#all seriousness though I love show crossovers so much you have no idea
torra-and-the-toons · 6 months
The fact that Ed Edd n Eddy, KND, and Billy and Mandy all take place in the same universe is by far the most baffling thing I've learned all month
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ilikesuperheroesokay · 2 months
Chaz is endgame, and I don’t want to hear otherwise.
Chase and Kaz have always had HELLA chemistry, even from the very first crossover episodes with Mighty Med and Lab Rats. Kaz was one of the only ones to stay by Chase’s side while he was out, even though he could have gotten anyone else, or stepped out for a bit. He also was the first one to offer to switch their intelligences, when anyone else could have done it. Then, in Lab Rats Elite Force, Kaz went on a date with Chase’s robot Christina. Now pictured, is him and Chase doing the same thing! They literally went on a date.
Then, throughout the rest of the show, they are best bros. Let’s be real, as much as I like Oliver, he wasn’t really doing any of the heavy lifting. Chase and Kaz were. Their dynamic is so full of chemistry. Ever notice how Kaz is ALWAYS the first one to check on Chase, or help him? Or how Chase is CONSTANTLY trying to one-up Kaz, or show off around him? And don’t even come at me saying, “Well, what about Christina and all the robot girlfriends? What about Reese?” Christina and the robot girlfriends was something Chase did in fact make to cure his loneliness. But once Kaz was involved, he didn’t actually care about the robots. He just wanted to beat Kaz. Almost like…he cares about impressing Kaz. Huh! Then, Reese was literally sent out as her mission to win over Chase. To know his interests and to be exactly his type. Of course he fell easily, anyone would if the perfect person dropped down from the sky! He was played. Still not convinced? Look at all these scenes in which Chase and Kaz are either competing or making sure the other is okay. They 👏 are 👏 in 👏 love 👏. The actors even said that they think Chase and Kaz wouldn’t be a bad idea. They said it sounded good. And respectfully, if you’re a Braz shipper…what chemistry? Where’s the explanation? Get outta here. (I’m just joshing you can ship whoever you want. This is just my personal opinion, you’re all beautiful) Also, when Chase’s little sister Naomi came to the penthouse, Kaz and Chase LITERALLY ACTED LIKE CONFUSED DADS. Like, seriously. It’s right in front of your freaking faces! 👏 Go on AO3 and search up Chase Davenport/Kaz, I can assure you you’ll find quite the assortment of fics to open your eyes.
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toastytoaster22 · 9 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @wingsonghalo
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
753,979 holy shit
3. What fandoms do you write for?
These days just Mob Psycho 100, but I have written for Digimon Adventure and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle as well.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
A little surprised by number 5 here! its such a teeny fic compared to the others.
Issho 2. Break 3. A Mother Muses 4. Socha 5. Stars on My Ceiling
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try! There was a big gap in 2022 where i had a newborn and zero time and energy, but usually I try to get a thank you out to everyone.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm the "happy ending guaranteed" author so very few of my fics end sad, but I do have a Digimon fic called Hugs Are Like Vitamins that is an exception to the rule. Very sad ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
The end of Issho is probably the most satisfying ending, but I am unsure if its the happiest. Honestly, Stars on My Ceiling is cavity inducing. Effervescent is also painfully sweet. Chapter three of Into Bloom. all of these are pure fluff.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Extremely rarely. It has happened, and I don't engage. Deleted! Goodbye!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
You know, I don't consider Leaps and Bounds smut. Its a fic that has a lot of explicit sex in it, but the story is about learning to be comfortable in the bedroom. If the sex is sexy, that's a bonus hahaha
10. Do you write crossovers?
I haven't yet, but I think about them sometimes...
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. Here's hoping it stays that way.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Two, I think! Break was translated into Russian by @teawithbread!!! Thanks so much!!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I think I would be a nightmare to work with actually. I have had people ask and I politely decline.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
I am not very into romance in general, so I have to say TeruMob. They're basically the only ship I care about. I enjoy the idea of TaKari in Digimon but more as soulmates... could be platonic or romantic. They are inseparable no matter what.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My Never Hopeless sequel, A Dream In The Dark. UGHHHHHHHHH its only on ff.net bc i am so ashamed of dropping a project. I do still have the BINDER i wrote all my notes in though so perhaps when I am 80 I can dig it up and finish it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Children! Hello! I write realistic children! And connecting readers to memories they forgot they had, apparently. Its a frequent comment topic.
I'm very good at describing hard to describe emotions and I think my pacing is good. I like writing endings that punch you with a final line to tie it all together. I'm a sucker for that shit.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I slow down dialogue with a few too many movement descriptions, I think. I just really like body language aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I am too tired to really think this through. For the most part, seeing as I am writing for shows that are originally in Japanese, I try to keep food names accurate. I try to translate words unless they have no english equivalent like genkan. Foyer or entryway doesn't feel the same? I also tend to keep specific titles in japanese, seeing as they can get awkward or clunky when changed to english equivalents.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
On Ao3 it was Digimon and that's all you're getting out of me.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I love all my children equally (Issho). But no seriously Break is insanely good and when i have Nightjar finished I will feel like its my new favorite child. Usually its whatever the last thing i wrote was.
UUUUUUUUU Tagging @ygodmyy20 @sodasexual @babovens @and-devi-remains @fizzy-champagne
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scribeofred · 2 months
Writer tag game
I wasn’t tagged, but I saw the game via @coyote-nebula and want to play anyway!
1. how many works do you have on AO3?
43 works
2. what's your total AO3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Right now just Detroit: Become Human
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
tell the shades apart (my world is black and white)
The 43rd Hour
Holding On
these dead roses bloom once more
5. do you respond to comments?
All of the comments with substance, yes!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Brushing aside works that contain canonical character death, probably a place where the water touches the sky, even though it’s an ambiguous ending.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I don’t know if there’s one with an ending that’s more definitively happy than everything else, but bombshell has a very fun, flirty ending.
8. do you get hate on fics?
No outright hate, but I have received a handful of comments that basically amounted to “what you wrote in this story isn’t to my tastes and I'm going to tell you why you should've written what I wanted to read,” which. Y’know. Dldr 🙃
9. do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, though I’ve never publicly posted anything more explicit than a fade-to-black. Mostly I’ve written collaborative scenes with friends, either full-blown role-play style or more spur-of-the-moment snapshots than highly structured, fully fleshed out scenes. If I’m writing by myself, I tend to lean harder toward sensual and less toward outright E-rated PWP.
10. do you write crossovers?
