#ailuro's thoughts
yuubaehachi · 4 months
On Monsterfucking and Homosexuality
Oftentimes I find myself under the impresssion that hets will find some celebrity or family member coming out as gay as "depriving" them of something. Depriving them of relatability, fantasy, children, etc. The list goes on, really. In some cases, the sense of loss and disappointment is so big, the heterosexual party feels as though something has been "taken" from them. It's why they fight so hard to oh, I don't know, claim that Freddie Mercury was bi or het for starters. I also believe that in some cases, the heterosexual party believes that their beloved, heterosexual child/partner/celebrity was "corrupted" by an "outside influence" and would not be gay otherwise. How foul, they find this demon. This monster. They believe in the heterosexual "purity" of someone they claim as their own, and instead harass and abuse and frown upon the "outside party." For the purposes of this essay, the "outside party/demon/monster" will be a person.
To that end, I find the monsterfucking genre to be inherently homosexually coded in nature, the same way vampire stories very literally represent women's repressed sexuality (If anyone has any posts about this please let me know so I can reblog them) and I also find forbidden love to be apparent in both genres and a genre inextricably linked to homosexuality in and of itself. I digress. In the monsterfucking genre, the human represents the budding homosexual. The repressed. The one with everything to lose. In return, the monster represents those of us who have been damned, cursed, and driven out. The societal other, and the one who has already "lost". The taboo nature of romance with a monster is tantamount to the panicked realization of a homosexual's affections for a member of the same sex. Especially when you add sexuality into the mix, both the increasingly erotic memory of an encounter mixes with the excitement, fear, and shame of committing a taboo act, elevating the eroticism of the story and highlighting the importance of that connection. I find these themes to be incredibly effective and apparent when used to highlight the shaming of oneself by his/her closest people, the shaming of oneself by ones society, the fear of being found out, the thrill of participating in something true, and more. Finally culminating in the relief of being able to come into the light with your other, without shame or regret- with embracing arms of those you hold dear; acceptance.
Truthfully, I relate to these stories in some regard. The fear, the mental rejection of the apparent truth- the denial- the urge to fit in, to be kempt and dignified as deigned by something with no physical body. Something impossible to break down and tackle on ones own, and an oft lifelong battle with the help of others like yourself. To this end, I find the monsterfucking genre to be an effective tool to relate the homosexual experience (both good and bad) in a concise manner, as well as completely cathartic.
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Other names:Bast
Major cult center:Bubastis
Symbol:cat, lioness, ointment jar, sistrum, solar disk
Parents:Ra and Isis
Siblings:Horus and Anhur (half-brothers)
Connection to other gods:Sekhmet, Hathor, Rāt, Tem, Artemis
Bubastis celebrations of Bastet 'Feast of drunkenness'
Bubasteia was celebrated by intoxication,music, debauchery, children would be born without fathers on this day.
Bastet was a goddess of ancient Egyptian religion, worshipped as early as the Second Dynasty (2890 BCE). Her name also is rendered as B'sst, Baast, Ubaste, and Baset. In ancient Greek religion, she was known as Ailuros (Koinē Greek: αἴλουρος "cat").
Bastet was worshipped in Bubastis in Lower Egypt, originally as a lioness goddess, a role shared by other deities such as Sekhmet. Eventually Bastet and Sekhmet were characterized as two aspects of the same goddess, with Sekhmet representing the powerful warrior and protector aspect and Bastet, who increasingly was depicted as a cat, representing a gentler aspect
Role In Ancient Egypt
Bastet was originally a fierce lioness warrior goddess of the sun worshipped throughout most of ancient Egyptian history, but later she became the cat goddess that is familiar today. She then was depicted as the daughter of Ra and Isis, and the consort of Ptah, with whom she had a son Maahes.
As protector of Lower Egypt, she was seen as defender of the king, and consequently of the sun god, Ra. Along with other deities such as Hathor, Sekhmet, and Isis, Bastet was associated with the Eye of Ra.She has been depicted as fighting the serpent named Apep, an enemy of Ra. In addition to her solar connections, sometimes she was called "eye of the moon".
Bastet was also a goddess of pregnancy and childbirth, possibly because of the fertility of the domestic cat.
Images of Bastet were often created from alabaster. The goddess was sometimes depicted holding a ceremonial sistrum in one hand and an aegis in the other—the aegis usually resembling a collar or gorget, embellished with a lioness head.
Bastet was also depicted as the goddess of protection against contagious diseases and malicious spirits.
Bastet first appears in the third millennium BCE, where she is depicted as either a fierce lioness or a woman with the head of a lioness.Two thousand years later, during the Third Intermediate Period of Egypt (c. 1070–712 BC), Bastet began to be depicted as a domestic cat or a cat-headed woman.
Scribes of the New Kingdom and later eras began referring to her with an additional feminine suffix, as Bastet. The name change is thought to have been added to emphasize pronunciation of the ending t sound, often left silent.
Cats in ancient Egypt were highly revered, partly due to their ability to combat vermin such as mice, rats (which threatened key food supplies), and snakes—especially cobras. Cats of royalty were, in some instances, known to be dressed in golden jewelry and were allowed to eat from the plates of their owners. Dennis C. Turner and Patrick Bateson estimate that during the Twenty-second Dynasty (c. 945–715 BC), Bastet worship changed from being a lioness deity into being predominantly a major cat deity.Because domestic cats tend to be tender and protective of their offspring, Bastet was also regarded as a good mother and sometimes was depicted with numerous kittens.
The native Egyptian rulers were replaced by Greeks during an occupation of Ancient Egypt in the Ptolemaic Dynasty that lasted almost 300 years. The Greeks sometimes equated Bastet with one of their goddesses, Artemis
Herodotus also relates that of the many solemn festivals held in Egypt, the most important and most popular one was that celebrated in Bubastis in honor of this goddess.Each year on the day of her festival, the town was said to have attracted some 700,000 visitors, both men and women (but not children), who arrived in numerous crowded ships. The women engaged in music, song, and dance on their way to the place. Great sacrifices were made and prodigious amounts of wine were drunk—more than was the case throughout the year.This accords well with Egyptian sources that prescribe that lioness goddesses are to be appeased with the "feasts of drunkenness".A festival of Bastet was known to be celebrated during the New Kingdom at Bubastis. The block statue from the eighteenth dynasty (c. 1380 BC) of Nefer-ka, the wab-priest of Sekhmet,provides written evidence for this. The inscription suggests that the king, Amenhotep III, was present at the event and had great offerings made to the deity.
──────⊰In Workings⊱──────
*Please know basic protections and energy work before attempting any deity work.*
*It is important to note that everyone's experiences are different and will work with spirits for different reasons. Some people may like a spirit while others will not and that's okay. Ask these spirits what they will work with you on as well as ask them if they can help you with whatever it is you need.*
Ideas for honoring or working with/worshipping Bastet
Create an altar/sacred space for your rituals and giving offerings for Bastet. Items may include
⬩An altar cloth
⬩Black or yellow candles (you can use any color)
⬩Cup or chalice
⬩Incense and an incense burner
⬩Offering bowl
⬩Statue of Bastet, cat or lion
For more information on basic deity work and altar setups check out the deity work post.
Offering items:Bread, Catnip, Fish, Frankincense, Meats, Myrrh, Perfume bottle, Sistrum, Water
⬩Fertility rites and rituals
⬩You can ask her what she can help you with⬩
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For more content relating to other practices/religions or pantheons follow my main blog for updates or ask me anything
If you have any more questions or wish to join a community feel free to join my 18+ discord server
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inukag-archive · 2 years
Hello! So happy to see you guys are back! Unfortunately I don't have the time to read a lot of the fics here ... Could we get a list of short fic? One shots (collections or stand alone - both would be amazing!) or drabbles? Please and thank you 💚
Hello Nonnie!
The fics below are small but mighty! But before you get started, a few notes from the team: As per our standard we limited the list to only 20 links SO PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE check out these author pages as most, if not all, have other one-shots or short fic collections. We also capped stories (and majority of stories within collections) at 5k words.
Lastly, we split the list in two: stand-alone one shots & collections.
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Paint Counter by WalkingPriestess (NR)
The best way to break up the monotony was to paint some walls. But what if the guy at the paint counter was really really cute?
She's Just Like You by @ailuro-mania (NR)
Inuyasha gets a surprise visitor at the river.
A Toe In The Water by @mrfeenysmustache (E)
Inuyasha is getting married, and that’s just not something he ever thought would happen. After Kagome finally returns through the well 3 years after defeating Naraku and the jewel, they are put on a fast track to Happy Ever After. He’s happy, he really is! So what is this rain cloud hovering in his sunny skies?
Smell by @artistefish (K+)
Despite his ears, his fangs, his silver hair and yellow eyes, she never thought of him as anything less than a man. The very act that had spurred their current argument should have been proof enough of that. But he didn't understand her motives, and now she had to track him down and explain.
