#akira's one lucky bitch that's for sure
gale-gentlepenguin · 3 years
How tf has anyone not asked you to do this one yet-
Gale Poorly Explains Queen Banana
Gale Poorly Explains Queen Banana
Xuppa: CAPES!
Marinette: They are for a movie! Oh s*** i am late
(At the school)
Chloé: I should be the star of the movie. This is s***
Sabrina: Bitch eat some potassium
Bob Roth: I have decided to Let Chloé be in charge
Marinette and class: WTF
Chloé: Its called money and nepotism
Marinette: This is bulls***
Zoe: Easy Marinette, it will be fine
Chloé: Shut up or I will deport you
(The next day)
Andre: I remember my filming days...
Marinette: Well this is gonna suck
Chloé: This script sucks, It needs a super hero, a car, a giant gorilla and Adrien in a box
Marinette: Everything except that last one was a terrible idea.
Thomas Astruc: This is what we call executive meddling
Marinette: Well it sucks because I am actually your mouth piece and Chloe represents Zag
Thomas Astruc: Yes but Zag is an idiot and wont realize that.
Chloé: We will film tomorrow
Marinette: Okay Chloé is gone. Let us all film the original script, edit it, and have it ready for the big screen in a few hours despite how physically impossible it is.
(and they do it)
Chloé: HOW THE F***?! I am totally gonna make sure this doesnt air because no one has more influence then me
Gabriel: Step aside bitch, I like the movie.
(Chloe runs out)
Adrien: Chloé I know this isnt the movie you wanted but maybe you can be understanding
Chloé: No! And f*** you. We are now no longer friends anymore
(Meanwhile with shadowmoth)
Shadowmoth: Lol I lied about the movie to make an akuma.
Queen Banana: I will show you all why this would have been a better movie
Ladybug: Looks like I have to stop this. Lucky charm!
Ladybug: I am totally gonna Akira slide on this bitch.
Chat noir: I may have made things go bananas
Ladybug: No worries. I have a plan. (takes zoe)
Ladybug: You are the new bee newbie
Zoe: But i have only been in paris for one episode
Ladybug: Yea but Astruc REALLY hates Chloé so you get it without any development. Dont worry, yours wont be the only rushed one
Zoe: Cool
(Zoe is now vesparia)
Vesparia proceeds to save chat noir
Chat noir: Oh wow look at the new bee. Hold on I gotta detransform
Adrien: So there is a new bee
Plagg: Yep and she is clearly better than chloé in every conceivable way
Queen banana: I turn you into banana
(And they win)
Ladybug: Chloé take the charm
Chloé: No, I will remain salty
Vesparia: Dont worry Ladybug I got this.
Zoe: Hey Chloé, this was our mom's. Do you want it.
Chloé: Fine, only if you never speak to me about this with that stupid line. I am totally gonna kick the ass of the new bee when I find her
Zoe: Lol you can try
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arhvste · 4 years
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❝ haikyuu boys reacting to getting headlice ❞
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an - i couldnt possibly tell you where the motivation to write this came from but here you go
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-> he doesn’t care. they’re little bugs living rent free in his head? who is he to kick them off his head when they’ve probably settled, made a nice home and got a growing family started? considerate king but disgusting
-> disgusted. but also thinks just a few rinses of water will do the trick. he doesn’t understand he’s actually got to get in there and pull them out. miwa is horrified walking into the bathroom to see tobio leaned over the bath with a tub full of cold water he’s ultimately wasted. he’s lucky miwa knows what she’s doing
-> no mercy. rips the little mfs off his head like nobodies business. his brother can only stare in awe and disturbance. kei isn’t scared over a few bugs they’re only a minor annoyance. he won’t tell a soul he had headlice though and if anyone were to snitch on him, he’d probably shake a few off his head and onto yours.
-> stressed. his hairs kinda long so they’re a pain the ass to get out some may think he’d be a little hesistant to tackle them alone but yams has several lice killing lotions in his bathroom ready to use. he is sympathetic but no way is he letting little bugs crawl around his head while he’s around tsukki
-> the bugs don’t even get to step on this kings prestine head,, next caller !!
-> merciless. who tf do these bugs think they are stepping onto his territory? feral. probably put a few in a jar after pulling them out to bark at them and show them that they’ve crossed the line stepping onto his head
-> have sympathy for the guy they’re gonna be a nightmare for him. more upset than anything. now he’s being reduced to being ridiculed by tiny ass bugs too? give the guy a break. gets them out within the first day because he’s not going to suffer longer than he has to and continues doing the treatment for the rest of the week even though they’re certainly long gone
-> brutal. like tsukki he’s got no shame in just ripping them out. suga is the type of guy to catch spiders and gently let them out the window and not kill them. lice don’t get that treatment from him. will straight up throw them down the drain and smirk in the process
-> just another minor occurrence for him. he’s got short hair it’s no biggie. will probably get his mother to help just to make sure he does it right but overall he’ll get rid of them effectively and quickly you wouldn’t even be able to tell he had them in the first place
-> good. he deserves them. maybe this will teach him to get a good haircut. at least the lice like your cut g
-> tortures them after. probably wets a paper towel to keep them stuck to and jabs at them with a thin needle after he’s got them out. sadist little bitch probably has a deadpan expression while doing it too. the lice fear him across the country and avoid him from now on
-> again he’s got short hair so they’re not too big of a pain to get out but why the hell did they have to pick his head? probably picks them out and just throws them wherever he has no regard for where they land and who might catch them from him
-> little bugs are just chilling no biggie. probably tells the team he’s got them and shakes his head near them to piss them off. oikawa keeps his distance approximately 5 metres and refuses to be included in any rotation makki is in during practice. even after he gets rid of them he doesn’t tell the team and continues shaking his head near them just to ‘keep them on their toes’
-> won’t tell anyone other than makki. the two probably pick them out and throw them in oikawas direction leaving their captain confused as to why the hell the two of them keep throwing ‘nothing’ at him. probably gets rid of them within a week and sleeps with a shower cap on so they don’t touch his pillow, that’s his only rule while they spend their vacation on his head
-> isn’t scared of no bugs. probably would keep one and press it down just to stick in his childhood bug diary and sneers at how inferior the lice is compared to the other cooler bugs he’d caught before. his hairs short so again it’s not a huge issue for him. he’ll get rid of them quickly and effectively without too much hassle
-> screams. begs iwa to take them out for him insisting that it’s his hobby but iwa rejects and leaves oikawa to handle it alone. oikawas sister dips as soon as she finds out and oikawa believes this is the end of his life. after a week of moping and being a brat, iwa gives in and sorts it out for him to finally give him a peace of mind.
-> never had lice before and is genuinely interested rather than concerned. where did the little bugs come from? why do they like his hair so much? is he the chosen one? probably let’s them live on his head for a while until they become infuriatingly itchy and yaku finds out he’s been letting a cult of lice live on his head and forces him to get treatment
-> thinks bleach with solve it. everyone who hates kenma’s dark roots better be ready for them to go because he will just bleach the shit out of his hair and assume it’s killed them all. for the next few months his hairs gonna be nice but he’ll let his roots grow out again and you’ll secretly hope for him to catch lice again just so he’ll touch up his damn roots again
-> it’s the blonde mohawk that’s the issue. why tf did he have to make his hair to awkward to work with. doesn’t take him long to get out but he probably picks them out walking home from practice or school and just chucks them in bushes or drains he walks past
-> you really think he’s about to let some stupid bugs live on his head and not pay rent? absolutely not. has several different brands of lice treatment lotion and uses at least 4 in one go. that amount of chemicals probably isn’t good for you in one go but his only goal is to kill the lice which he achieves. these bugs are mercilessly killed, revived and killed again all in one treatment session
-> this hurt to write knows exactly how to kill them and won’t hesitate in doing so. by that i mean he’s going straight to his grandmother to do it for him because as much as he knows about treatment and such, nobody does anything better than his grandmother and he’ll sit in a chair with a towel around his neck chattering on about his day as his poor grandmother slaves over his head ripping out the stupid bugs from his inconviently styled hair. kuroo’s lucky his grandmother knows he’s her boy
-> bless his soul he’s horrified. disgusting little creatures, believes they’re vermin of the world. mutters in disgust at them as he watches them drown in the pool of water in his bathtub sink eventually sending them down the drain where he hopes they suffer a painful afterlife
-> he’s grossed out but doesn’t make a huge deal about it. probably violates himself and gives himself the nickname ‘nitty nori the bug explorer’. he can take a joke and get rid of them in the same week. ugh king shit
-> pain in the ass. he’s excited about these bugs but also worried? do they want to suck his blood? will they crawl into his ears at night? his sisters are the ones responsible with dealing with them and the whole time he’s asking a abundance of random questions regarding the lice and why they chose his head to make their residence
-> probably sings at them to make them uncomfortable as he pulls them out. his fingers work magic as he flawlessly picks them out and sends them on their way down to the depths of the drain. the last thing these bugs hear is the terrifying voice of the man who mercilessly sent them to their death beds
-> his hairs short it’s okay it’s not the end of the world but rather than killing them he believes they have more use to them. he’s going to throw them in this soil in the garden and assume they work the same miracles worms do. he’ll be disappointed to know that they had no effect on his soil and he wasted his damn time making sure to evenly spread them out of the compost heap
-> will eat with a hat on. if these bugs are gonna live on his head no way is he sharing his food too. they’ve already taken enough from him. atsumu probably bullies him for his lice but freaks out when osamu tells him that because they’re twins, the lice will seek out his head too and they’ll both be infected. he only survives the short period of time with his lice because of the amusement he gets from watching atsumu consciously stay away from him even to the point where atsumu moves onto the couch. maybe he should let the lice vacate a little longer next time
-> hates them. calls them every name under the sun but doesn’t actually effectively try to get rid of them. he doesn’t actually know how to get rid of them but is too embarrassed to admit it so he just lives with it. luckily, the lice decided to move in a few days before his hair was due for a touch up so like kenma, he just bleached the shit out of them and it seems to do the trick. it would be concerning had his hair not needed a touch up though who knows how long he would’ve had them.
-> his little sister notices his hand scratching his head constantly and begins to refer to suna as ‘nit boy’ and only ‘nit boy’. he doesn’t really care at first because surely a single shower will do the trick but his sisters provoking gets so annoying he just ends up treating them 7 times over but not before threatening to leave a few dead ones on his sisters pillow if she doesn’t stop calling him names
-> again, the lice don’t even get to step on his head. they see aran and they respect him. he seems like a nice and reliable guy so why would they go to the efforts of bothering him? probably nod their tiny ass antennas from atsumu’s hair and let aran go about his day in peace
-> lice simply don’t exist in kita’s presence. the second a lice stepped foot on kita’s head, he senses it and ripped the mf off before it could even find a nice area to settle. lice keep away from kita at all times and never intend on crossing paths with him
-> an indescribable level of disgusted. refuses to accept it at first, insists that lice simply wouldn’t have been able to touch his head but alas he is wrong. tempted to shave his hair off but then again why should he have to suffer just because some stupid bugs said so. has no mercy, will treat his hair every day for the next month and a half and cusses the bugs out as they fall down the drain
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general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @tsumue @peteunderoos @tsukkisbean @saturnfarie @dear-kozume @zumisace @boosyboo9206 @totorosleaff @27kei @dai-tsukki-desu @angrylittleriri @tsukkaria @kuxredere @warakou @mattsuny @lovinnoya @sophiashortcake @wompwomphq @waitforitillwritemywayout
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realcube · 4 years
aoba johsai love language headcanons 💌
tw// swearing, sexual references
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Tōru Oikawa
words of affirmation.
like he could’ve lost a match by a landslide and all you need to do is tell him that you’re proud of him and he’ll immediately feel better
well, it wouldn’t stop him from working harder or feeling bad for himself but it would definitely bring him some relief in the moment 
and sometimes when he is practising, you’ll tell him that he’s doing amazing - just to boost his spirits - and it works
he’ll be thinking about you for the rest of the day
sometimes when he’s especially insecure, the thought will arise that perhaps you’re just complimenting him bc you feel bad for him
but the sincerity in your eyes assures him that you’d never lie to him about something like that
mostly bc you’ve never held back when insulting him so it just makes your compliments 10x more special and genuine 
in the moment, he doesn’t appreciate when you jokingly call him ‘flattykawa’ or how you snicker whenever he misses a set
but when you give him praise, these little actions help him believe that you’re being truthful
the admiration wasn’t one-sided though as he often gives you some praise/body-worship 😊
only in public though, in private he’s a dick (but you give that same energy back)
he goes from ‘yeah, this my beautiful s/o (y/n). i’m so lucky to have them by my side tonight.’ etc
to ‘how’s my favourite goblin doing today?’
