#alex would be offended M
frost-queen · 7 months
Tempting fate (Reader!Featherington x Colin Bridgerton)
Requested by: anon, Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
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The night was out. Chilled but rather comforting on the skin. You were outside, waiting as your sister had already taken the carriage in a haste. Not a few moments ago she had a little encounter with Colin Bridgerton. One that you witnessed from afar. You could tell by your sister’s expression that she was displeased. Distressed to say the least. Once again had Colin Bridgerton said something to upset your sister. It was getting out of hand and you hated him for it. Hating how he toggled with your sister’s feelings.
They had been friends for a while now, but your sister desired more. He was the only good gentleman that gave her attention during the balls. Even if it was just a little. It wasn’t his first slip, but this time you clearly had enough of him. Now that your sister had run off with the carriage, you were left to return home on your own. Waiting for the carriage to return to the estate of this night’s ball would take awfully long.
Rubbing your arms gently, you hesitantly decided what to do. Go or stay? Slightly turning your head you noticed in the corner of your eye a figure approach. Once you fully got a glimpse of him, you rolled your eyes with annoyance. – “Y/n.” – Colin said approaching you. – “Good night Mr. Bridgerton.” – you answered coldly turning your posture away from him. – “Do you not need a chaperone?” – he asked making you stop in your way. With a deep sigh, trying to temper your annoyance down, you turned back to him.
“Certainly not from you.” – you answered with a forced smile. He stared confused at you. Trying to process the meaning of your words. He slightly came closer to you. – “Did…did I say something to offend you?” – he questioned. You scoffed making him furrow his brows dumbfound. Colin and you hadn’t been the closest, yet he considered himself acquainted with you through your sister. – “To my sister you did!” – you bit back finding his act of stupidity tiring.
“Pen?” – Colin. – “I…I don’t understand.” – he answered. – “Why do you minimize my sister?” – you asked him boldly. Colin was taken back by your reply, looking surprised at you. – “Minimize… no, Y/n… I…I wrote to your sister everyday this summer with little reply.” – he said with a charming smile. You smiled in return as Colin flourished from seeing you smile. Yet your smile had other intensions. – “Oh, yes I know all about the letters you wrote her. Letting her know about all your adventures. I am well aware of that Colin!” – you pressured on.
Colin chuckled nervously. – “Are… are you going to make me say it out loud?” – he responded feeling a bit foolish. You quirked your eyebrow up unintrigued.  – “I missed her.” – he told you. You busted out in a laugh. – “You miss her?” – you positioned yourself stronger, fiercer to go up against your sister’s good friend. – “You miss her, but you would never court her is that correct?”
“Y/n I…” – Colin started finally losing a bit of his  boyish foolishness towards you. – “I overheard you!” – you called out. – “At my mama’s ball last season… telling everyone you would never ever court Penelope Featherington.” – You felt yourself get a bit emotional, defending your sister against her best friend. Against the one she loved. Some voices approached as it drew Colin’s attention briefly away from you. – “Bridgerton.” – one of them greeted as they passed. Colin bowed his head to them before leaning a bit closer to you. Lowering his voice he spoke – “Perhaps we should go where there’s somewhere private?” – he suggested.
“Because I embarrass you?” – you said loud enough for anyone walking around to hear. – “My sister can change her entire wardrobe and gain confidence but that would never take away that she is the laughingstock of the ton.” – you outed in anger. – “My sister doesn’t deserve a cruel man like yourself in her life.” – you picked up the hem of your dress. – “Good night Sir!” -  you saluted coldly at him before taking off in the night. Colin watched you leave with a certain guilt eating at him.
Two days later you were with your sisters and mama at a garden event. Your sisters sitting down in a chair underneath a tent, waving themselves some cool. Your mother was chatting with some of the other mother’s. You had no idea where Penelope was. You on the other hand were playing battledores and shuttlecock’s with some of the other season’s participants.
You stood on one side with a girl you were quite familiar with. On the other side were two gentleman. The shuttlecock went high up in the air as the boys knocked it to each other. You were waiting for the shuttlecock to come your way to hit it to her and then back to the boys without it touching the ground.
Somehow your attention got drawn away from the heavens. Seeing Colin Bridgerton clearly look for someone not far from you. – “Miss Y/n!” – one of the men called out as the shuttlecock went your way. Your attention was back as you calculated the moment your battledore hit the shuttlecock. The shuttlecock went up in the air as you thought back of annoying Colin.
The shuttlecock came down once more as you needed to pass it to your companion. Yet you let the shuttlecock come lower, batting it away with your battledore towards Colin. You watched as it hit him in the head. The shuttlecock fell in his hand as he looked down at it confusingly. Rubbing his sore head with the other one. The girl at your side pointed firmly at Colin to go and fetch it. You sighed loud going over to him. The moment Colin noticed you approach, he dropped to a bow. – “My shuttlecock.” – you said offering your hand for him to lay it in.
 “You hit me.” – Colin responded. – “Must have slipped.” – you responded sarcastic. Colin was all but amused. – “Now my shuttlecock.” – you insisted upon. Colin was about to give it to you till he changed his mind last moment. He had taken a deep breath, moving the shuttlecock behind his back. – “I’ll give it back if you allow me to apologise first.” – he started throwing a charming smile at you. – “You should apologise to my sister.” – you made clear not wanting an apology from him.
Colin tensed his jaw, as he had hoped for another outcome. – “I…Y/n.” – he sighed out. – “I don’t require your useless apology. My sister needs to be apologized to.” – you told him clearly. Colin sighed loud getting worked up by your attitude towards him. – “Fine! If you don’t accept my apology, you might not even deserve it.” – he snapped back. – “I don’t even want it!” – you fired back. – “Fine!” – he finished. – “Fine!” – you repeated loud.
“Good luck getting this back than!” – he showed you the shuttlecock again. You slapped your hand at it as Colin had pulled it away in time. – “Give it back!” – you called out to him, getting some attention from bystanders. – “You don’t deserve this.” – he mocked, taunting you by showing you the shuttlecock just out of reach. You groaned annoyed as he moved it behind his back. You knocked into him full force to reach for it behind his back. A bit too forceful perhaps?
Colin stumbled backwards as you fell with him. With a loud oof fell you on him. Now having the full attention of those around you. You were very much aware of the staring eyes. You pushed yourself hard off him. He felt the air get sucked out of his lungs. – “Eat it!” – you cursed at him storming off. Colin sat up, swallowing nervously at the sudden attention. Getting up, he saw Penelope look his way. He shamefully turned his head away, getting up and taking his leave.
Lights were flickering in the warmth of the room. Music filled the room. Dancers were taking in the centre of the room. You stood by the side with your two other sisters and mama. Your gaze went across the room. When your eyes fell upon Colin, you glared at him. He glared back at you, turning his head proudly away. You stubbornly looked away as well. Looking down, you fidgeted on your dress. Somehow it pained you to see him act so coldly towards you.
You didn’t intend on doing so but the more time you spend with Colin, arguing and bickering, the more you felt drawn to him. You shouldn’t be falling for him, but yet you were. Some novels say that you grow more attracted to those things you hate the most with frequency. This might be the case for Mr. Bridgerton and you. Mama nudged you hard making you lift your chin back up. She gestured to you, to smile so you could attract more eligible men.
Not being in the mood for her interfering, you took off. Blending through the crowd to escape her. Pushing yourself through the crowd. Coming to a brief stop, you came face to face with your sister Penelope. Your eyes widened briefly before you rushed off to the hallway to avoid her. Penelope blended with the crowd, lowering her head when she saw Colin near. He was clearly in pursuit of someone.
Almost panting he disappeared through the same door you had left moments ago. It made Penelope think doubtfully. You exhaled loud setting your hands on the desk from the room you had run off to. Clutching your heart, you felt it beat faster. Faster then it normally did. Was this Colin’s doing? Shaking your head you didn’t want to think about him. It was wrong to think of his that way. Your sister was madly in love with him. You couldn’t… not for the sake of her. – “Y/n.” – you jumped back startled at the hearing of your voice.
Colin had entered the room, shutting the door quietly behind him. You rounded the desk, creating more distance between you and him. – “Shouldn’t you dance with my sister.” – you sarcastically suggested to him. He exhaled soft, practically done with your flight modus. Done with how you kept pushing yourself away and shoving your sister to the front. – “Y/n.” – Colin started as you didn’t want to hear it. – “You keep doing it Colin. You keep minimizing my sister.” – you told him.
“Ignoring every hint she throws at you, and you too blind to see it. I hate how you ridicule my sister’s feelings towards you. She is not some object.” – you ranted out as Colin came nearer, going round the desk to reach you. – “You tell her you miss her, but you won’t court her. Why?” – you asked desperate. – “I can’t court her.” – he answered standing face to face with you.
“Why?” – you repeated wanting to have a clear answer. Colin felt himself be swept up by the heated moment. – “I just can’t.” – he responded loudly feeling his hands tremble to get a hold on you. – “Answer me. Clearly!” – you called out getting up in his face. – “Because I want you!” – Colin shouted back, practically panting from the tension released inside of him. Your eyes widened.
Colin grabbed for your face. The hell with being a gentleman. The hell with your reputation and his. In this moment he just wanted you. He forced himself forwards, pressing his lips on yours. Your gaze widened more at his touch. His lips gently brushing against yours as you fell under his spell. Giving in to the sensation as it was beyond this world.
Butterflies flattering around inside till they suddenly dropped with realisation. Guilt. You pushed Colin off, breaking off the kiss. Colin blinked confused at you breaking it off. Stunned you held your hand before your mouth. As if something was stolen from your lips. A kiss perhaps? – “My sister…” – you whispered out knowing just how much she loved him. – “Y/n…” – Colin said wanting to approach you.
“No!” – you called out clear, taking a step back. – “I…I can’t do this…” – you told him running around the desk. Throwing the door open and taking your leave. Colin went around the desk as well, standing in the door opening. One last attempt to call out to you, but you were out of reach.
Exhaling deep, he lowered his head, heart broken at the loss of touch. He never courted Penelope but he found himself falling for you. Her sister. The sister that yelled at him. That wasn’t afraid to speak back even when some might find it out of turn. He liked how sincere you were, but also caring and free. A bright personality when one got to know you, truly know you.
Penelope bit the sour apple down. A single tear fell down her cheek, yet her face stood bitter. Bitter with hatred for what she had just seen. Her own sister fleeing a room with Colin Bridgerton showing himself in the door opening. It was clear to anyone that you had been in there privately with him.
Penelope made her way to the carriage. Rushing to get home. In the carriage she pulled out a piece of parchment from her reticule. The carriage hobbled yet she maintained balance. Taking out a pencil, she set it down on the parchment.
Dearest gentile reader…
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  [read part 2 & part 3 & part 4 & part 5 & part 6 & part 7 & part 8 & part 9 & part 10]
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roseharpermaxwell · 2 months
RWRB FirstPrince Roommates & Neighbors Recs - Part Two
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Nothing like being Henry's roommate to send Alex on a bisexual awakening speedrun. Enjoy this selection below!
cross your thoughtless heart by kjbee81. G, 1k. It’s a normal, ordinary Tuesday when Alex finally has the realization. He isn’t really sure how it began or when it started, but one random Tuesday, when he’s at work, he finally notices. Henry has been packing him lunches.
each time we touch / i wanna take too much by @firenati0n. M, 1.3k. Alex puts his fingers in Henry's mouth.
did the light hit my blush (when i told you you could be enough?) by matherine. T, 1.4k. Henry wasn’t eavesdropping. Really, he wasn’t — he had just come home from work at the shelter early, toed off his shoes at the door, and began to settle in when he heard it.
“No, Nora,” Alex’s voice groans, floating out into the hall from where his bedroom door must be cracked open. “I can’t tell if he’s just not interested or oblivious. I’ve used my whole arsenal of flirting and Henry’s completely unresponsive.”
Or: Alex has been flirting for months. It’s not that Henry didn’t notice — it’s that he thought he couldn’t possibly mean it.
something new, something true by rizcriz. T, 1.7k. It’s Cassie in the library, Raul at the coffee shop, Emilio at the movie theater. It’s Nora and June at dinner on Thursday. It’s Ellen and Leo at brunch on Sunday. It’s knowing glances and furtive comments from bloody well everyone they know or come in contact with.
Everywhere Henry turns, it’s people looking between him and Alex like they know something they don’t. Like they’re seeing something that isn’t there. And he knows what it is. Knows what they’re thinking.
He didn’t, but he does now.
Everyone thinks Alex and Henry are dating.
It's hard to lie with water in my lungs by @hgejfmw-hgejhsf. M, 1.7k. Best friends Alex and Henry get caught in a storm on their way home, and once there, find themselves in an unexpected situation.
high expectations by rizcriz. T, 1.9k. Alex is lying in a bed, hooked up to a heart monitor, tubes sticking out of his arms. He looks like he’s gone through an entire ordeal, only, as soon as Henry walks through the door, his eyes go wide, and he’s grinning, a big, toothy smile, bits of cotton sticking out from the corners of his mouth, and sleepily slurring out something that sounds suspiciously like Henry’s name.
His gaze darts to the doctor.
Just as he’s about to ask, there’s a flutter of a movement, the racing sound of the heart monitor going crazy. He snaps his eyes over to look at the monitor—doesn’t understand anything other than the fact that Alex’s heart is going crazy enough to set off several alarms, the beeping quick and scary, and all the information Henry just forced upon himself comes racing to the forefront of his mind as he scurries further into the room, wide eyed and panicked. He looks between the doctor and the nurse, but they’re holding back smiles as they look at each other, barely paying any mind to the monitor.
I kissed a boy and I liked it by @gallifrey1sburning. T, 2k. Henry has no idea what the context would have even been to have spurred such a comment. He only heard it due to one of those mysterious moments that happen every so often in crowded rooms at the most inopportune times where the volume on all conversations inexplicably lowers simultaneously, allowing one statement that was most likely not intended for mass audiences to ring throughout a space. In this case, the somewhat offended sounding announcement of one Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry’s tragically heterosexual roommate and long unrequited crush:
“Of course I’ve kissed a guy before; I’m not homophobic. Jesus.”
Alex is a bit confused about the concept of allyship. Henry is possibly going to die.
kiss me once 'cause you know by @ninzied. T, 2.1k. Of all the things they’ve been to one another—sometimes-rivals, reluctant allies, tediously cordial seatmates at international events—Henry never thought that he and Alex would end up being something like friends.
(In which Alex sort of moves in and they don't talk about what it means.)
love don't by @smc-27. E, 2.4k. Alex calls the stupid advice podcast because he’s bored and out of ideas and he’s been trying his best, but Henry doesn’t seem to be feeling any better.
“My friend was seeing this guy for four months, and then just got straight up ghosted. What can I do to support him?”
The podcast host - a comedian most of the time - answers, “Oh, you’re gonna have to fuck him.”
you pull me in tight by @miss-minnelli. T, 2.5k. Tonight, they’re watching A New Hope, a compromise, since they spent half an hour bickering about episodes V and VI. Alex has his bare legs in Henry’s lap and Henry is gently rubbing his hand up and down Alex’s right shin.
It’s very possible Alex has died and gone to heaven, but he fucking hopes not, because this is actual bliss. Henry’s eyes are focused on the screen, smiling at something Luke is saying, but Alex hasn’t been watching the movie at all. He’s transfixed by Henry’s hand on his leg, ruffling his leg hair and stroking his ankle with each pass.
