#all of them were made in a span of 4 days btw
sorcerous-caress · 10 months
Another human kink idea that pop up in my head
Imagine how elves wizard who study magic for hundreds of years to realize that they are on the same level of 20ish yo human wizard
I hope you are doing well btw
— RED anon
Yes! That fact never made sense to me either. For example, if Gale, a human who's clearly in his 30s, managed to become an Arch-Wizard, then what's stopping elves with lifespans ten times his own.
Theory A
Humans are born with an invisible xp multipler. Since at the end of the day, the dnd universe functions by game rules, and characters do, in fact, "level up," but they're not aware of it themselves.
To make up for their short life spans, all short lived races either are born with an xp multipler that lets them achieve more faster, or elves are born with a xp multipler that has a negative penalty.
So if a human by themselves has a multipler of 100% per year of magic study, then elves would have a 10% multipler. While dragonborns would have 110%. Kenku and Goblins get a 140% etc.
What about immortal creatures? Simple, they start with 100% or whatever their base race multipler is and suffer a decay penalty the more years they live past their age. But i feel like there should be a cap, maybe it can never get less than 1%.
Theory B
All races have the same xp multipler, but elves tend to fuck around doing nothing all day more. Maybe study one page for week and call it a day. It's not on purpose but their perception of time is really altered, what feels like hours to us might be seconds for them.
So if an elf really wants to, they can study all their life and actually become one of the most powerful arch-wizards. But they just...don't for some reason. Maybe it's the way Corellon made them, maybe being a wizard is scoffed at amogst their ranks because they are all born with inherited magic and the idea of learning and borrowing magic from the weave is insulting. Like how in drow society, most wizards are male, because if a women can study or do magic then it's considered much better to become a priestess of Lolth. Being a wizard is an insult.
Theory C
Because humans are speical and I said so :"((((
Because what if they really are? What if elves have been genuinely trying their best to become wizards and study all their life but for some reason, it's just not enough, yk. Maybe the weave prefers the short-lived, maybe Mystra prefers the humankind. Who knows.
Magic is Not like math, at least not like non-quantum math bc god knows that shit is the closest we will ever get to actual magic. People have been trying to marry it with actual physics and our normal math for years to no avail.
That's why kids are so much better at magic, you see. Magic is limited by your own brain, your own creativity and how you bend the rules.
What are humans known for? Their endless potential and creativity. What are they best at? Breaking the rules.
Maybe the human brain just clicks with magic. Our entire evolution of becoming really good problem solvers. Maybe solving puzzles for fun is a unique experience for humans which is why most of them end up falling in love with magic.
Anyway, that's all for the theory, kinky smut below about wizard elves and humans.
Okay so hear me out. You're a child prodigy in magic, far beyond your years and your understanding of the weave is so personalised and intimate that by a young age you started writing books to teach others your own ways.
As the years went by and the more wizard study certificates you've collected, you decided to teach at a magic university. You were so far known but the one thing everyone glosses over was the fact you were human. It was never mentioned in any of your books or writing.
So you're this cute young human professor at this prestigious high elf magic academy for wizards. Standing in front of rows of people much older than 4 or 5 of your generations combined. Having to teach them and be stern.
But they're being so stubborn and petty about the fact that a meek human is trying to act like their superior. Especially being high elves and all. They're tried to not take you seriously and skip your class but found out later that you're one of the mandatory classes for them to graduate so they begrudgingly attended.
Maybe they start thinking of you as eyecandy. Shamelessly glancing at you when you bend over to help look at someone's paper, maybe they start dropping the prof honorific and address you by a name or a nickname in elvish you're not aware of. Maybe even that elvish word has a perverted meaning that flies over your head when you happily answer to it and think they're warming up to you.
They try to become really close, inviting you to their hangouts, inappropriate parties, and everything that a professor shouldn't be attending. They hand you drinks and watch you swallow them down, coaxing you into showing them your cute human games, truth or dare it was called right?
One student dares you to sit on their lap, they coo and run their fingers on your body. Another skips turns to dare you to take your blazer off, why are you wearing formal clothes here?
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noblesixofhalo · 1 year
Fallout Bebop
Alright before I get started, I'm not trying to ruin anything or retcon Fallout or Cowboy Bebop for that matter, this is just something that I want to write about off an on as long as I am still committed to my playthrough of Fallout 4. (New Vegas requires a ton of space on my PC which I don't have right now sadly) It's not the greatest of writing but I'm not hear to write a masterpiece, just whatever comes to my mind. I will get the next chapter out by tomorrow maybe. I'm still trying to continue with where I left off on Saturday when I completed chapter. Anyway without further ado, let's get started. Btw the "tall skinny individual in the intro is not Spike lol, it's supposed to be me but as the main character in any Fallout game so it can be whoever. I don't spend much time making my character, I just play around with their appearance a bit and just give them a normal look to them. Anyway let's start.
*Theme song of Cowboy Bebop "Tank!" plays before fading*
*Piano music plays in the background before a male singer begins*
When you attend a funeral It is sad to think that sooner or later Those you love will do the same for you And you may have thought it tragic Not to mention other adjectives To think of all the weeping they will do But don't you worry.
No more ashes, no more sackcloth And an armband made of black cloth Will some day never more adorn a sleeve For if the bomb that drops on you Gets your friends and neighbors too There'll be nobody left behind to grieve.
And we will all go together when we go Oh, what a comforting fact that is to know Universal bereavement, an inspiring achievement Yes, we all will go together when we go..... *fade to black*
*Narrator begins his monologue*
War. War never changes. Nearly 200 years ago after decades of conflict over Earth's last resources, the world was plunged into nuclear fire. The atomic conflagration between the world's nuclear powers ended in a span of only two hours but in those short few hours, the world was reduced to ruin and billions of lives snuffed out by atomic fire and by the aftermath of this nuclear holocaust. Though civilization as humanity knew it ceased to exist on Earth, the tale of humanity still preserved despite many challenges and trials ahead. Thanks to years of false alarms and the cry wolf effect, very few took the warnings seriously and those who were fortunate enough to make it to the safety to the underground Vaults, their fate was in the hands of the overseers who either delivered the survivors a new life from war and death or a life of hell at the hands of their new mad scientists. In the many decades since the Great War in 2077, societies that some how managed to escape the ravages of nuclear war and the societal collapse, have colonized much of the solar system thanks to the help of the Intersolar Brotherhood of Steel who have dedicated their lives and their mission to colonize other planets. Thanks to the technological advancements made by the IBOS, the very few humans left on Earth have managed to make space their home free from the horrors of the atomic wasteland and the constant struggles that plagued humanity since the bombs fell. Amid rising crime, the Intersolar Brotherhood of Steel have created a legalized contract system similar to prewar bounty hunting who are dedicated to capturing criminals not just on Earth but throughout the solar system. With the help of the Inter Solar System Police, the official police force of the Intersolar Brotherhood of Steel, bounty hunting has expanded beyond the atomic wasteland on Earth and into the stars above.
*Atomic Wasteland, unknown location in the former United States of America*
A taller somewhat skinny looking individual equipped with combat armor and old military fatigues and a trusty Pip-Boy 3000 courtesy of Robco Industries, was prepping for a long haul to a great unknown. Next to him was a skinny and lanky looking androgynous teenage girl with fiery red hair and a goofy looking grin that seemed constantly in one mode and that was happy, giggly and bubbly all the time. The strange man didn't mind and often was happy to see her with nothing but endless content regardless of the world that he and she are forced to grow up in. He met this strange child a few months ago after he found her wandering endlessly in nothing but open wilderness and the harsh atomic wasteland. One would have to wonder if this child was part ghoul or was naturally immune to radiation as no child would be sane enough to go out in the wasteland without proper protection.
"Rad X?
"Check, check, check!"
"Check, check, check, checky check!"
"Check, check!"
"Purified water, bandages, and extra food?"
"Oooooooh do you got nuki, nuki colas for Edward?"
"I'm afraid not kiddo and besides that stuff is bad for you, I don't know how prewar society could handle such a sugary concoction."
"120% the daily recommended sugars!"
The young girl proudly beamed proud of her statement of fact. The strange man smirked at her before continuing with the checklist.
He made sure that he was armed enough to go out in the wasteland. He was tasked on a secret mission by the Detachment, a paramilitary organization that provides extra security for anyone that has the caps for it. Truth be told, it was a pretty insignificant faction that had little to no name recognition other than the fact that they were well armed, and they provided security for any organization out there that wasn't just comprised of degenerate raiders. Originally the strange man was going to drop off Edward at the nearest settlement and not have to deal with her but overtime he grew protective of her and considered dumping her at the nearest settlement one of the last things he wished to do given the dangers of the wasteland. But he also argued that this child was capable of taking care of herself without adults but child or not, raiders would not care.
"Alright I got my gear ready, take the chem but only once we don't want any side affects causing problems for you. You're how old again Ed?"
"13, 13, 13!"
"Let's try one dose for now. It says on the bottle that it won't cause any addiction but I don't want to risk it."
"Hehe, you worry too much."
"I just...I just don't want you to get hurt".
"I'll be fine!"
She giggled as he gave her the one chem of Rad-X, sure enough after she took the dose, nothing happened. The man took his dose of Rad-X and off they were to the great unknown ready for anything. He debated whether or not he wanted to stay with the Detachment or if he wanted to just keep going his own way with this child. He had plenty of caps and was perfectly capable of plowing through the wastes though having a NBC suit on would be more ideal, he thought.
"Alright let's go kiddo."
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unstablebr0 · 2 years
Some fucked up drawings of my OCs from february
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iconocon · 2 years
consequences of monaco | leclerc | 2
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summary: can we even be fixed?
warnings: cheating, swearing, alcohol, those weird monaco rumors
part 1 part 3 part 4
word count: 2.1 k (i am in pain btw) | ⚔︎ ANGST
running out of that motorhome in a full sprint the last thing on your mind was the other people passing by in the paddock. knowing exactly what you looked like to them and also knowing exactly how bad it looked for charles yet you didn’t stop your feet instead you only picked up against the asphalt. you knew the media were gonna have a field day at the sight of the mascara pouring down in waves as you made your break for the parking lot. if you thought hard enough you could imagine the scandalous headlines now.
"longtime bff of scuderia driver in tears after p4 finish" or maybe even
"heartbreak in monaco? did leclerc finally cut her off?”
the media was not known for being sympathetic to your cause. they thrived in any way to initiate a witch hunt against you if even a toe stepped out of a PR-perfected box of the doting best friend. it seemed that even in your purest intentions you were still left with mountains of hate by people who didn't even know you or want to know you for that matter. the videos of you weaving between reporters giving driver interviews would create the start of a twitter speculation firestorm of what could have gone down in the short span of ten minutes to cause charles walking into the home to you sprinting out.
you had to pull yourself together, you had to breathe, and most importantly you had to get the fuck out of monaco. there weren't many places you could escape from the world at, but you did know where a certain french driver kept his spare keys so in the mess of your mind you knew the only obvious option was waiting for you in milan.
as you sat on a plane wallowing in your own self pity, licking your wounds, watching as the clouds raced by charles himself did not look much better. the room felt so much smaller and maybe even weirdly colder without your energy. his face staying hidden in his hands as he sat on the very same couch as you did earlier waiting for him to come back from his ruined race.
he couldn’t explain why he said those hurtful words or why he pushed you away like he did. coming to terms with your distancing relationship was as hard for him as it was for you, but it was easier to distract himself in other ways, other projects. even when he held all the power in the duo he wasn’t quite sure how to make it all easier. he would be completely stupid if he didn’t realize the way you looked at him. but he would also be completely stupid if he acted upon the irrational thoughts in his brain. which he had had often when it came to you. what if he loved you? he didn’t know if he loved you as you did him but he did know he couldn’t live without you in his life. the only aspect of his very public life that he was entirely too selfish with was you. he knew deep down that if you asked him to give up on whatever the two of you shared so you could move on to someone else, someone who deserved to love you, he couldn’t do it. he needed to be the shining pillar in your life there was no sharing option in his jealous-filled eyes but one thought took up every inch of his mind as he stared at the white-knuckled balled-up fist in his lap.
can we even be fixed?
milan - 6 hrs later
getting into pierre’s house was a little too easy. you would think that someone that made the amount of money he made that he would invest in some type of security other than a building that didnt even check your ID. in fact you didn’t even have to even go as far as to look for the key he kept under an eiffel tower floor matt that sat in front of his bachelor pad. as soon as you walked into the building the receptionist even looked at you strangely eyes scanning your frame also probably wondering how you managed to get in here, but thankfully she didn’t exactly ask that question because you weren’t sure if you could even tell her.
“do you need help?” it was almost ironic because yes, you needed a lot of it, switching from one foot to another to show your hesitation you nodded. “I’m a friend of pierre gasly’s?”
“gasly’s? one second”
where she went behind her posh little desk in the middle of the glass building you had no clue, all you knew is that it felt like it took forever for her to come back and when she did she was carrying a key.
“sorry for the wait he's kind hard guy to get ahold of” at the mention of the driver it was almost like clockwork for your phone to go off, speak of the french devil and he shall answer you suppose. the text sound blaring as you swap possession of the keys before getting a chance to even look at it.
don’t do anything i wouldn’t do ma colobmbe
if you weren’t so numb to your emotions you probably would’ve laughed at the dumb nickname he has called you since you were kids. the memory of you hitting a bird in your bright pink kart came rushing back pairing itself in the form of a smile as you knew you could always count on him to make you feel better.
walking into his flat, the smell of pierre's cologne almost made you audibly sigh but they also came along with thoughts that maybe you should’ve waited for him and asked him to run away with you. you knew if anyone would hold you and let you cry it out it was him. he wouldn’t even have to ask questions he would just know how to make it all stop hurting, but instead, you were alone in his empty apartment sitting now on his cloud-like gray-clad couch. the same one you helped him pick out when he got this apartment. once again you couldn’t help your wandering brain at the newfound comfort. some part of you wondered what charles was doing right now. was he sorry? was he out celebrating that he was finally free from you? did he mean everything that was said? eventually, the thoughts felt like they were eating you alive almost to the point where you knew you had to find out about his whereabouts. finding yourself instinctively clicking the blue app on your phone you were sucked into the whirlwind of rumors that was the world of formula 1.
“mexican driver cheats on his wife on party boat??”
