#aks and vks friendships
itsalwaysforyou · 2 years
we need more platonic descendants fics
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kingchad · 2 months
Also to me what is cool about Descendants is that it presents complex emotional situations and lessons to kids. The core conflicts and themes of D1-3 center around developing empathy for other people no matter what. The VKs learn that they are more than their upbringing, that the way they were treated as kids was not right or fair to them, and that they can live their own lives differently and help others. And then because the VKs have a complex idea of morality they are able to teach the AKs that the systems of good/evil they’ve been taught their whole lives are not so rigid and that being good is much more complex.
But in Rise of Red, Red and Chloe already have a good grasp on morality, they learn really small lessons in regards to that but it’s not the core conflict. The core conflict is that something bad happened to Bridget and it made her evil. It’s implied that Ella wasn’t there for her in her time of need. And the solution to this is to….stop the bad thing from ever happening to her.
This is a MAJOR setback from the themes of D1-3! It was REALLY important that the VKs were able to be good DESPITE and in large part because of the hardships they endured. The idea that one bad event is enough to condemn an individual is hugely reductive! And literally the ANTITHESIS of the themes of the prior films!
My rewrite would be that the girls get the book and stop the first prank from occurring, and they go to the dance, but somehow Bridget is still humiliated. Chloe and Red think they’ve failed, but they are there to help defend Bridget and comfort her in the aftermath, involving Ella as well. Bridget isn’t humiliated and alone, but comforted by her friends and given the emotional tools to grow from her hardship, reaffirming the values of friendship and kindness that have been presented throughout the film.
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maeby-bby · 1 month
General Descendants Headcanons
Word Count: 384
A/N: this is just my general headcanons in general! i would love discussion but in my head this is just how i view everyone because i love them all <3
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okay let's get into this!
dove confirmed mal is pan and has a huge crush on evie, so I definitely see evie being bi or pan and having a huge comphet problem because of her mother
jay is also a raging bisexual if I've ever seen one (source: I'm bi)
as for carlos I personally love his relationship with jane, I think they're very cute together
though I do think carlos is bi as well, or at least queer in some way
harry and gil are also raging bisexuals
harry literally flirts with anything that moves/breathes lets be so honest
uma is so complicated for me because I love her with harry but I also love the idea that she's a lesbian and is possibly jealous of evie and mal
seriously if mal and uma were together they would be such a power couple especially since they work so well together
I'm a huge gil x jay person, I think their chemistry in D3 was amazing
imagine them on their gap year traveling the world omg-
doug is so complicated for me because I do feel like he genuinely loves evie but the reason they never said "the L word" is because evie was struggling so much with comphet and didn't understand what she was feeling
and doug waited for her! he never pushed her to do anything she wasn't comfortable with and was happy just to be her friend and help her with her business
or its just a lavender marriage anyway-
family is so important to everyone in the descendants universe, whether it is by blood or not
which is a theme already shown in the movies
after the barrier is taken down i do see there being a couple hiccups here and there BUT it is taken care of fairly easily
and in my head i do see a lot of unlikely friendships and auradon just winning all the tournaments and things
plus everyone's fashion just gets 10x better in general
which is why you see more dyed hair on AKs (auradon kids) in the rise of red instead of it being exclusive to just VKs
i don't think any of this is groundbreaking by any means but i just love talking about descendants in general so! hopefully you enjoyed!
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amethxxt · 3 months
Thoughts on Lonnie and family in general in Descendants?
I forgot how I like getting asks lol
About Lonnie, I adore her. I think the wig they gave her in the first movie was criminal, but that scene is also one of my favorite interactions in D1.
Mal asking why on earth would she even help Lonnie and Evie accepting it for her when Lonnie mentions paying for it - I love them.
One of the things I like about Lonnie is how they made her be feminine and also a badass. I think a lot the times media paints characters who are feminine and care about their appearance (hair, clothes, etc) in a bad light. I believe we could even use Audrey as an example.
With Lonnie, we have her worry about those things in D1, but that doesn't make her any less strong or badass. She's a very skilled with a sword, helps the Core Four win against the pirates and still wears pretty dresses whenever she pleases. Femininity doesn't make her weak.
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Overall, I think Lonnie as a character has a lot of potential. From the beginning, she was one of the only AKs who were welcoming to the VKs. I also like how she was not afraid to expose how nasty some of Auradon Prep's students could be in School of Secrets.
To be fair, I don't remember much of her from the books (I really want to reread them and list some details that I like about every character) or Wicked World, so I can only speak about the movies.
I have been writing one fic (not posted yet) and I really liked exploring Lonnie and Ben's friendship. I think because both of them were so supportive of the VKs, they'd get along very well, and it makes me wish we had seen more of Ben with his friends from Auradon.
Imagine if we had this moments of the two of them just talking and trying to make sure the VKs feel welcome at Auradon Prep and then see Lonnie jumping at the opportunity to help save him when he gets kidnapped.
