#all i remember is sitting on the floor romantically and then she started dying
jaennie · 10 months
i was supposed to have a lit party with my bestie but we haven't had such a flop since we were teenagers i think i'm laughing we mutually agreed to ignore the fact she almost died and that i almost had sleep paralysis imagining that it was her who touched me when in fact she slept with her hands up. we usually last until 6am and it ended at 11pm i'm fucking crying
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between the lines | interlude
rúben dias x original female character [+18]
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synopsis: isabella is a sports journalist covering the premier league. she has sworn to never get involved with a football player. that is, until she meets a handsome portuguese defender. warnings: incorrect journalism references; timeline of events are not faithful to real life; i have never been to england; mutual pining; romantic comedy;  minors dni.
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“I think she wants you to sing to her!” Carlos exasperatedly requests me a lullaby. I’m sitting down on the floor in front of my floor length mirror, trying to do something nice with my hair. I'm getting ready for my first day back at work after a short lived summer break. My brother is on facetime, showing me my niece. “I swear, she was saying ‘tía’ a lot. I think she’s asking for the song.”
It’s August and I just got back to England. Getting drunk on Pinot Noir on as many Spanish islands as my money could afford was a goal I gracefully achieved over the break. Okay, maybe ‘gracefully’ is not the best word to describe my alcohol driven antics. But here I am, all pieces glued together, ready for another season.
This time last year I was a rookie in this League and by the end of the season I was having dinner dates with a Prem superstar.
None of that this time, tough. I've grown a year older since my birthday last week, and that means I’m only focusing on my career. For real this time. No more relapses, no more calls in the middle of the night.
So I sing Lucía a song and then I go to work.
“New year, new me, huh?” I point out as Melissa hugs me, she has a new hair color and is rocking a new makeup style.
“Isabella, it’s August.” Mel doesn't share my enthusiasm. “Also, I hate covering pre-season. I always end up making stupid decisions like going blonde or something.”
“What? You didn’t have fun in the US?” I’m still hugging her when I ask.
“Oh, shut up. Your insta stories didn’t help me either, you know?” Mel puts both hands on my shoulders and looks deep into my eyes. “But you had fun, right? You’re feeling good?”
“Yeah, of course. Feeling good. I feel great.” I nod, mostly to myself. “I feel amazing…” 
She agrees and continues to walk.
“I swear I wish I had forgotten most of these dudes' names.” She bites her lips looking menacingly into the horizon. I giggle, ashamed.
“I share the feeling.”
At lunch Mel ordered Japanese food and I just stared at the package for a full minute before deciding to eat.
“You know you can talk to me, right?” It’s the fourth or sixth time she said that to me, ever since she noticed something was off a couple months ago.
It was a Japanese restaurant but I almost didn’t notice at first, being too focused on something else. He wore a button up shirt and I felt like dying.
I remember saying something like:
“I don’t really like Portuguese food. Too many eggs. You guys put eggs in everything. Egg on the entrance, egg on the fish, for desert? Egg flavored cake. Francesinha is a sandwich with egg on top of it. That’s not where the egg is supposed to go, Rúben.”
And he laughed, he laughed at every joke I said. At the end of the night my jaw was hurting from how I smiled at him and I wondered if he felt the same.
It’s a double-edge sword, this whole falling in love thing. Even being the one saying goodbye, I still hurt like I was dumped by my first boyfriend at 16 all over again.
At first it was easy, everything can be a distraction if you try hard enough. But with time the thing I was trying so hard to hide became bigger and louder in my mind. The sound of the laughter, the clicking of the cutlery.
The realization that I chose this, standing outside of Wembley with a microphone in hand; over whatever that was.
This is fine, I’m great.
“How are you feeling about this season?” I question a random City fan outside the stadium.
“Good, yeah.” The lad shrugs.
“You guys already won everything, do you think the players-” I start, but he stops me.
“Nah, we didn’t win everything. There’s always more to win. We only got 3 out of 4 last season.” When he says that, I realize that around 20 meters away from me, in the distance, is the Manchester City bus. I walk faster.
The sound of wanting gets drowned out by a crowded pub and suddenly it's easier to breathe again and everything really is fine.
“Rice, rice, baby!” It’s Victor’s voice that gets a genuine laugh out of me. “I fucking love Wembley!”
We’re all meeting at the pub after the Community Shield game and the atmosphere is exactly like the first day back to school, but with a lot more beer involved.
“Please don’t tell me you have money on Arsenal winning the league.” Seb is sitting next to me, pointing his green bottle to Victor.
“I do. Yes, go ahead, laugh all you want.” Victor raises his voice, looking offended. “I’m not even being optimistic, mate, it’s just the plain truth.”
The entire table laughs and we almost can't hear when he continues. “They’re stronger this year, guys, hear me out.”
“You’re right to be confident, but personally I’m not putting money on Mikel.” Mel says.
I bite my tongue when they ask my opinion.
“I’m being a hundred percent professional this year, no betting, no guessing, just straight analyzing.” The table booed me and I raised my hands in the air, in surrender. “Hey, I didn’t even want to be here. I wish I was in Australia right now.”
“Don't remind me!” Mel sighs and lightly slaps me. “We’re literally the only women not covering the World Cup right now.”
“No whining! Come on, let’s toast.” Seb raises his bottle once again, but this time we all follow. “To a busy and long season!”
And we all repeat: “To a busy and long season!”
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lenoraslament · 7 months
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Lenora’s Love: A Tom Riddle Fanfiction
Chapter 20: Tom Riddle the Romantic
Warning: Fluff, Soft Tom, like the sweetest sugariest Tom, Bad Poetry, DeathEater Romcom vibes, like Crucio me so I can burn for you…
She gasped as he slowly entered her, her lips brushed against his. "Oh Tom" she breathed.
"I love you" he said his mouth dropping onto hers.
Tom sat up in bed. It was plaguing him badly. These dreams. Nightmares. Wishes. It was early, he opened the curtains of his room and the sunrise spilled onto the floor.
  He showered and dress. A crisp shirt and slacks.
When he came down the stairs, Mulciber, Avery and Nott were seated at the dining table.
  He sat down and they wished him a respectful good morning. His jaw was tight, he read the paper. Abraxas walked in, looking at Tom for a moment before sitting across from him.
  "My lord" he pushed a second cup of coffee across to Tom.
  "Good Morning Malfoy" he said grabbing the cup and taking a drink.
"If you're not going to leave her alone-" Abraxas started, Tom slammed the mug down so hard the hot coffee splashed onto the table.
"FOR-" he remembered that somewhere parents were lurking, "fucks sake" he continued in a harsh whisper.
  "My relationship with Miss. Rosier is not your business" he muttered, Mulciber pulled out his wand and cleaned the spill, Avery and Nott remained quiet spectators.
"But it is, my lord" he said, "She's a pure blood wizard, her parents are important allies, and now she's one of us".
Tom scowled, "so!?".
Avery put his hands through his hair frustrated, "you're sneaking around with her like she's one of your whores".
"She is a lady" Mulciber added much to Tom's chagrin, "so I think what Abraxas is suggesting, my lord".
"Is try dating her for Merlin's sake" Nott finished.
"What's the point," Tom mumbled.
"Because you love her" Lestrange said, from the counter where he was pouring his coffee; silently he witness it all.
"I'm sorry my lord, but this unnecessary back and forth is distracting you".
All of their mouths dropped, "we all heard you, when she was dying. You love her, so just date her so we can get back to business"
Tom tapped his coffee mug, his hand was red from the hot coffee spilling onto it. He looked at Abraxas who was no longer frowning at him.
They're right. Tom hated that.
They all hung on his silence, Tom realized he had never taken anyone on a date. With pure blood women he only socialized with them for reputations sake and with other women well, they stayed behind closed doors.
   "I don't know how" he said plainly.
Avery snorted and Abraxas punched his arm.
"I can help you" Nott said.
Tom looked up embarrassed and Abraxas smiled at him cautiously, "We'll all help you".
"Except Lestrange," Nott said,"he's worse off than you are".
Lestrange harrumphed angrily.
   Lenora came down for breakfast late. She had taken her time getting ready after she slept in. She chose a blush pink dress that hung off her shoulders, for once she let her hair down, creating soft waves with her fingers. She dabbed some jasmine oil on her neck and light pink color on her lips and cheeks.
   "Dear you look lovely" her mother said kissing her head.
  Her father was speaking with the elder Malfoy and Mulciber. They gave each other a co-conspiring smile when they saw her. She sat nervously, not sure why every adult seemed to be staring at her. Where are the guys?
  "I think I'm going to go take a walk-"she started to stand.
"NO" they all cried.
Her eyes widened, and she sat shocked.
          Tom had spoken to her father before she came down. Even though charming people was his forte, he found himself feeling nervous.
  "May I, take your lovely daughter on a date Mr. Rosier?" he even kept a cringed smile as the other adults laughed and grilled him for details.
          Abraxas had gone with him and helped field any comments that embarrassed him.
        "Yes, of course Riddle" Mrs Rosier patted her husband's arm, "We are so happy to see you two...be friendly again". She finished looking at Abraxas face nervously shake his head at her.
Olivine burst into the dining room, "Lenora!" She said grinning, "I need your help".
Lenora looked around at the smiles of the adults she knew most of her life, what was going on?
"Um with what?" She looked at her suspiciously.
  Olivine looked around for help, "with..."
"Flowers dear" her mother jumped in, "for dinner, she needs help with arrangements. Since you helped Abraxas with hers".
"She did?" Olivine looked surprised, Mrs. Lestrange rolled her eyes.
Lenora looked even more lost, and looked to her own father who watched the scene play out with amusement.
"Just go with her Lenora" he smiled warmly so she went.
Tom held a bouquet of flowers, in one hand, in the other he was reading the note that Nott and Avery had been working on.
  "You make the birds sing?" Tom scrunched his nose disgusted.
"Two hours you've been working and that's what you come up with!?"
"There's more..." Nott said looking sheepish.
Tom read down the page of flowery, romantic nonsense.
"You make grass grow!?" Tom looked at them incredulously, "I'm not reading this".
Abraxas grinned behind him,"So don't, just speak from the heart" he said .
"I asked for help!" Tom threw the note on the floor, "this is not helping!".
  Mulciber looked at Olivine, "the anticipation is making him too nervous, just got get her"
     Lestrange sneered, "so we can get this over with please"
Tom held out his wand and Lestrange took off around the house away from him.
"Relax" Abraxas fixed Tom's tie, "you're going to do fine"
"I wouldn't have to do this at all if you all wouldn't have butted in" he moved away from Abraxas' fussing with his suit.
"This song and dance is so unnecessary" Tom groaned smacking the bouquet of flowers on his leg, "this is so stupid. Stupid stupid-"
Lenora stood behind Tom and the rest of the boys eyes widened. Mulciber grabbed Avery, Abraxas and Nott to apparate them away to the other side of the house.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" He continued not noticing them disappears.
"My lord?" She asked him, "are you okay?"
Tom turned around his face was red, he seemed nervous and agitated. So unlike himself.
  He held up the bouquet of half crushed flowers, "herbivicus" he muttered and they were repaired.
  "Are those for the table?" Nora asked.
"What table? No. They're for-" her eyes traveled from the flowers to his nice suit and the eyes.
"You" he finished awkwardly.
"Thank you" she took them gingerly from his hand, "What for?" She couldn't quite meet his gaze anymore, her stomach fluttered.
  Tom couldn't tell if she was happy or mortified. Why was it so much easier just to kiss her? Charming he could be. Genuine? It was painful.
  "You make birds grow" he said and cringed.
   She giggled with her hand to her mouth.
  Tom was going to kill every one of them, this. is. humiliating.
  He began to walk away, she quickly grabbed his arm.
  "Stop" he said.
  Lenora shook her head, "I'm not even sure what is happening".
  He could see Abraxas peering from the side of the house, Tom gave him an exhausted glance.
  Abraxas pointed to his chest theatrically, from the heart.
  Tom sighed and took her hands, her eyes met his searching for a clue as to why he was acting so strange.
  "Lenora. I have to apologize. I've taken liberties these past few days with you"
  She drew away hurt, "oh...so it was a mistake"
"Yes" he saw her eyes look down disappointed, "but only because I respect you".
He looked up at Abraxas who pointed more aggressively to his heart, emotions dumb fuck he thought annoyed.
"I more than respect you I-" Riddle managed.
"Yes?" She said looking back to him as he took another deep sigh.
Finally, he sighed putting both hands on her face, "I care for you...deeply. I would like to take you on a...date".
  Lenora could only stare in amazement. She realized in that moment that this was something she had wanted her whole life.
"I'd love to Tom" she smiled as he cupped her face.
Tom let his lips linger over hers. She tilted her head and met his kiss.
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jupitermelichios · 3 years
So I’ve been playing a lot of skyrim lately, because it’s video game comfort food, and I decided it was time for my Redguard Dovahkiin to settle down. (Actually I specifically just wanted to be able to adopt some of the random orphans you meet because I felt guilty about them, but you need to be married before you can do that so that there’s someone at home to take care of the kids while you’re off galivanting).
So I travelled around a bit, chatting up likely looking npcs until I found one I both liked and didn’t feel guilty about marrying (I feel bad if I marry one of the warrior adventurer types, making them be a stay at home mum) and settled on an obnoxiously cheerful argonian called Shavee because her life was frankly shit, and I thought she’d probably be good with kids.
So off I go to Riften to the Temple of Mara to arrange the wedding. I book it in for the next day, realise I didn’t bring anything nice to wear, and spend the night before the wedding robbing every house in the city in the search for something to wear. Eventually decide everyone in Riften has terrible fashion sense and break down everything I stole into raw materials and use them to craft myself an outfit and some jewellery that i’m pretty happy with. I even carefully pick out my fanciest looking sword to wear.
(don’t know why I bothered, frankly, shavee turned up wearing a shirt covered in suspicious stains and weilding a pickaxe, it’s like she doesn’t even care about this marriage)
(also for comedy purposes, bear in mind I play with survival mods that mean my character needs to eat and sleep to live, and I literally spent the entire ingame night on this and forgot to eat and drink anything either and then just downed four bowls of wolf stew right before entering the temple so I didn’t starve during the ceremony. also I discovered during the wedding that I am dying of rockjoint, which I contracted from sleeping in a pile of hay on the floor of a skeever infested cave, so even being six foot tall and jacked can’t make up for the fact that I am exhausted, running a fever, and probably covered in wolf which I spilled because my joints are slowly atrophying, and even the fanciest clothes in the world aren’t going to cover that up)
so I enter the temple, and my finance is there, and Lydia my housecarl, and some random NPCs the game thinks are my friends because I did fetch quests for them
One of the random NPCs is Lisbet. Atfter I did her fetch quest, I then did another quest in which I discovered Lisbet is secretly a cannibal and part of a demonic cult that worships the daedric prince of decay by kidnapping priests, sacrificing them, and then eating their corpses. Raw. I think the raw meat is the sticking point for me here honestly.
I ultimately decided not to sacrifice the random priest to a daedric prince in exchange for one magic ring and all the raw human I could eat, because frankly, that doesn’t sound like much of a deal to me. I was expecting there to be some kind of dialogue choice where I could nope out at the last minute, but it turns out there isn’t one, so after they drugged the priest and tied him to the altar, I just got out my sword and started swinging.
I killed most of the cult (including the town butcher, because I had brought meat from him before and was extremely pissed off that he might have been secretly feeding me humans) but a couple of them got away, which I figured was fine because they weren’t trying to kill me.
Except it turns out, if any of them escape, then every time you see them in the future there’s a random chance that they’ll fly into a violent rage and try and murder you.
Lisbet is at my wedding. Lisbet decides that clearly me marrying this random argonian woman with two lines of dialogue is the happiest day of my life, and she cannot allow me that happiness, when I’ve taken so much from her.
So she tries to kill me. Only she can’t, because I’m stuck in a pre-rendered wedding animation, and also she’s sitting next to Lydia, my faithful retainer and owner of a really big axe.
It also turns out that Lisbet is essential, meaning she can be knocked unconcious but not actually killed because she’s needed for some quest or other. And the minute she wakes up from unconciousness, she tries to kill me again, so Lydia knocks her unconcious again, and I’m stuck, I can’t move, because I’m supposed to be in the wedding animation.
Except Shavee has, not unreasonably, see all this and decided that she doesn’t like me enough to risk getting murdered, and has done a runner, leaving me at the altar, but more importantly, leaving me trapped in a broken pre-rendered animation, so all I can do is stand there at the altar, staring at the space where my fiance was supposed to be, listening to the sounds of Lydia trying and failing to beat a cannibal to death behind me.
Okay, I think, clearly this wedding isn’t going to happen, I’m going to go for the registry office option and complete the wedding using the dev commands. I do this. The priest gives me a wedding ring, and I can finally move again. I chase after Shavee, who has an impressive turn of speed on her, and eventually catch up right by the city gates. I try to talk to her.
Apparently using the console has completed the wedding for me, but not for her, because she still only has the same 2 lines of dialogue she usually has.
Clearly this is working, I can’t leave my kids with someone who can only say 2 things and doesn’t even know she’s their mum, that’s irresponsible.
I try loading from inside the temple. I get the same problem.
Eventually I figure out that I need to use the dev controls to disable Lisbet’s entire existence in the universe.
Shavee and me get married. As the priest reads the vows, I stare at Shavee and wonder why she couldn’t even be bothered to put on a clean shirt. I wonder what kind of mother she’ll be.
Once the ceremony is over, and I’m happily married to the dirty green lizard of my dreams, and we’ve agreed that until I can make her recognise my extremely nice modded house exists I will share her single bed in the unheated flophouse in Windhelm she calls home, I re-enable Lisbet, because I’m worried I’ll forget if I leave it too long.
Fun fact about skyrim, it loads in quite a lot of npcs and objects by dropping them from the sky. I have no idea why this is the case, but it’s objectively the funniest way to load in objects.
I re-enable Lisbet. She falls from the sky, clips through the roof of the temple, and lands in the pew beside Lydia, stands up, draws a knife, and is immedately beaten unconcious.
I no longer care, because Shavee now has all the exciting new spouse-only romantic dialogue options like “Could you cook something for me” and “have you made any money lately”, and I know she’ll be a great mother.
I limp to the door of the temple, while around me the guests not involved in the Lydia-Lisbet murder cycle scream and duck for cover.
I open the door to the temple, immediately collapse and ragdoll down the steps, which is how I discover I am dying of rockjoint.
I limp to the orphanage down the street, adopt two kids, and then finally remember that I’m carrying garlic bread, which as we all know, cures all known illnesses.
When I emerge back into the street, full of the joys of motherhood and garlic bread, I find the town in disaray. Lydia is chasing Lisbet through the streets with an axe and a dragon is circling overhead, burning npcs to death. People are running for shelter, screaming, while the guards try to take down an entire dragon using only the worst bows and arrows in the game.
I decide that as a parent, I have to think of my own safety first and leave them to it.
I head out of the city, intent on returning home and figuring out why Shavee refuses to move in with me. A man hanging around the stables challenges me to a boxing match. For want of anything better to do, I agree.
Halfway through the fight he dodges at the wrong moment and I punch one of his horses in the head.
Two guards attack me while I desperately try to surrender. My kids will miss me, but I’m prepared to go to jail for my horse crimes, I’m an honest citizen. Also my horse crimes seem somewhat less important than the dragon.
The guards refuse to accept my surrender. I am stabbed to death. As I collapse in front of the indifferent horse, Lisbet exits the city, followed by Lydia. The last thing I see before I die is Lydia swinging her axe at Lisbet’s face.
