#all i have to my name is some open source characters nobody cared about and bad art
titleknown · 9 months
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incarnateirony · 9 months
OH, YEAH. let's start with this wonderful grammar "There has been a number of reports regarding assistants and stand-ins that have been credited on IMDb a number of Marvel Studios projects recently including Halle Berry & Famke Janssen for ‘DEADPOOL 3’."
Then we click the thing:
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Everything else hidden, but sure. Okay leaky person cut on a discord background, this has NOTHING to do with how easy it is to edit IMDB, AMIRITE????????
THIS one was golden though, this one right here when any fact check was begun:
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A bunch of these just look like guesses, like back in like May Halle Berry was sporting white hair and everyone assumed it was to be Storm again in Deadpool and fans went everywhere speculating.
Jared's fans have been pitching 238492384 marvel things for him to be every year for ten billion years. Gambit off the top of my head as the most recent one I recall. A list of returning GotG members because duh. Several names like Froy Gutierrez that were floated for shit like Marvel's Young Avengers on fanpages. One of these is a guy with like, NO history WHATSOEVER beyond being on CW Charmed for a few episodes (6) and then a few on night court, and isnt even in the top 5000.
Stinks of fan wishlist passed as rumor, originating off of some cross Marvel/CW fan. I mean, if Talik is managing to rocket from bit actor obscurity in the 15,000 range to being some yet unconfirmed character, all power to him, but sorry, this smacks of lmfao. It's a bunch of like fan observations of the obvious from 2 months ago (storm), CW people (Someone was a Charmed & Supernatural fan), and shit the Marvel community went "OOPS LMAO THAT'S WRONG" like Janelle Monae already:
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Page was put up same time as the tweet according to google deleted in the last day, and the tweet was posted yesterday. Lmao bruh.
Like if Jared finally gets his first voice acting role of some rando XMan like 4 years behind the jackles curve, good for him I guess? Like marvel going, DC got jensen, who was That Other Guy? Given this is just a Special like holiday specials, so it'd be like one episode.
On the other hand you're going to need more than someone blatantly trying to run a list while anyone can edit the source. You think Marvel's gonna announce it like that? AH yes we hide everything even the title, and the stars, but leak the assistants. On multiple shows. NOTHING ELSE, NOT EVEN A TITLE THERE, NO RELEASE DATE GIVEN BUT WE GOT THE RANDO ASSISTANTS *SQUARED* cuz *LOGIC* But yeah, cool. Jared Padalecki As Knockoff Voice For Some Character In One Off Holiday Special Or Shortrun Webseries Some Shit For Character/Series Zero Of the Jpeg Stans Care About.
Please take your Fangasm induced and boosted nonsense out of my inbox.
Add in, be real careful holding your breath even if it IS real. Kevin Feige is listed as producting and Iger was just talking about him being "spread too thin" and dilluting their product. He's named streaming as the problem and opened fire purging products from Disney+ even before the strike. Just outright brake pump on output of Disney+ stream content. Now, they HAVE had problems with integral marvel stars recently
Why would this come out during a strike nobody is working, no less???????? Before the strike they hadn't even sorted directors or anything??????? Are you saying Jared, what, accepted the role during strike?????????? or... kept his mouth shut without a single hint for half a year????????? JARED????????????????
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Also??? Jared's supposed assistant is uh. well i mean. i support immigration. But it's Real Weird that if you google him and Force It To English Results, there's 3 mentions; one this imdb listing, one bot garble nonsense, and one his application to go to college in california this spring while listing also moving into the country this march (actually with how he fucked up the US MM/DD/YY format for his birthday... this april??). So like. IDK man. Smells real fuckin sus. He wouldn't pass marvel vetting to be a janitor with that status.
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Love the MULTIPLE errors on here. Class act
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banavalope · 1 year
Really apropos of nothing - from your perspective, anyway - but I do wish it were. Easier? Less open for exploitation? For artists to be able to explore the concept of shared / collaborative universes more often in the pursuit of creating original art.
(more discussion of topic under cut in the event no one cares lol)
I'll note first that I'm having a different conversation here than the ad nauseam one about an artist's right to own and profit off their intellectual property. We do not disagree on this point, I am staunchly in favor, always, of independent artists staking claim on what is theirs and protecting themselves with ownership and copyright. What I'm against is corporate abuse of this protection, because literally what do they need it for, they are billionaires. Eat my ass, my life has only been made worse learning that Disney tried to fucking copyright the names Thor and Loki. So, let's digress.
I'm coming at this from a background of having grown up on adoptables RPG forums circa Gaiaonline, it was a large portion of my internet community life; the concept of an adoptables RPG is tangentially related to shared universes. They have similar DNA: a collection of people all flocking to a concept and, through communal effort, build the canon together. It's non-commital, it's more than just you and some friends creating a story, it's a little like an open RPG except you get to keep whatever you made up if you decide you're jumping ship from Gaia to Deviantart because let's say you got into a weird internet fight once with a 22 year old over a PNG you paid fake money for, and have decided you really just don't need that kind of drama in your life now that you've turned 17.
Where they differ is in the most important aspect of one being open source by permission, and the other by design.
Collaborative works like Orion's Arm, or SCP for a more mainstream example, are fascinating examples of what I mean. The dedication to building open source fictional backdrops anyone can use for anything, for profit or not, that nobody can solely own. Of course, I feel like these examples exist so perfectly because the sci-fi genre has itself always been this way. D&D is also this way. Those are nice points of inspirational reference, but they're only two genres. Very specific genres, at that.
Because you have to sometimes consider, there exist people who want to write, or want to create, who are likely very good at these things, but struggle to come up with an """""original""""" idea within their topic of interest. Maybe their interest is so niche it's impossible to separate it from the original point of inspiration (see: every time someone calls out typing quirks as homestuck derivative) Alternatively are the people good at coming up with a multitude of ideas based on one topic, but no good at stringing them together into some kind of cohesive idea, or maybe just lack the motivation to do it. Not everything has to be a thing, sometimes you just want to share an idea in a way that matters without it being your magnum opus. Yeah, you could post them into the screaming void of the social media abyss, though it's hardly a satisfying compromise.
Imagine the work that could be created if there were genres upon genres of open source worldbuilding projects, and the safety of knowing the idea you're riffing off of hurts no one to use, as being riffed off of is its intended purpose for existing. Nobody owns it! We all agreed to that at the start! Go nuts! Sell it, if you want to!
"You're just describing fandom AU", yes, dear reader, astute observation. Shared universes are, to me, the natural evolution of a fandom. Instead of only joking about how, after a point, an AU is just an original story, or a certain amount of headcanons creates a whole new character, you take that joke to its logical conclusion. Maybe it goes under recognized as the next step up because we're all so focused on making fun of people for it, but to say so risks sounding spicy.
Anyway, I love collaborative storytelling, I love shared universes and open source material, so much so that I want to bake it into my own art projects. I want there to be more free art created and curated by independent artists, ensuring struggling independent artists who can't afford to be free are able to make their living. I want art to be more accessible beyond just access to products. I have exhausted the SCP wiki, and hunger.
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zydrateacademy · 1 year
Current Activities in Gaming #225
Had to do some digging for this one. For the past two months I’ve been pretty active on Guild Wars 2. I’ve been active in blogging on MMO’s before, mostly WoW but these days there’s not a lot to talk about without spending a short novel contextualizing everything I’m working towards. One of my general goals is to get one of those flying mounts, but they made the process to be known as one of the most pain in the ass processes. One of the very first things you have to do is collect 21 items around a map that was specifically designed with that very flying mount in mind. You can ‘borrow’ world-placed ones in specific areas but they’re typically high up so you have to traverse some bullshit to even find one at all. Got that out of the way, but it took a couple of hours. And there’s like 80 more steps to go. Jesus. I originally came back to GW2 to roleplay but haven’t found any communities. I found a single RP guild. The initial meet and greet turned out to have been a judging party with some officers in the unseen background talking shit about my style before saying publicly “We’ve seen enough. Zydrate, do you even care about anyone else?” My main character is a fairly stoic, John Wick-esque figure and generally my RPing style (across many characters) is not the type to regurgitate their entire life stories to people they just met. One character I met was almost too quick to talk about the source of their scars through some Asuran torture. My character emoted in such a way that conveyed that this person was an absolute buzzkill and didn’t really inquire further. Logically, my character doesn’t want to peel back a layer of PTSD and be the cause of someone’s mental breakdown in a market square. In reality, players are just itching to drop a short novel about what their characters are all about. I’m not one of those players. Anyway that one guy who said “Okay I’ve seen enough” is also roleplaying a literal Angel. In a universe where that doesn’t exist. I looked up “Angel” on the guild wars wiki and there’s two results: A named NPC in the first game and a named cat in the second. Angels aren’t really a thing, and the character was very quick to point out he has nothing to do with Dwayna (the universe’s stand-in “goody two shoes, health and love for everyone” type God). Out of character I was like “then what the fuck, then?” In character, my main is dealing with enough of her own shit she doesn’t really care to spend time identifying this humanoid “creature” that someone invented because they have a fourteen year old’s imagination they never grew out of. Listen. My roleplaying style is more akin to what Dungeons and Dragons offers. Everyone meets and an inn, but nobody ever drops their entire baggage when first meeting. No, let’s go run a dungeon, slay some Dragonkind and once my character figures out that the people she’s hanging out with won’t just cut and run then she’ll actually open up a bit about herself. And that is a two way street, when she figures out the people around her aren’t full of shit then she might inquire about who they really are. Or better yet, show her through actions. That’s just the kind of roleplayer I am and it’s now something I’m going to have to make clear to guilds in the future. At least on GW2. Moving on. My MMO batteries soon need recharging and I’ve made some recent purchases including Fable 3 and Sifu. I’ll get Sifu out of the way first. I played about 45 minutes of it, and the first level. I suck at it, even at the lowest difficulty. As usual parrying is a pain in the ass. Every game that has it is like “press this button right before they hit you” but I can never really tell what “counts” as before I am hit. I usually end up hitting the button when the enemy’s arm moves but no, way too early. So I just end up taking the hit anyway. So I try to concentrate towards a weapon swing, and I miss anyway and take a hit. Meanwhile Sifu does not fuck around with mook chivalry, many enemies can and will gang up on you if the pathing allows it. So while I’m trying to concentrate on one guy’s arm movements, there’s still like four bitches with bamboo sticks ready to shove up my ass. So, Fable 3. A 2010 game. A few years ago during my last job I actually tried to buy the CD for it, only to find out that Microsoft had basically shuttered the whole franchise from their store and I long since lost the window that it was on Steam for. I googled and googled and the result was trying to make a Microsoft/Xbox Pass account but that didn’t work either. The game just kind of refused to load, and if memory serves it wouldn’t even install. I had even bought a controller to plug into my PC to use for it, to no avail. So I was about 70 bucks down, but I do think I successfully refunded the CD itself for the ~35 or so it cost. But a couple nights ago the mood struck me once again. Not sure why, maybe it was the discovery that Fable 4 is actually being worked on. There’s almost no information on it, just some teaser with landscapes. Might see it next year, apparently. Anyway it got me to googling again and found out that Amazon just sells Steam keys directly. So I drop 20 bucks and plugged it into Steam, and there it is. Just like that, easy. You DO have to jump through some hoops to get it to run on modern machines but it’s mostly just a matter of downloading some special .dll files and dragging it into the game and boom, the game loads. I played it for several hours. I had forgotten how hilarious the money-making snowballing can be. Since I have the meta knowledge of what you need to do to get the ‘best’ ending (you need ~6 million gold), the minute I was able to do the Blacksmithing job I stopped my youtube recording and spent like an hour on that, gained 300k gold, and bought a couple of the most expensive buildings available at the time. I then put the game in windowed mode to watch youtube or play one of my idle games, generated up enough money to do the same thing with even more businesses. With very little story progression off my Youtube recording, she’s currently making around 120k every five minutes, and after two quests she’s sitting on over two million gold. Long before she becomes queen and is stuck with the “dilemma”. I think she’ll do just fine. Everyone hates her because rent is so high but the in-game morality has her squarely in the middle because I keep taking the “nice” options in quests, mixed with the occasional execution. Why spare a bandit leader who’s been terrorizing and murdering people for years? Warrior’s promise? Fuck off, dude, I don’t know half the atrocities you probably committed. But it’s a lot of fun. Fable 3 still gets a lot of shit for being the “worst” one but to me it’s the most memorable. The leveling mechanic is a downgrade and the fact that the menues are made to be a bunch of rooms you have to walk around in instead of just giving me a simple goddamn menu is a huge step backwards in UI design and user friendliness. That’s about it. I hate the “pause” menu more than the leveling mechanic but ultimately it just takes some getting used to and functions the same. As long as I can change my weapons midfight if I have too, then whatever. Just takes a pointless extra amount of time. So far it’s still the game I loved back in the day. In the future I have my eyes on: Thief Simulator 2, Darkest Dungeon 2, Diablo 4. DD2 is available now but waiting on another payday for it. Also giving the modding community some time to “cook”, as with DD1 I liked to get a few QoL mods that made my gaming life a little easier. Maybe modders will add new characters and classes like last time as well, those are usually fun to play with. Diablo 4′s leveling curve, if the beta is anything to go by, looks a bit slower paced that D3′s so it seems like a game that might demand more of my time on a day to day basis than some of the other things on this post. Might absorb me quite a bit, but I hope to give it a little more breathing room and not rush the endgame as hard. If there really is much of one at all, yet. And Thief Simulator 2 is just more Thief Simulator which I loved, but never really beat because the Rich neighborhood got too hard, but still loved it before that.
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My Top Posts in 2022:
“why does darius look so sad in this one” and darius being immediately worried when he hears hunter is also in trouble... is doing things to my brain
1,702 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
i totally missed it until my second watch but the cut on Phillip's nose starts to widen after he broke open that palisman, and you can see it further extending over his face (diagonally) in the shot where he's talking about the collector - not only did lilith break his nose, she's also responsible for that huge rotten gash across his face. go girl go
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1,735 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
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you literally don't understand how long i am going to be thinking about this
if this birds name is waffle or something i am going to scream
2,568 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
Owen Dennis, creator of Infinity Train, posted a newsletter explaining what he currently knows about Infinity Train's removal from HBOMax. Key notes:
He was assured Infinity Train is NOT part of the tax writeoffs, and as it stands, will not be removed from the pay-per-view/per-season websites like iTunes and YouTube
These shows were supposed to be removed next week so the companies could have time to talk to the show crews, this did not happen.
