#all i post is my edgy daughter
girlbeyondthegrave · 13 days
The Parallels Between Astrid and Lydia and What They Say About Beetlebabes: A Metaphorical Interpretation of the Final Dream Sequence
I previously made a post where I wrote about my interpretation of the dream sequence being inspired by Lydia and Astrid’s literal futures following the film, but after reading @theblacklistforever97 ‘s metaphorical interpretation of the final scene, I wanted to explore what messages Burton may be trying to convey. I think that we can find a strong message when we look at how Astrid’s time in the film parallels her mother’s experiences as a teenager.
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The main takeaway from the linked post is that dream sequences often reveal the inner desires of characters, but I think that the parallels between mother and daughter can, too.
As teenagers, both characters are strange and unusual in their own rights. Lydia is iconically goth and melancholy with fascinations with death and photography, while Astrid reads classic Russian literature and wears edgy clothing. Both are shown to not fit in with people that are considered “normal.” Yet they want to feel embraced and have someone truly see them.
Lydia’s family writes her off as weird, and when she starts to bond with the Maitlands, they vanish for three months. She feels used after the incident at dinner.
As soon as Beetlejuice looks at her, he’s interested. His full attention is on her. He says she looked like someone he can relate to, and when Lydia basically says she wants to die, he’s genuinely taken aback. He doesn’t have to offer to talk about that with her, but he does. Beetlejuice genuinely values Lydia’s life, and he wants her to live it. There’s also no mention of marriage during that first encounter. He just wants Lydia to let him out—no mentions of being out permanently either.
But in their next encounter, Beetlejuice wants out for good, and he chooses Lydia to be tethered to in marriage. He’s downright gleeful when she talks to him again. It’s entirely possible that Beetlejuice only wanted to be out permanently after he met Lydia, and he’s enamored with her. We know now that he’s gone 600 years without romantic love, and that reframes his eagerness to marry her. He’s been carrying that ring around for hundreds of years, and he finally found someone he thinks is worthy of having it.
People could argue that Beetlejuice was using Lydia and had no real romantic interest in her, but after the sequel, there’s no denying that he has sincere feelings for Lydia. I detail a lot of his and Lydia’s moments in a separate post, but TLDR: Beetlejuice calls Lydia the love of his life and waits for her. He absolutely adores this woman, and he just wants to be with her.
Astrid’s relationship with Jeremy serves as a foil to Lydia and Beetlejuice’s. Jeremy feigns interest in Astrid to manipulate her into trusting him. He values her life only in the sense that he wants to take it for himself. He appeals to her desire for someone to understand her, but it’s not genuine. He lies about the incantation and uses Astrid’s desire for closure regarding her father to get what he wants. He had no intentions of being with Astrid; just using her for his own gain.
There’s only one man who behaves similarly to Jeremy in the film, and it’s not Beetlejuice—it’s Rory. While Jeremy wants to literally take control of Astrid’s life, Rory figuratively controls Lydia’s. He guilts her, he manipulates her, and Lydia has lost a lot of the spunk and fire she had as a teenager. Rory appeals to her emotions just like Jeremy does with Astrid so he can reach his own goals. He doesn’t believe in Lydia, doesn’t listen to her. It’s all an act to get to her money, just like Jeremy pretends to be the caring living boy to get Astrid to sign her life away.
If we look at the dream sequence metaphorically, the parallels between Astrid and Lydia make a solid case that Astrid is meant to reflect Lydia’s inner desires. Dream Astrid meets someone that matches her eccentric energy, who truly sees her, and they get to live happily ever after. Let’s also note that the boy is wearing a vampire costume, a monster that’s known for invoking fear, yet that’s the moment that captivates Dream Astrid. And even when a monstrous BabyJuice pops out of her, she smiles and accepts him as her own.
Beetlejuice sends a clear message here: if Lydia wants to feel fully seen and appreciated, she needs to find someone that matches her energy. He wants to be that someone, and he’s proven that his affections are far more genuine than Rory’s. He’s already accepted her, but she needs to accept him, too. He truly believes that if she can accept the connection they have, he will make her happy.
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idk-how-to-name-it · 4 months
Could you do the Mikaelys-Mosses family? Bonus if you include ideas of how the family came to be/Nacha and Francis relationship
Hehe thaaaanks!
Firts, let's start with Nacha! Just look at her!
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Sharpless, with purple blue palette(Like, this palette has gentle and soft vibes. Btw green is associated with something friendly and calm), her face...She is definitely kindhearted and sweet lady! She rarely gets mad or angry
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Though, her messy hair say that maybe she gets nervous, at least sometimes(After all, she is a single mother, you know, it can be stressful).
Talking about Francis:
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Yeah, he also mainly have edgyless shapes as main ones, And his face... Look at his face.
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It right says: "Man, I'm tired of working as a damn milkman just to pay child support. Pls help me".
So, for me he looks apathetic and melancholic.
As for Anastacha...I can describe her with one pic
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Jokes aside, but she really looks quite chilly person(She says "whatever" right with her face, without even opening her mouth!). Plus, her colour palette is also chilly, though, she has some edgy shapes in her design...But, can't help but see her as a person who is used to this whole chaos with doppelgangers and neighbors
Oh, and hcs about Francis and Nacha's relationship!
You see, I hc that Francis probably came from...I haven't made my mind where he is from exactly yet. But I've got a feeling that he came somewhere from East/South-East Europe.
So, when Nacha met him for the first time, she was kinda like "Oh, so you're from East, huh? Gawsh, that is hawt"(Eeeeh, you know that thing whe people romanticizes ethnicity for some reasons...Yeah, Nacha has some flaws. I don't approve this thing btw). That's why they were dating until they realised that they both are incompatible for each other(Nacha's expectations failed, yeah), so they broke up. And soon after that Nacha found out that she is pregnant with Anastacha...
After all of this, they maybe try to stay away from each other. Like, they don't despise and hate each other, but they both just don't want to recall those things from the past. Though, Francis works as a milkman to support Nacha and her daughter financially.
Welp, that's all!
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obae-me · 6 months
Hello, and welcome to another installment of niche content containing another mash of my two special interests. Written out of boredom at the airport. Today's edition, fueled with my excitement of being able to go to none other than Miku Expo 2024, I give:
The Brothers As My Favorite Vocaloid Songs!
Yes, I know, please, quell your excitement. I know everyone was waiting for this one. I will take no criticisms or judgments, only enthusiastic additions.
Warning: While nothing stated in this post needs a full content warning, if anyone decides to look up these songs, many songs themselves have plenty of individual warnings, so please search with caution.
Now, the song I think he'd actually enjoy listening to is Daughter of Evil. It's got tragedy behind it, the song is a bit more classical/waltzy, exactly the kind of thing he likes. However based off his vibes alone, I'm gonna say Honey I'm Home. Mostly because I love Ghost and Pals but also because religious trauma. And I know other people agree with me because I've seen fanart of it.
I think Mammon would listen to Sand Planet. Oo, or Bring it On. Do I have a detailed explanation as to why? Not really in so many words, but it just seems like something he'd listen to, I feel it in my bones. I will not be taking any questions. Now the song I think he embodies? Wildcard. I mean, the whole motif is about playing cards, it's upbeat and fast paced and I love it and I love Kasane Teto even more.
I will physically fight anyone who doesn't think Levi listens to Rolling Girl at least once a day (I won't actually fight anyone but I feel very strongly on this matter). It helps him get through hard times but it also makes him cry. Which...same, Levi, same. But if Leviathan were to be a song itself, I'd have to pass it over to Volt Tackle by Deco*27. Pokémon, talking about fighting and struggling at first to capture someone's love? Oo, or Digital Girl. It's got him written all over it. (Or if I want to be sad, give him Anthropophobia)
See, Satan is hard because I never know if I envision him listening to heavy metal or if he prefers soft melodies. And, I mean, I know he can like more than one genre at once, but picking THE song I think he'd listen to is hard... but if I'm going off of what I like as well as gut instinct... Abstract Nonsense. Now, selected off his character, I'd have to pick Hikari Yo. It's just very emotional and desperate and the poor demon boi is like that on the inside quite a lot. WAIT or Pathalogical Facade! Oo, lots of options for Good Ol Satan.
Easy, he'd love Gimmie×Gimmie and I don't think I need any further explanation on this opinion. I actually think Asmo would unironically like a lot of vocaloid songs, personally. And as for his songification, I handpick Aishite, Aishite, Aishite. And I know there's a lot of different people's interpretations to this song and everything and people get very... I guess territorial when it comes to this song (at least from specific corners I've seen) but it makes sense to me. It's a really popular song and it's hauntingly beautiful and it's about wanting to be loved and adored and this is MY post so I can say whatever I want about it.
Beel is another one that's hard for me to pin down... I think his music taste (joke not intended) is rather eclectic. He probably actually has no real preference other than more upbeat songs to make it easier to work out to. In which case I get to pick whatever I wish. For him I would make him listen to Happy Halloween. I don't care what time of year it is, it's cute and upbeat and about getting treats and it's one of my favorite songs ever. Now one to embody him?... Goodness that's even harder. I would love to say Appetite of a People Pleaser, but Beel's not a people pleaser... I actually don't know! Maybe I am a sham of a fan. I am open to suggestions for my baby Beel.
You know I have to pick Tokyo Teddy Bear. This mans is too edgy not to listen to it all too often. Plus, it's a classic. And, you know I have to make this all even sadder by giving him the song Error. Because I like to make myself cry. And Belphie needs a good cry, let's be honest with ourselves.
I'm also going to add the Distortanist as an honorable mention for unhinged Lesson 16 Belphie.
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silent-sanctum · 6 months
I saw the post you were making requests again, so here is mine if you can do it. My favorite fanfic of your is the Gothic Metalhead Reader x Jotaro headcannon, and I want a continuation of that when they are married and had Jolyne and how after all these years they still haven't changed especially with Jotaro being the house husband (GN reader please) I love your work and hope you are doing well 🩵
hello anon! I'm a bit surprised people still found that lil headcanon I made but I'm happy you found that to be your favorite of the bunch. So, as you requested, here's a lil continuation of the reader living their best life in the years to come~ Hope you enjoy ♡
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word count: 629
It’s been 10 years since you’ve started this unexpected relationship with Jotaro Kujo and that’s putting it lightly.
Who would’ve thought a metal head goth and a reserved delinquent would somehow meet one day and somehow made their obvious differences work for the long run. Regardless, it happened and you found yourself in a stable life in Florida with a hardworking husband and a cute daughter containing energy with no bounds in her tiny body.
Naturally, as time passes and you’ve grown several ages older, things changed and some of your old passions phased out. No longer were you that quiet, rebellious kid who’d consume every hot release of their favorite metal song- that teenager who’d spend their savings the second Metallica’s or Black Sabbath’s album were made available in stores.
