#pacrim fantasy au
driftwithme · 1 year
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Picrews for my pacrim fantasy au.
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futurefind · 22 days
//bats my blorbos around like balls of yarn bwtn my grubby grubby little paws........... what sort of verses/aus would you be interested and/or curious to see them in :>c
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rendevok · 1 year
Do you have favorite nrmt fics? Or just any aa fics
Ooo! Yes! I’ve recently been compiling a list of the ones that I just couldn’t get out of my head, so without further ado~
Here are fics that are pure nrmt goodness:
a seat at the table by parchmints - 7yg, Phoenix officially adopts Trucy, and nrmts finally taco bout it sort of maybe ;3
Butterfly kisses by royalmess - canon compliant and “SO MANY KISSES I DIED” <- actual note from my list
if you leave the light on by angstinspace - 7yg, confessions, and my favoritest thing :^)
rough around the edges by Samioli - [screaming from a megaphone] MILES LIKES THE STUBBLE
the bookstore at the corner of 14th and fen by kbots - bookshop/flowershop au, SOOOOO cute and slice of lifey
Chicago Noël by canolacrush - you ever wanted a baker/mafia au? Well now you do! Takes place in 1950’s Chicago, SO delightful to read, good character variety, holiday vibes, and honestly i will be reading this annually
And it’s not a rec list from me without those tasty tasty casefics! These focus on nrmt too of course:
Dating for a Turnabout by Mikomikono - fake dating, murder mystery but they’re being gay as hell the whole time and it’s AWESOME
Investigations of the Heart by poodlepunk - Miles being tortured and down bad, need i say more?
Thrown Through a Loop by savitarandsigh - time loop au, tied to a case! Very cute and fun hehe :3
Turnabout Feelings by ssygir - 7yg, set in Paris, and Very Ace Attorney iykwim, a very satisfying casefic
Turnabout Sole by Collaberal Damage - bodyswap au, SO FUNNY AND CUTE and on top of that, the case is really well done imo!
Aaaaaand basically the rest so far are klapollo so if you’re into that:
can i go where you go by parchmints - klapollo getaway fic , fake dating, they melt my heart and make me want to flip a table
In Better Light by cosmogyral & sunsmasher - klapollo Pacrim au with a side of nrmt as well, SO WELL DONE, do yourself a favor and read this
singing my life with his words by angstinspace - klapollo soulmate au, the premise is so original and god, i wept. Cannot recommend any higher than literally mailing you my tears
wherever you stray, i follow by parchmints - klapollo royal/fantasy au, as magical, romantic, actiony, and adventurous as a fairy tale ought to be!
I’m actually quite behind on my fic reading list, so this is where I’m at so far. I’ve definitely got plenty of in-progress fics that i follow & enjoy that will probably make it to this list eventually, so ask me again some time for more!
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fishbonedotcom · 8 months
Bestie who is irene from the matrons realm. Theres no tags on t. That. And im intrigued :)
Bunnyfella my coconspirator in pacrim and also Minecraft. Im so glad you asked. OK. SO. Going to be avoiding spoilers best I can, but. Irene is sort of a big deal to the whole. Everything.
That was a post talking abt Minecraft Diaries, a Minecraft lets play turned roleplay from 2015. The cannon gets a little handwavey in places bc some of it is. Stupid.
It had three sessions (and a modern au (called “my street”) that evolved into a separate thing. Its complicated) MCD is a fantasy story abt our main character Aphmau (named after and played by the CC, Aphmau) who wakes up in the woods one day and becomes the lord of the village, Phoenix Drop, largely on accident. And then other things happen.
In the world theres a handful (7?) of very powerful individuals that lived far before the main time called the Divine Warriors. (several founded cities and bloodlines, so like for sure existed.) We don’t know a lot about most of them, both bc the show ended after session 3 and because in story its been a very long time since the divine warriors were alive. History treats them more like gods then people.
Irene (sometimes just The Matron, shes usually purple and has the fleur-de-lis symbol in art. Ill rb some in a second) was the founder/leader of the divine warriors. As the founder she’s one of the most powerful divine warriors and created her own realm, the Irene dimension. (It probably had its own, not stupid, name. Again lost to history)
(im assuming this is bc you saw the shadow knights post)
Shad was her opposite and equal, he created/ruled over the Neather (draw all the biblical parallels you’d like. They’re definitely there) Shadow knights are the members of Shads army, its very emo, and because they draw their power from Shad we were speculating what that would mean if they wound up in the Irene dimension.
