#all good books though if you haven’t read them and got to say I’m enjoying the island of Dr Moreau so far so…
moonstruckme · 1 year
James Potter x Reader where reader is in a different house (Hufflepuff if you don’t mind) and she ends up on the receiving end of one of their pranks which makes her angry so she avoids James and the other marauders, forcing him to grovel/beg for forgiveness? Thank you so much xoxo
Hi, thanks for your request! This got a bit long haha, but I enjoyed writing it and hope you enjoy reading :)
cw: mentions of blood
James Potter x Hufflepuff!reader ♡ 1.8k words
Though no one tells him it’s happening, Remus sees the prank coming from a mile away.
Primarily, this is because James and Sirius appear to be playing an entirely ordinary game of frisbee. Just tossing it back and forth, no hexes or nifflers or anything. A simple pastime between two boys on a lovely warm afternoon. 
Secondly, they haven’t asked Remus to join them. While they know from experience he’s content to read his book in the grass, they always make a point to ask just to be sure Remus doesn’t feel excluded. The fact that they haven’t suggests that they’re well aware that whatever they’re up to, Remus will want no part in it. 
Lastly and most importantly, James Potter has the worst poker face Remus has ever known. 
When the curly-haired boy slyly drops the frisbee they’ve been using into his bag, trading it for another, he can hardly keep the giddiness from his face. Which is probably why, when he tosses it well away from his companion and towards a crowd of gathered students, Sirius is the one who has to say, with theatrical volume and distress, “Merlin, can somebody grab that?”
Remus watches warily as several students turn to track the progress of the disk as it sails overhead, and after a moment one breaks away, chasing after it. Remus feels a pang of sympathy for you, your yellow and black scarf flying behind you as you run, needing no further evidence than the eager look in James’ eyes to know that you’ve fallen for a trap. 
You jump up to grab it out of the air, beaming in triumph for a moment before a yelp escapes you. You fling your catch to the ground, cradling your hand as the fanged frisbee twitches and snarls at your feet. 
“Shit,” he hears Sirius breathe, and the excitement is gone from his and James’ expressions as they jog over to you, Remus standing to follow them. 
You pick your head up as they approach, eyes wet but fierce. 
“What the hell?” you snarl, and Remus realizes with a stab of concern that there’s a small puddle of blood forming in your palm. “You’ve begun targeting your stupid pranks at anyone who’s dumb enough to help you now? How’s that funny?”
Remus looks at his friends in bewilderment, aggrieved on your behalf but unable to believe they’d do something so cruel. The fanged frisbee—a cheap trick, which really should be banned in Remus’ opinion—twitches closer to your ankle, and Sirius flicks his wand at it, its teeth retracting as it goes silent and motionless. 
“We…I charmed it so its teeth would be dull and harmless.” James scrubs a hand through his hair, at a loss. “It was only supposed to scare you, not hurt you.” 
You shake your head at him disbelievingly and bite your lip, face reddening as the pain sets in. James steps closer to you, blocking you from view of the small crowd of gawking students, none of whom, Remus notes with some bitterness, have come to help you or see if you’re okay. 
“I’m really sorry,” James says softly. “Let me help.” But when he reaches for your hand, you step back, holding it close to your chest. 
“Just leave me out of your fun in the future, yeah?” you hiss, stalking inside. 
James looks pained as he watches you go, and though Remus doesn’t begrudge you your justified anger, he feels for his good-natured friend. It had been an honest mistake, though the cost turned out to be far higher than either of his friends had expected. But knowing James, he’ll find some way to make it right. 
“Sorry, mate. They can’t all be winners.” Sirius claps him on the back, and Remus knows his light tone is more to make James feel better than it is true carelessness. Sirius is loyal that way; he’d probably lock you in a broom closet rather than have you upset James again. 
“It wasn’t meant to hurt anyone,” James says quietly.
Sirius’ smile is unfaltering, though Remus spies the worry in his eyes. “She’ll get over it. C’mon, there’s still time to go into Hogsmeade if we hurry.” 
And though Remus hopes you’ll feel better soon, he knows it will take James a long time to get over it himself. 
James shuffles from foot to foot, feeling silly and anxious as he waits for someone to leave the Hufflepuff dorms so he can go inside. He’s fairly sure you’re supposed to have potions together, but you hadn’t shown up to class, and though James had kept an eye out all day in the hallways, he’d never spotted you. He’d thought he’d caught a glimpse of you in the great hall during lunch, but you’d darted out of sight before he could be sure, and then there’d been no sign of you at dinner. Luckily, it had only taken a quick consultation of the map he shared with his friends to find out that you’d holed up in the Hufflepuff common room, so here he was, draped in his invisibility cloak and fidgeting like a nervous date at your front door. 
The door creaks open, and James slips in before it can shut, the exiting Hufflepuff shivering slightly at the breeze he makes whisking by them. It’s not difficult to spot you where you’re sitting painting your nails, lips pursed just slightly in concentration. The common room is mostly empty as other students enjoy the nice weather outside, and James is grateful for the privacy as he takes off the cloak and goes to sit beside your feet where they’re stretched out on the couch. 
You look up at the intrusion and startle to find James, pulling your feet closer to you reflexively. He hopes it’s an instinct to make room for him and not to protect yourself from him, though given recent events he could hardly blame you for the latter. 
“What’re you—how did you get in here?” you ask, eyes darting between James and the door in bafflement. 
Never mind that. “You weren’t at dinner,” James says, holding out his small stolen dish of chicken curry, “so I thought you might be hungry. Sorry, it’s barely warm now.” 
You take it from him suspiciously, careful of your wet nails, and James feels a stab of guilt at the sight of your bandaged hand. 
“I’m really sorry about yesterday,” he goes on, throat burning with shame. “I know I’ve already said it, but it was supposed to be harmless. I wasn’t careful enough.” 
You don’t look at him, not rejecting his apology but not quite accepting it either. “Pomphrey fixed it good as new anyways, so we can just say it never happened.”
James appreciates the attempt to ease his conscience, but your kindness only makes him feel that much more villainous. This would be so simple if you were one of those pureblood gits, or even just a bit ruder, but you’re you, and that’s so much worse. 
“Can I see it?” he asks softly, and you hesitate only a moment before scooting a bit closer and extending your hand to him, palm up. 
James unwraps the bandage with care, keeping one eye on your face to ensure he’s not hurting you, and so he notices the faint blush that colors your cheeks as he cradles your hand in his. The last layer of your dressing falls away, revealing three tiny white scars. Though they’re healed over, he hisses in sympathy, drawing your hand further towards him protectively but forgetting you’re attached to it. 
Your inhale is soft as you lean forward awkwardly, and James huffs a laugh at his enduring idiocy. “Sorry, love,” he says, letting you lean back. He doesn’t let go of your hand, though. “Were they deep?”
You give a one-shouldered shrug, as though it’s nothing to you. James worries you’re putting on a performance of exaggerated blasé for his benefit. “They bled a lot, but a charm sealed them up quickly enough.”
James nods, remembering with sickening clarity the blood that had pooled in your palm and dripped from between your fingers. 
“I’m glad,” James says, and it doesn’t feel like enough. Nothing feels like enough. But he can’t stop himself, even if it’s all inadequate. “I’m really sorry.” 
You sigh, and James knows enough about you to guess that being upset is exhausting you. It isn’t in your nature; you’re someone who always has a kind word for everyone, who he’s seen lend your quill to a student that forgot theirs and offer them an understanding smile when they broke it, who would rather spend all day avoiding James than let him feel the wrath of your grudge. 
Your very warranted grudge, by the way. 
It’s terrible luck that someone as sweet as you was on the receiving end of his mistake. But, as you’d pointed out, that was how the prank was designed, wasn’t it? Though James and Sirius hadn’t thought that part through at the time, the victim was always going to be whoever stepped forward to help. Normally it might not matter, but they’d gotten so caught up in the excitement of trying out their new toy that James had somehow gotten the spell wrong. And as a result, you’d been forced to pay a price for your kindness and his incompetence. 
“It’s okay,” you say.  
“It’s not,” James insists. “And I can’t fix it, but let me do something else. I can do your potions’ homework for the rest of the year, I can give you my dessert every night, I can…I can sneak into Hogsmeade and bring you whatever you want, anytime you ask, I can…what?”
You’re smiling at him, and it’s familiarly lovely but, James can’t help but think, entirely undeserved. 
“I don’t need any favors from you, James,” you say, and he realizes it’s the first time you’ve said his name. It’s not a long name, but somehow your voice gives it a cadence he quite likes. “Just be more careful, okay? I ended up fine, but next time someone might not.” 
“There won’t be a next time,” he promises swiftly, and means it. “But sweetheart—” if he notices how you soften at the endearment, he doesn’t mention it “—you’ve gotta let me make it up to you somehow.”
You sigh again, though it’s lighter this time, seemingly both exasperated and amused by his persistence. After a moment spent within your own head, you ask, “Could you help me study for the potions exam next week?”
“Yes!” James grins eagerly. “Of course. That’s a start. How’s tomorrow after class? I’ll bring study snacks as well, and we can make it a regular thing, if you like.” 
He’d like to make it a regular thing, debt or not. 
You smile. “Tomorrow is perfect. And can I call in another favor right now?”
If James weren’t sitting, he’d buckle at the knees in relief. “Yes. I’m at your service.”
“Can you tell me how you got into the Hufflepuff common room?”
“That,” he says smoothly, “is just one in my arsenal of skills now at your disposal.”
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bangchansgirlsblog · 11 months
Overprotective PT 2
-9th member
Warning: arguing, angst?
Pairing: Skz x 9th member
Thank you so much for the request!! Hope you enjoy the story yeah! :) last part comes out soon.
I had received a call right after Chan had left the room. He decided he wanted to watch a few YouTube videos and spend time with me because in his words “Your growing up so fast Y/nie!” Then he proceeded to kiss my all over my face and tease me.
Anyways once he had left to go to bed making sure to yell 3000 plus times to everyone to make sure their packed and that their in bed asleep because
“I’m not going to be traveling with cranky and annoying grown ass kids!”
I had received a call from Connor. Connor? Why was Connor calling me at 10 in the night?
“Hey Connor!” I say into the phone surprised to see his name pop up.
“Hey Y/n! How are you?” He asks through the phone.
“Umm I’m alright and you? How are you doing?”
“I’m doing good! I haven’t talked to you in a while,”
“Yeah I’ve been so busy with schedules and shows, I’m sorry.” I genuinely say because I had indeed been lacking when it came to communicating with people back home just because I was terribly busy.
“Oh no need to be sorry! I’m so proud of you love. Anyways you might me wondering why I’m calling right now but…I have a suprise for you!” I hear the excitement in his voice.
“Oh really? A surprise?” I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. “Is everything okay back home?”
“Yes yes yes, no need to worry but…geuss who’s in town!”
I frown not knowing, “Who?”
“Me silly!” A gasp leaves me grasping for air.
“Oh what?! Shut the front door right now!” I sit up in bed almost being knocked over by the shock and surprise that had run through my body.
“Yes, yes I got here in the morning and at first I thought I would surprise you but I read online that you have a show in two days meaning you’re leaving.”
“Yeah I leave tomorrow morning Connor.” I frown, “will I not find you when I get back?”
“No I’m sorry but we can meet up right now?” He suggests.
I sigh and look at the book that was in my lap. “I don’t think I can-“
I remember the lecture Chan and leeknow gave me. I really did not want to get into trouble but I really wanted to see Connor. Was it worth it? I mean…it wasn’t the concert I was sneaking out for so technically I’m not breaking rules…
“Oh come on Y/n! I haven’t seen you in four years! Please!”
“Ugh fine, I’ll meet you in 30” I finally give in.
“Okay great! Should we meet at the ice cream place by my hotel?” I hear some shuffling going on through the phone. He was probably doing something.
“Yeah just text me the details yeah?”
“Yeah sure, oh and Y/n..” he stops and takes a deep breath making me feel a-bit nervous.
“Yes Connor” I pause and wait for him to talk.
“I missed you.”
“I missed you too Connor.” A big smile played on my lips. I hear him chuckle before saying a quick
“Okay see ya!” And hanging up the phone.
The butterflies start to form in my stomach. Was it the fact that I was about to sneak out the house or the fact that I was going to see one of my long time bestfriends after 4 years?
I think it was the fact that I was about to jump out my window and could potentially get caught and hanged by Chan or Han or Leeknow or Changbin or Seungmin.
I had to do it though. ‘Do it for the plot’ was my motto and it kept running through my mind as I quietly get out of bed and walk over to my closet. I pick out a cute little baby blue party dress and grab my airforces making sure not to wear them yet.
“God I know this is wrong and I know you’re probably going to punish me for going against Chan’s will but please take me and bring me back home without getting caught!” I whisper a small prayer while pulling up the window and opening it wide.
I throw my shoes out and grab my jacket before slowly jumping out the window and landing on the balcony then quietly climbing down making sure I didn’t make a sound.
“Oh shit!” I duck down when I land outside Hyunjin’s window. He was listening to music on his headphones while painting some type of picture so he didn’t quite see me.
Close one.
I crawl under his window and quickly put on my shoes and jacket when I’m out of his sight.
“Now where can I catch a cab at this hour?” I quietly exclaim and smack my forehead. I was crouched down and thinking of ways to grab a cab without possibly getting kidnapped.
Luckily our dorms weren’t so far away from the actual busy streets. So making sure no one could see me from any point of the house, I quickly run down the dark road begging that I didn’t hear anyone calling my name as I flee.
“Taxi!” I called while panting trying to catch my breathe. The man stops and I get in )tired obviously from all the running) telling him where to go, giving him the address.
It was a 15 minute ride and when we pulled up.