Show and Tell by @superpixie42 (E)
It was all Sango’s idea. When the group is given a night in an empty inn as payment for a successful demon extermination, she sees an opportunity to help Kagome and Inuyasha finally get some alone time. But will they appreciate their gift, or will yet another miscommunication ruin the evening? A canon-divergent, porn-with-feels, "but there was only one bed" fic .
Sweet Summer Rain by Neisha (M)
The night Inuyasha had finally claimed her, his fingers caressing her subtle flesh, his mouth swallowing her every sigh, and her every cry of pleasure, it had rained then, too.
Her Name is "Kagome" by @ruddcatha (T)
Inuyasha Taisho had never looked forward to the weekdays, until a mysterious barista catches his attention and turns learning her name into a game. Will sparks continue to fly after the game comes to an end?
Ineluctable by @witchygirl99 (T)
In two minutes the world is going to end. You can see him, standing there, watching you. The seconds are ticking down. He's leaving you. But you've fought for it, all of it. And so you wait. Always. InuKag, the second!verse.
At Last by @shinidamachu (G)
The well never worked again alternate universe. In honor to Day 6 of Inukag Week: AU.
50 Kisses by @yurawiththegoodhair (T)
A collection of fifty kisses based on tumblr prompts. Some AU, some canon. All feel good InuKag fluffiness!
Dog Tales by @mamabearcat (E)
AO3 Series. Individual stories are tagged and summarized within.
Dog Ears and Sailor Skirts by @mustardyellowsunshine (T)
A collection of various one-shots and drabbles. Some canon, some AU, all stand-alone pieces. Expect lots of InuKag fluff and pack a toothbrush if necessary.
A Melange of Inuyasha by @goshinote (M)
Collection of Inuyasha one-shots. Rated M ✨just in case✨
Barks by @alannada (M)
IY and YH shorts mostly humor and fluff.Rating mostly K. Accepting prompts.
Timeless by @doginabirdcage (M)
A collection of my InuKag drabbles over the years, all in one place.
Splendent Shorties by @splendentgoddess (E)
Each "chapter" here will be a stand-alone mini one-shot. Ratings and themes/genres will vary greatly, some angsty, some WAFFy, some lemony. Both Canon and AU. Inu/Kag pairing throughout.
Inuyasha Shorts and One Shots by @petri808 (M)
AO3 Series. Individual stories are tagged and summarized within.
Inuvember 2019 by @purdybaby (M)
It's that time again when writers spend countless hours sweating over a keyboard. It's something as traditional as pumpkin pie. Okay, to be fair, more like pumpkin spice lattes and probably just as hyped up/mediocre BUT BY GOD, I'm doing it. Rated M because I curse like a sailor.
One Shots by @ajoy3fanfics (M)
A place for me to drop my one shots, or pieces that did not get worked into stories
Neutron's Inuyasha One-Shots by @neutronstarchild (E)
AO3 Series. Individual stories are tagged and summarized within.
As always please feel free to add your favorites in the notes!
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abookishdreamer · 2 years
Character Intro: Aoide (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Lady Cadence by the people of Olympius
amore mio by her mother
Age- 19 (immortal)
Location- Boeotia, Olympius
Personality- She's a true artistic individual that prides originality above everything else. She's also quite enterprising- finding it natural to be in a leadership role despite being soft spoken. She doesn't mind when she's refered as being a diva, as most talented songtresses are! She's a lesbian & is in a relationship.
She has the standard abilities of a goddess except shapeshifting. As the goddess of voice & song, her other powers/abilities include audiokinesis, having super sonic hearing, and being able to hit a vocal pitch that can shatter adamantine coated glass.
Aoide is the oldest daughter of her mother Lyrikós (Titaness of voice & song). She has two younger sisters- Melete (goddess of thought & meditation) and Mneme (goddess of remembrance).
She lives in the state of Boeotia in a mansion built out of marble & ivory with gold accents. The foundation is held by 12 Greek columns, representing the 12 notes of a voice. The color scheme inside is cream, beige, powder blue, blush pink, glittery silver, and periwinkle- complete with many silk & satin curtains on the high arched windows. The marbled floors are spotlessly polished while her bedroom floors are covered in soft white mink carpeting. Aoide sleeps in a large canopy bed. She has her own personal recording studio built in the basement as well as a concert hall room. She has pets- a poodle (a girl) named Belladonna), a maltese (a boy) named Massimo, and a pegasus (a girl) named Sonata, who's usually Aoide's mode of transportation.
She can play the harp, lyre, & piano.
Her fav. jewelry accessories which she always wears are her white gold diamond studded music note shaped earrings and the white gold charm bracelet (with music note shaped charms). Her mom & sisters have matching ones too.
Go-to drinks for her include martinis, cosmopolitans, champagne, limoncello gin cocktails, a costa del sol (a drink made with white rum, club soda, lemon juice, sweet vermouth, & sugar syrup), sparkling water (with mint & lime), and toasted marshmallow milkshakes. Her usuals from The Roasted Bean include a large cinnamon chai creme frappuccino & an iced black tea lemonade.
Most mornings after she wakes up, Aoide will do a series of vocal excercises followed by a session of acupuncture and tai chi.
Her favorite thing to eat for breakfast are the spinach egg white fritattas and lightly toasted bagels (topped with butter and cream cheese). She also likes her mom's ricotta pancakes (topped with whipped cream and caramel sauce) & Earthly Harvest's vanilla almond cereal (with soy milk).
In the pantheon Aoide's friends with Méli (goddess of bees & honey), Eleutheria (goddess of liberty), Pandaisia (goddess of banquets), Ganymede (god of homosexual love & desire), Phaenna (goddess of jewels), Zephyrus (god of the west wind), Aerin (goddess of the ethereal), Pasithea (goddess of hallucinations & relaxation), Nephele (goddess of clouds), Apollo (god of the sun, music, poetry, healing, medicine, archery, plague, light, & knowledge), Móda (goddess of fashion), Peitho (goddess of persuasion & sensuality), Iris (goddess of the rainbow), Paregoros (goddess of soothing words), Eupraxia (goddess of well-being & success), Pothos (god of longing & yearning), and Ailuros (goddess of cats & warfare). Aoide doesn't mind Pheme (goddess of fame).
She hasn't been in contact with her former best friends (The Muses) in nearly a century! Most people don't know that M9 used to be The Harmonies- with Aoide being an honorary member and contributing songwriter to many of the songs that they ended up using as M9. She prefers not to dredge up the past & instead co-exist in the world with them. Aoide makes sure not to show up as the same time as them at gold carpet events.
Whatever main radio stations that aren't in the music god's grasp, Aoide owns. She also owns the 2nd largest & well known record company- Platinum Hall Records. Two of her most successful artists are Pale Blu (a nephelai- cloud nymph) and O (Orithyia- an oread, mountain nymph). The Gypsy Belles (the seasonal goddesses) are also signed to the label. Aoide herself hasn't released music of her own except a duet she did with her mother- an operatic orchestral song called "Lacrime Agrodolci", which is a semi-biographical account of her mom's experience during the Titanomachy. The song was nominated at the Golden Laurel Awards for Record of the Year, but lost to M9's "Watercolor Dreams."
She really likes the warm buttery croissants from The Bread Box.
For other work Aoide models for/endorses Persuasions, Stella Ferrea, Maison du Drame, No. 3 & Co., Graces' Glam, Paloma, Diamond Ave., & Euryphaessa. She's currently working with Philyra (and her Olmorfia cosmetics brand) to release a themed make-up palette, Aoide's also thinking about releasing her own parfum.
She loves wearing the Luxuria shimmering body oil in "Sunkissed."
Aoide has a girlfriend, a siren named Philomela. They've been together for a year and made their public debut at the Olympian Gala. She loves her girlfriend's sultry voice, mesmerizing long blue black braids, & the breathless feeling she experiences after kissing her soft full lips.
Her favorite dessert from Hollyhock's Bakery are the cinnamon rolls. She also likes her mom's tiramisu, coconut gelato, white peach tart, & almond semifreddo.
She's starting a growing collection of jeweled Diamond Ave. clutches- so far having the violin shaped one and the boombox shaped one.
Aoide made the best dressed list at the Olympian Gala, where the theme was "Celestial Bodies." She wore a high waisted floor length off-the-shoulder shimmering ivory tulle gown with a 10 ft train, the bodice being lined with pearls and diamonds, and custom made platinum heels. Her hair was in its signature high bouncy ponytail and her make-up kept up with the galatic theme with shimmering silver, dark blue, & violet eyeshadow, jeweled eyebrows (using face jewels), and iridescent lipgloss. She completed the look with oversized white gold diamond studded celestial drop earrings from Stella Ferrea.
Some of her favorite meals include lemon chicken piccata, shrimp fettuccine alfredo, margherita pizza, osso buco, tomato basil soup, and caprese pasta salad. She also likes the grilled chicken sandwich combo from Olympic Chef.
In her free time when she's not writing songs or working on music she enjoys ballroom dancing, ballet, going to the cinema, pottery, going to the museum, pottery, cloud surfing, going to the spa, sunbathing, reading, going to the opera, shopping, & painting.
"Singing doesn't necessarily have to be perfect for it to be magical!"