The cuts were a direct order from Discovery
Discovery was warned not to do this because it was unprofessional and would hurt relationships with their talents, and did it anyway because “they clearly do not care what any of this looks like publicly, much less about how we [the crews] feel about it. “
What little residuals they make on these shows go to the unions to pay for their healthcare.
Nobody has been able to contact any of the “higher ups” at any of the merging companies for days due to, well, the merger. Everybody’s contacts are gone or scrambled around.
Owen thinks this is, ironically, the best bit of advertising the show has gotten, because it’s drawn up so much attention towards the show and how much people love it. It’s been trending on twitter for three straight days and is topping the charts on Amazon and iTunes with how many people are buying dvds and virtual copies of the seasons.
And most most importantly...
“Is the Show Gone Forever?“
I don’t believe so. As I said, it’s apparently still available on those sources listed above, though I do not know for how long. The problem is that I can’t be entirely sure if the information I’m getting is truthful or if it’s just to placate us so we’ll stop pestering them with so many questions. They certainly haven’t earned anyone’s trust with the way they’ve handled all this, so obviously take all of this with a grain or two or a million of salt (though I’m sure you’re feeling plenty salty already). In the meantime, I’ll be working with my management team on figuring out some other kind of fate for the show
There is more, but these are the most important points concerning the most distressing parts of all of this. It’s a must-read for everybody concerned about this situation.
3,416 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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19,884 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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avintagekiss24 · 3 years
Hi! I don't want to start anything on here and am always willing for civil conversations. At this point there's so much I've found out about Seb (besides the video he liked, the tommy lee thing, and the girlfriend thing) that I feel so guilty if I would continue to support him. I love him sm but it just doesn't look good rn. He is associated/follows an organisation (for helping veterans) that has posted a blue lives matter flag picture and who's co-founder has sexual assault allegations against him, and worked with him in 'The last full measure'. His friend Paul Walter Hauser has done blackface in the past, and when called out on it he just listed a few people that also did blackface. There's more, I found a discussion on here that I can link. I seriously don't support "cancel culture" bc I don't think it helps anyone but there are just a lot of 'mistakes' and shady people that can be linked to Seb, I wish it wouldn't be that way. I honestly don't know what to think about it anymore.
Hi! I’m also open to having civil conversations and I don’t believe you’re trying to start anything. I really do think this situation of dragging up a four year old video and taking it completely out of context is harmful not just to Black people, but to fandom/activism in general. This is gonna be long because I’m going to take your points one by one, and I want to preface this by saying that I will not answer any derogatory, sideways asks pertaining to this subject. I will delete every single one and will block your silly ass. I’m not going to argue with people who think I’m blindly supporting Sebastian because I’m just trying to get fucked by him, or people who think I hate myself and am trying to appease some white man.
So, on with the discourse!
The video he liked - this video was taken completely out of context and that is my main issue with this whole situation. It was not a video of a white man saying that he thinks he should be able to say the n word as everyone claimed it was. They were quickly debating on whether or not it's okay to say in rap lyrics. He was told no, that's not okay, that's never okay and they moved on from it. That's it. End of story. That somehow was twisted into a click bait style headline of "Sebastian Stan likes a video of a white man defending his right to say the n word" when that is absolutely not true. My other issue is that people are more upset that Sebastian liked the video than they are about the white man in the video literally saying the n word. So, do you really care about the use of the n word like you're claiming? Cuz if you do, you'd be more upset at the white man that said the word than you would be about the white man simply liking the video. Or, are you just using this as an excuse to grandstand against a white man you don't like?
The Tommy Lee thing - Sebastian Stan playing Tommy Lee does not make Sebastian Stan a bad person. Is Charlize Theron a bad person for playing Aileen Wuornos, a prostitute who started murdering men? Is Leonardo DiCaprio a bad person for playing a slave owner? Is Edward Norton a bad person for playing a nazi sympathizing racist? Actors play bad people. That doesn't mean that they themselves are bad people. 1990's Tommy Lee was a bad person, but that should have no bearing on who Sebastian Stan is or his character as a man.
The gf/Paul Walter Hauser thing - Why are we holding Sebastian accountable for what the people around him are doing? Again, why are we more upset that Sebastian is associated with people who have done questionable things than the specific people themselves? I'm not going to speak on the kimono wearing -- I'm not Asian. It's not my place to say whether or not its offensive because it's not my culture, but she posted that picture and attended that party before she started dating Sebastian, quite possibly before she even knew him. Same with Paul. I think that black face thing was long before he knew Sebastian. Now, if Sebastian was defending these actions, going around saying "I think it's okay for white women to wear Kimono's" "I think black face is fine" "I think white people should be able to say the n word" then we'd have a different story, wouldn't we? But that's not what we have, and that's not what he is doing. He is not responsible for the things his friends do or have done in the past just because he's more famous than they are, and he is not required to speak on them. Let's put it this way -- would you be comfortable having to be responsible for something a friend of yours did before you knew them? Would you want to have to be forced to answer for your friend when you yourself had nothing to do with the questionable behavior?
The organization that supports the military/blue lives matter - Sebastian cannot control what message that foundation puts out and it does not mean that he is or is not pro-police himself. There is not enough concrete evidence -- if any evidence for that matter -- that Sebastian is a blue lives matter supporter. Did Sebastian donate before they put up the blue lives matter post? Or after? I don’t know, cuz I don’t follow him that closely, but if he donates before they come out with a particular stance, that means he should be held accountable for that? I know I donated to an organization once and they turned out to support something that i’m 100% against. That means I’m a bad person because I couldn’t see into the future? Another point, how can we be certain that Sebastian saw the blue lives matter post in the first place? I know I’m not online 24 hrs a day, I miss posts all the time and I’m just an average person. I make three or four tumblr posts a day, and I’m gone. I have to play catch up on social media, and even then, I still miss stuff. So I’m sure the same happens to a working actor. As for the co-founder, I don't know who this person is and would rather not get into any allegations against them because I don't want to trigger anyone who comes across this post. If Sebastian knows about these allegations, is a willing participant/supporter of this person then yeah, that's pretty shitty, but we don't know the inner workings of this friendship/acquaintance/work relationship. We don’t know how close they are or if they even still speak.
I’m a pretty big fan of Don Cheadle. He’s a stand up guy, he’s a great actor, he’s funny, he’s political and stands up for what he believes in and in a very public way. I support him. Don Cheadle is also friends with Chris Evans, RDJ, Mark Ruffalo, and Letitia Wright (just to name a few). Chris Evans has a bipartisan forum that highlights/promotes right wing politicians, RDJ defended Chris Pratt during the whole “he’s the worst Chris in Hollywood” crap, who’s technically done black face, and who once said to a female reporter “nice tits” when she walked into the room, Mark Ruffalo just walked back his support of Palestine, and Letitia Wright retweeted/supported an anti-vaxxer/anti-trans Pastor who equated an ingredient of the covid vaccine to the devil because it contained some parts of the word Lucifer. Does that mean Don is now a bad person because he’s friends with these people? Why isn’t he getting any heat for his friendships with them? Why isn’t he being held accountable for what they’ve done and said? Oh right, because he’s not a white fave. So people don’t care one way or the other, which brings me to my next point. 
I can guarantee you that if Sebastian’s gf or Paul or this co-founder were not associated with Sebastian in any way, nobody would give a shit about her wearing a kimono, about Paul doing black face, or about the co-founder/organization being blue lives matter supporters and in that lies the actual problem. Being critical of people and their actions should be consistent and should happen all the time -- not just when they interact with your white fave. That’s when it becomes performative and looks like you just want to be able to show internet people that you follow/support/stan unproblematic celebrities, when really, you don’t care.
I think the moral of this post is that I think it's unfair to hold a complete stranger to a standard that I cannot hold myself to. I also don't view celebrities the way most teenagers/twenty somethings do, and that’s because when I entered fandom we didn't have social media, so I grew up with a wall between myself and said celebrities. There is no wall now with the presence of social media. "Fans" nowadays have a weird ownership feeling over celebrities because they can read their personal thoughts or view personal pictures and think that they have this personal quasi-friendship with them. I can't get on board with that. I prefer having the wall and I still keep the wall.
If supporting Sebastian makes you uncomfortable, then by all means, stop supporting him. Just make sure you are making this decision for yourself based on credible sources and concrete evidence and that you're not letting this fake woke activist mob make you feel uncomfortable. Internet activism means nothing unless you put your money where your mouth is in your real life and 90% of the social justice internet warriors do not. Real activism is bigger than changing your avi to a black square.
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slasherwhxre · 3 years
Pre Entity DBD Killers: Having a Really Bad Day (or a week or two, who knows really) and You Making It Better
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|| Characters: Danny 'Jed Olsen' Johnson, Michael Myers
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Danny 'Jed Olsen' Johnson:
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You can count the dark rings under his eyes.
"Jeez, when'd you last sleep?"
No answer.
"That bad?" He was sitting down, body slumped and looking defeated. Moreover, he looked unkempt, hair greasy and messy.
He observed the floor like you weren't even there. Danny looked no short of exhausted. Aside his worn-down appearance, nothing gave his anxiety away.
"Danny, you look like a ghost."
If only you knew.
Finally, he spoke. "Work's been kicking my ass, as you can see," Not a single hint of playfulness in his tone. Nor truth, but what you didn't know couldn't hurt you. It was quite the opposite. If you could or did know, he'd have to hurt you. And he didn't want to do that, not until he felt ready. Not with the current.. situation, he was in.
Humming and nodding at the much-awaited response, you studied him.
Danny looked as if he couldn't even lift a finger. Waiting for him to continue talking about the office or the mission they had sent him on was no use. You both knew it wasn't coming. Danny would only talk about his job if he wanted to, you were aware. Dude likes his privacy, what could you do? The secrecy had bothered you a lot a tiny bit, but it had to be put on the back burner for the time being, he sure looked like shit.
"Would you like some water or something?" He nodded before you even finished.
His eyes didn't meet yours. Nonetheless, Danny looked like he needed it, a hint of desperation nobody could quite pick up.
As you went to gather it from the kitchen, he finally adjusted his poor posture and laid back on the couch. It didn't feel any better.
Soon, you came back and handed the glass to him, which he took with eagerness and gulped the cold liquid down. In Danny's defense, Florida summers were actual hell, so anybody would've done the same.
"Danny, you're starting to worry me."
Putting down the glass and finally making eye contact, he forced a smile. "I'm fine. Let's just.." He shook his head, looking away once more, and waved his arm around as if to say 'Move on. Change the subject.'
"How have you been?"
He'd ask about you instead, taking away the spotlight on him. And it'd be rude not to, anyway. Some part also cared, but the first two reasons were better. "I missed you, y'know." He added.
Despite the state he was in, his eyes looking into yours proved the words genuine. It was the truth. Danny hadn't really wanted to stop seeing you, he just... had to get away from the authorities it all for a short while.
"I missed you too."
That felt better.
With a more real smile now, he opened up his arms as if to signal 'C'mere'. You didn't make him wait. You wouldn't dare, he knew you'd obeyed and liked that a lot about you. Of course, it was also pleasing when you'd reciprocate the feelings he had for you.
Even if, unbeknownst to you, manipulation had a lot to do with it.
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Michael Myers:
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What gave away his bad mood was... his quieter than normal breathing. It wasn't going to be his words. But you had almost thought he wasn't breathing at all, and dread ran down your body.
At the same time, he heard his name being called. The unexpected amount of panic in your voice pierced through his train of thought.
He didn't seem mad though.
Michael turned his head towards the source, taking in your stressed stance.
The immobile shape didn't give away any sign of life. Other than looking large, sitting on your — tiny, compared to him — living room couch. He couldn't have been comfortable.
That wasn't your first worry now. The earlier reaction had been a reasonable one as far as anyone was concerned (you were).
You got closer.
No reaction.
Part of you felt anxious, what if he didn't want you near him now?
A risk had to be taken, even though going against his wishes could prove lethal.
Hopefully Michael was self-aware enough to know he was hard to understand sometimes. You prayed he'd forgive you, if that was the case. "Are you okay?"
He didn't nod yes or no.
"Can I?.." you gestured to space next to him. He looked down for a second and gave you space permission to sit beside him.
"You seem thoughtful." He was. How did you know him that well? He didn't even speak. "You know, I thought you were dead." you whispered.
"I," Damn, you hadn't expected him to look at you straight and listen. Deep breaths. Speak. "I don't want you to ever.." voice getting smaller, you faced away. "..Die." Michael felt himself back away, led by an unknown instinct. Surprise, was it?
Yet, he didn't stop staring, studying your furrowed brows, and.. tearful eyes? Were you going to cry?
Feeling his gaze, you closed your eyes. Oh, he thought, guess not? But your lips were still trembling. Moreover, you were mumbling something over and over. He made out the first word as 'Don't'.
Don't? What did you not want him to do? Finish your words, he wanted to say. Did the thought of him dying make you feel this.. choked up? It seemed almost as bad as the millions of things inside his brain. They had him stuck in there for hours, days, weeks, months, years.
As the masked man's pair of eyes focused on your lips, the full phrase jumped at him at last, 'Don't die, please.'
Then a small yelp left your mouth. His big hand had grasped your before shaking one. You hadn't even realized it, but he had. And the action spoke loud and clear.
It promised, 'I won't.'
It eased your anxiety, 'Don't worry about me.'
A tear fell.
"Oh, Michael.." you said, smiling through it.
He felt like he could breathe once again. But hadn't he been this whole time already? "I'm glad."
