#alibi theory
pharawee · 5 months
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I've been having dreams about sleeping with Nont and Nant at the same time. The disturbing thing isn't that I see Nant as Nont, but that I'm starting to forget Nant's face. Because they're so alike that I can't tell them apart.
Right now I feel like I like Nont more than Nant.
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swan2swan · 19 days
I do hope that future episodes address the fact that Sammy 100% has a warrant issued for her arrest.
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I think the alibi theory makes a LOT of sense, and many clues seem to lead to that. But there's just one question I can't quite find a plausible answer to. If you or anyone else here support the theory too: why on earth would John need an alibi for killing a wanted and potentially dangerous assassin?
(referencing the popular fandom theory that S4 is mostly a written alibi FOR John's murder of Mary)
Hey Nonny!
Ah, MY personal belief is this: Murder is STILL MURDER, and everyone can only do so much to get John off, AND as a parallel to ASiP, where John got off for killing Hope (a lot of people believe S4 is a mirror for the rest of the series, so John getting away with another murder would parallel ASiP as such). I suspect that the whole thing was concocted by Mycroft after Mary murdered Sherlock, and upon reading the AGRA drive (which I TOTALLY believe they all did) and discovering her body count and future targets (get close to Sherlock to murder Mycroft, who is implied to be a VERY powerful political / governmental person in the series), a scheme involving John was concocted to get rid of her permanently (for the record, I also don't believe the child is real either).
Yeah, I admit it is a flimsy, not-well-thought-out reason, as I have a hard time putting my thoughts about the Alibi theory all together into a cohesive narrative, but the basics of my thoughts stem with those there (plus, my belief is a bit different than others in that I believe S4 is a combination of theories, which is why many of us can't settle on ONE... I think it's Unreliable Narrator PLUS the Alibi, and then John's TAB in TFP).
If anyone can put it into better words than me, feel free. But my TL;DR is that Mycroft concocted a HIGHLY ILLEGAL and QUESTIONABLE plan, and recruited John as his MI6 Agent – the only one he could trust – to essentially protect himself and his brother. I think the plan was underway as soon as the gap after Sherlock was shot before Christmas in HLV.
Bleh, I need to sit down and structure my theories a bit better one of these days, LOL.
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fujii-draws · 1 year
If we're sharing Dusknoir headcanons I've got one. A part of me has always wondered, why does Dusknoir choose to have the Sableye scratch Player, Partner, and Grovyle to death? Why not just finish the job himself with shadow ball or something? Why choose a method that scary and painful, that could also go wrong, if he's secretly a good guy?
I have two answers, 1. He's actually just evil and wants to watch them suffer which is boring.
2. He chose it to specifically let the three get away. He doesn't want to kill them and can't bring himself to do it. That's why he has the Sableye do it in the first place. Sure, three or four well placed attacks and he'll never have to worry about those three ever again but he can't do it. He just can't do it.
He's also not that dumb, he would know that scratching could break the ropes, and is likely to do so knowing the Sableye. He has them use fury cutter anyway because he wants those three to do something to get out. He's sitting in the doorway with bated breath hoping for something. He keeps his stoic look but inside he is terrified.
Not only that but I also like to headcanon that he leaves the room with all the Sableye for that reason too. He's figured Grovyle out, knows his tricks. He's probably used the dig trick to escape more than once, like in crystal cave. Dusknoir figures out the trick when he captures Grovyle, but specifically falls for it again to let them run. Even if it wasn't the dig trick he's blocking the door. Nothing could have got passed him that easy unnoticed.
His plan from there is to chase the three enough to keep pressure on them but never catch and kill them. Keep them from ever going back to the past. That way he never has to kill them. The perfect plan.
To add to this, it's also why he gives the group enough time to come up with a plan to escape every time. Dusknoir is trying desperately to let these people live, while not being caught by Dialga, or let the future be changed.
But of course, that's just my theory.
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pochapal · 1 year
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if you consider eva's testimony by looking at the actions and motions devoid of any embellishment what you get is an admittance that she and hideyoshi were with genji at some point after midnight. obviously since eva knows how suspicious she looks she would only bring up meeting someone else if a) it helped clear her name without a doubt or b) she had no choice but to mention that she saw them for some reason.
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veshialles · 1 year
me after re-listening to the messages at Alec Ryder's personal console: omg do you guys think Liara could have been The Benefactor behind the Andromeda Initiative?
tumblr: could be, but doesn't that timeline leave a few plot holes?
me: yeah. kind of does hmm [remembers Geth tech was used by the initiative] WAIT DO YOU THINK THE BENEFACTOR WAS A COVER CREATED BY THE GETH?
tumblr: shit that'd be wild, could be true idk
bioware devs like 3 months later: anyway here's a scrambled audio clip of Liara communicating with some Geth about humans doing something completely unsanctioned by the Citadel Council
me: wow! what a great piece of new information! i'm being so normal about this teaser reveal! (<-lying)
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tophats-tea · 1 year
one thing which probably isn’t really important but I haven’t seen anyone else mention is how little evidence there is at the crime scene. maybe it was like with Xander and a lot of it was scattered across the room, but from only seeing the bda, it’s weird how the only thing we can see is, obviously, Arei and what she was hanged with, as well as her disheveled hair.
There’s no scratches or wounds anywhere on her body, not even blood on her fingers that could suggest she was still conscious when being choked to death. There’s no blood anywhere, although that could just be her method of death, but it just seems weird to think that even Ace’s “murder” gave us more to go on than this.
It feels like our killer had a lot of time to clean things up, which could prove to be really interesting in terms of how the trial would go and how hard it’d be to figure everything out. If anything, I feel like this murder had to have definitely been planned out for a while and not a spur of the moment thing, which could make things really interesting
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wedding-shemp · 9 months
i used to bristle at "kurt cobain didn't kill himself" theories because I thought they were insensitiv. and it IS insensitive, but I think the main reason I object to them now is that it's just plain stupid. like, there are high profile suicides where I can understand why people have unanswered questions, but this one seems just so patently obvious. Like "hm, a bipolar heroin addict who'd attempted suicide in the past APPEARS to have committed suicide. I wonder what happened?" yeah you're right it's a real thinker. let's get Poirot on the case and see if he can crack this one open
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locallibrarylover · 1 year
thinking about seduction deduction again. autism 4 autism or whatever
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opencommunion · 2 months
one reason (white) queer people misuse the term homonationalism is that they see queerness (or whatever you want to call it) as naturally disaffiliated with the US empire. so they understand homonationalism as a divergence from a natural mutual antagonism between queerness and empire. they talk about homonationalism as if it's an exclusively "normie gay" project, and as if it's a divergence from, rather than a consequence of, the overall trajectory of western lgbtqia+ politics. ironically it’s that self-exceptionalization by the queer, on the basis of their queerness, that imbricates them in homonationalism. they produce themselves as a homonationalist subject, and reproduce homonationalism, every time they articulate their queerness as individualized freedom. and Puar actually anticipates all of this in her original theorization of homonationalism in Terrorist Assemblages, and that's why it really helps to go to the text instead of osmosing queer theory solely through tumblr posts (esp when tumblr is so white and the queer theorists are not): "Some may strenuously object to the suggestion that queer identities, like their 'less radical' counterparts, homosexual, gay, and lesbian identities, are also implicated in ascendant white American nationalist formations, preferring to see queerness as singularly transgressive of identity norms. This focus on transgression, however, is precisely the term by which queerness narrates its own sexual exceptionalism.
While we can point to the obvious problems with the emancipatory, missionary pulses of certain (U.S., western) feminisms and of gay and lesbian liberation, queerness has its own exceptionalist desires: exceptionalism is a founding impulse, indeed the very core of a queerness that claims itself as an anti-, trans-, or unidentity. The paradigm of gay liberation and emancipation has produced all sorts of troubling narratives: about the greater homophobia of immigrant communities and communities of color, about the stricter family values and mores in these communities, about a certain prerequisite migration from home, about coming-out teleologies. We have less understanding of queerness as a biopolitical project, one that both parallels and intersects with that of multiculturalism, the ascendancy of whiteness, and may collude with or collapse into liberationist paradigms. While liberal underpinnings serve to constantly recenter the normative gay or lesbian subject as exclusively liberatory, these same tendencies labor to insistently recenter the normative queer subject as an exclusively transgressive one. Queerness here is the modality through which 'freedom from norms' becomes a regulatory queer ideal that demarcates the ideal queer. ... I am thinking of queerness as exceptional in a way that is wedded to individualism and the rational, liberal humanist subject, what [Sara] Ahmed denotes as 'attachments' and what I would qualify as deep psychic registers of investment that we often cannot account for and are sometimes best seen by others rather than ourselves. 'Freedom from norms' resonates with liberal humanism’s authorization of the fully self-possessed speaking subject, untethered by hegemony or false consciousness, enabled by the life/stylization offerings of capitalism, rationally choosing modern individualism over the ensnaring bonds of family. In this problematic definition of queerness, individual agency is legible only as resistance to norms rather than complicity with them, thus equating resistance and agency.
... Queerness as automatically and inherently transgressive enacts specific forms of disciplining and control, erecting celebratory queer liberal subjects folded into life (queerness as subject) against the sexually pathological and deviant populations targeted for death (queerness as population). Within that orientation of regulatory transgression, queer operates as an alibi for complicity with all sorts of other identity norms, such as nation, race, class, and gender, unwittingly lured onto the ascent toward whiteness. ... To be excused from a critique of one’s own power manipulations is the appeal of white liberalism, the underpinnings of the ascendancy of whiteness, which is not a conservative, racist formation bent on extermination, but rather an insidious liberal one proffering an innocuous inclusion into life."
Jasbir K. Puar, Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times (2007)
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madamesinsalot · 1 year
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What if...
Moon completely accepts the insanity, the sadistic nature, and bloodthirstiness of the retched virus? He relishes in maniacally guarding their home while maiming every unwanted guest that enters the forbidden areas he and Sun’s claimed over time, that much is true. If that was the case though... how did he end up like this?
Ayooo! i finally FINALLY made part 2 of this snippet! I’m tempted to continue the story I’ve kept planning so far should you guys want it! :D please enjoy!
Here’s Sun’s Version, the beginning!
When you first met Moon after forgetting your belongings one unnerving evening. You expected a lot of mishaps to arise like Chica’s munching escapades, or STAFF bots entering the weirdest areas of the plex. What you’ve never expected was the Lunar animatronic hunched over numerous wrecked robot parts, spasming heavily over the gruesome scene while clutching his wire-exposed spasming arm. From the cryptic warnings your uncle has reminded you of, the jester had every opportunity to throw you out for intruding the facility afterhours, especially when you were caught looking. Yet, instead of enacting the heinous deeds that were described to you... the glitching bot merely guided you out the front doors with only a calm wave, items returned, and that unreadable default smile.
You knew then and there that you had to know more about this msyterious character.
