#all that angst aside
soldier-poet-king · 3 months
Anyway I'm going to bed I have work tmrw and SOOOO much going on w both work AND trying to get everything ready for my move (I'm not remotely ready, AND I'm fighting off guilt trips from my Nonna and trying to stake out boundaries with my parents since I'll be in the same city)
But also was working on my embroidery today and fuckin why did I think The Kiss would be a good art piece. Why
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maddymoreau · 10 months
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forgotten-sea · 2 months
can we meet again once more? she falls asleep unbeknownst that her dream-self is awaiting to meet with dawnbreaker, but this time dawnbreaker wishes to talk to her about something personal.
note: thanks to this quote i found on tumblr that made me immediately think of dawnbreaker and @zayne-snowman for being an awesome zayne roleplayer (gimmick blog is a new term that i actually genuinely like and will use it now), since reading their posts of people interacting with dawnbreaker, it made me adore zayne even more as a rafayel girlie aheh. anyway! to those that read this, i hope you enjoy!
warning: angst once more (this will be my stamp), slight hurt with comfort, he will do anything to ensure she is ok whether mentally or physically, hints of pieces from foreseer myth if you squint
another day of being a hunter has passed and the city is as peaceful as i can be. that was her duty and she loved to provide that help in not only protecting the city, but also protecting her fourteen year old self. 
now she can return home and settle herself in bed where unbeknownst to her, she would meet a man that she forgot in the waking life, but remembers very well in her dreams. as she falls asleep, a warmth surrounds her more than her blanket, there is a smile on her face that translates to the one in her dreams as she felt warm arms wrap around her body.
the man was silent, burying his face against her neck and inhaling the sweet scent of her perfume and letting it linger in his senses, allowing himself to engrave it into his mind for when he must let her go once more. she remained where she was, unsure of how she got here, but the man standing and hugging her from behind like she was the most delicate snowflake in a world full of snowstorms was no stranger to her. 
“i’m sorry, dawnbreaker… did i make you wait for too long?” she asked softly, raising her hands to rest on his arms, squeezing them gently as she turned her head to brush her lips gently against his temple. 
he shook his head, holding her closer. “no, not at all. in fact, if you don’t know, i’ll remind you… i will wait for however long i need to just to see you and hold you like this again.”
she smiled, although it was a mix of sorrow and happiness, two emotions that could never coexist with one another, yet were easy to conceive. then, she turned around and cupped dawnbreaker’s face, her fingers gently drumming against his cheeks as she gazed up at him. 
“even if the certainty of me returning is little to none? you would risk that much if it meant you’d see me again? am i really worth that much?” 
it had been a question that was stuck in her mind like a fly in a venus fly trap, no matter how much she tried to remove the thought, the insecurity to ensure nothing came between her and dawnbreaker, that question became a plague and dawnbreaker must have sense the shift as he immediately drew her in closer.
“of course. in this world, i have nothing left. i want to be selfish. allow me to be selfish and i promise to take care of you as much as i possibly can here in this world. it’s—” 
“fleeting.” she finished his sentence with a tender smile. “everything around us and us in general is fleeting, yet if it’s all i can have, i could never wish for anything more. and you can be selfish, dawnbreaker. in a sense, this is your world and i’m becoming a permanent visitor, until you no longer want me to come back.” 
dawnbreaker eased back and stared at her with his piercing gaze before he grabbed her chin, gently tilting it up so their eyes met. “there will never be a day where i’m not looking forward to your return. there will never be a day where i wish for you not to return. and there will never be a day that i stop myself from feeling these emotions you give me. for once in this life of mine, i feel something and it’s all because of you.” 
she listened intently and nodded her head. insecurities plagued her mind, but dawnbreaker never once allowed those insecurities and self-sabotaging tendencies to remain in her head for too long. perhaps, that is why it was so easy for her to fall for him. how she felt so drawn to his presence, that she would do everything in her power to meet in the same world in her dreams. 
