#aila x Wes
theweslee · 2 months
Perhaps we can be some idiots in love?
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flatoutin-eaurouge · 7 months
I don't want you to see me cry
Pairing: Mika Häkkinen x Michael Schumacher
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"Are you... are you going back already? Are you leaving me here alone?"
Aila Häkkinen stared at her son's tear-stained face and swallowed against the bile rising in her throat. It was as if some invisible force had slammed a hammer against her heart, making it crack, making it shatter, then crumble to dust.
Her wounded heart ached for the crying boy in front of her. The boy that looked so pale and devastated, so unlike what he used to look like. Gone were the beaming blue eyes and the never wavering smile. He was so vulnerable and in pain. How could she ever leave her baby boy thousands of kilometers away from what they called "home".
She wished she could just quit her job and care for her son full time, but she couldn't.
"Mika, kultaseni. There is no other way. We can't stay here for many weeks to come. No one knows how long it will take for you to recover." She carded her fingers through his hair, while trying to fight against her own tears.
Mika didn't understand. His father had left days earlier for the same reason as his mother: their jobs. Mika had offered to pay for their expenses. His parents could both very well quit their jobs and still be financially stable. He lived in a Monaco pent-house for heaven's sake, he could do with a little less! But his mother had clasped his hands between her own and had kissed his palm. "You don't need to pay for us, kulta. You might need all of that for the future."
First Mika hadn't understand the meaning behind it, but he quite quickly realised what his mother had meant. And it made him nauseous. His parent's minds were two steps ahead. They wanted him to safeguard all his money in case he would end up paralyzed and disabled for good.
The reality of it had downed on him like a dark thundercloud. It had made him even more anxious and depressed. Even more afraid of the future.
"But I will have to be here for so long!" A big fat tear rolled down Mika's cheek.
Aila shook her head in sorrow. She knew how much difficulty Mika had with showing emotions openly in front of people he didn't know well. She was afraid he was going to surpress it all, which she believed was detrimental to his healing process.
"Mika, honey, I believe you are in good hands! They have saved your life and they know what they're doing. I will ask them to keep an extra eye on you."
She gathered her hurt son in her arms and kissed his brow, then tucked his blonde head under her chin. 
"We will miss you and we will throw you a big party when you are allowed to leave the hospital! We are going to call and write. We will visit you every oppertunity we get!"
Aila rocked Mika back and forth in her arms as if he was still her little baby from 1968. She tried to ignore the tremors running down his spine, afraid that it would make her stay with him. Afraid that she would indeed quit her job and live on the money that Mika might need very much in the future. No matter how much she wanted to stay, it wouldn't be a wise decision for that exact reason.
"Bye sweetheart. I know you can do it! You will walk and talk like never before! I know you will, my champ!"
With those words she let go off him. She slowly walked backwards to the door of his room, to the exit. She couldn't stop her tears from falling. She had to make this quick in order not to change her mind.
She blew him one more kiss, then shut the door of his room behind her, leaving her son alone like a lost and clueless puppy.
In the hallway of the hospital – on the floor Mika's room was located – his mother halted a nurse. There was one more thing she needed to do before she left to Finland. "Miss, could you please keep an extra eye on Mika? He is very lonely... maybe he needs a roommate at some point?"
As soon as his mother had left, Mika collapsed onto his bed in a boneless heap, taking shuddering breaths. He stared at the ceiling apathically as silent tears trickled down the corners of his eyes. He mourned the finality of it all... the shut door... his mother out of the country soon. It caused a painful lurch in the beating of his already sore heart. His hands coiled in the sheets and tugged at the soft material to distract his restless mind.
He was alone. Only him and his traitorous mind, that constantly reminded him how weak he was and in how much physical and emotional pain he was. Every twist and turn in the bedlinnen hurt, but if he laid still... for hours... his limbs screamed for movement.
The door only opened for relief and agony. Relief when nurses came in to refill his IV-bag with morphine. Agony when the same nurses came in to drag him from his room and have doctors use him as their lab rat for their medical tests.
The silence and the lack of distraction made that he experienced every sensory change tenfold. He could sense with every minute passing by how the effect of morphine lessened. Hell, he could write a scientific book on "morphine" based on his own empirical observations.
What if he did? It would be a welcome distraction. But at this point... could he properly write with a pen? Could he type coherent sentences on a laptop? Probably not. Both his fine motorskills and the creative left hemisphere of his brain had suffered great damage. At this moment he couldn't even stop his left eye from blinking out of sync with his right eye.
Every day his mind was consumed by darkness while in his room it was very much light. The neon tubes on the ceiling pestering him as he tried to find peace. Peace with himself and the situation he was in.
He hated that in the hospital he had nobody to talk to. Most nurses were very business-like. A few nurses wanted to coddle him like a baby. None of them could make him laugh. They were all very serious about the matter... of course they were! He had escaped death! But he knew that very well himself!
Mika believed that the only uplifting things he could gather would be from little chats with people. He was dissapointed in most of the topics of conversation people in the hospital initiated with him. It was always about pain elevation and homesickness. He knew they were only providing a sympathetic ear, but it didn't work for him. Although pain elevation was very much an interesting topic of conversation when his morphine was running out, because the pain was unbearable most of the time.
His head was throbbing all the time. The inside of his throat was sore because of the removed tracheotomy. He was going insane in his bed and his major daytime activity was trying to keep his mind sane. He wanted to cry but he didn't want anyone to see him cry. His progress was slow, although Mika counted himself lucky that there was progress at all.
He could walk down the entire corridor of the fifth floor without collapsing to his knees. His hearing got a little better. He slowly started regaining his smell and taste. These positive developments were the only anchor to his somber mind.
The progress also caused a new development.
"Mika, we have administered another patient to your room. You've made so much progress in the last couple of weeks, and you seem to be coping quite well emotionally. So you will be getting a roommate today."
The nurse changing his IV-bag smiled at him. "I hope you like it."
Mika froze in place. A roommate?! Coping quite well emotionally?! If that woman only knew... He was crying his eyes out when no one was looking. He didn't want a roommate who could witness how weak and desperate he was!
"Your mother told us on the phone you are a bit lonely in here."
Mika frowned. "Yes, I am, but I don't need anyone in my room! Can't I suffer in privacy?"
"Oh Mika," the nurse pouted and caressed a strand of hair from his face. She was one of the 'coddling nurses'. "I thought you would like it. Don't worry, he will only be here for a few days. Your new roommate has a complicated leg fracture. He will have surgery today."
"But why would you put someone with a leg fracture in the same room as someone with a fucking skull fracture?" Mika said a bit disconcerted. "Do you think it looks pretty to see someone whine for more morphine?!"
"I've seen a lot of patients looking less pretty," the nurse flirted with him.
Mika glared at her. He crossed his arms in front of his chest and gave her the silent treatment.
"Sorry Mika, but he will be here in a few hours."
Mika had fallen asleep in the course of those few hours, being very much unaware of who was being wheeled inside his hospital room.
Michael Schumacher stared at the sleeping patient with the rosy cheeks and the angelic features. His skin however was paler than before, and had lost its previous glow of life and happiness. How did he end up in same room as Mika Häkkinen?! The poor guy had almost died! How is he allowed in his room? To see a sleeping Mika Häkkinen in this intimate setting made him blush. It felt illegal to witness it. Michael knew journalists had been lurking around the hospital walls to see a glimpse of the unfortunate boy.
Mika stirred in his sleep as if he could sense something was different.
Michael watched him from the corners of his eyes and couldn't help but be endeared by the sleeping Finn. His precense filled Michael with a sudden calm. It put into perspective how lucky he was to have only suffered a leg fracture from his most recent crash. Mika was here well over a month now, and he himself could leave in a few days.
He noticed the damp crimson spot on Mika's pillow and gasped, not aware that it was one of the long lasting complications of internal bleeding and tracheotomy removal. He watched as Mika accidently smeared his face and hair with the blood as he turned in his bed again. It caused his sleepy face to frown and his eyes to flutter.
Mika felt the warm sticky moisture on his face and cursed silently. "Not again. Perkele." He slowly opened his eyes and startled when he noticed Michael Schumacher's vibrant emerald eyes staring directly at him. What?!
Michael stared into the saphire blue eyes of Mika and could only mumble a: "I am sorry."
Mika's eyes blinked again, this time in confusion. He didn't want this. He didn't want Michael to see all this. He quickly turned around, facing away from the succesful F1-star, and burrowed his face in the blood-stained pillow.
Michael didn't know why he had said "I am sorry" because he had done nothing wrong, but it still felt like the right thing to do, especially since the Finn clearly didn't like his privacy being invaded.
"Mika?" he tried. "Are you okay? I am sorry for being here. And I understand if you don't want to talk."
Mika listened to Michael with tears shimmering in his eyes. He couldn't turn around to him and he couldn't reply. Michael would see him cry like a toddler and he didn't want him to see.
Michael sighed and sagged down into the pillows. He felt bad about the situation. Mika was ignoring him and his leg was throbbing like crazy. It really hurt and the bandages around it itched like hell. He really didn't know what to do. He could only wait for the the sutured skin tissue to heal after his surgery.
After a few minutes of silence, both their heads went up when a nurse entered the room.
She rushed to Mika's bed and gently lifted his head, reaching for his pillow. "Oh it happened again. The washing machine runs overtime with you as a patient".
She noticed Mika's teary eyes and immediately felt bad about her stupid joke. "Mika, I am so sorry! That wasn't funny at all!" She quickly grabbed a tissue to wipe at the tears and the bloody smudges on his face.
Michael saw it all happen in front of him. He startled to see Mika's shoulders shaking, a sniff followed by a whimper escaping his trembling lips. Though his face was partially turned away, Michael could see the glimmer of tears as they left a trail down his cheeks, plopping onto the blanket at a rapidly speeding pace.
Mika knew he couldn't hide his raw emotions for long. But to be exposed as a crybaby in only a matter of minutes saddened him even more. What would Michael think of him?
Michael was thinking many things, but thinking of Mika as a crybaby wasn't one of them. He wanted to walk to his bed to console the Finn, to tell him there was nothing to be embarrassed about, but he couldn't. His broken leg stopped him.
"Mika?" He tried again after the nurse had left.
Mika now did look at him. What did it matter now anyway? He has seen me cry. "Yes, Michael?"
"I don't know where to start. I have apologized to you already, but a I am really sorry for invading your privacy! You deserve a room for yourself alone."
Mika shook his head. "Please don't apologize for that, Michael. I have had a private room for more than a month. It's not your fault and I am terribly sorry to see you have broken your leg!"
"It's nothing, Mika! I can hardly say it's bad when you are lying here in bed for weeks on pain killers!"
Mika shook his head as more tears trickled down his cheeks. "Please don't say that!"
Michael swallowed against his own tears. Again, he didn't know what to do. He wanted to be close to his rival. He wanted to hold him and tell him everything will be alright. He wanted to tell him that he could foresee a trophy standing in his living room instead of a wheelchair.
"Mika, can you walk?
"Yes, but not too far. Why?"
"Could you please come over?" Michael bit his lip in anticipation. His caring nature urged him to console Mika. Michael knew Mika needed it, but the Finn probably didn't want to admit that he needed affection.