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Hajime Iwaizumi 
his love language is acts of service 
like..if you fill up his water bottle during practise for him
he will stutter out a thanks but really he wants to give you kisses and a hug but like..not while he is all sweaty 
also, sometimes you’ll give him a massage if he is tense for whatever reason and during it - the whole time - his mind is just fixated on how lucky he is to have you 🥺
in return for being the most supportive s/o, he’ll try find ways that he can be of service to you but the best he can think of is just holding your bags and holding doors open for you
i mean, he tried to help you with your workload once but he kinda just messed it up, resulting in more work for you
and he tried to give you a massage once but he almost dislocated your shoulder
there was the one time tried to make you a cute breakfast but he burnt the toast, didn’t put enough flour into the pancakes and the orange juice had bits in it 🤢
so yeah, chauffeur/bodyguard! iwaizumi lol
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Issei Matsukawa
the fandom has drilled it so far into my mind that matsukawa is a sex god- i- don’t even know what to believe anymore 
does he actually have a personality besides that ?
anyway, his love language is physical touch sdfghjkl
what else could it be lol O-O
anyway, he loves it when you ruffle his hair 🥺
oh and he gets butterflies when hug him from behind 🦋
he’s probably playful with his touch tbh
like lots of side tickles, light ass taps, scooping you up to toss you over his shoulder, raspberries and neck pecks (^///^)
i really can’t imagine him being too rough with you 
the meanest he could possibly be was when he picked you up bridal style on a cold winter day to then procced to dump you into a huge pile of snow 
he just lives off of seeing you happy/laugh tbh 
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Takahiro Hanamaki
his love language is probably quality time
he just enjoys going out on long walks with you to just banter tbh 
he’s slightly more talkative around but not really 
he just enjoys listening to you and slipping in the occasional ‘same’ or ‘yeah.’
he finds anything you have to say interesting and even if you don’t talk at all, he’s just charmed by your presence 🥰
and he just finds average day activities more fun when you’re around 
like washing dishes or folding clothes can get tedious when you’re doing it on your own but when you help him/talk to him while he is executing a task, it makes it more enjoyable
so he can’t even call you ‘annoying’ in a joking way bc he is lowkey a needy bf who will be in your DMs at 6PM on a weekday like ‘come over, i’m bored lol’
‘no ❤’
‘(ง •_•)ง please’
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Kentarō Kyōtani
physical touch 🥺
but he doesn’t do it too often bc he’s always scared that he’s gonna hurt you (ಥ _ ಥ)
it’s obvious that he wants to though 
like whenever y’all are walking beside each other he’ll make sure that he’ll hold his bags/food in the hand farther from you, so he can use his spare hand to lightly graze the back of yours with his pinkie every so often
or the way he locks his gaze onto your lips whenever he wants a kiss
or how he’ll hold an intense stare on your eyes while he’s resisting the urge to wrap you in a hug 
you were a bit apprehensive to show affection at first bc the last thing you wanted to do was misread his social cues and go in for a hug, then get pushed away 
but believe me, kyōtani would literally never push you away if you tried to give him a hug - no matter how mad he is
so you’ll probably have to initiate anything physical until he gets comfortable and learns how to control his own strength 
but you’re fine with it though bc even though you’re the one who commences the cuddling, it’s not as though he’s disinterested in it
he shows you that he loves you by immediately hugging you back when you first wrap your arms around him and squeezing the air out of you, at first
he’s just so excited that he can finally touch you (❤´艸`❤) he can’t contain it 
but he’ll get less rough over time, especially if you point it out to him 
‘kyō- my lungs-’ you wheezed as he squashed your torso
‘oh, my bad.’ he muttered, quickly releasing his tight grip on you and burying his face into the crook of your neck.
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Shigeru Yahaba
his love language is probably gift giving
idk why but i can just imagine him being the most extra bitch when it comes to like christmas, birthdays, holidays, halloween- 
‘happy valentine’s day, (y/n)’
he’s adorable 
he just loves seeing your reactions bc they’re always so cute omg
but like i feel like his gifts are like your typical boyfriend gifts lol
like for your birthday he gets you a bath bomb set 
and for Halloween he buys you both matching costumes ✋
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Akira Kunimi 
 probably quality time
i imagine that everything else (other than physical touch) requires too much energy for his liking
like who can be bothered to go out to get their s/o a present when you can just watch a movie with them and call it a day?
who wants to do the dishes for their s/o when they can just be lazy and procrastinate together?
who has the energy to compliment their s/o when you can stargaze instead?
but i do think he is kind of a mix between quality time and physical touch bc he really enjoys cuddling with you and resting by your side 💤 
like if he has the option to hug you while watching a movie then he will most definitely take it 
also he does a lot of complaining and he finds that you’re the easiest person to complain to bc you ✨understand him✨
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Yūtarō Kindaichi
words of affirmation
i mean, he’s clearly not afraid or ashamed to be kind verbally so he’s probably the most supportive bf 🥺
like he literally melts whenever you compliment one of blocks 
and he makes sure that you feel the same whenever you tell him about one of your achievements 
like he is literally your personal hypeman before any big event 
‘you can do this, (y/n). just channel your inner einstein! i’m sure you’ll do great. you’re so smart so-’
‘kindaichi, it’s just a physics test- this one doesn’t even make up for part of my grade.’
‘-you’ll do amazing, (y/n). believe in yourself.’ 
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!!!!! a lot of us who are on here are introjects! if we don't state our source it's usually because we aren't super comfortable talking about it. I think some of us are pretty easy to guess but please don't mention it unless we do !!!!!
Uh hi, making a list of some alters who post or are mentioned on here.
We sometimes sign off with a name or emoji, sometimes forget or aren't sure whos fronting, might put it in the tags or the actual post idk.
Catchalls are Lucky or Luck and He/Him but any pronouns are generally fine.
Hi, I'm Silver, I'm the host, I use primarily She/Her pronouns, my emoji signoff is 🤍, I like music and playing Minecraft.
I'm Toby, He/Him(?), I'm a mixed introject of c! and cc! Tubbo, I'm pretty chaotic, and I like bees and parcour! I have some trouble with reading and writing/spelling, I don't know enough about brains to know if it makes any sense. -🐝
Hey! I'm Lucky/Max I use He/They/She pronouns, I'm pretty into DC and superheroes in general, I'm not really sure what my role is, and my emoji signoff is 🪲. Don't worry, most of what I do and say is /hj.
Hi, my name is Lillian, but only close friends get to call me that. You can call me Lils, Lil, or if you wanna be formal, Lillia. I use She/They pronouns, my gender is Bitch (jk I'm a demigirl) and I'm a lesbian on the aromatic spectrum. I'm also 🍁, and if I'm mean to you don't take it personally. (Seriously don't, she affectionally refers to one of her close friends as "slut")
Uh, hey. I'm Lilly and I'm basically our ideal future self? I like making stuff (writing, drawing, music) and playing videogames.
HELLO! My name is Peter Lightning Williams (i sign off with ltng mostly) i like writing (mostly poetry) and im here to have problems and cause problems! if you can guess my source, please don't mention it. im mostly based on fanfic and stuff and i don't like to talk about my actual source. also i mostly use he/him pronouns but i dont mind they/them either. UPDATE: I also got by A sometimes but im not telling you what it's short for and im good with she/her.
Hey :) I'm Red, im probably somewhere between 14 and 19 (usually 17) I like art and videogames, and i have a pretty fucked up sense of humor. I usually sign off as -red but sometimes i do -g bc me and G are different versions of the same person and it gets confusing. she/they.
Akira 🧵 She/? lesbian, lieks cats
Theseus/Tommy ❤️ He/? mostly based on fanfic versions of tommyinnit, has a lot of opinions about panic at the disco
Ranboo 🌓 He/they/? cc! (& c! ?) Ranboo
V 🎆 he/they i guess. i'm an introject. if you can figure out who i am i won't give you anything but i will be very impressed.
G - you don't need to know shit about me. called Jaskier a slut once and no one is ever going to let it go.
S/M - hi
Live - weird, bitchy, not over his ex.
Lem - doesn't believe in sleep, food, medicine, dentistry, or birds. does believe in aliens.
Spencer - weirdly protective of Live, likes to pretend he's the responsible one but is actually just as chaotic as his frends.
Tyler - he/him, likes roller skating and rollerblading, protective of Lightning.
this'll probably be added to later
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Just one Island…Watch it fall: Part 3.
*With his blades spinning in his hands, Akira takes steps towards the group of girls.
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I’ll say it one more time...Stop resisting and give up your people. 
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You say that...but you’re not so sure of your chances against us, are you?
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Not only are we the Remnants of Despair, but we’re also Ultimate's. Those two alone make us extremely unpredictable. And this is hardly the first time we’ve taken down Ultimate Despair Agents.
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How can you hope to stop us when you’re not even sure of what it is we’re going to do?
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This isn’t just about trying to stop you getting to our friends! It’s also about not letting you leave this island in one piece!
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We dedicate our lives to destroying the despair that we unwittingly brought unto the world. We are not going to allow you and Organization Zetsubou to bring it back into ruin.
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WH-What the hell!? What’s so funny!?
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Nothing, it’s just...! I can see why it is Narumi gets so excited over the prospects of fights now! I’m glad you’re so determined to give it your all! Anything less would be BORING!
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That said...You’re still not gonna defeat me...!
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I wouldn’t be so sure. Without that stupid hoola hoop of yours, you don’t have anything to take us down with. Look at you! You’re just skin and bones!
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And we’ve got Mahiru’s camera and hacking guns to disable it!
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*sigh* Yeah, that’s kinda annoying. That camera’s certainly a unique lil’ tool. And that’s why...
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She’s gonna be the FIRST to die!
*Against anyone’s expectations, two pieces of the ring suddenly circle back around and piece Mahiru’s shoulders, rocketing her straight up in the air! Akira also launches himself upward after her with his ring pieces carrying him.
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*Akira punches Mahiru round the face, then uses his weapon to send them flying into the distance. They crash into the second island library.
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But you’re not gonna be the last...
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*Mahiru smacks Akira away and rushes down the alley.
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Where are you going!?
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*Mahiru ducks as the pieces of the ring barely hit her, slicing through her short hair.
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*She grabs a nearby bookshelf and thrusts whole weight into it, causing them to topple over like dominos.
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*Akira reassembles the hoop and slices through the bookshelves like they’re paper. 
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*The hoops pieces hook themselves to Mahiru again and launch her through the library ceiling. In the distance, Peko and the others make their way as fast as they can over to her.
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This is bad! He’s going to kill her!
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What do we do!?
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Don’t worry...! She knows what she’s doing!
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*Akira basically slices the whole library to ribbons, and as Mahiru falls, she rolls on top of the falling debris. While she’s airborne, Akira flies in as fast as he can.
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Let’s end this!
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And now...
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*Akira doesn’t see it coming. He goes in for a punch, but Mahiru catches his fist. He then maneuvers himself behind her, but Mahiru predicts this attack, whirls around and snaps him with her camera. Akira’s weapon is immediately disabled and they both fall a long way to the ground.
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*Peko leaps into the air and catches Mahiru before she smashes to the ground.
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*Akira isn’t so lucky. He falls into a pile of rubble and the pieces of his ring clatter to the ground beside him.
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I told you! Without that weapon, you’re NOTHING!
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Nggrgh...! You...bitch...!
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Sorry!? I can’t hear you! Stand up and say that to my face you loser!
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Yeah! Where was all that bravado you had before!? Was that all a failed attempt at intimidation!?
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You act all sure and casual about everything, but it doesn’t make you mature! In fact you’re quite the opposite! Like an overconfident egotistic little brat.
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*The pieces finally regain energy and they reassemble back into swords. Akira grabs them and they pull him to his feet.
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Talk as much shit as you want...! You’re not gonna-
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I’m sorry? What were you saying?
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*Before Akira can launch himself forward, Peko jumps towards him and slices him across the chest. Akira briefly clutches his wound then throws his blades at Peko, who dodges both of them.
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*POW!* *POW!*
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Do us all a favor and GO DOWN ALREADY!
*After Peko dodges the swords, Hiyoko shoots both of them with the hacking gun, sending them clattering to the ground in pieces. Defenseless because being unable to recall them, Akira cannot block an ensuing kick to the ribs from the kimono-clad dancer.
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*Akira then reaches up and has to push into Mikan, as she brings a huge syringe down upon him.
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I don’t care who or what you are! I’m not gonna be satisfied until I run this jab through you!
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You think I’m scared of some little girl with some giant ass syringe!?
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*With Ibuki’s shout, Mikan jumps back in time to avoid Akira recalling his ring.
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Where are-!?
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*As Akira lurches to his feet, Ibuki goes crazy on him, smacking him in the face and body with her guitar weapon.
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You might think you’re above everyone else, but you’re just like all the other boys.
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You think you’re special, or that you’ve got some special power, but I’ve never fought a real battle a day in my life, and I could STILL kick your ass!
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Why you-!
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*Mahiru once again disables Akira’s ring before he can attack Ibuki with it.
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Nice one Mahiru!
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Pekoyama Art...KIERU!
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*Everything happens too fast.  Ibuki gives another wallop to Akira, and sends him flying. While he’s soaring through the air, Peko readies her blade and gives Akira another hard slash with it. When steadying himself, Hiyoko suddenly ties his hands behind his back with a ribbon and then kicks him forward, allowing Mikan to stab him in the leg with her needle! Akira collapses on the floor.
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*He tries to get up, but Mahiru stamps on his chest and pins him to the ground.
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Go ahead. Call back that weapon of yours. I dare you to.
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*Akira looks around as Peko, Ibuki, Mikan, Hiyoko and Mahiru all loom over him.
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*sigh* Hehehehe...
*He lets his head hang back.
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I got my ass beat by a buncha girls...Narumi’ll never let me hear the end of this...
