#all games like that have really dumb protagonists
daytaker · 5 months
You know how in VN games
you have to make choices and almost always you find yourself with choices that are just stupid? And you want to smack the main character and tell them to knock it off?
Why is the Twisted Wonderland MC like that but like 10 times stupider than normal.
What are they even DOING.
They are so oblivious to literally everything happening around them I just
The entire Octavinelle chapter was like... a test in my tolerance of being forced to play a dumbass around a bunch of very intelligent characters (and some other dumbass characters but they're fine since they ain't me).
I actually just went up to Azul and signed a contract with no backup plan, nothing, just hoping that maybe I'd figure something out in three days? How could this game make me so stupid as to solve that problem by threatening to annoy Leona? Why did that work? I can only assume he's planning my murder, which will be richly deserved, to be honest.
I almost never take any agency but the times when I do, it's to be stupid. For shame.
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oakgreenoak · 2 months
Something I've always found kinda interesting about Red and Green in gameverse is how they turn some of the Stock Shōnen Protagonist/Rival tropes on their heads.
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This is really long character analysis of these two and various media counterparts of theirs, so I'm gonna stick it under a cut.
In some ways they fit their roles quite well - aside from the obvious colour associations, you have Red as the hero whose sense of justice is stronger than his sense of self-preservation, and you have Green as the privileged rival who cares about beating Red above all else.
But, if you look at it another way - Green's got the light spiky hair, the hot-headed and boisterous personality, the drive to Get Better And Win. He's designed to read as really open and chipper, yet snarky. Sure, he isn't dumb, but he's arrogant, and he's got something of a one-track mind; the guy finds himself in the middle of a hostage situation because he's just that hellbent on fighting his rival, and does not seem to be thinking about anything else. He's also got a motivation - given how the Professor talks to him in the championship room and supplementary material like his Generations appearance, it's not a stretch to think the reason he's so driven to Get Better And Win is to prove himself to his grandfather. It's shown in later games and supplementary works that he's become somewhat of a mentor as he got older and wiser.
Red, on the other hand, is a quiet loner whose only motivation seems to be to get stronger for the sake of getting stronger. He's level-headed and dark haired, his cap rounding off his edges and obscuring his face. He's heroic, but not really sociable, as evidenced by the fact he spends the Johto games alone on a mountain without having told anyone where he went. He seems isolated in a way that later games' protagonists really don't. He may have always been a step behind Green, but he's always better.
Equally fascinating to me is how other adaptations have changed the base designs around and rewritten personalities to suit different purposes, while still being visually recognisable as counterparts to their game-selves.
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For example: Red and Green's counterparts in Special slot WAY more neatly into their stock shōnen roles, with Red as the boisterous hero and Green as the broody rival, and it's reflected in their new designs.
Red's hair becomes spiky to reflect his more excitable nature. His hat, in turn, never obscures his face; it's always either tilted back to accommodate his fringe or turned backwards. Green's hair, on the other hand, is not quite as spiked upwards and instead falls into his face, frequently obscuring his far eye in the same way game!Red's hat does.
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And then, of course, the anime balanced them in a totally different direction.
Instead of scrapping Green's personality wholecloth, it's become exaggerated in Gary. He's not the broody antihero rival, he's the arrogant, privileged, better-than-you rival. He's always ten steps ahead of Ash, always pisses him off, and is ALWAYS better until the end of his run. The anime also emphasises his intelligence far more, with him doing things like rattling off dex info and the speed of light in mph off the top of his head, to further contrast him with Ash.
Ash, who is of course THE shōnen protagonist. He's dumb, but determined, and always ready to help people in need. Unlike game!Red, the power of friendship (with more than just pokémon) is central to him; any given season of the show is defined as much if not moreso by his travelling companions and interpersonal relationships as it is by whatever he's actually doing.
It's funny to me, though, how most adaptations seem to find the fact that gameverse Red and Green have swapped some stock roles as something to fix. Even Origins, which is probably the closest a high-profile adaption has come to game-accurate, made its version of Red louder and more standard-hero-esque.
I'm not knocking any of these things, of course, just observing. I adore both Special and anipoke. I just think that the way the game characters are written could lead to some interesting dynamics were it to be explored more.
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semisolidmind · 9 months
So... how would the scene play out with Azure helping MK, Mei, and reincarnated Peaches go? Would he take the opportunity to yoink Peaches with Sun Wukong and/or Macaque trapped in the scroll (if that even happens)?
Or if he successfully becomes Jade emperor would he let the power get to his head and hold Peaches captive?
These are just some scenarios that have crossed my mind, feel free to ignore!
ooooohoohoo skye i love your questions
we'll just go with modern twice as bad au, to keep this relatively simple. it takes place in the lmk timeline; wukong and macaque are big bad guys, mk was raised by wukong and looks naturally like his monkey self, reader in the current era is a reincarnation of the reader from the past who was killed whilst on the journey with her two demon husbands, said husbands have been intermittently causing trouble and flirting with her every chance they get. reader works at pigsys alongside mk as the cashier/other delivery person, and is friends with the gang.
so, i imagine this is happening after the final lbd fight, but in this au wukong and macaque are also big bads, so their helping to defeat her is more because mk asked than out of any sense of heroism. they're still very much evil, they insist, and after that little bout of heroism they go back to being the bastards everyone knows them as. buuuut just a bit more tolerant of mk's friends (mostly because reader has influenced them with kindness bit by bit up to this point, shoujo-protagonist-style).
wukong invites reader to come to the mountain with mk after his monster-of-the-week battle with the twin metal demons in order to "help them organize" all the junk the kid is bringing home. really, he just wanted to get reader to the mountain so he could see her again and tease her (maybe she inadvertently admitted to finding him attractive in a heated moment the last time they met, during the big battle. like, telling him to get his big dumb handsome head in the game or smth idk). macaque joins in on the teasing too, of course.
mk, ever oblivious to his caretakers blatantly flirting with his coworker, opens the memory scroll by mistake. it almost gets him, if not for macaque quickly grabbing him by the back of his shirt and tossing him out of the way. unfortunately, this means the six-eared demon is absorbed into the ink. mk turns to wukong for help, and is firmly told to take reader and run. wukong stops a strike from the ink entity before being absorbed as well. reader and mk call out for them, but run for their lives until they get beyond the scrolls reach.
they go back later with their friends, the gang excluding mei get absorbed, and they're saved by a lion demon who introduces himself as azure.
the newcomer pauses when he looks at reader, a strange, stricken look crossing his features, almost as if he recognizes her. he looks like he wants to say something...but the moment passes and he continues his introduction. the two teens insist on going to save their friends (kinda ignoring reader's concerned voice in the bg), and he eventually agrees to help them.
the monkey demon boy and dragon girl go into the scroll (with the same reckless excitement they display in every other aspect of their lives), leaving reader behind with an unfamiliar demon. the distrust must show on her face, because said demon maintains his distance with the promise that he means her no harm.
azure tries to reassure reader, and offers to answer the many questions he's sure she has.
azure would explain the story a bit more in depth to reader (spinning it in his favor, of course). he would tell her the truths the monkey demons are hesitant to say; how reader's previous incarnation was a captive wife to the so-called great sage and his general, how monstrous the two really were, just how much bloodshed and chaos they caused... even when in service of the great monk.
reader is stunned—but not as surprised as she thought she'd be. anyone who pays even the slightest mote of attention to the world around them could tell you about just how much trouble the infamous monkey king is responsible for. kidnapping and hostage-taking seems tame in comparison.
