#why not literally say that in the tags?????
nereidprinc3ss · 2 days
be my angel
in which BAU fem!reader was injured on the job, but is refusing painkillers at the hospital. spencer thinks he knows why.
fluff (+a little angst) warnings/tags: established relationship, hospital stuff, reader got beat up by an unsub, discussions of spencer's past addiction, mentions of period cramps, reader ends up being administered some sort of painkiller a/n: another draft i found in my literal hundreds of pages of abandoned wips and fixed up cause it's cute, I hope you like!!!
Spencer is tearing through the hospital. They all keep saying you’re going to be okay, but what does that even mean? Why is nobody telling him anything? He’s not even sure he heard what the orderly at the front desk said, but his feet are carrying him with a strident purpose through the winding white halls, so he has to assume he at least subconsciously knows where he’s going. 
Finally he spots Penelope, a beacon in her candy-colored clothing, speaking to a doctor in hushed tones. Penelope sees him approaching and turns away from the doctor, looking harried and exhausted. 
“Is she okay? What happened?” Spencer demands, before either of the others can say a word. 
“She’s okay,” the doctor assures. “She was beat up pretty bad—concussion, broken ribs, some bruising that looks worse than it is. There was a clean shot through her arm, but—” 
His blood runs cold. Nobody told him you were shot. Why had nobody told him you were shot? 
“I need to see her.” 
The doctor frowns, glancing between the two agents. 
“I’m sorry, are you her spouse?” 
“Yes. No, not yet, I just—I need to see her, please. Now.” 
“Sir, unless she—” 
“Just let him see her!” Penelope practically yells. “She wants him here, believe me.”  
The doctor clenches her jaw and scribbles something on her clipboard. 
“Okay. Maybe you can try to convince her to accept some painkillers.” 
Spencer’s frown deepens. 
“She’s refusing pain management?” 
“We gave her as much ibuprofen as we could, but she refused anything stronger than that. She has to be in a lot of pain right now, and there’s no background of addiction.” 
“I’ll talk to her,” Spencer says, already twisting the silver door handle. He has a sneaking suspicion as to why you denied pain treatment, and it makes him feel incredibly guilty. More than he already did, after this entire debacle. 
The sight of you, bloodied and bruised and obviously suffering has his heart splintering right down the middle. Whatever meager semblance of a smile he can scrounge up and offer is reflected back to him on you—which only makes him feel worse. As always, you’re putting on a brave face. 
“Hey,” Spencer says quietly as he closes the door behind him. 
“Hi,” you croak. “How do I look?” 
He approaches, sitting on the edge of the bed and pushing your hair away from your face. 
“How do you feel? The doctor told me you wouldn’t accept pain medication,” he murmurs. 
You sniff. 
“I feel okay. Did she tell you it’s not as bad as it looks?” 
But your voice is so small, so wavery and weak, that he knows you’re lying. 
You’ve been holding it together since the unsub beat you nearly unconscious. You held it together as he ran away, even got a couple shots in before he turned around and returned fire. You held it together while you sat against the dirty truck, bleeding out, not sure if your team was coming, and you held it together in the ambulance, and for the past thirty minutes in this hospital bed. But all it takes is one gentle word from Spencer, with that concerned, solicitous look in his eye, and the floodgates are opening. Tears spring up in your eyes and begin silently falling down your dirtied cheeks. 
“It’s okay!” you attempt to reassure him, affecting cheeriness even through the tears. “It doesn’t hurt. I’m fine!” 
He says your name soft and low and he tries his best to keep his tone even though he is liable to burst into tears or start yelling at someone (not you) at any minute.  
“I know that’s not true. You have broken ribs and a gunshot wound. I know how badly it hurts to breathe and how it feels every time you move your arm. That is too much damage for over-the-counter anti-inflammatories. You need real analgesics.” 
“I don’t,” you whisper. Your teary eyes make his whole body ache. He squeezes your hand—the one that’s not connected to the wounded arm. 
“Because of me?” You stare at him blankly, as if you’re shocked he was able to put two and two together. “I promise you don’t need to worry about that.” 
You sniffle. 
“But what if—what if they give me the drugs and I get all weird and it’s, it’s like... triggering for you, or something?” 
“It’s been a really long time since I’ve worried about that. I’d rather see you a little tired and out of it than in extreme pain and trying to pretend you’re not. You getting the pain relief you need in a medical emergency is not going to make me relapse.” 
“But I really think I could go without,” you begin, voice already tightening around a cry. “I’ve—I’ve had period cramps that were worse than this.” 
Despite himself, he chuckles. Goes back to stroking your hair. 
The laughter fades quickly. All the pain you’re in is so evident in your eyes. The dissociative glassiness, the tension around them, the bloodshot quality—he's seen it many times before, and he hates it on you. 
“Will you please tell them you’re ready to take something? They won’t give you Dilaudid. It’s too strong. They’ll give you something that I’d have no interest in anyway.” 
“Not funny,” you whisper. 
He ignores this. 
“Will you let me call the doctor back in?” 
You take a deep, shuddering breath—or at least, you try to, before you’re loosing a sharp squeak that deteriorates into a little sob. The ribs. 
Spencer doesn’t bother asking again, just gets up and begins to walk away as efficiently as his legs will carry him. You need painkillers and he thinks it might be fastest to just fetch the doctor or a nurse from the hallway. 
“Wait,” you plead.  
He stops. Reminds himself that you need him right now—not his medical opinions. Spencer turns back around and approaches again, crouching by your bedside this time. 
“What, honey?” 
“I don’t...” 
You trail off, overcome by something like fear in the width and shine and nervous dart of your eyes. Spencer knows, everybody at the BAU knows, that showing fear to a serial killer will get you killed that much quicker. During your time alone with the unsub, which is a can of worms Spencer literally cannot psychologically open right now, you had to put on your bravest face. Even while you were being beaten within an inch of your life. Even when you thought you were going to die, alone, and that your team—that Spencer—wasn't coming back for you. Because that’s the kind of thing you have to do to cope when you’re at rock bottom. But you were terrified. Petrified. That doesn’t just go away—and Spencer knows it’ll be bumping against the surface until it finds a way out.  
He has to remember that just because you look unafraid and you act unafraid doesn’t mean you aren’t. 
“You were so brave,” he manages after he’s sure he can say it without incident, swiping moisture from your cheek. “You did everything exactly right.” 
“I know,” you whisper, chin trembling. Spencer knows you, and he knows this kind of trauma well enough to know that you’re thinking, I did everything exactly right, and it wasn’t enough. I did everything exactly right and this is what I have to show for it. 
“But nobody needs you to act like it wasn’t hard, okay? You don’t need to pretend like it doesn’t hurt. You were so, so brave, angel. You don’t have to be brave anymore.” 
Your eyes squeeze shut, sending a new wash of tears over your tacky cheeks. A few moments pass. You say nothing. He hopes you’re not going to hide away inside yourself like he did. 
“Will you please, please, let me get the doctor?” 
At least this time you don’t immediately say no. 
“Will you come right back?” 
“Of course.” 
Finally, you nod your hesitant assent, and Spencer presses a careful kiss to your forehead. 
A few minutes later, the doctor—who was shocked that Spencer was able to so quickly change your very made-up mind—is back, and so is Spencer. It only takes a moment for them to determine the best course of action for you and soon the fist around his heart is loosening its grip as he watches some of the agony melting from your eyes. 
“Better?” he murmurs as the nurse who’d administered the drugs leaves, fanning his thumb over the underside of your wrist. You nod, already appearing sleepy. 
“Can you lie down with me?” 
He smiles at the way your words slip against each other, simply relieved that you’re able to relax and no longer in extreme pain. 
“Hospital beds aren’t rated for two people.” 
It’s enough for him to climb onto the bed—not that he was ever going to deny you what you wanted to begin with. The fit isn’t exactly perfect—he's a bit too long and combined the two of you are just slightly too wide—but with some finagling it’s comfortable enough. Spencer has slipped his arm underneath you and your head is on his shoulder and he’s so glad to have you in his arms and so grateful that you’re okay he does something almost like praying in his head as he kisses your hair. 
“Hey. Ask me about my bruises.” 
“Why? Do they still hurt?” 
“You should see the other guy.” 
It’s dumb and it doesn’t make sense because you didn’t bother waiting for him to actually set the joke up—but he smiles dryly nonetheless. 
“Can you please give me... I don’t know, 36 hours before you start making jokes about almost dying?” 
“Clock starts now.” 
“Thank you.” He feels your lips curve into a half-conscious smile against his neck. It’s a wonderful feeling. “How are your ribs? Breathing feels okay?” 
“Mhm. Love breathing.” 
“Mhm. And your arm?” 
“Like I got shot.” 
“Well, that’s pretty much unavoidable. But not as bad as before, right?” 
“Right. Spencer?” 
“What, my love?” 
A little pleased puff of air warms his shoulder. He carefully rubs your hip. 
“Will you tell me how brave I was again?” 
He takes a silent, very deep breath.  
“You were incredibly brave. And smart, too. I’m really proud of you for how you handled that situation. I’m so sorry you had to go through that, but I don’t think anyone could have handled it better. Especially when you chose to stay put by the truck, instead of chase him. I know that wasn’t what you wanted to do, but it was the right choice.” 
“I thought you guys maybe weren’t coming,” you murmur, no hint of sadness in your smushed, flat voice—like you’re barely awake. “I waited half an hour and I thought you weren’t gonna find me.” 
“Angel, I will always find you. We didn’t stop looking even once, as soon as we noticed you were gone. I’m just sorry I wasn’t with Emily and Rossi when they got to you.” 
“’Nelope told me... she told me you got really angry and scary.” 
He stares at the ceiling and considers this. 
“I could see... how what I was feeling would be interpreted that way. I was pretty angry. But not at Penelope or any of them. I was mostly just scared.” 
“I’m sorry I scared you,” you whisper. “And I’m sorry if I made you mad.” 
“You did not. I wasn’t mad at you. And it’s not your fault that I got scared. You were just trying to do your job. None of this is your fault.” 
“She also said that you said fuck like... three times.” 
“Mm... doesn’t sound like me,” he evades. You giggle, and the sound is more a relief than any drug he could take.
“No, seriously, I’m so mad I missed it. I love hearing you swear. Tell me what you said—and you have to cause I’m all messed up so I get whatever I want.” 
He sighs in mock annoyance. 
“Well, she’s wrong. I only said fuck once. I used fucking as an intensifier twice.” 
You hum. 
“Alright,” Spencer laughs, flushing as he moves his hand to your shoulder. “Go to sleep before I tell them to up your dosage, weirdo.” 
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satzumosupremacy · 1 day
Elite Bodyguard Series: Pt.10
Male reader x Jeon Somi
Tags: Smut, literally face fucking, daddy kink
2.8k Words
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You have a history with Somi. Back when you were a freshly new bodyguard, she repeatedly sought out your services. Regardless of whether the close relationship you shared with her is just a distant memory for you, she still thinks of you from time to time—perhaps more often than you'd expect. And here you are, reminiscing about the old days and walking in front of Somi as she follows behind.
“Oppa, y’know my song was inspired by you.”
“Fast Forward?”
There’s a reason why Somi isn’t your client anymore—she switched agencies, that’s the only reason. You advanced quickly, gaining many celebrity clients along the way. It’s the law of attraction: when people seek top talent, companies turn to you. And when Somi needed to make a decision on her own career as an idol, she only had two choices: move to a different agency or continue to have you by her side. It was a hard choice for Somi until she came to the obvious conclusion. You didn’t hold any resentment; you understood her decision. This was all business anyways.
