#all being flaming bisexuals and flirting with each other
kaseyskat · 3 months
for all that transmasc nicky seems to be extremely popular in the fandom we do not give enough love to transfem cassandra where are her laurels she deserves better
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saiidahyunie · 2 months
you in my heart 
chou tzuyu x f!reader 
synopsis: if i can keep myself close to cherish you, then my heart will forever be in your hands. 
warnings: fluff ; angst ? ; friends to lovers ; clc elkie and sana appear!
a/n: this fic is my creative writing lifeline soooooo :P
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chou tzuyu doesn’t like idiots. 
in the many years of her glorious friendship with you, tzuyu has watched, in all scopes, just how damn impatient you were about your decisions. she’s seen it all - whether it’s simply put in which you threw caution to the wind and helped tzuyu ditch school just for a quick detour to the beach as a way to cheer her up after the argument she had with her parents. 
(might to add, that happened in the one week of getting to know each other.) 
or, whether it would be the way tzuyu saw you drawing, once and decided that the route of art was the destination. better yet, the slight hitch of breath of your decision - last second- of moving in with tzuyu, on the day her lease was up for renewal. 
these many things between the fine lines of dumb and stupid could not have prepared tzuyu for this: 
you being settled on the floor with a dark red shirt that had a white minimal graphic with the name of the brand being something from your dad’s work, hair set off neatly off to the side with a hint of fringe peaking at the top, an apple juice box in your hands washing down the ritz crackers you swiped from the box, without knowing how it fans the flames in every one of tzuyu’s nerves. 
you look at tzuyu, holding your gaze, jaw moving with two chewed crackers in your mouth, before averting your eyes to the crushed juice box next to you. 
“tzuyu,” you say, fingers fast on the wrapper fishing out another cracker. “you’re not gonna eat?” 
tzuyu says nothing, only shaking her head before settling back against the leg of the sofa, crossing her arms against her chest. 
“tzuyu,” you whine, grabbing her wrist that had pinches of salt all over your fingertips, “why are you not saying anything?” 
as if tzuyu can ever ignore the constant pull that she feels towards you. 
“what’s going on?” tzuyu asks you now, knowing that nothing positive ever comes out of your mouth when she’s soaking in this tone that you’re presenting, voice breaking high and towards the end, as though you wouldn’t be able to breath right if tzuyu does not talk to you, or look at you. 
“you’re a girl right?” 
tzuyu blinks once, doe eyes out in the open space while she’s unable to guess the trajectory that this conversation might go. 
“yes, and?” 
you smile, bright and warm, tzuyu nudges closer until her knee touches your thigh. 
“cool! me too!” you say. “well, i don’t know, actually. but, the point is that i’ve never dated a girl before. have you?” 
tzuyu’s sexuality has been acknowledged, conveyed, and accepted between the both of you without any real sense of words. you had always been perceptive, and when tzuyu’s eyes wandered on only at he women in the movies that she used to watch together with you during high school, you knew that your best friend was a lesbian, and squeezed her hand firmly to let her know that. 
it was never really discussed after that, until now. 
your sexuality, in tandem, has been acknowledged, conveyed, and accepted between the both of you devidating your realization through a sudden urge to declare the moment out loud on a random day. you tumbled your way onto tzuyu a week ago, holding her hands tight, screaming about how you barely realized that you were bisexual and how “everything makes so much sense to me!” 
ever since that day, tzuyu had to witness the only person she has loved even before she knew how to love someone else flirting with nearly everyone. she could only be supportive of her best friend’s journey up til this point. 
“i haven’t,” tzuyu replies. 
your face lights up, eyebrows arched and eyes wide open. “well, have you kissed another girl before?” 
tzuyu suddenly feels like she is neck deep in water that she’s not used to swimming in, struggling to keep herself afloat in her mind. “i…have.” 
your face beams more brighter than before it diminishes into the stark emptiness of the night after the flames on a bonfire slowly wither away. “hey,” you say. “you didn’t tell me about that, tzu! we’re besties, aren’t you supposed to tell me everything?” 
tzuyu scoots herself over to put a hand on your shoulder. “it was a long time ago,” she says. the world of sapphism was something beautiful to be apart of. seeing the pride parties to be an enlightenment of sorts while also pulling the heart in a more wrenching way. she wanted to belong there with the vast crowd of people but was also aware that she doesn’t want to put herself into that space, if it meant leaving your side. 
“it doesn’t really matter now.” 
“hey.” you say, scooting closer to match her. tzuyu’s hand lingers on your shoulder before letting go. “of course, it does. was it any good?” 
tzuyu doesn’t recall much from those separate experiences, let alone want to remember any from long ago. “yes, i think so. but it was like years since then, so it doesn’t matter.” 
“what makes you say that? why did you stop yourself? are you going to be kissing girls when we go to that pride party next week?” 
“i told you, y/n. it doesn’t matter. why are you even asking about this?” 
you have another smile spread across, hands moving up and down tzuyu’s arm, causing a ripple effect of goosebumps rising on the crook of her neck. “i have something to ask you.” 
when you pull your hands away, picking a cracker from the new stack you just opened, holding against tzuyu’s lips. 
when tzuyu makes no move to open her mouth, your encourage her by nodding despite becoming more and more doting and impatient (which was on brand for your antics). 
tzuyu merely holds it against her teeth, unwilling to take a bit nor choke on the bit after your request. 
you take a deep breath, and twine your hands with hers, looking into her eyes steadily. 
“i want you to kiss me.” 
these several plus years of friendship that tzuyu will never get enough of, tired was also out of the question. nothing could’ve prepared her for the opportunity of hearing those words that deeply carve out one of the core instincts that she has been fighting to keep within. 
the cracker falls out of tzuyu’s mouth.
you, on the other hand, face full of optimism and hope immediately replaced with frowns from the fallen cracker sitting on tzuyu’s lap, picking it up. your fingers brush against her hip bone, and tzuyu suppresses a gasp. 
also, you’re oblivious to tzuyu’s inner crisis, looking at the cracker before biting it, in the same spot more than a third of the cracker is caught between your teeth. 
“what are you saying?” 
“i want you to kiss me.” you say, seriously, after chewing the last part of the cracker that will haunt tzuyu’s dreams for the coming decades. 
“do people need a reason to kiss each other, tzuyu?” 
“when the people in the problem set are one’s best friends, then of course.” 
you sigh, troubled. “fine,” you say, not willing to look up from where you fidget with the ripped wrapper of the cracker stack. “you got me. i have a date with a girl this weekend and i have never kissed a girl, ever. i want it to be good for her. you’ve kissed a girl, and i want you to assess me.” 
“assess you?” 
nodding to tzuyu’s question. “i want it to be good for her, tzu! besides, you’re one of the few people that i trust the most. i want you to kiss me and tell me how it is. now are you gonna help me?” 
a few seconds of silence pass that the weight of it envelops every fabric and cell of their being, you begin to fiddle with the hem of your shirt, a habit that you procured in times of nervousness. 
“forget it,” you say abruptly. “i know that sana has kissed girls before. i’ll ask her—” 
“no,” tzuyu says, holding your face between her soft hands. “i’ll do it,” she says. “i’ll help you with this.” 
you taste like a wintergreen mint. 
tzuyu tilts her head up, one hand spread across the back of your neck, the other, holding your chin so that she can deepen the kiss, until tzuyu herself begins to taste the minty aroma and feel like stardust. 
tzuyu also should’ve been keeping an open ear to the cautionary tune her heart laid out in front of her. her mind should’ve also said the same thing the way her brain racked the sole idea of kissing you for practice. nothing good would come out of this. you will kiss another girl sometime this weekend and many other girls after that, but tzuyu is weak and in love and can’t fathom not kissing you, not when you asked it yourself. 
your arms are coiled around tzuyu’s long neck, pulling her closer than ever before, even though the meters between the two of you now are only separated by the thin layers of clothes. gently trailing her fingers from your chin to your neck and waist, tzuyu hauls you up until you settle on her lap. 
the both of you break apart for a second, your eyes with a glint to them, dazed, glossy pink lips still parted, bodies molding together oh-so perfectly. 
it was you who kissed tzuyu for the first time, so tzuyu takes it upon herself to press your forehead with hers, chasing your lips for more. the kiss itself is less frantic and more gentle, taking her time skimming her hands across your back, tilting your head towards her, trailing your hands every single spot possible in the hopes of grasping something. eventually, you fingers are in her hair, taking apart the ponytail and running your fingers through it again. 
love me, tzuyu mouths out while she kisses you. love me, only me, no one else, just me. 
tzuyu’s lips find your jaw, feathery kisses until she meets the fork where your ear and neck meet. you let out a small noise from the bottom of your throat and tzuyu wants to have it all, to revel in it, keep it close to herself in her heart for the eons of years to pass. she finds her way to your neck, and the idea of marking you, to show the mystery girl that you’ll see know that she was here first, and with the premonition that she’ll stay with you forever–
under the crook of your neck, in the palms of your hands, hooked on your ribs as if the set numbers were like lifelines; anywhere, wherever you see fit. 
when you two finally break apart this time, you open your eyes, blinking rapidly to erase the remnants of the daze that was clouding the both of you, smiling softly that tzuyu thinks she’s in a dream. although, it wouldn’t be the first time that she’s dreamt something dangerously real, can’t accept the facts. 
but your body is warm between tzuyu’s palms, floral scent draping all of her sense. you were as real as you can be. tzuyu feels nervous with the pricks
of sweat coating her neck, heart rate struggling to keep calm inside her chest, threatening to break free from the cages. 
in her dreams, your eyes wouldn’t suddenly widen in disbelief, you wouldn’t clutch onto tzuyu’s shoulders, not willing to meet tzuyu’s eyes after that. 
a block forms, tugging from the depths of tzuyu’s chest. 
“y/n,” tzuyu asks, voice horse. “did i go too far?” 
you snap your eyes towards tzuyu, in fact not meeting her eyes, rapidly shaking your head. “no, not at all.” you answer, tone shrill. “but a–, that was—was really good.” 
finally meeting tzuyu’s eyes, your face swept in a vibrant pink. 
“that was?” 
you, in a flurry of sudden actions, pat tzuyu’s hair to flatten it, pinching her cheek, before breaking apart the bubble of a minty fulfilled dream that just happened a few seconds ago. “is that even a question?” you ask, licking your lips. “kissing girls is so different from kissing boys,” you say. “i liked this a lot. was it, um, w-was it good for you?” 
“what are you talking about?” tzuyu laughs, seeing a smile on your face. “you’re a good kisses,” she says, trying to be as objective as she can. this was a test, an experiment after all. not an outcry of feelings. “you know what you’re doing, so it won’t be bad for you this weekend when you go. i’m sure of that.” 
standing up, you pat down your shirt and sweatpants, saying, “okay good, i’m—i’m happy that it was good for you because it was good for me, clearly, and i–shoot—i should probably—” 
you don’t spare tzuyu another glance, running off to your room, the slam of the door echoed through the walls. 
tzuyu just sits there, back against the leg of the sofa, the half-eaten stack of crackers and empty glasses of water on the table, enthralling her attention as if they were people who just witnessed something out in public. her head hits the cushion behind her, clenching the scream wanting to be unleashed from inside her. 
for the reminder of how reality works in this world, things will–not remain the same between her and you. the air was already heavy with tension, anchored with tzuyu’s feeling, suspended in time with the words captive in the nooks and cracks of her body. 
tzuyu will have to learn how to live with the knowledge of how you taste, the small noises you make, the way your face shapes when her mouth is on yours, eyes closed as you chase tzuyu’s mouth like it was the last thing you had to do. 
she doesn’t know how to recover from this information. 
the two of you don’t talk about it. 
few days pass, and tzuyu leaves her pottery class. you arrive a few hours after you were sure that tzuyu was asleep. 
(she wasn’t asleep. in fact, she was waiting for you to come home. only able to fully rest when the sound of the door opening and closing, the soft sounds of your feet hitting the wood in and around the house.)
you and tzuyu have a thursday class together in music theory, sharing a shaken look between each other when the paths cross to the living room.
“you wanna leave together?” you ask, strangely nervous with a pensive look on your face. 
tzuyu nods her head, and that was it. 
you two don’t talk about it still, because there’s nothing to be discussed. 
after dinner, tzuyu finds herself going along to being kissed by you again. more practice never hurt anybody, or anyone for that matter. 
tzuyu slides in her bed with a heavy heat, lips aflame with the phantom stir of yours on them. 
it’s okay, she thinks. it’s gonna be okay. i’ll be okay. 
“you’re leaving?” tzuyu asks you on saturday, realizing in a manner that your date was today. a date, the whole reason you kissed tzuyu. 
you look dashing, transcendent beyond existence. tzuyu loves you so much. 
nervously, you start messing with the flimsy fabric of your dress pants, “i am,” you say, “did you want something?” 
“no,” tzuyu lies, heart clogging her throat. 
you take a step closer, breaking the bubble around tzuyu. “did you want to say something?” 
“no,” tzuyu lies again, heart in her hands. 
“okay then.” you say, “i’ll be going now.” 
“okay.” tzuyu replies. “have fun on your date.” 
something omniscient falls over the ever-constant glow on your face. “i will, i’m sure of it.” 
tzuyu feels her pulse accelerate, hands clenching and unclenching in succession. there’s so much that she wants to blurt out. so much that will ruin the close friendship that she has with you. but being selfish isn’t the way to go, the risk that is carried by making her feelings your problems too. 
it’ll be fine, tzuyu tells herself. this will pass too. she’s fine, she’s okay, she’s breathing—and if she keeps beating it down her being, maybe her heart won’t feel like it’s being trampled on. 
everything will be okay, this will all work out in the end. 
“something is wrong,” sana begins, eating her french fry, the same evening when she invites herself to tzuyu’s home with a bag of food and snacks. “you’re not okay.” 
“everything is great!” tzuyu says, chasing down her words with half of a boba drink. “and, i am okay.” 
sana’s eyes narrow suspiciously. “it’s not really you to lie in front of my face.” 
“i need you to stop prying.” 
“is it because y/n’s on that date right now?” 
“sana, i’m fine.” 
“shut up, it is, isn’t it?!”
“okay, i’ll stop,” sana says, raising her hands in surrender. “i believe you. everything is okay and you are doing fine.” 
you don’t offer more information about your date other than just saying, “we should go watch that one movie together, tzuyu.” 
tzuyu doesn’t even bother asking either. 
two days after, you come bearing another tempting proposition that steals tzuyu’s breath away—literally. 
