#alastor x selfship
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ok so i took a page out of a certain self shipping blog i enjoy's book ( *cough* ladybugkisses *cough*) and scribble something in the style of the official mugs and i'm sobbing and screaming at the results
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lienohr · 3 months
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sunday was my birthday but unfortunately I only had the chance to finish it today, but yeah, they're in love your honor [ALASTOR X ERIDAE {Original Character} | RADIOCOLOUR]
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dreamy-selfships · 4 months
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voxkisser · 3 months
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MORE ART!! We were probably watching the fight again and giggling evilly together at it.. We're so terrible
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st311ar · 5 months
CW! I am aware that Alastor is Aroace! Therefore, Sequoia’s ship with him is cannon divergent In some (or many) ways! If you are going to harass me, I prefer you take a breath, possibly cringe, and move on! No creator should be harassed over Oc X cannon unless it is a Prosh1p!
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Sequoia, Overlord of Wrongful worship.
Originally transferred into WRATH from a smaller ring that was destroyed, now transferred to pride to be redeemed.
Sequoia is a Cis female “hummingbird” and false golden sunbird. She is Aroace, mainly having trouble actually falling In love due to having been murdered by her prom date In the first place. She has trouble falling In love at all, and finds Alastor’s distrust of touch to be relatable.
She died only In 2005 as a senior In collage, having turned 18 a whole 10 months before. Since she worshiped her crush instead of god, she had sinned worse than the one who murdered her, allowing him into purgatory, and leaving her In hell.
she has problems controlling her emotions and impulses, and has a current hyperfixation on deer for obvious reasons.
Back to her worshiping, every time she falls in love, the interest gets a shrine of common things (yan sim style because duh), such as hair, and things the interest leaves behind, such as a whiskey glass and such.
Her attraction always starts as romantic, and in order to build a sexual attraction, she must build a suitable bond with her interest. Overall, being harder to date than basically every demon In hell, accept for Alastor.
The two’s relationship takes awhile for them to be close enough to even hold hands, being almost an extream slow burn due to both’s hesitation regarding touch, and attraction In general, but though it takes awhile, the two are In subtle love nonetheless.
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Alastor self ship for @astralartistic
Hey everyone, long time no see.
I've been really busy and unwell, so making new content has been a struggle - worry not though, I'm slowly working on everyone's requests.
Anyways, after my first self ship drawing turned out quite ehhh, I've decided to try again, but this time I drew self insert for my best friend and my biggest love @astralartistic .
I'm really proud of how Alastor turned out, though this piece really was "trust the process" with me since I was trying out new markers that didn't cooperate, and I also couldn't get Alastor's skin tone right - so he ended up more dark and yellowish than he originally is. But I still love how I drew him.
And yes, those are bites on Alastor.
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shouta-edits · 2 months
Hello may I request a moodboard for my newest selfship?
Ship name: bloody broadcast / rosecest
Characters: alastor(hazbin hotel) x Percy(oc)
Color palette: red pink and white
Themes: possesive/unhealthy love, ownership, age gap, father/son incest, ddlb/cgl, forbidden love, yandere x yandere, cannibalism
Aesthetic: lovecore, vintage valentines, morute/dollette/dollcore, cutesy things, cutegore/creepy cute, anything shota related (if you can find it)
Objects I associate with the ship: roses, books(especially fairytales), dolls(porcelain and ball jointed specifically), raw meat, cigars(and really anything historical), crosses/rosaries
If you want more info about them (I know some people like learning about the pairing they make stuff for) then feel free to check out my blog!
Have a delightful day/evening <3
Content Warning: c/anni/ba/lism, incest mention, age gap possessive & yandere! Don't look if you dont want to see any of these themes.
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ddjsocxcanonrambles · 6 months
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Oh hey look, it’s an OC x Canon and SelfShip Christmas commission collection:
You guys are going to love these, these are so cute:
Brief warning it’s going to be fluffy, Christmasy, and adorable. You have been warned.
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H.azbin H.otel with RadioSpunk 🦌🕸️:
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Art belongs to: brush_of_chaos on Twitter, AndrewArtwork on Twitter, _InsideMirror_ on Twitter, and @thespacehatter
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O.ne Piece with JokeyBones🦴🤭:
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Art belongs to @wandapinkay and @ceceru
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Hope you guys like them all, and thank you to the artists for these adorable holiday doodles.
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lienohr · 3 months
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I see lot of great things coming your way, yes indeedy! 📻🦋 [ALASTOR X ERIDAE {Original Character} | RADIOCOLOUR]
Bought a comm from @/vinceswaterb0ng on Twitter, it came out so perfect ❤️💞 They really got the spirit of my ship 🥺 please give them love, support and throw your money at their face!! You won't regret it
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dreamy-selfships · 5 months
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I finally watched the pilot for Hazbin Hotel (plus a little bit of Helluva Boss) 👉👈
i gained three boyfriends today.