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I gotta admit. I know I was talking a lot of smack, but that was seriously a lot easier than I thought it’d be.
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Yeah, for the final boss, that was pretty easy.
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I don’t like it. Is this really the same threat that killed Fujimori and is trying to take over the world?
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Rub salt in my wound why don’t you? And I’ll have you know it’s the boss that’s the one trying to take over the world and make this Killing Game happen.
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By “the boss” you mean Tsumugi Shirogane, don’t you? 
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If you don’t care about her killing game, why are you still helping her with it?
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What the hell else am I supposed to do? Go back to trolling Reddit and Twitter users? Nah...This is way more fun...
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*Mikan suddenly runs her syringe through Akira’s chest. She on purposefully misses his heart or lungs, but he still feels the pain.
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You disrupt the lives of innocent people just for fun and games? Are you serious!?
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Oh come now...as ex-terrorists, you gotta *SPLUTTER!* admit there’s...merit to wrecking shit, don’t ya?
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Are you BEGGING to be killed!?
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Not really...Dying...sucks...Still though, even if I do somehow die here, no one’s gonna care. It’s not like my role here matters.
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Wh-What does that mean?
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There’s something you girls got wrong...
*Akira suddenly points to the sky.
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I...am not the final boss...
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*A massive impact suddenly bursts down from the sky and blows the whole group backwards!
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Hajime! Nekomaru!
*Before any of the girls can feel the impact, Hajime and Nekomaru suddenly arrive and catch them before they land.
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Are you ok!?
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eh...kinda...? Ibuki?
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I teenk may brain jus commeeted sooside!
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She’s fine.
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Wh-What even WAS that?
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Everyone get behind me.
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*The dust cloud settles and the masked figure emerges from it.
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Tsuchiya. Are you alright?
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Hm...I dunno...
*He sarcastically looks down at his wounds.
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No, I don’t think I am?
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Then tag out. Stop waffling and go and complete your mission. Taking these guys out was MY job.
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Sorry...Got carried away...
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There’s a secret passage underneath the island that leads to the docks. Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko are probably travelling through there. You can get inside it from the hotel.
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H-How did he-!?
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Oh sweet. Thanks man.
*Akira picks himself up with his rings, and then flies through the sky towards the hotel.
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Oh no you don’t!
*Mahiru aims with her camera, but before she can take a picture.
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*The man in the mask rushes forward and delivers a huge kick straight Mahiru’s jaw! She rockets straight into the brick rubble and is taken out immediately! The figure flips back through the air.
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Sorry, but this was all part of the contract. Now tell me, who would like to step up next?
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*Everyone else is left speechless and motionless faced with the sheer presence of the masked man.
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As I thought...You might all be talented and powerful, but you’re ALL cowards. You never use your abilities for the right purpose when it matters.
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...You’re wrong...That sort of thing only applies to me...!
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*Hajime nods to Mikan, who rushes over to Mahiru and tends to her wounds, digging her out of the rubble. Hajime turns back to Nagito.
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Mahiru created that special weapon so that she could utilize her talent in a way that no one else would ever even think of. You’re WRONG to say that she’s too shallow with her usage of it!
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The same goes for Ibuki! And Mikan! And everyone else! You have no right to call any of them cowards, especially when you hide behind that stupid mask and won’t show your face!
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Go on! I dare you to take it off! Show us EXACTLY what you’ve become...! Nagito Komaeda!
*Dead silence fills the air after Hajime’s proclamation.
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You’re saying that that man...is Nagito...?
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Hajime figured it out almost instantly...I couldn’t believe it myself.
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...You’re naturally pretty perceptive...That much I’ll give you...Unless you’re just relying on those Ultimate Talents of yours.
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But...WHY Nagito? Why would you sign up with Organization Zetsubou!? They’re evil, and they stand for everything you oppose!
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Who are you to tell me what I do and don’t oppose!? It’s not out of the question that people would grow and evolve, and turn their backs on old ideals. In fact, ever since I met YOU, everything I’ve ever stood for has come into question!
*He points at Hajime.
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And you can’t accept that, can you?
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Let’s just say this isn’t me falling into Despair...It’s my own special version of finding Hope...You want to see me take off the mask Hinata? Well, don’t start crying when you don’t like what you see...
*Nagito removes his armor and his helmet.
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*Hajime staggers backwards. His worst fears proving to have become very real in an instant...
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No...you’re...you’re kidding me...!
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I don’t...believe this...!
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I know you must think very lowly of me for this...But do you recall what it is that I despised about you most Hajime Hinata? It’s the very fact that through thick and thin...
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You and I have always been the same...!
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fayeimara · 4 years
Meant To Be Series || One For Every Billion
1. Operation: Meet Shiratorizawa
*Both written and SMAU parts this epsiode*
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You hear the familiar sound as you open the door and look inside the gym. The Shiratorizawa campus is definitely impressive but nothing feels more familiar than walking into a strange gym filled with mostly strangers. Back home or a world away, volleyball is the same, perfect sport.
You're smiling wide before you even lock eyes with your favourite redhead. "Tendou!"
Your greeting is muffled in a bear hug to beat all bear hugs and you can't help but laugh as you wrap your arms around your cousin's best friend.
"I am glad you could make it." Toshi is standing behind Tendou with a small smile and you pull away to give him a hug too.
"Let us introduce you to coach first, and then you can meet the others."
"Sounds good!"
The three of you walk over to the side where a small elderly man is scowling at the players on the court and when Toshi introduces you, you follow what you know of polite customs here and bow at the waist in greeting, "Thank you for having me!"
"I hear you play as a setter for a premier league."
Yeah, Tendou and Toshi weren't lying about his intimidating demeanor, but you're unfazed. You've dealt with some like him and they're good leaders in their own way.
"Yes, sir."
"You're quite short for your age."
You blink. You're pretty sure you're the average height for girls your age. You're definitely on or above average in your league even though you're not as tall as your hitters. Okay, cheeky, it is.
"Yes, sir. I hear that sometimes from opponents before we play. Not so much after a game, however, if at all." Tendou starts chuckling only to muffle it when the coach's sharp gaze locks onto him for a moment before focusing back on the court.
"Is that so." He finally looks over, making eye contact and drawing out the silence for a few quiet seconds. "Well, height isn't critical for a setter, though it's an asset."
"Yes, sir." You have to bite the inside of your cheek so you don't push it. You're aware of his status and tenure, after all. To someone like him, kids your age with a little cheeky boldness and confidence can be surprising and impressive. Too much is disrespectful and you're still a guest here at the end of the day.
He looks back at the team and you do startle a bit when he barks out, "Did I say it was time for a break?!"
Looking over to the court, you finally realize the practice game has all but stopped. You meet several wide eyed, disbelieving stares before they jolt back into motion.
Tendou and Toshi leave you there to rejoin their teammates with a grimace and a nod, respectively. You just smile blandly and take a seat next to their coach.
By the time Coach Washijo blows the whistle for the end of their practice, you've got a clipboard on your lap with notes and the begrudging respect of the ornery man beside you. Yes, you know your shit when it comes to volleyball and you didn't hesitate to use your knowledge to impress. You have a feeling he'll be taking a look at the link you wrote down to your national games at some point given the observations you pointed out. Mission: Success.
As the boys are grabbing water and towels and gathering around, Coach locks eyes with you once again to study you as you smile politely back at him, waiting for what he's chewing over. "You can visit again."
And then he stands to address his team before heading over to his office and leave them to clean up.
You look away from his retreating figure and, oh my, that's a lot of eyes on you. Why do athletes look so pretty? You smile wider and stand to introduce yourself, "Hello. I'm L/n, Y/n, Toshi's cousin. Nice to meet you all and thank you for having me here for this practice."
You bow and they start stuttering and speaking over each other while Tendou laughs, knowing you're also teasing a little. They're clearly flustered so it takes the edge of your own nerves and your smile relaxes into something a little easier.
"Wow.. that was.. different. I've never seen anyone interact with Coach like that." You look over to an ash haired boy, oh hello- "I'm Eita Semi. Nice to meet you.”
He sounds a little brusque.. hmm. He's their setter and knowing Toshi and Tendou...
"Semi-san, your sets... they really show your love for volleyball."
His mouth drops, hopefully in surprise, but you also hope you didn't say anything too forward? You know it's pretty different here and some things like feelings aren't used as carelessly in conversation but.. he's blushing. Oh no.
You try to correct, just in case, "I mean, I hope it's not presumptuous or inappropriate to say! I'm lucky to call myself a setter too, so from one to another, I just wanted to say I can see how much fun you have and it's inspiring!"
Okay, now Tendou is literally dying of laughter, bent over grabbing his stomach but you can see his face and yeah, he literally looks like the emoji that's crying with laughter. And- what?! Even Toshi is smiling a little, he knows that under your calm and playful exterior there's an impulsive, reckless storm.
Semi raises his hand up to the back of his head and you swear he's full on blushing. Okay, yeah, no, you're good. It might sound cruel but when you see people more embarrassed or flustered than you, usually, you find your own equilibrium steadies in response.
"That's- uh- thanks! I hear you're incredible. I mean, as a setter. I- Thanks."
The rest of the team has been looking on and slowly amusement and excitement is like a wave that slides across their features. One of his teammates hits Semi across the back, knocking him forward a bit, while teasing him about compliments from a pretty girl. But you politely pretend not to hear and focus on some of the other members as they start asking you about yourself and answering your return questions about each of them.
I think we can call Operation: Meet Shiratorizawa a success, you think, happily satisfied with the people your dear cousin has to call his teammates and friends.
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Behind The Scenes!
-Toshi is not directly related to Y/n but they might as well be brother and sister for how close they are
-He’s actually her (bear with me, please) dad’s brother’s sister-in-law’s son : Her uncle’s wife is an Ushijima - so her aunt by marriage is sister to Toshi’s mom.. I’m sorry, am I making any sense?
-Their mutual cousins will appear in the story, you’ve already seen their profiles in Family Matters: Kazuya, Akira, and Akari
-Tendou has known Y/n as long as he’s known Toshi and treats her like a cross between best friend and older brother, which means he’s sometimes mean, always teasing, and he will smack, cut, bury a bitch if they hurt her
A/N: Two things.. 1) I absolutely love Ushijima, I find he's seriously underrated. Although I guess I’m guilty here too because he’s Y/n’s family instead of a love interest 😔 If anyone ever wants to see a Toshi fic, let me know, I’ll do my best to work on his characterization 2) CHARACTERIZATION... guys, I’ve wondered this with all the HQ characters I’ve incorporated so far, but.. I don’t know if I’m hitting anywhere close to what they might actually be like in the scenarios I put them in?? So I apologize in advance, and profusely, for all the HQ characters that turn out not quite.. the way they should lol. The writing kinda sorta maybe gets away from me all the time 😅
I lied, there's a third.. I know I've made several posts on days that I've posted so far, and while I do hope to be consistent with a steady couple posts a week (particularly concerning this fic, or rather, not including other fics and stuff I might decide to post as I get more comfortable here), I may not always be able to deliver the same amount of content as I a) am still slowly getting a handle on the social media aspect and how to smoothly deliver it; and b) catch up to where I'm at in the story. So I just want you all to know, I really appreciate your patience with me <3
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polar-stars · 3 years
☕️ + megumi and hojo?
(Give me a ☕️ + a character/ship and I’ll ramble off whatever thoughts and opinion I have about it)
Oho, interesting! Thanks for the ask!
Megumi Tadokoro
Megumi is a character I love and adore. She has given me no choice in that matter, lol. I cannot possibly dislike a character who portrays such a huge amount of real, genuine kindness. Adding to that, she's incredibly easy to relate to (I know that I am not the only one who does).
In my opinion Megumi has had some of the very best moments in all of Shokugeki, especially in it's earlier parts. The Shokugeki against Shinomiya in Trainings Camp is still my favorite battle in the whole manga after all. Her performance in the Autumn Election Premlins was also really satisfying and sweet to see. (Monkfish Preperation Scene Supremacy)
Tsukuda really did great on making Megumi a character that I really want to see succeed.....But that is where the problem comes in.
The problem is that Tsukuda struggles with the Show, Don't Tell-Rule from Central Arc onwards.
Pre-Central, Megumi's character development was solid in my opinion. It was believable and not too fast-paced. But once focus was shifted to Azami-Drama, Megumi and other characters had to take a little step back from the action. And Megumi's character arc started to stagnate.
Through Training Arc. Autumn Elections and Stagiares, Megumi had visibly gained some more confidence in herself and her stage fright problem from the beginning of the series was ceasing. However there was something missing: pay-off. Her character arc lacks proper pay-off.
You see, throughout all of Central Arc Megumi has not won any single fight on-screen. She was given one victory against Shigemichi Kumai but not even second of that fight was actually shown to the reader. But when it's time for a more detailed fight against Momo, she looses.
In her fight against Momo, the judges do find the time to point out tho that Megumi might hasn't been able to beat Momo however there is quote unquote ✨potential✨.
Thing is that the "potential"-thing has been getting old at that point. It felt very reminiscent to Megumi's fight against Ryo back in the Autumn Elections. Ryo was able to win, however it was made clear through multiple dialogue-lines that Megumi did give him a good fight, defying the expectations the audience had from her. So basically that fight was like: Yes, she lost now. But she is on the right path. There is a lot of potential.
