#alexander anderson fanfiction
therewasatale · 2 years
On Ao3.
Summary: Maybe Anderson became a bit soft. And Alucard gets a pet. 
At the edge of the city, the door of the quiet hotel opened and the late autumn wind immediately sped through the reception room. The cool air made the until now sleeping receptionist shiver. He wanted to remain asleep but as the room got colder, but this forced me to blink the sleep out of his eyes. When he was able to look up, he was greeted by a sight that, in terms of waking up, would have worth two coffees and at least three energy drinks.
It was yesterday around the afternoon when he received a strange message from one of his colleagues. According to the short memo, a rather odd-looking priest was staying at the hotel. Of course, usually this didn't mean much, really, he already had to dealt with strange, half-crazy figures almost daily. However, the two-meter-tall, well-built man caught him off guard.
The silence was only disturbed by the raindrops knocking on the door.
The figure, who, based on his clothes, could only have been a priest, cleared his throat.
"Good…evening? I'm, uh, Albert. Can I help you with something?" His voice trailed off as the priest moved closer to him. His blonde hair brushed against one of the particularly low hanging ornate chandeliers, but the man didn't seem to notice. Maybe he was just used to bumping his head into things on account of his height.
"Good evening, sorry to wake you up." He held his left hand bent, while a large bag weighed down his right one.
"No, it's all right, erm, father? I mean, I wasn't actually sleeping." Albert had to swallow. "Did you have a refreshing evening walk?"
The green eyes glanced at him, but after a few moments of silence, the priest nodded slowly. "Let’s just say, that in such evenings as this one, people can feel closer to the Lord." Without even waiting for an answer, he made his way towards the nearest staircase.
Albert slowly sat back into his chair. Exactly when did he stood up from it, he didn’t really remember. He glanced at the clock on the table out of the corner of his eye.
He had no idea what a priest could have been doing in the pouring rain close to dawn on the outskirts of the city. But he felt that he didn’t get paid nearly enough to think about such things.
The door to the hotel room closed behind Anderson, and he locked it with the card he got. He felt tiny movements under his coat.
"All right, all right, you can come out now."
He slipped out of his shoes and walked down the short corridor to the bathroom next to the bedroom. He stopped about halfway, then took a step back and looked at the twin bed in the smaller bedroom.
"Good evening." Alucard raised his hat towards him, his eyes shining, almost glowing in the dimness of the room. "Or I should say it's good to see you again."
Anderson opened his mouth to speak, but a low and noticeably tired meow was faster.
The vampire raised his eyebrows. "Anderson? What’s hiding under your coat?"
"Take off your boots, and give me a helping hand here." The priest entered the bath and turned on the light with his elbow. As soon as he unzipped his coat, he already felt the curiously blinking vampire behind him. For now, he only paid attention to the tiny creature he carefully unwrapped from his clothes.
It looked like just a small tuft of black fur, it fit in the palm of his hand.
"Is that a…?"
And the tuft of fur meowed, patted at his hand a couple of times with its tiny paws, and then two pairs of blue eyes looked up at them from the tangled black fur.
Without answering, Anderson pushed the bag from his right into Alucard's hand. "You'll find a bottle of shampoo in it, as well as a few bags of food. Give me the shampoo for now." He closed the bottom of the hand sink and started to run hot water, while in his other hand he carefully held the young kitten, who for the time being was happy to be in a warm place.
"Not sure it'll like the bath." Alucard's smile could be heard through his voice.
"Then it's a good thing that my regeneration is fast. Grab a towel."
"As you wish, father."
Anderson waited for the vampire to walk into the bedroom, then let out a small sigh as he looked down at the small creature in his hand. "All right, this will be a bit unpleasant, but hang in there."
At first, he just sprinkled a little water on the tiny cat, who tolerated it surprisingly patiently. It only let out an exasperated meow when gently submerged it, making sure its head was out of the water.
"You'll be clean in no time." The priest assured the tiny creature.
Alucard reappeared with a towel over his shoulder and shampoo in hand. He didn't even try to hide his smile now. "Everything is here, father."
The Iscariot scoffed so he could try to suppress his embarrassment. This wasn't exactly how he planned this evening.
He came to the city with the task of hunting down a vampire who was hiding in an abandoned industrial district, and the next day he would have gone back to the Vatican. After the hunt, on his way out of one of the larger warehouses, he noticed a slowly moving pile of fur.
Maybe he was getting soft as he was growing older.
The kitten meowed again, fleas jumping out of its fur, fleeing from the water. Those who tried to hang were washed off with the shampoo, along them came a whole lot of dirt.
By the time they finished, the little creature was just lying exhausted in his palm, licking his finger with its rough tongue.
"It must be hungry after all this excitement." Alucard spoke up and almost immediately began to retrieve the food packages.