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miya-twins · 1 year
brain decided to be horrible today and think of the worst case scenario, aka one of the twins dies and leaves the other behind so here's my hcs on how they'd each handle it
tw for death, grief, unhealthy coping mechanisms and eating disorders under the cut
would not handle it well, and it'd be impossible to miss even for a stranger. he'd punch whoever tells him and try to fight hospital staff if he's there. definitely has a public breakdown. possibly multiple public breakdowns.
people would of course try to support him, he actually has a pretty decent support system of friends and family who all also knew and loved osamu. initially, their comfort helps, but there'll be a point at which they'll try and start nudging atsumu towards moving on and that's where things will really go wrong, because there's no way atsumu would want to move on. he doesn't want to get over his grief and lead a happy life - after all, what's the point of happiness if he can't lord it over osamu when they're both old men? this means atsumu will feel lonely and progressively more alienated from his friends and family, feeling like none of them quite get the enormity of his grief.
while the severity of it would depend on the exact circumstances of osamu's death, atsumu would feel some form of survivor's guilt, blaming himself and wondering what he could've done to prevent it (anywhere from "I shouldn't have chosen a job that had me halfway across the country when samu died" to "samu wasn't properly looking when he crossed the street because he was watching my game live on his phone so it's my fault"). and when he fails at anything, and especially when he fails to recover and grows more distant from his friends, he starts feeling like the wrong twin survived, like everything would be better and everyone would be happier if osamu lived and he died.
as for volleyball, there's really only two ways I can see it go, and neither of them are good. one would be that he throws himself into it even more - to prove to himself he chose the right path in life, and to give his mind something to do to keep himself from going insane. except he was already giving it his everything, and trying to do even more is inevitably going to end horribly, with an injury he can't recover from enough to keep playing professionally, leaving him aimless and feeling very much worthless. the other way would be for him to drop volleyball entirely, feeling like he can't play properly anymore anyway, and if his life path can't bring him happiness, he'll admit defeat and go with osamu's. considering osamu has no kids, atsumu would inherit onigiri miya anyway, and he can't just give it to a stranger or let it die when it's osamu's dream. his life. atsumu has no passion for the food industry, but he'll do anything to keep a fraction of his brother alive.
(and if we were talking something with more heightened stakes, like a fantasy au or a pacrim au, where it could be more directly atsumu's fault that osamu died by dragging him into some magical war or a jäger, and where it's also easier to leave his established social circle behind entirely, atsumu could bring this approach to the extreme, stop dyeing his hair and cutting it shorter and part it to the other side, then open a restaurant. not that it would make him happy, but it would give the world an osamu. sure it's just a pale imitation that'll never feel right, but even a fake osamu is better than an atsumu who's the reason there's no real osamu in the first place)
also absolutely would not take it well. anyone who knows him would be able to see it, but he's at least trying to hide it. he'd also force himself into numbness when the grief gets too much, so he can then have his breakdowns in private.
forgive me for taking the guy who ends up as a chef and slamming an eating disorder on him the moment something in his life goes wrong but. come on. he feels happiness at literally every meal. now imagine that being gone for the first time in his life. now imagine that not being gone, even when atsumu is dead. imagine the intense guilt and shame for feeling happy about an everyday thing that will keep osamu alive, that'll let him heal and grow the way only the living can, while his twin is dead. yeah he's throwing that right back up. that and every other good meal he'll ever eat. he'd try and eat as little as possible, and when he does get too hungry, to make himself the worst, least enjoyable meals possible. cold, stale, charred, slightly rotting already, as long as it makes him disgusted instead of happy, he can maybe keep it down.
(also imagine a scifi au where you can just. take small pills that are tasteless but contain all the nutrition you need. the twins and especially osamu would always claim a day where you take those pills instead of eating is a day you survive but not a day you live. osamu would be doing a whole lot of surviving and no more living)
while osamu does have friends and family trying to support him, he'd try to close himself off as much as possible. he's well aware that he's a ugly mess on the inside, and he doesn't want to unload that on anyone else. and he also doesn't want to acknowledge that he could and should do something about it. he doesn't want their help because it might actually help. thankfully the only one who'd notice how much osamu is really hiding would be atsumu, and well. he's not around, so osamu can do whatever he want.
