#aggressive adopting of moths
chaifootsteps · 9 months
Re-reading some of the other Anons’s take and how Charlastor has way more dynamic than Chaggie and I couldn’t agree more. And like.. CAN YOU imagine the potential if we role swapped Vaggie and Alastor ? Somethings would change of course.
Charlie so desperate to help the sinners and to help the people of hell. Vaggie being an overlord/ powerful being “ helping “ Charlie, taking advantage of her naiveness and knowing dang well the hotel idea is gonna be a disaster. But the more she spends time with Charlie,GETTING TO KNOW HER MORE, the more Vaggie thinks “… maybe she could be right ?.. “ Changing her perspective on what’s right. Starts enjoying her company more and “ Oh no she’s kind of cute ? Oh god - eldrich lesbian moth panic- “ (both of them would be the same age don’t worry )
If I remember correctly, I think people speculated Alastor having some past with Lilith/Rosie ? There’s potential there too! We could have maybe Lilith/Rosie give kid Charlie to Alastor since she trust Alastor to take good care of her. ( Alastor could be a fallen angel? ) and both him and Charlie could have a wholesome father-daughter relationship. Alastor, still being the quirky silly Uncle/ Dad to Charlie and supporting her idea of a Happy Hotel for sinners. At first he wouldn’t be on board with it but he would still be supportive, like any parent. He could be so iffy of Vaggie, A POWERFUL DANGEROUS BEING, just waltzing into the hotel to “help” her adoptive daughter/ Niece. We could have gotten Protective Dad Alastor.
Alastor: -points aggressively at Vaggie who’s just staring at Charlie with heart eyes- “ She is gonna be a bad influence and danger to my kid, I just KNOW it “ >:(
Love your blog! Hope you had a nice New years and Crimmis! Happy 2024!
Now you've done it, Anon. The thought of super powerful Eldritchian Overlord Vaggie is giving me a sexuality crisis. What am I supposed to do with that?
And thank you! I had a wonderful Chrysler and New Year's, and I hope you did too! Here's to a great 2024!
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sillysystems · 2 months
chilly has recently been obsessed with oranges.
he has eeven attempted to adopt one
i kkind of wish system hopping existed so I could get rid of his stupid ass
I am the ultimate chilly hater
Ajax needs a life sentence to DEATH/pf
pax from moth collective
The asks started silly with the oranges and turn out wild lmao /silly
Bro's super aggressive omg 😭
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flickynightdarkness · 4 months
Info about my DC OCs
Benjamin Williams
Ally of Batman
Night Edwards
Ally of Nightwing
Tootsie Jingles
Aids Joker (originally they were gonna be adopted by him)
Inspired by Fizzarolli from Helluva Boss
Neo demon
Jamie Quinzel
Adopted daughter of Harley Quinn
Younger cousin of Blade Quinzel
Blossom Isley
Adopted daughter of Poison Ivy
Friends with Jamie Quinzel
Younger sister of Vince Isley
Ray Nygma
Adopted son of The Riddler
Friends with Trace Dent
Trace Dent
Adopted daughter of Two Face
Looks exactly like him but she hates when anyone says it to her
Friends with Ray Nygma, Meredith Miranda and Evelyn Wesker
Kraig Jones
Adopted son of Killer Croc
Very aggressive
Has anger issues, tends to get angered easily
Shows a soft side to his allies, especially Fangs Langstrom
Allies with Lucian, Kaleb and Fangs
Talon Cobblepot
Adopted son of Penguin
Bird lover
Younger brother of Feather Cobblepot
Katherine Kyle-Angela
Adopted daughter of Catwoman
Cat lover
Youngest child of Mr Angela and Mrs Angela (formerly)
Younger sister of Katelyn Kyle
Katelyn Kyle-Angela
Adopted daughter of Catwoman
Oldest child of Mr Angela and Mrs Angela (formerly)
Older sister of Katherine Kyle
Cat lover
Toffee Karlo
Created by Clayface
Clay demon
Can morph her limbs but unable to shapeshift into others
Berg Fries
Oldest child of Mr Freeze and Nora Fries
Older brother of Snow Fries
Cousin of North
His body was frostbitten when he was sprayed liquid nitrogen
His goggles were given by Mr Freeze to use
Evelyn "Evie" Wesker
Adopted daughter of Ventriloquist
Cousin of Michele and Michelle
She is aided along with her ventriloquist dummy Stitcher. The two share a positive to eachother
Ventriloquist dummy
Created by Evie's cousin Michele
He is shown to have a soft side to Evie
Hallow Crane
Youngest adopted child of Scarecrow
Younger brother of Lauren and Laurent
Cousin of Craven and Lunar
Is a living scarecrow but was a child at first (he originally was gonna be a human in a scarecrow costume
Friends with Meredith, Echo and Spook
Shade Miranda
Neutral but mostly on the evil
Ally of Scarecrow
Foster mother of Meredith and Myers
Shows respect for the Wayne family but only does it if Scarecrow isn't around with her
Acts as a mentor to Hallow's studies on fear
Wife of Nathaniel
Meredith Miranda
Foster daughter of Shade and Nathaniel
Sister of Myers
Friends with Hallow, Evelyn, Trace, Flakes, Echo and Spook
Refers to Scarecrow as 'Dr. Crane'
Scotch Tetch
Youngest adopted son of Mad Hatter
Younger brother of Bowie Tetch
Kaleb Langstrom
Oldest child of Man-Bat and She-Bat
Older brother of Fangs Langstrom
Became a bat after he had the same serum his father had
Fangs Langstrom
Youngest child of Man-Bat and She-Bat
Younger sister of Kaleb
Neutral but mostly on the evil
Provided as an emotional support companion for Kraig Jones' anger issues
Feather Cobblepot
Adopted daughter of Penguin
Older sister of Talon
Mean towards anyone except her younger brother Talon(she cares for him) and her adopted dad(she is loyal to)
Coona Walker
Adopted by Killer Moth
Torch Lynns
Adopted son of Firefly
Twin brother of Ember
"Experiment" of Scarecrow (they were originally was made to be his creation)
Living scarecrow
Mostly hides in his hat
Friends with Hallow and Meredith
Allies with Hallow, Meredith, Spook and Flakes
Adopted by Scream Queen
Trans MTF
Adopted by Mrs Manface and Babyface
Leader Scorch
Inspired by Father from Kids Next Door
Runs an academy for young rogues
Harrison, Carrie and Misty
Inspired by the Delightful Children From Down The Lane from Kids Next Door
They speak by unison
Claimed by Leader Scorch as his creations
Betty The Blob Caretaker
Takes care thousands of blob creatures
Lucian Dorrance
Adopted son of Bane
Wears a mask on his face to hide his scars
Speaks in a thick Spanish accent
Young ally of Superman
Young ally of The Flash
Young ally of Green Lantern
Young ally of Question
Adopted by Deathstroke
Allies with Torch and Ember
Aids Deacon Blackfire
Possesses demon transformation by his rage
Aids Professor Pyg
Topher's ally/servant
Obeys to what Topher says to her
Neutral but mostly on the evil
Dust Edwards
He is shown to not get along with Hallow, the two would argue on who is a better friend to Meredith
Friends with Meredith
Colton Snart
Adopted by Captain Cold
Friends with Berg, Snow and Toffee
Aids Heatwave
Aids Weather Wizard
Really calm
Has an ability involving their emotions being the weather; sunny - happy, rain - sad and thunder - angry
Aids Weather Wizard
Ability to unleash thunderstorms
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octahedral-chaos · 6 months
I have a couple of questions about the Sonnet and Sakari story:
You mentioned it being set in an urban fantasy world (which is really neat, by the way). So, I wonder, would that technically make the Starfolk a fantasy race of some kind, like elves or orcs? Also, are there any differences from Canon? What's their lore? Ahhh-
(By the way, it's okay if you can't answer all of these.)