Then again, an old habit was hard to forget, so despite losing most of your youthful goth edge, you still liked wearing dark-clothing and applying dark make-up for casual wear or for work because it just made sense for you- the fishnets, laces, corsets etc. At times, you’d even find time to plug in your earphones to listen to some old and new metal music.
Nothing beats the classic after all.
Similar happened to your spouse in a more evident way. What once was the teenager with a penchant for being “punk” and “rough-looking”, was now a man who leaned more into a “refined” appearance with his trimmed curls, light or white clothing, with the occasional academia-esque formal wear. Without the need to appeal to fellow peers, Jotaro lost his “edgy” nature in exchange of stoic formality instead.
You both changed throughout the years but at the same time, the bond you had with him never did.
Family life was something you gradually learned with Jotaro when Jolyne was brought into the world. But that’s to be expected for first-time parents. You worked out the nitty-gritty nuances of new dynamics and schedules, had areas to improve on, and some schedules to be fixed, but eventually with some time, you both had found middle ground.
Most often, you were the one working full-time in your work area while your husband would stay at home to work in his office. It worked for you because while your profession needed you to be in the area, his job didn’t require him to be in the field all the time paired with the fact that he also had his thesis to finish.
And so your typical day would start with a nice morning routine with your small family and end with you coming home from work to your daughter happily greeting you with a wide, toothy grin and your husband saying a pleasant “how’s your day?” when he’s in the middle of setting the table.
There were also times when Jolyne would find your old stash of metal albums and ever the curious child she was, she wanted to know what they were. You weren’t ashamed of your interests and you had no reasons to be embarrassed of your seemingly unique taste in music and aesthetic.
So you sat her down as if you were telling a story and you shared all you knew about your love of metal music and the appeal of goth fashion. By the end of the month, you couldn’t help but smile, flattered when you’ve noticed Jolyne taking interest in more hard-hitting songs and dark-adjacent apparel with a neon twist.
Looking back in your life like this- sitting by your table littered with pictures of your family in your office space during the break hour, you smiled to yourself as you wore your earphones to listen to the same metal song that played when you first encountered Jotaro that day.
You wouldn’t live life any other way.
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mediocreshake08 · 3 months
This was mostly made for @rabid-raccoontail but whoever wants to get into Mortal Kombat, this is your lucky day. So welcome everyone to the...
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Also this is going to be my biggest post yet so if you like to read this is the place for you. If you can't picture the characters I name, look them up on google.
Also this contains heavy spoilers for the ENTIRE series.
So sorry for the wait, I hope you enjoy this
What is a Mortal Kombat?
To get a basic understanding of the series you got 3 canons to work with. You have the Midway games (Original Dev team), you have The NRS reboot (the canon most people are known with) and you got the The New Era ( the one that changed it all).
Classic games
The first game takes place on an Island owned by Shang Tsung, the final boss. The whole premise of why everyone is fighting on an island is because of the Mortal Kombat tournament, which happens every generation, and is a tournament mostly against Earthrealm and Outworld. Basically how it works, is if your realm wins 10 tournaments in a row, your realm gets fused with the winners (but also you can choose not to do that because fuck it). Outworld won 9 tournaments and with this one, one of the biggest villains of the franchise, Shao Kahn, fuses Earthrealm with Outworld and fucks up the entire human race. Our champions, Liu Kang a Shaolin monk, Johnny Cage the actor and Sonya Blade a Special Forces Commander, led by the thunder God Raiden won't let that shit slide. Oh also Kano is here and he's a proper Aussie, ye m8? Anyways, Liu Kang sweeps the floor with everyone, including a four armed hurdling mass of muscle named Goro, kicks Shang Tsungs ass and practically saves the Earth. Bonus fun fact, Scorpion kills Sub Zero because he thought he killed his family and clan and as revenge, he spit roasts him.
MK2 takes place some time after that with Shang looking a little sexier and asking the Earthrealmers to join a second MK tournament. If they don't oblige, they're gonna invade Earth (save that for a little later). Also Sub Zero is back, except not really the one who got killed by Scorpion was Bi-Han, and this is his younger brother, Kuai Liang. Getting back on topic we got some new characters like Jax, Sonya's partner from the Special Forces, Kuai Liang Sub Zero, Kung Lao who's the cooler Shaolin monk and also has a hat that's also a throwing weapon, Kitana, who is the main villains step daughter (sorta), Mileena, who's a test tube baby made by Shang Tsung for Shao Kahn, Reptile, who as you could guess is a lizard, and Barraka, who has Nosferatu's face (but also like, his species is tied to Mileena's creation because she's half Tarkatan. Anyways, some shit happens and Liu Kang beats the fuck out of Shao Kahn.
MK3, instead of being yet another tournament, Shao Kahn says FUCK IT and invades earth with the Outworld armies. Not only that, but the Lin Kuei (Sub Zero's clan) are being turned into cyborgs. All but one of them escaped, that one being Sub Zero. One cop survives New York, Johnny Cage gets killed by a centaur, there's a speedster with swords and fireballs coming out of his face, and boom, bang BING, we got some new characters. There's Stryker the Cop I talked about a few seconds ago, Kabal the speedster because the co-creator really wanted to make a psycho killer flash, Cyrax Sektor and Smoke who are the cyber Lin Kuei, Rain, who appears in like 5 games but only does something in 3 and isn't playable in one of the games he's in, Night Wolf who's a native American, Ermac who uses they/them and Sindel, the biggest bitch in the fucking seven seas. Oh also Bi-Han is back and he's edgy. He now goes by Noob Saibot, which if you read backwards is Tobias and Boon, the creators of Mortal Kombat. No time for that though because somehow Shao Kahn returned after being fisted, Johnny Cage gets brought back to life and Liu Kang kills Shao Kahn once more again, the end.
If that's not confusing enough, we aren't done yet because now we got
3D games
I'm not doing Mortal Kombat 4
Deadly Alliance starts with Shang Tsung and his boyfriend Quan Chi snapping Liu Kang's neck so he can't interrupt them in reawakening Onaga, the king of all scalies and one of the most powerful forces in the realms. And now Liu Kang is a zombie, Raiden kicks Shang and Quan's asses or at least tries. Also we're introduced to Kenshi Takahashi the blind swordsman with a magic sword, and sexy vampire pirate lady, Nitara, more on her later.
Deception takes place right after that, where Raiden is trying to fight the Deadly Alliance (who are literally just Shang and Quan), failing. Raiden dies, Quan Chi kills Shang Tsung which somehow awakens Onaga. Quan can't do piss and trying to fight him, somehow brings both Raiden and Shang Tsung back to life... Okay?? And then Raiden nukes himself and Onaga walks it off. Deceptions protagonist is a little shit called Shujinko, a student of Bo Rai Cho, the same man who trained Kung Lao and Liu Kang. He then gets encountered by Damashi, a glowy ball that tells him he has to help the Elder Gods by retrieving the Kamidogu (which are basically Jewelry that hold the fabric of the universe). And Shujinko, being the gullible idiot he is accepts. And from this point on, the game turns into you fixing everyone else's problems like finding Bo Rai Cho's sodding watch, getting water back from another realm, and beating the shit out of Wesley Snipes. Speaking of Blade we got other sick characters like Kira and Kobra, Black Dragon members and one of them is named after a martial art/movie, Havik who is a klerk of chaos, Hotaru the Policemun, Dairou who's an outlaw loose and runnin', and Li Mei, voiced by Kelly Hu in the latest game. After all that, you find all the Kamidogu, you defeat everyone + Scorpion is the final boss (don't ask me, I don't fuggin know why) and what's your reward? Realizing you've been deceived the whole game and not seeing a final battle between Onaga and Shujinko (even though Shujinko can definitely beat Onaga but fuck it).
Armageddon begins with this schmuck named Argus, an Edenian God who did it with a mortal woman Delia and they had two boys who had to be put in stalagmites because Argus knows the apocalypse is on its way. Thousands of years later, Daegon and Taven, the two brothers wake up. Daegon basically made the Red Dragon clan, named after Caro who's basically Taven's spirit animal and he helps bring about the apocalypse. Taven's character can be summed up to "Who are you? Who's that? Uuuuh..." But that's what I love about him. Anyways, Taven looks for his asshole brother, de-frosts a bad bitch and kicks everyone's ass. Which translates to what Armageddon really is. All the characters choose sides. We get one of the coolest fmv sequences in PS2 history and everyone dies trying to take Blaze's power. Blaze is a demigod-esque creation made by Argus to warn Taven and Daegon about the apocalypse, but also whoever kills him, gains his power and basically becomes the developer of the game. But because Taven is the main character, he has to kill everyone he encounters, a few of those people being one's he was proud to call friends. He climbs to the top, kills Daegon, destroys Blaze and saves the universe, the end.
Yeah I lied lol
Netherrealm Era
After Armageddon, Midway shut down, Warner Brothers bought Mortal Kombat and Netherrealm studios took over the franchise and this is where it all went downhill.
Mortal Kombat 9 starts with the end of the previous game. Except it doesn't, because Taven is somehow not here and Shao Kahn walked all the way back to kill him after being carried away by Onaga. Before Shao Kahn crushed him, Raiden sends a message to his past self saying only three things. "He Must Win.". We are now in the first Mortal Kombat except it's HD and Johnny is down bad for Sonya. Sonya is here just so she can find Jax who's lost on the island somewhere, Bi-Han is a bit of a prick and Shang Tsung is the only character in the game who has common sense. Liu Kang beats Shang Tsung, Jax gets his arms ripped off by Ermac, Johnny only gets to win if he has a suit and Mileena gets the most revieling outfit in fighting game history. Kitana and Liu Kang have an on and off thing, Reptile gets bullied (poor thang) and before Kuai Liang can kill Scorpion for killing his brother, he's taken away by the cyber Lin Kuei because Raiden saved Smoke from being cyberized and he says there's nothing he can do (that's bullshit but okay). Anyways, Kung Lao is doing pretty good in the tournament and then Shao Kahn snaps his neck. Feeling horrible by the death of his Shaolin brother, Liu Kang jumps in the arena and fists Shao Kahn. Sometime later, we learned that Shao Kahn survived because they put him in the Soul Chamber, a place in the Outworld arena that heals any and all wounds. He then gets the idea by Quan Chi to invade Earthrealm which completely goes against the laws of Mortal Kombat. And Shang Tsung knows and wants to stop them, but Shao Kahn doesn't fucking care and erased him from existance. they get guns from Kano, and they start blasting. Army can't do shit and somehow, a single cop (Stryker) is able to fight off A lizard man, a fire breathing cat and the only thing in Outworld that knows what pronouns are. Kabal was here too, but only for the first two fights. But he doesn't get his super speed here because he's just an average dude and maybe dating Stryker? I don't know. Anyways Kabal gets roasted by a big buff cat, taken to the Black Dragon and given a respiratory device by Kano that helps him breathe. He's basically Deadpool - the guns + super speed because the magic atmosphere of Outworld gave him that. Don't ask how anyone else got that after going to Outworld, idk🤷‍♀️. Anyways Quan Chi and Bitch-han bring back Sindel and mind control her to do their biding. Meanwhile, our heroes that consist of Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, Jax Briggs, Night Wolf, Cyber Sub Zero, Smoke, Kitana, Stryker, Kabal, Kitana and Liu Kang sit and do nothing. The Bastard Sektor walks in and with his Cyber Lin Kuei to tire out the heroes until Sindel arrives, the worst scene in MK history plays because the purple bitch kills damn near everyone and kicks Smoke in the nads, and then Night Wolf, the most forgettable Mortal Kombat character kills Sindel by Hail Mary. Raiden looks for help of Quan Dale Dingle, but he instead of helping, brings everyone who died back as revenants, which are basically zombies but with memories of the ones who died and they are pretty strong. Raiden fights three at once, Kills Liu Kang because he fears Shao Kahn is going to kill him and with the power of the Elder Gods, Raiden goes super Saiyan and does a Kamehameha, killing Shao Kahn. Yeah all of that was one game.