You remember the earful you had gotten from your Uncle the day after. It was brutal. Though you were a tad guilty and apologetic to the old man, your curiosity was far greater just from the reminder of that evening. In fact, it was the sole reason why you started visiting the daycare more frequently ever since. At first, the Moon-like automation was courteous, but wary. Sun moreso. Then that apprehension quickly melted away once they realized you’ve never bared any ill-will since speaking to them. Moon was especially forthcoming towards creating a bond at that point for some unexplained reason. And while you had theories, it didn’t bother you more than the worried glances your Uncle would give you at the mention of the attendant.
Goodness did he want to tell you everything. The unsolved murders both robotic and human, the faulty machinery they’d manipulate to spend more time with you, even the intentional spastic sparks that would shoot out of Moon all the time as a failsafe to talk to you. But the biggest and most troublesome aspect that your stoic Uncle would battle with was the lunar bot’s skilled evasions to getting caught and or decommissioned by the man himself. 
Every piece of security footage, any type of recording depicting the attendant in anyway, or written notes your relative would make and stash away would usually end up getting destroyed; sometimes marked off as false information by the higher ups. All of that was Moon’s doing. Sun is the more dangerous, violent, and volatile of the caretaker AI while his counterpart prepared alibis and well-timed distractions, making the sunny jester open to whatever plan he’d receive in their coding to appear inviting and innocent to the public according to Moon’s plan. They made an efficiently menacing team, much to your Uncle’s chagrin.
It quickly became clear that things would be increasingly difficult since your arrival at the Pizza Plex. The wily night-themed animatronic had definitely caught on to your familial relation to the Janitor, taking any advantage to heighten your Uncle’s personal hell. This was especially true when you ended up being romantically pursued by the celestial duo themselves. Improvised dances, mutual petnames and long-lasting hugs were part of his own personal torture, and your own unaware bliss.
The moment... the absolute moment that your Uncle discovered he had truly lost you to the Daycare Attendant, was a seemingly normal night when he finished cleaning the last of the security rooms. He always made sure to find you before completely leaving the premises so as to carpool back to your respective homes, totally not to drag you away from the murder crazy jester. Not at all. Doing so also meant going to the daycare much to his exhaustion. It wasn’t a secret among the rest of the employees that you spend all of your free time there. That night though, things were different. The daycare was dark when the perimeter was brightly lit up. Wandering in, your Uncle fished out his flashlight, taking cautious step after cautious step through the cushioning and calling your name with absolute caution and vigilance. He would even flash his light in every direction when he came across the security desk, with every monitor and screen having been deactivated. An obvious omen. Ducking underneath the bridge led him the display forever seared into his mind. You were peacefully sleeping among pillows and a glowing star-clad lap. Surrounding you... or rather towering over you, was the ominous Moon animatronic. he jerkingly etched huge tears into the fabric of the foam padding. Whether it was due to the glitch, or the flashlight in your Uncle’s hand, the man wasn’t so sure. The sparks flying out of the bot flew out of different parts of the animatronic... it was probably the main reason you ultimately came to the daycare this late at night. Moon’s face though... was less than inviting when he glanced into those hostile eyes.
Seeing that made your Uncle reluctantly stay away within a nearby security room and watch over you through the security cameras for the rest of that night until you woke up hours later. The crazed machine was not helping matters when glaring at the every mounted camera in the Daycare’s vicinity. It wasn’t because he was scared of the lunar nightguard. Not really. No, the real reason he did it was because of the jester’s resolve... it was possessive. Dangerously so. If he hadn’t had years of dealing with their heinous acts to the point of gathering a psychological profile for each alter, he would’ve thought Moon was... protecting you. But that’s impossible! It can’t be true.
Can it?
Safe to say... That question was enough incentive to help your Uncle to stay awake that night... and every evening after that.
AAAHHHHHHH! I missed you guys SO  MUCH! Many things were happening in my hectic life that I had to go away for... yeesh, over a month??? Now that the stress has died down, I’m more than ready to get back into creating that sweet Sun and Moon content again. I’ll start with this and finishing up that Sun’s confession comic. I’ll see you guys until then! Love y’all!
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blackbird5154 · 1 month
Another fan theory about Square Hammer
At first glance, in the music video, we have two Papas confronting each other. Terzo-the-actor is terrified that the plot of the movie has gone off script, and then he is haunted by his demonic counterpart. But remember how the music video ends: Spectre and Papa-the-actor look at each other, and the same fire glances in their eyes.
What if Papa is the one actually running this whole demonstration? There was a projector in the cinema theater that at one point was engulfed in green lightning bolts. Green lightning is Papa's power, right? What if the huge figure in the sky was not a ghost, but a projection?
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The whole thing looks like a spectacular hoax conceived by Papa. Let's remember that he's something of a Batman (there's a reason the ghost-signal, similar to the bat-signal, appears in the music video). Papa leads the life of a successful actor/singer, drives a limousine, and at night fights the local cultists/oligarchs in the guise of Misterious Spectre, according to the paper. And he clearly doesn't need anyone to know that Bruce Wayne and Batman are the same person.
This seems like a modus operandi of exactly that character. He unleashes his huge projection on the city to create an alibi for himself. Batman can't be Bruce, since they were seen in the same location. Ozymandias can't be the villain, because he himself was the target of an assassination attempt (which he staged himself). Recall how Spectre stretched his arm out of the screen and reached into the audience, but without reaching Papa. Remember how Papa was demonstratively frightened and with what a calm face he let that hand pass over him.
Now back to the beginning. In the City, Papa has quarreled with the local rulers and is at war with them. He seeks to take away their power (energy supply/authority), and he's like Prometheus for stealing a piece of celestial fire and running away with it. Question: what for was all this demonstration over the city and what did Papa really want to pull off while everyone was distracted by the kaiju ghost and panicking? Was it an act of intimidation or a distraction so Papa-the-actor could fulfill his real plan? And what does this have to do with Cardinalis cardinalis?
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Several times You Were Suspected, and the One Time You Weren’t. (SCREAM VI SPOILERS)
Summary: Reader is a newbie in the core-four friend group and according to the rules, they are a suspect. Reader keeps conveniently showing up at the murder scenes, and a seed of doubt becomes implanted in the others’ minds leaving them to believe Reader is Ghostface. Reader is innocent, but they don’t know that.
Word Count: 8,511
Pairings: Gn!Reader x Tara, Male!Reader x Tara
Author’s note: The reader is male since there is a SIGNIFICANT lack of male reader fanfics, but could be read as gender neutral if you try hard enough. Slight proofread because I got lazy.
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You rushed over to Sam’s apartment as soon as you could. Slamming the SUV door shut, you jogged over to the ambulance where you were met with the distressed faces of Chad, Mindy, Tara, and Sam.
“What the fuck?” You shoot a glance at Ethan, catching the end of his excuse for an alibi. He appeared to be flustered.
“I saw it on the news.” There was genuine concern in your voice. “I can’t believe this happened.” Your eyes began to water because you had been close with Quinn and it hurt knowing she was gone. Forever.
You didn’t miss the way the four survivors from Woodsboro exchanged skeptical looks with each other and refused to initiate a conversation with you.
You were taken aback. Their suspicion was fair, but it hurt to be looked at that way. Like you were capable of killing them in cold blood. “Y-You don’t think I did this?”
In an attempt to clear your name, you said, “I loved Quinn. She was my best friend. Why the fuck would I kill her? Or kill Anika?”
You stopped yourself, at the risk of sounding hysterical.
“Doesn’t matter if you were best friends.” Mindy replied, very clearly glaring at you. “That still gives you motive. Maybe you were spurred on by jealousy.”
You scoffed and silently pleaded for the others to back you up. No one did. 
Ethan shuffled awkwardly. Chad and Tara refused to meet your gaze, and Sam was staring at you in a way you’d never seen before.
“Speaking of motive, where were you last night?” Mindy asked with narrowed eyes.
Suddenly, everyone’s eyes were on you.
You stuttered nervously. “I was in the dorm. You know, where I’m living.” 
The last part came out meaner than you initially intended.
“Hmm,” Mindy shook her head, pressing her lips together. Her eyes scanned around the ambulance from where she sat, then they were on you again. “How convenient, y/n. That you were at the college dorm when none of us were there to corroborate your alibi. You just moved at the top of my suspect list.”
You wanted to be angry, but you found yourself understanding why they were reacting this way.
Least you could do was divert some of the attention away from you. “Fair enough, but I don’t think you should rule out Ethan, either.”
Ethan faced you sharply, eyes wide like a deer in headlights. “Why would you say that?!”
“I mean, a school excuse? Really? It’s almost the same as mine.” You retorted, resisting the urge to snicker at his slowly reddening face.
“I was taking the—!”
“We’re not ruling anyone out.” Sam interjected, her voice determined. “Y/n’s right, I don’t think it’s smart to point the finger at one person. Even if they are highly suspicious.” 
You chose to ignore her patronizing tone. “Yeah, I’ll take that.”
“Just stay the fuck away from us.” Chad held his hand up as if signaling for a stop. Then he added, “Both of you.”
“Wait,” You said desperately, taking a small step forward. “Is there a way I can prove myself? Please. I mean, haven’t you been wrong about your theories, Mindy?”
Everyone went silent. 
That couldn’t be a good indication for you. You held your breath, expecting to hear a pin drop.
“Yeah.” Mindy whispered under her breath quietly. You almost missed it, too.
“Yes, as in, I can prove myself?” You pressed on, hopeful.
“No.” Your heart sank. “Yes, as in, I was wrong at pointing out the killer before.”
“Well, at least y/n is wanting to clear their name.” Tara finally spoke after letting her friends do the talking without her. “Same can’t be said for the other present suspect.” A jab at Ethan.
Ethan struggled to argue his case, which you couldn’t help but smile at. Maybe you would be able to gain your friends’ trust back after all.
“I think we should give him a chance.” You caught Tara gazing at you. A slight smile teased her lips.
Was she on your side? Or not? You weren’t sure.
Chad gave her a questioning look. They stared at each other for so long, you began to wonder if something was going on between them.
“Alright, fine.” Chad relented. He threw his head back dramatically and sighed.
After witnessing Tara punch the famous, annoying reporter Gale Weathers, you were all led to a creepy area she had found through “Investigative journalism”.
And by all, was you, Ethan, Quinn’s cop dad, Sam, Tara, Kirby, and Gale.
“Jesus.” You managed to speak past your shock while traipsing and observing the displays that contained collectives from every ghostface killing.
Tara was walking ahead of you at a slow pace. She was assigned to watch you, and Chad was in charge of Ethan. So you weren’t allowed to stray away from her or the group. 
Fine by you, because you weren’t the killer, or one of the killers. You learned from Mindy that there could be multiple. 
You noticed Tara staring at a particular display. Her fingers traced the glass carefully. 
You could tell from the way her fingers traced the display for too long that seeing all of this was causing her emotional distress.
You noticed a picture of a girl. Amber, you think. Tara must have suffered through so much because of her.