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withnomi · 2 years
Hello there, comrades! It's been a while since I made a blog dedicated to myself so this is a little bit of me.
An Author
I fell in love with literature when I was 11 years old.
When I write and read a piece, it's like I'm in another fairy tale dimension far from home, however, I'll still describe it as "home" because it becomes my safe place whenever I want to get away from reality.
An Ailurophile
"ailuro" means cat and "phile" means lover. When the topic is all about my interests, I know I have to add my love for cats. My adoration for cats is at an infinite level, just looking at them makes me happier than materialistic things. One of the happiest days of my life was when I finally got my first cat.
A Gifted Kid
People I grew up with would always mention how I was good at almost everything (even though I thought they were just exaggerating things.) But it satisfied my ego how they gave me that title.
I am a dancer. I have participated in many dance contests and won most of it. I can sing well. I can play instruments.
I can write poetries, stories, and songs. I can paint. I can cook very well. I have a strong leadership. I am imaginative. I am a fast learner, and I am quite competitive as well. These are just some the talents and skills that I have.
And Most of All, I Am a Big Sister
When I was little I used to think how unfortunate I was to be a big sister because of high expectations and big responsibilities that I wasn't sure I can take. But now I am so glad to say that I am a proud big sister.
I have two younger sisters, the older one is 15 years old and the youngest is 10 years old. We grew up with our parents being so busy that I had to take care of them in such a young age. I learned to make their favorite dish and I am also their teacher. Looking at how far I have come, I am extremely grateful for them.
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expanding-infinity · 3 years
She woke again. Again and again in the same way. Searing pain, permeating through her body. As if she had a body to be burdened by. And yet the proclaimed chaos god found herself longing more of that pain before it was numbed by those cosmic chains of hers. And yet this time she felt more than merely subdued.
She felt numb.
'Eyes' opened, meeting the dark, silent, empty room of her home, gazing out upon the black sky through her skylight. Even Ailuros seemed to be prowling someplace else. For once she was tired. Her thoughts, silenced. And that frightened her more than any god or punishment. An infinite number of herself and all of them were silent? What tragedy befell her? She didn't know, nor did she seem to care for once. She was silent, she was aching. And when she rose a hand, she found in its place was an amorphous mass of smoke, without geometry and seemingly shifting into itself.
Of course she knew what this was. It was her. Without conscious form. And yet...she couldn't find it in herself to give it shape. She was so tired, even her other versions protested without words when she tried to put energy to it. 'I suppose this is fine...' she merely thought, letting that mass collapse back within her.
She didn't get visitors. And even if they were here, their presence would mean little. She always gave, but nothing was ever given in return. And today, she didn't have the energy to give any more.
Sleep sounded better.
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possum-rat · 3 years
Not fun memories involving fire
(Y/n) bolts up from a bed. Sticky hot sheets sticking to their legs. Someone took the time and effort to unzip most of the pant leg turning the cargo pants into shorts, and pull off the sweater leaving them in a whitish shirt.
Their head aching they press their palms to their temples in an attempt to relieve some of the pain. "(Y/n) It's been a while! How are you?" Wilbur's voice erupts cheerfully. (Y/n) drops their hands to their lap staring intently at their grayish-tinted hands. "T's only been a few weeks Wilbur." They murmur tiredly. "Uh no? It's been a few years. Like 6 years." Replies Wilbur confused. "You feeling okay?"
(Y/n) frowns slightly and replies "Nah haven't been for the past... Wait how old am I?-" There's a pause as (Y/n) counts on their fingers before continuing completely serious "Uh not for the past like 16 years. But hey I'm alive? With 1 more life!" Wilbur blanches. "How the hell- What? How'd you lose your first?"
(Y/n) freezes and coughs. "Uh. Long story?"
"(N/N)? LOVE? WHERE ARE YOU?" A panic-filled voice shouts from beyond the burning cottage. As smoke fills (y/n's) lungs they cough violently as they look around for a small tuxedo kitten. "Ailuros? Where are you?" They wheeze. As the fire continues eating at any and all flammable objects (Y/n) runs toward a shucker box. Patting their hand on the burning embers they grab the Shulker box and quickly tap the air infront of them before placing the box inside.
a pitiful mew comes from beside their feet."Ailuros." The word spills from (y/n's) mouth before they can stop. The small cat leaps up onto their open arms. Clutching the cat close to their chest they run toward the nearest door. Kicking it open their greeted by an angry mob.
shouting and sadistic grins illuminated by the light off the flickering burning flames.
(y/n) backs up dropping the cat allowing it to run. "Lilith?" (Y/n) voice comes out below a whisper. Pulling a sword from their inventory they point it toward the Tall brutish men break down the front door. Sprinting out of the house and toward the opisiete window (Y/n) slams their foot into the side of the window. The tinkle of glass and sharp pain flashing up their leg make's (Y/n's) eyes water more. Jumping from the window the cool air is a welcomed reilef compared to the sweltering heat of the burning house.
Staring in disbelief at the sight faintly as if in the deepest corner of their mind a song begins to play. Melancholy and slightly sad.
"All my style
All my grace
All I tried to save my face
All my guts, try to spill
All my holes, try to fill
All my money been a long time spent
On my drugs, on my rent
On my saving philosophy
It goes, one in the bank, and the rest for me
It goes, all my troubles on a burning pile
All lit up and I start to smile
If I, catch fire then I change my aim
Throw my troubles at the pearly gates"
"(N/n) oh there you are! Oh, I was so worried!" Lilith's voice erupts from behind (Y/n) causing them to flinch still feeling adrenaline in their veins. "Oh thank god. I thought they killed you." (Y/n) murmurs as they pull the raven-haired girl into a hug. "Yeah I'm alive hun." The sound of metal against a sheath causes (Y/n) to tense up.
the cool feeling of a blade to skin causes (Y/n's) eyes to widen in fear. "Lilith?" They whisper fear evident in their voice. "Hm? What's wrong love?" Lilith asks calmly. "Why? Why do you have a blade?" (Y/n) asks quietly as they back up while Lilith grins and points the blade toward them.
"Tch. You afraid to die? Hm? Does death scare you?" She erupt coyly as she adjusts her long dark green blazer gently pulling a long slightly waves strand of dark hair off before rolling it in her fingers and dropping it to the ground. "Ye-yes. It does." (Y/n) mumbles quietly.
"Well (y/n) you should remember. Those stupid children's books you'd read? Percy Jackson? Love and death aren't as different as one might think. You shouldn't fear death." (Y/n) feels their heart beginning to beat against their heart as they back into a tree. As they scoot away from it they trip over a root and smack to the ground.
"You're pathetic." Lilith snarls. The world blinks in and out of existence. "How in the world do you think I could ever like-Love someone like you?" She scoffs "I mean. I only stuck around because you're the famous '(Y/n)! The famous Healer/Alchemist! You know Wilbur Soot. How the fuck do you think I'd ever love you."
she bends closer toward (Y/n) placing the heel of her boot into their throat. "Oh." (Y/n) says simply.
Death gently places a soft kiss upon (y/n) forehead.
(y/n) rubs their neck nervously as they stand up. "Anyway. Wilbur, do you have a potion stand?" Wilbur nods and stands up. As the two of them walk out of the tiny little makeshift hut (Y/n) spots the distance figure of Tubbo and Tommy. Sprinting toward them wincing at the light.
"TUBBO!" they screech as they pull the Ram-hybrid into a hug. "(Y/n)? YOU PRICK I WAS TALKING TO HIM."
Tubbo wraps his arms around them in return. As they cling to each other (Y/n) stands up holding Tubbo like a child. "Jesus Christ- Wow you've grown," Tubbo says excitedly. "Welp I need to go to the nether to grab some supplies wanna come with?" (Y/n) asks more to Tommy than Tubbo.
the two agree, letting (Y/n) get more appropriate clothes on. As the trio walk-Run toward the portal Tommy asks confused "Why do you seem taller?" The familiar whurring of the portal fills the silence as (Y/n) pulls at the brightly colored sky blue sweater before rolling up the sleeves. "Uh that'd probably be the boots? Anyway what's happened? How've you been?" They say as they follow the other two boys.
"Oh not much, the usual. Well Part from being killed once." Tubbo informs as he walks infront of (y/n) his brown hair bouncing slightly as he walks. "Hm. So you both have 2 lives left?" They mutter quietly. "Okay."
Small whispers in their head begins creating a wave of sound.
"Keep them safe."
"Watch Tommy."
the voices eventually move on too chanting "Meow." Contentedly. The whistle of a fire ballT makes (y/n) jump. Turning toward the sound they shove Tommy's head down along with Tubbo's just in case. They flinch violently as a freezing feeling spreads over their cheek and neck along with part of their forearm.
The sudden alarmed shout of Tubbo and Tommy causes (Y/n) to jump and turn toward them in fear. "Are you alright?" They ask. The sound of a skeleton walking towards them causes Tubbo to tense up. "Tommy? Do you wanna stick with them? I just got a message from Wilbur." Tommy nods uncertainly. As Tubbo dissapears (y/n) turns toward the skeleton.
