#aka posts I’ve tagged as them
samglyph · 3 months
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Because of that last anon here’s my jarthur moodboard
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robottheodorlasso · 1 year
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…… so there is this generic medieval au with light fantasy elements that has been living in my head rent free…. 
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softceleste · 11 months
I am begging people who don’t know what they’re talking about to just shut the fuck up about the strike instead of spreading misinformation because you doing that is actually WAY WORSE then you just saying literally nothing.
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peapod20001 · 1 year
Ough. Curse of changed oc name
My problem isn’t having to change the tags on their posts, it’s inconveniencing my friend that has oc tags for my ocs 😭
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Sometimes I wonder what the Watchers were. I've seen people compare them to angels but. I'm not an angel, if anything I was more of a demon (of course I was also something else besides a Watcher but still-). I remember having Watcher powers meant that you could See things. Know things. It was similar to TMA's beholding powers. But I couldn't do anything with minds or memories or stuff, I could look to see something, sure! But there was always a weird disconnection that came with it. I was always aware I just just an invader.
Any other hermits that were Watchers/were in close contact with them? If so what would you compare them to? - Etho/Voidling
(For context I am 95% sure I was a Watcher)
Our scar has watcher DNA from being soul linked with their grian but has never understood what it meant or why their DNA got fused so we can't help you there... Someone else may be able to though!.. -Mod hels
#kinfession#3rd life kin#mcyt kin#mcytkin#ethoslab kin#etho kin#mod hels#next few tags are from some of the van members aka mod ex’s fellow fictkins in what we like to call the van#check mod ex’s intro post for more info like the kin blog we haven’t posted anything on yet#in our universe ‘Watcher’ & ‘Listener’ are more so titles that come with a few changes and such. i’m gonna focus on Watchers for rn tho-#seeing as i am one myself and know a few- as well as Scar who you can see above & Mumbo who yk- ate my soul.#i was originally a bird hybrid (my wings came in during high school which as you would except was a terrible time & i honestly would have#preferred they had been ‘postponed’ by my body instead of coming in during one of the periods of my life where i’ve felt the least safe.)#& i never knew my original bird species- my wings were just the same color as my hair (dirty blonde) with a peppering of darker sort of#spots? but after i was turned into a watcher they turned a dark grey/black & kinda looked like they were enchanted.#i don’t know for sure but i assume this is another effect of me being a watcher- my wings/species in general change based on my#environment/situation/etc. in s6 they were chicken wings (smaller so much easier to hide thankfully)#in s7 they were parrot wings (harder to hide as they got bigger & my red feathers coming in when the others found out about them caused a#bit of panic cuz they thought it was blood-). in s8 they were dragon wings but seemed to start to change to phantom during the mooners.#back onto Watcher stuff- my eyes turned from blue to really desaturated pink (bright pink when using my powers)#when in full “Watcher form” my sclera are black and my pupils(?) are bright pink and i have two sets of eyes on my cheeks under my normal#eyes. i also have a white halo over my head and my wings turn into the dark grey/black and enchanted look#and get a few (1-5) inches taller. the Watchers themselves looked pretty much the same just usually much taller.#they usually wore black cloaks and lots of jewelry and those sleeveless skin tight turtlenecks and grey leggings i think#i can’t remember exactly cuz my memory is kinda hazy. i’ve gotten more comfortable with showing the Watcher parts of myself around the#others though :] -Grian/Ariana (xe/they/he/she)#i feel like we should’ve put this in the actual post but too late now! -mod ex#mod ex#<- since we wrote an answer ig??
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I know this blog is about our DID but I need to take a moment to vent about some of the other things we deal with and my experiences with them as a part that hasn’t been around in a while (In case you’ve been following along, yes I’m the same unnamed part from previous posts. I’m still around. It’s been rough, what can I say?)
So we have EDS and POTS. I was told this by our partner. I did not know we had names for these experiences until they told me the other day. They told me because I’ve been dealing with the symptoms of these illnesses since I got here. I’ve been in constant pain, by joints have been aching and doing that partial dislocation thing, I’ve had a headache damn near daily, I keep feeling faint; all in all I’ve been roughly pushed into the deep end of our physical health. But that’s the thing, I’ve never experienced our health be this bad before. The last time I was around for a significant amount of time by myself was high school. And yes we had issues here or there. Our one knee has been dislocating since middle school. Our wrists would hurt if we were writing too much for class or homework and a lot of the time we’d almost faint after getting out of the shower. But it was never this bad. I never experienced it this bad. And that’s shocking to me.
It’s been years since I’ve been solidly around. I was around like two or three times in college but they were all short periods where I wasn’t alone and was distracted by my trauma or some life event. This is the first time since high school that I’ve been able to sit in the body and live in it and feel my shoulder pop every time I move it and feel faint every time I stand and all of that fun shit that those who are around have called their life.
In the past couple of days I’ve essentially had to start coming to terms with the fact that I’m disabled. Now again, we’ve had some sort of problem most of our life, we’ve never lived normally, we have always felt like we were missing out and have mourned a lot of “normal kid/teen things” we never got to do but this is the first time I have had to sit with the fact that I have chronic illnesses that have names and affect me daily. I’m doing what I’m sure those of us who live life normally did a long time ago. And yes, I’m struggling with that a bit. Maybe I am in a bit of denial. Maybe some part of me believed that things would have gotten better in the years that I wasn’t around. That something would have helped. But it hasn’t. And I need to accept that. I’m disabled. We’re disabled. And I have to accept that.
I think one of the worst things about this is that I know deep down this won’t be the last time we go through this. Someone else like me, someone who hasn’t been around in a while will most likely be doing exactly what I’m doing now at some point in the future because of how DID works. We will probably cycle through this mourning process a lot more throughout our life and that’s hard to think about.
As a side note I want to point out that no, I wasn’t having this same crisis about the knowledge that hey, we have DID. It has a name. Because I knew I was a part of a whole long before the host knew that. Don’t get me wrong I didn’t know right away, but some time in high school I was self aware enough to figure out that something was wrong and went from there. And then when I was around in college those few times I found out it had a name and blah blah blah. Now don’t expect me to use proper names or terminology for anything at all. I’m not knowledgeable like that and am only using words and terms and descriptions that feel right and convey my experiences. So don’t get your torches and pitchforks out or anything over incorrect terminology. I’m just some guy, okay?
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shepscapades · 1 month
DBHC [Detroit Become Hermitcraft] AU MASTERPOST
This is a compiled list of links to every major dbhc post, including links to art, a list of tags that I use to organize everything for this au on my blog, character tags, and any other content for the au that you may want to specifically look for! I will do my best to update this Masterpost with every new major post I publish, so feel free to keep checking the original post (not reblogs, which will not retain edits) for new content! (Likewise, if you stumble upon a link that doesn't seem right, please feel free to let me know!)
Everything is organized below the read more by an Overview of information about the au and content organized by character. Within each character's section, posts are organized in a narrative chronological order-- NOT the order in which the posts were published. Most characters are organized in groups so links do not appear more than once.
Thank you for reading and enjoying my silly au! It's baffling to me how many people have found an interest in or love for this project, and everyone's support, encouragement, and general insanity means the world to me! <3
Dbhc, or the Detroit Become Hermitcraft AU, is an au that started as a joke and very quickly stopped being a joke LKFJGDG It’s called Detroit Become Hermitcraft, but not really because it has anything to do with the base game DBH– really, I only yoinked the android mechanics and inserted them into the minecraft-based world of hermitcraft. It’s an au that starts in Hermitcraft Season 8 (aka, many of the first androids were built for the beginning of s8 in this au), meaning that the seasons prior in this au do not technically have those hermits as part of their history. The Life Series are canon to this au, but like earlier hermitcraft seasons, 3rd Life is missing all of the android hermits due to it having taken place prior to HC Season 8.
GUIDE TO ANDROIDS - An official guide to how androids function, for those unfamiliar with dbh androids!
#dbhc – any and everything dbhc! #dbhc art – any art, comics, or silly doodles that feature the dbhc characters #dbhc ask – any response to an ask or submission that I answer related to dbhc– could be silly asks or asks related to lore! #dbhc music – any art or asks in which I speak about the music on the dbhc playlists or use the songs as inspiration for art of the narrative #dbhc fanart – any dbhc art not made by me! #dbhc fanfic – any dbhc writing not written by me! #dbhc writing – works of writing that either I’ve done or works that I consider canon to the au! (see below for links to each of these works) #dbhc sillies – these are usually asks I’ve answered that include ridiculous doodles or humorous references to more serious or angsty lore posts #dbhc theories – not a consistent tag, but something I decided to start using for asks that have interesting theories that I don't want to confirm or deny. Also used in general for large theory-based asks/my reactions to them #dbhc mechanics – any explanations related to the way the androids function [i'm still currently in the process of going back through everything and working this tag in!] #dbhc ref – official reference sheets for the characters
Character tags will be listed as #dbhc [name]. They contain both art of those characters and any mentions/discussions of them from asks. If a character is discussed or shown in any capacity, those posts should have the respective character tags! I believe these are all of the characters discussed/referenced so far:
#dbhc beef || #dbhc bdubs || #dbhc cleo || #dbhc cub || #dbhc doc || #dbhc etho || #dbhc false || #dbhc gem || #dbhc grian || #dbhc hypno || #dbhc impulse || #dbhc iskall || #dbhc jevin || #dbhc joe || #dbhc joel || #dbhc jimmy || #dbhc keralis ||#dbhc mumbo || #dbhc pearl || #dbhc ren || #dbhc scar || #dbhc skizz || #dbhc tango || #dbhc wels || #dbhc xisuma || #dbhc zed
Since Tumblr has a link embed limit of 100, I had to move every character section to it's own post :[ Which is a little annoying, but giving each character group their own post will hopefully prevent any issues going forward as I continue to add to the au without fear of hitting a link limit.
