#aleksi is her twin
rainyearning · 7 months
@vienrose liked for a random muse starter
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"It's really not that much to ask for is it?" Arvin sipped her pumpkin spiced coffee drink they had just gotten from the next coffee shop, making just the last purchases for a nice Christmas. "I mean, I didn't ask Aleksi for much? He is not supposed to do any organization, I don't want him to cook. he is just supposed to not bring his annoying girlfriend." He looked back up at the other, lips pursed. "Is that really too much to ask for?"
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Blind Channel as Robin Seplut cats
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BONUS - Terror Twins:
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shaolinrouge · 1 year
Pacific Rim Timeline
First post ever and it’s just going to be a huge info-dump.
Alright, I tried to put this together as close to the actual timeline as possible, but there are a lot of inconsistencies in the Pacific Rim lore, as well as conflicts between the movie, novels, Pacific Rim: Uprising, and Travis Beacham himself. I did my best to root out these inconsistencies and did some flat-out guessing on some parts. 
There are some events that are classified as timelines. In these instances I will list them as the earliest possible date they could have occurred and italicize and bold them so they are more easily identifiable. For example, if a battle occurred somewhere between 2015 and 2017, I will list it as the following: 2015-2017: [Name of Event]
A lot of the Jaegers have undetermined destruction dates, but keep in mind that humans were mostly winning the Kaiju War until the Knifehead fight in 2020, so when there are long periods of time involved, the destruction of a Jaeger is likely post-Knifehead.
Please keep in mind I included quite literally every date I could get my hands on, so there will be some events in this timeline that seemingly have nothing to do with the movie itself and only slightly tie into one of the characters. 
Now, with that out of the way, let’s jump into it. 
201,300,000 - 251,900,000 Years Before: The Precursors Attempt to Invade Earth
During what we refer to as the Triassic period, the Precursors attempt to invade Earth for the first time; however, the atmosphere isn’t suitable for them, and thus, the attempt fails.
November 10, 1980: Hercules “Herc” Hansen is Born
Herc is born in Sydney, Australia. At some point, he meets and marries his wife, Angela. They have a son, Charles “Chuck” Hansen, together in 2003. When the Scissure attack happens in 2014, Herc is in the air force. He chooses to save Chuck instead of Angela during the onslaught and his wife is either killed by her office collapsing or by the nuclear bomb that kills Scissure. Soon after, he joins the first generation of Rangers in the Jaeger Academy alongside his brother Scott. He is a fearless fighter and is willing to put himself in the path of danger to protect innocents. 
September 5, 1984: Caitlin Lightcap is Born
Caitlin is an inquisitive and driven woman. She is born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, to a father who is a Methodist priest and a mother who is a librarian. She attends Carnegie Mellon for college, where she meets and becomes enamored with Professor Jasper Schoenfeld. The Professor’s wife eventually finds out about the relationship and divorces him. After graduating, Lightcap is accepted into D.A.R.P.A. where she works on thought-based pilot interfacing, foreshadowing her involvement in the Jaeger Program. Eventually, when her OCD and depression become too much for her, she takes a leave of absence. Eventually, she rejoins Jasper Schoenfeld after the Kaiju War begins and develops her Pons Machine.
December 30, 1985: Stacker Pentecost is Born
Stacker is born to parents Obadel and Viviane Pentecost. He has a sister, Luna, as well, who he eventually joins the Royal Air Force alongside. When Trespasser attacks, Stacker learns Luna is in America, planning to help in the assault against the creature. Unfortunately, Luna dies in Trespasser’s assault, and Stacker dedicates himself to destroying the Kaiju as a result, since she was his only remaining family. Stacker is a level-headed and intelligent individual, and despite his stern demeanor, he can be extremely charismatic and motivational when necessary. 
September 15, 1986: Bruce and Trevin Gage are Born
The twins are born in the city of Monterey, California. Little is known about their background.
January 31, 1989: Aleksis Kaidonovsky is Born
Aleksis is an abrasive and unpredictable individual who supposedly has aggression issues. Before joining the Jaeger program in 2015, he worked as a guard at an undisclosed prison, alongside Sasha Kaidonovsky.
June 9, 1989: Hermann Gottlieb is Born
Born in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, Hermann is the third of three children. He is a lonely child, often bullied for his oddities. It becomes quickly apparent that Hermann has an aptitude for math, especially abstract mathematics. He goes on to get a degree in engineering and applied science studies. When Trespasser attacks, Hermann is twenty-four. He begins exchanging letters with Newton Geiszler about Kaiju and other topics, and the two continue communicating for the next three years. Eventually, Hermann joins the Jaeger Academy. 
January 19, 1990: Newton Geiszler is Born
Roughly ten years before Newton’s birth, his parents begin an affair despite both having partners at the time. Jacob Geiszler, a piano tuner, is his father, and Maria Schwartz, an opera singer, is his mother. Maria leaves Jacob to raise Newton with the help of his [Newton’s] uncle, Illia. His uncle is a musical engineer, and he later teaches Newton the basics of electronics. As a child, Newton is a huge fan of monster movies and manga, and tis interest carries over into the subject of science. Trespasser attacks when Newton is twenty-three and afterward he begins writing to Hermann Gottlieb. The two communicate for at least three years before meeting and then going separate ways. Eventually, Newton joins the Jaeger program.
February 9, 1991: Sasha Kaidonovsky is Born
Besides her birth in Moscow, Russia, we don’t know much about Sasha. She is a woman “not to be messed with”, and before Trespasser’s attack, she worked as a prison guard alongside Aleksis Kaidonovsky. 
May 17, 1992: Tendo Choi is Born
Tendo is born in Beijing, China, but was raised in San Francisco. There, he works as a ferryman until Trespasser’s attack. Eventually, he joins the Jaeger Academy.
November 7, 1995: Yancy Becket is Born
He is born in Anchorage, Alaska, to parents Dominique and Richard. His father is a hydraulic engineer. The Becket family lives a relatively comfortable life, traveling the world often. Yancy is considered naturally talented and tends to excel at many things he tries. He’s also generally very level-headed. 
December 11, 1998: Raleigh Becket is Born
Raleigh and Yancy are very close as children; however, they have very different personalities. Compared to Yancy’s “calm”, Raleigh is the “storm”. He is very self-assured, although he generally has to work harder than Yancy to excel at certain skills. He is intuitive, but also unpredictable, a trait which is considered a liability by many. While the two get along for the most part, friction sometimes builds between them as it is wont to do between siblings. The brothers are aged fifteen and seventeen when Trespasser attacks, and the pair watch the broadcast live on television. Eventually, the join the Jaeger Academy.
December 24, 1998: The Wei Tang Brothers are Born
Born in Shanghai, China, the Wei Tang triplets earn reputations as street fighters when the Kaiju first invade. At some point during the early attacks, they also become known as local heroes, although the catalyst for this change is unknown. Eventually, they join the Jaeger Academy.
April 23, 2003: Mako Mori is Born
Born in Tanegashima, Japan, Mako’s parents are Sumako and Masao Mori. Her father is a swordsmith, and Mako spends much of her time as a child in his workshop, watching him forge weapons. At some point, he gifts her a hanbo staff. Mako is ten when Trespasser attacks, and she overhears the broadcast on the radio. 
August 14, 2003: Charles “Chuck” Hansen is Born
He is born to parents Angela Hansen and Hercules Hansen. His father is an air force pilot. When Chuck is nine, the Scissure attack takes place and his father has to make a choice between saving Chuck and Angela as he only has the time to reach one. Angela passes away and, shortly after, Hercules and his brother Scott join the Jaeger Academy. As a result, Chuck is essentially “raised in a cockpit” and spends a lot of his adolescence in a military atmosphere. 
August 10, 2013: The Breach Forms
The Breach is a portal to another world or dimension, called the Anteverse. The Precursors reside within it and create Kaiju there. 
August 10, 2013: The Kaiju War Begins
With the emergence of the first Kaiju, the period known as the Kaiju War officially begins.
August 10, 2013: Trespasser Emerges from the Breach
Trespasser is an uncategorized Kaiju that emerges from the Breach and heads for San Francisco. It is the first Kaiju to attack humanity. Little actual information is known about Trespasser, but the Kaiju is taller than the Golden Gate Bridge and can withstand most conventional weaponry thanks to thick armor.
August 10, 2013 - August 15, 2013: Trespasser’s Rampage
Trespasser’s arrival is foreshadowed by a 7.1 magnitude earthquake shortly before it rises from the water and completely destroys the Golden Gate Bridge. Over the next six days it cuts a path through San Francisco, Sacramento, and Oakland, leaving mass destruction in its wake. Forces deployed by the United States and the Royal Air Force have essentially no impact on the Kaiju. In one of their assaults, Luna Pentecost, sister of Stacker Pentecost, is killed. Eventually, the military resorts to using three nuclear missiles on the beast, killing it and decimating most of the Bay Area and Oakland in the process. In the aftermath, most of humanity considers this attack an anomaly. The Kaiju Blue and radiation left behind by this attack makes most of the Bay Area and Oakland essentially uninhabitable, and the SFEZ (San Francisco Exclusion Zone) is created. 
August 10, 2013 - August 15, 2013: Yeye Choi Dies from Exposure
During Trespasser’s rampage, Tendo Choi attempts to escape before realizing his grandfather is still at his home in Chinatown. He returns to the area and leads his grandfather from the building, but as they are attempting to get into a car, Kaiju Blue rains down onto Yeye Choi, unbeknownst to his grandson. The pair make it back to the docks and a ferry picks them up and takes them offshore, but Yeye Choi dies shortly after from exposure to Kaiju Blue.
February 5, 2014: Hundun Emerges from the Breach
The uncategorized Kaiju emerges from the Breach and heads toward Manila in the Philippines. It is the second Kaiju to attack humanity. Hundun has two eyes on each side of its head, along with two backwards facing prongs that appear like shovels, one on each side of the head. It has a crest on top of its head too. 
February 5, 2014: Hundun’s Rampage
The Kaiju approaches at night during a tropical storm, so the city isn’t prepared at all for its arrival. Upon making landfall in the Philippines, it heads straight toward Manila and begins destroying the metropolitan area. Eventually, when the Kaiju is just east of the city, officials drop a tactical nuke on it. In the aftermath, Manila is thoroughly contaminated by the Kaiju’s excrement.
February 8, 2014: The Kaiju Emergency Alert System is Established
To prevent widespread confusion and panic as was present in Hundun’s attack, the KEAS is established. The system allows civilians a period of time to escape the city if a Kaiju is due to make landfall.
June 1, 2014: Kaiceph Emerges from the Breach
Kaiceph is an uncategorized Kaiju and the third to attack humanity. It heads for Cabo San Lucas, in Mexico.
June 1, 2014: Kaiceph’s Rampage
The Kaiju makes landfall and begins destroying the city. Initially, military forces attempt to lure it to the edge of the city before detonating a tactical nuke, but Kaiceph doesn’t stray from its path. They are forced to detonate the bomb in the city, eliminating half of its inhabitable area. In the aftermath, Kaiceph’s remains are placed on an aircraft carrier. 
September 2, 2014: Scissure Emerges from the Breach
Scissure is an uncategorized Kaiju that emerges from the Breach and heads for Sydney, Australia. It has four limbs and loose, scaly skin. Its jaw is long and its mouth is a bioluminescent blue like most Kaiju. It has large and elongated ears that differentiate it from other Kaiju, as well as clawed fingers and wings stemming from its arms. 
September 2, 2014 - September 5, 2014: Scissure’s Rampage
Upon emerging, Scissure beelines for Sydney, Australia. While crossing an island, a nuke is dropped near the Kaiju, but it fails to kill Scissure. The Kaiju destroys a large part of Sydney before it is lured to Garigal National Park. Another nuke is dropped, and this one deals a killing blow, but half of Sydney is decimated as well. Hercules Hansen’s wife and Chuck Hansen’s mother, Angela Hansen, is killed in the attack although her exact cause of death is undetermined. 
September 15, 2014: Jasper Schoenfeld Proposes his Idea to the United Nations
According to Jasper Schoenfeld, he came up with the idea for Jaegers after watching his son play with a toy robot. He presents his ideas to the United Nations some time after the Scissure attack.
September 15, 2014 - November 9, 2014: The Jaeger Program is Approved
The United Nations gives the go-ahead to Jasper Schoenfeld and Caitlin Lightcap. They begin designing a prototype Jaeger, Brawler Yukon.
September 15, 2014 - December 1, 2014: The Pan Pacific Defense Corps (PPDC) is Formed
Shortly after Jasper Schoenfeld proposes his ideas, the United Nations forms the PPDC to act as their beneficiary. They funded Jasper Schoenfeld and Caitlin Lightcap’s research to create the first prototype Jaegers.
November 9, 2014: Construction for Brawler Yukon Begins
As proposed, Caitlin Lightcap and Jasper Schoenfeld begin to design and improve their ideas for a prototype Jaeger named Brawler Yukon.
November 9, 2014: The Pons Machine is Conceptualized
Caitlin Lightcap comes up with the first prototype for a Pons Machine. She later tests it on Stacker Pentecost.
December 1, 2014: The PPDC Proving Ground is Established
The Proving Ground is a Jaeger testing and construction facility on Kodiak Island in Alaska. 
January 30, 2015: Brawler Yukon is Demoed for the First Time
Constructed on Kodiak Island, Alaska, Brawler Yukon is the prototype for the Mark-1 series Jaegers. USAF Captain Adam Casey attempts to complete a neural handshake with the completed Jaeger; however, he is only able to make one of the fingers twitch before suffering from neural overload. As a result, Brawler Yukon crashes to the ground and Adam Casey undergoes a series of seizures. When he is recovered, it becomes quickly apparent the man is dead, and they are unable to determine whether he died as a result of the 200 foot fall or the seizures. Caitlin Lightcap becomes hesitant to attempt a second demo.
February 18, 2015: Brawler Yukon is Demoed for the Second Time
Sergio D'onofrio, a Lieutenant, attempts a drift with Brawler Yukon and is able to make the Jaeger prototype take a few steps before he launches into a series of seizures just like Adam Casey. Acting quickly, Caitlin Lightcap is able to connect her mind to his through an early version of the Pons Machine, reducing the load on D’onofrio’s mind. Thanks to Caitlin’s actions, the demo ends up being a success and D’onofrio survives the incident. The basis for a dual piloting system is established and the two are assigned to pilot Brawler Yukon officially.
February 18, 2015: The PPDC Formally Approves the Mark-1s and Construction  Begins
Because Caitlin Lightcap and Sergio D’onofrio successfully entered the first Drift through the Pons Machine, the PPDC approves the Mark-1s and gives the go-ahead for several Jaegers to be designed by Caitlin Lightcap and her partner, Jasper Schoenfeld. Supposedly, Hermann Gottlieb writes the codes for these machines. 
April 23, 2015: Karloff Emerges from the Breach
Karloff is the fifth Kaiju to attack humanity. It makes landfall in Vancouver, BC. Karloff is a notably thin Kaiju as opposed to its more heavily muscled brethren. It has a large, long head, with two sets of double eyes. Its skin is gray and leathery, with brown and red markings on its shoulders, back, fingers, and chin.
April 23, 2015: Brawler Yukon vs. Karloff
On April 23, 2015, weeks before the first line of battle-ready Jaegers are prepared for deployment, the Kaiju Karloff is detected on its way to Vancouver, BC. The PPDC decides to field test Brawler Yukon and deploys Caitlin Lightcap and Sergio D’onofrio to engage the beast in their prototype machine. Brawler Yukon is able to kill Karloff, showing the world that humanity is ready to fight back against the Kaiju. Karloff is the first Kaiju to enter a fight with and be slain by a Jaeger. Caitlin Lightcap and Sergio D’onofrio are the first Rangers to successfully pilot a Jaeger, as well as engage and kill a Kaiju in one.
April 23, 2015 - June 21, 2016: Brawler Yukon vs. Kame-san (a.k.a Thunderhead)
At an undetermined time, Brawler Yukon is deployed to fight the Kaiju Kame-san, who emerged from the Breach near the coastline of an undisclosed city. During the fight, Brawler Yukon must distract Kame-san from a Japanese submersible containing Kaori Koyamada and a team of PPDC officers as well as a US Submarine containing Duc Jessop and commanding officer Chowder. Brawler Yukon is knocked into a bridge and the structure is destabilized as a result. Acting quickly, Kaori Koyamada, Duc Jessop, and Chowder use the PPDC submersible and its lifeboats to stabilize a particularly damaged section of the bridge. Brawler Yukon eventually defeats Kame-san.
July 24, 2015: The PPDC Begins Hiring Pilots and the Jaeger Academy is Established
In preparation for the release of the Mark-1s, the PPDC begins looking for pilots. To prepare pilots for the hardships of piloting a Jaeger, the Academy is established. Notable people who entered the Jaeger Academy in 2015 include:
Hercules Hansen
Scott Hansen
The Wei Tang Brothers
Sasha and Aleksis Kaidonovsky
Hermann Gottlieb
November 5, 2015: The Hong Kong Shatterdome is Established
Before its conversion to a Shatterdome, the building is a wave-driven generator facility. Hong Kong’s Shatterdome is the first and largest of any that will be established. It is located on the Southern End of Tsing Yi Island overlooking Victoria Harbor. It goes on to harbor the Jaegers Horizon Brave, Shaolin Rouge, and Crimson Typhoon.
December 6, 2015: Tacit Ronin is Launched
The Mark-1 Japanese Jaeger is part of the first wave of machines constructed to combat the Kaiju. It is launched alongside Horizon Brave, Romeo Blue, and Coyote Tango. It is piloted by Duc Jessop and Kaori Koyamada (later Jessop). Tacit Ronin is designed for speed, agility, and evasive attacks. It has a Speed score of 8, a Strength score of 7, and an Armor score of 3. It stands at 244 feet (74.37 meters). It is equipped with fang-blades on each wrist, making it a close-combat Jaeger. There are various cannons on its torso, allowing Tacit Ronin to hit an enemy with immense firepower at a close range. On its back, Tacit Ronin has two propulsion jets that can be used to increase speed for a small amount of time. They likely operated similarly to the ones we see later on Gipsy Danger. Tacit Ronin is powered by a nuclear reactor.