“then, when i fall asleep, i will do my best to make sure to meet you once more. over and over again until our worlds allow us to meet face to face outside of our dreams.”
“do you believe such a thing is possible?”
“i do. it’s all thanks to you, dawnbreaker.” 
dawnbreaker was quiet as he finally pulled away from her and held out his hand. “come, then, let’s have a walk. there is something i wanted to talk to you about. nothing horrible, i assure you… just something that has been on my mind.”
as the two walked and the snow gentle fell over the city, dawnbreaker stopped in front of a cafe. he gazed through the window and in there was a scene that did not belong to his world. in there was a version of him who was a doctor and she was there sitting in front of him, eating lunch it would seem. he could not help but feel bitter that this version of himself was allowed to be with her when she is awake.
“dawnbreaker?” she spoke out softly when she noticed him seemingly staring into the empty cafe. “what’s wrong?” 
he turned and looked at her before shaking his head. “it’s nothing…” he stated, and she did not pry any further. 
they walked a few steps more before they stumble onto a field of jasmine flowers. it was then that she let go of dawnbreaker’s hand and ran to the field of flowers, frowning.
“oh no! i knew i was forgetting something, have they not bloomed since?” 
“they are just resting, and do not worry about taking care of them, we can only do so much in this environment. ah, but come back here.”
he had gestured for her to return to his side, but instead he walked over to stand beside her, coaxing her to stand up before he held her hand. “are you curious as to what i wish to talk to you about?” 
“i am, but i don’t want to pry, so i would wait until you’re ready to talk about it.” 
“you’ve called me dawnbreaker since the day we met, but can you stop calling me that?” 
“oh—does it bother you?” 
“no, i am used to it, but i want you to call me by my real name.” 
she tilted her head, curiosity sparkled in her eyes as she met his gaze. 
“from now on, you can call me zayne.” 
the name tugged something in her chest, her hand then turning to interlace her fingers with his as she gave it a gentle and reassuring squeeze. 
“all right, then. thank you… zayne.” 
that odd muscle in dawnbreaker’s chest skipped a beat upon hearing her utter his name with such delicacy, it confused him for a bit before he regained his senses, stepped forward and held her in his arms. he cupped her chin once more and leaned down as he lifted her face up for their lips to meet in a sweet kiss. 
“no, darling, thank you.”
“but i haven’t done—” she whispered against his lips after their deep kiss. 
“you’ve done much more than you may ever know.”
her dream was spent on time with dawnbreaker, this time she managed to make him laugh and she could not help how happy it made her feel when he caught himself and tried to play it off, something about his image and how it could not be ruined.
but as the time approached for her to wake up again, she hugged dawnbreaker extra tight this time, placed a kiss onto his cheek and promised to see him once more when they both fall asleep.
but when she awakened from her slumber, she was left with an empty feeling. she sat up and touched her lips where she dreamed of someone kissing her goodbye. she furrowed her brows trying to recall the dream, but no memory came to mind. 
“as always…” she mumbled to herself as she got up to open the blinds of her window. she thought of the man in her dreams, she knew it was a man, but she could not recall a face, not even features. just thoughts and memories of his touches and words, nothing more, no face to place onto the unknown figure. 
“do you exist or have i made you up?”
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corpsephrog · 11 months
why have i seen nobody talking about the random full smile aziraphale does at the very end of the credits scene right before it blurs out because that threw me and my dad off so much i was literally rethinking everything it wasn't a fake/nervous smile cus he was kind of already doing those but then he just full on smiles like he knows something we don't and i feel like it's important
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metabolizemotions · 22 days
It was such a wonderful surprise that Marina was actually the focus of the cliffhanger of the penultimate episode of the entire series. They have been one of the main and most important emotional cores of the show. It was so bittersweet & disheartening to finally have that for a w|w we've fought for, for so long, only for it to be taken away far too soon.
