#ahhhh STARS
chiricat · 1 year
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[photo added to the archives!] 🍡
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dozodraws · 5 months
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I am too connected to you To slip away, to fade away Days away I still feel you Touching me, changing me
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smolbean-17 · 4 months
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rancidsugar · 3 months
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Fan-art for the fanfic - The Ghost of Our Future
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barissoffee · 3 months
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livelaughlovesubs · 16 days
Food for thought for sub Boothill: wireplay!
Mechanic reader who helps with repairs all up inside him and maybe an update has him tingle each time they touch his wires, or graze his ports, or the potential opportunities 🤤
I only did minor researches about cyborgs to have a basic understanding, so most of the things I write down will be purely fiction. Also sorry that it turned out as angst instead of NSFW :(
Feel free to ask for a second part to make up for it
Warning: (a little) angst, we are screwing around
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Boothill had hinted at the fact that he can’t feel with his mechanical body parts for a while now. For him, who has been like this for so long, one would think he had gotten used to it. Yet that wasn’t the case. Were you to ask him if it bothered him, he’d answer no without an ounce of hesitation. This used to be the truth, until he fell for you. In other words, if you were to ask him the same question now, the response would be much more heartbreaking.
To get a simple comparison, it was as if your body didn’t belong to you. Despite him technically being able to do anything, it felt as if he couldn’t at the same time. Serving as an echo and reminder of his hopelessness prior to gaining this body. It was only a small price to pay considering the sin he committed by being the sole survivor, his path of revenge was fuelled with nothing but pure rage. A second life, filled with endless possibilities, at the loss of his own humanity, not the worst of his sacrifices.
The most regrettable change he had to undergo was the loss of sensation. Everyday, a numbness that wouldn’t vanish engulfed him from the bottom to his shoulders, pretty much mirroring his inner emotions. How losing the sense of touch could throw one into a deep abyss of endless emptiness was unimaginable. To think this would have such a huge consequence on his psyche was unpredictable, he believed it wouldn’t come this far, since he still could feel from his shoulders up to his head. He was horribly wrong.
Whenever you embraced him, some kind of guilt mixed with adoration would eat away at him. Boothill craved your touch, more than that he wanted to feel your warmth when he hugs you, not just the cold iron. At the same time he wished you’d find someone else. Staying by his side would only bring problems, considering the high bounty on his head. You deserved it, you deserved so much better than this icy, robotic body of his. Sometimes his true thoughts would slip out and he’d accidentally tell you how it’s a pity he can’t feel anything. Soon after he’d chuckle and tell you not to worry about it, as well as how he’s grateful for his current life, since he’ll be able to carry out revenge this way.
You have long figured out his concerns, and no matter how you showered his body with love and affection, he only seemed to condemn himself more. This wasn’t something you could just accept like that, seeing your lover being so down caused you nothing but grief. Especially with the thought in mind that you couldn’t help him- no. That’s not true. You could if you wanted to, it’s never too late to learn new things. Besides you had a basic understanding of mechanics and things related to it, since it is a part of your work. Even if you had never done something this high-tech, it doesn’t mean it’s impossible. Giving it a shot wouldn’t hurt no one, right?
After coming to such resolves, it got shaken again by your endless worries. You had no idea where to start, nor how a cyborg works. Besides the IPC is way more knowledgeable about this than you, so what’s the chance of success? How were you going to achieve that goal anyway? Uncountable amounts of questions flooded your mind, chasing away any traces of confidence you previously had. That’s when you reminded yourself as to why you wanted to do all of this in the first place. It’s all because of him, he wanted to feel, and who were you to refuse his request? Thus began your secret operation, to program a small device that works as a sensory aid. This took you so long that boothill also noticed you hiding something from him, yet he never asked, respecting your wish to keep it a secret.
One day, after you were sure that it was done and hundred precent safe, you mustered enough courage to present the idea to him. Your heart was in your hand while you explained it to him, on what exactly you would have to do as well as what this little piece of metal can do. With trembling hands, you held the small chip. It was only as big as a pingpong ball, yet it took you months to refine it to perfection. Suddenly breathing was like the most difficult task in the world, as well as speaking. Your breath was short and ragged as you stumbled over your words, trying your best to explain the situation. It was hard to believe you were suggesting the idea of doing modifications on your dear boyfriend.