Meanwhile, Anderson took the towel off the vampire's shoulders and carefully wrapped the kitten into a tight bundle, only its head was sticking out. "Come on." He addressed his words to both of them as he walked over to his bed. "You'll be better soon."
"There." Two packages landed next to Anderson as he sat down. "I can't imagine how you managed to get these at quarter at four in the morning." Alucard laid next to them not even bothering to ask and watched with interest when Anderson gently dried the small kitten by rubbing it with the towel. He chuckled as the tiny creature meowed, again.
"Three streets away, there's a 24/7 store. I was lucky." He carefully wiped the cat's ears, a small smile played on his lips as the kitten fidgeted and meowed in the towel. "Yeah, I know, I know, you're being treated horribly. Give me a cleaner towel."
Alucard did, without a word. He wanted to see and remember every part of this night.
The stray cat, on the other hand, wasn't that happy. Although it didn't have much of a chance to run away, or even escape from the towel-burrito in which the priest wrapped it, although it didn’t stop it from trying.
"Just a second, a second." Said the priest gently rubbing the cat's ears and head to dry it. "You can eat now."
"Can I?" Alucard snuggled closer and opened one of the food packages. Completely captivated, hungry eyes looked at him almost immediately.
"Sure." Anderson let the cat out of the towel, and let it just walk towards the vampire.
They watched it feeding on two packages than laying down like a tiny sack of potatoes, stomach full, and it fell fast asleep.
Neither the vampire nor the Iscariot wanted to bother the tiny creature, or break the gentle silence. Its slow, steady breathing filled the room around them. The rain pattered outside the window as the dawn slowly arrived.
Anderson glanced from the corner of his eye at Alucard, who was watching the small creature with great interest. He studied its every breath and tiny movement on the blanket.
"I can't take it home." Said the Iscariot finally.
"Hm? Why not? Your kids would love it."
"I know," Anderson scoffed. "But then we would very quickly become an animal shelter alongside an orphanage."
"And that would be so bad, because?" The vampire gently chuckled as he imagined it.
"Because the Pope would never allow that, and because...we just can't."
Alucard reached out and gently scratched the head of the tiny cat. The answer was gentle purring.
"Oh, dear Lord."
"Adorable tiny fur-ball."
The sun was rising, the golden rays illuminated the gray clouds, but were unable to penetrate them. Deep puddles dotted the ground amongst the trees, their surface broken from time to time by a wayward drop. A faint mist sat on almost everything around the Hellsing estate, hiding it from prying eyes.
Even so, this morning, no one was paying attention to the weather.
Sir Hellsing looked at her desk and a tuft of fur moving on it with an appraising look. She watched wordlessly as her pen holder was overturned and then the papers were sniffed at, and she didn't move even after her ashtray was almost knocked over.
Beside her, not far away, Walter watched the scene with a similar silence.
"So tiny." Seras was the only one who seemed obviously delighted.
The answer was a small but energetic meow.
Chuckling, Alucard took the tottling ball of fur in his hand. "Truly a little creature in its element." He raised the kitten in front of his face.
"Right." Integra paused for a moment. "And you brought home a cat, because?"
"I just couldn't leave it there, especially not after we saved it." The vampire announced with a grin.
"We saved it?" The question was just a formality, she already knew the answer.
"Technically Anderson was the one who found it." As always, there was something soft in his voice when he mentioned the priest's name. Everyone seemed to be aware of this, except Alucard himself. "He found it in the warehouse. At least that’s what he told me. We cleaned it up in the hotel, and after a good dinner it fell asleep." His explanation as emphasized by the kitten's satisfied purr. "Thank you that was exactly how you sound back then." The vampire chuckled and stroked the curled-up kitten in his palm.
Integra raised a cigarette to her lips and took a deep drag of the bitter smoke after Walter readily lit it for her. "So you want to keep it?"
"Why not?" Alucard didn't take his eyes off the small creature.
"I see. But you have to take care of it, and make sure it's healthy. I have enough things to do daily anyway, it will be your responsibility."
"How generous of you, my master." Alucard chuckled again. "Then I'll get our new hunter a room." He turned around and headed to the door.
Seras, who had been silently tapping his feet glanced at his master and Integra.
"Go with him, and make sure he won't kill the cat by accident." Integra waved and watched the vampire girl hurry away with a small smile. When only the two of them remained in the room, he puffed out the smoke and sighed. "And now he has a cat."
Walter let out a small chuckle. "You were right, sir. That Iscariot has an effect on Alucard."
"Do tell me about it."
"The only question remains is, how long have these two been going to a hotel together?" Walter chuckled again.
"Lord, I don't want to know. Walter, get me a drink."
The butler bowed with a smile. "Of course, sir."
Seras strode as closely as possible to Alucard as he could. She giggled the kitten meowed at the two of them. "I think he or she's hungry."
