#all i have now are memories of writing
sally-mun · 1 month
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Since I've been settling back into Tumblr I keep thinking about the fact that this is where I did most of my writing. About all kinds of things.
I haven't really written anything in a couple of years. It started as a bit of burnout but got exponentially worse due to a very bad thing that happened. My therapist has been trying to help me find that piece of myself again. It's been lost for a really long time, and is probably a big part of why I have so much trouble being 'me' anymore, or even knowing what 'me' is. It's really difficult to like 'me' now. On the off-chance I actually do, I feel guilty for having done so, because I still haven't quite shaken the instinct that shouldn't like 'me.' I should be ashamed of 'me.' Maybe that's a big part of why my writing disappeared. I always really liked that about me. Writing would threaten my the paradigm where I can't and shouldn't like myself.
But I mean... I do really miss it.
I hope it comes back.
Maybe being here again will help with that.
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bakudekublogblog · 5 months
alright I’m bored so here’s my extremely optimistic crack theory: assuming katsuki seeing a vestige means we’ll see him in the vestige realm, when kudo sorted through izuku’s memories he put his forehead on the wall right??
what if izuku is having a crisis about being left quirkless again and vestige katsuki needs to touch foreheads with izuku to show him all his memories of izuku being heroic without a quirk and he tells him “you never needed a quirk. you were always a hero” or something like that because it’s what izuku always needed to hear
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bonefall · 7 months
Does leopard still have 3 lives in her final battle? Or was that changed?
Yep. I think she drowned her once, then Leopardstar lunges up refreshed, and she gets the upper paw on Mistyfoot with 2 lives to go.
(MAYBE tw gore, but I really did try to be tasteful about a head being smashed on a rock.)
On her back, splashing and thrashing furiously against Leopardstar's claws dunking her head under, Mistyfoot glimpses a wave breaking just over the tip of a stone-blue rock. Her only chance.
With a surge of power, her claws sink into her leader's golden shoulder and they tumble and roll to the right. Before the tyrant even realizes what's happening, she's yanked up, and then whipped backwards with a wet CRUNCH
And then again
And again
And again, until Mistyfoot can't even make out what's left of her leader anymore. All she can see is that it's a red, brown, and yellow blur, because her eyes burning with salty tears and her whole body is trembling.
She drops the corpse onto the stone and it slides into the water, lifelessly. After a moment it spasms aimlessly one last time, like an insect does after its head is bitten off, unlike the deliberate, agonized throes of Tigerstar suffering through his doomed lives. And then it's still.
There's only the tranquil sound of bubbling water, and Mistyfoot's frenzied panting. Her pounding heart makes it hard to hear either.
The blood is carried off by the shallow water in scarlet swirls, but the lake runs pale red as if it's washing it away. Some were aware of this prophecy, but Mistyfoot was not.
It isn't closure to her, or a fulfillment of divine decree. It's just blood that should be on her paws, slicked away by the complicit river. She wished it could feel like it's over, but she's smart enough to know the truth. Has been through enough terrible events like this to understand what comes next.
Her body will move foward. Her mind will need to consider her deputy. Her paw will come down on code-defying cats like Blackclaw and Greenflower. But her heart will stay here, next to the remains of Leopardstar, the same way another piece of it remains at Stonefur's side across space and time.
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microsofttothemax · 1 month
back on my leo brainrot can yall imagine a rottmnt episode where the boys are traveled into leo’s mind for whatever reason
like that one episode in the 2012 series (journey into mikey’s mind i think ??)