As mentioned above, the below individual posts are organized by Characters or Groups of Characters. Within each section, drawings are organized by NARRATIVE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER (Not the order in which they were posted/published).  These links contain links to posts/art specifically centered around the characters they're listed under. All posts that have a collection of characters, moments, or drawings not centered around any one specific character/characters will be found under "Other Drawings!" Stuff from Secret Life, Decked out, and other silly drawings can be found there. Character's are often cameo'd all over the place, so if you're looking for all of the content of a specific character, your best bet is perusing their respective character tag (listed above)! The posts below are to present a better/more cohesive idea of the ordered narrative of each character.
Canon Events. To Me <3
[x] @tunastime Gear of the Heart, Turning [ethubs] [x] @tunastime Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? [docsuma]
Fanfic Works I consider closely adjacent to canon:
[x] @bruhman745 [ethubs first kiss!] [x] @bruhman745 [s9 reset etho re-deviates] [x] @drachis917 [Impulse meets Gem!]
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babybluebex · 10 months
bad idea, right? | joseph quinn x fem!reader
summary: yes, i know that he's my ex, but can't two people reconnect? // aka your ex joseph conveniently texts you to come over just as you're missing him, and who can say no to those eyes? pairing: joseph quinn x fem!reader tags: SMUT (minors dni), thigh riding, teasing, confessions of love, bareback (USE A CONDOM IRL PLEASE!!!), no ejaculation (it's ok, you'll see, just read it) author’s note: i am BACK with a new joe fic, i have been thinking about him NONSTOP ever since miss olivia dropped this song, and it's taken me forever to write this but here we are :) enjoy! follow @babybluebex-writes to be notified whenever i post new fics!
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This was such a bad idea. No, it wasn’t a bad idea. It was the worst idea, one of the worst things you have maybe ever done. That bar wasn’t set too high, but the point remained. It was stupid and bad, and you just shouldn’t be doing it. And yet, here you are. 
You had been out drinking with your friends, ironically trying to get over Joseph. He was a good man— good enough, at least— and had been a relatively good boyfriend to you, but he was different than everyone else and was itching for more than you were, a family and a life and shit, and you had just wanted to have fun with him, so you had broken it off with him. The breakup had initially happened a few months ago, but your friends had never been able to drag you out of your flat and to a bar until then. There was nothing to mourn, you tried to tell them. We just wanted different things and split amicably, there’s no bad blood there that I need to drink to get over. 
Around 11 o’clock or so, your phone buzzed on the bar top, and you glanced down to see a text from a number that your phone didn’t recognize, but you knew all too well. I’m lonely, it said. Would you like to come over? 
Your friends were absorbed in their conversation, so you put down your vodka soda and typed out a reply. Joe, you know that’s a bad idea. 
I moved. Do you need my new address? 
You sighed. Yeah, I do. 
There was something about Joseph that you couldn’t place, but it made him irresistible. He was magnetic, he was charismatic, he was attractive and funny and kind, he was everything, but he just wasn’t what you wanted or needed for your relationship. He wanted kids; you didn’t. That was it. He was so irresistible, though, that there was no question about the fact that you would wreck your plans to see him. 
“Hey, I gotta go,” you told your friends, and they all booed and awed and asked what was going on. 
“Wait,” one of your friends started. “Are you going to see Joe?”
You scoffed, in a way that you hoped conveyed how crazy you thought that was. “No,” you said. “My social battery just ran out all of the sudden. Long day at work, and I’ve got another long one tomorrow and… You know how it is.” 
“Alright,” your friend said with a pout. “Be safe, alright? Let us know when you get home.” 
You agreed and, with a few hugs and kisses, you went on your way. Joseph had texted you his new address and you plugged it into your Uber app, and, the whole ride there, your leg was jiggling and you were nervous. It was just Joe, it wasn’t like you were going to meet some random guy you met online (although Joe had started out as some random Hinge match). You had dated him for two years, you knew him, so why were you nervous? 
He was grinning at you when you reached his place on the second floor, an easy sort of smile that you remembered loving. “Hi,” he said softly, reaching out for you, and you took his hands, smiling back at him. 
“Hey,” you said. “So, this is your new place, right?”
“Yeah,” Joseph said with a shrug. “It’s not much, but it’s alright.” 
You stepped inside and set down your bag next to the door, along with your jacket and shoes, and you examined the front room. The new flat was definitely smaller than the one you had shared together, the kitchen all smushed up next to the den, with the smallest hallway leading down to the bathroom and bedroom, and you settled on the couch easily. “I like it,” you said, your eyes going to his bookcase next to his television. A biography of Caracalla sat open, and you shook your head. “It’s cute. Very you.” 
“Thank you, love,” Joseph said. He sat down beside you and put his arm along the back of the couch behind you, and you inched a little closer to him. 
“Isn’t it a little… Silly?” you started, and you began to chew on your lip. 
“What is?” Joseph asked. 
“This dumb little dance we have to do,” you said. “Like we both don’t know why I’m here. We have to pretend, like, ‘Oh, I like your apartment’, ‘Oh, how have you been’, y’know?” 
“Well, we don’t have to pretend,” Joseph said. “We can just… Get started.”
“Yeah,” you mumbled. “But I don’t wanna, like, just come over and fuck and leave.”
“So…” Joseph started. “You want genuine small talk?”
You shrugged. “I guess,” you said. “How have you been?”
“Honestly,” Joseph started. “Pretty bad. I’m so used to coming home and having you here, I find myself so lonely and bored and… I don’t know. It’s been a few months, I thought I’d get over… Whatever this is.”
“That’s alright,” you said. “I’ve been missing you a lot too. I miss our old apartment… The bathtub was so nice and big.” 
“Yeah,” Joseph chuckled. “You remember when we took a bubble bath together and lit candles? That was nice.”
“Yeah,” you agreed wistfully. It went quiet then, both of you trying to avoid the obvious, and you finally sighed. “This is a bad idea, right?” 
“Probably,” Joseph said. You looked over at him to find him already looking at you with those damned chocolate puppy eyes, and you tilted your head a bit, your eyes lingering on his lips. That’s something that you missed about him; he was a damn good kisser. 
“Fuck it, it’s fine,” you said quickly, and you leaned in, pressing your lips to his. His arm around your shoulders dragged you close to him, and he kissed you back, letting his lips mold against yours. You moaned softly, taking in the familiar taste of him, and you shuffled to sit across his lap. His hands went to their usual spots in the back pockets of your jeans, squeezing and kneading your ass as his tongue slipped inside your mouth, and you raked your fingers through his hair. You don’t remember him doing his hair across his forehead like this the last time you saw him, but maybe he did, but it really didn’t matter. He was hot as fuck, and he wanted you. 
“Fuck,” Joseph whispered as he broke the kiss. His focus went to your smooth neck, kissing and lightly sucking and making you moan again, and his hands drifted out of your back pockets and went to the front of your pants, popping the button open with ease. “Pretty girl…” he mumbled, and you giggled as he started to edge your pants down. The angle was awkward, definitely, and you shuffled to stand up and take down your pants. Joseph dipped down on the couch a little to pull off his sweatpants (grey, soft, the kind you once told him make his dick look good), and he discarded them to the side as you straddled one of his big thighs. This was always one of his favorite things, having you ride his thigh, and he looked gleeful when he realized that that’s what you were doing. “Oh, yeah?” he asked, and you smiled, flexing your hips down and starting to drag yourself along his hard thigh. 
“I remember you liked this,” you told him, and Joseph’s throat bobbed as he swallowed thickly, letting his head fall back as you started up a rhythm, letting yourself glide along his leg. He mumbled and cursed, his big hands falling to your hips, but he didn’t control you; he was just holding you, feeling you, loving on you. 
“I do,” he mumbled. “God… Yes, sweet girl, just like that.” 
You whimpered as your clit brushed your stretched panties, and Joseph looked up, a sly smile on his lips. You loved when he watched you, and you made sure to move your body smoothly— all the better of a show for him. “Yeah,” he mumbled, biting his plush bottom lip. “That feel good?” 
You hummed out a positive sound, digging your fingernails into his shoulders through his jumper. “God, Joey,” you sighed, and you lilted your head to watch him as his eyelashes fluttered and he sighed with you. "Missed you."
"I missed this too," Joseph said. "Take off your panties, I wanna feel you."
You couldn't help but oblige him, and you lifted yourself from his leg and stripped off your modest underwear (you weren't exactly thinking ahead when you got dressed to go out, and you certainly weren't expecting Joe to text you). The feel of his warm skin on your pussy made your stomach swim with butterflies, and you put your hands on the back of his neck, just at where the curls ended. God, those curls. You pulled him into a kiss and moaned into his mouth, and you tugged on his curls to make him whine.
"Don't tease me, baby," he told you in a low voice, and you smiled and continued on your path, absolutely set on teasing him now. Your hips slowed, and you nestled your mouth right in the crook of his neck, setting soft kisses on his skin. "Oh, fuck, you're an evil woman, did you know that?"
"Yeah, well," you shrugged noncommittally, and Joe grabbed you around your waist and pulled you off of him. Roughly— rougher than usual?— he pushed you down onto the couch, and he settled himself on top of you, his thick thighs caging you in. You watched greedily as he righted himself and stripped off his jumper, exposing the little soft hairs on his chest; now, without the baggy jumper, you could fully see his hardening cock, rising to lay against his tummy.
"Like what you see?" Joe chuckled lightly, and you realized just how hard you had been staring at him.
"How could I not?" you asked. You reached out for his cock, taking his length in your hand, and you stroked him easily, base to tip, squeezing when you got closer to his balls— just the way he liked. He hissed in a sharp breath through his teeth as his eyes grew three times their size, and you smiled.
"Thought you'd've forgotten about that," Joe laughed breathlessly, and he edged back on the couch, aligning his hips with yours. Apparently, it seemed as if speed was the name of the game tonight, and it almost hurt your heart to think that he just wanted to hook up with you. You knew that coming to his place wouldn't end with a reconfession of love and for him begging for you to stay, but it stung to know that he was just trying to get you out as quickly as possible.
