#all about ryder
owenryder · 1 year
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boston accent / matt nathanson 🎧
the good part / ajr 🎧
young blood / noah kahan 🎧
ryder is ... a gucci tux in a crowded room, skyscrapers, a Boston accent, waking up in a city he's never been in before, hot girls on his arm at parties and a hot boy offering him coffee the next morning, a smear of blue-green paint under a lock of light brown hair, the hum of a sport car's engine, bottles of alcohol on a hotel's dresser top, the product of wealth and toxicity, independence.
There really are no fictional characters or people in my life that inspired Owen Ryder Anderson; he is a product of me wanting to play someone completely different that would fit into this idea that I had of a young character moving to a town that was basically the polar opposite of every place that he had called home growing up... for a girl. Past that, he sort of created himself.
Of course Ryder has some influences from pop culture; characters with big egos but secret, soft hearts. Boys that drank a little too much at parties and got vulnerable, or wheeled around in sports cars but made people wear their seatbelts. Cocky, arrogant types with all the money in the world who didn't really live like it in their every day life. Snappy dressers who looked straight off the runway, but then threw down at the bowling alley in jeans and a t-shirt. Someone famous online for doing something stupid, and probably never creating that magic again... but people still followed them anyway, because why not? Dacre Montgomery himself inspired Ryder, of course -- mostly that era where he was just becoming famous and doing all sorts of photoshoots where he kind of looked like that guy you would hate, but then secretly swoon over. And his artistic side, too, except I went in the direction of abstract painting over poetry.
I knew that I wanted Ryder to have a sort of complicated, borderline unhealthy home life. But nothing triggering or uncomfortable. The kind of life that a lot of rich kids probably grow up with: mom and dad's families pressured them to get married because they each had money and high society standing and would have a blessed rich people union, but they probably absolutely definitely should not have been allowed to reproduce... but did. And named him Owen because they have no taste. I wanted him to have a dad that was sort of an enigma. Does he work in finance? Is he a businessman? Maybe he really actually is in the mafia? Who knows! He's the kind of person who doesn't have much of a personality outside of money -- he uses money to get what he wants and he has no shame in it and no shame in what it brings him, what it allows him to do. His father slept around before, during and after his marriage to his mother and never batted an eye. And his mother... typical socialite mom. Probably never actually wanted kids, but tried her hardest to love Ryder. Her family had connections with the art scene, she always attended the richest events in the finest gowns, and spent as much time in her closet as she did Ryder's play room. Since the divorce, she's cycled through boyfriends. Some good for her, some not so much, some closer in age to Ryder than her, it felt like.
Outside of his family life, I did want him to have some stability, so Ryder grew up with nannies and tutors who took good care of him, helped him grow into a somewhat stable grown up. Somewhat. I wanted him to be a world traveler, experiencing life on the road, so it made sense to me that he grow up with his dad, traveling, learning as he went, visiting city after city, state after state, country after country, continent after continent. He made friends, but not for very long. He slept with people for weeks at a time before never calling them again. His most steady, valuable relationships in his life were the ones forged with his caretakers, whether that was touching, or sad at the end of it all.
One of the biggest inspirations when it came to creating Ryder was his love story. With Ana (hi!) we crafted a relationship between him and her character, Madelyn, in which they met while he was attending college in Boston. Since they didn't live in the same city, their relationship was long-distance and online, at least until he moved to Merrock. I wanted to play this guy who, despite having the world at his feet, was ready to give it all up for love, come to this little podunk town he had only visited when he was younger to see his cousin, and really give it a go at settling down and seeing what could shake out of it. I liked the idea of this big city guy who wore Gucci sneakers and drove a Porsche moving into a small town like Merrock and just let it take him over. Even when Madelyn was no longer a part of the group, I liked watching the way that the town changed Ryder, whether it be in the form of his two best friends that he lived with, the jobs that he was working, despite the ridiculously large trust fund and bank account that just sits there; it's fun.