With hesitation in his eyes, Mika pushed himself upright in his bed and very slowly and inelegantly swung his legs over the bedframe.
He slowly strode towards Michael's bed with his face twisted in concentration. He couldn't wobble on his trembling legs, or worse... fall over in front of Michael.
He halted in front of his rival and gave him an awkward little smile. The best one he could muster with half of his face paralyzed.
Michael stared at him for a long time, taking him in from head to toe. Except for his adorable crooked smile, Michael barely noticed the paralysis. His rival was alive. Alive and walking, albeit slowly.
"What are you looking at?"
"I just realized how good it feels to see you doing so well."
"But, I am not doin-"
"Yes! Yes you are doing well," Michael interrupted him. "Have you never thought about how bad it was when you were rushed into ER here? Do you not realise how far you've come? All of us were told you were fighting for your life!"
Mika blinked at him in confusion. Why did he never think of that? People outside the hospital knew about his accident, but they didn't know a single thing about his healing process. And of course they were speculating... his McLaren seat was not on the market for next season yet... so something must be going on.
"Yes... I was... fighting for my life." Mika looked down at the pristine tiles of the hospital floor.
"But you aren't anymore!" Michael stretched out a hand and let it rest on Mika's back, motioning him to sit down on the edge of his bed.
Mika sat down, but didn't say a word. He stared at the cast around Michael's leg, wondering how even the best in the sport could end up in a hospital. His hand shot out in the direction of said leg, his fingers hovering over the cast, as if he wanted to heal the fracture with secret, invisible powers.
"We don't belong here."
"No, we don't."
Michael watched him with great intent as he felt his heart fill with a sudden warmth. His own hand reached out and started to caress the soft blonde locks of his rival. He was very careful, because he knew that underneath that mop of velvety hair Mika was hurting very badly.
Mika turned around to look at him. A blush spread across his pale cheeks as Michael continued to caress his hair. He grabbed Michael's hand gently and kept it in place on the side of his head. "It distracts from the constant throbbing."
His own hand moved down to stroke the unharmed upper part of Michael's broken leg. "I hope it does the same for you."
Michael sighed and stared into Mika's eyes with great adoration. "It does!"
They sat like that for over half an hour, talking about life at the hospital until Mika's morphine started to run out again.
The Finn squinted his eyes against the pain. He removed Michael's hand from where it was still resting against his head. Tears forced their way outward, their damp tracks making his cheeks glisten in the neon lights on the ceiling above them. And worst of all... Mika couldn't surpress a heart wrenching sob.
Michael saw how Mika's calm demeanor had changed into that of a pain tormented soul in a matter of minutes. He could understand Mika's negativity if pain struck like that and progress was so slow. A month into his healing process and Mika was still relient of pain killers.
Michael scooted a bit to the side, making room on his bed, and guided Mika to lie down next to him. He curled an arm around the Finn and pressed a hand against his sweat-matted brow.
"It's okay, Mika! Take deep breaths!"
"Every fucking day it happens twice! Every early morning and every late afternoon!"
Mika shook in agony. His fingers started tugging at the stands of his hair, causing small tufts of the blonde fluff to drift through the air. Michael stopped the action by taking both his rival's hands in his own.
"Don't do that! That won't help!"
Mika burrowed his face in the hollow of Michael's neck and wept quietly. Any embaressment he had had about crying in front of others was gone.
Michael gasped in pain when Mika curled against his side and accidently hit his hurt leg. He supressed a whine in order not to upset his rival. The Finn was already dealing with his own pain, which seemed to be constant. He could bump into his leg as much as he wanted if it meant he would be more comfortable on the bed.
When Mika began to shiver and his teeth began to chatter, Michael covered the both of them with his heavy blanket. His arms tightened around the shaking Finn, holding him impossibly close. Nothing strange about sharing some body warmth.
"I miss my mom," Mika sobbed.
Michael realised that Mika must be delirious with pain, because all barriers he had put up around himself had crumbled to dust. Again, it felt illegal to witness this. Michael softly murmered in Mika's ear a promise that he would never tell anyone about this vulnerable moment.
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tazahan · 28 days
Hello, Hello <3 Can we get to know Bi-Yuan y Bi-Huǒ more? I'd like to know their personalities and silly things like personal tastes or whatever. Pt: I would love to meet the girl if you decide to add her one day, I imagine how suffocated she will be having a father like bi-han and two older brothers 😭
Don't feel obligated to respond, you can ignore it or delete it ^^
Aww, thank you, Anon! You made me flustered. I never expected another would be curious and interested in my delusive OC children between OC X Canon. One day I will make a rough concept of the youngest daughter so don't worry. So two/three of them are pretty much a perfect combination between Bi-Han and my OC Aila. - Bi-Yuan is outgoing, chill, resourceful, imaginative, protective, charismatic, and quite dogmatic since he is the oldest child. He may look mature and wise but he also can be annoyingly Mr. Know-it-all, sponatious, and sneakily mischievous. He always led his younger siblings with his dimwitted ideas. He also can be quite meany with his sarcastic opinions whenever he feels upset or annoyed. He is also a nurturing person, especially to his siblings. Yuan takes his duty as an elder brother seriously and as Bi-Han's future successor. - Bi-Huǒ/ Bjorn is courageous, outspoken, jocular, high-spirited, tenacious, adventurous, and, selfless. He is the buffest and the tallest of the entire family but somehow he is a bit clingy and socially awkward. He is also a grumpy baby, hot-headed and opinionated. He is pretty much rebellious and never afraid to speak his mind. He was the one caught argue his father quite often bc he is the perfect carbon copy of Bi-Han himself. But don't get him wrong. Bi-Huǒ is a loving and caring person. He cared for everyone he loved including Bi-Han. He is also known for his bright red hair just like his mom but exact same face as Bi-Han. - For the youngest daughter, I pretty much struggled to find the perfect Chinese name and personality for her as well as her concept design. Was planning to name her between Bi-Xiangyun or Bi-Mei-Xing. She would be the 'Anais' one of the three siblings. So yeah, Bi-Yuan is Gumball one and Bi-Huǒ is the grumpy version of Darwin.
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alexagirlie · 4 months
We Daren't Go A-Hunting for Fear of Little Men - Chapter One
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Fandom: Dune
Ship: Paul x OMC, Paul x Duncan
Summary: There were 48 000 gods in their mythologies and not one appeared to him except for HER. She was beautiful, even under the blood and gore which coated her from head to foot. Her skin was as white as freshly fallen snow, her hair soft and silver like starlight spun to thread.
Warnings: Magic au. Fantasy au. Battle. Injury. Blood. Near death experience. Old Gods.
Taglist: @succnfuccubus
There were 48 000 gods in their mythology, Goddesses to watch over lovers who had been lost at sea, to temper the waves and guide sailors home. Gods whose job it was to water the earth with their blood, making it fertile. Gods who pulled life from that fertile land and made the flowers bloom in the spring. Gods and Goddesses of war, death and destruction that lead the dead to the promised land. To lead a fallen soldier to rest and peace.
Every little facet of living life had a patron god for humanity to kneel at the foot of and pray pray pray. And yet…. And yet…
There were 48 000 gods in their mythology and Duncan was praying to every single one. Praying to DANDRA for courage, praying to AILA for strength, praying to NURAND for the will to stand and continue fighting. To ignore the wound in his gut and his life seeping away drip by bloody drip. To let him fulfill his honoured duty to House Atreides, to his Duke and to the boy turned young man who he was most loyal to.
There were 48 000 gods in their mythology and Duncan called upon every one known to share their blessings with those who know death is calling. Dying from a thousand cuts, dying from bright red blood spilt on cold stone, dying from a sword to the core. God whose symbols have been worn by warring tribes for centuries. Through sweeping victories and devastating defeats, cultures and societies waxing and waning. Whose symbols he himself wears, drawn on armour in white chalk. 
There were 48 000 gods in their mythologies and not one appeared to him until the very end. Duncan was laying on the cold, wet stone, rain falling warm on his face. He could no longer find the will to stand and fight, his body depleted and weak. He only hoped that he had done enough to protect those he swore to protect. That the House of Atreides would prove victorious in this battle.
There were 48 000 gods in their mythologies and not one appeared to him except for HER. She was beautiful, even under the blood and gore which coated her from head to foot. Her skin was as white as freshly fallen snow, her hair soft and silver like starlight spun to thread. SCATHACH was a Goddess of Death, one who only appeared to those fallen in battle and ready to breathe their last. So Duncan knew his time was up and he was ready for her hand in his, leading the way.
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Laying on the wet stone Duncan's eyes fell closed, he had seen the face of the goddess of death and he had made peace with the thought. The world was fading away, the pain in his side, the rain falling on his face, all that remained was the memory of Paul. The memory of his boy, laughing and vibrant and alive. Duncan hoped that his efforts had turned the tide of the battle and the Atreides forces would come out the victor.
Suddenly he heard a voice call for him in the darkness.
The voice was familiar and otherworldly, pulling him back from the brink. It was full of anguish but underneath was an edge of determination, as strong as steel. He felt hands on his face, burning hot against his ice cold skin. Duncan forced his eyes open, his eyelids felt like lead, but he needed to see, need to know. He saw again the shining face of SCATHACH, before she faded away and in her stead there was Paul, his Paul.
Paul's black curls were soaking wet and clinging to his face and neck in messy clumps. There was a cut along his hairline and a line of blood was dripping down the side of his face, the red stark against his pale skin. Duncan couldn't help but think the colour really brought out the green in his eyes, making them glow like veridian. The chalk glyphs on his armour were only the faintest of smudged lines, their power and protections faded.
'STAY AWAKE' the command was dripping with power, with the weirding magiks of The Voice. 'LIVE'
So Duncan had no choice, his boy, the lord of his heart had commanded it and so it was to be. He found the strength to hold on while the healers arrived. While they patched him up enough to transport him back to the castle. Paul refused to leave his side the whole time, face wrecked with barely disguised pain and line with exhaustion. 
Duncan lost consciousness as they were settling him in the infirmary but it was the sleep of healing not death. While he slept he dreamt of Paul. Of when he had first come to work for the House of Atreides, when Paul was barely a teen. Voice cracking and all awkward limbs. He dreamt of the first time Paul won a match against one of his instructors, his joy and laughter ringing through the halls. 
He dreamt of Paul, at a Gala hosted by the House a few months back, of the beautiful tunic his mother had commissioned for him to wear. He had stolen the gaze of everyone present, Duncan included. Although he had tried to deny it, to keep his thoughts and feelings towards the young princeling pure. He failed.
Header by me
Divider by firefly-graphics
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christophernolan · 3 years
Please a mortal and a demigod?? In love??? But separated due to unforeseen circumstances????? *pops champagne*
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plentyoffandoms · 3 years
Because of You (Part 2)
Alex Høgh Andersen x f/Reader
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: none
Gifs & photos do not belong to me.
Main Masterlist ♡ Vikings Masterlist ♡ Alex Høgh Andersen Masterlist
Summary: You finally get to meet Alex's family for the first time.
