#aged up eddie kaspbrak
kingdowager · 16 days
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college age reddie!! they should've been at the club saw posts for the reddiesance 5 year anniversary and had to draw them. rotating them in my mind
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supercap2319 · 1 year
"Come on, Y/N. You can tell us the truth. Big Bill here has a small wiener right?" Richie grinned.
It was the summer before their last year of school and during the time between defeating IT and letting Georgie go, Bill had gotten himself a boyfriend and he was welcomed by the Losers Club. Even Beverly, who would visit Derry in the summer, liked Y/N.
Of course, this doesn't mean he was safe from the lewd comments of trashmouth Tozier.
Y/N looks at Richie, who is currently huddled with Eddie underneath a tree by the water of the barrens. "It's a shame you think that. He's great in bed. I don't think I've seen anyone bigger than Bill packing downstairs and it's so hot hearing he stutter that he's going to cum."
For a moment, everyone just stares at them as Bill blushes hard. Eddie breaks the silence. "Bullshit! I call fucking bullshit!"
"Yeah, there's no way Billy's tapped any ass." Richie said.
"Well, he has. Big Bill's no longer a blushing virgin."
That just made Bill blush harder.
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reddje · 5 months
the it fandom vs writing smut abt children
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greenpidge101 · 2 years
Wasp Problem
It was a normal day for the losers club. Which meant they had already found shelter from the harsh, summer sun. Eddie had insisted that they all wear sunscreen when he showed up to the quarry that morning but only Stanley and Ben complied. The other four members' complaints were heard as they entered the shade of the clubhouse.
“Everything hurts,” Beverly cried as she laid her head on Ben’s lap. The latter of course felt bad but couldn’t help but laugh as he stroked his hand through Beverly’s tangled hair.
“You can s-say t-t-that again.” Bill agreed, sitting in the beanbag chair next to the swing where Mike’s burns were being treated by Stan.
“I didn’t think I could burn.” Mike whispered as the cool gel of Aloe Vera was gently rubbed on his face.
“Of course you’re going to burn, you have skin.” Eddie yelled from the other side of the clubhouse, where he was trying to put aloe on Richie.
“I said I don’t need that stuff.” Richie interjected, pushing Eddie’s hands away. “That stuff is basically the equivalent of cum!” He yelled as Eddie tackled him to the ground. Richie grunted as he and Eddie hit the ground, Eddie having the upper hand.
“BEEP BEEP.” Eddie shrieked as he finally got some of the aloe on Richie’s face, rubbing it all over.
“Eds you’re getting it in my mouth.” Richie spat, turning over and spitting out the aloe that got in this mouth.
“Not my name! And that’s what you get for not wearing sunscreen in the first place.” Eddie grumbled, squeezing more aloe into his hands and rubbing it over Richie’s exposed arms.
“Karma,” Stanley called from across the room where he was now putting aloe on Bill’s face.
“It’s not karma, Stanley! it’s SpagEddies too much gene- OW! ” Richie called back but was pinched in the arm by Eddie who was still applying aloe.
“Not my name, asshole.” Eddie said, trying to hide a smile. Eddie made Richie sit up, so he could get the back of the boy's neck which was starting to peel. Eddie gagged at the state of Richie's neck “Gross Richie!!! this is going to get infected!!” Eddie unzipped his Fanny pack and started looking for the cortisone cream when Ben let out a yelp from where he was sitting. Everyone turned to look at the boy, Bev sitting up to give him some space.
“Are you ok, Ben?” She asked, looking at the boy with worry.
“Something just stung me,” he grimaced, holding his arm and looking around for the source. He spotted a little nest in the corner and frowned. “Dang it, there’s a wasp nest in here.”
Richie froze up at the word, fuck, he thought as he look at Stanley. Stanley was already staring at him, giving him a knowing but annoyed look. Stanley was the only person who knew about Richie’s allergy to the little devils. Richie didn’t want anyone to know about it because he thought it was a stupid thing to be allergic to but sadly Stanley was his longest friend and had seen what happens when he gets stung. The boy even carries around his epipen for Richie, since he couldn’t be bothered. His thoughts quickly disappeared as Bill let out a yelp.
“OW! It-t s-stung me!!” Bill stuttered, rubbing his shoulder.
The clubhouse erupted into a panic as they looked around, trying to find the little fucker. Richie heard a buzz right next to his ear and screamed, shooting up and running and basically tackling Stanley to the ground. The others watched as Richie and Stanley fought, Stanley trying to get Richie off of him and Richie holding on to Stanley's neck for dear life.
“Richie get OFF OF ME!”
“Stan, it's going to kill me!!!”
“It’s not going to kill you idiot.”
“IT WILL!” Richie screamed as he heard another buzz and decided to get the fuck out of the small space. He threw himself up the ladder and out the clubhouse.
The other losers sat in silence as Mike got up from the swing. He grabbed a cup that someone left near the swing and carefully caught the wasp, trapping it with the lid. Mike walked over to the hatch, climbed up a couple of steps and placed the cup with the wasp outside. He closed the hatch just in case and turned to face the others. Bill was the first one to break the silence.
“W-what the fuck was that??”
Special thanks to @reluctant-fandom-participant for the idea/head cannon!!!!
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reareaotaku · 1 year
Hello it's me Rachel. Listen um sorry for the bother you but can you make a yandere losers club headcanon movie it 2017 ?
It's no bother! Of course I can!
Yandere Losers Club Headcanons
Characters: Bill Denbrough, Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Stanley Uris, Beverly Marsh, Mike Hanlon, Ben Hanscom [Also, I looked up the Jewish stuff for Stanley, so if I got anything wrong lmk]
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Bill Denbrough
He gets really shy around you
Stutters a lot and he never really gets over it, no matter how he tries
You're way out of his league and he's surprised when you ask him out
But oh my god, you really want to date him
"Do you want to go out with me?"
He looks at you shocked, his mouth on the floor. At first, he thinks you're trying to pull a prank on him or making fun of him, but you're dead serious
"Oh- W-w-what?"
"Do you want to go out with.... me?" You gesture to yourself at the end, your confidence quickly fading in fear you were about to be rejected
"Uh-uh-uh, um...y-ye-yeah. I'd l-l-l-love to."
Now it's your turn to blush and you smile, "Great. That's great. So what now?"
"I don't know..."
It's a little awkward at first, but you both eventually get over it
His friends tease him, but Bill always brings up about how they're all single [It usually ends the teasing]
He always dresses up whenever he's going to see you
He just wants to look his best
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Eddie Kaspbrak
You meet at his favorite place, the pharmacy
He knew who you were and you vaguely knew who he was
He had a huge crush on you and when he saw you, he nearly shit bricks
He quickly put the stuff he was holding back on the shelf, while accidentally knocking stuff down
"Uh, you're Eddie, right?"
He awkwardly laughs, his face turning a light red, "Uh, yeah. Y/n?"
"Yeah. What are you doing?"
"Nothing!" He's quick and nearly yells it at you, causing you to flinch back. He instantly felt bad about it
You only knew two things about Eddie; He's a germaphobe and his mom is crazy
"You're that germaphobe, right?"
His eyes widen and he quickly shakes his head, "No! I'm not scared of germs. That's crazy," He laughs it off, moving his hand back and forth. He blushes when hearing you laugh and he looks away from you
"You're really cute. Do you want to hang out?"
"Hang out? You and me?"
"Yeah, there's actually a diner close by-"
"Of course. I mean yeah, that'd be cool"
You start hanging out more after that and Eddie is secretly losing his mind
You're hanging out with him
Wow- He feels like he's dreaming
When you ask him to be your boyfriend, he's sure that he's dead and in heaven
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Richie Tozier
You both fucking hate each other when you first met
You bully the hell out of each other, trying to get the last word
"Why are you late?"
"Sorry, I was fucking your mom."