“ricciardo married with a lil ricciardo on the way? read all about the wedding HERE”
“ferrari drivers single after fight in monaco club”
now that one caught your attention, automatically hovering over the expand button you found your eyes skimming over the different translations of the night. your name showing up often as you continued to scroll through the night. i mean it was no surprise after your temper tantrum earlier in the afternoon to be the topic of the thread. it read about how charles broke up with his girlfriend after she asked why you were crying in a very, heavily packed night club. next it read how carlos’ girlfriend joined in and it just turned into a big mess of conspiracies after that as respective fans put their two cents in. none of it really made any sense.
why would he fight with her about you? he showed all too well how much he didn’t give a fuck about what happened to you when he made you leave. out of pure frustration, you found yourself throwing that very same device you were hypnotized by flung into the nearby wall body sinking into the couch as the satisfying sound of it bouncing against the drywall was the last sound in the apartment for the night.
buZz brrrr
buZZZ brrr
the next sound in the dark italian apartment was this brutal buzzing sound waking you out of slumber.
god, your head was pounding.
the sound only got louder as you stood up finally seeing the bright slightly shattered screen on the hard tiled floor from your spot in front of the couch. now you knew you shouldn’t answer. you saw perfectly well who was calling. you knew the karting photo like the back of your own hand but now in the eerie darkness, it was almost mocking you as you raised it to your ear.
“ROSE” the slur that came out above the blasting club music made you scrunch your nose in disgust at how drunk he sounded.
“talk and talk fast perceval”
“come onnnnn why can’t you just come bac-" the most unattractive hiccup broke up his sentence as he continued with his rant. "please come home I mis- im sorrrrry okay"
“I’m hanging up rig-“
“I love you rose” oof- there went the gut punch again. when did he get so good at knocking all the air out of your lungs? did he have some weird pain kink when it came to you, was he enjoying this? the desperation in his drunk voice was begging you to forgive him but once again you found yourself beating up your own mental psyche over your next steps. instead of making you sentimental and giddy, his words made you furious. this wasn't how you treated someone you loved, someone you cared about, the next words came out white-hot and like a faucet as they oozed out of your mouth.
“I really wished I believed you charles. I wish I could believe what comes out of your drunk mouth. you don’t know what love is and I’m sorry for trying to make you be something you aren’t just so I could keep you for even a second longer. I’ll never forgive myself for loving you”
“rose wait-“
the line disconnected as once again you found yourself crying sobbing mess because of your best friend breaking your heart off into its final piece. fingers moving fast against the keyboard you sent one final message before this time taking the time to turn off the device knowing you couldn't withstand the flurry of calls or text that would come next.
“please come home”
the arms around you were so warm, even familiar, that you sunk right into them, your face automatically finding the soft part of the stranger's neck. firm fingers wrapped around your thighs and back squeezing you tight against a chest as you wiggled in your sleep drunk state. those same arms left you as quick as they came as you were placed into a soft bed, instead of letting them go though, you cling harder to the warm body.
“ma colobmbe let go”
knowing only one person in the world who would dare call you that stupid nickname you suddenly realize why the stranger wasn’t such a stranger. the ocean blue eyes and messy hair were such a sight for sore eyes as somehow you cling even harder around the neck of your friend fingers digging into his tanned skin.
“tell me what to do, i’ll do anything to make it better”
without even thinking about the consequences of your own actions you surprised even yourself as your lips crashed into matching ones. you didn’t expect him to even kiss you back, actually, you don’t even think you expected anything at all from him. you definitely however did not expect him to kiss you back harder. the pair became heated quickly as both of you understood you needed anything but soft at that moment. teeth clashed together, bite marks lingered on freshly bruised flesh, and groans filled up silent air. as he finally gave up his pursuit and started attacking down your neck in an aggressive open-mouthed manner it left your mouth open to moan his name in his own ear.
“pierre- we should-“
“don’t ruin this for me” the tone in his thick french accent was anything but playful as his hand reached down between the two of your intertwined bodies snaking its way in between the waistband of your pants and the bright red ferrari shirt you picked out of your dresser just that morning. his actions did their job of shutting you up finding yourself now relaxing while his sweet nothings lured you into pure pleasure. you weren’t sure what the next day would bring but at that moment you decided it was your turn to be selfish. it was your turn to be taken care of.
ma colombe - my dove/pigeon in french I THINK
slightly happy ending?? slutty pierre strikes again thanks for all the love on curse of monaco i appreciate all the kind messages!
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robiinjason · 4 years
Hiii, do you have any recs for Robin Jason comics? I'd love to read more about him but I have no clue where to start. Love your art btw it's all adorable <3
Sure thing!!! And omg thank you 🥺🥺 your art is super cute too!!
If I were to rec One Thing as a starting point for Robin Jason, Batman #408-#429 covers Jason’s main run as Robin and his death arc and is the main essential reading I’d recommend. It’s fairly short and a good place to start imo! 
Among others, it includes his post-crisis origin and first outing as Robin, his first meeting with Dick, the Garzonas incident, and his death and its immediate aftermath in the Death in the Family arc. 
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While Jason’s time as Robin in post crisis is fairly short and not as hard to get through as other characters with longer runs, i know Reading Comics Hard so I’ll make a shorter list first, with more recs under the cut!
Batman #408-#409 (Jason's origin)
Batman #410-#411 (his first outing as Robin)
Batman #413 (smart boy Jason)
Batman #415 (more good Jason moments)
Batman #416 (his and Dick's first meeting, also Dick and Bruce argue)
Batman Annual #12 (has a solo Jason story set at his school)
Detective Comics #569-#570 (Jason gets to kick the Joker's butt)
Detective Comics #571 (the Scarecrow kidnaps Jason)
Detective Comics #573 (this one’s just cute)
Superman Annual #11 (Bruce, Jason and Wonder Woman visit Superman on his birthday and stuff happens)
Blue Devil #19 (Jason is pen pals with Kid Devil)
Batman: the Cult (a 4-issue pretty dark miniseries where Bruce is kidnapped and brainwashed by a cult. Some great Jason moments)
Batman #424-#425 (The Garzonas storyline, or when Jason may or may not have pushed somebody off a building. Trigger warnings for sexual assault and suicide)
Batman #426-#429 (A Death in The Family, or Jason’s death arc)
I’ll be referencing this Jason reading list, since it’s what I followed when I started reading. It can be checked for a more comprehensive list of his appearances too, since I’m not aiming for a full list! (though I might edit it to include more stuff eventually.)
First things first, Jason got rebooted once during his time as Robin; he was originally a circus kid like Dick in pre-crisis (before the reboot), and later in post-crisis got his more well-known origin as the orphan who stole the tires off the batmobile. I’ll be focusing on post-crisis Robin Jason since I’m still reading his pre-crisis run, but the list I linked has more info on that if you’re interested!
Batman and Robin-focused 
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Stories centered on the Dynamic Duo!
Batman #408-#429 - Jason’s post-crisis run as Robin, as mentioned above! The last four issues are the Death in the Family arc. The Batman: Second Chances trade collects a good chunk of these (#408-#416), plus Batman Annual #11 and a couple stories from before Jason’s post-crisis origin.
Detective Comics #568-#582 - Jason’s Robin run in Detective Comics! It’s a fun read and Alan Davis’ art style is very cute imo. (Jason isn’t around from #575 to #578 due to getting hurt in #573)
Batman Annual #10-#12 - More Batman and Robin stories. #12 has a Jason solo story set at his school! 
Batman: the Cult - a 4-issue miniseries where Bruce is kidnapped and brainwashed by a cult. A pretty dark story and one of the last ones from before his death. Jason has some great moments in it!
Dc Retroactive: Batman - The 80s - Story from 2011 written by Mike Barr, who wrote Jason’s 80s Robin stories in Detective Comics!
Robin 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spetacular - One of the stories, More Time, is about Jason and Bruce and goes between the past (with Jason as Robin) and the present (with Jason as Red Hood). Short and very sweet!
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In which Jason meets or teams up with other characters, with or without Batman!
Blue Devil #19 - Jason is pen pals with Eddie Bloomberg/Kid Devil and teams up with him! 
Action Comics #556 + #594 - Jason meets Superman!
Superman Annual #11 - For The Man Who Has Everything, or where Jason goes with Bruce to Superman’s birthday, first meets Wonder Woman, and Stuff Happens. (Jason gets to be the hero!) 
New Teen Titans V2 (1984) #18-#31 - Jason joins the Teen Titans for a while! It’s fun to see him in a team and his characterization here is really good imo. (this is the span of issues he appears in but he isn’t in all of them)
Legends (six-part miniseries) - A DC crossover event! Jason has short but great appearances (the time where he breaks his leg, but wants to get up and help anyway).
Nightwing Year One #101-#106 - A rewrite of Dick's Nightwing origin with occasional Jason appearances until #106, which is a retelling of their first meeting where they work together to rescue Alfred. While I have Issues with the characterization of Jason in this, it has some cute moments and I’d be remiss to not include the story that introduces Dick’s nickname of “Little Wing” for Jason.
After his Death
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Stuff dealing with the aftermath of Jason’s death and the impact it left on others. (Some of the stuff here is just listed for a single page or panel rather than a full story about Jason)
Batman #430-#432 + #496 - Bruce in the aftermath of Jason’s death. 
Batman Annual #13 - Jason appears in a flashback.
The New Titans #55 - Dick and the Titans find out about Jason’s death, and Dick confronts Bruce about it.
Batman: Year Three + A Lonely Place of Dying - While these focus on Dick and Tim respectively, they’re set after Jason’s death and show how Bruce is dealing with it. Year Three is in Batman #436-#439 and A Lonely Place of Dying (Tim’s origin story) is in Batman #440/New Titans #60/Batman #441/New Titans #61/Batman #442, also included in reprints of Death in the Family.
Detective Comics #618 - Has a nice little moment of Tim looking up to Jason.
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #100 - The issue is mainly a Dick origin story, but in the end there’s a sweet and sad story about Jason’s beginning and ending as Robin.
Nightwing Secret Files and Origins - On the first story, Taking Wing, Jason appears to Dick as a dream/hallucination while the latter is having a near-death experience and accompanies him through various of Dick’s memories.
Joker: Last Laugh #6 - The one time when, upon believing Tim was killed and being taunted with Jason’s death, Dick kills the Joker. (the full thing is a six-issue miniseries)
Nightwing (1996) #63 - The aftermath of Dick killing the Joker (though he was revived), but I’m mainly including this for the one panel that shows a picture of Dick and Jason on what seems to be a ski trip.
Batman: Gotham Knights #34 - At the end there’s a story called “The Delusions of Alfred Pennyworth” about Jason’s ghost and Alfred.
Batman: Gotham Knights #43-#45 - Has a flashback to a Barbara and Jason teamup and a recap of Jason’s death as a social worker looks into it and investigates Bruce’s family.
Detective Comics #790 - Bruce talks to Cass about Jason on the day of Jason’s birthday.
Robin V4 #85 - The story itself is about the Joker reflecting on the Robins and Jason only appears briefly, but I think it’s worthwile to include as it’s one of the few times where the involvement of Jason’s mother in his death is acknowledged after Death in the Family. (Also there’s a panel where Jason kicks the joker on the crotch)
Green Arrow V3 (2001) #7 - The one panel where Jason is shown swinging around in heaven :)
Alternate Universes/Other Media
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Some stuff that doesn’t fit anywhere else/isn’t quite comics/isn’t really canon, but I think is neat and wanted to include!
Letters - letters from readers sent during when Jason was Robin and after his death. They can be interesting to look through to get a sense of how he was seen by readers at the time (there’s even an eulogy by a clergyman!). The ones I’ve seen can be found in this tag, and this post links to a few too (as well as some other info regarding Jason and the vote that led to his death).
The Batman Files - A book that contains several files over various topics and characters across Batman’s history. Among other things, it has Jason’s death certificate. (mainly including this because early on I spent a while trying to find out how old he was when he died)
Tiny Titans #23, #29, #33, #39, #45, #47 - An adorable alternate universe comic in a kid-friendly setting! Jason’s design in it is very cute.
Batman The Brave and the Bold #13 - Jason and Robins from other points in time team up to save Batman!
Teen Titans Go! season 6, episode 17 (Egg Hunt) - He doesn’t actually appear, but Jason is namedropped and said to be Batman’s favorite Robin.
Batman And The New Robin (unmade cartoon) - An unproduced animated TV series from the late 80s that would have starred Bruce as Batman and Jason as Robin! Unfortunately the project was abandoned and the show was never made, but the full series bible is available to read in its entirety and a link to it can be found here! There’s a page on it on the Lost Media Wiki as well.
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crownin-thestars · 4 years
This is a warning to everyone that's in some kind of MCYT fan-server.
No im not going to be talking shit about you, I'm warning you about a person in a Dream Team fan-server that I am in. I don't know if this is counted as a callout post but it needs to be said
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The person here called Kiehlmaboy is the guy I'm warning ya'lls about. That is the person's username itself, not a nickname. Anyone else that doesn't use a nickname will be censored out
You can see here that (imma refer to them as he) is trying to find Dream's face. If you don't know yet, Dream hasn't done a face reveal and has said that he's uncomfortable with showing it and it's legit a rule here not to doxx/share doxxing and also digging into creators' privacy. Also weird theory he had but eh that's just a theory (A GAAAME THEORY-) Did I mention he did that as soon as he joined the server?
TECHNOSUPPORT here is a mod, had to literally personally tell him :) He said okay. Guess what?
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He did it again. It's also a rule in the server to keep thing in relevant channels. That is super irrelevant to any channel :>. Mod had to come in and tell him again.
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My guy up here ain't a mod but bless them for DMing this to him ^
And here we reached another problem by him (well problem to me)
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He complains about us chatting at night for him. They explained that they were either in a different timezone where it was day or they just have a really fucked up sleep schedule. As you can see by his reaction, he seems to still be ticked off about SOMETHING NOBODY CAN FUCKING CONTROL.
'I'm in love with a dickhead' would be me. That's the first time I've snapped in a while and I'm glad it was on him instead of anyone else. The way he tried to get me to calm down was in most of our opinions very rude.
Yes this situation is serious and you can tell by the fact that the owner of the server had to step in. Made a freaking Jail channel because of this guy.
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Those last 2 messages are in Filipino btw ^
They translate to 'They almost cried' 'That is not a big problem here' or smth like that.
Also yeah he doesn't believe he has been rude at all. And yes he did say that the Dream face thing he was asking about was a while ago. IT. WAS. FUCKING. YESTERDAY. (Today's date is the 8th of September if ya'lls r curious lmao)
And as the mod said, it took several people asking him to stop to actually do it. So basically he's broken like 4 or 5 rules in the span of 2 days.
