#all my love to cal but merrin please call me
jessicas-pi · 1 year
medieval au incorrect quotes: the threequel
Barriss, tending to Ahsoka's wounds: How would you rate your pain? Ahsoka: Zero stars. Would NOT recommend.
Sabine (age 7): I wish I had more enemies. Ursa: I’m sure you will someday, honey.
Makheta: My lady, why are you on the floor?! Ahsoka: I'm depressed. Ahsoka: Also I was stabbed, can you get Rex, please.
Caleb: Where's Ezra, Sabine, and Jacen? Hera: They're playing hide and seek. Caleb: Where? Hera: I don't think you get how this game works, love.
Ahsoka: I’m sick and tired of being called 'mortal' like, you don’t know that. Neither do I. I have never died even ONCE. Nothing has been proven yet. Stop making assumptions. It’s rude.
Sabine: There there, Ezra. Ezra, upset: Thanks, but how did you get into my room? Sabine: Great question—
Barriss: Ahsoka, remember when you said you weren’t going to interfere with my love life? Ahsoka: No, that doesn’t sound like me at all.
Caleb: *pretending to joke* So when are you going to go out with me? Hera: I don't know. When are you going to ask me to? *later* Zeb: And you just ran away?! Caleb: I didn't expect her to flirt back!
Ai-kel: If I'm extra sarcastic with you it probably means I'm flirting with you or you really annoy me and I can't handle your crap... have fun figuring out which one.
Ahsoka: You know, it's at times like this that I really wish I had listened to what Rex told me. Korkie: Why? What did he tell you? Ahsoka: I don't know. I didn't listen.
Ahsoka: What's it like, having a kid? Caleb: He's the reason Hera and I wake up every morning. Ahsoka: Aww. You're gonna be great parents. Ezra, earlier that morning, barging into Caleb and Hera′s room and jumping up and down on the bed: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
Sabine: Remember when you didn't try to solve all your problems with attempted murder? Ketsu: Stop romanticizing the past.
Merrin: This is bothering me. Cal: Well, we are digging up a corpse. Merrin: No, not that. That is... fairly par for the course, actually.
Rex: I'm going to remind you to be respectful. Ahsoka: I will politely decline.
Ursa: What do you have there, Sabine? Sabine: THE DARKSABER! Ursa: the wHAT—
Ai-kel: People are always asking me if I'm a morning person or a night person. Ai-kel: And I'm just like, 'Buddy! I'm barely even a PERSON!'
Cal, lifting up an ancient tome written in Old Sith: Oh, gods. Do you know what this is? Omega: It’s a book. There’s a lot of those in here, this is the archives.
Adenn: Look, I know you think my judgement's clouded because I like Lady Offee a little bit. Skira, holding Adenn's sketchbook: You doodled your wedding invitation, vod. Adenn: No, that's our joint tombstone. Skira: My mistake.
Sabine, age 7: I'm only civil because I don't know any swear words.
Caleb: We might have gotten into a bar room brawl back in the city. Depa: Well, that was entirely predictable. Caleb: One of us punched a gang member. Depa: Garazeb? Caleb: Hera, actually. Depa: Oh, that was going to be my second guess.
Makheta: Do you guys ever have a civilized conversation that doesn't require insulting each other every time you get a chance? Ahsoka: No. Ai-Kel: No. Makheta: Didn't think so.
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blade-liger-4ever · 2 months
As promised, here is my Ahsoka Tano x Nyx Okami child!
His name is Jesse Okami, named for the fallen clone brother who Ahsoka held as dear as she does Rex!
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Now, regarding his hair, I always pictured an Ahsoka x Nyx child as having white and blue hair from Ahsoka's montrals. I love the concept of anime colored hair, and seeing as it makes sense to me, I wanted to do it. And if you look closely, I did the same for his eyebrows: the right one is blue, and the left one is white. I also gave Jesse slightly pointed ears, and sharp teeth to go with him being born of a carnivorous alien mother. Thinking about it now, he probably has enhanced hearing, and above average sight. I tried my best to have his skin match Nyx's tone, but looking at it now, Jesse's skintone looks like a perfect blend of his parents, for which I'm proud of myself!
About my only complaint are his eyes. I'd wanted to give him one brown eye and one blue eye, but Hero Forge is finicky, and I couldn't do it. In hindsight though, I'm really pleased that I gave him Nyx's brown eyes: it helps show the similarities between father and son, as well as breaks the trend of blue eyed Force-sensitives (even though I too am inclined to make Force-sensitives have blue eyes).
Now, here's the little backstory I've got for Jesse and, by extension, Nyx and Ahsoka.
Ahsoka and Nyx ended up forming a partnership after Order 66 happened. Ahsoka needed an ally who could keep pace with her, and Rex was initially too shaken by the events of the Clone Wars and the knowledge that he and his brothers were always made to be traitors to their Jedi in order to help her cause. Leaving him to recover in a safe location, Ahsoka went out to try and find purpose and survivors in order to cope with this blow. One thing led to another, and she reunited with Nyx from their time in the underbelly of Coruscant (the Martez sisters don't exist in my canon, if you couldn't tell already.) Wanting to help her, Nyx offered her his services as an independent smuggler/infiltrator/jack-of-all-trades - "Free of charge," he added with a playful, nostalgic twinkle in his eye.
Missing her old flame and wanting company in her mission, Ahsoka gladly accepted his offer. They spent the next two years searching for Jedi, leading to dead ends and close calls. During this time, the old spark of their romance reignited, and they soon found themselves truly falling in love. Even after gaining the aid of a freelance, wandering Gray Jedi who taught Ahsoka a few extra things, they found their bond only grew stronger. Before long, Ahsoka found herself with child, and Nyx finally asked her if she'd marry him. The ceremony was short but meaningful, and Jesse was born in 17 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin). Although the risks were greater now for their family, Ahsoka and Nyx regretted nothing, and even when each of them had to take on a long mission, they managed to find the time for each other and their son.
As Jesse grew, it became evident that he was Force-sensitive, just like his mother. With Nyx's help and encouragement, Ahsoka taught him the basics of the Force, as well as a few tricks that he could use if he were alone or in danger. By 10 BBY, they came into contact with Cal Kestis and Merrin, learning that there was a planet hidden in the Koboh Abyss that would be a safe place to rest as compared to their constant travel between worlds. Coming to Tanalorr, Ahsoka knew it was a place that would be good for her family, and that a planet so rich in the Force would do her son good.
But try as they had to let go of the past, the Empire's cruelty was too great of a threat to them and their son - and try as she might, Ahsoka still had a fight to finish. Together, she and Nyx found a means of bringing together people who had been hurt by the Empire and tired of its oppression. Forming the Phoenix Cell, Ahsoka directed their moves and searched for Imperial weaknesses the Phoenixes could exploit. Nyx aided by infiltrating various Imperial bases, sometimes working in synch with Ahsoka for their missions. Soon, Ahsoka felt the Force calling her to join the fight, leaving Nyx to hang back and raise their son while searching for other sources to aid his wife and the growing Rebellion.
Almost four years before Yavin, Ahsoka became aware of a young Mandalorian who was unique among her kind: she was Force-sensitive, for which she'd had to abandon her homeworld and her people to keep herself out of Imperial hands. Ahsoka took the young teenage girl under her wing, but struggled to find a means of teaching her without totally becoming her master. For this, she often confided in Nyx, though she had to use code in order to preserve the safety of all. Nyx gave her much needed advice and comfort, even though they were worlds apart; thankfully, the Mandalorian girl was already well versed in weapons' handling, and most of the teaching revolved around teaching her to open herself up to the Force. When the Mandalorian girl crafted her twin, yellow bladed lightsabers, her initiation was nearly complete.
However, the Force warned Ahsoka of a darkness on the old Sith world of Korriban - a darkness that her former master was seeking out. Knowing the urgency of this mission and aware that her student was in no shape to face a Sith Lord, Ahsoka instructed the Mandalorian to remain with the former commanders Wolffe and Gregor while she journeyed with the Jedi Kanan Jarrus and Ezra Bridger to the petrified world to locate the threat. Sharing some last transmissions with Nyx and Rex, Ahsoka departed.
Halfway across the galaxy, Nyx awoke in the middle of the night to a feeling he would never forget. When later asked by his wife's former pupil, he admits that it was like "a tear in reality. One minute she was there, then the next, Ahsoka...disappeared." He insists that it did not feel like a death, both because he would know on a primal level, and that Jesse would be far more heartbroken if Ahsoka had died. Instead, Jesse plays restlessly with the Tanalorrian coyotes, growing in power and asking more and more about his mother and what she is like. As for himself, Nyx has stepped further into the light of the Rebellion, close enough for his shadow to be seen but far enough away to remain safe with his son on Tanalorr.
For now, Nyx is biding his time, watching as his son grows and learns of the Force from Cal, though Jesse keeps his Jedi tutor emotionally at arm's length and spends much of his time with his father. When the Emperor is defeated, Nyx, after witnessing his son build a silver bladed lightsaber in a Force trance, decides it is time to find Ahsoka, and taking Jesse with him, the father and son begin to search the stars for Ahsoka.
And that's that! I hope you all enjoyed this, and that I piqued your interest! This is what I have so far for my personal Star Wars canon, though it may be subject to editing and little changes. Regarding that Mandalorian Jedi-in-training, I will elaborate on a few details:
She is not Sabine Wren, nor is she on the same political standing as Sabine. I am sorry that I did not name her, but this character has been in my head and heart for years. Frankly, she has been there since about seaon two of Star Wars Rebels, and even then, she had always been a Jedi-in-training - long before the Darksaber arc or even the Ahsoka series made Sabine Force-sensitive (which greatly annoys me, by the way - and she will not be Force-sensitive in my canon.) Since this Mandalorian Jedi OC is so close to my heart and has been protected from the fandom/internet for so long, I will, admittedly, find it difficult to disclose many details about her, though I am hoping to change that.
A last note: Kanan lives in my canon, and Ezra remains in the galaxy and has adventures with his "space family" on Yavin 4 and participates in Luke's rebuilding of the Jedi Order. If you have questions about my canon, my ask box is open, though I will only answer SFW questions, and any hate I receive will not be tolerated. If you don't like most of the answers I give, then please move on and don't let my takes upset you. I am doing this primarily for my own enjoyment, but if I make others happy, I will be glad to have done that.
Take care, and may the Force be with you!
(Tags under the cut)
@ahsoka (as promised) @vitamaeternum @magiesheartlove @princessallura052 @fantasyproductions @escapistsatellite @cherokeefrank
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Ahsoka 1x01 1x02 Thoughts/Questions
Spoilers for Ahsoka of course, and spoilers for Star Wars Rebels.
WHAT IS SABINE’S CAT’S NAME???? This is unironically my number one question. What if she named it Ezra.
Where is Jacen? My broccoli boy 💚
Wtf is up with Morgan Elsbeth being a nightsister? She’s very clearly human and not the same species as Talzin, Ventress, and Merrin, etc. Is Dave bringing back the concept of a group of human Nightsisters from the EU? (In which case, I’d like to see Teneniel Djo please.) Morgan says she’s a “descendant of the witches of Dathomir,” does that mean she could be part Nightsister but mostly human? Worth noting she is clearly able to do at least a bit of Nightsister magick in the scene with the map- she summons green smoke while opening it. Why the inconsistency in species? It seems silly to suddenly have a human Nightsister character when it’s needlessly confusing.
Also, the instant she said she was a Nightsister and a survivor I was like “who does she think she is ripping off Merrin like this?!” I will not tolerate this dollar store knockoff wannabe.
Update: checked the wiki and apparently there were a few small human Nightsister clans (the Singing Mountain clan is apparently still canon!), but mostly it was the big Dathomirian Nightsister clan led by Mother Talzin. Morgan could be from one of the smaller human clans. I think she just feels annoying to me because it’s like someone saw how cool Merrin is, thought she’d be a good villain for this, and then took the character concept wholesale for a piece of Star Wars media that’s more mainstream, but didn’t put in the work so it falls flat. And then her being human just makes it weirder. I wonder who made the decision to use the Nightsisters for this storyline, because doesn’t… fit. Even Morgan’s name is odd. Just feels like no effort was put into the character.
How did Ahsoka find Huyang? I’m so curious when and how this happened. I’m really happy to see him in this though, I loved him in Clone Wars.
Ahsoka can do psychometry now! Can we please get some canon Ahsoka and Cal Kestis interactions? Rebellion era would probably be best but I’m not picky. Obviously Cal’s abilities in that area are a lot stronger, but it’s nice he’s not alone and it’d be great to see them interact. They’re almost the same age, but just far enough apart that their experiences since Order 66 have been radically different.
Mando/Din spending seasons raising a Jedi foundling and Ahsoka taking on a non-Force-sensitive Mandalorian as a padawan is so funny to me. The irony of the inverse.
It’s also the perfect continuation of the disaster lineage attitude imo. Obi-Wan “I’ll train the kid you all say is too old to train” Kenobi, then Anakin and Ahsoka’s… you know, Anakin and Ahsoka-ing, and now Ahsoka’s like “I’ll take a regular non-Force-Sensitive person as a padawan.”
Merrin and Sabine would get along, I think.
Sabine being like 30 and still acting exactly like a rebellious teenager feels like a cry for help to me. :( I’m glad Hera seems to have her back, and it’s good that she has a cat, but I’m worried about her. It makes sense, but gosh poor Sabine. I’m sensing depression. She’s had such a tough life and a tough time with the concept of family, it feels like losing Ezra was the last straw for her emotionally.
Actually, where is Sabine’s biological family? Are Ursa, Tristan, and Alrich okay? Or did they not survive the Mandalorian Purge? (God no I WILL cry. Also @ Dave where is Korkie, why is Bo-Katan calling herself the last Kryze.)
So wait, the rest of the crew has spent 15 years thinking Ezra’s dead?? He said to come find him! I always felt like he was pretty clear he wasn’t dying when he pulled his purrgil stunt. Did they all just turn pessimistic and lose hope? That’s so sad.
I actually really love Sabine kind of being the Republic’s version of Thrawn as an expert art analyst. Continues the Sabine/Thrawn contrast Rebels started where Thrawn analyzes art in a more academic fashion and treats the culture it came from as a curiosity- he’s very into cultural appropriation!!- while Sabine makes her own art and is more capable of stepping into other people’s shoes to appreciate their art.
Ahsoka refusing to train Sabine because she’s too busy being sad and lonely, and Sabine refusing to talk to Ahsoka or train (or give speeches) because she’s too busy being sad and lonely. This is so sad and I want to hug them both.
It works because we have a new actress playing Ahsoka, but I’m so curious what this would have been like animated. Ahsoka feels similar enough to herself but very different, because she’s in such a different place emotionally, and I’m curious how this would’ve felt in animation with Ashley doing the voice.
There were a few scenes where I felt like I was watching a live action Rebels episode and it was the best! The entire sequence with Sabine on the hover bike getting away from her own New Republic squad lol, Hera in the Phantom with Chopper chasing after the ship and planting the tracker. Chopper not being able to find the tracker until Hera told him where it was felt SPOT ON.
The T-6 actually looks pretty roomy and comfortable so far. Like, not the best living situation, but it looks way bigger than the Falcon! Heck, it looks bigger than Ezra’s tower that Sabine’s living in.
That said, Ahsoka having not had a real home since leaving the Jedi Temple is killing me. She really has some abandonment/attachment/commitment issues she needs to work on. Extremely understandable issues given what happened, but it’s like after the end of Rebels she just… quit. Maybe finding out Kanan was gone and then coming back to find Ezra gone was the last straw for her.
I also feel like her giving up on Sabine’s training was because of how her own training ended and Anakin’s fall shortly after. She doesn’t feel capable of dealing with the feelings stirred up by having a student. So she just doesn’t.
Sabine’s collecting little brothers. :) Tristan, Ezra, and Jacen.
I yelled at Senator Jai Kell!!! Good for him!!!
Had a watch party with my friends for this and we all screamed the instant Chopper showed up!! And here I was thinking maybe he was off babysitting Jacen.
What in the world is with the map showing another galaxy?? Yuuzhan Vong vibes. (The way they were almost canon because we were supposed to get a Clone Wars episode with them… :’( )
Why DO the Nightsisters have a map to another galaxy? Didn’t they mostly stay on Dathomir? I can buy them having outposts like the ruins where Ahsoka found the map in an era when they left the planet more, but a map to whole other galaxy seems a bit off. Space exploration on that scale doesn’t seem like something they would do. I wonder if maybe the map is a relic from someone else that they picked up. I like the Rakata theory I saw floated by someone. I could see the Nightsisters picking up a Rakatan map. Those guys left random stuff everywhere iirc.