"Child. Is this human being troublesome? Do you need me to remove him?" (Y/n) shakes their head wincing at the pain in their neck. "Tommy, go with Tubbo." Tommy happily obliges.
The world seems to tip and swirl underneath (y/n) feet.
The loud crash of something metal causes (Y/n) to bolt upright. " YOU'RE GOING TO WALK THE CHILD DUMBASS." Snaps someone from out of sight. Another voice replies quietly "Please stop shouting. The child is awake." There's shuffling before two faces appear. (Y/n) squints at the trio. The tallest of the three has broken chain-mail armor layered over a purple uniform with a crest of arms on the left-hand side over their heart.
The skeleton nods and groans as they sit down infront of (Y/n).
"Hello (y/n) It's been awhile. But you probably don't remember me. You were but a baby. I'm Theodore." He says in a deep slightly raspy voice. (Y/n) nods and scans around. Theodore points toward the smallest of the three and informs " the one over their beside the door is Loren."
Loren gives a shy wave before tapping the wood on the side of the door. ".. - .-..-. ... / .- / .--. .-.. . .- ... ..- .-. . / - --- / ..-. .. -. .- .-.. .-.. -.-- / -- . . - / -.-- --- ..- / -- -..- .-.-.- -.--. -.-- -..-. -. -.--.-" it takes (Y/n) a second to decipher the tapping. Before translating it to "It’s a pleasure to finally meet you Mx.(Y/n)" Loren wears an off white dress shirt along with a pair of dark plum pinstripe pants, and a black corset. They smile kindly before glancing toward the ground. "It's nice to meet you Loren." (Y/n) rasps.
"And that over behind you is Clementine."
(Y/n) try's to look toward the direction Theodore had said but a hand presses against their shoulder. "Here let me move hun." A poofy dark blue shoulder poof thingy floats into view. An orate old dress appears into view. Clementine smiles ghostly at (y/n). "You're going to hurt yourself hun. When's the last time you had a proper glass of Wither affect?"
"What? I- I've never had a 'Proper glass of Wither affect?' I'm pretty sure it'll kill me?" They murmer.
"PREPOSTEROUS! This is why you were so weak and frail. SEE CLEMENTINE I TOLD YOU." Theodore states exasperated. Loren sends a look like "I'm sorry about them." Clementine sights and daintily sits down on the bed beside (Y/n) "hm. Dear? Are you okay? Oh cra- Sorry excuse my vulgar language. Theodore pass me the Potion of healing?" (Y/n) frowns and coughs "I'm not- I'm pretty sure that I'm fully human. I don't think wither would help me."
Loren shakes their head and taps the wall again. "No no. Your right about the human part. You're part human, and part well us." They state as they point to themself Clementine and Theodore.
(Y/n) nods slightly and sighs in relief at the cool sensation of the liquid against the raw burnt skin. "OH CRUD- Sorry, but I really need to go find my friends. Do you have a portal by chance?" (Y/n) yelps as they sit up causing Clementine to jump.
Loren nods and taps "We have two compasses. One will lead you home and the other here. Please come back. We'd like to see you more as we're not able to go to the overworld. It get's quite lonesome down here."
(Y/n) nods and smiles as they pull on the fresh clothes the three of them had given. As Loren hands one compass (Y/n) realizes that the three of them have matching golden rings adorning their ring fingers.
As (y/n) gets out of the portal they're greeted by a confused/concerned Eret. "(Y/n)? Where've you been?" They ask bewildered. (Y/n) frowns slightly and asks "Honestly no idea. But where's Tubbo and Tommy- wait I still haven't made a hous- nevermind." They look down to Eret and ask "so what's happened? I've probably missed something?" Eret shifts uncomfortably before saying.
"Uh so L'manberg was blown up everybody lost a life. Part from me and a few others. I don't remember who thought. Tommy has 1 life left I think." He trails off before turning the other way and murmurs "I betrayed them. (Y/n) I helped kill them. I've been dubbed a traitor."
(Y/n) nods understandingly "Hm. Well, if you did what you think is right then that's on you. If they're calling you a tratoir then so be it. I'll still stick by your side." Eret smiles slightly and says "You said you needed to make a house? Do you need supplies?" (Y/n) shakes their head before replying "Nah I'll get that stuff myself. I'll go visit Philza."
"By the way. Nice outfit." Eret says.
(Y/n) scans their outfit taking in the outfit for the first time. A purple shawl-type thing with golden detail over a pale off-whitedress shirt with poofy teardrop-shaped sleeves, tucked into black pants and blackish boots. Glancing at their arms they realize that they're wearing marble patterned like gloves. Affecticivly protecting them against the sun, and any harsh weather.
Tapping the air infront of themself they click onto 'Main menu'
There's a suck before a sudden 'Pop'
As they sit in an empty blank room they scroll through the options of 'Servers' eventually there gaze lands upon a server and seeing Philza's name amount the others They click.
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nym-ia · 3 years
Avatar (#6) - FFXIV Write 2021
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Length: 862 words
Warnings: None
Time Period: ??? (undetermined for now)
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It was a relatively uneventful day for the Drowning Wench when divinity herself stepped off of the elevator. Hands on her hips and dressed like she had just come from a battle the world had never seen, she scanned the room with her brows furrowed.
She determined the exit quickly enough and began walking toward it when a loud voice suddenly startled her.
“Hup bup bup! Hey, you! Is that a… freakishly glowing axe I see on your back? Are you an adventurer?” The man standing behind the counter a decent distance away beckoned for her to approach.
Her ears laid back as she reluctantly walked toward the man, her arms folded to express her distaste.
“Who are ye?” He perked an eyebrow as he looked her up and down, mildly intimidated by her intense-looking gear.
“Thou dare ask?” She growled, finally looking at him straight in the face. “Bow, mortal! Thou art standing in the presence of a god!”
They stared at each other for a long, long time.
Like, a really long time.
He did not bow.
“...Uh. Huh. Yer not the first lass comin’ around here spoutin’ that nonsense. Talkin’ about bein’ a goddess and all that.” He rubbed his chin as he continued examining her. “Yea, actually, she was a mooncat much like yerself. Do ye know each other?”
“Another divine?” She perked up, clearly intrigued. “And here I thought this land of mortals wouldst be disappointingly dull.”
“Yea yea,” he began searching through the papers he had on the desk in front of him. “She registered as an adventurer with miss Momodi but I got the misfortune of meetin’ ‘er. Lessee… here it is, Ura Ailuro.”
The fiery-haired Miqo squinted. “Ailuro? Her name is cat? Perhaps this being thee speak of is an unknown god of… cats.”
“Whahuh? Yea, sure, whatever. Either way, I can’t let ye go anywhere with a weapon like that ‘til you register with the adventurer’s guild or tell me who’s responsible for ye.”
“I am responsible for myself, mortal.”
He sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Ooookay, what’d be yer purpose for visitin’ Limsa Lominsa today?”
“If’t were up to me, I would not be wasting mine time here.”
He blinked at her. She wasn’t giving him much to work with. “Do ye wanna sign up for adventurin’?”
“Wouldst it permit me to leave this dastardly establishment?”
“Sure would.”
“So be it.”
He felt relief as he grabbed his pen. “Alroight, great! Now, what’s yer name?”
She clicked her tongue. “If thee must know, I am Ego, daughter of the great and wonderful goddess Azeyma.”
He blinked at her and then stifled a laugh. “Ego, huh? It suits ye. So that’s Azeyma for yer last name, then?”
“Divinity has no need for surnames.”
“Ego Azeyma it is,” he scribbled down her name, double checking to make sure he spelled it right. When he looked back up at her, her appearance had notably changed. “What- uh, how’d ye do that?”
“Do what mortal?”
He pointed at her, unsure where exactly he should. He focused on her weapon, “ye changed yer attire real quick, n’ that glowin’ axe looks all plain now.”
“WHAT?!” She quickly removed her axe from her back, only confirming what she’d been told. It forced her to look herself up and down. It was undeniable: she was suddenly wearing the normal, low-level clothes of a brand new Miqo’te adventurer.
“Impressive I reckon,” he leaned over the counter, trying to see if her armor was simply on the ground, but all he saw was her plain boots. “Though ye woulda had an easier time in that other stuff, it looked pretty strong.”
She turned her back to him, her body trembling with pure rage. She suddenly shot her fist up into the air, clutching her pathetically regular axe. “MUST THOU TAKETH EVERYTHING FROM ME?!”
She stood there, glaring at the ceiling (though presumably that was not the target of her anger) for some time, her axe still lifted to the heavens in her shaky hand. After whoever she was yelling at failed to respond, she pointed the axe at the man behind the counter.
“Where is the one you call Ailuro?”
He was sitting with his head relaxed in one hand, and it was clear there was a bit of annoyance on his face. “Oh, Ura? She’s been busy, I know that much. Hmm… I think she’s been hangin’ around the scions as of late, mayhaps she’s even joined ‘em. Ye’d have the best luck lookin’ among that crowd.”
“Very well.” She turned and began heading toward the exit she’d wanted to leave through so long ago, back when she still felt powerful.