“that one barista from the cafe we regularly go to asked me out,” you say, already straddling tzuyu’s lap. “i didn’t kiss that girl from saturday and i think i’m a little iffy about my–technique. can you help me with it again?”
tzuyu tears down the banners of doubts in her mind, providing her mouth pressing against yours, feeling like the can finally breath now after not being able to for so long. 
she doesn’t bother asking you about it, again. 
more and more kisses are being shared in the days leading up to your date. always in the evening, an hour before going to bed.
tzuyu finds out all the different ways in which you like being kissed. even though an unspoken boundary between them is crossed past the point of rational thinking. she finds herself putting up a boundary before it becomes all too much, too fast. like her soul feels like it’s being robbed of once those walls are up, but it’s okay. 
tzuyu tells herself that it’s okay. she will live through this. 
she’s fine, and everything’s gonna be okay. 
when you come back from the date, drunk, the sleep is immediately left from tzuyu’s body, and she’s alert, awake on the sofa. she puts her book and the small blanket back in their places, walking over to help you remove your shoes and find your way back into the house.
you look at tzuyu with a blearily smile, holding onto her waist tightly. “hi,” you say, grinning. 
“hi,” tzuyu greets back, holding onto you as you’re sliding on the floor, head lolling back on the head of the sofa. “are you alright?” 
“amazing!” you answer, giddy. 
“how was your date?” 
tzuyu blinks one eye open, grinning sarcastically. “oh? you didn’t ask me how it went the last time. this is a sign.” 
“you didn’t tell me anything either,” tzuyu also points out. 
you sigh, slumping your head on tzuyu’s toned shoulder. “true,” you mumble. “i guess it was okay.” 
“just okay?” 
tzuyu feels you nodding your head. “i am so tired, tzu!” you whine, nudging your head closer. tzuyu suppresses a shudder as she feels your eyelids fluter closed against her neck. “i’m gonna fall asleep right here, okay?” 
“that’s okay,” tzuyu says, pressing her fingertips into your scalp, just the way that you like it. 
“you’re the best,” you mumble again, sounding half-asleep. “do you know that? you’re the very best, tzu.” 
tzuyu doesn’t know how to respond without revealing the very depth of everything she feels about you. 
“i guess,” your whisper is like a knife through the curtain of silence between the two of you. “i guess the problem is that no one is you. they don’t kiss the way that you do.” 
tzuyu’s heart stops. “y/n, what do you mean?” 
a lack of a reply prompts tzuyu to thread her fingers through your hair, gently tapping your shoulder. “y/n.” she softly calls. “don’t you know to not say things like this to me?” she whispers too, confident that you were asleep. your breath steady, head heavy. 
you mumble something closely incoherent, and your head sags into tzuyu’s chest. 
despite the tumultuous beat of her heart, tzuyu finds herself smiling, as she cradles your head, hoping that laying on her lap would be more comfortable for you, and drapes the blanket over your legs. 
“that’s the issue with me, too.” tzuyu says while palming your hair. “i guess i stopped kissing other people because they weren’t you. i wish i could stop looking for you in every person that i meet.” 
it’s not like tzuyu was not aware of the happy hour event that’s regularly held at that one bar that the friend group usually ends up in at a night like this, but it’s just that she didn’t care enough about it, especially after living for about three months in a new city. 
two days after you realized that you were bisexual, you looked at the poster that announced the party for the lgbtq community happening on a friday night well off into the new semester with a newfound excitement. “we should go here!” you shrieked while pointing at the poster. “i didn’t even know that this was a thing.” 
“it’s a thing alright,” tzuyu answers, resigning herself to the fate of ending up at that party, especially a few weeks before happening. 
“have you ever been to a party like this?” 
“not a lot, but a few.” tzuyu replies. “they’re interesting.” and unfamiliar, because they’re loud and crowded. the heavy bass of music blasting through the speakers, making her heart match to the beat of the rhythm. 
“well, you should show me around then!” you had said, and that was it. 
now, about a little over three weeks or so after tzuyu first made out with her best friend only to help you practice for dates with people that weren’t tzuyu, standing in front of the said best friend, trying to obviously leer at your appearance. 
you were wearing a white crop top shirt with ripped jeans layered with a black leather jacket. this outfit in particular had been printed in tzuyu’s brain since she saw you wear it for the first time—and a one piece dress
you catch tzuyu looking and wink. “what? i look good, don’t i?” 
‘good’ doesn’t even begin to cover it, but tzuyu nods, nonetheless. 
bounding up with tzuyu, arms interlocked together. “thank you!” you exclaim. “you have to look great too! when did you buy this blouse?” you ask, gesturing at tzuyu’s outfit. “i have to borrow it one day,” you say, as you make your way outside the house, head resting on tzuyu’s shoulder.
“okay,” tzuyu readily agrees despite it being her favorite blouse and your tendency to not return her clothes after ‘borrowing’ them. 
the club is crowded by the time you reach there—full of people that tzuyu recognizes the way gay people tend to recognize each other across the campus, and those she does not. 
your face is set with an ever-present grin, taking in the clamour and infecting excitement of energy that’s radiating of all the people here. all eyes were on you and you just seem to bask in it, but your eyes were on tzuyu. there’s a low glo to you. the only person glowing in a sea of people. tzuyu is so in love with you that it aches, it aches, and it aches. 
“let’s dance!” you yell over the sound of the booming music. 
tzuyu is pulled into your arms the minute she agrees to it. sinking into your arms as though she always belonged there should be weird, tzuyu thinks. it’s supposed to be weird, especially because you and her couldn’t even look at each other until a few days ago, until you came back home drunk and slept on tzuyu’s lap. 
but it isn’t. this feels as natural as breathing, normal like your heart beating, the sun rising, the world turning painstakingly slow. 
colorful lights dance on your face as you pull tzuyu close, hands curling around her neck. tzuyu, helplessly in love, holding you by the waist and sways with some sense of rhythm to the music. 
you pull tzuyu closer, so that her ear is met with your lips. “is this how it always is?” 
“i think so,” tzuyu replies. save for a few strobe lights, the night seems the same as it always does. it must feel different for you though. “how do you feel?” tzuyu asks, resting her chin on your shoulder. 
“good!” you cheer. “like, i didn’t even know that there were so many of us here! i truly believed that it would be less crowded. in fact, it is more.”
tzuyu nods, clutching her hands tighter around your waist. 
you sway and dance together, sometimes following the rhythm of the songs blasting out of the subwoofers, and the other times creating your own rhythm entirely, but that doesn’t matter. 
what matters to tzuyu—at this moment and all the others that have happened and will—is this; your bright smile reserved only for her, your warm hands around hers, your feet falling in step with her, your laughter when you dip down into her, or the high pitched call of her name that makes her twirl in her mind, the gaze fixated on her lips, the grasp on her heart: for now and always forever (in hope) will be you. and only you.
you and tzuyu break apart when you loudly demand that you’re thirsty and need a drink. tzuyu, helpless to do anything else, clutches your hand and makes you follow, even though she can’t wade through the crowd of strangers by the bar. 
tzuyu is grateful that the thump of the music in this area is a lot less, deciding on standing a few feet away, looking at you valiantly finding her way towards the bartender, jumping only when she feels a tap against her shoulder. 
elkie, one of the other friends that tzuyu is very familiar with, perhaps a year her senior, stands across her with a broad smile on her lips. 
“it’s been so long since i saw you here,” she says, stepping closer. “how are you doing?” 
“good,” tzuyu replies with a smile. “how bout you?” 
the music picks up in volume where they are, causing them to stand closer which isn’t entirely ideal, but it’s alright. elkie is good company, and tzuyu doesn’t mind. 
“are you looking for someone?” elkie asks, when she notices tzuyu look into the crowd of people at the bar station trying to see someone in a black leather jacket. “do you want me to help you find them?” 
“just my friend.” tzuyu replies, turning towards elkie. “she went in to get drinks for us and hasn’t come out yet.” 
elkie laughs. “she’ll come back, i’m sure. but tell me about you, tzuyu. are you dating someone?” 
tzuyu darts her eyes away from elkie. “i’m not actually, no.” 
elkie eyes brighten. “well, if that’s the case, call me if you want? you do have my number, right?” 
tzuyu blinks, before the realization dawns on her. “oh,” she says. “no.” she replies, turning towards elkie. 
“elkie, i—” 
elkie’s eyes widen with an understanding. “ah, you’re not seeing someone, but you do like someone,” she infers. tzuyu doesn’t say anything, only turning sideways to the crowd in which you have disappeared to. “yeah,” she replies, looking back at elkie.
she nods, gently holding tzuyu’s shoulders. “i get that,” elkie says. “i hope you figure it out, whatever that may be.” 
“thank you.” 
elkie smiles back, and plants a kiss on the corner of tzuyu’s mouth. “i think i saw someone i didn’t want to see, so i’m gonna run now,” she says. “don’t be a stranger, okay? let’s meet up for some lunch sometime—as friends, of course.” 
tzuyu smiles, patting her back neatly. “i will.” 
elkie excuses herself, walking swiftly past tzuyu, vanishing into the crowd. 
out of a bad habit set in the last fifteen minutes or so, tzuyu looks sideways to the crowd that you had ventured into, only to meet your distraught face. 
your face even turns furious when tzuyu meetes your eyes, but the undercurrent of hurt is open and raw. tzuyu instantly takes a step forward by instinct, wondering what caused it, relizing that you must’ve seen elkie kissing her cheek for this anger to be directed at tzuyu. but it shouldn’t bother you as much as it did—because why would it, it’s not like you to be jealous, because that would imply that you like—
“you were here with me.” you shout over the music, steamrolling over close enough for tzuyu to see the shimmer on your skin. “we came here together.” 
“if you dont’ like me back,” you start, shoulders dipping down in defeat. 
well, shit. 
tzuyu’s body breaks at that. 
“if you don’t like me back, then just say it instead of making me witness whatever the hell i just saw,” you say, drinking the entirety of the fizzy orange behemoth of a drink that was in your hand in one swig, and slamming tzuyu’s shot glass on the table. 
tzuyu finds you leaning against someone’s car, staring up at the sky. 
she wordlessly covers your exposed shirt with the leather jacket you dropped on the way out of the club. 
“that was elkie,” tzuyu breaks the silence. “she’s one of the few people that i know from coming to these parties. i guess we somewhat keep in touch now. we don’t like each other romantically. never, no.” 
you blink, while looking at her, nodding while fixing your leather jacket to fit it more better on your shoulders. 
“tzuyu,” you say. “what i said before—”
“is it true? tzuyu asks, urgency seeping in her words by the millisecond. “do you truly like me?” 
you look at tzuyu, broken. “i wore this outfit for you,” you say again. “i hate stiff leather.” 
tzuyu looks at you again, out of depth completely. 
“i hate this jacket but i love the way you look at me when i wear it. so i wore it today, with you. the only person i could see in this crowd today was you, tzuyu,” you say. “i came up with a silly, stupid excuse to kiss you. so you tell me if what i said was true or not.” 
“a stupid excuse?” 
“i didn’t have any dates,” you laugh without levity. “i had people asking me out, yes, but i couldn’t agree because they’re not you, tzuyu. the only person i want to go on a date with. the only person i want to kiss and be kissed is by you. so i lied to your face and told you that i wanted to practice. i made up with a terrible excuse to kiss you that doesn’t even make sense because i thought you could, maybe like me back too! and it really felt like you did, but then i see that and-”
“i like you.” 
you stop your train of thought from the sentence that just came out of tzuyu’s lips. “what did you say?” 
“i like you too,” tzuyu says, as rushed as she could say. “i like you so much. so, so much. it’s—” 
“you…what!?” you jolt with unbridled astonishment, crying, turning to grab tzuyu by the shoulders.
“why do you think i kept kissing you?” tzuyu asks with ardor. “i liked you too much to say no. i just—i couldn’t. and i wanted to go on dates with you and kiss you without having a reason, but i just couldn’t.” 
a bitter laugh leaves your lips, head hung down while you kick your sneakers into the asphalt. 
“you could—you could have,” you say, nodding in fervor. “you could have. i really, really wanted you to.” 
“i just didn’t know,” tzuyu says, regretfully, cupping your face. “and i’m sorry that i didn’t.”
your eyes flutter shut. “well, you do now.” you say. “you know that i like you. i like you so, so much, tzu.” 
“you know that i like you too. so, so much.” 
your eyes open again, teasing a glint quite apparent. “so, what are you going to do with this information, then?” you ask.
tzuyu, with her heart fluttering endlessly in her chest, brings you closer. with eyes closed, you meet tzuyu in the middle. 
you taste like beer, candy blossoms, and heaven. you taste like everything that tzuyu wanted, everything that tzuyu could ever want or need in her life. 
i love you, tzuyu mouths into yours as she kisses you. i love you, love you, love you. 
when you eventually break apart, a smile sprays across your lips, leaning in close, foreheads pressed together, one of tzuyu’s hands on your chest, right where the heart is patting frantically. “i love you, tzu.” 
another kiss is shared again, this time more slowly as the both of you took in the taste of exchanging lips, not wanting to ever pull away. it’s just you and tzuyu, entrapped in that silly little world that you and her have built around for so many years, now elevated to a new echelon. 
chou tzuyu doesn't like idiots.
but there was something about being with you as an idiot that makes it tolerable to deal with, and she doesn't mind that.
brushing your lips against tzuyu’s, you’re giggling and she follows. 
“i’ll embrace you like this, forever.” 
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vriskabot · 4 months
do you have any davris headcanons?
i saw this ask the instant it came in and i could not believe my EYES. trust when i tell you ive been typing FURIOUSLY in the meantime okay. okay headcanons. -dave has always been a little genderweird and vriska putting makeup on him when she was bored one night unlocked his third eye and now he cant stop putting red shit all over his eyelids -vriska has also always been genderweird and you can see where im going with this. -she steals his clothes ALL the time -he pretends to hate it when she gets her disgusting $5 perfume stink all over said clothes but you know he loves that shit (and she knows it too) -flaming bisexuals -once theyve been together for a while they are THE most "i am going to have the longest silent conversation with someone across the room you have ever seen in your life" -they both think they can read each other like a book but in truth its only about 60-70% accurate -the inaccuracies are always funny as fuck though and 9 times out of 10 its some entirely off the wall MADNESS due to their upbringings they think is entirely normal. the conversations that directly follow these revelations are legendary amongst the extended crew and every single one thats happened in a public memo has been screenshotted by basically everyone they know -speaking of which. i dont think they dm for basically anything ever. they either have conversations right in the GC (sometimes in the middle of other conversations, which karkat fucking HATES, especially when they flirt with each other) or they speak in person/over the phone. no in between -they flirt with each other all the time and its disgusting but its incomprehensible to literally everyone else. vriska tells dave she found some gnarly roadkill and sends coordinates and dave is like "babe stop not in front of everybody" -she used to send pictures too but that got shut down real quick and now thats really all she dms him for -i dont think vriska likes it for the same reasons dave does but he did absolutely get her into the weird and wacky world of vulture culture. dave likes the wet specimens the most but vriskas a fan of bones and taxidermy -speaking of which. this is more vriska/troll-centric but i love the idea of vriska being able to eat bones. dave gets the same schoolboy "oh my god this is so cool" kick out of it every single time -im well aware that music is a time thing but i genuinely cannot comprehend a world wherein vriska is not a music girlie. this definitely did a lot of the heavy lifting in The Early Days because when youre emotionally constipated sometimes you gotta let a song do the talking FOR you -vriska 100% introduced dave to crunkcore and he got way more into it than she ever did. he listens to 3oh3 religiously -dave samples vriska on his tracks all the time because she CANNOT shut the fuck up. he also likes taking pictures of her but even after years together he still kinda keeps those to himself and gets flustered when she finds one -man i just really love the idea of them being fucking obsessed with each other. they rag on each other ALL the time because thats just how they feel the most comfortable being affectionate but at the end of the day they snuggle up all soft and quiet and just enjoy being with somebody who understands how hard it can be to even allow that to happen in the first place -they ARE super casually affectionate with each other though, even in group settings. i dont think theyd like grand pda like kissing or saying 'i love you' in public but personal space just doesnt really exist for them. they hang off each other and sling legs over laps all willy nilly -they also stim on each other. dave likes to play with her hair while hes talking and vriska likes to play with his hands/fingers when shes bored this post is so LONG i could keep going for days. please always ask me about davris, especially if youve got more specific questions!!!