However, the glares in your eyes weren't always so friendly. Your presence was already intimidating, with the black suit, sunglasses, earpiece, and sometimes even a holster at your hip. You didn't smile much, but you got the job done. Initially, Somi thought you were a cold person, but that changed once you became her regular bodyguard. The more time she spent with you, the more her perception shifted. Despite your cold and intimidating appearance, you cared for and protected your client. That was the job you had signed up for.
“I took part in the lyrics,” Somi says, causing you to stop short before opening the door and look back at her.
“What do I have to do with your song?”
“I don’t know,” she mumbles. “Just.. just missed you, Oppa. Don’t you miss me too?”
You couldn't give her an answer when she expected a 'yes,' but you remained silent. Was it wrong to forget about her? You had her phone number, but you never called or texted. Not even to wish her something like a 'Happy Birthday' or 'Happy New Year.'
Somi glances around to make sure no one is watching. Once she's certain both of you are alone, she takes your hand. “I know we are parting ways again after this. But can we catch up? I don’t want you to leave.”
“I think your manager is waiting, Somi. We can catch up next time. Promise?”
“But remember the promise you made with me last time?”
You're clueless. Her question was too vague. It's been years. "What promise?"
“May I come over, Oppa? You’ve seen my place. I never saw yours.”
Somi never slept with you, but it was obvious that she wanted to fuck at the hotel when you went overseas with her, which didn't went her way anyways since this was all business. “Does Chaeyoung talk about me to you, Somi? I’m sure she said something.”
“Oppa, just once. Please?” Somi’s begging for you straightforwardly, you can tell from her eyes that she’s been lonely for far too long. “Aren’t we close? How many years have we not seen each other? It’s been too long, Oppa.”
There’s also not a single lie that you can tell Somi was interested in you, not just sexually, but also romantically. When times change, it’s questionable when you and Somi parted ways.
“Ennik,” you say softly. “Somi.”
“Yes?” she smiles and lets go of your hand.
“Come home with me.”
She chuckles, “finally, you’re not playing hard for once.”
“Daddy?” Somi says cautiously out of the blue as you pull into the driveway.
“Is that like one of your kinks?” you chuckle.
“You don’t like it?”
“I’m not judging. I don’t mind it, Somi.” You turn the car off and close the garage door. “Let’s go inside.”
She's unusually quiet, waiting impatiently as you both exit the car and walk inside. There's no doubt that Somi won't let you off the hook the moment you step in. She's hungry. She's lonely. As you shut the door calmly, before you can even turn around, she gets on her knees with her hands in her lap, looking up at you desperately.
"Give it to me, Daddy," she softly pleads once you see her kneeling, slowly placing her hands on your pants and pulls down slowly.
“Somi,” you take a breath, "how much did you missed me?"
"So much." Somi leans closer, staring right at you from below and getting a whiff of your crotch.
"Then show me how much you missed me. Be a good girl."
Somi doesn't respond, but you can see it in her eyes that she wants to be proven worthy. And slowly, Somi bites onto the waistband of your boxers, then pulls it down with a wicked smirk, and you felt her nose dragging against your skin.
She’s not someone who you just met. You know that she's a horny one at heart. Somi didn't want to waste any time. Her breaths came shallow and quick, as if each breath were full of desperation. She gulps and stares at your cock the moment it flings out of your boxers. But before you give her a taste, what's the fun without a small tease? You already have her in a chokehold, and she wouldn’t want to escape it.
"Take off your shirt," you demand, caressing her cheeks. Somi didn't even hesitate and takes off her shirt, revealing a black bra as you stare at her cleavage. Her tit's are round and perfect, more than enough to where you would want your face in between.
“Good girl.” you say, smirking.
She leans closer again and only stares at you after a quick kiss on the tip of your cock. “I’ve been fantasizing about you. I thought about you late last night."
“I’ll make it come true, Somi.” You say, brushing her hair and getting a clear view of her beauty. Once her mouth opened, she wanted only one thing: to taste you. But knowing how desperate Somi is, you're not letting her. Not this easily. You pull her hair back and she gasp, staring up to meet your gaze.
Somi gulps, which was loud in this quiet house. “Daddy,” she whispers. You saw your own reflection in her eyes as she looks at you.
“Open your mouth,” you say, wanting to be in control. Quietly, she opens her mouth without hesitation and you slap your cock right on her cheeks, not once, but twice as she flinches and smiles, then Somi wickedly chuckles.
“I’m such a slut for you.”
“It should be that way,” you say, a deeper tone that made her heart to start fluttering. Your cock was right in front of Somi. She’s impatiently waiting like a good girl. “Keep your mouth open and your tongue out.”
Again, she listens to everything you demanded. Her eyes gleamed, begging you so desperately to the point she’ll do anything just for a small taste. And as you’re curious to how desperate she was, her salvia starts to drip off the tip of her tongue.
You slap your cock right on her tongue, then held her nape with no intentions on letting Somi have it her way. You’re planning to ruin her face. She deserves it. There’s no excuse if Somi’s been waiting for this day. And with a small thrust into her mouth, she chokes once you reached the back of her throat. You push harder, slowly every few seconds without pulling out your cock.
Somi's throat expands, and you could feel her trying to choke, when it’s only a weak one with your cock deep in her throat. She leans back, almost falling behind, and you intentionally did it to pin her against the wall. She closes her eyes shut, face trembling to how deep your cock was in. Well, you weren’t trying to make her pass out, but you did start to worry and gave Somi some room to breathe.
She takes a deep breath with your cock still in her mouth. Without a response, Somi grabs onto your hips, bobbing and tilting her head slowly. You couldn’t help but smirk at how much of a slut you made her. There was no sense of pride from Somi. She's going crazy for your cock.
“Good girl,” you groan, complimenting Somi. “Go ahead, have it. Take it.”
“Mhm,” she murmurs. Then there’s a long hum, the type of hum of tasting something delightful. You felt her perfectly manicured nails digging into your skin as she grips harder and harder, cock disappearing in and out from her mouth. Saliva drips down from her chin and right onto her cleavage. You give a hard thrust and her head’s now against the wall, perfect as you smirk to what wicked intentions you have for her face—a hard face fucking.
Somi closes her eyes, letting a tear out by how hard you were thrusting into her mouth. It’s the tears of happiness that everyone gets after getting what they’ve been longing for. You decide to suddenly stop, still with your cock deep down in her throat. And with your thumb on her face, you wiped her tears, smudging her mascara in the process. She looked more of a slut at this point, and you aren’t complain of seeing Somi like this when her hair is sticking to the wall.
“Good girl,” you say, more softly with a deeper tone. “You look so fucking beautiful like this.” Praising her is a cheat code, she loves being complicated and praised at, especially if it’s from you. You’re well aware of how much you meant to her. It’s no secret.
And it’s clear that you’re using her mouth like a toy, she’s choking and gagging. You could care less while you chase this peace of mind from a singer’s mouth. Somi’s not stopping you, neither would you want to.
“Fuck,” you groan softly, taking a quick breath, and seeing how much of a mess her face was and pulls out. Saliva drips down to her tits after she spits more out to make a mess. You love it how she’s just a slut taking your cock like there’s no tomorrow. Her lips are coated in saliva as she worships your cock with her lips pressing right on it.
“Am I being a good girl, Daddy?” she mumbles, lips on the tip of your cock.
“You are. Maybe you should stop talking and show me that you’re even better than a good girl.” Somi’s face was all fucked, a whole hot mess. She’s even more beautiful like this.
“I want it all over my face, Daddy.”
“Should maybe get ready then.”
You grab onto her face, squeezing her cheeks with your fingers and palm right on her chin to make Somi look up at you. You were once her love interest. You were her protector. And now, she’s on her very knees, in a mess taking your aggression. Somi couldn’t say anything, she’s more mesmerized by your glare. You push your cock back into her mouth to make Somi gag and continue to choke all over your cock.
“Fuck, your mouth feels so good,” you groan. Your cock was shoved deep down to the point it bulges out her throat. Her eyes are closed, tears slowly coming down her face. You felt saliva dripping all the way down to your balls. Her small mouth couldn’t take it, but she's not stopping you from using her like a toy.
Your cock begins to throb, violently more as you keep shoving your cock into her mouth. There’s a whole mess on her tits as it’s drying out layer by layer. Somi’s taking it like a slut that she is. It doesn’t matter how rough you were, Somi loves the way your cock throbs. After a deep gasp, and a moan, you pull out. Webs of saliva flows out her mouth and on your cock down to her chest.
She grabs onto your cock to start stroking it. Somi knew what to do. She wants to make you cum all over her face. Her hands squeezes your cock, stroking it faster and faster while looking up at you.
“Make me cum, Somi,” you uttered quickly. “I’ll cum on your pretty face.”
“Give it to me, Daddy,” she murmurs. Her mouths wide open, tongues out, eyes all closed.
You cum by her small hands squeezing and stroking your cock, releasing all the built up sexual tension for years, but all Somi can feel was how much cum there was on her face. With a bright smile, and a couple flinches from cum shooting onto her face, she finally got her fantasy to come true. It’s warm. It’s thick. Just what she’s been craving for.
Somi’s face is the definition of getting face fucked. Her hairs a mess, cum all over her lips, cheeks, and even up to her hair as she couldn’t open her eyes but smile. Then strands of cum stretch and drip down her chin to her tits.
“What a mess,” she utters after swallowing your cum, and the biggest smile you saw from her today. Somi scoops all the cum on her face and licks every single finger.
“You’re missing more, Somi,” you say, wanting her to lick your cock clean. She crawls on her knees to suck you off without a word. “There’s some on your hair too.”
“It’s fine,” she says after pulling off your cock with a loud pop. “You taste good.”
“Was I too aggressive?”
“Kind of. Tolerable thought. But why should I complain?” She then leans in again to give your cock a quick kiss. Her chest is pumping after being used as a toy.
“Water?” you say, wanting to give her some care.
“No,” she whispers shyly.
You grab your pants and gently hand Somi her shirt. She’s still on her knees with the shirt rolled up into a ball as she covers part of her chest. “It’s not a problem if you want get in my panties if you’re thinking about it right now.”
Well, you did give her a hard face fucking. It’s only right that you give Somi a time to rest. As you put on your pants, she’s just staring down at the floor, lost in thought.
“What are you thinking, Somi?”
“Are you gonna kick me out?” she says, looking up at you. There’s a pure moment of silence, you couldn’t believe what she just said. After face fucking her? Why kick her out?
“Do you want me to, Somi?” you smirk, teasing her when you aren’t planning on kicking her out.
“You want my pussy? I’ll give it to you right now for as long as you want. Please let me stay for a while, Oppa. Please, Daddy?”
You’re dumbfounded to why Somi thinks that you’ll kick her out. “Calm down, let’s go sit on the couch. I’m not telling you to leave.”
“Oh,” she embarrassingly says and puts on her shirt. After Somi stands up, she follows you to the couch and sits right beside you. Somi couldn't belive that she got naked and took your cock like a slut. Neither did she want to fully admit of being one.
“How was it since you changed agencies, Somi?”
“I really missed you. I couldn’t stop thinking that I might of made the wrong choice to leave you behind. And now you’re with Twice.”
“I’m just a bodyguard,” you chuckle.
“So what? You’re so comfortable to be around with. Isn’t it obvious?”
You shrug, “don’t know.”
“Oppa,” she takes a deep breath. “Was it also obvious that I was interested in you?”
“It was. Why are you bringing this up, Somi?”
“If I can’t buy your love, I’ll sell you my body. That’s the most I can do for you to want me in a way.”
You sigh, “there’s gotta be a better way to word that, Somi. C’mon.”
She then sits closer to you and puts her head on your shoulders, “we never had a proper farewell to each other. I want to thank you for everything.”