Does the Eye of Sion have anything to do with Darth Sion? (Of KOTOR 2 fame)
WHERE IS MORAI??? This is a really big question for me!!
Also wondering where Ahsoka’s Gandalf the White outfit is? Guessing she won’t get it until the end of the show. She has to go through her journey first. I wonder if the if it’ll mirror the Topps cards Filoni did after Twilight of the Apprentice at all.
It’s really sad to me that this show is coming out during the strike, because I really need Filoni commentary on things. Actor commentary would be great as well. This is ridiculous, the studios need to pay the people who make things a fair wage.
Shoutout to Natasha Liu Bordizzo’s portrayal of Sabine so far. She feels JUST like Sabine and it’s great. We haven’t really seen enough of Hera yet for me to comment on Mary Elizabeth Winstead’s acting. (It was so weird seeing Hera be taller than Ahsoka though lol.) And Sabine had much more of an arc in these two episodes than Ahsoka did so I can’t really comment on Rosario’s Ahsoka either. Will say she’s been excellent so far, especially in her first appearance in the Mandalorian episode. Looking forward to seeing more!
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vibinglikethat · 1 year
my thoughts and feelings about jedi survivor (spoilers ahead)
ok so i've finished the storyline of jedi survivor and i thought i would express my many feelings about this amazing game (in case i wasn't obvious lol, i LOVED it.)
so the game takes place 5 years after jedi fallen order, and of course lots of things have happened between JFO and JS, one of which is the crew went their separate ways and it becomes clear that cal wasnt happy with that. eventually they all reunite and everything is nice and there is hope and then you remember this is star wars and it's set during the empire and so that hope turns to dust real quick and it's AGONIZING.
GOD i can't stop thinking about bode and his betrayal i dont remember the last time i was so fucking shocked over a character's betrayal, i was never shocked with anakin because uhhh yeah he was always meant to be darth vader lol, but with bode??? i did NOT see it coming. it especially sucks because i really liked him. and the fact that he used to be a JEDI???? THAT FUCKING SHOOK ME TO THE CORE. i feel so bad for his daughter OH my god :( she lost her parents at such a young age i want to cry (I LOVE that merrin especially tries to help and comfort her because she can relate im going to sob)
cere junda.....oh man. oh god. my love for cere is endless and im still processing her death (YES I KNOW SHES A FICTIONAL CHARACTER I CANT HELP HOW I FEEL LOL) i actually already kinda knew she was going to die because i saw gifs but i feel like i would have been even MORE upset if i didnt know because OH my god.........the darth vader and cere fight scene was SO cool though like tragedy aside i loved being able to do that omg you cant really properly fight darth in JFO and i loved that you could this time while playing as cere
god cal crying while holding her body wrecked me.....i wont be forgetting that anytime soon, if ever.
CAL AND MERRIN ARE ROMANTICALLY INVOLVED OH MY GOD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH im gonna admit and say i never called myself a cal/merrin shipper but i HAVE loved their dynamic and i love romance so im definitely shipping them now lol (MERRIN BEING THE FIRST TO INSTIGATE THEIR KISS.....WE LOVE TO SEE IT)
greez........i love greez :) i DO want to know what happened to his arm because OH my god wtf anyway i love that he has a saloon, good for him. this game made me love him even more. he just loves his found family :((( AND OH MY GOD HE WAS SO HEARTBROKEN AFTER CERE I WANT TO THROW UP
this is getting absurdly song omg sorry lol im sure im forgetting some things but these are the most significant moments that happened and i wont be forgetting anytime soon lol
also btw i straight up cried during the funeral scene which is the last scene that plays before the credits. the force theme played which probably contributed to my tears lol
anyway the ending was perfect, this game is perfect, the emotional devastation is perfect, the gameplay is perfect, i cannot recommend this game ENOUGH. if you like star wars and souls-like games. if you've read this far please feel free to reblog and say "so true op" in the tags lol
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dreaming-of-hope · 1 year
Or we get a spin-off game where we play as a survivor of Luke’s Order who regroups when he hears Rey’s call with Anakin alongside perhaps Enyo (the Twi’lek Jedi that was unaccounted for). Also imagine Cal and Merrin do have a kid and the kid’s name is either Jaro (if a boy) or Cere (if a girl) Kestis.
I'm not familiar with Legends and I literally deleted all information on my brain about the new trilogy because I hated it, so it's hard for me to picture your vision, but the idea of an spin-off game it's not something I'd be too thrilled about. I honestly think they should not make more games in the jedi continuity after the third instalment (I know they probably will because MONEY but I'll remain doubtful for the time being). I've seen too many franchises being dragged through the mud in the name of profit and I wish that didn't happen to our beloved Cal.
But please, let me know any more ideas, headcanons and anything you can think about! I love when people jump into my asks to let me know things or share their brains <3 Thank you!
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whatanoof · 3 years
hello there mesh'la, i'm a major cal kestis simp and i absolutely adore your work! i don't know if you normally do requests but if you do, i had an idea! can you do one where cal and his girlfriend spend the night making love very loudly, and then the morning after the crew of the mantis teases them about it - and they point out that the both of them are covered in hickeys? xd
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Pairing: Cal Kestis x Reader
Word Count: ~1.1k
Warnings: references to sex, swearing, rather cruel banter until you consider that they're family and it's all good natured teasing?
A/N: Anon this would totally happen, I'm not going to lie to you. Cal would get so lost in the sauce that he wouldn't think too hard about holding back in any way. The found family dynamics are high in this one guys, not gonna lie, but the prompt is so freaking funny in concept that I couldn't resist? Also, I've totally moved into just finding Cameron Monaghan gifs that really fit the vibes, because Cal Kestis gifs tend to be super serious
Greez snaps awake, scared and disoriented. What had woken him? There’s a rhythmic squeaking coming from the wall, and heavy breathing echoing around the tinny walls of the Mantis.
“Fuck, please!” Someone groans, long and drawn out and breathless and loud.
Oh. He rolls his eyes, grabs his pillow, and smushes it as tightly as he can around his head. It does the job decently well, he supposes as he drifts back to a fitful sleep.
Merrin was already awake when the noises began to filter through the walls of her quarters. Dathomirian Nightsister texts are scattered haphazardly through her quarters, half of them skimmed through tonight and another two floating before her.
“You feel so good, baby.” A strangled moan follows the words, someone keening rather high, enough to rival that of a shrieking bird that she had heard back home. “Fuck, can I move?”
It takes a few seconds for the words to pull her attention from the texts, but when she notices, all she does is huff a heavy sigh. Green magic spins around her before expanding to press to the inside of her room.
She listens carefully for a few moments, but no sound gets past the magic barrier. She curls up under the covers and continues to read. At least someone is having fun tonight.
Cere is on night shift in the cockpit. No physical sound reaches her, but her connection to the Force twinges. She lowers the noise of the comm chatter and magnifies the Force sensation, identifying increased pleasure and thought projection coming from the aft quarters of the Mantis. Not again.
She sighs and pushes the Force as far as possible from her mind. Turning up the comm chatter again, she continues to monitor the surroundings.
A high pitched groan pierces through the stillness, echoing from inside the air system and managing to be heard by Cere even through her headphones. Her temper flares, but she inhales sharply and calms herself. There’s nothing to be done about it tonight. There will absolutely be words in the morning.
“Good morning!” Cal all but skips into the kitchen towards the caf machine. “How close are we to Bogano?”
He is greeted with less than an equal amount of cheer. Greez sends a highly unimpressed look his way over a cup of caf. “Someone’s in a good mood.”
Merrin snorts, “I bet I could tell you why.”
Cal blinks at them, looking like a swampling caught in headlights. “What?”
Cere appears behind him and claps a hand on his shoulder, “I believe that they’re referring to last night’s activities. Very loud activities.”
Cal says nothing, but the expression on his face can only be interpreted as, ‘oh shit.’
You really couldn’t have timed it better if you tried, because you chose that exact moment to appear from the back hallway, blinking sleepily with mussed hair and a truly impressive array of blue and purple dotting along the skin exposed by the neckline of your pajama shirt. All eyes land on you the second your foot hits the threshold, and you freeze at the sudden attention.
“What’s wrong?”
Merrin breaks the tension, “You got a little something there.” She gestures to her own neck, and your hand flies to yours to mimic hers, trying to peer down and see what she is pointing at.
“And there. And there.” Greez pipes up, and you rub your skin a little more frantically. “And there. Oh, you missed the one there.”
Cere shoots them a look. “Behave, you two.”
Cal moves to your side, leaning to whisper in your ear, “Sorry, I should’ve warned you this morning when I got up, but you were still asleep and I didn’t want to wake you.”
“Warned me about what?” You’re going to blame your sleep-addled brain because you are not getting anyone’s meaning at all.
“I--uh--I marked you up a lot last night.”
Your jaw drops when you finally understand. “Cal Kestis!” You hiss furiously, glaring at him while you try in vain to pull the collar of your shirt up to hide your skin better.
“Leave it. Everyone’s already seen it anyway.” Merrin calls from her corner of the table, an amused grin spreading across her features.
“Everyone heard it too last night.” Greez chortles, hands slapping his side in mirth. “You are a loud one,” he said, referring to you.
Now it’s the second time you’re confused this morning. “What are you talking about?”
“You were moaning very loudly last night. Impressively high-pitched too, maybe you should consider joining a choir.” The Latero laughs at his own joke rather explosively, but your brow only creases further.
“I wasn’t making noises last night. Cal gagged me.”
A shocked silence spreads over the group as everyone turns their attention from you to the redheaded Jedi trying to edge back to the hallway leading to the quarters. He stops when he notices that he’s been caught, raising his hands in the air with a guilty smile on his face, “Sorry about that?”
Greez cackles, hands slamming onto the table and nearly upsetting his cup of caf. “That was you?!”
Merrin’s laughing too, “I thought those sounds weren’t within the range of a normal human male. Congratulations on your excelling vocal chords.”
Cere’s chuckling too, “Maybe she shouldn’t be the one wearing the gag.”
Cal’s flushed bright red, and he turns and sits at the table with a defeated air. “Okay, eveyrone just get it out right now and we can move on.”
“Oh no, we are never going to move on. You sounded like that Shyyyo bird on Kashyyyk, pretty boy!”
You sit beside Cal with a modest smile, squeezing his hand. “I suppose we deserve it for ruining their sleep.”
“You’re damn right you do!”
“And now that you know, it better not happen again,” Cere interjects with a stern gaze on the both of you, causing you to shrink under the severity. “We have to get sleep if we’re to keep running missions of such a dangerous nature.” You both nod sheepishly. “But--” You look up at her slightly amused tone, “Cal you really should consider joining a nature group. I’m sure you could imitate most of the bird calls in the higher range. It’s truly a lost talent.”
Cal groans as he thunks his forehead down on the table, and you pat his hand reassuringly. If Cere has jumped on the train of ridiculing, then the subject truly will not get dropped for sometime. It may be time to consider getting Cal a gag as well if you’re going to continue.
Cal Kestis Taglist:@marvelassassin221b, @my-awakened-ghost, @katethecrazy, @gabile18
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forever-rogue · 3 years
Step into the Daylight - Part 12
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Summary: Crafting, whispered declarations, and a newcomer lead to some interesting revelations.
A/N: Thank you guys for being so, so patient and still being excited for me to update. Taglists are open, and as always feedback is welcome! xx
Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4.5k
Warnings: general s2 spoilers, and canon divergence (hehehe)
»»————- ♡ ————-«��
“So I’m going to make that,” you glanced at Cal’s glowing green lightsaber with a furtive point of your hand,  “from this?”
The small Kyber crystal felt pathetic and pointless in your hand as you looked between it and the lightsaber. It seemed like surely the one couldn’t truly come from the other. How was the dinky little crystal going to power up such an advanced weapon?
“Of course,” Cere offered you a kind smile and a warm hand on your back as she ushered you over to the workbench at the back of the Mantis, her ragtag crew’s ship, “all the materials and items you need to craft your own saber are right there. The most important of it all, the key, is the small crystal in your hands. Have faith in it - and yourself -  and you’ll be able to do it.”
“O-on my own?” your eyebrows shot up as she nodded, “how will I know what to do? I’m not dumb...but I don’t see how one equates to the other.”
“You will know,” she insisted, taking a step back and motioning for Cal to join her. Your eyes were wide with worry and concern as you were positive that this was a task you would never be able to complete. Maybe this was all a mad joke, and they were somehow testing you? But then again...surely they couldn’t be. Few things you’d learned about the Jedi and the Force made sense and this was definitely one of them. You were beginning to wonder if anything ever would make sense.
But your instinct, your gut or whatever it was, had gotten you this far. It had kept you, Din, and Grogu safe. Maybe there was something to it after all. Maybe now wasn’t the time to question it. 
“Alright,” you nodded in quiet agreement, “I’ll try my best.”
“We will see you when you’re ready,” with that she turned and left, with Cal close on her heels after he gave you a wave of goodbye. Nodding to yourself you decided that you might as well just try and see where it led you. 
“Okay,” you whispered to yourself as you put the crystal in the center of the bench, “let’s give this a go then.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
It was several frustrating hours before you emerged from the Mantis, dirt and oil on your face, but more importantly, a giant grin. You quickly found yourself surrounded by several pairs of curious, prying eyes. The most important of all were inky black and accompanied by a happy little coo.
"How did you fare, young one?" Cere asked you as you reached behind your back and slowly pulled out what looked like a black metallic tube, covered in intricate golden designs.
"You tell me," without a moment of hesitation or pause, you ignited the saber and displayed the brilliant, glowing golden beam of light. Before anyone could say anything you wielded it and displayed the other end, showing that you had crafted a dual ended saber, "ta da!"
"Golden," Cal mused as he came closer and studied the saber, impressed by your ability to create such an impressive thing on your first try, "I've only seen one other person with such a color…"
"Should I have chosen a-a different one?" your brows knitted in confusion as you disengage the saber and clipped it onto your belt loop, "is there a way to change it?"
"No," he shook his head in amusement, "the Kyber chooses us and the color. It's nothing on your part."
"Oh...well, I'll take it as a good thing then," you cast a look over at Din and Grogu who were both watching your every move intently. You felt your cheeks warm up under his gaze, but a smile still graced your features, "golden...what does it mean?"
"Balance," he answered simply, "the balance between light and dark."
"O-oh," you swallowed thickly as you realized just how much it meant it, "wow."
"Wow is right," Cere game over and gave your shoulder a gentle squeeze, "you've done well. The art of wielding it is another thing. But you will learn, over time. There is no right - or wrong - way to do it. You'll have to find out what feels right to you."
"Thank you," giving her a nod of reverence, an odd feeling washed over you. It was all done now - your journey of finding your crystal and your building of the saber. This is where you parted ways. It was a lonely idea, a scary one at that, but you knew you'd still have Din and Grogu. That was all you really needed - anything else world work out.
Like it always seemed to.
"I believe this is the parting of the ways," she sounded almost disappointed as you inhaled deeply. Although you hadn't known them long, you felt as though there was a deep bond between your small clan and their crew. Like yourself and Grogu, Cal and Cere, and in some ways Merrin, shared a special bond with you. They were probably some of the only people that knew exactly what you were going through; especially the push and pull between light and dark.
“Indeed,” you slowly made your way over to Din, who gave a small nod of acknowledgment as Grogu reached out for you. Gently taking him in your arms, you kissed the top of his fuzzy head before positioning him so he could see everything, just like he pleased, “where will you go?”
“Wherever we’re needed,” Cal seemed as cryptic as his mentor, but you knew that despite trusting you, it was best for their own interests to kept their whereabouts as secret as possible, “I have not doubt that there are plenty of others just like you and I that are out there, and they’re scared and need help. We’re just going to go around and keep finding them, and helping them. So that way they can hone their own powers, just like you.”
“I’m sure they will be more than thankful for your help,” you said as Grogu cooed in agreement, “just like we are. I hope our paths cross again one day, Cal Kestis.”
“As do I,” he held out his hand and you grabbed it, giving it a firm but gentle shake. The energy that flowed between the two of you was enough to prompt a small sound of surprise from your lips; the force really was a strange, but wonderful thing, “until next time.”