Mortal Kombat X (or as dip shits would call it mk 10) starts with Johnny, Sonya and Kenshi fighting revenant Sub Zero (who's a human revenant because of MKX prequel comic nonsense don't worry about it), Smoke who isn't even playable, Sindel who's a bitch through and through and Jax, who in a minute turns back into a human because of unexplained reasons, but I guess by killing his revenant, Liu, Kitana and Lao who are some. it turns out they were going to the Jin Sei chamber (earthrealm's life force that is pure light) where Quan Chi and his boss, Shinnok exact their plan of taking over Earthrealm by putting Shinnok into the Jin Sei, corrupting it and turning him into a super Saiyan but he looks like a devil, so kind of like a ssj4 thing? Doesn't matter because Johnny learns he has God killing powers and uses them to punch Shinnok in the nuts. Raiden seals him and the rest of the game is now a 20 years time skip. And now we have the next gen of kombatants, called the Kombat Kids by the fans. You got Cassie Cage the mc, Jaqui Briggs, who's basically Jax 2.0, Kung Jin, Lao's cousing who fights with a bow and Takeda, who has whips, bombs and a fuckin lightsaber. Anyways other new characters you have are Kotal Kahn who took over the throne, Erron Black who is the Cowboy and D'vorah, a character that absolutely everyone hates because she kills Mileena, who had a civil war with Kotal for the throne. Also Scorpion, now Hanzo Hasashi kills Quan Chi after learning it was him who disguised himself as Bi-Han to kill the Shirai Ryu out of spite I guess? D'vorah betrays Kotal, Almost kills Johnny but does get wrecked by Cassie who does also have the same God killing powers as Johnny, and he uses them to punch Shinnok in the nuts. Raiden puts himself in the Jin Sei Chamber because Shinnok corrupted it. Raiden purifies the Jin Sei and everyone gets a happy ending. Except Shinnok, who gets decapitated by dark Raiden.
Mortal Kombat 11 is a flawed masterpiece, and that flaw is the multiverse bullshit. So basically, Shinnok's mom Kronika who's like the keeper of time, wants to kill the entire universe because it's not balanced (shut the fuck up, ya bitch). Anyways, we got Geras, who can never die because he's a fixed point in time but is mostly known for pounding ass in the next game, Kollector who is the IRS and I hate him, and Centrion who is Shinnok's sister. There's also he Frozen bad bitch from earlier and her name is Frost, who is like Sub Zero minus but she's cyberized like Sektor and Cyrax who are in this game but unplayable (WHY NETHERREALM!). Anyways while remaking the timeline, Kronika accidentally summoned past versions of Liu Kang, Kitana, Kung Lao, Jade (who was dead but I didn't give a shit to introduce her at the start) and also she has maybe done it with Kotal (LITTERALY oc x canon shit) ((Also Jade doesn't kill D'vorah when given the chance, the stupid bitch)), Jax and a past version of Erron Black, even though he's still alive??, and also Shao Kahn with the coolest design of all time. Also Barraka is back, because I forgot to mention the bug bitch killed him too. Anyways, now we're spending the game beating up but rarely killing beloved characters. The cyber Lin Kuei and Frost and old Jax invade their ship that they use to get to Kronika's keep. Young Liu Kang dies, but Raiden fuses with revenant Liu Kang and that turns Liu Kang into a fake Gogeta, aka Fire God Liu Kang (any of this starting to sound like fanfiction?). Anyways they make it to the island where Kronika's keep is and then, everyone but Liu Kang gets Thanos snapped. Liu kills all the leveled up revenants, Glasses Kronika and brings back Raiden to help him rewrite history.
uuuuuuugh alright I got two more story modes to do, holy fuck it's okay I can do this shit
The MK11 expansion, Aftermath, brings back Sheeva, who is now queen of the Shokan, the same species as Goro and Kintaro (the fire breathing cat from MK9), Night Wolf, Fujin the wind God and brother of Raiden, and Shanga langa ding dong. Fujin, Night Wolf and Shang were all locked away in a place beyond time until just now somehow (just roll with it okay? Okay). The plot of this story expansion is basically, Liu Kang wants to reset the universe, but he can't because he doesn't have Kronika's crown, which is needed to do the universe reset. So our boy Liu takes the two idiots and Shang into the past. I just now realized, Raiden is the only smart person in this game, because he knows Shang Tsung is planning something devious. Liu maybe knows but plays it off. They go back to previous points in the game to get the crown, revive Sindel who says she was mind controlled but later she says she's evil from the start (holy fuck I want to kill her and then myself). They get a boatsman, Kahron, to take them to the keep. In the process, D'vorah kills the poster boy of the franchise (Dominic I will fucking end your bloodline). Sindel gets Shao Kahn, heals his eyes that were sliced out by Kitana, they kill Liu and Lao, Shang reveals that he wants to reset the timeline (Fujin you stupid) , he Soul sucks Sindel and Shao Kahn, kills Kronika, but before he can do anything with Kronika's Hourglass, Liu Kang breaks in, kicks Shang Tsungs ass and reboots the series one more fucking time, which brings us to...
MORTAL 1 KOMBAT (or Mortal Kombat 1
This game starts with Shang Tsung being a failing snake oil salesman because he can barely survive. Then someone who looks like Kronika comes in and he makes this face
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Best game of all time.
Anyway, we're introduced to Kung Lao and baby boy Raiden, who are farmers but also train Martial arts under the belt of Madame Bo, this universes version of Bo Rai Cho and she runs a kitchen, what more could you want with a grandma. Later, the Lin Kuei invade and we get the return of my boy Smoke who now has a Karambit and is voiced by Spiderman. He's Joined by Kuai Liang who is now Scorpion, and Bi-Han Sub Zero, the worst he's ever been i hate him. It's like they took his personality from Mortal Kombat 11 and slapped it over a poor man's imitation. Kung Lao kicks all three of their asses but only because they were pulling their punches. They join Liu who is basically Raiden now, and look for Johnny Cage, who's having a one-sided argument with his wife, and then she leaves and doesn't come back. Then, Kenshi breaks in, wanting Sento, the sword of his family which now lays on displayed on Johnny's wall. They fight, and Johnny beats him effortlessly. Johnny ties him to a chair and interrogates him until Liu Kang, along with Scorpion and Sub Zero walk in, which leads to one of the most iconic moments in the franchise
They want to untie Kenshi, but Johnny doesn't want that and thinks this is a prank, so he tries to play along but ends up being tossed into a million dollar statue, which triggers him and Johnny starts beating the shit out of Bitch-Han. Liu intervenes before Johnny can do his second fatality on him.they all go to the Wu Shi monk academy, where they train for the Great Tournament between Earthrealm and the realm of Outworld (that's LITTERALY what they call it, I'm not joking). Raiden beats them all using the one move he has, advance Cartwheel kick. Winning, Raiden is chosen to represent Earthrealm. And for winning, Liu Kang gives him a lightning amulet, which gives him lightning powers so he can fairly combat the Outworld fighters. Entering Outworld through a portal created by Liu, they are introduced by Kitana, Mileena and the palace guard, so-called the Umgadi, featuring two returning characters, one of which does nothing and the other was just a barrier. The one's i speak of are Khameleon and Tanya, the first canon lesbian in Mortal Kombat who has a thing going on with Mileena. Li Mei is back and... She's voiced by Kelly Hu. No wonder I forget she's in this game all the time. but along Li Mei, we have Shao Kahn, who is now degraded to General Shao, and his second in command, Reiko. I forgot to mention that Sindel is in this game and for the first time in the series, I don't mind her. She's a sweet, caring mother who is actually a mother to both Kitana and Mileena. Shao is now jobbing more than ever, from losing to a farmer, to being wrecked by queen. After winning the tournament, Liu Kang sends Kung Lao, Johnny and Kenshi to look for Shang Tsung, as it's word that he's somewhere in Outworld. The tremendous trio find a colony of Tarkatans, Outworlders infected by a disease called Tarkat, which deforms and debilitates. Shang Tsung is there and plans to harvest their marrow for a cure for Mileena, who as we find out, she has Tarkat. After a few fights, Kenshi pushes Johnny out of the way, as Mileena has gone feral, took some sais of the table, and stabs Kenshi's eyes out. As this happens Shao and tiny ass Goro walk in and take them to Shang Tsung's true lab, the Flesh Pits where Reptile works for him because Shang says he has his family captive. But as it's revealed, this isn't the case, as Shang already killed them many moons ago. This makes Reptile (aka Syzoth) have anger. They toxic gas the place and we get a Test Your Might to survive. They escape, but as they walk through the Living Forrest, they encounter Ashrah, a demon from the Netherrealm killing demons and almost killing our heroes. Also she says Demons funny. Like... DEE-MUNZ!
Anyways, she joins the party and they search for Quan Chi, who used to be dead, but is now an escaped cole miner and also black. The way Ashrah knows where Quan Chi is because she has a magic sword called the Kriss, and she uses it to purge evil from her soul, by killing other demons. We then find Quan Chi and his jobber squad consisting of Havik who is horribly lame in comparison to his older version and design from Deception, Sareena, Ashrah's so-so sister, Darius, aka Wesley Snipes' Blade with a dash of A-Train from the boys on the side, and the absolute dog shit tier downgrade of all time, Nitara is back, and nothing that made her cool is here. She isn't cool, her design is mid at best, her head looks like an onion, and the one thing that everyone hates about Nitara in this game, is that she's voiced by Megan Fox. Megan, Goddamn, Fox. Her performance is so goddamn awful that people actually prefer Rhonda Rousey's Sonya Blade from MK11. Anyways enough bitching, because Ashrah, with the help of a Reptile kameo beats the jobber squad, but just too late to stop Quan Chi from making a tornado of souls, which he uses to create Ermac, and then does this "who's mans is this" lookin' pose as he says kill them.
