#im just. big emo pining
ieatangstforbreakfast · 10 months
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Pairing ೃ⁀➷ 𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡 𝟒𝟐! 𝐌𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 x Fem! Reader
Summary ೃ⁀➷ Lovers have secrets of their own, no matter how much they come to trust each other, whether it be a past mistake or an unspoken trauma. For you and Miles, however, your secrets came in the form of hidden identities— one being a masked vigilante, and the other a mastermind.
Genre ೃ⁀➷ Forbidden love, mutual pining, angst♡
Tags ೃ⁀➷ Both are artists, reader is from a very wealthy family, both are living double lives, underaged smoking, reader is female and uses she/her pronouns, forbidden love (ish?), swearing, daddy issues, mommy issues, reader is unhinged, both are mentally unstable, lots of flirting.
Author's Note ೃ⁀➷ WHY IS THE HALLOWEEN CHAPTER PUBLISHED ON DECEMBER IDK IM SLOW, also politics yay ig— MENTIONS OF MY COUNTRY! 🇵🇭💥🇵🇭💥💪💪 Also uh VERY long chapter
Tag list ೃ⁀➷ @sakura-onesan @coffeeandtealol @luvjunie @noetophat @proudgojofucker @adorefavv @l0starl @depresssedcowboy
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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎: 𝐇𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐒𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐭
Summary ೃ⁀➷ You and Montrell seem to share a few qualities. In the midst of talks of politics with Miles, you find yourself parted from the reality you were raised in, instead finding a new world in Spirit Halloween.
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".. You should've definitely worn a coat over that."
You fiddled with your sleeve, staring comfortably past the window and out into the shining streets of Brooklyn. The comment was unnecessary , but it didn't entirely fly past your ears— in fact you swallowed it like a bad egg, making your stomach churn. As you turned your head away from the window, you're brought back to acknowledge your brother, Montrell, sitting beside you with his hand over the wheel.
"I like it as it is." You answered. "It's soft, fluffy, and big. Fragrant too." Because it belongs to Miles.
"It's the first time I've seen you wear something so.." His words trace away, but even without finishing the sentence, you knew what he meant. Unsophisticated— a little too boyish in comparison to your usual, refined clothes. The classic sort of unrefined your dearest mother taught you not to embody.
"What? It's comfortable." Was your attempt of a justification. Montrell shrugs, and you catch a twitch in his eye.
Your family had similar, refined tastes. Montrell, like you, was taught to imbue stylishness in every aspect of his life. He was often Armani-clad. Brunello Cucinelli, Hermes— and every other European household name you could recall. But in special events, he usually sported suits specially tailored to his tastes. His palette was consistently ashen, monochrome, with hints of cherry red. Like his car, which had been only recently cleaned after the staff was updated with his upcoming arrival, a slick, grey Aston Martin. It was likely the peak symbolism of his tastes.
You were never really fond of vehicles, particularly their strong, Italian leather scents (Or stench, as you called it). It was because of your sensitive nose that you often requested the seats to be replaced with anything but leather. Scentless polyester was your more preferred option. Leather alone was enough to urge your stomach to clear out your last meal, by ascending to your esophagus.
"I'm not insulting your tastes. I'm glad you're exploring new aesthetics." He manages to lure out his teeth, a compliment— a not-so-good one at that. "What is this?.. Like, street style? Grunge?.. What's that other one— e-girl, I believe? Or was it Emo?"
"You sound not twenty-five years old."
"Don't be mean. The idea of it is new to me, okay?" He clears. "I haven't seen you in three years. The last time I saw you, mom was the one in charge of your wardrobe. I only ever saw your pictures and you seemed more high-end. Saint Laurent, Dior, Dolce Gabbana."
"Those are my brands, I'm just taking a break. I'm not a walking advertisement. I don't want to get robbed in the middle of Brooklyn either."
With a three-second pause, Montrell looks at you and queried.
"Does that jacket belong to a boy?"
You sit right up, ready to defend yourself when Antonne adds. "You would have to introduce him to me immediately— I won't stand aside while some boy prances around your presence. You're sixteen, and that's a prey-able age for stupid and good-for-nothing men… Unless,” He pauses. “You’re gay.”
"What— What are you talking about!?” You feigned ignorance. “I'm not g— this is— it doesn't belong to a.. Well, it does belong to a boy, but it's my friend's jacket okay?"
Oh, the way Miles would glare at you had he been there.
"Don't try to outsmart me." He shot back. "You’ve got little to no friends.”
You parted your lips. “You’re being mean.”
“I’m only stating the truth.” He sighs. “You’re too condescending, and you hate people.”
“And your sources are what? A small interaction I had when I was twelve?”
Montrell grows uneasy a bit, tapping his nails over the thinly veiled compartment. ".. So who is he?" He starts. "From which family? Who are his parents? And how did the both of you meet?"
"That's none of your business, Mon." You sighed, running a hand across your face. "I'm not seeing him, I'm simply hanging out with another friend. Nothing more, nothing less."
"Well, it surely wouldn't hurt for me to meet this friend of yours, then? If he's not a boyfriend."
Your mouth hung open, a steady sigh escaping your lips while you sink a little deeper into your seat. As a hand runs across your cheek, you looked at Montrell as he eases the car down to a red light.
"He doesn't know that I'm a Chávez."
Suddenly, you're jolted to a sudden halt— nearly flying out of your seat upon Montrell's way of hitting the brakes. You grabbed onto the board before you with widened eyes and a curse in your mouth.
He remains calm, but slightly irked.
At that moment, he pulls a finger to his lips as if to hush you. He signals with another finger as it leads up to boost the music from the radio. The song blasts, and swiftly, he takes his jug hidden by the side of his seat, unscrewing the top before pouring some of the water onto his palm, flicking at the air conditioner.
Oh, he was checking if the car was bugged.
You hold out your hand, gesturing him to give you some of the water. Together, the both of you took care of the recording devices, from the front of the wheel to the back of the car. Upon gathering all of them, you stuffed it all inside the water bottle, permanently eradicating its usage.
Finally, Montrell places his hands on the wheel and speaks.
“I want you to be honest with me, [Y/n], and cut out any of the bullshittery.”
You feared that at that moment, you and Montrell weren’t brother and sister, but rivals in a battle for power.
Your finger twitches.
“Does he make you happy?”
The question comes off a little too similar to tasteless poison. It’s a gamble in itself— and it leaves you sitting upright and crossing your legs.
“He makes me feel alive,” Was your starter. “That’s a power no other boy could do, and it’s a rarity, since I’ve always lived for other people, but he makes me feel like I’m living for myself.”
A short hum exits his lips. “And your happiness? Does he make you happy?”
You harshly swallowed. “What difference would it make if I tell you that he does make me happy?”
Montrell’s gaze narrows a bit, the heel of his boots pressing against the gas as the green light shone. “… I ought to applaud you for your sneakiness if by now, dad still doesn’t know anything about his existence.. Unless,” Gulp. “He ordered you to spy on him.”
“And for what reason?”
“It could be anything,” His grip on the wheel tightens like the coil of a noose. “Hostage, information, any of the latter. I’m not sure why father would send you off to spy on a fifteen-year-old boy, but I’m sure the truth’s far deeper than petty business rival bullshit.”
Your mind blanks.
“It’s nothing like that. I just.. Like him, that’s all.”
“Are you sure?”
“Why would I lie to you about how much he means to me?”
“Because we’re not just siblings, [Y/n],” He whispered. “If anything, we’re not a normal family, but, I’m here for you because I think you’re a good kid, even if everyone else says you’re not.”
“Cease the speech, Mon. I’m not a good person. Stop romanticizing me.”
“But why?” He adds. “Is it because you managed the media and the hotel?”
And hearing those words, you come to face the fact that there was a reason Montrell was your father’s favorite. The effortless way he’s able to read every situation, the effortless way he managed to read through your emotions. It was a talent you could only wish for.
“It was so obvious, you know.” He chuckled. “I knew— I already knew before I came home.”
“Because Antonne handles things messily. He makes decisions without thinking about the consequences, and he despises planning things on the long run. Dad wouldn’t trust anyone outside the family after what happened with Mom, nor would he allow just anyone to handle such shaky affairs. It’s not like it’s beyond father’s morality to hire his own children and calling it practice.”
“What evidence do you have?”
Montrell took one look at you. “The Warehouse. It’s said that it was recently burnt, and that Antonne had to fight the Prowler, but Antonne wouldn’t have had the time to take care of all that because he was investigating you.”
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You spat.
“Also, no one but family takes care of the Warehouses.”
“No— I know that, fuck that. You were going to find out one way or another, but what the fuck was Antonne investigating me for?”
Your brother simply shrugs, his shoulders dropping comically.
“It was about that boy.”
“What!?” Your voice breaks a little. “Jesus fuck, what is wrong with him!?”
“Evidently, he’s worried about you.”
You snorted. “Worried!? Worried my ass!” The vulgar way you spoke caught Montrell so off-guard that he had to look at you twice to check if you were still the same person. “I’d rather believe the world’s ending. Antonne and I stopped being siblings the moment he dropped responsibility for all those who were killed, forcing me to step up and do damage control because Dad stopped trusting everyone else.”
“Well, that’s understandable.”
“Plus, there’s nothing to be worried about. The boy I’m meeting he’s.. He’s just.. I like him. That’s it. I know it’s hard to believe since most of the time I’m a conniving bitch, but I genuinely, wholeheartedly like him. Like how a normal teenage girl ought to like a boy.”
Montrell hums. “… Alright, I’ll believe you. It’s not too far off from unusual, when I’m also facing a similar issue.”
You blinked. “What do you mean by that?”
“… You see, [Y/n], I’ve got also got a girl for myself.” He announced so suddenly. “Met her at Oxford. Like your boy, she bore no idea of who I was.. Who I am, and understandably, and I know you know about this too— but it’s a refreshing feeling to not be recognized as the potential inheritor of a business empire.”
You part your lips, processing the information with confusion all over your expression. “But— there were no reports of you being in a relationship.”
“Of course there weren’t,” He laughs. “I had her carefully hidden from everyone’s sights.”
And that could mean two things. You didn’t want to think of the latter.
“Maybe it’s genetic,” Montrell added, turning the wheel. “Father, mother, me, Antonne, you. Making stupid decisions for stupid ideals— rather, stupid romance. It’s frightening to think how Malachi’s going to inherit our tendencies.”
“I’m not,” Your heart raged within the cage of your ribs. “I’m not like that to him. I can never allow myself to trap him.”
“You can either be one of them.” Montrell sighed. “Mom or dad, I mean.”
The good ol’ bird or the cage.
“But I won’t be able to stand by and watch when that does happen,” He straightens his lips. “I can’t let anything happen to you.”
You can hear the voice whisper back in your mind.
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“Which is why I’ve got to meet.. [Y/n]?”
Your hands slithered up against your ears in an attempt to block out the voice.
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“[Y/n], are you okay?”
You gasped for air, a familiar voice taunting you like the one from your dreams. Except, this one didn’t speak like the voice of the symbiote, rather, it endowed this sweet allure as though it could sing you a lullaby to sleep.
Before the symbiote, there was someone else who plagued your thoughts and mind and actions.
Before the symbiote, there was your mother.
“Stop the car.” You croaked, palms still over your ears. Montrell speaks, but his words were blurred out into the void of nothingness. The more he speaks, the more your mind shreds itself into pieces. After a long second of thinking, Montrell finally pulls up by the sidewalk, taking his hands off the wheel and pulling one in front of you. He waves it hesitantly, snapping you from your thoughts.
“Breathe, [Y/n], breathe.”
“I-I,” You lengthily stammered. “Mon, I’m sorry, but can I go?” As he’s about to answer, you add. “I’ll introduce you another day, I promise, I just, I need to be alone right now.”
“But isn’t it unsafe? We’re in the slums, you’ll never know how—“
“Mon, I can fight.” You ended the conversation with that alone. Hesitantly, he nods and unlocks the door. You reach for the handle, moving along with the click as you turned to leave.
“Can you at least message me when I can pick you up?”
You looked over to Montrell.
“… Okay.”
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And he could already hear you from a block away, jogging with steady and loud steps.
Without even looking up from his phone, he unconsciously opened his arms to welcome you with an embrace— closing in immediately upon your arrival. You felt like you were going to stain his jacket with your glossed lips, but you barely managed to care anymore at this point, as this hug was beyond a need. You clung onto his neck, burying your aching head into the nape of his collar, taking in this familiar scent of spice and wood. A subtle homage, or a reminder of your older brother, Montrell.
What was it about men and their perfume?
It felt like you hadn’t seen Miles in such a long, long time. It was like you were a child who’d parted from their favorite blanket for a little too long that it made you uneasy. You liked the world and space you had between his arms— it was your warmth, your only true home, and it was yours.
All yours.
“What’s wrong?” He cooed, simpering around with you in his arms.
“I just want to stay like this for a moment.” You whispered. “I need to steal the warmth off of you.”
“Well, nena, why are you only wearing my hoodie? It’s so cold out.”
“It’s not that.”
Miles’ ears metaphorically perked up upon hearing you sniffle.
“Who the fuck hurt you? I’ll kill ‘em.”
