#ahhhhhh stop it
rosicheeks · 2 years
Rosie darling just a reminder that you are a gorgeous goddess and my favorite ❤️😍🥰😘😁
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timetodiverge · 1 month
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No comment. NO COMMENT.
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End Credits Easter Egg
X-Men '97
Season 1 Episode 10: Tolerance Is Extinction - Part 3
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alicornze7 · 29 days
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I am so normal I am so normal I am so-
did these sketches right after ep 2 and those two are not helping (you know if you know)
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oliverscloud · 6 days
Smallishbeans/Joel enjoyers and fans
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Tag yourself 🙌🏽 I call the one without arms
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doritooooo · 2 months
me: *is reading stop me by @megadoomingir*
optimus: shoot me starscream, if this will help you, if this will help save the rest of the team from your pain and anger, then I want you to shoot me. I want you to let out every piece of anguish that plagues you. If it will save you, then my sacrifice will be worth it.
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winterwrxter · 5 days
Today, I, as a 100% perfectly functioning member of society, believe that is time for me to reveal all of my current Melanie Martinez bracelets that I have created thus far because I am not in fact insane nor obsessed with her songs thank you and good night. :]
(holy moly not me posting something not osc related-)
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Bracelets in order: Drama Club, Death, Void, Tunnel Vision, Faerie Soiree, Light Shower, Spider Web, Leeches, Battle of the Larynx, Moon Cycle, Nymphology, Evil, Womb, Powder, Pluto. I'm currently waiting for some more beads to come in so I can make about 37 more bracelets before I go to her concert on the 6th <333
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hanafubukki · 5 months
The Dreams of Silver and Malleus
Thinking about the parallels when Malleus and Silver was sleeping before they were awoken by Lilia.
Silver had happy dreams while he dreamt and stayed in his adorable baby form. I would be curious to know what he dreamt. Did he hop into those he would know and love? Did he hop into Lilia’s? Malleus? Sebek? Did his parents visit him?
While Silver had happy dreams, what about Malleus? We know he was in the egg and he was dying. We know he responded when Lilia would talk to him and he held on.
So, I can imagine his dreams weren’t as peaceful or happy. Maybe the only peaceful dreams and warmth he had was during those times Lilia talked to him.
It would explain why we see a cage and an endless abyss in the diasomnia trailer as well.
It would also explain why he’s the only one not dreaming. Because what are dreams to him but loneliness and the bitter cold?
(Ahhh I hope Silver uses his UM on him and drags Malleus from this cold abyss into the pastel world of his 🥹🙏)
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nolsaesthetic · 6 months
So, during season 2, it was pretty obvious that Maggie and Nina were supposed to be mimicking Crowley and Aziraphale. They even go so far as to have Crowley and Aziraphale attempt to make them fall in love in the ways they did/do: Crowley with the rain and Aziraphale with the cotilleon balls. But what about the foreshadowing???
In episode six, as Nina and Maggie are advising Crowley to talk to Aziraphale, they explain how they are going about their own relationship. They weren't quite ready to date just yet, but they acknowledged their feelings for one another and promised to give it a shot when they're ready. Specifically, once Nina is ready.
Now look at Aziraphale and Crowley. They VERY haphazardly talked about some feelings, but Aziraphale didn't respond the way we all wanted him to. It sure as Hell wasn't as calm or comforting as Nina's, but what if Aziraphale just needs time. Like Nina, he is still caught up with his past connections (relationship with Heaven), but still wanted Crowley to be a part of that. And when he gets back from that, which I'm crossing my fingers doesn't take too long, he will be able to be with Crowley.
Though what I fear is that he won't be forgiven, that Crowley will be too hurt, and it'll take years for them to grow the same connection they once had. Which is entirely valid to do, but it still breaks my heart. It just makes me think of when Nina explains that when she is finally ready to be with Maggie, Maggie might have moved on, and she will have to be okay with that.
I don't know if any of that made sense or if it was obvious in the show, and im just dense, but I'm simultaneously really happy, scared, and sad right now.
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peachsayshi · 6 months
& speaking of kissing gojo; the man is infuriating because he'll coil your belly, have you all hot and bothered because of those pretty, soft pink lips and that wicked tongue and then end every make out session with a cute lil nose rub followed with a tiny, chaste peck.
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oikasugayama · 6 months
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you and I walk a fragile line
chapter 3: diesel is desire (you were playing with fire)
“We’re from different worlds, yet somehow you found your way into mine.” He reaches up and brushes his thumb across your cheek. “I promise to keep you safe.”
contains: smut, P in V sex, blowjobs, cunnilingus, fingering, breast play, riding, multiple orgasms, aftercare, bathing together
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fuckyeahkarlach · 2 months
Josephine Montilyet would have a crush on Karlach.