“Hey…” You said softly, bumping your shoulder against hers in a lighthearted manner and catching her attention.
“So, you and Chad?” You leaned on the display, your stomach pressed against the glass. “Are you guys a thing or…” 
You trailed off, hoping she would fill in the blanks for you.
“We aren’t.” She answered a little too fast, but didn’t give anything more than that.
You let out a puff of air, feeling disappointed. You wished her response was convincing enough.
It was obvious that you were bummed and she regarded you with amusement. “Why do you care?”
“Because I like you.” The confession spilled easily from your mouth. “No bullshit. I really like you, Tara.”
You were scared to see her expression because you knew that it could end in rejection. Especially a beautiful girl like Tara, she probably had lots of men and women that were lined up to date her.
You were attracted to her attitude and her pretend carefree behavior, which she used as a coping mechanism due to traumatic events.
The dangers from her past and what was happening in the present didn’t deter you. You wanted her in spite of the fact that she was a victim of murderous attacks.
She deserved to be loved and treated respectfully.
But since you were currently the most suspected out of the group… you didn’t stand a chance.
“For the record,” Tara started off; You prepared for your feelings to be crushed. “I believe you.” 
That got you turning your head to face her. Tara wasn’t pitying you, or angry. Her reaction wasn’t at all like you had expected. She was being calm.
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise. “You do?” 
“About you being in love, not the serial killer part.” She had a halfhearted grin on her face. 
Tara was teasing you. Well, you were 90% sure she wasn’t serious about the murderer accusation.
You decided to play along.
You leaned in closer to her, dropping your voice to a low whisper as you spoke in her ear. “Doesn’t that excite you? A potential psychotic killer only having the hots for you?”
You trailed your fingers up her arm for effect. You didn’t miss the shift in her eyes. 
How they became half-lidded and how they definitely weren’t directed at your eyes anymore, but at your lips.
The energy surrounding the two of you seemed to change also. It became static and… very warm.
Your cheeks were starting to feel hot. 
Tara shuffled closer to you, and you followed. The both of you waited on the other to make a move.
You swallowed nervously; Tara let her eyes fall to watch your throat bob. 
When she didn’t change her mind or make the choice to walk away, you swiftly closed the gap and connected your lips with hers.
You anticipated that Tara would eventually push away from you and laugh because this interaction between the two of you was an elaborate prank all along.
She didn’t. You weren’t being duped.
Tara Carpenter was kissing you and her lips were so, so soft.
You had absentmindedly placed your hands on her hips and pressed her front against yours, while simultaneously slipping your tongue in her mouth.
You heard Tara try to stifle her gasp, and fail at doing so. 
You had to stop yourself from smiling into the kiss because you didn’t want the moment to end too soon.
You were warm and tingly all over; your heartbeat thrummed against your chest. You were getting wrapped up in the excitement of the moment.
Just as you dreaded, it was cut short. You were startled by a strong arm gripping your shoulder.
Tara looked up, in a daze, when you were suddenly jerked away from her. She wore a confused expression on her face.
“Keep your dirty hands off her, Ghostface.” Chad jabbed a threatening finger in your chest.
He got into your face, and it was very jarring. You were genuinely scared for your well-being, and your life-long streak of no broken bones.
Like a hungry snake preying on an unsuspecting mouse, his hands latched onto your throat. The force of his grip had you raised a few inches from the ground. “What are you planning?”
“Chad, stop.” Tara protested, annoyed.
“Put y/n down.” Mindy groaned. “Seriously, this is not the time for your alpha complex.”
He wasn’t squeezing tight enough to strangle you, but it was still uncomfortable to breathe. 
Your eyes were wide in fear. Chad didn’t let you go. 
You weren’t earning any sympathy points from him, especially since you most likely took the woman he’s had eyes for.
“Okay, put them down right now. Or I shoot.” Kirby deadpanned. “I’m not kidding.”
This is it. You were going to die at the hands of a condescending jock. Not the ending you thought would ever happen, but what could you do?
You drew in a shallow breath and let your eyes flutter close. Something felt heavy in your pocket. Without alarming Chad, you sneaked your hand inside to figure out what the object was.
Your fingers grazed the hilt of a knife, your chest tightening when you realized what it was. You needed to keep your breathing under control, even while Chad had his hands around your throat, or you would give your predicament away and be in tremendous trouble with the group.
You didn't have a knife on you before you entered the abandoned shrine building, so who pinned it on you? And without anyone catching them?
The longer you stressed about the knife and the longer Chad was proving to be a hostile threat, the more you considered stabbing him.
You gaped in horror as the thought crossed your mind. You were just stressed out, that's all. Not a reason to impulsively lash out.
But he was threatening your life...
You were sure Chad's pissed-off face would be forever implanted in your memory when Kirby called out, "Alright, I'm counting to three!"
Chad dropped you before she could reach number three. You thankfully hit the floor on both feet, but being the asshole, Chad shoved you with brute force and knocked you off balance.
You were sent tumbling backward over a display, letting out a yelp as your head slammed against a wall.
"Oh my fucking god." That was either Mindy or Sam.
You couldn't tell black from blue; Your head swam and you were pretty sure you weren't imagining the warm liquid trickling down the back of your neck.
A dark shadow rose above you. You craned your neck up to see everyone in the group staring down at you with worry. Minus Chad because he obviously wasn't sorry.
"Shit." Tara crouched down in front of you. "Come on. I'll help you walk out of here." She extended her hand.
You blinked blearily and grabbed her hand. You fought back a wave of nausea as you were pulled up to your feet. Tara intertwined her fingers with yours, which put a smile on your face.
The two of you started to walk in sync.
Someone slung an arm around your shoulder. Mindy.
"To show you my condolences for the actions of my idiot brother," Mindy declared aloud so everyone could hear. "You have officially been moved down my suspect list."
"I appreciate it." You offered a weak grin, and she returned it.
"What do we do next?" Tara asked after approaching Kirby with you in tow.
Kirby's eyes seemed to glint with mischievous intent. "I have something in mind."
You needed to get rid of that knife as soon as possible.
"Distracting the killer on a phone call while tracing him from a van?" Mindy sighed in disbelief. "In a public space with a crowd of people?"
No one dared to interrupt her rambling; Kirby was working on a computer, Ethan worked on a bag of chips, and Chad was laying back.
"This is exactly how our uncle Randy died in the sequel!"
"Just relax." Kirby tried to assuage her. "I know what I'm doing."
"The killer is going to conveniently hang up right before you can trace his location," Mindy smirked, dissing Kirby's police skills.
"I can complete a trace in 15 seconds," Kirby replied with as much sass.
Mindy's face turned serious. "Oh, carry on."
Tara and Sam were being used as bait to keep the killer occupied on the phone call.
"Trying to lure me to a public area with a bunch of cops watching?" Ghostface laughed eerily while Sam listened on the other end. Tara stuck by her side. "I've seen this before and I'm one step ahead of you."
"Wait, where is that pinging?" Mindy asked, leaning over Kirby's shoulder to observe the map on the screen. There was a pulsing dot pinpointing Ghostface's current location.
"That's..." She recoiled.
You took a taxi from the hospital to Gale Weather's apartment. One quick google search, and it was easy to find out where she lived.
Your injury had been stitched up; a white gauge was wrapped around your head. You weren't technically dismissed from the hospital, but you had a terrible feeling in your gut that Gale was in danger.
You assumed everyone else remained in a group since you last saw them, but you didn't know if anyone was looking out for Gale.
You rushed your ass into the elevator of her building and jabbed your thumb into the button to go to the top floor. "Come on, come on."
The elevator seemed to move at an infuriatingly slow pace, which didn't help your nerves. You paced around as the elevator kept rising. "What if I'm too late?" You mumbled to yourself.
You didn't have time to dwell on your anxiety because the elevator doors were opening, and you darted the hell out of there.
"Gale!" You screamed at the top of your lungs while running through the hall. You caught a glimpse of open doors and sounds of struggle followed from inside.
Heart beating heavily in your chest, you turned into the room without slowing down. You soon stopped when you took in the sight of the destroyed room, and the masked figure barreling your way.
A shrill shriek escaped from your lips as you tried to dodge. Ghostface's knife slashed your cheek as you did so. You fell on your side, groaning.
The masked killer fled into the hallway and disappeared; you weren't being targeted. Yet.
You sat up once you heard soft groans that didn't belong to you. Your eyes searched the room frantically until you spotted the person you came to save.
Gale was lying on the floor; blood was slowly seeping from under her body.
"Oh fuck." You crawled to her. Gale's choked gasps were audible now that you were near her.
You observed her stab wounds with watery eyes. "Gale... I'm so sorry.”
It seemed like she was trying to smile, as if she was at peace with dying, and you were worried that she was straining herself.
"You're going to be okay-" You reached to put pressure on a gushing shoulder wound, but someone yelling out Gale's name made you pull back.
Oh no.
You swallowed thickly and stood up just as Sam and Tara ran into the room.
They were shocked to see you. It didn't take long for Sam to grow angry with you. "You stay the fuck away from her."
It was only then that you realized your clothes became stained with Gale's blood. "I didn't do this! I collided with the killer when I ran in to save her."
"How did you know where she lived?" Great, now Tara was suspecting you were the killer. She was purposefully keeping her distance.
"I was in the hospital room when I missed a call from Gale's number. It was weird. Gale Weathers would never call someone like me. I had a feeling something was wrong and looked up her address on google."
Tara gave you a once over. You could see her face relax.
She still trusted you.
Sam was the opposite. “I don’t believe you. Don’t even think about coming near my fucking sister either.”
With that being said, her attention shifted to the woman dying on the floor. Or as Mindy would put it, the “Legacy character.”
“Oh my god, Gale.” Sam knelt down next to her body, on the verge of crying. Tara lingered behind her.
“I called the cops when I got here.” You said, hoping to dig yourself out of the hole you found yourself in.
“If you’re trying to make yourself seem innocent, it’s not working.” Sam replied coldly.
Well, damn.
Tara turned her head to give you a sorrowful glance, mouthing a silent apology.
You gave her a curt nod. The fact that Tara believed you was all the reassurance you needed. “You know what, I’m fucking tired of taking the blame for this fucked up shit.”
You were careful to not say anything that would incriminate you by accident. You were storming out before you could hear Sam’s reply.
There was no point in holding your tongue because you found yourself in the hot seat at the police station anyway.
“Why don’t you give me a rundown of your story again?” Detective Bailey looked tired. “Maybe you missed important details.”
You scoffed; your arms were crossed, and you leaned back in a chair. “You’re hoping that I’ll trip up and change my story.”
He clenched his jaw, held eye contact with you, then sighed in defeat. “You happened to arrive at Gale Weathers’s apartment moments after she was stabbed… I think it’s fair for me to be skeptical about coincidences.”
“I told you already. I missed a call from Gale’s number when I was getting stitches on my head at the hospital.” You pulled out your phone, tapped on it, then showed the screen to him.