"I could never forget," you said, hoping that he could see through your words and see your teary eyes, hear your thick throat, feel your loss. You loved him, and the breakup hurt, but it was better being apart. But was it really?
"I wouldn't want you to," Joe told you, and he pursed his lips for a moment before he spit down onto your pussy. "You think I can ever forget you?"
You lined up the head of his cock with your hole, watching as he throbbed in your hand, and he sank his hips forward. The feel of the stretch had you gasping, and you moaned as he slid inside you, nestling perfectly. "Hey," Joe said firmly, and you looked up from the show to see him earnestly staring down at you, his eyes... Wet? Tearful? "You don't think I could ever forget you, do you?" he asked, and you bit the inside of your cheek.
"Not now, Joe," you mumbled.
"Yes, now," Joe insisted.
"You're inside me," you protested, and Joe gathered you in his arms, holding you tightly as he began to fuck you. The pleasure made your breath hitch, and Joe buried his face in your neck, kissing the slender column of your throat.
"We can talk and fuck at the same time," Joe said. "God knows we've done worse and fucked at the same time."
"But talk about this?" you asked. "Joey—"
"I can't sleep without you," he said softly. "Every time I wake up alone, my first thought is that you're using the toilet and that you'll be right back. I can hardly relax without your feet in your side... You really did take up the whole of the bed."
"Joe—" you started again, but he shook his head, his curls thwipping you in the face.
"And I can't eat," he continued. "I miss your cooking, and what's the point of eating anyway if you're not gonna steal bits of it off my plate?"
"Don't say that," you frowned. You were still acutely aware of his cock inside you, ebbing and flowing with the movement of your bodies, but, slowly, you came to realize exactly what this was. Maybe this was a reconfession of love. Maybe he would beg for you to stay. Maybe he was more than lonely tonight, and was just rushing the sex to get to the part where he asked you to come back to him. "That's not... Fair. I'm doing better without you."
"What a lie," Joe chuckled mirthlessly. "You're not wearing your favorite going-out dress, you're not even wearing mascara. You didn't want to leave the house tonight, but you did. Why?"
"My friends dragged me out," you said.
"Exactly," Joe said. "You'd rather stay home and rot in bed, because you're just as miserable without me as I am without you. Admit it, we were so good together, don't you want that again?"
"Joe," you started. "We broke up because you wanted kids, and I didn't. That's not something you can compromise on, that's not a conversation you can table for later. We broke up because we wanted different things, and that's okay."
"But I want you back," Joe said. "I need you back. Please, we can compromise on this. We can... Fuck, I don't know, we can get a cat. Or a puppy, or a lizard, or whatever the fuck it takes for you to come back to me."
Before you could say more, your phone buzzed in your purse on the floor just by your head, and you sighed as you reached for it, any distraction welcome. Your friend was texting you: Make it home ok?
Yeah, you answered quickly. Going to sleep. Talk tomorrow xx.
"Joe," you started. "I... I only see you as a friend now. I don't think I can return to what we had."
"That's the biggest lie you've ever said," Joe told you. "If I was just a friend, would you have come over tonight?"
"Yes!" you said. "Because I'm a good friend! You said you were lonely, and I wanted to come help—"
"Oh, God, there was an undertone, and you know that," Joe cringed. "Don't act like you didn't know exactly what this was."
"Fuck," you mumbled. "Joe, I— Can we wait until we're done fucking?"
Joe sighed and, setting his jaw, angled his hips back and pulled out. He went in search of his clothes quietly, and you did the same, and, as you were zipping up your trousers, you said, "I guess I just don't... Don't see how we can have what we had. Not now, not knowing that we want our futures to be so different."
"We don't have to have what we had," Joe said. "We can have something completely new. We can make something entirely different, entirely our own, whatever we want. Please?"
You looked up from your jeans to see him looking at you. He had shaved his facial hair down to nothing, and you frowned to look at it. "I hate the way you do your hair now," you mumbled. "And I wish you'd grow your mustache back out."
Joe shrugged. "Maybe I will," he said. "If you want me to."
"I do," you said. "And we can get a cat, but you have to do the nasty shit, cleaning up after it and everything. We can... We can get back together, if you... If you promise you'll never leave me again."
Joe stepped towards you and wrapped you in a tight embrace, and he kissed the top of your head. "Never again, love."
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hookhausenschips · 2 months
Charles- Alpha Kappa Alpha
Soror Series
F1 Masterlist
Join my taglist here!
Faceclaim: none, just beautiful black women
Credit to original owners
A/N: I’m so sorry it’s taken so long to post, I’ve changed so much because I hated all of them at first. Let me know what you guys think please!!
next; Max Verstappen- Delta
📍Jackson State University
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liked by charles_leclerc, user1, user2, and 852 others
y/user/n: nothing to see here😁
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bffuser: mega slay🤩
y/user/n: I’m cringing for you
user: 👀
liked by arthur_leclerc, leclerc_pascale, charlotte2304, and others
tagged: y/user/n
charles_leclerc: congratulations mon amour🥳🩷
View all comments:
francisca.cgomes: that’s my wife!!!
charles_leclerc: get out of here sewer rat
francisca.cgomes: I will pay a mechanic to ruin your car🥰
y/user/n: Thank you for coming Charlie🩷🩷
user: this is such a hard launch omg
user: I knew Charles was being too quiet
y/user/n added to her story!
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seen by charles_leclerc, riabish, lilymhe, francisca.cgomes, and others
lilymhe has replied to your story:
hand in marriage
Charles doesn’t have to know about us🫦
just a crumb ma’am 😭
francisca.cgomes has replied to your story:
It’s purring👀
Come home the kids miss you 😚
charles_leclerc has replied to your story:
You put too much trust into that top mon amour
I miss you so much
Why are Lilly and Kika asking me if we’re serious and if I can fight? They’re scaring me😭
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liked by leclerc_pascale, charles_leclerc, lilymhe, and others
y/user/n: You wish you had a nickel
You wish you had a dime
You wish you had an AKA
To love you all the time
You wish you had a quarter
You wish you had a dollar
You wish you had an AKA
To make you scream and holler🩷💚🐩
Comments are disabled
charles_leclerc & y/user/n
📍Jackson State University
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes, pierregasly, and others
y/user/n: Alumni Gala🩷
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francisca.cgomes: Um momento para o vestido? Tu e o Charles estão a falar a sério ou? [A moment for the dress?! Are you and Charles serious or?]
y/user/n: if you’re proposing I say yes, see you at the altar bby💋🫦
charles_leclerc: back off🤺🤺
pierregasly: am I chopped liver?
y/user/n: pierregasly no just an alpine driver😭🤢
pierregasly: die☺️
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liked by charlotte2304, arthur_leclerc, pierregasly, charles_leclerc, and others
tagged: charles_leclerc
y/user/n: onto Junior Year🏎️🛫
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JSUAlphaKappaAlpha added to their story!
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seen by soror4624, sororalum, y/user/n, and others
[captions: 👀🗣️]
JSUAlphaKappaAlpha & y/user/n
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liked by charles_leclerc, leclerc_pascale, carlossainz55, pierregasly, and others
JSUAlphaKappaAlpha: I am thrilled to introduce our new chapter president for the 2025-2026 school year, Y/N Y/L/N, a remarkable individual whose dedication to excellence and passion for service have already made her a shining example within our sorority. Y/N Y/L/N is a Political Science-Paralegal Studies major with a heart for uplifting others and a vision for leading our chapter to new heights. Her commitment to our sisterhood and her leadership skills make her the perfect choice to guide us forward.
Together, let us embrace this opportunity to make a difference, to inspire change, and to leave a lasting legacy of sisterhood and service. With unity and determination, there is no limit to what we can achieve. Thank you for your support, and let us embark on this journey together.
Here is what she has to say;
Dear esteemed members of the AKA Sorority Chapter at Jackson State University,
I am deeply honored and humbled to accept the responsibility of serving as your president. As we embark on this journey together, I am filled with excitement and anticipation for the remarkable year ahead.
First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude for entrusting me with this esteemed position. It is a privilege to lead such a talented and dedicated group of individuals who are committed to upholding the values of sisterhood, scholarship, and service.
In the coming months, I look forward to fostering a culture of inclusivity and empowerment within our chapter. Together, we will strive to create meaningful experiences that strengthen the bonds of sisterhood and support one another in our personal and academic endeavors.
As president, I am committed to amplifying the voices of all members and ensuring that each one of us has the opportunity to contribute our unique talents and perspectives to the betterment of our community. Through collaboration and unity, we will continue to make a positive impact on campus and beyond.
I am excited about the potential for growth and success that lies ahead for our chapter. Together, let us embrace the challenges and opportunities that come our way with grace, resilience, and determination.
Thank you once again for placing your trust in me. I am confident that together, we will achieve great things.
President, AKA Sorority Chapter
Jackson State University.