Your lips curved into a smile.
Oh, Miles, you can’t possibly kill off a multi-million dollar industry.
“Can you kill a car, then? My brother drove me here and his car’s smell made me age twenty years,” You grumbled. “I’m boutta die at thirty-seven, I swear.”
“Your brother?” He lightly jolts away, eyes journeying from road to road in search of him. “God, where is he? Is he here?”
And at that moment, Miles subsequently fixes his posture, his words suddenly endowing some strange sort of politeness. You nudge at his shoulder, “I told him to drop me off somewhere else. I didn’t want him to meet you yet.”
“Awe,” He pouted. “Well, that’s aight. I’m gonna dress up real nice when I meet your family.”
“Uhuh,” You laughed. “And what are you going to be wearing?”
“I’m gonna borrow my unc’s suit, and I’ll talk business with yo father.”
“Only business you’ll be discussing with my father is your damn funeral, Miles. My papa don’t want me out here dating, that’s why he put me in private school.”
“With a face like yours?” He smugly grinned. “Your daddy’s kinda underestimating the power of your pretty face.”
“Oh, so you like me ‘cause I’m pretty?”
“Pretty fucking unbearable, that’s what you is.” The boy joked. “M’just kidding. I like you because you’re pretty much everything to me.”
Despite the fluttering of your stomach, you persevered with your little game. “Doesn’t answer anything— what do you like about me? Did you like my face or my personality?”
“I liked you ‘cause of your pretty face, and stayed for your amazing personality.” He answered as though he’d been preparing for the question his whole life.
“Amazing personality?”
“Extravaganza bonanza personality.”
“I’m not a banana split sundae, Miles.”
“Might as well should be with yo damn split personality.”
Your hands dangle away, Miles unconsciously attempts to reach for it but instead accepts defeat when you held his hand. “So where are we going for halloween spirit, exactly?”
“Halloween spirit?” He queried.
“Yeah, didn’t ya mention something about being in halloween spirit?”
Miles paused, holding back a loud laugh in the middle of the street. “My girl, I said I was in Spirit Halloween.”
“What the fuck is a Spirit Halloween?”
“Holy shit,” He verbalized. “You’re in for a scare, nena.”
And he meant those words a little too literally.
Growing up, it wasn’t within your household to make halloween one of your yearly traditions. Your father deemed it unnecessary, while your mother was anything but fun (Same difference, really). Your brothers have celebrated halloween, one way or another, but since you were the child closest to your mother, you were anything but free of her beliefs.
So being greeted with a large, bloodied skeleton first-thing upon entering the building was a first for you.
Miles simply explodes into laughter, holding his phone up just to record your reaction. You fall right back, hand still holding onto his. “Come on, nena, you can do it, let’s get past the entrance.”
“Miles, what in THE FUCK is that!?”
“Don’t be mean to your brother, ma.” He attempts to drag you inside as you sat down by the floor with petrification scribbled all over your face. “[Y/n], come on, introduce me to the rest of your family.”
“FUCK YOU!” You whisper-yelled.
“It’s not even moving yet, come on, [Y/n].”
After managing to drag you past the animatronics (Which Miles described was a work out in itself), the both of you marveled at the isle where all the costumes were, skimming through the racks and looking at each and every picture. “Oh, Miles— look at this,” You pluck one out, the hanger dangling from your fingers. “It’s Emily from the corpse bride! Shit, I haven’t seen the movie since I was eight.”
“Look at this one, Ma, this shit’s so you.”
He pulls out an Elsa costume.
“Even got the white ass wig and everythin’.” He giggles as you playfully smacked his arm. “Let it go. Let it go.”
“Shut up.”
“Can’t hold this shit anymore!~”
You tried to hush out his horrible singing, but the way he giggled was so infectious that you couldn’t help but giggle yourself. When bystanders started walking past the both of you with weird ogles in their gazes, you couldn’t help but put your hand over your mouth to muffle your laughing.
“Puñeta,” Miles added, pulling out a fucking teenage mutant ninja turtles costume. “You’ve got to fucking try this, ma.”
“Miles—“ You couldn’t even continue a sentence without wheezing.
You did eventually find a costume— unlike the original plan, the both of you couldn’t find a medieval patient dying of the bubonic plague, but Miles did manage to find a dark priestess costume along with a plague doctor costume.
“We’re like business partners. The patients go to me, and when they die, you send them off.” Was what he said.
“Wouldn’t that make you a really horrible doctor?”
“Doctor’s still a doctor, ma. I mean, it’s the police’s job to protect all of us but if that’s really the case, they’re doing a pretty fucking horrible job at it, but hey, we still call them the police.”
You looked at the mirror, watching the confusion materialize over your face as you heard Miles’ rant behind the curtain. As you clumsily tried on your costume inside the changing room, you couldn’t help but ask. “What makes you say that? That they’re doing a horrible job at protecting y’all?”
As you zipped up the bolero, you hear Miles’ curtain open.
“Well, Ma, brutality’s been upper than hell compared to the last few decades, so’s poverty. For the last four years, the economy’s been going downhill, which made us have a recession. ‘Cause of that, a lot of the cops had to kiss up some of the wealthy folks’ asses to keep their jobs.”
“So that makes them corrupt?”
“That makes them desperate,” He alluded. “No one wants to die of starvation, and they all have families to feed. It’s divide and conquer, really.”
“Divide and conquer?— oops,” You pick up the fallen headdress from the floor. “Expand on that.”
Miles hums a bit. “Imagine the crab mentality. I’ve read about it before for a philosophy research, and it’s a term used in the Philippines. Put a fuck ton of crabs in a bucket. You’re gonna see the crabs drag each other down in order to pull themselves up, but in the end, none of them ain’t gonna reach the top.
Because the true problem was never the crabs, it was the person who put those crabs inside the bucket in the first place. Same goes for us, the poor. We all have to fend for ourselves so we put others down— because if we’re too busy surviving, we don’t have to pay no attention to the rich who put us all inside the damn bucket in the first place.”
The way he described it was so familiar.
It was like he was describing you with your siblings.
Hearing the symbiote’s approval echo in your mind, you couldn’t help but smirk.
He’s not just smart. He’s a genius.
Don’t call me that, ever.
His experiences and your experiences were similar despite being so contradictory, and it didn’t make sense. You were rich, so extraordinarily wealthy that the recession was never a part of your problem, hell, the decline of the economy was never your problem— and Miles was struggling along with his family to keep themselves afloat.
And you could never put yourself in his shoes, as you knew nothing of the loss he felt.
But the both of you were kids in line to shape the future, and if the generational trauma ever continued, you’d only end up the oppressor, but you knew, Miles was going to tear himself apart from the title of ‘victim’, and he was going to stand up against you— maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow,
But soon, as villain versus hero.
You pushed the curtain away, unveiling the costume to Miles.
But rather than seeing him, he was nowhere to be found.
You lifted the veil, stepping out of the dressing room to take a peek at him, but you couldn’t find any trace of his broad-shouldered figure anywhere. You softly called out for his name, head spinning from constantly turning. Your feet took you forward. You try ignore the giggly and bloodily-clad animatronics whose haunting stares scared you far worse than any unwanted confrontation with any of your family members.
And there he was, talking to a girl.
That sort of closeness— the way they spoke. Laughing, catching up, or something like that. Acquaintances? Friends, maybe?
Something ugly pricked at your skin from within.
Montrell’s words began to spiral inside your mind. ‘Father, mother, me, Antonne, you. Making stupid decisions for stupid ideals— rather, stupid romance.’
The feeling seared your veins, making you dig your nails into the bed of your palm. Your knuckles quivered from the intensity, like a sort of anger you felt when you saw any of your elder brothers being praised for the bare minimum, except.. This one felt different.
You watched the way her braids fell, wondering if you could pull it off with such grace. High society’s always been too picky, which forced you to drown out most of your interests, but now you couldn’t help but feel a little envious. You wanted to wear the clothes you wanted to wear, try out the makeup you wanted to try.
It felt like your mother’s shadow was being cast on you, making you embody the very phase you feared, your mother’s daughter—
and like your mother, you were quick to get jealous.
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And it devoured you, whole.
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You faltered, taking a step back before fully pivoting your heel and running off back to the dressing room. You shut the curtain behind you, only now finding the symbiote staring right at you through the mirror— its grotesque body mirroring your move.
“For a girl who knows how to handle most of her emotions, you can’t seem to handle jealousy well.”
“I’m not jealous. I’m just tired.”
“And I’m Sofia Vergara.“
“How the fuck do you know who Sofia Vergara is?”
“Memories, my dear.”
You felt a surge of panic take course of you.
“This is unhealthy. I can’t be like this, I don’t even know who she is.” You exasperatedly murmured. “I need to calm down— Miles and I aren’t even official yet.”
“Exactly, so be the lady that you are and introduce yourself, damn it. You have no friends.”
“I have friends.” You seethed. “I’m popular as hell in Acadia.”
“If I had a dollar for every friend you have, I’d be the one giving you a poverty rant.”
“[Y/n]?” Miles pulled you out of your thoughts yet again.
“Y-Yeah?” You called out, whipping your head back. “You done?” He asks, shuffling a bit. You hesitantly open the curtain to reveal yourself, your sights eventually welcoming the image of Miles dressed in all black— with a long, beak-like mask over his head. As you were too busy trying to find his little acquaintance, Miles gawks at you from behind his heavy façade.
The faux black silk draped over your curves seamlessly, the crimson of the bolero gleaming beneath the light as it contrasted against the dress. You lifted the veil past the dark crown like a bride, lashes fanning up to meet him by his gaze.
“Oh, wow.” He sighed. “Wow, you— the woman that you are.”
There was something about the way he looked at you.
It was like you were all that consumed his mind and being. Nonetheless, it was the truth.
But even now, as Miles held out his hand for you to hold, you couldn’t help but wonder how many times he’ll look at you like this until it manifests from love into something else.
“It’s a halloween costume, Miles, not a wedding dress. I can’t possibly be lookin’ all that great.” You took his hand, drawing closer to the mask. “God, you look like a big bird.”
Lost in the way you looked, Miles’ hands unconsciously trailed around your waist, looking down on you with a dumb stare that you couldn’t fathom. Suddenly, the both of you were disrupted by an abrupt cough. You both turn your heads, finding the same girl you’d seen him talking to just a few minutes ago.
“Hey,” She beamed, waving her hand at you. “Hope I ain’t disturbing anything?”
“You definitely were.” Miles’ gaze narrowed. The girl laughed, her white grin wide like a crescent moon. You couldn’t help but think, she’s got such a pretty smile.
“Mind introducing me, Miles?”
With a hand still on your waist, Miles gestures towards you. “This is my lady,”
“[Y/n],” You held out your hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Both Miles and the girl stared at your open palm.
“Wow, ain’t she prim and proper? Like a princess.” She teased, accepting your hand. “I’m Amadi, nice to meet you too.”
Her palm was warm and smooth, decorated by the lacey sleeve of her periwinkle sweater. She stood in heeled boots, a couple inches taller than you— an inch or two off of Miles’ height. As she shook your hand, the girl couldn’t help but helplessly marvel at you as though you were a statue carved from marble.
“God, how in the hell did you land on Miles? You’re just,” Amadi’s hands airily traced your figure. “You’re just wow. I-Is Miles keeping you hostage or sum? You don’t look nuthin like human. You look outta this world.”
“Thank,” You stifled a laugh. “Thank you?”
“I can hear you, Madi.” Miles churned.
“M’just stating truths ‘cause—“ She clicks her long, acrylic nails. “Why she be lookin’ outta this world while you’s lookin like you snuck onto earth?”
You placed a hand over your mouth, trying your hardest, you very hardest, not to laugh. Miles pulled you back away from her with a disintegrating glare.
“Tu puta madre,” He spat. “.. Go back to Monique.”
“Mi novia— love of my life, we’re off halloween shopping too. Gotta big date tomorrow, we gon be watching horror movies n shi.” Amadi added, decisively looking around. “Speaking of which, Ionno where she went.”
“She might be with Voshon.” Miles piqued.
“Voshon?” Your head started to spin with the amount of new names you were processing. “That’s a.. Interesting name.”
“Mama was gonna name him Joshua, but my dad wanted to combine or grandparents’ names together, so— Vaughn and Shontelle.. Voila, Voshon.”
“Oh, he’s your brother?” You queried. Amadi hums. “Unfortunately. I mean, I’d always preferred being an only child but we all don’t get what we want most of the time.“
“Oh, I definitely get that.”
“No way, you got brothers too?”
“Yeah, I’m the only girl.”
“Can’t imagine the mess in your house, damn.. Hey!”
Amadi soon joins a pair, one with a much brighter and pinker style and the other satisfied with a mere hoodie for marking a fashion statement. You fiddled with the skirt of your dress, evidently nervous as a million thoughts flooded your mind. You weren’t the friendliest person out there, nor were you the most likable out of all your siblings.
It was never easy for you to make friends. Too many found you overbearing, the rest condescending. Your position was overwhelming enough for any other person your age, and those who knew about you were ambitious to make connections and forge deals.
What if they won’t like me?
What if I mess up?
What if I come off as too condescending?