His discord account is Kiehlmaboy#6220. Please keep a lookout for him!
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sunshinecrashed · 4 years
Actually uh... perhaps #46 with aged up Hanakow it reader, like somehow he turned Human and it’s been like 10 years. Or maybe y’all both get killed and you’re like “wow Hanako, now we’re ghost again because you just HAD to stop at Dunkin and then we crashed the car cause you were choking smh” I would be very much appreciate (love your writing btw!)
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ᴛʜᴇ ʟɪᴛᴛʟᴇ ᴛʜɪɴɢs
𝗁𝖺𝗇𝖺𝗄𝗈-𝗄𝗎𝗇 (𝗒𝗎𝗀𝗂 𝖺𝗆𝖺𝗇𝖾) 𝗑 𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋 (𝖺𝗀𝖾𝖽 𝗎𝗉, 𝖻𝗈𝗍𝗁 𝗈𝖿 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗋𝖾 𝗂𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗍𝗐𝖾𝗇𝗍𝗂𝖾𝗌)
𝟧𝟢 𝖼𝗅𝗂𝖼𝗁𝖾 𝗍𝗋𝗈𝗉𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗉𝗋𝗈𝗆𝗉𝗍𝗌, #𝟦𝟨. “𝖺𝗋𝗀𝗎𝗆𝖾𝗇𝗍 𝗅𝖾𝖺𝖽𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗈 𝗄𝗂𝗌𝗌𝗂𝗇𝗀/𝗌𝖾𝗑”
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗮𝗸𝗼 𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗶𝘁𝘁𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀.
word count: ~1.3k?
↳ warnings: [almost] getting into a car accident, slight angst, suggestive themes
a/n: once again, thank u for being patient, lovely <3 🥺 this was kind of a mess 👁👁
Ten, whole years since you made a contract with Hanako, or Amane as you now call him, and agreed to split half of your soul with him. 
At first, he was.. very against the idea of you splitting your soul with him. To go through with such a heavy contract... you would be agreeing to cutting your own life span several years short, as a result of donating them to someone else. 
It took a lot of convincing to even begin to sway Amane. But you fondly remember telling him; “If there is one thing that I am sure about, it’s that I want you to be able to live the life that you’ve always wanted. You don’t have to be alone.” 
After your fair share of crying, comforting, laughing, kissing and more... ten years have passed. 
And here you are now. 
In the Dunkin’ Donuts parking lot. 
“Oh god,” Amane moaned. 
“These are even better when they’re freshly baked.” He took another bite of his donut and closed his eyes with an “mmm”. 
You and Amane have been doing various activities to celebrate his ‘rebirth-day’, as you called it. Pulling an all-nighter was hardly an uncommon occurrence. 
“See? I told you‒ the ‘Golden Window’ for the fresh donuts are between 10:00 at night and 4:00 in the morning!” You reclined your seat slightly backwards to stretch your arms out with a yawn. 
Glancing at your watch with relaxed eyes, you said, “And now, it’s abouuut... 5:45 am. I’m surprised they even served us.” 
A fond smirk was exchanged between you two. 
“The cashier looked like he was going to smack us upright with that metal tray.” Amane mused. 
You dug around in the paper bag for yet, another donut. “Well, can you blame him? Two sleep-deprived morons waiting for him to unlock the door fifteen minutes before opening? The sun won’t even rise for another hour.” you snickered.
“He’s gonna have to get used to that pretty quickly, since we’ll be seeing him more often. I wonder if he’ll remember our names.” 
Laughing, you pressed a swift kiss to Amane’s cheek. “Let’s hurry, so we don’t miss the sunrise!” 
“Fine, fine.” He bit his lip, trying to hide his smile. 
Amane reached his arm across you to grab your seat belt and lock it into place. 
“Buckle up, buttercup,” He patted your thigh, laughing. 
You just rolled your eyes, a smile already dancing on your lips. 
As you both pulled out of the parking lot and onto the familiar road, the only thing on your mind was how content you were. During Amane’s first year back as a human, you were both surprised with how... smooth everything came to him. Of course, he had spent many years observing society’s growth and changes, but he was able to adapt fairly decently. 
Based on how naturally he fit back into the world, you never would have known that he was previously a ghost if you hadn’t been at his side from the beginning. 
Now that he was given half of your lifespan, he was now able to actually age alongside you.
And after ten years, he was now a little taller, a little less boyish, and a little more handsome. But his playful attitude, messy haircut, and flirtatious behavior stayed the same.
“Can you pass me another donut, [Name]?” Amane asked, flickering his eyes down to search for the bag. 
“Amane‒ eyes on the road.”
“Right, right.” 
You handed him another donut, which he promptly took a massive bite out of, and gasped in realization. “Shoot‒ Did we leave the blanket at home?” 
“....uhhh.. give me a second..” 
Twisting around in your seat, you squinted in the darkness to check for the blanket. “Hmmm.” 
“Are you sure it’s not there?” He asked, giving you a questioning look. 
“Maybe it’s in the trunk‒” 
You paused.
Amane blinked at you. 
Both of you whipped your heads back towards the front, just barely swerving out of the way of a fallen tree. 
The tires screeched with Amane’s sudden movement, and you held on tightly for dear life as the car narrowly missed crashing into the side barrier. 
As you came to a rough stop, both you and Amane were frozen, processing the near-death experience you just had. 
With a wavering sigh, you let your shoulders drop as you tightly grasped Amane’s hand. He squeezed back, and you could feel that he was shaking just as much as you were right now. 
Neither of you had to vocalize what was running through your heads right now. 
You both were inches away death.
“A-Amane,” you started. “We should get going.” 
He was trying to find the right words to say, but all that came out was a quiet, “Y-Yeah..”
The rest of the car ride was silent, in contrast to the upbeat chatter and laughter only a few minutes before.
You hardly even registered that you had arrived at your intended destination. It was a special clearing that only you two knew about. On a cliff that overlooked a gorgeous forest, the distant city lights, and a faraway sea; this was the absolute perfect place to spend mornings and evenings if you wanted to de-stress and watch the stars. 
Amane turned the car off and unlocked the doors, making his way around to the back of the car. 
“..Hey, at least we didn’t forget the blanket at home?” He hesitantly smiled, holding up the cursed fabric that started it all, before spreading it out on the grass. 
You still said nothing as you slowly got out of the car, a million different emotions crossing your face, and then‒
Amane stumbled back as you threw yourself into his chest and clutched onto his hoodie as tight as you possibly could. He couldn’t hear anything come out of your mouth, but judging from the way you were shaking, you were definitely more upset then you had initially let on. 
“I-It’s okay.. listen to me‒”
“How are you still so reckless after all of these years?” You said in such a fragile voice, he wasn’t sure if he even was hearing you right. 
You refused to look him in the eyes as you tangled your fingers with his own, searching for a way to anchor yourself. 
“Amane, you’re not a ghost anymore.. you’re not immortal anymore. So why do you still act like you are, after all of these years?” your voice wavered, threatening to crumble completely. 
Now, a different tone entered your voice.
“I’m asking you this one time; at least, take your own life seriously! I‒” you halted, your throat closing up with all of the emotions ripping through you. 
“‒I just.. I-I’m sorry..”
You let go of him to wipe the tears that were pricking the corners of your eyes. 
Amane cupped your face and carefully pressed a heated kiss to your lips. What he couldn’t express through words, he poured into his emotions.
“You don’t need to apologize. I’ll be more careful, okay?” 
Your hands let go of his to tangle into his hair, while his fingers traveled along the dip of your spine, making you shiver. Amane moved from your soft lips down along the juncture of your neck, before bowing down to scoop you up bridal-style. 
"W-Wait!” you yelped, taken off guard. 
“What was that?” Amane ignored you with a small smile, carrying you over to the blanket that he had set down on the grass, before placing you down as delicately as a flower. 
He relaxed right beside you, giving you a playfully expectant look. 
With a breathy laugh, you scooted in right beside him, bringing your knees up to your chest as you curled into his warm side. Amane wrapped his arm protectively around your waist as he brought the blanket up around both of your shoulders. 
Soft rays of orange and gold draped across the two of you. 
“Hey look,” you murmured. “The sun is finally coming up.” 
It’s the little things in life. Because even if it was only for a moment, everything was right where it needed to be.
And you could live with that.
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quotidian- alec volturixswandumbasshumanyoungersister
so the reader is 16 (Bella's younger sister) and Alec was turned at 17 but looks older because back in his day everyone was nasty and barely bathed- not to mention stress and the labor-intensive shit kids did back in the 600 A.D
WARNING: Includes a made-up heart blood disease- it's literally bullshit so if ur a med student- go away
her ability is similar to Bellas. She's also human btw and this is taken place after breaking dawn. She's a shield but with Carlisle's help she's able to control herself to be seen or not seen in memories.
So obviously she spent time with Edward- who is not immune to aro's power- so aro can still see everything Edward has ever thought of EXCEPT for the things he experienced/thought of Luna. I know it's confusing so if u got any questions here the fuck I am. So basically Aro doesn't know Luna exists because girlie is trying to hide from him, but girlie is also only human so there's a big chance of her dumb sick-ass slipping and failing.
growing up was hard
having divorced parents was hard for everyone
but being stuck with a delusional neglecting mother, who did love them a lot, but acted like a lovestruck teenager all the time instead of raising her kids was very hard
Luna and Bella Swan stuck together- and are still sticking together- through thick and thin.
the two-year age gap was irrelevant because Luna looked out for her older sister in ways a mother should.
They both knew their mother loved them but it was obvious that she was not content with her life.
And her desired dream life would be just spending the rest of her life traveling with her boyfriend who made a living by playing with a ball and a stick. without being a mom.
Although Renee had never taken out her discontent in life on her daughters and loved them very much, it was clear to Luna that her life would be more satisfactory if she wasn't a mother.
So when Luna was diagnosed with the disease that would take her life away, she had decided that it was best to give her mother what she wanted.
Because the last thing any mom- who despises motherhood- would want was not only to be stuck with two teenage girls but also with one of them being sick.
When Luna was first diagnosed she was thankful that the disease wouldn't cause her to look lethargic all the time.
Yes, she looked sick sometimes when it got really bad, but it was just paleness, purplish heavy dark circles, and colorless cheeks.
That sometimes did the job of helping her older sister forget about the fact that her younger sister- whom she very much loved- was going to be dead even before by the time she turns 18.
Bella Swan loved her sister to death, as much as she loved Edward. But she couldn't help but force the Cullens to tell her sister about the choice of being immortal and living with her for the rest of eternity.
Then they would be sisters forever and ever right?
Luna Swan did not want to be immortal.
What the fuck would she even live for?
If her sister were to be alone then sure she would happily oblige turning into an immortal oversized mosquito. But her sister had a family.
So even if she was going to die in the next coming month or even maybe a year tops- her sister would eventually get over her death because Bella Swan had a daughter and a mate.
So while her sister was in Italy, she ran away.
and the fact that she was also a shield, both mentally and physically, meaning that unlike her sister she wouldn't show up in anyone's thoughts unless she wanted to, giving her immunity to Aro and Edward's abilities.
She was human
a very sick human with an even more limited life span
but she was more powerful than her, now, vampire sister, who had forgotten basic sex ed which was now sparking a war.
The only reason she knew of the oversized child spawn of the two most awkward people in existence, was because of Rosalie Cullen.
Rosalie and Luna secretly kept in contact since her disappearance/runaway to NYC.
Edward thankfully didn't know about their activities since Luna was trying her best to keep herself hidden from Rose's thoughts and it was working.
No one knew where she was.
She never really liked the city and preferred to live in a more secluded area but just in case of her ability ever started faltering, because she is after all only a human, she would be around people and no vampire would ever expose themselves to a dying human living in one of the most crowded populated cities on earth.
While everyone was relieved, Bella Swan was irritated.
She missed her sister.
She wanted her sister to live the rest of eternity with her.
But she knew that no matter how hard she tries, her sister would never choose an immortal life.
So when the Volturi was gone.
And hearing from Alice after the clearing, about her younger dying sister being the soulmate AND the blood singer of Alec Volturi, she was determined to go to Italy, alone, and make them aware of Luna Swan's existence.
Renesmee and the Cullens would stay in Forks, but she needed to go to Volterra.
Alec Volturi would never let his soulmate just die.
And a soulmate- no matter who they were- had the ability to give eternal happiness to her sister.
"Bells are you crazy-"
"She lost her damn mind after giving birth to the next loch ness monster-"
Bella was now confronted by a living room full of vampires in disbelief.
They had just done all this for her and her family, and she was going to go back to Italy?
The Cullens were already walking on very thin ice and one more mistake would result in an entire execution of their whole coven even including Alic and Edward.
But Carlisle and Esma understood.
Luna was also like a daughter to them and they were exhausted from worrying about her well being 24/7 ever since her disappearance
They knew the Volturi did not have a care for individual humans, but they also knew that THE soulmate of THE Alec Volturi would be treated like royalty, human or not.
The only vampire they didn't trust was jane.
If Luna let her guard down she could easily be tortured by the sadistic witch twin who would refuse to acknowledge a human.
Not to mention she wasn't used to sharing her brother.
After all, it was always like this for the past millenias since they were apart. But if there was anyone in the world to make Luna Swan switch to immortality and keep her happy
everyone in the room, whether they wanted to acknowledge it or not, knew that there was only one person who had the capability
and that was Alec Volturi
they quickly came up with a plan
Renesmee would be staying in La Push, while Bella, Edward, Alice, and Jasper would be tracking Luna down.
Carlisle and Esme were on their way to Italy, but they would meet up with the other in France so Demetri wouldn't be able to get to them before they had Luna with them.
It was a risky plan
but Bella had enough
she was not going to let her sister just die
Luna was pissed. She had come back to her apartment after a grocery store run, only to come back and find her living room full of 4 vampires.
4 vampires with a mission to convince her to become immortal.
her annoying ass sister who wouldn't just leave her alone.
Her sister was even more pissed when she found letter exchanges between her and Rosalie.
She wasn't mad at her of course, but it was clear Bella was pissed at Rosalie for not letting her know about the updates she had been getting from her younger sister.
She was Luna's older sister, not Rosalie.
She quickly shook off the feeling of hurt and jealousy as she faced her now very frustrated and furious sister- who she hadn’t seen in months
If y’all like this I’ll continue this series instead
Also doesn’t the girl below vaguely match the description of Bella swan from the books? So if Bella had a sister I feel like she would look something like the gurl below-
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mrslackles · 3 years
Hi I hope your well!