Some of the aesthetics used to create Ryder are pretty obvious: boys who like fast cars, boys who kiss boys and girls, boys who wear fancy clothes, boys who have money, boys who know they're hot, boys who drink too much on weekends, boys, boys, boys, because in a lot of ways, Ryder is more of a boy than a man, although I do think that he's on his way to figuring all of that out. Maybe before he turns thirty. I wanted him to have a bit of an ego, be cocky and full of himself, but have a lot of it be tongue-in-cheek, and have Merrock be a learning experience in that regard, too, maybe have him realize that it was okay to just be a decent human being, believe it or not. Bisexual, he likes anyone and everyone, sleeps around, doesn't really do serious relationships (anymore, anyway) and has left a trail of one night stands in his wake. I also wanted him to be ridiculously stubborn about not wanting to live in his parents' shadow, wanting to create a life for himself. Hence picking up the job at the gallery and The Garden and trying to live off of his own money. Given that at the time of his "conception" my other masculine characters were Cage, Rafael and Darrius -- Cage being a carpenter who worked with his hands, Rafael being an older gentleman with life figured out, and Darrius being a hulking figure with a soft heart, playing a messy, younger character who was also just unapologetically himself felt right.
I really do not have a lot in common with Ryder... except for art. And that's a very small amount. For example, I took art classes in high school. Ryder graduated college with a whole ass degree and has had several showings in Boston. I haven't, for what it's worth. That's about where our similarities end, though. I don't have money or sports cars or fancy clothes or any of it... but it's fun to play someone who does!
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diamondcitydarlin · 4 months
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               "I am gonna make you so happy." 🪲🪳
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guardian-angle22 · 2 years
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911 Lone Star | Talking about TK’s ~brushes with death~
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happy74827 · 3 months
People need to be have more hype for all my favorite characters. I’m tired of going to look for fanfics and being forced to write because there’s LITERAL CRUMBS
Populate those fandoms people 👏👏
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antiqua-lugar · 8 months
sorry that fandom poll got to me and aside from being eternally sad that me:a will not get a sequel, i will never be over how great the reyes vidal romance is.
like he and ryder met once for a mission but that one conversation where they talk Kadara politics and flirt hard apparently was enough to go Yes, I Met The One, everyone around them is going "oh gods no" and it fucking works. they go through all the most dramatic movie plot twists - the evil ex! the date that actually was a heist! kiss as a distraction! local smuggler with a heart of gold is actually the secret leader of a whole planet - and then they settle in the most chill, comfy long distance relationship because the pathfinder and the charlatan are the only people who understand each other as being people and leaders and completely unhinged people. reyes is like "from now on I want to be honest with you" and ryder is like "when you gotta lie you gotta lie" and then they just carry on like that. reyes has known ryder for like a few months at best but love is real so he immediately writes ryder down as the charlatan's consort and everyone on kadara just has to live with it.
like it's not even a "I can fix him" kind of romance, all companions are like "Are you sure?" and Ryder is like "Yeah? He's fine". and he is
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chevvy-yates · 5 months
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[NC_RES]-31102049-EUR-GER scharfenberg_g_portraits_043_2_CCR_HB_JP_HB.file ///core:_ryder_von_scharfenberg.file\\\
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
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john-mary-andco · 2 months
“Yoooo we got people watching us, John!”
“We have what?”
Welcome to the second “John and Mary” ask blog! This one, the time is around when they were in high school, so obviously no Ryder yet (although you could technically send asks about him…for fun…). Here’s some info about some of the characters! More characters will come if people ask for them.
John Emerson- 16, sophomore; Kinda popular guy if I do say…Although he’s popular in the way that everyone is either SUPER nice to him (fake) or scared of him. He’s told people that he’s interested in becoming a cop, and most people tried to get on his good side so they “don’t get in trouble”…He tells them that’s not exactly how that works, but he’s given up at this point. At least he gets to avoid the bullying part of high school. He looks super scary and intimidating (which, he is…) but he’s also really cool and he’ll try to help a person out if they’re having a problem. (Ex: Driving a person home because they missed the bus, he lets people vent to him if he has the time, etc.) He overworks himself a LOT. He has a lot of freedom, but that’s only because his parents. Don’t. Really…care? He guesses that he wasn’t planned, and his parents weren’t really interested in taking care of him after he got to the age where he could take care of himself. Bro is a people pleaser, someone please tell him he’s doing a great job…
Mary Winters- 15, sophomore; She has a late birthday, but everyone assumes that she’s really smart because she’s a year younger than them (She’s a few months younger than John). She IS pretty smart, book wise. People and world wise…Not so much. She’s usually quiet, and focuses on her work. She isn’t picked on much. Nobody really knows she’s there half the time. Where John’s parents were neglecting, hers was controlling. She can’t do much of anything without their permission and supervision. God forbid she goes outside without telling them, she’ll get an earful about it later. All she knows is school, home, and that’s basically it. It seems like her parents don’t want her to…grow up. She doesn’t question it though, after all, it’s all she’s known. She gets absolutely petrified if a boy asks her out (joke or not), her parents would probably ground her if she said yes. She’s not even allowed to go out to eat without her parents being there…Give my girl some damn freedom PLEASE. 😭 (Don’t worry, John does eventually).