So was he.
tag list: @prettycutebunny
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so a while ago @volkswagonblues left a reply on this post saying that jeong jeong was an example of "someone who is ideologically 'right' but whose character is absolutely not likeable, or at least not in the mainstream fandom-popular way". i started writing this response, but i totally forgot it was in my drafts until i wrote my iroh analysis. it doesn't seem right for me to have an iroh analysis post and not a jeong jeong one so here it is, the jeong jeong character analysis nobody asked for:
volkswagonblues's response hits on exactly why i find his character so fascinating - he's good, but he's absolutely not nice or well-adjusted about it. and he's definitely not mainstream-fandom "likable". it's rare that i see hate for one of my minor character faves (one of the benefits of having them), but i have actually seen people say they don't like jeong jeong. mostly, it centers around him being "wrong" about firebending, as opposed to the sun warriors. i can see where that comes from. jeong jeong has the noticable accent and proverb-y speeches of the ~mystical asian master~ trope, but his viewpoint comes off as pretty harsh and simplistic. this can confuse an audience expecting easy answers from a kids show - are you supposed to see him as wise or not? for me, i think asking "are jeong jeong's beliefs wrong?" is the wrong question. instead, you should ask: "why does jeong jeong have those beliefs?"
and the more you think about that, the more you see that he isn't actually wrong. firebending is the only type of bending where the bender produces the element from their own body rather than using their surroundings. it is someone imposing their will on the world, even more so than the other forms of bending. iroh sums this up nicely:
"Fire is the element of power. The people of the Fire Nation have desire and will, and the energy to drive and achieve what they want."
there's nothing wrong with that in theory, but in the show, this drive and power manifests as the fire nation's imperialist conquest, and the goal they're trying to achieve is world domination. as a former high-ranking military official, jeong jeong has seen firsthand the ways firebenders use their power to hurt people. the culmination of the fire nation's ideology is a plan to burn the entire earth kingdom to the ground - exactly the kind of wide-scale destruction he describes in his first cautionary speech:
"Without the bender, a rock will not throw itself! But fire will spread and destroy everything in its path if one does not have the will to control it!"
you could say that firebending is misused by the fire nation, but that feels like a No True Scotsman fallacy ("that's not true firebending!"). the fact is, firebending's unique qualities fall in line with the nation's imperialist ideology. jeong jeong hates his bending because it is inextricably tied to the war he hates.
like many, i once thought a trip to the sun warriors would be healing for jeong jeong, but i've since realized that's not what he needs. jeong jeong is perfectly aware that firebending isn't always destructive - he counsels restraint and control, not total suppression, and he even alludes to sun warrior beliefs:
"Feel the heat of the sun. It is the greatest source of fire. Yet, it is in complete balance with nature!"
going to see some dragons who tell him that firebending is about the sun and life won't change his mind. 'of course it's not inherently evil,' he'll say. 'but it has been used in terrible ways'. his feelings aren't about firebending in the abstract. they're about firebending as it is used. that it has the capacity to support an ideology of conquest, that he and others have given into its destructive side and committed such atrocities with it. he's right to hate that. (i also feel like he'd resent the sun warrior civilization for their isolationism. i mean, i would, if i'd put my life on the line to fight against my nation and it turned out there were a bunch of people who agreed with me but did nothing about it.)
so if jeong jeong and the sun warriors aren't philosophically opposed (except re: their involvement in the war), why does his view of firebending seem so much harsher? because - and here we come back to the original point - he's not likeable. he's a strict teacher and plenty of us (especially if we were kids when we watched the show) have a knee-jerk negative reaction to that. his speeches about the danger of fire are grandiose. but here's the thing: the speech where he says the most derogatory things about firebending is not one where he's teaching. it's one where he opens up to katara:
"I've always wished I were blessed like you - free from this burning curse."
this reveal that he wants to be a waterbender means that everything he says to her about his bending is less about what he believes about firebending in general and more about his own personal struggles. and in that context, it's heartbreaking:
"It forces those of us burdened with its care to walk a razor's edge between humanity and savagery. Eventually, we are torn apart."
this is the core of it all - jeong jeong doesn't just hate the fire nation and its war, he hates himself, hates that he holds that destructive power inside him. he doesn't seem to struggle with the act of bending (another reason why the sun warriors wouldn't necessarily be any help) but he clearly doesn't want to do it, probably because it reminds him of when he did terrible things with it. no wonder he calls it a curse.
and so here's what we're left with: jeong jeong leaves the fire nation military because he is right that the war is wrong, and he counsels control and restraint in opposition to the imperialist ideology of constant expansion and conquest. however, he is severely traumatized and full of guilt from his participation in said imperialist conquest, and that means he comes off as harsh and overly negative. right, but not likeable.
while i was writing this post, i was rewatching a lot of clips from the show, and i got curious about his voice actor, who i suspected was actually asian (unlike most of the voice actors). it turned out i was correct - his name is keone young, and he's had a very long career - but he's hawaiian and doesn't have the accent that probably made me guess that. he has this to say about how he portrays the one-dimensional accented characters he often plays:
“I want to portray that person with an accent who is real instead of a stereotyped version of it," he said. "I’ve always wanted to see myself as the one the story revolved around so that it was my story not your story. I always try to convey I have some kind of philosophy or point of view.”
(read the full interview here)
i bring this up because while i think jeong jeong's memorability can partially be attributed to the atla writers giving him a cool backstory and dramatic lines, what keone young says here about taking a character who's a bit of a stereotype and making them seem real, with their own philosophy and point of view...well, that's exactly jeong jeong. despite his limited screentime, we get a clear picture of who he is and what he believes. and who he is is someone who fully embodies his radically anti-imperialist politics, who has come to his beliefs from traumatic experience that's made him bitter. as the atla renaissance pushes us to reevaluate these children's cartoon characters with older eyes and modern-day politics, it's worth looking at a striking minor character like jeong jeong, who might not be fandom-likable but who has a lot of depth to offer and a perspective worth considering.
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mrskurono · 3 years
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a/n: this is the first installment(?) of the Nori brain rot from ages ago w/a Studio Ghibli vibe, idk man this just happened word count: 2.2k tags: post!Shibuya arc, possible spoilers, blood, violence, cursing(?), heavily Hoizer inspired, kinda edited character(s): Noritoshi Kamo, fem!sorcerer reader pt ll
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Curses stank. 
In a metaphorical sense yes. But also in a literal sense for you. 
These twisted beings permeated your senses like a rot that you could never rid. Unless exorcised they stuck around in your nostril for days. Each one a different smell but all of them stuck in your craw all the same. 
Beasts of rancid nature in behaviors and looks. Nothing more than to be exorcised by sorcerers. You learned quickly that exorcising the curses was no different than taking out week old trash. 
What you hadn’t planned on was someone doing more than dumping trash on the world. Whatever had happened. Suddenly you were faced with more than just dutiful tasks of keeping non sorcerers safe. A monsoon of trash had been dumped not only on you. But every human in this world. 
Your nostrils burned. And you couldn’t be rid of these things quick enough. Each one you exorcised only meant two or three popped up in their place. Never ending. You couldn’t stomach this smell though. It wouldn’t kill you before you got a breath of fresh air.
Glancing around you take a deep breath. Mountain air on the outskirts of Kyoto during this time of year always meant a refreshing break from the city stank. What you smelled wasn’t refreshing. It was that same vile smell you could clearly recall. 
A curse. One that was close too.
To thread carefully was to perhaps save your life. Every aspect of daily life ripped from you. As well of millions of others. You had done your part to try and protect those around you. Soon finding it in slight vain as you sought out some place to find your own breath of fresh air in this madness. 
‘It’s close....I feel like I’m gonna hurl.’ Thoughts toying with where the curse might have hidden itself. You keep a firm grip on your hilt with every intent to draw it the second the creature made the mistake of slipping up. 
Where you could smell it lurking. There was something else. Almost metallic in scent. You ignored it though. Nothing over powered the scent of a curse. You longed for just the sight of these things. Told over and over again how handy it was to have more than one sense open to curses. Each and every time you took a whiff of one, it made you wish nothing more than to just be able to see these creatures instead of smell them as well.
‘Wait-’ Every alarm in your body went off. Snapping around you couldn’t smell the rancid putridness of the curse anymore. That same metallic scent hung around though. You couldn’t identify it. It was something you’d never smelt before but also so familiar. 
Each hair on the back of your neck rose. This was an old deserted Buddhist temple. No one should have been here except you and the curse ransacking the place. A safe haven or so you thought. When your instinct told you to step behind one of the structural beams. You were suddenly glad you did.
Mere inches from your face, the gust of an arrow whistled past you. Weapons were not used by curses. Now you understood. That smell was human.
Quick to defend yourself, with sword drawn, you didn’t expect the same arrow to make a hard one eighty back in the direction you were. No wooden pillar to save you now. You raise your sword just quick enough to sheer the object in half. Rendering what ever power it was imbued with useless. As it had sped past you though the faint smell of iron suddenly became strong. Whatever it was from had a source. Likely human.
Not ready to give up your ideal hiding place to some interloper. You take only a second to focus on the unfamiliar smell. Faint. And not like a curse. There was something towards the back of the temple though that hinted that they were lurking where you couldn’t see them.
With an idea of where the attack would come from. When another arrow came flying by you from a faceless source, you were ready. Smacking it down before the enchanted weapon could turn on you like the first had. This time though you’d seen what angle the projectile was fired from.
‘Gotcha,’ No shortage of ways around a deteriorated temple like this. You duck down through a few broken beams and make your way up to where the attack came from. 
Expecting to have but a lowly sniper sitting with no way to guard themselves. You find no one. But the scent lingered. Scrutinizing it closer you decided maybe to use a different sense, “...Hey, I know you’re not a curse! Neither am I! Maybe if you just-” Words cut off by another arrow whizzing past you. There was nothing ruder than being interrupted. Glowering in the direction that the arrow came from now you tightened you grip on your sword, “Ok! I get it- Strangers we might not-”
Another arrow. This time too close to your head for comfort. You lost your patience with the third one. 
Recklessly charging towards the assailant was clearly enough to throw their game off track. Swinging your weapon before seeing what it was to lie before you. It was a surprise when your blade met with the dull thud of the wooden limb of a bow. 
“What the-” You attack deflected for the moment being. Your first instinct is to jump back from whoever deflected your attack. In close enough range you thought you had the upper hand to avoid the bow. But that was purely lazy thinking on your part as the cause of the stank of iron became clear.
“Slicing exorcism!” This nobody who reeked of iron shot what looked to be a shuriken made of blood at you. 
No time to be disgusted. An overwhelming scent of blood made it apparent what you’d been smelling. It wasn’t a simple metal. It was blood.
“Oh- Oh!” You raise your blade up in the nick of time to just get the splatter of cold liquid on your cheeks. Disgusted in passing you have no time to dwell as the stranger before you makes to dart away. With their head of dark hair in your line of sight, you weren’t ready to try and re-find them once again in this maze of debris.
Lurching forward you feel the upper hand stall when they stopped your attack once more with the brute of their bow. Clear view of them now. The man who’d clearly fired the arrows was all but composed when shaking off your attack. No way to not suspect another sorcerer caught up in this giant trash heap of curse attacks. You still have no time to play nice when they hurl another blood conjured weapon at you.
In such suddenness you are less lucky than you have been. This one catching your cheek and causing a sting to spread throughout the skin of your face. Fed up with this game you don’t care if he’s a sorcerer or not. This was a one for all situation now that you intended to win.
Firm foot hold found. You realize the man has cornered himself at this point. Range attacks out of the question. Undoubtedly giving you the upper hand now. With a hefty swing of your sword and the first time you’d channeled any energy into at all. You bring it down like a guillotine. Ready to strike flesh. Instead the snap of the bow is your first sign of an upper hand. 
All but trash the man throws it aside but too slowly. You’re on him before the range attacker can pull that weird blood trick again. Slight intent to kill as if he were a curse. You swipe your foot down and knock him down to the temple floor with a hard thud.
You waste no time between the moment his head hit the ground and your above him. Tip of your blade pressed to his neck. One breath too deep from him and the sharp tip would pierce his pale skin. Eyes fixated down on him you realize in the moments after your adrenaline fades that he’s staring right up at you.
Sharp tongue your words come out curt only to be interruped right away, “Who are-”
“Another sorcerer-” His eyes open from the slits they’d remained in the skirmish, “What are you doing here? How did you-”
“I get to ask the questions!” You snarl, jabbing his throat with your sword just enough to watch a crimson bead peak from under the tip of your weapon, “You attacked me, what are you doing up here? Why were you-”
“...you’re so pretty-” Suddenly his eyes open wide realizing what he said, “Wait I didn’t-”
“Shut up or I’ll cut your throat out!” Your sword pressing uncomfortably into the side of his neck now, “I asked you a question! Why are you up here!?”
“What? What are you-”
“Kamo family!” He quickly sputtered, “Head of the Kamo family!”
The name rang a bell somewhere in your frazzled brain.
“I’m the head-” He suddenly registered really the blade to his neck, “I’m looking for stragglers-”
“In an abandoned temple?” You weren’t buying it. 
“My people live just down the hill,” He spoke earnestly, “I had to keep the stragglers safe when the curses released from their seals in the keep. Some where up here but-”
“I killed them,” You glared down at him, “I killed all but the one you shot. How long were you up here? Were you following me?”
A shake of his head even as he stared at the glimmer of your sword, “No. I was looking for anyone who came up here. I didn’t expect to find another sorcerer. I felt your cursed energy and assumed you were a curse.”
Eyes narrowing you didn’t like the sound of something so simple to this pretty face, “...I don’t believe you. Give me a reason I shouldn’t kill you right now or else-”
“Noritoshi-” He blurted out, “Noritoshi Kamo. Head of the Kamo family. I can give you some place safe to stay. I don’t understand what’s going on but-”
You lift the blade from his throat. Something about the diligent tone in his voice. Like he’d introduced himself like that a million times. You could kill him but it seemed a waste. Weapon retracted but no offer to help him up. You stand above him with a confounded glare, “...do you know what’s happening?”
His head shook and your stomach dropped. Noritoshi didn’t get up. Only propping himself up slightly when he realized the back of his head was thumping from the impact, “....A special grade curse released a powerful seal in Shibuya about two weeks ago...I saw but....” His face became somber and he shook his head once again, “...I don’t know what’s been going on. I just know things are in disarray and it’s my duty to protect my people.”
Once more you were skeptical but with how little rest you’d gotten in the past few days due to the tremendous increase in curses. This man’s words seemed as solid as any other theory you’d heard. More so than the plea of non sorcerer’s you listened to day in and day out about the end of times. 
“...Has the Jujutsu elders said anything?” You step off him completely. If he was speaking the truth maybe he knew what was going on as an actual heir to one of the clans.
Noritoshi looked up at you a moment longer, “No...there’s been a wide emergency notice to do what you can but our numbers....” He grew quiet, “...as many sorcerers seem to be dying as the rest of Japan.”
Perhaps the end of times were coming. You grip your sword hilt tight and take a deep breath, “....seems a angel of death is coming then whether we like it or not.”