The night was cold it was no doubt and looking forward at the dash board of the car the time read “11:59”
It was late. Very late to be out alone.
“Thank you so much,” I say and pay the guy. I quickly make my way to the tiny shops that were on the road, spotting the ice cream shop straight away.
It was cute and had booths. It was decorated like any other normal ice cream shop but it felt more like a cute hangout spot to chill.
Once I walked in I say a quick hello to the lady sitting by the cash register. Her eyes go wide. She probably had noticed me but she didn’t bother to say anything probably scared that she might freak me out I guess.
I stood in the middle of the shop looking for Connor,
“Hey Y/n!” I hear my name being called. I turn to see a familiar face except it wasn’t so familiar.
“Oh my God Connor?! You’ve changed so much!” I run and give him a big hug literally climbing on him as he laughed and caught me.
“Well what can I say, 4 years can do a lot to a man. Oh and puberty!” He jokes.
“Oh my God I can’t believe you’re here! I’ve missed you so much!” I squeal at his presence.
“I’ve missed you too! How have you been? We have so much to catch up on! Come on!”
He grabs my hand and we walk over to a corner and sit in the booth. He calls the waiter and we order milkshakes and some ice cream.
“So…you’re like an idol now,” he pokes my shoulder from across the table causing me to blush. My hands automatically hiding my face in shame.
“Yeah yeah I geuss I geuss” I shrug it off like it’s not a big deal.
“How’s it like?” He asks curiously. I start to explain to him the many things we do and his intrigued and interested in everything. He keeps asking questions and occasionally I would ask him questions as well making our conversation so interesting going back and forth.
Once we were done with the ice cream and catching up I take a quick glance at my phone and fuck.
3:15 am.
“Oh my, it’s so late. I should start heading to the dorms.” I tell Connor who looked like he was ready to go aswell.
“Here let me pay,” I grab my company card and he pushes it away.
“My treat for coming to see me yeah?” He smiles and I couldn’t help to feel warmth feel my chest. I missed him. I missed home. I missed my parents. I missed my friends.
“Hey, why the frown? We just had the best night ever.” His hand was around me as we walk down the road. His body slowly warming mine.
He had insisted to make sure I got home safe meaning he wanted to make sure I got a cab when he was watching.
“Just a little homesick, that’s all.” I sigh while kicking the rock that was in-front of me.
“Hey, don’t be. It might feel a little depressing but everyone at home is rooting for you. We can’t wait for the show next month! We’ve all got our tickets.”
He nudges my shoulder causing me to giggle a little.
“Thank you for tonight Connor, I can’t wait to see you again.” I tell him once we finally get a cab.
“I can’t wait to see you again yeah? Make sure to call and text whenever you can.” He looks me in my eyes and for a moment the world goes slow. Our bodies were now against eachother.
His body towered over me as he slowly leaned in. I tiptoe to make our lips connect. My body melts into his. I wanted this so bad. I wanted him to stay. I wanted him to be here longer.
This was wrong but it felt so right.
My idol senses were tingling. Something was wrong but I didn’t care. I needed this. I needed to feel something. I needed to feel like a normal person again not a robot.
We finally pull away and he clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck.
“Well…that happened.”
His cheeks were dark red and I knew I wasn’t any better.
“It did.” I softly say and bite my lip.
“Yah! are you coming or not?!” The Cab guy says causing me to jump and laugh.
“Okay bye Connor! Foreal this time.”
“Bye y/n!” We hug one last time before I get into the cab and make my way home.
I watch as he slowly turns and starts to head back to his hotel. I could finally sit down and process the night.
You know that feeling when you get away with something? It feels like you’re on top of the world.
I was on top of the world! I felt nothing could stop me.
I even felt more confident when I crawled past Hyunjin’s room and all the lights were off because he was asleep. I was able to climb up my balcony and get back into the room.
Everything looked exactly like how I had I left it. So I quickly undress and wear whatever I wore when Chan last saw me and unlocked my door just incase anyone wanted to come into my room in the morning.
I was so tired. I needed sleep and what bothered me was the fact that I had to be awake in 4 hours. Getting into bed and closing my eyes only to be waken up by trouble.
A loud knock on my door is what woke me up.
It was loud and it wouldn’t stop being loud.
“Ughh what time is it?” I groan and turn on my phone to see it was only 6 am.
Who was at my door at 6 am? We leave at 8! Ugh!
I groggily get out of bed and out on my slipper.
I was trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes when I open the door I find a very furious Han standing outside. He was in his pajamas and he had his phone in his hand.
“Y/n Y/l/n You are in so much trouble young lady!”
I stare at him trying to remember what I could have possibly did to him. Did I eat one of his meals? Did I use on of his skin care stuff? Did he know I snuck out? He couldn’t have cause if Han knew the whole house would know.
I look behind him and gulp when I notice Hyunjin standing behind him aswell, obviously not pleased by whatever it is I had done.
Both of them had messy hair and were in sweatpants and shirts that were a bit wrinkled.
“See you even look guilty!” Hyunjin says while crossing his arms and giving me a death stare.
“What is it Han and Hyunjin it’s 6 in the morning.” I whine. “What could possibly be so important? What did I do?” I play it off. If I got them to tell me what I did first I wouldn’t have to confess to anything but still the guilt was eating me up.
“You snuck out last night didn’t you.” He cuts me out
My heart drops. My body freezes and I feel my brain stop working. My body was cold. I felt like I was about to piss myself but I was not going to allow them to catch me.
“What no I didn’t, I was in bed, sleeping, ask Chan,“ I simply say and they both scoff at this. Now I was starting to really get worried. How did they know? I was so quiet? Even Hyunjin’s room was all dark last night, I saw him sleeping with my two eyes! How is it possible.
“If you were really sleeping in your room what’s this?” Han says. I gulp the saliva that was refusing to go down my throat due to shock.
He pulls out his phone and shows me an article.
An article of me? I squint to read it.
Think of a lie Y/n…think of a fucking lie!!
“What? What’s that’s not me!” I exclaim trying to play it cool.
“Stray kids Y/n, caught out last night with a boy kissing. Y/n are you joking right now. Kissing?!” He read from his phone. I gulp once again and stew at both of them.
“Do you know how much trouble you could get into young lady? Your career could be over!” Hyunjin growls and grabs the phone out of Han’s ham to read the article further.
“Hey, I’m trying to sleep in here what’s going on?” Changbin comes out of his room also rubbing his eyes.
Oh no. Not Changbin.
I look at the two boys that are standing infront of me and I give them the best puppy eyes I could think of. Begging them not to say anything without actually telling them.
“Guess what Bin,” Han rolls his eyes at me and furrows his eyebrows in anger.
“Han please don’t tell-“
“Geuss who was with a fucking boy last night kissing and everything?!” Han exclaims and turns to Changbin.
“What? What are you taking about?” He says before Han hands him the phone and he gasps looking at me.
His eyes now wide awake. His body posture up and alert.
“Y/n!” He shouts causing me to jump a little. “Y/n what the fuck is this?!” He yells.
“I can explain, they- I- okay-“ I start to stumble on my words.
He stares at me blankly before turning to Chan’s room and knocking. Really loudly.
“Chan!” He calls for Chan and I swear I wanted to disappear. It felt like I was going to be hanged if I did not run but it would be worse if I did run.
“No no no please don’t tell him Changbin.” I beg running to his side trying to stop him.
My heart was beating really fast and my hands shakes against his as I tried to pull him away.
“Are you serious?” Han asks looking at me trying to beg for my life.
“Bangchan!” Changbin calls again. Ignoring me and my begs.
Hyunjin and Han just both stand over on the other end and glaring at me. Probably wondering the many ways they were going to punish me.
I give up and let of his hand taking the looks they gave me as a warning not to make things worse.
“I’m so disappointed in you Y/n” he shakes his head and scoffs.
I look at my feet and shift uncomfortably.
“What is all of this commotion? We don’t leave in another two hours..” Felix groans getting out of his room.
“I was in my room scrolling through my feed and geuss what I found.” Hyunjin explains to Felix.
“What? It better be important because-“ he looks at the phone then gasps in shock. Great. “Is that actually Y/n?!” He asks looking at all of us.
“Yes it is and she was kissing I’m still stuck at the kissing part!” Han throws his hands in the air and starts walking back and forth.
“Who was kissing?” Seungmin asks joining the conversation walking up the stairs with tea in his hands. I cover my face in embarrassment.
“Yah! Will all of you shut up!” Leeknow walks out of the theatre with a blanket in his hands.
“Oh Hyung you should see what your amazing little princess was doing last night,”
I stand in shame as Felix passes him the phone. I could literally feel the slaps coming my way. (Not literally) but the fact that leeknow was processing the information and squinting his eyes.
He even dropped the blanket out his hand. His jaw left opened.
“Yes Binnie. You called?” The last door opens revealing Chan shirtless with long sweats on and his hair in a mess.
“Are you kidding me?…Are you fucking kidding me? I told you not to do one thing! One fucking thing-“
“Woah woah woah what’s going on? What did Y/n do? Why is everyone outside yelling? And why aren’t people getting ready for the flight?” Chan quickly interrupts Leeknow’s loud voice.
“Look Chan, just look. I can’t even deal with this right now.” Leeknow passes Chan the phone.
He stands there looking like he saw a ghost. He stands there for a long time. He stands there hands shaking trying to probably get words for me.
“Unbelievable behavior,” Changbin says. “Why do you not listen?”
I stand in the middle of everyone quiet. Not daring to speak knowing whatever I said would probably get me in more trouble. I wanted to cry.
I wanted to cry so bad but I couldn’t. It hadn’t yet hit me that I was now probably trending on every site.
“Y/n?” His soft voice stops the ugly thoughts running through my head.
I keep quiet and look at the floor refusing to look at him.
“Every-body into their rooms now and get ready for the flight. I’ll deal with this later.” He sighs while handing Han the phone.
That was bad. That was really Bad. If he wasn’t yelling and screaming at me now. He was mad. Really mad.
Everbody leaves the corridors and it’s just me and Chan.
“You’re dying your hair blonde right now. Go get dressed. I’m calling the stylist.” He says in a disappointing tone and slams his door. Not even letting me speak.
The tears automatically start to pour as soon as I close the door. I walk into my room and close my door. They didn’t stop when I took my shower. They didn’t stop when I slowly got dressed and it didn’t stop when I was doing my makeup which was a horrible mistake because the mascara kept running down my cheeks.
You’re so fucking stupid! So fucking dumb!
A knock on the door stops me from what I’m doing and I hopelessly open it to find the Madelyn our hair stylist standing outside with her equipments in hand. She gives me a sad smile. Almost like a ‘I know what your going through and I’m hear to fix it’
“Rough morning huh?” She asks setting everything down.
“Yeah” I nod and she pulls me into her arms as I start to cry even harder than before. Her little rubs on my back make me melt into her arms.
“Hey hey hey, it’s okay we’re going to fix this yeah? We’re going to make it seem like that wasn’t you at all and everything will go back to normal okay?”
“Yeah, except the fact that I’m grounded for life.” I say miserably and she chuckles.
“I was once like you my love, wild, young and free. Things like this happen and I know Chan is going to start understanding soon. His just so used to being around boys he forgets that he also has to raise a teen girl.” She smiles look at the mirror while doing my hair.
“Yeah I geuss but I was also in the wrong, I knew I shouldn’t have done it! I knew I was right. The feeling was in my stomach. Everything was too good to be true!” I huffed in frustration.
“Yeah but people won’t know it’s you if your hair is dyed now. They’ll think it’s fake and the secret will be between us.” She rubs my back.
“Not even management?” I ask her and she nods.
“Not even management. If they ask, you were home last night and I was doing your hair. Duhhh” she chuckles and pinches my cheek.
“Oh I love you so much Madelyn!” I say softly.
“Us girls have to stick together. Always! Now…tell me all about this boy! Don’t leave anything out!” She teases me and I feel my cheeks turn red.
“His just an old friend..” I start, “but I’ll tell you!” We both start squealing and gossiping like we always do whenever she did my makeup or hair.
We spent like an hour on my head before I was fully blonde. She quickly styled it and did my makeup for the airport.
“Alright all done, would you like me to help you carry your bags down?” She puts her brush down and analyzes my face.
Her hands were busy packing up her hair supplies.
“No it’s fine I’ll just take them down myself..“ she trails off as a knock interrupts the conversation and Chan comes in.
“Hey Madelyn, I didn’t see you come in. You good?” He asks and gives her a hug.
“Yeah I’m done with this little trouble maker. I hope you like it. I’m about to head out then head to the airport.”
“Yeah okay it’s fine” he turns and analyzes my big head of now blonde hair, “alright see you at the airport yeah?” She turns back to her and gives her a soft smile.
“Go easy on her Channie.” She chuckles and ruffles Chan’s hair.
“I’ll try,”
She packs up her stuff and leaves me and Chan in the room.
The air was tense. I stood there looking at anything but him. My hands rubbing against eachother.
“I’m not going to scold you or tell you off right now. But when we get to New York, you better pray that I don’t throw you off the skyscraper.” I gulp and look at him in fear, “now come on the cars are almost here and you need to eat.”
LOOK WHAT YOU’VE DONE Y/N!!🤣🤣Lmao see you in the next chapter bye bye.
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azwhore · 11 months
husband alex turner x wife reader
warnings: nun but fluff <3
It’s been a while since you’ve last seen Alex. He’s been on tour for The Car for six months and have only seen him on a few occasions. You couldn’t go with him and the band due to work; you were forced to stay behind despite your attempts to go with them.
The last time you and Alex had seen each other was about two months ago. The only reason you were able to see him was for an interview he had in which you were invited to. He begged you to go with him even though you didn’t like doing so. Alex knows that. You’ve always hated being interviewed with him because it felt like the interviewers were trying to pry into your private relationship. What went on between Alex and you was for you two only, not for the public.