Part 2 requested by @dream-this-nightmare-over
It has a been a few months since I met Alexs' family. His sister Aila and I are doing some last minute shopping for her their parents wedding anniversary.
Alex and Aila are throwing them a suprise party for celebrate their love and have got me involved in planning it with them.
But sadly Alex got called away to do a last minute re-shoot for an episode of the Vikings.
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"We will be fine. The party is pretty much planned. Go and just try to be there in time." I said to him as he hugged me goodbye.
"You're the best Y/N."
"I know, go Alex. Aila and I have to just do some last minute stuff."
And I was having fun with her. We have spent a lot of time together these last few months.
I have moved to Denmark to be closer to Alex as our relationship was ready for the next big step.
I hated to leave behind my friends and family but Alex and I both knew that we can't keep doing the long-distance thing forever.
So I packed up my life and moved here with him and I can truly say that this was the best decision of my life.
My family have come to see me and for many of them it was their first time on a air plane and we showed them the beautiful country that is Denmark.
But today is not about myself or my family, but his parents Thomas and Charlotte. We have invited what feels like every person they have ever known to this party and they will be joining us at The Lake Pavilion.
"Y/N come or we will be late for our hair appointment." Aila insisted I looked my best as I would be meeting more of their family.
I didn't argue with her because once I looked at the time I knew she right.
We spent over two hours getting our hair and makeup done and we had to rush back to my apartment to get ready.
Alex text me to let me know that he will be meeting us there. I am just happy he will be on time as I don't like when anyone is late for anything.
Aila went to her parents place to go and get them. They just thought we were all going out to a fancy dinner tonight and that is the reason why we needed to be dressed up.
I got a taxi to the venue and I was thrilled to see Alex standing there, talking with one of his cousins.
Once he saw me, he made a silly face and then excused himself to come and see me.
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"You look beautiful Y/N. I mean if we were surrounded by so many people..." He trailed off but I knew what he was implying.
"Maybe later Alex." I winked at him. "You're looking fantastic."
He did a spin for me and we both laughed at his antics. He offered me his arm which I took.
"Come, there is so many more people that you must meet."
We had about half an hour until his parents were due to arrive and I was introduced to almost everyone there.
Alex got a text from his sister saying that they were almost at the venue, so he went to the DJ that he hired and was able to use the mic.
"They are almost here. Everyone be quiet."
Alex Høgh Andersen's POV:
My heart was pounding in my chest, but not for the reason that my parents will show up for their suprise anniversary party.
But for the fact that I have my grandmothers' engagement ring in my pocket. I finished the re-shoot earlier than I told Y/N and went to my parents place to grab the ring from my mom.
"My baby is getting married."
"She hasn't said yes yet Mom."
"She will Alex, oh ask her tonight at dinner."
"Are you sure about that Dad? It is your night."
"I asked your Mom on my parents wedding anniversary. It can be like a new family tradition." My Dad said as he smiled at me.
So I decided that I am going to propose to Y/N when I take her outside to show her the view of the lake.
I already to Aila that I will be propsing tonight and it was all Mom and Dad's idea.
Now my main focus was just on my parents and them having a good time.
The moment the doors opened and we all screamed "SUPRISE!" and the looks on their faces was worth it.
They were so shocked and happy. They were excited to see so many people that they haven't seen for ages.
We ate, we gave speeches about them and we danced.
"Want to head outside and cool off for a bit Y/N?" I asked her as we were swaying back and forth.
"Please Alex." I grabbed her hand and pulled her behind me to the exit. I got my parents and sister eyes and they smiled at us.
They knew what I was doing and I wouldn't put it past them if they watch from any window they can find.
"This view is gorgeous Alex." She said once we were outside.
"Not as gorgeous as you." I said as I stood behind her and pulled her back to my chest as she leaned into me.
The two of us were enjoying our little moment together and I realised it is time. I didn't move her as I reached into my pocket to put the ring out.
"Y/N, I have to ask you an important question." I whispered in her ear.
"Now don't say anything until I am done, promise."
"Promise my love."
Here it goes. "Y/N, we have been through so much together. Many people said we wouldn’t last when we were dating long-distance and we proved them wrong. You moved to a whole new country to start a new chapter in our lives and I have never been so happy than I am coming home to you and waking up beside you. My family and friends love you, but I love you more. You are my whole world, you are my life. Will you marry me Y/N L/N?" I held the ring up in front of her so she could see it.
She spun around in my arms and kissed me. "Is that a yes?" I asked when we broke apart.
"Yes!" I slipped the ring on her finger and kissed her once more.
Our moment was broken when we the applause. We looked to see almost everyone at the party clapping for us, but my focus was on my parents and sister.
My Mom and Sister were crying and I am sure my Dad was as well.
Y/N and I broke out into laughter when all we heard from my Mom was,
"My baby is getting married."
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thebloodychampion · 3 years
Character Songs - Updated
For @capeshifters​
Nedra Surana
“Man, I Feel Like A Woman” by Shania Twain
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Narya Surana
“In Your Eyes” by Sylver
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Litriel Lavellan
“Wild Child” by Enya
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Merlyn Lavellan
“Always” by Bon Jovi
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Rufus Trevelyan
“You’ll Be In My Heart” by Phil Collins
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Gigi Trevelyan
“Torn” by Natalie Imbruglia
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Janus Lupus
“Broken” by Seether feat. Amy Lee
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Alceon Lupus
“Frozen” by Madonna
Tumblr media
Adrian Lupus
“I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing” by Aerosmith
Tumblr media
Bella Lupus
“Fate” by Bleak Feat. Ana Johnson
Tumblr media
Marcus Lupus
“Sooner Or Later” by Breaking Benjamin
Tumblr media
Luca Lupus
“Thanks For The Memories” by Fall Out Boy
Tumblr media
Seranna Trevelyan
“Stained” by Persephone
Tumblr media
Mario Albergotti Lamberto De Villacorta
“Smooth Criminal” by Michael Jackson
Tumblr media
Vixten Adaar
“After The Rain” by Cinema Bizarre
Tumblr media
Jacob Rivera
“Time Bomb” by Hollywood Undead
Tumblr media
Albany Perdue
“Seven Devils” by Florence + The Machine
Tumblr media
Nellie Cousland
“Memories” by Within Temptation
Tumblr media
Milicent Cadash
“Ironic” by Alanis Morissette
Tumblr media
Nova Lavellan
“1000 Words” by Final Fantasy X-2 OST
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Devon Trevelyan
“Smooth” by Santana feat. Rob Thomas
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“Lie To Me” by 12 Stones
Tumblr media
Adam Hawke
“Iris” by Goo Goo Dolls
Tumblr media
Hampus Luck
“No Air” by Jordin Sparks & Chris Brown
Tumblr media
Dorian Pavus
“Summer Wine” by Ville Vallo & Natalia Avelon
Tumblr media
Regina Le Bail
“Broken Wings” by Alter Bridge
Tumblr media
“Hell Frozen Rain” by Silent Hill Shattered Memories OST
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Valerie An Zarda O Bearhold
“It Must Have Been Love” by Roxette
Tumblr media
Alan Ar Zara O Bearhold
“Anthem Of The Angels” by Breaking Benjamin
Tumblr media
Lilah Bearhold
“The Voice” by Celtic Woman
Tumblr media
Sherborune “Guy” Le Guyader
“Shy” by Sonata Arctica
Tumblr media
Ashalanna “Anna” Alerion
“Mad World” by Gary Jules
Tumblr media
Appius Trius
“What I’ve Done” by Linkin Park
Tumblr media
Aila Synelis
“Lithium” by Evanescence
Tumblr media
Lisetta Walgan
“Save Yourself” by My Darkest Days
Tumblr media
Kai Kresge
“Can’t Take Me” by Bryan Adams
Tumblr media
Kaisa Kresge
“Like A Rose On The Grave Of Love” by Xandria
Tumblr media
Lesi Aras
“Crazy” by Aerosmith
Tumblr media
Rinril Seraya
“If We Ever Meet Again” by Timbaland & Katy Perry
Tumblr media
Armando Fiorenci
“Save Me” by Skillet
Tumblr media
Francisca Fiorenci
“It’s The Fear” by Within Temptation
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Nedra Shepard
“Remember The Name” by Fort Minor
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Nigel Shepard
“Place For My Head” by Linkin Park
Tumblr media
Magnar Shepard
“Nobody’s Listening” by Linkin Park
Tumblr media
Salla Ryder
“It’s All Coming Back To Me Now” by Meat Loaf
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Karin Chakwas
“Home” by Daughtry
Tumblr media
Avitus Rix
“Crawling” by Linkin Park
Tumblr media
Garrus Vakarian
“No More Sorrow” by Linkin Park
Tumblr media
Liara T’Soni
“Can’t Get You Out Of My Head” by Kylie Minogue
Tumblr media
Nakmor Drack
“Paid In Full” by Sonata Arctica
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Pelessaria B’Sayle “PB”
“Look Through My Eyes” by Phil Colins
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Camilea Octatus
“Everybody’s Fool” by Evanescence
Tumblr media
Lisell Avequa
“Love Don’t Cost A Thing” by Jennifer Lopez
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Nyx Avequa
“Nothing Else Matters” by Metallica
Tumblr media
Jirida Avequa
“Livin La Vida Loca” by Ricky Martin
Tumblr media
Han Xanis Vas Astra
“Telescope” by Starset
Tumblr media
Tasha Tissel
“Let Love In” by Goo Goo Dolls
Tumblr media
Nolus Abgius
“I Will Not Bow” by Breaking Benjamin
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Tunar Abgius
“Heroes” by Shinedown
Tumblr media
Vivia Bonisis
“Stronger” by Britney Spears
Tumblr media
Tibesius Suldonis
“Locking Up The Sun” by Poets Of The Fall
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Lucius Suldonis
“Shatter Me” by Lindsey Stirling
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Quitilia Suldonis
“The Power Of Goodbye” by Madonna
Tumblr media
Silia Salvilus
“It’s Amazing” by Jem
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Serlio Salvilus
“Take Me Away” by Globus
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Caius Salvilus
“Goodbye” by SR-71
Tumblr media
Cosna Salvilus
“A Dangerous Mind” by Within Temptation
Tumblr media
Titus Faion
“Simple And Clean” by Kingdom Hearts OST
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Maxius Kyrik 
“Perfect” by Simple Plan
Tumblr media
Luc Laxius
“Enjoy The Silence” by Depeche Mode
Tumblr media
Anaya Kiuk
“I’m Like A Bird” by Nelly Furtado
Tumblr media
Sunip Molane
“Farewell” by Apocalyptica
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Bono Baffabar
“Hurricane” by 30 Seconds To Mars
Tumblr media
“Push It To The Limit” by Scarface
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Camephilia Octatus
“In Perfect Harmony” by Within Temptation
Tumblr media
Naigni Nabila
“Carnival Of Rust” by Poets Of The Fall
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Neville Longbottom
“Glorious” by Natalie Imburglia
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Harry Potter
“Here Without You” by 3 Doors Down
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Augustus Rookwood
“Poison” by Alice Cooper
Tumblr media
Lilo Young
“She Bangs” by Ricky Martin
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Serafina Rosario
“Unwritten” by Natasha Bedingfield
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Wilhelm Marble
“Whoever Brings The Night” by Nightwish
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Hermione Granger
“Precious” by Depeche Mode
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Savlia Pepper
“I Bruise Easily” by Natasha Bedingfield
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Lucas Scales
“I’m Not Okay I Promise” by My Chemical Romance
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Eleanora “Ellie” Spindleweed
“Immersion” by Persephone
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Lassie Young
“Point Of No Return” by Starset
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“Nemo” by Nightwish
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Diana Of Themyscira
“Unbreak My Heart” by Toni Braxton
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“Nothing Compares To You” by Sinead O’Connor
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Selina Kyle
“My Skin” by Natalie Merchant
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Mei Ling Zhou
“Any Other World” by Mika
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Elisabeth Caledonia “Calamity” Ashe
“One Day Ticket” by Eruption
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Jean-Baptiste Augustin
“Undefeated” by Skillet
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“Can’t FIght The Moonlight” by Leann Rimes
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booksforevermore13 · 3 years
Sherry Lips and Crystal Stars (Part III)
Summary: 'So, when they break away, and he looks at her, green to brown, she knows that he's the one. That in the end, he had always been the one.'