I can't see osamu upending his whole life, he'll continue running onigiri miya - if he takes atsumu's favourite fatty tuna onigiri off the menu because he can't make it without spiralling, that's nobody's business but his own. there's no point in him starting volleyball again, because it's too late for that. osamu'd definitely regret quitting volleyball. sure he was happier with his career, but it meant he spent so little time with atsumu when they could've been together basically all the time like they were as kids if he'd kept playing. especially if atsumu was at the place he died for volleyball related reasons (likely cuz almost all his travelling is due to volleyball reasons), osamu would feel like he had to die alone because osamu left him behind.
basically both of them would be devastated. they're used to being two halves of a whole, in a way other people don't understand because most people don't have a twin. they can't escape the grief because everything is always a reminder of the other. people call them by their first names to differentiate them. their nicknames match. they have the same family and essentially the same friends. everything they own or did, the other twin offered his opinion on without being asked.
and yeah, it's damn difficult to try and be happy when even the concept of happiness is tied to a stupid-ass contest with your twin, and you hate losing but you hate winning by default even more.
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angst-in-space · 5 months
april '24 writing progress
words written: 11.1k
most words written in a day: 1,123
least words written in a day: 0
yearly total: 46k
projects worked on:
ya sci-fi book rewrites
adult fantasy book edits
finished editing ch 10 of sylvix dreamscape fic and sent to betas!
planning bsd regency au
started soukoku oneshot
works published in april:
april goals:
sigh well….you know….finish my ya sci-fi book rewrites MAYBE.
finish sylvix dreamscape ch 10 edits
start soukoku oneshot… maybe try to finish a first draft
make some progress on some other fics???
may goals:
sigh i don't know, maybe just rewrite ONE CHAPTER of ya sci-fi book? 🥲 hopefully a bit more than that but idk we'll see lmao
implement beta feedback + post ch 10 of sylvix dreamscape fic??
edit & post chapter 16 of altea rising maybe?
continue working on soukoku oneshot
finish an outline of bsd regency au
mayyybeee work on other fics? specifically maybe sylvix pacrim au...i miss it...
well i'm still feeling a little discouraged about my progress but WHATEVER WE PERSEVERE... as usual i still have not finished rewriting my ya sci-fi book, but i did finish chapter 32 rewrites, which means i'm now on chapter 33/36 AND I REACHED THE CLIMAX so we are getting there. i think ch 33 is really going to kick my ass, so that might take me the whole month. but optimistically, maybe i will finish that and at least start ch 34??
i also started my soukoku oneshot, but by "started" i mean... literally just that lol, like i have less than a page so far. 😂 i got kinda stuck right away because i was struggling with designing an original villain character BUT i'm excited with what i came up with and feel more prepared to delve in now. so, hoping i can at least continue drafting that this month!
i've also been planning another long bsd fic (i think i mentioned this previously?) - it originated as a shin soukoku pride & prejudice au but has since morphed into a super long joint skk & sskk regency au (still very p&p inspired but...not as closely based on it lol). i have pretty much all the major beats planned out but still have a few gaps in it i want to flesh out before i start writing. so i'm hoping to finally finish my (terrifyingly long) outline for it, so i can maybe start writing it soon???
as usual... i would love to make some progress on some of my other sadly neglected fics. in particular i've been thinking a lot about sylvix pacific rim au again so i may return to that if i have the time/energy.
i also would love to update at least one fic this month. I FINALLY FINISHED EDITING CH 10 OF SYLVIX DREAMSCAPE FIC and sent that to betas, soooo might be able to finally finish posting that by end of this month!! while i'm waiting on beta notes on that i was considering doing edits of ch 16 of altea rising and maybe posting that too. :)
so yeah, much to do this month but a lot of exciting stuff!! 👍
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honeyblockm · 10 months
cracking open an old notebook i designated specifically for fanfiction and im so so!! ^-^ so many notes on aus and poem segments and parts of things that never got finished including: beginning of a rainduo pacrim fic written entirely in shorthand. map for a fantasy au. oh man
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nervestatic · 4 months
for the ask game! 🫓 🍠 🍥 🍙
fic writer ask game
🫓 What is your most popular fic?
that is, without a doubt, live to see the end of the world. i think that maybe one or two fics outdo it in kudos, but it tops out when counting by hits, bookmarks, and comments. it was an absolute beast of a fic that was mostly written by hand in notebooks (that i still have!) while i was working at a job where i couldn't have my phone on me!
it clocks in at 83,801 words, making it my longest fic as well, and 41,043, which is such a bonkers number i can't even really comprehend it.
🍠 How long does it take you to write one of your fics or a chapter/part?
oh, man, i am chronically bad at sitting down and focusing to write. it can really be anywhere from an hour to a little over five months (ch. 32 of live to see the end of the world).
but when i get into the groove, though, and am writing a healthy amount, it usually takes me a day and a half to get through writing, editing, and posting!