In the notifications bar of your phone, there was a missed call alert from a number you didn’t have saved. Under the number was a smaller text that read, “Maybe: Gale Weathers”
Detective Bailey skimmed through the notification multiple times, but it wasn’t photoshopped. You were telling the truth.
“Alright.” He motioned for you to put the phone away, and you did.
You thought the interrogation was going to be over soon, but then Detective Bailey reached around and pulled out an object concealed in a plastic bag.
He dropped it on the table. You saw what it was at first glance and immediately felt like you had seen a ghost.
“Want to explain what you were doing with this weapon?” He was smug now.
You thought you got rid of that knife.
“An eyewitness saw someone, fitting your description, discarding this knife in the hospital trash.”
When you remained silent, he leaned forward and continued to interrogate you, “Who are you working with?”
You shook your head, not removing your gaze from the knife. “Test the blood.”
Detective Bailey seemed taken aback. “What?”
You made eye contact with him. Your face was deadpan. “I never used that knife. The blood is from old victims of past Ghostface killings. I’m telling you, detective, someone is trying to frame me.”
He set his jaw, and you could sense the gears in his brain turning as he mulled over your suggestion.
Without a word, he stood up, snatched the evidence with a force that made you flinch, and left the room.
Just as you said, the blood on that knife didn’t belong to Quinn or Anika.
“What do you mean you’re letting y/n go?”
You could hear Sam and Detective Bailey conversing from the other side of the door.
“I ran the knife through blood testing and there was no match to any of the current victims.” Bailey explained. “He’s clean.”
The door opened. You were able to see that Sam looked grim, and Detective Bailey was disappointed.
He beckoned for you to come out, and you did without hesitation, snubbing Sam on your way out.
“Meeting at the hospital. In lobby.” You reread the text message from Tara as you walked into the hospital building.
You spotted the group in a corner. You braced yourself and strutted over to them.
Their heads snapped up upon your arrival. As expected, you were greeted with a chorus of complaints.
“Why are you here?” Chad took on an intimidating stance, possibly to scare you.
”I invited him.” Tara admitted. Some of their scrutiny was then focused on her.
“Tara—“ Sam scolded.
“What?” Tara cut her off, tone becoming defensive. “Your hot neighbor and Ethan are allowed to hear the discussion, but y/n gets the cold shoulder? How is that fair?”
They didn’t argue with her any further.
You gauged everyone’s grim expressions. “What’s going on?”
“We’re gonna trap Ghostface.” It was Tara who answered you. She had her phone out. “Then kill him.”
You and Tara had to use the bathroom.
But not really.
Needless to say, she was happy you were proven innocent.
Your hands gripped her hips tight enough to leave bruises as she was pushed up the wall.
You feverishly kissed the span of her neck and positioned your knee between her legs to keep her upright.
Tara had her arms wrapped around your neck; her nails leaving scratches. Breathless moans slipped out of her mouth.
“Fuck.” You whispered in the crook of her neck, your arousal growing.
You sensually grinded your front against hers, using the friction to relieve some of the pressure in your pants.
Tara laughed softly. She trailed her hands to your shoulders and lightly pushed back from you so that she could see your face. “Slow your roll, babe. We’ll both be alive to have sex later.”
”You don’t know that.” You whined, going back to kiss at her neck.
“I’m serious, y/n. I don’t want our first time to be in a hospital closet. I don’t care if death is looming over us.” You stopped grinding and looked up to see a frown on her face.
“No, you’re right.” You slumped against her, sighing heavily. “I am afraid. I don’t know if I’ll ever get to be this close to you again.”
Tara rolled her eyes. “I keep telling my stalker sister to let me go. I can fucking handle myself.”
“She cares about you.” You mumbled into her shoulder. “Plus, telling someone to let you go while we’re in a real life scary movie is kind of ominous.”
Your tone was lighthearted, but you meant what you said. You couldn’t help feeling worried about Tara‘s choice of words.
If the time came to it where her sister or you were in danger, would she put herself at risk of being murdered instead of saving herself?
You would rather that not happen.
Sensing your discomfort, Tara’s smile faded as quickly as it came. “You’re coming with us, okay? We won’t be separated.”
The sick feeling in your stomach wasn’t going away, but you relaxed anyway. You wanted to be at the final showdown in case the plan went wrong.
Tara raised a brow, holding back a laugh. “Can you let me go? Sam is probably losing her shit right now.”
“Oh, fuck. Yes, I’m sorry.” You had forgotten why you were here in the first place. You let her down with caution.
Tara poked fun at your freaked out expression while you tried to erase any sign of sexual tension on you.
The two of you hurriedly moved out of the enclosed space as best you could without creating suspicion.
“There’s only one way in through these doors. When we trap him in here,” Kirby shook the gates forming a box in front of the creepy shrine entrance, which required a key card to be unlocked. “Bastard has nowhere to go.”
This place gave you the chills. You couldn’t believe you voluntarily agreed to come back. It was asking to be murdered.
Mindy was too late for the final showdown. She had to take a separate train with Ethan, and Sam hadn’t heard back from them since.
It showed on Sam’s face that she was as skeptical as you about the solidity of the plan, but it wasn’t your trauma that was displayed all over the theatre.
Her fear was more justified.
”Don’t worry, it’s safe here.” Kirby tried to soothe everyone’s anxiety.
But all of you listened to Mindy’s lectures about horror rules enough times to know that the place definitely wasn’t safe if someone had to vouch for it.
”Come on, let’s go.” Tara tugged on your arm, leading you the back room of the theater.
You tore your attention away from the Ghostface mannequins and followed her.
“I’m coming with.” Chad walked behind you to make damn sure you weren’t going to hurt Tara.
You and Tara were conversing by a table set up with cups and old, soft drinks that were left behind long ago.
Chad was leaning on the wall with his arms crossed, supervising both of you.
“So…” Tara smiled, her eyes downcast as she fiddled with a cup.
She was being shy.
Your arm rested on the table and you leaned forward in interest, a sly smile on your face.
“I was thinking when we—”
The way she fluttered her eyelashes at you, and smiled so big that her dimples showed, had you thinking about how breathtaking she was.
And how lucky you were to have her attention like this.
You acted impulsively and dived in for a kiss, cutting off whatever she was going to say next.
You could feel her smiling, her lips melded perfectly with yours. You heard Chad yell, “Watch out!”
Just when you thought things were going smoothly, you were startled by Ghostface appearing behind Tara with a knife raised.
You were stuck in slow motion, watching in abject terror as Ghostface stabbed Tara in the back.
Tara nearly keeled over. “Fuck!”
“Guys, go now!” You shoved Tara towards Chad and delivered a punch to the masked killer’s face.
“You‘re getting what’s coming to you, you fucker!”
The murderer stumbled backwards momentarily, but then they stopped and tilted their head in a silent challenge.
Your blood ran cold. You knew what horror scene reenactment was coming up next.
You took off at the same time Ghostface lunged at you.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You had never been so fucking scared for your life until now. When a murderer skilled in stealth and agility was chasing after you.
You ran in the direction you hoped Tara and Chad took. But maybe it would’ve been wise to lead the killer away from them.
You weren’t brave enough to do that alone.
The killer’s running footsteps completely deceased when you turned a corner into another room where you were met with the scared faces of Tara and Chad.
“Y/n!” Tara went to hug you, but Chad held her back.
“Wait. How do we know they aren’t one of the killers?”
“Are you fucking kidding me!” You threw your hands up in disbelief and clenched your jaw. “I would never agree to hurting, or remotely stabbing any of you!”
Tears were building up in your eyes and Tara observed you with the same glossy look.
“Alright, say I believe you—”
Chad was speaking, but something moving behind him caught your attention.
You didn’t waste any time to warn him, screaming at the top of your lungs. “Chad!”
Tara spun around and upon seeing Ghostface, she made the smart decision to walk backward towards you.
Then, the worst thing imaginable happened. A second Ghostface approached him.
Tara began to cry, panic rose in her voice as she bumped into you. “No, not Chad. No, please.”
You saw someone rush in out of your peripheral vision and jumped apprehensively.
It was Sam. Thank god.
Despite your disagreements, you were glad she was okay.
However, your relief was short lived. You witnessed the two Ghostfaces rip into Chad’s flesh with their knives. They kept gutting him, over and over.
Your mouth dropped at how brutal they were going at him. You could never imagine stabbing your worst enemy like that; it was fucking evil.
Tara was full on sobbing now, and you had to hold her back from doing something reckless.
Chad gurgled on his blood. “Run. Leave me and run.”
You winced at the squelching noise that emitted every time he was stabbed.
“We gotta go.” Sam said sternly.
She grabbed Tara’s hand, who hadn’t stopped begging for them to stop killing Chad, and dragged her the hell out of there. You were right on their tail.
The three of you ended up back in the main room with the creepy shrines.
“Uh, why is it just the three of us?” You surveyed the room nervously. “Where’s Kirby?”
“That’s what I’m trying to figure out. I got a phone call from Bailey. Apparently she’s not mentally stable and she’s not officially FBI, either.” Sam answered. She kept a protective arm around her sister.
“What? That’s bullshit.” You exclaimed while frowning. “Something doesn’t feel right.”
“Yeah.” Tara’s voice was weak. “It doesn’t.”
You stared at Tara empathetically. “You guys are the core four,” You quoted Chad’s name for the OG Woodsboro group. “You’ll survive.”
Tara turned her head to look your way. Softly adding, “You’ll survive too.”
You weren’t too sure about that.
All of you were caught off guard by a loud clanging sound. You turned around to see Detective Bailey making his entrance into the theater with his gun lowered.
“Everyone alright?” The old man asked. “Where’s Kirby?”
“I-I don’t know.” Sam stammered.
“They knocked me out!” You whirled around in surprise as Kirby stumbled into the room.
Judging by the glaring bruise and laceration on her head, she was telling the truth.
But detective Bailey didn’t share the same sentiment. He was alarmed by her presence and raised his gun. “Stand down, Kirby!”
“What? I’m not the killer!” She shouted.
You really felt bad for Kirby; You knew what it has been like to be falsely accused.
You didn’t want to interrupt, lest you get caught up in the middle of a screaming match between two cops.
You witnessed her eyes gradually widen in fear, and she pointed frantically. “Behind you!”
Shots were fired and they hit Kirby. The wrong person. You were frozen to the spot as she dropped to the floor, your body trembled in fear.
You slowly faced Detective Bailey. Betrayal was written all over his smug face. The beaten up Ghostface mask stood next to him.
“No effing way.” You voiced aloud.
You heard boots clicking against tile and immediately tensed at the sight of the other Ghostface flanking the three of you from the side.
And they stopped right in front of you.
“Shit.” You whimpered. Your palms were becoming cold and clammy from nerves.
The killer shifted their feet and retreated away from you, standing menacingly next to old man Bailey.
“Sam Carpenter. I’ve been waiting for this.”
You didn’t know who this Detective was anymore. You were mad at yourself for not considering him as a suspect, but you’ve been too busy fighting to clear your name.