Ginny Weasley works on a strict owe-to-owe basis, but it's one person she can never fully repay. And she's always running from him. Always. Until Kaz Brekker needs her to recruit him for a highly coveted kidnapping.
Again, no knowledge of Shadow and Bone is required to read this :)
Part I is here.
Part II is here.
Read it on Fanfiction or AO3 if you prefer!
Three Squallers.
Two Inferni.
Three Heartrenders.
And the Snitch. Which in their case, is the Summoner.
Quidditch wasn't a game for the people.
It was also a game where when the victim's safely bound and gagged, it's considered complete. 'Safely' was a debatable term though.
"The Squallers are yours, the Inferni are mine," Ginny says, double knotting her boots, while staring pointedly at Harry. "The Heartrenders are among the best in the Palace, so we'll take them together."
Harry doesn't answer, and she knows he's mad.
"Are you even listening to what I'm saying?"
It's then Harry looks at her, and she doesn't need to look at his eyes to know she's right. He's mad. The furious kind of mad. If she didn't know him better, she'd have been almost scared of him.
"How do I know you're not lying?" he says finally, and she can't help but flare up at that again, because it's awfully hard to not do something she had done for half her life.
"I guess you just have to see for yourself," she says angrily, finishing up her boots, and glaring at him. She feels like a bomb with a constantly ticking timer, just waiting to go off.
Ginny doesn't wait for an answer. She takes her knives, takes the ammo, and leaves the room they'd rented for the while.
She doesn't wait for him to follow.
It's just the slightest sliver of evening, but it's dark, and it was the quintessential time for people like her.
She'd chosen a spot from where she could see the gate, and she could see the room they'd be entering, but the guards, they couldn't see her.
She has the pistol armed at him before she even makes a sound.
"Harry!" she hisses, and she lowers the pistol, putting it back in her holster again.
"I could have blown your brains out."
"Lucky you didn't or you'd be a man less."
She glances at him, shaking her head in exasperation. He's bending down beside her, an hour after they'd had their argument, and like her, he's peering at the guards, watching their every move, observing their every line of sight. It's what he's best at, adapting to the situation, and it's something that's saved his sorry ass (and hers) from too many situations to count.
"What are we waiting for?" she whispers to him, to which he motions her to shush.
"They are leaving, one by one. Coming back in intervals."
"And, they're following a pattern. And every pattern coincides so that at one point of time, they'd have to go at once."
"Meaning we'd have a….."
"And how do we know when that happens?"
It's then he looks at her, because sure, he might have spotted that pattern, but he wasn't very good at solving them. She was.
"We don't." Harry smiles, and it's the glint in his eyes which worries herm which lets her know what he's planning to do. Ginny's eyes widen, as she raises her hand as warning.
"Wait, Harry, no-"
She ducks as he throws a bomb, and he's pushing her up, pulling her good arm to make her follow him, and while the guards have their pistols up and running, they slip in right where they'd had a weak link, and when they come out the other side, Ginny can't help but laugh.
"Didn't know you had that in you, Potter."
"Yeah, well, I'm not exactly as much of an idiot as you think I am."
Ginny chuckles, shaking her head, before realizing her hand was still clasped in his. They let go at the same time, but they're still smiling.
"The Sqaullers are mine," he repeats. "Inferni's yours."
"Damn right."
"And remember, fire crackles before it lights. Same with Inferni. So…..listen."
She laughs incredulously, shooting hima mirthful glance, but before he turns away, Ginny stops him.
"What's this?" he says as she hands him a black sleek cylinder, capped on both ends.
"Use this when it's bad," she says seriously. "Like, really bad. Like raining hell bad. That cap there, open it, throw and run."
"Cap, Open, Run. Got it."
"You better."
She turns again, and then stops. "Wait," she calls, "wait, wait, Harry, don't die on me, okay? Don't do it."
And then it's the first time that evening, she's seeing him grin, that grin that makes his eyes light up in a way that she's always loved.
Wait, saints, what?
"Noted ma'am," he says and laughs, and she's left standing and thinking what the hell she's thinking, before realizing she had to go too.
Maybe she was liking him a bit more than she had planned to.
It wasn't as terrifying as she'd thought.
Ginny hears them before they strike. She hears the familiar crackling of fire, like Harry had said, before she's ducking and leaping behind a pillar. She smells a distinct burning, looking down to see they'd singed the ends of her hair off.
"Don't have much time left now, do we?" the Inferni mocks, and she makes it out to be distinctly feminine.
"Now, now Aila, perhaps the little girl wanted a glimpse of our Sun Summoner."
"Well, too bad she won't be getting one."
She barely misses the next fireball sent her way, and she jumps over a wall, and into the courtyard.
"Hey!" the girl, Aila yells, and Ginny looks around frantically, before finding a chandelier and focusing on it, finding the glass to be exceptionally easy to manipulate compared to stone.
"Show your face!"
Yeah, no.
"Or maybe a coward is all you are!"
The girl's nearing, the boy's not far behind, and when the girl's merely a feet away, Ginny steps aside, letting her coat catch fire, and yelling loudly. She hears the girl laughing behind her, the boy too, and she feigns falling on her knees, yelling out louder.
The girl steps nearer, and when she's right beside her, Ginny blocks out her voice and the boy's and wills the glass hinges to fall apart.
It's the atoms she works upon, because brittle they might be, but they're Fabrikator made, made by her own kind. It isn't meant to be fragile, but everything has a weak link, and that weak link is all it takes.
And then the glass shatters. As quickly as it does, she brings out her dagger, slashing part of the girl's kefta off and pulling it over her head. Then she lunges behind a pillar, feeling the hot flames licking up her feet. In a bold and foolish move, the boy had aimed a fireball at the chandelier, and it was only because she was a Fabrikator she knew, that glass heated at high temperatures would explode at any given part of the world.
Ginny runs, runs as fast as she can, and leaps over the wall she'd come from, and as the glass chandelier explodes behind her, she's pushed forward by the force of the blast.
If the kefta hadn't been over her, she'd have died from impact alone.
Ginny isn't nearly up on her feet, before she hears Harry yelling, and then she grunts, yanking out a glass piece from her thigh, and pressing on it as she gets up.
"Run!" she hears him yelling. "Run, Ginny, go!"
Ginny grunts, wrapping the kefta over her thigh. It's not deep, but it could bleed out if kept unopened. She can see Harry running, and can't quite make out what she has to do. Her head's pounding, and she's breathing heavily, comprehending only what she can see.
And then she sees him, the Heartrenders behind him, running as fast as he was. He's managed to keep a safe distance between them, but the moment they're cornered, she knows they are done.
From the distance, she can see that he's managed to tie a piece of rope around one's arms, while the rest of them are sporting huge, ugly bleeds, but they're still running as fast as ever.
They're trapped, and she can't find anything to snap, or break over them, and she's not strong enough to break the wall down, like she'd done back in the Manor. Besides, she knows the wall would only ever add injury to them, and that'll just make it easier for the guards to finish them off.
Ginny steps back, ready to climb the wall, but raising her daggers to fight, but then Harry's yelling at her to run again, and she puts abkc the dagger and waits until he's reached her, before she jumps, grunting at the added strain on her sides, and wincing as she drops down on the other side.
Ginny hears Harry behind her as she starts running, and then the click of the cap, and then in a flash, they're on the floor, his body shielding hers.
And then things do quite literally go to hell.
Ginny coughs as she snaps her eyes open. She sneezes, rubbing away the dust from her nose.
"Harry," she calls hoarsely. "Harry, get off of me."
He makes no sound, and she grunts, pushing at him, growing increasingly worried, as she manages to roll out from under him.
"Harry. Harry," she calls and she scrambles up, ignoring the ebbing pain in her thigh, while she looks down at his body for injuries.
"Oh, god. Shit, saints. Fuck." There's blood trickling down his back, pooling on the floor. She turns him on his side, and tears away his shirt, her eyes widening as she sees his open back.
"Shit," she curses. "Shit, shit, shit, god!"
There's shrapnel littering his back, digging into his skin and there's blisters running down his spine, and she doesn't know how much damage his back has taken, but she needs to fix this.
I need a Healer, she thinks. He needs a Healer.
She can't fix him.
Ginny looks around frantically, and then presses the cut Kefta onto his back. Harry groans in pain, and Ginny takes out her lockpick, putting it on the ground.
"Gin," Harry whispers. "Gin."
"Shh," she says, and she's got her hand on his, and he's clasping it tightly, as if his life was tethered to that.
"I am here, Harry," she says, "I'm right here."
She focuses on the lockpick, and suddenly, she can see the metal in it, lined up in perfect concentric circles and she presses those, forcing out a few strands off the pattern. Ginny wills them into shape, long and thin, and then when she lets the strands fall, she's glad it's turned out the way she wanted. Ginny takes the newly formed tweezers, and then a piece at a time, she's taking out the shrapnel from his back, second after second.
She's baiting time. But she knows there is no other choice. If the shrapnel stays in his back, he'd not make it out of here.
Ginny works quickly, but it still feels as if hours have passed, and when it's finally done, she dabs the blood away, and wraps his back with the Kefta.
"Harry," she calls again. "Harry."
"You…." he chuckles weakly, "you didn't leave me."
"Of course I didn't."
"But now you have to."
Ginny looks at him in surprise, before she's shaking her head and pulling him up with every bit of strength she has left. He's too heavy for her, and he slumps over her, as they collapse on the ground.
"No. No. Get….up"
"Gin, this," Harry wheezes out, "this was an ambush. Kaz set us up. They knew we were coming and the second they see the guards gone they'll come running here. This was a trap. It was a distraction."
"I'm not leaving you."
"You have to," he says, and Ginny's just barely holding back tears. "There will be hundreds of them here, any second. I'm only going to slow us down, Gin, and you know it."
She's still holding his hand, but she can't bear to look at him. But when she does, it's his green eyes that take her aback. They've always had. Always.
