#ahhh I really am sorry this took so long and it’s just a few boys ‘n bits my brain just got stuck on the idea-
l3viat8an · 1 year
1- Love your blog (definitely not me being a fan over your work) IT'S AMAZING!!
2- horny demon Brothers + other (if you want) with a poly, innocent and oblivious (fem or nb) mc who just doesn't get why all these demons + others are all over them
( you can skip/trash this if you want)
I've been having a brainrot of this-
Nsfw content MDNI
Ahhh I’m sorry this took so long! ‘n THANK YOU OMGGG <33 i couldn’t think of much for ages, so this is kinda a few things thrown together!
None of them understand it, you always seem so….uninterested when other demons flirt with you.
A few of them Lucifer, Diavolo, Mammon, Solomon & probably Asmo see it more as you trying not to openly turn others away, after all you already have him/them! What more could you need?
But then there are times where you don’t seem to get ‘the hint’ when one of them tries making a move.
Instead you smile and take them literally.
Like the time Asmo and Solomon took you to the club, dirty dancing and having a few fruity drinks.
To them it’s sooo obvious they’re trying to get you into bed, but when Asmo asked if you’d like to “Head somewhere private and have some real fun~?” you just asked “What’s more fun then dancing?” and started dragging Solomon back onto the dance floor-
Solomon had to tell you literally that they wanted to have sex and you just stood there confused.
In the end you all ended up in Solomon’s bed anyways!! Cuddling-
That happens a lot actually-
One or more of the boys spend all day trying to sweet talk and flirt his way into bed with you and then you start actually falling asleep before anything can happen.
More then once, (the boy of your choice) has, had to get back out of bed to jack off in the bathroom and go back to bed and cuddle you. It’s a hard life
Don’t even get me started on all the ways you tease them!
Just walking around in your day to day clothes feels like teasing to them-
But then there’s the times you’ll praise them, like when you told Mammon he did amazing getting an A+ in math and even gave him a few little kisses on the cheek, before turning to walk away.
His mind was going a million miles an hour as his hands reached out to stop, pulling you into his lap and resting his head in bend of your shoulder, lips right by your ear “Ya can’t just do stuff like that and walk off…” huffed against your neck hoping almost praying you’ll clue in this time-
They all love you to death but sometimes, you’re just too much of a tease!! and you don’t even mean to be~
But there are the boys who love how you act!
Like Diavolo just finds it adorable how you don’t really clue into his more suggestive touches, hell you’ll even more closer thinking he just likes having you in his arms (which he does) all the times he’s had you sitting in his lap while he does paperwork and he has to resist the urge to grind you down on his lap. 
After all you look so cute and happy there. He’d just hate to make you uncomfortable. But the thoughts are still there-
and if you do much as wiggle your hips he’s taking that as an invitation, “Sweet MC, are you teasing me?” depending on your answer and if you want too- you’re getting fucked right on top of Diavolo’s desk-
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w1shes43 · 1 year
Forbidden Proximity
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- (TMR) Newt x reader
Summary: Takes place in "The Fever Code", before an examination test, you meet the beloved Newt. After meeting him, things start to be different and someone warned you to watch your proximity. But you think you're doing just the opposite.
Taglist: @heliads
A/N: AHHH, IT'S FINALLY FINISHED!! This fic took me so long. Motivation came and left like 1000 times. Sorry about that, and here it is!! Also, let's just imagine that newt is not like a minor here and is his movie age ;_; The ending is a bit rushed as I just wanted to get this fic finished tbh.
Wake up, examinations and tests, eat food, maybe add a hint of some learning and then sleep. And it's repeating the same routine every day, over and over again. It's been like this for you ever since you got taken in this facility called W.I.C.K.E.D. They're not so harsh towards you but you saw and heard from others of what they can be like when they're angry so you usually do what you're told to be on their good side.
But life in this facility is very repetitive and dull so you always opt to do something fun once in a while, being extremely discreet of course. Whether it's going to see your friends in their rooms during night or sneaking to catch a look at the other group, Group A. You have to admit you don't know why you all have to be separated into different groups, maybe they don't want certain people interacting with each other? You found the question lingering in your mind for a while, so you plan to ask at your next examination, which is tomorrow, that very question.
You sat on your bed, waiting in your room for Dr. Paige to do some tests on you, observing around your room trying to pass time. You always seem to land on the clock. Time ticking like usual, you wondered how the clock can be so perfectly timed to the real time, but then again just another question to add to your pile.
"Questions and questions" you sighed, looking down at your feet, swinging them back and forth. You realised you were getting taller which makes you glad because Harriet used to tease you about your height, saying how you won't be able to reach anything. Guess you could prove her wrong now, you slightly chuckled at that.
The door opens and you look up thinking you were going to see Dr. Paige but instead a tall lady with round glasses. She had a firm look on her face as she approached you,
"Y/N, Dr. Paige is quite busy for a while so she won't be able to do your test right now."
She stated, looking at her clipboard which had some files on it, "She will do your examination in about half an hour. Please come with me to another test room."
You nodded as you got up from the bed to follow her out the door. She shut the door and you walked beside her as she brought you to the elevator and pressed a few buttons, you waited for about a minute and the doors opened to the 2nd floor. She ushered you to walk beside her as you looked around the 2nd floor, you've only been here once before and that was the first time you got examined.
You followed her into the first room on your right, and she told you to sit down and that she would inform you when Dr. Paige was here. As she left, you looked around the room and noticed that there was a blonde haired boy on the other side of the room, he had his head in his hands and he seemed to be the same age as you. You assumed both of you were here for tests.
You walked over to him and sat down on the empty chair beside him, the sound of the chair made him look up and he met your eyes.
"Oh hello there." The blonde smiled, you noticed he sounded a bit different, he definitely had an accent, not that you minded though it sounded nice. "You here for an examination too?"
You nodded and smiled back, "Yeah I am, how long have you been waiting here?" You asked, curious to talk to this boy.
"Probably been waiting for about 10 minutes?" He said, stretching his arms "I'm not really counting the time to be honest with ya, just waiting for this to be done and over with. So I can go and hang with my mates."
You raised an eyebrow, "Mates? What do you mean by that?"
"I mean my friends," he laughed, but then leaned in to whisper "We all usually hang out after our tests, obviously wicked doesn't know that, so keep it a secret for me and you could join us too." The blonde boy winked as he whispered the last part.
You chuckled, a corner of your lips developing a small smile. "Don't worry, your secrets are safe with me. And I didn't catch your name?"
"Name's Newt, pleased to meet you.. ?"
His sentence trailing off at the end in hopes of getting your name.
But before you could answer his last statement, the door swung open and you were greeted by two people, Dr. Paige and the other lady from earlier. They looked at the both of you and nodded to you, Dr. Paige calling your name as she was about to take your examination.
You nodded back to her and stood up from your chair, turning to Newt before you approached them, "Y/N. Pleased to meet you too." You smiled and waved at him as you followed behind Dr. Paige.
Your walk back to your room was silent, you usually would talk to Dr. Paige about a lot of things, how you were doing with learning and food or something along the lines of vital sign check ups. But this time you were silent, smiling to yourself as you thought about your encounter with the blonde boy, Newt was his name. Well not his actual name, as you knew they gave everyone different names but you thought it suited him, it was an oddly interesting name. To be honest you thought he was pretty cute too, you haven't talked to a boy your age since forever, before you even came to this place.
Smiling away to yourself must have caught Dr. Paige's attention as she talked to you as you both turned the hallway, heading to your room.
"Something on your mind Y/N? You look rather happy there." She spoke as she opened the door to your room, holding the door open so you could walk inside.
As you entered the room you sat on your bed, nodding to Dr. Paige's last statement.
She took a seat in front of you and got ready the equipment for your tests.
"Yeah I would say so, although I have a weird feeling in my stomach when I think about this certain … thing." You admitted, looking down at your feet and watching them swing back and forth again.
"Weird feeling in your stomach about a certain topic you say? Is this very recent or has this been happening for a while?" As she questioned you, she got ready the syringe for your injection and you took that as a sign to roll up your sleeve on your left arm.
"Quite recent. Actually right before you came to the room on the second floor."
She stopped and gave you a look.
"It's about Newt isn't it? That boy you met there?" She asked and her thoughts were confirmed when you looked at her and nodded. She sighed, "Y/N, that weird feeling you are talking about is called attraction or well starting out as a liking. We are specifically trying to prevent this though, it might interfere with your progress in tests. So please try not to think about him or even try to see him for that matter."
Dr. Paige had this firm look on her face, the one you heard about when Wicked employees got angry, you definitely didn't want to aggravate her even more but you still had to ask one more question, a very risky one considering the topic of the conversation.
"Dr. Paige, why do we have different groups, like why do you have to separate all of us?"
You looked at her eager for her answer as it could explain things. But she just pinched the bridge of her nose as she let out an annoyed sigh and with a sharp tone dodged your question.
"Y/N, enough questions. Remember you are here for one reason and that's to save the world. Everything we do is for your own good, be grateful you are even alive after what's going on out there." She snapped and looked you dead in the eyes.
Your eyes widened, you were stunned, Dr. Paige never raised her voice at you before. What was so wrong about the question you asked? You just wanted to understand their ways of running things, surely that's not a bad question but you assumed it was since she yelled at you.
She swiftly injected the needle into your arm, taking a blood sample for your test. And quickly put it into a plastic bag and sealed it inside another bag.
She turned around and headed for the door,
"I'll have some food delivered to your room so no need to go to the cafeteria for lunch. Remember Y/N, you're here to save the world, not question how things are."
And without another spoken word, she left and closed the door to your room.
You just stared at the closed door, pondering on what she said. You've always heard those words before 'Save the world.' How though? And wouldn't it be easier to save the world if we understood what's going on inside and outside? You scrunch your hair in annoyance and lay your head in your hands and thought for a bit.
You know what?
You were going to see Newt again.
But you have to think of a discreet way to meet up with him. How in the world are you even going to find him?
You could try and go back to that waiting room you were in earlier but chances are he's already gone and done his examination.
You usually catch a look at Group A, but that's through the vents and you don't really know your way around there as well as Harriet or someone else in your group.
As you try to think of ways to find him, your thoughts are interrupted when someone knocks on your door, it opens and it is one of your great friends, Harriet. You both smile and run for a hug, "How did your examination go?" Harriet asked, pulling away from the hug.
"I don't know what to think, I just hope I haven't angered Dr. Paige. But before the examination I was in a room and there was a boy there." You explained the whole thing, from meeting the boy Newt and to asking Dr. Paige about the 2 groups.
And this conversation led to Harriet coming up with a plan to sneak you into one of Group A's testing rooms in hopes of finding and meeting someone from the other group, or even better Newt.
She would start off by going to get some "lunch" and while doing that she would distract the guards so you could sneak into Group A's testing rooms. But you had to watch out for other employees that might leave the rooms and also cameras. But you would check every room and see if Newt is there.
Hiding behind corners and dodging employees wasn't easy, you were suprised that you even got this far. You looked around, no one. The employees may have taken a break or something, not that you minded, it made this a whole lot easier for you, less hiding.
"Well, hello there." A voice from behind you spoke. You jumped at the sudden sound, swiftly turning to see who had spoken and you had hoped that it wasn't Dr. Paige or any of the employees for that matter.
To your suprise, you were met with honey brown eyes, the same eyes of the boy you were looking for. At least you didn't have to look too far to find him.
"I thought I'd see you again, just didn't expect it to be so soon?" He raised a brow, inspecting you. But before he could ask any further questions, you pulled him into a nearby room.
"Okay before you ask anything, I need to make sure this room is safe before we get caught being somewhere we're not supposed to be." You explained, closing the door quickly and glancing around the room.
"Technically, you're not supposed to be here, but here we are." He smirked while you just rolled your eyes, he continued, "I mean, I'm not complaining and I think this room will be perfectly safe, considering that it's my room." He chuckled, and when you turned around with wide eyes, he just smiled.
"Well," you started, "I thought about your offer to join you and your friends and I gladly will." You smiled softly, but your smile grew even wider when you saw how the boy in front of you had a slight red face with another smile.
"You did all that effort to tell me this? You seem very dedicated Y/N."
Oh, you have no idea, you thought.
You spent what felt like hours with him, laughing along and chatting about anything under the sun. Even hearing a bit of his past but you didn't want to pry too much into it.
Your first meeting with Group A went quite well you would think, you quickly made friends with most them of them and even if Gally and Minho were quite skeptical of you at first, they warmed up to you eventually and even shared a couple of their jokes with you.
But as quickly as you made friends with them, the quicker your relationship with Newt grew to be stronger and you had hoped, he felt the same as you. Days turn into weeks and your time spent with him made your whole life better even if you weren't supposed to be of close proximity to him.
But as good things come, they always have to go. You found yourself running through the long bright lit corridors of the wicked facility.
Hoping to get there in time.
Hoping to get that one last chance.
Hoping you weren't too late.
With tear filled eyes, you start remembering the one memory you hoped would never leave you - Newt's confession.
One day, he pulled you aside when you were about to sneak out to go see all your friends.
He softly took your hands and placed them in his own.
"Um.. I don't know if you felt the same, but it did take me a while to realise it wasn't just some weird feeling I had about you, you made me feel like I could trust you, I felt..."
He scrunched his eyes in search of the right words to tell you, "Comfortable around you and safe, mainly safe. My point being, I like you. A lot, in fact, I can't really fathom why my brain works that way, but I hope you understand what I mean." His hope filled eyes begged you, not moving his worried scene that danced around his face.
You thought it was adorable and were quick to calm his worrying thoughts.
"Yes, I understand what you mean," you said with a laugh. "I feel the same way Newt."
How did wicked find out? But then again, they always are monitoring you. They always find out, or maybe they always knew.
Maybe you should have seen this coming.
But nothing always goes your way, you were aware of the Maze, they started sending your friends into one, a few weeks ago.
You were quickly made aware by some of your friends that they were going to send Newt into one. And not at the usual time he was supposed to go in. He was supposed to go a few weeks after.
You ran to the one place you knew you would find him before it would be too late. The hideout.
When you entered, you found him pacing around the room. He heard your footsteps and looked up and locked his dark eyes with you.
Just by looking at him, without even saying anything, you knew what he was thinking, and you wanted to save him from all this.
"Don't leave, why can't you just stay here?" You pleaded with him, grabbing his hands to curl them up into yours. "We could leave, run away right now, or even -"
He pulled you into a hug, wrapping his arms around your waist and hugging you like you're his source of life. You went silent and returned the hug. It was quiet for a good while, and you felt as if the white noise could swallow you both whole until Newt spoke.
"I want you to know that even if I die, or something happens and I might never see you again," his breath hitched in his throat, eyes dreading even the thought of it, "Nothing would ever make me forget you. I would go to the ends of the earth just to do this all over again if it meant being by your side, being here with you is the best thing that has ever happened to me."
Tears that have flowed down his cheeks have now dripped onto the cold floor. The same room, same building that you first met, the sweet hearted boy. Even if you didn't know what would happen next, you knew for certain you loved him.
You knew you were never meant to be near him in the first place, but you did just the opposite.
"I'll love you forever and always."
He wiped the oncoming tears from your eyes with his thumb and smiled. You wish you could just capture this moment and stay with him forever.
The doors opened, and your warm hands quickly became cold as the warmth from him slowly drifted away from you.
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misshoneyimhome · 10 months
Ahhh okay normally I’m a reader that loves to enjoy your writing and not a requester but these Willy fics and how well you bring others ideas to life have inspired me! (I apologize if this is a weird ask) I am obsessed with the pictures of him with the lil journalist kids and the article that came out about him and Alex as kids playing hockey and being BFFs and was wondering if you’d write something about being in Sweden and having it be the first real moment when you realize you want Will to be the father of your kids and although you know neither of you are ready for one yet the admission of you wanting kids with him, being around family and not having a lot of alone time with you since landing down makes him broody and want to get some baby making practice in with you🤭
Oh honey, I am living for this! 😊 Willy with kids is just beyond what my ovaries can handle (in a good way of course) ❤️ and love, thank you so much for your sweet sweet comment and no requests are too weird on this page 😉 I’m always open for inspiration! (Sorry I didn’t include the smutty part; let me know if that’s a wish 😉)
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"I swear, those two were inseparable!" Camilla beamed, sharing heartwarming childhood memories of your boyfriend Willy and his brother Alex. "They competed in everything, and I really mean everything.
"That's so adorable," you chuckled, absorbing every detail of the proud Swedish mother's story.
"It truly was. These boys always shared something special between them. And watching them grow up while maintaining that connection makes a mother incredibly proud," she said, trying to hold back tears of joy.
"You have such an amazing family, Camilla," you expressed with genuine admiration. "You all seem so close; it's just truly wonderful." Your voice resonated with sincerity.
"Well, y/n, you're part of this family now," she chuckled. "We're all thrilled that William found you. He absolutely adores you."
You couldn't help but smile at her sweet words.
"Well, I adore him just as much."
"I know, we all can see it," Camilla remarked. "And who knows, perhaps one day, you and Willy will also contribute to this family," she teased with a playful wink, though her undertone hinted at a hopeful sentiment.
And as both of you smiled and chuckled together, observing William with his father Michael, you sensed a subtle shift within yourself.
You knew you loved William deeply. That much was certain.
And over the past couple of years of being together, you sensed that your relationship was slowly evolving into something more profound.
Initially, meeting Willy was meant to be a casual hookup, as you'd weren’t really looking for a long-term serious relationship. But things quickly shifted.
The more time you spend together, the deeper your bond got, and both of you found it difficult to let go.
Yet, being a typical young man, William struggled with expressing his feelings. Coupled with his demanding hockey schedule, being together simply wasn't easy.
And with those challenges, you had to gather the courage to bring it up. Through tearful eyes and a trembling voice, you knew you had to confront him.
"Either you tell me how you feel, Willy, or we can't continue like this! I have strong feelings about you, and I'm trying my best to adjust to your busy schedule. But if you don't want this, I need you to be honest with me so I can move on."
Those had been your words, which naturally had caused you a lot of discomfort and anxiety, yet deep down, you believed it was necessary and the right course of action.
And luckily, William had no intention of losing you. It took him a few days to realise and find the right words, but eventually, he found the courage to express his feelings.
And since then, you've been together, supporting each other through thick and thin.
And tonight, you were there with his family.
From the moment you met them, they welcomed you wholeheartedly into their arms. William wasted no time introducing you during one of their family video calls, and his pride in you was heartwarming.
Following meeting them in-person during the offseason was a truly wonderful experience. Right from the start, Alex and their sisters naturally teased William about you, and before long, you became an integral part of the Nylander inner circle, which became clear when the banter extended to include you.
However, you didn't hold back in returning the teasing, and the family absolutely loved your lively comebacks.
But something became different tonight, as you accompanied Camilla while William attended media engagements during the Global Series tour.
While observing your boyfriend amidst his bustling schedule, his broad smiles, infectious laughter, and his genuine radiance in his Scandinavian home of Sweden didn't escape your notice. It was clear that Sweden was where he truly belonged.
However, a new sensation emerged when a group of children approached the hockey players for a journalistic interaction. A sudden yearning for a child stirred deep within your abdomen.
Which was an unfamiliar feeling for you.