Also, what about Edda and Aven? You think they'll be integral to the story, or just mentioned?
The concept of body horror/ the altered self is one of my favorite (and scariest) things to think about when writing. It opens up questions regarding what its means to be human/ Starfolk (in this case). With that being said, what about Sakari's mental state? Obviously, she'll be totally shocked and isolated during her transformation, but I also wonder if she'll also adopt Starfolk temperament and behaviors. (Like I said, I don't know what this version of the Starfolk are like. Are they sentient? Mindless drones? Passive? Aggressive?)
I also understand that her transformation and embracing of her new form plays into the central theme of acceptance, so I don't want to degrade that with my previous statement by making it seen like a bad thing. I'm just curious.
Writer me is starving for more of this!
Oh wow! Lots of lore coming this way!
I guess? But starfolks are kind of... forgotten. You see, this takes place WAYYYYYY after the ending of Worldless, so starfolks are very, VERY scarce when this takes place, if they even exists at all. However... some of the elves and other long-lived races have some stunningly similar legends or rumours: that there's a secretive race of strange crystalline beings seemingly made of Geometric shapes, but flashes into a full silhouette whenever they are attacked or is attacking something, and who seemingly glow brilliant white, or blend into the dark shadows. However, most other beings don't believe in those, those must be some mistaken identity of one of the known races, isn't is?
However, starfolks are certainly still very much alive, as after the ending of Worldless, they are finally freed of the instinct of hunting down their opposites, to live together as one species. But, they are extremely rare as the recreation of the entire universe pretty much killed of a large portion of them, If the whole "opposites" thing didn't get them first.
But starfolks are similar to people: They have personalities, likes, Dislikes, all that stuff that comes with sapience. But... the new world that some of them are stuck on is pretty scary to them. So many new beings, each one with a potential to hurt them. So they went into hiding... but no one knows where they went. Is it deep underground, in a specific forest, far North? No one knows the answer... but some of the Boreal elves rumoured that there's a large city far North, where no person dear explore, where these elusive beings live.
So in a sense, they're the world's equivalent of cryptids. However, some starbeasts (Namely void moths, Voiteveos and Frostmoon unicorns, to name a few) are actually known to humans and the other sapient beings, but are incorrectly classified as spirits of some sort.
Also I think the starfolks know about Edda and Aven, their story passed on as an oral tradition or even legend. I can see the starfolks having a very, VERY long ballad involving these two...
But then, why does Sakari and her party feels watched ever time they step foot in a dark forest or other open space? And who's that strange person with haunting blue eyes and long hooded cloak that seems to be constantly following them? And what do they want with them?
Also Sakari would initially be an absolute mess, and for obvious reasons. I mean... turning into a being that's pretty much legend in your world would be pretty scary. But! She managed to accepted it, and pretty much enjoy her nonhuman traits now. Also yep! She'll get some starfolk behaviours, specifically emotive ones. She already unconsciously flares her head wings when scared, and other things like that! She may also make some attempts at starfolk noises... which can be awkward when you just growled at someone because they scared you-
Also don't worry! I love these kinds of asks. Plus another "fun" thing related to the above point, the initial part was pretty painless, but it's pretty itchy when your skin is becoming more porcelain-like... and a tad bit freaky too. The really painful part comes in when she gets her wings... and to not talk about the final push to being full starfolk... which is downright agony for her...
Sonnet still feels guilty for dragging Sakari into this, even if no one was expecting that.
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ailurocide · 1 year
:D OK OK I HAVE A LOT (and i’ll mark my asks w/ -🪷 just so inremember which asks i sent lol)
is there a in-universe reason as to why the fealty has a prefix-suffix naming system?
Prefix-Suffix Naming and it’s Origins
While the Fealty’s religion claims otherwise, historically, the Vale was initially settled by a few primarily felfolk families that all hailed from different sources. Some of these families that hailed from the distant mountains held distinctive two-part names: a given name and a family name.
[Ex: Gray Sky and Clear Sky, sons of Raining Sky. Tall Shadow and Slight Shadow, children of Moss Shadow. Etc.]
This was to prevent inbreeding as much as possible, and separate the bloodlines into families that could be awarded accomplishments onto the whole of their kin. They had no other purpose than to identify a felfolk by their family and to address them by.
These families were not alone, though, and were quickly joined by others who held varying names of their own, though most commonly, sounds or sights, plants or creatures of the Aerth.
[Ex: Birch and Alder, siblings. Bumble. Crackle. Etc.]
Over time, however, this became an inefficient way to identify folk, as with a sudden slew of plagues, temperature fluctuations, and territorial disputes that often ended in death, “honor” names began to crop up more and more, resulting in the exact same names for different folk, which was clunky and confusing rather than honorable, as intended. These names were then morphed into being either shortened or elongated, but the most popular means of this new sort of naming was to add a word that made them very pretty or aesthetic.
[Ex: Dying Ember, Dust of Chalk, Fluttering of a Moth. Etc.]
With more time, the stretching of these names morphed into a coming-of-age ceremony, in which a felfolk would receive one small part of their name, and then go on to gain the rest of it upon reaching adulthood. This eventually morphed into the longer, aesthetic names being shortened into just two words - a prefix and a suffix -, which would later become the modern Fealty’s way of naming.
These two-term names changed a lot over the ages.
The prefixes had come into existence, and were typically that of a folk’s appearance, usually color or pattern, or of an object that resembled their appearance. [Ex: A black cat being named “Shadow”. A golden cat being named “Honey”, after the golden substance. A gray cat being named “Clay” for the riverbank’s clay. Etc.] The suffixes came later on, and were a rite of passage for those born into the society that were slowly perfecting these names. The leaders of these groups as well as the individual’s dame would gather to discuss these suffixes, and certain words began meaning certain things: “Shadow is very aggressive and good at fighting, so they’ll be known as Shadowclaw. Honey is very sweet and small, so they’ll be Honeyberry. Clay is very sturdy, and they’ve got a distinctive stripe down their back, so they’ll be Clayback.” It soon became common practice that the suffix was to be symbolic of an individual’s skill, personality, or general competence, to display not only what they could best serve their faction with, but to silently boast with. There was still a lot of leeway and unspoken symbolism at this time with suffixes, however, and over time, their meanings became lost to time.