The issue is that time has progressed ever since the AE and it was about time for us, the readers, to see that potential unfold.
But we never got that.
We get a lot, a lot of talking about Megumi's potential throughout Central Arc but never an actual showcase of it. And it does not get much better with BLUE Arc either (I mean, what do you expect from that trainwreck of an arc anyway?)
First off, despite all of her potential and her participation in the Regiment de Cuisine & the retaking of Totsuki as a whole Megumi somehow ends up with the lowest seat in the Neo-Elite 10??? And I'm just: Why??? Why is she the only explicitly ranked below Eizan & Nene (who got a massive downgrade) with everyone else far ahead? (Tho the Neo-Elite 10 Ranking as a whole is one confusing mess and I should probably stop trying to bring sense into it if I do not want to go insane, lol.)
The infamous Hot Spring Fight against a Noir is where we finally see Megumi shine a little on-screen (at least in the manga). And well....I enjoyed seeing that but...
It is still not the proper pay-off she deserves, I'm sorry. Because ultimately that Noir-Guy is some random One-Off we never saw again. And that's a problem.
This character had no time establishing himself to us. We barely know him.
To put it into perspective: Satoshi Isshiki beating Julio Shiratsu in the RdC did not feel like a very impressive thing. Because we have only come to know Julio in that one fight and had absolutely no judgement on how powerful he may be (not to mention, that he was mostly placed in a very ridiculous light). It would have been a lot more impressive to the reader had Satoshi won his later fight against Eishi Tsukasa, because Eishi is a character who we have spent a lot more time with and who has repeatedly been portrayed as absurdly skillful and an actual threat.
See what I mean? As much as I loved seeing Megumi being an absolute badass in that Hot Spring Saga...It was not the satisfying pay-off I want for her.
The few victories she gets are always against random One-Offs while her fights against the more important characters are always a loss for her. Case in point: BLUE. She gets anOTHER off-screened match against some Noir in Chinese clothes, whose name I won't bother looking up if he even has one, where all characters talk about how talented she is but once it's time for her to go up against big bad bitch Asahi she looses. And that sucks.
Not to forget the fact that Megumi always gets strung along to every big event but we never get much justification for her participation (other than the obvious Meta-Reason that she's a main character).
Think about it, her and Takumi got extremely lucky in Train Arc by having Rindou giving them a free pass just for the lulz, while everyone else got expelled. Then a good number of messy chapters later, Megumi and Takumi get invited into BLUE without even a shred of reasoning behind it. Why them? How random is it to invite the 1st, 7th and 10th seat but no one else? Meanwhile when BLUE Arc was first mentioned in the manga they told Jouichiro that it's actually extremely rare for a student in that age to get into this tournament. And Jouichiro was a 3rd year back then, what are those three 2nd Years doing there??
The anime at least addressed that by having Totsuki's students fight for the participation (I appreciated that, if only the episode that covers it wasn't so lazily done)
I'd have much less of an issue with that if they actually gave Megumi something to work with in that arc. But really in RDC and even more so in BLUE, she's mostly just there I feel. She barely really impacts the story meaningfully in both of these arcs, I feel.
And it's one big shame.
As I said, I love Megumi and Tsukuda set her up as someone who I wanted to see succeed and defy expectations. Her journey up till Central Arc was a lot of fun and very compelling but then it just...came to a halt. And her arc never got any real, proper closure I feel. She was instead pushed more and more into the background and she just did not deserve that, man.
Never forget that she is one of the mains after all and she should have been treated as one.
damn I did not think this would get this long ahhdhdf
Miyoko Hojo
When realising that Miyoko's speciality is Chinese cooking, I was super excited for her! I really love Chinese food and I've been waiting for it to be covered in Shokugeki up till that point.
I like Miyoko quite a lot, she's definitely one of my faves from the...well, I don't think "secondary" cuts it...the tertiary cast. Unfortunately we've got to see so painfully little of her.
I like that Megumi, in the most Megumi-ways, made her learn a lesson like "Feminism =/= You can not possibly get along with a man. Ever.", but it was also interesting to see acknowledgement of the inequality of men and women within the culinary business through Miyoko.
Miyoko's friendship with Megumi is something I adore and I would have very much liked more of it please. I enjoy the thought of Miyoko, this tough, unapproachable woman, having her face soften whenever this pure, little angel approaches her. Also 100% sure Miyoko would drop-kick whoever gives Megumi a funny look.
I also would have liked to see Miyoko interact more with Kuga, because I imagine it could have been a lot of fun. From the one, tiny interaction they've had I feel that Terunori actually respects Miyoko quite a bit. Which I think is interesting, because Terunori otherwise seems to enjoy bitching at people.
Honestly? If you ask me??? Miyoko should have been in the Regiment de Cuisine.
I'll never get over how she's shown in the audience, alongside Nao, smiling when the rebels are about to snatch victory. Like ahdhFJG, excuse me Ma'am what business do you have just watching??? You can not tell me that from what we've seen about Miyoko that she would not be up to kick Azami's ass out of Totsuki. I generally think it's stupid for the Rebels to go up against the Elites in a number even to them.
Azami. Explicitly told you guys. That you can bring more than that.
You were up against the Elite 10 Council.
(and Nao as well tbh)
(The Regiment de Cusine could have been a lot better to buy for me if the Rebels had shown up with more participants tbh but that's a different subject)
Anyways, as I said I wish we could have seen a lot more of Miyoko. But it just wasn't meant ot be :( I mean, when characters like Alice and Akira get pushed to the side, what chances does the tertiary cast have?
I'm at least glad that she is sort-off shown being the new president of the Chinese RS in Les Dessert 1? I like that for her.
But yes, ultimately...another criminally underused character. I look forward to write her being a cool mom in my fanfic tho.
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prioritysope · 3 years
Reader: Female
Character: Oikawa Tooru
Rating: Explicit
Chapter: 22/24
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"Let me see you in the dress, bitch." Sumi spoke through her cell phone.
It was the long awaited day for them: the prom. Since six o'clock in the afternoon they have been talking by video call and it was not long before Oikawa arrived to pick up Gaby. Gaby was only missing the earrings and that was being put on while her friend kept telling her to get on camera to see her dress.
"Can't you wait until we meet there?" Gaby said feigning irritation at her friend's insistence. "So you'll see how Tooru and I are dressed."
Gaby is grateful that her three friends were calm, even though last night after Oikawa left the apartment, she called them to tell them all about going to Argetina with Tooru.
"Okay, so we can take a lot of photos with Akira and Sakura."
After a few minutes, Tooru's car horn was heard. Gaby said goodbye to her friend and then hung up. She looked at herself in the mirror, to be sure nothing was missing. She then put on a little perfume again just in case.
She left the apartment, decided to take the elevator. While it was coming down, she took a couple of photos to upload later or tomorrow.
Oikawa was on his phone until he heard a couple of footsteps approaching him and when he looked up, he was perplexed. He knew well what color the dress Gaby would wear would be, since the two had planned to match. But seeing her in front of him almost gave him an erection. He approached her, taking her hand to turn it so he could admire her better.
"You look so damn gorgeous, damn it. I swear I would miss the prom, to fuck you with the dress on." It was the first thing Tooru said when he saw his girlfriend in front of him.
"You're not lagging behind, baby. As handsome as ever." Gaby replied, moving closer to adjust her tie and then place a short kiss on her lips. "Now let's go we'll be late."
After about twenty minutes, they were already in place. Everything was really packed and music could be heard all the way to the parking lot. From a distance Gaby could see Scarlett with Iwaizumi, she was still surprised to see them together after Hajime said that they were only a "one night stand".
Everyone gets their karma. She thought.
She walked past Oikawa holding hands. They entered through a nice arch where they shot a photo of both of them, which they would send to them by email. Many eyes fell on them, some other murmured.
"Gaby!" A female voice was heard, Gaby turned to see her three friends together. Only two of them came with someone, only Sumi came alone because the others insisted. Sakura came with Hanamaki and Akira came with Matsukawa.
The girls called their respective dates for everyone to take a couple of photos. Then Gaby had a few with the girls and finally others with Tooru. They were going to continue taking photos, but someone announced through the speaker that everything would start and that they would enter.
The prom started off quiet. They started with some karaoke to lighten the night. Then they started playing music and many went to the dance floor. Everything looked very beautiful.
On the other hand, Gaby was dancing with Akira, Sakura, and Sumi while their partners were talking near sodas and food. Oikawa could not take his eyes off his girlfriend, she looked like a princess in front of his eyes and it was impossible to take his eyes off her.
"How is everything with Gaby?" Issei asked over the music so Tooru could hear him. Still not looking away from Gaby, Tooru replied.
"Everything is perfect, I couldn't ask for more. We will even go to Argentina together." He responded with a huge smile on his lips. Already in his mind the beautiful image of the two of them in Argentina was becoming clear.
"Now a slow for the couples!" They shouted into the microphone, the place was filled with shouts, and couples lined up on the dance floor. All I Ever Need began to play at full volume.
Oikawa went straight to the dance floor to look for Gaby. Tooru took Gaby by the waist as she wrapped her arms around her neck. They both began to move slowly to the beat of the song. They forgot the rest and it was just the two of them in the center of the court. Eventually, Gaby laid her head on Tooru's chest as he hummed the song into her ear.
"You don't understand how much you really mean to me." Her voice was sweet, but deep. "I need you in my life, you're my necessity."
Everything seemed like a dream. Or so Gaby thought.
"But believe me, you're everything that just makes my world complete." He kept singing. Gaby felt the tears run down her cheeks. She remembered that once Oikawa had said that when he managed to conquer the girl of his dreams, he would dedicate and sing to her this song. "My love is clear, the only thing that I'll ever see. You're all I ever need."
Gaby felt lucky to have him as her boyfriend, just like Oikawa felt lucky. He was looking at her as if she held the entire world of him. And it was like that, for Tooru she was the whole world and he would do whatever it took to keep her by his side and make her happy.
"I love you, Tooru." She whispered Gaby inches from Oikawa's lips, then kissed him gently.
"I love you more my baby." He gave her another kiss. "Do you want us to go and end the party in our own way, hm?" Tooru whispered against Gaby's ear once the song finished.
She just nodded and they both quickly left without their friends noticing.
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arcanawildcard · 5 years
How about shuann soulmate marks au? First meeting and no powers?
taking requests here! (be prepared for a wait tho orz)
read on ao3
By the time ‘来栖 暁’ appeared on Ann’s wrist at the age of 16, she had her type nailed down to a T. Her reasoning was that if she was going to live her life without a soulmate (like 95% of the world’s population) she was doing to make perfectly sure that the guy she did fall for was as close to a soulmate as he could get.
He had to be about her age or a little younger. Good-looking and strong and smart and brave. A romantic. He had to be able to make her laugh and always cheer her up when she was feeling down. Taller than her, but only a little, with broad shoulders. Kind, gentle, reserved, but a bit of a rogue too. The perfect gentleman with a hint of mischief and a sliver of danger.
(”You might as well start on hair and eye colors with a list like this,” Shiho told her when she found Ann’s notepad.
“Oh! That’s a good idea.” Ann retrieved her notepad and tapped her lip with her pen. “What do you think about grey eyes?”
“Don’t ask me.”)
He couldn’t be fair-haired because there was only room for one dumb blonde in their relationship, she didn’t have the best impression of redheads for various reasons, and brown was just so... normal, you know?
(Shiho had been muffling snickers at that point, but she helped Ann come to the conclusions of dark grey eyes, curly black hair, preferably Japanese without further commentary.)
It was kind of silly, she knew, but it felt like a talisman. She’d have a soulmate, or she’d have a guy who was perfect for her anyway. Her standards didn’t have room for the likes of Mr. Kamoshida or that one Photography Club member who kept trying to get creepshots of her when she passed by. The girls could call her a bimbo and the boys could call her a frigid bitch and it would all be fine because she was just waiting for Mr. Right.
So her perfect guy had to be good with kids and kind to animals. He had to be a little bit noble and a little bit sly. He had to hold her hand in public. He had to want her—not her looks, not her body, not her connections or status, but her—more than anyone else.
He had to listen to her. He had to hold her but couldn’t coddle her. He had to support her in her dreams. He had to want marriage and children one day. He had to—
And then, one sunny afternoon in April, three kanji hastily inked themselves across her wrist, and no amount of scrubbing washed it away.
‘来栖 暁’
After so much time spent wanting to know who her soulmate was, it was kind of a shock to find out that he’d actually gotten close enough for their souls to, well, brush.
Maybe he’d moved to Tokyo, or maybe he’d just come to visit, or maybe-maybe-maybe...
Well, it wasn’t like she had any idea how to find him—at least not yet. The name would probably pop up online, if nowhere else, and he might even come looking for her first, but right now, at this moment, he could be just another face in the crowd shuffling through Shibuya Square and she’d never know.
It was an odd feeling, but she didn’t have the time to dwell on it. Her agency had her weekend packed and she barely even had the time to make an attempt at her homework before it was Monday again.
Monday was misleadingly clear until it started pouring down right in the middle of her walk to school, and she found herself ducking under an awning with another unlucky student who’s forgotten his umbrella.
She was just contemplating making a run for it (she’d look totally lame, but it would probably be even lamer to turn up soaked through) when she felt a stare burning into the side of her face.