Or, Henry and Alex find each other after a bit of a detour.
until you're sick of me by rizcriz. T, 2.8k. Henry hasn't seen his roommate in nearly two months. Alex left for Austin shortly before Thanksgiving for two weeks, and Henry left for London the day before he was set to return. They’ve had the odd facetime call, and several hundred text messages to help them tide their time apart—but that didn’t take away from the fact that Henry fucking missed him.
And after three delayed flights, he’s finally standing outside their apartment door, and he’s resigned himself to the fact that it’ll still be several hours before he can finally see Alex again. He sighs and sets down his bag to dig out his keys, carefully tucks the key into the lock, and quietly opens the door, turning his back to it to pick up his carryon and grab his roller bag. As quietly as he can, he scoots backwards into the apartment, flinching as the roller bag bounces off the door frame.
bandage up your body and your bones and your bad days by @spiritsontheroof G, 2.9k. It’s been years, really, since he got that tell-tale pressure behind his eyes and ball of tension at the top of his spine. He pinches the bridge of his nose and when that doesn’t work, he reaches around to the back of his neck and presses right at his hairline, desperate for some kind of relief.
forehead kisses. by dreakawa. M, 3.2. Movie nights had become a weekly tradition for Alex and Henry.
As per usual, the movie Henry had chosen had Alex slowly dozing off next to him, his body relaxing onto the couch. He feels Henry grab the blanket and place it over him, and then-
Well, then, Henry’s fingers begin carding through his hair, and Alex doesn’t know what the fuck to do. It’s evident Henry doesn’t know he’s awake, but the touch feels… nice. Safe. Comforting in a way he didn’t realize he needed.
And then… well. And then.
Henry leans down and kisses his forehead, and his entire fucking world tips on its axis.
There’ll be time enough for countin’ when the dealin’s done by earth_to_alex16. T, 3.3k. Henry has a bad date.
Alex makes him a bet he can't refuse.
three seconds until the world ends by rizcriz. T, 3.3k. When Henry agreed to come with Alex to June and Nora’s for a party, he’d considered a million possibilities. Alex wandering off with someone and leaving Henry to fend for himself; June bringing out vodka jello shots (again) to try and get Henry to open up. Karaoke. A house full of strangers celebrating the New Year. Basically, the norm.
What he did not expect, however, was for June and Nora to decide that it was far too late, and Alex and Henry were far too drunk to go home when everyone else left at 3am.
Henry did not account for the singular guest room.
all i know since yesterday (is everything has changed) by saintsnames. G, 3.3k. henry and alex have been roommates for three and a half years when alex's girlfriend washes his sweatshirt in tide detergent and a realization unravels.
Red-Bull Lattes FTW by ItsMayBiTheWay. T, 3.4k. It was inadvisable. Alex knew it was inadvisable the first time he did it, and he knew it the second time he did it. By the third time he was so high on caffeine, his hands were shaking, but one might argue attending law school was inadvisable as well. So Red-Bull lattes it is.
After mainlining three Red-Bull lattes to survive the last of his law school final of the semester, Alex finds himself in the hospital, his asshole of a roommate by his side. Why the fuck is Henry there? And why things he’s hearing throwing his world off its axis.
It leads you here, despite your destination by @dreamsinthewitchouse. M, 3.5k. “So.” Alex unwinds his scarf and drapes it over the back of the couch, turning to Henry. “Welcome home.”
The word coils in Henry’s gut, a sugar-sweet spiral. “Thank you,” he says, not trusting his voice for more.
i need that charles dickens by @whimsymanaged. E, 3.6k. Henry’s flatmate (and crush) Alex is suddenly obsessed with Charles Dickens. But when Henry asks to borrow Alex’s Dickens, he quickly learns that Alex hasn’t, in fact, been talking about a book.
Every Time I Fold A Paper Crane by earth_to_alex16. T, 3.6k. The story of Alex and Henry's relationship as roommates, and the birthday card that changes it all.
love drunk, waiting on a miracle by gallifreyandglowclouds. E, 3.6k. Henry wears grey sweatpants. Alex reacts (in)appropriately.
there's one prize i'd cheat to win by @coffeecatsme. T, 3.6k. They’ve been roommates for eight years now, through Georgetown to New York, law school and grad school and ultimately their jobs, and Alex can’t imagine his life without Henry. Can’t imagine a world where he’s not in love with his best-friend-slash-roommate.
Too bad Henry has a boyfriend already.
Or, 5 times Alex is jealous over Henry's "boyfriend" and 1 time he realizes he doesn't have to be.
ocean blue eyes looking in mine (i feel like i might sink and drown and die) by coffeecatsme. T, 3.9k. It feels good. Henry’s touch feels good against his skin, and it’s not like when June hugs him so tight after not seeing him for days, not like when Nora bumps his shoulder or ruffles his hair and he wants her to get the fuck away. Not like when Henry has touched him a million times before, hands brushing as they walked, platonic cuddles during movie nights, hands on his elbow and his wrist and his chin whenever there’s a bit of chocolate on the corner of his lips or he needs someone to steady him. It’s too warm, too solid, peeling off layers of his skin until Alex kind of wants to check if somehow his internal organs are exposed, except he doesn’t because he’s worried Henry will stop if he moves and he…
Fucking hell, he doesn’t want Henry to stop, does he?
Alex finds himself in Henry's arms after a night of drinking and realizes some things.
In the teeth of strong opposition by @clottedcreamfudge. E, 4k. "You know what?" Henry says loudly, annoyed beyond belief that he has to hear for the millionth time how fucking cool Alex is with Henry's sexuality. "If you're such a good ally, why don't you suck me off? Since you're so insistent, why not get on your knees, Alex?"
He regrets the words as soon as he says them, but it's not like he can shove them back into his mouth; he can't take them back. He closes his eyes so he doesn't have to see the shocked expression on Alex's face and takes a few deep breaths.
"Sorry," he says tightly a moment later, eyes still closed. "That was uncalled for."
"Do you want me to?"
in the dip of your collarbone (baby that's called home) by rizcriz. T, 4.2k. Alex has had too much to drink.
Alex has had too much to drink and he’s practically horizontal, held up only by the strength of his roommates singular arm while said roommate is dribbling fucking Patron into the dip between his clavicle so he can lap it up with his tongue.
or two idiots are in love.
it hits different 'cause it's you by coffeecatsme. E, 4.3k. “Fuck, I need someone to like, rail me to next week so I stop worrying about this class.”
Henry chokes on his tea in an attempt not to spurt it all over his computer. He turns to his roommate. “Alex?” he says carefully. “Could you…repeat that, please?”
Or, Alex needs to get railed. Henry provides.
you taste like home by whitescarves. T, 4.4k. “I lied to you,” he says.
He doesn’t clarify. He doesn’t have to.
Alex toys with his fingers. Quiet settles over them, offset by the pattering rain.
“I know.”
Or, the rizcriz prompt where Alex and Henry are roommates and Henry lies when Alex confesses his feelings in order to protect their dynamic.
Riding slow 'cause you know the world's moving too fast by earth_to_alex16. T, 4.9k. Maybe he should be reaching for the stars, like his parents told him. Moving mountains. Changing the world.
But all he wants to do is tackle one small hurdle at a time, Henry right by his side.
So what does that say about him?
Four times Alex and Henry face collisions, and the one time a collision yields stars.
all this bitching and moaning. by @chaa-kiao. M, 5k. His door creaks. “Alex.”
Henry. Fresh tears splash over his cheeks. “Since when do you ignore my boundaries?”
“Since you—” Henry sputters. “For Christ’s sake, I haven’t allowed myself a single shred of hope in four years, can you blame me for not being able to stand it?”
Alex’s sexuality—straight—is the punchline of most Super Six jokes. He starts figuring out why that bothers him so much.
be with you day and night (all i need is time) by chanmosphere. T, 5.2k. Five times Henry is about to confess and one time Alex does it first.
None of my love will go to waste by @kiwiana-writes. E, 5.3k. Henry has made peace with the fact that he's in love with his straight roommate. When he walks in on said "straight" roommate with a man, though, he may need to re-evaluate.
coming clean by ninzied. E, 5.8k. Objectively, Henry knows it’s not so big a deal. They’ve seen each other naked before, in a strictly gym locker sort of way. Here should be no different, really. Either way, it's no place for deeply guarded fantasies about his housemate—his best mate—to go. Either way, Alex is straight. Either way, Alex is not even looking.
Or, 3 times Alex wants to talk about his day while Henry's in the shower + 1 time he wants other things.
it's all fun and games (til somebody loses their mind) by @theprinceandagcd. T, 6k. He’s left standing there, listening to the thudding of his pulse in his ears, trying to swallow the sudden nausea twisting in his belly. Alex is long gone, like he flipped Henry’s world upside down without a single care and walked away from him similarly, with no concern for the destruction left behind in the wake.
Alex had kissed him.
He’d done so for several moments, a full stretch of countable time, like he’d meant it, and then disappeared in a split second once he’d achieved his victory, the apparent purpose of his kiss.
As if it had meant nothing.
Alex kisses Henry during a game of laser tag, and then pretends it was just a distraction, only he can't stop thinking about it, either.
Let Me inside (I Want to Get to Know You) by affectionatelyrs, @happiness-of-the-pursuit. T, 6.1k.
A sticky note, placed between the knobs on the kitchen sink:
Tap not working. Called plumber 5th Oct.
A new sticky note, placed between the knobs on the kitchen sink:
fixed. told plumber not to bother.
A new sticky note, placed to the right of the sink:
Did you wear the uniform and everything?
A new sticky note, placed below the previous sticky note:
wouldn’t you like to know?
Or, Alex and Henry fall in love one note at a time
Run the Risk by etherealdimini. NR, 6.1k. Henry smiles at him. Then, he shakes his head, like he’s trying to shake out a thought. “Well, thank you for having David. I should, um, get going. I wouldn’t want to bother you even further on a Sunday morning. I suppose I’ll see you—”
“I could have you, too,” Alex blurts out. Henry’s mouth drops open slightly.
Henry moves in beside Alex. Alex is enamoured. He does something about it.
Uncut not Uncultured by @inexplicablymine. E, 6.4k. “Excuse me? Have I dealt with Uncircumcised Dick? Are you at a hookup or something right now and a little lost?”
“Yes, have you dealt with uncircumcised dick, no I’m not at a hookup, I am having an existential crisis and I need support okay Liam!” Alex’s voice pitches up at the end showing that he really is worried about something to do with foreskin.
One Trader Joe’s Pride themed phallic treat, one existential crisis with your ex and his current lover, one hot and steamy night to work it all out.
YourMusicSucksAndYouLookLikeADickhead by cloudymilk. E, 6.7k. In which Alex gets a new neighbour who immediately pisses him off, and they begin blaring their music to communicate with each other.
oh shit...are we in love? by sunnysideprince. T, 6.8k. They are practically polar opposites. Henry is quiet and introverted where Alex is definitely not, but it works for them just fine. It’s just like what Ms. Benson taught them about magnets. Opposites attract, and Henry wouldn’t have it any other way.
down the hall, through the door by kwrites. E, 7k. Alex had found his door opening at least once a week, Henry’s tall frame filling the space looking for something or other. The thing is, Henry seemed so well put together all of the time, that him constantly running out of common household supplies or food is so outside the walls of what Alex expects from him.
or, Henry and Alex are neighbors and Henry has a habit of stopping by unannounced.
peekaboo, baby by celeritas2997. E, 7k. Henry might die.
“You good?”
“I—er—fine,” Henry stammers. His blasted, traitorous eyes lock onto where Alex is hanging out.
Alex follows Henry’s gaze. His surprise is short-lived before he cocks an eyebrow and smirks. “Like what you see, sweetheart?”
Henry is definitely going to die.
Can You See Me? (I'm Waiting for the Right Time) by @affectionatelyrs. T, 7.2k. “Whose turn was it?” Henry asks while Alex is busy pondering the merits of throwing himself out their fifth-story window and hoping his boner doesn’t take anyone’s eye out on his way down. “Forgive me, but I am a bit tired. Do you think you could take it?”
There’s no way that Henry’s not doing this on purpose. He makes words mean things when put in a certain order for a living, for fucks sake. Alex almost quips back depends on how big it is just to see how—or if—Henry would react.
“Yeah, um, no problem.” There. Much more normal. He could steal Henry’s job at this rate. “Truth or dare?”
Or, Alex’s world gets flipped on its axis during a game of truth or dare
deep in the dreaming of you by ninzied. E, 7.4k. Alex isn’t sleeping after a recent breakup. Henry tries to be the supportive best friend, because he knows all too well what it’s like to lose sleep over pining for someone.
Or, Alex is pining. Henry is just very wrong about whom.
(looked to the sky and said) please, I've been on my knees by theprinceandagcd. M, 7.5k. But Henry is not Alex’s.
He won’t ever be Alex’s to hold and cherish and love.
Because Henry chose someone else.
That searing pain is why Alex has folded his limbs into a patio bench on their balcony, feeling petulant and hating himself for it. It’s the reason that he’s a quarter of the way into the bottle he’s holding and pouting up at the sky, looking for stars that he knows are there but aren’t showing themselves to him, like maybe they’ve abandoned him, too.
He feels like he’s staring up at an endless expanse of darkness and wishing on fucking nothing, his prayers falling on deaf ears and getting forever lost in that infinite abyss.
or, Alex gets drunk because Henry is on a date & drunken confessions ensue
in your arms (the happiest place on earth) by rizcriz. T, 7.6k. Alex stares at the text, his heartbeat thrumming wild and free in his veins, because what the fuck. Not because of the content of the text, as mundane and normal as it is; not Henry thinking about him when he’s several states away without him; not the fact he’s even texted while Alex is in the middle of the busiest damn park at Disney World.
It’s the words that pop into his head as soon as he reads the text:
Fuck, I love him.
What. The. Fuck.
Or, the happiest place on earth isn't where you'd expect it to be.
Sprinkler Splashes To Fireplace Ashes by @iboatedhere. T, 7.7k. "So, tell me everything."
"There's not much to tell, really," Henry says, smiling into the phone when Pez sighs dramatically.
"Henry. You are young, beautiful, living in an exciting city half a world away, and you say there's nothing to tell?"
"I'm over thirty," Henry counters as he strains his tea into his mug. "I found a gray hair three days ago, and I'm in Georgetown—the most exciting thing I've seen is the neighbor from three houses down trying to fight a ticket for double parking."
"Was he successful?"
Pez hums. "You should get out more."
coming on fast like good dreams do by @cricketnationrise. E, 7.5k. When Henry recovers from his unexpected factory reset, he still can’t really breathe properly and somehow Alex is still standing in front of him with a hopeful and excited expression on his face.
“Run that by me again?” he asks faintly.
“I need your help.”
“I need you to edge me. Like a lot,” Alex says with a shrug.
Nope, it’s not any clearer a second time around.
One More Weekend by @underthefigtree777. E, 7.7k. “Are you going to miss me?” Henry’s arms wrap around Alex’s waist from behind. His chin rests gently on Alex’s shoulder.
Alex doesn’t know how to answer the question. He already misses Henry.
The unspoken rules they made for whatever they’ve been doing over the past year have slowly started to deteriorate. Now that there is an end in sight, there isn’t much point in minimizing the small talk. There’s no need to sneak back to their respective apartments in the middle of the night to avoid waking up next to each other in the morning.