After a long day at work, you come home exhausted. You’re eager to shower, eat some dinner, and just relax. Who wouldn’t be? So when you get home, that’s exactly what you do. An “everything” shower was desperately needed after the week you’ve had.
Once done with your shower, you put on a comfy set of pajamas. A grey tank top and white sweats, perfect. You decide on some perfume, even though you won’t be around anyone for the rest of the night. You put on your Victoria’s Secret Bare roll-on perfume. It’s your favorite.
You finish getting dressed and make your way to the kitchen to make dinner. Deciding on what you’ve taken out, you make pollo guisado (chicken stew). It was one of your favorites. Mom always made it when you were younger.
After some time, you finish cooking and feast on it. Man, were you a damn good cook. One good meal later, you settle in your queen sized bed that you shared with Alex. You miss him. You miss his warm body cuddling. You miss his soothing voice.
You soon dwell no more on that, as you were almost on the brink of tears. You pick up your book that you were currently reading on the nightstand, How the Garcia Girls Lost Their Accents. So far, you are greatly enjoying the book. You like analyzing it as well as it being somewhat relatable.
It’s 11:18 PM, about an hour and a half since you started reading. You need to get some sleep since you have work all over again tomorrow. Luckily though, tomorrow is Friday. Wonderful.
You put your book back and settle in bed. You can feel sleepiness sinking you deeper and deeper. Reveling in the feeling, you eventually fall asleep.
Suddenly, you feel something envelop around you. You wake up, anxiety beginning to course through you. Just as you are about to panic, you hear a voice whisper in your ear.
“I’ve missed you, love.” You’d recognize that voice anywhere. It’s Alex.
Turning around, you take a good look at your husband whom you haven’t seen for two months. He greets you with a smile, his hair as messy as you remember.
“Alex!” You exclaim. You couldn’t express your excitement any other way than wrapping your arms around him. Tears begin to well at your eyes, threatening to fall. You try to hold them back with all your might so you could speak with him.
“I thought you wouldn’t be able to come back for a while? How come you’re here?” You ask, bringing him into another big hug. You can feel him smiling against you as he brings his arms around your body, squeezing you against him.
“One of the shows got postponed for two weeks from now so I immediately came here. I had to see you. If I had gone another day without you, I would have gone mad.” He explained. It felt so good to see him again.
“Ugh, I’ve missed you so much.” You say. Suddenly you realize he might be hungry so you ask, “Are you hungry? There’s still some leftovers from what I made earlier. I can heat it up for you.”
“No, that’s okay. I’m just glad to be here with my wife.” He smiles. You could never get tired of his smile.
“How’s the tour so far? It looks like you and the boys are having some fun.” You laugh. Even though you aren’t going on tour with them, you still keep up sometimes. Especially with those edits of him that fangirls make. You’re not complaining since your husband is a damn fine man if you say so yourself. They should tone it down just a bit, though (don’t actually alex turner is so fine).
“Yeah it’s been awesome. The places we’ve been to have been beautiful. I really wish you could come with us, love. That would just make it 100 times better.” Alex smiles once again.
“Me too. But you already know why I can’t. If I didn’t have work, I most definitely would.” You say. It’s not like Alex wouldn’t full on support you financially; he obviously would. You, on the other hand, don’t want that. The two of you even got into a big argument once about it. He doesn’t see a problem in financially stabilizing you, but you would rather work. You still want to have a life and work for yourself. You don’t want to be just a stay-at-home wife; it’s so stereotypical of celebrity relationships. You want to make a living for yourself, and Alex now 100% understands and supports that.
“Yeah, I get it. My dear wife is so strong.” He gives you a quick kiss with a smirk. You giggle at that. Alex always knows how to make you laugh.
Some time later, you lay with each other in a comfortable silence. This was almost the best part of your relationship. You two could just sit there with your eyes closed not saying a word and you both would understand each other.
Alex lays on his back, eyes closed with his left arm wrapped around your shoulders. Your head is resting against his chest while your hand is on his stomach gently tracing circles. Your eyes were closed too as he hummed to you.
“You know, I still have to go to work tomorrow.” You break the silence. Alex hums in response.
“Do you really though? I’m going to be stuck here by myself all day without you.” He says with a pout.
“Well, I probably could call out tomorrow. One day wouldn’t hurt, right?” You question. Now that you think about it, you haven’t called out from work in a while. You should get a day off. “Hm, I think I’ll stay here with my husband. I get to enjoy a whole three days with you.” You say kind of sarcastically. Although you were anything but sarcastic. You’re more than happy to spend the rest of his two week break with him, as was he.
The both of you continue to enjoy each other’s silence, sleep overcoming you once again. Your eyes feel heavy as they slowly fall. Eventually, you succumb to your slumber, your breath evening out. Alex follows soon after with you in his arms. He really hopes these two weeks last forever.
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harrywavycurly · 8 months
sarah, hows princess and eddie doing,, really miss them
Hiii babes!! Awe I miss them too and I could totally use some spoiling right now so I hope you enjoy these super duper random conversations between Eddie and his Princess💖
-find all things Eddie x Princess!Reader here✨
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“You sure you don’t mind waiting while I look around for a book? I might be a while…” “I don’t mind at all baby I’ll just be right over there…let me know if you need help reaching for something.” “Ohh look they have some new Stephen King books!” “Uh…sweetheart you know what happened the last time we tried to read one of his books…” “I had two nightmares but it was also the one about the kid eating sewer clown so…I’d say that’s not that bad.” “It’s not bad but I’d rather you read something that won’t give you any nightmares at all…why don’t you go look in the romance section?” “I do love a good romance…” “that’s my girl.” “Eddie?” “Yes baby?” “Will you carry these for me?” “Of course…ready to check out?” “I think-” “why do you have a book called the Priest?…please tell me this isn’t one of those sexy books?” “Fine then…I won’t tell you.”
“Red or white Princess?” “Surprise me.” “Okay…red it is then…now how was your day? Steve behave himself?” “He was on his best behavior and I didn’t have to do inventory at all…so I’d say it was a good day…thanks for the wine honey.” “You’re welcome…want me to braid your hair for you before you get in the bath?” “I was thinking maybe just a bun?” “I can do that…let me go get the water running while you go pick out your bath bomb?” “Okay…oh do we have that one that makes the water pink? I like that one.” “I think so…yup here it is.” “Oh can I toss it in?” “You have to wait for the water to fill up a little more baby then you can toss it in.” “That always takes so long…” “remember good things come to those who wait? You just have to be patient sweetheart.” “I’m gonna go get some more wine.” “That sounds like an excellent idea…this is gonna be your last glass though okay? You can’t be all loopy in the bath it’s dangerous.” “That’s why you’ll be in there to keep me nice and safe.” “Oh you want me to join you huh?” “Yes…please?” “Don’t waste your puppy eyes on me baby…you know I can’t ever say no to you…now come on toss in your bath bomb and let’s get ready for our bath.”
“Did you use a new fabric softener on the sheets?” “I did…I got one that says it’s calming and figured you’d like it…left foot please baby.” “I do like it a lot…are these new socks?” “No you just haven’t worn them in a while…okay your feet are all cozy now…what does the Princess want to wear to bed hmm? Hearts or just black?” “Hearts please.” “Okay…arms up…good girl now lay back and I’ll tuck you in.” “You think somewhere else in the world someone is getting tucked in by their outrageously handsome boyfriend? Or is it just me?” “You’re always so silly when you’re sleepy…but I’d like to think someone else is also getting tucked in right now…hopefully by their outrageously handsome boyfriend or maybe a husband?” “Husband sounds nice.” “Yeah?” “Yeah I’d like one of those…oh and uhm some…ice cream.” “A husband and some ice cream huh? I’ll see what I can do…sweet dreams baby…I love you.” “I love you…too.”
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fourthwingfan · 7 months
Madness - Chapter 8
Hello, hello dear readers. The new chapter is here, the longest so far. I hope you'll enjoy it :)
„There is an art to poison not often discussed, and that is timing. Only a master can properly dose and administer for effective onset. One must take into account the mass of the individual as well as the method of delivery.
—Effective Uses of Wild and Cultivated Herbs
by Captain Lawrence Medina”
The women’s hall is quiet as I dress for the morning, the sun barely peeking above the horizon in the far windows. I take the dragon-scale vest from where I left it to dry on the hanger at the end of my bed and slip it on over my short-sleeve black shirt. It’s a good thing I’ve gotten pretty adept at tightening the laces behind my back, since Violet isn’t in her bed. She had to get up earlier than the others. She’s on breakfast duty. And she chose it herself. I would think she’s a masochist if I didn’t know the reason behind it. Two words. Challenges. Poison.
I grab my bag on the way out, passing by rows of empty beds that belonged to the dozen women who haven’t survived to see August.
Time sure flies. And I’m incredibly lucky that after the talk with the General in his office, he had to go to the front. I didn’t have to report. It’s really a great luck because I haven’t figured out how to lie to him about the marked-ones.
With these thoughts I shove open the door.
And there he is.
“You didn’t tell me why you chose the library duty.” I greet the smiling Liam. He always at the door waiting for me in the mornings.
“Good morning to you too, Sunshine.” He laughs at me. “And I chose it because you’re my friend, and if I don’t go to the library then I would never see you after classes. It’s like you’re in love with the books. Or learning. I’m not sure yet.”
“Haha, you’re funny. And don’t call me that either” I say grumpily as we made our way to the quadrant’s library. It’s not like the Archives where the scribes are. It only contains books what we learn at classes. History, dragons, past reports etc. Despite of that, I like our library, it’s cozy. And not crowded at all. It seems the Riders don’t have time to read.
“And why did you chose the library?” Liam asks as we enter the library. “You’re always here after classes and I don’t understand why you’d want to come here so early in the morning.”
“What if I just love books?” I ask with a raised eyebrow. The only reason I chose the library duty is because we’ve got the keys to open it at the start of the day, and to close it before curfew.
“No, you don’t.” He shakes his head.
“What? How do you know?” I ask him curiously.
“You always look angry when you’re reading or writing an essay. It’s like books are you’re nemesis.” He says with a surprising insight.
I should have known. Liam is very observant, since our first day. He always points out what I try to hide. Only because he cares about me, not with bad intentions. And because of that I find myself opening up to him. I told him a lot of things about me. Things that only Violet knew. I really appreciate our friendship. He’s the kindest man whom I ever met. And I feel bad about his parents, even though he won’t speak about them. After all it was my father who killed them.
“I just like to be left alone.” I try to share some truth with him. “Not many people come here.”
I go to the closet beside the wall, near the entrance and pick up a broom. “Do you got the books?” I nod toward the piles of books which was brought back by the cadets and riders sometime yesterday.
“Yes, that’s true. But I think it’s only part of it.” He picks up the first book. “I don’t want to pry but I have eyes. You hate books. You take notes without looking what you write. I did not once see you put back a book in it’s place since we started this thing. You can tell me anything, but only if you want. If you’re not comfortable then just forget it.”
Shit. What should I do? He almost figured it out. If I tell him my secret will he changes toward me? I don’t want that. But if he finds out without me telling him, would it be better? No. I don’t think so.
Then I just have to prepare for the worst.
“It’s a long story.” I say while I walk to the chair beside the desk he currently sorting books. “You really want to know?” I sit and look at him with a serious gaze.
“Yes. I like you, you’re a good person. I want to know because if I can, then I want to help you.” He sits in front of the desk and turns to me.
“I have dyslexia.” I stare my hand without looking up. “When I was born…my mother…” I try to explain but I can’t. I didn’t even knew her but it still hurts to think about it.
He grips my hand and when I look up he smiles reassuringly.
“There was certain circumstances which caused brain damage due to lack of oxygen.” I say in a rush lest I change my mind. “I’m normal in every other aspect, I think. It’s just that my mind works differently then others. In most situations I have good memory so it’s not that bad, but when it comes for example history then I need to learn. Or if I see a map then I should be able to read the names on it, but… But I can’t read, only with great effort. It’s really difficult. It’s like the letters are running away from me. I know which letter is which, but when I try to put into words it’ll become nothing. It’s really tiring. I’m useless, I know. And I understand if you don’t want to be my friend anymore.” I draw back my hand to let him go.
“Aelin. Look at me.” He says quietly.
I look up at him and only see understanding in his eyes.
The air rushes out of my lungs.
“First, you’re not useless! You’re a very kind and protective woman. You’re really amazing and do not forget that! It doesn’t matter if you can read a whole book within an hour or not. It doesn’t define who you are. I don’t know who said that shit to you, but it’s not true.” He says firmly and my eyes are stinging. “You’re very precious to me. And I find it amazing that despite of your struggle you’re here as you are. You’re smart. If you struggle a little then what? Nobody is perfect. Me neither. And if I can help you with anything, even if you only need me to read out loud the books then I will help you. Because we’re friends.”
I swallow hard and try to blink back the tears. Nobody said things like this to me. And here we are. A marked-one and General Melgren’s daughter. And despite of the circumstances he became my best friend beside Violet. Because he wanted to.
“Liam…” I start but my voice breaks. I feel that if I say a thing then I will cry. Instead I smile at him. With real, genuine smile. With all the warm that I can muster up. I want him to know that I really appreciate his words. Him.
“Now come. We need to tidy up here before breakfast.” He lets go my hand and stands up. But I know he understood what I couldn’t say. He understand me.
“Yeah” I say in a raspy voice. “Don’t slack off.”
He just laughs and it seems that the library is brigther then minutes ago.