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this is SUCH a messy sketch and late as hell but idc
happy valentine's day <3 <3 <3
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Alastor, Alastor 2p and me (self ship drawing)
Due to my worsening mental state I've stopped doing things I once enjoyed (writing, drawing, singing,...).
Well, after about two months (give or take) I've finally drawn something - though the result really disappointed me and I might end up deleting this post all together because everything that could go wrong with this drawing went wrong...
(Don't judge how bad this is, I literally forgot how to draw over my "what's the point in doing what I enjoy")
I'm posting these just cuz I think the dynamic of Alastor, Alastor 2p and me is kinda funny...
And yep, this is a self ship. I'm mentally unwell, let me have this plz.
Alastor 2p was made by @anic-mj (Anic, if you see this, plz don't hate me)
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another-lost-mc · 4 months
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THE BRAIN ROT IS REAL! Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel are both amazing in their own ways.
I've thought about a HH x OM crossover before and I treat it the same way I do the other demon/hell-based crossovers with selfships/characters I like. I could go into a whole tangent about integrating those different power structures into the existing OM universe but I should probably leave that for another post.
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Let's pretend that Alastor has a similar rep in the OM universe as he does in Hazbin Hotel - he's charismatic and mysterious, yet the rumors about his ruthless and power-hungry nature are alarming at best and terrifying at worst. He can be quite monstrous, like any proper sinner demon should be.
Of course, the rest of MC's acquaintances/friends/lovers would be concerned if MC suddenly started hanging out with a demon like him. Alastor is kind to MC - too kind, perhaps. Why is he suddenly interested in befriending a random human like MC, when he could just as easily try to win Solomon's favour instead? It's all very suspicious at the beginning, but the more time they spend together, the worse it seems. MC doesn't understand why their other friends don't like him no matter how much they reassure everyone that their impressions of Alastor are wrong or misguided.
Even if Alastor's motives for being close to MC are platonic only, the other demons in MC's social circle still question whether or not he can be trusted.
KARASU: Alastor doesn't like TV and I can't see him liking the D.D.D. or internet technology either. He might use it sparingly if necessary, but I think he'd prefer to remain disconnected from it as much as possible. He probably doesn't even have his own D.D.D. and that makes it more challenging for a tech-savvy demon like Karasu to learn about him or monitor his activities. He'd be extremely suspicious of Alastor befriending MC, especially since Alastor rarely uses the D.D.D. to communicate, but he doesn't know how to articulate his concerns without potentially upsetting MC in the process.
AZRA & ZEE: They've done horrible things in the past and they know all of the Devildom's most dangerous demons. The thought of MC spending time with Alastor bothers them both. Azra can be just as charming and lays it on thick when Alastor's around. The Fall even plays jazz music from the human world as a novelty event when Alastor and MC visit together. It's all a pretense to be a gracious host even though both demons know their smiles and friendly platitudes are acts they put on for MC's sake.
While Azra is doing his job and actually running his club for once, Zee's solution to the Alastor problem is more covert. He spends a lot of time monitoring MC when they spend time with Alastor in the Devildom. He also tries to track Alastor when MC isn't present, but the Radio Demon is more cautious when he's alone. He's a slippery demon to spy on, and Zee suspects he knows he's being followed.
TENEBRIS: He's one of the OCs that doesn't really hide his dislike of Alastor. He downplays it a bit for MC's sake, but he makes it perfectly clear that he's not buying whatever wholesome BFF act that Alastor is trying to sell. Alastor thinks all of MC's other demon friends are ridiculous to treat him the way they do - not that he blames them exactly, but it gets tiring dealing with their antics. Tenebris is one of the few demons that warns Alastor directly that he'll regret it if he should ever do anything to harm MC. He has the Prince's favour to protect him from potential consequences and the magical strength to follow through with his threats. Alastor actually respects him more for that, and he might consider whether or not some sort of deal with the wayward mage might be beneficial to him in the future...
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self-insert-hell · 1 month
Thoughts of an aroace shipper and selfshipper:
[Putting this here on this blog as it mentions self shipping.]
As someone who’s aroace but also comfortable with attraction when it comes to fiction, I honestly feel confused about the whole shipping discourse when it comes to any aroace character that’s on the spectrum. Because, personally, as an aroace, I don’t mind people shipping aroace characters for fun, as long as they’re respectful of their canon identity. Plus, when it comes to fan creations and such, it’s not canon in the first place. At the same time, I understand the frustration with people who don’t want aroace characters to be shipped and feel like it’s erasing aroace spectrum rep. When it comes to the whole “erasing rep” part, it gets muddy and complicated when you’re referring to the whole spectrum.