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dapandapod · 2 years
Good morning panda brain!
Jaskier helps Geralt through his bisexual awakening.
Geralt knew people can like both. Triss and yen are know to take lovers from any gender and he has never thought twice about it.
Until he realizes Jaskier does too.
And Geralt tries to work through it by himself, mulling it over, trying to figure out if it is *just* the bard he is attracted to, or other men too?
But he finds he get confused and frustrated because it is hard to identify feelings, even more so if they are his own? So one day/eve/ something he asks Jask for help, because he is the safest one he knows to ask.
(There might also be a hint of self sabotaging afoot but he doesn’t realize that)
“How do you know?”
“Know what?”
“If you like both?”
And then Jaskier asks a series of questions (he makes sure Geralt is alright or if he doesn’t have an awnser/want to say it, that Geralt doesn’t have to say but he should think about it) about what makes Geralt notice a person, draws him in.
In the end they say something in the lines of;
“It is fine to experiment. Just try not to do that with the subject of your affection.” And then after a while “I could help you..”
And before Geralt thinks of what the fuck he is saying, he blurts out something like;
“I was told not to experiment with the subject of my affection” something something.
And Jaskier goes all 😳😳😳 because ofc he hoped and dreamed and he too helped out in some self sacrificing thing in hope to make Geralt happy, even if it was with someone else, and now he gets this??
And then begins the circling around each other, because it would hurt if Geralt tried these feelings with someone else (and with the risk of him falling for that person) while being *told* he is the reason for this bisexual crisis/awakening.
But also it would hurt even more if they tried, if Jaskier opens that door and allows himself some room to feel all those suppressed feelings - but as an experiment, one that Geralt might find that no, he doesn’t feel that way, thanks for helping out - and closing the door again.
Buuut all goes as it usually does with Geralt - maybe they part for winter, Geralt on the way there thinks about every man he ever found hot, and maybe it is not many, but enough to feel like yeah, there is something there.
And then he spends the entire winter fantasizing about his bard, how it would feel to woo him, and finds that he likes it.
Come spring, maybe they re unite but there is something tense now between them, the fine line of pretending Geralt didn’t say he might fancy the bard, just to be able to keep going without throwing themselves at each other.
The bard never said anything back after all.
An out, if Geralt decides he doesn’t feel that way.
But then Geralt starts to try it out. Reaching for Jask’s hand, touching him more, smiling, maybe even flirting.
And eventually Jask has to ask, has to check that this is not an experiment, because Jaskier’s heart won’t be able to take it.
And Geralt sits quietly for a while, starting at the flames. Maybe they are in a room or maybe they are in the forest, but he sits quietly to think, and it is so very hard to bear.
And maybe Geralt decides that
“I may be inexperienced with this, and even if I have found I find other men attractive, it is towards you I am drawn. So if you would let me, I would try to make you think of only me, too” or something.
And he hopes Jaskier doesn’t mind inexperienced lovers, well. Geralt has been with people before, but he haven’t… loved them.
And he tells Jaskier that, he will make mistakes yes, but he is trying to learn, and he hopes, but if Jask wants nothing of it, he will stop. Clarifying stop trying to woo jask, not stopping to feel that way, about him and about men.
And maybe Jaskier needs to think about it.
Eventually Jaskier says that, he knows what it is like to have his heart broken. Expressing love is easy for him yes, but loving? *Loving* is hard. And it hurts like hell.
So he begs Geralt, begs him to take care. Because if they try this, there might be no going back. No place to return to, should this fail. He can’t guarantee he can heal should Geralt break his heart.
And they go forward with glacial speed, working to change the foundation, gently building trust and affection. They are apart for big stretches of the year, but reunifying has them growing closer.
Very little changes, but Jaskier notice how Geralt is looking at him. Keeps looking at him. Keeps reaching for him.
And eventually, when Jaskier dares believe this is not a passing thing, he reaches back.
They find themselves sleeping closer on purpose. They start wintering together, properly, and find themselves always in each other’s orbit.
They are in every sense a couple, but the physical one. And even if Geralt is the inexperienced one, he lets Jaskier set the pace.
And the bard works himself up to it. Hand holding becomes kisses on the hand. Kisses on the hand becomes kisses in the cheek. And one day, just after lunch at Corvo Bianco, Jaskier kisses him on the cheek, but remains close.
Geralt lets him, waiting and watching, until Jaskier presses a peck to his lips too. And then another one. And then before dinner, the dams are broken, and the peck turns into a kiss, a proper, lingering, earth shattering kiss.
And Geralt, the absolute ass, is murmuring against Jaskier’s lips, even as he is pressing Jaskier against the table, even as they are smiling and kisses, he says
“Have you been experimenting with the subject of your affection?”
“It seems that I am.”
“Some would deem that unwise.” Geralt says, kissing jask again. “What is your conclusion?”
It is a question in jest, he knows, but Jaskier studies Geralt’s face, holds his face with both hands as they become serious.
“That I love you.”
Which … has been a terrifying thought. Up til now, it has been the most frightening thing to carry.
But now? Now they are in each other’s arms, now they are on equal footing. Now it means the same thing for them both.
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starsarefire824 · 1 year
Heyy!! First of all, I'm sorry for the hate you were getting because of your fic.
Speaking of it, I'm planning to start reading it today. I hadn't read it yet because I was a little reluctant because I see Mike and Max almost like brother and sister so for me to see they as romantic is a big change. However, I'm familiar with your writing and I know you can do a really good job with these characters and contextualizing them into the plot. And of course, I'm am already aware of the fact that there is a romantic dynamic between them at some point.
My ask for you is: how would you explain your fic like in general, as if someone asked you "tell me about this fic", not only the first chapter as you would do as a sinopses but the entire fic? without spoilers of course lol
Again, I'm sorry for the hate you were getting for this fic, liking it or not that doesn't give people the write to harass writers.
Hey there!
It's no worries at this point. I am feeling much more positive about everything. I just have this fear of being labeled or like excommunicated from the byler community because I've written something that doesn't agree with everyone. I love byler, but I also, after being in fandomsfor a long time, like to explore some differing dynamics or throw byler into different scenarios and see where they end up! It makes it more fun when there are long lulls of news and the new season is still so far off. And Madwheeler, even platonically, have been so neglected in canon.
That being said, I'm so excited you might entertain reading! Some people who have been into madwheeler in a strictly platonic sense have decided to keep reading and others have not, and that's okay! But also, others who didn't really see the dynamic being for them at all in the beginning, are now the biggest voices in the comments rooting for Max and Mike haha! So I guess it's all very personal, and I guess I would suggest reading up through chapter 6 or 7, which is where things change from strictly platonic in nature to flirting with the line of sexual attraction and see how you feel? I think if you don't like it by that chapter, then it might not be for you, and if you are still enjoying it, then I say go ahead and continue on reading! Also, the story has some major byler and elumax vibes with some Will and Lucas centric chapters, as well some great interactions with Max and El, Luca and Will, and Dustin and the gang.
As far as as general explanation? Here goes nothin' 😅: It starts off with Max and Mike unanimously voted out of The Party , and we are not privy of what has transpired to make that happen until a little later in the story. I won't say what happens specifically because it's a spoiler, but things are sort of revealed on a non-linear time line. I specifically wrote this fic to explore some poly dynamics between the party as well as explore Max and Mike both as bisexual characters who kind of help each other figure out who they are and what they want. I'm using Max and Mike as holding up mirrors for each other and forcing themselves to look. I was also intrigued by a Twin Flame dynamic: A twin flame isn't necessarily a romantic relationship or "the one" — but they will always change your life.
"Your twin flame doesn't even have to be someone you fall in love with (although it often is). This kind of high-level, soul-based connection isn’t about romance. It’s about spiritual growth. You meet them and your life just completely changes. You start seeing the world differently."
And in doing that, in finding each other and forcing each other to face things about themselves that they were trying to ignore, it leads to healing, and they try to help each other heal their relationships with Lucas and El for Max and Will for Mike. Dustin serves as the steady glue holding them all together in their turmoil.
The story is an exploration of sexual repression, specifically regarding Mike, as well as how trauma can have ripple effect on behavior long after it's stopped. Max deals with lost time and how her body has been changed after her coma, and Mike deals with panic disorder.
And in the end, it's really just about an unexpected connection between two people who never wanted to be together in the first place and find that they aren't very different after all. It's got a lot of messy, rash teenager's decisions and the miscommunication/understanding trope is strong. And a lot of the feelings, if not the plot/characters, were based around a personal experience of mine from high school with my best friend.
I hope this helps! And I hope, lol, I've covered most of it.
A link for anyone who's interested.
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Love and Sexuality
A person’s expression of their sexual selves is affected by their physical, psychological, biological, emotional, social, erotic, or spiritual feelings and behaviors. Human sexuality is what drives how people feel, think, and behave. Furthermore, the circles of sexuality explain how sexuality is involved in every aspect of humans. For instance, sensuality, one of the circles of sexuality, defines our level of awareness, acceptance, and enjoyment of our bodies and others as well. This includes body image, aural or visual stimuli, fantasies, sexual response cycle, and skin hunger. Sexual identity, such as biological gender, gender identity, gender role, and sexual orientation, encompasses being as well. Sexualization is also a part of sexuality. How we flirt, withhold sex, and view or create messages or images. This may involve sexual harassment, rape, and taboos such as incest. Our attitudes towards our sexual health and reproduction and the consequences of sexual activity are also defined by sexuality. This involves sexual behavior, thoughts on contraception and abortion, sexually transmitted infections, etc. Another part of our being is how we see intimacy. Requiring closeness with another person and how we express ourselves is defined by sexuality. Intimate moments include trust, caring, sharing, loving or liking, risk-taking, and vulnerability. An individual, families, cultures, religion, laws, professions, institutions, and science and politics can influence these aspects means sexuality conditions the brain and body to be pleasure-seeking.
How can we relate love and sexuality? The simplest way to relate the two subjects is sexuality, which dictates whom a person is attracted to romantically or sexually. Romantic attraction defines how a person expresses love. For example, heterosexuality is what typically has feelings of romantic and sexual attraction towards the opposite gender. Another is multisexual, in which people are attracted to more than one gender. Bisexuality (feeling attraction toward their gender and other genders) and omnisexuality (attraction to all gender identities and sexual orientations) fall under this term. The quote “Love conquers all” may be misleading because it takes more than love to maintain a relationship. This explains why some couples split up despite having strong feelings for each other. As Jane Austen said, “To love is to burn, to be on fire.” Fires may be put out intentionally and can be put out by external factors. Nothing burns for a lifetime, but a flame can be lit again. Although romance may last for a lifetime, love can grow apart for reasons such as not being emotionally safe or lack of passion or intimacy. Having a solid connection, if not lifelong, is what many of us aspire to have. Keeping a significant other by your side throughout our bumpy journey in life, passing by countless ups and downs, is indeed challenging. Although romantic love can be related to sexual attraction, it is a different form of love, different from needs driven by sexual desire or lust. Sex, on the other hand, is not necessary. However, it can be a vital part of having a healthy and fulfilling relationship. This aspect depends on the understanding and agreement of partners towards their sex life. Not only does sex improve the relationship with your partner, but it can also improve our overall well-being. As mentioned in the first paragraph, intimacy and affection are often linked to sex. Therefore, couples who feel more affection are most likely to engage in more frequent sex. Intimacy can also be built outside of sex with activities such as spending time, holding hands, and even just doing activities together that couples both enjoy.
The contemporary world and love affect relationships and define the role of love and intimacy in contemporary society. Relationships can be impacted by social media and other innovations, which can be both an opportunity and a challenge. The research concludes that romantic love still plays a highly significant role in structuring society. Love is universal, but it is culturally specific and changed over time. As society evolves and trends rise, relationships are now handled differently. Love is considered fancy nowadays as love revolves around Instagram pictures and Facebook stories. Based on observation, the natural face of a relationship is hidden due to how the pictures we post filter the authenticity of love. Love was once expressed through written letters, but now it has taken a turn and can be shown in multiple ways, such as making videos, sending a long message through chat, etc. The internet has posed love and social media against each other, stating that love before is better than love in the contemporary world. Virtuality is convenient for couples, such as online movie dates. Social media does not always threaten love; it can also strengthen it. However, classic love stories are different from the love stories we hear and see today. This year has exposed the downfall of many relationships, such as Jason Hernandez and Moira Dela Torre, Tom Rodriguez, Carla Abellana, and many more. Most of the issues that break off relationships now are due to betrayal, such as cheating. This act of betrayal can be more convenient and easily hidden, as well, using social media. People are more exposed to other people, even in the comfort of their own homes. They do not have to go out and meet other people. One can betray by simply opening their accounts. Cheating is often mistaken as a mistake, but cheating is a choice.
Love and sex are slowly being erased as taboo in modern society. Society is slowly understanding that love and sex needs can be fulfilled in multiple ways. One can have sex without being in love, and the other should be in love to have sex. People have different experiences, preferences, expressions, and orientations in terms of love and sexuality. Modern society must acknowledge the differences between sexual orientations, gender identities, and expressions. Understanding these concepts comes with respect as the world slowly shifts to being more open to these ideas.
Karandashev, V. (2015). A Cultural Perspective on Romantic Love. Online Readings in Psychology and
Culture, 5(4). https://doi.org/10.9707/2307-0919.1135 
Love and sex (n.d.). Psychology Today. Retrieved July 20, 2022, from https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/relationships/love-and-sex#:~:text=Sexual%20connection%20is%20a%20vital,and%20pleases%20someone%20they%20love. 
Panwar, G. (n.d.). Modern Relationships and Their Meaningless Trends. Retrieved July 20, 2022, from https://thriveglobal.com/stories/modern-relationships-and-their-meaningless-trends/ 
Salas, J. (2020). The Evolution of Love: The Meaning of Romantic Love in Contemporary Society. Linfield University. https://digitalcommons.linfield.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1012&context=soanstud_theses 
Stritof, S. (2022, July 15). How Important Is Sex in a Relationship? Very Well Mind. Retrieved from https://www.verywellmind.com/why-should-you-have-sex-more-often-2300937#:~:text=12-,Recap,immunity%2C%20and%20better%20cardiac%20health. 