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majorproblems77 · 4 months
The brain rot I have of LU Sky is real help
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malarkgirlypop · 7 months
Goody Part 2 (Joseph Liebgott x Fem!Reader)
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AHHHHH I'm sorry, there is going to have to be a part three. @loveydovey12 I hope you enjoy the second part. I will finish this third part for you and make it extra spicy! Like just a whole part of smut ahahah! I hope you all enjoy spicy Joe. Making me all flustered and I wrote it. This is based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to anyone involved.
I returned the next day feeling refreshed, I slept like a baby last night. I smile as I walk in greeting the patients, they all grin at me, saying good morning. I walk past Joe’s bed, he gives me his signature smirk, instead of sending him back a glare like I always do I smirk back. His smirk drops, a confused look graces his face. I dig the knife in deeper by sending a wink in his direction. He looks worried, that’s not the reaction he was expecting. I chuckle, I have played him at his own game.  
I leave him till last again, he looks apprehensive as I approach his bed. I smile at him. He looks uncomfortable, not used to me being so nice. 
“Pants please.” I say sitting down at the end of the bed. He eyes me, looking sceptical. He watches me unmoving. I smile at him. “Joe, please may you take down your pants for me.” 
“No!” He retorts, I laugh. 
“What do you mean no?” I ask the man. 
“I don’t like this! Why are you being so nice? Stop it!” He interrogates me. I scoff at him shaking my head. 
“I actually think I like it better this way. Now I have you squirming, not the other way around.” I smirk at him, giving him a taste of his own medicine. He glares at me. Oh how the tables have turned. I bit my lip suppressing my laugh. His eyes glanced down to my lips, slowly dragging his gaze up to meet mine. His eyes darken, he grins, “Oh, two can play at that game.” A felt a blush rise on my cheeks, he had flustered me. He knew he had too, as he undid his belt with one hand still grinning at me. I averted my gaze, busying myself pretending to look through my supplies. I heard him chuckle as he rolled over. I stood pulling the curtain to give him some privacy. I started undressing the wound, when he spoke again. 
“You must love staring at my ass, hey Goody.” I could hear the smirk in his voice.
“No, why would you think that?” I said my tone clipped. 
“Well you’re the only nurse who does my dressing. I’m sure you all fight over it in the morning.” I scoffed, shaking my head. 
“Don’t flatter yourself ass-hat.” I growl. 
“Ah there she is, the Goody I know.” He chuckled, well that lasted for all of about two seconds.
I finish with his wound, turning around so that he can get dressed again. I pull open the curtain again as he lays back down in bed. 
“You gave it a good go.” I glared at him over my shoulder as he leered at me. I roll my eyes not falling for his bait. 
I make my way home with the rest of the nurses, we walk fast trying to get back as quickly as possible so we can eat and then go to bed. Mary walks next to me.
“Do you know that soldier?” She asks me. I look down at her giving her a confused look. “You know the one that has an injury on his butt.” She giggles. I roll my eyes smiling. 
“Yes I do.” I admit. 
She beams at me, “I think he likes you.” A bark of laughter leaves my lips. She looks confused at my reaction. 
“He most definitely does not like me, Mary. I can assure you.” I tell the young nurse, wiping the idea from her head completely. Knowing that if she thought that he liked me she would meddle. She’s known to try and be a matchmaker for the nurses. I do not need her antics along with Joe’s. She looks sad, “Are you sure? He is always watching you.” She insists. 
“He’s watching me cause he knows it pisses me off, which is what he loves to do.” I sigh, shaking my head thinking about every time I raised my head in the previous shift he was grinning at me, with his smug face saying I won!  
Mary goes off on a tangent about her own man, I’m happy for the distraction. We finally make it back to the little house we all share. I eat quickly, and clean up before washing my face and getting into bed. I lie down almost asleep when Joe’s face appears in my mind. I groan thinking of something else. I roll over getting more comfortable. I drift off to sleep. 
“You like that don’t you?” Someone mumbles huskily in my ear, I hear the noise of a belt buckle being undone. Lips drag down the sensitive skin of my neck, I tilt my head back exposing my soft skin. I sigh, liking the feeling of their lips on me. The person’s face comes into view, Joe’s smug face. 
I bolt upright panting as my alarm blares. I did not just have a dream about Joe. I get dressed quickly, I had accidentally slept in. Walking quickly to the aid station to get there in time. 