“It’s..not like I’ll never take you in as a client again, Somi. If both our schedules are right, I don’t mind taking you.”
“Really, Oppa?”
“When’s your next concert? I’ll come with Chaeyoung.”
“Why come with her when you can be alongside me like we used to? Be backstage and we can eat at a restaurant after with my manager. I want to treat you for everything you’ve done with me.”
“Just text me, Somi. I’ll be there if your agency reaches out to me.”
“Mhm, I can’t thank you enough.”
“Do you plan on spending the night here?”
“I’m busy tomorrow morning, Oppa,” she sighs.
“I’ll take you home later, Somi.”
A/N: Lost motivation to write more, but hope this is enough. Half ass edit too.
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unitedhamilton · 15 hours
Five and One
Summary: five times you were Lewis' comments and the one time he was in yours.
A/N: this is my first time doing a smau! I had so much fun making this. Enjoy lovelies 💜
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Liked by ynusername, trentarnold66, and 808,211 others
lewishamilton Next stop, Imola 🚀
View all 4,595 comments
user1 nice pic 🔥
user2 nice 😍😍😍
user3 champion
user4 8 time user5 SAY IT LOUDER
ynusername put me in the trunk and drive away with me PLEASE 🙏🤤
ynbestfriend this is your public account girlfriend ynusername and? I hope Lewis sees my comment user6 he doesn't want you ynusername he always wants me
masonmount shoe game goes hard
user9 give me a pair of your boots 🤲🏻
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Liked by pierregasly, ynusername, and 815,441 others
lewishamilton Our time here on this planet is so short.
View all 6,133 comments
ynusername our time is so short so spend it with me please
user10 you beautiful man! 💜
ynusername SHOW THE FULL PIC
ynusername 💦💦🌊🌊
ynbestfriend what are these supposed to represent? ynusername water...obviously
user15 Ur literal job is burning fuel and rubber. Hy. po. crite
user16 shut up
roscoelovescoco go dads! you rocks!
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Like by ynusername, marcusrashford, and 922,836 others
lewishamilton Thankful for this time I've had off but now it's go time!
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user1 this this this 🙌
ynusername i could climb you
ynbestfriend GIRL GET OUT OF HIS COMMENTS. TALK TO HIM user17 what do you mean by this? 🤨🎤
ynusername let me sit in your lap 🧎‍♀️
ynusername begging to be that soda can 🙏
user18 aren't we all 🙄 user19 get in line
user3 Ginger Ale...? ....RIGHT 😎
wroetoshaw common Lewis W
user39 bro came out of retirement to comment on a Lewis post
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Liked by mercedesamgf1, ynusername, and 1,278,754 others
lewishamilton It's a dream.
View all 12,569 comments
ynusername UNBUTTON IT user5 did you just reply to yourself? ynusername maybe? don't judge me
user7 I totally dig your style!! Hawt! ❤️‍🔥
ynbestfriend i don't think @ ynusername is alive. it was nice knowing you
ynusername i've died but come back but i'm dying again user25 literally me
user17 are you grey?
fencer my bestie
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Liked by ynusername, pierregasly, and 466,308 others
lewishamilton New week, new possibilities 🙌🏾
View all 3,280 comments
ynusername i'm literally speechless
user16 wow
user8 nice 👌👌👌
ynusername i have no words
ynbestfriend for once?!?!?!? he's killed you
user4 daddy
ynusername simple, but effective
user15 i need that shirt
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Liked by lewishamilton, serenawilliams, and 2,387,102 others
ynusername i may be in his comments but he's forever in my heart 💜
tagged lewishamilton
View all 102,409 comments
lewishamilton my love ❤️
serenawilliams congrats 🎉
user13 we need the timeline asap 🤲🏻 user2 her besties comment had me 🤨 one day
kingjames my brother! congrats!
marcusrashford champ on and off the track @ lewishamilton
user4 why can't it have been me 🫠
user1 grow up user4 IT WAS A JOKE
mercedesamgf1 much love to Roscoe's new mom! 🐶💜
ynbestfriend so... when is project hamilton happening with a baby?
ynusername RELAX lewishamilton soon ynusername BRO????
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thefirstknife · 12 hours
Besties, I need help. Especially people who have a lot of reach on twitter.
Two of my friends had their Destiny names forcibly changed at the roughly the same time. Their Destiny names were "bisexual mara sov" and "trans king oryx." They just logged in and got a pop-up saying that for some "crossplay" reasons their names were changed to a default Guardian####. None of them are using crossplay. Both are on Steam only, if that's important.
One of them posted to Bungie forums and got this reply:
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Both of my friends suspect that they were mass reported. Obviously falsely. Their names are not breaking any rules and are in fact canonical statements about the characters. They always play together so if some homophobe sees them, they would report both, so it would make sense why this happened to them at the same time, possibly (the other option is that there was a wave of forced name changes happening recently that caught them both, but for all intents and purposes, their names should not be subject to change).
This upset both of my friends quite a lot. It means there's enough homophobes out there falsely reporting their names. It's also upsetting to think that these reports were reviewed and then accepted. I genuinely don't think there was a manual review. If there was, I think everyone would like to know which rules this is breaking and why.
Another friend tried raising this issue on the official Destiny 2 reddit, but his thread was not approved by moderators because of "politics":
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Thanks reddit! /s My friend also messaged the moderators, but to no avail.
The only thing that remains is trying to raise this issue with the community managers somehow, but clearly this isn't possible on reddit, so we want to try twitter. Unfortunately with the way twitter works, unless you have the reach, nobody will see it. One other friend literally made a twitter account for this to tag the Destiny 2 Team, but as expected her attempt has zero visibility. These are her two tweets. I'm not sure what would be better; to just boost this existing tweet or to make new tweets tagging Destiny 2 Team, but if anyone knows and thinks they could help, feel free to do either!
I don't expect much to happen, but I would like to at least try bringing some awareness to this because it's quite upsetting if homophobes can just mass report a completely innocent name, while absolutely gross names are allowed and visible every day in the game. It's also not a good look if these mass reports are acted on without review, and they are worse if they were acted on WITH review.
A lot of people have usernames that are about in-game characters; I think a lot of us would like to get some information on why these aren't allowed anymore. Both of my friends have had them for years.
Anyway, if anyone knows something they could do or has the ability to get this visible somehow, it would be appreciated!
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aloesarchives · 2 days
Father's Day Special(JJK Oneshot)
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Tags/Warning: AFAB/Female Reader, Family life, Domesticity, Fluff, Unhinged Crack(Especially near the End), Mention of Balls but not Smut(I promise), JJK OC(but not main X Reader)
Word Count: 5.5k words
Pairing: Toji x Fem!Reader
Reader Pronouns/Usage: (She/Her), Mama, Mom, Doll, Baby
So I know I'm three days late for Father's Day but I couldn't help but write this out. It's been busy and absolute hell with getting ready for Uni. But by July, things will slow down and I can focus more on getting shit down and stop procrastinating. I hella miss writing, I needa get back into the grove of it.
Also, forgot to mention, this fic was based on a true event. Dramatization was an all time high but loosely based on an interaction I had with my own mom lol
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“What do you think Dad wants, Megumi?”
“Honestly, I have no clue. I thought Mom was hard but it’s actually Dad.”
“Why do you think so?”
“Because he never buys anything new. Even if he does, it’s either meant for the house or us. Dad still wears the same black t-shirt since we were kids. He doesn’t have expensive taste either. No cologne, no wrist watch, no shoes, nothing.”
Tsumiki and Megumi feel more empathetic to Toji than either right now. Father’s Day is tomorrow and the two are out trying to get their dad a gift. But just like Toji, they feel stuck on what to get him. With you, their mother, it’s more subtle and personalized. Tailored to your taste and personality, seems hard at first but gets easier once getting the smaller details. Is it more on the pricier side? Yes, but you are their mother and do so much for them that you deserve anything and everything good to come your way.
But Toji, he’s a different story.
Growing up, the two saw how laidback their dad was. No putting much effort into keeping appearance or staying with the latest trends. They learned early on that Toji only dresses decently, or at least looks presentable, because of you. Outfit coordination was all on you, you always picked out Toji’s outfit or had the final say on what he’s wearing. Obviously over time, he’s learned the art of dressing himself up but he always asks you for the final say.
Anyhow, clothes are out because Megumi and Tsumiki know Toji wears them until they are rags. He still wears the same basketball shorts around the house since they were babies.
They’re teenagers in high school now.
Toji’s old shirts and shorts just get converted to loungewear and home clothes. Some of them have holes but Toji seems to care less about them. Toji also has no expensive taste or an interest in creating one. He believes you pay for the quality but that’s on certain things like a wrench or drill. He never understood the whole throwing your money to look high class. Pointing out that things can stick out like a nail and look out of place. He grew up in a family with money, he knows.
Then Toji literally has everything he needs. That’s what the kids always hear.
“I have (Y/N), my kids, a nice house with space to work, food, and my equipment. The hell I need anything else when it’s all right ‘ere.”
People’s dreams and aspirations are different. Having a family is a common one many have. But Megumi and Tsumiki could clearly see the fond and tender nature their dad somehow exhibits, and it’s only exclusive to the family. They didn’t think much of it until they asked you. Upon explaining Toji's life up until meeting you, Tsumiki and Megumi finally let it sit why their dad acts the way he does.
“Your Papa…didn’t expect to have this type of life—To have a home, a wife and kids. He’d never imagine himself to get this because he didn’t think it'd happen to him, especially how he grew up. But it did and he never took it for granted since. Your Papa has treated me beyond the means of well over the years, it’s only fair I do the same for him. I’m not forcing you two to follow suit. But at the very least, try to understand your Dad and his circumstances. That’s all I ask of you two.”
With that, no wonder they’ve never met anyone from Toji’s side besides Maki and Mai. That and an explanation to your fierce protectiveness towards Toji at the mention of his “family”. So here Megumi and Tsumiki are, along with their litter sister Mayumi, concocting an idea on what to get Toji. They were going to call you but ditched the idea to not inconvenience you as you were busy yourself. Currently in Shibuya walking in one of the shopping districts, they searched high and low for anything that would make a decent Father’s Day gift.
Tsumiki threw up some ideas but Megumi shot them down because it’s not practical for their Dad.
“Megumi, at this point, we can’t get Papa anything! What do you have in mind that Papa will actually use?”
Megumi thought for a second before shrugging his shoulders.
“I’ve got nothing, Tsumiki. I’m drawing a blank here.”
Tsumiki sighs before looking around again. Meanwhile, Mayumi’s curiosity was becoming impulsive. She wanted to look at anything and everything as long as her pretty little eyes laid on it. Holding onto Megumi’s hand, she tries to keep pace with her older siblings in the busy street. However, after walking for a few minutes, Mayumi came to a stop as she stared at one of the stores. Feeling his arm be pulled back, Megumi looks down to see Mayumi staring off.
“Mayumi, what are you looking at?”
Tsumiki also stopped when she noticed her two younger siblings weren’t behind her. Crouching down, she wanted to see what had caught her baby sister’s attention.
“Is there something you want to look at, Mayumi-chan?”
Mayumi looks at Tsumiki before nodding and pointing to the store that has captured her attention. Megumi and Tsumiki look to see that the store that has captured her attention was Uniqlo. Surprisingly enough, this was a clothing store that mostly made up Megumi AND Toji’s wardrobes. Tugging Megumi along, Mayumi walks into the store with a mission. The two look at each other with curiosity, wondering what their little sister was so dead set on finding. They watched as Mayumi’s eyes scanned the racks and shelves, head darting up, down, left, and right. Megumi makes a decision to let go of her hand to see what she’ll do. Upon feeling her hand’s release, Mayumi speed walks away to the Men’s side. Megumi and Tsumiki made haste to not lose sight of her. Now it’s their turn in trying to keep up with her as she continuously searches for what she’s looking for.
