#all the signs say I have some kind of food allergy
writtenbyevie · 2 years
i am peter (eating cheese) thrice denying christ (my lactose intolerance)
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mintmatcha · 5 months
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Inevitable Things: chapter five
Aizawa x reader fic
cw: cisfem reader, no quirks, office au, miscommunications, slow burn. full tags available on AO3 (linked in masterlist)
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Fridays are the only day you carve out time for lunch. Less than coincidentally, Fridays are also the only day lunch is catered.
“Here-” Izuku jams his bowl of take out into Katsuki’s face. “Does it smell like there’s peanuts in here?”
Bakugo Katsuki, Izuku’s fiance, is only half as ornery as he looks. A premature wrinkle has formed in between his brows, a sign of his almost constant annoyance. His straw colored hair is a sharp contrast to his deep red eyes, currently narrowed in disgust.
“Get this shit out of my fucking face,” he groans. “I’m not a fucking allergy alert dog-- I can’t smell peanuts.”
“To be fair-” Ochako interjects through a mouthful. She’s the opposite of Katsuki: dark hair, round eyes, a smile so sweet that it makes your teeth hurt. Her cheeks are always flushed, spots of broken blood vessels spattered like freckles. “Peanuts do have a smell.”
“Did you ask him to smell for penis?” Denki says, too loud to be genuine. “Kind of homophobic to ask a gay guy that.”
Both men give him identical deadpan stares.
“That’s just his fucking country-ass accent.” Katsuki brushes Denki off and turns back to the curly haired man. “Why would chicken have peanuts in it anyway?”
“The o’l.” Izuku stresses.
“The what?”
“Some places use peanut o’l.”
“Say oil.”
Izuku sneers a bit in return, smoothing out the curves of his accent. “Oy-I’ll.”
“Jesus christ, I’m marrying a hick.” Katsuki leans back in his chair and meets your eye with a jerk of his chin. “Can you believe this?”
You snap back into focus. Your own lunch is untouched, fork still in its little plastic wrapper. Hunger nips at your stomach, but nausea wins over today. The cafeteria isn’t very busy, but in the next couple minutes everyone will start pouring in. The lot of you arrived early to get the best seating-- a little couch and coffee table in the corner, a perfect place to eat and people watch.
“Oh, yeah, uh- Izuku, they have an allergen free option.”
“Well, yeah, but-” He tilts his head as he talks, watching you with those wide, green eyes, like he sees something just below the surface. “It doesn't have chicken-- are you good?”
“Yeah, you.” Katsuki fingers a piece of Izuku’s food and pops it into his mouth, much to the man’s dismay. “You’ve been making that sad little face all day.”
You pout a bit harder at that. Shit-- you thought you were being subtle. You haven’t been able to walk this whole Aizawa thing off yet, despite all of your attempts. No amount of emails, meetings, and other petty office bullshit managed to distract you from the absolute shock and humiliation of… whatever that was.
Embarrassment? You’re certainly not the prettiest girl in the office, but embarrassing? That makes your gums ache, like a punch to the nose, and it makes you feel dirty, like the fall to the ground afterwards.
“You’re doing it again.” Ochako points to your face and it’s apparently sadness. “What’s going on?”
You hem a bit, before condensing it the best you can.
“I’m having issues with a guy.” What an understatement.
A collective glance is shared between the group.
“Touya again?”
Again, Touya haunts a room he’s never been in. You debate what to say. If you admit to it being someone new, they might start sniffing around and jump to conclusions-- though Aizawa would certainly be the last assumption they would make, you still can’t risk it. Besides, you don’t need a gaggle of 23 year olds dissecting your every move. They’re going to jump to some stupid conclusion, like you’re dating Toshinori, if you aren’t careful.
“Yeah, it’s Touya,” you lie, as sheepishly as you can. “Oops.”
“Jesus Fucking Christ.” Katsuki rolls his eyes so hard that you imagine his brain must hurt. “Again?”
“Shh, just tell us what happened,” Izuku urges, elbowing his partner rather sharply.
“I don't know where I stand with him. It's so-- Ugh, I thought things were going to start going well and then it was just ice cold.” You press your palms into your eyes and sigh. The pressure feels good and helps with the remnants of your hangover. You need an electrolyte drink, stat. Maybe another fucking drink too. “And I’m not even sure why I’m surprised because it’s ice cold a lot.”
When you look up, Ochako is offering a hand, palm up and open. When you take it, she giggles a bit, squeezing gently.
“I think you need to prioritize yourself.”
Denki nods in agreement, cheeks stuffed with food. He’s finished his meal and started stabbing bits of yours. You just push the whole bowl towards him in defeat and slump down into the couch.
“Stop giving men who treat you poorly the time of day.” Ochako says. “When you let them in again and again, you’re basically, like, giving them permission to do this stuff.”
“Yeah!” Denki says through a mouthful. “Cut that fucker off! Don’t even talk to him!”
“Oh, I dunno--” You glance between them. “I think that’d be mean.”
Conflict makes your head spin. It’s so much easier to roll over and take whatever people give you, negative or otherwise. It’s what made your relationship with Touya work-- and it’s what’s allowed you to stay in this job for so long.
“Good!” Denki says. “He deserves it.”
“You deserve to be a little mean and a little angry when people treat you poorly.” She smiles again, wider this time. “Grow some balls. Stand up for yourself.”
“Yeah! Balls!” Denki agrees.
You suck on your bottom lip and turn the idea over in your head. Are you even angry at Aizawa? Or just hurt and confused? Right now, those things may as well be the same thing-- they certainly burn the same in your chest. Cruelty isn’t your usual indulgence…
But it’s someone else’s.
“What do you think?” You turn to Katsuki, who’s been scrolling through twitter for a bit now. His face doesn’t change when he speaks, locked into a general annoyance.
“I think you should kill that fucker.”
You turn to Izuku, the rational one of the couple. He shrugs, straw in mouth and completely unamused.
“Oh, I also think you should kill him,” he says, tone matching Katsuki’s.
Not helpful.
“Listen--” Katsuki leans forward, elbows on his spread knees. He uses a fork to articulate as he speaks. “I’m the expert on being a cunt-”
“-we don’t use that word!” Ochako grimaces.
“And it’s the most freeing and addictive thing you can be.” The tongs of the fork point directly towards you, as sharp as his gaze. “More people should be cunts more often. The world would be a happier place.”
Ochako gasps. “I don’t agree with that at all!”
“Oh please, miss goody-goody,” Katsuki sneers. “You wouldn't need to go to kickboxing five times a week if you let your anger out day to day like a normal motherfucker.”
The girl of the group puffs out her cheeks, but does not argue back. Izuku pats her shoulder affectionately. His food is still untouched, but his free hand guards it from Denki.
“I'm telling you. Try it out. You’ll like it.” Katsuki leans back into his seat. “Or don't. Your life.”
“Question-” The other blonde pipes up. “Did you, like, do something?”
“I mean, like, was there a catalyst?” “A fight or a date or-?”
You know exactly what drives Touya away everytime, but Aizawa is a new beast. Did you breathe wrong or--
“Oh, I uh,” A realization hits you. “I ignored a couple texts, I guess.”
Suddenly, you’re very aware of the outline of your phone and how it presses into your pocket. If there wasn’t a chance of you flashing the group pictures of their boss, you’d check it immediately, but you can’t mentally handle the risk.
“What an overreaction,” Ochako sighs. “Dump him forever and move on-- Mr. Hizashi and his wife-”
“We aren’t like that.” Ugh. You love Hizashi, but the trio relationship isn’t your speed. “Besides, I don’t like blondes.”
The two toe-heads of the group roll their eyes in a practiced synchrony. Ochako’s smile changes a little bit, something tighter and brighter; is she excited that you aren’t interested? Interesting and a bit gross: she’s too young for that. They’re more than ten years older than her-
(How old is Aizawa? He went to school with Hizashi, so he’s at least 38-- but you could have sworn there were whispers of his fortieth last year. You’ll have to snoop.)
“We’re in agreement. Be a cunt, move on. The end.” Katsuki turns away from you, done with this topic. “Izuku, just fucking eat it already.”