Lonnie in D2- I just love her. Questioning Chad's sexist remarks, being the very best a fencing, her friendship with Jay and, again, her not hesitating to invite herself to be a part of Ben's Rescue Team™.
Most of the time, I wish Descendants wasn't Disney so we could get deeper into the darkness of the plot. We have the "I just thought even villains loved their kids..." in D1, but I would also love to see Lonnie realize what the Isle truly is like when she goes there. For her to watch the children living under those conditions and become livid at how her parents and other "heroes" had been complicit for that to happen.
I would love to see her siding with Evie and the others in order to get more children out, and I really missed her in D3.
For me, it was really strange how Sarah wasn't a part of D2 but they still managed to include Audrey in Chad's plotline, but never did that with Lonnie in D3. I believe the reason they gave for her to absent was that she was busy being a part of the professional R.O.A.R. team in Northern Wei, so I think they could've at least mentioned her.
About her family, I don't have many thoughts besides my despise for her brother's name. Granted, Lonnie is far from good, but Li'l Shang... Oh my god, how I hate that. They did him so dirty.
I have been working on a story about Audrey and changed both of their names to my personal headcanons. Lonnie is Li Lanying and Li'l Shang is Li Shixiang. They may not be perfect but I think it's better than what Disney did lol
Maybe I'll talk more about the books once I reread them, but I really liked answering this ask.
If anyone wants to send one about a different character or couple, I'll try my best to give my thoughts and even headcanons if I have any!
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qiqi-media · 2 years
Three questions:
What do you think about the book Aks and Vks(that is if you read the books)
Do you believe that descendants could have been a animated series from the start with ALL descendants kids and not just Mal
Who do you think got the worst treatment in the descendants fandom? AK version: Ben, Audrey, Lonnie or Chad?(or all 4)
I've read some of each book so I can answer briefly but I haven't ever sat down and read them all cover to cover back to back so excuse me if I left some things out.
1.) Pre-descendants (blank on which one was the prequel I think it was Isle of the lost not 100% though) Audrey was more naïve, honestly don't think I would've cared for her character if they kept her similar to female movie version Ben. I would've felt bad for her but I actually like movie Audrey more. A lot of fanfiction Audrey matches book Audrey's personality instead of Movie Audrey. I like that Audrey has a rougher personality, similar to the vks I relate Mal's d2 whole I'm not good enough and Evie's One kiss "maybe I'm just too bad" to her movie character because Audrey was selfish but she wasn't supposed to be she's a princess and I would've like to see how she struggled with that. In the books it's more or less non existent.
As for Ben I like him a lot more in the movies than in the books, I'm 50/50 on his book character. I think he's an ass, in the prequel it's implied that one of the only reasons he specifically picks Mal to come off the Isle because he has dreams about her (aka romantically interested) making it seem like he doesn't actually care for the Isle kids he just wanted to get himself a girl off of there. He's rude to Audrey, He basically implies that because he's becoming King his life is much harder than her fairy tale life and he thinks it's boring. He acknowledges that he doesn't even like her but continues to go out of these nicely planned dates with her. They make it seem like he's so tired and bored of everything in his life and that he's really only actively participating in friendships and relationships because he doesn't have anything else to do and takes the chance of bringing VKs into it to spice it up. They also instead of making it solely Mal's decision try to imply that Ben agreed with this decision instead of being pressured into it. Other than that he does seem like good o'l Ben there are sad moments were his insecurities of not being a good King are showed that I appreciated.
As for VKs
The Demon is worse than ever still the same terrible person that she is, except it's even worse now that I read her thoughts from the book.
Evie was shady sometimes but more or less the same character. They did give Carlos and Jay more lines and depth but I just feel like their characters book or movie version were never fully fleshed out. They have small characteristics that shows you hey it's this character talking but other times it's like you could switch the dialogue and say it's Jay talking here instead of Carlos and I wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
Uma is very close to her movie adaptation in my opinion, probably because she was only a movie character at first so the writer didn't have to struggle with giving a character a personally than having to change it when the movie decides to change it.
2.) If you mean make it so all the characters got equal screen time if it was a series than yeah I do. I know we all hate how it became the Mal show but I honestly struggle to see how they would flesh out each character in the last two movies anyway which is why you, myself and a lot of other people think it should've been a series so that all characters could've have an arc. Maybe then it wouldn't be "Mal and anybody she likes=right and anybody else= wrong"
3.) Worst treatment hands down Ben and Audrey but in general I think the fans are too hard on all the AKS especially the boy ones. Jane was forgiven, Lonnie is just there, there's nothing really to hate besides her hypocrisy. But Doug is shitted on because he was an insecure teenage boy who as a form of comedy relief calmy asked if Evie was seeing someone else and then tried to list his good points so that if Evie was seeing someone else she'd pick him over them. Chad is...a chad I do think it's unfair how the fandom hates him for using Evie but completely ignores the fact that she was doing the same thing. She didn't care about him and he didn't care about her why should one be hated over the other. Movie Chad really wasn't as much of a playboy as they tried to make him (I don't like Chad) but the only girl we see him show real interest in is Audrey. Everybody knows I don't think he was wrong for what he said at family day either it's just a strong bias against AKs.