Megumi starts to panic when Mayumi seemingly vanishes before him. He swore he only took his eyes off of her for a split second, and now she’s gone. He was close to going into search party mode when he spotted Mayumi standing before one of the shelving displays. Letting himself breath again, he walks over to where she was before picking her up.
“Mayumi, you can’t run off like that! You know you’ll get lost and separated from Tsumiki and I. You have to make sure you can see us close behind before going on your own.” Megumi lightly chastised her. Though, he never could get mad at her no matter what she did.
Mayumi pouts slightly at Megumi, understanding what she did was dangerous.
“Sorry, Gumi-Nii. Didn’t mean to do it to you and Miki-Nee…But! I found Papa’s Father’s Day gift!” Mayumi excitedly exclaims, pointing to the rack.
Megumi looks to see what she means and by then Tsumiki caught up to the two. Tsumiki also follows to see what the two were staring at. The section she was pointing at was the Men’s section for underwear and socks. Tsumiki chuckles while Megumi becomes both confused and a little embarrassed. Mayumi squirms in Megumi’s arms, signaling him to let her down. Once safely on the ground, Mayumi grabs a packet and holds it up to her siblings.
“Mayumi-chan, why do you think this can be a gift for Papa? You think Papa would need this?” Tsumiki gently asks her, hoping to understand what she meant.
Mayumi nods quickly, continuing to hold up the boxer packet.
“Yes! Because Papa needs new ones!”
Tsumiki and Megumi looked at each other surprised before Tsumiki looked back at Mayumi.
“How do you know, Mayumi-chan?”
“Mama said it when she was folding the clothes after drying them! This was when Papa was out with Uncle Shui! She said why does Papa keep wearing his underwear even though they have holes in them. I saw what she was talking about because Papa does have holes in his underwear! So, why not get Papa new underwear?”
Tsumiki found this amusing and a bit funny at Mayumi’s enthusiasm. Meanwhile, Megumi had a furious blush painted across his face. He didn’t expect their shopping trip to go this way. Let alone, the deciding gift was the most plain and not so well-thought out of. Though Megumi felt his embarrassment burn his entire being, he’s not complaining about the gift choice. He knew it was a practical gift for their dad, especially knowing Toji’s track record when it came to clothing.
As strange as it is to admit, Megumi couldn’t deny that a go-to gift to give to any guy is a pack of brand new underwear paired with a fresh pack of socks. He knew there’s nothing you could do wrong with that combination. He even witnessed it firsthand when Yuuji was way too excited when he got a box filled with pairs of socks and boxer briefs for his birthday. And knowing how lax Toji is, Toji probably would like this more than anything. So Megumi stays quiet and lets the girls handle it.
“I think that’s a great idea, Mayumi-chan. We should get some of these for Papa so he doesn’t have to keep wearing his old ones.”
“But I don’t know Papa’s size…Maybe Mama knows! We should call Mama, Miki-Nee!”
Tsumiki nods while pulling out her phone, hitting your contact. The phone buzzed once before your voice was heard on the phone. Mayumi decides to talk on everyone’s behalf and ask for Toji’s underwear size. After a bit, Mayumi hands the phone back to Tsumiki and the two of you talk. Once hanging up, it was settled.
“Gumi-Nee, Mama said Papa only wears black and dark blue boxers! And also said Papa is a size large!”
Since he didn’t want his sisters to look awkward, Megumi took it upon himself to take the three packs of boxers and one pack of socks to check out. The socks were a last minute decision but again, practical for someone like Toji. After Tsumiki gave her half of the total to Megumi, he bought them and left with his sisters. After getting home, Megumi decided it would be best if he kept the gift in his room to not raise any suspicions if Toji had any.
“So, did you three buy your Dad his gift?”
Mayumi runs up to you and fervently nods while pointing at the Uniqlo bag Megumi’s holding. Megumi gives you the receipt for tax purposes and so Toji doesn’t see the price for it as he’ll definitely take it. You grinned while looking at the receipt, something Megumi and Tsumiki believe would be akin to playful or mischievous.
“Nice job, you three. Now, go change and clean up a bit for dinner. Your dad will be home soon.”
Speak of the devil, not even five minutes later, the front door is opened and a gruff “I’m home!” can be heard. Toji was already home. Hearing his voice, Mayumi dashed to where he was and was immediately picked up by him. His iconic DILF chuckle and the giggles of your youngest child can be heard getting closer to the kitchen. Something you never get tired of hearing and hope to hear more of every time.
“Glad to hear you had a good day, Princess. Now go with your sister to change and freshen up.”
Mayumi nods before being put down, dashing towards Tsumiki who then holds her hand as she takes her upstairs.
You were finishing cleaning up the dirty dishes when you felt a warm presence on your back.
“How are you doing, Doll? Looks like you got dinner all figured out, didn’t I tell you my food prep made things easier?”
You playfully rolled your eyes at the feeling of your husband wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder. Toji wants to be all over you no matter the hour.
“Yeah yeah, don’t let that ego get higher than it already is…But thank you though, Hon. It cuts down cooking time by a lot. I appreciate it.” You tenderly answered before giving him a simple kiss on the cheek.
Wearing a victor’s smile, Toji pulls away. Crossing his arms with his chest all puffed out as his pride builds up.
“If that’s all that takes for some of your kisses, I’ll keep on doing it. Only for you, Doll. Glad it makes things easier for ya.”
Even though it said because of his pride, there was an undeniable softness on his features many would believe was impossible for him to make. But here he was, doing exactly that like it was any normal day at the Fushiguro household. The fondness he exhibits to you is both a blessing and a honor because you knew you were a part of the few people that bring it out of him.
Smiling back, you mirrored your loving softness on your face as well.
“It does, Toji. Now, go change and shower. I don’t know what Shui and you did today but you smell like outside. I don’t want that in our bed so go upstairs and shower, Hon.”
Toji smirks but nods at your command. Taking himself upstairs to wash away the smell. Dinner goes on as normal. Silent but pleasant as it lets everyone decompress from the day. Toji does the dishes since you cooked dinner and the kiddos clean up the kitchen table. Everyone retires into the night without issue and Toji has his arms wrapped around you as you sleep on top of him.
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It was 7:30 A.M. when you heard voices coming from downstairs and the slight clanging of metal. You groggily blinked the sleep from your eyes while feeling the sun brightening up your room. Hearing Toji’s faint and calm breathing, you knew he wasn’t waking up anytime soon. After successfully slipping away from Toji’s grasp, you were able to change into your home clothes before going downstairs. Upon reaching the kitchen, the sight before you was a pleasant surprise.
There was Tsumiki and Megumi, wearing aprons, and using the kitchen while Mayumi was drinking her juice from her sippy cup. Albeit very sleepy but that changes when she hears footsteps and sees you walking in with a warm smile on your face.
“Mama! Gumi-Nii and Miki-Nee are making Papa breakfast! I’m here for moral support!” She excitedly whispers to you as you hold her up.
You look over to see your two eldest working away prepping their Father’s Day breakfast. You hum while inspecting their handy work, peering over their shoulder to see.
“It smells good, you two. Though, I’m surprised you’re able to get up at this time, Megumi. Normally, you would sleep in until another two hours or so.”
He doesn’t take his eyes off the rice balls he’s making, but his tone is less irritated and tense compared to most mornings.
“Well, I feel bad for letting Tsumiki do all the work in cooking. So I woke up earlier than normal to help out. Plus, Mayumi woke me up and asked me to help Tsumiki make breakfast because she couldn’t.”
Mayumi’s soft giggles were paired with your own. Softly patting his hair, you offer Megumi a grateful smile.
“I’m happy to know you helped out, Dear. Good to back up your sisters.”
You pat Tsumiki's shoulder comfortingly to not let her lose focus on her cooking.
“Call for me if you two need any help.”
The two nod before you make your way upstairs with Mayumi, making your way to your shared bedroom where your husband is sleeping. Mayumi writhes and squirms in your hold, begging to be let down to wake up her Papa. As soon as her feet touch the ground, she quietly and firmly opens the bedroom door. B-lining towards the bed with you following suit. She climbs up onto the bed and crawls to where Toji was sleeping peacefully. Your youngest stares for a few moments at her Papa before gently pounding his chest.
“Papa…Papa…Wake up!”
After a few tries, Toji stirs a bit before blinking slowly. Toji motions his head to face the culprit that woke him up from his restful sleep. Seeing Toji waking up, Mayumi beams down at him along with you softly smiling at the side of the bed.
“G’morning, Papa! Happy Papa Day!”
“Morning to you too, Little Lady~.”
He takes Mayumi in his arms while steadily sitting up. Her sweet sequels and giggles echo throughout the bedroom as Toji kisses all over her face and tickles her sides. Grinning down at his youngest daughter, he carries it when his eyes meet yours.
“Morning, Beautiful~.”
The morning rasp and gruffness in his voice made you want to scream at the sky while death-gripping the ground below. You desperately thanked any and all divine pantheons for blessing you with such a man. But alas, you couldn’t allow yourself to fold so easily. Especially in front of Toji, knowing you’ll never see the end of his teasing and salacious, but consensual, advances. You just light-heartedly roll your eyes while shaking your head, but your smile never ceases.
“Good Morning to you too, Handsome~. Happy Father’s Day. Breakfast is ready downstairs.”
Toji temporarily sets down Mayumi as you pass him a shirt to wear since he was wearing his gray sweat shorts. He picks up Mayumi again before making his way out and into the kitchen to satiate his morning hunger. Just like you, he reacted with surprise seeing a fully set table before him. But this is Toji we’re talking about. So the most we’ll get out of his reaction is his eyes which went wide.
He was about to ask if you made all the food as you passed by but you tilt your head to the side and he sees Megumi and Tsumiki cleaning up the kitchen.
“They helped you with making breakfast, Doll?”
You shake your head while taking Mayumi in your arms to place her in her chair.
“I didn’t even touch the kitchen this morning. They were in here this whole time.”
Sitting down, it finally clicked with Toji. He just grinned as he took his usual seat at the edge of the table. Once everyone was seated and began eating, so did he. Toji never thought of himself as the sentimental type. But he couldn’t help himself in allowing this particular feeling to wash over him. If he went back in time to tell his younger-self that he’d become a husband and a father of three kids, he most certainly knew his past-self would scoff and think he’s a liar. Toji won’t lie because he has a hard time believing it himself sometimes. Even after almost two decades of being married to you and 15 years of being a father, he’s in awe of how his life ended up to the present day.
Sneaking glance as he eats, he sees his two oldest kids having their usual sibling conversation. 16 and 15 years old, first and second years in high school. It would only be a few years until they would graduate high school.
‘Geez, they’ll be legal adults in less than five years…Fucking shit, man…’
Toji then sneaks glances at you, which he sometimes catches your gaze as well. There was a certain feeling of your smile every time you sent it his way. But it was not until he reminded himself that your particular smile you always gave him was of contentment. But not in a sense of bare minimum, no. Toji knew it came from utter satisfaction and gratification in this domestic life you two shared.
No, the life you two created together for each other.
Watching you interact with your children just fills him with life’s satisfaction. He thought it was impossible for someone like him to experience something like this. But here he is, sitting down eating breakfast with his family in their home on a Sunday morning. Damn, he didn’t blame you for giving him that smile because he gets it.
