#alan douches
nofatclips · 2 years
The Great Void by Calyces from the compilation album Unity vol 1 - In Solidarity With The Refugees of Moria Camp - Video directed by Kostas Konstantinidis & Panagiotis Tsalavrettas
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martinskis-lydias · 11 months
If someone tells me they like Snape (as a person) and he wasn’t a bad person and was redeemable blah blah blah I will never fully trust that person
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gillyweedgrl · 9 months
You should be watching Pit Babe! - A Brief Review
Saddens me to think how many people are missing out on a great show because they think it’s not worth more than a trash watch, if that.
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I mean, realistically, is it the most amazing cinematic work of all time? No, not unless pretty-boy power bottoms with daddy issues are your thing, which in my case they are, so let's talk about Pit Babe!
Note: I've tried to keep the spoilers to a minimum, they're mainly in the tags and links so follow them at your own risk, you've been warned.
Honestly, Pit Babe is a pretty damn good show, especially if you A) pretend the Omegaverse factor doesn’t exist and take the show for what it is and B) you don't mind not knowing what's going on half the time, just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.
Overall, Pit Babe has got a good production value, a slightly absurd yet entertaining plot, a great choice of cast with amazing chemistry and pretty decent acting skills amongst the mix of seasoned actors and newbies.
For a totally biased fair and balanced review: There are some details that are left vague instead of being explained in depth or at all (yet), but that’s to be expected when you adapt a novel into a movie or series. It would get boring for the audience if the pace was interrupted to explain all those little details that we’re likely to find out along the way anyways (shout out to those who've watched the latest episode; finally!).
There are also some scenes that feel like they’re not as necessary and some background/plot devices that made a little more sense in the novel but I personally don’t feel like they detract too much from my viewing experience.
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Babe (played by Pavel) and Charlie (played by Pooh) as the main leads do a really good job at shouldering a large percentage of screen time. Charlie comes across as happy-go-lucky, a bit clumsy/goofy, entirely fearless and a little naive, which is mostly true, but there's clearly more to him than that. Right from the start Babe is clearly someone guarded, detirmined and skilled at what he does (racing cars and having sex) and he has a very tight cirlce of people he trusts. There's a winning combo right there, quite tsundere/sunshine from the outside but definitely more breath the surface that gets exploded as they go.
Way (played by Nut) is Babe's best friend and racing companion, they've been racing together at Team X-Hunter for years but there's clearly more than friendship on the mind for Way, though the feelings appear to be one sided.
Alan (played by Sailub) is the owner of Team X-Hunter and an all-round cool Uncle (which the whole team call's him (despite barely being in his mid 30's). He's kind but firm, he cares for his team like they’re his family and it does seem as though they’re his only family.
And the rest of the cast consists primarily of:
Team X-Hunter:
Dean (played by Lee); a junior racer with slight douche vibes
North and Sonic (played by Michael and TopTen); everyone’s babies, they’re junior racers and content creators
Jeff (played by Pon); the newest member of the team, he’s a part time mechanic and full time conspicuous
Pete (played by Ping); the money guy Alan brings on board to sponsor the team
Team Red Racing (the rival team):
Winner (played by Pop); the guy who never seems to win against Babe
Kim (played by Benz); the new racer they hired to beat Babe
Tony (played by S Vorarit); Red Racing's newest benefactor and *shock horror* Babe's former foster father (try saying that ten times fast)
Kenta (played by Garfield); Tony's right hand man
Then, there’s the 🌶🔥🤯
I, personally, enjoy a little spice/heat in my shows. It’s not necessary for every show, of course, but I do think that when it serves a purpose to the story and it’s done well then it can be quite enjoyable and this cast/production team is doing it really well.
As I said, the chemistry between the cast really is amazing (both on and off the screen, if you're interested in that kind of thing) and although the spicy scenes aren’t nearly as abundant as they are in the novel, there are some really good ones. I decided to bite the bullet and binge read the novel over the past couple of weeks, I blame @pharawee’s breakdown posts for those sleepless nights, and it was worth it for me but not necessary for watching the series.
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Lastly (as if this post isn't long winded enough as it is) there are a handful of things in this series that we don't see too often in BL's and make it worth watching even more:
It's got race cars, murder attempts, mafia influence and supernatural powers (at least half the characters have one).
There's no evil ex-lover out to get revenge or get back together with one of the mains (thank the BL gods).
It's got a Soft Top/Dominant Bottom dynamic where the title character is both super masc and a pretty princess.
And we can't forget, it is technically an Omegaverse series (or rather, it's Omegaverse-lite) which none of us saw coming!
Anywho, to conclude; yes, you should be watching Pit Babe. No, you don't have to read the novel to understand what's going on because none of us understand what the hell is going on at any given time. Charlie and Babe are fucking around and finding out, the rest of us are just long for the ride, Alan and Jeff are having a whole ass rom-com-drama in the corner, the babies are making their content and having a blast and the others aren't quite on the map yet (or are they? *wink, wink*), but I sure hope they will be soon!
If you made it this far, thank you and are you okay? Do you need to have your brain checked?