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soror1: so proud of you Y/N!!!
soror2: no one more deserving!
charles_leclerc: Félicitations mon amour, tu es venu jusqu'à présent et je suis impatient de voir ce que tu as accompli d'autre ❤️ [Congratulations my love, you’ve come so far and I can’t wait to see what else you accomplish]
y/user/n: thank you for standing beside me through it all Charlie🩷
leclerc_pascale: Félicitations ma chérie ! Nous devons célébrer quand nous vous verrons ensuite🩷 [Congratulations darling girl! We must celebrate when we see you next]
liked by charlotte2304, arthur_leclerc, and y/user/n
y/user/n: Thank you Pascale! Your support means the world to me🩷🩷
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liked by bffuser, charles_leclerc, arthur_leclerc, and others
y/user/n: That’s a wrap baby, onto the next chapter😭🩷💚
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sororalum: congratulations!
soror735: going to miss you beautiful😢
y/user/n: I promise to visit!
charles_leclerc: so many words I could say❤️
y/user/n: Charles🥹
arthur_leclerc: so can I call you my lawyer👀
charles_leclerc: absolutely not
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tamrielic · 1 month
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pairing – scaramouche | wanderer × f!reader
fandom | media – genshin impact
word count – 4,659・AO3
summary – you’ve been avoiding him, and he needs to know why.
tags﹠warnings – smut・porn with plot・degradation・dirty talk・angst・hurt/comfort・fluff・scaramouche being scaramouche・scaramouche is his own warning honestly・vulnerable scaramouche・emotional reader・reader is very subtly implied to be plus-sized・reader has afab!genitalia
originally posted on – 11/07/2022
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author’s note (11/07/2022) – if you’d told me a month or so ago that i’d write an almost 5,000 word smutfic featuring scaramouche, i would’ve laughed in your face... but here we are! i dedicate this fic to one of my most beloved and beautiful besties, gen aka getousimp aka gixxie, because she’s absolutely amazing and is the #1 scaramouche fan!!! i really hope that i did him justice, and i hope y’all enjoy – this is only my second ever smutfic that i’ve written and/or posted online! ALSO – i wrote this entire thing before the archon quest that features him (archon quest interlude chapter: act iii – inversion of genesis) and before he was (finally) released as a playable character, so... his characterization is questionable!
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The smell of incense and the crackling of the fire in the large marble fireplace greet you as you step inside the mansion in the adepti teapot realm you call home, shutting the doors as quietly as possible behind you and releasing a soft sigh of relief when there is no noise to imply you’ve been heard.
Slowly, you make your way across the main area of the house to the room that was designated as the library and office, slipping inside silently and quickly sliding the doors shut behind you.
Inhaling deeply, you march over to the desk to begin sorting through the large pile of letters that had accumulated during your absence.
You’ve been traveling with Paimon, helping the Aranara in Sumeru and avoiding… well, avoiding multiple things. Searching for your brother, your various promises and responsibilities, and most importantly a certain short-tempered Anemo wielder.
Coming out of the haze of your thoughts, you notice the messy stack of books that had undoubtedly been made by some of your numerous guests and you huff as you grab them and go to put them away.
It wasn’t that Scaramouche had done anything wrong per se, it was more the issue of you being so naturally affectionate and showing it via physical touch and honest words… and worrying that it was becoming too much for him, or too annoying. Or both.
It hasn’t been that long since he’s joined your group of friends… only about two months, though could you honestly say that the two of you were friends?
He was so hot and cold, at times he was standoffish and rude, snapping at everyone and everything and it was during those times that you swore he hated you… but then the next time you’d come across him or have him join you while adventuring, he’d look at you with an unreadable expression and allow you to touch him without bristling, especially when you two were alone, and the back and forth of it confused you.
You’ve been oddly drawn to him ever since you had first met him in Inazuma, his voice sticking in your head and repeating his taunting words and the vision of him sauntering towards you with that insufferable smirk wouldn’t leave your mind…
In truth, your feelings have only gotten stronger as time had passed, especially after he’d reluctantly joined your adventuring team and you’d inevitably gotten to know him better.
If you are being honest, the sexual tension between you two could likely be cut with a knife and served on a platter… in addition to there being purer, deeper romantic feelings present.
It’s far too early to call it “love”, but it is certainly well on its way to becoming that dreaded word… on your end, at least.
You can feel your face heat up in response to the direction your thoughts have gone and as you shove the last book onto the bookshelf you lean forward and bonk your forehead against the hardwood in an effort to clear your mind.
In your distraction you haven’t noticed that the subject of your thoughts has snuck into the room and is moving towards you with purpose.
A pale hand suddenly slams down to grasp onto the shelf right behind you, the other hand gripping your waist and spinning you to face the intruder.
Purple eyes meet yours, anger making them almost burn from their intensity as he leans in so his face is mere inches away from yours.
Gasping, you shrank back against the bookshelf. “Scaramouche? What–?”
“You’ve been avoiding me. Why?” He bites out, eyes narrowing slightly and the fingers at your waist twitching in what you assumed to be frustration.
Blinking at him while you try to gather your thoughts, you can’t help but notice that he isn’t wearing his usual amount of layers – just the tight black high-collared shirt and his shorts and sandals rather than his familiar complex ensemble – and your face heats at the realization that so much of his skin was now visible to you.
Swallowing to try and moisten your suddenly dry mouth, you’re sure that your face openly shows how flustered you are.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’ve been busy but I haven’t been–”
“Cut the bullshit. Do you think I’m an idiot? It’s not like you’ve been subtle about it, and it’s pissing me off,” he scoffs, rolling his eyes as he moves the hand that has been pinning you to the bookshelf to grasp the back of your neck, his thumb brushing against the sensitive skin of your nape.
Eyes widening at his actions and words, you clear your throat and square your shoulders.
“I’m sorry that you feel that way, Scaramouche, but–”
“Why are you calling me that?” He snaps, scowling at you with narrowed eyes.
“Calling you what? Your name?” You reply, eyes darting away from his prying gaze.
It was true that you haven’t necessarily been subtle, but you had assumed that he wouldn’t take much notice of the lack of attention and affection that he seemed to find barely tolerable – this vehement reaction was very unexpected and it was leaving you reeling.
He lets out an angry sigh before his fingers grasp your chin and force you to meet his eyes.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He demands, eyes flickering over your face as his lips turn down into a slight pout.
Glancing down at his mouth, you unconsciously wet your lips and his gaze immediately hones in on it.
Gasping softly, your mouth gapes a bit in surprise as you observe how his burning purple eyes darken as he focuses on your mouth, leaning ever so slightly closer and tilting his head as if entranced.
Lips pressing to yours cut you off, a low groan escaping him when you immediately reciprocate.
Eyes fluttering shut as you breathe him in, you bring your hands up to scratch your fingers through the coarse hair of his undercut.
Scaramouche growls then, shoving you up against the bookshelf as he presses as much of his body as he can to your own, the hand on your waist now groping at your soft skin.
Whimpering, your eyes shoot open and you tear your mouth from his to gasp for air as he starts roughly kissing down your jaw.
“Don’t lie, you were avoiding me. Because of this?” He whispers, lips and warm breath brushing the shell of your ear.
Exhaling with a whine, you nod before his lips press to your own again for a brief moment before he pulls away, nipping at your bottom lip.
He smirks at your dumb expression, tugging you over to the table in the middle of the room and reminding you that he was much stronger than he looked by easily lifting you up to sit on the edge, pushing the letters off and out of the way.
Gasping indignantly, you open your mouth to reprimand him but he takes the opportunity to kiss you again, sliding his tongue in your mouth with a muffled groan.
You can’t help but to close your eyes as your tongue glides against his, feeling that insufferable smirk of his against your lips.
Sliding his hands down to your thighs, he roughly pulls them apart so he can step between them and press his body to yours once again.
He chuckles at your resulting moan, slowly pulling back and licking his lips as if savoring the taste of you.
Your eyes flutter open as you unconsciously follow after him to chase his lips, his smirk growing at your resulting frustrated pout.
“You wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid,” he teases, chuckling at your resulting scowl – but you didn’t deny it.
Before you could formulate a response, he grasps your hips and slides them towards him, making you yelp and slam your hands down on the table behind you to keep from collapsing.
Keeping his dark eyes locked with yours, he leans over you and slides his fingers under the waistband of your pants, tilting his head and tugging ever so slightly in question.
Biting your lip, you lift your hips in response, wiggling a little in impatience.
Inclining his head towards you, he pulls your pants off roughly and your arms give out as you collapse back down on the edge of the table, panting.
His hands tug at the hem of your shirt next as he bends over you, lips pressing bruising kisses to your neck as he slowly lifts it, fingertips tickling along the soft skin of your stomach.
Gasping, you reach between you and nudge his hands aside, practically tearing your shirt up and over your head to get rid of the offending garment.
“Eager, aren’t we?” He murmurs, chuckling lowly as he goes back to mouthing at your neck.
You whine and grab at his back as he bites down on your collarbone, his muscles flexing in response to the feeling of your fingernails digging into his skin as you jolt and cry out.
Groaning, he tears himself away from you to do a slow perusal of the skin that’s been bared to him.
You feel like you’re going to implode, the way his eyes manage to get even darker and his expression more severe in its blatant lust, and you jerk your hips up uncontrollably in response.
His eyes immediately flick down to where you’re soaked and burning for him and his throat bobs with a swallow before he looms over you, skimming his hand slowly down the curve of your waist before sliding a finger against the wetness of the fabric concealing you from him.
“Look at you, look at how wet you are – is this all for me?” He questions, voice gone rough from arousal.
Nodding and biting your lip, you can’t help but to grind up into his fingers.
“So needy,” he grunts, crouching down to nip at your inner thigh.
“Scara, I–!”
“Oh, we’re back to Scara now, hm?” He laughs harshly, making quick work of tugging your panties down and off your legs as he shakes his head at you.
“Scara, I’m sorry–!”
“You should be,” he interrupts you again, glaring up at you from between your legs.
You’re a desperate whimpering mess at this point, and you don’t manage to form a response before he runs his fingers up your inner thighs and jerks them open as much as your body will allow.
“Now be a good girl and say “please” and maybe I’ll give you what you want,“ he growls, brushing the tip a finger through your wetness.
“Please, Scara, I need you!” You whine, embarrassed at how needy you sound but also so turned on that you can’t bring yourself to care.
Smirking, he finally takes mercy on you and slowly slides a finger into you, eyes widening at the feel of your slick warmth.
You keen and writhe against the table when he slowly adds another finger and crooks them, expertly massaging a spot on your inner walls that makes you see stars and causes more heat to pool between your thighs.
“Look at you, getting all worked up over nothing! Your pretty pussy can barely handle my fingers – what a pathetic little thing you are,” he laughs mockingly, thrusting his fingers into you roughly.
Panting, you bite your lip and glance down to meet his eyes, silently begging him for more as your thighs tremble and your back arches.
Breath hitching at your desperation, he suddenly shoves his head between your thighs and licks a broad stroke through your folds, swirling his tongue around your clit before lightly grazing his teeth against it.