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In between this and Ashrah vs Quan Chi and Ermac, Johnny thanks Kenshi for saving his life, and gives him Sento, which he uses to assist Ashrah in the clobbering of Quan Chi. Now they return to the streets of Outworld's capital, Sun Do to look for a way back home. They disguise themselves, run into the Umgadi, get away and now it's Li Mei's turn to shine.
I forgot everything that happens in her chapter.
The Lin Kuei infiltrate a palace where Shang Tsung is, but while they are terrible at being stealthy, they aren't in beating Shang and Quan. But In the process, Bi-Han admits he let his and Kuai's father die, just so he can be the Lin Kuei's grandmaster. Smoke waits outside and does nothing till Kuai Liang escapes. And when Bi-Han comes out and leaves a scar on Kuai's face, even then, Smoke does literally nothing. All the characters who had their own parts in the storyline + Mileena (as it's her time to shine). They head to the Fortress where Ermac almost rips off Bi-Han's arms, fight Ermac, but it turns out the soul of Mileena and Kitana's father, Jerrod is inside Ermac...
That came out wrong... Or did it?
Anyways, they break in, Kitana almost fools General Shao and Shang Tsung right before Shang Bang puts on a crown, that awakens the Dragon Kings army and a a fake Sindel kills the queen, but Jerrod, who is still in control of Ermac, takes her soul before it leaves her body, storing Sindel as a part of Mac n' cheese. They head all come to discover that it wasn't Kronika at the intro, but instead was Shang Tsung from another timeline where he won in MK11,
Anyways, 11 Shang, who we will now call Titan Shang, has a plan to rewrite Liu Kang's timeline (the one everything else I just talked about in this entry takes place) and bring absolute fucking chaos with his team of evil time lords. Liu Kang, being the reasonable person he is, summons an army of good time lords and they all fight on the same pyramid that Armageddon's ending took place. For the first time in the entire series, you get to pick your own character for the finale. And based on the character you pick, you get a different variants of characters, most commonly fusions of already existing characters. Finally, you beat Shang and Quan, you get a thanks from Liu, and sent to Madame Bo's, where the Earthrealm heroes enjoy food and tea.
So, that's the entirety of Mortal Kombat. Any questions?
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beurkivol · 26 days
at the end of the thunder saga I was crying my eyes out. But hey, I said to myself, as an unquestioning optimist. Now that all the crew are dead, no one's going to die, so no more emotional damage, it's DONE, and he can't do the pancake thing again, Jay! Ahhhh. I was optimistic and naive. I'd forgotten that Mr Jay was as crazy as I was. Or worse. So here we go, rewinding the traumas!
Legendary :
legendary spared us quite a bit at the beginning, at least all the sweet stuff with Telemachus playing Disney princesses. Only argos got me, but then argos is ‘only’ in the animatics. well, I'm going to count the animatics because I was at the livestream.
And then antinous. It's not so much the trauma as the distress of telemachus that was touching. And I jumped up when I heard antinous' words. I was expecting threats, vulgarity, in short, for him to be hurtful, but I wasn't expecting that.
little wolf
Little Wolf was also quite calm. What I mean by that is that the trio of songs shared by Athena and Telemachus can be touching, that Antinous is worrying, the songs aren't bathed in the same dark, worrying and pessimistic atmosphere as those in Thunder Saga. Athena brings light and hope to Telemachus and you think ‘that's it, a goddess against all this rubbish, it'll be over in no time’. Even if telemachus takes a beating against antinous, he's got an impressive level up and with just a little more help from athena he'll be able to beat everyone.
We'il be fine
when we'il be fine, i screamed, because ATHENA CHARACTER ARC. Because she calls odysseus her friend, she calls telemachus good kid, because you feel the chemistry between the two and it's incredible. you feel all the hope in this song, and telemachus is definitely the reincarnation of polites. And the reference to your light is sublime.
Love in paradise
the little recap at the beginning of love in paradise is nice, especially in animatic, I was riveted. I have to admit that for Love in Paradise I was really waiting for a slightly comic song where Calypso acts like a 2 year old fangirl. I totally underestimated Jay. Already. 1. the music grabbed me right in the heart. And…. sorry but the depressive part of the song? ‘ody, get away from the lenge’. I thought polites couldn't fool me any more. LOST. JUST LET ME CLOSE MY EYES, MY OPENS ARMS. odysseus's howl at the end broke my heart. You could really feel his despair. I couldn't even see ‘im a monster now’ (not the raw raw raw version the edgy version), I just saw a depressed, borderline suicidal guy. heartbreaking.
God games
god games. i was expecting a punchy, catchy, song. A great song. But i was not expecting the end. (i do a little post about, and 2 other about athena)
do i really need to said more ? NO.
but im going to analyse all that more i swear...
Jorge, im watching you. If athena dies, im going to do something bad.
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xjereby · 3 months
Hey fellas! Its been a hot minute so let me introduce you all to my Hazbin Hotel High School AU!!
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also known as Grimstone Academy (edgy.) Its a private school for gifted manipulators- i mean. thinkers :)
since the parents are paying a shit-ton of money for their teens to be at this academy the students can kinda get away with anything…
except murder… probably…
inspired by Mean Girls, Class of ‘09, and Heathers :)
characters, in order of appearance
Charlie Morningstar - Daughter of the principal, Lucas Morningstar. Homeschooled most of her life until her dad got this job offer, so she’s socially unaware.
Vicky Rivera - Gifted athlete, Coach Adam’s (2nd) favorite student. Generally an outcast due to her standoffish demeanor and interesting fashion choices. She has a personal history with nearly every student listed— almost all are negative.
Anthony (Angel) Ragno - Theatre kid! Generally speaks his mind and one of Vickys only friends because of this. Has been dating Valentino for 2 years.
Harry Petrova - Gifted violinist and fluent in Russian. He keeps to himself and knows to keep away from the crazier students— even though he’s Alastors closest (whatever that means to him) friend.
Alastor Guidry- Top of his class at the academy. Tries to keep close ties with every authority figure he knows— yet he’s frustrated that Charlie gets special treatment. He’s mysterious and weird to most of the students. Most.
Virgil Parr - Alastors’ academic rival. President of the school council and son of two relatively well known actors, he’s spiteful and short tempered, but uses blackmail to get out of any trouble.
Vicky says he could be smarter than Alastor if he wasn’t so emotional.
Oscar Valentino - A major bitch. He cuts class and talks back to authority figures, but his dad is the owner of a major, very bougie fashion company. Thinks very highly of himself and disapproves of Anthony’s friends. He continues to string him along, despite not being all that into him anymore.
Velvette Williams - Self proclaimed queen bee, and best friends with both Virgil and Valentino. She keeps every secret the two share with her, though she may use those secrets against them some day. Also a major bitch.
i got a little too silly w the descriptions LOL but uhh anyway hope everyone enjoys… I will be posting some doodles soon and may even make a whole blog for this au… hehe >:3
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cobalt-axolotl · 11 months
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I plan on doing art RQS (request not the remnant queue system)
I would love if you submitted your head cannons and ask me my own.
About me
I am a pansexual cis male
I fictionkin Cassidy
Cassidy is my main blorbo
My prounouns he/him
My name is Austin but I also go by cobalt, charlie (my middle name is charles), and that mother fucker
My favorite fandoms are the following: homestuck, COTL, scp, fnaf, dsaf, Dhmis. Danny phantom, megaman, creepypasta, glitch productions, Minecraft, Ben 10, omori, undertale, sonic, gravity falls, Pokémon, bendy, TcoA&L, analog horror as a whole (especially Mandela catalog, angel hare, and Midwest Angelica), gr3gory88, helluva boss, hazbin hotel, TF2, moral orel, half life, half life VR but the AI is self aware, bioshock, 5YL, Spooky’s Jump-scare Mansion, The owl house, epithet erased, amphibia, Steven universe, Henry stickmin, disc world, AO ONI, pizza tower, and various tokusatsu
My favorite animal is the axolotl
I mainly post incorrect quotes and art but I do run an ask blog for my AU’s
I am a simp for papyrus undertale
Minecraft is my favorite video game
I run an 14+ blog
By the time I am making this edit I am 18 years old.
