#ahahaha i love
meili-sheep · 2 years
Oh my god-- as i was giggling abt catalyst vigilante diluc a thought just came into my head like--
"Haha lol heizou just punches people with his air like in avatar"
"Oh yeah zukos in avatar and he can firebend"
"And heizous practically an airbender"
"Hey wait a second--"
And now i hc catalyst diluc fights like zuko from avatar. Youre welcome :))
Also damn throwback... whatever day of the week it is rn LOL
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Lmao, I didn't read this one before that last ask. Glad to see we are on a similar train of thought
But Fun fact Thoma's Ult and Heizou. You can pretty much firebrand. It also builds up swirl so you can get a full punch again before his skill cools down. So I imagine Diluc would be a lot like that minus the shield.
Seriously I need to do more catalyst Diluc. It just gets me so excited. Or maybe that's the caffeine.
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isolophilian · 6 months
something about Hephaestus saying "you're a good kid, Annabeth" really stands out to me. he didn't point out the very obvious about her, like her intellect and interest in his creations, or her hubris in thinking she could dismantle the chair. he said that she's a good kid. because Hephaestus was mistreated by the gods. because Annabeth was shunned by Athena. because he believes that gods shouldn't treat their own children like that and he wants to be better. because he knows how much it means to a little girl who's fought for approval from her own mother her whole life, whose father neglected her. because he wants to break the cycle. don't touch me
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pumpkin-patch-cat · 3 months
Zayne: "No matter how busy I am, I'll always make time to see you"
MC: "Awwww 🥹"
Also Zayne
*Gets phone call from MC*
Zayne: "Hello"
MC: "Hi honey, what are you up to?"
Zayne: "Not much, just wrist deep in someone's chest cavity at the moment. Hang on. Scalpel. Thank you. Anyways, have you eaten today?"
MC: "What...the...fuck ZAYNE *hangs up*
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tatakaeeren · 1 year
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Rei Suwa | Buddy Daddies ep. 4 ✨
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pigeon-princess · 7 months
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I'm very excited to finally share the alternative dust jacket designs I did for dazzlingbookishshop's FT Lukens set! I absolutely adore these books and they were such a pleasure to illustrate covers for. Check out their site for details if you're interested in grabbing the set!
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robinfollies · 5 months
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#billie bust up#bbu billie#bbu fantoccio#robin’s art#2024 art#COMPANION PIECES BABY!!! started these last year (month) and finally finished em!!! :33#i could write an ENTIRE essay abt billie and fanto and their parallels and stuff#which actually i love tumblr tags. lets do some of that here!#okAY IM NOT GONNA GO INTO EVERYTHING BUT HERES A BASIC RUNDOWN OF SOME OF MY THOUGHTS#let’s start by looking at goatshire + the lost city of magic !!#both places have some kind of border around them keeping SOMETHING in/out#goatshire’s wall keeping the trolls/other danger out; keeping the villagers inside safe#and the city’s barrier keeping the curse inside; while keeping everyone outside safe from it#but in turn it’s also keeping billie and fanto trapped in their respective places#one moreso than the other i guess but ahahaha. haha. heh. OKAY MOVING FORTH#unrelated but how sick would it be if the barrier broke and let the curse out. just sayiiin.. a lil theory thats been on my mind recently#anyways back to THE POINT#okay this parts gonna sound insane BUT JUST HEAR ME OUT HERE#goatshire citizens / the cursed city citizens.#billie and fanto both kinda stick out in their respecitve homes; fanto being the only uncursed guy and billie with their magic#so theres like. a real disconnect between them and others there. u get what i mean.#theyre both outliers and like something something allegory for neurodivergence and struggling to connect with others probably#SORRY GETTING AHEAD OF MYSELF. idk how to explain it BUT DO U GET IT!!! DO U UNDERSTAND!!!!#also they were both abandoned by SOMEone stares at arthur#okay specifically whoever fanto’s cretaor was left him behind but u know me im such a fanto elmtwig jak#something something loneliness and being left behind and having ppl around you who kinds understand u but also not totally. kicks rock#someone get these siblings some THERAPY!!!!!!!#this was a very disjointed explanation bUT HOPEFULLY I GOT MOST OF MY THOUGHTS ACROSS GOOD. IM BAD AT EXPLAINING THINGS SORRY#someone order me a yappuccino!!!!! BYE!!!!
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sensitiveheartless · 8 months
Though I just realised after the whole skk FINALLY mutually confess, but uhh how did Dazai knew Chuuya was at the supermarket??? Did he have Chuuya's schedule memorized???
I’m so glad you noticed this, because I couldn’t figure out how to work it into their dialogue in the comic, but YUP—
My thoughts for this particular comic series were that Chuuya is a creature of habit, and Dazai is a weirdo(affectionate) who memorized all Chuuya’s weekly scheduling habits back when they were in the mafia (for strategic purposes, he will insist) and Chuuya hasn’t really deviated from those habits since, so Dazai will periodically have moments like this throughout his day:
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…so yeah, after Ranpo convinced Dazai to go clear things up with Chuuya, Dazai ran across the city while doing intense internal calculations to take all known variables into account, and finally decided that Chuuya had to be shopping at that particular grocery store :0
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cosmicstarlatte · 1 year
Belphie: Hey do you wanna listen to some devildom music?
MC: Yeah sure
MC (taking off the earbud): no
MC: that was just tortured screaming
Belphie: You didn't even get to the best part
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bunnblebeee · 1 month
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My favourite toxic straight couple🎀🎀
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mxnkeydo · 9 months
guys so i did something-
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skyblueartt · 17 days
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Imagining the Aftons as a normal family...brb sobbing (Afton fam movie night requested by @bloodyraremedium and @driftingvoid-155!!) Click for better image quality :)
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wyndrova · 6 months
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Krile Baldesion!
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magiertama · 1 month
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Vanitas and Noé!
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aquariusshadow · 5 months
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What if they were both into it? 🤷🏻‍♀️
Cross posted on my instagram here
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jazzzzzzhands · 9 months
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His handwriting isn't pretty, but he isssssss ;w;<3
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bakudekublogblog · 1 month
i brought the jump giga to work to give away the stickers of the characters i dont want to my anime only coworkers and when I tell you every single one of them has just stared at the giga in blank confusion and asked me if hori really drew it. only one of them was like awww how cute!! and every coworker who doesn’t know what mha is are telling me what a cute couple they are
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