“You’re a sorcerer.” He began to get to his feet, “Please, come with me. If anything to stay away from here. There is a grave yard on the other side of the thicket. More curses will come. No one should be here even as a sorcerer yourself.”
First hand you’d seen the influx he spoke of. From every direction. While out of the city provided some safety you knew that this place left you as vulnerable as any other if you stayed alone. With no words to be spoken of from the elders. And an age of curses threatening to crowd out humans. Like a trash pile reaching it’s capacity. You didn’t see much choice in this one.
“...I will kill you if I find out you’re lying to me.” Voice firm without breaking eye contact with him as you sheath your sword, “I smell one curse in this safe space of yours and I’ll-”
“Kill me, yes,” Noritoshi nodded with both busted ends of his bow in his hands as he looked on at you, “I am not lying but if you see fit, I’ll accept you as my angel of death then.”
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a/n: I have one wine cooler in me as I finish this. This might be a multi part if the inspiration finds me. Anyways, um, yeah! This is an old idea coming so pls let me know if you liked it!
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prose-for-hire · 3 years
How ats characters would celebrate their s/o’s Birthday:
Characters include: Angel; Spike; Cordelia; Wesley; Fred; Lorne; Gunn; Doyle; Lindsey; Drusilla and Darla
A/N: Again, totally self-indulgent for my Birthday lol! They’re fluffy !! Hope you guys enjoy them, you can save them for your Birthdays or just enjoy them today !! 🖤💖
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- Money is no object
- Will ask what you wanna do
- Could literally be anything at all
- He has enough disposable income that you feasibly could do anything
- You insist that all you want is him though
- Not his money, just him
- You adore him
- And this assurance absolutely makes him melt
- All he ever wants is for you to be happy
- But he insists that you should mark the occasion
- So you suggest a party
- Just a small gathering with the team and some good music
- He grins, pressing a kiss to your lips
- He’s actually really excited
- He can get awkward at parties (and just in general)
- But he does enjoy them somewhat
- Especially since he began dating you
- Everything’s better with you
- And that’s why he wanted to celebrate your day properly
-  The hotel’s back and functioning
- And completely covered in decorations
- He appeared to have raided the entire party store
- Every occasion seemed to be represented lol
- Literally everything you could imagine stuck to the walls
- There’s even a balloon arch
- He clearly spent a really long time on it so you give him lots of kisses
- Which makes him almost blush
- He really cares and just wants you to feel good
- He would be by your side the entire time
- You would have a lot of fun
- Mostly just enjoys wrapping his arms around you
- And swaying slightly
- Whispering his love and happy birthdays
- The gift he gave you would be very meaningful and super romantic
- You would have melted right then and there
- You have a really great time, drinking and laughing
- You sit on his lap when you’re not being hauled up to dance with Cordy and Wes
- You even convince Angel to dance
- It’s equal parts dorky and adorable
- You definitely dance with him
- She would be so ridiculously excited
- For your birthday
- Like, ordering everyone around
- Making sure they get you the very best gifts
- And nobody is allowed to forget
- Or else
- She’s really pumped for you to be celebrated
- You’ll probably go to a bar the night before with all your friends
- Maybe Caritas if it’s up and running at the time
- (Cordy swings free drinks for you all)
- But the next day was your birthday
- You would wake up beside her
- It would honestly just be the best gift
- Just to have her this way
- You pull her into you
- Snuggling together
- Both of you sleeping off a hangover (Depending on how much/if you drank)
- Today, your actual birthday, was just for you and her
- Intimate in a way that she has always craved
- And with you she has
- Completely
- She has bought a lot of presents
- They can be assigned to two categories:
- Things you want and others that she insists you need
- All very well thought out and incredibly sweet
- She would be very cute and press lots of kisses to your lips
- Soft, sleepy kisses
- You spend a lot of the day in bed
- Just the two of you
- It’s honestly just perfect
- She wanted you to herself and you completely feel the same
- She’ll have rented movies, anything you like and you just spend it on the sofa
- Wrapped in blankets and each other
- Understated (yes, she can do understated)
- And yours
- The grandest plans
- You only deserved the best
- You always felt completely cherished with Lorne
- But he made sure to give you his undivided attention around your Birthday
- He wanted all the attention to be lavished upon you
- He could be so soft and so very insistent too
-He could tell you sometimes felt guilty about it but his nature made it so that he always made sure you were enjoying yourself
-  The most important thing was always that you felt good
- Caritas was basically a shrine to you
- He would source pictures of you growing up, fixing them up everywhere
- There would be themed drinks (from important points in your life)
- Not to mention the list of karaoke songs all evening were exclusively your favourites
- Absolutely no exceptions
- You would be showered in gifts
- Despite you telling him it really wasn’t necessary
- Especially if it’s one of your first birthdays with you both together
- Would go so far past overboard
- But he would be entirely too cute about it
- He would vibrate with excitement
- Waiting for you to open everything
- Just when you thought you were finished
- Another pile of presents would appear from nowhere
- All the affection too
- Through the entire day, would want to be close to you
-  Always does but especially so
- At the end of the day, would wrap you in his arms
- Already planning to outdo himself next year
- The man is near obsessive over your birthday
- Consumes his thoughts the entire month, just like you do all of the time
- Won’t stop thinking about it
- Mentioning it
- He’s definitely more into it than you are
- He wants you to have something normal, human
- You have to have something special - he insists
- Wants to cherish you, the entire day would be yours
- You would make the decisions for the day
-  And then he would have something planned for the evening
- Will decide to take you for drinks
- But at a more high end place than he would usually take you
- Might even take you for a trip away, somewhere you used to go
- will steal Angel’s fanciest car
- he’ll take you somewhere that he knows you like
- maybe somewhere special to the both of you
- The evening will be nice, he’ll make you smile as always
- Might treat you to some human food
- A restaurant too if you like that kind of thing
- You always feel special with him
- But the evening won’t end there
- You’ll make your way back to the car
- But he’ll grab your hand with a smirk
- Dragging you in the opposite direction
- He has it all set up
- He paid off the security guard
- There are blankets and tiny little fairy lights
-  That he would have to turn off in a second, but he knew he would enjoy seeing your smile though
- He had wanted a big gesture
- Something from the movies
- Because that’s what your love was like
- Something more human but still intimate
- Just for you
- He would help you lie back, lying by your side
- Pulling you into him
- You would be stargazing as you nestled into him
- Pointing out constellations that he probably was naming completely wrong
- But you wouldn’t care because he had thought all of this up just for you
- You were happy just as long as you would be together
- He would make you laugh so hard
- And just make you feel so cherished and celebrated 😊
- Would be so bashful about his plans
- Ridiculously anxious that you would be enjoying yourself
- That you would like whatever he came up with
- Absolutely head over heels for you
- Completely and utterly yours
- And so wants his plans to reflect this
- The gift he gives would be understated, but completely fitting
- He would be nervous to give it to you
- But once you begin gushing
- He would smile and chuckle in that way he does
- He wants to take you to a bar
- For drinks because you deserve to be celebrated
- The world’s always threatening to end
- So he wants you to have a day where it can just be you both
- Celebrating his absolute favourite person
- You ask him if he’ll dance with you
- He looks around a little embarrassed
- But he gets a burst of courage
- Takes your hand, leads you to the dancefloor
- You dance wildly, matching his moves and laughing
- A slow song started
- You loop your arms around his neck
- It was just the two of you
- For all you knew
- He whispered something
- Something he hadn’t said yet
-  “I love you”
- The sweetest, most meaningful Birthday gift
- You would press your lips to his
- Telling him just how much you appreciated this
- And he would smile into the kiss
- Chuckling slightly
- So ecstatic that you were enjoying yourself
- But you insist that it would only be with him
- He wraps his arms around you
- Leaning his head against yours
- You dance slowly in the middle of the room
- Eyes closed
- It was pure bliss
- You love each other so much
- She would pull out every stop
- An extravagant event
- In your honour
- Everything would have to be just so
- Or she would start cracking skulls
- Would attempt to make it a sweet surprise
- But would begin to murmur about it one evening
- As she held you close
- You would be very used to interpreting her words
- And so realise
- But not tell her so not to upset her
- Either way it would be beautiful
- just before the day, she brings you a bunch of flowers
- they’re night blooming
- and they look a little dead
- but you of course adore them
- The night of your birthday was so pretty, she says it’s because it belongs to you
- Your night
-The event would be filled with gifts and people you vaguely knew and liked
- She would ensure you were the centre of attention
- As you were already the centre of her world
- She would smile, laying such adoring affections on you
- Her hands entwined with you
- Would be by your side for the entire day
- Soft gestures of physical affection as you both enjoyed the celebration
- Always touching you
- Would definitely have several gifts for you
- Definitely a birthday tarot reading
- You tell her that you don’t need a future reading, you see yourself with her
- For eternity
- She would adore this and get very excited
- Lots and lots of love
- And probably several trinkets
- She probably found these trinkets by purposefully targeting the owners
- And taking them for you
- (A for effort, isn’t she the sweetest? Always thinking of you)
-  He would be a man with a plan
- It may not be pulled off exactly as planned
- But he would have had the idea in advance
- Very caring for a s/o
- Can get wrapped up in a relationship
- Which is lucky for you
- He adores you
- Absolutely worships you
- (just as you do for him ofc)
- He gets up early, ready to set everything up
- But gets instantly interrupted
- You roll over and wake up
- He can’t resist you
- Gets caught out and slides back into bed
- Holds you for a while and you cuddle up to him
- Long story short…
- You spend most of the day in bed
- Long into the afternoon
- Which, he finds a lot better than he could have planned anyway
- He tried to get away at first but by noon he just couldn’t tear himself away
- He holds you close
- Telling you how lucky he feels to have you
- And that he wants everything to be good
- He’ll singlehandedly stop an apocalypse for you
- He insists nothing’s gonna stop celebrating your day
- But you pull him back into bed again
- Pressing kisses against him
- Insisting he’s the only gift you could ever want
- But when he presents his actual gift you of course take it
- He’s very in tune with you, always listens to what you like
- And so the gift is very thoughtful but also useful/something you will use
- Which leads to you peppering him in kisses and gushing
- Which makes him smile
- That one that makes him absolutely glow
- You’re still not quite sure what the plans were
- But they were easily cancelled, he sent a chain text and it was sorted
- he called for takeout instead
- your favourite of course
- it was simple but honestly you wouldn’t want it any other way
- just you and him
- Probably would not have remembered
- Until you mentioned it
- Definitely isn’t used to birthday celebrations
- You had been through so much since then
- But once she realises
- Decides she wishes to dedicate the day to you
- She doesn’t show it often, but she can be so ridiculously soft for you
- The day would be intimate and just for the both of you
- She can be very possessive and wouldn’t want anyone else involved
- Anything you wanted she would get for you
- You name it, literally
- It’s yours
- She can take over entire shopping malls
- Hold up an evil law firm
- Make them do a spell or something for you
- She would lavish so much on you
- You could take your pick of anything and she would take your hand the entire day
- Such obvious affection is rare, but she does adore you
- Presses a single kiss against your temple
- With that sweet, knowing smile
- Her eyes would always be on you
- You would feel loved just by her gaze
- She truly stopped everything just to celebrate you
- Evil plots on pause, won’t even talk to Wolfram and Hart
- If that’s what you wish
- She doesn’t like to admit how much you mean to her
- But because it’s your birthday
- She would
- If she hasn’t already, she would love to sire you
- It would be a very romantic gift for her to offer
- As if she had brought you a dozen roses
- Making your death day and your birthday the same day
- She would see it as the best present she could give you
- Doesn’t mention your birthday
- Always so busy at work
- You presume he’s forgotten
- And you don’t remind him
- You don’t mind
- (or I mean that’s what you tell yourself)
- But when the day rolls around you wake up
- And frown
- His work clothes are still out
- He hasn’t left today
- And someone’s in your kitchen?
- You go and see what’s going on and he’s made your favourite breakfast
- He looks at you as if you just brought the sun into the room
- A heavenly glow that only surrounded you
- You were the light in his life
- He loves so deeply, wants to cling onto this
- Wants you to know just how much he loves you
- By making this day just for you
- He chides you though cos he was trying to make breakfast in bed
- But you had woken up
- But you just wrap your arms around him and hug him close
- He pulls you in for a deep kiss
- Holding onto this moment
- Holding on to you
- He’s got a very rare day off
- And you don’t want to ask how much of his soul was sold off for the luxury
- The day’s completely yours
- You go out and do tourist-y stuff in LA
- You live there but never get a chance to do something just fun and normal
- So you go around and take cheesy pictures
- Try out different hotspots
- You have a really lovely meal at the end of the day too
- He’s comfortable, has money to blow on fancy meals
- But it means more because he appeared to have looked into the local menus and stuff
- Finding suggestions that he knew that you would like
- You go to a few bars that you really enjoy
- but he soon notices you want to go back home
- So you and he can celebrate without any prying eyes
- It was truly one of the best days, you felt so much closer
- She would have forgotten about birthdays
- After Pylea
- But when you mentioned it casually
- She jumped into action
- Not just because it was probably only a few days away
- But because she loved you and wanted you happy
- Wouldn’t want to do anything too lavish
- It’s just not the way you both are together
- It would be something simple, but so very meaningful
- She would be so soft
- (I mean she is anyway, but this is a day celebrating you)
- And she loves you so much
- I think she’d take you for a little day out
-  A kind of adventure
- But one where you could relax plenty
- A day off from demons and one just for you?
- Perfection
- She would present you with a gift while you were out
- I think she would have made it herself I think
- Probably took a while
- But she enjoyed it so much
- Something clever and cute
- Like her
- She would blush if you made a big deal of thanking her
- But ultimately reciprocate any kisses
- She would probably cuddle up to you and ask what you would like to do that evening
- She apologises for not having grander plans but honestly her just being with you is the best
- And you ofc tell her this
- You settle for drinks at a bar you both like
- But you don’t stay long, mostly just wanting to spend time privately
- You grab some takeout on the way home
- And celebrate more intimately
- The glow of the tv, but neither of you will be watching
- Just the two of you
- He’d be buzzing with excitement
- You always treat him so good
- (he swears he doesn’t deserve it)
- So he makes sure that you feel the love
- Especially so because it’s your birthday
- He says you have plans for your birthday
- And you’re like ??