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dourpeep · 3 years
WAIT. I'm losing my mind over that friends to lovers post you reblogged. All I can think about is college Albedo + mutual pining, romantic tension, and friends to lovers OTL
- Leaving little post it notes in his bag or inside the cover of his textbook to tell him to have a nice day or remind him to take care of himself because you know he has a tendency to work too hard sometimes!! And what if he meets up with Sucrose and Timaeus because they like to catch up and sometimes discuss their research or homework, and they see Albedo hiding a grin behind his books and think that he's solved a particularly difficult problem but it's just a cute little note you slipped him when he wasn't looking
- You stay up studying for exams with Albedo and he dozes off on your shoulder so you sit there afraid to move because you don't want to wake him but you're also dying inside
- The two of you go to the library to work but eventually get distracted so it turns into the two you sitting close together on a couch and reading each other sections from your favourite books
- I can also see him as someone who rambles about labs or new research he's absolutely taken by. Weeks later when you mention something he said before, he's a little surprised but you just tell him that you tried your best to understand everything because you know it's important to him and maybe his heart skipped a little
- Going off your headcanons: Albedo looking for little specimens and deciding it could be a fun outing with Klee so she can get some sunshine and you find the two of them in the park. You end up joining them and Albedo's heart softens seeing you and Klee laughing and smiling together!
- I remember this little headcanon you had where he snorts when laughing sometimes and imagine Albedo letting one slip out while he's with you, and Kaeya teasing him later on.
- Eventually, his friends start asking if the two of you are together because of the silent affection and teasing between the two of you. Albedo knows he likes you but he's scared a relationship will ruin everything and you're too important to lose even if it means he never says anything, but little did he know, you have feelings for him too.
Anyway, I hope you have a nice day and week! Sorry about this monster of an ask lmao
Like... there are two characters that I seldom, if ever, turn down and that's my beloved Albedo and beloathed Scaramouche- If you don't want me to shut up about a topic??? Like just utter word vomit???? Bring them up. Bring them up, I dare you--
Okay okay okay okay now lemme just--
oops. 1.4k words. Enjoy your headcanon drabbles, courtesy of me being a hard simp for Albedo--
College au Albedo is pretty close to how he normally is! Brilliant, though having difficulties with making friends and keeping said friends, getting carried away with experiments (did you know if you're on good enough terms with the professors, they'll vouch for you so you can use the lab when there aren't classes using them?? Yeah)...so the friendship that you have with him is certainly the closest one he has.
It'd be the kind where you knock on his dorm or apartment door at 11:45pm with some takeout and your textbooks and he'll let you in without a second thought. You slip inside and settle on the floor next to the coffee table cross-legged, setting the food out as if you don't live a good walk away. He wasn't going to sleep any time soon anyway.
Like the kind of friendship where your hand instinctively slips into his to tug him towards something cool you found or to the café where you tend to go after classes.
Even after you get to your destination, you don't let go.
Now that that has been established--the little notes you slip into his bag or on his books really began as a little reminder. Despite his keen intellect, Albedo tends to easily forget things because his mind is always going onto the next thing. So, being the great friend you are, would just slip a note to remind him to take breaks, eat a snack, or that you're supposed to go and meet Sucrose and Timaeus after class to prep for the upcoming exams.
Neither of you really know when they began to turn into doodles or 'seemingly platonic declarations of adoration'. It's normal for friends to write a heart besides "Don't forget I love you!", right? Yeah.
The smile that makes it's way on Albedo's face is unmistakable the moment that Sucrose accidentally stumbles upon a sticky note carefully tucked in one of his notebooks.
Speaking of Albedo and his tendencies to get carried away with stuff, he often functions on...minimal sleep.
Those nights that you pop up at his place to study or just hang out, he often ends up dozing off, glasses sliding uncomfortably down the bridge of his nose and hair tousled out of it's usual style.
You never plan to stay the night (though even when he's awake he insists you do because it's not as safe at night to make the commute home), but you can't just disturb his sleep when it's the first time in a while that he's probably gone without taking a capsule or two of melatonin to help himself back into some semblance of a sleep schedule.
It's these moments that you remember just how soft his hair is and just how nice his shampoo smells.
Also that he's a cuddler.
You awake in the morning, back aching and eyes squinting against the sudden brightness of the world around you and limbs tangled with your best friend. He's unbothered because his face is half-shoved against the crook of your neck.
With the library, you often find yourselves in a little game. There's so much to learn and so, so many topics through the old vanilla-scent found between pages!!
So trips to the library end up with the two of you digging and sifting to find a topic you've never heard of, sit and read for 15 minutes, then proceed to explain said topic the best you can (without looking!!). It almost always ends up with a few chuckles from Albedo as you fumble explaining (and half-making up) information and Albedo's (unfairly) great short-term memory winning out.
Speaking of...between actually studying and your little topic games, Albedo turns to you to bounce off his current observations and ideas. Sucrose and Timaeus, though both in similar majors as Albedo, are busy with their own projects and research to the point that they don't really have the time to help with stuff as extensive as his research.
Annnnd, naturally, since you don't have anything better to do and are almost always by his side, you play that part!
You listen intently no matter how dense the subject may be and no matter if you do or do not have the background knowledge.
When you ask him to explain something you don't quite understand, he can't help but blink in surprise because you were listening??? And wanted to really understand? You prove time and time again (even days, weeks later) that you listened to every word that tumbled out during his rambles.
And of course you do! Albedo's one of the most important people to you, so it's only natural that you want to show interest in his interests.
Also it's pretty cool to find out those random bits of trivia (like lobsters and their repairable telomeres-).
Oh man, the first time that you met Klee was a pretty hectic day for Albedo. Due to his Aunt Alice's incredibly busy schedule, he tends to care for Klee on days that he doesn't have class.
However, that particular day he just barely finished class before he had to go and pick her up from school.
With you in tow, that is.
Immediately, the little girl brightens up at your presence, no doubt excited from what she's heard about you (listening in to Albedo's conversations with Alice and the embarrassed tone in his voice when he realizes that he's let your name slipped again and now Aunt Alice wants to know about this particular friend who's captured dear little Bedo's attentions). He's relieved when Klee doesn't immediately reveal that.
From then on, Klee insists that Albedo invites you for every outing they have.
The cafe for a quick treat? The bookstore to sit and read a few books?
"Oh, please please please?? Can they come Albedo? Klee promises that she'll be good!"
Who is he to say no?
But above all, those park days are his favorite. You end up running around with Klee, lifting her up so she can reach a particular leaf on a branch, squatting down to see a bug or lizard that she's entirely enthralled by--all while Albedo sits under the shade of a tree on a blanket, sketchbook and pencil in hand.
You don't know it (even though there's many occasions where he's shown you his sketchbook), but the pages are filled with your smile.
Around you, Albedo's found that he's most comfortable.
There's no need to hide insecurities or hold his tongue when something particularly exciting comes to mind...nor does he hold back in his laughter. Especially with your insistence that his laugh is cute.
That scenario with Kaeya is entirely an accident, proof of just how used to your presence he's become.
It's a late night and you're out with a bigger group of friends than usual, some friends that Albedo's only known since the start of college, but definitely good ones.
With a drink in your hand you all sit at a large table, chatting about anything and everything when you crack a joke and Albedo snorts.
Not like a snort with his normally quiet chuckle, either.
Instead, he's laughing hard, tears gathering at the corners of his eyes and stomach hurting (and maybe it's because of the few sips of drink he's had) and he snorts. The moment the sound escapes him and he's trying hard to calm back down, Kaeya grins.
He's most definitely one of the first people to put two and two together.
After all, Albedo keeps to himself, even around them. But with you around? There's a certain spark of life that ignites.
It's no surprise that the two of you are close when all is said and done.
But that doesn't stop either of you from choking and cheeks from flushing when someone asks if you're a couple. It happens often--too often to count--and ranges between Kaeya's teasing comments and a few sweet words from an elderly woman passing by your table at the cafe.
And you laugh--you and Albedo--because no, no, you're just friends.
Then the light hits your features just right, illuminating you in a soft glow that makes your eyes shine and--
It's undeniable the way that he feels for you. The sudden quickening of his heartbeat is proof enough. You slide your drink towards him for him to try and he does the same, eyes unable to leave your lips as you take a sip and then smile.
Between the cracks of his appreciation, of this warmth, dread seeps.
Though...that was just over a week ago.
Sitting down back at his apartment, your head resting on his chest and your hands intertwined while you watch whatever's on tv, you shift. Your lips meet in a sweet kiss.
And Albedo wonders how neither of you managed to see it sooner.
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kaeyasstarlight · 3 years
A Sleeping Beauty(Husband!/Prince!Shoto Todoroki x Wife!/Aurora!Reader)(Royal/Sleeping Beauty AU)
A.N: I hope you will like this scenario and I had fun writing it :D I will probably do more Disney stories like this with other characters and have fun reading! :)
If I made a mistake feel free to tell me! :)
Warnings: Female pronouns(She/Her)
Story Used:"Sleeping Beauty" Disney adaptation
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"Daddy! It's time for my bed time story!",your 4 years old kid yells(You can choose a girl,a boy or a non-binary kid).
"I'm coming princess/prince/royal",your husband Shoto responds while smiling at you both's creation.
He thanks you everyday for giving him the most beautiful gift you could have given him, a child of his own.
He goes sit on the bed of his kid and he sees your down expression on your face while you pass in the hallway.
You have been feeling down lately because of work, but you didn't want to show it to your family, but Shoto knows you too well and saw that you were down. An idea pops in his head at this moment.
"Hey Honey? Would like to come listen to the story with us. The one of today is special.", you smile at him
"Of course. I'll go get a blanket and I'm coming."
You then get back with the big blanket and put it on you, Shoto and your kid.
"So, you said that today's story was special?",you look at your husband.
"Yes. I took a story and changed it a bit at my manner."
"I'm excited to see", said your kid with a big grin on their face.
"Ok, so here it is":
Once upon a time, in the Kingdom of (Your Country), was born a beautiful princess named Y/N L/N.
"Just like mommy!", said your kid while cutting Shoto's story.
"Yes just like Mommy, and she was just as beautiful as your mother."
You knew where this was going and a smile popped on your face at his actions.
For the birth of the princess, their parents has organized a big event where all the kingdom and the Kingdom of the king Enji who had just gotten a fourth kid nammed Shoto, was invited. The parents(I made it so it works if you have two moms or two dads), had invited three fairies and they each would give the princess a gift. The first one, Katsuki, gave the princess the gift of beauty. The second one, Tenya, gave the princess the gift of a beautiful voice.
"For now the story works with mommy's description"
"You think so",said Shoto
"Yeah! Mommy is very beautiful and she has a pretty voice when she sings"
"You don't have to say all that",you respond while blushing a bit
"Also the prince has the same name as you daddy"
"Yeah. Imagine the princess and the prince ends up together like me and mommy."
"It would be so cute!"
"Before you continue, does the fairies has the same names as uncle Kacchan and uncle Iida?"
'Yeah, and the third one's name is Izuku just like uncle Midoriya"
"Ohhhhh you can continue"
Shoto continues:
When it was the turn of the third fairy,Izuku, a big amount of smoke appeared. It was the shapeshifter witch Himiko Toga.
"No one invited me to the party? How sad. Well I guess I can also give something to the little girl now that I'm here."
"No! You won't touch her and get her blood you crazy witch!"
"Oh come on! You know I have something better. You didn't invite to the celebration when you know I love parties. You know what? I'm gonna give the princess a gift! She will pick her finger on a spinning wheel on her sixteenth birthday and die!"
"NO!", yelled your parents
Himiko then disapeared in a cloud of smoke. The third fairy hasn't given her gift yet. He decides to give her the gift that instead of dying, she will fall into a deep slumber until someone gives her a true love kiss. The parents of the girl orders that all spinning wheels of the kingdom must be burned and the parents decides to let their daughter live with the fairies in a cottage in the forest.
Many years later, the princess turns into a beautiful and wonderful woman. She doesn't know her parents are the royal family and she thinks she's just a peseant and that Katsuki,Tenya and Izuku educated her after her parents died. It is now Y/N's sixteeth birthday and the fairies wants to organize her a surprise party.
"Y/N? Could you please go gather berries for the dessert tonight?", said Tenya.
"Of course! I'll be back later!"
"And don't forget not talk to strangers!",reminded Katsuki
Y/N left the house and went to go gather the berries in the forest. The girl then decided to go by the river a little while. The animals then gather aroud her. She always had a good relationship with animals and she taught they could understand her.
Meanwhile, the prince Shoto, who has also become a handsome young man, was out with his horse and heard the voice of the girl. He got struck by the beauty of her voice he wanted to know who she was. He tried to follow the voice but on his way, he fell into a pound.
On the side of the river, Y/N is talking with animals about the fact that her godfathers stills treats her like she's a child and she wishes she could meet someone. She then tells them she met someone "Once Upon A Dream". While she tells her dream about her walking with a prince, some of the animals finds the cape,the boots and the hat of the prince and takes them.
(At this part you can listen to the song "Once Upon A Dream" to be more in the ambiance ;) )
The animals acts as the prince of Y/N's dream and dance with her. She is getting directly in the scene and dances with them while pretending she's talking to the prince from her dream. Then at a moment, the real prince Shoto starts to sing. She's surprised at first and tries to go away because he's a stranger. He then tells her: "Don't you remember? You said it yourself, we already met, "Once Upon A Dream"".he then starts to sing again. The princess then gets confidence in him and dances with him like this.
Shoto makes you stand up and puts his hand on your waist. He makes you sway in his arms to slow dance just like the prince with the princess in the story. He starts to sing the song and you get along with it. You both are twirling in your kid's room and having a romantic moment like you never had. Your kid looks at the both of you with amazed eyes and claps at the end of your performance.
"Let's go back to the story shall we?",Shoto says after you both sat down again on the bed.
Y/N invites the young man to meet her godfathers at dinner and he accepts. Meanwhile, at the cottage, the fairies had some trouble to organize the party so they decided to use their magic.
"HUH?! Why the hell would you want to make the dress Blue?! It would obviously be better in Pink!(I can't belive I wrote that haha)",said Katsuki
"Kacchan I was just proposing an idea, but I think that the Blue would be better on Y/N",responded Izuku
"Hell nah! I have way better fashion sense than you damn nerd! She would be so much better in Pink!"
While they were arguying, Tenya was trying to make a cake with no big succes the normal way. With magic, it gave a better result and it looked so delicious. Unfortunately, all the magic that Katsuki, Tenya and Izuku were making was leaving traces and it caught the attention of Himiko's sidekick, Dabi. He hides behind the house and Y/N arrives back home. She tells her godfathers that she has fallen in love, but they don't know it's the prince. They tell her that she's the princess and that she's already engaged to the prince Shoto and they will bring her back to the castle tonight. She goes in her room crying because won't be able to be with the stranger she fell in love with.
Dabi overheard the conversation and went to tell Himiko that the princess would be at the castle tonight.
Meanwhile,the prince tells his father he wants to marry a peseant, which the king Enji is not pleased about.
Shoto didn't care about his father and would go to the dinner at the cottage tonight anyways.
Y/N gets all dressed and ready for her birthday celebration and be with her parents again, but then a glow apears in the room. She follows it by curiosity. The fairies then also see the glow when they come to go get Y/N and try to go as fast as they can to stop her. Unfortunately, they came too late and the beautiful princess was on the floor. Himiko laughs at her victory:
"Hahahaa! I did it! The princess is dead and you came too late!", she disapears and the fairies put the princess in a bed in the highest tower of the castle. They put all the people from the castle in a deep slumber just like Y/N. Before they fell asleep, the king Enji and the parents of Y/N were talking and the fairies understand that the man Y/N fell in love with was the prince. When they go back to the cottage, they realize the prince has already been taken to Himiko's hideout.
"So....", Himiko shows to Shoto his princess in a deep slumber.
"Would you look at that. The beautiful princess you fell in love with has been put in a deep slumber. I think I should let her like this until you become old and raged while she didn't age a bit and you won't be together."
"NO!", Shoto yells.
Y/N was one of the only person Shoto trusted and wanted to be with forever and he was gonna lost her. When Himiko leaves the prince alone, the fairies rescue him and give him a sword and a shield to fight the witch.
Himiko tries to stop Shoto to go in the castle by putting thorns around it, but without succes for her, because the prince breaks them in a sway of his sword. She turns into a big dragon to confront him and the prince fights her furiously. At a moment, he throws the sword into her heart to kill her(I'm sorry TwT I love Toga I didn't want to kill her but it's for the sake of the story TwT).
The prince goes up to the highest tower of the castle and finds his beautiful princess on the bed. He goes closer to her to kiss her on the lips. She wakes up and sees her love smiling at her. They go together in the ballroom and Y/N's parents are glad to see her again after all those years. They all go in a hug and Y/N goes back to her prince and they dance together. While they dance, Katsuki and Izuku are still fighting over the color of the dress.
"I told you Pink, you damn nerd!"
"-_- You know what at this point I won't even try Kacchan."
They then got married a few months later and got many beautiful/handsome childrens.
The end.
"Wow! They ended up together just like you two! It's so cool!", your kid says didn't realizing it was you two all along.
Thanks to Shoto, your sad expression of earlier was long gone.
"It was a beautiful story Sho", you say smiling at him
"I'm glad you both liked it", Shoto responds.
Your kid yawns and you tug them in their bed.
"Goodnight my baby",you say to them.
"Goodnight mommy and daddy,I love you"
"Goodnight", you both say to them.
You peek throught the door to see that they are already asleep.
"So.... Many kids huh?", you say smirking a bit at him.
He also smirks at you and says:"I mean I wouldn't mind giving them a sibling.", he goes closer to you to kiss you on the lips and then rub your arms.
"Would you like to?", he says.
"I wouldn't mind either. You want to start now?", you respond.
He responds to you by smirking.
It's gonna be a long night... ;)
A.N: I hope you enjoyed this story. I had fun writing it and I will probably do more scenarios like this with other characters and stories :)
Have a nice day or night and remember to take care of yourselves! <3 (I'm on my period right now so I try to take care of myself TwT)
You are beautiful and loved! <3
See you soon!
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bimsha · 3 years
How They Propose You
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Sano Manjiro /Mikey:
When Mikey took you to a grand restaurant instead of your usual street filled with street food, you were suspicious. You knew something must be up, but with Mikey, you never realized until it was the last minute. But the whole thing was fancy for both of you. Your eyes kept darting around all the beautifully dressed customers and the elegant waiters taking orders and rushing around. When the dessert came, you had let go of all your initial suspicions. The dessert was so good that you cleared the plate in mere seconds ignoring the very existence of your boyfriend. You looked up at him to compliment him for the grand dinner when you noticed the horrified expression of the blonde.
“Y/n, you ate the whole thing?”
“Yeah?” You answered, frowning. What’s the big deal?
“Oh my god” He said, now looking petrified for some reason. That expression was a first. He got up from his seat and rounded the table to get a clear look at your plate. At this point, you were being embarrassed. He crouched next to you, looking worried. “Do you feel weird or sick? Do you want to throw up? Should we go to a hospital?”
You sighed, "Mikey." You leaned closer to his ear so that the high class people wouldn't hear your beautiful language. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Y/n” He whispered back, “There was a ring in the dessert. I asked the waiter to put it in there.”
Your eyes widened in horror. “What?” You blurted out. You could care less about manners now. “You fed me a ring? Wait, I didn’t even know? I didn’t feel any different?”
“I was trying to propose!” Mikey countered, looking awfully sad. “I didn’t know you’d eat the ring too”
They had drawn a lot of attention. “Well, if there was a ring I should’ve felt it. I didn’t. Maybe it wasn’t there?” After a beat of silence you added, “Right?” But a corner of your mind was telling you there's actually a chance. You were a sucker for all those chocolate desserts. But a ring? No way… right?
Now you both were looking at each other with hopeless expressions thinking maybe Mikey would’ve killed you in the process of propsing and the murmurs were growing loud around you when a waiter walked in. They stopped right by their table, “Sir, I’m here to apologize. Our chef has mistakenly and forgot to put the ring on your dessert” He handed a surprised Mikey the ring, bowing deeply.
“Oh my god” Mikey sighed in relief, “I didn’t kill my girlfriend trying to propose her”
You sighed in relief, “I didn’t eat that thing. Thank god” When you started laughing, finding the whole thing funny, Mikey actually knelt on one knee. The whole restaurant was silent as he asked,
“Y/n, the love of my life, do you want to marry me?”
“Say yes” One of the guys screamed, “He didn’t feed you the ring. That man is worth it”
You flushed but offered your hand with a matching smile, “This is the best proposal ever”
Mikey rolled his eyes. “There goes my romantic dinner and proposal. But A for trying.”
