toward your dressing room.
Once you reached your dressing room you walk in with a cold breeze of air hitting you like you just walked into heaven itself. You race for your chair that's waiting for you by your giant vanity and are in a rush to take off your heels that have been killing you all day you just could not stand heels anymore. Now that they were finally off you reach for the box of makeup wipes that were sitting by the gigantic vanity mirror next to all your essentials.
You grab a small wipe and gently start rubbing your face off any unnecessary makeup that was needed for the shoot, but you leave your eyeliner untouched. You were quite known for having eyeliner most of the time you were just so fascinated by the way it was worn. Elvis had taught you how to do eyeliner when you first met him and have been doing it ever since, it was just so beautiful to you.
After wiping away almost any makeup left you grabbed the closest wine glass you could find which was by the mini wine fridge you had installed yourself under your vanity dresser. You were quite proud of yourself for that! You reached down to grab the glass and the old wine bottle almost empty sitting on the floor and poured yourself what was left. You made your way to a black velvet couch that was sitting in the middle of the room and made yourself comfortable. You flicked on the television and flickered through the channels til you found a soothing romance movie that was playing, you decided to just go with that. You managed to finish the wine after the first 10 minutes of watching and placed your empty glass on the black marble coffee table.
After a couple of hours had gone by you were awakened by a loud knock on your door “Who is it?” you shouted “Its me Y/N, now open this gawd damn door!” hearing the voice you knew exactly who it was
You got up from the couch and ran over to the door to open it and see it was your best friend Ana.
You and Ana became friends way before you and Elvis got engaged, she actually was a wife of jerry schilling a member of the Memphis mafia, she eventually helped you move to Vegas and get yourself involved in the movie industry.
“Whats brings you to this fine place of mine, Princess Ana” you say twirling around showing her your dressing room
“Well, I came here to invite ya to a show tonight!” Ana said with a smile poking through her
“Oh, really, and who could possibly be performing” you say turning around to grab yourself a snack of a banana with a nice whip of peanut butter.
“Egh-uh- Just a local band, they were invited by the international!” Ana spat out with a stutter
You turned back around to her with a small side eye
“hmm alright, ill go, under one condition!”
“Anythin’ Darlin” Ana shook her head and through her hands up in a pleading pose
“Drinks on you” you took a bit of your banana
“Oh I knew you were going to say that, don’t worry it's all on international tonight” she gave you a wink and quickly made her way out
“Oh and don’t forget, the shows are at 7:30!” and she was gone
A couple of hours had gone by since
Realizing the time, you dropped peanut butter on your gorgeous robe “Shiet” you whispered shuffling into your closet. You shift through your hangers and the many costumes that just stayed there hanging.
After a few minutes of shifting back and forth you landed on a blue velvet mini-dress it was strapless and perfect for the night it came with a pair of blue velvet gloves. You quickly grabbed them and rushed out of your closet to get dressed and ready, you slipped on the mini dress, it fit perfectly around your curves and complemented your breasts.
You went to your vanity and added a beautiful dark red lip and enhanced your black mole above your lip, you decided to add a small lash to be just a bit dramatic, and you then went to fix your hair that sat in a long bouffant on your head. After adding the finishing touches you slipped on your blue gloves and grabbed your clutch and headed out the door. It was already 7:00 pm by the time you were done getting ready, the show started at 7:30 so you felt in no rush. For now at least.
Walking through the studio you headed out the front and there was a black Cadillac waiting for you to take you back to the international.
Press was already swarmed by ur side trying to get every angle of you, FLASH CLICK FLASH CLICK you hear as you walk through smiling and waving as a driver opens your door for you. Grabbing onto the handle you pushed yourself inside and landed on the tan seats of the Cadillac then giving the press a blown kiss and closed the door. The driver sped away into the next lane and on the road to the hotel.
You stare out the window watching the lights pass in streams, this was one thing you loved about being in Vegas, the lights were something to absolutely die for.
While pulling to the front of the hotel the sign of the international hotel beams in front of you...
‘INTERNATIONAL bill miller presents… ELVIS’
The driver finally made it to the hotel and opened your door, you placed one foot on the floor and hopped out, you grabbed your clutch that was sitting right next to you. You started making your way toward the front while the press was forming once again, you were smiling and waving while people were handing you pictures of yourself to sign.
While signing pictures you landed on a picture of you and Elvis together next to his pink Cadillac, he had his hand wrapped around your waist and a cigar in another, both of you smiling. You felt as though people still considered you together. You quickly signed it and handed it back to whoever it came from, you rushed inside and made your little way to the showroom where every wall had a picture of Elvis plastered on it.
Walking into the room it was already very dim since it was mere minutes before the man of the hour would appear, the room was filled with many small tables and booths for its size. The tables were covered in a white satin tablecloth and had small candles with bowls of champagne submerged in ice, the tables were set for a big night ahead of them.
You were already late so you tiptoed through the crowd that was already in place, you saw Ana sitting at one of the booths straight in the middle with the best view of the small stage. Slowly making your way to the table you rushed to take your seat next to her.
“Thought you stood me up sugar,” Ana said with a side eye followed by a smirk “Oh me? Never dear,” you said while grabbing the champagne out of the ice.
“A band Ana? I didn’t know the Band was ELVIS!?” you said while facing Ana nursing her drink
“Listen Y/N it's been years you’re in the clear trust me,” she said with a smile plastered across her face excited to see the show that was about to take place
You hadn't seen Elvis since the night you two got into a fight and you handed his ring back to him. You felt all the feelings you could feel run straight through you, you were about to see the man whose heart you shattered and never saw again.
You couldn’t help but feel guilty, what he thinks of you if he saw you? All the feelings that had rushed through you when he appeared.
There he was, the beautiful man you once loved and would’ve just about anything for. Elvis walked onto the stage greeting the crowd, he was dressed in a black herringbone suit with a dark blue satin scarf tied around his neck. He walked out holding his signature guitar and a beautiful smile on his face.
Due to your best friend's horrible choice of seating, it wasn’t long before Elvis looked your way and quickly recognized who you were.
You gave him a warm smile and a little wave hoping he wouldn’t hate you, but you saw his nervousness fade away when a smile started to appear across his lips. You felt a small relief in your chest as you saw the light in his eyes twinkle while looking in your direction, you shifted in your seat getting yourself comfortable for the show
He started the show with introductions then slowly made his way into suspicious minds, you could tell this was his favorite by the way he was moving, he was so charismatic and you could feel yourself falling in love with him once again. After a couple more songs Love me tender finally started to play, surprisingly you saw Elvis starting to kiss every fan in the front row of the stage.
Love me tender
Love me sweet
Never let me go
You have made my life complete
And I love you so
While singing Elvis walked down the steps to the side of the stage and made his way to the line of booths that you were sitting at, he started to kiss every girl that was within them.
Love me tender
Love me true
All my dreams fulfilled
For my darlin' I love you
And I always will
Elvis quickly approaching your booth would every so often pick his head up and check to see if you were still in the seat he saw you in or even if he was even dreaming.
You felt your body go hot, your hands were gathering sweat in them as you were watching him approach you. Your heart was galloping as fast as a horse in a derby race, waiting for his touch.
He finally reached your table and slowly lowered the microphone he was holding singing the end of love me tender, he bent over the large round table and quickly latched his lips on yours. The feel of his pillow lips was so warming, he kissed you as if you were engaged again.
He finally pulled away and with the microphone low he whispered a small request that you couldn’t quite hear after having the beating of your heart ringing in your ears.
He walked his way back towards the stage turning back around to give you a small smile.
After another hour the end of the show finally arrived, and you were quite tired and ready to leave.
Slowly sliding out of the booth you grabbed your clutch and stood to face Ana.