Or, Alex and Henry have been neighbors and fuck buddies for the past year. Alex realizes his feelings for Henry might be more than casual when he learns that Henry is moving back to London.
(how's one to know?) I'd live and die for moments that we stole. by untoward. G, 8k. He kissed Henry.
But it wasn’t a long or deep kiss, it was a peck. He did that to a lot of people; Nora, his old friends from back home, hell, even strangers at parties. He knows he’s an affectionate person and this is just an extension of that. Plus, he’s really comfortable in his sexuality to know it doesn’t actually mean anything.
5+1 Things where Alex keeps giving Henry kisses and claiming he's just being his affectionate, straight self.
we broke all the pieces (still wanna play the game) by theprinceandagcd. E, 8.5k. “Henry.” Alex crawls over and braces his hands on Henry's thighs, sitting up on his knees so that he can meet Henry's gaze. His own lips curl automatically when he sees that Henry is already smiling, but he schools his features into a more serious expression. “Do you want to play?”
“Do you?” Henry reaches out to push a curl away from Alex's forehead, trailing a finger down the side of his face and making Alex shiver. He leans down until his mouth is beside Alex's ear, and Alex feels lightheaded all of a sudden, his breath held hostage in his lungs. “Because you're going to lose.”
Alex shoves him away, shaking his head as that challenge reverberates in his brain and sparks fire in his veins, accelerating his heart rate as he grins. “You're fucking on, Fox.”
or, Alex and Henry are best friends who are *definitely* not into each other, so they get a little tipsy and play gay chicken that neither of them are willing to lose.
Number Neighbour by aforgottennymph. E, 9.2k. Henry likes his new neighbours well enough - There’s Mrs Bennett in 6D, who always pinches his cheek when she passes him in the hall. Mr Ewing in 3B, that Henry always helps carry his groceries up the stairs as he doesn’t trust the lifts. There’s Emily from 4A, who always stops Henry in the halls to show him photos of her baby, who has recently learned how to put square shaped blocks into square shaped holes.
And then there's Alexander Claremont Diaz in 2E that he has been steadily falling in love with via text message, despite never meeting the man.
He's bloody screwed.
I Get On My Knees by quill_and_ink. E, 9.5k. What the fuck is Henry Fox doing in his bed? His best friend, his roommate, the person who knows him better than anyone else in the world - why in the everloving fuck is Henry in his bed?
Better question - why the fuck is Henry naked in his bed?
bacterial? fungal? nah, baby, we're going viral by @benwvatt. T, 10k. It’s okay, Henry thinks. This is who he is on Eureka Boys, magnanimous, gracious, intelligent. Perhaps it’s a role he embodies. Perhaps it’s his actual personality.
It takes time to figure out.
Alex gulps just then, and Henry follows the languid dip of his Adam’s apple down, down the exquisite column of his throat; Henry follows the hand that scratches at his starchy collar. Henry stares into the middle distance and wants him.
In which Alex and Henry run a science comedy podcast while in college, and Henry spends every episode pining madly after his (seemingly) straight best friend. Yes, they do flirt while talking about animal sex.
Through His Stomach by KiwianaPods (kiwiana), lovecommahannah. E, 13k. “Do you think we can save the pot?” Henry asks, moving to run it under water in the sink.
“Not a chance,” Alex says with a laugh. “But here. Go sit down. I know my way around a kitchen pretty well, so you don’t have to worry. I’ve got this."
Or: How to get your roommate to fall in love with you, in 5+1 beginner friendly(ish) recipes.
It's a Strange Way of Saying that I Know, I'm Supposed to Love You by sunflowerjpg. T, 13k. “So… Alex is bi.”
“Y-yes, I heard,” he responds through a gulp.
“When do you plan on making your move?” June asks, straight forward as always.
“June! I can’t! He just came out, how can I take advantage of that? I can’t just say, “Hey Alex! Now that you’re into men, do you fancy sucking my cock?” He would have me committed! Jailed! Deported! And what if he came to his sexuality because he met someone? Oh, god.”
“Okay, ew, I’d expect more romance.” June protests just as Bea scoffs.
Moving 3,399 miles across the ocean with just his dog and whatever clothing he could fit in his travel bag to attend NYU behind his grandmother’s back was not one of Henry’s most sane ideas. Thankfully he meets his roommate on move-in day—one charming, inevitable, Alex Claremont-Diaz—and they slowly fall in love during their first year living together. Henry thinks it's completely unrequited, Alex thinks they’re dating the whole time.
Lovefool by aforgottennymph. E, 18k. Henry has been in love with his roommate and best friend since the moment they met, caught in the rain outside their college apartment. Over the next four years he learns everything there is to know about Alex Claremont Diaz, what makes him tick.
He knows his coffee order, the meaning behind how he narrows his eyes one way versus a slightly different way. He knows how to make him finish in under thirty seconds (“That was one fucking time, sweetheart!”).
If only he could have him, wholeheartedly, not just the friends with benefits arrangement they have stumbled into.
The Flatshare, or Two Boys One Bed by momsgoldteeth. G, 18k. The Craigslist ad reads, 'I work nights and only require the apartment between the hours of 9am to 4:30pm Monday through Friday. The flat would be yours 4:30pm to 9am Monday through Friday as well as all day and night on Saturday and Sunday.' Henry and Alex share a bed. Henry and Alex have never met. (Based on Beth O'Leary's 'The Flatshare'.)
Room For Rent (Sex Dungeon Not Included) by @everwitch-magiks. E, 19k. When Alex comes, he only knows two things: that he’s good, and that he’s Henry’s. And that’s all he needs to know.
Alex’s housemate has a sex dungeon. It’s pretty much exactly what you’d expect; whips and bondage gear and a chair that looks like something a gynecologist would have use for. Alex, being the chill, sex-positive guy he is, is of course extremely cool with this. Totally normal about it. Enthusiastically supportive, even.
But as Alex watches Henry invite a steady stream of men into his dungeon, he develops one tiny little issue with the arrangement: he desperately wants to take their place.
Murphy’s Law (aka, A series of most (un)fortunate events) by Djokodal_Fan. M, 22k. If something can go wrong, it will.
The somewhat cynical statement of the Murphy's law has never really appealed to Henry - but he can't help start believing in it more and more, after the magnificently gorgeous, witty and compassionate Alex Claremont-Diaz moves in to the house next door to his. Basically, the man of Henry's most fervent dreams and deepest desires. They quickly become good friends, but somehow, every so often, Murphy's Law strikes when he's in Alex's company and leaves Henry feeling either flustered and tongue-tied, or completely mortified, or utterly distressed. It's not long before he starts disconsolately wondering if the very Universe is conspiring to keep him away from the man of his dreams. If he is Thisbe to Alex's Pyramus, and Henry's destiny is to always keep pining from across the picket fence separating their homes.
Alex, of course, has radically different ideas. ☺️
Newton's Fourth Law by dilfpickles. E, 26k. In which Alex meets his new very attractive roommate through Reddit, downloads Grindr, and discovers some things about himself and his roommate in the process.
You Make my Head Spin by starry_pisces. E, 26k. Henry and Alex become roommates while both attending classes at NYU. Alex learns what it's like to live with (and love) someone with an invisible disability. Feelings abound.
thinking out loud by later2dae. T, 27k. Alex has a new neighbor. The walls are quite thin. One night, he hears a voice, but it's not what he expects.
OR the one where Henry berates himself and Alex thinks that it's Henry's horrible boyfriend.
wrung out by arcticmaggie. M, 35k. So excuse him if he passes by Henry one night, both in pajamas and on their way to their respective rooms, both about to end their day at the same time, and his pinky slightly grazes against Henry’s right hip, immediately making him stop, whip around and stutter out, “H-Hey.”
It startles Henry—it startles Alex as well, Jesus—as he stumbles with his steps and turns around, eyebrows raised in surprise at the sudden break in peaceful silence in their apartment.
“Hey?” he replies.
Law student Alex is incredibly touch-starved and his English Lit PhD roommate Henry is right there.
If you know a firstprince author handle I may have missed tagging or find a broken link, please give me a heads up! Happy reading.
RWRB FirstPrince Roommates & Neighbors Part One
Master List of RWRB FirstPrince Recs
Master List of Recommendations
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hi! could you write the bachelor/ettes with a m!farmer that dresses very fem? like— with all the stuff that's stereotypically related to girls?
Heya 👋 Sure, why not.
I honestly didn't know what format to choose. At first it was going to be big stories, but I thought it would be too long to read lol. Thanks for the ask btw! 💕
SDV bachelors/ettes with male!Farmer that dresses very fem:
Abigail was filled with envy because Farmer is a man who could wear whatever he wanted and not be told by his parents that he "had to dress properly". Amethyst lover still has to listen from mom that "a lady should wear a skirt" or from dad "a lady should this and that". Ugh... Oh, and Farmer looks gorgeous! Damn, Abby's jealous >:/
"You're such a weirdo, what's with the girly clothes?" Alex should have learnt not to say the first thing that comes to mind out loud, but we all have our flaws. Athlete has nothing bad to say towards the Farmer himself, but clearly doesn't understand his taste in clothing. Neither does he understand why Sebastian is always walking around in black clothes. Farmer looks... alright, Alex think. But he just doesn't get it.
Oh, how happy Emily is to have another person in town who loves to express himself through clothes! Everything is harmoniously matched, the fabric is of the best quality.... And most importantly, the Farmer feels comfortable! The blue-haired girl doesn't care that it's "not for a man". Emily can make clothes for Farmer according to his style, if he doesn't mind of course!
In the past, Abby had been teased for dressing like a boy, and Sebby had been insulted for having long, "girlish" fringes.... More than once Sam has threatened to hit the offenders with his guitar if they keep it up. So if Farmer gets harassed too, he shouldn't hesitate to ask Sam for help. Farmer looks cool, by the way!
To be honest, Farmer's fem style of dressing for Penny is rather extravagant. The young teacher is modest by nature and with old-fashioned ideas about how men and women should dress. On the other hand, she admires Farmer's courage to express himself and not afraid to be judged.
There were at least three times in Sebastian's life when some tourists picked on his "fem look", namely his tight jeans and black-painted nails. The local emo even then knew that judging people by their appearance is a complete nonsense, so he would not react to Farmer's atypical clothes in the bad way. And Farmer look cool, though Sebby is not a fan of his style, preferring everything black.
Yoba, is this the latest collection from the same famous designer that Haley always orders clothes from?! She recognises these clothes anywhere. Haley thought the new farmer always wore dirty overalls. And these clothes look so stylish on him! What? Who frickin cares if the clothes are feminine, the Farmer looks great! Slay! 💅
Shane was about to open his mouth and comment on Farmer's, as he think, ridiculous outfit. But then he remembered that it wasn't his place to judge people by their clothes, considering that his everyday clothes were a torn blue jumper with Joja's logo on it, pizza-stained shorts, and ragged crocs. After Emily's clothing therapy, Shane will have a little change of heart. But in general, he doesn't give a shit what Farmer wears, even if it's a trash bag.
"Hey, you look great." Believe me, Farmer, Leah's words are genuine. This woman is always used to being honest with people, and she will honestly praise her friend's appearance. Because a lot of people express themselves in different ways. Leah chose to express herself through creativity, while Farmer chose to express himself through clothes, and that's totally cool.
Harvey marvelled at the fact that Farmer walks around in these clothes and is completely unafraid of criticism..... No, no, don't get him wrong, Farmer looks good! It's just... In a way, Harvey is jealous, because he has to sneak around to aerobics in fear that some of the other bachelors will see him and make fun of him. But you know, just seeing Farmer has inspired the doctor to be braver.
Although in Maru's situation it was not about clothes, she too had to deal with this type of conflicts. Her grandparents told her mom, Robin, that her job as a carpenter was "not for women", while her father's relatives condemned Maru's passion for inventions as "not for young lady". How nice that Maru's parents were supportive and that Farmer has also defied criticism and is doing what makes him happy. Don't listen to anyone and do what your heart desire!
Quite extravagant, but Elliott even likes his style. Farmer definitely has the taste to pick colours and accessories harmoniously. What? Judging? Pfft! Dear friend, when Elliott lived in town before moving to Stardew Valley, the people there also tried to ridicule his clothing choices, calling him a dandy and, pardon his language, a "pompous peacock." Ugh, some people just have no taste! But at least Elliott has excellent clothing taste. And Farmer has it as well!
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I’ve kinda already written about this before with the college AU I started a while ago but I have a mighty need for a life drawing workshop with Ghost and Soap.
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Like maybe Soap runs some classes in a local bar venue space or something and he puts out ads every so often for models. Ghost meanwhile is discharged from the army with a shitty shoulder injury and no where to go. After going for a pint with Gaz to commiserate, and drown their shared sorrows of having to leave army life, Gaz tells Ghost about a new side hustle he has going ever since he’d had to leave months prior.
Ghost snorts out a laugh at first “are you bloody joking? You. A life model?”
Gaz pretends not to get too offended, but rolls his eyes and take a drink.
“It’s not as weird as you think. You stand in a couple different poses-“
“With your kit off,” Ghost chuckles.
“Yes, with your kit off,” Gaz huffs. “You get told how to stand and what props to use and then a bunch of people draw you for a couple hours. It’s totally painless and you get decent dosh for it. I do Soap’s class twice a month and Alex’s class three times - it’s easy money, plus it’s cash in hand so HMRC don’t have to be any the wiser bout it.”
“Hang on a minute, Soap?” Ghost says, shaking his head. “What kind of a name is Soap? He gives you props as well? What next, does he ask you to dance for him too? Give ‘im the old dazzle dazzle, do you?”
“Fuck off Ghost.”
“Aw, im only messing. ‘Sides even if I wanted to do little poses for your art class, I wouldn’t be able to. My shoulder’s buggered remember? I wouldn’t be able to hold a lot of positions for long.”
“Soap’s pretty understanding. He can pick poses that suit your body and he can adjust the times so that you don’t have to stay still too long if you can’t take it. You just have to tell him about your injury and he’ll be understanding.”
Ghost shook his head again and took another gulp.
“Fuckin’ Soap.”
“He’s an eccentric guy, but he’s cool,” Gaz shrugs. “Do you want me to speak to him for you? He’s usually on the lookout for new models.”
Ghost would say he’d need to take some time to think about it, but Gaz would take that as a yes. So a few days roll by and soon enough Ghost gets a text through telling him that Soap would be ‘well up’ for meeting him and said he should come by the next evening before class.
Ghost - I told you I’d think about it, you twat. Not to go on ahead and tell him I wanna join his little cult.
Gaz - show up or don’t, you can think about it all you like between now and then. You’ll thank me later 🤪
After that last text Gaz then sent him a picture of a wad of cash and few coins spread out over a blotted bar top. Ghost would sigh, but as soon as he saw that money he knew his decision was made. He needed something until he was able to figure out what to do with the rest of his life, something to tide him over till he received payments for his injury.
He’d turn up for Soap’s class with a flustered air around him and would step through the shadowy doorway to the bar with soft unsure steps. It was still early, there wouldn’t be many people inside. He’d ask the barman where the function room was and sullenly walk through the curtain, raising his brows when he’d finally lay eyes on Soap.
Ghost wouldn’t know what to expect but it’s not the mohawked barrel of a man that’s lugging chairs around the room and running around like a little worker ant. His eyes would linger on the muscles that were exposed from Soap’s paint and charcoal stained tank top and he’d watch on wordlessly, widening his eyes when Soap would finally notice him. He’d dig his nails into his palms to try to stop himself from blushing in embarrassment.