Ben gets shitted on to lift up Mal like the series doesnt even jump start because of him. She gets credited for a lot of things he's done or should have been in charge of but gets shitted on for all the bad stuff that is never really his fault. Mal tries to spell him he rightfully gets angry and somehow he's pushing on being an abusive boyfriend??? If it's not from Mal fans it's unfortunately from Audrey fans blaming him for the Did I mention scene when he was clearly drugged. There's way more but let's cut it short.
Nothing Audrey can do is right in this fandom, when she didn't get herself involved with the Vks and didn't blindly trust them She's a mean girl she's a bully. When she snaps after having her life turned upside down, being betrayed and dropped by everyone she knows including adults and her family and is left lonely and isolated while being forced to watch the girl who's family now has a pattern of fucking hers over, she's over dramatic and doing too much over a high school break up and should be punished. Meanwhile most likely their favorite characters have either a similar personality to Audrey's or have done actions similar to hers that have gone unpunished (Looking at all the C4)
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inamindfarfaraway · 1 year
Who's the first AK that Mina befriends and why? Which AK is the last for Mina to warm up to, and why? And which AKs will she never be friends with?
The first is Chelsea. Mina is mildly impressed that she volunteered to room with a VK, after getting a wary reception from some other AKs. Chelsea confesses that she didn't get on with her previous roommate, so it didn’t seem like that a hard of a decision, and they talk about being disabled and bullied and left behind and arbitrary AK social norms and hey, Chelsea’s funny, and actually gets Mina’s sharp sense of humour, and with healthy plants and wildlife being so alien to her Mina is more than happy to hear all her swamp facts and holy shit, she can do magic, that’s badass and -
oh. They’re friends. Wow. It happens a lot more naturally than either of them anticipated. They’re very sweet together. I love them. They have sleepovers at each other’s houses in the school holidays, because even by the first one they’re so used to and comfortable sharing a bedroom. Chelsea loves playing with the Foxworth pets. She visits the shelter and helps Mina sometimes, and Mina visits New Orleans and the swamp to watch Chelsea learn magic.
I think she'd get along pretty well with most canon AKs. They’re all generally good people, except Chad and to an extent, mostly formerly Audrey. Chad’s always come across as worse to Audrey than me, so his character growth would be slower and more begrudging and he plays a minor antagonist to Mina and other VKs; he’s too afraid of his parents, Ben and Mal making him face more serious consequences for his actions than the discipline he’s already got to try anything really bad, though. He is fundamentally a coward whose bark is much worse than his bite. And everyone can see that. He’s too pathetic, unintelligent and uncreative to be an effective bully. A minority of other AKs who share his malice aren’t, however, and not all of them change their ways. There are many AKs that Mina just never clicks with or warms up to because that’s how people work, with no such malice or judgment necessary.
It takes her and Terry surprisingly long to become proper friends. That’s why even after the time skip, I haven’t described them as friends in their bios. The reason is that I specifically created him to be Mina’s foil. Their personalities and roles are as different as can be, and she has trust issues and he’s bad at compromise, among other traits and attitudes that, by design, rub each other the wrong way. They both regret how awkward this is for Chelsea and want to be friends. But they just don’t get each other. Resolving this impasse is the result of their character development, particularly Terry’s, who’s more invested in befriending Mina. It requires him to slow down, acknowledge his flaws, listen to and learn from someone else’s perspective and put effort into building something despite knowing that it won’t be perfect. Mina is isn’t perfect, and neither is he. Neither is their friendship. But it’s still good. Yeah. Still good.
The last AK Mina warms up to is Audrey. Audrey has spent the six months since the movie having a big arc of unlearning her prejudices and callous, competitive, selfish worldview, which has involved coming to be on good terms with Mal, glad and grateful that she makes her best friend happy, and quite a messy breakup with Chad due to her no longer respecting him being a dick or liking that he enables and encourages her being a bitch. He swings between being bitter and desperate for her to take him back. She’s just tired of him. By Cotillion, her family is fracturing too: Leah refuses to change her views on VK no matter how unpopular they get or how much the whole rest of her family disagrees with her, and Aurora finally demands that if she can’t be trusted to look after all her citizens, she has to abdicate the throne. Phillip backs her up. In Audrey’s mind, Leah is her beloved, doting grandmother who’s always been there for her (a little critical and controlling, maybe, but all in the name of helping Audrey be everything she needs to be, right? There’s totally no toxicity in that dynamic that she also needs to unpack now, right? Please?) But… though it breaks her heart, she agrees with her parents. Leah is not taking any of this well. So Audrey’s under a lot of stress at the moment. Mina observes this from the sidelines and realizes that Audrey is not a shallow prissy princess/popular girl stereotype, but a Person with Feelings. Feelings about relatable stuff like a family member being awful. Now that, a VK can’t help but sympathize with. They have their first really open and honest conversation after that when Mina steps in to offer the appreciated sentiment of ‘you’re not alone and you’ll get through this, keep going’ and the less appreciated promise to sic her dogs on her grandma if she wants. Then Audrey ends up turning to the Core Four and Uma’s crew for empathy and experienced help processing and healing from Leah’s years of emotional abuse and thus forges a much stronger bond with all of them. Leah is forced to give up the throne, don’t worry.