"Well, I'm glad you could enjoy someone's mom since you don't have one"
He rolls his eyes, mocking you, because he has no insult to throw back without sounding like he was offended
Things change when he gets older and he realizes that he likes you
it started when he'd see things in his everyday life that reminded him of you
At first he was irritated and he wanted to destroy those things [Flowers, rocks, tree bark, a cloud, the way his food is placed, a game/game character, etc]
But then, he realized these things made him happy. You made him happy, even when he tried to fight it
He began to cherish these things and anything he could preserve and keep, he would
He has a shrine dedicated to those things. Nothing ever directly linked to you, but just things that make his mind go to you
Neither of you will ask the other out, because you two are two prideful- Actually, it'll be an accident when one of you confesses
You two will be fighting and one of you will comment about how the other is pretty/handsome as an insult and the other turns around and is like "You like me?" You'll be blushing and the person who insulted the other will deny it, but whoever was insulted will be like "I like you two."
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Stanley Uris
Stan is very mature for a boy his age and that's what attracts you to him
He doesn't really notice you at first, because he doesn't have time for dating and he's more worried about keeping his things in order
You try approaching him multiple times, but you usually get shrugged off
You can go to the temple and wait until after Prayer hall, Shacharit, or the morning blessings, but he'll probably spot you and avoid you. If you're not Jewish, you'll approach his father, the Rabbi, telling him about your interest in the culture
"You can't just be Jewish. You know that right? It's a long progress-"
"I'm okay with that. I'm interested in the culture, language, and history"
He's impressed with your knowledge and interest that he's willing to take you under his wing
Stanley then becomes jealous, because you're becoming closer with his father than he ever was
You get progressively better at speaking from The Torah
"There's this girl who keeps coming to the Temple. I've been avoiding-"
"Wait, there's a girl who's actively seeking you out and you're avoiding her??? Because???"
Stanley rolls his eyes, "It-"
"Is she ugly?"
"Are you gay?"
"What? No-"
"Then why are you avoiding her?"
"It's stupid-"
"Spit it out."
"Well, she's not even Jewish, but my dad treats her like she's been going to the Temple her whole life. So, she learns a little Hebrew so what? Anyone can do that."
"Oh, you're jealous and have daddy issues. Got it"
His father acts kind of like your dad. Tries setting you up with a good guy so you'd be set for later in life. Get you incredible connections
When you'll finally get him alone, he busts. He yells at you and he realizes all his anger about his father out on you
Though, when he sees you cry, he quickly stops and he feels so bad
He didn't mean to make you cry. God he felt so bad
He quickly apologizes and this creates a friendship between you both
You can tell him any secret. He'll never tell a soul
You can depend on him for anything. You're the only thing his father likes about him
"Why can't you have Y/n's dedication? She wasn't even born into a Jewish family."
He complains to you about his father, and you're always open to listen to him
Though, he's scared of nearly everything, so you usually are the braver one in the relationship
You have to beg him to go anywhere with you, because he doesn't like being around people
He just sticks with you the entire time
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Beverly Marsh
She was very confident when approaching you, but it was fake
She's the type of person to lean on some boxes and then they fall over
She loves brushing and playing with your hair
She thinks it [your hair] is so pretty
She'll hum to you while she brushes it/plays with it
She asked you out. She was very bold about it
She goes after what she wants and she wants you
She'll make sure the moment is perfect
You're alone and the night is beautiful [Though nothing like you]. The wind is blowing just right and the light from one of the post is shinning your face like a halo
If you ever get into a fight with her, she'll avoid you for days/weeks
She doesn't want to, but it's a tactic she knows will get you crawling back
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Mike Hanlon
He puts your needs before his own
He's sweet and whenever you have a problem he's always there to listen
He's a smart kid and will always help you with your homework
And by help, I mean he'll do it for you
Hope you like band music, because that's his favorite type of music
He does have a tiny little issue where he lies to make you happy. He's scared of losing you and just wants to keep you close
He doesn't do it on purpose, it kind of just happens
When you find out, you're livid and he understands, but he doesn't apologize. He think he's doing the right thing
You can be mad at him, but you'll always get over it, because you can never be mad at him for long
He doesn't gaslight you on purpose, but he does do it sometimes
"So what, you don't love me anymore?"
"Of course I love you!"
"Well, you're sure not acting like it-"
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Ben Hanscom
He's really insecure about himself and his weight, thankfully you make him not feel like he's a pig
In fact, you don't mention it all; It's not something you notice
You always pick up when he's sad and always do whatever it takes to cheer him up
You try and help him cope with it healthy
Though, as he gets older, he starts to work out and you go with him. You don't want him to feel like everyone's staring at him or something
Whenever he's feeling like people are judging or staring you'll always divert attention to yourself, whether it's wearing something crazy or just making yourself look different and wild, you're willing to have people judge you as long as he doesn't feel judged [Does that make sense?]
He never judges you. In fact, he thinks you're way to good for him
Everything you do for him just makes him realize you're to good for him
If you're ever insecure, he's surprised
"What? You're like the prettiest person in the world! " He's absolutely flabbergasted
Absolutely adores you and follows you like a puppy
Practically attached to your hip
Bro's a little dependent on you ngl
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coloringthebanner · 15 days
fem reddie community is this anything
HUGE believer that (fem, specifically) eddie was forced into toxic heteronormativity from a young age cuz that’s what made a “perfect little girl”, according to sonia kaspbrak, & also a believer that richie was so caught up in that that she couldn’t see that eddie was actually a raging lesbian for her
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augustjustice · 1 month
Wiggly Wednesday 🧠🪱
I've been a disaster for the last month and a half and kept forgetting to post my wiggly Wednesday thoughts, but I am FINALLY getting around to it today!
Thank so much for the tag this week @tinytalkingtina and all the lovely folks who have tagged me before!!🖤💛Consider this a tag back to share those wonderful brainworms (if you'd like to):
@ataliagold @penny00dreadful @soaringornithopter @steddie-island
Because of a comment @theohohmoment made on a gif set of Eddie Kaspbrak saying it gave huge Steve de-aged by Upside Down nonsense vibes (which, I completely see the vision), the idea of Steve having to deal with being de-aged has had me in a chokehold for a couple of days now.
My brain defaulted to Steve finding Dustin first--and though he's curious at heart and more than accustomed to the weirdness of the world at this point, it still takes some effort for Steve to convince him that it's actually him. Secret handshakes and hair care secrets have to be divulged before Dustin is gasping, "Steve?!" in disbelief while Steve rolls his eyes, one hand on his hip as he deadpans, "Yeah, dude, it's really me."
"But you're...you're..."
"A pipsqueak? Kinda already had that part figured out, Henderson, thanks for that."
Dustin hums, thoughtfully, before his face breaks into a wide grin. "Technically speaking, does this make you my little brother now?"
"Not mentally!"
Dustin rallies the troops (the party) and then takes Steve to Robin and Eddie for help--maybe they were already on the lookout for him, if he hadn't shown up to pick Robin up or meet Eddie for their customary afternoon hangout session of smoking a joint and relaxing. After the initial confusion of assuming Steve must be a friend the kids have taken into their fold, it actually doesn't take nearly as much convincing as it did with Dustin to get the two to recognize him, since, well...
Robin and Eddie--they're Steve's peers, give-or-take a grade on either side. They remember Steve at this age, but with the lens of having been kids themselves. And, sure, the high school hierarchy hadn't yet been established, but Steve was still a sporty kid, a rich kid, still popular by 13 year old standards. So they know who they're staring at, once Dustin gives the whole spiel rapid fire. Realizing that Steve is now all awkward, gangly limbs and chipmunk cheeks, thought--that's a real shock, and a delightful one at that.
"Guess I can't call you big boy, anymore," Eddie comments wryly, earning him Steve's most fearsome scowl.