December 15, 2015: Romeo Blue is Launched
Romeo Blue was constructed in Sitka, Alaska. It is the second Mark-1 American Jaeger after Brawler Yukon. Launched alongside Tacit Ronin, Horizon Brave, and Coyote Tango, Romeo Blue is piloted by the Gage twins, Bruce and Trevin.  Romeo Blue was designed for long range combat. It has a Speed score of 2, making it one of the slowest Jaegers ever produced. It has a Strength score of 7 and an Armor score of 6. Romeo Blue stands at 255 feet (77.72 meters). The Jaeger is equipped with a Gatling cannon, mounted in the chest. Also on the chest is a large fin that is designed to draw attacks away from and protect the Conn-Pod. Romeo Blue is powered by a nuclear reactor.
December 15, 2015 - December 30, 2015: Cherno Alpha is Launched
At an undetermined date in December of 2015, Cherno Alpha is launched. It is piloted by Sasha and Aleksis Kaidonovsky. The Jaeger is designed to withstand and deal extremely heavy hits. It is also remarkably durable so the machine can withstand prolonged patrols. It has a Speed score of 3, a Strength score of 10, and an Armor score of 10. Cherno Alpha stands at an astounding 280 feet (85.34 meters), tying it for the title of Tallest Mark-1 Jaeger with Coyote Tango. The Jaeger’s armament includes a pair of Incinerator Turbines that can shoot fire a moderate distance away. Within Z14 fists there are Tesla cells, allowing Cherno Alpha to pack a punch containing up to 415kv of electricity. As a result, Cherno Alpha’s “taunting” move of smashing its fists together also allows a maximum current in both its fists, giving them maximum discharge. Finally, within the Jaeger’s arms are numerous cylinders that increase the power of its attacks, called the “Roll of Nickels”. When landing blows while using this move, the ground around Cherno Alpha is said to shake from the impact. Cherno Alpha is powered by a nuclear core that has an immense reserve of incendiary fuel. This core is, unlike most Jaegers, located in the heavily armored head as a decoy for Kaijus searching for the Conn-Pod; meanwhile, Sasha and Aleksis Kaidonovsky reside in the safest part of their Jaeger: the immensely protected chest. There, the Conn-Pod takes almost no damage in most fights; however, there are no escape pods in Cherno Alpha because of the Conn-Pod’s placement, meaning Sasha and Aleksis must either fight and prevail or die trying.
December 15, 2015 - July 5, 2016: Victory Alpha is Launched
Victory Alpha is a Japanese Jaeger of either Mark-1 or Mark-2 classification. It is piloted by Kagiso and Itu. Victory Alpha is designed somewhat similarly to Tacit Ronin with a long and narrow frame. There are two ventilation ports on its shoulders. It has double-jointed arms with energy weapons underneath its wrists.
December 15, 2015 - August 22, 2018: Lucky Seven is Launched
Lucky Seven is an Australian Jaeger of unknown classification. It is piloted by Hercules and Scott Hansen.
December 22, 2015: Horizon Brave is Launched
Horizon Brave is a Mark-1 constructed on Kodiak Island in Australia, and it is the first Chinese Jaeger. It is piloted by Lo Hin Shen and Xichi Po. It has a Speed score of 8, a Strength score of 4, and an Armor score of 6. Horizon Brave is 238 feet (72.54 meters) tall. Horizon Brave mostly trades strength for speed and relies heavily on its armaments to fight. Notably, the Jaeger possesses shoulder-mounted cryo cannons that give the pilots the ability to slow, immobilize, or freeze enemies. The Jaegers fights are largely centered on these cryo cannons as demonstrated by its two moves, “Sub-Zero Suckerpunch” and “Flash freeze”. Horizon Brave is powered by a nuclear core. 
December 30, 2015: Coyote Tango is Launched
Coyote Tango is a Mark-1 Japanese Jaeger. It is the final Mark-1 launched, bringing the era to an end right around the turn of the year. It is piloted by Stacker Pentecost and Tamsin Sevier. It has a Speed score of 5, a Strength score of 7, and an Armor score of 4. Coyote Tango stands at 280 feet (85.34 meters), the same as Cherno Alpha. Coyote Tango is a moderately speedy Jaeger that fights mainly with evasive maneuvers and long range weapons. It is armed with twin long-range ballistic mortar cannons that use arching shots to catch Kaijus off guard. The Jaeger is also armed with an early prototype of Gipsy Danger’s Plasmacaster, the EnergyCaster. It has five levels of modulation, allowing for different energy output. Coyote Tango is powered by a nuclear core but has poor shielding against the radiation. According to its blueprints, Coyote Tango is able to be piloted solo; however, this doesn’t appear to be canon. On the other hand, this may have contributed to Stacker Pentecost’s later feats. 
January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016: Tendo Choi and Newton Geiszler Enter the Jaeger Academy
Newton Geiszler seeks to become a scientist working in the Jaeger Program, while Tendo Choi aims to become a J-Tech.
January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016: Eden Assassin is Launched
Eden Assassin is launched at an undetermined time in the year of 2016. It is a Mark-2 Russian Jaeger. Its abilities, appearance, and the identities of its pilots are unknown. 
January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016: Diablo Intercept is Launched
Diablo Intercept is launched at an undetermined time in the year of 2016. It is the first of the Mark-2 Jaegers to launch after the Mark-1 era ended in 2015. Diablo Intercept is a Chilean Jaeger. The identities of its pilots are unknown. The Jaeger is fairly stout, and its Conn-Pod is painted a crimson color meant to represent strength. One of its weapons is flamethrowers on each of its arms that are effective over impressive distances. Diablo Intercept is also armed with devices called Hellbolts, explosive rounds that use a napalm-like substance that catches fire. 
January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016: Puma Real is Launched
Puma Real is launched at an undetermined time in the year of 2016. It is a Mark-2 Panamanian Jaeger. The identities of its pilots are unknown. Puma Real is a lithely designed Jaeger that follows a set design template for Mark-2s. It is armed with missile launchers that could fire eight projectiles, an early version of the Anti-Kaiju missiles that would later be used by Striker Eureka. It also has retractable arms and two retractable claws, as well as a waist that can rotate three-hundred sixty degrees. 
January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016: Solar Prophet is Launched
Solar Prophet is launched at an undetermined time in the year of 2016. It is a Mark-2 Peruvian Jaeger. Solar Prophet is the second Mark-2 released after Diablo Intercept. The identities of its pilots are unknown. According to Pacific Rim: Breach Wars, Solar Prophet is a slim Jaeger. Its armor is mainly black, however, a yellow glow emits from many of the Jaeger’s joints. It can seemingly wield a melee weapon like a club, staff, or javelin. The weapon’s color scheme is black and yellow, just like the Jaeger.
January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016: Reckoner Emerges from the Breach
Reckoner is an uncategorized Kaiju that emerges from the Breach and attacks Hong Kong at an undetermined time in 2016.
January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016: Cherno Alpha and Horizon Brave vs. Reckoner
Reckoner begins its attack on a power plant by the waterfront in Hong Kong. During the battle, Reckoner incapacitates Cherno Alpha, leaving Horizon Brave to fight alone. Eventually, Horizon Brave manages to finish the Kaiju off by throwing it into a nearby power plant. This fight becomes known as "The Blackout Knockout". After this battle, Reckoner's remains will become the Hong Kong bone slums in which Hannibal Chau operates.
January 1, 2016 - January 1, 2025: Ceptid Emerges from the Breach
At an undetermined time in the Kaiju War, an uncategorized Kaiju named Ceptid emerges from the Breach and heads toward Guayaquil, Ecuador. 
January 1, 2016 - January 1, 2025: Romeo Blue, Diablo Intercept, and Puma Real vs. Ceptid
The three Jaegers are deployed to the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador, before Ceptid is able to make landfall. Diablo Intercept is positioned to attack the Kaiju from the North, Puma Real is positioned to attack in the South, and Romeo Blue is stationed offshore as a last line of defense before Ceptid reaches Guayaquil. Despite the efforts of all three teams, Ceptid slips past them into the city and kills itself. A toxic gas escapes its corpse and the civilians quickly discover that the gas is deadly. Twenty-thousand people are killed because of direct exposure, and an additional fifteen-thousand are doomed to a long and slow death due to long term effects. 
January 1, 2016 - January 1, 2025: Diablo Intercept’s Destruction
At an undetermined time during the Kaiju War, Diablo Intercept enters battle with an uncategorized and unnamed Kaiju and is destroyed. The fate of its pilots is unknown.
January 1, 2016 - January 1, 2025: Puma Real’s Destruction
At an undetermined time during the Kaiju War, Puma Real enters battle with an uncategorized and unnamed Kaiju and is destroyed. The fate of its pilots is unknown.
January 1, 2016 - January 1, 2025: Solar Prophet’s Destruction
At an undetermined time during the Kaiju War, Solar Prophet enters battle with an uncategorized and unnamed Kaiju and is destroyed. The fate of its pilots is unknown. 
May 15, 2016: Onibaba Emerges from the Breach
Onibaba is a Category II Kaiju. It is shorter than other Kaiju but larger in terms of width. This Kaiju possesses four large legs along with two thick claws said to able to crush over 50,000 pounds per square inch. Two arm-like appendages reside in the Kaiju's thorax. Onibaba also possesses a high crest above its head that can withstand heavy damage. Onibaba is rather passive and actively avoids combat with an enemy unless provoked.
May 15, 2016: Coyote Tango vs. Onibaba
Coyote Tango, piloted by Tamsin Sevier and Stacker Pentecost, is deployed to fight Onibaba in Tokyo, Japan, alongside the military. Early on in the battle, Tamsin passes out, leaving Stacker to pilot the Jaeger alone for more than three hours. Eventually, he defeats Onibaba, unintentionally saving a young Mako Mori.
May 15, 2016: Stacker Pentecost and Tamsin Sevier are Removed from Active Duty
Because Mark-1s lack the necessary radiation shielding, both Tamsin Sevier and Stacker Pentecost suffer from radiation exposure, leading to a cancer diagnosis. They are removed from active duty.
May 15, 2016: Coyote Tango is Removed from Active Duty
To prevent later pilots from suffering the same fate as Stacker Pentecost and Tamsin Sevier, Coyote Tango is removed from duty. Technicians and engineers work to strengthen the radiation shielding and make general improvements. Additionally, Coyote Tango is immensely damaged during the Onibaba fight, so it also undergoes general repairs. 
May 15, 2016 - June 21, 2016: Stacker Pentecost Adopts Mako Mori
The two encounter each other again at some point after the battle, and Stacker Pentecost decides to adopt her as he feels some sort of kinship with her. 
May 17, 2016: The PPDC Reaches an Agreement for the Construction of a Shatterdome in Lima, Peru
The Lima Shatterdome would be the first to open in both the Western and Southern Hemisphere. 
June 21, 2016: Itak Emerges from the Breach
Itak is an uncategorized Kaiju that emerges from the Breach and heads toward Tokyo Bay. It has six arms, four of which have curved blades. There are three eyes on each side of its face. Its body is broad at the top and narrow at the bottom. Itak emits a bioluminescent glow from its mouth, the muscles of its neck, and inside the cavity within its chest. Its upper body is a skeletal frame and its skin is black. On its head is a single narrow horn that is spear-like and curves upward.  
June 21, 2016: Tacit Ronin and Coyote Tango vs. Itak
Tacit Ronin is deployed in response to Itak entering Tokyo Bay, but Itak attacks it upon landing. The Kaiju manages to damage Tacit Ronin’s nuclear reactor as well as the shielding protecting the Conn-Pod and, by extension, the pilots within. The pilots, Duc and Kaori Koyamada, manage to fight Itak off momentarily, but it returns and rams the Jaeger once again, rendering both pilots unconscious. Luckily, Itak hesitates just long enough that Kaori and Duc recover their senses and use one of Tacit Ronin’s fang-blades to slice through the Kaiju’s chest, driving it back; however, the victory is short-lived as Itak grabs and destroys Tacit Ronin’s right arm. Then, while the pilots are still reeling, the Kaiju damages the frontal armor with its claws and begins tearing the armor apart. Itak attempts to drown the Jaeger, and Duc and Kaori respond by slicing the beast’s chest open while being overwhelmed by the radiation leaking into their Conn-Pod. Enraged, Itak attempts to deal a killing blow as both of Tacit Ronin’s pilots black out, but it is interrupted by the arrival of Coyote Tango, which is under the command of unnamed pilots and retains damage from its previous battle. Coyote Tango manages to draw Itak’s attention for some time but the Jaeger is inevitably thrown aside. Fortunately, they bought Tacit Ronin enough time to charge the Kaiju and deal a killing blow by cutting the monster clean in half. 
June 21, 2016: Kaori and Duc Jessop are Retired from Active Duty
Following the Itak fight, Kaori and Duc Jessop are hospitalized with serious injuries. Upon waking up some time later, the pair are informed the neural damage they sustained in the fight was too much and they will never be able to pilot a Jaeger again without suffering from neural overload and dying. 
June 21, 2016: Coyote Tango is Rendered Inoperable
According to Mako Mori, the Pons System in the Mark-1 is fried beyond salvation in the fight with Itak, putting it firmly out of commission for at least a few weeks. 
June 21, 2016: Raleigh and Yancy Becket Enlist in the Jaeger Academy
The brothers enter together in hopes of piloting together. 
June 21, 2016 - January 1, 2025: Brawler Yukon’s Destruction
At an undetermined point during the Kaiju War, Brawler Yukon enters battle with an uncategorized and unnamed Kaiju and is destroyed. Caitlin Lightcap survives the battle and goes on to continue researching the effects of the Drift on Rangers. Sergio D’onofrio’s fate is unknown, but he likely survives the encounter as well. 
July 5, 2016: Ragnarok Emerges from the Breach
Ragnarok is a towering Kaiju with dull beige skin, and a lean figure composed largely of muscle and no fat. Its arms are long and club-like, and it has the apparent ability to grow extra limbs in addition to its original four. Ragnarok's face is gaunt and skeletal-esque, its jaw long and narrow and only has two sets of frontal teeth. Atop its head are four hair-like tentacles with no apparent special ability, and within its mouth is an orange, bioluminescent glow that extends to its eyes.
July 5, 2016: Tacit Ronin and Victory Alpha vs. Ragnarok
Ragnarok’s appearance is foreshadowed by a serious earthquake that can be felt throughout much of Tokyo. Because Coyote Tango is inoperable and Tacit Ronin is still being repaired, Marshal Hikai deploys the Shatterdome’s third and final Jaeger, Victory Alpha. Upon being dropped, Ragnarok ambushes Victory Alpha, but the Jaeger manages to push the Kaiju away and attack it with one of their energy weapons. Victory Alpha manages to grapple Ragnarok from behind briefly, but the Kaiju breaks free and launches itself on top of the Jaeger, forcing it underwater. In preparation to deal the finishing blow, Ragnarok sprouts an additional two arms before bringing them down on the submerged Victory Alpha. The Jaeger’s pilots, Kagiso and Itu, eject into the water, but the Jaeger is utterly destroyed. Because Coyote Tango is inoperable, Kaori and Duc Jessop volunteer to fight Ragnarok off while Marshal Hikai requests immediate backup from other Shatterdomes. The couple are deployed in Tacit Ronin, which is still damaged. Kaori and Duc manage to land a slash on Ragnarok before being beaten backward in a quick assault, which they end with a second slash to Ragnarok’s back. The Kaiju forces Tacit Ronin underwater in an attempt to end it, but the Jaeger uses a fang-blade to impale Ragnarok and surfacing again. Finally, they stab it a second time and drag the blade upward, splitting the Kaiju in half. 
July 5, 2016: Kaori and Duc Jessop Die
As they were warned by the doctors before entering battle, the neural handshake while in a Jaeger proves to be too much for the couple, and they die of neural overload shortly after facing Ragnarok. Afterward, a team of unidentified pilots takes Kaori and Duc’s places in Tacit Ronin. 
July 5, 2016: Victory Alpha’s Destruction
In the battle against Ragnarok, Victory Alpha is ripped to pieces. While its pilots, Kagiso and Itu survive, the Jaeger is unsalvageable.
July 5, 2016 - January 1, 2025: Tacit Ronin’s Destruction
At an undetermined time after Kaori and Duc Jessop’s Death, Tacit Ronin is repaired and remains active in the Kaiju War. Later on in the war, the Jaeger and its pilots enter battle with an unnamed and uncategorized Kaiju. Tacit Ronin is cut in half in the course of the battle and its pilots are likely killed. The Jaeger’s remains are transported to Oblivion Bay.
August 9, 2016: The Lima Shatterdome is Established
It goes on to house the Jaegers Diablo Intercept, Solar Prophet, and Matador Fury.
November 23, 2016: The Anchorage Shatterdome is Established
It is later nicknamed “The Icebox”. It goes on to house the Jaegers Brawler Yukon, Chrome Brutus, and Gipsy Danger. 
December 4, 2106: The Vladivostok Shatterdome is Established
It is located in the Southern tip of Golden Horn Bay where the Russian Pacific Fleet was once based. It works closely with Tokyo’s Strike Group to contain and defend the Russian sector. It goes on to house the Jaegers Cherno Alpha, Eden Assassin, and Nova Hyperion. 
December 15, 2016: The Tokyo Shatterdome is Established
The Tokyo Shatterdome acts as the first point of contact for Kaiju that are westbound from the Breach since it covers the coast of Honshu and Hokkaido. It works closely with the Vladivostok Strike Group. It goes on to house the Jaegers Coyote Tango, Tacit Ronin, and Echo Saber. 
January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017: Hermann Gottlieb and Newton Geiszler Meet
They do not like each other.