You wail, your walls contracting around his fingers as you feel like you’ve been hit by lightning as the tension snaps, little whines escaping you as your hips shudder and grind against his face.
Chuckling, he laps up your release as you ride out your high before getting up and looming over you, smirking at your fucked out expression.
“We’ve barely gotten started and already you’re being such a good little slut for me,” he murmurs, licking his lips suggestively when your eyes flutter open to blearily look at him.
You want to pinch yourself because you swear this has to be a dream, it is all happening so quickly and you’ve just had one of the best orgasms of your entire life but are somehow still so unbelievably horny for him.
His face is flushed and he still has some of your juices on his chin, but his eyes burn with the depth of his want for you as your gazes meet and he smirks, smug about having made you cum.
Glancing down and seeing the tented fabric of his shorts, you lift your still shaking legs to wrap around his waist and pull him into you, rolling your hips against his clothed cock and watching his face intently.
His eyes flutter closed and he lets out a strangled moan, back bowing and lips hovering over your own as he clutches at your hips and ruts into the warmth between your legs.
“Scara, I’m all yours – take me,” you whisper, reaching up to cup his cheeks and pull his head down to kiss him.
Jolting his head back just as your lips brush his, his eyes shoot open and he pants while looking at you incredulously.
You furrow your brows at his sudden change in attitude, your thumbs lightly brushing his cheekbones and you bite your lip, suddenly afraid that you’ve said the wrong thing.
After a moment of his eyes frantically scanning your expression – looking for what exactly, you weren’t sure – his hands slam down on either side of your head.
“Always so honest about your emotions,” he hisses, eyes becoming unreadable as he nips at your lips yet refuses to let you close the gap. “It’s really fucking infuriating, you know that?”
Huffing in exasperation to hide how his seemingly indignant response hurts your feelings, you glare up at him.
“Fine, then – can you just fuck me already, Kunikuzushi?”
He pulls back, smoldering eyes glaring into your own as he releases a shattered breath in response to you calling him that name.
“Oh, now you’re making demands of me?” He rasps, regaining his composure with a harsh thrust against your cunt.
Suddenly hit with a wave of irritation and frustration, you push your hands against his chest in an attempt to get him off of you.
“If you don’t want to, then nevermind,” you mutter, turning your head away to hide the “if you don’t want me” implied from your tone and expression.
Lunging to press your wrists down into the table above your head with one hand, he turns your head back towards him with the other, a deep scowl on his face.
“Why are you putting words into my mouth? What gives you the right to assume what I do or don’t want?”
You glare at him, trying to jerk your face out of his harsh grip which only makes his fingers dig into your jaw harder as he crowds you against the table with his body.
“Stop being such a fucking brat,” he growls as he presses quick, bruising kisses against your lips.
“Make me!” You snarl back at him, body writhing under his own.
He chuckles lowly before it morphs into him laughing loudly and mockingly as he observes your struggles.
Letting go of your face to swiftly pull down his shorts just enough to free his erection, he groans as he slides it between your folds.
“Fuck… this is my pussy, it belongs to me and only me, doesn’t it?”
Whimpering and nodding in response, your hands struggle to escape his grasp as you grind your hips against the tip of his cock, trying miserably to get it to catch in your soaking wet opening.
He shudders against you, grabbing your hip with his free hand to hold you still.
“No, no,” he chides, his signature smirk back on his lips. “Only good girls get rewarded, and you’ve been such a brat.”
“Scara, fuck, just take me!” You keen, so overwhelmed with frustration and pleasure that there are tears gathering in your eyes.
Scaramouche laughs, one that borders on a cackle, before he presses his lips against your temple.
“Are you crying? You want me that bad, huh? You’re so fucking pathetic, you did this to yourself you know,” he whispers roughly, tongue flicking out to run along the shell of your ear.
“But don’t worry, I’ll take pity on you.”
He suddenly thrusts into you, bottoming out and leaving you a moaning and babbling mess as he holds himself still to allow you to adjust to his size.
“Oh Archons, please–!”
“Don’t pray to them, they can’t help you, pray to me,” he snarls, pulling out of you just enough for you to whine at the loss before roughly thrusting back inside and making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
“Scara, Kuni, please – fuck – more, faster!”
He grants your request with a strangled moan, hips slamming into your own at such a desperate and brutal pace that you know there’s going to be bruises.
Leaning down so your foreheads are pressed together, you stare into each other’s eyes and pant as the sound of his hips slapping against yours fills the air.
The hand that has been keeping your wrists bound lets go, fingers instead curling into the sheets as he continues his merciless thrusts – eyes observing your every reaction hungrily.
“Kuni, feels s’good!” You sob, your now free arms reaching up to wrap around his neck and your legs tightening around his hips.
“F-fuck!” He whimpers, cock twitching against your walls and hips stuttering against you.
Your body feels like it’s melting, fingers carding through his hair to shakily push it out of his face so you can view the way his brow furrows as he grits his teeth.
“Say it,” he commands shakily, jerking your face up so he can stare into your eyes. “Say that you’re mine. My slut, my whore, my everything.”
“Anything and everything that I am is yours, Kunikuzushi,” you choke out with a sob, following up your declaration by tilting your hips and pressing your lips to his, gliding your tongue in and tasting him as he groans at the feeling of your walls fluttering around his cock.
His thrusts grow even more frantic and deep and you roll your hips up to meet his movements, your sweaty bodies writhing together as you fully succumb to each other.
“I’m gonna paint your insides,” he gasps into your mouth, sliding a hand down to rub your swollen clit. “I’m gonna fill you up–!”
Those words and the added stimulation flood your body with overwhelming heat and you wail as you are thrown over the edge, gushing around his cock as he delivers one last powerful thrust before spilling into you with a choked moan.
His trembling body slumps over yours and he buries his head in your shoulder, gasping for air as your bodies continue to twitch with the aftershocks.
After a few moments pass, Scaramouche slowly peels himself away from you, his eyes darting away from your unintentionally open, loving gaze as he slowly slides out of you with a quiet grunt.
Sighing at the loss of him, you inelegantly scoot forward to hop off the table, squeezing your legs together to keep his cum from trickling down your legs.
He snatches the clothes from where they are strewn on the floor and puts his shorts back on before turning to you and holding out your panties and trousers with a blank expression.
Your face feels hot from embarrassment at how drastically his attitude has changed from just a few moments ago and you reach out to grab your clothing, eyes searching him for a sign of… anything, but finding him to be totally unreadable.
Mortified, you turn to the side and shake out your pants, the realization of what had just happened finally hitting you. You haven’t even fully undressed, too engrossed and desperate for each other that you just… went at it like animals in heat.
You don’t notice when he turns and goes to the desk in the corner to grab the box of tissues and bring it to you, clearing his throat as his eyes drift to where your combined fluids were beginning to slowly trickle down your inner thighs.
Flinching at being torn from your downward spiral of second-guessing everything that has happened within the past hour, you look up and slowly reach out to take the box from him, being careful to not brush your fingers together – you aren’t sure where his mind is at and you don’t want to scare him off by being clingy.
“Thank you,” you breathe, pulling his gaze back up to your face and flashing him a quick smile before you turn away to clean yourself up as much as you can.
He turns and walks over to stand in front of the window to give you privacy, which you find very amusing considering what you had just been doing, but you can’t help but watch him out of the corner of your eye as he crosses his arms and seemingly becomes lost in though, his hair mussed and his lips still flushed from the plethora of bruising kisses.
Finding him attractive obviously wasn’t a new development, but it suddenly hits you with the beam of sunlight shining in through the window that was illuminating him just how… beautiful he is.
Shaking your head to clear your thoughts and hurrying to pull your clothes back on, you take a deep breath and summon all the courage you possess.
He turns to look at you as you come to stand next to him, and you were hit once again by how pretty he is; the slope of his nose, his eyelashes, his–
“What are you looking at?” His voice, still a little rough from your activities, snaps you out of your admiration and you blink at him.
He’s staring at you with his brow raised, lips ever so slightly turned down.
“So pretty,” you whisper, eyes widening in panic when you realize that you’ve spoken your inner thoughts aloud.
Scaramouche blinks at you in disbelief, processing your words before letting out a short, humorless laugh.
“I can’t believe it, I actually fucked you dumb!” He snickers, but the smirk on his lips doesn’t reach his eyes.
You gape at him, mouth opening and closing as you try to figure out how to respond to his dismissive attitude.
He grasps your chin in his hand, making the decision of closing your mouth for you, and rolls his eyes.
Grabbing the hand holding your chin, you place soft kisses on his palm, staring into his eyes and pleading for him to understand how truthful you’re being.
Scowling, he wrenches his hand away from you, taking a step back and shaking his head.
“Scara, we need to talk ab–”
“Do we? I disagree,” he snaps, turning and stalking towards the door.
“Kunikuzushi,” you whisper in desperation, and he freezes in place as he’s reaching for the door handle.
“This whole situation started because I was avoiding you, and it made you angry and upset. And yet you’re about to go and do the exact same thing to me. How is that fair?” You demand, voice shaking from all of the emotions you’re trying to keep in check.
He slowly turns to face you, eyes narrowing.
“Life isn’t fair – what do you want from me?”
It’s like you’re talking to a different person, the man in front of you is not the man that railed you into oblivion and ruined you for all others just a minute ago. This man reminds you of a feral cat – suspicious, mistrustful, insecure…
Your hands are shaking, the anxiety over bearing your heart to him causing you to hesitate briefly.
“What do you want from me?” You snap back. “Is this what you wanted? Just a quick fuck? Is that really all I am to you? Some poor, pathetic sap who’s attention and affection makes you feel good about yourself?”
Scaramouche stood there staring at you, unmoving and unblinking, for what felt like ages.
“Okay, you know what – nevermind! You’re free to go, but honestly at this point I almost hope that you just never come back,” you scoff, eyes watering, throwing your hands up in the air and turning away so he can’t see you cry and so you don’t have to look at his stupid perfect face anymore.