oh the fluff & angst potential of that is killing me
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if 9&10 were "dont wander off", and 11&12 were "the doctor lies", 13s rule #1 is "dont question me"
"have we not had a good time together" shes pointing yaz to the rule that yaz very well knows is there: we can travel if you dont ask me any difficult questions. yaz knows this is the rule - "because you ask too many questions", "this team structure isnt flat" - but she also was the one to invite the doctor into her home so im pretty sure she also knows shes not gonna kicked out that easily. she has some leeway. which she has been using between revolution and flux, which is why the doctor reminds her of the rules
i dont think she'd kick her out though. she wouldnt. i think it's just that the more you break the rule, the more unpleasant she becomes to be around, and eventually youre gonna walk out on your own. she doesnt want you to, she'd rather you stay and dont ask questions. but if youre gonna try to ask questions anyway, i think thats whats gonna happen
and yaz must think so too. because she does back off. because she doesnt want that to happen either. and it does anyway
#dont question me/dont challenge me. questions are the sore spot but the challenge is one she says explicitly once#because you see this in how she is with other people too. dont try her patience. dont act like shes smaller. dont challenge her or Die#based on the giggle - 'i thought i was clever' 'what do i say?! because im always sooo certain' - i dont think 14 is like this#also based on the expressions of affection#hes not that......reactive. to this. specific thing#so i wonder if it runs over to 15#he seems chill. i think? he seems fairly chill. but also i think we've so far only seen him mostly in control of things#faced with the maestro temporarily not entirely in control hes Notably Less Chill#but still bigger picture. hes mostly in control of things right now i think#or uhhhh based on how eager he seems to get out of the role of doctor#hmmmmm#13 didnt want it but like. was stuck with it i think#didnt want it but nobody else was gonna do it. thats why 12 regenerated#15 comes out 14 Literally Quitting#he doesnt want it and hes decided hes not stuck with it. maybe#none of this is true btw im just saying words recreationally#like those 13 moments are super cherrypicked and i havent rewatched in forever so#dont believe me gfkjghgjh#this is based more on how i write them than what ive seen basically#anyway in terms of 14/yaz i think it takes yaz a while to figure out how to deal with 14 Not being like this#bc she got soooo practiced at handling 13. most of which was abt like not tripping this rule too much#she'd keep it up with 14 and he'd just do stuff that like breaks the rule from his side and yaz wouldnt have any idea how to deal with it#he'd show her hes chilled out a bit. about this. over and over and it'd still take her moooooonthssssssss to start relaxing#just muscle memory at this point. doesnt help that shes also like this#i wonder if 14 - in a sort of compelte reversal - wants to be told what to do and how to do and#seeks out situations where someone else knows more than him so he can sit down and say 'teach me'#i think thats what he does. about all the human stuff. hes like teach me. all of it. show me how to do this
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varpusvaras · 29 days
I was talking with @the-starry-seas about cityboy Fox last night, and how he definitely has some problems with the nature. They said a certain thing would be funny. I had to write it.
Nature is good for the physical and mental health, the neon signs advertising plants and heatlamps for the citizens living in the towering buildings of Coruscant had said. Nature is good for the physical and mental health, the medical guidebook they had received at the start of their posting had said. Nature is good for the physical and mental health, the Jedi healer at the Temple had said. Nature is good for the physical and mental health, Doctor Brevent had said once Fox had landed on Alderaan.
The thing was, they were all correct, of course. It was all based on multitude of scientific studies, after all, and it wasn't like Fox didn't feel a lot better after only a single week on Alderaan. Of course he did. He got sunlight for multiple hours a day now, which corrected his circadian rhytm and boosted the amount of vitamin D in his body. He got fresh air, which did away the persisten cough he had had for the past year and a half. He got to move in an environment that wasn't all hard ground and harsh edges, which did wonders for the chronic pain on his legs and lower back. He woke up every day, listening to the soft winds and birdsong or soft rain, and it all just really, really made him more relaxed than he had ever been in his entire life.
So, yes, Fox would admit that nature was, indeed, good for his physical and mental health. He also loved Alderaan, loved the forests with pinetrees and hardwood and soft sandy paths, loved the mountains rising at the skyline, loved the little streams and rivers and lakes and the garderns around the Palace. The first time he had laid down on a patch of grass had quite literally given him five more years to his life.
The thing just was, that other things loved all of the same things as Fox did.
There had not been a lot of nature on Coruscant. Okay, scrap that, there had not been any nature on Coruscant. Whatever there was, was just patches of man-made greenery, reserved for limited population only, or things that had found their place in the darkest depths and shadowy corners of the planet. If you were on Coruscant and heard something that sounded too animalistic, it was your first, last and only chance to run.
It turned out that on Alderaan, many things were loud. Even worse, none of it made any sense.
Fox could understand the large cat-like predator that roamed around the woods at the foot of the mountains being loud. What he didn't understand was why the thing sounded disturbingly like a woman screaming. Even less he understood why the much, much smaller forest-cat, that was the height of Fox's shins and ate mostly small lizards also made a very similar sound.
His first weeks on Alderaan had been full of heart attacks. An evening walk with Breha, where she showed him the shining starling butterflies? Almost ruined because an actual fox had decided to sneak into the flower garden and screamed at him from behind a bush. Breha had thought it hilarious. Fox had thought about running away to some desolate moon in the Outer-Rim.
Now, after little over two years, Fox was...fine, with most of the things. He knew what all the animals sounded like. He knew not to sit on the ground after rain because there would be worms and snails. He knew not to go out for too long on the warmest days of late spring, because the pollen season was at it's peak then.
He had learned a lot of things, and he didn't feel like a stupid boy who had only ever seen sterilized white walls and concrete ground. Of course that was what he had been, but still. Fox felt like he could almost pass as a local these days.
Even certainly did, Fox thought, as he watched his son run along the edges of the small pond they had in the front garden. It was so shallow that the water barely reached to Fox's ankles, so it was fine letting Even be there by himself and watch the little water lilies and water bugs float on the surface.