Zambon, V. (2022, June 29). What are the different types of sexualities? Medical News Today. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/types-of-sexuality 
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moonlit-ocs · 2 years
OC Bio: DC’s Titans
Name: Carmen Kyle
Name Meaning: Carmen: The name Carmen is a girl's name of Spanish origin meaning "garden."
Nickname(s): Kitten, Darling,
Alias(es): Stray
Occupation: Cat Burglar (formerly/occasionally), Titan/Vigilante
Alignment: ESTP-A/Neutral Evil
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age/Birthday: May 22
Height: 5’5”
Hair Color/Type/Length: Black/Curly/Upper Back
Eye Color: Green
Body Markings: Various cat scratches
Family: Selina Kyle (Paternal Aunt), Titans
Love Interest(s): Dick Grayson
Birthplace: Gotham City
Languages: English, Spanish
Skills/Powers: Expert burglar, Skilled with a whip, other small gadgets, Gymnast, Hand-to-hand combatant, Quick reflexes, Utilizes cat claws, has been known to go off-brand and use guns without lethal intent, Charisma/Persuasion
Likes: thrifting, cats, graffiti, puns, playing “cat and mouse,” chocolate milk, night time, the moon and stars (when visible), grunge styles, shiny things, stealing from vigilantes, plot twists, gifts, flirting
Dislikes: most Gotham Rogues, getting caught, police, people who can’t take a joke, missing people, people, jealousy, cat scratches, when people don’t trust her
Catchphrase: “meow” (ironically), “i will fucking bite you” (unironically)
Backstory: Carmen Kyle was born to two drug addicts who wanted nothing to do with her, her father being the brother of Selina Kyle, who decided to take her niece in after her brother and his baby momma skipped town.
Carmen was brought up in Gotham City and soon noticed Aunt Selina’s antics, finding the Catwoman persona quite intriguing. She was determined to be just like her, and Selina felt that while it may not be conventional parenting, it sure did help her.
Stray was born on the streets of Gotham, learning the craft of various thievery styles and how to defend herself, but as the years went on, things got out of hand. Catwoman and Batman bumped into each other dozens of times, but that entailed that their protégés did, as well. Robin and Stray became best friends and enemies in mere moments, where this bond would serve a lifetime.
As the two grew older and Selina began easing up on her crimes for her new flame, she taught Carmen to do the same. It was no surprise that Stray and Robin had feelings for each other. Young love was a funny thing. Things teetered on and off for years until the Titans became a spoken idea. Stray had so many close calls and even began to feel guilt for her crimes, although it was fun to play cat and bird when she snagged anything. She decided to officially get her act together after Dick and Carmen made it official, and the two set off for San Diego.
Selina was so proud of her niece, but missed her all the same. And was worried for her because that reputation would follow her around with the rest of those heroes. And it did for a while, being accused every time something was out of place in the Tower. But eventually the team learned to trust her. The Titans became family to her, and she’d cherish the time with them as best as she could, but when Garth and Jericho died, things changed.
Dick and Carmen moved back to Gotham, staying together while trying to process their failures as heroes. Over the next few years, they could feel themselves drifting apart, and ultimately split by Dick’s own accord. In a moment—more like fit—of weakness, Carmen turned back to burglary to feel something again and kept her distance from her ex-boyfriend, which didn’t always work. But she tried.
That is, until he called her from Detroit.
Faceclaim: Ariela Barer
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I saw a post being reblogged earlier, another Hetalia writer was asking for people to share their ideas for polycules, where 3+ nations are in a relationship together.
I've seen some very good ficlets out there with other ships, but there's one throuple I've been fantasizing about for the past 6 hours now, that I think you need to consider.
Canada, Liechtenstein and Lithuania.
Hear me out under the cut, okay?
So it starts with Canada and Liechtenstein, the purest and sweetest pairing of Hetalian nations you could possibly come up with. It's sweet and sugary and everything you could possibly squeal at, and it seems like nothing could be wrong with the pairing. Although they are keeping their relationship a secret, Basch does already get along with Matthew, and Matthew's family adores Erika, so no problems there.
Except there is a problem. Both of them feel like their relationship is incomplete.
For Erika, it feels sometimes as if Matthew is too young and naive for her. He's constantly being dragged around on Alfred's shenanigans, leaving her alone on the sidelines to watch as she doesn't fit into their plans. Add on the fact that there's a fucking ocean between their lands, and Erika sometimes has that separation anxiety. Perhaps if she had someone a bit older, with the maturity and wisdom of longer existence and experience, to keep her company when Matthew can't.
For Matthew, it's a case of him being a bisexual and also being a bit of a whore. He has many former male flames across the world, particularly in western Europe, and initially gave up that passionate gay sex to be monogamous and straight with Erika. While they have experimented in the bedroom, Matthew still has that longing to be railed by a gorgeous man once in a while. Erika's very sweet and innocent, but Matthew would also love a bit of spice, if you know what I mean.
Luckily they choose to talk through these issues, and come up with an interesting solution. They should find a third partner for this relationship, who can give each of them what they feel is missing. They are already happy together, but that third partner would make them even happier.
Also luckily, they have the perfect avenue by which to search for perfect partners: let Mattie be a whore again! He can hit up a couple of his former flames, being all "Hey, wanna fuck around and find out if we catch actual feelings for each other this time?", while Erika can be the polite Germanic she is and invite the prospect on "business" coffee dates and lunches where she can slip in a bit of flirtatious charm.
They try a few different Europeans first, various levels of success before ultimate failure. A few weren't interested in more than fucking around with Matthew, others weren't quite vibing with Erika on the coffee dates, one or two nearly got to learn about the existing relationship before failing at the last moment.
I think Romano gets to be the only one who previously succeeded in earning an audition for the throuple. Although he and Matthew definitely worked well together, the vibe wasn't quite right with Erika, so Lovino gracefully walked away. He can still be a wingman for the lovebirds though, helping Matthew decide who to flirt with next. He's the only one who knows everything that's going on, everyone else just sees the casual flirting and Matthew's occasional heavy petting at the bar.
After a lack of success with some of the more outwardly passionate Europeans, they need to change their tactic. Erika addresses that she already adores Matthew for his gentle demeanour and his kind heart, he does not need to flaunt his strength or passion or courage all the time. Perhaps they should focus on finding someone more similar to Matthew among the Europeans.
And that's where we finally get to Lithuania. There's a lovely ficlet out there that describes a time where Lithuania topped Canada, that Tolys saw quite a bit of himself in Matthew's personality and that's how they were able to jive. Tolys is polite and kind, but has that history of fighting for his life and making Eastern Europe bow at his feet for a couple centuries.
At the same time, he also has a lot of baggage and unresolved tension with his various neighbours. The last three centuries have been rough on his heart and his soul, not to mention his lands and the decline of his power. He's been deeply hurt, and is still recovering from those wounds. He still fucks around occasionally, but has yet to trust his heart to anyone again. If anyone is to break through, it would need to be with gentle kindness, compassion and patience.
So it starts with Matthew recruiting Lovino's assistance to make sure Alfred invites Tolys to the bar more often, to hang with their extended group of nation-friends. Tolys gets the chance to open up a bit more around the others, but there are also moments where he and Matthew get to banter and slip in a little flirting. Even though the alcohol definitely helps, they do start meeting at other places in the evenings where staying sober is just as enjoyable.
Meanwhile, Erika starts approaching Tolys and talking to him during the recesses at meetings, first to discuss the current news then to addressing other things they could work on together. Eventually this turns into several coffee dates and lunches, where business takes a backseat and they get to know each other much better.
After a couple weeks, Tolys is already starting to feel great about waking up each day, and notices he is greatly enjoying talking to Erika during the days and Matthew in the evenings. He's in such a good mood that even Belarus notices it, cornering him and asking him what the fuck gives him the right to be so happy. Tolys is surprised to find himself confessing to Natalya that he genuinely hasn't thought of her at all these last two weeks, despite having spent the last three centuries trying to win her love.
Other nations start noticing that Tolys is acting differently. Some think it's his interactions with Matthew, others think it's Erika (Basch starts watching him suspiciously over this one). It's when Ukraine approaches Tolys and coddles him over the cause of his happiness that he realizes what's going on.
"I can't believe you have both Matthew and Erika flirting with you! They are both such good matches for you, I'm almost jealous that you have your choice of the two of them! I'm very pleased to see you so happy and in love <3<3!"
Katya's words make Tolys spiral into a panic as he realizes what he's been blind to. Matthew's been flirting with him, and he likes it. Erika has also been flirting with him, and he likes that too. He might be falling for two people at the same time! Is he really falling in love, and which one of them if so???
Either he ends up drinking at the bar to calm his puzzled mind, or he huddles up in his hotel room and skips on meeting the NA twins at the bar. Either way, Matthew does end up with him in that hotel room, and their feelings lead the way to a passionate fuck. The whole time, Tolys is struggling to control his emotions, is this love or lust? Is having Matthew in his bed the way it should be, or is he betraying his feelings for Erika?
After they've settled again and are cuddling naked in bed, Matthew points out that Tolys is troubled, and asks if anything is wrong. Tolys finally confesses that he is falling for both Matthew and Erika, and can't figure out if what they just did should've even happened. Matthew responds with a suggestion that catches Tolys completely off-guard.
"What if you didn't have to choose? You can easily have both of us, you know."
Matthew finally tells Tolys everything about his existing relationship with Erika, and about their desire to find a third partner for the relationship. He reveals that Tolys as proven to be the best candidate yet, and that they both really want him to join them. This leaves Tolys flabbergasted, not only are Matthew and Erika already together, but they both want him to join the relationship???
While Tolys needs a moment to process this, Matthew calls Erika on the phone and tells her to come up to the room. When she arrives, she has her chance to talk to Tolys, and confirms everything Matthew told him about wanting him in their relationship. Tolys agrees to give it a try, and the three spend the night together in that bed.
The next day at the meetings, everyone notices Tolys walking in with not-quite-hidden hickies on his neck and a big dopey grin on his face. While everyone else mutters to each other "Who did he fuck last night?", it's Ukraine who openly asks Tolys for everyone to hear "Oh my god, which one?!?!!"
This is promptly followed by Poland asking Ukraine, "Wait, what do you mean, which one?"
Ukraine tells Poland that both Canada and Liechtenstein had been flirting with Lithuania the other day. This is overhead by everyone, including Switzerland who immediately puts two and two together and glares at Lithuania.
Of course France intervenes at this exact moment, calling out that Matthew has matching hickies on his neck, so it must have been him.
A bunch of chaos in the meeting room as the beans are spilled and everyone learns about the throuple. Lovino speaks out in their defense, while Erika is more than happy to stand up to Russia and tell him to back away from both her boyfriends. Ultimately, everyone lets the throuple be, and they prove to be very happy together.
(There are smutty headcannons that I could add on here, but I've never done smutty stuff on this blog, and this is not where I'm starting it. Long story short, Tolys has to build trust with Matthew before he's the one to get railed, although Erika is there to help them through it.)
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kadeu · 3 years
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Accepted — Wainwright Rook
♣     Rook Wainwright aka Hyena looks like Colson Baker (musician/actor) ♣     He was born October 13th, 1966; making him 58 years old, but he appears 26 ♣     This Concubus is Bisexual and a King of Clubs ♣     He is a Tavern Owner and Resistance Informant
tw: child abandonment
 “I’ll keep a razor in my wraps to slit your throat at the gates.”
 Rook Wainwright was doomed to be a menace from the start. Memories not eroded by drugs or head trauma of his childhood are few and far between, but what he remembers in fleeting moments is the cold, the ache in his stomach as he struggled to keep himself fed, both on meager scraps of bread and small amounts of water, and the emotional stimuli of the world around him, drawn to anger and misery like a moth to a brilliant flame for his own survival. An orphan with no awareness of his true lineage, Rook knew only that one of his parents had been a concubus- and that if they had once lived in the slums of Club, they had long since left it, and him, behind. Little more than a child, Rook had no awareness of the concepts he’d fallen victim to, homelessness, abandonment- He knew only that he wanted to- no, needed to survive, and so, he fought tooth and nail to do just that.
 Club was unkind to him, brutal and lawless, but he found his comfort in a few kinder hands and hearts, a warm meal here and there, a mend on his dirty sweater or a hand me down coat to fight off the biting cold of the winter, and as he grew, he came to understand his position better- he was a one. Lowest of the lows, sooner to be spat on than offered a helping hand, but there were others, people who certainly looked just like him living lives a thousand times better. What made them different? Made them greater than Rook himself? What had they done to deserve their comfortable homes and three square meals? What had they done to sit in the warm glow of the taverns while Rook wasted away in the streets? He learned soon enough that they’d fought for those positions, tore their comfort from the teeth of their opposition, of their ‘greaters’- and had reaped the benefits. Now a teenager with a lithe, muscular frame, the young concubus was no whelp, and with nothing but a miserable excuse of a life to lose, he threw his hat into the ring of Club’s constant power struggles, practically gorging himself on anger and fear before each fight to grasp his single edge over those he faced: Head games.
 “The cuts won’t kill you, but hesitation just might. Don’t let him get in your head.”
 Oh, how Rook loved watching his opponents squirm, every little emotion, their trepidation, their concern, their fear of losing their status to some young upstart made him bloodthirsty. From the first unlucky two he’d challenged to a fight, his method rarely changed: shake them to their core, break their focus. He’d taunt them, infuriate them into making a foolish mistake- the only mistake he needed to put them down. Weaponless and unable to afford one, he chose instead to hone his fists, torn fabric wrapped around shards of glass and rusted nails to make each swing a more deadly hazard, cutting his own hands to pieces in every clash, wrists slick with blood each time he placed a foot on the neck of his fallen opponent. Each promotion was that one step closer to no longer living with the shameful gaze of those who thought he was nothing, something he had now come to loathe.  By 18, Rook was a three of clubs, and had garnered the respect of those beneath him, somewhat renowned for his uncharacteristic kindness to his fellow lowrankers, it was his own bread that he broke now for the Ones struggling to get by, he held no ill will toward those he’d stepped on to climb up- it was the way life worked, after all, and those he left alive always had Rook’s respect. At least, most of them.
 “...A Scavenger, you know that’s what you are, right? Scrappy little fucker picking fights you can’t finish?”
 Rook’s promotion to a seven was unintentional, at least, as unintentional as the boy could manage. Now in his early twenties, Rook had comfortably settled at his position as a five, a dagger strapped to his hip and several tattoos marking his arms denoting his history and previous wins, the closest thing to a journal that the illiterate concubus could maintain to remember his experiences over the years. He’d liked the position, respected by the lowrankers and rarely bothered by the face cards, and most importantly, able to feed his newfound thirst for the emotion of lust, he likely would have held his position for the rest of his life, no hunger to climb higher than somewhere he felt comfortable, if not for the fact he had gotten brave and made a move on a pretty Seven at the tavern, satisfied to simply be rejected for acting out of his position, to feed on the disgust and shock at his mere implication he might be worthy- what he got instead: was stabbed.