The other student was the culprit, eyes wide and lips parted in that kind of open awe she got sometimes, that kind that didn’t feel hungry or creepy the way some did, just... admiring.
It was a warm feeling, one that bubbled giggly in her throat—and then she registered the actual look of him
And blinked.
Dark grey eyes, curly black hair, definitely Japanese, a little bit taller than her, handsome and broad-shouldered and somewhat reserved—
Ahahaha, no way.
It was ironic that she’d meet a guy that looked like a perfect 10 on her (slightly joking) list of requirements only a few days after finding out her soulmate was nearby, but that just had to mean things were looking her way, right?
She smiled at him, then resettled herself and went back to contemplating the rain. Inconvenient as it was, it was also really pretty.
Mr. Kamoshida was... nice enough to give her a ride to school and save her from looking flustered and lame or soaked and lame, and she made it to class without further incident.
And then, just slightly late, the boy from under the awning walked in after Ms. Kawakami.
He was a transfer student, Ms. Kawakami said, and he’d be studying with their for the rest of the year.
He wrote his name on the blackboard and murmured his greetings in a low, velvety voice that she could really get used to hearing, but she couldn’t fully appreciate it.
‘来栖 暁’ he’d written. Pronounced as Akira Kurusu, he’d said.
That was her soulmate.
Akira’s soulmate was in Tokyo. He was pretty sure, anyway.
Somewhere, somehow, ‘高巻 杏’ was or had been close enough to ink their name on his wrist in the space of a nap on the train.
It was one more new thing in the whole slew of new he was walking into, and it should have been a shock, but he was traveling out of his hometown for the first time, he was alone in a big city, he had narrowly escaped a prison sentence for a crime he hadn’t committed, and he was barely acquainted with a picture of his new guardian, much less the man himself—
Well. Tokyo was the biggest city in Japan. There were over 9 million people here and more passing through on the daily. His soulmate could be... anyone, really.
Well, no. They were Japanese, he knew that much, and 杏 was generally a female name—an Azu, or Anri, or Kyou, or Suume...
That was about it, though. He should probably start looking for her while he was in Tokyo; much more convenient and accessible than his hometown, if nothing else.
Just... maybe not right now. Right now, he needed to sleep for a week.
Forgetting an umbrella on his first day at his new school felt like just par the course for his current string of luck.
The girl who joined him under the awning he’d taken shelter under did not.
Pale gold hair like starlight, eyes blue enough to make up for the muddied sky tenfold, quiet melancholy on a face so beautiful it was almost ethereal. She stood with casual confidence and enviable ease, like this was just another day to her, like she’d been like this so long she didn’t even notice that the world was hers anymore.
Which she didn’t, he guessed, but meanwhile his breath was caught in his throat, pulse throbbing in his fingertips, because oh, wow...
He’d known people looked like that in magazines, but seeing the real thing—seeing someone who was about as flesh and blood as divinity could get with his own two eyes—now this was something else.
She met his eye with a much milder surprise than his own, her confusion unfurling into a warm smile (oh) and quiet giggle (oh), and then looked away while he gaped like an idiot.
Just proof that there were all sorts of people in Tokyo, he supposed once he’d shut his mouth and scrambled his wits back together. It was a crazy city to put people like the two of them side-by-side.
Not that it really mattered.
He’d probably never see her again, and he was one of those lucky few with a soulmate he had to find besides.
Tokyo was a crazy city, but maybe... maybe it wasn’t all bad.
He saw her again.
And, for all intents and purposes, he’d be seeing her six days a week for as long as he was in the city.
Since, you know, he sat in the seat behind hers in homeroom.
Their homeroom.
The homeroom that they shared, being in the same class and the same year and the same school and all.
The school that was now buzzing with rumors about his probation and what kind of cruel, evil, morally bankrupt deeds he’d done to earn it.
Not that it... really... mattered...
It wasn’t like he’d ever had a chance in the first place, but he’d give just about anything to be entirely invisible in her eyes (and the rest of the school’s, if he was being honest) if that would mean she didn’t look at him with quite so much... alarm.
Oddly, it was her best friend who was the first person after Ryuji that didn’t look at him askance.
“Hey,” she said after he’d bumped into her just inside the door to the courtyard. “Don’t let them get to you. This school loves rumors.”
“What rumors?” he deadpanned, though the words were very, very welcome, he couldn’t lie.
She smiled, genuinely relieved. “I’m glad you’re doing okay.” Then the smile dropped as she looked behind him. “Ann? What’s wrong—”
The girl—Ann Takamaki, professional model at the age of 16—gave him a contorted attempt at a smile of her own and unceremoniously hauled Suzui-san away.
...Juuuuust his luck.
He was really going to go get his lunch and try to eat away his sorrows, but on his way to getting a drink from the vending machines, he heard Suzui-san’s voice from the rest area within and paused to eavesdrop.
“What do you mean, ‘don’t know how to talk to him’?”
Apparently it was Takamaki-san she was talking to, because it was her voice that answered, “What if I mess it up?”
“Don’t you just go up and say hello? Ask how he’s settling in? This is small talk, not rocket science.”
Were they talking about... him? No way, right?
“I can’t do that!” Takamaki-san squeaked. “It’s gotta be, like, special! D-Doesn’t it...?”
“I don’t think so. He seems lonely. I bet he’d be happy even if it wasn’t special.”
Right, so, it definitely wasn’t him they were talking about because he was pretty sure he wouldn’t be able to take the disappointment if he thought they were talking about him and they weren’t. Maybe they were talking about one of Takamaki-san’s coworkers or something.
Maybe. Probably.
Definitely not him.
“Well, if you really want it to be special, you could always start off by shoving your wrist in his face,” said Suzui-san. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me.”
“Sorry... It never seemed to be the right time.”
“It’s fine. I’m going ahead, okay? And talk to him the next time you see him.”
Takamaki-san groaned with a shluff of fabric that suggested she’d slumped in her seat, and then Suzui-san was rounding the corner and Akira had nowhere to hide.
She slowed to a stop when she saw him, pursing her lips and blinking big puppy-brown eyes.
The look faded into wry acceptance after about two seconds. Walking closer (out of Takamaki-san’s earshot?), she murmured, “You heard all that, huh.”
He nodded cautiously. No sense in denying the obvious.
She studied him for a moment, then decided, “That makes things easier... I think. Follow me for a second?”
He nodded again, still mentally trying to catch up with this new turn of events.
Suzui-san led him... in a circle. Back into the school building and out another door, then back to the vending machines, where Takamaki-san was still sitting at the table.
“Look who I found,” Suzui-san announced, and then looked at Akira expectantly until he entered the rest area.
Takamaki-san, for her part, was just as gorgeous and just as alarmed as ever. Akira was of the private opinion that the way the light played over her face and throat belonged on the silver screen... preferably aiming that look at someone who was not him.
“Ann wanted to talk to you,” said Suzui-san, the blatant liar. “I’m going back to class now. See you later!”
And with that, she left Akira alone with Takamaki-san’s steadily growing horror.
The seconds stretched out like eons as the blood drained from her face and tried to rise in his, his mind pinwheeling as he tried to grasp why Suzui-san thought Takamaki-san wanted to talk to him when she was so blatantly terrified of him.
“Um!” she finally squeaked. “Hi!”
“...You feeling okay?”
“M-me? O-oh! yeah, I’m- I’m fine!”
She was a terrible liar. That would have been adorable in any circumstances but these.
When he didn’t immediately reply, she flushed, gaze darting away as she blurted, “So! Um, how are you liking Tokyo?”
“It’s alright,” he said slowly, the eavesdropped conversation dancing through his brain. “Kind of hectic. I never knew trains could be that packed.”
That was about three times what he’d normally say, but Takamaki-san looked borderline desperate.
Seriously, what was going on here?
“Oh yeah, that shocked me too when I first moved here, y’know? I grew up in Finland and it was way quieter than here.” She was gaining her composure back piecemeal, and she managed to look him in the eye with a shy, unsteady, but real smile. “Speaking of trains, have you had the chance to check out the Underground Mall at Shibuya Station?”
“No, not yet.” Suzui-san hadn’t honestly led him here for small talk, had she?
“Oh man, you totally should,” she said, still pink-cheeked and breathless but blossoming into a vivid expressiveness that had butterflies sparkling to life in the pit of his stomach. “They have, like, everything there—you have to see it to believe it.” She scratched the back of her head, suddenly bashful. “I could, um, show you around sometime... if you want.”
His heart lodged itself in his throat, and he had to clear it to speak. “I’d like that.”
Takamaki-san actually glowed, which was putting a whole lot of holes in his theory that she was scared of him. “Great!”
(It was also putting a fair number of holes in his heart and his cool, because there was only so much a guy could do with a smile like that aimed at him and Cupid wasn’t blind.)
“Was there something you wanted me for?” he asked then, because this was good but he probably needed to leave to go cool his head down soon.
Takamaki-san sat bolt upright and flushed again. “No, well, just- just this, I mean—I really did just want to talk to you, and see how you were doing because transferring is hard, I should know, and I know I’m a little late with the welcoming committee but you should definitely check out the city, and... ugh...” She buried her face in her hands. “I’m babbling, aren’t I?”
“It’s cute,” he offered.
She shrunk in her seat and blushed right down to her collarbones. “I... don’t think this qualifies as cute.”
“You’re right; it’s adorable.”
Her head jerked up, and even her mortification was beautiful.
“That... not fair,” she said weakly.
He tilted his head with a half-smile, entirely unrepentant. Making her blush was a way bigger ego boost than he ever would have guessed.
(...If this maybe-definitely crush didn’t die a quiet death soon, meeting his soulmate was going to be a mess.)
Almost as if echoing his thoughts, Takamaki-san wrapped her hand around her wrist and squeezed. There was an enigmatic little grin on her face, her eyes bright and distant. “Guess Shiho was right after all.”
“About what?” he said, wrong-footed by the non-sequitur.
She didn’t seem to hear him. “Hey, so, um...” She dropped her head, shoes scuffing against the ground in a fidget. “There... there was something else that I... wanted to ask you about.”
He waited.
She took a deep breath, then jumped to search her pockets, muttering ah, shoot, and eventually pulling out a crumpled receipt and a pen.
He had a brief moment to think that maybe she would suggest trading numbers, but then she started sketching out a kanji.
“Y-your name...” she said, and his stomach flipped clean over. “It’s, um. It’s spelled like this, right?”
She’d written out ‘来栖 暁’ with astonishingly neat penmanship.
“Good memory,” he said, and his voice came out rough. Especially good considering that she’d only seen it once.
(Unless she hadn’t only seen it once...? whispered something in the back of his mind.)
“Y-yeah,” she said, and exhaled slowly. “And... my name is written like this.”
‘高巻 杏’
(Maybe this rapidly growing crush wouldn’t be that much of a mess after all.)
He wasn’t sure what his face looked like at that moment, but it was enough to make her chest shift in a gasp in his peripheral vision. He was still kind of stuck on the 高巻 杏 part.
Then she started shifting her sleeves, and the glimpse of skin under them had his full attention.
And, there, like a dream, was his name.
“April ninth, around two P.M.,” she said, this actual goddess with a shy smile and his name on her wrist.
“I... was asleep on the train,” he croaked dumbly, then belatedly thought to offer his own wrist to confirm.
The look on her face made him wish that he’d done it ages ago. Timid trepidation met honest joy and unfiltered relief, stained-glass hues of emotion painting her face like art.
The sleeve slipped to cover his name when she went to push her bangs to the side, then rub the back of her head, then, mind apparently made up, she stood and walked over to face him.
“Nice to meet you,” she said, offering a hand—for him to shake, for him to leave his heart in—and meeting his eye, endless wells of sky blue and just as open, just as enticing. “I’m Ann Takamaki, and I’m your soulmate.”
It took three weeks for Ann to dig her old list back up.
She went through the whole thing, checking off almost all of them, then adding amendments to the rest and then checking them off.
Shiho, who was hanging out to borrow Ann’s 3DS, button-mashed what sounded like a combo and said, “I still can’t believe you managed to get the hair and eyes right.”
Ann flushed, pen hovering over the page. Her most recent memory of ‘the hair’ was the way it felt tangled in her fingers and the low groan that had rumbled in his chest when she tightened her grip just so, and her most recent memory of ‘the eyes’ was how the looked when they were glazed and dark and a little bit wild.
“Oh, well, y’know. I have a type.”
“Or psychic powers,” said Shiho, teasing.
Ann sat up. “Oh man, you think?”
“Better start picking out your title now,” Shiho agreed, then muttered, “Ah! Darn...”
Ann flopped back on the bed and held the list high above her. “Ann Takamaki, finder-of-the-Perfect-10-who-is-also-her-soulmate!”
“Rejected. It’s too long.”
“Guess I’ll have to think on it.” She let out that sigh sitting high in her throat.
Then she rolled over and grabbed her phone, because Akira might have some good ideas (or some funny ones, or some intended to make her blush down to her toes), and she really wanted to see if she could make him smile again (coaxing them out was becoming her new favorite pastime), and she had a really funny story to tell him about looking out for the perfect guy and finding out that she'd been unknowingly looking for her soulmate all along.
She was pretty sure he’d be able to appreciate the humor.
fun fact for those who don’t know already: kanji generally have a few readings, but that number goes through the roof when it comes to names. you could name all your kids the same kanji with different readings and they’d hate you for life, but like,,,,, you could do it. both ann and akira’s names have 11 common readings each, at least according to jisho.
