#aku really needs time to warm up
ssaraexposs · 6 months
This sskk moment is really something else:
Fed up with his rudeness , Atsushi talks back to Akutagawa, hitting THAT sensitive topic for him
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Atsushi just now realises he hit a sensitive nerve and he's clearly expecting a violent reaction from Akutagawa
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Akutagawa doesn't lash out at Atsushi and proceeds to keep walking
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Atsushi is surprised by the lack of reaction towards him and proceeds to reach for Akutagawa
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Akutagawa really doesn't like to be touched, especially after being insulted
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bones4thecats · 4 months
Having Children With Their Fem! S/O
Characters: Aku, Father, Vilgax and Lord Garmadon Inspired By: Random Thoughts A/N: I know that a couple of these characters either don't like kids or just feel basically nothing for them, but this is just something I had to write! ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Operation Zero and the Lego Ninjago Series and mentions of abandonment and divorce ⚠️
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»»—————————————-   Aku  —————————————-««
👹 Aku prided himself on being a heartless being made of consistent darkness. But, when it came to you, his longtime wife who was created by a similar amount of energy, he was fairly fair
👹 He has always been focused on furthering his rule of the pathetic mortals in which he despised to the point where it led to him having seven girls with a woman called the High Priestess, though it was with his magic, he did not do anything disgusting in his opinion with her
👹 Despite knowing he felt nothing towards the woman and only viewed the girls as his personal soldiers, you couldn't help but feel inferior to the Priestess, she has done something that you possibly never could with Aku. Though, you did treat the girls as your own, since their mother seemingly could care less
👹 The one thing that made Aku think of having children with you was seeing you pick up a small group of baby aliens from a clan that wished to be relocated to Earth and begin to tickle them with one of your long claw-shaped fingers
👹 As the aliens left after hearing their conditions of living on his and your planet, Aku looked to you and motioned for you both to return to your personal chambers, which you did willingly and without fear
"My yang, I noticed how you looked at those young Vadaquians with a... warm and wholesome stare. That is completely unlike the lovingly evil woman I married and pledged loyalty too. So, if I may question, what is your issue?"
👹 You sighed and lowered your shoulders before shifting into a tortoise and hiding yourself inside of your shell before announcing it was dumb and he could just not bother himself with your issues
"Y/N, you're my wife of hundreds of years. I decided myself if I wanted to handle your thoughts and worries when I laid that shadow-bonding ring around your finger. Now, what is it your worried about?"
"It's just... you know the girls. I just... I want something like that."
"And that can be arranged with swift ease."
"Wait- really? You'd do that for me?"
"I would do anything for the woman who allows me to feel something other than hatred."
👹 And that he did. Just 9 months after the events of Samurai Jack's return and renewing the top-hunted foe to be the time-traveled man, you welcomed a young boy, whom Aku named Oni
👹 You smiled and lightly ran your hands against the baby's long trio set of horns that matched his fathers as his large pure-white eyes opened with tiny specks of white fire erupting from them. When it came to appearance, he took after his father, though your color scheme popped more than the Shogun of Sorrow's
"Ah, there is my little boy and woman!"
"And there is my stubborn husband."
"Hey now! Don't get me wrong, I wanted to be here for the special event, but I needed to get that Samurai fool out of my way again. He almost found the portal back to his time, and if he does..."
"Oni doesn't live..."
"Correct. This is all for him, and us, and I suppose his sisters and their mother."
👹 Chuckling as your baby began to shift his way to his father, the demonic being allow him to sit on his horns, giggling as he acted like the man he has observed for the past few weeks over the small portal that showed him and Jack's fight, but mainly him
"He will be the perfect next generational heir, don't you think?"
"Yes. I do, Aku."
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»»———————- Benedict 'Father' Wigglestein ———————-««
🔥 It was no secret that your husband was far from a child-guy. He constantly provided evidence that he hated kids beyond any kind of recognition. He even hated the children that you two were forced to adopt
🔥 When Benedict married you, he laid it out plain as day that he never planned on having children, and you wholeheartedly accepted that
🔥 But, ever since the Delightful Children from Down the Lane joined your family and therefore home, you began to crave having an actual family. One not bounded by a Delightfulization-Chamber, but by blood and the love you two shared for one another
🔥 And while it was easy to think this all without saying it out-loud, even beginning to wonder about how he would reply was enough to make you want to curl up into a ball and stay there forever
🔥 Thankfully the sound of a five-way synchronized knock allowed you to be free of your thoughts. And you merely sat up from your desk and called to the children to come on inside
"Good afternoon, Mother. Father wishes your presence in his office."
🔥 You smiled at the kids and gave them each a pat on their heads before allowing them to walk to their rooms and get ready for bed. Once each of their doors closed you grabbed your husband's notebook, suspecting that was what he needed
🔥 He has a bad habit of leaving stuff in your room. Honestly he needs a better sleep schedule (not me scolding him when I barely sleep😐)
🔥 While the door to his office opened, you took a deep breath and readied yourself, hoping that his day wasn't filled with a ton of disappointments. You may be his wife, but his anger was something not even you could escape
🔥 You noticed that there was a lack of anything on fire, so, you took the chance to make some small chit-chat while your husband worked away on some papers and beckoned with his hand for you to hand him his notes
"My dear, I've been wondering how your day's been."
"It's been decent, better than normal thankfully."
"Well... there is one thing I've been meaning to speak to you about, if you don't mind-"
"If the children have done something, I swear to-"
"No! No, no! The children have done perfectly well since the last incident. It's just... oh nevermind, it's nothing that important."
🔥 Benedict went from staring intently at his paperwork to looking at your seemingly guilt-ridden face and his yellow eyes narrowed, which was prominent from the darkness of his suit
"Y/N, everything you say is important to me. Well, as long as it has nothing to do with random cravings, because those have been getting worse and worse over the past few days."
"Yeah, about that..."
"I mean, you're acting like how Monty would call and describe his wife when she was pregnant with his boy."
🔥 Oh this was pointless. Reaching into the pocket of your black hoodie that Ben gifted you for your birthday just days prior, you pulled out a small box and laid it down in front of him
"What's this for?"
"Just- open it, please."
"Is this a... pregnancy test? Oh sweet sasperilla, you're pregnant?! But I- we..."
"I understand that you aren't fond of children, so we don't have to have them if you don't want to."
"Do... you want the child?"
"I would prefer to give them a shot at life than to not."
"Then... okay. We can have the child... if you want too. This shouldn't only be my choice, it should also be yours. I may hate children to a degree but, I cannot hate you and your choices."
"Thank you."
"Yeah, yeah. Now, if it's a boy, can we name it Benedict Wigglestein III?"
🔥 The sound of the collected family in the hospital's main room rung freely as the members of the Uno Family and the Wigglestein Family all wondered how you were doing in the delivery room. Ever since your screams stopped, Monty couldn't help but fear you were hurt to the point of possible surgery
🔥 All of a sudden, his brother walked out of the doors with a mixture of both traumatized and happiness written on his face, though it was mainly in his eyes
"Ben? How's Y/N and the baby?"
"I... I have twins..."
"Wait- twins?! Aw! A boy and a girl?"
🔥 Monty smiled at his wife before ushering his brother back into your room and patting his shoulder in assurance. And he couldn't help but chuckle as his brother walked into the room where you and your children no doubt were
🔥 He couldn't be anymore proud of him
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»»—————————————- Vilgax —————————————-««
🐙 While living for many years as a Warlord was something that many only viewed your husband as being, it was his closest allies and people that saw who he was outside of his work; a loyal and caring husband
🐙 As a member of the Chimera Sui Generis species, training for battle was a big part of your childhood. And when you first met your future spouse by training to be top-servers of your planet, he was smitten
🐙 Overtime you witnessed the destruction and new colonization of planets. And since you serves as his right-hand, Vilgax and you would see many types of families, the most common being fathers, mothers and their children
🐙 And seeing the male and female members of the army grow and expand with their families adding more members, you couldn't help but wonder; would this ever happen for you and Vilgax?
🐙 Normally he was busy with his work, so getting a decent time to speak one-on-one with your husband was hard. Nonetheless trying to talk about something so important to both you and your lives together
🐙 You were beginning to lose faith in actually talking to him, but when one of Vilgax's best men came inside of the control room you turned around and recognized him to be the one who always guarded the emergency medic and doctor's zone of the ship
"What is it you need, Soldier Axiomar?"
"Doctor Xiliv has requested her for a quick check-up, since she has been complaining of some stomach issues as of late."
"Alright. Would you like me to accompany you, Y/N?"
"I think I'll be alright... really."
🐙 Giving you a kiss on the forehead, Vilgax focused back on the coordinates of their way to Earth. You just nodded to Axiomar as he lead you to the medical room where Xiliv was waiting
🐙 Deep inside as you sat on the frequently cleaned chair, you knew what the Doctor and Medic were going to say
"Your highness, it appears that you- well."
"I know."
"Do you want us to tell Lord Vilgax or not?"
"He'll find out either way, but I'll tell him, it just makes it easier for me."
🐙 As the large alien walked through the halls to his and your shared quarters, he wondered why you had been acting far more nervous and weary throughout the rest of the day. Maybe you had some kind of illness?
🐙 The sound of the doors opening and closing behind your form made you spin around quick. And Vilgax merely chuckled, from calm and composed to having their guard-up in no time. You really were a soldier by heart
"Y/N. What is it you needed to speak about? It better not be something I cannot fix. Because that would be near impossible. I would destroy the galaxy for you."
"It's no illness. Unless you consider a child an illness."
"Pardon, a what?"
🐙 Despite his initial hesitation in being a father and raising a young Chimera Sui Generis, but after gaining advice from some of his closest allies, some would say friends, he gained the extra bravery to face the next step in life with you
🐙 He stood beside your bed as you chuckled at the sight of your baby girl. Long tentacles in the shape of elongated human hair, a small, pink wrap being around her as her tiny red eyes blinked while giggles rang through the room
"She's beautiful."
"Just like you, love."
"What should we name her?" Doctor Xiliv asked.
"How about Shaviv? It means ray of life."
"It's perfect."