"Yes?" Alucard huffed. "Well, after all, it ate for the last time at dawn, and then slept since then. It didn’t wake up even on the plane."
"You will have to take him or her, to the doctor so that it can get the vaccinations and get properly examined."
"In that case, I'll tell Walter to find the best vet in town." The vampire chuckled once again as the baby cat began to waddle in his palm. He looked around curiously around with his icy-blue eyes. "Look as much as you want, this is your new home."
Seras gently stroked the creature's head with a finger. "You should pick a name for it. Or maybe first we should figure out if it is a girl or boy."
"Anderson." The answer sounded so obvious.
"Yes, he found it first so it will like him more anyway." Alucard didn't even notice his smile becoming gentler. "Besides I can annoy him with it."
Seras, on the other hand, clearly noticing what was the real intention behind it, just let out a small cough and nodded. "Yeah, I think it's a nice name."
Anderson voiced its opinion loudly, conjuring a smile on both of their faces.
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A/n: I have no explanation other than it just happened
Hellsing Head Canons No One Asked For
Integra: knows how to operate a hot air balloon
Alucard: Sucks a Monopoly
Walter: wears dentures
Seras: has curtain lights and will literally sit on her bed for hours doing absolutely nothing else but watching them
Pip: he isn’t the type to be a dad but he would definitely be the fun uncle
Anderson: knows the Bible word for word and can recite it without any mistakes
Maxwell: has sensitive skin and is a cry baby about it
Heinkel: also has sensitive skin and doesn’t care, their hands could be drier than the Sahara Desert and they still won’t use lotion
Yumi: loves to read and write
The Major: gets hella pussy (*plays ‘cuffing season’*)
Luke: got bullied in school by the popular girl (I’m still debating on whether he liked it or not)
Jan: acts tough but as a human couldn’t hold his own, he would run his mouth but wouldn’t fight when given the chance to
The Captain: could not pick up on flirting to save his life
Zorin: has sugar babies
Dok: has a pollen allergy
Dandy Man: is part of a pyramid scheme and always trying to get more people to join
Schrödinger: can’t climb a tree and is scared of vacuum cleaners
Rip: is also scared of vacuum cleaners
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guttedeggs · 7 months
Back on my bullshit.
Personally speaking, I think Enrico Maxwells whole "I'm a big, domineering man" is a big facade.
He wants his bio father to be proud, to regret giving him up; how else to do that than putting on a mask? Yes, you totally know what you're doing, you're a leader, you're so very dominating and important and you totally believe that! It's not an easy task to literally become *your teachers boss*, aka your FATHER FIGURES BOSS. Imagine the power trip of being able to order around your own father figure. The man who did his best to raise you lovingly, to help you see you don't need to rely on people who don't care about you. And now you get to boss him around.
Has anyone actually told him they're proud of him? That they're so happy he's still here? That he's done so well to get to where he is? Probably not. Hell, let's be real, the only person who's probably said that to him is Anderson; would he even believe Anderson means it? His perception is so messed up of others, how would he?
A dominating narrative at the final battles is that demons don't cry. That when a human runs out of tears, they lose humanity or that it is their final cry for death.
Alucard cries because he still has humanity. Anderson doesn't cry because he is ready to die. The major doesn't cry because he is a demon, he is purely evil.
Maxwell does a different kind of cry- he cries out that he was born alone, he does not want to die alone. Underneath all of these layers, he's still a human. He doesn't want to die yet, nor has he become a demon.
Inside, he is still that same small child begging for the care and reassurance he so desperately needed. But if he knew that, then we wouldn't have such a tragic tale, would we?
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alucardsathomewife · 2 years
I need more Hellsing content
The hyperfixation on it has a choke hold on me
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mellybaggins · 5 months
Fantasy Casting for Oathbreaker
Original Characters
Updated for Chapter 60
More Here
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Sarric (Idril's father)
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Darfiel (Idril's Mother)
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Six Sentences Sunday!!
Thank you @forabeatofadrum for tagging me as always.
I am still working on the Valentine fic 14 Stones Of A Curse with my betas. And I can't tell much about the next chapter. Maybe a line or two?
Kurt was relating more to Prince Kurt as the days progressed and he earned another year of memory. He could feel Blaine being his best friend even though he had met him only in his dream. Memories of their friendship growing stronger than ever and their ever growing love towards each other through late night sneak outs, little games they played in their leisure time, the custom of amazing each other by teaching something new, their walks through the forest.
Yeah that's a bit from next chapter
Do I have something for FirstPrince? I do. This has been sitting in my docs for along time and I never had time to complete it
A tiny little angel as he was, he had an intriguing sense of fashion which drew Alex towards him. Alex was having a mini internal debate whether to approach him or not. What If he yelled at him? What if he complained to the Librarian? Or threw the book at Alex? But Alex was so invested in getting to know this boy, almost of his age he assumed and might make a new friendship out of it. Just like his mom said once:
Books can find you good friends.