 The young man’s lover had seen the exchange, and not particularly pleased at the implication he could be replaced by a five of all things, had drawn his weapon and immediately challenged Rook. With no opportunity to prepare, and largely untrained with his own dagger, Rook was staggered, forced into fighting with a wound and a much more capable foe, his saving grace was liquor, their fight moving into the street before his competitor staggered on the steps, falling back just enough that he could close the distance. It was the same young man he’d flirted with who’d pulled him off, and it was the barmaid who tended to his wound that he celebrated with that night. He was a highranker now, and once more, that voice in the back of his head reminded him that he was still, in the eyes of some, unworthy- a fly to swat, a waste of air and turin. The drive that he had been able to abandon for so long had roared back to life, he would be antagonized no longer, made to look weak by those around him never again. And so, he trained.
 “Fights like a man possessed, I tell you. Doesn’t even use a weapon half the time.”
 His further climbing of ranks was slow going, but brutal. Unlike those he fought to ascend to Seven, he left none he fought for his next position alive, ten bodies of his fellows falling at his feet. He’d known what they thought of him, his promotion a fluke, that his rank never would have changed, if he hadn’t been aided by the mead coursing through the other Club. he proved them wrong over and over again, and as his rank ticked to eight, then nine, then ten, each one hard fought and won with fists more often than his weapons, his body became a network of ink and scars, each mark a new chapter in the story he’d committed to his flesh. By the time he challenged the position of King, Rook had come to be known as “Hyena,” a scavenger with a taste for blood and a brutality not to be underestimated. Now in his late thirties, Rook had stopped aging, and reached his full potential as a concubus, he fed like a king on lust and desire, low ranks and high alike charmed into his bed, honeyed words and drugs shared on wicked tongues in the dark, anger and fear fueling him in the ring. He had long played smart, his position of Jack taken from the hands of the foolish, the Queen rank choked out of a human who simply couldn’t withstand the physical onslaught- But his opponent for the position of King would offer him no such ease, a Strongarm with a history as bloodied as Rook’s own standing between him and his goals.
 “Concede. Concede and we both walk out of here Kings. It’s a fair trade, Rook.”
 Rook eventually stood over the bloodied body of the other King, planting his foot on the back of his neck with a primal howl, bones sore and broken, armor chipped and busted, but alive, alive and victorious. He was a King, standing now in the upper echelon of face cards with wounds that would eventually heal to show for it. He had proven with no uncertainty that he was no whelp, no refuse of the streets, and for the twenty years that followed- he would hold that position with a brutal efficiency. Rarely challenged for his title, Rook eventually ‘retired’ from his desperate climb for the top- and from his mercenary for hire work for extra coin. He settled on opening a tavern and working on learning how to read, the time not spent cleaning the bar spent reading and writing, practicing skills he never gave himself the peace to embrace as he was growing up. Still addicted to anything he could chew, smoke or drink, Rook’s tavern soon became a well known hideaway for those less… upstanding than most, an uncomfortable kind of peace formed in the awareness that the King running the place would sooner kill a troublemaker than huck them out on their ass. It was through the Tavern he became privy to, and eventually joined the Resistance, an ear to the ground in High Rank circles and many low ones given his position and occupation, Rook is an information broker, collecting and trading information to those who know how to stay on his good side. His hatred of being looked down upon eventually becoming a lust for true anarchy, no loyalty to Club or anyone but himself, for that matter. In Rook’s mind, there are two kinds of people, those worthy of and willing to work for  their survival, and those who are better off crushed beneath the cogs of change.
In Recent Years
Rook has maintained his position as the owner of the Thronebreaker Tavern, so called for one of his early nicknames. He continues to pass information between members of the resistance and operates within High Rank circles only to gather intel, otherwise preferring to be left to his life of excess. Infrequently called to defend his position as a King, Rook has no interest in becoming the Ace of Clubs, and is satisfied to hold his place under a fellow member of the resistance, but he maintains his training regime, and is well known for his brutal removal of those who break the peace of his tavern for anything other than a fight for rank. His addiction to Chrono when he was younger has caused damage to his mind, making him quick to anger and difficult to predict in recent years, and while no longer using it specifically, he still partakes in most other drugs, usually while running the Tavern itself. His taste for anarchy continues to grow, and he’s reveled in the recent attacks performed by those in the resistance, the fear and uncertainty more than enough to sustain him and the general promise of more to come exciting to the concubus.
Rook has never had any love for the rank system, he climbed it simply because he had to, used it to get where he wanted to be, and treats those around him with that thought process in mind, the gangs and ranks mean nothing to him, a Spade One is as respected as a Heart Ace in his eyes, so long as they respect him in return. Those who are unfamiliar with his past find him generally polite and jovial, a bartender with hundreds of stories and a proclivity for offering drinks on the house if the patron’s got a story to share in return, an imposing man with a heart of gold, at least on the surface. Those with a familiarity with Rook know that his kindness is as much of a play for power as his climb toward King was, that he’s a cunning, calculated sort who never acts without thinking twelve steps ahead, and that telling him too much could get you in the sights of someone you don’t want looking in on you. While often calm and measured, Rook is not above his anger, and often allows it to overtake him with little warning, though if this is because of his drug addictions or his history is up for debate.
  A horrendous flirt with a winning smile and a silver tongue, Rook’s truest vice is in the sins of the flesh, willing to trade more than a few things for a rendezvous in his bedroom, he isn’t picky about who he throws his chips in with, a behavior that’s gotten him in trouble before, and earned him an even more distasteful gaze than even his species has. Despite this, he’s warm and inviting, and keeps his friends close, loyal to the death to those willing to risk a friendship with the Hyena.
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ciggylungz · 4 years
Summer Bummer
y/n x harry pairing
summary- y/n and Harry are part of a cast of a reality show called ‘summer bummer’ that’s a uk version of the jersey shore and things are chaotic
(hoping if it’s received well it can become a series, tbh I’ve been rewatching jersey shore and I stan snooki and pauly’s friendship)
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  The first thing that Y/n was hit with when she walked into the large mansion was booze, a giant whiff of it as she entered the doors trying not to react too much since the cameras were already following her around and she didn’t want to risk any horrid screenshots on twitter when the episode aired.
“woah, swear I could get wasted just smelling this place…” she giggled to herself as she made her way to the kitchen where she heard people who she assumed were her new roommates chatting.
“Oi! Hey love! Welcome.” The first person to welcome her was a tall tanned guy with a pretty strong posh-ish accent, big muscles and obvious over grooming, he seemed a bit full of himself just by how he looked. Y/n internally laughed as the guy hugged her calling him a ‘wanker’ in her brain.
“Hi! I’m Y/n, what’s your name?”
“Tommy, here I’ll take your bags. Take a load off sweetheart, everyone’s cool don’t look so nervous.”
Y/n was in physical pain from how badly she wanted to roll her eyes at this kids cocky and terribly flirty aggression, he wasn’t her type at-fucking-all. He looked like a guy who would cat call her when she’s out buying groceries, a hard pass on that one.
But- she managed to hold back and focus her energy on the other people all mingling in the kitchen. She counted 7, seemed like 4 girls- herself included- and 3 guys which means there was one person left to show up since she was told by producers ahead of time there were 8 cast members in total.
She introduced herself to her fellow cast mates who she learned were named Mandy, Kaitlyn, Selena, Ryan, Casey and of course the dreaded Tommy who was now looming over her again, topping off her basically full cup of vodka and red bull without asking her, and giving her a wink that made her want to vomit from cringing so hard.
Finally, the door opened again revealing the final person, who had all eyes on him as he closed the door behind him and set his luggage down, giving everyone a smile and making his way over.
Y/n let herself slyly size the man up. He looked to be about 22, long hair with a nice body to it with some curls, green eyes, dimples- he was cute. Plus he was at least a foot taller than her which was always a plus, she has always had a thing for tall guys.
The man greeted everyone, introducing himself as ‘Harry’ and Y/n smiled as he ducked down to hug her and politely kiss her on the cheek as he greeted her, asking for her name making polite conversation with everyone while they tried their best to ignore the-what seemed to be- millions of cameras surrounding them. The crew had left the house for the time being but the house was covered in cameras in pretty much every corner, on every wall- even outside.
It was a bit unnerving to the girl, she wasn’t used to being on camera and she was a bit worried about if she looked alright. She was one of the youngest in the house, freshly 19- a year over legal drinking age in England and when she saw the ad for casting of a summer reality show, she thought ‘fuck it, im young and hot and I wanna get wasted. If someone wants to pay me to do it, all the better!’ and she took the risk, auditioning and thankfully getting her spot on the new show.
 It was around 8 in the evening when everyone sat down for their first dinner together, opting to make a simple meal of pasta and some nice finger foods as well since they were going out to a club tonight and the last thing she wanted was to get sloppy drunk her first night and puke all over herself in front of her new roommates. She wanted to at least have a chance to make a good impression.
They all seemed to get along great, besides Tommy who was still creeping on Y/n trying to flirt and being a total tool even when she was just trying to enjoy her dinner, making conversation with everyone. She of course gave him nothing in return making it pretty obvious she wasn’t interested and seeing as this kid was such a cocky little bastard he seemed to get butthurt over her cold shoulder. He was used to getting any girl he wanted back home, since ‘apparently there they have no taste or standards’ is what she thought to herself as she finished off her food and helped the rest of the group wash up the dishes leaving the pouting man child to sulk at the table while everyone else ignored him.
 “alright guys, I think we should all chill for a while then start getting ready to go to Headliners and we should leave at like 12 since clubs usually busiest from 1-5am and I’m not trying to have a lame night. Sound like a plan?” Selena cupped her hands around her mouth as she spoke to everyone making sure they all could hear her, getting approval from everyone before smiling and making her way to her room.
 Y/n was sitting on her bedroom floor using the full-length mirror to do her hair and makeup as she sat in her robe, her dress and heels already picked out and laid on her twin sized bed. All the girls were chatting among themselves as they groomed themselves and glammed themselves up. They were fucking hot and they knew it, making sure to highlight their beauty with the clothes that would probably burst into flames if they were worn in a church and heels as high as they could handle.
The girls went into a frenzy rushing around when they heard Ryan yell up the stairs that they were leaving in 30 minutes, all of them scrambling to get the skin tight dresses onto their bodies making sure they sprayed themselves with some deodorant and perfume since they fully planned to fool around tonight and BO from dancing your ass off in a club isn’t exactly an aphrodisiac.
All of the guys heads turned towards the stairs as the girls rushed down them, their heels loud on the wooden steps making it sound like a heard of elephants was rushing through the house but they didn’t care.
“Christ��look fucking good girls.” Casey smiled at them as he looked each one from head to toe, licking over his lips a bit as he took them in. They looked like sin personified and what’s better than that?
“Right?” Selena laughed and turned towards Y/n and Kait “Kait looks fucking hot and Y/n looks so fucking good I’m questioning if I’m bisexual now” Selena was their hype woman, even on the first day of meeting she was ready with a mouthful of compliment word vomit to spew into their ears.
Everyone laughed at her comment, Y/n smiling and smacking her roomates ass as she walked towards the door , “Sel, if I don’t find a cute guy tonight you can bring me home instead” Y/n giggled a bit as she watched all the guys eyes blow up wide at the comment, getting a few ‘can I watch’ comments from some of them which just got them an eye roll and groan from the girls.
Everyone piled into the cabs that were waiting for them, all excited and already a little buzzed from the pre-gaming they did before and during dinner anxious to get to the club, all of them just wanting to dance and enjoy their first night of summer. And of course, get absolutely trashed,
And so the team of young adults did just that. They made a b-line to the bar as soon as they got let in all taking a round of shots together before moving to the dance floor sipping the cups of liquor they held in their hands as they grinded and danced on whoever was near them.
Y/n was pretty wasted as she stumbled towards her group of roommates again, making a grossed out noise when she saw Kaitlyn kissing Tommy, hearing a laugh from next to her as she turned to see Harry. “poor girl, I guess being drunk does make people seem more attractive.” He commented while eyeing the younger girl getting a slight disgusted shiver from her as she thought about the guy. “he’s such a tool, I almost wanna stop her. He’s a total wanker, wouldn’t leave me alone and then pouted like a child when I wouldn’t flirt back at him. He’s got no chance, doesn’t matter how many of these I’ve had. I promise you that one.” She held her now empty cup in the air as she said it, giggling like crazy at her own words getting a lazy drunk smile from the man who joined her in the laughter.
He went to the bar with her to get both of them another refill on their drinks of choice, Y/n’s being a screwdriver and his being a rum and coke. They were both pretty wasted, but they were having fun and that’s what it was all about, plus she was almost chest to chest with the hottest guy she’s seen in a long time, in the middle of the club as they both are crammed into a corner trying to talk to each other a bit.
“Where you from love?” Harry asked her as he took another swig of his drink, looking down at the girl that he swears he’s torn between scooping her up like a baby and cuddling like a teddy bear and fucking her hard against the wall till she’s begging him to stop. She’s adorable, yet she’s just so goddamn sexy.
“Up in North London, how about you?”
“originally Holmes Chapel but live in Central London now.” He gave a smile to the girl and she returned it
“ahh London, maybe if I decide I like ya’ enough we can meet up after summer since we’re not too far from each other.” She offered with a playful poke to his stomach getting a smirk in return as he leaned down a bit to be a little closer to the girls face
“maybe we can, cmon wanna dance with me?” he held his hand out to the girl who took it, following him into the sea of people all grinding against each other to the blaring music, and Y/n wasted no time in doing the same.
Her back was to his chest as she danced on him, her heels putting her at perfect level for her ass to grind right on his crotch. They were like horny kids dirty dancing on each other, Y/n was having the fun she came here for and well, Harry was too.
When Y/n spun around in his arms she was pushed chest to chest with him by another couple who were dancing, nudging into her a bit seeing as the floor was packed with people. Harry of course took the opportunity to smoothly wrap his arm around her waist leaning down to look into her dilated pupils giving her a smirk that she gave right back to him before he leaned down to talk in her ear
“you got no idea how badly I wanna fuck your brains out right now darlin’, but I’m a gentlemen. Can’t do anything like that with a drunk girl, at least till I talk to the sober version about it first.” Harry talked in a deep voice right into her ear getting a shutter from her as her body tingled at the tone. When he pulled back he was met with a adorable pout on her pretty lips letting out a chuckle himself at her rather dramatic expression.
“that’s not fairrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you’re so hot! And you wanna fuck me but now you’re being a tease!” she gave him her best puppy dog eyes but he just shook his head with a smile tugging on his lips, he was firm on his rule. He never wanted to hurt a girl, well unless they liked it but right now Y/n was in no state to truly decide that. Her body was swaying from how wasted she was, and he could tell by the slow speech she wouldn’t pass a basic sobriety test let alone be able to fully consent to having sex with him.