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panelshowsource · 1 year
i did a speedrun through backstage with katherine ryan today (i added it to drive!! i'll try to get better rips soon) — and what an interesting concept! personally i never get tired of the half-scripted reality thang à la meet the richardsons, and one of my favourite things ever is comics just...hanging out... the natural bantz are the best! so her bringing these people all together and seeing/hearing a little of their processes backstage, and them just generally catching up and hyping up each other's work, was super sweet! take a shot every time someone went "you smashed it mate" awww overall cute show!
random thoughts while watching
jimmy and katherine's friendship is really sweet and probably always will be, and it's sweet how much all the other comics seem to really admire him (everyone always being like "jimmy you're so lovely irl and i bet you don't even want people to know!! but i know how lovely you are!! you can fool them but you can't fool me haha!!" even tho no one is being fooled we literally all know how nice jimmy is)
the way they used those insert shots of frankie boyle going down on a croissant... i should not have found that as funny as i did
judi and ivo are fucking hilarious together and remind me a lot of alan and romesh — unhinged + hanging-on-by-a-thread is an amazing combo. she really brings out a sunshiney side of him
katherine refusing to properly roast sara and jo <3
geoff norcott being like "i've been at a gay club with tom allen and he's a top" like no other context whatsoever?? like?? wtf is the story there, right-wing lowkey douche with tom at the club????? i need to hear more about this
michelle de swarte most beautiful woman alive......... i remember watching the duchess wanting katherine to end up with her lol
rosie jones is SUUUCH A MENACE LMAOOO and the fact she uses her free time trying to get her friends cancelled by pretending they pushed her down LMAOOO (as nish said, "[cackle] one of the worst human beings who has ever lived") she is HYSTERICAL
over the past five years i have seen joel dommett lactate more than i have seen my own parents
watching katherine, jimmy, sue perkins, nish, and judi together made me think...like...fuck...this would have been an amazing taskmaster lineup fr. they are all such ridiculous humans
rosie hitting on sue is so valid
JIMMY JUST GETTING HIS FEET OUT?? ("jimmy this is gonna go STRAIGHT on wikifeet!" nish PLEASE) and honestly judi kinda flirting with jimmy "you are so trim" "you are so strong" "you have nice feet" ?? lmfao judi girl ur killing me
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 8 months
So, I watched either ep 10 or 11 of Pitbabe -
What the actual f*** is going on? How tf did Charlie survive? Why are they focusing more on Alan and Jeff? WHY IS DADDY SUCH A DOUCHE? WHY IS THE UNCLE SO STUPID?!
sorry, I'm just so confused
Hi Anon 😊
Never be sorry for ranting! I love doing this myself 🤭 Well... How did Charlie survive? I am really not a pro in this field of universe, but what I get is, that he is an alpha, so that means he could heal faster. He was prepared for the accident, so he could deal better with the impact of the crash. At the hospital, he was injected with the serum that suppresses his powers, which was important for Babe to get his senses back and assume Charlie was dead. Remember, Charlie had already told him that he would give his senses back if he dies. Hence the urgency for him to get the serum while still in the hospital. Plus a drug to slow his heart rate and make him look dead. Due to the grief and overwhelm because of his returning senses, Babe didn't realise anything about Charlie's fake death.
Daddy is the villian, so he has to be an asshole. And he does quite a good job! I really hate him! He is an emotionless piece of shit that only wants money, without thinking about other people or children. And to be honest, this is so close to reality, it is really frightening!
Which uncle? Now I am confused 🙈
Okay... The Alan and Jeff thing... In this house we stan these two, so I am very happy we finally got some progress with these two! And I don't mind them having this much screen time. I adore them together. They are the secondary couple, so they have to get a little bit of the screen time and as Charlie recovers and Babe is mourning his death, I was really happy seeing Alan x Jeff on my screen being all over each other.
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lazywolfwiccan · 1 year
Hell of an Evolution: New Mutant on the Block
@atiny-angel @axelwolf8109 @thebejeweledwatercat @ozzypawsbone-princeofbarkness @epickiya722 @greek-freak101 @thefandomlifechoseus @straykidsdarlin
Stiles Stilinski was a loner, not but choice but by circumstance, until a man named Chris offered him a place to stay and learn to adapt to his powers
Stiles hugged his jacket closer, Chris Argent was adamant that he'd be safe but he wasn't convinced
"We got a lot of kids around your age, you'll be okay" Chris pulled into the driveway. "Wow" Stiles' jaw dropped at the mansion that might've as well have been a castle.
Chris smiled and helped him with his two bags, entering the "school"
"Dad!" A teenage girl ran down the stairs to hug Chris. Stiles flinched away before she could get too close.
"Hey Ally" He laughed. Another teen, a boy with scales and green eyes bolted down the stairs and hugged Stiles tightly.
"No!" "You're new! I'm Jackson! I'm basically half lizard, nothing can hurt me, you're like really pretty!"
Stiles was confused but relieved that the lizard boy was apparently unharmed by his "death touch"
"Jackson, let go before you cause him to have a panic attack" "It's okay" Stiles said quietly
"You'll be rooming with Scott, he's harmless" Chris said, shouldering Stiles' bag. Jackson leapt on top of the stairs and followed the pair
"How many people live here?" "Eleven ish, give or take" Jackson giggled.