What did “storm” truly mean when in regards to a folk? What did “breeze”? “Shine”? It meant so many things. But when looking upon folk with suffixes evoking a body part, things became much clearer. It’s far easier to see that a folk named “-leg” is swift and sure-footed, rather than a folk named “-bright”, who is… What. Bright-eyed? Bright-furred? Mentally bright? Body part suffixes were adopted due to their simplicity, and their ability to convey a skill much more clearly.
Finally, folk sat down and etched out the meanings of each body part to bestow upon those earning their names. Gone now were the “-storm”, “-bounce”, etc that could be embodied into something far simpler to understand, something that could be far easier to remember and felt more solid rather than flowy and aesthetic. These names, the prefix and suffixes, finally came together smoothly, in a way that could prove to be recognizable and impressive in of themselves, as well as the figure that they represented.
Names carry great significance within the Fealty. In short, they’re meant to be used as a quick identifier, and to act as a representation of one’s identity, to help guide them to a path that would be best for themselves and for their faction as a whole.
The flower names came with the Evergreens.
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sonicasura · 5 months
So I had an idea for what kind of kaiju some of the Toys could mutate into
Dog Day and Bobby Bearhug: They'd turn into something similar to King Ceaser, they'd have different types of special attacks like DogDay has a sunbeam like attack while Bobby has roar that creates a ton of air pressure that can push away boulders the size of a house.
Bubba and Picky: They mutate into something similar to Behemoth, large and heavily muscled Titans granted they don't really have Behemoths anteater like claws.
Kickin: He mutates into a kaiju similar to Rodan, to the point that Rodan actually joined Godzilla in breaking into Playtime Co. Granted Monarch draws the line when Rodan tries to take Kickin to his Volcano nest.
Hoppy: She mutates into a rabbit like kaiju/titan who has the ability of electrokinesis and oddly Godzilla seems pretty protective of her, to the point of Godzilla growled when Monarch performs physicals on her.
Craftycorn: She mutates into a titan/kaiju that is actually similar to Shimo granted with a large central horn, her mane slowly turning into collection of spines that Shimo has.
CatNap: He becomes a cat-like kaiju/Titan that can now climb nearly everything think like a mix of a monkey and a cat.
Huggy Wuggy and Kissy Missy: The slowly mutate turn into Great Ape like titans/kaiju to the point that Kong had a trip to the surface to see if they were alright. He brought Suko as he sensed there were new friends.
PJ Pugapiller, Cat-Bee, and Mommy LongLegs: They become titans/kaiju that are similar to Mothras species and the moth titan adopts them, granted they also consider Godzilla a dad.
Poppy and the Prototype don't really mutate into any titan or kaiju due to they were the first real forays into living toys so the kaiju cells used were real minimal
Establishing a timeline here as the Hour of Joy in canon occured around the 2010s so this is before KotM.
Cue the toys panicking as they have to be told this. All of them are currently undergoing therapy to undo whatever mental damage Playtime Co caused. Food therapy especially for those like Boxy Boo who were being tailored to human meat. (Pork being their best friend in that fiasco to help break the addiction.)
Poppy is the only one void of kaiju cells as Playtime Co doesn't know how to fully recreate the original conversion process so they used extra stuff. The Prototype was killed by Godzilla since he felt sense what kind of catastrophic damage he'll cause if left alive. Rodan also appearing definitely kicked Monarch into gear to handle the situation.
Every toy has a timer for when their body will trigger a kaiju related mutation. There are signs that occur before a shift: increased anxiety, uptick in aggression, increased appetite, feeling of tightness, and lethargy. It soon leads to unconscious as the first mutation is the most painful since the toys are essentially growing out of their mascot shaped shells. Their beginning size would be a bit smaller to Suko.
They'll retain some traits from their previous forms i.e color pallet, markings like the tags for the respective Smiling Critters, similar physical stature. Devices are being made so the respective toy can communicate in human languages. Monarch wants to give back at least as much of their original humanity. A division that handles them is also formed with Poppy being a key member since she still is the toys now turning kaiju friends.
Mommy Longlegs has some Scylla cells so she's more spider like in nature but Mothra's side overpowers it enough that any related mutation to spider kaiju are minor. Hoppy was given minor Titanosaurus Gojira cells alongside unknown rabbit kaiju so it explains why Godzilla would be extra protective. She's his kin in a sense.
Boxy Boo is an Tiamat and unknown ferret kaiju mix. CatNap has Hedorah based abilities as his mutation incorporated Red Smoke container in his body so he can shift into a violet gaseous state. Now for mutations in order:
Pre KotM: Hoppy, Kicken Chicken, Dogday
KotM: Hoppy(advanced due to delivering the nuke to Godzilla instead of Ishiro), CatNap, Craftycorn, Catbee
Pre GvsK: Bubba, Picky, Mommy, Boxy
GvsK: Huggy, Kissy, PJ, Bobby
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No, not those kind of bugs
• Winged Fae, or commonly known as "Bugs" to normal folk, are the 6 Kingdoms that rule the entirety of Reflection.
》 Earthshine (Monarch)
》 Moonglade (Webworm)
》 Smultronställe (Xylocopa)
》 Coachan (Scoldii)
》 Landskein (Lucanidae)
》 Woodnote (Tagalica)
• These types of Fae's true form are of a variety of butterflies, moths, bees, wasps, beetles, and cicadas
• Are well known for stealing names in deals with mortals or fellow supernaturals and adding them to their existing ones
• Sometimes mistaken for "Pests", or more commonly "Pixies", due to the similarity of their concepts
• Once a month, when the weather is fair and the may flowers are singing, the rulers of each kingdom are brought together to The Hands of Ectorius to discuss matters, be it personal or political
• Butterflies
• Ruled by King and Queen Quentin and Allura Holmström
• No biological children, but there is a heir
• The most well known (and favored) of the Winged Fae due to numerous superstition that surrounds them
• Is the only kingdom to be interviewed by exploration Magi and have an encyclopedia dedicated to them
• A friendly and very hospitable kingdom, welcoming to most guests that enter the territory; often offering food as a gesture of welcome
• Strictly agricultural, with how much land they have in their territory; dabbles in the occassional trade with other kingdoms for resources
• Currently has rising tensions with Moonglade and Smultronställe due to territory issues
• Moths
• Ruled by King Niven ███ █████ (he refuses to share his last name)
• No biological children or spouse, but there is a heir
• Nicknamed as "Earthshine's Shadow" since moths are the butterflies of the night, which is a comparison the people of Moonglade despise
• There is rampant and rising hatred for Monarchs in the kingdom as of late, which is slowly turning into hate crimes being done to any travelling, visiting, or imigrating Monarch
• A kingdom with elusive and wary residents that tend to whisper amongst themselves when a newcomer comes by
• Agricultural like Earthshine for similar reasons, though heavily dabbles in trade as well because of their silk industry
• Currently has rising tensions with Eartshine for territory issues, and Woodnote due to recent illegal trespassers crossing the border
• Bees
• Ruled by Queen and King-Consort Alma and Demarcus Kuldvee
• No heir, though they have a son named Eztia
• The biggest and advanced kingdom amongst the six due to the ever continuous progression of technology and growing population
• A kingdom with mud houses stuck and stacked together, a housing practice that's held and kept since the Golden Age, whereas the rest of the kingdoms have adapted to modern fae housing conventions