Fox had not known a lot about babies when he had taken Even with him, but he had been more than eager to learn everything there was to learn. His son deserved only the best, and that meant that Fox had to also be the best father he could possibly be. Fox had learned that babies explored the world with touch, and that most of the time, they had no sense of danger, and would stuff anything and everything they got their hands on into their mouths.
It had just taken him a while to just figure out how much babies and little kids wanted to grab things and munch on them. It had been the thing that had made him most anxious, actually, once he had realised how eager Even was to put his hands and whatever was in them into his mouth. Fox thought he was being rather sensible being anxious about it. Too many things in the Galaxy were a serious choking hazard. Too many other things were...otherwise unsavory. Fox had almost screamed and thrown up at the same time when Even had somehow found a dead beetle and had already stuffed the fist that contained said beetle into his mouth.
Breha and Bail had tried to calm him down. It was a good thing he was vigilant, they had said, but not everything was so dangerous that Fox needed to lose either his sleep, his dinner or both. Kids needed to get dirty every now and then, they had said. It would boost their immune system. Bail had told Fox that he had apparently eaten sand when he had been little, and he was fine and healthy. Breha had continued with her own story of how she had eaten the leaves off of her mother's dayflower bush and the grass around it at the age of three because she had pretended to be a bantha while playing. She was also fine and healthy, and whatever health problems she had, were not the result of her getting some uncooked greenery into her system. Nature was good for your physical and mental health, they had said.
They were probably right, even if it all gave Fox shivers. But, perhaps, the problem was indeed Fox. After all, he was someone who had lived his entire life surrounded by sterilized walls or concrete ground.
Most importantly, Even was happy. Fox still remembered all too clearly the tiny, too-thin and bony baby wrapped inside the paper sheets in a metal cot, left inside the cold and lonely Kaminoan nursery. He still remembered that child, too small, too fragile, too quiet, a child whose big brown eyes had just stared at nothing at all and whose only way of communication had been wrapping his tiny fingers around Fox's.
That child was nowhere to be seen now. Even had a plump stomach and squishy arms and legs and a round, soft face, that was most of the time spread into a wide, toothy smile. He ran with little but surprisinly quick, wobbling steps, and babbled incessantly all the time and laughed loudly and without care every time Bail would scoop him up and twirl him around in the air.
Even lived surrounded by the exact opposite of the things Fox had, and he was all the better for it.
Fox watched as Even stopped to look at something at the ground, and then jump towards it, his hands grabbing at the grass. A small, bright green frog leaped up and into the safety of the water.
Fox held back a grimace. Yes, he was fine with most things these day, but there were still things he was less than enthusiastic about. Bugs were fine. He didn't go into a full panic when seeing one, but that didn't mean he wanted them anywhere near anyone's mouths. Lizards were actually pretty fun, at least the ones that lived on Alderaan, especially the little ones that lived on the trunks of trees and has round faces and equally round eyes and very stubby legs, or the blue ones that lived near streams and had become far too friendly with people, and would come over to see if you had something sweet for them to snack on.
It was the things that were wet and slimy and sticky that he was not alright with. Not that he would start to scream, either, but he'd much rather not have any close contact with any of them. He hated the feeling of them grabbing onto him, the many times featureless exterior creeped him out, and they were most of the time even more dirty than anything else.
Even jumped forwards again, falling onto his knees, and another frog jumped up from the grass. The frogs were fine. Totally fine. They were small and harmless and sometimes even kinda cute with their exaggeratedly large eyes. Sometimes. Most of the time they were wet and sticky and at least slightly slimy, but they were fine. It was fine, and they were definitely too fast for Even to catch. It was fine.
Fox glanced around a bit, Even still staying at the corner of his eye. Bail was also out, and was currently catching up with one of their Captains. Breha still had to finish up some work, but she would be out soon as well. Fox had brought his datapad with him, since he had a new book he wanted to read, but he had not yet gotten around to even opening it. He had been too busy watching Even play to be able to concentrate onto the story.
Speaking of Even, Fox saw him turn towards him all of a sudden, his hands clasped together and a bright smile on his face.
"Buir!" He yelled. He still couldn't quite get the r-sound right at the end, so it sounded more like Buij. Breha thought it was adorable. Bail thought it was adorable. Fox thought it was so adorable that he could cry.
Right now, though, he was just a little distracted about what Even was holding in his hands.
"Buir!" Even yelled again, as he stopped right in front of Fox. "Buir, I caught it! For you! A frog!"
Fox looked down on Even's little hands, that were holding something that was definitely not a frog.
It did look like one, but only in the broadest sense. It was much bigger, barely fitting in Even's grasp, and instead of being bright green, it was muddy brown, and had fat, bulging limbs and a large, bumpy body. Despite it being otherwise big, it didn't have the cute, big eyes of frogs, but instead it was staring right back at Fox with two beady little eyes, that were half buried under the wringly skin of its head.
Fox had a brief thought that the thing reminded him about the late Chancellor-turned-Sith, and he liked the thing even less.