January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017: Shaolin Rouge is Launched
Launched at an undetermined time during the year of 2017, Shaolin Rouge is a Mark-3 Chinese Jaeger. The identities of its pilots are unknown. Shaolin Rouge is designed to excel in underwater travel and combat compared to its fellow Jaegers. It has Hydrorepulsers on its back, as well as the ability to travel both horizontally and vertically in water for versatility. The Conn-Pod has a large reserve of oxygen that allows pilots to survive underwater for much longer periods of time. Additionally, the Jaeger can perform electrolysis with the surrounding seawater to slow the loss of oxygen or provide an emergency supply if necessary. To maintain orientation underwater, Shaolin Rouge has a ballast system and gas cells. As for armaments, the Jaeger mainly fights with the assistance of the Meteor Chain, a one-hundred sixty foot chain made of titanium alloy that rests on its right arm. This chain can function both above and underwater, so Shaolin Rouge can still fight reasonably well on land. There is an enhanced sonar system in the Jaeger as well, allowing pilots to track Kaiju in deep ocean conditions where other Mark-2s may fail. This sonar system can track up to two-hundred feet deep. In its left arm, Shaolin Rouge has a carbide lance that is strong enough to pierce a Kaiju’s armor and hide. Finally, the Jaeger has two magnesium laced warheads named “Shooting Stars”. In necessary situations, Shaolin Rouge can also use explosive bolts in its arm to detach damage and compromised limbs to reduce weight.
January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017: Vulcan Specter is Launched
Launched at an undetermined time during the year of 2017, Vulcan Specter is a Mark-3 Australian Jaeger. It is piloted by Joshua Griffin and Tyler Zachary. Vulcan Specter is designed for and excels in close combat. On its arm rests a mounted fuel propulsed drill capable of destroying a Kaiju’s armor and skin as well as inflicting immense damage. Also on its arm is a powerful cannon, allowing Vulcan Specter to continue its assault from medium-to-long distances. There is a stronger cannon in the Jaeger’s chest. 
January 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017: Chrome Brutus is Launched
Launched at an undetermined time during the year of 2017, Chrome Brutus is a Mark-3 Canadian Jaeger. It is piloted by cousins Ilisapie Flint and Zeke Amarok, both of Inuit descent.
January 1, 2017 - January 1, 2025: Chrome Brutus is Destroyed
At an undetermined time during the Kaiju War, Chrome Brutus enters battle with an unnamed and uncategorized Kaiju and is destroyed. The pilots likely died during or shortly after the battle.
January 1, 2017 - January 1, 2025: Death of Ilisapie Flint and Zeke Amarok
Their exact cause of death is unknown, but the pair likely falls in battle with their Jaeger; however, they are confirmed dead by January 1, 2025, according to Stacker Pentecost. 
May 1, 2017 - May 31, 2017: Coyote Tango Returns to Active Duty
After around a year of repairs, Coyote Tango likely returns to active duty in May. Since Stacker Pentecost and Tamsin Sevier can no longer pilot, the Jaeger is assigned a new team. The Tunari brothers, Gunnar and Vic, are assigned to Coyote Tango.
May 25, 2017: The Sydney Shatterdome is Established
Sydney’s Shatterdome is constructed in a relatively isolated location, but it also has the widest deployment radius in the PPDC. It goes on to house the Jaegers Vulcan Specter, Echo Saber, and Striker Eureka. 
July 10, 2017: Gipsy Danger is Launched
Launched on July 10, 2017, Gipsy Danger is a Mark-3 American Jaeger. It is piloted by the Becket brothers, Yancy and Raleigh. Gipsy Danger is largely designed for close combat since its fighting style generally mimics that of a street fighter or a brawler. It has a Speed score of 7, a Strength score of 8, and an Armor score of 6. It stands at 260 feet (79.25 meters) tall. Gipsy is a dark blue Jaeger meant to mimic the appearance of World War II fighter jets. There are large flaps on the back of its head and the base of its neck where the Jaeger’s head connects to the body that are meant to defend the Conn-Pod. Gipsy Danger has a wide array of features. The insides are maintained by a circulatory coolant system and various seawater channels that maintain temperature. It has Hyper-Torque Drives that enable it increased locomotion compared to some of its fellow Jaegers. Gipsy Danger also possesses a Nuclear Vortex Turbine that periodically runs health checks and radio chemical readings; the Nuclear Vortex Turbine also doubles as a weapon, since it can release extremely powerful blasts of fire at close range. If Gipsy Danger is within immediate distance of a Kaiju when the Nuclear Vortex Turbine is activated, the fire can burn completely through the hide of a Kaiju. On the soles of its feet, the Jaeger is equipped with Gyro-Stabilizers that equalize motion and allow for smoother bipedal motion. Additionally, the Gyro-Stabilizers provide a significant amount of grip so that Gipsy Danger doesn’t slide backwards when in aggressive motion against a Kaiju or an outside force. If it needs a quick burst of movement, the Jaeger can use its two rear jets for increased movement speed in the required direction. These jets allow Gipsy Danger to leap with enhanced height and launch itself at enemies. As for its armaments, Gipsy Danger possesses an I-19 Plasmacaster on each hand. This weapon is a particle dispersal cannon that fires plasma with the aid of a charged carrier rail, and it can simultaneously wound and cauterize Kaiju anatomy, preventing the spread of Kaiju Blue. Coolant can be released from the system in a concentrated blast to freeze or immobilize enemies momentarily. On its right elbow, Gipsy Danger also possesses an elbow rocket used to increase the speed and power behind a punch. Like all Jaegers up to and in the Mark-3 series, Gipsy Danger is powered by a nuclear reactor in the center of its chest. While this isn’t the intended purpose, a nuclear reactor coincidentally makes Gipsy Danger immune to EMP attacks. In the novelization, Gipsy Danger also possesses a gauntlet-fixed S-11 Pulse Launcher that releases an orb of dark matter when activated. These orbs can disrupt the molecular structure of Kaiju biology when they make contact. Finally, Gipsy Danger possesses the ability to self-destruct as a last resort against strong opponents. 
July 11, 2017: The Los Angeles Shatterdome is Established
The Los Angeles Shatterdome covers the enormous gap between Canada and Central America. It is located directly outside the city, near the Naval Base Ventura County. This Shatterdome is integral to the construction of the Anti-Kaiju Wall in Long Beach in later years. It goes on to house the Jaegers Romeo Blue and Mammoth Apostle.
September 14, 2017: Matador Fury is Launched
A Mark-3 Mexican Jaeger piloted by an unidentified male team. They are both convicts, but not criminals.
September 14, 2017 - January 1, 2025: Matador Fury’s Destruction
At an undetermined time during the Kaiju War, Matador Fury is destroyed while fighting an unnamed and uncategorized Kaiju. Its remains are moved to Oblivion Bay.
September 14, 2017 - January 1, 2025: Death of Matador Fury’s Pilots
There is no known date or cause of death for Matador Fury’s pilots, but they likely fall in battle with their Jaeger. They are confirmed dead by January 1, 2025, according to Stacker Pentecost.
October 17, 2017: Yamarashi Emerges from the Breach
Yamarashi, a Category III Kaiju, emerges from the Breach and heads toward Los Angeles, California. At the time of its appearance, Yamarashi is the largest Category III Kaiju ever recorded. It is a flat nosed Kaiju with a wide mouth and jagged rows of teeth akin to that of a shark. Situated behind its head is a crest of spiky bones that resemble lotus petals.
October 17, 2017: Gipsy Danger and Unknown Jaeger vs. Yamarashi
Yamarashi makes landfall on the Long Beach Waterfront and destroys a luxury cruise liner. It proceeds along Long Beach before making its way into the city and smashing through the Queenways Bridge. Then, it heads for Terminal Island. Gipsy Danger and another Jaeger of unknown identity are deployed into the mouth of the Los Angeles River to stop Yamarashi’s rampage through the city. The unknown Jaeger attempts a missile barrage, but the Kaiju’s hide is too thick and the missiles bounce off Yamarashi as a result. Gipsy Danger moves in as a response once Yancy and Raleigh Becket realize the fight has shifted into their hands. The brothers manage to drive the Kaiju back through the port of Long Beach toward the Harbor Freeway. Eventually, Gipsy Danger gains the upper hand and grabs the wire off a cargo crane before using it to behead Yamarashi. Kaiju Blue spills from Yamarashi’s corpse onto Gipsy Danger and nearly dissolves the Conn-Pod before Yancy and Raleigh Becket make it to the bay and wash it off. After the battle, bulldozers gradually remove the corpse from the city by dumping it into the channels, but the Kaiju’s head goes on to be used by a cult of Kaiju worshippers. 
November 19, 2017: The Panama City Shatterdome is Established
The Panama City Shatterdome is essential to the global shipping hub that is the Panama Canal. It goes on to house the Jaegers Puma Real and Hydra Corinthian.
January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018: Hydra Corinthian is Launched
Launched at an undetermined time during the year of 2018, Hydra Corinthian is a Mark-4 American Jaeger. It is piloted by Kennedy LaRue and Stephanie Lanphier.
January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018: Mammoth Apostle is Launched
Launched at an undetermined time during the year of 2018, Mammoth Apostle is a Mark-4 American Jaeger. The identities of its pilots are unknown. 
January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018: Nova Hyperion is Launched
Launched at an undetermined time during the year of 2018, Mammoth Apostle is a Mark-4 Korean Jaeger. It is piloted by Pang So-Yi and An Yuna.
January 1, 2018 - December 31, 2018: Echo Saber is Launched
Launched at an undetermined time during the year of 2018, Echo Saber is a Mark-4 Australian Jaeger. The identities of its pilots are unknown. 
January 1, 2018 - January 1, 2025: Nova Hyperion’s Destruction
At an undetermined date during the Kaiju War, Nova Hyperion enters battle with an unnamed and uncategorized Kaiju and is destroyed. The fate of its pilots, Pang So-Yi and An Yuna, is unknown. 
January 1, 2018 - January 1, 2025: Echo Saber’s Destruction
At an undetermined date during the Kaiju War, Echo Saber enters battle with an unnamed and uncategorized Kaiju and is destroyed. The fate of its pilots is unknown. 
May 20, 2018: PSJ-18 Emerges from the Breach
An uncategorized Kaiju emerges from the Breach and heads toward Puerto San Jose.
May 20, 2018: Gipsy Danger vs. PSJ-18
Gipsy Dangers intercepts and kills PSJ-18.
August 22, 2018: Crimson Typhoon is Launched
A Mark-4 Chinese Jaeger, Crimson Typhoon is an extremely unique machine. Unlike other Jaegers, piloted by two people, Crimson Typhoon is run by Cheung Wei, Jin Wei, and Hu Wei, identical triplets. It has a Speed score of 9, a Strength score of 8, and an Armor score of 6. The Jaeger stands at 250 feet (76.2 meters) tall. Crimson Typhoon has a specially designed Conn-Pod for its three pilots, designed and produced with the aid of Caitlin Lightcap. It expands the normal dual neural handshake to allow the inclusion of a third individual. Two pilots act as the basic movement and the third acts as a gunner. The Jaeger itself has a full titanium core and fifty diesel engines per muscle strand. Its shoulders are broad and work as shields to protect the rest of the body. Like several other Jaegers, Crimson Typhoon has rear jets that allow for quick bursts of movement during battle that can operate independently from one another and allow the pilots to close the distance for melee attacks. The Jaeger is equipped with shock absorbers that allow it to adapt to numerous terrains. It's also extremely flexible in areas like the neck, which isn’t the case for many of the Jaegers. Crimson Typhoon’s torso and legs can rotate a full one-hundred eighty degrees and it can perform high kicks and flips. The Conn-Pod itself acts as a telescope, increasing visibility in battle. As for its armament, Crimson Typhoon wields a Plasmacaster similar to Gipsy Danger’s and its hands can turn into incredibly sharp saw blades that are devastating to Kaiju’s skin. 
November 26, 2018: Raythe Emerges from the Breach
An uncategorized Kaiju that emerges in the area of the Okhotsk Sea.
November 26, 2018: Cherno Alpha vs. Raythe
Raythe emerges from the Breach in the Okhotsk Sea area and heads for one of the five significant sea ports nearby, but Cherno Alpha intercepts and kills it before it makes landfall.
April 12, 2019: OS-19 Emerges from the Breach
An uncategorized Kaiju emerges from the Breach and heads for Osaka, Japan.
April 12, 2019: Cherno Alpha and Crimson Typhoon vs. OS-19
The two jaegers presumably respond before OS-19 makes landfall in Osaka, Japan, killing it.
August 14, 2019: Chuck Hansen Enrolls in the Jaeger Academy
Upon turning sixteen, Chuck Hansen enrolls in the six-month Jaeger Academy program. 
September 22, 2019: Clawhook Emerges from the Breach
The uncategorized Kaiju emerges from the Breach and heads toward San Diego.
September 22, 2019: Gipsy Danger vs. Clawhook
After Clawhook makes landfall and begins a rampage, Gipsy Danger is deployed. Gipsy wins the battle with relative ease, killing Clawhook.
November 2, 2019: Striker Eureka is Launched
Launched in 2019, the Australian Mark-5 is the first and last of its kind. While it will later be piloted by Chuck and Hercules Hansen, the latter is still assigned to Lucky Seven when Striker Eureka is released, making the identities of its pilots upon launch unknown. Supposedly, the PPDC sunk at least $100 billion into Striker Eureka’s production. It has a Strength score of 10, a Speed score of 10, and an Armor score of 9, making it the strongest and most well-rounded of any of the Jaegers. It stands at 250 feet (76.2 meters) tall. Striker Eureka has a fighting style not unlike Gipsy Danger’s, based off of a brawler or a boxer; however, most of this style seems to carry over because of its pilots, Chuck and Herc. Its uncanny speed and agility make it a speedy killer, and Striker Eureka often ends it fights quickly. On the back of Striker Eureka, a pair of T-16 Angel Wings allow quick movement while maintaining balance. Striker Eureka possesses one of, if not the, largest armaments of any Jaeger. On each of its fingers, a temperature-resistant brass-steel compound is molded around the joints to form its 4.211 “Brass Knuckles”. Behind these knuckles are retractable Assault Mount 3.25 “Sting-Blades” that are laced with carbon nanotubes capable of channeling thermal energy at temperatures over 300 degrees Fahrenheit. These blades can both wound a Kaiju and cauterize it, preventing an unnecessary spread of Kaiju Blue. In Striker Eureka’s chest is a six-barreled WMB2x90 Anti-Kaiju Missile launcher as well as eighteen K-Stunner warheads that are easily capable of killing a Kaiju, thanks to Newton Geiszler’s research into Kaiju biology. There is a TY escape pod in the back of its Conn-Pod, giving its pilots the chance to eject, and there is an escape hatch on the top of its head. Striker Eureka’s visor is equipped with advanced photochromic displays, giving them several plans of situational awareness in any given battle.
December 16, 2019: MN-19 Emerges from the Breach
The Category IV emerges from the Breach and heads toward Manila. It uses its sharp, barbed tail to deal heavy damage.
December 16, 2019: Horizon Brave, Gipsy Danger, and Lucky Seven vs. MN-19
MN-19 heads directly for Manila upon emerging, necessitating a three-Jaeger drop. Horizon Brave, Gipsy Danger, and an unknown Australian Jaeger (presumably Lucky Seven) are deployed. During the fight, Horizon Brave is overpowered by MN-19′s barbed tail and the other two Jaegers are forced to intervene. Gipsy Danger deals the killing blow.
December 16, 2019 - February 14, 2020: Scott Hansen is Dismissed from the PPDC
At an undetermined time, Hercules Hansen and Scott Hansen enter battle in Lucky Seven; however, while in the Drift, Hercules sees something incriminating that nearly throws the brothers out of alignment. After the fight he presents his findings to his higher-ups and Scott Hansen is dishonorably discharged from the PPDC.
February 14, 2020: Chuck Hansen Graduates from the Jaeger Academy
After spending six months in attendance, he is assigned to Striker Eureka immediately after graduation alongside his father.
February 14, 2020: Hercules Hansen is Assigned to Striker Eureka Alongside Chuck Hansen
Following Scott Hansen’s dismissal from the program, the PPDC sees it fit to reassign Hercules to Striker Eureka alongside his son Chuck, who has just graduated from the Jaeger Academy.
December 16, 2019 - January 1, 2025: Horizon Brave’s Destruction and Death of Lo Hin Shen and Xichi Po
At an undetermined date during the Kaiju War, Horizon Brave is destroyed while fighting an unnamed and uncategorized Kaiju in Lima, Peru. Pilots Lo Hin Shen and Xichi Po are killed in the battle. Soon after, the remains of Horizon Brave are shipped off to Oblivion Bay.
January 1, 2021 - February 29, 2020: Tendo Choi Meets Alison
At an unknown date, Tendo Choi meets and becomes infatuated with Alison, who works in munitions at the Anchorage Shatterdome. Later, when asked about Alison by Yancy and Raleigh Becket, Tendo reveals the two went on a date, much to the displeasure of Alison’s significant other. Eventually, they get married and have a child.
January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020: The Anti-Kaiju Wall is Conceptualized and Construction Begins
At some point in the year 2020, the idea of the Anti-Kaiju Wall is born. Construction begins quickly after it is approved by the United Nations. Some of the funding is redirected from the Jaeger Program.
January 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020: Hermann Gottlieb and Newton Geiszler are Assigned to the Hong Kong Shatterdome
The two are tasked with investigating the Kaiju and their weaknesses, as well as the way they operate. 
February 29, 2020: Knifehead Emerges from the Breach
A Category III Kaiju that emerges from the Breach and heads toward Anchorage, Alaska. At the time, Knifehead breaks the record for the largest Category III, beating Yamarashi. The Kaiju somewhat resembles a goblin shark. It has shell-like armor and is heavily built. Its head is broad at the base and narrow at the tip and resembles a knife, as the name suggests. Knifehead has four arms, two large and two small, as well as incredibly long and sharp claws. It also has a tail. There are bright yellow lines on its dark gray body. Knifehead also has blue bioluminescent qualities like most of its brethren.
February 29, 2020: Romeo Blue vs. Knifehead
Romeo Blue is deployed to hold the ten-mile line off of Anchorage and attempt to intercept the Kaiju Knifehead; however, Knifehead manages to slip past Romeo Blue and continue toward the city of Anchorage.