“You’re not leavin’ are ya?” Ana says with a frustrated tone in her voice
“I'm a bit worn out Ana and it's late,” you said rubbing your head a bit
“Oh don’t say that! You can't tell me that kiss from Elvis didn’t wake ya?! I saw you turn redder than a tomato” Ana chuckles at you “ooo redder than a tomato” mocking Ana's voice
“c’mon now we're invited to the after party!” she says as she grabs your arm guiding you out of the showroom...
Your heart flutters at the fact you might see Elvis again, but you're truly scared to talk to him. Your mind turns into a little schoolgirl when you think of him but you can't help it.
After Ana had led you into the main hall of the hotel you see the showroom start to slowly empty out and into a backroom full of actors and actresses to see their king
You and Ana follow the crowd into the back which its crowded and full of people, the room has a large bar on the side and a large red curved couch taking up most of the space.
“Now this is what I call a show Y/N!” Ana shouts before vanishing into the crowd.
‘What a crook, guess ill have to keep me busy’ you think
Only a few minutes in and you have already lost your talkative and only friend, you head straight to the bar in hopes to cheer yourself up from the night you have encountered already.
“ ‘scuse me?” you says waving your hand to the bartender “Hi, May I please have a whiskey, on the rocks”
“Of Course Ms. Y/L/N” the bartender says spinning around to get to work
You turn back around facing the crowd crossing your legs to keep decency, you peer around to make sure no Elvis Presley is in your sight.
Elvis, just hearing or thinking of his name sent a lump in your throat, almost as if someone was choking you to death.
The love you felt for Elvis was almost... Unreal? It would hurt then times it felt good, he was the love of your life but you weren’t ready to face him not just yet...
Lost in thought you hadn't even noticed the bartender trying to get your attention, “Ms. Y/L/N? Ms. Y/L/N?” the bartender repeated.
Looking over your shoulder “Oh my goodness I apologize I was completely lost in thought”
“No problem it's normal for me almost every day!” the bartender said with a chuckle
You giggle as you grabbed the glass and turned back around but as soon as you turn you are met with a chest directly in front of you
“Ugh-” you let out a small yelp “I'm so sorry I can't seem to get myself together toda-” you stop dead in your sentence to look up and see Elvis towering directly in front of you
“Hello, Honeybee”
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luffyvace · 1 day
I have been feed well by your small serie of saiki kusos x write reader 🤤
But may I request as saiki kusos w f!s/o who suddenly have makoto as a stalker?
(sorry if you don't understand this my first time requesting 😭😭)
that’s actually a great idea!! I’m super pumped to do this request! :)
Don’t worry I know just what ya mean!
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⚠️stalking warning,⚠️ before I start, if I may 😵‍💫
Saiki will know right away when he starts stalking you-
And ngl this is the perfect chance to get rid of him 😈🙏
just kidding! But seriously, he let go of all the times makoto’s annoyed him in the past, but now that’s he’s an issue with you? His girlfriend? The one girl he can actually tolerate, scratch that, loves??
yeah no buddy this one’s not gonna slide
unfortunately he cant punch him bc 1) Saiki’s too strong and 2) that’d draw a lot of attention to himself since Makoto is a celebrity
but what he can do?? Well, Plan A) pinch his cheeks till they hurt and threaten him, Upgraded Plan A) disguise himself then pinch his cheeks, Plan B) keep scaring the crap out of him every time he tries to follow you, Plan C) calmly talk it out with him that you two are an item, Plan D) tell Teruhashi and use her love for Saiki to his advantage, getting her to tell her parents and stop her brother, Plan E) Publicly expose that freak or Plan F) tell you you have a stalker if you haven’t noticed, and if you have, go to the police
wow! what well thought out plans! :) most of them won’t work
heres why!
upgraded plan A is better than just plan A but it will ultimately still draw attention
plan c is unlikely to work seeing as though how creepy that guy is, plus he doesn’t like Saiki
As of plan d Teruhashi can hardly stop him from being a creep to HER (😭⁉️) and i don’t know how well the parents will care, especially if he’s making them money..😟
plan e….seems like it would be successful..buuut i feel he would just use his celebrity status to will the evidence away, like speaking out about how he would “never” do that and doing charity 🙄 plus the fan girls probably won’t believe some rando who uploads that on the internet over they’re fav 😒
ngl plan F is really reasonable and has one of the highest chance of working, but yet again, the celebrity card will strike and he could pay off the police so they don’t do crap abt it 🤦‍♀️😑
therefore! Plan B it is! Seems the most likely to work + Saiki can get his revenge in a practically harmless way! :3
Thanks to his powers (for once 😭) no one is likely to believe even the Makoto when he says a flying guy dropped a pile of dog crap on him 😏🤷‍♀️
and even if they did when he tries to explain the full story he’ll have to keep lying to keep the lie of him not stalking you alive 👎
but he still will tell you if your unaware tho!
he’s likely gonna be hesitant if he knows you’ll freak about abt it but you deserve to know. And ofc he can always keep you safe (thanks magic powers, for being useful for once!) but he also would want your parents to know so if Makoto tries something they can have a lead.
so yes ultimately he tells you, likely at his house, in his room, and he tries to break it to you as gently as possible but…there’s no easy way to take that kind of info 😬😟
if you get scared or cry he’ll tell you his plan to make him leave you alone, and he tells you to tell your parents too. Essentially trying to console you
if you choose to trust him and react a bit calmer, maybe still worried, he’d ask if you still wanna go out in public knowing this, and if yes he’ll accompany whenever and wherever he can, especially since Makoto won’t wanna come up to you while he’s there, thinking Saiki’s your boyfriend
he is
Also If Makoto does anything perverted as far as taking sus pictures of you or imagining weird things with those photos he’ll rip them up and make the paper and random things fly around in his room, every time
He probably breaks his phones/cameras too, even if he buys knew ones, as punishment
onto the final battle!
let’s say your walking home from school and Makoto is following you, your boyfriend is close behind you both, monitoring the situation for a good chance to strike. First, you cross the railroad to get home, but Makoto has to fall back so you don’t see him, but when it’s his turn to go? Oh no! The trains coming! Where’d that even come from? there was no train?! CRAP!- huh? Wait..the trains gone..thank goodness?! 😭
oh wait! He needs to catch up to you! Well at least he knows where you live and what route you take through research! He needs to catch up! HOLY CRAP! What’s a mob doing here?! Did a fan see him?? How’d they find him..no way, don’t tell me they’re gonna find out what he’s doing..NO DONT COME ANY CLOSer…? They’re running past him? Well I guess he is in disguise..wait, they were running to this arch nemesis and top competition?! 😠 seriously?! That guy over him??
he proceeds to head over there to show the ladies who they should really be drooling over 😏 WAIT- HE CANT REVEAL HIMSELF RIGHT NOW?!- what?…where’d his wig go? THE WIND BLEW IT OFF?! HOLY- HE’S ABOUT TO GET FOUND OUT🫨 RUN 😭 🏃
aw man he’s outta breath, what are the odds the wind would blow his wig off near a mob of fans?! Now he’s gotta be extra careful following you! And it’s already late! Actually..it’s pretty darn dark….dang it! You’re probably in your house by now! Oh well…maybe you still have your window open and he can get some pictures that way! 👍
uh..is he starting to hear a second pair of footsteps..? But..no one’s around..why’s it getting louder..?! UH, it’s getting more aggressive now 😥….okay that’s it! he’s running..!
dang it! It’s chasing him! No way he can lead this creep to your house! (Ironic huh) he’s gotta take a wrong turn!
man! What time is it?! Midnight?! Has he really been running that long??? Why’s this freak still chasing him? And who is it?!?
alright! He’ll take a turn into that alley and lose ‘em! Then he’ll make a ‘U’ back to your house! Although there’s no way to be sure if your still up or not :/
hey! The footsteps are gone! Maybe think he lost him! Alright! He’ll take another turn and go back to your place!
right as he turns the corner?