But Miles took your hand, grabbing your attention from the spur of your overthinking. He took off his mask, easing you with the familiarity. One look at him and home found its way back to you.
“You wanna meet ‘em, ma?” He asks.
With an anxious smile, you nodded.
“Of course.”
And like a whirlwind into the night, you were off.
For the first time, you part yourself entirely from the world you knew and entered Miles’ world.
“Oh, hello!” Bubbly and sweet, Monique greeted you with such warmth that it melted away all your previous worries. “Oh my god— don’t tell me,” She glances over to Amadi for confirmation. “Are you the [Y/n] Miles always talks about!?“
“Nica— please—“
“You ARE!”
She spoke of you as though you’d been a legend told to the latter, like a tooth fairy. “It’s so nice to finally meet you! We’ve been dying to meet you and– wow, you’re gorgeous.”
“Thank you,” Your cheeks were bound to be flushed. “I think you’re very pretty too. I-I really like your hair and your makeup, it’s super well done.”
“Awe, thank you so much!” She placed a hand over your heart, wholeheartedly touched by your compliment. Monique looks at Miles with a pout.
“… Miles, can you fight?”
“Fuck you mean ‘Can you fight?’, I will square you the fuck up r’now.”
His friends were sweet— welcoming without the need of a surname. Monique, with her free and silk-like curls, was a firecracker who liked glitter on her lids and her nails and her clothes. Amadi was ever-so loving of her, despite preferring black and chains for her aesthetic. The two girls were a stark contrast of one another— and unsurprisingly, Monique already had her mermaid costume prepared and was just helping out Amadi pick her Dracula ensemble.
Voshon, although quieter, was one you recognized as similarly withdrawn and reserved like Miles when the both of you first met. Amadi described him to be a total nerd, and quirky— later proven when he and Miles chased each other with fake swords, running across the aisles while exchanging hits.
When Voshon tosses over the sword to you, however, chaos truly ensued.
“GO GET HIM!” The girls cheered as you and Miles managed to create a questionable chase scene of a Priestess holding a Minecraft sword chasing after a Plague Doctor with a scythe. Onlookers couldn’t help but watch on as the both of you squabbled.
Like a livid cat and its cheesy mouse.
“Esto en un mamey. You too fuckin’ slow!” He teased in between a heave. “Can’t catch me for shit!”
Shit went down as you bent over to take off your boots.
“That ain’t changing, nun— aye puta.” Miles narrowly avoids one of the shoes that came flying at his direction. He looks over like a child in awe, head following the direction of wherever it went.
“I never knew you were Latina, mam– MIERDA LOCO, CEBOLLA COÑO!” And a couple other curses exit his tongue as you tackled him to the ground with a loud crash.
You let a hearty, chesty giggle escape your lips. The adrenaline got you cackling like a comical villain, that even Miles couldn’t help but laugh helplessly along with you. Seeing you like that, with your hair all wild and your smile at its wildest, it softened his whole being.
“… You’re so pretty, mami.” He airily sighed with a cough to the side.
“.. Sure.” Was all you could answer.
And of course, after getting an earful from the staff, you and Miles finally ended your tiny sword-fighting sequence. After changing out of the costumes, all five of you prompted to test out the animatronics.
It was about taking turns.
And it was also when you realized, Amadi was Dominican.
You learned a lot of Spanish that day, especially from one step of a button to activate an animatronic.
Everyone’s mouths were.. Extraordinarily filthy.
But you liked it— from watching bursting and spinning animatronics screaming bloody murder at you, to going around talking about all kinds of things with his friends.
“God, I’ve always wanted one of those.” Amadi points at the lace parasol one of the mannequins were holding. “It’s so Morticia Addams.”
“Well, maybe you should get it.” You suggest. “It’d look great with your vampire costume.”
Amadi sighed. “I only got money for the costume, can’t buy sum like that. Maybe I’ll just DIY it with my nana’s old umbrella.”
You squinted a tiny bit, eyeing the sign that announced in bold lettering: $16.99.
And for privileged little you, the sixteen was just change for a hundred dollar bill, which made you inadvertently blurt out. “I can pay.”
“Nah, girlie, it’s gon’ take me whole two to three months ‘fore I can afford to pay you back.”
“I mean, it’s fine—“ You realized just how spoiled you were sounding. “I recently got my paycheck so I guess I can buy you something.”
“Where do you work, though?” Monique added, clinging onto your other hand as the left one was occupied by Miles. “Like do you work at a café or a restaurant?”
“Family business,” You vaguely replied. “Boring stuff. But my dad pays me well enough, so I guess I can live with it— so maybe I can pay for that.”
“No, no, no.” Amadi answered, accent thick. “Really, we can pay for it ourselves.”
But you couldn’t ignore it. Not when you could see Miles openly contemplating on buying the costume or not— as he’s been fiddling with the price tag the whole time you two were walking. And you’ve seen the way Voshon’s been eyeing the diamond sword for a while now.
So you made up your mind.
“I’m just gonna go to the bathroom for a moment— can you hold this for me, Miles?” You gently nudged your costume towards him before walking away without another word. As you did so, the group gawked in confusion.
“… Where’s she going? The bathroom’s that way.”
Ring. Ring. Ring.
“Hello, this is Mr. Chávez’s office, how may I help you?”
A simple, roundabout greeting, said over and over for the last few years. Usually followed by a “No, he’s not available at the moment” or a “I’ll take word”, but for the first time, the secretary stammers in embarrassment with her nails clutching onto the phone for dear life. The old man behind the wide, glass doors took note of his poor assistant’s sudden faltering, yet he maintains naturally unfazed.
“Yes, ma’am. I’ll put him on the phone with you right this instant.”
Stumbling in her high heels, the secretary staggers inside the man’s office with the whole telephone in her hand.
“Sir, you’ve got an important call.”
“I’m busy, Nicole.”
“It’s your daughter— Miss [Y/n]?” She uttered your name as though you’d materialize out of thin air after chanting it three times. She was horrified of you.
With a click of his tongue, your father picks up the phone.
“What do you want?” He instantly asks of you.
“Dad, remember how you’ve always claimed that the celebration of halloween is unnecessary?”
Without even uttering an answer, you decisively went on.
“Well, in November, there is a tremendously large spike of sales when it comes to anything horror-related. It’s always been capitalist to clad November as a scary month in order to convince people to buy into scary things—“ He hears something tumble in the background. “— and since late October to early November is usually one of the hotel’s lowest months, I figured my proposal would be a perfect proxy for my apology for the way I acted during dinner.”
You didn’t even know what you were talking about at this point, but you were willing to try.
“.. What are you talking about?” He snaps.
“Well, I—“ You hesitated a bit. “I researched a bit, and I’ve come with an unsure solution.”
“What is it?”
“… Can we buy Spirit Halloween?”
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figured id add this poll too in case.
some summaries for ur luxury and convenience:
galtean au w a sprinkling of tangled inspriation
team has to secure an alliance with a planet that is like a giant ancient rome basically and has the military prowess to match and it is delicate enough that keith and lance are not allowed to help with negotiations and instead must just sit around and look pretty and amuse themselves in a big ass villa via falling in at least 40k of slowburn in love and aware but not letting ourselves yet love canon fic based off that taylor swift song. uh. the one with the spilling wine in the bathtub. dress
adult klance shoved together in a cross canada train car simultaneously going through a quarter life crisis modern au
keith really hates his dumbass realter job and his realter job hates him and gives him dilapidated ass houses to sell and in one such house he meets a newly created and very angry about it ghost named lance who has a Personal Problem with keith as if its his fault he's fuckin' dead modern au
journey to the centre of the earth au ft. keith who just wants to keep the memory of his brother alive thru geeky geology, his very emo thirteen year old niece hana, and a very intelligent but highly competitive mountain guide who seems to hate him a little for some reason and unfortunately looks very good doing so. this au is already partially written
superman keith lois lane lance au
trucker klance slowburn modern au
mad chemist youtuber lance and awkward but hugely famous actor keith who like a dumbass tells the entire internet that he has the hots for said youtuber who then proceeds to play hard to get bc he is a shit nilered au
unbelievably insane and heavy period piece circa venice 1492 with emotionally agonised and Falling angel lance and cathedral stonemason keith who treats him as if hes holy
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battiegutz · 1 year
I talk on here a lot hopefully I’m not weirding you out.
I’ve also rewrote parts of 2012 Tmnt. And I have questions!
So hold up lemme get my list.
First of!
Leo? Trans fem? If so, during what arc would she come out? I have my own ideas but I wanna know yours!
Ships?? (Bats eye lashes)
Ok ok next
Any new designs? Cause I have some for the krang and the big krang robot
Mmm what else… OOo!
Any other plot points and stuff your adding on too?
I really really like hearing ideas about rewriting parts of 2012 .
Anyway hopefully I’m not weird or annoying! Please tell me if I should calm down on the asking (trust me I would not be offended)
yesss transfem leo :3 idk when she comes out but she doesnt rlly get time to think abt her gender until th farmhouse arc but that gets interrupted when they go back to reverse th invasion (i most recently watched th ep where bebop nd rocksteady got mutated so i only have like. a vague idea of what happens next lol) but i think maybe? it would be before the space arc?? god i need 2 keep watchin💀 YES. SHIPS. GOD OK SO. im a multishipper if its not obvious but fr this particular au/rewrite, im eventually gonna have lesbian aprilnardo bc idk they have a rlly good dynamic i think. side not raph nd april are absolutely besties they love talkin shit. there will also be timatello bc im giving tim an actual arc whattttt🤯🤯🤯🤯 anyway yea LOL timatello<3 altho itll just be pining nd they never get 2gether sadly :( srry th angst won nd someone maybe got a little bit shot😔 ill try to throw some jonatello crumbs in aswell maybe, idk torn between them nd rasey fr why does casey have so much game🤨 oh my god yes i want to ideally redesign all the characters tho idk if ill get around 2 EVERYONE but man im a fruit ofc im changin up these designs. i gave april braces nd freckles bc i think it suits her :3 i also wanna make th kraang in general more like. horrifying? probably not the early series kraang, but w aprils kraang dna in particulat i wanna delve deeper into horror teehee. also wanna make karai more well. shes a teenager bruh i think she shuld be allowed to have her emo era lol. im tryna wait until i get thru like majority of th show to mess w th plot points but some ideas i have involve showing more of the farmhouse arc, and considering a certain. lost limb😶(srry leo lol) itll take a bit longer fr them to get back 2 nyc. also jus gonna try nd fix th weird way 2012 did romance subplots?? why does leo hav a crush on her sister🤢 yea no instead she meets karai in civilian clothes nd they bond nd karai becomes like an older sister to her but then she has to betray leo fr shredder :( not super developed obvs but i think i jus wanted karai to wear trap pants and smoke weed lol. april also shuts down donnie rlly early bc shes a lesbian so shes like. bruh. also my recent art post idk what actually happens in mutant apocalypse but i was thinkin abt how interestin it wuld be if leo was captured by the kraang and used as an experiment bc of her unique mutations :3
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it's the guys turn and this one is even easier
Nannam. Ah my chaotic emo little liar who turns besotted after like 10 seconds of interaction, how could I possibly love him more. Not to mention that he walks over to Nithain with a gunshot wound. Adored <3
Nanfah. I can't tell anymore if this is just my Nanon bias or the twins are genuinely great. Nanfah however is really fun here as eviler baby Nanon who throws knives at people for fun and is even more of a liar than his big brother. Not to mention that he's fucking unhinged when it comes to his relationship with Nannam. Delightful
Hunter. He might've gotten 0 backstory yet but the vibes are screaming Weird and Unhinged and im still holding out for him being a vampire. If the backstory ends up being lame, even his anger issues and omnipotence won't be able to save him though
Nathee. 90% of the reason I love him is because I like his dynamic with Florence. Longsuffering is a good look on him. I'd have liked him more if we saw more of his personality in the earlier episodes
Hack. I don't care for him. But I hate Pine more
Pine's the worst and apparently gets less likable by the episode. The stalking? The trampling of all of August's boundaries? His wishy-washiness regarding Irin? Literally everything about his interactions with August? Ughh. Also he suggested an app for tracking all of users' private data. There's nothing he can do to make me like him better
Edit: I added this in an addition but i'm also just adding on to the og post that I forgot about Wayu. He'd be right above Hack because he's just boring while Hack is actually annoying
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emotionalhardcore · 3 years
Too cool for Sophie’s Floorboard? Confused by Soulseek? Want to feel like a skramz kid in the mid 00s? Or just curious to explore a BIG part of 00′s Real Emo Internet Culture? Then this post is for you!
I have, underneath the “Keep reading”, compiled my favourite emo blogspots on the internet! ENJOY!!! And please share and visit the blogs, as I put a lot of effort into this particular (and every blog put a lot of effort into their own posts)
el basurero del emo
South American emo and screamo barely gets any traction online, and that is a huge fucking bummer. I am particularly fond of most emo n’ skramz that comes out of Chile, and all the bands that are worth checking out can be found on this blog! (Asides from Tenemos Explosivos...)