“Until next time,” you repeated as you stood back and rejoined Din. A hand went to your side as he led you close to him. And then you realized - “wait! Jele - what about you? Are you going to come with us?”
For the first time since your reappearance, you really noticed the older woman watching you curiously. She offered you a warm smile, much as the others had done before shaking her head lightly, “unfortunately, our time is over, and I’ve found a new calling. I’m going with them, hopefully to use the skills I have remaining for good use. Just like with you. There’s nothing left for me to teach you, young one. Everything else will come to you in time, you will be ready for when it does.”
“Thank you,” tears pricked at the back of your eyes as you nodded in understanding, “for everything.”
“There’s nothing to thank me for,” she insisted, “everything’s always been within you, everything plays out as it should. Sometimes it just needs a little push in the right direction.”
A playful little grin crossed her features as she glances at you and Din in turn. Your cheeks warmed up at the mere thought of kissing him the previous evening, of finally getting to see him, of the whispered declarations of love, and what it all meant. Clearing your throat, you gazed at your feet awkwardly to hide your warm face, “well, regardless. Thank you. For everything.”
“May the force be with you.”
“And with you.”
The three of you remained there for some time, watching as the others gathered their things and packed up the Mantis to leave. It was strange to watch them leave, it almost felt wrong; they were new friends, fast friends but it felt wrong to see them go so soon. Something told you this wasn’t the last you’d see of them. 
“We should go in,” Din finally said after some time, his voice cracking lightly from how long he had been silent. It wasn’t that he had been worried about you while you were crafting your blade like he had been when you were on your quest for the crystal, but he was...nervous. Din knew you were more than capable of handling yourself, but at the same time he couldn’t help but fret over your safety. He loved you, truly, fully, and completely - he knew that now. Since he’d had the privilege of knowing a life with you, he wasn’t sure he could handle one without you. 
Shivering in response, it was only mere moments before Din had whipped his cape off from his shoulders and placed it around your own. You turned to him with a thankful smile before shaking your head in amusement, “what about you, my love? Now you’re going to be cold.”
“Not terribly if we move inside and warm up the Crest,” he snorted in amusement before moving in the direction of the ship just behind the snowy horizon, “come on, let’s go before we freeze.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
It was warm inside, the forced air was blasting and making the whole ship more comfortable. It really was the only way to combat the freezing chill of Illum. You’d showered and changed into something more warm and comfortable, and once you’d returned to the small living space, you’d found that Din had tucked Gorgu back into his small hammock. You watched the small green little bean fondly for a moment before gently stroking his ears and the top of his head. 
“Hungry?” you stopped at the sound of the voice that reached your ears. It was familiar and known to you, yes, but there was a part of it that was still more or less unknown. Dropping your hand, you turned and found Din watching you, his brown eyes meeting yours, “I-I made some food.”
“Y-yes,” you nodded, swallowing the lump that had welled up in your throat before walking over to him. Din stood there for a moment as you studied him; but then silently, tentatively, you reached up and cradled his face in your hands. He practically keened into your touch as you traced over his features, before leaning closer to him, the tips of your noses lightly brushing, “is this okay?”
"Yes," his voice was gentle as his warm breath fanned across your face, somehow causing you to lean forward and gently brush your lips against his. Din's hands found purchase on your waist as you breathed him in and familiarized with this - the sheer, wonderful act of intimacy, "may I kiss you?"
"Please," you barely whispered the word before he closed the gap and gently pressed his lips against yours. His touch and taste were intoxicating, despite being so simple and pure. It wasn't much, a few mere seconds passed as you both tested the waters to see how it would go. Not that there was any lingering doubt in your mind that you loved him, but it was all still so new and threatened to send you into an overwhelmed headrush all at once.
There was something so saccharine and sacred about kissing him, about knowing he was yours and you were his, that was too much and not enough at once. Your eyes closed as you rested your forehead against his, lips pulling into a small smile.
"What are you thinking?" you asked softly when you found inquisitive brown eyes searching your face for...something.
"I like this," his cheeks flushed slightly as his fingers danced around your waist, "I've never done this before, let someone see me like this, but I just…"
"Feel like this is right?" you finished as he nodded softly, "I don't know what it is either, Din, but I feel it too. I like to think that...there's a reason you found me and saved me that day. I'm glad you did."
"Even though you tried to fight me off?"
"Even though I tried to fight you off!" you pulled back and laughed, that wonderful sound that made Din's insides flutter happily, "I thought for sure you were going to turn me in. I...couldn't trust you or anyone then."
"And now?"
"I trust you with my life," you promised, "you are my home. You and Grogu."
“I’ve never…” Din paused for a long moment before closing his eyes and gently stealing another kiss from you, lingering against your lips. You were so close, but not close enough; part of you wanted to swallow him whole and keep him as yours forever, “I’ve never felt this way about anyone. I’ve never loved anyone. Not before…”
“Him?” your voice was soft as you pulled back and cast a fond glance at the sleeping child. Din followed your gaze before training it right back onto you, “I can understand that. I love him too. Have you never...loved another?”
“No,” he admitted, almost shy as he gnawed on his bottom lip, “I’ve had lovers, here and there, but nothing like this. Nothing to where…”
“No one has seen your face,” you concluded as he nodded. Running a hand through his curls, you scratched lightly at his scalp as he choked back a moan at the tender touch, “thank you.”
“For what?”
“Letting me love you,” pressing a kiss to the tip of his nose, you couldn’t help but pull him close, “for letting me see you as you are.”
“You have always seen me,” he acknowledged, “just as I am.”
“As you have me,” you grinned at him, “I haven’t either...I’ve never loved anyone before.”
“Never?” he seemed surprised as you nodded at his surprised expression, “I thought...you’re...everything.”
“Not to most people,” you reminded him, “I never had the opportunity or the luxury to allow myself to relax or be...human. No one, not since I was just a small child, has ever loved me or cared so much about me before. Now I have a family, a real family. I must have done something right in some life to find you, Din.”
Unable to find the right words, Din’s hand found your face this time as he pulled you into him and just held you, watching you like you were the reason for every single glittering star in the sky, “Jeele told me that souls that are bound together will always find each other, no matter the time or distance or how hard it is. I’m glad ours found each other.”
“I love you,” he blurted out as you left a warm rush wash all over you. There was something about how he said - so sweet and gentle that left you breathless and in a dreamlike state. Part of you was convinced that none of this was real, surely you couldn’t be deserving of this much love or delicate intimacy. But the touch and feel of his skin on yours, the ecstasy of his kiss was enough to remind you that this was all real. He really did love you.
“I love you,” it was a promise, a tender declaration that set his soul at ease, knowing that you felt the same way about him. How, no matter how crazy or convoluted it seemed, your souls were bonded and had managed to find each other in this lifetime. Brushing your fingers over his patchy scruff, you grinned, but were quickly cut off from saying anything else by rapturous growl of your stomach, “oh.”
“I knew you were hungry,” he chuckled warmly, and Maker, you could easily get used to a lifetime of this, “come on, my little Jedi, the food’s almost ready.”
“Din-” you held onto his hand to stop him from walking away, “I have something to tell you.”
“What is it, Mesh’la?”
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum,” you tried your best not to butcher his language too much. Judging by the incredulous look on his face, he didn’t mind a bit, “I-I told you I had time to study a lot...my Mando’a is far from good, and you said it to me last night. I hope it’s not too horrible.”
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum,” he repeated back to you slowly, “you’ve got it down perfectly.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“You’re thinking much too loudly,” you mouthed at him between bites of bread. Din’s eyebrow raised in amusement as he looked and waited for you to repeat yourself. Stuffing the bite down, you offered up a sheepish smile, “what’s on your mind, Din?”
“I was just thinking about...Tython,” he admitted, “I know we should go, we have to go, but I’m...I don’t know if I can part with him. Not yet.”
“You don’t…” you set your fork down and let out a heavy sigh. You knew, you both knew exactly what it meant. A part of you still held onto hope that it wouldn’t come to that. You didn't know a life without your small green bean anymore, and honestly, you weren’t sure if you could face a life without him, “nothing is set in stone, Din. Things could always...change. And if not...you will have fulfilled the duty you were tasked with.”
“It must be selfish of me to want to keep him,” he trained his gaze away from you, but you could see that his eyes were glistening with some tears, “he’s not just some thing. He’s….”
“Family,” you finished, “aliit.”
“Yes,” he agreed, gently resting his hand on top of yours, giving it a gentle squeeze, “just like you.”
“Whatever happens, Din,” you whispered, “this won’t be the last time you see him. I promise you that. You are his father - nothing is going to change that. He knows that, and so do you.”
“What do you think will happen when we go?” he opened and closed his mouth a few times as he blinked back tears.
“I don’t know,” you whispered, “I don’t know if there is a way to know. I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see. I do promise you one thing though.”
“What’s that?” 
“I love you - and I will always love you,” you took his hand and brought it to your lips before pressing a kiss to his palm. “And so will he. I promise you that.”
“I love you both too,” he said after a few moments of peaceful silence, “we should get some rest...we’ll be on Tython soon enough anI want to make sure we’re rested and prepared for...anything.”
“Yes,” you concurred, “you’re right, of course. Come one then, my love, we’ll rest for now.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
“So...this is it?” Din sounded skeptical as he looked around the rocky ruins, with Grogu clutched tightly in his arms. You couldn’t help but snort at him in amusement; Grogu seemed to be enjoying himself anyway, “is it...does this look Jedi to you?”
He gently set Grogu down and he toddled over to the small stone pillar in the middle of the ruins. The little one cooed excitedly as he looked between the two of you; Din, studious and bewildered as he looked around, and you, doubled over as you laughed and tried to catch your breath. 
“How does something look Jedi?” you finally choked out as you tried to stop your giggles, “it doesn’t have to look Jedi. It’s about the energy.”
“Okay...well, does it feel Jedi?” he was at your side, gently nudging your ribs as you laughed at him again, “you’re being cruel!”
“I’m sorry,” you were but it was still amusing nonetheless, “it’s just...the energies. Can you feel them? Can you feel the force?”
“I don’t feel anything,” he shrugged lightly, “should I be?”
“I think so...Cal was right. The energies here are very strong,” you closed your eyes for a moment as Din huffed, “it’s alright...Jeele says everyone’s in tune with the force to a certain extent, and that it can be strengthened through practice. I-I’ll teach you, my love. That way you can tell if something looks Jedi.”
“Very funny,” he sighed, his signature trademark sigh as you took his hand and pointed towards Grogu. He was surrounded by a small swarm of bright blue butterflies, giggling as he tried to chase after them, “I didn’t know it was possible to have so much love in your heart for someone else. But now I know...because of the two of you.”
“Come on,” you took his hand in yours, “let’s look around to see if we can find anything. Grogu - you stay here, we’ll be right back.”
You hesitated for a moment before deciding it was okay, and trailed alongside Din. It wasn’t a huge planet, but it was beautiful in its own way, with animals running around. No humans or other creatures seemed to inhabit the place. It was quiet here...peaceful even. 
“I like this,” you said to Din as you walked through a small field of wildflowers, “it’s quiet and calm and you can just...be. I wouldn’t mind living someplace like this one day.”
“Without any intelligent life nearby and completely cut off from everything else?” he teased as you groaned at him. 
"No, shiny dummy," you plopped down into the tall, soft grass. You let out a long sigh and put your hands behind your behind, closing your eyes, "somewhere nice and quiet and with just us. Peaceful. What do you think, Din? Ever thought about the future…?"
With me?
After a few beats of silence, you heard the grass next to you crunch softly before you felt his body lie next to yours. His hand reached out and sought yours; you wasted no time in shifting your arm and letting him take your hand. He laced your fingers together before resting them on his chest.
"Yes," he whispered quietly, "I've thought about it a lot."
"I never thought I would ever want to settle down and not...do what I do," he confessed as his thumb stroked the back of your hand, "I never thought there would be more than what I had. But then I found Grogu and...you. I came to realize that I did want more, I want more than what I had."
"A future…"
"With him and you," you were positive that you could hear him smile at his confession. This was easy and hard at the same time - neither of you had ever imagined there would be this, "I don't want this life, the constant fighting and fleeing anymore. I want...a home, a real home."
"Me too," it was a smitten, gentle declaration, "I still want to help people somehow too."
"We will," he promised, "we'll have it all, Mesh'la."
Unable to stop yourself, you rolled onto your side and on top of him. A small grunt of surprise escaped his lips as his arms went to your waist and your hands went to his helmet.
"May I?" it was a gentle request, but his hands joined yours and the helmet was pushed up to expose his lips, and you wasted no time in kissing him.
You were loath to break away from him, but you were soon left breathless and flushed, about to say something when a loud, booming sound met your ears. The two of you broke away and looked to the ruins where you'd left Grogu. At the giant beam of bright blue light emitting from the center of it, you gasped loudly.
Scrambling to your feet, you held your hand out to help him up, before the two of you ran over to see what the commotion was.
When you reached the ruins, you found nothing around except for Grogu sitting and meditating in the center.
"What's happening?" Din asked in confusion as you realized what was happening.
"Its okay," you put a hand on his arm, "he's reaching out. To see if any other Jedi are listening. There's nothing we can do...we just...wait."
"Okay," he sighed lightly as he let you take his hand and the two of you sat down. It was better than pacing around and worrying; at least this way you could keep an eye on him.
»»————- ♡ ————-««
After a while, there was suddenly silence. And after the loud noise of the beam, it was almost deafening. Grogu waddled over to the two of you, smiling as he reached for Din. Ever the doting father, he easily scooped him up and clutched him to his chest.
"Did you do it, buddy?" he asked quietly as Grogu cooed happily. Reaching over and you stroked his ears, smiling at the small green bean.
"He called out for someone," you confirmed, "we just have to wait now."
"How long?"
"As long as it takes," you leaned back against him and the three of you heaved a collective sigh, "I guess we can relax."
Din nodded in agreement as you suddenly realized just how tired you were. Despite your best efforts, your eyes started to close and before you could fight it, you were dozing off. Din, however, was wide awake and kept his keen eyes open and sweeping the horizon as you and Grogu snoozed.
Even though he thought he was doing a thorough job, the Mandalorian missed one big thing. He almost jumped when a long, thin shadow loomed over him. In his panic, his hand went to the blaster at his side and he prepared to draw it.
"There's no need for that," it was a man's voice that reached his ears as Din looked up, "if I wanted to hurt you, you’d already be dead.”
"Who are you? Are you...the Jedi?"
"I’m Ezra. Ezra Bridger."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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madluluwriting · 3 years
1 and Kesett!!!!!!!
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I had so much fun writing this! If you didn't know, the path to a being's heart is through his stomach.
1. “I’m not joining your freaky little cult, stop trying to bribe me with food.”
Boba had a well ordained life. Not that he didn’t like unexpected event but there was a definite amount of it he could handle and crossing that line tended to put him under his desk breathing in a paper bag. Which was the major reason why he hated when the building’s standard called him for an appointment he hadn’t put in his agenda. For someone he didn’t know.
He was merely trying to get through his day, filing paperwork for the small record company he was running the secretary for. He loved this job, working with artists and musicians and-
Red. Fuck. Not him again.
“I don’t have any appointment with this man,” he declared as he entered the lobby. “Please leave,” he addressed the red head, “or I’m calling security.”
The man gave him a kicked puppy look and he sighed, pinching his brow. He never should have agreed to this party at Cody’s place. His brother’s boyfriend was involved with some weird things constantly. Which… Ok, he did urbex and pseudo haunted houses exploration so it was probably normal that it followed him home in some sense. Except Boba never would have accepted to live with someone who seemed to attract ghosts and unexplained phenomena.
“Boba, please, let me explain,” the red head pleaded.
Boba pinched his lips and glared at the receptionist who seemed to get way too much in watching their interaction. She rolled her eyes and ostensibly turned back to her screen.
“You have two minutes,” he said, trying to look bored as he glanced at his watch.
“It was- I wanted to prank your brother and my friend… Well, Merrin is not very good with faces. Please it’s all a big misunderstanding. I just wanted to apologize.”
“So, you didn’t deliberately lock me up in the kitchen with a fucking troll?! Is that you’re saying?”
“I am so very sorry! Please let me make it up to you. Anything you want. I can pay for a dinner as an apology-”
“That thingtried to skin me with kitchen knives.”
Kestis winced and his pale face turned pink in embarrassment. He looked so ashamed that Boba almost pitied him. Almost. He was still angry about the knives.
“I am so s-”
“If you apologize one more time, I will tell everything to Ben.”