I couldn’t agree more with every single point made in your earlier post about the flaws of GG!!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
The show has much potential but the writers too busy mucking about. Sometimes it feels like S1 was meant to be a limited series, (excluding the last ‘gotta kill the king’ scene in the finale which was obviously meant to be used to continue the story in future seasons). It was so wonderfully put together but the latter part of S2 (& awful finale 🤮) and all of S3 makes it seem like they weren’t expecting and/or prepared for the show to be renewed so they started ...winging it. Sometimes it even feels like they start brainstorming ideas for the show all over again and write so many paralleling storylines form earlier seasons it just feels like we’re going around in circles.
Also, timeline being an absolute joke in this show has hindered the show and the development of the storylines and characters. The whole ‘it all started a year ago’ really got on my nerves but gave me some context on why the show sucks right now. If you’ve been watching the show since it started, it’s been 4 yrs, and we are still seeing our girls struggling and making the same dumb ass amateur mistakes and being overall powerless against Rio and the Feds. I get that the show was meant to be light and portray ordinary women surviving in the world of crime but at some point there needs to be growth and they need to start playing the game and gain a greater upper hand and start making real moves. We’re in S4 and they’re still trying to get through level one??! Lol. They should just quit at this rate.
We’re definitely going around in circles. 
I’ve said this before but I’m sure (and it’s been all but fully confirmed by Krebs) that they have a specific endgame in sight for all three women. Every season they try and get them there, meaning every season they have to reset. Annie getting her life together, growing up and realising she doesn’t need a man has literally been in the works since S01E01 so I cannot describe my amusement at how they’re making it seem like it’s an innovative season 3/4 arc. 
I heard about this “one year” thing, which is insane! The timeline was bad enough when the pregnancy storyline happened (if I remember correctly, Beth says in 3x01 that she hasn’t paid her mortgage in three months, then tries for “weeks” to get pregnant by Dean, plus Rio’s wounds needed time to fully heal), but trying to say the entire show has taken place over the span of a single year is ridiculous. (Also, wow, the ladies’ sense of style has changed dramatically in one year, heh.) Though you’re right, that does put things into a whole new light. 
I can’t agree with you more on the Level 1 thing, especially since for viewers it’s been 4 years. (And it also isn’t as fast-paced as a show like The Vampire Diaries, which was notorious for each episode following on from the same night/next day as the previous episode, making each season equal only 6 months. By comparison, nothing much really happens in Good Girls and you’re telling me each season is only three months??) This dragging quality, btw, is also why so many people ask others not to make judgement calls until the entire storyline/season/nonexistent twist is revealed -- because nothing ever feels complete! There are things/questions from season 1 that still have not been paid off/answered.
Also I’ll never forget an interview with the actors where Mae (I think! It may also have been Christina) said that she asked Jenna when the girls were going to learn and she was told never -- that that’s the whole point. 
I think this show thoroughly misreads the room because by now all of the audience is frustrated. I can’t put it better than you have: “I get that the show was meant to be light and portray ordinary women surviving in the world of crime but at some point there needs to be growth and they need to start playing the game and gain a greater upper hand and start making real moves.” From speaking to many casual viewers to whom I introduced the show and seeing what people say on Reddit, everyone is feeling the exact same way.
The most basic requirement for a TV show is that it is entertaining -- by this point, I think a lot of people are questioning (because of all of the above and more) whether even that is being met.
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sp00kybitme · 3 years
Okay so this is really personal but I feel like I need to share it in order to better my health because being upfront about your trauma is a good way to heal from it. So buckle up because this post is gonna be a real doozy:
So let's start by backing up about 4 years ago in the summer of 2017, I was 17 since my birthday follows the year number and I was going through my own personal turmoil, dealing with my already medically diagnosed PTSD, OCD, Anxiety disorder, and severe depression. I had falling outs with most all of my irl friends due to my declining mental health but the decline started around august as my therapist who worked the best for me was leaving the clinic. She was openly queer and I related a lot to her since I felt like for once I wasn't alone yet after she left I was distraught. Also at the time I had a falling out with my father and my brother was a recovering drug addict so you could say shit was really complicated around that time and my head space was not well.
So back in 2016 I was able to get a PS4 and I hadn't used it until 2017 due to being more focused on my mental health but I caved and began playing Overwatch and there I met some folks who made life seem somewhat normal for once, no high end conflict, no drama, just simple fun with friends is all I wanted and for a while I actually had that! That was until the coming month september.
So September was when I started breaking off from big friend groups and settled with 2 people, let's call them Z and J for context, So Z was someone who I would say had undiagnosed mental health issues and J was someone who was mutual friends with Z because they went to high school together. Z and J were some of my only friends and we as people really bonded over stuff and I felt like life was actually turning up after losing so much shit that year.
So just for preface/context: at this time I identified with she/her pronouns and went by the term pansexual/demiromantic but now after much time I identify with they/them pronouns and am at least asexual, as for romantic I'm still figuring that out. So November rolled around and I noticed conflict immediately, Z and J were subtly arguing and J was using a victim complex mentality to guilt Z into caving yet at the time I was an oblivious 17 year old who was just desperate was friendship to the point of trying to always be a mediator.
Z was always talking about how lonely they were and how every relationship they had never worked out and at the time I was not out about not being cisgender and so they perceived me as a girl. Throughout September to november they would CONSTANTLY ask me out to the point of it being a desperation and a guilt trip and at this point I was afraid. I had lost EVERYONE in my life here and it was so frustrating but for a month I would keep my boundaries up and say no because I genuinely wasn't interested in a relationship and I didnt feel taht way about Z but they continued to push me and eventually I gave in and I remember the exact place it happened.
So we all 3 had a daily routine of getting on and playing Overwatch for hours just to talk shit and goof around so that day we were skirmishing on the "Temple of anubis" map and I said yes and in retrospect it was a horrible time to do that because it was in front of J and in turn made them feel loke a 3rd wheel. I wanna say that me conceding into a relationship while having no attractiom or interest was wrong of me and that I apologize for but again I WAS pressured as a minor. Also I forgot to say that Z was 19 and while that kind of age gap isn't inherently the worst, I was still an emotionally vulnerable minor being coaxed into a relationship.
So things went on relatively the same except for the fact that J was beginning to sound more spiteful and ended up getting upset easier and volatile which I blamed myself for but we'll get more into J very soon. So Z and I were noticing the change in behavior but tried not to bother J with it because they always didn't wanna talk about it. J confided in us at one point by telling us about their living situation being troublesome, they claimed they had no privacy, were verbally abused by their mother, and had relatives who were also abusive. We both had empathy for J and I was strongly affected by that since I had a strong disconnect from my father at the time who was abusive in a religious way.
We tried to keep things relatively normal at this point for the sake of J but Z was always trying to be bluntly romantic with me and I wasn't interested although they did ask me for "thigh pics" (lemme preface by saying I was still a minor at this point) but I was coaxed into that and virtual s*x which I was extremely uncomfortable with but Z had a strong tendency to victimize and guilt trip and I just wanted friends and had PTSD from friends levaing me and calling me selfish. It's not something I'm proud of but I genuinely was THAT scared of losing friends. In instances where J would get spiteful and resent Z, J at one point left our group chat and group and didnt reply to us because they attempted s*icide. We were HORRIFIED to find that out and really tried to keep a close eye on J into the new year.
2018 rolls in and now is the year that I consider my worst, I will TW// onward for talks of verbal abuse, emotional manipulation, talks of s*xual assault, s*icide, homophobia, and gaslighting. So after J's s*icide attempt I felt even WORSE in a relationship that itself was already one sided but I powered through as to not upset Z. The friendship dynamic we had at this point was gone as it only seemed to be arguing and fake excitement. One thing we all did in the game was idolize specific characters and obsess over them for mental comfort to the point that we got emotionally distraught over their deaths in game, genuinely very unhealthy for all of us. One thing J would do at times was purposefully pick me and Z's characters in game in commit s*icide in game with them just to upset us and would sometimes mentally torture Z by forcing them to be the character Z hated which only screwed up Z's Mental health. J would also alwsys victimize and act like they weren't being treated fairly and that all culminated in January.
January 2018, J began putting the thought of a polyamorus relationship on the table as in J, Z, and I would all be in a relationship together which I wasn't too keen on but was open to if it made everyone happy. Z wasnt interested at all and for the span of 2 weeks of January, J kept trying to manipulate and coax Z into a relationship and had me try to convince Z as well which I didn't know was wrong but granted I didn't understand Poly relationships until years later. Z eventually half caved and gave it a try but a day later Z backed out because they felt uncomfortable. I was a bit irritated at that time and so was J but I didn't personally know why because I was very oblivious to love and how it was supposed to be. We also would play 1v1 type games for fun until this time because both of them were seriously bothered by losing in 1v1 games and would gloat when they won. I personally didn't care as much and would joke around for the most part just to have fun. After this month we stopped playing 1v1 type games.
Early February came and we all began hanging out in skirmish (which means like a map where you just freeroam for 30 minutes until it refreshes), sometimes we would do ship dynamics with each other for fun and at the time we were joking around. Me and J joked around about two male characters (Junkrat and Roadhog) being together and if you have seen the two characters then you'll know why. Their dynamic as friends is flawed but a popular one yet nonetheless I liked their dynamic as a relationship at the time. Around this time, Z was beginning to do what I would call "selective homophobia" as in they would like some gay ships and despise others. When Z was presented with a WLW (lesbian) ship, they would be 100% supportive yet when a specific MLM (gay) ship was presented, they would make gagging noises as if they were trying to throw up. I should also mention how often Z would send Overwatch porn to group chats and how it made me incredibly uncomfortable, especially as a minor.
J would ultimately hold the blatant homophobia against Z and tried to turn me again Z for it. During this time, J was messaging me privately to try and convince me that Z was a bad person and that I should break up with them. Ultimately I agreed and broke up with Z over this and me and J distanced myself from Z to just hang out together. I was personally distraught in just finding out that a friend I was close to ended up being Homophobic all this time and emotionally it broke me a lot. At the time, J was there to help me emotionally and that initially helped me build trust with them. Eventually in mid February they asked me out and since they had helped me so much mentally, I felt out of a sense of obligation that being with them was something I almost owed them.
Side note: I wanna bring up this point as just a weird coincidence: February itself has always been one of the worst months for me every year, something horrendous has happened to me each February of each year and its weird because of how often I can recall this still being the case.
So After being around J for so long we started to just joke around and have fun as friends. They actually showed me their face for the first time over a video call which actually surprised me because they looked different then I thought they were but nonetheless I enjoyed their company because I felt like I had a friend. March rolled around and my birthday was coming up, my 18th birthday which was more of a big deal to J than me. They wanted to see me in provocative pictures and were constantly talking about how excited they were for it and I didn't understand why really. They were also 19 btw and they seemed way too excited for something as simple as that kind of picture. The day rolled around and I felt uncomfortable, I was told to send pictures and I did which admittedly made me uncomfortable as hell yet I still did and I was given positive affirmation for it. Little fact about me is that one thing I didn't get much growing up was positive affirmation so getting that made me feel like I was actually doing something right for once.
Over the next few months, J went from supportive and well intent to showing their true colors. As time went on they began to get more and more controlling with the things that I did as an individual. It went from supoorting the fact that I struggled with PTSD to using it as a reason that I shouldn't be making other friends besides them. From being supportive of my open mindedness with sexuality to coaxing me into spewing hateful rhetoric. Their family was actually really supportive of me at first, the thibg they had said about their mom turned out to be a lie used to play on my sympathy because their mom adored me as a person and constantly would ask if me and my mom needed anything. They sent us two big care packages through the mail with food and money for food and I originally was against that not just because I'm genuinely horrible at taking gifts but because they had my physical address and knew where I lived in case they wanted to "visit". The care packages meant a lot to me and my mom because we've been low income since I was little and having the luxury to live in a house or not have to worry about food consumption was something I never had.
During late spring, J began to be a lot more forceful with me by manipulating and gaslighting me into thinking many toxic things. I was afraid at this point of both J and being alone again. They would tell me that I should start acting more feminine and "like a girl" and that was REALLY triggering to me since over a big part of my life, I was questioning my gender identity and being forced into this feminine box made me hate myself. They would tell me to wear "panties", talk higher pitched, and even tell me to be a submissive partner who just lets them lead and me follow. I'm naturally a more dominant person in general so it was like I was disregarding a huge part of my identity. I was almost silenced into this role that J wanted me to be. They would force me to do lewd things online and while you could say that I shouldn't have been worried since it wasn't irl, they knew my address and last name.
One instance I remember was that J asked about my deadname and I told them and then questioned why I would change that name since it "was more feminine and fit me". It was upsetting to hear that but at least they didn't deadname me after finding out. They also kept telling me that I wasnt allowed to be attracted to anyone but them. I wasn't allowed to protest because they would threaten killing themselves and actually send a picture of them with a knife to their throat as if to threaten me.
A detail I left out intentionally was something that disturbed me the most about them and really makes me think they have a serious form of some kind of dissociative mental disorder. (Context: I'm not stigmatizing folks who have Dissociative disorders, my mother has one and the symptoms J exhibited make me think of someone who experiences detachment or disillusionment. Im not going to diagnose them but my instinct makes me believe that it could be something similar yet they have never been medically diagnosed.) J would constantly talk about a friend they had in elementary school who had taken their own life and how the spirit of this friend still keeps near them since they were close back then. This friend almost seemed to become a way to manipulate me later on in 2018.
This friend of theirs almost seemed to be a way to seperate themselves from how they treated me or avoid blame. This friend would threaten me that if I didn't let J r*pe me that they were gonna commit s*icide and that it would be my fault for not doing what they wanted. They also would threaten me to do what J said or else they would "possess" me. I'm someone who has had bad experiences with spirits so I didn't want to have more hell. J themselves would sometimes get extremely angry when I stood up for myself or expressed stuff I was really interested in and would threaten to track me down, assault me, and kill my mom. They also began pitting me against my mom because I would talk about how my mom was getting worried about me being hurt but J said that my mom was faking it and manipulating me and I almost believed J but I know my mom and I know she cares too much about me to do something like that.