Even after the initial surprise of things passes, the pair of them can't stop cooing at him, pinching his face and ruffling his hair, prompting Steve to pout and grumble and tell them to fuck off about a thousand times over.
It's not much better with the kids. They aren't teasing and fussing over Steve the same way, sure, since age-wise he's landed himself right smack dab in the middle between them and Erica. But they barely listened to him before, the little hellions, and though Steve still defaults to playing babysitter, pretty much any and all authority he had has been totally lost.
By the third or fourth time they've pulled the we're older card to overrule him, Steve's had enough.
"You don't pull this shit with Erica! And she's way younger than you!"
Dustin scoffs. "Uh, yeah, that's cuz Erica could kick all our asses."
Mike and even Lucas simply nod sagely in agreement while Erica looks triumphant in the background. Even Steve can't argue that particular point, although he does huff back, "Oh, what, so you're saying I can't?"
Dustin ruffles his hair--God, but Steve really does not appreciate being on the other side of that one--and simply says, "Steve, little buddy...even before there's no way you could have."
It takes Eddie himself to break up the (mostly playful) wrestling match that ensues immediately afterwards.
It's not all bad, though. Even though at 19 Steve lets himself be a bit of a goofball, he's still used to being the "one in charge" when the party is around, at times the literal grown up in an emergency and worrying over making sure everyone is okay. That instinct is still there, of course, but...lessened when the entire situation opens up possibilities of just being a kid, even for a little while. Eddie and Robin both are only all too happy to encourage and indulge that, knowing that the general absence of Steve's parents forced him to grow up a bit too fast, and the last several years of monster hunting haven't exactly helped with things.
It's Eddie often egging Steve on to take the final step--try to win enough tickets at the arcade to claim the largest stuffed animal hanging on the wall, betting Steve he can't swing himself over the top of the swingset at the park--with a teasing, "Come on, Harrington, you know you want to."
And the thing is, Steve does, and for the first time in a long while he feels free enough that he can.
"You know, it's probably a good thing this happened now, and not, like...senior year," Steve muses, peering at Eddie where he's settled in the other swing, their shoes dragging gently through the smooth pebbles under their feet.
Eddie frowns, trying to follow his logic. "Gonna need you to walk me through that one, Harrington."
"Well, these days, I've got you and Rob."
"What, to help you figure things out?" Eddie isn't sure how much of a boon he really is for that part--Robin, sure, braniac that she was. The odds probably would have been in Steve's favor even before, though, given what mini-geniuses Dustin and the rest of the party turned out to be, especially when it came to Upside Down shenanigans.
"So I'd have a reason to even want to figure things out," Steve murmurs quietly.
Eddie's head whips to stare at him, blinking owlishly, expression a mixture of confusion and alarm.
"Stevie, I don't--what do you--?"
He shrugs one shoulder, smile sheepish, the self-deprecating shine of his eyes jarring in a face still soft with baby fat.
"I mean..." Steve starts to count off on his fingers, "I'd just barely managed to survive my second round with all this bullshit. Nancy and I broke up. School was shit. Tommy and Carol--not like I could talk to them, or would even want to, after everything that happened. And Hargrove totally had it out for my ass. The only thing I really had going for me at the time was, you know. Looking after those little hellions."
"Sure, not being able to drive, that shit sucks, but...I'm just saying, back then, staying thirteen would have looked a lot more tempting. Plus, it'd be kinda nice to just--I don't know. Get a chance at a do-over." Pressing his face the chain of the swingset, his big, hazel eyes peeking out around it, Steve adds in an undertone, "Maybe not be such a jackass the second time around."
Eddie feels a pang in his chest. He can't resist the urge to walk his swing over so he can lay a hand on Steve's shoulder and squeeze--less forceful, more careful than he usually is. "We've all got shit we'd change, if we got another shot. Christ, I sure as hell would--you're talking to a third year senior here, after all. But, I think you're being way too fucking hard on yourself, man. You did just fine the first go-around, no retcon necessary."
Steve smiles, a soft, hesitant thing. "...Thanks, Eds."
"Anytime, Stevie."
And then, of course, from there Robin and the kids use their big brain power to break whatever curse Steve's been placed under, and Eddie helps him learn to still embrace all his silly, childish indulgences even now that he's back to being one of the 'big kids.'
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brynnterpretations · 2 months
Ben Hanscom
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High school is a pretty formative experience for Ben. Due to the bullying he's experienced for his appearance and weight his whole life, he started out freshman year shy and withdrawn, even with his newfound friends. However, after finding a passion for running, Ben started slowly coming out of his shell; he started running cross-country in the fall and running long-distance in track-and-field distance, and he had a huge talent for it, having an unmatched stamina. He's a pretty average student with mostly C's and B's outside his favorite subjects, English and Math, where he never scores any less than an A+. Outside of track, he starts Derry's poetry club, and spends his free time writing, hanging out with the other Losers, running, and reading. As Ben inadvertently loses weight through track, he becomes far more popular at school and widely regarded as the school "hottie", but Ben doesn't accept any of the newfound attention; while he appreciates the dissolution of the bullying, he still doesn't trust people who switch up based on appearances, and sticks to hanging out with the Losers Club, his track team, and his eventual girlfriend, Annie, a staff writer for the A.V. Club. Ben graduates with a 3.4 GPA and commits to the University of Maine in Orono for a major in Humanities, though he switches to Architecture after his freshman year.
Beverly Marsh
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Bev is extremely smart, and though she works hard on everything — she doesn't really have a choice if she wants to get out of Derry — she tends to only fully apply herself to things she likes. She has a range of A's and a couple B's because of that. She loves English, particularly the fictional aspect (analyzing works, finding metaphors, etc.) as well as learning other languages — by the time Bev was 18, she became fluent in French with the help of AP French and her own outside reading. Throughout all four years of high school, she plays as a star catcher on the Derry Dolphins softball team, and picks up a job at Secondhand Rose, Secondhand Clothes on Main Street when she was sixteen. Her free time is spent hanging out with the other Losers, playing and writing songs with her thrifted guitar, and listening to music. She continues to not be popular at the start of high school, but slowly becomes more respected and well-regarded de to her work in rejuvenating the softball team and acting as a calming force for her teammates. Bev graduates with a 3.8 GPA and commits to the University of Maine in Orono with a major in Textile & Fashion Design.
Bill Denbrough
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Bill, shy but creative, keeps to himself for a lot of high school while still applying himself. His best subjects are, of course, English and Art, and while he struggles with math due to undiagnosed dyscalculia, Stan always helps him out, and Bill manages to pass with above a B throughout his high school career. Growing to a height of 6'3 by age 16, Bill would eventually be pressured into joining the basketball team, but due to his artistic nature, dislike for his teammates, and self-admitted clumsiness, would leave after a season. However, Bill doesn't shy away from extracurriculars, being one of the founding members of Dolphins Art Club and becoming editor-in-chief of the Derry Dolphin Tribune in just his sophomore year. He picks up a job as a baker at Red Apple, the town diner, on Mondays, and spends his free time painting, cooking, hanging out with the other Losers, and going on walks in nature. Bill graduates with a 3.5 GPA and commits to the University of Maine in Orono for a major in English.
Eddie Kaspbrak
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When Eddie went into high school, the reality of him becoming a full-fledged adult set in for Sonia Kaspbrak, so most of Eddie's high school career was spent on lockdown. He wasn't allowed to play any sports (not that he'd want to, anyway—do you hear about how much brain damage you can get from being knocked around on the field?) and all the traditional high school events, like prom or homecoming, are off-limits to Eddie, so Richie and Stan help him sneak out under the guise of it being "tutoring" (though Sonia once found out he was at the winter formal due to the hot chocolate staining the corner of his lip, and he got grounded for a month). Eddie's great at science and math, with chemistry being his favorite, but hates English and everything theoretical — every time Bill tries to help him out with a book essay, it turns into Eddie neurotically ranting about the pointlessness of literature that does not have a practical use. He's a member of Chemistry Club and Red Cross Club, and his free time is spent hanging out with the other Losers, crocheting, playing the piano, and cross-stitching. Eddie graduates with a 3.5 GPA and commits to Hampden–Sydney College in Hampden Sydney, Virginia for a Biochemistry major with a specialization in pre-med, but after realizing how little he wants to work with sick people, changes to Statistics.