🍥 What's your favorite fic you've written?
this is SUCH a tough question. there's definitely fics that hold a dear place in my heart even though i don't consider them to be my best writing (again, end of the world, along with my botw corruption au, which were two of my first forays into longform writing).
i also tend to be very self-indulgent when it comes to writing, so i like all of my fics! i'm writing them for me, after all. but if i had to pick a favorite, at the end of the day, it might actually be what happens in fantasy vegas. it's short, it's sweet, it's funny, and it's one of the only pre-2020 fics of mine that i regularly reread.
🍙 Is there a fic you wish had gotten more attention?
definitely this is not a swan song, my bnha/pacrim fusion au. writing for big fandoms is always rough when it comes to fics slipping through the cracks, but i was pretty proud of this one and i think more people should have read it.
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theriveroflight · 3 years
Miraculous Ladybug Polyship Fanfiction Masterpost
All of my fanfictions involving polyamorous relationships.
Title (w/ link) | Rating | Wordcount | Chapters | Relationship | Theme/AU | Event (if applicable) | Date Updated
All fics below cut.
leave you the dust (my loves) | M | 1069 | 1/1 | lukadrinette | vampire AU | 2/2/2020
there are two permanences: them, and death.
Momentum | T | 9464 | 1/1 | lukagami + adrigaminette | future fic | @miraculousfanworks July 2020 event | 7/17/2020
Fifteen years of a childhood in Japan.
Three years in France.
Another five back in Japan.
So why does Kagami feel like Paris is a magnet, pulling her back in?
i promised myself (wouldn’t let you complete me) | T | 1380 | 1/6 | ladynoir + lukadrien + marigami | aged-up AU | 8/30/2020
and all I do is cry and complain, 'cause second's not the same...
to face unafraid | T | 1088 | 1/1 | lukadrigaminette | boundary negotiation | 12/20/2020
Luka glides on the ice. There's not much to it, but...are they dating? Are they not?
Communication tries to save the day, at least.
Impulses | T | 1165 | 1/1 | lukadrigaminette | future fic | 1/26/2021
Adrien cares a lot for anything without a home. It's only natural that he'd bring home animals.
What Marinette didn't expect is for Luka to enable him - or participate in the rescuing.
serenade (feel our hearts beat, beat together) | G | 1767 | 1/1 | lukadrinette | music | 2/19/2021
In which Luka writes a song.
band the bright earth with new mysteries | T | 7943 | 1/1 | lukadrigaminette | fantasy AU | MLF Rewrite a Classic Event | 2/23/2021
The Forest whispers, and calls two to the throne.
A man tells his son to marry a woman, in the human town nearby.
Though utterly separate events, in congress they bring far more consequences than expected.
Additions | G | 8661 | 8/8 | lukadrigaminette | all four are superheroes AU | MLF Jan/Feb 2021 Exchange | 3/14/2021
Marinette is uncertain. Adrien is angry. Luka is trying his best. And Kagami is confident.
They all try their best.
need to keep you like this in my mind | T | 5416 | 1/1 | lukadrigaminette | secret identities | Spin the Record challenge | 5/1/2021
Are we growing up or just growing down? It's just a matter of time until we're all found out Take your tears, put 'em on ice Cause I swear, I'd burn the city down to show you the light
next to the mausoleum | T | 3406 | 3/3 | lukadrinette | ghost AU | Spin the Record challenge | 7/1/2021
Luka haunts a graveyard that Adrien frequents. Later on, he brings Marinette along to see it.
broke my soul in two (will you forgive my soul?) | T | 3533 | 1/1 | adrigaminette | ladynoir conflict resolution | MLF Sprintember | 9/22/2021
“I never thought you two would have something in common again.”
Chat Noir hasn’t been publicly seen since the defeat of Hawk Moth. Chat isn’t a villain, not quite, but there’s something resembling animosity between him and Ladybug. Everything is complicated, and she doesn’t know what she’s doing.
Four years since the last time they banded together, and this one over some young adults under an abusive parent.
She knows abuse is a sore subject for Chat. She remembers it, from all those years.
the cure to growing older | T | 1643 | 1/1 | gabenathemilie | pre-canon | Spin the Record | 10/24/2021
Just so you know, you'll never know And some secrets weren't meant to be told But I found the cure to growing older
heart vs duty | T | 1165 | 1/1 | lukadrinette | royalty AU | holidaze | 1/1/2021
Luka had to make a choice. It shouldn't have been this hard.