It was also definitely wet, sticky and slimy, almost dripping clear goo from its toes.
"Oh", Fox swallowed. "Even, my little heart, that's not a frog."
How had Even caught it in the first place? Was it just too big to move as fast as the little frogs, and hadn't been able to jump out of the way in time? Possibly. It was very still in Even's hands, after all. Too still. Fox hated it.
He would've especially appreciated if the thing stopped staring at him.
Even looked at the thing.
"It's a big frog", he said, still happily enough. "Can we have it?"
The thing stared at Fox, like daring him to say no.
"No", Fox still said, staring right back at it. "No, we cannot, it lives outside."
Even was a well-behaved child who didn't argue too much, and always ate his vegetables and held to their hands if they went somewhere. Fox prayed to the Manda that this wasn't the one thing that he would argue about for some forsaken reason.
Even pouted a little, but then his head whipped to the side, and the big, bright smile was back.
"Mama!" He yelled. "Mama, look!"
Fox turned to look as well. Breha had made her way out as well, and was now standing with Bail and the Captain. She looked really pretty, with a golden band in her hair and the sunlight making her skin and eyes glow softly-
The thing moved in Even's hands. Fox saw it, and turned to look. It was still staring right at Fox, as it squirmed again. Even was still too distracted by Breha, that he didn't notice the movement.
Fox opened his mouth to tell Even to put the thing down, when it squirmed yet again, and with surprising speed, it drew its legs under its body and leaped up.
Fox didn't have the time to move. The thing's beady black eyes stared right at him as its round and squishy body flew across the small distance between Fox and Even, and landed right on Fox's face with an audible, wet smack.
One of its sticky, goopy legs stuck right into Fox's mouth.
Even was staring at him now, with wide eyes and his hands grasping at nothing.
Fox definitely screamed.
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tacogoats · 6 months
Thinking about a Durge who has rejected Bhaal, and whatever person they used to be, but still secretly longs for their lost memories. A Durge that, despite the answers the man could give them, would never re-ignite that strange passion they were shown they once had for Gortash. A Durge that has, for all purposes to the others in their party, moved on. A Durge that, six months after that day atop the Netherbrain, at a party celebrating their new life, receives a strange letter with an even stranger gadget hidden inside.
The meeting at the inauguration was a strange one. Despite Gortash's very obvious elation at seeing what he'd called his 'dearest friend', the man had no hesitation very proudly detailing the Dark Urge's grand scheme; their grand design for the world to be.
In front of all their friends and 'new' lover, of course.
They were furious, and rightly so. Gortash must have known what he was doing. To isolate them, to bring them back to him. The person who accepted them for all they were, all they are, and all they could be - together.
It wasn't enough to win the Dark Urge back to him, and although they'd tentatively teamed up in the end - he had died. Not by the Urge's hand, but in some ways, his own. The group had left Gortash's body within the Prism, and simply moved on. There were bigger problems, and no one really was sad to see him go. Right?
The Urge remembers a letter found in Moonrise Towers. Gortash liked gadgets, according to Ketheric. Evidence was abundant enough with the Steel Watchers, among other things. The item is strangely shaped, entirely too small, and with a simple touch, comes to life.
It reminds them of the strange picture they had seen at the Iron Throne. Gortash's visage shone through a glass, moving, talking - warning them to leave. Answering them, praising them for listening.
What a strange contraption, they'd thought all those months ago.
And then, now, there he was again. A picture, in their hand. A moving picture. Speaking with his voice, wearing his weary face - so, so weary - but not the same as before.
This had passed already. The voice did not answer them this time. It was simply impossible - the man was dead, but not quite gone in this moment.
He speaks of the inauguration like it had just happened. His joy at seeing his favourite 'assassin' again, which he says with a sad smile and a moment of silence. A heavy sigh follows, rubbing at his eyes - which they can see are so much darker than they last remember.
He is tired.
Gortash speaks of their time together, before Orin - and how Orin torments him day and night now that they had both confirmed the Urge's return. She appears with their face, taunting him some days. Other days she sends assassins that wear the same, and he simply cannot let his guard down anymore. But he knew it was them that day.
They can see the exhaustion that pulls down his features, makes his words heavier. This is not the Archduke speaking to him in this moment - it is a tired, broken down man that has just seen a ghost.
Yet they cling to every word anyway, because even though this is a broken down man who is terrified of the ghost - the man still hopes the ghost will remember him, too.
They don't. But he doesn't know that, not this little picture of him, anyway.
The picture says that if they are seeing this recording, it means he is already dead - and although he had planned to sway them back to his side, he may not have been given the chance, and refuses to allow the opportunity to share what the two of them once had slip away.
He would gift unto them the memories that he could, even beyond death. The bloody ones, the happy ones, the painful ones.
And he talks, he smiles, he even cries.
And so do they.