I arrive out of breath and feeling frazzled. I walk past Joe’s bed, “What’s got you all flustered Goody?” He raises his eyebrows at me. 
“What?” I pant, can he tell? “Nothing.” I say quickly, looking guilty. He gives me a questioning look. 
I busy myself the rest of the day trying my best to avoid the man. I avert my gaze elsewhere when he looks at me, feeling a blush rise to my cheeks each time. Snap out of it Y/N, this is Joe we are talking about, I have no feelings for him.   
I convince one of the other nurses to do his wound dressing making up an excuse that I have something else to do. The nurse comes back, “The wound looks good, but he asked after you.” she informs me as I hide in the nurses station. 
“Y/N can you get more bandages out of the storage room?” Mary asks me in passing. I nod making my way over to the small walk-in pantry that we made our storage room. I look around the room, where the hell are these bandages? I step back from the shelves, standing on my tip-toes to see on the top shelf, Ah ha! I see the box I need. I reach up, my fingers barely graze the box. I try again, standing on my tip-toes again to get more height. 
“Why do they put them up so high?” I am annoyed. I jump trying to reach the box. No use. Before I can turn around to find something to stand on my body is pressed into the shelves from behind. A tall figure looms over me, reaching up and grabbing the box from the shelf. They put the box on the floor. I whip around, Joe stands in close proximity to me. I can’t step away from him though my back is still pressed to the shelves. We stand toe to toe with each other. He looks down at me, his soft breath tickling my face. “Thanks.” I utter softly. Trying not to notice my heartbeat elevating and butterflies in my stomach. I swallow looking up at him, we don’t move. We have our own staring contest, I don’t wear my normal glare, looking more doe-eyed and innocent as I stared up at him. He stares down his nose at me. 
“Have I done something to offend you?” He asks, his voice gravelly. I feel heat rise to my cheeks, it was the same tone of voice he had in the dream. I shook my head, not able to form a sentence. 
“Why did you avoid me?” He asked leaning forward further, I tilted my head back trying to get out of the way of his face that loomed closer, his arm coming up beside my head as he leaned in.
“I was busy.” I whispered. I shifted my face off to the side so he was staring at my cheek. His other hand snaked out, grabbing me lightly by my chin and bringing my face back to the front. He tilted his head taking me in. 
“Don’t lie to me Goody. I know when you are.” He said lowly, warning me. I gulped. I could feel the heat of his body, so close but not touching, but I knew if I moved in the slightest we would make contact. 
“I’m not lying.” I uttered. Trying to convince him. He looked like he didn’t believe me. He huffed, stepping back. I took a breath, trying to calm my nerves. 
“You better do it tomorrow.” I nodded quickly, not saying anything. He turned on his heel leaving me in the storage room by myself. I took a shaky breath trying to regain my composure. I couldn’t tell what I was feeling. 
I did Joe’s dressing the next day as he asked. We didn’t say much to each other. Joe watched me with a close eye as I kept my head down. He was making me flustered than normal. 
I tended to another patient later in the shift, wrapping his arm in fresh bandages. 
“HELP!” I looked up from my task, a group of men filled the aid station carrying multiple patients in on stretchers. I stood going to the first patient brought in, he didn't look in great shape.  
“Put him here.” I pointed to a bed, we carefully placed him down as I ripped open his top. Blood spurted from a gaping wound in his chest. I grabbed the bandages beside me, packing the open wound with gauze to stop the bleeding, putting pressure on the wound. 
“I need help over here!” I called, as other nurses who could, came to help. “I think it’s hit the artery. I need you to set up a needle for me so I can sew it closed. But we are going to have to work quickly or he will bleed out.” The nurse nods, going away to get supplies. I reach my hand into the wound pinching closed the artery. I need to be firm but gentle, I carefully hold it closed. Blood still spurts out, I pack in more gauze to slow the bleeding. The man lies unconscious with a faint pulse and shallow breathing. The nurse arrives back with the needle. I move quickly sewing it shut, before I can finish, I glance up at the man. I don’t notice his chest rise and fall, I move my hand taking his pulse from his neck. I sigh, no pulse. I pull my hands from the wound. I don’t get time to think about it when another nurse calls for help. We lost another three men to their injuries. The rest we were able to patch up. My mind is numb, I’m covered in blood and I’m so tired I feel like a zombie. 