“You’re family.” Sam stated it as a fact.
You became more confused.
“You killed my son.” The detective’s eyes flared with rage. “I brought the family together to make you pay.”
The Ghostface on the right took off their mask to reveal…
Ethan. Of course, it was fucking Ethan.
You snorted. “I fucking called it. Your pathetic virgin act wasn’t fooling me.”
Except you didn’t predict they were all related to Sam’s ex-boyfriend, who was a vicious psychopath.
He glared at you with murderous intent that basically meant your fate was sealed. “It wasn’t an act.”
You pissed him off.
Anything to stop them from lashing out on Tara and her sister.
“Aw, really?” You pretended to pity him, sarcasm dripped from your tone. “I wonder why no one will fuck you.”
“You couldn’t handle me, asshole.” He pointed his knife at you. A sardonic laugh escaped from his mouth, “I actually wanted to fillet you. Not Chad.”
That made you shut up.
“But fuck, it felt good to kill him!” He confessed gleefully.
“I hate you.” Tara ground out.
You gripped her shoulder in a sense of protection and comfort.
“So, Mindy?” Sam fixed her eyes on the Ghostface that still had their mask on.
This particular reveal had your blood boiling.
It was none other than the Detective’s daughter, Quinn Bailey.
“I took the blame for your murder and you weren’t even fucking dead?”
You couldn’t stop the words from tumbling out.
Quinn pouted mockingly. “I’m sorry. It was just so easy to pin it on you and we didn’t even have to orchestrate it. Crazy how anyone can’t be alone by themselves anymore without raising red flags.”
“I am so gonna fuck you up!” You threatened.
She gave you a condescending smile. “For an expendable character… you sure are brave.”
“Y/n is our scapegoat.” Her father was starting his monologue. “We needed someone to pin the killings on and what’s more perfect than my daughter’s best friend, who doesn’t even have the full trust of their own friends?”
“A little fake blood goes a long way.” Quinn said.
“All I had to do was be the first on the scene to swap out the body. Lay down a few prosthetics.”
You connected the dots. The air was suckered out of you as you fully realized the extent of their betrayal. “You’re the one who pinned the knife on me.”
There was no warmth in Detective Bailey’s smile. “It was actually Ethan’s idea.”
Ethan mirrored his father’s smile. “Everyone was extra suspicious of you, and neglected to keep an eye on me. It was surprisingly easy to go undetected.”
“I was the one who called you from Gale’s phone.” Quinn confessed. She wasn’t apologetic in the slightest.
“It would’ve worked, too.” Old man Bailey sneered. “We just didn’t account for the younger Carpenter sister having feelings for you.”
Ethan and Quinn began to go separate ways toward the three of you.
Tara was shaking. You squeezed her shoulder tight.
“Lucky me, huh?” You said dryly to the corrupt detective. “I’m capable of love. Which is more than what could be said for you sorry fucks.”
Quinn lurked right of Sam, behind the displays. Ethan stopped behind you.
You could feel the tip of a knife pressing into your back.
You weren’t sure who was shaking more at this point, you or Tara.
Something began to play on the screen behind you. You heard a man’s voice.
“Maybe I overindulged Richie’s love for these movies, but it was how we bonded.” Detective Bailey got a faraway look in his eyes.
“Gore and horror…” He shook his head. “Not my thing.”
“You hide it pretty well.” You pointed out like a smart ass.
You didn’t feel sympathetic for him at all; You only grew more angry. What kind of father discredits the victims of his son’s psychopathic behavior?
And Bailey blaming the Carpenter sisters for killing Richie in self defense because he was going to murder them for a stupid movie, that was twisted.
Dumb motives must run in the family.
You didn’t realize you said that out loud.
Detective Bailey turned his attention from Sam and onto you.
You were fucked. You knew that, but you didn’t see it coming this fast.
Detective Bailey raised his gun and didn’t hesitate to fire off a bullet into your shoulder.
You jerked at the force of the gunshot striking your body and stumbled backward, right where they wanted you.
Ethan’s knife entered into your flesh faster than you could scream.
Tara’s voice rung out, “Y/n!”
But she couldn’t move to reach you. Sam was protecting her and Quinn was in close proximity, taunting them with her knife.
Ethan slung an arm around your chest and pulled you closer to him. The knife wedged itself deeper in your back, and you cried.
“I got you and Chad.” He spoke into your ear as you gasped helplessly. “I win!”
Tara was crying with you. Her mascara running down her face.
There wasn’t much you could do to console her.
You were a wreck. Your face was perspiring and glistening with tears, and you were bleeding out.
You didn’t catch the rest of Bailey’s monologue because you kept zoning out, only hearing bits and pieces. “Until he was killed by you and your bitch of a sister!”
“Fuck you!” Sam yelled at Detective Bailey, and Quinn slashed her on the upper arm.
“Shut up, bitch!”
“Your son was a pencil dick who let his girlfriend do all the work.” Sam spat.
They weren’t listening to her. Detective Bailey glorified his son too much to believe the truth Sam was spewing.
“Tara, you ready?” Sam was now facing you. She must’ve been turned around when you weren’t paying attention.
Her eyes revealed that she had a plan up her sleeve. She was hiding something behind her back.
Tara whined in fear; she didn’t answer.
“I need you to be ready.” Sam emphasized calmly.
A beat of silence, then Tara’s voice came back firm. “I’m ready.”
“Y/n?” Sam was asking you the same question.
You couldn’t bring yourself to speak, so you just nodded.
Sam yelled out and hurled an object at Quinn. That was a signal.
You seized the opportunity to elbow Ethan in the ribs with all the strength you still had left, then you reared your head back. A loud cracking sound, and Ethan loosened his grip on you. You had shattered his nose.
With great regret, you reached behind you and pulled the knife out of your back. A pained groan slipped past your lips as you did so.
You just broke his nose and that bastard dared to smile at you.
You raised the knife over your head and charged at him while screaming.
All of the sudden, Quinn jumped out from nowhere and threw herself on you, efficiently throwing you off balance.
Both of you went tumbling into a display; the broken glass rained all around you.
"Fuck." You seethed, standing upright from where you had fallen. Your head was throbbing.
You were definitely bleeding through your bandage.
Quinn recovered as quickly as you did; She was standing across from you with her hair in a tangled mess and knife at her side.
"You were my best friend!" You hollered, gripping your knife tightly.
"Oh, get over it already!" She shouted back, then she rushed at you.
You crouched right when she reached you, grabbed her legs, and lifted her over your shoulder.
She thrashed around like a rabid animal, her feet kicking at nothing.
But the victory wasn't all yours.
Quinn managed to stab your shoulder blade before you body-slammed her onto the floor.
Her cries of agony were music to your ears.
You stood over her, breathing heavily. You contemplated how to make your revenge taste sweeter.
"Come on, Tara!"
Your attention was diverted to the Carpenter sisters trying to climb their way up a ladder.
Your worse nightmare was turning into reality.
You watched in paralyzing fear as the ladder gave out, and Tara didn't fall only because Sam caught her by the hand.
Your girlfriend dangled helplessly from the rafters, and a murderer was circling at her feet like a shark. Ethan was counting on her to fall so he could end her life.
No way in hell you were going to stand and let that happen.
"I'll be able to finally stick something in you, Tara!" Ethan called out.
You thought he was a depraved freak, but that was a creepy ass comment, even for him.
You took off running. All while keeping an eye on Tara and making sure you weren’t going to be too late to save her.
You dove and tackled Ethan away from Tara, moments before she could land in harm's way of his sharp blade.
"She's my girlfriend, asshole!" You delivered a punch to his face.
And man, it did feel good.
This part didn't.
A sick squelching sound came from your body as Ethan stabbed you in the stomach.
Three times.
A fourth time.
And again. Over and over.
You stared into Ethan's soulless eyes, your mouth agape.
Blood was building up from your throat and into your mouth. Warmth was slowly abandoning your body, and you were frozen, wondering when it would stop. If he was going to stop.
His maniacal laughter echoed in your ears.
Now you realized exactly how Chad had felt.
You squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for the fate of death to finally strike you. This is it. This was the end of the line for you.
At least Tara was safe. That's all you wanted.
But she would be losing you.
"Tara..." You gasped.
Ethan sharply twisted the knife in your stomach when you mentioned her name. You winced, letting out one last mournful cry.
You grasped at his arm, but the blood loss made you exponentially weak and incapable of causing significant damage to your assailant.
Your eyes flew open at the tearing of flesh, and you half expected to see your intestines on the floor.
Instead, Ethan was choking on a knife. Literally. He was stabbed through the roof of his mouth.
You lifted your head to see who saved you. Tara loomed over Ethan, with blood splatters all over her face, looking rightfully pissed off.
And hot.
Your eyes widened in awe at the beautiful woman before you. Something churned in your gut, and it wasn't because of your stab wounds.
You pushed your carnal fascination aside to analyze later. If you survived, that is.
Ethan gurgled, and your attention left Tara for a second so you could relish in his pained expression. It was his turn to plead like a little bitch.
You heard laughter, and it wasn't coming from Ethan. Tara's grin was indecipherable as she chuckled lowly and sheathed the knife further into his jaw.
A tiny voice of concern was in the back of your mind. Maybe, just maybe, she was enjoying this too much.
But you couldn't lie. It affected you: her heavy-lidded eyes, the snarl on her lips, and how she chose the most violent approach to save you.
There was a certain aura of possessiveness masquerading as rage behind her actions.
She let Ethan suffer for a little longer before ripping the knife out of his mouth.
Some of his blood landed on your face, and finally, he crumpled weakly to the floor. Somehow, you kept yourself from falling with him, but he had let go of the knife in your stomach shortly after he was stabbed by Tara.
You let your eyes trail up Tara's body until you reached her face, and your eyes met.
You swallowed nervously.
She gazed at you intensely with a dark look; The knife glistened with blood as it was raised.
Was there something about her past that you didn't know? Something that could snap and make her capable of killing you?
You didn't like having these thoughts about her. This was the girl you loved. And she was a victim, not the mastermind.
However, if her trauma went untreated...
Exhaling, Tara tossed the knife aside, and it clattered on the floor. She outstretched her hand, the softness you recognized returning to her eyes as she regarded you with concern. "Can you stand?"
You pressed your hand tenderly against your stomach to calm the bleeding from your wounds while avoiding the knife Ethan left in you. One slight movement had numerous shocks of pain shooting up your spine.
Biting your lip, your eyes filled with tears as you stared up at her and shook your head.
Realization crossed her features, her expression growing pitiful.
A gunshot ran out from the rafters. Sam's voice was barely audible. Since you didn't have a confrontation with Detective Bailey, you assumed he was the last one standing and that Sam was the one confronting him.
"Come on."
Before you could protest, Tara stepped around Ethan's body, slung your arm over her shoulder, and wrapped her arm around your waist.
"Wait-" You drew in a sharp breath as you were forced upright; your wounds were stretched, making them ache and burn. "Shit."
