#agent Christopher
This bit made me absolutely sob laughing, Mason really has NO spatial awareness, Agent Christopher is so fed up of being the mum of the group, Flynn's having to duck under the pipes in the background, it's got it all.
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hearts4werka · 2 months
The Devil Herself
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Summary: You’re the famous Ghostface killer in the town of Boston while your ex-bodyguard Christopher is also an FBI agent investigating your murders, you overhear his conversation with his mother about a set up date with another woman so you decide to pay the woman a little visit after the date… Genre: Horror, slasher, age gap (it’s not a big one), female killer, obsessive stalker, crime investigation, The FBI, arranged date Warnings: This fic contains darker themes that may trigger some readers like gore, kidnapping, acts of torture, illegal possession of various of dangerous weapons ( don’t do this irl ) obsessive female!character, cursing, murder, detaching-limbs. Read At Your Own Risk! authors note: this turned out wayyy longer than I expected it to. I started to write this last night still kinda shocked how I finished it in one day. I’m already writing pt.2 to Missing and need to finish that but here’s a long Chris fic for while you guys wait for it. There might be a pt.2 to this too but I have to see if y’all will want one. Hope you enjoy!
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The Halloween season is right around the corner and I’ll have to do some work to set the atmosphere for the lovely town I’ve been slashing for couple of good years.
I am called ‘The Ghostface killer’ around this town, known mostly for the gruesome crime scenes I create which I’m proud to said in know for that, how I always manage to cover up any evidence that could lead to discovering my identity.
There’s been many before me, some were better some worse. Dating back almost centuries, I can say I’ve been through some stuff in the past. I don’t want to get into detail with it but let’s just say I’m on a revenge mission, murdering and torturing the people who’ve hurt me in the past.
But there’s a little problem flowing in my mind… my ex-bodyguard, Christopher.
He’s an FBI Agent, often a bodyguard or guarding something. The FBI are currently investigating ‘The Ghostface Killer Crimes’ how do I know? Oh it’s obviously because I stalked him, unfortunately I also found out some unpleasant things too.
His mother has set up him with another women for a date. And it’s fucking tonight.
I may have hacked into his chat logs as well and overheard him and his mother talking over the phone when I was just watching him on the cameras with sound recorders I’ve installed along with the cameras.
As much as I try to let go of him, when I manage get him out of my mind and focus on other things at hand he just latched onto my brain and messes with it, just coming back each time like a boomerang.
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I’m getting ready to discretely stalk Christopher’s date, dressing up normally but keeping my mask on me since I’ll be doing some dirty work today and I can’t get blood on my beautiful face, can I? But mostly to hide my real identity from her.
I walk into my closet, picking out a black corset along with some matching black jeans that make my body look amazing together with the corset, I want her to see something pleasant to look at before she will go out.
Adding the finishing touches such as jewelry, a black leather jacket draping it over my shoulders and black boots I glance over at the mirror of my bathroom and fix my hair. I almost feel like I’m getting ready for a date to which I chuckle internally at the fact I’m going out for a completely different reason. ( outfit here )
I grab my bag off the bathroom counter it was sitting on, walking over to a big black duffel bag dropped on my bed I pick out what weapons I would like to use today.
Picking the classic and iconic knife along with a small electric saw but also a gun for extra fun, I shove the gun into a hidden pocket in the leather jacket and drop the knife and saw in the bag of today’s choice.
Inside of the bag already resides my phone, a digital camera I take pictures of my beautifully gruesome crime scenes and of my victims for little pieces of memories.
After I’m done preparing, I make sure everything is in place and locked as I finally walk out of the house.
Time to start this little shitshow
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Im in my car, sitting in front of a fancy restaurant the date was planned at with my laptop sitting my lap, watching them through the restaurants cameras I’ve managed to hack into. People really need to make their security devises have a stronger protection because this was easier than I thought it would be.
My blood boils with jealousy as she reaches out with a napkin in her hand to wipe off a piece of the food they’re eating that got left on his upper lip. If she puts her hands on him again, I’ll cut the motherfuckers off and give them to him if he continues to allow it.
He’s very aware of having a person stalking him but he doesn’t know who it is even being an FBI agent he couldn’t simply figure out who it is, I grab my phone out of my bag and open the messages app. Typing out a simple text I send it over to him and watch him on the cameras for his reaction.