Boothill was initially grinning, wondering what kind of present you got him. When he saw your nervous stutters and the gift in your hand, his expression loosened up a little, thus he was smiling meekly now. Without beating around the bush, he clasped his hand over yours, then said, “m’ mighty fine, ya’ do what ya’ want, no need to force it, aight?” His hand was cold like always, in contrary to you he didn’t quiver, simply because he couldn’t. Even so you knew this was very shocking to him, you noticed by the indescribable look on his face. There was his usual cheerful air, brave smirk and reassuring yet chaotic vibe. Though a hint of bitterness was hidden behind these layers.
Why? That’s what he wondered about. You spend all your free time on this, just for him, because he accidentally pitied it once or twice? Even though he appreciated the thoughts and efforts, he still felt bad. Yet there was something else too, scepticism. If this were to work, would things get better? Doubt, suspicion and most prominently fear engulfed him. What if it just doesn’t work? You must be so disappointed if that were the case. Or something might go wrong and he never gets the chance to hold you again, that would be way worse than his current fate. Frankly enough, he is already grateful to have a place to call home again, which is why he doesn’t want to be too greedy.
You nodded, then said, “I want to try, okay?” He saw your determination, so he had to reason to refuse you, giving you a smile as he replied, “don’t mess me up too much, darling.” After getting his consent, you made him lie down on the working bench. If he didn’t knew any better, it almost felt like you were a doctor. You started with removing his cover, using a cordless screwdriver to get rid of the metal plates on his torso. This way you can access his central parts and inner systems. Operating on a human being was stressing, especially because it was someone dear to you too. It took you a while until you properly understood his body and how everything worked, many wires were placed everywhere, so many that it confused you. There were also artificial bones to help stabilise and protect the wires as well as countless devices, similar to the task of real bones. Some kind of blue liquid was being pumped to his heart, keeping it alive. You found many chips for various purposes, yours in contrary looked like a joke. This was overwhelming at first, but after studying him for a bit, you came to understand most of it.
Behind his pelvis was his oil tank, with the energy conversion device being right next to it. It was connected to every single part of his body, since it was the machine delivering energy through every wire. There were also many other human-like parts; an artificial lung, an oxygen cylinder to store the air needed to keep the brain alive, an artificial stomach which was more like a storage for bullets. The department that you needed the most was behind his chest, where his motor for motion skills are. It was located alongside a few other big systems. If you could somehow connect the control system with your little chip there, then he might be able to turn on or off the sensor at free will. No doubt it was a bold gamble, but you were willing to try.
After hours of endless finger-work, to the point sweat was dripping down your chin, you finally managed to attach the device to the right place. A total of 52 tiny wires were needed to properly connect everything, the last thing you had to do was to reattach his covers. Before moving on to that part, you tapped your self made chip gently, wondering if he would be able to feel anything already. During the entire time you were working and basically experimenting on him, Boothill stayed quiet, not wanting to disrupt you. Though this time, he let out an irritated gasp, “huh.” It was strange, something wasn’t quite right. That means you did manage to make modifications to his body, the question is if it’s a good thing. “Boothill, are you alright?” You asked him immediately, worried that you made things worse. “Shucks cutie, m’fine, I’m not that frail.” Once again he retorted to his usual fun demeanour.
It wasn’t a lie, he was fine, but that doesn’t mean nothing happened. Though he didn’t know how to describe it neither. Somehow it felt like electricity was send to his brain, stimulating his nerves. The sensation he just experienced… it was weird yet familiar. Could it be whatever you did worked? Was that bizarre sensation the sense of touch? It’s been so long, he doesn’t know nor remember anymore. “I’m done, can you see if you can turn it on?” You said hesitantly, almost sounding as unsure as him. Boothill looked through his system, and there has indeed been a new feature unlocked. He downloaded it swiftly, a little on edge as he waited. 98%…99%… and done. “How do you feel?” The anticipation in your voice was as clear as day. This was the most intense part of your operation after all, it was if it bore fruition.
“I really don’t feel a difference.” He told you honestly, his brows furrowed. It seems he also kind of hoped for it to work, guess his expectations were too high. Your heart sank, all this work for nothing. In an instant, you grabbed his hand and brought it to your chest. With a disappointed and guilty tone, you spoke, “I’m sorry, I made you go through all that for nothing.” Then you held his iron hand tightly, as if to apologise to him. As soon as your skin made contact with him, his hand twitched and he pulled it back. A dumbfounded look was on your face along with the grief. When you stared at him, totally confused, you noticed his face heat up. “Boothill…?”