But watching your boyfriend exude such happiness and warmth around those children triggered a vivid image: a miniature version of Willy Nylander (or perhaps two), accompanying you both as you grew old together.
Maybe Camilla's words had triggered something, but regardless, you could almost hear your own ovaries clapping.
And your lingering gaze didn't escape the Swedes’s notice.
"He seems to be having a good time out there," she remarked, flashing a warm smile.
"Yeah, he truly does," you replied, trying to mask your thoughts with a deep breath, yet failing to conceal them entirely.
"He's always had a way with kids, you know," she winked before heading off to meet her husband.
Well, that did not calm down your uterus…
Later in the evening, you found yourself back in the hotel room with William after a day brimming with interviews, conversations, and hockey training - a schedule that left him longing to be with you.
Since their arrival in Sweden, he had yearned for your company, yet his packed schedule hardly allowed for it. However, witnessing your radiant smile around his family had put him at ease, and made him even more sure of the fact that you belonged with him.
And as you were getting yourselves ready for bed, you paced between the bathroom and the bedroom, seemingly indecisive. Abruptly stopping, turning, then hesitating before retracing your steps back to the bathroom.
"Babe," William chuckled from the bed, casually lounging under the covers. "What's going on?" His playful tone filled the room.
"Nothing... it's nothing," you replied, attempting to sound confident. But with a raised eyebrow, William sat up on the bed, prompting him to question you further.
"Come on, I can tell something's up," he insisted from the bed.
With a small sigh, acknowledging that he was on to you, you slowly approached the bed.
Glancing down at your palm for a moment, you then met his expectant gaze.
"Do you... ever... think about us... as a family?" you asked, a tinge of uncertainty evident in your voice.
The question itself didn't necessarily embarrass you, but a part of you wondered if it might be too early to broach the subject.
But William's response caught you off guard.
"Of course," he chuckled. "I mean, it's not a daily thought, but seeing the other boys with their families has made me think about it once in a while."
His smile exuded pride and confidence, yet a hint of embarrassment lingered beneath the surface.
William had never been the type to envision himself having children, not with his previous girlfriend or at any other point. However, witnessing more of his teammates embrace parenthood and witnessing the joy of family moments at the rink and in their homes reminded him of his own time with his family.
All the cherished moments he had experienced over the years with those he held dear, moving across North America and spending summers and holidays in Sweden.
In fact, something had happened a few months ago, during the off-season when he had taken you along to travel with his family; he realized that you were the one he wanted to build his own family with. However, he hadn't voiced these thoughts. Uncertain of your feelings on the matter, he struggled to initiate the conversation.
With a wide smile adorning your face, you joined him on the bed, pulling him into a deep kiss. In that moment, you were more certain than ever that this man would be the father of your children and the person you'd spend every day with.
Pulling back slightly, you maintained a smile, keeping a comfortable distance between the two of you.
"But, just to clarify, it doesn't have to happen right now... right?" You asked with a light chuckle.
"No, not right now. But I'm glad we both agree that it's in our future," he replied with a smile, gently tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as your eyes locked.
"But... how about we practice for it? You know, just to make sure we'll be well-prepared," he teased, wearing a mischievous expression.
"Oh, I definitely like that idea," you chuckled.
William returned your smirk, drawing you in closer by placing his hands on your waist and connecting your lips once more.
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pepsiiwho · 5 months
Okay. Finished a checks watch 10 hour play session, without breaks no stopping.
General thoughts down below. No explicit spoilers but tone/ personality reads ahead. Long post :D feel free to respond or whatever.
One of the first things that I just wanna get out the way is, personally, the cast in this game is leagues better than the first game. And that isn’t like a “ah they’re all hotter!” (They are, don’t misconstrue what I’m saying, they very much are hotter then the first game’s cast) but the general vibe in cross roads is significantly more intresting. Which is very funny considering the set up, on paper, is remarkably similar. Hard ass, stuck up head of the place, shade mentor, emo bitch who hates you and wants to fuck you, emo boy who wants to fuck you, nebulous little thing that doesn’t serve a purpose but allows for comedic relief, hypnos, skelly— the works.
Yet the energy is wildly different. Idk I’m not like a zagreus dick rider or anything he’s cool but you really can feel how lonely the house of hades was in comparison to cross roads camp, a place not even half its size. The affection for Mel is like bursting out the seems of everyone around her (save Nem) and it goes past duty or obligation to the cause. It really feels like they all love each other dearly. I think that was so missing in the house of hades, intentionally or otherwise, but it felt so… cold? I always knew hypnos got that treatment because I’m crazy, but looking back that’s how everyone acting with zag too. They just talked to him. lol.
Ahhh to this point but a little bit to the left— hectate and Mel’s everything is incredibly compelling. Mel clearly and obviously seeing her as a mother figure, the only one she’s ever known and loving her deeply for it and frankly fighting in this war partly out of duty but more for her family she DOES have now, and then Hectate who knew Mel’s family and knew what they went through and refuses to take the place of “mother” when Mel has a mother, even if she isn’t here right now. But instead of detaching and making sure no real connection is made she’s so kind. She’s so supportive and loving and sweet and you can tell she cares about Mel so much. Zag’s mom came home and like, never gave off the vibe she cared even half as much. There’s a few moments when Mel tries to convey this love and this almost… mm… this idea that she doesn’t … need? A mom because she has one (hectate) and the witch shuts it down soooo quickly and Mel is always so dejected and it hurts but it’s sooo good. God. I want more of that. For the whole game. Please
Moros is a fucking delight. Like absolutely delightful. He’s sweet and polite and unassuming and kinda just sorry for taking up space but in the dignified way. I love everything about him. I am writing this checks watch May 6th, 2024 and at this point he is lovely. Assuming he doesn’t like, back hand hypnos he’s top 5 easy.
Nemesis is… unfortunately funny and charming. I hate emos I hate the bitchy dark thing I hated Meg for the same reason. This character shouldn’t work for me…. But it does. She’s the worst. I routinely cursed her out when she came on my screen. And yet. I think where Nem succeeds where Meg (and than) failed, is that nem genuinely is like, an asshole. And that’s endearing. She insults Mel and undermines her and talks down to her and clearly they have crazy beef. Meg and than just felt sooo put on with their back and forth with zag and it got old fast. Nem is a delight. If she doesn’t like, back hand hypnos she’s staying in my good graces.
Odess… has the least for me to say honestly. He’s sexy. Not much more than that. I adore how smitten he is with Mel, he clearly adores her.
Hypnos. Hand waves. No need to rehash that. Don’t touch me.
As for the oylmpus gods, they’re all as amazing as before. Apollo is my favorite, obviously, and he isn’t how I expected but he’s like just as wonderful in the opposite direction. This is the wrong way but it’s still took us to a great place. I’m content.
The goddess of fire is broken as hell as a boon also she’s a delight. Adore her. Same for the god of forges. Everyone is wonderful. I need more gods tho the current batch is amazing but I need ares and Athena yaknow everyone else. Idk if that’s an “add to the game later” thing or a “pepsi needs to play more of the game” thing. Either way I’m excited.
Story isn’t fully clear yet, as for what happened, it’s all just the stuff in the trailers tbh so nothing new there. All and all is having a fucking blast. I didn’t mention everyone I saw and enjoyed or didn’t because I’m tired sleepy but I have no one I don’t like RIGHT NOW. RIGHT NOW everyone is a delight.
Fic soon…
EVERYTHING AVOUT HER IS AMAZING!! Im gonna give her a separate post tmw i adore her down BAD
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kissorkill16 · 2 months
Mesmerizing Maritza: A Hello Neighbor Fanfic
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Summary: How Nicky and Maritza met, since we didn't see how they met in the books.
"Do you want to go outside for a while?", asked Enzo.
Enzo and Nicky were in the living room of the Esposito house, playing video games and eating chips, like every other weekend. This weekend would be different, and neither of them would even know it.
Nicky put down his console and nodded. "Sure."
"Great. I got a ball upstairs, you can go wait for me. I'll only be a minute."
Enzo went upstairs to his room, and Nicky went outside.
The lawn was so beautifully green and trimmed. Once again, Nicky was reminded that the Esposito's were unspeakably well-off.
Not that he cared anymore, he learned to get used to it.
Then he spotted a girl with long, wavy, dark blue hair and pink headband. She was currently sitting on a bench, absent mindedly bouncing her baseball bat around.
Nicky recognized her. She was the girl he saw in that one newspaper article about Lucy Yi, she was part of the Golden Apple Young Inventor's Club. Maritza Esposito.
Nicky took a closer look at her wrist, seeing the Golden Apple charm bracelet. It was definitely her.
"Can I help you?"
Nicky didn't even notice he was staring at her until she called out to him. His face turned red, he was so embarrassed.
"I - I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to stare! I was just - just - I - uh...", why was he struggling to make words? What was wrong with him?
Was it too hot outside? Was he sick?
"You're one of Enzo's friends, right?", she asked. Nicky looked at her, the red disappearing from his face.
"Yes, I am. Why do you ask?"
"He told me about you a while ago. You're much skinnier in real life, you almost look like a skeleton."
Ugh! Rude. Nicky sat down next to her, arms crossed and lips pressed together in a tight line.
"Oh yeah? Well Enzo told me about you once, and you're more...uh..."
Nicky couldn't think of anything. Why was he struggling so much to think of words? It's not that hard to think of a comeback! The two sat in silence for a moment.
"I also read about you in a newspaper."
Maritza looked at him, eyes widened. Nicky panicked, thinking he struck a nerve.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to - uh...! Ahhh! Look, I saw a newspaper from, like, a few years ago. I saw a picture of you and two other girls, and I just recognized you and that bracelet, so -!"
Just then, Enzo came out, baseball in hand.
"Hey, Nicky! I see you've met my sister.", he said, walking towards the two kids. "Maritza, this is Nicky. Nicky, this is Maritza."
Nicky held his breath, no way was he about to tell Enzo that he already knew Maritza because she saw her picture in a newspaper article.
Maritza stood up, bat in hand. "Do you play sports?", she asked Nicky.
Nicky's eyes widened when he realized she was talking to him. "Uh...no. No, I don't. I'm not really a sporty type of guy."
"Then why did I agree to come outside?", he asked himself.
When he saw the disappointed (kind of, it was hard to tell. Her face was so blank most of the time) look on Maritza's face, he hopped off the bench and put his hands on his hips. "B-But I can play a couple of rounds with you guys."
"Great! So I'll throw the ball to Maritza, she hits it, and Nicky, you try to catch it. Okay? Seem simple enough?"
Nicky nodded.
The kids backed away from each other, far enough to play the game.
Enzo threw the ball to Maritza, Maritza swung her bat and hit the ball, and Nicky followed the ball to try to catch it. He stretched out his arm, thinking he was going to catch it. However, the ball hit him square in the nose.
The boy fell to the ground, holding his aching nose and rolling around on the ground in pain.
"Oh my God! Nick, are you alright?", asked Enzo.
Nicky opened his eyes to look at Enzo, and he also saw Maritza next to him.
"I'm fine. It's okay, it doesn't hurt too much. Just...do you have an ice pack or a raw steak or something?", he said as he stood up, still holding his nose.
Nicky looked at Maritza for a second, and saw her lightly giggling. Why was she laughing? Did she find his pain funny?
But something about her laugh made Nicky feel light on his feet. She sounded so happy and lively, like an angel, like a child getting a birthday present.
"Look, I think we have a bag of frozen vegetables in our freezer. I can put that on your nose.", Enzo said. Nicky nodded, sitting back down on the bench, and letting Enzo run back to the house.
That left Nicky and Maritza alone together again.
"Ha! You were right about not being a sporty type.", she giggled.
"Yeah, I suck at sports.", Nicky joked.
"Well...", Maritza started, holding her arms behind her back and kicking her leg backwards and forward. "I can always teach you how to play. Maybe by then, you'll be a sporty type."
Something about that sounded so awesome to Nicky. But why, though? Did he like her or something?
Of course not! He just met her, it was stupid to fall in love with someone you just met. Just because she has a nice laugh, and beautiful wavy hair, and isn't too bothered by his weirdness...AHHHH!!!
"That sounds like fun, Maritza."
The kids spent the rest of the afternoon playing baseball, and Maritza teaching Nicky how to not suck at sports. She even taught him how to swing a bat.
Nicky didn't want to think about it or even admit it, but feeling Maritza's hands on his was like touching a soft pillow.
He could get used to this.
"Hey! Nicky!"
The kids turned to look at the boy holding a wrench. While Enzo and Maritza's faces turned to shock, Nicky's face lit up and he immediately dropped the bat and ran to hug his best friend. Yep, you guessed it. It was Aaron.
Meanwhile, Maritza pulled her brother close to her to whisper something.
"Why didn't you tell me he was friends with Aaron?", she hissed at him.
"I'm sorry, I just forgot to tell you!", he whispered back to his sister.
Aaron pulled away from the hug, "Look, I was thinking we could try and fix my dad's car. He's been complaining that it was acting up.", he said.
Nicky rubbed the back of his neck, "Sorry, Aaron, I'm kind of having a good time right now. Me, Enzo, and Maritza were just playing baseball. Do you want to play with us?", he asked, looking back at Enzo and Maritza.
However, the two were looking all over the place. Everywhere but at Aaron and Nicky.
"Actually, I think we should go.", said Enzo, backing up towards the house.
"Yeah, I actually hear my dad calling me. Sorry. It was nice meeting you, Nicky.", and then Maritza was gone too.
That left Aaron and Nicky to each other. "Well, I guess I'm free now.", Nicky said, shrugging. Aaron shrugged too, and they walked away together.
It was silent for a while, before Aaron spoke up.
"So what do you think of Maritza?", he asked.
"Well, you've already met Enzo, but what do you think of Maritza?", he asked.
Nicky looked away from Aaron, trying to stop his face from going red again. Nicky answered that question as casually and as nonchalantly as possible.
"She's okay, I guess."
But deep down, Nicky knew that was a huge lie. He actually kind of enjoyed Maritza's company. In fact, he really enjoyed it. It made him feel complete. Maritza was definitely more than okay, she was absolutely mesmerizing.
Mesmerizing Maritza.
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kitten4sannie · 2 years
hi hello tis vamp anon again ✨️ (pls tell me if i'm getting overwhelming/annoying with the asks i am so sorry;; the last thing i wanna do is invade other ppls space!!)
ok last 2 hc: for the choi boys!
starting with our lovely sannie, everyone knows he's a big romantic and loves romance! i imagine vamp!san as an "old-fashioned" lover, the embodiment of chivalry, if you will!! he wants to do things right: courting y/n with flower bouquets, sweets, handwritten letters, etc. he'd be so polite and kind i'm crying rn;; but don't be mistaken, he's quite the flirt!! he loves seeing his sweetheart all flustered from his words like, "do you all the ways a lady can be seduced? oh the things i could teach you" (bridgerton ref GOD) he can be so shameless with his duality san definitely knows the affect he can have on others bro. man is THE BIGGEST tease the bedroom, but he'll fold like a chair with the smallest amount of begging. who is he to deny his love? bro is down absolutely atrocious
now for our big strong teddy bear jongho!! he's more the innocent/first love romance type to me. so as a vampire, he'd be super nervous when around y/n. jongho knows he's strong, and with the heightened vamp skills, he'd treat them like they were made of glass. always handling them with the utmost care! he'd be so shy and smitten with y/n, fumbling with his hands and messing up a couple words here and there when he wants to get to know them on the first date. (this also includes getting intimate with each other for the first time) he just wants you to know how lovely y/n is to him, bro literally looks at them like they hung the stars up in the night sky
i'm suffering over here man
hello again 💕 you’re not annoying in the slightest, anon! you’re actually doing wonders for this current creative process like I am so grateful for these headcanons of yours! and these ones killed me in particular ahhh im such a sucker for old-timey romance 😭 i’m sorry for taking a little longer to get this out! i literally cannot stop thinking about the ateez concert i’m going to tomorrow like i actually might die🧎🏻‍♀️also, i wrote way more than i thought i would but i just couldn’t help it ;; here’s some scenarios:
You were walking around the courtyard, admiring the spacious garden that you spent a lot of your time near, noticing a small patch of white roses that had just began to bloom. “How come I never noticed these?” you murmured to yourself, reaching into the twisted bunch of vines and leaves, wanting to pull out a singular rose.
“I had the gardeners plant them a couple months ago,” you heard a soft voice coming from behind you, causing you to whip around, successfully dragging your own rose out from the bunch, but at a cost. “San, you scared me.”
“My apologies, sweetheart. Oh, you’re bleeding.” He took your hand in his own, studying the way your eyebrows drew together from the stinging pain you felt, noticing a few blood droplets leaving the small cut on your thumb. “I shouldn’t have snuck up on you. Does it hurt?” he inquired, mindlessly bringing your hand up to his mouth and pressing his lips to your thumb, so that he could stop the bleeding with a slow swipe of his tongue. Though he felt an intense urge to take more of your blood, he showed incredible restraint, refusing to give into this sort of temptation.
“N-no, not really.” Whenever San was around you, you felt like you couldn’t breathe, but maybe that was due to your corset being strung too tight. The staff was never that gentle with you when they helped you lace it up in the mornings. “I recall talking about white roses not too long ago. Did you…have them planted because of me?”
“Am I that easy to read?” he chuckled, lowering your hand, but not letting go of it, instead opting to stroke the top of it, studying the way your lips parted slightly with kind eyes. “It was a wonderful idea. They’re beautiful, aren’t they? And they represent a myriad of things that I find to be quite entrancing: harmony…eternal youth…” He brought your hand up to his lips again to plant a gentle kiss on your knuckles, his intense gaze never leaving yours. “Loyalty.” He left another lingering kiss on your skin, sending goosebumps down your forearm. “New beginnings.”
You could feel your heart aching for him, yearning for more of his touch, his love, his affection. You wanted anything and everything he could possibly offer you. “San…”
“Yes, beautiful?”
“Will you hurry up and kiss me already?”
(i was initially gonna keep this pure but the intrusive thoughts won this time 😭)
One thing led to another and the both of you ended up in the somewhat hidden gazebo, which offered you some privacy. “Is this okay, love?” San asked in a quiet voice, his hands halfway up your heavy dress and caressing the outsides of your thighs, his fingers squeezing into your supple flesh.
“Of course it is, San. Please, do whatever you want to me...”
San lowered himself to the wooden floor, so that he was on his knees in front of you. With his crimson eyes glowing at this point, he pushed your skirt up, bunching it up so that he could get better access to your sex, running the pads of his digits up and down it in a teasing manner. “May I have a taste, sweetheart?”
You leaned back against the cool wood finish of the gazebo railing, doing San a favor and holding up the folds of your skirt for him, spreading your legs open a bit more. “Yes, you may…” you replied somewhat shakily, having to bite back a moan when he pulled your panties to the side and dragged the flat of his tongue up your slit, letting out his own groan of satisfaction.
ooooof okay it’s jongho’s turn 👀🖤
(i went straight to the spicy part cuz i’m weak 🧎🏻‍♀️also shoutout to my bestie @cherryxsang for helping me flesh this part out 💗)
After climbing onto the bed , Jongho took his time undressing you, one layer at a time, pressing a kiss to your skin each time. His fingers ghosted along your body, while looking at you with a gentle love-filled gaze. “You’re so beautiful, Y/N,” he whispered near your ear in the softest voice you ever heard, filling your heart up with warmth and comfort.