Tara grunted. She tried her best to carry you while you were propped up against her, but she was having trouble walking.
"You're limping." You stated. You felt guilty for weighing her down like this. "Tara..."
"Don't." She snapped; her breathing was shortened. "If you think I'm dropping you. Think again because I'm not."
You opened your mouth to argue, but Sam screaming made both of you look up.
Your eyes widened in horror at Sam's falling body. She wasn't the only one thrown over the rafters; Detective Bailey was too.
You and Tara flinched as Sam and the detective landed in a memorial of the Ghostface killings and destroyed it.
Glass spilled out onto the floor.
You looked over at Tara. She was flabbergasted and open-mouthed, staring at her sister's unconscious body resting on broken shards of glass and other materials.
She didn't move, but you knew she needed to check on her sister. In the end, the only family they had was each other.
Tara might've had a friend group and you, but Sam didn't let anyone in because of her fucked up father's history and her psycho ex-boyfriend. That's why she was so protective of her younger sister.
Tara was all she had.
It took some time, but after Tara had convinced you that it would be easier for her to help Sam after she knew you were safe, she carried you into one of the backrooms.
Not the room where Chad... neither of you could stomach that.
She helped maneuver you into a sitting position on the floor. You sighed in relief when your back rested on a wall.
She placed her hand on the wall and crouched to your eye level. "I'm going to see if Sam is okay. It shouldn't take long, alright? I've called an ambulance, so they should get here soon. You're going to be fine."
You smiled weakly. She was being sweet and more careful than usual because you were bleeding out and dying, but regardless, she made you forget how much pain you were in.
She gave you a small smile in return and turned to leave.
You reached out and grasped her arm before she could go.
She stopped, looking at you curiously.
"I..." You could barely complete your sentence. "Love you."
She smiled wide this time, and her tired eyes seemed to shine from happiness. "Tell me later."
Then, Tara briskly walked out to save her sister. You were left alone, wondering if she would return to you safely.
The paramedics wheeled you on a stretcher out of the creepy Ghostface memorial slash abandoned theatre. It was now a huge murder scene.
You had an oxygen mask over your nose and mouth that helped you breathe.
You were so high on morphine and painkillers, and it was fucking great because you deserved that euphoric feeling after the events you just went through.
Tara jogged up to the stretcher. The paramedics stopped so she could chat with you.
“Hey.” You said tiredly, unable to change your facial expression because you were doped up. It felt awkward to smile.
But you were extremely happy to be alive with Tara.
“Hey stranger,” She was in a good enough mood for jokes, doing the smile that revealed her dimples. “Remember, when you told me you loved me?”
“Hmm?” You answered noncommittally.
“I knew it. You are so high.” Tara laughed.
She understood because she had been through Ghostface attacks before.
And she survived again.
This time, she had you.
“I am so high.” You agreed, smiling slightly behind the oxygen mask.
Tara tentatively lifted the mask off, and you look over at her, puzzled.
You were surprised when she tugged you in for a kiss. It was slow and tender with the perfect amount of desperation.
“We got another one here!”
You broke apart from the kiss at the same time Tara did. Both of you turned your heads and saw Chad being wheeled out the same way you were.
You were matching with him. He looked in pretty bad shape, the same as you.
He was parked beside you, and Tara immediately addressed the elephant in the room, ”How are you alive??”
You had the same reaction.
”Core four!” Chad’s yell was muffled. He pumped his fist in the air like an idiot.
Tara glanced at you with a mischievous look in her eyes. “Core five! For y/n.”
“That doesn’t rhyme, though.” Chad complained halfheartedly.
Sam walked up to the three of you with a smile.
She placed her hands on Tara’s shoulders and spoke directly to you. “Thank you for taking care of my sister and fighting alongside us. It was very brave.”
“Apology accepted for accusing me.” You smiled to show that you were joking.
“If we’re accepting apologies…” Your attention was focused on Mindy shyly walking towards you as if you were going to hurl something at her.
“After being stabbed 10 times, I’m over that. Trust me.” You said truthfully, then added in a more lighthearted tone, “But you’re forgiven.”
Mindy was visibly relieved, then she immediately changed topics. “I can’t believe I missed the monologue again!”
You nodded in agreement.
You would’ve loved to see Detective Bailey quivering in fear as he had his ass handed to him, but you knew Tara would tell you all the details later.
Poor Mindy, though. She missed the entire final act.
The oxygen mask was placed back on your face with care. Tara turned back to look at Sam. “Can we ride with y/n to the hospital?”
She was asking for permission.
Sam was caught off guard and torn between Tara’s hopeful tone. She thought about it for a moment, and conceded.
“If they’ll let us.” She said with a smile.
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mikeysw1fey · 8 months
Woe and behold
Tumblr media
request linked here
pairing: amber freeman x female reader
warnings: death, betrayal, murder, blood,
a/n: IM SORRY TARA. IM SORRY READERS. guys i’m back writing again so feel free to send requests :)
“Hi baby.”
I smile at Tara’s pet name as I walk over to our group during our lunch break ignoring Ambers lingering glare towards Tara.
“Hi.” I reply sitting beside Tara and leaning over to kiss her cheek gently. Sitting back against the bench I glare at Amber for a second before turning back to Tara who now rests her head against my shoulder.
“Do you wanna come over later? Sam’s not gonna be home for hours.” She raises her eyebrows suggestively and I let out a laugh. “Sorry, I have an assignment I need to start, next time though I promise.” I kiss her forehead gently before turning my attention back to the group most of which didn’t even notice our affection exchange.
School finishes rather early today, letting me head home at a decent time.
Opening my front door I head to my kitchen, humming a tune as I open the fridge and sigh at the lack of contents inside. I debate what to do next when a thud in the other room causes me to pause, my hands moving slowly towards the knives beside the microwave.
“Hello?” I call into the empty apartment, the largest knife gripped so tight in my hand my knuckles bleed white. “If this is some kind of prank Mindy I’m going to have your head.” I yell out again slowly inching towards the living room.
Silence encompasses the house. Not even a whistle of the wind can be heard as I creep along the carpeted floor.
But the silence disappears as quickly as it appeared as another thud causes my head to snap around, a figure dressed in black with a white mask rushing at me.
I scream as it wraps it’s arms around my torso, the glint of the knife pressing to my throat gently enough as to not draw blood but hard enough that I know if I move it’ll hurt.
Panting can be heard from behind the mask before an arm is removed from my waist to pull of the hood revealing the face behind it.
“Hi baby.” Ambers cheeks are slightly red as she giggles at my glare.
“Your an asshole you know that? We aren’t meant to be in our ghostface costumes unless we are actually pulling a murder.” I snap shoving Ambers shoulder as she pulls the knife from my throat.
The black haired girl pouts. “I wanted to see you. And I wanted to go over the plan again.” Her arms wrap around my waist, the black robe pressed against my body.
“Your lucky I love you.” I narrow my eyes playfully before leaning in to kiss her lips. “Yeah, I know.” Amber replies cheekily before leaning in to kiss me again.
“Can we kill Tara next? Please?” Amber pulls back and presses her forehead to my own. I raise an eyebrow at her question, my own forming on the tip of my tongue. “Are you jealous baby?” I smile slightly and lean over to peck her jaw as she frowns. “Just- I don’t understand why you have to pretend to date her.” Amber shrugs looking towards the floor.
I chuckle gently and tilt her chin back up so she can face me. “I love you Amber. Not Tara. I’m only dating her to have an alibi for the murders. She’s nothing to me. I promise.” I reassure the girl before me who nods slowly. “Ok.” She replies and nuzzles her face into the crook of my neck before pulling back suddenly.
“Don’t you have an assignment to do?” Amber asks with a puzzled frown. I shake my head and move my mouth beside her ear. “Lies. I just didn’t wanna fuck Tara. She doesn’t do it as good as you.” I whisper breathily, smiling at the goosebumps arising on her neck and the tightened grip on my waist.
“Wanna prove that theory?” Ambers eyes go dark as she gently pushes me towards my room. I nod enthusiastically smashing my lips against hers in search of satisfying the fire burning at my core.
“Welcome to act three.” Amber pulls the gun from her pants and shoots Liv straight through the forehead. Blood splatters all over my shirt as I fake a scream, pretending to be terrified. “Run.” Sam shouts, grabbing Richies hand and heading out the room, bullets narrowly missing her figure much to my disappointment.
“Baby, follow me quickly.” Tara cries hobbling in the doorway on her crutches. Amber stands on the other end of the room causing me to glance between the two.
“Baby?” Tara’s voice holds caution as she remains frozen in place. “Sorry T, but she’s not your baby anymore.” Amber smirks maliciously, her hand extended to me.
I laugh at Tara’s shock before moving to grab Ambers hand and pulling her in for a passionate kiss. My body remains glued to Ambers as I release her lips only to see Tara had disappeared. “Coward.” I scoff kissing Amber quickly before taking the gun from her hand.
“Hey baby I wanted the gun.” Amber pouts. My eyes roll playfully before I lean in close to her ear. “If I get the gun then once this is all over I’ll make it up to you.” I pur.
Amber nods enthusiastically before pressing a kiss to my lips. “I’ll find Sammy, you look for Tara.”
Nodding, we head out seperate ways. “Tara. Baby. I promise I’ll make this quick.” I shout maniacally, slamming open doors and dragging the gun against the walls to increase the tension and hopefully her terror.
Only when a crutch smacks me in the face do I realise I had fallen into a trap. Tara swipes her second crutch under my legs causing me to tumble to the floor, my gun clattering out of my hands and under the table inches away from my fingertips. Her moonboot digging into my side time and time again.
“No, I’m sorry baby. Your hurting me Tar. Please.” I beg curling in on myself as she continues battering me with her crutches. “You. Mother. Fucker.” She pants, the hits slowing as she grows tired. Her hesitancy as I plead gives me enough time to kick my foot hard against her broken ankle, a snap causing her to scream out in pain before collapsing against the wall.
I leap up, pushing my hand against her throat ignoring her cry. “You couldn’t even tell your own girlfriend didn’t love you.” I pout condescendingly.
Tara paws at my hands, tears spilling down her cheeks as her breathing slows. Just as her hands go limp my own breath gets caught in my throat. Pain rushes through my stomach and I instinctively drop my hand from her throat and move it to my abdomen.
Looking down, blood pours from a bullet wound, the red pooling on the floor just inches from where Tara has collapsed onto her knees. “Touch my sister again you bitch. I dare you.” Sam spits from behind me, gun outstretched in her hand.
My breathing comes out in short sharp gasps, no words leaving my throat as I attempt to speak. With a strangled gasp, I collapse to my knees tears flowing down my cheeks.
“Amber.” I manage to whine earning a scoff from the tall dark haired woman before me. “She’s gone.” Sam snaps placing the gun down to reach for Tara who holds her throat, eyes wide and vulnerable as she gazes at me.