Around September, I was practically an emotionless shell. I wasn't excited about anything, I wasn't angry anymore, I was barely feeling much of anything but a deep seeded sadness. I lacked in a lot of places and repressed any emotion I had so deep that I couldn't react to anything anymore. I think J began to notice because they started to actually act concerned after a while but that was flickering like a light switch. One of the last instances that I broke down was august of 2018 when I began crying heavily over microphone and begging them to not hate me. They had no reaction, no remorse , no empathy and when their mom came in they just left me there crying without affirming me at all.
During this time, I was sending hundreds of nude photos a day to appease them and they would get off and go to sleep and during the night I would secretly cry and look at queer based things in private to try and keep some semblance of my identity in tact. I actually started watching Sanders sides around July 2018 and enjoyed the series and how nice the fanbase seemed and it somehow helped me get through this rough period of time.
October was probably some of the worst time because I ended up missing my favorite holiday, Halloween which was the only time I personally enjoyed being myself because the element of the holiday made me happy. That halloween I spent on overwatch with J, overall miserable and hating myself. I also forgot to mention that J would dictate what I wore, they would hate that I wore boxer briefs and men's cologne and deodorant, they constantly questioned why I was trying to be masculine when I was AFAB but again I was also closeted with my gender identity and this shoved me even more into the closet when they would argue with me about it.
November rolled around and I had practically been at my breaking point, J was trying to convince me for weeks to move down south to live with them and their family and I was practically being forced. I have a fear of flying and I kept saying that I wouldn't feel comfortable leaving my disabled mom by herself and my mom also hates flying. J was trying to get things their way and forced me too and I was looking into flights even though I was deadset on not going. November 11th 2018, I wasn't replying to J's texts right away because I was actually standing up for myself. They began HEAVILY threatening to end their life and I remember sitting there and crying without emotion then I hung up on them and told them to stop calling and texting me as they had begun to text and call me incessantly. I said I needed a break and finally let out a breath when they said ok.
Around late November, I felt as though I had misjudged Z and unblocked and messaged them, apologizing for being a dick to them. They initially forgave me and I was just going to move on but they asked if we could play in a public chill server and I accepted just to try and get my mind off of J. As we entered into the game, J suddenly started spectating and Z left instantly out of fear. I only talked to Z just to apologize and give context as to what happened, I was desensitized and just needed a friend. J messaged me apologizing frantically and saying "if you've moved on to date Z, just tell me so I can move on" and I said "no, I just needed a friend right now and I need my space. Don't talk to me for a while, respect that one thing." And thankfully, I was actually left alone.
December rolled around once again and at this point I had finally blocked J and moved on from everything, J's mom had messaged me on Facebook and told me that I was a "filthy cheater who just used J for their kindess and didn't care about them" but I did actually genuinely care deeply about J yet he abused my compassion by gaslighting me and putting me into this false sense of security. Before I could reply, she blocked me so she never actually took the time to ask me. I was feeling guilty for leaving J but I was reassured by Z during that time period and Z had apologised for previous comments as well. Z ended up introducing another friend to the group, we'll call them A. We would first play Overwatch but immediately switch to Minecraft which I had bought when still with J to play with their family. Around this time I had begun to cling to Z uninitentionally due to recovering from my trauma and needing that affirmation that I wasn't some terrible abuser, as J had manipulated me to think I was. Z was getting a bit bothered by this yet they had never publicly told me nor did they understand why I clung to them in the first place. Z knew I had PTSD and I had told them exactly what I had just described earlier about what J had done to me and Z was initially very empathetic though I was never told that my clinginess was bothering them because I was in recovery mode. Eventually towards the end of January, I was told by A that they knew why I was so clingy with Z. At first I was confused because they both had known that I had PTSD but A proceed. "The only reason you're so clingy with Z is because you're secretly still in love with them, I can read you like an open book and you would do best to stop denying your obvious feelings for them" Hearing this made me personally disgusted, appalled, and upset mentally. Z kept to the side during this discussion and didn't go against A however they didn't deny A's words.
I retorted by speaking about my trauma and how it made me cling to people unnecessarily but then A proceeded to invalidate my trauma by implying that I was over exaggerating what I had gone through. I felt awful and I forcefully distanced myself from them both only to go back once again out of fear of being alone. This continued for a while until July 10th, 2019 when I finally distanced myself from Z for good. I made my own account on Instagram and over the span of 2 years, I built up a community of people who liked my work and I got my sense of individualism back give or take. I recently changed accounts because this era in my life is brand new and I couldn't be happier with where I'm at.
This post is more so a form of being vulnerable and a bit of exposure therapy. Sure im not a perfect person, I can't even publicly out my abusers but I think it would do more harm than good. If anyone wants to have a warning for their accounts, at least on YouTube, message me on my Insta in my bio. I'm sorry if this was long and possibly upsetting but I wanted to just get this out. I dont know who would be seeing this but if you read this far: thank you, honestly its upsetting to have to go through so much bullshit and I hate talking about it because it's difficult to really put shit out there without feeling like its some tupe of attention thing. I don't want to post this for sympathy, I want to post this for me, just to feel better about where I'm at and also face my trauma head on to heal from it. I'm not saying this to compare who's life is worse or not but I am posting this to better myself.
Thank you again,
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aresrl · 3 years
I hihi I am!!! A little nervous w/ doing this bc I've never done this b4 so please bear🐻 w// me💦 May I request a match up? A vision, a romantic partner and maybe a friend and/or enemy? If that's too much feel free to just assign me a vision + partner, ehe/// Preferably male for a romantic match-up, but either gender is fine with a friend and enemy match-up^^ I tried to be as detailed as possible but I think I ended up just ranting, so im v v sorry if it's long! I sort of fluctuate when it comes to being an introvert/extroverted. W// strangers and irl, I'm very introverted and shy!! Rarely speak and if I do it's just the usual "Hi how are you? That's good. I'm good too, thank you for asking:)" yeayea I'm not too. Keen on social interaction irl. But I always do my best to be very nice!! I never wanna come off as mean bc wow what a bad first impression that would be. But with friends / ppl ik online?? Whew I am very very friendly n chatty ^^ Either very high energy or very chill, there's rarely any inbetween. Sometimes I like to jokingly tease my friends but I'd never go too far / make them uncomfortable!! And if I do I always apologize right away!! I like to say that I'm affectionate?? My strongest love language is def physical affection, if not quality time. Idk man there's just something about vibing with someone or hugging them that just aaaaa/// Although I usually display affection w// words of affection bc. Literally most of my friends are online friends so I can't actually hug them, sad times. Idk if this is needed/important info but I just remembered: I'm 5'6 around??? Need glasses bc. Whew i am blind (near sighted), I'm poc (specifically black) anndd, hm. Actually I think thats it for this section, aha. As you can see I'm, not really all that organized. Also I don't have the best attention span - while writing this I'm circling between 4 different apps - and I'm a bit of a mess. And also a little stupid. Just a smidge dumb. But I have my moments - I solved like. 2 puzzles in Inazuma by myself so I think that counts for something. I also find that I tend to talk a whole lot when I have an idea or smthn to say abt a thing I'm super interested in!! That's info-dumping. I info dump. Yes. I also really like to listen to other people talk abt things they like!!!! Its so nice :) I'm protective over people I care about!! I've never done it but 100% would bark at someone who messed with someone close to be. Arf arf yaknow. I tend to he impulsive. I'll do something, and be all "YEAH>:D" and then regret it later. And then I'll do it all over again in a fun little cycle :) I consider myself an optimist, but quickly turn into a pessimist whenever it concerns myself. Fun funfun. Should probably mention that I am. A very insecure person w/ dangerously low self esteem, which is super fun esp when you mix that with the fact that I'm rarely ever motivated to improve. Yayayay Also sort of a pushover?? Like most often than not I'll be convinced to do something, even if I'm not too keen on doing it. Also afraid of confrontation when it comes to my friends and strangers (that is, if it's concerning me!! I'll order smthn for my friend but if I need to order for myself?? uhh stutter time aha). I'm also a mega simp ahah! Srsly though if I fall for someone/get infatuated with someone I. Will be so obvious abt it even though I try very hard not to be. Would gush over that person probably. I don't really like mean people tbh. Like yes I'll be nice and civil with them but!!! I cannot stand!!! Rude people!!! Esp when they're mean for no reason like sir??? maam??? homie??? chill pls ty<3 People who aren't necessarily mean, but moreso have bastard energy and are just really "hehe>:D" but playfully are p poggers tho!!! I think I get along with kids!! I have a little sister,, around like. Nine? And we get along really well!! I also try and match a kid's energy whenever I'm tasked with looking after them. I take pride in the fact that kids like me >:].... even if they sometimes scare me-- Ok, interest time!!
I like art!! Quite a bit!! Less of a realistic artist and more of a cartoonist!! Idk there's just something fun abt drawing cartoons, hehe. I also like self ships - I have quite a bit of them, actually ! Idk its comforting drawings your fictional crushes loving you idkidk. I like writing too! Both original stories, and one-shots or personal fics that are associated with already created media!! Writing character backstories and personalities and stuff is also fun too! I've even made my own fictional world with a full fledged backstory n everything! It's very fun to think about. I'm a day dreamer!!! Yea remember when I said I write stories? I day dream abt potential stories even more. Mmm daydream world so nice so warm so fun I read aswell!! Mostly fantasy books, or stories where animals are the protagonists. Think Warrior Cats. But my favorite book series has got to be Guardians of Ga'Hoole. Fantasy owl books, anyway! X Readers are also things I enjoy reading :) Again, s I m p Also gaming!!! Is something fun I do sometimes!!! Although it's usually Genshin Impact, or Wii Sports/Resort w// my little sister. Oh, also pokemon! I rlly like Primarina, Vaporeon, Sylveon and Vulpix/Ninetails! I absolutely adore sweet foods, and baking is smthn I'm def interested in! Don't like foods w// weird textures though, like beans or mashed potatoes. Also I. Love spice so much. Mmm love it when my mouth burns so bad. Don't have a favorite animal but I've had three cats in my lifetime (btw not important but my current cat is named Sylvester and. He's my baby boy) so I am. A very big cat fan. Probably not needed but I really like sword and claymore characters. Literally all of the characters I main are either sword or claymore users. Although I did get Diona, so I miiight start forcing myself to learn how to aimmm. I see that I tend to like people/characters that are a little more extroverted than me. Upbeat, happy type beat!!! Nice sunshine babies, :) I think thats it! I hope this was good enough? Again, first time doing this (at 2am nonetheless) so forgive me if I got too rambly or did anything wrong ^^ Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this! And I hope your day is good / you had a good day, depending on when you read this, ehe!
Hey! Sorry if the wait has been long! I also love Warrior Cats (I promise myself, one day I'll finish it.)
You received... A Pyro vision! Optimistic, enthusiastic, impulsive, reckless, and a lot of energy are the general characteristics held by the Pyro vision. • I hesitated between the Pyro and Hydro vision, but your energy distinguishes you from the Hydro vision. • You said you were impulsive, always doing something you might regret later but still doing it. • You react quickly: as you said, if somebody hurt someone you love, you won't think twice before barking. Your partner would be... Xingqiu! “This feeling was unexpected.” • At first, you were just friends, and Xingqiu really loved to tease you. Actually, you both teased each other. But eventually, a feeling of love towards you grew into Xingqiu. And that was reciprocated. • Your relationship is filled with teases, jokes, and good/funny moments where you mostly share what you commonly appreciate. • He also knows when to get serious: for example, he does everything to support you during your moments of struggle concerning your self-esteem. Your friend would be... Childe! “Luckily, I'm here!” • You two also share funny moments, especially during situations where your “stupidity” is overtaken by his insight. • Sometimes, he finds you cute. • He likes the fact that you get along well with kids. It leads you to great moments with him and his siblings. • You're quite the opposite in terms of self-esteem. I think it's a good thing because it makes you complementary. Your enemy would be... Albedo! A misunderstanding. • You wouldn't hate each other, but I think Albedo wouldn't like the way you use your energy, and when you're more in a chill mood (meaning you're more available for him to talk), he could get pissed at how much times he'd have to repeat himself for you to understand something. • He's very patient, but he understood quickly that his interests would maybe not be within your reach. • You would just be too different. Worth to mention • You and Venti are like drama queens in Mondstadt. You are good friends. But you both know that you can't be more, as it would eventually both drag you down (because of similar problems). • Klee is also your best friend: both of you share decisions that you definitely will regret later. Or maybe not. • Hu tao and you are kinds of silently competing over who's the best tease, and she beats you. My goal is definitely not achieved. I hope I can catch up tomorrow. And don't worry, it was surprisingly good for a first description!
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silver-spider-art · 4 years
ToA: Trollhunters vs Wizards
First I don’t want to come off like I don’t think people should enjoy Wizards. Its a fun story and as a stand-alone or an AU its funny with so many call backs to favorite characters, and many emotional moments. Lots to enjoy on its own. However, it is AU. It doesn’t fit in the same timeline of events as what was hinted at and implied in ToA:Trollhunters. I believe the biggest reason beyond the tight time frame the crew had to work under is just that the main writers that were responsible for the majority of the original script for ToA:Trollhunters didn’t return to Wizards for whatever reason (they are back for the movie so fingers crossed). The people who wrote Wizards mostly had teleplay credits on ToA:Trollhunters (edited the screen play but didn’t write it) so while they’d been deeply involved in the original... well clearly a lot of ideas were lost in the swap.
So, why do I say the timeline was screwed up by Wizards version of events?