After eating and cleaning up the table, Megumi said he forgot something in his room and went upstairs to get it. Meanwhile, Toji was reading the morning paper while simultaneously listening to the news that was live on the tv. Mayumi was chilling in Toji’s lap with her Cinnamoroll plushie because she had nothing better to do. Meanwhile, you were teaching Tsumiki how to use the coffee machine and the set up for Toji’s usual.
Once Megumi came back with the familiar Uniqlo bag, everyone shifted their attention to Toji and gathered around him. He looked confused by the sudden change in behavior. Placing his paper down, he suspiciously eyes everyone.
“Okay, something’s up. Did I do something I don't know about?”
You shake your head at him, making it clear he wasn’t in trouble. Mayumi jumps off Toji’s lap, pattering over to Megumi who hands over the bag. She races back to her papa with an eager smile on her face, holding the bag up to him.
“Oh, what’s this, Princess?”
“It’s from Me, Gumi-Nii, and Miki-Nee! We got you a present for Papa Day!”
Feeling both astounded and touched, he takes the bag from her before ruffling her hair. Mayumi lets out a little squeal before running towards Tsumiki who picks her up. The bag was small, specifically eight inches by six inches. But what’s inside filled the bag up to its capacity so Toji was intrigued to see what his kiddos got him. He shakes the bag for good measure, causing Megumi to become impatient.
“Dad, just open it up. I promise you we didn’t put a spider or a cockroach in there. This is your real gift from us.”
The man chuckles out loud, shooting a grin his son’s way which made his impatient grow.
“Alright alright, I hear you, Megs. I was seeing if I could guess what you bought for me. Nothing wrong with checking things out. Reel yourself in kid.”
Megumi groans out causing his sisters and you to giggle at this usual interaction. Eventually, Toji opens the gift and reaches inside. His eyebrows furrowed and pushed themselves together, trying to figure out what he was touching. Suddenly, his brows released themselves from being tensed as he pulled out the three packs of boxers and one pack of socks. It was silent, a little too silent. For a second, Megumi and Tsumiki held their breaths while you anticipated his reaction.
Then, out of nowhere, a hearty laughter filled the kitchen as Toji held them in his hand. Amusement was all he felt looking at the packs in front of him. He let out a content huff, holding up one of the boxer packs.
“Wow, this is how you give gifts. You guys are just like your mama, you all have gifting skills people dream of.”
“Wait, you actually like it, Papa?”
Toji let a bemused look pass over him before it went back to amuse.
“Oh yeah, I sure as hell love it. I keep forgetting to buy some and your mother has been on me for God knows how long about getting new ones. You rascals killed two birds with one stone for me. And socks too? Now that’s being generous to your old man.”
The two were finally able to breathe since they second guessed themselves.
“Happy Father’s Day, Papa!”
“Happy Father’s Day, Dad.”
Toji gets up to give Megumi and Tsumiki his love squeezes. Tsumiki giggled while Megumi begrudgingly accepted his dad’s affection. Though, he doesn’t resist or push away when his dad hugs him.
As this was happening, you wore a grin that stretched wide with eyes that shone with mischief. Toji catches your expression, fully knowing something is brewing inside.
“Babe, you’re making that face. Spill it.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Hon~.”
Oh, there’s definitely something now and Toji’s gonna get it out of you.
“Don’t be so coy, (Y/N). You got that grin plastered on your face and eyeing me like that, you got something to say. I see those little gears in your pretty head of yours moving.”
You were trying to hold in your laughter. Key word was try though. The moment you made your thoughts be known will cause endless oxygen-depriving laughter from you. But you needed to say it in full. No stutters, no mistakes, no slang, dead set on getting those words out. You can’t fumble yourself right now.
“I’m just saying, I have been telling you to get new ones for years! Some of your underwear have holes in them! You have to get new ones every five to seven years, Hon!”
He playfully scoffs.
“Doll, just because they’re old doesn’t mean I need to throw them away after a few years. If they can still do their job in covering up my junk, I don’t see why I need to get new ones. I only needed to know one because of you.”
Sighing exasperatedly, you still held your grin and waited for the right moment to strike.
“Hon, you don’t understand. I’m not saying you need to buy new ones after a while! I’m saying some, as in most, of your underwear are worn down to the bone! You have to put them down, Toji!”
“Babe, again, if it still works, it still works. Yeah, some of my underwear have holes in them but they’re still wearable. Not my fault they have holes in them! Plus, I never wear tight-fitted pants, so I don’t get how my underwear chafes when I wear joggers, sweats, and cargo pants!”
Bingo, everything is in position and there’s a clear pathway. You can’t mess this up when you have a clear shot. Crossing your arms still grinning, you stare down your husband.
“Oh but it is, Toji! The reason why you got holes in your underwear is because your balls are rough! If they weren’t, I wouldn’t be breathing down your neck about them. Don’t you even notice when you fold the laundry?”
For a few moments, the silence fell over the Fushiguro house. Toji was bewildered, taken aback by what you said. You were one to never be crass in front of the kids or in general. Thus, this was the closest thing to you being vulgar.
For the teens, they stood still and frozen in place. However, for different reasons. For Tsumiki, she was stunned. Heavily skilled in the art of not being or feeling awkward. She’s not bothered or offended by your words. Rather, she didn't expect you to say something like that when they’re around. She knew it was bound to happen, just not with this conversation and those words. For Megumi, he was straight up flabbergasted. Never in a million years would he hear something like come out of you. Given, you’re known to have sufficient self-control when it comes to speaking in such a manner. Reserving that language for anyone 18 and over, and their dad. Right now, he’s growing frustrated because now he knows what people mean with you and Toji’s marriage has top tier chemistry. Megumi slowly realizes that both his parents are rat bastards and of equal humor. Noting that you were better at keeping it under wraps while his dad bore no filter at all. Meanwhile, Mayumi was just existing and cuddling her plushie. Becoming oblivious to the whole matter as her toddler brain couldn’t comprehend the words being used. But it was a good thing, much to both Megumi and Tsumiki relief.
“Did Mom just—?”
“Say what I think she said…?”
With their minds broken, the two were trying to process what just happened. You said it, made it be known. Something that probably should be said when they’re not present or only with their dad. Thinking about how you said them too: saying them with your chest, locked-in, hyper-focused, 10 toes down on the ground, no stuttering whatsoever. It looked like you were thinking about this for a long time and needed to get it off your chest.
To which you did, and successfully as well.
Just when the teens thought they were in the clear, they were thrown another curb ball. This time, it was from Toji.
“Doll, why are you complaining about them now? You never did beforehand, how do you think I gave you Tsumiki, Megumi, and Mayumi? You took them and everything else. I’m not letting you throw me under the bus like this.”
Silence came back as soon as it left. If the two thought your words were absurd, their dad’s beat it and took your place with his own. Now Megumi’s petrified because he didn’t know what else would come out of either his mom or dad’s mouth. Fearing the embarrassment and possible vulgarity to over take what the two of you said prior. He didn’t want to hear nor wanted to know anymore. Just when he was about to drag his sisters away to leave you and Toji to your own devices, he sensed something that made him stay.
All at once, the silence was broken by you and Toji bursting out in laughter. You were holding onto his shoulders, gasping for more air to put in body but it was futile as you continued laughing even harder. Toji has his arms crossed but his sturdy broad frame shakes as he can’t restrain his uncontrollable laughter. The kids watch on, once again thinking this was finally done.
But the next thing they knew, they felt a gust of air pass by them followed with another. In a turn of events, you were being chased by Toji throughout the Fushiguro Estate. Yet, your laughter and squeals that were accompanied by your husband’s playful threats made it known this was all fun and games for you.
It went on like this for several minutes. Your two teens would’ve cringed but let it pass over when they noticed Toji carrying you over his shoulder from the house towards the large Saucer Magnolia tree in the garden. Plopping himself on the grass with you in his lap, arms wrapped securely around your waist.
“Now, Doll, where’s your present for me? I don’t see it.” Toji says, feigning hurt as he whines fakingly.
You roll your eyes at his performance. Though, instead of a grin, a smile was all that was left. Highlighting the blissful expression you wore.
“I know you, Toji. You just want me to baby and give you all my attention.” You huffed lightly.
“Yeah yeah, but you’re still gonna give it to me. You won’t deny me, Baby.”
Shaking your head, you let yourself be at your husband’s mercy. Indulging himself in your warmth in presence. It was a peaceful moment until you heard a little giggling coming closer. Both of you look up to see Mayumi running this way followed by Megumi and Tsumiki who held a blanket to be laid on.
Toji unravels one arm to catch his youngest and sits her on his free thigh across from you. You never noticed until now how beautiful and relaxed Toji is. While he was known for his laid back personality, you knew it’s from not wasting his energy on matters that don’t concern him. The reality was, Toji used to be tense and rigid. Forcing to stay on guard whilst putting on that lax facade. It wasn’t until he met and married you was when his stiffness and strained body began to disappear from his body. He was relaxing, loosening himself up because of you.
Although your shared life with him wasn’t easy and had its share of hardships, you felt honored Toji allowed himself to rest and find comfort in you. To see him finally have a sense of peacefulness after knowing what he’s been through, you only wish to love, care. and protect him for as long as you’re on this plane of existence.
Seeing how much contentment he has in interacting with his children and you, he was undeniably beautiful and sublime both physically and mentally. Leaning your head against his shoulder, you immerse in the loving family atmosphere you’re grateful to be a part of. Mayumi rambling and talking Toji’s ear off while your husband entertains her. Meanwhile, you watch your two older children talk and spill the gossip in their school lives to each other.
You wallowed in this domestic bliss, savoring it as there will be nothing else like it. You’re not the only one as Toji joins in basking in this domestic bliss as well. He would never say this out loud, but he didn’t think he’d live this long. He thought he’d died young due to his reckless and careless behavior, getting himself into deep shit that would ultimately be his grave. The voice in his mind reminds him that this may be a one time thing, that he’ll never get this in the next life. But he pushes that thought away to deal with it later. For now, he’ll be present here with you as you both happily entertain your little Mayumi and her current interest.
As for Megumi and Tsumiki, they can rest easy knowing they won’t have to hear you or Toji saying those appalling words again anytime soon.
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dr-felitas · 9 hours
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PAIRING: jiaoqiu x gn!reader
SYNOPSIS: in your hands, the ever so cunning and sly fox jiaoqiu turns into nothing more than a mere poor rabbit. one could say the roles are reversed. because you have him wrapped around your little finger.
WORDCOUNT: 1.3k | CONTENT & WARNINGS: written before jiaoqiu's release so might (def. is) be ooc !!, mentions of yunli, yanqing, astral express crew, banter and bickering, fluff ; ficlet
TAGS: @eccentric-planet, @mitsvriii, @iceunhie (send me an off anon ask to be added to the taglist ^^)
AUTHORS NOTE: posting this cause im going on a trip next week. i have a lot time to write on the way there (6hrs by train lolll) so there'll prob me many scheduled posts (can't promise that though..)
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“are they fighting again?” march asks as she takes a sip out of her drink, eyeing you as you mindlessly pass by jiaoqiu without batting an eye at him - not sparing him a single glance, before she's turning her gaze back to dan heng and the other members of the astral express.
dan heng replies with a shake of his head “but at this point isn’t this like... a normal thing between the two of them?”, he sighs before crossing his arms and looking away. 
suddenly march feels a heavy object bumping against the back of her head making a small thump sound. “ouch! what was that for?” march turns around in disbelief, scolding the person who hit her.
“oops! my bad, sorry miss march!” the young girl with gray hair behind her giggles in delight, the “culprit”, was none other than yunli who was cleaning her sword with a lush piece of fabric. “but to answer your question, yes, they’re fighting..again.” there’s a small apologetic tilt to her voice that implies that she too is somewhat affected by this.
at that march can’t help but laugh too “oh aeons,really? you’re lying!” yunli can only shake her head in exasperation which basically says “i wish i was.” 