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»»——————————-  Lord Garmadon  ——————————-««
🌋 This guy has never seen himself as an ideal parent. I mean, he literally was bitten by a serpent that made him an evil tyrant in the end and he didn't take a part in his son growing up due to his unfortunate incident
🌋 And while he praises himself on not being the man he once was before, there was always a lingering bit in his heart that stayed away from being corrupted. A piece of the old Garmadon in there. Hidden away
🌋 Over time he switched from evil to good, and that was how he met you
🌋 You were the sister of Ray, the previous Master of Fire before Kai took up the mantle. Growing up with Ray meant you were also trained in the art of being a ninja, though it was with the element of light that you controlled and not fire
🌋 Over the time of them being missing, you raised your niece, Nya, and nephew, Kai, and helped Garmadon's brother, Wu, train them and their friends. And as the serpent-bitten male grew into darker habits, you remained a beckon that he couldn't help but admire
🌋 Once he redeemed himself and helped fight against many enemies alongside you and the kids, he began to get close to both you and your old friend/next-door neighbor, Vinny Folson. And let's just say that the closeness evolved beyond simple friendship
🌋 While Misako was reluctant to accept Garmadon had another lover, she noticed just how caring you were and she began to bond with you with her ex-husband and son. In fact, she was the one to ask if you two were planning on taking the next step from just marriage to having children, much to you and his fluster
🌋 After the incident of the question with Misako. Garmadon told Vinny that you two would be out for a few days and that if he needed something, he could call. And as you two began to travel to a remote and well-taken-care-of cabin just outside of Ninjago, he began to let out a small amount of chit-chat
"Hey, Y/N... I have a question."
"What is it?"
"With what Misako said yesterday... at dinner. I was wondering if- you know."
"If I wanted kids?"
"Yeah... and I understand if you wouldn't! I'm not the best guy to have children with, just ask my ex-wife."
🌋 Spinning his head to look at you, Garmadon watched you with observant eyes as you smiled gently and held his hand with one of yours and his face with the other. And he smiled as you nodded, small tears pricking his eyes as you laid your forehead upon one another's
🌋 The sound of cries erupting from a woman's hands made the people sitting in the waiting room look up in surprise and slight glee. Seven of the large group looked at the nurse and she took them all back, warning them that you would probably need some space
"Is that..."
"It is. Everyone, meet Nisshoku."
"Aw! I have a nephew now! Let's go!"
"Shut it, Ray."
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yokohamapound · 2 years
Hello there! I absolutely love your content you write the boys so well 😭 if you are taking submissions could you do one convincing the BSD boys to have a massage? These guys are so touch starved istg 💖💖
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Ooh, I love this! I know some guys who could really do with letting go of some tension...
Characters: Dazai Osamu, Nakahara Chuuya, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Kunikida Doppo
Contents: gn!reader
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Dazai Osamu
Dazai doesn't need much prodding to laze around and let someone pamper him, but he will balk at paying for it. The ADA pays okay, but Dazai's a cheapskate at heart. He doesn't see why he should pay for someone to give him a massage when his darling partner could just do it for free.
He pouts when you insist he should get a proper massage. Who knows what kind of muscle tension he's carrying? Dazai doesn't exactly look after himself—he sleeps in strange positions, regularly stuffs himself into bins and barrels, and generally has terrible posture.
The only way to convince him is to buy the massage for him as a gift or something.
"Thank you, bella, but they won't be able to get all the kinks out."
Terrible puns aside, Dazai falls asleep the minute he lays down on the massage bed, only waking up to squeal when the massage therapist digs into a particularly deep knot. You can hear him from the waiting room.
The receptionist at the massage place gives the door an alarmed look. You stare at your phone and pretend not to have heard anything.
When he comes out, he's as limp as a wet noodle, practically sparkling with relaxation.
Nakahara Chuuya
The only problem with getting Chuuya to have a massage is him finding the free time. He's also picky about who he lets put their hands on him. Not that he's worried about anyone being able to hurt him, of course.
He chooses an expensive treatment, probably a deep-tissue massage followed by hot stones or something. And it'll be a couple's massage session. If he's doing it, you're doing it too.
Probably at an onsen or some kind of spa place. A Port Mafia executive doesn't go to the dodgy place down the street, after all.
He grunts whenever the massage therapist finds another tense muscle, gripping the edge of the bed so hard the wood creaks. It feels like the therapist is drying to grind his muscles to dust. When he looks across at you, he scowls.
You're lying there in a state of bliss, your massage therapist's oiled hands gliding gently across your back. Why are you getting the light treatment?
Fuck it. He's a man. He can handle this.
Despite the therapist trying to roll him out like bread dough, he is pretty relaxed by the time they've laid hot stones on his back.
"Guy's lucky I didn't deck him," he grumbles sleepily.
"Sure thing, babe."
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke
Okay, so there's no way you're going to convince Aku to let some stranger lay their hands on him. It involves three things he hates:
1. Being vulnerable.
2. Strangers touching him.
3. Being naked.
The only way this is going to work is if you take a massage course, maybe throw in some aromatherapy too, and learn how to give a proper massage yourself. Even then, it's going to take a lot of wheedling and reassurance to convince him.
"Please? I really need to practice."
"Use someone else."
"Do you want me touching someone else's naked body?"
And so on and so forth.
When you finally wear him down, his thin, pale back is as rigid as a bowstring, practically vibrating with tension when you put your hands on him. He flinches, then grows even more tense. You warm some scented oil between your hands—mint, because he doesn't like citrus smells—and smooth them gently down his back.
It takes a while of that for him to start to relax. He keeps his head twisted to the side, watching you out of the corner of his eye.
Aku doesn't like you seeing him without his clothes. He knows he's scrawny, and doesn't see what the appeal is. He's always waiting for the other shoe to drop and for you to mock his appearance. It takes a lot of patience.
By the time you've worked your way up to his neck, gently kneading out the sailor-worthy knots from the amount of tension he carries, he's breathing easier. He might have let his eyes drift shut, although one hand will still be clenched in his coat, just in case.
See, Aku, that wasn't so bad, was it?
Kunikida Doppo
My god, does this man need to find some way to unwind. You may have noticed that he can be highly-strung and neurotic. Honestly, hard to blame him with his coworkers, but he's also very Type-A as a person.
Thankfully, Kunikida's ideals mean he is also very focused on maintaining his health and wellbeing. He won't ignore aches and pains, because they could well develop into more serious issues further down the line and that's not very ideal, is it?
Sadly, he's also wary of taking suggestions because of Dazai's penchant for coming up with bogus health advice. Kunikida is rather gullible, sometimes. Massage does have well-documented health benefits, though, so this shouldn't be a problem to convince him.
Just make sure it's pencilled into his schedule.
The main issue comes when it is actually time to relax. I'm convinced that Kunikida doesn't really know how. He has a couple of relaxing hobbies, like fishing, but even then he keeps a straight back and his mind is usually busy while his hands are idle.
He finds it very difficult to switch off, and the poor massage therapist is trying to massage the equivalent of a plank of wood. And when they look up, Kunikida is still trying to work—he needs to maximise every possible moment, after all!
"Sir? Sir! Are you checking your emails??"
"Yes, I have to keep on top of my inbox."
"Put the phone down, sir."
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explicitred · 1 year
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June 19, Post 15 of the "30 Days Fanfic Event"
Alhaitham x Male Reader
“I hope my roommate won't be hammering away on another one of his projects in the dead of night... Actually, I'd prefer if he wasn't home at all. I really don't want to wear my soundproof earpieces to bed.”
synopsis: In which Alhaitham can’t sleep from the sounds of Kaveh’s architect duties, and needs you♡
Hammering noises echoed throughout the house, harsh sounds reaching Alhaitham’s room. 
Alhaitham’s immediately opened after a particularly loud noise. The scribe’s eyes trailed to your hand, the one that he held in the middle of between you both. You laid on your back, eyes closed with a peaceful expression. Alhaitham was on his side, so that he could hold your hand, yet the space between you two put a small distance. 
A stoic and intimidating man to the Akademiya and the public, yet he was shy for you since he wasn’t used to physical contact or initiating affection. Whatever you did, heat would rush to his cheeks. Alhaitham would reread the same sentence of the paragraph in his book multiple times without stopping as he subtly stiffened, his breathing quickly becoming uneven.
The hammering only grew louder and louder, leading to Alhaitham deciding to close the gap between the both of you on the bed. The scribe didn’t want to start wearing his soundproof earpieces to sleep, but he was seriously considering it. The better and more preferable option was to dig his face into your chest or neck to hopefully sleep peacefully and not hear the irking noises in your warm and comfortable embrace.
Alhaitham’s heart hammered in his chest, his body pressed against and on top of you. Surely, you could hear, how loud his heart was beating. Suddenly, he felt as if he couldn’t hear Kaveh’s hammering anymore. Alhaitham’s eyes slowly closed, as your fingers ran through his hair.
The hammering only grew louder, yet Alhaitham slept peacefully in your embrace without any interruptions.
Huh, he was going to have to do this again.
I might digitally draw the scene I was thinking of to give a better visual of when they were holding hands and sleeping in the future
Dont get your hopes up though, and if i do draw it its gonna be bad lmao
(it takes me like 5 hours to complete a drawing, and i draw traditionally :c)
Its been 2 months and i still havent finished this one drawing of a character i like… aku im sorry😅
i also drew alhaitham but its still not finished yet after 2 months too lol
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goodlucksnez · 3 months
cw: Swearing (a lot-its baku yall), mentions of toxic past, door slamming, holdback, Ice freezing sound effects, todo/baku implied, b/aku trying to be nice, and apologizing (character growth okay), K/ink Baku implied
The past week it has been over 100 degrees and i wanted to bring that to a wav so who better then T/odo and B/aku-Enjoy!!
Next wav: Ha//zbin
Jesus. fucking God. mother fucking piece of shit *slams door*
Good afternoon Bakugou
 Oi shut up. I'm in no fucking mood.
 Is everything alright?
 No fucking Strawberry Shortcake. It's not fucking all right. It's 100° outside and I have to fucking go on patrol while you lounge around
Are you upset at me?
Wow. Whatever made you think that? I am covered in sweat. You're lucky and no one decided to Light a match near me or ill blow up half the damn city. Oh my God. Fuck summer. Fuck this. This is a bunch of fucking
Is your…..Emotions tied to the weather outside.
Don't even fucking start with me. Half and half. I'm in no fucking mood. It's hot as satan left testicle out there. OK, now fuck of while I take a fucking shower.
Only his left.
*slams door*
 Ohh yeah. Wow, he was really mad.Well,I can help with that at least. I can cool it down in here. I guess I never really noticed it. It's slightly warm. Well. Hopefully this will make a difference to him.
Why the fuck do I walk outside? It's hundred and fucking.*slips on ice* What the hell is this icy hot? Why the fuck is the living room a god damn ice rink?
So you're upset when you're both too hot and too cold.
You not mad that it's fucking a ice rink. I'm mad because this is my god damn living room and you're fucking it up. Melt this crap.
I apologize I.*sneeze* Thought you wanted it to be colder?
I want it to not be 101 fucking degrees outside doesn't mean it needs to be negative fucking 50, fucking idiot. I swear. You don't have a fucking brain in there
I apologize bakugou.
 Ohh, don't fucking Bakugou me.
 It is your name, is it not?
 Oh, my God. You fucking piss me off so much. You fucking know that.
I apologize.
Was that the people of the fucking world didn't fuck up the air this much? I wouldn’t be so mad, OK?
Would you like a frozen dairy product?