You couldn’t tell anything otherwise else, because he deserved an A for trying.
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Kazutora Hanemiya:
It was a cold winter morning and your boyfriend Kazu asked you to come to the park for an emergency. And there you were, rubbing your hands together trying to get rid of the coldness while waiting for your boyfriend to give him a good ass kicking for leaving you in the snow. You waited for a while, and instead of Kazutora, a little boy around seven appeared from the entrance and ran straight towards you. Something glistened in his hands. Then, he frowned, looking at you from head to toe. That’s when you realize he was actually holding onto a ring. Where did he get that? “Miss, would you like to marry me?” The youngster asked with so much determination that you almost laughed.
You were about to answer, when a familiar figure ran up to them. Kazutora didn’t pay any attention that you were there. He launched at the boy, trying to get the ring in his hand. “You little prick, I told you not to touch that! And she’s my girlfriend, back off”
You stared at them as they wrestled in the snow. Kazutora caught the little guy in a headlock and fished the ring out of his hands. “Got it!” He cheered.
“Uh Kazu? What’s going on here?”
He looked at you with an exasperated sigh. “This brat ruined everything. I had something to ask you.” He looked flustered, “But he stole-” He groaned, “Go back home.” He said to the boy. “I swear I’m going to buy you that whatever the shit you like”
The boy looked uncertain for a moment. He reached out his pinky, “Promise?”
Kazutora sighed, and sent the boy off. He stood up and dusted off the snow from his pants. You waited patiently when he went, “That’s my little cousin. He thought it would be funny to propose you.”
You laughed, “And why is that?”
Kazutora shrugged, fidgeting with the ring and looking at you. “Because I may or may not have been staring at your photo and practicing everything” He averted his gaze, abashed. “I had this all planned out. I’m going to ruin that brat!”
You shrugged, “I don’t know. I’m still here”
He looked at you earnestly and took a step close. “We’ve been through a lot together. I may not have been the best boyfriend to you but I really love you Y/N. I can’t imagine a life without you. Want to share your life with me for the rest of our lives?”
You offered your hand as a tear slipped down your cheek. “Of course” He slipped the ring to your finger with his own eyes sparkling with tears. You scowled.
“You’re not the one who’s supposed to cry!”
He grinned, leaning in and pecking your lips. “I’m just so happy you said yes” He said, picking you up and twirling you around. Both of you fell back to the snow, thinking about a lifetime of memories together.
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Mitsuya Takashi:
You were casually sitting inside his work place, watching him designing another costume. Other times, you asked questions, but this time, you remained silent watching him work. There was a way Mitsuya worked when he was in here. He was graceful and confident. It was a sight to see. “Y/n” He called, taking your attention. “Can you come here for a sec?”
You frowned, but did as you were asked. When you reached him, he immediately started taking your measures, jotting down each. It was normal for him to make clothes for you but this was the first time he was doing it without asking about the design or showing you a picture. “What’s it?”
Mitsuya gestures at the mess of white cloth beside him. “An order came asking me to make a wedding dress, I took the measures for future use” He grinned, pulling out something from his pocket. You stared at the velvet box as he opened it. A ring glistening inside. “Y/n” His voice was smooth. He took a step closer.
You just watched him, surprised as he knelt on one knee. “I’ve always wanted a life with you. I’ve dreamed about it many times. Would you let my dreams come true and be my soulmate for the rest of my life?”
You said yes and watched as he slipped the gold band to your finger. “You literally took the measurement to my future wedding dress before asking? I’m gonna remember that Takashi?”
He stood up and pressed a kiss on your forehead. “Just had to set up the vibe.” He said, looking at the white cloth draped along the counter. “You’re going to look beautiful in a wedding dress. I should start working on it”
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Baji Keisuke:
One thing you liked about Baji was that he said the weirdest shit sometimes. Like right now. Both of you had your own respected soda cans in your hands while he suddenly uttered, “You know, marrying is weird”
You huffed, “And that is because?”
“Like listen. Two people are like, okay we love each other. Let’s get the whole government involved and make it official so we can actually make babies and spend time together.” He scowled, taking a sip. “That’s just fucked up”
You hummed thoughtfully, “Now that you’ve said it, it does sound fucked up”
He put the soda can away and pulled out a silver band, looking at him with his serious look. “Should we get the government involved too?”
You looked at the ring, back at his face but decided to play along. “We should totally get the government involved in all our shit” When you offered your hand, he easily slipped the ring in. He reached down and kissed it, looking at you adoringly. “That was the most funniest, and the ridiculous proposal I have ever heard.”
Baji shrugged, wrapping one of his arms around your shoulder. “That was the best proposal, I know you think so too”
“Ridiculous doesn’t mean I don’t like it. You’re right, that’s the best proposal”
The two of you decided to announce your engagement to the rest of the gang. Baji confidently stood in front of them, your hand in his, holding onto tightly when he announced. “We’re going to get the government involved”
You cracked up, looking at the other’s expressions, they had no clue what was going on. Chifuyu actually looked like he understood. “Congratulations!” The younger said, beaming. "When is the wedding?”
The realization dawned upon them and soon they were all gasping for their breaths, calling out for water and literally dying on the floor.
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Chifuyu Matsuno:
When Chifuyu asked whether you wanted to hang out at his place, it didn’t strike you as anything odd. You two often hung out at each other’s places when your parents were away. He usually kept the door unlocked and you walked in. It was the same that Sunday morning but after you walked in you realized that actually it was pretty weird. Your boyfriend was there, kneeling in front of his refrigerator. Hold up, was that a ring? Is he proposing the fridge? He looked really serious as he took a long breath, opening the box as if he was in a movie. You watched quietly, the moment was too golden to interrupt. He picked the gold band carefully out of the box and held it in front of the fridge. “Y/n, you’re amazing. You’re the best person I have ever met in my life” He was saying to the fridge, “It’s a miracle I found you. Do you want to be mine? Marry me, please?”
The fridge didn’t answer. OF COURSE. The problem would be if it actually answered. He looked satisfied with the practice. That’s when you decided to break it to him and actually clear your throat. The poor guy jumped out of his skin and stared at you horrified. His gaze shifting between the fridge and you. “Are you cheating on me? With that thing?”
He flushed, his ears going pink. “Y/n! Did you- I mean when did-” He groaned, flopping to the floor like a kicked puppy. “Everything’s ruined”
“I’m sorry” You tried, trying to suppress your laughter. “Let’s try again. We go back in time.”
He looked at you to see whether you’re joking and solemnly nodded. “You should be in the character”
You nodded, and closed the door. And this time, you knocked on the door. Your heart was pumping with excitement. Despite the fact you were supposed to act like you don’t know what's going to happen, you were thrilled. Chifuyu opened the door. Despite his defeated look earlier, he seemed to have gained back some of his courage. He didn’t wait until he let you in. He just knelt right there, holding up the ring. He looked a little bit too excited to get the whole speech out as he just blurted, “Please marry me?”
You laughed, “Of course!” He slipped the ring into your finger and stood. Before you could comment, he connected your lips, kissing you right there, with your hands stopped in mid air in surprise. He pulled back with a cocky grin.
“I added an extra surprise element”
You scoffed, “Never going to get over the fact your proposal speech to the fridge was better”
“You’re not going to let that go, are you?”
You grinned, “Never! I’m going to tell our grandchildren that his grandfather proposed to a fridge. The story must go on!”
He groaned, “You’re just mean” He pulled you in, closing the door behind you. “But I love you.”
You hummed with a smile, “I love you too, you big dork”
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I don't know why I did this but I did this so get it. I might do some more later. This is fun (":
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hotmesshapa · 4 years
VIP • Bang Chan
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pairing: bang chan x female reader
genre: smut • DJ!chan x stripper!reader
rating: 18+
word count: 4.6k
warnings: strong language, explicit sexual content, unprotected sex, slight jealousy, very light orgasm denial and spanking, a bit of fluff
a/n: this is the first fic I’ve written in literal years and I have no idea what I’m doing, so I’m sorry in advance lol. also shoutout to these lovelies for being interested from the start 🖤 @mikoto-ica-fics @missskzbiased @bratforbin​ @jungkooksbroski​ 
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There are three strict rules in the club: no touching the strippers, no romantic work relationships, and absolutely no sex in the club. Your manager had everyone sign off on his rules for a reason; you didn’t even want to imagine the chaos that could ensue if everyone was allowed to do whatever they desired in the club.
However, whenever Chan was DJing on the nights you worked, you always considered blowing off those rules. But you knew better. You both enjoyed your jobs at the club and wouldn’t risk getting fired over something as stupid breaking the few rules, despite the obvious sexual tension between the two of you. It’s not your fault that he always came into work wearing tight shirts that clung to his muscles in ways that made you drool. It’s not your fault that he flirted back whenever you playfully hit on him while handing off your playlist for the night. It’s not your fault you noticed the way his eyes hungrily stared you down whenever you were on the main stage, or the way his jaw clenched in jealousy whenever you took a guest to the VIP room.
But rules are meant to be broken, right?
Tonight starts out no different from any other work night: greeting the other girls and bartenders, taking a quick shot of tequila for an extra boost of confidence, and digging through your purse trying to find your flash drive of songs you want played for your routines.
“Got anything new for me, babygirl?”
You snap your head up at the sound of the handsome DJ’s voice. “Hello to you too, Chan,” you reply, rolling your eyes. He shamelessly checks you out and gives you a cocky grin that you can’t decide if it makes you want smack him or pounce on him “You know if Minho hears you speak to me like that, you’re in a world of shit.”
“Then it’s a good thing he’s not here tonight. But even if he was, he wouldn’t dare fire me. I’m the best DJ this club has.”
“Well then, fuck my drag,” Changbin pipes up from behind the booth, shooting a glare at Chan. “If you’re so great, set up your own table then.”
“Don’t listen to him, Binnie,” you giggle as you go back to searching for your flash drive, “He just likes to think he has all the power around here.”
Changbin scoffs as he continues to set up his mixers. “Only when you’re around. The other girls would kill to have him flirt with them.”
You feel your cheeks flush at the comment, but try your best to ignore the feeling as you turn back to Chan and hand him your music. “I have some new songs for tonight. Feel free to play whichever ones you want to watch me dance to.”
“Jesus,” Changbin rolls his eyes, “get a room, you two.”
You shoot Chan a quick wink, earning a smirk from him, and turn around to head to the dressing rooms, well aware his eyes are glued to you as you leave.
You close the door behind you and set your purse down on the vanity, checking your phone and cursing at the time. You hadn’t realized that your mini flirting session took up more time than expected, and start frantically getting ready, changing into your black satin two-piece that left very little to the imagination and applying a generous amount of body highlighter to every exposed part of you.
As you stare at yourself in the mirror, you can’t help but think about what Changbin had said. You and Chan flirt all the time, and normally it doesn’t affect you, but something about Changbin’s comment has your head spinning. Something about discovering Chan only flirts with you just makes you want to break the rules even more, but you don’t want to risk your jobs just because you desperately want him to dick him down. You wouldn’t do that to him. You sigh and slip into your stilettos, checking your appearance one last time before stepping out onto the main floor for your night to begin.
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The night had been running smoothly as usual: three pole routines with the songs Chan chose from your collection (all by The Weeknd, of course), and a few rotations around the club flirting with guests, giving a couple of lapdances. You have a generous amount of bills tucked into your thong and bra, and you pull them out to count, trying to smooth them out and make them look somewhat presentable. You make your way to the DJ booth, where you find Chan leaning against the wall beside the booth, scrolling through his phone and sipping on a beer, while Changbin is behind the table, engrossed with the set he was playing.
“Here,” you say, handing Chan his tip. “You made some really good choices tonight. I had a feeling you’d choose The Weeknd.”
“What can I say,” he smirks, “You can’t just give me the option to play his hottest songs and not expect me to do anything about it. Especially when I get to watch you dance to them.” 
He suddenly leans in, closing any space there was between you two. “By the way, your routine to ‘Life of the Party’? So. Fucking. Hot,” he purrs, looking straight into the eyes.
“Chan,” your voice falters for a second, your eyes unintentionally dropping to his lips, before bringing them back up to meet his stare. You clear your throat in efforts to recover, desperately trying to ignore the heat rising in your core. “You’re gonna get us in trouble.”
“Come on, Y/N, would that be so bad?”
“God, I can’t leave you two alone for one set, can I?” Changbin slides himself between you and the other DJ, throwing an arm over your shoulder and playfully wiggling his eyebrows at you both.
You elbow him in the ribs, earning a dramatic cry from him in return, and you can’t help but giggle. “How much have you had to drink?”
“Three shots? Maybe four? I don’t remember.” He hums in appreciation as you hand him a wad of cash. “I can’t believe I’m gonna pay this month’s rent with your ass money,” he laughs, trying to shake off as much body glitter from the bills you handed him before sliding them into his wallet.
You roll your eyes. “I can give you tit money, if you pref-“
“There’s my baby!”
The three of you spin around at the familiar voice, coming face to face with a young man, his dark hair grazing his eyes as he shamelessly checks you out.
“Jisung! I was wondering when you’d show up!” Changbin greets the man with a typical bro handshake, before swinging an arm around his neck. “Here for the usual?”
“Of course,” Jisung smiles at you, “It’s not a Friday night without a visit with Y/N.”
Jisung was one of your regulars; he came in every Monday and Friday to book private lapdances with you, and only you. The first night he booked you, he almost immediately admitted how enamored he was with you, and ever since then, he refused to book with any of the other girls. And to be fair, you might have allowed him to break one of the rules, letting him grab your ass, hips and breasts as you danced, especially since that always earned a better tip from him. But now, while he still did request lapdances every now and then, he mainly booked you just to talk, and fortunately for you, he still tipped generously. He was an assistant to a big-time music producer, a job that came with a handful of stressors that he just needed to rant to someone about, and you were always willing to be there to listen.
While the relationship you and Jisung formed over the past year is strictly platonic, that hadn’t stopped Chan from developing a slight sense of jealousy. And to make matters more complicated, Jisung was well aware of that tension and loved to push the DJ’s buttons, much to your chagrin.
Jisung shifts his focus to Chan, giving him a cocky smirk that you know will be followed by a snarky comment. “I’ve been dying to see this pretty lil’ lady all day. You don’t mind if I steal her away, do you?”
“Of course not,” scoffs Chan, rolling his eyes. “You don’t need my permission. She doesn’t belong to me.”
“Awww. And I know that must be difficult for yo-”
“But she doesn’t belong to you either.”
Jisung says nothing for a moment, before cocking his head at the DJ with a smirk and stepping towards him. “Oh? Is that so? I don’t see anyone else going to the VIP room with her the nights I’m here.”
“Guys-” you feebly try to take control of the situation, but your words fall on deaf ears.
“Y/N is a human being, not a fucking dog, Jisung. Nobody ‘owns’ her.” Chan crosses his arms against his chest, looking the younger man dead in the eye. “If anything, considering you’ve been coming here and paying her the big bucks, for what, a year now? I’d say she’s the one that owns you.”
Jisung smirk immediately disappears and you swear you can feel the air between the two men flood with tension. But within an instant, he smiles again, throwing his hands up in defeat. “Now, now, there’s no need to get your panties in a twist. But don’t worry, I’ll take good care of her and have some fun for the both of us. If you want, I can tell you all about it later.”
You quickly glance at Chan, his fingernails digging into the skin of his biceps, his jaw clenching so hard he looks like he could bust a vein in his neck.
“That’s enough,” Changbin interjects, massaging his temples in frustration. “Come on, Chan, you’re in the booth next. And Jisung? Just remember the club rules-”
“I know, I know,” Jisung rolls his eyes and turns back to you. “Shall we, baby?”
You nod, silently praying that Changbin will calm everything down once you leave, and the two of you head to the VIP room. Jisung opens the door follows you inside, jumping in surprise when you slam it shut and shoot him a glare, and he only laughs in response. “What? If you can tease him, why can’t I?”
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You sit on the maroon leather couch in the VIP room, counting your tips and mentally making sure you had enough to pay your upcoming bills for the month. Jisung had left about twenty minutes ago, and the lack of muffled music from the main floor indicates that it’s finally 3am and the club is closed for the night. You release a long sigh, slouching in your seat and resting your head back on the couch. You close your eyes, your mind still reeling from everything that happened. Everything about tonight shocked you. Usually, Chan was good at hiding his jealousy, since the last thing both of you want was to scare away potential guests, or for Minho to notice. But Chan talking back? His reaction to Jisung’s last jab before leaving for the VIP room? Those were new.
You have never seen Chan that jealous, and if you’re being completely honest with yourself, it was fucking hot. Thoughts of Chan not only standing up for you, but also being possessive of you, and what he could do to you out of jealousy filled your head, and you feel a sudden tingle shoot down to your core. Everything in you knows that you shouldn’t fuck Chan. There are rules, but you can’t stop your mind from imagining all the possible sinful acts you could do with him that you would do anything for at this point. You know that would be a bad idea, but the delicious wetness pooling between your thighs shoves any inhibitions you previously had out the door.
Fuck the rules.
You walk out onto the empty main floor, letting out a breath of relief to find Chan packing up his mixers - alone. You tap on the booth to get his attention, giggling when he jumps in surprise.
“You’re still here? I’d thought you’d be gone by now.”
“I was just counting tips,” you reply as you glance around the club, making sure you two were truly alone. “Chan… about earlier-”
“Yeah... sorry about that.” He lets out a long sigh and runs his fingers through his dark, messy hair, the tips of his ears turning pink in embarrassment. “I don’t know what came over me. I just... you know I get a bit jealous sometimes, and that prick was being extra annoying about it tonight.”
“Not gonna lie though, your clapback was pretty great. And hilarious,” you nudge his arm with your elbow.
He laughs. “Yeah, well I’m glad you thought it was, because Changbin sure as hell lectured me about it for a solid 15 minutes.”
A comfortable silence falls between you both as Chan goes back to packing up the table. You chew on your bottom lip, trying to figure out the best way to ease any tension that might be lingering, and to bring up what you truly want from him. “Chan... Jisung and I just talk when we’re in the VIP room. Nothing happens-”
He shakes his head, keeping his focus on his current task. “You don’t need to tell me, Y/N. It’s honestly none of my business what you do with the guests. Like I said earlier, you don’t belong to me.”
“But what if I want to?”
His head snaps up to meet your gaze, and you have to bite down on your bottom lip to keep yourself from giggling at the look of utter confusion on his face. You lean in closer, lips inches away from his, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Y/N… w-what are you doing?” Chan shakily asks, his stare flicking between your eyes and your lips.
“Something I’ve been wanting to do for ages.” With that, you close this distance between the both of you, and you practically feel him melt into your touch. His wraps his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him, kissing you with such an intensity that ignites a fire in your core. He backs you up against the wall of the DJ booth, pressing his hips against yours and gently rolling them into you, making you moan against his lips.
Chan hesitantly breaks away from the kiss, breathing heavily as he searches your eyes for any sign of uncertainty or regret. “Y/N. The rules. I don’t want you to get fired-”
“I honestly don’t give a flying fuck about the rules at this point,” you purr, placing kisses along his jaw and neck. “Do you?”
He breaks into the biggest grin you have ever seen, and it makes you smile in return. “Fuck no.” His lips come crashing onto yours, deepening the kiss to the point where it’s a mess of teeth and tongues, indicating how desperately  both of you have been wanting to do this.
His head snaps up to meet your gaze, and you have to bite down on your bottom lip to keep yourself from giggling at the look of utter confusion on his face. You lean in closer, lips inches away from his, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Y/N… w-what are you doing?” Chan shakily asks, his eyes flicking between your own and your lips.
“Something I’ve been wanting to do for ages.” With that, you close this distance between the both of you, and you practically feel him melt into your touch. His wraps his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him, kissing you back with such an intensity that further ignites the fire in your core. He backs you up against the wall of the DJ booth, pressing his hips against yours and gently rolling them into you, making you softly moan against his lips.
Chan hesitantly breaks away from the kiss, breathing heavily as he searches your eyes for any sign of uncertainty or regret. “Y/N. The rules. I don’t want you to get fired-”
“I honestly don’t give a flying fuck about the rules at this point,” you purr, planting kisses along his jaw and neck. “Do you?”