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…the world… is on fire… we can be together while the world is burning…
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… the world is changing right now as we’re standing here, the world is changing and it’s beautiful… now what I know is that I want to be in this beautiful mess of a changing world with you… I loved the 360 tracking shot of the proposal scene. It was a grand, dramatic effect, like their world was spinning out of control.
On a bigger scale, the 709 ending sequence was the ultimate climax of the arc of their relationship - a revolving juxtaposition of their biggest dream & deepest fear realizing at the same time. With Helm, a younger queer woman who looked up to Marina, yet again witnessing another of their important milestones, with Carina. While Maya was with Andy, her best and oldest friend & teammate. They've walked in and out of so many fires - literal or otherwise - together. They just talked about how far they've come and where they were heading next.
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I love how the writing, directing and editing of this episode worked together to create something larger than the sum of its parts. Like 704, but bigger. Both episodes had great visual storytelling too. Even before the climatic scene, the arc shots around & the blocking of Maya or Carina spoke volumes.
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They were either thinking of or looking for each other. Their expressions and tones conveyed the fears & hopes not entirely revealed by their words. The foreshadowing.
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The love scene also centered them - their desires and pleasure. I could also see this scene doubling as a trigger shot scene.... where Carina helps Maya with the shot, kisses it all better then takes it further... Carina is an expert on orgasm for pain relief after all 😏
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agnisleftpec · 8 months
in light of lie detector tests irl being mostly bullshit, especially so for people with anxiety, combined with fandom shoving all their mental disorders onto their faves cuz projection is fun, i propose a much more chaotic take on zuko joining the gaang wherein toph can NOT get a fuckin read on this guy and kind of wants him to just sit down and breathe for a second thanks, your heartrate is giving her a headache
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moonspirit · 29 days
Armin should have given Eren" the talk"
I 100% agree, but I wonder if anything would've come of it: Armin could make Eren sit down and watch 10 hours of film where people have sex and get pregnant and at the end of it Eren might still say, "But I didn't see the stork?! WHERE IS THE STORK?! And how did the baby get there in her tummy wHAT-!"
At this point Armin would really just whoop his ass.
It's a shame Eren didn't tell Armin about the 4 year cabin vacation, because if Armin had known that, he'd have beaten some good fucking sex-ed into Eren's head in the paths-sea. You think he wants his beloved sister Mikasa to get pregnant by some guy who doesn't know where babies come from?! FUck no. Best to steer Mikasa in the direction of another man or a lovely woman. That or teach this stork-believer how to properly use his dick.
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xhanisai · 2 years
Adrien "I want to marry my beautifully batshit insane Lady, Marinette Dupain-Cheng" Agreste
Marinette "Oh shit I was a furry all along cos I love my Chaton and now the world is fucked lol" Dupain-Cheng
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venndaai · 4 months
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dragonanon · 9 months
Me upon finishing the Teal Mask DLC: “Damn, Gamefreak really had us help a child start their anime villain arc.”
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allfortzu · 1 year
i'll carry the moon and stars, i'll carry you and me
-- jihyo / tzuyu. 1.4k - light angst, fluff - hurt/comfort, light mentions of blood // MEN DNI.
tzuyu goes home to jihyo.
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it’s late at night and pouring outside, a constant static of crashing cascades instead of rhythmic patters. 
jihyo still finds it calming, though. there’s always been something about the simultaneous state of disarray and comforting orderliness that came with storms and thunder. 
it also meant she had an excuse to curl up under a blanket and watch every movie she’d been neglecting. not that she needed one, but it was always nice to have. 
a little mundane for a detective, maybe, but some mundanity has always been needed to balance out a life like hers. 
peace in chaos, if you will. 
comforting orderliness in states of disarray. 
so, jihyo picks out her most comfortable pyjamas, and makes the best cup of tea she knows how to make – which only consists of choosing the most expensive brand of tea she has and actually boiling water instead of microwaving, but such is life. 