Are you fucking asking me if I want ice cream?
Get the god damn cookies and cream and don't say shit
*eating ice cream*
 Don't fucking look at me like that.
I apologize
don't get me started.
 I'm confused. Is the ice cream not helping you cool down?
Really pushing your luck there.
I don't understand.
This is hard enough, OK.
Oh, would you like me to melt it for you
 not the fucking ice cream!! this, feeling. I feel bad about how I acted.
Fuck I'm sorry, OK? I was just hot and annoyed at that. I'm sorry, I shouldn't-Have yelled at you. OK. Ohh you don't need.
Don't finish that fucking sentence. I was in the wrong you're in the right. Happy now.
Not really. You still look.*sneeze* what?
What the hell did you just do?
I'm…sitting here looking at you.
No, the fucking convulsion. What the fuck was that?
 I sneezed.
You what?
Uhm, I sneezed.
Since when do you fucking sneeze?
I am a human. I have bodily functions just like the rest of us.
You sure? Because half the time you act like a damn robot.
I*sneeze* I assure you I am quite human. Pardon.
What the hell is wrong with you? I've known you for five fucking years. I don't think I've ever seen you fucking sneeze.
You most likely have. You just probably didn't notice you kind of Live in your own
 don't change the fucking subject on me. Let me rephrase. The god damm question. Why are you fucking sneezing?
 Oh, what it may have to do with the ice show earlier.
 My internal body temperature is regulated by both the ice and the fire that I control within myself within my center. When one Is more prominent than the other. It can cause side effects. More likely than not, when I overheat. I have a hard time cooling myself down. When I am freezing, it's harder to warm myself up. Causes painful memories. Over the years, I've gotten better at controlling my regulations.
 That's not how this works.
You make sweat that can explode. I don't think this needs to be scientifically proven.
 So what your ices makes you fucking sneeze. Then what was with the fucking Ice show just trying to show off.
 I was trying to make you cool. *sneeze* Pardon me. Evidently I seem *snneze*.
 You fucking short circuit, if that's what the fuck you did.
I prefer the term got out of balance, but I guess you could Compare it to a AI misfiring. I mean, if you think about it,
don't. Go all fucking nerd on me. What? What do I fucking do? Do I stick you outside?
 I'm not a rabid animal bakugou. It's fine, it's just. Just some sneezing.
You'll probably be over that fucking faster if you actually let your body do it.
 Excuse me.
 You're holding them in. Your body is trying to obviously, fucking expel something. Let it do its job. Why are you shortening its lifespan?
Did you just refer to A bodily function as having a lifespan. Now he's being weird.
Oh, everyone thinks you're so gid damn analytical. No one realized. How fucking savage you can be.
You got that hitching shit like deku. Do I have to flick your nose too.
If I didn't know better, I would say you're enjoying this
shut up. I'm not enjoying this. It's just rare, OK.
You fucking stifle again. I will fucking. Come over there.
Pardon me.
What was that
Fuck off
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zerooup · 10 months
hi there im from my main account my agere blog is spooky-pookies and i wanted to request some aku headcanons but with atsushi is thats alright i really like the thought of atsushi being gentle with him and such have a great day/night<3
Of course! Little! Akutagawa and Caregiver Atsushi !! Cw: Pleurisy, Diapers, Blood.
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Atsushi in my opinion would be the best CG for this lil fussbutt right here! Often taking up changes and helping Akutagawa eat, which he seems to struggle with while regressed. ~
Akutagawa is a baby regressor meaning he needs a lot of help to do the simplest things; despite wanting to die than ask for help. and Atsushi is more than good at gauging what his little one needs based on what babble or what whine comes from him! and Dazai still wonders how he does it! ~
Atsushi has 100% tigershifted and carried Akutagawa around like a cat. Growling if someone even MENTIONED picking Akutagawa up. This is also the prime time for Akutagawa to curl up in his fur, and doze off! It makes him feel safe and comforted! ~
On particularly bad days of Akutagawa's pleurisy, Atsushi will run him a nice, warm bubble bath to help him relax; often putting a vapor rub on his chest to help him cough out what he needs to. And; sadly it's a sensory ick for this little one; so it takes a lot of coddling and even more bribery to get him to comply! which. for Atsushi just means a cuddle, Kisses and a bottle! But for someone.. say Dazai? Its gonna take a LOT more then just Cuddles, Kisses and a Bottle! ~
Akutagawa is very accident-prone; Often waking up sobbing due to a nightmare in which Atsushi to not only calm him down and get him to stop coughing; but he also has to get him changed and possibly bathed depending on how Akutagawa is feeling. ~
Akutagawa is also very prone to getting sick after crying. because once he starts; he can't stop. so it's hours of crying which leads to him getting sick which leads to him crying more-- it's a bad cycle! Which, Atsushi can normally calm him before that point!
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erosauriarts · 10 months
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Avatar x BSD
Warning: It’s canon related violence similar to in show BSD.
Atsushi - The Avatar
I thought it would be fitting since Byakko is implied to be reincarnating????? Also the Netflix preview got me excited.
AU Premise
**None of the canon characters from ATLA or LOK are gonna be referenced UNLESS it’s to justify bending rules.**
Republic City exists, but it’s less western base, bc I didn’t like that lmfaooo (Basically Yokohama but as it was in the 1930-50s). White people???? Huh?? Ig they exist now??? 😨
Lore Plot:
Red Lotus killed the last avatar because they wanted to find the new one, for some enlightenment reasons (IDK radicals man). The hunt for the new one wanted to take and raise the new avatar to push their own agenda. The man that did it, passed down his legacy to Fyodor (water), and he was the one to find Atsushi. Atsushi was around 5-8 and was from the northern water tribe. Atsushi’s parent was the moon’s spirits guardians (funny ha ha bc his’s design in literally Yin and Yang to Aku). Fyodor takes Atsushi, and isolates him with the other spiritual believers. They raise him, misinforming him greatly over what being the avatar actually means. Though he has a pretty good connection to his bending, Fyodor being his water bending master. They located somewhere in the north-pole.
In this time, everyone is looking for the avatar, but in like that way where you are like “here kitty kitty pspspsp.” And they even have a bounty for him. Bring him back alive ofc! In this, Dazai (Air) and Yosano (Water) are adopted siblings from a young age from Mori (Fire). Dazai at 18 splits off and becomes a traveling nomad, bc he fucking felt like it. Yosano was 14 when Fukuzawa (Air) saved her. Mori would make Yosano blood-bend, and so when she got free, she swore to never blood-bend again. She now uses her bending, and became one of the best healers.
The Armed Detective Agency works similar to canon in this, but has a specialized duty to find the avatar and turn them over to the white lotus. It’s extremely hard to get into the ADA, and forces benders to really push themselves. (In a way higher than the police force) Dazai joins, and is basically the ADA’s lost cat that goes away and comes back with something either helpful or cursed.
Dazai got leads on Fyodor bc Atsushi accidently used the avatar state when he found some new (and/or) prob figured out what happened to his family. Dazai basically yoinks Atsushi from the isolated village, running back on all fours with the weretiger dangling from his mouth /j. Dazai shows up, drops the avatar off, then bounces. Even though Fyodor’s spiritual training and water-bending was severely indepth, Atsushi lacked alot of common sense. Atsushi’s abuse in this is more intense psychological punishment more then the physical one in canon. He’s.. alittle messed up, but besides the point. Regardless how much bad stuff he went through, he was genuinely sweet. The stress of the truth tho, threw him off balance, so he is hesitant to go into the avatar state.
Atsushi’s bending teachers / relationship
Water: Fyodor. Strictly mentor and caregiver. He sucked at caring for Atsushi’s needs, and only was interested in talking when Atsushi asked about spirtual connection and Philosophical debates. Spent most of his childhood till Dazai yoinks him at 18
Earth: Kunikida. He sucked at it originally, but Atsushi was so determine, he ends up asking for help to connect. Atsushi warms up to him, looking up to him for strength.
Air: Dazai. The third one, and he’s stressed. Dazai runs circles around Atsushi, causing so much mental strain. Atsushi gets frustrated, and nearly gave up, but Dazai manages to get a mutual understanding.
Fire: Kyouka. Though younger, Kyouka was the fastest firebender. She constantly beat Atsushi when the Port Mafia sent her out. (He gets saved by the ADA a lot lol)
Character Mentions
Ranpo: A none bender. Works with the Republic City police force, but spends most of his time with the ADA. He actively helps them get around the police.
Akutugawa: Earth Bender. He can bend metal, and is actually really scary (..er?)
Chuuya: I go back and forth between earth and fire. And I think earth bc of his boom boom, smash kapow moments in canon. I thought fire cause hehe red.
Nikolai: Air. He’s that one guy that does flips and is nearly impossible to get a hold off. Boys a slinky. He’s Fyodor’s right hand man… they even… KISS?
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kushami-hime · 1 year
CW: Fantasy! AU, magic user! listener, traveling w/ B/akugo, barbarian/fantasy! B/akugo, fluff, cold denial, build ups & holdbacks, loud sneezing, sniffling/snuffling, one nose blow, three stifles, B/akugo being a jerk, as usual, slight world building if you squint, thunder & rain sounds, cold & shivery B/akugo, cuddling to stay warm
After setting off on a journey with Barbarian Prince B/akugo, a horrific thunderstorm seems to have appeared out of nowhere and has been following you for some time. It doesn’t seem like much of an issue...until your companion starts to show signs of fatigue and perhaps illness. You both have no choice but to endure the rain and take shelter, while trying to find a way to fight off the chill plaguing your friend. 
I know, no one really has been asking for B/aku (Im gonna start on S/hinsou stuff soon I promise I just dont know what his voice OR sneeze should sound like) but I needed a test wav to see how my half assed blanket fort recording studio did, and...to me? the one listening to the wav over and over while I edit? It’s an improvement. I’ve got a noise cancelling blanket on the way from Amazon so hopefully that’ll help even more.
I promise I’m going to get back onto these asks and the like soon, but if it means making the wavs come out better, ya may wanna expect more experimental wav & recording tests
Buuut anyway, I got fantasy au on the brain, had this sitting in my scripts for a while, thought I’d use it to test the sound quality.
Love you guys, ttyl, I’m goin to bed
Also be sure to check out the intro piece I did for The Dragons Prize. It’s got no snz but probably has the best editing I’ve ever done for a wav so far and I couldn’t NOT shaaaare
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Bungo Stray Dogs Headcanons, but it’s only the characters that I think deserve more attention
I'm currently on a BSD kick, so have these headcanons while I feel ✨Inspired✨
I'll take requests for other characters, these two are just the only ones I have inspiration for right now.
Tw: Aku’s a yandere so yeah. He’s also kinda just a violent disaster of a person in general.
Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
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🖤‼️ I got one word for you, and that word is Yandere. Are you surprised? You shouldn't be. If you manage to catch his eye, he will kill to keep you by his side. He’s certainly a dangerous one, so watch your back! Yes, he will kidnap you. You kinda brought this on yourself by searching ‘Akutagawa x reader’
🖤‼️He has no idea what love is, actually. He just knows that the world is a dangerous place and he’s the only one strong enough to protect you. It’s going to be a while before he can put a name to this strange feeling, so just sit tight while he figures it out.
🖤‼️Gets a lot of advice from Chuuya, mostly. It’s not that everyone else doesn’t already know that he’s helplessly in love with you, it’s that they’re all scared of him. Chuuya is the only one who isn’t, and thusly he is the advice giver. He actually gives surprisingly good advice, despite his rather angry personality.
🖤‼️It’ll be a while before he trusts anyone else around you. Eventually, you’ll basically be an honorary member of the Port Mafia, but for the LONGEST time he refuses to let anyone else even speak to you. Chuuya does not give a fuck, and visits you while Aku’s out on a mission. Don’t worry, Short Ginger’s got your back. He’ll be your best buddie and wingman.
🖤‼️He has absolutely no clue how to socialize like a normal person. You think Dazai took the time out of his busy schedule to teach Aku how to function socially? Absolutely not. He was too busy turning Aku into the perfect killing machine. Aku is incredibly blunt and literal about everything, and he takes everything way too seriously. 90% of jokes will fly straight over his head, which is pretty funny in its own right.
🖤‼️Gin is the first person Aku trusted with you. She’s his sister, after all. You’ll likely become friends with her, which pleases Aku. He wants all the important people in his life to get along.
🖤‼️If you’re not already a secret badass, become one. Just trust me. Aku is very into that. If you suddenly whip out a gun and save his ass by shooting a bitch without hesitation, he’ll be hooked forever. He’ll be so stunned in the moment that he won’t be able to function properly. Remember that scene in season 3, episode 11? Where he just said yes to everything? Yeah he relapses into that.
🖤‼️Please validate him. Tell him he’s the best and the strongest. He needs to hear it from somebody he cares about. And maybe try to convince him to not seek after Dazai’s validation so much. Does his opinion really even matter? I mean, he certainly doesn’t seem to care about Aku.
🖤‼️He spends more time in the infirmary than out of it. This hard-headed idiot pushes himself well past the limits of what his frail body can handle LITERALLY EVERY FIGHT. You’re going to be spending a lot of time sitting by his hospital bed hoping he’ll wake up from whatever coma he’s currently in. Somebody needs to tell him not to push himself so hard, and it may as well be you.
🖤‼️Please make him take care of himself. Force feed him if you have to, but this boy needs a sandwich. Good gracious, he’s a fucking toothpick. There is no meat on his little toothpick bones. Make him bathe, too. At least make him wash his hair and put on deodorant.
🖤‼️No, he will not let you steal his coat. He will get you a matching one, if it’s really that important to you.
🖤‼️Aku opposes physical affection at first, especially in public. He can’t have people thinking he’s a softie! Eventually, he’ll warm up to it. Only in private, though. Unless he happens to be jealous. Then he needs to show this other guy who you belong to.
🖤‼️Over all, probably the third most dangerous pick in the show. First being Fyodor, and second being Shibusawa Tatsuhiko. It’s not that he lacks power or ruthlessness, just that he has a very obvious issue that can be fixed with some hard work and dedication. He needs lots of validation, and to have some sense beaten into him from time to time.
Edgar Allen Poe
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🤎🦝 Oh gosh I love this underrated mf so much- there really isn't enough content of this sweet introvert baby- Anyway, Poe is the sweetest, shyest little bean pole. I think he would like someone who won't abandon him at parties. *ahem* ranpo *ahem* He would also love it if you would read his stories and give him positive feedback. Please. Just do it. He deserves it.
🤎🦝He does have some… interesting… mood swings. Honestly, he can be moodier than most girls on their periods (i can say that, because I’M a girl). One minute he’ll be happy and cheerful, and the next he’ll be Tamaki-Amajiki-ing in the corner. If you don’t know what that means, go watch My Hero Academia. 
🤎🦝He and Karl are a packaged deal, obviously. I’m sorry if you have some deathly fear of raccoons (if you do, then why the heck are you simping for raccoon man??) but that’s how it is. Karl is his best buddie, and will be your best buddie too. Look on the bright side, you get to pet a fluffy raccoon!
🤎🦝You met during one of the ADA’s office parties, which Poe attended to show Ranpo his latest novel. Unfortunately, Ranpo is easily distracted and abandoned poor Poe within five minutes. Seeing the incredibly nervous introvert in the corner, you decided to talk to him. Congratulations! You now have a second shadow! Poe is so incredibly insecure in social situations that he will cling to you for as long as you’re willing to put up with him, even if you’re also introverted.
🤎🦝If you like to write, he would love to read your writing! He’ll give you pointers on how to make your writing better. Y’all meet up regularly to discuss your latest projects, read each other’s work, and give each other tips and ideas.
🤎🦝He is WAY too shy to confess to you on his own. He writes so many letters, but never has the courage to send them. He also practices with Karl daily, and still can’t handle the pressure. Somebody please help him-
🤎🦝He tries to ask Ranpo for advice (probably a bad idea) and Ranpo outs him immediately. (“Oh, you’re crushing on y/n, aren’t you?”) Ranpo advises him to just confess already. The World’s Greatest Detective definitely already knows that you’re crushing on Poe. It doesn’t take a genius to see how much you’re pining for each other!
🤎🦝Cafe dates!! Library dates!! Anywhere decently quiet and calm. Poe really doesn’t like large crowds, so maybe no big social gatherings. He enjoys just relaxing at home and reading next to you.
🤎🦝Loves physical affection, but is so so so shy about initiating it. Please just grab him and snuggle him so he doesn’t have to worry about it. Hold his hand! Give him kisses, if you can reach! He absolutely loves to cuddle. With how tall he is, he makes a great big spoon. He could probably just envelope your entire body with his.
🤎🦝Apparently he’s also rich?? Not certain if this is canon (edit: it is!!!) or not but we’re going with it anyway. That way, he can spoil you. If you like to read, he will buy you so many books. You’ll never have time to read them all. Artist? He’ll buy you art supplies! Any other hobbies? Taken care of. Saw a cute necklace/dress/outfit/whatever? It’s on your doorstep within a week.
🤎🦝All in all, a phenomenal pick. Perhaps the best in the show (in my opinion, anyway). Yeah he’s super clingy and insecure, and has some interesting mood swings, but he’s still just a good lad who deserves all the love in the world. Plus he has a pet raccoon, and that’s just really cool.
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sleepy-razor · 2 years
Feelings are Complicated
Request!!: hi can i request some platonic/romantic fluff w akutagawa? like reader is unsure of where they stand n aku can't quite express himself, but there's obvious care/affection for eachother?
Notes: God, this request hit a little close to home, LOL
Warnings: none that I can think of?? Pls lemme know if I need to change anything!
Characters: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, GN!Reader
If there’s anything you’re familiar with, it’s the fact that Akutagawa is just bad at emotions
That’s not really his fault, he just never had a reason to rely on his emotions, so he kept them suppressed fairly often
So naturally, it’s hard for you to tell where you stand with him
You’re the first person he checks up on after a mission, offers to get you food often, stuff like that, but it’s hard to tell if he’s doing it out of care as a friend or if it means something more
It’s even more confusing when he invites you out to do things that have nothing to do with the mafia, like he had taken you out to a bookstore at one point because you’d mentioned a novel you were thinking about
He even paid for it for you!!
It drives you crazy more often than not, but in the end, you’re just happy to know that Akutagawa cares for you in some capacity
On Akutagawa’s end, however, it’s a lot worse
You don’t have any idea how he feels about you?? Surprise, neither does he
All he knows is he feels warm and content around you, but whether it’s similar to how he feels about Gin or if it’s something more is completely lost on him
He does end up going to Gin for help, and once she asks how Akutagawa would feel if you ended up staying by someone else’s side, something clicks
He contacts you almost immediately, asking you if you’d like to go to dinner.
Although you’re used to him taking you places, the sudden urgency in his voice catches you off-guard. He’s never sounded like that before
Nonetheless, you go, and have to listen to Akutagawa try, try being the keyword here, to confess.
He can’t get the sentence out for the life of him, this is somehow the scariest thing he’s ever done, and he’s clearly struggling to maintain his composure.
Once you realize what he’s trying to do, you can’t stop yourself from laughing.
He glares at you, because how dare you laugh at the Port Mafia’s Mad Dog, but you reassure him that it’s not him you’re laughing at, it’s the situation.
You assure him that you feel the same way and he can only offer a small embarrassed “oh” before flushing and hiding his face in his jacket
He looks happy, though, which makes you feel even happier in return
Not too much changes once you two officially start dating
It’s pretty much business as usual, with the exception that Akutagawa will try his best and find an excuse to be close to you at any time
He also tries to find a reason to be touching you at all times once he gets used to it
Meeting an informant together? He’ll try and make sure your pinkies are linked together or, if you’re okay with it, he’ll wrap an arm around your waist to keep you close
In a meeting? He’ll hold your hand under the table
He’ll hold you close at night too once you decide to move in together, even in his sleep he never relaxes, his grip on you tight as if he expected that you’d be ripped away from him if he lets his guard down
All in all, he loves you and you love him. It may have taken you two forever to get here, but you couldn’t be happier with how things turned out
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figgiforever · 1 year
My first story set in Figgiverse is ready! 🎉🎉🎉
I decided to post it here because it wouldn't exist without Tumblr and my dear mutual @mandalorian-general <3 but I will upload it to my new account on Ao3 too.
This short (3 916 words) story is a sneak peek into my my AU called Figgiverse which focuses on my OC Tiggnella and her husband clone commando Fi. It's also my first try to write in English so I hope you'll like it :)
The title: Double date
Contains: some fluff, some angst, no gore or blood
It was another warm summer day in Kyrimorut. Tiggi was working in the garden. It was so hot and dry that they had to water the plants to get any vegetables and fruit this year. Their independence from outside sources of food improved since moving in here. The fields were full of golden wheat – almost ready to harvest. They had now plenty of nunas, marlello ducks and robas. The garden was full of vegetables and few kinds of berries brought here from other planets. After a few years of hard work and many mistakes they have learnt a lot and could be proud of setting up their own family farm. Somehow clones managed to become great farmers. But other residents were of great help, too. Right now Makke and Aku were assisting Tiggi in watering the garden. While her older daughter was using a watering can with a gentle manner, her youngest son was roughly splashing water from the bucket. Tiggi didn’t tell him anything because she was glad that he was helping her at all. He would rather be with his buir but Fi was helping Darman prepare roba before it will go to those chosen for the kitchen duty this week. He didn’t want his young son to accompany him during such a dirty job.