Wherever Life Takes You | T | 48910 | 6/6 | lukadrinette + marigami | pacrim AU | mlbb21 | 1/2/2022
Everyone makes the decision to go to the military academy for different reasons. Marinette for her family's financial security. Adrien and Kagami for freedom. Alya to learn to fight. Luka to rebel against his family. Nino to just go somewhere else.
A wrench is thrown in all of their plans when Adrien and Marinette are handed the jewels that lead to the Miraculous, a jaeger with a history of death. But will they finally best the person behind the akumas, or will they fall to the same flaws as their predecessors?
knight, pawn, rook, queen | T | 3315 | 1/1 | lukadrigaminette | enemies AU | lagoon valentine’s day | 2/14/2022
A chessboard has four sides. Reducing this war to two factions is reductive.
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driftwithme · 1 year
"Could you describe her for me?"
Herc paused then, blinking at the quiet girl in front of him. The morning rain had left the air pleasant on the roofed gardens, rose-white clouds casting shadowed patterns throught the sides over the patch of grass where Herc and Mako sat in comfort. Stacker Pentecost, Marshall of the Hunter Order and father of the young girl, was absent that day. Only his voice and steel tone could be heard pass the garden walls as he commanded the training drills of the day.
Herc eyed his son sitting on one of the high windows on the wall above, pretending to be too busy supervising the training grounds to listen to his father's tale. Yet, Herc knew him better than that.
Describe Jazmine Becket.
If it wasn't evident, he had no expected to be asked of her. Yancy and Raleigh? Sure thing, his mouth was beginning to smile on his own every time some young girl or pal with blushy cheeks asked about the princeses. Are they as blond as we've heard of? Are their eyes as blue? Are they as handsome? As powerful? As charming? As rich? As funny? As kind?
At his age, Hercules Hansen was not a man of great passions anymore ---or at least he was not the type to publicly share them. Life had took his wife from his side and drove his brother crazy. The love he felt for them was a fresh wound in his chest, a particular nasty breed of grief and devotion and the Hansen way, old and worn as rock itself. No, he was not a man of flashing cards as he shuffled.
It didn't mean he was immune to the Becket fever, not in the least.
He had met them once, about two years ago. Herc had gone to Richard Becket's crowning ceremony, taking gifts from all the Beckets in the name of the King of the Wild, Herc's true title to the world. Chuck has stayed at home, not wanting to leave his mother side in case... In case she woke up. What if she opens her eyes and we are not by his side, dad? He had wailed, tucking his 12 years old frame into the space between her bed and the window. What if we come back and she's gone?
So Herc had travelled alone, unwilling to tell the truth to his only son: that his mother had fallen for a spell with no solution; that she will never wake up from her slumber; that he had the chance to wake up only one of them and he had given the antidote to Chuck.
Maybe that was what cemented his feelings for the Beckets at the time. The empty space where the Queen should sit, the goblets full of wine that tilted and stained the robes of the King every time he asked for a new drink. The eyes, sharp and oh-so-awake, of Prince Yancy Becket, meeting Herc's stare with the resolution of a 20 years old that knows his time is closer than anyone imagine.
In front of him, Pentecost's daugther folded together her hands on her lap, always polite as she waited for Herc to continue. Mako, he knew, was not much like any other kid from the outside. She must be 13 years old, a year or months younger than Chuck. Of course, he told himself, of course she wants to know about Jazmine. She must have heard of the other two from her father, but Pentecost had never met the youngest and brightest of the three. Jazmine had not become a knight, like her siblings, or a traveler, like her mother.
Chuck had one leg dangling from the side of the wall, the other bent at the knee to rest his forearm in it. Even with his back to them, Herc could read the interest of his son in the answer by the way Chuck had turned slightly in their direction. It was in his shoulders, and of course, in the fact Prince Hansen wouldn't miss the chance to know more about Raleigh Becket, his childhood hero.
"Young," his eyes fell from his son to the the Princess of the Hunters, blue bangs freshly dyed and hair cut shorter, "and diligent. She rules Anchorage while her brothers clean the land from monsters."
"How old is she?"
"16 years old, soon."
The wind picked up, forcing Herc to stop and Mako to hold her bangs out of her face. Fall in the Wild Lands was hotter than most, but Angela's ancestors had built the castle to let the wind run always placid, allowing the sun to land always true. His people used to said it was never blinding nor fastidious, often one shade away from your arse, something that made Herc cackle every time.