• The kingdom is always awake and moving, rarely is there a day where all its residents are inside and streets are rendered quiet and empty and no longer cramped and narrow
• Agricultural for similar reasons to the former kingdoms, and are heavily industrial with how more technologically advanced they are. Due to this technology, the kingdom dabbles in the occassional trade because of this
• Currently has rising tensions with Earthshine due to territory issues, and Coachan due to recent raids caused by them on local villages
• Wasps
• Ruled by Queen and Queen-Consort Edith and Nimera Krasue
• There is an heir, Edith's adopted daughter named Minna, alongside two other children a daughter and son named Prudence and Viggo from Nimera's former marriage
• One of the more powerful kingdoms due to heavy emphasis on military and constant raiding of local villages to expand the territory
• Aggressive kingdom, where trespassers are almost always killed on the spot, and where issues are almost always end up in a fight
• Constant overflow of raid goods and crafted weapons of all types; spears and shields are most common however
• Barracks are almost always on every corner, housing and training new warriors for the next raids
• Has been recently breaching territories of Landskein, Woodnote, and Smultronställe and is having tensions because of it
• Has a huge rivalry with Smultronställe due to being in very close proximity with each other
• Beetles
• Ruled by King and Queen Andrik and Nanette Skogr
• No heir nor children yet
• Another powerful kingdom with a militaristic society
• Has huge stone walls to keep away threats... as they should
• One of the most technologically advanced in weaponry, compared to Smultronställe's
• The people are disciplined and diligent, and very atheletic and fit
• Distinct individualistic culture and the only kingdom to have such, whereas the rest of the kingdoms are collectivistic
• Currently has tensions with Coachan due to the recent raids on their villages
• Cicadas
• Ruled by Kings Zaka and Aarifa Urrutia
• They have an heir named Tanashiri, a son from Zaka's former marriage, and an adopted daughter named Mahalina
• The smallest kingdom compared to their neighbors
• A very tight knit and colorful community because of their size
• Mining and agricultural kingdom, where minerals mined are traded with other kingdoms for resources in exchange
• A few strays have been seen illegally migrating to Webworm for reasons of better opportunity and because Webworm is the closest kingdom to them
• Tensions have been rising with them because of those strays
• Tensions with Coachan has also been forming due to the border proximity with them
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artstar1997 · 2 years
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I really did it!!! I completed the first set this faebruary. I've been planning this because a set of comments in Discord inspired me to make a Fairy AU of Jak and Daxter.
It was hard to sort the characters based on the colors of their outfits or their personalities but I was able to prepare for it. I took inspiration from real-life insects for the wings and the flowers or plants for their outfits, I used flower language for reference. For Jak, he has the wings of a morpho butterfly, and the flower petals I use for his outfit are from the Gerbera Daisy. Gerbera Daisies or African Daisies symbolize innocence, purity, cheerfulness, and loyal love. The Ancient Egyptians believe that these daisies symbolize closeness to nature and devotion to the sun, whereas the Celts thought they lessened the sorrows and stresses of everyday life.
My OC, Jakleen is more of a gold color code type of girl so she gets to have marigolds on her outfit and a matching flower crown. Marigolds represent positive emotions, energy, beauty, warmth, creativity, a drive to succeed, and celebration of the dead, but they also symbolize darker emotions such as jealousy, grief, despair, and mourning. Because of their sun-like appearance, marigolds were often linked to the powerful strength of the sun and represent power, strength, and light that lives inside of a person. Her blue ulysses butterfly wings match Jak because they are twins.
Daxter's ottsel fur matches the color of the monarch butterfly so he can have wings based on it while his shirt was made from the petals of the tiger lily. Matching his loudmouthed and brash personality, tiger lilies symbolize confidence, pride, and wealth. He also wears accessories made out of precursor metal like the Mar twins because the fairy king, Damas adopted him.
Keira Hagai has the wings of a queen Alexandria birdwing butterfly and some parts of her ensemble were made out of violet flowers. Violets are most commonly associated with love but they can also symbolize honesty, protection, dreams, healing, remembrance, determination, and even the idea of setting goals. It really matches her because violets can also be associated with growth, expansion, and peace. They are often viewed as symbols of mental clarity.
Ashelin Praxis has been a flower among the thorns in the Krimzon Guard so her jacket is made from rose petals with a red rose and thorny prints to match her maroon dragonfly wings (Her father has cecropia moth wings). Red roses usually mean love and passion so it really matches her and her love for Torn.
Tess has a colorful but protective personality so she gets a pair of agrias butterfly wings and her outfit is made from the petals of the sunflower. Like her love for Daxter, sunflowers symbolize happiness, optimism, honesty, longevity, peace, admiration, and devotion.
Taryn is quite complicated but I am able to match her with a dahlia flower and her wings are based on a Mormon butterfly. Dahlias symbolize perseverance and the ability to overcome, just like Taryn's personality. They serve as a reminder of the inner strength everyone possesses, even in dark times. 
Torn, on the other hand, is very prickly like a cactus so I decided to match his wings to those of an Asian giant hornet while his outfit is made from the leaves of a flowering quince. Just like his role in the Underground (later, Freedom League), quince flowers are seen as a sign of perseverance in the face of adversity and the ability to cope with adversity. The plant reminds us even when things are difficult in one’s life, there is still great capability for greatness in everyone.
Jinx has an explosive personality so his wings are based on a painted jezebel butterfly and his outfit is made from the leaves of a thistle, which really matches him. Thistles symbolize aggressiveness, pain, protection, and pride.
Captain Phoenix had some demons of the past haunting him so I gave him the wings of a Mourning Cloak butterfly and his clothes are sewn from the leaves and petals of a hyacinth flower. By remembering how he failed to stop the Dark Warrior Program, the purple hyacinth specifically, represents sorrow, regret, and forgiveness.
Ximon is laid back and exceedingly friendly so I match him with the luna moth while his outfit is made from the leaves of a zinnia plant. Just like his friendship with Daxter, Zinnias are the flowers of friendship and they symbolize endurance and strong bonds.
Pics used for wings: Monarch Butterfly: https://www.pngitem.com/pimgs/m/41-414942_monarch-butterfly-png-transparent-png.png Agrias Butterfly: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/77/Agrias_narcissus_narcissus_MHNT_dos.jpg Mourning Cloak: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/0c/Nymphalis_antiopa_MHNT_CUT_2013_3_13_Tombeb%C5%93uf_Male_Dorsal.jpg Painted Jezebel: https://wiki.nus.edu.sg/download/attachments/233784330/IMG_3717.JPG?version=1&modificationDate=1550117282037&api=v2
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lumilasi · 2 years
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Updated Kouya slightly for his new story. I decided to keep his hair blue after all, though in dog-form he's gray/black with just blue glowing details (he's a dog spirit now in this new story)
Kouya's bio below:
Name: Kouya Garou
Name translation: desert/wilderness & hungry wolf
Nicknames: Kou (Yoruga, Kiyoi) Doggy (Youko), Hound/pooch (Hanma, when he's annoyed at him)
Age: 22
Height: 180 cm
A child/puppy of a fighting ring, searching for his idol to defeat him in battle.