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olivenight17 · 5 years
Neito Monoma X Reader “Protection”
Hey! So, I kinda just got the inspiration to write this. Forgive me if it’s a bit sloppy, I’ve been awake all night and it’s really late where I am. Part of this came from a nightmare I just had a few hours ago and I’ve been shaking since. So what better way to counteract it than with having fictional characters protect me from it? Ha ha... yeah sorry you guys. Hope you enjoy our crackhead blond with a softer side.
Sometimes you wished you didn’t have your sixth sense.
To be fair it wasn’t easy. For years your classmates would tease you that you only made it up in order to pretend you had a quirk. It was hard to prove it existed, even if you asked the ghosts to do something, not all had enough energy to even move anything. It only got worse towards the end of the year.
That was when he showed up.
Neito Monoma, the most arrogant, loud-mouthed blond you had ever met, transferred to your middle school. After seeing how he could react to people trying to one-up him, you decided to stay out of his way. You didn’t need him picking on you for your quirk too. You figured you could just fly under his radar until it was time for high school. But, fate had other plans.
As you moved to the library to eat your lunch, two kids from your class blocked the way. “Well, if it isn’t the crazy ghost girl.” One of them sneered down at you.
You merely kept your head down, trying to push through them. They pushed back and you stumbled. “Akira, Natsumi, please. Can’t we just do this some other day? I didn’t eat breakfast and I’m really hungry…” You muttered.
The two simply laughed and pushed you another step back. “Aw, did someone forget to eat because of their hallucinations? Poor you,” Natsumi snickered.
You frowned in response. “They’re not hallucinations. They’re real ghosts, it’s not my fault you’re all too blind to see them.” There was a slight snarl in your voice. It was tiring having to put up with this harrassment every day and you were reaching your breaking point.
“Oh yeah? Prove it then, freak. Prove it like you’ve been able to every time anyone’s asked you about it!” Akira yelled, pulling you back by your hair when you tried to rush by them again. He slammed you into a wall and you whimpered in pain. “Nothing to say, huh? Surprise, surprise. Just admit it, you’re nothing but a quirkless, crazy bitch!” He spat in your face and you flinched.
The tension of his grip was suddenly released and before you knew it, Akira was on the ground and Neito was standing in front of you. “I have to say that is no way to treat a fellow peasant, so I think you two should learn your place. After all, I just recorded that entire scene. It would be a shame if the school were to find out about such indecent behavior, don’t you agree?” You could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
Natsumi helped Akira up and they both glared at him. “Why bother helping out a freak like her? Aren’t you too good for us anyways?” She snipped, her golden hair illuminating her anger.
“Oh believe me, I am far above you. After all I have a quirk that can be useful to society and you two, well come on. Do I really have to explain myself to a girl who’s only power is her glowing hair and a boy with boar tusks?” He chuckled as the two swore under their breath. “Now run along peasants and then I might consider deleting that video.” Venom laced his words and it wasn’t long before they both fled back to the cafeteria.
You could only stare at him in shock. “You… you helped me. Why?” He smirked at your question.
“Well that’s simple, peasant. You have a slight bit more potential than the rest. Though I must admit, I am quite curious to see if the rumors are true. So without further ado…” His hand rested on your neck for a split second, making you switch to confusion.
“Hey, what was that for?” You asked, but he wasn’t paying attention to you which made you huff. Then, a ghost appeared through the wall.
“What’s all that commotion for (Y/N)? This guy’s not giving you trouble, is he?” The ghost asked, squinting his eyes at Neito.
Neito was staring back at him with wide eyes, muttering under his breath as he took a step forward and extended his hand out to the ghost. His hand passed right through him and the ghost in turn tried to whack him with his mop. “What do you think you’re doing, child? Do you know how rude it is to just phase through someone like that!” The mop, of course, passed through Neito and he shivered in response.
You stood between them and held your hands up in apology. “Sorry, Mr. Ito, he doesn’t know ghost etiquette as well as I do. It won’t happen again, I promise.” The old man grumbled at your apology.
“He better not. You’re lucky I like you, (Y/N). Otherwise I’d give that boy hell,” He snapped.
You chuckled in response. “I’m sure you would. I’ll see you in the library a little later for lunch, okay?” You smiled brightly at him and he gruffly nodded before he disappeared back into the wall.
When he was gone, you whirled around to face Neito. However, before you get could a single word out, he was already asking questions. “Who was that?”
“Mr. Ito, he was a janitor who worked here about six years ago. He died slipping on a puddle of chocolate milk and cracked his head on a table. He’s why the school here is always so clean.” You responded and he slowly nodded.
“How long have you known him?”
“Since I came here. He’s a nice man.”
“He’s really a ghost.”
“Well yeah, you can’t exactly phase your hand through most people.” You chuckled. It was amusing, you could almost see the gears turning in his head as he struggled to process the information. When it seemed he had come to terms with what he had learned, you spoke up. “So, how exactly did you do that? Do you have a clairvoyance quirk like me?” A tiny bit of hope flared in your chest. Maybe, just maybe, you weren’t alone.
But it was diminished when the blond shook his head. “Oh no, nothing simple like that. My quirk allows me to use other people’s quirks after I touch them. But I have to say, your quirk is the strangest I have encountered yet.” He told you, rubbing his chin as he looked at you.
There was silence and you shifted under his gaze, getting the odd feeling he was staring at you like cattle. “I guess I’ll just go then…” You mumbled awkwardly, turning away from him.
Before you could get far, he caught you by the arm. “Wait, I’m not done. Since I’ve never experienced a quirk like yours before, I would like to study it more. So peasant, give me your phone.” You blinked owlishly at his words.
“What do you want with my phone,” You asked.
He sighed at your reaction. “I suppose I have to spell it out for you, I’m giving you my number. I expect you to reply when I text you and I’ll be sending you my schedule so you know when to come to my house so I can study your quirk more.” He explained and held out his other hand.
You nodded and placed your phone there with a slight smile. “Cool, I’ve never had a friend before.” You chirped absentmindedly, not expecting him to freeze so suddenly.
The craziest laugh you had ever heard thundered out of him, making you jump. His pupils were incredibly dilated and his face was frozen in an expression that you could only assume was meant to be mocking. “What? This does not make us friends. You are a mere peasant that could be of use! Someone as great as I could never be friends with a tool!” He exclaimed, handing your phone back and then power walking away.
You were visibly shocked and more than a little disappointed, until you noticed the new contact he made. It appeared that was all for show as only a few minutes later he had texted his plans for the week. Shock gave way to excitement and giggles escaped your mouth. He was such a weird kid, but in a way, so were you.
That was how Neito Monoma decided your friendship.
He eventually came around to admitting- which was by no means an easy task- that you were his friend, and that’s when life really began to look up for you. You finally had someone who had your back and knew who you were. Though it took some digging, you began to get to know Neito too. While he was still loud-mouthed and arrogant, you understood that it was only a facade. He used it as a way to hide his insecurities about his quirk and the challenges he knew he would face trying to be a hero. You also realized that he was a really good friend. He was caring in his own way and never failed to show up anyone who was giving you trouble. Anything he said or did, it was to help you and you could never be grateful enough for it.
While you thought he would ditch you once high school came about, that was not the case. Even though he was working hard to be a hero at U.A, he still reserved time for you. He introduced you to his other classmates and friends, though he’d never admit it, and they became your friends too.
By the time high school had ended, you had realized how hard you had fallen for him. Surprisingly enough, it was not you who asked him out. No, it was all him. He had shown up at your house with a bouquet of roses, an adorable blush on his cheeks and a speech he could barely stutter out. It was enough for you and the two of you had been dating ever since.
You had started your lives together. While Neito was out bringing villains to justice as Phantom Thief, you had started your own business to help people with the supernatural. There were a lot of ghosts in houses who could do some stuff the living didn’t quite understand, so you showed up when called and mediated the situation. It was nice to have found your calling, especially with a man you adored so much. He really helped you.
Especially on one particular night.
You closed the door with a sigh, today’s batch of ghosts had been very aggressive and you were happy to be home. Neito wasn’t in the house yet, you figured he was still on patrol, and you took a mini stroll along the halls. It was empty, and by empty, you meant devoid of anyone.
You furrowed your brows, this was odd. Normally the older residents of the house would be greeting you and asking how your day had been, but you couldn’t even feel anyone’s presence. You shrugged it off, maybe they were just tired tonight.
The stretch of silence filling your ears was eery and for some reason, you felt tense and on edge. “It’s just because of work…” You assured yourself, heading to your room. Sitting down at your desk, you began typing away at your computer to check off the jobs you had completed. Just as you reached your hand out to power it down, you felt your hair stand on end.
Someone else was in your room.
An icy chill ran through your body and you sat completely rigid. This was not a ghost from your house. It had an awful energy that seemed to crawl all over the room and you found it hard to breathe. It hadn’t taken form just yet, if you could reach your sage-
“Hi,” it uttered, in a sickly sweet tone that echoed off the walls. From the corner of your eye, you saw a woman with light brown, curly hair and blue eyes. She was crouching down at the side of your desk with a stare that was most certainly inhuman.
This was bad. This was very, very bad. “Leave… leave me be. This is not your home, you are not welcome.” You commanded but it fell off in a whisper. Her eyes glowed and before you could control yourself you were facing your head towards her.
She didn’t speak, only continuing to look into your eyes and you hadn’t noticed anything out of place until her face started rippling. Inky black spread across her face, oozing and dripping as dots of white speckled her being. You gulped, your stomach was churning.
There was a burning force at your back and you landed on the ground just in front of her. You were panting like a dog, throat burning with the feeling of puke but nothing was coming out. Hacking and coughing, you felt blood start to come from your mouth. Tears were streaming down your face. The burning sensation on your back was growing stronger and you let out an ear piercing scream. You were going to die, you were going to die, you were going to die…
The door slammed open, faint shouting swimming in your ears but it seemed so distant compared to the pain. Then there was warmth and the scent of burning sage invaded your nose. Slowly, the presence ebbed away from you, the woman baring her teeth at you savagely as she retreated from your room. “Yes, that’s right. Get the fuck away from my house and if you ever come near my love again I will send you straight back to hell myself!” A voice shouted above you. Glancing up, you saw the pale blue eyes of your boyfriend. “(Y/N), speak to me. Are you okay?” He asked urgently and tears bubbled in your eyes all over again.
You clutched onto him tightly as you sobbed. “Neito thank god. I thought it was going to kill me, it was so strong and it forced me to the ground and I...I…” You sniffled as he rocked you back and forth.
“Sh, I know, love. I know… but you’re alright now. I will personally make sure that thing never comes back. I’m here, it’s okay…” He reassured you, kissing your forehead lightly.
The two of you stayed like that for a long period of time, fear keeping you awake as your eyes darted to every shadow in your room. The darkness no longer felt safe and you swore you could still see it flicker in a  corner. Neito eventually had to get up and turn the lights on just to relax you. “Come on love, lay down. We’ll keep the sage burning and the lights on, it’s not going to come back,” He murmured. You hesitated, before slowly nodding and curling up next to him. It wasn’t long before a sense of serenity passed through you, and you fell asleep to the drum of Neito’s heartbeat. He was your guardian, always there to protect you when you needed it most. You didn’t know what you would do without him.
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darkzorua100 · 6 years
Well episode 55 was interesting to say the least. We finally get to see another Ignis, our Wind one who literally just named himself Windy just like that, and what’s been going on with him and such. Not going to lie, I have some mix feelings about this episode but before I get to that, I just like to take a moment to point this out for a second because I can’t be the only one who thought this and got a good laugh out of it. 
During when 56′s summary was first revealed, I saw some people wondering why Windy was asking Soulburner to duel Blue Girl, thinking it was for some important reason or another but no, it was really just because of this.
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No females allowed in his “Ignises/Ignises holders only” club house!
So the episode starts off with Playmaker/Ai and Soulburner/Flame meeting back up with each other after their duels and finally entering the gate to this Unknown World with Ghost Girl and Blue Girl right behind them. After going through some trippy data, please tell me I wasn’t the only one who was getting a headache from that one scene, Playmaker and Soulburner enter a valley with a huge windstorm. The boys end up having some trouble but its nothing they can’t handle. The girls, on the other hand, are a different story. As soon as they enter the windstorm, Blue Girl gets knocked off her board immediately, shocker, but Ghost Girl is able to save her before she takes any fall damage. The girls have no choice but to take shelter in one of the many caves that this valley seems to have as they regroup. During this, Blue Girl gets a signal from the research team that’s been studying this area and goes to save them immediately with a moment of hesitation. 
Now here’s my main gripe of the episode and I will come back to this many times throughout this but Aoi’s character during this episode. Yes, I very well knew who was writing this episode coming into this but did common sense just leave this girl entirely? I respect her courage and selfless heart during other moments of this episode but there is a fine line between being brave and being stupid. Running around unknown territory, through a windstorm mind you, with just a signal as your lead is how you get killed! Have we apparently forgotten what world we are living in here? Signals can be hacked and use as an ambush! In any other situation, Aoi would be dead right now. However, lucky for her, this actually turned out to be the real thing but this reckless attitude of hers is going to get someone hurt sooner or later if this continues.