Not in the strictest sense, although I’ve thrown ideas around with friends, absolutely. I’m more inclined to full-on AUs (e.g., the DBH characters in the Star Wars universe but not interacting with all of the canon SW characters). I tend to lose interest in projects too quickly to sustain crossovers or AUs of significant size.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Absolutely, it's actually my preferred way to write.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Starkiller/Juno was a formative one for me.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
The Skyrim rewrite. I have a solid 25,000-plus words hanging around, but they barely scratch the surface of the canon story, and I don’t play the game anymore, so. It languishes. I occasionally reread the Battle of Whiterun scene I wrote, though, because I do love it v much.
16. What are your writing strengths?
A tightly bound trinity of subtext, showing instead of telling, and descriptions. I always joke I never write text, I only write subtext. Learning how to tell sometimes instead of showing everything has been. a struggle. When I know the characters really well and can hear them clearly, my dialogue’s also excellent.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Follow-through’s the biggest one. I tend to get bored and thus uninspired fairly easily, so I usually need a strict externally imposed deadline or someone (like a coauthor) who’s otherwise waiting on my finishing a given piece for me to push through to the end. Plotting the final quarter of stories tends to give me a lot of trouble if I don’t come up with the ending right away. If I don’t know where I’m aiming, I wander aimlessly before almost inevitably moving on to another project. This is why most of my solo projects are relatively small.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Nuclear launch codes. No, seriously, it can work so, so, SO well, in VERY limited, bite-size pieces. Unless the work is intended for readers who are familiar with the languages being used, I prefer to see alternate languages used as flavor text only.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Probably Star Wars? Self-insert territory ahoy 😂
20. Favourite fic you've written?
Am I allowed to say a WIP that most people haven’t seen? No? Probably thermal equilibria, chapter two specifically. The dialogue tickles me every time I reread it.
I tag @druidx, @wamblings, @ltcolonelcarter, @audreycritter, and anyone else who wants to play!
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noxxytocin · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Tag ✍️
Thank you for the tag @myokk 🫰✨ This looks fun!
How many works do you have on AO3? 4 public and 1 anon!
What's your total AO3 word count? 18,969 words (public)
What fandoms do you write for? For now, I'm focused on Hogwarts Legacy. But I do have some pretty intense ships in other shows, like Stranger Things, so I might dip my quill into those at some point.
Top five fics by kudos? My most popular fic by kudos is Bury. It’s quite amusing because I knocked it out in one night after a few drinks and some seriously intense feelings. It’s my least polished piece, which just goes to show that AO3 readers are all about those spicy, quick reads and I love that, haha.
Do you respond to comments? Absolutely! Every comment notification makes my heart a bit brighter, so I reply to them with as much warmth as I put into my fics.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I don't think any of my stories end on an angsty note—I'm more of a fluff enthusiast.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Perhaps, Insomnium.
Do you get hate on fics? I don't believe I receive enough attention for that to be a concern. However, I do review all comments before they are posted for this very reason, so that I may block any unwanted individuals, if necessary.
Do you write smut? Yes, but in a very delicate, poetic manner. Smut, to me, possesses a certain elegance.
Craziest crossover? None.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge, though I do believe I have inspired some writings. I don’t particularly mind if I encounter similar works after mine has been published. Writing is meant to be an inspiring endeavor, and that is precisely the purpose of inspiration.
Have you ever had a fic translated? I have a close, French mutual who helps me double-check my French in my fanfics, and I know a decent amount.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Well, my husband provides me with a great many ideas for the fics I’ve written, so I would certainly count his contributions. He is an excellent beta reader!
All time favorite ship? I couldn't possibly choose that...I have so many ships. I don't believe I have a favorite; they all occupy equal space in my mind.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? None, I am confident that I will finish all of mine in time. I've just been busy!
What are your writing strengths? Transforming risqué themes into romantic fluff is my specialty. I can take a rather smutty idea and turn it into tooth-rotting fluff. It’s more of a curse than a strength, really, haha...I also enjoy crafting dialogue and capturing the canonical personalities of characters. When writing Sebinis, I make a point of watching extensive videos of their lines to accurately capture their mannerisms and language.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? It’s fine as long as it is executed properly. A minor mistake is forgivable, but it genuinely irritates me when I encounter French in other fics that is clearly incorrect, especially when the writer or beta says that French is their first language, yet this is not evident in their sentences. My French beta mutual has even remarked, “Yeah, no, they're lying” It drives me mad, as I am certain this beta is deceiving the poor author, and yet I cannot address it myself. It is not my place, and I am well aware that it would only result in the individual defensively justifying their lies. Hopefully they will find out eventually...
First fandom you wrote in? First ever?....hmm....I am honestly not sure...maybe (cringe) homestuck??? But that was in 2011 or 2012, hahaha...
Favorite fic you've written? One that I am currently doing for Sebinis...but I can't share because it's for an anon writing fest!
Surprise - no 20th question! 🫴✨ Tagging: @luminousecho @the-invisibility-bloke @shyinsunlight @steve-black-hl @moltenwrites @the-golden-comet @the-letterbox-archives @mirdeli @esolean @gaunts-angel @jamiemoonymark @crime-in-progress
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yankthoudong · 3 months
RWBY questions game
i never get anything for ask games so i decided to just do it lmao. skipped and deleted the ones idk what they mean or i don't want to answer. unfortunately tumblr's numbered lists are silly so theyre incorrectly numbered now https://www.tumblr.com/thuskindlyshescatters/755265757960601600/rwby-ask-game?source=share
Favorite debunked fan theory? Qrowdad no question. I kinda believed it at the time, and the way CRWBY have backed away from it is absolutely hilarious especially if they make poly STR real and Summer/Qrow is one of the only nonromantic relationships on the team. Doubly so if Rosebird Parents comes real.
Rank the soundtracks! 9 >>> 6 > 7 > 4 > 8 > 1 > 2 > 5 >>> 3. i do think v3's is noticeably worse than the others but aside from that and v9 going off there's not much differential for me.
Favorite Ruby ship? HARGH this one has been rapidly changing for me over the last couple months. i love NND and have for a very long time, it might still be my answer, but i've fallen hardcore for gemstones lately too. (artificial gemstones is excellent as well, i think penny/emerald could be really cool.) but i've also gotten very into the idea of post-v9 complicated emotions ruby/neo lately. artificial gemstones if you make me choose.
Pick a design choice for the new outfits! GIVE 👏 RUBY 👏 MORE 👏 BELTS more seriously i'm curious if ruby will have any colors representing those who have fallen. obviously penny is the big one but i also think it would be cool if she has a little rainbow sleeve or somesuch with Summer, Penny, and Pyrrha all represented. Maybe Lionheart, Ozpin, Clover, and Ironwood too, representing the more negative aspects of her guilt. Also Neo
Favorite redhead in the show? Penny.
Favorite lines? "So, when she's ready, I'll be there for her. And, I know we're not as close... but I'm here for you, too." all of Ruby's speeches to Qrow in 6x9 and 6x10 "She'll find herself. One way... or another."