"Go," he whispers, and she can see he's tired but he's still smiling. It's a genuine one this time, and she knows he really does mean it.
So, she does what she's always done.
She lashes out.
Ginny lets go of his hand, and suddenly, her lips are crashing against his, begging for him to stay, begging for him to hold on. For a second, she wonders whether he'd pull away, but then he's kissing her back with equal passion, and suddenly, they're the only ones there, in the middle of the ash and dust, in the middle of all the blood, they're the only ones there.
His lips taste of sweet sherry and dust, and they're rough over hers, and she holds on to him as if she's never letting go.
She isn't.
And then she's pulling him up, holding him upright, and as she breaks off the kiss, they're wheezing, exhausted, but they're alive. And standing.
Distraction can do great things. He'd taught her that.
"We're both getting out of here. Or we're not leaving at all."
He looks at her, his eyes holding a passion she's never seen before. Ginny holds him up as they start walking, through the courtyard, away from the hole, away from the crowd, away from the Grisha and the grenades and the blood and the dust.
But she's glad they're leaving together.
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robotslenderman · 4 years
Elisa’s Embrace: Part 1
You guys can blame @missn11 for being a HORRIBLE ENABLER
So, headcanon as to how Elisa’s Embrace went if Lettow was the Gangrel sire:
In AUs where Elisa never became Kindred, she was a wildlife rehabilitator instead, so I’ll use that -- she’s a wildlife vet nurse in Tucson, and caught Lettow’s attention through Riga.
At the time Lettow is having problems with another Kindred, though this is before the then-Prince went a little nuts. Lettow had sired a couple of other childer by then, waited to see if they would survive. One didn’t survive sunrise, the other became a wight so he had to put it down. While having the spat with the other vampire (not his childe, just usual inter-vampire bickering), the Kindred attacked Riga, who barely got away.
So Elisa’s driving home one night when she thinks she sees a wounded owl in the road. She’s used to picking up and transferring wildlife so she already has equipment in her car. Imagine her surprise when the “owl” turns out to be a hugeass eagle!
Riga is really pissed off about this. Unfortunately, Riga’s wing is broken and Lettow isn’t close enough to intervene, and Elisa knows what she’s doing, so she doesn’t have any problem capturing Riga and avoiding her bites.
Riga is Not Happy but Lettow tells her to stay put, so she calms down in the car.
Usually she’d drop the bird off and go straight back home because she’s already had a long day, but when she sees the bird in the light at the clinic she’s like... this is not a native bird, and it’s also really alert for an animal that should be dead, because yikes, those wounds are nasty.
So she helps one of her coworkers look over this bird, that’s actually really chilled out now (Lettow’s keeping her calm). Both wings are badly broken, bird is going to need surgery, but like Elisa, vet suspects this is actually somebody’s pet so they’ll need permission for treatment beyond closing the bird’s wounds on her chest -- looks like she got clawed by a mountain lion or something, this wasn’t a dog attack.
Elisa, who hasn’t been in the city for that long, says, “Does Tucson have mountain lions???”
“It’s not unheard of. What’s weird though is that it didn’t bite it, it just clawed it. It wasn’t hungry. If it was, it would’ve eaten the eagle before you could find it.”
But yeah the vet is talking about doing first aid and, if the bird survives the night, calling around the other vets in the morning to see if this is one of their clients because there’s no way this is a native animal, it’s definitely somebody’s pet. And then one of the other coworkers comes in and is like “hey, there’s a new nightclub that opened a few months ago, doesn’t the owner have an eagle???”
and the vet is like “IDK, do they?”
“It’s just a rumour I heard.”
So Elisa is like, where is it? Who owns it?
The coworker’s able to tell her where it is but doesn’t know the owner’s name, just that he owns a cool bird of prey and is unfazed at taking it outdoors, which is probably when it spooked and fucked off and got itself hurt.
So Elisa shrugs and says, “It’s on my way home, I’ll drop by and ask him if it’s his.”
Lettow isn’t Prince at this stage, though he has the Prince’s permission to open his own business and has done so. So the Viper isn’t an Elysium yet. He usually prefers to travel, but by now he’s watching over Aila, so he’s set down roots. And Elisa drops by. It’s a weeknight, so she can actually hear herself talk with the weird dude at the bar, and she asks him if the owner’s in and if he’s missing an eagle.
Alexander is like hey what a coincidence, he’s actually in tonight, up at the roof, and he IS missing an eagle~!
The roof is just a plain roof at this stage, and obviously Lettow spends a lot of time up there because BIRD THEME. Lettow’s already expecting Elisa, having overheard her conversation through Riga, and has told Alexander to look out for her. The rooftop isn’t magical at this stage, Lettow just has a little sitting area up there and his cactus garden. Any Masquerade violations were already put away -- Elisa isn’t meeting him in his office because, you know, Masquerade violations abounds. 
Alexander takes Elisa up to the rooftop, as Lettow had already asked him to, and Lettow’s up there pretending to do paperwork. Alexander introduces Lettow, and Elisa introduces herself as Elisa Mulgrew from X wildlife veterinary clinic. We found an injured eagle tonight and a coworker suspects it might be yours?
Lettow mentions that yes, he was out during the day looking for his eagle, but stopped when it got dark. He actually has a photo on hand from his search -- he gives it to Elisa and yup, that’s the eagle alright.
Elisa really did want to go home, but he has a cool accent, a cool bird, and seems interesting, so she ends up giving him a lift to the clinic instead. He doesn’t answer many questions about himself except that he came to the US with his parents when he was a child and is originally from Poland. Elisa politely probes to see if he’s willing to talk about the Iron Curtain, since obviously he’d have been on the wrong side of that, but he deflects to ask about her instead. She gets the hint and humours his questions -- yes, she loves animals, she’s gone camping in the desert and knows some survival tricks, she was the one who found Riga, etc etc. She gives him a rundown on what her condition is like but Lettow seems pretty convinced the vet is overreacting and that Riga’s just fine. She’s a very tough bird and she’s been hurt before, and it looked worse than it turned out to be and she was right as rain in a couple of days! In his experience, vets tend to overreact. He means no offence, of course, but eagles are not like other birds, and the vet will probably be quite surprised at how quickly and easily she recovers.
Elisa just humours him and he’s friendly enough so she’s not too offended.
Sure enough, when they’re back at the clinic the vet is absolutely boggled at how fast Riga’s wounds have been healing and how her wings might not have been broken after all??? Like the x-ray CLEARLY showed a break, but Lettow just takes a casual look at them and is like yeah, they always look like that on the x-ray, but she’s always been able to fly just fine, last time she got an x-ray the vet thought that they just healed that way from an old break (”bullshit,” thinks Elisa, that is clearly a new break, but then again, it makes more sense than a break aligning and healing itself in less than an hour). 
Lettow just casually gaslights the entire staff and tells Elisa that Riga was probably just stunned and that’s why she couldn’t fly. He thanks them for looking after Riga and tells them his “man”, Alexander, will come by in the morning to compensate them for their treatment.
Elisa is half confused at the whole thing, half horny because oh hey Lettow is cute. Are Polish guys open to women asking them out? ... Ehhhh he’s like ten years older than her and a nightclub owner is probably way out of her league. Alas.
Elisa gives him and Riga a lift back to the night club. She’s confused over what happened and tries to drive in silence, but Lettow’s asking her questions about herself again. She almost works up the nerve to go “what the hell, give him your number anyway” but chickens out at the last second.
The next day she goes in to work as usual. Towards the end of the day she realises Alexander hasn’t been by to pay, so she asks her coworkers if he’s been by and she just didn’t notice, but they’re like “Who?”
So she asks the vet who treated Riga, and he’s like, “What?”
Nobody remembers Riga. Nobody remembers Lettow. Except her. They’re all giving her blank looks when she asks, looks which turn puzzled, is she okay?
She’s sure it actually happened, that she didn’t dream it, but she can’t find Riga’s x-rays. But she finds the blankets she used to catch Riga in the clinic, not in her car.
Confused, she goes to the Viper that night for a drink. She recognises Alexander -- but he doesn’t seem to know who she is, acting like she’s a complete stranger. She has her drink and leaves.
She sees no signs of Lettow or Riga.
Over the next few weeks nothing... really happens, except that her supervisor inexplicably changes her shift so she goes in later and she’s leaving work at around 10PM. She sometimes feels like she’s being watched when she goes home at night and keeps seeing the same cars on her commute home, but given that it’s after peak hour she just writes it off as people who live near her that get off at the same time she does. She still thinks it’s absolutely baffling, what happened, but she thinks about it less and less and gets caught up in her life again and stops thinking about it as much.
One night she faints, or something, getting out of her car at home -- one moment she was getting out of her car, the next she finds herself on her own driveway on the ground, hidden beneath the car’s hood. She’s a bit WTF -- did she have a seizure or something? One moment she’s getting out of the car, the next she’s on the ground. Doesn’t even remember being woozy or anything, but she must’ve been.
She goes inside, decides she’ll make a doc appointment in the morning. She’s absolutely starving, goes to her kitchen. The microwave says it’s 3AM. She’s pretty sure that there must’ve been a power cut that fucked her microwave’s clock, but when she checks her watch to adjust the microwave’s time it also says it’s 3 in the morning.
Okay, she’s definitely calling a doc in the morning, even seizures aren’t supposed to go that long. 
She’s even more convinced because her appetite is fucked -- she’s starving, none of her food is appealing, and when she tries to force herself to eat anyway she just throws it all up. She wonders if she should go to the ER but she feels fine. Great, even.
Just really fucking hungry.
She tries to go to sleep. Can’t sleep. Too awake. And really fucking hungry.
When dawn comes she still hasn’t slept and the growing light gives her a panic attack. It culminates in her dragging her quilt into her kitchen, pulling shit out of the cupboard under the sink and making a mess all over the kitchen, and shutting herself and the quilt in there in the darkness, making a nest in there. It’s only when she’s in the pitch dark that her panic attack ebbs and she ends up passing out.
She doesn’t wake up until she’s more than four hours late for work, just after sunset. Freaking out she goes to the phone to call work, but the phone doesn’t work -- when troubleshooting it she finds out someone’s cut the line.
What the fuck.
She goes to her car. It won’t start. When she opens the hood she sees it’s been tampered with, too.
what the fuck.
Now what?
(She’s really fucking hungry )
So she goes next door. Her neighbours are home. She’s about to ask them to call the cops, but when her male neighbour opens the door she’s like holy shit he smells good.
That’s the last thing she knows before she frenzies. She has a brief flash of memory of a woman screaming and walking in on her bent over the husband, but when she comes to, the woman’s dead as well, in her lap. There’s blood everywhere, especially all over her mouth, and in it, and it tastes good. They’re both dead.
She’s no longer hungry.
Oh god.
She’s a fucking vampire.
(~*~To be continued~*~)
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kylorenfanfic · 4 years
Long Away - chapter 3
Kylo Ren x Female Reader
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A/N: there goes chapter 3 and well, I guess things are getting a little bit more interesting next, I hope you guys like it. Oh please, if you enjoyed reading it, share and like it, it gives me a lot of motivation to keep writing to see people enjoying my writing! Thanks a lot! ❤️
> If you want to be add on the taglist just let me know, so you can know when the next chapters come out :) Words: 2.6k “This is suicide!” Poe exclaimed when you asked him to take you to Corellia, after telling him your plan.