“We need a refill of bedsheets, can you go grab them.” I nod walking slowly to the storage room. I find the box filled with the bedsheets, I pull them from the shelf not realising there is another box on top. The boxes topple to the ground causing me to fall back, the heavy boxes land on my legs causing me to yelp in pain. I shove the boxes off me, tears brim in my eyes. I break down, having been pushed over the edge. I sob into my knees. I couldn’t save those men, that’s someone’s family and I let them die. I jump back when someone wraps their arms around me. I look up through teary eyes. Joe kneels in front of me, a sad look on his face. I wrap my arms around his neck as he pulls me into his embrace. I cry into his chest as he holds me. He doesn’t make any comments, just lets me cry. His hands rub circles on my back in a soothing motion. I look up at him, he wipes the tears from my face with his thumb as he holds my cheek. I lean back into him, curling into his lap. “It’s not your fault, you know?” He says softly in my ear. I don’t look up, resting my cheek against his chest. I hear his heartbeat, I close my eyes listening to the soothing sound. 
“It’s hard to not feel like it’s your fault.” I mutter. He hums stroking my back. We finally untangle ourselves from each other. I rub my eyes, sore from crying. “I’ll see you tomorrow Goody.” He says leaving me alone in the storage room once again. 
I arrive the next day, my head pounds from my sleepless night, haunted by the faces of the men I couldn’t save. I walked into the aid station to a commotion. 
“Who was the nurse who treated him?” Yelled the soldier in Mary’s face. I straightened, moving to stand in between the man and Mary.
“Sir what’s the problem?” I asked, keeping my face neutral. 
“You incompetent nurses let my brother die!” He roared in my face, his face red with rage. 
“Who was your brother Sir?” I asked, trying to figure out if I could help him understand what happened to his brother. 
“Alfred White.” My face dropped. It was the man I had treated with the chest wound. The one who died. 
“I’m sorry Sir, I treated Alfred. We just weren’t fast enough, by the time he was brought in he had lost too much blood.” I tried to comfort him in knowing we did all that we could. However it did not seem to help, he looked even angrier than before. 
“We did all that we could, I’m so sorry for your loss.” I said with an empathetic tone. 
“YOU STUPID BITCH!” He screamed in my face. I didn’t step away, I reached out to him trying to comfort him. He flung his arm outs trying to fend me off, in doing so, he struck my face. The sharp smack echoing around the aid station. Everyone fell silent, as I cupped my cheek. Tears brimming in my eyes. He lunged forward grabbing me by my shoulder as he violently shook me, “YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED HIM!” He shouted. I didn’t push him away, feeling guilty, I let him hurt me. 
A fist flashed in front of my face, hitting the jaw of the soldier who had hold of me. He released his bruising grip on my shoulders, stumbling back holding his face. Joe was on me in seconds, he cupped my face, his eyes scanning me. His eyes filled with concern. I looked at him shocked. I peered around him, seeing the man on the floor. Joe pulled me back to look at him. He grabbed my hands, turning them over in his own. Looking for any injuries. 
“Why did you do that?” I said harshly, pulling out of his grip. He looked at me taken aback by my sudden anger. 
“What? Protect you?” He says angrily back. 
“I don’t need you to protect me!” I snapped at him. He scoffs. 
“That’s not what I just saw.” He fumes. Getting in my face. 
“It’s not your place to get involved with my job.” I spat in outrage. God he makes me so mad. 
“Fuck you.” He growls, turning sharply and walking away. Leaving me panting with rage. I look at the crowd who stand watching. 
“What are you looking at!” I yell at them, snapping them out of their trance. The crowd disperses, whispering to each other. I picked the man off the floor. He pushes me back, getting to his feet on his own. He mutters to himself leaving the aid station in a huff. 
I get on with the rest of my shift. Feeling bad I lashed out at Joe. I was angry at that man and myself. I couldn’t yell at the man, so I turned my rage onto Joe who was just trying to help. He was genuinely concerned for me and I told him I didn’t need him to look after me. But that’s very hypocritical of me when just the other night I was curled in his lap as he comforted me. I hated to admit it but I felt safe with him, I enjoyed his company. I had grown to like him, after all this time of hating him. I bit my lip as I thought too much. I still needed to do his dressing, but I was nervous he would still be mad at me. But I needed to apologise. 
When I arrive at his bedside, he doesn��t notice me at first. I pull the curtain closed around us. 
“Go away Goody.” He mutters not looking up from his comic. 
“I just need to do your dressing.” I say meekly, sitting at the edge of his bed. He sighs and complies. I look at the wound, nearly fully healed. The wound doesn’t need to be packed anymore and a soft scab has formed over the laceration. It looks healthy, I’m happy with how it has healed. I clean the wound, taking my time. 
“I want to apologise.” I start, he doesn’t say anything. “It was wrong of me to turn my anger onto you. I want to take back what I said, I didn’t mean it, Joe.” I say softly, busying myself with my task. “Thank you for helping me, thank you for caring about me.” He laughs at my statement. 