Family: He was adopted by the fighting ring he grew up in, later he's allowed to stay at the Murasaki mansion, as their adoptive child Kiyoi grows fond of him.
Love Interest: Kiyoi, a forest witchboy
Friends: Yoruga, Youko (a small chimera kid). He also ends up acting as a big brother figure of sorts for Yago, the honorary grandchild of his new masters. He does manage to form sort of a friendship with Yaguro and Chouma as well, even if he sometimes annoys the former moth spirit with his need to fight him.
He is physically very strong and durable, able to withstand quite the beating. He's also able to break trees and rocks with just a kick, and a really good close combatant with his blades
He can summon and elongate his claws, and also can make his teeth/jaw sharp and strong enough to tear someone’s throat open. Y know, like a wolf/bloodhound.
He’s very cold resistant, meaning he’s mostly immune to ice-based magic. You can't freeze this good boy in place.
Has the excellent hearing and smell sense of dogs, can also howl loud enough to break things, though this attack makes his voice hoarse afterwards and gives him a sore throat.
Can summon/hide his dog spirit features, and he reminds a gray wolf-dog with glowing yellow patterns on him in full animal form.
Kouya can sometimes lose control of himself if he hasn’t treated his wounds properly/eaten properly, which basically switches his brain into an animalistic fight mode, where he attacks anything and everything indiscriminately. Typically he needs to be knocked out for this to stop.
He can be socially awkward, where he doesn’t know how to act in certain situations, resulting in being rude/too brash when he doesn’t mean to be. He’s also bad at expressing his feelings, which leads to a lot of awkward moments with Kiyoi (and sometimes with other people too), which do frustrate him and make Kouya self-conscious about himself.
His need to beat Yaguro can sometimes make him frustrating to deal with, and can be used against him to trick him into doing things he shouldn't. (He always regrets it once he realizes he was duped)
Kouya is seemingly a hot-headed and aggressive fighter with dramatic flare and ego to match. He’s also a very protective and loyal friend, willing to put his ego aside if he needs to protect someone/retreat because someone he cares for/respects tells him so.
While he sees nothing wrong with violence due to how he was raised, Kouya does care about what Kiyoi, or his new master Hanma especially thinks of him, so he tends to try and hold back/behave around those two even if he's itching for a fight. He also enjoys listening to Kiyoi ramble about things he's passionate about, as Kouya is actually quite a curious person and more intelligent than people give him credit for. He is just often hindranced by his hotheaded nature, and obsessive need to fight his idol...
He’s pretty chill outside battle, and often lazes around the mansion/the yard. Sometimes he helps little Youko hunt some wild boars (if her bestie/main babysitter Chouma isn't able to go). He's also kind of mischievous, liking to tease people or pull small pranks.
Kouya is somewhat afraid of Hanma, but also deeply respects the man for his strength, and genuine kindness towards those weaker than him.
While its kind of natural for his kind and Kitsune to clash, Kouya is respectful towards Hanma's wife Rikka as well, and genuinely admired her swordsmanship. He tends to be more blunt towards the daughter Kouka, but is aware and wary of her strength and makes sure not to cross a line.
His first meeting with Kiyoi was dramatic, as he accidentally crashed through his wall while fighting Yaguro, who was visiting the Murasaki mansion.
He finds Yoruga weird, but funny. (Don't they all?)
Unlike Kiyoi where it took some time, Kouya pretty much instantly decided he liked the blond witch boy, but chose not to show it too much at first, sensing Kiyoi was a bit intimidated by him.
Kouya doesn't mind if Youko chomps him for his blood (think of it as an insect bite, its not that dangerous lol) and might just pretend to yelp in pain/act surprised for fun.
he tends to manifest his (wagging) tail around kiyoi, something he's actually a little embarrassed about. Normally he controls these things at will, but his tail likes to betray his feelings towards Kiyoi
Kouya's coat is the champion's robe from his old home, but he feels like he hasn't earned it until he's defeated the previous missing champion, Yaguro.
Kouya's blades are also the old ones Yaguro used in fights and left behind once he left the area. Kouya picked them up and began training with them.
Yaguro and him didn't really interact much at the time, other than him once bringing him a towel and getting a head-pat as a thank you.
Kouya is technically mostly blind on his right eye, but being a dog spirit he tends to rely more on his hearing and sense of smell naturally, so it doesn't affect him that much.
Kouya grew up in an underground fighting club that also gave him his name; he was found as a puppy by the owner, who took pity on him and also generally liked dogs. He initially just ran small errands both as a dog and a human, with only the owner and select few knowing the gray dog and the blue haired boy were the same person. While the place was rough, the fighters and owners treated him fairly well, being quite fond of the small scraggly kid/the puppydog running around, and even punished anyone who attempted to bully or harm either version of him needlessly.
As a child, he witnessed a fight between a challenger and their reigning champion Yaguro for the first time, being completely awed by the said champion's skill. He had not interacted with the man before, as he tended to be reclusive and avoid others outside his fights, but he did give Kouya a head-pat after the fight, as he brought him a towel to wipe off the blood.
From that day, Kouya wanted to become as strong as the moth man, and began training himself furiously, watching almost every fight Yaguro did. They did interact once more - unknowingly to Yaguro - as he ended up saving Kouya from being swept by the raging river during a storm, while he was in his dog form. This further strengthened Kouya's idolization of the man.
Then, years later as Yaguro vanished all of a sudden, he was quite upset over it.
Some days after that however, Kouya finds his blades Yaguro had left behind however, and decides to learn how to use them. Over the years, Kouya becomes quite the formidable fighter himself, known as the place's "born and raised" champion, being the only one who'd been actively raised there since he was a toddler.
Then, one fateful day the ring was essentially destroyed due to the owner ending up in deep trouble with the local gang, which burned the place down, killing the owner and his family; this incident caused Kouya to be blind in his other eye. Enraged by this, Kouya hunted down the gang and killed them as revenge.
After this incident, he decides to go and hunt down the original champion of the ring, feeling like defeating him is the only purpose he has left in life now, that his home was completely gone, and he didn't know what else to do or where to go.
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Palismen of the Blight Twins
A personal favorite piece of lore for “The Owl House” is the concept of palismen staffs. The idea - mixing traditional magic-channeling weapons with the classic flying broomstick, both mixed together with an adaptation of the familiar - has always appealed to me. Getting deeper insight into the idea always made me happy and is one of the reasons “Hunting Palismen” is one of my top-three favorite episodes. 
But while we got answers as to many of the cast’s palismen - finally including Luz as of “For the Future” - the idea of Edric and Emira's palismen has intrigued me ever since we met Amity’s palisman Ghost in “Eclipse Lake.” Now, Dana Terrace went on-record in a recent Post-Hoot that their palismen were planned to be a moth and a butterfly, though she did not specify names or which would belong to which (witch!)
While I of course acknowledge and appreciate the plan of the show’s creator, in my own thoughts (and fanfiction) I came up with another solution. The best part? It’s using palismen that we have already seen on-screen - both in “Hunting Palismen” - and later seen in the nest, having not been adopted by the earlier group of students. 