The pink turned to ashen white. Boba smirked at Kestis. The man seemed to respect Ben a great lot from he could gather at the party. Cody had explained once that Ben was more or less the leader of his little team of ghost hunter/mystery chaser. It was apparently a big deal because he was the one deciding of their big targets and imposing safety rules. Which Kestis had shamelessly thrown out the window with his little prank.
“Don’t tell him, I- Please, I’ll do anything.”
“Anything, uh?”
* * * *
Maybe the fancy restaurant had been a bit much. Except he didn’t feel sorry because kitchen knives. And Cal still got to treat himself to a nice dinner so he wasn’t completely losing in this deal.
The problem resided elsewhere. Because now Cal thought they were friends and he kept showing up at work during his lunch break. Which was fine. More or less. The red head was kinda cute if a little weird. No, the problem here was that he always tried to invite him at one of his weird outing in abandoned houses.
“I’m not joining your freaky little cult, stop trying to bribe me with food.”
“But it’s good food, right? Or did I get the seasoning wrong?”
“It’s acceptable.”
Cal had gotten his tastes right pretty fast. Boba liked a bit of heat to his meals and after Cal had showed up once with a spicy thai sandwich, he had stopped to give back the meals he brought to him. It was now to the point where he didn’t grab anything because he knew the red head was going to be here.
“I want to try and make some kind of spicy meat stew for next time, what do you think?”
“Well, it’s winter soon, you need warm meals.”
Boba hesitated and Cal glanced at him under his lashes. He blushed and turned his eyes away. The little shit was doing it on purpose.
“I’m still not coming with you next week.”
“Oh, come on! It’ll be fun, Ben said we could do some recon and the site is beautiful.”
“Still no.”
“I’ll make you a lava chocolate cake.”
Boba stilled and stared at Cal. The lava cake was legendary. And Cal seemed serious.
“With cayenne?”
Cal grinned brightly at him, his smile seemed to light up his eyes from inside. He was so fucked.
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vansmaybeonthewall · 4 years
Mission Gone...Wrong?
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welcome one and all to the entry for @moonlit-imagines​ Writing Challenge. Y’all should check her out, 5 star fics. it’s like a wonderland over there, you’ll love it
Edit: i love @moonlit-imagines​, truly the best. she gave me an extension for this and i just love her😩😂 . 
79. “I literally don’t think I could live without you.”
106. “Are you kidding me? You’re beautiful.”
“Nope. No. No way. Not in my life. Never.”
“Y/N, it’s just a dress.”
“You take that back Cere,” she gasped, “that thing is a monster. It’s huge, poofy, and it doesn’t have any pockets! It’s pink for crying out loud, it’s disgusting! Bleh!”
“Well I think it’s beautiful. Besides, we need you for this mission. Cal can’t show up at this gala alone.”
“Then Merrin should go. A Jedi Knight and a Nightsister are better than a Jedi Knight and an ex-Padawan.”
“Merrin would be easily set apart from the others. It’s rare to find a Nightsister off of their home planet. And Y/N, being an ex-Padawan doesn’t make any difference. You’re just as strong and brave as Cal is.”
“I beg to differ, but I’ll take the compliment.”
Cere was going to try and convince Y/N more when Cal and Greez entered the Mantis. But when the duo made eye contact with the dress, there was nothing but full blown laughter. Smart remarks and comments were shared between them, leaving Cere to stare at them unimpressed and Y/N to hate the dress even more. She snatched the dress out of Cere’s arms, grumbling about how stupid it was, and stomped back to her room. 
“This day can’t get any worse, can it?” Cere said to herself.
It had been a few hours, Y/N hiding in her room until Cere reminded her she needed to be ready for the gala. Cere had dropped off the extra accessories for Y//N’s outfit and helped with the process. She left Y/N looking beautiful, but Y/N thought otherwise.
Pink? Disgusting. Poofy? Uncomfortable. Satin gloves? Unnecessary. 
Y/N walked, more like shuffled due to the heels, towards the mirror and found someone else looking at her. She wasn’t used to these big dresses or the fancy hairstyles or the makeup that made her look oh so elegant. She knew her Master went on missions like these alone because she was younger and new to the danger of the enemy. These missions were deemed too dangerous for her. It was for the best, as her Master came back with at least a few scratches. The Padawan was hardly introduced to the true danger of the Separatists due to her shyness and fear. Y/N didn’t have the chance to grow out of it due to Order 66 being executed. Her fears worsened and darkness clouded around her when her Master was killed. But that’s a story for another time...
The sound of knocking on her door drew Y/N out of her trance. She looked up right as the door hissed and opened. Cal walked in fiddling with his tie, looking for a problem that didn’t exist. 
“Hey Y/N, Cere wanted me to tell you we’re 10 minutes away. And I figured you could help me with uhh...”
He looked up at Y/N and froze. He was speechless. She looked...perfect. Even though she didn’t like it, pink seemed to be her colour. She...
“...al? Cal? Is there something you needed?”
“Huh? Oh, uh yeah! There’s something wrong with my tie, it won’t tie right.”
“Really? Something’s wrong with the tie?” She smirked slowly walking towards him, “ I just think you don’t know how to tie a tie.”
She took over for Cal, leaving them in silence. He gazed down at her, the love clear in his eyes. 
“Are you okay? You keep staring at me?”
“What? No, no! It’s just um-”
“It’s the dress isn’t it? I knew it looked ridiculous. It’s huge, like, who needs this big of a dress?! And the heels, oh my god, why do people need their feet at an angle! It doesn’t make any sense! Especially the-”
“Are you kidding me? You’re beautiful.” 
He interrupted her rant, causing her to go silent with mouth wide open.
“I know that you think it’s a horrible colour and I know you think that the fanciness of it all is annoying, but I think you look perfect. You always have been. Even when your hair is wild and dirt smudged all over your face. You’re perfect Y/N.”
She smiled, leaning up to give him a kiss.
“Oh how I hate that you always have something to say. I love you too Kestis.”
“We’re looking for who again?”
“A Twi’lek and a Force user, information says they may know about the project the Empire is working on. We find them and somehow make them tell us everything.”
“And what’s your plan for somehow making them tell us everything Kestis. Not a very solid plan.”
“Well, I was thinking-”
“That’s never good.”
“As I was saying, Y/N. We could walk in together and then split ways after a few minutes. I’ll find the Twi’lek and you find the Force user.”
“Woah woah woah, we’re splitting up? And I thought you loved me. This Force user better be a girl Kestis. A female, a woman or I am going to beat your ass.”
“Okay okay, no need to get violent.”
The gala was extravagant, the definitions of elegance, grace, and beauty walking in with their dates. The smell of alcohol and laughter echoed in the castle.
“Look, Twi’lek at the bar. Go woo her Kestis, leave me behind to suffer alone.”
Cal chuckled and left her with a kiss. But she wasn’t left alone for long. A boy her age, maybe a year older approached from behind. 
“You look a little lost darling.”
Y/N turned swiftly letting out a sharp gasp, “Oh! You scared me.”
“No worries. But it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, I am Nolan. Who might you be?”
“Ami-Dala, but most call me Ami.” Really Y/N? He’s going to notice.
“Beautiful name for a beautiful person. Where are you from darling?”
This is your chance Y/N, see if he knows the Twi’lek.
“I was born on Ryloth. My parents loved the people. When the time came, they started to convince the people the Republic were made of horrible people.”
“Ryloth? A great friend I know is from Ryloth. We are part of a big project for the Empire. We hope to wipe out those who still believe in the Republic. Those Rebels won’t stand a chance.”
“Wonderful! When the Rebels are destroyed, the Empire can finally have the power it deserves.”
“I knew I liked you Ami-Dala Why don’t we get a drink?”
“Umm, I don’t think-”
“Come on darling, it’s a party!”
The world started to get fuzzy after a few drinks. Stars seemed to float in her vision. Arms and legs felt numb. A voice startled Y/N from her day dream. 
“Are you alright darling?”
“Yeah, just fine,” Y/N slurred. 
“You don’t look so good Ami, why don’t we find somewhere quiet?”
Y/N could only nod. She couldn’t think straight.
“You know, Ami, it was great meeting you. But I think it would’ve been better if you weren’t a Jedi sympathizer, Y/N.”
Uh oh
Y/N tried to stop walking, but it only turned to her being dragged.
“Oh don’t stop the act now Y/N, you were doing so well! You even had Xi’ra fooled with your buddy Cal Kestis. But now that we have two Force users, our project can continue. Thank you Y/N, truly.”
“I would say otherwise.”
Cal, in all his glory, crashed Nolan’s celebration with lightsaber ignited. 
“Well well, the Jedi does what he’s good at, ruining the fun.”
“Oh, so this is where the fun begins?”
Y/N was thrown behind Nolan, fighting the sleep that was beckoning her. But she wasn’t going down just yet. 
 Red and orange blades clashed together. The light against the dark. It was only a matter of time before one lost their epic battle. 
“Why can’t you see that the Empire is doing the right thing?”
“I am not blinded by hatred like you are and I never will be.”
“But you will be. You haven’t even noticed your little girlfriend suffering from the poison I’ve slipped her.”
The cocky attitude was replaced with fear and concern for Y/N’s life. Anger was brewing. 
“Now you feel it, the power. Just imagine what you could do if you join us, if you join me.”
“Then keep dreaming you bantha fodder.” Y/N shot her blaster, hitting Nolan in the chest before promptly passing out. 
“She’ll be fine Cal. Now stop your worrying and make sure she gets something to eat after she wakes.”
Cere left the room, leaving Cal to worry even more.
“What am I going to do with you Y/N?”
“I can think of a few things. Wink wink.”
“Jesus Y/N! You couldn’t wake up normally?”
“I could have, but that’s not very Y/N.” She opened her eyes and slowly sat up. 
“Why did you do it?”
“Scare you? Your screams just warm my soul.”
“No, why did you risk shooting him? He could have deflected it if he wasn’t so surprised that you were still alive. It was dangerous Y/N, you could have-”
“I could have, yet I didn’t. But at the end of the day I would have helped the Rebellion gain vital information.”
“How is it worth it when I lose you?”
“You have to understand-”
“No, you have to understand. Y/N, I literally don’t think I could live without you. Yes, you somehow find a way out, but what happens when you don’t?”
Silence. Tears had welled up in her eyes when she realized what she put Cal through. Those risky moments where she didn’t really know if she could make it back. The fear she felt underneath the adrenaline. 
“I love you Y/N, but please be careful.”
“I love you too Kestis.”
They met in an embrace, holding each other as if it was the last time they would. They stood there in silence until Cal had a pressing question. 
“Are you ever going to call me by my first name?”
“And why would I do that Cal Kestis?”
“Close enough.”
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.S. check out @moonlit-imagines​  😉
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barissoffee · 3 years
Characters i like to think participated in the Battle of Exegol
We know the Ghost is there so id like to think Hera, Jacen, Zeb, Chopper, Sabine, Kallus, and Ezra were all flying it
Hondo and his Pirates
The other Aces and members of Team Colossus
Din and a now older Grogu
Boba Fett and the other Bounty Hunters (Fennec, Bossk, etc.)
Clan Wren and any other Mandalorian Clans
Chewies family from the Holiday Special (i onow whay i said)
Cal, Cere, Greez, Merrin
Ahsoka was helping Rey but i know shes alive dont @ me
Please feel free to add on because id love to see these characters interact with the sequel gang
You’re right and you should say it. I mean did you see all those ships that followed THE lando calrissian to battle? If Lando is calling me to battle than I WILL follow him ride or die. Literally everyone could be hanging around there since there were so many ships and we did see Wedge PLUS I’m pretty sure I saw the Ghost ship (I could be wrong though) and they did say that Kaz, Yeager and Torra were at the final battle (and in my resistance s3 we would have see that) and of course Ahsoka was helping Rey over face time we even heard her voice she was actually standing behind Rey the whole time shame we didn’t see her. But seriously it would have been cool if we would have seen every one, like a little cameo if only😔😔
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jessicas-pi · 2 years
PLEASE tell me about Match Making, Mad Science, and Accidental Child Acquisition
I, uh, JUST replanned the whole thing, chapter-by-chapter, which means I don't have much of anything exactly written (but i have about 18 different scenes i'll be frankensteining into the fic later), so instead, how about I ramble aimlessly about it to you! Like a lot! (Ohhhh boy yeah this got long, i'm so sorry, i've just wanted to talk about this for such a long time and you gave me the chance i needed!)
There's four main plot threads, for the four main characters: Ahsoka, Barriss, Caleb, and Cal. But Ahsoka and Barriss's plots tie in to each other a little. (They also have separate stories but those are Spoilers for later in the fic.)
They're the Matchmaking part of the title! Barriss is 23, which in the medieval-ish setting, is kinda getting close to "old maid" territory. Ahsoka decides she needs to find this girl a handsome gentleman to sweep her off her feet. (Barriss is just fine without one, thank you very much!) And Ahsoka, with a little help from her brother Anakin, settles on objectively the WORST choice possible for a bf for barriss. Hijinks ensue.
(Ahsoka is also having fun breaking social etiquette and causing headaches for her bodyguard Rex, but i've talked about that before.)
Then there's Mad Science! That plot thread starts at the first grand ball of the year at Jedha Palace, when three unlikely friends meet. The first is Cal Kestis, a young Jedhan noble who loves botany. The second is Lady Merrin. She's a chemist, but her people are reclusive and the volcanic island of Dathomir is super creepy so there's plenty of rumors that she's a witch. And the third is Omega, Madame Se's ward, and a student of biology. They start a science club.
(I still haven't decided if I'm gonna ship cal and merrin in this, or if i'm not. like on the one hand i love a strong platonic friendship but on the other hand, if i DID ship them, then i could have a moment late in the fic where someone calls her a witch and he's just like HEY, SHE'S NOT A WITCH SHE'S MY WIFE, so. platonic friendship vs. princess bride reference. it's a tough call. I'm leaning towards the princess bride reference but i might change my mind.)
And FINALLY the part i know you're gonna love: the Accidental Child Acquisition!
So a year or two before the war ends—oh and by the way, i'm ignoring canon timelines and ages so some stuff is shuffled around—Hera and her brother are sent to jedha to be safe. there she meets Prince Dume and they go on a trip through the city, either pre-fic or in their first chapter together, and find Ezra, an orphan.
After the war ends, Hera leaves Jedha, only to come back, along with many guests from across the continent, for a post-war peace celebration. Ezra is DELIGHTED to see her again. he's also convinced that she's going to marry caleb and they're gonna adopt him (caleb's like haha i have no idea why he would think that it's not like he overheard me daydreaming or anything) and ezra is SO annoyed when he realizes they are not DOING THAT yet. So he decides he needs to help them speed things up a bit. He also befriends a mini mandalorian and then caleb and hera find that they have TWO children crashing their not-exactly-date-nights and falling into ponds and stealing pastries and dumping paint on people and wait when did they become PARENTS??
Oh, and Zeb is there! I promise I did not forget about Zeb! (He's the one getting paint dumped on him.)
(and ALL of that is just in the first 20% of the story. So much more happens!!! I won't spoil it, but there's murder mysteries and secret tunnels and that thing jane austen loved to do where a beloved character gets deathly ill and nearly dies and there's PALPATINE and there's a chapter named 'I have about twenty bazillion favorite tropes and Moment Killer is thirty-two of them' and there's—)
Ahem. So, yeah! That's Matchmaking, Mad Science, and Accidental Child Acquisition. I am so sorry i cannot shut up but THANK YOU FOR ASKING because I've wanted to ramble about it for SO LONG!!!
(Oh! Also! I have gone COMPLETELY wild with ALL the chapter titles and it was 100% inspired by you.)
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generallynerdy · 4 years
Maybe it does all add up to a single hush (Kanan Jarrus/Cal Kestis)
Summary: 15 years after the Fall, 10 years after the death of Caleb Dume, Kanan Jarrus and Cal Kestis find each other again.
Warnings: Jedi: Fallen Order Spoilers, Implied/Referenced Character Death, cursing, brief suicidal ideation/thoughts Word Count: 5,143
Author’s Note: the effort I had to put in not to make this another series...I had to stage an intervention for myself. Anyway, I love Cal and Kanan’s dynamic, whether as partners or as friends, and an Idea struck me that wouldn’t leave. Also, idk how old most people think Cal was when the war ended based on JFO clips, but I always just kind of went with him being the same age as Kanan at the end of the war bc I love them and I need them to know each other. The title is from the poem “So They Say— They Finally Nailed— The Proton’s Size— & Hope— Dies—” by Rosebud Ben-Oni.