“Jongho…I need you.” Once you were both fully naked, you had taken the initiative, sitting in his lap and caressing his cheeks, admiring him, as though he were a breathtaking piece of artwork.
He pressed a few kisses onto your neck and up to your jaw, stopping just barely before his lips met yours, resulting in you both breathing in the same air, leaving you almost dizzy. “Are you sure this is alright? What if I can’t hold back?”
“Of course it is. I want you more than anything, so please…don’t hold back, Jongho.”
Jongho held you by your waist, slowly and deliberately pulling you down onto his length, allowing you to feel the way he was pulsing against your inner walls. “Does it feel good, Y/N?”
“So good…so, so good…”
He reached up one hand and slowly ran the back of his fingers along your jaw and down your neck, treating you as if you were made of glass. “Y/N…”
Sensing what he wanted from the way his lavender irises were glimmering and his pointed canines just barely poking out past his parted lips, you offered, “Please, bite me.”
“I shouldn’t…I might-“
“Jongho, I want it. Please,” you insisted, pressing your lips onto his for a moment, then pulling away just in time for him to lower himself and sink his fangs into the soft flesh of your neck.
Taking small gulps, Jongho grabbed onto your hips and plunged himself deeper into you, slowly speeding up the longer he was able to taste you. “So…delicious…” he murmured in a somewhat shaky voice, lapping at the blood the dripped down your neck.
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redhead-writes · 2 years
Another day to survive
Starting this year off with some angstier stuff and also me making Bradley as asshole again as @pollyna says. Was inspired by the dagger squads first meeting in the Hard Deck.
Robert ‘Bob’ Floyd had a front seat in lovers or ex lovers tiff in Hard Deck bar. He put his money on the second one. Both men had absolute disregard for each other's feelings. They wanted to hurt the other as deeply as possible. Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw had hit the nerve and so Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin backed away, and slipped out.
Hangman hasn’t been kindest to him just a few minutes ago but if this is what the pilot is carrying around. Well, this could end badly for all of them in the sky. Also Bob could relate to Hangman. His break up with ex wasn’t the cleanest. He still carried reminders of it and nightmares that plagued his sleeping hours. Maybe helping Hangman could help him. With that thought in mind he ordered whiskey on rocks for Hangman, that seemed to sooth Wolfman’s nerves. Possibly it will work on this Texas boy, too.
Robert found Jake sitting on the beach, looking into the dark ocean. Hangman looked up when Bob came to stand up next to him, stretching out hand with glass in it to the sitting man. “That seemed rough and I think you need this to soothe your nerves,” said Bob, offering the glass. Jake looked at him in distrust. “I didn’t poison it, if you are afraid of that. It seems to help one Texas man I know, so I thought it would help you, too.”
“Sorry! Not used to people being kind to me.” Jake told Bob, taking the glass gratefully. He took a sip from glass and felt the whiskey warmth spreading through his body, soothing his frazzled nerves. Bradshaw really did get him good this time. Jake really was puzzled how he loved this man once. “Thanks for the drink! You should not have done it.”
“Nahh…I really should have. No one should be dealing with an arsehole ex alone. Even if you yourself are a piece of work.”
“How did….How did you know?” quietly asked Jake, taking another sip. Bob plopped down next to Hangman
“I believe our whole squad knows. Simply, I have my own ugly break up and I would not want to work with my ex. Not that he will be allowed to work for a long time. Still you need more people in your corner than only Coyote.”
“Thank you again! Still this won’t change the way I act when the others are around.”
“Wouldn’t want it any other way, Hangman. But be ready to get back as good as you give.”
“You are on, Bob.” answered Jake, using his huge megawatt smile on Robert.
Then came a shout of two older men's voices: “BOBBY!” They sounded happy to have spotted the man. Then this huge doberman pinscher attacked Robert, licking his face like there is no tomorrow.
“Bono! Stop, Bono.” Bobby tried to get through his laughs. “Yes, I missed you too, buddy.” Doberman seemed to turn his attention to Jake as did the two older men that were coming closer to them.
“Jake, this is my dog Bono. He is an ex-K9 but generally he is the sweetest boy ever.” said Bob, petting the dog who has sat down in front of  Robert. “Those two loud shouters are commanders Leonard ‘Wolfman’ Wolfe - Neven and Rick ‘Hollywood’ Neven - Wolfe. I am living in their house because…”
“Because we are protective bastards of our favorite WSO. Happy to see you have made friends already, Bobby.” Wolfman finished Bob’s sentence, coming into the light that was coming from the bar with Hollywood's arm over his shoulders. Hangman could gap as fish out of the water.
“Happy to still have that effect on younger pilots.” said Hollywood who chuckled at the blonde pilot whose eyes were shining. “I thought everyone had forgotten about our class of Top Gun.”
“Holly here likes to be praised constantly. But what is your name, boy?”
It made the pilot jump up from his sitting position and salute two men. These were legends in front of him. Robert was slower to get up and Bono also now had gotten on all four.
“Lieutenant Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin, sirs.”
“Ahhh…can I hear the Texan there?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Bobby, I see your taste in men has gotten better. Knew that living with us would rub off on you.” chuckled Rick. That got both Leonard and Bob punching him in the shoulders. Bono just barked at him. “No one appreciates my jokes. I feel betrayed.” Hollywood said, acting hurt by these events. No surprise about his callsign really. Rick took one look at Robert and softened. The younger man still hadn’t fully recovered from the break up. “Let’s get to the car, Robert. Allow Texan men to chat for some time.”
Wolfman looked the younger man up and down. Calculating if he could ask this favor from this man in front of him. He for sure would not ask Bradley because the boy had cut ties with all of them. Robert was too fragile to be trusted in the hands of a man who needs therapy for the last 20 years. Bobby seemed to trust this man but the lieutenant in front of him had cocky energy about himself.
“Can I ask something from you, Lieutenant Seresin?” asked Leonard, taking a gamble here. He wasn’t like Maverick but this time he will need to trust his gut and Robert’s judgment.
“Of course, Sir!”
“Keep an eye on Bobby for me and Rick. We can’t be there for him while he is training. I don’t know how much he has talked about his break up with you.”
“Only that it was a nasty one. I myself am going through one.” That made Wolfman look at the younger man again, finding similarities with Bobby.
“Hmmm…let me guess Bradshaw?”
“Are you all like psychics?”
“No, simply we are good at reading people. Comes in handy when you work with young pilots who think hiding stuff from you will get them further. So will you keep an eye on Robert for us?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Here will be my card. There is also adresse of our house. If you need someone to talk with, we are here for that, too. We have enough life experience.”
With that Wolfman turned around, going back to his family. He was happy that someone would keep an eye on Bobby while in training. Now Leonard understood Pete better than he did before.
It has been a tiring training session as all of them seemed to be. Jake had spent an extra 30 minutes under the hot running water. Those 30 minutes was exactly what he needed. He came into the dressing room to face someone's back that was covered in two long scars. They looked perfectly straight, making Hangman’s stomach churn. They still looked so fresh. All things he was carrying tumbled out of his arms, cluttering loudly in the silence of the dressing room. Other man turned out to reveal his identity. It was Robert who had pressed his back to the locker, trying to blend in with it.
“Bobby?” choked out Jake. After their conversation on the beach, Jake had been an avid visitor of the Wolfe-Neven household. Wolfman made mean ribs like back at home. Also Leonard gave him one of his cowboy hats from the collection because how there can be Texan without a hat here. Robert and Bono also seemed to be warming up to Jake. Bono allowed Jake to play with him while Bob laughed in the background when Jake lost to Bono in the tug war. Hangman had found a place to call home away from home. Now he knew why Wolfman wanted him to keep an eye on this man. Some pieces clicked in Hangman’s mind. “Did…did your ex do that to you?” The other man just nodded, still acting as wallpaper to the locker.
“Will you tell everyone?”
“No, oh God, no. Bobby, you have to know me better than this now. But I would like to know what happened? I have to know who to keep an eye for.”
“I know you, Jake, I do. Fear sometimes is too much.”
“Then let’s get you to safety. Will get dressed and call Leonard to have your fave food on the ready.” 
Bono was by the passenger door when they got to the house. Jake helped Robert out of the car. Bob still was weak from the anxiety attack he had in the locker room. Jake had wrapped him in a blanket even if it was summer outside. He hasn’t told anyone except Wolfman, Hollywood and navy police about what happened. Wolfman had talked with Admiral Kazansky so this accident wouldn’t cause trouble for his career. Next thing Bob knew he was assigned to this mission at Top Gun. He was grateful for two older men. He had to keep paying for his grandma's old people's home.
“We shall eat first and then we can talk.” said Hangman, helping Bob inside the house. Bono close by, not leaving his owner's side. 
Jake and Leonard got Bobby to eat and drink some gatorade. Bob has ended trembling from shock. Bono and Robert led Jake to the deck that went out to the lovely garden. Leonard made himself scarce. He had to go to Icemavs house for their annual dinner. Hollywood is going to meet him here. Now he trusted Jake. The boy has proved to be a good addition to their weird trio and also helping Bobby to be more calm. 
Robert and Jake sat down in lounge chairs. Bono laid down between both chairs to support both men. Bob sighed and started talking: “My ex-boyfriend was my pilot. Dustin, some admiral's son that never faced consequences from his actions. Daddy saving his arse every time. He was not the first pilot I flew with but the first one I clicked with. I know you don’t know that feeling because you are too individualistic. Hollywood was the one who pushed for us to be put together. Wolfman was more cautious, something bothering him but then we proved to be an amazing team in the air. So he backed up, that is what I thought but he ain’t called Wolfman for nothing. After a few months of dancing around each other we started to date. I thought he was in love with me, I really did Jake. Holly and Wolf knew about us.” Jake turned in his chair to look at Robert. The younger man looked so tortured right now that it made the blonde man reach out and squeeze Robert’s hand.. Hangman opened mouth to say something but Bob continued on with his story. “So Bono came into my life after a month of relationship with Dustin. Leo gifted me this ex-K9 dog that didn’t allow my boyfriend to get close to me. Bono had to live outside the house when Dustin was around which started making me suspicious. So one day Dustin left my housing and I let Bono in the house. He straight up went to the closet used by Dustin and scraped at the doors.”
Jake thought he had an idea what exactly Bono, ex-K9 dog could have found in the closet of Dustin’s but he had to allow Robert to tell it at his own pace without distractions. He only gave a squeeze to Bob’s hand, knowing that the hardest part is coming. The part where Bobby got the scars from his ex-boyfriend. Bradley had left scars on his heart but remembering what Robert said when they sat on the beach.It seemed like a kids game.
“So I found these bags and bags of pills in my housing closet. I knew that Bono’s reaction said those were some kind of drugs. I called Wolfman when bedroom doors opened and Dustin walked in. He stuck Bono in the bathroom. There was nothing left of the man I loved and only then I realized it. I tried to talk him into going to therapy and telling Wolfman himself. He just laughed in my face. I knew it was no use so I tried to run but he caught me, pinning me to the floor. He used the knife I gave him on our first anniversary to cut those lines. He said he wants to play tick tack toe on my back. When he finished the second line, Wolfman hit Dustin over the head with something heavy. That is what Hollywood told me. I didn’t ask for details. Hollywood sat with me in the hospital and they even allowed Bono in so I would feel safer because I didn’t believe anyone could keep Dustin in jail. Rick still feels so guilty over all this happening. I don’t blame him. Wolfman was the only one who saw through it all. Can you imagine he tried to frame me with him because pills were found in my housing? But whatever string Leonard pulled they gave me a restraining order, Dustin in jail at least for now and me away from Lemoore for now.”
“Do you think he will get out of jail soon enough?”
“Oh yeah, his dad will make sure of it. Here I am under Iceman so he or his father can’t touch me here. I know and have heard some of Wolf's convos they are digging under his dad and Cain. I believe this will end soon enough and I will finally feel safe.”
“I really hope you will, Bobby.”
After their talk, Jake did his own research to know his enemy better. It was his side quest in this mission. He promised to keep an eye on Bob and he can’t do that without knowing Dustin by face. Jake also had a talk with Leonard and Rick while Robert wasn’t at home not to worry him more. Hangman also got Javy to help him keeping an eye for Bobby. He knew his bestie would not ask too many questions for now. Jake promised to tell everything when time was right. Then both him and Robert had caught sight of Dustin in Hard Deck. It could have been someone similar to him, but Jake was not taking risks. Hangman had called Wolfman who had come with Bono and took Bobby away. Phoenix had this confused look on her face because when has her WSO become so close with Bagman. She will need to grill him. Then the day after the bird strike, he had seen Bradley talking with some man by his Bronco. This moment didn’t leave Jake’s mind. He wasn’t jealous anymore, he had gotten over Rooster along the way.
They had been back on land for two days. Robert’s grandma was going to visit Top Gun to see her grandson being awarded for successful suicide mission. Also the Mrs. Floyd wanted to meet this mysterious Hangman who had brought back her boys' laugh and smile. Hollywood was sent out to get Mrs. Floyd while Wolfman helped at the Top Gun. To be honest, Wolfman and Iceman were putting together the last bits of evidence against Dustin’s father and Cain but no one should know that for now.
The Dagger Squad was all present in Hard Deck, except Bob which had Jake ansty. He had talked with Robert and he was on his way. He had to be already here. Javy and Nat also were looking at the doors of the bar. Bob had told both pilots his story so Team Protect Bob had grown by two and Halo also could count in because what Phee knew, knew also Halo. Also Fanboy seemed to be close with Bob which meant both Mikey and Reuben kept eye on everyone's favorite WSO.
“Why are you all so worried about Bob? Probably he has a hot date. This dude had been asking around about him. I told him where to find Bob.” said Bradley and the rest of Dagger Squad's eyes turned to look at the taller man. Jake knew something was wrong about this statement. Wolf would call this Texan secret power and it was tingling right now in Hangman.
“What do you mean you gave a stranger Bob’s adresse, Rooster?” asked Phoenix and Halo at the same time, looking appalled by this disregard of their friends safety and privacy.
“He seemed to know Bob pretty well.”
Hangman pulled up a picture of Robert’s ex, putting phone in front of Rooster's face and asking through gritted teeth: “Did you tell this man Bob’s adresse?”
“Yeah, that is him. What about it, Hangman? Stalking Bob’s conquests. Reaching another low.”
“I could punch you right now, Rooster, but I don’t have time for that. If something fucking happens to Bobby because of you telling this sick bastard where he is, I will let Phoenix and Halo deal with you. You hear me, Rooster.” Jake told the taller man. Then he turned around and went to a bar where Penny was catering to bar patrons. One look at Jake made her reach for the phone.
“Call military police, Wolfman, Iceman, anyone, Penny. Tell them Dustin knows where Bob is. They will get it. I am going there. Also don’t let that chicken follow us. Call Maverick if you need to keep him here.”
“Jake, you are not going alone. We are still a team. You need all the reinforcement you can get. I read Dustin's file.” said Halo, keeping a steady hand on Hangman's biceps.
“Okay! You are driving because I don’t think me or Phoenix can right now.”
“I will get us all there as quickly as possible.”
When we stopped in front of the house, the gun going off made the air around them tremble. Then they heard a deep human howl of pain that didn’t sound like Bob at all. It got Jake in action, sprinting in the house to find Bobby on the floor with blood flowing from his shoulder. While Bono got his teeth in Dustin's arm where the gun had been. Jake got down near Bob’s injury and pushed on it with the hoodie he had worn today, keeping blood from leaving Bob's body. Hangman knew so much was going around them but Robert was his main priority right now.
“Hey, Bobby! Keep your eyes open for me. Only you would survive suicide mission and then get shot on land.”
Bob chuckled quietly but even that made his face scrunch in pain. Even though Bob was in pain, he reached with his good hand and put it on Hangman's cheek.
“From all the assholes I seem to fall in love with, you are the only one who hasn’t fucked up once.”
“Bobby, leave love confessions when you are not bleeding out on Hollywoods fancy carpet.”
“Wolfman will be happy that he finally can throw out this atrocity.”
“He will, he will but he would have been more happy if your blood wasn’t the reason for it. Also don’t forget you have to introduce me to your grandma and the rest of the squad.”
“Jake, the doctors are here.” shouted Javy who let the medics through. Jake was pushed away and helped by Payback to the kitchen where the man made him wash his hands from blood. Bobby was now in the hands of professionals and Dustin was arrested. Then it finally hit him, Bobby had proclaimed his love for him and feelings were mutual from Jake’s side. He didn’t know when it happened but along the way they had mended each other's hearts and fallen along the way. Right now was no time to think about it, right now Jake needed Bobby to survive today and all the days that follow.
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onlyswan · 1 year
hello… tulip anonie here and she’s not okay :’D your latest drabble gave me so many feelings and now i’m still trying to cope here, a few hours later </3
i kid you not i actually have been having this question that i wanted to ask you this past week and i just haven’t got the chance to so it was just sitting on my notes app. I wanted to ask :
in that drabble with his ex, you mentioned that “he almost lost you once, and he won’t let that happen again”. was it when he forgot the movie date? or was it something else?
listen- i knew that their love is not fragile BUT BOY I COULD NOT BE MORE WRONG. but he was so scared in that frogotten movie date drabble and you never really mentioned their worse conflict than that one, so i couldn’t help but assume it was that one so i wanted to ask you 🥺 and my patience (more like lack of time 😅) just did me a great favor <3
*sigh* this drabble ruined me yet heal the wounds that i didn’t even realize were there.
“then why are you giving up on me? am i becoming a burden?” — he has never felt this much loathing for himself and his weaknesses.
and suddenly all the drabbles about oc being insecure hit me all at once, i want to hug them so bad, protect this little bean at all costs please jungkookaaaa 😭❤️‍🩹
“all the other people waiting in line for ___.”
i seriously needed to pause after i read this and cried into my pillow.
“you already own this book but this one got a different cover, see? it’s hardback? they say it’s a limited edition.”
as a book lover i can’t explain how this NOT little gesture means. i love him i love him i love him.
this is my favorite excerpt:
fuck giving you space. he wants drown himself in you and never come up for air. he selfishly wishes to be the first and the last person you fall in love with.
“i tried living without you like you wanted- but i can’t-” you hiccup in between small sobs on the other line. “i love you, jungkook. i can’t live carrying around all this love with me. it’s too heavy…”
i really really trully love oc. all this time i thought oc and jk are equally lucky to have each other’s love but after this, i can’t help but think that kookie is the lucky one.