- That’s news to me lol
- But he absolutely won’t tell you
- And teases you about it in the weeks leading up
- His teasing smile is equal parts infuriating
- And cute
- He just wants you to enjoy yourself
- And this is part of it
- He’s sick of everything ruining your time together
- So he tries to bargain with the powers
- He just looks upwards and half-pleads for them not to bother him
- Just for your birthday weekend
- No visions, please
- Nothing he comes up with, in his own mind, will be good enough
- He wants to give you the world
- And he promises one day he will
- Does this through a cute little globe key chain
- Before giving you a few more gifts
- He truly listens to you and things you like
- Buys things through the year
- So that he has them
- Hiding them is hard
- He would have planned it all out, using his connections
- He’s bagged a weekend away for you both
- somewhere you’ve always wanted to go
- Somewhere really nice, super upmarket
- Not something you’re used to after living in LA so long
- You have the best time
- He honestly makes you feel like the only person in the world
- He’s just so sweet
-  Literally would drop anything for his s/o
- To make sure you’re enjoying yourself and happy
- It was just perfect
- You’re already planning to make it a tradition
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arhvste · 3 years
❝ kuroo tetsurō - time skip hcs ❞
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tetsu week masterlist
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-> obviously kuroo has a busy career
-> but that doesn’t mean he’s too busy for you
-> theres no such thing as ‘too busy for y/n’
-> he’s thinking of you all the time while he’s working
-> and you know this because he’s constantly texting you at work
-> will literally send you a photo of a paper clip and be like ‘it’s silver and silver is pretty like you 🤩’
-> pack it up simp 😐
-> but he’ll call you during his breaks too of course
-> tells you how much he misses your voice
-> even though he hears it everyday
-> honestly, the man lets you live rent free in his mind while he’s at work
-> had a framed photo of the two of you on his desk
-> and then another frame just of you
-> why?
-> because he likes the compliments he receives because you’re so good looking
-> he he finds motivation in the picture reminding him that he’s doing his best for you
-> this one co worker made the mistake of complimenting you a little too far for his liking though one time
-> “woah who’s that! they’re way too hot to be with you kuroo!”
-> kuroo just kinda looks up from his laptop and is like 🤨
-> kuroo’s a likeable guy who doesn’t have many enimies
-> this particular guy who works several desks over happens to crawl under his skin a lot though
-> “are they in your family or something? friend? can i have their number?”
-> “why would i have a single photo of a family member or friend on my desk? i’m married to them you fool.”
-> “oh. 😀”
-> “yeah. ‘oh.’ now shoo, unlike you i have actual work to do. 😌”
-> he’ll absolutely tell you all about it and even try and sneak a picture of the guy to send to you
-> ‘look at what creature just hit on the photo of you on my desk 😹’
-> the two of you will send back photos of shrek, a bugs life and other exaggerated characters to compare the guy to for the rest of the afternoon
-> everyone knows who you are but not just because of the photos on kuroos desk
-> he doesn’t shut up about you
-> will never fail to mention you at least once during the day
-> “kuroo-san, why don’t you come out for lunch with us?”
-> a small group of his colleagues are crowding round his desk waiting for his answer
-> two of the women are battering their eyelashes at him in hopes of attracting kuroos agreeance
-> “thanks, but i’m meeting with y/n for lunch. 😼”
-> you wouldn’t catch kuroo willingly dead eating out with his coworkers
-> he gets along with them sure
-> even would consider a handful of them friends
-> but he’s either eating with yourself, bokuto and hinata or kenma
-> you guys are the people kuroo likes to spend his free time with and it’s always you guys he will turn to first
-> you especially
-> if you’re not available and none of the others are either, kuroo will begrudgingly go to lunch with coworkers every so often if he has to just to get them off his back
-> but he’ll always make sure to text you and maybe even call you at some point leaving the women of the group jealous and upset
-> and as they should be
-> kuroo is a married man who wears his wedding ring like a gold olympic medal
-> and everyone knows this so they shouldn’t even bother trying for his attention
-> it doesn’t matter you’re not physically there with him in person
-> you’re always at the back of his mind and it’s obvious for anyone to see
-> but one day you do come into work to surprise him
-> he’s in his office and gets called down to the ground floor to pick up some important files for his team
-> of course there’s a receptionist that always crosses the line
-> “hello kuroo-san, you’re looking particularly handsome today.”
-> he cringes but smiles as he looks through the assigned slots for the that should be left in the one with his name on it
-> “here let me help you” she chimes in strutting over to him
-> she bends down in a sultry manner but her efforts go to waste as not only does kuroo not even look down at her
-> but he kicks her by accident
-> “ah shit, sorry”
-> but he’s hella confused too because why the hell is she looking at the bottom slots when his is near the top
-> he helps her up and lets her go immediately as he retrieves the files needed
-> “i think you owe me for that. how about dinner tonight?”
-> kuroos just like : 😐
-> why doesn’t this woman know he’s married?? everyone knows he’s married??
-> “sorry, he’ll be dining with me. at home.”
-> he turns around and there you are approaching him like a whole angel
-> “y/n!! i’ve missed you!!” he smiles and envelopes you into a tight hug before pressing a soft kiss to your face.
-> literally doesn’t care who’s watching
-> his precious y/n is here and nobody else matters
-> everyone in the office knows he whipped though so the ones that do see him just kinda nod at you and go on with their day
-> the receptionist lady : 😿
-> you end up spending the whole day at his office
-> and you even get to accompany him on a quick trip to the adlers
-> kuroo loves when you visit him at work
-> but he loves coming home to you everyday even more
-> knowing that he’s coming gone to open arms from the one he loves the most is his biggest source of motivation all day, everyday
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dt - @aislastetsu
general taglist → @atsumuwoah @bloody-bella @bbymilkbread @miracleboy420 @doggonudez @tsumue @peteunderoos @tsukkisbean @saturnfarie @toffees-main @zumisace @boosyboo9206 @totorosleaff @27kei @dai-tsukki-desu @angrylittleriri @tsukkaria @kuxredere @warakou @mattsuny @lovinnoya @sophiashortcake
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cle-guy · 3 years
Projecting Story Elements for Magic: the Gathering in 2022
OK, I love the Magic: the Gathering storyline which ranks near the top on my list of favorite hobbies on Tumblr.  This year brings numerous opportunities to speculate on the story elements for this year’s premier MTG sets!  So for this post I am going to speculate on: 
1.  Potential story elements of the set
2.  Specific events which may occur
3.  Planeswalkers who may appear in the set
I will go set by set, and try to incorporate as much known knowledge as possible!  I may update my thoughts as sets (and stories from released sets) become known as the year progresses.  Without further ado!
Innistrad: Crimson Vow
Technically not in 2022, but coming soon none-the-less!  We know lots about the story elements, considering Crimson Vow takes place directly after Midnight Hunt.  
Story Elements:
The first known thing about Crimson Vow is the “Biggest vampire wedding in Innistrad history!” which will unite the Voldaren and Markov bloodlines.  We also know from the story so far that night on Innistrad is overcoming day.  Humans who once turned to Avacyn for safety increasingly look to other sources for protection, including ancient magics forgotten when Sorin created Avacyn.  One Coven seeks to restore the balance, and needs the Moonsilver Key in the Celestus to perform the ritual.
We also know part of the Gatewatch: Teferi, Chandra and Kaya came to Innistrad to assist Arlinn Kord, who seeks to help restore the Day/Night balance on her home plane.  Now, while Arlinn & the Gatewatch succeed in finding the Moonsilver Key, and also succeed in starting the ritual: I do not believe the ritual passes.  I suspect Olivia Valdaren ends the ritual and blocks it based on the card: Olivia’s Midnight Ambush.  The flavor text on this card reads:
"And you were almost finished with that ritual, weren't you, darling? How very rude of me. To make it up to you, I'll send you an invitation to my wedding."
I suspect her raid ends the ritual, kills the Coven leader, and spirals us into Crimson Vow.  
Overall, this suggests that much of the plot of Crimson Vow will surround new attempts to restore the balance between Day and Night.  I suspect Sorin Markov, who fights Sigarda in a rage, will unite with the Gatewatch (and Arlinn Kord, & Sigarda) to save the plane.  How they do this is not revealed as of yet.  However, I suspect one plot detail has been spoiled for the set and thats....
Specific Events:
Edgar Markov marries Olivia Valdaren.  
Olivia is the known progenitor of the Voldaren line, as Edgar Markov is the known progenitor of the Markov line.  At first I felt Sorin would marry Olivia, but I find this unlikely as Olivia despises Sorin (and refuses to save him at the end of Eldritch Moon).  Sorin may care for the future of Innistrad but he remains hedonistic and petty; he spends the end of Episode 2 in this story line griping about how nobody sacrificed as much as he did for the plane and why should he be expected to give more?  He also treats Nahiri quite shallowly when she arrives on Innistrad to demand he help her fix Zendikar.  
More importantly, however, we also get card evidence that Edgar Markov is involved in this story, specifically: Fateful Absence.  The flavor text for this card reads:
“Sensing a plot, Sorin raced to his grandfather's resting-crypt. But someone else had gotten there first.“
The plot going like this, I suspect, for the story:
A) Our heroes (the Gatewatch, Sigarda, Arlinn) regroup after Olivia invokes eternal night by defeating the ritual.
B) They join up with Sorin Markov, who is now angry at Olivia for convincing his grandfather to marry her, and hatch a plan to stop the wedding
C) Olivia marries Edgar
D) The wedding turns into a bloody mess as the Gatewatch, Arlinn, & Sigarda all try to reverse the damage.  Sorin spends the story finding a way to get revenge.  
E) One of Edgar or Olivia survives
F) Emrakul is released and everybody dies (Just kidding)
Anyway, with all of this laid out that leaves us with potential planeswalkers.
Planeswalker Appearances:
Each set I will assume only three planeswalkers appear, with speculation for a fourth & fifth.
We already know Arlinn Kord, Teferi, & Sorin Markov will get cards; Arlinn & Teferi will not get cards in this set since they appeared in Midnight Hunt. Sorin Markov appears on the packaging, which nearly guarantees his appearance as a card in this set.
Slot 1: Sorin Markov, WB
Now, Chandra Nalaar and Kaya both appear in the story.  The next quesiton would be: do they get cards in the 2nd set since they are known to appear in the story?  It’s a tough call.  Chandra would fit in nicely since Sorin will almost certainly appear as a WB planeswalker granting a third color for balance purposes.  Kaya, on the other hands, presents two problems.  First, she shares her color identity with the story’s likely main character.  Second, she already got a card recently in Kaldheim (which is still in Standard).  I would guess she lacks a card in the set.
Slot 1: Sorin Markov, WB Slot 2: Chandra Nalaar, R
Now we’re into more speculative territory.  I highly doubt we only get two planeswalkers in the set, which leaves open a spot for a new planeswalker (likely a blue  planeswalker).  That being said, I would not be surprised if Tamiyo makes an appearance in the 3rd slot; she appeared in both previous stops in Innistrad, and two of her colors would fill out the color balancing in the set so far.
Slot 1: Sorin Markov, WB Slot 2: Chandra Nalaar, R Slot 3: Tamiyo, U
Other potential planeswalkers include the aforementioned Kaya, Tibalt (who would love to spoil a wedding), & Davirel Cane.  If I had to make a stab at a fourth walker I’d gamble and guess Davriel, with a final list of:
Slot 1: Sorin Markov, WB Slot 2: Chandra Nalaar, R Slot 3: Tamiyo, U Slot 4: Davriel Cane, B
Kamigawa: Neon Dynasty
Story Elements:
So little is known about the new set except that the set takes place concurrently in the present, and that the set will feature both a new planeswalker, Keito, and that the current Emperor of Kamigawa is “someone we’re familiar with” which sadly does not tell us much. Let’s start by considering some known characters from the original block:
Toshiro Umezawa.  Toshi is definitely not the emperor.  First, Toshi was sent to Dominaria by the Myojin of Night’s Reach at the end of the block (and his descendent will eventually kill Nicol Bolas).  Second, he’d almost assuredly be dead by now.
Hidetsugu.  An ogre who joined with the Oni of All Consuming Chaos, he could conceivably be alive at this point, although he would not be my guess.
The Myojin of Night’s Reach.  Unlikely.  While powerful enough, ambitious enough, to try: I just do not see her being able to take the power.  She was defeated by Bolas sometime after the events of the original block, for instance.
The Sisters of Flesh & Spirit.  Better known as “That Which was Taken” and “Michiko Konda” both characters join at the end of the 3rd book.  They’re the most likely candidate to run the whole plane, the only downside is I doubt many players actually know who they are, or how they became one.
However, their union would potentially explain the futuristic nature of the plane.  If the Emperor is both spirit and flesh, then the spirit world (Kakuriyuo) & physical world (Utsushiyo) may have joined as well, giving the plane its current futuristic (dare I say: neon) appearance.
Specific Events:
I will only predict one event in this set, and that’s the appearance from Tamiyo’s story circle.  I would be shocked if this relatively well known gathering is not referenced in the set.  It would be a surprise, to say the least.
Planeswalker Appearances:
First thing’s first: Keito is confirmed for the set.  We do not know what color identity he has yet, but they did call Keito a “cyber ninja” in the video.  Ninjas are a pretty evenly split tribe between blue and black, so I will call Keito a UB planeswalker for now:
Slot 1: Keito, UB
I cannot imagine them returning to Kamigawa without bringing back Tamiyo.  I know she literally is predicted to appear in Innistrad: Crimson Vow but I think predicting her here is also plausible.
Slot 1: Keito, UB Slot 2: Tamiyo, U
Next, they also mentioned that a “mysterious planeswalker” would make an appearance in this set as well.  Now, they did not say whether this planeswalker was a new planeswalker or a returning planeswalker.  Some planeswalkers we know of who I would classify as mysterious include: Kasmina, The Raven Man, The Wanderer, Davriel Cane, Ashiok, & Aminatou.  Ashiok is currently investigating New Phyrexia and shares my predicted colors with Keito; Davriel (I think) is a strange fit on this set, and I do not see us learning about the Raven Man absent Liliana.  That leaves the Wanderer, Aminatou, or Kasmina.  We did just see Kasmina and I do suspect she plays a role in whatever arc they are building up to, but she conflicts with Keito & Tamiyo.  That leaves the Wanderer or Aminatou.  Given Mark Rosewater’s doubts about Aminatou (and her own conflicts) I predict The Wanderer.