The boy takes a deep breath and runs his fingers through his curly hair. “Well, alright, but if I get hives, you’re the one who has to deal with me.”
Be mean.
You’re written it on a sticky note and placed it under your computer monitor, like some sort of fucked up mantra. The mere idea of it feels antithetical to who you are at your core; you enjoy helping people, you love making the world better. That’s why you work like a dog for the company-- you know it’s improving the lives of its customers. If Toshinori wasn’t sick, you know he’d be doing even more too.
On the other hand, being nice has led to your own detriment many times. Touya has hurt you, your parents, and now even Aizawa. And you can’t even blame Aizawa, can you? Texting him was your mistake--
You rest your forehead against your desk. There’s still a sticky spot from when you spilled your coffee yesterday. God, yesterday feels so close and yet so far away. How does a man yoyo between yelling at you, sending you his weiner, then telling you that you’re embarrassing? The idea of ‘always wanted you’ goes flying out the window.
Just as you try and put yourself to work, you hear it. The familiar lopsided stomp. Fuck, it’s him, probably looking for his afternoon coffee. He’s been by much less than usual, a fact you’re very grateful for, so you haven’t even thought about the pot since before lunch. You glance over and see it’s empty. Crap.
As you start to get up, the sticky note catches your eye again. Be mean. That’s right. Why are you popping out of your chair for this, this, this--- total fucking cunt? Your chair squeaks with the force you sit down with. You try to embody Katsuki with your face - furrowing your brow and yet keeping your mouth unaffected-- and your worst nightmare turns the corner.
You keep typing and hope Aizawa doesn't notice that it's the same words over and over again, hit in the same rhythm. P-e-a-n-u-t-O-i-l P-e-a-n-u-t-O-i-l P-e-a-n-u-t-O-i-l P-e-a-n-u-t-O-i-l. He waits a long moment, then clears his throat louder. You don't gift him your attention until he grumbles something under his breath, shifting his weight on to his other leg. Just as he begins to say something, you interject.
“I had more important things to focus on,” you lie. “You can figure out how to brew coffee, Mr.// Engineer.”
You throw in that last bit without thinking, but the bite rolls so easily off of your tongue. It’s nothing like your usual tone, but it feels so, so right. From the corner of your vision you can see his literally reel back, blinking hard,
“That’s how it’s going to be?”
You don’t respond. P-e-a-n-u-t-O-i-l P-e-a-n-u-t-O-i-l P-e-a-n-u-t-O-i-l P-e-a-n-u-t-O-i-l. Your fingers shake from the adrenaline boost. Ochako was right; don't even give this man the time of day.
“It's going to be like that?” He yanks the pot from its stand. “Fine.”
You have to muster all of willpower not to grin as he starts slamming open the drawers and scrounging around for supplies. It takes a whole ten minutes before he presses brew, then another five before the pot is almost half full. The whole time he grumbles to himself, leaning his whole weight against the flimsy table.
This is good. Too good. The vindictive rush of power feels almost sexual in the way it satisfies. Teeth dig into your lip as you hold back a smile even harder.
Embarrassment? You'll show him what embarrassment really means.
Finally, he pours himself a cup. He doesn't fill his thermos nearly as much as he normally does, most likely trying to leave as quickly as possible. Just as he starts to turn, you get up out of your chair and walk over. You take one of the little disposable cups from the stack and take your time adding three sugars and two cream, each one at a time, as he lurks there. Then, you pour the coffee, thick and oddly gritty into your cup. You finally meet his eye when you take a swig.
Aizawa’s face is set hard, small eyes narrowed even tighter. His lips are screwed up with annoyance, wrinkling his low bridged nose. Pissed would be an understatement. Just as you brace for another yelling match, he turns away, marching down the hall.
“Enjoy the fucking coffee.”
Oh, Katsuki was right. Being mean tastes good.
….This coffee, however, does not.
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Clone wars headcanons about everything and nothing
Ahsoka has a decent amount of allergies but only a handful are actually life-threatening and no matter how much she tells Anakin that it never stops him from treating them all the same
And by treating them all the same I mean he’s slapped some snacks out of her hands because he knew she was slightly allergic to it
In his defense the clones are really bad at keeping track of her allergies and because of that they have fed her a couple of things that were lethal to her and ever since then Anakin’s never really trusted them with food
Also in his defense Ahsoka once ate something she was highly allergic to on a dare (the poor clone didn’t know she was allergic) and all she did to remedy the situation was hand said poor clone her EpiPen before passing out
Unfortunately the clone didn’t know how to use the EpiPen so Ahsoka ended up passing out and Anakin and Rex had to rush her off to the med bay because they didn’t know how to use the EpiPen either 
Because of this incident the clones weren’t allowed to give Ahsoka food and there were a couple of signs that said “blue to the sky orange to the thigh” around the ship
I feel like everyone in Clone Wars is simultaneously touch-starved and tactile which is a very fun mix especially when I think about Ahsoka and everyone else because I like to think whenever Ahsoka asks for a hug 9.5/10 she gets one 
Master Plo is the most used to this cause Ahsoka’s been like this since she was a child and he’ll admit he’s spoiled her with hugs 
If you were to ask her what his hugs feel like she would say they feel like childhood or that feeling you get when you smell something that you could only find in your home when you were a kid
Obi-Wan is an interesting can of worms because he’s as tactile and touch-starved as the rest of them but he’s also incredibly touch-adverse which results in him declining hugs 5/10 because he just can't fathom touching someone in that moment
But when he does give Ahsoka a hug she’ll say there’s nothing like it and she would often describe it as a breath of fresh air and very soothing on stressful days 
Rex is most likely it give Ahsoka a hug bro is simply the hugger™ and she would describe his hugs as comforting if not a little awkward but grounding none the less kind of like hugging a weighted blanket just out of the drier 
She doesn’t get to see Padme nearly as often as she would like which means she tries to get a hug whenever she can and Padme will never decline her hugs if anything she initiates most of them
Ahsoka doesn’t remember her mom or her hugs well but if she had to give an example of what a hug from her mom felt like she would say Padme’s 
Anakin honestly isn’t comfortable with touching people he doesn’t know well but when he does feel comfortable with someone he’s clingy 
Ahsoka will never admit this half cause it’s embarrassing and half because she fears it would hurt the other’s feelings but Anakin’s hugs are easily her favorite something about the all-encompassing hug makes her feel safe and secure like nothing else 
But the funny thing is that sometimes he doesn’t really have the energy to hug Ahsoka so he’ll just put all of his dead weight on her which usually results in one of two reactions from her 
one. Is usually her saying “Hug me like you love me” or something along those lines to which he will squeeze the everloving force out of her or two. “Hug me like a normal person” which usually gets the smartass response of “Who said I was a normal person”
So it’s pretty obvious that Anakin and Ahsoka have their bigger competitions but they’ve also got little ones like who can make the funnier face when Obi-Wan is trying to do his work which normally ends with the duo hunched over laughing and Obi-Wan finding another place to work 
The: “Who can accurately make the noises Obi-Wan makes while stretching” challenge which just usually results in the clones worriedly checking in on them cause it sounds like they’re in pain
The: “Who can eat more ice cream” challenge always ends with Anakin regretting his life choices and Ahsoka doing the dishes because she feels bad 
Long story short they’ve got a lot of challenges cause they’re competitive little weirdos but the funniest part is they rarely keep score of who the winner is so they’re in an endless cycle of useless competitions 
Obi-Wan has slowly collected mugs for everyone he’s close with and they have a nice little home in his otherwise empty mug cupboard 
Anakin and Padme have matching from Naboo because Obi-Wan took them shopping when they were pretty young 
Padme can’t drink tea with them as often as she would like but when she can schedule a small tea break Anakin makes sure to smuggle all their mugs out of Obi-Wan’s kitchen
Ahsoka’s mug is possibly one of Obi-Wan's favorites it’s a good size and practical but’s also got nice intricate color-changing details because they both thought it looked cool
Cody and Obi-Wan’s mugs are pretty similar but their main difference is the childlike handwriting on the bottom of one that says “to: Obi from: Ani”
Rex doesn’t get a mug until later and it’s the most unconventional and inconvenient mug in all of creation the poor dude has to hold it from the sides because his hands don’t fit in the handle
And its design pisses Obi-Wan off every time he sees it the only thing that’s stopping him from smashing it into hundreds of little pieces is that Rex picked it so in the cupboard it stays 
Sometimes the group forgets that Ahsoka isn’t human which leads to very funny circumstances 
Like Rex losing a decent amount of credits trying to call Ahsoka’s “bluff” of being able to bench twice his weight 
Or at the fact that Obi-Wan was once hiding from Ahsoka and Anakin because he didn’t want the duo to see the extent of his injuries from a solo mission 
But he forgot that Ahsoka could smell and hear better than the average being so she was able to track him down pretty fast (she was also freaked out cause she could hear his erratic heartbeat and smell the blood so that wasn’t a pleasant experience for her) 
Or the number of times when she’s eaten an unholy amount of food just for Anakin to wake up at 3 am to find her scavenging for more cause she’s still hungry 
And let me tell you seeing some small hunched-over little creature with reflective eyes at that time of night would make even the chosen one screech like a banshee
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suratan-zir · 2 months
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Sad news: the biopsy results confirmed that Baton has lymphoma.