All you hear is a faint whisper of fabric before he spins you around and cups your face in his hands, his mouth pressing a desperate, bruising kiss to your lips.
Gasping, you put your hands on his chest and shove him back, your embarrassment making you feel fragile and hostile.
“That isn’t an answer, Scara, and I’m not a mind reader so I can’t–”
“Everything,” he rasps, closing his eyes and nudging his forehead against yours.
“... what?” You furrow your brow, confused.
“You asked what I wanted from you. I answered. Everything. I want everything from you. I want you to be mine,” he whispers, warm breath brushing your lips when he follows up his statement with a shaking sigh.
Your bottom lip trembles as you try to keep your voice from cracking with emotion.
“If I am yours, then you have to be mine. I want everything from you, too. I want to kiss you, touch you, hold you, love you.”
He inhales shakily, opening his eyes.
“If you can’t tell that I’m already yours, that I’ve been yours since you aimed that fucking smile of yours towards me, then you’re an absolute fucking idiot.”
“It’s kind of hard to tell when you’re always so wishy-washy on whether you tolerate me or not, Scaramouche,” you respond, blinking at him innocently, his sudden reveal of his feelings giving you courage.
“What did I say about calling me that?” He growls, stepping closer to press himself against you.
“Oh, I’m sorry, sir – is Kunikuzushi acceptable then?” You simper, mimicking his usual smirk to the best of your ability.
His eyes widen and his cheeks and ears flush a faint pink as he grumbles, dropping his arms to wrap them around your waist.
“Keep it up and I’ll have to drag you to your bedroom and teach you a lesson, brat,” he growls, pressing his mouth to your ear.
You turn your head to press a kiss to his neck, grinning uncontrollably now as you both shift seamlessly back into the dynamic that had been created when he had gotten settled in your group ��� the usual snarky banter and the easy affection you give him comforting after the unsureness that was present just now.
“Is that a threat or a promise? Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
He huffs and rolls his eyes, pulling away to grasp your arm and drag you out of the room.
“Wait, what–?” You stammer, following him gracelessly.
“It seems that I still have to teach you some fucking manners, slut.”
Glancing back at you as he leads you through the door, the look in his eyes and his smirk makes your face heat.
“But you’ll be a good girl and cooperate with me, won’t you?”
You swallow, overwhelmed with all of the filthy thoughts that run through your mind before you shake your head to ground yourself.
It had required a lot of vulnerability and a rollercoaster of emotions, but you finally know your feelings are reciprocated… and as you let him take you to your room you realized that Scaramouche was about to show you just how much in long, excruciatingly wonderful detail.
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© kaeyaphile | tamrielic – please do not modify, repost, plagiarize and/or claim any of my work as your own and please do not promote any of my works on other social media platforms (tiktok, facebook, wattpad, etc.)
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diorsluv · 6 months
feather , part 4
“ when it’s on a platter for you ”
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yourusername TELL ME I ATE IT UP 🥱
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mackie.samo where’s my photo creds.
→ yourusername oops
jamie.drysdale is that the necklace i got you for your birthday?
→ yourusername it is 🙄🙄
→ trevorzegras aka the necklace I SUGGESTED
→ jamie.drysdale yeah yeah we get it 🫤 trevorzegras
username13 good genes run in the goddamn family
lhughes_06 woah
→ markestapa bro’s in love
→ lhughes_06 hold ur horses bro
→ edwards.73 HOLD UR HORSES??? mans in fucking texas 😂😂😂
→ yourusername okay everyone needs to stop using that emoji right now
→ luca.fantilli and she just completely ignores the first reply
→ lhughes_06 what first reply? luca.fantilli
→ yourusername fr what he said!! idk what “first reply” ur talking abt luca.fantilli !!!!!
username88 the umich replies are always so weird 😭😭
colecaufield lil drizz is growing upppp
→ yourusername i should just give up shouldn’t i
→ trevorzegras you’re never living the nickname down 😁
→ yourusername THEY ARE ☺️☺️
→ jamie.drysdale okay so are you just wearing everyone’s jewelry..
→ yourusername yes do you have a problem???
→ jamie.drysdale no…….
→ adamfantilli how’d i get roped into family drama
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liked by mackie.samo, jackhughes, jamie.drysdale and 50,736 others
yourusername mackie stole me from my quality hughes time and dragged me to quality samoskevich time
tagged: mackie.samo, msamoskevich, maddysamo
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lhughes_06 petition to bring her back to where she belongs (WITH US)
→ jackhughes SIGNING ALL THE DAMN LINES ✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️
→ _quinnhughes BRING HER BACK.
→ yourusername thought u hated me quinny
→ _quinnhughes i’d rather have you here than with……….... THEM. 😒
→ mackie.samo i’d say she likes it better being here with us 😤
→ msamoskevich yeah, WE didn’t post bad pictures of her on our public instas
→ maddysamo and we didn’t almost drown her in a lake either
→ jackhughes this means war. mackie.samo maddysamo msamoskevich
→ yourusername wait WHAT
username91 oh god
username10 personally i think the hughes bros are gonna win
username64 she’s always had a soft spot for mackie so i think samos might win ngl
adamfantilli CAN I BE THE REFEREE
→ lhughes_06 this is WAR not a silly little GAME 🤬🤬🤬
trevorzegras what the hell is happening
→ jamie.drysdale luke and mack are fighting over my sister
→ yourusername THAT’S NOT WHAT’S GOING ON jamie.drysdale
→ yourusername i’ve officially given up
username57 THE WAR HAS COME
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liked by yourusername, trevorzegras, colecaufield, and 30,007 others
maddysamo us on summer vacation in 2022 because SHE LOVES US MORE
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername oh my goddd LAST SUMMER WAS SO FUN i wish i could go back 😕😕
_quinnhughes oh please this is weak compared to ours
jackhughes c’mon you can do better than that
msamoskevich i’ve never seen her so happy 😊
→ lhughes_06 clearly you haven’t seen her when she’s on vacation with us
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liked by yourusername, adamfantilli, _quinnhughes, and 56,512 others
jackhughes spring break in korea 2021 when she BEGGED us to let her come with
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername UM HELLO??? you guys are digging in the ARCHIVES for these photos 😦
yourusername and also i didn’t beg you, it was actually the other way around……….. don’t spread rumors rowdy 🙄🙄
mackie.samo when the fuck did you go to korea????
→ _quinnhughes in spring break 2021 keep up
maddysamo oh so YOU haven’t been on a recent vacation with her like we have, i see i see
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liked by edwards.73, markestapa, yourusername, and 62,628 others
mackie.samo since jack wanted to be all nostalgic, here’s a couple photos from 2020 🙄
tagged: yourusername
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jackhughes were subways even open in 2020??
→ msamoskevich no shit 🙄🙄 we wouldn’t have been able to even get these photos if they weren’t
lhughes_06 doesn’t matter bc she was at our house almost every day when covid hit
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liked by _alexturcotte, yourusername, jamie.drysdale, and 78,280 others
lhughes_06 more korea pics bc lil drizzy was lookin dripped out
tagged: yourusername
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markestapa bro does NOT sound like he cares about the ongoing war
yourusername luke sweetie..
→ lhughes_06 yes? ☺️
mackie.samo stop taking pics from the same vacation you’re looking DESPERATE 🥱🥱
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liked by yourusername, dylanduke25, colecaufield, and 63,412 others
maddysamo look at my cutie 🥰
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername STOP ITTTT I LOVE U
_quinnhughes when did it turn into them flirting
jackhughes i hear a certain someone getting jealous
→ lhughes_06 really who is it????
msamoskevich I TOOK THOSE PHOTOS (creds: me 2023)
mackie.samo barely heard a PEEP from moosey poo
→ lhughes_06 istg u better not call me that ever again
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liked by yourusername, luca.fantilli, trevorzegras, and 85,680 others
lhughes_06 some pictures i snapped out in the city the night before my draft day
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername LUKE STOP IT RN. ur making me tear up 😭
→ lhughes_06 miss those days
→ jackhughes wtf is “emotional bargaining”
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liked by jamie.drysdale, rutgermcgroarty, luca.fantilli, and 79,006 others
mackie.samo last post, her when we took her out for her birthday last year AND HER WHOLE OUTFIT WAS CLOTHES I BOUGHT HER
tagged: yourusername
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yourusername best birthday i could’ve ever asked for 🫶
→ maddysamo NO STOP ITTTTT
→ jackhughes u set a girl’s dress on fire once ON ACCIDENT and u never live it down 😔
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next chapter notes ) THIS WAS ACTUALLY SO FUCKING FUN TO MAKE AND THE FEUD WAS SO CUTE not giving an actual winner tho so u guys can decide 😈 this is also like the longest one i’ve ever done (obviously) AND I LOVED IT SO MUCH but i think i’m gonna stick to two-ish posts per chapter…….
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kaihuntrr · 7 months
remember my previous post with my Scott designs? I said I would draw full bodies, so I used my lineless style! I also wanted to design Secret Life Scott, aka; Glitz!
Life Series: Scott! (take two)
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The lore is still the same, I just changed up and added things to the previous four so they can be as detailed as Glitz!
Since I’ve talked about the previous Scott versions, I’ll only talk about Glitz and his design origins <3
Secret Life: Glitz
Teamed with his bandmates, Glitter (Gem) and Glam (Impulse), he makes a fun presence with his rocking sweet attitude with a hint of sass. Fulfilling his tasks might be a bit hard for everyone, but he seems to fly by them quite quickly! A charming guitarist with a sense of fashion and the spotlight.
I wanted to keep a harpy theme for Gem & the Scotts, I think it makes sense since they have a music-themed name plus they live high up! I made him a peryton so it matches with his previous lives with their additions of horns and antlers!
this is the part where I ramble about a story idea (and why there’s a particular ship in the tags)
SO. I was talking to @mewhoismyself about a secret life au with rockstar Scott with budding feelings for rascal/ upcoming artist Jimmy! Listen it could also be a Scott/Jimmy/Martyn situation but I have a whole other fic for Majorwood (gestures at the Sea Prince) but music au Flower Husbands… DO YOU HEAR ME??