So that's it.
Tagging: @fallevs @bitbybitwrites @cryscendo @kurtsascot @england-would-fall @sparklepocalypse @rockitmans @spaceorphan18 @little-escapist @wowbright and all others want to share what they are doing
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Pack Hellsing Part 1
Alexander was walking home from another long discussion with his manager regarding his lackluster performances. He runs into his long time friend, and on screen rival, Alucard, but it appears something is wrong with the man.
Set in an omegaverse au where some of the main characters of Hellsing are actors and actresses within the big city.
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[drawing from Pinterest, artist unknown.]
This story has also been posted to my Wattpad so feel free to follow me there as well, anyhow, I hope y'all enjoy.
Word count: 1,855
The downpour of rain fell around Alexander in a silvery curtain as it rolled off his umbrella. He’d left his apartment earlier that afternoon in hopes of making it back before the rain started. Though, to his displeasure, his manager had picked today of all days to go on another long tangent instead of staying on topic. An hour-long conversation about how poor his acting had turned into a nearly four-hour-long monologue about how Alexander was still packless as he approached 40. He’d told the man that he’d rather be alone than deal with all the legal compilations that came with joining a pack, or even starting his own. Truth be told he wasn’t only lying to his manager but to himself as well. If someone were to look closely they would see how much living outside a pack weighed on him. 
He’d been wrapped up in his thoughts so tightly that he hadn’t seen the man coming towards him until they collided with a loud thud. The impact untangled him from his thoughts as he grabbed the man by the shoulder pushing them back slightly. Opening his mouth to yell at them but the sudden realization as their eyes met caused whatever angry words he’d been ready to throw at the man to escape him. Finding a familiar pair of chestnut brown eyes staring into his slate gray ones. “Al? What are you-” he cut himself off as the man’s scent hit him with the full force of their normally muted perfume. A normally earthy and slightly floral scent had a syrupy sweetness coating every breath Alexander took.
He didn’t need to express what Alucard’s scent was telling him, the man in his grasp who had fooled everyone into believing he was an alpha was clearly an omega. One that was dangerously close to their heat. Alexander removed his hand from Alucard’s shoulder to opt for holding onto his wrist instead. Choosing to pull the now shivering omega behind him as they hastily walked alongside the side of the brick buildings. Making use of the still open umbrella in his hand he hid their faces from view. Being thankful that the man he was pulling behind him was dressed casually in a black sweater and dress pants, rather than his signature red suit. As they made their way through the scantly filled streets they came to an intersection where the lights of a heat hotel came into view. The hazy neon glow of looping red letters spelled out ‘Heat & Rut extended stay’. In that moment it felt like the glow of the sign was equal to that of the stained glass windows of an old church. 
The pair quickly crossed the street parting the tinted glass doors of the hotel, no bell chimed as they entered into the saving grace. They were greeted by the sight of a large screen, Alexander was silently thankful that the hotel wasn’t run by another human. He let go of Alucard’s wrist for a second as he closed his umbrella, the loss of warmth making the omega let out a choked whine that was quickly cut off by a cough. The alpha couldn’t help the smirk that crossed his lips nor the unease that was still settled deep in his gut. Still being able to feel his friend’s heat on his back was the only comfort he had as his fingers quickly typed away on the screen. He slid his card into the reader just below the screen a moment later a red key card and ticket came out of a slot next to the reader.
Holding his collected items in one hand and maneuvering his closed umbrella to the crook of his arm he was able to hold onto Alucard’s wrist again. Both men let out a joined sigh as the small point of contact was reestablished between them. They made their way deeper inside the hotel, after taking a few twists and turns down the vacant hallways they found their room. Alexander unlocked the door, ushering Alucard inside before himself. He took a moment to glance down both ends of the hallway pleased at not finding anyone watching. Stepping into the room just in time to hear the click of the bathroom door closing.
The room before him was bathed in a dim warm light with the walls being covered in dark oak paneling. A wooden cubby was flushed against the wall to his left, having a pair of black Chelsea boots already within one of the slots. Alexander slipped off his pair of burgundy oxfords placing them into the slot next to the boots. Letting out a soft sigh as his sore feet sunk into the plush gray carpet. Taking off his dark gray trench coat and hanging it on the wall opposite the cubby. Rolling up the sleeves of his white dress shirt as he walked down the short hall that led to a large open space. In front of him was a sunken circle covered with bedding in various fabrics and textures all in neutral colors. Two dark oversized armchairs sit against the far wall facing the pit, choosing to sit himself down in one of the chairs with his legs outstretched and his fingers intertwined in his lap as he waits for Alucard.