In the photo he's being fed his supplemental food. Although he has a good appetite, he's still losing weight, hence the added nutritious formula. He loves it, every rat loves it, actually.
He isn't in critical condition, it's not time yet to say goodbye. He's active, eating, cuddling, etc. But there is nothing substantial that can be done to help him, unfortunately. That's the saddest thing about owning rats. It's not about the life expectancy itself, it's about the health issues they are prone to. More often than not, you can't do anything to help them. Just throw steroids at them and hope it helps for a little while. Another thing is that in many places on earth, you have to essentially become a veterinarian for them. It is very difficult or near impossible to find a vet who knows enough about rats to treat them properly. Surgery, sure, but not therapy.
I brought Baton to the vet about two weeks ago and said from the get-go, "I think it's lymphoma." The vet asked how old he is. I said a little over two. "Yeah, he's old and looks like it. Maybe it's allergy or intoxication of some kind...his immune system is weakened because of age." I'm like, he didn't look a day past a year old just a week ago. It's not allergy. "How do you know?" It's.never.an.allergy. Then he tried to talk me out of the biopsy because it's expensive, and if it confirms lymphoma, there is still nothing that can be done. Yes, but at least if I know exactly what it is, I stop guessing and trying to treat something it's not.
It's such a shame, really. Baton was in such great health, no hind leg degeneration, no signs of aging at all. Rats go downhill so fast, fading right before your eyes. I've learned to deal with the grief of losing them, I've learned to accept it. But to accept their sickness, the constant self-doubt "could I do something differently?"...I can't accept it. It's way harder than death.
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Guess's on How Sasappis died.
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Sasappis is the last ghost for us to learn his death. Sass is very private (undead) person, and we have been given no real/clear hints to his death. His ghost power (To enter into the dreams of the livings) could easily correlate to him being a story teller, and not necisarly "He died in his sleep, after catching a sever fever, that also caused him to have very strange dreams. Note I do not believe that Sass died of a fever. They would have incorporated some sign of it into his character. He would be more tired, feel more cold, possibly have a "unexplainable sweating problem". He also does not have any vibsiable gaping wounds, like Pete, Flower, or Stephanie, so that rules out death by attacker. So the question is how did Sass die
Now he could have died of some kind of sickness, but I do not think it is very likely. For one thing he is implied to have had a sudden death, just days before an important tribal ceremony he was planning/supposed to take part in. Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't most sickness take a period of weeks, months, years to do him in. A second thing again he isn't really sickly in the the show. All the cholera ghosts are flushed and still hacking. Issac will sneeze and mention stomach pains. But Sass seems fine, so if he has any kind of sickness then he has been masking it for 500 years. That is really sad.
He also could have could died if he went walk in the woods one night and fell from a cliff or out of a tree... but if that happened well that is kinda anti-climactic for how long we had to wait. I would rate that on the same scale as Thorfinn dying because he went walking with his helmet, through a storm and was struck by lightening. It is just a case of him not being as careful as he should have been. Not nearly an impressive follow up to Alberta or Hetty's more recently revealed deaths.... But you could make it more sad. Sass and his crush Shiki are implied to have died in the same year. Sass says that when they were alive, he was ghosted by Shiki after gifting a freshly killed deer to her family, as a jester of love. What if that was because Shiki actually went missing (i.e. died) shortly after, and Sass went out to search for her?
Another death I have considered was a food related one. A detail of Sass's character is is the most in love with food smells (the closest they can come to eating) of all the ghosts. He hangs out in the kitchen whenever Jay is cooking, consistently begs Sam and Jay to cook more of his favorite smelling food: pepperoni pizza, and I am honestly half expecting him to move into the barn once Jay's restaurant opens... What if Sass's love of food is actually a hint at his death? Maybe he had an allergy and accidentally ate something he was not supposed to? Or, maybe he had diabetes or some other dietary need, a crop or the meat from a particular animal, and Sass died when it was wiped out or disappeared. With so many people in the U.S. having dietary issues, and the countries known love of food, I could see the show choosing to write an episode on dietary importance, and the need for people from all walks of life to have access to healthy food.
My finale theory is one I have actually gotten off Tumblr, from the people who are fans of both the CBS and BBC series. Some people are suggesting Sass got bit by a poison snake or something and died from the poison venom. The puncture marks are small enough for Sass to be able to conceal with his clothing. Apparently something of the similar nature happened to BBC's Kitty? And I actually know a really good way to blend that into Sass's personality and a possible reason for why he became a ghost. Sass as mentioned loves stories and is a gifted story teller. But also as mentioned he is very private person who gets nervous about speaking in front of crowds. A week before the tribes festival Sass's father gave him an eagle's feather, which was believed to help bring confidence and courage. But what if Sass was still nervous/afraid afterwards. What as the days got closer got more more nervous/afraid, until he decided to do something reckless and stupid, to prove to himself that he could be brave. Something like walking through a more dangerous (poison animal infested) part of valley, telling himself "If I can brave this I will have no reason to be afraid of anything anymore". While that would not be the most exciting death, it would be very tragic, and it could set up "Overcoming the fears he had as a living", all of them, as Sass's unfinished business. Essentially, he would need to become a more rounded and confident person. Note that seems to also be Pete's unfinished business. Sass and Pete are roommates, and we have had at least a few really nice episodes exploring their relationship. It would be really cool if that continued to him and Pete having to teach themselves the same thing, but in different ways.
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theantarwitch · 3 months
About medicine in witchcraft: Health spells, Professional Healers and Unprofessional scammers (And two healing spells from me)
Lately I have been seeing a dangerous amount of medical dangerous videos in our usual witchy spaces (specially in Instagram, since I refuse to use TikTok) and that bring me here in one of my long rants who nobody really cares. But, as a healer with lot of medical background, I have to.
First, for the love of your deity, don’t take these damn vids seriously. I’m not a doctor but I know enough that a huge ton of what they put there is medical misinformation dressed as mystical powers.
I’m not asking you to become a doctor, but at least remember: Physical symptoms are NEVER caused by one single illness, and you HAVE to rule out all the possible physical illness before even consider it a symptom of your superpowers.
Yes, some minor things like a random ear ringing or a random tingle on your hand doesn’t need you to run to ER, but at least THINK about mundane causes to it.
Your ear ring? Are you using headphones a lot? Loud music? You shower and water entered on your ear? You are taking meds? Stress? Your neck is stiff and affecting your inner ear? You are neurodivergent?
Your hand tingle? Is the same hand in what you use your phone 20 hours at day? You sleep over that arm? Your shoulder is stiff? You use a mousse a lot? You practice a sport and the nerves are tired? Did you drink coffee or Red Bulls?
And I’m not even mention REAL illnesses, this is just a bunch of mundane causes! So how you dare to believe in more deeper topics of spiritual stuffs, if you have zero critical thinking in something so mundane and basic as your own body? How you plan to be an efficient witch if you don’t even doubt about these things? How you even dare to talk about your deity if you believe anything as a sign?  