Mike Hanlon
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While Henry's incarceration may seem like a good opportunity for Mike to slowly wean into public school, the racism in Derry continues to be rampant, so he is homeschooled throughout high school. However, that doesn't mean that Mike misses out on all the high school experiences; the Losers always make sure to include him, and Bev always takes him as her date to "exclusive" events such as prom, homecoming, etc. As he has in middle school, Mike continues to work for and with his family, as well as picking up a job doing clerical work at Derry Civic Center. In his free time, Mike hangs out with the other Losers, rides his bike, reads, gardens, and spends time with his farm animals and pet cat, Missy. He also is a member of the Derry Charter of the Future Farmers of America (or FFA) and can recite the creed by heart. Due to being homeschooled, Mike doesn't have a traditional GPA, but graduates with a score of 1300 on the SAT and 40 on the ACT. He commits to the Bangor location of the University of Maine due to its proximity to Derry, and double-majors in History and Library + Information Sciences.
Richie Tozier
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After years of struggling in school, Richie gets diagnosed with ADHD, which somewhat helps his formerly abysmal school performance — however, Richie does not take high school seriously, and his F's and D's have turned to D's and C's due to disruptive classroom behavior, absences, and a general lack of care towards the course material. Most of his time in high school is spent passing notes to Bill (who half-heartedly writes back) and Stan (who pointedly crumples his notes), pulling surprisingly thoughtful pranks on peers and teachers alike, and passing a cigarette back and forth between him and Bev in the single-stall bathroom during homeroom. Despite his lack of care towards school, he does participate in extracurriculars, being an audio technician for the A.V. Club. With reluctance, he begins working at McDonald's when he's 16, and makes up for his crappy shifts by stealing cheeseburgers to distribute to the Losers. He is not any more popular in high school, especially due to the disruptions he brings to the classroom and A.V. club, so his social group is still just Ben, Bev, Bill, Eddie, Mike, and Stan. In his free time, Richie watches T.V., writes his own scripts, hangs out with the other Losers, and. Richie graduates with a 2.3 GPA and moves to Bangor, Maine, where he attends Eastern Maine Community College for an associates' degree in business while he figures out what to do with his life.
Stan Uris
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Stan is the most book-smart of the Losers, with an inherent knack for absorbing information. He has a special fondness and talent for history and math (the latter of which comes extremely naturally for him) and tutored younger students throughout his high school career. He's not necessarily popular in high school, but he's not unpopular either, being regarded as the "smart kid" and talked to occassionally. He's actually treated pretty well by the sports players at DHS, A) because of Ben's legacy there, and B) because he taciturnly helps them out when they ask for it. Stan is the Secretary of Key Club in 9th grade, the Treasurer of Student Council in 10th, and the Vice President of Student Council in 11th — despite this impressive track record, though, Stan decides not to run for President, preferring background work to any bright, flashy roles. He doesn't work any retail or food-service jobs due to getting enough money tutoring, and spends his free time hanging out with the other Losers, going on walks in nature, solving puzzles, birdwatching, and reading nonfiction. Stan graduates as a valedictorian with a 4.0 GPA and commits to Bates College in Lewison, Maine for a double-major in Statistics and Accounting.
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creepswrites · 1 year
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‣ The following themes are PROHIBITED: racism, homophobia, transphobia, inc*st, ped*philia, illegal age gaps, extreme/harmful fetishes and kinks, r*pe, self-h*rm, suic*de, & extremely graphic abuse/depictions of abuse.
‣ Topics such as mental illness, violent scenes, and mention/depiction of abuse may pop up on occasion and will be properly tagged. While violent scenes may occur, I try to avoid topics I know to be upsetting to read as well as topics I myself find upsetting.
‣ I will NOT write smut with underage muses of mine, even if the reader is the same age.
‣ I will write for AMAB, AFAB, TRANS, and GN READERS! If you have specific pronouns for your reader request, make sure to state those! I always default to gender neutral reader unless otherwise specified :)
‣ Please do NOT repost my writing anywhere! Ask to translate, do not unless I have given explicit permission for you to do so.
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‣ Common themes I write for include but are not limited to:
fluff / slice of life
angst / darker themes
nsfw / smut
multi-chapter stories
‣ I do write reader x canon OR canon x canon, so long as it does not violate any of my restrictions! I can be picky about what canon x canon pairing I write for though, it has to speak to me.
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‣ I reserve the right to deny any request for any reason.
‣ Do not spam/pressure me to write! I write for what inspires me in the moment. Requests will be completed when I have the time.
‣ Requests sent when they're closed will be discarded!
‣ Headcanons : Five character max, one character min. If the headcanon prompt is specific enough, it can be combined with a small drabble! These vary in length/detail. Unless characters for headcanons are specified, I'll likely write as many/as few as I feel inspired for!
‣ 1-3k Oneshot : These vary in length & detail depending on the material provided. If requesting, please specify, otherwise I default to headcanons. These can take me longer than headcanons so I take requests for them more sparingly.
‣ 4k+ Oneshot : Meant for more specific scenarios with lots of ideas & content involved! I rarely do these unless I'm particularly inspired by the prompt given. Usually, 4k+ is reserved for long-term story chapters.
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‣ Michael Myers : Halloween (1987, RZ, DBD, & 2018/Kills)
‣ Jason Voorhees : Friday the 13th
‣ Bubba Sawyer, Chop Top Sawyer, & Thomas Hewitt : The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
‣ Brahms Heelshire : The Boy (2016)
‣ Billy Lenz : Black Christmas (1974)
‣ Vincent Sinclar, Bo Sinclair, Lester Sinclair, & Nick Jonas : House of Wax (2005)
‣ Stu Macher & Billy Loomis : Scream
‣ Leslie Vernon : Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon
‣ Pyramid Head : Silent Hill
‣ Carrie White : Carrie
‣ Danny Johnson, Anna, & Amanda Young : Dead by Daylight ‣ You may ask me to try any DBD character though!
‣ Corey Cunningham : Halloween Ends (sparingly)
‣ Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson : Stranger Things (sparingly)
‣ Bill Denbrough, Eddie Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Mike Hanlon, Beverly Marsh, Ben Hanscom : IT (1990, 2017, & 2019) (sparingly)
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mrs-eddie-k · 2 years
You what? // Eddie Kaspbrak x F!Uris!Reader
Summary: Eddie (aged up to 16) falls for Stan's sister, which pisses the overprotective Stan clearly off!
Warnings: Language, fluff, insults Rating: PG-13
A/N: This is just a little throw together - just fluff - of scenarios that could happen if Stan's twin sister is starting to date Eddie. It's for all the Eddie lovers out there. PS: I will probably use some of this in my big fanfic as flashbacks ;) PPS: I really dove into some of my teenage memories for this - huh, this was a long time ago ;) PPPS: I'm not a native English speaker, so I apologize for any spelling errors ;)
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"Wow, Eddie, did you finally get some?" Richie snorts, pointing at Eddie's neck.
"What are you talking about, you dickhead?" Eddie whines and pushes his friend off him, who comes closer and inspects his neck.
"What am I talking about? That fucking big hickey on your neck, Eddie Spaghetti!"
"Wait, what?!" he exclaims and touches his neck. He panics and tries to rub it off. His mother will have a heart attack if she sees this.
"That's not how this works, Eds," Richie laughs. "Who was the lucky lady? Or was it a guy?"