“going to build a life with you. i’ll build furniture, and they’re going to be ours.”
artemis… my hopeless romantic ass really can’t take this. how am i supposed to find love after this?
ooooooh and the tannies cameo in this one?!? you represent their characters and relationships with jungkook perfectly. couldn’t ask for better interactions :’)
oh!! and i listened to All your days by Shallou. That song reminds me of jk and oc after this drabble. And the vibe also feels like relief and peace and yearning and it has been my favorite song for a long time and now it reminds me of iw!couple and i can’t help but love it even more ♡
have a wonderful day artemis! thank you for existing 🤍
hello my dearest tulip anonie 🌷🫂
yeah i’m sorry it took me quite some time to reveal it 🥺 i wanted to explore oc and jungkook’s personalities more myself before i wrote it, make it feel like a puzzle piece that completes a picture. not sure if i succeeded and i was still nervous to post it but i feel like i did it at the right time :")
broke my heart imagining oc ask those questions. please do give them a big hug i’m sad they didn’t get any while going through all that 😭
taehyung was so real and so sick for that HONESTLYSFHFDHHD i went 😖 every time i read it while editing
OMG THE BOOK :((( i have a tiny secret about it i don’t know when i’ll be able to subtly reveal 🧐
i really really trully love oc. all this time i thought oc and jk are equally lucky to have each other’s love but after this, i can’t help but think that kookie is the lucky one.
jk will definitely agree with you in this one though >:(
hehe thank you so much my love i had lots of fun including them in this one it felt like the perfect opportunity 🥹
TULIP ANONIEEEE THE LYRICS OF THIS ONE </3 it fits them so right thank you for sharing your favorite song i will be listening to it lots :") and for everything really! ilysm 💗💗💗
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custmation · 1 year
the whole story of whackE land ( wattpad story )
Once apon a time in 1947 a young white girl named Adam wishmel was a 9 year old girl that loved reading and writing she lived in London I wonder what Adam is doing now let find out now 
1947 londan 9:57 pm 
Adam: that book was funny I love that the chicken cross the road and made it back too it family 
*lightning strike* 
Adam: oh no I should get home fast don't want to get struck by lighting 
*Adam runs* 
*thunder strike hits adam* 
Adam: auuugh 
*Adam falls into a river* 
Adam fell into a long river hurt hope she ok 
A voice was heard Adam wake up 
Adam woke up scared 
Adam: ahhh where am I anyone here 
*Adam walk out of a room* 
Adam: hello hello anyone im lost and I need help oh my a another room but there no doors here but a window maybe I should open it to get out of here 
*Adam opens the window* 
Adam: oh my what is this place 
*Adam. Look shocked everywhere* 
Adam: oh my a sign it says welcome to whackE land I'm this place looks so beautiful but the title of this place look kind scary 
Adam was walking around this weird place for a few minutes there was stuff everywhere big lollipops replace as trees candy as flowers and water as ice tea it was a wonder land but it not 
A few hours later 
Adam seen a house that had pink she thought it look nice so she went their wanting to tell them they have a nice house color but when she knock on the door all the lights in that house turned off 
Adam: oh my im sorry I didn't mean to scare you please I was just bring nice and wanted to say your home is wonderful . . . Ok I be on my way now 
???: wait 
Adam: hm 
Tea head: my name is tea head please come in we are so sorry for not answering 
Adam: it ok 
*Adam walked into tea heads house* 
Tea head: welcome do you like some tea Adam 
Adam: how do you know my name 
Tea head: we all were waiting for you Adam you little girl 
Adam: ok and I would like some tea just not to hot 
Tea head: sure 
*tea head took a tea cup and put it in his tea cup head and took it out and give it to adam* 
Adam: oh thanks 
*Adam slips the tea* 
Adam: wow this tea is just to good 
Tea head: thanks it takes a lot of power to make the Perfect tea 
Adam: I should get going now thanks 
Tea head: wait Adam 
Adam: yea Mr tea head 
Tea head: you know there is another person that near this house that quite a storyteller I tell you some information on that person they are sibling one a boy one a girl they like telling stories 
Adam: ok anything else 
Tea head: well they are not too nice if you mention the smiling boy 
Adam: who is that 
Tea head: oh I shouldn't tell it not really good 
Adam: oh that boy must be a bad guy 
Tea head: well kinda oh we don't know  Just don't get into trouble 
Adam: oh I won't I promised 
Tea head: nice 
(meanwhile at the real world) 
With Adams brother Andy 
Andy: where is Adam it been 4 hours and it very late at night 
*a box fell* 
Andy: what the how did a box fell in here there no boxes in here 
Andy then looked up and seen a big hole in the ceiling it looked very cool but andy don't know why is there boxes felling from that hole 
Andy: hey I should be opening these  boxes 
*andy opened one of the boxes* 
Andy: a picture of Adam with a weird tea cup head guy weird what in the other box 
*andy opened up another box* 
Andy: what the alice with two other kids ok that might be her friends but im kinda worried now 
*window broke* 
Andy: what the what happening!! 😨 
*door opening and closing* 
Andy: what the meaning of this 
*light turning on and off* 
Andy; please stop leave me alone 
* a voice telling Andy that he should go after Adam* 
Andy: Adam I will find you and take you home I promise 
This was another adventure for Andy and Adam ( a spin-off called Andy ) 
( meanwhile with Adam ) 
Adam was walking through a yellow good path into a forest where her new friend was 
Adam: oh what a beautiful bird 
*Adam takes the bird and a sing a little song* 
Adam: my mom use to sing this song to me before she died 
🎵 forever and ever bird 
Adam: Forever and ever  Is a very long time, mom 
Forever isn't long at all  When I'm with you 
I wanna call your name, forever  And you will always answer, forever  And both of us will be  Forever you and me  Forever and ever 
I wanna stay like this, forever  If only I could promise forever  Then we could just be we  Forever you and me 
Forever and ever 
Forever and ever  Is a very long time honey 
Forever isn't long at all mom  When I'm with you 
Oh, I wanna be with you, forever  I want you right here, beside me, forever 
One thing you should know  No matter where I go  We'll always be together 
Forever and ever 
Adam: hope you like it 
Bird: you sign very well Adam 
Adam: oh my you can talk bird 
Bird: yes you can call me Birdly 
Adam: ok birdly 
Bridly: I will always watch you and keep you safe 
Adam: thanks 
Birdly: well got to go bye Adam 
Adam: bye Mr birdly 
Birdly: that Adam is one nice kid 
Adam: that bird is very cool 
Yet again Adam was walking in the forest I wonder where she will end up 
Adam: hey um at you guys storytellers 
??: why yes we are 
Adam: you must be Ronnie and you must be Rex 
Ronnie and Rex: your right sport 
Adam: cool 
Andy: Adam where ever you are I will find you sister no matter what I miss you and will find a way to get you back I promise on my mom grave to keep you save no matter what im your big brother and I know your here somewhere I just know it on the bottom of my heart 
( part 2 ) 
Adam: do you must be Ronnie and you must be rex 
Ronnie and rex: yep that right that us all right 
Adam: so your story writers and storytellers 
Rex: yes Adam and it is nice to have you here Adam everyone loves to have you here 
Ronnie: yeah like sometimes you can sing your heart out with happiness  
Adam: yeah I know how that feels I sing random songs that other people sing 
Ronnie: same 
Rex: hey want to hear a story Adam 
Adam: why yes I want to I love stories 
Rex: well get ready to have your mind blown away with this story 
( the story begins ) 
Rex: once upon a time there was a yellow bear and a young boy the yellow bears name was winnie and the boy was named Christopher robins they were great friends 
Winnie: what a morning I wonder what Christopher robin is doing I should go check on him 
*winnie lifted his house and walk to Christopher robins house* 
Winnie: Christopher robins ? 
*winnie looked around* 
Winnie: where is that boy oh a note worry for me I been kidnapped 
Pooh was shocked and scared 
pooh was running around yelling Christopher robins is missing 
Owl rabbit and the others was shocked so they followers pooh 
Later on 
Winnie: we have to make a plan to save Christopher robin 
Rabbit: what if we make traps like a hole 
Owl: maybe that help 
Winnie: hey where is piglet and trigger 
Owl: well I think they are messing around because piglet is laying down on the floor with red stuff coming out of her head with her arms bring gone with trigger heads gone with red stuff too 
Rabbit: wait what 
Owl: yeah red stuff and some part missing 
Rabbit: that means they are dead 
Pooh: oh my Christoper robins is dead too 
Rabbit: we have to get out of here quick 
*rabbit owl and pooh ran out of the hundred acre wood 
Rabbit: ok now what 
*something slowly grabbed owl* 
Owl: ahh 
*pooh and rabbit run again*  NM 
*something slab owls head* 
Rabbit: oh my God 
*rabbit and pooh got in a cliff* 
Pooh: oh no rabbit 
*pooh accidentally fell off the cliff* 
*something walk closer to rabbit 
It was Christopher robins 
Rabbit: Christopher robins why are you doing this 
Christoper robins: because im always never get noticed in lots of Disney crossovers are only show up at the end of your stupid movie and how the hell do I only get one movie and that movie is about me as a adult but here im a kid im only five years old and if I have to kill everyone then I will any last word rabbit 
Rabbit: it not your fault it not my fault it winnie the pools fault let hate him not me it the others let turn winnie the pooh into Christopher robins adventures 
Christopher robins: oh your right thanks rabbit your a handful and a smart rabbit 
Rabbit: now let go back home 
Christopher Robin: yes let go back 
*Christopher robins and rabbit went back home* 
(story end) 
Rex: and they live happy ever after 
Adam: umm that is a very weird and kinda scary ending 
Ronnie: well I have a story too but it a short story 
Adam: sure 
(story begin) 
Ronnie: there was a purple cat that smiles and was both good and bad  He was named the Cheshire cat he love messing around with a girl named alice until one day the Cheshire cat took a pill that looked weird the Cheshire cat was going crazy 
Cheshire cat: ah I feel so weird 
*Cheshire cat fell down* 
Cheshire cat: damn my legs turned into fish oh my God 
Alice: um Cheshire cat you ok 
Cheshire cat: everything looks so colorful 
Alice: I think I should leave 
Cheshire cat: well I feel honey I'll just go home and look at some hot anime girl and some boys 
Alice: Cheshire cat stop that not good for your head you need to rest 
Cheshire cat: dance like a anime girl 
Alice: stop it im only 7 year old and im going to tell hatter about how mean and gross you are 😡 
Cheshire cat: im forgetting everything 
Alice: you sick cat 😡 
Cheshire cat: oh my head 
*Cheshire cat fell and hit his head to hard* 
Cheshire cat: ow what happens where am I man these pills are mad crazy 
Alice: hatter there he is 
Cheshire cat:what ? 
Hatter: you know Cheshire you should be ashamed of yourself being crazg to a little girl telling her to act like a anime girl 
Cheshire cat: oh I guess these random pills made me that crazy 
Hatter's: what the pills ok give me that 
*hatter grabbed a random pill from Cheshire cat* 
Hatter: where did you find these things from 
Cheshire cat: I don't know I just found them and I was hungry. 
Hatter: never ever eat random stuff one 
Cheshire cat: oh fine 
So then Cheshire cat learned to never eat random stuff and never ever eat drugs  ( don't ever eat drugs they are bad for you stay safe ) 
( end of story ) 
Adam: wow that story is very crazy but nufe I guess 
Ronnie: thank you 
Adam whispered: these people are very crazy I have to get out of here 
*Adam sneaks out of there* 
Adam: ok now where how am I getting home now 
*Adam looks everywhere* 
Adam: this forest have to have a way out of here 
???: it maybe there not 
Adam: hm what who there 
???: no one here 
Adam: hey stop that I know your here 
???: ok fine I guess 
Adam: that it show yourself 
???: oh fine I guess 
*someone jumped off a tree* 
???:well hello my name is Chester  Chester the human purple cat 
Adam: your so cute 
Chester: im not that cute im a big taller then you 
Adam: wait are you the smiling boy your always smiling 
Chester: yep that me (laughs) 
Adam: oh your a very bad boy I heard you did lots of terrible things 
Chester: well that why im the Coolest (laugh) 
Adam: hm how do I get out of here 
Chester: oh well there are two path one of them leads to a exit out of here and one of them leads to a the beginning of this forest ( laugh insanely ) 
Adam: that not funny I might die here of boredomism or hunger 
Chester: well we are all mad here ( laugh insanely ) 
Adam: your staring to scare me Mr Chester 
Chester: oh don't call me Mr im just a crazy 13 year old half human half cat boy 
Adam: oh ok sorry 
Chester: it ok 
Adam: Can you just happy me 
Chester: I would but I don't want to 
Adam: why im just a 9 year old girl that lost here and went to go home (crying) 
Chester: you know I may be insane and like people suffering but I can't take this Hey adam if you want to go home then you might want to talk with the queen  of cheese 
Adam: oh why thank you your a nice and kinda person bye I be on my way 
Chester: ok just don't get killed 
Adam: what? 
Chester: oh nothing 
So Adam was walking to the queen of cheese 
Tea head: wait Adam there you are you ok I heard you encounter the smiling boy are you hurt 
Adam: no im fine he didn't hurt me 
Tea head: oh good because man he hurt his other victims 
Adam: what do you mean by other victims 
Tea head: yeah he killed some other people that ended up here he was the most scariest one out of everyone here in whackE land 
Adam: well um ok tell me more 
Tea head: he will only not kill the one's he love 
Adam: he didn't kill me 
Tea head: ok that mean he lives you but he only 13 and your 9 that kinda pedo 
Adam: I know I will keep my head up for him 
Tea head: ok stay safe Adam your the one that can save us 
Adam: wait save us now what 
Tea head: well the Queen is very mean and would abuse us when we broke her rules or talk about her husband 
Adam: oh my 
Tea head: please make a big promise Adam 
Adam: yeah 
Tea head: make sure you kick that queen butt and send her right 
Adam: I will for sure if I can 
Tea head: thanks Adam your a hero of whacks land 
Adam: yeah and I show my brother andy how much im a hero 
Tea head: now here have this 
(tea head gives Adam a star) 
Adam: a star? 
Tea head: you can beat the Queen of cheese with that star trust me 
Adam: ok 
*Adam walks to the queens of cheese* 
Cheshire cat: hello 
Adam: auuugh 
*Cheshire cat turned into chester* 
Chester: what? 
Adam: oh hey it you your that pedo 
Chester:, why did you call me a pedo im just 13 
Adam: and im 9 and I know you live me tea head told me 
Chester: that crazy im just kid like you 
Adam: but seen your papers 
Chester: how did you- 
Adam: I took it when no one was looking at tea heads house 
Chester: don't read it out loud !! 
Adam: it said that your a INSANE CRAZY BOY THAT LIKE TO bE GROOMED LIKE A CAT AND HAVE A CRUSH OH HIMSELF if you know what I mean 😏 type in the comments if you know what im talking about 
*Chester grabs adam* 
Adam: ah get off of me let my hand go HELP!!! 
Chester: so people like you are going to be like that to me you really want to see me go very insane ( laughs insane ) 
Adam: let go if my arm 
Chester: why what sr you going to do about it 
Adam: im going to do this 
*adam takes out the star and smack Chester with it* 
Chester: ow 
Adam: take that you pig got to go now bye 
Chester: oh your not getting away with that adam ( laugh manically ) im not here myself 
*Chester disappeared* 
*adam runs away* 
Ronnie: hey adam you ok 
Adam: yeah Chester attacked me 
Ronnie: you mean the smiling boy 
Adam: yeah but I took out this star that tea head gave me and I hit im in the face with it 
Ronnie: oh no don't worry im here to help 
Adam: wait where rex 
Ronnie: rex is hurt because of Chester 
Adam: oh no 
Ronnie: rex is in that house hurt but the door is locked so Chester in there hurting him 
Adam: that it this Chester have gone way too far 
*adam kick down the door* 
Adam: hey Chester why didn't you taste my fist 
*adam punches Chester but missed he also half ghost and spirit* 
Chester: have I ever told you im half ghost and spirit too 
Adam: yeah I just figured 
Rex: what are you guys doing here 
Adam: we are here to help you 
Rex: well I was in a fight with Chester and I did some damage on him 
Chester: and I did more 
Rex: oh that it 
*rex jumps on chester* 
Chester: ahhh 
*Chester and rex Crash out of a window* 
Rex: ah my leg 
Chester: my head 
Adam: come on rex we have to run 
Rex: ok fine I try to run if I can 
*adam rex and Ronnie ran out of the small house* 
Chester: so you want to play that way fine I guess but you won't live any longer 
Andy: adam adam where Are you 
Andy: help we have a injured person 
???: oh my who that    Adam: his name is rex he's hurt 
???: ok my name is ms flower 
Ms flower: ok now this should be easy all we need is flower magic  but im a flower so here have this magical flower juice 
*ms flower put some flower magic juice in rex's mouth* 
Rex: I feel better now thanks 
Adam: yah now come on we need to beat that cat 
Ms flower: what cat? Are you talking about the human Cheshire cat 
Adam: yes that 
Ms flower: oh really scary he can make people go crazy and many more creep stuff 
Adam: ok thanks now we need to g- 
Chester: hello everyone 
Tea head: wait Chester stop 
Chester: why I just getting to the best part of this the murder 
Tea head: you will not hurt these kids  Or me 
Chester: oh yeah or what 
Tea head: or I will have the Queen know 
Chester: but what is she going to do 
Tea head: oh you find out come on Adam run to queen and save us 
*Adam runs fast as her can* 
Adam: the castle 
Chester: oh Adam your making it worse 
Adam: no leave me alone 
Adam scream very loud and bloody murder everyone in the forest heard her and followed the noise 
Chester: you see now you're In my world 
*Chester then made Adam Hallucinate* 
Adam: where am I what going on 😢 
Chester: you see I never wanted to hurt a cute little girl but now I have to first you can't feel your legs 
*Adam falls* 
Adam: I can't feel my legs help please anyone 😢 
Chester: ok now you can't see 
*Adam eyesight went blind* 
Adam: I can't see 😢 
Chester: and last you can't feel your heart 
Adam: ah- 
*Adam slowly falls down* 
Adam eye close her heart stopped  She dead 
Tea head: then came and seen Adam dead in front of Chester 
Chester: why hello tea head 
Tea head: what the hack Chester she only 9 years old she died to soon 
Chester: that nice she is just a idiot 
Tea head: Chester you gone too far you are just a half cat half human half spirit  Fool you killed a young minor you should a shame of yourself your nothing but a mess up you were Meant to die alone Chester you are just a stupid cat half human you will paid for this that girl was going to save us but now we are going to be like this forever  I hope you ROT IN HELL!! that right I said a cursed even though im a kids friendly person type you ruined the world and everyone future you sick mess 
Chester: well I didn't mean too 
Tea head: well it too late you will pay 
(meanwhile with andy) 
Andy: where is Adam wait is that Adam 
*andy runs to a body* 
Andy: it is a adam she unconscious 
*andy took Adam home* 
Andy: are you ok Adam 
*Adam slowly wake up* 
Adam: where am I 
Andy: your back 
Adam: im back where 
Andy: to the real world 
Adam: im back but what about the others Mr tea head Chester the human cat ms flower Ronnie and rex and the Queen of cheese 🧀 . 
Andy: it was a dream maybe you were struck by lighting 
Adam: yeah then I fell in a river but im still alive somehow 
Andy: yeah well im just happy to have you back 
*andy hugged adam* 
Andy: oh my sister I keep you safe 
*a blue glowing appeared in the same room as Adam and andy are in* 
Andy: what the 
*the blue glowing turns into a fairy named lilly* 
Lilly: hello andy and Adam 
Adam: who are you 
Lilly: im lilly the fairy God mother 
Andy: cool 
Lilly: you Adam need to go back to whackE land 
Andy: wait what 
Adam: oh yeah while I was unconscious I went to this weird world where things were whacky colorful and many more 
Lilly: I will send the both of you back there 
Andy: I mean it can't be that bad right 
Lilly: you are the only that can save everyone 
Adam: ok send us 
*lilly send both andy and Adam to whackE land 
So then andy and Adam went down to whackE land to save everyone 
Later on 
Andy: ahhhhh 
*andy and Adam falling to whackEland and crash into a bed* 
Andy: where are we 
Adam: this is whackE land a place that lots of whacky people are in 
Andy: ok so what do we need to do to save whacky land 
Adam: we need to stop the Queen from making things worse and a human Cheshire cat 
Andy: ok the queen a d the Cheshire cat Adam you know I'm scared of the Cheshire cat im only 12 years old  I can't die 
Adam: well I did die but im back and if we die we go back to the real world 
Andy: ok let go meet the others 
*Adam and andy walked down the path of whackE land for hours until they seen the others 
Adam: hey everyone 
Tea head: oh good Adam your alive after what the Cheshire human cat did to you 
Andy: what did he do ? 