An advanced witch bases their path in three big needs:
Need of study (Books or google, spend months or YEARS reading and learning)
Need of critical thinking (Think, think and ask, be curious and compare data, question it)
Need of wise skepticism (Don’t fall into the “The government want me to believe this but I’m smarter” or “Vaccines do harm, people don’t need calcium, there is brick’s dust on ketchup” kind of mindset (Yes, these are things I heard). That’s not skepticism, that’s being a Facebook Boomer Mom. Skepticism is question everything and to always be suspicious, but is neither “don’t believe in anything because I’m so smart that I can see the lies”.
And healers, my beloved healers. As one, I have to say it on the most real way: LEARN SOME MEDICINE. Specially before to do public claiming that can really hurt others.
Why learn medicine? Because as happened once… A lovely lady did a spell to lose weight. She got gastroenteritis and spent a week on the bathroom. She lost weight? Yes. In a dangerous unhealthy way? Yes. She recovers her weight back after go to the doc? Absolutely.
The body is a fine machine, a ton of process, hormones, parts, that you will always ignore and omit.
Another big mistake: “Spell to Boost my Metabolism”. Do you even know what a metabolism is? What it does? Do you even know that it has three main functions of metabolism? (Conversion of the energy to run cellular processes; conversion to building block of proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and some carbohydrates; and the elimination of metabolic wastes). When you “boost your metabolism”, what you are aiming to do? You even know what your body need of these three…
“Spell to boost my Immune System”… Again, what part? Do you even know that your immune system is “slow” or it is just working against an illness as it should? (Reaction is not the same than an immunodeficiency) Are you aware that your body can be doing great and you will be pushing to get an overactive immune system? (And getting Asthma, Eczema, Hay fever, Food allergy and any other kind of allergy, Lupus, Type 1 Diabetes, Inflammatory bowel disease, Celiac, etc.).
Please, if you use “detox spell” in any way, just stop. Period.
If you are not willing to spend a couple of weeks at least in the damn Wikipedia, or you are in a rush, at least aim big and general, do a classic “Health/Healing spell”, that is focused on that, bring health where is needed. “My body gets healthier. My body gets health where is needed” It can’t go wrong, since you purposely don’t specify where or which part, you just do a “Somewhere I need it, and since I can’t know it, the Cosmos may know it and aid me”. If you need spells to focus a healing in a body part, maybe you need a doc, not a spell…. (Get a doc. If is so simple to not need a doc, then your body will do it without need a spell anyway)
You can also do the same with Physical Strength Spells (again aiming to boost what you don’t know what it needs to be boosted and avoiding to boost something that it DOESN’T NEED IT).
And if you are a Healer who really want to have a 90% of effectiveness on focalized and specialized healing spells, then time to study. You will need to know about hormones, chemicals, physical process, all the systems, nerves, bones, nutrition, meds… And pretty much being able to discuss with you client (to put in a way) about literally all their medical history.
And a gently offer to anyone who actually read all this shit, I give a couple of “simple” ideas for you all:
Regeneration Spell: Just a Healing spell, aimed to “attack” where is needed, but it focusses in a cellular level. General Healing spells usually are so general that include things like disposal of waste, mineral absorption, water absorption, digestion, hair growing, skin growing, muscle develop, and pretty much EVERYTHING that’s happening on your body right now, even including the gut bacteria. A Regeneration Spell will focus in each single cell of your body, from skin to bone, to neurons, to T Cells from your immune system. All. Something that your body do (except with the neurons) but that get slower with the age. This spell focus on restores damaged or missing cells to full function (you can help it to happen better with a good balanced diet, some basic exercise, proper sleep, and trying to reduce stress)
Big warning. BE SPECIFIC “My cells will get regenerated where my body need it to be healthy and in full function” or something like that. Why SO specific if the healing spells are general? Because Cancer.
Yes. Cancer. A cancerous tumor is failed cell of your own body. Our beloved bodies kill around six infected or cancer cells each DAY. Eventually (if you live enough or if your immune system gets weak) one of them will grow your body be on troubles. If you do a regeneration spell without that proper aim, you will also help to any cancer cell to regenerate, hence you can cause you a HUGE DEAL in a future. Will not happen 100% of the cases, many of these tumors can be not cancerous (benign) yet give you problems.
How do the spell? Just as any healing spell. Do your way.
Homeostasis Spell: What’s is homeostasis? Is the condition of optimal functioning for the organism, a state of steady internal physical and chemical conditions maintained by living systems. Is a stable self-regulated process of equilibrium between interdependent elements. In simple words, is the perfect state of full pure health of your body. Is a healing spell without the “but”.  
What it affects? ALL in the most basic small internal way. Body temperature, fluid balance, the pH of extracellular fluid, the concentrations of ions, blood sugar, oxygen, hormones, etc. If the body do it properly, then is balanced, in an optimal functioning, hence healing itself without big issues.
This spell helps specially (or BOOST) the body on regulate itself despite the many changes in the environment, diet, or level of activity. In this case, you don’t need to be specific, since homeostasis seek for health naturally. Do your regular healing spell but like “My body reach homeostasis”.
So. Rant and all made, I think is time for me to shut up. See you around, and check if you need drink water, sleep, rest, stretch, food, meds or hygiene!
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caterpills · 5 months
Some Sentence Sunday!
Time for another six(ish) seven some sentence Sunday! I'm going to borrow the open tag from @kiwiana-writes this week! (Hope you don't mind!)
Still working on this publicist!Alex/author!Henry fic, which now has a title and more words plugged into it. Here's a scene from a later chapter, because "antagonizing" your "sworn enemy" over email before going on tour together is totally Normal Behavior™.
Alex decides on a different approach: he's going to be annoying about it. They are going to have a conversation, so fucking help him, even if Alex is going to be carrying it on, one-sided. So, he emails Henry about every little thing he can think of because Alex is nothing, if not thorough, in his work. Snacks for the plane? Are you a salty or sweet kind of guy?  Do you have a preferred pen to sign with? Most people I work with use Sharpies, but there's an occasional Ball-Point Truther out there and you seem like you'd be particular about it. Your bio from like five years ago (do you update this thing at all?) says you write at least two pages a day. Do you have Do Not Disturb writing time that I should avoid? Food allergies? I'm pro at using an EpiPen but I would rather not have to resort to life-saving maneuvers mid-air. Alex sends all of these as separate emails. It's a dick move to spam Henry's inbox. He is aware. But he's feeling spiteful, and Alex loves doing things out of spite.
Open tag for those that want to! ❤️
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daily-hyosatsu · 1 year
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Ughh it's a little bit evil of me to spring seal script on you if we haven't covered any of the characters, buuuuut all three characters are pretty common jōyō kanji, so I think I'm just gonna do it anyway? At least I'll queue it; maybe by the time we get here, we'll have covered some of them!
Hint: While the sign in the background says it's an allergy research institutes, it also happens to be a natural foods store! Can you read it?
It says 自然食!
自然 (shizen) means nature or natural, and 食 (-shoku) means food or eat.
Let's start with 自, the only character I recognized at first sight. It means oneself, and it's commonly read ji or shi, and also mizuka.ra, ono.zukara, or ono.zuto.
Next is 然, which I did not recognize at all! Both 火 and 灬 are fire radicals, but it never occurred to me to interchange them!
Anyway, 然 is usually read zen and can also be nen, shika, shika.ri, shika.shi, or sa. It has a kind of nebulous meaning: in the manner of, sort of thing, so, etc.
食 was tough too. I could not see 良; I kept seeing 百 on top and 亡 on the bottom, and that is nothing. Knowing stroke order can often help you to decode older writing styles or difficult handwriting, but givthat was not the case for me here.
Anyway, 食 means food, and it can be read ku.u, ku.rau, ta.beru, ha.mu, shoku, or jiki.
Finally, a fun tip for those who made it this far: say you encounter an unusual calligraphy style and you think you recognize a kanji but aren't sure. Do an image search for "[kanji] + 書体" (shotai), meaning typeface or calligraphic style, and you'll find whole lists of the character written every way you can imagine! Compare and contrast til you figure it out. It's beautiful. Niche but beautiful.