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ryllen · 8 months
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"Bran is practically my brother's cat" - is what i would like to think
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simandy · 1 year
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Summer trip mode is: on
Still images under the cut:
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rocktis · 3 months
fanon my beloved vs. fanon my beloathed
beloved - zack's nicknames for cloud (spikey, sunshine, cloudy, etc) - kunsel has hacked into shinra's database and could cause massive damage to the company on a whim by tapping a few keys beloathed - "zack's so stupid lol he's such a himbo" - "cloud's just a cocky asshole who doesn't care about anything but money and himself"
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swordheld · 10 months
how did u choose your username?
oh, this is a fun one!! i think i considered being swordtold at first, for that very ancient myth vibe of the sword being this narrative tool for adventure and structure and physical time, the parable being passed down through the centuries until it meddles into modern day rhetoric and ideology – a kind of fantastical tool, a spark of magic, of possibility.
i like the arc of the story of a place being physical / having it be held by time and hand alike, wearing with the years and having it become something different to each holder, each reader, each experience fantastical and individual.
having that kind of physicality to it; swordheld is the action of taking up and holding the sword yourself, choosing your own narrative, leading your own story. self-identity has always been something i struggle with (a novel concept i know, i know), so it felt right for this blog, since most of my older blogs before this one have been just me silently reblogging and never really posting anything myself, and i wanted this to be the change to that.
i've always had trouble wranging my social anxiety, esp. on the internet, and previously thought that keeping my words to myself helped keep the timeline cleaner, in a way, no messy thoughts for others to sort through, especially ones i believed no one would want to read anyway? but it never felt right, keeping myself apart from it all, esp. not in the way i so avidly enjoyed reading others' posts and additions, keeping their words close to my heart.
i wanted it to reflect that this was a space i was holding for myself? and i'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes, but this - this i think i got right. i love being here, on this blog, and the joy that it brings me. everyone else enjoying it too has been a wild ride that i never expected, and still surprises me, one that brings a little extra thrill to my heart whenever i think about it.
i had other urls that i liked, but i didn't want this blog to be tied directly to any of my fandom/story interests, since i wanted it to really just be a sort of archive of artistic inspiration and resource, like a little library or museum. i use them now as lil sideblogs of more niche interests now, which is rather lovely.
it hasn't always felt like it fit perfectly, the way that i'd like, but for some reason i can't think of really wanting to change it anytime soon. it feels mythic yet modern in a way that feels like puzzle pieces finally slotting into their place, something my own and inspirational to me, like a lantern i'm holding to make my way by. my own kind of light, if that makes sense – a star i know by name.
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maxiwaxipads · 14 days
Tuxam Who Visits Bad Badtz-Maru Kingdom!
Badobarm - “Hahah!—When I read your letter, I couldn’t believe the contents and thought someone wrote in your name.” Badobarm - “‘Course. I had to see for myself.” “So, you’re having trouble and need my help?” Tuxam - “D—Don’t speak loudly! You’re the first person I thought could help me.” “I find you sensible, and those skills might have helped me!” Badobarm - “I see. I see.” “So you can’t relax at all?” Tuxam - “M…Mhm.” Badobarm - “Then spend time with me, Tuxam.” “Let’s find something to do.” Tuxam - “J…Just like that?” “No planning at all?” Badobarm - “First lesson, Tuxam.” “Sometimes the unexpected is equally good as the expected.” Badobarm - “Now, let’s go—shall we?” Tuxam - “Y…Yes!” [Extra 1] - “Heading out for the day, Badobarm?” Badobarm - “You bet I am.” [Extra 2] - “A friend of yours?—Please, have fun around the kingdom!” Badobarm - “Yes. We’ll do.” Tuxam - “(It’s almost impressive how happy everyone here is… I haven’t even seen a single frown.)” Badobarm - “Now… What should we start with today…?” “You hungry, Tuxam? To neglect food is to neglect yourself.” Tuxam - “No, I already ate—” (stomach rumbles) Badobarm - “Then that’s that. Let’s find somewhere to eat!” Badobarm - “Anything in mind? Want me to pick?” Tuxam - “I trust in your judgment, Badobarm—let’s go whichever seems best.” Badobarm - “Got it. Got it. Anything I have in mind—Ah! I got it.” “You’re going to love this place.” Badobarm - “Lesson number two. Good food is also good fun.” Tuxam - “…Good food is—good fun.” Badobarm - “Oi, Tuxam.” Tuxam - “Yes?” Badobarm - “Having fun means having fun in the moment, so you don’t always have to write what I’m saying down.” Badobarm - “But you’re earnest, Tuxam—And I find that admirable.” Tuxam - “W—Where is this coming from…!?” “You don’t need to compliment me.” Badobarm - “Then write this down as well—compliments are also something fun to receive.” Tuxam - “Badobarm… There’s something I’m confused about…” Badobarm - “?” Tuxam - “Isn’t this definition of fun… Too broad?” Badobarm - “Broad?” “That’s exactly what it means to have fun.” Tuxam - “Fun…” Badobarm - “Relax. Don’t think about it too much.” “Fun is anything that makes you smile.”