when azure tells her point-blank who she used to be, reader goes silent. she's always felt a strange pull in her chest whenever she's around wukong and macaque. like she wants to get closer, but also wants to run as far away from them as she can. it's sobering to know why. she feels something similar when she looks at azure, she admits.
he chuckles fondly at her. it makes sense, he says, they used to be close after all. among the monkey king's allies, he was the only one who befriended the human queen of flower fruit mountain. azure assures her that her previous self was a kind person, that she had many friends who mourned her passing; himself included. reader says nothing, too stunned to speak.
azure lion rises from where he sits, stating that he must move the ritual site to his own home in order to bring the many victims of the scroll safely out. reader insists that she go with him. no offense, but i don't trust you with them, she says. azure chuckles, agreeing that blindly trusting someone you've just met wouldn't be very sensible. the two travel to camel ridge, and azure gives reader a tour.
sometime later, mk and mei bring each of their friends back to their present selves. they manage to free themselves as well (after mk has an...enlightening encounter with the scrolls' curse about his human half). they learn some interesting things about their past selves, and their many foes. they break themselves out of the scroll and confront azure about everything they've seen.
azure is holding reader hostage. the lion pins reader to his chest, and she struggles in vain to escape his grip. she yells, hurriedly telling them that azure isn't a good guy, he—! the lion moves his paw over her mouth. his expression is grim as she claws at the appendage.
the gang barely hold back from attacking him, not wanting to hurt reader in the process. though mei stubbornly tries to land a strike at the lion's head, getting knocked back.
azure says he didn't want to do it this way, but...he can't have anyone messing up his plans.
perhaps he puts reader into a scroll peice, right before the very eyes of her friends.
they stand horrified as she dissapears. azure glances at the scroll peice, tracing the characters of reader's name with his eyes. his expression softens a bit. he delivers his monologue to the gang, azure frees his brothers, they attempt to fight, the gang flees when their weapons are taken. they hate to leave reader behind, but... they're outmatched.
reader is forced to relive key moments in her past life as captive queen of the monkey king and the six-eared macaque. she learns more about them than she ever thought she would (way, way more; some of those memories were spicy 👀). she begins to understand why they treat her like they do, despite her seemingly being just another of mk's friends.
she plans on confronting them about it once she's been freed.
meanwhile, the gang is training and getting better, trying to figure out how to get both reader and wukong's scroll peices back. reader's peice is better hidden than wukong's, and so it'll be more difficult to recover. they have no idea where macaque's peice is, but one mystic monkey on their side is better than none. they know the two warlords are their best bet for defeating azure and the brotherhood.
thanks to some quick thinking, somewhat of a plan, and a whole lotta luck, the gang recovers wukong's scroll peice. they repair it, and it only takes a bit of prying from mk to get him out. the ginger-furred demon really doesn't like dwelling on his memories.
the rage radiating off the newly-freed monkey king is palpable. the hatred he feels for his once-allies is a force all on its own. now, mk and the gang just need to unleash it.
everyone is on edge during the battle, choosing to keep their distance and do their part while monkey king and mk fight azure. wukong demands to know where reader is. what have they done with her? if they laid even a single hand on her their lives are forfeit, he promises. he and azure fight for a while, trading jabs and airing out their grievances... to kinda everyone? the friends never would've guessed monkey king had romantic drama, but here they are.
it's likely they don't get reader's scroll peice back until later. i imagine macaque, after being freed (maybe it's revealed he was never trapped at all and it was just a trick; he sank into a shadow, not the ink, and that's why they don't see him in the scroll; watching and waiting for the right time to strike), sneaking into the jade palace to find her. he knows that the lion would keep her someplace he thinks she won't be in danger of being broken. when mac does find her (hidden by the throne, wrapped in a part of the lions' old cape), he handles the scroll peice as gently as glass, pressing it to his chest as he leaves the palace. he'll be the one to bring her out. he was her favorite, after all.
(kinda phoning in this part cause ive run outta steam)
the big battle happens, the gang defeats azure, they kill him, it's real sad, things sorta go back to normal. i imagine that wukong, macaque, and reader will have to have a long talk about everything.
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jinglyjangly · 2 months
I can’t remember much but there was two random things I really thought were dumb in the series
Like wasn’t there basically a crystal with power that was basically called “cold fusion” or whatever. All I remember is that I actually hated the trope of a mcguffin like that, because it’s just so…irrelevant in the games with the multiple types of energy. fo76 even has ultracite, a magic crystal with power. It’s just another tiny magic thing that’s somehow even more powerful then the last.
It always feels more grandiose and grounded if the “power” people are fighting over comes from a place and not a tiny magic thing. hoover dam, a wind farm, or a power plant makes the world space feel bigger and less like a fantasy.
And having people from prewar be cryogenically frozen has been done before, and it was the protagonist of a game. It was always kind of neat that the only people who were alive after the war have been either mutated, a husk on life support, robots, ect. It was like surviving got you fucked up.
Idk it’s like, there literary is nothing new in the show besides more fucking vaults. No new factions and reused tropes.
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dmbakura · 2 months
as someone who became interested in Stellar Blade when its 2022 trailer dropped (where its name was changed from Project Eve) watching the lead up to the game become hijacked by the incel squad claiming it was gonna be the downfall of modern gaming because it brought back sexy female protagonists, to the subsequent "censorship" (it is not censorship) debacle that saw most of the same squad turning on the game, and the entire conversation surrounding the game in general, has been maybe the funniest, most bewildering thing to witness.
on one hand you have the incel gooners trying to use the game as a political mouthpiece to push a certain agenda, usually being misogynistic or bigoted in other ways in the process. also mixed in are misguided critiques of certain double standards (example, regarding bg3 and how it handles sexual content vs stellar blade and its fanservice) and just overall a lack of actual care for the game outside of using it as a bludgeoning tool in their dumb culture war.
on the other hand you have people who only know this game through the conversation the incel gooners have started and think the game is some hentai coomer simulator with no other substance. I believe this group is mostly well intentioned, but at the same time are allowing the incel gooners to be the authority on the game and aren't doing any actual research of their own. I have seen so many people gobsmacked that stellar blade has actual polished gameplay and that the sexy costumes/boob jiggle aren't at all representative of the game as a whole. there's definitely some good faith critiques of the character design mixed in here, but also please stop allowing the gooners to shape your perception of the game and letting them dominate the conversation.
and finally you have people like me who have ACTUALLY PLAYED the game (in my case I'm 22 hours in so I haven't finished it yet) and know what the game is actually about. it's a highly polished single player action game, with no microtransactions, on console (which is a HUGE deal in the Korean market, which is dominated by mobile games) and it's overall just a really fun experience. the sexy stuff you can take or leave, there's a bunch of costumes that cover her up if you don't like the skimpiness, but aside from the blatant fanservice with Eve, it's just about the most sexless game I've played in a while. seriously, there's not even romantic hints, aside from a female shopkeeper hitting on Eve.
anyways, it's just interesting (and borderline incomprehensible) what the conversation surrounding this game has become lol
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vasito-de-leche · 2 months
I was wondering... I've been reading the self-aware au and I wonder if Manus Vindictae is also aware of the player— How does Forget Me Not even react to the concept of the player too if he's ever self-aware of it? A human who calls the shots on the story progressing (clearing levels) and also the one who beats his ass in battle (i had to insight 2 level 20 my arcanists to beat him under 10 turns in hard mode)
Can he hear the player? Can he see them? (I tend to gush over him whenever he speaks, I repeat the scenes he's in 😭 i miss him sm in the story) sorry for all these questions!!! Im so curious of self-aware aus and how they work and yours particularly was REALLY good
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;R1999 FORGET ME NOT - Self Aware AU
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Headcanons about Forget Me Not within the Self Aware AU.