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pcssionfrt · 10 months
hi hello! name's juve and it's been idk how long since i've been on tumblr so Pardon Me if i make any mistakes. anyway here's riye, your new student representative for evolution! movement. pls see below the cut for a brief tldr on her among other things! also plsplspls smash that like for plots 🤩 !! my ims no longer work(?) so until tumblr decides to respond to my ticket please add me on disc it's @ obiiive
bounced from home to home since young, stability was not a concept known till the age of 10, where she was adopted (this time, for good), packed up and moved to seoul. suddenly—new kid on the block.
objectively, she should feel glad, should be grateful, blessed to have a home to call her own, allowed to keep her own identity, her surname, her things. subjectively, riye hated the neighborhood. hated her classmates. her teacher. elderly neighbor. nosy woman at the register in the local grocers. just about everybody—give or take two (specifically, her parents). though even that gradually morphed when her anomaly started rearing its head.
the kwons were ordinary. human. religion leaning. simple. dash of impulsiveness that had them adopting a child twenty years into their marriage. did they realize that they were signing on for more than they could handle? no. did they regret it? maybe no. when their adopted daughter showed signs of an anomaly, what else was there to do but to accept her? yeah. live in fear.
fractures begins somewhere in her teens, squeezed in between the conflicts of hormones and a growing body. her parents are different now. riye is different now. but the three live under pretenses all the same. that nothing’s changed, that mom’s hand doesn’t tremble when she braids her hair. it wasn’t as if they weren't nice either—so what is there for her to say? what else was she to do except loathe them and herself and the sanctified marble face of dear lord and father of mankind, i pray you help our daughter every friday evening and sunday morning.
sua was the obvious choice. riye doesn't bat an eye when they pitch it to her. when mom cries, overjoyed at the sight of nullivi. when dad hands her pamphlets to the neighborhood church. when they leave, she crumbles; the feeling in her chest full and hollow at the same time.
CAMPUS LIFE: ????? grossly wip sorry
chronic self-hating people pleaser. help me help you help her by not getting Too involved. very prone to switching up on people (i.e. saying yes then gaslighting you for making her say yes). has unaddressed anger issues but also bad abandonment issues, overall her parents raised her to be a sweet christian girl and riye will do everything in her power to emulate it till she implodes or smth. in short: nice but not very sincere.
“the friends she shows her parents” — essentially nice looking non-threatening people that she hangs out with, documents in photos and name drops to show her parents. preferably with normie anomalies as to not spook them. riye has nothing against them, but there’s underlying disgust for anything associated to her parents (even if she’s the one putting them in the situation). note: often leaves group hangouts w/o saying bye. walks right by you on campus like she’s never seen you before. doesn’t bother remembering the big things but will remember little things (food preferences, allergies) so you’re ? does she or doesn’t she care /:
“the (ex) boyfriend she shows her parents” — the first and only boy she’s introduced to her parents. idk yall probably broke up a while back because of how much her parents loved you (and she did, also, some kind of l word you) and it gave her the ick. v likely did not tell her parents yall broke up. note: constantly, and i mean constantly, gaslighted you. Did apologize when she realized but yk, damage done is damage done.
overall: friends she actually likes, former friend/exes who thinks she’s fake af, exes/fwbs/the works. i preference deeper connects over shallow surface relationships and i’m down to write anything from dark and saucy to crack!
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omarijxcksons · 8 months
[ mason gooding, cis man, he-they ] — whoa! OMARI JACKSON just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for FIFTEEN YEARS, working as a DESIGNER that can’t be easy, especially at only 29 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit SARCASTIC and FLIGHTY, but i know them to be FLIRTY and WITTY. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to BROOKLYN! —
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full name: omari yatzil jackson
nickname: mari, omi, hey you with the dumpy
age/date of birth: 29 / september 27th,
zodiac sign: libra ☼ cancer ☾ scorpio ↑
gender identity: cis man (he/they)
hometown: brooklyn, new york
sexual orientation: click here
occupation: sarcastic goofball boy lover
height: 5'8
faceclaim: Mason Gooding
labels: the coquette, the erudite, the mediator
positive traits: reliable, caring, resourceful, pragmatic
negative traits: lazy, impatient, flirty,
hobbies: sewing, reading, acrobatics, cheer, poetry, photography, art
languages spoken: english, french, spanish,
favorite color: pink, purple, rose gold
favorite food: yes
allergies: n/a
tw: parental neglect, homophobia
You’ve never known father love, but that never mattered much to you as you couldn’t miss what you never knew. The one guardian you had, your mother, made sure there was always a male presence in your home, always chasing after a man who promised her the world for a few months before he took off. They always took off. That neglect and push you felt kept building up, being forced from so young to fend for yourself, learn to navigate the beauty and horrors of the world from such an early age. Not once did you ever get to experience the joyous innocence of being a child. Did you?
School was your safe haven, and even though you never had the best grades you tried your best. I saw all that effort you put in, the way you had to reuse old materials just to hand in a project on time. But it wasn’t easy as whenever another one of the thousand men left, your mother became a belligerent mess, and even as you sequestered her, laid her upon her bed, you felt her cold eyes on you.
She blamed you didn’t she? Blamed you for all the heartbreak and turmoil, and how it had always been you at the root of it all. You who chased the men away because at the end of the day, they didn’t wish to take care of two mouths. She kept it quiet for a long time, kept building it up until one day, one long sip drew it all out. As the bottle shattered on the floor, so did your heart as she spew hatred towards you, said you were her worst mistake, the first that led to her downfall. The byproduct of the first man to break her heart, but not the last.
Weren’t you kicked out shortly after that, or did you run away? I can’t quite remember, but you did sleep on the streets for a little. That is until someone took you in, a friend, I believe, someone who gave you the kind of solace you never knew you needed. At first you were cold and distant, afraid that the kindness was just a ploy, but little by little you grew warmer, felt the sincerity in their actions and something in you bloomed as well.
Life hasn’t been easy for you, and no longer do you dream of going to fashion school? Something you’ve always loved, the ability to create and innovate, but all that requires money, the one thing you’ve never been able to hold onto for long. So what will you do now? Stay in this town, find love? Or follow in your mother’s steps?
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roseytoesy · 1 year
Voreville vore day! Happy 8/8!
It was officially vore day! The most anticipated and celebrated holiday in this pocket universe. Voreville was alight with many folks of all kinds from taur mixed to angels to orca folk to fae. The plaza was decorated with many flags with a stomach design on them saying “happy 8/ate!” There were different small stands around the plaza where folks would teleport in. Many stand just having flyers for the days activities and little maps to help guide folks to the activity areas. Along with special teleport pins for those who want to be able to visit as many tummies as they desire. 
The day starts off with a big breakfast buffet, fluffy pancakes and waffles, along with crepes, French toast, and cereals lined a very long table. And not to far from this large outdoor table was a scattering of picnic tables so there were plenty of places to sit for all. There were plenty of toppings and encouragement to enjoy the food and friends! There was even a little sign near the end of the table saying “made by friends, for friends, with friends! ;)”
Many different folks would happily swim in the punch bowl filled with syrup and be added as a topping to a pancake or waffle. 
“Some smaller folk, like this green borrower here likes to try and swipe some pieces off of other plates but what they don’t realize is a pred on the prowl. With a squeak and click the borrower is caught in the jaws of the shapeshifting lizard. Sent down to grumble for a bit before the games begin.” 
*Ah yes thank you Kate for that.*
“No problem narrator/god!” The strange small pink sheep said. 
Many people get eaten by the large lizard and many of them use the teleporting pin to pop out as a stomach whine echoes out of the loud speakers, signaling the start of the next activities. Lizard offers a few friends rides on their back or in their mouth as they go over toward one of the three arenas. 
“There’s a water arena, the mountain arena, and the forest arena! And for any who don’t want to be chased or hit with foods there’s the cuddle zone open at all times.” 
*Indeed there are plenty of amazing options for this day!*
The forest arena is filled with allergy friendly foods and launchers for different types of foods. FOOD FIGHT is on the banner for the maze like arena. With elevated seating for observers there we can see Toast and Lucky, taking furous notes for their stories. Here we see Mystic the small human with a magical art tool and they went for the spice canons, their preferred pred Griff the orca humanoid who grabbed the sauce shots along with many other pred and prey pairings. Cyber happily joined in the war zone as well with their armor and what they liked to call their spaghetti armagetti.