„Keep the temperaments of each specific breed in mind when you decide which dragons to approach and which to run from at Threshing,” Professor Kaori says, his serious, dark eyes slashing toward his nose as he studies the new recruits for a beat, then he changes the projection he’s conjured from a Green Daggertail to a Red Scorpiontail. He’s an illusionist and the only professor in the quadrant with the signet ability to project what he sees in his mind, which makes this class one of my favorites.
The Red Scorpiontail in the center of our circled tables is a fraction of its actual size, six feet tall at most, but it’s an exact replica of the actual firebreather waiting in the Vale for Threshing.
“Red Scorpiontails, like Ghrian here, are the quickest to temper,” Professor Kaori continues, his perfectly trimmed mustache curving as he smiles at the illusion like he’s the dragon himself. We all take notes. “So if you offend him, you’re—”
“Lunch,” Ridoc says, and the class laughs. We have a common class with Violet’s squad and unfortunately Jack Barlowe is here too, who hasn’t quit glaring at Violet since his squad took over their quarter of the room a half hour ago.
“Precisely,” Professor Kaori responds. “So what’s the best way to approach a Red Scorpiontail?” He glances around the room.
I know the answer, but I keep my hand to myself to lay low as always.
“You don’t,” Liam mutters next to me, and I huff a laugh under my breath.
“They prefer that you approach from the left and from the front, if possible,” a woman from our squad answers.
“Excellent.” Professor Kaori nods. “For this Threshing, there are three Red Scorpiontails willing to bond.” The image changes in front of us to a different dragon.
“How many dragons are there in total?” Rhiannon asks.
“A hundred for this year,” Professor Kaori answers, changing the image again. “But some might change their minds during Presentation in about two months, depending on what they see.”
My stomach hits the floor.
“That’s thirty-seven fewer than last year.” Violet says.
Maybe even fewer if they don’t like the look of us after we have to parade by them for their perusal two days before Threshing. Then again, there’s usually fewer cadets after that particular event anyway.
Professor Kaori’s dark eyebrows rise. “Yes, Cadet Sorrengail, it is, and twenty-six fewer than the year before that.”
Fewer dragons are choosing to bond, but the number of riders entering the quadrant has remained steady. My mind whirls. Attacks at the eastern borders are increasing, according to every Battle Brief, and yet there are fewer dragons willing to bond in order to defend Navarre.
“Will they tell you why they won’t bond?” another first-year asks.
“No, jackass,” Jack scoffs, his icy-blue gaze narrowing on the cadet. “Dragons only talk to their bonded riders, just like they only give their full name to their bonded rider. You should know that by now.”
Professor Kaori sends Jack a look that shuts the first-year’s mouth but doesn’t stop him from sneering at the other cadet. “They don’t share their reasons,” our instructor says. “And anyone who respects their life won’t ask a question they’re not willing to answer.”
“Do the numbers affect the wards?” Aurelie asks from where she sits behind Violet, tapping her quill against the edge of her desk.
Professor Kaori’s jaw ticks twice. “We’re not sure. The number of bonded dragons has never affected the integrity of Navarre’s wards before, but I’m not about to lie to you and say that we’re not seeing increased breaches when you know from Battle Brief that we are.”
The wards are faltering at a rate that makes my thoughts running wild with possible theories every time Professor Devera starts our daily Battle Brief. Either we’re weakening or our enemies are getting stronger. Both possibilities mean the cadets in this room are needed more than ever.
The image changes to Sgaeyl, the navy-blue dragon bonded to Xaden.
My stomach pitches as I remember the way she looked right through me that first day.
But despite of that I found her beautiful. That color and that confident stance.
“You won’t have to worry about how to approach blue dragons, since there are none willing to bond this Threshing, but you should be able to recognize Sgaeyl if you see her,” Professor Kaori says.
“So you can fucking run,” Ridoc drawls.
I nod along while others laugh.
“She’s a Blue Daggertail, the rarest of the blues, and yes, if you see her without her bonded rider, you should…definitely find somewhere else to be. Ruthless does not begin to describe her, nor does she abide by what we assume to be what the dragons consider law. She even bonded the relative of one of her previous riders, which you all know is typically forbidden, but Sgaeyl does whatever she wants, whenever she wants. In fact, if you see any of the blues, do not approach them. Just…”
“Run,” Ridoc repeats, raking his hand through his floppy brown hair.
“Run,” Professor Kaori agrees with a smile, the mustache above his top lip quivering slightly. “There are a handful of other blues in active service, but you’ll find them all along the Esben Mountains in the east, where the fighting is most intense. They’re all intimidating, but Sgaeyl is the most powerful of them all.”
My breath catches. No wonder Xaden can wield shadows—shadows that can yank daggers out of trees, shadows that can probably throw those same daggers. And yet…he let me live. I shove the kernel of warmth that thought gives me far, far away.
He was an asshole after all.
“What about the black dragon?” the first-year next to Jack asks. “There’s one here, right?”
Jack’s face lights up. “I want that one.”
“Not that it’s going to matter.” Professor Kaori flicks his wrist and Sgaeyl disappears, and a massive black dragon takes her place. Even the illusion is bigger, making me crane my neck slightly to see its head. “But just to appease your curiosity, since this is the only time you’ll ever see him, here is the only other black besides General Melgren’s.”
“He’s huge,” Rhiannon says. “And is that a clubtail?”
“No. A morningstartail. He has the same bludgeoning power of a clubtail, but those spikes will eviscerate a person just as well as a daggertail.”
“Best of both worlds,” Jack calls out. “He looks like a killing machine.”
“He is,” Professor Kaori answers. “And honestly, I haven’t seen him in the last five years, so this image is more than a little outdated. But since we have him up here, what can you tell me about black dragons?”
“They’re the smartest and most discerning,” Aurelie calls out.
“They’re the rarest,” I add in. “There hasn’t been one born in the last…century.”
“Correct.” Professor Kaori spins the illusion again, and I’m met with a pair of glaring yellow eyes. “They’re also the most cunning. There’s no such thing as outsmarting a black dragon. This one is a little over a hundred, which makes him about middle-aged. He’s revered as a battle dragon among their kind, and if not for him, we probably would have lost during the Tyrrish rebellion. Add to it that he’s a morningstartail, and he’s one of the deadliest dragons in Navarre.”
„I bet he powers one hell of a signet. How do you approach him?” Jack asks, leaning forward in his seat. There’s pure avarice in his eyes, mirrored by his friend next to him.
That’s the last thing this kingdom needs, someone as cruel as Jack bonding to a black dragon. No, thank you.
“You don’t,” Professor Kaori answers. “He hasn’t agreed to bond since his previous and only rider was killed during the uprising, and the only way you’d ever be near him is if you’re in the Vale, which you won’t be, because you’d be incinerated before you ever got through the gorge.”
The pale redhead across the circle from me shifts in her seat and tugs her sleeve down to cover her rebellion relic.
“Someone should ask him again,” Jack urges.
“It doesn’t work that way, Barlowe. Now, there is only one other black dragon, which is in service—”
“General Melgren’s,” Sawyer says. His book is closed in front of him, but I can’t blame him. I’d hardly be taking notes, either, if this was the second time I’d gone through this class. “Codagh, right?”
Everyone looks at me with curiosity in their eyes. Shit. What do they think? I won’t tell stories about him. Never.
They say the dragon chooses their rider based on things that makes them a great match. In this case they’re both cruel. They deserve each other, I shudder.
“Yes.” Professor Kaori nods. “The eldest of their den and a swordtail.”
“But just for curiosity’s sake.” Jack’s glacial-blue gaze doesn’t stray from the illusion of the unbonded black dragon still being projected. “What signet ability would this guy gift his rider?”
Professor Kaori closes his fist, and the illusion disappears. “There’s no telling. Signets are the result of the unique chemistry between rider and dragon and usually say more about the rider than the dragon. The stronger the bond and the more powerful the dragon, the stronger the signet.”
“Fine. What was his previous rider’s?” Jack asks.
“Naolin’s signet was siphoning.” Professor Kaori’s shoulders fall. “He could absorb power from various sources, other dragons, other riders, and then use it or redistribute it.”
“Badass.” Ridoc’s tone has more than a little hero worship.
“He was,” Professor Kaori agrees.
“What kills someone with that kind of signet?” Jack asks, crossing his arms over his thick chest.
Professor Kaori glances at Violet for a heartbeat before looking away. “He attempted to use that power to revive a fallen rider—which didn’t work, because there’s no signet capable of resurrection—and depleted himself in the process. To use a phrase you’ll become accustomed to after Threshing, he burned out and died next to that rider.”
Something in my chest shifts, a feeling that I can’t explain and yet can’t shake.
The bells ring, signaling the hour is up, and we all begin to gather our things. The squads filter out to the hallway, emptying the room, and I rise from behind my desk and go to stand beside Violet, shouldering my satchel as Liam waits for me by the door, a puzzled expression on his face.
“It was Brennan, wasn’t it?” Violet asks Professor Kaori.
Sadness fills his gaze as he meets hers. “Yes. He died trying to save your brother, but Brennan was too far gone.”
“Why would he do that?” She shifts the weight of her satchel. „Resurrection isn’t possible. Why would he essentially kill himself when Brennan was already gone?”
A stampede of grief tramples my heart, stealing my breath. Brennan never would have wanted anyone to die for him. That wasn’t in his nature.
Professor Kaori sits back against his desk, pulling at the short, dark hairs of his mustache as he stares at us. “Being a Sorrengail and Melgren doesn’t do you any favors in here, does it?”
I shake my head. “There are more than a few cadets who would like to take me—and my last name—down a peg.”
He nods. “It won’t be like that once you leave. After graduation, you’ll find that being who you are means others will do just about anything to keep you alive, even pleased, not because they love your mother or father but because they either fear them or want their favor.”
“Which was Naolin?”
“A little bit of both. And sometimes it’s hard for a rider with a signet that powerful to accept his limits. After all, bonding makes you a rider, but resurrecting someone from the dead? Now, that makes you a god. I somehow don’t think that Malek takes kindly to a mortal treading on his territory.”
“Thank you for answering.” Violet turns and starts toward the door, I follow her.
“Violet,” Professor Kaori calls out, and I pivot to look back. “I taught both your siblings. A signet like mine is too useful here in the classroom to let me deploy with a wing for long. Brennan was a spectacular rider and a good man. Mira is shrewd and gifted in the seat when it comes to riding.”
She nods.
“But you’re smarter than both of them.”
She blinks. It’s not often she gets compared to her brother and sister and somehow come out on top.
“From what I’ve seen of you helping your friend study in commons every night, it seems you might be more compassionate, too. Don’t forget that.”
“Thank you, but being smart and compassionate isn’t going to help me when it comes to Threshing.” A self-deprecating laugh escapes her mouth. “You know more about dragons than anyone else in the quadrant, probably anyone else on the Continent. They choose strength and shrewdness.”
“They choose for reasons they don’t see fit to share with us.” He pushes off his desk. “And not all strength is physical, Violet.”
She nods, and we head over to meet Rhiannon and Liam at the door.
“See? I told you that you’re the smartest person I know.” I grin at her. “And if anybody will bond with a strong dragon at Threshing then you will be the one.”
“You’re just saying that to comfort me.” She sighs.
“No, Vi. I say it because I belive in you.” I grab her arm and look into her eyes. “You’re smart, persistent and a good person. Don’t underestimate yourself.”
“Okay, I try.” She gives in.
“Good. Now see you later at the gym.” I wink at her and go grab Liam’s arm.
“Come on, we’re gonna be late.” I laugh at him.
“Again.” He mutters.
I’m so nervous for Violet’s challenge I thought as I stand and watch Liam beat the ever-loving shit out of his opponent. It’s a guy from Second Wing, and it takes almost no time for him to get the guy into a headlock, cutting off his air supply.
He’s really good. I cross my arms across my chest. I’m stripped down to the dragon-scale vest that’s starting to feel like a second skin and my fighting leathers. All four of my daggers are sheathed, and if everything goes correctly, I’ll have one more to add to my collection soon.
The Second Wing first-year passes out, and Liam rises victorious as we clap. Then he leans over his opponent and removes the dagger at his side. “Looks like this is mine now. Enjoy your nap.” He pats him on the head, which makes me laugh. Maybe I’m a bad influence to him.
I hear a shout behind me and I turn around.
Wow. Jack Barlowe stands near the wall and two daggers are etched into the wall. One near his ear and the other near his balls.
That must be Violet. So she took Xaden’s advice. I’m…glad.
There’s no ignoring the prickle at my scalp, and I let my gaze shift to see Xaden watching Violet.
My heart does that damn stuttering thing again, as if he’d sent shadows straight through my ribs to squeeze the organ. He lifts his scarred brow, and he walks toward the door, but before he can disappear he looks at me and I swear there’s a hint of a smile on his lips as he leaves.
That’s strange. It’s just me or he sends mixed signals? I thought he liked Violet but maybe he didn’t?
I don’t have much time to ponder on these thoughts.
„Melgren.” Professor Emetterio glances at his notebook and raises one bushy black brow before continuing. “Cardulo.”
Oh man, it will be a good fight. I grin as I step onto the mat opposite Imogen who glares daggers at me.
“You were just lucky last time.” She says as we start circling each other “And I will show everyone that you’re just a weakling.”
“Sweetie, I wasn’t lucky I’m simply that good.” I laugh at her.
She charges at me with raised fists and intends to punch me in the face but I quickly block it with my arms. I swing my right arm to land a hit on her side but she swiftly moves sideways and avoid it.
Hm, she’s not bad either. We exchange several blows, each one is faster than the one before. It’s like a well balanced dance, and we wait to see who will make the first mistake.
And there it is.
She charges at me again but her footwork is a little sloppy. I took advantage of it and kick out her legs.
She falls on the mat and I quickly try to secure her legs while punching wherever I can but she blocks almost every hit.