It wasn’t long before the dark-haired man stepped out of the bathroom dressed in a black silk robe that was tied loosely at the waist. Where the robe hung open allowed for his pale skin to peak through from the inky pool of darkness that was the silk, underneath which he wore only a pair of red boxer briefs. His arms were crossed over his slim chest as his eyes bounced around the room before meeting Alexander’s from where he stood at the archway. The two stared at each other in silence for a long moment before Alexander’s voice broke through the stillness of the room. “How long?” 
Looking away from the man sitting in the chair, his voice was hushed as he answered, “It should be about two or three days.” There was an annoyed exhale from the man. “And you thought now would be the perfect time to be outside like this? What the fucking hell was so goddamned important Integra or Walter couldn’t grab you!” his tone came across as angry, though it was one of concern but that didn’t stop Alucard from letting out a sound somewhere between a huff and a growl. As annoyed as Alexander was with the omega, he was glad to see some of the fire coming back to his personality. “That’s none of your fucking business. I’m just going to stay in this fucking room with you until my clothes are dry.” Taking off his glasses and tilting his head slightly to the side, he stared at Alucard. “It’s nine in the evening Al, I’m not letting you leave this room until it’s morning so you might as well get comfortable.” The omega huffed, throwing his hands in the air. “You’re not my alpha Alex, you don’t have any right to keep me here!” Letting out a huff, the alpha stood. “I wouldn’t have to if your alpha actually gave a damn about you and kept you home!”
“I don’t need anyone to take care of me you fucking asshole! I’m not some weak little flower that would crumble with a gust of wind!” Each word the omega spoke came out with a rumbling growl as he stomped his way across the room to stand a few feet away from Alexander. “I never said you were weak Al, just that you should’ve been kept home. You should be taken care of during your heat, not out running around doing gods knows what.” all anger was gone from Alexander’s voice as he looked down at his pissed friend. “What would you know about taking care of an omega?” Alucard squinted his eyes at the man who was nearly twice as wide as he was but only a few inches taller. 
He wasn’t going to back down from going home tonight, he wanted to be in his own nest, with the ghost of Integra’s scent wrapped around him. Alucard had gotten good at taking care of himself during his heats, no longer needing Integra’s touch to get through the blinding lust and pain. It wasn’t like the two of them were bonded to each other, the alpha didn’t feel how much it hurt him that she wasn’t there. It was Alucard’s fault, he had made it known from the beginning he wasn’t looking to be marked by the alpha or even have her there during his heats. She’d shared his nest with him in the early days of being a pack, enough to mark it with her scent in the hope of making his heats a little easier. It had worked for a little while, he’d found comfort in the pillowcases that held the whispers of her within their threads.
They’d known each other since they were young, having met in college as they were both studying for their bachelor's in fine arts. She’d found out about his secret on a rainy night similar to this one. She’d offered him to join the Hellsing pack, seeing him turn up his nose to society's ideas of what an omega could and couldn’t do to be commendable, an attribute in a friend she’d want in her life forever. He’d accepted her offer without thinking of the emotional bond he’d have towards her. Being orphaned to a church as an infant, he never knew what it was like to be part of a pack, and with the little taste Integra had given him, he was grateful to just have that. A taste of something he’d come to wish to have a feast of.
Alexander couldn’t help but chuckle at him, “In my twenties, I signed up with a few omega centers to help their omegas get through their heats. It’s something PR likes to keep out of the public eye as you could understand.” Alucard looked away, his brow furrowing. “If I were to stay, would you, would you help me through my heat?” The question caught the two of them off guard, Alexander just staring at him in the uncomfortable silence. “I’m not asking you to fuck me per se, I’m just asking you to, to hold me for a little while Alex.” he sounded unsure of himself, still not meeting the taller man’s eyes. “I’m not against fucking you Al, I just want you to be certain that’s what you want, that I’m who you want here right now.” his tone was gentle, kind even. Alucard met the man’s gaze, sureness, and determination in his eyes as he nodded his head. Alexander exhaled slowly, closing his eyes as he put his glasses back on. “Okay, but I want you to answer a question.” Alucard hummed in response, already climbing down into the nesting area. “Why were you out tonight?” the omega’s movements paused as he was beginning to rearrange the blankets.
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atomra · 3 months
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Final chapter of my Atom introduction fic for Hellsing!
Had a lot of fun writing this story so I hope you enjoy the conclusion. More to come soon! 💙🦇
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fallen-angel-92 · 23 days
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Rated: M
Warnings: Swearing
Twins. Children created from her blood and the blood of a creature that was only legend. Avia Harker must now begin an arduous journey to protect her children from dark forces, but her heart as well, least she fall prey for a being that once insnaired her grandmother.
“Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.” - Sun Tzu
“Why are you sitting outside?” A blue eyed girl asked with a hint of curiosity. 
“Does it matter? I like sitting outside where the moon is shining brightly,” she replied, her brown eyes staring up at the full moon.