Chris opened a door, Scott was laying on his bed, arms over his eyes and red glasses laying beside him.
"Scott" Chris said exasperated. "I know I know" Scott put the glasses on, giving Stiles the vibe of a frat boy douche bag who refused to take his sun glasses off inside
"Scott, this is Stiles, your new roommate" Scott sat up and shook Stiles' gloved hand. "Jackson's already attached so be nice"
Scott laughed and sat back down on his bed. "We have school tomorrow so please let me get a good night's sleep"
"Of course man"
Stiles got up in the morning tired as hell, Scott waiting for him.
"We eat breakfast and then Peter, he's our teacher basically, drives us to Beacon Hills high so we can get education. We all have cover stories to hide our mutations, as far as humans know I'm color blind and need these"
"What will my cover be?" "Probably some type of skin condition" Scott shrugged.
Stiles smiled at that. The pair went downstairs and into the kitchen. "Morning Scott, new kid" A boy with bronze skin said.
"Stiles" "Danny" Danny smiled in a friendly way. Jackson hopped from upstairs and grinned. "Danny has a sonic scream" Scott said. "Oh cool"
Danny grinned. Jackson tapped a bracelet on his wrist and changed into a human looking teen boy, it was hard to deny that Jackson was extremely attractive.
Stiles sat as far away from everyone else as possible, Jackson had apparently appointed himself as Stiles' best friend because he was the only one who could touch him, the driver, a man (well he was only eighteen) named Derek, had flinched away from Stiles as soon as he saw him
Kira Yukimura had smiled at him politely, her roommate Lydia Martin had looked at him like he was about to explode.
Erica Reyes had literally hissed at him, the boy attached to her side trying to calm her down. Liam Dunbar looked completely indifferent, his roommate Theo grinning.
"Welcome to Beacon Hills high" Derek said, absolutely bored. Stiles tried to smile at him but Hale again ignored him.
Attitude much?
"Sir, the mutant school is boring in numbers" Alan Deaton said nervously, whole Deucalion was blind, the mutant man himself was extremely dangerous and temper mental.
"No matter, soon Stilinski will be in my ranks, they'll drive him away, besides we have something they don't"
He turned around. "The twins" Aiden Steiner ran around his cell, trying to find any escape. Ethan Steiner sat cross legged in his, using his telekensis to move blocks around. His twin stopped to catch his breath, Ethan slammed the blocks together. Destroying them
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justplainwhump · 9 months
Season's Greetings
After last week's poll (thank you so much to everyone who participated!), here's the Christmas special for 238/training!Angel.
This is dedicated to and inspired by @angst-after-dark, Thane Barlow is their character.
As to be expected, it is pretty much leaning into smut. Enjoy!
[Making Angel]
Content/warnings: BBU, facility whump, institutional whump, nsfwhump, recorded whump, dubcon use of toys, male whumpers with female whumpee, whumper pov.
Walking through the hallways of facility 002 before Christmas was special, somehow. Even without any decoration among the sterile white, there was a festive mood to be felt, just from the way the handlers smiled when they greeted each other, or the spring to their steps.
The trainees wouldn't get any gifts for Christmas.
But the employees, they did.
As head handler, Jared Grimm had introduced various employee benefits; one of them a very popular Christmas tombola. Not everyone could get the main prize - taking home a pet over the holidays - especially not given the often more delicate nature of facility 002's acquisitions, but there were several more prizes: a full cleaning of the home before the relatives arrived, catering for Christmas dinner, a full styling and hairdo, all declared part of the facility's Domestics' training, all doing wonders for the workplace climate.
And there was of course, another choice group to receive Christmas gifts. Clients. Pretty much every case they handled in facility 002 was personal, meaningful for the prospective owners, and insanely price, too.
Personally tailored Season's Greetings were the least the facility could do.
Jared looked down at the instructions on his tablet. Alex had prepared a little script for each of the greetings. 238's prospective was to get a video. Technically, her primary handlers was meant to speak the opening words, but Alan Nguyen hadn't as much glanced at the notes, just lifted the Santa hat with two fingers and handed it back to Jared. "I did my professional due. Humiliating the girl. I will not humiliate myself for that douche and be his clown in a Santa hat. You do that alright."
Jared rolled his eyes. Arrogant douche himself. But Jared couldn't afford to annoy him - plus, he was the best handler they had, and there could be worse than spending some quality time with one of his trainees.
He pulled the hat over his head and nodded at the cameraman, waiting for his prompt to start speaking. "Good day, Mr Barlow! I'm Jared Grimm, WRU head handler, and it's my honor to send you Christmas greetings in the name of the entire company! We have a little something prepared for you behind this door, in honor of holiday season! Let's have a look!"
Jared got how it could feel little degrading indeed, playing the cheerful entertainer, but he was a WRU handler - he'd gone through worse for a lot less.
The door opened at a swipe of his card with a beep and a click, and cameraman panned to the door, filming through the crack where the dim flicker of christmas lights filled the room.
Angel, Alex had noted. Client seems to like angel analogies for this product (quote: "Make her be my Angel, and make her love it").
And they had taken this literally today.