My OTPs are Evan x Cassidy and marlie
DNI (do not interact)
Stupid people (people who refuse to learn)
List of my AUs and they’re connected cannons
Golden children (fnaf)
Shattered souls (fnaf)
Malefactor malfunction (fnaf and Ben 10)
Glam it (fnaf)
Triple M (scp)
Xanthophobia (fnaf)
GMTC (fnaf and undertale)
B&P (fnaf and dnd)
NUCN (fnaf)
SBR (fnaf)
Under void (undertale)
Fazrune (fnaf and deltarune combo)
Like it never even happened (fnaf)
List of oc’s and ther connected AUs
Nick (my fnaf AUs)
Virgil (under void)
List of my AU’s with songs that describe them
Golden children: just gold by Mandi pony (I don’t like the guy I just like his music)
Shattered souls: creepin towards the dirt by griffinila
Malefactor malfunction: the ben 10 theme song (just replace the words Ben 10 with Cassidy)
Glam it: this comes from inside by the living tombstone
Triple M: secure container protect by madame macabre
Xanthophobia: look what you made me do by taylor swift
GMTC (give me the child): collared by vane
Bears and pizzerias: your the key by Kyle Allen music
Nicks ultimate custom night: replay your nightmare by hard ninja
Stuck in the back room (my alive AU): I’m still standing by Elton John
Under void: gasters theme by Toby fox
Characters in my AU’s
Cassidy Noelle Carter (died at 14 in golden child au) (in the golden children AU she becomes Fredbear and in the shattered souls, glam it, xanthophobia ,and malefactor malfunction AU she doesn’t die) (can speak German) (learned German so she can figure out what’s bothering Nick and calm him down) (in xanthophobia nicks death drives her to the point of insanity and causes here to become a serial killer “super edgy I know”) (in shattered souls she marries Evan but doesn’t change her last name due to her hatred for William) (learned Korean from her mother and is fluent it)
Evan afton (crying child) (died at 12 in golden children au but not dead in malefactor malfunction, glam it, xanthophobia, or shattered souls Au) (loses all sense of empathy after the bite of 83 in xanthophobia “a head injury can do that to you right?”) (marry’s cassidy in shattered souls)
Benny afton (Cassidy’s and Evan son biological son in shattered souls) (an analog to golden children Cassie)
Goldie (he’s here he’s there he’s everywhere who you gonna call psychic friend fred-bear)
Gregory afton (Vanessa’s brother in the golden children au) (trans gender FTM)
Cassie Maxie Carter (nick and Elizabeth’s adopted daughter in the golden children AU) (named after her aunt)
Kasey Roxanna Carter (Cassidy’s twin sister) (nicks older sister) (lesbian) (cares for Nick as much as Cassidy but is unable to understand him at times) (neli’s ex girlfriend) (posses Roxanne wolf) (currently dating Susie) (learned Korean from her mother and is fluent in it)
Gaberiel grim (died at 10) (died in 1985) (possesses Freddy)
Jeremy grim (died at 11) (died in 1985) (posses Bonnie)
Fritz smith(died at 3) (died in 1985) (posses foxy)
Susie McCarthy (died at 14) (died in 1985) (posses chica) (Kasey’s current girlfriend)
Adrian smith(died at 5) (died in 1987) (part of the second mci) (posses mangle)
Millie fitzsimmons (died at 18) (died in 1987) (part of the second mci) (possesses toy Bonnie)
Markus Murphy (died at 17) (died in 1987) (part of the second mci) (possesses toy Freddy)
Nelli Twain ( died at 16) (died in 1987) $part of the second mci) (possesses toy chica) (Kasey’s ex girlfriend)
Jake McCarthy (died at 6) (died in 2016) (used to posses stitch wraith along with Andrew)
Andrew Montgomery Emily (died at 16) (died in 1987) (part of the second MCI) (posses Monty in the golden children au) (used to possess stitch wraith along with Jake) (was besties with Cassidy and Evan)
Charlie Emily / Charlie afton (not dead in the golden children or Xanthophobia au) (is dead in shattered souls) (marries Mike in the golden children au)
Mike afton
Vanessa afton (Mike and Charlie’s daughter in golden children au)
Elizabeth Clair Afton / Elizbeth Clair Carter (doesn’t die or posses baby in the golden children au) (died at 8 in the shattered souls & malefactor malfunction AU’s) (is nicks best friend) (dies to circus baby in shattered souls au) (takes Evan’s place in shattered souls au) (born in 1979 in the main 2 AU’s) (married to Nick as an adult in the golden children au) (going to college to become a psychologist in the golden children au)
Malary Emily ( Henry’s wife) (Charlie and Sammy’s mom)
Henry emily (dies at 63) (championed for better treatment of autism in the golden children AU)(mentored Nick in robotics after Edd’s death)
Clair afton (died at 20 due to suicide) (Williams ex)
Loralai afton (Williams current life) (survives in every AU I made) (her name is also a pun on Ballora) (Evan and Elizabeth’s mom)
William Afton (Dies at 36)
Dave miller (nicks therapist) (named after book and DSAF Dave)
Nikki Carter (Nick, Kasey, and Cassidy’s mom) (Korean immigrant) (left while Nick was too young to remember) (may or may not have indirectly been the cause of David’s abuse to towards Nick)
Malcom faraday zanaflex (main protagonist of my scp au)
Dr Elias Munro (died at 79 on the year 1981) (original owner of fredbear’s sing’n show) (was a father figure to Henry and William) (was their boss before he retired in 1955)
Zachary Munro/nightmarionne (not dead) (became a mutant after a remnant injection) (immortal) (grandson of Elias)
Garret schmit (basically Garret from the movie combined with Mike from the movie)
Abby schmit (just Abby from the movie)
Jeremy Fitzgerald
Sammy Lewis emily (is younger than Charlie in these AU’s) (like around nicks age) (non verbal until his twelfth birthday) (good with Rubik’s cubes) (dies in xanthophobia and takes charlottes place as the puppet)
Billy (AI created by William afton to watch after evan while he worked on his projects)
Jack Kennedy (named after the one from DSAF just nota corpse) (Bonnie mask Bully) (gave Nick the spring Bonnie mask) (was much less willing than mikes other friends during the bite of 83) (mikes right hand man)
Maddison Simmons (jacks girlfriend) (chica mask Bully) (was much more willing than her boyfriend)
Jerry Mann (Freddy mask bully) (just as willing as Mike & Emilia)
Vinny (literally just exist to be Sammy’s boyfriend because I don’t like Sammy being forever alone)
Nickolas Alastair Carter (Kasey and Cassidy’s younger brother) (has a red Bonnie plushi named mr Marvo) (is a paranoid schizophrenic) (was raised by his sisters due to them having bad parents) (takes Cassidy’s place in shattered souls au) (works at the pizzaplex in the glam it au) (born in 1983 in the main 2 AU’s) (has a slightly un healthy obsession with Bonnie the bunny) (was hired on by Henry during the events of fnaf 1 in golden children AU) (often wore a Red Bonnie halloeeen mask as a child) (can speak German but only does it when he’s extremely angry or when he finds a certain word to be extremely funny) (autistic “like me”) (he’s also really defensive about his intellect) (died in a ball pit in shattered souls au) (acespec panromantic) (post ffps his soul transfers into eclipse in the SS Au)
Edwin Alastair Carter (Aka. Grandpa eddy) (Nick and Cassidy’s grand father) (their only parrental figure that isn’t abusive to Nick) (was hired by Henry and William to design the springlock suits) (built the mimic as a friend for Nick) (also made the old man consequences AI)
David mobi carter (Nick, Kasey, and Cassidy’s father) (abusive towards Nick in specific) (Cassidy is his favorite) (ignores Kasey) (is manipulative towards Nick)
Old man consequences (an AI that acts as a sorta therapist to Nick in my AU’s)
Nightmare (before being possessed by half of nicks soul it was the first working springlock suit known as proto lefty) (not one of the nightmare animatronics) (half of nicks soul)
Marvo Marvelous (half of nicks soul in the shattered souls au) (a red magician hare)
Glitchtrap (separate from mimic) (had his consciousness put into a roomba)
Captain poncho (nicks imaginary friend) (scares Gagleon)
Stitch wraith (possessed by Andrew and Jake)
Fredbear (possessed by Cassidy and Evan in golden children au)
Plush trap (in the golden child au he is a little drone sent out by null trap)
Null (second spring Bonnie suit that William place Evans body in after he died) (possessed by Evan in the both AU’s)
Mxes the hare (in the au he is named after mr mxes) (the au version of him looks more human in the AUs) (in golden children au he was first an animatronic for the fnaf 1 location that filled the same role as the then defunct security puppet) (created my nick)
RWQFSFASXC (all of nicks insecurities in physical form) (main antagonist of the GMTC AU) (shadow Bonnie)
Shadow Freddy
Mr mxes (has half of Cassidy’s soul inside of it in golden child au) (is choc full of agony from Nick)
Mimic (nick and Cassidy pretend he’s their older brother as in all three AU’s he just lives with the two)
Nickolai (animatronic human built by Henry as a third entertainer at fredbear’s family diner) (starts wearing a Fredbear Halloween mask after the mci for… “reasons”)
Void Bonnie (shattered souls spring Bonnie) (has a shadow variant name dark trap) (this Springbonnie is possessed by Nick not William afton as he simply feeds off of William’s agony) (heroic counterpart to Springtrap) (takes golden Freddy’s place in shattered souls AU) (born from Nick’s corpse being put into a certain ball pit) (name after the void between the physical and spiritual plains)
Miketrap (the pit creature before metamorphosing into pit Bonnie) (a Monroe experiment)
Salvage (an old springlock suit given life through mysterious means) (a Monroe experiment)
Nightmarionne (a nightmare version of the puppet) (a Monroe experiment)
Remnant Queue System (the shadow’s child)
Night-watch (machine built by Mike to hunt down what’s left of Fazbear entertainment and destroy William once and for all) (-the rebuilt endo of Fredbear)
The classics
The toy animatronics
The withered animatronic
Springtrap (not darktrap) (in shattered souls darktrap used the spring locks to curve his violent tendencies and forget about him being a killer) (in shatttered souls his charge goes from being a humanized billcipher as William to a dsaf Dave miller and gruncle stan combo as Springtrap)
The nightmares (evil versions of the twisted ones in the golden children au)
The fun times
Ennard the clown (the in between of the fun times and glamrocks with his blood lust being replaced by a humanoid level of sapience) (has a shape sifting gimmick which he uses to entertain kids)
The Glamrocks
The twisted ones (in the my AU’s they’re good guys and built by Mike along with night-watch)
The hellfire animatronics (upgraded versions of the twisted ones)
The night terror animatronics (scrap’s, night terror Freddy, night terror Bonnie, night terror foxy, and night terror chica,)
The salvage animatronics (salvage Monty, salvage freddy, salvage ennard, and darktrap) (constructed from broken animatronics) (end is are exposed) (partially inspired by the ignited animatronics)
And the omori charecters are cannon to the malefactor malfunction au cuz why the fuck not
The springlock animatronics (fredbear, spring Bonnie, and Alastair)
Villains for malefactor malfunction can be found here
How the AU’s work
Each au has four version (book style in which it falls into silver eye’s continuity, game style in which it falls into game continuity, movie style in which it falls into movie continuity, and amalgam style in which it combines all three continuity’s into one)
In xanthophobia Cassidy is the villain (William afton die’s extremely soon in the AU and for once in his life never comes back)
So in my most of my AU’s the souls are able to grow old despit not being alive which explains any shipping you might see. Most of it isn’t my doing though
Elizabeth x Nick is only cannon in golden children
Unless its Evan x Cassidy or Mike x Charlie
TF2 is cannon in the golden children au (i mostly just wanted to make fnaf 2 Jeremy TF2 Jeremy)
The golden children au takes place in the late 80s to early 90s with flash forwards towards the pizzaplex era while the shattered souls au takes place in 1991 and the malefactor malfunction shifts the entire time line to start in 2000 GMTC takes place around 1999 to 2018 xanthophobia takes place in in the 2000s and 2010s
In shattered souls Springtrap is much nicer due to him losing his murdeous tendencies after getting spring locked
malefactor malfunction is a Ben 10 fnaf crossover with Cassidy having a version of the omnitrix called kaizotrix
The blog itself is cannon in all AU’s
This is a link to the malefactor malfunction aliens list for all of Cassidy’s kaizotrix transformations
As well as facts about the malefactors
Also a timeline for my main AU
Some times I can be very cringe
Check these people out too
@ramunehana (if you 18+)
Also check my alts
I also put Nick official design down here
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Here is my creepypasta and uncharacteristically ask blog
An here at my character designs so far https://www.tumblr.com/random-world-64/735868089007259648/all-my-major-chararacters-so-far
And here’s some fanfics I’m working on
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her is my sona AXOL
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Lore alarm