February 29, 2020: Gipsy Danger vs. Knifehead
Gipsy Danger is deployed to protect the Miracle Mile of Anchorage, Alaska. Stacker Pentecost orders Raleigh and Yancy to hold the line, but they disobey him in order to save a civilian vessel, the Saltchuck. Knifehead approaches the fishing vessel, and Raleigh and Yancy arrive just in time to save the ship. Gipsy moves the Saltchuck out of Knifehead’s path just in time, since Knifehead attempts to claw both Gipsy Danger and the Saltchuck down. Instead of landing a critical blow, the Kaiju’s claws only glance off the armor on Gipsy Danger’s back. Raleigh and Yancy set the Saltchuck down in the ocean and then turn to face Knifehead again. This movement is just in time, since the Kaiju lunges again, and Gipsy Danger’s right arm manages to intercept the attack. The brothers throw a follow-up punch and then slam the Kaiju’s head into the ocean with both fists. Knifehead claws Gipsy’s left arm, and Raleigh holds the Kaiju in place as Yancy fires up the Plasmacaster. They shoot the Kaiju three times in the chest, sending it flying backward into the ocean. Assuming the Kaiju is dead, Yancy and Raleigh contact LOCCENT and are drawn into a brief conversation with Marshall Stacker Pentecost; however, soon after Tendo Choi notices there is still a heavy Kaiju signature and LOCCENT warns the Becket brothers that Knifehead is still alive. The Kaiju emerges from the water and Gipsy Danger barely reacts in time to prevent Knifehead from biting its head off. Raleigh attempts to activate the Plasmacaster, but Knifehead swats Gipsy Danger’s left arm away and impales the Jaeger’s chest with its nose. Gipsy Danger’s arm is destroyed and it falls into the ocean. The Kaiju claws Gipsy Danger’s head, breaching the Conn-Pod. When Yancy attempts to say something to Raleigh, the rest of Knifehead’s claw breaches the Conn-Pod and Yancy Becket is killed. Raleigh is shocked by the Jaeger as it attempts to reroute the neural connection to account for the loss of the right hemisphere. Still shaken, he has no time to react when Knifehead lunges again, this time impaling Gipsy Danger’s chest and severely damaging it. Raleigh activates the right arm’s Plasmacaster as Knifehead rips the Jaeger’s armor away. He aims straight for Knifehead’s chest, dealing a killing blow. In the aftermath, Raleigh pilots Gipsy Danger back to the shore alone. 
February 29, 2020 - April 29, 2020: Raleigh Becket Departs from the PPDC
Shortly after the death of his brother and the loss of his Jaeger, Raleigh Becket resigns from his position as a Ranger. He goes on to live out of sight for the next five years, until Stacker Pentecost finds him working on the Anti-Kaiju Wall. Presumably, he spends the majority of these five years doing construction. 
February 29, 2020 - January 1, 2025: Romeo Blue’s Destruction and Death of Bruce and Trevin Gage
At an undetermined time in the Kaiju War, a Kaiju makes landfall and heads toward Seattle. Romeo Blue is deployed to kill it and prevent further destruction of the city. During the fight, the Kaiju tears off one of Romeo Blue’s arms and smashes through the Conn-Pod, killing Bruce and Trevin Gage. After the battle, the remains of Romeo Blue are transported to the PPDC Scrapyard (novelization)/Oblivion Bay (movie).
May 25, 2020: HC-20 Emerges from the Breach
An uncategorized Kaiju emerges from the Breach and heads toward Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
May 25, 2020: Cherno Alpha, Crimson Typhoon, and Striker Eureka vs. HC-20
The three Jaegers respond to the uncategorized Kaiju on its way to Ho Chi Minh and kill it.
November 10, 2020: Atticon Emerges from the Breach
The uncategorized Kaiju emerges from the Breach and heads toward Seoul, South Korea.
November 10, 2020: Cherno Alpha vs. Atticon
Atticon makes landfall in Seoul, South Korea, the same day it emerges from the Breach. There, Cherno Alpha kills it.
January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021: Mako Mori Enlists in the Jaeger Academy
Seeking to become a pilot in order to get revenge for her family, Mako Mori enlists in the Jaeger Academy.
January 10, 2021: Hidoi Emerges from the Breach
An uncategorized Kaiju that emerges from the Breach and heads toward Bangkok, Thailand. 
January 10, 2021: Crimson Typhoon vs. Hidoi
Crimson Typhoon intercepts Hidoi in Bangkok, Thailand, and kills it.
October 9, 2021: Ceramander Emerges from the Breach
Ceramander is an uncategorized Kaiju that attacked Hawaii on October 9, 2021.
October 9, 2021: Striker Eureka and Coyote Tango vs. Ceramander
After Ceramander emerges from the Breach, Striker Eureka and Coyote Tango are deployed. As Ceramander is attacking Hawaii, the two Jaegers arrive and quickly kill the Kaiju.
December 12, 2021: FauxFace Emerges from the Breach
The uncategorized Kaiju emerges from the Breach and attacks the city of Santiago, Chile.
December 12, 2021: Vulcan Specter Emerges from the Breach
After FauxFace attacks Santiago, Chile, Vulcan Specter is deployed to prevent further damage. They kill the Kaiju.
January 31, 2022: Spinejackal Emerges from the Breach
Spinejackal is a Category IV. It is a tall, gray-skinned Kaiju with bioluminescent traces emitting from its mouth and eyes. On the back of its head and back are multiple barbed protrusions running down toward its tail. It possesses a jaw with mandibles and walks upright. It possesses panoramic vision from the abundance of eyes around the head enabling it to see front, sides, and back all at once.
January 31, 2022: Striker Eureka and Vulcan Specter vs. Spinejackal
Some parts of canon say Striker Eureka completed a solo kill on Spinejackal before it made landfall in Melbourne. Others say Spinejackal attacks the Sydney Opera House and evades several of Striker Eureka and Vulcan Specter's attacks before Striker Eureka manages to cut its head in half with a windmill blade.
July 24, 2022: Taurax Emerges from the Breach
An uncategorized Kaiju emerges from the Breach and heads toward Mindanao, an island in the Philippines. 
July 24, 2022: Striker Eureka vs. Taurax
Striker Eureka is deployed to intercept Taurax. Before the Kaiju can make landfall on Mindanao, Striker Eureka drops into the ocean and kills it. 
September 7, 2022: Tentalus Emerges from the Breach
Tentalus emerges from the Breach and moves through the China Sea (unspecified if this is in reference to the South China Sea or the East China Sea).
September 7, 2022: Crimson Typhoon and Shaolin Rouge vs. Crimson Typhoon
According to some sources, Shaolin Rouge was present in this fight; however, others accredit this fight only to Crimson Typhoon. Tentalus is in the middle of crossing the China Sea when one or both Jaegers intercept it, killing it before it can make landfall.
September 7, 2022 - January 1, 2024: Death of Shaolin Rouge’s Pilots
At an undetermined time after Shaolin Rouge's encounter with Tentalus, its first team of pilots is murdered in their apartment. Supposedly, this crime is committed by Kaiju cultists and worshippers, but the perpetrators are never apprehended. Shortly after, Ou-Yang Min-Hau and Ou-Yang Suyin are brought in to replace them as Shaolin Rouge's second team of pilots.
November 6, 2022: Coyote Tango’s Destruction and Death of Gunner and Vic Tunari
An unnamed and uncategorized Kaiju gains the upper-hand on Coyote Tango during a battle on St. Lawrence Island. As a result, Coyote Tango is destroyed and Gunnar and Vic Tunari are killed in action.
January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024: Vermin Emerges from the Breach
At an undetermined time, the uncategorized Kaiju Vermin emerges from the Breach and attacks the city of Medellin, Columbia. Seemingly, antagonistic parasitic life forms live inside Vermin's body and are released upon the Kaiju's death.
January 1, 2024 - December 31, 2024: Vulcan Specter and Striker Eureka vs. Vermin
Since Medellin is evacuated before the Kaiju attack, the Jaeger teams don't have to worry about the populace. They manage to stop Vermin's progress before Vulcan Specter lands a killing blow. Parasitic life forms emerge from the Kajiu's corpse, but Striker Eureka and Vulcan Specter manage to contain them.
January 2, 2024: Huo Da Emerges from the Breach
Huo Da is a Category Three Kaiju that emerges from the Breach and makes its way through the Yellow Sea toward Shanghai. It has gangly legs and a frog-like tongue.
January 2, 2024: Crimson Typhoon and Shaolin Rouge vs. Huo Da
Shaolin Rouge is deployed eight-hundred miles into the Yellow Sea to battle Huo Da underwater and prevent it from making landfall. Shaolin's torso armor is damaged and its left arm is destroyed before Crimson Typhoon appears. They inflict enough damage that Huo Da begins to bleed out; however, it suddenly sprouts wings and carries Shaolin Rouge away despite attempts to escape. Shaolin Rouge is shoved into a building, crushing one pilot's legs. Crimson Typhoon eventually kills Huo Da.
January 2, 2024 - January 1, 2025: Shaolin Rouge’s Destruction and Death of Ou-Yang Min-Hau and Ou-Yang Suyin
At an undetermined point in the final stretch of the Kaiju War, Shaolin Rouge is defeated in battle against an unnamed and uncategorized Kaiju. Pilots Ou-Yang Min-Hau and Ou-Yang Suyin likely died during or soon after the battle.
April 7, 2024: Vodyanoi Emerges from the Breach
Vodyanoi is an uncategorized Kaiju. Its physical appearance is likened to that of a "puffed-up toad", large, and seemingly overweight. Vodyanoi has acidic saliva that can eat through the alloy of a Jaeger.
April 7, 2024: Cherno Alpha and Eden Assassin vs. Vodyanoi
Vodyanoi attacks the East coast of Sakhalin Island. Eden Assassin and Cherno Alpha are deployed to stop a rampage. During the battle, Vodyanoi uses its corrosive saliva to incapacitate Eden Assassin and kill its pilots. Cherno Alpha retaliates by grabbing a drifting iceberg and using it to beat Vodyanoi, killing it.
April 7, 2024: Death of Eden Assassin’s Pilots
In a battle against the uncategorized Kaiju Vodyanoi, Eden Assassin is incapacitated and its pilots are killed as a result. The fate of the Jaeger Eden Assassin after this battle is unknown.
April 7, 2024 - January 1, 2025: Eden Assassin’s Destruction
After the battle involving Vodyanoi, Eden Assassin is destroyed in battle with an unnamed and uncategorized Kaiju.
July 5, 2024: Insurrector Emerges from the Breach
Insurrector is an uncategorized Kaiju that emerges from the Breach and heads toward Santa Monica, California. It is a Kaiju with cracked gray skin and four eyes on the left and right sides of its face. The bioluminescent glow visible in most Kaiju emits from its mouth and the cracks of its skin. On its back are multiple spiky protrusions, and on its head two horns nearest to the rear of its head. Its snout is flat, broad and jagged. Insurrector's limbs appear to be fused together, creating a space in the center of the lower half of the arm, and has three digits on each of its hands. Very few of its teeth on either the bottom or top row of its jaw are visible when it opens its mouth.
July 5, 2024: Striker Eureka and Hydra Corinthian vs. Insurrector
Upon making landfall in Santa Monica, Insurrector cuts through the Santa Monica Pier, causing many casualties, including Amara Namani’s family. Initially, Striker Eureka and Hydra Corinthian keep Insurrector contained at the Pier, but the battle eventually makes its way down the beach and into the city. Almost halfway through Santa Monica, Striker Eureka manages to deal a killing blow with a missile barrage.
July 5, 2024 - January 1, 2025: Hydra Corinthian’s Destruction
At an undetermined time in the Kaiju War, Hydra Corinthian enters battle with an unnamed and uncategorized Kaiju and is destroyed. The fate of its pilots, Kennedy LaRue and Stephanie Lanphier, is unknown. 
July 30, 2024: Bonesquid Emerges from the Breach
An uncategorized Kaiju emerges from the Breach and heads toward Port Moresby in Papua New Guinea. 
July 30, 2024: Striker Eureka vs. Bonesquid
Striker Eureka is deployed to stop Bonesquid from reaching Port Moresby. It drops into the ocean and kills Bonesquid before the Kaiju can make landfall. 
August 13, 2024: Biantal Emerges from the Breach
An uncategorized Kaiju emerges from the Breach and heads toward Taipei, Taiwan.
August 13, 2024: Crimson Typhoon vs. Biantal
Crimson Typhoon is deployed to Taipei and it defeats Biantal there.
August 28, 2024: Hound Emerges from the Breach
An uncategorized Kaiju emerges from the Breach and heads toward Auckland, New Zealand. 
August 28, 2024: Striker Eureka vs. Hound
Striker Eureka is deployed to stop Hound from reaching Auckland, New Zealand. Before the Kaiju can make landfall, Striker Eureka kills it.
September 9, 2024: Gipsy Danger Undergoes Repairs and Refurbishment at the Anchorage Shatterdome
With most of the active Jaegers destroyed, Stacker Pentecost has no choice but to pull Gipsy Danger from Oblivion Bay and begin repairing it. 
September 9, 2024: Naomi Sokolov Interviews Tendo Choi
Since Stacker Pentecost is in Hawaii on business, Tendo Choi fills in for the interview. 
September 14, 2024: Taranais Emerges from the Breach
An uncategorized Kaiju emerges from the Breach and heads for Queen Charlotte Sound.
September 14, 2024: Cherno Alpha vs. Taranais
Taranais attacks Queen Charlotte Sound (unspecified whether this is in reference to Canada or New Zealand) and Cherno Alpha is deployed. Taranais is killed.
September 25, 2024: Rachnid Emerges from the Breach
An uncategorized Kaiju emerges from the Breach and heads for Brisbane, Australia. 
September 25, 2024: Striker Eureka vs. Rachnid
Striker Eureka is deployed to stop Rachnid from reaching Brisbane, Australia. Before the Kaiju can make landfall, Striker Eureka kills it. 
October 4, 2024: KC-24 Emerges from the Breach
An uncategorized Kaiju emerges from the Breach and heads toward Kuching Malaysia. 
October 4, 2024: Striker Eureka and Mammoth Apostle vs. KC-24 and Mammoth Apostle’s Destruction
Striker Eureka and Mammoth Apostle are deployed to intercept the Kaiju KC-24. Mammoth Apostle is destroyed before Striker Eureka can land the killing blow. The fate of Mammoth Apostle’s pilots is unknown, but they were likely killed in battle. After Striker Eureka kills KC-24, helicopters attempt to locate and recover the remains of Mammoth Apostle.
October 12, 2024: The Anchorage Shatterdome is Shut Down
Shortly after its closure, the Shatterdome and the Jaeger Academy were sold to a private buyer. Gipsy Danger is relocated to the Hong Kong Shatterdome to continue undergoing repairs. 
October 18, 2024: The Lima Shatterdome is Shut Down
After its closure, the Shatterdome is sold to the Peruvian government. 
October 19, 2024: The Tokyo Shatterdome is Shut Down
After the Shatterdome’s closure, it is sold to a private buyer. 
October 31, 2024: Fiend Emerges from the Breach
An uncategorized Kaiju emerges from the Breach and heads toward Acapulco, Mexico.
October 31, 2024: Striker Eureka vs. Fiend
Striker Eureka is deployed to stop Fiend from reaching Acapulco, Mexico. Before the Kaiju can make landfall, Striker Eureka kills it.
November 9, 2024: The Panama City Shatterdome is Shut Down
The fate of the Shatterdome is unknown.
November 15, 2024: Naomi Sokolov Interviews Jasper Schoenfeld
Jasper recounts the story of how he was inspired to create the Jaegers. 
November 19, 2024: Tailspitter Emerges from the Breach
An uncategorized Kaiju emerges from the Breach and heads toward Sapporo, Japan.
November 19, 2024: Crimson Typhoon vs. Tailspitter
Crimson Typhoon kills Tailspitter in Sapporo, Japan.
November 28, 2024: Naomi Sokolov Interviews Stacker Pentecost
She and Stacker discuss why he pilots and why believes the Jaeger Program should continue. By the end of the interview, Naomi is convinced to write an article asking the PPDC why they’re giving up the fight and funding a wall instead. 
November 30, 2024: Kojiyama Emerges from the Breach
An uncategorized Kaiju emerges from the Breach and heads toward the Bohai Sea.
November 30, 2024: Crimson Typhoon and Striker Eureka vs. Kojiyama
After Kojiyama attacks the Bohai Sea, Crimson Typhoon and Striker Eureka are deployed to handle it. Kojiyama is killed.
December 11, 2024: The Vladivostok Shatterdome is Shut Down
After its closure, the Vladivostok Shatterdome is given to the Russian government in exchange for airspace, refueling, and landing rights.  
December 20, 2024: The Los Angeles Shatterdome is Shut Down
The fate of the Shatterdome after its closure is unknown.
December 29, 2024: The Sydney Shatterdome is Shut Down
The fate of the Shatterdome after its closure is unknown. 
December 31, 2024: Striker Eureka is Decommissioned
Because the final four Jaegers are being moved to the Hong Kong Shatterdome for Operation Pitfall, Striker Eureka is decommissioned and removed from active service in Australia. Hercules and Chuck Hansen are decommissioned alongside their Jaeger and instructed to relocate to Hong Kong, where they will carry a nuclear warhead for the upcoming Operation Pitfall.
December 31, 2024: The United Nations and PPDC Stop Funding the Jaeger Program
Several representatives from the United Nations contact Stacker Pentecost to inform him that all funding is being directed toward the Anti-Kaiju Wall, leaving the Jaeger Program with eight months worth of money. 
January 1, 2025: Mutavore Emerges from the Breach
The Category IV emerges from the Breach and heads toward Sydney, Australia. Mutavore has a hooked, sharp curve above on its plated and bony structure around its head and curving down from its chin in a crescent shape. Near the top of Mutavore's bladed crest is its mouth. Mutavore has three eyes on both sides of its head. In addition, the creature exhibits a bipedal structure containing two large arms ending in large claws, and two very small, almost insect-like appendages on its chest. Similar to its bladed head, Mutavore has huge, ax-shaped structures protruding from its back.
January 1, 2025: Striker Eureka vs. Mutavore
Mutavore breaks through the Anti-Kaiju Wall around Sydney in an hour. Luckily, Striker Eureka was decommissioned only a day before and responds quickly to the attack. They deal a series of punches to the Kaiju before unleashing a volley of Anti-Kaiju Missiles, killing Mutavore. 
January 1, 2025: Stacker Pentecost Locates Raleigh Becket
Upon arriving at the “Wall of Life”, Stacker Pentecost attempts to convince Raleigh to return to the PPDC. Raleigh assumes he isn’t Stacker Pentecost’s first choice, but the Marshal informs him that all the other Mark-3 pilots are dead, making Raleigh the automatic first (and only) choice. Initially, Raleigh turns him down on the basis that he cannot have anyone inside his head again. Pentecost tells him the world is ending and asks if he would rather die on the Anti-Kaiju Wall or in a Jaeger. Raleigh agrees to return. 