Jared stared for a second, giving the cameraman time to slowly, carefully catch every detail of 238's flawless presentation.
She was wearing sheer white lingerie, that covered nothing yet emphasised everything. Her golden hair was curled into soft locks and crowned with a glittering halo, and small feathery wings strapped to her back over a short golden cape. Golden glitter was applied to her body as well, shimmering on her collarbone and chest.
She smiled at Jared, flirtatious and confident, curving her body in just the right ways for the camera to catch her.
She didn't kneel, though, to his slight dismay. It made sense for the order, of course. A luxury pet. For a demanding client.
Jared was a stranger to her - and she wouldn't kneel for just anyone.
"Well, good day, 002238," Jared said. There wasn't a script for her. Trainees didn't need to be told to act. Their entire being was a performance, and he expected her to excel at it. "You're special, aren't you? A very precious, very special pet for a very special owner." He reached out to clip a golden leash to the soft golden leather collar around her neck. (Prospective: "She will look better in a leash.")
"Of course I am," she whispered, and Jared was struck by the perfect counterpoints of the almost confident smile tugging at her lip and her gaze devoutly cast down. "I'm special for you, and I will be perfect for my owner."
Jared felt the pinpricks of an urge to discipline her, make her perfect for himself. It was part of her configuration of course, just like the part about not kneeling. A slight air of arrogance, but always submissive to her owner - and only him. Showing off her master's luxury.
Nguyen had outdone himself.
"You will be," Jared assured her, lifting her chin towards him. Glitter was smeared over her cheeks, too, sparkling between her freckles. "You're a beautiful product. Why don't you smile at the camera, tell your owner yourself? Season's greetings."
A soft blush blossomed on her cheeks underneath the gold, perfectly crafted, and still so natural. "He's... is he watching?"
"He is," Jared said.
Shivering, she sank to her knees. "Happy holidays, Sir," she whispered into the camera. "I can't wait to be yours."
"Why don't you show him just how much?"
"How?" She looked up at him, her dark eyes seeming even deeper among all the glitter.
"Get... Get on that table, 238." Jared didn't even try to hide the hoarse roughness tinting his voice. The product worked. It was always something else, if you hadn't trained them yourself. Even after more than two decades on the job, feeling that power over the entirety of another human was thrilling.
She got to her feet, with a grace that would seem natural to any outsider but perfectly matched that of any other WRU product, and swung herself on the edge of the table, legs dangling, upper body leaning backwards, presenting her cute breasts once more.
Jared's own trainees, back in the day, would've all been trained to be on their back already, presenting a whole different view.
This one was still keeping eye contact. Not with Jared, though. With the camera. "I hope I fullfil everything you desire." Her voice was tinted with arousal, and Jared couldn't even tell if it was fake or real. It didn't matter. Her hand ran over her body, playing with the straps tied around her, fingers idly circling her nipples.
The cameraman shifted his weight nervously, pressed his thighs together, and Jared smirked. She worked just as she should.
"Here," he mumbled, as he stepped in with the finishing decor - golden clamps, adorned with tiny bells that jingled when he fixed them to her nipples. The noise was lovely, but even more so was her sharp little gasp.
"238 isn't trained for pain," Jared said to the camera. "But she promised us, she'll take it for you."
"Anything," 238 said. "I love you, Sir. I love to be whatever you want me to be. I'm ready."
They hadn't told her to say that. Or what to do. But as any well trained Romantic should, when told to perform while none of her betters made a move, she did it on her own. She let herself sink onto her back on the padded table - finally - crossed her hands above her head and slowly, almost teasingly, opened her legs. This time, the gasp came from the camera man, staring at the diamond nestled in between her folds.
Jared bit back a chuckle. Yeah. That one was a sight.
"Good girl," he murmured, reaching for the seasonal fastenings he'd brought - a rough rope, entwined with fairy lights - and fixated her ankles to the table before he moved on to bind her hands above her head. "You'll be so good for your owner."
Still standing behind her head, he pulled a vibrator from his pocket, as golden as herself, and presented it to the camera. "Mr Barlow, here's your gift. The card we delivered to you held a small golden controller. Would you push the upper button on it?"
It took a moment, before the vibrator hummed to life in Jared's hand.
The pet shivered at the noise, already conditioned so perfectly, and a soft jingle sounded from the bells on her.
"And now press the other?"
238 back arched, and she let out a surprised cry of pain, the bells rattling.
Jared reached out and ran a caressing finger over her breast. "There's electrodes in the clamps, at your free disposal."
Jared pulled back his hand a second up late, when she seizured again, his hand thrumming with the remainder of a tiny shock. Seemed like the owner's kind of humor. Great then. He'd hopefully enjoy this whole display.
"Be good, 238," Jared whispered to her. "He's watching."
The vibrator was buzzing in his hand, wildly alive, as he slid it into her with practised ease.
She was wet already. If Jared assessed correctly, she'd stay so for a long, long while. Her owner wouldn't make this easy for her.
But then again, that was exactly what they'd made her for.
Jared waved at the camera, now mounted on a tripod. "Merry Christmas, Mr Barlow. We'll leave you to it in private now."
The cameraman swallowed, as he stepped back, wiping his palms on his pants. "You can wait in the observation room," Jared said to him, quietly enough for the camera not to catch their voices. "There's tissues, if you need them."