I may think of the au more in the background,, I just LOVE how they all turned out and the potential to use Glitz’ design more really excites me- but what do you think? Whose design is your favorite of the five? I personally love how all of them look, my sweet darlings <3
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Thoughts on the Batch's Ending
Ooookay. This is going to be a long one. (Little note from Steph who just finished writing this: it’s nearly 3000 words…)
Tagging @saturn-sends-hugs @inkstainedhandswithrings and @eriexplosion because I value their thoughts (but I'm also not demanding that you read 3000 words of waffle)
I’ve had a lot of thoughts about the finale of The Bad Batch and honestly, my mind is a bit of a mess right now. One of the things I just want to try and tackle is how I feel about the ending of each Batch member individually, because while I can look at it and say “The Batch got a happy ending!”, I feel like that doesn’t really give me much of an idea of whether or not each character got an ending that I feel is fitting for their story arc.
So, this post is basically just going to be me unpicking the ending for each of the Batchers and working out how I feel about it (aka me trying to unscramble the mass load of thoughts going on in my head right now). 
Overall, I’m very happy with where Omega ended up. When you look back on how she was when we first met her, you realise just how much she has grown over the last few seasons. She didn’t just learn to be a part of the squad, she also learned how to look after herself. It isn’t just a development of her skillset, it’s also a growth in maturity, which allows her to have a clearer head and more rational decisions in the field. While Omega trusted her brothers to come and rescue her, she didn’t just sit around and wait for them, she hatched her own plan to not only get her and the other children out, but also help the Batch when they arrive at Tantiss.
Like Echo, she strongly believes in helping people and I love that that has carried through into her ending. While it would have been nice for her to live a quiet life, free of any more troubles, it makes complete sense for her to want to join the Rebellion. And I think it was at a good time as well. Omega got to spend the rest of her childhood being raised in a more peaceful, safe environment, before making the decision a few years down the line to go her own way. This is her leaving the nest and I think it was tackled incredibly well. You can see how she has taken on attributes from all of her brothers, and judging by her style choice, Phee as well. We see Omega using the support of her brothers to carve her own path and I love that.
Personally, I can’t really see a more fitting development in her story than this. And I’m reluctant to actually call it an ending because for her, this feels more like the beginning of a new chapter. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if we saw her again later down the road.
Now those who follow me may be aware that Hunter was never my favourite member of the Batch. I didn’t dislike him, but I never really connected with him in the same way that I connected with all of the other characters. Saying that, it doesn’t mean I haven’t given a lot of thought to him and his character.
Hunter always had a lot on his shoulders. He was the leader of the Batch and that meant keeping a rag-tag group of defective clones in line, but it also left him with the belief that if anything were to happen to his squad, it would be his responsibility. So, with Crosshair and Omega stuck with the Empire, and Tech dead, Hunter had a lot to carry. At the beginning of Season 3 we saw that he had become more reckless and irrational, not really thinking about plans and wanting to jump straight into things. It was Wrecker who had to step in and make sure Hunter didn’t do anything stupid. Hunter felt like he lost control and that took a lot out of him, especially since this is something I think he could feel creeping up on him throughout Season 2, even if he tried to fight it. The Batch had started to make decisions without him, and Omega was forming close attachments to other people, which was digging a knife into Hunter’s fear of losing his squad. So S3 saw him trying everything he could to reunite the Batch, because he couldn’t bear to lose anyone else.
And he achieved that. But what I also deeply appreciate is that we see Hunter accepting that Omega wants to go her own way. This was something he didn’t want happening for a long time, but once he accepted that she was capable of looking after herself, and once he accepted that he could never keep her tied in place forever, he supported Omega in her decision to join the Rebellion. Yes, he will always worry about her. He even tells her that she will always be their kid. But he knows that it’s time for her to carve her own path, and that means for him, finally letting go and accepting that Clone Force 99 will never be what it once was. 
Wrecker is an interesting one for me because he’s one of the few characters where I can’t really see a big step for his character in the final episode. For many of the others there is some form of acceptance, or big step in their lives, but for Wrecker I don’t really see that. And unfortunately, I think that comes from Wrecker never really being the focus of any strong character development throughout the history of the show. That’s not to say there wasn’t any growth at all, but when we look at how far everyone else has come in their stories, Wrecker always feels like he never got the same treatment in this show. The biggest growth I saw was when he stepped in to help Hunter when he could see the sergeant was spiralling.
So, while I’m happy he lived and has gone on to enjoy a longer, more peaceful life than we ever expected for the Batch, it makes me sad that we never really saw anything big for Wrecker in this ending. No big acceptance, no huge sacrifice. We don’t even get to see him say goodbye to Omega when she leaves. I love that Wrecker got a happy ending, but I always wish that we had gotten the opportunity to see more of a character arc with him over the course of the entire show.
I accepted a while ago that if any of the Batch members were to survive, Crosshair would be one of them because I didn’t expect the writers to kill him off after everything that he had been through. And thankfully they didn’t! I love that after everything, Crosshair has managed to find peace. Maybe not completely, but enough that he has the chance to live a life that doesn’t involve him being a soldier. 
Throughout S2 and S3 we saw Crosshair come to terms with the fact that he was disposable to the Empire and that they didn’t care about him as much as he had made himself believe. And one of the things Crosshair fought with the most was his own identity as a soldier. For so long, he believed that that was all he was, all he could be, so that’s why it has been so amazing finally seeing Crosshair acknowledge that he doesn’t need to be a soldier to still live a life he deserves; his purpose is and always has been more than that.
Saying that, I want to address the hand thing because I am still unsure of where I sit with it. Following his escape from Tantiss, we see Crosshair has developed hand tremors as a result of his PTSD, and a decent chunk of the season has been dedicated to him learning how to live with them. The biggest reason for this affecting Crosshair so much was that it impacted his ability to be a sniper, which is what Crosshair believed to be his main purpose: he didn’t know what to do without the ability to use his hand. And we were given some incredibly sweet scenes between him and Omega as she helped him work out the best way to manage the tremors, for example, them meditating together.
But then that brings me onto my main issue, which is, why remove the hand? One of the reasons I keep seeing is that it removes Crosshair’s ability to be a sniper, but we had already seen that. That’s the issue that the tremors were causing. Crosshair had already been struggling with that ability as a result of what happened to him on Tantiss, so cutting his hand off as a way of preventing his sniping ability seems a bit unnecessary. Now admittedly, the soldier who cut his hand off didn’t know that he had hand tremors, so logistically it makes sense, but as a story tool it seems a bit bizarre to me. Personally, I think it would’ve been more interesting to pursue the idea of Crosshair learning to manage his tremors through meditation etc. and adapting to a life that has less of a focus on sniping. 
Another reason I have seen for the hand is that it symbolises Crosshair finally becoming free from the Empire and what they did to him on Tantiss. Him no longer having the tremors indicates that he is no longer burdened by the Empire and his time there. But that doesn’t really work for me either. For one, Crosshair will never truly be separated from what happened to him there; even if he lost the shaking, he would still have a number of psychological issues as a result of what he went though, so I can’t see it as a way of symbolising a true separation. Which is once again why I think that following the story beat of him managing the tremors would have been a more interesting path for them to go down with his character.
Saying that, I’m still happy with where Crosshair’s story went. He is arguably the most complex character in the Batch and I’m so glad we have been able to see him develop the way he has. Him living a long, quiet life is something that I’m happy he has gotten, and I truly don’t think that him dying would have brought nearly as satisfying a conclusion as Crosshair finally finding a new place in the world.
Oh boy… this is going to be an interesting chunk of this essay. So errm… it turns out Tech is actually dead, which is… kinda shit. 
Back when we saw him fall at the end of S2, I said that one of the reasons that I didn’t believe that Tech was really dead was because if he was, I would’ve found the writing kinda cheap. I said repeatedly throughout that season that I didn’t want all of his character development to simply be an emotional manipulation tactic to make us even more sad when he died… which is what it turned out to be. It doesn’t surprise me that Tech sacrificed himself, but it makes me mad that ultimately his death never really had any real impact on anything. I mean, they hardly even addressed it in the final season!
I get that animated Star Wars is known for rarely addressing characters after their deaths, but The Clone Wars focuses on so many characters that if we gave that much attention to every character that died, then we would never progress the plot. However, unlike TCW, The Bad Batch primarily focuses on a smaller group of clones and therefore not only has the space to explore the impacts that death would have on the squad, but really should find it a necessary part of the storytelling. The lack of attention given to Tech throughout this season has been beyond frustrating to me. He deserved better.
And I can’t write a section about Tech’s ending without addressing the CX-2 situation. Were we all delusional for believing that Tech was alive? No. Now before people come at me for saying that, I want to explain why that is the conclusion I have come to. You would have every right to label us delusional if there was absolutely no proof behind the claims that we made, but when the writers give us a character that both speaks and acts like Tech, what did they expect us to think? There were too many parallels between Tech and CX-2 for it to be coincidental and I still stand by the fact that we had reason to believe that they were the same person.
Now, looking at the other CX soldiers we see in the finale, they all seem to parallel the OG members of the Batch: there’s a larger one who primarily focuses on hand-to-hand combat, someone who favours blades, a sniper, and a more tech-savvy one. And I’m sure there is a reason for that, symbolically or practically, but if the fact that they all resemble the Batch is important, then why was so much focus put primarily on CX-2? There was no way we weren’t going to think that they would reveal him to be Tech.
Overall, I’m annoyed. Tech was such a brilliant character and I am so frustrated that not only did he get a death that I felt was kind of cheap, but he didn’t get nearly the respect he should have been given in the final season. Now, I’m not using this as a way to bash the writers, and I definitely don’t think that anyone should use it as an excuse to be bullies, but unfortunately, I can’t be satisfied with the way Tech’s story ended, and I’m not sure I ever will.