With a move I can’t see with her leg she reverses our positions and now my back is against the mat.
She lands a blow on my jaw and for a moment I see stars. Shit, she’s strong.
While I try to blink out the darkness she lands another punch at my ribs and grabs my hair to slam my head into the mat.
“I told you that you were lucky.” She mocks me. “You’re actually useless, aren’t you?”
Useless? My world stops for a moment.
You’re useless. You can’t even do the simple things I asked from you. You’re an embarrassment. Do something right for once in your life.
Useless. Useless. Useless.
I’m going under deeper and deeper in my memories.
‘You’re very precious to me’ I hear a voice. That’s… what Liam said at the library in the morning. He’s my friend and he doesn’t think that I’m useless. Then… maybe I’m not?
With these thoughts I’m back in reality and that’s the moment when Imogen hit my nose and I hear the bone breaking.
There’s blood everywhere.
Fuck. She broke my nose. I feel my anger rising.
When she tries to hit me again I grab her arm and I pull it to the side with all my power.
She loses her balance and I push her on the mat. With a swift move I punch her in the face, and I hear a satisfing snapping sound.
Payback bitch. Now her nose is broken too.
We begin to struggle for the upper position, but it’s like our strength is matching.
We use elbows, fists, everything we can to gain an advantage over the other one, while collecting more bruises.
With an opening, I get her into a headlock and I stabilize myself against the mat. I cut off her air supply, now I just need to endure it.
She claws my hand, tosses her body, trying to break my hold on her, but I won’t let it.
“Yield.” I say in a raspy voice.
She starts to struggle with a renewd ferocity but in vain. Slowly she starts to lose strength, slowing down. She almost lost consciousness.
“She yields.” Professor Emetterio says.
I relase her and she starts coughing.
Serves you right bitch. I won.
I stand up and I extend my hand. She looks at me with surprise in her eyes.
“It was a good match.” I say in a hoarse voice.
She accepts my hand and I help her stand up.
I turn to Liam who smiling at me. “You were great Aelin.”
“Yeah, thanks. But I think I will go see a healer, somebody should fix my nose. I don’t want a crooked nose.” I whine.
“Then come, I will escort you there” he laughs outright.
As we made our way to the doors I see Violet and her opponent and that’s when he pukes all over the mat.
Good job, Vi. The poison is working.
Next week I win against a second-year man with a rebellion relic who challanged me because the General is my father. What a surprise.
The week after the next I win again, because my opponent was a first-year who almost cried when the Professor paired us up.
The next week I almost lost against a second-year. He was a really strong opponent but got too cocky and his moves became sloppy.
My fifth won dagger is from another first-year. To my surprise I was paired up with Rhiannon. That was a good match, she’s strong and smart. But I’m better than her. It’s a fact. After all I was taught by the General.
It’s my luck that he was still at the front. I’m terrified if I think about the first time when I will have to report him. I can feel that I can’t avoid it much longer.
And August is over.
Come early September I stand next to the mat to wait for my match.
Violet is on the mat and I search for her opponent. What will it be this time? She will be throwing up? She won’t see after a couple of minutes? She will lost her balance?
I’m really intriguied. She always uses different kind of poisons so it’s not that conspicuous.
„Sorry, Violet,” Professor Emetterio says, scratching his short black beard. “You were supposed to challenge Rayma, but she’s been taken to the healers because she can’t seem to walk in a straight line.”
“That’s too bad.” She winces. “But I’m fine without a match” she adds quickly.
The Professor nods then turns to me “And Aelin it seems you’re opponent is Rayma’s boyfriend and probably they shared their breakfast. Now they both at the Healrs Quadrant.”
“What?” I ask with surprise evident on my face. “Then who will be my opponent?”
„I’m happy to step in.” That voice. That tone. That prickle of ice along my scalp…
Oh no. Hell no. No. No. No.
“You sure?” Professor Emetterio asks, glancing over his shoulder.
My stomach hits the floor.
And Xaden walks onto the mat.
Shit. I should’ve said that I’m fine without a match too.
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browneyedbeauty5725 · 3 months
Bridgerton season 3, what to say. I loved it but I was also disappointed at the same time. Spoilers if you haven’t already watched it all
Disappointment #1 I understand what Kanthony fans meant about last season now. There were just too many subplots going on. There’s always the main plot and at least two to three subplots but at least two of those subplots tie into the main one and the other one doesn’t . We got that with Cressida’s story and the Featherington family heir. They tied into Colin and Penelopes story. Why Penelope was desperate to get married and why Cressida was so desperate to get the Whistledown reward.And the ones that didn’t were Francesca’s and Benedict’s but Francesca’s still made sense because her story starts after she’s been married to her first husband for a minute, she gets married her first season and then after a couple years we see her again so her storyline this season made sense so even though it didn’t tie into the main plot it still fit with the season as a whole especially if you’ve read the books. I hate to say it because I love him so much, but Benedict’s storyline was so unnecessary this season. I enjoyed him getting to explore himself and his sexuality but to me that’s something that could’ve been done in his season.
Disappointment #2 we didn’t get Colin’s speech “ I love you with everything I am, everything I’ve been, and everything I hope to be.” I just loved that moment so much in the books and I’m so sad we didn’t get to hear him say it.
Disappointment #3 I think we all knew as soon as we got the Featherington subplot that this is what was going to happen especially when we didn’t get the Penelope/Lady Danbury friendship which is the whole reason they named their firstborn after her but I’m still mad they took Agatha from us. They already took Amelia away with Simon n Daphne so they better still give us Agatha eventually when Colin n Penelope have a girl.
Disappointment #4 the entire season did feel really rushed but that’s because it kind of was cause they only give us 8 episodes and there were 600 other stories going on at the same time,thankfully we already had two seasons of Polin buildup to work with.
Like #1 Polin of course. I loved everything about them.
Like #2 The Featherington family subplot.I actually enjoyed Prudence and Philippa a lot this season. They were just so cute. I loved them being so excited about their ball. Also Mr. Finch and Dankworth are just the cutest. They are totally “my wife” bros like Colin. Portia was going through it this whole season lol. I loved her realizing and opening her eyes to how she’d treated and overlooked Penelope for years and them kind of realizing they had more in common than they thought. And just seeing that a lot of what Portia did was to protect her girls cause her husband kind of put her between a rock n a hard place.
Like #3 I still hate Cressida but I liked her storyline and the friendship with Eloise because one someone needed to put Eloise in her place a bit, and two it showed that even one of the most popular debutantes still had her reasons to be just as desperate to find a husband. I think it helped open Eloise’s eyes a bit more to really listening to people and not disregarding what they were saying simply because she didn’t want the same things and didn’t understand why they didn’t feel the same way she did. It showed that even the girl who is everything a debutante is supposed to be was having just as much trouble as someone like Penelope who was considered the opposite of what a young lady should be in society. It showed that she could be a genuine and nice person but she lets her own desperations and wants overcloud that and that she was willing to turn on someone she considered a friend to get what she wanted. Whereas when Penelope wrote about Eloise it wasn’t to help herself , it might’ve still been wrong but she had genuine good intentions.
Like #4 I loved how Eloise and Penelope’s friendship came full circle. I think they really needed the time apart because Penelope needed to see she was letting whistledown go to her head and not really thinking about who she was hurting at that point and I think Eloise needed to really see that she needed to start listening more and understand that just because someone’s opinions or wants were different than hers doesn’t mean they weren’t still important. And how even though she was so angry and hurt that she still wanted to protect Penelope when she was hurt. She also saw how easy it was to hurt someone herself without meaning to.
Like #5 I loved Penelope standing up for herself. I loved her owning up to her mistakes. Her saying I made some mistakes and could’ve handled certain situations differently and I’m sorry for them I truly am but I’m still proud of what I’ve done and achieved as a whole. And more importantly her not letting Colin bail her out of trouble. Her saying you know what no more lying. No more running and hiding, it’s time to take responsibility and own up to what I’ve done all I need you to do is love me and stand by me.
This last one isn’t necessarily a disappointment or a like. But them turning Michael into Michaela. I knew people were speculating and I’m not sure if it had been confirmed before the season dropped and I just didn’t see it but I was surprised by it. At this point in time I don’t hate it but I’m also not sure how I feel about it. I haven’t read Francesca’s book yet so it won’t really change any of that for me. It’s more of I don’t have any specific feelings about it at the moment and a wait and see how they do the storyline in that particular season for me kind of thing. I could absolutely love it.
Also I think it was made pretty obvious by Eloise bringing up the masquerade that Benedict’s season is probably next and I’m excited for him and Sophie but I’m also a little worried and curious about how they are going to tie his behavior in the book into the show cause oof Benny boy you was troublesome
At the end of the day I enjoyed the season as a whole, it was good.
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allthefandomthings55 · 7 months
Life in the Limelight
Chapter 3
Spencer’s POV
After my text conversation with Y/N, I got back to work. All I had to do was hope that we didn’t get a case in two days. I hopped off the elevator and walked to my desk and greeted everybody as I went. As I sat at my desk I started to do paperwork that had been piling up. 
“Hey Reid, my man,” Derek said slapping his hands on my shoulders. 
“Oh no, what do you want, Derek?”
“Nothing, I just think you should come out with me this weekend. Maybe Saturday?”
“I don’t know, Derek, I think I’m busy Saturday.”
“Ok Pretty Boy! What are you doing, hmm? Are you going to watch some obscure movie? Maybe reading a whole bunch of obscure books?”
“Yeah, actually I was thinking about going out and getting lunch after going for a walk in the park then going to an early movie then going home and reading some books.”
Derek, JJ, and Emily seemed surprised for me to have a detailed plan ready. “Ok Reid,” Emily starts, “Are you going with anyone?”
“No, I’m not. I’m actually kind of excited to go out by myself and enjoy life.”
Everyone was staring at me, trying to read my micro-expressions but I knew they couldn’t. “Everyone in the meeting room in five,” Hotch said as he walked passed us. After everyone left to go to the meeting room, I let out a deep breath. I hope this case doesn’t take us out of state and doesn’t take us long. I don’t want to miss my hangout/date with Y/N. I walk up to the meeting room to see everyone sitting there. 
I take my seat and Garcia starts the meeting, “Ok friends we have trouble in our backyard. First victim, Alyssa Caldwater, was last seen leaving her job at 10:30 last Tuesday night. She was found dead two days ago in an alley, and get this, completely naked. Then just yesterday an Amanda Clarke was found in another alley about two blocks from where Miss Alyssa was found. Also they were both strangled to death then stabbed 30 times postmortem.”
“So,” Emily started, “we’re clearly dealing with someone who has extreme aggression problems.”
“Yeah, they might also be impotent. Maybe that’s why he stabbed them,” JJ commented.
“You know, because of the overkill, we’re definitely dealing with someone who is really fit, or is on some kind of stimulant drug that would give them the strength and energy to do something like this,” I said. 
“Well, it seems like this guy is speeding up. One girl dumped two days ago and another one dumped yesterday.” Rossi added.
Hotch spoke up, “Either way we better get down to the D.C. field office and help them figure this out. Everyone at the cars in 10 minutes.”
I got worried because I don’t know if we’ll be done in time for my brunch with Y/N so I decided to call her. 
“Hey Y/N, how are you?”
“I’m good, Spencer, I’m just leaving rehearsal. What about you?”
“Uh, I’m ok. Look I hate to do this, but my team and I just got a case and I don’t know if it will be done by Saturday. Luckily it’s here, well in D.C., but close enough, right?”
“Oh,” she sounded disappointed, “well that’s ok. I mean you can’t just let people die, right? How about this, we’ll play it by ear. What I do for work is really flexible so I can meet you really anytime I want. Within reason though.” She chuckled after that sentence and I liked the sound of it. I honestly didn’t even know what to say. “Spencer? Did I say something wrong?”
“No! I mean no you didn’t. I just haven’t always had people in my life that understood my situation.”
“Oh believe me I get your situation. Don’t be nervous but I really need to tell you something when we do get to meet. It’s nothing bad, but I think it’s important that you know.”
“Ok, yeah no worries right? But I have to get going to solve this and hopefully I can make our time and date.”
“Yeah you go catch a killer, Spencer. Good luck.”
“Thank you. Bye,” and I hung up the phone. I made my way downstairs and before I got off the elevator I took a deep breath and made my face neutral so the team couldn’t read me. 
As I walk out of the elevator I see the team waiting for me. “Petty Boy! What took you so long?”
“Uh, I just had to make a phone call.”
“Really? To whom?” I decided to ignore him and just follow everyone else and get into the SUV.
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I finally got the spirit animals books!! Idg the hype about Shane so far he just seems like a regular asshole but I'm assuming there's a reason for it
Dearest anon, I cannot explain how overjoyed I am that you’re reading my childhood favorite series!!! And decided to tell me about it!!! If you do happen to need a guide or are lost, here’s a post about how I recommend reading the books.
Please, please, please come talk to me about it after you’re done. Or, if you have any thoughts about it while reading, you’re welcome to liveblog in my ask box. We’re a very sparse fandom and we need sustenance.
As for Shane, I’m going to be so honest, I can’t tell what book you’re on from this ask. In the first book, he’s actually relatively sweet, and that’s all I’m going to say in case you haven’t read any farther. But part of the reason I like him so much as a character is because he’s such an asshole. Characters are far more interesting when they have flaws that affect how they interact with the world. I wouldn’t consider Shane just a regular asshole, though. I’m not going to say anything else, and I don’t recommend scrolling through my blog because I can’t shut up about the guy and you will be spoiled. But I assure you there’s a good reason for the hype!