It actually takes Mina longer to officially forgive Mal than to enter Audrey’s good books. She really does hold a grudge!
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letsgofoletsgo · 1 year
Zale and Aricka Charming or Aricka Page👀👀👀👀👀👀
( @arickaandherfictionalothers )
I’ll go with Aricka Charming in the Rise of The Descendants Au
*Upon first meeting Aricka, Azalea was rather hesitant. Given xyr situation and general view of the AKs, xe wasn’t ready to trust her right away
*However, xe did appreciate what she and Ben were doing for the isle, even if xe wouldn’t admit it
*The months went by, and the first stage of their plan was rolling out smoothly. In this time, Aricka began to bond with some of the VKs, and even gets through to Mal eventually
*Seeing this, Azalea began to trust Aricka more about her intentions; along with a newfound sense of curiosity
*During one of her visits, xe approaches her and strikes up a conversation
*Aricka tells xem about what she and Ben have been doing to try to help the isle kids, this time Azalea outwardly thanking her for doing so
*She also tells xem about how she’s been getting along with xyr friends, spending particular time around the pirates
*The two talk more, and become proper friends
*Some time passes, and Aricka bonds further with the VKs- especially Harry, which Azalea catches onto
*The two hang out the night before Aricka is to go back to Auradon
*This is when Aricka confides in Azalea about her and Ben’s larger plan to get the VKs off the isle, building up to the reformation proclamation
*When she mentions that they just need the approval of King Adam, Azalea becomes skeptical
*Xe trusts Aricka, but not the rest of Auradon; especially the royalty. Xe still held xyr preconceived notions of Auradionians
*Azalea tells her bluntly that xe’s willing to help her with their plan, but it's up to her and Ben to get his parents with the program
*Additionally, xe wouldn’t go anywhere without Jay or xyr other friends. Aricka made sure to take note of this, and assures xem that they’ll do everything they can to keep them together
*With a mutual understanding, Azalea thanks her again for her efforts, and wishes her luck 
*Once the VKs are sent to Auradon prep, Aricka is one of the few AKs xe is comfortable around
*She makes sure that they settle in well and acclimate, and helps them ease into the different environment 
*Azalea gained a newfound appreciation for her as she went out of her way to help the VKs; which is why xe felt so compelled to defend her when she fought with Ella
*From then on, Aricka was seen as part of Mal’s gang, and Azalea’s protective nature extended to her
*In general, Azalea doesn’t sugarcoat things with Aricka, but would fight tooth and nail to defend her
*She’s the first person outside of Mal’s gang that xe confided in about xyr relationship with Jay, and her understanding of how important he is to xem inspired a respect for her
*They almost have a sibling like relationship, giving each other advice and support when needed
*They also both have a profound appreciation and respect for Evie, helping her with her fashion endeavors and generally supporting her
*When Aricka first started crushing on Harry, xe encouraged her to confess to him, supportive of their relationship
*Jay and Harry still have their rivalry in this canon, though somewhat more friendly. They mostly get along due to Azalea and Aricka being friends, but they do enjoy showing off in front of them
Send me an ask if we selfship in the same media and I'll write some friendship hcs with our s/is
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Storm Bringer Crew Friendship aesthetics part 1;
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Evelyn and Genesis aka The normal ones.
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Luke and Hannah aka the Southside twins.
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Fiona and Darcy aka the Goth duo.
What friendships di you want to see next? Also which descendants friendships do you want to see between the aks and vks?
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kmp78 · 10 months
« VK (and NR and AK as well) attended countless Mars concerts in the early days (and even before the fandom caught on to their "special friendship" with Lord Leto). 😏🤫. »
Thank you for your answer 🙂. I hope she will get a free ticket for her birthday 😑. Good evening 👋🏼
Maybe if her bf finally grows a spine and locates his romantic side. 🤷🏼‍♀️
(Unlikely... 😭)
(Have a nice evening too, anon. 🌸)
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nocturna-iv · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Descendants (Disney Movies) Relationships: Harry Hook/Uma, Ben/Evie
“Your highness?” Ben ventured to look at them without really understanding what was happening in front of his eyes.
Uma looked at Harry and to her bad luck, there was a mischievous glint in the pirate's eyes.
“Please, let's eat,” Evie asked, lowering Uma from her lap.
It was going to be one of those days.