He breaks into the biggest grin you have ever seen as he brings a hand up to gently cup your cheek, and you can’t help but smile in return. “Fuck no.” His lips come crashing down onto yours, nipping and sucking at your bottom lip, asking for entrance which you instantly give him. You can feel his hard on growing beneath his jeans as he rolls his hips against you once more, making the knot in your stomach tighten.
“Hey, so I’m done-”
Changbin’s voice abruptly interrupts your heated rendezvous, making you frantically scramble out of Chan’s arms and dive underneath the table, while Chan quickly pretends to continue breaking down the DJ booth.
“You guys are literally the least discreet people I know. It blows my mind that you haven’t been caught yet.” You can’t see him, you just know Changbin is shooting Chan one of his signature death glares, intended for the both of you. You poke your head out from behind the booth, which only gets you dramatic eye roll from the other DJ. “Just don’t make a mess and don’t forget to lock up,” he grumbles as he turns to leave. “Oh, by the way bro, you got shit on your face.”
You glance up at Chan, giggling at your lipstick smeared along his lips, jaw, and neck, the bright red color prominent against his pale skin. He narrows his eyes at you, and you innocently mouth the word “whoops”, grinning as he rolls his eyes.
As soon as you hear the doors close, Chan pulls you to your feet, lifting you up and pinning you to the table. He attacks your neck and collarbones with rough kisses, but thankfully not rough enough to leave any marks that’ll need to be covered up for your next shift. Desperate for more, you wrap your legs around his waist and grind your hips up against his, smirking against his lips as he groans into your mouth.
Chan begins to plant wet kisses down your stomach as his hands frantically move from your hips to his belt. He begins to undo the buckle before you grab his hands to stop him, which only gets out a small whimper in confusion from the man. “Not here,” you lean up to pull him closer and playfully nip his bottom lip, before grabbing the hair at the nape of his neck and pulling it so he’s looking you straight in the eyes. “The VIP room.”
Chan’s eyes darken with lust as he harshly kisses you again, deepening the kiss to the point where it’s a mess of teeth and tongues, but it makes the heat between your legs grow by the second. You let out a yelp in surprise as he lifts you into his arms without warning, making his way to the infamous room where he’s watched you lead guests into night after night.
The second he steps into the VIP room, it’s as if both of your desires are kicked into overdrive, the desperation for what you’ve been waiting for all this time becoming almost unbearable. You take his bottom lip between your teeth again and tug on it lightly, relishing the way his grip on your ass tightens exponentially. Chan kicks the door closed, not breaking the kiss for one second as he sits down on the leather couch, positioning you so that you’re straddling his lap. You can feel his prominent bulge underneath the rough material of his jeans as he ruts up against your clothed heat, and you whimper as you grind against him, desperately wanting more and trying to indicate how much you want him need him now. You feel his hands firmly hold you in place, halting your motions and making you whine in frustration, which only earns you a low chuckle in response.
“Use your words, Y/N. Tell me what you want.”
You roughy kiss him and swivel your hips against him, smirking when he releases a throaty groan against your lips. You take a hold of the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him away from you so you can look him in his lust-filled eyes. “I want you, Chan. All of you.”
Chan smirks, giving you a quick kiss before lifting you off his lap, pulling down his jeans and flinging them off to god knows where. You hastily rip off your two piece and toss it haphazardly across the room, giggling when Chan pulls you back into his lap the second you’re bare in front of him. His gaze is locked on your form, taking you all in before looking back into your eyes. He stares at you as if you are a goddess, and you feel your cheeks flush from the attention.
“Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he mutters, his hands sliding up and down your sides, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He brings one hand to your jaw, pulling you into a searing kiss, his other hand taking hold his rigid member and sliding it through your sopping folds, making you shameless moan aloud. “Ride me babygirl,” Chan mumbles as he begins to kiss and nip at your collarbone, “take what you want from me.”
With that, you slowly lower yourself onto his cock, keening at the way he deliciously stretches you out, finally giving you the taste of what you’ve been wanting for so long. Chan throws his head back, screwing his eyes shut, a sinful groan falling from lips as you sit on him completely. Giving yourself a moment to adjust to his size, you wrap your arms around neck and pull him back so he’s meeting your gaze. You take his hands and intertwine them with yours, pinning them behind his head as you begin to ride him, slowly lifting yourself off him before quickly dropping back down. A string of illicit moans and curses falls from Chan’s lips, his hands firmly gripping yours, desperately trying to keep himself from breaking your grasp and taking control. He trails wet kisses down your chest, licking your nipples before taking them into his mouth and rolling them between his teeth, making you whimper and lean into his touch. You pick up for pace, admiring the way his face contorts into different expressions of pleasure as he throws his head back and looks up at you with glassy eyes.
“S-shit babygirl...”
His bout of self control doesn’t last much longer, because the next thing you know, Chan rips his hands from your grip, placing them on your hips as he begins to thrust up into you, meeting your movements halfway, hitting you in just the right spot. He moves a hand from your hips to rub firm circles against your clit, making you cry out in pleasure.
“F-fuck... Chan- oh my god...”
You try your best to continue to ride him, but you feel your thighs getting weaker and weaker with every thrust. You feel the pressure in your core building to the point of complete euphoria, when he lifts you off of him completely. You whine in frustration, feeling your high fade, hating how empty you feel without him buried inside you.
“Don’t worry baby,” Chan chuckles at your protests, suddenly flipping you around and positioning you on all fours on the couch. He places a tender kiss on your shoulder blade, before moving up to nibble your earlobe. “You’ll get to cum soon enough.”
He aligns himself with your entrance and eases into you, the new position allowing him to fill you deeper than before, making you both release illicit moans at the feeling. Chan slowly retracts his rock hard member from you, only to instantly plunge back into you, taking no time to pick up the pace, slamming into you at a rate that’s making you see stars. The momentum of his actions force you forward on the couch, making you cling desperately to the armrest in attempt to stable yourself, praying your shaky legs won’t completely give out underneath him. Suddenly, a sharp slap comes down on your ass, making you cry out and clench around him.
“Fuck... you like that, baby?” He massages where his hand had landed, only to spank your ass once more.
“G-god, yes Chan... p-please... harder.”
You feel another slap, come down on your other cheek, this time much harder, and you can’t help but moan loudly at the feeling, the delicious sting causing your grip around his cock to tighten exponentially. You hear him let out a low groan as his hips begin to slap against yours at a brutal speed, and you feel the knot in your stomach begin to unravel again.
“C-Chan, I’m... I’m close...”
“I know, babygirl, I can feel you.” Chan leans over you and plants rough kisses against your neck. “Go on, Y/N, cum for me.”
With his permission, you come undone around him, your release white hot, hitting you like a train and making your mind go completely blank as he continues to roll his hips into you, helping you ride out your high. Your legs feel useless under you, but thankfully Chan’s firm grip on your hips keeps you from collapsing from exhaustion. His thrusts start to become more and more erratic, desperately chasing his own high, groaning at the feeling of your tight pussy still throbbing around him. You can tell he’s close, and clench around him hard, smirking as you hear a string of curses fall from his lips, his hips rutting and quivering against you as he paints your walls white, and you hum in content at the warm feeling.
Chan slowly pulls out of you and falls back on the couch, gently pulling you so you’re laying on top of him. You leans up and playfully nip at his bottom lip, making him chuckle.
“That was...”
“Amazing,” you giggle, burying your face into his chest.
A comfortable silence falls between you two, and you eyes flutter close as you bask in heat the radiates from his body. He absentmindedly run his fingers lightly up and down your back, placing a soft kiss on the top of your head.
“Did you mean what you said earlier?” He quietly asks, as if he’s hesitant to bring it up again. “Do you want want to belong to me?”
You look up at him, and you swear you can feel your heart expand at the way he’s staring back at you with so much hope and adoration. “I do... god I really do, Chan, but you know we can’t. We barely manage to flirt without getting caught, so this has to be one-time thing-“
“I got offered a job at a different club,” Chan quickly blurts out. “It has better hours, more creative freedom since I wouldn’t be DJing for strippers... If I took it, would it change things?”
“You’d do that? But you love this job.”
“I do, but not gonna lie, I mainly love it because I get to see you.” His comment makes you blush, and you bury your face in his chest again if efforts to keep him from noticing, which only gets you a soft laugh as he gently tips your chin up to face him again.
“Honestly, if it means I can do what we just did with you whenever we wanted, without having to worry about stupid rules or anything, then fuck yeah I’d take another job. The only downside is I won’t be able to watch you dance when I work.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you, laughing when you just roll your eyes at him.
You sit up, positioning yourself so that you’re straddling him once more. “That just means you’ll have to come back here as a guest.”
“Hmmm...” he mumbles as his eyes travel up and down your body, his hands reaching around and lightly squeezing your ass. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to follow the club rules though.”
“Don’t worry about those,” you purr, leaning down and nibbling on his ear, earning a quiet moan from him. “If you become my regular, all the rules are off the table.”
“I like the sound of that.” Chan gently cups your jaw and pulls you into a tender, but passionate kiss.
You smile against him, running your fingers through his hair, before pulling away slightly, your forehead resting against his. “Then I’m yours, Chan.”
“And I’m yours as well,” he whispers, pressing one more kiss to your lips, before wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you off the couch, earning him a yelp from you. He lays you down on the couch, hovering over you with a mischievous smirk plastered on his face. “What do you say, let me show how I can really treat you in the VIP room?”
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rainpudding · 3 years
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note; m will be in my next post, someone else already requested it >3
tw; depression,suicide and ed mentioned,alcohol dying and etc..
catcall die kidnapped time
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Kidnapped (you’re kidnapped)
Most people would say Kaeya would develop a strong alcohol addiction to forget that his lover went missing however I have to strongly disagree.
When Kaeya gets home and he can't find you anywhere he won't think much of it. Maybe you went to visit your family and forgot to tell him, or you're having a sleepover with a friend. On the outside, he seems calm as for the next three days he goes to work acting as nothing happened. But on the inside he is panicking, he gets his work done as soon as possible as he gets home just to sit down on a chair staring at the door. He Is waiting for the door to open and you to appear. He is sitting there for hours and hours.
After a week of you not appearing he blames himself for not reaching for help sooner as it may be too late to found you. He calls knight of favounius and citizens of mondstat goes in groups looking for you. Traveler makes missing posters trying to help at least a little bit.
Kaeya wants to forget you but he slowly loses interest in alcohol, it feels like it lost Its taste.
His public calm image is slowly breaking as his mind is filled with dark imaginations. He slowly forgets to eat meals or to keep himself hydrated.
Apart from Childe who gets obsessive filled with hope, Kaeya gets depressive knowing that there is no possibility you can be okay.
Jean first notices Kaeya's depression when she sees him standing in the middle of the hall. His eyepatch is missing his messy hair covering his eye. He wears only his white shirt as he is visibly confused.
The dehydration and sleep deprivation have a bad impact on him. Jean knows something is wrong and sends him home in order to take a break. Which does not help since Kaeya should have human interaction and get meds not be home.
Diluc gets worried as he makes meals for him carrying them to his house. The house is a mess as Kaeya is unable to clean which results in Dikuc quickly putting Kaeya's mess into the bin trying to clean up at least a little bit.
Kaeya, on the other hand, doesn't want to go to sleep but once he is asleep he doesn't want to wake up. He can't get out of his bed. Becoming more disoriented and slowly forgetting why he is sad in the first place.
He doesn't remember your face anymore, nor your name. He doesn't remember you at all.
And one morning when Diluc opens door to Kaeya's room holding breakfast to his surprise he finds Kaeya in his bed. Melatonin pills everywhere as he slowly realizes Kaeya overdosed himself.
But let's imagine you were found and you came home just before Kaeya got depressed.
You open the door with a crack quickly closing it as you finally feel safe. You were missing for almost three months yet since day one you were dreaming of the moment when you will be able to hug Kaeya again.
You look around finding your shared house slightly messy. The bin is filled with old food. The boxes on tables are also filled with untouched food. You wander around softly smiling at the pictures and decorations.
You pinch yourself just to be sure this is not one of the fantasies you always dreamed about. Opening one of the doors you walk in just to see Kaeya peacefully sleeping in pillows and blankets. His hair messy and his eyepatch still on.
You don't want to wake him up yet you're too excited to wait. You run to him as you hug him tightly. Sweet tears rolling down your cheeks as you sniffle Kaeya's scent.
Kaeya tries to push you away murmuring from his sleep before sleepily opening his eyes. They are dark as the ocean as the sparkles died down. His smirk wasn't decorating his face anymore. Instead, he sighed rubbing his eyes.
You would stroke his cheeks as you hold his chin softly. You're saying reassuring words while smiling with glossy eyes. He finally realizes that you're real. Grabbing your hands to squeeze them and peppering your face with many kisses.
And after a whole hour of hugging each other and you telling him about your kidnapper he decides to go to knights of favounius so they can throw your kidnapper into jail.
However, as he stands up you suddenly stop him as you look at his body. You can see how skinny he got, how his bones are seen, and how his skin is pale. Not to mention the blue hair on the pillow signalizing hair loss.
And you realize that he barely ate. That's why there were boxes with untouched food.
"Later, I'm hungry can we go for lunch first?" You smile brushing your thumb against Kaeya's hand as he nods.
- it would take some time for Kaeya to start taking care of himself again. But when you're with him he is willing to try.
- He will take a break to spend time with you as you cook together and clean the house later even going for a walk.
- eventually, give him few months and he will be healthy again.
Catcall (you’re catcalled and he’s with you)
Same as Diluc, Kaeya is well known and has a reputation. There is no way someone would catcall you on purpose. Yet let's imagine some drunk group catcalling you in front of your boyfriend.
This would go based on how bold they are.
1; if they will call you baby or any pet name maybe hinting something romantic. Kaeya will just chuckle as he is listening to them. He wouldn't get angry as he thinks it's funny how they try to flirt with you. "You should watch what you say, honorary citizens," he smiles as he is supporting his chin.
2; they would get more inappropriate or even try to touch you. This would make Kaeya slightly alerted. When they say something inappropriate he just slowly moves you next to you or into his lap. Or he has a hand around your waist. They will notice him and leave you alone. Yet if they continue even touching you he would be pissed. He doesn't want to make a scene yet he has to make a move. He stood up taking his sword pointing it at the drunk person's chest. He is glaring at that person as the person shivers apologizing. Kaeya's gaze is terrifying. But as soon as the person apologizes he hides his sword sitting next to you again.
The person will probably never come to the tavern again.
Time (you’re ill and only have a few months to live)
Kaeya started noticing that the last few days you didn't felt very well. And the symptoms you were experiencing were quite unique. Pale skin and black bags under the eyes because of insomnia. Hairloss and muscle pain. You not being hungry and constant vomiting. Scars and bruises randomly appearing on your skin.
His eyebrows were scrunched as he had a sad expression on his face. Yet every time you greeted him he quickly smiled and giggled pulling you into a hug and giving you lots of affection. You knew something wasn't right with you too, but you tough maybe it was an allergy or just some mental illness that could go away with few herbs.
Eventually, after the symptoms continuing Kaeya decided to visit Albedo. This resulted in you spending the whole weekend at Albedo's place. He took your blood and saliva, checking your bones and trying to massage the muscles. Taking detailed notes very carefully.
And when the tests were done and you got to know you're slowly dying as your organs are slowly collapsing, you couldn't do anything but blankly stare onto the wall. You felt hopeless. You knew you had few days to live before dying a painful death yet you weren't ready. All your dreams and goals were left in the dust.
Kaeya on the other hand couldn't believe it. He was following Albedo around asking him if It's true and how can he help you. He pinched himself several times, trying to get out of this nightmare. Kaeya grew desperate as he begged Albedo on his knees to make medication. Albedo would of course love to help but he didn't know how so he would dismiss Kaeya over and over.
Kaeya's wasn't mentally well. He would be obsessed with finding some medication. Contacting Baizhu from Lyuie. Spending all his money on different doctors and different people. He didn't even realize that at this time he should pay attention to you and go on dates with you. Instead, he was away in different nations looking for herbs and scientists.
Die (their reaction when you die/your reaction when they die)
And once Kaeya finally arrives home full of despair as he got few herbs but no medication he slowly walks around the room. But before he can hug you and reassure you and spend time with you he finds you on the floor. You were just taking few painkillers writing a diary entry as you collapsed eventually your organs giving in.
He would sit down in panic his eyes glossy as his breathing is slow. "Breathe, common please breathe, to the archons. Lord barbatos y/n breathe," he repeats himself over and over as tears roll down his cheeks. His hands shaking as he cheks your heartbeat.
Your body so cold and your eyes blank. Without a pinch of life. And that's when he breaks down.
Completely sobbing at your dead body. Brushing his hands over your skin as he peppers your face with kisses. "I'm sorry I didn't try harder, I'm useless, I'm a burden. I can't do anything right," he kisses you. But nothing.
You didn't wake up.
He kisses you again expecting you to wake up. In movies, they always wake up.
But this is not a movie.
This is a painful reality.
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mvrtaiswriting · 3 years
We were 18. - Jotaro Kujo.
Me?? Posting something about Jotaro?? How strange. This piece of work is also dedicated to two of my comfort characters, Kakyoin and Joseph. This artwork is really important to me, it really holds a special place in my heart so.. enjoy! 
Neutral reader x Jotaro Kujo
Jojo’s bizzare adventures: Stardust Crusaders (spoilers)
SFW | fluff 
Trigger warning: usual jojo violence, reference to grief, insomnia.
Word count: 1760.
The ‘continue reading’ button is there for space purposes, to make the reader avoid any possible spoiler and/or sensible topics.
Hi! Are you a new reader? Check my masterlist for more content!
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© bearing in mind everything I post/write is my intellectual property so please don’t steal/copy and paste and post it as yours.
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Since you returned from your tumultuous trip in Egypt, your life has never been the same. Once you came back to your hometown, not a moment passed by when you didn’t remember the terrible scenes you’ve witnessed during the fight with Dio. The memory of Kakyoin’s death was still so vivid in your mind and the more you tried to shake that thought out of your head, the more you kept reliving it – over and over again.
There were times when you swore you saw Kakyoin among a crowd of people; times when you could just hear his voice calling your name. Every time you closed your eyes Avdol, Kakyoin and Iggy were there. You barely slept anymore – most of the times you did so, you had nightmares about what happened in El Cairo. You lost count of how many nights you have spent crying in your bed, curled up in between your sheets in the silence of your lonely house. Living alone didn’t help; you were used to sneak into one of the crusaders’ room whenever you needed a shoulder to cry on or, simply, a place where you could feel safe. It wasn’t unusual for you to wake up squished between Kakyoin and Jotaro or trapped in one of Joseph bear-hugs. But now, you were thousands of kilometres away from the rest of the group, alone in your cold bedroom. There was no one to go to, and no one you could talk about how you felt. It was just you and your painful memories. No one would understand what you’ve been through – how could they? How could you ever explain how intense the 50 days you spent with the crusaders had been?
Another nightmare woke you up, as per usual. You gasped loudly as if you just started to breathe again after a long apnea and quickly sat down in the middle of your bed, holding onto your sheet. You started shaking as your chest moved up and down with rapid movements trying to catch your breath, tears streaming down your face. You were staring at the void in your pitch-dark room, trying to control your sobs and make yourself realise that you were back to reality. You stretched one of your arms to reach the lamp on your bedside table, curling yourself up while you slowly started to calm down. Wiping out the tears from your cheeks with your jumper’s sleeve, you finally dragged yourself out of bed and slowly went to the kitchen, making yourself some tea.
As you sat down to drink your hot beverage hoping it would bring you some comfort, you started to rehearse your dream - as if you could just replay it in your head as one would normally do with songs or movies. It wasn’t very different from any other dreams you had.