Last but certainly not least, Echo. To say that Echo means a lot to me is an understatement, and I was genuinely terrified that I might have to say goodbye to one of my comfort characters. But thankfully, our boy made it!
Following Season 1, we all wanted for Echo to get some more development. It never felt like he had truly been used to his full potential. And thankfully, Season 2 began to give us that. Yes, we ended up saying goodbye to Echo for half a season, but we saw some incredible growth in his character, and him choosing to join the rebellion made too much sense not to happen. Unfortunately, this also meant that we didn’t get to see Echo for the majority of the final season, but I am beyond grateful that what they gave us in these last few episodes has been some of the best Echo content that we have ever seen. Watching him grow and find where he belongs has been a pleasure to watch, He really is an ARC trooper through and through. Particularly in these last few episodes, seeing how much he has grown to be like Fives, and watching him carry on his brother’s legacy, has been so incredible, No matter what anyone says, I believe that he truly is one of the greatest, and most important characters that we’ve ever gotten out of animated Star Wars.
However, I do have one gripe with Echo’s ending, and it’s the fact that it doesn’t actually feel like a conclusion. If anything, I have more questions about Echo now than I did before the last episode. Echo going to the Rebellion is an absolute given; he still has stuff to help Rex with. But the fact that there is absolutely no mention of him in the epilogue has just made me wonder where he is. Omega mentions Crosshair and Wrecker, and we only see Hunter, so we know that Echo isn’t with them. But we also know that at that point in the story, Echo also isn’t with Rex (assuming we’re in Rebels era). So where is he? What is he doing? Is he actually dead at that point??? I really hope we see more of Echo in the future because if this really is the last time we see his character, it’s too open ended for me to really be satisfied with it.
But if I’m being honest, I really don’t think that this is the last time that we are going to see him. And especially with Omega joining the Rebellion, I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw another clone-centric show following these characters in the future.
Concluding Thoughts
All in all, my thoughts are still a bit jumbled. I still don’t know how I truly feel about everything, but hopefully this post at least gives some insight into how I think each character’s endings were handled. Will I change my mind at some point? Probably. But for now, this is where I stand.
At its core, I think the ending we got makes sense for a lot of the characters, and I’m glad that they didn’t all just die at the end. Sure, there are choices that I’m not happy with, but seeing that some of the Batch go on to live long lives is something that I’m very happy to see. It doesn’t happen enough in animated SW, so I’m glad we got to experience it.
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sparkytheclown · 2 months
I hate having to say this, but SPG fans are the most disrespectful, chronically online people I’ve ever met. A huge majority of fans don’t respect the band members or their boundaries, there’s recently been a spike of people posting and gawking over vintage rabbit (aka pre transition bunny) and it feels like any time someone wants to post about a different band member they like or find attractive, it’s buried by The Spine’s dick riders. Not to say that any of these people are bad people, but it’s down right tiring watching people speak over the band. Like personally, The Jon is my favorite character, but when people start pestering the band about why he left when the band has explained it plenty of times or talking about certain previous members who were messing around with minors, it just feels insanely disrespectful. I’ve even seen minors drawing suggestive/nsfw works of the characters on main tags, along with generally sexualizing the band members who have explicitly stated they are uncomfortable with.
I’d like to keep posting about SPG bc it’s really one of my favorite bands and I love the characters and their stories, and I have a good portion of OCs for it I’m really proud of, but having to interact with fans is extremely uncomfortable. I’m really only in the Discord server for updates and occasionally posting art.
Might get dogpiled for this, but I think it’s important to address, because the members of SPG aren’t mainstream celebrities, they are a theatre act, and this is something they’re passionate about, and it’s honestly sad watching people walk all over them.
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kiwiana-writes · 5 months
Six(ish) Sentence Sunday
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Thanks for the tag @hgejfmw-hgejhsf and @onthewaytosomewhere - it's always nice when I'm not kicking the week off lmao. I didn't get a lot of writing done this week because I was busy editing the Going Platinum podfic I posted today, but I've powered through so I have something to share!
Rockstar Alex is now officially fully epistolary, because I figured out how to get #3 from the five fun facts game into a fully epistolary format. If you are thinking to yourself, "Great! If it's fully epistolary then it can't hurt as much!" I would advise you to turn to your nearest Schitt's Creek fandom buddy who has read my fics in that fandom and ask them how they feel about chapter 5 of Meet me out at the end of my rope (aka angstapalooza), and calibrate accordingly 😈
SO. Below the cut is a little sneak peek of this with the skin on (and some bonus Reddit comments because when I go epistolary I go balls to the wall), but if you don't want to venture under the cut, enjoy the text version of an r/TIFU post:
TIFU by breaking my no-hookup rule Obligatory ‘this didn’t happen today’ but my friends are still making fun of me days later, so. I’m not a hookup/cruising kind of gay. Full respect to you if you are, it’s just never been my thing - I’m more of a serial monogamist type But it was my friend’s birthday last weekend and we all went out to a gay bar, and I ended up dancing with this guy who… honestly if I describe how off the charts hot he was you wouldn’t believe me anyway, so you’ll just have to trust me on this. He was there with a friend and the friend bought us a few rounds of vodka shots before fucking off somewhere, so me and this guy went back to dancing. And then the dancing was grinding, and then we were making out for a bit before he said he was gonna go to the bathroom with THAT head tilt. You know the one. Even my no-hookups ass knows the one. And yeah, I don’t do hookups, but fuck it. I said yes (I really cannot express how hot this guy was lol) and followed him to the bathroom. I won’t get into all the details but suffice to say getting blown by this dude was a religious experience. I’m just getting to the point of no return when he pulls back all of a sudden. And he’s got tears in his eyes, but I just thought it was from like… well, you know… but then he STOOD UP. I was like “what the fuck dude” and he just started APOLOGIZING, saying something about the song????? I hadn’t been paying attention tbh, I was a bit busy having my brains sucked out through my dick, but this guy just muttered something about the song and his ex and then he LEFT ME in the fucking club bathroom, dick bobbing in the wind. I think I’m back to no hookups from now on tbh. TL;DR: first ever hookup ended with a stranger literally sobbing his way off my dick, and ACD’s new song is a banger, but I’ll probably never be able to hear it without thinking of the worst case of blue balls I’ve ever had.
Forever feeling feral for whatever y'all are up to, so tagging @affectionatelyrs @anchoredarchangel @anincompletelist @blairwaldcrf @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @cultofsappho @daisymae-12 @dumbpeachjuice @everwitch-magiks @firenati0n @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heybuddy-drabbles @indestructibleheart @indomitable-love @inexplicablymine @leaves-of-laurelin @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @matherines @myheartalivewrites @ninzied @notspecialbabe @orchidscript @rmd-writes @sherryvalli @ships-to-sail @smc-27 @sparklepocalypse @ssmtskw @stereopticons @tintagel-or-cockleshells @welcometololaland @whimsymanaged and, as always, anyone who wants to play! (If you take the open tag please tag me so I can see!!)
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daffi-990 · 5 months
✨ Inspiration Saturday✨
Tagged by @monsterrae1 @disasterbuckdiaz @exhuastedpigeon @evanbegins @theotherbuckley @tizniz and @diazsdimples (who tagged me for Seven Sentence Sunday but I’ll do that one tomorrow.. even though it’ll be Monday for me haha). Make sure you go check out what they’ve all shared!
Sooooo I have no idea where this came from but I wrote 1.7K for it in one go which is big for me considering lately I’ve only been getting out maybe 300-500 words in one sitting. When it’s a bit more flesh out (aka when I write the dialogue direction) it shouldn’t be more than 2.5K so hopefully I can post it sometime within the next week or two if the inspiration sticks around.
Pretty much the gist of the idea is Eddie pulls away and tries to move on after the grave scene.
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Eddie had thought for a while now that he and Buck were slowly moving towards a future together. A future where they weren’t just partners at work, but in all areas of their lives.
Buck dying had almost shattered that future but Eddie brought it back, brought him back with his own two hands and silent prayers as he got Buck’s heart beating again.
Buck came to his house when he needed to escape from Maddie and her parade of well meaning babysitters. It was Eddie’s couch that he fell asleep on, finally feeling safe enough to rest. It was Eddie he began to open up to about his death.
And it was Eddie’s heart that Buck unknowingly broke in a graveyard when he started talking about how a woman he barely knew saw him.
So when Buck officially began dating Natalia, Eddie boxed up the future he saw with Buck and taped it shut, storing it deep within the broken pieces of his tattered heart.
He tried to carry on like usual, but every time Buck mentioned how happy he was with Nat it was like a knife was twisting into the wound.
Eddie needed the wound to heal or he’d bleed out, and to do that he needed space.
So he began slowly pulling away. He stopped going out for drinks with the team, stopped inviting Buck over for a beer after shift and for movie nights (unless Chris specifically asked if Buck could come over. He didn’t want to deny Chris or Buck their friendship) and kept his replies to texts short and to the point that eventually Buck just stopped texting him unless to organize a time to pick Chris up or drop him home.
He felt like they were a divorced couple sharing custody of their kid, except Eddie wasn’t haunted by the memories of a life and love together. No, he was just haunted by the possibility he let slip through his fingers, plagued by dreams of a life they could have had together if he’d just been brave enough to speak up. He’d had so many opportunities, but it never felt like the right time. Probably because there was no right time. Not for them.
No pressure tagging: @wikiangela @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @eddiebabygirldiaz @elvensorceress @thewolvesof1998 @rainbow-nerdss @puppyboybuckley @athenagranted @spotsandsocks @spagheddiediaz @try-set-me-on-fire @devirnis @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck @hoodie-buck @hippolotamus @honestlydarkprincess @homerforsure @jesuisici33 @jeeyuns @lover-of-mine @loserdiaz @captain-hen @bekkachaos @malewifediaz @steadfastsaturnsrings and anyone else I may have missed who wants to share!
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