“You’re a bit early for the class’ mate,” Soap would huff, settling another chair around the raised stage. “Looking to join?”
“Uh sort of,” Ghost would say, frowning as he struggled to find words around the bodybuilder/artist. “My friend Gaz, uh Kyle you probably know him as - he said you were looking for more models and that I should come by…”
Soap’s eyes would light in recognition and he’d smile warmly, striding over to greet Ghost properly. Ghost wouldn’t be prepared for the warm grip in Ghost’s handshake and he especiallly wasn’t prepared for those big blue crystalline eyes to be roaming over him as if they were mentally taking him apart.
“Simon right?” Soap would say, revealing a perfect white grin. “I’m Soap, John’s my name, but I prefer Soap so you can go with that, yeah? Kyle mentioned you had a shoulder injury and that you weren’t sure you could hold certain poses.”
Ghost would straighten up then and nod, pointing out which one it was. From then Soap would take him through a few positions and would discuss the technicalities with him, were Ghost to join. Apparently it was easy to make accommodations for him, and Soap would be more than pleased to have him as a model, and like Kyle had already mentioned, the pay was pretty good.
Ghost would grow interested the more he would hear and eventually Soap would wear him down enough into taking him through a few practice ones. They would be relatively easy, and Ghost would find himself realising that Gaz was right - it was easy money. Plus Soap was no bad company either.
He’d be convinced into watching the class that night and getting to have a little taster of what he would be doing. The model that night would be a tiny little thing, a dancer, and would hold the most intricate stances for the eager artists to draw, contorting themselves into pretzel like shapes that Ghost couldn’t possibly hold. They’d capture his attention for a minute, but Ghost would always find himself staring at Soap right after.
He’d watch the way he directed the model, stroking the air to dictate how he wanted them and guiding them gently into form all without physically touching. He’d encourage the artists, complimenting a few people, and helping anyone that needed guidance. His favourite would be when the others would fall silent and Soap would take to gathering himself a pencil and paper and drawing for a little bit. The immense concentration, the way he’d clench his jaw and narrow his eyes would be so captivating and there was nothing that could stop Ghost looking away. Nothing that could stop him from wondering what it would be like having Soap’s eyes on him like that.
As it turns out it would almost steal all the breath from his lungs. Ghost would be sitting on that same stage the next week, stone faced and gritting his teeth through the slight chill in the air. He’d be used to resisting the cold, though he wouldn’t be used to all the eyes on his naked body, most of all Soap’s as his furrowed brow stayed glued to him. Ghost would swear that Soap could read his thoughts, could strip his mind just as easily as his body and he would know that Ghost was developing a stupid obsession with him (he’d refuse to think of it as a crush).
He’d look purposely look away on the next pose and would still feel Soap’s eyes on him still. They’d warm a path from the bones at his collar, all the way down the ridges of his pecs and right down to the pit of his belly. Butterflies would dance where his empty stomach should have been.
He’d love and hate it in equal measure, barely feeling the eyes of Soap’s gaggle of students because of the intensity of their teacher, but he would still show up again the next week and the next after that. Just hoping that maybe one night it wouldn’t be his own hands pulling the cord on his robe, perhaps he could embrace a pair covered in charcoal and graphite and entice them to touch instead of trace the air. He’d want to break through Soap’s page and show him new colours, tear the world as he knew it apart in only the way that Ghost could.
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anincompletelist · 11 months
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5 fics under 500 tag! :D
OKAY here we go - thank you to @happiness-of-the-pursuit for creating such a lovely idea and way to share the love! thank you to @inexplicablymine for tagging me to do the challenge, and thank you to @kiwiana-writes and @read-and-write- for including me in your recs! I appreciate ALL of you guys so much and I hope you're doing well! <3
as for the fics --
I've carried this song in my mind | @kiwiana-writes | T+ | 2k
Henry lays eyes on Alex Claremont-Diaz for the first time in Rio, and it sends such a shockwave of longing and terror into the universe that Arthur feels it.
Or, five times Arthur tries to get Alex and Henry together from beyond the grave, and one time two times his intervention isn’t needed.
Henry Fox, All-American Hero | @tintagel-or-cockleshells | T+ | 6k
Henry Fox, normal grad student enjoying the American life, indirectly foils an attempt on the President's life. Naturally, the world falls in love with him. Naturally, Henry wants things to go back to normal. And they will after this medal-and-dinner deal, right? Where the President's extremely hot son is hitting on him?
(I know I've already recc'd this next one but I can't NOT include it)
the rubble or our sins | weather_stained | E | 14k
As the Emperor's grandson, Henry despises the gladiator games and resents being forced to attend them — that is, until he sees Alexander fight. 
It's a romance doomed from the very beginning, as Henry's family is already pressuring him into joining the army and finding a wife, but he falls hard for Alex nonetheless. Will Henry find a way to be with him, or will he spend the rest of his life looking back on their time together?
covered in you | @hypnostheory | E | 10k | part of this series
Alex blinks at him, tilting his head to the side. Sometimes Alex looks at him like he’s trying to figure out some strange riddle. “Can I ask you a personal question?” Henry switches to the other boot, nodding for Alex to continue. “Do you have a thing for leather?”
Henry blinks. “Erm, no?” He finishes working the leather conditioner in, letting it set. He wipes his hands off on his microfiber cloth, resisting the urge to smell the clean pine tar of the conditioner before he does. “I mean, doesn’t everyone like how leather smells?”
Alex stares at him for a few painful seconds. “Do you just like how it smells?”
never be so polite (you forget your power) | Standinginmoonlight | M | 6k
The one where Arthur Fox leaves letters for his children.
(and another because I couldn't narrow them down)
I'd hold you as the water rushes in | anonymous | M | 11k
“—lex. Alex.”
Fuck. Where had his mind gone? Alex snaps his eyes to Henry’s, forcing his attention back from where it had drifted. “I’m listening, I’m listening. What were you saying?”
Anyone else would probably be offended, or would just laugh at the clearly conflicting statements that had flown thoughtlessly out of his mouth. Instead, Henry’s brow crinkles, lips downturning as he scans Alex’s face. “Are you alright? You’ve been acting strange all night.”
Those blue eyes are much easier to deal with through FaceTime. Alex has to look away from them, less he caves and spills everything to Henry. He pastes a smile on, “Fantastic, Your Highness. All this bubbly is going to my head, the sugar’ll get me in the morning.”
Or, Alex drops on New Year's Eve
that's all for now! I was really surprised to find only a few fics with under 500 kudos in my bookmarks (which all deserve SO much more love) but I've saved all of the 5 under 500 posts I've seen floating around and I'm looking forward to reading them and hopefully collecting some more!
happy reading, and remember to be kind! :D
-- anincompletelist / sarah
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
Mine (Daniel Ricciardo)
1. Pierre and George. It's not the first time he catches them. This time he decides to tell you.
Note: I know nothing about these people's lives or sexualities, it's just fiction. If you don't like it please don't read it.
Warning: +18. bi sex (four-way); m+m, f+m; oral sex (for everyone); penetrative sex (p in v). No condom, let's say they are using other method (not mentioned)
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"She is so pretty. It's insane" Pierre said.
You were laughing with Michael Italiano right in front of McLaren's hospitality.
"She really is"
"I still don't know how he did it" Pierre joked.
"Well, because he is just as pretty as she is." George simply said.
Pierre gasped and looked at the brit.
"What? He is handsome, mate"
Pierre blushed. It was something he obviously know. But he was too scared to say it out loud. He admired George for it.
"They make a good couple."
Pierre hummed.
"I kind of had a crush on her. Before I knew she was dating Danny" George confessed.
Pierre chuckled.
"Welcome to the club, then"
What they didn't know is that certain Australian was right there, behind a thin plastic wall hearing their little conversation.
He felt flattered. He had flirted with both and that was obvious. George had always made it clear, he was attracted. But Pierre? No. Pierre was all secret glances from afar and discreet brushing hands while he walked pass him. And you? He felt this weird adrenaline kick whenever he catch them glancing at you. Because yes, it wasn't the first time.
"Baby" Daniel whispered against your cheek. You had just had the most mind blowing sex in weeks and you were laying in him. You breath was so peaceful and you were so calm.
"I caught the guys looking again"
You looked up.
"Pierre and George?"
Danny nodded and kissed your lips.
"Don't you think we could..."
"Give them a little surprise?" You finished for him.
He smiled. You were a little freak, just like him.
You smirked and climbed over him, sitting right on his hard member and leaning to devour his mouth.
"Will you let them fuck me this time? Or will they sit and watch like Max" You said slowly grinding your centre on him.
He groaned.
"Who do you want to get fucked by? Just tell me and I will give them to you"
You chuckled.
"Only you"
He kissed your lips and smiled on them.
"Only mine, huh"
"Just as you are only mine"
"Where's YN? I saw her on the race?" Pierre casually asked.
You name made George peak over Alex's shoulder and forget about his conversation.
"She stayed on the hotel" Danny simply said.
"Is she feeling good?" George asked jumping in.
Daniel felt a wave of satisfaction. He had them both on his palm. He couldn't wait.
"She is. She was just tired"
You were. You were shaking when he left you. It was part of your game. It was what you liked. It had been like that with Max, Jenson and Danny's friend from home.
Right after the race and a good and warms shower together, he had made you lay on bed, opened your legs and dive in. Like that he had eaten you out for so long. You were a whimpering mess, overstimulated and edged on the bed. He had to help you with your clothes. With the white fishnet and underwear you had chosen for that day. And then, his pink and green shirt. So funky and party like in contrast with the expensive and delicate underwear you were wearing.
You looked beautiful like that. I won't take long. No touching.
"There is something..." Daniel started. "I heard you the other day. After press"
Pierre and George exchanged a look. A terrified look. Had they fucked up?
"So you think my girl is pretty, huh?"
George swallowed. If he heard that...
Pierre didn't moved.
"I won't bite, guys" yet he wanted to add.
"She is so beautiful. But we... We didn't meant to offend you, Danny." Pierre said quickly, almost tripping on his English.
"You didn't".
"You didn't offend me. Why would you? My girlfriend is beautiful." Daniel simply said. He drank from his beer and a little drop scraped his lip. He was quick cleaning it with his thumb.
Both men looked at him. Pierre felt like choking on his air. Meanwhile, George was trying to think of Toto wearing granny panties in order to not get hard.
Daniel felt hot.
"The thing is... I told her."
"What?" George gasped.
"Yeah, I did. She told me she wanted to talk to you. Both of you."
Pierre looked at the brit, who was looking at Danny with big eyes.
"What does when want to talk about?"
"Well dear Russell George, you will have to come with me and see"
"To go were" Pierre asked.
"Our room"
Pierre swallowed.
"Do you want us to go to your room and talk with your girlfriend?"
"Yes. Talk with my girlfriend"
The taxi drive was fun. Both of them were too nervous. And Danny was just sitting there on the front, talking to the driver as if nothing was happening.
George was thinking of you. Did you wanted to fuck him? You? He knew Danny was into him. It was obvious by his flirting. But you? How could you?
Pierre on the other side... He knew he was good with women. On the other hand... What would Danny do? Would he stay and watch? Would he participate? Daniel wasn't the most straight man he knew.
They found themselves waiting for Daniel to open the door.
Meanwhile, inside you situated yourself on the bed. You knelt on it and fixed your clothes and hair. Ready.
Daniel smiled when he saw you. You really were the prettiest. And he knew how desperate and wet you were so... Yeah, even prettier. He could still taste you on his mouth.
You smiled at his sight, you had chosen the clothes for him. With shaky hands, you had wrapped the chains around his neck.
"Hi, baby" You said sweetly with a smile.
"Hi, beautiful"
As soon as they had you on sigh, Pierre and George gasped. You looked like an angel. They had seen Daniel so many times with that shirt and now it looked huge on you. It was open and the white set you were wearing looked perfect on your skin. And those fishnets? Beautiful.
Daniel walked to you and he gave you a deep kiss. You hummed on his mouth and he pulled back smiling.
"They agreed to come" He said caressing your cheeks. "Now, do they wanna stay?"
You looked over Danny's shoulder. George was slowly closing the door. The clasp made Daniel smirk. Pierre looked at the brit and took a deep breath. He was already hard. He had gotten hard the moment he saw yours and Danny's tongue dancing together.
"I think they want to stay" You whispered while making eye contact with them.
Daniel leaned and kissed your cheek, then you jaw and then your neck. You were so desperate to come that the softest kiss made you whimper.
"How pretty is she guys?" He asked while turning to his friends.
George gulped and Pierre took a step closer.
"So pretty, Daniel"
"Beautiful, Danny"
"And you know what?" Daniel climbed on the bed behind you. His arms snaked around you and you shivered. Big hands caressed softly your skin. "She is so sensitive... The sounds she make..."
Pierre looked at George. He couldn't believe this was happening. He had both of you there, on your bed. You were there waiting for him. Both of you. George was nervous. More nervous now.
The brit looked at Daniel.
"Cat got your tongue?"
You smiled and played with Danny's hands.
"Are you two really okay with this?"
"We are. We talked about it" You said. Daniel kissed your cheek.
"The only rule is that only I get to fuck her" Daniel said while diving to kiss your neck. He bit your skin and you meowled softly.
"Why are we here then?" Pierre asked walking closer to the bed.
"Well... There are so many things to do, right YN?"
You nodded and turned your face to him. Daniel kissed you deep and grabbed your breast with his hands. You moaned as your tongues played.
"Fuck..." Pierre groaned.
"Tell them what we did after the race."
Danny kept playing with your breast as he devoured your skin.
"Da-Danny ate me out... For hours" You sighed. Daniel moved one of his hands lower and his fingers rubbed you over your panties. "He is so good with his mouth... But he didn't let me cum"
George gasped. How could Danny do that to such a pretty thing? He couldn't wait to see you cumming. He knew you'd look perfect.
"And why is that?"
Daniel slipped his fingers under the waistband and rubbed slow circles on your clit.
"B-Because he wanted me nice and wet for you guys."
"And if we hadn't come here, then what?" Pierre asked.
"I would have let him fuck me into this bed for hours"
"Good girl" Daniel said against your hair. "Only mine, right?"
"Only yours" You whispered back. You laid your head on his shoulder and let yourself enjoy the feeling of his fingers in you.
George and Pierre didn't know what to do. They wanted some action too. George was dying to feel you and Danny. Pierre was a bit stuck. He was nervous. He wanted to participate but didn't know how. He had never been with a guy before.
Daniel taking your panties off made them snap. He was gently playing with your pussy. And you were softly whimpering.
"Fuck mate..." Pierre elbowed George, who had already taken his jacket off.
A loud moan made them move faster. Soon both of them were only in there underwear and Danny was smiling.
"Look at them baby, so ready and eager for us. How hard they are... Only because of you"
George made you open your eyes.
"You are hot too, Danny" He said nervouslym
You smiled and Daniel slid two fingers in you. You were desperate and dripping wet, it was so easy for him.
"He really is..." You said looking into George blue eyes. "He wants you too, guys"
Daniel kissed your cheek and neck.
Pierre was almost shaking. You were like the couple for him. He wanted to be you so bad, he wanted to feel Danny's hands on his neck and his lipd. He wanted to be Danny so bad. He wanted to feel your mouth on him and your sweet hands on his skin.