The opening of Wizards tells us that it’s the late 12th century and then says the present is 900 years later. We know that the current year is 2016 because Enrique’s crib in the Darklands lists him as born in 2016 (so while this doesn’t directly set the shows date it can’t be much past that and assuming Enrique is less than a year old, we can say it is 2016). Now 2016 - 900 is actually 1116 which is early 12th century, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
This drastically changes how we understand the history of this world. If Deya is the first Trollhunter, then all other Trollhunters existed between 1116 and 2016. We see at least 14 troll statues in the Hero’s Forge and we also see several others in storage when Claire retrieves Angor Rot’s head for Morgana, so we can assume a minimum of ~20 Trollhunters. This gives us an average of 45 years as the life span of a Trollhunter. And yes that might seem long to a human but we are told the oldest troll was 5,352 years old and since Vendel, Blinky, Arrrgh, and Draal are all there to see the first Trollhunter chosen and thus well over 900 years old (Draal is straight up said to be 1200 years old during ToA:Trollhunters), then to be chosen by the amulet would be a quick death sentence. Now, while Blinky does only say that the Trollhunters date back to the age of Merlin, this is implied to be further back than the lifetimes of the trolls of Heartstone Trollmarket. Draal talks about spending his entire life training to be worthy of it. Kanjigar pushed his son away to protect him from the dangers of the Trollhunter’s duty implying Draal was young and not an adult during this time, and the absolute faith the trolls have in the amulet and their reliance on the protection of the Trollhunter implies that they’d grown up seeing this as normal. Yet as shown in Wizards, Draal was an adult when the amulet was made. If this was the case he would've seen the amulet pick literally anyone other than him for 900 years and have no reason to think it’d pick him now. Also while showing Jim the box of stones to try in his amulet Vendel talks about Maddrux the Many from legends of old. So old they’d all forgotten what the stone’s actual power was, thinking it was the power of great strength and not the ability to make copies of yourself. 900 years, as we’ve established, isn’t long for a troll. Would you call something a legend of old if it was an event you were alive for? Even if Maddrux didn’t hang out in Heartstone Trollmarket, Maddrux wouldn’t have been an ancient legend. Vendel would've been alive for every Trollhunter to have ever been, so would’ve Blinky, yet they talk about the Trollhunter and the amulet in a revered way that doesn’t befit something which happened within a single lifetime, a single troll generation. 900 years is long for humans, but not for trolls. They would all have to have such bad memories if this is to be believed. 
Another point of contention is Angor Rot. It is shown in a flashback that Angor Rot gets power from Morgana in 1297 with the location stated as Bulgaria, Black Sea... which Wizards shows us Angor Rot taking Morgana here after she drowns... but Camelot is in England/UK (in the normal legends)... that seems quite the journey for a dead girl he randomly found but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. He calls her forth by 4 names Argante (queen of Avalon or another name for Morgan Le Fey), Pale Lady, Baba Yaga, Eldrith Queen. So one, Angor Rot knows who he’s calling to, he’s not addressing the other spirits that Wizards showed using this place. Also it implies that Morgana has gained quite the legacy of power and influence. Now, when he gets her attention he says “Gunmar’s war for the surface lands has ravaged my village. I need the power to protect my people.” This very heavily implies that the war is ongoing. Based on Wizards, Gunmar was sealed away 181 years ago. It’s also strongly implied that all the Gumm-Gumms except Bular are gone now. So... who’s destroying Angor Rots village? Also we see Morgana’s hand in this scene, so either she’s really good at manifesting or she hasn’t been sealed yet. And if it was a manifestation, why would she make a physical ring? Regardless, she tells him he’s to seek Merlin’s Champions and kill his Trollhunters. Angor Rot was later sealed away in an ancient ruin of Aysa-Thoon in Ranthambore, India (which is in the middle of a tiger reserve btw). It’s old and overgrown implying he’s been there a while. Otto also says he found the location in old tomes so at the very least Angor Rot has been sealed away for centuries. So he runs around killing Trollhunters for ~300-400 years. If this is after the Killahead Bridge battle as Wizards would have us believe, then the only trolls on the evil side killing Trollhunters are just Angor Rot and Bular... which just seems off to me for how everything else is talked about in ToA:Trollhunters. 
The Janus Order and the changelings are another confusing point that Wizards makes worse. When asked about changelings Blinky says that in the Old World Gumm-Gumms stole their young and did something unnatural to them and that their main purpose was to spy on the surface lands. Blinky also says that the Janus Order is an ancient guild of changeling spies, as old as they are mysterious. The phrasing of both these points imply that changelings have existed for a very long time by troll standards, not something that happened well within the lifespan of every troll seen in the show. In Wizards we see all of one changeling who’s already an adult and implies his power is new. Gunmar uses plural when he talks about Morgana’s changelings but they are also very clearly a brand new thing. From ToA:Trollhunter we know that human babies and changelings are exchanged through fetches into and out of the Darklands but if Wizards is to be believed and all the Gumm-Gumms except Bular were sealed away after the Killahead Bridge battle in 1116... who was stealing the babies? Bular? Considering how much Bular hates changelings I have a hard time picturing him setting up the exchanges to get the Janus Order established entirely on his own. If we assume there were a few changelings left loose after Morgana was sealed away... maybe... but Morgana and Gunmar just met and have worked together for like 3 days max... why are they so reliant on each other. And if most of the changelings were made after Morgana was sealed away then why are changelings like Otto so beholden and worshipful towards her? In his Janus Order orientation speech Strickler calls her their Lady Creator and that seems undisputed by any of the changelings. It is implied that Morgana is the only reason their are changelings. NotEnrique says he’s centuries old which means he’d been waiting in the Darklands as a baby until he was needed which I always took to mean that all the captured troll babies had been changed by Morgana before she was sealed away. If Morgana isn’t actually needed to make changelings, then why do they worship her and answer to her over Gunmar? Also Morgana only whispered to the changelings like Otto, never to Gunmar in the Darklands, so she couldn’t have helped set up the changeling magic from that side. 
Then there is Morgana and Gunmar’s relationship. What we see in Wizards, Morgana becomes the champion of the 3 new elemental villains, she makes a changeling (off screen) and sends him to kill her brother, only then does she go see Gunmar. When Morgana talks to Gunmar she immediately brings up the Eternal Night, which... if she’s the champions of the 3 elemental beings who want the humans dead to bring balance to the world... how does the eternal night help them? It certainly wouldn’t help Nari of the Eternal Forest and I can’t think of any reason the other two would want that either. It only helps trolls (trolls who don’t realize that all their food sources need sunlight to exist). After we see her add the mind control power to Gunmar’s Decimaar Blade we don’t learn anything else she does for the Gumm-Gumms. To be honest, if I were Gunmar at this point I’d assume she set me up. Some sorceress shows up, is the king’s sister, she frees your son with a new troll hybrid thing you think is impure in order to get you to trust her and gives you a weapon upgrade to make you think you should go all in on the next battle and then you and your whole army gets locked away for 900 years... kinda no reason to think she ever had your back, especially not to the point that you trust people who say they’ve gotten visions from her in a worshipful way. She very clearly did Gunmar no favors in Wizards. 
Merlin, oh Merlin... one, he’s entirely useless in the entirety of Wizards and always doing something wrong or just not having any power to do anything which is just baffling compared to the power he was throwing around in ToA:Trollhunters. As we see Morgana get sealed away in Wizards, it’s Douxie doing the sealing and Merlin has already fallen down and is asleep for some reason. This despite the fact that in ToA:Trollhunters he claimed he needed to use nearly all his power to seal her away and that was why he was asleep. That her being free meant he could get his power back which just... isn’t how anything happened in Wizards. Also Merlin very pointedly claimed that Jim couldn’t defeat Gunmar as a human, that he would die. But, in Wizards Merlin had originally been building the amulet for Arthur, a human. It was only afterwards that he decided to make it for trolls. So was the only reason Jim had to be a troll because the Jim he met was a troll? Because that is just really fucked up. The speech he gave Jim about needing to sacrifice his humanity, it implied that Merlin had planned this all out, seen this moment... but Wizards Merlin was just constantly in reaction mode and was completely backing Arthur and ignoring literally anything anyone else said until right before they went to the trolls for help. Merlin didn’t give a shit about trolls and they also hated him... but afterwards they love him to the point that they’ll talk worshiply about him? And why did they have to go back to the past? Merlin was so insistent they go back to the past at the start of Wizards... implied like they needed to flee the enemy but a moment after the kids are lost in time he just defeats the skull ship and no one that’s left on Camelot is in danger  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. 
Also when Merlin and King Arthur go to the trolls to ask for help, at this point in Wizards it’s mostly been shown to be a battle between Gunmar and King Arthur for territory. It’s implied that the other trolls have until recently been more hurt by Arthur than Gunmar and Gunmar is only now trying to force them to join because he needs more recruits. Yet in ToA:Trollhunter the war was stated to be mostly a disagreement between Gumm-Gumms and all the “good” trolls and the humans just the victims. Everything in ToA:Trollhunters implied that humans didn’t stand a chance against trolls, Gunmar was endlessly dismissive but in Wizards King Arthur and company were a real danger to trolls, Cal/Deya was nearly taken out by an arrow. In fact the trolls of Dwoza were so useless that they needed humans to train them how to fight. They had no warriors? Where were Draal and Kanjigar during the fight with Arrrgh? So all of the trolls who would become the Heartstone Trollmarket trolls (including Bagdwella) had to be trained to fight by humans before Killahead but then were so disgusted by human Trollhunter Jim that they fainted? That they thought the very idea that a human could fight a troll was laughable? Yeah, that doesn’t make sense. 
And Killahead Bridge, let us not forget. It is the portal to the Darklands but as Cal/Deya walks over it she dismissively says its nothing but a bridge over a dried up river so clearly Wizards is saying that Gunmar isn’t actively using the bridge as a portal, in fact we see no portals or any sort of magic used by trolls in Wizards, not even the door like in Heartstone Trollmarket, Dwoza just has a physical door. The only person who seems to have known that the bridge was a portal was Merlin as he is making battle plans. This also implies that the whole point of the amulet was just to seal Gunmar away in the Darklands. Which is just... why? The amulet hadn’t even been tested against Gunmar yet at this point. This brings up so many questions about the Darklands that are more confusing like how anyone figured out the fetches if travel back and forth from the Darklands wasn’t a thing until after the bridge became a sealed door. 
As for the Trollhunters themselves, what were they all doing if every other Trollhunter existed between Deya and Kanjigar? Deya defeated Gunmar and sealed him away leaving only Bular and Angor Rot and the changelings. We know they weren’t fighting the Janus Order because Blinky had to look them up in a book and Blinky has actively been involved in several instances of Trollhunters (at least Kanjigar and Unkar) so he should know. Jim killed both Bular and Angor Rot, to whom everyone else just died. So what were they doing? Just cleaning up Gnome messes and Goblin battles? If there were no other Gumm-Gumms to fight, why was it a revered position that anyone wanted. The way Wizards sets up the timeline its more a curse that just means you have a countdown timer until Bular kills you. Also every single Trollhunter in the void tells Jim its suicide to fight Gunmar, even after he killed Bular. But by Wizards logic the first time the amulet was used against Gunmar it was able to seal him away forever with hardly a fight. If anything they should think Bular was more powerful than his father by that logic. It all just makes no sense. 
There is more, like character backstory elements that upset me. For example how Arrrgh’s trauma over his treatment as a pet by Gunmar was ignored by Wizards and how his fear of violence was intrinsically linked to that trauma which fueled his insistence on pacifism and how Wizards showed him just casually hitting people after swapping sides with out any issues and that is just very upsetting to me, but that’s a very different rant. 
In conclusion, Wizards has a lot of fun elements to it and can be a very fun watch, but it comes off like fan fiction to me, an alternate universe unconnected to the rest of canon. It doesn’t understand the world building that was established in ToA:Trollhunter and absolutely breaks its own timeline. 
I’ve always pictured the line of Trollhunters stretching back to the Broze Age and the beginning of humanity, a war that has lasted several millennia, long enough that every troll in Trollmarket grew up in war, their lives shaped by it. A war that stretched out into their parents and grandparents generations. Which is completely doable from what we know of troll ages. Gunmar could easily be 4,000 years old (he looks it with all his cracks) and still not beat the oldest troll on record. Merlin always felt inhuman and ancient (centuries long nap and he just has to crack his spine), so he could be far far older than the Arthurian legends and have gone by many names. Also I clearly wasn’t the only one with this idea as if you read the Trollhunters novels or comics based after ToA:Trollhunters those authors assumed as I did. One novel has Jim and the gang go back to 501 AD to see Gunmar lose his eye to Orlagk. The Comics show an early Trollhunter interacting with humans from the stone age. To me this makes so much more sense. Trolls are old and long lived, it only makes sense that their perception of what constituted ancient be very different to what we humans see as ancient. They are also shown to be very slow to change, which is why it makes sense that the Trollhunter mantel is something that has been around longer than the current living trolls.
So anyway, I just really hope the movie doesn’t rely on too much of the nonsense that was shown in Wizards and is a fun romp. I loved full troll Jim and I miss half-troll Jim already. It just feels like his whole sacrifice was meaningless, that by undoing it and showing that humans can fight trolls just fine that it had been for nothing. Its just very disappointing. But that’s just my opinion (but then I’ve always voted for a Jim who can change back and forth and really have one foot in each world). 
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theartsynoodle · 4 years
More funny things about the Owl House because I made the last one late at night and forgot things.
1: As @someonerandom15 mentioned in a repost on the last one, not only did Hooty beat up Lilith and her coven guard (the highly elite and trained police force btw) Amity has beaten the shit out of Hooty which implies that Amity could probably kick Lilith’s ass as well.
2: This being said Amity’s leg really got broken because the creators knew she would’ve wreaked havoc
3: As @boredoom mentioned in their repost, Lilith is this highly respected and powerful witch that is the head of the most elite coven, but it takes 5 seconds of her sister rhyming to set her off
4: Lilith went from 0 to 100, like she could’ve done something else to prevent Eda from winning their duel but she went just went straight to cursing her, like girl 💀💀
5: Eda and Stan Pines having been a scam artist power couple is pretty much just canon
6: This being said Eda has canonically robbed Stan Pines and she’s a wanted criminal on Earth (She stole his car and “loot”)
7: Alex Hirsch was just on Twitter like “Disney was too COWARDLY to let me have gay characters on my show so I’m glad to work on this show and do that” and just
8: How everyone started a Lilith Hate bandwagon and there were anti-Lilith icons within 2 hours of Agony of a Witch airing
9: The sibling accuracy in the show
10: Amity really just fell in love with the worlds dorkiest girl in the span of one month of knowing her
11: Luz pretty much just being like “It’s on SIGHT” whenever someone she cares about is in danger
12: Once again, a 14 year old just infiltrated a highly guarded castle and took out a ton of guards
13: The show is called The Owl House and the actual owl house is just Hooty and everyone hates Hooty and that’s so fucking funny to me
14: When Eda was eating snow in front of the Blights and Luz was so tired
15: Those old drawings of Amity that were drawn by the crew before her feelings for Luz started growing always crack me up because it’s just like “mhm sure” and I bet the crew were laughing to themselves as they were drawing it
16: Detention is just a death sentence
17: The crew was not ready for everyone to love the kids from the first day and they didn’t have much intention of giving them a lot of screen time, but that may change because of the fandom
18: Everyone just doesn’t question it when addressing Amity’s mom as Karen
19: There is probably a whole multitude of Boiling Isles jokes that Luz just does not get
20: I said it in the last one but seriously it’s so funny the emperor of the island got his ass kicked by a 14 year old
21: The fact that Eda is stated to be the most powerful witch in the Boiling Ilses and during most of the show all she’s wanted for is petty theft
22: The fact that not only is Gus’ last name is Porter and his dad is a reporter, but his dads full name is Perry Porter.
