#ahit conductor/reader
The Conductor from ahit with a spouse
If you somehow manage to break this guy's walls down far enough that you both got married? Congratulations, your one lucky motherfucker. At this point in your relationship you both have surpassed a bunch of hurdles, you know each other to a T.
Baring the last name of the famous movie director is gonna lead to your name showing up in new articles right next to very biased headlines, birds calling you money hungry, fame seeking and so on. The Conductor reassures you that they are all fake, he knows first hand that you earned the title as his one and only and he won't shy away from showing it.
There aren't many out there that stick around him due to his anger issues and massive ego. Hell, even the few relatives that are still kicking are surprised at such a feat, but they're happy for him non the less.
Despite Dj Groves rivalry with the owl he can't help but be happy for him, even though there mutual adversaries he's known him the longest, ironically enough, and he's seen his highs and lows. So this is a nice change of pace, still he can't help but tease the easily riled up bird, nothing serious.
Like I said, there aren't many birds that stuck around when his rise to fame began, so he was a bit clingy and somehow distante in the beginning of your relationship. But through trial and error he learns that there's nothing to fear.
Whenever you're around he gets greatly humbled, like a switch in him flipped, he could go from yelling at one of his workers to chatting with you in a matter of minutes. It gives the other owls whiplash but they're grateful that he's not yelling anymore.
Whenever he looks at you or spots you in a crowd he can't help but smile, he's just so prideful about your relationship, not to mention protective, especially if you were to be carrying his yung.
A previously unknown instinct activates within him during and long after your pregnancy, it tells him to provide, care for and protect, this man would die for you and your unborn child.
Also, due to not only those instincts he's temporarily excusing himself from his job, he can't work due to the constant feeling that he should be somewhere else than the studio. He works from home until it's time. You're both often snuggled up on the couch, him working on his scripts while you read one of the many books from your rather large bookcase. Sometimes he asks for your input on his scripts, reenacting the scene in great detail and voicing a few lines in exaggerated voices, definitely not a ploy to get you to laugh.
(Although it probably doesn't fit his character i can't help but imagine the Conductor pointing at your stomach and going “i made that”)
Talking about stomachs, when the baby bump starts to show he gets progressively more nervous, you often find him staring out a window or towards a wall. It doesn't take much effort to coax him into telling you his worries, he's been reflecting on his life in general, wondering if he would be a good dad due to his past actions and anger issues. you tell him that just like their relationship it's gonna take time to learn the ropes around parenthood, but they're gonna learn together. He can't help himself but let out a sigh. His fears might have been soothed but his protective urges subsequently increased, he needs to restrain himself from growling at others when they come a bit too close for his liking.
He doesn't yell around you after getting the news that he's gonna be a dad (not that he was doing that much before anyway). Stress isn't good for the baby nor the mother, so he opts to just handle the more mentally straining situations elsewhere. Or deals with the problem through gritted teeth, others find this frightening, scared that they might set him off if they prod too much.
When the cramps get bad he gives you massages, makes you a warm bath, massages you in said warm baths and just in general tends to you and your needs. Like your sudden strange cravings or mood swings. When it gets later into your pregnancy and it gets hard to walk, he will legit carry you, if he could. Otherwise your bedrested in your shared “nest” which is just your bed surrounded by pillows, clothes and blankets. Conductor might be able to fight off assailants but he can't fight off his instincts.
vfndjkmlrng i was,, melting when i read all of these headcanons 🥺 they were so gooood! I wasn't 1000% percent sure if this was meant for quest tober but I put it in here anyways and made a small fic for it. Here's the link on ao3, and I hope you enjoy!
The Conductor x Reader - With Him
“...What are you doing?”
Currently, the love of your life, the apple of your eye, the center of your world… was carrying an armful of blankets. 
To many, he was known as The Conductor, a movie director and a train aficionado. However, to you, he was all of that– and your silly little husband. 
“Um.” He adjusted his hold on the blankets, giving you a light, ‘don’t worry about it’ laugh. He wasn’t in his usual attire, and hasn’t been for a while since he has been working from home. Now, he simply wore comfortable outfits. “Just… gatherin’ a few t’ings together, dear. No need ta stress!”
You watched with a fond smile as your husband maneuvered the blankets, trying not to let them spill onto the floor. Ever since you got pregnant, he has been very… over protective. Not that you minded, though.
"Alright, but what's the occasion, my conductor?" You teased, stepping closer to him. You reached out to help, letting your fingers brush against his. The connection, even after all this time, still sent a pleasant shiver down your spine. 
“Ah… it’s a surprise,” he said, heavily rolling the second r. 
“Oh?” You tilted your head. “What kind of surprise?”
“It wouldn’t be a surprise if it isn’t hidden, my lovely!”
You pouted at his use of sweet words. Sometimes it would distract you, sometimes it wouldn’t. “Uh-huh… well, can you do this surprise without tripping on a blanket?”
“Probably!” He shuffled over to the bedroom you shared with him, shutting the door and stopping you from peering inside, leaving you out in the hall. The house wasn’t the most modern place to live in, so it creaked and groaned as the door settled in the frame. 
You rolled your eyes. Your husband was… something else…
After deciding not to follow him, you chose to busy yourself with something else in the meantime, finding a nice book before settling down on the couch in the living room. As your pregnancy went along, it has become… mildly difficult to stand up for too long, so you’ve taken to sitting down more often than not. 
You turned the pages of the book, hearing faint noises in the background. Some of it was from the wind outside, and other noises were from, presumably, your husband struggling to put together your ‘surprise.’
As you read, you occasionally glanced in the direction of the bedroom, curiosity tugging at you. The anticipation of the surprise was growing, and you couldn't help but wonder what he was concocting behind those closed doors. What exactly did he have planned that involved blankets, of all things?
Time seemed to stretch in those moments, the minutes feeling longer than they actually were. Even reading didn’t seem to help– you really wanted to know what your husband was doing.
You were about to get up but scrunched up your nose instead, rubbing at your back. The weight of your stomach was really starting to get at you these past few weeks despite having sat on the couch for the past ten, twenty minutes. It was a small price to pay for the miracle growing inside you, sure, but it didn't make it any less taxing.
After a while longer, you got up from the couch with a groan, setting the book to the side and taking a moment to stretch. 
After stretching out the stiffness, you made your way to the bedroom. The creaking floorboards seemed to echo your steps, a comforting rhythm in the mostly quiet house. You paused at the closed door, a sense of anticipation building within you. Should you enter? He seemed so… interested, with what he had been doing… 
“My conductor?” You lightly knocked on the door, being polite. “Are you just about finished?”
“Uh… j-just a moment!” Came his voice.
You lowered your bottom lip. “Oh come on… you’ve already taken a long time,” you complained. “I wanna lay down– my back is starting to really hurt. Can I just come in?”
…There was a deep sigh before footsteps came up and he opened the door. He seemed embarrassed, which was rare for him. “Yer really hurtin’ right now…?”
“Well.” You gave a small smile. “Just a little bit– nothing too bad, I promise.”
Your husband stepped to the side, allowing you to enter the bedroom. It was obvious to see what he had been doing; on the bed was a ‘nest’ of blankets and pillows, likely positioned in a way to maximize comfort. 
You… laughed. “I guess you really are a bird.”
His face sparkled with a mixture of amusement and sheepishness as he tilted his head towards the cozy arrangement on the bed. "Well, issa nest fit for my love bird, isn't it?"
You couldn't help but chuckle at his playful analogy. He always had a way of making even the simplest gestures feel special and endearing, even though he could be quite… firm, with everyone else. 
As you carefully made your way to the bed, he hovered nearby, ready to assist if needed. Gently easing yourself onto the blanket nest, you let out a contented sigh. The softness and warmth enveloped you, providing instant relief for your tired body. Not to mention that it was big enough to where you wouldn’t have to curl up like a shrimp. It was so nice…
“...So, yeh like it?”
You settled in, shifting around to get comfortable. “Yeah… did you take some of these straight out of the dryer? And some of these seem new…”
His feathers bristled. “J-Just get some rest!” He barked out, embarrassed.
You giggled like some teenager, covering yourself up with one of the warmer blankets. The house never held heat well, so this felt amazing to you. 
After a moment, you patted the spot next to you. “Come lay down?”
He joined you on the bed, settling his head next to yours.
The two of you nestled together in the makeshift nest of blankets, finding comfort and warmth in each other's presence. His proximity was a balm to your tired body, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of affection for the man beside you.
His breath was soft, and you could hear the gentle rustle of the blankets as he shifted. You reached out, intertwining your fingers with his, relishing in the connection. 
“I… appreciate you doing this for me,” you told him softly, pressing a kiss to his face before smiling weakly, “Even if it is a bit unusual.”