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Jump scare!
he immediately calls his manager while running away, thinking he’s either a mass muderer, a demon or a stalker! 😱
and the best part is? Nobody will believe him 😊
ngl Saiki probably won’t let this slide even a couple days after he finds out Makoto’s stalking you, he’s quick to act and stop him bc no.
Super Saiki to your rescue! 🦸🤩😎
Ngl you’re beautiful so I see what Makoto sees in you but…..dude. Don’t stalk your crush.
hope you enjoyed your hcs! -Brook
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hotdamnmadison · 5 months
Life Updates... time away captains log
Fellow Tumblrites,
I hope you've been well. I'm writing this 12/29/2023 at 2:18 PM.
It probably won't go live (I'll schedule it) until January 1st at some point. I've had a few beers. Fucking sue me.
I'm writing this to let you know that I'm actually pretty optimistic for the New Year. Big plans with work, an uphill battle to fight, and a new outlook on life is the prize I receive when I reach the top. Not IF I reach the top. WHEN I reach the top. A real underdog story for sure. But I'm going to make it.
I've been trying to come to terms with my "situations" lately. Financial, mental, physical, and yes sexual you fucking perverts ;)
Lets start from the top....
Financially things kind of suck at the moment.. but with January upon us I am optimistic that a few solid deals will turn my shitty situation around in no time. I'm hardly worried. Not because I'm disassociating or anything like that. I'm just not worried because I HAVE to make this work this month. There is no other real option. If my financial woes continue past January my life is essentially fucked. Anyway, just need to do the activity that it takes! I'm going to be fine.
Mentally things are horrific! But I'm simultaneously desensitized to it. I've thought about talking to a professional. Maybe in 2024 I will look into that further. I think (believe it or not) fixing my financials will fix my mental health by default (sounds unhealthy I know). They say money won't buy you happiness but yeah - it'd fix a lot of my problems, for sure. I'd rather be a "well off" head case as opposed to a broke one.
Physically I'm an office fembitch now. That means I should start PROBABLY start working out again. I love running but it's cold as fuck, gets dark way too early, and I'm typically not sober when it comes time to work out (don't judge). Hoping to clear up the drinking so that I can have more energy to run and lift come 2024. Maybe some body pic updates?
Sexually yeah perv, the moment you've probably been waiting for ;) I actually have been chatting with some people (locals) and I remember why I hated Double List and other similar sites so much. No one is crystal clear with what they want. And they always disappear on me for one reason or another. I'm content fixing the other aspects of my life first. And if the right person comes along then so be it. I've considered officially "coming out" as bi or pan in 2024 recently, but I don't currently have the balls.... maybe later in the year. Still don't view myself as trans. Just a gender fluid pansexual amoeba floating through time and space hunting for dick, pussy, both, or neither.
That's my current shit-show in a nutshell. I've a long way to go. But I'm still a firm believer in the idea that I can turn this around in 2-3 months.
I've dug quite a hole, yes, but I know it could be much worse. I'm hoping to fix this and become an active "Tumblrina" again by March or April.
Feel free to hit my ASKS and reblog my posts as you please. I would love nothing more than to come back to a huge batch of notifications.
Stay winning dudes, and happy fucking New Year 💋❤️
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mooifyourecows · 1 year
Hey moo :)
Can I ask a question? You moved into your house not that long ago right? Have you done any house projects since you moved in? Or discovered any house secrets?
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Most of the weird house stuff was stuff that literally drew me to want to buy it in the first place tbh
Like the photos were pleasantly honest! (Which is great considering I bought this bitch ONLINE without ever seeing it in person hahaha 🫠)
Like I can tell that whoever made this house wanted to make something original and quirky and I'm in love with it. There are so many weird angles and design choices with zero rhyme or reason. like why do those walls connect at a 30° angle like that?? Why are there beams everywhere? What shape is that room even supposed to be???
It's just.. FUN. Literally when I saw the pictures on zillow for this place, I was like "weird!" But then saved it. And then returned to it over and over again while looking at other places and eventually I just knew it was the one. Like I couldn't get it out of my mind
But like, how could I pass it up? It was less than 200k$ and 2300 square feet on 5 acres of land down a wooded lane!! J-j-j-jackpot!
There are some totally weird and funky design choices and there's a lot I WANT to do.
Some examples (ignore lazy or nonexistent decorating, i havent gotten around to doing anything yet):
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There's this nasty ass wall paneling throughout like 1/3rd of the house that looks like the walls of a motor home and I HATE IT. It's ugly and stupid and I tore off one panel to see what was underneath and guess what! It's normal wall! (Ignore hot lady calendar)
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So like yeah I wanna remove all of that, but it's gonna be a big project because there's a LOT and some of it is underneath the cabinets in the kitchen. Yikes.
Pretty much every ceiling is tall and slanted in some weird way, which makes me dread painting because how am I supposed to paint super high up like that when I only got a 7 foot ladder???
The house is 1.5 stories too, which means that there's a partial upstairs that is essentially just a little loft thing that looks out over the living room and then this small, strange room we affectionately refer to as "Travis's room" for reasons I think will soon be obvious....
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We will honestly probably have to hire a contractor to come look at this upstairs area because part of the ceiling is like... collapsing? And all gross and dirty? (Kinda visible in that second photo) It's not attached to the roof so like, the outside is fine and isn't leaking or in danger of caving in but idk it's just kinda weird and I have no idea what the thought process was for this whole upstairs area. Like what is this narrow little sliver of room here? (Ignore hot wheels tracks)
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And the ceiling fan next to the staircase is SO CLOSE lmao if it's on and you lean even a little bit over the railing, you're getting brained. Like in this pic I'm not reaching out, just lifting my arm to touch it (ignore dust, I don't clean and you can't make me)
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The living room is really big but it's also weirdly shaped so organizing my furniture is a nightmare. Especially since there's a pellet stove (currently not working) on one wall. (ignore dirty socks, mismatched cheap lamps, messy cat tree corner behind couch, big ugly coffee table I got for free that used to be black until I sanded it down but then got bored and left it as is)
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As of right now, I haven't done much to the place because wow apparently home improvement takes effort and costs money??? Go figure. And we've been pretty broke lately so I've just been collecting ideas for the time being.
I am absolutely gonna start painting this year though. My bedroom rn is just boring white so I wanna fix that. Maybe do something dark and warm like a dark brown or green or hmm something like that. The room I've been calling the "gym" (because that's where I put the treadmill) will probably get done next since it's such a blank slate and should be easy to fix up.
And I absolutely want to mess around with my office because the way it's arranged and decorated rn is lame. They painted a bunch of rooms an ugly ass flat brown color, including several closets, my office, and the spare bathroom so THATS got to go.
I want to start decorating for real, finally buy some frames for the art I've been collecting so I can hang them up on some of these tall ass walls.