"Shut the fuck up, Tozier! That's none of your business."
Now the two have the attention of the others as well. Bill, Stan, and Mike turn to them, and Stan scoffs about his hickey.
"Nice one, Eddie. Come on, tell us. Who was it?" Stan now asks, making Eddie blush. He doesn't want Stan to know that it was, in fact you, his sister.
"No one, and now leave me alone," Eddie grumbles.
"C-c-come on, E-e-Eds. Tell us", now Bill intervenes.
"You don't know her, okay? She's not in our grade." Eddie puts up the collar of his polo and tries to hide it so that the others finally back off.
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The Uris family sat at their table, eating dinner. Stan, as always, sat on your right and shoveled the stew into his mouth, which your mother had made.
"So, how did studying with Eddie go today, Y/N?" your mother speaks up, and you look up.
It's still strange for Stan that you are hanging out with one of his best friends, but it's for school.
"It was good, actually. We - we discovered something new today", you tell your mother, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
Stan's gaze almost immediately rushes to your neck, where he can clearly see a hickey. Just like the one Eddie had. He stares at you as he puts one plus one together and clenches his fist. You look up and into your brother's eyes.
"What are you looking at, moron?" you ask, and Stan still stares at your hickey.
"Y/N, don't call your brother a moron," your dad intervenes, not even looking up from his newspaper.
Stan looks up into your eyes and then back to your neck. You understand quickly, pulling your hair in front of it and averting his gaze.
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The following day Stan is still pissed. As he walks up to the school, he tightens his fingers around the straps of his backpack. When he spots Eddie, who is standing there with Ben, Bill, and Richie, he walks straight up to him, throws his bag to the ground, and then pushes Eddie back hard, throwing him on the floor. Of course, the others intervene asap and hold Stan back.
"You fucking bastard!" he yells, and Eddie looks at him irritated, as he looks up at Stan on the ground.
"What is your fucking problem, Stan?" Eddie asks in disbelief.
"Fucking hell, Stan. Not cool", Richie says now, taking his best friend's side and pulling him to his feet.
"I fucking know what you did, Kaspbrak! I know it! She's my fucking sister!" Stan now yells, glaring at Eddie, who just now realizes what Stan is talking about. His feeling gets terrible.
"Stan, I - I can explain..." Eddie stutters.
"Are you for real? You're doing my sister? My baby sister? Out of all people!!" He yells, and Eddie flinches.
"Well... Actually, she's the same age as you, Stan", Eddie tries to convince his friend.
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You are, in fact, his twin sister. You are a year younger than Eddie and Stan's other friends and are quite popular. Eddie thinks you have the most beautiful Y/E/C eyes he has ever seen. You never belonged to the losers club and were lucky enough never to have any encounter with Pennywise. Yet.
The other losers only saw you when they were at Stan's house, and Eddie was smitten with you from the beginning. Of course, he would never admit that to the others, or, so help him god, to Stan.
Stan was always overprotective of you and never let anyone get near you. When Richie commented about you getting titties or a "smashing body," he would freak and put him in his place. One could do anything but never joke about his sister.
You joined an advanced history class when you got older and met Eddie. You got along well from the beginning. When you needed to do an assignment together, you often visited his house, or he was at your place.
As the usual "Teenage love story" you studied together, one thing led to another... You found yourselves on your bed, making out.
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"Holy fucking shit," Eddie murmured as he placed his lips on yours again. He lies on top of you, and his hands roam over your body.
"You okay?" you ask, and he smiles against your lips.
"More than okay."
You two teenagers continue to make out. Then you turn yourselves around and sit on Eddie, taking off your shirt. Eddies eyes grow big as he stares at your bra and your boobs.
"Holy fuck!" he curses, and you have to laugh.
"You are cute, Eddie. You act as if you've never seen a girl in a bra before" you laugh, and he blushes.
You don't know that he never has. He doesn't want you to find out, so he pulls you down and kisses you again. You start kissing down his neck and then suck on it.
It's a natural sensation for Eddie. And then it happens. He feels it between his legs, how the blood is being pumped there.
'Oh god, no! Why does this have to happen now?!' Eddie thinks, and he sincerely hopes that you don't notice.
You push yourself up from him and then look at him quite amused, which makes Eddie blush. His breathing quickens, and he gets nervous. You smile at him and then stroke your hand over his chest to his waistband. You softly rub your fingers inside the waistband, but Eddie stops you.
"Please... don't", he gasps, looking you in the eyes. He is nervous that you think he is a loser, a prude, or something. Or that you will laugh at him for being a virgin.
A soft smile appears on you lips.
"You’re all good, Eddie," you say. "We are only doing what you are comfortable with, I promise. No need to be embarrassed about it."
Eddie looks at you in surprise. He never thought of you reacting the way you just did. When he sees you in school, you always seem so cool and intimating, if Eddie has to be honest, despite you being younger than him. But right here, right now, you seem... Just so sweet, understanding, and gentle.
A flow of adrenalin pumps through Eddie's veins, and he can feel the butterflies starting in his stomach. Fuck, did he just fall for his best friend's sister?
You lean down to kiss him again. "And if you wanna stop this," you say. "Just say the word."
Eddie shakes his head quickly. "N-no," he stutters. "I actually really, really like this."
"Me too, Eddie. Me too."
Flashback end
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Richie laughs out loud. "Hah, are you for real Eddie? You fucked Stan's sister?"
"No! I didn't - fuck her! We just... made out a little", Eddie tries to justify himself.
"That doesn't fucking matter! You stay away from her!!" Stan yells, but just then, you step up to them.
"What the fuck is going on here?" you want to know from your brother, which you just saw pushing Eddie back.
"You tell me, Y/N! You're the one screwing one of my best friends!" Stan says, still angry.
Now you sigh, annoyed, and rub your forehead. "Are you fucking serious? You're making a scene because I made out with Eddie? So the fuck what when we did?"
Now Stan looks startled at you. He didn't expect that kind of reaction. "But you-"
"But I what, Stan? I'm 15. That's what normal teenagers do when they are "studying." Don't you get that? No wonder you are in this so-called Loser Club. Just grow up, okay?" you throw at his head. You words kind of sting inside Eddie, too, cause you literally just called them all losers.
"But why him? Why couldn't you just - I don't know - take one of your cool kids or something?" Stan now adds.
Again you sigh, annoyed. "Cause, maybe, if it goes into your tiny brain, I think Eddie is cute."
"You do?" Eddie now asks, surprised.
You turn around to him and smile. "I do, Eddie. I quite enjoy our little study dates, to be honest", you say, and Stan gags.
"You two are just gross!"
"Shut up, Stanley!" you spit at your brother. You turn around, winking at Eddie. "See ya, Eds."
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The following few "study" dates between you and Eddie are mostly the same as before. You start studying a little, and then you end up making out with each other. Eddie knows by then that he has fallen hard for you, but he still doesn't know if it's just a game for you or if you feel the same. So this time, he gathers all his courage.
"Y/N?" he asks as you lie on your bed after a wild make-out session.
"I was wondering if you..." he starts, turning his head toward you and then clearing his throat. "Um, I was wondering if you, maybe, would like to, um, go on a date, maybe? I mean, on a real date."
You sit up and look at him, surprised. "Eddie? Are you really asking me out?" you ask, and Eddie gets nervous.
"Well, um, m-maybe I do. If you're up for it, of course!"
You smile at him. "Gosh, Stan will freak," you say, bending down to Eddie and pecking his lips. "I'd love to."
"Seriously? Holy fuck!" he exclaims, and his eyes start to glimmer.
"Why are you always so surprised at everything, Eddie?" you ask, amused. "I really like you. Do you think I would make out with you if I wouldn't?"
"I don't know," Eddie says, shrugging.
You sigh and lie down on your bed again. "I know what you might think of me, Eddie. I know what they've been saying about us."
