#alba odin
nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
So, bad luck for Alba, because he will shove this back in the metaphorical closet if the comments get to him. / Nah, this time, he literally blocks everyone who dares to say anything. It doesn't even have to be rude, just saying they are dissapointed in him or something. So can not be butt hurt if he won't see other comments than the supporting ones.
Just because his PR team is now actively on the ground handling blocks/deletes/etc. on his accounts, doesn't mean he's oblivious. You think there aren't people monitoring the situation who are whispering in his ear? There's a well-founded reason why certain places joke about the "lurking" Evans people. Because it's not a joke at all.
They're like Odin's ravens. They fly back and forth bringing news.
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parse-c · 9 months
AQUA VITAE from Jack Harlow's "Tyler Herro"
Five white boys but they not *NSYNC A Quintet of Alba Adams AQVA Aqua Vitae
🜈 | Al Alba Vinci
From this we can deduce the five white boys. First round draft is as follows: Al | Weird Al Yankovich Weird | Odin All-father (Wyrd) Alba | Luciano Pavarotti ("Nessun Dorma") Vinci | Leonardo DaVinci Vinci | Julius Caesar ("Veni, Vidi, Vici")
Alternate: Alba | Albus Dumbledore
Associative Learning. Haven't made any money from thinking that hard yet. But I'm sure one day someone will pay me to put my brain to good use.
This reminds me of the Daeg rune in Norse: ᛞ The rune symbolizes:
the act of becoming the invisible Invisibility as an organizing principle of Higher Consciousness Synthesis of right-left brain dynamics.
The invisible can become visible if you know how to think about it and where to look.
Anyways, sick lyrics, Jack.
Am I that intuitive? Are you that intuitive? Or do artists ands muses craft these motifs and see if people pick up on them? How would they know?
It's unlikely Jack will see this. But I like him pretty well. Clever and intellectually engaging writing.
Which five guys would y'all pick? (And I'm not talking about the burger joint.)
٠ع إِ ن ة ئ
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gaeoloooos · 3 years
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jitters-box · 3 years
aside from abla and apollo being introduced so far, will we see other characters in the comics anytime soon? you mentioned in a previous ask that both temple and clayton had dated before their current relationship, so will we ever be introduced to clayton's ex?
Oh definitely. Clayton's ex will absolutely be introduced eventually, and you all may not enjoy it as much as you think :)) There's also another handful of characters in our little stash that have still yet to be presented.
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cupakaffe · 7 years
Reblog for that shimmy Valkryie makes when she loads that gun on Asgard.
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missouri-witchcraft · 3 years
Oak Correspondences & Associations
This is the only post y'all are getting today because oak was a pain in the butt to write down EVERYTHING for.
Like with the other categories of trees we've covered, there are many oak species that can be found in Missouri, such as the following white oaks:
quercus alba (white oak)
quercus bicolor (swamp white oak)
quercus lyata (overcup oak)
quercus macrocarpa (blue/bur/burr/mossycup/mossycup white/scrub oak)
quercus michauxii (swamp chestnut oak)
quercus muehlenbergii (chinkapin oak, chinkapin)
quercus prinoides (dwarf chestnut/dwarf chinkapin/dwarf chinquapin/scrub chestnut oak)
quercus stellata (iron/post oak)
And the following red oaks:
quercus acutissima (sawtooth oak)
quercus coccinea (scarlet oak)
quercus falcata (bottomland red/southern red/spanish/three-lobed red oak)
quercus imbricaria (shingle oak)
quercus marilandica (blackjack oak)
quercus nigra (water oak)
quercus pagoda (cherrybark oak)
quercus palustris (pin/swamp spanish oak)
quercus phellos (willow oak)
quercus rubra (champion/northern red/red oak)
quercus shumardii (schneck/shumard/shumard red/spotted/swamp red oak)
quercus texana (nuttall/nuttall's oak)
quercus velutina (black/eastern black oak)
And there are probably way more! But I am tired of looking at Latin oak names and there's way more we have to cover in this post!
horse (white)
Comets & Planets
Jupiter [especially acorns]
Mars [red]
Moon [white]
Sun [especially wood]
Deities & Figures
Aegir (Norse)
Angrboda (Norse)
Apollo (Greek)
Ares (Greek)
Artemis (Greek)
Asherah (Semitic)
Athena (Greek)
Baldr (Norse)
Bilé (Irish)
Brahma (Hindu)
Brigid (Irish)
Ceres (Greek)
Cernunnos (Gaulish)
Cerridwen (Welsh)
Cybele (Anatolian)
the Dagda (Irish)
Demeter (Greek)
Diana (Roman)
Dôn (Welsh)
Donar (Germanic, Saxon)
Erato (Greek)
Fortuna (Roman)
Green Man
Hades (Greek)
Hekate (Greek)
Helios (Greek)
Hera (Greek)
Hercules (Roman)
Herne (English)
Horned God (Wicca)
Horus (Egyptian)
Janus (Roman)
Jove (Roman)
Jupiter (Roman)
Mars (Roman)
the Morrigan (Irish)
Odin (Norse)
Pan (Greek)
Perkūnas (Baltic)
Perun (Slavic)
Pluto (Roman)
Rhea (Greek)
Svarog (Slavic)
Taara (Estonian)
Taranis (Gaulish)
Thor (Norse)
Ukko (Finnish)
Vishnu (Hindu)
Zeus (Greek)
fire [especially wood]
Balanos (Greek)
fae [especially acorns, twigs]
spirit guides
masculinity [especially wood]
nonbinary genders
trans femininity
trans masculinity
Autumn Equinox
Beltane [especially acorns]
Litha [especially leaves]
Midsummer’s Eve
Summer Solstice
Walpurgis Night
Zodiac Signs
abundance [especially acorns, acorn caps]
beauty [acorns]
being the best version of yourself
cleansing [especially white]
courage [especially acorns]
deduction in sexual desire [decayed acorns, rotted acorns]
defense [especially wood]
divine energy
energy work
family unity [sprigs]
feeling at ease
feeling one’s age [decayed, rotted]
fertility [especially acorns, acorn flour, acorn symbols, white, wood]
financial gain [acorn symbols]
financial success [acorns]
funerary practices
good fortune [especially acorns, acorn symbols]
good health [acorns, acorn caps]
good luck [acorns, acorn caps, wood]
great ideas [acorn symbols]
grounding [bark]
growth [acorns]
healing [especially acorns, acorn flour, wood]
health [especially acorn flour, white, wood]
hunting [especially acorns]
legal matters
lightning [wood]
long-term determination
longevity [especially acorns, acorn caps]
luck [especially acorns, acorn flour, acorn symbols, wood]
manifestation [especially acorns]
money [especially acorns, acorn flour, wood]
new beginnings [acorn symbols]
new ventures [acorns]
nurturing [acorns]
offering [leaves, wood]
opening doors
overcoming challenges/obstacles
personal power [acorns, acorn flour]
personal sovereignty
potency [especially acorns, acorn flour, wood]
power [especially acorns, wood]
prosperity [especially acorns, wood]
protection [especially acorns, acorn flour, leaves, wood]
protection from bad weather [especially acorns]
protection from evil
protection from fae [bundled twigs]
protection from fire
protection from floods [acorns]
protection from harm [especially acorns]
protection from lightning [especially acorns]
purification [especially leaves]
removing negativity
safety [acorns]
savings [acorn symbols]
sealing doors
security [acorns, acorn caps]
solidity [white]
spirit work
stability [wood]
steadfast knowledge [leaves]
strength [especially acorns, bark, white, wood]
strengthening the threshold
studying [especially acorns]
success [especially acorn symbols, wood]
success in school/work
truth [leaves]
uncrossing [white]
unlimited/unseen potential [acorns]
victory in battles/war
warding off evil [twigs]
warding off illness [acorns]
warding off malevolent spirits
warding off negativity [especially sprigs]
wealth [especially acorn flour]
wisdom [especially acorns, acorn flour]
youthfulness [especially acorns, acorn caps]
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tarudce22 · 2 years
I’m in tears and i haven’t even started playing yet
quest 71 - ending
We staring of with the chess scene, got a bit more dialog then in kh3.
Episode 4: cruel clues
she’s in the Dwarf Woodlands so new world for DR
She gonna talk to the mirror.
OH NO, the bad cut scenes are still here. Well at lest we go them
the dwarfs are here??
Ah yep, back into the grind. My phone is hostage once again. curse me not staying on blue stacks in the end, I so much bp wtf. That quest gave so much bp to!!?
 There like 66 new cutscenes!
I wish these battles went faster, i want to see the baby!!!
“seven... just like us” should i be worried about that line
Oh this “boss” is cute and weak oh no, i got everything maxed out
Vor told Xehanort and Eraqus about the talking mirror
I just realized that we’re party locked
Eraqus wants to know how to beat Xhehanort at chest, thats really adorable
Oh? the chess game is called Alba and Ater
Does this world just not age??? Lady why you be rude to the mirror, no wonder hes so grumpy
Here we go again, fighting the mirror
YES VIDAR! Its the guy in blue and yellow, AND THIS MUSIC!! Oh i should be worry from this music alone. I love thid guy
He’s never meet Xehanort before???? Xehanort, the visitant????  hes calling xehanort different, lmao
Vor, you belong with your friends honey. Wtf do you mean have her “join us instead”
“I have something i need to do” “what is it” “you’ll see” thats ominous
She ask if she would ever become a  keyblade master, and the mirror basically said “ditch your friends and you will” wtf magic mirror
eraqus saying there never going to change is breaking my heart, while xehanort goes “yea change happen and we got to live with that fact”
She’s going with Vidar, i think this is the start of her end
all their reason to be keyblade master is cute other then you know wanting to destroy all darkness forever
xehanort wanted to be a keyblade master to see the khux/dandelion kids again
“64 years later” we go the old man cutscene!
“fewer hairs grace thy head” this line is killing me
Xehanort said him being bald is “A demonstraion of my resolve.” What??? How did you go bald my guy!?
oh there is so much i could say on this cutscene, hes asking the mirror is the khux kids existed and the mirror said yes and no in a way, “there toll has not yet chime”
mirror saying you can’t hide your heart from me.
episode 5: the key to each world’s order
54 years later
we in bbs time now??
Oh man, master xehanort’s molded is wonderful, this chibi old man
OH THIS IS the fight where eraqus gets his face scars. kind of funny seeing this in chibi form. the backgrounds look great
7 years later, a year after they became keyblade masters
Ah so this is the start of the fight, Eraqus is the “one true heir”
Oh eraqus, he did inherit the resolve of no name and its wielders
this is the divorce fight number one it seems
Odin just fucked off some where it seems
it did feel like she was saying goodbye forever eraqus but lets try to be a little optimistic
no manipulating! there is just so much to say about this exchange between xehnort and eraqus here, also xehanort is right about the tilde of being a keyblade master
they’re dysfunctional loves urd
odin wtf is going on
true darkness, the 13 fragments of darkness from long ago, also once again the MUSIC!! vidar getting the history lesson of the formless darkness while he trying to tell odin “see ya” and never returning
Oh this is lore about the fortellers that got a bit twisted, AND THEY KNOW WHAT WE DID TO 4 OF THE DARKNESS, ok ok so the 4 we trapped, 2 where destroyed well luxu killed one and ven took the other in to give it form, but they know none of this and odin is going “there’s NO PROOF” to these events
this is why eraqus is the way he is isn’t it, all cause of odin, paranoid old man, also where was that cutscene taking place??? what part of scala was that??