“Yer my spouse– I should do everythin’ for yer comfort,” he said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
You hummed quietly in response, a wave of drowsiness washing over you. After a moment, you closed your eyes, slowly falling asleep whilst cuddling with him.
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nocuref0rme · 10 months
I don’t want to be annoying when I ask this, but could somebody send in a request for AHiT? I need an excuse to write for these silly little guys, exams haven’t been too silly….,.,,..,
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crescentblossom66 · 1 year
Decaying Mind
You slowly opened the door to the front of the train, slightly agitated and a little disappointed at this whole workday. You wondered why the Conductor had given you such a pitiful role this time and wanted to confront him about it. You weren't used to it, as he usually liked to have you in a lead role, and it wasn't like you minded playing a side character, but...a mere extra, that was more than a little strange.
As per the usual around this time, you found him at the front of the train, humming a small song to himself, it wasn't one that you knew, but its melody was strangely...uncommon, pleasant sounding, but a tad off, you couldn't quite put your finger on it, but the closest you could describe it as was a dirge, some sort of weird death march, strange because the recording today went quite well. His ear-like feathers rose when he noticed you enter and he turned around slowly to face you. “Can I talk to you for a moment?” Your inquiry was met with a low chuckle.
“What's wrong, me sweet?” He gave a warm smile, you were glad to see it again after all the trouble that you two went through those past months. It had taken him quite some time to recover form his severe injuries and he still ached from time to time, but it had gotten significantly better the past few weeks.
You returned the soft smile and approached him slowly. “Is there a reason why you have me play a mere extra this movie? I found it a bit strange is all.” The smile on his face widened a little as he got up form his seat.
He walked a bit closer, his beautiful, yellow feathers giving off a gentle glow as the setting sun shone on them. You were once again reminded why you loved this owl so much. “I'm just givin' me best actress a break. Nothin' wrong with that, eh?” His gait was a bit...unsteady, it was hard to describe but it was as if his muscles didn't quite want to obey him, it was as if he was a little lethargic, but you attributed that to the long day of work. Maybe he was simply a bit sore.
You were caught off guard and blushed a little when he randomly grabbed you by the shoulders and gave you a soft kiss. It was a bit uncharacteristic for him, he wasn't one to show that kind of affection out of the blue like that, it was mostly you who initiated intimate actions. You appreciated the gesture nonetheless, taking it as a sign that he was finally starting to get comfortable with affection again. “Did something good happen?”
“I have ye now, what could be better?” He smiled and touched your face. You returned the affection and started to caress his cheek tenderly. You were a little shocked when your strokes caused quite a few of his feathers to drop to the ground, and you don't recall it being molting season. The yellow bird didn't even seem to notice, but his smile now turned unnaturally large. “Yes, I have ye, so no one else can have ye now.” His voice turned a lot deeper when it was before and his grip on you tightened.
“Uhm...it's starting to hurt, could you loosen your grip a little?” He simply shook his head, which caused more of his feathers to drop to the ground together with a few big chunks of skin which slowly peeled off his face. You stared in horror as he pulled you close and his suit started to get holes and tears, almost like it was being destroyed by moths. A putrid smell reached your nostrils a moment later, it was strangely sweet, but absolutely repulsive.
“I cannae let ye go, yer me lass, and I love ye more than anythin'.” The strangeness in his behavior was only trumped by the way his body felt, normally it was soft, but now, it felt thin and bony. You looked back to his face and to your horror, all his feathers had fallen out and the skin on the left side of his face was hanging down his face only supported by what little was left of it on his jaw. The muscles and tendons started to follow soon after, revealing pieces of the bone underneath. He moved a decaying wing up to your face to stroke it, the hairs on the back of your neck rose up at the coarse feeling as it made contact. His voice distorted more and more when he spoke again, you were so horrified and stunned that moving a muscle was a herculean task, let alone force your vocal cords to speak instead of making chocked noises. “Yer mine, I have had enough o' all the other birds leerin' at ye.”
He was gradually getting colder not only in his now rough strokes and his harsh grip, but his body seemed to lose heat. You made the mistake of looking down, hoping that the rest of him didn't look the same as his face, but you almost puked when you could see his heart...literally. The feathers and skin around his chest had fully decayed and behind it, now only protected by the bones of his rip cage, was his heart. It had stopped beating, yet he still seemed alive. “Let me go!”
You finally managed to break out of your stupor and tried to free yourself from his grip, especially now that he moved his face closer to you to kiss you, but he wouldn't let go, his grotesque smile only grew bigger as a black liquid slowly dripped from his mouth and accumulated in a small puddle on the ground. “I ain't lettin' ye go, you'll be with me for all eternity, and only with me!” He cackled, his unsupported jaw now swinging left and right slightly as he did. You wanted to throw up, but found that you couldn't, you couldn't even turn your head away when he gave you a kiss, which caused not happiness, but disgust and terror, you could smell the scent which you finally pinpointed as the smell of decay.
This was too much, you finally managed to scream in sheer terror at the decayed bird that you loved. “Y/n! Y/n! Ye willnae escape!” You closed your eyes, hyperventilating and trying desperately to not look at him. “Y/n! Y/n!” You shook your head to try and make his chanting stop...It stopped abruptly when the twisted and low chanting turned back into the panicked yet familiar voice of the owl you loved.
When you opened your eyes, you were sitting upright in bed, panting and sweating. It took a moment for your eyes to adjust, but you found that you were in your bedroom. You could feel a talon on your shoulder once again, but this time it was stroking your shoulder instead of holding it in a death grip. The Conductor gave you a concerned and near panicked expression when you turned to look at him. “Thank peck ye woke up, ye gave me quite a scare, lass.” He sighed in relief and stiffened when you hugged him after you realized that he was okay. You started to cry a bit after that traumatizing nightmare and buried your head into his shoulder. He wrapped his wings around you and pulled you close after realizing that you were scared, and that he was right in assuming that you had a nightmare. “It's okay, it was just a bad dream, luv. I'm here.”
@yourlocalductor There you go. I hope you like it. I'm not the greatest at writing horror, although I do enjoy writing it. I didn't know if you wanted psychological or physical horror more, so I did both.
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subconwoods · 1 year
Snatistical Evaluation
I was really surprised to see Snatcher x Reader lose Round 1—when I seeded the bracket, I put it up against Conductor Divorce (which was a joke option I added to round out the poll) as a gimme. The round was designed this way because, as Conductor's Divorce isn't actually a pairing, it would just be giving me a ballpark for how many people actually liked x Reader.
Granted, the AHiT tag on Ao3 isn't that populated to begin with, but Snatcher x Reader is the only romantic pairing other than DiscoTrain to even appear in the Top 10 relationship tags.
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It wasn't like the poll simply failed to reach people who like x Reader content, either; I recognized a few names in the notes from the tag reblogging it, and x Reader accounts tend to heavily interact with other x Reader accounts. It didn't make sense to me that so few people voted for it, but towards the end of the polling period, I had an idea for what might have been skewing the results.
So, I made a spreadsheet to test my theory.
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I went through the entire Snatcher/Reader tag, noted down every single author's username, and added a counter every time I encountered another upload by them.
(Interestingly, while I went through the entire tag at least three times to double-check I hadn't missed any, the total only added up to 72. It only just occurred to me that the missing four might be hidden from users who don't have an account, which I forgot was a site feature. Oops. Anyway, they aren't taken into consideration for this analysis.)
Here are our results.
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Of 72 total uploads:
Six (6) were from anonymous/orphan accounts. Although one or more of these could have been written by the same user, for our purposes, I'll consider them non-recurring.
Twenty-one (21) were from unique authors, "unique" meaning that the user only had a single upload in the tag on their account. Counting the anon/orphan uploads, that's 27 from non-recurring users.
Forty-five (45) were from recurring authors, "recurring" meaning that the user had two or more uploads in the tag on their account. There were eight (8) recurring authors in total, but of those eight, three of them had two and two of them had three, making for twelve (12) uploads from five (5) recurring users.
Then there were....a few names that cropped up again. And again. And again.
4. Thirty-three (33) uploads were from the same three accounts.
Here's the same data represented by percentage.
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62.5% of individual fanworks in the tag are from accounts who have posted more than one, while 37.5% are anonymous or from accounts which have posted exactly one.
The top three posters make up the highest percent of any category. Not only do they outnumber the rest of the recurring authors, but three users have created 45.8% of the content in the tag, more than all of the unique uploaders combined.
I expected going in that the number of total works might be inflated by the same users uploading many, but I couldn't have guessed the results would be this extreme.
Verdict: Snatcher x Reader is not actually that popular of a pairing. The people who like it just really like it.