Eddie pops himself up on his elbow. "You have no idea what I think of you, Y/N Uris. Those things they say about you - I think it's just what it is - rumors." He bent down and kisses you again. "And I really like you, too, by the way."
"Just one thing first... I want to talk to Stan about it, if that's okay with you, " you say, and Eddie sighs.
"I would've done that myself, but honestly - he freaks me out!"
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That evening you knock on Stan's door.
"What you want?" you hear him say as you open the door slowly.
"Stan? Can I talk to you for a sec?" you ask, and Stan looks up from his comic.
He then sighs and continues reading it. "What's up?" He is still pissed at you for fooling around with his friend.
You close the door behind your back. "It's about Eddie..."
Now you have his attention. He looks back up at you and closes his comic. He angrily bites his lip as he glares at you. "What about him?"
You nervously knead your fingers. "Well... I - I think I'm kinda falling for him, Stanny."
Stan's eyebrows shoot up. "You fucking what?"
You huff and then sit down next to your twin on his bed. "I don't know. It's just... The time I spent with him as of now was really - great. He's a great guy, and he's funny and cute, and he is really good at-"
"Wow, stop! I don't wanna hear this!"
"I was going to say at making me laugh, but okay." Ypou roll her eyes. "He asked me out, you know."
"He did what?" Stan says and shoots up.
"Calm the fuck down, you moron. It's not like he asked me to marry him! It's just a date. But I told him that I wanted to talk to you first. I want you to be okay with it."
"Dad told you not to call me that," Stan mumbles. "But no! Just no, Y/N. Not Eddie. Not one of my best friends. Please!"
You frown. "But, I really like him, Stan. And he likes me, he told me. We wanna try it."
"And what if it backfires, huh? What if you two don't work out, and my friendship with Eddie is ruined because of you? I don't want that. I really don't, Y/N!"
"But... If we don't try... We will be unhappy. Do you want that for us?"
"Jesus Christ, Y/N. You're fucking teenagers! You'll get over it."
You let your head hang and sigh sadly. "You know... I really thought you wanted me to be happy", you say, standing up slowly.
"Y/N -"
"No, I get it, Stan." You walk to the door and open it. Before you step out of his room, you look back at your twin. "I will go on that date, you know. I just would go with a better feeling, you being okay with it. But if it has to be like that, it will."
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For a month now, Eddie and you have been dating. But also, for a month now, Stan hasn't talked much to Eddie or you, which was quite hard. But Stan wanted to make his point clear. If his sister and best friend started dating, he doesn't want to be part of it even though he starts to regret it lately. As it seems, you and Eddie go perfectly with each other. Stan always sees the heart eyes Eddie is giving you across the schoolyard and how you always blush and send him a little kiss back.
So Stan made a decision. In recess, he walks over to the little wall, where you sit with Eddie's head in your lap. You two look so happy and are laughing about something when Stan clears his throat next to you.
Eddie shoots up and looks at him. "Stan!" he says nervously.
"Hey guys", Stan says, pressing his lips together and scratching his head. "Can I talk to you for a sec?"
Eddie and you exchange a look when you nod.
"Sure", you say, crossing your arms.
"Well, I uh, I wanted to apologize to you guys for-" Stan stops when he realizes his other friends are standing behind him. He quickly looks around and continues then. "I wanted to apologize for being an idiot. I can see now that you two are happy together, and - well - who am I to stand in the way of it."
Eddie and you are both looking at Stan. Then you stand up slowly.
"You mean it?", you ask, and Stan is looking at you and then at Eddie again when he nods.
You take your brother in your arms. "Thank you, Stan. This means so much!" Then you turn back around to Eddie and kiss him.
"Okay, but just - don't do this in front of me!"
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Hand in hand, Eddie and you walk through Derry. It's been a year now since the two of you got together. Your relationship couldn't have been any better. Even Eddies mother accepted you, even though it took a long time for Mrs. Kaspbrak to accept the fact that her Eddiebear has a girlfriend now.
As you pass the pharmacy, Greta Keene and her posse are just leaving it. You can feel Eddie's hand tighten.
"Hey Y/N... Are you seriously still dating this hypochondriac little psycho?" she yells after you, making her posse laugh, and you turn around. You sigh and look Greta in the eyes.
"Y/N, you don't need to-" Eddie tries to stop you, but you just shake her head.
"No, Eddie. She can't talk to you like that."
"What? Is little Kaspbrak not man enough to stand up for himself?" Greta scoffs.
"You know what, G? Why don't you just shut the fuck up, huh? Why do you even care if I'm dating him or not?" you ask and put your chin up.
"Who said I did? I was just wondering, did you already man up this virgin, or has his mommy something against it?"
You let go of Eddie's hand and walk up to Greta. You are much smaller than Greta, but you don't care.
"You're one to talk, Greta. Spreading the rumors that you are easy to have yourself, despite being a virgin yourself! Well, I would rather be a known virgin than be one and be called a whore! But then, I mean, who would really wanna fuck you?"
Eddie can see that your speech is everything but pleasant for Greta. Her face turns red, and she clenches her fists.
"That's not true!" she tries to tell her posse, who is mumbling now. Then she turns back to you. "You little slut!" she creams and pushes you back hard, so you fall to the ground and crash with your face to the concrete.
You immediately sit up and Eddie can see that you're bleeding.
"Y/N!" he screams and kneels to you. "Are you okay?"
Greta and her posse are just laughing, making Eddie look at her with the nastiest look he has.
"You are a fucking asshole, Greta!" he hisses. "Just pathetic and - and you are a loser!"
Greta now glares at Eddie and grabs him by the collar.
"You little maggot -" she starts, but at that moment, Mr. Keene, her father, stretches out his head.
"Greta!" he yells, and she lets go of Eddie. "Leave my best customer alone!"
"You're one lucky guy, Kaspbrak! Next time you won't be!"
As Greta and her posse leave, Eddie brings his attention back to you. He rummages in his fanny pack for his disinfectant spray and gauze.
"Shit, Y/N! That looks bad. Do you know how many bacteria there are on the floor? Holy fuck!"
He starts to wipe the blood away. You just look at him, smiling.
"What?" he asks.
"There is the boy I love."
Eddie smiles and pecks your nose before finishing your wound and helping you onto your feet.
"You are lucky to have me, or you would probably die of a-"
"Let me guess... a staph infection?" you laugh, making Eddie laugh too.
"Exactly." He takes your face in his. "I love you so fucking much, Y/N. Thank you for letting me be with you."
"I love you too, my hypochondriac sweetheart. Until the end", you whisper back as you kiss passionately.
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Trans and nonbinary webcomic character tournament nominations are closed! The following characters (sorted by webcomic name; links to character introductions added as they go up) received three or more nominations and qualified for the tournament:
Aurora - Dainix
Charity Case - Julie
Clover & Cutlass - Maggie
Court of Roses - Merlow the Rose
Cucumber Quest - Rosemaster and Bacon
Dumbing of Age - Carla Rutten
Earth 2068 - Vermillion Gacutan
El Goonish Shive - Tedd Verres and Ellen Dunkel
Experience Boost - Zhusen
Feast for a King - Knife
Four Leaf - Lupe Jara
Friends With Benefits - Eri McCure
Goodbye to Halos - Fenic
Heartstopper - Elle Argent
High Class Homos - Lucas
Homestuck - Davepeta
I Want to Be a Cute Anime Girl - Cheryl
Kill Six Billion Demons - 82 White Chain Born in Emptiness Returns to Subdue Evil (White Chain)
Lavender Jack - Johnny Summer
LoveBot - Xada
Magical Boy - Max Owen
Nasty Red Dogs - Gaueko
Never Satisfied - Lucy Marlowe
O Human Star - Sulla Pinsky
Out of the Blue - Eddie Kaspbrak
Paranatural - Penny Spender
Questionable Content - Claire Augustus
Rain - Rain Flaherty and Kylie Coven
Rectify - Fleet
Shootaround - Chau Le
Sister Claire - Magpie
Sleepless Domain - Zoe Blecher
The Order of the Stick - Vaarsuvius
Tiger, Tiger - Luck
Val and Isaac - Space Dread
White Noise - Teige Carroll and Yoshi
Widdershins - Eliza Swift
I'll be posting character introductions over the next couple weeks as time permits. If you’d like to suggest an alternate picture/description or if there’s any missing or incorrect information in the introductions, let me know!