“Not tonight, maybe next time sweetheart.”
“Can we at least kiss? Snuggle?” she tugged on the collar of his shirt a little giving him her best pouty face and he couldn’t help but smile down at her giving her a nod.
“I’ll go for snuggles and kisses, but that’s all for tonight little girl.” He pointed his finger in her face jokingly scolding her getting a gentle bite on the tip of that finger before she pulled him down to kiss her.
It was 25 past 4 in the morning when the group of housemates stumbled their way out of the club, all completely wasted and some even having a plus one this cab ride, and Harry didn’t mind one bit as Y/n held onto him like a little lost puppy keeping a hold on his shirt sleeve the entire way home stealing kisses from him every so often.
“I’m taking the extra room tonight guys, me and my girl need some privacy.” Casey managed to slur out as the random girl-who was equally as wasted as him- tugged him towards the extra bedroom with the only full sized bed in it. Everyone besides Harry was completely fine hooking up with randoms while completely wasted, but he didn’t wanna do that to Y/n and he knew it would be wrong of him when she’s a bit drunker than he is. She was a smiley mess as she held onto the wall for support looking back at Harry who kept his hand on her lower back to keep her from falling.
“Both my roommates are getting dick right now and yours is in the guest room, and what am I getting? No penis, not even a little bit! How rude mister Harry!” she put her hands on her hips and he laughed
“ ‘m sorry, can’t offer my services up when you couldn’t even remember how to spell your own name back in the taxi love. I promised snuggles and kisses as a compromise though, did I not?” he tilted his head a bit and looked down at her raising an eyebrow as he reminded her, which didn’t help her libido since first he called her ‘little girl’ and now he’s being all stern, the guy was killing her here!
“yea yea, both my roommates are in there though, who do you share a room with?”
“just Casey, so it’ll just be us in there its only a two bed one, Ryan and Tommy share the other one.”
“Yuck, I feel bad for whatever girl Tommy is about to bang. I can tell by his attitude he has a small dick and he finishes first. I bet he even has cooties!”
She was a babbling mess as he walked her down the hall to his room, sitting her on his twin bed that’s against the farthest wall right under the window.
“He probably does have cooties, here put these on I’m gonna go take a leak and change myself.”
The older man handed Y/n one of his shirts and a pair of his boxer before grabbing his own change of clothes, helping her tug her heels off before he left her to change while he relieved himself and got ready for bed himself.
When he came back she was putting her hair into a messy bun, mumbling to herself about how bad the knots are gonna be tomorrow.
“bed time, ironically the suns about to come up but lets pretend it’s still night time.” His voice was deep and slow from his sleepiness and the booze as he spoke, getting her to scoot over so she’s on the inside of the bed, back against the pillow he had leaning against the wall so she’s more comfortable and he slid in next to her laying on his side to give her the last few kisses of the night, nibbling on her bottom lip a bit before pulling away laying on his back letting her tuck herself into his side.
‘yea’- he thinks- ‘this summers gonna be fun’
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wickedthiswaycomes · 2 years
〔 tom maden, 28, cis man, he/him ) Nico Manning was seen listening to why’d you only call me when you’re high by arctic monkeys. Nico is an aspiring model and known to be optimistic & arrogant.
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general ;;
full name; nico manning
age; 28
birthday; december 3rd
zodiac; sagittarius
gender/pronouns; cis man, he/him
sexual/romantic preferences; bisexual, biromantic - poly but working on discovering that about himself
personality traits; optimistic, arrogant, go-with-the-flow, 
biography ;;
Nico’s parents were young when he came into the world and neither were fully prepared for the changes that a newborn would bring into their lives. Both of their families had tried to prepare them as best as they could, but they both believed that they were more than capable of doing things all on their own. They loved each other and they loved Nico, even if they weren’t entirely sure how to welcome a baby into their lives. Eventually, they welcomed the help that their families and friends offered. Raising Nico became the work of the entire support system and as such, he was doted upon by all of them. 
As he got older and his parents struggled to keep up with both him and their friends, trying to hold onto some semblance of what their lives had been like before, Nico began to spend more and more time with his grandparents. He liked that time, spent watching Golden Girls with his Grammy Manning and gardening with his Grampy. With his mop of dark curls and dimples in his easy smile, he was a child that knew how to charm. 
In high school, Nico began to get more attention from others-- giggling as he passed in the hallway, notes passed to him during study hall. He enjoyed the attention and he was quick to flirt with anyone that paid him that attention. He jumped from relationship to relationship, at times with an extremely minimal period between that he felt a little bad about. He kept going back to one person in particular, even though everyone around them knew that it wasn’t going to end well for either of them. And sure enough, when it did end, it ended in flames. Even years later. Nico lingers over that final display, the words shot at him instilled deep. 
When the rest of his friends were making plans for college, Nico decided he’d had enough of Huntsville. He started out for Toronto where he was scouted to model. Without a second thought, he jumped at the possibility, not even considering that it might not be legitimate. Luckily for Nico, it worked out for the best. On one of the sets, he met Alyona-- the perfect storm of being great for his career and being extremely attractive. The two dated for awhile, Nico more than content to follow Alyona’s lead on just about everything. When that eventually ended, Nico decided he’d had enough of bouncing around and decided to go back to Huntsville. He had every desire to still model, but he also wanted a little bit of downtime. 
headcanons ;;
Nico is convinced his only skill is being pretty. Ever since he was young and he realized what a smile or a smolder could do for him, he’s used that to his advantage. It doesn’t help that that was one of the final things told to him by his high school ex, that he would never be more than a pretty face. 
He flirts with anyone and everyone, in part because he’s found that it keeps most people at bay from actually trying to get to know him on a deeper, more intimate level. 
He has a pet Maine coon named Eevee. He might have a slight cat allergy but under no circumstances does that stop him.
wanted connections ;;
Exes - These could have been extremely casual from when he was he last in Huntsville or even a longer term relationship. 
Friends - Ranging from casual acquaintances to a confidante. 
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Hello! I wanted to ask, could you reccommend any fics with really innocent bottom Sherlock being nervous before his first time with John? And John of course being understanding and gentle with him. Thank you!
Hi Nonny!!
Check out my bottomlock recs, they’re 80% this request :) AND I’m using this opportunity to update that list, it’s been a couple years, LOL <3 Here’s some newer fics I’ve read!
See Also: 
Bottomlock Pt. 1 (April 2019)
Toplock (Mar 2020)
Erotic Beyond Belief by bloodsoakedleather (E, 748 w., 1 Ch. || Autofellatio, Masturbation, PWP, Anal Fingering, Shameless Smut, Establish Relationship) – John watches as Sherlock demonstrates a particular talent. Part 1 of Johnlock Porny Ficlets
My First, My Only, and My Forever by vintagelilacs (E, 6,220 w., 1 Ch. || Post-ASiB, Virgin Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock’s Bum, John’s Scar, Sherlock POV, Body Worship, Fingering, Bottomlock, Promise of Forever / Proposals, Misunderstanding, First Kiss/Time, Loss of Virginity, Virginity Kink, Seduction) – Sherlock narrowed his eyes. He was missing a vital piece of data, he was sure. John had been looking at him oddly ever since they left Buckingham Palace, and the ensuing incident with Irene Adler had only exacerbated his erratic behaviour. What was it? Why would he care that Sherlock was a virgin? There was nothing reminiscent of mockery or pity in his gaze. And then it hit him. John Watson was aroused.
An Interpretation of Viewing Habits by akitsuko (E, 6,653 w., 1 Ch. || Porn Watching, Masturbation, Anal, Friends to Lovers, First Kiss / Time, Declarations of Love, Jealous Sherlock, Fantasizing, John in Denial / Internalized Homophobia, Bottomlock, Pining Idiots, Sherlock Has No Boundaries, Cockblocking Sherlock) – John watches porn. It's a perfectly normal thing to do.If every video he watches happens to feature actors with remarkable physical similarities to his flatmate, well, that's no one's business but his own. Or: John is in denial, until his infatuation with Sherlock is impossible to deny anymore.
To be loved by Strange_johnlock (E, 12,436 w., 8 Ch. || Post S3, Established Relationship, First Person POV Sherlock, Pet Names, Soft Sherlock, Mild ADHD, Protective John, Captain Watson, Body Appreciation, Bottomlock, Rough Sex, Travelling for Holidays, Introspection, Sherlock Loves John So Much It Hurts) – John is so deeply integrated into the work, both as my conductor of light, and as a great shot with a vicious right hook who tackles men -and women- no matter their size all in my defense. He protects me with all he can without question, and this loyalty is surely more than I deserve. Or: Sherlock is counting his blessings.
Kintsugi by distantstarlight (E, 14,772 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Regret / Remorse, Loneliness, Separation, Drug Use, Healing, Protective John, Sad Sherlock, Dev. Rel., Complicated Relationships, Love, Angst With Happy Ending, Sherlock is Called Freak, John’s Penance, Voyeurism, Doctor/Caretaker John, Guilty John, Detox, Fingering, Love Confessions, Cuddling, Slight Non-Con Turns Enthusiastic Consent, Virgin Sherlock) – Sherlock Holmes becomes estranged from the man he had once considered his best friend after John lets him down horribly in public. It seems that the world's only consulting detective will be on his own once again...or will he?
The shape of the world around us by Salambo06 (E, 15,058 w., 5 Ch. || Lumberjack John / Botanist Sherlock, Different First Meeting, John Has a Beard, Light Case Fic, Flirting, First Kiss / Time, Masturbation, Love at First Sight, Horny Sherlock, John’s Bum, Bottomlock, Tenderness, Virgin Sherlock, Pining Sherlock, Shy Sherlock, Sexual Fantasies) – Looking through the bush, Sherlock felt his heartbeat quicken as a man passed in front of him. Sherlock frowned, trying to get a closer look despite the bush. The man was wearing a red plaid shirt rolled up to his elbows, and Sherlock couldn't take his eyes off the man’s arms. Muscular, slightly tanned with golden hairs along his forearms. For some unknown reason, Sherlock found himself imagining them around his waist, holding him tightly. Closing his eyes for the briefest second, Sherlock shook his head. Opening his eyes and looking back to where the man stood only a moment prior, he found himself alone. Great, now his only chance to find his way back to town was gone. “Why are you wearing a suit?”
The Invocation of Saint Margaret by Ewebie (E, 15,831 w., 1 Ch. || POV John,  Crossing Timelines, Light Angst, Fluff, Series 3 John / Series 1 Sherlock, The Matchbox, Mushy Romance, First Time, Bisexual John, Pining John, Bottomlock, Love Confessions, Sensuality, Emotional Love Making, Snippets of Time) – When Sherlock Holmes opens the matchbox from The Sign of Three and John finds himself years in the past, back to that first dinner at Angelo's with a much younger Sherlock Holmes. Is he dreaming?
A Silver Sixpence by _doodle (NC-17, 16,400 w., 2 Ch. || LJ Fic || For a Case / Case Fic, Fake Relationship, Humour, Romance, Marriage Proposal, Awkward Idiots, Cuddling, Touching, Kissing, Love Confessions, Bed Sharing, Friends to Lovers, Fake Until It’s Not, Schmoop and Fluff, Bottomlock) – “John, we need to get married. It’s for a case, not any romantic notions on my part pertaining to our partnership,” Sherlock said, with brutal honesty, and without even looking up.
Traitor's Gate by roane (E, 17,714 w., 6 Ch. || Post-TRF, Case Fic, Mystery, Bets and Wagers, Undercover for a Case, BAMF John, Scientist Sherlock, Teasing, Established Relationship, Military Base, Sexting/Texting, Military/Uniform Kink, Frottage, Dirty Sex, Anal, Bottomlock) – John and Sherlock go undercover at a top secret government lab to find out who is selling research. John is back in uniform and Sherlock is back in a laboratory, but they have to pose as strangers. Sherlock thinks he'll have an easy time of it, but John has his doubts. It's up to them to find out who is responsible for putting a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands, and try to keep their hands off each other at the same time.
Out of the Woods by SilentAuror (E, 20,471 w., 1 Ch. || Post S4, Romance, Slow Burn, Flirting, Drunk Sex, Practical Jokes, POV Sherlock, Bottomlock, Possessive John, Pining Sherlock, Frustrated Wanking, Frottage, Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, First Kiss/Time, Virgin Sherlock, Love Confessions, Soft Sherlock, Dancing, Bum Appreciation, Hanging out with the Yard) – Sherlock is fairly certain that John has taken to flirting with him of late, but can't be entirely certain of it. At least, not until a case takes them into a forest, along with Lestrade's team and something happens that will change everything about their lives...
Insanity in the Middle by DotyTakeThisDown (E, 28,010 w., 8 Ch. || Equestrian Sports AU || Alternate First Meeting, POV John, Pining John, Bottomlock, Clueless Sherlock, First Kiss/Time, Passionate Kisses, Hand Holding, Caught Making Out, Bed Sharing, Spooning, Blow Job) – John is a world-class eventing rider with a gold medal and several four-star wins to his credit, but he's never won at Rolex. Sherlock is an up-and-coming rider taking the sport by storm.
The Case of the Vanishing Pants by SwissMiss (E, 44,025 w., 6 Ch. || Five and Ones, Post-TRF, Case Fic, UST, Homophobia, Friends to Lovers, Pining John, Showering Together, Couple for a Case, Sherlock’s Bum, Fantasies, Jealous Sherlock) – Five times John and Sherlock lost their pants in the course of a case.
Anchor Point by trickybonmot (E, 49,856 w., 80 Ch. || Truman Show AU || Psychological Drama, Suspense, Slow Burn, Dark Characters / Fic, Alternating First/Third Person, Protective John, Anxious/Worried Sherlock, Tender Moments, Love Confessions, Hand/Blow Jobs, Cuddling, Jealous John, First Kiss/Time) – The world tunes in nightly for Sherlock, the ultimate in reality TV: Sherlock Holmes, a real person with a legendary name, unknowingly lives out his life in a staged setting contrived by his brother. Things get complicated when a retired army doctor joins the show to play the part of Sherlock's closest friend. This fic borrows its concept from the 1998 film, the Truman Show. However, you don't need to have any knowledge of the movie to enjoy this story.
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by SilentAuror (E, 50,635 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4/S4 Divergence, Case Fic, For a Case / Reverse Fake-Relationship, Conferences, Marriage Equality, Travelling / New York, Pride, Homophobia, Bottomlock, Marriage Proposal, John POV, Sexuality, Love Confessions, Emotional Love Making, Public Hand Jobs, Blow Jobs, Passionate Kissing, Needy/Clingy Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Touching / Hand Holding, Bed Sharing, Little Spoon Sherlock, Intense Orgasms) – John and Sherlock go to New York to attend a conference run by the National Defence of Traditional Marriage Coalition in order to investigate the potential bombing of the annual Manhattan Pride parade. As the conference unfolds, John finds himself repulsed by the toxic ideology being presented, which becomes relevent to his own unacknowledged issues and his friendship with Sherlock...