The quality on the downloads are as good as it can get, it’s pretty obvious that el basurero del emo puts quality over quantity. The quality also shines in the writing, as almost all posts in the blog contain in depth information on bands. It’s in spanish so if you don’t speak it then please google translate them, as it’s really They also have released two compilations of South American emo that can be found here.
Behind “el basurero del emo” we have Enzo Raffler, mastermind behind emoviolence band “mis suenos son de tu adios”. Probably one of the people who are most involved with screamo in South America. So by all means go support him however you can!
This Endless Breath
This blogspot is specified in emo/screamo from the 00s! Lots of GREAT deep cuts for all of you who wish to get insane amounts of obscure skramz knowledge.
Just like “el basurero del emo”, this blog is not extremely active BUT This Endless Breath is quite active on their youtube channel. So if you’re iffy about downloading a whole bunch of random screamo then you’re in luck.
What makes this blog so amazing, in my opinion, is the sheer amount of obscure shit it has. If you are into the more well known side of screamo, then reading through the bands list will be mindblowing because holy shit there’s barely any mainstream stuff in here. The only bands close to more well known are Blow Up, Isodora Crane, Love Lost But Not Forgotten and Vincent Black Shadow (AND I THINK THIS SAYS A LOT!!! BECAUSE MOST OF THESE ASIDE FROM LLBNF ARE NOT KNOWN!!!)
Desperate and Lonely
Desperate and Lonely is a total classic when it comes to emo blogging. Really good quality downloads, rarely untagged files and full band discographies! Desperate and Lonely is an example of what a proper skramz blog is all about!
To adress the elephant in the room: No, I neither read nor understand russian (the language this blog is in) But with the magic of this amazing skill called common sense, the blog should not be difficult to browse through. Just don’t forget to click on “read more” so you get the whole stuff! I do wish I understood russian, as it appears that the blog, aside from writing a lot of info on the bands, also sometimes interviews the bands! I google translated the The Pine interview and trust me it’s GREAT so I think the other release should be equally good.
Angry Emo Nerd
THIS right here is my absolute favorite emo blog! Even if it no longer is active, the amount of bands it left us with is more than enough. Some stuff comes untagged and in bad quality/missing info YET it’s definitely my favorite for finding old emo.
Not too mainstream and not too obscure, Angry Emo Nerd has the perfect balance for the aspiring emo nerd! I am reminded of a line from a The Saddest Landscape song (”flipping through the record bins... it’s all a little too obscure... and im just looking for something more familiar”) Sometimes you don’t need to download screamo that is TOO obscure, personally I find it overwhelming.
Anyways! Most of the stuff you might find here can also be found on his youtube channel! If Simon B doesn’t have what you are looking for then this channel might!
drifting with the ice
Compared to all the other dusty ass skramz blogs, “drifting with the ice” is fresh and new! The blog seems to have started in April 2021 and has been pumping out pure quality screamo both in the blogspot and their youtube account since then.
Every post contains what seemingly is as much information as possible, with high quality pictures of the releases being hosted. Seriously, even if you have a hard time sitting down and reading, the sweet writing style this blog is written in makes it very fun and interesting to read through.
I haven’t visited this blog enough to say more, but it’s such a good one that it deserves to be mentioned in this list. Can’t wait to see this blog keep going!
That was all I had to share! It feels obvious but I will say it anyways: If you have the ability to support the bands then please please do it. Especially if they’re still active. Like, I doubt that some obscure 90s emo band that only released one demo tape will get economically destroyed because you downladed them off a random screamo blog. BUT if the band is relatively modern and active then all money and support can be used for the wellbeing of the band, and in return, for the wellbeing of the scene.
Let me know if there are other great blogspots you like!
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chromes-corner · 2 years
The bingo thingy for Rose x raspberrt mousse? I say "ew." everytime just because I love her so much!! I'll turn into a lesbian for you!
Raspberry Mousse's pining(?) is honestly adorable to me Im just super jealous
Tumblr media
yesss you get it anon
i definitely feel like raspberry mousse's crush is not reciprocated. like idk i feel like rose just wouldn't return the feelings so mousse is just gonna be all sadboy emo bart simpson edit "I'm brocken 💔" mode.
i love a one-sided romance. so much angst potential 🙏🙏 love it. i feel like they could totally be friends though but at the same time it would put a big fat strain on mousse because dammit he's so into her but she is entirely dismissive of it. oh to find and read a fic where mousse comes to terms with his unreturned feelings 😔😔😔 i love angst so much
but then theres also the opposite where rose takes interest and mousse is 100% flustered and rendered unable to conceive a single coherent thought because of it lol
also consider the following: rose taking interest in raspberry while mousse just stands at the sidelines like "why"
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Head-Cannons for Jealous Kageyama, Suga, Iwaizumi, & Bokuto
request: hi! May I request hc's of iwazumi, bokuto, mattsun, suga, and kageyama on how they act when they're jealous? I couldn't find a character limit in your rules so feel free to do however many you like :) Have a good one lovely human <3
Hi honey! So I didn’t write it but I'm going to be doing four per head-cannon! thank you for requesting! <3 These are gender neutral/no pronouns so I hope that’s ok, hope you enjoy! Also to everyone, requests are open!
✰ you’ve been in class all day and finally the bell rings and its lunch
✰ you and a friend are sitting, talking about homework, eating, as one does during lunch. You normally sit with him because kags always plays volleyball during break, surprised? no.
✰ all sweet Kags wanted to do this lunch was to sit with his baby!!!
✰ he sees you sitting real close to this other guy, and what does his awkward ass do? FUCKING STARES AT YOU, clown to clown communication going on right here
✰ anyone coming into the cafeteria just sees him blocking the path with the smoke whirling around his head
✰ you finally turn around after feeling two burning holes in the back of your head and see him glancing between you and your friend
✰ dummy realizes you noticed him and turns bright red in embarrassment after noticing he has been staring at you for at least half the lunch period and he sprints
✰ this man ZOOOOOMS out of that room
✰ you, being the caring s/o you are, run after him to the best of your abilities, all the way to the vending machine
✰ by the time you get there, he’s already sipping on two milks, pouting, and bright red, poor thing
✰ you make eye contact with him as you sit down, him turning away to face a wall instead
✰ you poke his stomach and sides to get his attention, fully aware of how ticklish he is there
✰ “Y/N PLEASE!” he grits out in between fits of laughter
✰  “Why did you run out then?” you say as you cease your attack, snaking your arms around his waist
✰ his body relaxes into yours and returns the hug, he buries his face into the top of your head as he mumbles
✰ “I know you know I can't hear you,” 
✰ he grunts back in response and mumbles again, just loud enough that you can hear that one, specific, word
✰ “YOU WERE JEALOUS!!!!!!” you scream so loud he jumps back a little
✰ he burrows his head into your neck in an attempt to hide from you, not the best play he could have made, but there was an attempt, he tried
✰ you move one hand to pat his head and the other stays on his back, “Kags, I don’t know why you would be jealous, I’m just friends with (Friends/N), I don’t like him like that, ok?”
✰ he straightens up and looks at you dead in the eyes, to anyone else he looks normal, but there's a little smile on his face that looks a little less creepier than usual
✰ he grabs you tight and you can hear the bell in the background, but you both ignore it and stay like that for a little longer
✰ everyone pretends that this man is the chillest, sweetest, calmest character in this show
✰ hell no
✰ he has as much crackhead energy radiating through his body as is possible without being a crackhead
✰ the two of you are at one of karasuno's practice matches against nekoma, and they have been trying that play with nishinoya as setter, and a few other ideas the coach came up with
✰ during a break between on of the games (which to your displeasure, have gone on forever, but you love seeing Suga play so you don't really mind) you decide to pull out your chemistry homework
✰ “why, and who made chemistry,” you say to yourself “I just want to have a little talk.”
✰ “Well I wouldn’t say a specific person invented it, but Robert Boyle is considered the first modern chemist,” you look to your left and see a tall nekoma player with bed hair
✰ you arch a brow, and get back to ‘working’, if you could call it that
✰ he sits next to you and offers a smirk and says, “Im Kuroo Tetsuro, if you want I can help with your homework if you want,”
✰ your nose scrunches up and you turn away from him
✰ “Don’t be sodium chloride,” he says as he scoots a little closer, but as he does that, you can feel the other side of you warm a little
✰ in the corner of your eye before you look to see what sat next to you, you see Suga, his eyes glaring straight at the rooster boy
✰ he drapes his arms on your shoulders and sets his head on yours and looks directly as kuroo, cold as ice, he tells him “She is fine, I can help her,” 
✰ the smile on his face does nothing to hide the fact that he’s not messing around 
✰ you pull him off of you to face him, giving him a little shove before telling him off,
✰ “I had it covered, it’s not like I was going to say yes, even though I probably need the help…”
✰ he raises his eyebrows at you, “I can help you, no problem!” he says sweetly, as if you both aren’t getting the same grades
✰ the next game is starting, signaled by the freak already on the court in their positions and the whistle blowing you give Suga a kiss on the cheek and tell him to go
✰ he smirks at you, and from then on in the match, whenever he spiked a ball, set a good toss, or dug anything, he looked to kuroo and directly pointed to where you sat
~Hajime Iwaizumi, (27), Athletic trainer~
✰ I don't even know what to do for this dude, no wait haha jk
✰ Iwaizumi, Oikawa, and you have been best friends for forever
✰ you guys are so close, sleepovers since you were little, you even made them an entire meal and movie night on the day they lost, lots of wet tissues and tear soaked blankets
✰ when you and Iwaizumi finally got together after year of pining after each other, nobody was more excited than Oikawa, nobody 
✰ now, you three are having a sleepover to celebrate being done with midterms and you made a big pillow fort to watch your favorite movie in, with popcorn and chocolate and all of that
 ✰ it's dark except for the light from computer screen, you can barely make out the faces to your right and left, and it's so late, you forgot who was on which side
✰ it's hard for you to fall asleep without Iwa anymore, so you grab the arm to your left and lift it up and snuggle into the warmth of who you thought was your boyfriend
✰ because you all are so close, Oikawa didn’t think twice about wrapping his arms around you, forgetting that Iwa was even there
✰ your boyfriend started to get red in the face, “Oikawa,” he warned, trying to make his best friend back off without making a scene
✰ Oikawa looks to him confused, “Chill out Iwa-chan! I know it's not godzilla but it's not that bad”
✰ Iwaizumi would have left it at that, but when you turned around and hooked your leg onto your current human pillow? Ohohoho, its over
✰ he grabs your waist and throws you over his shoulder, wrecking the little tent you made and leaving the third wheel of the trio in the rubble
✰ you cry out in protest, upset that your hours of work are now suffocating your other best friend
✰ you feel every step and he takes as he walks you both towards your room the air is tense, and you don’t know what to do
✰ you enter your bedroom, still being carried by him, and he drops you on the bed, and falls on top of you, letting out a noise of comfort as you squirm
✰ “Hajime please get of you’re squishing meee!” you wheeze out the last part
✰ he doesn’t verbally acknowledge you but he adjusts himself so you both are comfortable
✰ “Is this ok?” he asks quietly
✰ “yeah,” you reply, “It is.” 
✰ Neither of you seem to notice oikawa taking photos, and the next day, oikawa shows iwa, but not without a volleyball to the head 
✰ neither you nor oikawa know that's his screen on his phone
✰ When does this boy not get jealous, not because of you no! He trusts you with anything and everything, and he loves showing you off
✰ that is until all the attention goes to you and he thinks everyone is going to take you away, especially when he goes emo mode, he’s about ready to give you up to anyone :( but you never go obviously
✰ akaashi managed to convince you to become manager, he said that it would come in handy when he started to become self destructive
✰ and it worked! You were able to save a lot of games and akaashi’s mental health, for a while that is
✰ today was the first day of spring high finals, teams everywhere, balls flying, and Bokuto was anxious, and it was showing
✰ as the team walks to the court, you grab Bokuto's hand and you grab it tight letting him know you are there for him
✰ he began to feel less tense and calmed down once again 
✰ the game started and it was going smoothly, the other team wasn't able to shut down any Fukurōdani’s attacks
✰ that is until, the other team's captain started flirting with you
✰ whenever he makes a point, he would say some gross ass pick up line, or wink at you, and even worse, he would make sure to meet eyes with Bokuto, every, single, time
✰ Bokuto’s shots have gotten worse, he's hitting into the blockers, the net, and even missing the ball completely
✰ it physically hurts you when this happens to your boyfriend, and at this point you are sick of it, and have started to grow annoyed at the creepily corny capitan 
✰ you whisper to the coach to call Bokuto in who is currently hanging onto akaashi, asking him not to set to him anymore
✰ the coach calls a time out, and signals the rest of the team to stay on the court, Bokuto doesn’t even notice the rest of his teammates standing still around him
✰ when he reaches the bench you grab him by the shoulders and look him in the eyes and say “Baby, kick his ass.”
✰ you move your head to face the other captain and smile, then you grab Bokuto's face and kiss him, hard
✰ the time out ends and your team is flushed with embarrassment, but Bokuto was hyped up jumping all over the court, and ready to destroy the other team
✰ (they won the rest of the set no points lost)
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miroyuuu · 3 years
Hiiii tell me more about the cheer au!