“Avia Harker! It's time to go home!” Her father called out, causing her to stand up from where she was sitting. Her long black hair danced behind her as she turned to the blonde haired girl, speaking,
“It's nice to meet you, Integra Hellsing. I hope we can one day be friends.”
“Is this it?” A female asked from behind her, causing her to turn to face the red haired nun, her bright green eyes looking up at the rundown building that was in front of them.
“Yes, Sister Nora. This is where the feeling is coming from.” Avia replied back softly as she returned her attention to the building.
Avia approached the termite infested door, gripping the edge of the crooked door and shoved it to the side. As she entered, she took note of how decrepit the building was, but she pressed on ignoring the roaches and rodents that ran across the floor.
“May God have mercy on those that remain here,” Nora softly prayed as they approached a door that seemed like it was a simple wooden one, however, there was some type of hey card that was near the door. 
 Letting out a soft huff as she reached out gripping the door knob before applying a bit of force causing the door to break open. Avia let out a hum as she muttered out,” What a pathetic door.”
Once the door was out of the way the two women entered the door and proceeded down the stairs. As they got to the bottom of the stairs they came into a long decrepit hallway, slowly they made their way down it, each one of them glanced at the decrepit rooms they passed. Upon their arrival at the room at the very back of the hallway, Avia instantly noticed that the door was already adjar.
“Prepare yourself, Sister Nora. We may have some uninvited guest going to crash the party,” Avia said as he glanced over at the red haired nun.
“I'll follow you, Mrs. Harker,” Nora replied with a small grin.
With a slight smirk, Avia reached down to where her Eveningstar, a white bullwhip enchanted with her family's old magic, rested within its holder that sat upon her right hip. Slowly, she opened the door, revealing a large laboratory-like area, however, it appeared to have been ransacked in some type of battle. As the two women moved further into the room the two women looked around until Avia noticed two crib-like beds that were near the back of the laboratory, slowly she approached them with her hand still on the handle of her whip. 
Avia's eyes widened slightly at the sight of two small babies that appeared to be sleeping serenely. Avia removed her hand from her whip, gently placing her hand near the noses of the babies, letting out a soft huff when she felt their breath on her fingers. She reached up to the long scarf that was curled around her neck, she removed it and managed to make two makeshift holders for the babies. Gently, she picked up one baby at a time, placing them into her scarf, and as soon as they were secure, Avia turned to face Nora, who was flipping through files. As she approached Nora, she asked softly,
“Find anything on these precious ones?” Nora glanced at her as she replied back with a hint of worry,” These two littles ones appear to have been experiments.”
Avia frowned as she replied back seriously,” What type of experiments?”
“From what I could see they were meant to be used as weapons against some type of strong foe,” Nora shook her head as she continued,” None of these documents specify what type of foe or even a name for it. Though these two appear to be Dhampires.”
Avia instantly noticed a slight hesitation in Nora’s speech,” What's wrong?”
“They… are your children, Ms. Harker. They somehow managed to obtain your blood and used it to help create these children. I believe it is due to your Harker bloodline that they chose you.”
“Fucking bastards. Just because I share blood with that damn woman,” Avia gritted her teeth as she took a breath in and released it,” Doesn't matter now. Let's take all the documents relating to this matter. Then we will fucking blow this damn building to hell.”
Nora nodded her head as she quickly began gathering the files while Avia began to walk back out the way they came. Once she exited the building, she looked up at the full moon and then down at her children allowing a small smile to appear on her lips.
“What will you name them?” Nora asked as she walked up next to her as she handed Avia a controller.
Avia let out a soft hum, as they walked a bit away before she replied back with a slight smile,” I'll name them Micheal and Melania Harker.”
“Those are wonderful names. I'm sure Akagi and Kaga will be excited to have a new brother and sister to protect,” Nora replied with a soft smile as they began to walk away.
As they did so Avia raised the controller and pressed the button causing a large explosion to go off behind them. As the building burned behind them, Avia glanced over at Nora as she spoke once more,” Let's see if there has been any word of increased attacks anywhere in the world. Be it a vampire or other supernatural entities.”
“I would assume we should look more into the vampiric realm since the children are Dhampires,” Nora replied with a hum causing Avia to chuckle,
“Let us see what we can come up with and if worst comes to worst I'll give my dear friend a call.”
“Oh? A call to Mrs. Hellsing? That should be interesting,” Nora said, her eyes gleaming with interest.
“I would rather call her than have you go and deal with Iscariot,” Avia teasingly replied, causing Nora to make a face.
“Yes I would rather not deal with them if I can help. Especially since he still resides with that disgusting organization,” Nora replied as her face turned into one of a pained one.
Avia was silent for a moment, until they came to a large black truck and she reached down, taking out her keys from her pocket. She tossed them to Nora as she spoke again,” Let us return. Hopefully you won't have to see that man again.”