(Walking into a dark alleyway, where even the walls touch both shoulders)  (Graffiti covers the wall, but the trash is surprisingly tidy and organized minus a puddle of mud or glass bottles by the side) (A weak light blinks to reveal a door)
Badobarm - “We’re here now.” Tuxam - “…” Tuxam - “Doesn’t it look a little… Shady?” Badobarm - “Everything looks shady here in Bad Badtz-Maru Kingdom.” “But—Don’t just a book by it’s cover, right?” Tuxam - “Got it.” Badobarm - “Oh.” “Let me do the talking though. Keep your head down. Don’t make eye contact, and don’t look around until I say we’re there.” Tuxam - “…Is this really a restaurant?” Badobarm - “Eh. Sorta.” “…Partially?” Tuxam - “…Badobarm.” “Is it really safe?” Badobarm - “Of course it is.” “I wouldn’t take you somewhere dangerous, now—would I?”
(A plain white door smudged with a few scratches and unknown stains) (Somewhat elevated by two-stairs)  (The light blinks a few times)
Badobarm - “Could you stay right here? I’ll be back, it won’t take too long.”
(Badobarm enters, leaving the door partially closed) (Tuxam overhears racket and a few exchanged words) (A loud pang…!)
Tuxam - “Badobarm, are you—” Badobarm - “Don’t worry about it! I’m coming right now.” (Badobarm who arrives with a cartoonish head bump) Badobarm - “I’m back, Tuxam.” “Hold my hand. We’ll be climbing a fleet of stairs.” Tuxam - “…If you say so.”
(Entering a building, Tuxam looks down—a clean floor that’s kept tidy)
Badobarm - “I’ll walk slowly.”
(Climbing up a fleet of stairs)
Badobarm - “You’re free to look around.”
(Lightbulbs light the dim corners of the room, but morning from the outside overwhelmingly pours) (There are empty tables and chairs) (It’s clean but lacks decoration) (They sit by a table with a window view)
Tuxam - “…I have to ask, Badobarm. Am I allowed to know where we are?” Badobarm - “The 2nd floor of a barber shop.” “We entered through a staff-only exit.” Tuxam - “The view here—it’s quite nice.” (Blueness above—making a drab building glazed with opulence. Rooftops akin to stepping stones that helped in tracing the skies and followed the alignment of clouds.) (Nonchalance became a spectacle, as thousands swayed to the melodic chimes of everyday life.) (I couldn't indent...) Badobarm - “I know right?” “The owner is a little eccentric—but if you look past that, the food here is great.” […] - “Who are you calling eccentric?” […] - “Betrayer. Scoundrel. Fool. Arrogant.” “You came here out of your volition just to bother me. Wow~ What a bully.”
(It’s a person wearing a blue turtle shell on their head with a waiter’s outfit on.) (You can’t really see their face, but there’s a hole where you can kind of see an eye.)
[…] - “Should I even feed you in the first place? Perhaps even poison your food? Do you prefer opioids or stimulants?” Badobarm - “Thank you. But can we have a menu?” […] - “Sure. I was just thinking about that.” […] - “I’ll leave you to it.” Tuxam - “If my assumptions are correct, that’s the chef?” Badobarm - “Yup.” Tuxam - “I’m more curious… How did you find a place like this anyway?” Badobarm - “I was actually mugged.” Tuxam - “M…Mugged!?” Badobarm - “More or less.” “But the owner here offered food, so I thought to myself—hell, why not?” Tuxam - “I’m glad you fed yourself that moment, but you should be more careful than that next time…” Tuxam - “Wait—Did you even know what was in this food…!?” Badobarm - “M-More or less…” Tuxam - “B—Badobarm!” “Be more careful next time.” Badobarm - “…But they did also give me a menu—with all the listed ingredients like this one. Look—still the same as I first saw it.” […] - “You told him that story…” “It was so embarrassing…” […]- “…Eh.hhhhhh. You even scolded me on my posture…” Badobarm - “But it’s true—“ […] - “Nope! Nope!” “LaLaLa! I can’t hear you!” Tuxam - “I presume you’re here for our orders?” “I’ll take the [Food Item #1] and [Drink #1]” […] - “Ah… I almost forgot.” Badobarm - “Then I’ll take the [Food Item#2], and the same drink as him.” […] - “I’ll prepare it 30 minutes tops.”
(“[…]” leaves) (A little time skip because I’m not writing a 30-minute conversation) (Woah...!! It was so moving and uplifting that suddenly 30 minutes passed!!!)