January 1, 2025 - January 8, 2025: Raleigh Arrives at the Hong Kong Shatterdome
Upon arriving, Raleigh is introduced to Mako Mori. He is also introduced to the K-Science team, Hermann Gottlieb and Newton Geiszler. Stacker Pentecost shows him around the Shatterdome, introducing him to the remaining Jaegers, Cherno Alpha, Crimson Typhoon, and Striker Eureka. Herc Hansen welcomes Raleigh. When Raleigh asks Stacker what the plan is for Operation Pitfall, Stacker brushes him off and tells him to “be ready”. Mako shows him to the new and improved Gipsy Danger before taking Raleigh to his room. 
January 1, 2025 - January 8, 2025: Raleigh is Introduced to Co-Pilot Candidates 
In the Kwoon, Raleigh faces off against the list of candidates Mako put together; however, none of them seem to click. Eventually, he ends up sparring against Mako instead and the two discover they are drift compatible.
January 1, 2025 - January 8, 2025: Stacker Pentecost Talks with the K-Science Team
Hermann determines that, based on his exponential growth equations, the PPDC should expect a double event soon, and then a triple or quadruple event soon after that. He is unable to provide them with an absolutely certain timeline for when they should drop into the Breach, and Newton cuts in to insist Drifting with a Kaiju brain is a viable option. Stacker dismisses Newton and requests Hermann’s info.
January 1, 2025 - January 8, 2025: Gipsy Danger’s Trial Run
Stacker Pentecost reluctantly allows Mako Mori to try a trial run with Raleigh. At first, their neural handshake holds steady, but Raleigh accidentally projects the memory of his brother’s death over Mako, causing her to chase the R.A.B.I.T. and relive the Onibaba attack. While stuck in the memory, Mako accidentally activates the left arm’s Plasmacaster and nearly destroys a large portion of the Shatterdome; however, Chuck Hansen, Tendo Choi, and Herc Hansen manage to send the Jaeger offline before any damage can be done. 
January 1, 2025 - January 8, 2025: Newton Geiszler Drifts with the Kaiju’s Secondary Brain
In what is likely the bravest and dumbest decision of the movie, Newton builds a Pons Machine from scratch and enters the Drift with the Kaiju brain. He succeeds and is pulled from a state of shock by Hermann, who fetches Stacker Pentecost. Newton tells them that the Kaiju are under orders and that they’re being created to exterminate humanity; however, he missed out on some information. Stacker Pentecost instructs him to drift again and refers him to Hannibal Chau, a black-market dealer of Kaiju parts who operates in the Hong Kong Bone Slums.
January 1, 2025 - January 8, 2025: Raleigh and Chuck Fight, Mako is Grounded
After Mako and Raleigh’s failed drift, Stacker, Herc, and Chuck convene in Stacker’s office to discuss what happened; however, Herc throws Chuck out when het gets too fired up. He turns his attention to Mako and Raleigh, who are waiting in the hall. After insulting Raleigh, he turns his attention to Mako briefly, prompting Raleigh to throw a punch. The encounter quickly turns into a fistfight, and the two only stop when Herc emerges from the office and pulls them apart. Then, Raleigh and Mako are called into Pentecost’s office, where he grounds Mako. When she asks to be dismissed, Raleigh reveals that he saw Mako’s childhood and knows why Pentecost refuses to let her in a Jaeger. He insists the Marshal is holding her back, but Pentecost reprimands Raleigh and then ends the conversation. 
 January 8, 2025: Otachi Emerges from the Breach
The Category IV emerges from the Breach and heads toward Hong Kong, China. Otachi is one of the largest and heaviest Category IVs to ever make landfall. It walks on all fours. It has two short legs, two long, and four digit hands. It fights largely with its barbed tail, which possesses enough strength to pierce through the Conn-Pod of a moderately armored Jaeger. It also has a jaw that is capable of splitting open in order for Otachi to spit acid onto the Jaeger it is facing. This is possible because of a sac underneath its neck that produces the highly corrosive liquid. Later, it also revealed that Otachi has wings capable of carrying it into the atmosphere, as well as the capacity to give birth. 
January 8, 2025: Leatherback Emerges from the Breach
The Category IV emerges from the Breach and heads toward Hong Kong, China. Leatherback is a large and armored Kaiju that resembles a gorilla. It has high intelligence, and when injured it resorts to hit and run tactics if necessary. Leatherback also has a tendency to pounce on enemies when they are distracted, using its weight to its advantage. The heavy plating all over its body allows it to take heavy hits and deal them in return, thanks to mace-like fists. While it isn’t quite as intelligent as Otachi, Leatherback possesses a more powerful weapon in its EMP organ, which allows it to scramble electronic devices in a large radius, including digitized Jaegers. 
January 8, 2025: Crimson Typhoon, Cherno Alpha, and Striker Eureka vs. Otachi and Leatherback
Since Gipsy Danger is out of the question following their failed trial run, only the other three Jaegers are deployed when the Double Event occurs. Crimson Typhoon and Cherno Alpha are tasked with taking on the two Kaiju directly while Striker Eureka holds the Miracle Mile. Otachi emerges from the water first, targeting Crimson Typhoon. Initially, it gains the upper hand; however, the triplets recover quickly and enter the Thundercloud Formation, transforming the Jaeger’s hands into saw blades. They slice Otachi’s head and chest before the Kaiju grabs and immobilizes two of their arms. Crimson Typhoon engages the jets on its back and flips completely over Otachi before tossing the Kaiju in Cherno Alpha’s direction. The Russian team immediately goes in for a hit, bashing Otachi’s face several times with Cherno Alpha’s fists. Striker Eureka almost moves in to help, but Stacker Pentecost orders them to remain in position. Otachi sweeps Cherno Alpha off its feet, and when Crimson Typhoon moves in to attack too quickly, the Kaiju uses its tail to rip the triplets’ Conn-Pod out, killing the three of them. The Kaidonovskys recover and jump back into the fight with renewed enthusiasm, looking to avenge Crimson Typhoon, but Otachi surprises them once again by unveiling the sac on the bottom of its mouth that can produce a highly corrosive acid and spitting it directly onto the Jaeger’s head. Striker Eureka fully mobilizes, hoping to save Cherno Alpha, but before they make it, Leatherback finally emerges from the water and jumps onto Cherno Alpha’s back. Otachi rips one of Cherno Alpha’s arms off and then moves to intercept Striker Eureka while Leatherback forces Cherno Alpha underwater. Soon after, it crushes the Conn-Pod, killing the Kaidonovskys in an underwater explosion and decimating the Jaeger. Meanwhile, Striker Eureka gains the upper hand against Otachi and opens the cavity on the Jaeger’s chest, preparing to launch Anti-Kaiju missiles at Otachi; unfortunately, they are stopped only seconds before launch by Leatherback’s EMP organ, which electrocutes Herc and Chuck Hansen and completely Striker Eureka down. Herc disengages from his harness at the same time Leatherback deals a light blow to Striker Eureka, sending him flying across the Conn-Pod. It becomes quickly apparent that his arm is broken. 
January 8, 2025: Crimson Typhoon’s Destruction, Death of the Wei Triplets
During the battle against Otachi, Crimson Typhoon’s Conn-Pod is crushed by the Kaiju, killing all three pilots. Crimson Typhoon’s body collapses into Victoria Harbor.
January 8, 2025: Cherno Alpha’s Destruction, Death of Sasha and Aleksis Kaidonovsky
During the battle against Otachi and Leatherback, Cherno Alpha’s Conn’Pod is dissolved and the Jaeger is forced underwater, where Leatherback detonates it. Cherno Alpha is destroyed in the blast and the Kaidonovskys are killed.
January 8, 2025: Gipsy Danger is Deployed
Upon realizing they no longer have any other options, Stacker Pentecost's orders Mako Mori and Raleigh Becket into the final Jaeger. Because Gipsy Danger is analog, it is unaffected by Leatherback’s EMP organ. 
January 8, 2025: Newton Geiszler Meets with Hannibal Chau
The two discuss Newton’s reasons for needing a Kaiju brain, at which point Hannibal Chau calls him an idiot. When the Kaiju alerts begin to go off, Newton is forced to leave at gunpoint and take shelter in a public shelter. 
January 8, 2025: Otachi Enters Hong Kong to Look for Newton Geiszler
It heads through the city without causing much destruction, choosing to focus on locating Newton. 
January 8, 2025: Gipsy Danger vs. Leatherback
Chuck and Herc Hansen, in a last ditch attempt to prevent the destruction of Hong Kong until Gipsy Danger arrives, decide to distract Leatherback. Using the escape hatch, the pair climb onto the top of Striker Eureka and fire flares off into the Kaiju’s face. One of the flares makes contact with and damages Leatherback’s eye. It raises its arms to kill them, but Gipsy Danger arrives on the scene at just the right time, stealing the Kaiju’s attention. Gipsy Danger drops into the water and Leatherback charges at it, but Mako and Raleigh sidestep and immediately rip the EMP organ from Leatherback’s spine. Enraged, the Kaiju grabs Gipsy Danger in a bear hug and throws it onto the docs a large distance away, effectively shifting the battle out of the water. When Leatherback climbs onto the docks, it charges Gipsy Danger. In response, Mako and Raleigh engage the jets on Gipsy Danger’s back and deal a flying strike to Leatherback’s face, which they follow up with two more quick hits. They engage Gipsy Danger’s elbow rocket and deal a fourth punch, further disorienting the Kaiju. It grabs a nearby crane and uses it to knock the Jaeger backwards although they take little damage. In response, Raleigh and Mako grab several shipping containers from the docks and use them like brass knuckles and slams them on either side of Leatherback’s head. Acting quickly, Gipsy Danger manages to grab the Kaiju while it is disoriented and they toss it across the docks. When Leatherback gets back to its feet, it once again attempts to charge Gipsy, but the Jaeger manages to free its right arm and Raleigh activates the Plasmacaster. They unleash the entire clip into Leatherback’s chest, blowing its arm off. The blows are enough to kill the Kaiju, but Mako and Raleigh decimate its corpse to make sure before turning their attention to Otachi. 
January 8, 2025: Otachi Locates Newton Geiszler
General panic begins to rise in the shelter as the Kaiju grows closer, and Newton reveals the monsters are after him. As a response, the people around him force him into the middle of the shelter alone. Otachi bursts through the ceiling of the Anti-Kaiju shelter and uses its tongue, which seemingly has some kind of sensory organ, to identify Newton. However, it retreats from the shelters without doing anything to him. 
January 8, 2025: Gipsy Danger vs. Otachi
The Jaeger treks through the city, following the path of destruction that Otachi left behind, before locating the Kaiju in the process of breaking into one of the Anti-Kaiju shelters. Otachi shifts its attention away from Newton and charges Gipsy Danger. Mako and Raleigh use a tanker they dragged from the docks like a bat and deal a blow across Otachi’s jaw. It uses its tail to grab the tanker and throw it down a nearby street before retreating into the cover of the city, disappearing for view. Raleigh attempts to contact the sighting teams but receives no response before Otachi crashes out of a nearby skyscraper, catching them by surprise. It drags them through a building and shoves them into another before attempting to unleash its acid attack; however, Mako and Raleigh are able to dodge it, sending the acid flying into an office building instead. Gipsy Dangers shoves it right hand into Otachi’s throat, causing Otachi to try and impale them with her tail. Mako and Raleigh vent the coolant in Gipsy Danger’s systems to freeze its tail and shatter it completely before ripping the acid sac from the Kaiju’s body. As a final resort, Otachi shoves the Jaeger to the ground and unfurls a pair of wings. It grabs Gipsy Danger and flies high into the sky, where the Jaeger’s interior oxygen levels begin dropping. Mako unleashes a weapon that was added after Gipsy Danger’s refurbishment: a Chain Sword capable of being used as either a whip or sword. They slice diagonally through the Kaiju’s body and fly through the Earth from around 50,000 feet in the air. The duo survive by slowing their fall with a measured blast at Stacker Pentecost’s suggestion. 
January 8, 2025: Stacker Pentecost Reveals his Cancer to Raleigh Becket
After returning from the battle, Stacker Pentecost gives a speech, during which blood begins to drip from his nose. Privately, he informs Raleigh of his condition, explaining the effects of Coyote Tango’s lack of radiation shielding. Finally, Stacker reveals that he chose Raleigh for the mission because of his ability to pilot solo, an incredible feat that only the two of them had ever accomplished. 
January 8, 2025: Newton Geiszler Returns to Hannibal Chau
After nearly being devoured by Otachi, Newton returns to Hannibal’s base of operations and demands the Kaiju brain he had asked for. Hannibal Chau relents, and he  and his team travel to the site where Otachi was killed. The team enters the Kaiju, but realize the secondary brain has been damaged. As they prepare to exit the corpse, the team and Newton realize the Kaiju is pregnant.
January 8, 2025: The Baby Kaiju Emerges
The Baby Kaiju has an appearance similar to that of Otachi, although significantly less mature. It bursts out of Otachi and heads straight for Newton as the crews around them flee. He trips, but before the Baby Kaiju can devour him, it gets tangled up in its own umbilical cord and dies. Hannibal Chau emerges from wherever he was hiding to claim he knew the Baby Kaiju would die. He begins to say something, but the Baby Kaiju is briefly resuscitated and eats him before he can finish the sentence. After swallowing him, it actually dies. 
January 8, 2025: Newton Geiszler and Hermann Gottlieb Drift with the Newborn Kaiju’s Brain
In an attempt to gain the full extent of information possible without putting Newton into further dangers, Hermann offers to bear some of the neural load as pilots do. They enter the Drift together and realize that the final plan of action will not work because of the Breach’s ability to read DNA like a barcode.
January 12, 2025: Stacker Pentecost Begins Operation Pitfall Early
Despite initially being funded for eight more months of operation in the Jaeger Program, Stacker Pentecost realizes their chance of surviving the incoming Triple Event is low, and therefore decides to jumpstart Operation Pitfall early. Gipsy Danger is going to run defense, piloted by Mako Mori and Raleigh Becket, but Herc Hansen is no longer able to pilot Striker Eureka because of his broken arm. As a result, Stacker Pentecost decides to sacrifice himself and take Herc’s place alongside Chuck Hansen. Before entering Striker Eureka, Stacker asks Mako for her protection and Chuck and Herc say goodbye, both likely under the impression Chuck isn’t going to survive the mission. 
January 12, 2025: Gipsy Danger and Striker Eureka are Deployed
As planned, Striker Eureka carries the nuclear payload. The two Jaegers are dropped nearly six-hundred meters from the Breach and make the rest of the trek on foot. 
January 12, 2025: Scunner Emerges from the Breach
Scunner emerges from the Breach and hovers around the Jaegers, but does not initially attack. It has two curved horns like that of a bull’s, designed to act as battering rams. It also has four arms, designed to help it move faster underwater. Unlike previous Kaiju, Scunner has the ability to work well with its brethren.
January 12, 2025: Raiju Emerges from the Breach
Raiju emerges from the Breach and hovers around the Jaegers, but does not attack initially. It has bent feet that increase its speed. Upon first emerging and circling Striker Eureka and Gipsy Danger, Tendo Choi dubs it “the fastest Kaiju ever recorded”. It has heavy armor and broad shoulders, and its overall appearance mimics that of a Galapagos iguana and a crocodile. 
January 12, 2025: Newton Geiszler and Hermann Gottlieb Reveal the Intricacies of the Breach
Right before taking the leap into the Breach with the nuclear payload, Herc Hansen relays to the pilots that the Kaiju stopped. Sensing something is wrong, Stacker stops as well, refusing to take the leap. Suddenly, Hermann and Newton enter, commandeering the communication device, and explaining that only something with Kaiju DNA can enter the Breach or else it will deflect. 
January 12, 2025: Slattern Emerges from the Breach
The first ever Category V, Slattern emerges from the Breach just as Hermann and Newton finish explaining the Breach’s requirements to pass. Because it is the first Category V, Slattern is the most lethal of any of its kind. It has intelligence, strength, speed, armor, and toxicity levels far above its brethren. Slattern has thick, leathery skin and three triple-crowned tails that can be used for long-distance attacks or piercing the armor of a Jaeger. Its tails have enough power to rapidly spin and lash out, even with a heavy amount of underwater pressure working against them. Slattern has a spike-like protrusion on its chest, which can extend forward and inflict blunt damage on a Jaeger. The sound of the Kaiju's roar can emit sound waves powerful enough to cause visible damage to its surrounding environment. Slattern's body is also extremely resilient against a multitude of attacks, nuclear or otherwise. Slattern's height is estimated at 596 feet and its weight is estimated at 6,750 tons. 
January 12, 2025: Gipsy Danger and Striker Eureka vs. Scunner, Raiju, and Slattern
When Slattern first emerges from the Breach in front of Striker Eureka, Gipsy Danger attempts to move in and provide aid, but Scunner charges at them. Eventually, Gipsy Danger is able to mostly subdue Scunner by burning its head with a hydrothermal vent, but before they can finish Scunner off, Raiju rushes in and bites Gipsy’s Chain Sword and the entirety of their right arm off. Meanwhile, Slattern attacks Striker Eureka with its various tails, throwing it into a hydrothermal vent. As a result, the Jaeger’s Anti-Kaiju missile launchers are damaged. Slattern continues to attack using the surrounding environment, but Chuck and Stacker put up a good fight considering the size difference. They manage to nearly amputate two of Slattern’s arms with their Stingblades before the Kaiju backs off somewhat. Raiju prepares to charge Gipsy Danger again, but LOCCENT warns Mako and Raleigh of its approach, allowing them to form a Chain Sword on the remaining left arm and bisect Raiju, using its own speed against it. Slattern roars for aid, and Scunner abandons Gipsy Danger to help destroy Striker Eureka. Realizing what needs to be done, Chuck and Stacker say their goodbyes before detonating the payload, vaporizing Scunner. Gipsy Danger, heavily crippled, begins to drag itself toward the Breach. Along the way, they grab Raiju’s remains in order to try and pass the Breach’s DNA reading. However, right as they reach the final stretch, Slattern blocks their path. It is severely damaged but alive. Raleigh instructs Mako to engage the rear thrusters, and they fly toward Slattern, hooking themselves directly onto the Kaiju with their Chain Sword and tumbling forward into the Breach. Since Slattern is with them, they pass the scan. Then, Raleigh and Mako activate the reactor’s burning attack, finishing Slattern, and leaving the pair drifting in the Anteverse. 