AHHH Beast's Castle! This anit’ darkness hermod, they just roasting eraqus and how he is with darkness, love to see it,
meanwhile bragi and eraqus trying to talk to the mirrior and bragi saying “dude”, they give up cause all that queen does is look that mirror
we only have one party member now cause eraques is not here
chip knows urd??  oh its cause shes a girl, they trying to ship urd with the beast? oh the upperclassmen may have stolen the rose, why?
really got to question the age of these worlds. ah i guess the upper classmen did steal the rose, why they do that to beast?
im going to have so much useless bp after all of this
i wish they did this with KHux, where you have the theater AND you could still play the game
URD NO DONT SPLIT UP! wheres the upperclassmen at i want to know more then just Vidar’s name
why all my girls going through it right now WAIT, a upperclassmen! now whats your name! Vala VALA IS HER NAME! are you Balder’s sis or is it the other one
Vala a oracle? there is some very shady things going on right now with the upper class, what there goal, i wish i knew more Norse myths and names off the top of my head
she the right number of questions, actually i think she should ask more
Vala wtf, stop dodging the questions, is she gonna kidnap urd or gaslight her into going with her? Vala and Vidar both keep using we and us WOWOW WHOS THE NINJA DUDE!? also dick move stealing the beast’s rose WAIT TELL ME THE NINJA’S NAME
stop trying to ship urd with the beast
1 year later
it looks like they cause the unfortunate events themselves, its called trauma xehanort i think you got trauma, like some very bad trauma mostly cause of the whole khux player being well you thing, they did die with the darkness on there own volition, please give me nightmare chirithy please give me my stinky cat, xehanort no fuck destiny you dont have to do THIS WHY, fuck MoM is here or is that luxu and what do you mean “the sigularity”
Episode 6: Uncertain order  
YEP thats MoM 1 year later, the time jump arounds are not helping me at all
thats MoM, and oh here we go with his fuckery, Theodore Jack
a stroll in the realm of darkness yes, a very nice strolling area, no no answer the question, i think your answer melt my brain in a fun way, whats with this “more of less” well i guess he was more of a recruiter and forger then a wielder
I like this back ground a lot and he just hands him a coat and xehanort takes it even though he said he doesnt trust him, yea he is trying to sell it, hes a use cars sells man, its free if you sign over you soul
NINJA’S NAME IS VALI!!!!! Vidar Vala Vali..... we got the v gang
Jafa please just get to the point i want to leave agrabah
look hermod the quicker you do this the quicker i never have to see agrabah again please, i tire of the desert
again how old are these worlds??? do they get reset again at some point??? the agrabah music is going to be stuck in my head for days i know it
hi carpet oh hello eraqus
DONT TOUCH ANYTHING, of course he’s right about jafar
poor Bragi, actually whats your deal we’ve got a lot of the others but not you yet
oh i can finally change around my party again
i love the hearless designs in this so much
again the backgrounds look GREAT oh hey Vidar, i wonder if the light ther trying to find is the princess of light, yea i think its the princess
where is young yen sid i need to know, who died
yep thats it, no more agrabah please
ah MoM again, another 1 year later but that is meaningless to me by now, oh its the kh 3 cutscene! MORE INFO TIME ah great xehanort a nihilist now,  if only he was a simple fortune-teller GIVE ME HIS NAMMMMMMEEEE fuck of course they do that
Episode 7: reason for disappearance
65 years later now with a ven, he looks so dead my boy
THE OLD BLUE MAN??!?!! what the hell that old man teach you as a baby?!
OH BBS TIME AGAIN TERRA AND AQUA!! AH its ven being dropped off but chibi,  Oh and we’re seeing xehanorts and eraqus conversation! i just want to grab chibi xehanort by his big bald head
eraqus is so bright
back with old man odin, wtf is balder
Oh the upperclass want to avoid what happen to the fortellers, ven and the player, that makes sense, again where are they in scala,
it cost a lot more then one life last time old man, lets not do that again
Kingdom Hearts
man all V’s  in a gang, vildar, vala, vali and vor, we got anymore V’s laying around? ok that animation of eraqus jumping in place is adorable
Its been years balder, yea your sister might be dead by guy
HER NAME IS HODER?? oh you saw her die oh.... rip Hoder we never knew you and she’s so pretty to and they just killed her before we could know anything about her, fucking maleficent killed her
TO THE UNDERWORLD!!!! TO HADES!!!! olympus coliseum!
Hades dont kill the kids, two of them got to have many breakups with each other over the next 64+ years
“yea she just faded from what we’re told, it was kind of weird”
thanks hades, i do very much love the coliseum purly cause of hades
Xehanort  tell me you worries, 23 more cutscenes to go... its been over 3 hours
Hoder Heimdall Helgi Sigrun now whos who, also only the V’s lived that to funny
Gonna guess that Heimdall is bonde guy, helgi is pink lady, and sigrun is blue/silver hair guy, maleficent ruining more keykids lives, also once again whats up with the worlds? like enchanted dominion story happens in bbs so how does it happen here in dr too?? dont split up thats how you die
the final world....
and we got to know nothing about all of you other then your dead and that sucks cause your not coming back in any other game
you have a uncle vibe to you, that one crazy uncle that will had a kid a knife of blowtorch, so yea a babysitter
oh baldr and bragi dead??
portal just snatched them, i know hades your so right,
ah the dark coridor, what a lovely place for a stroll,  now then WHERE IS EVERY ONE?! is this how hermod and urd die? please not yet
So that two for sure down of xehanorts class and 4 of the upper class dead
ah bald chibi, VANITAS!!! 65 years later back to bbs
your a horrible parent xehanort, vanitas needs a good mentor/parent figure and therapy, he telling vanitas about the 13 darkness aka kind of who vanitas is this is endlessly funny to me, oh does xehanort know???? like he has our memories so he would maybe know wouldnt he?? DO YOU KNOW XEHANORT OR NOT!
Last Episode: The 7 Lights and 13 Darknessess
2 years later
back to the chess board oh does this mean the V gang is all dead too?? or do we still have some scenes with them?? I guess from odin’s words they are dead now
wow xehanort, you really want to live 13 lifetimes, 14!? dude i think you go insane oh what you kind of did
what do you eraqus, of course its to “stay true to light” not bad but you go about it in bad way, thats sweet this whole converstaion is actually very sweet and very sad, that bittersweet kind of feeling
oh we just getting sad converstaion now, also why we always have to come back to this chess board, No dud ODIN, could you not save ANY of the others? also is the V gang still alive or not!?
I mean Bragi and Baldr should be fine??? Hades isnt all that bad??? WTF now Odin what do you MEAN YOUR SUPRISED THEY CROSS PATHS WITH BALDR?! ODIN!?! WTF! AHHHHHHHHH WHAT WHAT WAHT First he used master defender NOW HES USING NO NAME!!!?? AHHHHHHHHHHHH Oh Baldr fell to the darkness? wtf is going ON HERE!?
yea its been what like 5 ish years now? THE V GANG WAIT WHERE IS VOR!? WTF Vildar, eraqus no no bad dont do it! COME ON NOT AGAIN I DONT WHAT TO FIGHT OTHER KEYBLADE WEILDERS!!! NOOO oh they kicking my butt whelp i got charms so who cares, you are a angry angry child eraqus
yea wheres Vor also STOP SPLITING UP, oh vor is dead now isnt she, here we go again sorry eraqus baldr is long gone, loving that snap for some reason
10 more scenes to go, im so close to the end.....
VOR RUN! Oh wtf! is that his BED ROOM?! WHY IS IT LIKE THAT?! that looks like padded room wtf is it like that, oh he going in a depression spirel real fast, WHY IS A ADUL NOT STEPPING IN TO HELP THIS COULD HAVE BE AVOID!!!?? 7 days of sitting in his messed up room and no on stepped up and in, he fell to the darkness
OH its that darkness, thanks for that maleficent a real stand up job you did, oh man bragi dead, guess he’s not luxu??? that was theory going around at one point i remember, VOR NO RUN CHILD RUN
6 more to go.....
NOOOOOO YESSSS SAVE HER SAAAAAVEEEE HHHEEERRR! V GANG WIN (i know there not but a part of me can hope cant it) “May your heart be your guiding key.” *dies* thats how this is going to go i know it OH look at that heartlesNOOOOOO V GANG DOWN V GANG DOWN, VOR IM CRYING NOW NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! NOT THE MUSIC AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH ;_; vor....
5 more.....
top of the tower.... wait “13 lights must be given to the shadows”? yes do please explain, i can get lose very easily, more chess wording yea, i do think this hearless design is really cool though, good thing i bought a lot of charms cause what else will i use my bp on, sorry baldr darkness its time to die, ah the start of the war crimes path, oh we going to talk about xehanorts hear? its a mess, oh so this isnt that darkness, wait is this a darkling kind of darkness? wait....... nightMARE CHIRITHY???? IS that you!? oh we got a empath on are hands, wait xehanort is a empaht too? what? oh this is her request back from the underworld isnt it, I love Hoder, eraqus is a pure light? ah siblings.
Odin? that you finally doing something? took you long enough, “xehanort, kill him” that whats happing here, empath behavoir, really going to have a CHILD execute someone huh, i mean yea its the darkness but also like come on is there really no other adults around? WHERES YEN SID
1 month later
ah finally the grave yard, havent been here since episode 3? was it 3 the last time we where here? this sucks, like this sucks, they all died, like i knew this was most likely going to happen but still, also like i know i said this the first time i saw this place but man thats a lot of graves, yea maybe come out of your room xehanort if its anything like baldr’s it would do you a lot of good to leave it, i though he was always a glum old man eraqus, how can you put things back to normal with only two kids,
ah hes very sad and wants to step down got it, wait, is odin yen sid?? that doesnt sound right with what we know so who odin??
prolog and credFUCKING MOM AGAIN?! IN THE SCALA GRAVE YARD OR IS THAT LUXU? ah bragi figure it out and had to die, ok i really like bragi and i wish we got more time with him, he has that brand of energy to him i love, is he luxu? he has lux/xigbar energy like in the middle of them energy? WAIT HE JUST SAID VESSEL AND THIS BODY! LUXU?!?! LUXU!!!!!!!! “As if!” fucking xigbar brag luxu my rat man that i love, Luxu was bragi all along, all the jokes of him being luxu cause his name was right,
ON NO IM CRYING ITS THE KHUX FINAL STAFF ROLL WHY!??! Its a good song and i kind of wish dark road got it own staff roll but i do understand why it wouldnt as it and khux are heavily tied compard to other games in the series
 Also congrats one more to the two animators Mayu Shumizu and Megumi Yamamoto, Wouldn’t be here without you! not has heavely animated as khux’s ending but still wonderfully done with every animation that was in here
Finally the baby scenes, whats up blue guy, THE MUSIC AHHHH I love this soft soft version of drealy beloved
9 years ago
oh so xehanort is a blue blood..... oh no..... xehanort a child of destiny ment to comment war crimes, “we’re the only ones here” where is every one else on the main island?? so they put him in baby jail to save him from darkness.... HA, no shes dead! but no, really what happen to her? i need to know what happen to the ONE mother we have actually seen, Ephemer ;_; Brain ;_; Lauriam ;_; Ven ;_; SKULD ;_; WHO???? what.... WHAT!? wait wait Wait WAITWAIT WAIT WHAT???!?!?!?!?!?!?!! NO NOOOOOOOOOO
OH i actually hate that so much, that doesnt feel right with how khux end, the scene really makes you think you became xehanort and dark road backs that up a lot, so like good plot twist?? I guess?? but also i kind of hate it
“they will be a empath” this feels like its fit sora too, like xehanort got set up to fail cause of this,
i think i need a drink and what ever food will make me pass out
sdnfvoisrnrgvbiodn onv ICANT HAhaHA this is so funny and SO HORRIBLE ALL AT ONCE ICANT 
I still choose to belive that Xehanort is somehow in some way at list a little bit of the khux player, some of those scenes dont make sense to me any other way, and this empath stuff is nuts, wtf,
over all i am happy with this just wish the “player is xehanort” didnt get disproven cause thats just fun to me, khux ending still hit harder
there’s also a q&a that was relesed but no offical translation yet,hopefully we do get one, that may have more info about some of the stuff that went down in khdr and some stuff related to the characters
EDIT: Translated Q&A from KH13
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Marvel OC Masterlist 1
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Name: Adelaide Stark
Title: Beyond The Archetype
Faceclaim:  Jenna Louise Coleman
Love interest: Sam Wilson
Summary: Adelaide Stark had always had a lot to live up to. Her dad always tried not to put a lot of pressure on her, but the rest of the world hadn’t been so kind.  So, Adi spent the first seventeen years of her life working and studying to follow in her family’s footsteps and work on military technology.  But when her father goes missing in her senior year of high school, her world falls apart.  And when he comes back, alive and a superhero, she has to rebuild herself and her dreams.  Now, not only Tony Stark’s daughter, but also Iron Man’s daughter, Adi realizes that maybe it’s time for her to stop following, and to do something for herself instead.