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A Change in Direction
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Fandom: A Hat in Time Pairing: The Conductor / F!Reader Summary: Stranded in a town full of birds where you’re the only human, it doesn’t seem like you’ve got much a chance at things going well for you. A local movie studio, however, changes your life for the better. Length: 5,137 words Warnings: N/A Other Locations: AO3
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You still had no idea how you’d ended up here, though you could definitely recall when you woke for the first time and found the worried faces of numerous birds leaning over you. Most appeared to be owls, but one was a rather eccentric looking penguin with large sunglasses and an afro. He was pressing either a cold wing or a damp rag to your forehead when your eyes fluttered open, and once he noticed you were awake he had spoken in a boisterous tone.
“Darling!~ Are you alright? You took quite the stumble there!”
That made you pass out again.
The next time you woke you were in a bedroom, and for just a moment you were sure you were home and it had all been some weird dream. But then you noticed the room wasn’t your own and as you threw your legs off the side of the bed some arguing voices outside began to come closer. The only door to the windowless room was shoved open and the afro-sporting penguin from earlier walked in with a new figure by his side. Honestly, you had no idea what sort of bird the fluffy figure was, or if it was even a bird at all. Then, after a moment of the three of you looking at once another, the yellow one turned to the penguin and shouted in a clearly Scottish accent.
“Ye buffoon! Yer didnae tell me it was a lass faintin’ in the reception!”
Hard to believe that was the first ever interaction you had with your new boss, or rather, bosses.
Yes, once you found there was no returning to where you’d originally come from – not that you could remember it anyway – it was decided you’d have to stay and make a life in a town full of birds. You spent the first few weeks doing odd jobs around the town, periodically running into both the birds from the studio you now knew as DJ Grooves and the Conductor. Grooves was certainly the more open and friendly of the pair, not the say the Conductor wasn’t kind to you, it was just far more likely for the platform wearing penguin to find his way to your basic apartment, strike you up on a conversation of how your week was going and offer any assistance he could. That fact alone is why you were so surprised when on one evening you found his yellow partner at your door, instead, with the offer of an intern position at the studio.
Considering all you’d been doing for the past week was throwing your back out by wiping down cafe tables, you eagerly accepted the job. At least if you threw your back on a movie set it would be a more interesting story.
The following Tuesday you found yourself bustling about Dead Bird Studio, clipboard in hand and assisting DJ Grooves with production of his newest film. You’d come to learn the specific film tastes for each of the filmmakers over the short time you had been in town, and this newest genre was quite a bold step for Grooves to try. He was much more of a comedy and musical sort of bird, while his partner was the one better known for his action and murder mysteries. Though, considering you were just an intern, you really felt you had no place to speak on the director’s film choices.
A few days into the filming process, you had unfortunately been left alone in the studio for an evening, reviewing what shoddy film work they’d captured to that point and writing down every timestamp where there was some sort of error. Yawning and setting aside your now drained third cup of coffee, you glanced over your clipboard. You were on your third round of the film out of the recommended five, and things weren’t looking great so far.
18 scenes that needed scrapped. 32 boom mic shots. 74 actors out of place. 192 unintelligible and/or completely butchered lines.
You were starting to see why the Conductor was the more revered director in town. And speaking of the devil…
“I thought everyone had buggered off for the night, ye still burning the midnight oil, lass?”
Turning to look behind you, and unintentionally drawing a harsh crack from your back, you faced the Conductor from where he peeked in through the doorway. He must’ve taken his jacket off earlier in the day because it appeared he’d been in the process of putting it back on before spotting you on his way out, with the buttons still undone and his crisp white shirt and silver accented vest catching the light from the many screens in the room.
You nodded at his question and glanced over your clipboard once more, still new enough an intern to not want to risk accidentally offending either the filmmakers and lose the only good thing you had going for your life right now.
“Yes, Mr. Conductor. Mr. Grooves put me on film review before I leave for the night.” Glancing at a clock on the far wall, you winced internally at the time. Was it really that late? “I thought a few more crew members were still here but I suppose it is far too late to expect that.”
The man’s mouth seemed to purse as he took a small step into the room, arms folding over his chest and head tilting to look at the screens you had been watching. After a moment, he scoffed and shook his head a bit.
“Cannae believe DJ peck neck would leave an intern on film review. At least he could have given yer a second set of eyes!”
It was clear he saw how tired you were but you quickly blinked a few times and straightened your posture, hoping to look a little more awake.
“I’m quite alright by myself! I mean, I know everyone is so busy and I’m only an intern, I can take some of the load off everyone else’s backs.”
It was true. You worked your ass off through the day and throughout the filming process, but even then you were nowhere near as busy as the actual film workers. They couldn’t be expected to overwork themselves, otherwise filming would be interrupted. You’d had intern jobs before, granted none in the movie-making industry, but each time your job mostly consisted of making the load easier of the more important people. Whether you had been brainwashed into believing this was how being an intern was supposed to go or not, the Conductor seemed to disagree.
“Yer done enough for today. I can see those circles under ye eyes, and considerin’ ye certainly are no owl I think it’s time yer head in for the day.”
“But, sir, what about– ”
“Aye, don’t ye worry about ol’ Grooves. He isnae yer only boss, and if he has a word to say about it next time he sees ye just send him me way! Come along then, lassie! I can walk ye to yer apartment.”
Blinking slowly, you watched the bird man walk back out into the studio, hearing the distinct sound of doors being locked up and lights being shut off as you turned back to the wall of screens before you, clipboard still in hand. Could you afford to leave your work early? Would the Conductor really stick up for you if DJ Grooves had something harsh to say in the morning?
“Are ye comin’ lass?”
You glanced down to your clipboard, looking over the long list of timestamps and mistakes, listening to the hum of the screens for a few seconds before calling back.
“Coming, sir!”
The town had gone to sleep for the night, with only the pounding music from the club district giving any signs of life for several blocks. It had clearly rained recently as the cobblestones were still listening with puddles and a cool, crisp air brought goosebumps to your arms. Twas the downside of being a featherless human, you supposed. With no feathers to keep you warm and a very limited wardrobe you were used to walking through the cold to get back home some days. Though you certainly weren’t used to having company.
Beside you, the Conductor has his hands shoved in his pockets, rustling for a moment before pulling out what appeared to be a matchbox and a partly smoked cigar. You couldn’t help but watch in a mix of curiosity and confusion as he held the cigar between those pointed teeth and struck a match to life, the small flame bringing warm shades to his bright feathers as he lit up his preferred smoke. Had he always smoked cigars? You hadn’t spent much time working for him so perhaps he only did it in privacy, which would make sense as to why this was the first time you were seeing him do it.
As you watched the bird shove a hand back in his pocket and enjoy his smoke, what you didn’t realize was that he was watching you as well, and he spoke to you in an almost gentle tone as he held his cigar between his fingers and let the smoke roll from his mouth.
“Yer shiverin’, giriie. Ye that cold?”
Feeling a rush of warmth come to your face at your boss calling you out, you quickly looked back to the ground in front of your feet, doing your best to keep your shivering at bay with your arms folded over your chest.
“I-I’m fine, I swear! My apartment isn’t that far and it’s not that cold out so I’ll survive.”
Though you couldn’t see the way the Conductor's face scrunched up in a mix of thought and annoyance, you could almost feel it from the way he hummed in his throat. He didn’t say anything, however, and you expected him to leave it at that. What you weren’t expecting was for a warm jacket to be draped over your shoulders a moment later, and you definitely weren’t expecting to look over and find your boss with slightly ruffled feathers.
Reaching up to touch the collar of the warm jacket, your lips parted to retort but the owner was quick to beat you to it.
“That outta keep ye warm ‘til we get there, aye? Yer donae have the insulation like the rest of us, and if Grooves found out I walked ye home and let ye catch cold I’d nae hear the end of it!”
Another wave of heat found your face as you stared in soft wonderment at your boss. Was he truly such a gentleman, or was he merely keeping the studio's most active intern from getting ill? Those questions tumbled back and forth in your mind for a few moments until you noticed something you hadn’t before.
Now that his jacket was off you were given a view of the attire usually hidden beneath, but what intrigued you more than his fashion sense was his feathers… and just how fluffed they’d become. The Conductor was rather fluffy bird… thing… to begin with, but now, with his extra layer of warmth gone, it seemed he’d begun to fluff up slightly to keep himself warm. His ears and the smaller tufts on either side of his face were a little bigger, and there was some noticeable plumage peeking out from the one undone button on the collar his shirt. You knew birds ruffled their feathers for warmth, but in a town surrounded by the creatures, not once did it strike you that they would do such a thing.
“Thank you, sir. It’s very kind of you.”
The bird next to you let out a bit of a laugh before giving you an amused tone.
“Yer donae have to call me Mister and Sir all the time, lassie! Aye, I may be yer boss but I am nae a man for all them titles. Just call me Conductor, no need for all the professional mumbo jumbo.”