Emira’s palisman, in my mind, is the goose with a bell in her mouth.
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Geese are well-known to aggressively protect their offspring - I like to think that they bond over Emira wanting to protect her siblings as the eldest. In addition, a common phrase is to call someone a “silly goose,” which could tie into Emira’s tricksy nature. *My headcanon name for the goose is Liberty, named for the Liberty Bell - inspired by the bell she carries and the cracks in her torso. 
Edric’s palisman, in my mind, is the round pig with spider legs and a coin in his mouth.
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While having a slovenly and dumb reputation, pigs are actually very neat animals and incredibly smart. Edric is established as being rather ditzy, but later shows an exceptional talent for several branches of magic. To me, they bond over wanting to prove their talents and to those they love. *My name for the spider-pig is Copper, a term for an old British coin. 
A few final thoughts: Liberty and Copper emerge from the Bat Queen’s nest next to each other, implying they may be friends on a personal level. Another is the -actually very coincidental - fact that both palismen have something in their mouths, tying into the fact that Edric and Emira are twins, who while similar are also very different. 
As much as I would love to know more about the Blight twins’ hypothetical canon palismen, I really like the potential in these possibilities!
Thanks for reading! More to come …!
(P.S. - Try out Mr. Spinner on Fanfiction.Net or Mr_Spinner on Archive Of Our Own for works featuring these two.)
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beachbumsfm · 2 years
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did you see RIVER LEPORT wandering around the island today? they kind of look like HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN from certain angles? i heard around town that the SHADOW EXECUTIVE is CHEERFUL, and UNASSUMING, but also LONELY, and UNSURE. people say that they remind them of HOT CHOCOLATE ON A COZY WINTER’S DAY, A PILE FULL OF HOSPITAL BRACELETS, and THE SUN REFLECTING IN THE WATER ON A SUMMERS DAY, and DONT’ DREAM IT’S OVER by CROWDED HOUSE is definitely their theme song. they seem like a nice enough person, but we all know how hard it is to keep a pristine reputation in a small town. 
𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒 … 𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄: river radley leport 𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄(𝐒): rads 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄: March 6, 1995 𝐀𝐆𝐄: 27 years old 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑: cis male 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒: he/him/his 𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐂 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: hetero-romantic 𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍: heterosexual 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌𝐒: hayden christensen (younger) 𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐎𝐑 𝐋𝐄𝐅𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃: right 𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌: don’t dream it’s over, moth to a flame, gravy train, stud 𝐀𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐒: fishing + lounging on luxury boats, cable knit sweaters in the winter, hospital bracelets and bills, late night drinks, goose feather down duvets.   𝐁𝐈𝐎𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐇𝐘… TW: bullying, miscarriage,  The Leport family is a well-known family in King’s Haven, great granddad Leport settled here in many years ago when the town was just starting up. Leport started with a local guide and fishing rental place and a hardware store. Eventually they expanded to a restaurant, an organic local grocery store that sells items citizens make, and a gas station. They are working on trying to set up a little fishing cabin to rent out to tourists. (so they’re very rich...) River is a miracle baby, so to speak. His parents had a very difficult go trying to conceive, which resulted in a few miscarriages and a lot of fertility treatments. They were successful with River, however even he gave them a run. He was born at 32 weeks premature. As a result of this, River had lung complications. He couldn’t breath on his own and his immune system was very weak.  His parents went through a lot with him, but they always made sure he got the very best care. River was released from the NICU 2 months after his birth, with a diagnosis of asthma. Because of River’s complications and the fear of losing him, his mother became very protective and adopted the helicopter parent approach. For most of his childhood he was sheltered, kept at home when he could, and had frequent hospital visits due to his reactive airways.  Essentially; River never got the chance to do much sports, go to birthday parties or sleepovers, and because of his strict medical regiment, he was prevented from making friends often. He was a bubble boy.
He doesn’t know why, but when he turned 10 years old, he became a target for another boy in his grade. It started with name calling, then it escalated to having his friends isolate him, physical aggression during recess. He was a weakling, a loser, a big momma’s boy. 
It went on for the rest of his school career. However he was able to make friends in high school, none of them were particularly close with him, except for one. That person is still his best friend to this day.  In terms of his health, he eventually grew out of the worst of his asthma, and his immune system naturally strengthened over the years. However when he does get sick he does require medical assistance (so like steroids, inhaler, maybe even oxygen from the hospital depending on how bad it is). His mother still tries to coddle him here and there.  River is set to inherit the Leport business, as his father had, however his cousin and his uncle dispute this. And River himself does not know if he actually wants to even run the family business, it’s always just been kind of there for him and he never thought of wanting anything different...until recently.  His job right now is basically bullshit, it’s just a fancy way of saying he’ll be consulted on finalizations before any decisions on the business. 
PERSONALITY River is very balanced, he is not overly positive or overly negative. He is very level-headed, but often finds himself overwhelmed with choices. Like literally for the most part he’s like ‘I don’t know...whatever you think.’ He doesn’t like to dwell on negative things either, very much a “it’s just a momentary feeling.” He kind of feels responsible for his mother, so they definitely have a very close albeit reversed relationship sometimes. River does not like to think of his family’s money as his, but he does have a trust fund. He kind of has the same personality as Nick from Crazy Rich Asians. He is very reserved when meeting new people and that’s just because he still gets a little shy.  𝐀 𝐅𝐄𝐖 𝐖𝐈𝐒𝐇𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 𝐈𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐒… his school bully his best friend  anything !
 FUN FACTS -he is a boston bruins fan. -he owns two sport boats.  -he really likes sweets, his life motto is “chocolate makes everything better” -he really enjoys 80s pop culture. -he really likes rock music. -he is family friends with nadya, and being a boy in close proximity to a very beautiful girl, he may or may not have had a crush on and off for her, but of course ! she’s never seen him anything more than a friend. rip. 
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mckinlily · 3 years
Miraculous Shallura - pt. 3
Continuing from these posts…
Hawk Moth:
Hagar is Hawk Moth. She wants the Ladybug and Chat Noir miraculouses to tear apart and dissect reality itself or some nonsenses.
Look she’s basically just a mad scientist ok?
She is annoyed beyond words at how STUPID the costumes for her RoboBeasts always end up being. 
And yet. She can do nothing to change it.
(She also rants a lot about the petty concerns of her Akumatized victims and how unappreciative and uncreative they are with the power she’s given them. Pathetic, the lot of them. And yet. And yet she still can’t do anything about it.)
Zarkon is the pompous, uptight executive of company in the fashion industry a la Gabriel Agreste because I find the idea hilarious.
Zarkon supports his wife’s reality ripping and magical terrorism because good partners support their spouses’ intertrests. Also what’s a moral conscience anyway?
Zarkon and Alfor used to be bffs but had a falling out several years ago and now spend an inordinate amount of time sending passive aggressive letters to each other.
(The fall out just happened to be over the Most Handsome Man of the Year Award)
((Coran actually came in first place for that one. Alfor and Zarkon are fighting over who should have gotten second))
Allura and Shiro family life:
Coran is Alfor’s personal assist and practically Allura’s second father
Alfor loves his daughter and cares for her, but he’s incredibly busy being mayor, politicking and running the city sending petty emails to Zarkon, so Coran turns out to be the one doing a lot of the actual parenting.