Me : Is someone running off with other women? Keep having her hands all over you and you’ll see what happens next.
Seeing him excuse himself to check the message on his phone I’ve sent, a look of horror and caution creeps into his features as he looks around nervously but he hides them with a tight smile from the woman that’s completely oblivious of what the message contained nor why he suddenly changed in demeanor.
For the rest of the night, he avoided her touch as much as he could but slip ups did occur. At the end of the date he cautiously walked her back to her car, I was parked not far away from her so I saw everything with my eyes. When they say their goodbyes she leans in and places a gentle kiss on his cheek before getting into her car and proceed to drive away.
He returns to his own car and just sits there lost in thought, the look on his face etched into his features, more evident now that he’s alone. After a few minutes he starts the car and drives away.
Now it’s time for the fun part to start.
I tracked the woman’s home address before they went on the date and found out all of the basic knowledge about her without unnecessarily digging too deep, putting her home address into the gps now it’s finally my time to drive off.
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After a while of driving I finally reach my destination and park in front of an old-money house thats a pretty good size for someone who lives alone. Looks like mommy and daddy’s wealth payed off for her.
I have a feeling she’ll be fun to torture.
I grab my bag with all of the supplies I need and get out of the car in one swift open of a door, walking around the car I face the trunk. Opening it I take out a cloth along with a small bottle of sedative.
Popping the cap off the bottle I pour some of it onto the cloth, glancing around the containments of my trunk if I won’t need anything else, grabbing my signature mask as the last item I need and slide it over my head now concealing my face.
With one efficient and swift move I close the trunk and finally head towards her house, time to do some breaking in now, put the bitch to sleep and drive her to my house. After I’m done with that I’ll have some good old fun with her.
Going through the back door that thankfully was left open behind I quietly enter the building, checking if anything besides me is lurking in the dark shadows covering her house and find nothing, no sign of any animals too to which I sigh in relief. I really hate killing peoples animals. ( don’t actually kill animals irl )
I slyly maneuver my way through the darkness and up the stairs, them creaking as if I’m in a horror movie. Getting up the creaky ass stairs I see light coming out of one of the rooms, assuming that’s where she’s currently located I decide to put more of the sedative on the cloth in my hand to make sure she doesn’t wake up during the ride back to my house.
Scanning the surrounding area I can’t help but wonder if she left the door unlocked, she does live alone so no one could technically get into her house and into the bathroom while she’s in there, right?
As I come closer to the bathroom my ears suddenly get assaulted by music coming out from the slightly opened bathroom door, she has shit taste in music.
Creeping up to the bathroom door I widen the open hole with my hand as quietly as possible to not draw any sudden unwanted attention to it.
I take a small peak inside and see the shadow of her figure through the shower curtains she’s concealed behind, thinking this is gonna be easier than I thought I slowly enter the room and make my way towards the shower.
Pulling open the curtain my eyes are met with my target being completely nude while water rains onto her naked body from the shower head secured to the wall in front of her.
Without giving her anytime for further reaction than the horror slowly spreading across her features I slap the cloth over her mouth to muffle her screams pouring out of her mouth.
When she falls asleep I get her out of the shower and put the clothes she left in the bathroom onto her body, tossing her over my shoulder again I carry her back to my car and drop her into the backseat.
I drive off from under her house and on the path back to my house.
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We arrive at my house and I check into the backseat to see if she’s woken up.
“Still knocked out.”
I exit the car and take her out of the backseat, tossing her over my shoulder again and carry her into my basement or how I like to call it ‘The secret layer of crime’
Walking down the stairs and underground I drop her from my shoulder and into a bloody wooden chair in the middle of my basement or torture chamber, tying her down to it with a thick rope that was sitting next to it on a small wooden stool so she doesn’t get away when she finally wakes up.
Next to the chair is a white plastic table with various torture weapons I usually can’t carry around with me, opening my bag I dump out the weapons I took with me earlier.
I wait for her to wake up because I need her to be fully conscious during the whole process, I’m gonna make this painful for her. Mentally and physically.
After a few minutes of waiting she finally regains her consciousness and looks at me with the same horror on her face as when I took her, she tried to scream but realizes her mouth is ceiled shut with a cloth taped to her mouth.