Tiggi put down a watering can and stretched her back. She missed using garden hose. The last one got broken in mysterious circumstances that involved Burk’yc and a sharp knife (rumors says Sh’ehn freaked out that it was a snake about to attack Makke). He was now with Mij on the barn’s roof. They were repairing it after the last thunderstorm. Briikase and Shukur were collecting vegetables for today’s dinner. The first one apparently enjoyed being on the kitchen duty while the other was just happy he didn’t have to do his chores with Sh’ehn and Kot. Those two were helping Levet with the animals. Tiggi looked around trying to find the last of her clone children when a piece of mud landed on her face. Aku was playing in the pool of muddy water he made between the loth carrots and marble-berries. She sighed.
“Could you stop wasting water, please?’’ she said in the nicest tone she could manage. “The plants need it to grow.”
Aku just ignored her.
“Maybe you would like to help ba’vodu Mij with the marlello ducks? I heard that one of them decided to have ducklings later than others and now ….”
“No.” he said and continued to play in the mud.
Tiggi just added two bars of soap to the already long shopping list. Their children were better in making clothes dirty than she had ever been. Without Fi she wouldn’t be able to take care of them. He seemed to find himself well in the role of the father. He was caring and helpful. Changing diapers and doing the laundry wasn’t a problem for him. It was making her happy that everything seemed to go well in their new life. Together they were able to face all the challenges. Tiggi just wished that she could spend more time just with Fi. Taking care of nine children was really time consuming and they barely had an occasion to be just with each other.
The movement at the edge of the garden caught her eye. It was Etain going somewhere with her younger child, Werda, in a baby carrier. Tiggi called her to come.
“Have you seen Baatir?” she asked when Etain managed to find the path between the carrots.
“He’s with Niner. They are hunting in the woods.” the younger woman replied. She looked much healthier than during the war. She finally gained some weight and didn’t look like a skeleton. Her skin got tanned from working in the fresh air.
“Oh, right. I’ve forgotten. Thanks.”
“Remember he’s not a child anymore, right?”
“He may be biologically twenty but for me he is still that seven-year-old-looking-fourteen frightened ad’ika I adopted…”
Etain smiled softly. “I guess it’s going to happen with all of us eventually, eh? You’ve just happened to experience it earlier… Anyway it’s easy to lose track with so many children. Maybe you need a break? One free day or at least an evening? I know you’re trying to do your best as a mother… but it’s not going to hurt to think about yourself sometimes. Soon you’re gonna develop bags under your eyes so big that they’ll fit Kandosii! Wait… Where is she?”
“With Lenne.” Tiggi’s voice tensed slightly.
“… I still can’t believe you let her take care of your baby.”
“She’s my mother. She can teach her things I can’t. Not since I’ve lost my wings…”
Two women were standing there in awkward silence for a moment.
“So… How do you sleep recently?” Etain asked to change the topic.
“The right question is: DID I sleep recently…”
“You really need to take a break.”
“And leave Fi with all our kids? I couldn’t do that.”
“Maybe you and he could take a break together?”
“And leave NINE kids with someone else?”
“Asking wouldn’t hurt. Someone might agree. You know, it’s not a bad thing to ask for help. We’re all family now. It’s been a hard time for all of us trying to find ourselves in this new reality. We all get tired. You don’t know how many times I think about how I used to spend time just with Darman… Our little dates on Coruscant… Or when you, me, Dar and Fi were just sitting and chatting like average young people who are in love... Of course, Qibbu’s Hut wasn’t the most romantic place. And the food wasn’t the best. But these memories are priceless. I wish I could relieve them... Being a parent demands to do some sacrifices but I wouldn’t change it for anything else.”
Etain affectionately kissed the top of Werda’s head. The toddler replied with a joyful giggle.
Tiggi smiled softly at them. She wished she could find herself in the role of the mother as easily as Etain did. It made her more mature and wiser compared to the young girl they met on Qiilura.
“If you’re so eager to help… Do you have any idea what to do with him?” she pointed her head at Aku playing in the mud.
Etain looked at the boy then she came closer and crouched next to him.
“What a nice paddle of mud you have here.”
Aku looked at her suspiciously.
“Can I join you?” she asked with a friendly smile.
The boy stared at her for a moment as if he was wondering if he could trust her. Eventually he accepted her and moved aside to make some space in the mud for her.
“I made it myself!” Aku said proudly.
“Wow! That’s amazing! Good job!”
Tiggi just stared at them in confusion while Etain started to play in the mud with Aku. Werda was wiggling in the carrier. She wanted to join them. One of the balls of mud that Aku had made earlier started to shake and then move slowly towards her.
“Hey! It’s mine!” Aku yelled and stopped the ball. Werda stared at him angrily.
“Why don’t you share some mud with her too?” Etain asked politely.
“Because then you will tell me to bath her!”
The young woman almost chuckled. “How about sharing the mud with the plants instead? And make them some nice fortresses to protect them from ants!”
She put some mud around the stem of a berry bush and shaped it into a little fortress. Then she added a leaf as a flag. Aku liked the idea and soon all mud was put under the nearby bushes.
“Good Job! They look amazing! And now the plants are safe.” Etain praised the boy. “Now, after you clean yourself, would you like to join Kad and ba’vode Vau? They are making wooden ships to launch on the lake later this afternoon.”
Tiggi watched in shock as Aku happily agreed and ran to the bathroom in the main building.
“How’s that possible that everyone has better relation with my own son then me?”
“Be patient and understanding. I believe you’ll find a common ground with him in the right time.”
“Yeah… Anyway. Remember what you said about relieving those romantic moments on Triple Zero? How about doing that again?”
Etain blinked in surprise. “You mean… You want the four of us…”
“…to go back to Triple Zero…?”
“No, no ,no, no, no! I meant setting up an event here on Mandalore.”
“You mean… a date? For the four of us?”
“Regular folks call it a double-date. So what do you think?”
“I would love to but… how? Where? I don’t remember any romantic places in Enceri. Unless you want to go all the way to Keldabe…”
“Not necessary. How about preparing a romantic dinner nearby home, at the lake? Let’s say tomorrow evening? You and I could do the shopping in Enceri in the morning – I have a long list of things to buy anyway – and get something special for our boys, eh?”
“Uh-huh. You’re really into this idea, I see. Okay but who will take care of the children?”
“We’ll find someone.” Tiggi said with confidence. She was already setting up everything in her head.
Next morning Tiggi and Etain took the speeder and travelled to Enceri. Nobody got suspicious because it wasn’t uncommon for the two women to go shopping together. Few people even asked to buy something for them. In the city they split to find everything faster. Few hours later they were coming back home with all stuff from the list and more…
“Woo-hoo! You’re back! Did you buy extra spicy warra nuts I asked for?” Fi was already searching through the bags.
“Hey! Maybe help us bring everything inside first!” Tiggi said with a chuckle.
“Alright, alright!” he picked up few bags.
“Wait! Not this one!” she took one package from him.
“Oh? What’s inside?” Fi got intrigued.
“It’s a surprise.”
“A surprise? I love surprises! Is it something to eat?”
Tiggi chuckled. “You’ll see later! I hope you don’t have any plans for the evening…”
“No, I don’t. Why?”
“You’ll see~”
“Tell me!”
“No! It’s a surprise!”
“I don’t want to wait!”
Darman watched them argue playfully while bringing bags inside the house. He said to his wife:
“I wonder what they are up to.”
“I have no idea.” she replied in innocent voice. “But I hope you too have a free evening.”
“Huh? Yeah, I do.”
“Great.” she stated and left him even more confused to bring her secret package to the kitchen.
Much later that day Darman found Fi walking impatiently near the closed door to the kitchen.
“Hey, have you seen Kad’ika and Wer’ika? I can’t find them.”
“Nope. Sorry, vod.” Fi tried to look through the keyhole.
Darman stared at him in curiosity.
“What’s going on, vod?”
“They locked themselves in the kitchen!”
“Our wives! They are preparing a surprise for us.”
“Oh? I’m curious what it will be…”
“Me too! Do you still have the hydraulic ram? We could use it to open the door slightly and try to sneak in…”
The door suddenly opened and Tiggi came out of the kitchen. “No need to do that. It’s ready.”
“Yay! Where is it? Can I see it now?” Fi couldn’t constrain himself. His wife chuckled.
“It’s in the basket. And no, you can’t see it until we reach our destination.”
“Which is?” he followed her closely in excitement trying to take a peek into the basket.
“The lake.” Etain explained. She was holding another basket. “We’re going to spend this evening nicely… Just the four of us.”
“Yay!” Fi yelled happily and rushed to help his wife with carrying everything.
“But what about our children? I can’t find them anywhere!” Darman worried.
Fi froze in the middle of opening the basket. Tiggi used this moment to take it back from his hands.
“Don’t worry. We’ve found babysitters.”
“For all of them? For... ELEVEN children in total??” Darman was in a shock.
“Yes, darling. No worries.” His wife assured him. “This evening we can rest, relax and spend some time only with each other.”
“Perfect!” Fi grinned and picked up Tiggi with the basket. Darman and Etain just giggled, grabbed each other hands and followed the other couple to the lake. It was going to be a pleasant evening.
After a few minutes of walking they reached the lake. No one wanted to go all the way around it to reach their spot so they took the wooden boat. It wasn’t very impressive (the clones built it themselves) but big enough to fit the four of them and two baskets. The men persisted to paddle instead of using engine attached to the backside of their vehicle. In the meantime their wives were supposed to sit on the bench and enjoy the view.
The surface of the water was shining in the rays of the setting sun. Insects with glittering wings were flying right above the lake all around them. It reminded Etain of Qiilura and how she met Darman. It still wasn’t a fully pleasant memory – she had a very tough time there. But it made her stronger and gave her the most loving and loyal husband she could ask for.
Darman was staring at his wife with adoration while paddling. For him she looked beautiful everyday, even early in the morning, but in this moment she was even more stunning. Her gaze focused far away while she watched the nature around them, apparently lost in her thoughts. Her ginger hair seemed to burn in the last rays of the sun. He felt so happy at this moment.
In the meantime Tiggi was half-heartedly arguing with Fi.
“I can’t let you do all the work while I’m just sitting here and resting.” she stated.
“You and Etain have prepared everything for this date so it’s fair enough if we pay off by taking us all to the destination.” Fi replied while admiring how pretty his wife was while trying to be frustrated at him. Her eyes were betraying her. Whenever she looked at him they were always full of love and it was making him feel like the luckiest man alive.
“Besides, I thought you like to stare at me…” He winked.
Tiggi chuckled. “Oh, I absolutely love to admire your body~” she wiggled her eyebrows. “So… I suppose I can’t make you change your mind, huh?”
“No. Unless you swap me and I’ll be able to take a peek inside the basket...”