January 12, 2015: Striker Eureka’s Destruction, Death of Stacker Pentecost and Chuck Hansen
During Operation Pitfall, Stacker and Chuck voluntarily detonate the payload  on Striker Eureka’s back. The ensuing blast destroys Striker Eureka and kills the pair.
January 12, 2015: The Breach’s Destruction
Raleigh gives Mako his oxygen and ensures she is released in an escape pod as he continues into the Anteverse. Within, he passes an area where the Kaiju are made, and eventually reaches the center of the Anteverse, where the background is a burning yellow planet. Raleigh finds that there is a problem with the system and he has to activate manual override before escaping with almost no time left. Beneath him, Gipsy Danger detonates right in the center of the dimension, and his escape pod is blown upward with the force and out of the Breach as the Kaiju world collapses around him. 
January 12, 2015: Gipsy Danger’s Destruction
Gipsy Danger is decimated as a result of its self-destruction. It brings the Anteverse down with it. 
January 12, 2015: The Kaiju War Ends
The Kaiju War draws to a close. In the Hong Kong Shatterdome, Herc Hansen announces the Breach’s destruction and everyone erupts into celebration. 
January 12, 2015: Mako Mori and Raleigh are Rescued
When Raleigh’s escape pod first surfaces, Mako cannot feel a pulse or find any signal he is alive; however, Raleigh regains consciousness not long after and they embrace. Choppers fly over their head, presumably to pick the pair up. The two press their foreheads together.  
Additional Notes:
There is a lot of conflicting information about the December 2019 Manila drop. Most sources say Hercules Hansen and Scott Hansen dropped together in the Jaeger Lucky Seven, but other sources claim Hercules was in Striker Eureka with his son, Chuck. Often, it is implied Scott Hansen was dismissed from the PPDC before Striker Eureka even launched (November 2019). I chose to go the “Herc dropped in Lucky Seven” route, since Hercules clearly recognizes Raleigh in the movie but introduces Chuck as if they [Raleigh and Chuck] have never dropped together. This does, however, bring into question who was piloting Striker Eureka in November of 2019, when it first came onto active duty, if Herc was still assigned to Lucky Seven. I generally followed a mixture of the movie and novel canons, but some of the movie pages on the Pacific Rim wiki contradicted each other, so it’s quite difficult to tell.
Some sources claim Mutavore actually attacked December 27, 2024, and that two other Jaegers were involved. Echo Saber, Vulcan Specter, and Striker Eureka would have been involved in this version of events, in which both Echo Saber and Vulcan Specter are ripped to shreds by Mutavore before Striker Eureka is deployed and kills Mutavore. However, Travis Beacham has stated that Striker Eureka was the only Jaeger involved in the attack.
Several of the fights listed in this timeline are not canon in the movie version, as well as some of the Kaiju. As far as I can recall, at least half of Striker Eureka’s encounters on here are only mentioned in the novelization (Striker Eureka’s listed drops on the movie version of the wiki only include Pitfall and Mutavore), as well as at least one of Crimson Typhoon’s. 
Kaiju named something like “MN-19″ or “PSJ-18″ are actually unnamed Kaiju. The letters in these names come from the city they attacked (i.e., Manila and San Jose in the examples in the first sentence) and then year they occurred in (2019 and 2018, respectively). 
Lucky Seven has no canon classification or launch date, but we know it was involved in an attack on Hong Kong. After Crimson Typhoon was launched in 2018, all of Hong Kong’s Kaiju attacks were either resolved by Crimson Typhoon alone or by Crimson Typhoon and a Jaeger team (none of which contained Lucky Seven); therefore, I ended Lucky Seven’s possible launch timeline at the date of Crimson Typhoon’s launch. Its start date is marked alongside Romeo Blue and because Romeo Blue and Tacit Ronin were definitively the second and first Mark-1s released respectively. Lucky Seven could have been a Mark-1, but it could not have been a Mark-1 released before Romeo Blue or Tacit Ronin.
Cherno Alpha was launched in 2015, but it has no specific date. Because Coyote Tango was the last of the Mark-1s and Tacit Ronin and Romeo Blue were first and second respectively, Cherno had to have fallen somewhere between Romeo Blue and Coyote Tango.
Travis Beacham has stated that there is a Shatterdome in Nagasaki at some point, but I couldn’t find opening or closing dates for it, nor could I find any Jaeger assignments, so I didn’t include it.
I admit I’m a little confused about how it took four days for Newton and Hermann to relay the information from their drift from the Baby Kaiju considering they only had to make it back from Hong Kong to...the Hong Kong Shatterdome? In the movies it mostly appears that Operation Pitfall actually happens the day after the Double Event, but every source I found explicitly says there is a four day gap in between. 
Echo Saber has technically been in both the Sydney and Tokyo Shatterdomes, according to the novels. According to the novels, Echo Saber is still active and functional after the Tokyo Shatterdome shuts down in 2024, and it is moved to the Sydney Shatterdome with Striker Eureka. However, the novels also say Echo Saber is involved in the Mutavore attack and destroyed shortly after, which isn’t the case in the movie, so I listed it twice but chose to keep its destruction date broad.
Anyways, that’s all.
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the-hidden-writer · 7 days
A Piece of True Fiction: Chapter 16
An Alan Wake 2 fic. Spoilers for Alan Wake 2!
Summary: Aleksi Kesä manages to slip out of the spiral and film he was trapped in.
Saga Anderson, caught in the middle of Wake's horror story, finds a man that looks identical to her partner in the middle of the woods. He's lost, confused, and only seems to speak Finnish. Saga has to try and uncover the truth as well as trying to save her family. Where did he come from? How did he get here?
And where's her Casey?
Chapter Summary: Saga forgets to close the door. Chapter CW: needles, drugs Words: 2,497 AO3 Link: [Here!] [First part] [Previous part]
A Piece of True Fiction
Chapter 16: Reunion
Saga sucks in a lungful of air as she limps back to the Bright Falls Sheriff Station.
The streets are empty. It’s so dark outside, the earliest hours of the morning, and she hopes that the sleeping town is having nice dreams while she goes through hell. She hopes that the children here will wake up in the morning and nothing will have changed in their lives. She hopes the same for Logan.
Her body is injured and exhausted. Rescuing Tor had been about as straightforward as she’d expected- that is, not easy at all. The Overlap was dark and cramped and Cynthia Weaver had been a difficult enemy. It had cost her nearly all of her ammo, but Saga had managed to eventually bring her down and get Tor out alive. 
After a conversation with Tor (in her Mind Place, a concept that Saga is still getting used to) she’s now convinced that Tor Anderson is her actual grandfather. All the details line up perfectly with what Mom had told her, even down to what little she knows about her father. It’s a massive revelation that she plans to deal with once this is all over, whenever that may be. Soon, she hopes. It would be nice to have family again.
She’d also seen Wake in the Overlap yet again, presumably from the past. She’d tried to get him to keep Logan out of the story but she doesn’t think she managed to get through to him. It had been worth a shot, at least. She still has the Clicker, and based on what she’d learned from Tor and Odin, he can use it to write her out retroactively.
She tries to keep her thoughts on that, rather than the impending ritual she has to carry out.
Strangely, she doesn’t feel as disgusted at the idea of ripping a man’s heart out like she was before. Maybe emptying a dozen rounds into a frail-looking old woman has numbed her to the goriness. Or maybe she’s starting to feel too tired to care. 
It’s more likely because every time she closes her eyes she’s haunted by that image of Casey, bound and unconscious in a dark room. ‘Save Him’. It’s hard to shake away.
While she walks, Saga decides to call Estevez to let her know she’s on her way. Estevez picks up on the second ring.
“Anderson? I was getting worried. You good?”
“I’m fine,” Saga says, even though her body protests the fact. “I’m just on my way back now. Is everything ready for the ritual?”
“Well, our containment unit’s all set up in Coffee World and I’ve spoken to Koskela about taking a short trip. He seems game but I’ve warned him that we’ll shoot if he tries to run, just in case.”
“Right.” Since Saga’s been so focused on trying to save others, she hadn’t really considered that Ilmo might try and use the situation to his advantage. On one hand, she sees his logic, and if the cult truly were trying to kill the Taken then maybe he’s planning to stick with her and fight against the story. On the other hand, he’s still dealing with the raw pain of losing his twin, which makes his actions more unpredictable. “What about Aleksi?”
“Still with Ahti.” Even now, Saga can hear the bitterness in her voice. “I thought they were arguing at one point but I’m pretty sure they made up again. It’s hard to tell when I’ve got no idea what they’re saying.”
She sighs and Saga can envision her recollecting herself.
“Good news is I don’t think either of them have caught onto our preparations.”
A promising start. “Okay, great. That reminds me, we need to take Ahti back to the Valhalla Nursing Home before we leave. They noticed he was missing.”
Estevez doesn’t reply immediately. There’s a long inhale on the other end of the line. 
“You know what? It’s Ahti. I shouldn’t even question it. It’s just-” she cuts herself off. “Nope, not even going there. It’s fine.”
Saga politely decides not to comment on Estevez’s barely-contained breakdown and brings the topic back to the matter at hand. “Any ideas for transport?”
“We do have a small containment truck, should be big enough for all of us. I can drive and I’ll keep Koskela in my sight at the front. You and Young can ride in the back with Kesä. The two officers here can man the station while we’re gone, and my three agents are already there waiting, so… I think we’re all set.”
“Thanks, Estevez,” Saga says sincerely. “I don’t know how I’d manage this without you.”
Estevez’s tone comes back a little less authoritative in return. “Yeah, well… this case is pretty fucked up. Let’s just hope that together we can un-fuck it up.”
Saga’s too tired to laugh, but she can’t help but smile a little. “Yeah. At least we’re getting to the heart of it now.”
Estevez snorts. “Oh har har.”
Saga’s smile grows, though her heart aches for Casey again. She feels like he and Estevez would really get along. After this, maybe they still could.
“I’m nearly there. I’ll see you inside.”
“Alright. See you soon, Anderson.” She hangs up and Saga tries to build up both energy and courage as she turns the corner to head into the street where the station resides.
As she does, the whispers of the night get louder. Saga hadn’t faced that many Taken in the nursing home and her instinct tells her that it would be illogical for them to have all suddenly disappeared. There are flickers of movement in the shadows, giving her the impression that she isn’t alone anymore. While Estevez hadn’t informed her of another attack, Saga wouldn’t be surprised if there are Taken still lingering around the Sheriff’s Station.
She does her best to straighten her gait and mentally prepare herself for what she’s about to do before knocking on the door. Focus, Saga. Just a little more.
Agent Young (with his very bruised nose) answers the door for her again and leads her inside. He turns left, stating that Estevez is in the office in the back, but Saga hangs back. She looks to her right, toward the end of the hall where the Sheriff’s Office is.
The door is wide open. She spots Kesä inside, with his back to her. Over his shoulder, she makes eye contact with Ahti. He frowns.
Following his gaze, Kesä whips around to face her too. In contrast to his companion, he smiles and begins to step toward her. "Saga! Miten meni, missä nyt olitkaan?"
Unsure how to react, Saga holds a hand out as if to say ‘wait’. “Hold on. Just wait there.”
She looks behind at Ahti for help. The man grumbles loud enough to be heard down the hall. Even so, he still seems to take the hint, addressing Aleksi. "Odotahan, poika. Meillä on vielä juttu kesken."
Kesä turns around to answer and Saga utilizes the chance to carry on making her way down the hall to find Estevez. It occurs to her that they’re yet to plan exactly how they’re going to get Kesä into the truck and perform this ritual. Sure, he doesn’t know what they’re planning yet, but he’s going to catch on eventually. Restraints are probably a given.
Inside the room, Estevez is joined by the two Bright Falls officers, as well as Agent Young. She motions for Saga to shut the door behind her, which she does. They couldn’t let Kesä (or Ahti, for that matter) find out what they’re planning at such a critical moment.
Estevez nods at her by way of greeting. “Anderson.”
“Estevez,” Saga returns. She glances at the others in the room. “Is everything ready?”
“We’re all set,” answers Estevez.
“Any idea how we’re going to get Aleksi there?”
Estevez points at a desk to the side. “One step ahead of you.”
Laid out neatly on the desk are two pairs of handcuffs, four tiny glass bottles, a set of six sterile needles packaged in plastic, and a knife. Saga picks up the knife first.
“The one we took off Koskela,” Estevez explains. “Since this isn’t exactly a delicate operation, I thought you might need something bigger than a scalpel.”
The logic is sound, even if holding the knife in her hands fills Saga with dread. Anyways, Ilmo will be the one using it, not her. She can handle the heart afterward. 
She places the knife back down and picks up one of the bottles for closer inspection. “Ketamine?”
“Knew we had some in stock downstairs. Helps to have a morgue on hand,” one of the officers comments.
“That works,” says Saga. It’s all starting to feel very real and the doubt starts to bubble up to the surface again. But they’ve come too far to turn back now. “I guess I’ll administer it, since I’m trained.”
Estevez clears her throat awkwardly. “Well, I was going to suggest we take one each and go with whoever gets to him first, but that’s probably a better idea.”
Saga swallows down her discomfort and nods, picking up and pocketing a pair of doses and needles each. Estevez was right to some degree, she shouldn’t be the only one with the sedatives on hand, so she leaves two sets for someone else to take. She takes the knife as well before turning back to Estevez. “We should get Ilmo now. Everything should be ready to go before I deliver the injection.”
Estevez pushes herself to her feet. “No time like the present. Let’s go, Young.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
While Estevez starts to limp her way to the door (Saga had forgotten just how bad her leg had been) Agent Young grabs both sets of handcuffs. “One for Koskela, one for Casey,” he says.
“Kesä,” Saga immediately corrects. “He’s not a real person. Casey’s who we’re rescuing.”
“Right. Sorry.”
Agents Young, Estevez, and Anderson. Between the three of them, they should be able to pull this off, Saga thinks. Along with the additional three agents at Coffee World, and Ilmo with his experience, subduing one man shouldn’t be too hard. 
The three of them exit the room and walk to the cell block. Young opens the door and approaches Ilmo’s cell with Estevez and Saga herself trailing close behind.
Once all three of them are inside, Estevez steps forward and pulls out a set of keys in order to unlock Ilmo’s cell. 
“What the fuck?” Saga hears Wake ask from his cell.
Once his door is opened, Ilmo shows no resistance and offers his hands up for Young to handcuff. While they’re being adjusted, he looks up. “Are you still sure about this, Saga?”
“I’m sure.”
“Will someone please tell me what the fuck is going on!” Alan yells suddenly.
“Wake, calm down,” Estevez asserts. “We need Koskela’s guidance on something. We’ll be back soon.”
Wake does not calm down. Instead, he releases a loud, frustrated groan that almost sounds like a growl. “You don’t understand! This isn’t right, this isn’t my story!”
“Good!” Saga snaps, startling both FBC agents. “Then my daughter is still alive!”
Wake’s jaw clicks shut. He positions himself at the edge of his cell, as close to the bars as possible. His voice turns soft. “Saga, I’m sorry. Just… please trust me.”
Saga closes her eyes as the emotion adding to her exhaustion becomes overwhelming. Except when she closes her eyes she’s faced with that image of Casey again. She opens them to see Young maneuvering a very tense-looking Ilmo to face her direction, preparing to leave.
“Are you alright, Ilmo?” she asks.
Ilmo nods, slow and deliberate.
When she ignores him, Wake resumes his yelling about stories and Scratch. Saga will talk to him only when she has Casey back by her side. She tries to tune out the shouts.
“Let’s just go,” Ilmo says, his expression hardened. “I want to help you and I can’t promise that I won’t try to…”
He trails off and his stony expression melts into bewilderment. Saga wouldn’t think much of it if not for the fact that Wake’s shouting also suddenly dies down. She looks between the two of them in confusion, only to notice that they’re not looking at her.
They’re looking past her.
Saga slowly turns around, cursing herself. She’d forgotten to close the door.
Aleksi stands there with his mouth hanging open, his icy eyes wider than she’s ever seen them. His gaze seems to flicker between Alan and Ilmo while his breathing visibly quickens. He looks utterly dumbfounded.
Glancing back over her shoulder, Saga sees that both Alan and Ilmo wear a similar shocked expression. The three of them are transfixed by one another. It feels like a joke that she hasn’t been let in on.
Estevez and Young look completely surprised too and the cell keys fall to the ground with a gentle clink. Time stands still and nobody seems to know what to do, all waiting for someone else to react first.
Then everything happens at once.
Kesä takes two hesitant steps back before darting out the door. Young releases the still-handcuffed Ilmo, who curses very loudly in Finnish, to give chase. At the same time, Wake cries: “Saga, stop! You can’t do this!” 
But Saga has already sprinted out after Aleksi.
She and Young both race after him as he runs toward the front door, passing Ahti in the corridor. The elderly man also calls after them.
“Älä hölmöile nyt! Don’t be a fool!"
Kesä, surprisingly spry, makes it out the door, though Saga isn’t far behind, using her shoulder to push the door back open and quickly rushing down the steps…
…Only to come to a complete halt. 
Standing eerily still in a line in the middle of the road, blocking Kesä’s path, are seven Taken donned in full cultist attire. Kesä stops just before reaching them and lets out an anguished cry at the sight, staggering backward. 
To her left, Saga sees Agent Young catch up with her. He gives her a pointed, encouraging nod as he regains his breath.
In response, Saga fumbles to open the packet, take out a needle, and fill it with liquid from the bottle. She braces herself. Kesä is fully surrounded and the Taken don’t seem to be making a move, for some reason. A perfect opportunity.
She shoots forward at the same time that Aleksi turns to look back. She catches the tears in his eyes as she jams the needle into his arm. She also catches his look of utter betrayal before he wobbles on his feet and goes slack against her.
Saga looks over her shoulder to see Agent Young hurrying forward with the other pair of handcuffs. Estevez and Ilmo stand in the doorway, having caught up with them, both taken aback by the sight of the Taken.
It’s now or never.
“Let’s go.”