“Hey! Yer gonna wanna help out the people of Limsa n’ get yerself some gear n’ gil, what ye got on now ain’t gonna protect ye much!”
The end of her tail became bushy as she hissed. “Very well,” she seethed through her teeth.
He watched her until she disappeared, and finally he sighed. “Adventurin’ sure attracts the weirdos.” He picked up a glass and began cleaning it, shaking his head for the rest of the night.
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crassussativum · 4 years
Day 9: Collection
Cipritine, Palaven: 2212
“You dunno what you’re gettin’ yourself into,” Mav drawled, leaning against the doorway of Elysia’s room as Saren packed an overnight bag for his daughter.
“I assure you I’m capable of watching my niece for a single night.”
Mav chuckled. “I didn’t say you weren’t capable, I said you didn’t know what you were in for.”
His sort of brother gave him a sideways look as he folded up a nightgown for the bag. “I would argue that’s the same statement only worded differently.” He mimicked Mav’s drawl a little more coolly. 
He snorted and ran a hand back over his fringe as he shifted on his feet. “She’s a lil’ more wild than Ailuros.”
“She’s a toddler.”
“She’s a whirlwind.” Mav laughed fondly. “Ailuros is a summer breeze by comparison.”
“Have you taken up poetry in your old age, Mavic?” Saren teased him.
“Only if you take up knittin’.” He said and they laughed together at that. “I ain’t sayin’ she won’t behave, she will, just... she’s particular, y’know? You think I ordered this room? Or Sept?”
He gestured to the neatly cleaned room, toys organized by size and color, art supplies organized by function. It was much more tidy than one might expect to see in a toddler’s room. Except for the bed, buried under stuffed animals of every kind and very many blankets. Elysia liked soft things and she was especially fond of soft things she could hold and cuddle. Mav had learned that they were something that made her feel safe and he knew how important that was.
“She’s meticulous.” Saren said with an approving nod.
“She is,” Mav agreed. “And you’re gonna fold up all those blankets and grab Elysia’s lil’ buddies and take ‘em with you if you want her to sleep tonight.”
He got something of a blank stare for that statement.
“I’m serious.” He told Saren. “And if I were you, I’d take a picture just so y’know which lil’ bud sits next to which.”
Saren looked at each stuffed animal in turn. “There are twenty of them.”
“I’m aware,” Mav chuckled. “It’s her collection. She’s named ‘em all, too, but Spirits help me if I could tell you who’s who.” 
His brother sighed. “Is this necessary?” 
“Yeah.” He gave Saren a hard stare. “Like I said, she’s particular. The way you were. Get me?”
Sharply angled mandibles pulled in and a long moment of silence passed. “The tests came back positive, didn’t they?”
Mav’s mandibles worked against his jaw and he looked down at his feet until he got the swell of emotion under control again. “They did. Sept and I... we didn’t realize it had the potential to be genetic. We thought you had to get exposed. We’d have taken things into consideration for her sake if we’d known.”
“Will you send her to a Cabal?” Saren asked and now there was a hardness to his voice.
“Fuck no,” He exclaimed. “Fuck no, Saren. Desolas pulled strings to keep you out of one ‘til you were sixteen. We’re gonna do the same, or longer if we can somehow swing it. Between mine and Sept’s ranks...we’ll figure somethin’ out.” He ran a hand over his fringe. “I just thought... I just thought she should spend some time with you, too. Not just her pa. He can’t be objective right now and honestly I can’t either. But you can. Tease me ‘bout poetry all you want, Saren, but you’re the mountain when Sept’s the river. She’s gonna need that. She needs to see both.”
Saren picked up one of the stuffed animals, some facsimile of a human animal that he didn’t quiet recognize. “How should we transport them?” He asked. “If she’s truly as I was, I’m sure she has a preferred manner.” 
Mav flicked his mandibles in a grateful smile. Saren, when he felt the need, could be sweet. “Why don’t you go ask her? Bond a lil’ y’know?”
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sherekhanum · 5 years
[shewhoisshadow] “I thought all birthdays between 21 and 30 were supposed to be dull and uneventful... but you have certainly made this one of my most memorable ones, yet!” Dark hair tickled Kali’s nose, causing her to giggle tipsily, as she flopped lazily onto the worn floor pillows, beside the other woman. Her face buried itself in the tattooed skin of Sienna’s throat, pulling in a slow, savoring breath, “You smell nice. You finally try that soap I made you? I told you it suits you.”
Was she in heaven? She must have been, for having Kali so tantalizingly close, her breath flush against her tattooed skin, could not be anything more than a dream. If it was, Sienna did not want to wake up.
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“Who am I to deny the gift of my closest friend?” Sienna questioned. Despite her best efforts, her words slurred slightly; the aftereffects of a night spent celebrating one of the most important days of the year. “Especially on your birthday! I had to use it!”
The tigress buried her face in Kali’s mane of dark hair, taking in a deep breath as she savored the scent. Something she would have been mortified to do if she’d been sober. But she wasn’t... and Kali was so close... “Did you... Did you see how Ailuros picked up Nox and carried him back to her tent!” Sienna giggled.
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yuubaehachi · 4 months
Can anyone tell me why I crave salt all the time. Like especially while eating meat. I always have to add extra salt to every meal or food type it applies to until I can taste the salt itself.
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ailuronymy · 5 years
Does the nymy part of the blog name mean name by any chance? I just noticed that the ailuro part must mean cat. I love this blog btw, it's really useful for making cool names for ocs and the like. I've always thought lyrical names sounded a bit silly a lot of the time, I definately prefer traditional names
Yes, that’s right--mostly! -nymy (or -onymy) doesn’t actually mean “name”, it’s the suffix to indicate the study of names or words. It’s the same root as metonym and toponymy. So the word “ailuronymy” actually means “the study of cat names,” which I’ve always thought was fun.  
There’s nothing wrong with lyrical naming or other styles. Traditional is just the way I prefer, so I’m glad what I do here is something you enjoy too, Ruddles. 
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necromagia · 6 years
  tarot card reading !
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You are an introspective person who is content with their own company. Even though you are introverted, you aren’t a  loner. People often seek you out for advice or even good conversation because you are thoughtful and analytical, and you’re happy to help them out — in small doses.
tagged by:   @herpleasvre ! thank you! <3 tagging:  i will be tagging the first three blogs i see on my dash.  (   @vestiallus , @nuova-luna , aaaand @ailuroes ) 
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silvokrent · 6 years
Hypothetical Grimm Species
Common name: Alabastet Scientific name: Mauropanthera pardus Translation: “black leopardine panther” Source of inspiration: Leopard
Etymology 1: Alabastet is a portmanteau of the words “alabaster” (a white mineral) and “Bastet” (an Egyptian deity with the head of a cat). The word alabaster itself is thought to be derived from the Ancient Egyptian a-labaste, “vessel of Bast.” Etymology 2: From the Greek words μαυρός (maurós), mauro-, “black,” + πάνθηρ (pánthēr), “panther.” From the Greek word πάρδος (párdos), “leopard.”
About: A species of feliform Grimm, named for the bright-white eyespots that adorn its pelt. Indigenous to the deserts of western Sanus.
Common name: Attercop Scientific name: Arthrodeimos repens Translation: “crawling jointed terror” Source of inspiration: Any number of spider species
Etymology 1: Attercop is the Middle English word for “spider,” derived from a compound of Old English ātor "poison" and copp “head.” Etymology 2: From the Greek words ἄρθρον (árthron), “joint,” + δειμός (deimós), “terror.” From the Latin word rēpēns, “creeping, crawling.”
About: A spider-like Grimm found around the equator in subterranean environments. Its chelicerae contain a powerful hemotoxic venom that is fatal without immediate medical attention.
Common name: Chimera Scientific name: Ailuropteryx polyops Translation: “many-faced winged cat” Source of inspiration: Chimera
Etymology 1: The Chimera is named after the eponymous monster of Greek mythology. Etymology 2: From the Greek words αἴλουρος (aílouros), ailuro-, “cat,” + πτέρυξ (ptérux), -pteryx, “wing.” From the Greek words πολύς (polús), poly-, “many” + ὤψ (ṓps), “face.”
About: A species of feliform Grimm most commonly found in northern Anima. The two heads at the front of the torso bear a resemblance to a lion and a goat, respectively. Rather than a traditional tail, the Chimera has a snake-like appendage which can operate independently of the main body. It can breathe fire.
Common name: Cockatrice Scientific name: Calcatrix phallodont Translation: “phallus-tooth cockatrice” Source of inspiration: Cockatrice
Etymology 1: The Cockatrice is named after the eponymous monster of English mythology. Etymology 2: From the Old French word cocatriz, “cockatrice,” derived from Late Latin calcātrīx, “she who treads upon something.” From the Greek words φαλλός (phallós), phallo-, “phallus,” + ὀδών (odṓn), -odon, “tooth.” Its scientific name is a play-on-words (phallus > cock + -dont > tooth = “cockbite”; Rooster Teeth).