Nearing sunset hours now, the residuals of the early rain kept the gardens comfortable. Herc had loved that castle from the moment he saw it, when he was but a cadet walking inside the gates beside his brother Scott. He would never forget how the wind had picked up then too, carrying some delicate woman's handkerchief to Herc's grip. That's how he'd met Angela, blushing as she claimed it to be hers and teased him for following the wind of destiny when it called.
He wondered what such wind was trying to tell him. Above him, Chuck's shadow shifted.
"Is that all?"
Oh, yes. They were talking about Jazmine Becket, weren't them?
"I'm sorry, Miss Mori. I can't say much more from my experience. It's true she was there on her father's coronation, but the ladies and the dance kept her away most of the night. She was 15 years old and I, a man of war and politics, didn't want to bored the princess to no end."
Herc shook his head at the disappointment of his son and their companion, not wanting to aggravate them youngs more. Mako had distracted herself playing with the grass and Chuck had turned away completely, bored or pretending to be, muttering curses under his breath.
"Although I can tell you what I've heard of her in the tales the travelers had brought to me." Herc cought, keeping his laughther at bay as the teens faltered in their brooding. "In the South is hard to find true worda about her. It is our luck that the princeses seem unable to abandon their sister's memory at home as they change camps. Perhaps those stories will suffice your curiosity, miss Mori, if you're willing to wait for dinner to be served. As for now..."
Herc stood up. He could tell the answer by the light on Mako's eyes, the gentle curve of her lips forming a gracious smile. He'd try to get Chuck to join their conversation, as he knew his son would want to but never admit it in fear of making a fool of himself.
" ...I must go to confer with the Marshall the state of our knight force and the status of the upcoming operations. If you excuse me."
He exchanged bows with miss Mako, feeling more than seeing the moment Chuck landed on the grass and made his way to Herc's side. Together they marched from the gardens to the central towers, where Chuck would walk up to his chambers without a word said to his father and Herc would continue to the war room, waiting for Stacker to arrive.
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corelliaxdreaming · 3 years
WIP Meme
RULES: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I ended up with 121 on my list (*cries* and I left out some for various reasons), and can't even comprehend having that many friends. So consider yourself tagged if you see this and wanna do the thing. Also shameless tags for @maryellencarter @virusq and @nerfherdingteleporter who encouraged me to post. :)
The vast majority of these are Star Wars of various flavors, and those that aren't are marked. For those following along at home, "rowboat" is code for Wedge/Tycho and "lifejacket" is code for Wyl/Cal. Don't ask. :P Those marked with asterisks are actually finished but not posted. Some of these have been posted to comment_fic or here on Tumblr before, but shouldn't be on AO3, and I just couldn't bother to cross reference every sinle one. Feel free to send multiples if you like.
LOE Anniversary*
Placiosexual Jordan*
Rowboat Deepthroat Safewording*
Tycho Giant Dildo*
Hoth Kisses
PaigeTallie Cuddling
CamLon cancer
Not Alone
Until Then Gives Way to Now
Cal I Love You
SonogariNasi afterlife
Inquisitor Wyl
Ghost Cal reader insert
WylSonogari reincarnation
Rogue hangout
CalWyl sex
QPR wedding
Self Insert
Rogues Lost
Nonbinary Tycho 2
Contextless Rowboat HC Bullshit
My Episode VII
The Split au
Cal project # who even knows
Hard Days and Long Nights*
agender Yaz (gen:LOCK)
Aromantic Dean (Supernatural)
aspec Cammie (gen:LOCK)
Corran and Wedge switcheroo
Exhausted Wedge
Firestorm aftermath
Isard fucking with Tycho
Ace Ezio (Assassin's Creed)*
BD-1 project*
I want to go home*
In This Together*
Limb Loss*
Night before Endor*
Rebel Redheads*
Rowboat AU Ficlets
Rowboat AU Sentences*
Shara goodbye*
The Call 2*
TychoPash post trial*
TychoPash testimony*
Big Nope
The More You Love
Tycho Shoots Wes
Dirty Talk
Ace Cal discoery
Again (I know putting a note is cheating, but this is the most innocuous name for 8k of one of the darkest AUs I've ever written)
Bad Master Kestis AU
Cal overwhelmed
Lifejacket Snowboarding
Merrin reincarnationverse
Reasons for love
Welcome to the Fray
Blanket Cuddle*
Hair gel fic*
Tycho joins the OT4
WedgeHobbie confession
Wedge sick
TychoHobbie Distraction
Like Ships in the Night
Death Star II Apocalypse
Haruka and Cheriss (SW/Sailor Moon crossover)
Hand Me Down
Bleeding Out
post I Jedi
Angsty Public Sex
Tycho and Madine
Fantasy (cw: mpreg)
Alderaan Memories
Hobbie Overstimulation
Phanan and Hobbie
PacRim Triad (Pacific Rim au)
Arranged Marriage
Ghosts of Rogues Past
You Never Looked Like a Derek
FacePhanan reincarnation meeting
Accidentally Hurt by Friend (Hell Divers)
WedgeWes Kissek
WedgeWes Reunion
Winter pregnant
President husbands assassination attempt
The Pillow Project
Single Dad Tycho
Loved and Lost
He Can't Be Mine
First I Love You
FaceTon Sleep No More*
aspec Rey and Kylo*
Rogue Squadron letters to past selves
Wedge burning TIE icon commentfic
CorranTycho Corran death AU
Corran dies while Tycho watches
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festiveferret · 3 years
You mentioned in the ask about Clover (I love that fic!!) that you'd love to write more getting back together fics, which would be amazing - are there any tropes you haven't written before that you'd like to try?