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Name: Adonis Stark
Title: Stars Defied
Faceclaim: Colin Donnell
Love Interest: Orion Royce
Tumblr media
Name: чудо | Adriana Stark
Title: Like The Sun (We Will Live To Rise)
Faceclaim:  Madison McLaughlin
Love interest: Peter Parker?
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Name: Alana Stark
Title: Born To Die
Faceclaim: Madison Davenport
Tumblr media
Name: Alena Zemo
Title: Untitled
Faceclaim: Poppy Drayton
Love Interest: Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes
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Name: Alessia Stark
Title: When Tomorrow Comes
Faceclaim: Melissa Benoist
Love Interest: Steve Rogers
Summary: “So this Doctor Banner was was trying to replicate the serum they used on me?”  “A lot of people were, only one succeeded.”  “Who?”  “Howard Stark.” -Steve Rogers and Phil Coulson
When Alessia Stark was sixteen, her dad used her to test out a new super serum.  He succeeded, and died a week later.  Aly Stark has never wanted to be a hero, despite the serum running through her veins.  She grew stronger, her aging slowed, she had even developed an inhuman healing factor, but she still didn’t want to be a hero.  Until her twin brother - now over a decade older than her - is kidnapped by terroists and returns a superhero.  Aly may not want to be a hero, but she’ll be damned if she leaves her brother to fight alone
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Name: Alvina Strange
Title: Paradox
Faceclaim:  Alba Baptista
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Name: Angelina Stark
Title: Cheap Tricks (And A Cheesy One-Liner)
Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin
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Name: Angie Stark
Title: Turn Back Time
Faceclaim: Malina Weissman
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Name: Antonia Stark-Parker
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Olivia Holt
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Anya Barton
Title: What Happened In Budapest (Doesn’t Stay In Budapest)
Faceclaim:  Emma Stone
Love interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary:  What happened in Budapest?  Clint and Natasha took out an arms dealer, saved the world, had a baby, learned that the Red Room lied about sterilizing Natasha, and killed a few people.  Now all grown up, Anya Barton is the newest SHIELD recruit, and almost immediately, aliens invade and a god brainwashes her father; that’s a hell of a first day.  But Anya is the daughter of two of the greatest spies in the world, she’s not going down without a fight.  Not when aliens invade, not when SHIELD is revealed to be Hydra and she has to go off the grid, and definitely not when, in Budapest of all places, she meets a man with a metal arm who’s also trying to hide from whatever is left of Hydra.
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Name: Aphrodite
Title: The Course of True Love (Never Did Run Smooth)
Faceclaim:  Vanessa Morgan
Love interest: Thor
Summary: Aphrodite could barely remember her home planet of Olympus, thanks to Odin destroying it when she was a child.  As the sole survivor of the Olympian gods, Odin decided that she was “useful” enough to keep, and brought her to Asgard.  Clearly he’d never considered the consequences of murdering her entire world and taking her hostage, as he somehow still expected her to be loyal to her.  Unfortunately for Odin, that plan was as stupid as the rest of his ideas; Aphrodite had never been loyal to him, her loyalty had always been to the next king of Asgard, and when he sends Thor to earth, he’ll learn just how far a goddess of love is willing to go to make sure he doesn’t cost her another family.
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Name: Aria Parker
Title: The Art of Disappearing
Faceclaim:  Natalie Dormer
Love interest: Steve Rogers
Summary: Peter Parker was hardly the first enhanced Parker.  His aunt Aria had been born with the ability to control the elements.  At eighteen years of age, she dropped off the face of the earth, and no one, not even her cousins Ben and Richard, had any idea where she’d gone.  Most people thought she was dead, until ten years later when she helped Clint Barton find his dog in Central Park, and somehow befriending he and Natasha Romanov.  Even then, though, most of the world didn’t know who or where she was; not until Shield fell apart and Natasha found herself reaching out to the only person she trusted who had no affiliation with Shield or Hydra.
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Name: Arielle Stark
Title: Piece By Piece
Faceclaim:  Nina Dobrev
Love Interest: Steve Rogers
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Name: Aris Stark
Title: Forged In Iron
Faceclaim: Olivia Holt
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: All Aris Stark wanted to do was train for the Olympics - gymnastics, specifically - and go on dates with Peter. Of course, being Iron Man’s daughter and Spiderman’s girlfriends complicated things, but Aris could handle complicated. Everything was perfect, until both her dad and boyfriend hopped on a ship to outer space while some crazy alien tried to destroy the universe. She waited in the compound, preparing all of the ways that she would yell at them for scaring her. And then she woke up, the compound on fire and crumbling around her, Tony and Peter nowhere to be found. And if that weren’t confusing enough, suddenly she was glowing.
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Name: Asteria “Stargirl” Quill
Story: Made Of Stardust
Faceclaim:  Chloe Grace Moretz
Summary: If Peter Quill had known that some species didn’t have gestation periods, he might have been a lot more selective about who he slept with.  But, he hadn’t, and so, he wasn’t.  And so, he found himself with an infant daughter.  Half alien, all ravager, Asteria “Stargirl” Quill is all about profit and adventure, just like her dad.  But when a fight breaks out during a sale, and she and her dad get arrested with a green girl, a racoon, and a tree, everything is about to change.
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Name: Athena Stark
Title: Iron Princess
Faceclaim: Zoey Deutch
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: Athena Stark had a plan. She was going to be the valedictorian for her grade at Midtown High, then an undergrad in Poli Sci at Yale, then law school at Harvard, and then she would become president of the United States. She would change the laws in order to better protect superheroes like her father, and she would make him proud. But then her dad brings Spiderman to Berlin for a fight, and Peter Parker comes back talking about a Stark Internship that definitely doesn’t exist. Athena’s life plan never accounted for Superhero Liaison, let alone for becoming a superhero herself, but Starks are made of iron and Athena will make it work.
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Name: Aurora Hansen Stark
Title: The Future In Silver and Gold
Faceclaim:  Bailee Madison
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: “Please don’t tell me there’s a 12 year old kid waiting in the car that I’ve never met.“  Actually, she’s thirteen and at home, but with Killian having killed her mother, Aurora Stark is about to find out the truth about her mysterious father.  Unfortunately, as unprepared as Tony is for a daughter, Aurora is equally unprepared for a father, and getting used to each other will be harder than either of them could have ever anticipated.
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Name: Octavia Ava Potts
Story: Golden Child (Grew Up)
Faceclaim: Danielle Rose Russell
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: A lot had changed for Ava, since her father died.  She had moved in with her Aunt Pepper and Tony; aliens had invaded New York, they had moved to Malibu, she had gotten kidnapped, they — well, you get the picture.  A lot had changed for Ava over the years, but as she settled into her life at Midtown High, she thought that the craziest of changes were in her past.  And then the Avengers break up, and she discovers that one of her closest friends is hiding a secret not too different from her own.
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Name: Bennett Parker-Maximoff
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Danielle Campbell
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Betsy Walker
Title: Chasing Shadows
Faceclaim: Amanda Seyfried
Love Interest: Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes
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Name: Bianca Davis
Title: The American Dream
Faceclaim:  Kat McNamara
Love interest: Steve Rogers
Summary: Being 26, in Washington DC, and working at the Smithsonian Museum of Air and Space wasn’t exactly where Bianca ever imagined herself, but it’s a pretty fun gig, and a great stepping stone to becoming a Smithsonian Curator.  And she gets to work in the Captain America exhibit, which has always been a fascination of hers.  Twenty six and working a good job in her field of studies is more than most recent graduates can say, but her life is still completely mundane–until the day Steve Rogers walks into her exhibit for the first time.
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Name: Brinley Brant
Title: Because I Could Not Stop For Death (He Kindly Stopped For Me)
Faceclaim:  Lili Reinhart
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: There had been four Brant sisters, once.  Beatrice and Bridget, twins and completely inseparable; Betty, the oldest, brightest, best; and Brinley, the middle child, overlooked, and Betty’s biggest fan.  And then, the decimation.  Three sisters and their father waiting by the door for Betty to come home, to tell them she was alright and laugh about them worrying.  But she never did.  With a dead sister and a dying mother, it fell to Brinley to fill the gap.  Day by day she became more and more like her sister, no longer able to differentiate between her reflection and Betty’s pictures, until one day she woke up and realized that she was a whole year older than Betty would ever get to be.  And then the Avengers reversed the blip, and when the doorbell rang, Betty had finally come home.
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Name: Brynhilde Parkerdottir
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Jenny Boyd
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Brynn Bates
Title: Dust To Dust
Faceclaim: Erin Moriarty
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Name: Calypso Lokidottir
Title: This Is Your Kingdom
Faceclaim:  Emilia Clarke
Love Interest: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Summary: Calypso “Callie” Laurens had always known that she wasn’t normal, no one had ever tried to spare her from that truth. With her silver-white hair, her fondness for “renaissance fair” dresses, and her Shakespearean speech, it would have been impossible for her to not know that she was strange. What she didn’t know was that her name wasn’t Calypso Laurens, but rather Calypso Lokidottir, princess of Asgard and daughter of Loki. But, when a strange hammer shows up in her town, one that only she can lift, Calypso is about to learn everything that Odin never wanted her to know, including why she was cast away to Midgard in the first place.
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Name: Constance Osborn
Title: Rise Above
Fandom: The Amazing Spider-Man
Faceclaim:  Lily Collins
Summary: At five years old, Constance Conwell lost her mother.  Suicide, she was told; her fault, the note said.  She never knew the details, but the men in the suits read her the note, made sure she knew just how much her mother had hated her — so much that she chose death over her daughter. It hadn’t made sense, her mother had always seemed so happy to spend time with her daughter, but the note said otherwise.  So Constance was packed up and moved to New York, where she met Norman Osborn — the cold man with empty eyes who was apparently her father — and Harry Osborn — with his warm hugs and soft eyes and endless excitement to have a little sister.  Harry, with his best friend Peter; Peter who had also just lost his parents, and Harry, who always knew when she needed to be distracted and when she just needed someone to sit with her.  At five years old, Constance Conwell lost her mother, and Constance Osborn found her brother.
At eleven years old, Constance Osborn lost her best friend.  Boarding school, her father had explained, packing Constance and Harry into the private jet and sending them to Europe. But they both knew the truth; Norman just didn’t want them.  So they went — first to England, then France, then Switzerland, and so on so forth as various disciplinary infractions kept them shuffling between schools.  With no Peter Parker, with no best friend to keep them in line, the Osborns fell apart faster than the tabloids could keep up with.  At eleven years old, Constance Osborn lost her best friend.  She never found another.
At sixteen years old, Constance Osborn loses herself.  Only a few months out from graduation, her dad asks to see her — the first time he’s asked to see her since she moved in — and she flies back to New York for a couple of weeks.  But whatever cautious optimism she’d harboured for a touching family reunion was crushed almost as soon as she saw what she’d come home to.  A city on the verge of destruction, a father who was losing what little was left of his sanity, a world of heroes and villains that left no one unscarred.  At sixteen years old, Constance Osborn loses herself.  She’s not sure who she found.