About: An avian, draconic Grimm found in eastern Sanus. Its crowing is concussive at short-range and is capable of summoning other Grimm. When threatened, it will release a volley of fireballs.
Common name: Felifiend Scientific name: Anthrovenator felinus Translation: “cat-like human-hunter” Source of inspiration: Any number of small to medium-sized felid species
Etymology 1: The Felifiend’s name comes from a portmanteau of Latin fēlēs (gen. fēlis) “cat” and English “fiend” (derived from the Old English word fēond “enemy”). Etymology 2: From the Greek word ἄνθρωπος (ánthrōpos), anthro-, “human” + the Latin word vēnātor, “hunter.” From the Latin word fēlīnus, “feline.”
About: A species of feliform Grimm native to the forests of Anima and Sanus. Known for its tendency to inflict near-fatal injuries on Huntsmen, only to then continue “playing” with them while the Huntsman bleeds out.
Common name: Grimalkin Scientific name: Xiphodontoides atrum Translation: “dull black sword-like tooth” Source of inspiration: Saber-toothed cat
Etymology 1: The Grimalkin’s name is a pun of the English word “grimalkin” (from grey + malkin, an archaic term for a cat) and the Creatures of Grimm. Etymology 2: From the Greek words nξίφος (xíphos), “sword” + ὀδών (odṓn), -odont, “tooth” + εἶδος (eîdos), -oides, “likeness.” From the Latin word ātrum, “dull black.”
About: A species of feliform Grimm distinguished by the pair of massive sabers protruding from its jaws. Indigenous to the mountains of Solitas and northern Anima.
Common name: Hellcat Scientific name: Trocholeon polypodes Translation: “many-footed wheel-lion” Source of inspiration: Buer, a 16th-century demon
Etymology 1: The Hellcat’s name is a simple compound of its constituent words “hell” and “cat,” with hell having a genitive function (hellish cat, cat [of/from] hell). Its name also directly alludes to its source of inspiration, Buer. Etymology 2: From the Greek words τροχός (trokhós), “wheel” + λέων (léōn), “lion.” From the Greek words πολύς (polús), poly-, “many” + πόδες (pódes), “feet.” The word “lionwheel” was taken from here.
About: A species of feliform Grimm that dwells within volcanic regions. It scatters ash accumulated in its fur into the air, causing particulates to build up in the lungs of those that inhale them. One of the few six-limbed Grimm.
Common name: Hobbesgoblin Scientific name: Mauropanthera tigris Translation: “black tigrine panther” Source of inspiration: Tiger
Etymology 1: The Hobbesgobblin’s name is a play-on-words of English hobgoblin (a malevolent spirit), and a nod to the tiger Hobbes from the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes. Etymology 2: From the Greek words μαυρός (maurós), mauro-, “black,” + πάνθηρ (pánthēr), “panther.” From the Greek word τίγρις (tígris), “tiger.”
About: A species of feliform Grimm unique to the forests of western Sanus. It preys upon travelers, using its striped pelt to camouflage itself amongst the trees and undergrowth.
Common name: Swarmer Scientific name: Pantomenos asticum Translation: “all urban might” Source of inspiration: Rat
Etymology 1: The Swarmer is named for its intraspecific social behavior and its method of killing. Etymology 2: From the Greek words παντ- (pant-), pant-, “all,” + [o-] + μένος (ménos), “might, power, force.” From the Latin word asticum, “urban.”
About: A small, rather unassuming rodent-like Grimm known for infiltrating abandoned infrastructure and sewer systems. Dangerous in numbers due to their tendency to synchronize their attacks with the colony and overwhelm Huntsmen. As a plague-type Grimm, Swarmers are a transmission vector for various illnesses.
Common name: Tsavo Scientific name: Mauropanthera leo Translation: “black leonine panther” Source of inspiration: Lion
Etymology 1: The Tsavo gets its name from the Tsavo man-eaters, a pair of lions that preyed upon construction workers on the Kenya-Uganda Railway in 1898. Etymology 2: From the Greek words μαυρός (maurós), mauro-, “black,” + πάνθηρ (pánthēr), “panther.” From the Greek word λέων (léōn), “lion.”
About: A species of feliform Grimm native to western Sanus. Unlike most Grimm, which hunt in groups, Tsavos hunt in pairs. Known for taking trophies.
While I was working on my post for the canon Grimm scientific names I decided to flesh out some of the fictional species I’ve come up with. I’ve had this kicking around on my laptop for a while and figured now was as good of a time as any to get everything compiled in one place. I’ve left their appearances deliberately vague, so anyone who chances across this can interpret the Grimm as they see fit. I’ll be updating this as I come up with more ideas.
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Voice Lines: Matias del Varga
Did a thing while waiting to hear from people for a thing I was doing on my main blog. ^^
Hero Selected: "Who is that handsome rogue? Matias del Varga!" "Ah, a person of good taste, I see!" (Selected consecutively)
Hero Change: "Matias del Varga arrives!"
Waiting For Match Start: "Greetings and 'salivations', my teammates! You must all feel honored to work with the great Matias del Varga!" "You are lucky to be having Matias del Varga as an ally and not an enemy!" "Now do be remembering, everyone! Do what I say and victory shall be ours!"
Respawn: "A...minor setback!" "Matias del Varga never dies!" "You thought you could keep me down, eh?" "Death will not be taking me today!" "That one did not count!" "Let us be trying this again..."
Health Pack: "I thought this was treasure! Oh well..." "Matias del Varga called dibs on this. Too bad, so sad." "Just what I was needing."
On Fire: "Ha ha! I am on fire like an...on fire thing!" "I am like an endless inferno!"
Damage Boosted: "Now you are running for the hills, yes?" "I'm already strong enough, but thanks anyway."
Nano Boosted: "You are about to learn why I own the skies!" "No one will be spared from Matias del Varga!"
Discord Orb Received: "Curses!"
Voted Epic: "Clearly some good taste is had here!" "Yes yes, we are already knowing I am good!"
Voted Legendary: "No one needs a vote to know Matias del Varga is the best!"
Revived By Mercy: "I owe you a debt of gratitude!"
Enemy Revived: "Can't you simply stay dead?!"
Sniper Sighted: "I have sniped a sighter! I mean...sighted a sniper!"
Enemy Sighted: "Get them!" "Matias del Varga sees you!"
Turret Sighted: "I am seeing a turret over there!"
Teleporter Spotted: "So this is how you are sneaking around!"
Ally Damaged: "Look out, you fool!" "Be watching your back!"
Enemy Ultimate: "Matias del Varga orders you all to hide! Now!"
Time Running Out: "I could probably do this all by myself if I wanted to!" (Defense) "All of you better be getting your acting together!" (Offense)
Point Contested: "A fight to the death it is, then!" "Defend the point, now!"
Point Being Captured: "Hands off! The point is mine!" "No one steals from Matias del Varga!" "Taking from a pirate? You have a death-wish!"
Capturing Point: "This point is claimed in the name of Matias del Varga!" "Ha ha! Mine!" "This is my point. I'm just letting you defend it!" Point Lost: "Hey! That was mine!" "Matias del Varga does not like being stolen from!"
Payload Stuck: "Get moving!" "Okay, who broke the payload?" "Why is the payload doing the stopping of the moving?"
Escorting Payload: "Will you move already?!" "We will not stop until the bag has the cat in it!"
Payload Moving: "Someone stop the payload!" "Make their payload do the stopping of the moving!"
Eliminations: "Another point for Matias del Varga!" "Goodbye!" "Ha ha! Take that!" "Another one cut down!" (Melee) "My sword is not for show, you know!" (Melee) "Goodbye, Ratty-Junkboy!" (Eliminating Junkrat) "You are not taking me back..." (Eliminating McCree, 76 or Genji) "Now where was that good luck of yours again?" (Eliminating Francois)
Multikill: "I am not the big joke anymore, now am I?!" "Cut them down! Kill them all!" "Matias del Varga defeats all!"
Turret Elimination: "I have made the turret do the 'boom-boom'!"
Teleporter Elimination: "The teleporter has gone 'boom-boom'!"
Witness Elimination: "Matias del Varga is only...mildly impressed." "I could have done that." "Hmm...impressive!" "I could use a shot like you on my crew!"
Witness Elimination of Teammate: "Better you than me, I suppose." "Hey! I was supposed to be the one to do that!" (Junkrat Eliminated)
Revenge Kill: "Matias del Varga never forgets a grudge..."
Hello: "Greetings!" "'Salivations', my friend!" "Why hello!"
Thanking: "Ah! Gracias, my friend!" "I owe you one!" "Thank you!"
Acknowledge: "Understood!" "Got it!"
Need Healing: "Matias del Varga requires the healing!" "Heal me up!"
Group Up: "Over here!" "Crew, look alive!" "Come to Matias del Varga!"
Ultimate Ready: "Men! Prepare to strike!" "Ready...aim..." "Crew! Ready the airstrike!"
Ultimate: "Airstrike! Fire!" "Incoming strike from my skies!"
Hero Interactions:
Winston: I would welcome you if you ever wanted to return to Overwatch. del Varga: My Overwatch days are over!