Read On AO3
When the hard part is over, Cal returns to Bracca, his new lightsaber tucked under Cere’s old robe that still smells like the Temple, with the intention of burning Prauf’s body.
Caleb still had his own robe. He kept it in the deepest part of their shared closet, bringing it out only on the worst days. If Prauf saw it, he never mentioned it, and both boys were grateful for it. There was a lot he didn’t mention.
Cal thinks, sometimes, that Prauf knew who they were before. After all, it’s hard to look at two abandoned kids in the wake of the Clone Wars that can survive being riggers and not think of the thousands of Jedi younglings that died on Empire Day. It’s even harder to ignore two lightsabers and one ratty, brown robe.
Maybe Prauf wasn’t sure.
But he had to be, on that last day, when they found that fighter. When Cal caught him with the Force. He knew then, maybe before. But he still took care of them.
Maybe he knew when the Empire showed up, when Caleb heard the roar of a TIE Fighter and looked instantly to the redheaded boy beside him like he was about to die before his eyes. Maybe that was the moment he put it all together. Or was it his last moment? When the world began to go dark and both Cal and Caleb lashed out in fury at his killers with matching, bright blue blades—did he know? Did he know that he died for the children of an already dying Order?
Standing over the bonfire, Cal holds the Holocron in shaky hands.
Did Prauf know his sacrifice would save the life of every child just like them?
Cal moves away from the flames to the gap in the ground that they’d held Caleb over, his calloused hands clawing at the Ninth Sister, who clutched his throat.
Deep in Cal’s heart, he knows half the reason he beat her was for his best friend. He’d almost given in to rage but stopped himself at the memory of him. Revenge is not the way of the Jedi. But justice is. And so is survival, these days.
Caleb’s lightsaber fell long before he did. When he did fall, he went screaming bloody murder, the noise echoing in the silence that rang in Cal’s ears.
Standing at the edge now, Cal almost considers simply...stepping off.
He can survive it. He has before. And what’s to say that Caleb isn’t waiting at the bottom?
Caleb...used to like animals, he remembers. He preferred them to plants, which are unreadable if you don’t have practise with them. Animals, like people, are complex but tell you in simple terms what they want and what they don’t want. Cal has always been better with plants. They’re simple, grounding, natural. Caleb used to tease him for it.
The only plant he ever managed to grow on this place was a seedling in a boot filled with dirt he kept in their room. It had been making good progress in their last weeks, enough that he’d actually felt some semblance of hope.
And then...and then he’d lost everything. Again.
The Holocron burns in his hand, reminding him that there is more in store for him than an endless chasm. Hundreds of thousands of Force-sensitive children are depending on him now, him and the Mantis crew.
Cal lets out a shaky breath. “I couldn’t save you,” he whispers to the wind. “But maybe I can save them.”
On the way back to the Mantis, he turns around to go find the robe and the plant in its boot. The robe smells like blaster fire and the plant is wilting but both are comforting: one because it’s familiar and the other because it’s not quite gone yet.
Kanan changes his name.
It doesn’t feel right, hearing his given name from anyone that isn’t Cal or Prauf. The first and only time it happens, nausea sinks in and he quickly makes the change.
Some days, he wants to go back to Bracca. Some part of him still hopes Cal survived the Inquisitors, that he’s waiting for him back at what used to be home, but the logical part of him knows that he’s not. Kanan surviving was a miracle, a fluke, and those don’t happen twice. Sometimes he wishes it had never happened at all.
He managed to save his lightsaber, as broken to bits as it was. It and the necklace Cal gave him are all he has now.
Kanan doesn’t let himself grieve, as much as he knows he needs to. He hardly did it before, on Bracca, but now he won’t allow even a tear. Surviving is the only thing on his mind, though for what he doesn’t know.
When he almost loses that little piece of metal on a string, though, he breaks down sobbing.
It’s the stupidest thing, really. All those lessons on attachment are lost on him now, as he cries over the rusted symbol of the Jedi Order on a piece of scrap metal that Cal had put on a cord for him. He keeps it close to his heart, hanging off his neck every hour of every day if he can help it, and getting that close to losing it is the last straw.
He knows now, why he’s surviving. Because Cal would want him to.
Meeting Hera is a relief. She’s kind but curious, which is more of a bane than it should be.
(Painfully, he’s reminded of himself as a youngling. His Master always said his frequent questions were what drew her to him.)
She’s the first to know about his past, both as a Jedi and a rigger on Bracca. He doesn’t think to mention Caleb, doesn’t think it would matter to anyone, not until after a mission gone bad.
Hera is putting bacta on his wounds and graciously ignoring his constant wincing when she sees it.
She points to the cord after examining what hangs on it for a minute. “For someone who’s trying to be discreet, you wear a lot of Jedi stuff.”
Kanan snorts. “Yeah, well, I won’t get rid of this one.”
“It’s important to you,” she points out. “Can I ask why?”
He hesitates, swallowing roughly. “My best friend gave it to me...on Bracca, befo-before the Inquisitors caught up to us,” he admits. “He didn’t make it.”
Her eyes are full of empathy, something she never lacks. “What was his name?”
“Cal,” he says, voice quiet. “Cal Kestis.”
“If you remember his name,” she promises, “he’ll always be with you.”
It’s not so much a Twi’lek belief as it is her own but it reminds Kanan of Grey more than anyone else. His buir. The clones subscribed to many Mandalorian beliefs, including the echoing of remembrances for the dead. Before the abrupt end of the war, little Caleb used to say his every morning with his Master and buir.
So, he decides to start again. It’s difficult, at first, to even get through the first names, his oldest names.
“Depa Billaba,” he says through tears in the quiet of pre-dawn, “Grey, Styles, Prauf...”
He stops.
It’s hard to think, even harder to say, but he knows he needs to. He needs to tell himself the truth, needs to accept the truth.
He sobs, shaky and painful. His throat burns just like it did when he fell down the chasm on Bracca, screaming his head off, part out of fear for himself but mostly for fear of what was happening to Cal above him. It hurts to speak it into the world, into the Force and those marching on. Cal is among them now, he knows. He just...has to admit it.
“Cal Kestis,” he finally says, the admission wobbly and half-hearted.
He never loses the necklace again.
They’ve finally settled on Bogano, after wiping every trace of it from Imperial data servers. The Holocron is safely locked away in the Vault, guarded by their crew and the Binog, fondly called ‘the big guy,’ mostly by fault of Greez.
Though mostly self-sufficient, occasionally some of them will leave the planet for supplies they can’t make themselves. While off on supply runs, well, they can’t help it if some Imperials just look like easy pickings. Apparently, slavers get the same treatment because Merrin ends up a figure in some sort of oral tradition of a Tatooine family, which Cal finds hilarious. Cere is not so amused and grounds them—literally, in that they can’t leave Bogano—for over a month.
Cal spends most of it repairing old platforms and ziplines, not to mention entertaining the Boglings.
They’re fond of him, for some reason, and BD-1, who loves to run around with them while Cal works. One in particular, named Rabid by Merrin after she stole her entire plate of food, is especially loveable.
Cal snickers as he pulls Rabid off his shoulder. “I have to finish this, then I can play.”
Rabid is not pleased with his answer, nibbling at his trousers.
“Rabid,” he chides, ignoring her in favour of his work. He laughs again. “I used to know somebody who would’ve loved you, annoying as you are.”
BD, who has taken Rabid’s place, beeps curiously.
Cal’s face falls a little. He pauses in his work. “Oh. I guess I’ve never told you about Caleb, huh?”
The little droid shakes his head.
Cal never intended to talk about Caleb to anyone, really, but it all comes pouring out. He tells BD and Rabid all about his old best friend, his confidant. The story is a long one, reaching from the creche all the way to Bracca and its bitter end. By the time he’s finished, his voice is quiet and hesitant, his grief echoing through.
Rabid curls up in his lap, nudging his hand, while BD sits in front of them, tilting his head.
A little light on the side of his scope says that he’s recording. He does that a lot, Cal knows, for prosperity, just like he was programmed to. Cal doesn’t mind, really.
When he finishes, BD gets his attention by chirping.
“Huh? You have something to show me?”
BD’s projector whirrs to life and a blue image appears. It’s Cordova, again, but not a video this time. It’s only a holo, of him and another Jedi—Master Jocasta Nu, Cal realises. Master Cordova is dead asleep on her shoulder and she’s leaned over to kiss his brow.
“Oh,” Cal breathes out, something jarring in his chest.
BD-1 thinks that he and Caleb were—well, were like that.
“I—” he pauses. “I dunno, buddy. I never asked him if...but I think…”
Well. It’d be a stretch to say Cal loved him, but he certainly cared for him more than he ever did anyone else. When they were thirteen and stupid, he might’ve said he had a crush on him. After the Fall, on Bracca, he just...didn't think of it. Caleb was all he had and he clung but he never...thought about what it was, thought about what they were.
It hurts to think of now, all that he missed.
“I don’t know if I did,” Cal tells BD quietly. “But I think I- I think I could have.”
BD asks about Caleb a lot, after that. Maybe he can tell that talking about him makes Cal happy. The others know about the one he lost but they don’t ask. They all have their demons and Cal’s are just...just too great to pile on another person. BD, though, is a little easier. All he wants is to see Cal smile again.
“What’s this?”
Kanan doesn’t think to look up at whatever Ezra—the newest addition to the Ghost crew—has swiped from him, until he notices a weight missing from his neck. His head snaps up to where a cord hangs from Ezra’s hand.
“Give that back,” Kanan growls, not meaning to be so aggressive.
Ezra’s eyes widen. He holds it out immediately, dropping it into Kanan’s open hand. “Sorry,” he mutters, watching curiously as Kanan puts it back on.
Almost by instinct, Kanan tucks the piece of scrap metal back under his shirt and breathes out a sigh of relief. He goes back to his datapad. Then, a moment later, when he notices the entire room is still silent, he looks up. Sabine and Zeb have joined Ezra in staring incredulously.
“What?” Kanan asks, his voice back to normal.
“I’ve never seen you that mad before,” Sabine admits with a half-shrug, though her eyes betray her concern.
Zeb nods, arms crossed. “And I’ve never seen you without that thing on your neck.”
“Yeah, you even sleep with it!” Ezra adds. “What’s up with that?”
“I—” He goes to make an excuse but stops, his hand fidgeting with the necklace.
“You don’t have to…” Sabine starts to say, but he shakes his head.
He sighs. To be honest, he’s surprised Zeb and Sabine haven’t asked before. “My best friend gave it to me.”
Ezra immediately sits down across from him, eyes wide. “Another Jedi?”
Admittedly, the kid is a lot like he used to be: always asking questions, always pushing. It’s going to get him in trouble someday but for now, it just gets him more stories out of Kanan, stories about the Jedi.
“Yeah. Yeah, another Padawan. We grew up in the Temple together.” He smiles, a fickle and fleeting thing. “He was picked by a Master before me, so we were separated...at the end. But I found him again, on the planet he was last assigned. He gave me this.”
Ezra’s face is bright, curious. Sabine, on the other hand, looks prepared for a gut-punch.
“What happened to him?” she asks quietly.
Kanan exhales sharply, ruefully. “Inquisitors. After 5 years of nothing, they came out of nowhere. I never saw what happened to him. For all I know, they still have him.”
“Oh,” Ezra says, his face falling.
“You know, Zeb,” Kanan begins, not wanting to make things any sadder, “his Master was a Lasat.”
He scoffs. “No way.”
“He was, swear it on my life!” he claims, raising a hand. “First time I saw you, I thought Master Tapal came back to haunt me for being a bad influence.”
Zeb snickers. “Bad influence? You?”
“Eh, a nudge here and there. We were not good kids.”
He tells them a few stories before Sabine and Zeb are called away by Hera and Chopper, leaving Ezra and Kanan alone. Ezra makes to follow them but stops, his expression cautiously blank.
“What is it, Ezra?” Kanan asks, already knowing that he’s brimming with curiosity.
“You said he was...your best friend?”
He frowns. “Yeah, ever since we were kids. Why?”
“I dunno. The way you talked about him just reminded me of my parents,” Ezra admits hesitantly. “Sappy. Did you—?”
Kanan sighs, touching his necklace again.
He had always been more reckless than Cal, back then. He threw himself into everything, into every situation. No matter the problem or the person, he was all-in. No matter what. And that included Cal. Once he took that step, he was karked. Before he knew it, he was hanging onto the redhead’s every word.
Cal was...different. Kanan had known that for a long time but the war only brought it out.
Kanan had a stupid crush, that was all. But on Bracca, it was everything and more.
He’d known then, known for a long time. Cal had never seen it but he didn’t have to. Kanan was fine the way things were. It didn’t feel right, bringing things up after...well, after. So Cal never knew.
(Sure, he could see the past of things with a single touch of his hands but he’d always been pretty oblivious.)
“Love him?” Kanan asks, raising an eyebrow.
Ezra nods.
It’s without hesitation that he answers. “I did.”
When they go in search of Master Luminara, Kanan’s kids buy him a precious few minutes to search for a Cal Kestis in the prisoner logs. He’s not there, of course, but Kanan thinks he prefers that to a death certificate.
“Ho-oly shit,” Greez says over comms one day. “You guys better get up here.”
Cal shares a look with Cere, following her out of the workshop with BD on his shoulder. Merrin has already teleported to Greez’s side when they arrive, lightsabers in hand. Greez passes the young man—not so young anymore, Cere has commented teasingly as he desperately shaves away any trace of his age—a pair of electrobinoculars.
Squinting through the scope, he spies a trail of smoke on the horizon attached to a ship.
“Kriffing hells,” Cere says after she gets a look.
In all their 10 years here, no one has ever landed—or crashed, for that matter��on the planet. The few ships that have come into orbit were Imperial and always quickly dealt with before word could get out. This one, however, isn’t exactly your standard Imperial cruiser. And it’s wrecked.
“Looks like a modified VCX-100 light freighter to me,” Greez says. “It’s a nice ship.”
Merrin rolls her eyes. “Are we waiting for them to come to us?”
“Looks like we don’t have to,” Cere declares, still looking through the binocs. “They’re headed this way, six hostiles. Three humans, a Lasat, a Twi’lek, and a droid.”
Greez laughs. “A Lasat? We’re kriffed.”
“Says you,” Merrin snorts.
“I’m with her,” Cal agrees, a cocky smile on his face. “Merrin and I will take the Vault. Cere, Greez, take home. BD will lure the big ones our way.”
“You got it, kid.”
Cere puts a hand on his shoulder before he can follow Merrin—more or less, seeing as she just teleports everywhere. “Be careful.”
The worst part of intruders is that even the hypothetical good ones can’t know Bogano is here. They’ll have to knock them out hard enough for their memories to be spotty and dump them in a nearby system if they’re smart—and they are.
Cal slips on his robe, a gift from Cere, and flips the hood up, making for the Vault.
If these visitors think they can take the Holocron, they have another thing coming.
“Are you sure we can find help here?” Ezra asks for the third time as they approach the massive building in the distance. “It looks...deserted.”
Hera sighs for the third time. “Scanners said there were signs of life here in a higher concentration than the rest of the planet. It’s worth checking out.”
Sabine gestures through the mild fog. “There’s buildings up ahead.”
“Good, let’s head there,” Kanan says, a cautious hand on his lightsaber.
Hopping across platforms is a pain, but they all manage to make their way to what looks like a residential area. A small path digs into the ground, leading deeper inside the planet’s crust. With a look at her second in command, Hera starts toward it. However, she stops when Kanan freezes.
“Do you feel that?” he asks suddenly, squinting as he looks into the distance.
Something is...tugging at him. Something in the Force is insistent that he go...that way. The feeling of incompleteness settles inside his chest.
“No…” Ezra replies uneasily. “What is it?”
He shakes his head. “I don’t know.” After a moment, he decides. “I think I should go this way. You guys go on ahead.”
Zeb scoffs. “I’ll go with you. We don’t know who lived here. Could be Inquisitors for all we know.”
“They generally prefer places with lava,” Ezra counters.
The group splits, with Hera leading Sabine, Chopper, and Ezra into the abode. She and Sabine have their blasters raised, while Ezra keeps a hand on his lightsaber. Chopper is always ready to give someone a nasty shock.
“Anyone home?” Sabine calls.
There’s no answer.