“This is going to be one heck of a battle! LETS GET READY TO FOOD FIGHT!” Kate announced as a loud buzzer went off signaling the start of the games.  
Meanwhile in the mountain arena lizard and many of their passengers put on grey and black camo, the sign for this arena reading **Hide and Eat!**. We can see The large shapeshifting lizard, their close prey friends Levi the goat person, Naess the mushroom folk, and a small umbreon.
*An intense game of hide and seek many prey will go in and very full preds will come out!*
“You should leave the announcing thing to me” 
“The final arena contains the sharks and minnows games! Many aquatic preds get to enjoy a nice swim and a good friend who just want fast enough to escape the hungry predators! And I see Cj taking quite a few notes in the stands over the arena.” 
*that was my line but fine. Anyway!*
The games were afoot and many prey were gobbled up in no time at all, some preds left happily after just one friend and the fun of a game heading to a designated full of friends room to relax on plush seating and even some massage chairs. 
“In the forest arena a fuller than normal griff was covered in cinnamon, paprika, and had a few spagetti noodles on their shoulders, their goggles a bit fogged up but their tail swayed side to side as they cornered mystic sticking the poor small to the wall with a harmless shot of sweet and sour sauce.” 
The orca mer smiled and mystic let out a laugh as they were gently picked up, letting their weapon fall to the ground. “Good game griff, enjoy your prize!” They said and griff just smiled wide. 
“It’s been a blast! No in ya go with cyber” They said as they popped the sauce covered small into their mouth humming happily at the taste and little wiggles-
“Hey remember there are a bunch of other people here too. You can’t just focus on mystic and griff. As cute as those two are.”
*right sorry* 
In the mountain arena, lizard was on a rampage shape shifting every few seconds to go over some of the walls and large rocks sniffing out or chasing their prey friends. Snapping them up in an instant or laying on them for a bit before gobbling them up. They even ate a few other preds who had already gotten their desired catches. Not many are safe from being nommed by that big but friendly beast. 
“And of course the water arena. A few of the merfolk preds like our friend fish are happily full of some wiggling fish folk and others. And it seems a certain naga and fairy are having a bit of a chase with banter~”
*haha… and in the cuddle-*
“No no it’s cute! Tero and Rosey having some fun before such cute wholesome extreme cuddles-“
*I thought you said we weren’t going to focus to much on anyone!*
*how the heck did you make the evil cucumber face?? You know what I don’t want to know*
“And in the cuddle zone there are some adorable couples enjoying movies or games, with clear belly potions available for some preds or a shared waterproof screen provided for the prey the two can absolutely enjoy some nice time together.”
*just wanted to point out the most adorable couple here all snuggle and warm just chatting together as they do their own thing on their little tablets/gaming consoles: Nebby the little eldritch angel and Adam the multi armed sweet heart. Two of his hands happily holding his full belly as it constantly shifts with the ever impossible form of nebbys true self. Both content and in bliss with eachother. 
“Alright alright enough sappy ness there will be plenty of that with the star show.”
And of course the final activity of the day: the vore star gazing. Held in the cuddle zone, where some parts of the roof are folded away so that preds and prey can stargaze and watch a special meteor shower! For those who don’t want to watch that there are rooms with star projectors that are intractable too! Potions of star belly are available along with the clear belly potions from before. There are special scents that prey can take with them to make the preds belly their own little personal hideaway.
“Many preds will likely pass out from food comas and just being cozy from being full of friends.”
*a perfect way to end one of the best holidays here, in my opinion.*
“**Urp** indeed it is!” 
*sigh. hope you enjoyed the gaze into the cute and fun ideas of voreville vore day! Have a deliciously fun 8/8!!*
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morvantmortuary · 1 year
Sorry to hear you've had a rough day. Sending you good vibes and virtual hugs 🖤🖤🖤
thank you for this, darling, I super appreciate you thinking of me 🥰
some of it was honestly funny in hindsight? like, the two campus buses I have to take to get to work somehow stretched my commute into an hour each way
…I live ten minutes from my office 🙃
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then I sent this job listing I really liked to the director of our professionalization committee for this year, which I knew wasn’t my exact specialization but I have other circumstances that made me think it would work, only for the director to explain I would be a super duper long shot (if I was considered at all) bc they’re actually looking for an MFA student but they didn’t outright say it in the listing
did I mention I switched to applying for my phd five years ago even though I originally wanted an mfa, I somehow thought a phd would be more practical
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so then I went looking through all the job app websites I’m signed up for, and while I found a lot of openings for other specializations (ukrainian lit, italian lit, pre-1000 bce), I found maybe one or two for what’s considered the most general application of what I do
and they were both for military academies :’D which I really, uh, don’t want to work at
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so then I was like “okay, boot and rally, it’s gonna be fine, let’s just finally get the committee together” and sent out an email being like “hey guys we still haven’t decided on a date to meet and it’s like month 2 of the semester, how about [x day]” bc I’m feeling really unsteady about my dissertation and I’m under a lot of pressure from my dad to finish as soon as possible, so I’ve been trying to get ahold of them for weeks now it feels like
only for my new chair to immediately be like “nope sry”
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so then I got home (an hour later) (I still only live ten minutes away) and realized that I think my best friend since I was little forgot to send me a birthday present when she usually always remembers
which she’s not obligated to do obviously, we’re both adults and she’s had some stuff going on, but between that and the fact that the two friends whom I supported through their dissertation/defense periods have just, like, left - one is on the other side of the world, one might as well be - I just got feeling very lonely :’D as much as I love all my friends in my phone, it’s just kind of hard sometimes in meatspace. no one else in my family has been to graduate school before (hell, I’m the second person in my immediate family to graduate from college and the first to not fail out temporarily in the process) and sometimes I feel weird talking to my non-grad irl friends bc they treat me like I’m still in college/don’t have a real job yet (they don’t mean to, it’s just how people think of grad school in the states), so. yeah.
…and then the scary possession movie I rented to feel better turned out to be a conservative religious propaganda movie in disguise, which was just the cherry on top
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(that’s the last time I rent a movie without checking imdb first)
but then the next day was better: my committee chair swung by my desk himself (we work across the hall from one another) and hung out and talked me through some of my biggest worries for a bit (and even said he liked my chapter, which was amazing bc I was afraid it was hot garbage), and my boss was really nice and gave me some cake balls from the local bakery for a belated birthday present (I can’t eat them due to food allergies but the thought counts!!), and I actually drove myself to work instead of taking one of the buses, which shouldn’t be a big deal but is for me bc I hate driving anywhere after a bad accident I had a few years ago :’D then my committee members emailed me like “hey how about next week!!” and I was like “oh phew okay” and found out one of them hasn’t been avoiding me, he’s just on teaching leave for the semester lmao (he’d sent me comments first and I hadn’t seen him since, so I was like “omg was it that bad” even though his comments were fairly chill) so I guess my lesson for the week is that I just need to be patient and let things work out
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…then this morning I woke up with a migraine :’D but it’s not the worst one I’ve had so far, so. it evens out I guess!!
anyway, sorry to hurgle all this at you after your super nice ask, it’s just been A Lot. if you read this far, you’re a saint and I love you 😂🖤
cheers to the rest of this week looking better!! hopefully!!! knock on wood!!!
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squadrah · 1 year
Any way we could get a comprehensive list of all the conditions, allergies etc. that you HC Melone with? Your characterization of Mel is my absolute favorite!!
First, thank you for the kind words, I'm very happy you like my characterization so much! <3
Your ask made me realize that I actually had something from my CuriousCat, so I will put that whole thing here! I also found some other drafts of mine that hinted at Melone stuff, so I will look those over and add anything that isn't here (and after that I will hopefully also finish up and queue those drafts just to stay on topic!)
From My CuriousCat
"What are all your medical HCs for Melone?"
The first time I discussed Melone's potential health issues was when I listed some conditions for him in my La Squadra headcanon/drawing meme, the full version of which is here. For this post I'll include my original portrait of Melone separately since it demonstrates some of what I'll be talking about:
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(For the meme, I listed the following conditions: comorbidities, amblyopia, allergies.)