Any characters you wish had lived? Penny, Pyrrha, Roman. that answer hasn't changed since v3 lol.
Any characters you wish had died? honestly, the only characters i wanted to die were adam and jacques, and they're already dead, so...
Favorite soundtrack moments? all the RWBY soundtracks since i got back into the show have released either on my birthday or a few days before and i don't notice them until my birthday. that's been incredible for me, it feels like casey is giving me a present lol.
Favorite visuals/shots? Penny against the moon in V8 i think is the best-looking shot in the show. i also love the moment when the dust clears in blake + yang vs adam, it looks perfect. all of Tea Amidst Terrible Trouble looks amazing, it's the best episode imo. the fight animation in everyone vs ironwood is so smooth and i love it, also crescent rose during the first 10 seconds or so of ruby vs the cat in v9c10. the look ruby gives neo at the end of the fight is really impressive to me too - they managed to animate her expression subtly while giving it as much emotion as a real actor would have. that look says a thousand words of concern and worry and understanding and it's so impressive that they pulled it off.
Best idea for a RWBY crossover? RWBY X Homestuck fighting game. I will sacrifice both Miles Luna and Andrew Hussie to whatever god can make this happen.
Most nostalgic part of Poser animation? i love the way yang's semblance hair looked in the old days. the maya hair is cool too but there's something about how it moved in poser.
Favorite location? visually, the house in TATT. emotionally, RNJRWYOQ's house in mistral still feels so comfy to me, i want everyone to move there at the end of the show.
Theory for the Relic of Choice? it allows you to pinpoint a choice in your life and visualize what would've happened if you'd chosen differently. i don't think it lets you actually go back and change it, though - just take that into account for any future choices.
Theory for the Relic of Destruction? i don't have a serious one but i do think it'd be really funny if it's just like. A Really Good Normal Sword with a spirit that tells you to Kill
Favorite Weiss ship? Bee's Schnees and particularly freezerburn. i'm not much of a fan of bumblebee honestly but freezerburn and monochrome carry bee's schnees hardcore.
What are you looking forward to seeing in Vacuo? Emerald Emerald Emerald i need her character development i need her being awkward with RWBYJ because she doesn't know if they'll continue to accept her
Favorite RWBYxJL character design? imma be honest i didn't like those movies very much. i like jess's design alright.
Characters you want to see redeemed? i would say emerald but she's hopefully not in question at this point. honestly i think all of the villains should get a genuine chance at redemption but my next answer is definitely Neo. my perception of purpose is that, when your purpose is fulfilled and you ascend the normal way (unlike Ruby), your new purpose has to do with bettering your old purpose. whether you had ineffective means or insufficient ends, your target is going to be the same. so i think regardless of whether she comes back as herself or someone else, neo's new purpose will be about ruby. this could be a really cool spin on redemption imo.
Favorite trans character headcanon? urghhh so many characters are so trans in this show. trans ruby is near and dear to my heart though. but trans weiss also kicks ass
What would be your Aura color/color theme? i think it would be pink and green. which one my aura would be idk but they're my two favorite colors and i like how they look together
Favorite voice performance? Lindsay Jones in v9 especially 9x7 through 9x9. they did an incredible job of letting Ruby's emotions pour through and i love how gravelly she got. i've never heard a high-pitched gravelly voice before and it sounds amazing
Favorite opening to sing along to? Trust Love. v7 also has the best intro sequence overall and i will die on this hill
Free space, ask me anything! if you have more questions you wanna hit me with send me asks! i'm always happy to get asked things about my special interests tagging @starlightsaphron @scp-bumblebee. also tagging @yangs-right-arm to be done AFTER she actually watches v9 :p
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autumnwoodsdreamer · 3 months
20 Questions for Writers
(Thanks for the tag @katebishopofearth 💛)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Avengers, Mandalorian, Star Wars Rebels, The Bad Batch, HTTYD, and I really want to write something for Prospect
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Lift a Sail
Head Above Water
Black & Red I: The Early Days Chapter (okay, I was surprised this one made the top five)
The Lighthouse Keeper
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! I appreciate comments so much and I know I love it when writers respond to my comments on fics and give me DVD special features behind-the-scenes commentary and I love giving lore and insights and explaining things. (I feel crushingly stupid with everything I say, though… 🫣)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don’t know… I tend to cram the angst in the start and middle of a story but I compulsively aim for happy endings.
Maybe Lift a Sail? It ended with everything in the worst state (even though it was in the process of getting put right and I did put it right in the sequel! But. Yeah. It ended the angstiest.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
It’s a tie between The Lighthouse Keeper and Shadows Dancing on the Walls. They’re my happiest endings ☺️ everyone together, reunited, safe and sound
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I’ve been really fortunate. I’ve gotten some but not too much, mostly just a few nasty comments but it was from ones who I think just didn’t understand what my endgame for the story was or they misunderstood something and thought I meant something I really didn’t. (Hence why I preface my stories now with so many warnings and notes. They seem ridiculous but I have had people get upset at me for not following canon in a story explicitly tagged “not canon compliant” so… yeah.)
This very memorable time, I had someone tell me to stop writing from Grogu’s POV because it’s not interesting and they get disappointed every time they see a new chapter and find out it’s his POV (may the record reflect that out of literally over a hundred chapters in the series, I have written from his POV less than 10 times and this comment was on the third). What surprised me (and continues to warm my heart) were the other people who jumped into the comment thread and they didn’t bash the person (I wouldn’t want that) but they assured me that they enjoyed these chapters and encouraged me to keep writing what I wanted to write. I’m so grateful for that because I take everything to heart and I seriously considered deleting that chapter (even though I really loved it and was so proud of it).
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
Oh, yeah. A lot of in-universe crossovers (I mean, Avengers is itself a crossover, technically, and what I write for Star Wars counts as crossovers because I take characters from various shows who haven’t met in canon and I put them in situations together.)
I have loads of ideas for actual crossovers. My sister and I are always creating these convoluted meetings between totally different universes (you should see our HTTYD/The Mandalorian crossover. It’s wild)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I believe some of my early stuff wound up on Wattpad.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
The aforementioned stuff got translated into Spanish, I believe. (Which… I can’t really argue with. I think that’s awesome; I can’t translate my stuff into Spanish, so I think it’s great that someone could and then more can enjoy it. But I just wish whoever did it had asked me first.)
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I help my sister with her fics sometimes. She’s a fantastic writer—her comedy is exquisite!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Oh, don’t make me choose. Ironwidow (Tony Stark/Natasha Romanov) is so precious to me, but I’ve gotten swept up by Djarwren (Din Djarin/Sabine Wren) and (the actual canon ships) TechPhee (Tech/Phee Genoa) and Kanera (Kanan Jarrus/Hera Syndulla) have my heart in a vice.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Probably the Black & Red series. And the Tough Act to Follow story. And The Face of the Lost. And…
16. What are your writing strengths?
I’ve developed a penchant for descriptions. I love painting scenes with words. Anne of Green Gables was my favourite book growing up and the way Montgomery describes the places always carried me away.