“Your hand’s warm.” He stated, lips slightly parted which revealed his sharp teeth. “What?” You didn’t quite catch the meaning behind his words, hence the question. Boothill sit up very abruptly and pointed a finger to his body, “touch m’ here.” Despite you not understanding the situation, you obliged anyway, tapping his torso with your index finger. “It worked!” The cyborg stated, blinking a few times in awe. “My forking goodness, this shirt works.” “You mean…?” Your own eyes widened, staring at him in disbelief. It worked? Your little amateur operation there? “It worked.” You had to repeat those words that seemed so unfamiliar in your mouth.
The realisation hit you, your hard work payed off and it wasn’t unnecessary. In an instand you pulled that man into a hug, wrapping your arms around his torso, holding him tightly. “Hey now, don’t squeeze me so suddenly mother-fudger, hahaha.” Boothill laughed, returning your embrace immediately. This feeling was what he subconsciously missed. For the first time in years, he could feel the warmth of another. He can feel it when something is touching him, when you are caressing him so gently.
Even though first and foremost he looks unbothered, only happy about this new function, he was deeply shaken by it. His bottom lip trembled due to the overwhelming emotions swirling around inside him. If he could cry, he would. Partly because he’s so grateful for your deeds, also because feeling so many stimulations when he literally couldn’t for years is a bit overwhelming. It wasn’t bad though, your hug felt so nice. To think the first thing he gets to feel after being senseless all these years is not anything fighting related, but the soft feeling of your tender embrace. How lucky he was. If he dared to be a little more selfish, then he’d wish this moment could last forever.
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passionartx · 2 months
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Some fanart of @nixoon-again’s Tails design from one of their AU’s! 💛🫶✨
Losing my mind over this lil guy I love his design so, so much ahh! 🦋
[ @myymi’s bendy tails is next at somepoint! Got au tails’s on the brain 24/7!]
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spirk-trek · 2 months
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S3E17: That Which Survives ⋆.˚ ✧ · ˚⊹ .
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y-allium · 2 months
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guzekna · 2 months
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dianexo-v · 1 month
"My pov:"
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"Her pov:"
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lunasdreamytreats · 3 months
Glitch in the matrix
Feat: Luocha
Synopsis: Your boss, Master Diviner Fu Xuan tasks you with looking into the travelling merchant under suspicions of nondescript nature. You oblige, but was woefully unprepared for what you saw.... (im kinda mixing 2 prompts together here oops)
Word count: 1.9k
Content warnings: NSFW, fem!reader, reader is a diviner, dubcon (reader doesn't explicitly say no but they do fight back), dacraphilia, size diff, petnames (princess, little flower, little one), shibari, fingering, clit stimulation, orgasm denial, finger sucking, doggy, clit slapping (it happens like once), luocha gets pussydrunk, he also reads your mind, implications to stalking and noncon sexual acts at the very end!
a/n: first full fic yahooo!! disembodied voice lines are in bold to avoid confusion with luocha's lines, !please read the warnings before reading!
"Master Diviner?" you walked up to the woman stood in front of the matrix of precience, the centrepiece of the divination commission. "You asked to see me?"
The pink haired woman paused, turning her head towards your direction, "Ah, y/n, very punctual, as expected from my pupil." You smiled lightly at the praise, following her as she motioned for you to follow her. The two of you moved over to where a large table with multiple scrolls stacked on top of one another had been placed temporarily. She moved a few to the side before she found the one she wanted, handing it over to you before picking the others up.
"What's this, master? A new task to test myself with?" You questioned, brow raised quizzically. The scroll just had an image and a general profile on it. Along with a piece of, what could only be, this person's blond hair.
"Not quite," fu xuan's voice rang out from,, the other end of the platform? You looked up from the scroll to see your boss and teacher waiting for you expectingly, once she saw you notice her, she continued walking. Jogging to catch up with her, you two were making your way over to the entrance of the divination commission.
"The realm keeping commission has requested the divination commissions assistance in identifying people that could've brought the stellaron onto the luofu." Fu xuan explained, once you caught up to her. For someone her size, she sure can move as fast as lightning. "I've personally selected files for certain people to examine, this ones yours. He's a particularly difficult case as not many people can read him. Do you think you can handle him, y/n?" The way fu xuan phrased it was strange, but you decided to brush it off. After all, the master diviner always had a strange way with words.