The blog itself is also a cross over point for my AU’s and in multiverse it’s ran by the characters
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Expanding on my MLP next gen AU "shipping is magic" except i let too many ideas marinate in my head at once and now my wrist hurts from drawing so much :)
X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X / X
I would say "ships and lore under the cut" but tumblr ALWAYS likes to fuck up my post layout whenever i post SPECIFICALLY MLP base art for some reason soooo.......idk
As some of you may know: i included fluttershy x tree hugger into my next gen but recently i've decided that in this AU: fluttershy is actually now in a polycule with tree hugger and quarter hearts (that one background pony that looks like link from the legend of zelda) because i saw it be included in one of dragonairlover (or SodaSurfer97, depending on where you follow it)'s old youtube videos back when it did next gen requests for people as part of someone's next gen and i really liked that idea so i included the ship in mine, the mostly-yellow pony with the triforce necklace is named canary crescent (he/him) and he's the son of all three (biologically, i mean) while the blue-haired pony next to him is named navi (she/her) and she's just flutter and quarter's kid. Obviously, navi is based on navi the fairy from the actual zelda games though i wanna say that she's got some inspiration from the blue fairy from pinocchio as well
The next five are gonna take a while to explain....so y'know how i had two lunacord kids already? Well....i decided to expand it into 7 and base them all on the 7 deadly sins because i thought it'd be cool (the ones i already made represent pride and sloth now), the pink one represents lust and is named "after dark" (she/her), the red one represents wrath and is named "wild side" (which TOTALLY isn't because i had the beastars opening theme which coincidentally is also titled "wild side" stuck in my head while drawing, what are you even TALKING about!??!?....anyway, she/her) The purple one represents greed and is named "hypebeast bling" (god, remember when hypebeasts were a thing? He/him) the brown one represents gluttony and is named "midnight snack" (they/he) and lastly the blue one represents envy and is named cendrillon (who TOTALLY isn't named after the vocaloid song AT ALLLL!!!!!! She/her) cendrillon wants to be like her older siblings, thus why she's envy
These next ones: well....idk how many people know of this nowadays, but when the episode "baby cakes" first came out, people theorized that rarity ALSO had a baby in that episode alongside mrs cake because in the opening scene: she was seen looking at a baby with a VERY similar color palette to her. I actually really like that theory so i decided to incorporate that into my next gen, with rarity having a kid with stony pony before eventually getting with braeburn and having rosemary and having to give the kid up for adoption because she couldn't take care of her (and also because stony's a fucking deadbeat lmao) ......so yeah, i named her heloise (she/her) and she's very spiritual and cool......probably has an AWESOME crystal collection. The blue pony next to her is named "birthday cake" and she's pound and pumpkin cake's younger sister. Lastly there's prince corium, chrysalis and tirek's 14-year-old son. I imagine that he's not really evil in the same way his parents are, but he's moreso an edgy fuck who thinks saying slurs and making fun of furries is peak comedy....also he has some SERIOUS beef with pastel dream (my flashlight kid from another post)
Moving onto equestria girls, i didn't want it to JUST be the next gen from the pony universe but just in the EG universe so i decided to be a little creative. So for EG's mane 5 we have rarity and applejack's identical twin daughters praline punch (who's a graphiti artist and is into amekaji) and frou-frou (who's super ditzy and into hime gyaru), fluttershy and bulk biceps' daughter sunny sunflower, sci-twi and sunset shimmer's daughter pasadena (who has a crush on sunny and TOTALLY isn't named after pasadena from crash bandicoot I SWEAR!!!!) And flash sentry and timber spruce's daughter happy camper (who is a trans girl, but is still a lil early into her transition and she's into cryptozoology)
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pepsiiwho · 5 months
I've been re-listening to Brandy's Cinderella and I am, unfortunately, incredibly weak for the Cinderella story now that I'm older and done being an edgy teenager at all times. Now that I am an adult who is drinking and mildly tipsy, I can combine my favorite current thing (HADES 2) with my favorite princess trope right now (CINDERLLA)
So theres the Hypnos version and the Melione version. Honestly, I'm a bit more taken by the Mel version right now because reverse love stories just move me horribly. So that'll be the focus.
WaxWitch under the cut, no spoilers for Hades 2 other than characters who appear and possible canon interactions compared to this au. Long post WOOP WOOP...
So obviously Cinderella in this au is Icarus and The Prince, now Princess, is Melione. Icarus wouldn't really be the step child under the wicked step mother but just because I'm iffy on the actual lore of the myth and his canon relationship with his father during life in the game, I'll be taking to liberty to say it wasn't great and he very desperately wants to get out of his house and 'spread his wings', so to speak (crowd loudly cheers because I said the thing).
Anyway so similar to the plot of the film, Melione is the princess and daughter of the king and queen. This could be a simple, "Mom, Dad and Brother are back and life is good" set up or "Mel is all that's left of the royal line with her tutor/ god parent turned Adoptive mother as queen" either works, doesn't reeally make a difference. whatever,
So they meet in the main square and Melione is instantly taken by the tinkering boy who dropped his basket of apples or whatever he was doing. They get to talking and eventually one of them has to go but they promise to meet again.
So they do. Again and again and again. For years they continue meeting once a week, every week, regardless of everything else. Melione finds someone soft and kind, someone with a mind that never stops moving and expects nothing from her in terms of revenge or strength. She finds someone painfully mundane and it's refreshing, at first, to be around someone so simple. As they grow together she wishes her dearest Icarus could have more, could have everything this world has to offer. Everything he deserves and more.
Icarus is instantly in love with her. First because the pretty young princess is talking to his pitiful self, both of them the tender age of 15 with nothing to show for it but difficult personalities and a need to prove something, but his love for her just grows and grows with each passing day. He pushes himself to create more and more to amuse Melione with little bobbles and simple wooden figures, then to help Melione ease the day to day humdrum of her classes with paper weights and dynamic knife sheathes, then to aid with her trainings then to help rest her mind. He loves how she laughs and how humble she is even though she of all people need not be humble. How she insists on cleanliness and everything being in its rightful place. How she's such an ass about gardening and how specific soil must be and how seeds are placed. She has a mole on her wrist and she always blushes and groans when her aid called her 'minnow'. How she would have these moments of contemplation, of grief and mourning for a family she never knew. Everything about her entranced him and it somehow just got worse with each years they knew each other. And with that longing came the gap between them widening. Eventually her royal training lessons began, to prepare her to take the throne one day, and that only solidified the distance between them. Maybe that's why things went wrong.
Shit hit the fan during their last day together. He flew too close to the sun with one project, inviting on strengthening himself with her help. Maybe he knew, even then, that he was too weak to be hers. Maybe he was just a headstrong child. Doesn't really matter either way. She got hurt, lost and arm, and he made himself scarce. It was pretty cut and dry (ha) by that point.
A few years later and Melione is at an age to find a consort. Continue the line. No one catches her eye, no one can after the one boy who had her heart left her without even a final goodbye.
So her mother plans a ball to find her a consort. Any and all eligible youth in the kingdom are invited. It's a massive affair. Icarus wasn't going to go, how could he in his ratty ruined inventor's clothes and scorned name. Why, the guards would probably pierce him dead the moment he walked up to the steps of the palace. Rightfully so, of course, but he can't shake this feeling that he needs to go. To see her again.
That's when his fairy god mother appears, [I am not at all picky about who, I think Aphrodite because LOVE idk, but anything works] and she convinces him to go even though he thought it was impossible. He's dressed to the nines, perfectly clean and gorgeous. He barely recognizes himself without the grease one his clothes and bags under his eyes. He rides a wax carriage, and is warned that by 12 everything made for him will melt, leaving him bare, wanting and painfully himself. He sets off at once.
Somehow, Melione doesn't either. A few years and a change of clothes does a lot clearly. But the moment they lock eyes as he comes down the stairs, clad in blue and glass slippers she's entranced. They dance and dance and almost struggle to share words because they're too busy basking in each other's company. It's just so easy. Melione hasn't felt ease like this since... well.
After hours together they escape to the garden, to enraptured with the other to allow another suitor to steal a glance, let alone a dance. They begin talking about their lives and what they want from this ball, and they get close as they speak in hushed whispers between them. Eventually the moment gets too tender, too sweet and they kiss, lulled into each other. Its heavenly.
But, it's late. Too late, even. Icarus can't bare to say who he is and Melione can't bare to let him go. Time, unfortunately, cares for neither. With a final kiss Icarus leaves and Melione is left watching as he runs away, leaving nothing but a single shoe on the steps...
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steveraglan1987 · 28 days
okay obviously this is OOC im talking about william afton some more and MY interpretation of him. movie edition. This post might make more sense if you read back over my last hc related post.
basically, william afton in my mind is like. Very autistic. And also a liar. Lemme get into it.
He's always been over-specific about who exactly he kills, especially as Steve Raglan. I don't think he killed every security guard that came through Freddy's or it would look suspicious, i think some quit on their own from either Vanessa or the bad hours or just the pressure of thinking the place was haunted. But William gets really weird about it, how and what he prefers to happen..
If you were to ask him why he kills, he would not tell you that he enjoys it, even though deep down that is the truth. He would tell you a thousand lies about his dead son, about the stress of his business and it's closures, about how life and his impending mortality really all gets to him so much, he just broke! Don't you just feel so bad for him? Don't you want to hold him? But that's not the truth. He likes it. It makes him giddy. There's no shame in it for him, he doesn't feel remorse over who he kills because it's like a game to him. He'd only feel remorse if he got caught. Making you feel bad for him and giving him attention is the icing on the cake for him, because it means you really bought it. There's fun in making game out of other people. It's totally against everything he's ever known and been raised to believe, it's thrilling and exciting. His own secret world, a game that he's the only one really playing. It's why he gets so excited finding Mike. To him, it's like evening out a high score. Because that's exactly what it is.
He's highly specific, and highly careful about who he kills to maintain his score without losing his streak and going to jail or worse. He's a serial killer, and he's betting on you feeling sorry for him or finding him charming as part of the game. That doesn't mean he isn't charming in reality, it just means he's winning in his mind. And winning when he twists that knife through your gut. It's not personal, it's just what he wants.
And it's not cool, or edgy to him. It's just natural to him, it feels right. It's a bit like a dog chasing a squirrel, chasing this adrenaline high and the thrill of winning after that he just can't get any other way. He had to drag his daughter into it and all her friends just to chase that sensation, that game. It's pathetic.
People often lose sight of criminology in characters. Especially when it comes to William Afton. But believe me, if you buy into theories like Willcare, you're just another one of the suckers he's successfully punked.