Finnish Translations:
"Miten meni, missä nyt olitkaan?" = "How did it go, wherever you were just now?"
"Odotahan, poika. Meillä on vielä juttu kesken." = "Wait, boy. We're not done talking."
“Älä hölmöile nyt!" = "Don't play the fool, now!"
Thanks for reading!
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crossroadsofchaos · 29 days
Non-exhaustive list of OCs, with short summaries of each:
(present day)
Yevgeny "Zhenya" Tsaritsyn (he/him, she/her, it/its; 🇷🇺): Got kicked out of home for being queer; was adopted by Lev; chaotic himbo; has a prosthetic arm.
Pavlo Holub (he/him; 🇺🇦): Studying to become a professional cook; also likes to dance; friend of Zhenya.
Levan "Lev" Rotshtern (he/him; 🇬🇪🇧🇾): Magic user; WWII veteran; former Soviet supersoldier and critic of the state; was frozen for 50 years; adoptive father of Zhenya.
Augustus "Gus" Wang (he/him; 🇨🇳): Magic user; historian with a focus on 20th century China and Russia/USSR; co-owns a library; friend of Lev.
Zacarias "Zac" Solntsev (he/him; 🇷🇺🇦🇷): Engineering/tech nerd; has a passion for green energy, particularly solar panels; boyfriend of Luna.
Luna Rosado (they/them, she/her; 🇩🇴): Magic user; astronomy nerd; also likes flowers; artist; girlfriend of Zac.
Miguel Rosado (he/him; 🇩🇴): Father of Luna; ex-husband of Beatriz; attentive and gentle.
Beatriz "Bea" Espinosa-Swift (she/her; 🇩🇴): Mother of Luna; ex-wife of Miguel and current wife of Ginger; loves travel and photography.
Ginger Espinosa-Swift (she/her; 🇦🇺): Wife of Beatriz; younger sister of Rufus; historian with a focus on Russia and the USSR.
Samantha "Sam" Espinosa-Swift (she/her, they/them; 🇩🇴🇦🇺): Elder twin daughter of Beatriz and Ginger; playfully competitive.
Viviana "Viv" Espinosa-Swift (she/her; 🇩🇴🇦🇺): Younger twin daughter of Beatriz and Ginger; lover of nature, particularly frogs.
Rufus Swift (he/him; 🇦🇺): Older brother of Ginger; husband of Steven; bartender at a cafe; sometimes does drag; shapeshifter.
Steven E. Burns (he/him; 🇯🇲): Husband of Rufus; P.E. teacher; loves sports.
Kimberly "Kimmy" Swift-Burns (she/her; 🇯🇲🇦🇺): Daughter of Rufus and Steven; history and anthropology nerd.
Howard "Howie" Swift-Burns (he/him; 🇯🇲🇦🇺): Son of Rufus and Steven; engineering/tech nerd; likes working out.
Angelo Garrido (he/him; 🇻🇪🇵🇪): Model for a local clothing brand; friend and classmate of Howie.
Melissa "Missy" Ito (they/them; 🇯🇵🇺🇸): Journalist for a left-wing outlet; partner of Amina.
Amina Rashid (she/her; 🇸🇾): Photographer; girlfriend of Missy; older sister of Zain.
Zain Rashid (he/him; 🇸🇾): Weapons nerd; his left eye is blind due to an injury; younger brother of Amina; friend and roommate of Harley.
Harley Fisher (they/them, ze/zir; 🇨🇦): Small live streamer with a bunny aesthetic; friend and roommate of Zain.
Andreas Marinos (he/him; 🇬🇷): Son of a human and a mermaid; has water powers, magical singing and a mermaid form; singer and theater performer; boyfriend of Lorenzo and Ozan.
Lorenzo D'Amore (he/him; 🇮🇹): Singer and theater performer; boyfriend of Andreas and Ozan.
Ozan Yilmaz (he/him; 🇹🇷): DJ, sound engineer, sometimes singer and occasional theater performer; boyfriend of Andreas and Lorenzo.
Bridget O'Carroll (she/her; 🇬🇧): Surgeon with healing powers; close friend and roommate of Darya.
Darya Anisimova (she/her; 🇷🇺): Pharmacist, works with developing and producing medication; close friend and roommate of Bridget.
(distant past)
Evelina "Eva" Rotshtern (she/her; 🇧🇾): Mother of Lev; wife of Adam; communist revolutionary.
Adam Abramishvili (he/him; 🇬🇪): Father of Lev; husband of Evelina; communist revolutionary; shapeshifter.
Aleksi Rukhadze (he/him; 🇬🇪): Closest friend of Adam and Evelina; uncle figure to Lev, helped him retain critical thinking in the face of indoctrination; medical doctor.
0 notes
driftwithme · 10 months
Some notes on my pacrim fantasy au:
Herc became King of the Wild when he married Angela, who was the princess of the kingdom. The people loves him so much for his dedication to the kingdom that everyone is dead loyal to him.
The Prince of the Wild tile means Chuck can communicate with animals. He can even ask for their assistance in battle if he wanted, but he doesn't usually 'cause he don't like them getting hurt for dumb stuff.
Whenever the Goddess is mention, it's a reference to a deity that acts in almost any territory: the Lady of Dangers, aka the equivalent of G. Danger.
The Beckets were not really royalty. The Pale (or the white lands of the North) didn't use to have royalty at all. Instead, the land belongs to the real icekin tribes (the equivalent of the Inuits). When the demonic invasion began, the Goddess chose the Beckets as coverage for the icekin tribes, giving them a kingdom in exchange for them to become the first line of protection between demons and the sacred lands.
That's why, when Yancy dies, his spirit stayed and the Goddess ascended him. He is dead as a human, but he lives now as the immortal protector of the Pale, aka Knight of Danger / the White Knight.
When the Hunter Order / The Order of the Hunters was created, two members of the tribe took the vow along with the Beckets. Ilisapie Flint and Zeke Amorak were selected by the Chrome Goddess to act as the second line of defense in the Pale. This means that the chrome cousins and the danger brother are good friends, but rarely see each other or even work together.
Mako is a priestess of the Goddess. She took the vow young, but old enough to give her consent as a woman. She was 18 years old.
Mako is skykin. She used to live in the City in the Skies, before the demons climbed all over it and brought it down, killing her parents. She was taught by her father how to shape the wind into a blade, her weapon of choice.
Pentecost is human, but trained with the Thunder Guard since young age. Affinity to electricity is affinity to the skykin, so it's not a surprise he was such a good teacher to Mako or that his sister, Luna, was a skyrider herself.
The Hansens are have earth affinity, but Chuck has a special brand on himself, courtesy of his mom. The Wild is a kin of its own, one that demands things of the Prince, but offers mysterious benefits in the future.
Tamsin and Pentecost had twin giant coyotes as their partners, assigned to them on the thunder guard. Tamsin has fire affinity, btw.
The Kaidonovsky are hybrids or demi-bloods, part earthkins and part icekins. They do not obey a goddess or a king, but a court of giants, magical terrifying creatures that protect their territory with the ferocity of true love. The codenames Cherno and Alpha came from the job Sasha and Aleksis had before joining the Hunter Order: they used to supervise the black and white pool of magic to make sure only the right people entered their territory --and punish the traspasers.
The Wei Tang brothers are the sons of the Crimson Goddess. They're said to have been once upon conception, but one day playing with mortals, the kid emtered a typhoons and came out as three different beings. The Goddess allows them to do as they please and takes great pride on them being Hunters of beasts.
I'll do my best to include as many pilots as I can, since most of them are alive in the story!
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alistonjdrake · 2 years
The House of Ruin Excerpts: A Very Serious Meeting
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The book closed with a heavy thud. When the man lifted his head, Justyna was taken aback by how much he looked like Nikoline. Although she shouldn’t have been, every portrait looked like them too. Every bust in the corners of the office had a remarkable resemblance. The man even spoke with a similarly soulless tone. His thin fingers clasped around the spine of the book like the legs of a spider. His stare felt greasy. Their skeletal look certainly seemed to run in the family. 
The only difference was that the man dressed much better. He sat in a fine suit that still glowed as if it just came from the warm hands of the tailor. 
Justyna forced herself to smile and curtseyed before she dared to sit down. “Mr. Eldert Stassen?” 
“The one and only, madam.” 
Mikolaj narrowed his eyes when he sat down, crossing his arms over his chest. Nikoline rounded the table to stand beside Eldert. “Are you two twins?” 
“He’s my uncle.”
Justyna flinched. It was impossible to tell how old either of them were. Their features did not allow for such estimates. But Eldert Stassen knew her father, so he must be older and around his age. And Nikoline was at least a grown woman.  
“I do have a twin, however.” She gestured to Justyna with a nod. “I will be joining you at Holst, impersonating my brother Benedikt Stassen who is currently enjoying a newlywed holiday in Escan. He won’t be back for months.” 
“Do remind me to give him my congratulations. I’m still sorry I couldn’t make it to the wedding.”
“I will, uncle.” 
A strange thing to see. Their tone of voice never changed. Eldert Stassen removed his legs from the desk and sat up straight and proper. Still, Justyna swallowed the awkwardness of the scenario and nodded, she supposed that was the reason behind Nikoline’s unflattering attire. Her dark hair still hung past her elbows, however, and for a woman so thin she had quite the bust. 
Olaf crossed one of his legs over the other as he settled Aleksy in his lap. “Escan is a lovely place to holiday. You must also send him my regards! The honey sweet period of a marriage is a precious thing to enjoy.” 
Mikolaj had taken the middle seat. He wasted no time thwacking his arm into Olaf’s side to shut him up. 
But Eldert didn’t look disturbed. He didn’t display much of anything, to be honest. But Nikoline did nod as if she took Olaf’s request to congratulate her brother seriously. 
“How are you settling into the house?” Eldert asked. 
“Good,” said Justyna. She tried to sit up straighter, smoothing her hands over her skirts. “Well, sir. We find the accommodations very comfortable.” 
Eldert nodded. He flicked his hand in his niece’s direction. “Nikoline, play with the child.” 
Nikoline rounded the desk once more. Olaf’s arm flung up to cover Aleksy as he busied himself with the new toy soldier, eyebrow twitching with curiosity as Nikoline began to open her arms in his direction.
Eldert pursed his lips. The first sign of any reaction, as if the show of disobedience upset him. “It is best if we have this conversation away from the ears of children. Don’t you think, daddy?” 
Mikolaj’s face screwed into an expression of discomfort as his fingers tapped along his bottom lip. “I really did not like hearing that,” he said under his breath. 
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poodlejoonas · 2 years
Hey Mia! I was wondering, what do the wives in the dad au do for work?
I love this 💕💕
(under the read-more for length)
Milli is a librarian at a public library near the University of Helsinki. She gets a lot of students who come in for a place off campus and they all have an unspoken rule not to treat her any differently just because her husband is famous. But people do love the contrast between the tiny bubbly bookworm and the tall edgy rockstar. Joel himself will flirt with her by saying, "Damn, if librarians are this cute, maybe I need to read more often." But then he complains that he can never win an argument against her because "she cites her sources."
Kirsten is a journalist writing in English, first starting off at Helsinki Times and then moving to Yle News. She mostly writes about art & culture and occasionally big governmental meetings. She's able to work from home if she needs to, especially when the kids are young and when she needs bed rest while she's pregnant with Lukas. She's usually Joonas's go-to resource for whatever news is happening in the country and stuffy Parliamentary gatherings are always her favorite thing to snark on.
Jenna is a chef for a five-star restaurant. She loves cooking and her workplace is very well-run, but she does admit that it gets difficult to work in such a stressful environment when she's pregnant/going home to a newborn after every shift. She has a great support system in Niko, who takes the kids with him to the studio or on outings whenever she needs time at home to relax. Her celebrity status, both on her own and in her marriage to Niko, has earned her a few spots as a guest judge on several cooking competitions.
Marja is a vet tech. It took her a few years to finish her degree because her ex sabotaged her study and career plans, and then she had Miikka to raise and a life to rebuild by the time she left him, so for a while she just works as a secretary. She finally finishes school in her late 30s, and Tommi pretty much becomes a stay-at-home-dad to raise Miikka and Anna so she can go to school with some peace of mind. She loves animals and has a talent for nursing (just like her husband) so it's the perfect combination for her.
Hanna is a child psychologist. This was one of the selling points when she first met Riina and Riina was trying so hard to play matchmaker between her and Aleksi. She never had a desire for kids of her own (until she became a stepmom, of course) but she loves the kids she works with. She was practically married to her work before she started dating Aleksi. She understands Noah's emotional needs and already knows how to communicate with non-/semi-verbal kids.
I hadn't really given much thought to what Riina does other than some kind of office work. It wasn't fulfilling by any means, just necessary to make ends meet because her financial situation was never the best when she was younger. When the work environment turned toxic and her boss refused to make the accommodations she needed when she was pregnant, she and Olli decided it was best for her to become a stay-at-home-mom to put her well-being and the safety of the twins first. She loves being home with their daughters and being Olli's support while he brings in the money because she puts enough trust in him to take her of her too. Their marriage is very 50-50 and they model what a healthy and supportive relationship looks like to their girls.
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charonean · 1 year
In depth backstories for them all?
Hey Ferre, did you know that I love you?
Prepare for a lot, so I'll do a read more, I guess lol.
So I'll do Casimir and Dmitri Klimek together because they're twins.
We'll start a bit before them though (because I've been developing their family a lot recently) with their father, a human hunter named Aleksy.
Aleksy had recently built himself a cabin in the woods and decided to not continue on with his family's business (they run a bakery) and to become a hunter. So now he's out in the woods once day, and he goes a little too deep into them (people don't tend to go too deep into these woods because there's a high number of wood elves in the area and they prefer to Keep To Themselves). But he's out, carefully tracking a large stag he'd seen earlier, when he steps on a twig and then gets shot in the leg. Apparently he'd frightened another hunter in the area, a wood elf named Emeril.
Emeril, panicked, felt really bad for accidentally shooting a human, and she decided to bring him back to his cabin and tried to heal his wound. And, as it goes, they fell in love. Thus comes Casimir and Dmitri.
They were raised solely by their father (they have no clue who their mother is (they don't even know her name...) because all their father will say about her is that 'she's gone' and they don't know if that means she's dead or she left (Cas believes she's dead; Dima thinks she left)). They were like the sun and moon; Casimir is more withdrawn and solemn, and he loves to study astronomy and sleep in late and he honestly doesn't care at all about his elvish heritage. Dmitri, on the other hand, is very outgoing and personable, he is obsessed with nature, and all he wants is to learn about his mother and what his elvish half. (I could talk so much about random points in their lives here and about their other family members (their aunt Alina (Aleksy's twin) and their uncle Benedykt (and later on, their cousin Erich)))
[At one point, when they were about seven, they were play-fighting with some sticks in the woods, and Dmitri accidentally cut Casimir across his face, and it scarred, which is why whenever you see art of Cas, he has that scar on his face.]
Now, Dmitri wanted to learn druidry. This was no secret to his family. However, it was a secret that he was teaching himself. He'd finally learned his first spell and he was so eager to show it off to Cas. So he took him to this small clearing in the woods by the river where they used to play. This part in particular was the rapids and their father had built up a small wall of stone so they wouldn't fall in. However, Dmitri stood up on one of the rocks as a stage so he could show off, but the spell had a bit of a kick to it, and he slipped on the wet stone, fell and hit his head on a rock, and drowned. He was fourteen.
Casimir was devastated and continued to blame himself for his brother's death because he felt he hadn't been quick enough to save him. In an attempt to redeem himself, he threw himself into his studies of astronomy and into being the best person he could be. He was very well loved by everyone in the town because of how helpful he was.
On the ten year anniversary of Dmitri's death, Casimir went to the river where he drowned, and he was looking into the water, begging for forgiveness, when he saw a second reflection staring at him. It looked just like Dmitri, aged fourteen. It was then that he felt a hand resting on his shoulder.
His brother was back. And he promised Casimir he would forgive him, if he did some things in return. After ten years of only wanting this one thing, Casimir immediately agreed, and thus entered his warlock pact. In return for forgiveness, he simply needed to eradicate all worshippers of this one god. A small price to pay, really, Dmitri had said.
And then from there the story can take one of two routes: Casimir eventually discovers that an evil, fallen god has been masquerading as his dead twin brother to manipulate him, and then he decides to sever the pact and become a druid himself. Or (as it happens in the dnd campaign I run, where Cas is an NPC)! Casimir never figures this out and eventually is appointed to the Warlock Council, a ruling body in their world, and continues to be manipulated and trapped in a state of constant grief and guilt for the rest of his life!
He is my favourite character ever and I constantly think about him. He is also married to another character of mine, Morgan. They are a bard/rogue and a good balance to the Casimir's studious and withdrawn nature. I have a lot more information, but it's hard to compress it all, so if you have more questions, let me know!
Now! As if that wasn't enough info for one ask! Let's move onto Liam Greyvale!
So, a little starter info: I initially created Liam's sister, Talia, a while ago but never developed much of her story. So he was created to fill a gap, but then I got attached.
The marriage between Nathaniel and Alice Greyvale was arranged and unhappy. Alice had been in love with a lower class man named William ('Will'), who had challenged Nathaniel to a duel when their engagement was announced and subsequently killed. Alice had been taken away to Greyhaven, the ancestral seat of the Greyvale family, before she had the chance to tend to William or wish him goodbye. This deeply affects her relationship with her youngest son, Liam.
Their first child, a son named Maximilian ('Max'), was incredibly good-natured and personable. Their second child, a daughter named Talia, idolised her older brother and constantly followed him around. Their third child, a daughter named Lilian ('Lily'), was often excluded by the older two (not so much on purpose, just because of personality differences) and so spent a lot of time doting on her younger brother. Their fourth child, a son named William ('Liam'), was born incredibly sickly and blind in one eye.
Liam spent most of his childhood confined to bed. His mother, who only ever called him 'Will' (a name that he hated, not that he ever told her), spent all her time at his side, tending to him. He feels a degree of resentment towards her because of how suffocating she had been to him. Lily also spent a lot of time with Liam. So much so that they were called 'The Twins' even though there was a years difference between them. She would often sneak him treats or help get him the books he would ask for.