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Name: Cora Royce
Title: Stars Defied
Faceclaim: Willa Holland
Love Interest: Sam Wilson; eventual poly Sam x Bucky in TFATWS
Summary: In 2011, Cora Royce’s parents went to New Mexico for a week’s holiday; some aliens invaded, and they never made it home.  In 2012, the same aliens invade, and Cora almost loses her brother.  When Orion insists on taking her to work with him “for her safety”, Cora expects a boring day at the main office of the family company, she doesn’t expect to find out that her brother has a second life as a spy-archer-assassin for a top secret government agency founded by Cora’s personal hero, Peggy Carter herself.  She also doesn’t expect to find out that her parents were part of the agency themselves, and that their holiday in New Mexico was part of a mission to stop the very alien-god who killed them.  And she definitely didn’t expect to find herself on an invisible flying battleship with her pseudo-uncle Tony Stark — sorry, Iron Man — and an apparently not-dead Captain America.  
Cora is under strict orders from Orion to stay in the lab where Tony can protect her, but when everything goes to shit, Cora can’t just stay on the sidelines.  She may not be a superhero, but she’s Royce, and there is nothing that could stop her from protecting the last of her family.
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Name: Cordelia
Title: I Was In The Darkness (So Darkness I Became)
Face claim:  Alycia Debnam-Carey
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Name: Courtney Lang
Title: The Cost Of Legacy
Faceclaim: Willa Fitzgerald
Summary:  Courtney Lang loved her dad, she really did. Sure, he did some illegal business and was in jail for a while, but hey, nobody’s perfect.  But when he got back from jail, everything changed.  He was keeping secrets, avoiding her, lying to her, but it all made sense when she learned that he was actually a superhero.  But then he went rogue, got put under house arrest, and broke said house arrest with less than a day until his time was up.  Still, she could handle all of that, until half of all living things disappeared, and her father along with them.
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Name: Danni Stark
Title: Fated
Faceclaim:  Lily Collins
Love Interest: Steve Rogers, possibly poly Stucky
Summary: 1942.  The United States Of America has finally joined the war.  Danielle Stark becomes a war correspondent and, with some help from her older brother, becomes the official liaison to the Howling Commandos.  As the history books will tell, Danni and Peggy Carter were as inseparable behind the scenes as Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes were on the battlefield.  And as the history books won’t tell, Danni Stark fell in love on the front lines, with both Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes.  And then, Bucky fell from a train and Steve crashed his plane, and Danni found herself alone.
1945.  The war is over.  Everyone goes home.  Unsure of what to do with herself, Danni ends up in New York, helping Peggy and Howard to found SHIELD.  For several years, Danni juggles her work as a reporter with her secret life as a SHIELD agent, until Howard finds something in the arctic.  With the new powers of the tesseract at his fingertips, Howard finally decides to try a new version of Project Rebirth, and Danni is the first to offer herself as a volunteer.  But as soon as he sees the powers that the cube gave his sister, Howard files the project away, destroying all evidence that it had ever happened, and Danni keeps her newly developed powers a secret from everyone except for Howard, Peggy, and Edwin Jarvis.
2012.  A new war brews on the horizon.  Danni has been off the grid for decades — after all, she’s hardly eager to explain why she still looks twenty-five rather than ninety-five.  As far as most of the world knows, she died shortly after her brother; quietly and peacefully, a very private affair.  The only person who still knows she’s alive is her nephew, Tony Stark, with whom she is in regular contact.  But even Tony has never tried to convince her to come out of the shadows — not until he shakes her entire world with a single line on a voicemail; “Steve is alive, he’s at SHIELD.”  And Danni Stark knows that it’s time to return to the world she’d long since left behind.
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Name: Diana Moore
Title: The Long Game
Faceclaim:  Hailee Steinfeld
Love interest: Peter Parker
Summary: You would have to be an idiot to not realize that Peter Parker is Spiderman.  Well, Diana might go to a school for geniuses, but clearly they’re all idiots because no one else seems to have figured it out. Well, that’s fine, that makes it easier to keep the whole Secret Identity Thing a secret.  And if there’s one thing that Diana Moore is good at, it’s keeping a secret - or it was, until she and the rest of her Acadec team nearly die in DC.  Now it’s personal, and whether he likes it or not, Diana is going to do whatever it takes to help Peter Parker save the world.
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Name: Dominique Barton
Title: Life Goes On
Faceclaim: Emily Rudd
Love Interest: Peter Parker
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Name: Dorothy Madison
Title: Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Faceclaim:  Keira Knightley
Love Interest: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Summary: Dorothy Madison, Bucky Barnes, and Steve Rogers had been inseparable for most of their lives. Four years her senior, the boys had already been best friends for years before they met the small girl on her first day of kindergarten and immediately got into a fight with her first bully. From then on it was much of the same; Steve getting into fights, Bucky either joining him or pulling him out, and Dorothy keeping them out of trouble.
The years passed quickly, and she found herself falling in love with both of her best friends. But before she figured out what to do about that, the war made its way to their door. Bucky got drafted and, during their last night together, Steve got himself enlisted.
Well, no way was Dorothy letting her boys go to war without her. She quickly found a place for herself within the Office of Strategic Services, and soon found herself put in charge of the Howling Commandos. Finally, everything was right again; Steve was rushing head first into danger with Bucky as his right hand, and Dorothy struggling to keep her boys alive.
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Name: Eir Odinsdottir
Title: See No Evil
Faceclaim: Maisie Williams
Summary: Once, Eir Odinsdottir had been the princess of Asgard; Odin’s youngest child, and only daughter, and beloved by her brothers and their kingdom.  But Eir was also a seer.  She could see things that had happened, things that were happening, and things that had not yet happened.  And one day, she saw the truth about her family: the older sister long since cast away, the secret behind her brother’s parentage, and the dark and bloody truth behind her father’s reign.  And so, Odin exiled her.  Eir spent years travelling the nine realms, longing for home, before finally seeing her brothers on Midgard, so to Midgard she goes.
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Name: Elena Barnes
Title: Balancing The Score
Faceclaim:  Kaya Scodelario
Summary:  Imagine a weapon who has all the skills of the Asset, but without the memories.  No need to wipe and start over, no questions, only loyalty to Hydra. Enter Elena Barnes.  Bred by Hydra to serve that purpose, they truly believed that they had created the perfect weapon.  But, compliant as she seemed, Elena watched the torture that her father suffered, and anger lived within her veins.  After the Battle of Manhattan, she finds herself out in the world with instructions to bring back Loki’s staff, but instead, she disappears.  Goes off the grid and dedicates herself to learning the truth about herself and her father, until one day she’s at a museum and meets the one person who can truly answer all of her questions.
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Name: Elia Patel
Title: Eclipsed Sun
Faceclaim:  Summer Bishil
Love Interest: Tony Stark
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Name: Elizabeth Banner-Parker
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Natalia Dyer
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Elizabeth Barton
Title: Walking The Tightrope
Faceclaim: Emma Watson
Love Interest: Tony Stark
Summary: Elizabeth Barton has been working for SHIELD since she was sixteen; since she and her big brother had been recruited out of the circus.  No mission ever phased the ex tightrope walker, nothing ever compared to the thrill and danger of walking on a wire, over 20 feet in the air.  Even her elite task force with Clint and Natasha - Silver Swan, Hawkeye, and Black Widow - paled in comparison.  But then Tony Stark becomes Iron Man, Liz is assigned to get to know the man behind the mask, and suddenly she feels like she’s sixteen and walking the tightrope again.
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Name:  Eleanor “Ellie” Coulson
Title: Reinvention
Faceclaim:  Sabrina Carpenter
Love interest: Peter Parker
Summary: There are some facts in life that are simply unavoidable. “If your father is one of SHIELD’s top agents, and your mother is out of the picture, you will be raised as a SHIELD agent from before you can walk” is one of them.  Eleanor Coulson has spent her entire life as an agent in training, and she happens to be very good at it.  But when SHIELD is revealed to be Hydra, and her dad is charged with rebuilding the entire organization, Ellie is faced with her most challenging mission yet. High school.
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Name: Elsie Carter
Title: Travelling Soldier
Faceclaim: Daisy Ridley
Love Interest: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Summary: Even before her sister joined the army, Eloise Carter knew that she was always going to be second best.  Still, that wasn’t going to stop her from helping in the war herself - so Elsie became a nurse.  She loved her job, despite the heartbreak that came with every life she failed to save, but she couldn’t have been less thrilled to suddenly find herself assigned to her sister’s troops.  At least until she was put in charge of the recently rescued James Barnes.  She soon learned that James was never without Steve Rogers, Captain America himself, and suddenly her transfer seemed a little less awful.  But they were soldiers, and Elsie couldn’t do anything more than wait for them to return from every fight, praying each time that they would make it back.
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Name: Erna Bragidottir
Title: Speak No Evil
Faceclaim:  Gal Gadot
Love interest: Thor & Steve Rogers
Summary: When Hela massacred the Valkyrie, only two survived; Brunhilde and Erna. But Odin wasn't going to risk anyone learning the truth about his bloody history, and was quick to exile them both.  One minute, Erna was trying to say goodbye to her best friend, her sister, and the next she was waking up on Midgard, surrounded by a group who called themselves the Howling Commandos, apparently in the middle of the planet's biggest war.  The Valkyrie may have been slaughtered, and she may have been exiled from Asgard, but Erna is, and will always be, a Valkyrie and she is going to fight for her new home.
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Name: Evelyn Rogers
Title: Long Story Short
Faceclaim:  Katie Cassidy
Love Interest: Bruce Banner
Summary: Having lost her father to the Great War, her mother to tuberculosis, and her boyfriend to the draft, Evelyn Rogers was not going to lose her brother too.  So when he signs up for something called the Erskine Program, she refuses to sit back and wait for him to come home.  When Steve becomes the world’s first superhero, the new poster boy for war relief efforts, Evelyn’s name is at the top of the list for his chorus girls, and she follows him all the way to the war.  And when they find out that Bucky as his battalion have been captured, she follows him all the way to the front line — and into Johann Schmidt’s grasp.  She doesn’t follow him back.
When Steve Rogers forms the Howling Commandos, he has one mission in mind.  Wipe HYDRA off the board, and bring Evelyn home.  When he finally finds her, on a train with Armin Zola, she has no memory of anything since reaching the HYDRA base. Still recovering from her time with HYDRA, and from losing her first love, Evelyn is unable to follow Steve into his final confrontation with Schmidt.  And Steve goes into the ice.
Evelyn returns to New York with Howard Stark and Peggy Carter, with a hole in her heart and no bodies to lay to rest.  Desperate to find some sort of peace, she throws herself into searching for the bodies of the only two Howling Commandos not to make it home.  After months of searching, Evelyn finds a lead on Bucky, and is never seen again.
Until, 70 years later, she shows up on Nick Fury’s doorstep.  No older than the day she disappeared, with no memory of anything after her brother’s plane hit the ice, Evelyn Rogers follows her brother into a new century.
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Name: Ezra Barton
Title: Vortex
Faceclaim:  Jennifer Lawrence
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Name: Francine Barton-Parker
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Emily Rudd
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Freya Thordottir
Title: Like Catching Lightning
Faceclaim: Jenny Boyd
Love Interest: Peter Parker
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Name: Grace Osborn
Title: Bound In Secrets
Faceclaim: Camila Mendes
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: Once upon a time, Grace Osborn had it all.  She was the prized princess of the Osborn family, she had a wonderful older brother, and she was her parents’ pride and joy.  And then Norman Osborn found out that her mother had been lying for thirteen years and Grace wasn’t his daughter, only a lie to force him into marriage.  In order to keep the scandal quiet, Norman quickly sent Grace away to boarding school in England; out of sight, out of mind.  That was three years ago.  Now, Norman is dead and Harry is in charge, and he has only one priority.  Bring his baby sister home.