“Absolutely not!” Tiggi pulled the basket closer to herself and they both burst out with laugher.
Soon they reached their destination and pulled the boat onto the shore. There was a small beach with soft, golden sand. Close enough to see the bastion between the trees but far enough not to be bothered by anyone.
Together they spread out the a picnic blanket. Fi gazed at Tiggi pleadingly.
“Okay, okay!” she chuckled. “You can unpack the basket now.”
Fi grinned cheerfully and attacked the basket with the shout of victory. Darman followed him closely. They laid out on the blanket all the goods they had found. Smoked roba strips, roasted nuna wings, baked sweet potatoes, four types of warra nuts, some fruit from their garden plus some exotic ones from the market. And a bottle of wine.
Their eyes were sparkling in excitement as they started eating without hesitation. Etain and Tiggi giggled. The feast begun. The men let their wives take as much food as they wanted then consumed the rest with a great delight.
When their stomachs were full the couples snuggled together and enjoyed the wine. Fortunately Etain remembered to pack the glasses.
“Mmm… This tastes much different than ne’tra gal… Where did you get it from? Keldabe?” Darman asked.
“From Xi’leen.” Tiggi replied.
The rest stared at her in a shock.
“What? I’ve got it as a present from senator Mevena, my dear friend. He said to use it for a special occasion. I managed to take it from the Jedi Temple before… you know…”
“So is this occasion special enough?” Fi tried to steer the chat away from painful memories and nuzzled his head against her.
“Surely.” she kissed his temple with affection.
“You know, I like it now. We should do it more often.” Darman stated while rubbing Etain’s arm. “I mean, I love our children but… it’s nice to have some time just for ourselves.”
Etain rested her head on his shoulder. “I absolutely agree.”
They all sat in silence. Two couples in their loving embraces enjoying the peacefulness, their company, the last rays of the sun above the trees, the beautiful nature around them, just their special moment…
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“I’m going to ask one last time… Where is Aku?” Mij had been staring with a deep frown at the group of young clones. All of them had perfectly neutral faces. One of them stepped out to the front.
“I’ll talk with them and find out… but please leave us alone for a moment.”
Mij sighed.
“Fine, Baatir. You have three minutes.”
He went to the other room where Tallisibeth was showing something on the microscope to Makke. The little girl seemed fascinated. Not too far behind them, Uthan was watching the children with a proud smirk.
“How are the ladies doing?” Mij asked his wife and stood next to her.
“Very well, my dear. Tall’ika is showing Mak’ika what’s hidden in the water from the lake. The young one is curious about everything yet very careful for her age. She is skilled to be a scientist one day.”
“I’m glad to hear that. We’re going to have another apprentice soon.” he said with a proud smile while he watched their daughter patiently teaching Makke how the microscope works.
“How about the boy?”
Mij sighed heavily.
“That bad?”
“They locked him somewhere and don’t want to tell me where.”
“Heh. I’m glad I’m taking care of the girl then.” She smirked.
“You’re not helping…”
Baatir’s head popped through the door.
“Sir, I know where he is.”
Uthan patted her husband’s shoulder. “Good luck, dear.”
Mij walked towards the door.
“It seemed easier back then on Kamino… Maybe I’m just getting too old for that.” He mumbled to himself and entered the other room. The clones stood in a perfect line. Baatir spoke for them.
“Sir, I’ll tell you where Aku is and I’ll take the blame on me...”
“No way! You can’t do that!” one of the clones opposed.
“We’ll take the blame on us as a team!” the third one said and the rest agreed.
Mij had to stop himself from sighing again.
“Fine, just please tell me where he is.”
All of them pointed at the bulletproof chest in the corner of the room. Gilamar walked over there, unlocked it and slowly opened. Aku burst out immediately, punched him in the face and sprinted towards the door. He tried slaloming between his brothers but Burk’yc managed to catch him. The boy started screaming and wiggling in his arms.
“Let him go…” Mij groaned while holding a hand to his bleeding nose. Burk’yc let his younger brother go and they all watched him storming out of the room in silence. Baatir just gave Mij a tissue.
Aku ran at full speed through the corridor, dodged Laseema and Jilka chatting and slipped into a random room. He closed the door, turned around and realized where he got himself locked. Next to now empty fireplace in an old armchair Walon Vau was sitting and knitting. Nearby Kad was playing with his toys on the floor. Werda was laying in her carrier and being closely watched by Mird. The old man didn’t even look up.
“Greetings, young one. You seem lost. Come, sit down. I bet Kad will gladly share his toys with you.”
The boys stared at each other in silence. Eventually the older one extended his hand holding one of his toy speeders.  Aku came closer, took it and started quietly playing with him. Suddenly something hit him in the back. He turned around and realized it was Werda’s teether. The little girl was grinning at him cheerfully. Mird made disappointed growl and took the teether back to her only for it to be thrown at Aku again. Mird whined in frustration and stared at its owner.
“Mird’ika, the young ones have to train their aim somehow. Besides I would be grateful if you could keep your own offspring in line…” Vau raised a thread of wool from which the tiny strill hung.
“Lord Carud, please, let it go.” he gently unattached it and put it back on the ground. The puppy whined in protest.
“Go play with your siblings.”
It looked at the other two puppies playfully fighting nearby. The last thing it wanted was to get another beating from its siblings. It walked over to Werda and curled up on her belly. She began gently petting it and soon both of them fell asleep.
Walon smirked slightly. He enjoyed the peaceful moment and continued knitting another blanket for Werda.
The sun was almost fully set. In the last of rays of the sun on the rooftop a winged woman was crouching. First wrinkles were decorating her face. The evening breeze was blowing her loose hair gently. A sharp gaze of her blue eyes was wandering across the lake to the opposite shore. She smiled softly at the view of two couples relaxing and enjoying each other company on the blanket. Some voices reached her ears and she looked down at the front yard beneath her bare feet.
It was already covered in shadow so the residents of Kyrimorut started bringing the tables and benches out to eat dinner there. She closed her eyes and breathed in a cooling evening breeze. The infant in her arms cooed.
“Shh…” she rocked it and wrapped her wings tighter around them both.
Below some children were laughing and running around. The older ones were helping adults bring the food and plates to the tables. Briikase and Shukur were arguing on which side of the plates forks should be placed.
The baby cooed again.
“Shush… Don’t worry little one, I’m here…” She smiled softly and gently stroked baby’s pouting face. “Your mamawill be back soon. Don’t worry, she didn’t abandon you. She wouldn’t…” the woman’s voice cracked. “She’s not like me…”
She gazed down again. The view of the family full of life, with lots of joyful children running around, with everyone helping each other, with their laughs and little talks… It all reminded her of her own home. The one she lost long time ago.
“Hey, Lenne!” Ruusan shouted from the ground. She was holding her little daughter in her arms. “Come down! The dinner is ready!”
Lenne smiled at the two. Not everybody in Skirata clan accepted her presence (Fi hardly ever gave her more than a disgusted look) but Ruu was always nice to her. The woman waved at the young girl in her friend’s arms. She smiled and waved back.
“I’m coming. Hold on, Kandosii.”
The moment she spread her wings the baby giggled happily. Lenne couldn’t help but chuckle.
“You surely have an allasian soul… Off we go!”
She floated down to join her… companions. She wouldn’t dare to call them family. Not yet… Maybe never.
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dolliestsworld · 5 months
Happy five months, love.
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HI LOVEE!!! eumm throughout these 5 months of us being together and sharing our endless love to each other, I’ve felt really happy because being in love with you feels like sunshine and rainbows, a warm feeling that you get when you’re outside and it feels calm. on days where it’s super rainy with lots of thunderstorms, you are always there being the sunshine that is cheering me up with your jokes, your flirting, your random topics, and cheering me up by letting me lay on your shoulder whenever it feels hard. the love I have for you keeps on growing and growing whenever we spend time together, no amount of words can tell you how much I love you. even on your worst days, I’ll love you no matter what. I'll reach out my hand for you to hold and give you my shoulder to lay on. your presence is extremely meaningful for me and lots of other people, you make so many people including me so proud by surviving through a world that is full of unexpected stuff. I will always be here for you whenever you need me, and I’ll always be proud of you no matter what. thank you for taking a chance with me and letting me show the love I have for you, you’re the greatest boyfriend in the whole wide world. 🥺
our love story may not be like those Disney movies or romcom movies, but I can tell you that this is the love I have been searching for throughout my years of being alive. you’re the cutest person ever, I want to kiss you everyday every night because you’re so cute, you’re so sweet, you’re so handsome, you’re so kind and you are everything that I have always dreamed of. everyday may not be sunshine and rainbows, but you will always have me. I will listen to you if you tell me a story about your day, about your favorite stuff, about the stuff that makes you sad, about the stuff that makes you angry, or about anything I’ll still listen to you. jadi jangan sungkan untuk cerita sama aku karena cerita kamu bakalan aku dengerin dan bakalan aku kasih saran kalau kamu memang butuh, so don’t feel alone ya? you have me and you’ll always have me no matter what. I hope you realize that you are a precious human being who deserves nothing but the best.
I believe that God made you for me, so thank you. thank you for everything you have done for us, thank you for all of your sacrifices that you have made for us, thank you for everything and thank you for the endless love that you give me everyday. I hope every-time there's a problem in our relationship we can fix it by communicating softly, reflecting from our mistakes, and I hope we can always solve the problem together. it’s us vs the problem, right? thank you for your patience whenever we have a fight, and thank you for always staying here. thank you for taking a chance with me and letting me show the love I have for you, you’re the greatest boyfriend in the whole wide world. I love you for who you are now, I love you for who you will be, and I love you for who you used to be. happy five months mas, I love you.
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madraleen · 6 months
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Bungo Stray Dogs - Kafka Asagiri/Sango Harukawa Volumes 2-4: An All-Over-The-Place Commentary (*anime spoilers)
-yes, atsu-kun, it’s the mafia assault group "black lizard"
-atsushi's dislikes: "himself." jesus, okay
-i see it now, that's anime dazai. i think. or i'm getting used to manga dazai's design. I DON'T KNOW! either way i love him.
-"dislikes: chuuya nakahara," dislikes my ass, don't lie in your bio, dazai
-kunikida: "dazai went missing again?" me when i watched bsd
-yosano slaps
-kunikida "dislikes: authority"??? TELL ME MORE!
-why do so many people hate dogs in the manga. dazai, aku-kun, kyouka. there's a pattern there, with three mafia/ex-mafia members
-how did i ever question the charm of manga dazai, now i see this man and squeal 
-yes, dazai's skill is no longer human, but his special-special skill is riling people up.
-akutagawa actually freakin' hit dazai though, huh. i didn't remember that. ofc i wouldn't remember, my perception of s1 akutagawa was very much "hiss, shoo, begone villain," which is obviously not at all the case now, so i wouldn't have retained the random acts of violence, it would be par for the course for the antagonist
-did we ever get that transmitter out of kyouka?