Kakyoin’s body was lying lifeless against the roof Dio had thrown him onto, his expression crippled by the excruciating pain he must have felt. An enormous wound had completely swept away part of his body, leaving a big opening in the middle of it. You were screaming at him at the top of your lungs, begging him to spare the last bit of energy he had left in his body. But the ending was the same every damn time; he would use his last breath to reveal to Joseph the secret of The world, Dio’s Stand, and launch his last attack with Emerald Splash. You woke up every time you tried to reach Kakyoin’s body. You were never able to say goodbye to him -  not even in your dreams. The same thing happened with Avdol and Iggy too. You never got the chance to see them one last time, because you were busy fighting elsewhere.
You sighed loudly, stopping yourself from having another breakdown and sipping some tea from your cup. It was in that exact moment, that the phone rang. It was 3:00 AM where you lived, so you expected one of the boys to be on the other end of the telephone. You and the rest of the crusaders exchanged your numbers the last time you saw each other at the airport and had kept in contact ever since. To your surprise, the person you talked the most was Jotaro. You were about the same age and had created a strong bond during your trip, even if you would have never bet on it. Kakyoin used to always joke about your crush on Jotaro, always encouraging you to give it a shot. But things turned out to be too frenetic and dangerous to engage any sort of romantic relationship. Despite that, you would never miss a chance to sit next to each other or just spend most of the time together. The two of you even kissed at one point, but never talked about it again – not even during your strangely long phone calls.
Crawling your feet on the floor of your kitchen, you got up and finally answered the phone: “Hello?”
“Hey.” Jotaro’s deep voice replied. “How come you’re awake? It’s late where you are.” he added.
“You called. Is this a good excuse?” you said lightly laughing, trying to hide the sadness in your voice.
When the sun rose, you were still talking to Jotaro. He asked you about your dream – he knew about your insomnia and your recurring nightmares and just wanted to be there for you. He wasn’t the best at comforting, and most of the time he never dared to say a word; but you knew it was a sensible topic for him too, and the fact that he would let you confide in him was more than enough.
“It’s a big deal for me too.” he said. You just hummed, allowing him to talk freely about what was going on inside his head – and heart. “Sometimes I can barely breathe. I just wish everything was over.” he cut short, clearing his throat immediately after finishing his sentence. Hearing those words from him just broke your heart; he always showed himself as a cold, calm and collected person and never allowed his emotions to have the best of him. He could often come off as an emotionless brute, but you knew it was all a façade that hid a more sensible and soft side of him. A comfortable silence fell between the two of you, only broken by the sound of your breaths. “Don’t hang up.” you said ultimately, letting out a big sigh.
“I won’t. I’m here.” His voice replied, sounding velvet through the telephone.
The plane landed after what felt like an eternity, the flight from your country took countless hours to arrive in Japan. At the airport, a member of the Speedwagon foundation was waiting for you, Holly standing next to him. As soon as you got closer to them, Holly quickly fell into your arms, hugging you tightly. ‘I’m so glad you’re here!’ she squeaked, while cupping your cheeks in her hands and showering you with affection. You let out an embarrassed laugh, and after that warm welcome you finally reached the car. You seated in the backseat, tiredly resting your head against the window of your car’s door. You took a quick look at the clock and closed your eyes, trying to get some rest.
When you arrived, Holly gently woke you up. The car was parked in front of the Kujo’s residence, the place where it all started. A fast sequence of memories flashed in front of your eyes as you meticulously watched the house in front of you, remembering exactly how you felt when you arrived the first time, and how you felt when you left. Holly placed and hand on your shoulder and nodded, indicating to you Jotaro’s room. “He wasn’t in a great mood today, he hasn’t been in a while” she said hopelessly. “Just excuse him if he speaks to you rudely.” she added, feeling sorry for the harsh manners her son always displayed. You reassured her smiling, before walking to his room.
Once you stood in front of his door, your heart started beating so loud. A part of you was dying to see the boy you heart belonged to, the other was afraid to see him broken into pieces. But that was the reason why you went there in the first place. You didn’t want to leave him alone anymore. He needed a shoulder to cry on as much as you did – maybe more, if it was possible. You had to be there.
Taking a deep breath, you knocked on the door. Heavy footsteps came your way before the door opened, revealing Jotaro’s figure towering over you.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing he-“ he tried to ask, before getting interrupted by your hug; you almost pushed yourself against his body, making him take a step back to not lose balance. You wrapped your arms around his strong torso, breathing in his perfume and holding him as close as humanly possible to you. Being in his arms felt like being at home – a feeling you hadn’t experienced in a while. It wasn’t long before Jotaro reciprocated your hug, hiding his face into your hair and leaving a soft kiss on your head. He closed the door behind you and just held you in his embrace, enjoying the wonderful feeling of being reunited with you. “You don’t know how much I missed you.” he said, not even trying to let you go. You hinted a small laugh, rubbing his muscled back with your right hand. “I can imagine.”, you replied. He slowly distanced himself from you, placing his hands over your cheeks, staring at you with his eyes full of tears. He was scanning every inch of your face and figure, almost as if he wanted to convince himself that you were real, that you were there. He rested his forehead on yours, locking his gaze on yours, making it impossible to break eye contact. “I don’t want to lose you anymore” you whispered. “You saved my life so many times, in so many ways. I always thought it was the wrong time, I always ran away from my feelings but..” you continued, but before you could finish your sentence, he quickly put his lips on yours – shutting you up with a kiss. You could feel tears running on his face. You grabbed the fabric of his shirt and pulled him closer to you, reciprocating the kiss.
“I have loved you since we were 18.” he whispered.
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stucky-starnes · 3 years
Gleam and Glow
Chapter 1
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Pairing: Grey! Bucky Barnes x Fem! Reader
Word count: 3,374
Description: The reader has been held captive by their own mother their whole life, taught to believe the world is bad and that they need to be protected from it. That their gift needs to be protected from it. They possess 70 feet of hair with healing properties and some people will do anything for a chance at peace.
General Warnings: This story contains dark elements and various dark characters!! Do not read if this makes you uncomfortable!!!, kidnapping, violence, language, angst, whump, for the purposes of the story the reader has 70ft foot long hair that glows gold- this does not change regardless of hair color or texture, inspired by the movie Tangled.
Chapter Warnings: kidnapping, manhandling, betrayal, mention of trafficking (selling/buying of a human), John Walker, very naive reader, brief sexual implications,arguments, un-gendered pet names,choking, illusion to sexual harassment, language, please read at your own discretion.
A majority of your childhood was peaceful. You got to do all the normal kid things- of course you were never totally sure what a ‘normal’ kid thing was on account of the fact that you’d actually never met another kid but, it felt normal enough. Aside from the very abnormal ‘birth defect’ you were ‘gifted’ with. You stopped considering your magical abilities as a gift by the time you were seventeen, when your mother made it abundantly clear that you could never leave the tower, you could never go outside, and you could never cut your hair.
The only thing more annoying than the seventy foot long tresses was your mother. According to her, your father was a sloppy one night stand she found in a tavern. He was a love em’ and leave em’ type of guy; he gave your mother one great romantic night and then disappeared off the face of the earth. You’ve never met him. You’ve never met anybody. Your mother has always been your only companion. She was a beautiful woman, she said you take after her more than your dad. While she was gorgeous and protective, she was also passive aggressive, rash, and ostentatious. If it was possible for her to get out of being “the bad guy” she lunged, dragging you under at the first chance. When you were younger she would tell you stories about the outside, she made it seem like a gorgeous place. She described the kingdom and the many villages outside its walls. She started with all the good things until you showed interest in escaping, then, she gave you the truth. She began to spin tales of roads rich with crime, vigilante gangs, covert groups of thugs, and rebel Viking camps. From what you could piece together, the rebel Viking camps were the greatest concern.
The rebel Viking groups weren’t actually Vikings. Your mother had said they called them The Vikings because of their rugged and brutal lifestyle. The camp they occupy is more like a small village, the structures following Norse architectural style, chalk-full of criminals and runaways. Runaways. Your mother had always explained to you that when young girls ran away from their mothers they ended up in that village living a life of crime. The very thought of falling into the wrong hands has kept you from sneaking out or from begging to leave the tower. You found ways to be content, ways to keep busy.
The tower wasn’t as big as it looked from the outside, the only living space was at the very top of the tower. The top of the tower had about two floors worth of open space, minimal and organized in the lower level and very maximalist in the bedrooms and wall decor. Mother said the rest of the tower below was sturdy white brick and vine, aged by time and the weather. Most of the exterior bricks were cracked or crumbling, so all the support for the turret came from the tower’s solid core. The roof was a chipped and rusty blue color mostly concealed by untamed ivy growth, which also hid the entrance to the tower’s turret. To your home. The only way in and out of the tower was an intricate pulley system made from twisted vine and rope. Originally, mother had used your hair to get into the turret, until one day a strand snapped from the pressure, dying and losing its magic. In an effort to protect your gift, you helped your mother make the pulley.
Crafting things was just one of the many ways you spent your time in the tower. After you’d turned eighteen your mother didn’t stick around much, if at all, leaving at night to go to the palace or the tavern, sometimes coming back in the morning and sometimes being gone for a day or two. With so much time alone the only option was to learn how to entertain yourself. Reading books, cooking, painting, testing the information you soaked up from all of the books, sewing holes in clothes, polishing leather, polishing silver, dusting, drawing in the dust. It’s a really long list. If there’s more to add you add it, forever stretching the possibilities. As the sun started to go down however, it started to seep in just how repetitive and predictable your daily activities had become. While you knew leaving the tower would be a horrible and dangerous mistake, you couldn’t help but long to be outside. To feel the grass between your fingers or to stand out in the sun, somewhere other than where it leaks through the turrets window entrance. It could never happen. Knowing this was an impossibility kept an icy grip on your stomach, a lonely sort of feeling, naturally touch starved by fate. It’s been years since the last time you asked to leave. Much before you knew how dangerous it really was out there. Asking one more time couldn’t really hurt could it? You’d be twenty soon enough, just one touch wouldn’t hurt anyone.
Mother had left early in the morning, off to do some much needed grocery shopping; if she hadn’t decided to stop by the tavern she would be home very soon. Too soon to come up with a better plan. Quickly you started to prepare for her to come home, sweeping the dining area and pulling out the utensils needed to make a special stew recipe you remember she had enjoyed. If she was going to say yes she needed to be buttered up first. Once the cooking utensils were nicely organized on or beside the unlit stove, and the dust was done away with, it was time to make quick work of anything she could use against your argument. Rushing to one of your most treasured bookshelves you pulled a discarded velvet scrap from the back of one of your more worn astronomy books. The midnight blue fabric had been torn from one of your favorite dresses when you were sixteen, unwilling to part with the shredded material, it was quickly fashioned into a long braided bookmark. Since then you’ve opted for shorter than floor length gowns or comfortable riding pants and tunics. The supposedly “masculine” style annoyed mother to no end but then again she really couldn’t understand how suffocating the corsets could become, or how difficult it was to fasten them without getting hair caught beneath the strings.
Unbraiding the bookmark allowed it to become one long thick strand, setting it on the dining table, you went to gather your hair. For the most part, you tried to keep it close to yourself. Getting any part snagged or wrapped around something was more of a pain in the ass than taking the time to gather it together. Gathering so much hair was difficult, it took time and it was unbelievably heavy. Once you were finally able to get it all in one place you started the tedious task of braiding. In order to braid it up enough to keep it off the floor you split it into three sections, braiding those separately before braiding them up into a complex Dutch braid. It took nearly two hours to finish so you could finally tie up the end with the dismantled bookmark. The complexity allowed the braid to settle halfway down your calves, keeping it neat and off the ground. Now all that was left to do was light the lanterns around the room and wait. Waiting for mother to get home was nerve wracking, if possible you’d busy yourself with starting the stew but you were fresh out of the most important ingredients.
“Y/n let down the vine!” Mother yelled from the bottom of the tower and the tension finally broke.
“Coming!” You sighed out in relief rushing to the window and lowering out the vine life you had made.
Once you were sure she was safely in the lift’s sling, you utilized the pulley system to begin pulling her up. The tower was around forty feet tall, making the trip up lengthy and difficult. When she was close enough to the window entrance you hooked the vine slack onto the wall hook, keeping it stationary, before quickly coming to help her in with the groceries. Taking the canvas grocery bags from her arms and into the kitchen, you started pulling out the items to take inventory on what she’d bought at the market.
“How was the market? Did that man give you trouble on the celery prices again?”
“Ugh doesn’t he always? Absolutely exhausting, he wanted double, and then there was a fight at the tavern again which I always have to break up.” She pulled out a chair at the dining table, sitting into it and slinging her feet up into the neighboring chair.
You slowed for a moment, pulling the bundle of carrots from the bag slower as you processed that she may be intoxicated which meant there’d be zero chance of having the conversation you desperately desired.
“You went to the tavern?” You asked, feigning excitement.
“Of course sweetheart, I promised that I would but I wasn’t there for long I promise.” She got up to meet you in the kitchen, resting her hands on your shoulders.
“Now what are we having? I’m absolutely starved.” She smiled.
“I was going to make that stew from last winter that you liked so much. Now that fall is settling in.” you started to add broth and small peeled potatoes to the pot.
“That sounds delightful darling, I’m going to go rest my eyes, call me when it’s done?” Mother started to walk away. It was now or never.
“Actually!” You cleared your throat., “Actually I was hoping I could talk to you about something.”
“Alright but let’s make this quick, mama’s feet are aching.” She turned back around to sit in another chair.
“Well as you know I’m almost twenty, an adult really and I’m already very responsible around the tower-“
“Y/n where is this going?” She interrupted, rubbing her temples.
“I want to go outside.” You turned to look at her.
“We’ve talked about this! It’s far too dangerous! You know what would happen if anyone discovered your gift!”
“I know, I know, but I’ve thought about it and no one would even know! I won’t tell anyone about it, and if they don’t know I have it then they don’t know how to use it, so it’s useless to them. If I just keep it braided I’ll be completely normal!” You came to sit across from her, hoping it’ll be convincing.
“No absolutely not, it’s much too risky! I have kept you safe for nearly twenty years! I am not stopping now! You’re far too young to understand but this is what’s best for you!” She got up and started to walk away again.
“But it’s not! I’ve never met anyone else! I’ve never had friends or met other people my own age! I’ve never even seen a real man!” You were absolutely desperate.
“Oh a man?! This is about men huh?! So you want to leave the safety of the home I built for you to go whore around for a man?!” She was absolutely furious, beyond cooling down.
“Mother no!” Your face was burning with embarrassment at the very suggestion of sexual activities.
“No truly I understand! You would rather leave this place and be used by men! Drained of your power in one of those Viking camps no doubt! I won’t hear another word, I’m going out for air and your attitude better be gone by the time I get back!” She walked over to the vine, untying it from the wall and setting it into a rustier pulley wheel that would let her down slowly, she was gone just as soon as she’d finished her sentence.
You had no choice but to sit in utter silence and shame. Swallowed by guilt that mother could ever consider you’d do that to her. As much as you wanted to leave and experience the real world, you desperately didn’t want to disappoint your mother or end up somewhere bad. Very quickly you dissolved into regret, backing over to try and undo what’s already been done, planning a way to forgiveness. Finishing the stew was the only way you knew how to start so you got to work, making this the best stew you could ever devise. Having never written the recipe down you had to go solely based on flavor and gut feeling. That was the best way to cook anyway. Once it had been spiced to taste you put the lid on the pot to let it simmer.
Almost immediately you found yourself overrun with anxiety, filled with a need to do something with your hands. To occupy your mind. There really wasn’t much to do in the tower to occupy you enough to erase this from the forefront of your mind. So you opted for the only thing that you could: cleaning. Your started polishing, dusting anything that you could and when there was nothing left you sat and you waited. The silence was absolutely deafening. You’d totally zoned out until you heard the rattling of the pot lid on the stove, snapping your head to it only to see the stew boiling over.
“Shit!” You rushed to turn it off, burning your hand in the process as you cleaned up the mess. Suddenly you were no longer hungry.
Opting to leave the stew on the stove for whenever mother would return you left the kitchen, going to your room as you cradled your hand gently. Tears stung your eyes, threatening to drip through your lashes and you curled up on your bed. Reaching for your braid with your uninsured hand, you gently took the end and rested it over your burned palm, reaching to wipe away some loose tears. Whether the tears were from the pain or from emotional discourse you couldn’t be sure. After drying your tears you closed your injured fingers around the large amount of hair, and began to hum a soft familiar melody. As the melody continued your hair began to glow a brilliant gold, almost glittery in color. Once the shimmer reached your palm, the heat faded and the wound healed. You were able to breathe. You looked to your palm, it was as soft and unharmed as it had been that morning. As it had always been. No scars or leftover pain. Just smooth healthy skin.
You couldn’t be bothered to really prepare for bed. The dress you wore was moveable, the corset easily undone as it tied in the front rather than in the back. Laying back you took a deep breath, closing your eyes momentarily to let go of all the stress that you could. After a minute of peace you pushed yourself up and off the bed, walking over to the dark wood armoire, opening it to look in the mirror, you sighed looking at your dress. There was stew on the navy skirt and what looked like a sizable carrot. You’d have to change to sleep. Lifting the skirt up closer you plucked off the carrot and disposed of it in the nearby waste basket. Returning to the armoire you flipped your braid back over your shoulder and checked the white sleeves of the off the shoulder blouse, slid your hands over the black corset, grabbing the tied strings from the vertex of the sweetheart neckline you untied the knot. Just as you’d finished untying the security knot you heard a loud grinding bang from the lower level. Pausing to listen you grew concerned.
“Mother? Are you alright?” You called gently.
When you didn’t receive a response you dropped the corset strings and left your bedroom, looking over the bannister you were met with the worst sight you could possibly have imagined. A large piece of the stone floor was broken and pushed out of the ground, slid off to the side and two large men climbed out of the dark hole below. Half a million questions filled your head. How was there a space under the floor? How did these men find you? Did they know who you were? There wasn’t time to think, you had to act. Silently and quickly you snuck back into your bedroom, burning out the lamps and climbing into the armoire as best as you could. Tilting your chin up to silence your breathing you listened. Waiting. Thinking. The men were much bigger than you thought a man would be. From what you could make out they dressed in dark clothing. Leather. Worn and hardly taken care of if at all. They were similar heights. One a redhead and the other blonde, both with rugged facial hair. You only had a brief look and the adrenaline pumping through your veins was making it difficult to focus.
“I am never doing that shit again, forty feet of crumbling bricks and thirty feet of rope, you seriously didn’t think that through?!” You could hear them arguing.
“It didn’t look that tall alright? Can we just find the chick and get out of here? I lost my good boots in a poker game with trash panda and if I don’t win them back he’s gonna tear them apart.”
It was clear they were coming for you. The only thing you could do was hope mother came home or that they didn’t see you behind all the other clothing in the armoire. The stairs creeped. Once. Twice. There was only one creaky step. They were both coming up. You held your breath.
“Food on the stove and the lamp in here is still warm. She was here recently.” They made it into your bedroom.
“If I had to guess I’d say she’s still here.” The footsteps stopped. It was silent.
Suddenly, the hem of your skirt was yanked-it had been caught in the door-and then the armoire burst open. The blonde man grabbed your arm as you struggled, ripping you from the small dark space and out into the open. He spun you around, pressing your back to his chest, his left forearm braced across your neckline and gripped your right shoulder. His right hand held a sharp silver blade to your heart.
“Well, well, well, Princess did we catch you at a bad time? These corset strings are so very loose for company.” The blonde man taunted, using the tip of his blade to pull on the cords.
You gripped this forearm, pushing back closer to his chest in an effort to get away from his blade as you struggled.
“P-please just leave me alone, I won’t tell any-anyone.” You stuttered, trying to stay calm the way your mother had taught you.
“We have plans for you, this hair of yours… hear there’s some people willing to pay a pretty penny for just a touch.” The red headed man stroked your braid, you jerked your head away.
“Oh oh oh” the blonde man laughed. “She’s a feisty one, are you sure we have to deliver her so soon? Could be fun…”
“Oh c’mon man don’t be gross he wants her unharmed. Mostly. C’mon just cloth her so we can go. Boots remember??” The red head said, grabbing your wrists and tying them together roughly. He took the dagger from the blonde, continuing to hold it in its position as the blond reached into his pocket.
“No no no no no please please I’ll give you anything you want just leave me alone!” You begged, swerving your head away from the blondes clothed hand as it moved towards your mouth.