His bluntness took you by surprise. Never had you worked for a boss quite like the Conductor before, and you still weren’t sure if that was a good or bad thing. It seemed you’d have a little more time to think about it in the privacy of your own home though, as the bird pointed up towards an apartment complex, cigar between his talons.
“This is ye building, right? I’ll walk ye to the door, make sure ye get there nice and safe.”
Nodding silently, you keyed the pair of you into the apartment building, walking through the flickering lounge light and into the elevator before pressing the button for the fourth floor. Thankfully it seemed like the elevator was in working order today, with not even a flicker of the lights on your way up. Upon exiting, your small one-room apartment was the first to the right, so upon stepping out and before reaching to unlock your door, you began to shrug the jacket off your shoulders, but before you could get it off entirely the conductor was holding his hand up and shaking his head gently.
“But s- Conductor, won’t you need this?”
“Nah, lass, ye can hold on to it a while longer. I hear there’s supposed to be a nip in the air tomorrow morning and we can’t have yer gettin’ cold on the walk to the studio, aye? I’ve got more than one suit, and I’m nae expectin’ ye to keep it forever.”
With his cigar still clenched between his teeth, the yellow bird gave you a smile and nodded his head a bit before walking back to the elevator, leaving you standing in front of your door with his jacket and a strange feeling in your chest.
It was quite the feat on your part to manage sneaking into the studio the following morning without anyone noticing the fact that you were wearing you boss’ jacket. You were tempted to immediately go to his office and leave it there, but you decided that would look a bit suspicious and kept it neatly folded inside your messenger bag until a better time arose. Until then, you continued to rush about and work until you dropped.
Luckily, you weren’t left with another late job that day, and as you were packing up you realized you still had the Conductor’s jacket among your things. Keeping the folded article pressed to your chest, you made sure no one was out in the halls before making your way to the opposite end of the studio where the man’s office was. As you got deeper into his area of the studio, you could hear the hustle and bustle of some owls doing late night work, but with a few sneaky maneuvers on your part you managed to slip past undetected and made it to your boss’ office.
“Mr. Conductor? It’s me, may I come in?” You called inside with a gentle knock. There was a low grumble you took as permission, but you still opened the door slowly as if bracing for the worst.
Behind the door was an office you weren’t expecting. A desk made of some dark wood and stained a lovely hue of red sat in the center of the room, old movie posters of the director’s previous accomplishments hung in frames along the walls, a few lamps gave a warm light to the space and a few filing cabinets were placed about and filled with what you imagined to be movie scripts. At the desk, head in one hand and a glass of some alcohol in the other, was the Conductor himself. With the absence of his normal jacket he’d donned a different suit today, one that was a deep mahogany with a dark undershirt and tie. His current jacket was tossed aside and draped sadly on a corner of the expansive desk among the piles of crumpled papers. It was clear the man had been struggling with some sort of creative block and you couldn’t help but purse your lips. Looking back into the studio behind you, a moment passed before you closed the door behind you once again, placing aside your messenger bag and his folded jacket to take a seat in the closest free chair.
Once you sat down it seemed the bird finally noticed you and his head lifted from staring at the paper in front of him. A sort of crooked grin and weak chuckle was given to you as he forced himself to straighten up enough to slump back into his chair instead of hunch over the desk.
“Aye, lass, there ye are. I was – hic – I was wonderin’ if I’d see per pretty mug today. How are… how are ye? Is that DJ peck neck treatin’ yer well on set?”
Ignoring the strange airy feeling in your chest after being called pretty, you scooted closer to the desk in front of you and spoke softly to the drunken man.
“I’m treated fairly, he hasn’t yelled too harshly at me, yet. Thank you for averting what I’m sure would have been a nasty shouting session for leaving work early last night.”
“it was nothin’ lassie! I cannae let that peck neck pick on ye just because yer an intern. Intern yer may be, but ye do a smashin’ good job! Aye… with such a committed worker like ye I bet ol’ peck neck’s movie is going to win the annual bird movie awards this year.”
Looking away a bit, you fidgeted with a nearby pen on the edge of the desk.
“Actually… Mr. Grooves doesn’t take my advice on how his film could be improved. I’ve caught every mistake in the recording and acting and he won’t correct them. I’m not sure if he just refuses to listen to an intern or only cares about the dumb stardom stuff.”
Your confession seemed to catch the attention of the more serious director, leaning forward in his chair and setting aside in mostly empty whiskey glass now.
“That so, eh? Well I’ve seen yer workin’ on those shoddy recordings of his, and if he refuses to accept your criticism and advice then he’s just some – hic – some peck neck gone crazy on bird seed! I would give anything to have an intern like you on my crew right about now. Aye, poor Wesley cannae get a fresh film idea and the owls are no help.”
So that’s why he was moping around with a drink. He had lost his film-making groove and needed some inspiration. Or maybe… he needed an outside opinion.
“Well,”you started slowly, catching the little lift of his ear tufts as you got his attention, “considering how Mr. Grooves won’t take my advice, perhaps I could offer it to you and your crew, instead.”
You could see how the Conductor’s ear tufts wiggled a bit, whether it was out of thought or excitement you weren’t sure, but his mouth pursed for a moment and he tapped his talons on the desk a few time before turned to face you once more.
“If DJ peck neck cannae appreciate what ye bring to the table, then I certainly can. Startin’ tomorrow morning yer on my crew, and you willnae be catchin’ me ignorin’ that valuable input of yours.”
“No, no no! It’s all wrong! Are any of ye peck necks actually actors?!”
Several weeks had passed since you began work with the Conductor on his movie. It had taken both of you long enough to come up with a script, something rather new for his usual tastes but still in the ballpark, and you’d managed to fill almost every role with good actors. Now there was only one slot left, the most important one, and the one that was giving you the most trouble.
You were still searching for someone to fill the role of the main female lead and love interest.
When the drunken bird had told you in his private moment of weakness that he would never ignore your advice and criticism, he truly meant it, and since then you’d been something akin to his personal assistant. Sometimes he swore you knew more about film-making than he did with the quality tips you gave. You had even been the one to suggest the love interest in the story as a fresh new element to his usual tales, and you had been a great deal of help in helping him along the way. With this in mind, he pressed his hands over his face a mumbled to his side where you stood, clipboard in hand.
“Lassie, could ye please show these buffoons what we’re looking for in this character? It seems not a single owl can perform without havin’ their hands held.”
Nodding firmly, you placed aside the items you held and snatched up a spare script, making your way onto the auditioning stage and into the spotlight. You had written almost every line for this character so you barely had to glance at the printed words as you cleared your throat and began to act. You were nowhere near the professional level of acting, but you still knew how to put on a show.
Your voice was strong, your movement fluid, and every bird on set seemed impressed by the talent of a simple intern as you took upon the role of Lady Cynthia.
“I wanted to tell you that wherever I am, whatever happens, I’ll always think of you, and the time we spent together, as my happiest time. I’d do it all over again, if I had the choice. No regrets.”
Pulling his hands away from his face, the Conductor couldn’t prevent his jaw from dropping as he raised his head and watched you perform. Was it just the spotlight giving you that radiant glow or was he just imagining things? The passion and palatable emotion in every word you breathed made his feathers ruffle. Leaning forward in his seat, he stared on in pure awe as you continued the brief scene.
“I’m in love with you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I’m in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have, and I am in love with you.”
As you finished, the Conductor felt his heart soar, barely hearing the clap of every other bird on the set. You, meanwhile, smiled shyly and felt a rush of heat flood your face, taking a small bow before beginning to walk off the stage. You’d made it halfway across and were out of the bright limelight when the director barked out once more.
“Alright! That’s a wrap for today! We’ve got our choice for Lady Cynthia!”
You stopped in place on stage, giving your boss an odd look and arching a brow before he focused his attention on you, a wide grin on his face and his ear tufts wiggling a bit out of glee.
“Lassie, we’re gonna make ye a star! Yer the only one who can so flawlessly capture Miss Cynthia’s character!”
Dropping the script you held to the ground, the papers scattered about your feet and your entire face went red as you stammered to your boss.
By now you were two weeks into filming and the Conductor was as pleased as punch at how progress was going. With the sudden decision to make you, a human woman the role of Lady Cynthia you had spent a number of days in the costume department, being poked and prodded for every outfit you'd be required to wear at some point in the film.
Most of your scenes so far hadn’t been major, but today was your first real chance to shine. Today you were due to film the first romantic moment between Lady Cynthia and the main protagonist, and truthfully, you were nervous. You’d been spending the last hour or so pacing back and forth in the caboose of the Owl Express, the Conductor’s pride and joy and where most of the day’s scenes would be taking place. It was still at the moment, with the crew preparing for filming and the actors prepping, but you were too nervous to even think of glancing over your lines right now.