Daniel spanked your pussy and you moaned, hiding your fave on your boyfriend's chest. He wrapped his fingers around your throat and you panted, but soon he was touching you again, so the mix of sensations made you spiral into deep pleasure.
George thought that he wanted to feel you too. So he knelt on the bed. Daniel looked at him and smiled.
"What do you want, George?"
You had your eyes closed, completely lost on pleasure, not even caring about the three men around you.
"Can I?"
"Of course you can, lay on your belly"
George obeyed fast. He would do anything Danny told him. Both of them would. Pierre just needed a push.
"Do you want George to eat you?"
You nodded eagerly, looking into your boyfriend's eyes. He kissed your forehead and took his fingers off you.
"Open your pretty mouth, George"
George did. You opened your eyes so you could watch him such Danny's fingers. The aussie was so pleased with George. So obedient. Just how they liked them. George hummed around the older driver fingers and you sighed. He looked so beautiful with your boyfriend's fingers on his mouth.
Meanwhile, Pierre was thinking of running away. Not because he didn't want this, but because he was scared as fuck. He had never been with a guy and now he had two. He thought that if he left now that you three were so focused, you wouldn't notice. He would go to his room and touch himself in the shower to the image on his head.
"Now, eat my girl's pussy very slowly. That's how she likes it" Daniel needed to remind everyone you were his. That was his thing. He loved to see how others got to touch you but not like him. Same as you.
And as George dive in you, using his tongue and lips, Daniel looked at the French.
Pierre gasped when Daniel caught him staring.
"Everything okay?"
Pierre nodded slowly.
Daniel decided that he needed some help. Pierre couldn't spend the whole night standing there with that hard on on his boxers. He couldn't let him go untouched. What a loss.
Daniel laid you gently on the bed and you closed your eyes, feeling the bliss of George's delicate tongue he was so gentle with you. So Daniel thought you were in good hands and he was more needed somewhere else.
The aussie got up and Pierre took a step back.
"What's up, Gasly?" He said while walking to him and taking his shirt off.
"I've never done this" He confess and blush crept on his chest and neck.
He looks so pretty like this. Daniel thought. I like them vulnerable. He almost laugh at his reference about well, himself. You would call him idiot if he had spoken out loud.
"A threesome? Or well, foursome. It's our first four way too." With his long fingers, Daniel brought Pierre closer by pulling his waist. That Pyry does a good job. Daniel moved his hand up, cupping the underside of Pierre's chest. He has good boobs. "It's fine. Just think this is a night with friends. We could be having wine and eating pizza but instead George is eating my girlfriend. Not a big deal"
"I've had threesomes." Pierre couldn't look at Danny's eyes. Instead, he was focused on his tattoos. Then Danny brushed and he had to bite his lip. "But not with guys"
"I won't touch you if that's what you mean" He said although he never stopped playing with Pierre's nipple. "I understand that maybe you are not into..."
"I am"
"Are you?"
This wasn't the Pierre Danny knew. This was a different Pierre. That cocky facade was gone, he was at his mercy. This Pierre wasn't the Pierre everyone else saw.
He nodded.
"So if I..." With one hand, Danny cupped Pierre's cheek and leaned to lick his lips. Pierre panted and open his mouth. "Can I kiss you"
The French nodded.
So Danny kissed Pierre. He kissed him so deeply that the younger one moaned because of it. Daniel and you had talked about this so many times. For you two he had the prettiest mouth of the grid. Daniel couldn't wait for you to have a taste of those plump lips.
Pierre pulled back breathless and looked into Danny's eyes.
"Better?" Danny asked.
Pierre nodded and kissed him again. He even let his hands wonter to Danny's ass, who giggled on his mouth.
"I see, I see." Daniel looked over his shoulder. "I think YN would appreciate a lot if you'd go there and help George"
Pierre nodded but almost faints when Daniel left a kiss on his shoulder.
The aussie observed how George moved to the side and made some space for Pierre. Soon, you were moaning like mad as the two boys put everything they knew on use.
Neither of them had done it before, share a woman like this with someone else. But they fell into pace quickly. George liked using the tip of his tongue more, while Pierre prefered long and deep strokes with flat tongue.
Daniel smiled proud when you opened your eyes and smiled at him. He was so in love with you.
You reached your hand for him and he walked to you. You pulled him in for a kiss and reached your hands to his trousers. You palmed him and he gasped on your mouth. Edging you for do long also had effects on him. He had been painfully hard and he wanted nothing more than to be in you. Buy he could wait a bit more.
He could feel a subtle change on your moans. He looked at the guys and they were currently using both tongues in you.
"You are doing so good. She is gonna cum soon, right baby? What a pair of good boys."
You moaned in agreement, grabbing Danny's hand. George was trying so hard to not touch himself. He didn't know if he was allowed. Meanwhile, Pierre couldn't care less. He was touching himself over his boxers. He needed a release and he needed it soon.
"Are you feeling good? Tell them"
A soft slap in your nipple sounded in the whole bedroom, followed by a whimper.
"Yes. I'm feeling so good. They are so good to me."
The orgasm washed soon over you. Danny cuddled you close and praised you for how good you have been to them. You closed your eyes and shook hards. The moans leaving your lips were so pretty. After the whole afternoon waiting for this, you finally felt relieved and pleased.
George and Pierre pulled back when you tried to giggle away from them, feeling too overstimulated after so much.
You looked at them and smiled. They looked so handsome with your juices on their face. They were both blushing deep. They had a crush on you for a while, both of them thought of trying to flirt with you before knowing you were there with Danny. Now, they had made you cum.
"Good boys." Danny praised them "Now kiss"
George gasped, but Pierre was the most shocked one. Kiss Danny was one thing, kissing George was another.
"Only if you want to" You whispered. When Danny got all dominant he sometimes forgot to ask for permission.
George swallowed deep. It's not that he didn't want to. Same to Pierre. He couldn't move, he didn't know how to start. Gladly, you were there to help them. You moved closer and cupped George's cheeks. You always had a soft spot for his pretty face and big eyes. You kissed him slowly, savouring yourself on his mouth and playing with his tongue.
Pierre couldn't stop looking at your mouth and the way you kissed George, he wanted that too.
Daniel had taken the opportunity to get rid of his trousers, without stopping looking. He couldn't miss his girl messing with the two guys.
When you pulled back from George and looked at Pierre, the French knew what he had to do. He leaned to kiss you. Just like, Danny. He thought. It was apparent you were used to kissing each other because apart from the difference between your mouths, you felt the same way. Looked at Daniel, who was right next to him. He thought he might be a ghost because he didn't hear him move. Danny was quick, he cupped his cheeks and kissed him. George moaned. This was better than he had ever imagined. And when he pulled back, you and Pierre were looking. His eyes went to Pierre's and any of them gave it a second thought. They kissed under your and Dan's gazes. Your boyfriend kissed your forehead and then your cheek.
When Pierre and George pulled back, they were even more flustered than before.
"Well, that was nice. Wasn't it baby?"
"It was" You told Danny. He kissed you.
"Do you want to give these guys a reward?"
You nodded and bit your lip.
"How do you want them?"
You patted the bed.
"Lay please"
Both of them climbed onto the bed and lay against the headboard, with was kind of funny for Danny. You knelt between them and giggled your ass, earning a spank from Danny.
The Aussie reached for his pink shirt and pulled it off your shoulders.
"I don't want you two to cum on it. It's too expensive" He said throwing it away.
Pierre swallowed at the sight of you. George had already reached for your bra and looking at you with his big blue eyes, he asked:
"Can I take this off?"
You nodded and helped him. The moment your chest was bare, Danny cupped your breast and was playing with your sensitive nipples.
"She likes to have them sucked."
Any of the others needed more orders. Soon you had them both licking and sucking your nipples. YOu moaned happily and ran your hands through their hair.
Daniel hugged you from behind and kissed your neck. You could feel him hard against your ass and wonder if he'd fuck you now. He loved to do it while you used your mouth on others.
"Oh guys" You whispered.
It felt good, but you wanted to please them too, so you pushed them until they were laying again.
You leaned over Pierre and kissed his chest while your finger traced George's muscles.
"You are so handsome, guys"
"Not more than me" Danny joked behind you.
You rolled your eyes.
Leaving kisses over their skin and switching between them, you made your way down and soon you had George in your mouth and your hand on Pierre's balls. They were both in awe looking at you.
"I understand now why you are always smiling, mate" Pierre told Danny when you moved to him and deepthroated him with no warning.
Daniel only laughed hard. To be fair, he was a bit jealous. Both of them looked so good and fucked out, only because of you. He wanted that some.
You mouthed your way down to Pierre's ball and sucked them as you moved your hand faster over George. The brit whimpered and leaned against the french.
Daniel kissed your shoulder and caressed your sides.
"Maybe we could share, baby"
Both guys looked at Daniel. He wanted to...
"If they are in" You added.
George found your dynamic quite fun. Daniel was impulsive and you always took careful steps.
"What do you say'" You looked at them.
They both nodded. Pierre swallowed hard and George bit his lip.
"Okay" George said.
"Yeah." Pierre felt more relaxed now, but he still could believe this was happening. He couldn't belive that Daniel Ricciardo was caressing the inside of his thigh as your moved your hand around his tip.
Soon, both of you were working in tandem. George and Pierre were so hypnotized. You had your mouth on George and hand on Pierre, contrary to Danny.
"F... Fuck" Pierre groaned when Daniel took him fully on his mouth. Danny had his eyes closed and was humming with each movent.
You were sucking George tip and he was breathing so hard. Again, they could nocite how you were much calmer, with slower movements and taking your sweet time on George member. Meanwhile, Daniel was fully invested. He wanted Pierre to cum soon and nice. Hard.
"Oh, YN baby... You are so good" George whimpered.
"She really is" Daniel said pulling back. There was some saliva on his lips and you couldn't contain yourself. You kissed him deep, humming and smiling. You loved him so much.
Blowing a couple of guys together was something new for the both of you, but you were having such a good time. At some point, you were both on George, mouthing and kissing up and down while Danny had his hands on Pierre. The French was so lose now, he was leaning his head on George and Heaven left a couple of kisses on his neck.
George was so sensitive and responsive, so having Danny sucking his tip and you licking his balls was disastrous for him.
"I'm gonna cum. I'm gonna... Agh"
Soon, he came in both of you and his abdomen. You gasped in surprise.
"Oh fuck" He said whimpering and covering his face.
Danny locked his lips and smile.
"We are good, huh"
George opened his eyes and looked at him. He thought he would laugh or something, joke about how little he could last. But no, Daniel smiling so proud.
"Such a good team, baby" You sad kissing his cheek.
George felt his heart beating fast. He felt so nice, so high. You two were amazing.
Daniel kissed you deeply and you moaned as his fingers reached your pussy again. He hooked them on the fishnet and broke it.
"I'm gonna fuck you now" He whispered on your ear but loud enough for the others to hear. "And you will make Pierre cum with that pretty mouth of yours"
You nodded and looked at Pierre, who bit his lip and got comfortable on the bed.
When George had recovered enough and still a bit shaken, he got up to pick somethingto clean you both. When he came back, Danny was already between your legs. You were on your back and Pierre was kneeling next to your head.
He got closer and cleaned you first. You kept your eyes on him as you jerked the French and he felt intimidated. Your eyes were so intense.
"Give me a kiss" You told him once he had finished.
And he did, he kissed you nice and slow, sucking your lips and pulling them between his lips.
Danny was smiling. He loved how much you were enjoying yourself.
Pierre pinched your nipple and you moaned on George's lips.
Then, George cleaned Daniel, who just stayed there with a smile and then asked for a kiss too. George pulled back with a smile and laid next to you, watching the scene and feeling the exhaustion of the day coming to surface. It was always like this after cumming, but today it felt even more intense.
Pierre caressed your lips with his fingers and you opened your mouth for him.
"Be gentle, Pierre. Don't hurt her"
"I won't"
Daniel nodded and spit on your center before sliding in you, who moaned around Pierre.
It was truly a sight to be seen, George thought. You all looked amazing and he was proud of himself for this.
Daniel felt so good in you, he was being slow so you could work properly on Pierre. He wanted the French to cum first so he could fuck you nicely and how he wanted
And you knew it. It was a routine by now.
Pierre knew he wouldn't last long. He could feel it already close. He was being careful as Daniel said, but you felt amazing. You were so talented with his mouth. Every time you would push him deep, he would groan and gasp for air.
Daniel thought that he maybe needed something more, so he played with his nipples, which made Pierre giggle because he hadn't have anyone doing it to him before. But the little waves of pleasure that Daniel give him, were going directly to his member, were you were perfectly working your magic and moaning around.
Even when Danny was slow, the intense activities of the day had you still on the edge, you knew you wouldn't last.
At some point, Pierre grabbed your head and kept you still. Daniel stop breathing for a second before you touched his abdomen. He felt you were fine. Pierre came in your mouth with a loud moan and let you go.
You pulled back gasping for air but smiling so widely. You swallowed and showed the three men your clean tongue.
"Good girl" Daniel said finally relaxing.
You bit your lip and looked at Pierre.
"Kiss me"
And he did, tasting himself on your mouth and groaning. He hadn't cum so good in weeks.
Then you pulled back and made George kiss you too. The brit let a high pitch moan and you smiled. He was so cute.
Last but not less important, Daniel, who cupped you cheek and laid over you. As he kissed you, he started fucking you deeper and harder. You let a loud cry out and hid on his neck. Your nails were leaving red marks on him.
"Oh fuck baby" Daniel moaned on your ear.
"You feel so good, Danny. So big"
Pierre sat next to you and felt lost for a second. How would it feel? He didn't care which side, he couldn't push the thought out of his head. You two looked awesome, you were completely wrapped around Daniel and he was grabbing you so tenderly.
Danny had a funny ass move when he fucked, the French thought.
Then you let a sob out and both guys looked down at your face. It was George who reached to you, touching your hair gently.
"Oh fuck... I'm gonna come... Please Danny make me come"
"Of course I will, baby"
He sat on his heels and pulled your legs together. The new position was enough for you. You came hard and loud, grabbing into both guys at your sides but looking at your boyfriend, who didn't stop until he came. It was so erotic to see his thick neck blushed and tense, head falling back, lips open and eyes close as he emptied himself in you.
Daniel pulled back groaning and let you legs carefully fall on the bed. It had been intense and he needed a minute. Why having those two pair of blue eyes plus yours looking at him made him come so hard? After long seconds, he looked at the three of you. You seemed to have gone to heaven and back to earth for a second. George was playing your head while Pierre caressed your belly.
"Fuck. You are all so beautiful. So so beautiful" He said out of breath. "I'm so lucky to have had you three at the same time"
You smiled.
Daniel kissed you for long before moving to them.
"Thank you guys" He said looking between them. "Sometimes it's difficult to keep her happy. You see, three dudes..."
You lunched his elbow.
Daniel was the best after moments like this. He made them comfortable and both guys laughed happily. No pressure, no nerves, no uncomfortable post sex silence.
Ten minutes later, you were all tangled in bed afted a little reprimand from Danny's side.
You two had gone to the toilet, shared a couple of kisses and pleased smiles and when you came back they were getting dressed. Danny had called them a couple of idiots and had insisted about both of them being more than welcomed to spend the night. He had opened you favorite biscuit package and now you were all on the bed.