Slot 1: Keito, UB Slot 2: Tamiyo, U Slot 3: The Wanderer, W
That does leave room for a walker with red and green.  Samut fits in, but I will guess Sarkhan who originally appeared Gruul, and may visit with Narset.
Slot 1: Keito, UB Slot 2: Tamiyo, U Slot 3: The Wanderer, W Slot 4: Sarkhan Vol, RG
Streets of New Capenna
Planeswalker Appearances:
So little is known about this new plane that I will limit myself to guessing planeswalkers.  Ob Nixilis is confirmed, and this is a wedge set, so I am predicting they finally print Nixilis as a Rakdos planeswalker.
Slot 1: Ob Nixilis, BR
They also confirmed this plane is “special” to Elspeth.  You do not name drop that and not include her.
Slot 1: Ob Nixilis, BR Slot 2: Elspeth, W
OK.  As far as I know: Ajani has not reunited with Elspeth yet, which suggests to me that there is room for a reunion in this set.  
Slot 1: Ob Nixilis, BR Slot 2: Elspeth, W Slot 3: Ajani Goldmane, WG
Calix would be my second choice, same colors, since he is currently chasing her.  If there is one other potential walker I would guess a new walker.  I honestly do not see what other walker would fit here, especially with Nixilis taking up the BR space in this scenario.
Dominaria United
Specific Events:
If you read the first story from Midnight Hunt you know that Teferi helped Wrenn find her seventh tree to bond with, and that Wrenn offered to help Teferi repair the damage his spell phasing out Zhalfir from Dominaria did to both his home and his plane.  Given the name I predict Teferi works with Wrenn to restore Dominaria to its full state.  
I also predict that Teferi, Karn, & Ajani all work together to plan out the destruction of New Phyrexia (with an eventual showdown sometime in 2023).  
Planeswalker Appearances:
I think Dominaria United will act like a traditional core set.  So, with that being said, I think the following walkers appear:
Slot 1: Teferi, U Slot 2: Wrenn, G
As said above, I think a big part of the story line is Teferi bringing Zhalfir back to Dominaria.  That requires both Wrenn and Teferi, and since this is a core set both will get only a single color.
Slot 1: Teferi, U Slot 2: Wrenn, G Slot 3: Ajani, W
Ajani will return helping Teferi and Karn plan the destruction of New Phyrexia.  Since Ajani is base white its a good fit.  There are plenty of mono red planeswalkers but only two which make story sense.  The first is Koth, but since I doubt he leaves New Phyrexia I do not think he makes an appearance.  My guess is Jaya Ballard, a native Dominarian, will show up in the fourth spot instead.
Slot 1: Teferi, U Slot 2: Wrenn, G Slot 3: Ajani, W Slot 4: Jaya Ballard, R
The 5th spot is the one I am not sure of; if Wizards wanted to tell a largely Dominarian story they would bring back Liliana Vess, but I do not think she quite makes sense for this story as she is in hiding and as far as I know her appearance would not sit well with Teferi and Ajani (Gatewatch members).  I will toss out three possibilities: 1) Sorin Markov (guessing Teferi recruits him to protect Innistrad against an inter-planar threat), 2) Davriel Cane, or 3) Karn (and go colorless).  They could also just include Karn as a 6th walker like Core Set 2021.  For now, I will assume Karn as the 5th walker.
Slot 1: Teferi, U Slot 2: Wrenn, G Slot 3: Ajani, W Slot 4: Jaya Ballard, R Slot 5: Karn, C
The Brothers War
This set does not require speculation since the story has already been told.  I would highly recommend reading the book.  The only thing I will say for certain is: Urza finally gets a real planeswalker card.
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chalkrevelations · 3 years
Word of Honor Ep 6, and let’s talk a little about what’s canon, and what’s not, and about the particular slip-slidiness of the line between them on this show.
But first, due diligence: If you are NEW or JUST VISITING, this is a re-watch, so you’re going to find SPOILERS not just for this ep, but for the entire show. Scroll away and come back later if you haven’t seen all 36.5 eps and want to watch unspoiled. Also, heads-up, this got super long, because I had to talk about that stuff up there and then still talk about the ep. Hashtag long post (remorseful).
So, “canon,” as applied to fannish source material (in Western fandom, at least) traditionally has been considered the official stuff – the episode, the book, the comic, the movie – based on the religious definition of  “canon,” the collection of texts accepted as genuine and official within a religion. The word “fanon” – widely accepted fannish ideas – plays on this, as does the fandom concept of “word of God,” or things the Creators have said about the text but outside of it. Is it in the show as it aired or the book as it was printed? Canon. Is it not in the show as it aired or the book as it was printed? Not canon. (Apocrypha? Maybe. Anyway.) Generally, I think we’d say that things like material in the first draft of a script that doesn’t make it through revisions and onto the screen isn’t canon, even if you can get your hands on a copy of the first draft. The final product that airs is what’s canon. BUT this gets super slippery in something like WoH, in a way that’s exemplified in this episode. This ep is one of the places where people who can lip-read Chinese have spotted some significant dialogue changes between what the actors say on-screen and what lines have been dubbed in. (Everybody’s dubbed in cdramas, it’s just the thing that happens. You have your on-screen actors, and you have your voice actors. The ONLY person in The Untamed who did his own voice dubbing, for instance, was Ji Li, who played Nie Huaisang. All the other characters had voice actors dubbed in. In fact, the voice actor for Jiang Cheng in The Untamed is the voice actor for Wen Kexing in WoH.) One of the descriptions of WoH that I’ve heard is that this show was filmed as a bl and dubbed as a bromance. The thing is, nobody tried very hard to hide the shift. There are plenty of places that you can clearly see the actor’s mouths don’t match the dubbing, and they’re not artfully shot or edited to hide this. They’re fully on-screen, mouthing words that don’t match, right out in the open, almost like they want to you to pick up on it. Almost like it’s canon, because it’s right there on-screen, aired in the episode. In my first-watch reactions to Eps 36 and 37, I talked a lot about how the dubbing puts a layer of de-queered no-homo over what the on-screen actors are saying in these places, but if you can see what they’re actually saying and understand it, does that make it canon? What does it mean, both textually and meta-textually, if you can’t believe what you’re hearing – what you’re being told – because it contradicts what you’re seeing? How does that affect what we’re told about Our Protagonists and its “truth,” particularly in the final scenes? How much is the show deliberately working against censorship in this way? How much is it teaching us to look deeper than what we’re hearing on the surface?
Several people have talked about what’s actually being said by the on-screen actors in places where this happens, and I’m going to direct you to AvenueX on Youtube if you want a complete overview, because she’s reliable and has a good compilation that’s easy to find. She has a couple of videos called “Lip Reading for Sugar,” and the March 9, 2021, installment includes the Ep 6 incidences, the most significant of which are: At 3:05 in the ep, when WKX throws himself on Zhou Zishu’s back during the zombie Drug Men attack, calls him “mom,” asks ZZS to carry him, and tells “mom” that “your shoulder blades are the most beautiful.” Only no, Gong Jun didn’t say this, if you watch his mouth compared to the sound of the words. Instead of “niang” (mom), he says “Zhou Zishu.” Twice. “Zhou Zishu, carry me.” “Zhou Zishu, your shoulder blades are the most beautiful.” This is not only important because it emphasizes he’s gay for Zhou Zishu’s shoulder blades, but also because he’s fucking baked on Drunk Like A Dream incense when it happens, and later, ZZS will reveal that Drunk Like a Dream makes you see what you most desire, and he’ll confront WKX about how he “kept calling” someone’s name while he was under the influence of it. This makes no sense with the dubbing we get, because with “mom” dubbed over ZZS’s name here, WKX only calls Zhou Zishu’s real name once while he’s under the influence, at the end of ep 5. That is not kept calling. ANYWAY, once WKX clears his head and flies them away from the Drug Men, back to the a lakeside, there’s another disjunct at 5:05, when the dubbing has WKX tell ZZS not to play hero, that he doesn’t lose face if WKX helps him, and ZZS responds with something about your grandmother’s bear, which AvenueX tells me is a real Chinese idiom, although not for what. What Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan appear to actually have said, though, is that WKX tells ZZS that this was just like a hero saving a beauty, with the implication that ZZS is the beauty, the damsel in distress, and ZZS respons that no, it’s like the beauty saving the hero, without a lick of concern that he’s the beauty, the damsel, in this scenario, just that he did all the work killing Drug Men and now this asshole is going to act like he’s the one who did the saving. At 31:24, dubbing has WKX telling ZZS that he’ll give ZZS whatever he wants if ZZS can get him some of the Drunk Like a Dream, but AvenueX tells me that he actually offers his body in exchange, in a way that implies marriage. And at 32:22, when ZZS asks WKX what he saw under the influence of the Drunk Like a Dream, the dubbing gives us some random story about baby WKX throwing a rat on his mother’s bed, while Gong Jun’s mouth seems to be saying something something about being in the bridal chamber with his beloved … so circling back to our first instance at 3:05, WKX using Zhou ZIshu’s name is now super-interesting, eh?
Another slip-slidey point of canon here is that there are two versions of this episode. The original version didn’t have the rabbit-washing scene. That was an extra that was inserted later into a Special Version ep when Youku reached 2 million subscribers. But the Special Version is now available on Youku’s channel (it’s the one I watched for this re-watch), AND it’s the regular version that’s on Netflix. So at 25:28, we now get this adorable little scene where ZZS and WKX are cleaning two rabbits in the lake before cooking them, and WKX splashes ZZS who pretends to be irritated before splashing WKX back and running away up the riverbank, chased by WKX. It’s flirty and playful and ALSO a foreshadowing of the flashback we’re going to see in a later ep, when they play together for an afternoon as children. Wasn’t canon before. Now it is.
Anyway, even with the (bad) dubbing that we get, this is a fantastic WenZhou ep. We open with them still being menaced by the zombies Drug Men, with a lot of swordwork by ZZS before he starts flagging because of his Nails Issue, whereupon WKX instantly sobers up, goes Evil Ghost Valley Master on Imposter Hanged Ghost who’s controlling the Drug Men, kills him with his Fan of Death, then scoops up ZZS and flies him off to a lake, where he attempts to tenderly check ZZS’s pulse and take care of his wounds before ZZS slaps away his hand like an offended maiden. WKX has to give him the qi smackdown in order to hold him still to :coff: pull down his robes and suck out the poison from the Drug Men scratches on the back of his shoulder. :hands: I remember the first time around, watching this with my mouth hanging open, demanding to know the heterosexual explanation for this. (Also, if you’re rummaging on Youtube, the Five Straight Guys Watching Word of Honor for this ep is not to be missed. They’re a little questionable in their reaction to the poison sucking, but before that, they’re a bunch of squeamish babies over using the dagger to further slice open the wounds to get to the poison, and it’s HILARIOUS. They can’t even look at the screen once the dagger comes out, hiding behind their hands. I love them, more and more as the eps go on, but they are WEAK compared to even the newbiest hurt/comfort fangirl.) There’s some more back and forth between WKX and ZZS about revealing their true selves to each other, no you, no YOU. WKX makes it clear that he knows there’s something really wrong with ZZS, and then they fight, set to romantic music, and ZZS ends up falling in the lake. I do the victory arms (  \o/  ) to myself where I’m sitting on the couch and startle one of the cats, because FINALLY we’re going to get rid of that execrable fake facial hair. ZZS fucks with WKX by staying underwater long enough that WKX panics and also dives in, we get some really cheap and awful underwater effects, and ZZS reveals his face! They end up back on the edge of the lake, drying their perfectly dry outer robes, while they sit around the fire together in their perfectly dry inner robes, but I am not going to complain because y’all. I CANNOT with how smug and pleased ZZS is for just a moment about WKX mooning over how pretty he is. Then he remembers to be an ill-tempered gremlin and pokes at WKX with a flaming stick, but I had to rewind four times just to catch that little moment of satisfaction about being admired again – it’s subtle and gorgeous and Zhang Zhehan is going to kill me with his face one of these days. ZZS demands dinner on this date, and fake-coughs pitifully to get WKX to go hunt something down, while he stays and does his delightful little thinky face as he pokes at the Soul Winding Box they got from Imposter Hanged Ghost. Then we get a shot of WKX looking at ZZS before he heads off to catch some rabbits that confirms he now knows he’s really Zhou Zishu, rather than Zhou Xu.
So, we’ll get back to the Ghost and the Box in a minute, but I do want to mention that this whole ep is layered through with mini-references and thematic stuff. Imposter Hanged Ghost rings his little bell to control his Drug Men, and remember that, we’ll see that again. WKX asks if ZZS came from the Healer’s Valley when ZZS offers him an antidote to the Drug Man poison; we learn later that WKX, himself, is the one who came from the Healer’s Valley. When ZZS gets the Soul Winding Box open and finds a piece of the Glazed Armor inside (Danyang’s, taken off of Ao Laizi by Ghost Valley before he was hung at the gate of Sanbai Manor), he gives it to WKX, tells him to throw it away if he doesn���t want it. WKX says he couldn’t possibly, and that he’ll wear it because it’s his first gift from A-Xu. Compare this to the way Xie’er will wear Awful Yifu’s Glazed Armor around his neck. We also see some of the thematic and referential stuff come up in conversations that form a repeated pattern in this ep of ZZS stressing what a bad and dangerous person he is: He scoffs at the idea he’s from Healer’s Valley, and asks if he looks like someone who practices medicine; WKX responds that he looked like a professional killer (true) who was cruel in the abandoned temple (presumably while escaping Mirror Lake) and frightening to a kind-hearted man like WKX who can’t even kill a chicken (particularly amusing given the prep for New Year’s dinner in a later ep, when WKX is the only one who CAN). At the lakeside and again after ZZS hightails it away from Sanbai Manor when they spot Han Ying there (HAN YING, my beloved), WKX asks if ZZS is a fugitive, what he’s hiding from, and says that he’ll protect him – by reason, because would he kill anyone unreasonably (omg, where to even begin? How many guys have you choked out at this point)? When they’re arguing about ZZS revealing his “true” face, ZZS warns that most people who’ve seen his real appearance are dead (probably true). WKX says he’s not afraid of death (not his own, at least, we’ll see that the thing he’s afraid of is ZZS’s death). ZZS warns WKX that he’s not only sharp-tongued, he’s ruthless (true). He tells WKX that he’s murdered many people (true) and set them on fire (not unlikely, frankly) and committed many crimes (true, in a way, although they were state-sanctioned, making them legal, if morally reprehensible). This is the ZZS who put the Nails in himself, who talks to himself about what a truly awful shixiong he is, who tells Prince Jin that he’s only good as a weapon. I like how we see this at the same time that we’re starting to see the side of him that’ll preen when someone thinks he’s pretty - this is a process, and it’s subtle, not as high-drama as WKX’s, but it’s there, nonetheless.