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this is a very good opportunity to think about non-playable characters within the game, actually! ty for the ask o7
there was someone who commented on one of my self-aware posts saying it was kind of like analog horror and I agree lolol
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I vaguely remember mentioning that the requirements needed in order to be aware of the Player's existence were to either reach a 100% bond and/or to be exposed to Vertin's constant presence.
Forget Me Not, as an NPC with little to no actual relevant weight in the grand scheme of things (he is only relevant during the 1929 arc as of now) doesn't meet any of these requirements, so I don't think he'd be aware of the player!
His self-awareness is limited to knowing the world around him is fake, which fuels his self-deprecating and self-defeating, deranged, depressing mindset. I like to imagine Forget Me Not doesn't even understand that the world he lives in is a game, he just knows it's fake and that no matter what he does or says, no one will truly remember. Things will inexplicably reset or loop, and even so, he's not aware of the many times he's been forced to battle Vertin and the others because the Player had to grind specific materials. And so on and so forth. In his eyes, the "high power" that could attempt to control this empty world would be Arcana and no one else--after all, she's the one who opened his eyes to the truth through indoctrination.
When it comes to the figure of the Player, I wanted to portray an extremely obscure and detached figure. Vertin herself can't even fully wrap her head around the Player's existence, she doesn't even know if you're human--if the protagonist, the character "closest" to the Player is still left in the dark about these aspects, imagine how it is for other characters who don't have the privilege of acting your will, of being your hands and eyes. Sonetto can't even get a proper look at the Player, she still needs an insane amount of time lingering around Vertin to become more attuned to this somewhat eldritch entity tied to her. Characters of "equal" importance to Vertin, such as Arcana, may be able to perceive the Player in their own unique ways just like her, but everyone else? They need these special cases to even notice such a presence. Vertin is your only link to this world. You're the one looking in, this is a one-way mirror and only a very select few can look into the abyss and realize that something -someone else- is out there, staring back.
Like, of course I'll make exceptions or bend the rules if people request direct interactions between a character and the Player, but if we're talking about the setting as it is, then this is how I picture it.
Can he hear or see the Player? Nope. He doesn't have the means to. He doesn't even know they exist.
Forget Me Not feels superior with his self-awareness, gloating about how he's not like the common rubble who goes on about their day, entirely blind to the horrors. And yet, he's not aware of his limited perception of the world. It's very ironic, the way he looks down on others for the very same crime he's guilty of: obliviousness. Forget Me Not believes everyone outside of Manus Vindictae is too dumb, too unworthy of the freedom that comes with self-awareness. But really, this is just the blind leading the blind at the end of the day. Within Manus Vindictae, we only have Arcana and Forget Me Not as important characters, so it's hard for me to make a proper frame of reference, but overall I think that only Arcana is fully self-aware. Everyone else's perception of reality are equal or slightly inferior to Forget Me Not.
I think this falls in line with his modus operandi, so to speak! The way he believes he truly understands how things are, while turning his back on reality at the same time because he can't take it. He's too delusional, too unstable and frail to acknowledge that he may not be right, that he may be just as lost as when he first opened his eyes, that Vertin, someone so utterly disconnected from his ideals and morals and views, is the "chosen one."
As usual, Forget Me Not prefers to live a lie an double down on his usual habits than realize he always had the chance to change for the better and he just never had the courage to take that road.
How would he react upon finding out the Player's existence and their opinion on him?
I don't know the specifics around how exactly he finds out this piece of information, but either way, Forget Me Not would probably be shaken to his core! This isn't an easy pill to swallow in the slightest. You have to understand that every single time you beat him in battle, he 100% believed it was all Vertin's prowess.
How was he supposed to know she had someone guiding her? How was any of this fair?
Essentially, Forget Me Not has to confront the fact that all of his struggles, all the constant fighting and every conscious choice he's made to further ruin his life, were predetermined, already set in stone by forces beyond his comprehension. It's both freeing and claustrophobic, especially for a character like him who revels in misery and his status as an underdog earning his vengeance. He's done so much, he's worked so hard to get to where he is, and sure, his life is far from ideal, he's still the same self-destructive man, but now you're telling him that this was what the world planned from the very beginning? He had no say in anything? Someone out there decided that he was meant to be like this, and even after gaining self-awareness, he wasn't good or strong enough to break away from the script--in fact, he played right into someone else's trap.
I feel like Forget Me Not, at this point, would continue to do the only thing he knows: he doubles down. He redirects all of his hatred and all of his feelings towards the figure of the Player, if only to justify his existence--he can't live as a free man, he can't be seen as a living being worthy of respect because the plot commands it, he doesn't know where his own conscience begins and where the script and dialogue he's meant to say ends. So he might as well keep digging his own grave.
He loathes the Player more than anything else, because if there was no one to play this game, none of this would've happened in the first place. He fully blames you for every single thing, no matter how big or small. Everything that is wrong with his life can be traced to the person booting up this goddamn game every single day.
And if he learns that you replay each cutscene that he's in, he takes that as an offense.
This is just cruel mockery to Forget Me Not--not only you're the reason he's turned into such a miserable excuse of a man, but now you've turned him into your personal little jester, to sing and dance for your entertainment.
If he finds out that you hate him? That's good, it's a mutual feeling and it makes this tantrum he's throwing much more easier to deal with. But if he finds out that he's your favorite character? It kills him from the inside. How dare you?
His voice gets sharper, more visceral--every word is drenched with such profound hatred that you, from your side of the screen, can't help but think that Forget Me Not's voice actor is doing such a great job! And the artstyle is so good, his expressions look so real!
I can also see Forget Me Not eventually struggle with the fact that the Player loves him and sees him as their favorite character. It's not as easy and straightforward as hating you anymore--he doesn't even know you. He doesn't even know what to trust anymore.
Given how depressing he can be, I think he may latch onto the Player? The rug keeps being pulled from under his feet each and every time, but your existence, as awful and mysterious and controversial as it may be, is real. You're real. I have a lot of thoughts about this specific dynamic, but I'll leave them for another post so this one doesn't end up being suuuper long lol
On the subject of finding out that the Player is a human.
This one is easy! If someone were to tell Forget Me Not that the Player, the bane of his existence, is a human, then he'll just be in denial about it!
I really just like the idea of Forget Me Not having no means whatsoever to interact with the Player, it makes things so much more frustrating for him. Of course this means that everything he does know come from third-parties. And this piece of information is an extra layer of stress that he can't physically process at the same time as everything else in regards to his self-awareness, so he chooses to ignore it. To debate it. To simply deny it.
What, is he just supposed to believe everything he's told about you now? He can't even perceive you properly, let alone understand the sort of creature you are and your influence on this world--for all he knows, the people claiming to see and talk to you are all liars! All of his informants and spies could just be dead wrong, they may have misheard something on the way!
You can't be human, because he can't take another blow to his pride like this. It's humiliating enough to be played like a fiddle in such a way, Forget Me Not doesn't even want to think about the possibility of this small, fake world being at the mercy of a human--part of the very same group that caused him so much pain over the years.
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zarasu · 11 months
What I think about Bingge
So, funny story: I did not start out liking Bingge. I doubt most people do. The first thoughts I had about him were "Damn, boy's fucked up" and "Who starts ripping off limbs without even asking questions first?" He seemed more like the final boss of a horror game than a fleshed-out character.
Then I finished the book and went "Ehh do I wanna read the extras?" Tbh, I skimmed a lot of them but the Bingge vs Bingmei one was one of the few I fully read, just because the premise sounded interesting.
