#alba gaia bellugi
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Alba Gaia Bellugi
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opponentsheir · 3 years
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Into the Night 2x02: Markus and Ines
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sweeterthankarma · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Into the Night (TV 2020) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sylvie Bridgette Dubois/Ines Mélanie Ricci Characters: Ines Mélanie Ricci, Sylvie Bridgette Dubois Additional Tags: Post-Season/Series 01, Bonding Series: Part 9 of Pride Month Prompts 2020 Summary:
The bunker isn’t ideal by any means but it’s not exactly awful, either. This is what Ines tries to convince herself.
Happy Pride Month and welcome to my first ever month-long fic challenge! For thirty days, I'll be writing and posting LGBTQ+ fics inspired by the prompts listed here. These fics will be anywhere from 100-1,500 words, will be for different fandoms, ships and characters, and will all stand alone. Here goes nothing!
Day 9 Prompt: Parsley.
This is the first fic ever posted for this tiny, rather nonexistent fandom but I certainly hope that there'll be more content in the future, besides from just me! This show is so unique and compelling and has great characters, so I definitely recommend checking it out on Netflix!
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danbenzvi · 4 years
Just watched: “The Intouchables”
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Starring Francois Cluzet, Omar Sy, Anne Le Ny, Audrey Fleurot, Clotilde Mollet, Alba Gaia Bellugi, Cyril Mendy, Salimata Kamate, Absa Diatou Toure, Gregoire Oestermann, Christian Ameri, Thomas Soliveres and Dorothee Briere Meritte.
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film-book · 4 years
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INTO THE NIGHT (2020) TV Show Trailer & Clip: A Pilot keeps flying West during a Cataclysm to keep his Passengers Alive [Netflix] http://filmbk.me/RVSLFS
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didtwit · 2 years
Ma dernière séance ... Inexorable
Un thriller psychologique sombre. La tension est palpable, l’ambiance est glauque, avec un gros travail sur la BO qui amplifie l’angoisse. L’ensemble est porté par le duo Benoît Poelvoorde / Mélanie Doutey. Lui toujours intense et juste dans son jeu d’acteur, elle très investie, mais la grande découverte, reste la jeune Alba Gaia Bellugi. On devine dès les premières 20mn l’intrigue et c’est le…
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infosurbaines · 2 years
Alba Gaïa Bellugi (Inexorable) : "Ce qui me plaît c'est la création"
Alba Gaïa Bellugi (Inexorable) : “Ce qui me plaît c’est la création”
À l’occasion de la sortie d’Inexorable le 6 avril au cinéma, nous avons rencontré Alba Gaïa Bellugi. Retour avec elle sur son parcours et son approche du métier d’actrice. Les débuts d’Alba Gaïa Bellugi Avec un père comédien et une mère costumière, on peut dire qu’Alba Gaia Bellugi a baigné dans le milieu depuis toujours. Très jeune, elle fait ses premiers pas sur les planches avant de se…
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campplay · 4 years
Who is Alba Gaia Bellugi? Into the Night series İnes
Who is Alba Gaia Bellugi? Into the Night series İnes
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You can find answers to your searches such as who is Alba Gaia Bellugi, who into the night ines, Into the Night Ines, Ines character, age, height, weight, actors, Instagram account, TV series and movies she played. Biography of Life
Alba Gaia Bellugi was born on March 5, 1995 in Paris, the capital of France. Born to an Italian father and a Danish mother, Bellugi lives in France. His…
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"Une Île (Apnea)" mini-série créée par Gaia Guasti et Aurélien Molas et réalisée par Julien Trousselier avec Laetitia Casta, Noée Abita, Sergi López, Manuel Severi, Marie-Pierre Nouveau, Alba Gaïa Bellugi, Cédric Appietto, Henri-Noël Tabary et Alexis Manenti, janvier 2020.