We also formally meet Xie Wang in this ep, artfully posed and playing his pipa among the bodies – old and new – of Zhao Coffin Home. He and Changing Ghost have a bit of a slapfight over whose fault it is that Imposter Hanged Ghost, who was actually Long-Tongued Ghost, got killed and got his (Danyang’s) Glazed Armor took by WKX, when Changing Ghost stole it from Ao Laizi, put it in the Soul Winding Box and gave it to Long-Tongued Ghost specifically to deliver it to Xie Wang. Xie Wang is super cool through all of this, and I think we get a sense of how deadly he is by the way Changing Ghost backs down. So, here’s what’s falling together: Some iteration of Ghost Valley is working with Xie Wang and the Scorpion Sect, giving the Scorpions access to the Soul Winding Threads, which we saw used at the Mirror Lake massacre and in the woods outside of Sanbai Manor to kill Yu Tianjie in the last ep. Via Xie Wang, Ghost Vally has access to use of the Drug Men, which we’ve seen at the Zhao Coffin Home (so far), although we haven’t yet been told (I think) how Xie Wang got access to the potions to create Drug Men (we also know ZZS read about Drug Men in a book somewhere, and got enough info to engineer an antidote to them). Xie Wang and the Scorpions have access to Drunk Like a Dream incense, which had to come from Prince Jin’s court, having been engineered by ZZS based on a much stronger formulation. Han Ying, from Tian Chuang in Prince Jin’s court, has been seen at Sanbai Manor, Zhao Jing’s place.
Meanwhile Chengling is doing poorly, with no appetite and getting bellowed at some more by Shen Shen, who would be the worst if only I didn’t know everything I know, which makes me cringe when Zhao Jing refers to Chengling as “my son, now.” NO. RUN, Goldbean. For some more thematic and referential stuff in this ep, WKX calls Chengling a “lonely chick with no one to rely on” and tsks over the fact that he’s “surrounded by hounds smarter than foxes” now that he’s under the care of the Five Lakes Alliance. This is clearly to manipulate ZZS into thinking Chengling is better off with ZZS, but it also sounds like an awfully apt description of Zhen Yan in Ghost Valley. I’m just sayin’.
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shini--chan · 3 years
Yandere England HCs
I remember somewhere around here in my inbox somebody requested yandere England hcs. If I recall correctly, there handle was @hehehhewaitwhat  Sadly, the ask has vanished from the box, but I still recall receiving it! So here you go:  
Yandere England
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Arthur would be one of the yanderes that would play it cool at first. No cool isn’t the right word – it is cold. He would believe in keeping a tight control on his emotions, least they take over him and he is no longer his own master. All in all, a very good idea, it is just the matter of execution that matters – Arthur would be doing this in a very unhealthy way. He’d bottle up his feeling on a large part, refusing to analysis them and locate the source, not to mention expressing his emotions in healthy ways. And here would be where the yandere tendencies start to blossom.
It would result in all his ignored and unacknowledged feelings for you start to seep through in the most eery ways, ways that would be borderline toxic. What could have potentially been love would become twisted and wrapped, some of Arthur’s other issues just amplifying this. In the end, he wouldn’t be able to prevent himself from either manipulating you into his web, or outright kidnapping you.
The insistent burning in his veins never ceased, rather it grew even worse when you weren’t close to him. It was magma rolling in his veins, eradicating even more of his rational thoughts the longer he attempted to ignore it.
In an attempt to remedy it, Arthur turned the water in the shower to ice-cold. A mistake on his part. It had gave a sharp contrast and thus made the concoction of emotions stand out all the sharper. It made him wonder if the only cure would be to give into them and let nature take its course.
Yet that was something he couldn’t allow. Emotions were the leftovers of a primordial past – notions that didn’t follow any logic or decency. If they weren’t controlled, then they would control.
He turned his face up to the stream of water, as if it could wash away all the sinful thoughts about you that had begun to haunt him. That was a tragedy on its own – he never could be rid of you. You would come to haunt his dreams uninvited, invade his thoughts unwelcomed. He remembered when his interest in you had just been a mere sapling. Now it was a field of weeds, a contagion that was completely out of his control and still demanded his attention.
He shouldn’t have ignored his love when it had started to sprout, for now it had turned into obsession.
Of course, he’ll try the former way first before anything else – he would know that you wouldn’t really appreciate it if he abducted you. England would turn the charm on and boy, can he be charming when he wants to be. It wouldn’t be in grand, over the top gestures – that is for amateurs. It would come in small, effective gestures that would become bigger over time – freshly picked flowers from his garden, biscuits he made himself and then he would go over to bigger presents like a dinner in a fancy restaurant. His aim would be to have you completely smittened before he would start to cut you off from the rest of the world and to mould you into what constitutes for a perfect person.
It was a fine day; the sun painting the sky in a kaleidoscope of warm colours and caused the green of the hills to become so saturated. Or maybe it was because you were in love that the world was all the more vivid, that the air smelled sweeter and the arm that was curled around your waist felt so right.
Arthur was being charming, a good-natured smile making his sharp features softer. He had taken you out to dinner tonight, a brief affair at a rustic inn out in a no-name little village. Yet the simple meal had been the best you had had in a long time.
So, with a full stomach in satisfaction in your heart, Arthur was accompanying you back home on this summer’s evening.
“My dear, that was a very wonderful day with you”, he remarked warmly, echoing your thoughts.
“Yes, it was. You couldn’t have picked a better place to go out. I would like to do such a thing again.”
He chuckled lowly at your affirmation. “Oh, love. I wouldn’t mind doing that every day with you for the rest of our lives.”
Under other circumstances, if you weren’t so smittened with him, you would realise that what he had said couldn’t be right. Good days can’t be copy-pasted on the future forever, happiness can’t be played constantly on repeat. It has to be experienced, the cause ever varied and reinvented so that it doesn’t become dull.
Yet you weren’t not in love with him. You were neither alarmed by the clinginess the statement implied or by how sappy it was. And that was exactly what Arthur wanted.
To be clear, he wouldn’t want a weak, stupid lover. There would be nothing more off-putting to him than a whiny, spineless idiot who can’t do anything on their own. In that way, you could say he’d have high standards. He’d want somebody who is a challenge, you’d be tactful in their conduct and somebody who’d have wit to match his. Arthur has a sharp tongue and even with you he wouldn’t shy away from dispensing chidings and sharp remarks. He’d also demand you have a spine of steel, that you wouldn’t simply cave in the face of danger. If you wouldn’t have these qualities, then you’d have to adopt them, and he would be never uncompromising about that.
Ironically, while he would manipulate you into having these qualities, he wouldn’t tolerate you having them to the extent would make your relationship impossible. He wouldn’t want to be taken care of in the terms of you being the breadwinner, doing business and all that. He would want to fulfil that roles for you, whether you’re a woman or a man. It would be a chronic need to provide for you, to be the dominate one in the relationship.
You sighed for the untempt time this afternoon. No matter how much you read the page of the book, the meaning of the passages eluded you. At this point, you only had a gist of what was going on and it frustrated you to no end.
Carefully, you placed a bookmark on the page that you had been busy with and closed the hard-cover novel quietly. You knew all to well that one of the easiest ways to get Arthur in a hissy fit was to maltreat one of his books. He claimed that books had to be treated with respect, because somebody had once put a lot of effort and time into writing it. A disrespect to the book was therefore an indirect disrespect to the author.
You leaned back in your chair and stared up at the decorations of the room. Arthur of course had to live in a mansion that seemingly was a time capsule for the age of Empire. Talk about being attracted to the glorious old days.
Carding your fingers through your hair, you cursed yourself. When did you get the brilliant idea to study the classics? Oh yes, it was when Arthur mentioned the benefits of higher literature while the two you had been cleaning. He had claimed that the complex characters made the reader better at socializing, at understanding that even the most despicable characters had softer sides. That it made a person for eloquent and at understanding the nuances of reality.
And of course, since you were constantly seeking to improve yourself, you had asked him if you could peruse his library. Arthur had whole-heartedly encouraged you and you knew that he would be extremely disappointed if you abandoned this chance to grow.
So, you opened the book again and reassumed the torture.
The need for dominance would be a manifestation for Arthur’s addiction to be in control. He is sort of the opinion that power is best left in his hands, and that nobody except him can properly wield it. And if he’d have the feeling that his control over would be slipping, then he would lash out. The most physical he’d get with his punishments would be caning. All in all, punishments would always be along the lines of what detention looked like in the old public schools during the Empire.
He would also have a certain image of what intelligent would look like. That would mean restrictions in your activities: no comics, no cartoons, no fizzy drinks, god have mercy on you is you have an addiction because he would have none, he says which parties you’re allowed to go to (that would be more in the beginning of the relationship), no sleeping in, no being lazy. And if you wouldn’t conform, then he’d manipulate you into doing so.
Arthur is a man who would quickly become jealous. He’d be scared if you’d be plotting to leave him, or worse, rope other’s in into helping you plunge a knife in his back. So, he would be quick to convincing you to cut of contact with people that he wouldn’t like. This would be a win-win situation for him because the less social contact you’d have beside him, the deeper your bond with him would become. Further on in your relationship, he’d convince you to rely solely on him and that other people wouldn’t be trustworthy. That he’d be the only person that would ever truly understand you, that would have your best interests at heart, that would help you grow into the best person you could be. That the world is a shit place and that you should be grateful that he is there to shield you from it. In order to encourage that last one, he would allow you to watch the news, extensively.
If wooing you into being with him wouldn’t work, then he would coerce you into a relationship. However, he wouldn’t do anything drastic such as threatening your loved ones, rather the threats would be hidden, or he would present himself as the best option of getting you out a ditch (such as financial issues). He’d try his best to construct the situation so that you would be inclined to trick yourself into thinking you wanted it. Kidnapping would be a last resort for him.
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planetary-runaway · 3 years
“W-will?” came a quiet, disbelieving voice, echoing from behind the newly revived ex-president, making him spin on his heel, already pasting a bright smile onto his face, as had become his custom interacting with anyone since he gained the white streak belying how truly old he was. “Oh! Fundy!” he positively beamed, though his eyes were too sharp, his teeth too white to have given anyone a sense of ease, especially as he held his arms out in front of him as if presenting the fox hybrid to his companion. “Look, Tommy! It’s Fundy.” He certainly wasn’t being genuine, all three of those present could hear the mocking remnants of a much friendlier ghost lingering in the higher pitches, and, judging by the snide curl of his lip as he continued, Will knew exactly what he was doing. “What can I do for you? Just a house call?”
Hackles raising as Wilbur stepped forward, Fundy stumbled back a little, and shoved a piece of paper into his pocket, eyeing Tommy warily, seeing as though he was hunched, staring at the grass of his lawn, with his hands in his pockets, just letting this happen. “N-No, it’s fine, I just... I was just going to ask Tommy something, but- but I'll come back later. Yeah, I'm sure it can wait.” he stammered out an excuse, trying to back off, back onto the prime path, where he could turn tail, but Wilbur merely waved it aside dismissively. “Don’t worry about it! I’m sure Toms would be happy to help.” he smiled, pinning the hybrid with a strangely, unfamiliar clear gaze, as he comfortably threw an arm around Tommy’s shoulders, pulling him into his side. He didn’t seem to notice as the teen stumbled numbly, not once looking up from the small purple flower blooming from his lawn, letting Will move him about as if he was naught but a ragdoll, though Fundy bristled at the comfortable, familial gesture, grinding his teeth.
“Yeah... sure.” Tommy spoke hollowly, the movement having made a militarily cropped piece of his hair catch the light, white as bone, standing out starkly against the spun gold of the rest of his rumpled hair. Even from the other end of the lawn, Fundy could see how weary he was, how the dark circles had multiplied as if branding themselves onto his skin permanently, like they were weighing his shoulders down. He looked so small next to the still-beaming Wilbur, so different from the larger-than-life character Fundy had known from his childhood. It was disconcerting, but still, he forced his feet to move forward, toward the duo, feeling as his too-big boots slid on the cropped grass, and set his jaw. Completely blanking the taller, Fundy quickly addressed Tommy, not wanting to spend any longer in Will’s presence than he had to, let alone within arm’s reach. “I- Do you have any spare iron? Niki needs to rebuild her beacon.”
It wasn’t the politest or most successful of conversations, but, as Tommy raised a cracked, bruised hand, and pointed back into the house, Fundy could have sworn he saw a flicker of surprise come over Wilbur’s face. A gentle head bow, and murmured thanks later, Fundy was passing through into the small dirt house- if it could even be called that- and rummaging through the assorted junk in Tommy’s chests, not organised in the slightest sense. They look like they had been ransacked recently, not a single piece of stone seeming to have lodged in a corner somewhere, forgotten. But, before he could think to question it, sure Tommy would have had at least some, Fundy’s hands brushed the smooth coolness of a few blocks of iron, sandwiched between two completely unrelated things, and his mind was sent on a completely different line of thought.
Yanking it out, he was surprised to see there was more than he thought, even if he did send a few dented buckets and an old, ragged leash flying in the movement. Still, he did have some level of decency, sure that if Tommy had this much iron, he must have had a need for it. So, as much as he wanted to take the whole stack, Fundy had some decency, slipping half into his pack for later, and carefully stowing the rest back into the chest in a much less dangerous pile, for... whatever the teen would need it for. It was a joke around the area that, often, very little in these chests was Tommy’s so, while he was sure somebody would currently be hunting, very confused, for their materials, there was also an unspoken knowledge between everyone that Tommy never took anything that would leave people really wanting, and, maybe...7 times out of 10, he would give it back after a while anyway.
Chuckling to himself as he latched the chest closed again, and prepared to stand back up from the cool, dirt floor, Fundy almost missed the tell-tale rumble of Wilbur starting to raise his voice from outside, where he had stayed with Tommy, basking in the sun as if it seemed to spotlight him alone. Gasping in a breath to hold, a faded memory coming back to him of long nights spent sleeplessly in the tall grass of a walled community, of hearing raised voices and incensed footsteps from inside his father’s office, Fundy forced himself to his feet, ignoring how his knees protested and wobbled, padding as silently as he was able over to the door to peek outside.