I also have plans to make a catio out back and even have a bunch of wood and some of the frames constructed but I got bored and abandoned it haha 😄
Oh and I want to reeeeally start doing stuff with the outside. I want to plant trees and maybe do a garden this year, tear up the plants I don't want and replace them with ones I do, clean up the big ass plot of land that's just overgrown brush and weeds and maybe make it into an orchard? Get some fruit trees and make some cute little rows? Maybe I'll even build a fence and a pond and put flowers everywhere. You know, for the bugs 💌🐝🐛🦋🕷
Now i just need to win a million dollars so I can afford to do it all 🥲
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Your opinion on minimalism, your favourite notes in perfume, silly little walks, smudged khol eyeliner, what brand of cigarettes Soap smokes and the zombie Ghost skin and its broken jaw 💖💖
as far as interior design and western minimalism as a philosophy goes, i FUCKING HATE MINIMALISM. I HATE IT WITH ALL OF MY HEART. EVERY SQUARE INCH OF THAT FETID, FOUL FUCKING MUSCLE. oh god, and the fact that it's essentially a tool of rich white assholes who've not only thoroughly fucking warped principals of already existing philosophies--get this kez, you'll shit--including stoicism and buddhism, but has essentially come to subtle-signal wealth and elitism bc you do not need to stock pile possessions on the off chance of not being able to replace them. lose your $500 fountain pen? just go buy another one. and on that point, it feeds into useless consumerism. i hate it i hate it. other facets of minimalism i can't really comment on bc i'm not as familiar dslkjs.
my favorite notes in perfume are very silly and widespread, but they make me happy!! ((: i love rose, and cherry, and jasmine. i LOVE musk and patchouli. tobacco and leather and coffee!! my ALL TIME favorite scent i've gotten to wear is jo malone's blackberry and bay. one of my very very best friends, wards, bought it for me as a christmas present bc they read the description and it reminded them of my second dnd character, jakobi, and my heart broke in little pieces at the sweetness of it. i wore it until the bottle ran dry and i can't wait to get another one slkslk. the site description of it: "blackberry, bay leaves, cedarwood. Childhood memories of blackberry picking…A burst of deep, tart blackberry juice, blending with the freshness of just-gathered bay and brambly woods. Vibrant and verdant"
silly little walks are HEALING, DAMMIT. oh they make my heart pleased. i like just wandering, and i wish i did more of it for the sake of doing it.
SMUDGED KHOL LINER IS SEXY AND I WILL HEAR NO NAYSAYERS ON THE TOPIC. god i've wanted to get into it so bad, but i always forget until i don't have money and then i don't remember dskjsdl. but good lord, throwing some smoke around some eyes is an instant way to get some stunning brightness, my achilles heel for real!!
oh god, soap is trouble when it comes to smoking, i feel it in my fucking bones lkjsds. i see him as a social smoker, where if the situation calls for it he'll grab a pack or bum a couple if he's hanging out with some ppl, and god help his lungs if he's drunk, CONSTANT chainsmoking with this boy, always lighting another before his current is even out.
oh dear GOD i just looked up what cigarette brands are popular in scotland, ALMOST FIFTEEN POUND FOR A PACK OF MARLBORO REDS?? MY CIGARETTES ARE 6.24 POUND CONVERTED. jesus christ. yeah, so that leans into my hc. he is going to always go for the cheapo lung shredders, and i'm thinking chesterfield menthol lights! i feel like maybe he picked it up from his granddad or some gaffer he got tossed at as a kid to work off extra energy helping him out. they're familiar and make him feel nostalgic, but he realizes that the memories he's missing aren't what he remembers.
i want to kiss and marry and love and take care of and wipe the face of broken jaw zombie ghost skin and i am in fact writing something about this or at the very least cooking ideas slkjla. i saw a theory that he broke his own jaw to keep himself from biting people and good god the idea of that level of brutal pragmatism taking him over with maybe his last moments of consciousness EATS ME ALIVE. AND HE'S DEAD. IT WILL NEVER HEAL. IT WILL NEVER BE WELL AGAIN.
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my-emily-gilmore-era · 7 months
Halston's Kelly Bishop on Playing Powerhouse Fashion Publicist Eleanor Lambert
Plus, the Gilmore Girls actress reflects on the enduring appeal of Emily Gilmore.
BY CAROLINE HALLEMANN MAY 21, 2021 | Town & Country
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Kelly Bishop loves to play a woman with a mouth on her. Known to many as Emily Gilmore, Gilmore Girls's haughty matriarch, who was rarely without a quip (or a cocktail), Bishop appears this month in Halston, the Netflix limited series chronicling the legendary rise and abrupt fall of one of America's most iconic designers. In it, she plays powerhouse fashion publicist Eleanor Lambert, who had, as Bishop puts it, "a mouth like a sailor."
Here, Bishop talks with T&C about the trendsetting Lambert, her new dog named "Baby" (yes, that is a Dirty Dancing reference), and if we'll see her play Gilmore again.
Why initially drew you to playing Eleanor Lambert?
I didn't even really know about Eleanor to start, but I loved the role. This one had a mouth on her, and I just got so tickled by that. The fact that she worked and lived in such an elegant world with so many influential people, and she's got a mouth like a sailor, as they used to say. And then, I did more research on her, not enough I'm sure, but the more I thought about her, the more I learned, this woman was ahead of her time. She was a real trendsetter.
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Kelly Bishop as Eleanor Lambert and Ewan McGregor as Halston.
What was essential for you in creating the character?
The script was wonderful, and it was all there in the character and the exposition. I loved her forcefulness and her real dedication to American fashion. I'm always impressed with people who have a vision, and a determination, and she made it work. She was a remarkable woman. I was really honored to play her.
And she cared a great deal about fashion. The fact that she came up with this idea for Versailles, it means that she had her connections in France as well. She'd been there, she saw that it was falling apart, and came up with this idea that she wanted the world to know about American fashion. If I recall, in those days, it was all French fashion. If it was couture, it was French. And so she's going, "No, no, no, no." The stakes are very high for her. She said this is going to be my defining moment—and then she pulled it off.
She has a line in the show, asking if Halston can be a businessman and an artist. Do you ever think that way about your acting career?
There's no reason not to. I have a very strong philosophy about work: if you love it, you're usually good at it, and if you're good at it, you can make money. And so, I don't see why that can't happen. I would feel so badly, especially when I was younger and contemporaries my age were doing things that they didn't want to do, and were a little afraid to follow their dream. I would say, "Follow your dream. You don't know where it's going to take you. And if you're not successful, you might see an offshoot that you didn't even know about. So go for it." I always just went after it. When I saw opportunities, I jumped at them, and fortunately, I've been very, very lucky.
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"I’m just saying this woman was ahead of her time. she was a real trendsetter," Bishop said of her character, Eleanor Lambert.
Halston started filming pre-COVID, and then you all came back after a break. What has the past year been like for you?
It's been a really tough year. On a personal level, I'm a fairly recent widow. It's been two years, but any widow will tell you that's nothing. And then, I had my dog who kept me going, and last of February, she was quite old and I finally had to let her go. That was a week, maybe two weeks, before I started filming on Halston.
I only did one scene, and of course, we were hearing a lot about COVID. It was really coming around, and then, when I called to find out when my next shoot day was, I was told that we were closing down. That was so dreary because then, the shelters were cleaned out of dogs. You couldn't find a dog. By May, I was thinking, "Okay, it's time," and there was still nothing, nothing, nothing. So that was really hard, because dogs, they give you a schedule. They give you a whole routine that keeps you going—and I didn't have that.
But it was a terribly hard year for everyone. I felt so badly for the children, of course, and the old people. I mean, I'm in that category too. It was just so hard for people and so isolating. It's a good thing we didn't know how long it was going to be. I think a lot of people would have just given up, I truly do.
And then the relief of getting the vaccine. It's been an unbelievable time that we've gone through, and now we're just climbing out of it. I just wish more people would embrace the vaccine. I don't get that. That's a whole other conversation, but I just don't get it.
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Kelly Bishop and Jerry Orbach in Dirty Dancing.
I have to ask, do you have a new dog?
Guess what happened? Monday, I adopted a dog. They say she's six years old, and I'm taking her to the vet tomorrow. But my dog walker, she said, "I think she's older than that." And I said, "That's fine with me, because I'm not that young, so I don't mind."
Have you named her yet?
Well, this is silly. I kept referring to her, as you do very often with animals, as Baby. "Come here Baby. That's good, Baby." And then finally, I thought, "You know what? Her name is Baby." I wrote to Amy Sherman-Palladino, and I said to her, "Well, I'm calling her Baby. It's probably about as original as Max and Lucky." But, I did Dirty Dancing and they had that line that everybody holds on to, ‘Don't put Baby in the corner,’ So I said, "Okay, she's Baby."
Ryan Murphy [the executive producer of Halston] recently said he acquired the rights to do an adaptation of A Chorus Line. Had you heard that?