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Alba Gaia Bellugi
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cinemacinemas-fr · 5 years
📺 #ALaTéléCeSoir sur @TF1 #Intouchables de @ToledanoNakache avec François Cluzet, @OmarSy, Anne Le Ny, @FleurotAudrey, Clothilde Mollet, Alba Gaia Bellugi, Cyril Mendy,... 🎬 5 à 10 choses à savoir sur ce film #BandeAnnonce ⏯️ https://t.co/q20esFxE4c https://t.co/tK5Ce0dZ3Q
📺 #ALaTéléCeSoir sur @TF1#Intouchables de @ToledanoNakache avec François Cluzet, @OmarSy, Anne Le Ny, @FleurotAudrey, Clothilde Mollet, Alba Gaia Bellugi, Cyril Mendy,... 🎬 5 à 10 choses à savoir sur ce film#BandeAnnonce ⏯️ https://t.co/q20esFxE4c pic.twitter.com/tK5Ce0dZ3Q
— Cinémannonce (@cinema_cinemas) October 6, 2019
via Twitter https://twitter.com/cinema_cinemas October 06, 2019 at 12:17PM http://twitter.com/cinema_cinemas/status/1180789102339379201
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opponentsheir · 3 years
Watch "Ines & Markus | Out of my Mind" on YouTube
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doomonfilm · 6 years
Thoughts : Intouchables (2010)
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Anyone who is even remotely tuned in to TV, YouTube, or any other channel where advertising thrives has more than likely seen an ad for the Bryan Cranston and Kevin Hart film The Upside.  Something about the setup of the film was bugging me, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.  Then, while digging through my stack of Netflix DVDs, I realized what the oddness was : The Upside is a remake of a recent French film (based on a true story) called Intouchables, which I somehow randomly had in my queue.  
Driss (Omar Sy) is a former convict looking for easy opportunities to fulfill his welfare benefits, and while doing so, he stops at the home of Philippe (Francois Cluzet), a wealthy quadriplegic in need of full-time live-in assistance.  Driss has no intentions of getting the job, so he jokes with Philippe and hits on Magalie (Audrey Fleurot), his assistant, before leaving the interview and returning home to the projects in hopes of coming back the following day to retrieve his signature.  Much to the surprise of Driss, however, he finds himself being given a tour of his duties and living quarters upon his return the following day, and head caretaker Yvonne (Anne Le Ny) informs him he is on a trial period for the position.  As Driss learns the ropes, he and Philippe form a bond, much to the dismay of the other wealthy members of Philippe’s social circle who pity him because of his predicament.  As the two men strengthen their bond, they learn about one another, the world around them, and themselves.
The chemistry that Omar Sy has with everyone he interacts with in this film is infectious.  The interactions in this film could easily follow tried and true paths that have already been formulated in comedy, but the movie manages to bring a fresh energy simply because of the sincerity that Sy and the rest of the cast bring to their performances.  Francois Cluzet completely commits to the limits of his role without leaning on indication or obvious choices, which allows his interactions with Sy to be rich, and his circumstance to be an aside (if not altogether forgotten) when the two share scenes together.  Even Driss’s interactions with Magalie play un-problematic due to Audrey Fleurot and her reaction choices, all of which generally bring a smile to the face of the viewer while they watch the flirtation emerge.
Overall, the film does quite well with handling sensitive topics without leaning on preaching or forcing life lessons upon the viewer.  The necessary exposition-based moments are present (Driss expecting to be turned away by the rich people, the divide between Philippe and Elisa, and so on), but they do not occur at the expense of the movie’s pacing or the unfolding of the narrative.  The change that occurs is synergistic and natural, with both parties being impacted in believable ways rather than the idea of ‘a-ha’ moments that follow lofty monologues about hope and dreams.  The way that Driss is allowed to share his values (and have his sentiments matched via Yvonee) in a way that involves conflict kills two birds with one stone, providing both an obstacle for everyone to get over and an insight into the differences of child-raising in both men’s experiences.
In terms of production value, things are pretty by the book, but this film runs more so on the heart that lies within that visual flare or movie trickery.  The colors are rich and deeply saturated, helping to visually cue us in on the wealth that Philippe is surrounded by.  The home that Philippe resides in has the proper amount of grandeur and awe to it, and some of his cars are quite impressive.  The pacing is upbeat enough for the humorous and lighthearted moments to play, but deliberate and patient enough for us to feel the weight of the situation and the world of difference between Philippe and Driss.
Francois Cluzet manages to make us not pity him for his position, but rather admire the strong points of his character, and show how he is able to continue with is life despite the situation he is in.  Omar Sy walks the line between intimidating and compassionate with ease, allowing both streetwise humor and true moments of emotional vulnerability to drive his character.  Audrey Fleurot plays against type for her character’s nature by allowing a playful and flirtatious nature to reside in her performance, and not just relying on fear of Driss to inform her choices.  Anne Le Ny brings an air of wisdom and understanding in her interactions with Driss, making sure not to talk down to him or create a class divide that would distract from the story.  Alba Gaia Bellugi plays her role as angst-ridden teenager to a tee while carefully avoiding the realm of tropes in her choices (such as eye-rolls and such), while simultaneously providing an entitled edge to her performance that causes wonderful friction.
It is easy to see why Cranston and Hart have been called upon for this remake, but hopefully people are informed of Intouchables if The Upside turns out to be successful.