Perdition's Flames by i_ship_an_armada (E, 63,435 w., 21 Ch. || Treklock AU, Est. Rel, Genetic Engineering, Angst & Fluff, BAMF!John) – Sherlock would do anything to save him. Risk anything. Give anything. His money, his life. His soul. What he does, though, is change both of their destinies forever. Genetic re-engineering is the only option left. It turns out researchers underestimated the life expectancy and potential abilities of genetically re-engineered subjects. The British government and what would eventually become the United Federation of Planets, however, had not. Part 1 of PF Universe
Not Broken, Just Bent by Schmiezi (E, 87,585 w., 43 Ch. || Pining, Love Confessions, Rape/Sexual Assault, Torture, Hurt/Comfort, Heavy Angst, Villain!Mary, Suicidal Ideations, Main Character Death, Sherlock First Person POV, Parentlock, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Love Making, Possessiveness, Depression, PTSD, Kidnapping, Virgin Sherlock, Eventual Happy Ending) – "For a second, I allow myself to remember teaching John how to waltz. There is a special room in my mind palace for it. A big one, with a proper parquet dance floor. For a second, I go there. I remember holding him, closer than the World Dance Council asks for, excusing it with the fact that we are training for a wedding, not for a competition. For a second, I feel his hand on mine again, smell his sweat, hear the song we used. For a second, I allow myself to love him deeply. For a second, only a second, that love reflects on my face." Fix-it for S3, starting at the end of TSoT. Evil Mary.
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gay-otlc · 3 years
Jealousy: Sokeefitz oneshot
So... uh... I posted about the Sokeefitz oneshot I was writing a while ago? Well, now it’s finished. Unedited because I’m lazy.
Even as an Empath, jealousy was a difficult emotion for Keefe to describe. Maybe even more difficult than love. Love was easy to describe; the feeling of huddling around a campfire after nearly freezing, a laugh that you wish you could listen to forever, being unable to tear your eyes away from their smile because it's brighter and more beautiful than anything you've ever seen. Love was being in someone's arms and knowing you're safe, it was feeling like you're separated by inches when really you're oceans apart. It was the knowledge that, when you're with them, there's nowhere else you'd rather be.
Love was a feeling Keefe knew well. It was what felt like sunlight every time he sees their faces, and what the canvas showed every time he went to paint with them in mind. It's what kept him going through the days when Lord Cassius called him worthless and he agreed. More than anything, he wished it was what they felt in return.
And that's where jealousy came in.
Jealousy was fire, but not with the comfortable warmth love had. It was hotter than everblaze and just as unpleasant, ready to consume Keefe and burn him until nothing remained, just a pile of ashes that still wished for love he was never going to get. Beyond the concept of fire, Keefe had no words to describe jealousy, though it's a feeling he was well acquainted with. Keefe was no stranger to jealousy, and tonight, sipping lushberry juice at Fitz's Winnowing Gala and watching him twirl Sophie around as they talked and laughed too softly for Keefe to hear and looked utterly, beautifully, sickeningly in love, as they had been for at least the last hour, jealousy was especially prominent.
It was the only thing he could feel. Keefe wasn't even entirely convinced he was an elf anymore. Maybe he was just an entity consisting entirely of envy.
He'd been so happy when he received the invitation to Fitz's Winnowing Gala, so stupidly happy. He must have looked like a fool, holding that piece of paper like it contained all the secrets to the universe, like it was the most valuable thing he'd ever received. The moment was something he now looked back on with something between a smile and a grimace. A smile, because his sheer euphoria in that moment was nearly contagious, dancing around his room and nearly crying with joy because he was on Fitz's match list, he was on Fitz's match list, and because Fitz wanted him there, at the gala. Fitz was willing to consider choosing Keefe as a match, willing to consider spending the rest of his life with Keefe. It was a small chance, but more of a chance than he'd ever dreamed he might have, and that was enough to celebrate.
And of course, he cringed looking back on that happiness as well. Because he really did look like a fool. And besides, it was idiotic to think that chance really meant something, that a fleeting moment of hope, of maybe, could ever turn into something real. Of course it couldn't. Fitz loved Sophie, it was obvious from halfway across Everglen's massive ballroom, they were so in love.
Even being on Fitz's match list, being on a boy's match list, was more than Keefe ever thought he'd get. Same sex matches were only allowed recently, after Della came out and dumped Alden for Livvy, and her popularity throughout the Lost Cities convinced enough people to support this ridiculous notion that love is love. It was really incredible that Keefe's bisexual disaster of a self could even be matched with both boys and girls, and what was he thinking, hoping for more? Pushing his luck?
Stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Didn't he already know he was stupid, when it came to the belief that maybe, possibly, he could have a chance with someone he loved? When he thought maybe, maybe he might have a chance with Sophie, despite knowing she would never be interested in him? Not instead of Fitz, not in addition to Fitz, never. No matter how much he flirted, all the times he tried to impress her, everything he did to try to prove he was worth her time, it never worked. She would never feel the same way, with that warmth and sunlight and happiness he felt for her. Never.
Angrily, Keefe shoved a custard burst into his mouth, trying to be polite and nod along and smile as Biana stood to the side with him and talked about how happy she was with Marella. He tried to be happier for her, he did, but it was so hard. It was so hard to be happy with her love life when his own was such a disaster. As she talked, Keefe's eyes couldn't stop drifting over to Sophie and Fitz, who were still twirling slowly, orbiting each other, because they were the center of each other's universes and nothing else matter, not when they were so enamored, leaning in closer, and closer, and closer... he couldn't watch, but he couldn't not watch. It hurt to watch, but he couldn't tear his eyes away as Fitz gently tucked a strand of hair behind Sophie's ear, leaving his hand to cup her face...
"Keefe?" said Biana, concern in her tone. "Are you okay?"
Both of them. He was in love with both of them, so much it hurt.
"I need to get some fresh air," he choked out, turning around and rushing to the doors. Unable to resist sneaking one last glance towards Sophie and Fitz, he found them kissing, kissing each other and not him, and blinked back tears as he stepped outside. It was cold, enough for Keefe to distantly wish he'd brought a jacket. He barely noticed the frigid air, though, not when the flames of jealousy kept him nice and warm.
It was unclear how much time passed, as he leaned against the wall and wished things were different, hated that they weren't, and let jealousy wash over him every time he remembered Fitz and Sophie kissing. Which was often. A photographic memory was very annoying. Eventually, Keefe realized he was shivering and leaped back to his house. It fixed the cold. It didn't fix the jealousy. Nothing could. Eventually, he fell asleep, but even dreams couldn't get the image out of his head, even sleep couldn't extinguish the fire of jealousy that just burned and burned and burned.
The next day, he wanted nothing more than to lie in bed and wish Sophie loved him back, or Fitz loved him back, or ideally, both loved him back, but no. They still weren't interested, Keefe was still jealous, and he still had to go to Foxfire. After a morning of trying his best to avoid the new happy couple (couple, meaning two), they finally cornered him after lunch.
Keefe smiled, pretending he was okay, better than okay, he was happy, because they were happy. So incredibly, disgustingly, stupidly, painfully happy together. "Hey, guys," he said, keeping his voice as cheerful as physically possible. "Congratulations on finally making Fitzphie official. Or is it Sophitz? Who knows. Anyway, yeah. Congratulations." He took a deep breath as Sophie smiled, squeezing Fitz's hand. She was wearing her cognate ring. They were both wearing their cognate rings, and it practically looked like engagement rings. Or wedding rings. Keefe clenched his jaw, wondering how he would survive the next five minutes of having to endure this, let alone the rest of his life.
"You left really abruptly last night, I never got the chance to thank you for coming to my Winnowing Gala... you okay?" Fitz asked.
No, not really, he wanted to say, but Keefe forced himself to grit his teeth, swallow, and lie. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just wasn't feeling too well after all those custard bursts I ate." He laughed, but it sounded fake even to his own ears; tears stung his eyes and he fought them back. "I'm... I'm happy for you." As he said the words, his heart broke- no, it wasn't breaking. It was burning, being slowly destroyed by jealousy's flames. His heart burned and he forced himself to ignore the pain. Be happy for Sophie and Fitz, he ordered himself. They're happy, and if you really love them, you'll be happy that they're happy.
No matter what he told himself, it was impossible to really muster up that happiness, when his own heart was burning.
"Are you sure?" Sophie said, voice soft. "I may not be an Empath, but it's obvious you're really upset."
"No, I'm fine," Keefe argued, very badly.
With the hand that wasn't currently holding Sophie's, Fitz gently nudged Keefe. "Hey. If you want to talk about it, you can talk to us. We're your friends."
Friends. It was meant to be a good thing, Keefe knew, a reassurance, a word of support. Friends wasn't meant to be an insult. A taunt. That wasn't how Fitz meant it, and yet, it didn't take long for that to be all Keefe could hear, the word friends echoing over and over in a nearly mocking tone as jealousy brewed and bubbled beneath Keefe, burning in his chest and building like lava until he threatened to explode. Before Keefe could take the time to carefully construct a facade and plan his response, the walls around him collapsed and he did. He exploded.
"Exactly! Friends! You're my friends, you're both my friends, but that's the only thing we'll ever be. Neither of you will ever want to be anything other than my friend, but that's what I want more than anything. I'm so in love with you, both of you, but you're happy together and the only thing I am to you is a friend. I just..."  All the anger seeped out of him, leaving him with nothing more than a sort of resigned sadness. Nearly worse than jealousy. "...I'm sorry. I love you both, but you're in love with one another, and that's okay. It's okay. I'm... I'm happy for you." Keefe took a step back, then another, ready to run and hide and eat unholy amounts of ice cream and drown in jealousy. This was stupid. He was so stupid. All of this was stupid.
Sophie and Fitz, both of whom had been briefly still with shock at his outburst, came alive again. "Keefe, wait!" Sophie called, brushing her fingers against the edge of Keefe's cape as she reached out. Against his better judgement, he obliged.
"We definitely love each other," said Fitz, gesturing to himself and Sophie. Keefe clenched his teeth and nodded. "But... Sophie's not the only person I'm in love with. And I'm not the only person Sophie's in love with. Keefe, we were actually talking about it earlier, and wanted to ask if you'd be willing to form a sort of... triad with us."
Even as an Empath, Keefe couldn't quite find the words to describe the feeling rising in him right now. It was impossible to keep the smile off his face as he nodded and ran into a group hug.
Jealousy didn't completely go away, not quite. It sometimes made a faint reappearance, like when Sophie and Fitz danced or did their Cognate exercises, or when Keefe couldn't entirely shake the feeling that both Fitz and Sophie wished they were together without him. And even as an Empath, Keefe never did come up with any words beyond fire to describe jealousy, but due to its increasing rarity, that didn't seem necessary anymore.
The emotion he still felt he had to describe was love, but love was easy.
Love was the feeling of huddling around a campfire after nearly freezing, a laugh that you wish you could listen to forever, being unable to tear your eyes away from their smile because it was brighter and more beautiful than anything you've ever seen. Love was being in someone's arms and knowing you're safe, it was feeling like you're separated by inches when really you're oceans apart. It was the knowledge that, when you're with them, there's nowhere else you'd rather be. Love felt like sunlight every time he saw their faces, and what the canvas showed every time he went to paint with them in mind. It's what kept him going through the days when Lord Cassius calls him worthless and he agrees. More than anything, love is what Keefe is absolutely elated that they feel in return.
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daisydevorak · 3 years
1, 7, 17 :]
Thank you for the ask! 🥺
[Daisy x Julian]
1: What was their first impression of each other?
Daisy: At first she was extremely unsure of his motives and was very wary not to get too close to him, but still showed him kindness and patience, despite him being a potentially wanted criminal and murderer. After all, she knew next to nothing about him; only over-the-top rumours and the Countess' words. Even with all precautions, she was quick to be comfortable around him. He had this aura that was warm, welcoming and where she felt *loved* even tho she didn't knew she even had those feelings towards him.
Julian: He instantly noticed how she was kind and soft towards him even tho she was clearly wary of him; with reasons. He instantly fell in love with the way she showed him kindness, that *he* was worthy of receiving such feelings from someone else. He felt appreciated even if he didn't want to admit it and still preferred to try and keep her away, for her own sake. He cared already too much about her for his own sake.
7: What do they have in common?
Actually, they have quite a lot in common!
-Both are huge flirts until they're flirted back and then it's a big flustered mess.
-Their love language is both physical contact so you can expect hours and hours of cuddles and kisses.
-They both absolute-fucking-ly love it when the other plays in their hair. They just completely melts.
-They both are bisexual disasters
-They both are kinky asf
-They both share an undying love for animals; fluffy, feathered, scaly, name it they love it.
-They both enjoy a good laugh and hanging out with their friends after a long day/week of work (cuz let's be honest Julian won't fucking stop working GET A BREAK MAN AND SLEEEP)
And so much more, I can't list em all. XD
17: Describe or write a really fluffy scene!
Oof my writing is very rusty but I'll try my best. (Since I now have my fan baby and I have a super duper cute idea, I'll write down when she told him she was pregnant for the first time)
Daisy has been preparing the grand reveal for a few days now already, and she couldn't wait to see her lovers reaction. It's been a few weeks since she realised that she had all the symptoms of a pregnancy. Fortunately she's been able to control her morning sicknesses and was surprisingly able to hide her other symptoms in front of Julian so her surprise wouldn't be a failure.
The moment was finally arrived, as she heard his distinctive knock on the shop's front door. She opened it and greeted Julian gleefully with a warm embrace and a quick kiss on the corner of his lips. His eyes were heavy and it looked like he hasn't been taking care of himself much today; the usual.
"Come, I need your help with something in the kitchen, would you mind?"
He looked at her, slightly puzzled but didn't asked any further explications since it happens from time to time. She took his hand to guide him in the kitchen.
"Open the oven and tell me what's in it, please?"
He smiled a little at her, still confused. Julian looked in the oven, a small loaf of bread was in the middle rack of the oven, the flame salamander snoozing happily next to it.
"Hum, there's a little loaf of bread in it? What's um- what's that about?"
Of course he wouldn't figure it out right away, as clueless and oblivious as he is it wasn't a surprise. Daisy sighed softly
"What kind of bread is it?"
He looked back in the oven, still puzzled.
"Hum, its a.. It's a bun?"
She started to smile, small tears forming in the corner of her eyes.
"Yeeeees, and it's in the oven...?"
He frowned a little and looked back and forth between the bread and his lover. Little by little, a little light seemed to glow brighter and brighter behind his silvery eyes. As he started to understand the meaning of this little game, he whispered
"A.. A bun in the oven... There's a bun in the oven.."
He repeated this sentence over and over until it finally started to make sense for him. Julian's own eyes started to water as reality settled in.
"I-I'm going to be a daddy...?"