And it was interesting alright, to see Bingge do something else than torturing people and ripping off arms. But none of it really made my brain light up until that little scene where Bingge watches Shen Qingqiu fuss over Bingmei. Then he asks him to come with him, to choose him, and Shen Qingqiu says no. Bingge returns to his own world, sad and alone.
"Well, sucks to be you," I thought, and "lol, I sure hope that doesn't awaken anything in me."
Two weeks later, I found myself lying in bed, thinking about Bingge with a single tear rolling down my cheek.
I really shouldn't be sad for him, I told myself. He has a big harem full of hot women to tell him how great he is all day. If he's not happy, then it's really his own fault.
But what if he's more the monogamous type, my heart wailed back. Or what if he's too fucked up to let anyone love him??
Ugh, alright, I gave in. Let's think about him then.
So, Bingge is a power fantasy made for incels. But even Bingge was Bunhe once. He shares a past with Bingmei and they are, at their core, the same person. And if you can say one thing about Bunhe, it's that he really has an undying hopeful streak. Sure, when Shen Yuan transmigrated, it took him a while to gain Bunhe's trust. But even after all the beatings and insults and humiliation, he did gain it.
Bunhe gave him his trust because he desperately wants Shen Qingqiu to love him. And, if not love him, at least like him. And if not that, then at least not hate him. When Shen Qingqiu actually showed notions of doing just that, loving him, he was all over that like a dog getting a treat and a head pat for the first time in his life.
But Bingge never got that. He hoped and hoped and kept hoping for Shen Qingqiu to show even a hint of affection and all he got in return was the firm assurance that, no, Shen Qingqiu would never feel anything but hate for him.
That has to give a guy issues. Probably makes him feel deeply unlovable. Hate himself, even. Binghe is a little dumb about things like these, he likely didn't give up hope until Shen Qingqiu physically pushed him into the abyss. He probably spent a lot of nights in the abyss crying into his dirty little sleeves.
But you gotta find ways to cope with heartbreak, right? So, eventually, lightly charred Bunhe stood up straight, turned his little determined protagonist eyes up to the sky and said: "I'm going to make him regret it! He will rue the day he cast me away!" And he went on to become stallion protagonist #1, demon emperor, conqueror, etc etc.
The thing is this: if you build your whole identity on the idea of making the guy who hates you regret his feelings, you're not really over him, you get what I'm saying? You're like, the opposite of over him. Not a good emotional state to connect to the hot women throwing themselves at you either.
So yeah, after that, Bingge did all kinds of things that aren't really that important, but eventually, he got Shen Qingqiu where he wanted him: in the water prison (also kneeling at his feet). And I'm sure I have an inkling of what went on in his dumb little head. It may have been something like:
"Aha!! Now I have the evil Shizun in prison, where evil men like him belong! Finally, people have told him how evil he is! I'm going to go and talk to him and make him see the error of his ways. And when the horror of what he did finally dawns on him, and he apologises, I might forgive him and give him another chance."
Shen Jiu being Shen Jiu, he probably laughed right in Binghe's face and also spit at him too, for good measure (as is, in this case, kinda relatable). So Binghe's righteous little plan didn't quite work out as he wanted it to. This procedure might have been repeated a few times but, well.
Binghe's emotions are already volatile on a good day. Add Xin Mo to that. Add childhood trauma and Shen Jiu to that. One time, he snaps and reaches out to rough Sqq up a little, just to make him regret his own behaviour. Underestimating his own strength, he rips off his arm instead.
Awkward situation, that.
What are you supposed to do after ripping off someone's arm? Maybe Binghe just went to bed and stared at the ceiling for a while, thinking about his life choices.
See, at this point, another person might have thought: "My life is going in the wrong direction. I need to change something, maybe go on a journey of self-discovery or something."
But Binghe has never been the best at things like morals and ethics, no matter what version of him we're talking about. Even Bingmei, who had a comparatively more stable home life, never really got the hang of that stuff (Turning some people into lifeless husks? Well, better than fucking someone, right? The man you love apparently just isn't as insane about you as you are about him? Time to destroy the world^^)
Anyway, you gotta go on, and I'm sure Binghe found some convincing enough arguments for why ripping arms off was an acceptable thing to do.
"But Zar," you may interrupt me. "How can anyone think that's an acceptable thing to do?"
See, in all honesty? I think, deep inside, Binghe knows it's not. But right next to that knowledge lies another knowledge: it's that he's unlovable. And if he's unlovable, it can only be because, at his core, he's already rotten. And if you're already evil? You might as well do evil things, doesn't make much of a difference anymore.
So things escalate, surely not helped by Xin Mo. Shen Qingqiu loses limbs with the same speed other people lose socks, and when even that doesn't heal him of his evil ways, Binghe comes up with the whole Yue Qingyuan plot. And when even that doesn't help, he loses his patience and kills everyone.
Then he sits there, on his throne, surrounded by hot women, fully charred, not so little anymore, and without a Shizun he can hope to one day convince of his worth.
There sits Shen Yuan, a world away, growing increasingly frustrated at how purposeless Bingge's life has become.
Then the extra happens, and Bingge gets transported to a world where another Binghe got everything he ever wanted: the love of his Shizun. And, all at once, the hope he thought he had killed and buried flares back to life, never having been dead after all, and burns Binghe up until he's nothing more than the bare bones of his desperation.
But the other Shizun doesn't love him. He only loves the other, inferior Binghe. He looks upon Bingge coldly before he sees his husband and his eyes turn warm. And it's like Bingge is looking at a funhouse mirror, at a world of dreams and wishes that never came true.
In the end, he's still as unlovable as he has ever been. And he goes back to his own world, and he feels flayed with the knowledge of everything he will never have.
And I just think it's impressive how Shen Qingqiu manages to break every version of Binghe without even trying.
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howtofightwrite · 2 years
I'm trying to understand something that seems a bit contradictive. On one hand, you say old experienced fighters can easily beat young fighters solely through their experiences. However, you also say the more someone is in combat, the more wear and tear they have. So, why couldn't a young healthy fighter take advantage of all that body strain and easier injuries that could cripple an old figher despite their experience?
Congratulations. You’ve hit on the crux of most traditional martial arts narratives—the dangerous old timer versus the young up and comer.
The young have youth and virility at their physical peak. The old have experience and wisdom.
The Aliens vs Predator 1997 card game had a great reference about old fighters. It’s a line I really like, “a bit slower, a lot smarter.”
I’ll be completely honest, it’s difficult to really grasp the vast gap experience creates until you’ve had your ass handed to you by a guy pushing seventy. Or watched him shatter a wooden baseball bat with his shin. Or watched him float through the air nimbly like a butterfly with more agility and grace than you will likely ever manage.
The funny thing is that the old, wise martial arts master on the mountain isn’t just a trope or a joke. A person who has been training for forty to fifty years can be equal parts breathtaking, terrifying, and unforgettable.
It’s true, there’s more wear, tear, and strain on a thirty year old that’s been fighting for a decade than an eighteen year old. The problem is you’re just thinking about the physical body and not the experience they’ve gained fighting and surviving for those ten years beyond what their initial training offered. What they’ve learned is the difference, because the dumb ones and the unlucky ones are all dead.
A lot of writers have this problem with writing more experienced warriors and, ironically, a lot of young fighters have this problem with experienced warriors. They both have the problem of thinking the fight starts when the violence starts, and that all violence is force on force. If you think about your fight scene (and violence in general) like you’re clashing two action figures together, obviously the younger, less damaged toy is going to hold up better. The older toy is more likely to break first. Unfortunately, life isn’t that simple. Also, if you’re just clashing action figures, your fight scenes are going to be really boring.