Although, I do have one thing I’d like to discuss about the whole representation part. When it comes to fandom, people ignore all types of identities and ship what they want. Again, I’m only cool with it as long as the individual isn’t acting like it’s canon canon. That and it’s up to the creator and what they feel comfortable with. If they don’t want their character to be shipped, cool. If they don’t mind their character being shipped, cool.
Then things get a bit more nuanced and somewhat “confusing.” At the same time, shipping characters can help someone figure their own identity. I would’ve never understand that I experience queerplatonic attraction if it weren’t for shipping. I often (unintentionally) put myself in stereotypical black and white boxes. I mean, I thought I wasn’t aroace because of the one and only time I did feel attraction. Later on, I realized my aroace identity is very complicated but I know for a fact that I’m pretty “far down” the end of the spectrum.
Also, specifically, when it comes to OC x canon ships and self inserts of the sort…personally, do whatever you want. It’s for you right? And you just want to have fun. I repeat, as long as you aren’t acting like your ships are canon and recognize the character’s actual identity, I personally think it’s fine.
While these may be my personal beliefs, I also understand the lack of representation. But again, I feel like most aroace representation is lacking no matter what part of the spectrum you’re on. That and while people are going to do what they want anyways on the internet, at the same time, people also need to be respectful of other people’s characters that they don’t own.
Then you have people who can be aroace and fictsexual. Again, if the creator of a character is comfortable with their character being shipped and the person who’s shipping that character acknowledges the character’s canon identity, I think it’s fine for fictiosexuals to do what they want.
Again, this is my personal opinion and I obviously don’t speak for everyone on the aroace spectrum. I just wanted to talk about this and explore this topic.
Anyways, this isn’t as important but I’ll put my further two cents here.
Take me for example. I selfship with Alastor in 2 ways. When it comes to my OC, canonically my OC is aroace as well, and in a QPR. But I also put Alastor in the romantic category. Why? Because I also enjoy writing my oc in romantic situations and I’m lowkey poking fun at myself. It’s for me and it’s purely because I find it fun and well, funny at the same time. Also, I put a tag for it if anyone doesn’t want to deal with seeing that stuff.
Further more, despite my own confusion when it comes to identifying any emotion I feel (I’m sure neurodivergency has a role in that), I also like exploring a range of emotions in what I create because it’s all fictional. It’s not real.
Furthermore, after finding out about what a QPR is, I finally had the words to correctly convey and label my self ships into.
Overall, it also can be cathartic. What if someone is cupioromantic and one way they cope is with shipping/selfshipping? Besides the self shipping, fans like to project parts of themselves onto characters. (I repeat, the ones who are just having fun but also are respectful) I’ve also seen non-aroace people wanting to explore how to write aroace identities as well. As long as they do the research and are respectful, go ahead! If you’re writing an aroace character for the first time, you’re not going to be perfect and that’s okay. Now, obviously, I’m not saying it’s okay to write harmful stereotypes of aroace people.
Shipping can be useful in exposing new identities that some people may not know have/have enough knowledge on. It can also broaden one’s perspective as some people may not understand that being aroace is a spectrum, can fluctuate, and isn’t all black and white.
But yeah. I’d like to hear your thoughts on the matter.
This ain’t for you proshippers.
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drowninnoodles · 2 months
Why don't you want your stuff tagged as radiostatic?
I dont like that ship, i dont like any ship with Alastor xD
like, idc if u make those etc etc, but if u reblog my art then dont tag it with Alastor ships ig
im ok only with selfships or ocs x him tbh XD
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ddjsocxcanonrambles · 6 months
I guess I’ll make a end of the year promo
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Hello how are ya’ll doing?
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💜I’m Jessi, I am a huge OC x Canon/selfshipping fanatic, and I also have an OC Spunky (She’s basically my baby and comfort OC)
💜 28 years old, She/Her/They (Cis GNC), Demi/Heteromantic GrayAce
💜 I have AuDHD (Autism and ADHD) and my current hyperfixations is Hazbin Hotel and One Piece
💜 I make headcanons that dont make a lick of sense and sometimes will show some art here and there.
💜 I’ll do my best to be as active as possible on this blog, sometimes irl things happen and I tend to be slow with this blog 😓 But feel free to talk to me, dms or questions, I don’t care just as long as we can gush about our f/os
💜I do have platonic f/os as well.
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💜 My two main romantic f/os is Alastor and Brook, two silly old men that melted my heart , make me blush, and who are my comfort characters 💕
Brook is shipped with me
Alastor is shipped with Spunky (my Hazbin OC that was previously mentioned)
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DNI if you’re Prosh*p, Anti LGBT (also including Aphobia), a TERF, or legitimately hate OC x Canon/Selfshipping!?
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