It wasn’t a fun sight to behold, either, Wilbur having taken Tommy by the shoulder as he spoke, a manic look in his eyes as he gestured wildly with his free arm, to the neighbourhood around them, to the sky, and the ground, and even to the house, though neither saw Fundy, him having ducked out of sight just in time. He wasn’t sure why he had done it, both of them knowing he was there, but, in the split second he had to react, it had felt like the right thing to do. He didn’t want to look back out there, so, instead, he leant his heaving back against the soft dirt wall, feeling the chill soak through his jacket and thin shirt, a small relief to his skin, and listened instead.
“Listen Tommy! This? This will be our legacy! If we can do this...” he broke off into laughter, so hauntingly familiar that it made Fundy’s heart ache to hear, almost being able to imagine a million different Wilburs, arms spread wide, face tilted to the sky. “When we do this, we’ll be saints! Nobody will be able to touch us again! We'll be gods, Tommy!” he spoke quickly, as if he was afraid that, if he didn’t get all his words out right that second, he would never get a chance to say them again, but like he didn’t care what it was that he said. “We will be... Tommy, we’ll be unstoppable!” It sounded more like a monologue to Fundy, who, straining his ears, only just heard Tommy’s mumbled reply, apathetic and weary as he sighed. “Yeah... gods.” He echoed, sounding decades older to the young fox, so used to the blonde spitfire throwing curses and rebuttals about like water, or at least swallowing back the more offensive things when warned. But right now, he just sounded defeated, like he had nothing left. And really, he didn’t, he didn’t even get to die in peace, so why should he be enthusiastic, knowing he would just be kept going indefinitely. It was a common source of outrage about the entire nation, that whatever had happened after Doomsday had broken their dear Tommy, though nobody knew much more than that he had lost a life, the news not having become popular, understandably.
“And you, Toms!” Will continued, as if he hadn’t heard anything, followed by a loud rustling and stumbling steps. “You will be my right-hand man, all over again! This time we will win, my boy and I!” The iron suddenly felt ten times heavier, in Fundy’s pack, and in his stomach, a sick, sinking feeling washing over him. He couldn’t have just said that, right? He didn’t mean it, surely. But still, no amount of lying to himself could stop as he spun, flinging the door open angrily. “And what am I, Wilbur?” he snapped, teeth bared as he stood, haloed with darkness from the dim house, in the doorway, regarding the pair with poorly veiled disdain. “What role do I play? Gunna leave me alone again? Leave me behind?” Jealousy was rising, hot and thick, in his throat as he spoke, raging like a monster and driving him to step forward, stalking toward Will, who had the audacity to still hold an arrogant smirk on his face. “Ah, Fundy. So nice to see you’re still here.” he spoke smoothly, clasping his hands before himself like a housewife as he saw the sharp claws starting to peek out from around the fingerless gloves the hybrid always wore.
“Answer the question. What am I to you, Wilbur.” he spoke lowly, almost a growl, slowly shifting into a fighting stance at the infuriatingly serene position Will held, faintly noticing he had shed his heavy coat at some point in his ravings, leaving him in just his achingly familiar linen shirt and pants. “Well... you’re Fundy.” One hand went out in a mockery of a placating gesture, nestling in Fundy’s hair and ruffling it up, before being quickly snatched back as Fundy snapped angrily at it, missing by less than a centimetre. “Well done, you know my name.” he snarled back, eyes lightening, blink by blink, from their usual dormant brown to a much angrier, more feral gold as he hunched fully into a fighting stance, the rage reaching a peak. “How about family? I’m your son.” the words lashed out like a whip, ripping his throat up as they spilled out, and stupidly making his voice crack. “I’m your son” he repeated, quieter this time, slashing out blindly as Wilbur’s hand came close again. “Don’t you dare touch me. You haven’t earnt the right.”
This time, he broke skin, he felt as the minor resistance buckled, and blood tickled the tips of his fingers, looking up to see a clear slash mark on the sleeve of the shirt, now being quickly dyed with the type of morbid crimson that only blood could be. Wilbur looked surprised, quickly pulling the entire sleeve off to bandage it, before holding his arm to himself, an action performed in entire, three-way silence. Fundy had watched, tight lipped, at the familiar sight of blood, not able to find it in himself to feel any kind of remorse for his actions, simply waiting for it to be over with.
“I see you found your spine. Your mother was always feisty too.” Wilbur commented slyly, seeing as Fundy’s heaving breath caught in his chest for a moment, not even flinching as a loud growl reverberated about the street afterward. “You have no right to talk about her like that. You made us soldiers, you made us fight your bloody wars in your name, and where were you when we needed you by our sides?” Fundy snarled, gesturing to the hunched figure of Tommy, right where he had been left when Will had stepped away, staring unseeingly at the floor, arms wrapped tight about his midsection. “You were off on your chaise longue, eating grapes and seducing Dream so you could blow us all up again, conveniently looking the other way when we called for you to be there.” he spat the words like they were acid, trying desperately to find at least one thing that scratched the perfect veneer Wilbur was putting up, even with his arm clamped to his chest like it was shattered. “But we were children. Will, I was a child.”
He couldn’t help the memories coming back, of chainmail that dragged on the floor when he walked, of the elusive smells of pastries being eclipsed by gunpowder, of babbling brooks turned into deathly still lakes by the craters left over, of playful laughter echoing through the air from around the foreboding office Fundy had barely seen the inside of, before they were all shushed and sheparded off to train for a war they shouldn’t have had to fight. “I was a kid that just wanted a dad. You were supposed to be there for me.” Tears started pricking at his eyes at this, and, determined not to give Wilbur the satisfaction of seeing it, he roughly shouldered past, clutching his pack and his jacket close. “You were supposed to be a father.” he couldn’t help but mumble as they diverged, Wilbur not bothering to put out an arm to stop him as he stepped from the cropped lawn back onto the smooth, familiar wood of the path.
“And you know what?” Fundy barked, turning back one last time, hating how the sun made a halo about Wilbur’s form, painting him as an angelic being, especially how it dappled through the folded wings just poking out from over his shoulders now he wasn’t wearing his heavy coat anymore. “I wish you stayed dead.” It didn’t even cause a quirked brow, Wilbur watching with some detached sort of amusement, as if it was naught but a show he was the sole audience for. Upending his pack, Fundy turned to Tommy, unsure if he was even able to hear him, but spoke again, quieter, softer. “Keep the iron, I'll find it somewhere else.” and, in time with the heavy clang of iron upon the path, a door, left open for far too long, finally locked in Fundy’s mind.
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sleepyjuniper · 3 years
Ghost Stories - A Bugsnax Short Story
Hey guys, so this is a little thing I was suddenly inspired to write after watching Vinny's playthrough of Bugsnax, which I whipped up and left in the comment section of the campfire cutscene video. I figured people would come across it there, but I'm not so sure now, so I'm posting it here for anyone who cares. (It's not going anywhere else because I'm so embarrassed by my extreme inexplicable obsession with these characters that I can't bear anyone I know to read it fhdhdhsjsj) either way, it's just a fun first person practice piece that takes place in the canon game where everyone is telling scary stories around the campfire! It's under the cut, because I ain't a barbarian. I hope you enjoy!
There's funny moments in life sometimes, where you notice things that would normally go unnoticed unless paid close attention to. This was one of those moments. As I sit gathered around the campfire with these other grumpuses I hardly know nor do I particularly care about, the soft flicker of the campfire warming only my face and a bit of my limbs but doing nothing for my cold back, I simply stare into the licking flames and get lost in a trance. I notice how the dry logs glow and curl into themselves where the fire touches them. I sit mesmerized by the bright colors, while around me the grumpuses chat about the island and swap conspiracies. Gramble's nervous voice is mostly lost to me as he lays claims that something lurks beyond the woods at night. 
Triffany's story about disappearing ancient grump bodies helps to drag my attention back to the current moment, and as she talks, I look around the rest of the quiet village. I almost thought I heard something walking around behind me, but when I looked, there was nothing. 
I turn back to the campfire, and just then, a cold breeze picks up, and the fire dies out. The demeanor changes drastically, instantly, as everyone seems to get a bit more nervous in the dark. Filbo tells me to get some more firewood, and as I'm shuffling away from the campfire, I definitely hear something walking around. I turn on my heels to look for the source of the noise, but again see nothing. Before I go to the mill, I quietly tip toe around the houses and look in every crevice, but there's no grumpus, bugsnax, or alleged monster to be found. I find the wood and return to the campfire so everyone can continue chatting. 
As everyone starts talking again, Beffica stands up and launches into a theory so wild and disturbing that it keeps me from drifting off again. Wambus is the first to contradict Beffica, saying grumpuses couldn't possibly cannibalize each other, and Filbo suddenly looks uncomfortable (or nervous, I'm not sure) and excuses himself. I watch him go, regretting that the most tolerable out of the colorful group of grumpuses is leaving, and force myself to endure and listen to the conversation. Yet another argument begins, and I can't help thinking that this is getting old. Beffica claims that not only is someone cannibalizing grumpuses, but that it's Floofty, and she saw them eat a grumpus with her own eyes. I share Gramble's anxiety for once, and then everyone stops talking at the sound of Filbo's far off scream. Everyone looks to me, and I think, what did I do to deserve this? 
Clearly no one else is getting up, so I reluctantly rise from my seat again, and head off cautiously towards the bathroom. 
I approach the outhouse, and there's a split second where I hear a noise and think oh it's just Filbo, and also ewwww, and also this is way above my paycheck. But then the noise gets louder and more guttural, and I don't think I've ever heard that noise come out of a grumpus before. Something about it is unnatural. Despite myself, I inch closer, feeling my fur begin to stand on end, feeling cold dread pooling in my stomach. Then Filbo's voice sounds behind me, and I swear I could've leapt three feet in the air from how much it startled me. 
"Oh, hey buddy!" He exclaims with a friendly wave, then looks somewhat abashed. "Uh, sorry, I uh, I got a little too spooked and I came here to calm down." 
I look from him to the outhouse, my fur once again standing on end, as I realize he was never in there in the first place. 
"Wh- who's in the bathroom?" I question him, and he looks confused. 
"Huh? I-I-I don't know what you're talking about, Buddy. Are.. you feeling okay? You look like you've seen a ghost!" He concludes with a chuckle, and I get the sense it's because my own nervous state is making him nervous, and he's trying to lighten the mood with jokes. I don't respond, so he clears his throat and speaks more decisively. "Well uh, let's keep it together and get back to the fire!" 
I start to follow him, feeling distraught, but then I stop and decide to hang back for a minute. I turn around, walk back to the outhouse, and after a brief moment of collecting myself, I open the door, prepared to clear my conscious about the weird sounds I'd heard. 
But when I do, there's nothing there. 
I look all around, but I don't see anything out of the usual. I finally lean forward and look into the ominous hole, but it's too dark to see into its depths. And I feel pretty stupid after I do. I'm literally looking for clues inside a toilet. Frustrated, I leave the door open so nobody mistakes it for being occupied, and find my way back to the group. 
After that ordeal, I simply don't have it in me to tolerate Wiggle's singing monologue, and it's all that I can manage to stay quiet and not explode while this ridiculous grumpus with a pineapple for hair sings about a supposed 'Queen of Bugsnax', while everyone miraculously listens in complete silence. 
Just as she's finishing, there's a loud crash that has everyone jumping to their feet and staring in the direction of the noise. All except Wiggle, who STARTS SINGING AGAIN for some GRUMPING REASON. Everyone is too occupied to even notice. 
After there's no further noise, everyone turns back to look at each other and figure out what to do next. I'm itching to figure out what the grump is going on, so I listen carefully as they debate. Filbo takes the lead, assuring everyone not to worry and that we'll check it out. 
"If something goes wrong, sacrifice Filbo first." Is what Beffica says before we set off towards the mill, and also what I ignore. 
I take the lead, and we make our way through the fog, to the millhouse, which now has a huge and jagged hole in the side, like a spuddy rammed straight through it, leaving it in splinters. 
We step inside, and then venture up the stairs, and I stop short at the sight of a random green grumpus standing in the room. Filbo continues towards them. 
"Chandlo?!" I hear him exclaim in disbelief, and I realize oh, this is just another one of Filbo's 'friends'. 
So that explains some of it.. I think as I notice the extremely muscled nature of this grumpus, and recall the state of the millhouse's doors. Kind of barbaric to just barrel through it, though. 
Apparently this grumpus is another of the pre-Lizbert-dissappearing villagers, and he introduces himself to me before him and Filbo continue talking. Apparently his name is Chandlo, and I gather that this is where he used to stay before Lizbert vanished. He's only come back to grab something he left in the house. Plus he mentions someone named Shelda? Then he reveals he's taking the stuff he came back for to someone named Snorpy. 
My mind starts trying to piece together information about these new grumpuses he's named from the way he talks about them, while Filbo tries to convince him to come say hi to everyone else.
Chandlo rejects the invitation, saying if he does, they'll want him to stay, and promptly leaves with a cheerful "Catch ya later, bros!"
"But I- but I DO want you to stay!" Filbo yells after Chandlo, but the mysterious grumpus is already gone. "Oh, darn it!" He mumbles dejectedly, before turning back to me. "Oh well, let's get back and tell the others." 
Back at the campfire, everyone is waiting for us. "Don't worry folks, I'm fine!" Filbo announces with a light-hearted chuckle. This is met with silence, until Filbo says "Oh, and the noise was just Chandlo." Everyone responds with a sigh of relief, and begins chattering again.
"But wait," Gramble says, "what if Chandlo WAS the Queen of Bugsnax?" Aaaaand there they go again. I slump into my seat again with an exhale, letting the chatter continue on while I rest my chin on one paw and zone out. As they talk however, I remember the whole bathroom encounter, and realize something.. doesn't quite add up. The noises hadn't been Filbo, but they couldn't have been from ANY grumpus. And on top of that, I hadn't heard anyone leave the bathroom afterwards. Whatever it was had simply.. vanished. 
Unnerved, I try not to think about it, and for the first time, I'm comforted to simply be surrounded by these other grumpuses and just listen to them go on and on about their silly feuds and wild conspiracies. 
Either way, there's definitely more to this island than meets the eye. And I'm going to get to the bottom of it. 
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