I haven't heard anything. I honestly tell you, I did not like the film. When it was all said and done, I said, "It was okay as a film, but it didn't have anything to do with A Chorus Line." And in the film, so many of the things that they did were things that we had tried in rehearsal and they were scrapped because they didn't work. So suddenly there's a film and I'm going, "No, no, no, no, that's wrong. That's wrong. That's wrong. That's wrong." So I would love to see that. I'd love to see a presentation that was closer to the original, because it was such a truly brilliant show. Oh, that's exciting. I hope it pans out for him.
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Kelly Bishop, pictured here second from the left, won a Tony for her performance in the musical A Chorus Line in 1976.
I have to ask you about Emily Gilmore and why do you think people still have such an affinity for her, long after the show aired?
Once Netflix got the whole shebang, it seems we developed a new audience. And it's the teenagers; it's another generation; it's the daughters of the women who first used to watch it.
Emily Gilmore, well, she's such a piece of work isn't she? And I love playing women who aren't wonderful, sweet ladies, because frankly I find them a little boring. She's so complicated. And of course, the more I worked on it, the more I found myself digging into her backstory.
I don't think I asked Amy much about her because she was so evident on the page. I looked at it and I knew how I wanted to play her, and I think people kind of get a kick out of the fact that she is so tough.
She's got her standards and of course she's so hard on her daughter, which is terribly unfair at times, but then adores her granddaughter. And in fact, she actually adores her daughter, but she just can't let go of this very stiff cultural life that she had and she expects everyone else to have. And well, the whole show's funny. That always helps no matter what you're playing, if it's funny, it works.
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Kelly Bishop as Emily Gilmore.
Would you play her again, if there's an opportunity?
Yes, I would. But we've already kind of done that, with those four extra episodes. And I honestly think it's very unlikely that kind of a situation could be pulled together because so many of the important actors in it, they've all gone their separate ways and have other projects and other things to do. It would have to be like a continuation of those four extra episodes, but I just don't see it happening. And I don't see Amy being interested in it, because Mrs. Maisel is such a huge hit and deservedly so. I just don't see her wanting to go back and revisit it. We all loved it, and there might be some opportunity, but it doesn't seem too likely. But sure, I’d play her again. I'd love to.
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(Well, this got longer that i anticipated, sorry about the wall of text, anxiety made me do it)
Hey, the person that both recommended in asks and submitted Yuurivoice characters, i just saw a tiktok that kinda upset me and it made me kinda paranoid about the possible consequences of my actions so i just wanted to say:
If any of you following this blog ever want to get into the yuurivoice stuff, specifically bittersweet, please, i'm begging you, be respectful of the fact that he has his reasons to probably never make it 100% explicitly canon in the main storyline, don't be a dick/annoying about it and maybe also don't ask about it's canonicity in stream chat, it's been asked and he has answered many times before just watch the old youtube streams.
(And for the love of god, don't be all passive aggressive about him apperantly "profiting" of the idea of the poly by making an non-canon 18+ audio of the three of them for his patreon [which the patreon and by extension the exlusive content on there is basically his main income afaik and he's only made one or two of the poly out of all the monthly content that makes him money] but still "refusing" to make them canon, like that tiktok person did.
Making it sound all like intentionally manipulative, i guess? Like some sort of eqivalent to like a big studio queerbaiting or something?! What the fuck is wrong with some people?! Especially on that godforsaken app?!)
I usually stay away from both most fandoms (especially asmr/audio roleplay type youtuber fandoms) and tiktok (and especially said fandoms on tiktok) but curiosity got the better of me and i checked the yuurivoice tiktok tag and since i don't have a tiktok account i counldn't check the comments on that video to see how other people responded and i've seen some other people complaining about it not being fully canon on tiktok as well but again since i don't usually interact with the fandom it's hard for me to tell if the bad attitude about the ambiguity is a majority or minority kind of thing in the fandom as a whole.
And while i generally trust that most people following you're lovely blog are gonna be respectful, i couldn't help but be anxious about possibly adding even one other person being so negative about this to the fandom through my recommendation.
And like if you read my rambling on my submission, i personally can't relate to how some people seem so hung up on this needing to be so black and white anyway.
It is canon (and explicitly so) that these three people love each other (in whatever way), are family, are gonna stay together and wanna go home together. If i remember correctly he has said before that it seems like some people like to ignore the found family aspect of the story and how being loved unconditionally now is a huge thing for the one of the three that isn't officially dating the other two (the other two being a couple since the start of the story) because of his backstory.
Idk, since he has metioned that this is essentially a piece of emotionally personal vent art in a way, it just seems kinda disrespectful to me how some people go about this, yk?
And personally i find his reasoning in regards to it needing to be an inherently kinda ambigious situation because of the self-insert aspect understandable.
At one point to being asked about if they're canon he said something along the lines of:
"The best answer to that question is actually "You tell me. Are they? ""
(Again sorry for the wall of text, and the negativity, i guess, i just needed to get this off my chest/make sure.)
some people just love being hateful, sorry they're going through that rn...
to anyone that mightve picked up the recommendatio from past asks, please be respectful to the creator i havent listened to yuurivoice myself, but i dont think theres anything wrong w keeping smth ambiguous as long as ur open about that, which from your asks he seems to have been for a while now?? its not queerbaiting if you literally say "ill leave it up to interpretation" especially considering the self insert element of the listener being included, and the creator trying to be respectful
theres also smth to be said here about the expectation of every polyam relationship being a triangle idk. i also dont see the relevance of an 18+ audio w all 3, i dont see how that would be baiting at all. Sorry the creator is having to deal w bullshit for that.
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wh0lemilk0vich · 1 year
Hello! New anon here 🍄 I love your posts so I figured I'd throw my hat in the ring :)) sorry if it leans a little too far into fluff :,)
So as someone who grew up without a ton of money (like Eddie), there is a certain discomfort and apprehension about eating your fill. It's easy to feel guilty when you eat non-essentially or, more specifically for Eddie, have a big appetite. I can't imagine Wayne would have minded much, but Eddie might have always had a big appetite. I would suppose he would be insecure about this, not wanting to "waste" food or cause Wayne to spend what little money they had on only food.
So, instead, he opted to eat just enough to stay healthy (more or less) for most of his life. I imagine he's had a black hole stomach since he was a child, but he simple decided ignoring his rumbling belly was better than what he believed to be asking too much from Wayne.
So when he started dating Steve, a mother hen who believes that everyone should always eat their fill and who will hover when they don't, he had absolutely zero idea what to do with himself. Initially, Eddie just continued eating like he usually had. Steve, being the attentive boyfriend that he is, noticed that something was off pretty early into their relationship.
Eddie would push food around on his plate, wrap his arms around his stomach if it grumbled after they finished eating. After he noticed Eddie starting longingly into the stocked fridge for the 5th time in an hour, he put his foot down. He told Eddie that he was going to make some pasta, and Eddie was going to eat until he was full.
Eddie was initially kind of confused, but slipped into it quick. At dinner, when Steve made Eddie's favorite, ravioli, he saw how Eddie's eyes lit up when Steve told him to take another portion. Steve was immediately like YEP THIS IS IT THIS BOY IS NEVER GOING HUNGRY AGAIN ON MY WATCH
It took a lot of coercing to get Eddie to be okay with being full. But Steve loves to see his loved ones taken care of- and Eddie is extra sweet, pliant, and sleepy when he has a full belly. And when Eddie starts to put on weight, well, Steve is fucking GONE. He's gone from this hollow, nearly sickly frame to something squishy and plush.
I always imagine Eddie's tummy to be the first thing to fill out. As soon as Steve sees Eddie's little belly, his hands are all over it - squishing and poking. Eddie thinks it's adorable. Steve initially plays it off as "I just love seeing him full and happy", but the first time Eddie gets OVERfed, Steve quickly realizes that there's something else to it.