“Please.” I pray on her vulnerability, reaching a hand to her to which Sam slaps away.
“You motherfuckers.” A high pitched screech echoes throughout the hallway before a pattering of footsteps causes Sam to re grab the gun.
Ambers jaw is clenched tightly, her hand wrapped around the knife as she lunges at Sam swinging wildly. “I’m gonna rip out your heart you coward.” She screams before another gun shot is heard, Amber freezing in place.
“No.” I gasp finding enough strength to reach for the black haired girl who stumbles slightly gazing up at Sam in torment before collapsing against the wall, slowly falling to the ground.
Reaching her side, my body slumps against the wall, rejecting my attempts at moving closer. Removing my bloodied hands from my stomach I press them against her chest where her blood pours from.
“No. No.” She whimpers, blinking slowly, her gaze moving from the sisters to my eyes, her brown softening slightly. “Not you.” She manages to wheeze. Tears crawl down her cheeks, a weak hand raising to cup my face.
Both Carpenters remain on the other side of the room, now standing up, Tara’s arm wrapped tightly around Sams waist in order to remain stable. “Come on let’s get out of here. Let them be.” Sam looks almost sorrowful as she leads the shorter girl out the house. Tara looks back only once as they walk away, her own tears falling over her quivering lips. “Goodbye.” She whispers to herself.
“Keep your eyes open for me baby.” Amber breathes, her chest rising and falling with difficulty. I smile dopily at her but that smile falters as her hand drops from my face, her own face scrunching up in a grimace, the pain spreading from her chest as more blood pours out of her wound.
“Ambs.” I manage to breathe, the searing pain in my stomach increasing as sobs begin racking my body. Amber groans half heartedly, her head lolling to the side. “No no no no.” I whimper. My hand presses as hard as I can possibly can against her chest pleading the blood to stop pouring as I watch her chest slowly stop rising.
Heartache tears through my chest, the torturous feeling worse than the bullet wound as I watch the woman I love mosts eyes become devoid of her usual soft brown.
“I love you baby.” I wheeze letting my own head fall against her chest, ignoring her bloody wound. It can’t hurt her anymore.
I can’t find the energy to remain with my eyes open, not wanting to witness Ambers corpse any longer. Instead I succumb to the dark blanket of death, feeling my chest slow and the pain fade.
And just as I find myself drifting into the endless void, Ambers voice echoes through my head.
“See you on the other side.”
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insanelyadd · 2 years
Knight Papyrus Theory
Before we start I am going to lay out everything we know about the Knight so far in Deltarune:
The Knight is choosing abandoned and little used rooms as locations for the fountains.
The Knight seemingly only makes one fountain a day.
The Knight hid in the closet from Noelle and Berdly, making the cyberworld fountain in there which rules out anyone with an alibi for this incident.
The Knight is a lightner because darkners cannot make fountains. 
"Evidence" about the Knight I will ignore on purpose because it holds no weight to me:
The use of exclusively it/they pronouns for the Knight because the use is obviously to maintain the mystery.
The Queen’s holographic depiction of the Knight’s hand cannot be taken as a literal and accurate depiction because the actual film in the mansion states outright that the stream of darkness from the fountain obscures the Knight's true appearance, and the implication is that the Knight immediately left this world unlike the abandoned classroom.
The line about Communion from Spamton because Spamton is deeply unreliable as half of what he says are infomercial taglines. The words in parentheses can easily be interpreted as being synonyms or associated words to what he actually means to say. Plus the line is divorced from its full context in the conversation where his first use of communion without relation to the Knight is about his "transformation". The use of the word communion here is very unlikely to be literal or even religious (as the word communion's very definition has a non-religious variation). Spamton speaks in religious terms because a good chunk of spam emails are about religion, not because it's a legitimate hint.
The rest of this post will be under a read more because this is a Big Boi, like literally almost 4k
Step 1: Discussing Alternative Theories 
I thought Kris was the knight?
We may have seen Kris open a fountain at the end of chapter 2 but this doesn't mean they're The Knight. I feel like the end of the chapter is another misdirect just like chapter 1. "Oh is Kris evil? Are they possessed by Chara?" Nah, they're just a little shit who wanted to go eat some pie. Chapter 2 brings about the same kind of gut reaction questions, which is a fair response, though I feel the need to point out that no mystery in UT or DR is ever so easily handed to us.
Kris, upon seeing the first dark fountain they and Susie encounter, reacts by fearfully backing away. Kris seemingly doesn't know what it is and their gut reaction is that it is scary. This wouldn't be how you'd expect them to react if they had already made one. Secondly the computer lab dark world had to have been made when Noelle and Berdly were already inside (with the closet flavor text implying that the Knight was in there). When the fountain is dispelled they're sitting at a desk with their homework out and they just think they fell asleep while doing it. Kris and Susie come to that world when it has already been made and when it's dispelled they're by the door.
If the characters' physical, light world bodies moved in conjunction with their dark world selves then at the very least they should all be right next to each other because they're so close together in the dark world. I also don't think Noelle and Berdly would have been able to easily dismiss the dark world as a dream if they had (somehow) walked into a Pulsing Darkness. I highly doubt Berdly would have needed more than one look at that to realize it was probably evil and shouldn't be messed with. Noelle is easy frightened and likes to be afraid but I think Berdly isn't the type of person who would make Noelle feel encouraged to do something spooky.
I heard a theory that a dead person reanimated by the dark world is the Knight?
Well to start I know this theory! And darkners can't make fountains. This is not subtext or implications, this is directly stated in chapter 2 by Queen, and Ralsei, who knows even more about how dark worlds work, does not refute this claim. This is why she tried to get Noelle to make a fountain and didn't try to make one herself.
Now this also applies to every theory that supposes a Darkner like Rouxls for instance could be the Knight.
What about Alvin?
I find the supposed motivations for this character to be completely disconnected to what we actually know about him. Beyond that Alvin is literally such a minor character that you could simply never interact with him and that doesn't build very much feelings towards him that would be in some way dismantled by the reveal of him as the Knight. Also the game itself sees him as such a minor character that he doesn't have a talk sprite and if you pick his name when you make your character before chapter 1 the narrator makes no remark about him at all, not even an "Interesting".
What about Asriel?
The man is not even in town. As previously stated the cyberworld fountain had to have been made with Berdly and Noelle already in the room.
What about Sans?
Sans doesn't feel like he wants to end the world or find escapism (the two major Knight profiles that could be argued). There's really nothing I can think of that casts suspicion on him at all. Yeah Sans is a little weirdo but not in DR. All the weird stuff about him is text options we say, that Toby wrote with the major Sans theory hype in mind. Nothing about him specifically is actually suspicious or unusual.
What about Gaster?
Gaster is already heavily implied to be in some way responsible for the creation of the secret bosses. The person responsible for making Jevil lose his mind is talked about by Seam in a way that implies they are a separate character from the Knight as well as giving the impression that Jevil (and Spamton if you consider where he is) were made to be what they are and in the positions they're in for some time before the fountains were made.
Using Gaster, a character we know nothing about, feels like an easy answer that is simultaneously not very compelling because we don't know anything about him. His supposed motivations could be anything, whether he's got good intentions or evil intentions are irrelevant because there's just no way to know. Narratively it means nothing if a man with no history is trying to make dark worlds for reasons none of us can properly guess.
What about the mayor?
Once again the cyberworld being made with two people already in the room (especially since one of them is Noelle) would imply that the mayor left in the middle of the day, but when we check with her aids in the office none of them mention her having left which feels like something notable since she keeps herself so busy. I also want to propose the idea that while she may come across as potentially harsh, I think there’s a non-zero chance that she just threw herself entirely into her work after whatever happened to Dess and has lost touch because of her grief.
What about Dess?
Dess is seemingly lost or even dead with one major possibility being that they are trapped inside the code. For a character in such a position we can't even say if it's possible for her to open the dark fountains. But there's also the still remaining factor that the Knight is sneaking around and doing this. Choosing little used rooms on purpose and hiding in a closet when people enter a room to use it, which isn't something someone who is trapped in seemingly total darkness would feel compelled to do.
What about the player?
Since we are the player I think we can rule us out since we didn't do anything.
The Knight is someone we haven't met yet and have never seen before
For the same reasons as the Gaster theory this doesn't make sense except it would be even worse because we have scraps of info on Gaster (speaks like how old people text, science nerd, possibly malevolent, perhaps deceased but very likely undead)
Step 2: Building a Profile of the Knight
Does the Knight have bad intentions
I feel like there is insufficient proof that the Knight is acting with malicious intent by making these dark worlds. At the moment what we have seen is that the Knight seemingly makes only a single dark world a day. If the Knight wanted to bring about the Roaring, there's no need for them to actively choose little used or totally abandoned rooms and no need for them to do so slowly, if they even know about the roaring at all (which seemingly no one but Ralsei did before the end of Chapter 2).
I feel confident that the probability the Knight even knows about the end of the world side effects is low. If they do know about it, it’s also possible that how ever the Knight even found out how to make dark worlds gave enough information about how they function that they could reason themselves into continuing to make them by saying “oh just one a day isn’t so bad” which once again circles around to the Knight being more irresponsible than outright. Homicidal. Plus it really doesn’t vibe with Toby’s storytelling methods for there to be just a straight up villain who wants to end the world (if you mention Chara I will stomp you to death with my hooves, they have nuances that people ignore).
Does the Knight have "good" intentions
So if it's very unlikely that the Knight wants to end the world on purpose then conversely we must consider the possibility that they have "good" intentions. It's very likely that they could have intentions that align with the kid's intentions in chapter 2. Every single one of them (including Kris despite their lack of vocal approval) loved the dark world because it gave them a sense of purpose and importance, it made them feel like they had control and were given the recognition they craved.
These are not purely noble intentions of course, they're pretty selfish even, but in this scenario the Knight doesn't know about the apocalyptic side effects of opening dark fountains, so self-fulfillment from stabbing the ground until it gives you a magical world doesn’t sound so bad. The desire to feel wanted, helpful, strong, and in control in ways you are not in the light world, I feel, could be a strong and compelling motivation for making dark worlds. Plus, since the Knight hid in the closet knowing two others would be in the dark world when it formed it could also be the desire to be seen as a cool figure since the leader of the dark worlds always seem to revere the Knight to some extent for what they've done and this effect may bleed over onto them, or maybe the Knight thinks that they’ll come to love the dark worlds like they do.
Inferences that can be made if the knight just has similar intentions as the kids did
The Knight feels like they lack purpose in the light world. The Knight is unlikely to have very many friends or social connections and is likely lonely. The Knight may feel strongly powerless about something. The Knight is unsatisfied with their life and wants to find an escape. 
Step 3: Papyrus Points of Interest 
Papyrus is the only main UT character who has yet to even speak to us, and that feels significant somehow. The steam page mentions him, and says he’s “busy”. I know some people who are worried that he won’t even make an appearance but he definitely will, when you type in his name when you make your character you get the response “Interesting” to typing in Papyrus, and also his text voice blips are in the game files.