The name of the game is brains. One of the most decisive aspects of combat is control. Controlling when the fight happens, controlling how the fight happens, controlling the speed of the fight, and ensuring the fight happens in the place of your choosing are all part of an experienced warrior’s repertoire. Depriving your opponent of their advantages while boosting your own is strategy.
This is why the experienced fighters often end up as antagonists because they’re best able to pressure the protagonist to learn and grow. Only by learning new techniques, to fight smarter, not harder can the protagonist defeat their antagonist.
The more experienced your fighter is, the more likely they are to be fighting smart. You’re right, they can no longer rely solely on their physical advantages but they’ve been gaining in time while they’ve been losing to time.
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mrsmarlasinger · 1 year
The surreal thing about the Titan submersible: unless someone pulls off a miraculous last-minute rescue, when we all wake up tomorrow, those five men will be dead.
I mean, assuming they haven't already hyperventilated the last of their oxygen or imploded in a hull failure event.
It's currently June 22nd, 1:48 AM, MDT. If they're still alive, they will not be within the next...what, three hours? Give or take. And it would take hours to get the sub to the surface if it were found miles underwater, so if it's at the bottom of the sea, that really gives the rescuers...I don't know, like, maybe an hour to pull off the impossible?
These men are about to cross the event horizon.
When the banging sounds were first reported, it blew my fucking mind. I'd been certain that they were dead already, or that if they weren't, they would be soon. Without question. Then came this bizarre, impossible glimmer of hope. And I thought, if those sounds really were occurring at thirty-minute intervals, if it really was the Titan passengers, then maybe—maybe—they had a chance.
But they just...don't. Let's be realistic: they're about to die. We know this. We know for a fact that their time is about to run out.
And I know people are angry about the Missing White Woman Syndrome feel of it all. It would make for such on-the-nose satire. Five wealthy men have the world on pins and needles; where was that energy when hundreds of refugees drowned off the coast of Greece a week ago?
It frustrates me that I'm so invested in the Titan sub. It's like the entire incident was orchestrated for the sole purpose of grabbing attention (of course I don't believe that's the case). The very premise of the sub is tauntingly ridiculous—so very blatantly an expensive suicide. I saw someone compare it to an Onion article, and it IS.
The shitty video game controller, the ominous waiver, Stockton Rush's portentous comments (hell, even his name), the toilet sat right in front of that tiny dollhouse window. The absurd price tag paired with a history of failed dives and an OceanGate employee fired and sued years ago for raising safety concerns.
God, it's so dumb. It's so so fucking dumb. In real life, what we'd call "foreshadowing" is really just actions→consequences. But still. Still. It reads like sitcom writers setting the dominos for a season finale, tirelessly working to maximize memeability so we can all point and laugh with our popcorn.
The sheer pointless, brainless, wasteful extravagance of it all makes it easy to forget how horrific and tragic the ordeal really is. It grants us some strange permission to rubberneck.
And, well, who wouldn't want to rubberneck? The drama. Horror movie levels of repulsion. Any fear you can imagine—the dark, the cold, the ocean, suffocation, confined spaces, death—all wrapped into one perfect, cinematic nightmare. It's a black comedy: dumbassery punished by a fate we don't, shouldn't, wish even on billionaires.
Then, of course, there is the deadline. Pun not intended.
That, I think, is what's really gripped us. The limited oxygen supply is a countdown, a ticking time bomb. Ten minutes left in the movie—can the protagonist pull off a daring escape in time?
God, I know I sound like one of those crisis actor conspiracy theorists, but you couldn't manufacture a more gripping story if you tried. That hard figure we've seen in every news article: 96 hours. Ninety-six hours to save the day.
Can you see the Netflix docudrama now? The cuts to a black screen with the remaining number of hours emblazoned in the center? "If we don't find that sub tonight, those men are dead," some intrepid rescuer says...a split second of grave silence...then the scene goes black, except for a line of heavyweight white text that reads, in all caps, "SIX HOURS REMAINING." Next we'll see a heart-wrenchingly candid conversation between the passengers, for character development.
You know Channel 5 is airing a documentary about the Titan in the UK tomorrow. Tonight, actually, since I guess it's technically Thursday morning. The countdown was so hard-set, ITN calculated the exact hour at which they could broadcast their production. The perfect moment for them to capitalize on that post-curtains melancholy we all get at the end of a movie.
It's crass, but fascinating, too. Is ITN going to acknowledge their production timeline by leaving the documentary's ending ambiguous, a choice which will ring bittersweet when aired in the aftermath of the inevitable deaths? Will they scramble to concoct an ending in those mere hours after the passengers asphyxiate? Have they already made two endings: one in case of a miracle, and one in case of a tragedy? Any answer is soulless.
But all of this is soulless. The Titan is our gladiator fight, our bread and circuses. Still, I can't stop staring, because I cannot wrap my head around it. It's 3:30 AM now. Within hours, they will be dead, sure as an execution.
Few news stories come with such a grim deadline. Almost always it's a nail-biting rescue whose twists and turns we follow until some hitherto-unpredictable endpoint; or a sprawling clusterfuck of tragedy trailed by aftermath upon aftermath; or a search for a missing person that eventually meanders into a quiet presumption of death.
The certainty blows my mind—the finality of it, the tragedy of it, is incomprehensible. It doesn't feel real. Why do I care so much? Those men were dead from the start (if not literally, then certainly figuratively). Why do I keep reading about it, posting about it? Why can't I stop watching the car wreck smolder? What am I doing still standing in the street?
I hate that I fell prey to the submarine story like everyone else with an internet connection. But whatever deity may or may not exist got bored, I guess, and crafted the dramedy-action-horror hybrid of the year. Even wove in little cliffhangers (the banging! On the sonobuoys! There's still time!) to string us along like a damn HBO producer.
It gets me, man.
It's 4:00 AM, MDT. I guess it's really over, huh? I know 96 hours was never an exact deadline, but let's not be idealistic here.
I hope it was quick. I hope they imploded in a single terrible instant.
I hope the next sunken boat of six hundred refugees wins as much attention as the Titan did.
I hope Netflix doesn't make that docudrama with the black screen and the all-caps line of heavyweight white text.
I hope we sleep. I hope I sleep. I hope we all can sleep.
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sepublic · 2 years
“I gave you the draining spell! I taught you magic stronger than anybody’s!”
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All right so Ipad Kid is a funny reading of the Collector and also totally true, but! But! I don’t think that’s all there is to him. Because as we’ve all guessed, the Collector embodies a lot of ideas and parallels in this show, particularly the idea of an estranged kid who is seen as too dangerous or unpredictable, a lonely kid who just wants to have fun but gets carried away in disregarding others. Like early-S1 Luz, or King.
But a common thread amongst Luz and King and other ostracized characters is that they’re actually really smart and knowledgeable about certain subjects, and rather dedicated fans of them too; And it’s already canon that the Collector taught Belos some VERY arcane magic, of only which they were privy to; Why else would Philip seek them out, tolerate them, of all people? 
Not only did the Collector know about a spell capable of harnessing the power of the eclipse to commit mass genocide, but he likely gave Belos knowledge on all of the other weird and inexplicable spells we’ve seen him perform; Particularly, things like Belos’ unusual red magic, which is able to manifest an entire worm demon from scratch, grant clarity to Eda’s mind during the curse, and even bypass the magical protections of Luz’s witch’s wool cloak. And a lot of the Collector’s knowledge could just be attributed to being VERY old, but consider;
The Collector is a BIG nerd. They hyperfixate. They can ramble all day long about magic. They know various secrets of the universe and think they’re super cool. As another parallel to Luz, they wanted to learn a LOT more, though in the Collector’s case, they may have hurt or disregarded in others in messing around with magic and experiments. They’re like a young Eda; A precocious little kid yet INCREDIBLY talented and a prodigy breaking ground in many ways. 