she’s still humming and waiting for the kettle to sound when her doorbell rings, a barely discernible ding in the storm. 
she pads her way from her kitchen to the living room, right up the entrance of her house. it’s too dark outside to see anything through the peephole, so she opens the slightest crack in her blinds.
the light from inside spills out, and the outline of a familiar figure is illuminated. 
jihyo opens the door instantly. instinctual, immediate. 
tzuyu looks up at the sound, and jihyo’s chest tightens. 
her cheeks are smeared with blood, gaze weak and lidded. her suit is ripped and there’s splashes of dirt and more blood over her usually stark white button up. everything is drenched in the downpour. her clothes drip with rain. 
tzuyu’s voice is painfully soft. 
she opens her mouth but nothing comes out, the rain drowning out every syllable. 
but jihyo hears her clearly. 
she knows when tzuyu says –
“jihyo unnie.”
jihyo’s heart shatters. 
she wants to tug tzuyu in by the wrist and ask her every question in her mind – what happened, are you okay, who did this – but tzuyu takes a single step in, and she loses all strength. 
jihyo surges forward; without thinking, without hesitance. 
tzuyu falls right into her arms. 
boneless, completely weak.
the rain from her clothes soak through jihyo’s pyjamas, she’s piercingly cold to the touch. jihyo feels her tremble, meek and shivering. every breath she takes comes out shakily, every exhale barely there.
jihyo’s never realised just how small tzuyu is, finding solace in her arms. 
it hurts terribly to see.
maybe it’s the adrenaline, or pure determination – but jihyo hoists tzuyu up with everything she has, carries her unfalteringly until they reach her shower. 
she sets tzuyu down and hurriedly pushes her damp blazer off; clenches her teeth at the sight of more blood revealed on the sleeves of tzuyu's white shirt. 
"who the hell did this, tzu?" jihyo seethes, pulling a towel off the rack and wrapping tzuyu up. "what happened?" 
"i don't know…" tzuyu says weakly, clutching at the towel and curling into herself for warmth. "some other gang– " 
then, softer; shakier, "sorry… you– you were the only person i could think of."
jihyo pulls tzuyu into her arms as tight as she's able to, presses tzuyu into her shoulder, cheek to temple. 
she's still worried sick, but at least tzuyu's conscious and speaking. 
at least tzuyu's here with her. 
"are you hurt anywhere?" jihyo's voice cracks, pained. she lifts tzuyu's head gently to cup her face, caressing a thumb over her cheekbones and looking over the wounds.  "... is this your blood?" 
tzuyu doesn't say anything, just looks at jihyo, eyes watery and lips pursed. 
"oh, baby," jihyo mutters. 
she realises, tzuyu's not so much shaking from the cold than shaking from whatever happened to her before all this.
she's scared. 
jihyo decides her questions can wait. 
"take a shower, i'll get you a set of clothes," she says, stroking tzuyu's cheek one last time and laying her palms on tzuyu's knees. "okay?"  
tzuyu catches jihyo's wrist before she stands up; whispers, "stay with me?" 
her fingertips are still freezing, so jihyo adjusts her hold until her hands are covering tzuyu’s. just a little warmth. 
“okay,” she raises their hands up to her lips, presses a kiss to tzuyu’s knuckles. “i’ll get us clothes.” 
jihyo has seen her fair share of blood and slashes, but peeling tzuyu’s soaked red clothes off still makes her wince. tzuyu sucks in a sharp breath at times, some wounds a little more tender than others. 
the most obvious ones are gashes below her ribs and another on her thigh, then bruises here and there. there’s more blood on her jaw, but jihyo can’t tell if they’re tzuyu’s or someone else's. 
tzuyu stays close the entire shower, and jihyo focuses on washing her hair first. she kneads the shampoo into tzuyu’s head gently, massages her fingers into her scalp and detangles whatever she can. 
the shower adds on to the rain outside; it’s loud in tzuyu’s ears, a mess of sounds. 