Tears of joy started to roll down on both their cheeks as they embraced each other. He's never been smiling that much, his cheeks were hurting but he couldn't care less; she was pregnant. She was bearing his *own child*, a dream he always had... And now it was reality... With the woman he loved more than anything. Julian couldn't be happier than this day and he still remembers it like it was yesterday.
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clovis-enthusiast · 4 years
Lotsa Clovis headcanons that you can pry from my cold dead hands
Keep in mind that these are just MY HEADCANONS! None of this is canon unless specifically stated! Feel free to agree or disagree. I juts rlly love my boy and his cabin and will gush about them for hours if given the chance.
Since there is a lot, I’ll put them under the cut so as not to clutter ur feed with my rambling! So uh click ‘keep reading’ to see me babble about my all time favorite character! Hope u enjoy if u read em and always feel free to send me a message about ur own headcanons! (I’m always thinking of more, so this post might be updated every once in awhile!)
He is very French. He was born in France and lived there for a short while before he and his mother (the reason I say mother instead of parent is because it was hinted at in canon that he has a mother. my go to name for her is Camille) moved to the US due to monster related problems. (He has a French last name. Something like Valois is my go to.)
French is his first language but because he moved to the US when he was quite young, he is very fluent in English. He often switches between the two languages when he’s EXTRA sleepy without noticing leading to a lot of confusion (and you can bet that he DEFINITELY swears in French because not many people at camp can understand him when he does. Those who do have a newfound respect and fear for him.)
He was initially a longtime member of the Hermes cabin even though pretty much everyone could guess who his godly parent was.
Was DEFINITELY a part of Luke’s army at one point due to the fact that he looked up to Luke as the older demigod had always treated him like a little brother, AND his godly brother Morpheus was also on Kronos’s side of the war. However, Clovis did not stay with them for long once things began to get bad and returned to Camp Half Blood with time. (Morpheus and Clovis now have a strained relationship.)
Best friends with Lou Ellen Blackstone of the Hecate cabin. They were both temporarily on Luke’s side of the war and were held with suspicion and distrust when they returned to camp, so they tended to stick by each other while the other campers warmed back up to them. Because of this, they are now very close and are always goofing around (much to the annoyance of the other head counselors aside from the Stolls, of course.)
Definitely had a thing for Nico di Angelo in the past. As the two boys are both the sons of underworld gods, Clovis had already felt a certain tug towards him. When he heard Nico’s story from the camp’s rumor mill (thank Lacy and Mitchell for that one) he became utterly infatuated. Over time, his curiosity turned more into a little crush which then became a BIG crush, but as neither Clovis nor Nico are really all that great with normal human interaction, the son of Hypnos’s flirting techniques sort of went unnoticed. That’s why Nico seems to be the only one being pulled into Clovis’s dreams at any given time despite Clovis being a ‘very strong dreamer.’ The truth is that Clovis has full control over who enters HIS dreamscapes. He tries desperately to impress Nico and help him out wherever he can, but when Nico eventually chooses Will to be his boyfriend, Clovis, though a bit sad that his first crush in a long time didn’t share the feelings, is VERY supportive. He loves to tease Nico about how hopelessly head-over-heels the broody teenager is over his sunshiney boyfriend. And if the two were ever to break up for whatever reason in the future? Well, Clovis is definitely still up for a shot.
Clovis and Nico are still VERY close. Clovis is one of the only people that Nico feels comfortable enough to be himself around and often confides in him whenever his negative thinking gets the best of him. Clovis also plays a big part in Nico regaining the memories of his past when he’s ready which he will forever be thankful for. The two obviously spend a lot of time together in dreams and greet one another in a warm fashion whenever they come across each other by chance at camp. This confuses literally everyone because literally no one has ever seen them interact before?? How are they friends?? 
Has HISTORY with Drew. No one is really sure what kind of history (it seems as if there was a little bit of memory erasure throughout the camp on the situation... hm...) but most people speculate that the two shared a romantic relation at one point in time. Turns out, they were NOT compatible, and the whole thing went up in flames. Drew still holds a huge grudge against Clovis who acts as though he could honestly care less. He still treats her politely though there have definitely been some not-so-subtle nasty looks cast across the campfire towards her direction before.
Also very close with Lacy and Mitchell from the Aphrodite cabin. Lacy feels terrible about Drew’s trash-talking and rumor-spreading and eventually works up the courage to say hi. They became fast friends, and Lacy definitely has a bit of a puppy-dog crush on him, but she is much too young for Clovis. He sees her as a little sister and allows her to put makeup on him, do his hair, and even tries on dresses and such just to make her smile. Mitchell, on the other hand, became friends with Clovis out of spite in all honesty and ended up liking the sleepy blond a lot more than he thought he would. He might have a teeeeeny tiiiiiny crush on him. Don’t tell Lacy.
Close with Pollux of the Dionysus cabin. Pollux sees a lot of Castor when he looks at Clovis which is a huge comfort to him. The two counselors have a lot of deep talks late at night, and Clovis always makes sure that Pollux is sleeping well without being haunted by nightmares. Dionysus would never admit it, but he is very thankful that someone cares that much about his only son.
Good friends with Rachel Elizabeth Dare surprisingly! He helps her out often, and the two like to sit and chat about mythology, artwork, and prophecies in the big house and at the campfire.
Has allies and friends in high places. Due to his powerful dreaming, he’s been to quite a few strange places and met quite a few strange people... or you could call them the gods, I guess. He knows a lot of the gods and goddesses from all kinds of mythologies (though obviously more of the Greek ones than anything) and they seem to like him well enough for some reason. (Probably because he’s one of the only demigods who doesn’t want to strangle them and doesn’t mind listening to them complain about petty godly things.) He often has little chats with them where he keeps them updated with the going ons of Camp Half Blood and they keep him updated about... godly drama. He kinda lives for it tbh. It’s part of the reason why he’s so informed about the gods.(Annabeth is maybe just the tiniest bit jealous.)
He’s a year round camper because it would be much too dangerous for him to go back to living with his mother. He stays in contact with her via dreams, letters, and Iris messages though!
MUCH more powerful than he lets on. He just doesn’t like conflict. 
One of his most frightening abilities is the ability to summon terrible creatures from people’s nightmares and use them to fight. He doesn’t like to do this as it can be very traumatizing for the people he uses it against, AND it’s not always a guarantee that the nightmare creatures will obey him.
His other more battle-ready powers are the ability to put an entire battle field into a deep slumber and memory alteration/erasure. He can use his memory alteration/erasure on monsters of weaker defenses AND demigods (though he feels much more comfortable using it on monsters.) He uses these powers to alter how monsters/enemies perceive demigods. Because of this, there are quite a few friendly hellhounds and scythian dracanae wandering about the camp. All of his powers are VERY draining and take a lot of concentration in order to work as intended. He will often sleep for days after a battle because of this.
He is also capable of fighting whilst asleep. In fact, his senses are heightened, and he tends to perform better this way. He also heals much faster while he is asleep. 
It is speculated that he will either grow wings from his head or his back, but it will not happen until he grows older. It’s a rare trait that few Hypnos kids (and Thanatos kids) develop, but due to Clovis’s power level, everyone is pretty much waiting for it to happen.
He can change his appearance at will in his dreams, but his aura is still the same, so he can still be identified pretty easily by people who know him personally. (As a side note, his eyes pretty much change color on their own to reflect the mood of the dreamscape he’s currently in. Gold, emerald, and violet are the most common colors. His true eye color is blue.)
Doesn’t really care about gender all that much. He has absolutely no problem with people referring to him using any pronouns (she/he/they) and is quite comfortable with himself in general. Many demigods who are questioning their gender comes to talk to him about it, and he’s always open to hearing them out and giving them advice.
VERY bisexual. Likes girls, guys, literally anyone who can keep him awake and interested for more than five seconds.
The unofficial official camp therapist.The role used to belong to Will Solace, but the truth is that the son of Apollo is much more comfortable dealing with physical ailments and problems he can fix medically than he is with dealing with feelings and mental ailments. Clovis is a very good listener despite the popular belief that he’s too busy nodding off to actually hold a conversation with properly and has a very calming aura that helps people feel safe enough to be vulnerable with him.
The go to babysitter of camp. Due to his Hypnos kid vibes, he is able to keep even the most rambunctious demigod and satyr children under control. His nap times are legendary. 
VERY big on respecting people’s privacy and boundaries. He tries his best not to enter any dreams uninvited, and he never talks about what goes on in people’s dreams ever. He also NEVER looks into people’s memories without their permission. He makes sure his siblings follow these guidelines strictly.
He literally lets anyone come into the Hypnos cabin at any time to get a good rest. The cabin has an open door policy.
New campers are often allowed to stay with the Hypnos cabin if they’d rather not face the chaos of the Hermes cabin.
Contrary to popular belief, his cabin is actually NOT the messiest cabin. The Hermes cabin wins that one though they’re followed closely by the Ares and Hephaestus cabins.
He and his siblings are some of the closest in the camp. They meet up and hang out in each other’s dreamscapes and have family nights. Clovis is the oldest AND is a head counselor, so he is very protective and responsible when it comes to his siblings.
Gives AMAZING massages. Leo and the entirety of the Hephaestus and Ares cabins are regular customers. Fight me. 
Actually a very good strategist when it comes to battles and such given that he’s awake enough to actually communicate his ideas. If you get them on your Capture the Team game, you’re already doing good. Annabeth and the Athena cabin love the competition, and they’re nearly unstoppable when they work together with him.
Clovis suffers from TERRIBLE narcolepsy, even for a son of Hypnos. It’s gotten him into a lot of bad and dangerous situations such as falling asleep mid battle, mid conversation, and even in the bath once when he was little. He has developed a fear of heights and water due to his condition.
Holds a lot of frustrations towards himself. Frustrated that he ever turned against the camp that offered him a home, frustrated that he couldn’t help Jason restore his memories, frustrated that couldn’t help more in the war against Gaea, just... frustrated. He tries to sleep off these negative moods because he doesn’t like to bring people down.
Absolutely not opposed to cuddling with people who are okay with it (he always asks first!) It’s a surefire way to get a good night’s rest since you’re so close to him, plus he’s very soft and warm!
Has a good singing voice, but just isn’t confident enough with it. He pushes through his insecurities to sing lullabies to those who really need them though. His lullabies are unmatched. 
Adores cats with all of his heart due to their lazy and relaxed nature, but he knows that he could never be able to care for one well enough. 
ALWAYS wears pajamas. Like all the time. Chiron has given up on enforcing the dress code. He also made sure to have custom made camp bracelets instead of necklaces to be sure that none of the Hypnos kids are choked/strangled by them if they happen to fall asleep in a bad place or position.
Lives in the past. Old movies, old music, old slang, you name it. I mean, he practically sleeps for the majority of his life, so it’s not all that surprising that he’s a bit behind the times. He thinks the modern age moves much too fast for him to keep up with.
The demigods of camp take turns making sure Clovis and his siblings are taking care of themselves. Walking them to the showers and dining pavilion, making sure they get a little sunlight each day, and the bare minimum of training.
He is the best boy.That is the only FACT that I do not accept criticism on. Thank you.
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stan-denbrough · 4 years
I’ve seen so many coming out videos of people telling their friends and family that their gay, and some of the people’s responses are “we know” or “we already guessed it” for the losers that you Hc as gay, how do you think their parents would react? I’m going to be honest I feel like Richies parents would somehow already know, but that’s just me.
Richie’s parents already suspect, but they don’t say anything. This concept is called homo suspicion. In all but the most hippy of parents, it’s a mechanism of guilt. Even parents who are accepting will turn it into “How could you hide it from us, thinking we wouldn’t accept you.”
Homo suspicion doesn’t include the knowing parents who smile to each other as their flaming homo fag child dances out of the room. It doesn’t need to be said, but when he does come out, they usually don’t say “Oh we always knew,” they just say encouraging or supporting things. I don’t think that applies to any of the Losers.
So Richie’s parents are definitely a little “Why won’t he tell us, it’s obvious :( does he think we won’t love him, are we not good parents? :(((” making it largely about themselves. But! They hide that part of themselves. When Richie comes out, they’re nothing but smiles and hugs.
Sonia has homo suspicion for Eddie, but it’s not the generally harmless kind. She’s deathly afraid that Eddie is gay, and actively tries to disprove that nagging thought in the back of her head. She’ll see Eddie do something clockable and she’ll bite her fist, her wormy eyes widening, she’s seeping sweat. “My baby! Not my baby! He’ll die of aids!!” That’s what goes through her head. So when Eddie comes out, it’s trying to cut through a lot of denial and gaslighting. “I knew there was something wrong with you but I tried to protect you! I tried to save you from this disease!! And this is how you repay me! I’m not having it, don’t you ever say something like that to me again, your poor mother!!!” 
And then we get to Bill’s parents, oof. They don’t believe him when he comes out. They think he’s doing it for attention, or to be trendy. “You read about being- being bisexual (said like it’s poison) on the internet and you’re confused.” Actually probably not that disgusted. I think Bill’s parents just brush it off. Like, “You’re straight son lol,” and Bill’s like “I’m telling you I’m not,” and they’re like “Okay sure lol,” and I mean...
Bill definitely employs the ironic closet strategy. If he acts faggy but makes it a joke, he can slowly poke his toes out of the closet. He often jokes about fucking men, playfully flirts with his friends, always “sarcastically” wants to kiss Stan. But the downside is that when you do genuinely come out, some people won’t believe you. Bill’s parents are like “Haha very funny Bill,” and then they get mad when Bill insinuates that they’re really deep down reluctant to accept him. “We’re not homophobic Bill! How dare you accuse us of being hateful!”
I think Stan’s parents would be more taken aback by it. They’d just straight up tell him he’s confused. We don’t know a lot about Andrea, but I think she’d have a little bit of a conflict within herself. I think she suspected from a very early age but Donald was just a clueless bitch. So both of them will confront Stan and scold him for trying to come out to them but Andrea will come to Stan’s room later and be like “Your dad is a fuckhead, I still love you.” But even then... I don’t know, to Stan it still feels like conditional love. Like she’s saying “If you want to choose this lifestyle that’s your choice and I respect your decision.” Andrea will eventually end up holding a sign at Pride but it’ll take her a hot second to get there. 
Ben’s straight, moving on! 
Bev’s parents are not involved, and just the implications of her mom and dad reacting to her being bi or a lesbian... I don’t really want to touch it? So let’s just say, they’re probably not model parents for a child attempting to come out.
Mike’s parents don’t suspect anything, but the minute he tells them they’re excited. They love that they get to discover this new aspect of their son, they’re proud of him for being himself and being brave enough to tell people. They maybe get a little too uncomfortable like William fully asks Mike if he’s a top or bottom at one point and Mike is like “Dad!” And you may ask why I’m taking Mike’s parents from the books, but leaving in the rest of the parents from the movies. And the answer is fuck you! Because it’s what Mike deserves, and it’s what I deserve!
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