Jared might tune into the livestream from his office he thought. Or not. After all, he'd definitely be the one to get the privilege of being with 238 after Barlow was done. He preferred being the only one in charge.
He pulled off the Santa hat and ruffled a hand through his hair, ignoring the pet's moans behind him. As he followed the cameraman outside and raised his card to lock the door, the last thing he heard was the pet's sincere whisper.
"I love you, Sir."
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hunter-sylvester · 8 months
Do you think Eddie Munson and Hunter would be friends? I’ve seen some people say yes, and some say no. I feel like Hunter would lowkey hate Eddie at first, then (very) slowly warm up to him.
I mean, yeah. I think they would, and I agree that it would take Hunter a while to warm up to Eddie. That’s basically how I wrote the progression of their friendship in Does it get better?
In DIGB it's a situation that's created by a few unfortunate social mishaps. (Eddie asking about something Hunter feels embarrassed about & making a slightly mean joke that just hits Hunter like a truck because of factors Eddie doesn't know about.)
Aside: There might be a fair bit of referencing to DIGB in this. I wrote a 27k word crossover fic of Metal Lords and Stranger Things, so a lot of my thoughts about their possible dynamic have ended up in that.
I do think that regardless of circumstance, Hunter just needs a bit of time to warm up to people in general. We kind of see that with Emily in the film. It's also something I've discussed when I was asked if I thought Hunter would get along with Ema & Spoon from Harlan Coben's Shelter.
I said he might see Ema as a threat in that previous answer. And I do think Hunter is someone that just easily feels threatened. He never feels safe. He's just like me fr And I could definitely see Hunter initially perceiving Eddie as a threat too. He's loud, he's cool, he's older.
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We know Eddie's a nice guy but he's somewhat intimidating by design. For the same reason Hunter wants to be but I think there's more truth behind it with Eddie. Partially because of the time-period his canon takes place in, Eddie has just lived a much harsher life than Hunter. At the very least harsh in a different way.
And I do think that comes across in his general energy. I mean we see it in the show too, like he's a scaredy cat but when pushed into a corner he will defend himself. I think with more success than Hunter. Where Eddie flees or fights, Hunter freezes. Think of the way Hunter just 'lets' Skip drag him around at Clay's party. Not trying to victim blame, I think it's a panic response. But he has the survival instincts of a spoiled housecat. Eddie is more of an alley cat in this analogy.
I think Hunter would also just find Eddie a bit overwhelming initially. But because of how little introspection he has, he would somehow make that an "Eddie sucks" thing. And he'd lash out and/or hedgehog* in response.
*hedgehog moments or 'hedgehogging' is basically when someone feels threatened so they metaphorically curl up and stick their spines out in a reflexive attack to keep themselves safe. (I don't know if it's a term anybody but me and my friends use but it makes sense in my head)
As for Eddie's side of things I feel like he might initially think Hunter is just a bit of a brat (in the spoiled kid way not the other way this time). I mean one of the reasons Eddie thought Steve would be a douche was his parents being rich. It makes sense that might contribute to the same perception being applied to Hunter.
It's also arguably more true for Hunter. He IS a financially spoiled little fucker. The only way his dad knows how to try to make him happy is to buy him things. Broken his leg on stage? New guitar.
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He doesn't know how to "comfort" him any other way. (and it's a piss-poor way of "comforting" your child btw) Aside: I also think Alan might have felt guilty for dropping Hunter in rehab just cause he didn't know what to do with him. So then having him get hurt right after would've only exacerbated that hence the $3.3k guitar as a "sorry, promise I probably love you, son"
But I do think that once the two come to more of an understanding and actually get to know each other properly they could be a chaos factory and a half. (I have a few WIP fics on the backburner that delve into that actually.) I mean Eddie does like Mike, who is a bit of a dick so he might also not have too much of a problem with Hunter being a dick. In any case, I think most of the "needing time" would be from Hunter's side.
Aside: I think especially a bit of maturing will help Hunter go a long way. Being seventeen ain't easy. I just think Hunter will start to become a lot more comfortable within himself in his twenties.
But in any case, I do think Hunter & Eddie would like each other after overcoming those hurdles. Which I also ultimately think they would overcome.
And I'm actually very attached to the idea that Hunter & Eddie would develop a sort of pseudo mentor/older brother dynamic. Which I think Hunter would actually really benefit from. As extensively established, his parents suck. (so do Eddie's tbf)
So I think having someone there to kind of fill a role adjacent to guidance would really help him. And having that be another metalhead is kind of important. Since Hunter's special interest is obviously metal and it's the framework he uses to make sense of the world. It really needs to be someone that speaks his language.
Aside: I'm always working within the concept that Eddie and Hunter are roughly as far apart in age as they are in their respective canon. As in: Eddie is 19/20 in canon, Hunter is 17 in canon. So if Hunter is aged up to 20, then Eddie is in his mid twenties. I'm not talking about this in a "Eddie was alive in the 80's and is now 50-something" kind of way.