Anyway, after a brief cut away to Kusanagi, who has decided he is going to make himself useful by trying to dissect the Ignises’ program, we go back to Playmaker and Soulburner who are still having some trouble in this windstorm until Ai and Flame agree to use themselves as shields to protect their boys from the wind. And I just really liked this moment, especially later on in the episode, of how the two Ignises are willingly to hurt themselves if it means that their boys are able to get through. Later on in the episode, we find out that Windy, unlike Flame and Ai, really doesn’t trust humans and if he was put into that situation, he more then likely would have just let his human take the brutal beating before crashing. I don’t know if that was what the episode was going for when it came to comparing the Ignises but I just found that interesting.
Speaking of Windy, before we cut back to the girls, we happen to see his eyeball form as the literal eye of the tornado that is causing this windstorm which I found really cool how they did that. 
Blue Girl and Ghost Girl find the research team, knocked out cold, with Blue Girl deciding to use her emergency escape program to log them out. Ghost Girl is against the idea at first but Blue Girl was able to convince her to use hers, allowing them to log out with them now having no way out. Blue Girl gave this big speech about how she was acting like a child during season 1 and being selfish since everything she was doing was for her brother so she’s trying to become less selfish but really, that doesn’t happen later on in the episode because the actual reason why we are having Soulburner vs Blue Girl in the first place is actually really stupid. 
And yeah, Akira doesn’t seem to happy about that fact when he finds out about it. Again, I respect Aoi trying to be less selfish in that instance but again, later on, she just goes right back to her roots.
Back with the boys, Ai and Flame aren’t able to take the wind much longer so their shields drop and they are caught up in the storm once more but only for a few seconds as the wind suddenly dies down around them. They are able to process through the valley, finding a temple at the very end of it. I just like to say this now. I am loving all the Greek Mythology stuff that Vrains has been throwing into their show. I love Greek Mythology to death so seeing a Greek-like temple just made me smile. Anyway, the boys land on it, since it is floating in the sky and are immediately greeted by a giant monster, Vrains sure loves its non-Yu-Gi-Oh monsters, who Flame claims to have been one of the creatures that destroyed the Cyberse World. The boys are about to be blasted into kingdom come by it when suddenly...
“I tricked you!”
Windy appears, laughing his ass off.
Well, its official. All of the Ignises are little sh*ts if Ai, Flame, and now Windy are anything to go by. Light, Earth, and Water are going to be treats when we finally do meet them in person.
So yeah, we finally have our third Ignis everyone: Windy. I have to say, his fully design surprised me a lot. Compared to Ai and Flame, he looks almost half done in a sense. While Ai and Flame both have black bodies with their outlines being their attribute type (purple for dark and red for fire), Windy’s body is like a green yellow with pure green outlines and unlike Ai and Flame who have yellow eyes, Windy’s eyes are red. I have to say, I do like the fact that the Ignises aren’t all the same in terms of how they were designed but it still weird to see how different Windy is.
Anyway, the new little sh*t introduces himself as the Wind Ignis and that the giant monster that greeted them was his pet guard dog, Echo, who is a humanoid Ai Windy created that can shapeshift. He’s also Windy’s personal carrier because the little sh*t is to lazy to even fly around. Wow, and you got on Ai’s case for being a lazy little sh*t. Wow, I like Windy already. 
So Playmaker and Soulburner both quickly got dismissed as the three Ignises talk between each other. Flame questions why Windy didn’t go to his kid while Windy just straight up says he doesn’t trust humans and I found this really interesting. Flame did say that the Ignises did spend a lot of time discussing if they should trust humans or not. Flame seems to be on the side of trusting the humans while Windy isn’t so it make me wonder now just where the other three are if some of them don’t trust humans and didn’t go to their kids because of this. We still don’t know who the last two kids are so maybe one of the Ignises is on Flame’s side and went to them but the other two could be anywhere. It also makes me wonder who Windy’s kid is since he doesn’t say it. His exact words when asked this were “I can’t trust humans like you do. I don’t want to be captured.” which is making me think of Spectre since we know that Spectre is apart of the Knights of Hanoi and they want to destroy the Ignises. If it is him, Windy obviously has the right idea on staying away from him. Then there’s Jin and if Windy knows that he’s been captured and are using him for bait to get to him, his words make sense since he knows he would be walking right into a trap. But yeah, this whole Ignis situation is giving us more questions then answers by the second. I just hope we get to find out who Windy’s human is sooner then later. 
Playmaker starts asking his questions about if Windy created this world and that’s when Windy officially decides to name himself that, since he hasn’t bothered to give himself a “human” name yet. I loved Ai’s reaction to the name though XD. Windy introduces Echo and after Playmaker restates his question, Windy finally acknowledges who Playmaker is, the Hero of Link Vrains, and then Soulburner and I do not like fact that Windy just stops after saying Soulburner’s name and glares at him. Windy, you are not helping the conspiracy theories by doing that! Seriously, what’s with the death glare? Do you know something we don’t? Is it the eyes? I knew there was something up with Soulburner’s eyes! Starts talking, Windy!
Anyway, conspiracy theories aside, Windy takes the boys and their Ignises to his private garden for them to talk. Windy explains how he created this world as basically a meeting point for the other Ignises so they can meet back up with each other after they all got separated so they can rebuild the Cyberse World together. He also created this world as a trap for the enemy that destroyed their world since he wants to get some payback against them. 
After Windy explains his side of the story, Playmaker shares why he and Soulburner came here to get Jin’s consciousness back. Since the person who stole Jin’s consciousness was also the same person who attacked their world, Ai asks if Windy would be able to help them. Windy looks to give some thought into the idea but flat out refuses since he clearly just doesn’t want to put himself in danger for the humans. He tries to asks Ai and Flame if they would stay in his world instead as well but they refuse as well since they want to get to the bottom of things about why the Cyberse World was truly destroyed for and because they are attached to their human partners now. Windy respects their decision, since he is just happy to know that they are okay, and is allowing them a safe passage to their destination. He just wants one thing in return.
“Tell these bitches to f*ck off! This is my private domicile and I will not be harassed!”
Windy shows the boys and their Ignises Ghost Girl and Blue Girl and asks them to kick them out before they reach his hideout. He has a no girls allowed policy.
Yeah...that’s why we are having the Soulburner vs Blue Girl duel on Soulburner’s end...
I do love how Ai is just like “do it yourself” while Windy is just like “hell no!” XD
So yeah, Playmaker and Soulburner go and meet up with the girls and I swear to god, Aoi you are a freaking idiot! I said I was going to face palm so freaking hard if they were able to figure out that Blue Girl was actually Blue Angel because of her playing Trickstar but no, she just basically tells them it! Again, what the actual hell was the point of her going undercover if she’s just going to tell them who she actually is?! If they just wanted to change up Aoi’s Link Vrains design, just do if off screen like you did with Ghost Girl! Don’t make it seem like she is doing it for something like hiding her identity when she isn’t actually going to do it! Once again, my brain is getting mad over something as simple as this but I can’t be the only one who finds this so counterproductive!
I will admit that Soulburner did get a good laugh out of me when he comments about how he likes Aoi’s new design and questions if he should change his look as well with Flame telling him what’s the point of doing so when he was already a nobody XD Rip Takeru. But no seriously, unless he’s going to turn evil and needs a new evil look to go with the turn, they better not change Soulburner’s design. I love it to pieces. Especially the scarf, I love the scarf.
So Soulburner, Flame, Blue Girl, and Ghost Girl are all finally introduced to each other with Ghost Girl figuring out that Soulburner is also a victim of the Lost Incident and is asking the boys why two of the victims are working together when the Knight of Hanoi were gone. Playmaker gives them the rundown and Ghost Girl seems to have put the pieces together on why Playmaker was dueling Bohman in the first place. Playmaker then asks her the same question on what they are doing here and Ghost Girl explains how they are trying to find Windy for SOl Technology. 
Uh excuse me what? When did this turn into the plot line of the girls working for SOL Tech? Yeah I know Akira is working at SOL Tech but he’s doing this behind their back. They are making it sound like they are doing this for SOL Tech and Blue Girl is really not helping that case when she’s starts pulling this sh*t that Akira did during his and Playmaker’s duel when she tries to convince the boys to lay off and let the “adults” handle this. I like how Soulburner states how they are the ones that need to lay off since they are doing things their way and that SOL also played a role in the Hanoi Project so they have no right to trust them. 
And right after that, I think I out right started to dislike Blue Girl for the rest of this episode when she says this.
“In that case, those Ignis were originally under SOL Technologies’ control. Give them back.”
Bitch what?
I love how even Emma is looking at Aoi like “bitch what?” after she says that.
So Blue Girl is convinced now that if they get Ai and Flame, they will be able to find Windy. Uh no...
Again, I know who is writing this but what is this mindset of hers at the moment? Even if she did capture them, you really think they will just tell you, let alone bring you to him? Geez, you wonder why Windy doesn’t trust humans...
So Soulburner tells Playmaker to go on ahead as he deals with Blue Girl and her bullsh*t. Honestly though, I think he just really wanted an excuse to duel Blue Angel. Playmaker leaves with Ghost Girl trying to follow him but Ai just bitch slaps her away with his data storm powers so who knows if she will actually be able to follow him now. 
And that’s basically how the episode ends up with Soulburner and Blue Girl about to start their speed duel. From the preview, it looks like Blue Girl is getting a new Trickstar but who knows what that will actually do if Soulburner pulls out a Fusion during this duel.
But yeah over all, this was an episode. Again, the bits with Aoi just pissed me so much since I honestly expected more out of her but again, bad writing and it is more then likely going to get worse next episode because again, you know who is also writing for the Blue Girl vs Soulburner duel. I did enjoy Windy’s introduction though and I can’t wait to see more of him in the future. 
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tricksheart · 3 years
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@more-than-a-princess​ said: Because I'm curious: since it's almost Akira's birthday, I want to hear about either the best birthday he's ever had or, if he could spend his birthday doing anything and with anyone, what would he do, who with, and why? No chocolate is a given, of course. But how does he feel about fruit-filled cakes? Or does he like Funfetti instead?
His childhood was complicated at best. Sure he had mostly the support of his mother. But to celebrate a birthday and have it be happy? Not a chance. Poor boy was either isolated because of his resting bitch face, which he was born with, who is father was, as nobody wanted to be friend with a kid who’s dad was part of the force, meaning no fun allowed, or the weather was too icy or snowy for anyone to come anyways. Not to mention that his family has separated but not divorced due to the stigma of not staying married in Japan. Also his father’s side of the family was caught in scandal too, years back. His mother treats him like a younger brother more than a son as well, making him call her ‘big sis’ like everyone else. Akira was quite lonely in his grade school days and the only ones that really gave him the time of day was his uncle Tatsuya and his life partner Jun. And he was not that lucky to be taken care by them that often so he was stuck with a mom who didn’t even want kids and a father who thought anyone who even had a toy gun was heading towards delinquency. Quite the  authoritarian parent for sure. Luckily Akira only had to see Katsuya on the weekends.
Anyways, his best birthday would be both of his parents treating him like a son more than just a person to take care of or is just visiting until he’s eighteen and pushed to follow in his father’s footsteps even though he wants to be either a professional race car driver or an actor. But unknown to him, his parents can’t be together thanks to the ‘Joker’ curse put on them by Nyarlathotep because his plans failed during 1999 / 2000 and couldn’t effect anyone else, except well Maya, his mother, for she isn’t really supposed to be alive in the first place. But that’s for another time and not as important here. Maybe another time, since it’s pretty much spoilers for the Persona 2 duology and a heavy complex subject that would takes days to explain in entirely. So yeah, in all, his wish can’t be granted, even if presented in Maruki’s reality because the world would end just as it did in 1999 / 2000. A Grand Cross isn’t something that is to be trifled with and that’s what happens if Maya dies besides natural causes.
About the cakes, yes, he loves fruit filled ones but only certain flavors. Cherry, Banana, Watermelon, Pear, Ligonberry, and a few others are out of the question. As long as they are berries though, think strawberries or mixed berries, the more he likes them and will eat them. But he also loves Funfetti too because of the colorful sprinkles and that a lot of people not just him like this type of cake too. So that he’s not alone. They aren’t cakes per say but he also likes macaroons, well the ones that aren’t chocolate of course. He’s also really found of citrus petit fours or lemon berry kind that you can make at home. He’s really proud of the desserts that he makes since they are all of the things Akira enjoys the most. In all, he’s pretty much a cake fan. Crepes on the other hand, it’s canon that he doesn’t care for them, and even though I never had a crepe, neither would I want him to be. Akira also wanted to enjoy a princess cake but with the amount of whipped cream contained in the dessert, which he dislikes, has turned him away from eating it even if the other components sound absolutely amazing.
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tarot-tatas · 7 years
A Time Like This
Read it on AO3
I'm on a study break and it's my own shark week. This shit hurts and my gf isn't here to comfort me because that's what I turn into when this happens - a whiny piss baby who needs princess time and cries about everything.
Makoto woke up on a Monday morning at her usual time of 6am. Criminals wouldn’t stop themselves, after all. 