“I don’t care about you Goody, never have, never will.” He shrugs at me showing me how much he truly doesn't care. I try not to let it hurt, but it does. A pain in my chest, I bite my lip trying not to think about it. “I’m really sorry Joe. Truly. Can you forgive me?” I ask. 
Joe turns around giving me a cruel smile, “I will never forgive you, Goody.” I blink back tears, nodding my head. The hurt in my chest weighing heavily on me.  
I finish my task, standing, as he pulls up his pants. I open the curtain leaving, not looking back at him. Tomorrow is my day off, so I won’t have to see him and by the looks of his wound he will probably be gone before I am back.               
   Joe’s POV:
I toss and turn, unable to get to sleep. Her heartbroken face haunts my dreams, the only thing I see when I close my eyes. After I had told her I would never forgive her I wanted to take it back immediately. She looked so hurt by my words, tears in her eyes. All she did was nod and leave. I looked for her later in the evening asking one of the nurses where I could find her but I missed my chance, she had left for the night. I groaned rolling over and burying my head into my pillow, willing sleep to consume me, so I wouldn’t have to think about her anymore. 
I thought I disliked her, sure in high-school she was annoying always following the rules, but she never did anything to me, I just liked to wind her up. It was easy to get under her skin, so I did. But when we met again she was different, sure of herself. She had grown up. I liked mature Goody. She was cute, funny and kind. I liked to watch her care for everyone. My eyes followed her like a hawk. I smiled when she smiled. When she turned her attention to me, I would give her a smug look, trying to pretend I was just winding her up, but it was a front. I didn’t want her to know I was enamoured with her. 
When I saw her caring for one man, my jealousy got out of hand. She had avoided me all day, even sending a different nurse to do my wound care. I looked over to her laughing with another soldier, she threw her head back as she held him by his arm. I had to stop myself from walking over there and asking what the hell was so funny. Then I made my move when she went into the storage room. I followed her in watching her struggle to get the box she wanted. I had purposely pressed myself to her back when reaching up, trapping her with my body. She looked so sweet looking up at me with those big doe-eyes, her lip between her teeth. The normal glare she threw my way wasn’t on her face. I wanted to kiss her then, but I held myself back. I wanted to explain to her first how I was feeling rather than springing it on her. 
Then it was hectic, I watched her lose men. With each one she had become more defeated. I could see it physically weighing on her shoulders. She went into the storage room. I wanted to ask her if she was ok. I was concerned when I came into the room finding her weeping on the floor. I took her into my arms, just wanting to support her, make her feel a little bit better. She had curled her into me, clinging to me like a lifeline. I was happy it was me. It hurt me to see her so upset. 
It hurt me even more when I watched that man shake her so violently as she stood there and took it. I was overcome with anger and before I knew it I had punched the man. She wore a blank expression on her face, as I scanned her body for injuries. Her cheek welted and red. I was ready to turn around and hit the man again. He must’ve struck her before I saw them together. Then she pushed me away, yelled at me, told me she didn’t need me, didn’t want me. So I wanted to hurt her like she hurt me when she came to apologise letting my anger get the better of me. Now I regret it. I wish I just hugged her and told her I forgave her. But I didn’t, I was cruel and hurt her back. 
I don’t sleep at all, thinking all night of the apology I am going to say to her. I look at the clock, the next shift almost starting. I jiggle my leg anxiously waiting for her to walk through the door. An hour passes and she still hasn’t arrived. I stare at the door, begging for her to walk through. 
“Joe?” A nurse asks me, I glance at her nodding my head, then turning my attention back to the front door. “You’re for discharge. You can go.” The nurse tells me, reading from the notes.
“What?” I ask, focussing on her fully now. 
“Your wound is all healed. Your rifle is kept at the front desk so you can collect your gear and leave.” She smiles walking away. I stand from my bed following after her. 
“Is Goody coming in today?” I ask, she gives me a confused look, “Sorry, Y/N.” She smiles recognising who I am talking about now. 
“Oh no. It’s her day off.” The young nurse says, looking disappointed. “She’s at the apartment. Second floor, green building, in the middle of town you can’t miss it.” She smiles at me, I look down at her name badge. 
“Thanks Mary.” I say taking off out of the aid station. I run as fast as I can, through the town to find that damn green building.   
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pleasedonthurtcjstar · 3 months
The way Dallon says “please” in satanic panic
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dwntwn-strnlo · 11 months
nathan appreciation 👏👏👏
marry me pls
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head over fucking heels for this kid idc
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