There's not a lot else he cares about aside from the game, or he wouldn't have dedicated his golden years to doing it and working at a job agency just to afford the rent on his stupid CLOSED restaurant. He could have put Vanessa through college with that money, but instead he's using her to cover his own ass. That's pretty obviously not love.
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takerfoxx · 6 months
Okay, with Return to Walpurgis or Walpurgis Rising or whatever they're calling it coming out later this year, we have to expect that it's going to totally destroy all of our headcannons about how Homura's post-Rebellion world looks like and works. So, until then, let's get a few more additions to my "And they were roommates" KyoSaya AU, in which Kyoko moves in with Sayaka's family and doesn't realize that they're a couple for several years, because she is, in fact, an idiot lesbian god.
Now, the assumption I've seen a lot of times is that Sayaka's parents would be put off by Kyoko, as she has that edgy delinquent energy. However, people often forget that the whole rebel thing is fairly new, and Kyoko actually grew up as a happy church girl who loved her parents and was probably close with all the church elders and stuff. So, while she has interesting views regarding the natural order of things, she still has a lot of respect for things like the family unit and the parent/child bond and stuff like that. As such, while Sayaka was nervous AF to introduce Kyoko to her family, Kyoko shocked her by turning up the charm and makes an amazing first impression for them, so much so that when Sayaka questions Kyoko about where the heck this socially competent and respectful Kyoko came from, Kyoko is all confused like, "Isn't that how you're supposed to treat other people's families?"
Anyway, Kyoko becomes a regular at the Miki residence, though Sayaka's family does notice how dodgy she is whenever asked about her personal life. And she sort of latches onto Sayaka's parents as a sort of surrogate family. Meanwhile, they start to suspect that there's something going on between the girls, but decide to respect their privacy.
However, when Sayaka's dad is out running errands one day, he notices a commotion at a local convenience store, which turns out to be some ragged street kid getting caught shoplifting, and he's shocked to find out that it's Kyoko. Like, isn't this our daughter's polite and upstanding best friend?
Mr. Miki steps in and offers to pay for anything damages in exchange for the girl, and takes Kyoko aside to talk in private. Kyoko is humiliated and freaking out, but Mr. Miki manages to calm her down and, over ice cream, coaxes the full story out of her. Naturally, he's horrified, and calls his wife.
Kyoko moves in with them that same night.
At first, Sayaka has no idea what to make of this new turn. She's relieved that everything is out in the open and her parents were so accepting, as she had been terrified of how they might react were they to learn of how Kyoko was feeding herself, but by then her crush is in full force, and now Kyoko is literally living with them. As for Kyoko, she seems a little broken and depressed at first, feeling like a total mooch, and it takes her some time to accept that they genuinely do care about her and aren't just taking her in out of pity. However, over time she comes to love her new life, especially since she no longer needs to shoplift just to have breakfast. Plus, she gets to spend all her time with her best friend!
However, the Mikis pretty much figured out that Sayaka is down bad, and they're pretty sure the feelings are mutual, but Kyoko's behavior is so perplexing to them that while they consider putting them in separate rooms, they eventually decide to back off and let things play out. They do try to ask Kyoko about it, only to be hit with, "Yeah, Sayaka's great, isn't she? I don't know why Kyousuke didn't go for her. If I were a boy, I would never let her go!" And they're like, "Has no one told this girl that lesbianism exists?" And when they hesitantly question Sayaka about it, she, being a terrible liar, avoids and deflects like crazy, so they leave it as is.
Anyway, years later after the girls have gone to college and they finally get the call that Kyoko has figured out that girls liking girls is an option, they're enormously relieved but so very confused as to why it took so danged long.
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queer-ragnelle · 6 months
Hi there, you don't have to post this on the blog, but I wanted to thank you for your earlier post with regard to different interpretations and iterations of Arthuriana. I really admire your work in/thoughts on all things Arthurian, and seeing you say "Each iteration is it's own self-contained world and anything is possible within that framework" was such a freeing thing. I'm currently writing an Arthurian thing where Lancelot falls for/ends up with someone who isn't Guinevere, and I often wrestle with the doubt of "if he isn't in love with Guinevere, am I really being true to the stories and the canon?" But each iteration is its own self-contained world, and I can honor the stories in other ways while still doing my own thing in this particular story/world. Anyway, all this to say, I'm sure it wasn't your intention, but I appreciate your insight and the encouragement it brings. Take care!
Hi there! Sorry for the delay in responding, but I wanted to think about this a bit beforehand. In writing my own Arthurian series, as well as reading and watching absolutely everything I can get ahold of, historical, medieval, and modern, I’ve developed a whole philosophy about it. So my reply got long hehe. Here’s what I think…
In the ask you referenced, I talked about how Arthurian legend lacks a true "canon," and how the stories all build off each other. The inconsistency from text to text and even chapter to chapter within the same story affords us endless opportunities for creative reinterpretation. I can basically be sold on any concept. I’ve read a lot of retellings at this point and I’m not married to any specific “canon.” If the writer can convince me that, in this version of the story, things played out differently, then I’m happy to get invested. For example, in Exiled From Camelot by Cherith Baldry, she develops Lyonors, Gareth’s wife, and makes her into a likable character the reader can easily ship with Gareth. On the other hand, I definitely see why people prefer Lynette with Gareth, as Tennyson did, and the majority of other retellings follow suit. Even so, I think Lynette and Gaheris made an adorable pair in Squire’s Tales #3, and it was a satisfying reveal in Squire’s Tales #7 that the pov character was their daughter, Lunette. It’s indicated through context clues who her parents are when they arrive at the end referring to each other by pet names. In the same vein, while I favor Ragnelle, Gawain can have any number of partners so long as the author writes the chemistry well. And while I still firmly believe Agravaine is gay in essentially every retelling, I do love Sarah Zettel’s romance Camelot’s Blood that she wrote between him and Laurel. I’m an Orkney Wives fan first and an Orkney Bros fan second haha!
That being said, Orkney Bros have always been inconsistent, so changing their love interests isn’t actually that drastic. In the case of Lancelot and Guinevere, severing their romantic connection is a huge departure from the norm. Undoubtedly, some people won’t “get it” or say it’s out of character. But the thing to remember is, there is no singular source for Arthuriana, so how can they ever be out of character? Let’s get into it.
Firstly, you don’t need to rationalize your narrative choices. To anybody. So long as you’re writing something for the sake of authenticity and good storytelling (rather than simply to be contrarian or edgy or quirky etc) it will resonate with your audience. That said, there’s medieval precedence for your concept. In Alliterative Morte Arthure, Lancelot is listed many times as one of Arthur’s knights. He’s there. Yet it is Mordred who adulterously marries Guinevere. In the romance retelling Lancelot by Gwen Rowley, Guinevere is not the love interest, but Elaine. Another similar angle is explored in Port Eternity by CJ Cherryh, which takes place entirely from Elaine’s point of view. Guinevere isn’t even truly in it and her stand in doesn’t fulfill the same role. In The Adventures of Sir Lancelot (1956), Lancelot definitely has A Thing with both the King and Queen, but a potential affair is not explored or even hinted at. He’s their bestie, their confidant, their most trusted person apart from each other. The key here is Lancelot still loves Guinevere (or her stand in), however that manifests. There’s no active dislike or hatred between them. In that circumstance, I don’t think the character would feel like Lancelot anymore. But changing the nature of his love for Guinevere from romantic to something else does not diminish its narrative value, as the above examples prove. Their friendship is the core of their relationship, as the Vulgate proves, and maintaining that is important.
It’s not so much about asking yourself, “Is [narrative choice] true to the ‘canon?’” as asking, “How do I tell a good story containing [narrative choice]?” There are examples of this done poorly, in my opinion. I’ve elaborated many many many times about David Lowery’s fumbling of The Green Knight (2021) and how that particular iteration falls short of a true adaptation (which I don’t think he set out to do anyway, to be fair) but also proved an unsuccessful reimagining of the poem due to mismanaged references and motifs. I didn’t like Once & Future by Cori McCarthy and Amy Rose Capetta or The Winter Knight by Jes Battis for the same reasons—both books felt like shallow, meandering stories lacking narrative integrity with a veneer of Arthuriana over it. Reincarnation AUs are not an excuse to flanderaize characters. Battis writes Wayne (Gawain) acknowledging how drastically he differs from his medieval counterpart, but awareness of it doesn’t negate the facts: the story suffers for it. On the contrary, Camelot 3000 gives an entire character arc surrounding this premise to Tristan, who has reincarnated AFAB and struggles with his gender identity and with accepting Isolde’s love for him, changed though he is. First Knight (1995) really screws up by making Lancelot a misogynistic creeper who relentlessly pursues Guinevere and even forces a kiss on her. King Arthur: Legend of The Sword (2017) is insultingly bad by showcasing just how stupid it thinks its audience is, brutalizing and killing women left and right, giving unnecessary screen time to obnoxious OCs, and bastardizing every aspect of the legend it drew from. Meanwhile the Fate Grand Order anime cuts out Guinevere entirely. Her role exists as a void. It makes no sense, then, that Lancelot and Agravaine clash as “fellow traitors,” because the woman at the center of the conflict is literally never present. Seven Deadly Sins anime has finally gotten around to Lancelot and Guinevere meeting, and she’s a clingy girl Lancelot is disinterested in, trying to flip the script on their roles, and only exacerbating the misogyny problem in shounen in the process.
Fear not! Loving Arthurian legend automatically enshrines anything you create in a glittering anti-garbage shield! So many versions exist that draw on the elements just because they can with no respect for the material nor their audience. You literally can’t do worse than what’s already out there and there are no original ideas! Published retellings love crackships, they love mixing it up, changing the expected, surprising us! So long as Guinevere isn’t made worse to make Lancelot’s alternative love interest better, and Lancelot himself isn’t turned inside out until he’s unrecognizable, you’re golden. Follow your gut and write something you would enjoy, develop it well within your own universe, and there will be an audience for it. I’m certainly among them!
Thanks for the ask. Have a lovely day! :^)
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bitter-panacea · 3 months
Goultard's introduction in the Dofus manga, his confrontation with Clustus Part 1
The main point of the post is to show how different Goultard is at the beggining of the manga from the way he is in Wakfu. Since most people who only know him from Wakfu don't realize he's a "redeemed villain".
Like previously talked about in my post about Goultard's reincarnations , Goultard makes his first appearance at the very end of volume 5, after Vald's death.
Vald was at the wrong place at the wrong time, got caught in a scheme that didn't concern him, and paid the price anyway. He was drugged, and his body cut in two at the waist.
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Vald : No... Not... like this...
Shortly after, his body has come back together, and Goultard makes his first appearance.