You had changed into more comfortable underwear and the three man were on his boxers. You were laying on Danny, your back on his chest as he rested again the headboard. George was laying with his head on your stomach and you were playing with his hair. Pierre was tucked under Danny's arms. All of you had thrown some blankets over and were watching TV and sharing the biscuits.
"So... Nobody fucks YN? Like ever?"
"Or Danny. We don't let anyone fuck us."
Both guys looked at you surprised. "What? Danny is not always a Dom"
"Spilling my secrets?"
You giggled and looked up asking for a kiss. Danny pecked your lips and nose.
"We don't let anyone fuck us at least the first time"
And the gasp they left was snough for Danny and you to laugh hard.
Wow. What a day.
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serenasoutherlyns · 1 year
from the dark with you above me
Serena and Abbie have a one-night stand. It never stops there, does it?
Serena/Abbie, Alex/Olivia. Rated M. ao3
Alex Cabot had a headache.
An absolutely splitting headache, the kind of headache that makes you wish you didn’t have a head anymore. It was like her brain was going to burst out of her skull. After stumbling into the bathroom she managed to find the Excedrin in the cabinet above the sink. She hadn’t been this hungover in years.
She made it to the kitchen for a glass of water, and jumped. Abbie Carmichael was standing by the sink, looking about how Alex must look, drinking a glass of water.
They looked at each other.
“Why are you in my kitchen?” Alex said.
“Uhm,” Abbie said, a smile coming across her face, “Serena, uh, let me stay over. I didn’t know she had roommates.” She looked down into her now empty glass.
Alex only had vague recollections of the night before, and she certainly didn’t remember Serena bringing someone home. She didn’t know what explanation she was expecting, but it wasn’t that. Alex had her suspicions, yes, the gaydar had pinged on Carmichael once or twice, but she was clearly deep in the closet. If someone had told her that Abbie Carmichael had been spotted at Manhattan’s premiere lesbian bar she would’ve laughed in their face.
Alex laughed in Abbie’s face. It was a quick pfft sound that escaped her before she could think about it. Abbie looked offended, and Alex hid her smile behind her hand.
“Sorry,” she said. “I just wouldn’t think Penelope’s would be your scene.” Abbie nodded.
“Yeah, well,” she said, and gestured with her free hand, “I’m here, so.”
“It is,” Alex said. “Gotcha.” She filled up her own glass with water. “How’d you find the place?”
“It’s nice,” Abbie said. “I’m gonna,“ she trailed off.
“Aw, you’re not going to kiss her goodbye?” Alex said.
“Not really my style,” she said, placing her glass in the sink and raising her keys in the air. “See you, Alex.”
“See you too,” Alex said, still bewildered.
“Good morning, sunshine,” Alex said from the couch, looking up from her crossword, when Serena dragged herself into the kitchen. She had heard the vomiting that followed Serena’s door opening about ten minutes ago.
“Ugh,” said Serena, her voice hoarse. “Kill me.” She rested her head on the cool tile countertop.
“I might have to. Workplace romance, really?”
“Gross,” Serena said, picking her head up. She filled a glass of water and chugged it down, then turned on the coffee pot. “Rude of you not to save me any.”
“I didn’t know when you’d be alive,” Alex said. “Do you remember coming home last night?”
“Vividly,” said Serena, pulling two slices of bread out of the box and sluggishly popping them in the toaster. She swayed and gulped and ran back to the bathroom. Alex winced in sympathy. When she came back, the coffee and toast were done. She poured herself a cup, spread butter on each slice, and joined Alex in the living room.
“I don’t know how you’re eating,” Alex said. Her headache had subsided but her appetite was nowhere to be found.
“Carbs, water, coffee. Hangover gone.” Alex nodded. She filled out 11 down: “tripped.” Serena wolfed the first slice of toast enthusiastically.
“We’re probably too old for this.”
Serena shrugged. “Life’s short,” she said. “Stress relief,” she justified.
“You certainly got some of that.”
“I certainly did,” Serena said with a pleased smirk on her face. “Thoroughly enjoyed myself too.”
“I wouldn’t’ve expected Carmichael to be the type,” Alex said.
“Me neither,” Serena said. She got up to rinse her plate and drained the last gulp of coffee. She put on the pot again.
“Make two,” Alex said. The pot they’d had since their senior year gurgled. “Do you think you’ll see her again?”
“I don’t think so,” Serena said. “Sex with coworkers is too complicated to be worth it.”
“That didn’t stop you,” Alex said.
“My curiosity has been satisfied.” Serena set two mugs on the coffee table.
“I’ll bet,” Alex said. “How is she?”
“Good,” Serena said. “The closet can be a wonderful place.”
Alex raised her mug. Repression had its advantages. She started laughing again. Serena looked at her with raised eyebrows.
“I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m just thinking about Carmichael at Penelope’s.”
Serena joined in the laughter.
Work on Monday went as it usually did. The chances that Serena or Alex would run into Abbie during the work days were not zero, but they also weren’t 100. Serena and Alex didn’t even see each other that much: Alex was in Philips’ bureau and Serena was in Kibre’s.
But, it was inevitable.
“Good morning, Jack,” Alex said, entering the EADA’s office, files in hand. Charlie and Jack had a case they were collaborating on. “Abbie,” she said, acknowledging her with a slightly larger smile than she usually would. Serena had not been able to escape her friend’s teasing since Saturday. Alex pressed her for details. She kept asking when their next date would be. Serena’s least favorite: on more than one occasion, Alex had called Abbie her “paramour.”
“Charlie said he’s worried about this one,” She said, indicating a particular blueback.
“Charlie had nothing to be worried about,” Jack said, but Abbie motioned to Alex to hand her the paper. She looked it over and squinted over the same sentence a couple times.
“Charlie doesn’t have anything to be worried about, but we might,” Abbie said. This is about Briscoe and Green, not Benson and Stabler.”
“Right,” Alex said, apologetically.
“Sit, please,” Jack said, and Alex joined Abbie at the table. “Do you have time to help with this?” He asked.
“I can make some,” she said, mentally canceling her lunch plans.
“Good,” Jack said.” Abbie gave Alex a demanding look. “Why don’t you and Abbie go talk to the detectives.”
Alex began to say that she couldn’t do it, but Jack insisted: “I’ll deal with Charlie. He has more ADAs than I do, anyway.”
She couldn’t argue with that. Abbie gathered her things.
They were silent on the walk to the precinct, awkward and thick. Alex couldn’t help but conjure the mental image of Abbie picking up someone, and it still made her want to laugh. She was so uptight and ruthless, Alex struggled to imagine her outside work at all, even though she’d seen it, and not just that Saturday. Abbie was attractive, very attractive. Alex found herself almost jealous that Serena had beaten her to it.
“How have you been,” Alex asked, the silence finally too uncomfortable.
“Well,” Abbie said. “And you?”
“I’ve been alright. Serena’s been alright, too.”
“That’s good,” Abbie said. After a beat, she asked, “How long have you lived together?”
“Since college.”
“I was surprised she didn’t live alone.”
Alex nodded. “We both could,” she said, stating the obvious. “But we’re good roommates, and better friends.”
“That’s nice,” Abbie said. They were silent once more. “Look, Alex, I hope I can count on your discretion.”
“Of course,” Alex said. She wasn’t one to gossip, anyway.
“I’m not ashamed of anything. But I try not to mix work with my personal life.”
“Right,” Alex said, a touch of sarcasm coming into the word.
“I’m serious,” she said. “That was an exception.”
“She’s exceptional,” Alex said. She couldn’t help herself. To her surprise, Abbie didn’t push back against the statement. “In all seriousness, of course I won’t tell anybody.”
“Good,” Abbie said. They were on the block of the precinct. Abbie opened the door for Alex when they reached it.
“It was a good search,” Lennie said emphatically. Ed shot Abbie a look that said it wasn’t. She admired his honesty, but she wasn’t happy about it.
“Well, the defense is arguing it wasn’t,” Alex said. Abbie could read Lennie’s frustration. He took a while to warm up to any ADA, let alone one so young and self-assured. Alex sighed. “Just walk us through what happened again.”
“We knocked, asked if we could come in, and he said yes. I happened to see the knife on a shelf in his living room. It was plain view, I swear.”
“He says it was on top of the bookshelf.”
“He’s a rapist and a murderer, so I’m not sure why you’re believing him over me.”
Abbie jumped in. “Ed?”
“Well,” he said. “It was on top of the bookshelf. But, the handle was visible from the doorway.”
“See—“ Lennie said.
Abbie’s face fell and Alex’s hands dropped to the side of her body.
“It has an ornamental blade,” Abbie said. “But the handle is not distinctive. And, you knew that?”
“We did,” said Ed.
“We just lost the murder weapon,” Alex said.
“Come on, counselor.”
“We’ll argue it, but Petrovsky isn’t going to go for it.”
Lennie turned around and put his head in his hands. Ed’s shoulders slumped.
“You should’ve called for a warrant,” Alex said. Abbie winced.
“And you should know we didn’t have time for that,” Ed said, passive-aggressively.
“Just,” Abbie started, trying to diffuse the tension. “We’ll get you a warrant to search his place again. Look for the coat.”
“That’s great,” Lennie said.
“Good. Gentlemen,” Abbie said. She left the room, Alex trailing just behind her.
“They’re a delight,” Alex said. It was Abbie’s turn to laugh.
“Aren’t all detectives?” She said.
Alex defended Olivia before she could think about it. “Some can be.”
She couldn’t tell if Abbie noticed. She didn’t press her, though.
“They’re just frustrated,” she said. “They’ll be over it in an hour.”
“I’m worried now,” Alex said. “Without the weapon we’re missing half of our evidence.”
“They’ll turn something up,” Abbie said. “Nash was sloppy. I bet all of his clothes are in the closet still covered in blood.”
“I can see if Benson and Stabler can help,” Alex offered.
“Good plan,” Abbie said.
“I like your new girlfriend,” Alex said, sitting down next to Serena. “I don’t know how you read that stuff.”
“It’s Agatha Christie,” she said. “She’s like the most popular author of all time.”
“I know, I know, but don’t you get enough of crime?”
“The difference,” Serena said, “is there’s always a resolution. And I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“I’m on a case with Carmichael now.”
“You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?” Serena said, only half annoyed.
“Nope,” Alex said, taking Serena’s book out of her hands. She went to the take-out menu drawer and pulled out the one from the tried and true Chinese place down a few blocks, not that she needed to look at it. Serena picked up the phone and dialed the number, not needing to look at Alex to know what she was doing.
“Hello, I’m calling to order a delivery. For Serena. Yes, the usual order, thank you. And two extra egg rolls. Mhm, that’s all. Thank you,” she said and hung up.
“We should learn to cook,” Alex said. Serena openly scoffed.
“Yeah, right,” she said. “You can’t even crack an egg.”
Alex changed into sweats and a tank top, she took her contacts out and washed her face.
“How is Abbie to work with?” Serena asked when she returned.
“First name basis, huh,” Alex said. Serena did not give in to the bait. “I’m not thrilled, but she’s fine. She knows Briscoe and Green, and I don’t. I just think this case should be all SVU’s”
“Why isn’t it?”
“McCoy has prosecuted him for a prior offense,” she said, “unsuccessfully. He’s pretty invested.”
“And Charlie doesn’t want to fight him for it. How are Elliot and Olivia taking the collaboration?”
“Well enough, considering. Liv and Green are friends.”
Serena blinked at her. “First name basis, huh?”
“Whatever,” Alex said. The doorbell rang. Seemingly as soon as the bags hit the counter, they were biting into the egg rolls.
“Fuck,” Serena said, “That’s so hot. Ow!”
“Jesus,” Alex said, “Ah!”
They looked at each other and laughed.
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firstprince-ao3feed · 6 months
sweet like honey
by theprinceandagcd “If I signed us up for a couple's cooking class as a date, would you be offended?” Henry looks up from his laptop, which is open in front of him on their kitchen island. He tilts his head, brow deeply furrowed. “Why on earth would that offend me?” Alex blinks. “Because you can't cook,” he explains, pursing his lips. “You… you know that, right?” “I can cook,” Henry says, but then he scratches behind his ear, sighing. “Some things.” Words: 2531, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 4 of firstprince cute date agenda Fandoms: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston, Red White & Royal Blue (2023) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Relationships: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor, Alex Claremont-Diaz & Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor Additional Tags: cute dates, Cooking Lessons, Idiots in Love, Established Relationship, Fluff via https://ift.tt/JQwhdgG
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victorluvsalice · 9 months
Merry Christmas Newt!
@dont-offend-the-bees Sooo, you had no specific prompts for me, which opened the floor for me to write something -- weird. Something that combined a couple of things I know you're interested in, because I've seen them on your tumblr. Something that, specifically, crossed over your new obsession with the Saw movies...with a certain British gameshow hosted by Greg Davies that I myself rather like. I actually came up with this idea a little while back and meant to message you about it, but forgot -- and I'm kind of glad I did, because that allowed me to write this ridiculous thing as a surprise. XD Hope you find it funny!
“Well – we’re in a bit of a pickle, aren’t we?”
“I’d say it’s more than just a pickle,” Josh snapped back, tugging on the chain attaching his leg to the wall to test its strength. Depressingly, it seemed to be pretty damn well bolted in there. “Or do you get drugged and wake up in moldy old bathrooms with your leg manacled to the nearest wall often?”
“I can’t say I have,” the other fellow – who’d introduced himself as James – admitted, giving his leg a cursory kick. The chain attached to it rattled, snaking across the filthy floor. “Though I have been in my fair share of shitty bathrooms before.”
Josh squinted at him. “Was that an intentional pun, or. . . ?”
James just gave him a smirk – which was quickly replaced by a frown as he looked around the room again. “It is a very odd place, though. You have any idea why we’re here?”
“Not a bloody clue, mate,” Josh said, letting his chain slip from his hands. “I mean, obviously we pissed off somebody, but I don’t know who or why.”
“Yeah, me either. The guys in Pindrop weren’t that upset about us breaking up,” James muttered, scratching his head. “Which was actually a bit insulting, if you think about it – oh! Hang on!” He snapped his fingers, pointing frantically at Josh. “We need to check that our kidneys haven’t been stolen!”
“Our – our kidneys?” Josh repeated, baffled.
“Yeah! That’s the main reason people get kidnapped, isn’t it?” James said, rolling up the side of his shirt to stare at his abdomen. “To get their organs harvested? And I rather appreciate having my kidneys inside my body!”
“You’ve been reading too many conspiracy theory sites,” Josh said – though he did slip a hand under his shirt, just to feel for any new scars. “Besides, I think we should have woken up in a bathtub full of ice if that was the case.”
“Nobody said our kidnappers had to be good at harvesting organs.”
“Excuse me!”
Both men looked up as the door on the far wall, just out of reach of their chains, opened, admitting a rather awkward-looking man with a scruffy beard and gapped teeth, dressed in a smart black suit and carrying an iPad. “Hello,” he greeted them, with a smile that didn’t seem entirely natural. “Would you like to play a game?”
Josh stared for a moment, trying and failing to come up with an appropriate way to respond to this. “Um. . .”
“What game?” James said, rolling his shirt back down and giving the newcomer a suspicious look. “Who are you?”
“Right, right, let me just. . .”