I also really love writing dialogue and capturing individual voices.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I struggle with making characters do or say things that I don’t agree with. Sometimes they have to do or say something (for the plot or that’s just what that character would do in that situation or interaction) but I don’t like it or don’t want them to do it because I’m a marshmallow and I want everyone to be friends
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
One word: italicise. That’s what I was taught in school and I love seeing it when others do it because it helps me see that it’s in a different language (I’m dyslexic. I once read a whole sentence and only figured out a few paragraphs later that it was in French. I thought I was just having a bad day).
(Of course, there’s always exceptions to the rule)
But, yeah, I think it’s great seeing other languages in a fic (real world ones or made-up ones like Mando’a, my beloved). It adds a lovely richness to a story, especially when the writer knows the language. I grew up in a multi-lingual community so reading something with characters coming in with different languages feels like home to me.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Doctor Who (like, fifteen years ago. It’s squirrelled safely away in a notebook, never to see the light of day)
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
No pressure tagging: @seleneisrising @desertbeskar @sytortuga @sotvtaughtmehowtofeel @quicksilvermad @the-kittylorian-writes @heatherthetiredwriter @visitbespin (and I swear there were more I thought of just a minute ago but my mind has blanked so, please, if you see this and you want to do a round yourself, go right ahead, you can say I tagged you)
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dragontamerno3 · 5 months
DS9 S2 E23 - Crossover
Horrifying episode but also a good one? If that makes sense?
I thoroughly enjoy the idea that no matter what the timeline Spock literally changes the course of history. I fucking love Spock so damn much.
Its an interesting twist that Terrans are the "lower class" in this episode, especially after all that we know that happened to Bajor in the main timeline. It makes absolute sense, though, that if the Terrans were as cruel as they were SOMEONE would step up to knock them down.
Kira's whole deal made me think of Vamp Willow and how she was even hitting on herself when the two crossed paths. I liked this version of the character in the way you can appreciate the bad guy sometimes. She was fun, interesting and horrifying. She was not a good person in the slightest but she was also... creepily empathetic? Like if Hannibal invited you over to dinner, he'd have a pleasant talk and THEN murder you.
Odo in this only felt different in the sense that he was filled with hate but tbh, I feel like our Odo would be a little like this if we just let him have his way. Our actual Odo has said several times already, in various ways, that he missed how the Cardassians ran things. I'm not sure how much mining and what not happened on the station then but the rest felt close. What I was shocked by was how he died. Dude literally exploded into piles of goop.
The second Sisko showed up I knew he'd end up being the hero. When Mirror Kira called him to meet with her his smile wavered for a fraction of a second, it was clearly there but gone so fast that it could easily be missed. And then when the Garak murder threat came up, how our Kira spoke to him, he was seriously thinking about what she was asking for. I love that he took Miles with him at the end.
Speaking of Miles. Meek little Miles. I adored him in this episode. Poor thing, I just wanted to hug him. How he was excited that other him had a best friend and then got even more excited over the idea that he could be a Chief of ANYTHING? And then later when he was fixing things and Bashir was trying to hide how he whispered "I don't see you. You're not here...."? Poor broken, Miles. The way he spoke up to Mirror Kira may have been my favorite part. That and Quark.
I did not imagine Quark to be the leader of the underground but it makes sense from a smugglers POV. It was a great way to bring him in and change the tone of things. I don't have much to say about him because he was in very little of the episode but damn was that a nice touch to bring him in like that.
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The Caroline thing bugs me. I’ve watched seasons one and two multiple times and genuinely not a single thing in season one hints at all of Caroline being a villain except for her parroting what Chucky told her about killing her family. She just acts like a child that was either canonically autistic or heavily hinted at being autistic then suddenly the show just dropped that. Just like the show dropped how genuinely cruel Lexy was towards fucking everybody.
The finale of season two is the shittiest episode for me. It feels so random almost like a bonus episode with no real relation to anything else. Caroline suddenly out of fucking nowhere saying Tiffany is her bio mom and Chucky is her bio dad is so fucking stupid and out of nowhere. The Belle doll meant nothing and I still don’t get why they kept lying and pretending the Belle doll was anything else other than Mancini thinking he’s clever by once again claiming something is important only for it to never amount to shit.
Unless the intent is the entire time Chucky, the only Chucky left was in drag. Which I hate because again this whole ass finale was rushed.
Caroline being super into violence and murder and being a cold killer is out of nowhere and the kid playing her is nowhere near good enough at acting for me to take her remotely seriously. If you’re going to random plot twist this small child is a murderer then cast a kid with better range and acting skills.
This show has the Gotham issue of introducing more characters than it can handle all at once and not knowing how to appropriately handle everybody at once without losing the plot along the way. Except with Gotham I can understand; there are a billion Batman villains and you wanna show them all off.
Chucky though has no excuse. These are just characters Mancini randomly pulls out of his ass and proceeds to do fuck all with until an idea hits him and the show changes course two seconds later and he pretends this was the idea this whole time.
Also fuck I hate Nica and I hate Tiffany too honestly. Which sucks because in the movies I loved Tiffany and in the movies I loved Nica. With the first season I was intrigued by them both then that left turned and got fucked so incredibly fast by random making Tiffany fall in love with Nica.
Bu the way I am fine with female characters being horrendous but don’t fucking pat yourself on the back for having Tiffany break up with her “abuser” feminist bull shit then a second later have her cut the arms and legs off a woman she abducted and sexually assaults. Like her dumping Chucky wasn’t a fucking feminism moment or a breaking free of her abuser. You can’t do that while having her somehow be a worse person than her abuser.
I also kind of just hate a lot of the franchise retcons and honestly it the show had ended with season two minus the Christmas episode then I wouldn’t complain oddly enough. I would accept Chucky as a flawed but decent horror tv series, but now we have season three and a movie starting soon and Mancini desperate for a Chucky v M3gan crossover and a Chucky in space movie and claiming he needs more seasons and a billion more movies to properly tell his story and oh my fucking God I hate Don Mancini almost as much as I hate Paul “who wants to see men kiss?” Simms.
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bitbybitwrites · 1 year
Fanfic Ask Game ♡: 👀📥💻🍰
Thanks @datshitrandom for the ask!