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Name: Grayson Frost
Title: Fear No Evil
Faceclaim: Dylan Sprayberry
Love Interest: Kassandra Maximoff
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Name: Ilya Romanova
Title: Fatale
Faceclaim:  Holland Roden
Love Interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary: Once, the Red Room had trained dozens of girls, with the Romanova sisters as their greatest success.  Natalia, the Black Widow, was a prodigy in everything she did, and her sister Ilya was close behind.  But when Natalia defected, Ilya was quick to rise up and fill the hole her sister left.  She left a bloodstained legacy unlike any other, earning the title of Red Widow and thriving under солдат’s personal training.  So when Hydra sought her gifts, looking to raise her up from student to mission partner, they complied, and the Widow became the Banshee.  
сирена met every one of their expectations with ease, and it was no question that she would be their first miracle; developing powers to match her name.  For decades, солдат and сирена worked as a perfect unit, carrying out Hydra’s vision on a global scale.  But when the assassination of Nick Fury goes awry, the partners find themselves face to face with ghosts of pasts they don’t remember, and everything Hydra has built threatens to fall apart.
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Name: Irina Drakov
Title: Shadow
Faceclaim:  Mila Kunis
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Name: Jameson Barrett | марионетка
Title: Til The End Of The Line
Faceclaim: Dove Cameron
Love Interest: Stefania Raine
Summary: Under the scars, white hair, and leather ensemble, Stefania Raine recognized Jameson Barrett — the very best friend she thought to have seen die two years prior, when aliens invaded New York. But for the other girl, Jameson Barrett was buried deeper; she only ever remembered being марионетка, The Puppet, and being sent there with The Soldier to end Nicholas Fury’s life.
In the middle of the chaos, Stefania lost sight of her best friend, but refused to let the girl go again — even if that meant teaming up with a recently un-brainwashed soldier to find her.
With a faulting memory and unbalanced emotions, Jameson knew that accepting that she used to have a name wasn’t enough of a step to becoming a functional person. So, when she runs into the man from the bridge, from the helicarriers — the man who refused to fight — and he asks for her help in finding her ex-partner and the closest thing she had to a friend, she doesn’t say no.
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Name: Jamie Carter-Rogers
Title: Out Of Time
Faceclaim: Margot Robbie
Love Interest: Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes
Summary: Everybody knows that everybody dies, and nobody knows it like Jamie Rogers.  She was raised on war stories, stories about her long dead namesake, and her dad’s stories of another world.  A world of aliens and superheroes, of pain and hope, stories of how half of its universe died, and of the ones who gave everything to avenge it.  But when Jamie touches the strange crack on her wall and finds herself in New York City, in an alien invasion, in 2012, she realizes that her dad’s other world is not only real, but is the world he comes from, and every single story she heard was true.  Everybody knows that everybody dies.  But not every day.  So, trapped in a world where she was never born, with no way to go home, and knowing exactly what the universe has in store for earth’s mightiest heroes, Jamie makes a promise to herself.  Just this once, everybody lives.
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Name: Jason Grant
Title: When Tomorrow Comes
Faceclaim: Tyler Hoechlin
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Name: Jordan Jameson
Title: Unwritten
Faceclaim: Margaret Qualley
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Name: Justine “JB” Barnes
Title: Lost
Faceclaim:  Kathryn Newton
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Name: Kara Helasdottir
Title: The Memories Are Gone (The Aftershocks Live On)
Faceclaim: Emma Dumont
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Name: Kassandra Maximoff
Title: Fear No Evil
Faceclaim: Danielle Rose Russell
Love Interest: Grayson Frost
Summary: Kassandra Maximoff was no stranger to fear; she’d been afraid ever since her parents were killed by a Stark bomb, since she spent those days hiding with her siblings, wondering if any moment might be her last, waiting for Tony Stark to kill her too. So when Strucker offered she and her siblings the opportunity to be strong, to protect their country, to not be afraid, they took it. By the time they found out he was HYDRA, it was too late to escape. The siblings spent months being tortured, knowing exactly what would come if they defected. Kassandra had long since accepted her fate, had long since given up hope. And then the Avengers break into their facility.
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Name: Katarina Amelia Aliano
Title: Skyscraper
Faceclaim:  Sophie Turner & Summer Fontana
Love Interest: Harley Keener; possible Harley & Peter
Summary: Child genius turned orphan, Katarina was counting on her own hacking skills to keep her under the radar.  And they do, until she gets caught hacking into Stark industries, looking for answers regarding the aliens that killed her parents in New York, and suddenly she’s not just on a radar, she’s on Tony Stark’s radar.  When he decides to take her in, no one expects it to go well, but she soon makes a place for herself on the team and in their hearts.  She’s not a superhero, far from it, but she’s a hero in her own right, and nothing comes between Katarina and her family; not her biological family, and definitely not the weird group of misfits and gods that she calls her own.
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Name: Kathleen Swanson
Title: Ghost Of You
Faceclaim: Claire Holt
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Name: Katie Dean
Title: Renegades
Fandom: Runaways
Faceclaim: Meg Donnelly
Love Interest: Chase Stein
Summary: Katrina Dean was, all things considered, relatively happy with her life.  She had her church, cheerleading, choir, and her sister, what more could she want?  Or so she thought, at least, until Karolina’s friends discovered the truth about PRIDE, and Karolina discovered the truth about their bracelets.  And as much as Katie would love to pretend that nothing had changed, as much as she would love to keep living her perfect life, she knows that’s not an option anymore.  And so Katie and Karolina run away.
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Name: Kennedy Keener
Title: True North
Faceclaim: Sophia Lillis & Abbey Cowen
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Name: Lara Rogers | призрак
Title: Death Defied
Faceclaim:  Lyndsy Fonseca
Love interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary: No one told Steve that his DNA was going to be used to breed a new super soldier - or that it was going to fail.  No one told him that a civilian, Angie Martinelli, was going to give birth to his son, Caleb Rogers, or that Caleb wouldn’t be a super soldier.  No one told him that Caleb was going to have a daughter, Lara, and absolutely no one told him that on her fifth birthday, his granddaughter was going to be kidnapped by Hydra, turned into a super soldier, frozen over and over again, tortured and brainwashed endlessly, and eventually get partnered with the Winter Soldier.  But suddenly he’s in the future, suddenly he’s fought aliens, and suddenly солдат and призрак - the Soldier and the Ghost, Bucky and Lara - are attacking Nick Fury in the middle of DC. Suddenly Steve is on the run with Natasha, suddenly they’re in a Hydra facility underneath a bunker, and suddenly the computerized ghost of Arnim Zola is telling them everything.  And while it feels sudden to Steve, Project Insight and its enforcers have been seventy years in the making, and no matter how much he wants to cling to the last remains of his family, they might be beyond saving.
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Name: Lavinia
Title: Untitled
Faceclaim: Lindsey Morgan
Love Interest: Peter Quill
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Name: Lillian Rogers
Title: To The End Of The World
Faceclaim: Ali Liebert (in Bomb Girls)
Love Interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary: Lili Rogers would do anything for her brother.  Lie and steal to get his medication, agree not to flirt with his best friend despite her eternal crush, even fake her way into the US army.  Of course, it didn’t take long before someone figured out that Liam Rogers was actually Lillian Rogers; but thankfully she was found out by Peggy Carter, who quickly hired her as her secretary and liason to the Howling Commandos.  Lili honestly couldn’t have cared less, until she found out that the elite force was led by none other than her brother - who had somehow doubled in size - with the love of her life as his right hand man.
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Name: Lisbeth Dugan
Title: Spider Web
Faceclaim:  Madelaine Petsch
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Name: Lorraine Gillespie
Title: Dying Day
Faceclaim:  Tuppence Middleton
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Name: Lucy Pierce
Title: Heaven Or Hell
Faceclaim: Vanessa Kirby
Love Interest: Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers
Summary: Bought from the Red Room by Hydra, Lukeriya Turgenev found herself becoming Lucy Pierce when she was forced to marry the head of Hydra, Alexander Pierce himself.  A tortured doll reprogrammed to be a perfect weapon and model wife, freedom had always been a foreign concept to Lucy.  At least it was, until a failed assassination put she and Yasha – James – The Soldier – face to face with Captain America and Lucy’s former sister and rival, Natasha Romanov.
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Name: Lydia Cabot-Stark
Title: Right Down The Line (It’s Been You And Me)
Faceclaim: Blake Lively
Love Interest: Tony Stark
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Name: Marina Kovol
Title: Clockwork
Faceclaim:  Emily Bett Rickards
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Name: Mia Pierce
Title: (I’ve Got) No Strings On Me
Faceclaim:  Troian Bellisario
Love interest: Pietro Maximoff
Summary:  Mia Pierce has been raised as a Hydra pawn since the day she was born. Her father, Alexander Pierce, believed that she was the future of Hydra, someone that they could teach to worship the organization without brainwashing, that could be raised as a public figure and eventually positioned in whichever political office they needed her in.  But Mia was too curious for her own good, asked too many questions, and tried to tell too many secrets, and so she was punished, and forced to comply. But after her father died, and Winter escaped, the Avengers broke into her latest facility, and suddenly Mia is free for the first time in her life.
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Name: Millie Quill
Title: Untitled
Faceclaim: Eliza Taylor
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saturno1988 · 3 years
Pronto espero recibir la nacionalidad española, algún día espero mudarme a España, lejos de mi Isla Gran Canaria, pronto espero mudarme de barrio, a un barrio antiguo donde yo vivía antes pero donde también me lastimaron mucho, donde la mayoría de gente chunga a cambiado, últimamente apenas salgo de mi casa, siempre estoy triste, deprimido y con la luz apagada, fumando mis cigarrillos puros con filtro, los cigarrillos Clever que fume por mucho tiempo por una gran amistad, por mi amigo Alienígena Eskiso, son muchos años que somos amigos y nos conocemos pero por desgracia el destino nos separa, yo era hace poco Satánico y ya no lo soy, ahora he vuelto a ser Devoto de mi Dios Odin padre de todos nosotros, a mi amigo Alien nunca le pareció bien mi amor y mi devoción por Odin y mucha gente mala me han intentado privarme de mi fé en mi Dios con brujería, sospecho que mi amigo Alienígena el Palero también aunque el me lo niegue, su mala reacción a mi fé lo delata siempre y siempre el intenta meterme otros cultos a mi cabeza, un pajarito me dijo que tiene celos y envidia de mi fé en Dios y por eso trata de apartarme de él, puedo muchas veces sentirlo que me hacen brujería y intentan apartarme de mi fé, quieren volverme Satánico, ellos saben que pacte con El Lucero del Alba, el gran Lucifer que se me apareció con lágrimas y que estuve muy atormentado y muchos intentos suicidas tuve, ellos saben que cuando los raperos me parodiaban yo invoque al Angel de la muerte, desde el piso 12 me fui a tirar pero pacte con la Santa Muerte, ella cuando se me apareció mis sábanas blancas se volvieron violetas, y yo decía que la mariposa violeta renació en mi y me dio alas para volar, ellos me parodiaban y de mi se reían, ellos querían que mi mariposa fuera la Azul la de la melancolía y tristeza, ingresé más de una vez a los hospitales psiquiátricos y allí conocí al amor infiel de mi vida, mi mariposa Azul, tan hermosa como Afrodita, tan rubia como el sol, ella siempre fue la alegría y yo la tristeza, por desgracia ella se fue de mi vida para siempre, y ahora estoy tan frustrado que me da por beber a veces vino tinto, mi sangre con deporte yo me la limpió, la rabia y frustración y toda mi tristeza y horrible depresión aún por desgracia por ello por mi frustración me fumó mis cigarrillos puros, y la ilusión, hay y la ilusión se pierde en las penas del océano cuando tiró una piedra al fondo para desahogarme, y la tristeza, y la tristeza... y triste soy yo y mi pesar...
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corinthbayrpg · 4 years
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NAME. UTP ( Valkyrie ) AGE & BIRTH DATE. 3,000+ & Unknown GENDER & PRONOUNS. Female & She/Her SPECIES. Rift OCCUPATION. UTP FACE CLAIM. Jessica Alba, Emilia Clarke, Constance Wu, Adria Arjona, Medalion Rahimi.