She sat up, stretched and rubbed her eyes, expecting to see a familiar lump next to her in the bed. Normally, the lump would be stationary, probably snoring, but today wasn't the case. The lump was there, no doubt, but it was wriggling slowly. "Ann?" Makoto leaned over and gently pulled back the bed sheet with two fingers, expecting to see the calm sleeping face of her girlfriend. But she saw discomfort and pain instead. "Makoo~" Ann whined softly with her eyes shut and hands wrapped around herself. Makoto's blood turned cold and her heart dropped, going 'splat' into her stomach. "A-Ann, love, what's wrong?" Makoto asked gently, moving a blonde strand of hair away from her lover's face while knowing the answer to her question already.
Ann opened her eyes, watery and blue, and gazed at Makoto as if she was about to have the living daylights beaten out of her. "It's my time." Makoto's face whitened as moved closer to place a soft kiss on Ann's temple. "I'm sorry about that, will you call in sick from work?" Ann nodded and reached around to take Makoto's Buchimaru-kun pillow to hug tightly. "Do you want me to tell the others that you can't make it to lunch?" Makoto softened her voice more and stroked Ann's cheek with the back of her fingers. "Mmm...yes pwease..." Ann's weak reply instantly put Makoto on edge. The calm before the storm. "Would...would you like anything else?" Makoto was very careful with her words, knowing how easy it was for anyone to swing moods during a time like this. "Ice cream..." Makoto furrowed her brow and scratched the back of her head, feeling the little knots that had formed during her sleep. "It's a bit early for that, plus we both know that green tea is better to have that ice cream during th-" Ann's head snapped back to look at Makoto with a deadly glare. Makoto gulped, "Ann, you'll feel a lot better when you have tea - you know this." The blonde puffed out her cheeks and pulled the entire bed sheets to herself, leaving Makoto exposed in her Buchimaru-Kun pyjamas. "Ann," Makoto sighed and moved closer, but a hand struck out and jabbed Makoto by the cheek away. Ann huffed and curled up like a hedgehog, and Makoto sighed, swinging her legs off the bed. "Ann, please listen to me." Another huff. Makoto sat up and got dressed. "Would you like an appointment with Dr. Takemi?" Another huff. "Well what is it you want?" Makoto herself huffed at Ann while throwing open her cupboard door and pulling out her uniform. It was already 6:25am. "I can't understand huffs," she added, and was only met by a throaty groan. "You're a dog now?" Another short groan. Makoto rested her head against the mirror inside her cupboard. Shutting her eyes, she counted back from five to one. "Ann, I need to go to work. Is there anything you want while I am out?" "Ice cream," a proper mumble of a response. Makoto threw on her blue shirt and buttoned it up to the top. "There's ice cream in the fridge that you want to eat already, so I can't bring anymore home." Ann shot up and gave Makoto another scowl. "Why are you such a bitch?!" She snapped, her hands gripping the covers so tightly her knuckles were lightening in colour. "I'm not! You want ice cream, as silly as that is, and it's already in the fridge for you!" Ann threw the Buchimaru-kun pillow at Makoto with all the force her cramping body could muster. Makoto managed to block the aerodynamic panda just in time to hear an ungodly screech from her girlfriend. "Get out! I hate you!" "No you don't, you hate the pain," Makoto rolled her eyes and chucked the pillow back onto the bed before proceeding to finish getting dressed. "There's food in the fridge, take some tablets, I'll visit Takemi and get more painkillers too," Makoto looked over at the calender in their room and noticed the big red 'X' in red on the current date, then saw the black 'X' right under it to signal that she was due next week. "I'll get the rest of myself ready at the station, I'm running late," Makoto blew a kiss to the gremlin monster in the bed and picked up her biker jacket from the rack behind the door. She left the room and heard a scream and dodged the same Buchimaru-Kun pillow that shot out after her. "I'm a fucking hormonal princess! LOVE ME!" 
"Geez, you look like you've been fighting shadows," Ryuji smirked as Makoto took off her helmet and look at him with lifeless eyes. "It's Ann," she let out an exasperated sigh and dismounted her bike. The police station was right next to the café Haru owned and ran, and her boyfriend was sitting out the front with a cold drink on the table. "Good morning Mako-chan!" Haru came outside with a takeaway cup of coffee for Makoto, having known the police commissioner for a number years and her regular order. "Morning Haru, and thanks," Makoto gave a tired smile and took the coffee from Haru. "Ann's going through a tough time," she explained with an eyebrow raise towards Haru as an indication it was THAT time. "Oooh, I see," Haru nodded in understanding and touched her own stomach. "Lucky mine just finished. You would think after all of us being friends for so long that we would all sync up." "Yeah, that's true," Makoto chuckled and took a long sip of the coffee. Ryuji looked between his girlfriend and friend, confused and furrow browed. "Ya lost me." "It's a certain thing that we have because we have certain parts, darling," Haru patted his shoulder gently.
It took the blonde a minute, then the lightbulb switched on. "Oh it's the thing where you get me to hide the knives once a month!" He blurted out, which made Makoto blink in shock at Haru. "I'm...not even going to ask," Makoto was lost for words. "Don't," Ryuji warned then winked at Haru. Makoto's phone buzzed in her pocket. She took it out and saw an image from Ann...in her hoodie with the hood up, a scowl on her face and flipping the bird. Underneath was a message:
Ann: Bring home chocolate or sleep somewhere else "Did Ann-chan just start?" Haru asked Makoto, who let out a groan. Ann was wearing the 'emotions hoodie.' "Today, she's probably eating ice cream right now, seeing as that's what she wants." "Tea is normally better for us," Haru mused out loud and Makoto winced. "I always suggest tea and she throws a fit. You'd think by now I'm used to what she's like during menstruation," Makoto rubbed her eyes. "So I take it Ann ain't join' us for lunch then," Ryuji rocked on the back legs of his chair. "No way, unless you want to get pillows thrown at you," Makoto hung her head and turned on her heel. "I need to start work, see you guys later."
With her emotions hoodie on, Ann was curled up on the couch of the apartment she owned with Makoto. On the tv was a re-run of an old anime from the nineties. In Ann's lap was a tub of ice cream and next to her was a pile of painkillers. "I bet Sailor Moon didn't have cramps," she muttered, scooping up a dollop of ice cream and shoving it into her mouth. She had calmed down from the morning and was now just in a slump, and felt bad for yelling at Makoto out of the sheer pain that felt like someone swinging a sledgehammer against her ovaries. With a sigh, she picked up her phone and went into her messages and found the thread for her and Makoto. She typed out a quick message: Ann: Sorry bout this morning I didnt mean any of it, i love you <3
She sent it off and curled even tighter into a ball, knowing Makoto wouldn't look at her phone until she was on a break.
"I sure am glad I don't suffer from that monstrosity," Yusuke crossed his long arms and flicked his hair back. "Then why do you act like it half the time?" Akira asked, not missing a beat and not looking up from his phone. Yusuke could only look dumbfounded as Ryuji burst out into laughter with Morgana and Haru giggled with her hand over her mouth. Makoto was not paying attention, but reading the text Ann had sent her earlier in the day. She tapped out a response slowly, not knowing if Ann's mood had swung since the time the text was sent. Makoto: Its okay, I know. I love you too. A minute later, the phone vibrated again and Makoto looked at the screen. Ann: Can you please get the stronger meds? Makoto: Sure, did you want anything else, your majesty?
Ann: Crepes with chocolate and chocolate ice cream and pocky and chocolate mochi and chocolate cake and-
Makoto pocketed her phone and returned to the conversation, which was to no surprise still questioning Yusuke's very existence.
Ann opened the freezer and pouted at the the diminishing ice cream. She opened the fridge next and peered inside, finding a white chocolate mousse inside. "This will do," she sighed and pulled her victim from the fridge. Her phone buzzed in her pocket. Setting aside the mousse and retrieving her phone, Ann opened the group chat thread and smiled at the picture of Yusuke looking shocked about something. Ann: Lmaooooo hahaha
She typed back a response and dug into her mousse, shutting her eyes tightly to ignore the bear trap that was just let off in her stomach.
"...Menstrual cycle, huh?" Makoto scowled at Takemi from across the examination. "Yes." "And yours is next week," Takemi didn't even look up from the boxes she was putting stickers on. Makoto flushed bright red and cross her arms and legs. "M-Mind your own business! You don't even know for sure!" Makoto squeaked and curled into herself as Takemi smirked. "I know because you're in sync with your sister," she handed the box of painkillers out to the younger Niijima, enjoying the frown on her face. Makoto pulled out her wallet and slapped the yen down on the table. "Keep the change, tell sis I said hi and to not share that stuff," she grumbled and left the room, a smirking Takemi watching her as she did so. "She didn't share it, kid. I'm a doctor."
Makoto turned the key to the apartment and entered. The lights were off, save the television playing. On the couch was Ann, half on her back half on her side fast asleep with her mouth open. Her hoodie was still up, so Makoto gently closed the door behind her and crept over the kitchen to set down the plastic bags and the takeaway on the counter. She took a deep breath, and gently approached the sleeping Ann and sat beside her. "Ann," Makoto let a finger trail along from Ann's shoulder to her arm. The blonde stirred and slowly opened her unfocused eyes. "...Mako..." "That's me, the bitch you hate," Makoto smiled pressed a kiss to Ann's head. Instantly, Ann curled up and groaned, "I...don't hate you..." "I know you don't," Makoto rubbed Ann's back in slow circular motions. "You hate the pain, and you're allowed to." "...It sucks," Ann sat up slowly and shook the hair out of her face. "I'm fucking gay I don't deserve this." Makoto chuckled and brought Ann into a hug. She let Ann rest against her and continued to rub her back and arm. "You don't, honey. You really don't." Ann let out a soft hum and relaxed even more, still wincing at the pain. "I got the pain killers for you, and brought home some takeout and a hot chocolate," Makoto said softly, and Ann lifted her head to look directly into brown eyes. "For me?" "For you," Makoto nudges Ann's nose gently, loving the dazed smile that came from the blonde. "You hormonal monster princess." Ann giggled and took down her hoodie to reveal matted twin-tails. She leaned in and gently kissed her girlfriend on the lips. Makoto tasted chocolate, and only chocolate, but at least it wasn't the taste of enemy blood. "Wanna eat on the couch?" Makoto mumbled against Ann's sweet lips. "Mhm," was the weak response. Ann spent the night in Makoto's lap with pad thai in her lap and the fluffiest hot chocolate ever on the coffee table in front of her. Makoto pampered her silly as they watched some strange game show featuring men say tongue-twisters or get their balls hit. "That," Ann said through a mouth of noodles. "That is what it's like." "I'll be sure to tell Yusuke," Makoto grinned.
~One Week Later~
Ann yawned and stretched, feeling better than ever. She had an early photoshoot out at the fishing pond. "Morning Mako," Ann rolled over to kiss her girlfriend, but got a groan in response. "Mako?" The blonde looked down and saw Makoto, thriving in pain with gritted teeth, clutching at her stomach. "Ann...Ann help..." The brunette hissed and whined, clinging to her Buchimaru-Kun pillow. Ann placed a hand to her cheek and sighed - it was her girlfriend's time. "Alright, what do you want babe?" Ann big spooned Makoto and rested her hands on the tight stomach. "Ice cream," was the response from the woman in pain. "Babe, it's 7am, you can't have ice cream for br-" "Shut up and get me dairy," Makoto snapped and curled up into a ball. Ann scowled and sat up again. "Fine, fine. I'm getting you green tea as well, it'll make you feel better." "Come back quickly, cancel everything I need you here," Makoto instantly whimpered and gave Ann a puppy dog pout. Ann put her hand on her hip and shook her head with a smile. "Sure thing, your majesty."
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I Hope You Burn || Setsuko || Re: Akira || ATTN: Akira
Setsuko was already boiling with rage as she listened to Akira jabber on about why he did this entire thing. She was having a hard time refraining from just socking their mastermind in the face, having a hard time refraining from just taking off her shoes and throwing them at him, having a hard time refraining from strangling Akira. With each word he spoke her face only grew even more red with anger.
She stepped back, “I don’t believe in good and bad people. They just make good or bad decisions. But GOD DAMMIT I think I can make an exception for one person.”
Her voice was seething with hate, her face pure scarlet and the tears in her eyes.
“You don’t know how difficult it was for some of us to gain our titles. You’re naive to think it’s been sunshine and rainbows in our paths to get to our titles. I can’t speak for the rest of us but I know FOR SURE my life up to my invitation to Hope’s Peak was littered with loneliness and isolation. I spent DAYS awake with only coffee as the thing to keep me awake, trying to script, study, watch and play and read, act, EVERYTHING! I had no friends growing up, only media to keep me company because my audience was all I had. AND SO MY ENTIRE LIFE WAS DEDICATED TO THAT, AND IT MADE MY LIFE A LIVING HELL. BUT I STILL DID IT. AND I EARNED MY TITLE. YOU DON’T JUST WORK HARD TO GAIN A TITLE.”
“I’m SORRY your friend isn’t doing well enough to gain a fucking title. But just because YOU’RE upset at this, doesn’t mean you need to destroy an entire group of people’s livelihoods down the drain. You’re a disgusting human being who deserves a fate worse than death. And you’re LUCKY, I’m refraining from strangling you to death.” She gives a pointer finger at Akira, “I hope you’re happy with yourself, you absolute monster. I wouldn’t feel sorry for you if Airi stabbed you to death here and now. You deserve it. You deserve it all.”
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