😳cheer au u say 👉👈
heh just for festivities sake i like to think the boys especially skwisgaar n toki have spirit and like to rep the colors (which are i guess pastel pink and blue haha) and paint their nails those colors too! at football games pickles n murderface put streaks of pink and blue paint across their cheeks heh
also i am definitely going in a pickleface direction for this au i just think there is SO much potential.. while skwistok is the already established committed af couple in this au, pickleface is the kinda slow burn where they both have feelings for each other, pickles is a lil flirty with mf here and there while mf is too scared of rejection to make a move... but its mostly them just goofin off and having homoerotic moments while working out/wrestling together 😏
REALLy though im just thinking abt after a montage of them spotting each other, holding the other's punching bag, that thing where you wear the big funny gloves and take the boxer's hits (yes i love sport related tropes but am the furthest from a jock myself Lol idk what I'm talking about) anyways it ends in a practice wrestling match and murderface has got him pinned beneath him against the mat and pickles just. has this tiny grin because he's like "finallyyy". Hes so used of flirting with him just for him to get flustered and either not reciprocate (bc murderface has been telling himself no way his feelings are returned he must just be imagining this) or pushing past it quickly. Anyways, mf is on top of him n they're heaving n red in the face and mf's eyes flit down to his lips then back up to his eyes and pickles is just like "do et." and mf is suddenly drawn out of his trance and tries to shake off the tension, moving to get up before pickles just grabs him by his uniform and crushes their lips together 😳👉👈
Ok seriously idk how it happened but cheer au ended up REALLY opening my eyes to all the good in pickleface?? Suddenly i am so emo over them??
Anyways the pickleface mutual pining is so painfully obvious to the skwisgaar and toki who are just watching from the sidelines chatting together about how oblivious they both are. murderface catches skwis n toki in the lockers one day for advice about what to do about his 'crush on this girl in his math class that he wants to ask out but is afraid of being rejected' one day after cheer practice and skwis n toki just trade this knowing look hehe
also about the pickleface morning car rides 🥺 pickles is always leaving in a messy rush from his house, holding an arm out to flip off seth who's sneering at him through the window of his own car. The second he hops up into murderface's truck hes groaning about the newest shitty thing seth did and kicking the inside of mf's car. Murderface just listens and talks shit about seth with him, and he lets pickles drink the rest of his redbull and the stale cheetos that have been sitting in the cupholder since yesterday. Anyways their car rides to and from school are always kind of the highlight of murderface's day just cus he gets to talk to pickles a lot.. hes been harboring a big crush on him for years now and its the one thing that he really shys up about, when pickles prods at it and flirts w him.
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may i have a ohshc and harry potter matchup plz
Hi my name is rex, i’m queer and use they/them pronouns and i’m 15. And i would prefer someone not over the age of 19 plz. have like a caramel colored skin-tone (i feel like saying im black may be easier but 🤷🏽‍♀️) and im 5’3. Rn i have a purple-pink short mullet and i have pretty curly hair, im pretty chubby but i have an hourglass shape (but i have super noticeable hip dips) , i got pretty big fucking tittes (not even in a bragging way, im a fuckin k cup bro😭) and thicc thighs(thicc thighs save lives, sorry i’ll stop). I dress pretty alternative but i cant just choose one subculture tho, i wear a lot of heavy eye makeup. There are times where i dress some what “sexual” but its not sexual cause im 15 and other times i wear a lot of layers. Honestly I don’t really have a type. Tbh most of my relationships have ended pretty badly cause they ether only wanted something sexual from me or I was “too clingy” when i just wanted basic ass affection. But the most I want is someone who is physically affectionate (like kisses, cuddles, and hugs for days) also im ok with pda to an extent like i will hug and like cuddle you but im not gonna make out with your infront of others thats weird af. Im a libra sun, scropio moon, and gemini rising. This means that im a pretty social person and always wanna hang out with friends and just have fun, but moon in scropio makes my emotions rlly haywire and kinda boosts any sorta negative emotion, which is hard when you have chronic anxiety and major depressive disorder. Which also means i take medication for it, which i forget a lot. And because of these things i have anxiety tics, where it ranges to making noices and twitching a bit to full on hitting myself and saying random shit. But I really like making people laugh, it makes me feel helpful, but im also good at being to mother figure for people. I also like playfully bantering with people, like i love you but will full on roast you and get into fake fist-fights. I am a bit of a violent person at times but I have a punching bag and boxing gloves which help a lot. But I only get that angry when someone uses an insecurity of mine against me or is talking bad about someone i love, cause it you do that im beating your ass. I do have a bit of body insecurities mainly about my hip-dips and stomach. But because im curvy i get hit on by adults a lot and its creepy as fuck. My hobbies include art (painting, drawing), sleeping (because i stay up mad late😭✌🏽), reading comics, Marvel and D.C superheroes, and super villains, cartoons, and anime/manga. My favorite music genre’s are rock, alternative, emo, rap, and a little bit if indie music. Personality: funny, sarcastic, creative, kind, inappropriate and the right times. Like im not gonna pull out a dick joke in front of your family I don’t really have a type and im queer so i dont have a gender preference, but anyone who’s love language is physical affection cause im a clingy bitch I have a couple ideal dates. So the first one is like an indoor picnic and a movie, an arcade date, and a stargazing date where you get take out or fast food and drive up a hill to see the stars and you like cuddle n shit.
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I ship you with Haruhi!
The two of you would be absolutely adorable together! I feel like you two would have known each other for a while before you started dating, it would absolutely be a mutual pining sort of thing. She slowly starts to notice her true feelings when she sees your eyes light up when you talk about something you are passionate about, it’s so easy for her to fall in love with your smile. You also love how tentative she is a kind to those around her, however you were hesitant to let your feelings be known. Only after a considerable amount of time does she confess to you, her heart simply is overflowing and she cannot wait to let her feelings be known.
She doesn’t have tons of money, but she likes to spoil you when she can, therefore most of your dates are a spur of the moment sort of thing. Using the money that she has she loves to go to the supermarket with you, letting you pick out whatever you want for dinner. Due to the fact she was alone for a large part of her childhood, she taught herself how to cook and as a result she can whip up anything that you ask her to! After coming back from the shop she always insists on carrying the groceries home, she can’t do much but these little things makes you know she cares. Once she has finished cooking your favourite meal she will let you pick whatever movie you like! She has not admitted it, but you have definitely got her into marvel movies, it becomes sort of a tradition between you two if you have a night alone. You love to watch her gradually get more invested in the franchise, asking questions here and there about the plot line, which she will gladly listen to in detail.
Having a scorpio moon, you can have a tendency to have mood swings from time to time, but with her calm demeanour she has a knack for calming you down during these times. She is extremely rational and doesn’t raise her voice, instead opting to talk about your issues in a calm way. She always listens tentatively to whatever is on your mind, and trie to help in whatever way she can. She is also super understanding of mental health, always being a shoulder to lean on. She doesn’t tell you but when you first mentioned that you suffer from this she spent the whole evening researching how best to help you, wanting to understand you further. She always checks in on you making sure you have taken your medication, bringing you a glass of water to help. She sometimes feels as though she is not doing enough for you, so you do have to reassure her that she is doing the absolute most that she can. You both lean on each other in a healthy way, with her mum being absent for a large part of her life, she often seek out comfort in you as well. You are both sides of the same coin and therefore you know how to help each other through any harsh times that may arise.
I believe that she is the type of person that wants to feel close to their significant other in any ways that she can. When she finds out that you create art she is blown away. She often finds you hunched over your desk, completely focused on whatever piece you are currently working on, coming to look over your shoulder before gushing at how good it is. She often asks you if she can keep a few of you art works, just so she can feel like you’re there even if you are not. You later find out that she has hung most of them up on her wall, she can glance over easily and feel that you are with her, even if you are apart. She definitely has invested in a few comics to keep in her bedside table, just incase you spend the night and happen to be bored if she is busy cooking dinner or washing up in the bathroom. The fact that she put so much thought into your needs just made you fall deeper in love with her. She always is thinking about you even if you are not there physically, the thought makes your chest tighten.
The song I associate with you two would be ‘Always Forever’ by Cults!
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I ship you with Luna!
One of the things she is initially attracted to is your physical appearance. She is known to march to the beat of her own drum, not really bothering to care about what others may think about her. She is unapologetically herself. Therefore I believe that she would love your unique appearance, loving the way you dye your hair various colours. The way you express yourself is something she admires.
Luna does not mind in the slightest how clingy you might be, in fact she actively encourages it! I believe that one of her love languages would be physical touch, being close to you physically is something she would enjoy. You always feel her hand slowly slip into yours when you are walking between classes, or her putting her leg next to yours as the two of you are eating in the Great Hall. It is something that is reassuring to her, knowing you are close to her. I also know that she gives the best hugs, whenever you feel stressed or overwhelmed she will pull you away from any distractions, wrapping her arms tightly around you, letting you know you are safe and she cares about you.
I believe that she would the mum friend, always looking out for those around her, this almost doubles in terms of a significant other. She might seem aloof but she is always so in tune with your emotions, seeming to know what you need before you realise it yourself. She would of course help you when you have a depressive episode, trying her best to get you outside even if it is only for ten minutes to life your mood. However, if you can’t leave your room that day or feel too overwhelmed, she will of course be happy to have a lazy day with you. Bringing with her a vast collection of snacks, ready to just eat and talk until the sun goes down. The two of you take turns spending the night in the others dorm, holding onto her as you both try to battle sleep, not wanting to stop the tender moment you share. There is a positive, that her being able to wake up to you the following morning. As stated previously, she likes to take care of you. She doesn’t get angry very often, in fact she never raises her voice, but if someone is purposefully being mean to you? She can be quite scary. Keeping her voice eerily steady as she confronts the person making you upset. You might have trouble sticking up for yourself, but no worries, she is the first person to put them back in their place.
Probably the best date location, in her opinion, is when you sneak out to go stargazing by The Great Lake. With the two of you lying side by side, content in a comfortable silence, watching the stars above you. She is the first to speak, telling you all of the various constellations she has grown up admiring. Shuffling closer to her to hear her more clearly, loving the way she rambles on an on about what the various stars represent. She doesn’t notice you looking up at her face as she talks, blushing when she realises, apologising for dumping all that information on you. You can’t help but smile, happy in the knowledge that she is comfortable enough to just ramble at you, not caring what comes out of her mouth. She is more grateful than you know.
The song I associate with you two would be ‘To The Bone’ by Bombay Bicycle Club!
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hongism · 4 years
Do you have any good ateez X reader fanfics Recs? I’m in need of a good long fanfic If not long Then a really really good one lol I just have a hard time finding some lol
BOY HOWDY IM FINALLY HERE okay but fr tho i’m sorry this took me Lightyears to do im so bad at remembering what fics i read and how i tag them so i lost my mind while trying to find them all and i’m sure i missed a lot of favs so i Apologize in advance asiodjfosijdf some are kinda popular so you might have seen them before but some do not get the credit they deserve and i could sit here and sing the praises of these fics and their authors for years but i won’t put y’all through that ._.
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You can’t even reach my neck - @kpopscenario - seonghwa
summary: They’re best friends and have feelings for each other but they both don’t know about the others crush, Seonghwa comforts her after another bad date. (Basically friends to lovers college!au)
yes i am a Sucker for a damn f2l college au on occasion and this is one of those Incredible and Well Written occasions i love this fic and the length is perfect and long in the best way 10/10 would recommend and it’s great
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such a good girl for me - @starrychannies - mingi
summary: no summary but the warnings should tell you Everything you need to know wink wonk skljdlkdfj
warnings: harddom!mingi, sub!reader, size kink (its mingi duh), choking, sir kink, pet names, mix of praise and degradation, oral (receiving), unprotected sex, slight overstim, slight humiliation (?), a lot of fluffy aftercare.
i find it Uber hard to write smut that is well written in all honesty like i can’t read my own smut bc i can’t Stand It i just think it’s awful but there are so so many authors out there who can write smut and write it well and i admire starrychannies so much for such incredible writing talent with smut yesyes
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Alone - @actuallythatwaspromise - san
summary: again n/a but good lord royalty au prince san, princess reader, smack me over the head because i really adore this 2.2k fic and good lord this fic gets me emo and i dont even know why??? the angst is soft and barely there but i’m still over here sobbing for no reason oisdfoaijdiof
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detention - @/starrychannies - wooyoung
warnings: badboy!wooyoung, goodgirl!reader, smut, voice kink, corruption kink, fingering, dirty talk, public sex, exhibitionism kink, wooyoung has piercings and reader is a Big Fan, mention of gags, light degradation.
this, this shit right here, this is so good WHEW i dont really have the words but hot damn, i just love this fic and i love love love the way the author wrote the the fic and it’s Hot:tm:
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violet roses - @/starrychannies - yunho
warnings: F L U F F, college!au, s2l, first meeting, yunho is a soft babie, yunhos pov!!, love at first sight, pining, bit of slow burn, yunho is Whipped, suggestive teasing, hyunjin is mentioned briefly in the beginning, protective yunho, mingi makes an appearance, mentioned that mingi’s gay, san is mentioned, smut, softdom!yunho, sub!reader, praise, car sex, SIZE KINK!!!!, vaginal penetration, fingering, finger riding, penetrative sex, daddy kink, yunho lowkey has a corruption kink, multiple orgasms.
did i die? yes but only a lot. ahhhh i LOVE me some damn s2l slow burn and pining that shit hits the spot and this fic has it wrapped up in a nice and lovely package pls read pls pls pls read
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lover boys - @/starrychannies - seonghwa + hyunjin
warnings: smut, wet dreams, poly relationship, boy x boy, non idol verse, ateez x skz crossover (yay!), harddom!seonghwa, softdom!hyunjin, sub!reader, threesome, reader is Needy, hyunjin is Sleepy, seonghwa is Amused, pwp, light somniphilia, dirty talk, petnames, some degradation, early morning sex, oral (giving), throat fucking, reader has no gag reflex and hyunjin is In Love with it, fingering (receiving), spanking (like twice), unprotected sex, light cum play, cum swallowing, little bit of praise, cuddles!
i really just need a minute whenever i think about this fic bc i highkey die every time i think about it??? two of my ults??? i can’t??? i really can’t handle this honestly like woW osdijfoijdfoi the way i melted we love to see it 🤩
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entanglement - @sanduction - wooyoung
summary: when the boy who had explicitly spelled out his implausible hatred towards you on every possible occasion tells you that he’s a dog, who would’ve guessed that you possessed the other half of his soul? not you, at least. life sure had a shit-load of guts to pull a twilight on you like that.
okay so deadass if you know me you know that i really am not the type to read werewolf/hybrid fics. i just typically don’t go for them or read them but this fic. this fic. oh my god. the way it’s so seamless and works so perfectly, i’ll never recover like W O W i love this fic that is all honestly i have mad respect for all writers who do werewolf/hybrid fics bc i can’t write them at all, so sanduction huge major props to you i love your work!!!