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#MCF2018 - “L’adaptation et le format au cœur des succès TV : quelles en sont les clés ?”, découvrez notre atelier animé par Sabine BARTHÉLÉMY,  Nicole COLLET, Grabriela KAUFMAN & Matthieu THOLLIN
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De nombreuses productions sont issues d’adaptations d’ouvrages littéraires. Cela permet de bénéficier d'un succès littéraire et parfois aussi d'assurer une promotion rétroactive du texte au bénéfice des éditeurs et des auteurs. Nous avons ainsi décidé de consacrer un atelier à l’adaptation lors de notre Masterclass fiction, le 29 mars prochain. Pour l’occasion, des experts du sujet interviendront. Nous avons ainsi le plaisir d’accueillir Sabine BARTHÉLÉMY (Storia TV), Nicole COLLET (Image et Compagnie), Gabriela KAUFMAN (Story Watch Scouting) et Matthieu THOLLIN (Storia TV).
A partir d'exemples concrets, il s’agira de réfléchir à la manière dont les producteurs choisissent les ouvrages qu’ils souhaitent adapter ainsi qu’aux différents critères qui président à ces choix et sur les raisons qu’ont parfois les producteurs de délaisser les scénarios originaux.
De 1998 à 2008 elle est Directrice de production puis Productrice chez Son et lumière. Sabine a entre autres produit la saison 2 d’Engrenages , la série « sur le fil » pour France 2 et les dernières saisons de « Avocats et associés »
Elle devient conseillère de programme chez TF1de 2009 à 2015
Depuis 2015, Sabine BARTHÉLÉMY est Productrice chez Europacorp television devenu Storia Television en janvier 2018.
Depuis 12 ans, Nicole Collet produit des programmes de fiction tous formats au sein d’Image et Compagnie, société du groupe Lagardère Studios, fondée par Serge Moati.
Elle a obtenu le Prix du Producteur de l’année 2014.
Parmi ses productions :
• L’ile – 6x52’ – 2018/2019 – Arte – Julien Trousselier • Manon 20 ans – 3x52’ – 2016 – Arte – Jean-Xavier de Lestrade (Fipa d’Or : meilleure interprétation féminine Alba Gaia Bellugi - Prix du Syndicat Français de la Critique de cinéma et des films de télévision) • La Consolation – 2017 – France 3 – Magaly Richard-Serrano (Festival Fiction TV La Rochelle : meilleur téléfilm – Trophées du Film Français : Prix Duo Télévision Magaly Richard-Serrano/Flavie Flament – Nicole Collet) • Presque comme les autres – 2015 – France 2 – Renaud Bertrand
Gabriela KAUFMAN
Directrice de Story Watch Scouting,  Gabriela KAUFMAN est formée de la Sorbonne, L'ESCP et du CEEA.
Après un solide parcours de 20 ans à différents postes de Direction dans l'édition de Fiction et de Jeunesse en France et à l'international, aux Editions Gallimard, Editions du Seuil, Hachette Livre et The Walt Disney Company, elle crée Story Watch début 2016 pour développer la veille et le sourcing de matériel littéraire pour des adaptations à l'écran, pour le compte notamment des sociétés Lagardère Studios et le Groupe Newen.
Matthieu THOLLIN
Depuis 2014, Matthieu THOLLIN est Directeur Général Adjoint de Storia Television, anciennement Europacorp Television. Il est notamment en charge des opérations et des négociations.
Il était auparavant Directeur Adjoint des Productions du Groupe M6.
__________________________________ Retrouvez le programme de la masterclass : http://www.themediafaculty.com/formations-courtes/masterclass-fiction
Cette formation est éligible au plan de formation et aux mécanismes de prise en charge de la formation continue, que vous soyez gérant, indépendant, intermittent.
Pour plus d’informations, nous contacter à [email protected] ou au 01 43 55 00 40.
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05-22 CANNES, FRANCE - MAY 22: (R-L) Laurette Tessier, Oscar Copp, Alba Gaia Bellugi, Patrick Ridremont, Marie Kremer and Benjamin Voisin attend the 'The Killing Of A Sacred Deer' screening ... http://dlvr.it/PCc7kk
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"Une Île (Apnea)" mini-série créée par Gaia Guasti et Aurélien Molas et réalisée par Julien Trousselier avec Laetitia Casta, Noée Abita, Sergi López, Manuel Severi, Marie-Pierre Nouveau, Alba Gaïa Bellugi, Cédric Appietto, Henri-Noël Tabary et Alexis Manenti, janvier 2020.
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