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
1.) There is a time traveler Klaine fic that I'm not sure will go anywhere, mainly because i have no idea how that story idea would develop. The idea seemed interesting at the time - someone had commented on a random post I found about Blaine being a time traveler from the past ( which explained his dated wardrobe 😂) meeting Kurt who was from the very distant future. I'd REALLY have to sit and think on that one. I love Doctor Who and the idea of time travel - but I don't think I'd make it a crossover fic with that or anything. There are a couple of others that might never see the light of day because I'm not quite sure I could do them justice at this moment. Mainly because they are . . um, PWP . . or maybe more like porn with minimal plot? 😂😂😂. Seriously though, I have no problem reading smut or erotica. I very much admire folks who can write it and do it well. I don't know if I'm that good at it yet. 😂
But since you're curious . . .and you asked . . . (and watch me blush as I type this)
2.) One PWP fic is shamelessly ripped off of - well as Kurt would say - one of those movies.
But my twist on it would involve:
College AU
Blaine and Sebastian as upperclassmen in an already established relationship
a baby penguin freshman Kurt eager to step out of his comfort zone and timidly asking his new gay friends ( or maybe they'll be roommates) to shall we say show him how its done
a very sturdy leather couch
some interesting coordination on said couch
fun, steamy times as a threesome
possible polyamory relationship in the end
3.)The other not exactly PWP fic features:
A One Thousand and One Nights/ Shaherazade sort of AU
Kurt as a traveler/poet/bard, captured and forced to become a sex slave
rescued by a stranger (Blaine) ,( who is the ruler/prince of the country ) for his own personal harem
Kurt learns he is to prove his worth by telling and maybe also re-enacting all sorts of mini smutty fictlets ( much like how Scheherezade had to tell a story every evening to save herself from being killed in the source story)
could be an interesting thing to do with other writers - farm out the smut ficlets and me writing the main thread that ties everything together
Well . . maybe I shouldn't say NEVER about those last two. Let's just say I wouldn't be jumping on writing them any time soon - but it's a possible but a BIG maybe for the future? I think I'd have to get more writing under my belt before attacking those ideas - even if they'd interest anyone to read 😂.
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
I am a comment whore - seriously would love anyone to comment on anything! Though some of my faves so far have been Trick or Treat (since it was my very first story), My Under the Cover of Darkness series and my current one, If I Can Make Your Heart My Home.
💻 Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done?
Yes! I love research - I think it's partially why I write so slow - I love researching little tidbits for my headcanon about stories. Superhero powers, french pastries, New York landmarks - I've loved doing research since I was in school writing papers. I might be a bit self indulgent shoving that knowledge into my stories, but I guess I'd love for the reader to get as weirdly excited as I do about things. 😂 Deepest dive to date is currently for my first non-Klaine fic ( don't hate me folks, but I am a fan of many things) - I may be dipping my toe into the Red White and Royal Blue fandom just once. The research is currently involving quite a bit of history of a couple countries which aren't my own and some of their writers and it is really fascinating. I've 3 chapters outlined so far for this story and won't get to it for awhile, but if nothing else, the research - that's the part I'm loving!
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
Hands down, Klaine wise it's Solid Gold by @heartsmadeofbooks It's got everything I love in a story: drama, angst, beautiful lovemaking, an adorable family. Characters struggling to grow within themselves and with each other. I cry like a baby at parts - its so beautiful. Psst . . I'm going to cheat here and toss in a second one that I read very recently that felt really special - a RWRB fic I really recommend that also gave me similar deep feels : Deep Blue by @myheartalivewrites
OK, thanks again for the ask! If anyone else wants to join in the fun or reblog it for yourself, here's the original post. 🥰
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tmnt-tychou · 1 year
Hi again!!! 😄 congrats on reaching your milestone!! That’s so cool!
This has been a question I’ve been wanting to ask, mostly cuz I’m curious! If you had to rank your personal favorite iterations of the TMNT based on characters and story, which would rank higher in your opinion? Bayverse turtles can also count!! 😁
Thanks again, and congrats!!! 🎉
Tumblr media
I had to marinate on this. It's very hard to pick favorites when there's so many good versions to choose from. And these are just personal favorites, not a hard line on which show/movie is the best ever. No need to tell me what's what if anyone sees this list and disagrees. This is just my personal list.
I think my absolute top tier is still the 2003 version. This is largely due to the fact that this series was allowed to cover all the story lines that it wanted. Granted, not every episode is gold, but it really took advantage of all the things you can do in a TMNT universe and very much set a precedent of other versions to follow. (I do not count Fast Forward and Back to the Sewers in this.)
Rise of the TMNT is second. I think it had the capacity to surpass 2003, but it wasn't afforded the opportunity. With how much world-building and new ground it covered with only a season and a half, I can't even imagine what we would have had with a full five seasons or so if it had been allowed to continue.
Bayverse is my third favorite. Not necessarily because I think it's the "best", but because it's a lot of fun to play in. Some fans take Bayverse very seriously. I just can't. It's my anything-goes universe. I reserve a bit of respect for the other universes, but with Bayverse, I can do whatever dumb shit I want. I can make the dialog as crass as I want, I can explore more mature themes that I otherwise wouldn't put in a TMNT universe. I dunno, it's just stupid and fun. Also, very big turtles. I can't get enough.
Next is the 90's movies trilogy. The 2nd and 3rd are just stupid fun and very enjoyable. The first one, I think is still the best movie script to date and it too set a precedent for future TMNT iterations, including 2003.
I'll sneak in some comics here. "The Last Ronin" is a great read, if sad. Though not as rough of a read as I anticipated. And I really adored the TMNT/Power Rangers second crossover. (I have not read the first.) Of course, the art is AMAZING, but the script was great, too. I don't know a lot about PRs, but I could mostly follow along. And the Raphael/Casey bromance in this was SO GOOD.
Next, I would put the first 5 episodes of the 80's cartoon here. Yes, the show got dumb. They were on for like 10 seasons. But the first five episodes are pretty solid and a really good story. If you haven't seen the 80's cartoon and are overwhelmed with the sheer amount of episodes there are, just watch the first five. That's all you need.
I guess 2012 will go here. It's not my favorite series, though I know it's some fans' absolute true love TMNT iteration. I thought the first season was (mostly) pretty solid and I was really into it when it first came out, but by the end it was just the hottest of messes. Are there some fantastic episodes? Yes. Is this one of the best Splinters we've ever had? Also yes. Are the turtles' designs absolutely freaking adorable? Of course. Is that enough to carry this series for me? Unfortunately, no. This show is one big garbage fire and I didn't even watch most of the last season. Though I did catch that incredibly off-putting last episode.
Turtles Forever goes here. It was a great idea for a movie and I would have put it higher up, but I just watched it recently. It's actually kind of mean-spirited to other iterations, specifically the 80's version. So it goes lower on the scale for me.
The 2007 movie is next. Terrible script. So-so character designs. Some fantastic scenes. Probably one of the best Raphaels we've had.
Bottom tier stuff: Fast Forward, Back to the Sewers, a lot of the 80's show. The Next Mutation.