Originally I didn't think a lot about medical conditions, but after listening to some friends talk about potential clues to Melone having poor health (his mask hinting at eye problems, the fact that his Stand works remotely so he doesn't have to engage his targets directly, and even things like his stiff gait in the now-defunct JoJo's Pitter Patter Pop mobile game), I decided that this reading of Melone made sense, and started thinking more about it. That said, since I'm not chronically ill and have little experience with chronic illness in my everyday life, I can only talk in vague terms.
As mentioned above, I had amblyopia listed in the drawing meme, meaning one "lazy" eye that Melone might also be mostly blind in. I've seen others say that his covered eye could be an implant, which is also interesting! In the end I went with amblyopia for the aesthetic.
By comorbidities, I was thinking an autoimmune disorder and some comorbid conditions exacerbating it and causing symptoms like joint pain, chronic pain, or insomnia. My portrait shows Melone with vitiligo both as an aesthetic choice (adding even more visual interest, which makes his portrait one of my all-time favorites I've done) and as a way of reflecting this condition, and an added motive was that I just feel like these little things make a difference and might make people with vitiligo feel more seen. Basically Melone is usually in mild to moderate pain, and on his bad days, it gets progressively worse, so he takes a lot of medication and indulges in hot baths. I would also add in retrospect that I could see him having occasional seizures, which tend to land him in the ER from time to time - along with stuff like minor accidents, having alcohol too soon after taking medication, or allergy flare-ups.
Speaking of allergies, my headcanon came from talking to a friend and joking about Melone figuring out through trial and error what he can and cannot have. Lactose intolerance is definitely among those in my land, so Melone has to take his lactaid if he wants a milkshake. Other allergies that I can remember later thinking about were to gluten, possibly sea food, and maybe even stuff like latex.
I didn't go into more detail in the original draft because it sometimes makes me feel sad to think about these things (and as I am editing this, the sentiment holds true), but because of Melone's general design and Stand design, these do make sense to me and honestly, it also helps to flesh out other aspects of his character. Thinking about potential medical conditions for him led to my absolute favorite headcanon for Melone, which is him taking ER selfies of himself and with friends, so for every trip to the emergency room, he has a few photos of himself flashing a victory sign while hooked on an IV, etc. It's funny and eccentric but also heartwarming and heartbreaking in a way: he is just making the most out of his condition and he has friends to help him and make the journey feel less harrowing.
I hope this answers your question, and thank you again for your kind words! It always makes me so happy when people enjoy my version of the characters! <3
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prince-princess-bunny · 6 months
I have a shellfish allergy and I work as a dishwasher. I knew about the allergy beforehand, but I thought it was only eating. We didn’t serve any shellfish dishes for my first 6 months I was there, until thanksgiving, when I accidentally sprayed down a pan that had been used for shrimp, and was sent home with a migraine. I thought it was a holiday thing, so I brushed off, until we started serving shellfish on a regular basis. I told my bosses and the team, but only two people actually cared enough about my safety to wash their own shellfish dishes (someone once left me a note that said “shrimp :(“ on top of it). I had to go get an official accommodation to force everyone take my allergy seriously.
I remember eating shrimp as a kid. Growing up, my dad hated pickles, so I thought I hated pickles. Then as an adult, I tried a pickle. Turns out I love them! A few days later, I was presented an opportunity to have shrimp again and thought “I love pickles, maybe I love shrimp!” A few hours later, a bad idea.
Food allergies are weird. You’d think it’s as simple as “exposure to A causes reaction B.” But no. It can be all over the goddamn place. When I first found out, I got severe stomach cramps and a headache, so I stopped eating it. When exposed to particles, it makes me feel like garbage. Breathe in enough, it triggers a migraine. I can’t be in the same room as someone washing the lobster bisque, but I can be around the clam chowder, as long as I’m not the one cleaning it. Then out of the blue, my allergy decided to develop into trouble breathing. Nothing life threatening, but now I keep some pills and an epipen in my locker, just in case. Now if I’m exposed to shellfish, it’s a roll of the dice if I’ll trigger a migraine, or if I’ll role play a weak person trying to strangle me. Tonight, I had a two hour delay before my health slid down.
The thing is, because my symptoms are kind of all over the place, I always feel like I’m lying. Because I can’t specifically say “this causes that reaction,” I’m always afraid people won’t believe me. I looked up allergies in general, and apparently it’s common for them to just be wildly inconsistent?? It’s so much easier to just tell people “I’m allergic.” And leave specifics to situations at hand.
Everyone has been really good about keeping track. I’ve worked there for almost 2 years now, and I’ve only had a handful of events. We moved locations recently and got a bunch of new hires, so they let me print out a sign with big red ALLERGY letters on it (I call it my “please don’t kill me” sign). Most people are cool. They’ll even remind me if I forgot to put my sign up. I’ve had to explain multiple times to multiple people that fish is not the same as shellfish. Yes, I can wash the tuna bin. It’s annoying, but very sweet, so I let it slide.
Tonight, one person dismissed my sign, and I got a face full of shrimp. Had to leave work early. I’m not mad, because it wasn’t on purpose. Things happen in a kitchen. I’m certain she’ll be extra careful going forward.
Allergies suck. They’re weird. It makes me feel bad physically and mentally. I have to work to make people take me seriously. I hate it ~___~
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rawgeouspetfood · 3 months
Solving Allergy Issues In Dogs
Dogs suffering from allergies make up 30-40% of my consultations. Not only this, I have gone down this road with my own dog, Khaleesi, a Dobermann who is creeping up to 7 years of age now (although you couldn't tell). 
I cannot say the signs were subtle; she practically painted my balcony at university in the middle of the night, every night for months whilst we went back and forth to the vet. In hindsight, knowing what I know now; the vet’s recommendations and treatment plan was the worst thing we could have done. Constant rounds of steroids and antibiotics just left me with an empty wallet and an unhappy dog… who still itched and had runny poos all day. I don't think she had a solid poo during puppyhood and things only turned around when we switched to raw. Alas, this was not the end of my journey.
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Once we started feeding DIY raw she passed somewhat solid poo. I say ‘’somewhat’’ because you couldn't pick them up properly off the grass but my backyard didn't look like someone had fallen over with a cup of chocolate milkshake. We were making ‘’progress’’. Looking back, we didn't do an elimination diet properly and that's why it took us years to find out exactly what she was allergic to. We had such limited options but after a while, we managed to succeed in a full 8 weeks without accidentally giving her a lamb chew or beef trachea and eventually got to the bottom of things. It turns out she's quite allergic to most proteins including lamb and chicken! You’d laugh if you knew how long I sat there feeding her lamb meals wondering ‘’why does she still have allergy lumps on her head’’. Raw feeding wasn’t very popular back then and only a couple of DIY brands existed but none of them really shared much useful information about how to treat different ailments. The wealth of knowledge out there now is amazing and hopefully, after reading this, no one will have to go through what I did.
What is an allergy?
An allergy is an immune-mediated reaction by your dog’s body in response to an offending food and/or substance, called an allergen. Unfortunately, it is estimated that up to 40% of dogs will suffer from some kind of allergy during their lifetime. Allergies are different from intolerances but the symptoms can be very similar! With a food intolerance, there is no ‘’allergic reaction’’ but there can be varying degrees of digestive upset. Unlike humans, diagnosing the source of allergies for dogs can be very tricky. This is because the symptoms can overlap with those of other illnesses and getting to the bottom of what's causing your dog’s troubles can be multifaceted. Below, we will briefly discuss the types of allergies, the symptoms and some potential solutions. Firstly, does your dog have allergies? 
Common symptoms include:
Localised itching (in one place) 
Generalised itching (all over) 
Runny nose
Discharge from the eyes
Paw licking
Ear scratching
Recurring infections
The most common symptom in dogs with allergies is ‘’atopic dermatitis’’ which is inflammation of the skin.
What is my dog actually allergic to?
Environmental allergies
Environmental allergies are very common in dogs and can be triggered by things such as tree pollens, grass pollens, mold and dust. Some types of human cleaning and laundry products can cause allergy symptoms in dogs so this should be taken into consideration if all other suspects have been proven innocent. This type of allergy is usually seasonal (like hayfever in humans). Typically, environmental allergies are inhalent but contact with some substances can cause inflammation of the skin. Can we suggest what to do or what to take for these type of allergies. 