Coran totally knows Allura is Ladybug, but he lets her think he doesn’t and subtly helps her keep her secret and make excuses to Alfor/school/whoever to hide her identity
Allura, have ISSUES because of her somewhat absentee father? Of course not. HER?! What would make you even suggest such a thing
(Chat Noir sometimes mentions his moms or his little brother with such warmth and Ladybug aches with something she can’t—or won’t—describe.)
Yes, Shiro has two moms. His bio mom, Mama Shirogane, and her wife married when he was about two, so are far as Shiro is concerned, they are his family, full stop
Keith is Shiro’s little brother and a full fledged Shirogane in all but name. 
He’s technically still in foster care, but Mom and Mama Shirogane have been fostering him since he was nine and fully intend to adopt him as soon as he turns eighteen. They’d have adopted him already if it weren’t for irritating legal barriers
Keith is definitely part of the Shirogane family though, no matter what the law says. Shiro’s promised if his moms don’t adopt Keith officially, he will. But neither of the should worry—Shiroganes don’t let go of people easily
The Shirogane moms love their sons fiercely and unconditionally, but they do wish sometimes those two stubborn boys would reach out and realize they don’t have to fight everything on their own all the time.
(And Chat Noir could at least let them know when he’s going to be late for dinner. It’s hard enough to keep a growing teenage boy well fed—let alone a superhero)
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
A Ring of Grass and Green
by Blackbird_Feathers
He threw the boy up in the air, catching him and spinning around, light feet darting over green grass as if he was no more than a breeze. With a leap he sprung into the air, hovering like a dandelion in the wind, landing after inhumanly long in the air.
  The little child’s coo shook him from his nature-induced trance, and dropping down to the ground, he carefully placed them on the floor. He knelt down even, looking at the rosy chubby cheeks, the little button nose, the wide blue eyes and the golden locks. So. Adorable. He just wanted to pick them up and spirit them away to somewhere that nothing bad could ever get them. Although, that probably wouldn’t go down well with the kid himself, and Wilbur was in no hurry to get bitten by an aggressive child. Sorry, an aggressive ‘big man’, as he had angrily protested moments prior.
Wilbur meets Baby TommyInnit and proceeds to go "Mine"
Words: 2692, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of My Gold.
Fandoms: Video Blogging RPF
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Wilbur Soot, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF)
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, mentioned Ranboo & TommyInnit & Tubbo, No Romantic Relationship(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Fae, Fae Wilbur Soot, Human TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), brotherly adoption arc, Toddler TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Purposeful Baby Acquisition, TommyInnit Has a Pet Moth Named Clementine (Video Blogging RPF), why is that a tag, Baby TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), not a baby but you get my point, author wants a beta but is too nervous to ask for one so, Not Beta Read, Fluff, fluffy fluff, FAE FLUFF, Fae & Fairies, Fae Magic, i have questions about why Mal from descendants comes up when I type "fae". Many
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/39199503
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theblerdbox · 3 years
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I bring you February’s Book of the Month with a side of red wine and Ghanaian chocolate.
Like any other quirky black girl, I spent many nights soldiering through insomnia (and high functioning depression) with episode after episode of Chewing Gum - What’s that? It’s just me? Carrying on…
So obviously I was devastated to hear the show wouldn’t be returning for another season. But, the Quirky Black Girl Collective was not left in the dark for long. What a treat to hear Michaela Coel was due to grace us with more witty banter through her latest publication - Misfits: A Personal Manifesto.
Miss Coel covers everything from growing up labeled a “coconut” (Oreo if you’re American) to her fear of moths to handling micro-aggressions at work.
But one topic in particular keeps me up at night -
“Over time some of us have adopted techniques to turn our feelings of alienation into humor”
As a writer I can identify. Sometimes we don’t know how messed up our experiences are until we remove ourselves from them - until we view those experiences from the outside. I thought of many other black artists who have done the same - Kevin Hart, Dave Chappelle, Issa Rae - The list goes on and on. I think of the black artists who found their place in a world which alienates them by monetizing their quirks - by being themselves.
Because what better way to live in the dark than with a box of matches?
So we close our eyes and let it all out. Screaming into the void with hopes that maybe, just maybe, we are not alone. Someone else out there who harvests the same shame and discomfort with being not quite enough for the world around them will join the revolt - The Misfits.
This month, I honor Michaela Coel and every coconut (or Oreo), every Blerd, every Misfit, with the courage to share their story.
Because, that’s what Black History Month is about, isn’t it? Sharing our stories. Letting our voices be heard. Shouting from the rooftops “I WAS HERE!” The same rooftops that have a bad habit of erasing us with time.
So, shout it out.
You are history.
I am history.
We are history
*Disclaimer: This is not an paid advertisement - The products are just that good.
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pastel-imagines · 3 years
Do have any headcanons for what pets certain yansim characters have? :)
Akademi Students with pets
Class 1-1
Efude Nurimono has two playful Exotic Shorthair cats. One orange and one white. Because of her obsession with anime, she named her cats “Miyuki” and “Yamiko” inspired by two of her favorite series: Magical Girl Pretty Miyuki and Life Note.
Kokuma Jutsu has an Atlas Moth that she caught in the forest near her house that she simply named “Atlas”.  Despite being harmless, most of her friends are scared of it due to how big it is (Atlas Moths are the largest moths in the world)
Kokona Haruka has a grey Chartreux kitten she found at the back of Akademi and adopted it. She named it “Mittens” because of the kitten’s soft paws.
Shima Shiya has a black and white Japanese Bobtail and a Dalmatian named “Dice” and “Domino” because of there black and white spotted color schemes. The two animals always seem to be at odds with each other despite Shima trying multiple methods to have them get along.
Shiromi Torayoshi has a Sphynx Cat that she named “Dog” with the sole purpose of confusing people and weirding them out. Sometimes she puts him in the clubroom which always freaks out Kuroko, who isn’t a big fan of Sphynx cats in particular.
Class 1-2
Supana Churu has three black Burmese cats named “Onyx”, “Midnight”, and “Shadow” (how edgy). When she’s at home reading the books she retrieved from the Occult Club’s bookshelves, her cats like to curl up next to her and rub against her.
Tokuko Kitagawa has a white Bichon Frise named “Lily” that she got in an attempt to one up Kizana once again. Unlike Kizana, however, Tokuko genuinely loves her dog and takes great pride and care in her
Ajia Ashitomi has a Siberian Husky named “Buster”. Every time Ajia goes to the dog park, Buster always gets let loose and wreaks havoc on the other dogs much to Ajia’s horror. Thankfully none of the other dogs get injured
Meka Nikaru always wanted to own a Red Crowned Crane as a pet, but raising a crane incredibly difficult and even dangerous. Because of this, she built a robotic crane that behaves almost exactly like its living counterpart except it is not aggressive towards people.
Midori Gurin has a green pet parakeet named “Chirp”. This bird is a massive chatterbox, which for Midori its great, but for everyone else its incredibly annoying.