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dragoneyes618 · 2 years
Who do you think the main aks and vks would be friends with? Outside of their regular friends (i.e the sea 3 and core four and Hero 6) ? And why?
So, besides for their immediate group of obvious friends:
Mal: Jane, since they're both half fairy.
Jay: His cousin Jade. Aziz, the son of Aladdin and Jasmine, much to everyone's surprise, most of all their own. Jordan. Lonnie, of course.
Carlos: Doug, since they're both smart, bookish, and usually underestimated. Claudine Frollo, since they both have....difficult parents, and would help each other out. His cousins, Diego, Ivy, and Hunter de Vil, the latter two whom I like to pretend exist in the Descendants universe. Harry and Jace Badun, not that they have anything in common, but they all got shoved together all the time during childhood that they ended up just getting along with each other regardless.
Evie: Dizzy, of course, since they both share a love of fashion. Audrey, surprisingly, once Audrey realizes that VKs aren't so bad and the whole Queen of Mean episode is over with and she's changed from that. Jane?
Uma: Harriet Hook, as Harriet is a fellow pirate captain whom she is allied with, what with Harry being her first mate. (Harriet is also her future sister-in-law, not that Uma nor Harry will admit it, although CJ takes great pleasure in loudly announcing it.) Ben, at some point after D3 - Uma is a young ruler too, in a way, she has her pirate crew, and both of them are under great stress. Ben wasn't trapped with villains under a barrier, though.
Harry: I think it said somewhere that Harry and Gil used to be friends with Jay? Also Lonnie, because anyone who can beat him at swordfighting earns his respect. His sisters, not that any of them will admit it. The rest of the crew.
Gil: He used to be friends with Jay like Harry? Ben, actually, since Ben decides to set a personal example for "don't judge the children for what their parents did." Also people like Dizzy and Jane and Evie....basically anyone who's cheerful or optimistic or hopeful like he is.
Celia: Her sister Freddie, Uma (who depending on what headcanon you believe may also be her sister), CJ Hook, since she's friends with her sister, and, my headcanon, Tiana's daughter at Auradon Prep who's just about Celia's age. (Tina? Tanya? Evangeline? They got assigned to work together on a science project. The teacher assigned them randomly and didn't think about the possible ramifications. Fortunately, to everyone's surprise including their own, once they got past the whole "My dad turned your dad into a frog. My mom sent you dad to the other side," thing, they got along pretty well.
Dizzy: Jane, Audrey, Lonnie, and in fact any girl ever who comes to her to have her hair and nails done and/or fashion advice, which Dizzy, despite the fact that she's younger than most of them, knows a lot about. Also her cousin Anthony.
Squeaky and Squirmy: Their older brother Sammy, plus all three of the Hooks. CJ sees them as little brothers.
Ben: Everyone. Really. He's Ben. He's friends with everyone.
Lonnie: Jane, well, she tried to be friends with Audrey, but then Audrey went and became the Queen of Mean, and actually also Uma.
Chad: Audrey, of course. And Ben. They were pretty good friends, after all, or at least they used to be.... 
Doug: Carlos. His brother and cousins. Hey - Doug and Carlos can bond over being the smart kids with a bunch of cousins!
Audrey: Chad. Ben. Well, she used to be friends with Ben, but then he met Mal and it all went downhill from there. Once Audrey and Mal, post-D3, have a long honest discussion, they have....well, perhaps not friendship, but an understanding. Dizzy, actually - she may be a VK, but her knowledge of fashion and beauty is to rival any princess's, and Audrey's never one to turn down a free makeover.
Jane: Mal, as they're both half fae. Lonnie, sometimes, although as Jane is so insecure and Lonnie is definitely not, sometimes being around her makes Jane even more insecure as she wonders what she's missing.
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Let's fuck with Descendants now!
So, I've always had ideas for the Auradon kids. Cause when people do stories on Descendants it's always about the VKs.
Let's start bitches.
AKs are tightly knit, they grew up together and know that they’re stronger with each other (the magic of friendship bitches). While a lot of AKs understand that the VKs do not deserve the shit they have been given, that doesn't mean they're not going to be wary of strangers; they've read their parent's stories, they know how shit works.
Every fairytale kid has what they call “leftovers”, kids behind the barriers have it too but the barrier blocks it out. The leftovers can be something as big as leftover magic from if their parents were spelled, or something small like being allergic to apples after your mother got poisoned by one.