Altair Sterling- 14, freshman; He’s the new boy of the group. As a freshman, he used to get RELENTLESSLY bullied, before John took notice of it and people started backing off. He doesn’t really know a lot of people yet, but he’s already taken a liking to John, almost too much. He doesn’t understand it, but he gets abnormally happy when Emerson calls him over from across the hall after school lets out. They get to hang out? He wants to hang out with him? Hell yeah! He mostly likes his math and English classes, but he also likes psychology and space. He plans to become a sort of psychologist, maybe a therapist. He listens a lot…Maybe that’s a good career for him? Ah, he doesn’t know…It’s too early to start planning…But he wants to!
Andrew Barrett- 15, sophomore; He kinda acts like he’s an overly confident person, but he’s actually really insecure, it doesn’t help that he also gets bullied because of his weight. “Andrew, my guy, you don’t look that bad. You’re not unhealthy, you’re fine. Don’t listen to them-“ “Do you think I can do a cartwheel from this end of the classroom to the other when the teacher leaves to go to the bathroom?” “…God fucking damnit, Barrett…” He tries to tease and jokingly pick on John every chance he gets, and tells him ridiculous things that make a man want to throw something. It’s a surprise that John hasn’t kicked him down yet. He is a bro, however. If you need something, he’ll probably go to John because “Emerson knows all” and he’ll fix it for you. If he tries to help? He’ll probably ruin it or make things worse. He’s not one for liking any core subject, but he does like art class a lot. This is his second year taking an art class (it’s art 2, he’s not retaking-). He wants to become some sort of artist, but he doesn’t know which one yet; he likes painting and he doodles a lot in his notes, so maybe a painter?
Now, teacher names! Only the important ones, because 11th and 12th aren’t important.
Mrs. Littrell- 9th and 10th grade English teacher, she’s honestly really good at her job. Everyone loves her.
Mrs. J.- 10th grade math teacher, she’s overly happy, but she brightens her students days with her extraness, they love her (John hates her in the sense of “it’s too damn early for aLL THIS NOISE-“)
Mr. Carroll- 9th grade math teacher, literally so chill, but he also makes sure to get the quota for the day “listen guys, I don’t want to do this either, but I like my job, soooooo….”
Mrs. Kathrine- 9th and 10th grade science teacher, she has two sciences that she teaches: Biology, and Earth and Space. She gives the kids mental health days where “hey, if you have late work, turn it in RIGHT N O W, or it’s half credit for the rest of the year, win or lose, your choice.” She’s that teacher that has all the snacks and literally EVERYTHING a student would ever need stashed in her classroom closet.
Mr. Beach- 9th grade “US history 1” and 10th “US history 2” teacher, he’s similar to Mr. Carroll, but he’s more joking about it. “Oh, you don’t want to work today? Too bad, so sad, *hits his long ruler on the desk* DO IT.” He also taps the ruler on the top of his student’s heads when he’s teaching at the board, because bro is BORED and the reactions he gets are funny. Mary tries to duck away from the ruler, while John grabs it and tries to bonk him in the head with it. He’s lucky Mr. Beach doesn’t like to write people up. He’s strangely interested in all the wars. He also has a rubber duck collection up at the top of his cabinets, his students sacrifices their rubber ducks to him because he’s a cool teacher. Also he claims that he’s married to a woman, but LITERALLY EVERYONE thinks he’s a little gay. “Listen, Mr. Beach said he has a spouse, NOT a wife, plus he doesn’t have kids! HE’S A FA-“ “ANDREW BARRETT IF YOU DON’T SHUT THE FUCK UP-“
Mr. Lawrence- Psychology teacher, he’s THE sarcastic teacher but in the funniest way possible. He turns every complaint and weird comment thrown his way into a salty response. He hates presentations, he doesn’t want to grade them, so he gives the students a puzzle sheet and “claims” that it’s a grade for it. He grades SO SLOWLY. Literally every quarter, there’s at least one student BEGGING HIM to hurry up and grade. “Sorry guys, sports was crazy last weekend-“ “MR. LAWRENCE PLEASE MY PARENTS ARE GOING TO GROUND ME IF I DON’T GET AN A IN THIS CLASS- ITS A C- IT WOULD BE AN A IF YOU’D HURRY THE FRICK UP-“
I do believe that’s about it! Please no overly NSFW asks, we don’t do that here. However if it’s a “your mom” joke or something similar to that kind of suggestive, go ahead. They’ll probably make a remark back!