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chaoxfix · 2 years
Obsessed with your most recent fic! The way you write Sonic is just-- 👨‍🍳😘, and I'm foaming at the mouth at every mention of Robotnik being taken seriously... Do you have any personal HCs about Eggman, or ideas about how far his conquest will go in the future?
Ahh thank you!! I'm really glad you enjoyed it, this prompt week was really great for letting me explore a lot of the human v mobian v eggman empire lore thoughts i have! (and i have a LOT of those thoughts <3)
i guess, as much as we make fun of forces (and as much as it truly, genuinely deserves the mockery), forces does showcase a lot of what would happen if eggman successfully, fully took over. it shows green hill being taken over, as well as other areas, and how deforestation and destruction of the environment are tantamount to the eggman empire. and it shows how quickly he could do it without sonic, with the resources he's built up over the years. if he didn't have to spend all of his resources fighting one single goddamn blue rodent, he would've taken over the world many times over by this point. hence, six months. (i acknowledge this because even though i love my lore idea that eggman used sonic as a battery while in captivity, i also acknowledge it's just an au, a juicy what-if, and there's no canon support for it.)
i think he has plans to colonize space, and to basically enslave humanity wherever his empire intersects with humans... i don't think he's overly fond of humans, they just sort of exist to be ruled over in his mind. meanwhile, imo there's so much bad blood between him and mobians (or, non-human people in general, to group mobians and wisps together) that he just kind of wants to destroy them if they don't immediately bend a knee. early on though, my headcanon is that he generally treated mobians and humans the same. he wants control, and for people to basically worship the ground he walks on. (which is why IDW starline both fascinates and confuses me, as this is indeed someone who worships the ground he walks on, yet eggman is annoyed with him. but also it shows me that he doesn't care much for mobians regardless of their loyalty, if they have any sense of personhood or ambition beyond salivating over him).
i also think eggman's big on destroying nature purely because it can't be controlled. mobians without a real connection to nature would be easier to subdue, hence why in my opinion, he would have first tried to assimilate mobian cities into prioritizing technology over nature -- giving them convenience, having them take on human attributes like wearing clothes, eating fast food over growing your own gardens, etc. i think there are groups of mobians who grew up in and live in cities who are super comfortable using those sorts of things and would use manufactured items over handcrafted -- i headcanon these to be characters like charmy, rouge, and vector. meanwhile mobians who were born in non-human territories like islands would still interact with technology, but on a more infrequent-basis, and there would be more of a sense of harmony between making your own items and using what's already there, as well as prioritizing nature. that's what i headcanon for tails and amy, and to some extent sonic (though i headcanon his island was full of outdated, abandoned technology and settlements, but that's a theory for another day). and then there are some who are just truly born in the middle of nowhere and have little interest in modern tech (knuckles and big -- and imo, sonic has some crossover with this category too).
eggman would use the first two categories (but especially the first) to make them easier to control. who wants to fight against convenience, especially if you've been raised without knowing how to make things by hand? and if you're destroying the environment, you're depleting the resources needed to ever switch back to old, traditional methods. thus making groups dependent on you forever. there are very real case studies on this irl, which feel cheap to utilize here by name, but it's impossible not to think of them in these situations.
it's also my longstanding headcanon that humans aren't even native to mobius (and call it earth as a awy to further cement it as theirs), but instead arrived a few hundred, maybe a thousand years ago -- they simply terraformed it and took over the continents. eggman would have been raised with that mindset, that this is their home and they took it by force and there's no sense in the locals fighting back.
i ALSO would like to talk about the robotnik legacy. gerald robotnik, ivo (eggman) robotnik's grandfather, was a famous inventor for many things, but what he was best known for was revolutionizing the world of first aid. he canonly invented heal units, which maria references as his most famous/best invention in shadow the hedgehog (2005). heal units can heal any wound, albeit not disease. an invention like that is ... extremely powerful. it must have given him a fortune -- which doubtless would have been passed down to his kids and grandkids. like eggman and maria.
the difference is maria grew up sick without a cure, and it was luck and her grandfather's connections that let her live on the ARK where it was safe. she wouldn't have grown up spoiled; there just wasn't the same access to prestige and fun activities aboard the ark. she grew up with hospital gowns more than designer clothes. she grew up caring about others, because she knew how important it was to go out of your way for those dependent on you -- she was in the position to be cared for, and she knew very well not every girl with an autoimmune disease would be as lucky as she was. she grew up practicing gratitude, and being resilient enough to fight through constant testing and sickness, and still had a good heart. she was also primarily raised by gerald aboard the ark; gerald, who we can assume was at least slightly more of a self-made man. he wouldn't have raised her the way his kids would have raised her, spoiled from a silver spoon in her mouth from day 1. he raised her in a science lab. a pragmatic man who demonstrated love to the point of invention.
eggman, though. eggman would have grown up with all of that wealth, with parents who probably showed love through gifts, not hard work, not invention. designer clothes, power, the access to bully other kids. he would have grown up extremely spoiled -- and extremely bright. he had the robotnik brain, and the funds ("a small loan of a million dollars" if you will) to his inventions with a bang. between his own patents and the robotnik fortune, eggman was in a perfect position to take over the world. first with convenient inventions (ignore how they spy on you and destroy the environment, thus making you dependent on them forever) -- then with buying it outright. and those that resisted, by force.
it's also worth noting that he'd have access to heal units in his early inventions; he used small animals as living batteries. i wonder if some of his technology was healing them just enough to keep them functional for longer? (and, i wonder, if thats a concept i can steal for battery sonic au...)
all this in mind, the only thing slowing him down was a means to power his inventions. to power his empire. living batteries worked for a bit, up until people started fighting back, and destroying his other power sources. that's what led him to desire the chaos emeralds -- as well as, imo, his grandfather's research into chaos energy. all his research into old gods. but unlike gerald, eggman grew up spoiled and then became the most powerful man in the world -- why wouldn't he think himself a god, why wouldn't they fascinate him? why shouldn't he use technology so advanced that ancient civilizations saw it as magic? and unlike gerald, he didn't seek this technology for its healing or restorative purposes (after all -- chao live forever in a perpetual reincarnation, doubtless gerald was interested in this as a man of scientific health-related breakthroughs), but to simply power his designs.
frontiers also showed us eggman is interested in digital consciousness in tech -- which is very scary for a man who already has conquered much of the world. if he could get into people's minds, or encase those who disagree with him into a digital torment dimension... what would he do with it? we've already seen research on the phantom ruby... so to go from the phantom ruby, then ancients' tech... this is clearly a man interested in extreme power, yes, but also interdimensional conquest, or at least imprisoning people who fight against him in pocket dimensions, separate from reality, where they will never be able to escape and defeat him. (though obviously he started researching these things based on their connection to chaos and the chaos emeralds, but the comments he makes on the ancients' technology set off a lot of red flags for me.)
eggman is a man of many interests; he clearly has an affinity for living batteries and AI (all his robots tend to have a personality and the means for intellectual/emotional growth). but im seeing a trend recently of him being quite invested in extradimensional travel and conquest, too.