“That is none of your business... I can pay you if that’s what you want.” and while you were saying that you were starting to regret leaving your ship behind in Corusant. Stupid idea.
“Of course it is! I am not taking your money!”
“I don’t see how it is. And if you don’t want to, I will find another way.”
“Oh good luck with that.”
“You are a pain in the ass, Dameron.”
“Then you are stubborn and stupid.” He took a deep sigh. “Look, I can’t let you go into the First Order as a spy, especially when we need more people on our side, not spying out there. And also because Kylo Ren is going to figure it out in no time.”
“I can handle myself. Also, I have told you, I don’t want to fight.”
“You are a great fighter! I saw you with that trooper!” it was your turn to sigh
“Why you even care, Dameron?” you put your hand on your forehead like you were feeling a headache.
“You are my friend!”
“We barely know each other!”
“Isn’t that how friendships start?” he smiled at you, and you stared at him. You couldn’t really tell, you haven’t had a friend in so long. You smiled back.
“Look, trust me, ok? If things turn out bad, I will come back and fight aside the Resistance. It is just… something I have to do. My place is not here, I feel it and…” you felt the urge to tell him why you really wanted to go. You wanted to see Ren with your own eyes, wanted to see what really happened to Ben Solo and as a bonus, you could get inside information and help the Resistance. But you didn’t. He kept looking at you, you gave him a soft smile.
“I will take you to Corellia.” You largely smiled and hugged him.
“Thank you, Poe.”
 You stayed with the Resistance for a week and you got to know most of them, and you actually enjoyed it. More time you were having with them, the more you wanted to help and somehow they reminded you from the old training days in the new Jedi Temple.
You had the same clothes from Dantooine on, your lightsaber well hidden all the time and your staff on your shoulder. You said your goodbyes to the new people you have met. Leia just gave you a nod. She didn’t want to allow your mission, she needed more people and that was pretty much suicidal, but you didn’t join the Resistance, you just offered your help in return of their help, she couldn’t really do something about it.
“Ready?” Poe asked you turning the ship buttons on.
“Go ahead, Dameron.” You said and sat next to him as co-pilot.
The ship was in space in no time, finding its way to Corellia.
“So, what are you going to do to get into the First Order?” he asked
“Gonna act like a bounty hunter in their favor. They need it.”
“How you know that?”
“They always do.” you remembered Darth Vader hiring Boba Fett.
“I thought you weren’t a bounty hunter.”
“And I am not.” He shook his head with a small smirk on his lips.
 The ship landed in Coronet City. There were First Order emblems around. You put your hood on to cover your head.
“I need to go alone now. If they see me with you and recognize you as the Resistance, my plan is over” you said to Poe and he nodded. You two starred each other, he had a sad smile on.
“Come here, Lacer” he said with his arms open and you hugged him. “Good luck, (Y/N).” he gave you a kiss on the top of your head.
“Send them all my regards. I will see you soon, remember to be in Coruscant soon, so I can find someone to give the information.” He nodded again and you left, not looking back.
This was stupid but you were doing it anyway. You took a deep breath and walked straight forward into the direction of a few Stormtroopers that were marching.
“Freeze!” one of them shouted to you aiming the blaster in your direction. You didn’t freeze. You got your staff and with it you were hitting the lasers so they wouldn’t hit you. You came closer to the troopers and hit the first one with your staff, making him stumble behind while you’d hit the other in the face, making part of his mask break. You used your moves to dodge their movements and two more troopers were coming. You knew you could handle them, with effort, but you could, you didn’t though. You let yourself be caught and then one of them hit your head and you blacked out.
 You woke up in a prison cell. You didn’t have your staff with you, you checked your boots, your lightsaber was still there, luckily they didn’t check it there – they weren’t expecting someone to be hiding a lightsaber.
You stood up and looked around, you couldn’t see the cell next to you, only the hallway, you heard steeps coming and a door opening.
“I see you are awake” a man with red hair and First Order military uniform stood up right in front of your cell, talking to you. “It came to my knowledge that you willingly attacked our troopers. Why? Are you with the Resistance?” you stared at him.
“Answer!” he yelled.
“I am (Y/N) Lacer from Dantooine and I wanted to be captured.” You answered.
“Well, (Y/N) from Dantooine, you are quite far from home. Are you some sort of imbecile?”
“Are you?” you asked with a serious face.
“How dare you to talk to me in that way?”
“And you are…?”
“I’m General Armitage Hux of the First Order and I will have you killed if you disrespect me any more.”
“Oh, General Hux, you won’t.” you came closer to the prison cell exit – it was blocked with lasers that stopped you from going out. “I was willingly captured actually, I gave in. I wanted to be right here, right now.” You simply smiled, he tried to hide a confused look.
“I want to help,” you kept speaking “I want to be part of the First Order.” He laughed.
“You could just have signed up, you know? You really expect me to believe that?”
“Yes. I don’t want to start from bellow. I deserve better than that. I can be of a great help for the First Order.”
“What are your abilities?”
“I am a bounty hunter. I know you probably have many already, but believe me. None like me.”
“You are indeed an imbecile.” he turned away to leave
“You can give me a mission. I can prove myself loyal.” You spoke louder. He stopped, you got his attention.
“Do you take me as a fool? You will just run away.”
“No, I won’t. Insert a tracker in me, one I can’t remove without First Order’s tech. I will be back with whoever you want me to.”
“You want money?”
“No, I just want to be helpful to our Supreme Leader” Hux laughed sarcastically. You could tell he didn’t like Kylo. “And to you, General.” You approached even more the lasers, you gave him a seductive look, you knew it would work.
 You found yourself on a durasteel chair in some short of medcenter. They were indeed inserting the tracker in you. They had given you a mission, you had to capture Tyria Groman. Apparently, she worked inside the First Order with their technology and she deserted, having a big amount of knowledge on their ships and weapons. The Resistance had no idea about her existence and you should bring her back before it was too late. They couldn’t send their troopers after one single woman, people would know that something was wrong. A single bounty hunter was perfect for the job.
The last time they knew where Tyria was Corellia, she ran away in there, and now it was almost impossible to know where she could be. Hux gave you a ship and your staff back, you had a few days to bring her back to the First Order Cruiser. You thought about going back to Corellia to try to start tracking her there, it was the right place to start.
You landed on Corellia and got out of the ship. You looked around and saw that amount of people. You sighed, that was going to be hard. It was when you felt something, deep inside of you, trying to talk to you. And in a moment of pure despair, you felt it, you felt the Force inside of you, and for a long time you haven’t felt that good. The force guided you to a bar, it was empty, weirdly enough, and the bartender was a droid.
“Hello, I am T-M5, what can I help you?” it asked with the typical robotic voice of a droid.
“I am looking for Tyria.” You simply said, “I know no Tyria.” it answered.
“I believe she was here not long ago.”
“Is she a friend?”
“Yes, we are old friends and to be honest, I was quite worried about her, it’s been a long time since I’ve heard of her. She is tall, red hair and was using dark clothes.” You described the hologram that Hux showed you.
“Someone like this was here a few days ago. She didn’t stay.” a human voice showed up from behind the droid, it was a man.
“Did she say where she is going?” you asked him.
“Are you with the First Order?” he replied.
“Do I look like it?” he thought for a while. “I am just looking for my friend.” you simply said with a worried look.
“Can’t help you, sorry”, the man left again and you tried to follow him, T-M5 tried to stop you from going to behind the balcony.
“Sir, please. I am worried.” You begged.
“What’s your name?”
“Aila” you lied.
“Never heard of you.”
“So you do know her!”
“Leave before I call the troopers.” He angrily said
“You wouldn’t, because you hate them as much as I do.” He gave you a look. “Please.”
“Naboo.” He said and left, you didn’t follow him again.
You ran back to the ship, already thinking about the planet. You knew it was an important planet back in the Old Republic days and it was located in the Mid Rim, but you never been there.
You arrived in Theed and felt the sweet atmosphere. It was such a beautiful city and you couldn’t stop imagining how it used to look like in the golden days of the Old Republic. You had an entire planet to search for a single woman and you were no damn professional bounty hunter. Stars, you weren’t even a true bounty hunter. You tried to feel the Force again, but it didn’t come out naturally, you had shut it out for so long. You buffed, frustrated at yourself. There was no way back, even if you went back to Dantooine, the First Order would find you. Great idea you had, a tracker.
You started walking through the city; there was a market in there, people selling fabric, jewelry, some aliments. At the horizon, you saw the ruins of the old palace. What a beautiful place, one could easily fall in love in there. It was quite peaceful, you could almost think that there was no war out there. You spotted a child walking alone, it was a little girl and she wore a blue dress in a Nabooian tyle. You smiled at her and she smiled back and then you felt it again, the Force. Honestly, the Force trying to reach it back to you it was a great way to cheat in this whole bounty hunter thing, you weren’t sure if you wanted it back. Too much responsibility. You followed the way the child came from, and kept going until arriving in a food stand. There was a lady collecting fruits, you couldn’t see her face and her hair was dark, but you felt it.
“Tyria?” you called her. She looked and stared at you.
“Are you talking to me?” she replied.
“You are Tyria, aren’t you?”
“I am afraid you are mistaking me with someone else” she put the fruit back on the stand and turned her back to you, she was walking fast.
“I just want to talk to you” you yelled. She started to walk faster, almost running and you followed her. At that point you both were far of the market, almost in a desert street, and then she turned back to you and there was a blaster in her hand pointing at you.
“You are with the First Order, aren’t you?” it was her indeed. You could just get here there, or you could lie.
“Liar!” she screamed and held the trigger closer to her hand.
“You honestly believe I am with the First Order?” you yelled back at her.
“Anyone can be with the First Order. I was! I know they want me.”
“If I was here to kill you, don’t you think I would be trying to kill you, not talking to you?” she thought about it, her arm with the blaster going a bit down. You stepped closer.
“Stay where you are” the blaster was again in the same place. You sighed, you didn’t want to lose any more time. You stood your hand up and felt it coming to your way. The blaster, in her hand, came to your hand; you were using the Force. She had a shocked look on her face and ran, you right after her and you used it again, you made her stop.
“I can’t move!” she screamed.
“You will be fine.” You told her approaching and getting out handcuffs to hold her.
“No, I won’t!” she started to cry “I won’t be ok, they will kill me.” You remained in silence, that was probably true and you felt bad. You used the Force, after so long, to do something bad, to take someone to their death… but it was for a greater good… right?
 Back in the ship, with Tyria tided, you contacted Hux so he could sent you the coordinates where the First Order cruiser was. You had permission to enter it and when you got out, with the prisoner, Hux was there to receive you.
“You really did your work, huh?” he said looking at both of you.
“I told you.” You made Tyria go a step ahead. “Do you believe in me now?”