-ah yes, that one time that ranpo was like, "meh, let the mafia take atsushi, it's not our division"
-CHUUUUUYAAAAAAA, my man, serving looks since volume 3
-don't mind me, just screaming that dazai and chuuya share panels, same old same old
-state of dazai's neck bandages: just assume they're there at all times
-chuuya, what a rabid lil chihuahua <3. that's enough now though, you know i don't like it when dazai gets hurt...
-well, judging from experience, every single time dazai has gotten caught it was because he allowed it, so that's something to keep in mind for the future i guess
-some day i'll thoroughly research when dazai's eyes are light and when they're dark. this is not that day. but some day.
-the way dazai riles up chuuya so much that chuuya just literally gives the word "trembling" a whole new meaning
-i'm not seeing any consistency, dazai has light eyes both when he's serious and unserious, is it just aesthetics?
-akutagawa and atsushi are so complementary in their everything
-i wonder what voices i'd have given them if i didn't know their voices already. when i read a manga first, sometimes i'm spot-on, down to the va, and sometimes i'm wildly off
-akutagawa bb :'( that menace dazai has traumatized you so, i'm sorry :"(
-hold up, hold up, fyodor?? that's not in the anime, is it? did it completely fly over my head?
-atsushi re kyouka: "she's a murderer." tanizaki's reply: "...and i guess that's bad." PLEASE CHILD, GO TO PORT MAFIA ALREADY AND RELIEVE MY FEARS
-AHAHA fukuzawa "she is my granddaughter." they're really all his children, aren't they
-kenji-kun <3
-i read kunikida's "back from buying eggs on sale" and i screeched out loud "BACK FROM BUYING EGGS ON SALE," what's wrong with me, sheesh
-i remember that in the anime this is how i first started warming up to akutagawa, through higuchi's worry over him. i wanted him to make it for her, and then... and then i just started liking akutagawa, as one does.
-akutagawa held higuchi's hand :'))) remember that, aku-kun. remember that to mori you're disposable, to higuchi you are not. know your allies.
-hirotsu's dislikes: "society at large." lmao i mean...
-i'm sorry, is the concept here that the agency all live in the same building? is this what we're implying or am i reading into things? because like. IS IT, I NEED TO KNOW
-have i mentioned how much i love dazai, it's been a while hasn't it, hi i love dazai
-yeah okay, "dazai is toying with atsushi again," but he's not wrong. what do we do, just dump kyouka in a flat of her own, given her circumstances?
-dude, it's so nice seeing dazai in the same panels as atsushi, kukinida... it's been so long. so long in the current timeline
-oookay, so the plot was, francis wants the ada license in order to search freely for the book, fukuzawa refuses, and so francis decides to take out all the employees so that there won't be an agency to keep and protect in the first place
-that one time mori-san assisted in shaping atsushi's mindset to make him stronger
-"chuuya-kun, dazai's ex-best friend" ASFJFDNKJD MORI DROPPING TRUTHS
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Day 30 : A Letter to Someone, Anyone
To : Mr. Never sure about us.
Hai, how are you?
Im doing pretty good right now. Hope you happy wherever you are. I write this letter on the train with hurt feet cause i can't strech it out haha 😂. How's your day? I used to asked that question everytime you called. Do you still remember it? Kinda miss it tho.
You said I'm really bad at remembering your words but i remember everything. I still remember about us. Im still standing at the exit door and i think you know it. I can't decide it. Should i leave? Or stay? Im still celebrate the feelings. A little scared ofcourse.
Im glad that we're good, but its so weird. Are we a friend now? Haha 😂 really? If you really want to be a friend, sure. But can you wait? I need a little more time, i mean i dont even know when it is, but maybe someday. When im done with everything about us.
Thankyou for telling me not to overthink too much, i mean i know about it but i can't handle it. So i start journaling, not everyday tho. You know it cause you saw my post. It help me a little. What about you? Do you still play your "pianika"? I love the sound when you played it on the phone haha.
I skipped the songs we shared everytime it played. No hard feeling ofcourse, i just trying not to think about us. Its me, not you or the song.
Aku masih belum nonton film "A man called otto" karena ngga sempet. Aku butuh waktu khusus buat nonton itu karena katanya filmnya sedih. How about you? Tapi kayaknya kamu ngga terlalu suka nonton. I wish we watched it together that time. Kayaknya kamu bakal malu sih, soalnya mataku pasti bengkak dan merah 😂.
Aku juga beberapa kali ketemu temenmu di caffe. Aku ngga nyapa karena takut dia ngga inget aku. Oh, and your clothes already sold out haha.
We were something right? Or is it just another story for you? Just asking. I guess you never know, but its another day waking up alone for me.
Aku masih inget hari dimana kamu dateng. There are only three of us. My friend sat on the chair, you were sat on the floor and played the guitar and i was lying on the carpet behind you. Kamu ngiringin dia nyanyi dan aku cuma dengerin dibelakangmu. Aku ngga tau kenapa tapi waktu itu rasanya kamu sangat "off guard". You were just being you. The most vulnerable moment. Aneh yaa? Aku juga gatau kenapa bisa mikir gitu. I took your picture from behind. And i still have it on the phone, i think its beautiful moment. Im sorry, i took it without consent. Do you want me to delete it?
Aku juga masih inget kamu dateng di suatu minggu pagi. Aku ngga tau kamu dateng. We made eye contact and you smile. Its so warm and its absentmindedly making me like you. You should smile more often, like a lot. Everyone would like it. Guess you didn't remember that moment. See? I remember everything, Not like what you've been accusing me of all this time haha 😂.
I also remember when you patted my back, or the first time you hold my hand, the first time you patted my head, the first time you told me that you like me, the first time we called, the first time you tell me about your family and friends, or when you can answer the riddles. The fisrt time you reassured me that you'll never get tired of me. Everytime i asked you "kamu udah cape sama aku belum?", you always lower your voice and said "belum" sampe cape beneran kayaknya 😂. I still have your butterfly, the one you made for me.
If im honest, i'd call, but im trying to let go. I almost do. I persist and resist the temptation to ask you, If one thing had been different, Would everything be different today? Theres a lot of question in my head, and a lot of "what-if".
I know you never sure about us. I dont know the reason but im trying to let it be. Tapi, makasih yaa 🦋
Hope you're okay and May your heart always be covered with warmth 🦋
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spacexseven · 2 years
(2/4 sorry realized dazais was super long split it into two its 4 parts now) ur sooooooo right about dazai and this scenario SO right the fucking bastard probably does this to randoms for fun on the weekends. sidenote im going with mafia dazai for this just cuz he has more room to be Evil and i also dont think kunikida would allow ANY of these antics if he was there. warning hes gonna be SUUUPER mean i kinda softboy-ed aku but i cant bring myself to do the same to dazai </3
darling is just some civilian with ties to an enemy syndicate or works somewhere they need access to as an average employee with a convenient amount of security clearance, no one really that special on paper, and he’s pissed. he’s stuck with some no-name loser for the foreseeable future? how demeaning. this work is so beneath him as an executive, can’t he make one of his subordinates do it?
he’s amazing at the flirty coworker persona, and even BETTER at the loving boyfriend schtick. scarily so, when you consider that he spends a lot of his downtime thinking about how much you bore him and he cant wait to get rid of you. similar to what he does to chuuya in wan, every perceived slight you commit against him is put down to paper so he can get his appropriate vengeance when the time comes. you hummed and it got on his nerves, he’ll be sure to break  your jaw. you touched his hand today, for that he’ll rip your fingernails off one by one. stuff like that.
he starts to warm up to you as time goes on. the surefire way to dazai’s heart is to give him unselfish care. something as small as packing him something for lunch since he only eats crab out of a can; to something as big as nursing him through a drug or alcohol induced stupor after one of his many attempts on his own life. he wakes up the next morning clean, comfortable, and with a very minimal headache due to the cold washcloth you put on his head. why did you bother doing that?
yea i don't think ada dazai could do half these things and get away with it either so we'll stick to pm dazai!! i do have a question tho, can you find crab in a can? is it edible?? it sounds strange to me i only eat tuna (lol) out of a can...lol this got much longer than i planned for, sorry in advance!!
cw: yandere character, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, unhealthy relationships, toxic relationships, dazai is an asshole, mentions of violence and murder, manipulation, deceit, emotional abuse, jealousy, kidnapping, imprisonment.
ask continued: (3/4) good news: he’s attached now! at the hip! hes a little obvious, really. dazais always flirty, but now hes CLINGY. and JEALOUS. he seemed so Above being affectionate or possessive of you, before. much too self-confident, you supposed. but now you’re lucky if you can manage to get out of bed without having to escape the IRONCLAD GRIP hes got you in, and do NOT even get me STARTED on how he reacts to ANYONE so much as looking at you! you’re his! his his his his HIS! you both love each other, so you belong to one another! simple as that!
bad news: you have recently figured out that you shouldve been scared of him. of course, you find his little notebook, and something inside of you is SCREAMING at you to read it, and what you find shatters your view of him forever. you brushed off the really weird vibe you got from him initially, cuz he was so nice! attentive! you never really got attention like that from anyone before, it was all too easy for him to get you caught up. stupid stupid stupid. 
worse news: he notices, when you start to pull away from him. you’re making excuses not to see him, not to sleep in the same bed as him. you get all stiff when he gets too close to you, and you wont kiss him back. doesnt take him long to figure out what happened. takes him even less time to come up with a plan to make sure you cant run away from him. don’t be scared, he loves you so much! he’ll show you how sorry he is for saying all those mean things!
it's not like dazai was new to the whole leech-out-information-from-an-unsuspecting-victim-and-kill-them-after routine, but he definitely didn't like this part of his job. it's so terribly boring as compared to his go-to way of getting information (interrogations! torture! shorter and less effort needed!) it takes too much effort to make sure his target likes him enough to lower their guard around him and spoonfeed him the information he needs. it takes even longer to safely send back acquired information to the pm without anyone suspecting him to be the mole, and usually these missions take months if not years. he doesn't want to invest to much time in something like this, especially when he knows his target is the most boring person to walk upon this planet.
if he was assigned to the leader of some crime syndicate, or maybe the secret mastermind behind a revolution, or even a top-level military agent, he might find the thrill somewhat entertaining. after all, there's something quite wonderful in wrapping an untouchable person around his finger.
but you...
you were painfully ordinary. he understood why it had to be you, a somewhat 'regular' member of the ability group, trusted enough to have access to information that would be useful, but not too high up in the ranks. not to mention, you would eventually be moved up and allowed access into even more highly guarded secrets. if he didn't get to you now, he might never get you at all. if you were too important you'd never trust anyone, and you'd be too paranoid to let slip even seemingly unimportant details. it had to be you, and now.