"Of course, master." You answered with a bow, before turning your attention back to the scroll in your hands. "However i do have one question, how exactly is this person a suspect? I believe I've seen him selling rare trinkets in Aurum Alley before.."
"I don't know the specific reason the realm keeping commission wants us to look into him, they just asked us to come back with our results soon"
Fu xuan gave you the rest of the day off so that you could prepare for the divination you'd be performing later that night. She advised you to do something you enjoy doing, to clear your head of any worries that might get in your way during the process. ..... oh right, divinations could go wrong if the person conducting them doesn't have a clear mind. It's why fu xuan always meditates before doing any kind of divination.
However, instead of doing what your master suggested, you decide to go straight to bed for a quick nap. Your head had been killing you ever since the daily tasks at the commission had become more strenuous and demanding after the ambrosial arbor rose again...
By the time you were able to rouse yourself awake, it was nearly 6:30 pm, the very time you promised yourself that you'd start the divination fu xuan wanted. You opened a rather large box that was set up by your bed that held your own mini divination machine that you were issued when you joined the commission.
You set the mini matrix of precience on your coffee table, moving the odds and ends that were on it originally. It isn't the best place for looking into someone's conscience, but hey, it works for you. Taking a deep breath, you steady your breathing and start up the machine.
The whole room lit up in a low, pulsating light that slowly grew in brightness as the device whirred to full power. Once the machine had fully charged, you slipped in a small lock of the man's hair into the centre of the device. You entered the divination plain within your mind and began waiting for the device to hook you to the others mind. Even from the hazy image that began forming before your eyes, you could tell he wasn't alone, well shit.... this isn't going to be as easy if he's thinking about someone else..... perhaps you could attempt to change his train of thought?
However any previous thoughts you had about work exited your brain when the scene in front of you grew clearer, that.... was you.. the person he was with, is you. But how.... sure you may have bought something from him last time you saw him in Aurum Alley... but this scene wasn't anything like that time.....
He had you underneath him, caging your much smaller form while his large hands roamed your body. The tank top you wore had been pushed up to just under your breasts, with Luocha's hands gently pulling you closer. ...... huh? When did you suddenly remember his name? Doesn't really matter, because while your attention was occupied by that thought, Luocha had procured a red shibari rope and had expertly tied it all around your now naked body. Just as your thoughts were beginning to wander again, a laugh brought you out again. Only it didn't come from the scene in front of you... no, this came from another place.
"Enjoying the show, princess?" It asked, you felt a ghostly touch on your shoulder as the scene changed again to show a much dirtier scenario. You tried so desperately to look away from the erotic scene before your eyes, it felt like you've stumbled across a porno of yourself filmed without consent. However, a strange, invisible force halted any movement of your head... Forcing you to watch yourself getting fingered by Luocha.
Struggling against the ropes and his hold, you attempted to push him away with your foot. Luocha's free hand grabbed your ankle, placing a small lick and kiss against the skin there. He glanced down at you, smirking as he noticed your eyes were glossed with tears threatening to fall. Sure, he felt a little bad about making his beloved cry, it wasn't enough to get him to stop. The mere fact you're not fighting him harder tells him your simply testing the waters. He let your leg drop down to rest on his thigh and leaned up to gently sush you while rubbing your cheeks.
"It's ok, my little flower... i wouldn't hurt you." When you finally relaxed into his touch, his movements picked up. His fingers pressed along your walls before curling them, looking for your g spot. And when he did find it, ohh~ he knew. Your eyes snapped back to reality from where they had been unfocused in the haze of lust, and your broken cries of his name became louder, it was clear that your orgasm was fast approaching. Luocha rubbed the pearl of your clit roughly, eliciting loud sobs from you.
"luo~ m'gonna cum!" Your voice was barely audible above the loud sounds being created between your legs, but your clenching and spasming walls told him all he needed to know. Luocha withdrew his fingers just as you were on the brink of the sweet euphoria. He smiled lightly when he saw your annoyed and pouty expression, bringing his slick coated fingers up to press them against your lips.
"Lick them" you opened your mouth obediently for him to slide his digits into your warm mouth. Thrusting them slowly, his calloused fingertips dragged against your tongue...... oh, you can't take anymore looking at this... your mind drifted back to the task that you were supposed to be conducting, and how fu xuan would likely be wondering what's taking you so long to get back to her... wait, how long have you been here again?