Your personal script sat atop a crate inside the car, and you currently leaning against the railing in the back. The sun was just beginning to set, painting the scene for the romance shot, and you couldn’t help but give a heavy sigh and take off the large hat you were to wear, allowing the gentle breeze to caress your face.
From behind you, someone cleared you throat, and as you turned you were met with the director, his jacket left behind somewhere and his shirt sleeves rolled to his elbows. Considering you were planning to film in the desert, you could only image how hot he was under those feathers, you were ready to melt in the over-the-top dress you were practically sewn into. Something about the Conductor’s body language made it seem like he was also nervous, and out of reflex you asked, “Is something on your mind, Conductor?”
With a soft hum, the bird shook his head, reaching up to scratch at the feathers on the back of his neck.
“Nae donae worry about me, lass, I’m perfectly fine. Yer look like the one who’s nervous, though.”
Sighing again, you ran a hand through your hair, looking out over the desert where the crew was working to load all the equipment onto the train.
“I just… I’ve never acted before, especially not in a high budget movie as the main love interest. I won’t lie, I’m nervous about today’s scene. What if I mess it up? What if I’m not emotionally convincing? I’ve got so many worries and I don’t want to risk looking at the script and making my nerves worse.”
The pair of you were silent for a few moments until you heard the rustling of paper and turned your attention back to your boss. The Conductor had picked up your copy of the script and flipped through until he stopped about two-thirds of the way in, where you could only assume the aforementioned romance scene was. You could see him scanning over the scene before he looked up to you, keeping the script in one hand and taking a step forward. You had no chance to question what he was doing before he took your hand in his, pressing it to his chest, directly over his heart, and you immediately knew just as he began to speak.
“Whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same. You deserve the world, and I know I can’t give that to ye. So I’ll give ye the next best thing: my world.”
Your chest swelled and you felt yourself get a little weak in the knees as the Conductor put on his best acting and took the place of the main protagonist and Lady Cynthia’s love interest, fully intending to act this scene out with you to calm your worries. So, taking a small breath, you recalled your own lines and replied easily to him.
“I have no need for such grand gestures, darling. Your hand holding mine is enough, this is how the galaxies collide. All I desire is to be near you, to gaze upon your face and know that my heart undeniably belongs to you.”
The Conductor gave a dreamy sigh and lifted your hand from his chest to the side of his face, where you cupped his cheek in your hand and felt your heart flutter. Those feathers were so soft, and as you stroked your thumb over the warmth of his face you watched as he grew fluffier than usual. Was he feeling unwell? There was no way your acting was drawing such a reaction out of him.
“I crossed a thousand leagues of sand and sky to come to ye, and lost the best part of me along the way. Donae tell me to leave.”
“Never, my love. Never leave.”
Abruptly standing, the Conductor swept you up in his arms, dipping you low as the protagonist was meant to do in the scene and you knew where this was headed.
“Yer are so amazingly…wonderfully…beautifully…awesomely…most definitely the most precious of all precious things.”
There must’ve been stars in your eyes as you draped your arms around the bird’s neck, not daring to pull yourself closer and break the scene as you watched him slowly begin to lean in. There was to be a kiss after he spoke that line, there was no way he was actually going to kiss you. He was a dedicated actor, you had watched the films he’d stared in himself, but if he was actually going to do this during an impromptu practice run then it was a whole other level of commitment.
But as you watched him draw close, part of you realized you wanted this.
Your eyes fluttered shut, and you were fully prepared to kiss your boss before you heard some frustrated voices nearby, and both of you whipped your heads over to the source. A small crowd of owls had gathered with a filming camera and they had apparently been filming your little interaction with the director, which sent a wave of heat through your face and to the very tips of your ears. The Conductor quickly pulled you back to your feet, catching yourself on the railing so you wouldn’t collapse out of embarrassment as the furious fluff ball poofed up even more out of embarrassment and snapped at his crew.
“ What the peck do ye peck necks think yer doing?! Get ye tails in gear and load those cameras onto me Owl Express and that film better be destroyed in the next minute! ”
Watching the director storm off, you fanned yourself with your large costume hat, deciding that the impromptu practice had indeed helped. If you just pictured the owl plating the main character as the Conductor, you may just be able to give a flawless performance. And maybe, if you had the confidence, you’d ask him after filming today if he could help you practice the true romance scene at the end of the movie. Your acting was probably good enough to make yourself seem nervous again. But then again, after what the Conductor just tried to pull, perhaps you didn’t need to act.
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Hey, just thought I'd try this out, because I need more A Hat in time content and goddangit if I can't get it anywhere else, may as well make it.
I'll do x readers, but no NSFW or any with hat kid, bow kid, or mustache girl
I can also try my hand at ship writings
If I end up feeling confident enough, I may expand to other works of fiction
I'll also do headcanons!
I can do my interpretation of the beta characters, like Moonjumper, Thor, or Oldster! Just in case you really wanted some Oldster content.
I can also use the beta areas too, like The City of Calcite and Adventure and Sand and Sails!
This is my first time trying something like this, so please go easy on me lol
Requests are open!
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Since I’ve heard rumors of asks not sending properly, I’ll ask again, hope you don’t mind. May I ask for both bird directors (separate, please.) x shy y/n? Please and thank you :)
(Yea never got it the first time sorry 😅)
Grooves x shy reader
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He knows he can be flashy and causes a lot of attention to be drawn to him so whenever he's on a date with you, he'll dress casual and try to avoid attention so you don't get overwhelmed
Finds your shyness adorable and a nice balance to his upbeat and very social personality
Very protective of you and will scold anyone trying to talk over you
Conductor x shy reader
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Is already a reserved bird so dates aren't an issue, would do something like go on a picnic or something
Tries to help you be more confident
Also very protective of you. He'd be so angry if someone tries to talk over you
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immortalcoelacanth · 4 years
Conductor x Oblivious!Reader Oneshot: Is it Still Called a Ship if it Involves a Train?
My muse is all over the place and I have tons of ideas, my mind cannot contain them all and I don’t know how I wrote this. Also as a heads up I’ve been thinking about backing up my other reader oneshots on Tumblr on AO3 just in case something happens, so if you see them there don’t be surprised. 
Wordcount: 2791
Summary: The Conductor loved his train and wanted it in peak condition, that was why he visited the repair shop so much, and of course you were always the technician who checked everything, you specialized in trains after all! It only made sense!
Now, what didn’t make sense was how oblivious you were to his feelings. 
“The Conductor’s back?! Again?! I thought we just checked out the train last week! Everything was fine!” 
“Maybe he blew some of it up again? Like in that one movie?”
“I doubt it! He’s just train crazy!”
You let out a chuckle at the banter between your coworkers as you clicked away your computer, scanning through the active tickets and what needed to be done after. You worked in a repair shop for all sorts of vehicles. Most of the customers had cars that needed to be checked out, but some had more unusual modes of transportation. 
Like the Conductor and his train. 
He was one of the more… interesting customers you had interacted with. He was loud, very loud, and self-centered. 
Not that he was ever rude to any of your coworkers, or your boss, but you assumed this was because you were the ones responsible for keeping his train in tip top shape. 
Granted, the pool of people responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of his train had slowly dwindled until you were practically the only one checking it out. This was mainly due to the fact that you were the one on site who was the most knowledgeable about trains, they had been your passion since you were a child, and… 
Well, for some reason the Conductor always wanted you to be the one doing the work. 
You assumed this was for consistency’s sake, and the fact that it would make it far easier for him to get to know you as it was generally a good idea for a mechanic and their long term customer to have a good relationship, but he was surprisingly insistent about it even if there were long wait times. 
Fortunately he was never rude to your coworkers while he waited, nor did he insist on rushing anything. He just waited patiently for his turn and occasionally spoke to some other customers about his movies, being surprisingly polite when one of them mentioned not having seen them. 
Which was very out of character according to some of your coworkers, and speaking of them-
“Hey! You got Conductor’s ticket again?” The coworker nearest to you asked, their overalls stained with oil and grime, as were their feathers. “Since he’s just gonna bug us until we ask you to…”
“Don’t worry, I’ll cover it!” You quickly nodded while walking over to them. “Do you know what he’s coming in about?” “I dunno, something about his train sounding weird earlier.” They shrugged. “According to the boss he didn’t sound super worried or anything, but he insisted on coming in later today.”
“CAW!” You both jumped at the sudden noise and spun around, facing the newest arrival of the slowly forming group. Towering above the both of you was yet another coworker.
Or, perhaps croworker would be a more accurate title to call her by. 
She crossed her wings and glared down at you. “Are you the reason why he’s back, again?! I thought you fixed everything the last time he was here!”