and he was good at his job. he was charming but not suspiciously so, and not so well known that he would be identified. still, as he watched you before his infiltration had officially started, he realized that you were a fool. too trusting, too smiling, and far too friendly. even akutagawa would have been suited for this job, you wouldn't have suspected a thing. maybe you'd even like the whole grumbling outcast thing he had going on. but no matter how much he whined or complained or groaned, nothing was done about it. he was stuck with you until he finished the mission.
it was probably his hatred towards you that caused him to act so recklessly, and moving the relationship so quickly—from strangers to moving in together within a month. it wasn't hard to have you eating right out of his hand, with some saccharine smiles and soft looks, gentle stroking and—you practically had stars in your eyes. what a fool, he thought, ignoring how the softening of his eyes when you cheerfully ran into his arms happened somewhat naturally. you must have been desperate if you so eagerly accepted his sudden advances.
he still hated you, of course. he recorded your wrongdoings so he could unleash his fury later, when you were no longer of use. that time you ran your fingers through his hair, he swore to break each and every bone in your hand. and when you dragged him out on dates he planned out the appropriate punishment, same as when you touched him or kissed him or smiled up at him with so much warmth it made him sick—you made him sick, and you'd pay for that, eventually.
surprisingly, despite his overall sleazy and cruel demeanor—he never paid for dates (even though he was given the funds), and never bought you presents after the third one. he never initiated any physical affection, and straight up ignored your calls sometimes—after you were officially dating you still seemed to like him. you probably idolized him, after being starved of affection for so long. any crumb of affection he gave you, whether it was a fake smile or a stiff pat, you'd eagerly eat up. it was so pathetic he almost felt bad for you. even know, this relationship wasn't real, but you were a fool who thought you found love. not like this arrangement was anything you should be mourning.
were you hoping he'd turn back to the charming guy you met all those weeks ago? did you really have no clue that you fell in love with a lie? or maybe, you just couldn't comprehend someone using you. after all, you weren't very wealthy or connected to anyone influential. all you had was your job, and that was meaningless to most people. perhaps you thought he was most people, because it was so easy to get things out of you. at night, when the two of you were awkwardly lying down in bed, he just had to roll over, throw an arm around you and whisper into your ear, asking about your day. and then everything came pouring out. you weren't so stupid as to directly admit you worked for an ability organization, but the details were still correct. you'd tell him about the planning you had to do for a company event nearby, and just as you said, a week later the group he was targeting was there for something. it was so easy, now, to intercept all their plans. you were annoying but...somewhat useful.
and then...it happened.
dazai didn't realize there had been a last-minute change in plans. your group had come onto the meeting spot earlier than you had said they would be, and he was caught red-handed inside the building. to his surprise, you, without even stopping to consider his intentions, immediately shot up to defend him, excusing him saying that he probably just stopped by to visit you. your coworkers relaxed and slowly agreed. they, too, thought dazai didn't know about the 'company' you worked for, and thought he was just being a considerate boyfriend. it couldn't be farther from the truth, but he didn't care what they thought.
you saved him.
and it wasn't the only time, either. there were the times you've nursed him back to health after yet another one of his stupid stunts, the times you've waited hours for him to turn up for a date, complaining but never actually mad, the times you've made him something to eat, knowing he didn't care much about eating healthy. it infuriated him how genuinely selfless you were, even to an asshole like him.
you cared about him, like you cared for everyone else in your life, even though he knew he didn't deserve it. it was so nice, though, as much as he hated admitting it, to be cared for. to be looked after and loved genuinely despite his shortcomings. sometimes he wondered if you'd only love him more if he cleaned up his act. the more you smiled at him and gently nudged him awake and asked him if he ate and showed him things you thought he'd like, the more he realized he was getting a little attached to you.
and then, he came to a decision.
you were far too nice to him for him to just leave you to die after this mission. and you were far too kind to have such a terrible boyfriend. he could at least try to completely win you over now before you inevitably found out about his true intentions and then, you'd really hate him since he would have killed your friends. he decided you would stay with him, regardless of how the mission went.
he probably should have considered your confusion when your usually aloof boyfriend suddenly became a completely new person. you'd wake up and get ready to leave when an arm suddenly wraps around you and dazai whines at you about not leaving. whines! the same man who'd rarely say a word to you until breakfast was acting so...clingy all of a sudden, though you'd be lying if you said you hated it. suddenly your days were filled with constant kissing and an arm always around you, dazai showing up at your workplace more often to grab lunch with you and boldly flirting with you. sure, there was something quite terrifying about the way he glared at your coworkers, his eyes so blank it was eerie, but you forgot all about it once he snuggled into your neck and placed a kiss on your collarbone.
and then there was his insistence that you were being overworked when he normally wouldn't have cared what time you came home, as long as you did come home, going so far as to contacting your boss to demand you get more time off. of course, everyone laughed it off as your boyfriend simply being concerned for your health and your boss complied, shortening your hours and granting you a long overdue break. your life was just so perfect now. and to think you were worried about him wanting to break up. whenever you asked dazai why he was suddenly so expressive, however, he would only give you a vague answer about realizing it was unfair of him to let out his anger by treating you coldly and wanting to fix things. because, as he said so often, he loved you.
"nobody could love you as much as i do," he would say, "seriously, i think i could die in my love for you. you're everything to me and i love you so much."
maybe you should have noticed how...intense his feelings were then,
it all came crashing down one day when you saw a text on his phone—someone asking him to gather more information about the ability users in the group you were in. he wasn't supposed to know about that, and by the looks of it, he had been using you to steal intel the entire time. though you felt stupid now, you were more concerned about how you could put an end to it now, especially because you were in so deep with him. at least a while back you could have quickly ended things with him using the reason of being a terrible partner, but now, it would only raise suspicion with him and your coworkers. how were you to explain your boyfriend had been spying on you the entire time to anyone? what would they do to you, and worse yet, what was he planning to do to you once he had no use for you?
the only logical thing to do, in your eyes, was to slowly drift away and eventually break things off with him. his only source of information would be closed then, and you would be safe. the problem was, it was pretty much impossible to leave him. he was always by your side, held you tight as you slept, dropped you off at work and even knew all your friends. how were you supposed to explain to anyone that your boyfriend was going to kill you once he destroyed your group?
as you already figured out, dazai wasn't stupid. it was about time you found out, but now his plans had changed. no more killing you. he could keep you with him permanently now, after forcing you to quit. he didn't need your help anymore for the next part of the plan, which only required him to eradicate the group since they weren't willing to comply to the port mafia's demands. it wasn't like he expected you to sit down and hear him out after finding out he was sort of using you all along, but still, it hurt when you scowled at him and screamed at him. oh well. he could figure it out.
as he smiled down at your bound figure, your eyes wide at the blood soaking his coat, realizing what he had just done, he decided he would stop at nothing to convince you of how much he loved you.
really, he wouldn't trade this for the world.
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paradisdementor · 3 years
Shy 👅| Akutagawa x Reader MINORS DNI (18+)
CW: (m) receiving oral
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"Aku, seriously, what is destroying the office going to do? It certainly won't make Dazai take you more seriously."
"No, but it does feel damn good."
"Jeez, you need to relax. Go get head or something."
Silence. That's what the room was filled with after your comment. You looked up from your magazine to see Akutagawa frozen on the spot, cheeks turning pink and his eyes trained on you.
"N-nothing, mind your business!!"
It didn't take you long to connect the dots, was he really... Surely not, right?
"Aku, have you ever... gotten head before?"
His lips parted a little, he wanted to say something but he just couldn't. He was trying to formulate something before making himself look stupid, but it was to no avail.
"Why? It's not a big deal if I have or if I haven't. "
"I'll take that as a no."
He looked away, anywhere but your eyes and especially anywhere but your lips. He couldn't admit to himself how much he thought about them, how much he thought about you. The times he'd spent day dreaming about how they'd feel wrapped around his cock every time you talked and how pretty you'd look on your knees for him.
"Okay, what about it?"
Your head was spinning at the thought of giving Akutagawa his very first blowjob. A smirk began to form in your face as you made your way towards him, Aku was struggling to keep up his unbothered facade.
"Well, don't you want to know what it feels like?"
"I- um, w-what are you talking about?"
"Well, you need to destress and I think I know just what to do."
You stood in front of him, placing a small kiss in the corner of his mouth before getting on your knees. His breath hitched, he'd only thought of this late at night but finally being able to see you like this made him throb inside his pants. You pulled from his coat asking him to remove it, he complied, you then pulled his pants down and palmed him through his underwear before pulling it down.
"Damn Aku, why have you been hiding such a nice cock from me hm?"
Your mouth watered at the sight, he was packing 7 inch, his tip was pink and pretty, a vein ran on the left side of his shaft and he had a nice girth compared to Dazai's thick cock anyway.
"Are you really going to do this?"
You chuckled taking his cock in your warm hand pumping it a few times before licking it from the base all the way to the tip were you took it in your mouth and sucked it gently. He gasped at the new sensation, his knees went weak and you hadn't even fully started yet.
"F-fuck, that f-feels nice."
His hand found it's way to your hair, taking a hand full and making it into a ponytail. You began to bob your head up and down, moaning as his tip hit the back of your throat. A loud whine took over the lewd sounds being produced from your mouth, he had to hold onto your shoulders every time you deep throated him.
"Please don't stop, that feels amazing. Th- ah!!"
You held yourself from his thighs and pulled him into your mouth as much as you were able to take and stayed like that for a few seconds. Tears were beginning to roll down your eyes, your mascara was making a mess and your cheeks were turning pink. He looked down at you and swore he's never seen such a perfect sight, you took his hands and placed them on each side of your head, raising your eyebrows in hopes he'd know what you wanted him to do.
"What ar- oh, um, okay. Just push me off because I don't think I'll be able to stop myself."
You nodded and stayed still waiting for him to move, he went slow at first but after a few thrusts he couldn't hold back anymore. He began to speed up, your gags and coughs becoming louder by the second making him groan in pleasure and satisfaction. He threw his head back and closed his eyes, he wanted to look at you but he knew that the moment he did, he would cum.
"Fuck fuck fuck, that's it , take it baby. You look so pretty like this y'know? S-shit, can I cum in your mouth?"
"Sorry, was I too rough?"
You rubbed your thighs together upon hearing him asking you so sweetly, how could you say no? You nodded and tried to keep breathing through your nose which was proving difficult as he increased his pace. He spilled his load into your mouth and down your throat as a loud moan of your name came out followed by a whine. His grip on your hair was strong but subsided as he came down from his high and well as his thrusts. He pulled out slowly and fell back into the couch trying to catch his breath as you stood up rubbing your knees while coughing slightly.
"No, you were fine. So, how was it?"
You asked, taking a seat next to him.
"Seems like I found the best way to destress."
He said as he rubbed your thigh, you reciprocated the feelings by giving him a cheeky smirk.
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