Tea head: he made her Hallucinate and made her heart stop some how 
Andy: ok im not that scared anymore now where is he 
Chester: you mean me 
Andy: hey you hurt my little sister now you have to face me 
Chester: fine im ok with that 
*Chester jumps down from the tree* 
Chester: meow now let fight 
Andy: ok 
*andy got his fist ready* 
*Chester got his claws ready for attacking* 
Andy: ok here I go 
*andy tackles chester* 
*Chester teleport* 
*andy crash into a tree* 
Andy: ow hey That not fair 
*Chester teleported behind Andy and kick him* 
Andy: ow 
*andy then crashed into another tree* 
Andy: ok I have to find a way to beta him oh I have a idea 
*Chester then dashed at Andy going to scratch him* 
(Chester missed ) 
Andy: take this 
Andy took out a tree stick and slashed at Chester 
Chester: ahh 
Andy: yes 
Chester: you really think a tree stick is going to stop me 
Andy: well I may have 
Chester: why do you think that 
Andy: because look behind you 
Chester: oh no 
*tree fall down Chester* 
Andy: that what I called battle qi 
Adam: now let go 
( the chase music ) 
Adam: why is it so hard to get rid of him 
Andy: I don't know maybe he kinda powerful 
*Chester threw a tree* 
Andy: watch out 
Adam: ahh 
*Adam jumps out of the tree that was thrown sight* 
Adam: please stop 
Chester: ... 
Adam: that it im not running away anymore I may be 9 years old but no matter what im brave 
Andy: Adam what are you doing stop now before you get killed 
Adam: no I know how to stop him now 
*Chester run as Adam in full speed ready to attack* 
( Adam stand there ) 
Adam: you don't have to do this 
Chester: I do what I WANT!!!! 
*Chester try to punch Adam but Adam hugs chester* 
Chester: get off of me stop hugging me 
Adam: no it true love that stops the bad 
*Chester try his best to get out of Adams arms moans* 
Chester: let me go 
Adam: ok but promise to be good 
Chester: ok fine 
*Adam let go of Chester* 
Adam: you can be good 
Chester: fine im sorry happy now 😒 
Adam: im glad you said that 
*Adam pets Chester* 
Adam: your cool 
Chester: you pet my head 
Adam: oh yeah I forgot you half cat you like be pet or groomed 
Chester: we should stop the queen Now 
Andy: yeah 
Chester: well got to go bye 
Andy: come on We are almost there 
Adam: oh yeah right bye bye thanks 
Chester: no thank you 
(Adam and andy run to the queens castle)    🎵 we on our way ( Washington March parody song ) 
Andy and Adam: were on our way on our way to save the day on alone to sing this song 
were on our way on our way to save the day 
Birdly: watch these kids save the day 
🎵 ( end of song ) 
Adam: look we see here 
Andy: nice to the queen 
  ( sneaking music ) 
Adam: don't get caught by the cheese gruads 
Andy: ok 
*Adam and andy sneaks to the queen room* 
Andy: we are here so fast because it a small castle 
Adam: there is the queen we have to stop her 
Andy: oh easy 
*andy jumps of his hiding spot* 
Andy: Queen of cheese I have to tell you something 
Queen of cheese: um ok and why are you in this room and in my castle 
Andy: people all over the land of whackE land said that you been making crazy evil orders and other stuff what going on 
Queen of cheese: I tell you it my sister she just make me mad she away do better things then me so I turned into a evil kingdom and will kill then one who break my rules 
Andy: you know you can stop and we can handle this for you 
Queen of cheese: I can't I just can't control myself I been very mad and anger I just want to be notice by others 
Andy: oh you know I was just like you before and now look at me a 12 year old boy that good no matter what 
Queen of cheese: yes your right I should stop being dramatic And snap out of it thanks oh yeah and what your name 
Andy: andy 
Queen of cheese: thank you prince andy 
Andy: 😍 thanks for that name 
Adam: hello ms cheese 
Queen of cheese: oh my that person look just like you andy 
Andy: that my sister Adam she 9 years old 
Queen of cheese: she cute hello Princess Adam 
Adam: thanks I guess 
Queen of cheese: and im not the one that say real orders someone that controls the order 
Adam: who 
Pathmatter: me I do I control everyone here 
*green thunder strikes* 
* whackE land creaks* 
Adam: what happening 
Andy: the world is breaking I meant whackE land 
*the castle of cheese broke apart * 
*the sky turned green* 
*pathmatter got big* 
Adam: oh my goodness we have to do something 
Andy: im not scared im prince andy the first 
Adam: what a minute I have a idea 
*pathmatter try to smash andy but miss* 
Andy: ahhhh 
*Pathmatter make a big charged up beam* 
Andy: what he doing 
Adam: wait the star 
*Adam takes out the star* 
Adam: I don't know what this start will do but I hope it does something 
*the star turns into a sword* 
Adam: cool a star sword the most powerful sword in history 
*pathmatter release a big powerful beam at andy* 
Andy: ahhhh 
*Chester came out of nowhere and teleported andy* 
Andy: oh it you Chester 
Chester: im here to help 
*Chester started glitching* 
Chester: ahhh my head 
Andy: what wrong 
Chester: the pathmatter can control anyone here 
Andy: you can fight it I mean you are a good fighter 
Chester: no I feel weird 
Tea head: hey pathmatter I have a word for you 
*tea head take out a tea cup from his pocket and threw it at pathmatter* 
Pathmatter: what that supposed to do 
Tea head: well maybe hurt you a bit 
*tea head started glitching* 
Tea head: ahh 
Ms flower: path matter stop this in the name of flowers 
Path matter: you can't tell me what to do flower lady 
Ms flower: well I tried 
*ms flower glitched* 
Ms flower: my head 
Ronnie and rex: your messing with the wrong people pathmatter 
*pathmatter slaps both of them* 
Ronnie and rex: oof 
*Ronnie and rex glicthing* 
Ronnie and rex: ... 
Adam: hey pathmatter take this 
*Adam charged at pathmatter and swing her sword into him* 
Pathmatter: im invisible 
Adam: think before you talk 
Pathmatter: what 
*Adams start sword cut exploded on pathmatter* 
Pathmatter: ow my arm 
Adam: now we dance 
  *Adam slashed her sword at pathmatters face* 
Pathmatter: ahhhh 
*slashed pathmatters eye* 
Pathmatter: ahhh 
*slashed pathmatters legs* 
Pathmatter: ahhhh 
Adam: now for the final blow 
*Adam jump very high and stabbed pathmatter in the head* 
Path matter: ahhhhhhhhhh 
*pathmatter fells in endless void* 
Pathmatter: you may have beat me but you will never save your friend's from my mind control 
Adam: what 
Controlled andy: Adam Join us 
Controlled Chester: let have lots of fun ( laughs manically) 
Adam: you know this may be crayz but I can stop them I just have to do this 
*Adam breaks the star sword* 
Adam: now everyone free 
Pathmatter: noooooo 
*pathmatter disappeared* 
*everyone turned back to normal* 
Chester: what was that 
Tea head: glab to be back 
Ms flower: we did it I mean Adam did it 
Adam: no we worked together and won 
*WhackE land creaks* 
Adam: why is the floor creaking again 
Lilly: come on everyone let go into the portal 
Adam: come on 
*everyone ran into the portal* 
*whackE land explodes* 
Adam: wait minute were home 
Andy: were home back at home!! Yes 
Tea head: what is this place 
Adam: this is my house well me and andys house 
Tea head: do you guys live alone together 
Adam: no our parents are agents they work at night and a little at day 
Andy: yeah they teach us some tip about being a agent 
Chester: is this London it look beautiful 
Adam: yeah London is a peaceful place at the time 
Queen of cheese: is there a kingdom near by 
Adam: there no kingdom in London I think 
Tea head: is there places that have tea 
Adam: yes that the best part of being in London 
Andy: hey why don't we talk you guys for a walk around this town of London 
Chester: yeah you guys are on your own i can explore London faster then anyone here 
*Chester teleport* 
Adam: weird that they still have power or ability here 
Andy: well I have to talk to the mayor about these guys 
Adam: yeah let go I tell you about lots of things 
Birdly : well this is the end of this story of a 9 year old girl that became a hero in a weird land her brother and her whacky friends now lived happy ever after 
*birdly flys away* 
*book closed* 
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f1nalboys · 3 years
Okay, okay! So I love your poly!Ghostface dark/angst, but I wanna see you do some poly!Ghostface dark/fluff too(if that's a thing?)! Still unhealthy/toxic relationship, but one where their feelings are at least actually true and genuine. Trio vs the World shit. Best Friends to Lovers blah blah blah cause you know Im a slut for that lmao. NSFW too if you're willing 👀
AHH so glad I finally got to this request I'm sorry it took me so long :(( HOWEVER i had fun writing it!! i really hope you enjoy (ps, no smut unfortunately i tried to add it and it was coming out wrong ahhh) flashbacks are italicized! 
WARNINGS: toxic relationship, kinda cute moments between the three of you, cursing, little bit of stalking, threats of violence, no nsfw because i was a little lazy sorry :,(
Had someone told you five years ago that you'd be dating not only Billy Loomis but Stu Macher as well, you’d have laughed straight in their face. And yet here you were, curled up on the couch between the two, your legs thrown over Billys and your head resting on Stu’s shoulder, watching a horror movie. You smile softly as you feel Billy’s hand grip your thigh slightly. He never seemed to realize he was doing it which made it even cuter.
“Remember the day I met you guys?” You question, head moving off of Stu’s shoulder when he turns to look at you. He gives you a goofy grin and nods, kissing the tip of your nose. “Sure, baby. Why?”
“Did you think we would have gotten together? Like, back then?”
“Definitely,” Billy says, poking his finger into your side. You raise an eyebrow at him, catching his hand and holding it in your lap. He sighs, grinning slightly. “Alright, maybe not the day we met, but I knew pretty soon. Why? What’s got you thinking about it?”
You shrug, not really sure yourself. Something about the situation you three were in at the moment made your mind drift to those few awful god damn weeks. “You two really sucked then, you know? Honestly, I’m surprised I didn't kill you both.”
Stu gasps, throwing himself back with a hand on his heart. You roll your eyes; ever the dramatic. “You would have hurt us? I can’t believe this… the betrayal!” You elbow him and he sits back up, laughing, and wraps his arms around you, planting a few sloppy kisses onto your neck.
“We weren’t even that bad, babe.” Billy says, eyes widening as you glare at him.
“Not that bad? Do I need to remind you of the first thing you said to me when we met?” You shoot back, sitting up closer to Stu. You had already forgiven the two for how they acted then, but that doesn’t mean you can’t give them a hard time.
The first day you met Billy and Stu, it had started out good. You still didn’t have many friends but that was perfectly okay with you. You were sat in the grass outside one of the buildings where your next class was held, waiting. Thirty more minutes and you got to go to math; yay. You were leaned up against a tree, headphones in, trying to relax, when two men stood in front of you. They were pretty cute. One was tall, wearing a thin sweater and a goofy grin, while the other was shorter with dark hair and a smirk. The tall one's mouth moves and you pull your earbuds out, about to apologize for not hearing him, when the shorter one speaks.
“Pretty stupid to wait for someone to talk to you before taking your headphones out.” His smile was still there but it was clearly masking his annoyance. Your eyebrows raise in surprise at the gall of this dude. You don’t even know him and he thinks he’s owed a conversation?
“Excuse me?”
“What? You’re deaf and a bitch?” The taller one slaps the back of his head immediately and he grumbles, rubbing the soreness. You scoff, shaking your head, fuming. Was it just this dude or were most people here dicks? You didn't want to find out.
You stand, grabbing your bag and pushing past the two, heading towards the building. Your eyes instantly roll into the back of your head when you hear the sound of footsteps behind you. “Hey, I’m sorry about him, really. That’s how he jokes and sometimes it comes across as mean. I’m Stu and he’s Billy.”
Stopping in your tracks you turn to face Stu, the taller one, and take a second to think of a response. Glancing over at Billy, who had finally caught up with you, you can see what resembles regret on his features. “Well, he didn’t come across as mean, he came across as an asshole.”
Stu laughs, nodding. Billy shrugs, giving you that same weak smile he had shown when he approached. You shrug your backpack up higher onto your shoulder, the weight of it starting to get to you, when Billy grabs ahold of it and yanks it off of you. “What the hell? Give me my shit back!”
“Least I can do is to carry it for you. You going to class?” He asks. It’s like he wasn’t taking no for an answer. You give a large sigh and nod, silently thankful for the weight off your shoulders. “Which building?”
“Sycamore.” He nods and begins to walk there, you and Stu trailing behind him. “Is he always so...?” You ask Stu under your breath, trailing off, unsure of a word that could describe the man. He grins and nods. “Annoying? Mean? Stubborn? Yes, yes, and yes.”
Billy groans at the memory, annoyed. He hated when you brought that up. “I told you I was just having an off day! Come on, you’re acting like Stu didn’t offend you too! Do you not remember when you got food with us, like, that night?” Stu punches Billy in the shoulder hard, pissed that he had brought it up.
“Oh yeah! I kinda forgot about how much of a dickhead Stu was,” You say, leaning back against the couch. It really was a shock your relationship with the boys got to where it was now.
Billy and Stu followed you around all day. It seemed they were trying to apologize for Billy’s attitude earlier but, if you were being honest, it was kind of unnerving. After your math class, where they had walked you inside the building and only left when the professor came in, you saw them waiting outside under the tree you had been at.
“Can you guys stop following me?” You had told them the third time you noticed them, this time at the small diner you stopped by after your last class. Stu’s face turned red and he looked behind him as if there was someone else you could be talking about. “Yeah, you two.”
“We wanted to apologize for earlier,” Billy said, motioning for you to join them at their table. You had to choose which one to sit next too and, after your not-so-pleasant meeting with Billy that morning, you sat next to Stu. He sticks his tongue out at Billy who rolls his eyes.
“You already apologized. It’s getting kind of creepy.” You say, placing your elbow on the table. Before the boys could respond, the waitress walks over, placing down their drinks. She flashes you a smile and takes your order, walking off with a sway in her hips, much to the boy's enjoyment.
Stu throws an arm over your shoulder and you shrug him off, ignoring the pained look he gives you. “We just wanted to make sure you really knew we were sorry! Billy here never acts right around a hottie,”
“Stu you fucking idiot.” Billy spits, throwing something at him. Stu laughs, holding his hands up in mock surrender. Billy looks at you and gives you what looks like a real, genuine smile. “Sorry about him; he can’t seem to think with his upstairs brain.”
“Don’t need to when my downstairs one leads me to be sitting next to a smoke show,” Stu says, holding his hand out to you for a high five. Your face flushes and you ignore him, scooting away from him slightly. He was cute, sure, but way too forward. “What? Can’t compliment people anymore?”
“Not when your compliments are preceded by stalking.” You mutter, a part of you hoping he doesn’t hear it. Unfortunately, he does. You see his face change in your peripheral vision and your eyes flick over to Billy. He grins at you, sitting back in the booth, and taking a sip from his drink. He was enjoying this.
“Stalking? You’re fucking with me, right?” His rant is cut short by the return of the waitress who hands you your drink and places the food the boys had ordered onto the table, completely oblivious to your discomfort. She leaves and Stu grabs a fry from his plate, chewing loudly. “We’re not fucking stalking you - trust me, there are better ways to spend our time.”
Billy throws his balled up straw wrapper at Stu, catching his attention, and you let out a soft sigh of relief when Stu’s demeanor changes. He was back to smiling and laughing as if he hadn’t just been attempting to tear you to shreds. “Sorry about that… I’m pretty tired, that’s all.” Stu says, playing with his fingers.
“S’okay, I guess.”
“Why don’t you let us take you on a date? You know, as an apology?” Billy chimes in and Stu grins, nodding. A large part of yourself was screaming no. There was something off about these boys, something dark just under the surface, but you were intrigued. And so you smile.
“Yeah, I guess you two can do that.”
Billy had his arms wrapped around you, laughing at the excuses Stu was stammering out. He was obviously getting frustrated at the memory and you opened your arms to let him join in on the cuddling.
“You know, I really am glad we stuck together. I don’t know what I’d do if it were for our nightly cuddle sessions,” You say, your words muffled by Stu’s sweater. He pulls back and gives you a kiss, Billy swooping in to take one from him as well.
“Yeah, I don’t know what I’d do without our fuck sessions,” Stu hums and you groan, punching him in the shoulder. What a way to ruin the moment. “Wait, let’s not act like you were a saint in all of this! I remember you being pretty awful at one point.”
“What?! No way!”
Billy nods, tickling your sides for a second. “Sure were, babe.”
Two months into the relationship was your breaking point. You really did like, if not love, the boys and yet you were still an outsider. Walking into the shared apartment just for their whispered conversations to stop. Late nights spent in the living room with hushed voices while you tried to sleep. You felt as though you only knew a portion of the two people you had come to like; no, love.
You admit it was petty. It wasn’t the right thing to do in any circumstance, but you did it because you knew it would get a reaction. You had packed a bag and sat in the living room. You wanted them to see you leave. Wanted them to see how much their secrecy had taken. You had been together only a short while and yet you felt so at home with them that the idea of actually leaving, of breaking it off, nearly tore you apart.
The door opens and in enters Billy and Stu, wrapped up in their own conversation. Stu waves at you, carrying on before realizing what he had just seen. “Babe? What are you doing?”
“I’m leaving.” Your voice was confident, not a waver in sight, and you knew it was because you weren’t planning on leaving. Some would call it manipulation, sure, but you were backed into a corner. Stu’s mouth drops open and Billy stares at you, his eyes narrowed.
“What? What do you mean you’re leaving? What’s wrong? Did something happen?” Stu rushes to sit down next to you on the couch, not wanting to accept the idea that you were leaving them on your own volition. His arms wrap around yours and you shove him off. “Babe?”
You shake your head, standing from your spot on the couch, grabbing ahold of the bag. Billy was still standing near the door, his arms crossed, watching you. “Don’t call me that. The two of you… It’s like I’m not even in this relationship. I’m an outsider with the two people I love and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.”
“Where the hell is this coming from?” Billy questions, grabbing ahold of your arm when you try to walk past him. His voice is thick and you could see the vein in his forehead throbbing. He was angry and you hate to admit it but that’s exactly what you were hoping for.
For the next two hours the three of you talk about your relationship and the future of it. Stu cried, you cried, Billy sniffled a few times, and then you came to an agreement. No more secrets. They told you things that they hadn't told anyone before that they hid behind a vague threat of ‘once you hear this you’re stuck with us,’ and you told them things you had planned on taking to your grave. To say you weren’t shocked at what they told you would be a lie.