Some stuff with the adults-
FG taught her daughter how to use her magic, instead of having her ignore it
Alice Liddell met Christopher Robin when they were both children in England. They were the only ones who believed each other about Wonderland and the Hundred Acre Woods
When Alice went back to Wonderland her adulthood Christopher was the only one who believed her, then during her fight with Time he helped her escape the asylum
Beast sent the Enchantress to the Isle of the Lost (cause he's a dick and no one knows, she just disappeared one day like she is known to do)
Belle fully supports Ben proclamation and will have fights with Beast over the Isle
Aurora and Phillip raise their daughter, Leah tries cause she didn't get the chance to raise Aurora, but they and Stefan call her out on her hypocrisy
Snow White didn't get with the Prince, she found it weird that a man she never even had a conversation with thought he had the right to kiss her, even if she thought he was cute
Now onto the kids-
Billie “Jabberwocky” Robin & Ally “Bandersnatch” Robin (Twins of Alice Kingsley and Christoper Robin)
They have a wild imagination from both of their parent
An ability to make stuffed animals come to life
Able to create a safe place (like the Hundred Acre Woods)
Madness from their mother side (they are definitely not sane)
Everyone in Wonderland and the Hundred Acre Woods is protective of them
Billie rides a Shire Horse named Charlotte and Ally rides a Hackney Horse name Acadia
Billie uses metal throwing cards
Ally uses and makes potions (like the ‘Eat Me/Drink Me’ potion and cakes from Wonderland)
Both have ADHD
Billie is pansexual/romantic (she/they/xe)
Ally is demisexual/romantic (she/her)
Benjamin “Rosey” Florian Rosenthal (Son of Adam and Belle Rosenthal)
When /really/ angry he gains beastly traits because his father was under the spell for so long (yellow eyes, sharpened nails, and slightly sharper canine teeth)
Can control the transformation, though he is scared one day he will stay a beast and never turn back
Optimistic (seriously dude, it’s a problem, chill)
Protective honorary aunts and uncles
Hates roses with a fiery passion (which surprises a lot of people, cause he's usually happy-go-lucky
Rides a Clydesdale Horse named Blaire
Ben is asexual/romantic (he/him)
Audrey “Dragon” Rosamund (Daughter of Aurora “Briar” Rosamund and Phillip Astley)
Can never sleep without a sleeping potion (the opposite of Maleficent's curse basically)
Has an irrational fear of spinning wheels
Hates the toxic green of Maleficent's magic, gets nausea when she sees the color
Is more susceptible to the scepters magic (which is safely in the museum instead of on the Isle with Maleficent)
Phillip taught her how to properly fight (she is one of the best swordsmen in Auradon, right next to Chad, Lan, and Shuang)
Inherited Phillips shield
Weary of Leah because of her insists that she be the perfect lady and marry Ben, to become Queen of Auradon
Has three overprotective fairy godmothers and grandfather
Rides a Friesian Horse named Rose (mainly to piss Ben off, but tells people it's to honor her mother's name when she was in hiding)
Audrey is pansexual/romantic (she/her)
Chadwick “Pumpkin” Charming (Son of Ella and Kit Charming)
Ability to understand animals
Can never stay up past midnight
Has a sibling-like relationship with Jane (they're god-siblings)
Has Kit’s personality (jumping through windows anyone?)
Follows Ella’s motto of “have courage and be kind”
Has dyscalculia (cue protective boyfriend during Mr. Deley’s class)
Wants to meet Anastasia after hearing Ella’s stories about her (they redeemed her TWICE)
Rides a Dutch Warmblood Horse named Eleonore (after his grandmother)
Chad is bisexual/romantic (he/she)
Li “Warrior” Lan (Child of Fa Mulan and Li Shang)
Was introduced by Mr. Deley as “Lan Li” (is now called Lonnie)
Second best swordsmen in state after Shuang
Has three protective uncles, three protective aunts, and one crazy dragon as extended family
Brother is Li Shuang (or as Shang says “Li’l Shang” (Mulan does not approve of that nickname))
Rides a Ferghana Horse named Chan
The ability to talk to and see their ancestors
Lan is gynesexual (they/then)
Jane “Bluebell” Le Fay (Daughter of Brystal “Fairy Godmother” Le Fay)
Has wings, a wand, slightly pointed ears and teeth (Fairy Godmother wears a glamour, Jane does not)
Protective of friends (Fae are territorial and protective over what's theirs)
Doesn't trust easy (Fae can see intentions)
Is the definition of “looks like a cinnamon roll, will kill you”
Rides a Hippogriff named Fleur (Fae wings can't carry a fae until they reach their majorities/their 20s-30s)
Carries a dagger (her friends convinced her)
Jane is panromantic and asexual (fae/faer)
Doug “Princey” White (Son of Dopey and Snow White)
Selective mutism (friends all know ASL)
Deathly allergic to apples
Ben's right-hand man (when he gets crowned)
Carries a pickaxe (and dagger) around (never a bad thing to be prepared)
Loves giving his friends gems as gifts
Woodland creatures follow him everywhere (his friends get a kick out of watching him run from birds and deer)
Very good with potions (He and Ally will stay up for days to perfect a potion)
Rides a Painted Horse named Saoirse
Doug is gay (he/him)
(Definitely gonna be Mal critical, she is a bitch and she never gets better (gets kinda worse actually))
I'll do the villain kids soon
See ya later losers
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kingchad · 2 years
What are your overall thoughts on Lonnie?