They come across a small kitchen and dining room, where two chairs are pulled out. Over one hangs a small, ratty brown robe with multiple blaster burns.
Ezra plucks it off the back of the seat. “Woah, cool,” he breathes. “Very Jedi-like, huh?”
“Leave it, Ezra,” Hera chides fondly.
“You’d best,” says another voice.
All three of them jump as a lightsaber hums to life. Double-bladed, the weapon burns bright white throughout the room, illuminating its bearer, a woman with dark skin and hair, and her companion.
“Inquisitor!” Ezra cries, lighting his own.
The lightsaber wielder’s friend fires off a blaster right at Hera, who’s shoved out of the way by Sabine. Chopper shrieks, his head spinning.
“Look out!”
On the surface, Zeb follows Kanan to the edge of the platform. There, they find a zip line, which they intend to brave before a series of chirps stops them.
Zeb yelps and lifts his rifle when a droid appears, only stopped by Kanan’s raised hand.
It’s...a buddy droid.
“Hey, little guy,” Kanan greets cautiously. “What are you doing all the way out here?”
He beeps excitedly and backs away, indicating that they should follow. With a single leap, he attaches himself to the zipline and whirrs as he zooms all the way down.
“Don’t tell me we’re following the droid,” Zeb groans.
Kanan just smiles. “We’re following the droid.”
Using the Force to balance himself, he leaps atop the zipline and begins to tiptoe his way down. Behind him, Zeb sighs but reaches up to grab the line, following right after him. They land on a platform a good distance away, where a small slope is guarded by two statues; the beings depicted are of an unknown species, one lost to time.
“I don’t like this,” Zeb says as soon as he hops onto the grass. “It’s like the start of a bad horror holo.”
Kanan snorts. “If that were true, it would be raining tookas and massiffs.”
The buddy droid whirrs loudly to get their attention and bounces his way up the sloping path, on top of which sits a fluffy native creature. Kanan doesn’t know what they’re called, but this one is adorable. She chirps at them, much like the droid did.
“Oh, you’re a sweet little thing, aren’t you?” Kanan coos, moving to meet the creature and let her sniff his hand.
She makes a happy noise and nudges him.
“Ugh,” Zeb mutters, “more things.”
The droid and the creature lead them to the entrance of the massive, ancient building that had caught Kanan’s eye from the crash site. He steps in front of Zeb, placing his hand on the runes in the rock as the Force sings. This isn’t what’s calling him, but…
“Something is here,” Kanan whispers.
“I hope it’s not something that wants to eat us,” Zeb says long-sufferingly.
The slab of rock retreats into the space above, leaving an open tunnel of sorts.
“Karabast,” the Lasat curses, “I hate Jedi stuff.”
Kanan rolls his eyes. “C’mon.”
It’s a tight fit, but the two squeeze their way through, Kanan leading the way. They exit into a large cavern filled with a few inches of water, just enough to be annoying. Standing in the midst of the cave is a figure in a brown robe. The moment Kanan spots him, he draws his lightsaber and stands in front of Zeb until he can ready his rifle, too.
“You are not meant to be here.”
Kanan frowns. “The Force says otherwise. Who are you?”
“The guardian of this vault. You need to leave,” the figure says.
From underneath their robe, they draw a very familiar weapon. With a snap and a hiss, two blades of yellow light appear. Kanan lights his own lightsaber in response but it’s too little too late.
A green smoke encompasses Zeb, who yelps as he’s flung across the room by a pissed off Nightsister—which makes zero sense because they’re all supposed to be dead.
Kanan makes for his friend, interrupted only by the mysterious guardian rushing at him.
“Where did you get that lightsaber?” the faceless figure hisses.
And, well, Kanan doesn’t know how to answer that question except with another question. “Where did you get yours? ”
Back in the residential platform, Hera leaps in between Ezra and the lightsaber-wielder. “Wait!” she cries.
Both stop, staring at her like she’s crazy.
“That’s a healed kyber crystal, isn’t it?” Hera asks, pointing to her white blade. “You’re not an Inquisitor. You’re a Jedi.”
The woman lowers her lightsaber just slightly. “I was.”
“I’m one, too!” Ezra chirps, popping out from behind Hera. “Er. I’m training to be one!”
Her eyes widen. “A Padawan? Who’s your Master?”
Before he can answer, Hera speaks for him. “Kanan Jarrus. But his name used to be Caleb Dume.”
“Caleb?” she asks, her voice hushed in awe. “Depa Billaba’s Padawan?”
She nods.
Abruptly, the woman turns sharply on her heel, raising her comm unit to her lips and rushing out the door. “Cal, they’re non-hostiles, non-hostiles! Don’t hurt your boyfriend!”
“What!?” Ezra and Sabine cry at the same time, the former’s voice cracking.
Without another word, they follow her and her friend outside.
Merrin has the Lasat out of the Vault long before Cal gets his opponent to the entrance, admittedly. Lightsaber to lightsaber combat is significantly more balanced than Nightsister magick against a bo-rifle, poor guy.
Still, Cal pushes the intruder to the top of the Vault’s slope, the man just on the edge of slipping.
That’s when Cere’s voice crackles through the comms.
“Cal, they’re non-hostiles, non-hostiles! Don’t hurt your boyfriend!”
Hand grasping the intruder’s shirt, holding him above the edge, Cal freezes. He meets brown eyes and suddenly can’t breathe, gaze drifting to the cord around the taller man’s neck. His gloveless fingers just barely skim the material, Force signatures exploding in front of his eyes.
And suddenly, he can see it. He can see himself, painstakingly painting that symbol onto the metal and bartering for a cord. He sees an older Caleb sobbing in the quiet of an unfamiliar room, clutching that necklaces like a lifeline.
“Did you—?”
“Love him? I did.”
A shaky breath passes his lips.
“Caleb?” he asks, voice breaking on the name that’s so unfamiliar on his tongue.
The grip on his wrist loosens.
Kanan hears the woman’s voice, clear as day, but he almost doesn’t believe it at first. He almost doesn’t believe when he hears that whispered question. Caleb. It’s the name of a stranger and yet—yet when that robe’s hood slips off to reveal red hair and bright green eyes, he feels like he’s never known any other name.
The Force wasn’t calling him to the Vault. It was calling him to its guardian.
Silence falls, the rest of the world fading away. All they’ve been through, all they’ve seen, and it all stops in this moment. It all adds up to this.
Cal lets go of his shirt, letting him balance precariously at the top of the muddy slope down from the Vault. Neither of them speaks—neither of them knows what to feel, except bright, unparalleled joy.
Cal doesn’t let himself flinch when Caleb reaches, his fingers just barely skimming his cheek.
He doesn’t get much further. Green smoke encompasses his body and before Cal knows it, his best friend is being flung from the Vault entrance to the platform beyond, screaming as he goes. The platform beyond, where the Oggdo used to reside, is covered in flowers. It was there that Cal planted his little sapling in a boot and there that the plant spread, covering almost every inch of land with budding blue and yellow flowers.
Cal whirls around to see Merrin, her eyes glowing green.
“Merrin, no!” he protests, eyes wide with desperation. “That’s Caleb!”
Merrin’s glowing fades as she glances at the nearby Lasat and her friend’s horrified face. “My mistake,” she says in that tone that says she knows exactly who he is.
(They were taking too long to speak, in her opinion.)
Cal huffs at her before getting a running start toward the entrance, using the Force to balance himself as he slides down that muddied slope, sailing right toward Caleb. Near the end, he leaps into the air, propelling himself a mere few feet from his collapsed companion.
“Caleb!” he cries, stumbling the last few steps and falling to his knees, where Caleb is face-down in the damp grass, his hair-tie mysteriously missing.
Caleb is—well, he’s okay. He’s just...wheezing with laughter.
He pushes himself up on his elbows and flips over just as Cal makes it to him, his chest heaving with the effort. And still, he laughs, a half-mad sound.
“Are you o—?” Cal is cut off by his own yelp when Caleb flings himself up from the ground and pulls Cal with him.
He embraces the redhead, dragging them both to their feet so he can swing Cal around. Cal shrieks and hitches his legs up on his hips, as difficult as that is with the man’s height—the bastard, he grew. He reaches desperately for Caleb’s shoulders to hold onto when they spin, completely unaware of Cere and the rest of Caleb’s group appearing on the platform.
Finally, Caleb stops, looking up at Cal with shining eyes and a smile that could kill a man. Cal leans forward, letting his forehead fall against his and breathing out a sigh of relief.
“I thought the Inquisitors had you,” Caleb whispers, a thousand more words in the back of his mind, too many to count.
Cal’s eyes well with tears. “I thought you were dead.”
Caleb has always been more reckless than Cal but the latter was the one to hear his words echo through that necklace, an admission years too late. It’s because of that little echo that Cal buries a hand in the hair that falls to his shoulders and pushes his head upward, meeting him in a searing kiss.
Out of shock, Caleb both squeaks—adorable, Cal thinks—and clutches the back of Cal’s shirt for a moment before dropping him. Luckily, his instinct has him landing on his feet.
The drop pulls him away and, looking up, he sees Caleb looking shell-shocked.
He just grins, grabs the taller man’s shirt, and pulls him in for another kiss, this one saying much more than the first. Caleb plants his feet and buries a hand in Cal’s hair for good measure.
They both ignore Greez cackling in the distance and Sabine’s whispered: “What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck —”
Because in that moment, all is right with the galaxy. Cal’s flowers are fully grown and blossoming beneath their feet, Caleb’s robe is waiting for him in the other room, and they have each other again.
And that’s all they’ve ever really wanted, isn’t it?
River’s Tags: @hahaboop & @mystoragehatesme
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
A Legacy Begun (2)
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Chapter 2: The Wedding | Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: After a long time of running and fighting, you and Cal decided to finally settle down after all these years to raise a family. However, it was never a life of peace whilst the shadow of the Empire looms over your heads.
Prompted by Anon: Hiya! Still taking any requests? If so, can you write something about Cal and JediReader finally settle down and have a kid or something.
A/N: Alexa play A Thousand Years by Christina Perri & Steve Kazee ;;;///w///;;;
Also posted in AO3
Additional prompt: My fic idea
Tags: Scruffy! Cal Kestis, Daddy! Cal Kestis, Adult! Cal Kestis, Jedi Family, Jedi Offspring, Force-Sensitive Offspring, Settling Down, Rebel Alliance
Previous: Part 1 | Next: Part 3 | Masterlist
2 of ?
Two days before the big day, Merrin woke up early—perhaps the earliest you’ve seen her up—and she told you to wash up and get dressed. She dragged you along to the town that sat on the valley, a trek away from where the Mantis sat in a forest clearing.
It is clear that she was excited for you and Cal, and wanted to be of help to you in time for your celebration.
“Have you ever attended a wedding, Merrin?”
“I can’t say I have, but that’s what makes me excited—I get to see one for the first time, and it’s yours, no less!”
Her enthusiasm was new to you, normally, when she’s curious about something—beyond the knowledge that she has from living in Dathomir—she would only inquire, question after question until her mind has been sated. But this display of hers was unique—there was a child-like glee in her as she tugged your hand in hers, leading you into the town with the objective of the perfect dress.
“Don’t the Nightsisters and Nightbrothers in Dathomir have a sort of union?”
“We’re not a celebratory kind, [y/n]. Once a Nightsister finds her mate in the Nightbrother village, that is that, apparently,”
“I see,”
The city, known as Reema, was a sizable settlement whose business districts and residential areas mingled together—as well as the peoples that resided there. It was a town abundant in textiles, exotic foods, as well as a sturdy, construction material whose raw state originates from a bluish-green mineral called Zakora found in the planet’s oceans and deeper reefs—giving the citizens’ homes a decorative, mosaic-like effect.
You made it clear that you want everything to be simple yet perfect. Merrin already understood that you were not one for grandeur. There was one street in the business district that had a whole row of stores that sold fabrics and pre-made clothes. Some of the shops had a dress or two displayed behind their glass window; but you two girls skipped most of them since they didn’t fit your taste or they priced the clothes unreasonably… or both.
“I think we’ve swept the entire street in search of your dress, [y/n],”
“It’s okay, there’s no need to rush. We can take a break if you like, Merrin,”
“Of course,” the Nightsister’s eyes trailed over your shoulder. “There’s some shade over there.”
“Perfect! Come on,” you take her hand and bring her along to the bench underneath a tree.
After taking a breather, you and Merrin agreed to have one last sweep before heading home. Hopefully by then, you would have found what to wear before heading back to the Mantis. The two girls walked together through the street, passing by the same shops but stopping to look at the ones you’ve skipped.
Merrin gave a slight tug of your hand when she stopped to see a dress hop that stood out from the rest.
“This looks promising,” the Nightsister commented.
“Come on, no harm in trying,” you added.
Perhaps, it might be the smallest atelier you’ve seen in this street. The person who greeted you was a young woman, you’re under the impression that she was an apprentice seamstress, but upon examining the studio, you realize that she worked alone.
She was startled by the sound of her door chimes ringing upon your entrance, she fumbled about on her work desk and she stomped through piles of fabric that pelted the floor.
“H-Hello,” she stammered shyly, embarrassed by the mess. It seemed that she wasn’t expecting any visitors.
“Hi there,” you warmly greeted.
Merrin looked around the place, “Do you work alone?”
“Yes, m-my name is Milana,”
“Hello, Milana, is it alright with you if we take a look around your shop?”
“Please, by all means, miss,”
You flashed a friendly smile as you thanked her, she managed to repay the gesture and awkwardly leaned against the edge of her worktable. She constantly fiddled with a strip of cut fabric, anxiously watching these two ladies who just entered her shop. The young girl’s head was racked with questions that she answered herself in her mind.
“For what occasion, may I ask?”
“A wedding,” Merrin answered, then bobbed her head to you. “For her.”
The young lady’s eyes lit up, suddenly enthused, and she tried to break out of her awkward demeanor.
“Oh! I have a section specifically for that,” she chirped. “Please, follow me here.”
Her studio had another room, neater and less cluttered than the main space, two racks hugged the walls and another work desk sat by the window of the room—but a dress on the works occupied the table instead of drawings and sketches. She helped you out in deciding the designs by asking you what kind of style you wanted.
“Just something simple, Milana, please. I don’t want to go through puffy skirts and wide sleeves anymore!” you joked.
The young designer had an array of dresses that nearly fitted your taste—pertaining to your preference of straight skirts, slim sleeves, and minimalist designs.
Eventually, after scouring every dress she has out in the racks, Milana spotted you pulling out a particular white dress—its transparent neckline gave the illusion that white leaves, sown and expertly shaped with beads, crawled up to a lady’s bosom, though it lacked sleeves; and the skirt is made out of billowy tulle. You instantly fell in love with it.
“May I?” you smiled.
“Oh, of course, miss!”
Merrin helped you in fastening the back of the dress, minutes later, you come out of the fitting room—which was only a nook covered by drapes—and the two girls gasped upon your appearance. You walked up to the front of the mirror, turning around to get a look of yourself in different angles, you even attempted to do a little twirl so the skirt flared.
“Aww [y/n],” Merrin fawned.
“This is it!” you giggled.
“It’s perfect, Miss [y/n]! Simply immaculate!”
When you announced in the studio room that you’re taking it, the young designer ran towards a closet that sat beside the mirror. She pulled out one of the drawers and produced a small box.
“Originally, when I made that dress, it had to go with this,” she flipped the lid open, revealing a silver headpiece. The designer explains that it should be worn on the back of the head and no particular hairstyle is required for it to be securely worn on the bride’s hair.
While Milana explained, Merrin already knew what to do with your hair on the wedding day. Milana also provided a selection of shoes for you, admitting that you were used to boots for most of your life, you decided to play it safe and chose the cream-colored heels that were only two inches high.
You couldn’t thank the young designer enough, you insisted paying a little extra for her help and she had no other choice but to accept—although she did it with great gratitude and bade well wishes to you for your wedding.
Today’s the day.
You wake up with a rapid heartbeat and clammy palms.
The wedding happens in the afternoon, Cal had found the perfect spot where the ceremony will be held. It was customary that bride and groom don’t meet on the day itself, thus, both of you slept in separate rooms—you slept in the same bunker as Merrin and Cere last night while Cal remained in the original quarters.
For the rest of the day, Merrin and Cere delivered food and drink to you and would allow you to go around the ship—granted that Cal was absent in the Mantis—and this went on until three hours prior to the ceremony.
“How are you feeling, [y/n]?” Cere asked, placing her hand on your shoulder.