“I did!” You insisted, taking a step back and raising your hands defensively. “Everything was fine when he left, and I didn’t see any problems other than cosmetic damage in the first place!”
The occasional bump and scrap was much better than the broken up and busted train that had been brought in one day, the Conductor sheepishly scratching the back of his head as he briefly mentioned something about a filming incident. 
You had cried true, honest tears upon seeing all that damage. That poor, poor train. 
The Crow stared at you for a moment longer before leaning down and asking a rather strange question. “Did you say yes or no then?”
“... To what?” You countered, extremely confused. Your confusion grew when she threw her wings up into the air and stomped off, yelling something about dense bird brains.
“I wonder what’s up with her?” Your other coworker mused, and you offered them a weak shrug before getting back to work. 
Hours passed and eventually the train engine belonging to the Conductor appeared in the front of the shop. Already, you could hear the mumblings and grumbling of the train being immaculate, and it was fine before, followed by a why is he here?
Even your boss seemed to be a bit annoyed at the Conductor’s insistence on getting the train looked over, and probably would have scolded the bird if it were not for how much money the shop made off of him. 
It was a lot of money. 
You were snapped out of your musings when you heard that accented voice grow louder, indicating that he was getting closer. You quickly dusted off your overalls, smiled that signature, customer service smile, and made your way towards the source of the shop’s annoyance. 
And then there he was. 
The Conductor. 
There was no mistaking his short stature and the brightness of his feathers. Although, something that was quite unusual was the bag he was carrying with him, the plastic giving away nothing about what item might be contained inside. He was looking around the shop, trying to find something from the look of it, but the moment his gaze landed on you-
“There yer are!” He called out, waving eagerly as he practically ran over to see you. You instinctively smiled and waved back. 
It was good to be polite to customers, especially someone who spent as much money as the Conductor, but you also enjoyed your talks with him. Watching him ramble about his train and his experiences driving it were always fun, and you had learned that he was a magnificent storyteller. 
You missed the way one of your coworkers elbowed the other while quietly whispering something to get, getting a laugh out of the one they had spoken to. 
“Hello, Conductor!” You cheerfully greeted, smile immediately growing more genuine at the thought of being able to chat with him once again. “So, what’s going on with the train?”
“Well, erm… me train started soundin’ a bit… off.” He explained, sounding strangely nervous as he discussed what the problem was. “Can yer check the engine?”
“So you think the sounds were coming from the engine? Not the wheels?” You pressed, leaning forward as your eyes narrowed in concern. “Did you do anything to the train? Any… intense activities?”
Did you blow up your train again?
“N-Nae!” He quickly objected, quickly shaking his head. “Nothin’ like that! Just strange sounds. Can... can yer help?”
“I can take a look and tell you what I find.” You said, getting a toothy grin out of the Conductor. 
“Yer an angel.” The bird sighed, sounding quite relieved at your offer. “If yer’d like ta know more-”
“Of course I would!” You immediately replied as you made your way over to the train. “You and I need to have a long chat about what you’re worried about, and I’ll keep you updated on the status of the train. I’m assuming you’ll be waiting here?”
“Aye!” The Conductor was quick to nod, secretly happy to be able to spend more time with you.
You were definitely the best part about visiting this shop. Your personality was so bubbly and warm, but you also were not afraid to put rude customers in their place as he had seen you do on multiple occasions. You were smart and confident, yet you were also very humble and compassionate. 
Far more compassionate than he was, and he knew this. He knew how rude he could be at times, the Receptionist had scolded him on multiple occasions about his behavior, but… 
Every reason that caused him to act the way he did, his inner insecurities and worries and fears that bubbled up and filled his mind to the brim with their screaming seemed to fade whenever he was around you. 
You and your questions about his movies and his train, about the stories that he had memorized to tell his grandchildren over and over again. He knew he would get mocked if he ever voiced such feelings, so he always kept them hidden and to himself. 
Although, his feelings were not quite as hidden as he had hoped for since it seemed as though most of the workers in the repair shop had figured out why he was so insistent on you being the one to look over his train. That, and the smug looks some of them sent his way.
Especially that one Crow…
He was shaken out of his thoughts when he noticed you making your way over to the train, and he quickly rushed over to join you, the bag on his arm swaying. That’s right, he still needed to give you that, too. 
But first, train inspection. 
Together, you both climbed up the side of the train, with you taking a moment to make sure the Conductor was still following you, before making your way inside. You were unable to stop the impressed noise from escaping you as you took in the interior of the train engine, all the high tech glowing buttons and levers covering the main console. It was so easy to imagine how amazing it must feel to drive this train, the sheer amount of power and speed.
It left you breathless. 
… But, the interior was as spotless as it had been the last time you had seen it. Granted, you had not thoroughly checked anything yet, but the sheer amount of light reflecting off of the metallic surfaces, and the general lack of dirt and grime led you to believe that the problem was not here. 
And your hypothesis was proven soon enough as, after spending nearly an hour looking over all the intricate mechanisms, and chatting with the Conductor, you did not find anything that was damaged or showed signs of potentially causing problems. 
You let out a concerned hum and looked at the Conductor, not really registering how some of his feathers took on a more reddish hue, nor how he seemed to anxiously mess with his suit. Without a word, you made your way out of the train and moved to inspect the massive wheels, assuming that the problem might be there.
“There… there isn’t anything I can see wrong.” You slowly concluded as you backed away from the train. “No breaks, no other forms of damage, no malfunctioning parts, nothing.”
“Aye? Erm, well, perhaps yer should take yer time? Try not to rush and give yerself a break-” The Conductor rambled as you practically glared at the train, as if trying to force it to give up all its secrets. 
Where, where could that problem be?
You crossed your arms as you contemplated how to best solve this problem. The engine was… fine. Nothing seemed to be out of place or broken, nor were there any leaks or other signs of potential sources of problems. It was downright immaculate, what you had come to expect from the Conductor, but you knew you would not rest until you figured out what the problem was. 
It was a source of pride for you, how thorough your work was, and it helped that your boss rewarded you for your efforts. Not knowing whether the train was actually fine or not would… nag at you. 
Although, given the fact that the train was stationary and the Conductor claimed to have heard those strange noises when he had been driving it, it was possible that the problem would not show itself unless the train was moving. Something that might be caused by stress, or even a poorly connected section of the tracks. 
You clapped your hands together as you came up with an idea. Yes! That would work perfectly! Excitement filling you at the prospect of your plan, you turned to the Conductor and spoke. 
“Can you give me a ride?”
The reactions to your question were… varied, to say the least. 
You heard one of your coworkers break down laughing hard enough to the point where they started coughing, you heard what sounded like someone facepalming hard enough to leave a mark, and as for the Conductor-
He squawked, loudly. 
The feathers on his face took on a more reddish hue, especially around his cheeks and forehead, and his maw hung open in what you assumed to be surprise. The feathers on the side of his head also seemed to have fluffed up at some point. It made him look…
“I might be able to find the problem if I’m with you when the train is moving.” You explained, watching as the red flush faded from the Conductor’s feathers. “So, would it be okay if I joined you on your next train ride?”
“Erm-course!” The Conductor quickly replied, still strangely flustered. “When… when should I pick yer up, then?”
Obviously you needed to conform to his schedule since you had a feeling his days were pretty busy between running his train and filming movies, plus you were certain you could haggle your boss into covering how many hours you were there for.
“How about I spend the day with you?” You suggested. “That way I have plenty of time to check out the train without interrupting your schedule. Does that sound good?”
“Yer… yer be wantin’ ta spend the whole day…?” The feathers around the Conductor’s face started taking on that reddish hue once again. “From sunrise ta sunset?” 
“For as long as you’ll have me!” You answered with a nod. “And you can tell me to leave if I start bothering you.”
“Nae! Nae! That won’t be a problem!” The Conductor quickly objected as he flailed his feathery hands. “Yer can spend as long as yer want on… me train-”
Wow, I wonder why his voice cracked like that…
“Alright, it’s a date, then!” Once again you were oblivious to how his face flushed as he replied with his own, eager nod. Instead all you could think of was how wonderful it would be to ride a train across the tracks, see the sights and feel that wonderful breeze. 
“Ah, and I got yer somethin’ as thanks fer keepin’ me train in top shape.” The Conductor added as he reached into the plastic bag from earlier and pulled out a small cactus. 
“I remember yer mentionin’ that yer liked deserts, so-” He started to explain before he was cut off by you quickly picking up the cactus to inspect it. 
“I love it, and that’s so sweet!” The cactus was so tiny and round and just… looked adorable! You smiled brightly at the Conductor and instinctively reached out to hug him. “Thank you!” 