23: The fact that Willow is one of the most powerful kids and is fed and having none of this shit while being the sweetest looking girl ever
24: The fact that Willow probably could’ve killed Boscha no sweat
25: How Dana just casually gave Willow two dads which then causes the fandom to spiral into a frenzy as Amity and Luz could actually happen
27: The fact that people were still skeptical about Luz and Amity actually getting confirmed after Understanding Willow aired, then Enchating Grom Fright happened
28: Everyone really thought Amity was going to be the calm one and Luz would be the nervous one. Like Amity can tell off her best friend and embarrass her in front of a bunch of people, but she can’t even look at Luz without tripping over her own feet
29: Wing it Like Witches title being based on the title of the film Bend it Like Beckham, a romantic sports comedy and we still didn’t see the gayness coming
30: The fact that people thought Amity would hate the dorky shit Luz is into compare to now which we all know that she has definitely watched Azura AMVs and draws anime which is she tries to deny but the whole group and her siblings know
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Okay so I made a thing-
(There’s some headcannons in here btw)
SCP-~~~~ - Wilford Motherloving Warfstache
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Item #: SCP-~~~~
Object Class: Euclid Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-~~~~ is to held at Site-██ within a standard humanoid containment cell. Subject has not yet been proved dangerous, and may roam the site freely. Subject is to be kept in containment, only allowed to roam the site if monitored by at least a dozen level 3 containment staff, and all weapons kept far from his grasp. All staff members are reminded to avoid the use of the word “kill” around SCP-~~~~. See Addendum ~~~~-1. SCP-~~~~ and his whereabouts are currently unknown. All attempts to contain SCP-~~~~ have failed, subject escaping containment within a week to 3 months. He is believed to be with another SCP; SCP-||||, but the whereabouts of this SCP are unknown as well. See Addendum ~~~~-4.
Description: SCP-~~~~ appears to be a Asian American male aged between twenty-eight and thirty-one. Naturally black hair dyed pink, pinkish-red eyes, and 1.78m (5’ 10”) tall. He also has a pink mustache, seemingly naturally pink, having changed from black to pink naturally over time. Wears overtly colorful clothing, usually themed pink and yellow, and usually wears suspenders matched with a bow tie. Occasionally will wear glasses, as this SCP is legally blind without glasses, but prefers contacts. Speaks with an unknown accent, overtly dramatized and over exaggerated, almost slightly sounding as if he were intoxicated. Subjects real name is William J. Barnum, but insists on being called “Wilford Warfstache”, an alias created while on the run.
SCP-~~~~ has reality warping abilities, believed to originate from SCP-####. The full extent of his abilities is unknown. These abilities have assisted in causing him to live much longer than the normal human life span, seemingly not aging more than a few years since the year 1922, despite being born in 1894. Subject has been shot in fatal places before, yet the wound seems to heal if fatal. If not fatal, any wounds require medical attention. Other than this seeming immortality, he still has a physical need to eat, sleep, and physically functions like a normal human being.
Staff interacting with SCP-~~~~ have reported him trying to question them about the foundation, taking notes and claiming that it’s for his “television show” (no record of this so called show have been found, despite him insisting on its existence), all attempts to “interview” staff have been met with less than satisfactory answers, as he has pointed out. Staff describe him as “polite yet strange” often times confusing staff by speaking of events that haven’t happened yet, sometimes speaking to them telepathically and seemingly teleporting. He has also been recorded to flirt with many of the staff members, despite gender. SCP-~~~~ also doesn’t seem to understand death, saying that the deceased will just simply “get up”. This delusion has not yet broken. See Addendum ~~~~-1.
SCP-~~~~ has requested to visit SCP-||||. Requests may be considered and visits are allowed but remind staff to stay cautious, as the two are extremely powerful together. All requests are to be denied. See Addendum ~~~~-4. He has also asked about SCP-••••. Any requests to visit •••• are to be met and monitored appropriately. Any requests to visit •••• are to be denied as well. See Addendum ~~~~-3 and ~~~~-4. If SCP-==== is seen roaming the site, any interactions between the two are to be monitored closely are prohibited. See Addendums ~~~~-2 and ~~~~-4. If SCP-%%%% is seen roaming the site, any interactions are allowed, with no need for monitoring and to be monitored appropriately. See Addendums ~~~~-2 and ~~~~-4. If SCP-^^^^ is seen roaming the site, interaction are allowed, with no need for monitoring and are to be monitored lightly. See Addendum ~~~~-4.
SCP-~~~~ was discovered on 7/10/████ in an police investigation, in SCP-#### along with SCP-||||, SCP-••••, SCP-====, SCP-%%%%, and SCP-^^^^. They were discovered living in the manor, using it as some sort of headquarters. They seemed to have created an organization, the main goal of this organization still unknown. All non-anomalous members of the organization had escaped before administered amnestics. They were found after SCP-~~~~ had killed multiple people in public, with a revolver. After SCP authorities arrived at the scene, all witnesses of the group were given amnestics and released.
Addendum ~~~~-1:
Incident report 1- SCP-~~~~ was roaming the site freely while staff worked. A staff member, working on a particularly difficult assignment, said “God, just kill me now”. SCP-~~~~ then responded by summoning a revolver and shooting the staff member. Luckily, they received immediate medical attention and survived the incident, and later requested to be moved to a different site. When questioned, SCP-~~~~ insisted that they would be fine, and continuously made the excuse that the staff member had told him to kill them, referencing the quote above.
Incident report 2- A new researcher, making an attempt at humor, stated that he’d “rather die then be put on Keter duty” and SCP-~~~~, hearing this, remembered this quote and a month later, when he heard that the staff member in particular had been put on Keter duty, immediately stabbed him, killing the staff member in question. When questioned, his answer was the same as in incident report 1. When SCP-~~~~ realized that the staff member was not coming back, he seemed to go in a dissociative state, his eyes turning into pink and yellow spirals with pink and yellow tears to match, and began to mutter things under his breath such as “No, they always come back” and “You’re lying”. This lasted the rest of the day, and the next day he retained no memory of this, continuing to believe that the staff member was alive.
Addendum ~~~~2:
Incident report 3- SCP-~~~~ and SCP-%%%% were “messing around” with ==== when a fight broke out amongst them. When questioned about why the fight broke out, ~~~~ claimed that %%%%, who he calls “Bing”, and him were “poking fun at Google (SCP-====)” to the point that ==== snapped at them, multiplying. ~~~~ and %%%% immediately ran away, which caused a chase through the site. They ran through the site, SCP-%%%% on a skateboard, SCP-~~~~ shooting at SCP-====, SCP-====-1, SCP-====-2 and SCP-====-3, who were all being chased by multiple faculty members. The chase ended when ====-1 was shot in a place that punctured his wiring, causing him to shut down and the other instances of ==== to stop the chase to repair him.
Addendum ~~~~3:
Incident report 4- SCP-~~~~ decided to visit •••• and they talked for a few minutes without being monitored. Then they caused a containment breach, where they worked together to break out ||||. The situation was handed quickly, but seven staff were still injured.
Addendum ~~~~-4:
Incident report 5- SCP-~~~~ was involved in a massive containment breach, started by him, SCP-||||, SCP-••••, SCP-====, SCP-%%%% and SCP-^^^^, and involving multiple others. Twenty-three staff were injured, eight more killed. All SCPs referenced above escaped.
(I did symbols instead of numbers lol, guess who ||||, •••• and ^^^^ are)
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silver-wield · 4 years
I think i do agree with that anon about aerith being an oudated heroine and tifa is nowadays heroine tifa is realistic badass she doesn’t rely on magic from a stick she trained hard day and night so she can get where she is right now where aerith lives in a wonderful sector taken care off when she become an orphan she didn’t lose that many people in her life even the people who’s supposed to be her enemy treat her well bottom line is she lives like and is treated like a princess (1)
Yes her and her mom were taken and were done experiments on them but can you compare what they gone through on what happened to cloud & zack and just when you want to feel sorry for her i remember i played OG first i didn’t like how she got her way with everyone but then CC got released and i was like seriously girl you BF was killed tragically and you got busy on chasing a guy you barely knew and created a dumb rivalry with the a girl who befriended you out of kindness (2)
When i knew her real story she become more meh to me and started to see how the devs seem to ignore her flaws just because she’s their golden heroine, she always got promoted more than tifa it was really unfair how tifa got treated despite tifa having her own role in the game as a heroine but they only seemed to care about aerith because oh she die,in remake i got reminded again why i don’t like her when she assumed that cloud in love with her 🙄”this girl is so full of herself “me at her (3)
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It's curious that when I was watching the making of Remake they never referred to Aerith as a heroine. She's a main character, but Cloud, Tifa and Barret are too. Nojima said he took care with her lines because they're important. Tbf, it makes her sound more like a plot device. She's someone who pushes the overall plot forward, which we see in part one, but she doesn't seem to push the character development forward. If anything, her behaviour towards Cloud forced his development back because he retreated further into that soldier persona around her. He wants to keep his distance because he's suspicious of her, for good reason, and it's even alluded to in the ultimania that the only reason he's sticking around is he's suspicious of her, but Aerith keeps getting in his face which he doesn't like. So, Cloud's trying to find a balance between figuring out Aerith's deal and staying the hell away from her, so ofc he ends up sounding awkward af.
Tifa’s trained her butt off and actually it says in Crisis Core she's got a natural talent for martial arts, which mirrors Cloud's natural talent with a sword.
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My teacher tells me I've got a knack for it.
Tifa’s 15 at this point and if she's only just started training then in the span of 5 years she's turned into an expert. She slays. Fact. She's probably on the same level as Cloud since he got some mandetory training at Shinra and was noted in BC he had skills. So, Cloud's had 2 years of formal weapons training, and then he's using Jenova's mimicking to fight like Zack and Sephiroth. Later in AC he'll develop his own dual wield style, so Cloud and Tifa are talented, but also hard workers.
Aerith has magical cetra powers that don't require anything but communing with the planet 😑
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The lifestream infuses the water that's in this river, too, so that explains why the flowers grow so well and why there's a pool of water in AC.
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Tifa grew up in a ruined dust bowl of a town and despite the fact her dad is the village chief, which gives her a certain amount of comfort, she suffered a lot of hardship as a kid, though it's "normal" hardship till Sephiroth appears.
With how Remake's showing us the mistakes people made about OG, I don't think Aerith was interested in Cloud romantically. She treats Cloud like a child in AC.
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Cloud calls Aerith mother. Aerith says she doesn't want a big kid like Cloud. Zack reiterates there's no place for Cloud with them.
This is the JP with subs btw.
So, yeah, I'd say the type of affection between them is more like a parent/child dynamic than romantic. It's only in dismantled and maiden that romantic love is referred to and neither is canon.
Tifa gets just as much fan service as Aerith. Probably more. She also gets promoted in interviews and ads more than Aerith. Of all the 7r promotions I've noticed it's Tifa who gets the most narratively relevant promos. The 7r ad with the new logo included an important scene for Tifa that refers to the later scene on top of the Shinra building that references the promise and also mirrors Cloud's own history with her. It's really a matter of knowing the story and understanding what's being shown. Aerith's scenes are always that red dress, which is fan service (it literally has fans in it) and part of the concept of illusion vs reality. Aerith in her red dress vs Tifa saving Cloud.
People get too focused with the surface and not the bigger story implications. Cloud having made the promise with Tifa and recalling it in chapter 4 means that sooner or later he'll wind up in the lifestream with her where he confesses he always wanted her to notice him.
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And I think it's important to realise that Aerith isn't actually aware of everything that's going on in Remake. She's got some knowledge of OG events, but not everything is the same.
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In OG, Aerith gave Cloud the flower and walked off. So, in Remake, she sounds confident Cloud's not being hunted because she never saw him being chased by public security since it happened after she left. But, the whispers appeared, meaning Cloud was probably on time to catch the train and not be forced to make a dramatic leap from the bridge, so they forced him to hang around long enough until public security caught up with him.
This is something Aerith couldn't have known because it's not in OG. It's the same with things she wasn't around to see in OG. She never would've seen alone at last, the train roll or anything before Cloud fell through the church roof. After that point, she's using OG as her guide for how to behave with him. And it's failing. It's why she's surprised when he gets mad at her. It's why she says no one will get mad if they make noise, because of the OG rooftop laugh that isn't present in Remake. Aerith in Remake isn't aware of all the advice Cloud's already got from people in sector 7, or the fact he's much more proactive in his affection with Tifa. So, even if she tries to delude herself that he's like Zack (and during the slide scene the GER translation states Cloud reminds her of Zack, not that they're the same rank) Cloud's not playing ball with her. His focus is already Tifa, so Aerith's behaviour during her resolution from his pov makes her look as desperate as Jessie. In JP he comments how one sided her words were like it's a joke she made. In ENG he's referring to the fact that she doesn't listen to him. At all. Ever. Cloud’s opinion doesn't matter to Aerith, and the same is true now because she echoes Cloud's own high affection HW scene line from OG about it being nearly morning. So, indirectly, she's telling the audience what Cloud's choice is.
Yeah, from one angle it just looks so arrogant to act like anyone would fall in love with her so quickly, but Nojima even said he kept the line that way because it could be interpreted like that. It's a comparison behaviour to Sephiroth's arrogance, which also ties in to Cloud being suspicious of her.
This is why they say this game isn't for kids lol
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Epic Summer Update (Part 1)
So, what did I miss?
JK. LOL, obviously I missed quite a lot, no?  Sorry for the long absence. I really need a break and even though a lot of crazy stuff was going on in HarkleWorld, it seemed like a lot of other people like Berkshire to Buckingham, Talking Tarot, KUWTBD, Crowns of England and others were doing  great commenting, and I felt I had little to add. Now that summer is wrapping up, however, I do have some thoughts about what happened, why, and where the brf and the Sussexes go from here.
I know it’s kind of ridiculous to try to do an update post given all the stuff that has happened, but I’m going to do one (four, actually) anyway.  I’m pretty obsessive about these things, and it’s always interesting to look back and find connections and themes.