Important tags!
And of course the characters that will be tagged in the post relating to the ask, but I don’t want to type that.
Please note that there’s obviously mentions of child neglect, discrimination, child abuse (…someone gets a little beat at home) and slightly suggestive language (it’s not THAT but y’know…Guys…being silly and joking around…)
Some asks will be drawn, some will be written!
Thank you, and here’s my main account if you need it@stanleyvampire14 -mod
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Considering the many outfits Ryder wears throughout the show, how does he manage to store all that wardrobe and where? Does he have a special room or something where he stores them?
Omg I nearly forgot about this ask in my drafts, sorry!
Uh, I think it's safe to say Ryder has his own bedroom in the Lookout tower- like, it's SOMEWHERE in there. I just... Don't know where. It can be somewhere around in the base floor or maybe there's a second or third floor surrounding the elevator. Maybe it's underground along with his ATV's garage or all the other trucks and planes garages. Who knows, really, I'm still at the beginning of 7th season, so if the show ever showed us just WHERE DOES THIS KID SLEEP IN THE LOOKOUT, I didn't get to see it yet. Heck it could be even up there above the control room for all I know, he leaves his pup-pad in the control room at night and goes to sleep AND SOMEONE CALLS FOR HELP AND HE SHOWS UP IN THE CONTROL ROOM IN HIS PAJAMAS BC HE HEARD THAT THING GOING OFF FROM WHEREVER THE HELL HE WAS SLEEPING. I wouldn't be surprised.
Besides, the kid LIVES there, he HAS to have a room to sleep and keep his personal stuff, which includes his clothes changes.
I also believe he has at least two of each outfit, this way one can be out to be washed/cleaned while the other is ready for use. That's how we do with school or job uniforms, have at least two of them to be able to wear them nearly daily.
Anyway, by personal experience as an owner of a very small closet while also owning a shit ton of clothes (I seriously need to take some away for donation again before my closet explodes) and considering how Ryder easily makes room to literally spawn all those trucks and aircrafts around the Lookout grounds, storage size for his outfits shouldn't be really a problem unless he's got way too many poofy jackets XD
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froot-batty · 1 year
Grabs you in a chokehold, I need to know about your Jack Ryder/Creeper… funny news reporter goes apeshit… I yearn for creeper content…….
EEP !!
i've already talked about their backstory here, so i'll do you one better. now's as good a time as any to post their full ref >:]
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and some fun facts under the cut!