“Maybe…” he had a very serious look on his face. “Kill her.” he said to a trooper behind him and with no hesitation, the trooper shoot her right in front of you and her body dropped on the floor. You had a shock when that happened but you tried to not let it show. You had to prove yourself loyal, and you didn’t really kill anybody. It wasn’t your fault, right?
“Just one more thing…” Hux said.
“What now?” you angrily asked him.
“Come with me.”
You followed Hux inside the enormous ship, three Stormtroopers escorting you, many others, aside with droids, passing by. You could tell that he was taking you to the higher command part because there was more security. Both of you entered a large room, many people working a big viewport, it was the core of the First Order.
“Sir.” Hux called and then he turned, in all his glory, in front of you, it was the Supreme Leader, Kylo Ren.
Chapter 4
taglist: @shockwavee​ @sallyp-53​ @silverlambcaptain​ @lonesome-loser​ @little-girl-who-dream-too-much​ @delicatesleeper​ @ohmygoditsanthonyedwardstark​ @cynthianokamaria @moonlightsolo
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Refuge in Sorgan (2)
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Cal Kestis x Reader
Him loving to hear you talk. He could listen to your voice for hours. [source]
Summary: Still on the run after bumping into some of Greez’s old friends, you charted a course to a remote planet in order to seek refuge and replenish some supplies.
Previous: Part 1 | Next: Part 3
2 of ? | Masterlist
The canoe came to a slow halt, you stopped at the end of the pool—not far from where you sat, you can see the light at the end of the path, and the faint chatter of the villagers was within earshot.
“You can step out now,” he said.
The two of you hopped out of the canoe and waited for the tandem to lead the way ahead. The man was the last to leave the boat, he tethers his humble vessel to a post pegged to the earth at the shore of the pool.
“So, what brings you to Sorgan?” the man initiated.
“Refuge,” you answered honestly.
“I hope the trouble didn’t follow you all the way here,” he teased.
You managed a small smile, sensing his trust in you, “I hope not.”
He and his boy lead you to the village itself. It was nearly the way you remembered it six years ago. The villagers were busying themselves with catching krill and transferring them to crates. You passed by one of the ponds and saw bright blue dots underwater. The man approached another man whose stature stood tall and strong despite his long, graying hair adorned in braids.
“Father,” you overheard. “These strangers met us by the marsh.”
He stepped to the side to show you and Cal before the leader. Your expression remains blank yet calm, the leader was familiar indeed—you seemed confident that this old man was Rodik, the same leader you met with your master all those years ago.
“The girl said they’re both Jedi. She also claims that you once knew her master, Aila Elris.”
The old man’s expression deepened, his gaze went over the boatman’s shoulder and stepped past him. He approaches the two of you. This old man must have seen better days. The passage of time, his wisdom and experiences were etched on the wrinkles of his face, yet the look in his eyes had a kind gaze.
Examining you from head to toe, then he fixates his eyes into yours—as if peering through your soul.
“Ah, I see now,” he softly muttered. “[y/n], dear child, look how much you’ve grown!”
He takes you by the shoulders, gave you a light shake and then bursts into laughter. You greeted him with a hug. Rodik announced that you and Cal are visitors and old friends. He invites you into his cottage. He gestures at the chairs as he seated himself.
“So, who is this strong young man you have brought with you, child?”
“Cal Kestis,” he introduces himself.
“Husband, I take it?”
Cal chuckled, “No… not yet.”
You angled your head to Cal, he looks back at you and winked at you.
Rodik smiled and chuckled along. He shook his finger at Cal while he shot a teasing look at you, “I like this boy!”
You lightly dismissed the teasing, explained the whole situation—highlighting the joint bounty that you and Cal have—and your dwindling supplies for the ship and for the crew such as food. Your awareness that the village has little to no technology was in your addendum. You hoped that Rodik or his men would provide intel on where you could pick up some spare parts in case of emergencies.
“You may stay here as long as you like until you have what you need for your travels,” Rodik reassured.
“Thank you, Rodik,” you smiled and gave a slight bow as a sign of thanks and respect.
“The only place you’re getting supplies for your ship is the shop right beside the cantina—another of those places where they hold those wrestling matches,” Rodik grumbled.
“By any chance, Rodik, could you spare us some food supplies?”
“I will have my servants check our main inventory,”
His attention went to the open window of his cottage where he had a full view of the sun. The sky was gradually turning into a deep indigo shade as the sun sets.
“Ah, it’s getting late. It’s dangerous to travel into the woods at night, will your crew be alright?”
“They have the ship to take shelter in. They know how to fight,” Cal answered.
“In that case, I insist that you stay here until morning, for your safety,”
He commanded one of his wardens to prepare a common house for the two of you. The same servant escorted the two of you to the house, it was across Rodik’s own cottage, and left you to your privacy to have yourselves settled. Cal reported everything that transpired just now to Cere, he also added that he will send the map with a waypoint to the village from BD-1’s memory to the ship.
“Have you made yourselves comfortable?” the same man who brought you to Rodik appeared at the open doorway.
“Yes very much, please send Rodik our thanks,”
“I hope my father didn’t overdo his welcome,”
“So you are his son?”
He confirmed and then introduces himself as Torin. Then the young boy comes running up to him.
“Papa, could you help us out with loading the crates?”
“Sure, I’ll be right there,” before the boy could leave, Torin puts his arm around him and introduces him on his behalf. “And you’ve met my son, Ezmer.”
“H-Hello,” he shyly said, somewhat embarrassed of his attitude earlier.
“Hello there,” you greeted with a friendly smile. “My name is [y/n], and this is my boyfriend, Cal,”
“Hi there,” Cal greeted back.
“It’s a pleasure for both of us. Now if you’ll excuse us, we have some work to do. Oh, I hope you could join us tonight for supper. We’re having a bonfire tonight to celebrate this month’s good harvest, I suppose you came at the right time!”
Without waiting for a response, Torin and his son Ezmer left you and Cal alone in the cottage. Checking out the rest of the house, you sat on the bed and eventually threw yourself down flat on your back. Cal sat by your side, leaning back and propping himself up on his elbows.
“Well, at least we got a breather,” Cal blurted and you groaned in agreement.
He tossed to the side, his one arm on your other side while fondly staring at you; you bring your hand to his face, brushing your finger across his cheek. He leans forward to plant a kiss on your forehead.
“I kind of missed this place—peaceful, quiet, simple,” you muttered while blindly fiddling with the loose locks of his hair with your eyes closed.
“Reminds you of home?”
The cottage also had a good view of the sunset, the bed was positioned next to the window so you propped your arms on the sill, rested your chin on them as you watched the sky change colors. Cal remained next to you, watching the sunset with you while holding you by the waist. The laughter of the children playing outside and the chatter of the village women while they catch krill washed you over with a certain calm. A breath of fresh air relaxed your muscles and it somehow made you forget your worry about the bounty on your head.
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plentyoffandoms · 3 years
hi, can you write an image on alex hogh x reader, where he takes her to meet his family?
Because of You
Alex Høgh Andersen x f/Reader
Just like all my other stories, this has not been proofread, but please enjoy.
Warnings: Some swearing.
Gifs & photos do not belong to me.
Summary: You finally get to meet Alex's family for the first time.
Main Masterlist ♡ Vikings Masterlist ♡ Alex Høgh Andersen Masterlist
Today I was meeting my boyfriend's family for the first time. We met when he was travelling and with his work schedule and my work schedule, we just could never plan the right moment.
But now I am flying to Denmark for a wedding. Not only am I meeting Alex's parents and sister for the first time, but most of his family as well.
My plane finally landed and I saw Alex waiting for me.
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I practically ran to him as it has been a few weeks since I have seen him.
"I missed you Alex." I said just before he kissed me. I could feel him smiling against my lips.
"I missed you too sweetheart." He said as he grabbed my bags and hailed a taxi.
"Aila is excited to me you finally, as are my parents." I could feel myself getting nervous once more.
Alex noticed me biting my lip, a nervous tick I have. "Hey, there is no need for that now Y/N. They are going to love you. They just want to meet the girl who had captured my heart."
He said as he gripped my hand tighter. I calmed down slightly.
The two of us finally got to his parents house and just as the taxi pulled away, a woman came running out the front door.
I barely had enough time to get a good look at her as she crashed into me and pulled me into a hug.
I looked at Alex and all he could was shrug his shoulders at me. The woman finally pulled back enough for me to get a good look at her face.
"It is so wonderful to finally meet the woman who my brother can not stop talking about. Come, come, my parents are dying to meet you."
Aila said as she grasped my elbow and pulled me along with her. I looked back at Alex and he was just laughing at his sisters antics.
Aila and I walked into probably the most gorgeous house I have seen and there was their parents, Thomas and Charlotte, setting the table.
"Look who I found." Aila said. Her parents stopped what they were doing, looked over at us and the biggest smiles spread across their faces.
Once again, I was pulled into a hug by both of them. "So nice to finally meet you Y/N, come, come. Sit down, make yourself comfortable." Thomas said to me.
"I'm home." Alex said from the front door.
"That's nice dear. Take her stuff up to your room." Alex did as Charlotte asked.
His parents asked me questions and I answered them as best as I could. I was still nervous but I calmed down when Alex sat down next to me.
Dinner was delicious and I asked for the recipe from his parents as they both cooked the meal.
After dinner, the five of us were sitting down looking over baby photos of Alex and his sister. He was adorable.
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Alex got a phone call that he had to take from his agent and I was alone with his sister and parents.
"You know Y/N, when Alex first told us he was seeing someone we were shocked. He never dated much." Thomas said.
"At first we were worried about people just wanting to be with him because he is an actor." I wanted to interrupt and say that was not the case with me, but Charlotte continued on.
"We told him our concerns but he told me you actually had no idea who he was."
"That is true. We bumped into each other and my drink got all over me, Alex offered to pay for the cleaning. I said no, but then he asked about getting dinner and something made me say yes. He seemed nice and is nice."
I took a deep breath and continued.
"It wasn't until our fifth date when he told me was an actor and he was on the show Vikings. I didn't even watch it until he had time off, and we watched it together."
"Yes, he told us that. I can say for all of us, we are glad to have finally met you and I know the rest of the family will love you." Charlotte said to me.
I couldn't stop smiling at the compliment. Alex was right, I had nothing to worry about.
Part 2
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embroiderymerc · 4 years
vtm night road reax (ending spoilers)
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i...have officially warmed up to toreadors. my courier’s name was the very first preset “Rook” because chess piece symbolism. d’espine was uber controlling and named her (i hc all her childer are named after chess pieces). i really want to draw rook in all her fallen from not-quite-grace-but-beloved-undead-performance-art-of-a-poweful-elder. scraggly hair, thrifted fits, bottom of the rung errand girl. she was an army veteran embraced because d’espine found her post-war life romantic. toreadors...
so i just realized most the screenshots i took were me getting giddy over julian so i’ll just bullet point all the other things i loved:
-aila. i must be full on rp-ing a toreador because the poetry of both you and julian sharing this elder’s vitae and never being free of her memories of rebellion and sadness while dismantling the camarilla’s antiquated rules...is so beautiful. aila lives on in you despite having lost the will to live in her elder body (and we make her turn on her lover!!!! drama!!!!) 