“Bitch stop fussing around!” He slid his left forearm up to your throat, both choking you and effectively stabilizing your head long enough to clamp the cloth over your mouth and nose.
It hardly took thirty seconds before your vision started to swim and your vision started to fade to black.
“We’re already late. He’s waiting.” One of the men said as he slipped a cloth bag over your head. Your hearing went out, senses dulled as you gave in the the dark.
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silhouetteofacedar · 3 years
Fox Mulder, Closet Romantic Ch. 15: Silk and Salt
Previous Chapter - AO3 - MSR, rated E
A real date.
Mulder hasn’t been on a blatant, show-up-with-roses, ‘I’m into you and would like to get laid maybe’ date in a good five years. Possibly longer; he really doesn’t remember at this point. His life before Scully seems strangely two-dimensional in memory these days.
Part of him thinks that fancy dinners or elegant nights out don’t really seem like their style, but he figures they can decide together after the fact. They have to try it at least once, right? God knows she deserves it.
They’re busy with Mulder’s Gettysburg ghost case for the next few days (he was right, which Scully would not accept), but by Wednesday things have settled down, and he’s able to plan.
“Saturday, May sixteenth, at five,” he announces without preamble on Thursday morning. “I’ll pick you up. And don’t be alarmed, but I’ll be wearing a tuxedo.”
“Okay,” she says, surprised. “I take it this is the date I requested?”
“Yes it is,” he replies. “But that’s all I’m going to reveal. The details are a surprise, and if I recall correctly, somebody wanted to keep personal discussions outside of working hours, so by that metric I’ve already said too much.”
Scully presses her lips together, nodding. “Say no more,” she says. “Now where’s your report?”
He’s not nervous. He’s a grown man; a federal agent, for fuck’s sake. This is nothing compared to some of the tense situations he’s been in throughout his career. Knocking on his partner’s door with a bouquet of red roses under his arm doesn’t even make the list.
Regardless… he’s a little nervous.
Scully opens the door in a flurry of dark blue silk and delicate perfume. “Wow, hi,” she breathes, stepping back and opening the door wider. “Nice tux.”
“Thanks,” he says faintly, drinking in the sight of her.
She’s wearing a silky floor length slip dress with teeny little straps, and he has the fleeting image of snapping them with his teeth, leaving bite marks on her smooth shoulders. She sees him staring and smiles.
“Navy blue; exciting, isn’t it,” she says, gesturing sheepishly to the dress. “I can only handle one fashion adventure at a time.”
His eyes travel her body, appreciating the way the fabric skims her hips. “You look incredible, Scully,” he says, voice oddly hoarse. He clears his throat. “These are for you,” he adds unnecessarily, holding out the bouquet.
“Thank you,” she says, taking the roses. “These are gorgeous, Mulder. Let me put them in water.” She steps into the kitchen and sets the bouquet on the counter. “You know, the last time somebody gave me flowers, I was dying of cancer,” she says conversationally, bending to retrieve a vase from the cupboard under the sink. “Needless to say, this is a preferable occasion.”
“Mark didn’t…?”
“No,” Scully replies, filling the vase under the tap. “I think flowers happen less in real life than they do in movies, at least in my experience. I can count on one hand the number of times a date brought me a bouquet.”
“Nobody’s ever gotten me flowers, so I think I have you beat,” Mulder says.
“I’ll get you some sometime,” Scully says, and it doesn’t seem like she’s joking. She unwraps the stems and places them in the vase. “I’ll give them food and a fresh cut later,” she says, and Mulder nods as though he understands flower care. So water’s not enough…?
“So where are we going?” Scully asks, taking her wrap off the back of the couch and draping it over her shoulders. “I’m assuming - actually, hoping - there’s food involved.”
“I would never neglect to feed a lady,” Mulder assures her. “We have reservations somewhere, but that’s after this.” He withdraws an envelope from his jacket and hands it to her.
Scully peeks into the envelope and pulls out two tickets, scanning the tiny print. “The Kennedy Center?” she says in surprise.
He nods. “The National Symphony Orchestra is playing a selection of Vaughan Williams,” he replies. “Thought you might like it.”
“Mulder, this is amazing,” she says. “I haven’t heard live music in ages. It’s one of those things that’s hard to prioritize.” She slips the tickets back into the envelope and hands it back to him. “So, are you ready to go?” she asks, picking up her little evening bag, gathering the long chain in one hand. She loops the other around his elbow.
He tucks the tickets back into his jacket pocket. “Let’s go paint the town.”
In Mulder’s estimation, one of the best things about going to the symphony is that there’s not much to watch aside from the waving arms of the conductor. Therefore he feels free to close his eyes, absorb the music, daydream a little without risking missing anything important.
The most important thing, after all, is sitting right next to him.
He glances at Scully often, taking in her beautiful face, the rapturous look in her eyes, the elegant curve of her nose, her tender mouth. He loves the way she wore her hair tonight; it’s shiny and wavy, pulled back on one side with a little comb. He fantasizes about slipping the comb out of her hair, sifting his fingers through crimson strands as he draws her in for a kiss. Feeling tendrils brush his face as his lips travel to her earlobe, her neck…
She’s looking at him now, an eyebrow arched. He shrugs, heat in his cheeks as he faces forward again.
He feels something brushing his finger and glances down to see her small, manicured hand creep on top of his, their little fingers intertwining.
The music soars, and he floats away with it.
“That was wonderful,” she says as they walk out of the theatre. “The last piece especially, The Lark Ascending,” she notes, glancing at the program. “It was magical. I’m so glad we did this.”
“Not bad for our first real date?” Mulder asks, hand on the small of her back. He secretly relishes the slip the fabric beneath his palm.
“Not bad at all,” she replies, smiling up at him. God, what did he ever do to deserve that smile? He’s grossly inadequate.
Mulder glances at his watch when they reach his car. “I expected the concert to be longer,” he admits, wincing. “Our reservation isn’t until eight, at that French place on northwest M Street.”
At that exact moment, Mulder hears Scully’s stomach growl.
She looks up at him apologetically. “You can ignore that, can’t you?”
“How hungry are you, Scully?” he asks, leaning against the car. She grabs his elbow and pulls him forward. “Mulder, you’re going to get dusty,” she warns. “And I’ll admit I haven’t eaten much today… I’ll admit I was a little nervous.”
“You were nervous? Why?” he asks, concerned.
“Well, nervous and excited. Because this… this is new. It’s a good thing,” she explains, “But it’s going to take some time to get used to.”
He nods. “Adjusting.”
Her stomach lets out another rumble.
“Scully, we should eat now. We can save the restaurant for another time,” he says. “I can’t have you passing out on me; you’re the doctor in this partnership. What’re you in the mood for?”
She licks her lips. “Don’t laugh,” she warns. “Actually, let’s just start walking,” she says, looping an arm with his. “There’s a spot not far from here that I really like. It’ll be a surprise.”
This is incredible.
Mulder wasn’t aware that it was possible to fall this hard for a person, but Scully never ceases to amaze him. Of all the places she could have picked, she chose an ancient, cramped little fish and chips shop down by the Potomac. So here they are, dressed to the nines at a tiny table with two heaping baskets of fish and chips between them. Their ten minute walk had made them both a little warm; his jacket is off, shirt sleeves rolled up, bow-tie undone and hanging loosely around his neck. Scully’s shawl is draped over the back of her chair, her arms enticingly bare as she cuts tender sections off of a slab of crispy battered cod.
“People are staring at us,” she says in a low tone, dipping a bite of fish into the saggy paper cup of tartar sauce. “You think maybe we’re overdressed?”
He grins at her. “Might be. They’re all looking at you,” he insists. “A gorgeous redhead in a silk gown, chowing down on greasy seafood? It’s like spotting Halley’s Comet,”
She locks eyes with him as she chews, a smile quirking her lips. “You think I’m gorgeous?” she teases.
“Of course,” he replies easily, pouring ketchup over his chips. “And brilliant, and compassionate, and adorable, and-”
“Stop,” she implores, holding up a hand. “I can only handle one compliment at a time.”
“Then we gotta increase your stamina, Scully, because I could easily go on.”
“Oh could you?” she says, raising a brow. “I’d like to see that sometime.”
“I’m ready when you are,” he replies.
“Mm,” she hums, busying herself with her fork. “I’ll keep you posted.”
He leans forward, knees bumping hers beneath the postage stamp-sized table. “Can I confess something?”
“Sure,” she replies, popping a chip into her mouth and brushing salt off her fingertips.
“I can’t stop thinking about kissing you again. I would have earlier but your lipstick looked really nice and I didn’t want to smudge it.”
She raises her eyebrows. “Wow,” she says softly. She drops her hand to the table, runs a fingertip over his knuckles. “Well, when we get out of here…” she trails off suggestively.
He hopes she doesn’t notice him start to chew faster.
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littleredwing89 · 4 years
Late Night Rites
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Late Night Rites
Tim Drake x Reader
Warnings: NSFW, body worship, office sex. Angst but fluff. 
Words: 2,931 - got a little carried away with this one…sorry, not sorry!
Tags: @offendedfishnoises @batarella - massive thanks for your help with this :) much appreciated xoxo MASTERLIST ***
Friday 31st July.
Y/N sighed sadly, looking across at the large elegant wall clock hung above the intricate fireplace in the living room. 11pm. No sign of him yet again. She pushed herself up off the sofa and took the empty wine bottle with her into the kitchen, throwing it into the recycling bin. It was a Friday night. Why wouldn’t he want to spend it at home with his fiancée?
She grabbed her phone from the side and dialled Tim’s number. The apartment felt cold and isolated without him. 
“Good Evening Mr Drake’s office”, Elaine’s sterile voice answered. 
Y/N flinched. Why was his secretary answering his phone? The hairs on the back of her neck stood up.
“Hi Elaine, can I talk to Tim please…it’s Y/N”, she answered quickly. Trying to not overthink the situation.
“He’s very busy right now, can it wait?”
Y/N felt her temper flare. Her face was hot with embarrassment.
“Tell him to forget it”, she clipped angrily.
She heard Elaine’s voice saying something, but she put the phone down no longer interested. 
Stalking through the apartment, her heels clacked nosily against the hard-wooden flooring. Y/N headed into their bedroom. There would be no point bothering to sleep in the guest room to prove a point. He clearly wasn’t coming home tonight. 
Wednesday 30th September. 
Lighting the last candle, Y/N hummed at the soft glow it created around the table. She’d spent most of the afternoon prepping his favourite meal ready for a romantic evening together. Y/N couldn’t remember the last date they had been on together, let alone the last time they had dinner together. Tim normally got take-out on the way home because he was always so late.
She laid the plates out ready and served up the food, he’d be home any second now. Looking at herself in the floor length mirror by the door, Y/N adjusted the dark red dress he always admired on her. Of course, she’d worn this dress on purpose. Fluffing her hair in the mirror she bit the inside of her cheek – perfect. All he had to do now was walk through the door. 
3 Hours Later…
Y/N had given up sitting at the table waiting for him after an hour. He’d clearly forgotten about their dinner date. She’d drained almost the full bottle of wine by the time the front door opened quietly. 10.30pm. This was early for Tim. 
As he walked into the room, he eyed the plates of food on the table and the candle which had practically burnt to the bottom. His eyes went wide as he made his way across to her. He’d really fucked up this time.
“Shit..Y/N-I’m so sorr-”, he started, reaching out to her.
“Don’t”, she held her hand up, backing away from him slowly. 
Her engagement ring caught some of the dying light from the candle. She bit her lip holding back the unshed tears. She wouldn’t break down. Not in front of him. 
Tim noticed the dress she was wearing and cursed himself internally. God, she’d really made an effort for him. 
“Please…baby, I’m sorry, I completely lost track of everything…Bruce has this new project and-”, Tim started to babble, his dark hair flopped messily into his eyes.
“Honestly Tim, I’m really not interested. Good night”, she turned away and stormed into the bedroom slamming the door shut behind her. 
The bang of the door echoed through their large apartment.
Friday 16th October.
A cold breeze blew through the open window, littering goosebumps over her skin. Y/N had left the window open and the cold Autumn air had woken her up. She noticed a distinct lack of a body in bed and sighed heavily. Tim wasn’t home. He wasn’t in their bed. The engagement ring hung heavy on her finger. Did he have someone else? 
Having had enough of his shit, Y/N got up and got dressed. Grabbing the keys to the Porsche, she slammed the front door behind her. She had to see Tim.
Tim stared into the screen of his computer. This new project Bruce had him working on was relentless. Bruce was a complete mess with it, so who had to save the day?
Timothy Jackson Drake.
That’s right. 
The only worry Tim had was Y/N. 
He couldn’t even remember the last date they had. 
Tim had successfully fucked up two dates over the last few months. The last one, he had fucked up so badly, it had left him sleeping in the guest room, permanently. God he missed her.
He went to take a swig of his coffee and sighed; it was empty. 
Just fucking great.
Y/N pulled up in the parking lot of Wayne Enterprises. Storming into the reception of the building she saw the security guard. 
“Evening Carter”, she smiled, “Is he in his office still?”.
Carter nodded giving her a sympathetic look and pressed the elevator door for her, “He is Miss Y/L/N”.
“Thank you”, she slipped into the elevator and pressed the button for Tim’s floor. 
As the minutes passed, she felt her temper burning hotter and hotter.
The pity Carter had shown her had only poured petrol into the flames. 
She was visibly shaking by the time she waltzed past Tim’s secretary Elaine.
“Miss Y/L/N!! You can’t just go in there! Mr Drake is busy!”, she scurried from behind her desk trying to stop her from barging in. 
Y/N turned to Elaine, her eyes on fire almost, “He’s my fiancée, I’ll do as I damn well please”. 
Pushing Elaine off her, Y/N pushed the door open to Tim’s office with such force she startled him. 
“Y/N?”, he looked across at her shocked. Why was she here? He looked at the clock. 12am. 
Y/N slammed the office door behind her, leaving them both alone. Her fists bunched at her sides. 
“What the hell is wrong with you?!”, she erupted. 
Tim stood up, pushing his chair back slightly, “Will you at least let me explain?”, he tried.
She rounded the desk and stared at him, anger bubbling off her like steam, “Why should I?! You don’t bother to give me any of your time!”, she seethed, “Why should I extend the same courtesy to you? You egotistical asshole!”.
Tim flinched at the words, he deserved it. 
“Y/N please…baby”, he went to reach for her slowly.
It only poked the flames, causing her to back up a little, “I feel so alone Tim”, her voice cracked, “I feel so alone all the time in our giant apartment. You’re never there…it’s so empty without you”, she held back her tears. She didn’t want to crumble in front of him.
“I’ve had to sort this new project for Bruce…he’s not good with this stuff and its taken up so much of my time baby…I didn’t mean for it to make you feel like this…”.
“I can’t take it anymore! I can’t do this!!”, she stood right in front of him now, her chest rising and falling deeply.
Tim felt the panic rising, flooding his systems. 
She wrapped her fingers around his engagement ring, tugging at it viciously.
“Don’t…baby…please”, he flew in front of her trying to stop the motion.
Pulling it free from her hand she threw it at him, hitting him square in the forehead, “you can keep that!”.
Y/N turned to leave the room in a blind panic, rage pulsating through her body. 
Briefly shocked for a moment, he felt the ring hit him. Tim reacted quickly and pulled her back to him harshly, trapping her body between him and the desk. His hands rested on either side of her. Acting as a shield. Her ass hitting the edge of the desk. His chest was heaving. Deep pants.  
She refused to look at him. 
Tim moved one of his hands to her chin and tilted it, forcing her to look at him. 
He pressed his lips to hers slowly, trying to pour every emotion he felt into the kiss. 
Love. Adoration. Respect. Apologies.
His tongue ran along the seam of her lips, begging for entrance. 
She gave in and opened her mouth to invite him in, groaning into the kiss.
Her hands flew into his hair and gripping tightly, the stinging sending shockwaves down his spine. 
Tim pushed her further onto his desk, so she was perched on it, her legs spreading to let him settle between them nicely.
 “Mr Drake…Sir…Bruce is on line one, he’s saying it’s very urgent”, Elaine’s voice rang through the phone system on his desk.
Tim grunted and rested his forehead against Y/N’s. 
She looked like she was going to combust. 
Tim pushed her further into his desk, purposely rubbing his hips against hers as he pressed the button his phone, “Tell him I’m busy doing something, I’m not available”.
His voice was stern. Clipped. 
He didn’t take his eyes off Y/N as he spoke. 
She smirked at him, rolling her hips back against his. 
“But Sir…”, Elaine tried again.
Tim growled, pushing the answer button, “Elaine, I said I’m busy!!”. And with that he grabbed the phone and ripped it up from the desk, the wires pulling out in all different directions. 
Y/N smirked. 
His dark tone turning her on immediately. 
“Mr Drake…Sir…”, she mocked in a sultry tone, trailing a finger down the front of his shirt, “Are you finally going to show me some attention?”.
“You’re damn fucking right I am”, he gritted and pulled her into a searing kiss.
 The heels she had on with her dress made her legs go on forever. He loved her legs, they wrapped around him perfectly. Long and toned. The heels only accentuated this. As Tim knelt on the floor, he lifted her foot onto his shoulder, pressing a feather light kiss to her ankle. He noticed her shiver. Tim continued pressing, soft, open mouthed kisses along her calf and up her inner thigh. Stopping to hover over her core before repeating the same on her opposite leg. He wanted to worship her in every way possible.
“Tim please”, she gasped. 
He pushed her dress up and dragged her panties down her legs. The purple lacy thong he bought her last Valentine’s day. 
“That’s not what you’re to call me”, he reminded her, he kissed the top of her pussy, avoiding her clit on purpose. 
“Say it”, he murmured against her lips.
She shivered. 
“Mr Drake…Sir…please…I need you”, she whispered out. 
Y/N’s head tilted back as his tongue swept against her pussy languidly at first. His lips against her own. His tongue caressing her clit in soft, slow circles. Tim let his fingertips grazing against her inner thighs. He pursed his lips around her clit, gently sucking it. The tip of his warm tongue flicking across it. He peppered her pussy and thighs with hot, wet kisses, deeply breathing in her scent. Y/N grabbed the edge of the desk tightly with both hands and sighed.
“Please don’t stop Mr Drake”, her head hung back even further, breathy moans escaping her lips. 
She felt Tim rumble a deep groan against her skin. 
“Look at me when you say that”, his voice thick with lust.
Y/N looked down at him and their eyes met, his big, deep blue, beautiful eyes staring deeply into her own.
“I said, don’t stop, Mr Drake”
At that, his mouth began to work ceaselessly, full of lust and devotion and adoration for her. Y/N took long, deep breaths, focusing on the pleasure. Her fingers wove into his dark hair, scratching her nails across his scalp in pleasure. 
“Ohh god!”, she moaned loudly, her muscles were tightening up. Pleasure inside her sparked, burning brighter, ready to explode.
A shockwave of delirious ecstasy rushed through her body, a brief, bright, burning supernova of orgasmic pleasure that left her limbs wobbly and her body shuddering.
"Fuck!", she screamed, head tilted back, "Don't stop!".
Tremor after tremor coursed through her until her body, exhausted with pleasure. 
He stood up and stroked a finger across her chin lovingly, pressing soft kisses along her jawline. His body pressed into hers, keeping her wedged against his desk. 
Tim’s kisses moved towards her ear lobe, tugging it between his teeth lightly before whispering, “I love you”. 
“I love you too”, she murmured back, feeling the pleasure reignite through her body again. 
Tim moved away for a split second, kicking his chair out of the way, giving them room. His hand swept across the desk clearing it of his papers and laptop. He heard it crash onto the floor. Fuck it. he’d get another one. 
Staring at her with a heated passion, he began to untuck his shirt from his trousers, his belt jangling as he fiddled with the buckle.
“Bend over the desk baby”, his eyes burnt into her as he gave her the command. 
Y/N obeyed, bending over his desk, feeling the cold wood press against her scorched skin. He moved towards her and gently caressed her ass, the tip of his cock brushing just barely against her swollen pussy, the heat of it palpable, the touch of it electric against her.