Eddie is curled up on the couch, holding his belly, making sweet little noises and begging for Steve to rub his tummy. His belly is gurgling loudly and has gone from a squishy pouch into a taut, hard mass. Steve lies Eddie's back to his front, feeling the weight he's out on press against him while he glides his hands across Eddie's middle.
Eddie continues to get bigger, squishier, and rounder. Steve continues to encourage him to eat until he's full, which is definitely contributing to Eddie's plumpness as his appetite continues to increase. Sometimes, after a particularly large feeding session, Eddie will get slightly insecure - not of his body, no, never of his body. He likes being hefty and big, knows that Steve likes it too. But he sometimes feels like he may be taking too much, not paying it back.
But Steve is there to reassure him with kisses to his neck, belly, and thighs that Eddie should always take what he needs, that he can never take nor be "too much". I imagine there's some sappy sex after that, and I mean that in only the best of ways. Steve would always worship Eddie, make sure he knows that despite all of his bravado and well-earned pride, it's okay to ask for things - to want.
And obviously, sometimes it gets a bit more spicy. Testing the limits of how full Eddie can get, how much food they can stuff into him before his big bottomless pit of a belly finally fills up (spoiler alert- it's a lot). Sometimes Eddie needs it - needs to relinquish control and give it to Steve in order to repair his relationship with food (maybe even some rope involved? Not all that much, at least not at first. But just keeping Eddie's squirming slightly restrained by the hands and feet).
And meanwhile, Steve is teasing him a little bit, but underlyingly trying to let Eddie know that his appetite is okay, that Steve likes feeding him and making him feel good.
e.g. "God, you're getting so big. Just can't stop yourself, huh? More of you every second, just perfect."
"Can't believe how much you can fit in there, Eds. Unbelievable, really. Good thing I make good money, we can keep up. Keep you fed. Insatiable, you are."
And Eddie finds it's a lot easier to eat his fill these days. Steve is more than encouraging, that's for sure.
Sorry if that was kind of long and definitely a bit too fluffy, I just find the idea of Eddie learning to accept his black hole of a tummy - with Steve's help - really precious. I think oftentimes it gets skipped over that Eddie, being poor, is probably really used to being hungry, but Mama Steve ain't having that lmao.
Thank you for writing these posts and indulging my love of chunky Eddie :) and again, sorry for all the fluff
Hello Shroomie 🍄
The food insecurity and self-imposed restraint are so real. And I can't remember whether it's canon or just something a bunch of the fandom has decided but I love imagining Steve as the, like, un-self-aware rich friend. Like he always makes assumptions about what's normal based on his own experiences and so like a lot of interactions with Eddie get awkward when he suggests they go see a movie, go to x restaurant, go to the mall to shop, etc. And Eddie's always cagey, but Steve wants Eddie to be there so he's always practically begging and nonchalantly offers to pay for Eddie for basically everything.
Eddie, I'm sure at first, feels like a mooch. It's a terrible feeling. You don't want to be the charity case, so he usually tries to keep Steve from spending money on him. Eventually Steve probably reasons it out and suddenly he's the luckiest guy around, he has a coupon to the restaurant, his uncle gave him tickets to the movies, the clothes he bought don't fit him, maybe they'd fit Eddie, he just happened to buy way too much food at the food court.
That last one ends up happening a lot, then they start going steady and all of it starts going into overdrive. Especially like you said with dinners and food.
I like the idea that Steve doesn't ask if Eddies still hungry or wants more. He can tell, he knows. When Eddie is finished with a helping Steve is already grabbing his plate and refilling it. Eddie starts to tell him off, but Steve just says "You're still hungry. Here."
And now Eddie can let go and eat how he's always wanted to, and I think the volume surprises Steve in a really arousing way. He's in awe of how much of a black hole, a bottomless pit Eddie is and he wants to test the limits so badly. He wants to be the one who finally satisfies Eddie Munson. He wants to be the only one who can give him everything he's ever wanted. So, Eddie would take to it very well and start filling out gradually, slow at first and then it's like a dam breaks, but it looks so good on him.
Eddie helps break Steve out of his shell being such a normie. I bet the bondage and feeding stuff is Eddie's idea to get Steve to tap into being a little more dominant, aggressive, instead of saccharine and sweet and mushy all the time.
And God I can just imagine Steve coming home with a massive 5 gallon tub Eddie's favorite ice cream ready to play his dominant role and curious to see whether he can really get all of it (after it's melted of course) into Eddie in a single night.
This is after Eddie's plumped up nicely already, and comfortable with Steve taking such direct care of him.
The constant disbelief at Eddie's size and softness and contentment and insatiability. And I really like scenarios where the growing one isn't necessarily greedy or incessant, but just like, if food is put in front of them they will just mindlessly eat it. And Stevie takes advantage of that 😈
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starship-trolls · 11 months
A small update.
I've been working my security job almost a month now. However, I took on extra shifts as I needed the money for some doctors visits, these shifts were eight hours, so some days I would work a six hour shift at my original placement then an eight hour shift later that day.
Typically I worked 10 AM to 4 PM at my usual job but on Sundays I would work 4 PM to 10 PM. This was my usual schedule.
Now, below will sound quite ventish but I think it's very necessary information to tell as I do feel guilty for letting my life essentially overrun me and get in the way of what I love to do.
Content Warnings; Dehydration, Heat Exhaustion, Description of harsh Conditions as well as Unhealthy Behavior.
So without further ado; what happened?
So, as stated, I took on eight hour shifts. My job is security and at the facility I work I typically gain above 12k steps a day and my highest step count ever to date has been 23k+. This is to state my job requires a lot of walking, which really saps my energy. Now, usually I am inside and have access to water. But as my work went on I would be placed outside or need to walk outside during my break times for food/drinks.
This was not bad, however I have to note I do already have issues with my body keeping sugar, water and other necessities so I did understand I was already pushing myself further than my limit, which is a reason I wished to see a doctor. That way maybe I could find out what's going on.
Doctors cost quite a lot and so I couldn't afford one, therefore I pushed myself even further and wound up with eight hour shifts for the weekend and a day.
These shifts were midnight to eight in the morning, I figured that since these were the hours I already wished to work anyway I would be able to do them no problem. I needed the money, the time was comfortable and it was a new location that I was excited to work in.
For Friday I worked 10 AM to 4 PM and couldn't sleep, I got up and went to work at midnight and came home the next morning exhausted. I had been awake 25 hours at that point, which I already knew was bad but I figured maybe if I sleep enough (as I don't work on Saturdays) then I would be fine.
Well, another thing important to note is usually where I sleep it is 90° WITH the AC on and a window open. So, dangerous levels. Without getting into other things I have to say unfortunately I do not feel comfortable sleeping anywhere else where I live.
To add onto all of this though, I only slept five hours before waking up extremely dehydrated and sweating from nightmares. I figured since I was up though I should get ready and so I went again to an eight hour shift; midnight to eight in the morning. That day was completely fine.
Then Monday happened, needless to say all issues stated before cannot and did not leave within a day and so I was suffering. Sundays 4 PM to 10 PM followed by immediately going to my 12 AM to 8 AM was genuinely not the best idea but I thought it would help the person who drove me so that's what I decided.
The person who drove me couldn't pick me up as they worked on Monday too and because I didn't know the area all too well I spent about four hours in the sun in my already thick uniform just trying to find the bus stop to get home.
When I finally got through my emotions (being upset from lack of sleep as well as heat), the pain (15 hrs on feet basically) and everything else I found the bus stop. I was wiped as one would imagine but I thought when I got home everything would be fine and that I'd have about two days off to help myself.
Unfortunately, I pushed way too hard and I am paying the price now.
Not only am I experiencing what I believe to be heat exhaustion but I've lost all of my personal and important cards. My bank card, my ID, my Social Security Card even. All gone. Stolen, I believe when I was on the bus home but I can't be sure. I'm livid, I'm distraught.