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Imagine them being so excited to infodump about magic to Philip, someone who’s finally asking to listen; Only to be a bit disappointed when Phil cuts him off at times, only focusing on what he strictly needs because he really does not like nor care for this kid. And the Collector is disappointed because why stop there? But all right, he’ll play by Philip’s ‘rules’ of the game and focus on the specific lessons that Belos finds relevant. 
Imagine the Collector possibly befriending Luz and the others, and if even if they lose their power, they might still retain their knowledge; And thus use it to teach and herald a new age of magic, unrestricted by Belos and boosted by the Collector. Knowledge that could help people overcome the coven bindings, or at least work around them; Knowledge as reparations for the draining spell that could’ve left permanent damage to bile sacs. The Collector isn’t Head Empty, No Thoughts; They’re very much a neurodivergent kid with a LOT of shrewd passion on the workings of the universe. 
They aren’t dumb, just isolated and naive, and even then they guessed at Belos and King using them for their own ends; They just consider otherwise because it’s the only option they can believe in. They ARE a kid after all, and underestimating the Collector like that is like underestimating Luz; And we see how someone like Belos suffers for that. And we might just see how our protagonists suffer, too... A lot of the Collector’s power may very well stem from just knowing things and how to use that knowledge, and not just raw inherent power. And there’s likely so much more even they don’t know, but are more than willing and eager to learn, alongside another if they cared about magic for magic’s sake!
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ystrike1 · 7 months
Master's Pet - By Shroomi (8.5/10)
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It's a hot love battle! The son of the Duke. The son of the Marquise. The illegitimate son of the Marquise. They're all fighting over the same man. Our unfortunate, fatally attractive, protagonist just wants to escape his obsessive stalker. To do that he must pick a master, and pay with his body.
Our story begins with Collin.
He is a malnourished and gorgeous 18 year old boy. His mother was a mistress. Collins father was the very dead, spoiled and annoying Marquise. Collin looks exactly like that gorgeous and dumb Marquise.
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His identity is hard to deny.
The legitimate heir, Joseph, takes him in. He doesn’t have to. Collin is half worthless peasant after all.
Joseph takes Collin in to turn him into a stud. A stallion. You see Joseph doesn't want to marry. His dumb hot father spent all the money. He must focus on saving the territory. Also his mother beat him horribly and he can't bear to sleep with women. So frankly Collin is really convenient.
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Collin gets depressed when his mom abandons him for money. Joseph buys a slave of humble birth. Someone Collin can trust. Collin is afraid of power. Of being a noble son.
Joseph buys Ein. Ein wasn't a regular slave. The Duke's son, Max, is obsessed with him.
Ein is willing to do anything to get away.
Joseph tells Ein to gain Collin's trust. Teach him. Make him look noble so a Lady will marry him to continue the Marquise line.
Ein agrees.
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Bad news!
Collin is a very nice young man!
He's not excited to be rich. He's afraid and he relies on Ein for emotional support.
This destroys Ein. He feels incredibly guilty, but he has no choice. His previous owner kept him locked up every day. He couldn't even interact with the other servants.
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Joseph uses Ein for his sexual needs. That's part of the deal. His mommy issues are real bad, so he needs to tie Ein up too. He doesn't like to be touched. Joseph is kind of a shitty, abusive, possessive guy until the very end of the story. Ein is a good servant and support for him, but they never become real friends.
Joseph grapples with possessive feelings for Ein, but they never become real love.
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Ein tames Collin....with love.
Yes, Collin wants to be with Ein. He says he will become the perfect man....if Joseph hands over the slave papers. Collin wants to be Ein's master.
How impure.
Wait Collin plans to burn the contract! Yes!!! His is the one good egg in the lineup of men.
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Joseph struggles with his feelings while Collin is away at school. He abuses Ein some more and then he remembers being abused sucks??? It kinda hurts actually???
Joseph's weirdo mommy was obsessed with the dumb hot Marquise. She spoiled him rotten. She wanted a blond, blue eyed son. Instead Joseph came into the world with her face. She beat him. He wears gloves because she attacked his hands. She whipped his arms until they were all permanently white with scar tissue on top.
She sucked, but that doesn’t mean using Ein for rough playtime constantly is ok.
They could have been friends. Maybe lovers. But Joseph doesn't get over his mommy issues.
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Max the stalker captures Ein at a really dumb party Joseph planned. Joseph wanted to marry Collin off. That was the plan, but the party tipped Max off. Somebody recognized Ein.
Max kidnaps him, and we learn the truth.
Max ruined Ein's whole life, from childhood to adulthood. He's been abnormally attached to Ein since he was like a toddler. Ein had to deal with it, because he was a slave. Max confessed his love when he grew up, but Ein refused. Then Max locked him up and threw away the key. The Duchess is a sane woman, so she snuck Ein out. Without her he'd still be in there.
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Collin and Joseph have the papers. Max has Ein. They burn the papers, and that makes Max a criminal. Slaves are fair game for kidnapping, but kidnapping a citizen is a huge deal. Especially when you're the Duke's son. Without the slave papers Ein can easily get rid of Max, because everybody hates him. He's an annoying little brat that never grew up.
Max says he is Ein's true Master, and he always will be.
Ein looks down at him and says Max means nothing to him. Without the paper he has no reason to care about his madness.
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Collin and Joseph both teamed up to save him.
Who does Ein pick?
No one.
He chooses to quit his job. He never wants to see another noble man again.
Collin cries when he leaves. Joseph is mad about it, but they get it. Again, Max ruined his entire childhood and um yeah.
Eventually Collin chooses to abandon life as a noble man.
It never really suited him anyway.
He finds Ein, who has become a teacher because of his years of tutoring experience.
Ein has been waiting for him.
Collin, the sanest and most loving of the three, was always Ein's true love.
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existslikepristin · 9 months
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Unexpectedly busy week, that was. Except today. Today I got home and ate ice cream
Only two options in the poll this time! Is there a secret reason?! Yes, it's because I didn't have any more ideas The poll is only going to be available for 24 hours, because I should be able to get the next part up tomorrow!
Tags: NSFW, S.M.U.T., genie, microtransactions???
(Story Index)
Anime Girls
"I wish for a harem of anime girls!" you blurt out before you can think.
Joy appears mildly shocked for a moment, but then she gives you a wry smirk. "Look at you, making a wish like that. You perverted weeb."
You frown and put up a finger of protest, but Joy quickly continues, "I know. I know. You're not the first of your kind I've come across, master. Being a weeb is an honored profession nowadays, and you're all special because of your unique waifu and/or husbando selection(s). I know the drill."
The air around you seems to contract and expand simultaneously, and everything in your line of sight briefly tints green. Except, that is, for Joy herself. Even as space bends in front of your very eyes, causing no small amount of queasiness to knot about in the pit of your stomach, Joy remains on the table, sitting up with the same smooth grace she has continuously displayed up to this point and only looking as green as usual, which isn’t all that green, really.
And then it's over. The air feels normal again, and your standard color vision has returned.
"Was that the wish?" you ask.
"Sure was!"
You look around. Nothing has changed. You see no anime girls. Not even your waifu (though, considering Joy told you she can't read your mind, you're not sure how she would have known to pick her). "So, where's the harem?"
"I figured you wouldn't be able to list each and every anime girl you've ever wanted to fuck."
Joy pauses. After a few seconds you say, "That's not a useful explanation."