If you end up not liking Shane, that’s okay, he’s definitely not everyone’s cup of tea. My favorite literary devices are parallels and cycles, because they are so delicious, and Shane’s character is chock-full of them, aside from all the other things that make him so fascinating to me. So there’s a definite amount of subjectivity present in why I, personally, enjoy his character so much.
I have no idea how you found my blog if not through this fandom, because I literally don’t post about anything else, but welcome aboard! Hope you like the series! Come to me with thoughts . . .
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mirisss · 6 months
Ampers&One confessing to their crush
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Ampers&one x gn! reader 
Warnings: None I think, really fluffy
Wordcount ≈ 2.1k
Thank you for the request 🍩! I hope you like it!
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Na Kamden
Kamden would have done his research on how to ask someone out both from asking his friends, looking up tips on the internet, watching romance movies, reading books, and even asking your friends if you had mentioned any scenarios of how you wanted to be asked. 
The result was him choosing to slowly warm up to it. It began with the two of you studying in the library, he was helping you with a subject you struggled a little with, as the sun set and it was getting late, Kamden asked if you wanted to eat dinner together. You said yes, wanting to get closer to the boy who made your heart beat a little quicker. Kamden paid for your food, wanting to be a gentleman. The two of you ate and spoke, laughing and enjoying the moment. Once dinner was done and it was time to head home, Kamden walked you to your door, you hugged him saying goodbye, but then he suddenly stopped you. 
“Wait, (Y/n)!” “Huh? Oh, yeah, what’s up?” He walked closer. “I really like hanging out with you and I would love to spend more time together, as more than friends, if you want that too?” Kamden smiled nervously as he held out his hand, in it he held a necklace with a small flower charm, it was a (your favorite flower). “I’d love to do that too, Kamden,” 
He Brian
Brian would not be as well prepared as Kamden. Nope, Brian would kind of just do it without realizing it. The guy barely knew he had feelings for you before Mackiah and Jiho pointed it out to him. “Hey, lover boy stop staring at your lover and go ask them out already!” His two friends said as they laughed at the shocked face Brian gave them. “What do you mean? (Y/n) isn’t my lover?” “Obviously, because you haven’t asked them out, but you should cause they like you too,” Jiho said. 
Brian thought about that conversation for the next couple of days, but he didn’t know how he should do it, well until today. Brian was about to walk home after his classes had ended, as he walked by the basketball court he saw you standing there alone with a basketball in your hand, staring angrily up at the net. Brian smiled because he found you so cute. He walked over. 
“Hey, (Y/n), what are you doing?” “Oh, Hi Brian! For my gym class next week, we’re playing basketball but I’m really bad at it, and my gym teacher told me today that I have to do somewhat well next week to get a good grade, but as I suck at anything ball-sport related, it’s not looking good for me,” “Mm well, I could try to teach you some moves,” “You could?” You happily said, finally feeling a glint of hope. “Yeah, I used to play basketball almost professionally, until I moved,” “Thank you, Brian, I owe you,” 
For almost 2 hours, Brian gave you a private lesson on how to play basketball. After 2 hours, he noticed that you were getting tired so he decided that would have to be it for today. “Thank you for today Bri,” “No worries, hey, um, do you want to get something to eat?” “Yeah, sure, it’s on me though, as I said, I owe you!” “No, I’ll pay,” “No, I should paaay, Bri,” “What kind of gentleman am I if I don’t pay on a date I asked you out on?” “It’s a date?” That was when Brian realized what he had done. “Yeah, if you want it to be?” “I’d love that,” 
Choi Jiho
Jiho first met you through his younger friend, Siyun. Siyun and you shared a class and during a lunch break, Siyun brought you with him to the table where his friends sat as your other friends were sick or busy that day. All the boys were super nice and you especially took a liking to Jiho, finding interest in his major. Jiho immediately fell in love with you, it was love at first sight for him. He would be a little nervous around you but you didn’t notice. Jiho was just a little bit jealous too, jealous of Siyun who got to see you all the time. Therefore, Jiho did everything he could to show you that he was better than his friend. 
After you were invited to a movie night with the seven boys who made up your classmates friend group, Jiho got to find out something that helped him out. 
“Come on, please can we watch a horror movie? Please guys,” Seungmo really wanted to watch a horror movie but some of the guys were against it, Jiho wanted to hear your opinion before he stated his own. “(Y/n), where do you stand on the horror movie? Do you like them or not?” “Um, both, I kind of like them but I also get scared so if I wanna watch one, I’ll always need someone beside me that I can hold onto,” You laughed a bit nervously, making Jiho smile as he found it cute. “You can always hold onto me if you want,” The way he said it and the way his eyes looked so warm as he gently gazed into your eyes made your heart skip a few beats and a blush crept up on your cheeks. “Then I want to watch a horror movie,” “Same, so that means the majority wants to watch the horror movie,” 
Everyone sat down in their designated spots, you stood a bit awkwardly on the side wondering where you should sit. Jiho waved you over to the couch where he was sitting, Siyun on the other end. “Come on, you can’t hold on to me from over there,” At the beginning of the movie, Jiho was disappointed as you just sat in the middle of the couch with him on one side and Siyun on the other seemingly totally fine. As the movie was approaching its middle point, the first real jump scare happened and you were very frightened almost jumping onto Jiho as you hid your face in his chest. Jiho’s heartbeat was racing but he felt happy, he embraced his arms around your frame, hugging you tightly to him. 
After the movie was over, Jiho reluctantly removed his arms from around you as it was time for people to head home. He walked you over to the door, hugging you to say goodbye. “Thank you for being my human shield tonight, it was really nice, you’re a great hugger, whoever gets to date you is lucky,” “Do you wanna be lucky?” “What do you mean?” “Want to go on a date?” “Seriously?” “Yeah, (Y/n), do you want to go on a date with me, Choi Jiho?” “Yes, I do,” 
Yoon Siyun
Siyun and you would be friends, studying together or just belonging to the same friend group. The two of you both enjoy photography, so sometimes, the two of you tend to stray away from the group as you wish to take photos of the clouds or nature. Without realizing it, Siyun began snapping photos of you as he fell for your passion. He thought you looked really cute as you concentrated on getting the perfect photo of a flower as a gentle breeze was blowing. It would take him a few weeks to realize that he was doing this, it wasn’t until he needed to go through his pictures to find one for an assignment in school that he found the majority of his camera roll from the last month was just photos of you. 
When he realized this, he knew that he had feelings for you, and he knew the perfect way to confess. He would print out all of his favorite photos he had taken of you and even some photos of the two of you together. He made a small collage of them, decorating it with flower stickers and other cute stickers. Next time he met up with you, he would ask if you wanted to see the photos he loved the most, and you, of course, said yes. He took out the collage and gave it to you. In the middle of it, he had written, I love you. “I love you too, Siyun,” 
Choi Kyrell
He wouldn’t be the one to confess first, he would want to but he would also be too scared to ruin things with the person he liked. For more read Your warm embrace. 
Mercer Mackiah
Mackiah would be totally whipped for you, he would try to act cool and impress you but the second you look away he is following you with puppy eyes. Whenever you asked for something he would get it in a heartbeat. 
“Uh I could really use a snack right now, I’m so hungry but I still have two more classes before the day is over,” “Uhm, I just need to go to the bathroom, be back in a sec,” Mackiah would run over to the cafeteria and buying you a snack then run back with it, luckily the boy has a lot of energy and he’s a fast runner. “Here, I got you a snack,” He’d smile brightly as he handed you the snack, his eyes sparkling with joy at being able to get you a snack. “Thanks, Mackiah, you didn’t need to,” “But I wanted to,” 
Other times it could be during an evening hangout, your friend group was at a park just hanging out and talking. Later on, a chilly breeze passed by, reminding you of your lack of a jacket. “I’m so stupid, I didn’t bring a jacket even though I knew we would be out for a long time,” “Hey, it’s okay, here, I brought a blanket, we can share it,” Mackiah quickly opened his bag and took out a blanket, he then walked over to you, wrapping it around your shoulders as he sat down very close to you. “Thanks, are you sure you don’t mind sharing it?” “Of course not, I’d love to share it. Anything for you,” “You’re so sweet, Mackiah, you’re like every person’s dream boyfriend,” “Even yours?” “I mean, yeah, you’re nice, sweet, caring, funny, not to mention handsome, loyal, oh-” Mackiah suddenly stopped your rambling by leaning in and kissing your cheek. “Can I be your boyfriend then?” “Yes, please,” He tried to stay cool but the second he turned his face away from you, he was turning as red as a tomato as he cheered internally. 
Kim Seungmo
Seungmo would be really afraid of rejection so he wouldn’t dare ask you face to face. No, he would write a letter with the help of his friends. He rewrote the letter many times because he wanted it to be perfect. 
Once he had his perfect letter, that basically just said: 
“hey, (Y/n), I’m in love with you, wanna go out? Love Seungmo, but like no pressure if you don’t” 
His friends wondered why he opted for such a simple letter instead of the three pages long once he had them help him write, but no one was surprised. They knew Seungmo, he’s young and terrified of confessing to his first love. 
Seungmo ended up leaving the letter in your locker, waiting behind a corner to see your reaction to the letter. When you opened your locker and found the letter you locked around a little confused but figured that it was for you. You opened it and read the sentence, laughing a little and blushing. You looked around to try and spot the tall boy with now blonde-blue hair, and while he was hiding behind a corner, he wasn’t really hidden. You walked over to him, he was nervous and ready to bolt out of there. 
“Hi, Seungmo,” “Hey, (Y/n),” “Yes,” “Yes?” “Yes, I wanna go out with you,” “Really?” “Yeah, and I like you too!” Seungmo nervously put his hand out toward you, looking shyly between it, your eyes, and your hand. You smiled at the shy boy before putting your hand in his, and so you walked out of the school together, hand in hand, shy smiles and red cheeks, nervous giggles could be heard every now and then.
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divingtheobscure · 1 year
The Library Chapter 1
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Morning shines through Cloud Cliff mountains again. A lush land of tower mountains, where residents live at the top of their own little mountain, each one has a house of their own. Yet you wouldn’t call them neighbors, the distance is so far away from your house and other houses that it’s impossible to see each other. All they would see is a little dot house. That’s what you always see, and that’s what made living in Cloud Cliff Mountain quite lonely at times. Even though you know you’re not really alone in this land. The lights you can see in the houses at night says otherwise. Along with the smoke coming out of their indoor furnace. Still, you never really got to know any of the residents of Cloud Cliff Mountain, you’re always too busy organizing your library, tending to the garden, and reading a book that caught your interest, or maybe even a book you want to read all over again thanks to how compelling it is.
An example of this is the book you hold in your hands right now, called ‘The paper Menagerie’.
That will have to wait until tomorrow though, as clearing out the dust is a must. There’s also the fact that you must tend to the peonies in your garden. And after all of your chores are done, you finally have a chance to enjoy the serenity Cloud Cliff Mountain has to offer.
At least, that was the plan.
“Done!” You heaved out a satisfied sigh at your work, the gazebo is looking good as new! Now that the dust and dried dead leaves are gone, you can set out and enjoy a nice relaxing afternoon with some tea and mooncakes. Choosing a book to read is not even a challenge, as there’s only one book in mind that you want to read. That’s right, the paper menagerie. You already have the book in hand, all you need to do is make the tea. Luckily you stored some already dried crush tea leaves from yesterday. All you needed to do was get the water boiling. While the water boils on the kettle you placed over the stove, you take your time trying to plan out your next schedule for tomorrow. Since you haven’t had so much free time lately, it’s almost hard to think of what to do outside of reading books.
You could try new hobbies.
“Drawing? Calligraphy? Hm, what else?” There’s got to be more than that.
You made lists of hobbies you could try, using the characters in your books as a reference to what you should do. And out of all of them the first two you mentioned to yourself caught your attention the most.
Knock Knock Knock
. . .
“You’re in the wrong house!” You yelled out to the window, you felt bad for the messenger birds the fellow residents have. They always come to your house by mistake, you guys made a routine though, three knocks mean they’re there to send a message, and five knocks mean they want to stop by and rest, and that’s when you would bring them water too. But as you looked at the window where the birds usually show themselves, you found no birds. Not even the usual hawk from the resident with the red roof.
“How very odd.” You commented, flinching a bit when you heard the loud knocking again. This time, it’s coming from your front door. . .
You stood up and walked over to the door. Debating in your head if you should open it or not. It can’t be a friend, for you have none. It also couldn’t be one of the residents either, the only way they could come here is to take one of the bridges. Something no one in the village has ever done, they always use messenger birds to get around communicating in this place. Oh! You wish there was a small window on your door so you could see who it was. But it’s also rude not to let anyone in, this could just be a small mistake and you can just tell them they’re in the wrong house.
“Hello! Is anyone home? I’m kinda looking for someone named (Y/n)?”
Shoot looks like there’s no getting out of this. The voice was that of a man, they seem to pose no threat judging by the sound of it. Oh, what the heck, you reached your hand out, and you opened the door. Expecting to see the sight of one of the residents, you weren’t expecting much, just a normal man who dressed like, a farmer, a scholar, or any other normal clothing. Except, none of those expectations were met. Standing before you is someone who wore golden armor that could only have been granted by the gods, so prestige and so glorious. And standing before you, is not a man, but a monkey with golden eyes standing in his two feet.
“Ah hey! You finally answered! Do you happen to know—”
You didn’t even give the monkey a chance to finish before you slammed the door in his face. You rubbed your eyes, trying to think and process what you had just seen. You gotta be hallucinating, you just gotta. There’s no way something like that would exist. Let alone be physically possible! The monkey is taller than you! No monkey like that could ever exist! There was knocking again, and out of instinct you opened the door again and were met with the same sight.
“Hey! That was kinda rude there. Is that really how you would greet the legendary monkey king?” While the monkey. . . king? Poses in the most epic way he can, you just stood there. Confused out of your mind.