Since no comic had three or more characters with at least three nominations, there will be no preliminary rounds, and we'll jump straight into the round robin group stage around the middle of July as soon as character introductions are finished.
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tyrantonutx · 7 months
Looking for RP Partner(s)!
Hey, hi, how's it goin'?
I'm Tyrant, 30+ s/they, and this is a Take Two attempt at finding like-minded folx, so if you happen to see a similar looking post floating around (unlikely but possible), I am in fact one and the same Tyrant, I'm just too damn impatient to wait on tumblr to fix my original blog.
I'm hoping to find some partner(s) interested in Discord RP, because I am in fact a tumblr Baby (despite the original blog being...several years old...) and the formatting on tumblr rp blogs makes me Nervous.
I've been roleplaying in various capacities on forums, discord, and chat (throwback to AOL Instant Messenger amirite?) for approximately two decades and some change. I tend to write in a casual cadence as one might suspect, and I like to adapt my replies to the thread (anywhere from several sentences to a few paragraphs is my norm). I generally prefer CANON x CANON ships, at least starting out, to get a feel for how we come at characterization and plot together before we dip into OC territory. I'm involved in a few fandoms that may in fact be wastelands but, hey, you miss every shot you don't take, so here I am!
What follows is a list of fandos, characters, and ships I'm ACTIVELY looking for, the things that make my brain buzz in all the good ways. I'm down for hearing out any plots you might have in your lovely beating hearts (or shriveled little black ones, no judgment here!) or working out plots together based on all the good things that come from two rambling fans throwing head canons and "OK BUT WHAT IF"s at each other til something sticks.
If any of these strike you as fun, or if you just think I'm gosh darn neat and wanna chat me up for the thrills, please like this post, message me here on tumblr, or send me a friend request on discord (@tyrantonut)! I'm shy af and terrible at reaching out first, thank you hereditary anxiety and Burnt Out Gifted Kid syndrome, so sometimes I need that lil nudge.
...right! The fandoms! (Please note that while I have listed characters for me vs. for you, I'm actually pretty flexible on these! I just think I write some sides better than others.)
The Boys (AU preferred)
Butchie -- Billy Butcher x Hughie Campbell
Stephen King's It (Muschietti AU preferred)
Reddie -- Richie Tozier x Eddie Kaspbrak
Stranger Things (Aged up AU preferred)
Byler -- Mike Wheeler x Will Byers
Harringrove -- Billy Hargrove x Steve Harrington
Steddie -- Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Hannibal (NBC)
Hannigram -- Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham
Marvel Universe (Comics & Movieverse)
Spideypool -- Wade Wilson x Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield)
Spiderprowl -- Aaron Davis x Peter B. Parker
Mysterio/Spiderman -- Quentin Beck x Peter Parker (Tom Holland, preferably aged up)
Starkmonger -- Tony Stark/Erik Killmonger
Hazbin Hotel / Helluva Boss Universe
Huskerdust -- Angel Dust x Husk (Overlord Husk AU has given me brain rot)
Chaggie -- Charlie Magne x Vaggie
RadioApple -- Alastor x Lucifer
Stolitz -- Blitzo x Stolas
Fizzarozzie -- Fizzarolli x Asmodeus
Puckurt -- Noah 'Puck' Puckerman x Kurt Hummel
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reddje · 6 months
reading a reddie fox and all of a sudden they say that they’re in high school and start a smut scene ………..
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princess-glassred · 5 months
Thinking about how absolutely wretched Henry's time at Juniper Hill's had to have been, and how awful it was for Pennywise to still keep fucking with his head, just to keep him the perfect little violent puppet.
Tw for: child abuse, sexual abuse, bigotry
Imagine him slowly going mad for real the longer he sits in his little room, only to be endlessly taunted by horrific ghosts of his pasts that just won't let him rest at ungodly hours of the night.
Imagine the shambling corpse of his father showing up to scream at Henry just like when he was a little boy, chastising him for still being such a whiney little cry baby who made his mother leave. "You didn't seriously think you killed me Henry, did you? a sissy like you couldn't kill a god damn house cat! If i had known you were gonna grow up to he such fucking wuss i would have chopped your balls off when you were born and called you Henrietta? I bet you woule have loved that wouldn't you?! You fucking tranny fag!".
Then Patrick would show up, gloating to him about how much he missed his little boytoy, making gross sexual remarks and putting his hands all over him. Describing how much he simply ADORED what they did in the junkyard that day, threatening to do it again right here right now wether he likes it or not so everyone can see how much of a little queer he is, a little hypocritical pansy queer. Taking great pleasure in describing to poor trembling Henry all the ways he plans to humiliate him with sexual and verbal abuse.
And just for extra measure, every so often a member of the losers club might drop by to taunt him, reveling in how old and weak and terrified Henry is now.
A young Eddie Kaspbrak telling him in great detail how frail and weak his age must have made him, a young Ben Hanscom coming to point out how his own struggles with weight and food from living in the asylum for 27 years, ect. Ect. All so Henry feels the need to snap and scream how he still hates them snd could kill them all if he wanted too.
There are some nights Henry tries to fight back against these awful visions of his past, and cling on to the very very small twinges of sanity he has left.
Moments where he tries to be calm and remind himself of the very few happy memories he had with his mom and whenever he would hang out with Belch, Vic, and Patrick like they were just normal kids. When they would drive around and listen to metal music, head banging like rock stars, or when they'd take turns shooting a pistol at random stuff in a junkyard, or when Vic simply asked him if he was ok after his dad humiliated him... but nothing works.
They don't go away, and to the rest of the hospital staff, all they see is a deeply disturbed and frightened fourty year old man with his hands over his ears, eyes clenched tight with tears streaming down his face as he begs and screams for some invisible force to stop hurting him and just LEAVE. HIM. ALONE.
The hospital staff may seem sympathetic but their thoughts are all the same: "lock this one up and throw away the key.". They don't even wanna help anymore, and even if they did, it wouldn't do anything. He's not allowed to recover. So they just keep him medicated day in and day out, till he's practically a zombie who can't take care of himself. And it still doesn't fucking work.
And that's when Henry Bowers to loathe, and even fear nights in the asylum. During the day he's so out of it he can't help but smile and forget where he came from. His only link to sanity/the outside world now is just little nighlight they gave him to put by his bed. But the night is still so fucking terrifying, after all... that's when Patrick comes back. That's when his father shows up to scream at him. That's when the losers club have a laugh at his expense. That's when... that's when the moon talks to him.
Henry Bowers is terrible person and was a deranged and terrible child, and i'm not gonna sit and pretend like he ain't, but there's something incredibly sad to me about how even 27 years later, Henry is still being tortured. He's just a pathetic old man now and Pennywise is still fucking with him to make him him an effective puppet. There's no hope for recovery or improvement, and there never was. not even when he was little.
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lost-in-liquid-nights · 7 months
Roleplay Ad
Update: Due to not wanting to overwhelm myself. While also providing my current rp partners with quality and relatively consistent rp, my request for rp partners is currently closed! Still feel free to reach out if you like and I'll keep you in mind for if things open up.
Ah, hello Tumblr roleplayers, it has been a while! I am one of many who was left adrift after Omegle shut down and am on the search for rp partners.