Nora gave Avia a smile as she managed to get into the truck while being mindful of her children. As soon as Nora got in the women left the area and began to return to their home where their fates will soon become intertwined with England.
(Thank you for reading! This is my first Hellsing fic I have written in a while so I hope you all enjoy it!)
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therewasatale · 2 years
On Ao3.
Summary: The vampire won't shut up.
Notes: Based on prompt.
Entering the bathroom, Anderson turned on the lamp, didn't even paying attention to the footsteps following him. Over time the vampire got into the habit to stick to him even after fights, at the very least for one night. Not that it bothered the priest. Except the fact that Alucard had inexhaustible energy, thanks to which he hummed non-stop behind him. Anderson sometimes wondered what was the point in their acquaintance the bloodsucker opened up like this.
"Next time, they could book you a room in a more comfortable hotel. I understand that you shouldn't be attracting attention, but honestly," the vampire glanced at the man. "You can be noticed everywhere, wherever you appear."
He didn't answer, he just pushed off of his soaked coat and ran hot water into the tap.
"Maybe, maybe we could get the honeymoon suite. Better places come with champagne and even provide food, such as chocolate and strawberries."
Anderson let out a sigh, but a tiny smile played on his lips.
"Hm? Anderson?"
He glanced over the vampire for a second. "Stop. Stop talking. I need thirty seconds without hearing your voice." Throwing down the towel, Anderson got rid of his dirty gloves on the edge of the tub too.
"Aw, am I distracting you, love?"
The priest scoffed, as he washed his hands. "More like annoying me."
Alucard let out a chuckle as he stepped behind him. "Oh, please, you know I'm funny."
"Yeah, yeah, real funny. But I'm tired." Wiping his hands, he turned to face the vampire.
The small bathroom was almost cramped for two people, but it didn't really bother either of them.
"In that case, if you like, I'll be happy to carry you to bed in my arms."
The priest felt his face turning red. "What did I just say a second ago?"
"Hmm, I've already forget." Answered the vampire with a cheeky smile. "Can you tell me again?" He slowly leaned closer to Anderson. "Maybe that could-"
His banter was cut short by a kiss. His body got pushed against the nearest wall, and he didn't even have the chance to stop the hungry moan escaping into the kiss.
Anderson's fingers gently stroked his chin, while his tongue opened the vampire's lips. A shiver ran down his back, when he felt Alucard's hands make their way up under his shirt. He trapped the vampire against wall, as he moved closer to him. For seconds he let himself get immersed into to feelings. He gently sighed when then vampire's scratched down on his back, but he didn't draw blood, yet.
Alucard wanted to say something, but as the priest's tongue started to caress his he didn't care about anything else anymore. He let himself being kissed, and tasted. He mumbled something when the priest pressed his hands against the wall too.
After seconds the priest let out a gentle sigh as he pulled away.
Alucard blinked in surprise, as his hair snaked around his head.
"I'm going to go to sleep now."
Anderson let go of his hands and made his way towards the bedroom. The sound of footsteps quickly followed after him.
"You should try silencing me more like this. Maybe it would work every time. We should give it a chance."
"Oh, shut it." Said Anderson with a small chuckle.
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banefulbard13 · 4 months
Hey, it's Caos. I know this post isn't Hellsing or Fanfiction based, but here me out please. I'm not here to promote myself, but to promote my wife, Alexi. My wife has had a shit year so far, and I could use some help making her day. Context: my wife had to quit her job back in January due to her legs randomly atrophying and the Drs aren't helpful in figuring out why. As a way to give her a sense of purpose, I suggested she go and post her writing on Wattpad. The novel saga she is writing is 15 years in the works, and she's 31. This novel writing is her pride and joy, and on Saturday, the flashdrive holding all 15 years of work got randomly corrupted and we don't think we can save it. My wife is heartbroken, and I have no hope and a prayer in doing much to be of help other then what I'm currently doing, and that's being her rock right now. So I posted a video on my tiktok as well asking this, so I'm covering most of my bases for this. If you could go and show her some love, I would be eternally grateful. I linked her above so you could find her. She is my world and I want to show her not to stop writing, to keep going. All I ask is to read her original works and/or leave a comment. Let her know to keep going because she feels like giving up. Help me help her.