...this is rambly and quite long. hopefully you enjoy it, i've just got a lot of feelings about eggman
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lab-trash · 2 years
Lab Rats Ask Game
by @texanmarcusdavenport
⛵️ Favorite ship? Least favorite ship? (Doesn't have to be romantic.)   - Favourite ship is obviously Kase. Least favourite (aside from incest) is probably Chase x Oliver or Chaziver
👀 Characters whose relationship you wish was more explored?   - Probably Kaz and Chase again. Like, we only get about 17 episodes of them, and I really love them. But probably also Kaz and Leo, and Kaz and Bree. I’d also love to see more of Jordan and Skylar. 
💥 Favorite crack ship / characters that never met in canon but would've been best friends if they had?   - Marcus and Oliver is definitely up there, but there are some others.   - Jordan and Chase would probably be interesting as hell, as well as Jordan and Bree or Leo. Jordan is just an interesting character, so she’s interesting to see.   - I think Marcus and Owen would also be interesting, I’m not sure why though.    - I want to meet Billy Fowler. I know that’s like the opposite of this question but I didn’t know where else to stuff this in; I want to meet Billy Fowler or at least know about him.  
🐀 Favorite season of Lab Rats? Least favorite?   - I quite like season two, and I like season three quite a bit too.    - I have mixed feelings about seasons one and four, but I think I have to say four, just because it’s kinda all over the place.
🏥 Lab Rats or Mighty Med?   - Mighty Med, all the way; I love Mighty Med
🏳️‍🌈 Favorite LGBT+/neurodivergent headcanon?   - I think it’d have to be Oliver being greyace and demi-romantic, probably because it’s more complex and character analysis-y.     - I also like trans Marcus; xtm. 
📖 An AU/fanfic idea you'd love to see but don't have the motivation to write?   - Essentially a Chase fanboy tumblr Kaz   - Most Owam fics that I want to write   - FWB Kase, which I am working on, but it’s slow   - A full Marliver villian-to-redemption arc. 
💭 Favorite headcanon overall?   - Chase and Kaz started dating back in like episode two of LREF
🔥 Hot take/unpopular opinion?   - I don’t like Adam. Like, I think he has potential, but I... he makes me feel icky.   - I don’t like Mr Davenport. I don’t think he even has potential, but he’s neutral evil at best and I can’t do much with that.
❤️ Favorite character? Least favorite character?   - My favourite character is Kaz. What a surprise that is.    - Owen or Chase for lab rats though.   - Least favourite character is probably Eddie. 
⏱️ When did you start watching Lab Rats?   - Oh, lord, I can’t even remember. I think I saw it in passing when it first came out, but my hyperfixation started like... over a year ago, and before that I had a different one like a couple years before this one.    - That probably made very little sense. 
🟢 Any crossover ideas? Are there any shows you think would've made a better crossover than Lab Rats/Mighty Med?   - Crossover ideas, obviously Villains of Valley View, and then Kickin It   - No, I really like the idea of Lab Rats and Mighty Med crossover. 
🎼 What songs do you relate to the characters/ show?   - Parents by Yungblood with Kaz   - Art is Dead by Bo Burnham with Kaz   - W.I.T.C.H by Devan Cole with Skylar   - Villains Aren’t Born (They’re Made) by PEGGY with Oliver (villain arc)   - Am I supposed to Apologise by Maria Mena with Marcus   - That’s all I can think of right now...
🟠 Which character is the most like you? Which character is the least like you?   - I’m like a mix of Jordan and Oliver, which I kind of hate saying because whenever I think of Oliver, I think of LREF Oliver, but for the record, I am talking about MM Oliver.    - I mean, like, I’m aggressive, I’m a nerd, I’m a mild germaphobe and hypocrondriac, I have a petrifying fear of needles, I have family issues. Seriously, I’m just them put together.
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ailendolin · 1 year
List 5 favourite shows (in no particular order) and answer questions accordingly.
The Terror
BBC Ghosts
Black Sails
Who is your favourite character in 2?
Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Hickey. Seriously, screw the murder rat.
What's your favourite episode of 4?
Oh gods, all of them. Though I am ridiculously in love with the concept of a wizard literally losing his Mojo, so I'm going to with 1x02.
What is your favourite season of 5?
Series 2 because of Thomas Hamilton, my beloved.
What's your favourite relationship in 3?
All the relationships are great but I have a very soft spot for Julian and Mike's arc in series 3 and hope we'll get to see more of their friendship in series 5.
Who is your anti relationship in 2?
I don't know about anti-relationship but I don't really see the appeal of Bush/Hornblower.
How long have you watched 1?
Since the moment it came out. I can't resist a good Age of Sail show, and definitely not one that features Tobias Menzies.
How did you become interested in 3?
I saw a gif of the sunrise scene from series 3 here on tumblr and just knew I had to watch it. I had no idea who these characters were or what the show was about, only recognised Charlotte from Call The Midwife, but I was pretty sure that handsome poet would be my favourite character and that's exactly what happened.
Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Picking just one of the Six Idiots is hard but I'm going to go with Mat just because I think he's absolutely hilarious (and brilliant) when he plays old people and I love the way he talks as Choop.
Which show do you prefer 1, 2 or 5?
While they're all Age of Sail shows, they're completely different from each other and hard to compare. I love that The Terror is based on a real story and makes you fall in love with even the most minor characters (looking at you, Graham Gore). I love that Hornblower is all about the Royal Navy (because screw pirates, I love me some pretty officers) but it's main characters aren't typical heroes. And I love Black Sails because love is at the heart of its story. But if I had to pick one, I'd probably pick The Terror because a) it has fantastic actors, b) one very well-written season that makes it easy to binge and c) a historical context you can't help but want to know more about.
Which show have you seen more episodes of 1 or 3?
Ghosts has more episodes then The Terror on a whole and I've also rewatched it more often. I'm due for another The Terror rewatch, though.
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Well, I wouldn't mind being Debbie because having an elf and stick for buddies and being able to go through a portal to another world would rock. Not so keen on the Chosen One stuff though, so I'm going to pick Ho-Tan because who wouldn't want to be a scribe and write all day?
How would you kill off your favourite character in 5?
Well, since my favourite character did sort of get killed off and then unburied, the show already did this for me.
Would a 3/4 crossover work?
Oh it certainly would and I've actually written a fic about it - The Wisp.
Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple.
I feel like this would fit all The Terror ships because hey, repressed Navy men in the 19th century. My personal favourite one is Joplittle so I'm going with them. They barely interact with each other in canon which fits the unlikely part of the question but I think they'd be quite good for each other. Poor Ned certainly needs someone to hug him and tell him everything's going to be okay while I think Thomas would have needed Ned's support when Crozier was drying out.