I am looking for rp partners in a variety of fandoms, genres, ships, etc. I’ll have all of them listed in a hopefully organized manner below and will do my best to keep this list accurate. If you’re interested, feel free to shoot me a DM or interact with this post and I’ll reach out to you. But please do read through this post fully before doing so, thanks!
A Little About Myself:
-Age: 20+
-Pronouns: She/They
-Experience: I’ve been roleplaying off and on in a variety of fandoms and styles for around 10+ years
What I’m Looking For In A Roleplay Partner:
-Age: Roleplayers who are at least 20+ as well
-Style: I’m open to a variety of styles, I roleplay everything from one sentence “text message” style to multi-paragraph advanced lit. Though my preferences tend to lean towards lit/advanced lit.
-Location: I’d prefer someone who’s comfortable transitioning to Discord, once we agree on what we want to rp
-Expectations: One of the things I loved about Omegle were the casual vibes when it came to when an rp needed to end. So, while I hope for some long term rps, I’m looking for people who will be okay with rps ending when interest dissipates. Without the need for big explanations as to why. This goes both ways! I won’t expect such explanations from you either if we start any sort of storyline and you end up wanting to drop out. The way I see it, this is meant to be a fun pass time and ideally shouldn’t feel like a stressful obligation for either of us.
My Current Fandoms & Ships:
Fandom: Avengers (Films)
Ships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Tony Stark
Fandom: Captain America (Films)
Ships: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers/Sam Wilson, Sam Wilson/Bucky Barnes
Fandom: Guardians of the Galaxy (Films)
Ships: Peter Quill/Rocket Racoon
Fandom: Venom (Films)
Ships: Eddie Brock/Venom
Fandom: X-Men (Films)
Ships: Charles Xavier/Erik Lehnsherr
Fandom: Star Wars (Films)
Ships: Luke Skywalker/Han Solo, Poe Dameron/Finn
Fandom: Pacific Rim
Ships: Hermann Gottlieb/Newton Geiszler
Fandom: Star Trek (Original Series, Original Films, and Modern Films)
Ships: James T. Kirk/Spock, James T. Kirk/Leonard McCoy
Fandom: It (Films, 2017) & It (Mini Series, 1990)
Ships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Mike Hanlon/Bill Denbrough
Fandom: Spiderman (Films & Comics)
Ships: Johnny Storm/Peter Parker, Harry Osborn/Peter Parker
Fandom: Nimona (Film & Comic)
Ships: Ambrosius Goldenloin/Ballister Blackheart
Fandom: Loki (Series)
Ships: Morbius/Loki
Fandom: Moon Knight (Mini-Series)
Ships: Marc/Steven, Marc/Jake, Steven/Jake
Fandom: Daredevil (Series)
Ships: Foggy Nelson/Matt Murdock
Fandom: Infinity Train (Series)
Ships: Min-Gi Park/Ryan Akagi
Fandom: Merlin (Series)
Ships: Merlin Emrys/Arthur Pendragon 
Fandom: Stranger Things (Series)
Ships: Eddie Munson/Steve Harrington, Mike Wheeler/Will Byers
Fandom: Supernatural (Series)
Ships: Dean Winchester/Castiel, Dean Winchester/Benny Lafitte, Sam Winchester/Gabriel
Fandom: Hannibal
Ships: Hannibal Lector/Will Graham
Fandom: The Witcher (Series & Games)
Ships: Jaskier/Geralt, Eskel/Lambert, Eskel/Aiden
Fandom: Phoenix: Ace Attorney Trilogy (Games)
Ships: Phoenix Wright/Miles Edgworth
Frandom: Disco Elysium (Game) 
Ships: Kim Kitsuragi/Harry Du Bois,  Jean Vicquemare/Harry Du Bois
Fandom: Modern Warfare (Games)
Ships: Simon Riley/Johnny “Soap” McTavish
Fandom: Detroit: Become Human (Game)
Ships: Connor/Hank Anderson, RK900/Gavin Reed
Fandom: Dragon Age
Ships: Anders/Hawke, Fenris/Hawke
Fandom: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Ships: Jonathan Sims/Martin Blackwood, Jonathan Sims/Timothy Stoker, Martin Blackwood/Timothy Stoker, Gerard Keay/Michael Shelley
Fandom: Malevolent (Podcast)
Ships: John/Arthur Lester
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reareaotaku · 1 year
Fear and Anxiety
Summary: Eddie is annoyed when you get sick/hurt. Characters: Yandere! Aged Up! Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader Tw: Injured/Sick Reader, Care-Taker Eddie, Controlling Eddie
Tumblr media
"Richie- Slow down!"
It seemed he didn't hear you, because he pushed you down the hill in the worn out tire as you screamed for help. What neither of you expected was for you to run into a rock and for you to come flying out.
Richie gasps and quickly runs down the hill. "Shit. Shit. Shit! Eddie is going to kill me."
"God, I don't feel so good," You cover your mouth, feeling your head spin. You bent down, covering your mouth, holding down the vomit. You looked down at the pale water as it spun in the toilet.
"I don't know what wrong with you two."
You groaned, not looking up at the man standing over you, holding your hair. "Oh, we were just having fun-"
"And look where you are now." He interrupts you and you look back at him, with blurred vision.
"It's no big-" You then puked into the toilet, before finally standing up, though you quickly catch yourself on the vanity.
Eddie flushes the toilet, grabbing you, and leading you to your room. He sits you down softly, before sitting on the edge of the bed. "So, are you going to tell me what happened?" He sounded like a dad scolding you.
You groaned heavier, turning away from him, "You're just going to scold me."
"Of course, I am! You're sick from smoking and eating to much," He then grabs your hand to show a nasty bruise, "And who knows how you got it."
You chuckle, "You should see my leg." For some reason, you must have been high or something, because you lifted up your pants to show Eddie a huge purplish-yellow bruise that was the sign of your hand. You should have just kept your big mouth shut, because Eddie lost his mind.
"What the hell happened to your leg!" He grabbed your ankle and pulled you closer to him, "God, does it hurt-" He facepalms, "Of course it hurts. I'm getting an ice pack," He then looks towards your pillows, before grabbing two besides you and putting the under your lower thigh. "I'll be right back."
You close your eyes, moaning to yourself. It was a blur what was going on and you weren't really aware of what was happening. Though, you did feel something cold touch your bruised area causing you to wince. He apologized, but put it back on, hoping to bring down the swelling.
"I told Richie to be careful with you. He always does this. You always end up hurt. What did the two of you even do?" He grabs some bandages from his bag, then takes off the ice bag, before wrapping up the bruise. Eddie could feel his blood boil as he thought about it. Richie is spontaneous and reckless and you're impressionable, making it easier for you both to do stupid things.
"It's fine. God, you should of been there-"
"Yeah, I would have stopped the two of you."
You roll your eyes, while shaking your head. "Boo! You're no fun, Eddie," You sit up, tilting your head, causing him to grab your cheeks and set you back down.
"You need to lay down, Y/n."
"No, I'm fine-"
You slumped down, almost hitting your head, but luckily Eddie caught you. "Oh, yeah you're so fine. But not the fine you're think of. You're not leaving this bed until you're healed."
"It's no big deal. It's just a few bruises-"
"And you were puking."
"From eating to much."
"Which wouldn't have happened if I was there."
"You're such a mother hen, Eddie. You're lucky I love you."
Now it was his turn to roll his eyes, "Yeah, I'm the lucky one." He sighs, "I wonder how you've lived this long without me."
"Ahh, I've been doing just fine."
"Sure, babe," He remarks, shaking his head. "Says the one with bruises to the guy that's perfectly bruise-less."
"Because you don't do anything fun," You joke as Eddie massages your leg. You leaned on your pillow, sighing. Your eyes begin to close as you slowly fade into sleep.
"I'd rather you be safe and bored than in danger and having fun."
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