-jack is bisexual and non-binary <3 creeper is whatever it feels like in the moment
-they're not like, full rogues. they kind of just do whatever they feel like on a given day. sometimes creeper likes helping bats out and mauling bad guys sometimes it needs to demolish a series of government buildings. it just fucks around and has fun. jack would prefer to take a nap
-jack doesn't really have any need to eat because of the whole. being dead thing. creep however LOVES eating and will either force jack to or when it's behind the wheel just start taking bites out of cars and shit. menace
-jack has very prominent veins around their hands and eyes and lividity in general. again because walking corpse
-they both cant really die. jack is alive for however long creeps likes being in their body, and you can crush stab bludgeon explode that guy and theyll just reform good as new. jack is all of the gotham rogues number 1 punching bag for this reason. they operate on looney tunes logic
-creeper is like a big kitty cat. kind of covered in hair/fur but its kind of wiry and generally unpleasant to touch? besides the mane & tail those are soft. also it purrs
-their relationship with the other rogues is. fine. besides having fun beating them up they kinda leave them alone cause creeper is too much of a freak for most of them. HOWEVER. creeper and harley are MEGA BESTIES OF ALL TIME. creeps is kind of clingy and weird and not great with boundaries but so is she so its a match made in heaven baby (joker beats creeps up harder for this)
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
I See the Light (Mike’s Version)
#byler#stranger things#mike wheeler#will byers#st4 dna board#visual parallel being the shot of ryder to the right while staring longingly at rapunzel as she talks looking off into the distance#then we have the very technical artificial lighting which is what I think drives this parallel home for me#in this scene in rapaunzel they’re singing about being in the dark for a long time and NOW ‘seeing the light’#and so the choice to illuminate will with light in 87% of the shots from mike’s pov here… is quite the choice#you’ll notice mike is not lighten up at all to this extent from will’s pov#this is bc mike is not will’s light! he is his heart (duh he just gave a whole speech about it)#for mike tho. will is his light!!#and so the implications that come with this song and the lyrics you just heard from ryder’s pov specifically#the character mike is being paralleled to here#are quite staggering#bc this choice could have the potential to add even more layers to what we are seeing here#this scene started with mike looking pretty depressed and hopeless as he has been looking for most of the season#this scene then ends with mike looking mesmerized. in awe and maybe the happiest we’ve ever seen him after hearing will’s words#and so what does this all mean?#was mike in the dark but now he’s starting to see the light?#at the end when the light is shining on will in the cabin and mike ends the scene resting his hand on will’s shoulder#is that to signify that mike is now in the process of stepping into the light with him?#the duffers saying in their emmy consideration that the show will end with the characters coming out of the darkness and into the light…#was that just a coincidence?#not at all related whatsoever to the culmination of two main characters taking 5 seasons to confront their feelings for each other?#after a season that made a point of focusing on their dynamic with light…#or is it really just that simple bc tangled is written and crossed off the st4 dna board?#like this is literally just one of several scenes that connects byler to romantic pairings from movies on the st4 dna board#basically#byler endgame
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owenryder · 1 day
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SEPTEMBER 22 - 28, 2024
Are you more of a fall or Halloween person? Or do you fall somewhere in the middle?
Oh, definitely more of a Halloween person! I'm not as into the whole 'decorating for the season' person, but I love Halloween. I like getting dressed up, watching scary movies, putting fake blood in and around everything, the whole nine yards. Let me scare you!
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laplacesdevil · 2 months
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Revenge on @lightishpurple for Ryder Doe! Shout out Phone Guys forever
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guardian-angle22 · 11 months
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911 lone star fashion -> every grace outfit
↳ 3.03
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stanleyvampire14 · 2 months
Chat I love drawing Lust it’s my favorite activity
The person not the feeling
Sloth too
@lord-of-the-bundle-of-sticks I’m drawing your boys
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westealtoys · 2 years
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As I discover more of interactive fiction, I’ve found lately rare jewel called Fallen Hero: Rebirth by Malin Rydén. It pushes all the right buttons and makes you put things into perspective... My heart bleeds for my heavily messed up Sidestep and my obsession with him grows with every day... Sooo... in between compulsive liking everything Sidestep connected I’ve also joined the fanart train.
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chevvy-yates · 6 months
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[NC_RES]-31052046-EUR-GER ritter_f_portraits_002_CCR_HB_JT_WB.file ///core:_falco_garnet_ritter.file\\\
⚠️ READ:
Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Some bits of infos about Garnet.
Like Ryder, Garnet is from Germany. His real name is Falco Ritter. He's the owner of the Hell Bunker, a location that hosts diverse techno parties and concerts (but also some other genres), located under the Dark Matter Building in Japantown, Westbrook.
He's the inventor of the event 'Chrome Chamber Rave', the radio station "Hellbunker fm' is also his own. He wants people of Night City to experience that techno(ise) from Europe is simply the best, especially the one from Germany (as techno roots come from there).
He's well knwon in the underground scene and he even may have some connections to Maelstrom. I'm not 100% done with him, so some details might change and his background story is also more or less in the making. He's more of a side character but a very close friend to Ryder. I created him mainly as supportive character for Ry rather than that he's a V or going to be a main character. He's no merc, but a musician (DJ) who knows how to defend himself as he's got gorilla arms (it's me wanting to play with that set up as well so yea why not give him that).
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