Also a D&D game ran by Eddie with Hunter as a player would be fucking wild. If he can keep the friendly fire to a minimum I think they might enjoy playing D&D together a lot. Then again, Eddie's campaign was referred to as "sadistic" by Dustin, so maybe he wouldn't even mind the friendly fire lmao
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I feel like this one is a little disjointed, I'm kind of all over the place mentally but I hope you still got something out of it, Blue Anon ^-^🤘
And as always, thank you for asking 🖤
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didn't the connections just want Evie as a weapon/ tool to end all wars (I need to check that file in 7) and Miranda wanted a replacement for Eva hence why she decided to dig up her dead daughter and give them tissue samples (high key even if Miranda brought Eva back the poor kid would never ever be good enough Miranda has had 100 odd years of putting the child on a pedestal)
also Alan Droney (Director* douche who transported Evie with Mia... again the connections sent two 2 people to transport Evie without the treatments needed to keep her stable will that ever not be a problem for me and something i don't see other people mentioning at all?) was posing as a father figure to Evie who rejected her and Evie wanted Ethan to be daddy instead of Jack when he turned up which made Jack mad and Ethan has no idea what he's on about and of course rejects her as well
*in game they call him that and Mia is a caretaker
basically I hope Evie finds people in the conciousness of mold who know everything about her whilst not being directly affected by her violence and help her out (mold therapy group is a idea near and dear to my heart)
As far as the Connections go--tl;dr i went and did some research which is why this took a bit to answer, but yeah, it looks like the Connections DID always plan to use Evie... but Miranda didn't just provide mold, she also provided DNA of her daughter for use in Evie's creation. This, combined with the fact that rose is a 'perfect Eveline' and Eveline's name being so close to Miranda's daughter (Eva) are contet clues that Miranda wanted Eveline made so she could do what she tried with rose. Meaning Eveline's original 'true' purpose was to become Miranda's daughter, but she was 'imperfect'. Because of the emphasis on rose being 'perfect' and Eveline being 'imperfect', I think you make a great point about how ultimately, Eva probably wouldn't have been good enough. None of the 4 Lords were, despite all their power, Miranda still made them feel like they weren't enough to please her.
(side note: this whole 'Miranda was working with Connections!!!' feels very like it was decided after the fact/making it up as they go along. But this interpretation makes it make more sense, at least to me.)
iirc (and someone can feel free to correct me), Mia and her partner were posing as Mia's parents specifically to avoid arousing suspicion when they were transporting her. They weren't intended to be actual parental figures to her. But she was a heavily sheltered child, likely lonely, so she wasn't going to understand it was fake.
We know Evie latched onto Mia as a mother figure, I don't know if she latched onto the guy as a father figure, though. She killed that guy because he essentially rejected her, yeah. If she did see him as a father figure, it was not for very long and it was not to the extent she latched onto Mia (which is intentional--you're not really supposed to care about that guy, so Evie likely didn't either). She also let Ethan 'defy' her much longer than she did Alan.
Evie did use Mia to lure Ethan, though. re7 is explicit about that, bc when Mia is lucid, she tells Ethan she didn't send him the video--meaning Evie was controlling her. Evie wanted Ethan as a father figure because her 'mom' should be married to her 'dad'. I don't think she ever saw Jack as a father figure, because he had adult children her 'mother's age, and because those children (Lucas and Zoe) would likely have been rivals for his love. It's easier for her to play house with Mithan as her parents, and the Bakers as extended family.
Infected!Jack was jealous, yeah, because Ethan was essentially going to replace him as the male head of the family, but Infected!Jack is not the real Jack. Those feelings and actions came from the false family hierarchy that Eveline set up, in which she is both the head of the family and the treasured only grand-child (which is why her rapid aging works as such a good twist; a lot of southern families have an old matriarch like that, and many of them also have a darling granddaughter who is adored).
tbh I don't really care what happens to Evie in the mold matrix, it's just upsetting to me that people call a child irredeemable and deserving of death. Like... they can't see Eveline as the tragedy she is. But Lady D and Heisenberg get praised to high heaven.
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nofatclips · 1 year
Beyond Sight by Calyces (featuring Chrysa Chaltampasi) from the album Impulse to Soar
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miss0atae · 10 months
Random thoughts about the BL episodes of today (8th of December).
I'm still really enjoying Last Twilight. It is interesting to see how Mhok and Day's relationship is moving forward. It's going slowly but strongly in the right direction for both of them. I was a bit afraid about August and how he would change their dynamic, but in the end, I think he's making it easier for Day to move on and Mhok to really understand the kind of feeling he has for Day.
Pit Babe's episode was a bit boring. I thought Babe would take the time to really talk with Charlie but no... Instead he spent the whole episode being angry at everyone, doing nothing intelligent and trusting the only character who is more annoying than him. I also don't understand Charlie. I don't know what his plan is, but I would say he is not doing a good job. At this point, I don't care much about his story with Babe. I'm mostly watching the series to see Jeff ending up with Alan. I have a soft spot for him.