Oo this is always hard because immediately all the tropes and ideas I've ever thought of fall out of my head. I do think that 475+ fics in, I've written most of the tropes I'd most like to. I'd say the majority of what's left are essentially "setting" tropes, like barbarian au or mafia au, and since I'm not much of a world builder, those don't appeal to me as much. I would like to write more classic romcom style fics that are a bit longer and are adult no powers aus (vs like college aus). I have a few ideas and some stuff started, but nothing coming up soon.
I also have two fics I started a while ago (and one is partially posted on here) that I'd really like to finish. A PacRim AU (which one could argue isn't a trope, really, but it has tropes within it that I've not done. I really like my idea for this one, but I might need a PacRim fan cheerreader for it, if anyone wants to help motivate and rubber duck, hahaha) and The Mechanic which a post-apoc kinda fantasy setting. Excited for that one too, but also a bit overwhelmed by the worldbuilding. I'd also love to write a Sentinel/Guide AU someday, but I'd like to watch a bit of the show first, for fun and guidance.
I'm keeping my event sign-ups low in 2022 because I really want to be able to follow my heart and write whatever, so we'll see what comes out of me this year! If you have a specific trope in mind, also, feel free to ask me - I find inspiration everywhere!
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jean----ralphio · 4 years
So. Guys.
I've edited three chapters of the second draft of my original fantasy novel (gotta cut that 182k word count ugh). So naturally that means my brain thinks it's time to Stop Doing That and write more fanfic instead. Despite the fact I just finished my Bridgerton Benry one, and I've got a Sabriel one coming out in March for the Gabriel big bang...
The second I make original work progress, the fanfic gremlins in my brain go cray.
Anyways, is the Pacrim/Chaleigh fandom still active? I have a footballer!au that's coming along quite well, just curious if it's worth finishing/posting.
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angst-in-space · 4 months
may '24 writing progress
words written: 10.8k
most words written in a day: 1,408
least words written in a day: 0
yearly total: 56.8k
projects worked on:
ya sci-fi book rewrites
adult fantasy book edits
planning bsd regency au
soukoku oneshot
altea rising ch 16 edits
works published in may:
may goals:
sigh i don’t know, maybe just rewrite ONE CHAPTER of ya sci-fi book? 🥲 hopefully a bit more than that but idk we’ll see lmao
implement beta feedback + post ch 10 of sylvix dreamscape fic??
edit & post chapter 16 of altea rising maybe?
continue working on soukoku oneshot
finish an outline of bsd regency au
mayyybeee work on other fics? specifically maybe sylvix pacrim au…i miss it…
june goals:
stares... make progress on ya sci-fi book... once again, if i could just finish at least One Chapter that would be great lol
edit/post ch 10 of sylvix dreamscape?
edit/post ch 16 of altea rising?
finish a first draft of soukoku oneshot
finish bsd regency au outline (i'm hoping i can start writing this fic in july)
work on other fics??
well. may was... a weird month. (death cw) my grandpa passed away. aaand i spent a lot of the month feeling really depressed partly because of that and for other various reasons. so, not a great time over all. i did not get as much done as i had wanted, but i think it's a win that i got anything done at all really lol.
i am still suffering big-time with rewriting the last few chapters of ya sci-fi book. but i have at least reached the climax, so there's that! i've been struggling with "choreographing" it all, but i think i just gotta rip the band-aid off and write it even if it's not perfect.