McCree: Got a hefty bounty on your head, del Varga. del Varga: Hefty and still uncollected, cowboy-man!
McCree: You never take it down a notch, do ya? del Varga: Says the cowboy-person who still thinks it's the Wild West!
Soldier 76: It's a shame. I kind of liked you. del Varga: The arm I lost says otherwise.
del Varga: Why do sound familiar to me? Reaper: Huh…figured you were dead.
Doomfist: Talon could use someone like you, pirate. del Varga: Ha! Matias del Varga is used by no one!
del Varga: Just stay out of my way and do not be telling me what to do! Ana: Ah...how I missed this rebellious attitude…
Genji: A pirate? Interesting! del Varga: A ninja? Boring!
Sombra: Strange. There’s not a trace of you after your Overwatch days… del Varga: I am covering my tracks very thoroughly…
del Varga: Hand over that treasure I hear you have, Ratty Junkboy! Junkrat: I’ll blow yer other arm off if ya ever try!
Francois: Kid, Blackwatch had a cowboy and a ninja.  What made ya’ think we wouldn’t take a pirate? del Varga: Clearly, you have never met my parents. Like they’d let me get away with that!
Zelia: Alright Matias, what goods have you found? del Varga: And what is in it for me, eh Zell?
del Varga: Now that is a nice pair of legs! Lorenzo: Hands off pirate!  These cost more than your ship!
Ailuros: Do you have any information about a stranded American in Australia? del Varga: Maybe Matias del Varga does, and maybe he doesn’t. What is in it for me?
Conrad: Do ya always have to be so...intense? del Varga: Matias del Varga likes to make a grand entrance!
Akane: So...the tech kid from Overwatch is all grown up now. del Varga: And with Overwatch no more!
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the-excursion · 8 years
Keeping Promises & Completing Contracts
The wind was still, and the air quiet, it was a calm day. Nylo was lying down on the grass. She was resting in the middle of a large field filled with healthy green grass. The sun shined brightly over the grass. Nylo wasn't wearing her armor instead she had on a casual looking under suit. She rolled over and looked at her sheathed sword that laid beside her. She grabbed her sword by the sheath and jumped up onto her feet. She stretched and yawned as she looked towards the sun she met the sun's blazing heat with an equally warm gaze. After realizing a staring contest with the sun couldn't be won she moved her gaze a bit to the west of the sun. Now she stared at the Blackstar. When the sun was out so was the Blackstar. She grabbed a lock of her silver hair and looked at it. Simply looking at the Blackstar made Nylo think back to her family and the Nissian blood that flowed through her. Her grip on her sword became tighter.
Nylo decided she had rested long enough. She started to walk towards the nearest town. She had no plans on where she was going or what she was going to do. She arrived at the small town and made her way to its small market. She took in the different sights and smells. Many of the vendors shouted out across the market trying to get the attention of potential patrons. Nylo ignored the shouts and pleas for business, but something penetrated through to Nylo. What cut through to her senses was the smell of a freshly made batch of chicken stew. Nylo’s mouth began to salivate as she made it across the small plaza and towards the savory smell. She arrived to the origin of the smell. It was a quaint inn made of brick. Many of the the people within the inn were sitting down enjoying a meal from the inn’s kitchen. Nylo walked up to the main counter and leaned against the counter. As she did this her stomach growled. The inn keep heard this. “So will it be the stew?” He asked Nylo. She laughed. “Yeah actually,” Nylo said awkwardly. “That'll be two blossoms,” the inn keep said. Nylo started patting herself and checking her pockets. She remembered she had spent all the money she had. She put on a frown, but before she could give some sort of excuse a man sat by her. “Yes can I get two bowls of the stew,” the man grinned. The inn keep nodded and walked off to his kitchen.
The man turned to her. “So you’re a knight?” He asked Nylo. “No I'm not a knight.” “Oh so you're a sellsword,” he replied. “Sorta,” Nylo nodded. “Well then that's perfect I needed someone to accompany me to the Athenaeum in Hirth, and it seems you're low on funds, and I'll pay 100 blooms” Nylo thought about his proposition. She thought about how far Hirth was from here, and if the compensation was fair. Nylo shrugged off any rational and figured the journey would prove beneficial to her and give her a reason to finally visit the city Hirth. She nodded to the man. “I'll go.” “Great I prefer to bind agreements and contracts. That's okay right?” The man asked. Nylo was familiar with concept of binding contracts but she had never actually done so before. Nylo nodded and put her palm facing down on the counter. He started to reach in his bag he was carrying for his ink bind. He made sure the stamp was fully saturated in the ink then he stamped it on both of their right hands. The ink disappeared into their skin. “I won't ask anything of you beyond protecting me, and ensuring my safe passage to the Athenaeum. The blooms I'm giving you can’t be used by you until I arrive to my destination,” he very briefly explained the terms of their agreement. Nylo nodded and they shook hands. Where the ink stamp had been applied now gave a faint glimmer. Nylo looked at her hand, and shrugged. Gareth then reached into his bag and grabbed a sack of coins he handed the sack to Nylo. “The binding seal is pretty simple. It won't let you open the sack and spend any of the blooms till I arrive at the Athenaeum,” Gareth further elaborated. “Sounds simple enough,” Nylo said as she grabbed the sack of blooms.
Nylo looked to the counter and realized that the innkeeper had brought the stew already and that it had been sitting getting cold. Nylo pulled the bowl to her and began to quickly eat it. Once they were both done eating they got up and began to walk out. “Oh my name is Gareth by the way,” he said as he gave room to Nylo so she could pass by the doorway leading outside. “Nylo,” she said as she shook Gareth's hand again as he also made it out the inn. Gareth explained to Nylo how they were going to take the rail motive most of the way to Hirth. Then they were going to ride on horseback the rest of the way.
They made their way to the rail station, and Gareth purchased two tickets for the rail ride. Nylo stood back leaning against a wall watching over Gareth. Gareth jogged up to Nylo. “Nylo were going to miss the rail motive. It's about to depart,” Gareth exclaimed jogging over to the tracks. Nylo followed him and they quickly made their way inside one of the rail cars. They found a pair of seats and sat down. Nylo sat in the seat beside the aisle and Gareth by the window. “So the silver hair and red eyes, but no pointy ears. You’re a demi-elf.” “Yeah I am,” Nylo replied. “I've actually had the pleasure of meeting a few demi-elves, but you’re the first demi I've ever met who makes it known like you do. All the demis I've met dye their silver hair to a less conspicuous hair color, and they go about changing their eye color as well. Also they don't carry ancient Nissian weapons with them,” Gareth said as he glanced at her sheathed sword. The sword’s scabbard was the color of obsidian and had bright blue detailings. The hilt was also the color of obsidian. Nylo unsheathed the sword ever so slightly keeping most of the blade within the scabbard but allowing a small segment of the blade to be seen. The blade's metal was a bright blue. Nylo quickly sheathed the sword again. “You’re familiar with the sword,” Nylo exclaimed in a soft tone. “One of my areas of study is of Nissian technology and artifacts, and that's the Cat’s Glaive. The weapon of the legendary Nissian guardsmen Ailuros Amory. If my memory serves me correctly this guardsman settled down with a simple human farm boy. Then she shared her name and blood to her kin. That was over two hundred years ago. You also make no effort to hide your name you told me you were Nylo. That makes you Nyloria Amory. There’s not many demi-born families it's not hard to keep tabs on them,” Gareth said. Nylo smiled. “I usually travel with my armor on. I picked the wrong day to not do that I guess. Was all that the reason you approached me and got me to travel with you?” Nylo asked. 'Well sort of. I just wanted to travel with the lost princess. People within noble and adept circles are well aware of your disappearance. Your father died and then you disappeared. There are all sorts of rumors about your disappearance. Either your father's killer killed him and made his way out with you. He died of natural causes and you left out of grief, and some of the rumors even sound like you killed him and fled your castle with the family arms, that sword, but I don't really care about any of that. I just wanted to hang out with a demi. It has been awhile since I have,” Gareth said. Nylo squirmed around in her seat a bit trying to get more comfortable. “I kinda figured there was some sort of catch to that bowl of stew,” Nylo said. “Ehh not really. I needed a good travel partner you seemed like one and you happened to be a demi. Also you were low on funds seems like it worked out for all of us,” Gareth finished. Gareth took out a book and began to read. Once Nylo got comfortable she fell asleep.
About an hour had passed. Gareth was still reading and Nylo was still asleep. “Hey Nylo I need to use the bathroom,” Gareth said as he poked Nylo. Nylo quickly woke up. “Hmm what's wrong,” she asked. “I gotta pee,” he whispered in an embarrassed voice. Nylo got up and started walking towards the back of their rail car. “So how close are we to our stop?” Nylo asked him. “We’re pretty close actually. Probably like ten minutes left to the next town. It's actually as far as this rail goes. The rest of the rails laid out by the Nissians that lead to Hirth were actually destroyed about a hundred years ago,” Gareth explained. Nylo nodded just as they reached the laboratory in the back. Gareth entered and began to go about his business. Nylo leaned against the door that lead connected the exterior of the rail car and led to the other rail cars. Nylo looked out the door and looked at the rails that were directly adjacent to the ones they were on. Another rail motive was beside them but this one was carrying only cargo. Nylo felt a presence behind her from the cabin they just came from. She turned around and seen a man wearing a hood slowly entering into the hallway she was within. She turned back to the cabin with her back facing the door again. She tensed up slightly once she did so the man took out a dagger and began to lunge at her. She grabbed the hilt of her sword and decided to utilize the technology bestowed upon the weapon. She quickly conjured her armor and unsheathed her blade.