You are the chooser of the slain. Steadfast in your ways, with the courage and might to take on any who dared to confront you. You were also the first of many, but as the first, you received blessings none of your counterparts ever did. It was Frigg who bestowed upon you her gifts. As the wife of Odin and Queen of Asgard, she saw the brightness in you – but it was Loki who saw the darkness. While your duty was to the covens and the people within the Nordic world, you also wanted more. It wasn’t power, but the ability to make a difference in a way that the gods were always too fearful to do.
It was this small darkness that pushed you to Loki. You had been among humans for centuries, finding your favorite among Fenrir, the shapeshifter that was dedicated to protecting humans. And when Hel intervened and gave him what he desired, you waited to be the one to lead him to Valhalla. And with his light gone in the world, Loki told you that you wouldn’t have to suffer another loss again. Not with the power he would give you. You knew Loki was the trickster, but there was nothing holding you back. Where Frigg had given you the power over water, it was Loki who gave you the mastery of the other elements. While Frigg allowed you to speak to ravens, it was Loki that whispered to you the power of spirits and Eidolons.
You have traveled many different places in your life, and you decide that you would once more take a more human form – but for the last time. The Greek Pantheon was careless with their creations, and they no longer deserved to have them. For too long have you led souls to Valhalla that had died too soon, and to enact your justice among those in Corinth Bay would simply be a blessing for them, whether or not they understood that. With your strength, the veil will fall.
Witches will feel an intense draw towards dark magic in her presence, while a Genasi’s elemental power will be heightened.
Can attach an Eidolon to any species, for any given amount of time, as well as use necromancy.
Has control over each of the four elements, and able to use them simultaneously.
Can speak to ravens.
Obsidian will burn her.
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rosheendubh · 4 years
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Three swords there were, forged from elemental divinity--
Mimung, the weapon of the Waelsungs, split Brynhilde's heart and sped her to the embrace of her One Eyed God, wielded after, by Vortimer, Vortigern's son, of Sinfjotli's line, now Uter's (Ohthere's) blade, grim Ohthere, of two fathers sired upon unwilling Ygerna, Vortimer (Embreis Wledig), or perhaps of Egil-Ongentheow's seed, he vies with Onela (Aelle Bretwalda) for the soul of a nation, and a woman's heart...
Tyrfing, the doom of Arngrim's brood, that brave Hervor dared the barrows of her dead father's host, scorning sulfur and brimstone to retrieve metal cast to the Host of the Dead, shaming the fallen, seeking vengeance for slain brothers, sword recovered to living light, forever cursed to take life at price of unsheathing, whose hilt Onela's (Aelle Bretwalda's) strong hands now grip upon the Plains of Eboracum (York)...
The Sword of Ares, Sarmatian iron, born of stars, a virgin priestess's flesh mated in sacrament to the Stallion, King of Heaven, both sacrificed upon the alter of flame and blood, hammer and anvil, brought to the shores of Albion in the days of Empire's might, but as centuries passed, the Eagle decayed, raising Wolf and Raven and Mare, Venaura (Gwenhwyfar), gazes upon mighty Tyr's gift of blood-gold justice, bride of death, Raven Queen and Horse Goddess, daughter of blessed Saranyu who settled her nation upon the Isle of Mists centuries gone, and centuries gone, where this child of Peteova, Lady of the Cawnur, and her Beltane lover, Palomydez (Pabo Pillar of Prydain), Alani war-lord, once commanded fire from heaven, ripping through her mother's flesh, melting sinew with lightening-struck oak, petrified water-fused stone, blade clutched in her mother's hand, symbol of defiance against Egil-Ongentheow's invading host, salvaging a tormented island, where now his sons war, Onela (Aelle Bretwalda) and Uter (Ohthere), for supremacy over Albion's clashing tribes, and in one desperate hour, does Uter send harrowing word for aid of the North, and Venaura at long-last, asks grieving Palomydez, her true-father unknown, enjoin the war and sway the battle-tide, but bitter Palomydez, stubborn yet, refuses in contempt of the southern lords he blames for Petoeva's death, sword cleaved to oak-fired stone, petrified flesh, cold memory of his bright queen's sacrifice, until this moment when her daughter, whose spirit blazes like a thousand suns from gray eyes, stands proud before his hall, voice strong above the storm lashing through the vaulted chamber, she summons Aesir and Don, bearing in her clenched fingers the ghost-banner of Old Brigantia, insignia of Iazyge, Roman, and Briton, calling the God's fire once more from heaven in a blast that blinds his court, and bades men take shelter beneath table or bench, freeing star-iron from stone, so that Venaura, Peteova's proud daughter, frees the Sword of Ares born aloft once more, into the world of men--
"In the name of the Women of Albion, and Valentia between the Walls, I summon your One-Eyed god out of Shadow, and your queen, Palomydez, summons your horse-lords to war..."
Graphic, a result of me goofing around with PhotoLayers App, and ToonyTools online editing.
Verbosity, me droning in stream of conscience with highlights of how I see Uther's tale (and later, Arthur's) evolving with Gwenhwyfar's. Here, she’s based off a combo of Gwen, the daughter of Cunedda Wledig, and Gwenabwy (in my poor reverse linguistics, that’s actually Uindavia/Uendabhia), who’s the daughter of *Cawnur*, the sister of Gildas, Cywyllog, and Huail (from the delusional pedigrees of the Lives of the British Saints). Indeed, here Uther is actually adapted from the character of Ohthere (and in some bit, Amlwedd/Amlothi/Hamlet), who exists in some convoluted way, referenced as Vendel nobility, Ylfingas and Ynglingas (basically, Odin-Tyr progeny and Freyr progeny; Hamlet, and it’s predecessor Danish tale of Amothi/Ambhla-Odr, is basically another version, where Orwandil and Feng are representations of Odin/Tyr and Ingvi-Freyr. Somehow, Orwandil is also Egil-Ongentheow, which is also Angantyr. He shows up in various Anglo-Saxon genealogies as Angentheow/Angengeot). Amlothi marries both a northern British princess, and then a Scottish queen who was infamous for killing all her male suitors until she falls in love with Amlothi. Later, in Amlothi’s lay, the Scottish queen marries Wigleck, the adversary and new Danish king, and founds the line of East Anglians via Offa Anglian.  Anyone whose ever read Widsith, and Beowulf, and any of the Swedish/Danish/Norwegian/Geat dynastic sagas knows how very convoluted are the pseudo-histories and personages. At the end of the day, I love the take of Aelle Bretwalda, something of a misplaced Teutonic invader, without any lineage, and 3 sons whose names supply locations in Sussex (Cymen, Cissa, Wlencing—my Lancelot/Gwallawg ap Lleenog, of the next generation with Arthur...who’s Vortiporius in my take), as Ale (Norse version of Onela’s name), as the 1/2 brother of Uther. My whole justification here is that Uther’s name shares a parallel meaning as Ohthere—terrible/fearsome warrior. Archaeology over the last few decades suggests something of a Swedish/possibly Geatish influx into East Anglia, from an earlier era (tentatively) based on the dating of certain artifacts, than traditionally believed. And possibly, the migration west of Mercian lines as East Anglian/Geatish pressure increased, reflecting a parallel migration of dynastic rivalries which followed them across the NorthSea board. The Sutton Hoo burial, and grave sites of mid-late 6th century/7th century East Anglia/The Norfolk-Suffolk areas allegedly have more features in common with the Swedish Vendel graves in southern Sweden than Anglian/continental Germanic burial sites of the same era. SOMETHING happened in Sweden/Denmark as well as Jutland that I believe involved late-Roman/Post-Roman Britain as well. Which leads me to wonder if the situation of the entire northern Seaboard all the way to the Baltic coast, isn’t a whole lot more complex than what our established theories reflect. Also, per poetic license, this circumstantial evidence allows me a bridge into fictional invite, proposing it’s Uther/Ohthere who becomes something of a prototype King Cnut/Canute, in my vision of his ambition, not of a Post-Roman Britain joined back with a dying Western Roman Empire which Constantinople refuses to concede, but a Britain united with the Nordic houses of Sweden/Daneland/Jutland, and reaching out to Theoderic the Great/Sexy Amalung to form some sort of Successor State confederacy, acting as a bulwark against Constantinople’s grasping influence, as well as the rising Frankish power of Clovis and the Merovingians. There’s reports Theoderic’s court of Ravenna hosted a Swedish king who’d sworn off his countrymen (Radulph—some scholars think he  may actually be the personage upon whom Hrolfr Kraki was based), as well as Theoderic harboring, like his 18th century presidential doppelgänger, Thomas Jefferson (who was forever fascinated by the Western mystique of the American frontier and her indigenous peoples), something of an enlightened interest in collecting whatever history or knowledge related to northern tribal peoples, like the (mistaken, but heavily advertised) notion of Geats and Goths sharing a common root heritage. 
This, This warped version finds inspiration from not just from the classic Brithish manuscripts or epics of Arthur, but combines Nordic legend/saga sources with late Roman figures synthesized with British/Germanic/Nordic figures. Story of Ongentheow and his sons, for starters. I have 2 notebook pages full up in finest logic tree form, like a jungle of neurons, detailing my convoluted interpretations and parallels of historic personages, and legendary/literary. 
Lastly, Something about Vortigern's geneology always bothered me, especially in his kinship with The Jutes, Hengist and Horsa. A piece submerged or missing, that made me wonder if he wasn't only British, but as with so many high-ranking military officers in the early 5/mid-th century, perhaps also shared some Germanic/Teutonic lineage, which would explain his partiality to the Jutes, and their willingness to serve him in Britain at his invite.  It’s recorded (in not very reliable sources), Vortigern’s father is a Vitalinus or Vitalis. A solidly Latin name, which shares a wonderful synchrony with Fitelis, the modified version of Sinfjotli, the son of Sigmund and Signy Waelsung, which relates back to the whole Brynhilde/Sigfrid/death of the Burgundians/ doom of Attila thread.  I’m actually just partial to Wotan and his symbolism with changing eras of history—war/rebellion/evolution/revolution/enlightenment. I also seem inclined to a symbolism of male characters as something like representations of that iconography, while my female characters act as mediums of inspiration for social/political reform, and logic/temperance/challenging the notion change only comes through violent upheaval. In lieu here, is a young Gwen, educated in Rome, as physician (of course...she does tie to Caroline Eleanor Graham later in preRev Paris), as ruler-philosopher, and yes, as a warrior in the style of nomadic horsewomen (how I bring in the character, Alardin as her tutor in these studies through her formative years exiled from Alba/Caledonia after her mother’s death).  I hate the warrior queen motif. Not that my perspective alleviates gross anachronism, but I’d rather suggest she’s a queen, or at least, per the tradition of Caledonian tribes around the Walls, it’s through marriage she conveys the right of rulership to the man she eventually selects as her husband. Until then, she rules/advises her father and older brother when her father invites her back from Rome finally. And later, when Uther’s wars require the companies of the Votadini (her tribe), she’s left ruling in her father/brother’s stead, until Uther asks for her intervention, to summon the Pictish tribes of the far north, and Pabo Post Prydein’s Alani heavy cavalry, who occupy the area of Rheged, I place in NW Cumbria and SW Scotland/Galloway-Dumfries. Rerigonium looks an awful lot like an inspiration for Rheged, IMHO. Also, oddly, according to the Lives of the British saints, Pabo shares some sort of weird root with Palomides (?.). So, I’d rather suggest, Gwen is a woman who becomes a queen, from a family of Romanized-buffer state Caledonians, and as any woman in a position of influence, raised in a volatile era, and volatile province, essentially defined as *frontier zone*, I’d rather think she was raised to be competent, and strong-willed, and perhaps, more talented/unconventional/resourceful than what might be expected in a more pacific time. As I would expect of other women, and their men as well—British/Roman/or Germanic-Nordic...