"No no no, little one, focus on them," T-There's that disembodied voice again! It’s preventing you from diverting your attention away from the lewd scene in front of you. I-It sounds a little familiar, but a ghostly hold directed you back to you and Luocha. The scene had progressed to the point where Luocha had flipped you from your back to your front, holding you by the hips with your butt up in the air. He leaned back a little, enough to see how wet his tip got from just rubbing against your slick opening.
Smirking, Luocha tugged at the ropes around your body, his cock slipping inside you without resistance. Something rather large brushed against your lips at the same time and the disembodied voice groaned softly. However, when you looked, you saw nothing that it could've been. A loud moan escaped your throat when he landed a harsh slap against your sopping clit, kissing your neck afterwards in apology when he heard you sob.
"M'sorry princess, couldn't help m'self," He sighed deeply, inhaling your scent. His cock throbbed inside your gummy walls as you tightened around him. He's already drunk on you? It felt... nice? You met him once and bought a trinket from him that one time, yet he felt this in love with you... you almost wanted to see what it's like kiss him in reality, but where would you find him?
"M'gonna move now, yeah? Fill ya up nicely." Groaning again when you nodded, he placed his hands at your hips and began thrusting slowly. You were having a hard time distinguishing if what was happening here was happening to dream you or real you; the sinful noises of wet skin slapping against eachother paired with grunts and moans all around you was disorientating.
"Aah... oh, looks like we may need to cut things short here, princess... but don't worry, I'll be in Aurum Alley when you wanna continue this." Huh? The disembodied voice could read your mind?! D-did it hear you enjoying this...?! The scene of you and Luocha began fading again, the image of him kissing you passionately being the last thing seen.
"Wait! Who even are you?!" You try to yell after the disembodied voice, but got nothing but deafening silence in return. The space around you continued to fade and crumble, the falling sensation caused you to wake with a jolt; back in the same room, with the divination machine still on the coffee table.
The luofu's artificial sun had gone down for the day by now, yet there was a faint glow. Not from the divination machine, but from your phone.... fu xuan. Remembering your original mission, you scrambled to grab and answer your ringing phone.
"Y/N? I've been calling you for 10 minutes! Is everything alright?" The master diviner's voice came through as soon as you hit pick up, not giving you a moment to speak.
"I'm sorry master, there were a few issues while I conducted the divination... However, I don't think the suspect has anything to do with the stellaron crisis at hand." You replied, hoping this explanation would be enough to get her to not press it further. Thank the aeons she can't see you right now, you're probably all hot and flushed in the face at present.
"Hhmmm? Very well then, as it's late now, could you come in a little earlier tomorrow and write up the report? I'd like to send them all off to the realm keeping commission at the same time."
"Of course, i'll have it ready before midday tomorrow."
"Good. I'll see you tomorrow, then. Goodnight!" Fu xuan ended the call and you heaved a sigh of relief. Thank the reighbow arbiter she didn't ask for why your conclusion was that.
Now, to clear your divination machine away and enjoy the rest of your evening. But before relaxing, you should probably do something about the slight ache in your jaw and bitter taste in your mouth....
a/n: I may write a part 2 of this...
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rancidsugar · 4 months
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birdnoisesart · 10 months
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“ezra, this is beautiful”
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ashleander · 6 months
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More Undertale Yellow
I couldn’t resist drawing more of them! All of it is mostly about Starlo but Clover’s here for the heck of it! I really admire Starlo a lot from the cast and also because he has me in a chokehold grahhhh… He’s engraved in my brain! Don’t mind me I’m just liking/saving “every” artwork and videos of this guy! Also don’t mind the bottom right sketch, i was too lazy to come up with an idea for them..
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animatedjen · 2 months
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"...our Senior Producer, Paul Hatfield, had the great idea of wanting to tie in some elements of the current events that Cal was experiencing in Survivor, mixed with the lingering trauma of Cal's memory of Order 66. This led to the through line of utilizing the Koboh matter along with Venator Class Star Destroyers and ship wreckage throughout all of the Force Tear levels. For the Force Tear Arena specifically, I wanted to craft something that fulfilled that narrative while pulling inspiration from Japanese Tea and Zen gardens. I also utilized the Shattered Moon and the iconic rock formations that Kevin Quinn created for the Void in the menu/skill tree UI." - Scott Russell
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