Yuna Hina has a Holland Lop rabbit named “Marshmallow”. Raising her pet is one of the few things she is able to do successfully on her own.
Class 2-1
Riku Soma has a grey British Shorthair named “Barnaby”. He gets along very well with Mittens, Kokona’s cat and even has a little top hat made for him.
Sakura Hagiwara has a German Shepard named “Stellaluna”. The reason she has her is because her parents gave it to her in the event that she needed a service animal in the future (her dog is a certified service animal).
Gaku Hikitsuri has a white Samoyed dog that’s very affectionate named “Monster” (how ironic). Gaku named him that to try and make him seem intimidating, but he still enjoys his affection. He really wants a cat, but because his mother is allergic to cats he can’t get one.
Ayano Aishi has a white and grey Ragamuffin that was given to her by Kokona. To keep with a theme of Kokona’s cat, she named him “Gloves”
Osana Najimi has an orange and white Snowshoe cat named “Marmalade”. Marmalade always gets out of the house and Osana usually spends a few hours looking for her.
Class 2-2
Oka Ruto has a grey Maine Coon she got from the animal shelter named “Thunder”. She was fascinated by how large the cat was compared to the other cats at the shelter and wanted to study it.
(Warning: Mention of Animal Neglect) Kizana Sunobu has a white Turkish Angora named “Rose”. She only got her in order for her to appear more opulent and wealthy, and doesn’t take care of her at all. Her parents have to to take care of her instead.
Amai Odayaka has a Russian Blue cat named “Sugar”.  Sugar recently gave birth to 7 kittens, and this event caused a big debate in the Odayaka household on whether they should keep the kittens or not.
Hayanari Tsumeato has a Bulldog named “Vesuvius”. He is a very aggressive dog that is known to bite anyone and everyone. The only exception to this is Hayanari
Sakyu Basu and Inkyu Basu have a white Poodle named “Abella”. They like to dress her up in various outfits and accessories for fun. Inkyu once attempted to put lipstick on her, which resulted in Sakyu scolding her.
Class 3-1
Kenko Sukoyaka has a pet turtle named “Jupiter”. He usually feeds him vegetables that he grows in his garden
Borupen Saishiki has a pet Ball Python named “Diablo”. Sometimes he sneaks him in to school to terrorize other people. As a result of this, his bag had to be checked regularly for a month.
Sho Kunin has a Bloodhound named “Copper.” He hopes to train it to become a police dog for when he joins the police when he becomes an adult.
Akane Toriyasu has a pet Cardinal named “Scarlett”. Scarlett tends to sing cute little melodies in order to wake Akane up.
Kashiko Murasaki has a Chow Chow named “Butterscotch”. Sometimes Butterscotch jumps on her to wake her up or before she leaves, which sometimes ends up with her showing up to school covered in dog hair.
Class 3-2
Budo Masuta has a white Bull Terrier named “Rocky”. He often runs with Rocky in the morning in order for both of them to get some exercise
Uekiya Engeika has a pet Siamese Cat named “Poppy.” 85% of the time Poppy is covered in dirt because she tends to roll around in the dirt piles while Uekiya is gardening.
Kuroko Kamenaga has a pet Guinea Pig named “Cookie”. After being constantly pestered about getting a pet by Shiromi, she only wanted a small animal that would be low maintenance.
Musume Ronshaku has a tan pet French Bulldog named “Cashmere”. This is one of the things that Musume whined to her daddy for the most.
WOW this has to be the longest request I did. This was such an interesting and unique request and I hope I didn't dissapoint
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So like- What if Moth Bruno found a tiny moth (Caterpillar???) reader and said “Welp, time to adopt a child”
Bruno blinked, compact eyes locked on the odd. . . tree limb? He squints from his upside down position, twisting his flexible upper body around to try and face the odd. . . What was it, actually?
Mista, the freshly molted grasshopper still unsteady on his newfound feet, shakily leans over him slightly, long and spiked antenna curling and flicking in an attempt to make sense of the weird object.
Dropping down onto a tree branch adjacent to the weird bit of bark, the larger black and white moth reached out with one clawed hand.
He reels back though at the sudden influx of aggressive pheromones that flood his scent receptors, blindsiding him. Mista buzzes in alarm, dropping down like he was back in his grub from and scrambling higher up the tree, wings and powerful legs forgotten in his rush.
High above, Bruno hears Abbacchio oscillate, hissing and snarling while his shadow unfurls into the telltale threat posture, four legs spread out and ready to strike.
The moth can't exactly blame him either. The pheromones reek of something bigger and more dangerous, yet the longer Bruno endures the scent, the more he realizes that something is amiss. Whatever that bigger and badder thing was, it would be making some serious sounds, yet he hears nothing.
Abbacchio seems to come to a similar conclusion, the massive net caster no longer hissing.
Bruno flutters his wings, a thought building up in his mind.
Stepping forward on light, padded feet, he reaches out once more for the oddly shaped tree branch.
The scent spikes again when his nails brush it's surface, flooding Bruno with a mass intake of panicked thoughts and the overwhelming urge to drop everything and flee.
In the same breath though, it amuses him, as the little creature unknowingly just tilted its own hand a fraction too far.
Now sure there was no real danger, and even more certain of the "tree branch's" mimicked identity, Bruno peels the little thing off with minimal effort, only amused when he's met with indignant screeching. The small caterpillar, no larger than his arm and worryingly thin, finally starts thrashing in earnest once it starts realizing its jig was up.
Mista hops down to ground level, long, bulky legs easily absorbing the shock of impact. His clawed toes hook into the soft Earth, ripping up chunks as the youngling hops over to start leaning over his adopted father's shoulder. His antennae stretch out, slowly reaching for the small caterpillars'.
By now, the young thing had tired itself out, and was too tired to respond to the careful inspection. The ground shudders behind him, shifting beneath their resident spider's weight s he approaches slowly. Looking back down at it, Bruno feels his wings shudder, reminded of Narancia's first moon with them.
How deathly thin the dragonfly larvae was, and how dirty and terrified he was, barely able to smell them with his antennae snapped in half.
Bruno runs his talons down her rough side, the tough, bark-like skin not even denting under his sharpened claws. Mista slowly looks up at him, and Abbacchio sighs from behind him, roughly muttering that Giornl and Bruno would have to care for it, since it was a caterpillar.
Flashing a dazzling grin, Mista taunts, "But Bruno didn't even say anything." Abbacchio grunts, but give no response as Bruno turns around with a similar look of amusement, his compact eyes shining in mirth.
"Don't fucking look at me like that." The net caster snaps, accidentally oscillating. Abbacchio huffs and turns his eyes away, glaring up at his hunting net with slitted eyes. "Besides. . . The last time I tried to convince you not to take in anymore strays, you directly ignored me and adopted two."
Mista smirks, shifting back while Bruno opens his wings, taking off with a small flip of his thick wings and a powerful jump
Abbacchio grumbles loudly, walking away to find a tree big or close enough to another for him to climb comfortably.
Mista watches his Dad's, then glances back at the tree, one worried question drifting through his mind:
Why were they just abandoned right there?
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