“those two should just get over their lover quarrel or whatever's going on. they’re adults they should make up!” out of nowhere yanqing pops up behind yunli, scaring both her and march. “yanqing!” march puts her hand over her heart “you scared me!” at that yunli can only sigh.
“yanqing.” the grey haired girl says in an annoyed voice. “yunli.” yanqing replies in an ever so cheery voice. (or does it only sound this happy when he’s with yunli?) “how many times have i told you to not randomly scare people!” yunli scolds yanqing by slapping the piece of fabric which was previously used to clean her sword against yanqing’s forehead, leaving dirt stains. 
he lets out a quiet huff before nodding in agreement. “fine.” he mumbles under his breath and upon hearing that yunli can only smile. “sooo whose fault do you guys think it is - so who’s at fault for them fighting?” march asks curiously, interfering with the little banter.
“definitely jiaoqiu’s.” both yanqing and yunli say in unison. “oh. how come? what did he do?” march was surprised by the sudden response, her lips forming a little “o” in befuddlement. “what did he do? should be the question.” yunli sighs. 
“i bet on 50 strale that he didn’t open the window after showering or something.” yanqing scoffs. “it’s probably him behaving more like the pet than their actual pet.” yunli replies. “they have a pet?!” yanqing asks in bewilderment. “you didn’t know?” yunli asks in surprise. 
as the two teenagers keep on debating on what jiaoqiu might 've done, you continue to stride forward in the direction of the stargazer navalia, holding heavy boxes in your hand which you’re supposed to transport to the mechanics. jeez, do they need several lifting stones or why are the boxes so heavy?
before you’re even able to take another step you can feel something soft tickling your face, covering your eyesight. (you don’t even need to look around to see who it is - well, you can’t because there’s literally someone blocking your vision).
“guess who it is.” a cheery sing-song voice calls out to you. you sigh “do i have the option to not guess?” you reply in a dull and annoyed tone and at that you only receive a tut followed by a “nope.”
“sweetie, you have somewhere to be, don't you? well time’s running out. start guessing.” his words are laced in faux sympathy and he drags out the syllables of each word. some strands of his tail keep brushing along your nose and you can’t help but giggle. 
unfortunately for you, you’re stuck in this predicament. due to the boxes you’re holding you’re not even able to suppress your laughter with your hand. “jiaoqiu, get away from me!” you complain, there’s amusement in your words, he can tell and his foxian ears can’t help but slightly perk up at the sound of your laughter.
“oh-hoh! so you do know my name.” he removes his tail from your eyes and finally you’re able to look straight forward again, although the view doesn’t last long because jiaoqiu immediately and firmly grabs your shoulders to make you turn around and face him.
he grabs the boxes off of your hands and decides to put them down at which you can only raise an eyebrow at. “i really much preferred the other view in the other direction, can i turn around again?” you blink at him unimpressively as you try to stop your lips from quirking up.
“pff, in your dreams.” he scoffs smilingly. “y’know when you don’t want to look at me i’m gonna make you look at me” he reaches out his hand that was previously holding his neat fan before brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. “you can’t just avoid me for an eternity, right?” he smiles. the faux smile that you just can’t stand. 
you return his actions by shooting him a forced smile and looking away awkwardly. at that he can’t help but open his eyes and tilting his head to the side “oh my are you okay? you look constipated, do you want me to give you any pills, medicaments?” he jokes.
“you’re so not funny jiaoqiu, i was just trying to be nice.” you cross your arms before loosening them once again to shrug your shoulders. “well, i guess nice conversations aren't your specialty. if you excuse me, i’ll have to go now. see you or not doc.” you pick up the boxes off the floor to carry them once again and turn around to proceed to your destination. 
if he was going to initiate a game of cat and mouse, you were certainly not going to end up as the prey loser.
you’re pretty sure you’re experiencing a deja vu, because again, before you were even able to take another step forward jiaoqiu stops you by grabbing your wrist. “wait.” .. “i’m waiting.” 
“sorry that.. i ate your last ice cream and didn’t tell you beforehand.” he apologizes to you, his grip tightening around your wrist. 
is he serious right now? does he seriously think you’re mad at him for eating your last ice cream? that’s so stupid who’d be mad over that? that’s bullshit. though why were you mad at him in the beginning again? stupid jiaoqiu with his stupid doctor degrees and title should probably figure it out.
“what?” your face contorts into an expression of disbelief. “you think i’m mad over that?”
“you’re not?” 
“of course, i’m not!”
“then why are you mad?” “i’m mad because you can’t figure out the proper reason why i’m mad!” 
“that doesn’t even make sense!” 
“are you invalidating my feelings?”
“wait no of course not, i’m sorry!” he reluctantly apologizes.  “Is it because i didn’t do the dishes last week - or wait no is it cause i forgot to clean my pile of documents off the dining table or oh!” he snaps his fingers. “is it because i used all of the hot water in the shower so that you had to use the cold one? ah, or is it because instead of my-”
“jiaoqiu.” you softly call out his name. “i’m just joking, i should be the one to apologize because in all honesty i can’t even remember why i'm mad anymo-”
“-shampoo, i used your shampoo and conditioner?”
“i knew it! how come you suddenly smell like lavender instead of medical herb. you thief!” you accuse him as you drop the boxes to the floor (if you’d later on receive complaints about the insides being damaged you’re so going to blame jiaoqiu). “sorry, sorry.” he sighs.
you look down as you shake your head smilingly before gazing up to put your hand on his cheek, slightly rubbing over it. “you always give in so easily.” there’s a fond look in your eyes as you continue to stroke his cheek.
“i suppose you’re just too irresistible.” he fans himself in the face to distract both you and him from the fact that his ears are turning red.
(a futile attempt.)
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if i were to think of a platonic soulmate id think of @azullumi. hi azull beloved i hope youre doing well!! i know youre not the most active on social media rn but it was still fun talking to you the other day!! i enjoyed it a lot, talking to you is always fun. doesn't matter what i do with you it's always fun. you're my most precious friend, i'm not lying, you're such a fresh breath of air to be around. i know that i might not be your first choice because you have your own precious people. but i just want you to know that you're so incredible and that im so grateful to have you. but knowing that you also deem me as someone important to you which not only is proven to me in moments when i'm vulnerable around you or through silly or funny tiktoks means so much to me. my heart aches and swells every time i think of you - but in a good way. "but how can an aching heart be good?" you'd know if you'd get to meet and talk to azul. he's so amazing that it hurts - i love you so much that it hurts. hurt is associated with pain but really, it's only painful to me that i can't always be with you. anyway growing apart - losing you would be absolutely terrifying for me. you're so precious and ear to me and im so so fond of you. i hope these little notes of mine can somewhat cheer you up and make your day sometimes (they make my day - both writing them for you and receiving them by you (so the ones you write me)). hope you enjoy this little jiaoqiu fic!!
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© DR-FELITAS 2024. stealing, copying, translating, reposting my works on other platforms or feeding them to ai is not permitted.
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ashoss · 3 days
Dick being a kid the god of travellers is like really perfect because like then Hermes was attracted to Dick’s mum who’s life is literally travel so I love that
But I also raise you Zeus kid Dick who can secretly actually fly but has to hide it cause like no one can know he’s a Zeus kid (he doesn’t want to die thank you very much) so that’s why he loves the traipse (no idea if I spelt that right) so much and then he doesn’t want to tell Bruce because Batman fights with no powers so Robin should too.
I also raise Athena kid Jason, he loves reading and seeing him absolutely terrified of spiders more so than like the joker is funny to me.
zeus dick (my inner 12 yo boy is giggling) is indeed interesting and i do like that inner conflict dick would have with “well batman doesn’t have powers, so i need to not use my powers” (plus bruce wouldn’t know how to train a kid with powers like that unless he told the league to help lol)
HOWEVER while in batkids have powers aus the “dick can fly” one is really popular but it kinds goes back what i was saying in the tags about attributing their own skills that they developed to a power. dick has been training his body since he could walk probably on the trapeze and with acrobatics- stuff that takes so much work and dedication and to give him the power of flight kinda takes that away? and that freedom he gets while in the air comes from his own satisfaction with his training (but its also cute to imagine baby robin dick flying around with superman :))
i do like athena jason ! esp with the more warlike association athena has as well. seeing as shes also the goddess of craft i can imagine him crafting super intricate devices and stuff for patrol lol
athena!jason, seeing the joker: eh whatever
athena!jason, seeing a spider- duel wielding guns, explosions going off, acid being poured on it
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bbcphile · 2 days
In Memory of Kiah
cw/tw: death, medical assistance in dying
If you’re wondering why I kind of disappeared from the Mysterious Lotus Casebook tag and stopped posted WIP Wednesday things, here’s the explanation: One of my closest friends, who has been dying progressively and increasingly painfully over the last two years, told me about 3 weeks ago that they were going to pursue medical assistance in dying because it is legal where they live. It was originally scheduled for the end of July, then moved up to the end of June, and then on Monday, they moved it to Wednesday (yesterday), because their life was agony and they couldn’t wait any longer.
I’m lucky that I had enough advanced notice that I was able to say goodbye–both by sending them a message telling them in detail how much they’ve meant to me and thanking them for everything, and then in one last phone call the night before–so I’m glad they knew how much I loved them and that I could be there for them emotionally, even though I couldn’t physically be there for the end itself, because they live too far away. We met on Tumblr through the chronic illness community because we share the same genetic connective tissue disorder and many of its comorbidities, and I will always be so, so grateful to Tumblr for bringing us together.
I wanted to post about them here because it just felt wrong to keep going like nothing had happened, and because I wanted to do something to pay tribute to how good a person they were and how much I miss them. So, some words about Kiah: 
Kiah was one of the kindest, funniest, intellectually curious, loving, and fiercely protective people I have ever met. I loved that we could talk about anything, including the terror of living in a failing body or how to come to terms with being disabled when you were always an overcommitted overachiever who defined yourself on external metrics of success, analyze media together during watch parties, and laugh together about literally anything (including during our last conversation, where we were both bawling our eyes out, but also somehow laughing about how absurd it is that you can’t really cry hard and talk at the same time and how that seems like a real design flaw). We didn’t share any fandoms, but we still had fun sharing details about our blorbos and fandom activities: I loved hearing about their cosplay adventures, and they always wanted to keep up to date on the metas I was writing. Even once they went blind and couldn’t read my metas on tumblr anymore because it wouldn’t work with their screenreader, they had me send them Google doc versions so their computer could read my posts to them because they didn’t want to miss any of my analyses. And when they were too sick to listen to the full posts, they asked for summaries because they still wanted to keep up as much as they could. 
They were always so caring and compassionate: when they first called to tell me in January that they were going to do medical assistance in dying, and after I had told them I understood and supported them and we’d talked about how they felt about it, they asked me how I was. I had told them that while I was heartbroken, I would handle it, because I didn’t want to make them feel responsible for comforting me when they had their hands full with processing everything and feeling their own grief. They said that while they appreciated my not wanting to make it harder on them, they didn’t want me to feel like I had to be ok in front of them, because they wanted to comfort me and support me even in this if they could, since they didn’t have that much time left to be there for me and they wanted to make it count. (yeah, I’m sobbing right now.)
None of those descriptions could even begin to do justice to how much they meant to me, but I hope this anecdote will:
I couldn’t be with them at the end because I’m a country and an opposite coast away, but I hated the idea of not being able to say goodbye in person or hold their hand if they were scared during the injection. So I played piano and imagined they could hear it.