He spent a lot of time reading and studying. He was very find of - and very good at - learning new languages. So he learned a great many and would write poetry in them. Additionally, he would make up new languages when he was bored... or he would play pranks on some of the guards that were posted to watch him. There was one guard in particular, Sir Cassian Edwards, the Captain of the family guard, whom Liam was very fond of.
Nathaniel Greyvale was not a good man. He was not a good husband. He was not a good father. And he was a horrible ruler. So much so that the people staged a rebellion to overthrow the family. This coup was led by Sir Cassian Edwards.
Sir Cassian believed that Max, whilst beloved by the people, was too submissive to his father's beliefs and desires, and thus he could never be a good successor to the throne. He, however, had thought that Liam might be a good replacement. Nathaniel had almost zero impact on his youngest son's life and since Liam had been so sickly growing up, he had almost no contact with anyone from outside, save for Sir Cassian. Liam was, in short, a perfect puppet prince.
During the uprising, Max was killed. He wasn't the greatest warrior, but he had died defending his sisters.
Liam and Alice were in Liam's room - tucked away in a far corner of the keep - and were unaware of what was happening until someone started knocking on the door. Alice went to answer the door and she instantly knew something was wrong. When she noted this, she was killed. Her dying words were "Oh Will, I love you." Liam was found by his sisters kneeling beside his mother, covered in her blood, holding one of the rubies from her necklace.
Nathaniel, Talia, Lily, and Liam managed to escape. From then on, Nathaniel began training the girls to become perfect warriors. Talia on the offensive, so that she may avenge her family, and Lily on the defensive, so that she may defend Liam, who was now the new heir.
It wasn't a good time for the three kids (who were 14, 12, and 11 respectively at the time of the uprising; Max had been 17 when he died) as Nathaniel was incredibly cruel towards them. Talia ended up leaving on her own to go get revenge when she was 19. For another year, Lily and Liam were at Nathaniel's mercy.
Liam, once again, was being used as a puppet for the adults in his life. First his mother had used him as a fill-in for her past love and the fact that she wasn't able to be there for him when he needed her. Then Sir Cassian had attempted to use him as a puppet ruler. And then his father wanted to do the same.
He had found a book on forbidden forms of magic. And he was quite drawn to the idea of blood magic. So Liam practiced in secret, just in case.
The time came a year later, when Liam was 17. He doesn't remember exactly what had been happening - a lesson of some sorts - but he was sitting in a chair, a mock-throne, and Lily was standing beside him as his bodyguard. Their father had struck Liam. Blood dripped from his nose. And Liam used that blood to cut Nathaniel's throat.
After that, Lily and Liam went on the run, separately, as Lily had grown to resent and hate Liam after she was forced to do nothing but protect him and was taught that she was nothing but a human shield for him.
For a year Liam was on the run before I started playing him in the campaign I am in right now!
And that's all for now!! Thank you for the ask!
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lnights · 2 years
Fellow bat is ok just anxiously flying out her cave to put questions you ask box instead of doing her thesis
Speaking of if I have not sufficiently over asked yet even as an anon would you mind doing a cuddly snuggly nest ficlet with their pups as newborns as it sounds heart explodingly adorable please?
I will now retreat back to my cave
You're anxiously flying, I'm awkwardly flying, together we win.😅
Aleksi sighed, burying his face in a soft pillow for a moment before he heard a soft whimpering noise.
"shh, shh, it's ok." He cooed, readjusting the pup on his chest.
The pup blinked up at him, bright green eyes shining for a moment before settling back down, overtired and weepy.
He looks around their cozy nest, all of them had stayed in it all day, just snuggling their pups and each other, only getting out to eat or change them.
Tommi had one of the twins in one arm and Niko under the other; Joel and Olli had the other twin, Joel holding the pup close while Olli stroked his hair, occasionally reaching over and patting Tommi's knee.
Joonas came back into the room and settled between Aleksi and Niko, rocking their last pup back to sleep after he had woken up crying.
He had quickly taken the pup away, knowing if one of them started crying they all would.
Joonas leaned over and pressed his head to Aleksi's, looking at the babe settling down after fussing.
"This is perfect." He whispered.
"Absolutely." Aleksi whispered back.
The others agreed quietly, Joel looking about to pass out, as comfy (and tired) as he was.
It was all they could ask for.
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softersinned-arc · 2 years
Since Aegon’s conquest, the Grims of Winterfell served the Starks faithfully, their devotion to the Wardens of the North driven in equal parts by shared family and shared loyalty to the people they served. It was a shock to all, then, when Aleksi Grim was released from his service so that he might remain in the Reach, where he would wed Ileana Tyrell. Having met unexpectedly at a feast in which her cousin and the head of the family welcomed the Starks in the hopes of brokering a marriage, they decided to marry ten days later, and were wed four days after that. Born to a favored branch of the Tyrells, Ileana was pleased for the chance to marry for love. Elder than her twin sister by only a few hours, Ileana was her father’s heir, set to inherit Greyshield upon his death, and when he passed shortly after her marriage, she and her husband inherited the land, and the title that came with it. She bore three children within their first ten years together: Marika, determined to become a septa; Veronika, clever and willful; and Viktor, adventurous and hopeful.
          Emboldened by their parents’ own love match, the Grim children felt no pressure to be married quickly. Their wealth was enough to endear them to the nobility, should they so choose, and better they find reliable partners with whom they could build a life than be traded for alliances. When Veronika was nineteen, and still unmarried, she joined her parents as they visited the Riverlands; upon their return, the Grims paid their staff handsomely and sent all but a few of the most trusted home for several months, citing a need for peace in the household as Ileana prepared to welcome another child and promising them a position once the child was born. The infant Astoria bore an obvious resemblance to Ileana, with her wide honey-gold eyes and her red hair, though the skeptical noted that she bore a resemblance, too, to the red-haired Brennan Tully, who had seemed a particular favorite of Veronika’s, and that just as Ileana had remained indoors and out of sight nearly six months, so too had Veronika.
          Of course, to suggest that Astoria—Aleksi’s clear favorite, on whom he doted—was the Veronika’s bastard daughter, sired by a man married to another, would have insulted the Tullys, the Tyrells, and the Grims alike; better to let the fiction pass, unremarked upon. Astoria was raised as Aleksi and Ileana’s miraculous—and legitimate—daughter, and Veronika was shortly after married to a Redwyne widower who enjoyed her company but gave her freedom enough to do as she wished.
          From her youth, Astoria drew attention. She was a pretty child who was always at her father’s side, curious to learn everything she could; when she was not with him in his study she was wandering the vineyards, bare feet sinking into the soil and stained with fallen grapes. Aleksi and Ileana insisted that she be educated well, and she had a voracious appetite for learning, more determined to uncover secrets that might be kept from her than desirous of knowledge for knowledge’s sake. As she grew she remained with her father as often as she could, learning at his side; because she was a girl, and a pretty one at that, no one expected that she would be clever enough to pay attention, or to make sense of anything she observed. She was her father’s secret weapon, and his great pride.
          Shortly before her fourteenth name day, her mother died of a fever. Veronika, recently widowed herself, returned for the funeral, but left shortly after, making it clear that she had no intent to remain with her family and that she did not wish to be found. Viktor did what he could, but his wife was expecting children, and soon; his attention had to be devoted to her. As such, Astoria, despite her youth, took on Ileana’s role in running the household and managing its finances. Anyone who wished to do business with her father first had to pass her inspection. After three years of this, Aleksi, fearing that his daughter would never marry and start a household of her own as she tried to care for him, sent her to King’s Landing, to remain with her cousins: Evander and Elyssa Vetri, the children of his wife’s twin sister. Evander had never married, and when Elyssa’s husband died shortly after their wedding, she turned to her brother for support rather than her father. Their familiarity with the court and with the nobility of Westeros made them ideal to introduce Astoria into society and help secure a match for her, and so she traveled to meet them.
          It was clear at once that they were less concerned with helping Astoria than they were with using her. A pretty child had grown into a striking young woman of seventeen, and her penchant for quiet observation had become a talent for understanding what remained unspoken. At first, Astoria imagined that they wanted information for information’s sake, though the more she listened, the more she understood. What they wanted was information that could be sold—to the highest bidder, most often the king’s enemies. When Astoria tried to guard her secrets, she was punished for her insolence, Evander’s violent temper and Elyssa’s manipulations a formidable threat. And so she pretended to be meek, and to have been beaten into submission, all the while leaving a careful trail that led to her guardians.
          Evander died first, found not for his treason but for a murder Astoria had witnessed and struck down when he resisted justice. Elyssa died shortly thereafter, allegedly committing suicide in shame, though some wondered if the blood staining Astoria’s dress had come not from trying to save her guardian‘s life but from taking it. She returned to Grimston and her father, where she resumed running his household and she determined that any match she made would be by her choice, and that she would never be powerless again.
house of the dragon. Aleksi involves the Grims whenever, and wherever, he can. Having been a proud supporter of Rhaenys Targaryen’s claim to the throne, he remained in House Velaryon’s good graces, counting Lord Corlys among his friends. Astoria was in King’s Landing when Daemon Targaryen purged the city of its criminals, and when the prince himself killed her murderous cousin, she is said to have watched his execution from her door with a smile on her lips. To be updated as the show continues and I keep dragging myself through this book. Pray for me.
game of thrones. If Astoria is unmarried, she is present when Greyshield is taken by the Greyjoys and Harras Harlaw is named the new Lord of Greyshield. She and Harras are, very tentatively, betrothed in the hopes that her presence and familiarity will help maintain control over the people. She’s as likely to kill him as she is to marry him, and it all depends on how he treats her father and brother (and her brother’s family), and how he treats her. I’m sure I’ll have more thoughts on this when I rewatch eventually.
I know that in the books there’s a House Grimm. I may never get around to reading the books and my respect for canon is pretty significantly limited, so House Grimm and Greyshield are mine now. So there. In a Game of Thrones timeline, Grimm is now spelled Grim, and Guthor Grim is now Aleksi; the family was originally from the North, but has been in Greyshield for generations now.
Astoria follows the Seven, albeit selectively. While in King’s Landing, she was forced to do some things she’s not proud of, and she doesn’t really have qualms about violence or murder if it helps her somehow, though she puts on a convincing show as a virtuous and kind woman.
Like I said, I don’t have a ton of respect for canon, so I’m pretty sure we can find a plausible reason to put her anywhere. We’ll plot something out.
Publicly, she doesn’t have much in the way of a political stance. Privately, she has very strong opinions. In a HOTD timeline, she is in favor of the Targaryens—Daemon, specifically, as she thinks Viserys is weak, and Rhaenyra unlikely to win popular support. In a GOT timeline, she has little patience for the Lannisters or Daenerys; initially in favor of Stannis Baratheon’s claim, she came around to the idea of Northern independence, and ends up pleased with a Queen in the North and a Stark on the throne. 
I use exclusively (often adapted) show canon for GOT as I’m not particularly familiar with the books and may never actually bother with reading them. My canon for HOTD will be under pretty significant construction as the show finishes and I read this book. 
The circumstances of Astoria’s birth are something of an open secret. Anyone who wants to investigate it could and would have a lot of compelling evidence that she’s Veronika’s biological daughter—for instance, as much as Astoria looks like Ileana, she looks a lot more like Brennan. Even Brennan suspects it after meeting her for the first time, and the two do share a very quiet but profound bond. There’s simply little point in it. It does mean, though, that since she’s both legitimate and illegitimate in the public eye, she exists in a sort of social limbo, where the expectations on her aren’t so strict as they would be for a legitimate daughter, and the opportunities are greater than they would be for an illegitimate daughter. She could easily end up a wife or a mistress and in either position she’d be seen as having been lucky, and skillful, to achieve it.
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rainyearning · 11 months
Arvin is a huntress and loves wearing the fur of the creatures he took down. But Aleksi was never fond of her doing that and since he felt so sorry for the animals she killed, Arvin would start wearing fake fur just to not upset his twin.
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sunsmitten · 4 years
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A quick insight to Aleksy’s large, immediate family. They’re a rowdy bunch and host big Christmas and Halloween parties. 
Najia and Halden Patera: They’ve been married for twenty-three years! Both from Greece but eventually moved elsewhere. Najia is a CEO of a shoe company, famous for women’s heels while his father joined the military at a young age. He’s long since been retired and receives money for his service, and used to be a stay at home dad. But now that Aleksy’s left the house, he’s lonely :( He likes to bake cookies and gives them to the neighbors tho!
Cassia Patera: Graduated art school but ultimately became the owner of a bakery! Just turned 35 years old and recently got married to her girlfriend of five years!! Her main expertise is making artistic sculptures out of cakes and that’s how she makes her business. She’s the eldest sibling of the family and she’s often looked to as another parent for her much younger siblings. Very stern and hard to get to laugh, but she’s a softy underneath her hard exterior!
Dotty Patera: Went to the same art school as her sister Cassia, but dropped out when she found a love for tattooing. She’s the one that convinced Aleksy to get his ears and tongue pierced, and was the person to give Aleksy the sun tattoo on his ribs. 33 years old and almost the complete opposite of her older sister. Carefree, loud and boisterous, she used to be quite the player until she met her current girlfriend. She’s also the one that spikes the drinks at all the family parties. 
Lars Patera: 29 years old and the most mellow one out of the siblings. They’re a peacekeeper and prefers calm atmospheres instead of any hustle and bustle. They kept all their other siblings sane while they were all in the same house together and their room was often used as an escape haven from everyone else. More of a listener than a talker, they give good advice when advice is due. Used to help Aleksy with his sports if their parents were too busy. Stands in the corners at parties and likes to watch the chaos instead of join it. If someone wants official approval from the family, they have to earn Lar’s favor first.
Darius Patera: Was the biggest troublemaker out of the siblings and still is to this day. He’s been arrested twice for ‘public disturbance’ charges and remains to be a huge partier. He’s off and on with all of his ex boyfriends and girlfriends and tends to hop from one job to the next. Right now, at 27 he works as a cook at a dive bar. He doesn’t see a problem with his current lifestyle and tries to convince his siblings to live like he does, but they never fall for it. 
Jace and Mateo Patera: Twins, 25 years old and Jace is on the brink of graduating film school while Mateo, like Aleksy, loves to travel and has been in Norway for a little over a year. Unlike the stereotypical belief that twins were inseparable, Jace and Mateo were very independent from each other. They had a good relationship growing up, and are by far the closest to each other than any of their other siblings, but they’ve never felt the need to be together at every waking moment. Jace has his hands busy making a short film while Mateo is planning his next trip. 
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pricescigar · 2 years
Imagine if Elvira babysat the Pääkkönen twins 👀 like Lars drops them off so he and his wife can have a day to to themselves and trust Elvira to look after them for a few hours.
Sveta is a sweet little baby who behaves and does everything aunt Elvira tells her to. Meanwhile, Aleksi is a little hellion who makes it his life mission to annoy the shit out of Elvira. It escalates it to the point finally snaps.
When Lars comes to pick up the kids, he sees Sveta napping contently in her auntie's lap. Aleksi meanwhile:
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msommers · 2 years
pre-relationship 6, general 3, love 10 for maeve/dietrich and another ship u feel like talking about!!
scouts won the rng lottery so :’) thank you alana!! // ship questions
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
MAEVE/DIETRICH — maeve would feel vindicated for starting to develop feelings for the bastard despite how ill-advised everyone (including dietrich) would say it is, and in her belief that soulmates can be made over time and aren’t solely people that connect romantically from the start. dietrich would probably tell you that’s funny in that dry way of his, maybe you’ll get him with the next joke bud.
JORINA/ALEKSI — i mean…honestly….. it’d probably result in this 😂😐🤨 face journey from both of them. they’re a Classique case of opposites attract and while jorina develops a crush quicker than she’d care to admit, i don’t think she would have imagined anything so romantic and storybook tropey as Soulmates would have ever come into play. give them a few months to realize they’re into each other, then give them a few months after that of actually being together and you could probably get them to think about the whole twin flames concept.
What was their first kiss like?
MAEVE/DIETRICH — these two are funny because in my head they have two different first kisses. the first being when there aren't any strings attached, it's maeve trying her luck at initiating bold contact to further coax him into getting under the covers with her for a night. it's new and tentative and over with quickly in favor of pressing lips to other parts of each other's bodies. & then the second comes much later when they're all tangled up in those strings that weren't supposed to be there. they're kissing and this time it's different, it's familiar and scary and sweet and filled with an affection that likely hasn't been outwardly confirmed by dietrich but is felt in the gentleness of the moment. she's smiling against his lips and this time he goes for another kiss.
JORINA/ALEKSI — oh my gosh i can’t even properly remember when their first kiss was, but i know it was ridiculous. an absolute nonsense excuse for a first kiss. i think maybe it was right before the events of the adamant quest?? they were heading into dangerous territory and jorina was crushing and just the tiniest bit desperate to experience a proper smooch with somebody that she Liked before potentially dying, and aleksi over here is well experienced and can tell when a lady wants a kiss so who is he to pass up such an opportunity. they probably wrote it off as a good luck kiss or smth, the idiots.
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
MAEVE/DIETRICH — maeve is an absolute slut for either of them, she'll take whatever she can get because it all makes her thrive. i'd say that she probably treasures any verbal affection from him just a Tiny bit more solely because of how rare it is to receive. i don't imagine it's a stretch to say that dietrich prefers physical affection. he gets all sorts of flustered by some of the verbal affection she throws at him, he'd much rather the holding of hands or kisses to cheeks or late night cuddling.
JORINA/ALEKSI — both? physical?? mayhaps??? i don’t have any evidence for this, because i know they’re both fans of hearing sweet things from each other (even if it takes jorina a while to adjust to it) but something about the touches…v good. aleki’s been on a spree of casual hook-ups for who knows how long and jorina’s never been in a romantic relationship, they’re suckers for any physical affection given by the other i’m sure of it.
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moviesandmania · 3 years
THE TWIN (2021) Preview of Finnish horror
THE TWIN (2021) Preview of Finnish horror
‘Some secrets are so evil…’ The Twin is a 2021 Finnish horror film about a young mother who needs to confront the unbearable truth about her surviving twin son. Directed by Taneli Mustonen (Lake Bodom) from a screenplay co-written with producer Aleksi Hyvärinen. The Don Films production stars Teresa Palmer (Lights Out, Warm Bodies, A Discovery of Witches), Steven Cree (Terminator: Dark Fate),…
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