The man did something on his iPad, then held it up, displaying an image of a rather portly and extremely tall late-middle-aged man in glasses, sat upon an ornate golden throne. “GREETINGS, PEONS!” a powerful voice rang out from the tinny speakers. “Allow me to introduce myself – I am THE TASKMASTER! Your one true love, your reason for getting up in the morning, your NEW GOD AND MASTER! Over the next few days, I shall set you a series of tasks, overseen by my admin and general puppet-man Little Alex Horne! I shall score these tasks according to my whims, and at the end of our time together, whoever scores the most points wins the most valuable prize of all – THEIR LIFE! The loser will be killed in an appropriately ironic fashion. So play well, and amuse me. Puppet-man, I leave things in your hands. DON’T SCREW THIS UP!”
The recording ended in a burst of simulated static. The man – Alex – immediately pulled a piece of paper, folded and sealed with a red wax bearing a “TM” logo, out of his jacket and delivered it to Josh. “If you could just read that aloud, please?”
Completely and utterly baffled, Josh broke the seal and unfolded the paper. “‘Clean your half of this bathroom,” he read out. “‘Cleanest bathroom half wins. You have one hour. Your time starts now.’” He blinked, then looked up at Alex. “Clean – what? How?”
“All the information’s on the task,” Alex replied calmly, starting up a timer on his iPad.
Josh facepalmed into the paper. “Seriously? You’re going to be like this?”
“Well well well – looks like we’re going head to head on this one, Josh!” James said, with perhaps more enthusiasm than the situation warranted. “And I plan to win – puppet-man! Get me a cabbage and a red dress.”
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bestmofointhisbish · 1 year
M crush x chubby fem reader. pt2
boy are you in for a ride ;)
As you walked into the cafe, the sweet smell of chocolate kindly greeted your nose. Oh how you wished you could work there and maybe even get closer to c/n. ‘But what if he won’t like me or he doesn’t like women in general idk it’s 2023 he might not even be a dude or his pronouns aren’t even he/him. Oh no I hope I don’t offend him somehow. Maybe we can just be friends if he’s gay. Wait no cause I’ll still like him.’
“ma’am? Are you ok? You’ve been standing there for quite a while”. “oh yes I’m fine, I’m here because I saw the help wanted sign on the window” “Oh, and what’s your name?” “Y/n” “ok y/n just wait here for a bit okay?” “Ok thank you” you sit on a chair near the counter, but you couldn’t help and think that you’re crazy for doing all of this for a small crush. ‘idk maybe it’s a sign or I’m a simp’
Time skip you get the job cause I don’t wanna write that right now :)
it’s you’re first day on the job you got the night shift which starts at 4 and it’s 10 til, so hurry up and go!
You jog to the cafe hoping your not gonna be to late for you first day. You walk in and Cherri’s relieved to see you she really needed a break and it’s rush hour so you hurry up and run to the back, clock in and get changed. You run up there and tell Cherri to go take her break. She thanks you and calls her bff to bring her some food. You sigh and start taking orders. About a couple of minutes in you notice c/n walk in holding a brown bag and he walks straight into the back room. You wonder if that’s who Cherri called earlier. 28 orders later Cherri and c/n walk out in their work outfits, there joking around and you can’t start to think that their more than friends. God you hope not, that would probably hurt your heart more than it supposed to. You look at the clock and notice it’s all most you’re break and that means 3 more hours til your shifts done you decide to buy a cookie to eat for now. You put a timer on your phone for 30 minutes and walk to the break room. ‘Huh there’s a couch in here, a nap wouldn’t hurt’
you’re alarm wakes you up ‘geez I hope it’s not too loud’ you walk to the bathroom to freshen up. You walk out there and notice it’s much more quiet then before. “Have a nice nap?” “Yea” ‘wait did c/n just talk to me?’ “It was my break too and I usually take a nap there but you took it first I was about to join you but Cherri said that we haven’t officially met yet. So I’m c/n and you are?” “ I’m y/n, nice to officially meet you” ‘I made him laugh, he’s so cute- Stop no don’t even think about him!” “yeah it’s nice to finally meet you too”
-time skip-
It’s the end of your first ever shift time to lock the place up
while Cherri and c/n locked up you had to sweep the whole place for trash and lost things. ‘Cherri said once when she had to clean the bathrooms she found a used condom. Woah that’s gross I hope I don’t ever find anything like that’
well everything’s done time to go home but you just remembered you walked here and you didn’t really want to walk 10 blocks alone at night. “hey Cherri can i ride with you ” “sorry I’m already taking Alex if you know what I mean ;)” “yeah I think I got an idea ;)” “I can take you where do you live?” “#########” “oh cool I live near there”
he walks you to your apartment cause he’s a gentleman. “Thank you driving me and walking me here” “no problem, see you tomorrow?” “Yeah see you tomorrow” he walks back to his car and waves. You wave back and walk inside ‘wow today was a lot’ *knock knock. ‘Who’s that?’ You open the door to see it’s c/n. “Hey my car won’t start so I was wondering if I could use your phone” “yeah, here” “ thx”
‘he’s taking a while I hope everything ok’ “so they said they couldn’t do anything until the morning cause of the snow so I think I should just walk home” “wait you can stay here” “but where would i sleep?” “You could sleep with me” “ok” “wait no it was a joke”
here you are sleeping in your bed with your crush
how in the world did you do it?
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frost-queen · 1 year
The burden you carry (Male!Reader & Bridgerton siblings)
Requested by: anon ,Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22, @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
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When does it end?
The burning question igniting each time it happened. Each time it occurred you wondered when does it end? The pain… no the torment. The excruciating pain shooting through your head. Countless of times you had endured it. Countless of times you thought you had gone through the worst one yet.
Yet there was always another episode that caught you by surprise. Bypassing your previous feeling so strong. Each time it felt worse then before. Sometimes it made you wonder why you were even alive. Tormented with this curse that seemed uncurable.
Many physicians you had seen come and go. Each with their own remedies. Most of them were questionable liquids. It was when one of the more alternative physicians proposed shock therapy, that your family drew the line.
You felt it come up while sitting in the parlor. Hyacinth was practicing the piano with Colin. Sitting side by side as Colin talked encouraging to her as her fingers tickled the keys. Gregory sat closest to you eating a biscuit. The crumbs falling down on the little plate he was holding close under his chin when taking a bite. Anthony and Kate sat in front of each other by the small table.
Kate enjoying a nice cup of tea. Anthony reading the newspaper. Tilting your head a bit, you tried to ignore the stinging pain in your head. Feeling as if the muscles in your head contracted together. A pulsating beat of pain came up. It made you touch your forehead slightly. Hoping you could press the pain back by setting pressure on it.
Gregory must have noticed it as you received a nudge on your elbow from him. Blinking yourself aware, you turned to look at him. Gregory’s expression concerned; mouth still stuffed with cake. You forced a smile not wanting to alarm him. – “All fine Gregs.” – you whispered to him, poking him in the side. Your touch made Gregory squirm and chuckle loud. It caught Anthony’s attention. Lowering his newspaper to look at the both of you.
You kept poking Gregory in the side, making him laugh even louder. He sunk down in the couch, his legs moving up on your lap. You kept teasing him till a strike of pain hit your brains like a hard snap. It made you stop, flinching at the pain with a soft groan. Hyacinth missed a key. The sharp note chiming loud through the parlor. Stinging loud in everyone’s ears. – “Sorry.” – Hyacinth apologized feeling a bit ashamed. Colin brought her attention back to the piano.
“Let us try that again, sister.” – he said. You swallowed when Anthony kept a close eye on you. He always did. Sometimes it bothered you, but mostly it showed you how much he cared and loved for you. Gregory’s plate had fallen during his tickle session with you. He bend down to pick it up and pluck some crumbs off the carpet. Kate raising her eyebrow at him.
Making him smile sheepishly at her in return. The door to the parlor opened as Sofie walked in. Benedict following moments later. Anthony got up instinctively giving his seat away to Sofie. Kate smiled welcoming her over. – “I am worn out.” – she sighed out sitting down on Anthony’s previous seat. Kate turned to look at Benedict.
“If you keep setting her up like an object any longer she might turn into stone.” – Kate commented knowing off the painting Benedict was working on. Benedict moved his hand to his chest, smiling teasingly. – “Your cold looks might just do the trick.” – he joked knowing Kate would not be offended by such a tease.
She smiled sarcastically back at him before smiling purely at his delight. Gregory ran with the plate and picked up crumbs to the table, setting it down by Kate and Sofie. He then wanted to run off when Anthony cleared his throat loud. – “What?” – Gregory asked. Anthony pointed at the plate making Gregory groan loud. He walked back to the plate picking it up.
Sighing deep he went further through the parlor giving the plate to one of the maids. She accepted it with a curtsy, heading for the kitchen afterwards. While your siblings and their spouses were conversating, increased the pain. Head throbbing. A dull pain behind your eyes. The pain was sickening as you weren’t sure how much longer you could stand the noise.
Touching your forehead you bend forwards. Wanting to cancel out the pain and noise. Hyacinth’s piano tunes where the drop as the noise was overwhelming. An orchestra of pain and noise banging loudly in your head. Your ability to carry the pain slowly tumbling down.
When does it end? You got up abruptly. Heading for the hallway, leaving the parlor. Anthony furrowed slightly his brows till it came to him that you had left. Turning his head to the door you just went out. Immediately he went after you. – “Y/n!” – Anthony called out in the hallway seeing you hasten your way for the stairs. – “Not now Anthony.” – you replied more agitated then you anticipated. Your answered alarmed him in an instant.
Anthony rushed to the stairs wanting to go after you. As he set the first foot on the first step had Kate, Sofie and Gregory rushed into the hallway. – “Is he alright?” – Sofie asked concerned. – “I shall fetch the cold compress.” – Kate said determined already moving towards her destination. – “No!” – Anthony called out firmly. – “I…allow me.” – he said going a few steps up. – “Anthony let us help. If it is as severe as before we can assist.” – Kate replied.
“He’s my brother!” – Anthony shouted frustrated, startling Sofie. Kate swallowed in her pride knowing not to comment snarky at this given moment. – “I…I have to do it.” – he sighed out losing a bit of his frustration. – “We all care for him, Anthony.” – Kate answered pleadingly. – “I know… I know…” – he said pinching his nose bridge. – “We will be here when you need us.” – Sofie interfered wrapping an arm around Gregory. Anthony smiled thankfully at her before heading up the stairs.
You had stumbled into your room. Head throbbing, veins pulsating as you felt like losing your balance. You sunk down to the ground by your bed’s end on the floor. Knees up to your chest, cowering in pain. Sweat dripping down your neck. The pace of your breathing increasing by every inhale. When does it end? Were you ever able to experience a life without pain? Countless times you had endured it.
Each time thinking you couldn’t bare it no more. Perhaps today was the day you finally had lost all your strength to carry it. No more of it could you burden it. No more of it you wanted. The tears rolled down your cheek, panting at the excruciating pain in your head and eyes. The walls seemingly pulsating as if a vibration was leaving your body.
A sickening overwhelming you, making you want to throw up. Heavy footsteps stomped in the hallway. The door creaking open in one firm motion. Anthony rushing into your room. – “Brother.” – he called out dropping to his knees beside you.
He wanted to touch your shoulder. Not wanting it, you slapped it away. – “Keep your pity!” – you shouted at him. Anthony stared hurtful back at you. – “Leave me.” – you sobbed out. He didn’t move. – “Leave!” – you shouted trembling with emotion. Not meaning one bit of your words.
Anthony took a deep breath, wrapping his arms tightly around you. You tried fighting him by moving your shoulders. Wanting to push him off, but his embrace was strong. – “I will not let go Y/n.” – he said pressing his cheek onto your shoulder. Still resisting you finally gave in. Your muscles weaking under his grip. Anthony held you tighter in his arms. – “Please…” – he said softly to himself. – “give it to me. Give his pain to me, I beg you. Give it to me, my brother has suffered enough. Let me take it from him.” – he spoke pleading with anyone Godly listening.
“I shall hold onto you Y/n.” – he took your head between his hands, bringing your forehead closer to his. – “Let your pain be mine.” – he whispered closing his eyes. You removed your head from against his, falling into his embrace. Sweat breaking out. Shivering at the immensely pain. Head pressed against his chest; you moved your arms around his body.
“You won’t have to go through this alone.” – Anthony told you keeping you close in his embrace. Suffering against him, he remained by your side, helping you through your pain. Through the cluster headaches you have been feeling since you were but a young boy. A pain that was never going to leave. As him. As your family who was never going to leave your side.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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sleevebuscemii · 3 months
beautiful and entirely correct analysis of the drivers' gay capabilities. good morning!
thank you So much it’s almost midnight here actually 🫶
but while we’re here:
magnussen and bottas get points on the scale but it can be purely attested to scandinavianess (naked men in a sauna has Never been less subtextual)
alonso has had gay sex but in the same way of tom hardy ‘im an actor of course ive had sex’ but Not in a way of acknowledging fluid sexuality but in the way of ‘im 42 of course ive had gay sex’ he’s been around too long to not have tried it
checo will do gay shit in a straight way will wear a girlfriend’s panties or give someone a lap dance whilst blasted but it’s not in a gay way or a repressed gay way or even in a ‘so comfortable with my sexuality’ way he’s just a fob
pierre….no. puts his pussy into it when he kisses friends on the cheek, crosses many physical boundaries but would be genuinely offended if anyone made the suggestion it was anything more than bro-y
yuki….no. is touchy feely but in a way that does not see gender
zhou’s the kind of straight that is very fine with letting gay men be very handsy but would Never be as handsy back. ever.
kimi: somewhere between magnussen/bottas and alonso realms
esteban gets hit on by gay men but makes it weird
russel gets hit on by gay men but makes it weird in an awkward way
max no
lando No. homophobic. pre PR training if someone told him they were gay he’d go ‘why??’
logan and oscar n/a i literally dont know anything about them
carlos…..purely in every and any and all ways simply…..spanish
+ og tags
riccardo toes the line as an identity crisis millennial
lewis would kiss a man to be polite
charles the first ever accidental homosexual
alex would do a m/m/f threesome if lily wanted to tashi duncan out
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lostlabyrinths · 1 year
@ownmidnight / for alex m.
guerin's fingers ghost over his careful array of tools. wrapped knuckles, oil-slick fingers dancing in place while looking for his torque wrench. his was a special kind of organization --- namely that he didn't have one. he liked to say inspiration would strike suddenly, that he'd find something, anything different that might solve the unsolvable that was their homeland technology, and that stroke of particular genius was not necessarily privy to any means of order. he liked to say it cause it sounded good, not for any necessarily for truth. he's just about to bend a torque out of his other tools when he spots the offending runaway all the way across the room. a harrowed sigh escapes his lips and due to the beautiful manner of an UNDERGROUND BUNKER being far away from any prying eyes that may wander upon the extraterrestrial, he allows himself a bit of slack. a lot, if the way he his wrench AND beer he'd left in a similar predicament start floating towards him. he's gotten good at the double tk thing. REALLY GOOD. and they've barely crossed the middle of the room, right where the imposing ladder with a general lack of interior design was rooted, when the harsh light of day penetrates his cozy den. blinking through the sudden change, he notices an imposing shadow at the top, looking down, down at guerin with guerin's own smoking gun of extended hands out. both items clatter to the ground, and michael momentarily mourns the lost of a cold beer. only max would've really scolded him for it anyway. luckily, he recognizes the form. could recognize it anywhere, really. could recognize it in the dark, by energy, sound, HOPE alone. michael's smile is unintentional but welcome all the same. " if i'd known i'd have company. " his smile pulls to the left a bit, words drawled like he had all the time & comfort in the world. alex made him feel like that often. " i would've freshened up. "
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gwaeddblaidd · 1 year
Feed the Wolf Chapter 6: Colours (Excerpt)
“Oh, I almost forgot to tell you,” he says almost excitedly, prompting me to turn back to face him. “A little birdie told me the Nightshades are meeting tonight.”