Most of you probably won’t know what that means or why it would be a big deal. Here’s why:
I used to be a musician. Music was my life and my most important means of self-expression, and was absolutely going to be my career. But in high school and college, an extensive series of very traumatic things happened that made me essentially have to give up performing. For the better part of the last 18 years, literally up until I sat down to play for Kiah, even just the idea of performing for someone or a neighbor overhearing me play was triggering enough that I would have a full-blown panic attack and dissociate so badly I would literally go from concert pianist level ability to mostly forgetting how to read music and having to count ledger lines. But my desire to do something so that maybe, just maybe, I could make Kiah’s final moments better apparently trumped my trauma, because I was able to do it. I had wanted to play some Rachmaninoff, Brahms, or Chopin, but apparently those are still too closely tied to Events and I started to have skill loss issues again (fucking dissociative amnesia), so I switched to a piece I had played long ago enough that it was reliably in my mind and fingers (and that I could sight-read if I forgot it partway through). 
And I played it.
I hope, somehow, they were able to hear it.
I also recorded it.
And I’m going to share it here.
It kind of feels like serving my heart up on a platter, but that feels kind of appropriate for this tribute to them. 
I think they’d be happy, knowing that I’m “doing it scared,” as Tumblr recommends, and that my attempt to give them the biggest gift of love and support I could think of, somehow, even if just temporarily, gave music back to me.
Also, I think they’d get a kick out of the fact that you can hear me giggle a little at one point in the recording when the sheet music falls on my hands, both because it’s a great middle finger to perfectionism, but also because laughing through the tears (and yeah, I was crying while playing this) is very much a chronic illness and disability thing, and feels like a good metaphor for much of the last few months.
So. All that to say:
Kiah, I love you. I miss you so much already.
Here’s Robert D. Vandall’s “Lakeside Retreat.”
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reginarubie · 3 days
hi I don’t know if you still do request tumblr prompts, but if you’ve lurked in the jonsa tag there was this post shared about a person asking if an adopted son can marry the daughter of the family that adopted him and I was wondering if, inspired and have time. Could you share a dabble or even dialogues with that in mind?. I don’t know, maybe literal conte yes or Jon posting this and people find out it’s him, anything really haha
Oh nonny, why not?
Aragorn married Arwen, though.
The first one to approach him, if one would believe it, is Rickon.
Jon was there when Rickon was born, small, shrieking and red haired. He had been there keeping hold on Arya to avoid she jumped on all the furniture of the hospital room in her excitement.
His little brother leans closer to him a couple of days after as he swings his backpack on his shoulder and as he munches on a protein bar, “Yes” he whispers, his breath smells of nuts, without offering further explanation. Then he smirks like Theon does when he’s about to whore his way out of some mess, and leaves.
Jon remains awestruck, and uncertain, on his feet at the isle of the Stark’s kitchen. He isn’t usually home this hour of the day, not since he’s moved out, but Ned needed helped with the tree-house and Jon needed a day off to get his hands dirty anyway.
Ned keeps looking at him strange all day, and Catelyn studies him with a knowing grin from the kitchen window, and when she brings out some apple pie for them during mid-morning, she takes great care to state that Sansa made it, with much love.
Jon chokes on empty air.
Ned is helpful enough, despite the way he has looked him all morning, to pat him on the back and tell him something that should sound wise and resigned but make Jon only feel uncomfortable.
He’s never been uncomfortable since the Stark officially adopted him when he was fifteen; and after helping set the table he skips — two steps at time — upstairs to find refuge in his old room.
Bran is there. Bran’s mischievous grin, as if he has Jon precisely where he wants him, makes him almost bolt for the door. But Bran is smart, and that wheeled chair is more flexible than he thought because he manages to reach him and knock him on the bed by grabbing him by the hem of his shirt.
“So,” Bran says “you want to marry Sansa, and have her babies. Or would she have yours?” he questions.
And that’s how he learns that all the Starks (barred Arya who is in Braavos for a fencing competition and Sansa who’s in the Vale busy with fashion school) have read his post.
“Would it make you want to hit me less if it was Arya?” he tries to smooth the tension that Bran has unnecessarily created.
Bran’ eyes narrow, “You want to marry my sister, have her babies or she yours; and you want to cheat on her with my other sister?” he demands and Bran can be pretty scary when he wants to, okay? He takes it after Catelyn.
“No…” Jon practically squeaks, and when Bran cocks his head on the side he hastens to add “no one is having anyone babies!”
“Yet!” Catelyn shouts from downstairs, “and until that is true, come down, lunch is ready!”
Bran snickers as Jon helps him down, “And I would not cheat on her,” Jon tells him, offended.
Bran doesn’t stop snickering and Ned is making a very peculiar expression where he’s sat at the head of the table.
“Don’t worry dear,” Catelyn tells him as she pats him on the head as she did when he was a child, “Sansa doesn’t know, yet”
Jon looks helplessly at Ned, his bastion. His father.
Ned just takes a deep breath, and stands up abruptly “We need something stronger than water for this” he states, moving toward his liquor cabinet.
“Eddard Stark stop there!” Catelyn shouts, “Doctor Luwin said…”
“I don’t care what Doctor Luwin said, woman” Ned replies “our son needs it, and to be frank, so do I”
What follows is perhaps the most uncomfortable lunch since that time that aunt Lysa’ new partner Petyr Baelish came visiting after uncle Jon’s death.
In the end though Catelyn sends him off with enough food to last him a week and promises him everything will be fine, “We knew,” she tells him and at Jon’ doubtful look she smiles, “I knew,” she amends, “and perhaps Bran, that kid knows far more than he tells. And Rickon is more perceptive that you’d think… perhaps, only Robb and Ned were not in the known”
Jon wants the earth to swallow him up, “And Sansa, but Sansa is always wilfully blind when it comes to you, so”
“Can we… pretend this never happened?” he pleads. Catelyn never looked more motherly.
“Of course dear, whatever you need”
But since Jon is an unlucky bastard, of course they can’t.
Arya just sends him a text, “My sister? You can do better” and then adds “actually, so can she” but then sends him a married cat couple sticker and they don’t speak of it further.
So perhaps they can really pretend it never happened.
Only, they can’t.
Robb ambushes him outside of his work, when Jon really thought that perhaps he had not given the matter any thought.
“We need to talk” straightforward as always.
“I’ve had a horrendous day, Robb. Can we save this for another time?”
“It’s about Sansa,”
Jon’ patience has grown thin since Rickon has kept pestering him asking to be flower boy.
As if he isn’t taller than him, to Jon’ vast dismay, and looks like he’s twenty-four and not sixteen.
And Bran keeps questioning his intentions.
And Arya hasn’t stopped sending him nauseated gifs all day long.
Even bloody Theon knows. And he and Catelyn keep trying to reign in the others by teaming up in their effort to tease the hell out of him.
He’d like to smash Theon’ face in, since his foster brother had once the very same problem when it came to Sansa. He’s been restless. Always making importune questions at the most importune times.
“Yes I’m in love with her, no she doesn’t know. No, no one is having anyone’s babies and no I would never cheat on her,” he lashes out, walking around Robb and completely missing his brother’ grin and the glint in his blue eyes.
“Wait a moment, Sans, I’m going to put you on speaker,”
And if Jon believed he has ever been embarrassed. Well… he was wrong. He now is properly embarrassed.
“That’s very comforting to hear Jon,” Sansa tells him from the speaker “it means Robb and I’s ten year plan to get you to fall in love with me has finally born some fruit,”
There’s blinding light and then Jon is beaming, grabbing the phone from Robb’ hand as his brother grins like a Cheshire Cat.
That very same night there’s Sansa comment under his question, pinned above all other comments (all kind of comments and Jon is quite offended by some of them).
There’s a particularly nasty one that almost knocks the breath out of him and Jon is on the point to delete the whole thing altogether despite being too giddy to do anything now that he knows Sansa actually returned his feelings.
Aragorn married Arwen, though💅—SStark🍋
Because there isn’t much more to say to that, is there? Gods. Jon loves this woman.
Sooo nonny! Hope you enjoyed!
Sending all my love ~ G.
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You have a guilty conscience and I understand why you would. I understand why you are coping like this, but this is not a way to cope, even though you piss me off, I do hope you genuinely get help
You know it's wrong, don’t forget that
I don't want other people becoming victims.
You can scream to your echo chamber, which is why tags such as “PLWEASE INTERACT IF PROSHIPPER” etc
Please get help, you’re hurting people. I don’t want your fears to become a reality, I and other saw your vent post, it will happen if you continue.
“Antis” get upset because most are victims, you just want to listen
I wonder if you look in the mirror to see that the person in that mirror is encouraging and is part of a community that encourages to most terrible actions that can be acted from a human being.
The more you continue the more that you’re gonna have more guilt, trust and believe
Do better, it can only get worse for you, I promise
I genuinely don’t understand why antis keep trying to play the “pity game” with us like.. I’m not in danger?? I’m fine?? Lmao.
Also like… what’s the point of going anon when I know who you are?? Anywho,
“I don’t want your fears to become a reality” sounds like manipulation, especially since you took the time to scroll through my account, see I’ve made vents before (which also have to do with my OCD and mental health issues) and use them to your advantage to make me feel guilty.
“You have a guilty conscience.” Actually it’s called having intrusive thoughts that make you feel like you’re a horrible person. You saying I have a guilty conscience is literally just you trying to feed into my OCD and that’s shitty.
“It will happen if you continue.” Is again, telling a person with OCD their intrusive thoughts are real. Pretty ableist if you’d ask me.
Also, putting the tag “Proshippers interact” isn’t an echochamber?
Also I’m literally a victim of grooming, CSA, and child abuse, so don’t pull that “OH MY GOD.. ANTIS ARE MAD BECAUSE THEYRE VICTIMS” bullshit, because all victims aren’t the same at all??
And as someone who has left and joined the Proship community repeatedly, the reason I left was because of mental health issues and spirals, as well as antis and their dog shit statements making my OCD get worse.
The whole “I wonder if you look in the mirror” thing feels like you’re seeing yourself as an Angel and me as a devil, it makes me believe you don’t understand how I’m a real, living breathing human being behind a screen. And that statement again sounds like some weird manipulation shit going on.
You obviously see yourself as some sort of “savior” and me as some sort of “pathetic loser creep who needs to be saved” and it’s annoying bullshit I’ve delt with about a thousand times. I’m not falling for your bullshit.
Anyways, I need sleep and a midnight snack.
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seonghwacore · 2 days
let me cook. (an unexpectedly thanksgiving full course)
tagging @ye-xiu and @lavandulacosmos idk if you wanna read my brainrot but pls give it a chance im coping so bad 😭
i've read several theories surrounding k.will's mv, which i don't like the ending at all fck u screenwriter. but i noticed this one so let me, boil it to perfection.
my theory abt the wristwatch in "no sad song for my broken heart" is more simple yet symbolic. it didn't imply time travel or a scifi plot but more of the story's timeline? i assume, the wristwatch in the mv wasn't functioning as an individual's possession but more like a way to tell us when their time stopped. like, how our life stopped in 2019 for some of us?
in the beginning of the mv, the scene showed a broken wristwatch with the year function set to number "12" and the hands pointing to "10:11". the hand was clearly inguk's.
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while i know this is please, don't mv release date, as the please don't mv enjoyers, i immediately understood that this was when inguk's time stopped. when jaehyun married dasom in the mv, he knew there'd be no more chance for him to pursue jaehyun or even simply, to tell him his true feelings. he drove away silently back then, not saying a word. this is why his time stopped in 2012.
meanwhile, at the end of the mv, the scene showed that the wristwatch was perfectly fine, no scratch, was brand new, and was encircling jaehyun's wrist instead. the year was "24" and the watch's hands were pointing at 06:20. WHICH WAS, YESTERDAY IN MY TIME OR STILL TODAY IN THE OTHER PART OF THE WORLD.