“Nervous,” you awkwardly chuckled.
Cal had already got himself cleaned, his red hair slicked back while his growing stubble remained undisturbed, and donned his crisp black ensemble piece by piece: starting off with a long-sleeved tunic over a short, black leather vest, and finishing it off with black pants and boots.
“How do I look, BD?”
“Beee! Trill, chirp!”
“Yeah? Thanks, buddy,” he chuckled. “Well, here goes.”
He marched out of his quarters, passing by the bathroom door and heard the water running, he heard you humming and giggling in between the song. He smiled to himself and imagined what you’d look like when you come marching towards him.
You finished washing yourself, returned to the shared room and Merrin delivered your entire outfit. The Nightsister assisted you once again in fitting the dress, only now did you realize that the dressed emphasized your curves, you put the shoes on while seated and she began working on your hair. Merrin’s slender fingers created an elaborate braid that crowned the back of your head, she secretly used a little bit of her magick to make sultry waves on the remaining length of your hair, and for the finishing touch, the crown of silver leaves nestled above the braid. You also splurged on some makeup for this day: you drew winged lines on your eyelids, painted your lips to a soft pink, and brushed your cheeks with powder and blush.
“There, you’re ready,” Cere cooed, examining you from head to toe and resting her fingers underneath your chin.
Merrin stood by Cere’s side to take a look at you as well, she smiled, triumphant and proud of her masterpiece on the bride.
“You’re so beautiful, [y/n], the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen,” the Nightsister fawned.
"Thank you so much," you squeaked, grateful of the help you've received from the two ladies.
“We’ll see you there, okay?”
“Okay, Cere,” you breathed.
They embraced you and kissed your cheek one by one before leaving the room. Five minutes later, you finally walk out of the ship. Your bouquet of flowers rested on the lounge table. The entry ramp was left open and you take the deepest breath you’ve ever taken in your life.
“Here it goes, [y/n],”
You take the first step out of the ship, you were so nervous at the moment that you could feel your footing unstable—even though you practiced walking on the ramp with the shoes on for a whole day—but you managed to get to flat ground. You were surprised to find one of the male partisans back in Kashyyyk. It was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. He was to deliver you to the aisle, to your husband-to-be.
“Cere said it was a surprise,” the partisan added.
You gripped your bouquet and continued your march with the partisan guiding you, following the path showered with flower petals of all colors.
Cal stood by the lake, awaiting for your entrance; Merrin, BD-1, Greez, and the rest of the witnesses stood at the side of the path waiting for you as well. When a splash of white caught Cal’s eye, and you appeared in the arch that the trees formed, he almost stopped breathing. His heart leapt at the sight of you—dressed like a demure goddess, the length of your hair spilled over your shoulders, and your face naturally glowed with the sunset as you smiled while walking the aisle.
“Wow…” he gasped.
Cal found you more beautiful than the sunset behind him. Your eyes spanned across the lake’s clearing and found some familiar faces like Mari Kosan and a few partisans you’ve personally befriended. In the gradually shrinking distance, you and Cal traded shy smiles. It felt like your legs were moving on their own, but you didn’t resist them. You knew that you were walking into a newfound life to share with the man you love.
His tears instantly welled up and he had little to no time to fight them back, and then his heart pounded faster and faster for every step you took. You finally stood a mere inch away from him. He bit his lip as he smiled, you caressed his cheek and then a single teardrop escaped his eye.
“Darling…” you whispered, running your thumb across his cheek to wipe away the tear.
He offered you his arm and you linked it with yours. The both of you turned to face Cere who presided the ceremony.
“Here I stand before two individuals, whose bond was forged, grown, and then strengthened by time and by the Force. They have willed to nurture that bond through this ceremony of marriage and for the times to come,”
Cal couldn’t help but steal a glance at you, the gesture was returned when you turned to smile back at him as Cere stated her opening remarks.
“May the words of their vows express their unbreakable connection that run as deep as the Force itself.” She cued.
The bride and groom faced each other.
Cal reached for your hand and you willingly took it as he recited his vows.
“Lo, behold my Maiden, for she will cast away my fears that reside in the Dark. She is my torch that will lead me away from the shadows of doubt, to whom I will forever hold on to. To you, [y/n], my beloved wife, I commend my heart, life, and soul—all this as the Force wills it.”
Next, you reached for his free hand to which he gladly took as you said your vows.
“Lo, behold my Knight, for he will combat the haunts of the Dark. My shield to conceal me from the evils, to whom I will always find shelter in thy arms. To you, Cal, my husband, I commend my life, heart, and my soul—all this as the Force wills it.”
Finally, Cere took a step back and ignited what used to be Trilla’s lightsaber—instead of a bright red beam, a blade as white as bleach emerged from the hilt—and she instructed both of you to kneel.
“By the will of the Force, I dub thee, [y/n] Kestis—wife of Cal Kestis.” She hovered the saber above your shoulders and then concluded her dubbing by hovering the blade over your head.
She then repeats the gesture when it was Cal’s turn, “By the will of the Force, I dub thee, Cal Kestis—husband of [y/n] Kestis. All this as the Force wills it, and so shall it be for your joined days until the end.”
After her oration, you and your husband stood up.
“You may kiss the bride.” Cere declared.
Cal cupped your cheeks, pulled you in for the sweetest, most tender kiss of your life, his stubble tickled your face but you didn’t care; you wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing your lips against him as you smiled in between kisses, and applause and cheers filled the forest. When he pulled away, your new husband snuck another kiss on the tip of your nose, warranting a tiny chuckle from you.
“I love you,” he whispered to you.
“I love you too,”
The wedding was immediately followed by a banquet celebration courtesy of Greez. The Lateron really cooked up a storm when he served the slow-cooked Nerf roast to the table, a Jogan berry cheesecake, and Phillak steaks. Pouring two glasses of wine, the newlyweds linked arms with glasses in their hands.
“Bottoms up!” you and Cal said in unison as you drank the wine from each other’s glasses, chugging down the slightly strong liquor and fighting off the bitter taste.
Your guests laughed and applauded once both of you finished your wine. Evening had washed over Cerinda, the moonlight’s reflection rippled in the lake and fireflies dotted the space like starlight while you and Cal perform your first dance as husband and wife.
“To the newlyweds!” Mari Kosan proposed a toast, raising her glass and everyone followed suit.
They lightly tapped their glasses, urging the two of you to kiss, Cal was the first to cave in. When he spun you in his hand, he pulled you in closer to him so that his lips meet yours once more. Applause filled your ears once again, both of you could feel each other smiling in the middle of the kiss.
Your fingers raked his hair and then your hand trailed to his jaw, the prickly hairs of his stubble brushed roughly against your nails.
“This is the best day of my life,” Cal cooed.
“Here’s to forever?”
“Forever and ever, my wife, until the galaxy ends.”
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redrobinhoood · 4 years
Index | Whumptober2020
Whumptober is now over! Thank you everyone for the love that’s been shown to my fics on here. This has been a very good writing challenge for me. I feel like I’ve learned a lot about my writing style over the course of this past month and what types of stories are the most compelling from your comments and reactions, so thank you for hopefully making me a better writer!
So as to provide the best reading experience, the index is a summary of every work I did for Whumptober and lists out the all characters, pairings, additional tags, triggers, and level of whump so that you may make an informed decision about what you would like to read. Feel free to ask questions, or for more summary/description if you are unsure if you would like to approach something, in the comments of this post or through DM or ask.
AO3 Index Link
* Lighter whump
** Eek but they at least kinda get their shit together
*** I kill or graphically traumatize someone here
Full index under the break
Single-character focus
No 31. TODAY’S SPECIAL: TORTURE ** | Tumblr | AO3
Left for Dead
TW: None
Boba Fett
Description: Left to die, Boba Fett refuses to do so.
No 19. BROKEN HEARTS *** | Tumblr | AO3
Grief | Mourning Loved One | Survivor’s Guilt
TW: Character Death, Depression
CC-5052 | Bly / Aayla Secura
CC-5052 | Bly. CT-6734 | Galle, CC-3636 | Wolffe, Aayla Secura
Description: Bly finds himself in the same situation that he once put Aayla in when he returns to Felucia.
No 1. LET’S HANG OUT SOMETIME * | Tumblr | AO3
Waking Up Restrained | Shackled | Hanging
TW: Psychological Trauma
CC-2224 | Cody. CT-7567 | Rex, Alexsandr Kallus, Sabine Wren
Additional tags: Retrospective
Description: Captured by the Rebel Alliance, Cody thinks back on the events that led to this moment.
Disorientation | Blurred Vision
TW: Graphic Descriptions
CT-5555 | Fives & CT-0408 | Echo
CT-0408 | Echo
Additional tags: Canon compliant
Description: Echo makes a mistake at the Citadel and waits for Fives to save him from it.
TW: None
CT-0408 | Echo & CT-5555 | Fives, & CT-7567 | Rex
CT-0408 | Echo, CT-7567 | Rex
Additional tags: Canon compliant
Description: Trapped inside his own mind, Echo relives his final moments of freedom.
No 28. SUCH WOW. MANY NORMAL. VERY OOPS. *** | Tumblr | AO3
TW: Character Death, Graphic Descriptions
CT-5597 | Jesse & CT-6116 Kix
CT-5597 | Jesse
Additional tags: Canon compliant
Description: Pinned down, Jesse thinks back on the events leading up to Order 66.
Field Medicine
TW: Needles, Drug Use
CT-6116 | Kix. CT-5597 | Jesse
Description: Kix fights to keep his brothers alive on Umbara, but gives them peace when he cannot do so.
No 14. IS SOMETHING BURNING? ** | Tumblr | AO3
TW: None
CC-4477 | Thire. Jek
Description: Thire finds that the Emperor has found a solution for telling the identical clones apart.
No 8. WHERE DID EVERYBODY GO? *** | Tumblr | AO3
Abandoned | Isolation
TW: Death, Depression, Graphic Descriptions of Violence
CT-7567 | Rex. Ahsoka Tano
Additional Tags: Post Victory and Death
Description: Rex returns to the wreckage of the Venator once Ahsoka falls asleep to mourn his brothers.
No 29. I THINK I NEED A DOCTOR * | Tumblr | AO3
Intubation | Reluctant Bedrest
TW: Mentions of Death
CC-3636 | Wolffe. Boost
Description: After suffering serious injuries at the hands of the droid army, Wolffe finds himself on the road to recovery.
Friendship focus/pairings
No 15. INTO THE UNKNOWN ** | Tumblr | AO3
Possession | Alt 10. Nightmares
TW: Violence, Implied Character Death
Barriss Offee & Ahsoka Tano
Barriss Offee, Ahsoka Tano
Description: Ahsoka dreams about Barriss Offee and the tipping points in their friendship.
Sensory Deprivation
TW: None
Barriss Offee & Ahsoka Tano
Barriss Offee, Ahsoka Tano
Description: Imprisoned for her crimes, Barriss tries to sort fact from fiction as she finds herself deprived of her senses.
No 7. I’VE GOT YOU * | Tumblr | AO3
Support | Enemy to Caretaker
TW: Wounds
Cal Kestis & Merrin
Cal Kestis, Merrin
Additional notes: Fallen Order Spoilers
Description: Merrin goes to see Cal with thoughts of Dathomir on her mind.
No 18. PANIC! AT THE DISCO ** | Tumblr | AO3
Panic Attacks
TW: Panic Attacks
Cal Kestis & BD-1, & Merrin
Cal Kestis, BD-1, Merrin
Description: With all distractors gone, Cal’s thoughts wander to old trauma and old wounds.
Broken Down | Broken Trust
TW: None
CC-2224 | Cody & Obi-Wan Kenobi
CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ghost Crew (all), Millennium Falcon crew (almost all)
Additional tags:
Description: The Ghost receives a transmission concerning a former Jedi, a farm boy, and the Death Star.
No 30. NOW WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? *** | Tumblr | AO3
Internal Organ Injury
TW: Character Death, Graphic Descriptions, Blood
CC-2224 | Cody & CT-7567 | Rex
CC-2224 | Cody, CT-7567 | Rex
Description: Cody tells Rex of a new Separatist weapon. Later, Rex comes face to face with it.
No 4. RUNNING OUT OF TIME** | Tumblr | AO3
Collapsed Building
TW: Blood, Mentions of Death
CT-27-5555 | Fives | ARC-5555, CT-5385 | Tup, CT-6116 | Kix, CT-5597 | Jesse. CT-7567 | Rex, Anakin Skywalker
Description: Rex sends some of his best men to steal data from a recently abandoned Separatist base.
No 13. BREATHE IN BREATHE OUT * | Tumblr | AO3
Oxygen Mask
TW: None
Plo Koon & CC-3636 | Wolffe
Plo Koon, CC-3636 | Wolffe
Description: Captured during the infiltration of a Separatist base, Plo Koon chooses to save the lives of his men over his own.
Exhaustion | Sleep Deprivation
TW: Depression
CT-5555 | Fives & CT-0408 | Echo, & CT-5385 | Tup
CT-5555 | Fives, CT-5385 | Tup
Description: Following Umbara, old nightmares come back to haunt Fives.
No 2. IN THE HANDS OF THE ENEMY ** | Tumblr | AO3
“Pick Who Dies” | Collars
TW: None
CT-7567 | Rex & Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, CT-7567 | Rex, Obi-Wan Kenobi
Description: Anakin is forced to choose between three of the beings he loves.
TW: None
CT-7567 | Rex & Anakin Skywalker
CT-7567 | Rex, Anakin Skywalker
Description: Rex and Anakin find themselves doused with hallucinogenic powder while pursuing Asajj Ventress.
No 9. FOR THE GREATER GOOD *** | Tumblr | AO3
“Take Me Instead” | “Run!”
TW: Character Death
CT 7567 | Rex & Ahsoka Tano
CT 7567 | Rex, Ahsoka Tano. CT-6116 | Kix, Anakin Skywalker
Description: When their ship comes under attack, Rex and Ahsoka desperately try to hold off the droids from the control room.
No 21. I DON’T FEEL SO WELL * | Tumblr | AO3
TW: None
CT-7567 | Rex & Ahsoka Tano
CT-7567 | Rex, Ahsoka Tano. Anakin Skywalker, CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi
Description: Rex and Ahsoka find themselves stranded on an ice moon after escaping from Separatist forces.
Romance pairings
On the Run | Failed Escape
TW: Character Death
CC-5052 | Bly / Aayla Secura
CC-5052 | Bly, Aayla Secura, CT-6734 | Galle
Additional tags: Worse Than Canon
Description: Bly decides to take the execution of Order 66 into his own hands
TW: Suicide
CC-5052 | Bly / Aayla Secura
CC-5052 | Bly, Aayla Secura
Description: Trapped by a collapsed building during an earthquake, Bly and Aayla take different approaches to their survival.
No 6. PLEASE…. ** | Tumblr | AO3
“Get it Out” | “Stop, please”
TW: Blood, Mentions of Death
CC-2224 | Cody / Obi-Wan Kenobi
CC-2224 | Cody, Obi-Wan Kenobi
Description: Obi-Wan and Cody lead a mission to scout out what appears to be an abandoned Separatist base.
No 17. I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING * | Tumblr | AO3
Blackmail | Dirty Secret
TW: None
Rey / Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Rey, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren
Description: A reminiscing Kylo Ren is interrupted by a call for a momentary truce following the near extermination of the Resistance.
No 3. MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY* | Tumblr | AO3
Manhandled | Held at Gunpoint
TW: None
Riyo Chuchi / CC-1010 | Fox
Riyo Chuchi, CC-1010 | Fox. CC-5869 | Stone
Description: It’s the weekly bounty hunter break in in the Senate. But this week, Commander Fox finds Senator Chuchi to be one of their demands.
Blood Loss | Trail of Blood
TW: Blood, Graphic Descriptions, Character Death
Riyo Chuchi / CC-1010 | Fox
Riyo Chuchi, CC-1010 | Fox.
Description: Commander Fox leads an assault on a team of bounty hunters who have infiltrated the Senate.
No 11. PSYCH 101 *** | Tumblr | AO3
Defiance | Struggling | Crying
TW: Character Death
Riyo Chuchi / CC-1010 | Fox
Riyo Chuchi, CC-1010 | Fox
Description: The Chancellor learns of Commander Fox and Riyo’s relationship and orders his property to be destroyed.
TW: None
Riyo Chuchi / CC-1010 | Fox
Riyo Chuchi, CC-4477 | Thire
Description: Thire watches over Riyo at a senatorial gathering after she receives another threat on her life.