I also watched Twins and I can't stand most of the volleyball players. They are so hostile towards Sprite. I understand that Zee was a douche but they must be idiots to not notice how Sprite acts so differently from Zee. You need to be blind to not see it. Koh was the most infuriating. I couldn't stand him. Anyway, I'm glad that First is warming a little bit towards Sprite. I can't wait to see these two starting to have a good relationship. In the preview it seems like Sprite and First will have a kiss. Sam may let go of his crush for Zee and there is trouble brewing in Jack's relationship. This series may not be the most groundbreaking right now but it's fun and entertaining and sometimes it's all I'm asking.
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candysweetposts · 2 years
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Happy Halloween! (yes, here it's still 31 of October)
This is the third edit for mcl. I have something for eldarya but it's not much in comparison. Disappointingly, this is not my favorite edit, yesterday's was.
Ok, so for this edit the context is more about a Halloween party that those two's costumes and a story that might include it.
This year, the Halloween party was hosted at the vampires' castle because they wanted to "redeem" themselves for being such douches all year. Plus, their music it's so good and perfect for a spooky night. Alice started to prepare herself and her husband from the morning and they stayed in the costumes until 9-10 pm. There wasn't much makeup involved but, that dress itself became uncomfortable at some point. Plus, she could barely see through that lace over her eyes so she had to take it off. After dressing up, they took pictures and wandered around until 3 pm or so when they all gathered to go to the party. The people who went with them are His Majesty, of course, the rest of the members of the royal council, Alan, and Rose, Andy (Alan's step-brother) and his now wife Jodie, and they also invited Alan and Alice's sister, Helene, that moved to Eldarya, again, who herself invited the guard leaders and Huang Hua. They all /tp to the vampire castle. There they were welcomed by lord Vlad and other vampires. The general atmosphere was lively, people were dancing, eating, and chatting. Alan even sang some Halloween-themed songs along with his sister. People got to know each other better and form new connections.
At some point, Alice got a bit sick so her husband took her back to the Royal Castle where he helped her change. Ren had to go back, but promised will return shortly. So she stayed in the bad and watched Breaking Bad (which I'm currently watching right now) and texted her brother about this. Alan got a bit frustrated and suggested Rose come with him and watch the show. She agreed but they -more like Alan- wanted to include the others (even if they had no idea what the show was about it). Somehow they all left the party and headed to a big room and watched the show until midnight when they head to their home.
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Loved the ask game, here I go:
* Nero, my favorite roman emperor
* Alan Turing
I'm pretty sure you COULD beat Turing ass but the real question here is: you would?
* Amelia Earhart
* Brazilian historical mention: Maria Quitéria!!
Oooh these are fun!
Nero I think I could take. I actually don't know very much about Nero, but my friend Emma - the Roman historian who voiced the Roman historian in the bonus episode Teeny Tiny Tentacles! - wrote a fabulous book about his mum called Agrippina: Empress, Exile, Hustler Whore. It's marvellous and I recommend it, but it's also the source of everything I know about Nero outside of cartoon depictions and popular legend lol But he comes across as kind of an incompetent douche?? So I think I've got a good chance.
Alan Turing you're right I think I could easily take him but I absolutely would not. I might insist on buying him a new bicycle chain though.
Amelia Earhart would absolutely deck me. No question about it. That woman has GUMPTION she has GET UP AND GO she would set her mind to wiping the floor with me and then DO IT. Also, if this is post-disappearance, there's a strong possibility she'd have an army of ghost crabs on her side.
And I didn't know about Maria Quitéria before this ask, thank you for giving me the chance to learn something new today! I mean, soldiering was her whole entire thing, I wouldn't stand a chance lol
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wack-ashimself · 4 months
*Fucking Betty White small role, and of course she's fucking amazing. "Most people aren't able to see beneath your slick, insensitive exterior, deep down...you really are a douche bag. I GET that, Alan. You'll have no misunderstanding with me." -boston legal s1, e12
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gunsatthaphan · 2 years
*busts through the wall* I FOUND THE ASKS! - sorry, sorry, I'll clean that up later, my baaaaaad
I'm getting really curious about First playing the douche-y, possibly unlikeable love rival in MLC
because dear god, First Kanaphan "Babygirl" Puitrakul could have chemistry with a CACTUS.
I'm extremely excited for Alan lmao I'm getting ready for him to be obnoxious and me being an apologist left right and center djkghdfk
I'm very curious to see his dynamic with Mix and also if there are possible interactions with Kaipa (Gaipa?) so yeah.
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severussnape0109 · 2 years
My Naughty Minx | Alan Rickman Affair
By: WritingItUp
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Chapter 1
"Why in the world are we taking this class?" Kat asked.
"Because I heard that the new Professor is very good-looking," I smiled.
She rolled her eyes, "Is that the only reason you are taking this class?"
I shook my head, "I'm taking it because I need it to graduate. This is our third semester and we should've already taken this class. Just think you'll be able to stare at a very good looking professor." I opened the door to the classroom and bumped into a large figure. I fell to the ground and my bag dropped, emptying it. "Who's good-looking?" I looked up to see a tall average-built man very good looking man staring down at me.
"The Professor that teaches biology," Kat blurted.
"I hear he is too," he smiled, "better get to class," he said while sticking his hand out to help me up. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me to my feet. "Thank you," I dusted off my dress.
"Don't mention it," he handed me my bag and walked past us.