The armor was a dark almost black blue with a much brighter blue accenting the armor. Around the cheek plates of the armor were whisker like grates and the gloves of the armor were clawed these features are what helped give name to the legendary Nissian warrior of old 'The Cat.’ The armor appeared to be new even though Nylo has used it many times. When it was dematerialized any dents and scratches seemed to disappear. Nylo met the attacker head on. She swung her sword for the attacker’s dagger in an effort to pluck it out of his hand. Nylo was very skilled with her blade but hasn't fought in about two weeks her moves were not as graceful and her swings did not do exactly as she intended. Instead of plucking the dagger out of his hand she had plucked his hand off of the rest of his arm. Nylo flinched at her own action, but she decided to roll with what she had done. The man didn't yell loudly, but the pain he felt was clearly visible. He dropped to the ground where Nylo went to quickly meet him. She clawed her sharp gloved fingers into his neck ending his pain and reddening her ‘claws’. Once she took her claws out of his neck she got up off her knee but as soon as she did so the door behind her was opened and she was quickly grabbed and thrown outside of the rail car. She was now on a metal platform that connected the rail car she was just inside of to the one behind it. She could hear the wind zipping by her. Nylo was not on her feet and her sword was just out of arm's reach. She looked up and seen the man who had thrown her back. The man was also hooded but bigger than the one before. His blade was less conspicuous and much larger. The man could not quickly find an opening or weak point on the armor to stab through so instead opted to pick her up and throw her off the motive.
He grabbed her by the helmet with both his arms. Nylo thought quickly and jammed her clawed thumb into his elbow pit and the rest of her claws made it into the other side of his arm, his elbow. This rendered his arms about useless. She then got up on her feet and used her shoulder to shove him off the fast moving motive. Nylo panted a bit. Her hands were on her knees and she was looking down to the floor. She was taking a breath. Her armor gave her a number of abilities one of which added to her sensory and perception. She could feel that two more of these would be assassins were above her. She looked up and found her senses to be right on point. Two more hooded men were standing above her one on each of the rail cars that were connected by the small platform she was still on. She grabbed her sword and used the rail car behind her to wall jump up onto the top of the rail car and meet the assailants head on. She blocked his first sword strike with her forearm. She then quickly grabbed the sword by the blade using her gloved hand and then she speared the sword into the abdomen of the other assassin who was jumping onto the rail car she was currently on. The force of her sword throw stopped his jump and dropped him to the ground. The one who's sword she took and had thrown was taken aback by her actions. Nylo used this opening and placed her gloved hand on his head. Nylo now utilized another one of the abilities the suit of armor allowed. The Cat's guard allowed her to create and conduct electricity, and she used the ability to hastily electrocute the assassin. That amount of electricity to one's brain if not fatal is very damaging. She took her hand off his head when she did so clear burn marks were visible where her gloved hand had been. His body dropped to the ground and with that Nylo dropped back down to the connecting platform. She could see the station they were departing at now. The man who was dropped by the thrown sword was on the connecting platform still hanging onto life but was sure to lose it in due time. Blood was spilling out from his mouth. The sight disheartened Nylo enough to drive her to end his pain. She carefully but briskly put the tip of the blade through his neck. She thought back to the few that she had just killed. She wasn't sure on who they were or why they were doing this but was sure they wanted Gareth’s life and she had a contract to uphold. 'Evil or not all warriors deserve their due rest,’ she thought to herself. “Rest in peace.” Her words were carried away by the wind.
She walked back into the rail car she was originally in and knocked on the laboratory door. “I took care of the problem Gareth. Who were they and why did they want to kill you,” Nylo said pressed up against the door. She waited a moment for a response but didn't get any. She then opened the door to find Gareth was still in there. Still inside of the bathroom but no longer breathing. Some assassin slipped passed Nylo’s perception and slit Gareth's neck.
The train stopped, and Nylo was processing all of this. Her mind quickly moved to the contract she was supposed to fulfill. She sheathed her sword and dematerialized her armor. She looked at her hand and found the binding seal was still there. Still shimmering and reminding her of the contract she had to fulfill. She had to think quickly the new passengers were about to board onto the rail motive. She grabbed Gareth's body and snuck off the rail motive. The binding seal seemed to bind its contract even in death. She decided to bring his body to the Athenaeum hoping that would end the contract.
The station she was able to sneak away from with Gareth's body bordered the mid sized village and a rainforest. Running deeper into the rainforest while holding Gareth proved to be very tiring for Nylo. The Cat’s Glaive did not bestow any strength enhancing sort of abilities when the armor was not materialized, and even when it was the strength she is given is only nominally higher than her own. The foliage was high and thick making it easy for Nylo to hide Gareth's body. She was going to go into the village to buy a horse that she could use to bring her and Gareth to Hirth. The binding seal won't allow Nylo to use the coins Gareth gave her as payment until her job is complete but the contract didn't speak of using any of Gareth's possessions. She rifled through Gareth's bag and found a suitable amount of money. Nylo decided to be more alert she rematerialized her armor and made her way to the village’s stable.
Once there she looked at the horses and thought about which one would suit her best. The stable owner was glaring at her from afar. Nylo realized it might be her wearing her armor. She started to walk up towards the stable owner. She took off her helmet before she got up to the stable owner. She extended her arm out to the stable owner. She looked at her hand and remember her hand was armored she awkwardly lowered her arm and just waved. None of the that mattered though the stable owner was fixated on her face. His scowl had disappeared now and he was in awe. It was her hair that caught his attention. “Your an elf,” the stable owner stammered over his words. Nylo was confused for a second, but she remembered common people rarely if ever got see elves or demi-elves. A silver haired girl was enough to be looked at as a kin of the surviving elves from the civil war two centuries ago. Nylo maybe looked at as one of those kin, but she is far from any pure blooded Aurea Nissi. The silver hair and red eyes proved to be a dominant trait even when mixed with human blood. Even with this the difference in a demi's ear to that of a pure blooded elves ear was enough for any non-commoner to distinguish the two.
“Many years ago my son was fatally ill. I had nothing to my name but a beautiful Nissian women came to our help and healed my boy. At the time I had no way of paying her back. She insisted that she did what she did for her not us, that she needed no pay. So she made off after my son was fully recovered. Now I own this stable and do quite well for myself. I know you're not her but please take a horse of your choosing free of charge,” the man explained why he was so in awe of her. Nylo nodded at his offer. Nylo was slightly curious with the boy. ‘If she was a truly a Nissian and not just a demi like me then what did she want with the boy. An Aurea Nissian while not inherently malice don't just help any random boy,’ she thought to herself “Thank you, and about your boy where is he?” She asked him. “Oh he grew up to be a noble young man. He's one of the few Westerners to become a knight of the east. Probably the only red headed one at that,” he told her. “Again thank you, thank you so much,” Nylo said as she walked back over to the stable and picked out a horse. Nylo didn't know much about horses. She picked the one with the cleanest mane and hooves. She found the one she picked to be a hardy horse that would be able to endure the hardships he'll have to face even after her current journey. He was a black horse with a white mane. She walked the horse over to the stable owner. “Haha I thought you would pick that one. His name is Randal. Here I'll saddle him up for you,” he said as walked into a shed near by. He came by with the saddle and two bags. He saddled up the horse and properly set up the bags to the saddle. The saddle was ready and able to carrying two persons. Something that was very useful for Nylo in her current situation. “Thank you for your hospitality,” she said as she decided to hug the stable owner. Nylo mounted the horse and rode off back near the rainforest.
Nylo made it back to the outside of the forest much faster with Randal. She hitched Randal to tree and went into the forest to go and get Gareth. She found his now cold body. She sobbed at the site. She didn't know him terribly well, and Nylo wasn't too fond of mage types but she found Gareth to be a bearable adept. She slung Gareth's cold body over her shoulder and made her way back to Randal. She quickly set Gareth on the back of her horse and started to ride towards Hirth away from the rainforest and the village. It took the rest of the day to ride to Hirth by the time she made it to Hirth it was the dead of night making it easy for her to ride into the city with a dead man. There was no polite way to drop of a dead man so she just neatly placed his body on the steps of the Athenaeum. She looked to her hand, the binding seal disappeared. She grabbed the sack of coins she was originally given and opened it she grabbed one of the coins and felt it in her hand. “I kept our agreement,” Nylo awkwardly said to Gareth's cold body. She flipped the coin and landed it on Gareth's forehead. She got up on Randal and started to slowly ride away she looked back at Gareth one last time and gave her last words to him. “Rest in peace.”
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