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cosmiciaria · 4 years
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order review! (Spoiler free)
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Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (SWJFO) appeared out of fricking nowhere and to everyone's surprise, it was a striking success? How? But… EA was so bad at making SW games!! I don't see micro transactions and… is this… actual… plot… with actual… good characters?? I'm shooketh.
So, yes, SWJFO is a good game! It's not perfect, it has its flaws, yes, but considering where we come from… Battlefront II I'm looking at you.
The game takes place between Episode III and Episode IV. I won't say it's a "bridge" between those two Episodes because it isn't, and some may argue that talking about Jedi in the middle of those two pieces of media doesn't take you anywhere, since we all know what happens next, but let me explain to you: the story fits so well. So well.
We follow Cal Kestis, your average ginger Good Boi, who's a padawan in disguise. It's been five years since Order 66 and he's been hiding all this time in Bracca, a junkyard, where he works mostly enslaved by the Empire. His good pal Prauf tells him he should go outside and explore the galaxy, since he's young and cute probably, but Cal is so scared of being found and he's suffering such a huge survivor's guilt that he doesn't take any action to leave that planet.
It all seemed to be like another ordinary day of work, dismembering old ships and searching for useful parts, when the wing that Cal and Prauf were working on suddenly falls from the body of the ship, and Cal, who hasn't been using his Force since the execution of the Jedi, is forced (pun intended) to save his friend from falling to his death. Prauf understands the stakes, and swears to keep the secret.
However, destiny seems to hate him, because the Inquisitors (the Second and Ninth Sisters to be more precise), an order of Jedi-turned-to-dark-side that serves the Empire, arrive at Bracca, looking for a remaining Force-wielder who hides among the workers. Prauf steps up for his comrade, only to be impaled quite literally in front of Cal. Cal loses his composure and snaps at the Second Sister, revealing his nature as Jedi, and so the hunt begins.
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Cal faces the Second Sister, who menacingly swings her lightsaber with red emitters, but he's too weak to defeat her. Just when we thought that everything is lost, a new spaceship arrives: the Mantis, and a woman reaches out from the main gate, asking us to jump. Cal doesn't think twice, bids farewell to a very angry Second Sister and jumps into safety.
Inside the Mantis, Cal meets his saviors: Cere, a former jedi who purposely cut her link with the Force, and Greez, a lateros who is the owner and driver of the ship. Cere goes straight to the point: she's been looking for Cal (or any other Force-sensitive to be honest) for years now, because she has a clear plan: to rebuild the Jedi Order.
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From here onward, the game opens up. You'll be visiting Bogano first, which is the sanctuary more or less of Cordova, a dead character that will have a great impact on the whole story. Cordova was Cere's master, and he's worked and compiled information about the Zeffo sages and other interesting mythos from around the galaxy. Cordova swears that in the ancestral chamber in Bogano, sealed by ancient technology created by the Zeffo, lies the Holocron: a cubic thingy only readable for Jedi, that holds key information about the names of the kids who are Force-sensitives. With this list of names, Cere plans to bring back the Jedi and strike back at the Empire.
So the main objective is to get this Holocron, but to get there, you'll have to go to many planets and explore many nooks and crannies. I won't spoil it for you, because I try to never spoil in my reviews, and like I said before, it may sound like this goal doesn't make any sense since we know they don't succeed in rebuilding the Order (hell, not even with Rey and it's been a whole generation since then), but hear me out: the story still fits so well! PLEASE TRUST ME IN THIS ONE
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So instead of talking about the plot, let's talk about the characters!
Cal will be your main character. I read that some people think he's boring, ok, I can take that. The reality is that there's so much more to him than just his dashing appearance (alright, maybe I am biased, since I love red hairs) and his kindness and good-boy-ness. Cal is deeply regretful by his actions during Order 66 and he can't forget nor forgive what happened to his master. He feels remorseful and blames himself for the outcome of the purge. He has a scar on his face that constantly reminds him of it. He's a clear case of survivor's guilt syndrome, and it doesn't take one much to see it. I won't say when or the context, but there's a moment in which he has to ride a escape pod, and he looks around, nervously, as if he's going to suffocate, because it reminds him of the purge – man, there's a lot not said that really touches you. I don't need a character to tell me that he's sad. He can show it to me and that's exemplarily well done with him.
Another example of a sad character, more in-your-face this time, is Cere. A former master, now devoid of the Force, Cere wanders the galaxy with a clear goal in mind. But in her past, she hides torture and some too-close-for-comfort connection with the dark side. She wants to redeem herself and she trusts that this sacred mission will, not wipe out, but compensate for her mistakes. Cere is a great north in this game and she always supports Cal in everything. Her unconditional trust may seem overwhelming at first, but she's careful and she knows with what they're all dealing with. Besides she's badass af.
Greez is a less warrior character but much funnier than the rest of the cast. As the owner of the Mantis, he takes care of this ship as if it were his daughter. He has a knack for cooking and even though he tries to hide it, he does have a soft spot for Cal. Maybe his past of gambler and addiction makes him come across as the one who doesn't give a damn of what's going on, but if that were truly the case, he wouldn't be here, trying to rebuild the Order as well. He has by far the best lines in the script, and he's so unintentionally funny. There was this scene, out of context, where Cere and Cal were having an argument while eating, and he was sitting in between, in the background, adding peppermint or whatever spice to his dish, but the thing is, he never stopped throwing peppermint to his dish because he was watching them argue. Damn. I love him.
Merrin is introduced later in the game, but she does play a large role in the story. Born and raised in Dathomir, Merrin is a Nightsister, an order of 'witches' let's call them that have twisted the Force and use it in a different way than the Jedi. After General Grievous (as much as we assume, because he's mentioned as "armored man wielding lightsabers") wiped out all the life in Dathomir, Merrin remained as the sole survivor of her planet, roaming around the corpses of her sisters with no goal whatsoever. She resents the Jedi and has sworn to fight them even if it cost her life. This led her to get in with a bad crowd… but she'll find a better purpose after she meets Cal (And if you ask me, this SHIP HAS SAAAAAIIILLLLEEED).
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And last but not least, the Second Sister, who, as I said before, was a former Jedi who was forced into the dark side, now hunts the remaining Force-sensitive that have escaped from the purge. She seems your ordinary villain at the start of the story, but slowly the plot will be unfolding a lot of details about her past and how she became an Inquisitor, making her as much, if not more than, important like the rest of the cast.
If there's thread connecting all these characters, is their broken pasts. These are all broken characters who now must face the consequences of their decisions, however much they don't want to look that way. They have to reconcile with their pasts and overcome their fears. They have all suffered, but in this suffering they found strength. And each other.
And I cannot not mention BD-1, your companion droid. He has personality, you can't deny it. Every time Cal went like "How is it going, BD-1?" and the droid threw his "Boops-beeps", please, they're having a profound conversation DON'T INTERRUPT THEM.
As far as gameplay goes, this game borrows from other great creations of the PS4 era: Uncharted (you'll be climbing and doing parkour a lot), Tomb Raider (sliding down and tomb raiding, yes), Dark Souls (meditation/save points where you can level up your skills and also whenever you die you lose your exp gained, but not the ability points. You can recover that exp though), and Sekiro (parry. Parry a lot). This may seem to all of you like the game lacks originality, and while it's debatable, I still think that it has a lot new and original gameplay to offer, specially when it comes to Force wielding and lightsabers. Oh, yes, you're a Jedi (padawan, actually), you'll be using the Force! The game tries really hard to integrate the Force not only in combat, but also while you explore and while you solve puzzles. The more you level up, the more powerful your abilities become, and it comes a point when you feel unstoppable. The Stormtroopers might sound cocky at first, but when you start pushing and pulling, oh, yes, fear the Jedi! So yes, the game may look like a copycat of previous works in the gaming industry, but it does make a good use of all those mechanics, while still throwing something new elements into the mix.
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The level design is ASTOUNDING, sometimes I turned around one corner and appeared somewhere I thought it was like miles away from my place, and I was marveled at how well everything interconnects with everything. The level of detail also is so meticulous and well crafted, like there are so many little things that if you stop to stare and pay attention you'll be so mesmerized by them. Some of the places are so eye candy, even Dathomir with their "I AM DEATH" vibes has such a beautiful color palette, that I couldn't help but take a thousand screenshots. This game looks gorgeous, and it shows. You know, when a game has a photo mode, you know the devs are convinced of its beauty.
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But, like I said earlier, the game isn't without flaws. While I praised the intricate level design, there's also one thing I hate a lot: backtracking. Yes, in these huge maps, there are no fast travels. You can create shortcuts and such, but, if you want to get to that 2% that was left unexplored in that particular area, you must return to it by foot. This is a huge let down for me. I did the game with a guide, so I grabbed most of the collectibles during my first time in each planet, but still there were some things that I missed, and I had to go all the way there to revisit places with the only purpose of grabbing that stupid chest or filling that small percentage of the map, while trying to survive against the enemies, since everything in this game, everything, wants to actively kill you. Damn, Cal was wanted.
Another huge drawback for me that it normally doesn't bother me much were the low framerates. I played it on normal PS4, not the Pro, and the rendition of the game wasn't good. I wasn't even fighting or doing a lot of stuff on screen, I was just climbing and chilling, and still the framerates would fall like under 20. When there a lot of things going on screen, the game suffers from it and it makes you know that the play station is giving its all to make it function. I believe this isn't a problem for those who have a nice computer and play it with the highest specs, but as I know that there are people out there who really care about the performance, I had to at least mention this.
Also, do not come here thinking that this is an open world game. Yes, granted, you can travel from planet to planet with no real rush and take things with time, but the maps are mostly linear (except for the interconnections between each area), and once you explored or got all chests, that's all there's to it. Now that I have completed the game and platinumed it, the planets feel barren, empty, like there's no real life breathing through the leaves or the rooms. And I think I know what this game could've benefited a lot from: sidequests. There are no NPC's here, except for some Wookies at that moment in the story or your crew members, so there's no one to give you a sidequest. But even without NPC's, they could've thrown sidequests from the different collectibles that you come across in your path, or maybe when on arriving at a certain place. There's like one thing that gets close to a sidequest and it's exploring a crashed Venator in the planet Zeffo, but that's all there's to it: more of the same killing, climbing and cutting ropes. If you're a rookie collector, then yes, this game got you covered, for there are over 200 collectibles (I think over 300 actually, considering echoes and chests and scans), but it's not like there's anything in between these, except for enemies. No banter with your crew members while you walk around, some occasional beep boops from BD-1 only.
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I think those are my main complaints, but all in all I believe that the good compensates the bad. The last "mission" is reaaaaally good, and they did something I really like, which I won't spoil. I'm just going to say that I'm so glad with the decisions they took. The relationships between the characters grow vividly before our eyes, and we see Cal develop from a frightened fugitive into a fighter. There are moments in the story and in the gameplay where the game made me go like "whoa", I was truly amazed by what was going on. The acting is flawless, the music gets under your skin and the vistas are just dreamy. There so many easter eggs to appease even the most hardcore SW fan! They could polish all the things I said, but if there's another SW game developed by Respawn and with that writing team, I'll be there to buy it.
It's not perfect, but it's good. Give Cal a chance!
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justal0wk3yg4mer · 5 years
Things I’ve Said:Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order (Some Spoilers)
My words                                                                                                                  *Player/My actions*                                                                                                   Character dialogue 
Okay I know this is a scrapyard and some of y’all are depressed AF but this is gorgous!!
I wanna touch his hair.
Cal,while your leaning in relatable, I don’t like it.
Bigass pile of clankers and a couple of clone helmets.........sounds about right.
What a sweet, wholesome, and mentally scared boy.
*Pushes button like 20 times* Why the fuck can’t I open the damn door *turns Cal around* OOOHHhhhhh SSSHHHiiiTtttttt.
*Second Sister unsheathes her saber* SHE’S A THOT!
Don’t worry dude, these are stormtroopers, they can’t shoot. *Gets shot* Motherf*uckers!
Y’all look nice and all but 100% they’re hiding some stuff.
Oh shit that thing has an eyeball!
BD, Cal and I can both agree that we would die for you.
Be still my beating heart.
Yo, I’m about to go Link on these pots.
*Sees electric pipes* Yeah. Sure. I’ll hit that with my lightsaber. I’m young.
Was that drugs?! BD, baby, did you give Cal drugs?
A purge trooper? Nah, y’all are just edgy. 
Purge Trooper: “Yes! Harder!”....................fuck edgy you’re just a masochist.
I’m a fucking genius! *Got the missile launcher trooper to blow himself up.*
No! I don’t want to deal with you! *Yeets purge trooper off a cliff*
Cal: “Haven’t gotten myself killed yet.” *I began to laugh hysterically after he said this.*
Handsome boy!
Fucking purge trooper.
Is that a spider web? *Looks around more* Is that a BIG spider web?! Please no, I’m terrified of spiders.
That’s not a spider and I don’t care what this game calls it, that thing is satan itself.
RRRrrrrraaGGGgggg *My dumbass wookie sound*
Cal no, no crushing on the Second Sister.
Did I seriously get captured?
Where the fuck is Boba Fett? I’m surprised that he isn’t here getting a couple of hits in.
Aw, he was worried. I’m so glad Greez.............it was the plants wasn’t it?
Don’t you dare hurt that beautiful creature! 
I get to fly it?!? Really? *tears up* You beautiful majestic creature.
*Meets Ninth Sister* How many of you bitches are there?!
Dathomir has a red what? Cal honey, no. Do you know what happens to redheads in normal sunlight?
I’m fucking scared of the nightbrothers. And they aren’t even scary, they just jump out of no where and scare me.
I don’t like that old man. Staring at Cal all weird.
You need to chill there Merrin.
Okay, this is not witchcraft. That’s fucking voodoo.
Yeah here, raise the dead bodies of your slain ancestors and have them get re-slained in the name of revenge. WTF.
Dathomir has been a lovely mix of ‘I need a stim’ and ‘I need a save point’.
Why is there a save point here? Like I’m not complaining but, it’s a little odd. *Flashes to a memory with young Cal on a ship and sees a clone.* No. No, please no. I’m not ready.
Clone: “Heard we were getting new orders soon.” No no no no no no no.
*Clone and Cal high-five* Please no, please don’t make me watch this.
Japal: “The Clones have betrayed us!” Nooooooooooooo you don’t understand *cries*.
Okay, I know this is sad but Japal, that was amazing!
My poor baby
You know, I didn’t ask for this scene nor did I want my heart ripped in two, Now look at me. I’m emotional and Cal broke his saber.
Told you the old man was bad news. Bad jedi.
 We’re going to Ilum? Dibs on a purple or yellow crystal. 
Yoda would be like ‘Mh, thick he is. Solve the puzzle he cannot.’
 *BD plays Cordova’s last message and trusts Cal* This. This, I needed. I am a happy emotional wreck.
He is so fucking pretty. Cal do you understand how pretty you are?
BBROOooooo! Split Saber!
I hear the fighting music going on but I really want to explore..........fuck it on with the fight.
Old man’s speech is really borderline pervy. Like chill Herbert.
Merrin I thought we were cool? Call off your horde of undead.
*Inquisitor Cal appears* Oh fuck he’s hot in black.
Not gonna lie. Kinda disappointed that Trilla has on purple eye-shadow and not like red or black. I don’t know why that’s important right now since she’s trying to kill me but, it’s the little things.
*Customizing my saber* Dolovite? Is that a red? *selects it* Oh fuck yes! 
AAAHHHH! My boy gonna be a Jedi Knight!
Please make this reference. Never tell me the odds! Greez: “My moneys on you kid.” Well fuck Hans, why’d you never say anything like that?
Be still my beating heart...............wait, haven’t I already said this?
 Vader is on that ship *Me trying to be funny.........several minutes later* Holy Shit! :D                                                                                                   *Attacks Cal and begins to fuck up the station* D:
Okay, now I am legitimately scared, we need to leave right now. *Vader appears* AAAHHH! 
Cere listen.........Listen.........LIsten.........LISTEN!
I really think y’all should just destroy the Holocron, if it’s still whole then anyone can get the list and-- *Cal slices it in half* --you wonderful man.
OMG. Cal. You saved Luke and Leia. You saved the saviors of the universe!
(And while all this was going on there was a tally of every time I said ‘What was/is that’ and yes I kept up with it. Here is the final score.)
 ‘What was/is that’ Tally: 294
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