tzuyu clenches her fists, lets jihyo work her fingers through her hair despite the sensitivity of water passing over her wounds. 
she tries to focus on jihyo’s eyes – dark brown, then golden when the light catches them just right. they’re distracted and darting, cautious and wary, but soft around the edges, fading into black at the rim of her irises.
it becomes apparent that the blood on tzuyu's face isn't tzuyu's own. jihyo doesn't know if she should be worried or relieved. 
she cleans tzuyu's wounds in the shower, too, gently rinsing the cuts with warm water. tzuyu flinches whenever jihyo dabs at it, whimpering and shaking softly.
jihyo intertwines her free hand with tzuyu’s, squeezing reassuringly. “just a little more, tzu.” 
tzuyu squeezes back, eyes closed. 
for the most part, jihyo's voice is soothing enough to help her endure the pain. 
"this part won't hurt, don't worry." 
she rests her head on jihyo's shoulder still, and jihyo tries not to ache too much at the feeling of tzuyu tearing up, holding her breath throughout. 
the gashes don't look deep, so jihyo places a gauze dressing over them and settles with wrapping tzuyu up in bandages. 
"can you walk?" jihyo asks, scratching lightly at tzuyu's scalp and running a thumb over the shell of her ear.  
tzuyu nods, releasing the breath she was holding. she uses jihyo as leverage to stand up, but shifts most of her weight on her uninjured leg. 
jihyo stands with her, letting tzuyu hold on to her shoulders as they dress. 
"thank you," tzuyu says, slipping jihyo's oversized t-shirt on. 
it fits just right when she wears it, and it smells perfectly of jihyo. 
"sorry," she adds. "i won't– "
"don't be," jihyo cuts in. "i know it's a given for… what you do." 
she curves her palm around tzuyu's jaw gently, almost as if she's afraid of hurting tzuyu. tzuyu can't help but turn her head to nuzzle into the touch. 
"just come to me, okay? any time," jihyo continues, stroking tzuyu's face. "i'm always here. i'll always, always open the door for you. i'll do all of this again if you ever need it. remember that." 
tzuyu nods. "i know." 
she places a hand over jihyo's, kisses her palm. 
remembers the storm outside, how she staggered through the downpour with barely any conscience, light-headed from the fight. she'd shown up at jihyo's house naturally; an innate desire to just want to be with jihyo.
there was nowhere else she’d rather have gone.
tzuyu wakes up in jihyo’s arms at dawn, turns her head to check if jihyo’s awake. 
jihyo has tossed all the blankets over tzuyu, she knows tzuyu runs cold. she has one hand over the part of tzuyu’s abdomen that had been injured, and the other plays with tzuyu’s hair idly. 
“i have to go to work,” she says, seeing that tzuyu had awoken. her voice is low and raspy in the morning. “will you stay?”
tzuyu hums, stretches until she can curl an arm around jihyo’s waist. “can i?” 
she's still sore, and every move sends a sharp pain to the gashes. but it's better. better than if she were alone.
“always." jihyo kisses her temple. 
she leans down again to brush tzuyu’s hair aside, presses another kiss to her forehead. “i have to get a few urgent things sorted at the office, but i’ll be home quickly, okay?” 
tzuyu smiles. “i’ll be here.” 
where else would she go?
the rain had stopped sometime in the night.
she’s warm, she’s safe. 
and she’s with jihyo. 
even if tzuyu is chaos in all her ways, jihyo is peace.
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i'm sure this would've been a much nicer read if i'd wrote some backstory for them, but i couldn't get this particular scene out of my mind 🤧 it's meant to be detective!hyo / vigilante!tzu! is the suit part of tzuyu's vigilante get-up or is it just bc i find it hot? who knows <3 you can tell ttt crime scene 2 did a number on me
anyways, thank you for reading!!! i really loved writing this one, and i really hope you enjoyed it! interactions truly truly appreciated <3
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moodyjazzyblues · 6 months
okay the SECOND i saw @fanneyxxx 's comic inspired by the amazing @sinimake 's "the two sides of a sword" fic (which coincidentally was right after i read it) i KNEW I HAD TO DRAW THIS.