This isn't to make anyone feel guilty as I did this to myself, some solace to all is I've gotten replacements for two of my monetary cards that are coming in maximum ten days. However my ID and my SSC will be much harder, which stresses me to no end.
While I'm out of work though (as I could not obtain my license for having my personal items stolen) I'll work on commissions to make up for lost money.
I would like to apologize properly, I'm very sorry I've let my personal life eat up all of my time. I should have managed it properly as I am an adult. I will work to do better with time management, as it's important for daily life anyway. Thank you all for your patience as well. You are those who help me through rough times- therefore you have my utmost gratitude.
Thank you for reading, I will be visiting a doctor as soon as I can afford it. But as it is now, I would not be able to be treated without identification unless I was in a life or death situation. As I am still remaining conscious with extended movement, they will not see me without these requirements.
Thank you all again, please have a swell day.
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proship-ghost · 2 years
[TW vague mentions of suicide baiting, mentions of self harm, Csa, sexual assault in general, pedophila, and grooming]
I was recently sent a lovely message by an individual with a brilliant idea! In three never typed before letters in- surprisingly not anon! (Sarcasm)
Anyways- as I go to block them THIS is what I see. Surprisingly they tagged triggers themselves but I've cut their user since they don't need the attention nor the potential hate. (They have since been blocked of course but this still needs to be said)
Tumblr media
Firstly, to read this as someone's genuine thought process is- wow. Secondly, your condolences in regards to victims is conditional for how they cope? That says a lot about you. Love how you compared them to their abusers for it (sarcastic ).
You're telling me someone's (potential) coping mechanism (Bad or not this isn't the point) makes them deserve what happened to them? Do you realize how that makes YOU the bad person? Would you tell that to someone who's harming themselves physically?
You give 0 understanding of what being proship is and just rattle off about unintelligent bullshit then go "yep, everything you've had to go through is 1000% what you're redoing to these fictional characters and nobody cares it happened to you."
I'll say it once and I'll say it again- if you put fictional character who hold no actual change over people who are real and living. Fuck you and everything you will ever stand for.
Honestly, coping mechanism or just for the hell of it- proshipping is at it's core anti harassment and anti censorship. The idea that those core elements genuinely irritate people is astounding to me. Most proshippers that I know either A) involve themselves with proshipping because (when antis aren't involved) it's usually a safe space to talk about your trauma and heal by making essentially vent fics using characters, or B) have a disorder that may cause paraphilic or intrusive thoughts that can better be coped with through fiction. But- friendly reminder ;
Proshipping has and always will be supported by therapists. But let's not forget therapy is expensive and not everyone has access to it- if you want every proshipper or people who follow that train of thought to harm themselves I think you should fork out a bit of money and see why your so angry at people for enjoying themselves and being free 💕
I swear antis have never heard of hypersexuality or paraphilic disorders before- or, here's a big one- OCD.
Proshipping can help people with said disorders to cope through their intrusive thoughts by giving them an outlet for what's hurting them- it's okay to let those thoughts out because you're not putting anyone into a situation that they're genuinely hurt by your thoughts.
An anti shipper messaged me telling me to kms, upon looking at their account you can see they push themselves to throw every buzzword together to make themselves seem better with no actual understanding of what those words mean.
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sixstepsaway · 2 years
Parents being shitty about pets seems to be a common trend, Im sorry you have to deal with all of this! Your dad agreeing to dogsit when he's not going to be doing any of the work and he knows he's got ducks at home is??? A new level of dad bullshit??? What's wrong with him. Pets are so much work when you actually care about their wellbeing instead of thinking of them as living toys that move around your house that you just need to feed, and yet. That last one is the vibe of anyone over 40 with kids I've met in my life and I'm like "aah this explains so much about how you parent too now that I think about it".
6 ducks sounds like hell on earth during mating season honestly, specially if they're pets and not farm animals. I love birds but they're all in for doing horrible things to each other by human standars lol
For my birthday six years ago my parents got me an amazon parrot without consulting me first and Im still like : / this was shitty of them absolutely no thought put into consequences. Like I love this bird! I like keeping birds! I had a lovebird at the time that sadly died a year later bc of an egg she couldn't lay, I dont remember what that's called in english. The amazon parrot hated her (they're pretty aggro to other birds) so I spent that year trying to find a balance between taking care of both of them, it was Hell. He's sweet enough to the other people in the household (it took. So much work to pull this off. Why would they buy a bird then not respect that he's not a dog and cant be socialized like one) and he tolerates me doing nearly whatever to him bc Im his favorite but other pets? People who don't live with us? He wants them Away From Him and if they ignore his warnings he also wants them Dead by his own beak
Parrots are so fucking high maintenance (in time effort and money) that while there's only one of him, I'm still essentially trapped at home until I save up enough to buy a house myself, and only if I keep doing work from home (which I can do, Im in tech), bc they need either your full attention or multiple people handling them to make up for not having 20 birds, and you cannot have one of these in an apartment lol he's loud as hell. Tbf this does line up with what I vaguely wanted out of life 6 years ago, like buying a house in the country and becoming an old hermit witch, and I get along with my parents so living at home isn't that bad but. Would have liked it to be a choice you know? That I could have chosen to try living on my own before I hit 40 and commiting to a house if I wanted to? I wanted to have cats and now this is fully off the table forever
Also there's like one vet that knows birds in this entire city so the idea of the parrot getting sick is so anxiety inducing. And his life expectancy is about 60 years so either he outlives me or I get him killed by mistake which are both bad options for how his life ends. It's like they heard me say I dont want kids and then they got me a very sharp feathery forever toddler that loves any idea that leads directly to his death, like trying to chew wiring or fight the dog bc the kibble is obviously for him. Like I love him but it feels like my entire life revolves around meeting his needs and he's never going to stop depending on me
okay, trying this again with an extension that can recover lost text this time :) since my tab refreshed mid-reply last time.
oh it doesnt do tumblr. nice. okay, whatever. i'll just save this as a draft every 5 minutes. manual autosave, what a conundrum.
putting this under a read more since i assume it will get lengthy again and this will make it more avoidable
Parents being shitty about pets seems to be a common trend, Im sorry you have to deal with all of this! Your dad agreeing to dogsit when he's not going to be doing any of the work and he knows he's got ducks at home is??? A new level of dad bullshit??? What's wrong with him.
the short answer is 66 years of undiagnosed ADHD. the long answer is: so fucking much.
a few things he's done to me over the years, truncated as much as possible to avoid trauma dumping:
shouted at me that i was "being obnoxious" during a fight, left, then came back 40 minutes later and banned me from my chat room (my only social contact at that point in my life) for a week for calling him obnoxious (✨ i did not ✨)
convinced me to watch firefly with him at 11-ish years old and then used my agreeing to watch seven episodes to make me watch tv with him every single night for the next god knows how many years, including, but not limited to, all the star treks (except enterprise, he got bored), buffy, angel, the x files (which at the time i hated because i couldnt work out what they were saying and it was too dark to see), the wire, and babylon 5 (which I loved)
decided then that saturdays were movie nights, despite me hating movies (less so these days)
flipped his entire shit when i told him i couldnt go watch tv with him one night because my best friend was suicidal and i couldnt leave her. declared if we didnt go in there and watch tv then we "never will again!" and so i said "okay" and we never did again
threatened to divorce my mom a week later over a period of a hellish four days because he said she'd 'slapped him in the face' by playing Crazy Taxi with me for 10 minutes before the time we used to watch tv (it wasnt even the time we watched tv)
stopped talking to me for 2-3 months literally last year because i couldn't help him with his headphones. he'd literally walk out of any room i was in, ignore me to the point he didnt even acknowledge when i spoke, and made my life an absolute hell of hurt feelings because holy fucking shit
assorted events of "you told me no so i am going to be angry until tomorrow and make it your problem" and "you disagreed with me so now i'm storming out because fuck you" and "something outside of you made me mad so i'm taking it out on you" which. egh. i was also trapped with my PC in the same room as his until i turned 27 and built my own damn PC up here
We also had a dog when I was... 12? 11? He was running down the middle of the street unattended and when no one claimed him as a stray we ended up keeping him for the rest of his (nicely long) life. He had so much anxiety I cannot overstate it. He was terrified of walks, of baths, of people, of not being near people, of separation, of leaving the house, of everything.