“Monkey. . . King?” After you made your confusion known, that’s when the monkey had a look of realization wash over his face.
“Wait, are you serious? Dang Guanyin wasn’t kidding when she said no one in this village knows me.” The monkey whispers the last part, but you heard it very clearly.
You froze when you heard her name, Guanyin, the bodhisattva of compassion. And the only one outside of Cloud Cliff Mountain who knew of this place “I’m sorry, but who are you?”
You finally asked, thinking about it you should’ve asked it first.
“Oh Right.” The monkey cleared his throat before bowing.
“I am Sun Wukong, the Monkey king. And I am here to ask for your help.”
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battlemaiden13 · 2 months
akameloooooo: My God, I can’t believe the gem I just found, simply perfect!
(I don’t know if the creator is he or she, but I’ll address her as she.)
I caught a cold this week and stayed home resting with a sick note. With nothing to do, I decided to revisit my old hobby of reading Mafiafell fanfics and found this wonderful writing.
I confess that when I started reading, I didn’t pay much attention. I thought it would be bad or boring because it’s a multiverse and very long. But, my God, as I read, I became obsessed and couldn’t stop until I finished.
I usually don’t like long stories, but this one won my heart. I fell in love, simply perfect. I can’t express how euphoric I am about this reading.
I think I started last Saturday and finished last night.
It’s simply perfect. Congratulations to whoever wrote it. The writing is good, the story is immersive, and all the characters have distinct personalities. Not to mention the coordination in writing about so many characters at the same time, giving them hobbies, dreams, and desires in a fluid manner. Congratulations.
When I saw it was from 2017, I was sad because I thought the author had abandoned it. But I jumped out of my chair when I saw she released a new chapter today. I couldn’t believe she’s still writing. Congratulations. I haven’t read chapter 179 yet; I’m writing this before going to read it. I’ve never written anything on the internet; this is the first time I’m commenting somewhere random. I don’t even know if I’m writing in the right place. I didn’t even have an account for this; I just created this one to congratulate the perfect author. She knows how to write very well and makes the story engaging. I hope she achieves everything she wishes for. Congratulations once again. Perfect.
It’s a pity I return to my activities tomorrow, but I’m happy with the idea that I can continue my routine while waiting for more of this beauty. I had never participated in a vote before; I already took the opportunity and voted for mine, lol.
My eternal love since I was little is Sans, but she made me fall in love with many from the House Mutt, Coffe, Orange. I hope there are more hot moments. I’m embarrassed, lol.
13: Hi Akame! I’m battlemaiden and yes I’m the author of House Next Door. 
I hope my interpretation of Mafiafell was up to your standards since that’s how you found my story.
I’m so glad you enjoyed my writing after giving it a shot. I understand completely it is very very long. I’ve very much accepted then any new readers I’ll get will be ones who have skipped over HND heaps of times because of it’s lenght and then one day they just say fuck it XD Which I’m fine with, it’s just such a shame I don’t think those first like 20 chapters are great hooks XD. HND is defiantly a story that gets better the more you read. 
Thank you for your kind words. My character writing is something I’m very proud of and I’m glad I can write them well enough for others to enjoy (I think it’s far from perfect though)
Yep, House next door started in 2017 and is very much still updating. I almost do once a week at this point. there was a time I was updating everyday, I miss those days. I want to write a real book one day, not just fanfics and I’ve got an idea for one I just don’t have time to start a draft. 
It’s wild that you made an account just to talk to me. thank you, your welcome to chat any time. give suggestions or ideas or just talk :3
Ah almost all of the Chaos Quartet have your heart XD. I am very much a papyrus varient girly (with a few acceptions) so I will gladly convert you XD
Thank you so much for taking the time to write me so many sweet things and helping my head grow even bigger /jk. I really appreciate it and I hope you have a wonderful day!!
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beebopboom · 7 months
Hey friends!! I’ve got some updates and changes coming your way
Actually let me just start with this, in case you don’t want to read the rest as it gets personal, and it’s that I made a second page here, @boppinbee that is going to be for more personal/random/important things to me. Nothing is posted there yet but yknow there will be.
but anyway back to what I was saying
I haven’t been posting as much.
I’ve had a lot of change come my way in my personal life this past month, emotionally and just my routine in general, so it’s made being here difficult as much as I love it - if that makes sense. Things are settling back down and I’m getting used to everything again - including getting back into Good Omens, not that I ever lost my love for it just yknow got very suddenly pulled out of my hyperfixation on it by real life.
It’s been very weird to have my brain silent but those cogs have started turning again.
Interacting with you guys(gn)!!
I do so love interacting with you guys(gn) whether through reblogs, the comments, or messages but I’m not the best at it. I’m a painfully awkward person that has trouble with tone and will think I’m bothering you. But that’s my problem and I have gotten a little better. It can also be overwhelming because you guys(gn) are so nice?? and I still get baffled even though it’s been months. Also just figuring out what to say can be difficult cause I got at least 7 different responses loaded up.
but all this to say that i’m working on it and im very sorry for poor replying and not being the one to reach out first
This new page
so I made a second one to be a lot more loose with what I post. I understand that this page has pretty much only posted about Good Omens and I don’t just want to spring other content on you more than I already have. So all the personal post will move over there - the random shit I want to say, the important things to me, other fandom content - just all that fun stuff
Mainly I just have a very big need to have things organized
the future of this page
this page isn’t going anywhere. Still plenty of metas floating around in the drafts(no the meta has not “dried up”) and i’m still going to gush about this show on the regular - I just love them so much.
To be honest things happening in this fandom has been pretty overwhelming on top of everything else so i’ve kinda taken a step back and been hiding on my following tab when I have gotten on which hasn’t been that often. I’ve taken to just re-enjoying the book and show for the moment (and looking for that damn picture I can’t find)
This page is still largely going to be Good Omens some other fandom content might make its way on here though and I am taking a dabble in writing fanfic - don’t know what is going to come of it but yknow thought i’d try.
I also have a backlog of things to reply to - I promise i’m not ignoring - and a whole lot of things to go spam like/reblog so things to look forward to
but yeah - just a look inside my brain and an update on all that is happening :)
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babymetaldoll · 2 years
"Broken" (Spencer Reid x fem!reader)
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A/N: my dearest friend @all-tings-gubler sent me this pic and told me how much it made her think of Spencer and reader from my series Do I wanna Know. So I wrote her a little blurb about them <3 Hope you enjoy it!!
Word count: 1.5K
Pairing: Spencer Reid x (platonic) reader
Summary: Spencer daydreams of a life with his best friend.
Warnings: None, just fluff. Maybe Spencer feeling too much sorry for himself.
Wanna know how this ends for Spencer and his friend? Read my series here! it's awesome! and also, there is a sequel coming soon!!
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I have been on medical leave for the last five days, and the pain is already driving me insane. I’ve refused to take any painkiller after I got shot in the leg during a case, due to my past with Dilaudid. So in the last week, I’ve learned a completely new definition of the concept of pain.
I’ve been locked in my apartment reading, doing crosswords and puzzles, basically killing time and trying not to go insane. I crave work, but most of all, I need to feel useful again. I haven’t been alone, though. My best friend and colleague (Y/N) moved in with me for a few days to help me around the house. That makes everything worse. She is my best friend, my rock, my everything. I love her. I am in love with her. But I haven’t told her. The entire opposite, as a matter of fact, I’ve denied this feeling and ran away from it for over four years now.
Four years.
I love her, and here I am, pretending she is nothing but my friend. Life is pain, Spencer Reid. This leg is just a reminder.
- “Here honey, I made you some tea”- I hear her whisper as she walks towards me and leaves a warm cup of herbal tea on the table next to my couch, where I’ve been pretending to read for the last hour. In real life, my head has been registering everything she has been doing around the house. She did laundry and baked some cookies. A part of my brain keeps making me think she is my wife, my girlfriend, or my lover. My significant other, taking care of me. But that is not real. She is my friend. Just my friend. Stop it, Spencer, you are pathetic!
-“Thank you”- I whisper and smile at her as she stares at me, waiting for a reply.
-“I was thinking after your tea, we could go out for a little while. Maybe go to the park.”- she smiles and I just stare at her, not knowing what to answer. I don’t wanna go out, I don’t wanna move, every movement hurts. But then again, how can I say no to her?
-“I… I’m not…”
-“Come on, you have been locked here for five days already. You need some vitamin D. You don’t even have to walk, we can take the wheelchair.”
-“No! I’m not handicapped!”- my voice might have come a little harder than I intended, and I blame my ego for that. I don’t want her to see me in a wheelchair. Ever.
-“I know you are not, honey. I’m just saying you could use it today to go out.”
-“I don’t need it. I can walk on my own.” (Y/N) stares at me in silence for a moment, analyzing my face and her options, I guess.
She doesn’t push me anymore. Instead, she walks to the kitchen and brings a bowl with some homemade cookies. My favorite oatmeal cookies, as a matter of fact. I grab one and watch her smiling as she sits by my side and takes her copy of Wuthering Heights. We both just stay in silence for a while. I sip my tea and keep pretending to read, flipping the pages every few seconds. But I really can’t concentrate right now. Maybe staying at the apartment the entire time is not really a good idea. Maybe going out could be actually beneficial for my mental health.
-“Fine”- I whisper after a few minutes and she raises her eyes from her book, smiling- “But no wheelchair.”
-“Deal! but if you are in pain, you have to tell me right away.” I nod and sip my cup of tea again, watching her move from the couch and back to the kitchen, announcing it’s cold and we could bring some coffee and snacks to the park. I argue and tell her we can buy some, but she says it’s not necessary. She baked cookies, and coffee will only take a few minutes to brew. Meanwhile, I carefully take my crutches and walk to my room slowly to grab a sweater and put on my shoes.
-“Do you wanna take your book to the park?”- I hear her asking from the living room, and her voice is so happy and eager, I can’t help but agree.
Walking down the three floors is a nightmare. But still, I try my best not to show how much this hurts. Instead, I focus on (Y/N)’s hand on my arm as she helps me. The warmth of her touch and her soft whispers of encouragement, telling me I’m doing great, are all I need right now to make it to the first floor, even with a bullet wound in my leg.
-“Was that too hard, honey?”- she asks me the second we reach the sidewalk. I shake my head and smile a little, just to reassure her I am ok.
I hold onto my crutches tight as we make our way to the park. (Y/N) is holding a bag with food, coffee, and books. I hate these crutches ‘cos they physically stop me from holding her hand. Not that I do that a lot, but at least I wished I had the chance.
We sat on a bench in the park, near a dog playground. I start rambling facts about dogs for a while, sharing facts and stories with my best friends. She takes a bag of cookies from the bag and we share them over the conversation.
-“Would you like to have a dog, honey?”- (Y/N) asks me and sips her coffee.
-“I don’t know. I guess. You know I’ve never had one.”
-“I still can’t believe that! We all had dogs growing up”- I smile at her and she blushes, maybe a little embarrassed, because she knows what happened to me when I was a kid and why I couldn’t have a dog. I had to take care of my mother as I grew up, and I couldn’t add more pressure to that situation.
-“I might give you one for Christmas this year.”- she adds and sticks out her tongue to me.
-“You are gonna be the one taking care of it if you do, chipmunk.”- I joke and she just laughs.
-“I know. But I love dogs, so I wouldn’t mind.”
We fall silent for a few minutes. I sip my coffee and focus my eyes on the dogs playing. I get lost in my mind after a few minutes, imagining a parallel reality, where me and (Y/N) are married and we are spending our Saturday at the park, walking our dog. We are sitting at this very same bench, looking at it playing with other dogs. Maybe (Y/N) is pregnant, and we are expecting our first kid. Her hands would rub her round belly lovingly. I would wrap an arm around her as I read a book, feeling her resting her head on my shoulder. I would kiss the top of her head every once in a while, because I know if I ever do that once, I won’t ever be able to stop. If I ever kiss her lips, I won’t have the will to move away from her ever again. I would be doomed. I sigh and keep my eyes glued to the horizon as (Y/N) keeps reading and drinking her coffee. If we were married, we would keep coming back to this park, maybe with our kids. Our dog would be older now, so it would sit by our side and watch our babies playing. They would be as gorgeous as (Y/N). I imagine a little girl and a baby boy playing on the grass by our side. I would show them bugs and teach them everything about nature and animals. (Y/N) would bring little juice boxes for them, and we would share a little picnic.
That future seems as sweet as impossible. I don’t even wanna run the odds on that. I just wanna enjoy the idea of us being a family, even if I know that would never ever happen. Just the dream of those kids calling me dad is enough to make me happy.
-“Look at you, you're smiling. I missed that”- (Y/N) says and giggles as she stares at me. Of course, I never realized I was in fact ginning as I stared at the dogs, daydreaming of our fictional future together.
-“Yes. I just was…”- I pause and turn to her. Her eyes are shining as she stares at me, waiting for my answer. I simply chuckle and shake my head. I can’t tell her what is making me feel happy right now, instead, I just say:
-“I’m just enjoying being here. Thank you for convincing me to get out of the house.”
-“Anytime you want, honey.”- she says and returns to her book. I sigh and grab the one on my lap. Right, no dog, no kids, no wife. But at least I have her in my life.
Taglist General
@spenxerslut @ash19871962 @all-tings-diego @babebenhardy
@archer561 @muffin-cup @alfonsais @cynbx @louderfortheback
Taglist Spencer
@calm-and-doctor @malboroniights @lovejules888
Taglist DIWK
@tvandfanfic @big-galaxy-chaos @shilohpug @eternalharry @tvandfanfic @fandomtrash2405 @eyakoroleva @nani-2305
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troutfur · 11 months
Tonight is Writer's Choice night because I said so and because I binged the whole of the new book over the course of my day off and it gave me ideas.