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who catches the alpha? - @teeztheflag - hongjoong
summary:  „You don’t want to break the rules, am I right?“
aka another phenomenal werewolf fic with alpha hongjoong that made me fall over in a totally great way. the angst the fluff the little suggestive bits it all flowed and fit together perfectly and i am still in love with this fic no matter how much time passes
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bite me - @atinyidea - yunho
summary: vampire!au, vampire!yunho, vampire!reader, female!reader established!relationship / warnings! angry s*x?, biting, blood, sir k*nk, consensual s*x, teasing, begging, rough play, overstimulation
this fic is ~spicy~ and whew it is good wow just the idea of yunho and reader being immortal together was like awww then it got spicy and i went to o_o real quick but it is such a good fic and wow i love it i dont even have words bc im Dumb but wow
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You Got It Like That? - @kimnamshiks - wooyoung
summary: You just needed to get through this week at the resort at the hands of 20 coworkers and Wooyoung; the Sales Department Supervisor who got some raunchy photos of you the day prior.
honestly wow sodifjoisdjf i love this fic so much i just wow honestly the reader is a whole mood when wooyoung texts about the pictures and i was reading like ‘ahahaa me.’ oisjdfoij god the back and forth between wooyoung and the reader just had me rolling legit i got flustered like pls wooyoung just HAAHHAHA WOOYOUNG IN THIS FIC GETS ME FLUSTERED AS FUCK it is all because tay is a Stellar Writer and makes those emotions come to life in amazing ways and i’ll never ever get over it just whew banter in fics is legit one of my favorite things ever and tay does it with such beautiful ease that i am Enamored but i am also Rambling just pls read this fic oh my god it’s so good
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be my neighbor - @jeonginks - seonghwa
summary: seonghwa moved into the apartment next to yours, and he stumbled into a situation he didn’t expect to face.
wow i l o v e this fic it’s just a perfect blend of angst and fluff and it sends me to space every time i read it soidfjoidjf don’t ask why space but it just does i kinda ascend okay? anyway wow this fic is such a gem and it is sO underrated in my opinion. the dialogue is written so beautifully and with an ease that i think is often times hard to capture?? wow just amazing
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Cheat Codes - @serendipityunho - seonghwa
summary: “This party’s boring, wanna get out of here?”, may have perhaps led you to make the biggest mistake of your life by sleeping with your best friend’s other best friend, your best friend who happens to be in love with you.
me: wow i never read college aus hahhaa
also me: reads a shit ton of college aus sodifjodijf
honestly this fic is 100% fantastic from start to finish, it’s 5.3k of pure greatness and i just really love this fic altho my heart broke at the end it still fit perfectly and was amazingly written ;-;
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that is all i have for today slkdfljdlk however i will be shameless and say that if you would like some Long Bois for ateez i have a few but i’ll link the fics i loved writing the most and am v proud of :3
storge - mingi
liquorice and ivories - hongjoong
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toxicpineapple · 4 years
HI IM ANON THAT ASKED FOR HCS and i just wanted like hmm a general like hcs for the whole cast,, but i would gladly appreciate a ‘taro ramble too <33
okay, well, to begin with, i do have a post of drv3 character headcanons already, so you can go and check this post out for your outdated juice. i honestly made this post months ago though so a lot of the headcanons on there are. kind of wonky. i’m gonna go ahead and correct the ones that have changed real quick and then add on new ones.
- bi kaito and maki? LAME!!! kaito and maki are homoromantic asexuals and i don’t take constructive criticism. (bi kaito and maki headcanons are so valid i just prefer them as homosexual now LFKDSJFKJD anyway akamota rights)
- actually they’re all asexual? hehe. the love hotels aren’t real they can’t hurt me. i’m gonna list ace headcanons now
- shuichi: sex positive asexual
- kaede: sex indifferent asexual
- kaito: sex repulsed asexual
- maki: sex repulsed asexual
- miu: sex indifferent asexual (side note, if anyone comes at me for my ace miu headcanons i’m literally gonna commit a murder)
- kokichi: sex repulsed asexual (but good at repressing his sex repulsion)
- rantaro: sex repulsed asexual
- himiko: sex repulsed asexual
- tsumugi: sex repulsed asexual
- tenko: sex repulsed asexual
- angie: sex positive asexual
- kiyo: sex positive asexual (but experiences sex repulsion due to trauma)
- ryoma: sex repulsed asexual
- gonta: sex indifferent asexual
- kirumi: sex repulsed asexual
- kiibo: sex indifferent asexual
- um. i lost my train of thought. oh. okay. so i gave kokichi depression back when i made this post and i think that was a weird thing in particular to saddle him with. i don’t think kokichi is like, a-okay and all the time, but i think he tends more towards manic than depressive. which isn’t to say that he can’t be both, but there’s a vibe and kokichi doesn’t have it
- regardless i gave kaito depression. suffer bitchboy
- while we’re talking about kaito, HOO BOY, i am a kinnie. sorry about this, anon. kaito has asthma, which isn’t a kinnie thing, but he also plays the ukulele, which IS a kinnie thing. i mentioned that he can knit. that was true. he also bakes!!! and he has had a series of hyperfixations throughout his life in this order:
- disney movies (ongoing)
- pirates (elementary school)
- musical theatre (first year middle school)
- frogs (second year middle school)
- tennis (third year middle school)
- also kaito has a crush on ryoma! haha! did i mention i don’t take constructive criticism! anyway
- let’s talk about trans headcanons :)
- shuichi, kokichi, maki, kaede, himiko, and tenko are all binary trans no matter what work i’m writing them in. even if i don’t tag it and it doesn’t come up at all, assume they’re trans! because they are and i don’t take constructive criticism
- BIG fan of nb kiibo, rantaro, kiyo, angie, kirumi, and kaito. just, real big fan
- all trans headcanons are valid periodt!!! except transmasc tenko we don’t.... we don’t like that in this house. please take your transmasc tenko elsewhere
- while i do think that himiko’s master committing suicide was One Hell Of A Take on my part, i’m pretty sure he just left. he just ditched a child because she was better than him. that’s all. y’know that one oumeno fic where he dies and everything is nuanced? yeah. he was just, a shitty person, that’s all it was. i’m sorry himiko you deserved better
- ummmmmmm himiko autistic! himiko autistic. she cannot STAND the texture of denim or sweats, it is just. The Unhappy Texture
- delicately eyezooms. low empathy mugi? low empathy tsumugi? hewwo, low empa
- kokichii is very good with kids! just exceedingly good with children. it’s because he is one himself
- kaede has two dads :)
- himiko’s parents are divorced. she lives with a single mother. as one does from time to time
- rantaro, if he finds all his sisters, eventually settles down as either a teacher, a therapist, or a school counselor. so like the first two or a combination of them
- kaito knits under the bed. why does he do this? i don’t know. he doesn’t know. it’s a thing, just go with it.
- rantaro sees a lesbian and thinks, “hmmm. she could use an emotional support himbo” and then just does it. kaito does this too but he hyperfocuses on like. two or three lesbians at a time. rantaro spreads himself thin between the lesbians. amamota and lesbians guys get into it
- mwahahaha (pushes my amamota agenda onto you) they’re dating and in love!
- coffee headcanons :)
- shuichi: black. as black as his soul. which is to say very black. not because he’s emo he just likes the colour
- kaede: a bit of cream and sugar, nothing excessive. kaede stays up late on hyperfixation energy alone she doesn’t need no coffee
- kaito: a couple sugar cubes but no cream
- maki: ... a lot sweeter than she’ll admit
- rantaro: milk and sugar with a side of coffee
- gonta: gonta prefers tea! but he’ll take coffee when it’s offered, as gentlemen do. he likes it with a bit of cream, but no sugar
- kirumi: black.
- ryoma: black
- himiko: she prefers apple juice. himiko gets nauseous on coffee
- angie: angie doesn’t drink coffee either but when she does you have to fill the damn thing with mostly milk or she will be absolutely unbearable
- kokichi: you really wanna give this little adhd gremlin coffee? are you insane? (he’ll take it with an egregious amount of cream and sugar but he doesn’t mind it black)
- miu: black and like six or seven cups of it at a time
- tsumugi: a little bit of cream but no sugar!
- korekiyo: he really prefers tea but kiyo will take coffee either black or with a touch of cream
- kiibo: haha.... he’d like to know what coffee tastes like.......
- scent headcanons :))))
- shuichi: books, cinnamon, rose tea, coffee
- kaede: honeysuckle, morning dew
- kaito: axe body spray, banana bread, old spice
- maki: fresh snow, dry cleaners
- tsumugi: fabric stores, honey, lemons
- korekiyo: incense, perfume, old books
- kiibo: metal
- kokichi: linen, sugar
- rantaro: evergreen trees, fresh laundry, incense (finesses jim’s hcs)
- miu: coffee, machinery, rosemary shampoo
- kirumi: mild floral perfume, dark chocolate
- gonta: trees, camp fires, pine needles
- angie: paint, clay, daisies, salt water
- himiko: strawberries, clean laundry, hot chocolate
- tenko: cherry blossoms, tatami, maybe a little bit of sweat
- ryoma: mint, rubber
anon i probably have more but my spoon count just went down, i hope you appreciate this list, such as it is FLKSJDFKLSDJFj i’m!! really passionate about these guys. i’d also love to talk about rantaro’s specific relationship with each member of the v3 cast so like........ shoot me an ask if there’s interest i guess FLKDSJFLKDSJF
or if there’s interest in anything else!! i love answering these you guys are so sweet, tysm <3
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captainpufferfish · 4 years
(this is my second time around watching this cuz first time I was screaming too much so eh but yeah)
i love the format already the art is amazing and adorable and I love it
ok I feel very called out with the you too thing
roman!!! virgil!!!!
oh no they angy
ok ro virg lay off him
oh the Roman angst is kicking the fuck in
the chorus of liar I stg
"*insert Shakespeare here*" "what?" "cutie at 12 o'clock" I LOVE THAT
the amount of gay this episode radiates is me whenever im pining over a cute girl and I feel vERY ATTACKED
I love how the 'liar' goes from an accusation to just,,,, "I'm not interested." "liar."
"we don't know if they're not gay" me all the time because quarantine fucked with my gaydar
the "oh. my. god" is so on point
ok mr sand I see your primary goal for this video was just to call me out
the way Virgil can't sit up straight really resonates with my soul or some shit
I may kin virgil now just because of this ep
for some reason this virg has big pre aa vibes and I can't really explain why he just,,,,does, u feel?
the art style is a👏or 👏a👏ble
"oooooohhh"...."ooooh" just the transition from yay to nay is so great
"good points guys! I don't want me to be doing this either!" ladies and gentlemen the volume in this bus is astronomical
I'm very familiar with the five second rule
"gay,,gay,gay,,,HES GAY" no shit sherlock
speaking of sherlock where the FUCK is my smart son
"no man!" "uhm, it's ro-man. with an r." CATCH ME KINNING ROMAN'S HIMBO-NESS
better listen to Virgil he's an xxexpert
"gay eyes?" "gay eyes" honey those barely work hate to break it to you but I have tried and tested with no good results.