A sinister laugh rumbles in my throat at her desperate tries to pry her way free or scream for help, this basement is sound proof so no one will hear her even in the slightest mumble.
“Oh are you trying to escape? You poor little thing, how sad.” I say with mockery lacing my tone, my eyes settle down on the table full of weapons and her eyes follow right behind, her horror spreading further and becoming more evident.
She violently shakes to try and loosen the thick rope she’s secured with tightly to the chair, grabbing a knife off the table I walk over to her. My shoes creating echoing foot step sounds that bounce around the walls of the basement.
Leaning down and getting up close to her face I raise the knife to her jawline and slowly trace it, the cold blade leaving goosebumps behind its path.
Her eyes become glassy and tears roll down her cheeks, a smirk spreads across my face at the beautiful sight of her being scared.
“You know why you’re here?” I ask, knowing I won’t get a clear answer out of her, the cause of it being the cloth taped to her mouth.
Shaking her head negatively, meaning she’s saying no and I become amused by not having a lack of an answer from her as I expected. She’s really desperate to stay alive, how pathetic.
“Well you don’t have to know but let’s just say you might be loosing some limbs today, hm?”
Her eyes widen at my sudden statement as her horrified state intensifies along with her desperate tries to escape, the sight is complete gold or a rare find that can only be dug up deep in the cold mines.
I slide a small stool with some blood covering the surface of it and place it under one of her hands, extending my hand behind me onto the weapon table I grab the mini electric saw.
Without hesitation I flip it on and it starts up with a roar, bringing the circling saw blade to her wrist and saw right down which detaches her hand from her arm. Blood sprays out from her arm and onto my clothes and everything around it as I take the severed hand and place it onto the weapon table.
Grabbing the stool and putting it where her other hand is and copy the same procedure of detaching the hand as on the other.
When that’s done I put the new severed hand next to its sister on the weapon table along with the now blood-covered saw. She’ll die a slow, painful and torturous death after I’m done with her.
I hover my hand over the weapon table and select a weapon at random, I grab onto something long and sharp, knowing what it is already I grasp the leather handle of it and bring the blade to her neck, slicing it open but not enough to kill her yet.
Putting the weapon down back onto the weapon table I walk over to a chest and open it, taking out a small carboard box among different body bags, trash bags and gloves I’ve left in here because I was too lazy to throw it out.
I close the chest and place the box on top of it, walking back to the weapon table I grab the severed hands and then go back to the box and neatly place them inside.
Thinking of what to add to it I decide or grab my camera from my bag I dropped onto the ground after taking out the weapons I took with me earlier I take a picture of the tortured and slowly dying woman on the chair. Just a little memory for him to remember.
I take the Polaroid out of the camera and grab the knife off the table, stabbing into what’s left of her hand to draw some blood onto the blade of it and I write a small letter with it on the back of the Polaroid.
After I’m done with my little letter I return back to the box, closing it and ceiling it shut with some tape I had in my grasp.
Grabbing the box and the Polaroid I exit the basement and go into my car to give Chris a little surprise. By the time I exit the basement the sun is already coming up and starting to illuminate the world.
I drop the box next to me in the passenger seat along with the polaroid and drive off to his house. He should be awake by now since he usually wakes up when the sun comes up.
— ˗ˋ ୨୧ ˊ˗ —
Arriving at my destiny under his house I take the box with the Polaroid and get out of my car, walking over to the front door of his house I place the box down onto the doormat that has ‘Welcome!’ written across it in black bold letters on a white background.
I neatly place the Polaroid on top of the the box that’s slowly leaking blood from one of the bottom corners and onto the white and black doormat, I ring his doorbell and walk back to my car to drive off from under his house before he saw me.
The note on the back of the Polaroid says is bloody letters.
‘Like running off with other women so much? Here’s a little surprise for you but I’ll say one thing. You are mine and no other woman is allowed to lay your hands on you. Ever again.’
- Your lovely Stalker
@slutforsturnioloss @sturnioloblues @sturnsxplr-25
Comment under this post to be added!
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vintage1981 · 5 months
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The Life and Deaths of Christopher Lee Kickstarts Deluxe Blu-ray Edition
The Life and Deaths of Christopher Lee mixes traditional documentary with a dash of fantasy. It is narrated by Christopher Lee himself... in the form of an elaborate marionette, voiced by Peter Serafinowicz. The marionette was custom designed and built by Arch Model Studios, who made all of the puppets for Wes Anderson's Fantastic Mr. Fox, Isle of Dogs and Asteroid City and Tim Burton's Frankenweenie. 