I feel terrible but she's my least favorite of the AKs because they don't give her a lot to do. She's really sort of a pointless character in D1 outside of the "tear of sadness", and within the film her personality is constantly flip-flopping. Then, in D2, she becomes a totally different person again. I like her a bit better in D2 because at least they give her a more consistent personality and she finally has a real goal and conflict, but I find the "sexism in sports" trope very played out so it wasn't my favorite. Lonnie is a character with a lot of potential but she's a victim of just...lame writing, they don't really know what to do with her so they either don't let her do anything or they play it super safe.
I did rewatch School of Secrets recently (I wouldn't recommend doing that though because it's...not very good) but it does have a weird take on Lonnie that I kind of love. Like, she's doing this vigilante reporter thing, and totally not accomplishing anything with it, and seems to be one of the only Auradon Prep kids (besides Jane) who is okay with the VKs coming over. I think there might be something interesting about a Lonnie who doesn't really fit in with the other AKs because her story is so unlike a traditional fairytale, and approaching her friendship with the VKs from that angle is something I'm interested in doing at some point.
This is unrelated but it is my true belief that D1 was setting up a D2 Chad/Lonnie thing because they dance together in Set It Off and they're generally hanging out in the background of scenes (off the top of my head, definitely post-Family Day). Obviously because of scheduling conflicts with Sarah, they pivoted the Chad arc and then did Jay/Lonnie set-up in D2, so we'll never know, and I'm fine with that.
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dani-luminae · 3 years
I like the manga plot solely for Uma and Audrey but I want Mal to leave them both tf alone. They both just got done actively hating you, you can chill a bit before thinking they'll team up with you. While Uma and Audrey content would be nice, it would've been nicer if it was more or them being genuinely interested and not political. Mal was the one who brought the barrier down she can handle this herself with other vks and aks not sb who just stopped hating the vks and both stopped hating mal.
This is exactly my thoughts!
Uma and Audrey content and friendship? Yes, good, gimme all of it.
Mal is involved in some way/implied to be the reason they’re working together? No, bad, who thought this was a good idea.
It still just blows my mind that the plot makes it sound like Uma being “inattentive” (I know I keep repeating that word but it’s that word that makes this so ridiculous) to royal life is somehow a flaw? What about royal life is supposed to interest her or matter to her?
And honestly, the same idea to a lesser extent applies to Audrey. Mal is gonna force Audrey to live a day on the Isle? Mal, how is this going to help anyone? Is Audrey going to have protection or are you happily gonna just leave her there to get captured/hurt? 
This plot sounds more like Mal trying to torture the two of them further rather than actually helping anyone.
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Hi :)
I’m Callen (they/them). This is my blog for my writing, if you can’t tell by the name. My main blog is @one-hundred-small-pineapples. My OC blog is @one-giant-pineapple. You can find me on ao3 at PineappleUpsideDownCake (formerly Sarcastic_Gay_Dragon)
I’ll be using this blog to post snippets of chapters to come, discarded scenes, wip ideas I’ll probably never get around to, update announcements, and background/behind the scenes things I couldn’t fit into the story! Plus really bad visual references :)
As of Oct 19th (2021), all my stories are being reviewed and edited/rewritten because I’ve been away from writing for a very long time due to my dislike of basically all my stories
Here’s my current stories over on ao3!
Veritas Omnia Vincit series (Harry Potter)
Harry Potter but he’s not Harry Potter, he’s Kallias Slytherin, son of Lord Voldemort and Lily Evans. Follow his journey throughout his Hogwarts years, fighting what the Wizarding World thinks is the good guys, lead by Albus Dumbledore, while also navigating school, family life, friendships, romance, and general shenanigans.
Soulmate AU, Slytherin!Harry, Son of Voldemort!Harry, Harry/Fred/George, no smut but probably some suggestive or implied smut scenes in the later books. Currently on book two, year one.In which Harry Potter is actually Voldemort’s son, not James’, and this basically changes the entirety of the HP books
Ad Astra Per Aspera — pre-Hogwarts (complete, posted)
Nihil Novi Sub Luna — year 1 (incomplete, posted)
8 books planned currently, one for each Hogwarts year plus a pre-Hogwarts book
Book 1 complete, book 2 in progress
Spiders and Assassins and Teenagers, Oh My! Series (MCU)
The story of Nikolai Steven Romanov-Barnes and his journey from a loving home to HYDRA to his parents and their crazy family to the beyond.
(Natasha/Bucky have a kid while in HYDRA and yeah)
The Spider’s Spawn — CA:WS (incomplete, not posted) (the old version is still up, but the new, hopefully improved, version is not yet)
Unknown number of books planned, mostly because I haven’t thought that far ahead lmao. At least one book for WS, AoU, CW, and then more probably (hopefully)
The Moon Series (Teen Wolf)
Teen Wolf but Lydia has a twin brother and lots of things change
The Moon Calls — season 1 (incomplete, posted)
Probably one book for each season, but maybe not following the series exactly, I’m not sure yet.