He stands from his chair and walks a few steps towards me. As he does he grows taller and just a little squarer at the shoulders, his arms and legs becoming longer and his clothes adjusting seemingly by themselves to conform to his new body type. His hair grows longer and his face becomes almost blurry, his features indistinct. He appears human, yes, but my eyes can’t seem to focus on his face. It only lasts a moment, though, before suddenly everything becomes clear once again. His face has changed. His cheekbones are a little higher, his brow more pronounced, his nose ever-so-slightly crooked and his jawline bearing the slightest hint of a stubble. I hate it when he does this.
“Want me to listen in for you?” he asks, sweeping his now longer fringe from his face and to the side. The red skin on his knuckles catches my eye, letting me know that he did indeed notice the state of my hands this past week, despite him not mentioning it.
I stare at the reflection of myself, feeling just as uncomfortable as ever seeing him in this state. Back when I first started at Nevermore, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I heard I’d be boarding with a shapeshifter, but I definitely didn’t anticipate a roommate that would learn to mimic my every feature within a day of meeting me. I try my best not to let my discomfort show. I’m not giving him that satisfaction.
“I didn’t get an invite,” I say, sounding almost offended. Of course, I haven’t been invited to any of their gatherings since halfway through second year, if I remember correctly. Still, they never officially kicked me out…
My father was a Nightshade during his time at Nevermore; there’s a picture of him and my aunt up on the wall of their library somewhere. He told me about the secret society when I was young, but I never really realised the importance of the information until he was gone. I retained certain important details – how to get into the library, the existence of a safe behind the portrait of Ignatius Itt – but things like ‘how to join’ evaded me. Still, getting in by myself and proving myself a legacy was enough to convince the Nightshades to allow me to pledge. Looking back, I can’t believe how careless I was in revealing who my father was; it’s a good thing no one there recognised him or my aunt as Hydes. It didn’t take long for me to become disappointed by the group, though. It was clear after just a few gatherings that the once prestigious society had fallen so very far, becoming little more than an elitist social club full of spoiled rich kids. I stopped attending their meetings upon that realisation.
“Do you ever?” Alex asks, bringing me back to the present. “If you did, I wouldn’t have to keep my ear to the ground about this stuff.”
“It’s not as great as it’s made out to be,” I say in return. The group may be secretive, but they honestly don’t offer all that much beyond overly-serious meetings about trivial matters and the occasional private party. 
“Speak for yourself!” Alex exclaims. “I for one have greatly enjoyed the gatherings I’ve attended.”
I hesitate before speaking, my mind taking a moment to understand the implication. “Alex… Please don’t tell me you’ve been going to more of them without asking me first.”
He stiffens slightly, his eyes widening just a little as he stifles a reaction. That’s a yes, then.
“At least tell me you weren’t too… out of character.” My mind runs through so many possibilities. “I don’t need more people angry at me for reasons I don’t understand.”
“Oh no! Nothing like that!” His reassurance does little to lessen my concern. “Some of them might just think you’re… Well, let’s just say that Nightshade you is a bit less depressed, y’know?”
“Oh, well that’s fine then,” I say sarcastically. “I’m a Hyde anyway, so why not add mood swings to my repertoire?”
“Come on, it’s not that bad. You never go anyway, and you’re not exactly friends with any of them.” He crosses his arms defensively, betraying his knowing that what he did was wrong. “I needed stories, alright? How else is my blog meant to compete with Enid’s?”
It’s always about the blog… I guess that could probably be one of the reasons I stopped getting invites. I mean, me not showing up is reason enough to stop asking me to come, but it’s public knowledge that Alex and I are roommates. If someone was leaking information from Nightshade meetings, I’d obviously be the most likely suspect.
I sigh wearily. “Well, to answer your question: no, I don’t want you to listen in on the meeting.”
In the blink of an eye, his disguise fades and he becomes himself again. He doesn’t hide his disappointment. “Fine.”
“I might go myself, though. Tell me, when is the meeting?”
He looks shocked at that, his disappointment quickly giving way to something close to fear. “Nine o’clock,” he blurts out. “But if you’re really going to go, perhaps we should discuss your persona.”
“My persona?” I don’t like where this is going.
“Yeah, there’s a few things you should be aware of. Gotta keep consistent, right?”
I find myself pinching the bridge of my nose, the beginnings of a headache creeping up on me. It’s bad enough that Alex has been impersonating me without my consent, but for him to be doing so badly? I shouldn’t have to alter my behaviour to make up for his mistakes. Why do I even want to go to the meeting? Honestly, I’m not sure. Maybe my newfound positive outlook has me more willing to engage with others, or maybe seeing so many others preparing for evening activities has me searching for a distraction of my own. Or, maybe the relatively impromptu nature of this meeting has me intrigued. Most Nightshade meetings follow a regular schedule – once every fortnight on the weekend – but this doesn’t fit that schedule. It’s probably nothing of note, but I’d regret missing out if I’m wrong.
I breathe out slowly and steadily, recentering myself in preparation for what I’m sure is about to be a painful briefing. I look at Alex for a moment then drop my gaze, shaking my head along with a slight chuckle. No use in being annoyed, if I have a choice in the matter. I raise my head to offer him my full attention along with a tired, conceding smile.
“Fine. What do I need to know?”
Title: Feed the Wolf
Fandom: Wednesday
Rating: T
Chapters: 7 of 12
Links: AO3, FF.net
Summary: As the dust settles on the Hyde incident, Nevermore is slowly but surely returning to a calmer, safer state. But for those involved, the scars may take a while longer to fully heal. Gelert Davies, a half-werewolf student, has always kept himself out of trouble as best he could, but a chance encounter will test his resolve and force him to face parts of himself long abandoned.
Tags: Enid Sinclair, Wednesday Addams, Original Character(s), Enid Sinclair/Original Male Character(s), Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Wolf Instincts, Loss of Control, Injury Recovery, Self-Hatred, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Courting Rituals, Werewolf Courting, Werewolf Culture, Eventual Romance, Family Issues, POV First Person
Thank you for reading, and have a wonderful day! :)
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booasaur · 7 years
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The Young Offenders (2018) - 1x03
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vanillann · 4 years
you’re joking, right? (luke patterson x reader)
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thank you for the request my love!!
word count: 1.8k
warning: minor angst but nothing major 
“As soon as Flynn gets here the meeting will start.”
I nodded to Julie’s words, falling back onto the couch with one leg in the air as I fell back.
“I can’t wait to see if she can see us now!” Reggie bounced on his heels, the whole incident after the Orpheum changing things like how often I could see the boys and even changing the fact Julie and I could now touch them.
“I have to say, it’ll be interesting to see,” Alex nodded, taking the seat close to me and nudging my foot. I looked up from my phone, turning to my side to see Luke looking down at me.
“Wanna make room?”
“Why would I do that?” I looked up at him, smiling when he sighed, looking back to my hand.
“I’ll lay on you,” Luke spoke, trying his best to sound serious.
“He’ll only saying that to be close to you,” Julie spoke up from the piano, which earned very agreeing words from the other two ghosts in the room.
“And so what?” Luke responded, giving up by picking my feet up and making his own space. He placed my feet in his lap, holding them down so there wasn’t a chance I would move.
“I already told you, Luke, you’re a ghost,” I muttered, doing my best to not give away the little pang in my chest at the fact.
“Oh don’t worry,” Luke looked over to me, winking while looking back in front of him.
“I’ll win you over, eventually.”
I rolled my eyes, pulling my feet from his grip and sitting up properly. Not a single word was spoken, each person trying to brush off the weird tension the room had grown.
Flynn's voice sounded from the driveway, all thoughts of Luke’s comment gone as we waited for the truth about the boys visibly.
“I can’t believe I can see them now!”
Flynn was practically bubbling at the fact she could see the boys, almost running into someone as she walked backward throughout the mall.
“I don’t know how, but I’m glad something good came from this Caleb thing.”
Julie nodded, grabbing Flynn's shoulders and moving her before she rammed into someone. Flynn didn’t pay any mind to it, still going on and on about how she could see them.
“Now I can finally see what Julie talks about with Luke pinning glares to you,” Flynn wiggled her eyebrows, spotting the H&M in the corner of her eye and doing a 360.
“It’s just a joke.”
Julie let out a sarcastic laugh, looking at the side of my face with an offended glare.
“A joke? You can’t be that oblivious,” Julie spoke, following Flynn into the store while holding the door open for me.
“You know Luke, he’d cocky and thinks it funny,” I tried my best to not let the little joke get to me but it wasn’t exactly easy. I mean, hot ghost boys were complicated enough but liking one added more than just a cherry on top.
It added syrup, sprinkles, and whipped cream.
“You heard him in the studio-” Julie coughed, jokily buffing out her shoulders and dropping her voice down.
“I’ll win you over, eventually,” she did the best Luke impression she could muster, causing a laugh to boil out my mouth.
“It’s Luke, he likes things he can’t have.”
Julie let her shoulders drop, giving a sympathetic smile as she grabbed my shoulder and pulled me closer to her.
“He likes you, I know that much.”
I let the comment roll over my shoulder, doing my best to not think about the ghost in question but it wasn’t easy. He was making this so complicated without knowing.
Why couldn’t he like another ghost, like Alex?
I laughed as Flynn almost knocked a whole display over as she saw the glittery shoes that were on the back wall of the store.
Julie’s yelp made my body jump, looking over my shoulder at Alex who gave his best sympathies for the jump scare.
“I expect it from Luke, but you Alex?”
He shrugged, standing in-between Julie and me as we both turned to each other to make it seem less weird if we were talking to nobody.
“Why can’t anyone see us?”
“It might only be people that know about you,” I shrugged, it wasn’t the craziest idea and it wouldn’t shock me if that was the thing blocking the afterlife and current life.
Alex nodded, looking between Julie and me while we waited for him to tell us whatever he felt the need to scare us for.
“Need something?” Julie looked up at Alex, shaking her head we waited.
“Oh, well I remembered you had a study hall and I had to get away from Luke.”
I nodded, Julie, waiting still for Alex to continue.
“Luke will not shut up about (Y/N),” he whipped his head around, looking at me with raised eyebrows and a thin lip nod.
“Ah, makes sense,” Julie, nodded at me. I rolled my eyes at the two, turning back to my locker to pull out my English textbook and a few pencils.
“I’m serious, he wanted me to ask you if he knew his middle name! Why do I have to do that?”
I rolled my eyes, doing my best to conceal the smile that was threatening to break across my face at the thought of a confused Luke begging Alex to ask me.
“Well (Y/N) refused to acknowledge Luke likes ‘em,” Julie muttered, I could feel her eyes on my back. I didn’t dare turn around, the bell about to ring as we made our way to the courtyard to get some studying done and fewer eyes to watch us talking to the air.
“You can’t be serious!”
Alex was a calm person, probably the calmest out of the three, but when he got worked up his voice jumped octaves and he’d fling his hands around. I was scared now, to say the least, because we could touch, which meant he could smack me with his wild hand gestures.
“He has like a million songs about, he only writes songs for people he cares about,” Alex tried to block me from walking but I easily ducked under his arm.
“Is that why he wrote “My name is Luke”?”
Julie let out a loud laugh, luckily nobody was around to question the action. Alex didn’t say anything as we continue down the hall, just little broken phrases. As I was about to open the door to the courtyard, my hand landed on something solid.
I let out a scream, backing away as Reggie fell into the door with flushed cheeks.
“Sorry (Y/N)!”
“It’s fine Reg,” I did my best to calm my racing heart, just happy I didn’t have to deal with a stranger or worse Luke.
“Sorry I had to get away from Luke, he was talking about which beanie you smiled at him in,” Reggie nodded, looking between the three of us with an awkward smile.
“Was it the orange once?” Reggie nodded, understanding my words easily. I could feel Alex pointing rapidly at the back of my head.
“What? It’s a nice color,” I shrugged, moving around Reggie to our normal seat outside.
“Please (Y/N),” Luke gave his best puppy dog eyes as I sat in one of the chairs around the studio, waiting for everyone else to come back from the snack to hang out around the room with some music involved.
“Luke,” my tone warning, finally growing tired at this game. 
I couldn’t take it much longer, this stupid crush was growing more and more every time Luke said something flirty or even touched me.
“(Y/N),” he spoke my name in a sing-songy voice, giving a little smile as he mistook my anger for something else.
“Stop! I can’t take this anymore, stop it!”
I snapped, my voice bouncing off the beams of the studio roughly.
“Wow,” Luke held his hands up, backing away from me slightly. He looked hurt, but I couldn’t let that get to me if I wanted to make my point.
“Stop chasing me, it hurts Luke.”
He slowly let his hands fall to his side, studying my face as I waited for a witty comment that I would yell about and ruin everything.
“Hurt? I didn’t mean to hurt you,” his voice was soft, apologetic as his hand went to reach for mine before I pulled it back.
“Yes Luke, hurt. I can’t even look at another guy because your little joke went too far.”
I pulled my arm back as he tried to reach for it, looking to the floor of the studio. Where were the rest of the group? I needed an out of this conversation.
“Yes, this little “I like you” joke,” I could feel my eyes grow heavy as I waited for his apology, that he didn’t mean for this to go so far.
“Look, I know I’m funny but this wasn’t a joke.”
I wanted to laugh my head off, we were arguing and he still found a way to compliment himself.
“You can drop it, Luke, it’s fine but-”
“I can’t just drop my feelings!”
Luke was yelling down, the fire I once had was now fulling inside of Luke as his eyes searched my face.
“Luke,” as soon as I said his name he took off to the other side of the studio, picking up his songbook and flipping throughout pages.
“Skin against skin, mind against mind, I can’t believe I fell this time.”
I rolled my eyes at his antics, him flipping to a different page letting his finger run down the page.
“Give me your heart, it’ll be safe in my hands,” I slowly started walking to Luke shaking my head. I reached out to grab the book but he moved away, jumping on the couch and finding another page.
“If only you knew the warmth you bought to my broken soul.”
I could feel hot tears streaming down my face, looking up at him with a pout on my lips.
“I’m not joking, every word I’ve said is true,” he slowly stepped off the couch, looking into my eyes with sincerity. I could feel my arms slowly uncrossing as I watched him closely.
Luke wouldn’t have let a joke go on if he knew it was hurting me.
He meant it.
“Swear on a street dog?”
“I swear on every street dog,” he reached out, grabbing my arm gently to wrap his hand in mine.
“Okay, you won.”
“I won?”
“You said you’d win my over eventually, well you won,” I spoke gently still looking deep into his eyes. A puppy dog smile graced his lips, pulling me slightly closer to him.
“That’s going to make an excellent song.”
I let myself laugh, smiling down at my feet. I could hear the door to the studio open, ignoring the stares on my back as I let myself bask in the joy I felt.
“Great! He’s going to talk about em more,” Alex let out an exhausted breathe. I turned around, dropping Luke’s hand as I faced their smiling face.
“So maybe it wasn’t a joke.”
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