"Oh. Right. Check your phone."
"My phone?" you inquire, as you reach down to take your phone from the pocket of your discarded shorts.
"Yup! I've noticed that most weebs are very heavily invested in their own tropes, which I appreciate, as you can imagine. And one of the more common tropes in harem anime I've seen is that the protagonist controls some aspect of the world around them with a supernaturally-powered smartphone."
You tap your phone out of sleep mode. "So, I have a phone… harem?"
"No, master. You have a magic app that summons anime girls into your presence, all of which are suspiciously and sexually attracted and devoted to you, of course. This will make your harem as weebly wobbly as you can possibly get!"
You exit your phone's internet browser, where, obviously, you had been reading existslikePristin fanfics, and go to your home screen. A new app does a little inflation animation to let you know of its location. The icon is a silhouette of a lithe woman on a green, circular background, and is not labeled. You tap to open it. There is no waiting on load time. You're immediately taken to a very cluttered generic fantasy town isometric view, with bubbles of text all over the place. You think the text might be Sumerian.
"It's a mobile gacha game!" Joy looks and sounds far too proud of herself. "And with my special djinnfluencer promo code, you get one thousand free shards! And that's not all! You get ten free spins, five billion gold coins, and double daily rewards for the first week!”
Okay, that was exceptionally dumb. Ask if there’s a way to undo a wish.
Whatever. A harem’s a harem. Figure out this app and summon an anime girl.
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hell-raven · 9 months
absurdly long tangent/analysis
EDIT FROM THE FUTURE: this isn't to dissuade anyone from interpreting the canon as they want i just wanted to share my personal opinions based on the preexisting canon that may or may not be very passionate, please just have fun do whatever you want none of this is fact
i really hate how utsuho is flanderized to death and constantly boiled down to "the dumb bird girl" because if you actually sit down and Read her dialogue instead of relying on secondhand information you learn quite a few things about her (when i say this is absurdly long i mean it so keep reading at your own risk)
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extrapolating from her own dialogue:
she actually wanted to blow everything up in th11 for real and it wasnt just a "hehe whoops" kind of thing. she was bestowed an extremely powerful ability and deliberately wanted to use it to cause destruction/take over gensokyo
she is extremely knowledgeable about her ability and job (anything related to nuclear power and regulating the flames of blazing hell, or just things about former hell itself)
she takes her job very seriously and supposedly does it very well
but there are a few things that get people: she has poor memory, other characters refer to her as "birdbrained" or "empty-headed, and there are a select few instances of dialogue from hisouten/gouyoku ibun that catch peoples attention. its one of those things where because other characters (and people) say shes stupid, it influences everyone else! in my opinion, i think her own actions straight from the source are much more indicative of who she is rather than the quick judgements of other characters.
the first major point before i get into the specific dialogue in the fighting games: "kanako needed an empty-headed hell raven, and utsuho fit the bill"
what exactly is meant by "empty-headed"? this is going to be more of an abstraction, so definitely take it with a grain of salt. we dont know much about utsuho before she gained her powers, just that she worked as a lowly hell raven that helped around the palace of the earth spirits/hell. to me, it sounds like an incredibly mind-numbing job that really doesnt require much thinking to begin with, so of course you wouldn't expect some kind of supergenius from it. im also going to go out on a limb and say that utsuho was a candidate for kanako's plan because she's also considered a pet. many unfortunately conclude that pets can't be intelligent, and even the title of "pet" carries the connotation of inferiority. even if she was truly empty-headed as previously suggested, this doesn't mean that she stayed as such with no change at all. when i first played th11, i would have never guessed that she would be "the stupid one".
small note: ZUN's comment on her theme ("even a fool that possesses great power can't cause too much harm")
the problem i have with this is that she really would have caused a lot of harm if the protagonists hadn't stopped her. you could say shes a fool for letting the power get to her head, but objectively i cant exactly point to anything in th11's dialogue/scenarios that suggests she's foolish unless you really want to count bad memory-retention as such. not gonna argue this too hard, but it seems like "fool" is a word thrown around very freely with little thought to how you can actually apply it to a situation.
IN HISOUTEN: sanae beats her up and afterwards says "youre trying to help me, actually" to which utsuho is like "Oh Ok". you could argue this is probably her dumbest moment, but would you really not follow or listen to the person who defeated you in battle? its not the most defensible point, but she didnt even seem completely oblivious either when she was asking sanae about the incident. my personal interpretation is that she has a bit of a short temper related to how important her job is. there are plenty of other 2hus who are generally sillier than this, it doesnt make much sense why utsuho is the only one who gets this treatment.
IN GOUYOKU IBUN: utsuho doesnt notice reimu before she starts blasting her to bits, which to be fair reimu wears all red in Hell (her fault honestly) + correct me if im wrong but is the power of nuclear fusion not extremely blinding? supporting this, in the events of GI its also implied that shes being overworked due to the oil incident, and we already established that she takes her job very seriously, so to me it makes sense that her first thought is to "remove the contaminant" and to use a lot of her energy in the process. a lot of people in general sometimes get wrapped up in their own work to the point of hyperfocusing, i say the bird can do it too
i also havent brought up the fact that we dont exactly know wtf eating a god does to your brain, whos to say it didnt fuck with you a little bit?
past all of this though i still think utsuho is funny as hell with her particularly bold and uncaring personality, its just that people seem to think that a couple of goofy moments make up her whole character and its just mildly annoying to me.. subterranean animism will probably be my favorite portrayal of utsuho because of how seriously they all treat her (mostly) but overall i wish more touhou fans would actually indulge in the source material and think a bit deeper about this neat little piece of fiction that i am WAY too passionate about (also its just way more fun to look at characters from a complex perspective)
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daenerysies · 4 months
“laena/rhaenyra wasn’t even a paragraph why are you so mad that they were scrapped for the show?”
oh i don’t know janice maybe because it being in a historical text written 200 years after the fact by ultra religious MEN who despise women and queerness all together IS noteworthy? ‘more than fond of’ is an allegory used multiple times in the asoiaf main timeline to describe romantic feelings and you’re mad that people read that phrase the way it was intended? not to mention it’s used in conjunction with ‘while the princess misliked her stepmother’ like COME ON at this point you’re being deliberately stupid. i’m sorry they weren’t scissoring each other for 200 pages but in actuality what did you expect? acting like rhaenyra and alicent were so so in love when we were only shown a couple scenes of them getting along max during a six month period. the only way that ship will ever be canon is through the actors. the show leaves crumbs for asshats like you because they know you’ll bend over backwards to defend them. apparently it’s still okay to queerbait in the year of our lord 2k24; along with sidelining a woman of color because diversity was important until it came to fleshing out a black woman and her canon sapphicness.
laena, for the limited time we had her character, was fiery, bold, and adventurous. she claimed the largest and oldest dragon alive at 12! the show choosing to racebend her only to mitigate her affect on the plot is gross! they did it to keep the ‘what if they were in love’ guessing game and gift it to a white woman. a white woman who vehemently HATED rhaenyra. we just wanted the story to have complex and multilayered characters rhaenyra has NO FRIENDS besides the first *two* episodes that is the definition of shitty storytelling. a targaryen princess at the height of her families power the literal protagonist of the dance and you all want her to be a lonely spinster boy mom who’s not like the other girls so bad when she was literally surrounded by women all of whom she cared about dearly. multiple relationships with others helps bring a story to life and would’ve helped tremendously with making the dumb as rocks audience understand rhaenyra’s character and how she was a girls girl in a time where you really couldn’t afford to be one which is why it’s so tragic when she starts turning on them during the dance but nooo the ONLY relationship that matters is a busted up friendship that the writers have in a chokehold for no good reason and fuck everyone else that these women might care about right? fuck rhaenyra fuck laena fuck alicent fuck their kids fuck their GRANDKIDS they’re all just mostly blank slates anyway what impact is their death going to have on the narrative? next to nothing because of these fuckass decisions. let’s just all agree to throw stones at glass houses THAT would be more fulfilling for the show than half of the shit they gave us.