She rolled her hips against him frantically for some kind of movement. 
Any kind of friction from him. 
“You know Mr Drake, if you were home more often”, she rolled her hips again, hearing his breath falter behind her, “You could get more of this…”.
Tim bit his lip hard. 
“That’s a pretty tough offer to say no to baby”, he grunted feeling her wetness seep across the tip of his cock. 
"Fuck me”, Y/N begged. "Not yet", he teased.
The head of his cock slid up and down her slit, pushing her lips apart without penetrating deeper.
Her body ached for him to be inside her. "Please...", she begged, her voice hoarse from the earlier orgasm. "If you insist", his hands gripped her hips and slowly, smoothly, he slid his cock deeply insider her. Her breath escaped her, body quivering as he filled her pussy as deeply as he could. God, he was as hard as steel. Y/N moaned his name loudly and rolled her hips again. His pace quickened as her tight body opened up for him, satiating its natural urges to be filled up by him.
"How does it feel, baby?", he panted, his fingers digging into her hips. There would definitely be bruises in the morning. Bruises he would kiss over delicately, letting his tongue soothe them. "So fucking good", she replied, "Keep going...". His cock thrust in and out, each push going deeper than the last. The heat of his body spreading out across her body, reaching into her thighs and womb and heart. Whenever he penetrated her especially deep, his heavy balls slapped against her pussy. She wanted nothing more than them to empty inside her. Y/N wanted him to fill her up and leave her dripping mess bent over his desk.
Again and again he slid into her. She gyrated her hips and was rewarded by a long, guttural moan from him. His breath deepened and quickened.
"I'm cumming," he warned her, his palm ran over her ass, grabbing it tightly. "Fuck me harder", she begged, "Fuck me deeper". He began to pound away at an animalistic pace. He grabbed Y/N’s hair roughly and pulled it hard arching her back to him. Her body left the desk. She yelped in a mixture of surprise, delight, and pain. God, it hurt, but it hurt good. A hot, burning sensation, smouldered deep inside her pussy. He spanked her ass hard. Y/N bit her lip, trying to keep the moans from escaping her lips, but struggled to contain it. His thick shaft thrust deeply into her, her body tight around him. Every bit of friction sending waves of pleasure through her. He grunted, the hoarse growl rumbled from deep within his chest. Tim’s thrusts became erratic, hurried, desperate. Y/N mewled as she felt his cock spasming inside her, throbbing forcefully. His first spurt was so strong she felt it gushing inside her, followed by a growing, wet warmth as he filled her with rope after rope of his cum, marking her as his. It was too much for her to bear. The warmth turned to molten lava inside Y/N, a fire raging deep within her core. An intense burst of pleasure exploded inside her as she orgasmed around his cock. Her entire body shaking and quivering. Y/N mind was blanked by sheer ecstasy as the only thing she was able to focus on was the delicious surrender of her climax. Y/N shuddered, trying to catch her breath. Slowly her mind returned to her. Tim, the argument, throwing the ring at him, the desk…all these things came back to her one by one. He pulled out, her pussy trying to grip him too tightly for him to escape. Without him inside her, Y/N collapsed onto the desk, a puddle of exhausted pleasure. He leaned down to kiss just behind her ear. It was his simple way of saying sorry. 
Y/N shivered as he rolled her around and pulled her up into his chest, light kisses scattered across her cheeks.
She smiled and pressed a simple kiss to his forehead.
He knelt briefly, collecting the ring from the floor. Sliding it back on her finger, he caught her hand before she could pull it away, pressed a kiss to her palm.
All was forgiven.
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justnat15 · 3 years
Come Home - Max Lord
A/N: It’s ya girl, here with a Max Lord fic!! This one is the result of watching WW84 and following/befriending my lovely Rach. Not to mention listening to Taylor Swift’s Back to December on repeat while working at night. So be warned, this is pretty angsty (at least for me). But there is a little bit of fluff and happiness at the end.
Pairing: Maxwell Lord x fem!reader 
Warnings: ANGST!! Beware, almost didn’t have a happy ending. Possibly AU? No mention of Dreamstone, or alluding to the events of WW84 to happen. Please tell me if I missed any. 
Dedicated to my beloved Rach @mandoalorian / @maxlordsgf . I love you darling!!
Come Home
The room was dimly lit, all the candles once giving it a romantic glow. Now, however, as you sat there at the table all alone, the lighting was somber. Another late night at the office, apparently. No matter that it was your anniversary, he never could pull himself away from work anymore to spend even one evening with you. The food you had spent all day preparing was now cold. Your hair, once curled and pinned to perfection, was now falling out of place, strands blurring your vision as you looked at the clock once more.
You knew it would do no good to call the office. You'd only get his assistant and she'd promise to give him your message as soon as he was available, which seemed to be never these days. That's if she was still there. Lord knows the man couldn't be counted on to answer his own phone, even if it was his girlfriend calling.
After another fifteen minutes of sitting and holding onto a small glimmer of hope, you sighed and stood, wandering around the dining area to put out the candles. No need to potentially burn the place down, even if he did deserve it. You debated on cleaning up the dinner but decided against it, focusing instead on showering and changing.
You packed a bag, taking only enough to get you through the next couple of days. You could come back and get the rest of your stuff later, preferably when you knew he wouldn't be home. But when was he home these days? You couldn't remember the last time you had fallen asleep and woken up in his embrace.
Before walking out the door, you wrote a note and left it on the table next to the remains of your dinner.
When you read this, I will be gone. I'll be back for the rest of my things sometime later this week.
I know you have a lot to do at the office and trying to run your business, but I can't do this anymore.
Don't try to contact me. Goodbye, Maxwell. I wish you the best.
You wiped away the tears now freely streaming down your face and walked out, locking the door behind you. You didn't want to leave, but you knew staying would only bring more forgotten dinners and pain. “Goodbye, Maxwell Lord,” you whispered softly as you waved down a taxi to go to a nearby hotel.
Maxwell Lord, founder of Black Gold Cooperative, let himself into his apartment nearly two hours later. He tried to be quiet, knowing his lover must be asleep by now. It had been a long day at the office and all he wanted was to crawl into bed next to the love of his life and sleep for a few hours before he had to get up and go back to work. He knew that he hadn't been home much lately, but he assumed you understood. He assumed you knew that he was doing this so the both of you could have a better life, a better future for you and Alistair, his beloved son from his failed marriage.
Max was not expecting to see a cold dinner laid out on the dining table, remnants of candles scattered around the room. “Darling? Are you still awake?” he called out, placing his briefcase by the door. “Sweetheart?” He paused in his movements at the sight of the note you left on the table. He grabbed onto a chair as he read the brief note. “No,” he whispered, eyes watering. “NO!” The cry, raw with pain, ripped from his throat as he turned and rushed out to the street in a vain attempt to try and find you. He cried your name, hands tearing at his blond hair that you teased him about relentlessly in the beginning.
A soft rain began to fall, as if Mother Nature was mourning with him at the loss of one of the few good things in his life.
You parked the truck your brother had lent you, grateful you wouldn't need to load a taxi with the boxes you would no doubt have after packing everything you left behind at Max's apartment. It had only been three days since you left, but you knew if you didn't get your things now, you never would.
The apartment was dark as you let yourself in for what would be the last time (besides the trips it would take to move everything to the truck). It was no surprise. You had planned to be there and gone while Max was at the office.
“Darling?” A hoarse whisper called from the living room. “Is that you?” A haggard figure moved to the entryway. Maxwell Lord, oil tycoon and successful businessman, stood in front of you looking as if he hadn't slept in days. “Oh, darling, it is you! I'm so sorry baby! Please come home. Please don't leave. I can't live without you.” He moved as if to embrace you but stopped at your flinch. “Darling?” Tears fell from his brown eyes, blond-dyed strands falling into his face. You wanted nothing more to go to him and hold him, but you had to be strong.
“I thought you would be at work,” you murmured, looking at the floor. “I just came by to get the rest of my things.” You started to move towards the bedroom where all of your clothes were but Maxwell reached out to stop you.
“Please,” was the quiet plea. He whispered your name. “Please, don't go. You and Alistair are the only good things in my life and I can't go on without the both of you by my side. I'm so sorry I haven't been around, but I will try harder. Just don't go, baby, please. Come home.”
You looked at him, noting the sincerity in his voice and the heartbreak in his eyes. “I don't know if I can, Max. It hurts so much. You put your work in front of me, in front of Alistair. The last two weekends he was here, he and I spent the whole time together, hoping you would come home and spend the time with us, but you never did. Then you didn't come home for our anniversary, despite having made the plans in advance. It hurt,” your voice broke, sobs escaping as you wrapped your arms around yourself in an attempt to hold yourself together. “What did I do wrong?”
Maxwell's heart broke even more at the sight of you crying in front of him. You were always so strong and happy, his strength. “Oh sweetheart, you didn't do anything wrong. Can I hold you?” He stepped forward, his arms partially raised to embrace you.
A sniffle and a slight nod was his answer. He wasted no time in wrapping his arms around you and holding you close. He buried his face in your hair, breathing in the scent that was you, that was home. “I'm so sorry, love. You don't deserve to be made to feel like this. I wish I could undo everything I did to make you feel like you need to leave. If you give me the chance, I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you, I swear. You are too beautiful to cry like this.” His own tears started to fall again, dampening your shirt where he rested his head. “I'm so sorry.”
The two of you stood there, wrapped up in each other, for minutes or an hour, you didn't know. Time seemed to stop as you both cried and held tightly to each other.
After a time, you pulled back slightly to look up at him, eyes rimmed red from crying. “I don't want to go, Max. I never wanted to leave. You promise if I come back, I won't regret it?”
He cradled your face in his hands, rubbing a thumb over your cheek. “I promise, my love. I will try my best to be home earlier from work or at least calling to let you know I can't make it home until late. I will be there for you and Alistair. I just want to give us all a better life. It's all for the two of you.”
You leaned into his touch, comforted by the warmth you had missed the past while. “We just want you. I don't need anything but you and your son when he's here. All he wants is you. Alistair loves you just the way you are, you know? He can't stop talking about how much he loves and misses you when you aren't here.” You brought up one hand to cover Max's on your cheek. “I miss you when you aren't here.”
Max couldn't speak, choked up by so much emotion. All he could do was kiss you on the forehead, praying that the kiss would convey all he was feeling, the apologies, the sorrow, the love. Everything he felt for you. “So will you stay? Will you come back home?”
You nod into his chest. “Yes, I'll come home.”
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Barry Allen x Reader - Sleeping beauty's nightmare
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Fandom: Flash
Request: @kurtbastianlover said: 
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Summary: You and Barry are best friends, but he gets up on a fight with a metahuman that put him in a deep sleep. Apparently, you are the only one that can save him. But how? You are only his best friends...
Warnings: Mention of smut 
Words: 2607 (Sorry that it is shorter than most my fics) 
Notes: Sorry for the late reply, I have this written for one year already. But last year was a hell for me... I only start writting fics at the end of the year. That was the only request I could post.  Thanks for requesting and I hope this will one of the many fic I write for you as a thank you for all you done for me my friend. 
(y/h/c): your hair color; (y/e/c):your eyes color
Sorry any grammar mistake, english isn’t my first language and I wrote that at the hospital when my aunt got hurt, so maybe the story is rushed... 
You do not know which or how the metahuman done that. All you know is that Barry is unconscious and nothing that the team done were successful to wake him up.
When Cisco called you while you were on work you knew something bad had happened. You enter running on the Star Labs, not paying attention at all on your friends.
You almost knocked down your childhood friend Iris to the ground trying to reach the man you loved so much. But he did not know that and do not need to know.
Barry already have so many things to worry about and protecting his childhood friend as a romantic partner should not be on his list.
The thing that you do not know is that he feels the same way with you. He just did not find the right time to tell you and maybe now after the encounter with his metahuman he will never be able to talk to you about this.
Barry is lying down on the medical laboratory with Caitlyn checking his vital from minute to minute. His body have so many wires attached to him that you do not the function of more than a half of them.
Caitlyn smiles sadly to you. She figured it out how you two felt for each other a while ago. She is trying to get you two to start dating but without giving each other feeling, she thinks you need to say each to each other and not get another person pointing them out for you.
You sit across from her monitor and by Barry's side. You automatically put your hand over his. He looks like he is just sleeping.
And that relaxes you. He does not look like dead or physically injured. Cisco said something about him being in an eternal coma or something.
The thing that makes you worry more is the inconstant movements Barry's body is doing. It is not conscious and looks like he is having a nightmare.
And you could not be closer to truth than that. Barry is trapped in a nightmare. An eternal nightmare where his worst fear keeps repeating does not matter what he does.
It always begins different but the end it the same independent of what he does in the middle of it. And that is crushing him. Having to rewatch that over and over again.
This time it begins something heartwarming. The sun light bathing him and the constant light on his eyes makes him wake up even if he does not want that.
And he does not, if he stays sleeping maybe he did not need to watch the disaster all over again.
He turns into the bed and a moaning of his name from a warn body that is close to his makes a laugh escape his lips.
There you are. Hugging him, your form is small close to his. You are naked under the covers just like him.
He does not remember last night, because it did not actually happen but even this way, he feels his checks getting warmer with just the idea of finally making love to you just the way he wished since his teen years.
He cannot help but moan out load too when he feels your chest over his bare skin. A silent promise that you are his.
He does not want to wake you up. But the need to ask with you liked last night even though he knew dawn well that this is not real overtook him.
He kisses your libs repeatedly till your (e/c) eyes open and met his green ones. His hearts skip a beat seeing the lust missed with sleep clouding your shining eyes.
-Hi there. -His voice sounds so smooth that even him do not recognizes it.
-Hey baby. -You answer trying to be sexy, but the sleepiness is all over your tone. Even like this Barry thinks you are the prettiest thing he ever saw. -We need to be up so early?
-No. We do not. -Barry answers smiling. -But I want to be with you for a little longer.
In a blink of an eyes Barry's lips is on yours. Distracted by his kiss you do not feel when his arms snake your waist and pull you to him.
Your naked form over his is heaven. You feel how much he is liking all the make out. His smile when you part is the brightest it ever was.
-Round 2? -You ask malicious already looking for a condom on the nightstand. Knowing dawn hell, the answer is yes.
Because as Nickelback said, ‘Sex is never a question because the answer is always yes.’ You kiss the speedster again, savoring the moment.
You feel Barry pulling your body against his while you are trying to do the breakfast. By the minute it passed he was closer to you.
Because every second he wasted he knew what would happen. And he wanted to save you, but he never could.
He lost the count of how many times he was into this loop. This cursed dream put him into heaven when he is with you as he always wished and then crash him into hell taking you again from him in the darkest ways.
He never knows when it will appear, but every loop was a different enemy. The first was Reverse Flash, then Zoom, Savitar, Cicada and a lot more.
Maybe the loop will begin all over again. His arms snakes harder around your waist when he hears the front door opening.
His heartbeat slows down when he sees Caitlyn getting closer. He smiles at her, not caring that you and he are still naked.
He was expecting a murderer. Seeing a friend is a blessing. Maybe this was real after all, maybe he was pulled out of this nightmare.
But his heart tightens when she does not answer his smile. Her expression is sadness and a white strain in her hair makes Barry holds his breath.
-I am so sorry. -She says before losing her conscious and that silver eyes shine with madness.
-Killer Frost please no! -Barry begs trying to put himself in front of you. But she is faster.
An ice dagger hits you on your heart. Blood all over the place and your numb body hits the floor.
Killer Frost disappears with a smile on her lips. Her translucid figure says before completely disappearing:
-It is all your fault. It always is.
Barry is over your screaming to you do not close your eyes. But it is already too late. You are cold. Rigid.
His eyes are clouded with tears. In the next moment he is in front of your grave.
Buried with his parents. Cisco is by his side. But he is so serious that I do not look like him at all.
-I am sorry Barry. But I do not want to be the next one. -And then his best friend disappears leaving him all by himself.
No one by his side. Iris and Joe had not given up on him when they discovered you had died.
The trial tried to blame him. He almost went to jail. His father's story being repeat all over again.
Barry closes his eyes. And when he opens it again, he is in Joe's living room. Two kids came running and jumps on him.
-Daddy is back. -Barry look at the twins. The girl has your features and his eyes while the boy has his features and your (e/c) eyes.
-Oh, he is back? -You enter in the living room leaving the kitchen behind. Barry's heart almost leaves his chest when he is in your belly.
You are pregnant again. Oh no, please say that you will not die this time. Not with his child inside of your beautiful bellybutton.
Outside of the dreamland you feel his hands tanning around yours. You feel your heart thinning, you do not know what it is happening on his head.
But you know that must be something bad. And yours suspicious only are confirmed and he starts saying:
-No please. NO. Not her. -His body starts moving around and by instinct you left his hand. -(Y/n) please stay with me...
You have the impression of hearing your name coming out of his mouth, but you cannot confirm that because his body starts shaking.
He is convulsing on the bed and you feel your heart broking. Is he dying? You start crying and want to scream but your thongs are locked.
-(Y/n) leave! -Caitlyn starts screaming at you. -I need to save him.
You want to scream no. You want to say you also wants to save him. You want to hug him still everything passes.
But you cannot talk. You cannot move. You are frozen. Are you going to watch your love dying in front of you?
You feel Cisco pulling you out of the room. And you do not fight it. You let him pull you out of there.
Outside the room you instinctively hug him and buries your face on his chest. His smell helps you calm down.
The genius boy has an idea of entering Barry's nightmare to see what is happening so they could save him the right way.
Cisco passes your shaking body who is still crying but not as much as before to Iris. She hugs you properly.
You two leave the cortex and go to a more comfort place in Star Labs. Joe enters the room where you are in despair. He stops when seeing your puffy and red eyes.
He saw you growing up between his kids. He knew how you felt about Barry, him being your confident.
He also knew what Barry feels for you, after all is his son. Joe is Barry's confident too. So, his hearts tights at the vision of you crying.
You jump from the couch where you were siting by the side of Iris, who knows what is passing on the head of her father.
You two hug strongly and you start crying again. This is the same scene and situation of when Barry was hit by the lightning.
Cisco enters animatedly on the room. His smile is almost contagious. In his most serious tone, he announces:
-It is working. -He shows in his tablet a map of mind and a pair of googles that shined on the lights. -Let's save Barry!!
You do not know exactly how this equipment works or how Cisco got this idea. And worst you were not sure if it will work.
The only thing that you know is that you need to need to lay in a bed side by side with Barry while using the googles and then you are into his mind.
With shaking hands, you put the glasses over your eyes and lays down. You cannot see anything because the equipment is not a see through.
A flashlight almost blinds you. And then you are in a church. You look around a like taken aback.
You see Joe and Iris on the Isle smiling. Cisco and Caitlin on the other side of it. Barry on the middle in a beautiful tux.
You run still him. And he is taken aback a little. Before you can register anything, you see yourself entering the church in a beautiful white outfit.
You walk at your own hands and you realize you are a little invisible. Barry is looking that you of his nightmare and the ghostly you are floating by his side.
This does not look like a nightmare. So, his nightmare is marrying you? But then yourself are on the island.
And a shadow emerges on the church's doors. A blade as fast as lighting hits the back of you and the blood stains the white material.
Barry falls to his knees and starts crying. So, his worst nightmare is losing you? You are a little taken aback by this.
You put a ghostly hand on his shoulder. He looks up at you and smiles. The dream restarts.
You two are alone in Star Labs. He explains to you the loop he is trapped in. How many times he saw you dying. How many different ways you died on his arms.
How everyone blames him in all the versions, and they leave him alone. He says that he is losing the love of his life and his family over and over and over again.
He said that the metahuman that put him into this hell recites something similar to a curse before he fainted into darkness and Barry fainting.
"You will fall into a sleep like death! But the speedster can be woken from his death sleep by only one true love's kiss."
Is that a Sleeping Beauty's reference?
But your brain is plain.
And you have frozen. The dream before the nightmare. The peace before chaos. The calm before the storm...
They all were a hint to whom should wake him up.
And it is you. You are the answer. You are Barry's true love.
You feel yourself disappearing. Your ghostly form plants a simple kiss on his lips. But before Barry could kiss you properly you have disappeared completely.