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its nowhere near the complexity of the comic but it still took like 10 hours and multiple upper left trap flare ups 😭
theres like 600 million layers too (64) and one of them is this
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which was added because one of my friends asked me where his nipples were. and then when i told her that he is wearing a shirt, she insisted that she should have fanservice regardless of johnny being literally stabbed so i made that as a peace offering.
they dont call me the angstphere for nothing 😎 (play on angst and Shakespeare) i love angst fic and art so much literally my fav genre 😭
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tetracopter · 1 year
I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone mention yet how Cartman used Kenny to manipulate Butters into investing. He knows damn well that Kenny is Butters' weakness.
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grahamcarmen · 1 year
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kinard-buckley · 1 month
a truly terrible idea has latched hold of my gremlin brain which is, buck and tommy do break up so that buck can pursue eddie because either tommy thinks buck is in love with eddie or buck feels like he should be with eddie because everyone else keeps suggesting there's something more there BUT buck/eddie getting together changes their dynamic so much that neither of them are enjoying themselves (and they're worrying about losing what made their friendship so special because of all the changes to the dynamic) AND buck and tommy keep hooking up [air quotes] platonically (with tommy stumbling into inconvenient feelings and pining pathetically for buck while fucking him) while buck struggles to sort out intense feelings toward eddie (which obviously have to be romantic of course) vs. his calm, more settled feelings toward tommy (they're not as intense as his feelings about eddie so they can't possibly be romantic) blah blah long story slightly less long but buck realizes he's been in love with tommy the whole time and was having trouble separating strong but platonic feelings for eddie from his romantic feelings toward tommy and then tommy's like "newsflash asshole i've been in love with you the whole goddamn time"
i'll never write it because it's irredeemably stupid and i value my peace but it IS sitting in my hindbrain tormenting me right now
#thank you for coming to my ted talk#i'm not tagging this bc i don't want it showing up in any show or ship tags but...............................#terrible evil plotbunny free to a good home#nobody ever writes about the friends who get together bc 'why not everyone else already thinks we're dating' and then it doesn't work out#because the dynamic changes SO MUCH that you're not sure if it was such a good idea in the first place#now add a third person to the mix that you like but aren't sure how you feel about them#not sure if eddie would be aware it's casual and non exclusive or if there'd be miscommunication leading to angst#honestly this is just me venting my frustrations with those breakup fics masqueraring as b*cktommy that have tommy#graciously sacrificing himself on the altar of b*ddie's true love and stepping aside magnanimously#that's not interesting to me to read even as a b*ddie shipper#if buck and tommy have to break up let it be real and messy because real people are real and messy#let tommy fight for buck even if it doesn't end up working out#let buck and eddie feel guilty because buck did genuinely care about tommy and eddie does like him as a friend#let tommy cut both of them off because even though he likes both of them he still has feelings and it hurts seeing them together#let tommy be petty about showing off a new love interest or fwb and how much happier he is with this guy than he was with buck#let buck wonder if he made the right choice or not bc he didn't ever want to hurt tommy#he only convinced himself tommy would be completely fine with the breakup because he needed him to be fine so that he could do it guilt fre#let eddie wonder if they made the right choice or not bc while he finally has what he's wanted for years it did hurt someone he really like#maybe it'll all work out in the end for buck and eddie AND tommy but i just want it to feel real and not overly polished and sanitized#and no one is hurt or upset or petty or flawed#anyway#i like mess#don't @ me#i might have to write this now but i don't want to be chased off with pitchforks and torches#text#shut up giallos
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twiyke · 9 months
it is so hard being a leo hater when the whole world (tumblr dot com) always going "aww the bloobie patoobie" obliterate that faggot.
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