i had also hoped to edit/post the last chapter of sylvix dreamscape in may, but...with everything going on it just kinda fell through the cracks, and i also gotta follow up with my betas about it. sooo maybe in june?? i'm so sorry, i know it's been almost a year by now. ;;
otherwise... i made a bit of progress on the soukoku oneshot! only like 2k but that's something lol. i'm hoping i can at least finish a first draft of it this month since i think it will be relatively short. aaaand i am almost done outlining the bsd regency au, which i am hoping i can start writing in july... that one is going to be Very Long but i am excited about it!!
other than all that, i don't have many specific goals for this month. hoping i might return to some of my other fics and whatnot but we shall see. it's gonna be a busy month lol. also happy pride!!! 🏳️‍🌈
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brigittttoo · 3 years
👖 and 💻 and 👀, for the writing ask game!
👖 Are you a planner, plantser, or pantser? Is it consistent?
I feel like I'm about 85% planner and 15% plantser. I don't let myself start writing something unless I know how it ends and what most of the middle looks like, which almost always involves numerous,, uh, .txt documents for notes (yes I started using notepad on my computer for planning purposes and may have actually written a full fic or two in there completely, which I know is weird and a little chaotic). Much like in all my other projects (sewing, PhD research, vacation travel, etc) I really prefer having a plan laid out already before I do it, even if I end up deviating from it in small, organic ways. So lol yeah I'd say it's pretty consistent, across my life and not just fic.
💻 Do you do research for your fics? What's the deepest dive you've done?
Oh boy, I do so much research for fics but I love doing it so much it's almost an indulgence. I once looked up the frequency of particular minerals in the French Alps just to see whether a fictional country would have used it as decoration in a children's toy. The thing about research is that it's usually something I'm already interested in, hence why I'm writing about it in the first place, so I'll gladly use my academic access to find sources for fic things. I think my deepest dive was into tech stuff for the PacRim AU? NZ south island hiking trails and local marae? Or maybe through wikipedia articles on plants.
At the same time, I do enjoy making stuff up, but I think made-up stuff has to be able to fit logically into a context that makes sense, which for me is achieved either through research or prior knowledge.
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
As I said before, I don't usually end up with half-finished things because I won't let myself start them. However, there is one (1) in my writing folder, and it's for the captive prince fandom. I had a great idea for it and started writing but could not for the life of me continue past a certain point, even when I started over with new pacing and everything. It was a cool 1920s Irish AU where one protag was literally a bog body from ancient times and the other had just killed his uncle and was on his way to escape the IRA. It was bound to be very magical in a cool Celtic way but, yeah, I just couldn't manage it. A very small piece of it ended up in the fantasy AU I did for codywan week, where (spoilers?) Obi-Wan emerges from his sleep in the moss in that cave just to say hi to Cody ♡
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thatsparrow · 3 years
doing this from @whoreschach‘s post (equal parts bc it sounds fun and uhhh bc I want a break from work)
rules: post the names of all the files in your wip folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you, and I’ll post a little snippet of it and/or tell you something about it! then tag as many people as you have wips.
(only posting the ones that I theoretically still plan to work on. I also recently retitled all the docs in my wip folder to better keep track of them, but like. neither my brain nor my writing habits are anywhere near this organized. fuck I can’t believe I’m about to drag myself this hard)
— alien: covenant - walter lives au — among us - crewmate character study — birds of prey - harley/dinah post-canon — black sails - flint/silver post-madi’s death — carl — chicago - velma/roxy — crimson peak - post-canon — critical role -       — beau/jester fairytales       — cad & yasha (post-obann arc)       — don’t know how I survived (I must’ve slipped between its teeth) fjord au fic       — fjord/beau/jester au       — marion/the gentleman, ep 130       — the betrayer pt. 2       — undeadwood - miriam/arabella/mason post-canon — dimension 20 -       — fantasy high - community au      —the unsleeping city - heroes of new york gen. 2 —emelan - lark/rosethron pov — jurassic world - owen/claire post-canon au part 2 — minotaur mercenary & the caravan he’s hired to guard (ow) — parks & rec - ben/leslie agg au — six of crows - kaz/inej post-canon — snowpiercer - edgar character study — tfatws - sambucky stormpilot au — the adventure zone: balance - magnus/julia pre-canon — the good place - michael & eleanor post-s2 canon divergence — the office - pam/karen s3 au — the walking dead - rotg (ch. 21) — thor - thor/valkyrie potc/vikings au — tortall - pacrim au — treasure planet - jim & silver post-canon
i. cannot tag as many people as I have wips but if this sounds fun, please do it and tag me in return
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