Kat smiled at me and we made our way to the second row of seats. We both sat down and I crossed my legs over one another. "I wonder what he looks like," I smiled.
"Did you not look at his photo before you signed us up?" Kat asked.
"No," I paused, "he didn't have a picture."
The doors flew open and the man that I bumped into walked past me. He walked to the front of the room. "Good morning, students," he paused and looked at me and Kat, "my name is Professor Alan Rickman," he smiled.
My heart skipped a beat. He heard us say that he is good-looking. "Dude," Kat nudged me.
I giggled, "Yes? Miss?" He walked in front of me and smiled. "Did you have something you needed to say?"
I shook my head, no.
"Use your words, Miss?" He asked again.
"Jasmine Evans," I was shaking my leg uncontrollably.
"Mrs. Or Miss?" He asked.
"Miss," I said while holding up my left hand and indicating I had no ring on.
He nodded and entwined his fingers.
No ring.
I smiled.
"What made you decide to take my class?" He smirked at the question.
"Um," I paused, he already knew why I was taking the class, but I didn't need to admit that to the rest of my peers, "I need this class for my degree."
He nodded, "I suggest you should pay attention to me when I am talking instead of giggling with your friend," he said gesturing to Kat, "got it?" He spat.
"Yes, professor," I scooted down in my chair a little, almost embarrassed.
He nodded and walked away, "This class is a whole year," he paused, "if you do not like it then you can leave now. I do not want any funny business in my classroom. If you do I will ask you to leave," he looked at me and winked, "unless I want the silly business."
Why in the world is he looking at me like that and winking?
"I know it is old school but I would like to know more about you," he paused, "all."
He sat on his desk and faced all of us, "I would like this paper to be at least 2 pages long."
The class groaned, "double spaced," he paused, "oh stop complaining your lucky I'm not making you write a paper 10-page paper about cell structure," he wrapped his hand around his thighs. Damn, stop looking stop looking. They weren't kidding when they said he was handsome and not married? He should've been snatched up by now. "And I will be having you take a quiz," he chuckled, "right now," he said while standing up from his desk and grabbing a stack of papers. He made his way around the room and passed them from front to back. He got in front of me and slightly grazed my hand. I felt sparks fly through my spine. I looked up at him and smiled. He gave me a quick smile and went back to scolding everyone. Why does this man make me feel this way? He's such a douche.
I set the paper on the desk and opened up the paperwork. I gulped at the sight of how many questions there were. From evolution to distribution of living organisms. "Just know that I could go harder on you," he paused, "my class last year had to write a 10-page paper every week."
I would die from writing a paper every week. I would much rather run naked around the university for the rest of my life. I laughed, I would never do that. But with me being a little bit curvy it wouldn't look as good as a skinny girl.
"Something funny Miss. Evans?" Looking up to see Professor Rickman squatting down in front of me.
"No, Professor," I smiled, "just thinking."
"Think quieter," he huffed.
I nodded.
He came around me and whispered in my ear, "use your words."
My ovaries are going to explode.
He chuckled and walked back to his desk. I went back to my quiz and couldn't focus.
"Class dismissed," Professor Rickman said. I looked up to find that Kat was poking me. "Time to go," she was smiling.
"I didn't finish," I whispered.
"What?" She sounded surprised, I was never behind.
A throat cleared and we both turned to see Professor Rickman staring at us. "You may go Miss. Lambert," he made his way over to where I was sitting, "Miss. Evans will be right out." I looked over at Kat who was looking puzzled about why I was staying back. Kat grabbed her bag and went out the door. "Why didn't you finish?" He looked at my paper which didn't have much on it, "do you need me to help you finish?"
I coughed, hoping to suppress my thoughts. Did he mean to say it that way? "Sorry, sir," I paused.
"Don't call me sir," he said, "It's Professor or Professor Rickman."
I nodded, "I was just distracted."
"By what exactly?" He grabbed one of the chairs and sat down. Pelvis towards me and had the back of the chair by his pelvis. He nodded, "is it because the biology teacher is handsome?" A smirk played on his face. He knew what he was doing. I started to blush as red as a tomato. "You are cute when you blush," he smiles and stands up, he walks towards me and leans down. "I have another class coming," he paused, "take the quiz home and bring it back next class," he tapped his finger on the desk and turned on his heel.
"Yes, Professor," I said while picking up my things and getting ready to go. "Don't think too much about me Miss. Evans," he was looking at his paperwork on the desk, "I know I am handsome but your work is more important," and with that, I was out of there.
I opened the door and was surprised to see Kat still standing outside the door. Waiting almost impatiently. "Why did he keep you after class?"
"He just let me know I can do the quiz at home and bring it back next class," I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed the keys out of my bag.
"I thought he was going to bring up what happened before class," she giggled and we made our way to the car.
"He didn't bring any of that up," I lied, "thank god."
"What would you have done if he brought it up?" she asked.
I shrugged my shoulders, "it probably makes his ego go sky high so I probably would've just played along."
She shook her head, "Do you work this weekend?"
"You know I do," i paused, "I have to work, my parents done pay for my schooling."
She rolled her eyes, "I know."
"I work double this weekend," I frowned.
I nodded, "I was asked to pull a shift at the club and two shifts at the restaurant."
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