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The film combines new, exclusive interviews with filmmakers, including Peter Jackson, John Landis and Joe Dante, friends and family members with animated flights of fantasy from a wide variety of artists including 2000AD's Simon Coleby, award winning stop-motion animator Astrid Goldsmith and the legendary illustrator Dave McKean who directed, scored and animated a whole chapter of the film himself. 
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Spanning eight decades and almost three hundred films, Christopher Lee became famous for his iconic performance as Dracula. But he was so much more than just the Hammer Horror roles he is so fondly remembered for. His career took him from uncredited parts in 1950s swashbucklers with Errol Flynn, through famous performances in 007 and Star Wars films, cult hits like The Wicker Man and The Return of Captain Invincible, right up to a lead role in cinema's biggest event - The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Along the way, he worked with everyone from Orson Welles to Mario Bava, Jess Franco, Tim Burton, Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg. 
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Yet his story is so much richer than just his career. Lee was born into Italian aristocracy, with a military career shrouded in secrecy and kept his private life closely guarded. Some of his ventures and adventures seem highly improbable yet, as the film reveals, he often found himself in unexpected situations - he witnessed the last ever death by guillotine, was cousins with 007 creator Ian Fleming, he met Tolkien, performed with the classic Saturday Night Live line-up, was a friend and neighbour of Boris Karloff, he was the oldest person to ever get on the Billboard music charts (with his own Heavy Metal album), was an expert knife thrower, professional opera singer and a Nazi hunter. And somehow, he also managed to appear in almost 300 films of both the highest and lowest quality imaginable. 
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The film is finished and producers Jon Spira and Hank Starrs want to share it with you by producing a top quality Blu-Ray with great extra features and a really amazing LIMITED/NUMBERED EDITION COFFIN-SHAPED BOX SET, full of goodies, which will look killer on the shelf of any discerning cineaste. The jewel in the crown of this box-set will be a 3D 'death mask' of Christopher Lee designed and produced by Arch Model Studio exclusively for this set. They also want to host some screenings - both online and in real cinemas - so we can all experience it together and you can get to meet some of the people behind it.
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Making this film has been a fascinating journey - producers excavated the British Film Institute archives where they hold Lee's personal collection of scrapbooks detailing his career in his own hand, been given access to personal photos from the family archive, they met and interviewed his closest friends and family from all over the world and we've worked with some incredible artists, puppeteers, animators, musicians and filmmakers to bring his story to the screen in the most cinematic way. Whether you're a fan of Horror, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings or just cinema history in general, we think you'll be delighted by this revealing and eclectic documentary.
Risks and challenges
The film is fully edited and ready to go. This Kickstarter is to fund the final bits of post-production and the production of a fantastic Blu-ray and deluxe collectors edition box set as we're all still committed to physical media. Please note that all illustrations of rewards are designs/prototype images. The final items might differ - we hope they'll actually be better.
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If I had a nickel for every show where there is a extremely pretty lady that's been made tough by the hard life she's had, serving in an organization that isn't good all the time but isn't bad, while carrying the trauma of something she can't talk about, and she serves as the right hand lady of her male best friend that is the top leader of their work place who is goofy, likes to cook, makes dad jokes, and has just absolute dad energy, and is going to die and they know it, and they're both (non cannon, except to me) bisexual and they are just as blorbo together if they are life long best friends or married, and they both mentor / parent a witty, dark haired female lead that has trauma from both her traumatic childhood and the fact she is descended from someone who has weird genetics that gave them power but was also a murderer that hurt people, so she fears she is a monster until meeting someone almost like her who explains that her genetic mutation isnt morally bad and she isnt genetically predisposed to being a monster and they all work together and go on missions sometimes out in space but they are such a family it kills me
I'd have two nickels which like. I love.
But like. Melinda may, Philip Coulson and Daisy Johnson are just. So Una Chin Riley, Christopher Pike, and La'an Noonien Singh. The venn diagram is a circle. I am going insane over this
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clawsofakiller · 1 month
If I got a coin every time Sabretooth got washed away by sewer flux, I'd have two. Which isn't a lot, but surprisingly it happened twice
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kurithedweeb · 3 months
He also voices Lucinda’s ex boyfriend. And other characters. It’s wild.