Badobarm - “There are many people in Bad Badtz-Maru Kingdom who are like that—good or bad.” “So, Tuxam! Elevate your expectations to the highest level!” Badobarm - “You have nothing to expect here, only the greatest experience that I can give to you.” Badobarm - “And the food here will be great as well.” Tuxam - “I’m quite sure your statements contradicted each other—but please take care of me!” “I’ll trust you with my life for just today.” Badobarm - “Hahah! You’ve chosen greatly.” Badobarm - “Following me will bring the greatest of fortunes—never a disadvantage!”
(Badobarm receives a forehead fling from the turtle-head assailant.)
[…] - “Keep quiet, you.” […] - “If I can hear you in the kitchen, so will others.” “—(Sigh). The food is prepared.” Badobarm - “That reminds me.” “For a chef, you didn’t even introduce yourself.” […] - “Nnnhhhh…” “But I don’t want to?” Badobarm - “Don’t be lazy.” “Just say your name.” […] - “(Whispers)” Badobarm - “A bit louder.” […] - “(k…)” […] - “(…ae)” […] - “Badobarm… Do I have to?” “People… Y’know?” Badobarm - “Tuxam is a friend of mine.” “He’s a bit… Critical—but if you’re trying your hardest, no matter how bad, even he’ll praise you.” Tuxam - “Hm.” “If you’re too shy to introduce yourself, why not I introduce myself to you?” Tuxam - “I am Tuxam. I came all this way here from Tuxedo Sam Kingdom.” Tuxam - “If you follow my example, even conquering shyness will become easier.” Kae - “I am Kae.” “A chef.” Tuxam - “An excellent introduction.” “I give it a C-.” Kae - “…A grade!?” “Maybe I shouldn’t have introduced myself in the first place…” Badobarm - “But isn't a C- still passing? If you raised your voice, even that could be a B like in Badobarm.” Kae - “If that were the case, I wouldn’t want a B if it meant associating with you.” Badobarm - “Ouch.” Tuxam - “Ahem.” “It only means you have a long way to go. If you talked as you did earlier, and maybe a little more friendlier… I think it would be passing.” Tuxam - “If this were my hometown, it would have been admonished as a D until perfection.” Kae - “…Huh!?” “Are you a tyrant!?” Tuxam - “No!” “Even better—” Tuxam - “A gentleman!”
Badobarm - “That makes me think…” “What exactly is a gentleman to you, Tuxam?” Tuxam - “As his Lord Sam defines it, ‘someone who uplifts and inspires the people around them!’” Badobarm - “(So like an idol?)” Kae - “(An idol…?)” Kae - “I’ll… I’ll take my leave now.” “I don’t want the meal to get cold and mediocre.” Kae - “Please. Enjoy.” Badobarm - “Let’s dig in.”
Tuxam - “Yes!” Tuxam - “…!” Badobarm - “Any thoughts, Tuxam?” Tuxam - “I…It’s good!” “A single bite and I want more…!” Badobarm - “Great!” “Say more as if you’re a food critic—I want Kae to bear the overwhelming end of compliments and praise.” Tuxam - “Then how about this?” “I’ll make sure to write a letter with my full thoughts about the food I had the moment I return home.” Badobarm - “Sounds great.” Badobarm - “(But I get this overwhelming feeling it’ll be more than a single page…)”
Badobarm - “Ah. That’s right. Even the view here is only a glimpse of Bad Badtz-Maru Kingdom.” Badobarm - “There are more between the corners and alleyways.” “I’ll take you to places where no one even knows.” Badobarm - “Full already?” Tuxam - “Finished. The meal was superb.” Badobarm - “I’m glad.” Badobarm - “Take my hand, Tuxam.” “We’ll do the same procedure as we entered.”
Additional Information/Tangents -
Kae (Knight of Fragaria to Lord Kahme) -
An anti-social knight who dreams of opening his own restaurant and desires to cook for his lord every day for breakfast, lunch, brunch, and dinner.
Kae doesn’t appear to understand social and societal norms.
Kae - “I hate Badobarm but I tolerate strangers.” “There’s a difference. and it should be known.”
I wanted to insert this somehow but I couldn't.
I don't know if I'll be able to write the middle portion but it'll basically be Tuxam who asks Badobarm if he can shop clothes for him. Badobarm agrees. I might or might not write it? It depends on my mood, really.
(But I'll probably describe the "mood" of the outfit rather than intently describing the details) (I'm hesitant because I don't want to describe an entire outfit ; w ;)
(if i never finish this, ill probably post the ending portion without tagging)
(I'll likely keep the top half but not the part where badobarm and tuxam buy outfits for each other) (embarrassingly, i have a reason to not consider this...) That One Draft I Have #1 -
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if you dont know what quotev is I'm happy for you i know its a silly reason but I can't get it out of mind and it haunts me?? or maybe im just tired?