Murder wasn’t what you thought they were capable of and especially not murder so gruesome. But, oddly, you felt better about being with them. They trusted you, loved you, enough to let you know their biggest and darkest secret. And you loved it.
Knowing they wouldn’t hesitate to kill for you was a major turn on, which they soon found out.
“Wow, I really was kind of horrible, wasn’t I.” You mutter as Billy recounts the memory with a few interruptions by Stu. You didn’t remember it that way but the more they talked the more you could tell they were being honest. “Well, good thing we stuck together, hm? Would have been pretty bad if we hadn’t.”
“Yeah because we would have killed you,” Billy whispers into your ear and you shiver. He’s telling the truth and that’s what makes the relationship the way it is; they choose to be with you, to keep you around, to love you. “Yeah, we would have given you a call a while ago,” Stu says, his finger making a slicing motion across your neck.
You roll your eyes not because you don’t believe them but because you do. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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dathen · 3 years
Okay I have some complicated thoughts following Melanie’s arc that all build on top of each other and hinge HEAVILY on unreliable narrator interpretations so bear with me
In my relisten I’m at the beginning of s3, and it always shocks me a bit at how quickly she interprets Martin’s interaction with her as hostile.  I’m going to skip over the “it’s understandable, Melanie’s had a hard time in her career” disclaimers since there’s plenty of meta on that already, and instead follow the effects of this tendency: not on others, this time, but on her
(This got absurdly long and covers so many episodes so I’m going to split it into separate pre- and post-bullet surgery posts)
Rewinding a bit, the last time she was at the Institute, she was starting to get along with Jon before he seemed confused about her comment on “the other Sasha.”  It takes her a split second to interpret that confusion as him suddenly deciding to gaslight and mock her, gets angry and tells him there is something seriously wrong with him, and leaves before he can ask what she means.  Given how tenuous their truce was and the fact she and Jon had mocked each other in the past, it’s an outburst that at least has some personal history behind it.
But only a couple episodes later, we learn that it’s not just Jon she responds to in this way.  In TMA 84, she meets our Martin Blackwood!  Customer service voice opposite-of-Jon politeness extraordinaire!  And as soon as he gets confused about the two Sasha comment, she.......immediately assumes that HE is also trying to gaslight her.  She insists that “I’m not doing this again” without giving him a chance to ask or explain, so they miss the opportunity to piece together the deal with the Not!Sasha.  Her doing this with someone she just met shows a much broader pattern than her interactions with Jon.
That very episode, Elias offers Melanie a job, and she accepts despite Martin’s protests.  Later, she accuses them all of them being an “old boy’s club” because she interpreted Martin’s warnings as sexism rather than trying to protect her.  As the audience, we see the unreliable narrator of her perspective at work: we know that Jon and Martin were genuinely confused, and we know that Martin was trying to save her, and that all of these instances were her seeing it as people being out to get her.
Hop forward to the notorious gossip scene in TMA 106.  Here, Melanie complains about Martin being hostile to her.  My first assumption was that this was all offscreen, but after this parade of misinterpretation and comparing to her and Martin’s actual interactions, I have to wonder:
TMA 84, after Martin tells Melanie about the murder, and right before Elias interrupts:
Martin:  Are you sure you’re alright?
Melanie:  Yes!  I just got… God, I’m kind of at the end, you know?
Martin:  The end of what?
Melanie:   Everything.  Friends, clues, savings. Everything.  Options.  There’s nowhere left for me to go . I don’t know why, but…  I just, I just felt that perhaps coming here might help.  And talking things out with Jon.  I mean, I mean he’s awful, but at least he listens, you know?
Martin:   (soft) Yeah.  ...I’m sorry.  Um, is there anything that I could, like, maybe...do for you?
They get interrupted immediately after this, so this was the first impression Melanie was given.  Then, when Elias offers the job, she...assumes Martin’s “I don’t think that’s a good idea” is from sexism, when he’d just been talking about murders and disappearances that caused that very job opening.
TMA 88 
Melanie:   Are you alright?
Martin:  Yeah… Sorry, just a lot of change recently, y’know.  You and John and Sasha and… everything’s gone a bit wrong.  It’s the not knowing, you know?  I mean, Jon’s still alive.  Not sure why, but I’m sure of that.  But Sasha, I…
Melanie:   Yes, it’s… it’s probably, um…
Martin:   Sorry, sorry, I’m...  What do you need?
Next interaction!  Oh this one HURTS.  Martin takes her question literally, and starts telling her why she’s not alright, a reverse of their earlier exchange.  But Melanie came by for a question and wasn’t prepared for an honest answer, so Martin quickly reels it in and asks what he can do for her once again.
Skipping forward a bit in that same scene:
Martin:   Oh, you weren’t here when we took the place over from Gertrude!  It’s been over a year just to get it like this.  I mean, I think the database was on Jon’s list, but--
Melanie:  So how do you track someone down?
Martin:   Oh, oh well, y’know, we’ve a few contacts in various record offices around the place.  Aside from that it’s just… just a bit of detective work, really.  Tim used to do a great line in impersonating people to utility companies!  Heh, the number of times he got them to give him ‘his own’ address--
Melanie:  Right, right… Um, this one, the name is 'Jude Perry.’ Doesn’t mean anything to you, does it?
I LOVE THIS EXCHANGE.  I TREASURE IT.  Having bottled up his emotions, Martin is going in full Friendly Helpful Coworker mode.  There are so many little details here signaling that he’s embracing her as part of the team, sharing anecdotes about Tim’s shenanigans and Jon’s old plans, looping her in as One of Them as he helps her get what she needs.  This is the kind of approach you go to management trainings to get, to help new hires feel welcome and part of things.  But alas, Melanie is in a hurry and wants to cut to the chase, so all this is lost on her.
TMA 98 - I won’t copy it all in here because it’s long, but this is an overwhelmingly positive interaction.  She asks if he’s okay, but he bottles it up and says he’s fine.  This time, she presses, and he admits it’s because of the statements.  Martin ends up asking for help!! and Melanie agrees!  She’s on the way to murder Elias, but she still gets credit for “I’ll ask him to cut you some slack.”  Then she invites him to drinks!
And then.... TMA 106
Melanie:   Anyway, Martin’s always been lovely to you.
Basira:  Hmm. I don’t know, I mean, you should have seen him when I turned up last year. I think he thought I was trying to steal his precious Archivist.
Melanie:   Ahhh. I got the exact same when Jon was hiding out, and came to me with his “source on the inside” stuff.  Martin was not impressed.
We just looked over all their interactions!  They were all soft and lovely and welcoming!!  But then we hear Melanie with “well unlike how he is to me, Martin is nice to you.”  This was taken at face value for years, but when you line up all of the above, I feel there is a strong basis to say this is another case of Melanie’s first impressions + over-defensiveness gone wrong.  Just like we saw her initial bickerings with Jon solidify into series-long hostility, her interpreting Martin’s confusion as gaslighting and warnings about the job as sexism seems to have doomed her opinion of him long-term.  We hear Martin being kind and concerned and welcoming, then hear Melanie contrast it as bad treatment.
Recently, a mutual considered this even further to how she talked about losing all of her friends with the Ghost Hunt UK circles:
Melanie:  Even back then, I could feel all my old friends starting to distance themselves from me. ...  I stopped asking the others for help, and I kept my research to myself. I talked to them less and less. By the time I was arrested, I think a lot of them had already given up on me.
I have to wonder...did this sort of dynamic play out here, too?  Did she assume that her friends’ concern was judgment or hostility?  Were they giving up on her, or did she lash out and push them away?  Either way, it’s easy to see parallels to s2 Jon in her description, here, with her withdrawing and diving alone into increasingly risky research without asking for help.  And s2 Jon definitely shared Melanie’s tendency to see offers for help and support as hostile.  (Aside:  I interpret her and Georgie as not very close at this point, like a networking contact rather than a friend; Melanie comes to Jon for someone to talk to about her struggles above her, and Georgie seems to be unaware of all of Melanie’s encounters pre-s3)
And on that downer note I am ending part 1...but PART 2 IS GOING TO BE WAY HAPPIER THAN THIS.  Here, we see Melanie with a lot of people who would have supported her if she let them:  Martin, Jon, possibly the friends she said abandoned her.  But in her effort to protect herself and not let history repeat for how she’d been hurt in the past, she ends up alone and spiraling.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Will Graham x reader, slight Hannibal Lecter x reader
Word Count: 2.2k 
Warnings: talks of murder, corpses, crime scenes 
Author’s Note: besties you need to stop giving me freedom to chose the endings because i am SO biased. I hope you all enjoy regardless and didn’t mind that I bunched these two requests together because they’re so similar! 
Requested: by anon, Hey i don’t know if you’re still taking Hannibal requests but if you are can you do something where both Will and Hannibal have a crush on the reader? The reader would be the only one who doesn’t know about the two men having a crush on her and one day the reader hangs out alone with one of them (could be Will or Hannibal) and the other gets jealous? It could end in the reader choosing one of them. (your choice)
Requested: by anon, AHHH i’m so nervous to write a request even tho this a anon😅 I never done a request but if you could do something where both Hannibal and Will take an interest in the reader? It could just be a thing where both of them try to impress the reader who remains oblivious to their affections. And during the entire thing they get jealous of each other and try to one up each other in gifts. If you want you could end it with them being polyamorous or the reader choosing one of them, i don’t really care my main focus id just the jealousy lol😅
Summary: the requests! 
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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You nodded gently, putting your fingernail between your teeth. You circled the corpse, giving it a careful eye as Beverly spoke over your thoughts. 
“We believe it was murder, obviously,” she said. 
“It’s just been a bitch trying to figure out how she was murdered,” Zeller commented. He was sitting on one of the stools, his hands resting on his thighs. 
“Keep working on it,” Jack said, hand resting on the cold metal table. 
“I think we should try and talk to the mom again. I feel like she knows more than she’s letting on,” you muttered. Will and Hannibal watched you as you moved to the head of the body, looking directly down at it. 
“I want to go to the crime scene again,” Will said. You looked up and met his eyes, nodding a bit. You knew the toll that it took on him so you preferred him to offer up his abilities, rather than ask him. 
“Are you sure you’re up for that?” Hannibal asked. Yours and Will’s eyes floated to Hannibal who was standing at the corner of the room. This wasn’t his crime, he wasn’t sure what Will would find. 
“I’m sure,” Will said sturtly and then turned around, walking out of the room. Hannibal watched as your gaze followed Will until he was out of sight and then you turned back to the corpse. 
“I’ll drive you to the mothers house,” Hannibal suggested. You nodded and took your hands off the metal, walking over to him.
“Thank you.” 
The two of you left quickly after that, leaving Bev, Zeller, Price and Jack in the room alone. Beverly pretended to check something on her clipboard before looking up at everyone.
“You all felt that tension too, right?” Overlapped responses came.
“When did that happen?” 
Beverly shrugged and learned against the wall. She tried to follow you and Hannibal as you left the morgue but you were already long gone.
“Who do you think she’s gonna pick?” Bev asked. 
“I say let the best man win!” Price commented. 
“We have a case here lady and gentlemen,” Jack said, pretending he too wasn’t invested. Everyone else shared one more look and then turned around, getting back to their duties. 
Hannibal sat promptly in his chair, legs crossed and looking at Will who sat across from him. Will had an open stance as he looked around the room he had been in a couple of times before. 
“How was your week? Let’s start there,” Hannibal said gently, prompting Will to start talking. Will was usually filled to the brim with sarcastic comments but he never wanted to delve any deeper than that. Unless he was talking about other people's murders. 
“Um, it was fine,” he said, trying to figure out what to say. “Y/N came over last night and made dinner. It was nice to have someone over.” Hannibal was able to mask his feelings very well but Will caught a little bit of disdain. 
“That’s nice. Do you see her often?” 
“Sometimes. She’s nice and likes to see the dogs.” Hannibal saw you yesterday as well, when the two of you went to interview the mother again. Hannibal offered a nice face to the woman and it ended up getting you somewhere with her. 
“She is very kind,” Hannibal commented. 
“Do you see her often Dr. Lecter?” Will asked. 
“On occasion. She comes over for dinner. She used to be a patient but she’s been doing well.”
“Glad to hear you have some success stories.” 
That was the day that Will and Hannibal realized they were competing and they hadn’t known it. They weren’t even sure that you knew it but they understood that the other had feelings for you. 
Sure, ultimately it was up to you in the end but it was then they decided they would have to get to you first. Will was a little unhinged and confused. Hannibal was a little insane and unsettling. 
Just depended on who was going to be able to play the right cards. 
You sat beside Hanniabl at his dinner table. You had a few of the case papers out in front of you, next to your plate of food. Hannibal was flipping through them as well. He was trying to help you out while also getting you to enjoy a nice meal. 
You ate the last bite of the food and showed Hannibal one of the pictures. 
“Do you think this looks like she’s been dead for a couple of months? I know water can wash away evidence and stuff but it definitely doesn’t look like she’s been dead for months,” you said. Hannibal took the picture from you and looked it over. 
“I can’t say I disagree with you.” You took the picture back.
“This is really good by the way. Thank you for letting me intrude on your dinner,” you said laughing a bit. He shook his head. 
“Of course. I’m glad you enjoy it, I know it can be an acquired taste.” 
“I really enjoy everything you make. How do you say it? It’s growing my pallet,” you said smiling. He nodded pleasantly. It was always nice to make sure people were listening. You looked like you were about to say something else when your phone dinged. At first you ignored it but then it dinged again. “I’m sorry,” you muttered and then picked up the phone. You read a couple of messages and laughter bubbled from your mouth. Hannibal immediately felt a stab of jealousy but it didn’t show on his face. “Sorry, Will just sent me something about the case. I actually have to go see him later tonight, I should probably get out of your hair.” 
Hannibal shook his head. 
“You’re always welcome here, I hope you know that.” You smiled and nodded but still put the papers together in a neat stack.
“Don’t say that, I’ll abuse my privileges.” You stood up and put the stack of papers in your arms. “Thank you again Hannibal. I’ll call you?” He nodded, standing up as well and taking your plate. 
“Of course. Have a nice night and say hello to Will for me.” You nodded and waved as you turned to leave. 
Hannibal turned to the kitchen and put the dishes in the sink. He started to wash them and after a moment he found he had been washing his hands dry. 
“You really didn’t have to drive me. I can drive myself,” Will said from the passenger seat of your car. You waved him off, shaking your head. 
“Please Will, I can drive you around all I want. Plus, I wanted to see Hannibal anyway. Don’t worry I won’t intrude on your session. I brought a book.” You held your book up in front of him and he nodded slightly. 
Why did you wanna see Hannibal? He decided not to ask. 
You got out of the car and followed Will inside to Hannibal’s office. Hannibal opened the door, as though he had been listening and waiting for your arrival. His smile grew at the sight of you. 
“I was hoping to run into you. I boxed some leftovers from last night because you enjoyed them so much,” Hannibal explained. 
“You went over to Hannibals’ last night?” Will asked. He didn’t mean for his voice to sound so accusatory but it did. You shrugged.
“I went for dinner and he helped me with some case notes.” You remained completely oblivious to the tension in the room. He handed you a box that he grabbed from his desk and you nodded happily. “Thank you so much! I will cherish this,” you joked. You turned to Will. “Have a nice session boys, I’ll be in the car.” 
  They both nodded and waved goodbye to you as you left the room. The tension did not leave with you. 
The morgue did not smell any better the next time you were in it. You were alone with just Bev this time as you compared notes on the cause of death. She and the guys were still in the process of figuring it out but it had been a busy couple of days.
“Yeah that’s kind of what Price was saying. I don’t know, I’ll look into it more and get back to you,” she said as you showed her some notes. You nodded and put your notepad back in your bag. 
“Alright, keep me posted.” You stood up from your chair and stretched a bit. You and Beverly were pretty good friends outside of work as well so she had been dying to ask you about Hannibal and Will.
“So...how’s it going with Hannibal and Will?” she asked, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall. You gave her a confused look.
“Huh?” She scoffed.
“You’re kidding right?” You gave her a look and she laughed dryly. “You seriously don’t know? Those guys are head over heels for you. Come on, you had to have noticed how jealous they get when you talk to them. It literally fills the room with tension,” she explained. You shook your head slowly. It took you a moment but the realization hit you. You had to sit back down. 
“Oh my God, I’ve been so head first in this case I didn’t even notice,” you said, laughing a bit.
“Well! Who’s gonna take the cake? Come on, we’re running bets here in the morgue.” You raised an eyebrow.
“Who did you bet on?” She gave you a look. “Come on!” 
“Will,” she fessed up. You stood up. 
“Go get your money Katz.” A prideful look went over her face and she nodded. 
“Alright then. You better go get your man.” 
You knocked on Will’s door that night. You teetered back and forth on the porch, wondering if Beverly had been wrong. She could have read the signs wrong. Heck, you read the signs wrong at first. You were about to walk off the porch when Will opened the door, rubbing his eyes. 
“Hi,” he said, blinking quickly.
“Oh my gosh did I wake you? I’m sorry, I am running on case time,” you said, suddenly feeling very apologetic. He shook his head. 
“No, don’t worry about it. Do you need something?” You doubted yourself again but figured that if you were going to do it you had to do it now. 
“I just...Beverly said something and I...do you wanna go to dinner? Like together? Like as a couple?” You were trying to get the words out so they didn’t sound awkward. Will rubbed his eyes some more and then his hand dropped. He smirked a bit. 
“Yeah. I would really like that.” 
“Okay! Okay. Good, good. I’ll talk to you about it tomorrow once you get some rest,” you said. He nodded happily. 
“I look forward to it.” 
“Me too.” 
You turned around and he shut the door and a wall away from each other. You were both smiling wildly. Will almost called Hannibal and bragged but he went to sleep. He would find out eventually. 
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sxnnimoon · 3 years
Little One pt. 5
Here we go!! What do we think? Who did it? I may do one or two more parts before ending this mini series. let me know my babies!!!!
The next morning when you woke up you did your usual, you decided to just put your robe on not bothering to put on actual clothes. You walked to your door only to notice two people standing guard.
“Unbelievable.” you groaned.
They took notice in your presence, before talking into their ear piece to whom you assumed was one of your husbands.
You didn’t even wait for them, you walked off.
“She’s on the move.” one of them said from behind them.
“Tell them to kiss my ass.” you said annoyed.
“Now princess,” Jin said, coming into view. “Play nice.”
“This is all bullshit!” you slightly yelled.
“Don’t start.” Joon said.
You made a face before walking away. Before you could do so, Joon grabbed your arm.
“What the he-” you were cut off.
“You really have been testing my patience.” he said through gritted teeth.
“But, II-I.” you stuttered.
“But nothing, I am getting fed up with this bratty behavior from you.” he let go of you.
You just stood there. They had their moments where they would be much more stern with you, but you could tell just how annoyed he was.
You moved closer, closing the gap between you both.
“Joonie..” you said, running your hands up and down his chest.
He just stared you down, waiting for what you had cooking up in your mind.
“Why don’t I make it up to you?” you trailed a finger down to his waistband.
He looked down before looking back up at you.
“Lets…” he looked towards the guards. “Continue this later, ok princess?”