I have a good twenty pages of material, so I am going to break it down into several posts. I’ll try to organize things more or less chronologically, but my dates may be off by a couple of days. I’m sacrificing accuracy for readability. I apologize for that, but this would otherwise be incoherent. Heck, it may still be incoherent. There’s just too much stuff. BTW, if the links don’t work, just copy and paste them onto the browser. That should do it.
I’m going to start these immensely long update posts with Trooping and end them with the Cambridges visit to Balmoral. I think those are tidy little royal bookends and they also span the “death” (from announcement to execution) of the joint Foundation. I know we seldom think of a “Royal summer season” because they usually take off in the summer and they tend to wait until September to announce new projects. Summer is therefore pretty lazy and, unless there’s a tour, we just look at the pretty Ascot dresses  and wait for Mustique pap shots which never arrive.
This summer, however, was quite different. The royals clearly had a lot of plans this summer and some of them did not turn the way they expected.
This post will cover Trooping and the Foundation split, so from the first to the third week of June. I know it’s old news to a lot of you (it feels like a lifetime ago, so much stuff has happened), so feel free to skip it. I’m writing it because (i) I’m obsessive about thoroughness, and (ii) several of the issues that blew up at the end of the summer (environmental hypocrisy, transparency, expenses, family conflicts) first reared their ugly heads around this time.
So, let’s start with Trooping, which was supposed to be Meghan’s big return to the spotlight.  Prince Louis, however, had other ideas and he absolutely stole the show. “Louis stealing the show” was a big them of the summer. Almost as big as “Meghan and Harry screw up again.” And “hey, there’s the race card again.”
Meghan’s presence at Trooping was underwhelming, to say the least. She looked dumpy and dark in her bespoke (of course!) Givenchy, and she was stuck in the back of the balcony. She did get to sport some new bling, though—a new ring AND an upgrade to the old ring.
The ring upgrade was the first scandalette of the summer season and it was oddly symbolic, as Meghan ‘s ring upgrade came courtesy of jeweler to the stars, Lorraine Schwartz. 
People were upset with the change and Meghan’s fans defended it by pointing to other royals who had changed their rings and pointing out that Diana added prongs for extra security. That’s not the same as bedazzling a band to make it look like tacky Hollywood jewelry, but whatevs.
A lot of people brought up that the Sussexes had made a big deal about how the original ring was sooooooo special because Harry designed it and that Meghan had declared that it was “perfect” during the engagement photocall, so Omid Scobie popped up to reveal/spin that Harry had designed the upgrade.
But the upgrade makes her ring combo look a lot more like the rings given to her by Trevor, which I find weird given that the official spin is that Harry did the upgrade. How did that go? He just woke up one morning and decided that the ring should look more like Trevor’s? She also collected eternity bands from Trevor and eventually got two. I guess she’ll get two from Harry too.
At the time I thought this was rather overwrought. Yes, I understand that historical heirlooms like royal jewelry should not be tampered with as they are a cultural patrimony, but the Sussexes are so far down the line of succession that their tacky baubles should not qualify as part of British heritage. Let’s get real. They are not British history, so they can do what they want.
But in hindsight, I think the ring was somewhat significant, a tiny, sparkling omen, so to speak. With that change Meg signaled that she was ditching the royals and pivoting hard towards Hollywood and, lo behold, by the end of the summer she had successfully done so. Mission accomplished, so to speak.
So Trooping should have been a win for Meghan, given that it was her first post-baby appearance with the family, but it was overshadowed by criticism. The first salvos were due to the Meg’s new ring as the DM took its appearance as an opportunity to tally up Meghan’s jewelry expenses, which came up to 600,000 pounds.
Mind you, the DM had already tallied up Meghan’s maternity wardrobe in May, and total came to and eye-watering 360,000 pounds (not counting the Gucci number featured in her Vogue issue) in just maternity clothes.
Then the final costs of the Frogmore reno came out. It came out to 2.4 million pounds
Oh, and there are more renovations on the way.
The first renovation bill caused quite a commotion and shone a bright spotlight on how royal finances are obfuscated. The cost of the young royals increased from 3.5 million to 5.1 million pounds, but it’s hard to tell what exactly goes where because the accounting is so perverse. Royal carbon emissions went up by nearly 100%, which I find hilarious given how much environmental claptrap Harry has spouted.
And, yes, it was taxpayer money.
A lot of people were comparing the 2.4 million pound cost of Frogmore to the 4.5 cost of Apt 1A. I’m going to hold off until the second reno costs come in. The Apt 1A total, after all, covers two renos done in different years.
I also feel like you are missing the forest for the trees if you just compare the two bills. The interesting aspect here is that ALL ROYAL EXPENDITURES are suddenly going under the magnifying glass. They have mixed-up the books for years, but reporters are only asking questions now. THAT’s the “Givenchy Effect.” Kate’s Zara dresses helped the brf downplay a lot of crazy spending, but Meghan’s champagne tastes are bringing in some much-needed sunlight.
I hope the scrutiny keeps up. I particularly hope people start asking how the carbon emissions went up 100%. The Palacegraph blamed the tours and flat-out blamed the Foreign Office for the uptick, but they have tours every year so that sounds fishy to me. They may have done a little more touring, but it didn’t DOUBLE.
This merits more digging. I hope the latest brouhaha over Meghan’s fondness for private planes promotes more transparency.
Moving on, the Sussexes went to People to explain why they were stuck in the back during the balcony shots. They weren’t just behind the Queen, PC, and the Cambridges. They were stuck behind Andrew, of all people. The Yorks are truly ascendant now with the girls getting People magazine pieces in addition to royal engagements and prime positioning. The Epstein mess seems to have put a spanner in the works, but we’ll see if that goes anywhere given the mastermind’s not-so-shocking death.
The brf seems to expected this placement would cause a stir, as they had Kate and Camilla share the carriage with them. I liked this strategy. On paper it made it seem like Harry and Meghan were being honored, but the photos it made them look like mere visitors. Kate and Camilla looked like welcoming, and slightly nervous, hostesses faced with unpredictable and volatile guests.
This nervous solicitude would continue to color interactions between Meghan and the family, and I think it was another theme of the summer.  The royals did a lot of “happy families” pr, but it all looked nervous and unconvincing.
Then  Harry seemed to correct Meghan on the balcony, a clip which went absolutely viral. It was spun as “no big deal,” but it left a mark.
CDAN had an alternative explanation for Meghan’s odd bloating and relaxed demeanor.
That interaction triggered a lot of weird relationship leaks and rumors.
The happy family pr included a supposed birthday party for Meghan at Balmoral (SPOILER: It didn’t happen).
But the big news, of course was the Foundation split. FINALLY.
The brf was eager to spin this split as inevitable and normal and only to be expected. Nothing to see here. Happy families all around.
But a lot of royal reporters noted that this split was not the original plan. The original plan was that both couples would work together. From Berkshire to Buckingham had a great post summarizing the different perspectives.
I agree with B2B as to the basic fact, but she is a lot more polite than I am about it. You gotta respect the epic grifting at work here. Meghan and Harry told the brf they would be team players, play by the rules, and support the monarchy then did a 180 as soon as they had the tiara and the house.
How strong of a 180 the Sussexes were planning to do wasn’t obvious at this point. But the Apple TV deal and the Vogue UK gig gave us a hint. As did Harry’s splashy announcement about his sudden devotion to landmine eradication.
“Follows in mom’s footsteps” indeed. The landmines project was Di’s big break with royal life and Hazza is following down he same road.
Scobie had the deets, of course. There was much talk of divergent paths and the Sussexes having “their own” stuff and not having to deal with the “restrictions” the Cambridges face. As with Meghan’s Hollywoodized rings, the theme here was “breaking away.”
No one is clear about what exactly those “restrictions” are and the terminology caused much angst. The original article had some ominous less “corporation governance” language that got taken out after the fantastic Cepe Smith asked some questions. LOL, I guess coach-class air plane tickets is one of these “restrictions.”
But it’s interesting that “corporate governance” was one of the issues mentioned to Scobie and it’s interesting that the operations that would give rise to the most rigorous audits, Grenfell and the military, are either getting spun off into individual charities (Endeavor ) or staying with the Cambridges (Grenfell). Please correct me if I am wrong about this.
Emily notes that one big restriction is that William can’t do the kind of blatantly commercial deal Harry is doing with Apple. She also raises the obvious question, how can Harry do it if Will can’t?  The point of being a working royal is that you can’t do this kind of commercial activity because of your position, and that’s why the government and the brf have to support you. Zara and Mike get to do it, but they don’t get brf or government support. How is Harry getting the working royal support while at the same time monetizing his position? They are trying to move the Overton Window so the working vs non-working royal distinction becomes an heir vs non-heir distinction and I’m not sure that’s going to work, as least not while Andrew and Edward are around and following (presumably) the old rules. Fergie was vilified for decades for selling access to Andrew and would likely have something to say if the rules were changed to officially allow for rent-a-royal schemes for second sons.
It’s an interesting question given the rumors that Meghan is shopping for a movie role and pursuing other moneymaking opportunities.
The blinds claiming she wants a Soho House stipend.
The ones claiming that she solicited cash bids for her Wimbledon appearance.
And the latest blind claiming she’s charging for tour appearances.
I saw a lot of people mentioning The Prince’s Trust and PC’s attendance at movie premiere sand his use of celebrity ambassadors, but that’s not the same as producing a documentary for cash compensation. The last royal who arguably did that was Prince Edward and that didn’t turn out well. I lol’d when I saw one of Meghan’s sugars screeching that “the Queen approves everything.” The Sussexes didn’t even tell when Meghan went into labor with the Queen’s great-grandchild, so why would they inform them of a business deal?
I’m not sure how her fans can still argue that the Sussex approach is “approved” or royal in any way. Their press is flat-out saying they want a “global” brand that is “their own thing” and “belongs to them.” That’s not in any way compatible with the British monarchy, which is by definition local and focused on service to Queen and country.  And in hindsight, the global brand they have ended up with (celebrities, private jets, expensive villas, fashion and food messaging) is not one that the royals would want to be associated with.
I died when I saw this post by a Meghan fan arguing the contrary and citing the huge amount of global charity work the royals do and proclaiming that Harry and Meghan are just doing the same thing.
The Brits seem to disagree. They don’t think the Sussexes are doing the same thing as the other royals.
But most importantly, the Sussexes don’t think they are doing the same thing as the other royals. They are very clear about this. They are “going their own way.” It’s not entirely clear what they meant by “their own way,” or what exactly they intend to do, but it is pretty clear that they mean it to be different and they don’t want royal rules to apply to them. That’s the whole point of the split.
So that’s how the summer started. The Sussexes were clearly signaling that they were going their own way and the rest of the brf was trying to signal that they were inclusive and supporting with a lot of nervousness and anxiety seeping through.  Said nervousness was mirrored by the press and public who seemed pretty anxious about the spending, the Foundation split, and latching onto ominous signals like the blinged-up ring and the unclear language in the Foundation split announcement.
Then they posted a decidedly un-royal Father’s Day pic with poor Archie bathed in a sickly sepia light.  Now traditional royal portraiture has a lot of sins, but it’s a lot better than this. This is literally ghastly.
Archie’s pic as the last bit social media card up their sleeve and, given their outsized press coverage, I expected them to surpass the Cambridge follower count. It didn’t happen, and despite various IG stunts (changing follows every month, asking followers for follow recommendations, behind-the-scene pics, passive aggressive quotes that get a ton of coverage, etc…) they remain 600,000 behind today. I find that interesting.
Then Meghan broke her maternity leave, not for a US state visit or a military event, but for a US baseball game. The game was officially hosted by Invictus, but it was clear that Meghan was more interested in the players than in the charity.
The fact that Meghan had famously skipped on the Trump visit a few weeks before, and Harry wasn’t exactly on his best behavior didn’t help.
I saw a lot of Meghan’s stans cheering on the rudeness and I can sympathize because Trump isn’t my favorite person and I really didn’t want to see Meghan in a tiara, but behaving during this kind of unpleasant situation is part of the job. This was another big signal that Harry and Meghan are more than willing that enjoy the privileges of their position, but less enthusiastic about fulfilling its responsibilities.  The Sussexes were building a theme at this point and were thus steadily digging their own pr grave.
Rumors that Meghan had ditched less glamorous royal appearances did not help.
It also didn’t help that Meghan turned out to be distantly related to one of the players, reminding everyone of the Ragland family members she no longer talks to. She’ll embrace family, but only if it comes with some kind of celebrity attached.
Another “relationship troubles” viral clip started doing the rounds, which was also unhelpful. We had a lot of weird “relationship troubles” leaks during the summer. I think they were triggered by the ring upgrade. It seemed to indicate dissatisfaction with both her royal role and her relationship and the rumor mill ran with it.
Oh, and their hideously expensive copper tub was revealed.
And The Sun calculated her total spending and came up with a 3 million pound figure with the Africa move supposedly costing 1 million pounds.
Everything, of course, blew up this month, but the seeds were there from the very beginning with tough question about the Sussexes spending, suspicious mutterings about their love of luxury, and utter confusion as to what they intended to after leaving the Royal Foundation (Africa? Landmines? Bananagrams? Baseball games?) and how much it would cost.
The seeds would grow and grow in the upcoming months as Meghan and Harry embraced more and more luxurious trappings and celebrity friends. Meghan claims to be very media savvy, but she clearly did not realize that she built a narrative during the summer, one that would go on and bite her in the butt big time.
The brf had carefully managed Meghan’s entry into the family, surrounding her with visuals (“Di collection diamonds,” British clothes, local engagements, military events like Invictus, Foundation membership, etc…) that reassured the public that Meghan would continue upholding royal traditions in the way the public expected. Her massive red flags (love of celebrity, love of luxury, horrid track record in work and personal commitments, volatility) were spun as features and not bugs with commenters claiming she would add glamour to the brf  or be a breath of fresh air.  In June, the Sussexes reversed a great deal of that, making the red flags more glaring. In July, they would reverse even more, and by August they would be pretty much flying their freak flag unashamedly. The brf tried to smooth this over with a lot of happy family pr with varying degrees of success. That will be covered in the next posts.
What I find interesting is that everything exploded in August, but the cracks were there back in June. I cackle like a Disney witch whenever I see the Meghan stans complaint that the Cambridges are behind the smears or that it’s all the press being racists. Dudes, these idiots did it to themselves. They sowed the wind in June and reaped the whirlwind in August and who knows what will happen in September. Chickens are coming home to roost, the crows they raised are pecking out their eyes and I am running out of fractured metaphors so on to the next post.
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