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again, that was a symbol to the mv's release date. BUT WHOSE TIME ALSO ENDED THAT DAY?
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"then it's just symbolizing inguk's end of time then 🤨" well, whose hand was that wristwatch on? it's on jaehyun's wrist. following the logic from the first scene, then it's most possible that the wristwatch symbolized jaehyun's "time". tragically, jaehyun seemed to understand his feelings towards the other man very much later. he had no time to fully develop and understand his feelings towards inguk and of course, a chance to be with him.
(gahd i planned to stop here but i was seeing everything suddenly)
the row of happy scenes, to me, was more like his delusion and regrets. things he could and would do if only inguk reconnected with him. im not sure tho how he finally realized his feelings but MAYBE, this was the reason of his "mv divorce". maybe, they were still in contact but was obviously limited. in another universe, we'd get the answer, guys.
exhibit #1: he would stay connected with inguk, shown by this exchanging number scene. literally fck u scriptwriters for making grown ass dude crying
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maybe they were just, like, linked in acquaintances just sent e/o happy birthday or congratulate each other for promotions asjdalsd
exhibit #2: he'd want to update him that he's already divorced.
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LOOK AT BRO'S SMILE??????? in jaehyun's mind, if he announced the news to inguk, he would've gone full smile like that. and he wanted to see that.
exhibit #3: he'd reconcile, have a hearty conversation with inguk over drinks, reliving their fun bachelor nights and obviously, take care of him.
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(maybe this was how inguk died???)
now, this is a bit hard but, exhibit #4: he imagined that they'd go into this awkward, pining moments, wondering if inguk would still have a crush on him.
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this part was actually confusing because he opened his eyes, as if he knew something. but what did he know? what did he expect from inguk? or did he begin to realize that this was all just his delusion?
NOW. this is going a bit longer than i thought i didn't mean to do a full analysis gosh but this is even crazier to think about. when inguk said his line, about saying things he couldn't say and whether he could hug him just once. this line is weird tbh but eventually makes sense.
we backtrack to these scenes first.
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after getting his phone, jaehyun's calling him to make sure it's the correct number. but why inguk seemed... rather worried? again, following my logic with the wristwatch, the phone was just a symbol. jaehyun was holding onto inguk AND his soul. then, how does this relate to inguk's worried face?
we're entering the afterlife realm.
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starting from this scene. there's a belief that butterfly in association with death is a messenger from the passing loved ones. in some k-dramas, noticeably "goblin", butterfly represented gods or the supreme being. the butterfly in this scene symbolized that inguk already passed away. it's his time to go.
however, jaehyun "found" him and even asked for his number. so, when the call "connected" it meant jaehyun had yet, once again, clung on his memories and soul. in some cultures, and again there's a k-drama reference that's "sell your haunted house", sometimes the family of the dying person will be asked to let the person go. in the sell your haunted house, hong jia's refusal to let go of her trauma locked her mother's powerful ghost in her house.
guess who's locked in their "house" as well?
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and he's wearing white outfit as well, which is often believed to be your afterlife mandatory outfit color. then inguk "called" jaehyun, in a hope, he could wake jaehyun up and let him go. so, the sequence of happiness began.
so, inguk's expression was rather worried when jaehyun called him instead of overjoyed. because he didn't want jaehyun to be stuck in his regrets and delusion.
now, back to this scene.
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this was probably inguk's last straw. the scene reminded me of "it's okay it's love" where jo insung gave do kyungsoo's shoes. the act was done to let go of his hallucination from his childhood trauma.
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inguk, telling jaehyun how he actually felt and did it through a physical hug, was like an act of letting go. and he hoped that jaehyun's mind would be more at ease now that jaehyun had known his feelings and jaehyun had understood HIS OWN feelings. he hoped that the hug could finally calm jaehyun's storm so jaehyun could be at peace with his own regrets.
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then, inguk proceeded to leave because he had to. leave to the afterlife. but after fighting his own struggle, jaehyun called him again. shouted even.
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HE RUSHED BACK but jaehyun was stupefied. and the scene later showed that jaehyun was alone in the tunnel.
my big assumption was inguk rushing back to him was also jaehyun's desired response, that inguk would come back to him every time he called. he did, but i think, inguk's death was related to the tunnel or the train. so, when inguk rushed back to him, the train passed by above him with the alarm sound, and jaehyun woke up from his hallucination alone.
a wilder theory is the train was a symbol that it's time for inguk to really go. it served as a "transportation" to the afterlife. that's why inguk wasn't seen anymore after that.
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the rest is history.
kidding, we still have this. this time, the scene showed that jaehyun didn't call inguk.
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the road, the terrain, elevating to a certain degree, somehow looked like as if he's going to a higher place. and he's not stopping. he kept going, not turning back. so, that's when jaehyun realized, he really needed to let inguk go and rest in peace.
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my madness shall end here.
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emo-protagonist · 7 hours
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circular-bircular · 2 days
What terms are endogenic systems “stealing,” and why does it matter?
I’m being perfectly genuine here, I used to be one of the ones shouting about endogenic systems stealing resources. That idea came out of fear and frustration, and remarkably, that fear and frustration is still here, even though I can acknowledge that endogenic systems have not stolen terms that matter at all.
“Endogenic systems stole system from DID systems!” No they didn’t. The communities grew together, and system isn’t a term that’s exclusive to DID anyways. While the term system was popularized in DID spaces, the term was quickly picked up for other purposes.
“Endogenic systems stole the RAMCOA terms!” Nope. I’m sorry to say, there’s no evidence of this, despite how many claim there is on all sides. The source people have used to say this has themselves said it doesn’t track, and the only thing we have is word of mouth. You simply do not have proof for this claim.
“Endogenic systems are invading/stealing tumblr tags!” Okay. Report them. There’s a button for that. I hope you’re okay with that turning around on you, however, as many people are tag spamming against tumblrs TOS. And once again: why does it matter?
An endogenic system posts in the systempunk tags. It literally doesn’t impact my recovery.
An endogenic system posts in the OSDD, DID, CDD, etc tag. If literally doesn’t impact my recovery.
Oh no! I get triggered!
It literally doesn’t impact my recovery. Because a tumblr tag does not determine if I am recovering from my disorder; an endogenic system using the term subsystem doesn’t determine if I’m recovering from my disorder; literally anyone using the term system doesn’t impact me.
“But it makes doctors not listen to us! They think we’re faking!”
Sounds like a problem with the system (pun intended) then. And I assure you, nobody thinks you’re faking because someone else uses the term system. I beg of you to research IFS. Preventing endogenic systems from using the terms they’ve had access to for decades won’t stop ableist doctors from being ableist. It won’t help prevent ableism. It’ll just make the ableism look different.
Some of you need to focus so much more on your own issues, rather than the issues you made up in your anger about how the world treated you unfairly.
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heymrspatel · 2 days
weekly tag wednesday!
i was tagged by @energievie @lingy910y and @deedala (if you tagged me and it glitched out hi! sorry i missed it) 💙
Name: julissa
Age: 34
Location: new york
What is your DJ name? dj eepy seepy
If you were a genre of music, what would it be? i leave you with this gem of a daylist
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i'll haunt you. i'll stroke your chin. i'll make you cre- *gunshot*
What would you title your biography? "lol 😎👉🏼👉🏼"
What are the first three things you'd do if you were invisible? sneak into concerts, sneak into planes, sneak into trains lmao
What subject do you wish was taught in every school? literally how to do basic life things... like quick tell me what the fuck all these words mean in my health insurance renewal? how to manage finances? how to do taxes? 😠👊🏼
When was the last time you tried something for the first time and what was it? my sister gave me a tuna melt this past weekend. i always found them strange lol something about the tuna and the cheese?? idk but it was pretty good!
What is the most underrated city you have ever visited? uuhh idk what qualifies as underrated? i think everywhere i've been is pretty cool in it's own right! but i'd say inverness, scotland 🥰
What day in your life would you like to relive? oof... i've suddenly forgotten my entire life... (also trying to think about this has made me irrationally sad alsdkfjadlsf SKIP)
If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be and why? figuring out what the hell to eat. i'm not talking about eating. i love food. i'm talking about the decision of what i will eat. what do you mean i have to do that every day multiple times a day for my entire life? nah you buggin
How long would you last in a zombie apocalypse? immediately dead.
What would be the most surprising scientific discovery imaginable? i'm going to go with evie and say talking to animals! i would like that very much! let me talk to all the lil guys!!!
If you could have any view out your office window, what would you choose? mountains. big trees. flowy grass. a river. chirping silly birds. some bunnies. waddling ducks.
i'll tag @whatthebodygraspsnot @whatwouldmickeydo @metalheadmickey @gallawitchxx @howlinchickhowl @crossmydna @mybrainismelted @blue-disco-lights @jrooc @mmmichyyy @michellemisfit @darlingian @thepupperino @transmickey @kiinard @jademickian @xninetiestrendx @too-schoolforcool if you would like to play! if not, this is just me giving you a cool feather 🪶
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STATUS: inactive (still taking asks though, just having a small break)
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haii hello!!!!,,1!!1! this is a classic and error ask blog!!11!!! 
my dni is simple, its just: no proshippers/weirdo comshippers/pro neuts/darkshippers or wtv u call urself. i will catch u trying to int with me. i also wont tolerate harassment from proshippers, since its quite literally the reason why i had to turn off my mains ask box anyway,, + no zionists or freaks or wtv just keep in ur lane,,,,.. (im also going to say this, i will count you as a proshipper if you are friends with one, partners with one and/or has positively interacted with a proshipper multiple times even if you know they are infact a pro. yes also this includes reblogging positive things about proshipping i am NOT taking any chances)
some general tings:
answering asks and/or posting WILL fluctuate from time to time, so please dont put me under pressure if i havent posted for a long period of time
this blog might go into hiatuses,, so just look out for that
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askblog owner: @boneywones errors creator: loverofpiggies/crayonqueen classics/sans’ creator: toby fox
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TAGS: #CEASKOOC - ooc asks that have been answered in ooc form #CEASK - asks that have been answered in character “cc what the freak does ce mean….” classicerror
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asks relating to ships/implying ships are not allowed. the only exception is classicerror
asks that are blatant harassment and/or hate is also not allowed and people that send these will be blocked promptly.
please don’t roleplay any character in asks. i will only let some other ask blogs do that, and that number of ask blogs will be limited. 
no spam asks
no asks that do not relate to the ask blog at all in any way shape or form. i will also not respond to asks that question me having my mains asks turned off, or anything else that is about me specifically.
keep your asks sfw PLEASEE GOD
no asks abt the fact that i have proshippers in my dni and that i hate them 😭😭 whine all u want in my ask box while having anon on i do not gaf about you or your emotions
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some tidbits: classicerror in this is in-fact one-sided. both classic and error have only met a couple of times, and classic still doesnt know what error does (liek……. doesnt kno hes a destroyer….) at all. error just basically has an obsessive fanboyish crush on classic
classic does know about his alternates, but has only met a few. he has only met swap, fell, outer and error
error had basically sort-of kidnapped classic (context!!!!!! classic was in the middle of fighting frisk (genocide route) and error finds out and basically involuntarily yanks classic into the anti-void from impulse. so basically error pulled another blueberry kidnapping move)
frisk/the player cannot reset or reload a save at this point in time because classic is physically not in the timeline to do so
all of this ask blog isnt canon!!! and i dont own these characters so rubs my head awkwardly
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reddje · 3 months
reading a reddie fox and all of a sudden they say that they’re in high school and start a smut scene ………..
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