Anyway, as the whole tragedy of Waelsungs, the Burgundians, and later Britain ties back, according to the Eddic poems, and Wagner, to that tale of Andarvi’s gold, Otter, and a neck-ring from that cursed were-gild which comes into Gudrun’s hands, I have Gudrun as a grieving Abbess residing in Rome, the patron to whom Gwen is sent to be educated as a girl. They don’t have a good relationship at first—Gwen, a rebellious girl who hardly knew her mother, and resents her father for sending to a college of widowed and bitter women, and Gudrun, who mourns her daughter, Swanhilde, slaughtered in an act of betrayal, and now, lives lay to see her son, ERP/Hyrp, take the throne of Caesar. Don’t ask how, but legends say, Gudrun does have a son named ERP/Hyrp. Somehow, Erp/Hyrp relates to Eadowacer, and that name is a version of the eponymous Odovaver/Adavacrius who deposed the last emperor in 476. He ties in with the story of Gwen, and Theoderic the Great as well. Anyhow, that cursed treasure with it’s cursed neck-ring sits in a convent in a quite, genteely decaying corner of the old Capital. No one wants to touch it b/c it’s cursed, and by this point of Gwen’s maturing to a young, precocious woman, she knows the legacy and taint it has upon the Abbess Gudrun she’s come to love as her mother. So, she decides to enlist the best street gangs of the convent’s local neighborhood, various carpenters/construction crews/artisans/as well as river merchants who want a cut of profit, and retain their own armed guards, to basically revive the convent’s local marketplace, founding their local agricultural coop/and vendor sites, as well as establishing a neighborhood hospital (based of St Galla’s, I think), and to add one more twist to Wotan’s cursed treasure, she takes the neck ring, and has it melted/redrafted into surgical implements which, to her delight, NEVER rust. And have amazing antibacterial properties...as some metal alloys are known to possess. Anyway, that’s the same woman who, rather than Uther or Arthur (her son, by Uther and Theoderic), who pulls the Sword from the Stone, the Sword which took her mother’s life, if that made any sense, up above, to mend a dynastic feud of Northern British houses, which has embroiled her biological father (Pabo) and her acknowledged father, Cunedda, since Gwen’s mother sacrificed her life to fend off an invasion of Swedes when Gwen was a child. It’s the moment Gwen realizes she has the aptitude and the attitude to sovereignty in interests of her people, and claims rule of Valentia, that troublesome province of Count Theodosius dating back to 370AD, which has confounded modern scholars as to where Valentia was located. I place it between the Wall of Antoninus and Hadrian, to include the regions north and south of each those boundaries as well. Thus, she is, rather like Amlothi’s Scottish queen (no Scotland in late 5th/early 6th c...), The Queen of the North (ah, GRRMartin and HBO, I’ll never forgive you for Season8), and rallies the discordant tribes of the Pretani/Picts, and the Caledonians (those Lowland and Scottish Border regions)  to Uther’s aid, outside of Eboracum. Which is my draw from GeoffreyofMonmouth, and the HistoriaBrittonum, of Battle 8/The Battle Guinnion/TheWhiteFortress (don’t ask, but root words of Eboracum aside, either as  *yew tree*, in the British, the Latin root of *eburos* is ivory. And if you’ve been to York, they have those lovely white-trunked trees everywhere, and its Walls, albeit dating from the MiddleAges, must have been at least as magnificent, indestructible, and...white, even by the later quarter of the 400s AD. One of my favorite cities, and hope to back when the world’s not so crazy...). How the dynasty of Eleutherius and York/Eboracum becomes occupied by Teutonic forces, you ask? Ties with Germanic/Teutonic royalty, of course, but resolving that takes up way too much precious Tumblr space already.  Rambles done, other than to add, the description of Cath Goddeu/The Battle of the Trees, from Welsh poetic sources, makes for wonderful mythic depiction of the Men of the North, and their Queen, advancing with a rising storm we all know is the Wild Hunt. And in the case of Gwen bearing the Sword of the Sarmatians/Iayzyges that had once belonged to the company of the long dead Artorius Castus, and his Brigantian Queen, who herself, once united a warring island in its desperate hour, Venaura’s actions have roused the old Guardians of Albion, the ghosts of Sarmati and their horse-lords, riding with their Alani scions of Rheged, in the name of the Women of Albion. My nod to William Blake, as Nemiane (my late 2nd c Romano-Brigantian military surgeon/Artorius’s lover), Gwen, and Caroline—the Scottish lady physician who becomes Jefferson’s lover in 18th c Paris, all find some reflection in the themes of Blake’s monumental mythicism. Thus, I believe we start this work with Blake, writing Vision of the Women of Albion...
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
Us, July 1
Cover: Bradley Cooper’s side of the story -- How the pressure of his career and Lady Gaga rumors led to his breakup with Irina Shayk 
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Page 1: First Look -- Reese Witherspoon 
Page 2: Red Carpet -- Jenny Packham -- Michelle Rodriguez, Busy Philipps, Janet Mock, Angela Bassett, Sandra Oh 
Page 3: Kelsea Ballerini, Zooey Deschanel, Taraji P. Henson, Katheryn Winnick, Regina King 
Page 4: Who Wore It Best? Sharon Stone vs. Bella Hadid, Eva Longoria vs. Dua Lipa, Katherine Schwarzenegger vs. Joey King 
Page 6: Loose Talk -- Mindy Kaling, Tessa Thompson, Chris Harrison, Jamie Foxx, Sophie Turner on Michael Fassbender in Dark Phoenix
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Page 8: Contents 
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Page 10: Hot Pics -- Prince William and Duchess Kate, Prince Harry and Rita Ora, baby Archie 
Page 11: Taylor Swift and Katy Perry, Hilary Duff and Matthew Koma, Kate Hudson 
Page 12: Gabrielle Union and Jessica Alba, Jamie Chung, Selena Gomez 
Page 13: Tom Holland and Zendaya and Jake Gyllenhaal, Courteney Cox and Lisa Kudrow and Jennifer Aniston, Mike Colter 
Page 14: Kim Kardashian West, Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler, Toy Story 4 cast Keanu Reeves and Christina Hendricks and Keegan-Michael Key and Ally Maki and Tony Hale and Tom Hanks and Tim Allen and Annie Potts 
Page 16: Dog Days -- Rachel Brosnahan and Tony Shalhoub’s pup, Yara Shahidi and her dog, Gayle King and her son Will’s rescue dog, Courteney Cox and her two dogs, Justin Theroux and Kuma 
Page 18: Do or Tie-Dye -- Willow Smith, Taylor Swift, Gigi Hadid, Travis Scott 
Page 19: Whitney Port, Gina Rodriguez, Olivia Holt, Suki Waterhouse, Justin Bieber, Lucy Hale 
Page 20: Stars They’re Just Like Us -- Zoe Saldana, Kristin Chenoweth, Ellen Pompeo and Christina Milian 
Page 22: Summertime Stars -- Christina Milian, Rita Ora, Emily Ratajkowski, Eva Longoria, Drake 
Page 24: Cutie QT -- Gisele Bundchen and kids Benjamin and Vivian, John Legend and daughter Luna, Nick Carter and son Odin, Kelly Ripa and daughter Lola, Kevin Hart and daughter Heaven 
Page 26: Love Lives -- Happy Pride -- Ashley Benson and Cara Delevingne have never been happier 
Page 27: Neil Patrick Harris and David Burtka -- mealtime is a family affair, Tan France and Rob France hope to have a baby within the next couple of years, Nico Tortorella and Bethany Meyers aren’t interested in anyone’s opinion of their union 
Page 28: Samira Wiley and wife Lauren Morelli keep their date nights low-key, Zeke Smith and Nico Santos brought together by food, Linda Perry fully supports wife Sara Gilbert leaving The Talk 
Page 30: Hot Hollywood -- Elin Nordegren baby on the way with former NFL player Jordan Cameron 
Page 31: Jim Edmonds denies cheating on wife Meghan King Edmonds but she doesn’t believe him, Jessica Biel is in hot water after meeting with anti-vaxxer activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner and Zoe Kravitz and Karl Glusman are going to get married on the same day in Paris, Never Have They Ever eaten common foods -- Kendall Jenner, Ice-T, Tom Brady, Patrick Stewart 
Page 32: What’s in My Bag? Winnie Harlow 
Page 33: Tristan Thompson’s ex Jordan Craig claims Tristan cheated on her with Khloe Kardashian, the Wellness Your Way Festival with Jewel is back and better than ever, VIP Scene -- Selma Blair, French Montana, Christina Milian, Kris Humphries, Rosanna Arquette, Leah Remini
Page 34: Cover Story -- Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk -- The truth about their split 
Page 38: Sandra Bullock’s amazing dynamic with her low-key love Bryan Randall 
Page 42: Julianne Hough’s hot husband Brooks Laich opens up about his new podcast, his parenthood goals and why his famous wife is his rock 
Page 46: Style -- bathing suits -- Demi Lovato 
Page 48: Beauty 
Page 50: Us Musts -- Tim Allen on Toy Story 4 
Page 52: Brian Tyree Henry on Child’s Play 
Page 53: MTV’s Are You the One? breaks boundaries, Buzzzz-o-Meter -- Eva Longoria, George Clooney, Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, Julianne Moore 
Page 58: Fashion Police -- Christina Hendricks, Katie Holmes, Michelle Monaghan 
Page 59: Camille A. Brown, Dania Ramirez, Meghan Linsey 
Page 60: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me -- Erika Jayne
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gaeoloooos · 3 years
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jeezperseus · 6 years
like for a msg !
perseus hayden alexander xavier lehnsherr.
— adopted son of charles xavier & erik lehnsherr. nineteen. pansexual. accidentally married. regenerative healing & healing touch. fc: nick robinson. generation why by canon gray.
split knuckles, impulse tattoos, red solo cups, the copper taste of blood, post-ripped jeans, a story told in two parts, peals of laughter strong as vodka, shaking hands shoved in pockets, greasy fast food, low flying planes, cuffed shoes, the soft notes of a piano, a baseball bat in the back seat.
barbara “bobbi” morse.
— former agent 19. thirties. bisexual. divorced. enhanced. fc: jessica alba. emotionless by drake.
gentle hands, biting remarks, unknown skill, non-disclosure agreements, hidden stashes of cash, studyblr accounts, handmade bullets, a tongue taught to deceive, coffee-mug rims, set shoulders, precise results, minimalism, lilting accent, a broken mirror, clean test tubes, red-painted nails around the hand of a gun.
andromeda rosalie isley-quinzel.
 — adopted daughter of pamela isley & harleen quinzel. twenty-one. pansexual. single ( see below ). precognition. fc: lana condor. finest hour by cash cash.
whispers from a voice both soft and powerful, sloppily cut hair, pointe shoes, paint stains on every article of clothing, cassandra foretelling the trojan war, dirt under your fingernails, a love a week, the gold tinsel of a crown, unexplainable dreams, bundles of flowers, the soft rustling of worn cards.
roman darkhölme.
— son of raven darkhölme. twenty-four. pansexual. enchanted. persuasion & power absorption. fc: miles heizer. lost boy by ruth b.
the unexpected answer, washing your hands, casual disinterest, stacks of cash, little clear baggies, practiced ease, a silver tongue, whispers of the past, old cobblestone streets, bad decisions in the best way, sweaters and flannel, the burning of flowers, white lab coat, fear of the unknown.
— the god of mischief. 1000s. fluid. open marriage. fc: daniel gillies & katie mcgrath. wild things by alessia cara.
dark skies, a long steel dagger, fog coming in, green & gold banners held high, the twisted around truth, stories told from a thousand tongues, crooked grin, a crown just out of reach, salt in wounds, ourborous, contrary to a point, blood superiority, loneliness as something else, eyes in the back of your head.
winona falcone.