His suit felt surprisingly soft and warm as you wrapped an arm around him for the hug, careful to keep the cactus away so neither of you got accidentally pricked. His feathers were pretty soft, too, and you just barely managed to restrain yourself from impulsively running a hand through them. 
“Yer… yer welcome.” He mumbled, still blushing furiously. 
“I need to find somewhere safe to put this so it doesn’t break. Oh! I also need to find a good spot to put it when I get home, or maybe I can keep it here and it can be our little mascot!” You rambled as you made your way over to the staff room, too distracted to remember to say goodbye to the flustered bird. 
The Conductor just stood there, maw open in surprise at the fact that you had hugged him.
Oh god, you hugged him. You actually hugged him. 
He was dazed, stunned, and frozen on the spot as the memory of you hugging him replayed itself over and over in his mind. How warm you were, how bright your smile was. 
It was nice to see you smile, see you so cheerful and happy. 
He wanted to see that smile again. 
As the Conductor stood in place, too surprised to move, the operations of the repair shop slowly resumed. Technicians and mechanics got back to their assigned vehicles, and even the music that had been quietly playing in the background increased in volume. Of course, this also meant that conversations resumed, including ones focused on the interaction that had just taken place. 
“So,” The Crow began, leaning down towards one of her coworkers and whispering to them. “Are we shipping them, or do we call it something else since there’s a train?”
The resulting laughter could easily be heard by you in the staff room, leaving you confused as to what they were laughing at, and somewhat concerned as to what might have happened. 
Oh well, you had to get ready for your date tomorrow with the Conductor anyways.                                     xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Maybe I'll write a follow up to this, maybe not~
I hope you all enjoyed reading!
- ImmortalCoelacanth
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hollow-hcs · 4 years
conductor x s/o please?
I'll try?
this old bird actually never showed his feelings around you and acted like you were a pest when in reality he just wanted to hold you close and protect you in his arms but he'll never admit it until you confess or are just scared to make him angry and stayed away so he confesses. after that he's just a grumpy old bird but he's happier when you're around.
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thereaderinsertlady · 2 years
BEGGING for The Conductor/reader - NSFW alphabet
:0 I love NSFW Alphabets. I hope you enjoy~
The Conductor x Reader - NSFW Alphabet
A= Aftercare (what they’re like after the act)
The Conductor isn't a perfectionist when it comes to sex. He'll toss you a wet rag and call it a day, or hop in the shower with you for a few minutes before going to bed.
B= Body part (favorite body part their own or their lovers)
His favorite body part is your shoulder. He'll typically rest his head on your shoulder– both during sex and out in public. His second favorite body part of yours is your hands, since you jerk him off most of the time, and hold his hand in public.
C= Cum (anything that has to do with it)
You've noticed that when he's a few seconds away from cumming, a little dribblets of precum will always come out the tip of his cock.
D= Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory)
The Conductor really likes it when you scream his name. It's a very big ego boost for him, though he'd never tell you that.
E= Experience (do they know what they’re doing)
He has mild experience with sex. He knows about the basics, such as how to preform oral or a couple of positions, but that’s about it.
F= Favorite position (what angles do they like)
The Conductor likes having missionary sex more than not, but he'll switch it up with something new every now and then, such as doggy style or holding your legs over his shoulders.
G= Goofy (how serious are they)
He is quite serious when it comes to sex, mainly making sure that what he was doing made you feel good, but he may laugh at an odd noise or two.
H= Hair (grooming habits)
The Conductor tends to take a shower right after getting home from working at the studio, so he's always clean and prepared for anything you may want to do.
I= Intimacy (in the moment romantic or rough/dirty)
He's quite firm about keeping work related things at the studio and leaving more romantic and sexual things for when he gets home. Though, there has been a time or two when he's working late and there's nobody around, and you decide to give him a 'stress reliever' by sitting under his desk and sucking him off.
J= Jack off (do they masturbate and how often)
The Conductor doesn't really masturbate much since you're almost always willing to help him with whatever urges he had at the time.
K= Kink (what they like– possibly unusual)
He's very vanilla kink-wise, and has mild difficulty in trying new kinks. He attempted to try choking you in the heat of sex, aaand nearly caused you to pass out... However, he loves knife play, even if said knife is usually a prop from the studio.
L= Location (where they like to get it on)
The Conductor likes to have sex in the soft bed of the bedroom you shared with him. If he's in a mildly uncomfortable place like... the couch, it somewhat turns him off.
M= Motivation (things that makes them tick/turn ons)
It depends on the day for him. Sometimes he'll want to 'blow off some steam' in the bedroom, and some other days he just wants to lay down and rest.
N= No-No's (turnoffs or absolutely won’t do)
After his experience with trying to choke you, he has decided to stay far away from that department, worried that he may actually hurt you doing that. With knives, he's more skilled in handling them, so that's why he likes using them instead of something else.
O= Oral (receiving or giving and how skillful they are)
The Conductor is usually on the receiving end when it comes to oral sex. He likes it when your warm mouth is wrapped around his cock, and his hand on your head...
P= Pace (how fast they are and how long they last in bed)
He can't go too fast– his joints won't allow it, but he can last over ten minutes if the right steps are taken.
Q= Quickie (do they prefer fast and hard)
The only time he likes it when you go fast is at the studio when you're sucking him off. He couldn’t imagine what would happen if DJ Grooves came along and realized what was happening... Otherwise, he goes a mild pace and isn’t too rough on you.
R= Risk (do they like to try new things)
The Conductor may try one or two new things if you really want him to, but other than that, he'll stick to what he knows.
S= Stamina (how many times they can go and how long each round lasts)
He can only go one or two rounds before needing a break or finishing entirely. The longest he has gone for a single round was twenty three minutes and four seconds... not that he was counting.
T= Toys (are they game for using sex toys on themselves or lovers)
The only 'toy' he'll use is a knife, but other than that, he doesn't like using objects for sex.
U= Unfair (how do they tease or do they enjoy suspense themselves)
The Conductor does like to tease you from time to time, stopping just before your orgasm before continuing again. Though, he'll typically play fair and keep a moderate pace throughout.
V= Volume (are they loud, what sounds, and do they talk)
He isn’t too loud– he may moan a handful of times, but he'll let out pleased grunts more than not.
W= Wild card (random sincannon of any sort)
You and him don't have sex all that often. At most, sex occurs a few times a month, but most of the time you enjoy cuddling with him in bed. He seems to enjoy cuddling, too.
X= X-ray (what’s down below in dem pants)
The Conductor's cock is somewhat curved, and is narrow. Though, its length certainly makes up for the lack of girth.
Y= Yearning (sexdrive level)
He isn't too big on sex in general. He may have a stray urge every now and then, but he usually relies on you for 'getting him up' for sex.
Z= Zzzz (do they sleep after if so how quickly after)
The Conductor gets quite tired after sex, and often is the first to fall asleep. Though, during the times you fell asleep first, you've always found that you were tucked into bed.
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crescentblossom66 · 2 years
Sleep is for the Weak! (Conductor x Reader)
The studio was really quite eerie after everyone had left to go home for the day, everyone but you and of course the yellow owl, who had left earlier to write the script for an idea that had come to him the last morning, it was currently around 2am.
After you woke up at 1am and realized that he hadn't returned yet, you got up with a sigh and went back to the studio to check up on the workaholic bird. Thinking that he probably hadn't eaten anything at all since the last day, you brought over the dinner you had cooked earlier, which consisted of a Salisbury Steak, corn and mashed potatoes, you had to heat it up in the microwave in the cafeteria, but it would have to do.
The owl, as per the usual, was laser focused on his document, not even noticing that you had entered. What actually could get his attention, was the plate of food that you had brought along, the irresistible smell made it impossible for him to concentrate on the line of dialogue he was writing and he looked up slightly annoyed about the interruption, but happy nonetheless.
“Thought ye went home to get some rest.” You brought the plate of food and a knife and fork over and sat down next to him.
“I had gone home, but after a certain someone hadn't returned yet, even though it was already 1am, I decided to see if he was doing alright, or if he starved himself to death.” He gave you a glare and his feathers rose, you thought that he'd start protesting, saying that he had to finish this script now or he'd fall behind schedule.
Instead of yelling, his previously raised feathers lowered again and chuckled weakly. “I keep worryin' ye, don't I? I ain't got no clue how ye put up with me sometimes.”
“I don't know either.-” You rolled your eyes and pushed the plate of food closer to him. “-Eat. It will get cold, and I doubt that you wanted to eat cold steak.” He did like he was told and to no surprise, he ate rather quickly. You then noticed that his head occasionally bopped down before he jolted again. “You need rest, Con.” He looked at you then back at his work.