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A/n: I only came up with this list bc I already had Integra’s favorite ice cream flavor canoned in my mind so I figured I make a list lol
Hellsing’s Favorite Ice Cream Flavors
Sir Integra: Mint chocolate chip, with no shame about it
Alucard: Acts like he is too good for ice cream- and sweets in general- but will eat literally any ice cream as long as it isn’t mint, you can not have sweets around him
Seras: Strawberry and she makes sure she gets all the chunks
Walter: Butterscotch (the old man without a doubt carries around the hard candies too)
Pip: Cookie Dough
Penwood: He can’t have ice cream anymore because it drives up his blood sugar 😢
Anderson: Coffee (he without a doubt lives and breaths coffee, if Alucard hadn’t of killed him his caffeine addiction would have)
Maxwell: Pistachio (mother fucking psycho path)
Heinkel: Black Cherry
Yumi: Sweet Mango Mochi
The Major: Vanilla (basic bitch)
Doc: Hot fudge sundaes with all the fixings
Luke: Vanilla (another basic bitch)
Jan: He doesn’t care for ice cream, get him a blue raspberry slushies
The Captain: Chocolate (I am not even going to lie I am only doing this out of irony since dogs aren’t supposed to have chocolate)
Dandy Man: Vanilla Gelato (less of a basic bitch but still basic)
Schrödinger: He doesn’t like ice cream because the first time he had it he ate it too fast and got a brain freeze so now he’s scared of it
Rip: Cheesecake but she adds gummy bears to it
Zorin: Rum Raisin
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rennsdeaddoves · 1 year
*slams hands down on the table and slides you a dollar* Tell me more of your hellsing ocs!
Okokokokok so I got two of em. Aireth and Addadon (or Seraph depending on the time frame)
Alright so before I address my lil shits I should mention that in my fic most mythic beings are real; angels, fae, demons, sirens, any and all extensions of these beings are also real. (Can’t say more than that without going into detail for events that happen in the fic and then we’d be there all day)
So without further ado
Aireth is a being known as Fae-born. She was born a human, taken in by the fae and born again into one of them (aka made basically immortal). A coming of age ceremony for the fae is they send out the new adults into the human world to get some “experience with humans” Aireth had always been looking forward to this, always curious about human kind and why they were the way they were.
When she was finally able to set of on her own in the human world she wandered for a long time, until she came across a boy who was hiding in the bushes. She helped him, got him some bread, and cleaned him up before leaving him with some parting words.
“You will do great things”
She continues her wandering and begins to see what her elders and the rulers meant about humanity. Aireth, because she was fae-born could tap into dark magics and not suffer the same consequences as typical fae and over the next 15 year she gained a name
The crimson witch of the moon
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The black magic had changed her. Corrupted her flesh and burrowed itself into her bones.
It was at this time that she heard of a king. He had started many a war and was proving to be a bloody warrior. Wanting to see what it was about she ventured to find him. Only to see that it was the boy she helped so long ago, but now he had a name; Vladimir Tempest.
Aireth would then go on to work with him, making a blood oath and eventually, when he was killed, she resurrected him. but something went wrong, and he bacame this half dead thing... the first Vampire.
they then separated. Aireth knew no good would come from staying with him, at his side so she went far, to Scottland, where she meat a blond haired boy. slowly this boy grew into a man, and he helped her undo what the dark magic had done to her.
as a man Aireth saw new beauty in him, and she fell in love.
this man was named Alexander Anderson.
they got married, and it wouldn't be till the end of world war 2 that Aireth became pregnant. though at this point Alex had been a regenerator for the church for almost 80 years, and he was off fighting in the war (though he came home so the kid is his) but he left again before Aireth could tell him.
now being Fae-born came to kick Aireth in the ass. to ensure that Fae-born don't run off with the fae's secrets they are cursed to only be able to give birth in the fae wilds, as it is a part of human nature to reproduce.
Aireth waited till she couldn't wait anymore and had to go to the fae wilds where three days after the birth of her daughter she got dragged into the war.
and then Alucard found her again... and she couldn't return to Alexander... and her daughter was ripped from her...
Abbadon (Seraph)
abbadon is Aireth and Alexanders Daughter, when she was but three days old the fae wilds in which she was being safe guarded were burned to the ground by the Major who was looking for her mother but settled on her instead.
taking her away, the Major and Dok raised her, but not as a human being- no, as an experiment.
she was the dok's prized possession even if her alterations caused her to rot from the inside out, he would just up her regeneration. though he had a plan to stop the rot before it started and that involved dumping the 10 year old into a vat of sulphic acid and many other chemicals....
Seraph wouldn't escape this cage until she was 16.
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when she did she was found by the captian, and project Niphilm was concived (but thats spoliers so i can't really talk about it yet!). over te years she would grow (and because again. spoliers) and the captian and her would fall in love (super slow burn my guy, wolfman is dense and emotinally constipated)
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I used to think life was hard for those who ship Alucard x Integra. but then the fics ran dry and I found Alexander x Integra.
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angelwithblackwings · 2 years
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corvidcrybaby · 1 year
It's something of a pity that Lesions takes place after the main events of Hellsing in an alternative timeline, ten years in the future, because I do sometimes wonder what an exchange between Zemira and Anderson would look like. Especially with further plot developments for Zemi waiting in the wings right now, I think they could potentially have a lot to talk about, even though they would for-sure never be friends.
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