Tomorrow we're back to taking prompts from the audience, in accordance with my guidelines, but as a clarification since I've got more than a handful: Mapleshade's Vengeance is in fact one of the books I haven't read. And I'm not sure it's a book I even want to read. After the whole "yeah it's totally a good idea to write an article telling kids that if they don't jump into a flooding river to save someone else they're going to Hell, just get social media to shut up" fiasco from last year it just has left a sour taste in my mouth.
Preamble out of the way, enjoy Sunbeam's ThunderClan polycule, feat. pfurr dynamic worldbuilding:
On the night Nightheart went missing, Sunbeam went into her new nest feeling dejected. The whole of ThunderClan had been buzzing with a celebratory atmosphere but hearing her mate had left had her double-guessing herself at her decisions so far. The cryptic reassurances from StarClan Squirrelstar conveyed to to her had for sure not had remotely close to the intended effect. With no clear reason why he was gone she was left wondering if Nightheart’s wenwi --his maternal grandmother-- was even telling the truth or just trying to save face for her awbyyo --her bloodline.
As she settled in to sleep, Sunbeam felt a paw prodding at her side. “Hey.” Sunbeam raised her face to see the tortoiseshell face of Nightheart’s sister.“I know you haven’t officially joined the pfurr, but... would you like to sleep with us? At least until my brother’s back.”
“I...” Sunbeam was a bit taken aback. She turned her face towards two other cats cuddled with each other, their faces expectantly towards her. Those must be her empf --her nestmates-- Sunbeam guessed. “I thought Nightheart slept alone. He did mention you but with how he spoke I thought he was a--”
“Oh no, no!” the molly was quick to interject. “StarClan no, he’s not nearly bad enough to be a hug’koo.” In their language that was a word meant ‘cuckoo’, but it could also mean a cat that had been expelled from a nest. “He just has fallen into the habit of sleeping on his own. Being made a warrior late and all.”
“But he left his Clan to court me,” Sunbeam protested. Having let that slip out she wanted to swallow back her tongue. Berryheart would certainly have thought that an offense grave enough and she hoped upon reconsidering Finchlight wouldn’t agree with that view.
“And he’s not going to lose his place in his birth pfurr from that,” Finchlight said with a shrug. “You just try again the other way ‘round. The elders may say it’s disrespectful but I’ve always thought it was jus the smart thing to do.”
“It’s not like I have a sibling to share a nest with who I care about offending,” Sunbeam mused, rising to her paws as she followed Finchlight back to her nest.
“Really?” she asked. “An ul-arramew? You don’t very much act like one.”
“No, it’s not like that,” Sunbeam said. “I have two brothers in fact. But one of them took a SkyClan mate and the other was not very pleased. And so...”
“Oh,” Finchlight said. “I’m sorry I pried.”
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Sunbeam said. “What’s the courtship period for if not for meeting your soon-to-be mate?” The word she used there was empf for in their language there’s no distinction between one’s romantic partner and any other cat one share a nest with.
“Settle in,” Finchlight offered as she carved her space between alongside the other two cats, a golden tabby tom and a pale brown molly, who were already settled on their nest. “It should be enough for all four. We had it expanded for Nightheart forever ago but since he insists on being by his lonesome.”
“Hey,” Sunbeam greeted with a flick of her tail which the other cats responded to in kind. Though everyone in the nest was cozy and fit rather neatly the atmosphere didnt’ seem yet conducive for actually going to sleep. “So... Nightheart never mentioned any other empf other than her sister. When did you all start courting?”
Myrtlebloom and Bayshine went wide-eyed in surprise for a moment before clarity dawned on them and they gave an amused purr.
“We didn’t court,” Bayshine --the tom-- clarified. “We’ve just... kinda always shared a nest.”
“Pryyp?” Sunbeam piped up.
“Our wipfurrs” --that means mothers-- “were always close. And Sparkpelt had not been in the right mindset to nurse or take care of Finchy or Nighty towards their first moon or so. So they nursed with us and the habit of sharing a nest just kinda stuck.”
“Did he never tell you?” Finchlight asked.
“No, he didn’t,” Sunbeam said in surprise. “That’s lovely of her and lovely of you. When he spoke of ThunderClan he always stressed other things.”
“Typical,” Bayshine said with an eyeroll. “Such a complainer that Nightheart. There was once towards the beginning of our apprenticeship when he...”
The nest continued gossiping about their missing member until sleep overtook them. As she drifted off into sleep, with her head rested on the soft fur of her soon-to-be empf she began to give off a purr. There may be a piece of their nest missing but now she could work on loving and being loved by the rest of them.
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chalterdh22 · 11 months
Day 18: Wanda and Loki in Magic
Lee: Loki
Ler: Wanda/Scarlet Witch
Summary:  Wanda just wants a nice, quiet evening to herself, but Loki doesn’t seem to want that to happen.  In fact, he is making her life miserable.  Knowing all her powers and being told not to use them, how else can you take down a god?
Warnings: This is a tickle fic, so if that’s not your thing, don’t read.  This is also a means to torture someone.
Wanda had made so many great friends since “joining” the Avengers.  Although, she didn’t really consider herself one. She in fact loved her Vis and made some great friends.  One person she couldn’t stand though, was Loki……  He knew how to push her buttons, say comments that made her blood pressure sky rocket and on several occasions, almost got her in trouble with the group by using her powers on him to shut him up!  Fortunately, their meetings were few and far between.
On one particular day, Vision and she went to headquarters and Vis had to go with Stark to take care of something.  For once, there was no one else there, which actually made her comfortable.  She relaxed, picked up a random book, poured a glass of wine, and was just able to hang out and be “normal” for once.  Or so she thought.
In the midst of the wonderful silence she was enjoying, someone jumped out of nowhere and scared her half to death.  It was Loki, of course!  Ugh, she was thinking.  Go away. 
“Where is everyone at?  Did they go on some secret mission and leave you behind to watch the cat?” he asked, smirking, with his arms folded.  She was half tempted to completely ignore him, but she knew that wouldn’t last long.
“No,” she said calmly.  “Vis had some business to attend to with Tony.”
“So, they did leave you behind.  Hmm.”  She rolled her eyes and went back to her book.
“Oh, come on, you know you can’t ignore me forever, my love.  That reminds me, when will be going out on a date?  Now seem like a perfect time!”
“No thank you,” she growled.  “I’d rather be engulfed by fire.”
“Oooo.  Tempting, but no.  Not what I had in mind.” He leaned over on the couch and whispered in her ear.  She swung the book at him and missed of course, because he was a god and his reflexes where unbelievable.  How could she possibly ever get even with him from tormenting her?  She slumped back in the couch, seemingly defeated.
He sat down fully next to her, like right next to her, shoulder to shoulder.  She scooted away until she was at the other side of the couch where she couldn’t go any further.  He put an arm around her should and said, “This is nice.”  He was fully smiling at her, and she couldn’t move, or use her magic in the compound.  At least this is what she was told. 
Well, at least she wasn’t supposed to use her magic.  Again, she rolled her eyes, started to squirm, and said firmly, get off, and jabbed him the side of the ribs.  Not only did he jump back a good foot from her, but he also yelped and seemed a little off when she made contact with his side.  She slowly looked up at him and faced him head on.
“What was that?  I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“No, no, I uh, it just startled me is all.”  She was glaring at him.  And then, it just popped in her head.  Vis poked her quite often and it……… wait, did she just tickle him? 
“Loki,” she said with a serious look, “are you ticklish?”  She knew good and well though she couldn’t just reach out and grab him, because he would straight disappear.  So, before he could even say anything, she shot some red sparks from her hands, immobilizing him.
“What are you doing, Wanda?  You let me go this instant!”
“Really?  I’m surprised I haven’t done this sooner.  You are such a pain sometimes!  But now, I know your little secret.”  She leaned into his neck, so her breath was warm on him.  “You’re ticklish!”
“I am not!  How horrible of an accusation you have made, while I outta…….” And she silenced him immediately.
“That’s enough talking for you.  Let’s see, Vis and Tony won’t be home for at least a half hour.  And you want to spend time with me, I remember.  So, hmmm, how can we fill out time?  Definitely not with you talking!”  At this point, he was shaking his head, making all kinds of noise through his invisible gag and squirming to get his way out.
“Boy, it sure is good to be a witch sometimes.  Let’s see if I remember how to do this.  It’s been a while, so it might take me a few times to get it right!”  His eyes went wide when more red sparks came flying from her hands at his sides.  He let out a huge moan, almost like it hurt, but then she saw his shoulders shaking up and down and his eyes were squinting shut.  So, she struck him again, and again, and again, until he seemed like he couldn’t breathe properly.  She let the magic gag fall off now.
“How are you doing, oh god of mischief?”  He was breathing heavy, smiling from ear to ear, not that he wanted to.  He couldn’t help it.  He had really only been tickled like twice since he was so crafty and could disappear at will.  He never met a powerful witch like Wanda though.
“Ii-it’s inn your bbest interest to let me go go, nowww.”  He stuttered, barely getting the words out.
“Such tough words coming from someone who is completely under my control.  Now let’s see, where else can we test out I wonder? she said putting a finger to her mouth..
“I’m warning you, don’t.”
“Ooooh.  Scary.”  And just like that she shot more sparks, wrapping around his thighs and knees, squeezing over and over.  He was trying so hard not to laugh, so it came out more like yells and hard breaths.  He was also literally almost jumping out of the seat.  “Aww, aren’t you cute!”
“Stttoooooppp iittiittt ppuuuuhlleease!!!!”
“You said please, Loki!  Very good!”  So, she stopped, and he was laboring at this point, with his head hanging down.  She snuck up right in his face and made him jump, like she would reach out and touch him.
“Now, will you be a good boy and stop pestering me?  Or will this become a usual occurrence for us?”
Still breathing hard, he managed to whisper, “I’ll leave you alone, Wanda.  I swear.”
“Yeah, well I know how solid your word is Loki, but that will have to do for now.”  She sat back and removed her magical restraints.  Just then, Tony and Vision came walking in.
“Ah, look, it’s the two misfits getting along I see.”  Tony said walking in.
“Yeah, we were actually just having a nice conversation, weren’t we Loki?” she nudged him in the shoulder, and he glared at her.
“Yes, yes.  But unfortunately, I have to depart now.  Duty calls.”  He turned back to Wanda.  “I will see you later.  Thanks for the talk!”  And poof, he disappeared.
“What was that about, love?” Vis walked up to her and placed a kiss on her forehead.
“Oh, nothing.  I think Loki just needed to relax a bit and I helped him with that.”
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tariah23 · 5 months
I wanna know why you're still reading JJK not because it's bad but bc I love seeing you rant about things you love
NATEjajajaaj tbh, I complain about everything I like and everything that I’ve said thus far about JJK, I still feel strongly about because I KNOW that it used to be written way better before but despite all of that, I can honestly say that I still enjoy it a ton. It’s so fun!? I can’t look away?!? I haven’t felt this way about a manga, especially a shounen of all things, in… I really don’t know (I kind of don’t like to count csm since it’s still a seinen to me…). Jjk is joining the ranks of my love for Naruto 🙈……. As absurd as that might sound, it makes me feel nostalgic despite not being that old!!!
It definitely deserves all of its praise as well and I’m not just saying this just because I’m a fan. If it didn’t, I’d definitely say otherwise. I’m glad that everyone is fucking with it! It just made the  Guinness world book of records the other day, I kind of want to throw up 😭. Knowing how Gege’s been writing the story lately, he probably doesn’t give a shit. He just wants to finish JJK as soon as possible so that he could get back to doing fuck all. Well… good for him. But, I’m genuinely glad that I got into it! The fans are annoying but that’s to be expected from a mainstream shounen unfortunately. It’s so nice ignoring them though. That’s the only way you’ll be able to enjoy something as big of a series like this tbh.
All of the characters that I’ve liked or loved never got to the point where they were written horribly like, I can say that Gege has remained pretty consistent in the characterization department, which is a plus, since whenever I get into stuff, I tend to pay a lot of attention to things like this especially. Yuuji is still Yuuji, Sukuna is still that petty old bitch, Gojo remained as silly and courageous till the very end (even tho I still wished that Gege could’ve focused more on Gojo’s trauma… it would’ve been nice to see him overcome the burden of being the apex of the jujutsu society… he was so much more than an idol and he still died believing that that was all that he was. Someone who was so far removed from humanity that he continued to tell himself that this would be all that he ever was and that even if his friends and peers truly did love and respected him, they’ll never learn to “understand,” him because he’s so much more powerful than they were. Their lives would never be the same. And he could never make any of them truly happy in the end. I really HATED THAT Gege let that man go to that DAMN airport still holding onto to his loneliness like this 😭😭😭… and then when you think back to that one scene in the story where various other characters were asked about their feelings towards Gojo, and all most of them had to say was that “he’s the strongest,” I just… :(… Obviously, he’s well respected despite his personality but 😭… Gege, you will burn for this-
I do enjoy how ridiculous JJK can get as well. People can talk badly about it all they want but you can’t say that it’s predictable lmfao. This looney toons ass plot 😭!!! I’m kind of here for the shenanigans. It’s been pretty repetitive as of lately though. Mainly the whole Sukuna vs everyone thing that’s been going on starting from Kashimo (his dumbass) right after Gojo’s death… but it’s okay. Outside of my favs being slaughtered left and right 👎🏾☠️. You can tell that Gege is just rushing through the story now though :/. I kind of can’t wait for it to end but I’m still enjoying the ride until the wheels fall off! I want Yuuji and the rest of the gang to be able to enjoy the rest of their lives, man… Gege wrote JJK with a chip on his shoulder 😭.
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