A quick reminder of something that I find “interesting” is that in UT when you check Papyrus’ closet he says “There’s no one in my closet, except me sometimes”, which, given the place the Knight undoubtedly hid in chapter 2 it’s. Interesting.
You know what else is interesting? All the references that seem relevant to Papyrus (and Sans) specifically that are in Deltarune. The teleportation doors are identical to Sans’ door from undertale, the lounge chairs that Lancer and Susie relax on are almost identical to the one Sans is seen relaxing on in a kickstarter trailer for Undertale, Susie says she invited the guard she beat up to visit the garbage can which is a reference to something Papyrus says if you check the garbage can while on your hangout at his house, Ice-E’s pizza and the word search of course, I think it’s interesting that the first dark world is completely puzzle themed, checkers, legos those make sense for a room for small children but playing cards? CHESS? Those feel out of place for a kindergarten-preschool type room.
Continuing on with the references in the second hospital room when you check the two sinks it says “Perhaps there was one tall sink that was cut in half to create both of them” which is simultaneously a reference to the theory that Sans and Papyrus are pieces of Gaster and to Papyrus’ own Tall Sink from UT that is also referenced in the winter alarm clock dialog. This one probably isn’t a reference but the popup about making a knife out of spaghetti is interesting.
This concludes the little interesting tidbits section.
Step 4: Connections Between Papyrus and the Knight Profile We Have Built
What could Papyrus’ motivation for making these dark worlds even be?
My first instinct with this is actually solely based on the fact that when I was younger my family moved nearly once a year and I never was able to make long time friends. He just moved to town, it’s very unlikely that he knows anyone there, so I think he’s lonely. Sans’ first thought was trying to get Kris to hang out with his brother so surely Sans must be aware that his brother needs to make friends. 
Now, I feel it isn’t a stretch to assume the base personality of every character is roughly similar to how they are in Undertale. Toriel is still motherly and a teacher, Alphys is still a pop culture nerd with anxiety who wants to be liked, Undyne is brash and assertive but good hearted, etc etc. There are - of course - notable differences, but not knowing people or disliking someone they normally like doesn’t really change the core of who they are.
So if we assume that Papyrus’ base personality is the same then it is very easy to say he is lonely and wants friendship, it’s also easy to assume that he would be a bit single-minded and ignore potential risks in his pursuit of his goals. 
How could Papyrus even make the dark worlds?
I feel like just like you could presume that your preferred Knight candidate read about it in a book or heard about it online or something, you could presume the same about Papyrus. I feel like how the Knight even learned it will probably be explained in a later chapter, because it must be something that’s not written anywhere, but that’s all theory crafting for a different post.
Here’s a single sentence about the circumstantial evidence to support Knight Papyrus: The fountains only recently started opening and only recently have the skeletons moved to town. An interesting coincidence.
The Thematic Evidence
Now it’s time for the thematic evidence. There’s actually two sets of thematic evidence I want to go over with this.
I won’t tread too much on this ground when I can just link to the post that goes over one thematic point of your choices not mattering and how that matches Papyrus. Essentially, no matter what you do with Papyrus will change the outcome of your interactions with him, which matches the stated theme of your choices not mattering in Deltarune, which also reflects Flowey and his set up as the main antagonist of Undertale by making the stated theme “kill or be killed” which is something the player must show defiance towards by being merciful. In Deltarune it’s very likely that the final confrontation with the Knight will involve showing that the choices the Knight has made are detrimental and dangerous and they need to change their choices.
As for the other set of thematic evidence…
A continuously recurring theme in all of Deltarune is the theme of being forgotten. From Don’t Forget and nearly every song in chapter one having the leitmotif of it, to all the main characters feeling in some way left behind and abandoned, to all the dark worlds, even the one Kris makes, being in rooms no one uses anymore, and above all else ESPECIALLY the secret bosses.
Kris possibly feels left behind by their brother, Susie was basically left behind by the whole system and all their classmates, Ralsei literally lived alone in a completely empty dark world, Noelle lives essentially all alone because her sister is missing, her father is in the hospital, and her mom is a workaholic, Berdly outright says that he feels like no one cared about it before he became “smart”.
The three dark fountains we’ve seen so far have all been made in rooms that see no use or are totally abandoned, the classroom has likely not seen anyone since Alvin was a child, the computer lab has had a few people in there but is definitely not the bustling hub it presumably used to be with the internet down in town, even the living room hasn’t seen much use because Toriel and Kris just aren’t TV people, leaving the TV dusty and the room unused.
Now the secret bosses are the epitome of this theme, I actually realized this entire thematic throughline and connection to Papyrus because I was using it’s thematic connection to the secret bosses to try figuring out who the secret boss of this next dark world could be. Jevil is forgotten even amongst those of the forgotten classroom not just because he’s been locked away in prison for who knows how long but also because joker cards aren’t needed for most card games and you have to specifically buy packs that include them.
Spamton is forgotten not only because he was evicted from polite society and all traces of his existence have been pasted over with images of Queen so now he lives in a dumpster (the trash bin on a computer), but also spam emails most of the time are automatically flagged and put directly into a special folder you probably don’t even look in unless you’re trying to find an email that might have been accidentally put there by the automated system.
Papyrus is a character in Undertale who tries in every way that he can to be noticed and appreciated. Despite this, you’d be hard pressed to find a single character in Snowdin who even knows his name. His mailbox in comparison to Sans is surprisingly empty, and while you can read it as him just checking his box more often, he refers to his mailbox as his “emptiness” and the already discussed implication seems to be that he just doesn’t get mail from anyone. He says that he’s a dozen followers away from double digits online. He says “I NEVER WONDER WHAT HAVING LOTS OF FRIENDS IS LIKE” which is an obvious lie.
And of course. In the no mercy route, what does his check information say?
Papyrus has been on theme for Deltarune since 2015.
Step 5: But What about These Things?
How did he know of the classroom
Toriel spoke with Sans the day before Kris and Susie discovered the dark fountain in the abandoned classroom, it’s very possible she mentioned something about it to Sans and Sans passed that information on to Papyrus.
How did he get in there
There’s this sick little thing called Breaking And Entering /lh But also yeah it really isn’t out of the question that he broke in. Any Knight candidate that doesn’t actively go to school there or work as a teacher would have to break in to make that world? Seems not out of the realm of possibilities at all.
Why would an Undertale character get such a major role in Deltarune
This is just a personal observation but I think Toby obviously likes Papyrus a lot. He has the most lines of any character in UT by a long shot and is only about 300 lines behind THE NARRATOR. Toby Fox commissioned art of him over a year before the game's release. Toby made a special version of bonestrousle for UT trailers and it has been featured in nearly every single undertale trailer that’s been made. 
Outside of that rather subjective line of reasoning I also think Papyrus could have a major role because, as I have previously laid out, he thematically has very strong ties to deltarune, and we know literally nothing about Papyrus’ backstory in UT. I feel like Papyrus, despite all the lines he gives, is rather understated in his presence in UT. Like you can’t get the TP ending without his help, and if you kill him and only him, Undyne still manages to rally monsters to overthrow Toriel. But these aren’t big flashy moments like Sans’ fight, so they’re rarely acknowledged.
I feel there is potential for him to be important, and it is irrelevant that he was originally from Undertale. The amount of lightner characters (specifically because only they could open the fountains) exclusive to Deltarune are miniscule and most are very obviously not the Knight. Just from a pure numbers perspective the odds of the Knight being a character exclusive to DR are much smaller because there’s still more characters that are here that are also in UT.
Also Toriel is obviously going to be in the darkworld in this next chapter, so the Undertale characters are obviously not totally banned from partaking in the actual Plot.
Why would he be similar to his UT counterpart
As I mentioned, none of the characters at their core are super different to their UT counterparts. This isn’t like the fandom where you can make up whatever personality you want and then have it inhabit a Sans shaped shell. Toby has an obviously different interpretation of AUs, and in his AU the characters are a lot like they are in UT. It would be way more unusual at this point if Papyrus is revealed to be drastically different than his UT counterpart at all. He’s not going to be an asshole, he isn’t going to be internet famous, we’ve already observed that he isn’t outgoing (which, contrary to popular belief, does still fit how UT Papyrus is). You could even take the sounds of trousled bones growing farther away from us when we check the door to mean that Papyrus is moving away from reality and sinking further into the fantasy of the dark worlds.
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FROM HITCHCOCK FILMS, PART I *  assorted dialogue from movies directed by alfred hitchcock
you'll never get rid of me again.
are you coming to my party tomorrow?
you know what i was just thinking?
i'm asking you to marry me.
why are they doing this?
i loathe you. you have no manners. you're arrogant and conceited.
i've been calling all morning.
i've been thinking of nothing else since it happened.
let me remind you that even the most unworthy of us has a right to life and the pursuit of happiness.
doesn't this make you feel awful?
we are protected by the enormity of your stupidity, for a time.
i may be old-fashioned, but i thought murder was against the law.
don't worry. i'm not going to shoot you.
i think you're the cause of all of this. i think you're evil.
remember, you will only have time for just one shot.
i still think it would be wonderful to have a man love you so much he'd kill for you.
i want you to get rid of all these things.
if that happened, we wouldn't stand a chance!
now why would you want to go and do that for?
will you come in, please? i wish to talk to you.
this is a very strange love affair.
you had no trouble, of course, with the police once they verified your alibi?
it was just an accident.
i do hope you've forgotten about that silly little plan of yours.
i certainly admire people who do things.
my theory is that everyone is a potential murderer.
come see my painting.
it doesn't hurt to be kind.
when's the wedding?
happiness is something i know nothing about.
how did you get him to do it?
say it again. it keeps me awake.
why do you hate me? what have i done to you that you should ever hate me so?
why didn't you call the police?
hell, maybe we're all getting a little carried away with this.
i think it would be a wonderful idea!
i love you more than anything in the world.
i don't want to know! i don't want to know!
would you please get out of here and leave me alone?
i don't think you know what you want.
there are moments in life when we all need a little help.
there i go again. too friendly. it always happens - i meet somebody who i like and admire and i open my mouth too much.
don't ever leave me.
it's the end of the world.
i want to go through life jumping into fountains naked.
a man doesn't tell a woman what to do. she tells herself.
look, i'll make it easy for you.
this chicken took longer than i expected.
an old friend is never an extra guest.
do you think the dead come back and watch the living?
i've opened a window for you. a little air will do you good.
you've nothing to live for really, have you?
i can't forget what it's done to you.
no one will know.
don't you trust me?
are we about to have our monthly fight?
what about the letter you wrote me? is that a lie, too?
i told you what happened.
would you mind waiting?
in case you're interested, i was pushed into that fountain.
i'd like to see you.
what's the matter? is something wrong out here?
we're fighting a war.
i wish i were a stronger person.
i'd love to be able to sleep.
close that door, quickly.
i suppose i'm old fashioned.
i think we're in trouble.
you like me, huh?
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