"you were tESTING ME?" "oh no I wasn't testing you I was just panicking" same virgil same
"I hAte To RaIn On YoUr BlAcK PaRaDe, GerArd gAy-" solid reference 10/10
oh my god the stand up sit down thing
"youre making a mistake!" "if I am, I'll add it to the list!" roman, honey, no no no stop if you keep talking bad about yourself im gonna physically fight you
"I don't know, pLAaNT" LSHAJDNDHAG
this is so sad alexa play despacito
can we get some likes for this fallen soldier 😔
the bird metaphors oh my fucking god
"that's like cyber stalking, but in. real life!" "so,,,stalking" "...OH YOU'RE RIGHT!!" don't worry Virgil I too forget that the outside world exists it's okay
the terrified gay look that they all have is so my aesthetic
terrified gay™
"I was just running lines in the mirror" thomas oh my god why no stop please like dude fuck stop
"AAAAA WHAT" "HE WAS AFRIAD YOUD LEFT?" "HE FEARS THINGS TOO???" yeah virg I think everyone fears things
the sheer gay panic of Roman and Virgil yelling at thomathy to do different things at once is so strong i could feel it thru the screen
no he left nooooo
again, I am but a humble Logan kinnie waiting for my smart boy, but also as a Roman kinnie I'm getting the fuel I need
you can bet I'm writing some Logan angst about this tho
so proud that the purp man wasn't a bitch (virgil stans this is a JOKE please don't come for me)
i've only had nico for an hour but if anyone hurt him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself
I am respectfully fan-enbying very hard rn
the himbo energy of thomas accidentally outing himself as the one who ran into the bin is just me
hi yes mr sanders you stole my vibe give it back
"well let's not waste this one" hhhhhhh I want a girlfriend please and thank you
this has just become me making fun of c!Thomas's gay pining while gay pining
the chorus of "shut up" from red himbo and purp himbo makes me hapy
serotonin check
oh my god guys the prinxiety shippers are gonna go WILD I feel it in my bone marrow
roman's so happy when he says the old joke, I think to myself, momentarily forgetting that pof was a thing and that princey is still v sad
nice patreon promo
the happy flustered "oh my gods" make me happy because that's just me whenever I succeed at something
the screaming is just me after the wholesomefest that was this episode
oh no I've claimed that I dislike virgil and now I'm going soft oh ew I'm going soft
I'm still angry at him for threatening my smart boy but he's better now
I need somewhere to direct my anger this is bad
oh no his eyeshadow went back to the void
I'm always up for some blackhole eyeshadow but the purp was pretty and shiny and crow brain went brrrrr
"yeah! join me, no thinking!" your local himbo, more at 9
"I'm gonna need you to shake your hands" my brain whenever anything good happens
"GAH, DEMON" Florida man thinks dog is demon, terrified every time it barks
"DONT TELL ME TO RELAX" me after this video
thanks for coming to my TedTalk
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jiminsfault · 5 years
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sorrow | kth
— pairing: pianist!Taehyung x reader
— genre: angst, smut if you squint
— word count: 1.4k
— warnings: slight sexual tension, pining, lots of sadness
— summary: The man had you tight in his grip without knowing it, knowing you. For him, you were just a mere pair of eyes watching him, paying to listen to his work.
— A/N: I wrote this fic in the middle of the night while being emo as fUck. If you enjoyed reading then please leave a like, reblog it or come tell me uwu
— Thank you @maptoyoongi​ for the gorgeous header! 
masterlist | listen to the song that inspired this
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His hands were gracing away on the black and white tiles, slowly moving up and down, left and right, applying pressure where it was necessary.
Beautiful noises were coming out of the open instrument, he moved his head along swiftly and pushed his foot down onto the pedal. In one smooth motion one of his in gloves cladded hands lifted to change the music sheet, he didn’t need it, his eyes staying closed and connecting to the symphony he played.
Wearing a suit, the white gloves on his hands and one pearl earring that peeked out of his curly, dark and long hair, he looked grazious as much as the noises sounded that he produced. 
You sat in the audience, merely one of the listeners but for only a while you blended out everyone around you, being the only one sitting im the red velvet seats that formed half a circle around the illuminated stage, where he was sitting on his stool. 
Clutching your hands to your chest, fan closed between your first, you looked at him with gleaming eyes. The melody took you with him to a place unknown to you, feeling light and falling into his strong arms. His motions and his wonderful hands luring you in, letting you forget all the sorrow you felt from home. 
Every time you saw his name presented outside of the theater you frequented to escape your own horror, you did not hesitate to spend your last money, laying your eyes on his magnificent figure.
He was a magical man, his features handsome and sharp, curved nose and plump lips, sharp jaw that tenses as he concentrated on the instrument beneath his fingers. Eyes scrunched tight, eyebrows furrowing with the tension and giving him a frown. 
Bowing his upper body down with the pressure of his hands playing the piano, you felt it. His sorrow, the pain surging through him. You did not know why, but you connected to him. 
Wanting to sit next to his form, pressing on the keys you memorized from watching him every time, ever so closely as the first time you laid eyes upon the masterpiece that was him. 
The man had you tight in his grip without knowing it, knowing you. For him, you were just a mere pair of eyes watching him, paying to listen to his work. 
For you, he was an escape. He helped you fall into his music, wanting to take his hands and follow him, to the place you felt yourself falling into. 
You imagined it to be a big field with beautiful flowers planted all around it, twirling your light dress in the summer breeze as he let his gaze wander across you like he did everytime he sat down in front of his piano. 
He would reach his hands, free of any barricade as the gloves, taking a hold of your own and dragging you into his chest. 
A kiss, so passionately you have never experienced it and would never get the chance to, would sweep you off of your feet, him landing with you on the grassed floor beneath the both of you. 
Pushing his hands up behind your head to carry his weight, his dark gaze would pierce into your soul, setting your skin on fire. 
Gripping the loose cloth you called your favorite summer dress, lifting it from your body to cherish you in all his might, he’d lean down to worship your skin, licking up your depths to find the melody rising out of your throat.
His talented fingers would be able to pull the sweetest noises out of you, writing down a symphony he’d repeat as much as it was in his power. 
Rising up to your face, he’d lay down with you, covering you completely with his own body, the figure you always watched moving with such grace. You’d tangle your limbs around him, holding him down to truly stay with you, keep you far away from all the horrible things that were your reality. 
He’d use you as an instrument and you’d use him as your paradise. 
The light shining around him illustrated his silhouette and made him prominent, your eyes never wavering from him. 
He had you captured, your ears to his music and your eyes to himself.
As your daydream subsided you realized all the people around you, the magical dust in the air disappearing and your paradise flowing away as far as it could. 
His keys would switch from their dramatic high towards the end of the play down into a hollow emptiness that screamed at you to run away. 
Not from him, you knew. He rose his head and turned his gaze towards the crowd, but for him you were the only one, sitting in the velvet red seats that formed a circle around the stage he was sitting on. 
His eyes fixated you, not relenting as everyone fell into clapping and cheering for the man presenting his sorrow through music. The heavy look on you made you sit back and wait for everyone to disappear, your daydream inching closer to reality as you were the only one left, still holding your hands up with emotion, waiting for the man in the suit to move towards you. 
He stood up, almost gliding down the stairs and moving between rows of the places people sat in just mere minutes ago. 
Reaching out his hand, suddenly blank, you realized he had removed the barricade of his glove, letting you see his hands in their full majesty. 
Locking eyes with him you bravely put your hand in his, letting him lead you out of the rows of seats and onto the stage. 
“May I ask you to sit with me, my darling?” He said, a timber in his voice that soothed your heart, matching with the soft of his hands. Nodding your compliance, he led you towards his chair, letting you sit down first as he walked around it to take place in his usual setting. 
“Play with me, my dear. Let me hear your sorrow. I see it in your eyes, you watch me every time.” His voice hushed over your senses, relaxing you into the furniture and letting your fingers graze the sensitive keys of the impressive instrument. 
“I cannot play, you must understand,” you whispered, afraid of your daydream disappearing into thin air as it did before. He shook his head in disbelief, lacing your hands with his and helping you find the first keys to his well memorized melody. 
“I ask of you, please let me hear you play, dear. I know you can play my piece as it would be your own, after all this time.” So he had been taking notice of you, just never showed it until this special evening.
Breathing out, you continued, following your memory as you replayed the sounds you became so familiar with over the many concerts of your adored man. 
He reassured you with a smile, his hand touching your cheek and tracing your features with a soft look on his own. 
“I’ve missed you, my wonderful. Let me take you away?” He had asked of you a great thing, leaving your all behind to follow him. “I could promise you to play everyday until you may tire from it, laying down in bed with you to memorize your skin like you did my play.” 
His husked promise did stir the decision in you. You truly were naive to just follow the man you’ve always been wondering about, but he was your escape. The emptiness that told you to run away, run away with him, tempted you to lay your hand in his outstretched one again, standing up with him and leaving behind the enlightened stage with the piano on top. Looking back into the red velvet seats that formed a circle, you did not see the woman clutching her fan to her chest, looking in front of you, you saw the ever closed eyes, finally opened and looking at just you. 
His frowned features smoothed out into his smile, soft as his hand holding yours, taking you with him into your paradise, a field full of flowers and a summer breeze you twirled your summer dress in. 
Being the only thing that he watched, he realized, you were the missing piece to overcome his sorrow, playing it out to you every so often to show you how much he keened to be with you, laying down in bed with you every night and playing for you as long as you would not tire of it. 
The sorrow had begun to fade, the play starting to take over with its high notes to mingle towards the end, slowing down into the sorrow it once was, your hands next to his making it easier to bear. 
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hiddenclawsof · 4 years
aesthetic tag game
tagged by @yutopiada (one of my fav ptg writers out there still notices me to this day im emo--)
rules: bold the aesthetics you relate to and add twenty of your own aesthetic qualities for others to bold.