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Goultard : Unfortunately for you, the plan wasn't perfect! / Homar's minion : What? Who the hell are you? / Goultard : My name is Goultard, little maggot, behold my darkness...
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Goultard : ... For it is the last thing you will ever see.
A first impression and a line "My name is Goultard, little maggot, behold my darkness for it is the last thing you will ever see." that immediately tell you, whoever this guy is, he's trouble.
(So dark and edgy....)
Volume 6, titled Goultard the Barbarian, opens on Galgarion running through the halls of the castle to inform Clustus Sheran Sharm, King of Bonta (and Galagarion's father-in-law,) of the emergency.
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Galgarion : Hello, Great King Clustus Sheran Sharm! I, Galgarion of the royal guard, am requesting an audience!
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Clustus : How about that, Galgarion... It has been a long time since I've had the pleasure of seeing you in the throne room! How is my daughter? / Galgarion : She misses you, my king.
In just a few lines of dialogue, we understand that the relationship between Galgarion and Clustus is strained, to say the least. Galgarion wouldn't be here talking to the king unless it was of the utmost importance.
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Clustus : Is that so? And this is important enough for you to deign to come and tell me yourself? When I haven't seen you in three years! / Galgarion : Absolutely, my noble lord...
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Galgarion : The first issue concerns a humanoid creature that went berserk and rampaged through an entire neighborhood north of Bonta. Starting with the tower of the wealthy Homar Cherif!
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Clustus : Well what are you waiting for? Is the militia so rusty that it can no longer defeat a single opponent? / Galgarion : Your Majesty... The entire militia perished in the undertaking!
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Clustus : The militia is gone? / Galgarion : As I say, my king! The six hundred brave warriors who made up the militia are no more. / Clustus : What are you talking about? This is impossible! How could one man overcome the entire militia of Bonta by himself?
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Galgarion : Maybe because this man isn't really one. I'm convinced this is Goultard the terrible!
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You can immediatly tell from this exchange how grave the situation is. Goultard is no hero. His name invokes horror and dread, his presence can only mean death and destruction.
Clustus tells Galgarion to send the 100 bonsiats, another team of warriors, after Goultard, so that they may "get rid of this monster once and for all". but they've already gone after the dragon (Arty) wreaking havoc on the northwest of Bonta at the same time.
Clustus is overjoyed at the idea of being the last protector of Bonta and he decides to go fight Goultard on his own. (Is he fucking stupid?)
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Clustus : Sound the trumpets! Let Goultard know what awaits him... Clustus Sheran Sharm the intrepid is back on the path of war.
Meanwhile, Goultard is already bored, just chilling on a pile of corpses of people he just killed and complaining that it was too easy.
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Goultard : Well, it feels like the more time passes, the weaker humans become. It's appalling!
Clustus finds Goultard and calls out to him.
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Clustus : I am Clustus Sheran Sharm, King of Bonta! I do not know what your intentions are or why you're attacking us... But don't think for one second that you're free to do whatever you want in my city.
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Goultard : Greetings, king Clustus! It's no use throwing your titles at my face the way you do, they mean nothing to me.
Goultard generally has zero respect for any kind of authority. He's unaligned, doesn't serve Bonta or Brakmar, (even though Brakmar REALLY wishes he would). He's a "free spirit" (he is not free) living off the grid, goes where he wants when he wants, and kills whoever and whenever he feels like it. He only respects his own code of honor. This still applies in later eras except he doesn't kill people for no reason.
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Clustus : No, obviously... A monster like yourself doesn't respect anything! / Goultard : You're wrong, little king! I respect men who, like you, carry a weapon!
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Goultard : It's simple. A man who walks around with a weapon clearly demonstrates he's capable of taking someone's life at any moment. But for me this means, above all, that he's aware he can lose his in combat.
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Goultard : This, you see, i respect it!
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Clustus is unimpressed.
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Clustus : How comical! Once we're done, I'll make you my jester!
Note that although Goultard is feared, that does'nt mean people respect him, he often gets laughed at, insulted, called stupid or ridiculous. He actually gets ridiculed so often in the manga it's sometimes really hard to take him seriously. (Also this is funny cause he kinda is Arty's jester when you think about it ok I'll shut up)
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Clustus : I know your story, Goultard! / Goultard : Really?
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Clustus : Oh yes! Goultard the barbarian, Goultard the cursed, Goultard the scourge... I know everything about you!
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Goultard : You know everything about me, you say? / Custus : Give or take a few details... In any case, I know quite enough!
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Goultard : If what you say is true.... This only gives me one more reason to take your life, little king!
This makes me wonder how well known Goultard's story is. It's probably not common knowledge or a famous legend since he considers someone knowing about his past a reason to kill them, he clearly doesn't want people to know anything about it. It wouldn't surprise me at all if he'd tried to erase his past from history, burning books and killing bards... Is Goultard a tale people recount around campfires to try and scare each other? Is he a cryptid???
Do people still know about Goultard's past in the wakfu era? Did he make sure this story would be lost to time? What did Goultard do during those 600 years to clean his reputation and shape the way people see him? How much of what's left of the legend is what Goultard carefully crafted himself?
Let's end part one on these questions that keep me up at night...
Part 2
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solar-tl-27 · 6 months
Whoah I’m posting
All by myself ??
Woah woah woah woah! I am here to show SOME art!
A while ago the announcement of the next pokemon game came out! And with my favorite region returning there was only one thing I could possibly do!
Hyperfixate on my own oc lore in the Pokémon universe so much that once again i’ll only be disappointed by the game in the end lol. So…. Let’s talk about them!
This will be a collection of some of my older art to finally end up on the most recent art i just finished so if u don’t care about Pokémon plz scroll down and appreciate my art ( ToT )
Ok so! I always make original characters to be my protagonist is Pokémon games so when x& y came out i created a character named colette
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A woman in her mid 20’s that I totally 100% didn’t oc x canon ship with the villain (i did)
A looong time skip later pokemon sword shield came out which led to the continuation of the colette storyline!
With her daughter Pandora and her friends! Causing the creation of joshua & sapphire (the original image is definitely created with bases so credit to pokemon for the original art & selenaede for the bases)
(Draft didn’t save here so aha sob)
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They have been through several versions since then, all slightly different over time
You had pandora: a smart and elegant young girl and the protagonist
Joshua: the nerdy one but also the one that helps everyone no matter what
Saphie: the one who likes cute things and fashion
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They were pretty basic characters and evolved but this is theee base line of their characters up until their last design
Just 3 teens on an adventure
Timeee skip babyyy the return of Colette’s home means i wanna drag her daughter there!
The teens are now young adults! Trying to figure out what they wanna do in life and i can FINALLY MAKE BIG CHANGES TO SOME OF THEM
Let’s goo!
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Their outfits are loosely based on the pokemon xyz legendary Pokémon but i also wanted them to be able to stand on their own!
They are now young adults trying to figure out what they want to do with their life and having a change of scenery so
Let’s get into it!
Saphie’s finally got his cute accessories back!! He’s finally got a cutesy outfit which suits his style and iiii finally got rid of the side shave going for a complete adorable vibe for him instead. With bows, beads and a new cute hairstyle he’s finally ascended to adorable! He’s easily home sick and going with his friends on this journey sure is a big change. Someone who’s unsure of his future but knows he always has his friends to rely on!
Joshua is definitely still the nerdy one, he’s got the clearest vision of what he wants his life to be, not always understanding his friends but always trying to be supportive. His style is definitely the one that changed over time, leaving the nerdy studious look behind to try something new!
His friends definitely chose this outfit for him and it’s actually the closest he’s been to his oc predecessor as he was actually recycled. Sadly that art has been lost to type but, before he was joshua from this group he was joshua a character who was definitely a lot more edgy and artistic. I wanted to bring that back with this design and I personally think i did his original design justice.
Pandora always changes the least, her design has always been clear to me in ways but i did want to try new things. Finally deciding i cant choose between the 2 eye colors she’s had I decided i don’t have to choose SO I JUST GAVE HER BOTH. Putting her into something that’s just her style but also trying different colors she’s now more confident and determined, she’s on this journey to learn more about her family and try to choose what direction to take her life in.
Proud to see her friends figure out who they are but also sometimes feels like depending on what choices she makes could have them drift apart. Having to remind herself to have fun on the trip as well she’s probably the one who’s choices will make the biggest difference in what her life will end up being. A true protagonist with issues to deal with and secrets to uncover!
Thank u forrr looking at my little art post!
Now! I have a secret for all my winx people
Guess who’s back in the building again teehee
Ok bye bye!
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teacupballerina · 1 year
I would love to read your stories, can you please tell me what they are about and where to find them.
Okie dokie! Here are the four main projects that I shuffle through.
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World of Light is a "sequel" comic to Super Secret Crisis War, an official CN crossover. It's about Aku, pretty much. Most of my stuff is about Aku. Anyway this is the main one. An all-ages attempt at creating something that could pass for official. Aku shows up to take over the Powerpuffs' world, loses their fight, and is convinced to "join" them in a power-restricting suit to escape the training-room prison they imprisoned him in. Along the way we learn that Aku is Chemical X. I recommend reading it on @cnwol if you use a desktop browser, or deviantart. We are on chapter 4 of 10 and I PROMISE I WILL FINISH IT
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Sorrow's Daughter is a storyboard style comic. It is my take on a "Modern Human Reincarnation AU" Samurai Jack while also being a parody of really bad live action adaptations like Riverdale or CW Powerpuff where the characters are vaguely inspired by the source and plot is a mess. It's like one season of a show where every season is a cartoon network adaption set in the same universe... like American Horror Story but not as edgy. Also a WIP. It is about Ashi and Aku, and how their story here differs from the show while still retaining the manipulative aspect. It is best read on Instagram of all places and most of my content for it is there, but it can be read on desktop @sorrowsdaughter or on deviantart. IT IS PG-13. Contains Jack/Ashi, Aku/everyone
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OTTO TIME CAFE: RED is a fanfiction based on an idea I toyed with over ten years ago about Him turning the Otto Time Diner into a Maid Café and hiring Aku as his manager. It is written as an anime and I make fake screenshots for it. There is a legitimate, story-relevant reason for this which will be understood when I fucking FINISH IT!!! It is almost all silliness and fanservice for me and my friend @ladykeane with a few sprinkles of violence and a lot of ick. I can only recommend it to fellow weebs. It can be found on ao3 alongside my drabble fics. NOT RATED, contains Him/Professor, Him/Aku, Aku/Blossom, and others
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Sins of the Father is my original story. It is still being developed but it'll come to me when it comes to me, basically. I sometimes post art and info under the #sotf tag, but everything is subject to change. I have already made several major changes I haven't posted about anywhere. If you see me posting about it I'm probably just drawing my characters.
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