You pouted.
He kissed you in hopes of making the pouting stop.
“I promise baby,” he held your chin. “Daddy just has a few things to take care of, ok?”
You nodded, walking off to find Hoseok. You knew things were rocky between you two after the arguments. You walked towards his office in hopes he was there. But he wasn’t. You made your way to his room and found him sound asleep still. You turned to the guards that had been following you around since you woke up.
“I feel it would be best if you two take a break as neither of you wanna hear what's to happen.” you smirked.
They went wide eyed knowing full well what you meant.
“B-but were supposed to watch you per Mr. Jung’s request…” one of them spoke.
“And I am to be tangled in his arms, as this is his room.” you said pointing towards him. “Now go.”
They nodded.
You entered the room, not bothering to close the door all the way. You could care less if anyone would hear what was about to go down. You crawled carefully onto his bed, trying not to wake him. He looked so peaceful. You moved the hair from his face only for him to pull you in to cuddle.
You yelped from the action.
You looked to see he was still asleep. Trying your best to wiggle out of his grasp. You moved down his body, you stopped just at his waistband of his briefs. Thank god he slept in just them and a shirt, less clothing the better. You took it upon yourself to make it up to him in a way he couldn’t stay mad at you. Slipping off his briefs he was fully erect. You proceeded to use your mouth and hands, he began to stir but you continued. Soft moans could be heard as he was slowly waking up.
“Waking up are we?” you said before continuing.
“Jagiya…” he whispered.
You released him, slowly crawling back up his body.
“I wanted to make it up to you.” you pouted.
“Don’t stop on my account.” he said looking at what you were wearing.
You followed his stare. Your robe was opening revealing nothing underneath.
You smirked, taking it a step further you opened it showing your body to him.
Raising a hand he traced his finger on your curves.
You hovered over his lap causing him to run across your folds.
He hissed at the contact.
“Don’t tease will you?” He was getting impatient.
You slowly sank down on him, starting at a slow and brutal pace. He couldn’t handle it anymore. He needed you. Without removing himself he flipped you both.
“I was supposed to please you.” you whined.
“You did baby, now I gotta please you.” he said, thrusting faster.
You cried out.
“I’m sorry for yesterday.” you moaned out.
“I’m sorry too jagi..” he grunted.
You both finished not too long after. You both laid there in silence for a bit neither one knowing what to say. You turned on your side to look at him, he was just staring up at the ceiling.
“What's on your mind?” you asked quietly.
He looked over at you before turning fully.
“You.” he said.
You nodded.
“I understand how much of a brat I have been with everything that is going on.” you said.
“I know I shouldn’t have reacted the way I did but your safety is a big thing for us.” he said moving hair out of your face.
“I know,” you turned on your back. “I just wanted a week of you all to myself.”
“We know little one,” he smiled.
“And we’ll spend however long trying to make it up!” Joon said at the door.
“How long have you been there?” you asked, sitting up.
“Long enough to know the reason for that.” he motioned a finger at the nakedness of you both.
You tried hiding under the covers.
“Don’t hide baby.” Joon said, walking over. “I said later didn’t I?”
He smirked.
Another hour, maybe two went by before all three of you got dressed and went down to eat. The others were all snacking and talking away once you three came into view.
“Ahhh I see you were busy.” Jimin said, taking a sip of his drink.
You giggled before sitting down next to Jin.
“Are we done being a brat?” Jin asked.
“She should after what she's been doing for the past 3 hours.” Joon smirked.
Your eyes went wide. You threw a piece of food at him.
They all chuckled.
You went to get up.
“Where are you off to?” Jungkook asked.
“To my studio. Feel like painting.” you smiled.
Walking to the farthest side of the house you entered your art studio. Besides cooking you had an art obsession, it was a passion if you will. It had been a month since you last painted anything. But the scenery from Italy and having to be cooped up in your own home have made you wanna start again. You walk towards your supplies and notice your unfinished painting. It was a woman looking ethereal as ever yet so sad. It was a sight and was by far the biggest piece you’d even done. You knew it would take hours to finish but you had the time.
You hadn’t realized the time until Taehyung came into the room, you had passed out on the table. He laughed at how funny but adorable you looked.
“You gotta wake my pretty.” he whispered, lightly touching your arm.
You stirred but managed to slightly open your eyes.
“Tae?” you questioned sleepy.
“Yes baby, you gotta get up and shower you have paint all over you.” he chuckled.
“I finished it.” you yawned, pointing behind you.
He looked up, seeing the painting you two had started all that long ago. The memory brought a smile to his face.
“It’s gorgeous..” he stared mesmerized.
“Thank you.” you said walking out.
Reading the clock from your phone it was already 7pm. Time really did fly by fast. Staring in the mirror you really looked a mess. You giggled a little at the paint splattered everywhere. You hopped in the shower to get the paint off before running a bath to just soak in to relax. Your bathroom was by far the best due to how huge the bathroom was. The tub could fit you all if you tried. Laying your head back you could feel your eyes get heavy with sleep, it wasn’t uncommon for you to fall asleep in the tub. They boys were used to it. You were about to fall asleep when you heard the door open. You keep your eyes closed thinking it was one of the boys coming to check on you.
“And which one of you is here?” you smirked, eyes still closed.
You could feel a finger run along the exposed skin, they stopped at your neck and you were met with a hand covering your mouth, you opened your eyes but couldn’t make out who it was. Next thing you knew you were knocked out.
The boys were all in the den when they noticed how long you were taking to shower.
“I’ll go check on her.” Yoongi said.
They nodded.
“Kitten?” he asked, opening the door.
He took notice at the light in bathroom.
“Are really still in there?” he chuckled. “Did you fa-”
He noticed the water all over the place and drops of blood.
“SHE'S GONE!” he screamed.
Footsteps could be heard running to the room.
They all pushed through the door.
“Is that blood?” Jin asked, walking towards the tub, but Hoseok stopped him.
“It’s everywhere…” JungKook whispered.
Joon pulled his phone out.
“FIND HER NOW!” he yelled to whomever. “How is this to happen?!”
“We’ll find her hyung.” Tae said.
“I want their heads.” Hoseok shouted before kicking the nearest thing.
You slowly started to open your eyes.
“Look who it is,” the voice said.
“Glad she could join us.” the other said.
Both voices sound all too familiar.
“Where am I?” you said taking notice of the empty room.
“Do time princess, do time” they said.
Your vision finally came clear and you could see them. You went wide eyed.
“YOU?!” you yelled.
They chuckled.
You went to get up but couldn’t, there was a rope tying you down.
“Why...?” you whispered.
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weasvlys · 4 years
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Oh god, i love when you request me stuff specially this kind of things ~hehe~. Anyways, sure! Here you have your naughty blurb. @bellaisahufflepuff
And just a little reminder: I TAKE REQUESTS, even the really naughty ones? Yes! Even de multifandom ones? Yesss, even the orgy or threesome ones? YESS! Even the queer ones? YEEEEEES, so go on, and request!.
- Xoxo, Vennus.
After Quidditch.
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Draco Malfoy x Y/N x Fred Weasley (Female! Gryffindor! Reader)
Warnings: Smut, Explicit language, cursing, degradation, slut shaming, double penetration, parissss, rough sex (spanking, hair pulling, choking, etc), threesome, unprotected sex, etc.
Words count: 2815, i know, it's a bit long but it is worth it.
"This is not fair Professor Hooch!" Fred yelled from his broomstick, annoyed by the lack of Draco Malfoy, who had thrown his twin off his broom and he had dislocated his shoulder and as a result could not continue playing "I'm sorry to say it's not, Weasley." She responded in the same way as the "You are entering the other Weasley's position" she said, patting you on the shoulder. You got up from the bench, got on the broom and began to play, the game was very close, Harry still did not see the snitch and Slytherin was winning 50 to 10, to Gryffindor, you hoped it would not happen that the same as in the world cup with Ireland and Bulgaria. But for a moment you forget all those thoughts watching Fred stood next to you, with that imnotating smile and those sexy eyes, it was difficult to concentrate having him there, and even worse, to Malfoy from across the field, they both looked so sexy in those uniforms that they were so snug it was hard not to see their muscles through them, but if it still couldn't get worse, their dicks. Fred had that voice and gaze full of lust again, as if he would think of fucking you at the end of the game, and Draco lifting that chest and brushing his damp hair from his face flexing his arms and letting you see their muscles... Merlin, the very idea of ​​seeing them doing that naked and drenched with sweat made you feel a rush of pleasure in your core. And taking you out of all those thoughts, a gust passed in front of you, followed by a wet and cold wind, it was Harry accompanied by Draco, it seemed that he had finally found the snitch, but they quickly disappeared from your sight, now they seemed to be in the sky, looking for the snitch.
You were looking up at the sky when the sound of a furious bludger caught your attention, you quickly hit it to prevent it from landing on your face resulting in an accidental 'goal', however putting a bludger in any of the hoops did not give any points, but fortunately the bludger hit Marcus Flint, who's the captain, and bounced off Peregrine Derrick, who is one of the punchers, knocked them both out in action. "Professor, that was a foul!" he reproached Lucian Bole, another of the thugs "It is not dear", replied the teacher, winking at you, Lucian only snorted, "Good one Y/L/N" Fred told you with a wink, damnit, he's so sexy... You turned to the front to see Draco looking at you with a smirk, he gave you an up and down look and then softly lick and bite his lip. That was enough to make you melt.
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The game was over and with the torture of seeing Draco and Fred, at least for the weekend you could get rid of their stares. Gryffindor had won despite expectations, it seemed that again Slytherin had lost by trusting.
"Won't you join us? We will celebrate, there will be firewisky" asked Harry behind you with a group of Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs "Yes, I'll just take a quick shower" you answered in the same way, You really weren't in the mood to celebrate, after those looks you wanted to go to your room and satisfy yourself just thinking about them. You were about to go into the girls 'bathtubs, when you heard voices coming from the boys' bathroom, which was next door, you tried to listen but there were many Gryffindors celebrating, you peeked in, and as soon as you did, you heard Fred's annoying voice "You're such a coward!" Said Fred, you put your head a little more to see who he was fighting, you saw the redhead's back pushing another boy, he seemed a little smaller than him, however you did not see who it was "At least I don't associate with mudbloods, you are a disgrace to purebloods." As soon as you heard it and knew who it was, that voice and accent you could recognize it anywhere, it was Draco Malfoy, "What do you want, Weasley? You know that I can make her stop talking to you, ignore your existence." Fred pushed him even harder, yanked him by his clothes and pulled him closer to him "Who are you even talking about?"Asked Fred, with a threatening voice, that voice that it made you so hot "You know who the bloody hell I'm talking about... that pretty mudblood girl." Draco replied laughing, Fred again pushed him harder to the wall, you knew what was coming, the Weasleys weren't well known for controlling their emotions, much less against Draco Malfoy.
You entered the bathroom loudly so that both of you will notice your presence "Speaking of the devil" Draco said "What is he talking about, Freddie?" You asked without taking your eyes off Draco, who was now on the ground and Fred next to him, with the expression that Fang usually made when Hagrid scold him "Hahaha, she doesn't know yet?"Again he asked Fred mockingly "Malfoy shut up!" Said Fred crossing his arms, until now you had noticed that Fred wasn't wearing a shirt, shit, that thin and marked body drove you crazy, those hands with veins that went up to his shoulder and that path of red hairs below his navel that went down, you liked to find out how far they go, What you loved the most were those freckles that were scattered everywhere and that v on his hips, "What are you talking about?!" You said now angrily "That Fred Weasley fancy you, I mean, I don't blame him." He answered giving you that up and down look that made your legs shake again, his answer took you very by surprise, you turned to see Fred, who was giving Draco a withering look, then I look at you, he seemed sad, as if his eyes said "I know you don't feel the same", He took a few steps towards you, he took your neck and waist and his lips touched yours, boy that had taken you by surprise, after being the whole game and a little more years fanced by this moment it finally happened, hell, the last thing that could happen now was that Draco kissed you the same way, Drunk with lust and desire, but to your surprise, someone else tugged at your wrist and kissed you in the same seductive way, now it was Draco, "What is this all about? Am I dreaming?" You wondered.
Draco took off from your kiss, you were stunned, you looked at them both in surprise, this couldn't be a dream, you weren't so creative to imagine such a scenario "Actually, we both want you" Draco said gently biting his lip and lifting his hair from his face, Fred began to approach slowly, looking at you like a dam, damn it, only in your dreams had you seen such a look, he took your wrist and pulled hard at it towards his body, "You know Y/N? Seeing you at the game, with all your uniform wet from the rain and with that look, damn it... It made me so hard" He opened the button of his pants and put your hand in his bulge under the boxer, the feeling of his hard and naked cock in the palm of your hand made you sigh "Here... Feel how much I want you".
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For a moment you had forgotten that Draco was there, but he made sure that it was not for long, put his hand on your waist and began to give wet kisses on your neck, I go down to your chest where with his other hand he unbuttoned the laces of your cape, letting it fall to the ground, they both separated from you and took off their clothes, even the inner one, you closed the door behind you and you took off the sweater you were playing with, revealing your bra, Fred approached you, leaned over and lowered your pants quickly, while the other boy kissed your neck again, this time leaving marks, until he reached the bra, where he ripped it off,making your breasts bounce into action "Fuck... You such a nasty girl, playing in such a cheating way" he said in a growl, playing with the tip of his tongue on your nipples, making you moan, while the redhead stroked your thigh "I think we should punish her Malfoy" said Fred in such a sensual way that you felt like slowly wetting your panties, "Weasley, it's the first thing we want to agree on" Said the blond mocking your expression, he directed his hand to your neck and took a large lock of hair and roughly pulled it, began to pull it, heading to the sinks, where he gently smashed your face and bare chest on the bar, exposing your butt "You're such a bad girl... Look, thong for quidditch? You sure planned to jerk off after the game, right?" Fred said in the same tone, taking the spring, pulling it, and releasing it, causing it to bind your hip which made you sigh, "Of the honors Weasley" said Draco lowering the thong to your knees "How nice Malfoy..." he just said it and gave you a spanking, so hard you knew it would turn red, he gave another, and another making you moan "Spank her for my Malfoy" said Fred, Draco got behind you and started doing the same as Fred before, but his were harder, he gave a pair and lowered his face to your thigh and gave a kiss on the inside, getting dangerously close to your pussy, got up again and gave a spanking again, again close to your center, gave another, even closer, stopped for a second, he leaned closer and whispered "You're so fucking wet..." and right after he slapped again, but this time in your center "Ahhh d-draco" That had felt wonderfully good, you got up from and went to one of the bathtubs, both boys were looking at you recharged in the washes, with those hot and thirsty looks, you could see their hard throbbing cocks, you could even see that the tip of Fred's seemed to be wet from pre-cum, and Draco impeccably trimmed, just as you imagined.
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You opened the watering can and water began to flow from it, falling on your body, it felt so good, you took a soap and began to rub your breasts, aware of how the boys saw you while they let out one or another sigh while they touched "You are not coming guys?" You asked looking at them, they exchanged glances and began to approach, Draco was the first to touch, caressing your thigh while passionately kissing you and leaving a couple of bite while Fred, for his part, went a bit further, he positioned himself behind you and began to caress your ass, he went down gently and you began to feel his middle finger opening your folds, and stroking your clit in circles, making you let out soft moans on Draco's lips "Do you like her beautiful? Do you like the way he touches you?" Draco asked, choking you gently, "Uhhum" You responded softly, and as soon as you did, Fred inserted one of his long fingers into you, you let out a groan, and you could feel how behind you Fred was teasing your reaction, he slowly began to move inside you, while the blonde one got on his knees in front of you, which took you by surprise "Kiss her..." Said the redhead to Draco, he obeyed and gave a soft kiss to your clit "Oh..." You groaned in response, Draco stuck his tongue out and ran through your folds and another moan escaped your lips, and he started sucking on your core, damn it felt so good to have you both like this, To have Fred whispering dirty things to your hatred and Draco looking at you through his eyelashes while both took care of giving pleasure only to you, it was a delight, they began to increase the speed of their acts, and your breathing became more and more agitated, you felt so close to the climax "Keep go-going" you said so close "Are you close little whore?" Fred said again in your ear, you weakly nodded and immediately Fred came out of you and Draco stoped his movement.
"What are you guys doing?" You asked a bit annoying "Just kneel love" Said Fred and immediately after having put you on your knees they both took their cocks "Open that cute little mouth of yours" Draco said putting the tip of his cock in front of your mouth, with your hand you took the base of his cock and put it in your mouth, it barely touched your throat and Draco let out a sweet and tired moan, as if I had waited a long time for it, I tangled his fingers in your hair and began to fuck your mouth while you felt how his moans bounced to your center, making you moan in the same way that he was, it was delicious to hear him, He took his cock out of your mouth and with it he gave a couple of strokes on your tongue, and immediately after this you put Fred's cock in your mouth, it was a little bigger, when you put it in this sack a sigh surprised by your quick action, you began to move his head back and forth making moans jump from the redhead's mouth, "You are such a little whore... Oh fuckk" Said Fred in a grunt "You are such a promiscuous Y/L/N" Draco said after Fred, in the same way. Fred took you by the neck and raised you to his lips, giving you a kiss, his hands went down to your thighs and he pulled them up, carrying you, carefully put your legs on his shoulders, leaving your pussy dangerously uncovered on his painful erection, he moved his hips a little and slid into you "Oh you are so hot and wet little bitch" Fred said in a moan as he entered you, he began to give soft lunges when behind you you felt how Draco accommodated his cock in your anus, slowly inserting it, making you moan so hard that not even the Gryffindor festivities would be enough to shut you up, they both began to move harmoniously, it seemed like it was the first thing they agreed on, to fuck you so hard that you couldn't walk, you dropped your head on Draco's shoulder while he was pulling your hair and Fred was choking you, it felt so fucking good, they tried to control your moans but the excitement of the moment and the wild thrusts of both did not allow it, you felt so close, never before had you liked something so much as now, you moaned in a way only found in muggle porn, you felt your thigh muscles tighten "Are you close love? Why don't you come with us little girl?" Those last words from the blond were enough to take you over the edge.
When you finished you felt like Draco and Fred came out in the same way, you will feel like their fluids dripping out of you, you have never felt so satisfied before, they looked at each other and Fred said "Now get in four" you followed his orders, Draco stood in front of you and Fred behind, as soon as they did, you felt like Fred entered your pussy that was still dripping and Draco put his still hard cock in your mouth, they both began to move, each one touching the end of where they were, you felt so full, seeing Draco through your lashes wet from the bath water and watch the drops of water fall on her nipples while she looks at you in such a seductive way, And to feel Fred behind you moaning so deliciously while every once in a while he spanks you and says something dirty, it turned you on so much, and in the same way, again you felt exceptionally close to your orgasm, it seemed that you both got it and went back to going as fast and rough as possible, making you crazy, Again you felt like when leaving your liquids dripping out of you, it was delicious you felt that complete. "You are such a dirty girl ... We will have to punish you more often" Draco said in a whisper, It was the first time you saw both boys in the same room and so close without fighting, and it fascinates you.