(soft!) baby pink | iridescent | glitter is always a good option | no bra | minimalistic tattoos | cherry patterns | sweet scented perfumes | wearing generous amounts of blush | doodling hearts | getting excited to pet an animal | fun nails | rewatching old barbie movies | hair sticking to glossed lips | heart shaped sunglasses | taking pictures of the sunset or sunrise | stuffed animals | protecting nature | stickers everywhere | teen movies | the light rain that falls from a clear sky at the beginning of the night |
(dark academia!) neutral tones | masculine outfits | studying languages | worn down copy of books | grey skies | turtleneck sweaters | loose fitting pants | hair tied with a silk ribbon | trying to remember a cool difficult word you read somewhere to use in a convo | thick belts | minimal makeup | windows fogged by rain | vintage jewelry | blouses with cuffed sleeves | reading a murder mystery and trying to solve it | oxford style shoes | sweater vests | subtitled old movies in a language you don’t speak | leaves crackling as you walk | annotating books to express your emotions about the story |
(edgy!) closet full of dark clothes | fishnet tights | makeup sweating off | neon signs | searching for unknown songs | chokers | band tees | doodling on old converses | finding smoking aesthetically pleasing but not doing it | weird humour | accidentally very dramatic | dim lights | layered outfits | chain belts | chipped nail polish | messy hair | low quality pics | piercings | combat boots | scribbling on desks |
(seventies!) colourful wardrobe | doodling flowers | wearing short shorts | using a bikini top or bra as a normal top | listening to ABBA | flowers in your hair | DIYing everything | jamming to songs alone in your room | drunkenly telling your friends you love them | patterned bandanas | mid heeled shoes | messy braids | flared sleeves | walking barefoot on grass or sand | bold sunglasses | the good kind of tired you get after doing something you enjoy for hours | feeding stray animals | fun patterned socks | room decorated with succulents and other plants | likes to go roller skating or skateboarding |
(preppy casual!) collared clothes | drinking juice out of a champagne glass | getting excited to see the met gala looks | thick headbands | small pastel cardigans | making your friends take your ootd pics | plaid mini skirts | tweed two pieces | watching reality tv to pass time | frilly tops | watching old hollywood movies | academically driven | long manicured nails | new year’s eve fireworks | colorful tights | layered golden jewelry | yearns for luxury brand items | decorating your room with fairy-lights | cursive and neat handwriting | lace details
(by @masterninjacow!) rainy mornings | sweet steaming tea | cats’ purrs | daydreaming about fantasies | back hugs | glinting necklaces | loud video games | grumbling thunder | constantly chewing gum | wearing nothing but a t-shirt and underwear to bed | watching horror movies at night | nibbling on chocolates | talking to yourself | short hair | sad lofi music | messy sketches | sweet-scented body wash | spicy noodles at midnight | hating physical affection but craving it at the same time | ending all texts with lmao or rip
(by @cherriigguk!) dried flowers | painting at 2 am in oversized sweater | up until sunrise | abundance of blankets and plushies | minimalistic colours | writing when you can’t sleep | warm banana bread on a winters day | stroking a sleepy dog | big eyeliner | butterfly clips | lo-fi hip hop | glossy lips and rose tinted cheeks | afternoon tea with old friends | oversized cardigans | herbal tea | dainty jewellery | self-care evenings | messy low bun or ponytails | dark hair | too many sketchbooks |
(by @iniquitouspoppy!) cuddling with pets | collecting art | journaling at night | flower dresses | raccoon eyes | thunderstorms | listening to music in bed | gaming | anything (pastel) rainbow | jumpsuits | taking pictures with an old camera | pictures everywhere | spending time with friends until the sun goes down | being alone and loving it | being alone and hating it | reading in the train or bus | just reading all the time | biking everywhere | buying flowers | biting your lip | blue skies, white clouds | big tattoos | piercings | stargazing |
(by @sweetae-tae) zoning out when talking to someone | travelling with friends | concerts and music festivals | doing something just because it makes others happy | being happy when loved ones are happy | mom-friending everyone | buying new flowers you know nothing about | baking for others | trying out new things | listening to one song on repeat for hours | not being able to find one specific song to listen to | doing things to keep your mind busy | a cool breeze during warm days | staying up for “just one more episode” | wishing on dandelions | collecting four-leaf-clovers | dimples | contagious laughter | decorating your room with photos and postcards and posters | winter nights when it snows heavily
(by @actuallythatwaspromise) bookstores | pearl necklaces | wishing on the first star at night | messy room | tall lace up leather boots | never breaking the rules | thigh high socks | peppermint-mocha frappes year round | no jackets in winter | standing outside in the rain | the scent of pine | watch documentaries for fun | navy blue room | knitted Blankets | eyes that are multi-colored | cool morning mist | perfectly formed sentences | reading poetry to learn new words | swords with golden hilts | wish anklets on so long that you forgot what you wished for
(by @kodabodaa) all black everything | vampire-esque | sitting outside on quiet nights | winged eyeliner | fucked up sleep schedule | standing outside during a downpour | meme photo folder | tattoos | piercings | loves to make people flustered through flirting | first meal not till after midnight | looks like could kill | laying in bed all day | majorly independent | playlists for everything | prince zuko trash | could read you to filth | lack of emotions | once i love, i love hard | not afraid of really anything |
(by @seoultraveller) intense eye contact | deep discussion about passions | naked dance sessions alone in the bedroom | learning foreign language through poetry, song, and history | studying historical dynasties | not studying out of pure disinterest | nervous lip biting | patience | having one drink alone at a hotel bar | pancakes or waffles on a weekend morning | driving down an empty road towards a roadtrip destination | a tryst over the summer that turns into a romantic storytime | traveling to put your school knowledge to use | mellifluous speech | does not speak unless spoken to first | peppermint hot chocolate by the fireplace | wine on the balcony | unknown intensity | crying in bed at night |
(by @daybreakx) hot drinks in tall mugs | glitter eyeshadow | the sensation in your mouth from peppermint + cold | the scent of roses | red lips | talking to yourself in another language | old disney movies | unsolicited information dumps | messy handwriting | cold days with lots of wind | listening to a song you love in public | a playlist for driving even if the drive is 10 min long | heart skipping a beat from happiness | the feeling when a concert is about to start | crime shows | sarcasm | drinking coffee while waiting for your flight | horror stories | scented candles all over the place | daydreaming as an escape |
(by @thelilyshope) sliding on floors wearing fuzzy socks | tennis shoes with dresses | loves horror | making your own coffee | lost in thought while in nature | staring at the night sky | loves the sunrise but doesn’t like feeling tired | falling asleep while bear hugging a plush | the feeling of excitement when discovering a new place | mysteries in old places | learning through travels | slowly reading books | longing for the future | fashion you love but could never try | interested in many but passionate only for a few | warming up under blankets after playing in snow | turning fear into excitement | embarrassing others in public | trying on weird things at the mall for fun | the go-to comfort friend
(by @yutopiada) morning runs through the sleepy neighbourhood | cutting your hair on a whim | clothes that are too big | podcasts and breakfast | writing letters to yourself | the sound and feeling of pressing the keys of a keyboard | songs that remind you of a precise memory | wanting to be different | scared of being forgotten | procrastination | body hair positivity | having a collection of wired earbuds in case one of them breaks | saving empty notebooks because they’re too precious to write in | claiming things as yours by putting a sticker(s) on it | that artificial strawberries and cream flavour | it’s not dessert unless it’s chocolate | white trainers | big, chunky shoes | staring at paintings/artifacts in museums for too long | enjoying old architecture
(by @hiddenclawsof) walking at night to look for something interesting | collection of mystery/murder books | eyeshadow palettes that will not be used | highlighters | converse | not good at giving advises | vintage bracelets | old philosophical movies | peppermint | cries watching animals are being rescued | fidgets when thinking | instruments | typos | kaomoji | observes thoroughly | googles simple words just because | eyeglasses | black earrings | rain | strolling around the bookstore
@yunwoo, @wookikun , @hojinhoe (hi no pressure in doing this but if you want to do this you are welcome to do so ((: )
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highqueenofelfhame · 5 years
rules of engagement // intro.
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“I hate him,” Celaena groaned to Lysandra, her best friend who also happened to sit at the desk directly behind hers. The ‘him’ in question was their boss, Rowan Whitethorn — a man that Celaena was directly beneath because she was his assistant. The sad thing was that he hadn’t done anything incriminating yet this morning aside ask Celaena to be in his office in five minutes before slamming his door shut.
“You don’t have to put up with —“ Lysandra tried to point out, as she did every day, only to receive a sharp look from the golden blonde next to her that had her cutting off the words. A vicious cycle. Celaena desperately wanted — needed — the experience. Lysandra knew that. It’s why she was here, why she was in Adarlan at all.
It had been two minutes since Rowan had asked to see Aelin, and IMs were popping up on her laptop that the dark-queen of the office, Maeve Valgoretti, was making her way toward Rowan’s office. Odd. Unusual. Maeve usually requested an audience — it wasn’t often that she went down to Rowan’s office on her own. It had to be something important then. Seconds later, her emo majesty was disappearing into Rowan’s office with Cairn, her right hand, following close behind.
“I wonder what that’s about,” Lys thought aloud, spinning back around in her chair and busying herself with the usual morning tasks. From where they sat, they were unable to see into Rowan’s office.
Celaena didn’t have to wait long to find out, because three minutes later at exactly 8:15 AM she rapped her knuckles twice on the heavy glass door and slipped inside, only for three sets of eyes to turn to him. Rowan hissed a loud what to her and she furrowed her brow.
“You said you wanted to see me and —“ but she tapered off as Maeve’s eyes shut briefly.
“We’re in the middle of something important so unless one of my incredibly vital clients is bleeding out somewhere because of gang violence or shot a police officer, I want you out of here.” The same time that she stopped talking, the demand a sharp slice through the air, Rowan’s features softened for a brief moment before he gestured for Aelin to step deeper into the room. She did as she was told, more than willing to face the wrath of Maeve than whatever mountain-sized paperwork that Rowan would throw at her if she didn’t do what he asked.
When she sidled up next to him he reached for her hand and she immediately jerked it away. Rowan, however, let out a low laugh and said, “It’s okay, love.”
Love? What was that bullshit about? It shocked her so much that she kept her hand in his, staring at him while he laced their fingers and kissed her knuckles. Maeve looked just as surprised as Celaena felt, as surprised as she was sure her own face reflected.
“Celaena and I are getting married,” Rowan said, tapping the ring she wore on her left middle finger, which was most definitely not any sort of engagement ring given to her by a man. “So it won’t be an issue. We’ll go take care of that in just a little while if you’ll give us just a moment.”
“Take care of what?” The tone of her voice was completely and utterly baffled with shock sending a sharp jolt into every word.
“We’ll talk in just a moment when Maeve and Cairn depart.” Celaena‘s eyes locked with Rowan’s. Her jaw was clenched so tightly she was expecting her teeth to start to smash into fine powder any moment now.
“Then I suppose that does...change things. Bring me the paperwork once it’s filed,” Maeve drawled, her gaze slipping from Rowan to Celaena, Celaena back to Rowan. The tension in the air was thick and not from wanting. Although Celaena did suppose she wanted something right about now. To absolutely murder her boss. Which is why when Maeve and Cairn had left the office, she immediately flared her nostrils at Rowan with fire dancing in the golden core of her eyes.
“What in the ever loving hell do you mean we’re getting married?” She hissed at him, spitting venom like she’d transformed into a Cobra. Perhaps she had. Perhaps her hood was flared in warning as she prepared to strike.
“I’m being deported otherwise, Celaena, if we can just get me a marriage visa —“
“You can’t just tell someone you’re going to marry me! There are — there are rules. You have to court me and ask my father for permission —“
“Don’t be so old fashioned. It won’t be a big deal. We’ll marry quietly and divorce in a year or so and it’ll be fine. You aren’t dating anyone right now, anyway, I know because you don’t have enough time with the amount of time you spend here. Your parents don’t even have to know, and —“
“I should go straight to HR and report you!” At that, Rowan sighed and rubbed his face, fingers eventually moving to rake through his silver hair. When his pine green eyes met hers again, they were desperate.
“What do you want? A raise?”
“I don’t need money,” she snorted. Truthfully, it was the next to last thing she needed, falling just above this stupid marriage. Something like surprise flashed over his harsh features — what twenty-something would say no to a pay raise? What twenty-something didn’t desperately need a pay raise?
“A promotion? A —“ He was going to keep going until she settled on what she wanted, so instead of him prattling off things, she did the one thing that would make him look like a complete and utter moron.
“I want you to come home to Terrasen with me for the week starting tomorrow. Let Fenrys handle everything with the clients and if you, at any point, get the courage to ask my father for my hand, then fine. And then you’ll get down on one knee and present a ring to me because I’m a person, Rowan Whitethorn, and I will be treated as such.”
“That’s what you want? That’s all you want?” His tone was incredulous, shocked even. The notion that those two things were all that she was requiring seemed to thoroughly surprise him enough that his eyebrows were nearly in his hairline, knit together ever so slightly. Celaena nodded her head a single time, knowing full well that this entire thing was a waste of her own time and a waste of his if this is what he needed to avoid being sent back to Doranelle.
“That’s what I want.” With another loud sigh and another painful drag of his hand through his hair, Rowan nodded. An agreement. “Great. You’re dealing with immigration on your own.” Part of her was surprised that she was being so brash with Rowan. Nobody talked to him that way, nobody gave him any sort of orders for him to follow, yet here she was barking demands at him like she were the one in charge. Things changed, though, when you needed something from a person, and Rowan was heavily relying on Celaena so much that his life as he knew it depended on her wholly.
Rowan Whitethorn was an asshole. And she had every intention of making him look and feel as stupid as he made his employees feel on a daily basis.
@musicmaam @starseternalnighttriumphant @myfeyrelady @westofmoon @schmlip-scribble @kandasboi @nalgenewhore @city-of-fae @empire-of-wildfire @mariamuses @notaelingalathynius @rhysands-highlady
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zephyrine-gale · 5 years
I love your pokemon human designs, do you have any more art or info of your other pokemon ocs?
!!!!! ah I got very excited seeing this in my inbox I’m hnhgfjfjdfgkj !!!!!!! also your cat blep icon is the cutest.....let me introduce you to my dumb emo pining gays!!!!
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Leon Eklipse [last name is still being debated; used to be Solangelo. I just,, love sun moon imagery,,,,,]
8th gym leader, electrical and environmental engineer, very big on getting sunyshore city to run on solar power (also fun fact, I forgot that sunyshore city was literally known as being solar powered in the game, since my nuzlocke run was in 2016, so i was :pikachu :O face: when I realized I wasnt doing anything new to the city by making a gym leader renovate the place to be eco friendly ajdkfjgkh)he’s a big introvert, only has 2 friends (and a bunch of acquaintances). his whole town loves him though bc he helps them a lot, but he’s very reclusive to his own city. he’s been helping with city renovations and making new things since he was 12 and was offered to be a gym leader at 20. 
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Enen Solangelo aka NNFG (no name fire gay) because that’s what I called him before he got a name ahah [I gave enen leon’s previous last name just because :3c sunshine boy delinquent looking boy... ]
fire type elite four! extroverted, oblivious, street smarts infernape!! leon’s childhood friend, the reason why leon’s trying to improve their homecity in the first place; it was something they dreamt about and did together as kids. he’s very supportive and “yeah lets do that!!!” or “let’s go [someplace], there’s this thing I think you’d like!!!” energies he grew up with a biker gang that goes around the region helping people, having friendly  battles, and fighting thugs. his team challenged the e4 when he was,, 16-20??? and almost won against the first e4!! he became an e4 when he was 24 and used that opportunity to help leon and sunyshore financially. 
they’ve been inseparable for the most part until enen leaves for e4, and leon realizes. oh. i miss him???? a lot??? ? ? ? ?? and enen doesn’t know...... they still message each other but fell out (miscommunication,, message didn’t send ajdgjk and leon just. doesn’t check his phone.. enen has a bunch of friends..). enen is a “he’s not responding, he’s probably really busy” kind of person while leon is “he’s not responding, I shouldn’t bother him, he has better things to do” and theyre. oof afjgglkenen talks abt leon all the time to his coworkers, and assumes leon’s doing fine bc he’s getting things done, he’s so amazing look at everything he’s done!!!! but leon’s just. “i finished all of this but the person im doing it for isn’t even here to see it, whats the point????” it’s like a hollow victory and he’s sad but he still doesn’t think to like. talk to enen and mopes instead while looking off into the horizon at the e4 palace in the distance, thinking about his best friend ajfgjgjklgj dumb of ass.... home of sexual....... 
anyways this is the song I associate with leon, conveniently named solar eclipse :’3c
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