What’s a celebration without you, my love? (Disney Descendants)
For @descendantsgiftexchange here on Tumblr, this was my 2020 gift exchange. It started as part one, but I wanted to write a sequel so I’m in the process of doing that a year later. Harriet Hook/Evie
What’s a celebration without you, my love? (complete, posted)
Currently unnamed (incomplete, not posted)
@descendantsgiftexchange (on Tumblr) Gifts (Disney Descendants)
A collection of all my gifts for the @descendantsgiftecxchange over on Tumblr (previously called @descendantssecretsanta)
I’m in an organizing mood :)
Please — my 2018 gift, Huma, character death, complete
Just You is Enough for Us — my 2019 gift, Humaudrey, set in D3 but also canon divergence, complete
What’s a celebration with you, my love? — my 2020 gift, Evie/Harriet Hook, Evie goes to the Isle to get her gf to come to Auradon basically, complete
A Snowy Auradon Day - my 2021 gift, Core4 with a dash of Sea3, the VKs + AKs introduce the Sea3 to Auradon Winters with a snowball fight, complete
Twin Screams of Death (Riverdale and Teen Wolf crossover)
Senior year was supposed to be normal. Just like freshman year, before murders and drugs and gargoyle kings and other less than admirable plots to take over the town. Just.. normal. It was their last year together, before they all went their separate ways for college. So why on Earth did Fate decide they needed more trouble?
Lydia and her twin brother are cousins of Cheryl Blossom and move (back) to Riverdale after tragedy strikes in Beacon Hills. Jughead’s a dick (sorry but only sorta), Betty is being a supportive cousin, Allydia, Sterek/OMC, Verchoni, others too
Incomplete, posted
Bombshell and the Serpent (Riverdale)
An arrogant young princess and her castle's servants fall under the spell of a wicked enchantress, who turns her into the hideous Beast until she learns to love and be loved in return. The spirited, headstrong village girl Cheryl, enters the Beast's castle after she imprisons her brother, Jason. With the help of her enchanted servants, including the fatherly Mr. Potts, Cheryl begins to draw the cold-hearted Beast out of her isolation.
The Beauty and the Beast AU in which Toni is the beast, Cheryl is Belle, and an assortment of Riverdale characters are servants/villagers
Incomplete, posted
The Canary’s Legacy (Arrowverse, more specifically Legends of Tomorrow)
When Sara Lance and the Legends travel to present day New York to fix an anachronism, they find something much more important.
Laurel had kids who somehow have magic, basically.
Incomplete, posted
Not sure if I’m gonna edit/rewrite this or just delete/orphan it 🤷🏻
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Smiles yeah your friend group seems very awesome! I always enjoy reading yalls thoughts. Thanks!
Ot4 and rotten four is so underrated!!! I love them as well as the pirate crew. Jay is one of my absolute favorites. I have so many ideas about him!
I think I might stay anonymous just for the moment cuz I feel like people don't like me/find me annoying.
What do you think the possibility of Jay Befriending Gil and the rest post d3? Ben is ahhhhh. So complex.
Lonnie is cool but I don't have much headcanons about her. She's challenging to write.
I also have come to like Chad more thru rebel paisleys works on ao3. She's amazing idk if you've seen her stuff but I recommend. She has a lot of poly stuff which is always a delight. Like noooo don't make them choose they can have all the happy!
(I did not abandon this ask, I intended to respond but since you sent another, I figured I'd answer this one first!)
You can absolutely stay anonymous, that's totally cool and I respect that. It took me a while to feel comfortable reaching out to anyone individually, and that's valid so please don't feel like you need to come off anon. I don't mind talking like this!
Rotten ot4 are very underrated and I'm totally with you, I am all for poly and multishipping (unless it gets in the way of my faves 😅) Jay is a good egg yes!!
I feel like there is a possibility of Jay befriending the pirates, Gil etc for sure. I personally love the idea of the ot4 and sea three all coming together to be a bigger squad, I'm sick of the pitting them against one another because there are so many fun ideas for the different dynamics within that. Like a Mal and Harry friendship or a Evie and Uma friendship, I love the idea of Jay and Gil bonding and Carlos and Uma would be really fun. Also Harry and Evie being fashionistas together!
I love Lonnie, I really should write more of her into my fics honestly. I like Lonnie/Jane as a ship and I think I'm probably alone here but I also am really fascinated by Luma (aka Lonnie/Uma idk I just think they'd be a good power couple 🤷‍♂️)
I'm not really a big fan of Chad honestly, though I like him a lot more than I like A*drey and D*ug. I don't really like any of the AKs enough to care about them, unless it's interacting with the Vks in some way. For example I like the idea of Jay befriending Jane (I feel like it would be a really soft friendship) and I am here for Sea 3 + Ben, Harry/Ben and Uma/Ben. They're all very interesting to me!
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