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sevi007 · 14 days
Warning! I will be blogging about my first Tales of Abyss playthrough here. If you don't want to see it or be flooded or smth, blacklist "sevi plays tales of the abyss"
@magicmetslogic get tagged!
Soooo started Tales of the Abyss now! (I kept thinking it's called Tales of Abyss, without the "the", RIP me) Must say, this immediately felt incredibly different of a premise to Vesperia (the only Tales I have finished til now) and Zestiria (which I... maybe barely passed the prologue, lol). I think a lot of that is because of Luke and his situation. Getting into that later on.
But! Let's start from the top.
Absolutely gorgeous opening for one, really loved it. I probably got spoilered without realizing it, but with no context, that's not terrible. I remain blissfully unaware!
It immediately felt a bit faster paced story-wise. A bit more emotionally taxing on the protagonist, too. To start, I open the game and get immediately met with red-headed, hot-headed Luke (who is fittingly spoken by Yuri Lowenthal, who voiced Tidus in FFX) and Ithink he's an upbeat headstrong guy - which he is but -
I barely leave his room to get thrown a skit immediately:
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I hit the mental breaks when I read that because what. What. You just kept your kid inside like a pet or something?
I mean, in Vesperia, Estelle had a sheltered upbringing as well, and was certainly a bit on the naive side, but she at least was acutely aware of the world outside of the walls of her prison. Luke is not even given that, which you realize approximately two minutes into the game since his only contact to the outside world seems to be his swordfight trainer Van. I am absolutely flabbergasted. This is damaging to a kid!
(And no, this is no normal response to your kid getting kidnapped. Protecting him is one thing. Putting him on house arrest a whole other. I suspect it's not just a security thing but there is more going on here.)
And then next mental break: What the hell is Flynn Scifo doing here?
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I'm joking, I'm joking. And yes I have been informed that technically, Flynn is a copy of Guy since Vespy came out later. But still. With my minimum knowledge of Tales, forgive me for immediately drawing connection to Versperia at every turn. And the likeness is startling! XD He seems to be a good guy that Guy (pft) so for now, I like the boy.
(Stop climbing outta windows like a thief though!)
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Ah. Really glad I decided to explore the rooms a little. This is...
Well. I assume this was meant to be one of those anime-typical jokes of "haha, he's afraid of this or that" but... call me old-fashioned or a snowflake or whatever the correct term is but I don't think this is very funny. These two quite literally have him cornered, and he looks outright terrified of them. And instead of backing off - or Luke rescuing him - we just have to leave again? Uff. Don't like.
Never quite liked making fun of things others are afraid of, not even if it seems silly from outside.
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... Oh wow. Luke is even more sheltered than I thought. This seems to be general, public knowledge, and he got nothing? Does he not get any kind of schooling while on house arrest?
From their reactions, this is not something he is supposed to know but forgot, but more like, nobody even told him. That's... okay. I seriously question his parents right now as well as Van for not teaching him even basics of the outside world.
(On the other hand, in a sense of dumbing it all down for a new player, this is quite genius. Given that Luke needs to be explained everything, so does the player learn at the same time. but still. Questionable decisions all around.)
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Utterly. Questionable. Decisions.
Yes I'm already going full on protective mama bear mode on Luke. Give me a caged, sad kid who tries to put on a loud and confident facade and I immediately go "mine" XD
And now, for that faster pacing...
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Ma'am I JUST finished the tutorial would you please refrain from killing me til I got to practice some more!
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seabysiren · 1 year
141 Task Force Streamer AU!!!
the ghost force channel began with just you and Simon in the beginning. simon came to you with a proposal after hearing some of his coworkers chatting idly on their break.
simon works his ass off since graduation. he had to. to get him mom out of that hell hole. to help his drug addict of a brother.
normally he would’ve rolled his eyes at the slackers, but the conversation caught his interest. that someone could make a living off of playing video games and whatever else. (he had to search up markiplier and pewdiepie to fully understand)
simon had to ask you about the idea. he wasn’t the best versed in technology, nor did he have good, working computer. (each time he booted up the old hand me down laptop it sounded like it was about to blast off into space.)
you had jumped at the idea. you nodded happily as he slowly explained what he had overheard. then shyly asked if he could borrow your pc.
it was kinda funny though. simon would whip out his glasses and squint at the screen as you taught him the basics of how to video record and download games.
when you first opened the editing software he just slowly looked at you. blinking slowly like a cat. there was no way he was gonna be able to understand all this.
so you promised you would learn just for him.
it took a few recordings of you and him messing around to finally get him comfortable talking into a microphone. because this man doesn’t talk. he just sits in silence and observes most of the time.
you jokingly call him grandpa. in return he just gives you this dead stare.
it took a lot of time to think about the channel name. simon didn’t want it to sound dumb, nor too try hard. (you teased him about the new lingo)
he settled with ghost. because if this didn’t work out, he would just disappear. and because this was a side gig, something bound to fail.
you tacked on force at the end because you knew. you knew that whoever was going to watch his first video is gonna be a simp. I mean, have you heard his voice??
the first video recording was around thirty minutes of good old minecraft. seemed popular enough. and paired with simon’s deep voice and his dry humor, it was all set to go.
you reassuringly rubbed his back when he posted the first video. you could see in his eyes and from the way he wrung his hands he was a bit nervous.
that same day you ushered him home to rest.
that same night was when it began.
the simping.
you had to filter the majority of the comments in the beginning because you just didn’t have the heart to show him all the thirsty comments about his raspy, deep voice.
he was just happy to have a bit of extra cash. that he didn’t have to work himself to the bone if this channel grew.
and grew it did.
not only was everyone really liking his voice, but also his dry ass humor and dark jokes. coupled with the fact that for some reason he was really good at learning game mechanics, you were able to easily record and edit.
him angrily clicking on the red bed and being told there’s monsters nearby.
“good night moon. good night tree. good night zombie that i cant see but i fucking know you’re there.”
fucking hates dating sims. but his audience thinks it’s funny for him to dryly play the protagonist.
“goddamn it i dont wanna fuckin’ talk to you ya bloody muppet.”
he’s not allowed to play dream daddy anymore from the pure frustration that radiates off him. that and because you don’t want his blood pressure to rocket.
loves lying and tricking his viewers. makes up the most absurd background information about himself because he just thinks it’s funny.
“i wasn’t born for this fuckin romance. i was born for politics. been told i have great hair and i love lying.”
you chime in every once in a while and have funny little text chat comments. especially when you have a counter about the amount of times he insults something with the word muppet.
he’s british. his accent is too powerful for the simps. there are too many videos making fun of his british-ness. next video title is called damn Americans reviewing all their stupidity in return.
you call his fan base little poltergeists because damn do they make a tonna noise. their so vocal about his voice and dry humor. that and because they love clowning on him.
he gets bullied for playing valorant instead of apex. in return he mops the floor with anyone who stream snipes his games.
loves mystery games. and action games. anything in general he can shoot and lie and absolutely destroy other players
he’s a little too good at among us to be healthy.
overall 10/10 recommend coparenting a channel together with simon.
ps he’s known for this one quote that went viral.
“im going to defeat you with the power of friendship… and this knife I just found.”
part II
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