Your body wakes in a shock and you jump out of the bed. You feel Cisco's hand helping you gain your equilibrium back.
-I have the answer. -You announce removing the googles and smiling at them.
You briefly explain what happened when you were on Barry's mind. The dreams, the nightmare, everything.
-So, the metahuman shipped you two? -Cisco asks laughing at the idea.
-I more worried that the used Maleficent's lines. -Caitlyn says out loud and everyone looks at her in shock. -What? I used to like Disney...
-Which was your favorite movie then? -Iris asks playfully.
-Sky High. I always thought that Layla reminded of myself.
You shock your head in a negative gesture.
-Guys. Focus. We need to save Barry. -You say and Joe agrees with you.
The gang left you after you finished your story. They have hopes that you are right. And they internally are happy that you two would finally be together.
You are looking at Barry numb body recalling his dream. You smile at the idea of marrying him someday.
And then the conversation comes back to your head. It is now or never it is as simples as:
A kiss.
A kiss would wake him up.
You laugh at the irony but with a fast heartbeat you plant your lips over his firmly.
He does not respond the act and you part from him. His green eyes shout open and they met with your (y/c) orbs.
You smile at him and he does the same.
-Hey there my sleeping beauty. -You say laughing at all this situation now that he is safe.
He kisses you again. Deeper, with so much passion and need. You two part needing air. You try to breath normal again.
-You are my warrior in shining armor, aren't you? -Barry says going for another kiss but you two get interrupted when the door busts open.
Cisco enters cheering and screaming. Happy that you two finally are together and that is best friend is safe.
You shake your head at his childish behavior but you happy seeing Barry fine and liking you just like you like him.
The Latino boy jumps over your now boyfriend and hugs him almost to death. But their laughs warm your heart.
This is the dream after the nightmare. The calm after the storm. And you are genuinely happy.
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spacegirlapollo · 4 years
Can’t Be Friends [Dazai x Reader Smut]
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Dazai x Reader Smutty One shot 
4,000+ words
Summary: After the death of his beloved friend, Dazai can’t trust love. But then you come bumbling into the picture and he can’t resist falling for you. 
Dazai had always been fascinated by magnets, that somewhere written deep in the earth's rules, it had been decided that two objects would eternally be bound together if fate allows them to. On the other hand they could push the other away, with the same ease. 
He’s lived his life like a magnet, especially after Oda’s death. He couldn’t help it, although he desperately tried to not care about others it was simply impossible. To fulfill Oda’s dying wishes , he had to care about the people around him. He dared not admit it but he cared. He cared about Kunikida and the others at the agency. He especially cared about Atsushi and thought quite often of Chuuya and Akutagawa and how they were faring. To many souls to think about. So he cared, drawing them all in like magnets, connecting and then turning away pushing back against them when they got to close. 
And at the center of it all was you. You were the crowning jewel in his grand hall of people he cared about, thought and worried and languished about. You reminded him of Oda sometimes. And if he squinted at you maybe he could see Oda’s piercing eyes and not so easy smile.
He was in love with you, that much was sure, and it was a secret, to everyone but him. He was much too smart to not understand his longing for you, the way his heart rate picked up at your closeness and he often found himself longing to hear your voice. 
He didn’t think it would happen to him of all people. Sure he loved Oda, and he wasn’t sure if it was just as friends either, but this was different. 
He’d met you almost immediately after his return to society, now on the side of the “good guys”. You were Fukizawa’s niece and a fixture at the agency. He wondered often how long his stay at the agency would have been had it not been for you. 
In the beginning, Dazai couldn’t help himself, he had absolutely no self control over his magnets and the two of you connected, making quick friends. Wherever you went he would gladly follow. 
Then you’d been attacked, remnants of Dazai’s past life finally rearing consequences upon you. You’d nearly died, even though you were a force to recon with in battle. Fukizawa had been the one to save you in the end. It was salt over Dazai’s wound that you were hurt because of him, and he hadn’t been there to save you. 
It was a hard way to learn a lesson. To be smacked in the face with his universal truth. Everyone he gets close to will die, and it’ll be his fault. 
You weren’t so easy to push away though, ripping you from his life was taking a piece of his soul slowly, and besides he’d promised to be good and the Agency was the best place for that. So he stayed, but your friendship suffered in its wake. You got the message eventually, not bothering to call upon him at midnight anymore and late night trips for food had stopped. 
You’d never let on how it made you feel, and that somehow was worse for Dazai. 
He’d thought you’d replace him, he was mentally prepared to see you and Kunikida laughing At the lunch table. But it was more often that you’d head to lunch alone, or leave work alone. 
With newcomer Atsushi, things changed a little. You’d taken a strong liking to the boy, and he could tell you’d adopted Atsushi, as If you were his mother or aunt or something. Fretting and worrying. Dazai could see that the two of you were co-parenting in a way. 
Then Kyouka came and you and Atsushi’s time spent together became less, and you ate alone once again. 
Dazai observed this all as if he was peering into a fish bowl. Observing the lives of others and indirectly interacting with them but never jumping into the water. He thought himself clever. No one would know how much he loved you. That was until simple, observant Atsushi said something. 
They were both sitting in the open floor plan area of the agency, paperwork stacking high between the two of them. On his part Atsushi was trying to conquer the work while Dazai was listening in to your conversation with Kunikida from across the room. You were laughing, and Dazai thought maybe this was it, you were finally replacing him. Good. 
Dazai lifted his eyes from you and his partner to rest upon Atsushi, whose voice was uncertain. Dazai had learned from day two, that he should listen to Atsushi, who occasionally sculpted diamonds from words. 
Atsushi tensed with Dazai’s eyes upon him. 
“I was just .... “ he sighed and swallowed his voice coming out low and a whisper. 
“Are you and Y/N dating?” 
Dazai blinked. Not responding, although that might give away more than he would have liked. 
“It’s just that.” Atsushi seemed even more unnerved by Dazai’s non answer, seeing as the brown hair boy loved to talk. 
“You always look up when she enters a room, like you know she’s there. You always stare at each other when you think the other isn’t looking.” Atsushi’s voice faded off. “Stuff- stuff like that.” 
Dazai was half stuck thinking that he’d made a good choice of Atsushi for the Agency, and the other half was thinking about what he’d said. - staring at each other.- 
You looked at him too? 
“S-sorry.” Atsushi said, fearing he’d said too much. He had but that was fine. 
“Am I really that easy to read?” Dazai asked his eyes back on you and Kunikida. Kunikida was blushing as you walked away, his eyes firmly on your lower back side. Dazai felt a feeling stirring in him. But he shoved it down harsly. There was no place for those feelings to show. 
Atsushi shook his head. “No, you're quite hard to read. Dazai-San. Y/N is much easier to read, once I understood why she looks at you like that I realized you were looking at her the same way.”
Diamonds. Dazai thought , Atsushi was capable of making diamonds. 
It was the fall time, the leaves had departed from their family tree or changed colors and the roads of Yokahama were cold and filled with that feeling you only got during the coming of winter. 
Dazai had to work late, once Kunikida found out just how behind he was on his work, Dazai had been essentially chained to his desk. He could tell there were a few people left in the office as some lights were still on. Signing the last page he sighed standing up immediately, Kunikida would be satisfied with his progress and he could pick it up again on Monday, although he was secretary hoping for a case to come and push the paperwork to the side. 
He tucked his hands in his pocket and made his way outside. It was a moment later that he realized that it was raining. The door to the cafe closed behind him and he stood under the awning, thinking with dread about walking through the rain to the subway station.
“No umbrella ?” You asked, and Dazai wasn’t sure how you’d been standing there that whole time and he did not notice. He turned to you his heart thudding rhythmically in his chest. You were as beautiful as ever, and you looked warm, swathed in faux fur jackets. He thought about how wonderful it would feel to lay in your lap and feel your fingers through his hair. 
You turned away from him breaking his guilty illusion and rummaged around in your bag. You pulled out an umbrella, identical to the one you were already holding. You extended it out to him with a smile playing on your lips. 
“You never carry an umbrella, Dazai.” 
His name on your lips was joy, he realized as his lips parted in surprise. You knew him entirely too well and Atsushi was starting to as well. How had he failed so spectacularly in pushing people away. 
He took the umbrella, unable to stop the smile on his face. 
“Why would I ,Y/N when I always have you to have an extra for me?” He teased. He couldn’t help it, months of pushing you away and he was cracking like an egg from a simple gesture. 
Your eyes met and he saw the faintest blush upon your cheeks. He wanted to kiss you. Badly. He blinked and looked away. This wouldn’t do, he needed to get home and fast. 
He would let his mind slip for one night, maybe have a drink or two and stroke himself, your name hanging off his lips like smoke to a cigarette. That’s what he would do. He just needed to get to the station now. 
Your words were soft but firm. The way you sounded when you’d gathered up all tour couraged and readied yourself for a fight. 
He turned back to you, and your eyes shone with determination. 
“Let’s go get dinner together.” 
Dinner, was located in a small corner of Yokohama, that only the locals seemed to know about. You either lived there or crashed there by accident. The restaurant was a hole in the wall, quite literally. It was an interesting place, made of stone and brick, with no real windows or doors, just, holes in the stone. It reminded Dazai of an old century oven, it had a large awning covering to keep the rain from the tables out front. Strings of light were laced around the stone building illuminating it in the darkness of the Yokahama streets. 
It was a place that the both of you were familiar with, having spent many nights here, sipping hot tea and talking. Upon seeing it for the first time in months, Dazai saw just how romantic the place really was and was regretting his decision to follow you here. 
Now seated you picked up the menu and started to scan it. 
“You already know what you want. Y/N” Dazai said amused. “You always order the same thing.” 
His smile grew as you put down the menu and glared at his teasing. “What if I wanted something different this time.” 
“Hell would freeze over Y/N. And the flying pigs would be out as soon as the rain stopped.” 
You scoffed cutely. “just for that I’m ordering something different.” 
“I wouldn’t.” Dazai said, “ you remember the last time you were adventurous.” 
Your eyes were wide with embarrassment. 
“You swore you would never bring it up!” 
“To anyone else.” Dazai corrected. He thought back on the time you’d ordered something new, and were so sick he’d brought you home, and had to hold your hair as you puked over the toilet. Obviously embarrassing for you but a fondly domestic memory for Dazai. 
The waitress interrupted whatever you were going to say next and further Dazai’s amusement you ordered your regular. 
“Dazai” you said after the waitress had collected your orders and it had been quiet for a while. Dazai’s heart started to thump again, the real reason you’d asked him to come to dinner was coming. He wasn’t sure if he was ready for it. 
You had that look again, that stored up courage look. “ Let’s be friends again.”
He wasn’t sure if this was on his list of things he expected you to say. Some irrational part of his thought this would be your announcement of your engagement to Kunikida which he would have congratulated you on and then left to get very very drunk. 
Your fists were clenched in your lap as you forced yourself to look at him.
“I’m sorry… if I did something wrong, and that’s why you stopped wanting to be around me. If I was - annoying or something I can-“
“Y/N” you blinked almost jerking at Dazai’s sudden harsh tone. He was angry, suddenly, 
“You could never annoy me.” 
The statement hung heavy in the air like cement. 
“And you don’t have anything to apologize for.” He tried to soften his voice as he wasn’t angry at you. He was more angry at himself. That’s why you thought he’d pushed you away? 
“Then why-“
“We can’t be friends.. Y/N” better to cut this off now. A few drinks was sounding better by the second. He dared a glance at your face and regretted it. You looked shattered, then confused, then angry. He hadn’t really seen you angry. It was beautiful in a way. 
A hot tear pressed down your cheek and you angrily wiped it away. 
“Why.” You asked now a wobble in your otherwise hard tone. 
“It’s better to remain professional in the workplace.” Dazai offered up, it was weak but his mind was spinning so his normal snake charming words were not coming to him. 
“Bullshit.” You said leaning forward. “You're not that way with anyone else in the agency. Hell you're not professional at all.” 
Dazai smiled at this, despite how heavy he was feeling.
“That’s fair.” He said softly. 
“Stop fucking with me Dazai.” You said anger still dripping over your tone although you were trying to keep it down since others were around. 
“One night were drunk together and up till 4am telling each other everything and the next week you stopped talking to me.” 
Your voice broke at the end of that. Another angry tear wipe. You pointed at him now.
“You let me in, you let me see you, and now you're going to pretend like we weren’t something?”
“Yes.” Dazai said with an edge . “ yes I am going to pretend.” 
“Why!” Your voice went a little higher than a regular speaking voice drawing a few more eyes but neither of you cared. There was only the person sitting in front of the other. 
“Because Y/N. I don’t want to be just friends.” Dazai felt like a popped balloon, that air just coming out of him rapidly. Years of holding that very phrase in and here he was whisper- shouting it at you in his favorite hole in the wall. That was only his favorite because of his memories with you. 
He kept going now, no sense in stopping now. “ I want to hold your hand, to kiss you, to be the last thing you see at night and the first thing you see in the morning. I want to hold you when you're sad, and tease you when you do something embarrassing. I want you to fill up my life with your light” it was a mouthful, and Dazai sighed, looking up at you now, your face in shock. 
You smiled suddenly, another tear falling but you didn’t make a move to wipe it away.
“I don’t want to be just friends either Dazai.” You said and he felt his heart starting its kathunk kathunk in his chest again. 
“I thought maybe you didn’t feel the same way as I did. But I wanted to be near you. And things were so great when we were friends. And then we stopped and I thought at least I could still be around you. But I don’t want that it’s not enough. Just being around you, just being your friend isn’t enough. I want to be with you. Dazai.”
Dazai swallowed hard, if Atsushi’s words were diamonds you were like the rain. Cleansing away the unsightly parts of himself that he hated, he picked at. Soothing the old wounds that he’d left open as punishment to himself. 
“We can’t… I can’t….” Dazai couldn’t finish. He looked up to you. “Every Time I love someone they die.” He shook his head slightly. “and I won’t lose you too.” 
He thought then of Oda. He still couldn’t decide how he’d loved the man, there was a seed there, growing, and if he’d had more time, Dazai thinks he could have figured it out. Did he love Oda the way he loved Atshushi or Kunikida or did he love Oda the way he’d loved you?
But for Oda to be alive, and Dazai to have an answer to that question, Dazai needed to have removed himself from Oda’s life.
 Dazai’s thoughts of Oda evaporated as he felt the warm touch of your hand to his. He looked up at you then, your eyes a calm steady sea to his stormy brooding ones.
He wanted to steal you away from the others eyes, take you somewhere safe where only he could gaze upon you. Strange feelings from someone who spent so much effort in not caring. 
“You're a good person, Dazai.” You said. “I’ve seen it, I’ve seen your soul. Death is not the punishment for love. Life takes who she wants when she wants regardless of who we love and what we want. I’d rather die, having known your love than live forever without it.” 
He kissed you then, over the tea that had gone cold, besides the people who were pretending not to listen to your conversation. The only thing he could hear was the sounds of rain dancing on the canopy above your heads. 
Somehow the both of you knew that going home alone wasn’t an option. As the hole in the wall was closest to your place, it was decided without speaking that that is where you would go. You walked there holding hands. 
Dazai’s mind was spinning with thoughts of your kiss, thoughts of you he’d tried to keep down but it wasn’t working and his pants were stiffening. 
You’d looked at him, one look, that set him on fire. And as you crossed into your apartment threshold, he couldn’t seem to grab enough of you. The umbrella he’d borrowed from you was on the floor, along with your  pretty coat, leaving wet stains on the floor. You were pressed between him in the wall, your hands deep into his tresses as he kissed you, his hands gripping almost painfully at your sides. 
He pressed his lower body up against you unable to control the moan that came from his mouth at the contact of his hardened self against you.
“I need you.” He breathed out sounding so impossibly vulnerable.
“You have me.” You said between kisses, and so he did, his wide palms sliding below your waist end scooping you into the air, your legs wrapped around his lanky figure. 
He carried you to your room, my memory as you had yet to stop kissing him, and he couldn’t see. 
When he was there you fell into the bed, soft covers swallowing you up. He had thoughts to tease you, to take things slow, and feel every single moment of this. But as his fingers seperated your pants buttons and found their way to your core he couldn’t stop himself from pleasuring you. 
Your moans were honey, as he slid down your clothing and his mouth latched to your clit. One of your hands had traveled to his hair and the other was gripping his arm which was around your waist keeping your hips down to the bed. 
He wanted more from you working his tongue and fingers at a devastating pace. His cock painful in his pants at your honey dripped moans. His hand pressed down hard against your waist as you bucked against his face, sweat beading on your chest, it felt terribly good. 
“Daz-“ you choked out as you reached your end, your hand pulling at the base of his roots causing him to moan into your pussy. 
You couldn’t hold back your moan as you came, hard and fast, cheeks hot as he kept going riding you through your orgasm. 
Dazai felt your body go limp after you came, and he stood up reaching to unbutton his shirt but then your hands over lapped his and you began to remove his shirt. His lips were on your again as your removed his clothes. 
Dazai let out a small noise of surprise when you turned and pushed him towards the bed. He went willingly though his eyes half lidded in lust as you crawled over to him straddling his waist. He was taking you in, and fuck if he couldn’t come now just looking at you. 
You leaned forward ticking a finger under his chin and guiding his lips back to yours. Dazai felt his control slipping but he didn’t mind. He wanted to be yours, all yours. You could do whatever you wanted to him.
“Let me make you feel good.”’you whispered 
He hissed as you sank slowly down onto him your warmth wrapping around him like a vice. Damnit.
You moved again rising up your hips and bringing them back down at an agonizingly slow pace. This whole time he’d thought to tease you and it was you teasing him. 
Almost as if you were reading his mind you smirked dipping slower to kiss his neck. Dazai jerked, another moan on his lips as you kissed at his newly discovered sensitive spot. 
You’d hip were starting to pick up the pace a bit, sucking hard against his neck. Your pace and attack on his neck was torture, the best kind. 
His hands gripped your ass tightly now as you rode him, biting deeply against his neck. With each slap of skin you moved faster, Dazai felt like he could explode, and maybe he would. 
He couldn’t help himself, his hips snapping up into you suddenly causing you to throw your head back and moan. Oh yes he wanted more of that. 
Your hands fell to his chest as he fucked you, his dick pressing up against that spot that was making you unravel. 
In one swift motion he’d switched the flow and you were on your back again, and he was in between you. Your hands flew around his neck as he re-entered you. 
“Mhfph” you choked out as he pressed deep into you, moaning your name sweetly into your ear. 
He was one with you, as close as his magnet could reach, and though the fear of losing you still loomed in his mind, Dazai was in true bliss. 
You were close, that feeling of knitting in your stomach, his strong deep strokes had left you gasping. 
“Osamu” you crooned, and he looked down at you now. 
“Say that again.” He breathed out. 
Dazai felt like he was going to unravel, right as you’d said his name, the way it slipped from your mouth had his heart racing. 
He thrusted faster , kissing along your neck now. 
“Say it, say it again.” He moaned out.
“Mmm Osamu, “ you repeated his name over and over again like a holy chant. “Please.” 
His strokes were coming uneven, as he leaned down to take your sweet lips with his again, fucking hell he was going to come now, in the woman he’d loved for years. 
“Come with me.” He breathed out and you nodded rapidly, he pressed his forehead to yours as you felt yourself come apart at the edges. Sweeping in nothing but pleasure you both came.
“Osamu!” You cried out eyes shut in ecstasy. 
Neither of you could be bothered to leave the bed. Dazai was holding you to his chest, your face in the crook of his neck, your heartbeats matching each other’s. 
“You know it’s too late for you now right?” You whispered, his fingers playing with your hair. 
Dazai smiled. “It was too late for me since the moment we met.” 
You chuckled softly, “that’s so cheesy.” 
Dazai chuckled back, placing a kiss on your forehead. 
“Yeah to bad you’ve got to deal with it from now on.”
“I love you, Osamu” Dazai heard you say, and even if he maybe thought he knew you did, it was different to hear you say it. He felt like he could break into a million pieces. Some stone cold bastard he was, he was absolute putty in your hands. 
“I love you to, Y/N” 
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