(the images are related to the concept but are at different points in time) I Really Like This And I Kinda Want To Write a Hangyon-Tuxam Sleepover That Isn't Related To That One Thing I Wrote Draft #2 -
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ichi is chip's knight of fragaria, he is dead
Hangyon - “Don’t you remember Tuxam?”
Hangyon - “The night we had together?”
(Tuxam who lightly whacks Hangyon’s head with his ice cream stick)
Tuxam - “Don’t say it in a way that misunderstands others.”
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edit 1: sometimes you write something for a month and realize you forgot to detail the setting AND AT THE START OF THE STORY AS WELL so basically: tuxam meets badobarm at his office and then they go out (probably implied well as text but I needed to add necessary detail </3) i already submitted this and i will live with this pain… it’s like early in the morning and i am weak without willpower
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ratsalad · 2 years
me explaining to my brother all the different ways house md compares house and wilson's relationship to other romantic relationships in the show because he had some free time this morning
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bunnihearted · 5 months
sometimes i fantasize abt being the one with the clingy gf instead of being the clingy gf ㅠㅠ
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inertia-writes · 2 months
dehradun days
you meet them for the first time,
knowing it's probably the last.
might as well make the most of this time,
since life comes at you fast.
you find the strangest of signals
in the no-network zones.
cross-tent communication with folks,
just rambling about the unknown.
there's the warmth of shared laughter,
that carries you through freezing nights,
and you look up at the flickering stars,
to finally see things in a different light.
and at 11,000 ft above sea level
you finally reach the peak,
just to realise the joy was in the journey,
and the friends you made that week.
you'll visit caves & splendid cafes,
and remember the city in mere parts,
but years later, you'll still tell everyone,
how dehradun captured your heart.
#inertia-writes#poets on tumblr#desi poetry#dehradun poetry#poems on india#poems on life#desiblr#being desi#dehradun#i went on a trek w the lowest of expectations and it was one of the best experiences of my life#it's so refreshing to meet people from different cities and of different ages and backgrounds#jan and feb were pretty meh but things have been looking upwards from march (thank you god - i acknowledge your existence)#thought of writing a happy poem for a change of tone (and also maybe because i am genuinely happy :) )#this isn't one of my best poems i feel - it's a bit unrefined - but who cares it is one of my happy ones sooooo#there are times when absolutely nothing significant happens and there are days when years happen#i didn't go in the mountains for solitude - i felt that here already haha. i went for a change.#but i gained so many memories w people and so many positive perspectives that i needed in general. also nayata premier league <3#i think i believe in destiny now. i was destined to meet those people and have a good time and come back to reality w a spring in my step#and maybe the mountains were calling. can't stay away from snow too long - i was born during snowy days anyway#came back home and am still in some weird positive trance - good for me#also my lucky streak is still going on - kaavish released a new song#historic moment in time (thank you god 2x)#poems on friendship#found family#poems on found family#all the may '23 - feb '24 melancholy has been washed out of my system. i am now set for the next tragedy of my life lol#dekhte hai kab tak khush rehti hu mein - kuch bhayankar honewala hai aisa lag raha hai#i do not remember the last time i was happy for a month straight - am i living in a virtual simulation?#whoever is controlling my life rn - i would like to continue to stay in this simulation - thanks v much
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writhe · 1 year
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#TAGS TLDR YOU CAN NEVER TRULY GO HOME BUT DO YOU WANT TO?#writing a little for d&d and having feelings about this#it was really interesting jasper and i were working on some game mechanics and we kept getting stuck at weird parts and it developed into#this conversation where we realized we experience the world#in such fundamentally different ways. like specifically talking about how paranoia#manifests and stuff but even later in a broader sense like our experiences of time and everything is so different#and they'd be like 'well what if this is something that happened to lock' and id be like 'how could that be something that anyone would#experience' and they were like 'oh because i do'#(example here was my character not realizing he had been magically transported and filling in the blank with vague memories of travel but i#was like. are you not acutely aware of every single moment you are awake and in motion even if it is excruciatingly boring. and jasper#was like. 'oh...no. i could be transported from one place to another and if time passed i wouldnt even think about having traveled or not'#which was WILD to me but then we were like 'okay i guess this cannot be something that happened to lock' because i couldnt even fathom that#but like anyway idk we got weirdly deep dive-y about d&d stuff and personal lives and i had big feelings on it bc genuinely i feel like#there are facets and caverns in myself i have only ever touched in storytelling but particularly in this campaign#and i've joked a lot about Lock and other chars in this game being self inserts#but i mean it in a good way#like the ways we tell stories or experience a world we created together is going to be through an extension of ourselves etc#but it's interesting to me to consider the limitations that brings yknow? we all live by such vastly different sets of rules and#understandings#and im writing out some stuff now and im like. yknow.#lock can never truly go home. i can never truly go home. none of us can ever truly go home#home as shifting impermanence home as transience etc#2017 levi is back apparently but hes always been right
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