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nutellaneedsanap · 3 years
Almost a Dream
Jason awoke with a start, the senses he honed as a street kid warning him that something was wrong. It wasn’t a noticeable shift, something a more normal person wouldn’t notice, but to a person with his training it was glaringly obvious. The slight shift of the blankets, the dip of the bed…a quick peek confirmed what he already knew. There was someone else in his bed. The blue-eyed boy kept his eyes lightly shut, feeling the warm body next to him shift ever-so-slightly. Discreetly, he opened his eyes and peered at the figure that appeared next to him, gauging her threat level. 
She was a smaller girl with blueish-black hair, likely of asian-descent, and a wiry-muscular frame not unlike Dick’s. Deciding that she was asleep, (therefore not much of an immediate threat), Jason went to move, planning on getting Bruce. He had only just begun to sit up when she pounced.
She gave no warning before lunging forward, giving Jason’s throat a quick jab that left him gasping for air. Taking advantage of the moment it took for him to catch his breath, the girl grasped his hair at the root and brought his head down on her knee. A telltale crack sounded throughout the room and internally, Jason groaned. 
“Ahhh, Alfie’s not gonna be too happy about that.” His voice had a slight lisp, another sign pointing towards a broken nose. His assailant scrambled to get off the bed and backed towards the balcony, her hands quickly touching her ear lobes. She did not seem to like what she found, her face quickly settling into a scowl.
“I don't know who you are or what you want from me,” she began, settling into a (rather good) fighting stance. “And I don't care. I will be leaving and you will not stop me.”
Jason looked at her, grasping his nose that had begun to leak a small trail of blood.
“What the hell?” He wasn’t screaming but he sure wasn’t whispering. 
“I’m not exactly sure how you do things in France, but I'm pretty sure most parents teach their children to not break into someone’s house, sleep next to them like a weirdo, and then break their nose!” 
There was a chance that the bluenette couldn’t understand him(there was no shortage of immigrants in Gotham), but Jason hadn’t learned more than basic French yet. Technically, learning the more common languages was a part of his training as Robin, but he had kind of forgone those specific lessons. And why would he put in all that time and effort learning French when he could be reading more books from the Manor’s library?
She blinked at him. “What do you mean, I broke in? I apologize but sir, you are not pretty enough to pretend to be so stupid.”
The black-haired boy blinked right back. He may not know French but he does know an insult when he hears one, so he fires one back. “Well fuck you too.” 
The girl scrutinized him, her expression screaming “Is that the best you can do?”
“Oh? You want to go? Fine. My middle finger salutes you and your assholeishness. Calling you an idiot would be an insult to those who truly worked hard for the title.” 
She stuck her tongue out at him. 
“There is a special place in hell for you, ya know that?”
The girl cocked an eyebrow. “I’m aware there is a special place in hell for me, it's called a throne. And those are bold words for someone who literally kidnapped me, but go off I guess.” 
It didn’t take much more for the pair to dissolve into a screaming match, the bluenette yelling in French and what he thought was Cantoneese and Jason using more than a few of the Spanish phrases he had picked up from his dad and other folks on the street. Jason was in the middle of one of his more strongly worded combinations when the door slammed open, Bruce and Alfred standing in the doorway.
The both of them took a moment to examine the situation, Alfred accessing Jason for injuries while Bruce switched on the Batglare™. “Who are you, and how did you get here?” 
The poor girl looked exasperated. 
“I don’t know how I got here!! Last thing I remember was collapsing into bed and the next thing I know I wake up to the face of this,” she pointed at Jason, “creep who doesn’t even have the decency to talk to me! I keep on asking him how I got here and why he took me but he just won’t answer. He’s pretending that he doesn’t know French, but who in Paris doesn’t know French?!? I  mean, sure, there are immigrants, but who the hell would immigrate to Paris nowadays? What with Hawkmoth akkumatizing people day and night.” 
She paused before flopping down on the floor, dejected. “Today was supposed to be perfect, the day I finally got my soul mark and got one step closer to finding my soulmate, but no, I just had to get kidnapped the night before my 16th birthday!” She put her face in her hands and her shoulders began to shake slightly. 
Jason looked from the girl back to Alfred and Bruce. “Is she?” he mouthed, thoroughly bewildered. Bruce exactly as Jason felt, while Alfred’s face was twisted into something that resembled pity and understanding. 
“Master Bruce, may I have a moment with you?” Bruce sighed and turned to leave. Not wanting to be left alone with the now sobbing girl, Jason followed.
Alfred handed Jason a handkerchief for his nose before he began. “Masters, this young girl has been through quite the ordeal and I will not have either of you using your vigilante intimidation tactics on her, understood?” 
He waited until he got a nod from the two of them before continuing. “Good. You know, Master Jason, I read a very interesting book recently about Kate Goodwill and her studies on soulmates. And before you ask, Master Bruce, I do have somewhere I am going with this. The book was absolutely fascinating, the theories, the experiments, simply everything. However, the one thing that stood out to me the most was Dr. Goodwill’s research on the different types of soul bonds, specifically the one that she and her wife shared. Her research was kick-started because no one had heard of their type of soulbond before and it had caused quite the panic for both the young girls and their families.” He paused, making eye contact with Jason. “Their soulbond caused the younger of the pair to teleport into their soulmate’s bed in the middle of the night on their sixteenth birthday.”
Marinette was not having a good day. First, Mlle. Bustier assigned her to work with Lila, Lila of all people, for the end of the semester project in summer school (which she was attending due to her absences as Ladybug and Lila was attending because she was constantly absent for “charity work”), then in the middle of the night, Hawkmoth sends out 1 and ½ akumas (long story), and now she wakes up to find that she was kidnapped by a psycho in her sleep? What the actual FUCK?!?! Where was Tikki’s luck when she needed it?
And ok, sure, she wasn’t necessarily proud of how she handled the situation, but she was under a lot of stress, ok! She woke up in a random kid’s bed with no earrings and no Tikki. And yeah, she probably could have done without antagonizing the boy, but it was so easy and fun to get him riled up! How was she to know that the yelling would bring scarier other people? Ok yeah scratch that she probably should have figured that out herself (I mean the boy obviously had money so it makes sense that he’d have more people around his house) but in her defense she was like, really tired.
She glanced at the closed door that the men had just exited, wiping a few stray tears from her face. 
“If only I had Kaliki,” she mused. 
But no matter. She already had the beginnings of an escape plan forming in her head. I’ll just need a handkerchief, a piece of twine, and maybe a hairpin to pick the lock on the balcony door, but then how would I get out of the property? A house with a room like this must have crazy security measures… She went on like this for a couple of minutes, formulating her plan before she checked out the window. Three stories up...could normal civilian Marinette survive that jump? I would transform, I still have my earrings, but without Tikki I can’t... She went on like this, thinking of different plans and contingencies. The bluenette was so lost in her head that she almost didn’t notice when the three re-entered the room.
“Miss,” the older man who looked like a butler began. “I deeply apologize for the earlier behaviour of Master Jason.” He gestured to the now apprehensive boy who gave her a little wave. “He has not yet learned French and had no way to comprehend the situation. I was able to hear both sides of the story, and I believe that there has been a large misunderstanding. You were under the impression that Master Jason kidnapped you, correct?” Marinette nodded, more than a little confused. “Master Jason was under the impression that you had snuck into his bedroom in the middle of the night.”
“So what are you suggesting, someone put me here without either of us knowing?” I swear to all things holy if this man accuses me of lying…
“I am getting there, Miss. I assume you are familiar with the soulmate story of Dr. Kate Goodwill?” Marinette nodded yet again. 
The man took a deep breath. “I believe this is a similar situation, and that the two of you are soulmates..”
Her jaw dropped. “You mean I...we...what? N-no way.” 
She racked her hands through her hair. She... she wouldn’t overlook something like that, right? You were supposed to feel a sense of belonging the first time you met your soulmate and she...had kind of felt that. The more she thought about it, the more it made sense. From a logical standpoint, it would explain so much! Why he spoke English, why Tikki wasn’t with her, why her earrings weren’t on… Her face turned crimson as she realized the full implications of the statement. She turned to face the newly named Jason.
“Oh Kwami I’m so sorry Jason! I didn’t mean to, I swear, I was just so surprised and kind of scared and oh Kwami, the first time I met my soulmate I broke his nose and called him every name that I knew,” she smacked herself on the head. “Only you Mari. Oh gosh I totally understand if you never want to talk to me again I’m probably the worst soulmate in existence I just-” Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the two adults leaving the room.
“You can speak English?” Jason exclaimed, looking equal parts amused and exasperated. “You spent this whole time yelling at me in French and Cantoneese and you can speak English? So much of this could have been avoided if you had just talked to me!”
Marinette gave a nervous chuckle. “Uhhhhh, surprise?” 
At his incredulous look, she rushed to elaborate. “Well I thought we were still in Paris and no one has immigrated to Paris in literally two years so I thought that you knew French and the choice to speak English was conscious? Like maybe it was some weird interrogation tactic or something? I don’t know, I was just confused.”
“You thought I kidnapped you?” He whistled through his teeth. “Yeah, I can see why you reacted the way you did. No worries though, my nose isn’t too horribly fractured and I probably would have done the same thing.” They both chuckled. 
He has a nice smile, Mari noted. (She wouldn’t know until much later, but Jason thought the same about her laugh.)
“I think we should start over.” Marinette held out her hand. 
“Hi, I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I live in Paris, France, today is my birthday, and I think I’m your soulmate.”
Jason smirked, holding out his hand. “Hello Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I’m Jason Todd-Wayne and I think you are my soulmate too,”
They shook, and that was that.
The End.
Jason: You know, Ethiopia can wait for one more day.
Marinette: It can wait FOREVER.
Bonus 2:
Alfred: Would you like to stay for dinner?
Jason: Would you like to stay forever?
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nishigo · 4 years
an anomaly. // bennett x reader.
Tumblr media
a page from the book of memories.
[ p a g e 3 2 9 。 ]
authors note: hello! this is my first ever attempt at something for genshin impact. this is longer than i expected, and there may be errors here and there, so i am sorry about that in advance. i do hope you will enjoy it though. i got bennett yesterday after rolling and although many say he’s annoying...he’s very much like me in real life. coincidence? i think not. Σ('◉⌓◉’) i also rolled a girl named keqing. she seems nice, and is a five star, but i don’t know if she’s rare. i truly don’t know how this system works, apologies. T^T anyways, traveler, happy reading. (*'▽'*)
word count : 2191
tw : none that i can think of. very much fluff. and perhaps a touch of a flirty!reader. :)
request status at time of posting : open.
in which he had finally someone who could balance out his unluckiness.
would you like to read?
> 行。 ( y e s )
> 不行 。( n o )
Bennett was, to put it simply, confused.
He had just finished a mission with you, being your support the whole entire way through. There had been an offering that had been posted on the tavern’s walls in dark, smudged text that caught his eye at an earlier time. It read that whoever could get rid of the new pop-up hilichurl camp that blocked the path to Liyue would receive a grand sum of Mora. Course, running low on money, Bennett had decided to take up the offer. They would be easy enough to take down, just a simple slash of his sword and a few burns here and there could get the job done in no time. However, there was a problem.
No one would come with him.
Bennett knew that he was very...loud. And he was energetic. And annoying. And, though he hated to admit it...he was unlucky.
Everything seemed stacked up against him. Everyone he turned to in the tavern took a simple glance at him and rejected the offer with no further questions asked. He would try to convince them, but they would simply get more annoyed at his stubbornness and shoo him away with a flick of a hand or some splash of beer to the face. It’s not like he could take the older adventurers out either, they could barely walk on their own two feet. They were so old that they certainly would have shriveled up in the sun if he brought them along. So there that option went, leaving him with practically nothing else to turn to.
But then, if he had no one to go with him, what would happen? Would he continue to be stuck in that tavern? No, he wouldn’t allow himself to waste away like that. He was meant to be out there, in a world that could supply him with the thrill and rush that his heart yearned for. The boy desired to be just as great of an adventurer as the ones who came before him, or perhaps, dare he dream, even greater than them. Bennett desired to be a legend. But being a legend could not be done alone, even if that was what Bennett determined he would forever be, deep in the back of his brain.
Which is why you were such an anomaly.
You were the last person he spoke to that night. He was a complete mess. His shirt was damp with beer and some white wine, his white locks were a birds nest with the goggles sliding off slowly, and his eyes looked devoid of life as he took a deep inhale and they brightened up again. This was his last chance. You were the one who was either going to make or break this plan.
“Hello stranger! I am the great Bennett, and I was wondering if you would be able to help assist me with a mission that was posted on the tavern walls. It’s about the hilichurl camp by Liyue! Although I am rather strong, I need some help so it’s done more efficiently and faster. I’m even willing to split the Mora with you that we make out of it! What do you say?” Bennett recited his lines again, as if he was in an interview of sorts. His leafy green eyes watched as you scrunched up your eyebrows, as if thinking and examining him. Your face was blank other than that, lips in a straight line and hand cupping your cheek. Bennett found it to be quite terrifying. It was such an intimidating look, in fact, that he was about to ask you to forget about it before you spoke first.
“Sure.” You stated simply, a smile forming on your face as you crossed your arms.
“Ahhh, understood, I’ll get goi- WAIT!” The pyro boy turned to look right at you as he gasped. His face was one of shock morphed with a cute, ecstatic look. One could compare it to a puppy of sorts. You were not meant to say yes. You were meant to be like everyone else and reject him. He was dumbfounded as he grabbed a hold of your shoulders and tilted his head.
“You’re not joking?!”
“Course not! Why would I do such a thing?” You rebuked before he giddily jumped up and down while pulling you up to a sweet hug. It was a gentle and firm one, though, he pulled away quickly after realizing he still wreaked of alcohol. You told him you didn’t mind it though, making him rub the back of his head sheepishly and laugh. You two would converse for the night, agreeing to meet up at the gate the next morning so he could lead the way to the camp and also split the mora gained evenly. After the small chat, you would leave the tavern to stay at the local inn for the night and get some rest. Bennett’s eyes were trained on you as the door then closed, realization hitting him like a truck: he found someone. He found a real person to take on a mission. Better yet, they were as gorgeous as they were strong. This was better than any dream he could have made up. Bennett decided he had to turn in for the night soon after you left, taking a spot in his cozy bed under the sheets. His eyes closed as the curtains rustled at the soft wind that blew through the window. The pyro’s last thought before going to bed was that he truly hoped that you would fulfill your end of the deal and show up.
And you kept your promise. You were there as the morning sun rose to reflect your beautiful skin, hair flowing gently in the light breeze as he ran up to you and froze. You looked powerful now that you were out of the tavern and he could see you properly. You had on your adventure gear, dressed appropriately for a mission that required taking out many enemies. What caught his attention, though, was your white cape with golden accents that flowed from behind. Flicking your hood down and off your head, your face was now fully visible as you watched him stare. He was adorable, like a little baby who was just discovering the world for the first time.
“You’re really gonna do this with me?” Bennett asked in wonder. His face was blank as a smirk landed itself on your features. You positioned yourself to stand upright, away from the wall you were leaning on as you held your weapon of choice in your dominant hand. As for the other, you outstretched it towards him with a grin.
“Lead the way.”
Bennett didn’t even have to think twice about it as he eagerly took your hand into his own gloved one and began to lead you out of the city and into the wilderness. He seemed to be very hyper from what you could tell, as he couldn’t seem to stop commenting on how he was destined for greatness, or how thankful he was that you were going to come along with him. He also bombarded you with questions about yourself as well, like if this was your first time in Mondstadt or what kind of element you had control over. He was easily excited, but especially when you told him that you were a traveler that had been moving around place to place to see the sights of the world. It was why you were so strong, you had defeated a wide range of enemies, great and small, on your journeys. Bennett was fascinated by that, drawing him to be more and more curious about you. Alas, the questions and storytelling had to wait. You two had arrived at the camp, and it was time to take some enemies down.
You two ended up making a fantastic duo of sorts. With his sword and experience, he was able to cut down enemies with ease. You did the same, your speed and agility outmatched as you two basically made a massacre out of the camp. His fire would spread through the long grass, and with the natural wind, spread quickly to begin burning it all down. You were quick to come to his aid when he would sometimes get backed against the rocks or a tree, helping him heal with some quick magic you had learned. It wasn’t anything special, but it was enough to keep him up and moving. With such precision and perseverance, your duo was able to defeat the camp with relative ease. However, both you and Bennett were still tired from fighting for so long. You two were out of breath as the fire died out, heaving for air as you gave him a head pat and grinned.
“You did amazing out there. You’re a talented pyro user as well, I’m impressed.” There you went again, making him all confused as he sat there. You just complimented him. A powerful traveler, that has practically defeated every sort of monster there is out there, was impressed by him. Bennett, the unlucky, was impressive? For the first time, he was rendered speechless as he looked at you. It was now night, the moon high in the sky as it illuminated your face. Oh goodness, you looked ethereal. The way the stars were reflected in your eyes, the way the gold of your cape sparkled and flowed behind you, the way you smiled at him, like he was the most handsome boy you had ever seen. The only thing that stopped the comfortable silence between you two was the fact that he shivered when a breeze brushed against his pale, scar littered skin. You snapped out of it and looked him up and down, noticing how a lot of his skin was exposed to the chilly night.
“Here, take this.” You told him as you unbuttoned your cape, taking it off your shoulders. With one swoop, you draped it over his own figure, being as gentle as possible as you buttoned it up again. Bennett was reduced to continuing to stay silent as you clothed him. You placed the hood up on top of his head, a hand on your hip as you grinned at him. It was a bit big on him but nonetheless, it was rather cute. You used your other hand to take his chin gently, making him look you in the eyes. He was rather happy that the hood cast a bit of a shadow, because his cheeks were flushed a hot pink as he was forced to look at you.
“Huh. Looks better on you than it does me.” You commented before he seemed to regain his ability to speak.
“You need this more than me! I-i’m literally a pyro user, I c-can heat myself-” You hushed him, letting go of his chin as you put a finger to his peach pink lips.
“Doesn’t matter. You shouldn’t waste your energy to heat up, especially since we have to walk back to town. I’ll be fine, I’ve been through worse weather situations.” He glanced down at your finger, and then back to you as you dropped your hand and began walking down the path again, back towards the city. Why did you have to be so, so...enchanting? And you were so smooth as well! He had never been so flustered when talking to someone, heck, he was the one who was meant to be doing most of the talking! Though, he supposed that him being talkative didn’t equate to being able to flirt. But something about the thought of you leaving made him pout. It was as if the butterflies were leaving his stomach, but they left him emptier than before.
Bennett refused to be lonely anymore. Not when he had you.
“Hey, darling!~ Would you stop standing there and staring off into space? I know I look wonderful tonight, but we gotta get a move on! We won’t be able to get to town and rest our weary bones if you keep this up!~” You called out to him, making him shake his head and refocus. Right, a bed. Sleep did sound rather good right now, along with a shower and something to quench his thirst. He ran and caught up to you, walking by your side as he grinned. He began to already ask about other missions that the two of you could do together, like gathering supplies for the alchemist or helping around the town for some spare Mora here and there. Bennett then stopped for a moment again, looking at you.
“Would you like to work together again?” There was a moment of silence before you nodded.
“I think I would. We make a great team.” Bennett then continued walking with you, as if time didn’t just stop for a second as he went back to his usual, bubbly nature. The more he thought about it, the happier it made him. More adventures to be made. More memories to be created. All with you at his side the entire time.
And you would make all the difference.
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