Just went through the VA page
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Malachi, Ivan the ex-boyfriend, some background characters, filling in for a couple MyStreet guys . . . Xavier?? Xavier the dude who created the Jury of Nine??? LEVIN????
I was watching S2 last night and I did not connect Levin & Malachi’s voices at all. I thought Malachi was voiced by Andy Cowley (Garroth & Jeffory's main VA) because to me it sounded like Garroth and Malachi speak with the same cadence, but Kellen Goff's always voiced Malachi. Andy Cowley used to voice LEVIN though - he voiced him at the start of S2 and Kellen later took over as Levin's VA is both MCD & MyS.
We're learning things today, y'all.
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flipjack · 11 months
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Rehearsals for "Danny and the Deep Blue Sea"
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Someone asked me why my “type” is silver haired foxes with blue eyes….
Agent Silver Haired Fox walked…
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So that Captain Silver Haired Fox could run…
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Ya girl has been thirsting after older men since day one and silver haired foxes since the early 00s 🤣
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marvin-needs-love · 1 year
I was talking to my younger brother (who is ten, mind you) about how much I would love to see Kallus and Zeb in Ahsoka, and how we already got a Zeb cameo in the Mandolorian, but Kal was nowhere to be found, so that means they didn't get to live on Lira San peacefully
"Well, what if they did live on there for a while, but something happened to Kallus and he died, and Zeb feels so much grief and that he has no purpose anymore? So, he joins the New Republic, because he could honestly care less if he died. It means he could get to see Kallus again, and they could finally live together in peace like they always wanted. I mean, why else would he leave Lira San, and where else could Kallus be at, if he's not fighting and working alongside Zeb?"
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nighhtwing · 4 months
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peggysthetic · 11 months
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Peggy and Christopher's expressions being the same is so funny 😅😅
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d-i-c-k-u-s-a · 28 days
[Sarah was pacing the floor of her living room, nibbling at her cuticles while deep in thought. She couldn’t just let Norton be under all this distress and not find out why. D.I.C.K had connections to P.E.I.P, she knew that. In fact, Sarah knew quite a bit more about her husband's real place of work than he did about hers. If she could just get some information about what was going on there through Chris…That might be a good idea. 
Sarah rushed to get her laptop, formatting an email to her boss:
There’s something going on with Norton down at P.E.I.P. It’s best that we talk about this face to face. Either get down here or send transport for me to meet you at the office.
-Agent S. Newman
All she could do now was wait for a response. Well, that and take care of Norton, making him breakfast and sending him off to his “office job” that didn’t even exist.]
I have had just about enough of you two. When I say keep an eye on him, I mean keep an eye on him. Now I have the director, the head of the research department, and the President on my ass. I cannot believe the-
*Chris glanced back at his desk where his computer dinged with a notification, cutting his scolding of his main inside agents off. It was an email, one from their current top agent no less. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and waving a hand at the man and woman standing in front of him.*
Get out of my sight. There's a transporter waiting to take you back to Michigan.
*Agent 898 and 899 nodded dutifully, taking the distraction of their boss as a blessing and hurrying off. Chris huffed, fingers clacking against the keyboard softly as he sent a reply.*
I've got B and M coming back to Michigan in about 20 minutes, they'll be at point 7:A, if you get there in time you should be here at HQ within the hour. Don't keep me waiting, I've already been dealing with some serious incompetence today. -C.H.S
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Rhodey comes to join the team...
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zerootherian · 5 months
Okay one last post for today and I'll post the rest tomorrow and it's LCorp Drawing
Christopher (Mike's older step-brother) in a Magic Bullet E.G.O with Der Freischütz
3 post for one day
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nerds-yearbook · 5 months
(1941) In war torn London, people were mysteriously being transformed to having a gasmask physically become part of their anatomy and repeating mysterious phrases like, “Are you my mommy?” The Time Traveling alien known as the Doctor (Doctor 9) and his companion Rose discovered that a rogue time agent named Jack Harkness, a crashed space ambulance and a girl named Nancy who took care of homeless children all held the key to the mystery. ("The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances", Doctor Who, vlm 3, TV)
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