Overall, which show has the better cast, 3 or 5?
The Black of Sails cast is amazing but nothing compares to the Six Idiots who have found each other on a kids' tv show and liked each other so much they started writing their own shows because not working with each other was simply not an option.
Thanks for tagging me @larryrickard!
I'll tag @ginevralinton @magicaltear and @iris-in-the-rain
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chaserainbows · 10 months
✒️ the muse's canon📝 the muse's fanon📖 a popular headcanon regarding my muse 👽 AUs 🌓 crossovers👬 shipping💟 the fandom's most popular ship that involves my muse ((For Aaron!))
send an emoji and i'll tell you my opinion on…
✒️ the muse's canon
Unfortunately Aaron has like 5 lines in canon and practically never showed up in spin-offs until Pokemas (he did show up in the anime though even if it was kinda ass) so there's not a lot to know about him but there's some pretty interesting stuff, he's a perfectionist that trains an underused type and represents one of the most minor trainer classes on the higher leagues and also he's super athletic take notes Lucian
📝 the muse's fanon
what fanon
📖 a popular headcanon regarding my muse
I can't think of any headcanons involving Aaron that are super popular since he's a very underrated character but I like the one that he's the most recent member of the Sinnoh Elite 4 because he just looks like it
👽 AUs /🌓 crossovers
I love AUs I cook them all the time for my muses (and then never talk about them because I have supreme anxiety but they do exist)
Crossovers are a little harder for me to work with if I don't know the source material very well but I also enjoy them they're really fun
👬 shipping
I don't take shipping very seriously since at the end of the day it's just for fun and I don't think there's anything wrong with retconning a ship in case it doesn't work out so I'm very open to testing ship ideas and seeing how they turn out
I love shipping it's great it's fun
💟 the fandom's most popular ship that involves my muse
It's Aaron x Lucian and it's like
Like I don't hate it but it pretty much just exists to get them out of the way of Flint and Cynthia ships so it's very basic most of the time and usually their chemistry amounts to existing around each other so I don't really care about it either
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nangbaby · 2 years
Breathe In, Breathe Out...
So I just looked at a Season 5 episode. All the spoilers follow so do not click unless you saw the latest episode.
Okay, the episode Passion was so good, it's scary. I'm not just happy with the overdue bits of lore and character work it did (especially with Emilie), but how it weaved both that and a memorable fight in its runtime.
Seriously, that action was more tense than I'd seen since perhaps Season 2.
It's also scary to me how many of its ideas were ideas that I had planned to use in my fanfic.
A "hunter" villain. (Mine was Nimrod.) A return of Mister Bug and Lady Noire because the villain specifically had a power that would require a Miraculous switch. (That was going to happen near the end of the Miraculous Ladybug/NFL Rush Zone crossover.)
A villain who Adrien knows and can only defeat when he's a superhero because of his knowledge as Adrien. (This was going to happen in Mitosis.)
It's like the writers were reading my mind.
The ONLY quibble I have with this episode (other than the villain looking like she stepped out of Tokyo Ghoul) is that somehow, again, Weredad wasn't even mentioned when it really would have merited a reminder that as far as Marinette knows, Cat Noir is explicitly not in love with Marinette and the last time she "confessed" to him, someone got akumatized. In fairness, though, it would have been a little hard to sneak a line like that when every line has meaning.
Plus, it's cool to find out that Venom actually can have a targeting function in an adult form wielder (which makes Queen Wasp/Miracle Queen's powers even more an extension of the Miraculous itself and not just something unique to a supervillain).
One thing that this episode cements, though, is Gabriel's end fate.
Gabriel is NOT permadying.
This episode made it explicit that Adrien needs his father and would not be happy without him. Thus if Gabe permadies, Adrien is going to be upset and not be part of the iconic duo. I know some people are hoping for a "villain arc" but Cat Noir is not going to go bad on a long-term basis. The point of the show is that he's needed as much as Ladybug.
Gabriel is getting a memory wipe. That's so obvious now, especially that Emilie has been confirmed to accept her impending demise (of course, the "Evil Emilie" theory is highly unlikely at this point). Without his memories of Emilie, he will have no reason to carry on his obsession.
He might temporarily die, but this isn't going to be the end of the 2002 Spider-Man movie. This show can get dark, but in the end, there is light. It's pretty much now flashing a neon sign for Gabriel to literally forget about Emilie and move on with Nathalie as well as to be a father to Adrien. Of course, that also allows an avenue for Hawk Moth to come back if he starts learning about the Miraculouses again.
Maetch, wherever you are, you called it! All credit goes to you presuming how this plays out.
Seriously, that action was more tense than I'd seen since perhaps Season 2.
It's also scary how many of its ideas were ideas that I had planned to use in my fanfic.
A "hunter" villain. (Mine was Nimrod.) A return of Mister Bug and Lady Noire because the villain specifically had a power that would require a Miraculous switch. (That was going to happen near the end of the Miraculous Ladybug/NFL Rush Zone crossover.)
A villain who Adrien knows and can only defeat when he's a superhero because of his knowledge as Adrien. (Mitosis)
It's like the writers were reading my mind.
The ONLY quibble I have with this episode is that somehow, again, Weredad wasn't even mentioned when it really would have merited a reminder that as far as Marinette knows, Cat Noir is explicitly not in love with Marinette and the last time she "confessed" to him, someone got akumatized. In fairness, though, it would have been a little hard to sneak a line like that when every line has meaning.
Plus, it's cool to find out that Venom actually can have a targeting function in an adult form wielder (which makes Queen Wasp/Miracle Queen's powers even more an extension of the Miraculous itself and not just something unique to a supervillain).
One thing that this episode cements, though, is Gabriel's end fate.
Gabriel is NOT permadying.
This episode made it explicit that Adrien needs his father and would not be happy without him. Thus if Gabe perma-dies, Adrien is doing to be upset and not be part of the iconic duo. I know some people are hoping for a "villain arc" but Cat Noir is not going to go bad on a long-term basis. The point of the show is that he's needed as much as her.
Gabriel is getting a memory wipe. That's so obvious now, especially that Emilie has been confirmed to accept her impending demise (of course, the "Evil Emilie" theory is highly unlikely at this point). Without his memories of Emilie, he will have no reason to carry on his obsession. He can't
He might temporarily die, but this isn't going to be the end of the 2002 Spider-Man movie. This show can get dark, but in the end, there is light. It's pretty much now flashing a neon sign for Gabriel to literally forget about Emilie and move on with Nathalie as well as to be a father to Adrien. Of course, that also allows an avenue for Hawk Moth to come back
Maetch, wherever you are, you called it.
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