— daughter of sofia falcone. twenty-six. bisexual. single. darkness manipulation. fc: shay mitchell. take me to church by hozier.
expensive fur, champagne glasses, hands covered in blood, instagram perfect, beautiful but deadly, the rich kids of gotham, sharp edges for a reason, dark hair in waves, a product of a situation, cherry stems tied with your tongue, heels on a hardwood floor, the many shades of red.
skylar helix mccoy.
— daughter of hank mccoy. twenty-two. lesbian. single ( see below ). genetic atavism & genius intelligence. fc: jennie kim. 400 lux by lorde.
a field of vibrant yellow flowers, the yipping of a small dog, fangs bared, constellations of words, no apologies, thousands of discarded ‘what ifs,’ the call of the wild, a small crescent moon necklace, pride without arrogance, false confidence, spitting blood, intelligence without direction.
perseus hayden alexander.
a former foster care sibling.
it’s been a while, but he’s a pretty memorable kid / hasn’t changed much at all. until age 5 / 2004, percy was in foster care + went through a bunch of homes. this is someone who was in one of them! probs knows stuff abt him that even he doesn’t/doesn’t rem. the possibilities! 
first relationship / current enemy. TAG
basically, it was percy’s first relationship back in his teens !! cute lil puppy love except he’s awful so not puppies more like … squirrels. like his first everything !! and then they broke up n it didn't go great !!! since then it has evolved and gotten much much worse - they’re now totally and completely against each other, hate each other, and will fuck w each other when given half a chance. 
first relationship / current enemy.
basically, it was percy’s first relationship back in his teens !! cute lil puppy love except he’s awful so not puppies more like … squirrels. like his first everything !! and then they broke up n it didn't go great !!! since then it has evolved and gotten much much worse - they’re now totally and completely against each other, hate each other, and will fuck w each other when given half a chance.
barbara “bobbi” morse.
old mission target.
bobbi worked with shield for a very long time! she went on various missions, undercover and classified and the like. on this particular mission, this is someone she was targetting. what for is up to you, but the options are rather open to interpretation. just generally something that would have set them against shield’s desires.
bobbi being widely competitive when it comes to just about anything (science, training, lecturing) is bound to attract some friendly competition. they’re constantly versing each other, even in the simplest things, like giving out test results or getting ready.
ex that ended on bad terms.
it’s a common story. girl meets person, girl dates person, girl and person breaks up, girl literally hopes person dies in a fire. for whatever the reason, they didn't part ways peacefully. and you bet your sweet ass she plays the part of scorned ex great.
andromeda rosalie isley-quinzel.
poly ship. ( 0 / 2 ) TAG
andy has baggage, certainly. she’s a past weapon x detainee, unbeknownst to her, adopted from a broken family, and had her heart broken by the first person she dated. she’s serial dated for years. but these people, they made her stop & start to appreciate love for what it is again. this connect can be filled by someone of any gender.
ex. TAG
andy was younger and very awfully naive. she’s never really gotten over it. for whatever reason, they broke up— it could have to do with her slightly overbearing personality, or general attitude, or whatever, totally up to you, but it was the other muse’s decision to break up, leaving andromeda heartbroken and now seeking out love in places it’s not.
former prediction.
andy PREDICTED something about this muse, in the past. how long ago and what is up to you. it was something SERIOUS, though, and most likely bad. it could be as wild as death, or marriage, or a death in the family, or a regret, etc. it’s rly up to u !!
roman darkhölme.
childhood love.
this is honestly rly cute. they were lil lil kids when they were friends and were super cute n close. they got fake “married” once or something. they were just best friends who grew apart. now roman is hella dif. he’s manipulative and a total fiend and it’s like “where’s that cute lil kid who promised to fight off all the bad guys in my life??” like … cute n sad.
they see him for what he is: a manipulator. they either have past experience with him or are just adept ( VERY adept; he’s good at hiding ) at noticing him. they don’t enjoy him. not his view of the world, his actions, or his drug dealing. roman doesn’t like them for a point. he doesn’t like being exposed.
the darkhölme-mccoy drug dealing business is going great, actually. paragon is full of just the type. and with roman’s skill of persuasion, they haven’t gotten caught yet. this is someone that roman knows from that particular side of his work. he sells them drugs.
someone he had a kid with.
the other side of the story. not someone he fathered/mothered, but rather someone he had a child w. can be any gender for obvs reasons. how old the child is is up to u!!!
someone he pretended to be someone else with, extendedly.
for them, he pretended to be a different person… for a very extended period of time. it’s a trick he played often, but for them it was honestly excessive. the nature of their relationship is up to you, but upon coming to paragon this person finds out that loki is LOKI ! god of mischief, stories, lies, what have u. they’re probs pissed lmao 
while most midgardians known them as the god of mischief / alien asshole, this character knows a side of loki outside of the lore. they’ve met their kids & can even remember little loki, just around causing mischief, not trying to overthrow odin & what else. they have a better understanding.
winona falcone.
older sibling.
the oldest falcone ! mwahaha. so it’s this whole big thing that WINONA IS THE HEIR, but she wasn’t always. she has an older sibling who was disinherited from the family & cast out. a big ole family disgrace that none of them like to talk about. the reason behind this is up to you ! but it can range from being a MUTANT to a DEGENERATE to being SOFT to whatever. sofia is a pretty uptight gal.
best friend.
she’s not trying to replace raph. she didn’t think she would actually ever be given the chance, and for good reason. i mean, look at what happened to the last guy who took the spot. but they’re friends, for whatever reason ( and, damn, do the people commenting on her instagram posts speculate ).
she’s always been the exception that proves the rule. her sexuality is no different in that she’s not hte most comfortable with it. it’s just another thing she never told sofia about, lest her position as heir was to be threatened. that makes her exes an interesting story, especially considering she won’t acknowledge some of them.
skylar helix mccoy.
hateship to ship.
open to fem aligning nb & girls / both have reputations that proceed themselves ! sky obvs bc she had one inherently n bc of what happened & the other for w/e reason. pref an xkid. they knew each other when sky was younger but they didnt get along & when they reconnect , they dont get along right either. theyre a PLAYER really. like new girl on their arm every month. sky becomes one of the girls, rly. and sparks fly. and shes mad abt it. they have this antagonistic hatefuck relationship. and she finds herself starting to rly like them, falling in lov w them, unbeknownst to their own feelings (that shes the ONE). and like that
girl is, in fact, a genius, though people of many have expressed their disbelief at such a fact. she literally didn’t have education for eleven whole years of her development and is still ahead of her peers. she tutors in her free time. while totally organized, studyblr style, her teaching style leaves something to be desired in her paraphrasing of many a thing. ( vicki vc king george iii did what? sky vc fucked half of england )
someone who knew her before.
she was a prodigy child. famous beyond her years. even now, she’s on vogue lists, has millions of instagram followers, the whole thing — but for different reasons. this person knew her before she got taken, and are likely a child of the xmen or someone who was at xaviers. they remember the fearless child, ready to dive into anything, the kid who was always the top of her class. brash and happy, but kind, in a way she no longer is.
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juliekarbon · 6 years
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Day 8 Mandrake
A mandrake is the root of a plant, historically derived either from plants of the genus Mandragora found in the Mediterranean region, or from other species, such as Bryonia alba, the English mandrake, which have similar properties. The plants from which the root is obtained are also called "mandrakes". Mediterranean mandrakes are perennial herbaceous plants with ovate leaves arranged in a rosette, a thick upright root, often branched, and bell-shaped flowers followed by yellow or orange berries. They have been placed in different species by different authors. They are very variable perennial herbaceous plants with long thick roots (often branched) and almost no stem. The leaves are borne in a basal rosette, and are very variable in size and shape, with a maximum length of 45 cm (18 in). They are usually either elliptical in shape or wider towards the end (obovate), with varying degrees of hairiness. Because mandrakes contain deliriant hallucinogenic tropane alkaloids and the shape of their roots often resembles human figures, they have been associated with a variety of superstitious practices throughout history. They have long been used in magic rituals, today also in contemporary pagan traditions such as Wicca and Odinism.
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rowlecass · 6 years
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𝖈𝖆𝖘𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖗𝖆 𝖗𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊: 𝖆 𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑 𝖕𝖗𝖔𝖋𝖎𝖑𝖊
1) Escola onde estudou: Hogwarts.
2) Casa: Corvinal.
3) Status sanguíneo: Pureblood.
4) Varinha: Blackthorn, 22 centímetros, Fênix, Flexível.
5) Cheiro que sente na Amortentia: Livros, mirra e canela.
6) Patrono e memória feliz dele: Seu patrono é uma lebre, e a memória mais feliz que utiliza para o feitiço foi quando recebeu a sua carta de Hogwarts. Cassandra  sonhava com aquele momento, de ir para a escola e estudar junto de suas irmãs mais velhas.
7) Bicho papão: Palhaços.
8) Espelho de Ojesed: Ela vê seus pais orgulhosos dela, de suas decisões. Cassandra sempre foi considerada a “ovelha negra da família”, de forma que deseja com o dia com que seus pais vão se orgulhar dela, assim como eles são com as outras filhas. 
9) Objeto trouxa favorito: Cassandra é bem curiosa em relação ao mundo trouxa, ela é fascinada pelos objetos, e considera o telefone como algo bem interessante.
10) Doce favorito da Dedosdemel: Sapos de Chocolate e varinhas de alcaçuz.
11) Banda/cantor bruxo favorito: As Esquisitonas.Ela não é muito chegada nos cantores e bandas trouxas.
12) Feitiço favorito: Estupefaça. Cassandra adorava usar esse feitiço durante os duelos realizados pelo Clube de Duelos.
13) Poção favorita: Felix Felicis, apesar de ser difícil de se realizar. 
14) Matéria favorita: Feitiços. Cassandra sempre gostou de duelar, era uma aluna talentosa, de forma que gostava de aprender novos feitiços para utilizar (para ela, quanto mais complexo e desafiador o feitiço, melhor).
15) Matéria que menos gosta e o motivo: Trato de Criaturas Mágicas. Cassandra sabe que a matéria tem certa importância, mas considera um pouco irrelevante por não usar isso na sua vida; nunca foi uma área que ela tivesse alguma afinidade ou vontade de trabalhar.
16) Animal fantástico mais interessante: Fênix. 
17) Famoso bruxo favorito: Merlin.
18) Time de quadribol que torce: Cassandra não é uma grande fã do esporte, então não tem um time preferido. Durante Hogwarts, ela torcia e demonstrava apoio para o time de Quadribol da Corvinal, a sua casa.
19) Profissão que quer exercer: Desde pequena ela sabia que queria trabalhar no Ministério da Magia, apenas não sabia em qual área. Atualmente, ela é trainee no no Obliviator Headquaters do Ministério da Magia.
20) Maior vício do personagem: Quando está nervosa, Cassandra tem o costume de roer a unha.
21) Passatempo favorito na escola ou no mundo bruxo em geral: Em Hogwarts, ela gostava de participar do clube de duelos e de ler. Já no mundo bruxo, Cassandra gosta de sair para comer aos fins de semana (de preferencia em algum lugar que seja calmo).
22) Animal de estimação: Uma coruja chamada Odin. E agora, que está morando junto de Charles Weasley, os dois compraram um amasso que se chama Alba.
23) Primeira carta que enviou: Para sua irmã Aileen, para saber se ela tinha chegado bem em Hogwarts, o que ela estava achando do castelo, a sua rotina lá. Cassandra queria saber todos os detalhes. 
24) Primeira carta que recebeu: De seus pais, que não ficaram nada felizes com a notícia de que ela tinha sido selecionada para a Corvinal. Eles queriam que ela tivesse entrado para a Sonserina, como os outros membros de sua família.
25) O que pensa de lobisomens, centauros e outras criaturas antropomórficas? Cassandra os respeita e acha que todas as pessoas deveriam fazer o mesmo.
26) Já entrou em contato com algum objeto das trevas? Diretamente não, mas Cassandra sabe que seu tio Thorfinn Rowle (que agora está preso em Azkaban) tem uma coleção com esses objetos.
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