My dad tried to walk him a few times and when he wasn't instantly obedient my dad stopped trying. He drove us all out to the park once, and when the dog freaked out and wouldn't stop barking, he punished the dog (AND MY MOM AND I) by making us all go home, no matter how mom and I felt about it. He never took the dog out again.
He's completely unreliable too. The dog we're sitting is named Jess (yes, I know, but Jess isn't my birth name so they don't know how fucking funny it is that I have to go "Jess!" to call a dog to me, or how funny it is to listen to them speak to said dog) and last time she stayed (last September) she spent most of her time up here with me. When my dad would start yelling at his PC, she'd just come up here and sit near me (I am quiet and peaceful and I don't rant and rave very often, if at all). She ended up sleeping the nights on my bed, which was lovely, and he knew this.
I woke up midday the one day to hear, "What do you think you're doing? Get down those stairs! How dare you! How dare you! Get down those stairs!" and him charging off to rant at my mom that Jess had come upstairs (??) and wouldn't listen when he gave her directly contradictory orders.
Absolutely toxic. He used to do things like this to our dog too.
On top of that, he's utterly irresponsible. All the ducks were out and about on the floor the other morning and he decided he wanted to recharge his car battery, so he opened the front door and left it open, which left my mom and I to herd the ducks home quickly so they wouldn't run outside.
It made me shake with rage, I am not kidding.
[saves this, lmao]
When he stopped talking to me for literal months, he made my mom so ill with his behavior and eventually she just snapped and refused to tolerate it. Told him straight up she wasn't participating in his childish behavior and has actually been much better since this because she doesn't put up with his shit nearly as much.
I'm also not putting up with his shit as much, because, well, I've already experienced Worst Case Scenario... what do I have to lose?
We're getting along better now because of it, I think. He knows that not even not talking to me will make me cowtow and apologize for something I didn't need to apologize for.
(maybe this is why I'm so defensive of Izzy as well? Ed's response to him was not proportional and nor was my dad's to me! Even if I'd gone, "oh my god dad fuck off i'm not helping you with your fucking headphone issue jesus" (which I did not, by the way, I said two things: "I can't because my bluetooth won't work properly on my headphones [which you want to borrow] and I can only hook it up to my phone rn because of it" and "I really do not want you to send my headphones back as I am fine with what I have and I put stickers on my headphones, so I don't want to lose those") being cut off for 2+ months was not proportional punishment and was utterly ridiculous and overblown and it makes me go "the fuck?" when people say izzy deserved his overblown punishment)
When he finally started talking to me again he didn't apologize or anything btw. He'd received an email from Psych UK about his ADHD screening and needed a form filled in by a friend or family member and needed me to do it. He told mom about it and was all upsetti because I wasn't ~involved~ anymore (I'm the one that told him he has ADHD, I'm the one that pushed for the diagnosis for both of us etc, I spearheaded and supported him through the whole thing) and I told mom I'd do the form, just give me the link I needed, and I did. It was important. And also I am a sucker.
He came upstairs, thanked me for doing the form and acted as though he hadn't been ignoring my very existence for multiple months. He never apologized, he just snapped back to normal like that was acceptable behavior!!
[saves again and glares at tumblr]
Pets are so much work when you actually care about their wellbeing instead of thinking of them as living toys that move around your house that you just need to feed, and yet. That last one is the vibe of anyone over 40 with kids I've met in my life and I'm like "aah this explains so much about how you parent too now that I think about it".
Before this, I used to refer to myself as his dopamine dispenser. He'd want to play me music or show me clips or whatever because it made him Happy or whatever. He's learned after this not to take my attention for granted: I don't have to give it to him. What's he gonna do? Stop talking to me again? Fuck off then. His damn loss.
We're getting along a lot better these days, actually, so there's that, and mom is still in "fuck you" mode lmao. But he's still awful and irresponsible and does things like agreeing for us to dogsit when we have six ducks, one of which is highly traumatized from the older duck's behavior and lashes out and hurts the other ducks as a stress response.
Six ducks is so lovely when it isn't mating season yeah. Lapis (a drake but we thought she was a hen so here we are) spends all her time trying to mount and stuff the other ducks and they keep getting hurt and now we have to keep them separated until she calms her tits, which is fine except guess who doesn't always separate them? Dad. He just lets it happen because he thinks we're causing her distress by not letting her run roughshod over all the other ducks. His basic thought process seems to be "Lapis is a boy and thusly should be allowed to fuck anything desired, regardless of hurting them, injuring them, traumatizing them or drowning them" which she nearly did to Shadow the one day and he would not separate them.
I love birds but they're all in for doing horrible things to each other by human standars lol
the sheer amount of ducky gang bangs i have now been witness to cannot be overstated.
For my birthday six years ago my parents got me an amazon parrot without consulting me first and Im still like : / this was shitty of them absolutely no thought put into consequences.
Pets should never be surprise presents. Never. It's irresponsible to thrust a little life into someone's arms like, "Surprise! A gift!"
Lovebirds are so cute, I'm so sorry for your loss. In English we call what you described 'egg binding', and it gives me a lot of stress and anxiety in regards to our own birds. I worry about them a lot.
I just (having already replied to this once lol) realized they got you the parrot while you already had a pet bird? What the hell? That's awful decision making!!! Having a new pet should always, always be the owner's choice to make, not something thrust on them, especially when they already have a pet!
I didn't know parrots were so high maintenance, or that they were so grumpy towards other people. I'm sorry you're stuck because of him. I know how it feels to feel stuck despite loving the little creature that's sticking you; it sucks. It really sucks.
Would have liked it to be a choice you know? That I could have chosen to try living on my own before I hit 40 and commiting to a house if I wanted to? I wanted to have cats and now this is fully off the table forever
Yeah, I get that entirely. I've been wanting to get out of this house for literally years, but my health has been so poor I've been unable to get a job (my resume is...not great), let alone hold one down if I managed. Now I'm doing better, I don't feel great about leaving the ducklings, and I definitely can't leave the clingy older duck I've convinced to trust and love me.
Also there's like one vet that knows birds in this entire city so the idea of the parrot getting sick is so anxiety inducing.
god yeah. We've had some horrible experiences with vets for our ducks in the past, because normal vets don't have a fucking clue how to treat birds and don't tend to say that! I ended up looking up specifically avian vets (and found a parrot website listing avian vets) and I found a really highly rated avian vet 20 minutes from me. I've never felt so relieved in my life.
And his life expectancy is about 60 years so either he outlives me or I get him killed by mistake which are both bad options for how his life ends.
Yep. I don't have the extent of 60 years, but my ducks will hopefully live 10 years or so, unless we get them killed somehow. I don't want the latter, but if I continue to feel I can't leave them? That means another decade in this house, living in this shoebox bedroom I've long since outgrown.
It's like they heard me say I dont want kids and then they got me a very sharp feathery forever toddler that loves any idea that leads directly to his death, like trying to chew wiring or fight the dog bc the kibble is obviously for him. Like I love him but it feels like my entire life revolves around meeting his needs and he's never going to stop depending on me
I am so sorry they did that to you. I really, truly am. I hope you find a way one day to strike some kind of balance so you don't have to revolve your entire life around him, but even if you can't, I hope you manage to be fulfilled and happy either way :(
It really, really sucks when you love what equates to basically being an anchor.
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