-speaking of parenthesis...lettow is rare. a good prince who didn’t deserve to get so screwed over. i hope he lives well in cairo.
-um. dove is everything. nossie, complex love for her sire, ‘UGE w/ friendly ‘TUDE.
 -the missions were horribly dark, touchy, and most made me gleefully uncomfortable. (it is the world of darkness and vampires don’t have to be monsters, but it is hard mode when you’re not)
-elena is that fwbbffl energy we all want in a hottie crooked ukranian. i couldn’t have asked for a better ghoul. 
-the 2100 program. finally! a writer who takes advantage of a youthful vampire who sees prophetic visions of a future a century ahead (rook loves her unliving embodiment of radical futurism, though she is tsundere about it). not literally of course, julian is a blood sorcerer, but he ain’t that far down the rabbit hole (if one such hole exists for non-malkavians). i am so interested in the engineering of this program as well as the implications in puts on julian x protag’s relationship (does he love them or the tool he’s created? nonetheless you’re invaluable to him and that can be reckoned with in a far-flung decade where the honeymoon phase has phased)
🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰oh julian🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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the coveralls!!!!! it’s like poetry, it uh, rhymes. julian did this for my toreador’s gratification i’ve decided.
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this bitch...
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i missed capping the first time they held hands and julian was all: emotion?? to manipulate or to rekindle a bond with a companion who knew me when we were less than nothing?? then headlights come on he’s all: “my secret shame”. luv him dearly. 
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MY FAVE SCENE. (hardly long-lived)THROUPLE ENERGY.
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aila and lettow 🥺 
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thebloodychampion · 4 years
Character Songs
This is for @capeshifters​ muses, it took me so long to find the perfect songs. I guess I got most of them right xD
Nedra Surana
“Man, I Feel Like A Woman” by Shania Twain
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Narya Lavellan
“In Your Eyes” by Sylver
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Litirel Lavellan
“Wild Child” by Enya
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Merlyn Lavellan
“Always” by Bon Jovi
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Rufus Trevelyan
“You’ll Be In My Heart” by Phil Colins
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Gigi Trevelyan
“Torn” by Natalie Imbruglia
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Janus Lupus
“Broken” by Seether Feat. Amy Lee
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Alceon Lupus
“Frozen” by Madonna
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Adrian Lupus
“I Don’t Wanna Miss A Thing” by Aerosmith
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Bella Lupus
“Fate” by Bleak Feat Ana Johnson
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Marcus Lupus
“Sooner Or Later” by Breaking Benjamin
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Luca Lupus
“Thanks For The Memories” by Fall Out Boy
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Jacob Rivera
“Time Bomb” by Hollywood Undead
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Albany Perdue
“Seven Devils” by Florence + The Machine
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Nellie Cousland
“Memories” by Within Temptation
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Millicent Cadash
“Ironic” by Alanis Morissette
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Nova Lavellan
“1000 Words” by Final Fantasy X-2
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Devon Trevelyan
“Smooth” by Santana Feat Rob Thomas
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“Lie To Me” by 12 Stones
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Adam Hawke
“Iris” by Goo Goo Dolls
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Hampus Luck
“No Air” By Jordin Sparks & Chris Brown
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Dorian Pavus
“Summer Wine” by Ville Vallo
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Reyna Le Bail
“Broken Wings” by Alter Bridge
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“Shattered Memories” by Silent Hill OST
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Valeria An Zarda O Bearhold
“It Must Have Been Love” by Roxette
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Alan Ar Zara O Bearhold
“Anthem Of The Angels” by Breaking Benjamin
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Lilah Bearhold
“The Voice” by Celtic Woman
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Sherbourne “Guy” Le Guyader
“Shy” by Sonata Arctica
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Ashalanna “Anna” Alerion
“Mad World” by Gary Jules
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Appius Trius
“What I’ve Done” by Linkin Park
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Aila Synelis
“Lithium” by Evanescence
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Lisetta Walgan
“Save Yourself” by My Darkest Days
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Kai Kresge 
“Can’t Take Me” by Bryan Adams
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Kaisa Kresge
“Like A Rose On The Grave Of Love” by Xandria
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Lesi Aras
“Crazy” by Aerosmith
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Rinril Seraya
“If We Ever Meet Again” by Timbaland & Katy Perry
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Armando Fiorenci
“Save Me” by Skillet
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Francisca Fiorenci
“It’s The Fear” by Within Temptation
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Nedra Shepard
“Remember The Name” by Fort Minor
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Nigel Shepard
“Place For My Head” by Linkin Park
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Magnar Shepard
“Nobody’s Listening” by Linkin Park
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Salla Ryder
“It’s All Coming Back To Me Now” by Meat Loaf
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Avitus Rix
“Crawling” by Linkin Park
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Garrus Vakarian
“No More Sorrow” by Linkin Park
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Liara T’Soni
“Can’t Get You Out Of My Head” by Kylie Minogue
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Nakmor Drack
“Paid In Full” by Sonata Arctica
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Pelessaria B’Sayle “PB”
“Look Through My Eyes” by Phil Colins
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Camilea Octatus
“Everybody’s Fool” by Evanescence
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Lisell Avequa
“Love Don’t Cost A Thing” By Jennifer Lopez
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Nyx Avequa
“Nothing Else Matters” by Metallica
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Jirida Avequa
“Livin La Vida Loca” by Ricky Martin
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Han Xanis Vas Astra
“Telescope” by Starset
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Tasha Tissel
“Let Love In” by Goo Goo Dolls
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Nolus Abgius
“I Will Not Bow” by Breaking Benjamin
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Tunar Abgius
“Heroes” by Shinedown
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Vivia Bonisis
“Stronger” by Britney Spears
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Tibesius Suldonis
“Locking Up The Sun” by Poets Of The Fall
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Lucius Suldonis
“Shatter Me” by Lindsey Stirling
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Quitilia Suldonis
“The Power Of Goodbye” by Madonna
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Silia Salvilus
“It's Amazing” by Jem
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Serlio Salvilus
“Take Me Away” by Globus
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Caius Salvilus 
“Goodbye” by SR-71
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Cosna Salvilus
“A Dangerous Mind” by Within Temptation
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Titus Faion
“Simple And Clean” by Kingdom Hearts OST
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Maxius Kryik
“Perfect” by Simple Plan
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Luc Laxius
“Enjoy The Silence” by Depeche Mode
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Anaya Kiuk
“I’m Like A Bird” by Nelly Furtado
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Sunip Molane
“Farewell” by Apocalyptica
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Bono Baffabar
“Hurricane” by 30 Seconds To Mars
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“Push It To The Limit” by Scarface
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Camephilia Octatus
“In Perfect Harmony” by Within Temptation
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Naigni Nabila
“Carnival Of Rust” by Poets Of The Fall
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Neville Longbottom
“Glorious” by Natalie Imburglia
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Harry Potter
“Here Without You” by 3 Doors Down
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Augustus Rookwood
“Poison” by Alice Cooper
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Lilo Young
“She Bangs” by Ricky Martin
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Serafina Rosario
“Unwritten” by Natasha Bedingfield
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Wilhelm Marble
“Whoever Brings The Night” by Nightwish
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Hermione Granger
“Precious” by Depeche Mode
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“Nemo” by Nightwish
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Diana Of Themyscira 
“Unbreak My Heart” by Toni Braxton
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“Nothing Compares To You” by Sinead O’Connor
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Selina Kyle
“My Skin” by Natalie Merchant
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Mei Ling Zhou
“Any Other World” by Mika
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Elisabeth Caledonia "Calamity" Ashe
“One Day Ticket” by Eruption
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Jean-Baptiste Augustin
“Undefeated” by Skillet
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“Can’t FIght The Moonlight” by Leann Rimes
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What do you think about Rico (The Rockman X Dive character) ? Is she a good character? What do you think about her personality? Is she fanservice character compared to the likes of Aila, Layer and Palette?
Rico? Suave.
Oh, you mean this RiCO: 
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So, there’s really only been one trailer with her introduction. Again, it’s not much to go off of. She has a few lines, and sort of sounds overly enthusiastic, perhaps a little too chipper, about sending the player out to fix the corrupted data and fight the Irregulars. 
But can I say she’s a good character based off of that alone? No, not really. We’ll see how much she really gets fleshed out in the beta and the game itself once it launches, but it’s far too early to make any strong opinions on her character and personality.
Palette? I can’t say I’ve ever heard anyone call Palette a fanservice character, but I get where you are going with that question. RiCO’s design has been a hot topic for many in the community already. And I think you can definitely see Mizuno isn’t afraid to make his X ladies a bit more fanservice-y, based on the glam and seductive upgraded looks for Alia, Marino and Ferham in his style. They’re all *ahem* a bit more curvaceous, waists slimmer and toned, etc.  I wouldn’t say that compared to those three ladies, that RiCO is necessarily that fanservice-y. I agree with the female fans out there who feel like the pair of sub tanks on her chest are just bolted on, and perhaps look a tad awkward on her. But I don’t think it’s anywhere as egregious as X8-style Alia, Ferham or Layer’s, per se. It’s not that’s she’s well-endowed that is the problem. It does really look like a pair of softballs are just attached to her though, and they could be a bit smaller on her frame. That weird popped collar placement over them doesn’t help, either. But they are essentially the same size as her shoulder orbs, and the close proximity to them also just throws you off when looking at her.  To me, the more unnecessary, fanservice-y part of her design is the frontal skirt gap. So, much like Iris, she has these thrusters which help create a nice, flowing skirt motif. And yes, if it was completely, fully around her waist, and her softballs were more the size of baseballs instead, I think her design, with the tie, would sync together really nicely. It would fit a character in a business-professional Navigator job pretty good. 
But instead there’s that gap, to show off the robo-undies. And sure, that’s fine, because from Classic Rock’s tighty-blueies to Tron’s crotchplate to Zero’s thong, it’s always been a Megaman thing. But RiCO here sure does look like she’s wearing a thong popping out from under her boy shorts, and maybe it’s good we haven’t seen a back shot of her art yet. There’s probably another odd gap back there. I don’t know if we really need 'Duff McWhaletail’ to become a canon thing in the X fandom... ^^; 
And even if fanservice-y stuff like this is aimed at guys like me, and even if I sure do like some fanservice myself, it just seems like such a dumb, unnecessary design choice. But to each their own. 
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breannathesimblr · 6 years
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After doing the X-ray on the little girl, and didn’t take Leigh Anne long to figured out what was going on. “This is crazy to me but the little girl has a colon tumor.” Leigh Anne said which made Aila, Brody and Vivian gasp. “Oh my goodness.” Vivian said as she covered her mouth. “Did you guys find out what her name was?” Leigh Anne asked. Brody answered. “Yes. Her name is Tiffanie Curry, both her parents have passed away and she ran away from her foster parents two weeks ago. She’s been living on the streets.” Vivian looked like she was going to cry. “We need to help her.” Aila nodded. “I already have a clean O.R. and Levi is washing up for the surgery. I kind of figured it was something going on. Vivian can you prep Tiffanie for surgery. I need to go wash up for the surgery.” Vivian nodded as she went to get Tiffanie and prep her for the surgery.
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