Flea bite allergies
These types of allergies are usually an inflammatory response caused by a flea bite. The reaction is caused by flea saliva and is actually the most common allergen found in dogs, with just one bite having the potential to cause varying symptoms from slight itching to severe reactions that require veterinary care. One of the infinitely annoying things about fleas is that this can sometimes be a hard allergy to diagnose because one flea can jump on, bite, and jump off again without anyone noticing. This one bite can then have lasting effects and cause itching for weeks without any sign of the perpetrator.
Food allergies
An actual food allergy, where the dog’s immune system reacts to an allergen found in food is quite rare and is often confused with ‘’sensitivities’’. This type of allergy only accounts for 10% of total reactions in dogs. That being said, food definitely needs to be considered when tackling allergy symptoms in pets. Diagnosing a food allergy can be difficult as symptoms often mimic those of environmental allergies. The most common food allergens are beef, lamb, chicken and wheat. An allergic reaction to food will more commonly cause skin itchiness and/or swelling in some areas as opposed to gastrointestinal problems but this isnt always the case.
Diagnosing allergies
Besides your dog’s insatiable need to scratch themselves, and the stress this puts on them and their caregivers; diagnosing allergies requires a lot of patience.
Medical and behavioural conditions such as some skin mites or compulsive self-soothing need to be ruled out before more invasive and time-consuming methods are applied. Food allergies can only be accurately diagnosed with food trials. This is where a very strict diet of certain ingredients is fed for a certain period of time, followed by ‘’challenge meals’’ with potential offenders. If all symptoms subside during the trial, you can be pretty sure it is a food allergy and then the work is put in to determine what ingredient it is.
For an environmental allergy, blood tests are common practice. Customised skin tests are also sometimes used. Can we mention that allergy testing is just a point in time? I have noticed people saying they are allergic to chicken but the test was done when they were on Kibble. They also send me long lists of red foods including veg and meats etc and you know they were not natural tests? Treating allergies in dogs
Food allergies
In my years practising as a pet nutritionist, my first port of call for all allergic symptoms is to promote a fresh, whole-food diet that is complete and balanced which takes into account the potential for food allergies. This would mean starting a diet using novel, single protein sources. Almost all dogs do well on venison and duck, and then you can start to introduce other single protein meals. The same principal applies with treats as well. All Rawgeous Pet Food meals are complete and balanced, and are created with nutrient dense ingredients to promote a healthy immune system. A healthy immune system is vital for dogs that are suffering from an immune-mediated allergic response.
A mistake I made was giving a variety of treats during an elimination diet and not realising that this was causing a reaction. Ensure you only offer your dog their specific meals and if you are giving them treats, make sure they are single ingredients and the right meat!
Symptoms from food allergies can take up to 8 weeks to subside so stick with it.
Flea allergies We only promote natural products and many brands offer natural flea repellents. One of our personal favourites is BIOSPOTIX which can be found at most major retailers. Environmental allergies If your dog is unlucky enough to suffer from environmental allergies then avoidance is a good route to take. This could mean avoiding certain fields that cause flare ups or changing your laundry conditioner. Some useful tips for helping reduce environmental allergy symptoms include;
Medicated shampoos
Skin creams and oils
Supplements such as bovine colostrum, probiotics and omega 3 fatty acids
Cleaning paws and belly after walks
Over the counter antihistamines
For more tips on transitioning to Raw food, Click here. 
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Why did you elbow me? 189
Achilles Castle part 91
Lemonade and lies PART 34
Alexis: pov As we start to get to the end of the photos me and Dave start to decide which photos and videos we want. This montage/video is going to be very emotional which is what we want. Kate startles me by saying do you and Dave want to use the 3d model to have as a display item.
Dave: pov should I even ask what 3D model you are talking about. Kate replies after I was shot, my boyfriend at the time Josh who is a cardiac surgeon and helped save my life before he was replaced by another surgeon gave me this 3D model of the damage to my heart. Which is kind of insane to think about that I got shot. It's getting late me and Alexis are heading upstairs to work on the video.
Castle: pov I turn the baseball game on for Kate and Jim since she wanted to watch it with him, mother is going to read line upstairs in her room. I grab my crutches and head to my office to get some writing done.
Martha: pov It's getting later into the night. I decide to head downstairs for a glass of water as I'm walking past the living room into the kitchen. I notice Katherine has fallen asleep with her head resting on her father Jim who also seems to be asleep. I quietly head into Richard's office because I know he is writing at this hour. I tell him Katherine and Jim are both asleep on the sofa. He suggests we wake them up so they can go to bed.
Castle: pov I grab my crutches and as quietly as possible I head into the living room. I manage to take my phone out and get a cute photo of them both. I very carefully wake up Kate who freaks out and almost hits me. She seems very on edge. Shh Kate it's okay you feel asleep on the sofa next to your dad. Mr Beckett I think you should spend the night, it's kind of late to be driving. I'm glad I convinced Mr Beckett awhile ago to leave some clothes in the guest room just in case he has to spend the night.
Kate: pov it's early in the morning and my Dad just left after breakfast to head back home. I'm about to jump in the shower when I realize my phone is ringing. It takes me a few seconds to realize it's the office for the allergy specialist calling. The receptionist says they had a last minute cancellation, the person canceled last night for today's appointment since their kid is sick. My appointment isn't for a few days but she wants to know if i want this appointment instead of mine and if i can come in around lunch time. I don't have a case, so yes I can make it. The allergy specialist has my medical history. I had my Dr's fax it over to them. It's Lanie or Castle who is going with me to this appointment. Since Castle is free it's him, I jump in the shower and get ready for work.
Castle: pov the drive to the precinct is short. Kate is in her office getting some paperwork done before the appointment. I don't know if the allergy specialist has read Kate's medical records since her appointment got moved up.
Esposito: pov Lanie is busy with a dead body she has to sign the death certificate. Not all of her bodies are murder, she gets anything for natural causes, suicide, murder and illnesses. Since we don't know how long Kate's appointment is, me and Ryan are going to get our own food for lunch.
Kate: pov I'm kind of nervous about this appointment, Castle is trying to keep my mind off of it. The ride to the Dr's office shouldn't take that long. I found a parking spot in front.
Castle: pov I sit down while Kate signs herself in. I pick up a magazine that looks interesting to read. Let's hope it's good.
Kate: pov the woman receptionist named Jane hands me a clipboard to fill out my medical history, I ask If she has an extra sheet so I can write the rest of my medical history because this isn't going to be enough paper. She looks surprised by this. I tell her my medical history is long since I have a heart condition.
Castle: pov Kate fills out the form and hands it to the woman named Jane. It isn't long before Kate's name is called. I walk on my crutches next to Kate towards the exam room. It has a light color on the wall that is actually nice. Kate sits on the exam table, the nurse that showed us to the room takes Kate's vitals and asks what brings us here today. The nurse makes a comment about Kate’s vitals being weird. Kate admits to the woman that her vitals being weird is her new normal, and has been for the last 5 years she has a heart condition. The woman is asking her more info about her heart condition. It's hard for some people to believe that what actually happened to Kate did in fact happen. The nurse says the Dr should be in shortly. I guess I can say Kate left that woman speechless.
Kate: pov the Dr is a young woman named Dr Springfield.
Dr Springfield: pov Captain Beckett is it, she says yes. What is the reason for your visit?
Castle: pov her Dr actually recommended she make an appointment, a while back we were at our beach house and she ate a pineapple ice pop that had real fruit juice in it and broke out into an ugly rash our friend who is a Dr had to give her some benadryl 2 doses in total and an oatmeal bath. Thankfully she didn't need her meds otherwise that would have been a trip to the Er.
Dr Springfield: pov every time you use an Epi-pen you should go to the ER no matter how great you are feeling. Most people's allergies require one so you are not alone in needing one
Castle: pov I never said anything about an Epi-pen.
Dr Springfield: pov oh I assumed since you said she didn't need her meds, that you meant an epi-pen. To be continued. ……….
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