“Nae, getting' home will take ta long, we'll have ta get up the moment we lay down, 'sides I have ta finish this.” He wasn't wrong, but you couldn't look at him in this state. You read what he had written down so far, and thankfully got some ideas for the dialogue he was writing. You moved your chair as close as possible to his, he watched you with confusion and got startled when you pulled him over to you and placed his head on your shoulder.
“I'll get this scene finished, I know it isn't that comfortable, but please, Con, sleep a bit.” To your surprise, he didn't protest at all and mumbled a tired 'thank ye' into your ear before he fell asleep mere moments later.
You really loved this bird, but sometimes you really worried about his health.
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hotpinkboots · 3 years
~Conductor x Reader Fluff Headcanons~
~He smol,
~He has fluff,
~He's an angry bird,
~And this makes him hug material.
~He gets pretty flustered easily, believe it or not. He tries not to show it, by being "tsundere", but fails. His blush and fluffing of his feathers give him away.
~Kiss this man on his beak, this is a threat
~He brags about you to basically everyone
~"HAHAHA!! That no good DJ Grooves will NEVER live up to us and our skills! Isn't that right, lad/lass?!" 
~He preens you sometimes. Don't be surprised if he turns and starts preening your hair. He's being lovey dovey. 
~Conductor's fine with hugging you, but if you hug him first, he just melts. He could be all angry and annoyed, and when you approach him, it goes like this:
~You walk up to him and try saying something, and he says:
~"AY, NOT NOW, LASS!! I'M-" You cut him off with a hug, and he just melts in your arms. He goes soft birb
~Will get embarrassed if shown too much affection in public, though! 
~Fine with holding hands in public, but anything more, and he feels all shy to be shown and showing such affection in public. It's partly because he's trying to act tough, and partly because he feels like cuddling is more of a private intimate thing. He's not trying to be rude, he loves you a lot.
~... Don't call him Birdy/Birdie, that'll piss him off (even though it's funny to piss him off sometimes).
~He doesn't really like nicknames all that much, he just likes being called Conductor. He feels important Lol 
~He's like Donald Duck ok-
~Conductor is a sweetheart, even if he gets annoyed and mad sometimes. 10/10 birb would hug again 
~Love, PinkBoots
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subconwoods · 1 year
Some of my fun findings from scrubbing around tags and fanwork stats while setting up the poll:
Breaking the typical fanwork trend, content that does not contain romantic shipping is more populous than content that does. More than half of unique works on AO3 are published under the General and/or Other categories.
By volume of content, the most popular romantic pairing is Conductor/Grooves.
By number of unique pairings, the most widely paired character is The Snatcher, but the only significantly populated ship tag is Snatcher x Reader. (Snatcher-Prince/Vanessa is not evaluated here, as the bulk of works tagged with this relationship are past/referenced.)
The second most widely-paired character is Conductor, with a much closer margin to Snatcher than I expected.
Hat Kid/Mustache Girl is less popular as a romantic pairing than I expected, but content featuring both characters that isn't explicitly romantic is one of the top tags.
Nearly every named character with more than a minute of screentime has an x reader or x OC tag with at least one post.
A whopping 13% of works in the AO3 main tag are crossovers. (AHiT has a considerably smaller sample size, but for comparison, only 5% of works under Star Wars are crossovers.) For some reason, 7% of crossovers are with Henry Stickmin.
If you exclude all of the top ten most frequently tagged characters, the most popular pairing among the remaining characters is Cooking Cat/Empress.
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a-fic-in-time · 6 years
Okay while I have the chance! Could you possibly do a conductor x reader? Maybe her as a new intern?
I can certainly give it a shot!
You arrived at Dead Bird Studios promptly at 8:45AM, even though you were asked to be there at 9. Even though this was your second week working as Conductor’s first intern, you still feel your heart beat and your feathers ruffle whenever you’re even around him.
You entered the main set on the left side of the studio and watched as several other owls prepared props for Conductor’s latest movie. Another Western, of course. Seeing the same genre over and over again was a bit mundane, but you always enjoyed watching Conductor’s eccentric movies.
You scanned the set, eventually laying your eyes on the director himself, who was currently grabbing a doughnut from one of the nearby snack tables. You approached him, holding your hands behind your back, and said hello in a soft tone.
Conductor took a bite from his doughnut and wiped away the crumbs with his hand before he turned to you. He flashed a small smile and said, “Well, hello there, lass. You’re here a bit early! I like that. I can’t say the same about some of my lousy actors who waltz on in here 5 minutes after we’re supposed to start shooting. Why don’t you take a load off and grab some coffee before we begin? It’s gonna be a looooong shoot, I tell ya.”
You pulled out a small clipboard, placing a small pen at the top of it. “Is there anything I can get for you before we start, Conductor? Would you like some coffee as well?”
He shook his head. “No, no, if I have another sip of caffeine, my feathers may very well just fall off! And why don’t you just call me Wesley, huh lass? We’re gonna be spending some quality time together while we shoot this movie, so we might as well be on a first-name basis.”
You were caught off-guard by that. Quality time. You never thought you’d hear such words from Conductor, but you found them oddly comforting. You even felt your cheeks heat up. “Y-yes, Wesley.”
“Good. Come join me on the set in 10 minutes and we’ll shoot an award-winning movie!” He took another bite of his doughnut before flashing you an adorable smile and walking onto the set.
Like many times before, you felt your heart thump harder and louder. As time went on, you found it difficult to not admit to yourself about your attraction for the owl director. His composure, the way he dresses, and specifically the way he talks... it was hard to resist. You cleared your throat, trying your best to keep any intimate thoughts out of your head. You adjusted your clothes and maintained you composure before walking over to the set and standing at Conductor’s side.
Conductor was right.
This was going to be a very long shoot.
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ratcandy · 3 years
Ahit scrypture au during conductor/grooves takeover Mu does some recollection and deems that everyone on the disk including herself are bad guys and after conductor/grooves is defeated she deletes the game (however hat kid immediately pulls the disk out of the reader stopping it)
ohHH So she's taking Grimora's role, kinda? Upsetting in that she won't get a board of her own then but. Ouuuuuu
"literally everyone here is a bad person. [deletes them]"
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I saw that you added several of the adults from a hat in time and was wondering if I could get romantic and general headcanons
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He's a massive workaholic unless he's needed by his family
Is secretly depressed
Will be a dork around his grandkids who he also spoils them rotten
Despite his dislike for grooves, Conductor will still defend him if necessary (like from a particularly harsh critic who just tore the penguin down)
Part fire spirit which makes him like fire. Though he won't need to do the whole fire ritual as he still ages like an owl
He absolutely loves his train and personally maintains it. Whenever he has to explode a part of the train, it's a prop area away from the actual train.
It'll take a long time to start a relationship with him.
He feels like he's too old for a relationship
Once you do get into a relationship with him, he's touched that you'd want to date an old bird like him
Don't be surprised if he preens you.
Is more willing to listen to you than with others.
Loves to snuggle at the end of the day.
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(I don't own this gif. Wouldn't show up in the search)
He's actually younger than he seems. In his late 20s
Grooves actual first name is Damien
He's very protective of his penguin bodyguards and tries to get them to rest and relax.
Makes his own props
Secretly has issues with how his body looks
He's got speckles scattered across his body (found a cute piece of art that had him have speckles scattered throughout his feathers and thought it was absolutely adorable)
Is also a workaholic.
He cares about conductor and tries to make sure the owl gets home safely
He may act smooth on the outside but is shy and nervous on the inside
Loves PDA but if you're not comfortable with it, he won't do anything other than hold your hand.
Tons of pet names: sweetheart, love, darling (obvious lol), hun
Loves going on dates with you
Giant snuggle bug.
Also preens you
Makes a perfect pillow
Will absolutely love it if you help him become more accepting of how his body looks
Will spoil you with gifts
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Is extremely protective of the Dwellers and Subconites
Is less humanoid due to his rage which is also why he has fire magic
If you hurt Hattie or bow, he'll wreck your shit. Don't mess with his adopted daughters
He still has massive issues from the whole deal with Vanessa
Will try to protect strangers from Vanessa as well solely, so she can't hurt anyone ever again. Doesn't always succeed.
When he was alive, his hair was actually black before Vanessa dyed it. The brown seen in the storybook was when it was starting to fade.
His name used to be Elias
Does in fact have a human form but he rarely uses it as it kinda brings back bad memories
is a separate person from Moonjumper and is very protective of him
He may threaten you at first, but that's only because he's scared of getting hurt again.
If you show that you won't hurt him, snatcher will be so loving but still nervous
Will eventually tell you his real name but still kinda prefers snatcher to Elias
The first time you reached for him, he flinched before you gently ran your fingers through his fluff which made him melt. He hasn't had positive touch in well over 500 years so getting some affection makes him feel loved
Give this man some bacon! He misses it so much!
Will coil around you and read with you while purring his heart out.
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